// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cscript_hostpseudomodel.h" #include #include "fxjs/cfxjse_arguments.h" #include "fxjs/cfxjse_engine.h" #include "fxjs/cjx_object.h" #include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_ffnotify.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_document.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_layoutprocessor.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_localemgr.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_node.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/xfa_resolvenode_rs.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/xfa_utils.h" namespace { CXFA_Node* ToNode(CFXJSE_Value* pValue, CFXJSE_Class* pClass) { return static_cast(pValue->ToHostObject(pClass)); } } // namespace CScript_HostPseudoModel::CScript_HostPseudoModel(CXFA_Document* pDocument) : CXFA_Object(pDocument, XFA_ObjectType::Object, XFA_Element::HostPseudoModel, WideStringView(L"hostPseudoModel"), pdfium::MakeUnique(this)) {} CScript_HostPseudoModel::~CScript_HostPseudoModel() {} void CScript_HostPseudoModel::AppType(CFXJSE_Value* pValue, bool bSetting, XFA_ATTRIBUTE eAttribute) { CXFA_FFNotify* pNotify = m_pDocument->GetNotify(); if (!pNotify) return; if (bSetting) { JSObject()->ThrowInvalidPropertyException(); return; } pValue->SetString("Exchange"); } void CScript_HostPseudoModel::CalculationsEnabled(CFXJSE_Value* pValue, bool bSetting, XFA_ATTRIBUTE eAttribute) { CXFA_FFNotify* pNotify = m_pDocument->GetNotify(); if (!pNotify) { return; } CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc = pNotify->GetHDOC(); if (bSetting) { pNotify->GetDocEnvironment()->SetCalculationsEnabled(hDoc, pValue->ToBoolean()); return; } pValue->SetBoolean(pNotify->GetDocEnvironment()->IsCalculationsEnabled(hDoc)); } void CScript_HostPseudoModel::CurrentPage(CFXJSE_Value* pValue, bool bSetting, XFA_ATTRIBUTE eAttribute) { CXFA_FFNotify* pNotify = m_pDocument->GetNotify(); if (!pNotify) { return; } CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc = pNotify->GetHDOC(); if (bSetting) { pNotify->GetDocEnvironment()->SetCurrentPage(hDoc, pValue->ToInteger()); return; } pValue->SetInteger(pNotify->GetDocEnvironment()->GetCurrentPage(hDoc)); } void CScript_HostPseudoModel::Language(CFXJSE_Value* pValue, bool bSetting, XFA_ATTRIBUTE eAttribute) { CXFA_FFNotify* pNotify = m_pDocument->GetNotify(); if (!pNotify) return; if (bSetting) { JSObject()->ThrowException(L"Unable to set language value."); return; } pValue->SetString( pNotify->GetAppProvider()->GetLanguage().UTF8Encode().AsStringView()); } void CScript_HostPseudoModel::NumPages(CFXJSE_Value* pValue, bool bSetting, XFA_ATTRIBUTE eAttribute) { CXFA_FFNotify* pNotify = m_pDocument->GetNotify(); if (!pNotify) { return; } CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc = pNotify->GetHDOC(); if (bSetting) { JSObject()->ThrowException(L"Unable to set numPages value."); return; } pValue->SetInteger(pNotify->GetDocEnvironment()->CountPages(hDoc)); } void CScript_HostPseudoModel::Platform(CFXJSE_Value* pValue, bool bSetting, XFA_ATTRIBUTE eAttribute) { CXFA_FFNotify* pNotify = m_pDocument->GetNotify(); if (!pNotify) return; if (bSetting) { JSObject()->ThrowException(L"Unable to set platform value."); return; } pValue->SetString( pNotify->GetAppProvider()->GetPlatform().UTF8Encode().AsStringView()); } void CScript_HostPseudoModel::Title(CFXJSE_Value* pValue, bool bSetting, XFA_ATTRIBUTE eAttribute) { if (!m_pDocument->GetScriptContext()->IsRunAtClient()) { return; } CXFA_FFNotify* pNotify = m_pDocument->GetNotify(); if (!pNotify) { return; } CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc = pNotify->GetHDOC(); if (bSetting) { pNotify->GetDocEnvironment()->SetTitle(hDoc, pValue->ToWideString()); return; } WideString wsTitle; pNotify->GetDocEnvironment()->GetTitle(hDoc, wsTitle); pValue->SetString(wsTitle.UTF8Encode().AsStringView()); } void CScript_HostPseudoModel::ValidationsEnabled(CFXJSE_Value* pValue, bool bSetting, XFA_ATTRIBUTE eAttribute) { CXFA_FFNotify* pNotify = m_pDocument->GetNotify(); if (!pNotify) { return; } CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc = pNotify->GetHDOC(); if (bSetting) { pNotify->GetDocEnvironment()->SetValidationsEnabled(hDoc, pValue->ToBoolean()); return; } bool bEnabled = pNotify->GetDocEnvironment()->IsValidationsEnabled(hDoc); pValue->SetBoolean(bEnabled); } void CScript_HostPseudoModel::Variation(CFXJSE_Value* pValue, bool bSetting, XFA_ATTRIBUTE eAttribute) { if (!m_pDocument->GetScriptContext()->IsRunAtClient()) return; CXFA_FFNotify* pNotify = m_pDocument->GetNotify(); if (!pNotify) return; if (bSetting) { JSObject()->ThrowException(L"Unable to set variation value."); return; } pValue->SetString("Full"); } void CScript_HostPseudoModel::Version(CFXJSE_Value* pValue, bool bSetting, XFA_ATTRIBUTE eAttribute) { CXFA_FFNotify* pNotify = m_pDocument->GetNotify(); if (!pNotify) { return; } if (bSetting) { JSObject()->ThrowException(L"Unable to set version value."); return; } pValue->SetString("11"); } void CScript_HostPseudoModel::Name(CFXJSE_Value* pValue, bool bSetting, XFA_ATTRIBUTE eAttribute) { CXFA_FFNotify* pNotify = m_pDocument->GetNotify(); if (!pNotify) { return; } if (bSetting) { JSObject()->ThrowInvalidPropertyException(); return; } pValue->SetString( pNotify->GetAppProvider()->GetAppName().UTF8Encode().AsStringView()); } void CScript_HostPseudoModel::GotoURL(CFXJSE_Arguments* pArguments) { if (!m_pDocument->GetScriptContext()->IsRunAtClient()) { return; } int32_t iLength = pArguments->GetLength(); if (iLength != 1) { JSObject()->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"gotoURL"); return; } CXFA_FFNotify* pNotify = m_pDocument->GetNotify(); if (!pNotify) { return; } CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc = pNotify->GetHDOC(); WideString wsURL; if (iLength >= 1) { ByteString bsURL = pArguments->GetUTF8String(0); wsURL = WideString::FromUTF8(bsURL.AsStringView()); } pNotify->GetDocEnvironment()->GotoURL(hDoc, wsURL); } void CScript_HostPseudoModel::OpenList(CFXJSE_Arguments* pArguments) { if (!m_pDocument->GetScriptContext()->IsRunAtClient()) { return; } int32_t iLength = pArguments->GetLength(); if (iLength != 1) { JSObject()->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"openList"); return; } CXFA_FFNotify* pNotify = m_pDocument->GetNotify(); if (!pNotify) { return; } CXFA_Node* pNode = nullptr; if (iLength >= 1) { std::unique_ptr pValue(pArguments->GetValue(0)); if (pValue->IsObject()) { pNode = ToNode(pValue.get(), nullptr); } else if (pValue->IsString()) { CFXJSE_Engine* pScriptContext = m_pDocument->GetScriptContext(); if (!pScriptContext) return; CXFA_Object* pObject = pScriptContext->GetThisObject(); if (!pObject) return; uint32_t dwFlag = XFA_RESOLVENODE_Children | XFA_RESOLVENODE_Parent | XFA_RESOLVENODE_Siblings; XFA_RESOLVENODE_RS resoveNodeRS; int32_t iRet = pScriptContext->ResolveObjects( pObject, pValue->ToWideString().AsStringView(), resoveNodeRS, dwFlag); if (iRet < 1 || !resoveNodeRS.objects.front()->IsNode()) return; pNode = resoveNodeRS.objects.front()->AsNode(); } } CXFA_LayoutProcessor* pDocLayout = m_pDocument->GetDocLayout(); if (!pDocLayout) { return; } CXFA_FFWidget* hWidget = pNotify->GetHWidget(pDocLayout->GetLayoutItem(pNode)); if (!hWidget) { return; } pNotify->GetDocEnvironment()->SetFocusWidget(pNotify->GetHDOC(), hWidget); pNotify->OpenDropDownList(hWidget); } void CScript_HostPseudoModel::Response(CFXJSE_Arguments* pArguments) { int32_t iLength = pArguments->GetLength(); if (iLength < 1 || iLength > 4) { JSObject()->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"response"); return; } CXFA_FFNotify* pNotify = m_pDocument->GetNotify(); if (!pNotify) { return; } WideString wsQuestion; WideString wsTitle; WideString wsDefaultAnswer; bool bMark = false; if (iLength >= 1) { ByteString bsQuestion = pArguments->GetUTF8String(0); wsQuestion = WideString::FromUTF8(bsQuestion.AsStringView()); } if (iLength >= 2) { ByteString bsTitle = pArguments->GetUTF8String(1); wsTitle = WideString::FromUTF8(bsTitle.AsStringView()); } if (iLength >= 3) { ByteString bsDefaultAnswer = pArguments->GetUTF8String(2); wsDefaultAnswer = WideString::FromUTF8(bsDefaultAnswer.AsStringView()); } if (iLength >= 4) { bMark = pArguments->GetInt32(3) == 0 ? false : true; } WideString wsAnswer = pNotify->GetAppProvider()->Response( wsQuestion, wsTitle, wsDefaultAnswer, bMark); CFXJSE_Value* pValue = pArguments->GetReturnValue(); if (pValue) pValue->SetString(wsAnswer.UTF8Encode().AsStringView()); } void CScript_HostPseudoModel::DocumentInBatch(CFXJSE_Arguments* pArguments) { if (CFXJSE_Value* pValue = pArguments->GetReturnValue()) pValue->SetInteger(0); } static int32_t XFA_FilterName(const WideStringView& wsExpression, int32_t nStart, WideString& wsFilter) { ASSERT(nStart > -1); int32_t iLength = wsExpression.GetLength(); if (nStart >= iLength) { return iLength; } wchar_t* pBuf = wsFilter.GetBuffer(iLength - nStart); int32_t nCount = 0; const wchar_t* pSrc = wsExpression.unterminated_c_str(); wchar_t wCur; while (nStart < iLength) { wCur = pSrc[nStart++]; if (wCur == ',') { break; } pBuf[nCount++] = wCur; } wsFilter.ReleaseBuffer(nCount); wsFilter.TrimLeft(); wsFilter.TrimRight(); return nStart; } void CScript_HostPseudoModel::ResetData(CFXJSE_Arguments* pArguments) { int32_t iLength = pArguments->GetLength(); if (iLength < 0 || iLength > 1) { JSObject()->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"resetData"); return; } CXFA_FFNotify* pNotify = m_pDocument->GetNotify(); if (!pNotify) { return; } WideString wsExpression; if (iLength >= 1) { ByteString bsExpression = pArguments->GetUTF8String(0); wsExpression = WideString::FromUTF8(bsExpression.AsStringView()); } if (wsExpression.IsEmpty()) { pNotify->ResetData(); return; } int32_t iStart = 0; WideString wsName; CXFA_Node* pNode = nullptr; int32_t iExpLength = wsExpression.GetLength(); while (iStart < iExpLength) { iStart = XFA_FilterName(wsExpression.AsStringView(), iStart, wsName); CFXJSE_Engine* pScriptContext = m_pDocument->GetScriptContext(); if (!pScriptContext) return; CXFA_Object* pObject = pScriptContext->GetThisObject(); if (!pObject) return; uint32_t dwFlag = XFA_RESOLVENODE_Children | XFA_RESOLVENODE_Parent | XFA_RESOLVENODE_Siblings; XFA_RESOLVENODE_RS resoveNodeRS; int32_t iRet = pScriptContext->ResolveObjects( pObject, wsName.AsStringView(), resoveNodeRS, dwFlag); if (iRet < 1 || !resoveNodeRS.objects.front()->IsNode()) { continue; } pNode = resoveNodeRS.objects.front()->AsNode(); pNotify->ResetData(pNode->GetWidgetData()); } if (!pNode) { pNotify->ResetData(); } } void CScript_HostPseudoModel::Beep(CFXJSE_Arguments* pArguments) { if (!m_pDocument->GetScriptContext()->IsRunAtClient()) { return; } int32_t iLength = pArguments->GetLength(); if (iLength < 0 || iLength > 1) { JSObject()->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"beep"); return; } CXFA_FFNotify* pNotify = m_pDocument->GetNotify(); if (!pNotify) { return; } uint32_t dwType = 4; if (iLength >= 1) { dwType = pArguments->GetInt32(0); } pNotify->GetAppProvider()->Beep(dwType); } void CScript_HostPseudoModel::SetFocus(CFXJSE_Arguments* pArguments) { if (!m_pDocument->GetScriptContext()->IsRunAtClient()) { return; } int32_t iLength = pArguments->GetLength(); if (iLength != 1) { JSObject()->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"setFocus"); return; } CXFA_FFNotify* pNotify = m_pDocument->GetNotify(); if (!pNotify) { return; } CXFA_Node* pNode = nullptr; if (iLength >= 1) { std::unique_ptr pValue(pArguments->GetValue(0)); if (pValue->IsObject()) { pNode = ToNode(pValue.get(), nullptr); } else if (pValue->IsString()) { CFXJSE_Engine* pScriptContext = m_pDocument->GetScriptContext(); if (!pScriptContext) return; CXFA_Object* pObject = pScriptContext->GetThisObject(); if (!pObject) return; uint32_t dwFlag = XFA_RESOLVENODE_Children | XFA_RESOLVENODE_Parent | XFA_RESOLVENODE_Siblings; XFA_RESOLVENODE_RS resoveNodeRS; int32_t iRet = pScriptContext->ResolveObjects( pObject, pValue->ToWideString().AsStringView(), resoveNodeRS, dwFlag); if (iRet < 1 || !resoveNodeRS.objects.front()->IsNode()) return; pNode = resoveNodeRS.objects.front()->AsNode(); } } pNotify->SetFocusWidgetNode(pNode); } void CScript_HostPseudoModel::GetFocus(CFXJSE_Arguments* pArguments) { CXFA_FFNotify* pNotify = m_pDocument->GetNotify(); if (!pNotify) { return; } CXFA_Node* pNode = pNotify->GetFocusWidgetNode(); if (!pNode) { return; } pArguments->GetReturnValue()->Assign( m_pDocument->GetScriptContext()->GetJSValueFromMap(pNode)); } void CScript_HostPseudoModel::MessageBox(CFXJSE_Arguments* pArguments) { if (!m_pDocument->GetScriptContext()->IsRunAtClient()) { return; } int32_t iLength = pArguments->GetLength(); if (iLength < 1 || iLength > 4) { JSObject()->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"messageBox"); return; } CXFA_FFNotify* pNotify = m_pDocument->GetNotify(); if (!pNotify) { return; } WideString wsMessage; WideString bsTitle; uint32_t dwMessageType = XFA_MBICON_Error; uint32_t dwButtonType = XFA_MB_OK; if (iLength >= 1) { if (!ValidateArgsForMsg(pArguments, 0, wsMessage)) { return; } } if (iLength >= 2) { if (!ValidateArgsForMsg(pArguments, 1, bsTitle)) { return; } } if (iLength >= 3) { dwMessageType = pArguments->GetInt32(2); if (dwMessageType > XFA_MBICON_Status) { dwMessageType = XFA_MBICON_Error; } } if (iLength >= 4) { dwButtonType = pArguments->GetInt32(3); if (dwButtonType > XFA_MB_YesNoCancel) { dwButtonType = XFA_MB_OK; } } int32_t iValue = pNotify->GetAppProvider()->MsgBox( wsMessage, bsTitle, dwMessageType, dwButtonType); CFXJSE_Value* pValue = pArguments->GetReturnValue(); if (pValue) pValue->SetInteger(iValue); } bool CScript_HostPseudoModel::ValidateArgsForMsg(CFXJSE_Arguments* pArguments, int32_t iArgIndex, WideString& wsValue) { if (!pArguments || iArgIndex < 0) { return false; } bool bIsJsType = false; if (m_pDocument->GetScriptContext()->GetType() == XFA_SCRIPTLANGTYPE_Javascript) { bIsJsType = true; } std::unique_ptr pValueArg(pArguments->GetValue(iArgIndex)); if (!pValueArg->IsString() && bIsJsType) { JSObject()->ThrowArgumentMismatchException(); return false; } if (pValueArg->IsNull()) { wsValue = L""; } else { wsValue = pValueArg->ToWideString(); } return true; } void CScript_HostPseudoModel::DocumentCountInBatch( CFXJSE_Arguments* pArguments) { if (CFXJSE_Value* pValue = pArguments->GetReturnValue()) pValue->SetInteger(0); } void CScript_HostPseudoModel::Print(CFXJSE_Arguments* pArguments) { if (!m_pDocument->GetScriptContext()->IsRunAtClient()) { return; } int32_t iLength = pArguments->GetLength(); if (iLength != 8) { JSObject()->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"print"); return; } CXFA_FFNotify* pNotify = m_pDocument->GetNotify(); if (!pNotify) { return; } CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc = pNotify->GetHDOC(); uint32_t dwOptions = 0; bool bShowDialog = true; if (iLength >= 1) { bShowDialog = pArguments->GetInt32(0) == 0 ? false : true; } if (bShowDialog) { dwOptions |= XFA_PRINTOPT_ShowDialog; } int32_t nStartPage = 0; if (iLength >= 2) { nStartPage = pArguments->GetInt32(1); } int32_t nEndPage = 0; if (iLength >= 3) { nEndPage = pArguments->GetInt32(2); } bool bCanCancel = true; if (iLength >= 4) { bCanCancel = pArguments->GetInt32(3) == 0 ? false : true; } if (bCanCancel) { dwOptions |= XFA_PRINTOPT_CanCancel; } bool bShrinkPage = true; if (iLength >= 5) { bShrinkPage = pArguments->GetInt32(4) == 0 ? false : true; } if (bShrinkPage) { dwOptions |= XFA_PRINTOPT_ShrinkPage; } bool bAsImage = true; if (iLength >= 6) { bAsImage = pArguments->GetInt32(5) == 0 ? false : true; } if (bAsImage) { dwOptions |= XFA_PRINTOPT_AsImage; } bool bReverseOrder = true; if (iLength >= 7) { bAsImage = pArguments->GetInt32(5) == 0 ? false : true; } bReverseOrder = pArguments->GetInt32(6) == 0 ? false : true; if (bReverseOrder) { dwOptions |= XFA_PRINTOPT_ReverseOrder; } bool bPrintAnnot = true; if (iLength >= 8) { bPrintAnnot = pArguments->GetInt32(7) == 0 ? false : true; } if (bPrintAnnot) { dwOptions |= XFA_PRINTOPT_PrintAnnot; } pNotify->GetDocEnvironment()->Print(hDoc, nStartPage, nEndPage, dwOptions); } void CScript_HostPseudoModel::ImportData(CFXJSE_Arguments* pArguments) { int32_t iLength = pArguments->GetLength(); if (iLength < 0 || iLength > 1) { JSObject()->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"importData"); return; } // Not implemented. } void CScript_HostPseudoModel::ExportData(CFXJSE_Arguments* pArguments) { int32_t iLength = pArguments->GetLength(); if (iLength < 0 || iLength > 2) { JSObject()->ThrowParamCountMismatchException(L"exportData"); return; } CXFA_FFNotify* pNotify = m_pDocument->GetNotify(); if (!pNotify) { return; } CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc = pNotify->GetHDOC(); WideString wsFilePath; bool bXDP = true; if (iLength >= 1) { ByteString bsFilePath = pArguments->GetUTF8String(0); wsFilePath = WideString::FromUTF8(bsFilePath.AsStringView()); } if (iLength >= 2) { bXDP = pArguments->GetInt32(1) == 0 ? false : true; } pNotify->GetDocEnvironment()->ExportData(hDoc, wsFilePath, bXDP); } void CScript_HostPseudoModel::PageUp(CFXJSE_Arguments* pArguments) { CXFA_FFNotify* pNotify = m_pDocument->GetNotify(); if (!pNotify) { return; } CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc = pNotify->GetHDOC(); int32_t nCurPage = pNotify->GetDocEnvironment()->GetCurrentPage(hDoc); int32_t nNewPage = 0; if (nCurPage <= 1) { return; } nNewPage = nCurPage - 1; pNotify->GetDocEnvironment()->SetCurrentPage(hDoc, nNewPage); } void CScript_HostPseudoModel::PageDown(CFXJSE_Arguments* pArguments) { CXFA_FFNotify* pNotify = m_pDocument->GetNotify(); if (!pNotify) { return; } CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc = pNotify->GetHDOC(); int32_t nCurPage = pNotify->GetDocEnvironment()->GetCurrentPage(hDoc); int32_t nPageCount = pNotify->GetDocEnvironment()->CountPages(hDoc); if (!nPageCount || nCurPage == nPageCount) { return; } int32_t nNewPage = 0; if (nCurPage >= nPageCount) { nNewPage = nPageCount - 1; } else { nNewPage = nCurPage + 1; } pNotify->GetDocEnvironment()->SetCurrentPage(hDoc, nNewPage); } void CScript_HostPseudoModel::CurrentDateTime(CFXJSE_Arguments* pArguments) { CXFA_FFNotify* pNotify = m_pDocument->GetNotify(); if (!pNotify) { return; } WideString wsDataTime = pNotify->GetCurrentDateTime(); CFXJSE_Value* pValue = pArguments->GetReturnValue(); if (pValue) pValue->SetString(wsDataTime.UTF8Encode().AsStringView()); }