// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com


#include "core/include/fxcrt/fx_stream.h"
#include "core/include/fxcrt/fx_system.h"

class IFX_Stream;

IFX_FileRead* FX_CreateFileRead(IFX_Stream* pBaseStream,
                                FX_BOOL bReleaseStream = FALSE);
IFX_FileRead* FX_CreateFileRead(IFX_BufferRead* pBufferRead,
                                FX_FILESIZE iFileSize = -1,
                                FX_BOOL bReleaseStream = TRUE);
IFX_FileWrite* FX_CreateFileWrite(IFX_Stream* pBaseStream,
                                  FX_BOOL bReleaseStream = FALSE);
  FX_STREAMACCESS_Binary = 0x00,
  FX_STREAMACCESS_Text = 0x01,
  FX_STREAMACCESS_Read = 0x02,
  FX_STREAMACCESS_Write = 0x04,
  FX_STREAMACCESS_Truncate = 0x10,
  FX_STREAMACCESS_Append = 0x20,
  FX_STREAMACCESS_Create = 0x80,

  FX_STREAMSEEK_Begin = 0,

class IFX_Stream {
  static IFX_Stream* CreateStream(IFX_FileRead* pFileRead, FX_DWORD dwAccess);
  static IFX_Stream* CreateStream(IFX_FileWrite* pFileWrite, FX_DWORD dwAccess);
  static IFX_Stream* CreateStream(const FX_WCHAR* pszFileName,
                                  FX_DWORD dwAccess);
  static IFX_Stream* CreateStream(uint8_t* pData,
                                  int32_t length,
                                  FX_DWORD dwAccess);
  static IFX_Stream* CreateStream(IFX_BufferRead* pBufferRead,
                                  FX_DWORD dwAccess,
                                  int32_t iFileSize = -1,
                                  FX_BOOL bReleaseBufferRead = TRUE);
  static IFX_Stream* CreateTextStream(IFX_Stream* pBaseStream,
                                      FX_BOOL bDeleteOnRelease);
  virtual ~IFX_Stream() {}
  virtual void Release() = 0;
  virtual IFX_Stream* Retain() = 0;
  virtual FX_DWORD GetAccessModes() const = 0;
  virtual int32_t GetLength() const = 0;
  virtual int32_t Seek(FX_STREAMSEEK eSeek, int32_t iOffset) = 0;
  virtual int32_t GetPosition() = 0;
  virtual FX_BOOL IsEOF() const = 0;
  virtual int32_t ReadData(uint8_t* pBuffer, int32_t iBufferSize) = 0;
  virtual int32_t ReadString(FX_WCHAR* pStr,
                             int32_t iMaxLength,
                             FX_BOOL& bEOS,
                             int32_t const* pByteSize = NULL) = 0;
  virtual int32_t WriteData(const uint8_t* pBuffer, int32_t iBufferSize) = 0;
  virtual int32_t WriteString(const FX_WCHAR* pStr, int32_t iLength) = 0;
  virtual void Flush() = 0;
  virtual FX_BOOL SetLength(int32_t iLength) = 0;
  virtual int32_t GetBOM(uint8_t bom[4]) const = 0;
  virtual FX_WORD GetCodePage() const = 0;
  virtual FX_WORD SetCodePage(FX_WORD wCodePage) = 0;
  virtual IFX_Stream* CreateSharedStream(FX_DWORD dwAccess,
                                         int32_t iOffset,
                                         int32_t iLength) = 0;