// Copyright (c) 2015 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "embedder_test.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "../public/fpdf_dataavail.h" #include "../public/fpdf_text.h" #include "../public/fpdfview.h" #include "test_support.h" #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h" #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_V8 #include "v8/include/v8.h" #include "v8/include/v8-platform.h" #endif // PDF_ENABLE_V8 namespace { const char* g_exe_path_ = nullptr; } // namespace FPDF_BOOL Is_Data_Avail(FX_FILEAVAIL* pThis, size_t offset, size_t size) { return true; } void Add_Segment(FX_DOWNLOADHINTS* pThis, size_t offset, size_t size) {} EmbedderTest::EmbedderTest() : default_delegate_(new EmbedderTest::Delegate()), document_(nullptr), form_handle_(nullptr), avail_(nullptr), external_isolate_(nullptr), loader_(nullptr), file_length_(0), file_contents_(nullptr) { memset(&hints_, 0, sizeof(hints_)); memset(&file_access_, 0, sizeof(file_access_)); memset(&file_avail_, 0, sizeof(file_avail_)); delegate_ = default_delegate_.get(); } EmbedderTest::~EmbedderTest() { } void EmbedderTest::SetUp() { #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_V8 #ifdef V8_USE_EXTERNAL_STARTUP_DATA InitializeV8ForPDFium(g_exe_path_, std::string(), &natives_, &snapshot_, &platform_); #else InitializeV8ForPDFium(&platform_); #endif // V8_USE_EXTERNAL_STARTUP_DATA #endif // FPDF_ENABLE_V8 FPDF_LIBRARY_CONFIG config; config.version = 2; config.m_pUserFontPaths = nullptr; config.m_v8EmbedderSlot = 0; config.m_pIsolate = external_isolate_; FPDF_InitLibraryWithConfig(&config); UNSUPPORT_INFO* info = static_cast(this); memset(info, 0, sizeof(UNSUPPORT_INFO)); info->version = 1; info->FSDK_UnSupport_Handler = UnsupportedHandlerTrampoline; FSDK_SetUnSpObjProcessHandler(info); } void EmbedderTest::TearDown() { if (document_) { FORM_DoDocumentAAction(form_handle_, FPDFDOC_AACTION_WC); FPDFDOC_ExitFormFillEnvironment(form_handle_); FPDF_CloseDocument(document_); } FPDFAvail_Destroy(avail_); FPDF_DestroyLibrary(); #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_V8 v8::V8::ShutdownPlatform(); delete platform_; #endif // PDF_ENABLE_V8 delete loader_; free(file_contents_); } bool EmbedderTest::OpenDocument(const std::string& filename, bool must_linearize) { file_contents_ = GetFileContents(filename.c_str(), &file_length_); if (!file_contents_) return false; loader_ = new TestLoader(file_contents_, file_length_); file_access_.m_FileLen = static_cast(file_length_); file_access_.m_GetBlock = TestLoader::GetBlock; file_access_.m_Param = loader_; file_avail_.version = 1; file_avail_.IsDataAvail = Is_Data_Avail; hints_.version = 1; hints_.AddSegment = Add_Segment; avail_ = FPDFAvail_Create(&file_avail_, &file_access_); if (FPDFAvail_IsLinearized(avail_) == PDF_LINEARIZED) { document_ = FPDFAvail_GetDocument(avail_, nullptr); if (!document_) { return false; } int32_t nRet = PDF_DATA_NOTAVAIL; while (nRet == PDF_DATA_NOTAVAIL) { nRet = FPDFAvail_IsDocAvail(avail_, &hints_); } if (nRet == PDF_DATA_ERROR) { return false; } nRet = FPDFAvail_IsFormAvail(avail_, &hints_); if (nRet == PDF_FORM_ERROR || nRet == PDF_FORM_NOTAVAIL) { return false; } int page_count = FPDF_GetPageCount(document_); for (int i = 0; i < page_count; ++i) { nRet = PDF_DATA_NOTAVAIL; while (nRet == PDF_DATA_NOTAVAIL) { nRet = FPDFAvail_IsPageAvail(avail_, i, &hints_); } if (nRet == PDF_DATA_ERROR) { return false; } } } else { if (must_linearize) { return false; } document_ = FPDF_LoadCustomDocument(&file_access_, nullptr); if (!document_) { return false; } } (void)FPDF_GetDocPermissions(document_); IPDF_JSPLATFORM* platform = static_cast(this); memset(platform, 0, sizeof(IPDF_JSPLATFORM)); platform->version = 2; platform->app_alert = AlertTrampoline; FPDF_FORMFILLINFO* formfillinfo = static_cast(this); memset(formfillinfo, 0, sizeof(FPDF_FORMFILLINFO)); formfillinfo->version = 1; formfillinfo->FFI_SetTimer = SetTimerTrampoline; formfillinfo->FFI_KillTimer = KillTimerTrampoline; formfillinfo->FFI_GetPage = GetPageTrampoline; formfillinfo->m_pJsPlatform = platform; form_handle_ = FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment(document_, formfillinfo); FPDF_SetFormFieldHighlightColor(form_handle_, 0, 0xFFE4DD); FPDF_SetFormFieldHighlightAlpha(form_handle_, 100); return true; } void EmbedderTest::DoOpenActions() { FORM_DoDocumentJSAction(form_handle_); FORM_DoDocumentOpenAction(form_handle_); } int EmbedderTest::GetFirstPageNum() { int first_page = FPDFAvail_GetFirstPageNum(document_); (void)FPDFAvail_IsPageAvail(avail_, first_page, &hints_); return first_page; } int EmbedderTest::GetPageCount() { int page_count = FPDF_GetPageCount(document_); for (int i = 0; i < page_count; ++i) { (void)FPDFAvail_IsPageAvail(avail_, i, &hints_); } return page_count; } FPDF_PAGE EmbedderTest::LoadPage(int page_number) { FPDF_PAGE page = FPDF_LoadPage(document_, page_number); if (!page) { return nullptr; } FORM_OnAfterLoadPage(page, form_handle_); FORM_DoPageAAction(page, form_handle_, FPDFPAGE_AACTION_OPEN); return page; } FPDF_PAGE EmbedderTest::LoadAndCachePage(int page_number) { FPDF_PAGE page = delegate_->GetPage(form_handle_, document_, page_number); if (!page) { return nullptr; } FORM_DoPageAAction(page, form_handle_, FPDFPAGE_AACTION_OPEN); return page; } FPDF_BITMAP EmbedderTest::RenderPage(FPDF_PAGE page) { int width = static_cast(FPDF_GetPageWidth(page)); int height = static_cast(FPDF_GetPageHeight(page)); FPDF_BITMAP bitmap = FPDFBitmap_Create(width, height, 0); FPDFBitmap_FillRect(bitmap, 0, 0, width, height, 0xFFFFFFFF); FPDF_RenderPageBitmap(bitmap, page, 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0); FPDF_FFLDraw(form_handle_, bitmap, page, 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0); return bitmap; } void EmbedderTest::UnloadPage(FPDF_PAGE page) { FORM_DoPageAAction(page, form_handle_, FPDFPAGE_AACTION_CLOSE); FORM_OnBeforeClosePage(page, form_handle_); FPDF_ClosePage(page); } FPDF_PAGE EmbedderTest::Delegate::GetPage(FPDF_FORMHANDLE form_handle, FPDF_DOCUMENT document, int page_index) { auto it = m_pageMap.find(page_index); if (it != m_pageMap.end()) { return it->second; } FPDF_PAGE page = FPDF_LoadPage(document, page_index); if (!page) { return nullptr; } m_pageMap[page_index] = page; FORM_OnAfterLoadPage(page, form_handle); return page; } // static void EmbedderTest::UnsupportedHandlerTrampoline(UNSUPPORT_INFO* info, int type) { EmbedderTest* test = static_cast(info); test->delegate_->UnsupportedHandler(type); } // static int EmbedderTest::AlertTrampoline(IPDF_JSPLATFORM* platform, FPDF_WIDESTRING message, FPDF_WIDESTRING title, int type, int icon) { EmbedderTest* test = static_cast(platform); return test->delegate_->Alert(message, title, type, icon); } // static int EmbedderTest::SetTimerTrampoline(FPDF_FORMFILLINFO* info, int msecs, TimerCallback fn) { EmbedderTest* test = static_cast(info); return test->delegate_->SetTimer(msecs, fn); } // static void EmbedderTest::KillTimerTrampoline(FPDF_FORMFILLINFO* info, int id) { EmbedderTest* test = static_cast(info); return test->delegate_->KillTimer(id); } // static FPDF_PAGE EmbedderTest::GetPageTrampoline(FPDF_FORMFILLINFO* info, FPDF_DOCUMENT document, int page_index) { EmbedderTest* test = static_cast(info); return test->delegate_->GetPage(test->form_handle(), document, page_index); } // Can't use gtest-provided main since we need to stash the path to the // executable in order to find the external V8 binary data files. int main(int argc, char** argv) { g_exe_path_ = argv[0]; testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); testing::InitGoogleMock(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }