// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "xfa/fwl/core/fwl_noteimp.h" #include "core/fxcrt/include/fx_ext.h" #include "xfa/fwl/basewidget/fwl_tooltipctrlimp.h" #include "xfa/fwl/basewidget/ifwl_tooltip.h" #include "xfa/fwl/core/cfwl_message.h" #include "xfa/fwl/core/fwl_appimp.h" #include "xfa/fwl/core/fwl_formimp.h" #include "xfa/fwl/core/fwl_panelimp.h" #include "xfa/fwl/core/fwl_targetimp.h" #include "xfa/fwl/core/fwl_threadimp.h" #include "xfa/fwl/core/fwl_widgetimp.h" #include "xfa/fwl/core/fwl_widgetmgrimp.h" #include "xfa/fwl/core/ifwl_adapterwidgetmgr.h" #include "xfa/fwl/core/ifwl_app.h" #include "xfa/fwl/core/ifwl_tooltiptarget.h" CFWL_NoteLoop::CFWL_NoteLoop(CFWL_WidgetImp* pForm) : m_pForm(pForm), m_bContinueModal(TRUE) {} FWL_ERR CFWL_NoteLoop::Idle(int32_t count) { #if (_FX_OS_ == _FX_WIN32_DESKTOP_) if (count <= 0) { #endif CFWL_EvtIdle ev; IFWL_App* pApp = FWL_GetApp(); if (!pApp) return FWL_ERR_Indefinite; IFWL_NoteDriver* pDriver = pApp->GetNoteDriver(); if (!pDriver) return FWL_ERR_Indefinite; pDriver->SendNote(&ev); #if (_FX_OS_ == _FX_WIN32_DESKTOP_) } #endif return FWL_ERR_Indefinite; } CFWL_WidgetImp* CFWL_NoteLoop::GetForm() { return m_pForm; } FX_BOOL CFWL_NoteLoop::ContinueModal() { return m_bContinueModal; } FWL_ERR CFWL_NoteLoop::EndModalLoop() { m_bContinueModal = FALSE; #if (_FX_OS_ == _FX_MACOSX_) CFWL_WidgetMgr* pWidgetMgr = static_cast(FWL_GetWidgetMgr()); IFWL_AdapterWidgetMgr* adapterWidgetMgr = pWidgetMgr->GetAdapterWidgetMgr(); adapterWidgetMgr->EndLoop(); #endif return FWL_ERR_Succeeded; } FWL_ERR CFWL_NoteLoop::SetMainForm(CFWL_WidgetImp* pForm) { m_pForm = pForm; return FWL_ERR_Succeeded; } void CFWL_NoteLoop::GenerateCommondEvent(uint32_t dwCommand) { CFWL_EvtMenuCommand ev; ev.m_iCommand = dwCommand; IFWL_Thread* pThread = m_pForm->GetOwnerThread(); if (!pThread) return; IFWL_NoteDriver* pDriver = pThread->GetNoteDriver(); if (!pDriver) return; pDriver->SendNote(&ev); } CFWL_NoteDriver::CFWL_NoteDriver() : m_sendEventCalled(0), m_bFullScreen(FALSE), m_pHover(nullptr), m_pFocus(nullptr), m_pGrab(nullptr) { m_pNoteLoop = new CFWL_NoteLoop; PushNoteLoop(m_pNoteLoop); } CFWL_NoteDriver::~CFWL_NoteDriver() { delete m_pNoteLoop; ClearInvalidEventTargets(TRUE); } FX_BOOL CFWL_NoteDriver::SendNote(CFWL_Note* pNote) { if (pNote->IsEvent()) { int32_t iCount = m_eventTargets.GetCount(); if (iCount < 1) { return TRUE; } if (FWL_EVTHASH_Mouse == static_cast(pNote)->GetClassID()) { CFWL_EvtMouse* pMouse = static_cast(pNote); if (FWL_MSGMOUSECMD_MouseHover == pMouse->m_dwCmd) { if (m_pNoteLoop->GetForm() && CFWL_ToolTipContainer::getInstance()->ProcessEnter( pMouse, m_pNoteLoop->GetForm()->GetInterface())) { } } else if (FWL_MSGMOUSECMD_MouseLeave == pMouse->m_dwCmd) { if (CFWL_ToolTipContainer::getInstance()->ProcessLeave(pMouse)) { } } else if ((FWL_MSGMOUSECMD_LButtonDown <= pMouse->m_dwCmd) && (FWL_MSGMOUSECMD_MButtonDblClk >= pMouse->m_dwCmd)) { if (CFWL_ToolTipContainer::getInstance()->ProcessLeave(pMouse)) { } } } m_sendEventCalled++; FX_POSITION pos = m_eventTargets.GetStartPosition(); while (pos) { void* key = NULL; CFWL_EventTarget* pEventTarget; m_eventTargets.GetNextAssoc(pos, key, (void*&)pEventTarget); if (pEventTarget && !pEventTarget->IsInvalid()) { pEventTarget->ProcessEvent(static_cast(pNote)); } } m_sendEventCalled--; } else { if (!pNote->m_pDstTarget) return FALSE; IFWL_WidgetDelegate* pDelegate = pNote->m_pDstTarget->SetDelegate(NULL); if (pDelegate) { pDelegate->OnProcessMessage(static_cast(pNote)); } } return TRUE; } #define FWL_NoteDriver_EventKey 1100 FWL_ERR CFWL_NoteDriver::RegisterEventTarget(IFWL_Widget* pListener, IFWL_Widget* pEventSource, uint32_t dwFilter) { uint32_t dwkey = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t)pListener->GetPrivateData( (void*)(uintptr_t)FWL_NoteDriver_EventKey); if (dwkey == 0) { void* random = FX_Random_MT_Start(0); dwkey = rand(); FX_Random_MT_Close(random); pListener->SetPrivateData((void*)(uintptr_t)FWL_NoteDriver_EventKey, (void*)(uintptr_t)dwkey, NULL); } CFWL_EventTarget* value = NULL; if (!m_eventTargets.Lookup((void*)(uintptr_t)dwkey, (void*&)value)) { value = new CFWL_EventTarget(this, pListener); m_eventTargets.SetAt((void*)(uintptr_t)dwkey, value); } value->SetEventSource(pEventSource, dwFilter); return FWL_ERR_Succeeded; } FWL_ERR CFWL_NoteDriver::UnregisterEventTarget(IFWL_Widget* pListener) { uint32_t dwkey = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t)pListener->GetPrivateData( (void*)(uintptr_t)FWL_NoteDriver_EventKey); if (dwkey == 0) { return FWL_ERR_Indefinite; } CFWL_EventTarget* value = NULL; if (m_eventTargets.Lookup((void*)(uintptr_t)dwkey, (void*&)value)) { value->FlagInvalid(); } return FWL_ERR_Succeeded; } void CFWL_NoteDriver::ClearEventTargets(FX_BOOL bRemoveAll) { ClearInvalidEventTargets(bRemoveAll); } IFWL_Thread* CFWL_NoteDriver::GetOwnerThread() const { return FWL_GetApp(); } FWL_ERR CFWL_NoteDriver::PushNoteLoop(IFWL_NoteLoop* pNoteLoop) { m_noteLoopQueue.Add(pNoteLoop); return FWL_ERR_Succeeded; } IFWL_NoteLoop* CFWL_NoteDriver::PopNoteLoop() { int32_t pos = m_noteLoopQueue.GetSize(); if (pos <= 0) return NULL; IFWL_NoteLoop* p = static_cast(m_noteLoopQueue.GetAt(pos - 1)); m_noteLoopQueue.RemoveAt(pos - 1); return p; } FX_BOOL CFWL_NoteDriver::SetFocus(IFWL_Widget* pFocus, FX_BOOL bNotify) { if (m_pFocus == pFocus) { return TRUE; } IFWL_Widget* pPrev = m_pFocus; m_pFocus = pFocus; if (pPrev) { CFWL_MsgKillFocus ms; ms.m_pDstTarget = pPrev; ms.m_pSrcTarget = pPrev; if (bNotify) { ms.m_dwExtend = 1; } IFWL_WidgetDelegate* pDelegate = pPrev->SetDelegate(NULL); if (pDelegate) { pDelegate->OnProcessMessage(&ms); } } if (pFocus) { IFWL_Widget* pWidget = FWL_GetWidgetMgr()->GetWidget(pFocus, FWL_WGTRELATION_SystemForm); CFWL_FormImp* pForm = pWidget ? static_cast(pWidget->GetImpl()) : nullptr; if (pForm) { CFWL_WidgetImp* pNewFocus = static_cast(pFocus->GetImpl()); pForm->SetSubFocus(pNewFocus); } CFWL_MsgSetFocus ms; ms.m_pDstTarget = pFocus; if (bNotify) { ms.m_dwExtend = 1; } IFWL_WidgetDelegate* pDelegate = pFocus->SetDelegate(NULL); if (pDelegate) { pDelegate->OnProcessMessage(&ms); } } return TRUE; } FWL_ERR CFWL_NoteDriver::Run() { CFWL_WidgetMgr* pWidgetMgr = static_cast(FWL_GetWidgetMgr()); if (!pWidgetMgr) return FWL_ERR_Indefinite; #if (_FX_OS_ == _FX_MACOSX_) IFWL_AdapterWidgetMgr* adapterWidgetMgr = pWidgetMgr->GetAdapterWidgetMgr(); CFWL_NoteLoop* pTopLoop = GetTopLoop(); if (pTopLoop) { CFWL_WidgetImp* formImp = pTopLoop->GetForm(); if (formImp) { IFWL_Widget* pForm = formImp->GetInterface(); adapterWidgetMgr->RunLoop(pForm); } } #elif(_FX_OS_ == _FX_WIN32_DESKTOP_ || _FX_OS_ == _FX_WIN64_) FX_BOOL bIdle = TRUE; int32_t iIdleCount = 0; CFWL_NoteLoop* pTopLoop = NULL; for (;;) { pTopLoop = GetTopLoop(); if (!pTopLoop || !pTopLoop->ContinueModal()) { break; } if (UnqueueMessage(pTopLoop)) { continue; } while (bIdle && !(pWidgetMgr->CheckMessage_Native())) { if (FWL_ERR_Indefinite == pTopLoop->Idle(iIdleCount++)) { bIdle = FALSE; } } do { if (FWL_ERR_Indefinite == pWidgetMgr->DispatchMessage_Native()) { break; } if (pWidgetMgr->IsIdleMessage_Native()) { bIdle = TRUE; iIdleCount = 0; } } while (pWidgetMgr->CheckMessage_Native()); } #elif(_FX_OS_ == _FX_LINUX_DESKTOP_) CFWL_NoteLoop* pTopLoop = NULL; for (;;) { pTopLoop = GetTopLoop(); if (!pTopLoop || !pTopLoop->ContinueModal()) { break; } if (UnqueueMessage(pTopLoop)) { continue; } if (pWidgetMgr->CheckMessage_Native()) { pWidgetMgr->DispatchMessage_Native(); } } #endif return FWL_ERR_Succeeded; } IFWL_Widget* CFWL_NoteDriver::GetFocus() { return m_pFocus; } IFWL_Widget* CFWL_NoteDriver::GetHover() { return m_pHover; } void CFWL_NoteDriver::SetHover(IFWL_Widget* pHover) { m_pHover = pHover; } void CFWL_NoteDriver::SetGrab(IFWL_Widget* pGrab, FX_BOOL bSet) { m_pGrab = bSet ? pGrab : NULL; } void CFWL_NoteDriver::NotifyTargetHide(IFWL_Widget* pNoteTarget) { if (m_pFocus == pNoteTarget) { m_pFocus = NULL; } if (m_pHover == pNoteTarget) { m_pHover = NULL; } if (m_pGrab == pNoteTarget) { m_pGrab = NULL; } } void CFWL_NoteDriver::NotifyTargetDestroy(IFWL_Widget* pNoteTarget) { if (m_pFocus == pNoteTarget) { m_pFocus = NULL; } if (m_pHover == pNoteTarget) { m_pHover = NULL; } if (m_pGrab == pNoteTarget) { m_pGrab = NULL; } UnregisterEventTarget(pNoteTarget); int32_t count = m_forms.GetSize(); for (int32_t nIndex = 0; nIndex < count; nIndex++) { CFWL_FormImp* pForm = static_cast(m_forms[nIndex]); if (!pForm) { continue; } CFWL_WidgetImp* pSubFocus = pForm->GetSubFocus(); if (!pSubFocus) return; if (pSubFocus && pSubFocus->GetInterface() == pNoteTarget) { pForm->SetSubFocus(NULL); } } } void CFWL_NoteDriver::NotifyFullScreenMode(IFWL_Widget* pNoteTarget, FX_BOOL bFullScreen) { m_bFullScreen = bFullScreen; } FWL_ERR CFWL_NoteDriver::RegisterForm(CFWL_WidgetImp* pForm) { if (!pForm) return FWL_ERR_Indefinite; if (m_forms.Find(pForm) >= 0) { return FWL_ERR_Indefinite; } m_forms.Add(pForm); if (m_forms.GetSize() == 1) { CFWL_NoteLoop* pLoop = static_cast(m_noteLoopQueue.GetAt(0)); if (!pLoop) return FWL_ERR_Indefinite; pLoop->SetMainForm(pForm); } return FWL_ERR_Succeeded; } FWL_ERR CFWL_NoteDriver::UnRegisterForm(CFWL_WidgetImp* pForm) { if (!pForm) return FWL_ERR_Indefinite; int32_t nIndex = m_forms.Find(pForm); if (nIndex < 0) { return FWL_ERR_Indefinite; } m_forms.RemoveAt(nIndex); return FWL_ERR_Succeeded; } FX_BOOL CFWL_NoteDriver::QueueMessage(CFWL_Message* pMessage) { pMessage->Retain(); m_noteQueue.Add(pMessage); return TRUE; } FX_BOOL CFWL_NoteDriver::UnqueueMessage(CFWL_NoteLoop* pNoteLoop) { if (m_noteQueue.GetSize() < 1) { return FALSE; } CFWL_Message* pMessage = static_cast(m_noteQueue[0]); m_noteQueue.RemoveAt(0); if (!IsValidMessage(pMessage)) { pMessage->Release(); return TRUE; } ProcessMessage(pMessage); pMessage->Release(); return TRUE; } CFWL_NoteLoop* CFWL_NoteDriver::GetTopLoop() { int32_t size = m_noteLoopQueue.GetSize(); if (size <= 0) return NULL; return static_cast(m_noteLoopQueue[size - 1]); } int32_t CFWL_NoteDriver::CountLoop() { return m_noteLoopQueue.GetSize(); } FX_BOOL CFWL_NoteDriver::ProcessMessage(CFWL_Message* pMessage) { CFWL_WidgetMgr* pWidgetMgr = static_cast(FWL_GetWidgetMgr()); IFWL_Widget* pMessageForm = pWidgetMgr->IsFormDisabled() ? pMessage->m_pDstTarget : GetMessageForm(pMessage->m_pDstTarget); if (!pMessageForm) return FALSE; if (DispatchMessage(pMessage, pMessageForm)) { if (pMessage->GetClassID() == FWL_MSGHASH_Mouse) { MouseSecondary(static_cast(pMessage)); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CFWL_NoteDriver::DispatchMessage(CFWL_Message* pMessage, IFWL_Widget* pMessageForm) { FX_BOOL bRet = FALSE; switch (pMessage->GetClassID()) { case FWL_MSGHASH_Activate: { bRet = DoActivate(static_cast(pMessage), pMessageForm); break; } case FWL_MSGHASH_Deactivate: { bRet = DoDeactivate(static_cast(pMessage), pMessageForm); break; } case FWL_MSGHASH_SetFocus: { bRet = DoSetFocus(static_cast(pMessage), pMessageForm); break; } case FWL_MSGHASH_KillFocus: { bRet = DoKillFocus(static_cast(pMessage), pMessageForm); break; } case FWL_MSGHASH_Key: { bRet = DoKey(static_cast(pMessage), pMessageForm); break; } case FWL_MSGHASH_Mouse: { bRet = DoMouse(static_cast(pMessage), pMessageForm); break; } case FWL_MSGHASH_MouseWheel: { bRet = DoWheel(static_cast(pMessage), pMessageForm); break; } case FWL_MSGHASH_Size: { bRet = DoSize(static_cast(pMessage)); break; } case FWL_MSGHASH_Cursor: { bRet = TRUE; break; } case FWL_MSGHASH_WindowMove: { bRet = DoWindowMove(static_cast(pMessage), pMessageForm); break; } case FWL_MSGHASH_DropFiles: { bRet = DoDragFiles(static_cast(pMessage), pMessageForm); break; } default: { bRet = TRUE; break; } } if (bRet) { IFWL_WidgetDelegate* pDelegate = pMessage->m_pDstTarget->SetDelegate(NULL); if (pDelegate) { pDelegate->OnProcessMessage(pMessage); } } return bRet; } FX_BOOL CFWL_NoteDriver::DoActivate(CFWL_MsgActivate* pMsg, IFWL_Widget* pMessageForm) { if (m_bFullScreen) { return FALSE; } pMsg->m_pDstTarget = pMessageForm; return (pMsg->m_pDstTarget)->GetStates() & FWL_WGTSTATE_Deactivated; } FX_BOOL CFWL_NoteDriver::DoDeactivate(CFWL_MsgDeactivate* pMsg, IFWL_Widget* pMessageForm) { if (m_bFullScreen) { return FALSE; } int32_t iTrackLoop = m_noteLoopQueue.GetSize(); if (iTrackLoop <= 0) return FALSE; if (iTrackLoop == 1) { if (pMessageForm->IsInstance(FX_WSTRC(L"FWL_FORMPROXY"))) { return FALSE; } if (pMsg->m_pSrcTarget && pMsg->m_pSrcTarget->IsInstance(FX_WSTRC(L"FWL_FORMPROXY"))) { return FALSE; } if (pMsg->m_pSrcTarget && pMsg->m_pSrcTarget->GetClassID() == 1111984755) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } IFWL_Widget* pDst = pMsg->m_pDstTarget; if (!pDst) return FALSE; #if (_FX_OS_ == _FX_MACOSX_) if (pDst == pMessageForm && pDst->IsInstance(L"FWL_FORMPROXY")) { return TRUE; } #endif return pDst != pMessageForm && !pDst->IsInstance(FX_WSTRC(L"FWL_FORMPROXY")) && !pMessageForm->IsInstance(FX_WSTRC(L"FWL_FORMPROXY")); } FX_BOOL CFWL_NoteDriver::DoSetFocus(CFWL_MsgSetFocus* pMsg, IFWL_Widget* pMessageForm) { CFWL_WidgetMgr* pWidgetMgr = static_cast(FWL_GetWidgetMgr()); if (pWidgetMgr->IsFormDisabled()) { m_pFocus = pMsg->m_pDstTarget; return TRUE; } else { IFWL_Widget* pWidget = pMsg->m_pDstTarget; CFWL_FormImp* pForm = pWidget ? static_cast(pWidget->GetImpl()) : nullptr; if (pForm) { CFWL_WidgetImp* pSubFocus = pForm->GetSubFocus(); if (pSubFocus && ((pSubFocus->GetStates() & FWL_WGTSTATE_Focused) == 0)) { pMsg->m_pDstTarget = pSubFocus->GetInterface(); if (m_pFocus != pMsg->m_pDstTarget) { m_pFocus = pMsg->m_pDstTarget; return TRUE; } } } } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CFWL_NoteDriver::DoKillFocus(CFWL_MsgKillFocus* pMsg, IFWL_Widget* pMessageForm) { CFWL_WidgetMgr* pWidgetMgr = static_cast(FWL_GetWidgetMgr()); if (pWidgetMgr->IsFormDisabled()) { if (m_pFocus == pMsg->m_pDstTarget) { m_pFocus = NULL; } return TRUE; } IFWL_Widget* pWidget = pMsg->m_pDstTarget; CFWL_FormImp* pForm = pWidget ? static_cast(pWidget->GetImpl()) : nullptr; if (pForm) { CFWL_WidgetImp* pSubFocus = pForm->GetSubFocus(); if (pSubFocus && (pSubFocus->GetStates() & FWL_WGTSTATE_Focused)) { pMsg->m_pDstTarget = pSubFocus->GetInterface(); if (m_pFocus == pMsg->m_pDstTarget) { m_pFocus = NULL; return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CFWL_NoteDriver::DoKey(CFWL_MsgKey* pMsg, IFWL_Widget* pMessageForm) { #if (_FX_OS_ != _FX_MACOSX_) if (pMsg->m_dwCmd == FWL_MSGKEYCMD_KeyDown && pMsg->m_dwKeyCode == FWL_VKEY_Tab) { CFWL_WidgetMgr* pWidgetMgr = static_cast(FWL_GetWidgetMgr()); IFWL_Widget* pForm = GetMessageForm(pMsg->m_pDstTarget); IFWL_Widget* pFocus = m_pFocus; if (m_pFocus) { if (pWidgetMgr->GetWidget(m_pFocus, FWL_WGTRELATION_SystemForm) != pForm) { pFocus = NULL; } } FX_BOOL bFind = FALSE; IFWL_Widget* pNextTabStop = pWidgetMgr->nextTab(pForm, pFocus, bFind); if (!pNextTabStop) { bFind = FALSE; pNextTabStop = pWidgetMgr->nextTab(pForm, NULL, bFind); } if (pNextTabStop == pFocus) { return TRUE; } if (pNextTabStop) { SetFocus(pNextTabStop); } return TRUE; } #endif if (!m_pFocus) { if (pMsg->m_dwCmd == FWL_MSGKEYCMD_KeyDown && pMsg->m_dwKeyCode == FWL_VKEY_Return) { CFWL_WidgetMgr* pWidgetMgr = static_cast(FWL_GetWidgetMgr()); IFWL_Widget* defButton = pWidgetMgr->GetDefaultButton(pMessageForm); if (defButton) { pMsg->m_pDstTarget = defButton; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } pMsg->m_pDstTarget = m_pFocus; return TRUE; } FX_BOOL CFWL_NoteDriver::DoMouse(CFWL_MsgMouse* pMsg, IFWL_Widget* pMessageForm) { if (pMsg->m_dwCmd == FWL_MSGMOUSECMD_MouseLeave || pMsg->m_dwCmd == FWL_MSGMOUSECMD_MouseHover || pMsg->m_dwCmd == FWL_MSGMOUSECMD_MouseEnter) { return pMsg->m_pDstTarget != NULL; } if (pMsg->m_pDstTarget != pMessageForm) { pMsg->m_pDstTarget->TransformTo(pMessageForm, pMsg->m_fx, pMsg->m_fy); } if (!DoMouseEx(pMsg, pMessageForm)) { pMsg->m_pDstTarget = pMessageForm; } return TRUE; } FX_BOOL CFWL_NoteDriver::DoWheel(CFWL_MsgMouseWheel* pMsg, IFWL_Widget* pMessageForm) { CFWL_WidgetMgr* pWidgetMgr = static_cast(FWL_GetWidgetMgr()); if (!pWidgetMgr) return FALSE; IFWL_Widget* pDst = pWidgetMgr->GetWidgetAtPoint(pMessageForm, pMsg->m_fx, pMsg->m_fy); if (!pDst) return FALSE; pMessageForm->TransformTo(pDst, pMsg->m_fx, pMsg->m_fy); pMsg->m_pDstTarget = pDst; return TRUE; } FX_BOOL CFWL_NoteDriver::DoSize(CFWL_MsgSize* pMsg) { CFWL_WidgetMgr* pWidgetMgr = static_cast(FWL_GetWidgetMgr()); if (!pWidgetMgr) return FALSE; pWidgetMgr->NotifySizeChanged(pMsg->m_pDstTarget, (FX_FLOAT)pMsg->m_iWidth, (FX_FLOAT)pMsg->m_iHeight); return TRUE; } FX_BOOL CFWL_NoteDriver::DoWindowMove(CFWL_MsgWindowMove* pMsg, IFWL_Widget* pMessageForm) { return pMsg->m_pDstTarget == pMessageForm; } FX_BOOL CFWL_NoteDriver::DoDragFiles(CFWL_MsgDropFiles* pMsg, IFWL_Widget* pMessageForm) { return pMsg->m_pDstTarget == pMessageForm; } FX_BOOL CFWL_NoteDriver::DoMouseEx(CFWL_MsgMouse* pMsg, IFWL_Widget* pMessageForm) { CFWL_WidgetMgr* pWidgetMgr = static_cast(FWL_GetWidgetMgr()); if (!pWidgetMgr) return FALSE; IFWL_Widget* pTarget = NULL; if (m_pGrab) pTarget = m_pGrab; if (!pTarget) { pTarget = pWidgetMgr->GetWidgetAtPoint(pMessageForm, pMsg->m_fx, pMsg->m_fy); } if (pTarget) { if (pMessageForm != pTarget) { pMessageForm->TransformTo(pTarget, pMsg->m_fx, pMsg->m_fy); } } if (!pTarget) return FALSE; pMsg->m_pDstTarget = pTarget; return TRUE; } void CFWL_NoteDriver::MouseSecondary(CFWL_MsgMouse* pMsg) { IFWL_Widget* pTarget = pMsg->m_pDstTarget; if (pTarget == m_pHover) { return; } if (m_pHover) { CFWL_MsgMouse msLeave; msLeave.m_pDstTarget = m_pHover; msLeave.m_fx = pMsg->m_fx; msLeave.m_fy = pMsg->m_fy; pTarget->TransformTo(m_pHover, msLeave.m_fx, msLeave.m_fy); msLeave.m_dwFlags = 0; msLeave.m_dwCmd = FWL_MSGMOUSECMD_MouseLeave; DispatchMessage(&msLeave, NULL); } if (pTarget->GetClassID() == FWL_CLASSHASH_Form) { m_pHover = NULL; return; } m_pHover = pTarget; CFWL_MsgMouse msHover; msHover.m_pDstTarget = pTarget; msHover.m_fx = pMsg->m_fx; msHover.m_fy = pMsg->m_fy; msHover.m_dwFlags = 0; msHover.m_dwCmd = FWL_MSGMOUSECMD_MouseHover; DispatchMessage(&msHover, NULL); } FX_BOOL CFWL_NoteDriver::IsValidMessage(CFWL_Message* pMessage) { if (pMessage->GetClassID() == FWL_MSGHASH_Post) { return TRUE; } int32_t iCount = m_noteLoopQueue.GetSize(); for (int32_t i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { CFWL_NoteLoop* pNoteLoop = static_cast(m_noteLoopQueue[i]); CFWL_WidgetImp* pForm = pNoteLoop->GetForm(); if (pForm && (pForm->GetInterface() == pMessage->m_pDstTarget)) { return TRUE; } } iCount = m_forms.GetSize(); for (int32_t j = 0; j < iCount; j++) { CFWL_FormImp* pForm = static_cast(m_forms[j]); if (pForm->GetInterface() == pMessage->m_pDstTarget) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } IFWL_Widget* CFWL_NoteDriver::GetMessageForm(IFWL_Widget* pDstTarget) { int32_t iTrackLoop = m_noteLoopQueue.GetSize(); if (iTrackLoop <= 0) return NULL; IFWL_Widget* pMessageForm = NULL; if (iTrackLoop > 1) { CFWL_NoteLoop* pNootLoop = static_cast(m_noteLoopQueue[iTrackLoop - 1]); pMessageForm = pNootLoop->GetForm()->GetInterface(); } else { pMessageForm = (m_forms.Find(pDstTarget) < 0) ? NULL : pDstTarget; } if (!pMessageForm && pDstTarget) { CFWL_WidgetMgr* pWidgetMgr = static_cast(FWL_GetWidgetMgr()); if (!pWidgetMgr) return NULL; pMessageForm = pWidgetMgr->GetWidget(pDstTarget, FWL_WGTRELATION_SystemForm); } return pMessageForm; } void CFWL_NoteDriver::ClearInvalidEventTargets(FX_BOOL bRemoveAll) { FX_POSITION pos = m_eventTargets.GetStartPosition(); while (pos) { void* key = NULL; CFWL_EventTarget* pEventTarget = NULL; m_eventTargets.GetNextAssoc(pos, key, (void*&)pEventTarget); if (pEventTarget && (bRemoveAll || pEventTarget->IsInvalid())) { m_eventTargets.RemoveKey(key); delete pEventTarget; } } } class CFWL_CoreToolTipDP : public IFWL_ToolTipDP { public: FWL_ERR GetCaption(IFWL_Widget* pWidget, CFX_WideString& wsCaption); int32_t GetInitialDelay(IFWL_Widget* pWidget); int32_t GetAutoPopDelay(IFWL_Widget* pWidget); CFX_DIBitmap* GetToolTipIcon(IFWL_Widget* pWidget); CFX_SizeF GetToolTipIconSize(IFWL_Widget* pWidget); CFX_RectF GetAnchor(); CFWL_CoreToolTipDP(); CFX_WideString m_wsCaption; int32_t m_nInitDelayTime; int32_t m_nAutoPopDelayTime; CFX_RectF m_fAnchor; }; CFWL_CoreToolTipDP::CFWL_CoreToolTipDP() { m_nInitDelayTime = 500; m_nAutoPopDelayTime = 50000; m_fAnchor.Set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } FWL_ERR CFWL_CoreToolTipDP::GetCaption(IFWL_Widget* pWidget, CFX_WideString& wsCaption) { wsCaption = m_wsCaption; return FWL_ERR_Succeeded; } int32_t CFWL_CoreToolTipDP::GetInitialDelay(IFWL_Widget* pWidget) { return m_nInitDelayTime; } int32_t CFWL_CoreToolTipDP::GetAutoPopDelay(IFWL_Widget* pWidget) { return m_nAutoPopDelayTime; } CFX_DIBitmap* CFWL_CoreToolTipDP::GetToolTipIcon(IFWL_Widget* pWidget) { return NULL; } CFX_SizeF CFWL_CoreToolTipDP::GetToolTipIconSize(IFWL_Widget* pWidget) { return CFX_SizeF(); } CFX_RectF CFWL_CoreToolTipDP::GetAnchor() { return m_fAnchor; } CFWL_EventTarget::~CFWL_EventTarget() { m_eventSources.RemoveAll(); } int32_t CFWL_EventTarget::SetEventSource(IFWL_Widget* pSource, uint32_t dwFilter) { if (pSource) { m_eventSources.SetAt(pSource, dwFilter); return m_eventSources.GetCount(); } return 1; } FX_BOOL CFWL_EventTarget::ProcessEvent(CFWL_Event* pEvent) { IFWL_WidgetDelegate* pDelegate = m_pListener->SetDelegate(NULL); if (!pDelegate) return FALSE; if (m_eventSources.GetCount() == 0) { pDelegate->OnProcessEvent(pEvent); return TRUE; } FX_POSITION pos = m_eventSources.GetStartPosition(); while (pos) { IFWL_Widget* pSource = NULL; uint32_t dwFilter = 0; m_eventSources.GetNextAssoc(pos, (void*&)pSource, dwFilter); if (pSource == pEvent->m_pSrcTarget || pEvent->GetClassID() == FWL_EVTHASH_Idle) { if (IsFilterEvent(pEvent, dwFilter)) { pDelegate->OnProcessEvent(pEvent); return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CFWL_EventTarget::IsFilterEvent(CFWL_Event* pEvent, uint32_t dwFilter) { if (dwFilter == FWL_EVENT_ALL_MASK) { return TRUE; } FX_BOOL bRet = FALSE; switch (pEvent->GetClassID()) { case FWL_EVTHASH_Mouse: { bRet = dwFilter & FWL_EVENT_MOUSE_MASK; break; } case FWL_EVTHASH_MouseWheel: { bRet = dwFilter & FWL_EVENT_MOUSEWHEEL_MASK; break; } case FWL_EVTHASH_Key: { bRet = dwFilter & FWL_EVENT_KEY_MASK; break; } case FWL_EVTHASH_SetFocus: case FWL_EVTHASH_KillFocus: { bRet = dwFilter & FWL_EVENT_FOCUSCHANGED_MASK; break; } case FWL_EVTHASH_Draw: { bRet = dwFilter & FWL_EVENT_DRAW_MASK; break; } case FWL_EVTHASH_Close: { bRet = dwFilter & FWL_EVENT_CLOSE_MASK; break; } case FWL_EVTHASH_SizeChanged: { bRet = dwFilter & FWL_EVENT_SIZECHANGED_MASK; break; } case FWL_EVTHASH_Idle: { bRet = dwFilter & FWL_EVENT_IDLE_MASK; break; } default: { bRet = dwFilter & FWL_EVENT_CONTROL_MASK; break; } } return bRet; } CFWL_ToolTipContainer* CFWL_ToolTipContainer::s_pInstance = NULL; CFWL_ToolTipContainer::CFWL_ToolTipContainer() : pCurTarget(NULL), m_pToolTipImp(NULL) { m_ToolTipDp = new CFWL_CoreToolTipDP; m_ToolTipDp->m_nInitDelayTime = 0; m_ToolTipDp->m_nAutoPopDelayTime = 2000; } CFWL_ToolTipContainer::~CFWL_ToolTipContainer() { if (m_pToolTipImp) { IFWL_ToolTip* pToolTip = static_cast(m_pToolTipImp->GetInterface()); pToolTip->Finalize(); delete pToolTip; } delete m_ToolTipDp; } // static CFWL_ToolTipContainer* CFWL_ToolTipContainer::getInstance() { if (!s_pInstance) { s_pInstance = new CFWL_ToolTipContainer; } return s_pInstance; } // static void CFWL_ToolTipContainer::DeleteInstance() { if (s_pInstance) { delete s_pInstance; s_pInstance = NULL; } } FX_ERR CFWL_ToolTipContainer::AddToolTipTarget(IFWL_ToolTipTarget* pTarget) { if (m_arrWidget.Find((void*)pTarget) < 0) { m_arrWidget.Add((void*)pTarget); return FWL_ERR_Succeeded; } return FWL_ERR_Indefinite; } FX_ERR CFWL_ToolTipContainer::RemoveToolTipTarget(IFWL_ToolTipTarget* pTarget) { int index = m_arrWidget.Find((void*)pTarget); if (index >= 0) { m_arrWidget.RemoveAt(index); return FWL_ERR_Succeeded; } return FWL_ERR_Indefinite; } FX_BOOL CFWL_ToolTipContainer::HasToolTip(IFWL_Widget* pWedget) { int32_t iCount = m_arrWidget.GetSize(); for (int32_t i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { IFWL_ToolTipTarget* p = static_cast(m_arrWidget[i]); if (p->GetWidget() == pWedget) { pCurTarget = p; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CFWL_ToolTipContainer::ProcessEnter(CFWL_EvtMouse* pEvt, IFWL_Widget* pOwner) { if (HasToolTip(pEvt->m_pDstTarget)) { if (NULL == m_pToolTipImp) { CFWL_WidgetImpProperties prop; prop.m_pDataProvider = m_ToolTipDp; prop.m_pOwner = pOwner; CFX_RectF rtTooltip; rtTooltip.Set(150, 150, 100, 50); prop.m_rtWidget = rtTooltip; IFWL_ToolTip* pToolTip = IFWL_ToolTip::Create(prop, nullptr); pToolTip->Initialize(); m_pToolTipImp = static_cast(pToolTip->GetImpl()); m_pToolTipImp->ModifyStylesEx(FWL_STYLEEXT_TTP_Multiline, 0); m_pToolTipImp->SetStates(FWL_WGTSTATE_Invisible, TRUE); } if (pCurTarget->IsShowed()) { CFX_WideString wsCaption; pCurTarget->GetCaption(wsCaption); if (!wsCaption.IsEmpty()) { m_ToolTipDp->m_wsCaption = wsCaption; } CFX_RectF rt; CFX_SizeF sz; pCurTarget->GetToolTipSize(sz); if (sz.x > 0 && sz.y > 0) { rt.width = sz.x; rt.height = sz.y; } else { CFX_RectF r; m_pToolTipImp->GetWidgetRect(r, TRUE); rt.width = r.width; rt.height = r.height; } CFX_PointF pt(pEvt->m_fx, pEvt->m_fy); if (pCurTarget->GetToolTipPos(pt) == FWL_ERR_Succeeded) { rt.left = pt.x; rt.top = pt.y; m_pToolTipImp->ModifyStylesEx(FWL_STYLEEXT_TTP_NoAnchor, 0); } else { CFX_RectF rtAnchor; pCurTarget->GetWidget()->GetClientRect(rtAnchor); pCurTarget->GetWidget()->TransformTo(NULL, rtAnchor.left, rtAnchor.top); m_pToolTipImp->SetAnchor(rtAnchor); m_pToolTipImp->ModifyStylesEx(0, FWL_STYLEEXT_TTP_NoAnchor); } m_pToolTipImp->SetWidgetRect(rt); m_pToolTipImp->Update(); m_pToolTipImp->Show(); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CFWL_ToolTipContainer::ProcessLeave(CFWL_EvtMouse* pEvt) { if (HasToolTip(pEvt->m_pDstTarget) && NULL != m_pToolTipImp) { m_pToolTipImp->Hide(); pCurTarget = NULL; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } IFWL_ToolTipTarget* CFWL_ToolTipContainer::GetCurrentToolTipTarget() { return pCurTarget; }