// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #ifndef PUBLIC_FPDF_FORMFILL_H_ #define PUBLIC_FPDF_FORMFILL_H_ #include "fpdfview.h" typedef void* FPDF_FORMHANDLE; // Exported Functions #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef struct _IPDF_JsPlatform { /** * Version number of the interface. Currently must be 2. **/ int version; /* Version 1. */ /** * Method: app_alert * pop up a dialog to show warning or hint. * Interface Version: * 1 * Implementation Required: * yes * Parameters: * pThis - Pointer to the interface structure itself * Msg - A string containing the message to be displayed. * Title - The title of the dialog. * Type - The stype of button group. * 0-OK(default); * 1-OK,Cancel; * 2-Yes,NO; * 3-Yes, NO, Cancel. * nIcon - The Icon type. * 0-Error(default); * 1-Warning; * 2-Question; * 3-Status. * Return Value: * The return value could be the folowing type: * 1-OK; * 2-Cancel; * 3-NO; * 4-Yes; */ int (*app_alert)(struct _IPDF_JsPlatform* pThis, FPDF_WIDESTRING Msg, FPDF_WIDESTRING Title, int Type, int Icon); /** * Method: app_beep * Causes the system to play a sound. * Interface Version: * 1 * Implementation Required: * yes * Parameters: * pThis - Pointer to the interface structure itself * nType - The sound type. * 0 - Error * 1 - Warning * 2 - Question * 3 - Status * 4 - Default (default value) * Return Value: * None */ void (*app_beep)(struct _IPDF_JsPlatform* pThis, int nType); /** * Method: app_response * Displays a dialog box containing a question and an entry field for * the user to reply to the question. * Interface Version: * 1 * Implementation Required: * yes * Parameters: * pThis - Pointer to the interface structure itself * Question - The question to be posed to the user. * Title - The title of the dialog box. * Default - A default value for the answer to the question. If * not specified, no default value is presented. * cLabel - A short string to appear in front of and on the * same line as the edit text field. * bPassword - If true, indicates that the user's response should * show as asterisks (*) or bullets (?) to mask the response, which might be * sensitive information. The default is false. * response - A string buffer allocated by SDK, to receive the * user's response. * length - The length of the buffer, number of bytes. * Currently, It's always be 2048. * Return Value: * Number of bytes the complete user input would actually require, not * including trailing zeros, regardless of the value of the length * parameter or the presence of the response buffer. * Comments: * No matter on what platform, the response buffer should be always * written using UTF-16LE encoding. If a response buffer is * present and the size of the user input exceeds the capacity of the * buffer as specified by the length parameter, only the * first "length" bytes of the user input are to be written to the * buffer. */ int (*app_response)(struct _IPDF_JsPlatform* pThis, FPDF_WIDESTRING Question, FPDF_WIDESTRING Title, FPDF_WIDESTRING Default, FPDF_WIDESTRING cLabel, FPDF_BOOL bPassword, void* response, int length); /* * Method: Doc_getFilePath * Get the file path of the current document. * Interface Version: * 1 * Implementation Required: * yes * Parameters: * pThis - Pointer to the interface structure itself * filePath - The string buffer to receive the file path. Can be * NULL. * length - The length of the buffer, number of bytes. Can be * 0. * Return Value: * Number of bytes the filePath consumes, including trailing zeros. * Comments: * The filePath should be always input in local encoding. * * The return value always indicated number of bytes required for the * buffer, even when there is * no buffer specified, or the buffer size is less then required. In this * case, the buffer will not * be modified. */ int (*Doc_getFilePath)(struct _IPDF_JsPlatform* pThis, void* filePath, int length); /* * Method: Doc_mail * Mails the data buffer as an attachment to all recipients, with or * without user interaction. * Interface Version: * 1 * Implementation Required: * yes * Parameters: * pThis - Pointer to the interface structure itself * mailData - Pointer to the data buffer to be sent.Can be NULL. * length - The size,in bytes, of the buffer pointed by * mailData parameter.Can be 0. * bUI - If true, the rest of the parameters are used in a * compose-new-message window that is displayed to the user. If false, the cTo * parameter is required and all others are optional. * To - A semicolon-delimited list of recipients for the * message. * Subject - The subject of the message. The length limit is 64 * KB. * CC - A semicolon-delimited list of CC recipients for * the message. * BCC - A semicolon-delimited list of BCC recipients for * the message. * Msg - The content of the message. The length limit is 64 * KB. * Return Value: * None. * Comments: * If the parameter mailData is NULL or length is 0, the current * document will be mailed as an attachment to all recipients. */ void (*Doc_mail)(struct _IPDF_JsPlatform* pThis, void* mailData, int length, FPDF_BOOL bUI, FPDF_WIDESTRING To, FPDF_WIDESTRING Subject, FPDF_WIDESTRING CC, FPDF_WIDESTRING BCC, FPDF_WIDESTRING Msg); /* * Method: Doc_print * Prints all or a specific number of pages of the document. * Interface Version: * 1 * Implementation Required: * yes * Parameters: * pThis - Pointer to the interface structure itself. * bUI - If true, will cause a UI to be presented to the * user to obtain printing information and confirm the action. * nStart - A 0-based index that defines the start of an * inclusive range of pages. * nEnd - A 0-based index that defines the end of an * inclusive page range. * bSilent - If true, suppresses the cancel dialog box while * the document is printing. The default is false. * bShrinkToFit - If true, the page is shrunk (if necessary) to * fit within the imageable area of the printed page. * bPrintAsImage - If true, print pages as an image. * bReverse - If true, print from nEnd to nStart. * bAnnotations - If true (the default), annotations are * printed. */ void (*Doc_print)(struct _IPDF_JsPlatform* pThis, FPDF_BOOL bUI, int nStart, int nEnd, FPDF_BOOL bSilent, FPDF_BOOL bShrinkToFit, FPDF_BOOL bPrintAsImage, FPDF_BOOL bReverse, FPDF_BOOL bAnnotations); /* * Method: Doc_submitForm * Send the form data to a specified URL. * Interface Version: * 1 * Implementation Required: * yes * Parameters: * pThis - Pointer to the interface structure itself * formData - Pointer to the data buffer to be sent. * length - The size,in bytes, of the buffer pointed by * formData parameter. * URL - The URL to send to. * Return Value: * None. * */ void (*Doc_submitForm)(struct _IPDF_JsPlatform* pThis, void* formData, int length, FPDF_WIDESTRING URL); /* * Method: Doc_gotoPage * Jump to a specified page. * Interface Version: * 1 * Implementation Required: * yes * Parameters: * pThis - Pointer to the interface structure itself * nPageNum - The specified page number, zero for the first * page. * Return Value: * None. * */ void (*Doc_gotoPage)(struct _IPDF_JsPlatform* pThis, int nPageNum); /* * Method: Field_browse * Show a file selection dialog, and return the selected file path. * Interface Version: * 1 * Implementation Required: * yes * Parameters: * pThis - Pointer to the interface structure itself. * filePath - Pointer to the data buffer to receive the file * path.Can be NULL. * length - The length of the buffer, number of bytes. Can be * 0. * Return Value: * Number of bytes the filePath consumes, including trailing zeros. * Comments: * The filePath shoule be always input in local encoding. */ int (*Field_browse)(struct _IPDF_JsPlatform* pThis, void* filePath, int length); /** * pointer to FPDF_FORMFILLINFO interface. **/ void* m_pFormfillinfo; /* Version 2. */ /** * pointer to the v8::Isolate to use, or NULL to force PDFium to create one. **/ void* m_isolate; /** * The embedder data slot to use in the v8::Isolate to store PDFium's * per-isolate data. The value needs to be between 0 and * v8::Internals::kNumIsolateDataLots (exclusive). */ unsigned int m_v8EmbedderSlot; } IPDF_JSPLATFORM; // Flags for Cursor type #define FXCT_ARROW 0 #define FXCT_NESW 1 #define FXCT_NWSE 2 #define FXCT_VBEAM 3 #define FXCT_HBEAM 4 #define FXCT_HAND 5 /** * Declares of a pointer type to the callback function for the FFI_SetTimer *method. * Parameters: * idEvent - Identifier of the timer. * Return value: * None. **/ typedef void (*TimerCallback)(int idEvent); /** * Declares of a struct type to the local system time. **/ typedef struct _FPDF_SYSTEMTIME { unsigned short wYear; /* years since 1900 */ unsigned short wMonth; /* months since January - [0,11] */ unsigned short wDayOfWeek; /* days since Sunday - [0,6] */ unsigned short wDay; /* day of the month - [1,31] */ unsigned short wHour; /* hours since midnight - [0,23] */ unsigned short wMinute; /* minutes after the hour - [0,59] */ unsigned short wSecond; /* seconds after the minute - [0,59] */ unsigned short wMilliseconds; /* milliseconds after the second - [0,999] */ } FPDF_SYSTEMTIME; typedef struct _FPDF_FORMFILLINFO { /** * Version number of the interface. Currently must be 1. **/ int version; /** *Method: Release * Give implementation a chance to release any data after the interface * is no longer used *Interface Version: * 1 *Implementation Required: * No *Comments: * Called by Foxit SDK during the final cleanup process. *Parameters: * pThis - Pointer to the interface structure itself *Return Value: * None */ void (*Release)(struct _FPDF_FORMFILLINFO* pThis); /** * Method: FFI_Invalidate * Invalidate the client area within the specified rectangle. * Interface Version: * 1 * Implementation Required: * yes * Parameters: * pThis - Pointer to the interface structure itself. * page - Handle to the page. Returned by FPDF_LoadPage *function. * left - Left position of the client area in PDF page *coordinate. * top - Top position of the client area in PDF page *coordinate. * right - Right position of the client area in PDF page *coordinate. * bottom - Bottom position of the client area in PDF page *coordinate. * Return Value: * None. * *comments: * All positions are measured in PDF "user space". * Implementation should call FPDF_RenderPageBitmap() function for *repainting a specified page area. */ void (*FFI_Invalidate)(struct _FPDF_FORMFILLINFO* pThis, FPDF_PAGE page, double left, double top, double right, double bottom); /** * Method: FFI_OutputSelectedRect * When user is taking the mouse to select texts on a form field, * this callback function will keep * returning the selected areas to the implementation. * * Interface Version: * 1 * Implementation Required: * No * Parameters: * pThis - Pointer to the interface structure itself. * page - Handle to the page. Returned by FPDF_LoadPage * function. * left - Left position of the client area in PDF page * coordinate. * top - Top position of the client area in PDF page * coordinate. * right - Right position of the client area in PDF page * coordinate. * bottom - Bottom position of the client area in PDF page * coordinate. * Return Value: * None. * * comments: * This CALLBACK function is useful for implementing special text * selection effect. Implementation should * first records the returned rectangles, then draw them one by one * at the painting period, last,remove all * the recorded rectangles when finish painting. */ void (*FFI_OutputSelectedRect)(struct _FPDF_FORMFILLINFO* pThis, FPDF_PAGE page, double left, double top, double right, double bottom); /** * Method: FFI_SetCursor * Set the Cursor shape. * Interface Version: * 1 * Implementation Required: * yes * Parameters: * pThis - Pointer to the interface structure itself. * nCursorType - Cursor type. see Flags for Cursor type for the * details. * Return value: * None. * */ void (*FFI_SetCursor)(struct _FPDF_FORMFILLINFO* pThis, int nCursorType); /** * Method: FFI_SetTimer * This method installs a system timer. A time-out value is * specified, * and every time a time-out occurs, the system passes a message to * the TimerProc callback function. * Interface Version: * 1 * Implementation Required: * yes * Parameters: * pThis - Pointer to the interface structure itself. * uElapse - Specifies the time-out value, in milliseconds. * lpTimerFunc - A pointer to the callback function-TimerCallback. * Return value: * The timer identifier of the new timer if the function is successful. * An application passes this value to the FFI_KillTimer method to kill * the timer. Nonzero if it is successful; otherwise, it is zero. * */ int (*FFI_SetTimer)(struct _FPDF_FORMFILLINFO* pThis, int uElapse, TimerCallback lpTimerFunc); /** * Method: FFI_KillTimer * This method kills the timer event identified by nIDEvent, set by * an earlier call to FFI_SetTimer. * Interface Version: * 1 * Implementation Required: * yes * Parameters: * pThis - Pointer to the interface structure itself. * nTimerID - The timer ID return by FFI_SetTimer function. * Return value: * None. * */ void (*FFI_KillTimer)(struct _FPDF_FORMFILLINFO* pThis, int nTimerID); /** * Method: FFI_GetLocalTime * This method receives the current local time on the system. * Interface Version: * 1 * Implementation Required: * yes * Parameters: * pThis - Pointer to the interface structure itself. * Return value: * None. * */ FPDF_SYSTEMTIME (*FFI_GetLocalTime)(struct _FPDF_FORMFILLINFO* pThis); /** * Method: FFI_OnChange * This method will be invoked to notify implementation when the * value of any FormField on the document had been changed. * Interface Version: * 1 * Implementation Required: * no * Parameters: * pThis - Pointer to the interface structure itself. * Return value: * None. * */ void (*FFI_OnChange)(struct _FPDF_FORMFILLINFO* pThis); /** * Method: FFI_GetPage * This method receives the page pointer associated with a specified * page index. * Interface Version: * 1 * Implementation Required: * yes * Parameters: * pThis - Pointer to the interface structure itself. * document - Handle to document. Returned by FPDF_LoadDocument * function. * nPageIndex - Index number of the page. 0 for the first page. * Return value: * Handle to the page. Returned by FPDF_LoadPage function. * Comments: * In some cases, the document-level JavaScript action may refer to a * page which hadn't been loaded yet. * To successfully run the javascript action, implementation need to load * the page for SDK. * */ FPDF_PAGE (*FFI_GetPage)(struct _FPDF_FORMFILLINFO* pThis, FPDF_DOCUMENT document, int nPageIndex); /** * Method: FFI_GetCurrentPage * This method receives the current page pointer. * Interface Version: * 1 * Implementation Required: * yes * Parameters: * pThis - Pointer to the interface structure itself. * document - Handle to document. Returned by FPDF_LoadDocument * function. * Return value: * Handle to the page. Returned by FPDF_LoadPage function. * */ FPDF_PAGE (*FFI_GetCurrentPage)(struct _FPDF_FORMFILLINFO* pThis, FPDF_DOCUMENT document); /** * Method: FFI_GetRotation * This method receives currently rotation of the page view. * Interface Version: * 1 * Implementation Required: * yes * Parameters: * pThis - Pointer to the interface structure itself. * page - Handle to page. Returned by FPDF_LoadPage function. * Return value: * The page rotation. Should be 0(0 degree),1(90 degree),2(180 * degree),3(270 degree), in a clockwise direction. * */ int (*FFI_GetRotation)(struct _FPDF_FORMFILLINFO* pThis, FPDF_PAGE page); /** * Method: FFI_ExecuteNamedAction * This method will execute an named action. * Interface Version: * 1 * Implementation Required: * yes * Parameters: * pThis - Pointer to the interface structure itself. * namedAction - A byte string which indicates the named action, * terminated by 0. * Return value: * None. * Comments: * See the named actions description of <<PDF Reference, version 1.7>> * for more details. * */ void (*FFI_ExecuteNamedAction)(struct _FPDF_FORMFILLINFO* pThis, FPDF_BYTESTRING namedAction); /** * @brief This method will be called when a text field is getting or losing a * focus. * * @param[in] pThis Pointer to the interface structure itself. * @param[in] value The string value of the form field, in UTF-16LE * format. * @param[in] valueLen The length of the string value, number of characters * (not bytes). * @param[in] is_focus True if the form field is getting a focus, False for * losing a focus. * * @return None. * * @note Currently,only support text field and combobox field. * */ void (*FFI_SetTextFieldFocus)(struct _FPDF_FORMFILLINFO* pThis, FPDF_WIDESTRING value, FPDF_DWORD valueLen, FPDF_BOOL is_focus); /** * Method: FFI_DoURIAction * This action resolves to a uniform resource identifier. * Interface Version: * 1 * Implementation Required: * No * Parameters: * pThis - Pointer to the interface structure itself. * bsURI - A byte string which indicates the uniform resource * identifier, terminated by 0. * Return value: * None. * Comments: * See the URI actions description of <<PDF Reference, version 1.7>> for * more details. * */ void (*FFI_DoURIAction)(struct _FPDF_FORMFILLINFO* pThis, FPDF_BYTESTRING bsURI); /** * Method: FFI_DoGoToAction * This action changes the view to a specified destination. * Interface Version: * 1 * Implementation Required: * No * Parameters: * pThis - Pointer to the interface structure itself. * nPageIndex - The index of the PDF page. * zoomMode - The zoom mode for viewing page.See Macros *"PDFZOOM_XXX" defined in "fpdfdoc.h". * fPosArray - The float array which carries the position info. * sizeofArray - The size of float array. * Return value: * None. * Comments: * See the Destinations description of <<PDF Reference, version 1.7>> in *8.2.1 for more details. **/ void (*FFI_DoGoToAction)(struct _FPDF_FORMFILLINFO* pThis, int nPageIndex, int zoomMode, float* fPosArray, int sizeofArray); /** * pointer to IPDF_JSPLATFORM interface **/ IPDF_JSPLATFORM* m_pJsPlatform; } FPDF_FORMFILLINFO; /** * Function: FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment * Init form fill environment. * Comments: * This function should be called before any form fill operation. * Parameters: * document - Handle to document. Returned by *FPDF_LoadDocument function. * pFormFillInfo - Pointer to a FPDF_FORMFILLINFO structure. * Return Value: * Return handler to the form fill module. NULL means fails. **/ DLLEXPORT FPDF_FORMHANDLE STDCALL FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment(FPDF_DOCUMENT document, FPDF_FORMFILLINFO* formInfo); /** * Function: FPDFDOC_ExitFormFillEnvironment * Exit form fill environment. * Parameters: * hHandle - Handle to the form fill module. Returned by *FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment. * Return Value: * NULL. **/ DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDFDOC_ExitFormFillEnvironment(FPDF_FORMHANDLE hHandle); /** * Function: FORM_OnAfterLoadPage * This method is required for implementing all the form related *functions. Should be invoked after user * successfully loaded a PDF page, and method *FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment had been invoked. * Parameters: * hHandle - Handle to the form fill module. Returned by *FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment. * Return Value: * NONE. **/ DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FORM_OnAfterLoadPage(FPDF_PAGE page, FPDF_FORMHANDLE hHandle); /** * Function: FORM_OnBeforeClosePage * This method is required for implementing all the form related *functions. Should be invoked before user * close the PDF page. * Parameters: * page - Handle to the page. Returned by FPDF_LoadPage *function. * hHandle - Handle to the form fill module. Returned by *FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment. * Return Value: * NONE. **/ DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FORM_OnBeforeClosePage(FPDF_PAGE page, FPDF_FORMHANDLE hHandle); /** * Function: FORM_DoDocumentJSAction * This method is required for performing Document-level JavaScript *action. It should be invoked after the PDF document * had been loaded. * Parameters: * hHandle - Handle to the form fill module. Returned by *FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment. * Return Value: * NONE * Comments: * If there is Document-level JavaScript action embedded in the *document, this method will execute the javascript action; * otherwise, the method will do nothing. **/ DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FORM_DoDocumentJSAction(FPDF_FORMHANDLE hHandle); /** * Function: FORM_DoDocumentOpenAction * This method is required for performing open-action when the document *is opened. * Parameters: * hHandle - Handle to the form fill module. Returned by *FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment. * Return Value: * NONE * Comments: * This method will do nothing if there is no open-actions embedded in *the document. **/ DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FORM_DoDocumentOpenAction(FPDF_FORMHANDLE hHandle); // additional actions type of document. #define FPDFDOC_AACTION_WC \ 0x10 // WC, before closing document, JavaScript action. #define FPDFDOC_AACTION_WS \ 0x11 // WS, before saving document, JavaScript action. #define FPDFDOC_AACTION_DS 0x12 // DS, after saving document, JavaScript // action. #define FPDFDOC_AACTION_WP \ 0x13 // WP, before printing document, JavaScript action. #define FPDFDOC_AACTION_DP \ 0x14 // DP, after printing document, JavaScript action. /** * Function: FORM_DoDocumentAAction * This method is required for performing the document's *additional-action. * Parameters: * hHandle - Handle to the form fill module. Returned by *FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment. * aaType - The type of the additional-actions which defined *above. * Return Value: * NONE * Comments: * This method will do nothing if there is no document *additional-action corresponding to the specified aaType. **/ DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FORM_DoDocumentAAction(FPDF_FORMHANDLE hHandle, int aaType); // Additional-action types of page object #define FPDFPAGE_AACTION_OPEN \ 0 // /O -- An action to be performed when the page is opened #define FPDFPAGE_AACTION_CLOSE \ 1 // /C -- An action to be performed when the page is closed /** * Function: FORM_DoPageAAction * This method is required for performing the page object's *additional-action when opened or closed. * Parameters: * page - Handle to the page. Returned by FPDF_LoadPage *function. * hHandle - Handle to the form fill module. Returned by *FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment. * aaType - The type of the page object's additional-actions *which defined above. * Return Value: * NONE * Comments: * This method will do nothing if no additional-action corresponding to *the specified aaType exists. **/ DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FORM_DoPageAAction(FPDF_PAGE page, FPDF_FORMHANDLE hHandle, int aaType); /** * Function: FORM_OnMouseMove * You can call this member function when the mouse cursor moves. * Parameters: * hHandle - Handle to the form fill module. Returned by *FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment. * page - Handle to the page. Returned by FPDF_LoadPage *function. * modifier - Indicates whether various virtual keys are down. * page_x - Specifies the x-coordinate of the cursor in PDF user *space. * page_y - Specifies the y-coordinate of the cursor in PDF user *space. * Return Value: * TRUE indicates success; otherwise false. **/ DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FORM_OnMouseMove(FPDF_FORMHANDLE hHandle, FPDF_PAGE page, int modifier, double page_x, double page_y); /** * Function: FORM_OnLButtonDown * You can call this member function when the user presses the left *mouse button. * Parameters: * hHandle - Handle to the form fill module. Returned by *FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment. * page - Handle to the page. Returned by FPDF_LoadPage *function. * modifier - Indicates whether various virtual keys are down. * page_x - Specifies the x-coordinate of the cursor in PDF user *space. * page_y - Specifies the y-coordinate of the cursor in PDF user *space. * Return Value: * TRUE indicates success; otherwise false. **/ DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FORM_OnLButtonDown(FPDF_FORMHANDLE hHandle, FPDF_PAGE page, int modifier, double page_x, double page_y); /** * Function: FORM_OnLButtonUp * You can call this member function when the user releases the left *mouse button. * Parameters: * hHandle - Handle to the form fill module. Returned by *FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment. * page - Handle to the page. Returned by FPDF_LoadPage *function. * modifier - Indicates whether various virtual keys are down. * page_x - Specifies the x-coordinate of the cursor in device. * page_y - Specifies the y-coordinate of the cursor in device. * Return Value: * TRUE indicates success; otherwise false. **/ DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FORM_OnLButtonUp(FPDF_FORMHANDLE hHandle, FPDF_PAGE page, int modifier, double page_x, double page_y); /** * Function: FORM_OnKeyDown * You can call this member function when a nonsystem key is pressed. * Parameters: * hHandle - Handle to the form fill module. Returned by *FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment. * page - Handle to the page. Returned by FPDF_LoadPage *function. * nKeyCode - Indicates whether various virtual keys are down. * modifier - Contains the scan code, key-transition code, *previous key state, and context code. * Return Value: * TRUE indicates success; otherwise false. **/ DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FORM_OnKeyDown(FPDF_FORMHANDLE hHandle, FPDF_PAGE page, int nKeyCode, int modifier); /** * Function: FORM_OnKeyUp * You can call this member function when a nonsystem key is released. * Parameters: * hHandle - Handle to the form fill module. Returned by *FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment. * page - Handle to the page. Returned by FPDF_LoadPage *function. * nKeyCode - The virtual-key code of the given key. * modifier - Contains the scan code, key-transition code, *previous key state, and context code. * Return Value: * TRUE indicates success; otherwise false. **/ DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FORM_OnKeyUp(FPDF_FORMHANDLE hHandle, FPDF_PAGE page, int nKeyCode, int modifier); /** * Function: FORM_OnChar * You can call this member function when a keystroke translates to a *nonsystem character. * Parameters: * hHandle - Handle to the form fill module. Returned by *FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment. * page - Handle to the page. Returned by FPDF_LoadPage *function. * nChar - The character code value of the key. * modifier - Contains the scan code, key-transition code, *previous key state, and context code. * Return Value: * TRUE indicates success; otherwise false. **/ DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FORM_OnChar(FPDF_FORMHANDLE hHandle, FPDF_PAGE page, int nChar, int modifier); /** * Function: FORM_ForceToKillFocus. * You can call this member function to force to kill the focus of the *form field which got focus. * It would kill the focus on the form field, save the value of form *field if it's changed by user. * Parameters: * hHandle - Handle to the form fill module. Returned by *FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment. * Return Value: * TRUE indicates success; otherwise false. **/ DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FORM_ForceToKillFocus(FPDF_FORMHANDLE hHandle); // Field Types #define FPDF_FORMFIELD_UNKNOWN 0 // Unknown. #define FPDF_FORMFIELD_PUSHBUTTON 1 // push button type. #define FPDF_FORMFIELD_CHECKBOX 2 // check box type. #define FPDF_FORMFIELD_RADIOBUTTON 3 // radio button type. #define FPDF_FORMFIELD_COMBOBOX 4 // combo box type. #define FPDF_FORMFIELD_LISTBOX 5 // list box type. #define FPDF_FORMFIELD_TEXTFIELD 6 // text field type. /** * Function: FPDFPage_HasFormFieldAtPoint * Get the form field type by point. * Parameters: * hHandle - Handle to the form fill module. Returned by * FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment(). * page - Handle to the page. Returned by FPDF_LoadPage(). * page_x - X position in PDF "user space". * page_y - Y position in PDF "user space". * Return Value: * Return the type of the form field; -1 indicates no field. * See field types above. **/ DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDFPage_HasFormFieldAtPoint(FPDF_FORMHANDLE hHandle, FPDF_PAGE page, double page_x, double page_y); /** * Function: FPDPage_HasFormFieldAtPoint * DEPRECATED. Please use FPDFPage_HasFormFieldAtPoint. **/ DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDPage_HasFormFieldAtPoint(FPDF_FORMHANDLE hHandle, FPDF_PAGE page, double page_x, double page_y); /** * Function: FPDFPage_FormFieldZOrderAtPoint * Get the form field z-order by point. * Parameters: * hHandle - Handle to the form fill module. Returned by * FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment(). * page - Handle to the page. Returned by FPDF_LoadPage(). * page_x - X position in PDF "user space". * page_y - Y position in PDF "user space". * Return Value: * Return the z-order of the form field; -1 indicates no field. * Higher numbers are closer to the front. **/ DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDFPage_FormFieldZOrderAtPoint(FPDF_FORMHANDLE hHandle, FPDF_PAGE page, double page_x, double page_y); /** * Function: FPDF_SetFormFieldHighlightColor * Set the highlight color of specified or all the form fields in the *document. * Parameters: * hHandle - Handle to the form fill module. Returned by *FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment. * doc - Handle to the document. Returned by *FPDF_LoadDocument function. * fieldType - A 32-bit integer indicating the type of a form *field(defined above). * color - The highlight color of the form field.Constructed by *0xxxrrggbb. * Return Value: * NONE. * Comments: * When the parameter fieldType is set to zero, the highlight color *will be applied to all the form fields in the * document. * Please refresh the client window to show the highlight immediately *if necessary. **/ DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDF_SetFormFieldHighlightColor(FPDF_FORMHANDLE hHandle, int fieldType, unsigned long color); /** * Function: FPDF_SetFormFieldHighlightAlpha * Set the transparency of the form field highlight color in the *document. * Parameters: * hHandle - Handle to the form fill module. Returned by *FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment. * doc - Handle to the document. Returned by *FPDF_LoadDocument function. * alpha - The transparency of the form field highlight color. *between 0-255. * Return Value: * NONE. **/ DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDF_SetFormFieldHighlightAlpha(FPDF_FORMHANDLE hHandle, unsigned char alpha); /** * Function: FPDF_RemoveFormFieldHighlight * Remove the form field highlight color in the document. * Parameters: * hHandle - Handle to the form fill module. Returned by *FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment. * Return Value: * NONE. * Comments: * Please refresh the client window to remove the highlight immediately *if necessary. **/ DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDF_RemoveFormFieldHighlight(FPDF_FORMHANDLE hHandle); /** * Function: FPDF_FFLDraw * Render FormFeilds on a page to a device independent bitmap. * Parameters: * hHandle - Handle to the form fill module. Returned by *FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment. * bitmap - Handle to the device independent bitmap (as the *output buffer). * Bitmap handle can be created by FPDFBitmap_Create *function. * page - Handle to the page. Returned by FPDF_LoadPage *function. * start_x - Left pixel position of the display area in the *device coordinate. * start_y - Top pixel position of the display area in the device *coordinate. * size_x - Horizontal size (in pixels) for displaying the page. * size_y - Vertical size (in pixels) for displaying the page. * rotate - Page orientation: 0 (normal), 1 (rotated 90 degrees *clockwise), * 2 (rotated 180 degrees), 3 (rotated 90 degrees *counter-clockwise). * flags - 0 for normal display, or combination of flags *defined above. * Return Value: * None. * Comments: * This method is designed to only render annotations and FormFields on *the page. * Without FPDF_ANNOT specified for flags, Rendering functions such as *FPDF_RenderPageBitmap or FPDF_RenderPageBitmap_Start will only render page *contents(without annotations) to a bitmap. * In order to implement the FormFill functions,Implementation should *call this method after rendering functions finish rendering the page contents. **/ DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDF_FFLDraw(FPDF_FORMHANDLE hHandle, FPDF_BITMAP bitmap, FPDF_PAGE page, int start_x, int start_y, int size_x, int size_y, int rotate, int flags); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // PUBLIC_FPDF_FORMFILL_H_