// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "fxjs/cfxjse_resolveprocessor.h" #include <algorithm> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include "core/fxcrt/fx_extension.h" #include "fxjs/cfxjse_engine.h" #include "fxjs/xfa/cjx_object.h" #include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h" #include "third_party/base/stl_util.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_document.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_localemgr.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_node.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_nodehelper.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_object.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_occur.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/xfa_resolvenode_rs.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/xfa_utils.h" CFXJSE_ResolveProcessor::CFXJSE_ResolveProcessor() : m_iCurStart(0), m_pNodeHelper(pdfium::MakeUnique<CXFA_NodeHelper>()) {} CFXJSE_ResolveProcessor::~CFXJSE_ResolveProcessor() {} bool CFXJSE_ResolveProcessor::Resolve(CFXJSE_ResolveNodeData& rnd) { if (!rnd.m_CurObject) return false; if (!rnd.m_CurObject->IsNode()) { if (rnd.m_dwStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_Attributes) { return ResolveForAttributeRs(rnd.m_CurObject, rnd, rnd.m_wsName.AsStringView()); } return false; } if (rnd.m_dwStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_AnyChild) return ResolveAnyChild(rnd); if (rnd.m_wsName.GetLength()) { wchar_t wch = rnd.m_wsName[0]; switch (wch) { case '$': return ResolveDollar(rnd); case '!': return ResolveExcalmatory(rnd); case '#': return ResolveNumberSign(rnd); case '*': return ResolveAsterisk(rnd); // TODO(dsinclair): We could probably remove this. case '.': return ResolveAnyChild(rnd); default: break; } } if (rnd.m_uHashName == XFA_HASHCODE_This && rnd.m_nLevel == 0) { rnd.m_Objects.push_back(rnd.m_pSC->GetThisObject()); return true; } if (rnd.m_CurObject->GetElementType() == XFA_Element::Xfa) { CXFA_Object* pObjNode = rnd.m_pSC->GetDocument()->GetXFAObject(rnd.m_uHashName); if (pObjNode) { rnd.m_Objects.push_back(pObjNode); } else if (rnd.m_uHashName == XFA_HASHCODE_Xfa) { rnd.m_Objects.push_back(rnd.m_CurObject); } else if ((rnd.m_dwStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_Attributes) && ResolveForAttributeRs(rnd.m_CurObject, rnd, rnd.m_wsName.AsStringView())) { return true; } if (!rnd.m_Objects.empty()) FilterCondition(rnd, rnd.m_wsCondition); return !rnd.m_Objects.empty(); } if (!ResolveNormal(rnd) && rnd.m_uHashName == XFA_HASHCODE_Xfa) rnd.m_Objects.push_back(rnd.m_pSC->GetDocument()->GetRoot()); return !rnd.m_Objects.empty(); } bool CFXJSE_ResolveProcessor::ResolveAnyChild(CFXJSE_ResolveNodeData& rnd) { WideString wsName = rnd.m_wsName; WideString wsCondition = rnd.m_wsCondition; CXFA_Node* findNode = nullptr; bool bClassName = false; if (wsName.GetLength() && wsName[0] == '#') { bClassName = true; wsName = wsName.Right(wsName.GetLength() - 1); } findNode = m_pNodeHelper->ResolveNodes_GetOneChild( ToNode(rnd.m_CurObject), wsName.c_str(), bClassName); if (!findNode) return false; if (wsCondition.IsEmpty()) { rnd.m_Objects.push_back(findNode); return !rnd.m_Objects.empty(); } std::vector<CXFA_Node*> tempNodes; for (auto* pObject : rnd.m_Objects) tempNodes.push_back(pObject->AsNode()); m_pNodeHelper->CountSiblings(findNode, XFA_LOGIC_Transparent, &tempNodes, bClassName); rnd.m_Objects = std::vector<CXFA_Object*>(tempNodes.begin(), tempNodes.end()); FilterCondition(rnd, wsCondition); return !rnd.m_Objects.empty(); } bool CFXJSE_ResolveProcessor::ResolveDollar(CFXJSE_ResolveNodeData& rnd) { WideString wsName = rnd.m_wsName; WideString wsCondition = rnd.m_wsCondition; int32_t iNameLen = wsName.GetLength(); if (iNameLen == 1) { rnd.m_Objects.push_back(rnd.m_CurObject); return true; } if (rnd.m_nLevel > 0) return false; XFA_HashCode dwNameHash = static_cast<XFA_HashCode>(FX_HashCode_GetW( WideStringView(wsName.c_str() + 1, iNameLen - 1), false)); if (dwNameHash == XFA_HASHCODE_Xfa) { rnd.m_Objects.push_back(rnd.m_pSC->GetDocument()->GetRoot()); } else { CXFA_Object* pObjNode = rnd.m_pSC->GetDocument()->GetXFAObject(dwNameHash); if (pObjNode) rnd.m_Objects.push_back(pObjNode); } if (!rnd.m_Objects.empty()) FilterCondition(rnd, wsCondition); return !rnd.m_Objects.empty(); } bool CFXJSE_ResolveProcessor::ResolveExcalmatory(CFXJSE_ResolveNodeData& rnd) { if (rnd.m_nLevel > 0) return false; CXFA_Node* datasets = ToNode(rnd.m_pSC->GetDocument()->GetXFAObject(XFA_HASHCODE_Datasets)); if (!datasets) return false; CFXJSE_ResolveNodeData rndFind(rnd.m_pSC); rndFind.m_CurObject = datasets; rndFind.m_wsName = rnd.m_wsName.Right(rnd.m_wsName.GetLength() - 1); rndFind.m_uHashName = static_cast<XFA_HashCode>( FX_HashCode_GetW(rndFind.m_wsName.AsStringView(), false)); rndFind.m_nLevel = rnd.m_nLevel + 1; rndFind.m_dwStyles = XFA_RESOLVENODE_Children; rndFind.m_wsCondition = rnd.m_wsCondition; Resolve(rndFind); rnd.m_Objects.insert(rnd.m_Objects.end(), rndFind.m_Objects.begin(), rndFind.m_Objects.end()); return !rnd.m_Objects.empty(); } bool CFXJSE_ResolveProcessor::ResolveNumberSign(CFXJSE_ResolveNodeData& rnd) { WideString wsName = rnd.m_wsName.Right(rnd.m_wsName.GetLength() - 1); WideString wsCondition = rnd.m_wsCondition; CXFA_Node* curNode = ToNode(rnd.m_CurObject); if (ResolveForAttributeRs(curNode, rnd, wsName.AsStringView())) return true; CFXJSE_ResolveNodeData rndFind(rnd.m_pSC); rndFind.m_nLevel = rnd.m_nLevel + 1; rndFind.m_dwStyles = rnd.m_dwStyles; rndFind.m_dwStyles |= XFA_RESOLVENODE_TagName; rndFind.m_dwStyles &= ~XFA_RESOLVENODE_Attributes; rndFind.m_wsName = wsName; rndFind.m_uHashName = static_cast<XFA_HashCode>( FX_HashCode_GetW(rndFind.m_wsName.AsStringView(), false)); rndFind.m_wsCondition = wsCondition; rndFind.m_CurObject = curNode; ResolveNormal(rndFind); if (rndFind.m_Objects.empty()) return false; if (wsCondition.GetLength() == 0 && pdfium::ContainsValue(rndFind.m_Objects, curNode)) { rnd.m_Objects.push_back(curNode); } else { rnd.m_Objects.insert(rnd.m_Objects.end(), rndFind.m_Objects.begin(), rndFind.m_Objects.end()); } return !rnd.m_Objects.empty(); } bool CFXJSE_ResolveProcessor::ResolveForAttributeRs( CXFA_Object* curNode, CFXJSE_ResolveNodeData& rnd, const WideStringView& strAttr) { const XFA_SCRIPTATTRIBUTEINFO* lpScriptAttribute = XFA_GetScriptAttributeByName(curNode->GetElementType(), strAttr); if (!lpScriptAttribute) return false; rnd.m_pScriptAttribute = lpScriptAttribute; rnd.m_Objects.push_back(curNode); rnd.m_dwFlag = XFA_ResolveNode_RSType_Attribute; return true; } bool CFXJSE_ResolveProcessor::ResolveNormal(CFXJSE_ResolveNodeData& rnd) { if (rnd.m_nLevel > 32 || !rnd.m_CurObject->IsNode()) return false; CXFA_Node* curNode = rnd.m_CurObject->AsNode(); size_t nNum = rnd.m_Objects.size(); uint32_t dwStyles = rnd.m_dwStyles; WideString& wsName = rnd.m_wsName; XFA_HashCode uNameHash = rnd.m_uHashName; WideString& wsCondition = rnd.m_wsCondition; CFXJSE_ResolveNodeData rndFind(rnd.m_pSC); rndFind.m_wsName = rnd.m_wsName; rndFind.m_wsCondition = rnd.m_wsCondition; rndFind.m_nLevel = rnd.m_nLevel + 1; rndFind.m_uHashName = uNameHash; std::vector<CXFA_Node*> children; std::vector<CXFA_Node*> properties; CXFA_Node* pVariablesNode = nullptr; CXFA_Node* pPageSetNode = nullptr; for (CXFA_Node* pChild = curNode->GetFirstChild(); pChild; pChild = pChild->GetNextSibling()) { if (pChild->GetElementType() == XFA_Element::Variables) { pVariablesNode = pChild; continue; } if (pChild->GetElementType() == XFA_Element::PageSet) { pPageSetNode = pChild; continue; } if (curNode->HasProperty(pChild->GetElementType())) properties.push_back(pChild); else children.push_back(pChild); } if ((dwStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_Properties) && pVariablesNode) { if (pVariablesNode->GetClassHashCode() == uNameHash) { rnd.m_Objects.push_back(pVariablesNode); } else { rndFind.m_CurObject = pVariablesNode; SetStylesForChild(dwStyles, rndFind); WideString wsSaveCondition = rndFind.m_wsCondition; rndFind.m_wsCondition.clear(); ResolveNormal(rndFind); rndFind.m_wsCondition = wsSaveCondition; rnd.m_Objects.insert(rnd.m_Objects.end(), rndFind.m_Objects.begin(), rndFind.m_Objects.end()); rndFind.m_Objects.clear(); } if (rnd.m_Objects.size() > nNum) { FilterCondition(rnd, wsCondition); return !rnd.m_Objects.empty(); } } if (dwStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_Children) { bool bSetFlag = false; if (pPageSetNode && (dwStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_Properties)) children.push_back(pPageSetNode); for (CXFA_Node* child : children) { if (dwStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_TagName) { if (child->GetClassHashCode() == uNameHash) rnd.m_Objects.push_back(child); } else if (child->GetNameHash() == uNameHash) { rnd.m_Objects.push_back(child); } if (m_pNodeHelper->NodeIsTransparent(child) && child->GetElementType() != XFA_Element::PageSet) { if (!bSetFlag) { SetStylesForChild(dwStyles, rndFind); bSetFlag = true; } rndFind.m_CurObject = child; WideString wsSaveCondition = rndFind.m_wsCondition; rndFind.m_wsCondition.clear(); ResolveNormal(rndFind); rndFind.m_wsCondition = wsSaveCondition; rnd.m_Objects.insert(rnd.m_Objects.end(), rndFind.m_Objects.begin(), rndFind.m_Objects.end()); rndFind.m_Objects.clear(); } } if (rnd.m_Objects.size() > nNum) { if (!(dwStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_ALL)) { std::vector<CXFA_Node*> upArrayNodes; if (m_pNodeHelper->NodeIsTransparent(ToNode(curNode))) { m_pNodeHelper->CountSiblings(ToNode(rnd.m_Objects[0]), XFA_LOGIC_Transparent, &upArrayNodes, !!(dwStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_TagName)); } if (upArrayNodes.size() > rnd.m_Objects.size()) { CXFA_Object* pSaveObject = rnd.m_Objects.front(); rnd.m_Objects = std::vector<CXFA_Object*>(upArrayNodes.begin(), upArrayNodes.end()); rnd.m_Objects.front() = pSaveObject; } } FilterCondition(rnd, wsCondition); return !rnd.m_Objects.empty(); } } if (dwStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_Attributes) { if (ResolveForAttributeRs(curNode, rnd, wsName.AsStringView())) return 1; } if (dwStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_Properties) { for (CXFA_Node* pChildProperty : properties) { if (pChildProperty->IsUnnamed()) { if (pChildProperty->GetClassHashCode() == uNameHash) rnd.m_Objects.push_back(pChildProperty); continue; } if (pChildProperty->GetNameHash() == uNameHash && pChildProperty->GetElementType() != XFA_Element::Extras && pChildProperty->GetElementType() != XFA_Element::Items) { rnd.m_Objects.push_back(pChildProperty); } } if (rnd.m_Objects.size() > nNum) { FilterCondition(rnd, wsCondition); return !rnd.m_Objects.empty(); } CXFA_Node* pProp = nullptr; if (XFA_Element::Subform == curNode->GetElementType() && XFA_HASHCODE_Occur == uNameHash) { CXFA_Node* pInstanceManager = curNode->AsNode()->GetInstanceMgrOfSubform(); if (pInstanceManager) { pProp = pInstanceManager->JSObject()->GetOrCreateProperty<CXFA_Occur>( 0, XFA_Element::Occur); } } else { XFA_Element eType = CXFA_Node::NameToElement(wsName); if (eType == XFA_Element::PageSet) { pProp = curNode->AsNode()->JSObject()->GetProperty<CXFA_Node>(0, eType); } else if (eType != XFA_Element::Unknown) { pProp = curNode->AsNode()->JSObject()->GetOrCreateProperty<CXFA_Node>( 0, eType); } } if (pProp) { rnd.m_Objects.push_back(pProp); return !rnd.m_Objects.empty(); } } CXFA_Node* parentNode = m_pNodeHelper->ResolveNodes_GetParent( curNode->AsNode(), XFA_LOGIC_NoTransparent); uint32_t uCurClassHash = curNode->GetClassHashCode(); if (!parentNode) { if (uCurClassHash == uNameHash) { rnd.m_Objects.push_back(curNode->AsNode()); FilterCondition(rnd, wsCondition); if (!rnd.m_Objects.empty()) return true; } return false; } if (dwStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_Siblings) { CXFA_Node* child = parentNode->GetFirstChild(); uint32_t dwSubStyles = XFA_RESOLVENODE_Children | XFA_RESOLVENODE_Properties; if (dwStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_TagName) dwSubStyles |= XFA_RESOLVENODE_TagName; if (dwStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_ALL) dwSubStyles |= XFA_RESOLVENODE_ALL; rndFind.m_dwStyles = dwSubStyles; while (child) { if (child == curNode) { if (dwStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_TagName) { if (uCurClassHash == uNameHash) rnd.m_Objects.push_back(curNode); } else { if (child->GetNameHash() == uNameHash) { rnd.m_Objects.push_back(curNode); if (rnd.m_nLevel == 0 && wsCondition.GetLength() == 0) { rnd.m_Objects.clear(); rnd.m_Objects.push_back(curNode); return true; } } } child = child->GetNextSibling(); continue; } if (dwStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_TagName) { if (child->GetClassHashCode() == uNameHash) rnd.m_Objects.push_back(child); } else if (child->GetNameHash() == uNameHash) { rnd.m_Objects.push_back(child); } bool bInnerSearch = false; if (parentNode->HasProperty(child->GetElementType())) { if ((child->GetElementType() == XFA_Element::Variables || child->GetElementType() == XFA_Element::PageSet)) { bInnerSearch = true; } } else if (m_pNodeHelper->NodeIsTransparent(child)) { bInnerSearch = true; } if (bInnerSearch) { rndFind.m_CurObject = child; WideString wsOriginCondition = rndFind.m_wsCondition; rndFind.m_wsCondition.clear(); uint32_t dwOriginStyle = rndFind.m_dwStyles; rndFind.m_dwStyles = dwOriginStyle | XFA_RESOLVENODE_ALL; ResolveNormal(rndFind); rndFind.m_dwStyles = dwOriginStyle; rndFind.m_wsCondition = wsOriginCondition; rnd.m_Objects.insert(rnd.m_Objects.end(), rndFind.m_Objects.begin(), rndFind.m_Objects.end()); rndFind.m_Objects.clear(); } child = child->GetNextSibling(); } if (rnd.m_Objects.size() > nNum) { if (m_pNodeHelper->NodeIsTransparent(parentNode)) { std::vector<CXFA_Node*> upArrayNodes; m_pNodeHelper->CountSiblings(ToNode(rnd.m_Objects.front()), XFA_LOGIC_Transparent, &upArrayNodes, !!(dwStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_TagName)); if (upArrayNodes.size() > rnd.m_Objects.size()) { CXFA_Object* pSaveObject = rnd.m_Objects.front(); rnd.m_Objects = std::vector<CXFA_Object*>(upArrayNodes.begin(), upArrayNodes.end()); rnd.m_Objects.front() = pSaveObject; } } FilterCondition(rnd, wsCondition); return !rnd.m_Objects.empty(); } } if (dwStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_Parent) { uint32_t dwSubStyles = XFA_RESOLVENODE_Siblings | XFA_RESOLVENODE_Parent | XFA_RESOLVENODE_Properties; if (dwStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_TagName) dwSubStyles |= XFA_RESOLVENODE_TagName; if (dwStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_ALL) dwSubStyles |= XFA_RESOLVENODE_ALL; rndFind.m_dwStyles = dwSubStyles; rndFind.m_CurObject = parentNode; rnd.m_pSC->GetUpObjectArray()->push_back(parentNode); ResolveNormal(rndFind); rnd.m_Objects.insert(rnd.m_Objects.end(), rndFind.m_Objects.begin(), rndFind.m_Objects.end()); rndFind.m_Objects.clear(); if (rnd.m_Objects.size() > nNum) return true; } return false; } bool CFXJSE_ResolveProcessor::ResolveAsterisk(CFXJSE_ResolveNodeData& rnd) { CXFA_Node* curNode = ToNode(rnd.m_CurObject); std::vector<CXFA_Node*> array = curNode->GetNodeList(XFA_NODEFILTER_Children | XFA_NODEFILTER_Properties, XFA_Element::Unknown); rnd.m_Objects.insert(rnd.m_Objects.end(), array.begin(), array.end()); return !rnd.m_Objects.empty(); } int32_t CFXJSE_ResolveProcessor::GetFilter(const WideStringView& wsExpression, int32_t nStart, CFXJSE_ResolveNodeData& rnd) { ASSERT(nStart > -1); int32_t iLength = wsExpression.GetLength(); if (nStart >= iLength) return 0; WideString& wsName = rnd.m_wsName; WideString& wsCondition = rnd.m_wsCondition; int32_t nNameCount = 0; int32_t nConditionCount = 0; { // Span's lifetime must end before ReleaseBuffer() below. pdfium::span<wchar_t> pNameBuf = wsName.GetBuffer(iLength - nStart); pdfium::span<wchar_t> pConditionBuf = wsCondition.GetBuffer(iLength - nStart); std::vector<int32_t> stack; int32_t nType = -1; const wchar_t* pSrc = wsExpression.unterminated_c_str(); wchar_t wPrev = 0; wchar_t wCur; bool bIsCondition = false; while (nStart < iLength) { wCur = pSrc[nStart++]; if (wCur == '.') { if (wPrev == '\\') { pNameBuf[nNameCount - 1] = wPrev = '.'; continue; } if (nNameCount == 0) { rnd.m_dwStyles |= XFA_RESOLVENODE_AnyChild; continue; } wchar_t wLookahead = nStart < iLength ? pSrc[nStart] : 0; if (wLookahead != '[' && wLookahead != '(' && nType < 0) break; } if (wCur == '[' || wCur == '(') { bIsCondition = true; } else if (wCur == '.' && nStart < iLength && (pSrc[nStart] == '[' || pSrc[nStart] == '(')) { bIsCondition = true; } if (bIsCondition) pConditionBuf[nConditionCount++] = wCur; else pNameBuf[nNameCount++] = wCur; if ((nType == 0 && wCur == ']') || (nType == 1 && wCur == ')') || (nType == 2 && wCur == '"')) { nType = stack.empty() ? -1 : stack.back(); if (!stack.empty()) stack.pop_back(); } else if (wCur == '[') { stack.push_back(nType); nType = 0; } else if (wCur == '(') { stack.push_back(nType); nType = 1; } else if (wCur == '"') { stack.push_back(nType); nType = 2; } wPrev = wCur; } if (!stack.empty()) return -1; } wsName.ReleaseBuffer(nNameCount); wsCondition.ReleaseBuffer(nConditionCount); wsName.Trim(); wsCondition.Trim(); rnd.m_uHashName = static_cast<XFA_HashCode>(FX_HashCode_GetW(wsName.AsStringView(), false)); return nStart; } void CFXJSE_ResolveProcessor::ConditionArray(int32_t iCurIndex, WideString wsCondition, int32_t iFoundCount, CFXJSE_ResolveNodeData& rnd) { int32_t iLen = wsCondition.GetLength(); bool bRelative = false; bool bAll = false; int32_t i = 1; for (; i < iLen; ++i) { wchar_t ch = wsCondition[i]; if (ch == ' ') continue; if (ch == '+' || ch == '-') bRelative = true; else if (ch == '*') bAll = true; break; } if (bAll) { if (rnd.m_dwStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_CreateNode) { if (rnd.m_dwStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_Bind) { m_pNodeHelper->m_pCreateParent = ToNode(rnd.m_CurObject); m_pNodeHelper->m_iCreateCount = 1; rnd.m_Objects.clear(); m_pNodeHelper->m_iCurAllStart = -1; m_pNodeHelper->m_pAllStartParent = nullptr; } else if (m_pNodeHelper->m_iCurAllStart == -1) { m_pNodeHelper->m_iCurAllStart = m_iCurStart; m_pNodeHelper->m_pAllStartParent = ToNode(rnd.m_CurObject); } } else if (rnd.m_dwStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_BindNew) { if (m_pNodeHelper->m_iCurAllStart == -1) m_pNodeHelper->m_iCurAllStart = m_iCurStart; } return; } if (iFoundCount == 1 && !iLen) return; int32_t iIndex = wsCondition.Mid(i, iLen - 1 - i).GetInteger(); if (bRelative) iIndex += iCurIndex; if (iFoundCount <= iIndex || iIndex < 0) { if (rnd.m_dwStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_CreateNode) { m_pNodeHelper->m_pCreateParent = ToNode(rnd.m_CurObject); m_pNodeHelper->m_iCreateCount = iIndex - iFoundCount + 1; } rnd.m_Objects.clear(); } else { CXFA_Object* ret = rnd.m_Objects[iIndex]; rnd.m_Objects.clear(); rnd.m_Objects.push_back(ret); } } void CFXJSE_ResolveProcessor::DoPredicateFilter(int32_t iCurIndex, WideString wsCondition, int32_t iFoundCount, CFXJSE_ResolveNodeData& rnd) { ASSERT(iFoundCount == pdfium::CollectionSize<int32_t>(rnd.m_Objects)); WideString wsExpression; CXFA_Script::Type eLangType = CXFA_Script::Type::Unknown; if (wsCondition.Left(2) == L".[" && wsCondition.Last() == L']') eLangType = CXFA_Script::Type::Formcalc; else if (wsCondition.Left(2) == L".(" && wsCondition.Last() == L')') eLangType = CXFA_Script::Type::Javascript; else return; CFXJSE_Engine* pContext = rnd.m_pSC; wsExpression = wsCondition.Mid(2, wsCondition.GetLength() - 3); for (int32_t i = iFoundCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { auto pRetValue = pdfium::MakeUnique<CFXJSE_Value>(rnd.m_pSC->GetIsolate()); bool bRet = pContext->RunScript(eLangType, wsExpression.AsStringView(), pRetValue.get(), rnd.m_Objects[i]); if (!bRet || !pRetValue->ToBoolean()) rnd.m_Objects.erase(rnd.m_Objects.begin() + i); } } void CFXJSE_ResolveProcessor::FilterCondition(CFXJSE_ResolveNodeData& rnd, WideString wsCondition) { int32_t iCurrIndex = 0; const std::vector<CXFA_Node*>* pArray = rnd.m_pSC->GetUpObjectArray(); if (!pArray->empty()) { CXFA_Node* curNode = pArray->back(); bool bIsProperty = m_pNodeHelper->NodeIsProperty(curNode); if (curNode->IsUnnamed() || (bIsProperty && curNode->GetElementType() != XFA_Element::PageSet)) { iCurrIndex = m_pNodeHelper->GetIndex(curNode, XFA_LOGIC_Transparent, bIsProperty, true); } else { iCurrIndex = m_pNodeHelper->GetIndex(curNode, XFA_LOGIC_Transparent, bIsProperty, false); } } int32_t iFoundCount = pdfium::CollectionSize<int32_t>(rnd.m_Objects); wsCondition.Trim(); int32_t iLen = wsCondition.GetLength(); if (!iLen) { if (rnd.m_dwStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_ALL) return; if (iFoundCount == 1) return; if (iFoundCount <= iCurrIndex) { if (rnd.m_dwStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_CreateNode) { m_pNodeHelper->m_pCreateParent = ToNode(rnd.m_CurObject); m_pNodeHelper->m_iCreateCount = iCurrIndex - iFoundCount + 1; } rnd.m_Objects.clear(); return; } CXFA_Object* ret = rnd.m_Objects[iCurrIndex]; rnd.m_Objects.clear(); rnd.m_Objects.push_back(ret); return; } wchar_t wTypeChar = wsCondition[0]; switch (wTypeChar) { case '[': ConditionArray(iCurrIndex, wsCondition, iFoundCount, rnd); return; case '.': if (iLen > 1 && (wsCondition[1] == '[' || wsCondition[1] == '(')) DoPredicateFilter(iCurrIndex, wsCondition, iFoundCount, rnd); return; case '(': case '"': default: return; } } void CFXJSE_ResolveProcessor::SetStylesForChild(uint32_t dwParentStyles, CFXJSE_ResolveNodeData& rnd) { uint32_t dwSubStyles = XFA_RESOLVENODE_Children; if (dwParentStyles & XFA_RESOLVENODE_TagName) dwSubStyles |= XFA_RESOLVENODE_TagName; dwSubStyles &= ~XFA_RESOLVENODE_Parent; dwSubStyles &= ~XFA_RESOLVENODE_Siblings; dwSubStyles &= ~XFA_RESOLVENODE_Properties; dwSubStyles |= XFA_RESOLVENODE_ALL; rnd.m_dwStyles = dwSubStyles; } void CFXJSE_ResolveProcessor::SetIndexDataBind(WideString& wsNextCondition, int32_t& iIndex, int32_t iCount) { if (m_pNodeHelper->CreateNode_ForCondition(wsNextCondition)) { if (m_pNodeHelper->m_eLastCreateType == XFA_Element::DataGroup) { iIndex = 0; } else { iIndex = iCount - 1; } } else { iIndex = iCount - 1; } } CFXJSE_ResolveNodeData::CFXJSE_ResolveNodeData(CFXJSE_Engine* pSC) : m_pSC(pSC), m_CurObject(nullptr), m_wsName(), m_uHashName(XFA_HASHCODE_None), m_wsCondition(), m_nLevel(0), m_Objects(), m_dwStyles(XFA_RESOLVENODE_Children), m_pScriptAttribute(nullptr), m_dwFlag(XFA_ResolveNode_RSType_Nodes) {} CFXJSE_ResolveNodeData::~CFXJSE_ResolveNodeData() {}