// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #ifndef XFA_FGAS_LAYOUT_CFX_RTFBREAK_H_ #define XFA_FGAS_LAYOUT_CFX_RTFBREAK_H_ #include #include #include "core/fxcrt/fx_coordinates.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_unicode.h" #include "core/fxcrt/retain_ptr.h" #include "xfa/fgas/layout/cfx_break.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_textuserdata.h" class CFGAS_GEFont; class FXTEXT_CHARPOS; enum class CFX_RTFLineAlignment { Left = 0, Center, Right, Justified, Distributed }; struct FX_RTFTEXTOBJ { FX_RTFTEXTOBJ(); ~FX_RTFTEXTOBJ(); WideString pStr; std::vector pWidths; RetainPtr pFont; const CFX_RectF* pRect; wchar_t wLineBreakChar; float fFontSize; int32_t iLength; int32_t iBidiLevel; int32_t iHorizontalScale; int32_t iVerticalScale; }; class CFX_RTFBreak : public CFX_Break { public: explicit CFX_RTFBreak(uint32_t dwLayoutStyles); ~CFX_RTFBreak() override; void SetLineStartPos(float fLinePos); void SetAlignment(CFX_RTFLineAlignment align) { m_iAlignment = align; } void SetUserData(const RetainPtr& pUserData); void AddPositionedTab(float fTabPos); CFX_BreakType EndBreak(CFX_BreakType dwStatus); int32_t GetDisplayPos(const FX_RTFTEXTOBJ* pText, FXTEXT_CHARPOS* pCharPos, bool bCharCode) const; CFX_BreakType AppendChar(wchar_t wch); CFX_BreakLine* GetCurrentLineForTesting() const { return m_pCurLine; } private: void AppendChar_Combination(CFX_Char* pCurChar); void AppendChar_Tab(CFX_Char* pCurChar); CFX_BreakType AppendChar_Control(CFX_Char* pCurChar); CFX_BreakType AppendChar_Arabic(CFX_Char* pCurChar); CFX_BreakType AppendChar_Others(CFX_Char* pCurChar); int32_t GetLastPositionedTab() const; bool GetPositionedTab(int32_t* iTabPos) const; int32_t GetBreakPos(std::vector& tca, bool bAllChars, bool bOnlyBrk, int32_t* pEndPos); void SplitTextLine(CFX_BreakLine* pCurLine, CFX_BreakLine* pNextLine, bool bAllChars); bool EndBreak_SplitLine(CFX_BreakLine* pNextLine, bool bAllChars, CFX_BreakType dwStatus); void EndBreak_BidiLine(std::deque* tpos, CFX_BreakType dwStatus); void EndBreak_Alignment(const std::deque& tpos, bool bAllChars, CFX_BreakType dwStatus); bool m_bPagination; std::vector m_PositionedTabs; CFX_RTFLineAlignment m_iAlignment; RetainPtr m_pUserData; }; #endif // XFA_FGAS_LAYOUT_CFX_RTFBREAK_H_