# Copyright 2015 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.


# This file contains PDFium-related build flags.

declare_args() {
  # On Android there's no system FreeType. On Windows and Mac, only a few
  # methods are used from it.
  pdfium_bundle_freetype = !is_linux

  # Build PDFium either with or without v8 support.
  pdf_enable_v8 = pdf_enable_v8_override

  # Build PDFium either with or without XFA Forms support.
  pdf_enable_xfa = pdf_enable_xfa_override

  # Build PDFium against skia (experimental) rather than agg. Use Skia to draw everything.
  pdf_use_skia = pdf_use_skia_override

  # Build PDFium against skia (experimental) rather than agg. Use Skia to draw paths.
  pdf_use_skia_paths = pdf_use_skia_paths_override

  # Build PDFium with or without experimental win32 GDI APIs.
  pdf_use_win32_gdi = pdf_use_win32_gdi_override

  # Build PDFium standalone
  pdf_is_standalone = false

  # Enable coverage information
  use_coverage = false