#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2016 The PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

import optparse
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys

import common
import pngdiffer
import suppressor

# Nomenclature:
#   x_root - "x"
#   x_filename - "x.ext"
#   x_path - "path/to/a/b/c/x.ext"
#   c_dir - "path/to/a/b/c"

class TestRunner:
  def __init__(self, dirname):
    self.test_dir = dirname

  def GenerateAndTest(self, input_filename, source_dir):
    input_root, _ = os.path.splitext(input_filename)
    expected_txt_path = os.path.join(source_dir, input_root + '_expected.txt')

    pdf_path = os.path.join(self.working_dir, input_root + '.pdf')

    # Remove any existing generated images from previous runs.
    actual_images = self.image_differ.GetActualFiles(input_filename, source_dir,
    for image in actual_images:
      if os.path.exists(image):


    raised_exception = self.Generate(source_dir, input_filename, input_root,

    if raised_exception != None:
      print "FAILURE: " + input_filename + "; " + str(raised_exception)
      return False

    if os.path.exists(expected_txt_path):
      raised_exception = self.TestText(input_root, expected_txt_path, pdf_path)
      raised_exception = self.TestPixel(input_root, pdf_path)

    if raised_exception != None:
      print "FAILURE: " + input_filename + "; " + str(raised_exception)
      return False

    if len(actual_images):
      if self.image_differ.HasDifferences(input_filename, source_dir,
        return False

    return True

  def Generate(self, source_dir, input_filename, input_root, pdf_path):
    original_path = os.path.join(source_dir, input_filename)
    input_path = os.path.join(source_dir, input_root + '.in')

    if not os.path.exists(input_path):
      if os.path.exists(original_path):
        shutil.copyfile(original_path, pdf_path)
      return None

    return common.RunCommand(
        [sys.executable, self.fixup_path, '--output-dir=' + self.working_dir,

  def TestText(self, input_root, expected_txt_path, pdf_path):
    txt_path = os.path.join(self.working_dir, input_root + '.txt')

    with open(txt_path, 'w') as outfile:
      # add Dr. Memory wrapper if exist
      cmd_to_run = common.DrMemoryWrapper(self.drmem_wrapper, input_root)
      cmd_to_run.extend([self.pdfium_test_path, pdf_path])
      subprocess.check_call(cmd_to_run, stdout=outfile)

    cmd = [sys.executable, self.text_diff_path, expected_txt_path, txt_path]
    return common.RunCommand(cmd)

  def TestPixel(self, input_root, pdf_path):
    cmd_to_run = common.DrMemoryWrapper(self.drmem_wrapper, input_root)
    cmd_to_run.extend([self.pdfium_test_path, '--png', pdf_path])
    return common.RunCommand(cmd_to_run)

  def HandleResult(self, input_filename, input_path, result):
    if self.test_suppressor.IsResultSuppressed(input_filename):
      if result:
      if not result:

  def Run(self):
    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
    parser.add_option('--build-dir', default=os.path.join('out', 'Debug'),
                      help='relative path from the base source directory')
    parser.add_option('-j', default=1,
                      dest='num_workers', type='int',
                      help='run NUM_WORKERS jobs in parallel')
    parser.add_option('--wrapper', default='', dest="wrapper",
                      help='wrapper for running test under Dr. Memory')
    options, args = parser.parse_args()

    finder = common.DirectoryFinder(options.build_dir)
    self.fixup_path = finder.ScriptPath('fixup_pdf_template.py')
    self.text_diff_path = finder.ScriptPath('text_diff.py')

    self.drmem_wrapper = options.wrapper

    self.source_dir = finder.TestingDir()
    self.pdfium_test_path = finder.ExecutablePath('pdfium_test')
    if not os.path.exists(self.pdfium_test_path):
      print "FAILURE: Can't find test executable '%s'" % self.pdfium_test_path
      print "Use --build-dir to specify its location."
      return 1

    self.working_dir = finder.WorkingDir(os.path.join('testing', self.test_dir))
    if not os.path.exists(self.working_dir):

    self.feature_string = subprocess.check_output([self.pdfium_test_path,
    self.test_suppressor = suppressor.Suppressor(finder, self.feature_string)
    self.image_differ = pngdiffer.PNGDiffer(finder)

    test_dir = finder.TestingDir(os.path.join('resources', self.test_dir))
    walk_from_dir = finder.TestingDir(test_dir);

    test_cases = []
    input_file_re = re.compile('^[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+[.](in|pdf)$')
    if len(args):
      for file_name in args:
        file_name.replace(".pdf", ".in")
        input_path = os.path.join(walk_from_dir, file_name)
        if not os.path.isfile(input_path):
          print "Can't find test file '%s'" % file_name
          return 1

      for file_dir, _, filename_list in os.walk(walk_from_dir):
        for input_filename in filename_list:
          if input_file_re.match(input_filename):
            input_path = os.path.join(file_dir, input_filename)
            if not self.test_suppressor.IsExecutionSuppressed(input_path):
              if os.path.isfile(input_path):
                test_cases.append((input_filename, file_dir))

    self.failures = []
    self.surprises = []

    for test_case in test_cases:
      input_filename, input_file_dir = test_case
      result = self.GenerateAndTest(input_filename, input_file_dir)
                        os.path.join(input_file_dir, input_filename), result)

    if self.surprises:
      print '\n\nUnexpected Successes:'
      for surprise in self.surprises:
        print surprise;

    if self.failures:
      print '\n\nSummary of Failures:'
      for failure in self.failures:
        print failure
      return 1

    return 0