//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Anti-Grain Geometry - Version 2.3 // Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Maxim Shemanarev (http://www.antigrain.com) // // Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software // is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies. // This software is provided "as is" without express or implied // warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Contact: mcseem@antigrain.com // mcseemagg@yahoo.com // http://www.antigrain.com //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Adaptation for 32-bit screen coordinates (scanline32_u) has been sponsored by // Liberty Technology Systems, Inc., visit http://lib-sys.com // // Liberty Technology Systems, Inc. is the provider of // PostScript and PDF technology for software developers. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef AGG_SCANLINE_U_INCLUDED #define AGG_SCANLINE_U_INCLUDED #include "agg_array.h" namespace agg { template<class CoverT> class scanline_u { public: typedef scanline_u<CoverT> self_type; typedef CoverT cover_type; typedef int16 coord_type; struct span { coord_type x; coord_type len; cover_type* covers; }; typedef span* iterator; typedef const span* const_iterator; ~scanline_u() { FX_Free(m_spans); FX_Free(m_covers); } scanline_u() : m_min_x(0), m_max_len(0), m_last_x(0x7FFFFFF0), m_covers(0), m_spans(0), m_cur_span(0) {} void reset(int min_x, int max_x) { unsigned max_len = max_x - min_x + 2; if(max_len > m_max_len) { FX_Free(m_spans); FX_Free(m_covers); m_covers = FX_Alloc( cover_type , max_len); m_spans = FX_Alloc( span , max_len); m_max_len = max_len; } m_last_x = 0x7FFFFFF0; m_min_x = min_x; m_cur_span = m_spans; } void add_cell(int x, unsigned cover) { x -= m_min_x; m_covers[x] = (cover_type)cover; if(x == m_last_x + 1) { m_cur_span->len++; } else { m_cur_span++; m_cur_span->x = (coord_type)(x + m_min_x); m_cur_span->len = 1; m_cur_span->covers = m_covers + x; } m_last_x = x; } void add_cells(int x, unsigned len, const CoverT* covers) { x -= m_min_x; memcpy(m_covers + x, covers, len * sizeof(CoverT)); if(x == m_last_x + 1) { m_cur_span->len += (coord_type)len; } else { m_cur_span++; m_cur_span->x = (coord_type)(x + m_min_x); m_cur_span->len = (coord_type)len; m_cur_span->covers = m_covers + x; } m_last_x = x + len - 1; } void add_span(int x, unsigned len, unsigned cover) { x -= m_min_x; memset(m_covers + x, cover, len); if(x == m_last_x + 1) { m_cur_span->len += (coord_type)len; } else { m_cur_span++; m_cur_span->x = (coord_type)(x + m_min_x); m_cur_span->len = (coord_type)len; m_cur_span->covers = m_covers + x; } m_last_x = x + len - 1; } void finalize(int y) { m_y = y; } void reset_spans() { m_last_x = 0x7FFFFFF0; m_cur_span = m_spans; } int y() const { return m_y; } unsigned num_spans() const { return unsigned(m_cur_span - m_spans); } const_iterator begin() const { return m_spans + 1; } iterator begin() { return m_spans + 1; } private: scanline_u(const self_type&); const self_type& operator = (const self_type&); private: int m_min_x; unsigned m_max_len; int m_last_x; int m_y; cover_type* m_covers; span* m_spans; span* m_cur_span; }; typedef scanline_u<int8u> scanline_u8; } #endif