// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/xfa_utils.h" #include #include "core/fxcrt/fx_extension.h" #include "core/fxcrt/xml/cfx_xmlchardata.h" #include "core/fxcrt/xml/cfx_xmlelement.h" #include "core/fxcrt/xml/cfx_xmlnode.h" #include "core/fxcrt/xml/cfx_xmltext.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_document.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_localemgr.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_localevalue.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_measurement.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_node.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/xfa_basic_data.h" namespace { const double fraction_scales[] = {0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001, 0.000001, 0.0000001, 0.00000001, 0.000000001, 0.0000000001, 0.00000000001, 0.000000000001, 0.0000000000001, 0.00000000000001, 0.000000000000001, 0.0000000000000001}; } // namespace double XFA_GetFractionalScale(uint32_t idx) { return fraction_scales[idx]; } int XFA_GetMaxFractionalScale() { return FX_ArraySize(fraction_scales); } CXFA_LocaleValue XFA_GetLocaleValue(CXFA_WidgetData* pWidgetData) { CXFA_Node* pNodeValue = pWidgetData->GetNode()->GetChild(0, XFA_Element::Value, false); if (!pNodeValue) { return CXFA_LocaleValue(); } CXFA_Node* pValueChild = pNodeValue->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild); if (!pValueChild) { return CXFA_LocaleValue(); } int32_t iVTType = XFA_VT_NULL; switch (pValueChild->GetElementType()) { case XFA_Element::Decimal: iVTType = XFA_VT_DECIMAL; break; case XFA_Element::Float: iVTType = XFA_VT_FLOAT; break; case XFA_Element::Date: iVTType = XFA_VT_DATE; break; case XFA_Element::Time: iVTType = XFA_VT_TIME; break; case XFA_Element::DateTime: iVTType = XFA_VT_DATETIME; break; case XFA_Element::Boolean: iVTType = XFA_VT_BOOLEAN; break; case XFA_Element::Integer: iVTType = XFA_VT_INTEGER; break; case XFA_Element::Text: iVTType = XFA_VT_TEXT; break; default: iVTType = XFA_VT_NULL; break; } return CXFA_LocaleValue(iVTType, pWidgetData->GetRawValue(), pWidgetData->GetNode()->GetDocument()->GetLocalMgr()); } void XFA_GetPlainTextFromRichText(CFX_XMLNode* pXMLNode, WideString& wsPlainText) { if (!pXMLNode) { return; } switch (pXMLNode->GetType()) { case FX_XMLNODE_Element: { CFX_XMLElement* pXMLElement = static_cast(pXMLNode); WideString wsTag = pXMLElement->GetLocalTagName(); uint32_t uTag = FX_HashCode_GetW(wsTag.AsStringView(), true); if (uTag == 0x0001f714) { wsPlainText += L"\n"; } else if (uTag == 0x00000070) { if (!wsPlainText.IsEmpty()) { wsPlainText += L"\n"; } } else if (uTag == 0xa48ac63) { if (!wsPlainText.IsEmpty() && wsPlainText[wsPlainText.GetLength() - 1] != '\n') { wsPlainText += L"\n"; } } break; } case FX_XMLNODE_Text: case FX_XMLNODE_CharData: { WideString wsContent = static_cast(pXMLNode)->GetText(); wsPlainText += wsContent; break; } default: break; } for (CFX_XMLNode* pChildXML = pXMLNode->GetNodeItem(CFX_XMLNode::FirstChild); pChildXML; pChildXML = pChildXML->GetNodeItem(CFX_XMLNode::NextSibling)) { XFA_GetPlainTextFromRichText(pChildXML, wsPlainText); } } bool XFA_FieldIsMultiListBox(CXFA_Node* pFieldNode) { bool bRet = false; if (!pFieldNode) return bRet; CXFA_Node* pUIChild = pFieldNode->GetChild(0, XFA_Element::Ui, false); if (pUIChild) { CXFA_Node* pFirstChild = pUIChild->GetNodeItem(XFA_NODEITEM_FirstChild); if (pFirstChild && pFirstChild->GetElementType() == XFA_Element::ChoiceList) { bRet = pFirstChild->JSNode()->GetEnum(XFA_Attribute::Open) == XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_MultiSelect; } } return bRet; } int32_t XFA_MapRotation(int32_t nRotation) { nRotation = nRotation % 360; nRotation = nRotation < 0 ? nRotation + 360 : nRotation; return nRotation; } const XFA_SCRIPTATTRIBUTEINFO* XFA_GetScriptAttributeByName( XFA_Element eElement, const WideStringView& wsAttributeName) { if (wsAttributeName.IsEmpty()) return nullptr; int32_t iElementIndex = static_cast(eElement); while (iElementIndex != -1) { const XFA_SCRIPTHIERARCHY* scriptIndex = g_XFAScriptIndex + iElementIndex; int32_t icount = scriptIndex->wAttributeCount; if (icount == 0) { iElementIndex = scriptIndex->wParentIndex; continue; } uint32_t uHash = FX_HashCode_GetW(wsAttributeName, false); int32_t iStart = scriptIndex->wAttributeStart, iEnd = iStart + icount - 1; do { int32_t iMid = (iStart + iEnd) / 2; const XFA_SCRIPTATTRIBUTEINFO* pInfo = g_SomAttributeData + iMid; if (uHash == pInfo->uHash) return pInfo; if (uHash < pInfo->uHash) iEnd = iMid - 1; else iStart = iMid + 1; } while (iStart <= iEnd); iElementIndex = scriptIndex->wParentIndex; } return nullptr; } const XFA_NOTSUREATTRIBUTE* XFA_GetNotsureAttribute(XFA_Element eElement, XFA_Attribute eAttribute, XFA_AttributeType eType) { int32_t iStart = 0, iEnd = g_iXFANotsureCount - 1; do { int32_t iMid = (iStart + iEnd) / 2; const XFA_NOTSUREATTRIBUTE* pAttr = g_XFANotsureAttributes + iMid; if (eElement == pAttr->eElement) { if (pAttr->attribute == eAttribute) { if (eType == XFA_AttributeType::NotSure || eType == pAttr->eType) return pAttr; return nullptr; } int32_t iBefore = iMid - 1; if (iBefore >= 0) { pAttr = g_XFANotsureAttributes + iBefore; while (eElement == pAttr->eElement) { if (pAttr->attribute == eAttribute) { if (eType == XFA_AttributeType::NotSure || eType == pAttr->eType) return pAttr; return nullptr; } iBefore--; if (iBefore < 0) break; pAttr = g_XFANotsureAttributes + iBefore; } } int32_t iAfter = iMid + 1; if (iAfter <= g_iXFANotsureCount - 1) { pAttr = g_XFANotsureAttributes + iAfter; while (eElement == pAttr->eElement) { if (pAttr->attribute == eAttribute) { if (eType == XFA_AttributeType::NotSure || eType == pAttr->eType) return pAttr; return nullptr; } iAfter++; if (iAfter > g_iXFANotsureCount - 1) break; pAttr = g_XFANotsureAttributes + iAfter; } } return nullptr; } if (eElement < pAttr->eElement) iEnd = iMid - 1; else iStart = iMid + 1; } while (iStart <= iEnd); return nullptr; } bool XFA_GetAttributeDefaultValue(void*& pValue, XFA_Element eElement, XFA_Attribute eAttribute, XFA_AttributeType eType, uint32_t dwPacket) { const XFA_ATTRIBUTEINFO* pInfo = XFA_GetAttributeByID(eAttribute); if (!pInfo) return false; if (dwPacket && (dwPacket & pInfo->dwPackets) == 0) return false; if (pInfo->eType == eType) { pValue = pInfo->pDefValue; return true; } if (pInfo->eType == XFA_AttributeType::NotSure) { const XFA_NOTSUREATTRIBUTE* pAttr = XFA_GetNotsureAttribute(eElement, eAttribute, eType); if (pAttr) { pValue = pAttr->pValue; return true; } } return false; } const XFA_ATTRIBUTEINFO* XFA_GetAttributeByID(XFA_Attribute eName) { ASSERT(static_cast(eName) < g_iXFAAttributeCount); return g_XFAAttributeData + static_cast(eName); } const XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUMINFO* XFA_GetAttributeEnumByName( const WideStringView& wsName) { if (wsName.IsEmpty()) return nullptr; auto* it = std::lower_bound(g_XFAEnumData, g_XFAEnumData + g_iXFAEnumCount, FX_HashCode_GetW(wsName, false), [](const XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUMINFO& arg, uint32_t hash) { return arg.uHash < hash; }); if (it != g_XFAEnumData + g_iXFAEnumCount && wsName == it->pName) return it; return nullptr; } const XFA_PACKETINFO* XFA_GetPacketByIndex(XFA_PacketType ePacket) { return g_XFAPacketData + static_cast(ePacket); } const XFA_PACKETINFO* XFA_GetPacketByID(uint32_t dwPacket) { int32_t iStart = 0, iEnd = g_iXFAPacketCount - 1; do { int32_t iMid = (iStart + iEnd) / 2; uint32_t dwFind = (g_XFAPacketData + iMid)->eName; if (dwPacket == dwFind) return g_XFAPacketData + iMid; if (dwPacket < dwFind) iEnd = iMid - 1; else iStart = iMid + 1; } while (iStart <= iEnd); return nullptr; }