xfa/fwl is a Widget Library for XFA Forms. CFWL_Widget is the base class that widget classes extend. The derived widget classes are both controllers and renderers for each widget. The hierarchy is: * CFWL_Widget * CFWL_Form * CFWL_FormProxy * CFWL_Caret * CFWL_CheckBox * CFWL_ComboBox * CFWL_DateTimePicker * CFWL_Edit * CFWL_Barcode * CFWL_ComboEdit * CFWL_DateTimeEdit * CFWL_ListBox * CFWL_ComboList * CFWL_MonthCalendar * CFWL_PictureBox * CFWL_PushButton * CFWL_ScrollBar * CFWL_SpinButton These CFWL widgets are instantiated by and closely related to the CXFA classes in the xfa/fxfa directory. See xfa/fxfa/README.md. CFWL_Widget implements IFWL_WidgetDelegate through which it receives messages, events and draw calls. Messages consist of user input for a widget to handle. Each type of message is identified by an enum value in Message::Type and has its own class derived from the base CFWL_Message. * CFWL_Message * CFWL_MessageKey * CFWL_MessageKillFocus * CFWL_MessageMouse * CFWL_MessageMouseWheel * CFWL_MessageSetFocus Events are originated in the widgets and are then handled by other CFWL_Widget and CXFA classes. * CFWL_Event * CFWL_EventCheckWord * CFWL_EventMouse * CFWL_EventScroll * CFWL_EventSelectChanged * CFWL_EventTextChanged * CFWL_EventValidate The widgets use IFWL_ThemeProvider for rendering everything, calling DrawBackground() and DrawText() and passing many options in their parameters, respectively of types CFWL_ThemeBackground and CFWL_ThemeText. See xfa/fwl/theme/README.md.