// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "../../../core/include/fxcrt/fx_safe_types.h" #include "../../../core/include/fxcrt/fx_xml.h" #include "../../include/pdfwindow/PDFWindow.h" #include "../../include/pdfwindow/PWL_Caret.h" #include "../../include/pdfwindow/PWL_Edit.h" #include "../../include/pdfwindow/PWL_EditCtrl.h" #include "../../include/pdfwindow/PWL_FontMap.h" #include "../../include/pdfwindow/PWL_ScrollBar.h" #include "../../include/pdfwindow/PWL_Utils.h" #include "../../include/pdfwindow/PWL_Wnd.h" /* ---------------------------- CPWL_Edit ------------------------------ */ CPWL_Edit::CPWL_Edit() : m_pFillerNotify(NULL), m_pSpellCheck(NULL), m_bFocus(false) { m_pFormFiller = NULL; } CPWL_Edit::~CPWL_Edit() { ASSERT(m_bFocus == false); } CFX_ByteString CPWL_Edit::GetClassName() const { return PWL_CLASSNAME_EDIT; } void CPWL_Edit::OnDestroy() { } void CPWL_Edit::SetText(const FX_WCHAR* csText) { CFX_WideString swText = csText; if (HasFlag(PES_RICH)) { CFX_ByteString sValue = CFX_ByteString::FromUnicode(swText); if (CXML_Element * pXML = CXML_Element::Parse(sValue.c_str(), sValue.GetLength())) { int32_t nCount = pXML->CountChildren(); bool bFirst = true; swText.Empty(); for (int32_t i=0; i<nCount; i++) { if (CXML_Element * pSubElement = pXML->GetElement(i)) { CFX_ByteString tag=pSubElement->GetTagName(); if (tag.EqualNoCase("p")) { int nChild = pSubElement->CountChildren(); CFX_WideString swSection; for(int32_t j=0; j<nChild; j++) { swSection += pSubElement->GetContent(j); } if (bFirst)bFirst = false; else swText += FWL_VKEY_Return; swText += swSection; } } } delete pXML; } } m_pEdit->SetText(swText.c_str()); } void CPWL_Edit::RePosChildWnd() { if (CPWL_ScrollBar * pVSB = GetVScrollBar()) { CPDF_Rect rcWindow = m_rcOldWindow; CPDF_Rect rcVScroll = CPDF_Rect(rcWindow.right, rcWindow.bottom, rcWindow.right + PWL_SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, rcWindow.top); pVSB->Move(rcVScroll, true, false); } if (m_pEditCaret && !HasFlag(PES_TEXTOVERFLOW)) m_pEditCaret->SetClipRect(CPWL_Utils::InflateRect(GetClientRect(),1.0f)); //+1 for caret beside border CPWL_EditCtrl::RePosChildWnd(); } CPDF_Rect CPWL_Edit::GetClientRect() const { CPDF_Rect rcClient = CPWL_Utils::DeflateRect(GetWindowRect(),(FX_FLOAT)(GetBorderWidth()+GetInnerBorderWidth())); if (CPWL_ScrollBar * pVSB = GetVScrollBar()) { if (pVSB->IsVisible()) { rcClient.right -= PWL_SCROLLBAR_WIDTH; } } return rcClient; } void CPWL_Edit::SetAlignFormatH(PWL_EDIT_ALIGNFORMAT_H nFormat, bool bPaint/* = true*/) { m_pEdit->SetAlignmentH((int32_t)nFormat, bPaint); } void CPWL_Edit::SetAlignFormatV(PWL_EDIT_ALIGNFORMAT_V nFormat, bool bPaint/* = true*/) { m_pEdit->SetAlignmentV((int32_t)nFormat, bPaint); } bool CPWL_Edit::CanSelectAll() const { return GetSelectWordRange() != m_pEdit->GetWholeWordRange(); } bool CPWL_Edit::CanClear() const { return !IsReadOnly() && m_pEdit->IsSelected(); } bool CPWL_Edit::CanCopy() const { return !HasFlag(PES_PASSWORD) && !HasFlag(PES_NOREAD) && m_pEdit->IsSelected(); } bool CPWL_Edit::CanCut() const { return CanCopy() && !IsReadOnly(); } bool CPWL_Edit::CanPaste() const { if (IsReadOnly()) return false; CFX_WideString swClipboard; if (IFX_SystemHandler* pSH = GetSystemHandler()) swClipboard = pSH->GetClipboardText(GetAttachedHWnd()); return !swClipboard.IsEmpty(); } void CPWL_Edit::CopyText() { if (!CanCopy()) return; CFX_WideString str = m_pEdit->GetSelText(); if (IFX_SystemHandler* pSH = GetSystemHandler()) pSH->SetClipboardText(GetAttachedHWnd(), str); } void CPWL_Edit::PasteText() { if (!CanPaste()) return; CFX_WideString swClipboard; if (IFX_SystemHandler* pSH = GetSystemHandler()) swClipboard = pSH->GetClipboardText(GetAttachedHWnd()); if (m_pFillerNotify) { bool bRC = true; bool bExit = false; CFX_WideString strChangeEx; int nSelStart = 0; int nSelEnd = 0; GetSel(nSelStart, nSelEnd); m_pFillerNotify->OnBeforeKeyStroke(true, GetAttachedData(), 0 , swClipboard, strChangeEx, nSelStart, nSelEnd, true, bRC, bExit, 0); if (!bRC) return; if (bExit) return; } if (swClipboard.GetLength() > 0) { Clear(); InsertText(swClipboard.c_str()); } if (m_pFillerNotify) { bool bExit = false; m_pFillerNotify->OnAfterKeyStroke(true, GetAttachedData(), bExit,0); if (bExit) return; } } void CPWL_Edit::CutText() { if (!CanCut()) return; CFX_WideString str = m_pEdit->GetSelText(); if (IFX_SystemHandler* pSH = GetSystemHandler()) pSH->SetClipboardText(GetAttachedHWnd(), str); m_pEdit->Clear(); } void CPWL_Edit::OnCreated() { CPWL_EditCtrl::OnCreated(); if (CPWL_ScrollBar * pScroll = GetVScrollBar()) { pScroll->RemoveFlag(PWS_AUTOTRANSPARENT); pScroll->SetTransparency(255); } SetParamByFlag(); m_rcOldWindow = GetWindowRect(); m_pEdit->SetOprNotify(this); m_pEdit->EnableOprNotify(true); } void CPWL_Edit::SetParamByFlag() { if (HasFlag(PES_RIGHT)) { m_pEdit->SetAlignmentH(2, false); } else if (HasFlag(PES_MIDDLE)) { m_pEdit->SetAlignmentH(1, false); } else { m_pEdit->SetAlignmentH(0, false); } if (HasFlag(PES_BOTTOM)) { m_pEdit->SetAlignmentV(2, false); } else if (HasFlag(PES_CENTER)) { m_pEdit->SetAlignmentV(1, false); } else { m_pEdit->SetAlignmentV(0, false); } if (HasFlag(PES_PASSWORD)) { m_pEdit->SetPasswordChar('*', false); } m_pEdit->SetMultiLine(HasFlag(PES_MULTILINE), false); m_pEdit->SetAutoReturn(HasFlag(PES_AUTORETURN), false); m_pEdit->SetAutoFontSize(HasFlag(PWS_AUTOFONTSIZE), false); m_pEdit->SetAutoScroll(HasFlag(PES_AUTOSCROLL), false); m_pEdit->EnableUndo(HasFlag(PES_UNDO)); if (HasFlag(PES_TEXTOVERFLOW)) { SetClipRect(CPDF_Rect(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f)); m_pEdit->SetTextOverflow(true, false); } else { if (m_pEditCaret) { m_pEditCaret->SetClipRect(CPWL_Utils::InflateRect(GetClientRect(),1.0f)); //+1 for caret beside border } } if (HasFlag(PES_SPELLCHECK)) { m_pSpellCheck = GetCreationParam().pSpellCheck; } } void CPWL_Edit::GetThisAppearanceStream(CFX_ByteTextBuf & sAppStream) { CPWL_Wnd::GetThisAppearanceStream(sAppStream); CPDF_Rect rcClient = GetClientRect(); CFX_ByteTextBuf sLine; int32_t nCharArray = m_pEdit->GetCharArray(); if (nCharArray > 0) { switch (GetBorderStyle()) { case PBS_SOLID: { sLine << "q\n" << GetBorderWidth() << " w\n" << CPWL_Utils::GetColorAppStream(GetBorderColor(),false) << " 2 J 0 j\n"; for (int32_t i=1;i<nCharArray;i++) { sLine << rcClient.left + ((rcClient.right - rcClient.left)/nCharArray)*i << " " << rcClient.bottom << " m\n" << rcClient.left + ((rcClient.right - rcClient.left)/nCharArray)*i << " " << rcClient.top << " l S\n"; } sLine << "Q\n"; } break; case PBS_DASH: { sLine << "q\n" << GetBorderWidth() << " w\n" << CPWL_Utils::GetColorAppStream(GetBorderColor(),false) << " 2 J 0 j\n" << "[" << GetBorderDash().nDash << " " << GetBorderDash().nGap << "] " << GetBorderDash().nPhase << " d\n"; for (int32_t i=1;i<nCharArray;i++) { sLine << rcClient.left + ((rcClient.right - rcClient.left)/nCharArray)*i << " " << rcClient.bottom << " m\n" << rcClient.left + ((rcClient.right - rcClient.left)/nCharArray)*i << " " << rcClient.top << " l S\n"; } sLine << "Q\n"; } break; } } sAppStream << sLine; CFX_ByteTextBuf sText; CPDF_Point ptOffset = CPDF_Point(0.0f,0.0f); CPVT_WordRange wrWhole = m_pEdit->GetWholeWordRange(); CPVT_WordRange wrSelect = GetSelectWordRange(); CPVT_WordRange wrVisible = (HasFlag(PES_TEXTOVERFLOW) ? wrWhole : m_pEdit->GetVisibleWordRange()); CPVT_WordRange wrSelBefore(wrWhole.BeginPos,wrSelect.BeginPos); CPVT_WordRange wrSelAfter(wrSelect.EndPos,wrWhole.EndPos); CPVT_WordRange wrTemp = CPWL_Utils::OverlapWordRange(GetSelectWordRange(),wrVisible); CFX_ByteString sEditSel = CPWL_Utils::GetEditSelAppStream(m_pEdit, ptOffset, &wrTemp); if (sEditSel.GetLength() > 0) sText << CPWL_Utils::GetColorAppStream(PWL_DEFAULT_SELBACKCOLOR) << sEditSel ; wrTemp = CPWL_Utils::OverlapWordRange(wrVisible,wrSelBefore); CFX_ByteString sEditBefore = CPWL_Utils::GetEditAppStream(m_pEdit, ptOffset, &wrTemp, !HasFlag(PES_CHARARRAY), m_pEdit->GetPasswordChar()); if (sEditBefore.GetLength() > 0) sText << "BT\n" << CPWL_Utils::GetColorAppStream(GetTextColor()) << sEditBefore << "ET\n"; wrTemp = CPWL_Utils::OverlapWordRange(wrVisible,wrSelect); CFX_ByteString sEditMid = CPWL_Utils::GetEditAppStream(m_pEdit, ptOffset, &wrTemp, !HasFlag(PES_CHARARRAY), m_pEdit->GetPasswordChar()); if (sEditMid.GetLength() > 0) sText << "BT\n" << CPWL_Utils::GetColorAppStream(CPWL_Color(COLORTYPE_GRAY,1)) << sEditMid << "ET\n"; wrTemp = CPWL_Utils::OverlapWordRange(wrVisible,wrSelAfter); CFX_ByteString sEditAfter = CPWL_Utils::GetEditAppStream(m_pEdit, ptOffset, &wrTemp, !HasFlag(PES_CHARARRAY), m_pEdit->GetPasswordChar()); if (sEditAfter.GetLength() > 0) sText << "BT\n" << CPWL_Utils::GetColorAppStream(GetTextColor()) << sEditAfter<< "ET\n"; if (HasFlag(PES_SPELLCHECK)) { CFX_ByteString sSpellCheck = CPWL_Utils::GetSpellCheckAppStream(m_pEdit, m_pSpellCheck, ptOffset, &wrVisible); if (sSpellCheck.GetLength() > 0) sText << CPWL_Utils::GetColorAppStream(CPWL_Color(COLORTYPE_RGB,1,0,0),false) << sSpellCheck; } if (sText.GetLength() > 0) { CPDF_Rect rcClient = GetClientRect(); sAppStream << "q\n/Tx BMC\n"; if (!HasFlag(PES_TEXTOVERFLOW)) sAppStream << rcClient.left << " " << rcClient.bottom << " " << rcClient.right - rcClient.left << " " << rcClient.top - rcClient.bottom << " re W n\n"; sAppStream << sText; sAppStream << "EMC\nQ\n"; } } void CPWL_Edit::DrawThisAppearance(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice, CPDF_Matrix* pUser2Device) { CPWL_Wnd::DrawThisAppearance(pDevice,pUser2Device); CPDF_Rect rcClient = GetClientRect(); CFX_ByteTextBuf sLine; int32_t nCharArray = m_pEdit->GetCharArray(); FX_SAFE_INT32 nCharArraySafe = nCharArray; nCharArraySafe -= 1; nCharArraySafe *= 2; if (nCharArray > 0 && nCharArraySafe.IsValid()) { switch (GetBorderStyle()) { case PBS_SOLID: { CFX_GraphStateData gsd; gsd.m_LineWidth = (FX_FLOAT)GetBorderWidth(); CFX_PathData path; path.SetPointCount(nCharArraySafe.ValueOrDie()); for (int32_t i=0; i<nCharArray-1; i++) { path.SetPoint(i*2, rcClient.left + ((rcClient.right - rcClient.left)/nCharArray)*(i+1), rcClient.bottom, FXPT_MOVETO); path.SetPoint(i*2+1, rcClient.left + ((rcClient.right - rcClient.left)/nCharArray)*(i+1), rcClient.top, FXPT_LINETO); } if (path.GetPointCount() > 0) pDevice->DrawPath(&path, pUser2Device, &gsd,0, CPWL_Utils::PWLColorToFXColor(GetBorderColor(),255), FXFILL_ALTERNATE); } break; case PBS_DASH: { CFX_GraphStateData gsd; gsd.m_LineWidth = (FX_FLOAT)GetBorderWidth(); gsd.SetDashCount(2); gsd.m_DashArray[0] = (FX_FLOAT)GetBorderDash().nDash; gsd.m_DashArray[1] = (FX_FLOAT)GetBorderDash().nGap; gsd.m_DashPhase = (FX_FLOAT)GetBorderDash().nPhase; CFX_PathData path; path.SetPointCount(nCharArraySafe.ValueOrDie()); for (int32_t i=0; i<nCharArray-1; i++) { path.SetPoint(i*2, rcClient.left + ((rcClient.right - rcClient.left)/nCharArray)*(i+1), rcClient.bottom, FXPT_MOVETO); path.SetPoint(i*2+1, rcClient.left + ((rcClient.right - rcClient.left)/nCharArray)*(i+1), rcClient.top, FXPT_LINETO); } if (path.GetPointCount() > 0) pDevice->DrawPath(&path, pUser2Device, &gsd,0, CPWL_Utils::PWLColorToFXColor(GetBorderColor(),255), FXFILL_ALTERNATE); } break; } } CPDF_Rect rcClip; CPVT_WordRange wrRange = m_pEdit->GetVisibleWordRange(); CPVT_WordRange* pRange = NULL; if (!HasFlag(PES_TEXTOVERFLOW)) { rcClip = GetClientRect(); pRange = &wrRange; } IFX_SystemHandler* pSysHandler = GetSystemHandler(); IFX_Edit::DrawEdit(pDevice,pUser2Device,m_pEdit, CPWL_Utils::PWLColorToFXColor(GetTextColor(), GetTransparency()), CPWL_Utils::PWLColorToFXColor(GetTextStrokeColor(), GetTransparency()), rcClip,CPDF_Point(0.0f,0.0f),pRange, pSysHandler, m_pFormFiller); if (HasFlag(PES_SPELLCHECK)) { CPWL_Utils::DrawEditSpellCheck(pDevice,pUser2Device,m_pEdit,rcClip, CPDF_Point(0.0f,0.0f),pRange, GetCreationParam().pSpellCheck); } } bool CPWL_Edit::OnLButtonDown(const CPDF_Point & point, FX_DWORD nFlag) { CPWL_Wnd::OnLButtonDown(point,nFlag); if (HasFlag(PES_TEXTOVERFLOW) || ClientHitTest(point)) { if (m_bMouseDown) InvalidateRect(); m_bMouseDown = true; SetCapture(); m_pEdit->OnMouseDown(point,IsSHIFTpressed(nFlag),IsCTRLpressed(nFlag)); } return true; } bool CPWL_Edit::OnLButtonDblClk(const CPDF_Point & point, FX_DWORD nFlag) { CPWL_Wnd::OnLButtonDblClk(point, nFlag); if (HasFlag(PES_TEXTOVERFLOW) || ClientHitTest(point)) { m_pEdit->SelectAll(); } return true; } #define WM_PWLEDIT_UNDO 0x01 #define WM_PWLEDIT_REDO 0x02 #define WM_PWLEDIT_CUT 0x03 #define WM_PWLEDIT_COPY 0x04 #define WM_PWLEDIT_PASTE 0x05 #define WM_PWLEDIT_DELETE 0x06 #define WM_PWLEDIT_SELECTALL 0x07 #define WM_PWLEDIT_SUGGEST 0x08 bool CPWL_Edit::OnRButtonUp(const CPDF_Point & point, FX_DWORD nFlag) { if (m_bMouseDown) return false; CPWL_Wnd::OnRButtonUp(point, nFlag); if (!HasFlag(PES_TEXTOVERFLOW) && !ClientHitTest(point)) return true; IFX_SystemHandler* pSH = GetSystemHandler(); if (!pSH) return false; SetFocus(); CPVT_WordRange wrLatin = GetLatinWordsRange(point); CFX_WideString swLatin = m_pEdit->GetRangeText(wrLatin); FX_HMENU hPopup = pSH->CreatePopupMenu(); if (!hPopup) return false; CFX_ByteStringArray sSuggestWords; CPDF_Point ptPopup = point; if (!IsReadOnly()) { if (HasFlag(PES_SPELLCHECK) && !swLatin.IsEmpty()) { if (m_pSpellCheck) { CFX_ByteString sLatin = CFX_ByteString::FromUnicode(swLatin); if (!m_pSpellCheck->CheckWord(sLatin)) { m_pSpellCheck->SuggestWords(sLatin,sSuggestWords); int32_t nSuggest = sSuggestWords.GetSize(); for (int32_t nWord=0; nWord<nSuggest; nWord++) { pSH->AppendMenuItem(hPopup, WM_PWLEDIT_SUGGEST+nWord, sSuggestWords[nWord].UTF8Decode()); } if (nSuggest > 0) pSH->AppendMenuItem(hPopup, 0, L""); ptPopup = GetWordRightBottomPoint(wrLatin.EndPos); } } } } IPWL_Provider* pProvider = GetProvider(); if (HasFlag(PES_UNDO)) { pSH->AppendMenuItem(hPopup, WM_PWLEDIT_UNDO, pProvider ? pProvider->LoadPopupMenuString(0) : L"&Undo"); pSH->AppendMenuItem(hPopup, WM_PWLEDIT_REDO, pProvider ? pProvider->LoadPopupMenuString(1) : L"&Redo"); pSH->AppendMenuItem(hPopup, 0, L""); if (!m_pEdit->CanUndo()) pSH->EnableMenuItem(hPopup, WM_PWLEDIT_UNDO, false); if (!m_pEdit->CanRedo()) pSH->EnableMenuItem(hPopup, WM_PWLEDIT_REDO, false); } pSH->AppendMenuItem(hPopup, WM_PWLEDIT_CUT, pProvider ? pProvider->LoadPopupMenuString(2) : L"Cu&t"); pSH->AppendMenuItem(hPopup, WM_PWLEDIT_COPY, pProvider ? pProvider->LoadPopupMenuString(3) : L"&Copy"); pSH->AppendMenuItem(hPopup, WM_PWLEDIT_PASTE, pProvider ? pProvider->LoadPopupMenuString(4) : L"&Paste"); pSH->AppendMenuItem(hPopup, WM_PWLEDIT_DELETE, pProvider ? pProvider->LoadPopupMenuString(5) : L"&Delete"); CFX_WideString swText = pSH->GetClipboardText(GetAttachedHWnd()); if (swText.IsEmpty()) pSH->EnableMenuItem(hPopup, WM_PWLEDIT_PASTE, false); if (!m_pEdit->IsSelected()) { pSH->EnableMenuItem(hPopup, WM_PWLEDIT_CUT, false); pSH->EnableMenuItem(hPopup, WM_PWLEDIT_COPY, false); pSH->EnableMenuItem(hPopup, WM_PWLEDIT_DELETE, false); } if (IsReadOnly()) { pSH->EnableMenuItem(hPopup, WM_PWLEDIT_CUT, false); pSH->EnableMenuItem(hPopup, WM_PWLEDIT_DELETE, false); pSH->EnableMenuItem(hPopup, WM_PWLEDIT_PASTE, false); } if (HasFlag(PES_PASSWORD)) { pSH->EnableMenuItem(hPopup, WM_PWLEDIT_CUT, false); pSH->EnableMenuItem(hPopup, WM_PWLEDIT_COPY, false); } if (HasFlag(PES_NOREAD)) { pSH->EnableMenuItem(hPopup, WM_PWLEDIT_CUT, false); pSH->EnableMenuItem(hPopup, WM_PWLEDIT_COPY, false); } pSH->AppendMenuItem(hPopup, 0, L""); pSH->AppendMenuItem(hPopup, WM_PWLEDIT_SELECTALL, pProvider ? pProvider->LoadPopupMenuString(6) : L"&Select All"); if (m_pEdit->GetTotalWords() == 0) { pSH->EnableMenuItem(hPopup, WM_PWLEDIT_SELECTALL, false); } int32_t x, y; PWLtoWnd(ptPopup, x, y); pSH->ClientToScreen(GetAttachedHWnd(), x, y); pSH->SetCursor(FXCT_ARROW); int32_t nCmd = pSH->TrackPopupMenu(hPopup, x, y, GetAttachedHWnd()); switch (nCmd) { case WM_PWLEDIT_UNDO: Undo(); break; case WM_PWLEDIT_REDO: Redo(); break; case WM_PWLEDIT_CUT: CutText(); break; case WM_PWLEDIT_COPY: CopyText(); break; case WM_PWLEDIT_PASTE: PasteText(); break; case WM_PWLEDIT_DELETE: Clear(); break; case WM_PWLEDIT_SELECTALL: SelectAll(); break; case WM_PWLEDIT_SUGGEST + 0: SetSel(m_pEdit->WordPlaceToWordIndex(wrLatin.BeginPos),m_pEdit->WordPlaceToWordIndex(wrLatin.EndPos)); ReplaceSel(sSuggestWords[0].UTF8Decode().c_str()); break; case WM_PWLEDIT_SUGGEST + 1: SetSel(m_pEdit->WordPlaceToWordIndex(wrLatin.BeginPos),m_pEdit->WordPlaceToWordIndex(wrLatin.EndPos)); ReplaceSel(sSuggestWords[1].UTF8Decode().c_str()); break; case WM_PWLEDIT_SUGGEST + 2: SetSel(m_pEdit->WordPlaceToWordIndex(wrLatin.BeginPos),m_pEdit->WordPlaceToWordIndex(wrLatin.EndPos)); ReplaceSel(sSuggestWords[2].UTF8Decode().c_str()); break; case WM_PWLEDIT_SUGGEST + 3: SetSel(m_pEdit->WordPlaceToWordIndex(wrLatin.BeginPos),m_pEdit->WordPlaceToWordIndex(wrLatin.EndPos)); ReplaceSel(sSuggestWords[3].UTF8Decode().c_str()); break; case WM_PWLEDIT_SUGGEST + 4: SetSel(m_pEdit->WordPlaceToWordIndex(wrLatin.BeginPos),m_pEdit->WordPlaceToWordIndex(wrLatin.EndPos)); ReplaceSel(sSuggestWords[4].UTF8Decode().c_str()); break; default: break; } pSH->DestroyMenu(hPopup); return true; } void CPWL_Edit::OnSetFocus() { SetEditCaret(true); if (!IsReadOnly()) { if (IPWL_FocusHandler* pFocusHandler = GetFocusHandler()) pFocusHandler->OnSetFocus(this); } m_bFocus = true; } void CPWL_Edit::OnKillFocus() { ShowVScrollBar(false); m_pEdit->SelectNone(); SetCaret(false, CPDF_Point(0.0f,0.0f), CPDF_Point(0.0f,0.0f)); SetCharSet(0); if (!IsReadOnly()) { if (IPWL_FocusHandler* pFocusHandler = GetFocusHandler()) pFocusHandler->OnKillFocus(this); } m_bFocus = false; } void CPWL_Edit::SetHorzScale(int32_t nHorzScale, bool bPaint/* = true*/) { m_pEdit->SetHorzScale(nHorzScale, bPaint); } void CPWL_Edit::SetCharSpace(FX_FLOAT fCharSpace, bool bPaint/* = true*/) { m_pEdit->SetCharSpace(fCharSpace, bPaint); } void CPWL_Edit::SetLineLeading(FX_FLOAT fLineLeading, bool bPaint/* = true*/) { m_pEdit->SetLineLeading(fLineLeading, bPaint); } CFX_ByteString CPWL_Edit::GetSelectAppearanceStream(const CPDF_Point & ptOffset) const { CPVT_WordRange wr = GetSelectWordRange(); return CPWL_Utils::GetEditSelAppStream(m_pEdit,ptOffset,&wr); } CPVT_WordRange CPWL_Edit::GetSelectWordRange() const { if (m_pEdit->IsSelected()) { int32_t nStart = -1; int32_t nEnd = -1; m_pEdit->GetSel(nStart, nEnd); CPVT_WordPlace wpStart = m_pEdit->WordIndexToWordPlace(nStart); CPVT_WordPlace wpEnd = m_pEdit->WordIndexToWordPlace(nEnd); return CPVT_WordRange(wpStart,wpEnd); } return CPVT_WordRange(); } CFX_ByteString CPWL_Edit::GetTextAppearanceStream(const CPDF_Point & ptOffset) const { CFX_ByteTextBuf sRet; CFX_ByteString sEdit = CPWL_Utils::GetEditAppStream(m_pEdit,ptOffset); if (sEdit.GetLength() > 0) { sRet << "BT\n" << CPWL_Utils::GetColorAppStream(GetTextColor()) << sEdit << "ET\n"; } return sRet.GetByteString(); } CFX_ByteString CPWL_Edit::GetCaretAppearanceStream(const CPDF_Point & ptOffset) const { if (m_pEditCaret) return m_pEditCaret->GetCaretAppearanceStream(ptOffset); return CFX_ByteString(); } CPDF_Point CPWL_Edit::GetWordRightBottomPoint(const CPVT_WordPlace& wpWord) { CPDF_Point pt(0.0f, 0.0f); if (IFX_Edit_Iterator * pIterator = m_pEdit->GetIterator()) { CPVT_WordPlace wpOld = pIterator->GetAt(); pIterator->SetAt(wpWord); CPVT_Word word; if (pIterator->GetWord(word)) { pt = CPDF_Point(word.ptWord.x + word.fWidth, word.ptWord.y + word.fDescent); } pIterator->SetAt(wpOld); } return pt; } bool CPWL_Edit::IsTextFull() const { return m_pEdit->IsTextFull(); } FX_FLOAT CPWL_Edit::GetCharArrayAutoFontSize(CPDF_Font* pFont, const CPDF_Rect& rcPlate, int32_t nCharArray) { if (pFont && !pFont->IsStandardFont()) { FX_RECT rcBBox; pFont->GetFontBBox(rcBBox); CPDF_Rect rcCell = rcPlate; FX_FLOAT xdiv = rcCell.Width() / nCharArray * 1000.0f / rcBBox.Width(); FX_FLOAT ydiv = - rcCell.Height() * 1000.0f / rcBBox.Height(); return xdiv < ydiv ? xdiv : ydiv; } return 0.0f; } void CPWL_Edit::SetCharArray(int32_t nCharArray) { if (HasFlag(PES_CHARARRAY) && nCharArray > 0) { m_pEdit->SetCharArray(nCharArray); m_pEdit->SetTextOverflow(true); if (HasFlag(PWS_AUTOFONTSIZE)) { if (IFX_Edit_FontMap* pFontMap = GetFontMap()) { FX_FLOAT fFontSize = GetCharArrayAutoFontSize(pFontMap->GetPDFFont(0), GetClientRect(), nCharArray); if (fFontSize > 0.0f) { m_pEdit->SetAutoFontSize(false); m_pEdit->SetFontSize(fFontSize); } } } } } void CPWL_Edit::SetLimitChar(int32_t nLimitChar) { m_pEdit->SetLimitChar(nLimitChar); } void CPWL_Edit::ReplaceSel(const FX_WCHAR* csText) { m_pEdit->Clear(); m_pEdit->InsertText(csText); } CPDF_Rect CPWL_Edit::GetFocusRect() const { return CPDF_Rect(); } void CPWL_Edit::ShowVScrollBar(bool bShow) { if (CPWL_ScrollBar * pScroll = GetVScrollBar()) { if (bShow) { if (!pScroll->IsVisible()) { pScroll->SetVisible(true); CPDF_Rect rcWindow = GetWindowRect(); m_rcOldWindow = rcWindow; rcWindow.right += PWL_SCROLLBAR_WIDTH; Move(rcWindow, true, true); } } else { if (pScroll->IsVisible()) { pScroll->SetVisible(false); Move(m_rcOldWindow, true, true); } } } } bool CPWL_Edit::IsVScrollBarVisible() const { if (CPWL_ScrollBar * pScroll = GetVScrollBar()) { return pScroll->IsVisible(); } return false; } void CPWL_Edit::EnableSpellCheck(bool bEnabled) { if (bEnabled) AddFlag(PES_SPELLCHECK); else RemoveFlag(PES_SPELLCHECK); } bool CPWL_Edit::OnKeyDown(FX_WORD nChar, FX_DWORD nFlag) { if (m_bMouseDown) return true; if (nChar == FWL_VKEY_Delete) { if (m_pFillerNotify) { bool bRC = true; bool bExit = false; CFX_WideString strChange; CFX_WideString strChangeEx; int nSelStart = 0; int nSelEnd = 0; GetSel(nSelStart, nSelEnd); if (nSelStart == nSelEnd) nSelEnd = nSelStart + 1; m_pFillerNotify->OnBeforeKeyStroke(true, GetAttachedData(), FWL_VKEY_Delete, strChange, strChangeEx, nSelStart, nSelEnd, true, bRC, bExit, nFlag); if (!bRC) return false; if (bExit) return false; } } bool bRet = CPWL_EditCtrl::OnKeyDown(nChar, nFlag); if (nChar == FWL_VKEY_Delete) { if (m_pFillerNotify) { bool bExit = false; m_pFillerNotify->OnAfterKeyStroke(true, GetAttachedData(), bExit,nFlag); if (bExit) return false; } } //In case of implementation swallow the OnKeyDown event. if(IsProceedtoOnChar(nChar, nFlag)) return true; return bRet; } /** *In case of implementation swallow the OnKeyDown event. *If the event is swallowed, implementation may do other unexpected things, which is not the control means to do. */ bool CPWL_Edit::IsProceedtoOnChar(FX_WORD nKeyCode, FX_DWORD nFlag) { bool bCtrl = IsCTRLpressed(nFlag); bool bAlt = IsALTpressed(nFlag); if(bCtrl && !bAlt) { //hot keys for edit control. switch(nKeyCode) { case 'C': case 'V': case 'X': case 'A': case 'Z': return true; default: break; } } //control characters. switch(nKeyCode) { case FWL_VKEY_Escape: case FWL_VKEY_Back: case FWL_VKEY_Return: case FWL_VKEY_Space: return true; default: break; } return false; } bool CPWL_Edit::OnChar(FX_WORD nChar, FX_DWORD nFlag) { if (m_bMouseDown) return true; bool bRC = true; bool bExit = false; bool bCtrl = IsCTRLpressed(nFlag); if (!bCtrl) { if (m_pFillerNotify) { CFX_WideString swChange; int32_t nKeyCode; int nSelStart = 0; int nSelEnd = 0; GetSel(nSelStart, nSelEnd); switch (nChar) { case FWL_VKEY_Back: nKeyCode = nChar; if (nSelStart == nSelEnd) nSelStart = nSelEnd - 1; break; case FWL_VKEY_Return: nKeyCode = nChar; break; default: nKeyCode = 0; swChange += nChar; break; } CFX_WideString strChangeEx; m_pFillerNotify->OnBeforeKeyStroke(true, GetAttachedData(), nKeyCode, swChange, strChangeEx, nSelStart, nSelEnd, true, bRC, bExit, nFlag); } } if (!bRC) return true; if (bExit) return false; if (IFX_Edit_FontMap * pFontMap = GetFontMap()) { int32_t nOldCharSet = GetCharSet(); int32_t nNewCharSet = pFontMap->CharSetFromUnicode(nChar, DEFAULT_CHARSET); if(nOldCharSet != nNewCharSet) { SetCharSet(nNewCharSet); } } bool bRet = CPWL_EditCtrl::OnChar(nChar,nFlag); if (!bCtrl) { if (m_pFillerNotify) { m_pFillerNotify->OnAfterKeyStroke(true, GetAttachedData(), bExit,nFlag); if (bExit) return false; } } return bRet; } bool CPWL_Edit::OnMouseWheel(short zDelta, const CPDF_Point & point, FX_DWORD nFlag) { if (HasFlag(PES_MULTILINE)) { CPDF_Point ptScroll = GetScrollPos(); if (zDelta > 0) { ptScroll.y += GetFontSize(); } else { ptScroll.y -= GetFontSize(); } SetScrollPos(ptScroll); return true; } return false; } void CPWL_Edit::OnInsertReturn(const CPVT_WordPlace& place, const CPVT_WordPlace& oldplace) { if (HasFlag(PES_SPELLCHECK)) { m_pEdit->RefreshWordRange(CombineWordRange(GetLatinWordsRange(oldplace),GetLatinWordsRange(place))); } if (m_pEditNotify) { m_pEditNotify->OnInsertReturn(place, oldplace); } } void CPWL_Edit::OnBackSpace(const CPVT_WordPlace& place, const CPVT_WordPlace& oldplace) { if (HasFlag(PES_SPELLCHECK)) { m_pEdit->RefreshWordRange(CombineWordRange(GetLatinWordsRange(oldplace),GetLatinWordsRange(place))); } if (m_pEditNotify) { m_pEditNotify->OnBackSpace(place, oldplace); } } void CPWL_Edit::OnDelete(const CPVT_WordPlace& place, const CPVT_WordPlace& oldplace) { if (HasFlag(PES_SPELLCHECK)) { m_pEdit->RefreshWordRange(CombineWordRange(GetLatinWordsRange(oldplace),GetLatinWordsRange(place))); } if (m_pEditNotify) { m_pEditNotify->OnDelete(place, oldplace); } } void CPWL_Edit::OnClear(const CPVT_WordPlace& place, const CPVT_WordPlace& oldplace) { if (HasFlag(PES_SPELLCHECK)) { m_pEdit->RefreshWordRange(CombineWordRange(GetLatinWordsRange(oldplace),GetLatinWordsRange(place))); } if (m_pEditNotify) { m_pEditNotify->OnClear(place, oldplace); } } void CPWL_Edit::OnInsertWord(const CPVT_WordPlace& place, const CPVT_WordPlace& oldplace) { if (HasFlag(PES_SPELLCHECK)) { m_pEdit->RefreshWordRange(CombineWordRange(GetLatinWordsRange(oldplace),GetLatinWordsRange(place))); } if (m_pEditNotify) { m_pEditNotify->OnInsertWord(place, oldplace); } } void CPWL_Edit::OnSetText(const CPVT_WordPlace& place, const CPVT_WordPlace& oldplace) { } void CPWL_Edit::OnInsertText(const CPVT_WordPlace& place, const CPVT_WordPlace& oldplace) { if (HasFlag(PES_SPELLCHECK)) { m_pEdit->RefreshWordRange(CombineWordRange(GetLatinWordsRange(oldplace),GetLatinWordsRange(place))); } if (m_pEditNotify) { m_pEditNotify->OnInsertText(place, oldplace); } } void CPWL_Edit::OnAddUndo(IFX_Edit_UndoItem* pUndoItem) { if (m_pEditNotify) { m_pEditNotify->OnAddUndo(this); } } CPVT_WordRange CPWL_Edit::CombineWordRange(const CPVT_WordRange& wr1, const CPVT_WordRange& wr2) { CPVT_WordRange wrRet; if (wr1.BeginPos.WordCmp(wr2.BeginPos) < 0) { wrRet.BeginPos = wr1.BeginPos; } else { wrRet.BeginPos = wr2.BeginPos; } if (wr1.EndPos.WordCmp(wr2.EndPos) < 0) { wrRet.EndPos = wr2.EndPos; } else { wrRet.EndPos = wr1.EndPos; } return wrRet; } CPVT_WordRange CPWL_Edit::GetLatinWordsRange(const CPDF_Point& point) const { return GetSameWordsRange(m_pEdit->SearchWordPlace(point), true, false); } CPVT_WordRange CPWL_Edit::GetLatinWordsRange(const CPVT_WordPlace & place) const { return GetSameWordsRange(place, true, false); } CPVT_WordRange CPWL_Edit::GetArabicWordsRange(const CPVT_WordPlace & place) const { return GetSameWordsRange(place, false, true); } #define PWL_ISARABICWORD(word) ((word >= 0x0600 && word <= 0x06FF) || (word >= 0xFB50 && word <= 0xFEFC)) CPVT_WordRange CPWL_Edit::GetSameWordsRange(const CPVT_WordPlace & place, bool bLatin, bool bArabic) const { CPVT_WordRange range; if (IFX_Edit_Iterator* pIterator = m_pEdit->GetIterator()) { CPVT_Word wordinfo; CPVT_WordPlace wpStart(place),wpEnd(place); pIterator->SetAt(place); if (bLatin) { while (pIterator->NextWord()) { if (pIterator->GetWord(wordinfo) && FX_EDIT_ISLATINWORD(wordinfo.Word)) { wpEnd = pIterator->GetAt(); continue; } else break; }; } else if (bArabic) { while (pIterator->NextWord()) { if (pIterator->GetWord(wordinfo) && PWL_ISARABICWORD(wordinfo.Word)) { wpEnd = pIterator->GetAt(); continue; } else break; }; } pIterator->SetAt(place); if (bLatin) { do { if (pIterator->GetWord(wordinfo) && FX_EDIT_ISLATINWORD(wordinfo.Word)) { continue; } else { wpStart = pIterator->GetAt(); break; } } while (pIterator->PrevWord()); } else if (bArabic) { do { if (pIterator->GetWord(wordinfo) && PWL_ISARABICWORD(wordinfo.Word)) { continue; } else { wpStart = pIterator->GetAt(); break; } } while (pIterator->PrevWord()); } range.Set(wpStart,wpEnd); } return range; } void CPWL_Edit::AjustArabicWords(const CPVT_WordRange& wr) { } void CPWL_Edit::GeneratePageObjects(CPDF_PageObjects* pPageObjects, const CPDF_Point& ptOffset, CFX_ArrayTemplate<CPDF_TextObject*>& ObjArray) { IFX_Edit::GeneratePageObjects(pPageObjects, m_pEdit, ptOffset, NULL, CPWL_Utils::PWLColorToFXColor(GetTextColor(),GetTransparency()), ObjArray); } void CPWL_Edit::GeneratePageObjects(CPDF_PageObjects* pPageObjects, const CPDF_Point& ptOffset) { CFX_ArrayTemplate<CPDF_TextObject*> ObjArray; IFX_Edit::GeneratePageObjects(pPageObjects, m_pEdit, ptOffset, NULL, CPWL_Utils::PWLColorToFXColor(GetTextColor(),GetTransparency()), ObjArray); }