// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #ifndef XFA_FDE_TTO_FDE_TEXTOUT_H_ #define XFA_FDE_TTO_FDE_TEXTOUT_H_ #include <memory> #include "core/fxge/include/fx_dib.h" #include "core/fxge/include/fx_ge.h" #include "xfa/fde/fde_object.h" #include "xfa/fgas/crt/fgas_utils.h" #include "xfa/fgas/font/fgas_font.h" #define FDE_TTOSTYLE_Underline 0x0001 #define FDE_TTOSTYLE_Strikeout 0x0002 #define FDE_TTOSTYLE_VerticalLayout 0x0004 #define FDE_TTOSTYLE_SingleLine 0x0010 #define FDE_TTOSTYLE_ExpandTab 0x0020 #define FDE_TTOSTYLE_HotKey 0x0040 #define FDE_TTOSTYLE_Ellipsis 0x0080 #define FDE_TTOSTYLE_LineWrap 0x0100 #define FDE_TTOSTYLE_ArabicShapes 0x0200 #define FDE_TTOSTYLE_RTL 0x0400 #define FDE_TTOSTYLE_ArabicContext 0x0800 #define FDE_TTOSTYLE_LastLineHeight 0x1000 #define FDE_TTOALIGNMENT_TopLeft 0 #define FDE_TTOALIGNMENT_TopCenter 1 #define FDE_TTOALIGNMENT_TopRight 2 #define FDE_TTOALIGNMENT_TopAuto 3 #define FDE_TTOALIGNMENT_CenterLeft 4 #define FDE_TTOALIGNMENT_Center 5 #define FDE_TTOALIGNMENT_CenterRight 6 #define FDE_TTOALIGNMENT_CenterAuto 7 #define FDE_TTOALIGNMENT_BottomLeft 8 #define FDE_TTOALIGNMENT_BottomCenter 9 #define FDE_TTOALIGNMENT_BottomRight 10 #define FDE_TTOALIGNMENT_BottomAuto 11 class CFDE_RenderDevice; class CFX_TxtBreak; struct FX_TXTRUN; struct FDE_TTOPIECE { int32_t iStartChar; int32_t iChars; uint32_t dwCharStyles; CFX_RectF rtPiece; }; typedef CFX_MassArrayTemplate<FDE_TTOPIECE> CFDE_TTOPieceArray; class CFDE_TTOLine : public CFX_Target { public: CFDE_TTOLine(); CFDE_TTOLine(const CFDE_TTOLine& ttoLine); ~CFDE_TTOLine() override; int32_t AddPiece(int32_t index, const FDE_TTOPIECE& ttoPiece); int32_t GetSize() const; FDE_TTOPIECE* GetPtrAt(int32_t index); void RemoveLast(int32_t iCount); void RemoveAll(FX_BOOL bLeaveMemory); FX_BOOL m_bNewReload; CFDE_TTOPieceArray m_pieces; protected: int32_t m_iPieceCount; }; typedef CFX_ObjectMassArrayTemplate<CFDE_TTOLine> CFDE_TTOLineArray; class CFDE_TextOut : public CFX_Target { public: CFDE_TextOut(); ~CFDE_TextOut() override; void SetFont(CFGAS_GEFont* pFont); void SetFontSize(FX_FLOAT fFontSize); void SetTextColor(FX_ARGB color); void SetStyles(uint32_t dwStyles); void SetTabWidth(FX_FLOAT fTabWidth); void SetEllipsisString(const CFX_WideString& wsEllipsis); void SetParagraphBreakChar(FX_WCHAR wch); void SetAlignment(int32_t iAlignment); void SetLineSpace(FX_FLOAT fLineSpace); void SetDIBitmap(CFX_DIBitmap* pDIB); void SetRenderDevice(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice); void SetClipRect(const CFX_Rect& rtClip); void SetClipRect(const CFX_RectF& rtClip); void SetMatrix(const CFX_Matrix& matrix); void SetLineBreakTolerance(FX_FLOAT fTolerance); void CalcSize(const FX_WCHAR* pwsStr, int32_t iLength, CFX_Size& size); void CalcSize(const FX_WCHAR* pwsStr, int32_t iLength, CFX_SizeF& size); void CalcSize(const FX_WCHAR* pwsStr, int32_t iLength, CFX_Rect& rect); void CalcSize(const FX_WCHAR* pwsStr, int32_t iLength, CFX_RectF& rect); void DrawText(const FX_WCHAR* pwsStr, int32_t iLength, int32_t x, int32_t y); void DrawText(const FX_WCHAR* pwsStr, int32_t iLength, FX_FLOAT x, FX_FLOAT y); void DrawText(const FX_WCHAR* pwsStr, int32_t iLength, const CFX_Rect& rect); void DrawText(const FX_WCHAR* pwsStr, int32_t iLength, const CFX_RectF& rect); void SetLogicClipRect(const CFX_RectF& rtClip); void CalcLogicSize(const FX_WCHAR* pwsStr, int32_t iLength, CFX_SizeF& size); void CalcLogicSize(const FX_WCHAR* pwsStr, int32_t iLength, CFX_RectF& rect); void DrawLogicText(const FX_WCHAR* pwsStr, int32_t iLength, FX_FLOAT x, FX_FLOAT y); void DrawLogicText(const FX_WCHAR* pwsStr, int32_t iLength, const CFX_RectF& rect); int32_t GetTotalLines(); protected: void CalcTextSize(const FX_WCHAR* pwsStr, int32_t iLength, CFX_RectF& rect); FX_BOOL RetrieveLineWidth(uint32_t dwBreakStatus, FX_FLOAT& fStartPos, FX_FLOAT& fWidth, FX_FLOAT& fHeight); void SetLineWidth(CFX_RectF& rect); void DrawText(const FX_WCHAR* pwsStr, int32_t iLength, const CFX_RectF& rect, const CFX_RectF& rtClip); void LoadText(const FX_WCHAR* pwsStr, int32_t iLength, const CFX_RectF& rect); void LoadEllipsis(); void ExpandBuffer(int32_t iSize, int32_t iType); void RetrieveEllPieces(int32_t*& pCharWidths); void Reload(const CFX_RectF& rect); void ReloadLinePiece(CFDE_TTOLine* pLine, const CFX_RectF& rect); FX_BOOL RetriecePieces(uint32_t dwBreakStatus, int32_t& iStartChar, int32_t& iPieceWidths, FX_BOOL bReload, const CFX_RectF& rect); void AppendPiece(const FDE_TTOPIECE& ttoPiece, FX_BOOL bNeedReload, FX_BOOL bEnd); void ReplaceWidthEllipsis(); void DoAlignment(const CFX_RectF& rect); void OnDraw(const CFX_RectF& rtClip); int32_t GetDisplayPos(FDE_TTOPIECE* pPiece); int32_t GetCharRects(const FDE_TTOPIECE* pPiece); FX_TXTRUN ToTextRun(const FDE_TTOPIECE* pPiece); void DrawLine(const FDE_TTOPIECE* pPiece, CFDE_Pen*& pPen); CFX_TxtBreak* m_pTxtBreak; CFGAS_GEFont* m_pFont; FX_FLOAT m_fFontSize; FX_FLOAT m_fLineSpace; FX_FLOAT m_fLinePos; FX_FLOAT m_fTolerance; int32_t m_iAlignment; int32_t m_iTxtBkAlignment; int32_t* m_pCharWidths; int32_t m_iChars; int32_t* m_pEllCharWidths; int32_t m_iEllChars; FX_WCHAR m_wParagraphBkChar; FX_ARGB m_TxtColor; uint32_t m_dwStyles; uint32_t m_dwTxtBkStyles; CFX_WideString m_wsEllipsis; FX_BOOL m_bElliChanged; int32_t m_iEllipsisWidth; CFX_WideString m_wsText; CFX_RectF m_rtClip; CFX_RectF m_rtLogicClip; CFX_Matrix m_Matrix; CFDE_TTOLineArray m_ttoLines; int32_t m_iCurLine; int32_t m_iCurPiece; int32_t m_iTotalLines; FXTEXT_CHARPOS* m_pCharPos; int32_t m_iCharPosSize; std::unique_ptr<CFDE_RenderDevice> m_pRenderDevice; CFX_Int32Array m_hotKeys; CFX_RectFArray m_rectArray; }; #endif // XFA_FDE_TTO_FDE_TEXTOUT_H_