// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "xfa/fxfa/fm2js/xfa_fmparse.h" #include CXFA_FMParse::CXFA_FMParse() : m_pToken(nullptr), m_pErrorInfo(0) {} int32_t CXFA_FMParse::Init(const CFX_WideStringC& wsFormcalc, CXFA_FMErrorInfo* pErrorInfo) { m_pErrorInfo = pErrorInfo; m_lexer.reset(new CXFA_FMLexer(wsFormcalc, m_pErrorInfo)); return 0; } void CXFA_FMParse::NextToken() { m_pToken = m_lexer->NextToken(); while (m_pToken->m_type == TOKreserver) { if (m_lexer->HasError()) { break; } m_pToken = m_lexer->NextToken(); } } void CXFA_FMParse::Check(XFA_FM_TOKEN op) { if (m_pToken->m_type != op) { CFX_WideString ws_TempString = m_pToken->m_wstring; Error(m_pToken->m_uLinenum, kFMErrExpectedToken, XFA_FM_KeywordToString(op), ws_TempString.c_str()); } NextToken(); } void CXFA_FMParse::Error(uint32_t lineNum, const FX_WCHAR* msg, ...) { m_pErrorInfo->linenum = lineNum; va_list ap; va_start(ap, msg); m_pErrorInfo->message.FormatV(msg, ap); va_end(ap); } CFX_PtrArray* CXFA_FMParse::ParseTopExpression() { std::unique_ptr e; CFX_PtrArray* expression = new CFX_PtrArray(); while (1) { if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKeof || m_pToken->m_type == TOKendfunc || m_pToken->m_type == TOKendif || m_pToken->m_type == TOKelseif || m_pToken->m_type == TOKelse || m_pToken->m_type == TOKreserver) { return expression; } if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKfunc) { e.reset(ParseFunction()); if (e) { expression->Add(e.release()); } else { break; } } else { e.reset(ParseExpression()); if (e) { expression->Add(e.release()); } else { break; } } } return expression; } CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParse::ParseFunction() { std::unique_ptr e; CFX_WideStringC ident; std::unique_ptr pArguments; std::unique_ptr pExpressions; uint32_t line = m_pToken->m_uLinenum; NextToken(); if (m_pToken->m_type != TOKidentifier) { CFX_WideString ws_TempString = m_pToken->m_wstring; Error(m_pToken->m_uLinenum, kFMErrExpectedIdentifier, ws_TempString.c_str()); } else { ident = m_pToken->m_wstring; NextToken(); } Check(TOKlparen); if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKrparen) { NextToken(); } else { pArguments.reset(new CFX_WideStringCArray()); CFX_WideStringC p; while (1) { if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKidentifier) { p = m_pToken->m_wstring; pArguments->Add(p); NextToken(); if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKcomma) { NextToken(); continue; } else if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKrparen) { NextToken(); break; } else { Check(TOKrparen); break; } } else { CFX_WideString ws_TempString = m_pToken->m_wstring; Error(m_pToken->m_uLinenum, kFMErrExpectedIdentifier, ws_TempString.c_str()); NextToken(); break; } } } Check(TOKdo); if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKendfunc) { NextToken(); } else { pExpressions.reset(ParseTopExpression()); Check(TOKendfunc); } if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { e.reset(new CXFA_FMFunctionDefinition(line, 0, ident, pArguments.release(), pExpressions.release())); } else { if (pArguments) pArguments->RemoveAll(); if (pExpressions) { for (int i = 0; i < pExpressions->GetSize(); ++i) delete static_cast(pExpressions->GetAt(i)); } } return e.release(); } CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParse::ParseExpression() { std::unique_ptr e; uint32_t line = m_pToken->m_uLinenum; switch (m_pToken->m_type) { case TOKvar: e.reset(ParseVarExpression()); break; case TOKnull: case TOKnumber: case TOKstring: case TOKplus: case TOKminus: case TOKksnot: case TOKidentifier: case TOKlparen: e.reset(ParseExpExpression()); break; case TOKif: e.reset(ParseIfExpression()); break; case TOKwhile: e.reset(ParseWhileExpression()); break; case TOKfor: e.reset(ParseForExpression()); break; case TOKforeach: e.reset(ParseForeachExpression()); break; case TOKdo: e.reset(ParseDoExpression()); break; case TOKbreak: e.reset(new CXFA_FMBreakExpression(line)); NextToken(); break; case TOKcontinue: e.reset(new CXFA_FMContinueExpression(line)); NextToken(); break; default: CFX_WideString ws_TempString = m_pToken->m_wstring; Error(m_pToken->m_uLinenum, kFMErrUnexpectedExpression, ws_TempString.c_str()); NextToken(); break; } return e.release(); } CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParse::ParseVarExpression() { std::unique_ptr e; CFX_WideStringC ident; uint32_t line = m_pToken->m_uLinenum; NextToken(); if (m_pToken->m_type != TOKidentifier) { CFX_WideString ws_TempString = m_pToken->m_wstring; Error(m_pToken->m_uLinenum, kFMErrExpectedIdentifier, ws_TempString.c_str()); } else { ident = m_pToken->m_wstring; NextToken(); } if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKassign) { NextToken(); e.reset(ParseExpExpression()); } if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { e.reset(new CXFA_FMVarExpression(line, ident, e.release())); } else { e.reset(); } return e.release(); } CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParse::ParseSimpleExpression() { uint32_t line = m_pToken->m_uLinenum; std::unique_ptr pExp1(ParseLogicalOrExpression()); while (m_pToken->m_type == TOKassign) { NextToken(); std::unique_ptr pExp2(ParseLogicalOrExpression()); if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { pExp1.reset(new CXFA_FMAssignExpression(line, TOKassign, pExp1.release(), pExp2.release())); } else { pExp1.reset(); } } return pExp1.release(); } CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParse::ParseExpExpression() { uint32_t line = m_pToken->m_uLinenum; std::unique_ptr pExp1(ParseSimpleExpression()); std::unique_ptr e; if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { e.reset(new CXFA_FMExpExpression(line, pExp1.release())); } else { e.reset(); } return e.release(); } CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParse::ParseLogicalOrExpression() { uint32_t line = m_pToken->m_uLinenum; std::unique_ptr e1(ParseLogicalAndExpression()); for (;;) { switch (m_pToken->m_type) { case TOKor: case TOKksor: { NextToken(); std::unique_ptr e2( ParseLogicalAndExpression()); if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { e1.reset(new CXFA_FMLogicalOrExpression(line, TOKor, e1.release(), e2.release())); } else { e1.reset(); } continue; } default: break; } break; } return e1.release(); } CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParse::ParseLogicalAndExpression() { uint32_t line = m_pToken->m_uLinenum; std::unique_ptr e1(ParseEqualityExpression()); for (;;) { switch (m_pToken->m_type) { case TOKand: case TOKksand: { NextToken(); std::unique_ptr e2(ParseEqualityExpression()); if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { e1.reset(new CXFA_FMLogicalAndExpression(line, TOKand, e1.release(), e2.release())); } else { e1.reset(); } continue; } default: break; } break; } return e1.release(); } CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParse::ParseEqualityExpression() { uint32_t line = m_pToken->m_uLinenum; std::unique_ptr e1(ParseRelationalExpression()); for (;;) { std::unique_ptr e2; switch (m_pToken->m_type) { case TOKeq: case TOKkseq: NextToken(); e2.reset(ParseRelationalExpression()); if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { e1.reset(new CXFA_FMEqualityExpression(line, TOKeq, e1.release(), e2.release())); } else { e1.reset(); } continue; case TOKne: case TOKksne: NextToken(); e2.reset(ParseRelationalExpression()); if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { e1.reset(new CXFA_FMEqualityExpression(line, TOKne, e1.release(), e2.release())); } else { e1.reset(); } continue; default: break; } break; } return e1.release(); } CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParse::ParseRelationalExpression() { uint32_t line = m_pToken->m_uLinenum; std::unique_ptr e1(ParseAddtiveExpression()); for (;;) { std::unique_ptr e2; switch (m_pToken->m_type) { case TOKlt: case TOKkslt: NextToken(); e2.reset(ParseAddtiveExpression()); if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { e1.reset(new CXFA_FMRelationalExpression(line, TOKlt, e1.release(), e2.release())); } else { e1.reset(); } continue; case TOKgt: case TOKksgt: NextToken(); e2.reset(ParseAddtiveExpression()); if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { e1.reset(new CXFA_FMRelationalExpression(line, TOKgt, e1.release(), e2.release())); } else { e1.reset(); } continue; case TOKle: case TOKksle: NextToken(); e2.reset(ParseAddtiveExpression()); if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { e1.reset(new CXFA_FMRelationalExpression(line, TOKle, e1.release(), e2.release())); } else { e1.reset(); } continue; case TOKge: case TOKksge: NextToken(); e2.reset(ParseAddtiveExpression()); if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { e1.reset(new CXFA_FMRelationalExpression(line, TOKge, e1.release(), e2.release())); } else { e1.reset(); } continue; default: break; } break; } return e1.release(); } CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParse::ParseAddtiveExpression() { uint32_t line = m_pToken->m_uLinenum; std::unique_ptr e1(ParseMultiplicativeExpression()); for (;;) { std::unique_ptr e2; switch (m_pToken->m_type) { case TOKplus: NextToken(); e2.reset(ParseMultiplicativeExpression()); if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { e1.reset(new CXFA_FMAdditiveExpression(line, TOKplus, e1.release(), e2.release())); } else { e1.reset(); } continue; case TOKminus: NextToken(); e2.reset(ParseMultiplicativeExpression()); if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { e1.reset(new CXFA_FMAdditiveExpression(line, TOKminus, e1.release(), e2.release())); } else { e1.reset(); } continue; default: break; } break; } return e1.release(); } CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParse::ParseMultiplicativeExpression() { uint32_t line = m_pToken->m_uLinenum; std::unique_ptr e1(ParseUnaryExpression()); for (;;) { std::unique_ptr e2; switch (m_pToken->m_type) { case TOKmul: NextToken(); e2.reset(ParseUnaryExpression()); if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { e1.reset(new CXFA_FMMultiplicativeExpression( line, TOKmul, e1.release(), e2.release())); } else { e1.reset(); } continue; case TOKdiv: NextToken(); e2.reset(ParseUnaryExpression()); if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { e1.reset(new CXFA_FMMultiplicativeExpression( line, TOKdiv, e1.release(), e2.release())); } else { e1.reset(); } continue; default: break; } break; } return e1.release(); } CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParse::ParseUnaryExpression() { std::unique_ptr e; uint32_t line = m_pToken->m_uLinenum; switch (m_pToken->m_type) { case TOKplus: NextToken(); e.reset(ParseUnaryExpression()); if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { e.reset(new CXFA_FMPosExpression(line, e.release())); } else { e.reset(); } break; case TOKminus: NextToken(); e.reset(ParseUnaryExpression()); if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { e.reset(new CXFA_FMNegExpression(line, e.release())); } else { e.reset(); } break; case TOKksnot: NextToken(); e.reset(ParseUnaryExpression()); if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { e.reset(new CXFA_FMNotExpression(line, e.release())); } else { e.reset(); } break; default: e.reset(ParsePrimaryExpression()); break; } return e.release(); } CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParse::ParsePrimaryExpression() { std::unique_ptr e; uint32_t line = m_pToken->m_uLinenum; switch (m_pToken->m_type) { case TOKnumber: e.reset(new CXFA_FMNumberExpression(line, m_pToken->m_wstring)); NextToken(); break; case TOKstring: e.reset(new CXFA_FMStringExpression(line, m_pToken->m_wstring)); NextToken(); break; case TOKidentifier: { CFX_WideStringC wsIdentifier(m_pToken->m_wstring); NextToken(); if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKlbracket) { CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* s = ParseIndexExpression(); if (s) { e.reset(new CXFA_FMDotAccessorExpression(line, NULL, TOKdot, wsIdentifier, s)); } NextToken(); } else { e.reset(new CXFA_FMIdentifierExpressionn(line, wsIdentifier)); } } break; case TOKif: e.reset(new CXFA_FMIdentifierExpressionn(line, m_pToken->m_wstring)); NextToken(); break; case TOKnull: e.reset(new CXFA_FMNullExpression(line)); NextToken(); break; case TOKlparen: e.reset(ParseParenExpression()); break; default: CFX_WideString ws_TempString = m_pToken->m_wstring; Error(m_pToken->m_uLinenum, kFMErrUnexpectedExpression, ws_TempString.c_str()); NextToken(); break; } e.reset(ParsePostExpression(e.release())); if (!(m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty())) e.reset(); return e.release(); } CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParse::ParsePostExpression( CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* e) { uint32_t line = m_pToken->m_uLinenum; while (1) { switch (m_pToken->m_type) { case TOKlparen: { NextToken(); std::unique_ptr pArray; if (m_pToken->m_type != TOKrparen) { pArray.reset(new CFX_PtrArray()); while (m_pToken->m_type != TOKrparen) { CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* e = ParseSimpleExpression(); if (e) { pArray->Add(e); } if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKcomma) { NextToken(); } else if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKeof || m_pToken->m_type == TOKreserver) { break; } } if (m_pToken->m_type != TOKrparen) { CFX_WideString ws_TempString = m_pToken->m_wstring; Error(m_pToken->m_uLinenum, kFMErrExpectedToken, XFA_FM_KeywordToString(TOKrparen), ws_TempString.c_str()); } } if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { e = new CXFA_FMCallExpression(line, e, pArray.release(), FALSE); NextToken(); if (m_pToken->m_type != TOKlbracket) { continue; } CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* s = ParseIndexExpression(); if (s) { e = new CXFA_FMDotAccessorExpression(line, e, TOKcall, FX_WSTRC(L""), s); } else { delete e; e = nullptr; } } else { if (pArray) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < pArray->GetSize(); ++i) delete static_cast(pArray->GetAt(i)); } delete e; e = nullptr; } } break; case TOKdot: NextToken(); if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKidentifier) { CFX_WideStringC tempStr = m_pToken->m_wstring; uint32_t tempLine = m_pToken->m_uLinenum; NextToken(); if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKlparen) { CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* pExpAccessor; CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* pExpCall; pExpAccessor = e; NextToken(); std::unique_ptr pArray; if (m_pToken->m_type != TOKrparen) { pArray.reset(new CFX_PtrArray()); while (m_pToken->m_type != TOKrparen) { CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* exp = ParseSimpleExpression(); pArray->Add(exp); if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKcomma) { NextToken(); } else if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKeof || m_pToken->m_type == TOKreserver) { break; } } if (m_pToken->m_type != TOKrparen) { CFX_WideString ws_TempString = m_pToken->m_wstring; Error(m_pToken->m_uLinenum, kFMErrExpectedToken, XFA_FM_KeywordToString(TOKrparen), ws_TempString.c_str()); } } if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* pIdentifier = new CXFA_FMIdentifierExpressionn(tempLine, tempStr); pExpCall = new CXFA_FMCallExpression(line, pIdentifier, pArray.release(), TRUE); e = new CXFA_FMMethodCallExpression(line, pExpAccessor, pExpCall); NextToken(); if (m_pToken->m_type != TOKlbracket) { continue; } CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* s = ParseIndexExpression(); if (s) { e = new CXFA_FMDotAccessorExpression(line, e, TOKcall, FX_WSTRC(L""), s); } else { delete e; e = nullptr; } } else { if (pArray) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < pArray->GetSize(); ++i) { delete static_cast( pArray->GetAt(i)); } } delete e; e = nullptr; } } else if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKlbracket) { std::unique_ptr s(ParseIndexExpression()); if (!(m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty())) { delete e; return nullptr; } e = new CXFA_FMDotAccessorExpression(tempLine, e, TOKdot, tempStr, s.release()); } else { CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* s = new CXFA_FMIndexExpression( tempLine, ACCESSOR_NO_INDEX, NULL, FALSE); e = new CXFA_FMDotAccessorExpression(line, e, TOKdot, tempStr, s); continue; } } else { CFX_WideString ws_TempString = m_pToken->m_wstring; Error(m_pToken->m_uLinenum, kFMErrExpectedIdentifier, ws_TempString.c_str()); return e; } break; case TOKdotdot: NextToken(); if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKidentifier) { CFX_WideStringC tempStr = m_pToken->m_wstring; uint32_t tempLine = m_pToken->m_uLinenum; NextToken(); if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKlbracket) { std::unique_ptr s(ParseIndexExpression()); if (!(m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty())) { delete e; return nullptr; } e = new CXFA_FMDotDotAccessorExpression(tempLine, e, TOKdotdot, tempStr, s.release()); } else { CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* s = new CXFA_FMIndexExpression( tempLine, ACCESSOR_NO_INDEX, NULL, FALSE); e = new CXFA_FMDotDotAccessorExpression(line, e, TOKdotdot, tempStr, s); continue; } } else { CFX_WideString ws_TempString = m_pToken->m_wstring; Error(m_pToken->m_uLinenum, kFMErrExpectedIdentifier, ws_TempString.c_str()); return e; } break; case TOKdotscream: NextToken(); if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKidentifier) { CFX_WideStringC tempStr = m_pToken->m_wstring; uint32_t tempLine = m_pToken->m_uLinenum; NextToken(); if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKlbracket) { std::unique_ptr s(ParseIndexExpression()); if (!(m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty())) { delete e; return nullptr; } e = new CXFA_FMDotAccessorExpression(tempLine, e, TOKdotscream, tempStr, s.release()); } else { CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* s = new CXFA_FMIndexExpression( tempLine, ACCESSOR_NO_INDEX, NULL, FALSE); e = new CXFA_FMDotAccessorExpression(line, e, TOKdotscream, tempStr, s); continue; } } else { CFX_WideString ws_TempString = m_pToken->m_wstring; Error(m_pToken->m_uLinenum, kFMErrExpectedIdentifier, ws_TempString.c_str()); return e; } break; case TOKdotstar: { CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* s = new CXFA_FMIndexExpression(line, ACCESSOR_NO_INDEX, NULL, FALSE); e = new CXFA_FMDotAccessorExpression(line, e, TOKdotstar, FX_WSTRC(L"*"), s); } break; default: return e; } NextToken(); } return e; } CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParse::ParseIndexExpression() { std::unique_ptr pExp; uint32_t line = m_pToken->m_uLinenum; NextToken(); std::unique_ptr s; XFA_FM_AccessorIndex accessorIndex = ACCESSOR_NO_RELATIVEINDEX; if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKmul) { pExp.reset( new CXFA_FMIndexExpression(line, accessorIndex, s.release(), TRUE)); NextToken(); if (m_pToken->m_type != TOKrbracket) { CFX_WideString ws_TempString = m_pToken->m_wstring; Error(m_pToken->m_uLinenum, kFMErrExpectedToken, XFA_FM_KeywordToString(TOKrparen), ws_TempString.c_str()); pExp.reset(); } return pExp.release(); } if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKplus) { accessorIndex = ACCESSOR_POSITIVE_INDEX; NextToken(); } else if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKminus) { accessorIndex = ACCESSOR_NEGATIVE_INDEX; NextToken(); } s.reset(ParseSimpleExpression()); if (m_pToken->m_type != TOKrbracket) { CFX_WideString ws_TempString = m_pToken->m_wstring; Error(m_pToken->m_uLinenum, kFMErrExpectedToken, XFA_FM_KeywordToString(TOKrparen), ws_TempString.c_str()); } else { pExp.reset( new CXFA_FMIndexExpression(line, accessorIndex, s.release(), FALSE)); } return pExp.release(); } CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParse::ParseParenExpression() { Check(TOKlparen); if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKrparen) { Error(m_pToken->m_uLinenum, kFMErrExpectedNonEmptyExpression); NextToken(); return nullptr; } uint32_t line = m_pToken->m_uLinenum; std::unique_ptr pExp1(ParseLogicalOrExpression()); while (m_pToken->m_type == TOKassign) { NextToken(); std::unique_ptr pExp2(ParseLogicalOrExpression()); if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { pExp1.reset(new CXFA_FMAssignExpression(line, TOKassign, pExp1.release(), pExp2.release())); } else { pExp1.reset(); } } Check(TOKrparen); return pExp1.release(); } CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParse::ParseBlockExpression() { uint32_t line = m_pToken->m_uLinenum; CXFA_FMExpression* e = nullptr; std::unique_ptr expression(new CFX_PtrArray()); while (1) { switch (m_pToken->m_type) { case TOKeof: case TOKendif: case TOKelseif: case TOKelse: case TOKendwhile: case TOKendfor: case TOKend: case TOKendfunc: case TOKreserver: break; case TOKfunc: e = ParseFunction(); if (e) { expression->Add(e); } continue; default: e = ParseExpression(); if (e) { expression->Add(e); } continue; } break; } std::unique_ptr pExp; if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { pExp.reset(new CXFA_FMBlockExpression(line, expression.release())); } else { for (int i = 0; i < expression->GetSize(); ++i) delete static_cast(expression->GetAt(i)); } return pExp.release(); } CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParse::ParseIfExpression() { uint32_t line = m_pToken->m_uLinenum; const FX_WCHAR* pStartPos = m_lexer->SavePos(); NextToken(); Check(TOKlparen); std::unique_ptr pExpression; while (m_pToken->m_type != TOKrparen) { pExpression.reset(ParseSimpleExpression()); if (m_pToken->m_type != TOKcomma) break; NextToken(); } Check(TOKrparen); if (m_pToken->m_type != TOKthen) { m_lexer->SetCurrentLine(line); m_pToken = new CXFA_FMToken(line); m_pToken->m_type = TOKidentifier; m_pToken->m_wstring = FX_WSTRC(L"if"); m_lexer->SetToken(m_pToken); m_lexer->RestorePos(pStartPos); return ParseExpExpression(); } Check(TOKthen); std::unique_ptr pIfExpression(ParseBlockExpression()); std::unique_ptr pElseExpression; switch (m_pToken->m_type) { case TOKeof: case TOKendif: Check(TOKendif); break; case TOKif: pElseExpression.reset(ParseIfExpression()); Check(TOKendif); break; case TOKelseif: pElseExpression.reset(ParseIfExpression()); break; case TOKelse: NextToken(); pElseExpression.reset(ParseBlockExpression()); Check(TOKendif); break; default: CFX_WideString ws_TempString = m_pToken->m_wstring; Error(m_pToken->m_uLinenum, kFMErrExpectedEndIf, ws_TempString.c_str()); NextToken(); break; } std::unique_ptr pExp; if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { pExp.reset(new CXFA_FMIfExpression(line, pExpression.release(), pIfExpression.release(), pElseExpression.release())); } return pExp.release(); } CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParse::ParseWhileExpression() { uint32_t line = m_pToken->m_uLinenum; NextToken(); std::unique_ptr pCondition(ParseParenExpression()); Check(TOKdo); std::unique_ptr pExpression(ParseBlockExpression()); Check(TOKendwhile); std::unique_ptr e; if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { e.reset(new CXFA_FMWhileExpression(line, pCondition.release(), pExpression.release())); } return e.release(); } CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParse::ParseSubassignmentInForExpression() { std::unique_ptr e; switch (m_pToken->m_type) { case TOKidentifier: e.reset(ParseSimpleExpression()); break; default: CFX_WideString ws_TempString = m_pToken->m_wstring; Error(m_pToken->m_uLinenum, kFMErrUnexpectedExpression, ws_TempString.c_str()); NextToken(); break; } return e.release(); } CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParse::ParseForExpression() { CFX_WideStringC wsVariant; uint32_t line = m_pToken->m_uLinenum; NextToken(); if (m_pToken->m_type != TOKidentifier) { CFX_WideString ws_TempString = m_pToken->m_wstring; Error(m_pToken->m_uLinenum, kFMErrExpectedToken, XFA_FM_KeywordToString(m_pToken->m_type), ws_TempString.c_str()); } wsVariant = m_pToken->m_wstring; NextToken(); std::unique_ptr pAssignment; if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKassign) { NextToken(); pAssignment.reset(ParseSimpleExpression()); } else { CFX_WideString ws_TempString = m_pToken->m_wstring; Error(m_pToken->m_uLinenum, kFMErrExpectedToken, XFA_FM_KeywordToString(m_pToken->m_type), ws_TempString.c_str()); } int32_t iDirection = 0; if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKupto) { iDirection = 1; } else if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKdownto) { iDirection = -1; } else { CFX_WideString ws_TempString = m_pToken->m_wstring; Error(m_pToken->m_uLinenum, kFMErrExpectedToken, L"upto or downto", ws_TempString.c_str()); } NextToken(); std::unique_ptr pAccessor(ParseSimpleExpression()); std::unique_ptr pStep; if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKstep) { NextToken(); pStep.reset(ParseSimpleExpression()); } Check(TOKdo); std::unique_ptr pList(ParseBlockExpression()); Check(TOKendfor); std::unique_ptr e; if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { e.reset(new CXFA_FMForExpression(line, wsVariant, pAssignment.release(), pAccessor.release(), iDirection, pStep.release(), pList.release())); } return e.release(); } CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParse::ParseForeachExpression() { std::unique_ptr e; CFX_WideStringC wsIdentifier; std::unique_ptr pAccessors; std::unique_ptr pList; uint32_t line = m_pToken->m_uLinenum; NextToken(); if (m_pToken->m_type != TOKidentifier) { CFX_WideString ws_TempString = m_pToken->m_wstring; Error(m_pToken->m_uLinenum, kFMErrExpectedToken, XFA_FM_KeywordToString(m_pToken->m_type), ws_TempString.c_str()); } wsIdentifier = m_pToken->m_wstring; NextToken(); Check(TOKin); Check(TOKlparen); if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKrparen) { CFX_WideString ws_TempString = m_pToken->m_wstring; Error(m_pToken->m_uLinenum, kFMErrUnexpectedExpression, ws_TempString.c_str()); NextToken(); } else { pAccessors.reset(new CFX_PtrArray()); while (m_pToken->m_type != TOKrparen) { CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* s = ParseSimpleExpression(); if (s) { pAccessors->Add(s); } if (m_pToken->m_type == TOKcomma) { NextToken(); } else { break; } } Check(TOKrparen); } Check(TOKdo); pList.reset(ParseBlockExpression()); Check(TOKendfor); if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { e.reset(new CXFA_FMForeachExpression( line, wsIdentifier, pAccessors.release(), pList.release())); } else { if (pAccessors) { for (int i = 0; i < pAccessors->GetSize(); ++i) delete static_cast(pAccessors->GetAt(i)); } } return e.release(); } CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParse::ParseDoExpression() { std::unique_ptr e; uint32_t line = m_pToken->m_uLinenum; NextToken(); e.reset(ParseBlockExpression()); Check(TOKend); if (m_pErrorInfo->message.IsEmpty()) { e.reset(new CXFA_FMDoExpression(line, e.release())); } else { e.reset(); } return e.release(); }