# Copyright 2015 The PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import json import os import shlex import shutil # This module collects and writes output in a format expected by the # Gold baseline tool. Based on meta data provided explicitly and by # adding a series of test results it can be used to produce # a JSON file that is uploaded to Google Storage and ingested by Gold. # # The output will look similar this: # # { # "build_number" : "2", # "gitHash" : "a4a338179013b029d6dd55e737b5bd648a9fb68c", # "key" : { # "arch" : "arm64", # "compiler" : "Clang", # }, # "results" : [ # { # "key" : { # "config" : "vk", # "name" : "yuv_nv12_to_rgb_effect", # "source_type" : "gm" # }, # "md5" : "7db34da246868d50ab9ddd776ce6d779", # "options" : { # "ext" : "png", # "gamma_correct" : "no" # } # }, # { # "key" : { # "config" : "vk", # "name" : "yuv_to_rgb_effect", # "source_type" : "gm" # }, # "md5" : "0b955f387740c66eb23bf0e253c80d64", # "options" : { # "ext" : "png", # "gamma_correct" : "no" # } # } # ], # } # class GoldResults(object): def __init__(self, source_type, outputDir, propertiesStr, keyStr, ignore_hashes_file): """ source_type is the source_type (=corpus) field used for all results. output_dir is the directory where the resulting images are copied and the dm.json file is written. If the directory exists it will be removed and recreated. propertiesStr is a string with space separated key/value pairs that is used to set the top level fields in the output JSON file. keyStr is a string with space separated key/value pairs that is used to set the 'key' field in the output JSON file. ignore_hashes_file is a file that contains a list of image hashes that should be ignored. """ self._source_type = source_type self._properties = self._parseKeyValuePairs(propertiesStr) self._properties["key"] = self._parseKeyValuePairs(keyStr) self._results = [] self._outputDir = outputDir # make sure the output directory exists and is empty. if os.path.exists(outputDir): shutil.rmtree(outputDir, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(outputDir) self._ignore_hashes = set() if ignore_hashes_file: with open(ignore_hashes_file, 'r') as ig_file: hashes=[x.strip() for x in ig_file.readlines() if x.strip()] self._ignore_hashes = set(hashes) def AddTestResult(self, testName, md5Hash, outputImagePath): # If the hash is in the list of hashes to ignore then we don'try # make a copy, but add it to the result. imgExt = os.path.splitext(outputImagePath)[1].lstrip(".") if md5Hash not in self._ignore_hashes: # Copy the image to <output_dir>/<md5Hash>.<image_extension> if not imgExt: raise ValueError("File %s does not have an extension" % outputImagePath) newFilePath = os.path.join(self._outputDir, md5Hash + '.' + imgExt) shutil.copy2(outputImagePath, newFilePath) # Add an entry to the list of test results self._results.append({ "key": { "name": testName, "source_type": self._source_type, }, "md5": md5Hash, "options": { "ext": imgExt, "gamma_correct": "no" } }) def _parseKeyValuePairs(self, kvStr): kvPairs = shlex.split(kvStr) if len(kvPairs) % 2: raise ValueError("Uneven number of key/value pairs. Got %s" % kvStr) return { kvPairs[i]:kvPairs[i+1] for i in range(0, len(kvPairs), 2) } def WriteResults(self): self._properties.update({ "results": self._results }) outputFileName = os.path.join(self._outputDir, "dm.json") with open(outputFileName, 'wb') as outfile: json.dump(self._properties, outfile, indent=1) outfile.write("\n") # Produce example output for manual testing. if __name__ == "__main__": # Create a test directory with three empty 'image' files. testDir = "./testdirectory" if not os.path.exists(testDir): os.makedirs(testDir) open(os.path.join(testDir, "image1.png"), 'wb').close() open(os.path.join(testDir, "image2.png"), 'wb').close() open(os.path.join(testDir, "image3.png"), 'wb').close() # Create an instance and add results. propStr = """build_number 2 "builder name" Builder-Name gitHash a4a338179013b029d6dd55e737b5bd648a9fb68c""" keyStr = "arch arm64 compiler Clang configuration Debug" hash_file = os.path.join(testDir, "ignore_hashes.txt") with open(hash_file, 'wb') as f: f.write("\n".join(["hash-1","hash-4"]) + "\n") gr = GoldResults("pdfium", testDir, propStr, keyStr, hash_file) gr.AddTestResult("test-1", "hash-1", os.path.join(testDir, "image1.png")) gr.AddTestResult("test-2", "hash-2", os.path.join(testDir, "image2.png")) gr.AddTestResult("test-3", "hash-3", os.path.join(testDir, "image3.png")) gr.WriteResults()