// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #ifndef FXBARCODE_QRCODE_BC_QRCODERBITVECTOR_H_ #define FXBARCODE_QRCODE_BC_QRCODERBITVECTOR_H_ #include <stdint.h> class CBC_QRCoderBitVector { private: int32_t m_sizeInBits; uint8_t* m_array; int32_t m_size; void AppendByte(int32_t value); public: CBC_QRCoderBitVector(); virtual ~CBC_QRCoderBitVector(); int32_t At(int32_t index, int32_t& e); int32_t Size(); int32_t sizeInBytes(); void AppendBit(int32_t bit, int32_t& e); void AppendBits(int32_t value, int32_t numBits, int32_t& e); void AppendBitVector(CBC_QRCoderBitVector* bits, int32_t& e); void XOR(CBC_QRCoderBitVector* other, int32_t& e); uint8_t* GetArray(); void Clear(); virtual void Init(); }; #endif // FXBARCODE_QRCODE_BC_QRCODERBITVECTOR_H_