// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_widgetdata.h" #include "core/fxcrt/cfx_decimal.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_extension.h" #include "fxbarcode/BC_Library.h" #include "third_party/base/stl_util.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_ffnotify.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_document.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_eventdata.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_localevalue.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_measurement.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_node.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/xfa_utils.h" namespace { float GetEdgeThickness(const std::vector& strokes, bool b3DStyle, int32_t nIndex) { float fThickness = 0; if (strokes[nIndex * 2 + 1].GetPresence() == XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_Visible) { if (nIndex == 0) fThickness += 2.5f; fThickness += strokes[nIndex * 2 + 1].GetThickness() * (b3DStyle ? 4 : 2); } return fThickness; } bool SplitDateTime(const WideString& wsDateTime, WideString& wsDate, WideString& wsTime) { wsDate = L""; wsTime = L""; if (wsDateTime.IsEmpty()) return false; auto nSplitIndex = wsDateTime.Find('T'); if (!nSplitIndex.has_value()) nSplitIndex = wsDateTime.Find(' '); if (!nSplitIndex.has_value()) return false; wsDate = wsDateTime.Left(nSplitIndex.value()); if (!wsDate.IsEmpty()) { if (!std::any_of(wsDate.begin(), wsDate.end(), std::iswdigit)) return false; } wsTime = wsDateTime.Right(wsDateTime.GetLength() - nSplitIndex.value() - 1); if (!wsTime.IsEmpty()) { if (!std::any_of(wsTime.begin(), wsTime.end(), std::iswdigit)) return false; } return true; } CXFA_Node* CreateUIChild(CXFA_Node* pNode, XFA_Element& eWidgetType) { XFA_Element eType = pNode->GetElementType(); eWidgetType = eType; if (eType != XFA_Element::Field && eType != XFA_Element::Draw) return nullptr; eWidgetType = XFA_Element::Unknown; XFA_Element eUIType = XFA_Element::Unknown; CXFA_ValueData defValueData( pNode->JSNode()->GetProperty(0, XFA_Element::Value, true)); XFA_Element eValueType = defValueData.GetChildValueClassID(); switch (eValueType) { case XFA_Element::Boolean: eUIType = XFA_Element::CheckButton; break; case XFA_Element::Integer: case XFA_Element::Decimal: case XFA_Element::Float: eUIType = XFA_Element::NumericEdit; break; case XFA_Element::ExData: case XFA_Element::Text: eUIType = XFA_Element::TextEdit; eWidgetType = XFA_Element::Text; break; case XFA_Element::Date: case XFA_Element::Time: case XFA_Element::DateTime: eUIType = XFA_Element::DateTimeEdit; break; case XFA_Element::Image: eUIType = XFA_Element::ImageEdit; eWidgetType = XFA_Element::Image; break; case XFA_Element::Arc: case XFA_Element::Line: case XFA_Element::Rectangle: eUIType = XFA_Element::DefaultUi; eWidgetType = eValueType; break; default: break; } CXFA_Node* pUIChild = nullptr; CXFA_Node* pUI = pNode->JSNode()->GetProperty(0, XFA_Element::Ui, true); CXFA_Node* pChild = pUI->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild); for (; pChild; pChild = pChild->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_NextSibling)) { XFA_Element eChildType = pChild->GetElementType(); if (eChildType == XFA_Element::Extras || eChildType == XFA_Element::Picture) { continue; } const XFA_PROPERTY* pProperty = XFA_GetPropertyOfElement( XFA_Element::Ui, eChildType, XFA_XDPPACKET_Form); if (pProperty && (pProperty->uFlags & XFA_PROPERTYFLAG_OneOf)) { pUIChild = pChild; break; } } if (eType == XFA_Element::Draw) { XFA_Element eDraw = pUIChild ? pUIChild->GetElementType() : XFA_Element::Unknown; switch (eDraw) { case XFA_Element::TextEdit: eWidgetType = XFA_Element::Text; break; case XFA_Element::ImageEdit: eWidgetType = XFA_Element::Image; break; default: eWidgetType = eWidgetType == XFA_Element::Unknown ? XFA_Element::Text : eWidgetType; break; } } else { if (pUIChild && pUIChild->GetElementType() == XFA_Element::DefaultUi) { eWidgetType = XFA_Element::TextEdit; } else { eWidgetType = pUIChild ? pUIChild->GetElementType() : (eUIType == XFA_Element::Unknown ? XFA_Element::TextEdit : eUIType); } } if (!pUIChild) { if (eUIType == XFA_Element::Unknown) { eUIType = XFA_Element::TextEdit; defValueData.GetNode()->JSNode()->GetProperty(0, XFA_Element::Text, true); } return pUI->JSNode()->GetProperty(0, eUIType, true); } if (eUIType != XFA_Element::Unknown) return pUIChild; switch (pUIChild->GetElementType()) { case XFA_Element::CheckButton: { eValueType = XFA_Element::Text; if (CXFA_Node* pItems = pNode->GetChild(0, XFA_Element::Items, false)) { if (CXFA_Node* pItem = pItems->GetChild(0, XFA_Element::Unknown, false)) eValueType = pItem->GetElementType(); } break; } case XFA_Element::DateTimeEdit: eValueType = XFA_Element::DateTime; break; case XFA_Element::ImageEdit: eValueType = XFA_Element::Image; break; case XFA_Element::NumericEdit: eValueType = XFA_Element::Float; break; case XFA_Element::ChoiceList: { eValueType = (pUIChild->JSNode()->GetEnum(XFA_Attribute::Open) == XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_MultiSelect) ? XFA_Element::ExData : XFA_Element::Text; break; } case XFA_Element::Barcode: case XFA_Element::Button: case XFA_Element::PasswordEdit: case XFA_Element::Signature: case XFA_Element::TextEdit: default: eValueType = XFA_Element::Text; break; } defValueData.GetNode()->JSNode()->GetProperty(0, eValueType, true); return pUIChild; } XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM GetAttributeDefaultValue_Enum(XFA_Element eElement, XFA_Attribute eAttribute, uint32_t dwPacket) { void* pValue; if (XFA_GetAttributeDefaultValue(pValue, eElement, eAttribute, XFA_AttributeType::Enum, dwPacket)) { return (XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM)(uintptr_t)pValue; } return XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_Unknown; } WideStringView GetAttributeDefaultValue_Cdata(XFA_Element eElement, XFA_Attribute eAttribute, uint32_t dwPacket) { void* pValue; if (XFA_GetAttributeDefaultValue(pValue, eElement, eAttribute, XFA_AttributeType::CData, dwPacket)) { return (const wchar_t*)pValue; } return nullptr; } bool GetAttributeDefaultValue_Boolean(XFA_Element eElement, XFA_Attribute eAttribute, uint32_t dwPacket) { void* pValue; if (XFA_GetAttributeDefaultValue(pValue, eElement, eAttribute, XFA_AttributeType::Boolean, dwPacket)) { return !!pValue; } return false; } } // namespace CXFA_WidgetData::CXFA_WidgetData(CXFA_Node* pNode) : CXFA_Data(pNode), m_bIsNull(true), m_bPreNull(true), m_pUiChildNode(nullptr), m_eUIType(XFA_Element::Unknown) {} CXFA_Node* CXFA_WidgetData::GetUIChild() { if (m_eUIType == XFA_Element::Unknown) m_pUiChildNode = CreateUIChild(m_pNode, m_eUIType); return m_pUiChildNode; } XFA_Element CXFA_WidgetData::GetUIType() { GetUIChild(); return m_eUIType; } WideString CXFA_WidgetData::GetRawValue() { return m_pNode->JSNode()->GetContent(false); } int32_t CXFA_WidgetData::GetAccess() { CXFA_Node* pNode = m_pNode; while (pNode) { int32_t iAcc = pNode->JSNode()->GetEnum(XFA_Attribute::Access); if (iAcc != XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_Open) return iAcc; pNode = pNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_Parent, XFA_ObjectType::ContainerNode); } return XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_Open; } int32_t CXFA_WidgetData::GetRotate() { CXFA_Measurement ms; if (!m_pNode->JSNode()->TryMeasure(XFA_Attribute::Rotate, ms, false)) return 0; int32_t iRotate = FXSYS_round(ms.GetValue()); iRotate = XFA_MapRotation(iRotate); return iRotate / 90 * 90; } CXFA_BorderData CXFA_WidgetData::GetBorderData(bool bModified) { return CXFA_BorderData( m_pNode->JSNode()->GetProperty(0, XFA_Element::Border, bModified)); } CXFA_CaptionData CXFA_WidgetData::GetCaptionData() { return CXFA_CaptionData( m_pNode->JSNode()->GetProperty(0, XFA_Element::Caption, false)); } CXFA_FontData CXFA_WidgetData::GetFontData(bool bModified) { return CXFA_FontData( m_pNode->JSNode()->GetProperty(0, XFA_Element::Font, bModified)); } CXFA_MarginData CXFA_WidgetData::GetMarginData() { return CXFA_MarginData( m_pNode->JSNode()->GetProperty(0, XFA_Element::Margin, false)); } CXFA_ParaData CXFA_WidgetData::GetParaData() { return CXFA_ParaData( m_pNode->JSNode()->GetProperty(0, XFA_Element::Para, false)); } std::vector CXFA_WidgetData::GetEventList() { return m_pNode->GetNodeList(0, XFA_Element::Event); } std::vector CXFA_WidgetData::GetEventByActivity(int32_t iActivity, bool bIsFormReady) { std::vector events; for (CXFA_Node* pNode : GetEventList()) { CXFA_EventData eventData(pNode); if (eventData.GetActivity() == iActivity) { if (iActivity == XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_Ready) { WideStringView wsRef; eventData.GetRef(wsRef); if (bIsFormReady) { if (wsRef == WideStringView(L"$form")) events.push_back(pNode); } else { if (wsRef == WideStringView(L"$layout")) events.push_back(pNode); } } else { events.push_back(pNode); } } } return events; } CXFA_ValueData CXFA_WidgetData::GetDefaultValueData() { CXFA_Node* pTemNode = m_pNode->GetTemplateNode(); return CXFA_ValueData( pTemNode ? pTemNode->JSNode()->GetProperty(0, XFA_Element::Value, false) : nullptr); } CXFA_ValueData CXFA_WidgetData::GetFormValueData() { return CXFA_ValueData( m_pNode->JSNode()->GetProperty(0, XFA_Element::Value, false)); } CXFA_CalculateData CXFA_WidgetData::GetCalculateData() { return CXFA_CalculateData( m_pNode->JSNode()->GetProperty(0, XFA_Element::Calculate, false)); } CXFA_ValidateData CXFA_WidgetData::GetValidateData(bool bModified) { return CXFA_ValidateData( m_pNode->JSNode()->GetProperty(0, XFA_Element::Validate, bModified)); } CXFA_BindData CXFA_WidgetData::GetBindData() { return CXFA_BindData( m_pNode->JSNode()->GetProperty(0, XFA_Element::Bind, false)); } CXFA_AssistData CXFA_WidgetData::GetAssistData() { return CXFA_AssistData( m_pNode->JSNode()->GetProperty(0, XFA_Element::Assist, false)); } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetWidth(float& fWidth) { return TryMeasure(XFA_Attribute::W, fWidth); } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetHeight(float& fHeight) { return TryMeasure(XFA_Attribute::H, fHeight); } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetMinWidth(float& fMinWidth) { return TryMeasure(XFA_Attribute::MinW, fMinWidth); } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetMinHeight(float& fMinHeight) { return TryMeasure(XFA_Attribute::MinH, fMinHeight); } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetMaxWidth(float& fMaxWidth) { return TryMeasure(XFA_Attribute::MaxW, fMaxWidth); } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetMaxHeight(float& fMaxHeight) { return TryMeasure(XFA_Attribute::MaxH, fMaxHeight); } CXFA_BorderData CXFA_WidgetData::GetUIBorderData() { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); return CXFA_BorderData( pUIChild ? pUIChild->JSNode()->GetProperty(0, XFA_Element::Border, false) : nullptr); } CFX_RectF CXFA_WidgetData::GetUIMargin() { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); CXFA_MarginData mgUI = CXFA_MarginData( pUIChild ? pUIChild->JSNode()->GetProperty(0, XFA_Element::Margin, false) : nullptr); if (!mgUI) return CFX_RectF(); CXFA_BorderData borderData = GetUIBorderData(); if (borderData && borderData.GetPresence() != XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_Visible) return CFX_RectF(); float fLeftInset, fTopInset, fRightInset, fBottomInset; bool bLeft = mgUI.GetLeftInset(fLeftInset); bool bTop = mgUI.GetTopInset(fTopInset); bool bRight = mgUI.GetRightInset(fRightInset); bool bBottom = mgUI.GetBottomInset(fBottomInset); if (borderData) { bool bVisible = false; float fThickness = 0; borderData.Get3DStyle(bVisible, fThickness); if (!bLeft || !bTop || !bRight || !bBottom) { std::vector strokes = borderData.GetStrokes(); if (!bTop) fTopInset = GetEdgeThickness(strokes, bVisible, 0); if (!bRight) fRightInset = GetEdgeThickness(strokes, bVisible, 1); if (!bBottom) fBottomInset = GetEdgeThickness(strokes, bVisible, 2); if (!bLeft) fLeftInset = GetEdgeThickness(strokes, bVisible, 3); } } return CFX_RectF(fLeftInset, fTopInset, fRightInset, fBottomInset); } int32_t CXFA_WidgetData::GetButtonHighlight() { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); if (pUIChild) return pUIChild->JSNode()->GetEnum(XFA_Attribute::Highlight); return GetAttributeDefaultValue_Enum( XFA_Element::Button, XFA_Attribute::Highlight, XFA_XDPPACKET_Form); } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetButtonRollover(WideString& wsRollover, bool& bRichText) { if (CXFA_Node* pItems = m_pNode->GetChild(0, XFA_Element::Items, false)) { CXFA_Node* pText = pItems->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild); while (pText) { WideStringView wsName; pText->JSNode()->TryCData(XFA_Attribute::Name, wsName, true); if (wsName == L"rollover") { pText->JSNode()->TryContent(wsRollover, false, true); bRichText = pText->GetElementType() == XFA_Element::ExData; return !wsRollover.IsEmpty(); } pText = pText->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_NextSibling); } } return false; } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetButtonDown(WideString& wsDown, bool& bRichText) { if (CXFA_Node* pItems = m_pNode->GetChild(0, XFA_Element::Items, false)) { CXFA_Node* pText = pItems->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild); while (pText) { WideStringView wsName; pText->JSNode()->TryCData(XFA_Attribute::Name, wsName, true); if (wsName == L"down") { pText->JSNode()->TryContent(wsDown, false, true); bRichText = pText->GetElementType() == XFA_Element::ExData; return !wsDown.IsEmpty(); } pText = pText->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_NextSibling); } } return false; } int32_t CXFA_WidgetData::GetCheckButtonShape() { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); if (pUIChild) return pUIChild->JSNode()->GetEnum(XFA_Attribute::Shape); return GetAttributeDefaultValue_Enum( XFA_Element::CheckButton, XFA_Attribute::Shape, XFA_XDPPACKET_Form); } int32_t CXFA_WidgetData::GetCheckButtonMark() { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); if (pUIChild) return pUIChild->JSNode()->GetEnum(XFA_Attribute::Mark); return GetAttributeDefaultValue_Enum(XFA_Element::CheckButton, XFA_Attribute::Mark, XFA_XDPPACKET_Form); } bool CXFA_WidgetData::IsRadioButton() { if (CXFA_Node* pParent = m_pNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_Parent)) return pParent->GetElementType() == XFA_Element::ExclGroup; return false; } float CXFA_WidgetData::GetCheckButtonSize() { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); if (pUIChild) return pUIChild->JSNode() ->GetMeasure(XFA_Attribute::Size) .ToUnit(XFA_Unit::Pt); return XFA_GetAttributeDefaultValue_Measure( XFA_Element::CheckButton, XFA_Attribute::Size, XFA_XDPPACKET_Form) .ToUnit(XFA_Unit::Pt); } bool CXFA_WidgetData::IsAllowNeutral() { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); if (pUIChild) return pUIChild->JSNode()->GetBoolean(XFA_Attribute::AllowNeutral); return GetAttributeDefaultValue_Boolean(XFA_Element::CheckButton, XFA_Attribute::AllowNeutral, XFA_XDPPACKET_Form); } XFA_CHECKSTATE CXFA_WidgetData::GetCheckState() { WideString wsValue = GetRawValue(); if (wsValue.IsEmpty()) return XFA_CHECKSTATE_Off; if (CXFA_Node* pItems = m_pNode->GetChild(0, XFA_Element::Items, false)) { CXFA_Node* pText = pItems->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild); int32_t i = 0; while (pText) { WideString wsContent; if (pText->JSNode()->TryContent(wsContent, false, true) && (wsContent == wsValue)) { return (XFA_CHECKSTATE)i; } i++; pText = pText->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_NextSibling); } } return XFA_CHECKSTATE_Off; } void CXFA_WidgetData::SetCheckState(XFA_CHECKSTATE eCheckState, bool bNotify) { CXFA_WidgetData exclGroup(GetExclGroupNode()); if (exclGroup) { WideString wsValue; if (eCheckState != XFA_CHECKSTATE_Off) { if (CXFA_Node* pItems = m_pNode->GetChild(0, XFA_Element::Items, false)) { CXFA_Node* pText = pItems->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild); if (pText) pText->JSNode()->TryContent(wsValue, false, true); } } CXFA_Node* pChild = exclGroup.GetNode()->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild); for (; pChild; pChild = pChild->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_NextSibling)) { if (pChild->GetElementType() != XFA_Element::Field) continue; CXFA_Node* pItem = pChild->GetChild(0, XFA_Element::Items, false); if (!pItem) continue; CXFA_Node* pItemchild = pItem->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild); if (!pItemchild) continue; WideString text = pItemchild->JSNode()->GetContent(false); WideString wsChildValue = text; if (wsValue != text) { pItemchild = pItemchild->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_NextSibling); if (pItemchild) wsChildValue = pItemchild->JSNode()->GetContent(false); else wsChildValue.clear(); } CXFA_WidgetData ch(pChild); ch.SyncValue(wsChildValue, bNotify); } exclGroup.SyncValue(wsValue, bNotify); } else { CXFA_Node* pItems = m_pNode->GetChild(0, XFA_Element::Items, false); if (!pItems) return; int32_t i = -1; CXFA_Node* pText = pItems->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild); WideString wsContent; while (pText) { i++; if (i == eCheckState) { pText->JSNode()->TryContent(wsContent, false, true); break; } pText = pText->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_NextSibling); } SyncValue(wsContent, bNotify); } } CXFA_Node* CXFA_WidgetData::GetExclGroupNode() { CXFA_Node* pExcl = ToNode(m_pNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_Parent)); if (!pExcl || pExcl->GetElementType() != XFA_Element::ExclGroup) return nullptr; return pExcl; } CXFA_Node* CXFA_WidgetData::GetSelectedMember() { CXFA_Node* pSelectedMember = nullptr; WideString wsState = GetRawValue(); if (wsState.IsEmpty()) return pSelectedMember; for (CXFA_Node* pNode = ToNode(m_pNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild)); pNode; pNode = pNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_NextSibling)) { CXFA_WidgetData widgetData(pNode); if (widgetData.GetCheckState() == XFA_CHECKSTATE_On) { pSelectedMember = pNode; break; } } return pSelectedMember; } CXFA_Node* CXFA_WidgetData::SetSelectedMember(const WideStringView& wsName, bool bNotify) { uint32_t nameHash = FX_HashCode_GetW(wsName, false); for (CXFA_Node* pNode = ToNode(m_pNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild)); pNode; pNode = pNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_NextSibling)) { if (pNode->GetNameHash() == nameHash) { CXFA_WidgetData widgetData(pNode); widgetData.SetCheckState(XFA_CHECKSTATE_On, bNotify); return pNode; } } return nullptr; } void CXFA_WidgetData::SetSelectedMemberByValue(const WideStringView& wsValue, bool bNotify, bool bScriptModify, bool bSyncData) { WideString wsExclGroup; for (CXFA_Node* pNode = m_pNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild); pNode; pNode = pNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_NextSibling)) { if (pNode->GetElementType() != XFA_Element::Field) continue; CXFA_Node* pItem = pNode->GetChild(0, XFA_Element::Items, false); if (!pItem) continue; CXFA_Node* pItemchild = pItem->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild); if (!pItemchild) continue; WideString wsChildValue = pItemchild->JSNode()->GetContent(false); if (wsValue != wsChildValue) { pItemchild = pItemchild->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_NextSibling); if (pItemchild) wsChildValue = pItemchild->JSNode()->GetContent(false); else wsChildValue.clear(); } else { wsExclGroup = wsValue; } pNode->JSNode()->SetContent(wsChildValue, wsChildValue, bNotify, bScriptModify, false); } if (m_pNode) { m_pNode->JSNode()->SetContent(wsExclGroup, wsExclGroup, bNotify, bScriptModify, bSyncData); } } CXFA_Node* CXFA_WidgetData::GetExclGroupFirstMember() { CXFA_Node* pExcl = GetNode(); if (!pExcl) return nullptr; CXFA_Node* pNode = pExcl->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild); while (pNode) { if (pNode->GetElementType() == XFA_Element::Field) return pNode; pNode = pNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_NextSibling); } return nullptr; } CXFA_Node* CXFA_WidgetData::GetExclGroupNextMember(CXFA_Node* pNode) { if (!pNode) return nullptr; CXFA_Node* pNodeField = pNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_NextSibling); while (pNodeField) { if (pNodeField->GetElementType() == XFA_Element::Field) return pNodeField; pNodeField = pNodeField->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_NextSibling); } return nullptr; } int32_t CXFA_WidgetData::GetChoiceListCommitOn() { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); if (pUIChild) return pUIChild->JSNode()->GetEnum(XFA_Attribute::CommitOn); return GetAttributeDefaultValue_Enum( XFA_Element::ChoiceList, XFA_Attribute::CommitOn, XFA_XDPPACKET_Form); } bool CXFA_WidgetData::IsChoiceListAllowTextEntry() { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); if (pUIChild) return pUIChild->JSNode()->GetBoolean(XFA_Attribute::TextEntry); return GetAttributeDefaultValue_Boolean( XFA_Element::ChoiceList, XFA_Attribute::TextEntry, XFA_XDPPACKET_Form); } int32_t CXFA_WidgetData::GetChoiceListOpen() { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); if (pUIChild) return pUIChild->JSNode()->GetEnum(XFA_Attribute::Open); return GetAttributeDefaultValue_Enum(XFA_Element::ChoiceList, XFA_Attribute::Open, XFA_XDPPACKET_Form); } bool CXFA_WidgetData::IsListBox() { int32_t iOpenMode = GetChoiceListOpen(); return iOpenMode == XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_Always || iOpenMode == XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_MultiSelect; } int32_t CXFA_WidgetData::CountChoiceListItems(bool bSaveValue) { std::vector pItems; int32_t iCount = 0; for (CXFA_Node* pNode = m_pNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild); pNode; pNode = pNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_NextSibling)) { if (pNode->GetElementType() != XFA_Element::Items) continue; iCount++; pItems.push_back(pNode); if (iCount == 2) break; } if (iCount == 0) return 0; CXFA_Node* pItem = pItems[0]; if (iCount > 1) { bool bItemOneHasSave = pItems[0]->JSNode()->GetBoolean(XFA_Attribute::Save); bool bItemTwoHasSave = pItems[1]->JSNode()->GetBoolean(XFA_Attribute::Save); if (bItemOneHasSave != bItemTwoHasSave && bSaveValue == bItemTwoHasSave) pItem = pItems[1]; } return pItem->CountChildren(XFA_Element::Unknown, false); } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetChoiceListItem(WideString& wsText, int32_t nIndex, bool bSaveValue) { wsText.clear(); std::vector pItemsArray; CXFA_Node* pItems = nullptr; int32_t iCount = 0; CXFA_Node* pNode = m_pNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild); for (; pNode; pNode = pNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_NextSibling)) { if (pNode->GetElementType() != XFA_Element::Items) continue; iCount++; pItemsArray.push_back(pNode); if (iCount == 2) break; } if (iCount == 0) return false; pItems = pItemsArray[0]; if (iCount > 1) { bool bItemOneHasSave = pItemsArray[0]->JSNode()->GetBoolean(XFA_Attribute::Save); bool bItemTwoHasSave = pItemsArray[1]->JSNode()->GetBoolean(XFA_Attribute::Save); if (bItemOneHasSave != bItemTwoHasSave && bSaveValue == bItemTwoHasSave) pItems = pItemsArray[1]; } if (pItems) { CXFA_Node* pItem = pItems->GetChild(nIndex, XFA_Element::Unknown, false); if (pItem) { pItem->JSNode()->TryContent(wsText, false, true); return true; } } return false; } std::vector CXFA_WidgetData::GetChoiceListItems(bool bSaveValue) { std::vector items; for (CXFA_Node* pNode = m_pNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild); pNode && items.size() < 2; pNode = pNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_NextSibling)) { if (pNode->GetElementType() == XFA_Element::Items) items.push_back(pNode); } if (items.empty()) return std::vector(); CXFA_Node* pItem = items.front(); if (items.size() > 1) { bool bItemOneHasSave = items[0]->JSNode()->GetBoolean(XFA_Attribute::Save); bool bItemTwoHasSave = items[1]->JSNode()->GetBoolean(XFA_Attribute::Save); if (bItemOneHasSave != bItemTwoHasSave && bSaveValue == bItemTwoHasSave) pItem = items[1]; } std::vector wsTextArray; for (CXFA_Node* pNode = pItem->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild); pNode; pNode = pNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_NextSibling)) { wsTextArray.emplace_back(); pNode->JSNode()->TryContent(wsTextArray.back(), false, true); } return wsTextArray; } int32_t CXFA_WidgetData::CountSelectedItems() { std::vector wsValueArray = GetSelectedItemsValue(); if (IsListBox() || !IsChoiceListAllowTextEntry()) return pdfium::CollectionSize(wsValueArray); int32_t iSelected = 0; std::vector wsSaveTextArray = GetChoiceListItems(true); for (const auto& value : wsValueArray) { if (pdfium::ContainsValue(wsSaveTextArray, value)) iSelected++; } return iSelected; } int32_t CXFA_WidgetData::GetSelectedItem(int32_t nIndex) { std::vector wsValueArray = GetSelectedItemsValue(); if (!pdfium::IndexInBounds(wsValueArray, nIndex)) return -1; std::vector wsSaveTextArray = GetChoiceListItems(true); auto it = std::find(wsSaveTextArray.begin(), wsSaveTextArray.end(), wsValueArray[nIndex]); return it != wsSaveTextArray.end() ? it - wsSaveTextArray.begin() : -1; } std::vector CXFA_WidgetData::GetSelectedItems() { std::vector iSelArray; std::vector wsValueArray = GetSelectedItemsValue(); std::vector wsSaveTextArray = GetChoiceListItems(true); for (const auto& value : wsValueArray) { auto it = std::find(wsSaveTextArray.begin(), wsSaveTextArray.end(), value); if (it != wsSaveTextArray.end()) iSelArray.push_back(it - wsSaveTextArray.begin()); } return iSelArray; } std::vector CXFA_WidgetData::GetSelectedItemsValue() { std::vector wsSelTextArray; WideString wsValue = GetRawValue(); if (GetChoiceListOpen() == XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_MultiSelect) { if (!wsValue.IsEmpty()) { size_t iStart = 0; size_t iLength = wsValue.GetLength(); auto iEnd = wsValue.Find(L'\n', iStart); iEnd = (!iEnd.has_value()) ? iLength : iEnd; while (iEnd >= iStart) { wsSelTextArray.push_back(wsValue.Mid(iStart, iEnd.value() - iStart)); iStart = iEnd.value() + 1; if (iStart >= iLength) break; iEnd = wsValue.Find(L'\n', iStart); if (!iEnd.has_value()) wsSelTextArray.push_back(wsValue.Mid(iStart, iLength - iStart)); } } } else { wsSelTextArray.push_back(wsValue); } return wsSelTextArray; } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetItemState(int32_t nIndex) { std::vector wsSaveTextArray = GetChoiceListItems(true); return pdfium::IndexInBounds(wsSaveTextArray, nIndex) && pdfium::ContainsValue(GetSelectedItemsValue(), wsSaveTextArray[nIndex]); } void CXFA_WidgetData::SetItemState(int32_t nIndex, bool bSelected, bool bNotify, bool bScriptModify, bool bSyncData) { std::vector wsSaveTextArray = GetChoiceListItems(true); if (!pdfium::IndexInBounds(wsSaveTextArray, nIndex)) return; int32_t iSel = -1; std::vector wsValueArray = GetSelectedItemsValue(); auto it = std::find(wsValueArray.begin(), wsValueArray.end(), wsSaveTextArray[nIndex]); if (it != wsValueArray.end()) iSel = it - wsValueArray.begin(); if (GetChoiceListOpen() == XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_MultiSelect) { if (bSelected) { if (iSel < 0) { WideString wsValue = GetRawValue(); if (!wsValue.IsEmpty()) { wsValue += L"\n"; } wsValue += wsSaveTextArray[nIndex]; m_pNode->JSNode()->SetContent(wsValue, wsValue, bNotify, bScriptModify, bSyncData); } } else if (iSel >= 0) { std::vector iSelArray = GetSelectedItems(); auto it = std::find(iSelArray.begin(), iSelArray.end(), nIndex); if (it != iSelArray.end()) iSelArray.erase(it); SetSelectedItems(iSelArray, bNotify, bScriptModify, bSyncData); } } else { if (bSelected) { if (iSel < 0) { WideString wsSaveText = wsSaveTextArray[nIndex]; WideString wsFormatText(wsSaveText); GetFormatDataValue(wsSaveText, wsFormatText); m_pNode->JSNode()->SetContent(wsSaveText, wsFormatText, bNotify, bScriptModify, bSyncData); } } else if (iSel >= 0) { m_pNode->JSNode()->SetContent(WideString(), WideString(), bNotify, bScriptModify, bSyncData); } } } void CXFA_WidgetData::SetSelectedItems(const std::vector& iSelArray, bool bNotify, bool bScriptModify, bool bSyncData) { WideString wsValue; int32_t iSize = pdfium::CollectionSize(iSelArray); if (iSize >= 1) { std::vector wsSaveTextArray = GetChoiceListItems(true); WideString wsItemValue; for (int32_t i = 0; i < iSize; i++) { wsItemValue = (iSize == 1) ? wsSaveTextArray[iSelArray[i]] : wsSaveTextArray[iSelArray[i]] + L"\n"; wsValue += wsItemValue; } } WideString wsFormat(wsValue); if (GetChoiceListOpen() != XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_MultiSelect) GetFormatDataValue(wsValue, wsFormat); m_pNode->JSNode()->SetContent(wsValue, wsFormat, bNotify, bScriptModify, bSyncData); } void CXFA_WidgetData::ClearAllSelections() { CXFA_Node* pBind = m_pNode->GetBindData(); if (!pBind || GetChoiceListOpen() != XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_MultiSelect) { SyncValue(WideString(), false); return; } while (CXFA_Node* pChildNode = pBind->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild)) pBind->RemoveChild(pChildNode, true); } void CXFA_WidgetData::InsertItem(const WideString& wsLabel, const WideString& wsValue, bool bNotify) { int32_t nIndex = -1; WideString wsNewValue(wsValue); if (wsNewValue.IsEmpty()) wsNewValue = wsLabel; std::vector listitems; for (CXFA_Node* pItem = m_pNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild); pItem; pItem = pItem->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_NextSibling)) { if (pItem->GetElementType() == XFA_Element::Items) listitems.push_back(pItem); } if (listitems.empty()) { CXFA_Node* pItems = m_pNode->CreateSamePacketNode(XFA_Element::Items); m_pNode->InsertChild(-1, pItems); InsertListTextItem(pItems, wsLabel, nIndex); CXFA_Node* pSaveItems = m_pNode->CreateSamePacketNode(XFA_Element::Items); m_pNode->InsertChild(-1, pSaveItems); pSaveItems->JSNode()->SetBoolean(XFA_Attribute::Save, true, false); InsertListTextItem(pSaveItems, wsNewValue, nIndex); } else if (listitems.size() > 1) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) { CXFA_Node* pNode = listitems[i]; bool bHasSave = pNode->JSNode()->GetBoolean(XFA_Attribute::Save); if (bHasSave) InsertListTextItem(pNode, wsNewValue, nIndex); else InsertListTextItem(pNode, wsLabel, nIndex); } } else { CXFA_Node* pNode = listitems[0]; pNode->JSNode()->SetBoolean(XFA_Attribute::Save, false, false); pNode->JSNode()->SetEnum(XFA_Attribute::Presence, XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_Visible, false); CXFA_Node* pSaveItems = m_pNode->CreateSamePacketNode(XFA_Element::Items); m_pNode->InsertChild(-1, pSaveItems); pSaveItems->JSNode()->SetBoolean(XFA_Attribute::Save, true, false); pSaveItems->JSNode()->SetEnum(XFA_Attribute::Presence, XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_Hidden, false); CXFA_Node* pListNode = pNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild); int32_t i = 0; while (pListNode) { WideString wsOldValue; pListNode->JSNode()->TryContent(wsOldValue, false, true); InsertListTextItem(pSaveItems, wsOldValue, i); i++; pListNode = pListNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_NextSibling); } InsertListTextItem(pNode, wsLabel, nIndex); InsertListTextItem(pSaveItems, wsNewValue, nIndex); } if (!bNotify) return; m_pNode->GetDocument()->GetNotify()->OnWidgetListItemAdded( this, wsLabel.c_str(), wsValue.c_str(), nIndex); } void CXFA_WidgetData::GetItemLabel(const WideStringView& wsValue, WideString& wsLabel) { int32_t iCount = 0; std::vector listitems; CXFA_Node* pItems = m_pNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild); for (; pItems; pItems = pItems->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_NextSibling)) { if (pItems->GetElementType() != XFA_Element::Items) continue; iCount++; listitems.push_back(pItems); } if (iCount <= 1) { wsLabel = wsValue; } else { CXFA_Node* pLabelItems = listitems[0]; bool bSave = pLabelItems->JSNode()->GetBoolean(XFA_Attribute::Save); CXFA_Node* pSaveItems = nullptr; if (bSave) { pSaveItems = pLabelItems; pLabelItems = listitems[1]; } else { pSaveItems = listitems[1]; } iCount = 0; int32_t iSearch = -1; WideString wsContent; CXFA_Node* pChildItem = pSaveItems->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild); for (; pChildItem; pChildItem = pChildItem->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_NextSibling)) { pChildItem->JSNode()->TryContent(wsContent, false, true); if (wsContent == wsValue) { iSearch = iCount; break; } iCount++; } if (iSearch < 0) return; if (CXFA_Node* pText = pLabelItems->GetChild(iSearch, XFA_Element::Unknown, false)) { pText->JSNode()->TryContent(wsLabel, false, true); } } } void CXFA_WidgetData::GetItemValue(const WideStringView& wsLabel, WideString& wsValue) { int32_t iCount = 0; std::vector listitems; for (CXFA_Node* pItems = m_pNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild); pItems; pItems = pItems->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_NextSibling)) { if (pItems->GetElementType() != XFA_Element::Items) continue; iCount++; listitems.push_back(pItems); } if (iCount <= 1) { wsValue = wsLabel; } else { CXFA_Node* pLabelItems = listitems[0]; bool bSave = pLabelItems->JSNode()->GetBoolean(XFA_Attribute::Save); CXFA_Node* pSaveItems = nullptr; if (bSave) { pSaveItems = pLabelItems; pLabelItems = listitems[1]; } else { pSaveItems = listitems[1]; } iCount = 0; int32_t iSearch = -1; WideString wsContent; CXFA_Node* pChildItem = pLabelItems->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild); for (; pChildItem; pChildItem = pChildItem->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_NextSibling)) { pChildItem->JSNode()->TryContent(wsContent, false, true); if (wsContent == wsLabel) { iSearch = iCount; break; } iCount++; } if (iSearch < 0) return; if (CXFA_Node* pText = pSaveItems->GetChild(iSearch, XFA_Element::Unknown, false)) { pText->JSNode()->TryContent(wsValue, false, true); } } } bool CXFA_WidgetData::DeleteItem(int32_t nIndex, bool bNotify, bool bScriptModify) { bool bSetValue = false; CXFA_Node* pItems = m_pNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild); for (; pItems; pItems = pItems->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_NextSibling)) { if (pItems->GetElementType() != XFA_Element::Items) continue; if (nIndex < 0) { while (CXFA_Node* pNode = pItems->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild)) { pItems->RemoveChild(pNode, true); } } else { if (!bSetValue && pItems->JSNode()->GetBoolean(XFA_Attribute::Save)) { SetItemState(nIndex, false, true, bScriptModify, true); bSetValue = true; } int32_t i = 0; CXFA_Node* pNode = pItems->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild); while (pNode) { if (i == nIndex) { pItems->RemoveChild(pNode, true); break; } i++; pNode = pNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_NextSibling); } } } if (bNotify) m_pNode->GetDocument()->GetNotify()->OnWidgetListItemRemoved(this, nIndex); return true; } int32_t CXFA_WidgetData::GetHorizontalScrollPolicy() { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); if (pUIChild) return pUIChild->JSNode()->GetEnum(XFA_Attribute::HScrollPolicy); return XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_Auto; } int32_t CXFA_WidgetData::GetNumberOfCells() { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); if (!pUIChild) return -1; if (CXFA_Node* pNode = pUIChild->GetChild(0, XFA_Element::Comb, false)) return pNode->JSNode()->GetInteger(XFA_Attribute::NumberOfCells); return -1; } WideString CXFA_WidgetData::GetBarcodeType() { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); return pUIChild ? WideString(pUIChild->JSNode()->GetCData(XFA_Attribute::Type)) : WideString(); } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetBarcodeAttribute_CharEncoding(int32_t* val) { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); WideString wsCharEncoding; if (pUIChild->JSNode()->TryCData(XFA_Attribute::CharEncoding, wsCharEncoding, true)) { if (wsCharEncoding.CompareNoCase(L"UTF-16")) { *val = CHAR_ENCODING_UNICODE; return true; } if (wsCharEncoding.CompareNoCase(L"UTF-8")) { *val = CHAR_ENCODING_UTF8; return true; } } return false; } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetBarcodeAttribute_Checksum(bool* val) { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM eChecksum; if (pUIChild->JSNode()->TryEnum(XFA_Attribute::Checksum, eChecksum, true)) { switch (eChecksum) { case XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_None: *val = false; return true; case XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_Auto: *val = true; return true; case XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_1mod10: break; case XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_1mod10_1mod11: break; case XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_2mod10: break; default: break; } } return false; } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetBarcodeAttribute_DataLength(int32_t* val) { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); WideString wsDataLength; if (pUIChild->JSNode()->TryCData(XFA_Attribute::DataLength, wsDataLength, true)) { *val = FXSYS_wtoi(wsDataLength.c_str()); return true; } return false; } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetBarcodeAttribute_StartChar(char* val) { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); WideStringView wsStartEndChar; if (pUIChild->JSNode()->TryCData(XFA_Attribute::StartChar, wsStartEndChar, true)) { if (wsStartEndChar.GetLength()) { *val = static_cast(wsStartEndChar[0]); return true; } } return false; } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetBarcodeAttribute_EndChar(char* val) { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); WideStringView wsStartEndChar; if (pUIChild->JSNode()->TryCData(XFA_Attribute::EndChar, wsStartEndChar, true)) { if (wsStartEndChar.GetLength()) { *val = static_cast(wsStartEndChar[0]); return true; } } return false; } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetBarcodeAttribute_ECLevel(int32_t* val) { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); WideString wsECLevel; if (pUIChild->JSNode()->TryCData(XFA_Attribute::ErrorCorrectionLevel, wsECLevel, true)) { *val = FXSYS_wtoi(wsECLevel.c_str()); return true; } return false; } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetBarcodeAttribute_ModuleWidth(int32_t* val) { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); CXFA_Measurement mModuleWidthHeight; if (pUIChild->JSNode()->TryMeasure(XFA_Attribute::ModuleWidth, mModuleWidthHeight, true)) { *val = static_cast(mModuleWidthHeight.ToUnit(XFA_Unit::Pt)); return true; } return false; } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetBarcodeAttribute_ModuleHeight(int32_t* val) { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); CXFA_Measurement mModuleWidthHeight; if (pUIChild->JSNode()->TryMeasure(XFA_Attribute::ModuleHeight, mModuleWidthHeight, true)) { *val = static_cast(mModuleWidthHeight.ToUnit(XFA_Unit::Pt)); return true; } return false; } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetBarcodeAttribute_PrintChecksum(bool* val) { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); bool bPrintCheckDigit; if (pUIChild->JSNode()->TryBoolean(XFA_Attribute::PrintCheckDigit, bPrintCheckDigit, true)) { *val = bPrintCheckDigit; return true; } return false; } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetBarcodeAttribute_TextLocation(int32_t* val) { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM eTextLocation; if (pUIChild->JSNode()->TryEnum(XFA_Attribute::TextLocation, eTextLocation, true)) { switch (eTextLocation) { case XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_None: *val = BC_TEXT_LOC_NONE; return true; case XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_Above: *val = BC_TEXT_LOC_ABOVE; return true; case XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_Below: *val = BC_TEXT_LOC_BELOW; return true; case XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_AboveEmbedded: *val = BC_TEXT_LOC_ABOVEEMBED; return true; case XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_BelowEmbedded: *val = BC_TEXT_LOC_BELOWEMBED; return true; default: break; } } return false; } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetBarcodeAttribute_Truncate(bool* val) { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); bool bTruncate; if (!pUIChild->JSNode()->TryBoolean(XFA_Attribute::Truncate, bTruncate, true)) return false; *val = bTruncate; return true; } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetBarcodeAttribute_WideNarrowRatio(float* val) { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); WideString wsWideNarrowRatio; if (pUIChild->JSNode()->TryCData(XFA_Attribute::WideNarrowRatio, wsWideNarrowRatio, true)) { auto ptPos = wsWideNarrowRatio.Find(':'); float fRatio = 0; if (!ptPos.has_value()) { fRatio = (float)FXSYS_wtoi(wsWideNarrowRatio.c_str()); } else { int32_t fA, fB; fA = FXSYS_wtoi(wsWideNarrowRatio.Left(ptPos.value()).c_str()); fB = FXSYS_wtoi( wsWideNarrowRatio .Right(wsWideNarrowRatio.GetLength() - (ptPos.value() + 1)) .c_str()); if (fB) fRatio = (float)fA / fB; } *val = fRatio; return true; } return false; } void CXFA_WidgetData::GetPasswordChar(WideString& wsPassWord) { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); if (pUIChild) { pUIChild->JSNode()->TryCData(XFA_Attribute::PasswordChar, wsPassWord, true); } else { wsPassWord = GetAttributeDefaultValue_Cdata(XFA_Element::PasswordEdit, XFA_Attribute::PasswordChar, XFA_XDPPACKET_Form); } } bool CXFA_WidgetData::IsMultiLine() { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); if (pUIChild) return pUIChild->JSNode()->GetBoolean(XFA_Attribute::MultiLine); return GetAttributeDefaultValue_Boolean( XFA_Element::TextEdit, XFA_Attribute::MultiLine, XFA_XDPPACKET_Form); } int32_t CXFA_WidgetData::GetVerticalScrollPolicy() { CXFA_Node* pUIChild = GetUIChild(); if (pUIChild) return pUIChild->JSNode()->GetEnum(XFA_Attribute::VScrollPolicy); return GetAttributeDefaultValue_Enum( XFA_Element::TextEdit, XFA_Attribute::VScrollPolicy, XFA_XDPPACKET_Form); } int32_t CXFA_WidgetData::GetMaxChars(XFA_Element& eType) { if (CXFA_Node* pNode = m_pNode->GetChild(0, XFA_Element::Value, false)) { if (CXFA_Node* pChild = pNode->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild)) { switch (pChild->GetElementType()) { case XFA_Element::Text: eType = XFA_Element::Text; return pChild->JSNode()->GetInteger(XFA_Attribute::MaxChars); case XFA_Element::ExData: { eType = XFA_Element::ExData; int32_t iMax = pChild->JSNode()->GetInteger(XFA_Attribute::MaxLength); return iMax < 0 ? 0 : iMax; } default: break; } } } return 0; } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetFracDigits(int32_t& iFracDigits) { iFracDigits = -1; CXFA_Node* pNode = m_pNode->GetChild(0, XFA_Element::Value, false); if (!pNode) return false; CXFA_Node* pChild = pNode->GetChild(0, XFA_Element::Decimal, false); if (!pChild) return false; return pChild->JSNode()->TryInteger(XFA_Attribute::FracDigits, iFracDigits, true); } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetLeadDigits(int32_t& iLeadDigits) { iLeadDigits = -1; CXFA_Node* pNode = m_pNode->GetChild(0, XFA_Element::Value, false); if (!pNode) return false; CXFA_Node* pChild = pNode->GetChild(0, XFA_Element::Decimal, false); if (!pChild) return false; return pChild->JSNode()->TryInteger(XFA_Attribute::LeadDigits, iLeadDigits, true); } bool CXFA_WidgetData::SetValue(const WideString& wsValue, XFA_VALUEPICTURE eValueType) { if (wsValue.IsEmpty()) { SyncValue(wsValue, true); return true; } m_bPreNull = m_bIsNull; m_bIsNull = false; WideString wsNewText(wsValue); WideString wsPicture; GetPictureContent(wsPicture, eValueType); bool bValidate = true; bool bSyncData = false; CXFA_Node* pNode = GetUIChild(); if (!pNode) return true; XFA_Element eType = pNode->GetElementType(); if (!wsPicture.IsEmpty()) { CXFA_LocaleMgr* pLocalMgr = m_pNode->GetDocument()->GetLocalMgr(); IFX_Locale* pLocale = GetLocal(); CXFA_LocaleValue widgetValue = XFA_GetLocaleValue(this); bValidate = widgetValue.ValidateValue(wsValue, wsPicture, pLocale, &wsPicture); if (bValidate) { widgetValue = CXFA_LocaleValue(widgetValue.GetType(), wsNewText, wsPicture, pLocale, pLocalMgr); wsNewText = widgetValue.GetValue(); if (eType == XFA_Element::NumericEdit) { int32_t iLeadDigits = 0; int32_t iFracDigits = 0; GetLeadDigits(iLeadDigits); GetFracDigits(iFracDigits); wsNewText = NumericLimit(wsNewText, iLeadDigits, iFracDigits); } bSyncData = true; } } else { if (eType == XFA_Element::NumericEdit) { if (wsNewText != L"0") { int32_t iLeadDigits = 0; int32_t iFracDigits = 0; GetLeadDigits(iLeadDigits); GetFracDigits(iFracDigits); wsNewText = NumericLimit(wsNewText, iLeadDigits, iFracDigits); } bSyncData = true; } } if (eType != XFA_Element::NumericEdit || bSyncData) SyncValue(wsNewText, true); return bValidate; } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetPictureContent(WideString& wsPicture, XFA_VALUEPICTURE ePicture) { if (ePicture == XFA_VALUEPICTURE_Raw) return false; CXFA_LocaleValue widgetValue = XFA_GetLocaleValue(this); switch (ePicture) { case XFA_VALUEPICTURE_Display: { if (CXFA_Node* pFormat = m_pNode->GetChild(0, XFA_Element::Format, false)) { if (CXFA_Node* pPicture = pFormat->GetChild(0, XFA_Element::Picture, false)) { if (pPicture->JSNode()->TryContent(wsPicture, false, true)) return true; } } IFX_Locale* pLocale = GetLocal(); if (!pLocale) return false; uint32_t dwType = widgetValue.GetType(); switch (dwType) { case XFA_VT_DATE: wsPicture = pLocale->GetDatePattern(FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY_Medium); break; case XFA_VT_TIME: wsPicture = pLocale->GetTimePattern(FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY_Medium); break; case XFA_VT_DATETIME: wsPicture = pLocale->GetDatePattern(FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY_Medium) + L"T" + pLocale->GetTimePattern(FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY_Medium); break; case XFA_VT_DECIMAL: case XFA_VT_FLOAT: break; default: break; } return true; } case XFA_VALUEPICTURE_Edit: { CXFA_Node* pUI = m_pNode->GetChild(0, XFA_Element::Ui, false); if (pUI) { if (CXFA_Node* pPicture = pUI->GetChild(0, XFA_Element::Picture, false)) { if (pPicture->JSNode()->TryContent(wsPicture, false, true)) return true; } } IFX_Locale* pLocale = GetLocal(); if (!pLocale) return false; uint32_t dwType = widgetValue.GetType(); switch (dwType) { case XFA_VT_DATE: wsPicture = pLocale->GetDatePattern(FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY_Short); break; case XFA_VT_TIME: wsPicture = pLocale->GetTimePattern(FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY_Short); break; case XFA_VT_DATETIME: wsPicture = pLocale->GetDatePattern(FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY_Short) + L"T" + pLocale->GetTimePattern(FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY_Short); break; default: break; } return true; } case XFA_VALUEPICTURE_DataBind: { CXFA_BindData bindData = GetBindData(); if (bindData) { bindData.GetPicture(wsPicture); return true; } break; } default: break; } return false; } IFX_Locale* CXFA_WidgetData::GetLocal() { if (!m_pNode) return nullptr; WideString wsLocaleName; if (!m_pNode->GetLocaleName(wsLocaleName)) return nullptr; if (wsLocaleName == L"ambient") return m_pNode->GetDocument()->GetLocalMgr()->GetDefLocale(); return m_pNode->GetDocument()->GetLocalMgr()->GetLocaleByName(wsLocaleName); } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetValue(WideString& wsValue, XFA_VALUEPICTURE eValueType) { wsValue = m_pNode->JSNode()->GetContent(false); if (eValueType == XFA_VALUEPICTURE_Display) GetItemLabel(wsValue.AsStringView(), wsValue); WideString wsPicture; GetPictureContent(wsPicture, eValueType); CXFA_Node* pNode = GetUIChild(); if (!pNode) return true; switch (GetUIChild()->GetElementType()) { case XFA_Element::ChoiceList: { if (eValueType == XFA_VALUEPICTURE_Display) { int32_t iSelItemIndex = GetSelectedItem(0); if (iSelItemIndex >= 0) { GetChoiceListItem(wsValue, iSelItemIndex, false); wsPicture.clear(); } } } break; case XFA_Element::NumericEdit: if (eValueType != XFA_VALUEPICTURE_Raw && wsPicture.IsEmpty()) { IFX_Locale* pLocale = GetLocal(); if (eValueType == XFA_VALUEPICTURE_Display && pLocale) { WideString wsOutput; NormalizeNumStr(wsValue, wsOutput); FormatNumStr(wsOutput, pLocale, wsOutput); wsValue = wsOutput; } } break; default: break; } if (wsPicture.IsEmpty()) return true; if (IFX_Locale* pLocale = GetLocal()) { CXFA_LocaleValue widgetValue = XFA_GetLocaleValue(this); CXFA_LocaleMgr* pLocalMgr = m_pNode->GetDocument()->GetLocalMgr(); switch (widgetValue.GetType()) { case XFA_VT_DATE: { WideString wsDate, wsTime; if (SplitDateTime(wsValue, wsDate, wsTime)) { CXFA_LocaleValue date(XFA_VT_DATE, wsDate, pLocalMgr); if (date.FormatPatterns(wsValue, wsPicture, pLocale, eValueType)) return true; } break; } case XFA_VT_TIME: { WideString wsDate, wsTime; if (SplitDateTime(wsValue, wsDate, wsTime)) { CXFA_LocaleValue time(XFA_VT_TIME, wsTime, pLocalMgr); if (time.FormatPatterns(wsValue, wsPicture, pLocale, eValueType)) return true; } break; } default: break; } widgetValue.FormatPatterns(wsValue, wsPicture, pLocale, eValueType); } return true; } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetNormalizeDataValue(const WideString& wsValue, WideString& wsNormalizeValue) { wsNormalizeValue = wsValue; if (wsValue.IsEmpty()) return true; WideString wsPicture; GetPictureContent(wsPicture, XFA_VALUEPICTURE_DataBind); if (wsPicture.IsEmpty()) return true; ASSERT(GetNode()); CXFA_LocaleMgr* pLocalMgr = GetNode()->GetDocument()->GetLocalMgr(); IFX_Locale* pLocale = GetLocal(); CXFA_LocaleValue widgetValue = XFA_GetLocaleValue(this); if (widgetValue.ValidateValue(wsValue, wsPicture, pLocale, &wsPicture)) { widgetValue = CXFA_LocaleValue(widgetValue.GetType(), wsNormalizeValue, wsPicture, pLocale, pLocalMgr); wsNormalizeValue = widgetValue.GetValue(); return true; } return false; } bool CXFA_WidgetData::GetFormatDataValue(const WideString& wsValue, WideString& wsFormattedValue) { wsFormattedValue = wsValue; if (wsValue.IsEmpty()) return true; WideString wsPicture; GetPictureContent(wsPicture, XFA_VALUEPICTURE_DataBind); if (wsPicture.IsEmpty()) return true; if (IFX_Locale* pLocale = GetLocal()) { ASSERT(GetNode()); CXFA_Node* pNodeValue = GetNode()->GetChild(0, XFA_Element::Value, false); if (!pNodeValue) return false; CXFA_Node* pValueChild = pNodeValue->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild); if (!pValueChild) return false; int32_t iVTType = XFA_VT_NULL; switch (pValueChild->GetElementType()) { case XFA_Element::Decimal: iVTType = XFA_VT_DECIMAL; break; case XFA_Element::Float: iVTType = XFA_VT_FLOAT; break; case XFA_Element::Date: iVTType = XFA_VT_DATE; break; case XFA_Element::Time: iVTType = XFA_VT_TIME; break; case XFA_Element::DateTime: iVTType = XFA_VT_DATETIME; break; case XFA_Element::Boolean: iVTType = XFA_VT_BOOLEAN; break; case XFA_Element::Integer: iVTType = XFA_VT_INTEGER; break; case XFA_Element::Text: iVTType = XFA_VT_TEXT; break; default: iVTType = XFA_VT_NULL; break; } CXFA_LocaleMgr* pLocalMgr = GetNode()->GetDocument()->GetLocalMgr(); CXFA_LocaleValue widgetValue(iVTType, wsValue, pLocalMgr); switch (widgetValue.GetType()) { case XFA_VT_DATE: { WideString wsDate, wsTime; if (SplitDateTime(wsValue, wsDate, wsTime)) { CXFA_LocaleValue date(XFA_VT_DATE, wsDate, pLocalMgr); if (date.FormatPatterns(wsFormattedValue, wsPicture, pLocale, XFA_VALUEPICTURE_DataBind)) { return true; } } break; } case XFA_VT_TIME: { WideString wsDate, wsTime; if (SplitDateTime(wsValue, wsDate, wsTime)) { CXFA_LocaleValue time(XFA_VT_TIME, wsTime, pLocalMgr); if (time.FormatPatterns(wsFormattedValue, wsPicture, pLocale, XFA_VALUEPICTURE_DataBind)) { return true; } } break; } default: break; } widgetValue.FormatPatterns(wsFormattedValue, wsPicture, pLocale, XFA_VALUEPICTURE_DataBind); } return false; } void CXFA_WidgetData::NormalizeNumStr(const WideString& wsValue, WideString& wsOutput) { if (wsValue.IsEmpty()) return; wsOutput = wsValue; wsOutput.TrimLeft('0'); int32_t iFracDigits = 0; if (!wsOutput.IsEmpty() && wsOutput.Contains('.') && (!GetFracDigits(iFracDigits) || iFracDigits != -1)) { wsOutput.TrimRight(L"0"); wsOutput.TrimRight(L"."); } if (wsOutput.IsEmpty() || wsOutput[0] == '.') wsOutput.InsertAtFront('0'); } void CXFA_WidgetData::FormatNumStr(const WideString& wsValue, IFX_Locale* pLocale, WideString& wsOutput) { if (wsValue.IsEmpty()) return; WideString wsSrcNum = wsValue; WideString wsGroupSymbol = pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Grouping); bool bNeg = false; if (wsSrcNum[0] == '-') { bNeg = true; wsSrcNum.Delete(0, 1); } auto dot_index = wsSrcNum.Find('.'); dot_index = !dot_index.has_value() ? wsSrcNum.GetLength() : dot_index; if (dot_index.value() >= 1) { size_t nPos = dot_index.value() % 3; wsOutput.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < dot_index.value(); i++) { if (i % 3 == nPos && i != 0) wsOutput += wsGroupSymbol; wsOutput += wsSrcNum[i]; } if (dot_index.value() < wsSrcNum.GetLength()) { wsOutput += pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Decimal); wsOutput += wsSrcNum.Right(wsSrcNum.GetLength() - dot_index.value() - 1); } if (bNeg) { wsOutput = pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Minus) + wsOutput; } } } void CXFA_WidgetData::SyncValue(const WideString& wsValue, bool bNotify) { if (!m_pNode) return; WideString wsFormatValue(wsValue); CXFA_WidgetData* pContainerWidgetData = m_pNode->GetContainerWidgetData(); if (pContainerWidgetData) pContainerWidgetData->GetFormatDataValue(wsValue, wsFormatValue); m_pNode->JSNode()->SetContent(wsValue, wsFormatValue, bNotify, false, true); } void CXFA_WidgetData::InsertListTextItem(CXFA_Node* pItems, const WideString& wsText, int32_t nIndex) { CXFA_Node* pText = pItems->CreateSamePacketNode(XFA_Element::Text); pItems->InsertChild(nIndex, pText); pText->JSNode()->SetContent(wsText, wsText, false, false, false); } WideString CXFA_WidgetData::NumericLimit(const WideString& wsValue, int32_t iLead, int32_t iTread) const { if ((iLead == -1) && (iTread == -1)) return wsValue; WideString wsRet; int32_t iLead_ = 0, iTread_ = -1; int32_t iCount = wsValue.GetLength(); if (iCount == 0) return wsValue; int32_t i = 0; if (wsValue[i] == L'-') { wsRet += L'-'; i++; } for (; i < iCount; i++) { wchar_t wc = wsValue[i]; if (FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(wc)) { if (iLead >= 0) { iLead_++; if (iLead_ > iLead) return L"0"; } else if (iTread_ >= 0) { iTread_++; if (iTread_ > iTread) { if (iTread != -1) { CFX_Decimal wsDeci = CFX_Decimal(wsValue.AsStringView()); wsDeci.SetScale(iTread); wsRet = wsDeci; } return wsRet; } } } else if (wc == L'.') { iTread_ = 0; iLead = -1; } wsRet += wc; } return wsRet; }