// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_ffwidget.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "core/fpdfapi/cpdf_modulemgr.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_pageobjectholder.h" #include "core/fxcodec/codec/ccodec_progressivedecoder.h" #include "core/fxcodec/fx_codec.h" #include "core/fxcrt/cfx_memorystream.h" #include "core/fxcrt/maybe_owned.h" #include "core/fxge/cfx_pathdata.h" #include "core/fxge/cfx_renderdevice.h" #include "core/fxge/dib/cfx_imagerenderer.h" #include "core/fxge/dib/cfx_imagetransformer.h" #include "xfa/fwl/fwl_widgethit.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_eventparam.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_ffapp.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_ffdoc.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_ffdocview.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_ffpageview.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_textlayout.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_widgetacc.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_cornerdata.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_margin.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_node.h" #include "xfa/fxgraphics/cxfa_gecolor.h" #include "xfa/fxgraphics/cxfa_gepath.h" #include "xfa/fxgraphics/cxfa_gepattern.h" #include "xfa/fxgraphics/cxfa_geshading.h" #include "xfa/fxgraphics/cxfa_graphics.h" namespace { void XFA_BOX_GetPath_Arc(const CXFA_BoxData& boxData, CFX_RectF rtDraw, CXFA_GEPath& fillPath, uint32_t dwFlags) { float a, b; a = rtDraw.width / 2.0f; b = rtDraw.height / 2.0f; if (boxData.IsCircular() || (dwFlags & XFA_DRAWBOX_ForceRound) != 0) a = b = std::min(a, b); CFX_PointF center = rtDraw.Center(); rtDraw.left = center.x - a; rtDraw.top = center.y - b; rtDraw.width = a + a; rtDraw.height = b + b; pdfium::Optional startAngle = boxData.GetStartAngle(); pdfium::Optional sweepAngle = boxData.GetSweepAngle(); if (!startAngle && !sweepAngle) { fillPath.AddEllipse(rtDraw); return; } fillPath.AddArc(rtDraw.TopLeft(), rtDraw.Size(), -startAngle.value_or(0) * FX_PI / 180.0f, -sweepAngle.value_or(360) * FX_PI / 180.0f); } void XFA_BOX_GetPath(const std::vector& strokes, CFX_RectF rtWidget, CXFA_GEPath& path, int32_t nIndex, bool bStart, bool bCorner) { ASSERT(nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < 8); int32_t n = (nIndex & 1) ? nIndex - 1 : nIndex; CXFA_CornerData cornerData1(strokes[n].GetNode()); CXFA_CornerData cornerData2(strokes[(n + 2) % 8].GetNode()); float fRadius1 = bCorner ? cornerData1.GetRadius() : 0.0f; float fRadius2 = bCorner ? cornerData2.GetRadius() : 0.0f; bool bInverted = cornerData1.IsInverted(); float offsetY = 0.0f; float offsetX = 0.0f; bool bRound = cornerData1.GetJoinType() == XFA_AttributeEnum::Round; float halfAfter = 0.0f; float halfBefore = 0.0f; CXFA_StrokeData strokeData = strokes[nIndex]; if (strokeData.IsCorner()) { CXFA_StrokeData strokeBeforeData = strokes[(nIndex + 1 * 8 - 1) % 8]; CXFA_StrokeData strokeAfterData = strokes[nIndex + 1]; if (strokeData.IsInverted()) { if (!strokeData.SameStyles(strokeBeforeData, 0)) halfBefore = strokeBeforeData.GetThickness() / 2; if (!strokeData.SameStyles(strokeAfterData, 0)) halfAfter = strokeAfterData.GetThickness() / 2; } } else { CXFA_StrokeData strokeBeforeData = strokes[(nIndex + 8 - 2) % 8]; CXFA_StrokeData strokeAfterData = strokes[(nIndex + 2) % 8]; if (!bRound && !bInverted) { halfBefore = strokeBeforeData.GetThickness() / 2; halfAfter = strokeAfterData.GetThickness() / 2; } } float offsetEX = 0.0f; float offsetEY = 0.0f; float sx = 0.0f; float sy = 0.0f; float vx = 1.0f; float vy = 1.0f; float nx = 1.0f; float ny = 1.0f; CFX_PointF cpStart; CFX_PointF cp1; CFX_PointF cp2; if (bRound) { sy = FX_PI / 2; } switch (nIndex) { case 0: case 1: cp1 = rtWidget.TopLeft(); cp2 = rtWidget.TopRight(); if (nIndex == 0) { cpStart.x = cp1.x - halfBefore; cpStart.y = cp1.y + fRadius1, offsetY = -halfAfter; } else { cpStart.x = cp1.x + fRadius1 - halfBefore, cpStart.y = cp1.y, offsetEX = halfAfter; } vx = 1, vy = 1; nx = -1, ny = 0; if (bRound) { sx = bInverted ? FX_PI / 2 : FX_PI; } else { sx = 1, sy = 0; } break; case 2: case 3: cp1 = rtWidget.TopRight(); cp2 = rtWidget.BottomRight(); if (nIndex == 2) { cpStart.x = cp1.x - fRadius1, cpStart.y = cp1.y - halfBefore, offsetX = halfAfter; } else { cpStart.x = cp1.x, cpStart.y = cp1.y + fRadius1 - halfBefore, offsetEY = halfAfter; } vx = -1, vy = 1; nx = 0, ny = -1; if (bRound) { sx = bInverted ? FX_PI : FX_PI * 3 / 2; } else { sx = 0, sy = 1; } break; case 4: case 5: cp1 = rtWidget.BottomRight(); cp2 = rtWidget.BottomLeft(); if (nIndex == 4) { cpStart.x = cp1.x + halfBefore, cpStart.y = cp1.y - fRadius1, offsetY = halfAfter; } else { cpStart.x = cp1.x - fRadius1 + halfBefore, cpStart.y = cp1.y, offsetEX = -halfAfter; } vx = -1, vy = -1; nx = 1, ny = 0; if (bRound) { sx = bInverted ? FX_PI * 3 / 2 : 0; } else { sx = -1, sy = 0; } break; case 6: case 7: cp1 = rtWidget.BottomLeft(); cp2 = rtWidget.TopLeft(); if (nIndex == 6) { cpStart.x = cp1.x + fRadius1, cpStart.y = cp1.y + halfBefore, offsetX = -halfAfter; } else { cpStart.x = cp1.x, cpStart.y = cp1.y - fRadius1 + halfBefore, offsetEY = -halfAfter; } vx = 1; vy = -1; nx = 0; ny = 1; if (bRound) { sx = bInverted ? 0 : FX_PI / 2; } else { sx = 0; sy = -1; } break; } if (bStart) { path.MoveTo(cpStart); } if (nIndex & 1) { path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(cp2.x + fRadius2 * nx + offsetEX, cp2.y + fRadius2 * ny + offsetEY)); return; } if (bRound) { if (fRadius1 < 0) sx -= FX_PI; if (bInverted) sy *= -1; CFX_RectF rtRadius(cp1.x + offsetX * 2, cp1.y + offsetY * 2, fRadius1 * 2 * vx - offsetX * 2, fRadius1 * 2 * vy - offsetY * 2); rtRadius.Normalize(); if (bInverted) rtRadius.Offset(-fRadius1 * vx, -fRadius1 * vy); path.ArcTo(rtRadius.TopLeft(), rtRadius.Size(), sx, sy); } else { CFX_PointF cp; if (bInverted) { cp.x = cp1.x + fRadius1 * vx; cp.y = cp1.y + fRadius1 * vy; } else { cp = cp1; } path.LineTo(cp); path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(cp1.x + fRadius1 * sx + offsetX, cp1.y + fRadius1 * sy + offsetY)); } } void XFA_BOX_GetFillPath(const CXFA_BoxData& boxData, const std::vector& strokes, CFX_RectF rtWidget, CXFA_GEPath& fillPath, uint16_t dwFlags) { if (boxData.IsArc() || (dwFlags & XFA_DRAWBOX_ForceRound) != 0) { float fThickness = std::fmax(0.0, boxData.GetEdgeData(0).GetThickness()); float fHalf = fThickness / 2; XFA_AttributeEnum iHand = boxData.GetHand(); if (iHand == XFA_AttributeEnum::Left) rtWidget.Inflate(fHalf, fHalf); else if (iHand == XFA_AttributeEnum::Right) rtWidget.Deflate(fHalf, fHalf); XFA_BOX_GetPath_Arc(boxData, rtWidget, fillPath, dwFlags); return; } bool bSameStyles = true; CXFA_StrokeData strokeData1 = strokes[0]; for (int32_t i = 1; i < 8; i++) { CXFA_StrokeData strokeData2 = strokes[i]; if (!strokeData1.SameStyles(strokeData2, 0)) { bSameStyles = false; break; } strokeData1 = strokeData2; } if (bSameStyles) { strokeData1 = strokes[0]; for (int32_t i = 2; i < 8; i += 2) { CXFA_StrokeData strokeData2 = strokes[i]; if (!strokeData1.SameStyles( strokeData2, XFA_STROKE_SAMESTYLE_NoPresence | XFA_STROKE_SAMESTYLE_Corner)) { bSameStyles = false; break; } strokeData1 = strokeData2; } if (bSameStyles) { strokeData1 = strokes[0]; if (strokeData1.IsInverted()) { bSameStyles = false; } if (strokeData1.GetJoinType() != XFA_AttributeEnum::Square) { bSameStyles = false; } } } if (bSameStyles) { fillPath.AddRectangle(rtWidget.left, rtWidget.top, rtWidget.width, rtWidget.height); return; } for (int32_t i = 0; i < 8; i += 2) { float sx = 0.0f; float sy = 0.0f; float vx = 1.0f; float vy = 1.0f; float nx = 1.0f; float ny = 1.0f; CFX_PointF cp1, cp2; CXFA_CornerData cornerData1(strokes[i].GetNode()); CXFA_CornerData cornerData2(strokes[(i + 2) % 8].GetNode()); float fRadius1 = cornerData1.GetRadius(); float fRadius2 = cornerData2.GetRadius(); bool bInverted = cornerData1.IsInverted(); bool bRound = cornerData1.GetJoinType() == XFA_AttributeEnum::Round; if (bRound) { sy = FX_PI / 2; } switch (i) { case 0: cp1 = rtWidget.TopLeft(); cp2 = rtWidget.TopRight(); vx = 1, vy = 1; nx = -1, ny = 0; if (bRound) { sx = bInverted ? FX_PI / 2 : FX_PI; } else { sx = 1, sy = 0; } break; case 2: cp1 = rtWidget.TopRight(); cp2 = rtWidget.BottomRight(); vx = -1, vy = 1; nx = 0, ny = -1; if (bRound) { sx = bInverted ? FX_PI : FX_PI * 3 / 2; } else { sx = 0, sy = 1; } break; case 4: cp1 = rtWidget.BottomRight(); cp2 = rtWidget.BottomLeft(); vx = -1, vy = -1; nx = 1, ny = 0; if (bRound) { sx = bInverted ? FX_PI * 3 / 2 : 0; } else { sx = -1, sy = 0; } break; case 6: cp1 = rtWidget.BottomLeft(); cp2 = rtWidget.TopLeft(); vx = 1, vy = -1; nx = 0, ny = 1; if (bRound) { sx = bInverted ? 0 : FX_PI / 2; } else { sx = 0; sy = -1; } break; } if (i == 0) fillPath.MoveTo(CFX_PointF(cp1.x, cp1.y + fRadius1)); if (bRound) { if (fRadius1 < 0) sx -= FX_PI; if (bInverted) sy *= -1; CFX_RectF rtRadius(cp1.x, cp1.y, fRadius1 * 2 * vx, fRadius1 * 2 * vy); rtRadius.Normalize(); if (bInverted) rtRadius.Offset(-fRadius1 * vx, -fRadius1 * vy); fillPath.ArcTo(rtRadius.TopLeft(), rtRadius.Size(), sx, sy); } else { CFX_PointF cp; if (bInverted) { cp.x = cp1.x + fRadius1 * vx; cp.y = cp1.y + fRadius1 * vy; } else { cp = cp1; } fillPath.LineTo(cp); fillPath.LineTo(CFX_PointF(cp1.x + fRadius1 * sx, cp1.y + fRadius1 * sy)); } fillPath.LineTo(CFX_PointF(cp2.x + fRadius2 * nx, cp2.y + fRadius2 * ny)); } } void XFA_BOX_Fill_Radial(const CXFA_BoxData& boxData, CXFA_Graphics* pGS, CXFA_GEPath& fillPath, CFX_RectF rtFill, const CFX_Matrix& matrix) { CXFA_FillData fillData = boxData.GetFillData(false); FX_ARGB crStart = fillData.GetColor(false); FX_ARGB crEnd = fillData.GetRadialColor(); if (!fillData.IsRadialToEdge()) std::swap(crStart, crEnd); CXFA_GEShading shading(rtFill.Center(), rtFill.Center(), 0, sqrt(rtFill.Width() * rtFill.Width() + rtFill.Height() * rtFill.Height()) / 2, true, true, crStart, crEnd); pGS->SetFillColor(CXFA_GEColor(&shading)); pGS->FillPath(&fillPath, FXFILL_WINDING, &matrix); } void XFA_BOX_Fill_Pattern(const CXFA_BoxData& boxData, CXFA_Graphics* pGS, CXFA_GEPath& fillPath, CFX_RectF rtFill, const CFX_Matrix& matrix) { CXFA_FillData fillData = boxData.GetFillData(false); FX_ARGB crStart = fillData.GetColor(false); FX_ARGB crEnd = fillData.GetPatternColor(); FX_HatchStyle iHatch = FX_HatchStyle::Cross; switch (fillData.GetPatternType()) { case XFA_AttributeEnum::CrossDiagonal: iHatch = FX_HatchStyle::DiagonalCross; break; case XFA_AttributeEnum::DiagonalLeft: iHatch = FX_HatchStyle::ForwardDiagonal; break; case XFA_AttributeEnum::DiagonalRight: iHatch = FX_HatchStyle::BackwardDiagonal; break; case XFA_AttributeEnum::Horizontal: iHatch = FX_HatchStyle::Horizontal; break; case XFA_AttributeEnum::Vertical: iHatch = FX_HatchStyle::Vertical; break; default: break; } CXFA_GEPattern pattern(iHatch, crEnd, crStart); pGS->SetFillColor(CXFA_GEColor(&pattern, 0x0)); pGS->FillPath(&fillPath, FXFILL_WINDING, &matrix); } void XFA_BOX_Fill_Linear(const CXFA_BoxData& boxData, CXFA_Graphics* pGS, CXFA_GEPath& fillPath, CFX_RectF rtFill, const CFX_Matrix& matrix) { CXFA_FillData fillData = boxData.GetFillData(false); FX_ARGB crStart = fillData.GetColor(false); FX_ARGB crEnd = fillData.GetLinearColor(); CFX_PointF ptStart; CFX_PointF ptEnd; switch (fillData.GetLinearType()) { case XFA_AttributeEnum::ToRight: ptStart = CFX_PointF(rtFill.left, rtFill.top); ptEnd = CFX_PointF(rtFill.right(), rtFill.top); break; case XFA_AttributeEnum::ToBottom: ptStart = CFX_PointF(rtFill.left, rtFill.top); ptEnd = CFX_PointF(rtFill.left, rtFill.bottom()); break; case XFA_AttributeEnum::ToLeft: ptStart = CFX_PointF(rtFill.right(), rtFill.top); ptEnd = CFX_PointF(rtFill.left, rtFill.top); break; case XFA_AttributeEnum::ToTop: ptStart = CFX_PointF(rtFill.left, rtFill.bottom()); ptEnd = CFX_PointF(rtFill.left, rtFill.top); break; default: break; } CXFA_GEShading shading(ptStart, ptEnd, false, false, crStart, crEnd); pGS->SetFillColor(CXFA_GEColor(&shading)); pGS->FillPath(&fillPath, FXFILL_WINDING, &matrix); } void XFA_BOX_Fill(const CXFA_BoxData& boxData, const std::vector& strokes, CXFA_Graphics* pGS, const CFX_RectF& rtWidget, const CFX_Matrix& matrix, uint32_t dwFlags) { CXFA_FillData fillData = boxData.GetFillData(false); if (!fillData.HasValidNode() || !fillData.IsVisible()) return; pGS->SaveGraphState(); CXFA_GEPath fillPath; XFA_BOX_GetFillPath(boxData, strokes, rtWidget, fillPath, (dwFlags & XFA_DRAWBOX_ForceRound) != 0); fillPath.Close(); XFA_Element eType = fillData.GetFillType(); switch (eType) { case XFA_Element::Radial: XFA_BOX_Fill_Radial(boxData, pGS, fillPath, rtWidget, matrix); break; case XFA_Element::Pattern: XFA_BOX_Fill_Pattern(boxData, pGS, fillPath, rtWidget, matrix); break; case XFA_Element::Linear: XFA_BOX_Fill_Linear(boxData, pGS, fillPath, rtWidget, matrix); break; default: { FX_ARGB cr; if (eType == XFA_Element::Stipple) { int32_t iRate = fillData.GetStippleRate(); if (iRate == 0) iRate = 100; int32_t a; FX_COLORREF rgb; std::tie(a, rgb) = ArgbToColorRef(fillData.GetStippleColor()); cr = ArgbEncode(iRate * a / 100, rgb); } else { cr = fillData.GetColor(false); } pGS->SetFillColor(CXFA_GEColor(cr)); pGS->FillPath(&fillPath, FXFILL_WINDING, &matrix); } break; } pGS->RestoreGraphState(); } void XFA_BOX_StrokePath(const CXFA_StrokeData& strokeData, CXFA_GEPath* pPath, CXFA_Graphics* pGS, const CFX_Matrix& matrix) { if (!strokeData.HasValidNode() || !strokeData.IsVisible()) return; float fThickness = strokeData.GetThickness(); if (fThickness < 0.001f) return; pGS->SaveGraphState(); if (strokeData.IsCorner() && fThickness > 2 * strokeData.GetRadius()) fThickness = 2 * strokeData.GetRadius(); pGS->SetLineWidth(fThickness); pGS->EnableActOnDash(); pGS->SetLineCap(CFX_GraphStateData::LineCapButt); XFA_StrokeTypeSetLineDash(pGS, strokeData.GetStrokeType(), XFA_AttributeEnum::Butt); pGS->SetStrokeColor(CXFA_GEColor(strokeData.GetColor())); pGS->StrokePath(pPath, &matrix); pGS->RestoreGraphState(); } void XFA_BOX_StrokeArc(const CXFA_BoxData& boxData, CXFA_Graphics* pGS, CFX_RectF rtWidget, const CFX_Matrix& matrix, uint32_t dwFlags) { CXFA_EdgeData edgeData = boxData.GetEdgeData(0); if (!edgeData.HasValidNode() || !edgeData.IsVisible()) return; bool bVisible; float fThickness; XFA_AttributeEnum i3DType; std::tie(i3DType, bVisible, fThickness) = boxData.Get3DStyle(); if (i3DType != XFA_AttributeEnum::Unknown) { if (bVisible && fThickness >= 0.001f) { dwFlags |= XFA_DRAWBOX_Lowered3D; } } float fHalf = edgeData.GetThickness() / 2; if (fHalf < 0) { fHalf = 0; } XFA_AttributeEnum iHand = boxData.GetHand(); if (iHand == XFA_AttributeEnum::Left) { rtWidget.Inflate(fHalf, fHalf); } else if (iHand == XFA_AttributeEnum::Right) { rtWidget.Deflate(fHalf, fHalf); } if ((dwFlags & XFA_DRAWBOX_ForceRound) == 0 || (dwFlags & XFA_DRAWBOX_Lowered3D) == 0) { if (fHalf < 0.001f) return; CXFA_GEPath arcPath; XFA_BOX_GetPath_Arc(boxData, rtWidget, arcPath, dwFlags); XFA_BOX_StrokePath(edgeData, &arcPath, pGS, matrix); return; } pGS->SaveGraphState(); pGS->SetLineWidth(fHalf); float a, b; a = rtWidget.width / 2.0f; b = rtWidget.height / 2.0f; if (dwFlags & XFA_DRAWBOX_ForceRound) { a = std::min(a, b); b = a; } CFX_PointF center = rtWidget.Center(); rtWidget.left = center.x - a; rtWidget.top = center.y - b; rtWidget.width = a + a; rtWidget.height = b + b; float startAngle = 0, sweepAngle = 360; startAngle = startAngle * FX_PI / 180.0f; sweepAngle = -sweepAngle * FX_PI / 180.0f; CXFA_GEPath arcPath; arcPath.AddArc(rtWidget.TopLeft(), rtWidget.Size(), 3.0f * FX_PI / 4.0f, FX_PI); pGS->SetStrokeColor(CXFA_GEColor(0xFF808080)); pGS->StrokePath(&arcPath, &matrix); arcPath.Clear(); arcPath.AddArc(rtWidget.TopLeft(), rtWidget.Size(), -1.0f * FX_PI / 4.0f, FX_PI); pGS->SetStrokeColor(CXFA_GEColor(0xFFFFFFFF)); pGS->StrokePath(&arcPath, &matrix); rtWidget.Deflate(fHalf, fHalf); arcPath.Clear(); arcPath.AddArc(rtWidget.TopLeft(), rtWidget.Size(), 3.0f * FX_PI / 4.0f, FX_PI); pGS->SetStrokeColor(CXFA_GEColor(0xFF404040)); pGS->StrokePath(&arcPath, &matrix); arcPath.Clear(); arcPath.AddArc(rtWidget.TopLeft(), rtWidget.Size(), -1.0f * FX_PI / 4.0f, FX_PI); pGS->SetStrokeColor(CXFA_GEColor(0xFFC0C0C0)); pGS->StrokePath(&arcPath, &matrix); pGS->RestoreGraphState(); } void XFA_Draw3DRect(CXFA_Graphics* pGraphic, const CFX_RectF& rt, float fLineWidth, const CFX_Matrix& matrix, FX_ARGB argbTopLeft, FX_ARGB argbBottomRight) { float fBottom = rt.bottom(); float fRight = rt.right(); CXFA_GEPath pathLT; pathLT.MoveTo(CFX_PointF(rt.left, fBottom)); pathLT.LineTo(CFX_PointF(rt.left, rt.top)); pathLT.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fRight, rt.top)); pathLT.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fRight - fLineWidth, rt.top + fLineWidth)); pathLT.LineTo(CFX_PointF(rt.left + fLineWidth, rt.top + fLineWidth)); pathLT.LineTo(CFX_PointF(rt.left + fLineWidth, fBottom - fLineWidth)); pathLT.LineTo(CFX_PointF(rt.left, fBottom)); pGraphic->SetFillColor(CXFA_GEColor(argbTopLeft)); pGraphic->FillPath(&pathLT, FXFILL_WINDING, &matrix); CXFA_GEPath pathRB; pathRB.MoveTo(CFX_PointF(fRight, rt.top)); pathRB.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fRight, fBottom)); pathRB.LineTo(CFX_PointF(rt.left, fBottom)); pathRB.LineTo(CFX_PointF(rt.left + fLineWidth, fBottom - fLineWidth)); pathRB.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fRight - fLineWidth, fBottom - fLineWidth)); pathRB.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fRight - fLineWidth, rt.top + fLineWidth)); pathRB.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fRight, rt.top)); pGraphic->SetFillColor(CXFA_GEColor(argbBottomRight)); pGraphic->FillPath(&pathRB, FXFILL_WINDING, &matrix); } void XFA_BOX_Stroke_3DRect_Lowered(CXFA_Graphics* pGS, CFX_RectF rt, float fThickness, const CFX_Matrix& matrix) { float fHalfWidth = fThickness / 2.0f; CFX_RectF rtInner(rt); rtInner.Deflate(fHalfWidth, fHalfWidth); CXFA_GEPath path; path.AddRectangle(rt.left, rt.top, rt.width, rt.height); path.AddRectangle(rtInner.left, rtInner.top, rtInner.width, rtInner.height); pGS->SetFillColor(CXFA_GEColor(0xFF000000)); pGS->FillPath(&path, FXFILL_ALTERNATE, &matrix); XFA_Draw3DRect(pGS, rtInner, fHalfWidth, matrix, 0xFF808080, 0xFFC0C0C0); } void XFA_BOX_Stroke_3DRect_Raised(CXFA_Graphics* pGS, CFX_RectF rt, float fThickness, const CFX_Matrix& matrix) { float fHalfWidth = fThickness / 2.0f; CFX_RectF rtInner(rt); rtInner.Deflate(fHalfWidth, fHalfWidth); CXFA_GEPath path; path.AddRectangle(rt.left, rt.top, rt.width, rt.height); path.AddRectangle(rtInner.left, rtInner.top, rtInner.width, rtInner.height); pGS->SetFillColor(CXFA_GEColor(0xFF000000)); pGS->FillPath(&path, FXFILL_ALTERNATE, &matrix); XFA_Draw3DRect(pGS, rtInner, fHalfWidth, matrix, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFF808080); } void XFA_BOX_Stroke_3DRect_Etched(CXFA_Graphics* pGS, CFX_RectF rt, float fThickness, const CFX_Matrix& matrix) { float fHalfWidth = fThickness / 2.0f; XFA_Draw3DRect(pGS, rt, fThickness, matrix, 0xFF808080, 0xFFFFFFFF); CFX_RectF rtInner(rt); rtInner.Deflate(fHalfWidth, fHalfWidth); XFA_Draw3DRect(pGS, rtInner, fHalfWidth, matrix, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFF808080); } void XFA_BOX_Stroke_3DRect_Embossed(CXFA_Graphics* pGS, CFX_RectF rt, float fThickness, const CFX_Matrix& matrix) { float fHalfWidth = fThickness / 2.0f; XFA_Draw3DRect(pGS, rt, fThickness, matrix, 0xFF808080, 0xFF000000); CFX_RectF rtInner(rt); rtInner.Deflate(fHalfWidth, fHalfWidth); XFA_Draw3DRect(pGS, rtInner, fHalfWidth, matrix, 0xFF000000, 0xFF808080); } void XFA_BOX_Stroke_Rect(CXFA_BoxData boxData, const std::vector& strokes, CXFA_Graphics* pGS, CFX_RectF rtWidget, const CFX_Matrix& matrix) { bool bVisible; float fThickness; XFA_AttributeEnum i3DType; std::tie(i3DType, bVisible, fThickness) = boxData.Get3DStyle(); if (i3DType != XFA_AttributeEnum::Unknown) { if (!bVisible || fThickness < 0.001f) { return; } switch (i3DType) { case XFA_AttributeEnum::Lowered: XFA_BOX_Stroke_3DRect_Lowered(pGS, rtWidget, fThickness, matrix); break; case XFA_AttributeEnum::Raised: XFA_BOX_Stroke_3DRect_Raised(pGS, rtWidget, fThickness, matrix); break; case XFA_AttributeEnum::Etched: XFA_BOX_Stroke_3DRect_Etched(pGS, rtWidget, fThickness, matrix); break; case XFA_AttributeEnum::Embossed: XFA_BOX_Stroke_3DRect_Embossed(pGS, rtWidget, fThickness, matrix); break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } return; } bool bClose = false; bool bSameStyles = true; CXFA_StrokeData strokeData1 = strokes[0]; for (int32_t i = 1; i < 8; i++) { CXFA_StrokeData strokeData2 = strokes[i]; if (!strokeData1.SameStyles(strokeData2, 0)) { bSameStyles = false; break; } strokeData1 = strokeData2; } if (bSameStyles) { strokeData1 = strokes[0]; bClose = true; for (int32_t i = 2; i < 8; i += 2) { CXFA_StrokeData strokeData2 = strokes[i]; if (!strokeData1.SameStyles( strokeData2, XFA_STROKE_SAMESTYLE_NoPresence | XFA_STROKE_SAMESTYLE_Corner)) { bSameStyles = false; break; } strokeData1 = strokeData2; } if (bSameStyles) { strokeData1 = strokes[0]; if (strokeData1.IsInverted()) bSameStyles = false; if (strokeData1.GetJoinType() != XFA_AttributeEnum::Square) bSameStyles = false; } } bool bStart = true; CXFA_GEPath path; for (int32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { CXFA_StrokeData strokeData = strokes[i]; if ((i % 1) == 0 && strokeData.GetRadius() < 0) { bool bEmpty = path.IsEmpty(); if (!bEmpty) { XFA_BOX_StrokePath(strokeData, &path, pGS, matrix); path.Clear(); } bStart = true; continue; } XFA_BOX_GetPath(strokes, rtWidget, path, i, bStart, !bSameStyles); bStart = !strokeData.SameStyles(strokes[(i + 1) % 8], 0); if (bStart) { XFA_BOX_StrokePath(strokeData, &path, pGS, matrix); path.Clear(); } } bool bEmpty = path.IsEmpty(); if (!bEmpty) { if (bClose) { path.Close(); } XFA_BOX_StrokePath(strokes[7], &path, pGS, matrix); } } void XFA_BOX_Stroke(CXFA_BoxData boxData, const std::vector& strokes, CXFA_Graphics* pGS, CFX_RectF rtWidget, const CFX_Matrix& matrix, uint32_t dwFlags) { if (boxData.IsArc() || (dwFlags & XFA_DRAWBOX_ForceRound) != 0) { XFA_BOX_StrokeArc(boxData, pGS, rtWidget, matrix, dwFlags); return; } bool bVisible = false; for (int32_t j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (strokes[j * 2 + 1].IsVisible()) { bVisible = true; break; } } if (!bVisible) { return; } for (int32_t i = 1; i < 8; i += 2) { float fThickness = std::fmax(0.0, CXFA_EdgeData(strokes[i].GetNode()).GetThickness()); float fHalf = fThickness / 2; XFA_AttributeEnum iHand = boxData.GetHand(); switch (i) { case 1: if (iHand == XFA_AttributeEnum::Left) { rtWidget.top -= fHalf; rtWidget.height += fHalf; } else if (iHand == XFA_AttributeEnum::Right) { rtWidget.top += fHalf; rtWidget.height -= fHalf; } break; case 3: if (iHand == XFA_AttributeEnum::Left) { rtWidget.width += fHalf; } else if (iHand == XFA_AttributeEnum::Right) { rtWidget.width -= fHalf; } break; case 5: if (iHand == XFA_AttributeEnum::Left) { rtWidget.height += fHalf; } else if (iHand == XFA_AttributeEnum::Right) { rtWidget.height -= fHalf; } break; case 7: if (iHand == XFA_AttributeEnum::Left) { rtWidget.left -= fHalf; rtWidget.width += fHalf; } else if (iHand == XFA_AttributeEnum::Right) { rtWidget.left += fHalf; rtWidget.width -= fHalf; } break; } } XFA_BOX_Stroke_Rect(boxData, strokes, pGS, rtWidget, matrix); } void XFA_DrawBox(CXFA_BoxData boxData, CXFA_Graphics* pGS, const CFX_RectF& rtWidget, const CFX_Matrix& matrix, uint32_t dwFlags) { if (!boxData.HasValidNode() || boxData.GetPresence() != XFA_AttributeEnum::Visible) { return; } XFA_Element eType = boxData.GetElementType(); if (eType != XFA_Element::Arc && eType != XFA_Element::Border && eType != XFA_Element::Rectangle) { return; } std::vector strokes; if (!(dwFlags & XFA_DRAWBOX_ForceRound) && eType != XFA_Element::Arc) strokes = boxData.GetStrokes(); XFA_BOX_Fill(boxData, strokes, pGS, rtWidget, matrix, dwFlags); XFA_BOX_Stroke(boxData, strokes, pGS, rtWidget, matrix, dwFlags); } bool IsFXCodecErrorStatus(FXCODEC_STATUS status) { return (status == FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR || #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA status == FXCODEC_STATUS_ERR_MEMORY || #endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA status == FXCODEC_STATUS_ERR_READ || status == FXCODEC_STATUS_ERR_FLUSH || status == FXCODEC_STATUS_ERR_FORMAT || status == FXCODEC_STATUS_ERR_PARAMS); } } // namespace CXFA_FFWidget::CXFA_FFWidget(CXFA_WidgetAcc* pDataAcc) : CXFA_ContentLayoutItem(pDataAcc->GetNode()), m_pPageView(nullptr), m_pDataAcc(pDataAcc) {} CXFA_FFWidget::~CXFA_FFWidget() {} const CFWL_App* CXFA_FFWidget::GetFWLApp() { return GetPageView()->GetDocView()->GetDoc()->GetApp()->GetFWLApp(); } const CFX_RectF& CXFA_FFWidget::GetWidgetRect() const { if ((m_dwStatus & XFA_WidgetStatus_RectCached) == 0) RecacheWidgetRect(); return m_rtWidget; } const CFX_RectF& CXFA_FFWidget::RecacheWidgetRect() const { m_dwStatus |= XFA_WidgetStatus_RectCached; m_rtWidget = GetRect(false); return m_rtWidget; } CFX_RectF CXFA_FFWidget::GetRectWithoutRotate() { CFX_RectF rtWidget = GetWidgetRect(); float fValue = 0; switch (m_pDataAcc->GetRotate()) { case 90: rtWidget.top = rtWidget.bottom(); fValue = rtWidget.width; rtWidget.width = rtWidget.height; rtWidget.height = fValue; break; case 180: rtWidget.left = rtWidget.right(); rtWidget.top = rtWidget.bottom(); break; case 270: rtWidget.left = rtWidget.right(); fValue = rtWidget.width; rtWidget.width = rtWidget.height; rtWidget.height = fValue; break; } return rtWidget; } uint32_t CXFA_FFWidget::GetStatus() { return m_dwStatus; } void CXFA_FFWidget::ModifyStatus(uint32_t dwAdded, uint32_t dwRemoved) { m_dwStatus = (m_dwStatus & ~dwRemoved) | dwAdded; } CFX_RectF CXFA_FFWidget::GetBBox(uint32_t dwStatus, bool bDrawFocus) { if (bDrawFocus || !m_pPageView) return CFX_RectF(); return m_pPageView->GetPageViewRect(); } CXFA_WidgetAcc* CXFA_FFWidget::GetDataAcc() { return m_pDataAcc.Get(); } void CXFA_FFWidget::RenderWidget(CXFA_Graphics* pGS, const CFX_Matrix& matrix, uint32_t dwStatus) { if (!IsMatchVisibleStatus(dwStatus)) return; CXFA_BorderData borderData = m_pDataAcc->GetBorderData(false); if (!borderData.HasValidNode()) return; CFX_RectF rtBorder = GetRectWithoutRotate(); CXFA_Margin* margin = borderData.GetMargin(); if (margin) XFA_RectWidthoutMargin(rtBorder, margin); rtBorder.Normalize(); DrawBorder(pGS, borderData, rtBorder, matrix); } bool CXFA_FFWidget::IsLoaded() { return !!m_pPageView; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::LoadWidget() { PerformLayout(); return true; } void CXFA_FFWidget::UnloadWidget() {} bool CXFA_FFWidget::PerformLayout() { RecacheWidgetRect(); return true; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::UpdateFWLData() { return false; } void CXFA_FFWidget::UpdateWidgetProperty() {} void CXFA_FFWidget::DrawBorder(CXFA_Graphics* pGS, const CXFA_BoxData& boxData, const CFX_RectF& rtBorder, const CFX_Matrix& matrix) { XFA_DrawBox(boxData, pGS, rtBorder, matrix, 0); } void CXFA_FFWidget::DrawBorderWithFlags(CXFA_Graphics* pGS, const CXFA_BoxData& boxData, const CFX_RectF& rtBorder, const CFX_Matrix& matrix, uint32_t dwFlags) { XFA_DrawBox(boxData, pGS, rtBorder, matrix, dwFlags); } void CXFA_FFWidget::AddInvalidateRect() { CFX_RectF rtWidget = GetBBox(XFA_WidgetStatus_Focused); rtWidget.Inflate(2, 2); m_pDocView->AddInvalidateRect(m_pPageView, rtWidget); } bool CXFA_FFWidget::OnMouseEnter() { return false; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::OnMouseExit() { return false; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::OnLButtonDown(uint32_t dwFlags, const CFX_PointF& point) { return false; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::OnLButtonUp(uint32_t dwFlags, const CFX_PointF& point) { return false; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::OnLButtonDblClk(uint32_t dwFlags, const CFX_PointF& point) { return false; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::OnMouseMove(uint32_t dwFlags, const CFX_PointF& point) { return false; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::OnMouseWheel(uint32_t dwFlags, int16_t zDelta, const CFX_PointF& point) { return false; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::OnRButtonDown(uint32_t dwFlags, const CFX_PointF& point) { return false; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::OnRButtonUp(uint32_t dwFlags, const CFX_PointF& point) { return false; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::OnRButtonDblClk(uint32_t dwFlags, const CFX_PointF& point) { return false; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::OnSetFocus(CXFA_FFWidget* pOldWidget) { CXFA_FFWidget* pParent = GetParent(); if (pParent && !pParent->IsAncestorOf(pOldWidget)) { pParent->OnSetFocus(pOldWidget); } m_dwStatus |= XFA_WidgetStatus_Focused; CXFA_EventParam eParam; eParam.m_eType = XFA_EVENT_Enter; eParam.m_pTarget = m_pDataAcc.Get(); m_pDataAcc->ProcessEvent(XFA_AttributeEnum::Enter, &eParam); return true; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::OnKillFocus(CXFA_FFWidget* pNewWidget) { m_dwStatus &= ~XFA_WidgetStatus_Focused; EventKillFocus(); if (pNewWidget) { CXFA_FFWidget* pParent = GetParent(); if (pParent && !pParent->IsAncestorOf(pNewWidget)) { pParent->OnKillFocus(pNewWidget); } } return true; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::OnKeyDown(uint32_t dwKeyCode, uint32_t dwFlags) { return false; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::OnKeyUp(uint32_t dwKeyCode, uint32_t dwFlags) { return false; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::OnChar(uint32_t dwChar, uint32_t dwFlags) { return false; } FWL_WidgetHit CXFA_FFWidget::OnHitTest(const CFX_PointF& point) { return FWL_WidgetHit::Unknown; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::OnSetCursor(const CFX_PointF& point) { return false; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::CanUndo() { return false; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::CanRedo() { return false; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::Undo() { return false; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::Redo() { return false; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::CanCopy() { return false; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::CanCut() { return false; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::CanPaste() { return false; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::CanSelectAll() { return false; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::CanDelete() { return CanCut(); } bool CXFA_FFWidget::CanDeSelect() { return CanCopy(); } bool CXFA_FFWidget::Copy(WideString& wsCopy) { return false; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::Cut(WideString& wsCut) { return false; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::Paste(const WideString& wsPaste) { return false; } void CXFA_FFWidget::SelectAll() {} void CXFA_FFWidget::Delete() {} void CXFA_FFWidget::DeSelect() {} void CXFA_FFWidget::GetSuggestWords(CFX_PointF pointf, std::vector* pWords) { pWords->clear(); } bool CXFA_FFWidget::ReplaceSpellCheckWord(CFX_PointF pointf, const ByteStringView& bsReplace) { return false; } CFX_PointF CXFA_FFWidget::Rotate2Normal(const CFX_PointF& point) { CFX_Matrix mt = GetRotateMatrix(); if (mt.IsIdentity()) return point; return mt.GetInverse().Transform(point); } static void XFA_GetMatrix(CFX_Matrix& m, int32_t iRotate, XFA_AttributeEnum at, const CFX_RectF& rt) { if (!iRotate) { return; } float fAnchorX = 0; float fAnchorY = 0; switch (at) { case XFA_AttributeEnum::TopLeft: fAnchorX = rt.left, fAnchorY = rt.top; break; case XFA_AttributeEnum::TopCenter: fAnchorX = (rt.left + rt.right()) / 2, fAnchorY = rt.top; break; case XFA_AttributeEnum::TopRight: fAnchorX = rt.right(), fAnchorY = rt.top; break; case XFA_AttributeEnum::MiddleLeft: fAnchorX = rt.left, fAnchorY = (rt.top + rt.bottom()) / 2; break; case XFA_AttributeEnum::MiddleCenter: fAnchorX = (rt.left + rt.right()) / 2, fAnchorY = (rt.top + rt.bottom()) / 2; break; case XFA_AttributeEnum::MiddleRight: fAnchorX = rt.right(), fAnchorY = (rt.top + rt.bottom()) / 2; break; case XFA_AttributeEnum::BottomLeft: fAnchorX = rt.left, fAnchorY = rt.bottom(); break; case XFA_AttributeEnum::BottomCenter: fAnchorX = (rt.left + rt.right()) / 2, fAnchorY = rt.bottom(); break; case XFA_AttributeEnum::BottomRight: fAnchorX = rt.right(), fAnchorY = rt.bottom(); break; default: break; } switch (iRotate) { case 90: m.a = 0, m.b = -1, m.c = 1, m.d = 0, m.e = fAnchorX - fAnchorY, m.f = fAnchorX + fAnchorY; break; case 180: m.a = -1, m.b = 0, m.c = 0, m.d = -1, m.e = fAnchorX * 2, m.f = fAnchorY * 2; break; case 270: m.a = 0, m.b = 1, m.c = -1, m.d = 0, m.e = fAnchorX + fAnchorY, m.f = fAnchorY - fAnchorX; break; } } CFX_Matrix CXFA_FFWidget::GetRotateMatrix() { CFX_Matrix mt; int32_t iRotate = m_pDataAcc->GetRotate(); if (!iRotate) return mt; CFX_RectF rcWidget = GetRectWithoutRotate(); XFA_AttributeEnum at = XFA_AttributeEnum::TopLeft; XFA_GetMatrix(mt, iRotate, at, rcWidget); return mt; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::IsLayoutRectEmpty() { CFX_RectF rtLayout = GetRectWithoutRotate(); return rtLayout.width < 0.1f && rtLayout.height < 0.1f; } CXFA_FFWidget* CXFA_FFWidget::GetParent() { CXFA_Node* pParentNode = m_pDataAcc->GetNode()->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_Parent); if (pParentNode) { CXFA_WidgetAcc* pParentWidgetAcc = static_cast(pParentNode->GetWidgetData()); if (pParentWidgetAcc) { return pParentWidgetAcc->GetNextWidget(nullptr); } } return nullptr; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::IsAncestorOf(CXFA_FFWidget* pWidget) { if (!pWidget) return false; CXFA_Node* pNode = m_pDataAcc->GetNode(); CXFA_Node* pChildNode = pWidget->GetDataAcc()->GetNode(); while (pChildNode) { if (pChildNode == pNode) return true; pChildNode = pChildNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_Parent); } return false; } bool CXFA_FFWidget::PtInActiveRect(const CFX_PointF& point) { return GetWidgetRect().Contains(point); } CXFA_FFDocView* CXFA_FFWidget::GetDocView() { return m_pDocView; } void CXFA_FFWidget::SetDocView(CXFA_FFDocView* pDocView) { m_pDocView = pDocView; } CXFA_FFDoc* CXFA_FFWidget::GetDoc() { return m_pDocView->GetDoc(); } CXFA_FFApp* CXFA_FFWidget::GetApp() { return GetDoc()->GetApp(); } IXFA_AppProvider* CXFA_FFWidget::GetAppProvider() { return GetApp()->GetAppProvider(); } bool CXFA_FFWidget::IsMatchVisibleStatus(uint32_t dwStatus) { return !!(m_dwStatus & XFA_WidgetStatus_Visible); } void CXFA_FFWidget::EventKillFocus() { if (m_dwStatus & XFA_WidgetStatus_Access) { m_dwStatus &= ~XFA_WidgetStatus_Access; return; } CXFA_EventParam eParam; eParam.m_eType = XFA_EVENT_Exit; eParam.m_pTarget = m_pDataAcc.Get(); m_pDataAcc->ProcessEvent(XFA_AttributeEnum::Exit, &eParam); } bool CXFA_FFWidget::IsButtonDown() { return (m_dwStatus & XFA_WidgetStatus_ButtonDown) != 0; } void CXFA_FFWidget::SetButtonDown(bool bSet) { bSet ? m_dwStatus |= XFA_WidgetStatus_ButtonDown : m_dwStatus &= ~XFA_WidgetStatus_ButtonDown; } int32_t XFA_StrokeTypeSetLineDash(CXFA_Graphics* pGraphics, XFA_AttributeEnum iStrokeType, XFA_AttributeEnum iCapType) { switch (iStrokeType) { case XFA_AttributeEnum::DashDot: { float dashArray[] = {4, 1, 2, 1}; if (iCapType != XFA_AttributeEnum::Butt) { dashArray[1] = 2; dashArray[3] = 2; } pGraphics->SetLineDash(0, dashArray, 4); return FX_DASHSTYLE_DashDot; } case XFA_AttributeEnum::DashDotDot: { float dashArray[] = {4, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1}; if (iCapType != XFA_AttributeEnum::Butt) { dashArray[1] = 2; dashArray[3] = 2; dashArray[5] = 2; } pGraphics->SetLineDash(0, dashArray, 6); return FX_DASHSTYLE_DashDotDot; } case XFA_AttributeEnum::Dashed: { float dashArray[] = {5, 1}; if (iCapType != XFA_AttributeEnum::Butt) dashArray[1] = 2; pGraphics->SetLineDash(0, dashArray, 2); return FX_DASHSTYLE_Dash; } case XFA_AttributeEnum::Dotted: { float dashArray[] = {2, 1}; if (iCapType != XFA_AttributeEnum::Butt) dashArray[1] = 2; pGraphics->SetLineDash(0, dashArray, 2); return FX_DASHSTYLE_Dot; } default: break; } pGraphics->SetLineDash(FX_DASHSTYLE_Solid); return FX_DASHSTYLE_Solid; } class CXFA_ImageRenderer { public: CXFA_ImageRenderer(); ~CXFA_ImageRenderer(); bool Start(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice, const RetainPtr& pDIBSource, FX_ARGB bitmap_argb, int bitmap_alpha, const CFX_Matrix* pImage2Device, uint32_t flags, int blendType = FXDIB_BLEND_NORMAL); bool Continue(); protected: bool StartDIBSource(); void CompositeDIBitmap(const RetainPtr& pDIBitmap, int left, int top, FX_ARGB mask_argb, int bitmap_alpha, int blend_mode, int iTransparency); CFX_RenderDevice* m_pDevice; int m_Status; CFX_Matrix m_ImageMatrix; RetainPtr m_pDIBSource; RetainPtr m_pCloneConvert; int m_BitmapAlpha; FX_ARGB m_FillArgb; uint32_t m_Flags; std::unique_ptr m_pTransformer; std::unique_ptr m_DeviceHandle; int32_t m_BlendType; bool m_Result; bool m_bPrint; }; CXFA_ImageRenderer::CXFA_ImageRenderer() : m_pDevice(nullptr), m_Status(0), m_BitmapAlpha(255), m_FillArgb(0), m_Flags(0), m_DeviceHandle(nullptr), m_BlendType(FXDIB_BLEND_NORMAL), m_Result(true), m_bPrint(false) {} CXFA_ImageRenderer::~CXFA_ImageRenderer() {} bool CXFA_ImageRenderer::Start(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice, const RetainPtr& pDIBSource, FX_ARGB bitmap_argb, int bitmap_alpha, const CFX_Matrix* pImage2Device, uint32_t flags, int blendType) { m_pDevice = pDevice; m_pDIBSource = pDIBSource; m_FillArgb = bitmap_argb; m_BitmapAlpha = bitmap_alpha; m_ImageMatrix = *pImage2Device; m_Flags = flags; m_BlendType = blendType; return StartDIBSource(); } bool CXFA_ImageRenderer::StartDIBSource() { if (m_pDevice->StartDIBitsWithBlend(m_pDIBSource, m_BitmapAlpha, m_FillArgb, &m_ImageMatrix, m_Flags, &m_DeviceHandle, m_BlendType)) { if (m_DeviceHandle) { m_Status = 3; return true; } return false; } CFX_FloatRect image_rect_f = m_ImageMatrix.GetUnitRect(); FX_RECT image_rect = image_rect_f.GetOuterRect(); int dest_width = image_rect.Width(); int dest_height = image_rect.Height(); if ((fabs(m_ImageMatrix.b) >= 0.5f || m_ImageMatrix.a == 0) || (fabs(m_ImageMatrix.c) >= 0.5f || m_ImageMatrix.d == 0)) { if (m_bPrint && !(m_pDevice->GetRenderCaps() & FXRC_BLEND_MODE)) { m_Result = false; return false; } RetainPtr pDib = m_pDIBSource; if (m_pDIBSource->HasAlpha() && !(m_pDevice->GetRenderCaps() & FXRC_ALPHA_IMAGE) && !(m_pDevice->GetRenderCaps() & FXRC_GET_BITS)) { m_pCloneConvert = m_pDIBSource->CloneConvert(FXDIB_Rgb); if (!m_pCloneConvert) { m_Result = false; return false; } pDib = m_pCloneConvert; } FX_RECT clip_box = m_pDevice->GetClipBox(); clip_box.Intersect(image_rect); m_Status = 2; m_pTransformer = pdfium::MakeUnique( pDib, &m_ImageMatrix, m_Flags, &clip_box); return true; } if (m_ImageMatrix.a < 0) dest_width = -dest_width; if (m_ImageMatrix.d > 0) dest_height = -dest_height; int dest_left, dest_top; dest_left = dest_width > 0 ? image_rect.left : image_rect.right; dest_top = dest_height > 0 ? image_rect.top : image_rect.bottom; if (m_pDIBSource->IsOpaqueImage() && m_BitmapAlpha == 255) { if (m_pDevice->StretchDIBitsWithFlagsAndBlend( m_pDIBSource, dest_left, dest_top, dest_width, dest_height, m_Flags, m_BlendType)) { return false; } } if (m_pDIBSource->IsAlphaMask()) { if (m_BitmapAlpha != 255) { m_FillArgb = FXARGB_MUL_ALPHA(m_FillArgb, m_BitmapAlpha); } if (m_pDevice->StretchBitMaskWithFlags(m_pDIBSource, dest_left, dest_top, dest_width, dest_height, m_FillArgb, m_Flags)) { return false; } } if (m_bPrint && !(m_pDevice->GetRenderCaps() & FXRC_BLEND_MODE)) { m_Result = false; return true; } FX_RECT clip_box = m_pDevice->GetClipBox(); FX_RECT dest_rect = clip_box; dest_rect.Intersect(image_rect); FX_RECT dest_clip( dest_rect.left - image_rect.left, dest_rect.top - image_rect.top, dest_rect.right - image_rect.left, dest_rect.bottom - image_rect.top); RetainPtr pStretched = m_pDIBSource->StretchTo(dest_width, dest_height, m_Flags, &dest_clip); if (pStretched) { CompositeDIBitmap(pStretched, dest_rect.left, dest_rect.top, m_FillArgb, m_BitmapAlpha, m_BlendType, false); } return false; } bool CXFA_ImageRenderer::Continue() { if (m_Status == 2) { if (m_pTransformer->Continue(nullptr)) return true; RetainPtr pBitmap = m_pTransformer->DetachBitmap(); if (!pBitmap) return false; if (pBitmap->IsAlphaMask()) { if (m_BitmapAlpha != 255) m_FillArgb = FXARGB_MUL_ALPHA(m_FillArgb, m_BitmapAlpha); m_Result = m_pDevice->SetBitMask(pBitmap, m_pTransformer->result().left, m_pTransformer->result().top, m_FillArgb); } else { if (m_BitmapAlpha != 255) pBitmap->MultiplyAlpha(m_BitmapAlpha); m_Result = m_pDevice->SetDIBitsWithBlend( pBitmap, m_pTransformer->result().left, m_pTransformer->result().top, m_BlendType); } return false; } if (m_Status == 3) return m_pDevice->ContinueDIBits(m_DeviceHandle.get(), nullptr); return false; } void CXFA_ImageRenderer::CompositeDIBitmap( const RetainPtr& pDIBitmap, int left, int top, FX_ARGB mask_argb, int bitmap_alpha, int blend_mode, int iTransparency) { if (!pDIBitmap) { return; } bool bIsolated = !!(iTransparency & PDFTRANS_ISOLATED); bool bGroup = !!(iTransparency & PDFTRANS_GROUP); if (blend_mode == FXDIB_BLEND_NORMAL) { if (!pDIBitmap->IsAlphaMask()) { if (bitmap_alpha < 255) { pDIBitmap->MultiplyAlpha(bitmap_alpha); } if (m_pDevice->SetDIBits(pDIBitmap, left, top)) { return; } } else { uint32_t fill_argb = (mask_argb); if (bitmap_alpha < 255) { ((uint8_t*)&fill_argb)[3] = ((uint8_t*)&fill_argb)[3] * bitmap_alpha / 255; } if (m_pDevice->SetBitMask(pDIBitmap, left, top, fill_argb)) { return; } } } bool bBackAlphaRequired = blend_mode && bIsolated; bool bGetBackGround = ((m_pDevice->GetRenderCaps() & FXRC_ALPHA_OUTPUT)) || (!(m_pDevice->GetRenderCaps() & FXRC_ALPHA_OUTPUT) && (m_pDevice->GetRenderCaps() & FXRC_GET_BITS) && !bBackAlphaRequired); if (bGetBackGround) { if (bIsolated || !bGroup) { if (pDIBitmap->IsAlphaMask()) { return; } m_pDevice->SetDIBitsWithBlend(pDIBitmap, left, top, blend_mode); } else { FX_RECT rect(left, top, left + pDIBitmap->GetWidth(), top + pDIBitmap->GetHeight()); rect.Intersect(m_pDevice->GetClipBox()); RetainPtr pClone; if (m_pDevice->GetBackDrop() && m_pDevice->GetBitmap()) { pClone = m_pDevice->GetBackDrop()->Clone(&rect); RetainPtr pForeBitmap = m_pDevice->GetBitmap(); pClone->CompositeBitmap(0, 0, pClone->GetWidth(), pClone->GetHeight(), pForeBitmap, rect.left, rect.top); left = left >= 0 ? 0 : left; top = top >= 0 ? 0 : top; if (!pDIBitmap->IsAlphaMask()) pClone->CompositeBitmap(0, 0, pClone->GetWidth(), pClone->GetHeight(), pDIBitmap, left, top, blend_mode); else pClone->CompositeMask(0, 0, pClone->GetWidth(), pClone->GetHeight(), pDIBitmap, mask_argb, left, top, blend_mode); } else { pClone = pDIBitmap; } if (m_pDevice->GetBackDrop()) { m_pDevice->SetDIBits(pClone, rect.left, rect.top); } else { if (pDIBitmap->IsAlphaMask()) return; m_pDevice->SetDIBitsWithBlend(pDIBitmap, rect.left, rect.top, blend_mode); } } return; } if (!pDIBitmap->HasAlpha() || (m_pDevice->GetRenderCaps() & FXRC_ALPHA_IMAGE)) { return; } RetainPtr pCloneConvert = pDIBitmap->CloneConvert(FXDIB_Rgb); if (!pCloneConvert) return; CXFA_ImageRenderer imageRender; if (!imageRender.Start(m_pDevice, pCloneConvert, m_FillArgb, m_BitmapAlpha, &m_ImageMatrix, m_Flags)) { return; } while (imageRender.Continue()) continue; } void XFA_DrawImage(CXFA_Graphics* pGS, const CFX_RectF& rtImage, const CFX_Matrix& matrix, const RetainPtr& pDIBitmap, XFA_AttributeEnum iAspect, int32_t iImageXDpi, int32_t iImageYDpi, XFA_AttributeEnum iHorzAlign, XFA_AttributeEnum iVertAlign) { if (rtImage.IsEmpty()) return; if (!pDIBitmap || !pDIBitmap->GetBuffer()) return; CFX_RectF rtFit( rtImage.TopLeft(), XFA_UnitPx2Pt((float)pDIBitmap->GetWidth(), (float)iImageXDpi), XFA_UnitPx2Pt((float)pDIBitmap->GetHeight(), (float)iImageYDpi)); switch (iAspect) { case XFA_AttributeEnum::Fit: { float f1 = rtImage.height / rtFit.height; float f2 = rtImage.width / rtFit.width; f1 = std::min(f1, f2); rtFit.height = rtFit.height * f1; rtFit.width = rtFit.width * f1; break; } case XFA_AttributeEnum::Height: { float f1 = rtImage.height / rtFit.height; rtFit.height = rtImage.height; rtFit.width = f1 * rtFit.width; break; } case XFA_AttributeEnum::None: rtFit.height = rtImage.height; rtFit.width = rtImage.width; break; case XFA_AttributeEnum::Width: { float f1 = rtImage.width / rtFit.width; rtFit.width = rtImage.width; rtFit.height = rtFit.height * f1; break; } case XFA_AttributeEnum::Actual: default: break; } if (iHorzAlign == XFA_AttributeEnum::Center) rtFit.left += (rtImage.width - rtFit.width) / 2; else if (iHorzAlign == XFA_AttributeEnum::Right) rtFit.left = rtImage.right() - rtFit.width; if (iVertAlign == XFA_AttributeEnum::Middle) rtFit.top += (rtImage.height - rtFit.height) / 2; else if (iVertAlign == XFA_AttributeEnum::Bottom) rtFit.top = rtImage.bottom() - rtImage.height; CFX_RenderDevice* pRenderDevice = pGS->GetRenderDevice(); CFX_RenderDevice::StateRestorer restorer(pRenderDevice); CFX_PathData path; path.AppendRect(rtImage.left, rtImage.bottom(), rtImage.right(), rtImage.top); pRenderDevice->SetClip_PathFill(&path, &matrix, FXFILL_WINDING); CFX_Matrix mtImage(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1); mtImage.Concat( CFX_Matrix(rtFit.width, 0, 0, rtFit.height, rtFit.left, rtFit.top)); mtImage.Concat(matrix); CXFA_ImageRenderer imageRender; if (!imageRender.Start(pRenderDevice, pDIBitmap, 0, 255, &mtImage, FXDIB_INTERPOL)) { return; } while (imageRender.Continue()) continue; } static const uint8_t g_inv_base64[128] = { 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 62, 255, 255, 255, 63, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, }; static uint8_t* XFA_RemoveBase64Whitespace(const uint8_t* pStr, int32_t iLen) { uint8_t* pCP; int32_t i = 0, j = 0; if (iLen == 0) { iLen = strlen((char*)pStr); } pCP = FX_Alloc(uint8_t, iLen + 1); for (; i < iLen; i++) { if ((pStr[i] & 128) == 0) { if (g_inv_base64[pStr[i]] != 0xFF || pStr[i] == '=') { pCP[j++] = pStr[i]; } } } pCP[j] = '\0'; return pCP; } static int32_t XFA_Base64Decode(const char* pStr, uint8_t* pOutBuffer) { if (!pStr) { return 0; } uint8_t* pBuffer = XFA_RemoveBase64Whitespace((uint8_t*)pStr, strlen((char*)pStr)); if (!pBuffer) { return 0; } int32_t iLen = strlen((char*)pBuffer); int32_t i = 0, j = 0; uint32_t dwLimb = 0; for (; i + 3 < iLen; i += 4) { if (pBuffer[i] == '=' || pBuffer[i + 1] == '=' || pBuffer[i + 2] == '=' || pBuffer[i + 3] == '=') { if (pBuffer[i] == '=' || pBuffer[i + 1] == '=') { break; } if (pBuffer[i + 2] == '=') { dwLimb = ((uint32_t)g_inv_base64[pBuffer[i]] << 6) | ((uint32_t)g_inv_base64[pBuffer[i + 1]]); pOutBuffer[j] = (uint8_t)(dwLimb >> 4) & 0xFF; j++; } else { dwLimb = ((uint32_t)g_inv_base64[pBuffer[i]] << 12) | ((uint32_t)g_inv_base64[pBuffer[i + 1]] << 6) | ((uint32_t)g_inv_base64[pBuffer[i + 2]]); pOutBuffer[j] = (uint8_t)(dwLimb >> 10) & 0xFF; pOutBuffer[j + 1] = (uint8_t)(dwLimb >> 2) & 0xFF; j += 2; } } else { dwLimb = ((uint32_t)g_inv_base64[pBuffer[i]] << 18) | ((uint32_t)g_inv_base64[pBuffer[i + 1]] << 12) | ((uint32_t)g_inv_base64[pBuffer[i + 2]] << 6) | ((uint32_t)g_inv_base64[pBuffer[i + 3]]); pOutBuffer[j] = (uint8_t)(dwLimb >> 16) & 0xff; pOutBuffer[j + 1] = (uint8_t)(dwLimb >> 8) & 0xff; pOutBuffer[j + 2] = (uint8_t)(dwLimb)&0xff; j += 3; } } FX_Free(pBuffer); return j; } static const char g_base64_chars[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; char* XFA_Base64Encode(const uint8_t* buf, int32_t buf_len) { char* out = nullptr; int i, j; uint32_t limb; out = FX_Alloc(char, ((buf_len * 8 + 5) / 6) + 5); for (i = 0, j = 0, limb = 0; i + 2 < buf_len; i += 3, j += 4) { limb = ((uint32_t)buf[i] << 16) | ((uint32_t)buf[i + 1] << 8) | ((uint32_t)buf[i + 2]); out[j] = g_base64_chars[(limb >> 18) & 63]; out[j + 1] = g_base64_chars[(limb >> 12) & 63]; out[j + 2] = g_base64_chars[(limb >> 6) & 63]; out[j + 3] = g_base64_chars[(limb)&63]; } switch (buf_len - i) { case 0: break; case 1: limb = ((uint32_t)buf[i]); out[j++] = g_base64_chars[(limb >> 2) & 63]; out[j++] = g_base64_chars[(limb << 4) & 63]; out[j++] = '='; out[j++] = '='; break; case 2: limb = ((uint32_t)buf[i] << 8) | ((uint32_t)buf[i + 1]); out[j++] = g_base64_chars[(limb >> 10) & 63]; out[j++] = g_base64_chars[(limb >> 4) & 63]; out[j++] = g_base64_chars[(limb << 2) & 63]; out[j++] = '='; break; default: break; } out[j] = '\0'; return out; } FXCODEC_IMAGE_TYPE XFA_GetImageType(const WideString& wsType) { WideString wsContentType(wsType); wsContentType.MakeLower(); if (wsContentType == L"image/jpg") return FXCODEC_IMAGE_JPG; if (wsContentType == L"image/png") return FXCODEC_IMAGE_PNG; if (wsContentType == L"image/gif") return FXCODEC_IMAGE_GIF; if (wsContentType == L"image/bmp") return FXCODEC_IMAGE_BMP; if (wsContentType == L"image/tif") return FXCODEC_IMAGE_TIF; return FXCODEC_IMAGE_UNKNOWN; } RetainPtr XFA_LoadImageData(CXFA_FFDoc* pDoc, CXFA_ImageData* pImageData, bool& bNameImage, int32_t& iImageXDpi, int32_t& iImageYDpi) { WideString wsHref = pImageData->GetHref(); WideString wsImage = pImageData->GetContent(); if (wsHref.IsEmpty() && wsImage.IsEmpty()) return nullptr; FXCODEC_IMAGE_TYPE type = XFA_GetImageType(pImageData->GetContentType()); ByteString bsContent; uint8_t* pImageBuffer = nullptr; RetainPtr pImageFileRead; if (wsImage.GetLength() > 0) { XFA_AttributeEnum iEncoding = pImageData->GetTransferEncoding(); if (iEncoding == XFA_AttributeEnum::Base64) { ByteString bsData = wsImage.UTF8Encode(); int32_t iLength = bsData.GetLength(); pImageBuffer = FX_Alloc(uint8_t, iLength); int32_t iRead = XFA_Base64Decode(bsData.c_str(), pImageBuffer); if (iRead > 0) { pImageFileRead = pdfium::MakeRetain(pImageBuffer, iRead, false); } } else { bsContent = ByteString::FromUnicode(wsImage); pImageFileRead = pdfium::MakeRetain( const_cast(bsContent.raw_str()), bsContent.GetLength(), false); } } else { WideString wsURL = wsHref; if (wsURL.Left(7) != L"http://" && wsURL.Left(6) != L"ftp://") { RetainPtr pBitmap = pDoc->GetPDFNamedImage(wsURL.AsStringView(), iImageXDpi, iImageYDpi); if (pBitmap) { bNameImage = true; return pBitmap; } } pImageFileRead = pDoc->GetDocEnvironment()->OpenLinkedFile(pDoc, wsURL); } if (!pImageFileRead) { FX_Free(pImageBuffer); return nullptr; } bNameImage = false; RetainPtr pBitmap = XFA_LoadImageFromBuffer(pImageFileRead, type, iImageXDpi, iImageYDpi); FX_Free(pImageBuffer); return pBitmap; } static FXDIB_Format XFA_GetDIBFormat(FXCODEC_IMAGE_TYPE type, int32_t iComponents, int32_t iBitsPerComponent) { FXDIB_Format dibFormat = FXDIB_Argb; switch (type) { case FXCODEC_IMAGE_BMP: case FXCODEC_IMAGE_JPG: case FXCODEC_IMAGE_TIF: { dibFormat = FXDIB_Rgb32; int32_t bpp = iComponents * iBitsPerComponent; if (bpp <= 24) { dibFormat = FXDIB_Rgb; } } break; case FXCODEC_IMAGE_PNG: default: break; } return dibFormat; } RetainPtr XFA_LoadImageFromBuffer( const RetainPtr& pImageFileRead, FXCODEC_IMAGE_TYPE type, int32_t& iImageXDpi, int32_t& iImageYDpi) { CCodec_ModuleMgr* pCodecMgr = CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get()->GetCodecModule(); std::unique_ptr pProgressiveDecoder = pCodecMgr->CreateProgressiveDecoder(); CFX_DIBAttribute dibAttr; pProgressiveDecoder->LoadImageInfo(pImageFileRead, type, &dibAttr, false); switch (dibAttr.m_wDPIUnit) { case FXCODEC_RESUNIT_CENTIMETER: dibAttr.m_nXDPI = (int32_t)(dibAttr.m_nXDPI * 2.54f); dibAttr.m_nYDPI = (int32_t)(dibAttr.m_nYDPI * 2.54f); break; case FXCODEC_RESUNIT_METER: dibAttr.m_nXDPI = (int32_t)(dibAttr.m_nXDPI / (float)100 * 2.54f); dibAttr.m_nYDPI = (int32_t)(dibAttr.m_nYDPI / (float)100 * 2.54f); break; default: break; } iImageXDpi = dibAttr.m_nXDPI > 1 ? dibAttr.m_nXDPI : (96); iImageYDpi = dibAttr.m_nYDPI > 1 ? dibAttr.m_nYDPI : (96); if (pProgressiveDecoder->GetWidth() <= 0 || pProgressiveDecoder->GetHeight() <= 0) { return nullptr; } type = pProgressiveDecoder->GetType(); int32_t iComponents = pProgressiveDecoder->GetNumComponents(); int32_t iBpc = pProgressiveDecoder->GetBPC(); FXDIB_Format dibFormat = XFA_GetDIBFormat(type, iComponents, iBpc); RetainPtr pBitmap = pdfium::MakeRetain(); pBitmap->Create(pProgressiveDecoder->GetWidth(), pProgressiveDecoder->GetHeight(), dibFormat); pBitmap->Clear(0xffffffff); size_t nFrames; FXCODEC_STATUS status; std::tie(status, nFrames) = pProgressiveDecoder->GetFrames(); if (status != FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_READY || nFrames == 0) { pBitmap = nullptr; return pBitmap; } status = pProgressiveDecoder->StartDecode(pBitmap, 0, 0, pBitmap->GetWidth(), pBitmap->GetHeight()); if (IsFXCodecErrorStatus(status)) { pBitmap = nullptr; return pBitmap; } while (status == FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_TOBECONTINUE) { status = pProgressiveDecoder->ContinueDecode(); if (IsFXCodecErrorStatus(status)) { pBitmap = nullptr; return pBitmap; } } return pBitmap; } void XFA_RectWidthoutMargin(CFX_RectF& rt, const CXFA_Margin* margin, bool bUI) { if (!margin) return; rt.Deflate(margin->GetLeftInset(), margin->GetTopInset(), margin->GetRightInset(), margin->GetBottomInset()); } CXFA_FFWidget* XFA_GetWidgetFromLayoutItem(CXFA_LayoutItem* pLayoutItem) { if (XFA_IsCreateWidget(pLayoutItem->GetFormNode()->GetElementType())) return static_cast(pLayoutItem); return nullptr; } bool XFA_IsCreateWidget(XFA_Element eType) { return eType == XFA_Element::Field || eType == XFA_Element::Draw || eType == XFA_Element::Subform || eType == XFA_Element::ExclGroup; } CXFA_CalcData::CXFA_CalcData() : m_iRefCount(0) {} CXFA_CalcData::~CXFA_CalcData() {}