// Copyright 2017 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_deffontmgr.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_ffapp.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_ffdoc.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_fontmgr.h" CXFA_DefFontMgr::CXFA_DefFontMgr() {} CXFA_DefFontMgr::~CXFA_DefFontMgr() {} CFX_RetainPtr<CFGAS_GEFont> CXFA_DefFontMgr::GetFont( CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc, const WideStringView& wsFontFamily, uint32_t dwFontStyles, uint16_t wCodePage) { WideString wsFontName(wsFontFamily); CFGAS_FontMgr* pFDEFontMgr = hDoc->GetApp()->GetFDEFontMgr(); CFX_RetainPtr<CFGAS_GEFont> pFont = pFDEFontMgr->LoadFont(wsFontName.c_str(), dwFontStyles, wCodePage); if (!pFont) { const XFA_FONTINFO* pCurFont = XFA_GetFontINFOByFontName(wsFontName.AsStringView()); if (pCurFont && pCurFont->pReplaceFont) { uint32_t dwStyle = 0; if (dwFontStyles & FX_FONTSTYLE_Bold) { dwStyle |= FX_FONTSTYLE_Bold; } if (dwFontStyles & FX_FONTSTYLE_Italic) { dwStyle |= FX_FONTSTYLE_Italic; } const wchar_t* pReplace = pCurFont->pReplaceFont; int32_t iLength = FXSYS_wcslen(pReplace); while (iLength > 0) { const wchar_t* pNameText = pReplace; while (*pNameText != L',' && iLength > 0) { pNameText++; iLength--; } WideString wsReplace = WideString(pReplace, pNameText - pReplace); pFont = pFDEFontMgr->LoadFont(wsReplace.c_str(), dwStyle, wCodePage); if (pFont) break; iLength--; pNameText++; pReplace = pNameText; } } } if (pFont) m_CacheFonts.push_back(pFont); return pFont; } CFX_RetainPtr<CFGAS_GEFont> CXFA_DefFontMgr::GetDefaultFont( CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc, const WideStringView& wsFontFamily, uint32_t dwFontStyles, uint16_t wCodePage) { CFGAS_FontMgr* pFDEFontMgr = hDoc->GetApp()->GetFDEFontMgr(); CFX_RetainPtr<CFGAS_GEFont> pFont = pFDEFontMgr->LoadFont(L"Arial Narrow", dwFontStyles, wCodePage); if (!pFont) { pFont = pFDEFontMgr->LoadFont(static_cast<const wchar_t*>(nullptr), dwFontStyles, wCodePage); } if (pFont) m_CacheFonts.push_back(pFont); return pFont; }