// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #ifndef XFA_FXBARCODE_ONED_BC_ONEDIMREADER_H_ #define XFA_FXBARCODE_ONED_BC_ONEDIMREADER_H_ #include "core/fxcrt/include/fx_basic.h" #include "xfa/fxbarcode/oned/BC_OneDReader.h" class CBC_CommonBitArray; class CBC_OneDimReader : public CBC_OneDReader { private: static const int32_t MAX_AVG_VARIANCE = (int32_t)(256 * 0.48f); static const int32_t MAX_INDIVIDUAL_VARIANCE = (int32_t)(256 * 0.7f); FX_BOOL CheckStandardUPCEANChecksum(CFX_ByteString& s, int32_t& e); public: static const int32_t START_END_PATTERN[3]; static const int32_t MIDDLE_PATTERN[5]; static const int32_t L_PATTERNS[10][4]; static const int32_t L_AND_G_PATTERNS[20][4]; CBC_OneDimReader(); virtual ~CBC_OneDimReader(); CFX_ByteString DecodeRow(int32_t rowNumber, CBC_CommonBitArray* row, int32_t hints, int32_t& e); CFX_ByteString DecodeRow(int32_t rowNumber, CBC_CommonBitArray* row, CFX_Int32Array* startGuardRange, int32_t hints, int32_t& e); protected: CFX_Int32Array* FindStartGuardPattern(CBC_CommonBitArray* row, int32_t& e); virtual FX_BOOL CheckChecksum(CFX_ByteString& s, int32_t& e); CFX_Int32Array* FindGuardPattern(CBC_CommonBitArray* row, int32_t rowOffset, FX_BOOL whiteFirst, CFX_Int32Array* pattern, int32_t& e); int32_t DecodeDigit(CBC_CommonBitArray* row, CFX_Int32Array* counters, int32_t rowOffset, const int32_t* patterns, int32_t patternLength, int32_t& e); virtual int32_t DecodeMiddle(CBC_CommonBitArray* row, CFX_Int32Array* startRange, CFX_ByteString& resultResult, int32_t& e) { return 0; } virtual CFX_Int32Array* DecodeEnd(CBC_CommonBitArray* row, int32_t endStart, int32_t& e); }; #endif // XFA_FXBARCODE_ONED_BC_ONEDIMREADER_H_