// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "../../include/javascript/JavaScript.h" #include "../../include/javascript/IJavaScript.h" #include "../../include/javascript/JS_EventHandler.h" #include "../../include/javascript/JS_Runtime.h" #include "../../include/javascript/JS_Context.h" #include "../../include/javascript/JS_Define.h" #include "../../include/javascript/JS_Object.h" #include "../../include/javascript/JS_Value.h" #include "../../include/javascript/Document.h" #include "../../include/javascript/app.h" #include "../../include/javascript/color.h" #include "../../include/javascript/Consts.h" #include "../../include/javascript/Document.h" #include "../../include/javascript/event.h" #include "../../include/javascript/Field.h" #include "../../include/javascript/Icon.h" #include "../../include/javascript/PublicMethods.h" #include "../../include/javascript/report.h" #include "../../include/javascript/util.h" #include "../../include/javascript/JS_GlobalData.h" #include "../../include/javascript/global.h" #include "../../include/javascript/console.h" CJS_RuntimeFactory::~CJS_RuntimeFactory() {} IFXJS_Runtime* CJS_RuntimeFactory::NewJSRuntime(CPDFDoc_Environment* pApp) { if (!m_bInit) { unsigned int embedderDataSlot = 0; if (pApp->GetFormFillInfo()->m_pJsPlatform->version >= 2) { embedderDataSlot = pApp->GetFormFillInfo()->m_pJsPlatform->m_v8EmbedderSlot; } JS_Initial(embedderDataSlot); m_bInit = TRUE; } return new CJS_Runtime(pApp); } void CJS_RuntimeFactory::AddRef() { // to do.Should be implemented as atom manipulation. m_nRef++; } void CJS_RuntimeFactory::Release() { if (m_bInit) { // to do.Should be implemented as atom manipulation. if (--m_nRef == 0) { JS_Release(); ReleaseGlobalData(); m_bInit = FALSE; } } } void CJS_RuntimeFactory::DeleteJSRuntime(IFXJS_Runtime* pRuntime) { delete (CJS_Runtime*)pRuntime; } CJS_GlobalData* CJS_RuntimeFactory::NewGlobalData(CPDFDoc_Environment* pApp) { if (m_pGlobalData) { m_nGlobalDataCount++; return m_pGlobalData; } m_nGlobalDataCount = 1; m_pGlobalData = new CJS_GlobalData(pApp); return m_pGlobalData; } void CJS_RuntimeFactory::ReleaseGlobalData() { m_nGlobalDataCount--; if (m_nGlobalDataCount <= 0) { delete m_pGlobalData; m_pGlobalData = NULL; } } void* CJS_ArrayBufferAllocator::Allocate(size_t length) { return calloc(1, length); } void* CJS_ArrayBufferAllocator::AllocateUninitialized(size_t length) { return malloc(length); } void CJS_ArrayBufferAllocator::Free(void* data, size_t length) { free(data); } /* ------------------------------ CJS_Runtime ------------------------------ */ CJS_Runtime::CJS_Runtime(CPDFDoc_Environment* pApp) : m_pApp(pApp), m_pDocument(NULL), m_bBlocking(FALSE), m_pFieldEventPath(NULL), m_isolate(NULL), m_isolateManaged(false) { if (m_pApp->GetFormFillInfo()->m_pJsPlatform->version >= 2) { m_isolate = reinterpret_cast( m_pApp->GetFormFillInfo()->m_pJsPlatform->m_isolate); } if (!m_isolate) { m_pArrayBufferAllocator.reset(new CJS_ArrayBufferAllocator()); v8::Isolate::CreateParams params; params.array_buffer_allocator = m_pArrayBufferAllocator.get(); m_isolate = v8::Isolate::New(params); m_isolateManaged = true; } InitJSObjects(); CJS_Context* pContext = (CJS_Context*)NewContext(); JS_InitialRuntime(GetIsolate(), this, pContext, m_context); ReleaseContext(pContext); } CJS_Runtime::~CJS_Runtime() { for (int i = 0, sz = m_ContextArray.GetSize(); i < sz; i++) delete m_ContextArray.GetAt(i); m_ContextArray.RemoveAll(); JS_ReleaseRuntime(GetIsolate(), m_context); RemoveEventsInLoop(m_pFieldEventPath); m_pApp = NULL; m_pDocument = NULL; m_pFieldEventPath = NULL; m_context.Reset(); if (m_isolateManaged) m_isolate->Dispose(); } FX_BOOL CJS_Runtime::InitJSObjects() { v8::Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(GetIsolate()); v8::HandleScope handle_scope(GetIsolate()); v8::Local context = v8::Context::New(GetIsolate()); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(context); // 0 - 8 if (CJS_Border::Init(GetIsolate(), JS_STATIC) < 0) return FALSE; if (CJS_Display::Init(GetIsolate(), JS_STATIC) < 0) return FALSE; if (CJS_Font::Init(GetIsolate(), JS_STATIC) < 0) return FALSE; if (CJS_Highlight::Init(GetIsolate(), JS_STATIC) < 0) return FALSE; if (CJS_Position::Init(GetIsolate(), JS_STATIC) < 0) return FALSE; if (CJS_ScaleHow::Init(GetIsolate(), JS_STATIC) < 0) return FALSE; if (CJS_ScaleWhen::Init(GetIsolate(), JS_STATIC) < 0) return FALSE; if (CJS_Style::Init(GetIsolate(), JS_STATIC) < 0) return FALSE; if (CJS_Zoomtype::Init(GetIsolate(), JS_STATIC) < 0) return FALSE; // 9 - 11 if (CJS_App::Init(GetIsolate(), JS_STATIC) < 0) return FALSE; if (CJS_Color::Init(GetIsolate(), JS_STATIC) < 0) return FALSE; if (CJS_Console::Init(GetIsolate(), JS_STATIC) < 0) return FALSE; // 12 - 14 if (CJS_Document::Init(GetIsolate(), JS_DYNAMIC) < 0) return FALSE; if (CJS_Event::Init(GetIsolate(), JS_STATIC) < 0) return FALSE; if (CJS_Field::Init(GetIsolate(), JS_DYNAMIC) < 0) return FALSE; // 15 - 17 if (CJS_Global::Init(GetIsolate(), JS_STATIC) < 0) return FALSE; if (CJS_Icon::Init(GetIsolate(), JS_DYNAMIC) < 0) return FALSE; if (CJS_Util::Init(GetIsolate(), JS_STATIC) < 0) return FALSE; if (CJS_PublicMethods::Init(GetIsolate()) < 0) return FALSE; if (CJS_GlobalConsts::Init(GetIsolate()) < 0) return FALSE; if (CJS_GlobalArrays::Init(GetIsolate()) < 0) return FALSE; if (CJS_TimerObj::Init(GetIsolate(), JS_DYNAMIC) < 0) return FALSE; if (CJS_PrintParamsObj::Init(GetIsolate(), JS_DYNAMIC) < 0) return FALSE; return TRUE; } IFXJS_Context* CJS_Runtime::NewContext() { CJS_Context* p = new CJS_Context(this); m_ContextArray.Add(p); return p; } void CJS_Runtime::ReleaseContext(IFXJS_Context* pContext) { CJS_Context* pJSContext = (CJS_Context*)pContext; for (int i = 0, sz = m_ContextArray.GetSize(); i < sz; i++) { if (pJSContext == m_ContextArray.GetAt(i)) { delete pJSContext; m_ContextArray.RemoveAt(i); break; } } } IFXJS_Context* CJS_Runtime::GetCurrentContext() { if (!m_ContextArray.GetSize()) return NULL; return m_ContextArray.GetAt(m_ContextArray.GetSize() - 1); } void CJS_Runtime::SetReaderDocument(CPDFSDK_Document* pReaderDoc) { if (m_pDocument != pReaderDoc) { v8::Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(m_isolate); v8::HandleScope handle_scope(m_isolate); v8::Local context = v8::Local::New(m_isolate, m_context); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(context); m_pDocument = pReaderDoc; if (pReaderDoc) { v8::Local pThis = JS_GetThisObj(GetIsolate()); if (!pThis.IsEmpty()) { if (JS_GetObjDefnID(pThis) == JS_GetObjDefnID(GetIsolate(), L"Document")) { if (CJS_Document* pJSDocument = (CJS_Document*)JS_GetPrivate(pThis)) { if (Document* pDocument = (Document*)pJSDocument->GetEmbedObject()) pDocument->AttachDoc(pReaderDoc); } } } } } } FX_BOOL CJS_Runtime::AddEventToLoop(const CFX_WideString& sTargetName, JS_EVENT_T eEventType) { if (m_pFieldEventPath == NULL) { m_pFieldEventPath = new CJS_FieldEvent; m_pFieldEventPath->sTargetName = sTargetName; m_pFieldEventPath->eEventType = eEventType; m_pFieldEventPath->pNext = NULL; return TRUE; } // to search CJS_FieldEvent* p = m_pFieldEventPath; CJS_FieldEvent* pLast = m_pFieldEventPath; while (p) { if (p->eEventType == eEventType && p->sTargetName == sTargetName) return FALSE; pLast = p; p = p->pNext; } // to add CJS_FieldEvent* pNew = new CJS_FieldEvent; pNew->sTargetName = sTargetName; pNew->eEventType = eEventType; pNew->pNext = NULL; pLast->pNext = pNew; return TRUE; } void CJS_Runtime::RemoveEventInLoop(const CFX_WideString& sTargetName, JS_EVENT_T eEventType) { FX_BOOL bFind = FALSE; CJS_FieldEvent* p = m_pFieldEventPath; CJS_FieldEvent* pLast = NULL; while (p) { if (p->eEventType == eEventType && p->sTargetName == sTargetName) { bFind = TRUE; break; } pLast = p; p = p->pNext; } if (bFind) { RemoveEventsInLoop(p); if (p == m_pFieldEventPath) m_pFieldEventPath = NULL; if (pLast) pLast->pNext = NULL; } } void CJS_Runtime::RemoveEventsInLoop(CJS_FieldEvent* pStart) { CJS_FieldEvent* p = pStart; while (p) { CJS_FieldEvent* pOld = p; p = pOld->pNext; delete pOld; } } v8::Local CJS_Runtime::NewJSContext() { return v8::Local::New(m_isolate, m_context); } CFX_WideString ChangeObjName(const CFX_WideString& str) { CFX_WideString sRet = str; sRet.Replace(L"_", L"."); return sRet; }