// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "xfa/fwl/theme/cfwl_widgettp.h" #include <algorithm> #include "xfa/fde/tto/fde_textout.h" #include "xfa/fgas/font/fgas_stdfontmgr.h" #include "xfa/fwl/core/cfwl_themebackground.h" #include "xfa/fwl/core/cfwl_themepart.h" #include "xfa/fwl/core/cfwl_themetext.h" #include "xfa/fwl/core/ifwl_themeprovider.h" #include "xfa/fwl/core/ifwl_widgetmgr.h" #include "xfa/fxgraphics/cfx_color.h" #include "xfa/fxgraphics/cfx_path.h" #include "xfa/fxgraphics/cfx_shading.h" static void FWL_SetChildThemeID(IFWL_Widget* pParent, uint32_t dwThemeID) { IFWL_WidgetMgr* pWidgetMgr = FWL_GetWidgetMgr(); IFWL_Widget* pChild = pWidgetMgr->GetWidget(pParent, FWL_WGTRELATION_FirstChild); while (pChild) { IFWL_ThemeProvider* pTheme = pChild->GetThemeProvider(); if (pTheme) { pTheme->SetThemeID(pChild, dwThemeID, FALSE); } FWL_SetChildThemeID(pChild, dwThemeID); pChild = pWidgetMgr->GetWidget(pChild, FWL_WGTRELATION_NextSibling); } } FX_BOOL CFWL_WidgetTP::IsValidWidget(IFWL_Widget* pWidget) { return FALSE; } uint32_t CFWL_WidgetTP::GetThemeID(IFWL_Widget* pWidget) { return m_dwThemeID; } uint32_t CFWL_WidgetTP::SetThemeID(IFWL_Widget* pWidget, uint32_t dwThemeID, FX_BOOL bChildren) { uint32_t dwOld = m_dwThemeID; m_dwThemeID = dwThemeID; if (CFWL_ArrowData::IsInstance()) { CFWL_ArrowData::GetInstance()->SetColorData(FWL_GetThemeColor(dwThemeID)); } if (bChildren) { FWL_SetChildThemeID(pWidget, dwThemeID); } return dwOld; } FWL_ERR CFWL_WidgetTP::GetThemeMatrix(IFWL_Widget* pWidget, CFX_Matrix& matrix) { matrix.Set(_ctm.a, _ctm.b, _ctm.c, _ctm.d, _ctm.e, _ctm.f); return FWL_ERR_Succeeded; } FWL_ERR CFWL_WidgetTP::SetThemeMatrix(IFWL_Widget* pWidget, const CFX_Matrix& matrix) { _ctm.Set(matrix.a, matrix.b, matrix.c, matrix.d, matrix.e, matrix.f); return FWL_ERR_Succeeded; } FX_BOOL CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawBackground(CFWL_ThemeBackground* pParams) { return TRUE; } FX_BOOL CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawText(CFWL_ThemeText* pParams) { if (!m_pTextOut) { InitTTO(); } int32_t iLen = pParams->m_wsText.GetLength(); if (iLen <= 0) return FALSE; CFX_Graphics* pGraphics = pParams->m_pGraphics; m_pTextOut->SetRenderDevice(pGraphics->GetRenderDevice()); m_pTextOut->SetStyles(pParams->m_dwTTOStyles); m_pTextOut->SetAlignment(pParams->m_iTTOAlign); CFX_Matrix* pMatrix = &pParams->m_matrix; pMatrix->Concat(*pGraphics->GetMatrix()); m_pTextOut->SetMatrix(*pMatrix); m_pTextOut->DrawLogicText(pParams->m_wsText.c_str(), iLen, pParams->m_rtPart); return TRUE; } void* CFWL_WidgetTP::GetCapacity(CFWL_ThemePart* pThemePart, CFWL_WidgetCapacity dwCapacity) { switch (dwCapacity) { case CFWL_WidgetCapacity::CXBorder: { m_fValue = FWLTHEME_CAPACITY_CXBorder; break; } case CFWL_WidgetCapacity::CYBorder: { m_fValue = FWLTHEME_CAPACITY_CYBorder; break; } case CFWL_WidgetCapacity::EdgeFlat: { m_fValue = FWLTHEME_CAPACITY_EdgeFlat; break; } case CFWL_WidgetCapacity::EdgeRaised: { m_fValue = FWLTHEME_CAPACITY_EdgeRaised; break; } case CFWL_WidgetCapacity::EdgeSunken: { m_fValue = FWLTHEME_CAPACITY_EdgeSunken; break; } case CFWL_WidgetCapacity::FontSize: { m_fValue = FWLTHEME_CAPACITY_FontSize; break; } case CFWL_WidgetCapacity::TextColor: { m_dwValue = FWLTHEME_CAPACITY_TextColor; return &m_dwValue; } case CFWL_WidgetCapacity::ScrollBarWidth: { m_fValue = FWLTHEME_CAPACITY_ScrollBarWidth; break; } case CFWL_WidgetCapacity::Font: { return m_pFDEFont; } case CFWL_WidgetCapacity::TextSelColor: { m_dwValue = (m_dwThemeID == 0) ? FWLTHEME_CAPACITY_TextSelColor : FWLTHEME_COLOR_Green_BKSelected; return &m_dwValue; } case CFWL_WidgetCapacity::LineHeight: { m_fValue = FWLTHEME_CAPACITY_LineHeight; break; } case CFWL_WidgetCapacity::UIMargin: { m_rtMargin.Set(0, 0, 0, 0); return &m_rtMargin; } default: { return NULL; } } return &m_fValue; } FX_BOOL CFWL_WidgetTP::IsCustomizedLayout(IFWL_Widget* pWidget) { return FWL_GetThemeLayout(m_dwThemeID); } FWL_ERR CFWL_WidgetTP::GetPartRect(CFWL_ThemePart* pThemePart, CFX_RectF& rect) { return FWL_ERR_Succeeded; } FX_BOOL CFWL_WidgetTP::IsInPart(CFWL_ThemePart* pThemePart, FX_FLOAT fx, FX_FLOAT fy) { return TRUE; } FX_BOOL CFWL_WidgetTP::CalcTextRect(CFWL_ThemeText* pParams, CFX_RectF& rect) { if (!pParams) return FALSE; if (!m_pTextOut) return FALSE; m_pTextOut->SetAlignment(pParams->m_iTTOAlign); m_pTextOut->SetStyles(pParams->m_dwTTOStyles | FDE_TTOSTYLE_ArabicContext); m_pTextOut->CalcLogicSize(pParams->m_wsText.c_str(), pParams->m_wsText.GetLength(), rect); return TRUE; } FWL_ERR CFWL_WidgetTP::Initialize() { m_dwThemeID = 0; _ctm.SetIdentity(); return FWL_ERR_Succeeded; } FWL_ERR CFWL_WidgetTP::Finalize() { if (!m_pTextOut) { FinalizeTTO(); } return FWL_ERR_Succeeded; } CFWL_WidgetTP::~CFWL_WidgetTP() {} FWL_ERR CFWL_WidgetTP::SetFont(IFWL_Widget* pWidget, const FX_WCHAR* strFont, FX_FLOAT fFontSize, FX_ARGB rgbFont) { if (!m_pTextOut) { return FWL_ERR_Succeeded; } m_pFDEFont = CFWL_FontManager::GetInstance()->FindFont(strFont, 0, 0); m_pTextOut->SetFont(m_pFDEFont); m_pTextOut->SetFontSize(fFontSize); m_pTextOut->SetTextColor(rgbFont); return FWL_ERR_Succeeded; } FWL_ERR CFWL_WidgetTP::SetFont(IFWL_Widget* pWidget, IFX_Font* pFont, FX_FLOAT fFontSize, FX_ARGB rgbFont) { if (!m_pTextOut) { return FWL_ERR_Succeeded; } m_pTextOut->SetFont(pFont); m_pTextOut->SetFontSize(fFontSize); m_pTextOut->SetTextColor(rgbFont); return FWL_ERR_Succeeded; } IFX_Font* CFWL_WidgetTP::GetFont(IFWL_Widget* pWidget) { return m_pFDEFont; } CFWL_WidgetTP::CFWL_WidgetTP() : m_dwRefCount(1), m_pTextOut(NULL), m_pFDEFont(NULL), m_dwThemeID(0) {} FX_ERR CFWL_WidgetTP::InitTTO() { if (m_pTextOut) { return FWL_ERR_Succeeded; } m_pFDEFont = CFWL_FontManager::GetInstance()->FindFont(FX_WSTRC(L"Helvetica"), 0, 0); m_pTextOut = new CFDE_TextOut; m_pTextOut->SetFont(m_pFDEFont); m_pTextOut->SetFontSize(FWLTHEME_CAPACITY_FontSize); m_pTextOut->SetTextColor(FWLTHEME_CAPACITY_TextColor); m_pTextOut->SetEllipsisString(L"..."); return FWL_ERR_Succeeded; } FX_ERR CFWL_WidgetTP::FinalizeTTO() { if (m_pTextOut) { m_pTextOut->Release(); m_pTextOut = NULL; } return FWL_ERR_Succeeded; } void CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawEdge(CFX_Graphics* pGraphics, uint32_t dwStyles, const CFX_RectF* pRect, CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) { if (!pGraphics) return; if (!pRect) return; pGraphics->SaveGraphState(); CFX_Color crStroke(FWL_GetThemeColor(m_dwThemeID) == 0 ? ArgbEncode(255, 127, 157, 185) : FWLTHEME_COLOR_Green_BKSelected); pGraphics->SetStrokeColor(&crStroke); CFX_Path path; path.Create(); path.AddRectangle(pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->width - 1, pRect->height - 1); pGraphics->StrokePath(&path, pMatrix); path.Clear(); crStroke = ArgbEncode(255, 255, 255, 255); pGraphics->SetStrokeColor(&crStroke); path.AddRectangle(pRect->left + 1, pRect->top + 1, pRect->width - 3, pRect->height - 3); pGraphics->StrokePath(&path, pMatrix); pGraphics->RestoreGraphState(); } void CFWL_WidgetTP::Draw3DRect(CFX_Graphics* pGraphics, FWLTHEME_EDGE eType, FX_FLOAT fWidth, const CFX_RectF* pRect, FX_ARGB cr1, FX_ARGB cr2, FX_ARGB cr3, FX_ARGB cr4, CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) { if (!pGraphics) return; if (!pRect) return; pGraphics->SaveGraphState(); if (eType == FWLTHEME_EDGE_Flat) { CFX_Path path; path.Create(); path.AddRectangle(pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->width, pRect->height); path.AddRectangle(pRect->left + 1, pRect->top + 1, pRect->width - 2, pRect->height - 2); CFX_Color cr(ArgbEncode(255, 100, 100, 100)); pGraphics->SetFillColor(&cr); pGraphics->FillPath(&path, FXFILL_WINDING, pMatrix); path.Clear(); path.AddRectangle(pRect->left + 1, pRect->top + 1, pRect->width - 2, pRect->height - 2); path.AddRectangle(pRect->left + 2, pRect->top + 2, pRect->width - 4, pRect->height - 4); cr.Set(0xFFFFFFFF); pGraphics->SetFillColor(&cr); pGraphics->FillPath(&path, FXFILL_WINDING, pMatrix); } else { FX_FLOAT fLeft = pRect->left; FX_FLOAT fRight = pRect->right(); FX_FLOAT fTop = pRect->top; FX_FLOAT fBottom = pRect->bottom(); FX_FLOAT fHalfWidth = fWidth / 2.0f; CFX_Color crLT(eType == FWLTHEME_EDGE_Raised ? cr4 : cr1); pGraphics->SetFillColor(&crLT); CFX_Path pathLT; pathLT.Create(); pathLT.MoveTo(fLeft, fBottom - fHalfWidth); pathLT.LineTo(fLeft, fTop); pathLT.LineTo(fRight - fHalfWidth, fTop); pathLT.LineTo(fRight - fHalfWidth, fTop + fHalfWidth); pathLT.LineTo(fLeft + fHalfWidth, fTop + fHalfWidth); pathLT.LineTo(fLeft + fHalfWidth, fBottom - fHalfWidth); pathLT.LineTo(fLeft, fBottom - fHalfWidth); pGraphics->FillPath(&pathLT, FXFILL_WINDING, pMatrix); crLT = CFX_Color(eType == FWLTHEME_EDGE_Raised ? cr3 : cr2); pGraphics->SetFillColor(&crLT); pathLT.Clear(); pathLT.MoveTo(fLeft + fHalfWidth, fBottom - fWidth); pathLT.LineTo(fLeft + fHalfWidth, fTop + fHalfWidth); pathLT.LineTo(fRight - fWidth, fTop + fHalfWidth); pathLT.LineTo(fRight - fWidth, fTop + fWidth); pathLT.LineTo(fLeft + fWidth, fTop + fWidth); pathLT.LineTo(fLeft + fWidth, fBottom - fWidth); pathLT.LineTo(fLeft + fHalfWidth, fBottom - fWidth); pGraphics->FillPath(&pathLT, FXFILL_WINDING, pMatrix); CFX_Color crRB(eType == FWLTHEME_EDGE_Raised ? cr1 : cr3); pGraphics->SetFillColor(&crRB); CFX_Path pathRB; pathRB.Create(); pathRB.MoveTo(fRight - fHalfWidth, fTop + fHalfWidth); pathRB.LineTo(fRight - fHalfWidth, fBottom - fHalfWidth); pathRB.LineTo(fLeft + fHalfWidth, fBottom - fHalfWidth); pathRB.LineTo(fLeft + fHalfWidth, fBottom - fWidth); pathRB.LineTo(fRight - fWidth, fBottom - fWidth); pathRB.LineTo(fRight - fWidth, fTop + fHalfWidth); pathRB.LineTo(fRight - fHalfWidth, fTop + fHalfWidth); pGraphics->FillPath(&pathRB, FXFILL_WINDING, pMatrix); crRB = CFX_Color(eType == FWLTHEME_EDGE_Raised ? cr2 : cr4); pGraphics->SetFillColor(&crRB); pathRB.Clear(); pathRB.MoveTo(fRight, fTop); pathRB.LineTo(fRight, fBottom); pathRB.LineTo(fLeft, fBottom); pathRB.LineTo(fLeft, fBottom - fHalfWidth); pathRB.LineTo(fRight - fHalfWidth, fBottom - fHalfWidth); pathRB.LineTo(fRight - fHalfWidth, fTop); pathRB.LineTo(fRight, fTop); pGraphics->FillPath(&pathRB, FXFILL_WINDING, pMatrix); } pGraphics->RestoreGraphState(); } void CFWL_WidgetTP::Draw3DCircle(CFX_Graphics* pGraphics, FWLTHEME_EDGE eType, FX_FLOAT fWidth, const CFX_RectF* pRect, FX_ARGB cr1, FX_ARGB cr2, FX_ARGB cr3, FX_ARGB cr4, CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) { if (!pGraphics) return; if (!pRect) return; pGraphics->SaveGraphState(); CFX_Path path; path.Create(); path.AddArc(pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->width, pRect->height, FWLTHEME_PI * 3 / 4, FWLTHEME_PI); CFX_Color crFill1(eType == FWLTHEME_EDGE_Raised ? cr4 : cr1); pGraphics->SetStrokeColor(&crFill1); pGraphics->StrokePath(&path, pMatrix); CFX_RectF rtInner(*pRect); rtInner.Deflate(pRect->width / 4, pRect->height / 4); path.Clear(); path.AddArc(rtInner.left, rtInner.top, rtInner.width, rtInner.height, FWLTHEME_PI * 3 / 4, FWLTHEME_PI); CFX_Color crFill2(eType == FWLTHEME_EDGE_Raised ? cr3 : cr2); pGraphics->SetStrokeColor(&crFill2); pGraphics->StrokePath(&path, pMatrix); path.Clear(); path.AddArc(pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->width, pRect->height, FWLTHEME_PI * 7 / 4, FWLTHEME_PI); CFX_Color crFill3(eType == FWLTHEME_EDGE_Raised ? cr1 : cr3); pGraphics->SetStrokeColor(&crFill3); pGraphics->StrokePath(&path, pMatrix); path.AddArc(rtInner.left, rtInner.top, rtInner.width, rtInner.height, FWLTHEME_PI * 7 / 4, FWLTHEME_PI); CFX_Color crFill4(eType == FWLTHEME_EDGE_Raised ? cr2 : cr4); pGraphics->SetStrokeColor(&crFill4); pGraphics->StrokePath(&path, pMatrix); pGraphics->RestoreGraphState(); } void CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawBorder(CFX_Graphics* pGraphics, const CFX_RectF* pRect, CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) { if (!pGraphics) return; if (!pRect) return; CFX_Path path; path.Create(); path.AddRectangle(pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->width, pRect->height); path.AddRectangle(pRect->left + 1, pRect->top + 1, pRect->width - 2, pRect->height - 2); pGraphics->SaveGraphState(); CFX_Color crFill(ArgbEncode(255, 0, 0, 0)); pGraphics->SetFillColor(&crFill); pGraphics->FillPath(&path, FXFILL_ALTERNATE, pMatrix); pGraphics->RestoreGraphState(); } void CFWL_WidgetTP::FillBackground(CFX_Graphics* pGraphics, const CFX_RectF* pRect, CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) { FillSoildRect(pGraphics, FWLTHEME_COLOR_Background, pRect, pMatrix); } void CFWL_WidgetTP::FillSoildRect(CFX_Graphics* pGraphics, FX_ARGB fillColor, const CFX_RectF* pRect, CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) { if (!pGraphics) return; if (!pRect) return; pGraphics->SaveGraphState(); CFX_Color crFill(fillColor); pGraphics->SetFillColor(&crFill); CFX_Path path; path.Create(); path.AddRectangle(pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->width, pRect->height); pGraphics->FillPath(&path, FXFILL_WINDING, pMatrix); pGraphics->RestoreGraphState(); } void CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawAxialShading(CFX_Graphics* pGraphics, FX_FLOAT fx1, FX_FLOAT fy1, FX_FLOAT fx2, FX_FLOAT fy2, FX_ARGB beginColor, FX_ARGB endColor, CFX_Path* path, int32_t fillMode, CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) { if (!pGraphics || !path) return; CFX_PointF begPoint(fx1, fy1); CFX_PointF endPoint(fx2, fy2); CFX_Shading shading(begPoint, endPoint, FALSE, FALSE, beginColor, endColor); pGraphics->SaveGraphState(); CFX_Color color1(&shading); pGraphics->SetFillColor(&color1); pGraphics->FillPath(path, fillMode, pMatrix); pGraphics->RestoreGraphState(); } void CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawAnnulusRect(CFX_Graphics* pGraphics, FX_ARGB fillColor, const CFX_RectF* pRect, FX_FLOAT fRingWidth, CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) { if (!pGraphics) return; if (!pRect) return; pGraphics->SaveGraphState(); CFX_Color cr(fillColor); pGraphics->SetFillColor(&cr); CFX_Path path; path.Create(); CFX_RectF rtInner(*pRect); rtInner.Deflate(fRingWidth, fRingWidth); path.AddRectangle(rtInner.left, rtInner.top, rtInner.width, rtInner.height); path.AddRectangle(pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->width, pRect->height); pGraphics->FillPath(&path, FXFILL_ALTERNATE, pMatrix); pGraphics->RestoreGraphState(); } void CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawAnnulusCircle(CFX_Graphics* pGraphics, FX_ARGB fillColor, const CFX_RectF* pRect, FX_FLOAT fWidth, CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) { if (!pGraphics) return; if (!pRect) return; if (fWidth > pRect->width / 2) { return; } pGraphics->SaveGraphState(); CFX_Color cr(fillColor); pGraphics->SetFillColor(&cr); CFX_Path path; path.Create(); path.AddEllipse(*pRect); CFX_RectF rtIn(*pRect); rtIn.Inflate(-fWidth, -fWidth); path.AddEllipse(rtIn); pGraphics->FillPath(&path, FXFILL_ALTERNATE, pMatrix); pGraphics->RestoreGraphState(); } void CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawFocus(CFX_Graphics* pGraphics, const CFX_RectF* pRect, CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) { if (!pGraphics) return; if (!pRect) return; pGraphics->SaveGraphState(); CFX_Color cr(0xFF000000); pGraphics->SetStrokeColor(&cr); FX_FLOAT DashPattern[2] = {1, 1}; pGraphics->SetLineDash(0.0f, DashPattern, 2); CFX_Path path; path.Create(); path.AddRectangle(pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->width, pRect->height); pGraphics->StrokePath(&path, pMatrix); pGraphics->RestoreGraphState(); } #define FWLTHEME_ARROW_Denominator 3 void CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawArrow(CFX_Graphics* pGraphics, const CFX_RectF* pRect, FWLTHEME_DIRECTION eDict, FX_ARGB argbFill, FX_BOOL bPressed, CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) { CFX_RectF rtArrow(*pRect); CFX_Path path; path.Create(); FX_FLOAT fBtn = std::min(pRect->width, pRect->height) / FWLTHEME_ARROW_Denominator; rtArrow.left = pRect->left + (pRect->width - fBtn) / 2; rtArrow.top = pRect->top + (pRect->height - fBtn) / 2; rtArrow.width = fBtn; rtArrow.height = fBtn; if (bPressed) { rtArrow.Offset(1, 1); } switch (eDict) { case FWLTHEME_DIRECTION_Up: { path.MoveTo(rtArrow.left, rtArrow.bottom()); path.LineTo(rtArrow.right(), rtArrow.bottom()); path.LineTo(rtArrow.left + fBtn / 2, rtArrow.top); path.LineTo(rtArrow.left, rtArrow.bottom()); break; } case FWLTHEME_DIRECTION_Left: { path.MoveTo(rtArrow.right(), rtArrow.top); path.LineTo(rtArrow.right(), rtArrow.bottom()); path.LineTo(rtArrow.left, rtArrow.top + fBtn / 2); path.LineTo(rtArrow.right(), rtArrow.top); break; } case FWLTHEME_DIRECTION_Right: { path.MoveTo(rtArrow.left, rtArrow.top); path.LineTo(rtArrow.left, rtArrow.bottom()); path.LineTo(rtArrow.right(), rtArrow.top + fBtn / 2); path.LineTo(rtArrow.left, rtArrow.top); break; } case FWLTHEME_DIRECTION_Down: default: { path.MoveTo(rtArrow.left, rtArrow.top); path.LineTo(rtArrow.right(), rtArrow.top); path.LineTo(rtArrow.left + fBtn / 2, rtArrow.bottom()); path.LineTo(rtArrow.left, rtArrow.top); } } pGraphics->SaveGraphState(); CFX_Color cr(argbFill); pGraphics->SetFillColor(&cr); pGraphics->FillPath(&path, FXFILL_WINDING, pMatrix); pGraphics->RestoreGraphState(); } void CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawArrow(CFX_Graphics* pGraphics, const CFX_RectF* pRect, FWLTHEME_DIRECTION eDict, FX_ARGB argSign, CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) { FX_BOOL bVert = (eDict == FWLTHEME_DIRECTION_Up || eDict == FWLTHEME_DIRECTION_Down); FX_FLOAT fLeft = (FX_FLOAT)(((pRect->width - (bVert ? 9 : 6)) / 2 + pRect->left) + 0.5); FX_FLOAT fTop = (FX_FLOAT)(((pRect->height - (bVert ? 6 : 9)) / 2 + pRect->top) + 0.5); CFX_Path path; path.Create(); switch (eDict) { case FWLTHEME_DIRECTION_Down: { path.MoveTo(fLeft, fTop + 1); path.LineTo(fLeft + 4, fTop + 5); path.LineTo(fLeft + 8, fTop + 1); path.LineTo(fLeft + 7, fTop); path.LineTo(fLeft + 4, fTop + 3); path.LineTo(fLeft + 1, fTop); break; } case FWLTHEME_DIRECTION_Up: { path.MoveTo(fLeft, fTop + 4); path.LineTo(fLeft + 4, fTop); path.LineTo(fLeft + 8, fTop + 4); path.LineTo(fLeft + 7, fTop + 5); path.LineTo(fLeft + 4, fTop + 2); path.LineTo(fLeft + 1, fTop + 5); break; } case FWLTHEME_DIRECTION_Right: { path.MoveTo(fLeft + 1, fTop); path.LineTo(fLeft + 5, fTop + 4); path.LineTo(fLeft + 1, fTop + 8); path.LineTo(fLeft, fTop + 7); path.LineTo(fLeft + 3, fTop + 4); path.LineTo(fLeft, fTop + 1); break; } case FWLTHEME_DIRECTION_Left: { path.MoveTo(fLeft, fTop + 4); path.LineTo(fLeft + 4, fTop); path.LineTo(fLeft + 5, fTop + 1); path.LineTo(fLeft + 2, fTop + 4); path.LineTo(fLeft + 5, fTop + 7); path.LineTo(fLeft + 4, fTop + 8); break; } } CFX_Color cr(argSign); pGraphics->SetFillColor(&cr); pGraphics->FillPath(&path, FXFILL_WINDING, pMatrix); } void CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawBtn(CFX_Graphics* pGraphics, const CFX_RectF* pRect, FWLTHEME_STATE eState, CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) { CFX_Path path; path.Create(); if (!CFWL_ArrowData::IsInstance()) { CFWL_ArrowData::GetInstance()->SetColorData(FWL_GetThemeColor(m_dwThemeID)); } CFWL_ArrowData::CColorData* pColorData = CFWL_ArrowData::GetInstance()->m_pColorData; FX_FLOAT fRight = pRect->right(); FX_FLOAT fBottom = pRect->bottom(); path.AddRectangle(pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->width, pRect->height); DrawAxialShading(pGraphics, pRect->left, pRect->top, fRight, fBottom, pColorData->clrStart[eState - 1], pColorData->clrEnd[eState - 1], &path, FXFILL_WINDING, pMatrix); CFX_Color rcStroke; rcStroke.Set(pColorData->clrBorder[eState - 1]); pGraphics->SetStrokeColor(&rcStroke); pGraphics->StrokePath(&path, pMatrix); } void CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawArrowBtn(CFX_Graphics* pGraphics, const CFX_RectF* pRect, FWLTHEME_DIRECTION eDict, FWLTHEME_STATE eState, CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) { DrawBtn(pGraphics, pRect, eState, pMatrix); if (!CFWL_ArrowData::IsInstance()) { CFWL_ArrowData::GetInstance()->SetColorData(FWL_GetThemeColor(m_dwThemeID)); } CFWL_ArrowData::CColorData* pColorData = CFWL_ArrowData::GetInstance()->m_pColorData; DrawArrow(pGraphics, pRect, eDict, pColorData->clrSign[eState - 1], pMatrix); } CFWL_ArrowData::CFWL_ArrowData() : m_pColorData(NULL) { SetColorData(0); } CFWL_FontData::CFWL_FontData() : m_dwStyles(0), m_dwCodePage(0), m_pFont(0), m_pFontMgr(NULL) #if _FXM_PLATFORM_ != _FXM_PLATFORM_WINDOWS_ , m_pFontSource(NULL) #endif { } CFWL_FontData::~CFWL_FontData() { if (m_pFont) { m_pFont->Release(); } if (m_pFontMgr) { m_pFontMgr->Release(); } #if _FXM_PLATFORM_ != _FXM_PLATFORM_WINDOWS_ if (m_pFontSource != NULL) { m_pFontSource->Release(); } #endif } FX_BOOL CFWL_FontData::Equal(const CFX_WideStringC& wsFontFamily, uint32_t dwFontStyles, uint16_t wCodePage) { return m_wsFamily == wsFontFamily && m_dwStyles == dwFontStyles && m_dwCodePage == wCodePage; } FX_BOOL CFWL_FontData::LoadFont(const CFX_WideStringC& wsFontFamily, uint32_t dwFontStyles, uint16_t dwCodePage) { m_wsFamily = wsFontFamily; m_dwStyles = dwFontStyles; m_dwCodePage = dwCodePage; if (!m_pFontMgr) { #if _FXM_PLATFORM_ == _FXM_PLATFORM_WINDOWS_ m_pFontMgr = IFX_FontMgr::Create(FX_GetDefFontEnumerator()); #else m_pFontSource = new CFX_FontSourceEnum_File; m_pFontMgr = IFX_FontMgr::Create(m_pFontSource); #endif } m_pFont = IFX_Font::LoadFont(wsFontFamily.c_str(), dwFontStyles, dwCodePage, m_pFontMgr); return m_pFont != NULL; } CFWL_FontManager* CFWL_FontManager::s_FontManager = nullptr; CFWL_FontManager* CFWL_FontManager::GetInstance() { if (!s_FontManager) s_FontManager = new CFWL_FontManager; return s_FontManager; } void CFWL_FontManager::DestroyInstance() { delete s_FontManager; s_FontManager = nullptr; } CFWL_FontManager::CFWL_FontManager() {} CFWL_FontManager::~CFWL_FontManager() {} IFX_Font* CFWL_FontManager::FindFont(const CFX_WideStringC& wsFontFamily, uint32_t dwFontStyles, uint16_t wCodePage) { for (const auto& pData : m_FontsArray) { if (pData->Equal(wsFontFamily, dwFontStyles, wCodePage)) return pData->GetFont(); } std::unique_ptr<CFWL_FontData> pFontData(new CFWL_FontData); if (!pFontData->LoadFont(wsFontFamily, dwFontStyles, wCodePage)) return nullptr; m_FontsArray.push_back(std::move(pFontData)); return m_FontsArray.back()->GetFont(); } FX_BOOL FWLTHEME_Init() { return TRUE; } void FWLTHEME_Release() { CFWL_ArrowData::DestroyInstance(); CFWL_FontManager::DestroyInstance(); } uint32_t FWL_GetThemeLayout(uint32_t dwThemeID) { return 0xffff0000 & dwThemeID; } uint32_t FWL_GetThemeColor(uint32_t dwThemeID) { return 0x0000ffff & dwThemeID; } CFWL_ArrowData* CFWL_ArrowData::m_pInstance = NULL; CFWL_ArrowData* CFWL_ArrowData::GetInstance() { if (!m_pInstance) { m_pInstance = new CFWL_ArrowData; } return m_pInstance; } FX_BOOL CFWL_ArrowData::IsInstance() { return (m_pInstance != NULL); } void CFWL_ArrowData::DestroyInstance() { if (m_pInstance) { delete m_pInstance; m_pInstance = NULL; } } CFWL_ArrowData::~CFWL_ArrowData() { if (m_pColorData) { delete m_pColorData; m_pColorData = NULL; } } void CFWL_ArrowData::SetColorData(uint32_t dwID) { if (!m_pColorData) { m_pColorData = new CColorData; } if (dwID) { m_pColorData->clrBorder[0] = ArgbEncode(255, 142, 153, 125); m_pColorData->clrBorder[1] = ArgbEncode(255, 157, 171, 119); m_pColorData->clrBorder[2] = ArgbEncode(255, 118, 131, 97); m_pColorData->clrBorder[3] = ArgbEncode(255, 172, 168, 153); m_pColorData->clrStart[0] = ArgbEncode(255, 203, 215, 186); m_pColorData->clrStart[1] = ArgbEncode(255, 218, 232, 185); m_pColorData->clrStart[2] = ArgbEncode(255, 203, 215, 186); m_pColorData->clrStart[3] = ArgbEncode(255, 254, 254, 251); m_pColorData->clrEnd[0] = ArgbEncode(255, 149, 167, 117); m_pColorData->clrEnd[1] = ArgbEncode(255, 198, 211, 155); m_pColorData->clrEnd[2] = ArgbEncode(255, 149, 167, 117); m_pColorData->clrEnd[3] = ArgbEncode(255, 243, 241, 236); m_pColorData->clrSign[0] = ArgbEncode(255, 255, 255, 255); m_pColorData->clrSign[1] = ArgbEncode(255, 255, 255, 255); m_pColorData->clrSign[2] = ArgbEncode(255, 255, 255, 255); m_pColorData->clrSign[3] = ArgbEncode(255, 128, 128, 128); } else { m_pColorData->clrBorder[0] = ArgbEncode(255, 202, 216, 249); m_pColorData->clrBorder[1] = ArgbEncode(255, 171, 190, 233); m_pColorData->clrBorder[2] = ArgbEncode(255, 135, 147, 219); m_pColorData->clrBorder[3] = ArgbEncode(255, 172, 168, 153); m_pColorData->clrStart[0] = ArgbEncode(255, 225, 234, 254); m_pColorData->clrStart[1] = ArgbEncode(255, 253, 255, 255); m_pColorData->clrStart[2] = ArgbEncode(255, 110, 142, 241); m_pColorData->clrStart[3] = ArgbEncode(255, 254, 254, 251); m_pColorData->clrEnd[0] = ArgbEncode(255, 175, 204, 251); m_pColorData->clrEnd[1] = ArgbEncode(255, 185, 218, 251); m_pColorData->clrEnd[2] = ArgbEncode(255, 210, 222, 235); m_pColorData->clrEnd[3] = ArgbEncode(255, 243, 241, 236); m_pColorData->clrSign[0] = ArgbEncode(255, 77, 97, 133); m_pColorData->clrSign[1] = ArgbEncode(255, 77, 97, 133); m_pColorData->clrSign[2] = ArgbEncode(255, 77, 97, 133); m_pColorData->clrSign[3] = ArgbEncode(255, 128, 128, 128); } }