// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #ifndef XFA_FWL_BASEWIDGET_IFWL_EDIT_H_ #define XFA_FWL_BASEWIDGET_IFWL_EDIT_H_ #include <vector> #include "xfa/fwl/core/cfwl_event.h" #include "xfa/fwl/core/ifwl_dataprovider.h" #include "xfa/fwl/lightwidget/cfwl_widget.h" #define FWL_CLASS_Edit L"FWL_EDIT" #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_ReadOnly (1L << 0) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_MultiLine (1L << 1) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_WantReturn (1L << 2) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_NoHideSel (1L << 3) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_AutoHScroll (1L << 4) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_AutoVScroll (1L << 5) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_NoRedoUndo (1L << 6) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_Validate (1L << 7) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_Password (1L << 8) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_Number (1L << 9) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_HSelfAdaption (1L << 10) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_VSelfAdaption (1L << 11) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_VerticalLayout (1L << 12) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_VerticalChars (1L << 13) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_ReverseLine (1L << 14) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_ArabicShapes (1L << 15) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_ExpandTab (1L << 16) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_CombText (1L << 17) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_HNear (0L << 18) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_HCenter (1L << 18) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_HFar (2L << 18) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_VNear (0L << 20) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_VCenter (1L << 20) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_VFar (2L << 20) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_Justified (1L << 22) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_Distributed (2L << 22) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_HAlignMask (3L << 18) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_VAlignMask (3L << 20) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_HAlignModeMask (3L << 22) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_InnerCaret (1L << 24) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_ShowScrollbarFocus (1L << 25) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_OuterScrollbar (1L << 26) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_LastLineHeight (1L << 27) enum FWL_EDT_TEXTCHANGED { FWL_EDT_TEXTCHANGED_Insert = 0, FWL_EDT_TEXTCHANGED_Delete, FWL_EDT_TEXTCHANGED_Replace, }; FWL_EVENT_DEF(CFWL_EvtEdtTextChanged, CFWL_EventType::TextChanged, int32_t nChangeType; CFX_WideString wsInsert; CFX_WideString wsDelete; CFX_WideString wsPrevText;) FWL_EVENT_DEF(CFWL_EvtEdtTextFull, CFWL_EventType::TextFull) FWL_EVENT_DEF(CFWL_EvtEdtPreSelfAdaption, CFWL_EventType::PreSelfAdaption, FX_BOOL bHSelfAdaption; FX_BOOL bVSelfAdaption; CFX_RectF rtAfterChange;) FWL_EVENT_DEF(CFWL_EvtEdtValidate, CFWL_EventType::Validate, IFWL_Widget* pDstWidget; CFX_WideString wsInsert; FX_BOOL bValidate;) FWL_EVENT_DEF(CFWL_EvtEdtCheckWord, CFWL_EventType::CheckWord, CFX_ByteString bsWord; FX_BOOL bCheckWord;) FWL_EVENT_DEF(CFWL_EvtEdtGetSuggestWords, CFWL_EventType::GetSuggestedWords, FX_BOOL bSuggestWords; CFX_ByteString bsWord; std::vector<CFX_ByteString> bsArraySuggestWords;) class CFWL_WidgetImpProperties; class IFDE_TxtEdtDoRecord; class IFWL_EditDP : public IFWL_DataProvider {}; class IFWL_Edit : public IFWL_Widget { public: static IFWL_Edit* Create(const CFWL_WidgetImpProperties& properties, IFWL_Widget* pOuter); static IFWL_Edit* CreateComboEdit(const CFWL_WidgetImpProperties& properties, IFWL_Widget* pOuter); FWL_Error SetText(const CFX_WideString& wsText); int32_t GetTextLength() const; FWL_Error GetText(CFX_WideString& wsText, int32_t nStart = 0, int32_t nCount = -1) const; FWL_Error ClearText(); int32_t GetCaretPos() const; int32_t SetCaretPos(int32_t nIndex, FX_BOOL bBefore = TRUE); FWL_Error AddSelRange(int32_t nStart, int32_t nCount = -1); int32_t CountSelRanges(); int32_t GetSelRange(int32_t nIndex, int32_t& nStart); FWL_Error ClearSelections(); int32_t GetLimit(); FWL_Error SetLimit(int32_t nLimit); FWL_Error SetAliasChar(FX_WCHAR wAlias); FWL_Error Insert(int32_t nStart, const FX_WCHAR* lpText, int32_t nLen); FWL_Error DeleteSelections(); FWL_Error DeleteRange(int32_t nStart, int32_t nCount = -1); FWL_Error Replace(int32_t nStart, int32_t nLen, const CFX_WideStringC& wsReplace); FWL_Error DoClipboard(int32_t iCmd); FX_BOOL Copy(CFX_WideString& wsCopy); FX_BOOL Cut(CFX_WideString& wsCut); FX_BOOL Paste(const CFX_WideString& wsPaste); FX_BOOL Delete(); FX_BOOL Redo(const IFDE_TxtEdtDoRecord* pRecord); FX_BOOL Undo(const IFDE_TxtEdtDoRecord* pRecord); FX_BOOL Undo(); FX_BOOL Redo(); FX_BOOL CanUndo(); FX_BOOL CanRedo(); FWL_Error SetTabWidth(FX_FLOAT fTabWidth, FX_BOOL bEquidistant); FWL_Error SetOuter(IFWL_Widget* pOuter); FWL_Error SetNumberRange(int32_t iMin, int32_t iMax); FWL_Error SetBackColor(uint32_t dwColor); FWL_Error SetFont(const CFX_WideString& wsFont, FX_FLOAT fSize); void SetScrollOffset(FX_FLOAT fScrollOffset); FX_BOOL GetSuggestWords(CFX_PointF pointf, std::vector<CFX_ByteString>& sSuggest); FX_BOOL ReplaceSpellCheckWord(CFX_PointF pointf, const CFX_ByteStringC& bsReplace); protected: IFWL_Edit(); }; #endif // XFA_FWL_BASEWIDGET_IFWL_EDIT_H_