Name: eu-strip URL: Version: 0.158 Security Critical: no License: LGPL 3 License File: NOT_SHIPPED Description: Patched eu-strip from elfutils. Build instructions (on Trusty; note that this will build the Ubuntu-patched version of elfutils): $ mkdir elfutils $ cd elfutils $ apt-get source elfutils $ cd elfutils-0.158 [ Edit libelf/elf_end.c and remove the free() on line 164. ] $ ./configure $ make $ gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wshadow -Wunused -Wextra -fgnu89-inline -Wformat=2 -Werror -g -O2 -Wl,-rpath-link,libelf:libdw -o eu-strip src/strip.o libebl/libebl.a libelf/libelf.a lib/libeu.a -ldl $ eu-strip ./eu-strip # Keep the binary small, please.