// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "xfa/fxfa/fm2js/cxfa_fm2jscontext.h" #include #include #include #include "core/fxcrt/cfx_decimal.h" #include "core/fxcrt/cfx_widetextbuf.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_extension.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_guid.h" #include "fxjs/cfxjse_arguments.h" #include "fxjs/cfxjse_class.h" #include "fxjs/cfxjse_value.h" #include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h" #include "third_party/base/stl_util.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_ffnotify.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/fm2js/cxfa_fmparser.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_document.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_localevalue.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_node.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_scriptcontext.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_timezoneprovider.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/xfa_utils.h" namespace { const double kFinancialPrecision = 0.00000001; struct XFA_FMHtmlReserveCode { uint32_t m_uCode; const wchar_t* m_htmlReserve; }; // Sorted by m_htmlReserve XFA_FMHtmlReserveCode reservesForDecode[] = { {198, L"AElig"}, {193, L"Aacute"}, {194, L"Acirc"}, {192, L"Agrave"}, {913, L"Alpha"}, {197, L"Aring"}, {195, L"Atilde"}, {196, L"Auml"}, {914, L"Beta"}, {199, L"Ccedil"}, {935, L"Chi"}, {8225, L"Dagger"}, {916, L"Delta"}, {208, L"ETH"}, {201, L"Eacute"}, {202, L"Ecirc"}, {200, L"Egrave"}, {917, L"Epsilon"}, {919, L"Eta"}, {203, L"Euml"}, {915, L"Gamma"}, {922, L"Kappa"}, {923, L"Lambda"}, {924, L"Mu"}, {209, L"Ntilde"}, {925, L"Nu"}, {338, L"OElig"}, {211, L"Oacute"}, {212, L"Ocirc"}, {210, L"Ograve"}, {937, L"Omega"}, {927, L"Omicron"}, {216, L"Oslash"}, {213, L"Otilde"}, {214, L"Ouml"}, {934, L"Phi"}, {928, L"Pi"}, {936, L"Psi"}, {929, L"Rho"}, {352, L"Scaron"}, {931, L"Sigma"}, {222, L"THORN"}, {932, L"Tau"}, {920, L"Theta"}, {218, L"Uacute"}, {219, L"Ucirc"}, {217, L"Ugrave"}, {933, L"Upsilon"}, {220, L"Uuml"}, {926, L"Xi"}, {221, L"Yacute"}, {376, L"Yuml"}, {918, L"Zeta"}, {225, L"aacute"}, {226, L"acirc"}, {180, L"acute"}, {230, L"aelig"}, {224, L"agrave"}, {8501, L"alefsym"}, {945, L"alpha"}, {38, L"amp"}, {8743, L"and"}, {8736, L"ang"}, {39, L"apos"}, {229, L"aring"}, {8776, L"asymp"}, {227, L"atilde"}, {228, L"auml"}, {8222, L"bdquo"}, {946, L"beta"}, {166, L"brvbar"}, {8226, L"bull"}, {8745, L"cap"}, {231, L"ccedil"}, {184, L"cedil"}, {162, L"cent"}, {967, L"chi"}, {710, L"circ"}, {9827, L"clubs"}, {8773, L"cong"}, {169, L"copy"}, {8629, L"crarr"}, {8746, L"cup"}, {164, L"current"}, {8659, L"dArr"}, {8224, L"dagger"}, {8595, L"darr"}, {176, L"deg"}, {948, L"delta"}, {9830, L"diams"}, {247, L"divide"}, {233, L"eacute"}, {234, L"ecirc"}, {232, L"egrave"}, {8709, L"empty"}, {8195, L"emsp"}, {8194, L"ensp"}, {949, L"epsilon"}, {8801, L"equiv"}, {951, L"eta"}, {240, L"eth"}, {235, L"euml"}, {8364, L"euro"}, {8707, L"exist"}, {402, L"fnof"}, {8704, L"forall"}, {189, L"frac12"}, {188, L"frac14"}, {190, L"frac34"}, {8260, L"frasl"}, {947, L"gamma"}, {8805, L"ge"}, {62, L"gt"}, {8660, L"hArr"}, {8596, L"harr"}, {9829, L"hearts"}, {8230, L"hellip"}, {237, L"iacute"}, {238, L"icirc"}, {161, L"iexcl"}, {236, L"igrave"}, {8465, L"image"}, {8734, L"infin"}, {8747, L"int"}, {953, L"iota"}, {191, L"iquest"}, {8712, L"isin"}, {239, L"iuml"}, {954, L"kappa"}, {8656, L"lArr"}, {205, L"lacute"}, {955, L"lambda"}, {9001, L"lang"}, {171, L"laquo"}, {8592, L"larr"}, {8968, L"lceil"}, {206, L"lcirc"}, {8220, L"ldquo"}, {8804, L"le"}, {8970, L"lfloor"}, {204, L"lgrave"}, {921, L"lota"}, {8727, L"lowast"}, {9674, L"loz"}, {8206, L"lrm"}, {8249, L"lsaquo"}, {8216, L"lsquo"}, {60, L"lt"}, {207, L"luml"}, {175, L"macr"}, {8212, L"mdash"}, {181, L"micro"}, {183, L"middot"}, {8722, L"minus"}, {956, L"mu"}, {8711, L"nabla"}, {160, L"nbsp"}, {8211, L"ndash"}, {8800, L"ne"}, {8715, L"ni"}, {172, L"not"}, {8713, L"notin"}, {8836, L"nsub"}, {241, L"ntilde"}, {957, L"nu"}, {243, L"oacute"}, {244, L"ocirc"}, {339, L"oelig"}, {242, L"ograve"}, {8254, L"oline"}, {969, L"omega"}, {959, L"omicron"}, {8853, L"oplus"}, {8744, L"or"}, {170, L"ordf"}, {186, L"ordm"}, {248, L"oslash"}, {245, L"otilde"}, {8855, L"otimes"}, {246, L"ouml"}, {182, L"para"}, {8706, L"part"}, {8240, L"permil"}, {8869, L"perp"}, {966, L"phi"}, {960, L"pi"}, {982, L"piv"}, {177, L"plusmn"}, {8242, L"prime"}, {8719, L"prod"}, {8733, L"prop"}, {968, L"psi"}, {163, L"pund"}, {34, L"quot"}, {8658, L"rArr"}, {8730, L"radic"}, {9002, L"rang"}, {187, L"raquo"}, {8594, L"rarr"}, {8969, L"rceil"}, {8476, L"real"}, {174, L"reg"}, {8971, L"rfloor"}, {961, L"rho"}, {8207, L"rlm"}, {8250, L"rsaquo"}, {8217, L"rsquo"}, {353, L"saron"}, {8218, L"sbquo"}, {8901, L"sdot"}, {167, L"sect"}, {173, L"shy"}, {963, L"sigma"}, {962, L"sigmaf"}, {8764, L"sim"}, {9824, L"spades"}, {8834, L"sub"}, {8838, L"sube"}, {8721, L"sum"}, {8835, L"sup"}, {185, L"sup1"}, {178, L"sup2"}, {179, L"sup3"}, {8839, L"supe"}, {223, L"szlig"}, {964, L"tau"}, {8221, L"tdquo"}, {8756, L"there4"}, {952, L"theta"}, {977, L"thetasym"}, {8201, L"thinsp"}, {254, L"thorn"}, {732, L"tilde"}, {215, L"times"}, {8482, L"trade"}, {8657, L"uArr"}, {250, L"uacute"}, {8593, L"uarr"}, {251, L"ucirc"}, {249, L"ugrave"}, {168, L"uml"}, {978, L"upsih"}, {965, L"upsilon"}, {252, L"uuml"}, {8472, L"weierp"}, {958, L"xi"}, {253, L"yacute"}, {165, L"yen"}, {255, L"yuml"}, {950, L"zeta"}, {8205, L"zwj"}, {8204, L"zwnj"}, }; // Sorted by m_uCode const XFA_FMHtmlReserveCode reservesForEncode[] = { {34, L"quot"}, {38, L"amp"}, {39, L"apos"}, {60, L"lt"}, {62, L"gt"}, {160, L"nbsp"}, {161, L"iexcl"}, {162, L"cent"}, {163, L"pund"}, {164, L"current"}, {165, L"yen"}, {166, L"brvbar"}, {167, L"sect"}, {168, L"uml"}, {169, L"copy"}, {170, L"ordf"}, {171, L"laquo"}, {172, L"not"}, {173, L"shy"}, {174, L"reg"}, {175, L"macr"}, {176, L"deg"}, {177, L"plusmn"}, {178, L"sup2"}, {179, L"sup3"}, {180, L"acute"}, {181, L"micro"}, {182, L"para"}, {183, L"middot"}, {184, L"cedil"}, {185, L"sup1"}, {186, L"ordm"}, {187, L"raquo"}, {188, L"frac14"}, {189, L"frac12"}, {190, L"frac34"}, {191, L"iquest"}, {192, L"Agrave"}, {193, L"Aacute"}, {194, L"Acirc"}, {195, L"Atilde"}, {196, L"Auml"}, {197, L"Aring"}, {198, L"AElig"}, {199, L"Ccedil"}, {200, L"Egrave"}, {201, L"Eacute"}, {202, L"Ecirc"}, {203, L"Euml"}, {204, L"lgrave"}, {205, L"lacute"}, {206, L"lcirc"}, {207, L"luml"}, {208, L"ETH"}, {209, L"Ntilde"}, {210, L"Ograve"}, {211, L"Oacute"}, {212, L"Ocirc"}, {213, L"Otilde"}, {214, L"Ouml"}, {215, L"times"}, {216, L"Oslash"}, {217, L"Ugrave"}, {218, L"Uacute"}, {219, L"Ucirc"}, {220, L"Uuml"}, {221, L"Yacute"}, {222, L"THORN"}, {223, L"szlig"}, {224, L"agrave"}, {225, L"aacute"}, {226, L"acirc"}, {227, L"atilde"}, {228, L"auml"}, {229, L"aring"}, {230, L"aelig"}, {231, L"ccedil"}, {232, L"egrave"}, {233, L"eacute"}, {234, L"ecirc"}, {235, L"euml"}, {236, L"igrave"}, {237, L"iacute"}, {238, L"icirc"}, {239, L"iuml"}, {240, L"eth"}, {241, L"ntilde"}, {242, L"ograve"}, {243, L"oacute"}, {244, L"ocirc"}, {245, L"otilde"}, {246, L"ouml"}, {247, L"divide"}, {248, L"oslash"}, {249, L"ugrave"}, {250, L"uacute"}, {251, L"ucirc"}, {252, L"uuml"}, {253, L"yacute"}, {254, L"thorn"}, {255, L"yuml"}, {338, L"OElig"}, {339, L"oelig"}, {352, L"Scaron"}, {353, L"saron"}, {376, L"Yuml"}, {402, L"fnof"}, {710, L"circ"}, {732, L"tilde"}, {913, L"Alpha"}, {914, L"Beta"}, {915, L"Gamma"}, {916, L"Delta"}, {917, L"Epsilon"}, {918, L"Zeta"}, {919, L"Eta"}, {920, L"Theta"}, {921, L"lota"}, {922, L"Kappa"}, {923, L"Lambda"}, {924, L"Mu"}, {925, L"Nu"}, {926, L"Xi"}, {927, L"Omicron"}, {928, L"Pi"}, {929, L"Rho"}, {931, L"Sigma"}, {932, L"Tau"}, {933, L"Upsilon"}, {934, L"Phi"}, {935, L"Chi"}, {936, L"Psi"}, {937, L"Omega"}, {945, L"alpha"}, {946, L"beta"}, {947, L"gamma"}, {948, L"delta"}, {949, L"epsilon"}, {950, L"zeta"}, {951, L"eta"}, {952, L"theta"}, {953, L"iota"}, {954, L"kappa"}, {955, L"lambda"}, {956, L"mu"}, {957, L"nu"}, {958, L"xi"}, {959, L"omicron"}, {960, L"pi"}, {961, L"rho"}, {962, L"sigmaf"}, {963, L"sigma"}, {964, L"tau"}, {965, L"upsilon"}, {966, L"phi"}, {967, L"chi"}, {968, L"psi"}, {969, L"omega"}, {977, L"thetasym"}, {978, L"upsih"}, {982, L"piv"}, {8194, L"ensp"}, {8195, L"emsp"}, {8201, L"thinsp"}, {8204, L"zwnj"}, {8205, L"zwj"}, {8206, L"lrm"}, {8207, L"rlm"}, {8211, L"ndash"}, {8212, L"mdash"}, {8216, L"lsquo"}, {8217, L"rsquo"}, {8218, L"sbquo"}, {8220, L"ldquo"}, {8221, L"tdquo"}, {8222, L"bdquo"}, {8224, L"dagger"}, {8225, L"Dagger"}, {8226, L"bull"}, {8230, L"hellip"}, {8240, L"permil"}, {8242, L"prime"}, {8249, L"lsaquo"}, {8250, L"rsaquo"}, {8254, L"oline"}, {8260, L"frasl"}, {8364, L"euro"}, {8465, L"image"}, {8472, L"weierp"}, {8476, L"real"}, {8482, L"trade"}, {8501, L"alefsym"}, {8592, L"larr"}, {8593, L"uarr"}, {8594, L"rarr"}, {8595, L"darr"}, {8596, L"harr"}, {8629, L"crarr"}, {8656, L"lArr"}, {8657, L"uArr"}, {8658, L"rArr"}, {8659, L"dArr"}, {8660, L"hArr"}, {8704, L"forall"}, {8706, L"part"}, {8707, L"exist"}, {8709, L"empty"}, {8711, L"nabla"}, {8712, L"isin"}, {8713, L"notin"}, {8715, L"ni"}, {8719, L"prod"}, {8721, L"sum"}, {8722, L"minus"}, {8727, L"lowast"}, {8730, L"radic"}, {8733, L"prop"}, {8734, L"infin"}, {8736, L"ang"}, {8743, L"and"}, {8744, L"or"}, {8745, L"cap"}, {8746, L"cup"}, {8747, L"int"}, {8756, L"there4"}, {8764, L"sim"}, {8773, L"cong"}, {8776, L"asymp"}, {8800, L"ne"}, {8801, L"equiv"}, {8804, L"le"}, {8805, L"ge"}, {8834, L"sub"}, {8835, L"sup"}, {8836, L"nsub"}, {8838, L"sube"}, {8839, L"supe"}, {8853, L"oplus"}, {8855, L"otimes"}, {8869, L"perp"}, {8901, L"sdot"}, {8968, L"lceil"}, {8969, L"rceil"}, {8970, L"lfloor"}, {8971, L"rfloor"}, {9001, L"lang"}, {9002, L"rang"}, {9674, L"loz"}, {9824, L"spades"}, {9827, L"clubs"}, {9829, L"hearts"}, {9830, L"diams"}, }; const FXJSE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTOR formcalc_fm2js_functions[] = { {"Abs", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Abs}, {"Avg", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Avg}, {"Ceil", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Ceil}, {"Count", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Count}, {"Floor", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Floor}, {"Max", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Max}, {"Min", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Min}, {"Mod", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Mod}, {"Round", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Round}, {"Sum", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Sum}, {"Date", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Date}, {"Date2Num", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Date2Num}, {"DateFmt", CXFA_FM2JSContext::DateFmt}, {"IsoDate2Num", CXFA_FM2JSContext::IsoDate2Num}, {"IsoTime2Num", CXFA_FM2JSContext::IsoTime2Num}, {"LocalDateFmt", CXFA_FM2JSContext::LocalDateFmt}, {"LocalTimeFmt", CXFA_FM2JSContext::LocalTimeFmt}, {"Num2Date", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Num2Date}, {"Num2GMTime", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Num2GMTime}, {"Num2Time", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Num2Time}, {"Time", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Time}, {"Time2Num", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Time2Num}, {"TimeFmt", CXFA_FM2JSContext::TimeFmt}, {"Apr", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Apr}, {"Cterm", CXFA_FM2JSContext::CTerm}, {"FV", CXFA_FM2JSContext::FV}, {"Ipmt", CXFA_FM2JSContext::IPmt}, {"NPV", CXFA_FM2JSContext::NPV}, {"Pmt", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Pmt}, {"PPmt", CXFA_FM2JSContext::PPmt}, {"PV", CXFA_FM2JSContext::PV}, {"Rate", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Rate}, {"Term", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Term}, {"Choose", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Choose}, {"Exists", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Exists}, {"HasValue", CXFA_FM2JSContext::HasValue}, {"Oneof", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Oneof}, {"Within", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Within}, {"If", CXFA_FM2JSContext::If}, {"Eval", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Eval}, {"Translate", CXFA_FM2JSContext::eval_translation}, {"Ref", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Ref}, {"UnitType", CXFA_FM2JSContext::UnitType}, {"UnitValue", CXFA_FM2JSContext::UnitValue}, {"At", CXFA_FM2JSContext::At}, {"Concat", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Concat}, {"Decode", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Decode}, {"Encode", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Encode}, {"Format", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Format}, {"Left", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Left}, {"Len", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Len}, {"Lower", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Lower}, {"Ltrim", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Ltrim}, {"Parse", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Parse}, {"Replace", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Replace}, {"Right", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Right}, {"Rtrim", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Rtrim}, {"Space", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Space}, {"Str", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Str}, {"Stuff", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Stuff}, {"Substr", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Substr}, {"Uuid", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Uuid}, {"Upper", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Upper}, {"WordNum", CXFA_FM2JSContext::WordNum}, {"Get", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Get}, {"Post", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Post}, {"Put", CXFA_FM2JSContext::Put}, {"pos_op", CXFA_FM2JSContext::positive_operator}, {"neg_op", CXFA_FM2JSContext::negative_operator}, {"log_or_op", CXFA_FM2JSContext::logical_or_operator}, {"log_and_op", CXFA_FM2JSContext::logical_and_operator}, {"log_not_op", CXFA_FM2JSContext::logical_not_operator}, {"eq_op", CXFA_FM2JSContext::equality_operator}, {"neq_op", CXFA_FM2JSContext::notequality_operator}, {"lt_op", CXFA_FM2JSContext::less_operator}, {"le_op", CXFA_FM2JSContext::lessequal_operator}, {"gt_op", CXFA_FM2JSContext::greater_operator}, {"ge_op", CXFA_FM2JSContext::greaterequal_operator}, {"plus_op", CXFA_FM2JSContext::plus_operator}, {"minus_op", CXFA_FM2JSContext::minus_operator}, {"mul_op", CXFA_FM2JSContext::multiple_operator}, {"div_op", CXFA_FM2JSContext::divide_operator}, {"asgn_val_op", CXFA_FM2JSContext::assign_value_operator}, {"dot_acc", CXFA_FM2JSContext::dot_accessor}, {"dotdot_acc", CXFA_FM2JSContext::dotdot_accessor}, {"concat_obj", CXFA_FM2JSContext::concat_fm_object}, {"is_obj", CXFA_FM2JSContext::is_fm_object}, {"is_ary", CXFA_FM2JSContext::is_fm_array}, {"get_val", CXFA_FM2JSContext::get_fm_value}, {"get_jsobj", CXFA_FM2JSContext::get_fm_jsobj}, {"var_filter", CXFA_FM2JSContext::fm_var_filter}, }; const FXJSE_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR formcalc_fm2js_descriptor = { "XFA_FM2JS_FormCalcClass", // name nullptr, // constructor nullptr, // properties formcalc_fm2js_functions, // methods 0, // number of properties FX_ArraySize(formcalc_fm2js_functions), // number of methods nullptr, // dynamic prop type nullptr, // dynamic prop getter nullptr, // dynamic prop setter nullptr, // dynamic prop deleter nullptr, // dynamic prop method call }; const uint8_t g_sAltTable_Date[] = { 255, 255, 255, 3, 9, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 1, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, }; static_assert(FX_ArraySize(g_sAltTable_Date) == L'a' - L'A' + 1, "Invalid g_sAltTable_Date size."); const uint8_t g_sAltTable_Time[] = { 14, 255, 255, 3, 9, 255, 255, 15, 255, 255, 255, 255, 6, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 7, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 1, 17, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, }; static_assert(FX_ArraySize(g_sAltTable_Time) == L'a' - L'A' + 1, "Invalid g_sAltTable_Time size."); void AlternateDateTimeSymbols(CFX_WideString& wsPattern, const CFX_WideString& wsAltSymbols, const uint8_t* pAltTable) { int32_t nLength = wsPattern.GetLength(); bool bInConstRange = false; bool bEscape = false; int32_t i = 0; while (i < nLength) { wchar_t wc = wsPattern[i]; if (wc == L'\'') { bInConstRange = !bInConstRange; if (bEscape) { i++; } else { wsPattern.Delete(i); nLength--; } bEscape = !bEscape; continue; } if (!bInConstRange && wc >= L'A' && wc <= L'a') { uint8_t nAlt = pAltTable[wc - L'A']; if (nAlt != 255) wsPattern.SetAt(i, wsAltSymbols[nAlt]); } i++; bEscape = false; } } bool PatternStringType(const CFX_ByteStringC& szPattern, uint32_t& patternType) { CFX_WideString wsPattern = CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(szPattern); if (L"datetime" == wsPattern.Left(8)) { patternType = XFA_VT_DATETIME; return true; } if (L"date" == wsPattern.Left(4)) { auto pos = wsPattern.Find(L"time"); patternType = pos.has_value() && pos.value() != 0 ? XFA_VT_DATETIME : XFA_VT_DATE; return true; } if (L"time" == wsPattern.Left(4)) { patternType = XFA_VT_TIME; return true; } if (L"text" == wsPattern.Left(4)) { patternType = XFA_VT_TEXT; return true; } if (L"num" == wsPattern.Left(3)) { if (L"integer" == wsPattern.Mid(4, 7)) { patternType = XFA_VT_INTEGER; } else if (L"decimal" == wsPattern.Mid(4, 7)) { patternType = XFA_VT_DECIMAL; } else if (L"currency" == wsPattern.Mid(4, 8)) { patternType = XFA_VT_FLOAT; } else if (L"percent" == wsPattern.Mid(4, 7)) { patternType = XFA_VT_FLOAT; } else { patternType = XFA_VT_FLOAT; } return true; } patternType = XFA_VT_NULL; wsPattern.MakeLower(); const wchar_t* pData = wsPattern.c_str(); int32_t iLength = wsPattern.GetLength(); int32_t iIndex = 0; bool bSingleQuotation = false; wchar_t patternChar; while (iIndex < iLength) { patternChar = pData[iIndex]; if (patternChar == 0x27) { bSingleQuotation = !bSingleQuotation; } else if (!bSingleQuotation && (patternChar == 'y' || patternChar == 'j')) { patternType = XFA_VT_DATE; iIndex++; wchar_t timePatternChar; while (iIndex < iLength) { timePatternChar = pData[iIndex]; if (timePatternChar == 0x27) { bSingleQuotation = !bSingleQuotation; } else if (!bSingleQuotation && timePatternChar == 't') { patternType = XFA_VT_DATETIME; break; } iIndex++; } break; } else if (!bSingleQuotation && (patternChar == 'h' || patternChar == 'k')) { patternType = XFA_VT_TIME; break; } else if (!bSingleQuotation && (patternChar == 'a' || patternChar == 'x' || patternChar == 'o' || patternChar == '0')) { patternType = XFA_VT_TEXT; if (patternChar == 'x' || patternChar == 'o' || patternChar == '0') { break; } } else if (!bSingleQuotation && (patternChar == 'z' || patternChar == 's' || patternChar == 'e' || patternChar == 'v' || patternChar == '8' || patternChar == ',' || patternChar == '.' || patternChar == '$')) { patternType = XFA_VT_FLOAT; if (patternChar == 'v' || patternChar == '8' || patternChar == '$') { break; } } iIndex++; } if (patternType == XFA_VT_NULL) { patternType = XFA_VT_TEXT | XFA_VT_FLOAT; } return false; } CXFA_FM2JSContext* ToJSContext(CFXJSE_Value* pValue, CFXJSE_Class* pClass) { CFXJSE_HostObject* pHostObj = pValue->ToHostObject(pClass); if (!pHostObj || pHostObj->type() != CFXJSE_HostObject::kFM2JS) return nullptr; return static_cast(pHostObj); } bool IsWhitespace(char c) { return c == 0x20 || c == 0x09 || c == 0x0B || c == 0x0C || c == 0x0A || c == 0x0D; } IFX_Locale* LocaleFromString(CXFA_Document* pDoc, CXFA_LocaleMgr* pMgr, const CFX_ByteStringC& szLocale) { if (!szLocale.IsEmpty()) return pMgr->GetLocaleByName(CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(szLocale)); CXFA_Node* pThisNode = ToNode(pDoc->GetScriptContext()->GetThisObject()); ASSERT(pThisNode); return CXFA_WidgetData(pThisNode).GetLocal(); } CFX_WideString FormatFromString(IFX_Locale* pLocale, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFormat) { if (!szFormat.IsEmpty()) return CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(szFormat); return pLocale->GetDatePattern(FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY_Default); } FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY SubCategoryFromInt(int32_t iStyle) { switch (iStyle) { case 1: return FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY_Short; case 3: return FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY_Long; case 4: return FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY_Full; case 0: case 2: default: return FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY_Medium; } } bool IsPartOfNumber(char ch) { return std::isdigit(ch) || ch == '-' || ch == '.'; } bool IsPartOfNumberW(wchar_t ch) { return std::iswdigit(ch) || ch == L'-' || ch == L'.'; } } // namespace // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Abs(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 1) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Abs"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = args.GetValue(0); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argOne.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } double dValue = ValueToDouble(pThis, argOne.get()); if (dValue < 0) dValue = -dValue; args.GetReturnValue()->SetDouble(dValue); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Avg(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc < 1) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } v8::Isolate* pIsolate = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->GetScriptRuntime(); uint32_t uCount = 0; double dSum = 0.0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < argc; i++) { std::unique_ptr argValue = args.GetValue(i); if (argValue->IsNull()) continue; if (!argValue->IsArray()) { dSum += ValueToDouble(pThis, argValue.get()); uCount++; continue; } auto lengthValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argValue->GetObjectProperty("length", lengthValue.get()); int32_t iLength = lengthValue->ToInteger(); if (iLength > 2) { auto propertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argValue->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(1, propertyValue.get()); auto jsObjectValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); if (propertyValue->IsNull()) { for (int32_t j = 2; j < iLength; j++) { argValue->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(j, jsObjectValue.get()); auto defaultPropValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); GetObjectDefaultValue(jsObjectValue.get(), defaultPropValue.get()); if (defaultPropValue->IsNull()) continue; dSum += ValueToDouble(pThis, defaultPropValue.get()); uCount++; } } else { for (int32_t j = 2; j < iLength; j++) { argValue->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(j, jsObjectValue.get()); auto newPropertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); jsObjectValue->GetObjectProperty( propertyValue->ToString().AsStringC(), newPropertyValue.get()); if (newPropertyValue->IsNull()) continue; dSum += ValueToDouble(pThis, newPropertyValue.get()); uCount++; } } } } if (uCount == 0) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetDouble(dSum / uCount); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Ceil(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 1) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Ceil"); return; } std::unique_ptr argValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argValue.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetFloat(ceil(ValueToFloat(pThis, argValue.get()))); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Count(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); v8::Isolate* pIsolate = pContext->GetScriptRuntime(); int32_t iCount = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < args.GetLength(); i++) { std::unique_ptr argValue = args.GetValue(i); if (argValue->IsNull()) continue; if (argValue->IsArray()) { auto lengthValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argValue->GetObjectProperty("length", lengthValue.get()); int32_t iLength = lengthValue->ToInteger(); if (iLength <= 2) { pContext->ThrowArgumentMismatchException(); return; } auto propertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); auto jsObjectValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); auto newPropertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argValue->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(1, propertyValue.get()); argValue->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(2, jsObjectValue.get()); if (propertyValue->IsNull()) { for (int32_t j = 2; j < iLength; j++) { argValue->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(j, jsObjectValue.get()); GetObjectDefaultValue(jsObjectValue.get(), newPropertyValue.get()); if (!newPropertyValue->IsNull()) iCount++; } } else { for (int32_t j = 2; j < iLength; j++) { argValue->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(j, jsObjectValue.get()); jsObjectValue->GetObjectProperty( propertyValue->ToString().AsStringC(), newPropertyValue.get()); iCount += newPropertyValue->IsNull() ? 0 : 1; } } } else if (argValue->IsObject()) { auto newPropertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); GetObjectDefaultValue(argValue.get(), newPropertyValue.get()); if (!newPropertyValue->IsNull()) iCount++; } else { iCount++; } } args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger(iCount); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Floor(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 1) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Floor"); return; } std::unique_ptr argValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argValue.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetFloat(floor(ValueToFloat(pThis, argValue.get()))); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Max(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); v8::Isolate* pIsolate = pContext->GetScriptRuntime(); uint32_t uCount = 0; double dMaxValue = 0.0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < args.GetLength(); i++) { std::unique_ptr argValue = args.GetValue(i); if (argValue->IsNull()) continue; if (argValue->IsArray()) { auto lengthValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argValue->GetObjectProperty("length", lengthValue.get()); int32_t iLength = lengthValue->ToInteger(); if (iLength <= 2) { pContext->ThrowArgumentMismatchException(); return; } auto propertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); auto jsObjectValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); auto newPropertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argValue->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(1, propertyValue.get()); argValue->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(2, jsObjectValue.get()); if (propertyValue->IsNull()) { for (int32_t j = 2; j < iLength; j++) { argValue->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(j, jsObjectValue.get()); GetObjectDefaultValue(jsObjectValue.get(), newPropertyValue.get()); if (newPropertyValue->IsNull()) continue; uCount++; double dValue = ValueToDouble(pThis, newPropertyValue.get()); dMaxValue = (uCount == 1) ? dValue : std::max(dMaxValue, dValue); } } else { for (int32_t j = 2; j < iLength; j++) { argValue->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(j, jsObjectValue.get()); jsObjectValue->GetObjectProperty( propertyValue->ToString().AsStringC(), newPropertyValue.get()); if (newPropertyValue->IsNull()) continue; uCount++; double dValue = ValueToDouble(pThis, newPropertyValue.get()); dMaxValue = (uCount == 1) ? dValue : std::max(dMaxValue, dValue); } } } else if (argValue->IsObject()) { auto newPropertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); GetObjectDefaultValue(argValue.get(), newPropertyValue.get()); if (newPropertyValue->IsNull()) continue; uCount++; double dValue = ValueToDouble(pThis, newPropertyValue.get()); dMaxValue = (uCount == 1) ? dValue : std::max(dMaxValue, dValue); } else { uCount++; double dValue = ValueToDouble(pThis, argValue.get()); dMaxValue = (uCount == 1) ? dValue : std::max(dMaxValue, dValue); } } if (uCount == 0) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetDouble(dMaxValue); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Min(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); v8::Isolate* pIsolate = pContext->GetScriptRuntime(); uint32_t uCount = 0; double dMinValue = 0.0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < args.GetLength(); i++) { std::unique_ptr argValue = args.GetValue(i); if (argValue->IsNull()) continue; if (argValue->IsArray()) { auto lengthValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argValue->GetObjectProperty("length", lengthValue.get()); int32_t iLength = lengthValue->ToInteger(); if (iLength <= 2) { pContext->ThrowArgumentMismatchException(); return; } auto propertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); auto jsObjectValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); auto newPropertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argValue->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(1, propertyValue.get()); argValue->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(2, jsObjectValue.get()); if (propertyValue->IsNull()) { for (int32_t j = 2; j < iLength; j++) { argValue->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(j, jsObjectValue.get()); GetObjectDefaultValue(jsObjectValue.get(), newPropertyValue.get()); if (newPropertyValue->IsNull()) continue; uCount++; double dValue = ValueToDouble(pThis, newPropertyValue.get()); dMinValue = uCount == 1 ? dValue : std::min(dMinValue, dValue); } } else { for (int32_t j = 2; j < iLength; j++) { argValue->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(j, jsObjectValue.get()); jsObjectValue->GetObjectProperty( propertyValue->ToString().AsStringC(), newPropertyValue.get()); if (newPropertyValue->IsNull()) continue; uCount++; double dValue = ValueToDouble(pThis, newPropertyValue.get()); dMinValue = uCount == 1 ? dValue : std::min(dMinValue, dValue); } } } else if (argValue->IsObject()) { auto newPropertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); GetObjectDefaultValue(argValue.get(), newPropertyValue.get()); if (newPropertyValue->IsNull()) continue; uCount++; double dValue = ValueToDouble(pThis, newPropertyValue.get()); dMinValue = uCount == 1 ? dValue : std::min(dMinValue, dValue); } else { uCount++; double dValue = ValueToDouble(pThis, argValue.get()); dMinValue = uCount == 1 ? dValue : std::min(dMinValue, dValue); } } if (uCount == 0) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetDouble(dMinValue); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Mod(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); if (args.GetLength() != 2) { pContext->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Mod"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = args.GetValue(0); std::unique_ptr argTwo = args.GetValue(1); if (argOne->IsNull() || argTwo->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } bool argOneResult; double dDividend = ExtractDouble(pThis, argOne.get(), &argOneResult); bool argTwoResult; double dDivisor = ExtractDouble(pThis, argTwo.get(), &argTwoResult); if (!argOneResult || !argTwoResult) { pContext->ThrowArgumentMismatchException(); return; } if (dDivisor == 0.0) { pContext->ThrowDivideByZeroException(); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetDouble(dDividend - dDivisor * (int32_t)(dDividend / dDivisor)); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Round(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc < 1 || argc > 2) { pContext->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Round"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = args.GetValue(0); if (argOne->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } bool dValueRet; double dValue = ExtractDouble(pThis, argOne.get(), &dValueRet); if (!dValueRet) { pContext->ThrowArgumentMismatchException(); return; } uint8_t uPrecision = 0; if (argc > 1) { std::unique_ptr argTwo = args.GetValue(1); if (argTwo->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } bool dPrecisionRet; double dPrecision = ExtractDouble(pThis, argTwo.get(), &dPrecisionRet); if (!dPrecisionRet) { pContext->ThrowArgumentMismatchException(); return; } uPrecision = static_cast(pdfium::clamp(dPrecision, 0.0, 12.0)); } CFX_Decimal decimalValue(static_cast(dValue), uPrecision); args.GetReturnValue()->SetDouble(decimalValue); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Sum(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc == 0) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); v8::Isolate* pIsolate = pContext->GetScriptRuntime(); uint32_t uCount = 0; double dSum = 0.0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < argc; i++) { std::unique_ptr argValue = args.GetValue(i); if (argValue->IsNull()) continue; if (argValue->IsArray()) { auto lengthValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argValue->GetObjectProperty("length", lengthValue.get()); int32_t iLength = lengthValue->ToInteger(); if (iLength <= 2) { pContext->ThrowArgumentMismatchException(); return; } auto propertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argValue->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(1, propertyValue.get()); auto jsObjectValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); auto newPropertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); if (propertyValue->IsNull()) { for (int32_t j = 2; j < iLength; j++) { argValue->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(j, jsObjectValue.get()); GetObjectDefaultValue(jsObjectValue.get(), newPropertyValue.get()); if (newPropertyValue->IsNull()) continue; dSum += ValueToDouble(pThis, jsObjectValue.get()); uCount++; } } else { for (int32_t j = 2; j < iLength; j++) { argValue->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(j, jsObjectValue.get()); jsObjectValue->GetObjectProperty( propertyValue->ToString().AsStringC(), newPropertyValue.get()); if (newPropertyValue->IsNull()) continue; dSum += ValueToDouble(pThis, newPropertyValue.get()); uCount++; } } } else if (argValue->IsObject()) { auto newPropertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); GetObjectDefaultValue(argValue.get(), newPropertyValue.get()); if (newPropertyValue->IsNull()) continue; dSum += ValueToDouble(pThis, argValue.get()); uCount++; } else { dSum += ValueToDouble(pThis, argValue.get()); uCount++; } } if (uCount == 0) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetDouble(dSum); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Date(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 0) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Date"); return; } time_t currentTime; time(¤tTime); struct tm* pTmStruct = gmtime(¤tTime); CFX_ByteString bufferYear; CFX_ByteString bufferMon; CFX_ByteString bufferDay; bufferYear.Format("%d", pTmStruct->tm_year + 1900); bufferMon.Format("%02d", pTmStruct->tm_mon + 1); bufferDay.Format("%02d", pTmStruct->tm_mday); CFX_ByteString bufferCurrent = bufferYear + bufferMon + bufferDay; args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger(DateString2Num(bufferCurrent.AsStringC())); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Date2Num(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc < 1 || argc > 3) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Date2Num"); return; } std::unique_ptr dateValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, dateValue.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } CFX_ByteString dateString = ValueToUTF8String(dateValue.get()); CFX_ByteString formatString; if (argc > 1) { std::unique_ptr formatValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, formatValue.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } formatString = ValueToUTF8String(formatValue.get()); } CFX_ByteString localString; if (argc > 2) { std::unique_ptr localValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 2); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, localValue.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } localString = ValueToUTF8String(localValue.get()); } CFX_ByteString szIsoDateString = Local2IsoDate(pThis, dateString.AsStringC(), formatString.AsStringC(), localString.AsStringC()); args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger( DateString2Num(szIsoDateString.AsStringC())); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::DateFmt(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc > 2) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Date2Num"); return; } int32_t iStyle = 0; if (argc > 0) { std::unique_ptr argStyle = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (argStyle->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } iStyle = (int32_t)ValueToFloat(pThis, argStyle.get()); if (iStyle < 0 || iStyle > 4) iStyle = 0; } CFX_ByteString szLocal; if (argc > 1) { std::unique_ptr argLocal = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if (argLocal->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } szLocal = ValueToUTF8String(argLocal.get()); } CFX_ByteString formatStr = GetStandardDateFormat(pThis, iStyle, szLocal.AsStringC()); args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(formatStr.AsStringC()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::IsoDate2Num(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 1) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr) ->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"IsoDate2Num"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (argOne->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } CFX_ByteString szArgString = ValueToUTF8String(argOne.get()); args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger(DateString2Num(szArgString.AsStringC())); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::IsoTime2Num(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); if (args.GetLength() != 1) { pContext->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"IsoTime2Num"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argOne.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } CXFA_Document* pDoc = pContext->GetDocument(); CXFA_LocaleMgr* pMgr = pDoc->GetLocalMgr(); CFX_ByteString szArgString = ValueToUTF8String(argOne.get()); auto pos = szArgString.Find('T', 0); if (!pos.has_value() || pos.value() == szArgString.GetLength() - 1) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger(0); return; } szArgString = szArgString.Right(szArgString.GetLength() - (pos.value() + 1)); CXFA_LocaleValue timeValue( XFA_VT_TIME, CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(szArgString.AsStringC()), pMgr); if (!timeValue.IsValid()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger(0); return; } CFX_DateTime uniTime = timeValue.GetTime(); int32_t hour = uniTime.GetHour(); int32_t min = uniTime.GetMinute(); int32_t second = uniTime.GetSecond(); int32_t milSecond = uniTime.GetMillisecond(); // TODO(dsinclair): See if there is other time conversion code in pdfium and // consolidate. int32_t mins = hour * 60 + min; mins -= (pMgr->GetDefLocale()->GetTimeZone().tzHour * 60); while (mins > 1440) mins -= 1440; while (mins < 0) mins += 1440; hour = mins / 60; min = mins % 60; args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger(hour * 3600000 + min * 60000 + second * 1000 + milSecond + 1); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::LocalDateFmt(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc > 2) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr) ->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"LocalDateFmt"); return; } int32_t iStyle = 0; if (argc > 0) { std::unique_ptr argStyle = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (argStyle->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } iStyle = (int32_t)ValueToFloat(pThis, argStyle.get()); if (iStyle > 4 || iStyle < 0) iStyle = 0; } CFX_ByteString szLocal; if (argc > 1) { std::unique_ptr argLocal = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if (argLocal->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } szLocal = ValueToUTF8String(argLocal.get()); } CFX_ByteString formatStr = GetLocalDateFormat(pThis, iStyle, szLocal.AsStringC(), false); args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(formatStr.AsStringC()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::LocalTimeFmt(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc > 2) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr) ->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"LocalTimeFmt"); return; } int32_t iStyle = 0; if (argc > 0) { std::unique_ptr argStyle = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (argStyle->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } iStyle = (int32_t)ValueToFloat(pThis, argStyle.get()); if (iStyle > 4 || iStyle < 0) iStyle = 0; } CFX_ByteString szLocal; if (argc > 1) { std::unique_ptr argLocal = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if (argLocal->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } szLocal = ValueToUTF8String(argLocal.get()); } CFX_ByteString formatStr = GetLocalTimeFormat(pThis, iStyle, szLocal.AsStringC(), false); args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(formatStr.AsStringC()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Num2Date(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc < 1 || argc > 3) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Num2Date"); return; } std::unique_ptr dateValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, dateValue.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } int32_t dDate = (int32_t)ValueToFloat(pThis, dateValue.get()); if (dDate < 1) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } CFX_ByteString formatString; if (argc > 1) { std::unique_ptr formatValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, formatValue.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } formatString = ValueToUTF8String(formatValue.get()); } CFX_ByteString localString; if (argc > 2) { std::unique_ptr localValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 2); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, localValue.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } localString = ValueToUTF8String(localValue.get()); } int32_t iYear = 1900; int32_t iMonth = 1; int32_t iDay = 1; int32_t i = 0; while (dDate > 0) { if (iMonth == 2) { if ((!((iYear + i) % 4) && ((iYear + i) % 100)) || !((iYear + i) % 400)) { if (dDate > 29) { ++iMonth; if (iMonth > 12) { iMonth = 1; ++i; } iDay = 1; dDate -= 29; } else { iDay += static_cast(dDate) - 1; dDate = 0; } } else { if (dDate > 28) { ++iMonth; if (iMonth > 12) { iMonth = 1; ++i; } iDay = 1; dDate -= 28; } else { iDay += static_cast(dDate) - 1; dDate = 0; } } } else if (iMonth < 8) { if ((iMonth % 2 == 0)) { if (dDate > 30) { ++iMonth; if (iMonth > 12) { iMonth = 1; ++i; } iDay = 1; dDate -= 30; } else { iDay += static_cast(dDate) - 1; dDate = 0; } } else { if (dDate > 31) { ++iMonth; if (iMonth > 12) { iMonth = 1; ++i; } iDay = 1; dDate -= 31; } else { iDay += static_cast(dDate) - 1; dDate = 0; } } } else { if (iMonth % 2 != 0) { if (dDate > 30) { ++iMonth; if (iMonth > 12) { iMonth = 1; ++i; } iDay = 1; dDate -= 30; } else { iDay += static_cast(dDate) - 1; dDate = 0; } } else { if (dDate > 31) { ++iMonth; if (iMonth > 12) { iMonth = 1; ++i; } iDay = 1; dDate -= 31; } else { iDay += static_cast(dDate) - 1; dDate = 0; } } } } CFX_ByteString szIsoDateString; szIsoDateString.Format("%d%02d%02d", iYear + i, iMonth, iDay); CFX_ByteString szLocalDateString = IsoDate2Local(pThis, szIsoDateString.AsStringC(), formatString.AsStringC(), localString.AsStringC()); args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(szLocalDateString.AsStringC()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Num2GMTime(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc < 1 || argc > 3) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr) ->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Num2GMTime"); return; } std::unique_ptr timeValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (timeValue->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } int32_t iTime = (int32_t)ValueToFloat(pThis, timeValue.get()); if (abs(iTime) < 1.0) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } CFX_ByteString formatString; if (argc > 1) { std::unique_ptr formatValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if (formatValue->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } formatString = ValueToUTF8String(formatValue.get()); } CFX_ByteString localString; if (argc > 2) { std::unique_ptr localValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 2); if (localValue->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } localString = ValueToUTF8String(localValue.get()); } CFX_ByteString szGMTTimeString = Num2AllTime( pThis, iTime, formatString.AsStringC(), localString.AsStringC(), true); args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(szGMTTimeString.AsStringC()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Num2Time(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc < 1 || argc > 3) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Num2Time"); return; } std::unique_ptr timeValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (timeValue->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } float fTime = ValueToFloat(pThis, timeValue.get()); if (fabs(fTime) < 1.0) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } CFX_ByteString formatString; if (argc > 1) { std::unique_ptr formatValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if (formatValue->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } formatString = ValueToUTF8String(formatValue.get()); } CFX_ByteString localString; if (argc > 2) { std::unique_ptr localValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 2); if (localValue->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } localString = ValueToUTF8String(localValue.get()); } CFX_ByteString szLocalTimeString = Num2AllTime(pThis, static_cast(fTime), formatString.AsStringC(), localString.AsStringC(), false); args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(szLocalTimeString.AsStringC()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Time(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 0) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Time"); return; } time_t now; time(&now); struct tm* pGmt = gmtime(&now); args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger( (pGmt->tm_hour * 3600 + pGmt->tm_min * 60 + pGmt->tm_sec) * 1000); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Time2Num(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc < 1 || argc > 3) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Time2Num"); return; } CFX_ByteString timeString; std::unique_ptr timeValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, timeValue.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } timeString = ValueToUTF8String(timeValue.get()); CFX_ByteString formatString; if (argc > 1) { std::unique_ptr formatValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, formatValue.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } formatString = ValueToUTF8String(formatValue.get()); } CFX_ByteString localString; if (argc > 2) { std::unique_ptr localValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 2); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, localValue.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } localString = ValueToUTF8String(localValue.get()); } CXFA_Document* pDoc = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->GetDocument(); CXFA_LocaleMgr* pMgr = pDoc->GetLocalMgr(); IFX_Locale* pLocale = nullptr; if (localString.IsEmpty()) { CXFA_Node* pThisNode = ToNode(pDoc->GetScriptContext()->GetThisObject()); ASSERT(pThisNode); CXFA_WidgetData widgetData(pThisNode); pLocale = widgetData.GetLocal(); } else { pLocale = pMgr->GetLocaleByName( CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(localString.AsStringC())); } CFX_WideString wsFormat; if (formatString.IsEmpty()) wsFormat = pLocale->GetTimePattern(FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY_Default); else wsFormat = CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(formatString.AsStringC()); wsFormat = L"time{" + wsFormat + L"}"; CXFA_LocaleValue localeValue(XFA_VT_TIME, CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(timeString.AsStringC()), wsFormat, pLocale, pMgr); if (!localeValue.IsValid()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger(0); return; } CFX_DateTime uniTime = localeValue.GetTime(); int32_t hour = uniTime.GetHour(); int32_t min = uniTime.GetMinute(); int32_t second = uniTime.GetSecond(); int32_t milSecond = uniTime.GetMillisecond(); int32_t mins = hour * 60 + min; mins -= (CXFA_TimeZoneProvider().GetTimeZone().tzHour * 60); while (mins > 1440) mins -= 1440; while (mins < 0) mins += 1440; hour = mins / 60; min = mins % 60; args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger(hour * 3600000 + min * 60000 + second * 1000 + milSecond + 1); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::TimeFmt(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc > 2) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"TimeFmt"); return; } int32_t iStyle = 0; if (argc > 0) { std::unique_ptr argStyle = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (argStyle->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } iStyle = (int32_t)ValueToFloat(pThis, argStyle.get()); if (iStyle > 4 || iStyle < 0) iStyle = 0; } CFX_ByteString szLocal; if (argc > 1) { std::unique_ptr argLocal = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if (argLocal->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } szLocal = ValueToUTF8String(argLocal.get()); } CFX_ByteString formatStr = GetStandardTimeFormat(pThis, iStyle, szLocal.AsStringC()); args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(formatStr.AsStringC()); } // static bool CXFA_FM2JSContext::IsIsoDateFormat(const char* pData, int32_t iLength, int32_t& iStyle, int32_t& iYear, int32_t& iMonth, int32_t& iDay) { iYear = 0; iMonth = 1; iDay = 1; if (iLength < 4) return false; char strYear[5]; strYear[4] = '\0'; for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (!std::isdigit(pData[i])) return false; strYear[i] = pData[i]; } iYear = FXSYS_atoi(strYear); iStyle = 0; if (iLength == 4) return true; iStyle = pData[4] == '-' ? 1 : 0; char strTemp[3]; strTemp[2] = '\0'; int32_t iPosOff = iStyle == 0 ? 4 : 5; if (!std::isdigit(pData[iPosOff]) || !std::isdigit(pData[iPosOff + 1])) return false; strTemp[0] = pData[iPosOff]; strTemp[1] = pData[iPosOff + 1]; iMonth = FXSYS_atoi(strTemp); if (iMonth > 12 || iMonth < 1) return false; if (iStyle == 0) { iPosOff += 2; if (iLength == 6) return true; } else { iPosOff += 3; if (iLength == 7) return true; } if (!std::isdigit(pData[iPosOff]) || !std::isdigit(pData[iPosOff + 1])) return false; strTemp[0] = pData[iPosOff]; strTemp[1] = pData[iPosOff + 1]; iDay = FXSYS_atoi(strTemp); if (iPosOff + 2 < iLength) return false; if ((!(iYear % 4) && (iYear % 100)) || !(iYear % 400)) { if (iMonth == 2 && iDay > 29) return false; } else { if (iMonth == 2 && iDay > 28) return false; } if (iMonth != 2) { if (iMonth < 8) { if (iDay > (iMonth % 2 == 0 ? 30 : 31)) return false; } else if (iDay > (iMonth % 2 == 0 ? 31 : 30)) { return false; } } return true; } // static bool CXFA_FM2JSContext::IsIsoTimeFormat(const char* pData, int32_t iLength, int32_t& iHour, int32_t& iMinute, int32_t& iSecond, int32_t& iMilliSecond, int32_t& iZoneHour, int32_t& iZoneMinute) { iHour = 0; iMinute = 0; iSecond = 0; iMilliSecond = 0; iZoneHour = 0; iZoneMinute = 0; if (!pData) return false; char strTemp[3]; strTemp[2] = '\0'; int32_t iZone = 0; int32_t i = 0; while (i < iLength) { if (!std::isdigit(pData[i]) && pData[i] != ':') { iZone = i; break; } ++i; } if (i == iLength) iZone = iLength; int32_t iPos = 0; int32_t iIndex = 0; while (iIndex < iZone) { if (!std::isdigit(pData[iIndex])) return false; strTemp[0] = pData[iIndex]; if (!std::isdigit(pData[iIndex + 1])) return false; strTemp[1] = pData[iIndex + 1]; if (FXSYS_atoi(strTemp) > 60) return false; if (pData[2] == ':') { if (iPos == 0) { iHour = FXSYS_atoi(strTemp); ++iPos; } else if (iPos == 1) { iMinute = FXSYS_atoi(strTemp); ++iPos; } else { iSecond = FXSYS_atoi(strTemp); } iIndex += 3; } else { if (iPos == 0) { iHour = FXSYS_atoi(strTemp); ++iPos; } else if (iPos == 1) { iMinute = FXSYS_atoi(strTemp); ++iPos; } else if (iPos == 2) { iSecond = FXSYS_atoi(strTemp); ++iPos; } iIndex += 2; } } if (iIndex < iLength && pData[iIndex] == '.') { constexpr int kSubSecondLength = 3; if (iIndex + kSubSecondLength >= iLength) return false; ++iIndex; char strSec[kSubSecondLength + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < kSubSecondLength; ++i) { char c = pData[iIndex + i]; if (!std::isdigit(c)) return false; strSec[i] = c; } strSec[kSubSecondLength] = '\0'; iMilliSecond = FXSYS_atoi(strSec); if (iMilliSecond > 100) { iMilliSecond = 0; return false; } iIndex += kSubSecondLength; } if (iIndex < iLength && FXSYS_tolower(pData[iIndex]) == 'z') return true; int32_t iSign = 1; if (iIndex < iLength) { if (pData[iIndex] == '+') { ++iIndex; } else if (pData[iIndex] == '-') { iSign = -1; ++iIndex; } } iPos = 0; while (iIndex < iLength) { if (!std::isdigit(pData[iIndex])) return false; strTemp[0] = pData[iIndex]; if (!std::isdigit(pData[iIndex + 1])) return false; strTemp[1] = pData[iIndex + 1]; if (FXSYS_atoi(strTemp) > 60) return false; if (pData[2] == ':') { if (iPos == 0) { iZoneHour = FXSYS_atoi(strTemp); } else if (iPos == 1) { iZoneMinute = FXSYS_atoi(strTemp); } iIndex += 3; } else { if (!iPos) { iZoneHour = FXSYS_atoi(strTemp); ++iPos; } else if (iPos == 1) { iZoneMinute = FXSYS_atoi(strTemp); ++iPos; } iIndex += 2; } } if (iIndex < iLength) return false; iZoneHour *= iSign; return true; } // static bool CXFA_FM2JSContext::IsIsoDateTimeFormat(const char* pData, int32_t iLength, int32_t& iYear, int32_t& iMonth, int32_t& iDay, int32_t& iHour, int32_t& iMinute, int32_t& iSecond, int32_t& iMillionSecond, int32_t& iZoneHour, int32_t& iZoneMinute) { iYear = 0; iMonth = 0; iDay = 0; iHour = 0; iMinute = 0; iSecond = 0; if (!pData) return false; int32_t iIndex = 0; while (pData[iIndex] != 'T' && pData[iIndex] != 't') { if (iIndex >= iLength) return false; ++iIndex; } if (iIndex != 8 && iIndex != 10) return false; int32_t iStyle = -1; if (!IsIsoDateFormat(pData, iIndex, iStyle, iYear, iMonth, iDay)) return false; if (pData[iIndex] != 'T' && pData[iIndex] != 't') return true; ++iIndex; if (((iLength - iIndex > 13) && (iLength - iIndex < 6)) && (iLength - iIndex != 15)) { return true; } return IsIsoTimeFormat(pData + iIndex, iLength - iIndex, iHour, iMinute, iSecond, iMillionSecond, iZoneHour, iZoneMinute); } // static CFX_ByteString CXFA_FM2JSContext::Local2IsoDate( CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szDate, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFormat, const CFX_ByteStringC& szLocale) { CXFA_Document* pDoc = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->GetDocument(); if (!pDoc) return CFX_ByteString(); CXFA_LocaleMgr* pMgr = pDoc->GetLocalMgr(); IFX_Locale* pLocale = LocaleFromString(pDoc, pMgr, szLocale); if (!pLocale) return CFX_ByteString(); CFX_WideString wsFormat = FormatFromString(pLocale, szFormat); CFX_DateTime dt = CXFA_LocaleValue(XFA_VT_DATE, CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(szDate), wsFormat, pLocale, pMgr) .GetDate(); CFX_ByteString strIsoDate; strIsoDate.Format("%4d-%02d-%02d", dt.GetYear(), dt.GetMonth(), dt.GetDay()); return strIsoDate; } // static CFX_ByteString CXFA_FM2JSContext::IsoDate2Local( CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szDate, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFormat, const CFX_ByteStringC& szLocale) { CXFA_Document* pDoc = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->GetDocument(); if (!pDoc) return CFX_ByteString(); CXFA_LocaleMgr* pMgr = pDoc->GetLocalMgr(); IFX_Locale* pLocale = LocaleFromString(pDoc, pMgr, szLocale); if (!pLocale) return CFX_ByteString(); CFX_WideString wsFormat = FormatFromString(pLocale, szFormat); CFX_WideString wsRet; CXFA_LocaleValue(XFA_VT_DATE, CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(szDate), pMgr) .FormatPatterns(wsRet, wsFormat, pLocale, XFA_VALUEPICTURE_Display); return wsRet.UTF8Encode(); } // static CFX_ByteString CXFA_FM2JSContext::IsoTime2Local( CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szTime, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFormat, const CFX_ByteStringC& szLocale) { CXFA_Document* pDoc = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->GetDocument(); if (!pDoc) return CFX_ByteString(); CXFA_LocaleMgr* pMgr = pDoc->GetLocalMgr(); IFX_Locale* pLocale = LocaleFromString(pDoc, pMgr, szLocale); if (!pLocale) return CFX_ByteString(); CFX_WideString wsFormat = { L"time{", FormatFromString(pLocale, szFormat).AsStringC(), L"}"}; CXFA_LocaleValue widgetValue(XFA_VT_TIME, CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(szTime), pMgr); CFX_WideString wsRet; widgetValue.FormatPatterns(wsRet, wsFormat, pLocale, XFA_VALUEPICTURE_Display); return wsRet.UTF8Encode(); } // static int32_t CXFA_FM2JSContext::DateString2Num(const CFX_ByteStringC& szDateString) { int32_t iLength = szDateString.GetLength(); int32_t iYear = 0; int32_t iMonth = 0; int32_t iDay = 0; if (iLength <= 10) { int32_t iStyle = -1; if (!IsIsoDateFormat(szDateString.unterminated_c_str(), iLength, iStyle, iYear, iMonth, iDay)) { return 0; } } else { int32_t iHour = 0; int32_t iMinute = 0; int32_t iSecond = 0; int32_t iMilliSecond = 0; int32_t iZoneHour = 0; int32_t iZoneMinute = 0; if (!IsIsoDateTimeFormat(szDateString.unterminated_c_str(), iLength, iYear, iMonth, iDay, iHour, iMinute, iSecond, iMilliSecond, iZoneHour, iZoneMinute)) { return 0; } } float dDays = 0; int32_t i = 1; if (iYear < 1900) return 0; while (iYear - i >= 1900) { dDays += ((!((iYear - i) % 4) && ((iYear - i) % 100)) || !((iYear - i) % 400)) ? 366 : 365; ++i; } i = 1; while (i < iMonth) { if (i == 2) dDays += ((!(iYear % 4) && (iYear % 100)) || !(iYear % 400)) ? 29 : 28; else if (i <= 7) dDays += (i % 2 == 0) ? 30 : 31; else dDays += (i % 2 == 0) ? 31 : 30; ++i; } i = 0; while (iDay - i > 0) { dDays += 1; ++i; } return (int32_t)dDays; } // static CFX_ByteString CXFA_FM2JSContext::GetLocalDateFormat( CFXJSE_Value* pThis, int32_t iStyle, const CFX_ByteStringC& szLocale, bool bStandard) { CXFA_Document* pDoc = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->GetDocument(); if (!pDoc) return CFX_ByteString(); CXFA_LocaleMgr* pMgr = pDoc->GetLocalMgr(); IFX_Locale* pLocale = LocaleFromString(pDoc, pMgr, szLocale); if (!pLocale) return CFX_ByteString(); CFX_WideString strRet = pLocale->GetDatePattern(SubCategoryFromInt(iStyle)); if (!bStandard) { AlternateDateTimeSymbols(strRet, pLocale->GetDateTimeSymbols(), g_sAltTable_Date); } return strRet.UTF8Encode(); } // static CFX_ByteString CXFA_FM2JSContext::GetLocalTimeFormat( CFXJSE_Value* pThis, int32_t iStyle, const CFX_ByteStringC& szLocale, bool bStandard) { CXFA_Document* pDoc = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->GetDocument(); if (!pDoc) return CFX_ByteString(); CXFA_LocaleMgr* pMgr = pDoc->GetLocalMgr(); IFX_Locale* pLocale = LocaleFromString(pDoc, pMgr, szLocale); if (!pLocale) return CFX_ByteString(); CFX_WideString strRet = pLocale->GetTimePattern(SubCategoryFromInt(iStyle)); if (!bStandard) { AlternateDateTimeSymbols(strRet, pLocale->GetDateTimeSymbols(), g_sAltTable_Time); } return strRet.UTF8Encode(); } // static CFX_ByteString CXFA_FM2JSContext::GetStandardDateFormat( CFXJSE_Value* pThis, int32_t iStyle, const CFX_ByteStringC& szLocalStr) { return GetLocalDateFormat(pThis, iStyle, szLocalStr, true); } // static CFX_ByteString CXFA_FM2JSContext::GetStandardTimeFormat( CFXJSE_Value* pThis, int32_t iStyle, const CFX_ByteStringC& szLocalStr) { return GetLocalTimeFormat(pThis, iStyle, szLocalStr, true); } // static CFX_ByteString CXFA_FM2JSContext::Num2AllTime(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, int32_t iTime, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFormat, const CFX_ByteStringC& szLocale, bool bGM) { int32_t iHour = 0; int32_t iMin = 0; int32_t iSec = 0; iHour = static_cast(iTime) / 3600000; iMin = (static_cast(iTime) - iHour * 3600000) / 60000; iSec = (static_cast(iTime) - iHour * 3600000 - iMin * 60000) / 1000; if (!bGM) { int32_t iZoneHour = 0; int32_t iZoneMin = 0; int32_t iZoneSec = 0; GetLocalTimeZone(iZoneHour, iZoneMin, iZoneSec); iHour += iZoneHour; iMin += iZoneMin; iSec += iZoneSec; } CFX_ByteString strIsoTime; strIsoTime.Format("%02d:%02d:%02d", iHour, iMin, iSec); return IsoTime2Local(pThis, strIsoTime.AsStringC(), szFormat, szLocale); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::GetLocalTimeZone(int32_t& iHour, int32_t& iMin, int32_t& iSec) { time_t now; time(&now); struct tm* pGmt = gmtime(&now); struct tm* pLocal = localtime(&now); iHour = pLocal->tm_hour - pGmt->tm_hour; iMin = pLocal->tm_min - pGmt->tm_min; iSec = pLocal->tm_sec - pGmt->tm_sec; } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Apr(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); if (args.GetLength() != 3) { pContext->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Apr"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argTwo = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); std::unique_ptr argThree = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 2); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argOne.get()) || ValueIsNull(pThis, argTwo.get()) || ValueIsNull(pThis, argThree.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } double nPrincipal = ValueToDouble(pThis, argOne.get()); double nPayment = ValueToDouble(pThis, argTwo.get()); double nPeriods = ValueToDouble(pThis, argThree.get()); if (nPrincipal <= 0 || nPayment <= 0 || nPeriods <= 0) { pContext->ThrowArgumentMismatchException(); return; } double r = 2 * (nPeriods * nPayment - nPrincipal) / (nPeriods * nPrincipal); double nTemp = 1; for (int32_t i = 0; i < nPeriods; ++i) nTemp *= (1 + r); double nRet = r * nTemp / (nTemp - 1) - nPayment / nPrincipal; while (fabs(nRet) > kFinancialPrecision) { double nDerivative = ((nTemp + r * nPeriods * (nTemp / (1 + r))) * (nTemp - 1) - (r * nTemp * nPeriods * (nTemp / (1 + r)))) / ((nTemp - 1) * (nTemp - 1)); if (nDerivative == 0) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } r = r - nRet / nDerivative; nTemp = 1; for (int32_t i = 0; i < nPeriods; ++i) { nTemp *= (1 + r); } nRet = r * nTemp / (nTemp - 1) - nPayment / nPrincipal; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetDouble(r * 12); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::CTerm(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); if (args.GetLength() != 3) { pContext->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"CTerm"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argTwo = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); std::unique_ptr argThree = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 2); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argOne.get()) || ValueIsNull(pThis, argTwo.get()) || ValueIsNull(pThis, argThree.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } float nRate = ValueToFloat(pThis, argOne.get()); float nFutureValue = ValueToFloat(pThis, argTwo.get()); float nInitAmount = ValueToFloat(pThis, argThree.get()); if ((nRate <= 0) || (nFutureValue <= 0) || (nInitAmount <= 0)) { pContext->ThrowArgumentMismatchException(); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetFloat(log((float)(nFutureValue / nInitAmount)) / log((float)(1 + nRate))); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::FV(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); if (args.GetLength() != 3) { pContext->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"FV"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argTwo = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); std::unique_ptr argThree = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 2); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argOne.get()) || ValueIsNull(pThis, argTwo.get()) || ValueIsNull(pThis, argThree.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } double nAmount = ValueToDouble(pThis, argOne.get()); double nRate = ValueToDouble(pThis, argTwo.get()); double nPeriod = ValueToDouble(pThis, argThree.get()); if ((nRate < 0) || (nPeriod <= 0) || (nAmount <= 0)) { pContext->ThrowArgumentMismatchException(); return; } double dResult = 0; if (nRate) { double nTemp = 1; for (int i = 0; i < nPeriod; ++i) { nTemp *= 1 + nRate; } dResult = nAmount * (nTemp - 1) / nRate; } else { dResult = nAmount * nPeriod; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetDouble(dResult); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::IPmt(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); if (args.GetLength() != 5) { pContext->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"IPmt"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argTwo = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); std::unique_ptr argThree = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 2); std::unique_ptr argFour = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 3); std::unique_ptr argFive = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 4); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argOne.get()) || ValueIsNull(pThis, argTwo.get()) || ValueIsNull(pThis, argThree.get()) || ValueIsNull(pThis, argFour.get()) || ValueIsNull(pThis, argFive.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } float nPrincipalAmount = ValueToFloat(pThis, argOne.get()); float nRate = ValueToFloat(pThis, argTwo.get()); float nPayment = ValueToFloat(pThis, argThree.get()); float nFirstMonth = ValueToFloat(pThis, argFour.get()); float nNumberOfMonths = ValueToFloat(pThis, argFive.get()); if ((nPrincipalAmount <= 0) || (nRate <= 0) || (nPayment <= 0) || (nFirstMonth < 0) || (nNumberOfMonths < 0)) { pContext->ThrowArgumentMismatchException(); return; } float nRateOfMonth = nRate / 12; int32_t iNums = (int32_t)((log10((float)(nPayment / nPrincipalAmount)) - log10((float)(nPayment / nPrincipalAmount - nRateOfMonth))) / log10((float)(1 + nRateOfMonth))); int32_t iEnd = std::min((int32_t)(nFirstMonth + nNumberOfMonths - 1), iNums); if (nPayment < nPrincipalAmount * nRateOfMonth) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetFloat(0); return; } int32_t i = 0; for (i = 0; i < nFirstMonth - 1; ++i) nPrincipalAmount -= nPayment - nPrincipalAmount * nRateOfMonth; float nSum = 0; for (; i < iEnd; ++i) { nSum += nPrincipalAmount * nRateOfMonth; nPrincipalAmount -= nPayment - nPrincipalAmount * nRateOfMonth; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetFloat(nSum); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::NPV(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc < 3) { pContext->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"NPV"); return; } std::vector> argValues; for (int32_t i = 0; i < argc; i++) { argValues.push_back(GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, i)); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argValues[i].get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } } double nRate = ValueToDouble(pThis, argValues[0].get()); if (nRate <= 0) { pContext->ThrowArgumentMismatchException(); return; } std::vector data(argc - 1); for (int32_t i = 1; i < argc; i++) data.push_back(ValueToDouble(pThis, argValues[i].get())); double nSum = 0; int32_t iIndex = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < argc - 1; i++) { double nTemp = 1; for (int32_t j = 0; j <= i; j++) nTemp *= 1 + nRate; double nNum = data[iIndex++]; nSum += nNum / nTemp; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetDouble(nSum); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Pmt(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); if (args.GetLength() != 3) { pContext->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Pmt"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argTwo = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); std::unique_ptr argThree = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 2); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argOne.get()) || ValueIsNull(pThis, argTwo.get()) || ValueIsNull(pThis, argThree.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } float nPrincipal = ValueToFloat(pThis, argOne.get()); float nRate = ValueToFloat(pThis, argTwo.get()); float nPeriods = ValueToFloat(pThis, argThree.get()); if ((nPrincipal <= 0) || (nRate <= 0) || (nPeriods <= 0)) { pContext->ThrowArgumentMismatchException(); return; } float nTmp = 1 + nRate; float nSum = nTmp; for (int32_t i = 0; i < nPeriods - 1; ++i) nSum *= nTmp; args.GetReturnValue()->SetFloat((nPrincipal * nRate * nSum) / (nSum - 1)); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::PPmt(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); if (args.GetLength() != 5) { pContext->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"PPmt"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argTwo = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); std::unique_ptr argThree = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 2); std::unique_ptr argFour = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 3); std::unique_ptr argFive = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 4); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argOne.get()) || ValueIsNull(pThis, argTwo.get()) || ValueIsNull(pThis, argThree.get()) || ValueIsNull(pThis, argFour.get()) || ValueIsNull(pThis, argFive.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } float nPrincipalAmount = ValueToFloat(pThis, argOne.get()); float nRate = ValueToFloat(pThis, argTwo.get()); float nPayment = ValueToFloat(pThis, argThree.get()); float nFirstMonth = ValueToFloat(pThis, argFour.get()); float nNumberOfMonths = ValueToFloat(pThis, argFive.get()); if ((nPrincipalAmount <= 0) || (nRate <= 0) || (nPayment <= 0) || (nFirstMonth < 0) || (nNumberOfMonths < 0)) { pContext->ThrowArgumentMismatchException(); return; } float nRateOfMonth = nRate / 12; int32_t iNums = (int32_t)((log10((float)(nPayment / nPrincipalAmount)) - log10((float)(nPayment / nPrincipalAmount - nRateOfMonth))) / log10((float)(1 + nRateOfMonth))); int32_t iEnd = std::min((int32_t)(nFirstMonth + nNumberOfMonths - 1), iNums); if (nPayment < nPrincipalAmount * nRateOfMonth) { pContext->ThrowArgumentMismatchException(); return; } int32_t i = 0; for (i = 0; i < nFirstMonth - 1; ++i) nPrincipalAmount -= nPayment - nPrincipalAmount * nRateOfMonth; float nTemp = 0; float nSum = 0; for (; i < iEnd; ++i) { nTemp = nPayment - nPrincipalAmount * nRateOfMonth; nSum += nTemp; nPrincipalAmount -= nTemp; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetFloat(nSum); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::PV(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); if (args.GetLength() != 3) { pContext->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"PV"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argTwo = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); std::unique_ptr argThree = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 2); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argOne.get()) || ValueIsNull(pThis, argTwo.get()) || ValueIsNull(pThis, argThree.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } double nAmount = ValueToDouble(pThis, argOne.get()); double nRate = ValueToDouble(pThis, argTwo.get()); double nPeriod = ValueToDouble(pThis, argThree.get()); if ((nAmount <= 0) || (nRate < 0) || (nPeriod <= 0)) { pContext->ThrowArgumentMismatchException(); return; } double nTemp = 1; for (int32_t i = 0; i < nPeriod; ++i) nTemp *= 1 + nRate; nTemp = 1 / nTemp; args.GetReturnValue()->SetDouble(nAmount * ((1 - nTemp) / nRate)); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Rate(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); if (args.GetLength() != 3) { pContext->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Rate"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argTwo = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); std::unique_ptr argThree = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 2); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argOne.get()) || ValueIsNull(pThis, argTwo.get()) || ValueIsNull(pThis, argThree.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } float nFuture = ValueToFloat(pThis, argOne.get()); float nPresent = ValueToFloat(pThis, argTwo.get()); float nTotalNumber = ValueToFloat(pThis, argThree.get()); if ((nFuture <= 0) || (nPresent < 0) || (nTotalNumber <= 0)) { pContext->ThrowArgumentMismatchException(); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetFloat( FXSYS_pow((float)(nFuture / nPresent), (float)(1 / nTotalNumber)) - 1); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Term(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); if (args.GetLength() != 3) { pContext->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Term"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argTwo = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); std::unique_ptr argThree = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 2); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argOne.get()) || ValueIsNull(pThis, argTwo.get()) || ValueIsNull(pThis, argThree.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } float nMount = ValueToFloat(pThis, argOne.get()); float nRate = ValueToFloat(pThis, argTwo.get()); float nFuture = ValueToFloat(pThis, argThree.get()); if ((nMount <= 0) || (nRate <= 0) || (nFuture <= 0)) { pContext->ThrowArgumentMismatchException(); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetFloat(log((float)(nFuture / nMount * nRate) + 1) / log((float)(1 + nRate))); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Choose(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc < 2) { pContext->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Choose"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = args.GetValue(0); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argOne.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } int32_t iIndex = (int32_t)ValueToFloat(pThis, argOne.get()); if (iIndex < 1) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(""); return; } bool bFound = false; bool bStopCounterFlags = false; int32_t iArgIndex = 1; int32_t iValueIndex = 0; v8::Isolate* pIsolate = pContext->GetScriptRuntime(); while (!bFound && !bStopCounterFlags && (iArgIndex < argc)) { std::unique_ptr argIndexValue = args.GetValue(iArgIndex); if (argIndexValue->IsArray()) { auto lengthValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argIndexValue->GetObjectProperty("length", lengthValue.get()); int32_t iLength = lengthValue->ToInteger(); if (iLength > 3) bStopCounterFlags = true; iValueIndex += (iLength - 2); if (iValueIndex >= iIndex) { auto propertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); auto jsObjectValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); auto newPropertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argIndexValue->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(1, propertyValue.get()); argIndexValue->GetObjectPropertyByIdx( (iLength - 1) - (iValueIndex - iIndex), jsObjectValue.get()); if (propertyValue->IsNull()) { GetObjectDefaultValue(jsObjectValue.get(), newPropertyValue.get()); } else { jsObjectValue->GetObjectProperty( propertyValue->ToString().AsStringC(), newPropertyValue.get()); } CFX_ByteString bsChosen = ValueToUTF8String(newPropertyValue.get()); args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(bsChosen.AsStringC()); bFound = true; } } else { iValueIndex++; if (iValueIndex == iIndex) { CFX_ByteString bsChosen = ValueToUTF8String(argIndexValue.get()); args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(bsChosen.AsStringC()); bFound = true; } } iArgIndex++; } if (!bFound) args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(""); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Exists(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 1) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Exists"); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger(args.GetValue(0)->IsObject()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::HasValue(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 1) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"HasValue"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (!argOne->IsString()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger(argOne->IsNumber() || argOne->IsBoolean()); return; } CFX_ByteString valueStr = argOne->ToString(); valueStr.TrimLeft(); args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger(!valueStr.IsEmpty()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Oneof(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() < 2) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Oneof"); return; } bool bFlags = false; std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::vector> parameterValues; unfoldArgs(pThis, args, ¶meterValues, 1); for (const auto& value : parameterValues) { if (simpleValueCompare(pThis, argOne.get(), value.get())) { bFlags = true; break; } } args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger(bFlags); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Within(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 3) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Within"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (argOne->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetUndefined(); return; } std::unique_ptr argLow = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); std::unique_ptr argHigh = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 2); if (argOne->IsNumber()) { float oneNumber = ValueToFloat(pThis, argOne.get()); float lowNumber = ValueToFloat(pThis, argLow.get()); float heightNumber = ValueToFloat(pThis, argHigh.get()); args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger((oneNumber >= lowNumber) && (oneNumber <= heightNumber)); return; } CFX_ByteString oneString = ValueToUTF8String(argOne.get()); CFX_ByteString lowString = ValueToUTF8String(argLow.get()); CFX_ByteString heightString = ValueToUTF8String(argHigh.get()); args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger( (oneString.Compare(lowString.AsStringC()) >= 0) && (oneString.Compare(heightString.AsStringC()) <= 0)); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::If(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 3) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"If"); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->Assign(GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0)->ToBoolean() ? GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1).get() : GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 2).get()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Eval(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); if (args.GetLength() != 1) { pContext->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Eval"); return; } v8::Isolate* pIsolate = pContext->GetScriptRuntime(); std::unique_ptr scriptValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); CFX_ByteString utf8ScriptString = ValueToUTF8String(scriptValue.get()); if (utf8ScriptString.IsEmpty()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } CFX_WideTextBuf wsJavaScriptBuf; if (!CXFA_FM2JSContext::Translate( CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(utf8ScriptString.AsStringC()).AsStringC(), &wsJavaScriptBuf)) { pContext->ThrowCompilerErrorException(); return; } std::unique_ptr pNewContext( CFXJSE_Context::Create(pIsolate, nullptr, nullptr)); auto returnValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); pNewContext->ExecuteScript(FX_UTF8Encode(wsJavaScriptBuf.AsStringC()).c_str(), returnValue.get()); args.GetReturnValue()->Assign(returnValue.get()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Ref(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); v8::Isolate* pIsolate = pContext->GetScriptRuntime(); if (args.GetLength() != 1) { pContext->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Ref"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = args.GetValue(0); if (!argOne->IsArray() && !argOne->IsObject() && !argOne->IsBoolean() && !argOne->IsString() && !argOne->IsNull() && !argOne->IsNumber()) { pContext->ThrowArgumentMismatchException(); return; } if (argOne->IsBoolean() || argOne->IsString() || argOne->IsNumber()) { args.GetReturnValue()->Assign(argOne.get()); return; } std::vector> values; for (int32_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) values.push_back(pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate)); int intVal = 3; if (argOne->IsNull()) { // TODO(dsinclair): Why is this 4 when the others are all 3? intVal = 4; values[2]->SetNull(); } else if (argOne->IsArray()) { #ifndef NDEBUG auto lengthValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argOne->GetObjectProperty("length", lengthValue.get()); ASSERT(lengthValue->ToInteger() >= 3); #endif auto propertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); auto jsObjectValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argOne->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(1, propertyValue.get()); argOne->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(2, jsObjectValue.get()); if (!propertyValue->IsNull() || jsObjectValue->IsNull()) { pContext->ThrowArgumentMismatchException(); return; } values[2]->Assign(jsObjectValue.get()); } else if (argOne->IsObject()) { values[2]->Assign(argOne.get()); } values[0]->SetInteger(intVal); values[1]->SetNull(); args.GetReturnValue()->SetArray(values); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::UnitType(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 1) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"UnitType"); return; } std::unique_ptr unitspanValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (unitspanValue->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } CFX_ByteString unitspanString = ValueToUTF8String(unitspanValue.get()); if (unitspanString.IsEmpty()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetString("in"); return; } enum XFA_FM2JS_VALUETYPE_ParserStatus { VALUETYPE_START, VALUETYPE_HAVEINVALIDCHAR, VALUETYPE_HAVEDIGIT, VALUETYPE_HAVEDIGITWHITE, VALUETYPE_ISCM, VALUETYPE_ISMM, VALUETYPE_ISPT, VALUETYPE_ISMP, VALUETYPE_ISIN, }; unitspanString.MakeLower(); CFX_WideString wsTypeString = CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(unitspanString.AsStringC()); const wchar_t* pData = wsTypeString.c_str(); int32_t u = 0; int32_t uLen = wsTypeString.GetLength(); while (IsWhitespace(pData[u])) u++; XFA_FM2JS_VALUETYPE_ParserStatus eParserStatus = VALUETYPE_START; wchar_t typeChar; // TODO(dsinclair): Cleanup this parser, figure out what the various checks // are for. while (u < uLen) { typeChar = pData[u]; if (IsWhitespace(typeChar)) { if (eParserStatus != VALUETYPE_HAVEDIGIT && eParserStatus != VALUETYPE_HAVEDIGITWHITE) { eParserStatus = VALUETYPE_ISIN; break; } eParserStatus = VALUETYPE_HAVEDIGITWHITE; } else if (IsPartOfNumberW(typeChar)) { if (eParserStatus == VALUETYPE_HAVEDIGITWHITE) { eParserStatus = VALUETYPE_ISIN; break; } eParserStatus = VALUETYPE_HAVEDIGIT; } else if ((typeChar == 'c' || typeChar == 'p') && (u + 1 < uLen)) { wchar_t nextChar = pData[u + 1]; if ((eParserStatus == VALUETYPE_START || eParserStatus == VALUETYPE_HAVEDIGIT || eParserStatus == VALUETYPE_HAVEDIGITWHITE) && !IsPartOfNumberW(nextChar)) { eParserStatus = (typeChar == 'c') ? VALUETYPE_ISCM : VALUETYPE_ISPT; break; } eParserStatus = VALUETYPE_HAVEINVALIDCHAR; } else if (typeChar == 'm' && (u + 1 < uLen)) { wchar_t nextChar = pData[u + 1]; if ((eParserStatus == VALUETYPE_START || eParserStatus == VALUETYPE_HAVEDIGIT || eParserStatus == VALUETYPE_HAVEDIGITWHITE) && !IsPartOfNumberW(nextChar)) { eParserStatus = VALUETYPE_ISMM; if (nextChar == 'p' || ((u + 5 < uLen) && pData[u + 1] == 'i' && pData[u + 2] == 'l' && pData[u + 3] == 'l' && pData[u + 4] == 'i' && pData[u + 5] == 'p')) { eParserStatus = VALUETYPE_ISMP; } break; } } else { eParserStatus = VALUETYPE_HAVEINVALIDCHAR; } u++; } switch (eParserStatus) { case VALUETYPE_ISCM: args.GetReturnValue()->SetString("cm"); break; case VALUETYPE_ISMM: args.GetReturnValue()->SetString("mm"); break; case VALUETYPE_ISPT: args.GetReturnValue()->SetString("pt"); break; case VALUETYPE_ISMP: args.GetReturnValue()->SetString("mp"); break; default: args.GetReturnValue()->SetString("in"); break; } } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::UnitValue(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc < 1 || argc > 2) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"UnitValue"); return; } std::unique_ptr unitspanValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (unitspanValue->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } CFX_ByteString unitspanString = ValueToUTF8String(unitspanValue.get()); const char* pData = unitspanString.c_str(); if (!pData) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger(0); return; } FX_STRSIZE u = 0; while (IsWhitespace(pData[u])) ++u; while (u < unitspanString.GetLength()) { if (!IsPartOfNumber(pData[u])) break; ++u; } char* pTemp = nullptr; double dFirstNumber = strtod(pData, &pTemp); while (IsWhitespace(pData[u])) ++u; FX_STRSIZE uLen = unitspanString.GetLength(); CFX_ByteString strFirstUnit; while (u < uLen) { if (pData[u] == ' ') break; strFirstUnit += pData[u]; ++u; } strFirstUnit.MakeLower(); CFX_ByteString strUnit; if (argc > 1) { std::unique_ptr unitValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); CFX_ByteString unitTempString = ValueToUTF8String(unitValue.get()); const char* pChar = unitTempString.c_str(); FX_STRSIZE uVal = 0; while (IsWhitespace(pChar[uVal])) ++uVal; while (uVal < unitTempString.GetLength()) { if (!std::isdigit(pChar[uVal]) && pChar[uVal] != '.') break; ++uVal; } while (IsWhitespace(pChar[uVal])) ++uVal; FX_STRSIZE uValLen = unitTempString.GetLength(); while (uVal < uValLen) { if (pChar[uVal] == ' ') break; strUnit += pChar[uVal]; ++uVal; } strUnit.MakeLower(); } else { strUnit = strFirstUnit; } double dResult = 0; if (strFirstUnit == "in" || strFirstUnit == "inches") { if (strUnit == "mm" || strUnit == "millimeters") dResult = dFirstNumber * 25.4; else if (strUnit == "cm" || strUnit == "centimeters") dResult = dFirstNumber * 2.54; else if (strUnit == "pt" || strUnit == "points") dResult = dFirstNumber / 72; else if (strUnit == "mp" || strUnit == "millipoints") dResult = dFirstNumber / 72000; else dResult = dFirstNumber; } else if (strFirstUnit == "mm" || strFirstUnit == "millimeters") { if (strUnit == "mm" || strUnit == "millimeters") dResult = dFirstNumber; else if (strUnit == "cm" || strUnit == "centimeters") dResult = dFirstNumber / 10; else if (strUnit == "pt" || strUnit == "points") dResult = dFirstNumber / 25.4 / 72; else if (strUnit == "mp" || strUnit == "millipoints") dResult = dFirstNumber / 25.4 / 72000; else dResult = dFirstNumber / 25.4; } else if (strFirstUnit == "cm" || strFirstUnit == "centimeters") { if (strUnit == "mm" || strUnit == "millimeters") dResult = dFirstNumber * 10; else if (strUnit == "cm" || strUnit == "centimeters") dResult = dFirstNumber; else if (strUnit == "pt" || strUnit == "points") dResult = dFirstNumber / 2.54 / 72; else if (strUnit == "mp" || strUnit == "millipoints") dResult = dFirstNumber / 2.54 / 72000; else dResult = dFirstNumber / 2.54; } else if (strFirstUnit == "pt" || strFirstUnit == "points") { if (strUnit == "mm" || strUnit == "millimeters") dResult = dFirstNumber / 72 * 25.4; else if (strUnit == "cm" || strUnit == "centimeters") dResult = dFirstNumber / 72 * 2.54; else if (strUnit == "pt" || strUnit == "points") dResult = dFirstNumber; else if (strUnit == "mp" || strUnit == "millipoints") dResult = dFirstNumber * 1000; else dResult = dFirstNumber / 72; } else if (strFirstUnit == "mp" || strFirstUnit == "millipoints") { if (strUnit == "mm" || strUnit == "millimeters") dResult = dFirstNumber / 72000 * 25.4; else if (strUnit == "cm" || strUnit == "centimeters") dResult = dFirstNumber / 72000 * 2.54; else if (strUnit == "pt" || strUnit == "points") dResult = dFirstNumber / 1000; else if (strUnit == "mp" || strUnit == "millipoints") dResult = dFirstNumber; else dResult = dFirstNumber / 72000; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetDouble(dResult); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::At(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 2) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"At"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argTwo = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argOne.get()) || ValueIsNull(pThis, argTwo.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } CFX_ByteString stringTwo = ValueToUTF8String(argTwo.get()); if (stringTwo.IsEmpty()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger(1); return; } CFX_ByteString stringOne = ValueToUTF8String(argOne.get()); auto pos = stringOne.Find(stringTwo.AsStringC()); args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger(pos.has_value() ? pos.value() + 1 : 0); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Concat(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc < 1) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Concat"); return; } CFX_ByteString resultString; bool bAllNull = true; for (int32_t i = 0; i < argc; i++) { std::unique_ptr value = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, i); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, value.get())) continue; bAllNull = false; resultString += ValueToUTF8String(value.get()); } if (bAllNull) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(resultString.AsStringC()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Decode(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc < 1 || argc > 2) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Decode"); return; } if (argc == 1) { std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argOne.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } CFX_WideString decoded = DecodeURL( CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(ValueToUTF8String(argOne.get()).AsStringC())); args.GetReturnValue()->SetString( FX_UTF8Encode(decoded.AsStringC()).AsStringC()); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argTwo = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argOne.get()) || ValueIsNull(pThis, argTwo.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } CFX_ByteString toDecodeString = ValueToUTF8String(argOne.get()); CFX_ByteString identifyString = ValueToUTF8String(argTwo.get()); CFX_WideString decoded; CFX_WideString toDecodeWideString = CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(toDecodeString.AsStringC()); if (identifyString.EqualNoCase("html")) decoded = DecodeHTML(toDecodeWideString); else if (identifyString.EqualNoCase("xml")) decoded = DecodeXML(toDecodeWideString); else decoded = DecodeURL(toDecodeWideString); args.GetReturnValue()->SetString( FX_UTF8Encode(decoded.AsStringC()).AsStringC()); } // static CFX_WideString CXFA_FM2JSContext::DecodeURL(const CFX_WideString& wsURLString) { const wchar_t* pData = wsURLString.c_str(); FX_STRSIZE i = 0; CFX_WideTextBuf wsResultBuf; while (i < wsURLString.GetLength()) { wchar_t ch = pData[i]; if ('%' != ch) { wsResultBuf.AppendChar(ch); ++i; continue; } wchar_t chTemp = 0; int32_t iCount = 0; while (iCount < 2) { ++i; ch = pData[i]; if (ch <= '9' && ch >= '0') { // TODO(dsinclair): Premultiply and add rather then scale. chTemp += (ch - '0') * (!iCount ? 16 : 1); } else if (ch <= 'F' && ch >= 'A') { chTemp += (ch - 'A' + 10) * (!iCount ? 16 : 1); } else if (ch <= 'f' && ch >= 'a') { chTemp += (ch - 'a' + 10) * (!iCount ? 16 : 1); } else { return CFX_WideString(); } ++iCount; } wsResultBuf.AppendChar(chTemp); ++i; } wsResultBuf.AppendChar(0); return wsResultBuf.MakeString(); } // static CFX_WideString CXFA_FM2JSContext::DecodeHTML( const CFX_WideString& wsHTMLString) { wchar_t strString[9]; FX_STRSIZE iStrIndex = 0; FX_STRSIZE iLen = wsHTMLString.GetLength(); FX_STRSIZE i = 0; int32_t iCode = 0; const wchar_t* pData = wsHTMLString.c_str(); CFX_WideTextBuf wsResultBuf; while (i < iLen) { wchar_t ch = pData[i]; if (ch != '&') { wsResultBuf.AppendChar(ch); ++i; continue; } ++i; ch = pData[i]; if (ch == '#') { ++i; ch = pData[i]; if (ch != 'x' && ch != 'X') { return CFX_WideString(); } ++i; ch = pData[i]; if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch <= 'f' && ch >= 'a') || (ch <= 'F' && ch >= 'A')) { while (ch != ';' && i < iLen) { if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { iCode += ch - '0'; } else if (ch <= 'f' && ch >= 'a') { iCode += ch - 'a' + 10; } else if (ch <= 'F' && ch >= 'A') { iCode += ch - 'A' + 10; } else { return CFX_WideString(); } ++i; // TODO(dsinclair): Postmultiply seems wrong, start at zero // and pre-multiply then can remove the post divide. iCode *= 16; ch = pData[i]; } iCode /= 16; } } else { while (ch != ';' && i < iLen) { strString[iStrIndex++] = ch; ++i; ch = pData[i]; } strString[iStrIndex] = 0; } uint32_t iData = 0; if (HTMLSTR2Code(strString, &iData)) { wsResultBuf.AppendChar((wchar_t)iData); } else { wsResultBuf.AppendChar(iCode); } iStrIndex = 0; strString[iStrIndex] = 0; ++i; } wsResultBuf.AppendChar(0); return wsResultBuf.MakeString(); } // static CFX_WideString CXFA_FM2JSContext::DecodeXML(const CFX_WideString& wsXMLString) { wchar_t strString[9]; int32_t iStrIndex = 0; int32_t iLen = wsXMLString.GetLength(); int32_t i = 0; int32_t iCode = 0; wchar_t ch = 0; const wchar_t* pData = wsXMLString.c_str(); CFX_WideTextBuf wsResultBuf; while (i < iLen) { ch = pData[i]; if (ch != '&') { wsResultBuf.AppendChar(ch); ++i; continue; } // TODO(dsinclair): This is very similar to DecodeHTML, can they be // combined? ++i; ch = pData[i]; if (ch == '#') { ++i; ch = pData[i]; if (ch != 'x' && ch != 'X') { return CFX_WideString(); } ++i; ch = pData[i]; if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch <= 'f' && ch >= 'a') || (ch <= 'F' && ch >= 'A')) { while (ch != ';') { if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { iCode += ch - '0'; } else if (ch <= 'f' && ch >= 'a') { iCode += ch - 'a' + 10; } else if (ch <= 'F' && ch >= 'A') { iCode += ch - 'A' + 10; } else { return CFX_WideString(); } ++i; iCode *= 16; ch = pData[i]; } iCode /= 16; } } else { while (ch != ';' && i < iLen) { strString[iStrIndex++] = ch; ++i; ch = pData[i]; } strString[iStrIndex] = 0; } const wchar_t* const strName[] = {L"quot", L"amp", L"apos", L"lt", L"gt"}; int32_t iIndex = 0; while (iIndex < 5) { if (memcmp(strString, strName[iIndex], FXSYS_wcslen(strName[iIndex])) == 0) { break; } ++iIndex; } switch (iIndex) { case 0: wsResultBuf.AppendChar('"'); break; case 1: wsResultBuf.AppendChar('&'); break; case 2: wsResultBuf.AppendChar('\''); break; case 3: wsResultBuf.AppendChar('<'); break; case 4: wsResultBuf.AppendChar('>'); break; default: wsResultBuf.AppendChar(iCode); break; } iStrIndex = 0; strString[iStrIndex] = 0; ++i; iCode = 0; } wsResultBuf.AppendChar(0); return wsResultBuf.MakeString(); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Encode(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc < 1 || argc > 2) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Encode"); return; } if (argc == 1) { std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argOne.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } CFX_WideString encoded = EncodeURL(ValueToUTF8String(argOne.get())); args.GetReturnValue()->SetString( FX_UTF8Encode(encoded.AsStringC()).AsStringC()); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argTwo = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argOne.get()) || ValueIsNull(pThis, argTwo.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } CFX_ByteString toEncodeString = ValueToUTF8String(argOne.get()); CFX_ByteString identifyString = ValueToUTF8String(argTwo.get()); CFX_WideString encoded; if (identifyString.EqualNoCase("html")) encoded = EncodeHTML(toEncodeString); else if (identifyString.EqualNoCase("xml")) encoded = EncodeXML(toEncodeString); else encoded = EncodeURL(toEncodeString); args.GetReturnValue()->SetString( FX_UTF8Encode(encoded.AsStringC()).AsStringC()); } // static CFX_WideString CXFA_FM2JSContext::EncodeURL(const CFX_ByteString& szURLString) { CFX_WideString wsURLString = CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(szURLString.AsStringC()); CFX_WideTextBuf wsResultBuf; wchar_t strEncode[4]; strEncode[0] = '%'; strEncode[3] = 0; wchar_t strUnsafe[] = {' ', '<', '>', '"', '#', '%', '{', '}', '|', '\\', '^', '~', '[', ']', '`'}; wchar_t strReserved[] = {';', '/', '?', ':', '@', '=', '&'}; wchar_t strSpecial[] = {'$', '-', '+', '!', '*', '\'', '(', ')', ','}; const wchar_t* strCode = L"0123456789abcdef"; for (auto ch : wsURLString) { int32_t i = 0; int32_t iCount = FX_ArraySize(strUnsafe); while (i < iCount) { if (ch == strUnsafe[i]) { int32_t iIndex = ch / 16; strEncode[1] = strCode[iIndex]; strEncode[2] = strCode[ch - iIndex * 16]; wsResultBuf << strEncode; break; } ++i; } if (i < iCount) continue; i = 0; iCount = FX_ArraySize(strReserved); while (i < iCount) { if (ch == strReserved[i]) { int32_t iIndex = ch / 16; strEncode[1] = strCode[iIndex]; strEncode[2] = strCode[ch - iIndex * 16]; wsResultBuf << strEncode; break; } ++i; } if (i < iCount) continue; i = 0; iCount = FX_ArraySize(strSpecial); while (i < iCount) { if (ch == strSpecial[i]) { wsResultBuf.AppendChar(ch); break; } ++i; } if (i < iCount) continue; if ((ch >= 0x80 && ch <= 0xff) || ch <= 0x1f || ch == 0x7f) { int32_t iIndex = ch / 16; strEncode[1] = strCode[iIndex]; strEncode[2] = strCode[ch - iIndex * 16]; wsResultBuf << strEncode; } else if (ch >= 0x20 && ch <= 0x7e) { wsResultBuf.AppendChar(ch); } else { const wchar_t iRadix = 16; CFX_WideString strTmp; while (ch >= iRadix) { wchar_t tmp = strCode[ch % iRadix]; ch /= iRadix; strTmp += tmp; } strTmp += strCode[ch]; int32_t iLen = strTmp.GetLength(); if (iLen < 2) break; int32_t iIndex = 0; if (iLen % 2 != 0) { strEncode[1] = '0'; strEncode[2] = strTmp[iLen - 1]; iIndex = iLen - 2; } else { strEncode[1] = strTmp[iLen - 1]; strEncode[2] = strTmp[iLen - 2]; iIndex = iLen - 3; } wsResultBuf << strEncode; while (iIndex > 0) { strEncode[1] = strTmp[iIndex]; strEncode[2] = strTmp[iIndex - 1]; iIndex -= 2; wsResultBuf << strEncode; } } } wsResultBuf.AppendChar(0); return wsResultBuf.MakeString(); } // static CFX_WideString CXFA_FM2JSContext::EncodeHTML( const CFX_ByteString& szHTMLString) { CFX_WideString wsHTMLString = CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(szHTMLString.AsStringC()); const wchar_t* strCode = L"0123456789abcdef"; wchar_t strEncode[9]; strEncode[0] = '&'; strEncode[1] = '#'; strEncode[2] = 'x'; strEncode[5] = ';'; strEncode[6] = 0; strEncode[7] = ';'; strEncode[8] = 0; CFX_WideTextBuf wsResultBuf; int32_t iLen = wsHTMLString.GetLength(); int32_t i = 0; const wchar_t* pData = wsHTMLString.c_str(); while (i < iLen) { uint32_t ch = pData[i]; CFX_WideString htmlReserve; if (HTMLCode2STR(ch, &htmlReserve)) { wsResultBuf.AppendChar(L'&'); wsResultBuf << htmlReserve; wsResultBuf.AppendChar(L';'); } else if (ch >= 32 && ch <= 126) { wsResultBuf.AppendChar((wchar_t)ch); } else if (ch < 256) { int32_t iIndex = ch / 16; strEncode[3] = strCode[iIndex]; strEncode[4] = strCode[ch - iIndex * 16]; strEncode[5] = ';'; strEncode[6] = 0; wsResultBuf << strEncode; } else { int32_t iBigByte = ch / 256; int32_t iLittleByte = ch % 256; strEncode[3] = strCode[iBigByte / 16]; strEncode[4] = strCode[iBigByte % 16]; strEncode[5] = strCode[iLittleByte / 16]; strEncode[6] = strCode[iLittleByte % 16]; wsResultBuf << strEncode; } ++i; } wsResultBuf.AppendChar(0); return wsResultBuf.MakeString(); } // static CFX_WideString CXFA_FM2JSContext::EncodeXML(const CFX_ByteString& szXMLString) { CFX_WideString wsXMLString = CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(szXMLString.AsStringC()); CFX_WideTextBuf wsResultBuf; wchar_t strEncode[9]; strEncode[0] = '&'; strEncode[1] = '#'; strEncode[2] = 'x'; strEncode[5] = ';'; strEncode[6] = 0; strEncode[7] = ';'; strEncode[8] = 0; const wchar_t* strCode = L"0123456789abcdef"; for (const auto& ch : wsXMLString) { switch (ch) { case '"': wsResultBuf.AppendChar('&'); wsResultBuf << CFX_WideStringC(L"quot"); wsResultBuf.AppendChar(';'); break; case '&': wsResultBuf.AppendChar('&'); wsResultBuf << CFX_WideStringC(L"amp"); wsResultBuf.AppendChar(';'); break; case '\'': wsResultBuf.AppendChar('&'); wsResultBuf << CFX_WideStringC(L"apos"); wsResultBuf.AppendChar(';'); break; case '<': wsResultBuf.AppendChar('&'); wsResultBuf << CFX_WideStringC(L"lt"); wsResultBuf.AppendChar(';'); break; case '>': wsResultBuf.AppendChar('&'); wsResultBuf << CFX_WideStringC(L"gt"); wsResultBuf.AppendChar(';'); break; default: { if (ch >= 32 && ch <= 126) { wsResultBuf.AppendChar(ch); } else if (ch < 256) { int32_t iIndex = ch / 16; strEncode[3] = strCode[iIndex]; strEncode[4] = strCode[ch - iIndex * 16]; strEncode[5] = ';'; strEncode[6] = 0; wsResultBuf << strEncode; } else { int32_t iBigByte = ch / 256; int32_t iLittleByte = ch % 256; strEncode[3] = strCode[iBigByte / 16]; strEncode[4] = strCode[iBigByte % 16]; strEncode[5] = strCode[iLittleByte / 16]; strEncode[6] = strCode[iLittleByte % 16]; wsResultBuf << strEncode; } break; } } } wsResultBuf.AppendChar(0); return wsResultBuf.MakeString(); } // static bool CXFA_FM2JSContext::HTMLSTR2Code(const CFX_WideStringC& pData, uint32_t* iCode) { auto cmpFunc = [](const XFA_FMHtmlReserveCode& iter, const CFX_WideStringC& val) { // TODO(tsepez): check usage of c_str() below. return wcscmp(val.unterminated_c_str(), iter.m_htmlReserve) > 0; }; const XFA_FMHtmlReserveCode* result = std::lower_bound(std::begin(reservesForDecode), std::end(reservesForDecode), pData, cmpFunc); if (result != std::end(reservesForEncode) && !wcscmp(pData.unterminated_c_str(), result->m_htmlReserve)) { *iCode = result->m_uCode; return true; } return false; } // static bool CXFA_FM2JSContext::HTMLCode2STR(uint32_t iCode, CFX_WideString* wsHTMLReserve) { auto cmpFunc = [](const XFA_FMHtmlReserveCode iter, const uint32_t& val) { return iter.m_uCode < val; }; const XFA_FMHtmlReserveCode* result = std::lower_bound(std::begin(reservesForEncode), std::end(reservesForEncode), iCode, cmpFunc); if (result != std::end(reservesForEncode) && result->m_uCode == iCode) { *wsHTMLReserve = result->m_htmlReserve; return true; } return false; } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Format(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); if (args.GetLength() < 2) { pContext->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Format"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); CFX_ByteString szPattern = ValueToUTF8String(argOne.get()); std::unique_ptr argTwo = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); CFX_ByteString szValue = ValueToUTF8String(argTwo.get()); CXFA_Document* pDoc = pContext->GetDocument(); CXFA_LocaleMgr* pMgr = pDoc->GetLocalMgr(); CXFA_Node* pThisNode = ToNode(pDoc->GetScriptContext()->GetThisObject()); ASSERT(pThisNode); CXFA_WidgetData widgetData(pThisNode); IFX_Locale* pLocale = widgetData.GetLocal(); uint32_t patternType; CFX_WideString wsPattern = CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(szPattern.AsStringC()); CFX_WideString wsValue = CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(szValue.AsStringC()); if (!PatternStringType(szPattern.AsStringC(), patternType)) { switch (patternType) { case XFA_VT_DATETIME: { auto iTChar = wsPattern.Find(L'T'); if (!iTChar.has_value()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(""); return; } CFX_WideString wsDatePattern(L"date{"); wsDatePattern += wsPattern.Left(iTChar.value()) + L"} "; CFX_WideString wsTimePattern(L"time{"); wsTimePattern += wsPattern.Right(wsPattern.GetLength() - (iTChar.value() + 1)) + L"}"; wsPattern = wsDatePattern + wsTimePattern; } break; case XFA_VT_DATE: { wsPattern = L"date{" + wsPattern + L"}"; } break; case XFA_VT_TIME: { wsPattern = L"time{" + wsPattern + L"}"; } break; case XFA_VT_TEXT: { wsPattern = L"text{" + wsPattern + L"}"; } break; case XFA_VT_FLOAT: { wsPattern = L"num{" + wsPattern + L"}"; } break; default: { CFX_WideString wsTestPattern; wsTestPattern = L"num{" + wsPattern + L"}"; CXFA_LocaleValue tempLocaleValue(XFA_VT_FLOAT, wsValue, wsTestPattern, pLocale, pMgr); if (tempLocaleValue.IsValid()) { wsPattern = wsTestPattern; patternType = XFA_VT_FLOAT; } else { wsTestPattern = L"text{" + wsPattern + L"}"; wsPattern = wsTestPattern; patternType = XFA_VT_TEXT; } } break; } } CXFA_LocaleValue localeValue(patternType, wsValue, wsPattern, pLocale, pMgr); CFX_WideString wsRet; if (!localeValue.FormatPatterns(wsRet, wsPattern, pLocale, XFA_VALUEPICTURE_Display)) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(""); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(wsRet.UTF8Encode().AsStringC()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Left(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 2) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Left"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argTwo = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if ((ValueIsNull(pThis, argOne.get())) || (ValueIsNull(pThis, argTwo.get()))) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } CFX_ByteString sourceString = ValueToUTF8String(argOne.get()); int32_t count = std::max(0, ValueToInteger(pThis, argTwo.get())); args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(sourceString.Left(count).AsStringC()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Len(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 1) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Len"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argOne.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } CFX_ByteString sourceString = ValueToUTF8String(argOne.get()); args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger(sourceString.GetLength()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Lower(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc < 1 || argc > 2) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Lower"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argOne.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } CFX_WideTextBuf lowStringBuf; CFX_ByteString argString = ValueToUTF8String(argOne.get()); CFX_WideString wsArgString = CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(argString.AsStringC()); const wchar_t* pData = wsArgString.c_str(); FX_STRSIZE i = 0; while (i < argString.GetLength()) { int32_t ch = pData[i]; if ((ch >= 0x41 && ch <= 0x5A) || (ch >= 0xC0 && ch <= 0xDE)) ch += 32; else if (ch == 0x100 || ch == 0x102 || ch == 0x104) ch += 1; lowStringBuf.AppendChar(ch); ++i; } lowStringBuf.AppendChar(0); args.GetReturnValue()->SetString( FX_UTF8Encode(lowStringBuf.AsStringC()).AsStringC()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Ltrim(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 1) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Ltrim"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argOne.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } CFX_ByteString sourceString = ValueToUTF8String(argOne.get()); sourceString.TrimLeft(); args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(sourceString.AsStringC()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Parse(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); if (args.GetLength() != 2) { pContext->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Parse"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argTwo = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argTwo.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } CFX_ByteString szPattern = ValueToUTF8String(argOne.get()); CFX_ByteString szValue = ValueToUTF8String(argTwo.get()); CXFA_Document* pDoc = pContext->GetDocument(); CXFA_LocaleMgr* pMgr = pDoc->GetLocalMgr(); CXFA_Node* pThisNode = ToNode(pDoc->GetScriptContext()->GetThisObject()); ASSERT(pThisNode); CXFA_WidgetData widgetData(pThisNode); IFX_Locale* pLocale = widgetData.GetLocal(); CFX_WideString wsPattern = CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(szPattern.AsStringC()); CFX_WideString wsValue = CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(szValue.AsStringC()); uint32_t patternType; if (PatternStringType(szPattern.AsStringC(), patternType)) { CXFA_LocaleValue localeValue(patternType, wsValue, wsPattern, pLocale, pMgr); if (!localeValue.IsValid()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(""); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetString( localeValue.GetValue().UTF8Encode().AsStringC()); return; } switch (patternType) { case XFA_VT_DATETIME: { auto iTChar = wsPattern.Find(L'T'); if (!iTChar.has_value()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(""); return; } CFX_WideString wsDatePattern(L"date{" + wsPattern.Left(iTChar.value()) + L"} "); CFX_WideString wsTimePattern( L"time{" + wsPattern.Right(wsPattern.GetLength() - (iTChar.value() + 1)) + L"}"); wsPattern = wsDatePattern + wsTimePattern; CXFA_LocaleValue localeValue(patternType, wsValue, wsPattern, pLocale, pMgr); if (!localeValue.IsValid()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(""); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetString( localeValue.GetValue().UTF8Encode().AsStringC()); return; } case XFA_VT_DATE: { wsPattern = L"date{" + wsPattern + L"}"; CXFA_LocaleValue localeValue(patternType, wsValue, wsPattern, pLocale, pMgr); if (!localeValue.IsValid()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(""); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetString( localeValue.GetValue().UTF8Encode().AsStringC()); return; } case XFA_VT_TIME: { wsPattern = L"time{" + wsPattern + L"}"; CXFA_LocaleValue localeValue(patternType, wsValue, wsPattern, pLocale, pMgr); if (!localeValue.IsValid()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(""); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetString( localeValue.GetValue().UTF8Encode().AsStringC()); return; } case XFA_VT_TEXT: { wsPattern = L"text{" + wsPattern + L"}"; CXFA_LocaleValue localeValue(XFA_VT_TEXT, wsValue, wsPattern, pLocale, pMgr); if (!localeValue.IsValid()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(""); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetString( localeValue.GetValue().UTF8Encode().AsStringC()); return; } case XFA_VT_FLOAT: { wsPattern = L"num{" + wsPattern + L"}"; CXFA_LocaleValue localeValue(XFA_VT_FLOAT, wsValue, wsPattern, pLocale, pMgr); if (!localeValue.IsValid()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(""); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetDouble(localeValue.GetDoubleNum()); return; } default: { CFX_WideString wsTestPattern; wsTestPattern = L"num{" + wsPattern + L"}"; CXFA_LocaleValue localeValue(XFA_VT_FLOAT, wsValue, wsTestPattern, pLocale, pMgr); if (localeValue.IsValid()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetDouble(localeValue.GetDoubleNum()); return; } wsTestPattern = L"text{" + wsPattern + L"}"; CXFA_LocaleValue localeValue2(XFA_VT_TEXT, wsValue, wsTestPattern, pLocale, pMgr); if (!localeValue2.IsValid()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(""); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetString( localeValue2.GetValue().UTF8Encode().AsStringC()); return; } } } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Replace(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc < 2 || argc > 3) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Replace"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argTwo = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); CFX_ByteString oneString; CFX_ByteString twoString; if (!ValueIsNull(pThis, argOne.get()) && !ValueIsNull(pThis, argTwo.get())) { oneString = ValueToUTF8String(argOne.get()); twoString = ValueToUTF8String(argTwo.get()); } CFX_ByteString threeString; if (argc > 2) { std::unique_ptr argThree = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 2); threeString = ValueToUTF8String(argThree.get()); } FX_STRSIZE iFindLen = twoString.GetLength(); std::ostringstream resultString; FX_STRSIZE iFindIndex = 0; for (FX_STRSIZE u = 0; u < oneString.GetLength(); ++u) { char ch = static_cast(oneString[u]); if (ch != static_cast(twoString[iFindIndex])) { resultString << ch; continue; } FX_STRSIZE iTemp = u + 1; ++iFindIndex; while (iFindIndex < iFindLen) { uint8_t chTemp = oneString[iTemp]; if (chTemp != twoString[iFindIndex]) { iFindIndex = 0; break; } ++iTemp; ++iFindIndex; } if (iFindIndex == iFindLen) { resultString << threeString; u += iFindLen - 1; iFindIndex = 0; } else { resultString << ch; } } resultString << '\0'; args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(CFX_ByteStringC(resultString.str().c_str())); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Right(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 2) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Right"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argTwo = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if ((ValueIsNull(pThis, argOne.get())) || (ValueIsNull(pThis, argTwo.get()))) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } CFX_ByteString sourceString = ValueToUTF8String(argOne.get()); int32_t count = std::max(0, ValueToInteger(pThis, argTwo.get())); args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(sourceString.Right(count).AsStringC()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Rtrim(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 1) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Rtrim"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argOne.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } CFX_ByteString sourceString = ValueToUTF8String(argOne.get()); sourceString.TrimRight(); args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(sourceString.AsStringC()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Space(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 1) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Space"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (argOne->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } int32_t count = std::max(0, ValueToInteger(pThis, argOne.get())); std::ostringstream spaceString; int32_t index = 0; while (index < count) { spaceString << ' '; index++; } spaceString << '\0'; args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(CFX_ByteStringC(spaceString.str().c_str())); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Str(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc < 1 || argc > 3) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Str"); return; } std::unique_ptr numberValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (numberValue->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } float fNumber = ValueToFloat(pThis, numberValue.get()); int32_t iWidth = 10; if (argc > 1) { std::unique_ptr widthValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); iWidth = static_cast(ValueToFloat(pThis, widthValue.get())); } int32_t iPrecision = 0; if (argc > 2) { std::unique_ptr precisionValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 2); iPrecision = std::max( 0, static_cast(ValueToFloat(pThis, precisionValue.get()))); } CFX_ByteString numberString; CFX_ByteString formatStr = "%"; if (iPrecision) { formatStr += "."; formatStr += CFX_ByteString::FormatInteger(iPrecision); } formatStr += "f"; numberString.Format(formatStr.c_str(), fNumber); const char* pData = numberString.c_str(); int32_t iLength = numberString.GetLength(); int32_t u = 0; while (u < iLength) { if (pData[u] == '.') break; ++u; } std::ostringstream resultBuf; if (u > iWidth || (iPrecision + u) >= iWidth) { int32_t i = 0; while (i < iWidth) { resultBuf << '*'; ++i; } resultBuf << '\0'; args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(CFX_ByteStringC(resultBuf.str().c_str())); return; } if (u == iLength) { if (iLength > iWidth) { int32_t i = 0; while (i < iWidth) { resultBuf << '*'; ++i; } } else { int32_t i = 0; while (i < iWidth - iLength) { resultBuf << ' '; ++i; } resultBuf << pData; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(CFX_ByteStringC(resultBuf.str().c_str())); return; } int32_t iLeavingSpace = iWidth - u - iPrecision; if (iPrecision != 0) iLeavingSpace--; int32_t i = 0; while (i < iLeavingSpace) { resultBuf << ' '; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < u) { resultBuf << pData[i]; ++i; } if (iPrecision != 0) resultBuf << '.'; u++; i = 0; while (u < iLength) { if (i >= iPrecision) break; resultBuf << pData[u]; ++i; ++u; } while (i < iPrecision) { resultBuf << '0'; ++i; } resultBuf << '\0'; args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(CFX_ByteStringC(resultBuf.str().c_str())); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Stuff(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc < 3 || argc > 4) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Stuff"); return; } CFX_ByteString sourceString; CFX_ByteString insertString; int32_t iLength = 0; int32_t iStart = 0; int32_t iDelete = 0; std::unique_ptr sourceValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr startValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); std::unique_ptr deleteValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 2); if (!sourceValue->IsNull() && !startValue->IsNull() && !deleteValue->IsNull()) { sourceString = ValueToUTF8String(sourceValue.get()); iLength = sourceString.GetLength(); iStart = pdfium::clamp( static_cast(ValueToFloat(pThis, startValue.get())), 1, iLength); iDelete = std::max( 0, static_cast(ValueToFloat(pThis, deleteValue.get()))); } if (argc > 3) { std::unique_ptr insertValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 3); insertString = ValueToUTF8String(insertValue.get()); } iStart -= 1; std::ostringstream resultString; int32_t i = 0; while (i < iStart) { resultString << static_cast(sourceString[i]); ++i; } resultString << insertString.AsStringC(); i = iStart + iDelete; while (i < iLength) { resultString << static_cast(sourceString[i]); ++i; } resultString << '\0'; args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(CFX_ByteStringC(resultString.str().c_str())); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Substr(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 3) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Substr"); return; } std::unique_ptr stringValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr startValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); std::unique_ptr endValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 2); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, stringValue.get()) || (ValueIsNull(pThis, startValue.get())) || (ValueIsNull(pThis, endValue.get()))) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } int32_t iStart = 0; int32_t iCount = 0; CFX_ByteString szSourceStr = ValueToUTF8String(stringValue.get()); int32_t iLength = szSourceStr.GetLength(); if (iLength == 0) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(""); return; } iStart = pdfium::clamp( iLength, 1, static_cast(ValueToFloat(pThis, startValue.get()))); iCount = std::max(0, static_cast(ValueToFloat(pThis, endValue.get()))); iStart -= 1; args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(szSourceStr.Mid(iStart, iCount).AsStringC()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Uuid(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc < 0 || argc > 1) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Uuid"); return; } int32_t iNum = 0; if (argc > 0) { std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); iNum = static_cast(ValueToFloat(pThis, argOne.get())); } FX_GUID guid; FX_GUID_CreateV4(&guid); CFX_ByteString bsUId = FX_GUID_ToString(&guid, !!iNum); args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(bsUId.AsStringC()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Upper(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc < 1 || argc > 2) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Upper"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argOne.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } CFX_WideTextBuf upperStringBuf; CFX_ByteString argString = ValueToUTF8String(argOne.get()); CFX_WideString wsArgString = CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(argString.AsStringC()); const wchar_t* pData = wsArgString.c_str(); FX_STRSIZE i = 0; while (i < wsArgString.GetLength()) { int32_t ch = pData[i]; if ((ch >= 0x61 && ch <= 0x7A) || (ch >= 0xE0 && ch <= 0xFE)) ch -= 32; else if (ch == 0x101 || ch == 0x103 || ch == 0x105) ch -= 1; upperStringBuf.AppendChar(ch); ++i; } upperStringBuf.AppendChar(0); args.GetReturnValue()->SetString( FX_UTF8Encode(upperStringBuf.AsStringC()).AsStringC()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::WordNum(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc < 1 || argc > 3) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"WordNum"); return; } std::unique_ptr numberValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (numberValue->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } float fNumber = ValueToFloat(pThis, numberValue.get()); int32_t iIdentifier = 0; if (argc > 1) { std::unique_ptr identifierValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if (identifierValue->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } iIdentifier = static_cast(ValueToFloat(pThis, identifierValue.get())); } CFX_ByteString localeString; if (argc > 2) { std::unique_ptr localeValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 2); if (localeValue->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } localeString = ValueToUTF8String(localeValue.get()); } if (fNumber < 0.0f || fNumber > 922337203685477550.0f) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetString("*"); return; } CFX_ByteString numberString; numberString.Format("%.2f", fNumber); args.GetReturnValue()->SetString( WordUS(numberString, iIdentifier).AsStringC()); } // static CFX_ByteString CXFA_FM2JSContext::TrillionUS(const CFX_ByteStringC& szData) { std::ostringstream strBuf; CFX_ByteStringC pUnits[] = {"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"}; CFX_ByteStringC pCapUnits[] = {"Zero", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine"}; CFX_ByteStringC pTens[] = {"Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen"}; CFX_ByteStringC pLastTens[] = {"Twenty", "Thirty", "Forty", "Fifty", "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninety"}; CFX_ByteStringC pComm[] = {" Hundred ", " Thousand ", " Million ", " Billion ", "Trillion"}; const char* pData = szData.unterminated_c_str(); int32_t iLength = szData.GetLength(); int32_t iComm = 0; if (iLength > 12) iComm = 4; else if (iLength > 9) iComm = 3; else if (iLength > 6) iComm = 2; else if (iLength > 3) iComm = 1; int32_t iFirstCount = iLength % 3; if (iFirstCount == 0) iFirstCount = 3; int32_t iIndex = 0; if (iFirstCount == 3) { if (pData[iIndex] != '0') { strBuf << pCapUnits[pData[iIndex] - '0']; strBuf << pComm[0]; } if (pData[iIndex + 1] == '0') { strBuf << pCapUnits[pData[iIndex + 2] - '0']; } else { if (pData[iIndex + 1] > '1') { strBuf << pLastTens[pData[iIndex + 1] - '2']; strBuf << "-"; strBuf << pUnits[pData[iIndex + 2] - '0']; } else if (pData[iIndex + 1] == '1') { strBuf << pTens[pData[iIndex + 2] - '0']; } else if (pData[iIndex + 1] == '0') { strBuf << pCapUnits[pData[iIndex + 2] - '0']; } } iIndex += 3; } else if (iFirstCount == 2) { if (pData[iIndex] == '0') { strBuf << pCapUnits[pData[iIndex + 1] - '0']; } else { if (pData[iIndex] > '1') { strBuf << pLastTens[pData[iIndex] - '2']; strBuf << "-"; strBuf << pUnits[pData[iIndex + 1] - '0']; } else if (pData[iIndex] == '1') { strBuf << pTens[pData[iIndex + 1] - '0']; } else if (pData[iIndex] == '0') { strBuf << pCapUnits[pData[iIndex + 1] - '0']; } } iIndex += 2; } else if (iFirstCount == 1) { strBuf << pCapUnits[pData[iIndex] - '0']; iIndex += 1; } if (iLength > 3 && iFirstCount > 0) { strBuf << pComm[iComm]; --iComm; } while (iIndex < iLength) { if (pData[iIndex] != '0') { strBuf << pCapUnits[pData[iIndex] - '0']; strBuf << pComm[0]; } if (pData[iIndex + 1] == '0') { strBuf << pCapUnits[pData[iIndex + 2] - '0']; } else { if (pData[iIndex + 1] > '1') { strBuf << pLastTens[pData[iIndex + 1] - '2']; strBuf << "-"; strBuf << pUnits[pData[iIndex + 2] - '0']; } else if (pData[iIndex + 1] == '1') { strBuf << pTens[pData[iIndex + 2] - '0']; } else if (pData[iIndex + 1] == '0') { strBuf << pCapUnits[pData[iIndex + 2] - '0']; } } if (iIndex < iLength - 3) { strBuf << pComm[iComm]; --iComm; } iIndex += 3; } return CFX_ByteString(strBuf); } // static CFX_ByteString CXFA_FM2JSContext::WordUS(const CFX_ByteString& szData, int32_t iStyle) { const char* pData = szData.c_str(); int32_t iLength = szData.GetLength(); if (iStyle < 0 || iStyle > 2) { return CFX_ByteString(); } std::ostringstream strBuf; int32_t iIndex = 0; while (iIndex < iLength) { if (pData[iIndex] == '.') break; ++iIndex; } int32_t iInteger = iIndex; iIndex = 0; while (iIndex < iInteger) { int32_t iCount = (iInteger - iIndex) % 12; if (!iCount && iInteger - iIndex > 0) iCount = 12; strBuf << TrillionUS(CFX_ByteStringC(pData + iIndex, iCount)); iIndex += iCount; if (iIndex < iInteger) strBuf << " Trillion "; } if (iStyle > 0) strBuf << " Dollars"; if (iStyle > 1 && iInteger < iLength) { strBuf << " And "; iIndex = iInteger + 1; while (iIndex < iLength) { int32_t iCount = (iLength - iIndex) % 12; if (!iCount && iLength - iIndex > 0) iCount = 12; strBuf << TrillionUS(CFX_ByteStringC(pData + iIndex, iCount)); iIndex += iCount; if (iIndex < iLength) strBuf << " Trillion "; } strBuf << " Cents"; } return CFX_ByteString(strBuf); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Get(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); if (args.GetLength() != 1) { pContext->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Get"); return; } CXFA_Document* pDoc = pContext->GetDocument(); if (!pDoc) return; IXFA_AppProvider* pAppProvider = pDoc->GetNotify()->GetAppProvider(); if (!pAppProvider) return; std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); CFX_ByteString urlString = ValueToUTF8String(argOne.get()); CFX_RetainPtr pFile = pAppProvider->DownloadURL( CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(urlString.AsStringC())); if (!pFile) return; int32_t size = pFile->GetSize(); std::vector dataBuf(size); pFile->ReadBlock(dataBuf.data(), size); args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(CFX_ByteStringC(dataBuf)); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Post(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc < 2 || argc > 5) { pContext->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Post"); return; } CXFA_Document* pDoc = pContext->GetDocument(); if (!pDoc) return; IXFA_AppProvider* pAppProvider = pDoc->GetNotify()->GetAppProvider(); if (!pAppProvider) return; std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); CFX_ByteString bsURL = ValueToUTF8String(argOne.get()); std::unique_ptr argTwo = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); CFX_ByteString bsData = ValueToUTF8String(argTwo.get()); CFX_ByteString bsContentType; if (argc > 2) { std::unique_ptr argThree = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 2); bsContentType = ValueToUTF8String(argThree.get()); } CFX_ByteString bsEncode; if (argc > 3) { std::unique_ptr argFour = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 3); bsEncode = ValueToUTF8String(argFour.get()); } CFX_ByteString bsHeader; if (argc > 4) { std::unique_ptr argFive = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 4); bsHeader = ValueToUTF8String(argFive.get()); } CFX_WideString decodedResponse; if (!pAppProvider->PostRequestURL( CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(bsURL.AsStringC()), CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(bsData.AsStringC()), CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(bsContentType.AsStringC()), CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(bsEncode.AsStringC()), CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(bsHeader.AsStringC()), decodedResponse)) { pContext->ThrowServerDeniedException(); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(decodedResponse.UTF8Encode().AsStringC()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::Put(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc < 2 || argc > 3) { pContext->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Put"); return; } CXFA_Document* pDoc = pContext->GetDocument(); if (!pDoc) return; IXFA_AppProvider* pAppProvider = pDoc->GetNotify()->GetAppProvider(); if (!pAppProvider) return; std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); CFX_ByteString bsURL = ValueToUTF8String(argOne.get()); std::unique_ptr argTwo = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); CFX_ByteString bsData = ValueToUTF8String(argTwo.get()); CFX_ByteString bsEncode; if (argc > 2) { std::unique_ptr argThree = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 2); bsEncode = ValueToUTF8String(argThree.get()); } if (!pAppProvider->PutRequestURL( CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(bsURL.AsStringC()), CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(bsData.AsStringC()), CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(bsEncode.AsStringC()))) { pContext->ThrowServerDeniedException(); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetString(""); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::assign_value_operator(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); if (args.GetLength() != 2) { pContext->ThrowCompilerErrorException(); return; } std::unique_ptr lValue = args.GetValue(0); std::unique_ptr rValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if (lValue->IsArray()) { v8::Isolate* pIsolate = pContext->GetScriptRuntime(); auto leftLengthValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); lValue->GetObjectProperty("length", leftLengthValue.get()); int32_t iLeftLength = leftLengthValue->ToInteger(); auto jsObjectValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); auto propertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); lValue->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(1, propertyValue.get()); if (propertyValue->IsNull()) { for (int32_t i = 2; i < iLeftLength; i++) { lValue->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(i, jsObjectValue.get()); if (!SetObjectDefaultValue(jsObjectValue.get(), rValue.get())) { pContext->ThrowNoDefaultPropertyException(szFuncName); return; } } } else { for (int32_t i = 2; i < iLeftLength; i++) { lValue->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(i, jsObjectValue.get()); jsObjectValue->SetObjectProperty(propertyValue->ToString().AsStringC(), rValue.get()); } } } else if (lValue->IsObject()) { if (!SetObjectDefaultValue(lValue.get(), rValue.get())) { pContext->ThrowNoDefaultPropertyException(szFuncName); return; } } args.GetReturnValue()->Assign(rValue.get()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::logical_or_operator(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 2) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowCompilerErrorException(); return; } std::unique_ptr argFirst = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argSecond = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if (argFirst->IsNull() && argSecond->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } float first = ValueToFloat(pThis, argFirst.get()); float second = ValueToFloat(pThis, argSecond.get()); args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger((first || second) ? 1 : 0); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::logical_and_operator(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 2) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowCompilerErrorException(); return; } std::unique_ptr argFirst = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argSecond = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if (argFirst->IsNull() && argSecond->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } float first = ValueToFloat(pThis, argFirst.get()); float second = ValueToFloat(pThis, argSecond.get()); args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger((first && second) ? 1 : 0); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::equality_operator(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 2) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowCompilerErrorException(); return; } if (fm_ref_equal(pThis, args)) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger(1); return; } std::unique_ptr argFirst = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argSecond = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if (argFirst->IsNull() || argSecond->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger( (argFirst->IsNull() && argSecond->IsNull()) ? 1 : 0); return; } if (argFirst->IsString() && argSecond->IsString()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger(argFirst->ToString() == argSecond->ToString()); return; } double first = ValueToDouble(pThis, argFirst.get()); double second = ValueToDouble(pThis, argSecond.get()); args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger((first == second) ? 1 : 0); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::notequality_operator(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 2) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowCompilerErrorException(); return; } if (fm_ref_equal(pThis, args)) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger(0); return; } std::unique_ptr argFirst = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argSecond = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if (argFirst->IsNull() || argSecond->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger( (argFirst->IsNull() && argSecond->IsNull()) ? 0 : 1); return; } if (argFirst->IsString() && argSecond->IsString()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger(argFirst->ToString() != argSecond->ToString()); return; } double first = ValueToDouble(pThis, argFirst.get()); double second = ValueToDouble(pThis, argSecond.get()); args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger(first != second); } // static bool CXFA_FM2JSContext::fm_ref_equal(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { std::unique_ptr argFirst = args.GetValue(0); std::unique_ptr argSecond = args.GetValue(1); if (!argFirst->IsArray() || !argSecond->IsArray()) return false; v8::Isolate* pIsolate = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->GetScriptRuntime(); auto firstFlagValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); auto secondFlagValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argFirst->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(0, firstFlagValue.get()); argSecond->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(0, secondFlagValue.get()); if (firstFlagValue->ToInteger() != 3 || secondFlagValue->ToInteger() != 3) return false; auto firstJSObject = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); auto secondJSObject = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argFirst->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(2, firstJSObject.get()); argSecond->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(2, secondJSObject.get()); if (firstJSObject->IsNull() || secondJSObject->IsNull()) return false; return (firstJSObject->ToHostObject(nullptr) == secondJSObject->ToHostObject(nullptr)); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::less_operator(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 2) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowCompilerErrorException(); return; } std::unique_ptr argFirst = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argSecond = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if (argFirst->IsNull() || argSecond->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger(0); return; } if (argFirst->IsString() && argSecond->IsString()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger( argFirst->ToString().Compare(argSecond->ToString().AsStringC()) == -1); return; } double first = ValueToDouble(pThis, argFirst.get()); double second = ValueToDouble(pThis, argSecond.get()); args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger((first < second) ? 1 : 0); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::lessequal_operator(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 2) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowCompilerErrorException(); return; } std::unique_ptr argFirst = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argSecond = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if (argFirst->IsNull() || argSecond->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger( (argFirst->IsNull() && argSecond->IsNull()) ? 1 : 0); return; } if (argFirst->IsString() && argSecond->IsString()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger( argFirst->ToString().Compare(argSecond->ToString().AsStringC()) != 1); return; } double first = ValueToDouble(pThis, argFirst.get()); double second = ValueToDouble(pThis, argSecond.get()); args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger((first <= second) ? 1 : 0); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::greater_operator(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 2) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowCompilerErrorException(); return; } std::unique_ptr argFirst = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argSecond = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if (argFirst->IsNull() || argSecond->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger(0); return; } if (argFirst->IsString() && argSecond->IsString()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger( argFirst->ToString().Compare(argSecond->ToString().AsStringC()) == 1); return; } double first = ValueToDouble(pThis, argFirst.get()); double second = ValueToDouble(pThis, argSecond.get()); args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger((first > second) ? 1 : 0); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::greaterequal_operator(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 2) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowCompilerErrorException(); return; } std::unique_ptr argFirst = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argSecond = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if (argFirst->IsNull() || argSecond->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger( (argFirst->IsNull() && argSecond->IsNull()) ? 1 : 0); return; } if (argFirst->IsString() && argSecond->IsString()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger( argFirst->ToString().Compare(argSecond->ToString().AsStringC()) != -1); return; } double first = ValueToDouble(pThis, argFirst.get()); double second = ValueToDouble(pThis, argSecond.get()); args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger((first >= second) ? 1 : 0); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::plus_operator(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 2) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowCompilerErrorException(); return; } std::unique_ptr argFirst = args.GetValue(0); std::unique_ptr argSecond = args.GetValue(1); if (ValueIsNull(pThis, argFirst.get()) && ValueIsNull(pThis, argSecond.get())) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } double first = ValueToDouble(pThis, argFirst.get()); double second = ValueToDouble(pThis, argSecond.get()); args.GetReturnValue()->SetDouble(first + second); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::minus_operator(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 2) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowCompilerErrorException(); return; } std::unique_ptr argFirst = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argSecond = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if (argFirst->IsNull() && argSecond->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } double first = ValueToDouble(pThis, argFirst.get()); double second = ValueToDouble(pThis, argSecond.get()); args.GetReturnValue()->SetDouble(first - second); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::multiple_operator(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 2) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowCompilerErrorException(); return; } std::unique_ptr argFirst = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argSecond = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if (argFirst->IsNull() && argSecond->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } double first = ValueToDouble(pThis, argFirst.get()); double second = ValueToDouble(pThis, argSecond.get()); args.GetReturnValue()->SetDouble(first * second); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::divide_operator(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); if (args.GetLength() != 2) { pContext->ThrowCompilerErrorException(); return; } std::unique_ptr argFirst = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); std::unique_ptr argSecond = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 1); if (argFirst->IsNull() && argSecond->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } double second = ValueToDouble(pThis, argSecond.get()); if (second == 0.0) { pContext->ThrowDivideByZeroException(); return; } double first = ValueToDouble(pThis, argFirst.get()); args.GetReturnValue()->SetDouble(first / second); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::positive_operator(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 1) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowCompilerErrorException(); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (argOne->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetDouble(0.0 + ValueToDouble(pThis, argOne.get())); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::negative_operator(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 1) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowCompilerErrorException(); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (argOne->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetDouble(0.0 - ValueToDouble(pThis, argOne.get())); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::logical_not_operator(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 1) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowCompilerErrorException(); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); if (argOne->IsNull()) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetNull(); return; } double first = ValueToDouble(pThis, argOne.get()); args.GetReturnValue()->SetInteger((first == 0.0) ? 1 : 0); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::dot_accessor(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); v8::Isolate* pIsolate = pContext->GetScriptRuntime(); int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc < 4 || argc > 5) { pContext->ThrowCompilerErrorException(); return; } bool bIsStar = true; int32_t iIndexValue = 0; if (argc > 4) { bIsStar = false; iIndexValue = ValueToInteger(pThis, args.GetValue(4).get()); } CFX_ByteString szName = args.GetUTF8String(2); CFX_ByteString szSomExp = GenerateSomExpression( szName.AsStringC(), args.GetInt32(3), iIndexValue, bIsStar); std::unique_ptr argAccessor = args.GetValue(0); if (argAccessor->IsArray()) { auto pLengthValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argAccessor->GetObjectProperty("length", pLengthValue.get()); int32_t iLength = pLengthValue->ToInteger(); if (iLength < 3) { pContext->ThrowArgumentMismatchException(); return; } auto hJSObjValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); std::vector>> resolveValues( iLength - 2); bool bAttribute = false; int32_t iCounter = 0; for (int32_t i = 2; i < iLength; i++) { argAccessor->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(i, hJSObjValue.get()); XFA_RESOLVENODE_RS resoveNodeRS; if (ResolveObjects(pThis, hJSObjValue.get(), szSomExp.AsStringC(), resoveNodeRS, true, szName.IsEmpty()) > 0) { ParseResolveResult(pThis, resoveNodeRS, hJSObjValue.get(), &resolveValues[i - 2], &bAttribute); iCounter += resolveValues[i - 2].size(); } } if (iCounter < 1) { pContext->ThrowPropertyNotInObjectException( CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(szName.AsStringC()), CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(szSomExp.AsStringC())); return; } std::vector> values; for (int32_t i = 0; i < iCounter + 2; i++) values.push_back(pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate)); values[0]->SetInteger(1); if (bAttribute) values[1]->SetString(szName.AsStringC()); else values[1]->SetNull(); int32_t iIndex = 2; for (int32_t i = 0; i < iLength - 2; i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < resolveValues[i].size(); j++) { values[iIndex]->Assign(resolveValues[i][j].get()); iIndex++; } } args.GetReturnValue()->SetArray(values); return; } XFA_RESOLVENODE_RS resoveNodeRS; int32_t iRet = 0; CFX_ByteString bsAccessorName = args.GetUTF8String(1); if (argAccessor->IsObject() || (argAccessor->IsNull() && bsAccessorName.IsEmpty())) { iRet = ResolveObjects(pThis, argAccessor.get(), szSomExp.AsStringC(), resoveNodeRS, true, szName.IsEmpty()); } else if (!argAccessor->IsObject() && !bsAccessorName.IsEmpty() && GetObjectForName(pThis, argAccessor.get(), bsAccessorName.AsStringC())) { iRet = ResolveObjects(pThis, argAccessor.get(), szSomExp.AsStringC(), resoveNodeRS, true, szName.IsEmpty()); } if (iRet < 1) { pContext->ThrowPropertyNotInObjectException( CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(szName.AsStringC()), CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(szSomExp.AsStringC())); return; } std::vector> resolveValues; bool bAttribute = false; ParseResolveResult(pThis, resoveNodeRS, argAccessor.get(), &resolveValues, &bAttribute); std::vector> values; for (size_t i = 0; i < resolveValues.size() + 2; i++) values.push_back(pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate)); values[0]->SetInteger(1); if (bAttribute) values[1]->SetString(szName.AsStringC()); else values[1]->SetNull(); for (size_t i = 0; i < resolveValues.size(); i++) values[i + 2]->Assign(resolveValues[i].get()); args.GetReturnValue()->SetArray(values); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::dotdot_accessor(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); v8::Isolate* pIsolate = pContext->GetScriptRuntime(); int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); if (argc < 4 || argc > 5) { pContext->ThrowCompilerErrorException(); return; } bool bIsStar = true; int32_t iIndexValue = 0; if (argc > 4) { bIsStar = false; iIndexValue = ValueToInteger(pThis, args.GetValue(4).get()); } CFX_ByteString szName = args.GetUTF8String(2); CFX_ByteString szSomExp = GenerateSomExpression( szName.AsStringC(), args.GetInt32(3), iIndexValue, bIsStar); std::unique_ptr argAccessor = args.GetValue(0); if (argAccessor->IsArray()) { auto pLengthValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argAccessor->GetObjectProperty("length", pLengthValue.get()); int32_t iLength = pLengthValue->ToInteger(); if (iLength < 3) { pContext->ThrowArgumentMismatchException(); return; } int32_t iCounter = 0; std::vector>> resolveValues( iLength - 2); auto hJSObjValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); bool bAttribute = false; for (int32_t i = 2; i < iLength; i++) { argAccessor->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(i, hJSObjValue.get()); XFA_RESOLVENODE_RS resoveNodeRS; if (ResolveObjects(pThis, hJSObjValue.get(), szSomExp.AsStringC(), resoveNodeRS, false) > 0) { ParseResolveResult(pThis, resoveNodeRS, hJSObjValue.get(), &resolveValues[i - 2], &bAttribute); iCounter += resolveValues[i - 2].size(); } } if (iCounter < 1) { pContext->ThrowPropertyNotInObjectException( CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(szName.AsStringC()), CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(szSomExp.AsStringC())); return; } std::vector> values; for (int32_t i = 0; i < iCounter + 2; i++) values.push_back(pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate)); values[0]->SetInteger(1); if (bAttribute) values[1]->SetString(szName.AsStringC()); else values[1]->SetNull(); int32_t iIndex = 2; for (int32_t i = 0; i < iLength - 2; i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < resolveValues[i].size(); j++) { values[iIndex]->Assign(resolveValues[i][j].get()); iIndex++; } } args.GetReturnValue()->SetArray(values); return; } XFA_RESOLVENODE_RS resoveNodeRS; int32_t iRet = 0; CFX_ByteString bsAccessorName = args.GetUTF8String(1); if (argAccessor->IsObject() || (argAccessor->IsNull() && bsAccessorName.IsEmpty())) { iRet = ResolveObjects(pThis, argAccessor.get(), szSomExp.AsStringC(), resoveNodeRS, false); } else if (!argAccessor->IsObject() && !bsAccessorName.IsEmpty() && GetObjectForName(pThis, argAccessor.get(), bsAccessorName.AsStringC())) { iRet = ResolveObjects(pThis, argAccessor.get(), szSomExp.AsStringC(), resoveNodeRS, false); } if (iRet < 1) { pContext->ThrowPropertyNotInObjectException( CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(szName.AsStringC()), CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(szSomExp.AsStringC())); return; } std::vector> resolveValues; bool bAttribute = false; ParseResolveResult(pThis, resoveNodeRS, argAccessor.get(), &resolveValues, &bAttribute); std::vector> values; for (size_t i = 0; i < resolveValues.size() + 2; i++) values.push_back(pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate)); values[0]->SetInteger(1); if (bAttribute) values[1]->SetString(szName.AsStringC()); else values[1]->SetNull(); for (size_t i = 0; i < resolveValues.size(); i++) values[i + 2]->Assign(resolveValues[i].get()); args.GetReturnValue()->SetArray(values); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::eval_translation(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); if (args.GetLength() != 1) { pContext->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"Eval"); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); CFX_ByteString argString = ValueToUTF8String(argOne.get()); if (argString.IsEmpty()) { pContext->ThrowArgumentMismatchException(); return; } CFX_WideString scriptString = CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(argString.AsStringC()); CFX_WideTextBuf wsJavaScriptBuf; if (!CXFA_FM2JSContext::Translate(scriptString.AsStringC(), &wsJavaScriptBuf)) { pContext->ThrowCompilerErrorException(); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetString( FX_UTF8Encode(wsJavaScriptBuf.AsStringC()).AsStringC()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::is_fm_object(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 1) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetBoolean(false); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = args.GetValue(0); args.GetReturnValue()->SetBoolean(argOne->IsObject()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::is_fm_array(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 1) { args.GetReturnValue()->SetBoolean(false); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = args.GetValue(0); args.GetReturnValue()->SetBoolean(argOne->IsArray()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::get_fm_value(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); if (args.GetLength() != 1) { pContext->ThrowCompilerErrorException(); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = args.GetValue(0); if (argOne->IsArray()) { v8::Isolate* pIsolate = pContext->GetScriptRuntime(); auto propertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); auto jsObjectValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argOne->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(1, propertyValue.get()); argOne->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(2, jsObjectValue.get()); if (propertyValue->IsNull()) { GetObjectDefaultValue(jsObjectValue.get(), args.GetReturnValue()); return; } jsObjectValue->GetObjectProperty(propertyValue->ToString().AsStringC(), args.GetReturnValue()); return; } if (argOne->IsObject()) { GetObjectDefaultValue(argOne.get(), args.GetReturnValue()); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->Assign(argOne.get()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::get_fm_jsobj(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { if (args.GetLength() != 1) { ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->ThrowCompilerErrorException(); return; } std::unique_ptr argOne = args.GetValue(0); if (!argOne->IsArray()) { args.GetReturnValue()->Assign(argOne.get()); return; } #ifndef NDEBUG CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); v8::Isolate* pIsolate = pContext->GetScriptRuntime(); auto lengthValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argOne->GetObjectProperty("length", lengthValue.get()); ASSERT(lengthValue->ToInteger() >= 3); #endif argOne->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(2, args.GetReturnValue()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::fm_var_filter(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); if (args.GetLength() != 1) { pContext->ThrowCompilerErrorException(); return; } v8::Isolate* pIsolate = pContext->GetScriptRuntime(); std::unique_ptr argOne = args.GetValue(0); if (!argOne->IsArray()) { std::unique_ptr simpleValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); args.GetReturnValue()->Assign(simpleValue.get()); return; } #ifndef NDEBUG auto lengthValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argOne->GetObjectProperty("length", lengthValue.get()); ASSERT(lengthValue->ToInteger() >= 3); #endif auto flagsValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argOne->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(0, flagsValue.get()); int32_t iFlags = flagsValue->ToInteger(); if (iFlags != 3 && iFlags != 4) { std::unique_ptr simpleValue = GetSimpleValue(pThis, args, 0); args.GetReturnValue()->Assign(simpleValue.get()); return; } if (iFlags == 4) { std::vector> values; for (int32_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) values.push_back(pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate)); values[0]->SetInteger(3); values[1]->SetNull(); values[2]->SetNull(); args.GetReturnValue()->SetArray(values); return; } auto objectValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argOne->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(2, objectValue.get()); if (objectValue->IsNull()) { pContext->ThrowCompilerErrorException(); return; } args.GetReturnValue()->Assign(argOne.get()); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::concat_fm_object(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const CFX_ByteStringC& szFuncName, CFXJSE_Arguments& args) { v8::Isolate* pIsolate = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->GetScriptRuntime(); uint32_t iLength = 0; int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); std::vector> argValues; for (int32_t i = 0; i < argc; i++) { argValues.push_back(args.GetValue(i)); if (argValues[i]->IsArray()) { auto lengthValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argValues[i]->GetObjectProperty("length", lengthValue.get()); int32_t length = lengthValue->ToInteger(); iLength = iLength + ((length > 2) ? (length - 2) : 0); } iLength += 1; } std::vector> returnValues; for (int32_t i = 0; i < (int32_t)iLength; i++) returnValues.push_back(pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate)); int32_t index = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (argValues[i]->IsArray()) { auto lengthValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argValues[i]->GetObjectProperty("length", lengthValue.get()); int32_t length = lengthValue->ToInteger(); for (int32_t j = 2; j < length; j++) { argValues[i]->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(j, returnValues[index].get()); index++; } } returnValues[index]->Assign(argValues[i].get()); index++; } args.GetReturnValue()->SetArray(returnValues); } // static std::unique_ptr CXFA_FM2JSContext::GetSimpleValue( CFXJSE_Value* pThis, CFXJSE_Arguments& args, uint32_t index) { v8::Isolate* pIsolate = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->GetScriptRuntime(); ASSERT(index < (uint32_t)args.GetLength()); std::unique_ptr argIndex = args.GetValue(index); if (!argIndex->IsArray() && !argIndex->IsObject()) return argIndex; if (argIndex->IsArray()) { auto lengthValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argIndex->GetObjectProperty("length", lengthValue.get()); int32_t iLength = lengthValue->ToInteger(); auto simpleValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); if (iLength < 3) { simpleValue.get()->SetUndefined(); return simpleValue; } auto propertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); auto jsObjectValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argIndex->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(1, propertyValue.get()); argIndex->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(2, jsObjectValue.get()); if (propertyValue->IsNull()) { GetObjectDefaultValue(jsObjectValue.get(), simpleValue.get()); return simpleValue; } jsObjectValue->GetObjectProperty(propertyValue->ToString().AsStringC(), simpleValue.get()); return simpleValue; } auto defaultValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); GetObjectDefaultValue(argIndex.get(), defaultValue.get()); return defaultValue; } // static bool CXFA_FM2JSContext::ValueIsNull(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, CFXJSE_Value* arg) { if (!arg || arg->IsNull()) return true; if (!arg->IsArray() && !arg->IsObject()) return false; v8::Isolate* pIsolate = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->GetScriptRuntime(); if (arg->IsArray()) { int32_t iLength = hvalue_get_array_length(pThis, arg); if (iLength < 3) return true; auto propertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); auto jsObjectValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); arg->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(1, propertyValue.get()); arg->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(2, jsObjectValue.get()); if (propertyValue->IsNull()) { auto defaultValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); GetObjectDefaultValue(jsObjectValue.get(), defaultValue.get()); return defaultValue->IsNull(); } auto newPropertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); jsObjectValue->GetObjectProperty(propertyValue->ToString().AsStringC(), newPropertyValue.get()); return newPropertyValue->IsNull(); } auto defaultValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); GetObjectDefaultValue(arg, defaultValue.get()); return defaultValue->IsNull(); } // static int32_t CXFA_FM2JSContext::hvalue_get_array_length(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, CFXJSE_Value* arg) { if (!arg || !arg->IsArray()) return 0; v8::Isolate* pIsolate = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->GetScriptRuntime(); auto lengthValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); arg->GetObjectProperty("length", lengthValue.get()); return lengthValue->ToInteger(); } // static bool CXFA_FM2JSContext::simpleValueCompare(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, CFXJSE_Value* firstValue, CFXJSE_Value* secondValue) { if (!firstValue) return false; if (firstValue->IsString()) { CFX_ByteString firstString = ValueToUTF8String(firstValue); CFX_ByteString secondString = ValueToUTF8String(secondValue); return firstString == secondString; } if (firstValue->IsNumber()) { float first = ValueToFloat(pThis, firstValue); float second = ValueToFloat(pThis, secondValue); return first == second; } if (firstValue->IsBoolean()) return firstValue->ToBoolean() == secondValue->ToBoolean(); return firstValue->IsNull() && secondValue && secondValue->IsNull(); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::unfoldArgs( CFXJSE_Value* pThis, CFXJSE_Arguments& args, std::vector>* resultValues, int32_t iStart) { resultValues->clear(); int32_t iCount = 0; v8::Isolate* pIsolate = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->GetScriptRuntime(); int32_t argc = args.GetLength(); std::vector> argsValue; for (int32_t i = 0; i < argc - iStart; i++) { argsValue.push_back(args.GetValue(i + iStart)); if (argsValue[i]->IsArray()) { auto lengthValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argsValue[i]->GetObjectProperty("length", lengthValue.get()); int32_t iLength = lengthValue->ToInteger(); iCount += ((iLength > 2) ? (iLength - 2) : 0); } else { iCount += 1; } } for (int32_t i = 0; i < iCount; i++) resultValues->push_back(pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate)); int32_t index = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < argc - iStart; i++) { if (argsValue[i]->IsArray()) { auto lengthValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argsValue[i]->GetObjectProperty("length", lengthValue.get()); int32_t iLength = lengthValue->ToInteger(); if (iLength < 3) continue; auto propertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); auto jsObjectValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); argsValue[i]->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(1, propertyValue.get()); if (propertyValue->IsNull()) { for (int32_t j = 2; j < iLength; j++) { argsValue[i]->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(j, jsObjectValue.get()); GetObjectDefaultValue(jsObjectValue.get(), (*resultValues)[index].get()); index++; } } else { for (int32_t j = 2; j < iLength; j++) { argsValue[i]->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(j, jsObjectValue.get()); jsObjectValue->GetObjectProperty( propertyValue->ToString().AsStringC(), (*resultValues)[index].get()); index++; } } } else if (argsValue[i]->IsObject()) { GetObjectDefaultValue(argsValue[i].get(), (*resultValues)[index].get()); index++; } else { (*resultValues)[index]->Assign(argsValue[i].get()); index++; } } } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::GetObjectDefaultValue(CFXJSE_Value* pValue, CFXJSE_Value* pDefaultValue) { CXFA_Node* pNode = ToNode(CXFA_ScriptContext::ToObject(pValue, nullptr)); if (!pNode) { pDefaultValue->SetNull(); return; } pNode->Script_Som_DefaultValue(pDefaultValue, false, (XFA_ATTRIBUTE)-1); } // static bool CXFA_FM2JSContext::SetObjectDefaultValue(CFXJSE_Value* pValue, CFXJSE_Value* hNewValue) { CXFA_Node* pNode = ToNode(CXFA_ScriptContext::ToObject(pValue, nullptr)); if (!pNode) return false; pNode->Script_Som_DefaultValue(hNewValue, true, (XFA_ATTRIBUTE)-1); return true; } // static CFX_ByteString CXFA_FM2JSContext::GenerateSomExpression( const CFX_ByteStringC& szName, int32_t iIndexFlags, int32_t iIndexValue, bool bIsStar) { if (bIsStar) return CFX_ByteString(szName, "[*]"); if (iIndexFlags == 0) return CFX_ByteString(szName); if (iIndexFlags == 1 || iIndexValue == 0) { return CFX_ByteString(szName, "[") + CFX_ByteString::FormatInteger(iIndexValue) + "]"; } CFX_ByteString szSomExp; if (iIndexFlags == 2) { szSomExp = (iIndexValue < 0) ? (szName + "[-") : (szName + "[+"); iIndexValue = (iIndexValue < 0) ? (0 - iIndexValue) : iIndexValue; szSomExp += CFX_ByteString::FormatInteger(iIndexValue); szSomExp += "]"; } else { szSomExp = (iIndexValue < 0) ? (szName + "[") : (szName + "[-"); iIndexValue = (iIndexValue < 0) ? (0 - iIndexValue) : iIndexValue; szSomExp += CFX_ByteString::FormatInteger(iIndexValue); szSomExp += "]"; } return szSomExp; } // static bool CXFA_FM2JSContext::GetObjectForName( CFXJSE_Value* pThis, CFXJSE_Value* accessorValue, const CFX_ByteStringC& szAccessorName) { CXFA_Document* pDoc = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->GetDocument(); if (!pDoc) return false; CXFA_ScriptContext* pScriptContext = pDoc->GetScriptContext(); XFA_RESOLVENODE_RS resoveNodeRS; uint32_t dwFlags = XFA_RESOLVENODE_Children | XFA_RESOLVENODE_Properties | XFA_RESOLVENODE_Siblings | XFA_RESOLVENODE_Parent; int32_t iRet = pScriptContext->ResolveObjects( pScriptContext->GetThisObject(), CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(szAccessorName).AsStringC(), resoveNodeRS, dwFlags); if (iRet >= 1 && resoveNodeRS.dwFlags == XFA_RESOVENODE_RSTYPE_Nodes) { accessorValue->Assign( pScriptContext->GetJSValueFromMap(resoveNodeRS.objects.front())); return true; } return false; } // static int32_t CXFA_FM2JSContext::ResolveObjects(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, CFXJSE_Value* pRefValue, const CFX_ByteStringC& bsSomExp, XFA_RESOLVENODE_RS& resoveNodeRS, bool bdotAccessor, bool bHasNoResolveName) { CXFA_Document* pDoc = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->GetDocument(); if (!pDoc) return -1; CFX_WideString wsSomExpression = CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(bsSomExp); CXFA_ScriptContext* pScriptContext = pDoc->GetScriptContext(); CXFA_Object* pNode = nullptr; uint32_t dFlags = 0UL; if (bdotAccessor) { if (pRefValue && pRefValue->IsNull()) { pNode = pScriptContext->GetThisObject(); dFlags = XFA_RESOLVENODE_Siblings | XFA_RESOLVENODE_Parent; } else { pNode = CXFA_ScriptContext::ToObject(pRefValue, nullptr); ASSERT(pNode); if (bHasNoResolveName) { CFX_WideString wsName; if (CXFA_Node* pXFANode = pNode->AsNode()) pXFANode->GetAttribute(XFA_ATTRIBUTE_Name, wsName, false); if (wsName.IsEmpty()) wsName = L"#" + pNode->GetClassName(); wsSomExpression = wsName + wsSomExpression; dFlags = XFA_RESOLVENODE_Siblings; } else { dFlags = (bsSomExp == "*") ? (XFA_RESOLVENODE_Children) : (XFA_RESOLVENODE_Children | XFA_RESOLVENODE_Attributes | XFA_RESOLVENODE_Properties); } } } else { pNode = CXFA_ScriptContext::ToObject(pRefValue, nullptr); dFlags = XFA_RESOLVENODE_AnyChild; } return pScriptContext->ResolveObjects(pNode, wsSomExpression.AsStringC(), resoveNodeRS, dFlags); } // static void CXFA_FM2JSContext::ParseResolveResult( CFXJSE_Value* pThis, const XFA_RESOLVENODE_RS& resoveNodeRS, CFXJSE_Value* pParentValue, std::vector>* resultValues, bool* bAttribute) { ASSERT(bAttribute); resultValues->clear(); CXFA_FM2JSContext* pContext = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr); v8::Isolate* pIsolate = pContext->GetScriptRuntime(); if (resoveNodeRS.dwFlags == XFA_RESOVENODE_RSTYPE_Nodes) { *bAttribute = false; CXFA_ScriptContext* pScriptContext = pContext->GetDocument()->GetScriptContext(); for (CXFA_Object* pObject : resoveNodeRS.objects) { resultValues->push_back(pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate)); resultValues->back()->Assign(pScriptContext->GetJSValueFromMap(pObject)); } return; } CXFA_ValueArray objectProperties(pIsolate); int32_t iRet = resoveNodeRS.GetAttributeResult(&objectProperties); *bAttribute = true; if (iRet != 0) { *bAttribute = false; for (int32_t i = 0; i < iRet; i++) { resultValues->push_back(pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate)); resultValues->back()->Assign(objectProperties.m_Values[i].get()); } return; } if (!pParentValue || !pParentValue->IsObject()) return; resultValues->push_back(pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate)); resultValues->back()->Assign(pParentValue); } // static int32_t CXFA_FM2JSContext::ValueToInteger(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, CFXJSE_Value* pValue) { if (!pValue) return 0; v8::Isolate* pIsolate = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->GetScriptRuntime(); if (pValue->IsArray()) { auto propertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); auto jsObjectValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); auto newPropertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); pValue->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(1, propertyValue.get()); pValue->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(2, jsObjectValue.get()); if (propertyValue->IsNull()) { GetObjectDefaultValue(jsObjectValue.get(), newPropertyValue.get()); return ValueToInteger(pThis, newPropertyValue.get()); } jsObjectValue->GetObjectProperty(propertyValue->ToString().AsStringC(), newPropertyValue.get()); return ValueToInteger(pThis, newPropertyValue.get()); } if (pValue->IsObject()) { auto newPropertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); GetObjectDefaultValue(pValue, newPropertyValue.get()); return ValueToInteger(pThis, newPropertyValue.get()); } if (pValue->IsString()) return FXSYS_atoi(pValue->ToString().c_str()); return pValue->ToInteger(); } // static float CXFA_FM2JSContext::ValueToFloat(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, CFXJSE_Value* arg) { if (!arg) return 0.0f; v8::Isolate* pIsolate = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->GetScriptRuntime(); if (arg->IsArray()) { auto propertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); auto jsObjectValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); auto newPropertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); arg->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(1, propertyValue.get()); arg->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(2, jsObjectValue.get()); if (propertyValue->IsNull()) { GetObjectDefaultValue(jsObjectValue.get(), newPropertyValue.get()); return ValueToFloat(pThis, newPropertyValue.get()); } jsObjectValue->GetObjectProperty(propertyValue->ToString().AsStringC(), newPropertyValue.get()); return ValueToFloat(pThis, newPropertyValue.get()); } if (arg->IsObject()) { auto newPropertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); GetObjectDefaultValue(arg, newPropertyValue.get()); return ValueToFloat(pThis, newPropertyValue.get()); } if (arg->IsString()) return (float)XFA_ByteStringToDouble(arg->ToString().AsStringC()); if (arg->IsUndefined()) return 0; return arg->ToFloat(); } // static double CXFA_FM2JSContext::ValueToDouble(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, CFXJSE_Value* arg) { if (!arg) return 0; v8::Isolate* pIsolate = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->GetScriptRuntime(); if (arg->IsArray()) { auto propertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); auto jsObjectValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); auto newPropertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); arg->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(1, propertyValue.get()); arg->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(2, jsObjectValue.get()); if (propertyValue->IsNull()) { GetObjectDefaultValue(jsObjectValue.get(), newPropertyValue.get()); return ValueToDouble(pThis, newPropertyValue.get()); } jsObjectValue->GetObjectProperty(propertyValue->ToString().AsStringC(), newPropertyValue.get()); return ValueToDouble(pThis, newPropertyValue.get()); } if (arg->IsObject()) { auto newPropertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); GetObjectDefaultValue(arg, newPropertyValue.get()); return ValueToDouble(pThis, newPropertyValue.get()); } if (arg->IsString()) return XFA_ByteStringToDouble(arg->ToString().AsStringC()); if (arg->IsUndefined()) return 0; return arg->ToDouble(); } // static. double CXFA_FM2JSContext::ExtractDouble(CFXJSE_Value* pThis, CFXJSE_Value* src, bool* ret) { ASSERT(ret); *ret = true; if (!src) return 0; if (!src->IsArray()) return ValueToDouble(pThis, src); v8::Isolate* pIsolate = ToJSContext(pThis, nullptr)->GetScriptRuntime(); auto lengthValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); src->GetObjectProperty("length", lengthValue.get()); int32_t iLength = lengthValue->ToInteger(); if (iLength <= 2) { *ret = false; return 0.0; } auto propertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); auto jsObjectValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); src->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(1, propertyValue.get()); src->GetObjectPropertyByIdx(2, jsObjectValue.get()); if (propertyValue->IsNull()) return ValueToDouble(pThis, jsObjectValue.get()); auto newPropertyValue = pdfium::MakeUnique(pIsolate); jsObjectValue->GetObjectProperty(propertyValue->ToString().AsStringC(), newPropertyValue.get()); return ValueToDouble(pThis, newPropertyValue.get()); } // static CFX_ByteString CXFA_FM2JSContext::ValueToUTF8String(CFXJSE_Value* arg) { if (!arg || arg->IsNull() || arg->IsUndefined()) return CFX_ByteString(); if (arg->IsBoolean()) return arg->ToBoolean() ? "1" : "0"; return arg->ToString(); } // static. bool CXFA_FM2JSContext::Translate(const CFX_WideStringC& wsFormcalc, CFX_WideTextBuf* wsJavascript) { if (wsFormcalc.IsEmpty()) { wsJavascript->Clear(); return true; } CXFA_FMParser parser(wsFormcalc); std::unique_ptr func = parser.Parse(); if (!func || parser.HasError()) return false; if (!func->ToJavaScript(*wsJavascript)) return false; wsJavascript->AppendChar(0); return true; } CXFA_FM2JSContext::CXFA_FM2JSContext(v8::Isolate* pScriptIsolate, CFXJSE_Context* pScriptContext, CXFA_Document* pDoc) : CFXJSE_HostObject(kFM2JS), m_pIsolate(pScriptIsolate), m_pFMClass(CFXJSE_Class::Create(pScriptContext, &formcalc_fm2js_descriptor, false)), m_pValue(pdfium::MakeUnique(pScriptIsolate)), m_pDocument(pDoc) { m_pValue.get()->SetObject(this, m_pFMClass); } CXFA_FM2JSContext::~CXFA_FM2JSContext() {} void CXFA_FM2JSContext::GlobalPropertyGetter(CFXJSE_Value* pValue) { pValue->Assign(m_pValue.get()); } void CXFA_FM2JSContext::ThrowNoDefaultPropertyException( const CFX_ByteStringC& name) const { // TODO(tsepez): check usage of c_str() below. ThrowException(L"%.16S doesn't have a default property.", name.unterminated_c_str()); } void CXFA_FM2JSContext::ThrowCompilerErrorException() const { ThrowException(L"Compiler error."); } void CXFA_FM2JSContext::ThrowDivideByZeroException() const { ThrowException(L"Divide by zero."); } void CXFA_FM2JSContext::ThrowServerDeniedException() const { ThrowException(L"Server does not permit operation."); } void CXFA_FM2JSContext::ThrowPropertyNotInObjectException( const CFX_WideString& name, const CFX_WideString& exp) const { ThrowException( L"An attempt was made to reference property '%.16s' of a non-object " L"in SOM expression %.16s.", name.c_str(), exp.c_str()); } void CXFA_FM2JSContext::ThrowParamCountMismatchException( const CFX_WideString& method) const { ThrowException(L"Incorrect number of parameters calling method '%.16s'.", method.c_str()); } void CXFA_FM2JSContext::ThrowArgumentMismatchException() const { ThrowException(L"Argument mismatch in property or function argument."); } void CXFA_FM2JSContext::ThrowException(const wchar_t* str, ...) const { CFX_WideString wsMessage; va_list arg_ptr; va_start(arg_ptr, str); wsMessage.FormatV(str, arg_ptr); va_end(arg_ptr); ASSERT(!wsMessage.IsEmpty()); FXJSE_ThrowMessage(wsMessage.UTF8Encode().AsStringC()); }