// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "third_party/base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_alloc.h" #include #include #include #include "third_party/base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_direct_map_extent.h" #include "third_party/base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_oom.h" #include "third_party/base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_page.h" #include "third_party/base/allocator/partition_allocator/spin_lock.h" namespace pdfium { namespace base { // Two partition pages are used as guard / metadata page so make sure the super // page size is bigger. static_assert(kPartitionPageSize * 4 <= kSuperPageSize, "ok super page size"); static_assert(!(kSuperPageSize % kPartitionPageSize), "ok super page multiple"); // Four system pages gives us room to hack out a still-guard-paged piece // of metadata in the middle of a guard partition page. static_assert(kSystemPageSize * 4 <= kPartitionPageSize, "ok partition page size"); static_assert(!(kPartitionPageSize % kSystemPageSize), "ok partition page multiple"); static_assert(sizeof(internal::PartitionPage) <= kPageMetadataSize, "PartitionPage should not be too big"); static_assert(sizeof(internal::PartitionBucket) <= kPageMetadataSize, "PartitionBucket should not be too big"); static_assert(sizeof(internal::PartitionSuperPageExtentEntry) <= kPageMetadataSize, "PartitionSuperPageExtentEntry should not be too big"); static_assert(kPageMetadataSize * kNumPartitionPagesPerSuperPage <= kSystemPageSize, "page metadata fits in hole"); // Limit to prevent callers accidentally overflowing an int size. static_assert(kGenericMaxDirectMapped <= (1UL << 31) + kPageAllocationGranularity, "maximum direct mapped allocation"); // Check that some of our zanier calculations worked out as expected. static_assert(kGenericSmallestBucket == 8, "generic smallest bucket"); static_assert(kGenericMaxBucketed == 983040, "generic max bucketed"); static_assert(kMaxSystemPagesPerSlotSpan < (1 << 8), "System pages per slot span must be less than 128."); internal::PartitionRootBase::PartitionRootBase() = default; internal::PartitionRootBase::~PartitionRootBase() = default; PartitionRoot::PartitionRoot() = default; PartitionRoot::~PartitionRoot() = default; PartitionRootGeneric::PartitionRootGeneric() = default; PartitionRootGeneric::~PartitionRootGeneric() = default; PartitionAllocatorGeneric::PartitionAllocatorGeneric() = default; PartitionAllocatorGeneric::~PartitionAllocatorGeneric() = default; subtle::SpinLock* GetLock() { static subtle::SpinLock* s_initialized_lock = nullptr; if (!s_initialized_lock) s_initialized_lock = new subtle::SpinLock(); return s_initialized_lock; } static bool g_initialized = false; void (*internal::PartitionRootBase::gOomHandlingFunction)() = nullptr; PartitionAllocHooks::AllocationHook* PartitionAllocHooks::allocation_hook_ = nullptr; PartitionAllocHooks::FreeHook* PartitionAllocHooks::free_hook_ = nullptr; static void PartitionAllocBaseInit(internal::PartitionRootBase* root) { DCHECK(!root->initialized); { subtle::SpinLock::Guard guard(*GetLock()); if (!g_initialized) { g_initialized = true; // We mark the sentinel bucket/page as free to make sure it is skipped by // our logic to find a new active page. internal::PartitionBucket::get_sentinel_bucket()->active_pages_head = internal::PartitionPage::get_sentinel_page(); } } root->initialized = true; // This is a "magic" value so we can test if a root pointer is valid. root->inverted_self = ~reinterpret_cast(root); } void PartitionAllocGlobalInit(void (*oom_handling_function)()) { DCHECK(oom_handling_function); internal::PartitionRootBase::gOomHandlingFunction = oom_handling_function; } void PartitionRoot::Init(size_t num_buckets, size_t max_allocation) { PartitionAllocBaseInit(this); this->num_buckets = num_buckets; this->max_allocation = max_allocation; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < this->num_buckets; ++i) { internal::PartitionBucket* bucket = &this->buckets()[i]; if (!i) bucket->Init(kAllocationGranularity); else bucket->Init(i << kBucketShift); } } void PartitionRootGeneric::Init() { subtle::SpinLock::Guard guard(this->lock); PartitionAllocBaseInit(this); // Precalculate some shift and mask constants used in the hot path. // Example: malloc(41) == 101001 binary. // Order is 6 (1 << 6-1) == 32 is highest bit set. // order_index is the next three MSB == 010 == 2. // sub_order_index_mask is a mask for the remaining bits == 11 (masking to 01 // for // the sub_order_index). size_t order; for (order = 0; order <= kBitsPerSizeT; ++order) { size_t order_index_shift; if (order < kGenericNumBucketsPerOrderBits + 1) order_index_shift = 0; else order_index_shift = order - (kGenericNumBucketsPerOrderBits + 1); this->order_index_shifts[order] = order_index_shift; size_t sub_order_index_mask; if (order == kBitsPerSizeT) { // This avoids invoking undefined behavior for an excessive shift. sub_order_index_mask = static_cast(-1) >> (kGenericNumBucketsPerOrderBits + 1); } else { sub_order_index_mask = ((static_cast(1) << order) - 1) >> (kGenericNumBucketsPerOrderBits + 1); } this->order_sub_index_masks[order] = sub_order_index_mask; } // Set up the actual usable buckets first. // Note that typical values (i.e. min allocation size of 8) will result in // pseudo buckets (size==9 etc. or more generally, size is not a multiple // of the smallest allocation granularity). // We avoid them in the bucket lookup map, but we tolerate them to keep the // code simpler and the structures more generic. size_t i, j; size_t current_size = kGenericSmallestBucket; size_t current_increment = kGenericSmallestBucket >> kGenericNumBucketsPerOrderBits; internal::PartitionBucket* bucket = &this->buckets[0]; for (i = 0; i < kGenericNumBucketedOrders; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < kGenericNumBucketsPerOrder; ++j) { bucket->Init(current_size); // Disable psuedo buckets so that touching them faults. if (current_size % kGenericSmallestBucket) bucket->active_pages_head = nullptr; current_size += current_increment; ++bucket; } current_increment <<= 1; } DCHECK(current_size == 1 << kGenericMaxBucketedOrder); DCHECK(bucket == &this->buckets[0] + kGenericNumBuckets); // Then set up the fast size -> bucket lookup table. bucket = &this->buckets[0]; internal::PartitionBucket** bucket_ptr = &this->bucket_lookups[0]; for (order = 0; order <= kBitsPerSizeT; ++order) { for (j = 0; j < kGenericNumBucketsPerOrder; ++j) { if (order < kGenericMinBucketedOrder) { // Use the bucket of the finest granularity for malloc(0) etc. *bucket_ptr++ = &this->buckets[0]; } else if (order > kGenericMaxBucketedOrder) { *bucket_ptr++ = internal::PartitionBucket::get_sentinel_bucket(); } else { internal::PartitionBucket* valid_bucket = bucket; // Skip over invalid buckets. while (valid_bucket->slot_size % kGenericSmallestBucket) valid_bucket++; *bucket_ptr++ = valid_bucket; bucket++; } } } DCHECK(bucket == &this->buckets[0] + kGenericNumBuckets); DCHECK(bucket_ptr == &this->bucket_lookups[0] + ((kBitsPerSizeT + 1) * kGenericNumBucketsPerOrder)); // And there's one last bucket lookup that will be hit for e.g. malloc(-1), // which tries to overflow to a non-existant order. *bucket_ptr = internal::PartitionBucket::get_sentinel_bucket(); } bool PartitionReallocDirectMappedInPlace(PartitionRootGeneric* root, internal::PartitionPage* page, size_t raw_size) { DCHECK(page->bucket->is_direct_mapped()); raw_size = internal::PartitionCookieSizeAdjustAdd(raw_size); // Note that the new size might be a bucketed size; this function is called // whenever we're reallocating a direct mapped allocation. size_t new_size = internal::PartitionBucket::get_direct_map_size(raw_size); if (new_size < kGenericMinDirectMappedDownsize) return false; // bucket->slot_size is the current size of the allocation. size_t current_size = page->bucket->slot_size; if (new_size == current_size) return true; char* char_ptr = static_cast(internal::PartitionPage::ToPointer(page)); if (new_size < current_size) { size_t map_size = internal::PartitionDirectMapExtent::FromPage(page)->map_size; // Don't reallocate in-place if new size is less than 80 % of the full // map size, to avoid holding on to too much unused address space. if ((new_size / kSystemPageSize) * 5 < (map_size / kSystemPageSize) * 4) return false; // Shrink by decommitting unneeded pages and making them inaccessible. size_t decommit_size = current_size - new_size; root->DecommitSystemPages(char_ptr + new_size, decommit_size); CHECK(SetSystemPagesAccess(char_ptr + new_size, decommit_size, PageInaccessible)); } else if (new_size <= internal::PartitionDirectMapExtent::FromPage(page)->map_size) { // Grow within the actually allocated memory. Just need to make the // pages accessible again. size_t recommit_size = new_size - current_size; CHECK(SetSystemPagesAccess(char_ptr + current_size, recommit_size, PageReadWrite)); root->RecommitSystemPages(char_ptr + current_size, recommit_size); #if DCHECK_IS_ON() memset(char_ptr + current_size, kUninitializedByte, recommit_size); #endif } else { // We can't perform the realloc in-place. // TODO: support this too when possible. return false; } #if DCHECK_IS_ON() // Write a new trailing cookie. internal::PartitionCookieWriteValue(char_ptr + raw_size - internal::kCookieSize); #endif page->set_raw_size(raw_size); DCHECK(page->get_raw_size() == raw_size); page->bucket->slot_size = new_size; return true; } void* PartitionReallocGenericFlags(PartitionRootGeneric* root, int flags, void* ptr, size_t new_size, const char* type_name) { #if defined(MEMORY_TOOL_REPLACES_ALLOCATOR) void* result = realloc(ptr, new_size); CHECK(result || flags & PartitionAllocReturnNull); return result; #else if (UNLIKELY(!ptr)) return PartitionAllocGenericFlags(root, flags, new_size, type_name); if (UNLIKELY(!new_size)) { root->Free(ptr); return nullptr; } if (new_size > kGenericMaxDirectMapped) { if (flags & PartitionAllocReturnNull) return nullptr; internal::PartitionExcessiveAllocationSize(); } internal::PartitionPage* page = internal::PartitionPage::FromPointer( internal::PartitionCookieFreePointerAdjust(ptr)); // TODO(palmer): See if we can afford to make this a CHECK. DCHECK(root->IsValidPage(page)); if (UNLIKELY(page->bucket->is_direct_mapped())) { // We may be able to perform the realloc in place by changing the // accessibility of memory pages and, if reducing the size, decommitting // them. if (PartitionReallocDirectMappedInPlace(root, page, new_size)) { PartitionAllocHooks::ReallocHookIfEnabled(ptr, ptr, new_size, type_name); return ptr; } } size_t actual_new_size = root->ActualSize(new_size); size_t actual_old_size = PartitionAllocGetSize(ptr); // TODO: note that tcmalloc will "ignore" a downsizing realloc() unless the // new size is a significant percentage smaller. We could do the same if we // determine it is a win. if (actual_new_size == actual_old_size) { // Trying to allocate a block of size |new_size| would give us a block of // the same size as the one we've already got, so re-use the allocation // after updating statistics (and cookies, if present). page->set_raw_size(internal::PartitionCookieSizeAdjustAdd(new_size)); #if DCHECK_IS_ON() // Write a new trailing cookie when it is possible to keep track of // |new_size| via the raw size pointer. if (page->get_raw_size_ptr()) internal::PartitionCookieWriteValue(static_cast(ptr) + new_size); #endif return ptr; } // This realloc cannot be resized in-place. Sadness. void* ret = PartitionAllocGenericFlags(root, flags, new_size, type_name); if (!ret) { if (flags & PartitionAllocReturnNull) return nullptr; internal::PartitionExcessiveAllocationSize(); } size_t copy_size = actual_old_size; if (new_size < copy_size) copy_size = new_size; memcpy(ret, ptr, copy_size); root->Free(ptr); return ret; #endif } void* PartitionRootGeneric::Realloc(void* ptr, size_t new_size, const char* type_name) { return PartitionReallocGenericFlags(this, 0, ptr, new_size, type_name); } void* PartitionRootGeneric::TryRealloc(void* ptr, size_t new_size, const char* type_name) { return PartitionReallocGenericFlags(this, PartitionAllocReturnNull, ptr, new_size, type_name); } static size_t PartitionPurgePage(internal::PartitionPage* page, bool discard) { const internal::PartitionBucket* bucket = page->bucket; size_t slot_size = bucket->slot_size; if (slot_size < kSystemPageSize || !page->num_allocated_slots) return 0; size_t bucket_num_slots = bucket->get_slots_per_span(); size_t discardable_bytes = 0; size_t raw_size = page->get_raw_size(); if (raw_size) { uint32_t used_bytes = static_cast(RoundUpToSystemPage(raw_size)); discardable_bytes = bucket->slot_size - used_bytes; if (discardable_bytes && discard) { char* ptr = reinterpret_cast(internal::PartitionPage::ToPointer(page)); ptr += used_bytes; DiscardSystemPages(ptr, discardable_bytes); } return discardable_bytes; } constexpr size_t kMaxSlotCount = (kPartitionPageSize * kMaxPartitionPagesPerSlotSpan) / kSystemPageSize; DCHECK(bucket_num_slots <= kMaxSlotCount); DCHECK(page->num_unprovisioned_slots < bucket_num_slots); size_t num_slots = bucket_num_slots - page->num_unprovisioned_slots; char slot_usage[kMaxSlotCount]; #if !defined(OS_WIN) // The last freelist entry should not be discarded when using OS_WIN. // DiscardVirtualMemory makes the contents of discarded memory undefined. size_t last_slot = static_cast(-1); #endif memset(slot_usage, 1, num_slots); char* ptr = reinterpret_cast(internal::PartitionPage::ToPointer(page)); // First, walk the freelist for this page and make a bitmap of which slots // are not in use. for (internal::PartitionFreelistEntry* entry = page->freelist_head; entry; /**/) { size_t slot_index = (reinterpret_cast(entry) - ptr) / slot_size; DCHECK(slot_index < num_slots); slot_usage[slot_index] = 0; entry = internal::PartitionFreelistEntry::Transform(entry->next); #if !defined(OS_WIN) // If we have a slot where the masked freelist entry is 0, we can actually // discard that freelist entry because touching a discarded page is // guaranteed to return original content or 0. (Note that this optimization // won't fire on big-endian machines because the masking function is // negation.) if (!internal::PartitionFreelistEntry::Transform(entry)) last_slot = slot_index; #endif } // If the slot(s) at the end of the slot span are not in used, we can truncate // them entirely and rewrite the freelist. size_t truncated_slots = 0; while (!slot_usage[num_slots - 1]) { truncated_slots++; num_slots--; DCHECK(num_slots); } // First, do the work of calculating the discardable bytes. Don't actually // discard anything unless the discard flag was passed in. if (truncated_slots) { size_t unprovisioned_bytes = 0; char* begin_ptr = ptr + (num_slots * slot_size); char* end_ptr = begin_ptr + (slot_size * truncated_slots); begin_ptr = reinterpret_cast( RoundUpToSystemPage(reinterpret_cast(begin_ptr))); // We round the end pointer here up and not down because we're at the end of // a slot span, so we "own" all the way up the page boundary. end_ptr = reinterpret_cast( RoundUpToSystemPage(reinterpret_cast(end_ptr))); DCHECK(end_ptr <= ptr + bucket->get_bytes_per_span()); if (begin_ptr < end_ptr) { unprovisioned_bytes = end_ptr - begin_ptr; discardable_bytes += unprovisioned_bytes; } if (unprovisioned_bytes && discard) { DCHECK(truncated_slots > 0); size_t num_new_entries = 0; page->num_unprovisioned_slots += static_cast(truncated_slots); // Rewrite the freelist. internal::PartitionFreelistEntry** entry_ptr = &page->freelist_head; for (size_t slot_index = 0; slot_index < num_slots; ++slot_index) { if (slot_usage[slot_index]) continue; auto* entry = reinterpret_cast( ptr + (slot_size * slot_index)); *entry_ptr = internal::PartitionFreelistEntry::Transform(entry); entry_ptr = reinterpret_cast(entry); num_new_entries++; #if !defined(OS_WIN) last_slot = slot_index; #endif } // Terminate the freelist chain. *entry_ptr = nullptr; // The freelist head is stored unmasked. page->freelist_head = internal::PartitionFreelistEntry::Transform(page->freelist_head); DCHECK(num_new_entries == num_slots - page->num_allocated_slots); // Discard the memory. DiscardSystemPages(begin_ptr, unprovisioned_bytes); } } // Next, walk the slots and for any not in use, consider where the system page // boundaries occur. We can release any system pages back to the system as // long as we don't interfere with a freelist pointer or an adjacent slot. for (size_t i = 0; i < num_slots; ++i) { if (slot_usage[i]) continue; // The first address we can safely discard is just after the freelist // pointer. There's one quirk: if the freelist pointer is actually NULL, we // can discard that pointer value too. char* begin_ptr = ptr + (i * slot_size); char* end_ptr = begin_ptr + slot_size; #if !defined(OS_WIN) if (i != last_slot) begin_ptr += sizeof(internal::PartitionFreelistEntry); #else begin_ptr += sizeof(internal::PartitionFreelistEntry); #endif begin_ptr = reinterpret_cast( RoundUpToSystemPage(reinterpret_cast(begin_ptr))); end_ptr = reinterpret_cast( RoundDownToSystemPage(reinterpret_cast(end_ptr))); if (begin_ptr < end_ptr) { size_t partial_slot_bytes = end_ptr - begin_ptr; discardable_bytes += partial_slot_bytes; if (discard) DiscardSystemPages(begin_ptr, partial_slot_bytes); } } return discardable_bytes; } static void PartitionPurgeBucket(internal::PartitionBucket* bucket) { if (bucket->active_pages_head != internal::PartitionPage::get_sentinel_page()) { for (internal::PartitionPage* page = bucket->active_pages_head; page; page = page->next_page) { DCHECK(page != internal::PartitionPage::get_sentinel_page()); PartitionPurgePage(page, true); } } } void PartitionRoot::PurgeMemory(int flags) { if (flags & PartitionPurgeDecommitEmptyPages) DecommitEmptyPages(); // We don't currently do anything for PartitionPurgeDiscardUnusedSystemPages // here because that flag is only useful for allocations >= system page size. // We only have allocations that large inside generic partitions at the // moment. } void PartitionRootGeneric::PurgeMemory(int flags) { subtle::SpinLock::Guard guard(this->lock); if (flags & PartitionPurgeDecommitEmptyPages) DecommitEmptyPages(); if (flags & PartitionPurgeDiscardUnusedSystemPages) { for (size_t i = 0; i < kGenericNumBuckets; ++i) { internal::PartitionBucket* bucket = &this->buckets[i]; if (bucket->slot_size >= kSystemPageSize) PartitionPurgeBucket(bucket); } } } static void PartitionDumpPageStats(PartitionBucketMemoryStats* stats_out, internal::PartitionPage* page) { uint16_t bucket_num_slots = page->bucket->get_slots_per_span(); if (page->is_decommitted()) { ++stats_out->num_decommitted_pages; return; } stats_out->discardable_bytes += PartitionPurgePage(page, false); size_t raw_size = page->get_raw_size(); if (raw_size) { stats_out->active_bytes += static_cast(raw_size); } else { stats_out->active_bytes += (page->num_allocated_slots * stats_out->bucket_slot_size); } size_t page_bytes_resident = RoundUpToSystemPage((bucket_num_slots - page->num_unprovisioned_slots) * stats_out->bucket_slot_size); stats_out->resident_bytes += page_bytes_resident; if (page->is_empty()) { stats_out->decommittable_bytes += page_bytes_resident; ++stats_out->num_empty_pages; } else if (page->is_full()) { ++stats_out->num_full_pages; } else { DCHECK(page->is_active()); ++stats_out->num_active_pages; } } static void PartitionDumpBucketStats(PartitionBucketMemoryStats* stats_out, const internal::PartitionBucket* bucket) { DCHECK(!bucket->is_direct_mapped()); stats_out->is_valid = false; // If the active page list is empty (== // internal::PartitionPage::get_sentinel_page()), the bucket might still need // to be reported if it has a list of empty, decommitted or full pages. if (bucket->active_pages_head == internal::PartitionPage::get_sentinel_page() && !bucket->empty_pages_head && !bucket->decommitted_pages_head && !bucket->num_full_pages) return; memset(stats_out, '\0', sizeof(*stats_out)); stats_out->is_valid = true; stats_out->is_direct_map = false; stats_out->num_full_pages = static_cast(bucket->num_full_pages); stats_out->bucket_slot_size = bucket->slot_size; uint16_t bucket_num_slots = bucket->get_slots_per_span(); size_t bucket_useful_storage = stats_out->bucket_slot_size * bucket_num_slots; stats_out->allocated_page_size = bucket->get_bytes_per_span(); stats_out->active_bytes = bucket->num_full_pages * bucket_useful_storage; stats_out->resident_bytes = bucket->num_full_pages * stats_out->allocated_page_size; for (internal::PartitionPage* page = bucket->empty_pages_head; page; page = page->next_page) { DCHECK(page->is_empty() || page->is_decommitted()); PartitionDumpPageStats(stats_out, page); } for (internal::PartitionPage* page = bucket->decommitted_pages_head; page; page = page->next_page) { DCHECK(page->is_decommitted()); PartitionDumpPageStats(stats_out, page); } if (bucket->active_pages_head != internal::PartitionPage::get_sentinel_page()) { for (internal::PartitionPage* page = bucket->active_pages_head; page; page = page->next_page) { DCHECK(page != internal::PartitionPage::get_sentinel_page()); PartitionDumpPageStats(stats_out, page); } } } void PartitionRootGeneric::DumpStats(const char* partition_name, bool is_light_dump, PartitionStatsDumper* dumper) { PartitionMemoryStats stats = {0}; stats.total_mmapped_bytes = this->total_size_of_super_pages + this->total_size_of_direct_mapped_pages; stats.total_committed_bytes = this->total_size_of_committed_pages; size_t direct_mapped_allocations_total_size = 0; static const size_t kMaxReportableDirectMaps = 4096; // Allocate on the heap rather than on the stack to avoid stack overflow // skirmishes (on Windows, in particular). std::unique_ptr direct_map_lengths = nullptr; if (!is_light_dump) { direct_map_lengths = std::unique_ptr(new uint32_t[kMaxReportableDirectMaps]); } PartitionBucketMemoryStats bucket_stats[kGenericNumBuckets]; size_t num_direct_mapped_allocations = 0; { subtle::SpinLock::Guard guard(this->lock); for (size_t i = 0; i < kGenericNumBuckets; ++i) { const internal::PartitionBucket* bucket = &this->buckets[i]; // Don't report the pseudo buckets that the generic allocator sets up in // order to preserve a fast size->bucket map (see // PartitionRootGeneric::Init() for details). if (!bucket->active_pages_head) bucket_stats[i].is_valid = false; else PartitionDumpBucketStats(&bucket_stats[i], bucket); if (bucket_stats[i].is_valid) { stats.total_resident_bytes += bucket_stats[i].resident_bytes; stats.total_active_bytes += bucket_stats[i].active_bytes; stats.total_decommittable_bytes += bucket_stats[i].decommittable_bytes; stats.total_discardable_bytes += bucket_stats[i].discardable_bytes; } } for (internal::PartitionDirectMapExtent *extent = this->direct_map_list; extent && num_direct_mapped_allocations < kMaxReportableDirectMaps; extent = extent->next_extent, ++num_direct_mapped_allocations) { DCHECK(!extent->next_extent || extent->next_extent->prev_extent == extent); size_t slot_size = extent->bucket->slot_size; direct_mapped_allocations_total_size += slot_size; if (is_light_dump) continue; direct_map_lengths[num_direct_mapped_allocations] = slot_size; } } if (!is_light_dump) { // Call |PartitionsDumpBucketStats| after collecting stats because it can // try to allocate using |PartitionRootGeneric::Alloc()| and it can't // obtain the lock. for (size_t i = 0; i < kGenericNumBuckets; ++i) { if (bucket_stats[i].is_valid) dumper->PartitionsDumpBucketStats(partition_name, &bucket_stats[i]); } for (size_t i = 0; i < num_direct_mapped_allocations; ++i) { uint32_t size = direct_map_lengths[i]; PartitionBucketMemoryStats mapped_stats = {}; mapped_stats.is_valid = true; mapped_stats.is_direct_map = true; mapped_stats.num_full_pages = 1; mapped_stats.allocated_page_size = size; mapped_stats.bucket_slot_size = size; mapped_stats.active_bytes = size; mapped_stats.resident_bytes = size; dumper->PartitionsDumpBucketStats(partition_name, &mapped_stats); } } stats.total_resident_bytes += direct_mapped_allocations_total_size; stats.total_active_bytes += direct_mapped_allocations_total_size; dumper->PartitionDumpTotals(partition_name, &stats); } void PartitionRoot::DumpStats(const char* partition_name, bool is_light_dump, PartitionStatsDumper* dumper) { PartitionMemoryStats stats = {0}; stats.total_mmapped_bytes = this->total_size_of_super_pages; stats.total_committed_bytes = this->total_size_of_committed_pages; DCHECK(!this->total_size_of_direct_mapped_pages); static constexpr size_t kMaxReportableBuckets = 4096 / sizeof(void*); std::unique_ptr memory_stats; if (!is_light_dump) { memory_stats = std::unique_ptr( new PartitionBucketMemoryStats[kMaxReportableBuckets]); } const size_t partition_num_buckets = this->num_buckets; DCHECK(partition_num_buckets <= kMaxReportableBuckets); for (size_t i = 0; i < partition_num_buckets; ++i) { PartitionBucketMemoryStats bucket_stats = {0}; PartitionDumpBucketStats(&bucket_stats, &this->buckets()[i]); if (bucket_stats.is_valid) { stats.total_resident_bytes += bucket_stats.resident_bytes; stats.total_active_bytes += bucket_stats.active_bytes; stats.total_decommittable_bytes += bucket_stats.decommittable_bytes; stats.total_discardable_bytes += bucket_stats.discardable_bytes; } if (!is_light_dump) { if (bucket_stats.is_valid) memory_stats[i] = bucket_stats; else memory_stats[i].is_valid = false; } } if (!is_light_dump) { // PartitionsDumpBucketStats is called after collecting stats because it // can use PartitionRoot::Alloc() to allocate and this can affect the // statistics. for (size_t i = 0; i < partition_num_buckets; ++i) { if (memory_stats[i].is_valid) dumper->PartitionsDumpBucketStats(partition_name, &memory_stats[i]); } } dumper->PartitionDumpTotals(partition_name, &stats); } } // namespace base } // namespace pdfium