xfa/fwl/theme contains code for rendering XFA widgets. TP stands for Theme Part. CFWL_WidgetTP contains much of the code common to more than one widget. The other CFWL_TP classes derive from it and know how to draw the pieces specific to their respective widget. The inheritance hierarchy for this directory is: * CFWL_WidgetTP * CFWL_BarcodeTP * CFWL_CaretTP * CFWL_CheckboxTP * CFWL_ComboBowTP * CFWL_DateTimePickerTP * CFWL_EditTP * CFWL_ListBoxTP * CFWL_MonthCalendarTP * CFWL_PictureBoxTP * CFWL_PushButtonTP * CFWL_ScrollBarTP All these widget TP classes are composed into CXFA_FWLTheme, which implements IFWL_ThemeProvider (and is the only class that does). CXFA_FWLTheme receives DrawBackground() calls from CFWL widgets to draw themselves and routes them to the TP (Theme Part) corresponding to that widget.