// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "xfa/fgas/crt/cfgas_formatstring.h" #include #include #include "core/fxcrt/cfx_decimal.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_extension.h" #include "core/fxcrt/xml/cxml_element.h" #define FX_LOCALECATEGORY_DateHash 0xbde9abde #define FX_LOCALECATEGORY_TimeHash 0x2d71b00f #define FX_LOCALECATEGORY_DateTimeHash 0x158c72ed #define FX_LOCALECATEGORY_NumHash 0x0b4ff870 #define FX_LOCALECATEGORY_TextHash 0x2d08af85 #define FX_LOCALECATEGORY_ZeroHash 0x568cb500 #define FX_LOCALECATEGORY_NullHash 0x052931bb #define FX_NUMSTYLE_Percent 0x01 #define FX_NUMSTYLE_Exponent 0x02 #define FX_NUMSTYLE_DotVorv 0x04 namespace { struct FX_LOCALESUBCATEGORYINFO { uint32_t uHash; const wchar_t* pName; int32_t eSubCategory; }; const FX_LOCALESUBCATEGORYINFO g_FXLocaleDateTimeSubCatData[] = { {0x14da2125, L"default", FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY_Default}, {0x9041d4b0, L"short", FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY_Short}, {0xa084a381, L"medium", FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY_Medium}, {0xcdce56b3, L"full", FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY_Full}, {0xf6b4afb0, L"long", FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY_Long}, }; const int32_t g_iFXLocaleDateTimeSubCatCount = sizeof(g_FXLocaleDateTimeSubCatData) / sizeof(FX_LOCALESUBCATEGORYINFO); const FX_LOCALESUBCATEGORYINFO g_FXLocaleNumSubCatData[] = { {0x46f95531, L"percent", FX_LOCALENUMPATTERN_Percent}, {0x4c4e8acb, L"currency", FX_LOCALENUMPATTERN_Currency}, {0x54034c2f, L"decimal", FX_LOCALENUMPATTERN_Decimal}, {0x7568e6ae, L"integer", FX_LOCALENUMPATTERN_Integer}, }; const int32_t g_iFXLocaleNumSubCatCount = sizeof(g_FXLocaleNumSubCatData) / sizeof(FX_LOCALESUBCATEGORYINFO); struct FX_LOCALETIMEZONEINFO { const wchar_t* name; int16_t iHour; int16_t iMinute; }; const FX_LOCALETIMEZONEINFO g_FXLocaleTimeZoneData[] = { {L"CDT", -5, 0}, {L"CST", -6, 0}, {L"EDT", -4, 0}, {L"EST", -5, 0}, {L"MDT", -6, 0}, {L"MST", -7, 0}, {L"PDT", -7, 0}, {L"PST", -8, 0}, }; const wchar_t gs_wsTimeSymbols[] = L"hHkKMSFAzZ"; const wchar_t gs_wsDateSymbols[] = L"DJMEeGgYwW"; const wchar_t gs_wsConstChars[] = L",-:/. "; int32_t ParseTimeZone(const wchar_t* pStr, int32_t iLen, FX_TIMEZONE* tz) { tz->tzHour = 0; tz->tzMinute = 0; if (iLen < 0) return 0; int32_t iStart = 1; int32_t iEnd = iStart + 2; while (iStart < iLen && iStart < iEnd) tz->tzHour = tz->tzHour * 10 + FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(pStr[iStart++]); if (iStart < iLen && pStr[iStart] == ':') iStart++; iEnd = iStart + 2; while (iStart < iLen && iStart < iEnd) tz->tzMinute = tz->tzMinute * 10 + FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(pStr[iStart++]); if (pStr[0] == '-') tz->tzHour = -tz->tzHour; return iStart; } int32_t ConvertHex(int32_t iKeyValue, wchar_t ch) { if (FXSYS_isHexDigit(ch)) return iKeyValue * 16 + FXSYS_HexCharToInt(ch); return iKeyValue; } CFX_WideString GetLiteralText(const wchar_t* pStrPattern, int32_t* iPattern, int32_t iLenPattern) { CFX_WideString wsOutput; if (pStrPattern[*iPattern] != '\'') return wsOutput; (*iPattern)++; int32_t iQuote = 1; while (*iPattern < iLenPattern) { if (pStrPattern[*iPattern] == '\'') { iQuote++; if ((*iPattern + 1 >= iLenPattern) || ((pStrPattern[*iPattern + 1] != '\'') && (iQuote % 2 == 0))) { break; } iQuote++; (*iPattern)++; } else if (pStrPattern[*iPattern] == '\\' && (*iPattern + 1 < iLenPattern) && pStrPattern[*iPattern + 1] == 'u') { int32_t iKeyValue = 0; *iPattern += 2; int32_t i = 0; while (*iPattern < iLenPattern && i++ < 4) { wchar_t ch = pStrPattern[(*iPattern)++]; iKeyValue = ConvertHex(iKeyValue, ch); } if (iKeyValue != 0) wsOutput += static_cast(iKeyValue & 0x0000FFFF); continue; } wsOutput += pStrPattern[(*iPattern)++]; } return wsOutput; } CFX_WideString GetLiteralTextReverse(const wchar_t* pStrPattern, int32_t* iPattern) { CFX_WideString wsOutput; if (pStrPattern[*iPattern] != '\'') return wsOutput; (*iPattern)--; int32_t iQuote = 1; while (*iPattern >= 0) { if (pStrPattern[*iPattern] == '\'') { iQuote++; if (*iPattern - 1 >= 0 || ((pStrPattern[*iPattern - 1] != '\'') && (iQuote % 2 == 0))) { break; } iQuote++; (*iPattern)--; } else if (pStrPattern[*iPattern] == '\\' && pStrPattern[*iPattern + 1] == 'u') { (*iPattern)--; int32_t iKeyValue = 0; int32_t iLen = wsOutput.GetLength(); int32_t i = 1; for (; i < iLen && i < 5; i++) { wchar_t ch = wsOutput[i]; iKeyValue = ConvertHex(iKeyValue, ch); } if (iKeyValue != 0) { wsOutput.Delete(0, i); wsOutput = (wchar_t)(iKeyValue & 0x0000FFFF) + wsOutput; } continue; } wsOutput = pStrPattern[(*iPattern)--] + wsOutput; } return wsOutput; } bool GetNumericDotIndex(const CFX_WideString& wsNum, const CFX_WideString& wsDotSymbol, int32_t* iDotIndex) { int32_t ccf = 0; int32_t iLenf = wsNum.GetLength(); const wchar_t* pStr = wsNum.c_str(); int32_t iLenDot = wsDotSymbol.GetLength(); while (ccf < iLenf) { if (pStr[ccf] == '\'') { GetLiteralText(pStr, &ccf, iLenf); } else if (ccf + iLenDot <= iLenf && !wcsncmp(pStr + ccf, wsDotSymbol.c_str(), iLenDot)) { *iDotIndex = ccf; return true; } ccf++; } *iDotIndex = wsNum.Find('.'); if (*iDotIndex >= 0) return true; *iDotIndex = iLenf; return false; } bool ParseLocaleDate(const CFX_WideString& wsDate, const CFX_WideString& wsDatePattern, IFX_Locale* pLocale, CFX_DateTime* datetime, int32_t* cc) { int32_t year = 1900; int32_t month = 1; int32_t day = 1; int32_t ccf = 0; const wchar_t* str = wsDate.c_str(); int32_t len = wsDate.GetLength(); const wchar_t* strf = wsDatePattern.c_str(); int32_t lenf = wsDatePattern.GetLength(); CFX_WideStringC wsDateSymbols(gs_wsDateSymbols); while (*cc < len && ccf < lenf) { if (strf[ccf] == '\'') { CFX_WideString wsLiteral = GetLiteralText(strf, &ccf, lenf); int32_t iLiteralLen = wsLiteral.GetLength(); if (*cc + iLiteralLen > len || wcsncmp(str + *cc, wsLiteral.c_str(), iLiteralLen)) { return false; } *cc += iLiteralLen; ccf++; continue; } else if (wsDateSymbols.Find(strf[ccf]) == -1) { if (strf[ccf] != str[*cc]) return false; (*cc)++; ccf++; continue; } CFX_WideString symbol; symbol.Reserve(4); symbol += strf[ccf++]; while (ccf < lenf && strf[ccf] == symbol[0]) symbol += strf[ccf++]; if (symbol == L"D" || symbol == L"DD") { if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[*cc])) return false; day = FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[(*cc)++]); if (*cc < len && (symbol == L"DD" || FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[*cc]))) day = day * 10 + FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[(*cc)++]); } else if (symbol == L"J") { int i = 0; while (*cc < len && i < 3 && FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[*cc])) { (*cc)++; i++; } } else if (symbol == L"M" || symbol == L"MM") { if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[*cc])) return false; month = FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[(*cc)++]); if (*cc < len && (symbol == L"MM" || FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[*cc]))) month = month * 10 + FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[(*cc)++]); } else if (symbol == L"MMM" || symbol == L"MMMM") { for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 12; i++) { CFX_WideString wsMonthName = pLocale->GetMonthName(i, symbol == L"MMM"); if (wsMonthName.IsEmpty()) continue; if (!wcsncmp(wsMonthName.c_str(), str + *cc, wsMonthName.GetLength())) { *cc += wsMonthName.GetLength(); month = i + 1; break; } } } else if (symbol == L"EEE" || symbol == L"EEEE") { for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 7; i++) { CFX_WideString wsDayName = pLocale->GetDayName(i, symbol == L"EEE"); if (wsDayName.IsEmpty()) continue; if (!wcsncmp(wsDayName.c_str(), str + *cc, wsDayName.GetLength())) { *cc += wsDayName.GetLength(); break; } } } else if (symbol == L"YY" || symbol == L"YYYY") { if (*cc + symbol.GetLength() > len) return false; year = 0; for (int i = 0; i < symbol.GetLength(); ++i) { if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[*cc])) return false; year = year * 10 + FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[(*cc)++]); } if (symbol == L"YY") { if (year <= 29) year += 2000; else year += 1900; } } else if (symbol == L"G") { *cc += 2; } else if (symbol == L"JJJ" || symbol == L"E" || symbol == L"e" || symbol == L"w" || symbol == L"WW") { *cc += symbol.GetLength(); } } if (*cc < len) return false; datetime->SetDate(year, month, day); return !!(*cc); } void ResolveZone(FX_TIMEZONE tzDiff, IFX_Locale* pLocale, uint8_t* wHour, uint8_t* wMinute) { int32_t iMinuteDiff = *wHour * 60 + *wMinute; FX_TIMEZONE tzLocale = pLocale->GetTimeZone(); iMinuteDiff += tzLocale.tzHour * 60 + (tzLocale.tzHour < 0 ? -tzLocale.tzMinute : tzLocale.tzMinute); iMinuteDiff -= tzDiff.tzHour * 60 + (tzDiff.tzHour < 0 ? -tzDiff.tzMinute : tzDiff.tzMinute); iMinuteDiff %= 1440; if (iMinuteDiff < 0) iMinuteDiff += 1440; *wHour = iMinuteDiff / 60; *wMinute = iMinuteDiff % 60; } bool ParseLocaleTime(const CFX_WideString& wsTime, const CFX_WideString& wsTimePattern, IFX_Locale* pLocale, CFX_DateTime* datetime, int32_t* cc) { uint8_t hour = 0; uint8_t minute = 0; uint8_t second = 0; uint16_t millisecond = 0; int32_t ccf = 0; const wchar_t* str = wsTime.c_str(); int len = wsTime.GetLength(); const wchar_t* strf = wsTimePattern.c_str(); int lenf = wsTimePattern.GetLength(); bool bHasA = false; bool bPM = false; CFX_WideStringC wsTimeSymbols(gs_wsTimeSymbols); while (*cc < len && ccf < lenf) { if (strf[ccf] == '\'') { CFX_WideString wsLiteral = GetLiteralText(strf, &ccf, lenf); int32_t iLiteralLen = wsLiteral.GetLength(); if (*cc + iLiteralLen > len || wcsncmp(str + *cc, wsLiteral.c_str(), iLiteralLen)) { return false; } *cc += iLiteralLen; ccf++; continue; } if (wsTimeSymbols.Find(strf[ccf]) == -1) { if (strf[ccf] != str[*cc]) return false; (*cc)++; ccf++; continue; } CFX_WideString symbol; symbol.Reserve(4); symbol += strf[ccf++]; while (ccf < lenf && strf[ccf] == symbol[0]) symbol += strf[ccf++]; if (symbol == L"k" || symbol == L"K" || symbol == L"h" || symbol == L"H") { if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[*cc])) return false; hour = FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[(*cc)++]); if (*cc < len && FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[*cc])) hour = hour * 10 + FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[(*cc)++]); if (symbol == L"K" && hour == 24) hour = 0; } else if (symbol == L"kk" || symbol == L"KK" || symbol == L"hh" || symbol == L"HH") { if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[*cc])) return false; hour = FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[(*cc)++]); if (*cc >= len) return false; if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[*cc])) return false; hour = hour * 10 + FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[(*cc)++]); if (symbol == L"KK" && hour == 24) hour = 0; } else if (symbol == L"M") { if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[*cc])) return false; minute = FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[(*cc)++]); if (*cc < len && FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[*cc])) minute = minute * 10 + FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[(*cc)++]); } else if (symbol == L"MM") { if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[*cc])) return false; minute = FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[(*cc)++]); if (*cc >= len) return false; if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[*cc])) return false; minute = minute * 10 + FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[(*cc)++]); } else if (symbol == L"S") { if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[*cc])) return false; second = FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[(*cc)++]); if (*cc < len && FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[*cc])) second = second * 10 + FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[(*cc)++]); } else if (symbol == L"SS") { if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[*cc])) return false; second = FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[(*cc)++]); if (*cc >= len) return false; if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[*cc])) return false; second = second * 10 + FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[(*cc)++]); } else if (symbol == L"FFF") { if (*cc + 3 >= len) return false; int i = 0; while (i < 3) { if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[*cc])) return false; millisecond = millisecond * 10 + FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[(*cc)++]); i++; } } else if (symbol == L"A") { CFX_WideString wsAM = pLocale->GetMeridiemName(true); CFX_WideString wsPM = pLocale->GetMeridiemName(false); if ((*cc + wsAM.GetLength() <= len) && (CFX_WideStringC(str + *cc, wsAM.GetLength()) == wsAM)) { *cc += wsAM.GetLength(); bHasA = true; } else if ((*cc + wsPM.GetLength() <= len) && (CFX_WideStringC(str + *cc, wsPM.GetLength()) == wsPM)) { *cc += wsPM.GetLength(); bHasA = true; bPM = true; } } else if (symbol == L"Z") { if (*cc + 3 > len) continue; CFX_WideString tz(str[(*cc)++]); tz += str[(*cc)++]; tz += str[(*cc)++]; if (tz == L"GMT") { FX_TIMEZONE tzDiff; tzDiff.tzHour = 0; tzDiff.tzMinute = 0; if (*cc < len && (str[*cc] == '-' || str[*cc] == '+')) *cc += ParseTimeZone(str + *cc, len - *cc, &tzDiff); ResolveZone(tzDiff, pLocale, &hour, &minute); } else { // Search the timezone list. There are only 8 of them, so linear scan. for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(g_FXLocaleTimeZoneData); ++i) { const FX_LOCALETIMEZONEINFO& info = g_FXLocaleTimeZoneData[i]; if (tz != info.name) continue; hour += info.iHour; minute += info.iHour > 0 ? info.iMinute : -info.iMinute; break; } } } else if (symbol == L"z") { if (str[*cc] != 'Z') { FX_TIMEZONE tzDiff; *cc += ParseTimeZone(str + *cc, len - *cc, &tzDiff); ResolveZone(tzDiff, pLocale, &hour, &minute); } else { (*cc)++; } } } if (bHasA) { if (bPM) { hour += 12; if (hour == 24) hour = 12; } else { if (hour == 12) hour = 0; } } datetime->SetTime(hour, minute, second, millisecond); return !!(*cc); } int32_t GetNumTrailingLimit(const CFX_WideString& wsFormat, int iDotPos, bool* bTrimTailZeros) { if (iDotPos < 0) return 0; int32_t iCount = wsFormat.GetLength(); int32_t iTreading = 0; for (iDotPos++; iDotPos < iCount; iDotPos++) { wchar_t wc = wsFormat[iDotPos]; if (wc == L'z' || wc == L'9' || wc == 'Z') { iTreading++; *bTrimTailZeros = wc != L'9'; } } return iTreading; } // |month| is 1-based. e.g. 1 means January. uint16_t GetSolarMonthDays(uint16_t year, uint16_t month) { if (month == 2) return FX_IsLeapYear(year) ? 29 : 28; if (month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 9 || month == 11) return 30; return 31; } uint16_t GetWeekDay(uint16_t year, uint16_t month, uint16_t day) { static const uint16_t month_day[] = {0, 3, 3, 6, 1, 4, 6, 2, 5, 0, 3, 5}; uint16_t nDays = (year - 1) % 7 + (year - 1) / 4 - (year - 1) / 100 + (year - 1) / 400; nDays += month_day[month - 1] + day; if (FX_IsLeapYear(year) && month > 2) nDays++; return nDays % 7; } uint16_t GetWeekOfMonth(uint16_t year, uint16_t month, uint16_t day) { uint16_t week_day = GetWeekDay(year, month, 1); uint16_t week_index = 0; week_index += day / 7; day = day % 7; if (week_day + day > 7) week_index++; return week_index; } uint16_t GetWeekOfYear(uint16_t year, uint16_t month, uint16_t day) { uint16_t nDays = 0; for (uint16_t i = 1; i < month; i++) nDays += GetSolarMonthDays(year, i); nDays += day; uint16_t week_day = GetWeekDay(year, 1, 1); uint16_t week_index = 1; week_index += nDays / 7; nDays = nDays % 7; if (week_day + nDays > 7) week_index++; return week_index; } CFX_WideString NumToString(size_t fmt_size, int32_t value) { CFX_WideString str; str.Format(fmt_size == 1 ? L"%d" : fmt_size == 2 ? L"%02d" : L"%03d", value); return str; } CFX_WideString DateFormat(const CFX_WideString& wsDatePattern, IFX_Locale* pLocale, const CFX_DateTime& datetime) { CFX_WideString wsResult; int32_t year = datetime.GetYear(); uint8_t month = datetime.GetMonth(); uint8_t day = datetime.GetDay(); int32_t ccf = 0; const wchar_t* strf = wsDatePattern.c_str(); int32_t lenf = wsDatePattern.GetLength(); CFX_WideStringC wsDateSymbols(gs_wsDateSymbols); while (ccf < lenf) { if (strf[ccf] == '\'') { wsResult += GetLiteralText(strf, &ccf, lenf); ccf++; continue; } if (wsDateSymbols.Find(strf[ccf]) == -1) { wsResult += strf[ccf++]; continue; } CFX_WideString symbol; symbol.Reserve(4); symbol += strf[ccf++]; while (ccf < lenf && strf[ccf] == symbol[0]) symbol += strf[ccf++]; if (symbol == L"D" || symbol == L"DD") { wsResult += NumToString(symbol.GetLength(), day); } else if (symbol == L"J" || symbol == L"JJJ") { uint16_t nDays = 0; for (int i = 1; i < month; i++) nDays += GetSolarMonthDays(year, i); nDays += day; wsResult += NumToString(symbol.GetLength(), nDays); } else if (symbol == L"M" || symbol == L"MM") { wsResult += NumToString(symbol.GetLength(), month); } else if (symbol == L"MMM" || symbol == L"MMMM") { wsResult += pLocale->GetMonthName(month - 1, symbol == L"MMM"); } else if (symbol == L"E" || symbol == L"e") { uint16_t wWeekDay = GetWeekDay(year, month, day); wsResult += NumToString( 1, symbol == L"E" ? wWeekDay + 1 : (wWeekDay ? wWeekDay : 7)); } else if (symbol == L"EEE" || symbol == L"EEEE") { wsResult += pLocale->GetDayName(GetWeekDay(year, month, day), symbol == L"EEE"); } else if (symbol == L"G") { wsResult += pLocale->GetEraName(year > 0); } else if (symbol == L"YY") { wsResult += NumToString(2, year % 100); } else if (symbol == L"YYYY") { wsResult += NumToString(1, year); } else if (symbol == L"w") { wsResult += NumToString(1, GetWeekOfMonth(year, month, day)); } else if (symbol == L"WW") { wsResult += NumToString(2, GetWeekOfYear(year, month, day)); } } return wsResult; } CFX_WideString TimeFormat(const CFX_WideString& wsTimePattern, IFX_Locale* pLocale, const CFX_DateTime& datetime) { CFX_WideString wsResult; uint8_t hour = datetime.GetHour(); uint8_t minute = datetime.GetMinute(); uint8_t second = datetime.GetSecond(); uint16_t millisecond = datetime.GetMillisecond(); int32_t ccf = 0; const wchar_t* strf = wsTimePattern.c_str(); int32_t lenf = wsTimePattern.GetLength(); uint16_t wHour = hour; bool bPM = false; if (wsTimePattern.Find('A') != -1) { if (wHour >= 12) bPM = true; } CFX_WideStringC wsTimeSymbols(gs_wsTimeSymbols); while (ccf < lenf) { if (strf[ccf] == '\'') { wsResult += GetLiteralText(strf, &ccf, lenf); ccf++; continue; } if (wsTimeSymbols.Find(strf[ccf]) == -1) { wsResult += strf[ccf++]; continue; } CFX_WideString symbol; symbol.Reserve(4); symbol += strf[ccf++]; while (ccf < lenf && strf[ccf] == symbol[0]) symbol += strf[ccf++]; if (symbol == L"h" || symbol == L"hh") { if (wHour > 12) wHour -= 12; wsResult += NumToString(symbol.GetLength(), wHour == 0 ? 12 : wHour); } else if (symbol == L"K" || symbol == L"KK") { wsResult += NumToString(symbol.GetLength(), wHour == 0 ? 24 : wHour); } else if (symbol == L"k" || symbol == L"kk") { if (wHour > 12) wHour -= 12; wsResult += NumToString(symbol.GetLength(), wHour); } else if (symbol == L"H" || symbol == L"HH") { wsResult += NumToString(symbol.GetLength(), wHour); } else if (symbol == L"M" || symbol == L"MM") { wsResult += NumToString(symbol.GetLength(), minute); } else if (symbol == L"S" || symbol == L"SS") { wsResult += NumToString(symbol.GetLength(), second); } else if (symbol == L"FFF") { wsResult += NumToString(3, millisecond); } else if (symbol == L"A") { wsResult += pLocale->GetMeridiemName(!bPM); } else if (symbol == L"Z" || symbol == L"z") { if (symbol == L"Z") wsResult += L"GMT"; FX_TIMEZONE tz = pLocale->GetTimeZone(); if (tz.tzHour != 0 || tz.tzMinute != 0) { wsResult += tz.tzHour < 0 ? L"-" : L"+"; CFX_WideString wsTimezone; wsTimezone.Format(L"%02d:%02d", abs(tz.tzHour), tz.tzMinute); wsResult += wsTimezone; } } } return wsResult; } CFX_WideString FormatDateTimeInternal(const CFX_DateTime& dt, const CFX_WideString& wsDatePattern, const CFX_WideString& wsTimePattern, bool bDateFirst, IFX_Locale* pLocale) { CFX_WideString wsDateOut; if (!wsDatePattern.IsEmpty()) wsDateOut = DateFormat(wsDatePattern, pLocale, dt); CFX_WideString wsTimeOut; if (!wsTimePattern.IsEmpty()) wsTimeOut = TimeFormat(wsTimePattern, pLocale, dt); return bDateFirst ? wsDateOut + wsTimeOut : wsTimeOut + wsDateOut; } } // namespace bool FX_DateFromCanonical(const CFX_WideString& wsDate, CFX_DateTime* datetime) { int32_t year = 1900; int32_t month = 1; int32_t day = 1; uint16_t wYear = 0; int cc_start = 0; int cc = 0; const wchar_t* str = wsDate.c_str(); int len = wsDate.GetLength(); if (len > 10) return false; while (cc < len && cc < 4) { if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[cc])) return false; wYear = wYear * 10 + FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[cc++]); } year = wYear; if (cc < 4 || wYear < 1900) return false; if (cc < len) { if (str[cc] == '-') cc++; cc_start = cc; uint8_t tmpM = 0; while (cc < len && cc < cc_start + 2) { if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[cc])) return false; tmpM = tmpM * 10 + FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[cc++]); } month = tmpM; if (cc == cc_start + 1 || tmpM > 12 || tmpM < 1) return false; if (cc < len) { if (str[cc] == '-') cc++; uint8_t tmpD = 0; cc_start = cc; while (cc < len && cc < cc_start + 2) { if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[cc])) return false; tmpD = tmpD * 10 + FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[cc++]); } day = tmpD; if (tmpD < 1) return false; if ((tmpM == 1 || tmpM == 3 || tmpM == 5 || tmpM == 7 || tmpM == 8 || tmpM == 10 || tmpM == 12) && tmpD > 31) { return false; } if ((tmpM == 4 || tmpM == 6 || tmpM == 9 || tmpM == 11) && tmpD > 30) return false; bool iLeapYear = ((wYear % 4 == 0 && wYear % 100 != 0) || wYear % 400 == 0); if (tmpM == 2 && tmpD > (iLeapYear ? 29 : 28)) return false; } } datetime->SetDate(year, month, day); return true; } bool FX_TimeFromCanonical(const CFX_WideStringC& wsTime, CFX_DateTime* datetime, IFX_Locale* pLocale) { if (wsTime.GetLength() == 0) return false; uint8_t hour = 0; uint8_t minute = 0; uint8_t second = 0; uint16_t millisecond = 0; int cc_start = 0; int cc = 0; const wchar_t* str = wsTime.c_str(); int len = wsTime.GetLength(); while (cc < len && cc < 2) { if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[cc])) return false; hour = hour * 10 + FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[cc++]); } if (cc < 2 || hour >= 24) return false; if (cc < len) { if (str[cc] == ':') cc++; cc_start = cc; while (cc < len && cc < cc_start + 2) { if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[cc])) return false; minute = minute * 10 + FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[cc++]); } if (cc == cc_start + 1 || minute >= 60) return false; if (cc < len) { if (str[cc] == ':') cc++; if (str[cc] != 'Z') { cc_start = cc; while (cc < len && cc < cc_start + 2) { if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[cc])) return false; second = second * 10 + FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[cc++]); } if (cc == cc_start + 1 || second >= 60) return false; if (cc < len) { if (str[cc] == '.') { cc++; cc_start = cc; while (cc < len && cc < cc_start + 3) { if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[cc])) return false; millisecond = millisecond * 10 + FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[cc++]); } if (cc < cc_start + 3) return false; } } } // Skip until we find a + or - for the time zone. while (cc < len) { if (str[cc] == '+' || str[cc] == '-') break; ++cc; } if (cc < len) { FX_TIMEZONE tzDiff; tzDiff.tzHour = 0; tzDiff.tzMinute = 0; if (str[cc] != 'Z') cc += ParseTimeZone(str + cc, len - cc, &tzDiff); ResolveZone(tzDiff, pLocale, &hour, &minute); } } } datetime->SetTime(hour, minute, second, millisecond); return true; } CFGAS_FormatString::CFGAS_FormatString(CXFA_LocaleMgr* pLocaleMgr) : m_pLocaleMgr(pLocaleMgr) {} CFGAS_FormatString::~CFGAS_FormatString() {} void CFGAS_FormatString::SplitFormatString( const CFX_WideString& wsFormatString, std::vector* wsPatterns) { int32_t iStrLen = wsFormatString.GetLength(); const wchar_t* pStr = wsFormatString.c_str(); const wchar_t* pToken = pStr; const wchar_t* pEnd = pStr + iStrLen; bool iQuote = false; while (true) { if (pStr >= pEnd) { wsPatterns->push_back(CFX_WideString(pToken, pStr - pToken)); return; } if (*pStr == '\'') { iQuote = !iQuote; } else if (*pStr == L'|' && !iQuote) { wsPatterns->push_back(CFX_WideString(pToken, pStr - pToken)); pToken = pStr + 1; } pStr++; } } FX_LOCALECATEGORY CFGAS_FormatString::GetCategory( const CFX_WideString& wsPattern) { FX_LOCALECATEGORY eCategory = FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Unknown; int32_t ccf = 0; int32_t iLenf = wsPattern.GetLength(); const wchar_t* pStr = wsPattern.c_str(); bool bBraceOpen = false; CFX_WideStringC wsConstChars(gs_wsConstChars); while (ccf < iLenf) { if (pStr[ccf] == '\'') { GetLiteralText(pStr, &ccf, iLenf); } else if (!bBraceOpen && wsConstChars.Find(pStr[ccf]) == -1) { CFX_WideString wsCategory(pStr[ccf]); ccf++; while (true) { if (ccf == iLenf) return eCategory; if (pStr[ccf] == '.' || pStr[ccf] == '(') break; if (pStr[ccf] == '{') { bBraceOpen = true; break; } wsCategory += pStr[ccf]; ccf++; } uint32_t dwHash = FX_HashCode_GetW(wsCategory.AsStringC(), false); if (dwHash == FX_LOCALECATEGORY_DateHash) { if (eCategory == FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Time) return FX_LOCALECATEGORY_DateTime; eCategory = FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Date; } else if (dwHash == FX_LOCALECATEGORY_TimeHash) { if (eCategory == FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Date) return FX_LOCALECATEGORY_DateTime; eCategory = FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Time; } else if (dwHash == FX_LOCALECATEGORY_DateTimeHash) { return FX_LOCALECATEGORY_DateTime; } else if (dwHash == FX_LOCALECATEGORY_TextHash) { return FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Text; } else if (dwHash == FX_LOCALECATEGORY_NumHash) { return FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Num; } else if (dwHash == FX_LOCALECATEGORY_ZeroHash) { return FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Zero; } else if (dwHash == FX_LOCALECATEGORY_NullHash) { return FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Null; } } else if (pStr[ccf] == '}') { bBraceOpen = false; } ccf++; } return eCategory; } CFX_WideString CFGAS_FormatString::GetTextFormat( const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, const CFX_WideStringC& wsCategory) { int32_t ccf = 0; int32_t iLenf = wsPattern.GetLength(); const wchar_t* pStr = wsPattern.c_str(); bool bBrackOpen = false; CFX_WideStringC wsConstChars(gs_wsConstChars); CFX_WideString wsPurgePattern; while (ccf < iLenf) { if (pStr[ccf] == '\'') { int32_t iCurChar = ccf; GetLiteralText(pStr, &ccf, iLenf); wsPurgePattern += CFX_WideStringC(pStr + iCurChar, ccf - iCurChar + 1); } else if (!bBrackOpen && wsConstChars.Find(pStr[ccf]) == -1) { CFX_WideString wsSearchCategory(pStr[ccf]); ccf++; while (ccf < iLenf && pStr[ccf] != '{' && pStr[ccf] != '.' && pStr[ccf] != '(') { wsSearchCategory += pStr[ccf]; ccf++; } if (wsSearchCategory != wsCategory) continue; while (ccf < iLenf) { if (pStr[ccf] == '(') { ccf++; // Skip over the encoding name. while (ccf < iLenf && pStr[ccf] != ')') ccf++; } else if (pStr[ccf] == '{') { bBrackOpen = true; break; } ccf++; } } else if (pStr[ccf] != '}') { wsPurgePattern += pStr[ccf]; } ccf++; } if (!bBrackOpen) wsPurgePattern = wsPattern; return wsPurgePattern; } IFX_Locale* CFGAS_FormatString::GetNumericFormat( const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, int32_t* iDotIndex, uint32_t* dwStyle, CFX_WideString* wsPurgePattern) { *dwStyle = 0; IFX_Locale* pLocale = nullptr; int32_t ccf = 0; int32_t iLenf = wsPattern.GetLength(); const wchar_t* pStr = wsPattern.c_str(); bool bFindDot = false; bool bBrackOpen = false; CFX_WideStringC wsConstChars(gs_wsConstChars); while (ccf < iLenf) { if (pStr[ccf] == '\'') { int32_t iCurChar = ccf; GetLiteralText(pStr, &ccf, iLenf); *wsPurgePattern += CFX_WideStringC(pStr + iCurChar, ccf - iCurChar + 1); } else if (!bBrackOpen && wsConstChars.Find(pStr[ccf]) == -1) { CFX_WideString wsCategory(pStr[ccf]); ccf++; while (ccf < iLenf && pStr[ccf] != '{' && pStr[ccf] != '.' && pStr[ccf] != '(') { wsCategory += pStr[ccf]; ccf++; } if (wsCategory != L"num") { bBrackOpen = true; ccf = 0; continue; } while (ccf < iLenf) { if (pStr[ccf] == '(') { ccf++; CFX_WideString wsLCID; while (ccf < iLenf && pStr[ccf] != ')') wsLCID += pStr[ccf++]; pLocale = m_pLocaleMgr->GetLocaleByName(wsLCID); } else if (pStr[ccf] == '{') { bBrackOpen = true; break; } else if (pStr[ccf] == '.') { CFX_WideString wsSubCategory; ccf++; while (ccf < iLenf && pStr[ccf] != '(' && pStr[ccf] != '{') wsSubCategory += pStr[ccf++]; uint32_t dwSubHash = FX_HashCode_GetW(wsSubCategory.AsStringC(), false); FX_LOCALENUMSUBCATEGORY eSubCategory = FX_LOCALENUMPATTERN_Decimal; for (int32_t i = 0; i < g_iFXLocaleNumSubCatCount; i++) { if (g_FXLocaleNumSubCatData[i].uHash == dwSubHash) { eSubCategory = (FX_LOCALENUMSUBCATEGORY)g_FXLocaleNumSubCatData[i] .eSubCategory; break; } } if (!pLocale) pLocale = m_pLocaleMgr->GetDefLocale(); ASSERT(pLocale); wsSubCategory = pLocale->GetNumPattern(eSubCategory); *iDotIndex = wsSubCategory.Find('.'); if (*iDotIndex > 0) { *iDotIndex += wsPurgePattern->GetLength(); bFindDot = true; *dwStyle |= FX_NUMSTYLE_DotVorv; } *wsPurgePattern += wsSubCategory; if (eSubCategory == FX_LOCALENUMPATTERN_Percent) *dwStyle |= FX_NUMSTYLE_Percent; continue; } ccf++; } } else if (pStr[ccf] == 'E') { *dwStyle |= FX_NUMSTYLE_Exponent; *wsPurgePattern += pStr[ccf]; } else if (pStr[ccf] == '%') { *dwStyle |= FX_NUMSTYLE_Percent; *wsPurgePattern += pStr[ccf]; } else if (pStr[ccf] != '}') { *wsPurgePattern += pStr[ccf]; } if (!bFindDot) { if (pStr[ccf] == '.' || pStr[ccf] == 'V' || pStr[ccf] == 'v') { bFindDot = true; *iDotIndex = wsPurgePattern->GetLength() - 1; *dwStyle |= FX_NUMSTYLE_DotVorv; } } ccf++; } if (!bFindDot) *iDotIndex = wsPurgePattern->GetLength(); if (!pLocale) pLocale = m_pLocaleMgr->GetDefLocale(); return pLocale; } bool CFGAS_FormatString::ParseText(const CFX_WideString& wsSrcText, const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, CFX_WideString* wsValue) { wsValue->clear(); if (wsSrcText.IsEmpty() || wsPattern.IsEmpty()) return false; CFX_WideString wsTextFormat = GetTextFormat(wsPattern, L"text"); if (wsTextFormat.IsEmpty()) return false; int32_t iText = 0; int32_t iPattern = 0; const wchar_t* pStrText = wsSrcText.c_str(); int32_t iLenText = wsSrcText.GetLength(); const wchar_t* pStrPattern = wsTextFormat.c_str(); int32_t iLenPattern = wsTextFormat.GetLength(); while (iPattern < iLenPattern && iText < iLenText) { switch (pStrPattern[iPattern]) { case '\'': { CFX_WideString wsLiteral = GetLiteralText(pStrPattern, &iPattern, iLenPattern); int32_t iLiteralLen = wsLiteral.GetLength(); if (iText + iLiteralLen > iLenText || wcsncmp(pStrText + iText, wsLiteral.c_str(), iLiteralLen)) { *wsValue = wsSrcText; return false; } iText += iLiteralLen; iPattern++; break; } case 'A': if (FXSYS_iswalpha(pStrText[iText])) { *wsValue += pStrText[iText]; iText++; } iPattern++; break; case 'X': *wsValue += pStrText[iText]; iText++; iPattern++; break; case 'O': case '0': if (FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(pStrText[iText]) || FXSYS_iswalpha(pStrText[iText])) { *wsValue += pStrText[iText]; iText++; } iPattern++; break; case '9': if (FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(pStrText[iText])) { *wsValue += pStrText[iText]; iText++; } iPattern++; break; default: if (pStrPattern[iPattern] != pStrText[iText]) { *wsValue = wsSrcText; return false; } iPattern++; iText++; break; } } return iPattern == iLenPattern && iText == iLenText; } bool CFGAS_FormatString::ParseNum(const CFX_WideString& wsSrcNum, const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, CFX_WideString* wsValue) { wsValue->clear(); if (wsSrcNum.IsEmpty() || wsPattern.IsEmpty()) return false; int32_t dot_index_f = -1; uint32_t dwFormatStyle = 0; CFX_WideString wsNumFormat; IFX_Locale* pLocale = GetNumericFormat(wsPattern, &dot_index_f, &dwFormatStyle, &wsNumFormat); if (!pLocale || wsNumFormat.IsEmpty()) return false; int32_t iExponent = 0; CFX_WideString wsDotSymbol = pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Decimal); CFX_WideString wsGroupSymbol = pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Grouping); int32_t iGroupLen = wsGroupSymbol.GetLength(); CFX_WideString wsMinus = pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Minus); int32_t iMinusLen = wsMinus.GetLength(); const wchar_t* str = wsSrcNum.c_str(); int len = wsSrcNum.GetLength(); const wchar_t* strf = wsNumFormat.c_str(); int lenf = wsNumFormat.GetLength(); bool bHavePercentSymbol = false; bool bNeg = false; bool bReverseParse = false; int32_t dot_index = 0; // If we're looking for a '.', 'V' or 'v' and the input string does not // have a dot index for one of those, then we disable parsing the decimal. if (!GetNumericDotIndex(wsSrcNum, wsDotSymbol, &dot_index) && (dwFormatStyle & FX_NUMSTYLE_DotVorv)) { bReverseParse = true; } // This parse is broken into two parts based on the '.' in the number // (or 'V' or 'v'). |dot_index_f| is the location of the dot in the format and // |dot_index| is the location of the dot in the number. // // This first while() starts at the '.' and walks backwards to the start of // the number. The second while() walks from the dot forwards to the end of // the decimal. int ccf = dot_index_f - 1; int cc = dot_index - 1; while (ccf >= 0 && cc >= 0) { switch (strf[ccf]) { case '\'': { CFX_WideString wsLiteral = GetLiteralTextReverse(strf, &ccf); int32_t iLiteralLen = wsLiteral.GetLength(); cc -= iLiteralLen - 1; if (cc < 0 || wcsncmp(str + cc, wsLiteral.c_str(), iLiteralLen)) return false; cc--; ccf--; break; } case '9': if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[cc])) return false; wsValue->Insert(0, str[cc]); cc--; ccf--; break; case 'z': case 'Z': if (strf[ccf] == 'z' || str[cc] != ' ') { if (FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[cc])) { wsValue->Insert(0, str[cc]); cc--; } } else { cc--; } ccf--; break; case 'S': case 's': if (str[cc] == '+' || (strf[ccf] == 'S' && str[cc] == ' ')) { cc--; } else { cc -= iMinusLen - 1; if (cc < 0 || wcsncmp(str + cc, wsMinus.c_str(), iMinusLen)) return false; cc--; bNeg = true; } ccf--; break; case 'E': { bool bExpSign = false; while (cc >= 0) { if (str[cc] == 'E' || str[cc] == 'e') break; if (FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[cc])) { iExponent = iExponent + FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[cc]) * 10; cc--; continue; } if (str[cc] == '+') { cc--; continue; } if (cc - iMinusLen + 1 > 0 && !wcsncmp(str + (cc - iMinusLen + 1), wsMinus.c_str(), iMinusLen)) { bExpSign = true; cc -= iMinusLen; continue; } return false; } cc--; iExponent = bExpSign ? -iExponent : iExponent; ccf--; break; } case '$': { CFX_WideString wsSymbol = pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_CurrencySymbol); int32_t iSymbolLen = wsSymbol.GetLength(); cc -= iSymbolLen - 1; if (cc < 0 || wcsncmp(str + cc, wsSymbol.c_str(), iSymbolLen)) return false; cc--; ccf--; break; } case 'r': case 'R': if (ccf - 1 >= 0 && ((strf[ccf] == 'R' && strf[ccf - 1] == 'C') || (strf[ccf] == 'r' && strf[ccf - 1] == 'c'))) { if (strf[ccf] == 'R' && str[cc] == ' ') { cc -= 2; } else if (str[cc] == 'R' && cc - 1 >= 0 && str[cc - 1] == 'C') { bNeg = true; cc -= 2; } ccf -= 2; } else { ccf--; } break; case 'b': case 'B': if (ccf - 1 >= 0 && ((strf[ccf] == 'B' && strf[ccf - 1] == 'D') || (strf[ccf] == 'b' && strf[ccf - 1] == 'd'))) { if (strf[ccf] == 'B' && str[cc] == ' ') { cc -= 2; } else if (str[cc] == 'B' && cc - 1 >= 0 && str[cc - 1] == 'D') { bNeg = true; cc -= 2; } ccf -= 2; } else { ccf--; } break; case '%': { CFX_WideString wsSymbol = pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Percent); int32_t iSysmbolLen = wsSymbol.GetLength(); cc -= iSysmbolLen - 1; if (cc < 0 || wcsncmp(str + cc, wsSymbol.c_str(), iSysmbolLen)) return false; cc--; ccf--; bHavePercentSymbol = true; break; } case '.': case 'V': case 'v': case '8': return false; case ',': { if (cc >= 0) { cc -= iGroupLen - 1; if (cc >= 0 && wcsncmp(str + cc, wsGroupSymbol.c_str(), iGroupLen) == 0) { cc--; } else { cc += iGroupLen - 1; } } ccf--; break; } case '(': case ')': if (str[cc] == strf[ccf]) bNeg = true; else if (str[cc] != L' ') return false; cc--; ccf--; break; default: if (strf[ccf] != str[cc]) return false; cc--; ccf--; } } if (cc >= 0) { if (str[cc] == '-') { bNeg = true; cc--; } if (cc >= 0) return false; } if (dot_index < len && (dwFormatStyle & FX_NUMSTYLE_DotVorv)) *wsValue += '.'; if (!bReverseParse) { ccf = dot_index_f + 1; cc = (dot_index == len) ? len : dot_index + 1; while (cc < len && ccf < lenf) { switch (strf[ccf]) { case '\'': { CFX_WideString wsLiteral = GetLiteralText(strf, &ccf, lenf); int32_t iLiteralLen = wsLiteral.GetLength(); if (cc + iLiteralLen > len || wcsncmp(str + cc, wsLiteral.c_str(), iLiteralLen)) { return false; } cc += iLiteralLen; ccf++; break; } case '9': if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[cc])) return false; *wsValue += str[cc]; cc++; ccf++; break; case 'z': case 'Z': if (strf[ccf] == 'z' || str[cc] != ' ') { if (FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[cc])) { *wsValue += str[cc]; cc++; } } else { cc++; } ccf++; break; case 'S': case 's': if (str[cc] == '+' || (strf[ccf] == 'S' && str[cc] == ' ')) { cc++; } else { if (cc + iMinusLen > len || wcsncmp(str + cc, wsMinus.c_str(), iMinusLen)) { return false; } bNeg = true; cc += iMinusLen; } ccf++; break; case 'E': { if (cc >= len || (str[cc] != 'E' && str[cc] != 'e')) return false; bool bExpSign = false; cc++; if (cc < len) { if (str[cc] == '+') { cc++; } else if (str[cc] == '-') { bExpSign = true; cc++; } } while (cc < len) { if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[cc])) break; iExponent = iExponent * 10 + FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(str[cc]); cc++; } iExponent = bExpSign ? -iExponent : iExponent; ccf++; break; } case '$': { CFX_WideString wsSymbol = pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_CurrencySymbol); int32_t iSymbolLen = wsSymbol.GetLength(); if (cc + iSymbolLen > len || wcsncmp(str + cc, wsSymbol.c_str(), iSymbolLen)) { return false; } cc += iSymbolLen; ccf++; break; } case 'c': case 'C': if (ccf + 1 < lenf && ((strf[ccf] == 'C' && strf[ccf + 1] == 'R') || (strf[ccf] == 'c' && strf[ccf + 1] == 'r'))) { if (strf[ccf] == 'C' && str[cc] == ' ') { cc++; } else if (str[cc] == 'C' && cc + 1 < len && str[cc + 1] == 'R') { bNeg = true; cc += 2; } ccf += 2; } break; case 'd': case 'D': if (ccf + 1 < lenf && ((strf[ccf] == 'D' && strf[ccf + 1] == 'B') || (strf[ccf] == 'd' && strf[ccf + 1] == 'b'))) { if (strf[ccf] == 'D' && str[cc] == ' ') { cc++; } else if (str[cc] == 'D' && cc + 1 < len && str[cc + 1] == 'B') { bNeg = true; cc += 2; } ccf += 2; } break; case '.': case 'V': case 'v': return false; case '%': { CFX_WideString wsSymbol = pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Percent); int32_t iSysmbolLen = wsSymbol.GetLength(); if (cc + iSysmbolLen <= len && !wcsncmp(str + cc, wsSymbol.c_str(), iSysmbolLen)) { cc += iSysmbolLen; } ccf++; bHavePercentSymbol = true; } break; case '8': { while (ccf < lenf && strf[ccf] == '8') ccf++; while (cc < len && FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[cc])) { *wsValue += str[cc]; cc++; } } break; case ',': { if (cc + iGroupLen <= len && wcsncmp(str + cc, wsGroupSymbol.c_str(), iGroupLen) == 0) { cc += iGroupLen; } ccf++; break; } case '(': case ')': if (str[cc] == strf[ccf]) bNeg = true; else if (str[cc] != L' ') return false; cc++; ccf++; break; default: if (strf[ccf] != str[cc]) return false; cc++; ccf++; } } if (cc != len) return false; } if (iExponent || bHavePercentSymbol) { CFX_Decimal decimal = CFX_Decimal(wsValue->AsStringC()); if (iExponent) { decimal = decimal * CFX_Decimal(FXSYS_pow(10, static_cast(iExponent)), 3); } if (bHavePercentSymbol) decimal = decimal / CFX_Decimal(100); *wsValue = decimal; } if (bNeg) wsValue->Insert(0, L'-'); return true; } FX_DATETIMETYPE CFGAS_FormatString::GetDateTimeFormat( const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, IFX_Locale** pLocale, CFX_WideString* wsDatePattern, CFX_WideString* wsTimePattern) { *pLocale = nullptr; CFX_WideString wsTempPattern; FX_LOCALECATEGORY eCategory = FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Unknown; int32_t ccf = 0; int32_t iLenf = wsPattern.GetLength(); const wchar_t* pStr = wsPattern.c_str(); int32_t iFindCategory = 0; bool bBraceOpen = false; CFX_WideStringC wsConstChars(gs_wsConstChars); while (ccf < iLenf) { if (pStr[ccf] == '\'') { int32_t iCurChar = ccf; GetLiteralText(pStr, &ccf, iLenf); wsTempPattern += CFX_WideStringC(pStr + iCurChar, ccf - iCurChar + 1); } else if (!bBraceOpen && iFindCategory != 3 && wsConstChars.Find(pStr[ccf]) == -1) { CFX_WideString wsCategory(pStr[ccf]); ccf++; while (ccf < iLenf && pStr[ccf] != '{' && pStr[ccf] != '.' && pStr[ccf] != '(') { if (pStr[ccf] == 'T') { *wsDatePattern = wsPattern.Left(ccf); *wsTimePattern = wsPattern.Right(wsPattern.GetLength() - ccf); wsTimePattern->SetAt(0, ' '); if (!*pLocale) *pLocale = m_pLocaleMgr->GetDefLocale(); return FX_DATETIMETYPE_DateTime; } wsCategory += pStr[ccf]; ccf++; } if (!(iFindCategory & 1) && wsCategory == L"date") { iFindCategory |= 1; eCategory = FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Date; if (iFindCategory & 2) iFindCategory = 4; } else if (!(iFindCategory & 2) && wsCategory == L"time") { iFindCategory |= 2; eCategory = FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Time; } else if (wsCategory == L"datetime") { iFindCategory = 3; eCategory = FX_LOCALECATEGORY_DateTime; } else { continue; } while (ccf < iLenf) { if (pStr[ccf] == '(') { ccf++; CFX_WideString wsLCID; while (ccf < iLenf && pStr[ccf] != ')') wsLCID += pStr[ccf++]; *pLocale = m_pLocaleMgr->GetLocaleByName(wsLCID); } else if (pStr[ccf] == '{') { bBraceOpen = true; break; } else if (pStr[ccf] == '.') { CFX_WideString wsSubCategory; ccf++; while (ccf < iLenf && pStr[ccf] != '(' && pStr[ccf] != '{') wsSubCategory += pStr[ccf++]; uint32_t dwSubHash = FX_HashCode_GetW(wsSubCategory.AsStringC(), false); FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY eSubCategory = FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY_Medium; for (int32_t i = 0; i < g_iFXLocaleDateTimeSubCatCount; i++) { if (g_FXLocaleDateTimeSubCatData[i].uHash == dwSubHash) { eSubCategory = (FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY)g_FXLocaleDateTimeSubCatData[i] .eSubCategory; break; } } if (!*pLocale) *pLocale = m_pLocaleMgr->GetDefLocale(); ASSERT(*pLocale); switch (eCategory) { case FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Date: *wsDatePattern = wsTempPattern + (*pLocale)->GetDatePattern(eSubCategory); break; case FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Time: *wsTimePattern = wsTempPattern + (*pLocale)->GetTimePattern(eSubCategory); break; case FX_LOCALECATEGORY_DateTime: *wsDatePattern = wsTempPattern + (*pLocale)->GetDatePattern(eSubCategory); *wsTimePattern = (*pLocale)->GetTimePattern(eSubCategory); break; default: break; } wsTempPattern.clear(); continue; } ccf++; } } else if (pStr[ccf] == '}') { bBraceOpen = false; if (!wsTempPattern.IsEmpty()) { if (eCategory == FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Time) *wsTimePattern = wsTempPattern; else if (eCategory == FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Date) *wsDatePattern = wsTempPattern; wsTempPattern.clear(); } } else { wsTempPattern += pStr[ccf]; } ccf++; } if (!wsTempPattern.IsEmpty()) { if (eCategory == FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Date) *wsDatePattern += wsTempPattern; else *wsTimePattern += wsTempPattern; } if (!*pLocale) *pLocale = m_pLocaleMgr->GetDefLocale(); if (!iFindCategory) { wsTimePattern->clear(); *wsDatePattern = wsPattern; } return (FX_DATETIMETYPE)iFindCategory; } bool CFGAS_FormatString::ParseDateTime(const CFX_WideString& wsSrcDateTime, const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, FX_DATETIMETYPE eDateTimeType, CFX_DateTime* dtValue) { dtValue->Reset(); if (wsSrcDateTime.IsEmpty() || wsPattern.IsEmpty()) return false; CFX_WideString wsDatePattern; CFX_WideString wsTimePattern; IFX_Locale* pLocale = nullptr; FX_DATETIMETYPE eCategory = GetDateTimeFormat(wsPattern, &pLocale, &wsDatePattern, &wsTimePattern); if (!pLocale) return false; if (eCategory == FX_DATETIMETYPE_Unknown) eCategory = eDateTimeType; if (eCategory == FX_DATETIMETYPE_Unknown) return false; if (eCategory == FX_DATETIMETYPE_TimeDate) { int32_t iStart = 0; if (!ParseLocaleTime(wsSrcDateTime, wsTimePattern, pLocale, dtValue, &iStart)) { return false; } if (!ParseLocaleDate(wsSrcDateTime, wsDatePattern, pLocale, dtValue, &iStart)) { return false; } } else { int32_t iStart = 0; if ((eCategory & FX_DATETIMETYPE_Date) && !ParseLocaleDate(wsSrcDateTime, wsDatePattern, pLocale, dtValue, &iStart)) { return false; } if ((eCategory & FX_DATETIMETYPE_Time) && !ParseLocaleTime(wsSrcDateTime, wsTimePattern, pLocale, dtValue, &iStart)) { return false; } } return true; } bool CFGAS_FormatString::ParseZero(const CFX_WideString& wsSrcText, const CFX_WideString& wsPattern) { CFX_WideString wsTextFormat = GetTextFormat(wsPattern, L"zero"); int32_t iText = 0; int32_t iPattern = 0; const wchar_t* pStrText = wsSrcText.c_str(); int32_t iLenText = wsSrcText.GetLength(); const wchar_t* pStrPattern = wsTextFormat.c_str(); int32_t iLenPattern = wsTextFormat.GetLength(); while (iPattern < iLenPattern && iText < iLenText) { if (pStrPattern[iPattern] == '\'') { CFX_WideString wsLiteral = GetLiteralText(pStrPattern, &iPattern, iLenPattern); int32_t iLiteralLen = wsLiteral.GetLength(); if (iText + iLiteralLen > iLenText || wcsncmp(pStrText + iText, wsLiteral.c_str(), iLiteralLen)) { return false; } iText += iLiteralLen; iPattern++; continue; } if (pStrPattern[iPattern] != pStrText[iText]) return false; iText++; iPattern++; } return iPattern == iLenPattern && iText == iLenText; } bool CFGAS_FormatString::ParseNull(const CFX_WideString& wsSrcText, const CFX_WideString& wsPattern) { CFX_WideString wsTextFormat = GetTextFormat(wsPattern, L"null"); int32_t iText = 0; int32_t iPattern = 0; const wchar_t* pStrText = wsSrcText.c_str(); int32_t iLenText = wsSrcText.GetLength(); const wchar_t* pStrPattern = wsTextFormat.c_str(); int32_t iLenPattern = wsTextFormat.GetLength(); while (iPattern < iLenPattern && iText < iLenText) { if (pStrPattern[iPattern] == '\'') { CFX_WideString wsLiteral = GetLiteralText(pStrPattern, &iPattern, iLenPattern); int32_t iLiteralLen = wsLiteral.GetLength(); if (iText + iLiteralLen > iLenText || wcsncmp(pStrText + iText, wsLiteral.c_str(), iLiteralLen)) { return false; } iText += iLiteralLen; iPattern++; continue; } if (pStrPattern[iPattern] != pStrText[iText]) return false; iText++; iPattern++; } return iPattern == iLenPattern && iText == iLenText; } bool CFGAS_FormatString::FormatText(const CFX_WideString& wsSrcText, const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, CFX_WideString* wsOutput) { if (wsPattern.IsEmpty()) return false; int32_t iLenText = wsSrcText.GetLength(); if (iLenText == 0) return false; CFX_WideString wsTextFormat = GetTextFormat(wsPattern, L"text"); int32_t iText = 0; int32_t iPattern = 0; const wchar_t* pStrText = wsSrcText.c_str(); const wchar_t* pStrPattern = wsTextFormat.c_str(); int32_t iLenPattern = wsTextFormat.GetLength(); while (iPattern < iLenPattern) { switch (pStrPattern[iPattern]) { case '\'': { *wsOutput += GetLiteralText(pStrPattern, &iPattern, iLenPattern); iPattern++; break; } case 'A': if (iText >= iLenText || !FXSYS_iswalpha(pStrText[iText])) return false; *wsOutput += pStrText[iText++]; iPattern++; break; case 'X': if (iText >= iLenText) return false; *wsOutput += pStrText[iText++]; iPattern++; break; case 'O': case '0': if (iText >= iLenText || (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(pStrText[iText]) && !FXSYS_iswalpha(pStrText[iText]))) { return false; } *wsOutput += pStrText[iText++]; iPattern++; break; case '9': if (iText >= iLenText || !FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(pStrText[iText])) return false; *wsOutput += pStrText[iText++]; iPattern++; break; default: *wsOutput += pStrPattern[iPattern++]; break; } } return iText == iLenText; } bool CFGAS_FormatString::FormatStrNum(const CFX_WideStringC& wsInputNum, const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, CFX_WideString* wsOutput) { if (wsInputNum.IsEmpty() || wsPattern.IsEmpty()) return false; int32_t dot_index_f = -1; uint32_t dwNumStyle = 0; CFX_WideString wsNumFormat; IFX_Locale* pLocale = GetNumericFormat(wsPattern, &dot_index_f, &dwNumStyle, &wsNumFormat); if (!pLocale || wsNumFormat.IsEmpty()) return false; int32_t cc = 0, ccf = 0; const wchar_t* strf = wsNumFormat.c_str(); int lenf = wsNumFormat.GetLength(); CFX_WideString wsSrcNum(wsInputNum); wsSrcNum.TrimLeft('0'); if (wsSrcNum.IsEmpty() || wsSrcNum[0] == '.') wsSrcNum.Insert(0, '0'); CFX_Decimal decimal = CFX_Decimal(wsSrcNum.AsStringC()); if (dwNumStyle & FX_NUMSTYLE_Percent) { decimal = decimal * CFX_Decimal(100); wsSrcNum = decimal; } int32_t exponent = 0; if (dwNumStyle & FX_NUMSTYLE_Exponent) { int fixed_count = 0; while (ccf < dot_index_f) { switch (strf[ccf]) { case '\'': GetLiteralText(strf, &ccf, dot_index_f); break; case '9': case 'z': case 'Z': fixed_count++; break; } ccf++; } int threshold = 1; while (fixed_count > 1) { threshold *= 10; fixed_count--; } if (decimal != CFX_Decimal(0)) { if (decimal < CFX_Decimal(threshold)) { decimal = decimal * CFX_Decimal(10); exponent = -1; while (decimal < CFX_Decimal(threshold)) { decimal = decimal * CFX_Decimal(10); exponent -= 1; } } else if (decimal > CFX_Decimal(threshold)) { threshold *= 10; while (decimal > CFX_Decimal(threshold)) { decimal = decimal / CFX_Decimal(10); exponent += 1; } } } } bool bTrimTailZeros = false; int32_t iTreading = GetNumTrailingLimit(wsNumFormat, dot_index_f, &bTrimTailZeros); int32_t scale = decimal.GetScale(); if (iTreading < scale) { decimal.SetScale(iTreading); wsSrcNum = decimal; } if (bTrimTailZeros && scale > 0 && iTreading > 0) { wsSrcNum.TrimRight(L"0"); wsSrcNum.TrimRight(L"."); } CFX_WideString wsGroupSymbol = pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Grouping); bool bNeg = false; if (wsSrcNum[0] == '-') { bNeg = true; wsSrcNum.Delete(0, 1); } bool bAddNeg = false; const wchar_t* str = wsSrcNum.c_str(); int len = wsSrcNum.GetLength(); int dot_index = wsSrcNum.Find('.'); if (dot_index == -1) dot_index = len; ccf = dot_index_f - 1; cc = dot_index - 1; while (ccf >= 0) { switch (strf[ccf]) { case '9': if (cc >= 0) { if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[cc])) return false; wsOutput->Insert(0, str[cc]); cc--; } else { wsOutput->Insert(0, L'0'); } ccf--; break; case 'z': if (cc >= 0) { if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[cc])) return false; if (str[0] != '0') wsOutput->Insert(0, str[cc]); cc--; } ccf--; break; case 'Z': if (cc >= 0) { if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[cc])) return false; wsOutput->Insert(0, str[0] == '0' ? L' ' : str[cc]); cc--; } else { wsOutput->Insert(0, L' '); } ccf--; break; case 'S': if (bNeg) { *wsOutput = pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Minus) + *wsOutput; bAddNeg = true; } else { wsOutput->Insert(0, L' '); } ccf--; break; case 's': if (bNeg) { *wsOutput = pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Minus) + *wsOutput; bAddNeg = true; } ccf--; break; case 'E': { CFX_WideString wsExp; wsExp.Format(L"E%+d", exponent); *wsOutput = wsExp + *wsOutput; ccf--; break; } case '$': { *wsOutput = pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_CurrencySymbol) + *wsOutput; ccf--; break; } case 'r': if (ccf - 1 >= 0 && strf[ccf - 1] == 'c') { if (bNeg) *wsOutput = L"CR" + *wsOutput; ccf -= 2; bAddNeg = true; } break; case 'R': if (ccf - 1 >= 0 && strf[ccf - 1] == 'C') { *wsOutput = bNeg ? L"CR" : L" " + *wsOutput; ccf -= 2; bAddNeg = true; } break; case 'b': if (ccf - 1 >= 0 && strf[ccf - 1] == 'd') { if (bNeg) *wsOutput = L"db" + *wsOutput; ccf -= 2; bAddNeg = true; } break; case 'B': if (ccf - 1 >= 0 && strf[ccf - 1] == 'D') { *wsOutput = bNeg ? L"DB" : L" " + *wsOutput; ccf -= 2; bAddNeg = true; } break; case '%': { *wsOutput = pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Percent) + *wsOutput; ccf--; break; } case ',': if (cc >= 0) *wsOutput = wsGroupSymbol + *wsOutput; ccf--; break; case '(': wsOutput->Insert(0, bNeg ? L'(' : L' '); bAddNeg = true; ccf--; break; case ')': wsOutput->Insert(0, bNeg ? L')' : L' '); ccf--; break; case '\'': *wsOutput = GetLiteralTextReverse(strf, &ccf) + *wsOutput; ccf--; break; default: wsOutput->Insert(0, strf[ccf]); ccf--; } } if (cc >= 0) { int nPos = dot_index % 3; wsOutput->clear(); for (int32_t i = 0; i < dot_index; i++) { if (i % 3 == nPos && i != 0) *wsOutput += wsGroupSymbol; *wsOutput += wsSrcNum[i]; } if (dot_index < len) { *wsOutput += pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Decimal); *wsOutput += wsSrcNum.Right(len - dot_index - 1); } if (bNeg) { *wsOutput = pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Minus) + *wsOutput; } return false; } if (dot_index_f == wsNumFormat.GetLength()) { if (!bAddNeg && bNeg) { *wsOutput = pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Minus) + *wsOutput; } return true; } CFX_WideString wsDotSymbol = pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Decimal); if (strf[dot_index_f] == 'V') { *wsOutput += wsDotSymbol; } else if (strf[dot_index_f] == '.') { if (dot_index < len) *wsOutput += wsDotSymbol; else if (strf[dot_index_f + 1] == '9' || strf[dot_index_f + 1] == 'Z') *wsOutput += wsDotSymbol; } ccf = dot_index_f + 1; cc = dot_index + 1; while (ccf < lenf) { switch (strf[ccf]) { case '\'': *wsOutput += GetLiteralText(strf, &ccf, lenf); ccf++; break; case '9': if (cc < len) { if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[cc])) return false; *wsOutput += str[cc]; cc++; } else { *wsOutput += L'0'; } ccf++; break; case 'z': if (cc < len) { if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[cc])) return false; *wsOutput += str[cc]; cc++; } ccf++; break; case 'Z': if (cc < len) { if (!FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[cc])) return false; *wsOutput += str[cc]; cc++; } else { *wsOutput += L'0'; } ccf++; break; case 'E': { CFX_WideString wsExp; wsExp.Format(L"E%+d", exponent); *wsOutput += wsExp; ccf++; break; } case '$': *wsOutput += pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_CurrencySymbol); ccf++; break; case 'c': if (ccf + 1 < lenf && strf[ccf + 1] == 'r') { if (bNeg) *wsOutput += L"CR"; ccf += 2; bAddNeg = true; } break; case 'C': if (ccf + 1 < lenf && strf[ccf + 1] == 'R') { *wsOutput += bNeg ? L"CR" : L" "; ccf += 2; bAddNeg = true; } break; case 'd': if (ccf + 1 < lenf && strf[ccf + 1] == 'b') { if (bNeg) *wsOutput += L"db"; ccf += 2; bAddNeg = true; } break; case 'D': if (ccf + 1 < lenf && strf[ccf + 1] == 'B') { *wsOutput += bNeg ? L"DB" : L" "; ccf += 2; bAddNeg = true; } break; case '%': *wsOutput += pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Percent); ccf++; break; case '8': while (ccf < lenf && strf[ccf] == '8') ccf++; while (cc < len && FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(str[cc])) { *wsOutput += str[cc]; cc++; } break; case ',': *wsOutput += wsGroupSymbol; ccf++; break; case '(': *wsOutput += bNeg ? '(' : ' '; bAddNeg = true; ccf++; break; case ')': *wsOutput += bNeg ? ')' : ' '; ccf++; break; default: ccf++; } } if (!bAddNeg && bNeg) { *wsOutput = pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Minus) + (*wsOutput)[0] + wsOutput->Mid(1, wsOutput->GetLength() - 1); } return true; } bool CFGAS_FormatString::FormatNum(const CFX_WideString& wsSrcNum, const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, CFX_WideString* wsOutput) { if (wsSrcNum.IsEmpty() || wsPattern.IsEmpty()) return false; return FormatStrNum(wsSrcNum.AsStringC(), wsPattern, wsOutput); } bool CFGAS_FormatString::FormatDateTime(const CFX_WideString& wsSrcDateTime, const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, FX_DATETIMETYPE eDateTimeType, CFX_WideString* wsOutput) { if (wsSrcDateTime.IsEmpty() || wsPattern.IsEmpty()) return false; CFX_WideString wsDatePattern; CFX_WideString wsTimePattern; IFX_Locale* pLocale = nullptr; FX_DATETIMETYPE eCategory = GetDateTimeFormat(wsPattern, &pLocale, &wsDatePattern, &wsTimePattern); if (!pLocale) return false; if (eCategory == FX_DATETIMETYPE_Unknown) { if (eDateTimeType == FX_DATETIMETYPE_Time) { wsTimePattern = wsDatePattern; wsDatePattern.clear(); } eCategory = eDateTimeType; } if (eCategory == FX_DATETIMETYPE_Unknown) return false; CFX_DateTime dt; int32_t iT = wsSrcDateTime.Find(L"T"); if (iT < 0) { if (eCategory == FX_DATETIMETYPE_Date && FX_DateFromCanonical(wsSrcDateTime, &dt)) { *wsOutput = FormatDateTimeInternal(dt, wsDatePattern, wsTimePattern, true, pLocale); return true; } if (eCategory == FX_DATETIMETYPE_Time && FX_TimeFromCanonical(wsSrcDateTime.AsStringC(), &dt, pLocale)) { *wsOutput = FormatDateTimeInternal(dt, wsDatePattern, wsTimePattern, true, pLocale); return true; } } else { CFX_WideString wsSrcDate(wsSrcDateTime.c_str(), iT); CFX_WideStringC wsSrcTime(wsSrcDateTime.c_str() + iT + 1, wsSrcDateTime.GetLength() - iT - 1); if (wsSrcDate.IsEmpty() || wsSrcTime.IsEmpty()) return false; if (FX_DateFromCanonical(wsSrcDate, &dt) && FX_TimeFromCanonical(wsSrcTime, &dt, pLocale)) { *wsOutput = FormatDateTimeInternal(dt, wsDatePattern, wsTimePattern, eCategory != FX_DATETIMETYPE_TimeDate, pLocale); return true; } } return false; } bool CFGAS_FormatString::FormatZero(const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, CFX_WideString* wsOutput) { if (wsPattern.IsEmpty()) return false; CFX_WideString wsTextFormat = GetTextFormat(wsPattern, L"zero"); int32_t iPattern = 0; const wchar_t* pStrPattern = wsTextFormat.c_str(); int32_t iLenPattern = wsTextFormat.GetLength(); while (iPattern < iLenPattern) { if (pStrPattern[iPattern] == '\'') { *wsOutput += GetLiteralText(pStrPattern, &iPattern, iLenPattern); iPattern++; continue; } else { *wsOutput += pStrPattern[iPattern++]; continue; } } return true; } bool CFGAS_FormatString::FormatNull(const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, CFX_WideString* wsOutput) { if (wsPattern.IsEmpty()) return false; CFX_WideString wsTextFormat = GetTextFormat(wsPattern, L"null"); int32_t iPattern = 0; const wchar_t* pStrPattern = wsTextFormat.c_str(); int32_t iLenPattern = wsTextFormat.GetLength(); while (iPattern < iLenPattern) { if (pStrPattern[iPattern] == '\'') { *wsOutput += GetLiteralText(pStrPattern, &iPattern, iLenPattern); iPattern++; continue; } *wsOutput += pStrPattern[iPattern++]; } return true; }