// Copyright 2017 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "testing/fake_file_access.h" #include #include #include #include #include "core/fxcrt/fx_system.h" #include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h" namespace { class FileAccessWrapper : public FPDF_FILEACCESS { public: explicit FileAccessWrapper(FakeFileAccess* simulator) : simulator_(simulator) { m_FileLen = simulator_->GetFileSize(); m_GetBlock = &GetBlockImpl; m_Param = this; } static int GetBlockImpl(void* param, unsigned long position, unsigned char* pBuf, unsigned long size) { return static_cast(param)->simulator_->GetBlock( position, pBuf, size); } private: fxcrt::UnownedPtr simulator_; }; class FileAvailImpl : public FX_FILEAVAIL { public: explicit FileAvailImpl(FakeFileAccess* simulator) : simulator_(simulator) { version = 1; IsDataAvail = &IsDataAvailImpl; } static FPDF_BOOL IsDataAvailImpl(FX_FILEAVAIL* pThis, size_t offset, size_t size) { return static_cast(pThis)->simulator_->IsDataAvail(offset, size); } private: fxcrt::UnownedPtr simulator_; }; class DownloadHintsImpl : public FX_DOWNLOADHINTS { public: explicit DownloadHintsImpl(FakeFileAccess* simulator) : simulator_(simulator) { version = 1; AddSegment = &AddSegmentImpl; } static void AddSegmentImpl(FX_DOWNLOADHINTS* pThis, size_t offset, size_t size) { return static_cast(pThis)->simulator_->AddSegment( offset, size); } private: fxcrt::UnownedPtr simulator_; }; } // namespace FakeFileAccess::FakeFileAccess(FPDF_FILEACCESS* file_access) : file_access_(file_access), file_access_wrapper_(pdfium::MakeUnique(this)), file_avail_(pdfium::MakeUnique(this)), download_hints_(pdfium::MakeUnique(this)) { ASSERT(file_access_); } FakeFileAccess::~FakeFileAccess() {} FPDF_BOOL FakeFileAccess::IsDataAvail(size_t offset, size_t size) const { return available_data_.Contains(RangeSet::Range(offset, offset + size)); } void FakeFileAccess::AddSegment(size_t offset, size_t size) { requested_data_.Union(RangeSet::Range(offset, offset + size)); } unsigned long FakeFileAccess::GetFileSize() { return file_access_->m_FileLen; } int FakeFileAccess::GetBlock(unsigned long position, unsigned char* pBuf, unsigned long size) { if (!IsDataAvail(static_cast(position), static_cast(size))) return false; return file_access_->m_GetBlock(file_access_->m_Param, position, pBuf, size); } void FakeFileAccess::SetRequestedDataAvailable() { available_data_.Union(requested_data_); requested_data_.Clear(); } void FakeFileAccess::SetWholeFileAvailable() { available_data_.Union(RangeSet::Range(0, static_cast(GetFileSize()))); requested_data_.Clear(); }