diff --git a/third_party/lcms/src/cmserr.c b/third_party/lcms/src/cmserr.c
index 700152ee3..3c3848b2a 100644
--- a/third_party/lcms/src/cmserr.c
+++ b/third_party/lcms/src/cmserr.c
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
 #include "lcms2_internal.h"
+#include "core/fxcrt/fx_memory.h"
+#include "core/fxcrt/fx_system.h"
 // This function is here to help applications to prevent mixing lcms versions on header and shared objects.
 int CMSEXPORT cmsGetEncodedCMMversion(void)
@@ -65,140 +67,75 @@ long int CMSEXPORT cmsfilelength(FILE* f)
     return n;
-// Memory handling ------------------------------------------------------------------
-// This is the interface to low-level memory management routines. By default a simple
-// wrapping to malloc/free/realloc is provided, although there is a limit on the max
-// amount of memoy that can be reclaimed. This is mostly as a safety feature to prevent 
-// bogus or evil code to allocate huge blocks that otherwise lcms would never need.
-#define MAX_MEMORY_FOR_ALLOC  ((cmsUInt32Number)(1024U*1024U*512U))
-// User may override this behaviour by using a memory plug-in, which basically replaces
-// the default memory management functions. In this case, no check is performed and it
-// is up to the plug-in writter to keep in the safe side. There are only three functions
-// required to be implemented: malloc, realloc and free, although the user may want to
-// replace the optional mallocZero, calloc and dup as well.
-cmsBool   _cmsRegisterMemHandlerPlugin(cmsContext ContextID, cmsPluginBase* Plugin);
-// *********************************************************************************
-// This is the default memory allocation function. It does a very coarse
-// check of amout of memory, just to prevent exploits
-void* _cmsMallocDefaultFn(cmsContext ContextID, cmsUInt32Number size)
+cmsBool  _cmsRegisterMemHandlerPlugin(cmsContext ContextID, cmsPluginBase* Plugin)
-    if (size > MAX_MEMORY_FOR_ALLOC) return NULL;  // Never allow over maximum
-    return (void*) malloc(size);
+    return TRUE;
-    cmsUNUSED_PARAMETER(ContextID);
+// Generic allocate
+void* CMSEXPORT _cmsMalloc(cmsContext ContextID, cmsUInt32Number size)
+    return FXMEM_DefaultAlloc(size);
 // Generic allocate & zero
-void* _cmsMallocZeroDefaultFn(cmsContext ContextID, cmsUInt32Number size)
+void* CMSEXPORT _cmsMallocZero(cmsContext ContextID, cmsUInt32Number size)
-    void *pt = _cmsMalloc(ContextID, size);
-    if (pt == NULL) return NULL;
-    memset(pt, 0, size);
-    return pt;
+    void* p = FXMEM_DefaultAlloc(size);
+    if (p) memset(p, 0, size);
+    return p;
-// The default free function. The only check proformed is against NULL pointers
-void _cmsFreeDefaultFn(cmsContext ContextID, void *Ptr)
+// Generic calloc
+void* CMSEXPORT _cmsCalloc(cmsContext ContextID, cmsUInt32Number num, cmsUInt32Number size)
-    // free(NULL) is defined a no-op by C99, therefore it is safe to
-    // avoid the check, but it is here just in case...
-    if (Ptr) free(Ptr);
+    cmsUInt32Number total = num * size;
+    if (total == 0 || total / size != num || total >= 512 * 1024 * 1024)
+        return NULL;
-    cmsUNUSED_PARAMETER(ContextID);
+    return _cmsMallocZero(ContextID, num * size);
-// The default realloc function. Again it checks for exploits. If Ptr is NULL,
-// realloc behaves the same way as malloc and allocates a new block of size bytes.
-void* _cmsReallocDefaultFn(cmsContext ContextID, void* Ptr, cmsUInt32Number size)
+// Generic reallocate
+void* CMSEXPORT _cmsRealloc(cmsContext ContextID, void* Ptr, cmsUInt32Number size)
-    if (size > MAX_MEMORY_FOR_ALLOC) return NULL;  // Never realloc over 512Mb
-    return realloc(Ptr, size);
-    cmsUNUSED_PARAMETER(ContextID);
+    return FXMEM_DefaultRealloc(Ptr, size);
-// The default calloc function. Allocates an array of num elements, each one of size bytes
-// all memory is initialized to zero.
-void* _cmsCallocDefaultFn(cmsContext ContextID, cmsUInt32Number num, cmsUInt32Number size)
+// Generic free memory
+void CMSEXPORT _cmsFree(cmsContext ContextID, void* Ptr)
-    cmsUInt32Number Total = num * size;
-    // Preserve calloc behaviour
-    if (Total == 0) return NULL;
-    // Safe check for overflow.
-    if (num >= UINT_MAX / size) return NULL;
-    // Check for overflow
-    if (Total < num || Total < size) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (Total > MAX_MEMORY_FOR_ALLOC) return NULL;  // Never alloc over 512Mb
-    return _cmsMallocZero(ContextID, Total);
+    if (Ptr != NULL) FXMEM_DefaultFree(Ptr);
 // Generic block duplication
-void* _cmsDupDefaultFn(cmsContext ContextID, const void* Org, cmsUInt32Number size)
+void* CMSEXPORT _cmsDupMem(cmsContext ContextID, const void* Org, cmsUInt32Number size)
-    void* mem;
-    if (size > MAX_MEMORY_FOR_ALLOC) return NULL;  // Never dup over 512Mb
-    mem = _cmsMalloc(ContextID, size);
-    if (mem != NULL && Org != NULL)
-        memmove(mem, Org, size);
-    return mem;
+    void* p = FXMEM_DefaultAlloc(size);
+    memmove(p, Org, size);
+    return p;
-// Pointers to memory manager functions in Context0
-_cmsMemPluginChunkType _cmsMemPluginChunk = { _cmsMallocDefaultFn, _cmsMallocZeroDefaultFn, _cmsFreeDefaultFn, 
-                                              _cmsReallocDefaultFn, _cmsCallocDefaultFn,    _cmsDupDefaultFn
+_cmsMemPluginChunkType _cmsMemPluginChunk = {_cmsMalloc, _cmsMallocZero, _cmsFree,
+                                             _cmsRealloc, _cmsCalloc,    _cmsDupMem
-// Reset and duplicate memory manager
 void _cmsAllocMemPluginChunk(struct _cmsContext_struct* ctx, const struct _cmsContext_struct* src)
     _cmsAssert(ctx != NULL);
-    if (src != NULL) {    
+    if (src != NULL) {
         // Duplicate
-        ctx ->chunks[MemPlugin] = _cmsSubAllocDup(ctx ->MemPool, src ->chunks[MemPlugin], sizeof(_cmsMemPluginChunkType));  
+        ctx ->chunks[MemPlugin] = _cmsSubAllocDup(ctx ->MemPool, src ->chunks[MemPlugin], sizeof(_cmsMemPluginChunkType));
     else {
         // To reset it, we use the default allocators, which cannot be overriden
         ctx ->chunks[MemPlugin] = &ctx ->DefaultMemoryManager;
-    } 
+    }
-// Auxiliary to fill memory management functions from plugin (or context 0 defaults)
 void _cmsInstallAllocFunctions(cmsPluginMemHandler* Plugin, _cmsMemPluginChunkType* ptr)
     if (Plugin == NULL) {
@@ -212,94 +149,15 @@ void _cmsInstallAllocFunctions(cmsPluginMemHandler* Plugin, _cmsMemPluginChunkTy
         ptr ->ReallocPtr = Plugin -> ReallocPtr;
         // Make sure we revert to defaults
-        ptr ->MallocZeroPtr= _cmsMallocZeroDefaultFn;
-        ptr ->CallocPtr    = _cmsCallocDefaultFn;
-        ptr ->DupPtr       = _cmsDupDefaultFn;
+        ptr ->MallocZeroPtr= _cmsMallocZero;
+        ptr ->CallocPtr    = _cmsCalloc;
+        ptr ->DupPtr       = _cmsDupMem;
         if (Plugin ->MallocZeroPtr != NULL) ptr ->MallocZeroPtr = Plugin -> MallocZeroPtr;
         if (Plugin ->CallocPtr != NULL)     ptr ->CallocPtr     = Plugin -> CallocPtr;
         if (Plugin ->DupPtr != NULL)        ptr ->DupPtr        = Plugin -> DupPtr;
-    }
-// Plug-in replacement entry
-cmsBool  _cmsRegisterMemHandlerPlugin(cmsContext ContextID, cmsPluginBase *Data)
-    cmsPluginMemHandler* Plugin = (cmsPluginMemHandler*) Data;     
-    _cmsMemPluginChunkType* ptr;
-    // NULL forces to reset to defaults. In this special case, the defaults are stored in the context structure. 
-    // Remaining plug-ins does NOT have any copy in the context structure, but this is somehow special as the
-    // context internal data should be malloce'd by using those functions. 
-    if (Data == NULL) {
-       struct _cmsContext_struct* ctx = ( struct _cmsContext_struct*) ContextID;
-       // Return to the default allocators
-        if (ContextID != NULL) {
-            ctx->chunks[MemPlugin] = (void*) &ctx->DefaultMemoryManager;
-        }
-        return TRUE;
-    // Check for required callbacks
-    if (Plugin -> MallocPtr == NULL ||
-        Plugin -> FreePtr == NULL ||
-        Plugin -> ReallocPtr == NULL) return FALSE;
-    // Set replacement functions
-    ptr = (_cmsMemPluginChunkType*) _cmsContextGetClientChunk(ContextID, MemPlugin);
-    if (ptr == NULL) 
-        return FALSE;
-    _cmsInstallAllocFunctions(Plugin, ptr);
-    return TRUE;
-// Generic allocate
-void* CMSEXPORT _cmsMalloc(cmsContext ContextID, cmsUInt32Number size)
-    _cmsMemPluginChunkType* ptr = (_cmsMemPluginChunkType*) _cmsContextGetClientChunk(ContextID, MemPlugin);
-    return ptr ->MallocPtr(ContextID, size);
-// Generic allocate & zero
-void* CMSEXPORT _cmsMallocZero(cmsContext ContextID, cmsUInt32Number size)
-    _cmsMemPluginChunkType* ptr = (_cmsMemPluginChunkType*) _cmsContextGetClientChunk(ContextID, MemPlugin);
-    return ptr->MallocZeroPtr(ContextID, size);
-// Generic calloc
-void* CMSEXPORT _cmsCalloc(cmsContext ContextID, cmsUInt32Number num, cmsUInt32Number size)
-    _cmsMemPluginChunkType* ptr = (_cmsMemPluginChunkType*) _cmsContextGetClientChunk(ContextID, MemPlugin);
-    return ptr->CallocPtr(ContextID, num, size);
-// Generic reallocate
-void* CMSEXPORT _cmsRealloc(cmsContext ContextID, void* Ptr, cmsUInt32Number size)
-    _cmsMemPluginChunkType* ptr = (_cmsMemPluginChunkType*) _cmsContextGetClientChunk(ContextID, MemPlugin);
-    return ptr->ReallocPtr(ContextID, Ptr, size);
-// Generic free memory
-void CMSEXPORT _cmsFree(cmsContext ContextID, void* Ptr)
-    if (Ptr != NULL) {
-        _cmsMemPluginChunkType* ptr = (_cmsMemPluginChunkType*) _cmsContextGetClientChunk(ContextID, MemPlugin);
-        ptr ->FreePtr(ContextID, Ptr);
-    }
-// Generic block duplication
-void* CMSEXPORT _cmsDupMem(cmsContext ContextID, const void* Org, cmsUInt32Number size)
-    _cmsMemPluginChunkType* ptr = (_cmsMemPluginChunkType*) _cmsContextGetClientChunk(ContextID, MemPlugin);
-    return ptr ->DupPtr(ContextID, Org, size);
 // ********************************************************************************************