// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "xfa/fee/fde_txtedtparag.h" #include "xfa/fee/fde_txtedtbuf.h" #include "xfa/fee/fde_txtedtengine.h" #include "xfa/fee/fx_wordbreak/fx_wordbreak.h" #include "xfa/fee/ifde_txtedtengine.h" #include "xfa/fgas/layout/fgas_textbreak.h" CFDE_TxtEdtParag::CFDE_TxtEdtParag(CFDE_TxtEdtEngine* pEngine) : m_nCharStart(0), m_nCharCount(0), m_nLineCount(0), m_lpData(NULL), m_pEngine(pEngine) { ASSERT(m_pEngine); } CFDE_TxtEdtParag::~CFDE_TxtEdtParag() { if (m_lpData != NULL) { FX_Free(m_lpData); } } void CFDE_TxtEdtParag::LoadParag() { if (m_lpData != NULL) { ((int32_t*)m_lpData)[0]++; return; } CFX_TxtBreak* pTxtBreak = m_pEngine->GetTextBreak(); CFDE_TxtEdtBuf* pTxtBuf = m_pEngine->GetTextBuf(); const FDE_TXTEDTPARAMS* pParam = m_pEngine->GetEditParams(); FX_WCHAR wcAlias = 0; if (pParam->dwMode & FDE_TEXTEDITMODE_Password) { wcAlias = m_pEngine->GetAliasChar(); } IFX_CharIter* pIter = new CFDE_TxtEdtBufIter((CFDE_TxtEdtBuf*)pTxtBuf, wcAlias); pIter->SetAt(m_nCharStart); int32_t nEndIndex = m_nCharStart + m_nCharCount; CFX_ArrayTemplate<int32_t> LineBaseArr; FX_BOOL bReload = FALSE; uint32_t dwBreakStatus = FX_TXTBREAK_None; do { if (bReload) { dwBreakStatus = pTxtBreak->EndBreak(FX_TXTBREAK_ParagraphBreak); } else { FX_WCHAR wAppend = pIter->GetChar(); dwBreakStatus = pTxtBreak->AppendChar(wAppend); } if (pIter->GetAt() + 1 == nEndIndex && dwBreakStatus < FX_TXTBREAK_LineBreak) { dwBreakStatus = pTxtBreak->EndBreak(FX_TXTBREAK_ParagraphBreak); } if (dwBreakStatus > FX_TXTBREAK_PieceBreak) { int32_t nCount = pTxtBreak->CountBreakPieces(); int32_t nTotal = 0; for (int32_t j = 0; j < nCount; j++) { const CFX_TxtPiece* Piece = pTxtBreak->GetBreakPiece(j); nTotal += Piece->GetLength(); } LineBaseArr.Add(nTotal); pTxtBreak->ClearBreakPieces(); } if ((pIter->GetAt() + 1 == nEndIndex) && (dwBreakStatus == FX_TXTBREAK_LineBreak)) { bReload = TRUE; pIter->Next(TRUE); } } while (pIter->Next(FALSE) && (pIter->GetAt() < nEndIndex)); pIter->Release(); pTxtBreak->EndBreak(FX_TXTBREAK_ParagraphBreak); pTxtBreak->ClearBreakPieces(); int32_t nLineCount = LineBaseArr.GetSize(); m_nLineCount = nLineCount; if (m_lpData == NULL) { m_lpData = FX_Alloc(int32_t, nLineCount + 1); } else { m_lpData = FX_Realloc(int32_t, m_lpData, (nLineCount + 1)); } int32_t* pIntArr = (int32_t*)m_lpData; pIntArr[0] = 1; m_nLineCount = nLineCount; pIntArr++; for (int32_t j = 0; j < nLineCount; j++, pIntArr++) { *pIntArr = LineBaseArr[j]; } LineBaseArr.RemoveAll(); } void CFDE_TxtEdtParag::UnloadParag() { ASSERT(m_lpData != NULL); ((int32_t*)m_lpData)[0]--; ASSERT(((int32_t*)m_lpData)[0] >= 0); if (((int32_t*)m_lpData)[0] == 0) { FX_Free(m_lpData); m_lpData = NULL; } } void CFDE_TxtEdtParag::CalcLines() { CFX_TxtBreak* pTxtBreak = m_pEngine->GetTextBreak(); CFDE_TxtEdtBuf* pTxtBuf = m_pEngine->GetTextBuf(); IFX_CharIter* pIter = new CFDE_TxtEdtBufIter((CFDE_TxtEdtBuf*)pTxtBuf); int32_t nCount = 0; uint32_t dwBreakStatus = FX_TXTBREAK_None; int32_t nEndIndex = m_nCharStart + m_nCharCount; pIter->SetAt(m_nCharStart); FX_BOOL bReload = FALSE; do { if (bReload) { dwBreakStatus = pTxtBreak->EndBreak(FX_TXTBREAK_ParagraphBreak); } else { FX_WCHAR wAppend = pIter->GetChar(); dwBreakStatus = pTxtBreak->AppendChar(wAppend); } if (pIter->GetAt() + 1 == nEndIndex && dwBreakStatus < FX_TXTBREAK_LineBreak) { dwBreakStatus = pTxtBreak->EndBreak(FX_TXTBREAK_ParagraphBreak); } if (dwBreakStatus > FX_TXTBREAK_PieceBreak) { nCount++; pTxtBreak->ClearBreakPieces(); } if ((pIter->GetAt() + 1 == nEndIndex) && (dwBreakStatus == FX_TXTBREAK_LineBreak)) { bReload = TRUE; pIter->Next(TRUE); } } while (pIter->Next(FALSE) && (pIter->GetAt() < nEndIndex)); pIter->Release(); pTxtBreak->EndBreak(FX_TXTBREAK_ParagraphBreak); pTxtBreak->ClearBreakPieces(); m_nLineCount = nCount; } void CFDE_TxtEdtParag::GetLineRange(int32_t nLineIndex, int32_t& nStart, int32_t& nCount) const { int32_t* pLineBaseArr = (int32_t*)m_lpData; ASSERT(nLineIndex < m_nLineCount); nStart = m_nCharStart; pLineBaseArr++; for (int32_t i = 0; i < nLineIndex; i++) { nStart += *pLineBaseArr; pLineBaseArr++; } nCount = *pLineBaseArr; }