// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #ifndef XFA_FWL_CORE_IFWL_FORM_H_ #define XFA_FWL_CORE_IFWL_FORM_H_ #include #include "core/fxcrt/fx_system.h" #include "xfa/fwl/core/cfwl_widgetimpproperties.h" #include "xfa/fwl/core/ifwl_dataprovider.h" #include "xfa/fwl/core/ifwl_widget.h" #define FWL_CLASS_Form L"FWL_FORM" #define FWL_CLASS_FormProxy L"FWL_FORMPROXY" #define FWL_STYLEEXT_FRM_Resize (1L << 0) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_FRM_NativeBorder (1L << 1) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_FRM_RoundCorner (2L << 1) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_FRM_RoundCorner4 (3L << 1) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_FRM_NoDrawClient (1L << 3) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_FRM_BorderCornerMask (3L << 1) #define FWL_STYLEEXT_FRM_Max (3) #if (_FX_OS_ == _FX_MACOSX_) #define FWL_UseMacSystemBorder #endif #define FWL_SYSBUTTONSTATE_Hover 0x0001 #define FWL_SYSBUTTONSTATE_Pressed 0x0002 #define FWL_SYSBUTTONSTATE_Disabled 0x0010 enum FWL_FORMSIZE { FWL_FORMSIZE_Manual = 0, FWL_FORMSIZE_Width, FWL_FORMSIZE_Height, FWL_FORMSIZE_All, }; class CFWL_SysBtn { public: CFWL_SysBtn(); bool IsDisabled() const; uint32_t GetPartState() const; void SetNormal(); void SetPressed(); void SetHover(); void SetDisabled(FX_BOOL bDisabled); CFX_RectF m_rtBtn; uint32_t m_dwState; }; enum FORM_RESIZETYPE { FORM_RESIZETYPE_None = 0, FORM_RESIZETYPE_Cap, }; struct RestoreInfo { RestoreInfo(); ~RestoreInfo(); CFX_PointF m_ptStart; CFX_SizeF m_szStart; }; class CFWL_MsgMouse; class CFWL_MsgClose; class CFWL_MsgWindowMove; class CFWL_NoteLoop; class CFWL_WidgetImpProperties; class IFWL_Widget; class IFWL_ThemeProvider; class CFWL_SysBtn; class CFWL_FormImpDelegate; class IFWL_FormDP : public IFWL_DataProvider { public: virtual CFX_DIBitmap* GetIcon(IFWL_Widget* pWidget, FX_BOOL bBig) = 0; }; class IFWL_Form : public IFWL_Widget { public: IFWL_Form(const CFWL_WidgetImpProperties& properties, IFWL_Widget* pOuter); ~IFWL_Form() override; // IFWL_Widget FWL_Type GetClassID() const override; FX_BOOL IsInstance(const CFX_WideStringC& wsClass) const override; FWL_Error Initialize() override; void Finalize() override; FWL_Error GetWidgetRect(CFX_RectF& rect, FX_BOOL bAutoSize = FALSE) override; FWL_Error GetClientRect(CFX_RectF& rect) override; FWL_Error Update() override; FWL_WidgetHit HitTest(FX_FLOAT fx, FX_FLOAT fy) override; FWL_Error DrawWidget(CFX_Graphics* pGraphics, const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix = nullptr) override; FWL_FORMSIZE GetFormSize(); FWL_Error SetFormSize(FWL_FORMSIZE eFormSize); IFWL_Widget* DoModal(); IFWL_Widget* DoModal(uint32_t& dwCommandID); FWL_Error EndDoModal(); FWL_Error SetBorderRegion(CFX_Path* pPath); void DrawBackground(CFX_Graphics* pGraphics, IFWL_ThemeProvider* pTheme); IFWL_Widget* GetSubFocus(); void SetSubFocus(IFWL_Widget* pWidget); protected: friend class CFWL_FormImpDelegate; void ShowChildWidget(IFWL_Widget* pParent); void RemoveSysButtons(); void CalcContentRect(CFX_RectF& rtContent); CFWL_SysBtn* GetSysBtnAtPoint(FX_FLOAT fx, FX_FLOAT fy); CFWL_SysBtn* GetSysBtnByState(uint32_t dwState); CFWL_SysBtn* GetSysBtnByIndex(int32_t nIndex); int32_t GetSysBtnIndex(CFWL_SysBtn* pBtn); FX_FLOAT GetCaptionHeight(); void DrawCaptionText(CFX_Graphics* pGs, IFWL_ThemeProvider* pTheme, const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix = nullptr); void DrawIconImage(CFX_Graphics* pGs, IFWL_ThemeProvider* pTheme, const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix = nullptr); void GetEdgeRect(CFX_RectF& rtEdge); void SetWorkAreaRect(); void SetCursor(FX_FLOAT fx, FX_FLOAT fy); void Layout(); void ReSetSysBtn(); void RegisterForm(); void UnRegisterForm(); FX_BOOL IsDoModal(); void SetThemeData(); FX_BOOL HasIcon(); void UpdateIcon(); void UpdateCaption(); void DoWidthLimit(FX_FLOAT& fLeft, FX_FLOAT& fWidth, FX_FLOAT fCurX, FX_FLOAT fSpace, FX_FLOAT fLimitMin, FX_FLOAT fLimitMax, FX_BOOL bLeft); void DoHeightLimit(FX_FLOAT& fTop, FX_FLOAT& fHeight, FX_FLOAT fCurY, FX_FLOAT fSpace, FX_FLOAT fLimitMin, FX_FLOAT fLimitMax, FX_BOOL bTop); CFX_RectF m_rtRestore; CFX_RectF m_rtCaptionText; CFX_RectF m_rtRelative; CFX_RectF m_rtCaption; CFX_RectF m_rtIcon; CFWL_SysBtn* m_pCloseBox; CFWL_SysBtn* m_pMinBox; CFWL_SysBtn* m_pMaxBox; CFWL_SysBtn* m_pCaptionBox; std::unique_ptr m_pNoteLoop; IFWL_Widget* m_pSubFocus; RestoreInfo m_InfoStart; FX_FLOAT m_fCXBorder; FX_FLOAT m_fCYBorder; int32_t m_iCaptureBtn; int32_t m_iSysBox; int32_t m_eResizeType; FX_BOOL m_bLButtonDown; bool m_bMaximized; FX_BOOL m_bSetMaximize; bool m_bCustomizeLayout; FWL_FORMSIZE m_eFormSize; FX_BOOL m_bDoModalFlag; FX_FLOAT m_fSmallIconSz; FX_FLOAT m_fBigIconSz; CFX_DIBitmap* m_pBigIcon; CFX_DIBitmap* m_pSmallIcon; FX_BOOL m_bMouseIn; }; class CFWL_FormImpDelegate : public CFWL_WidgetImpDelegate { public: CFWL_FormImpDelegate(IFWL_Form* pOwner); void OnProcessMessage(CFWL_Message* pMessage) override; void OnProcessEvent(CFWL_Event* pEvent) override; void OnDrawWidget(CFX_Graphics* pGraphics, const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix = nullptr) override; protected: void OnLButtonDown(CFWL_MsgMouse* pMsg); void OnLButtonUp(CFWL_MsgMouse* pMsg); void OnMouseMove(CFWL_MsgMouse* pMsg); void OnMouseHover(CFWL_MsgMouse* pMsg); void OnMouseLeave(CFWL_MsgMouse* pMsg); void OnLButtonDblClk(CFWL_MsgMouse* pMsg); void OnWindowMove(CFWL_MsgWindowMove* pMsg); void OnClose(CFWL_MsgClose* pMsg); IFWL_Form* m_pOwner; }; #endif // XFA_FWL_CORE_IFWL_FORM_H_