// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #ifndef XFA_FXFA_FXFA_BASIC_H_ #define XFA_FXFA_FXFA_BASIC_H_ #include "fxjs/fxjse.h" class CJX_Object; class CXFA_Measurement; enum class XFA_ObjectType; enum XFA_HashCode : uint32_t { XFA_HASHCODE_None = 0, XFA_HASHCODE_Config = 0x4e1e39b6, XFA_HASHCODE_ConnectionSet = 0xe14c801c, XFA_HASHCODE_Data = 0xbde9abda, XFA_HASHCODE_DataDescription = 0x2b5df51e, XFA_HASHCODE_Datasets = 0x99b95079, XFA_HASHCODE_DataWindow = 0x83a550d2, XFA_HASHCODE_Event = 0x185e41e2, XFA_HASHCODE_Form = 0xcd309ff4, XFA_HASHCODE_Group = 0xf7f75fcd, XFA_HASHCODE_Host = 0xdb075bde, XFA_HASHCODE_Layout = 0x7e7e845e, XFA_HASHCODE_LocaleSet = 0x5473b6dc, XFA_HASHCODE_Log = 0x0b1b3d22, XFA_HASHCODE_Name = 0x31b19c1, XFA_HASHCODE_Occur = 0xf7eebe1c, XFA_HASHCODE_Pdf = 0xb843dba, XFA_HASHCODE_Record = 0x5779d65f, XFA_HASHCODE_Signature = 0x8b036f32, XFA_HASHCODE_SourceSet = 0x811929d, XFA_HASHCODE_Stylesheet = 0x6038580a, XFA_HASHCODE_Template = 0x803550fc, XFA_HASHCODE_This = 0x2d574d58, XFA_HASHCODE_Xdc = 0xc56afbf, XFA_HASHCODE_XDP = 0xc56afcc, XFA_HASHCODE_Xfa = 0xc56b9ff, XFA_HASHCODE_Xfdf = 0x48d004a8, XFA_HASHCODE_Xmpmeta = 0x132a8fbc }; enum class XFA_PacketType : uint8_t { User, SourceSet, Pdf, Xdc, Xdp, Xmpmeta, Xfdf, Config, LocaleSet, Stylesheet, Template, Signature, Datasets, Form, ConnectionSet, }; enum XFA_XDPPACKET { XFA_XDPPACKET_UNKNOWN = 0, XFA_XDPPACKET_Config = 1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(XFA_PacketType::Config), XFA_XDPPACKET_Template = 1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(XFA_PacketType::Template), XFA_XDPPACKET_Datasets = 1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(XFA_PacketType::Datasets), XFA_XDPPACKET_Form = 1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(XFA_PacketType::Form), XFA_XDPPACKET_LocaleSet = 1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(XFA_PacketType::LocaleSet), XFA_XDPPACKET_ConnectionSet = 1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(XFA_PacketType::ConnectionSet), XFA_XDPPACKET_SourceSet = 1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(XFA_PacketType::SourceSet), XFA_XDPPACKET_Xdc = 1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(XFA_PacketType::Xdc), XFA_XDPPACKET_Pdf = 1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(XFA_PacketType::Pdf), XFA_XDPPACKET_Xfdf = 1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(XFA_PacketType::Xfdf), XFA_XDPPACKET_Xmpmeta = 1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(XFA_PacketType::Xmpmeta), XFA_XDPPACKET_Signature = 1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(XFA_PacketType::Signature), XFA_XDPPACKET_Stylesheet = 1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(XFA_PacketType::Stylesheet), XFA_XDPPACKET_USER = 1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(XFA_PacketType::User), XFA_XDPPACKET_XDP = 1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(XFA_PacketType::Xdp) }; enum XFA_XDPPACKET_FLAGS { XFA_XDPPACKET_FLAGS_COMPLETEMATCH = 1, XFA_XDPPACKET_FLAGS_PREFIXMATCH = 2, XFA_XDPPACKET_FLAGS_NOMATCH = 4, XFA_XDPPACKET_FLAGS_SUPPORTONE = 8, XFA_XDPPACKET_FLAGS_SUPPORTMANY = 16, }; enum class XFA_AttributeEnum : uint32_t { Asterisk, Slash, Backslash, On, Tb, Up, MetaData, Delegate, PostSubmit, Name, Cross, Next, None, ShortEdge, Checksum_1mod10_1mod11, Height, CrossDiagonal, All, Any, ToRight, MatchTemplate, Dpl, Invisible, Fit, Width, PreSubmit, Ipl, FlateCompress, Med, Odd, Off, Pdf, Row, Top, Xdp, Xfd, Xml, Zip, Zpl, Visible, Exclude, MouseEnter, Pair, Filter, MoveLast, ExportAndImport, Push, Portrait, Default, StoredProc, StayBOF, StayEOF, PostPrint, UsCarrier, Right, PreOpen, Actual, Rest, TopCenter, StandardSymbol, Initialize, JustifyAll, Normal, Landscape, NonInteractive, MouseExit, Minus, DiagonalLeft, SimplexPaginated, Document, Warning, Auto, Below, BottomLeft, BottomCenter, Tcpl, Text, Grouping, SecureSymbol, PreExecute, DocClose, Keyset, Vertical, PreSave, PreSign, Bottom, ToTop, Verify, First, ContentArea, Solid, Pessimistic, DuplexPaginated, Round, Remerge, Ordered, Percent, Even, Exit, ToolTip, OrderedOccurrence, ReadOnly, Currency, Concat, Thai, Embossed, Formdata, Greek, Decimal, Select, LongEdge, Protected, BottomRight, Zero, ForwardOnly, DocReady, Hidden, Include, Dashed, MultiSelect, Inactive, Embed, Static, OnEntry, Cyrillic, NonBlank, TopRight, Hebrew, TopLeft, Center, MoveFirst, Diamond, PageOdd, Checksum_1mod10, Korean, AboveEmbedded, ZipCompress, Numeric, Circle, ToBottom, Inverted, Update, Isoname, Server, Position, MiddleCenter, Optional, UsePrinterSetting, Outline, IndexChange, Change, PageArea, Once, Only, Open, Caption, Raised, Justify, RefAndDescendants, Short, PageFront, Monospace, Middle, PrePrint, Always, Unknown, ToLeft, Above, DashDot, Gregorian, Roman, MouseDown, Symbol, PageEven, Sign, AddNew, Star, Optimistic, Rl_tb, MiddleRight, Maintain, Package, SimplifiedChinese, ToCenter, Back, Unspecified, BatchOptimistic, Bold, Both, Butt, Client, Checksum_2mod10, ImageOnly, Horizontal, Dotted, UserControl, DiagonalRight, ConsumeData, Check, Data, Down, SansSerif, Inline, TraditionalChinese, Warn, RefOnly, InteractiveForms, Word, Unordered, Required, ImportOnly, BelowEmbedded, Japanese, Full, Rl_row, Vietnamese, EastEuropeanRoman, MouseUp, ExportOnly, Clear, Click, Base64, Close, Host, Global, Blank, Table, Import, Custom, MiddleLeft, PostExecute, Radix, PostOpen, Enter, Ignore, Lr_tb, Fantasy, Italic, Author, ToEdge, Choice, Disabled, CrossHatch, DataRef, DashDotDot, Square, Dynamic, Manual, Etched, ValidationState, Cursive, Last, Left, Link, Long, InternationalCarrier, PDF1_3, PDF1_6, Serif, PostSave, Ready, PostSign, Arabic, Error, Urlencoded, Lowered }; enum class XFA_Attribute : uint8_t { H = 0, W, X, Y, Id, To, LineThrough, HAlign, Typeface, BeforeTarget, Name, Next, DataRowCount, Break, VScrollPolicy, FontHorizontalScale, TextIndent, Context, TrayOut, Cap, Max, Min, Ref, Rid, Url, Use, LeftInset, Widows, Level, BottomInset, OverflowTarget, AllowMacro, PagePosition, ColumnWidths, OverflowLeader, Action, NonRepudiation, Rate, AllowRichText, Role, OverflowTrailer, Operation, Timeout, TopInset, Access, CommandType, Format, DataPrep, WidgetData, Abbr, MarginRight, DataDescription, EncipherOnly, KerningMode, Rotate, WordCharacterCount, Type, Reserve, TextLocation, Priority, Underline, ModuleWidth, Hyphenate, Listen, Delimiter, ContentType, StartNew, EofAction, AllowNeutral, Connection, BaselineShift, OverlinePeriod, FracDigits, Orientation, TimeStamp, PrintCheckDigit, MarginLeft, Stroke, ModuleHeight, TransferEncoding, Usage, Presence, RadixOffset, Preserve, AliasNode, MultiLine, Version, StartChar, ScriptTest, StartAngle, CursorType, DigitalSignature, CodeType, Output, BookendTrailer, ImagingBBox, ExcludeInitialCap, Force, CrlSign, Previous, PushCharacterCount, NullTest, RunAt, SpaceBelow, SweepAngle, NumberOfCells, LetterSpacing, LockType, PasswordChar, VAlign, SourceBelow, Inverted, Mark, MaxH, MaxW, Truncate, MinH, MinW, Initial, Mode, Layout, Server, EmbedPDF, OddOrEven, TabDefault, Contains, RightInset, MaxChars, Open, Relation, WideNarrowRatio, Relevant, SignatureType, LineThroughPeriod, Shape, TabStops, OutputBelow, Short, FontVerticalScale, Thickness, CommitOn, RemainCharacterCount, KeyAgreement, ErrorCorrectionLevel, UpsMode, MergeMode, Circular, PsName, Trailer, UnicodeRange, ExecuteType, DuplexImposition, TrayIn, BindingNode, BofAction, Save, TargetType, KeyEncipherment, CredentialServerPolicy, Size, InitialNumber, Slope, CSpace, ColSpan, Binding, Checksum, CharEncoding, Bind, TextEntry, Archive, Uuid, Posture, After, Orphans, QualifiedName, Usehref, Locale, Weight, UnderlinePeriod, Data, Desc, Numbered, DataColumnCount, Overline, UrlPolicy, AnchorType, LabelRef, BookendLeader, MaxLength, AccessKey, CursorLocation, DelayedOpen, Target, DataEncipherment, AfterTarget, Leader, Picker, From, BaseProfile, Aspect, RowColumnRatio, LineHeight, Highlight, ValueRef, MaxEntries, DataLength, Activity, Input, Value, BlankOrNotBlank, AddRevocationInfo, GenericFamily, Hand, Href, TextEncoding, LeadDigits, Permissions, SpaceAbove, CodeBase, Stock, IsNull, RestoreState, ExcludeAllCaps, FormatTest, HScrollPolicy, Join, KeyCertSign, Radius, SourceAbove, Override, ClassId, Disable, Scope, Match, Placement, Before, WritingScript, EndChar, Lock, Long, Intact, XdpContent, DecipherOnly, Unknown = 255, }; enum class XFA_Element : int32_t { Unknown = -1, Ps, To, Ui, RecordSet, SubsetBelow, SubformSet, AdobeExtensionLevel, Typeface, Break, FontInfo, NumberPattern, DynamicRender, PrintScaling, CheckButton, DatePatterns, SourceSet, Amd, Arc, Day, Era, Jog, Log, Map, Mdp, BreakBefore, Oid, Pcl, Pdf, Ref, Uri, Xdc, Xdp, Xfa, Xsl, Zpl, Cache, Margin, KeyUsage, Exclude, ChoiceList, Level, LabelPrinter, CalendarSymbols, Para, Part, Pdfa, Filter, Present, Pagination, Encoding, Event, Whitespace, DefaultUi, DataModel, Barcode, TimePattern, BatchOutput, Enforce, CurrencySymbols, AddSilentPrint, Rename, Operation, Typefaces, SubjectDNs, Issuers, SignaturePseudoModel, WsdlConnection, Debug, Delta, EraNames, ModifyAnnots, StartNode, Button, Format, Border, Area, Hyphenation, Text, Time, Type, Overprint, Certificates, EncryptionMethods, SetProperty, PrinterName, StartPage, PageOffset, DateTime, Comb, Pattern, IfEmpty, SuppressBanner, OutputBin, Field, Agent, OutputXSL, AdjustData, AutoSave, ContentArea, EventPseudoModel, WsdlAddress, Solid, DateTimeSymbols, EncryptionLevel, Edge, Stipple, Attributes, VersionControl, Meridiem, ExclGroup, ToolTip, Compress, Reason, Execute, ContentCopy, DateTimeEdit, Config, Image, SharpxHTML, NumberOfCopies, BehaviorOverride, TimeStamp, Month, ViewerPreferences, ScriptModel, Decimal, Subform, Select, Window, LocaleSet, Handler, HostPseudoModel, Presence, Record, Embed, Version, Command, Copies, Staple, SubmitFormat, Boolean, Message, Output, PsMap, ExcludeNS, Assist, Picture, Traversal, SilentPrint, WebClient, LayoutPseudoModel, Producer, Corner, MsgId, Color, Keep, Query, Insert, ImageEdit, Validate, DigestMethods, NumberPatterns, PageSet, Integer, SoapAddress, Equate, FormFieldFilling, PageRange, Update, ConnectString, Mode, Layout, Sharpxml, XsdConnection, Traverse, Encodings, Template, Acrobat, ValidationMessaging, Signing, DataWindow, Script, AddViewerPreferences, AlwaysEmbed, PasswordEdit, NumericEdit, EncryptionMethod, Change, PageArea, SubmitUrl, Oids, Signature, ADBE_JSConsole, Caption, Relevant, FlipLabel, ExData, DayNames, SoapAction, DefaultTypeface, Manifest, Overflow, Linear, CurrencySymbol, Delete, Deltas, DigestMethod, InstanceManager, EquateRange, Medium, TextEdit, TemplateCache, CompressObjectStream, DataValue, AccessibleContent, TreeList, IncludeXDPContent, XmlConnection, ValidateApprovalSignatures, SignData, Packets, DatePattern, DuplexOption, Base, Bind, Compression, User, Rectangle, EffectiveOutputPolicy, ADBE_JSDebugger, Acrobat7, Interactive, Locale, CurrentPage, Data, Date, Desc, Encrypt, Draw, Encryption, MeridiemNames, Messaging, Speak, DataGroup, Common, Sharptext, PaginationOverride, Reasons, SignatureProperties, Threshold, AppearanceFilter, Fill, Font, Form, MediumInfo, Certificate, Password, RunScripts, Trace, Float, RenderPolicy, LogPseudoModel, Destination, Value, Bookend, ExObject, OpenAction, NeverEmbed, BindItems, Calculate, Print, Extras, Proto, DSigData, Creator, Connect, Permissions, ConnectionSet, Submit, Range, Linearized, Packet, RootElement, PlaintextMetadata, NumberSymbols, PrintHighQuality, Driver, IncrementalLoad, SubjectDN, CompressLogicalStructure, IncrementalMerge, Radial, Variables, TimePatterns, EffectiveInputPolicy, NameAttr, Conformance, Transform, LockDocument, BreakAfter, Line, List, Source, Occur, PickTrayByPDFSize, MonthNames, Severity, GroupParent, DocumentAssembly, NumberSymbol, Tagged, Items }; enum class XFA_AttributeType : uint8_t { Enum, CData, Boolean, Integer, Measure, }; struct XFA_SCRIPTHIERARCHY { uint16_t wAttributeStart; uint16_t wAttributeCount; int16_t wParentIndex; }; #define XFA_PROPERTYFLAG_OneOf 0x01 #define XFA_PROPERTYFLAG_DefaultOneOf 0x02 struct XFA_AttributeEnumInfo { uint32_t uHash; const wchar_t* pName; XFA_AttributeEnum eName; }; enum class XFA_Unit : uint8_t { Percent = 0, Em, Pt, In, Pc, Cm, Mm, Mp, Unknown = 255, }; typedef void (CJX_Object::*XFA_ATTRIBUTE_CALLBACK)(CFXJSE_Value* pValue, bool bSetting, XFA_Attribute eAttribute); enum class XFA_ScriptType : uint8_t { Basic, Object, }; struct XFA_SCRIPTATTRIBUTEINFO { uint32_t uHash; const wchar_t* pName; XFA_ATTRIBUTE_CALLBACK callback; XFA_Attribute attribute; XFA_ScriptType eValueType; }; #endif // XFA_FXFA_FXFA_BASIC_H_