// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "xfa/include/fwl/lightwidget/barcode.h" #include <memory> CFWL_Barcode* CFWL_Barcode::Create() { return new CFWL_Barcode; } FWL_ERR CFWL_Barcode::Initialize(const CFWL_WidgetProperties* pProperties) { if (m_pIface) return FWL_ERR_Indefinite; if (pProperties) { *m_pProperties = *pProperties; } std::unique_ptr<IFWL_Barcode> pBarcode(IFWL_Barcode::Create( m_pProperties->MakeWidgetImpProperties(&m_barcodeData))); FWL_ERR ret = pBarcode->Initialize(); if (ret != FWL_ERR_Succeeded) { return ret; } m_pIface = pBarcode.release(); CFWL_Widget::Initialize(); return FWL_ERR_Succeeded; } CFWL_Barcode::CFWL_Barcode() {} CFWL_Barcode::~CFWL_Barcode() {} void CFWL_Barcode::SetType(BC_TYPE type) { if (!m_pIface) return; static_cast<IFWL_Barcode*>(m_pIface)->SetType(type); } FX_BOOL CFWL_Barcode::IsProtectedType() { if (!m_pIface) return 0; return static_cast<IFWL_Barcode*>(m_pIface)->IsProtectedType(); } FWL_ERR CFWL_Barcode::CFWL_BarcodeDP::GetCaption(IFWL_Widget* pWidget, CFX_WideString& wsCaption) { return FWL_ERR_Succeeded; }