// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/xfa_utils.h" #include #include #include "core/fxcrt/cfx_memorystream.h" #include "core/fxcrt/cfx_widetextbuf.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_codepage.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_extension.h" #include "core/fxcrt/xml/cfx_xmlchardata.h" #include "core/fxcrt/xml/cfx_xmlelement.h" #include "core/fxcrt/xml/cfx_xmlnode.h" #include "core/fxcrt/xml/cfx_xmltext.h" #include "fxjs/xfa/cjx_object.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_document.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_localemgr.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_localevalue.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_measurement.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_node.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_ui.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_value.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/xfa_basic_data.h" namespace { constexpr const char kFormNS[] = "http://www.xfa.org/schema/xfa-form/"; const double fraction_scales[] = {0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001, 0.000001, 0.0000001, 0.00000001, 0.000000001, 0.0000000001, 0.00000000001, 0.000000000001, 0.0000000000001, 0.00000000000001, 0.000000000000001, 0.0000000000000001}; WideString ExportEncodeAttribute(const WideString& str) { CFX_WideTextBuf textBuf; int32_t iLen = str.GetLength(); for (int32_t i = 0; i < iLen; i++) { switch (str[i]) { case '&': textBuf << L"&"; break; case '<': textBuf << L"<"; break; case '>': textBuf << L">"; break; case '\'': textBuf << L"'"; break; case '\"': textBuf << L"""; break; default: textBuf.AppendChar(str[i]); } } return textBuf.MakeString(); } bool IsXMLValidChar(wchar_t ch) { return ch == 0x09 || ch == 0x0A || ch == 0x0D || (ch >= 0x20 && ch <= 0xD7FF) || (ch >= 0xE000 && ch <= 0xFFFD); } WideString ExportEncodeContent(const WideString& str) { CFX_WideTextBuf textBuf; int32_t iLen = str.GetLength(); for (int32_t i = 0; i < iLen; i++) { wchar_t ch = str[i]; if (!IsXMLValidChar(ch)) continue; if (ch == '&') { textBuf << L"&"; } else if (ch == '<') { textBuf << L"<"; } else if (ch == '>') { textBuf << L">"; } else if (ch == '\'') { textBuf << L"'"; } else if (ch == '\"') { textBuf << L"""; } else if (ch == ' ') { if (i && str[i - 1] != ' ') { textBuf.AppendChar(' '); } else { textBuf << L" "; } } else { textBuf.AppendChar(str[i]); } } return textBuf.MakeString(); } bool AttributeSaveInDataModel(CXFA_Node* pNode, XFA_Attribute eAttribute) { bool bSaveInDataModel = false; if (pNode->GetElementType() != XFA_Element::Image) return bSaveInDataModel; CXFA_Node* pValueNode = pNode->GetParent(); if (!pValueNode || pValueNode->GetElementType() != XFA_Element::Value) return bSaveInDataModel; CXFA_Node* pFieldNode = pValueNode->GetParent(); if (pFieldNode && pFieldNode->GetBindData() && eAttribute == XFA_Attribute::Href) { bSaveInDataModel = true; } return bSaveInDataModel; } bool ContentNodeNeedtoExport(CXFA_Node* pContentNode) { Optional wsContent = pContentNode->JSObject()->TryContent(false, false); if (!wsContent) return false; ASSERT(pContentNode->IsContentNode()); CXFA_Node* pParentNode = pContentNode->GetParent(); if (!pParentNode || pParentNode->GetElementType() != XFA_Element::Value) return true; CXFA_Node* pGrandParentNode = pParentNode->GetParent(); if (!pGrandParentNode || !pGrandParentNode->IsContainerNode()) return true; if (!pGrandParentNode->GetBindData()) return false; if (pGrandParentNode->GetFFWidgetType() == XFA_FFWidgetType::kPasswordEdit) return false; return true; } void SaveAttribute(CXFA_Node* pNode, XFA_Attribute eName, const WideString& wsName, bool bProto, WideString& wsOutput) { if (!bProto && !pNode->JSObject()->HasAttribute(eName)) return; Optional value = pNode->JSObject()->TryAttribute(eName, false); if (!value) return; wsOutput += L" "; wsOutput += wsName; wsOutput += L"=\""; wsOutput += ExportEncodeAttribute(*value); wsOutput += L"\""; } void RegenerateFormFile_Changed(CXFA_Node* pNode, CFX_WideTextBuf& buf, bool bSaveXML) { WideString wsAttrs; for (size_t i = 0;; ++i) { XFA_Attribute attr = pNode->GetAttribute(i); if (attr == XFA_Attribute::Unknown) break; if (attr == XFA_Attribute::Name || (AttributeSaveInDataModel(pNode, attr) && !bSaveXML)) { continue; } WideString wsAttr; SaveAttribute(pNode, attr, CXFA_Node::AttributeToName(attr), bSaveXML, wsAttr); wsAttrs += wsAttr; } WideString wsChildren; switch (pNode->GetObjectType()) { case XFA_ObjectType::ContentNode: { if (!bSaveXML && !ContentNodeNeedtoExport(pNode)) break; CXFA_Node* pRawValueNode = pNode->GetFirstChild(); while (pRawValueNode && pRawValueNode->GetElementType() != XFA_Element::SharpxHTML && pRawValueNode->GetElementType() != XFA_Element::Sharptext && pRawValueNode->GetElementType() != XFA_Element::Sharpxml) { pRawValueNode = pRawValueNode->GetNextSibling(); } if (!pRawValueNode) break; Optional contentType = pNode->JSObject()->TryAttribute(XFA_Attribute::ContentType, false); if (pRawValueNode->GetElementType() == XFA_Element::SharpxHTML && (contentType && *contentType == L"text/html")) { CFX_XMLNode* pExDataXML = pNode->GetXMLMappingNode(); if (!pExDataXML) break; if (pExDataXML->begin() == pExDataXML->end()) return; CFX_XMLNode* pRichTextXML = pExDataXML->begin()->get(); if (!pRichTextXML) break; auto pMemStream = pdfium::MakeRetain(true); pRichTextXML->Save(pMemStream); wsChildren += WideString::FromUTF8( ByteStringView(pMemStream->GetBuffer(), pMemStream->GetSize())); } else if (pRawValueNode->GetElementType() == XFA_Element::Sharpxml && (contentType && *contentType == L"text/xml")) { Optional rawValue = pRawValueNode->JSObject()->TryAttribute( XFA_Attribute::Value, false); if (!rawValue || rawValue->IsEmpty()) break; std::vector wsSelTextArray; size_t iStart = 0; auto iEnd = rawValue->Find(L'\n', iStart); iEnd = !iEnd.has_value() ? rawValue->GetLength() : iEnd; while (iEnd.has_value() && iEnd >= iStart) { wsSelTextArray.push_back( rawValue->Mid(iStart, iEnd.value() - iStart)); iStart = iEnd.value() + 1; if (iStart >= rawValue->GetLength()) break; iEnd = rawValue->Find(L'\n', iStart); } CXFA_Node* pParentNode = pNode->GetParent(); ASSERT(pParentNode); CXFA_Node* pGrandparentNode = pParentNode->GetParent(); ASSERT(pGrandparentNode); WideString bodyTagName; bodyTagName = pGrandparentNode->JSObject()->GetCData(XFA_Attribute::Name); if (bodyTagName.IsEmpty()) bodyTagName = L"ListBox1"; buf << L"<"; buf << bodyTagName; buf << L" xmlns=\"\"\n>"; for (int32_t i = 0; i < pdfium::CollectionSize(wsSelTextArray); i++) { buf << L""; buf << ExportEncodeContent(wsSelTextArray[i]); buf << L""; } buf << L""; wsChildren += buf.AsStringView(); buf.Clear(); } else { WideString wsValue = pRawValueNode->JSObject()->GetCData(XFA_Attribute::Value); wsChildren += ExportEncodeContent(wsValue); } break; } case XFA_ObjectType::TextNode: case XFA_ObjectType::NodeC: case XFA_ObjectType::NodeV: { WideString wsValue = pNode->JSObject()->GetCData(XFA_Attribute::Value); wsChildren += ExportEncodeContent(wsValue); break; } default: if (pNode->GetElementType() == XFA_Element::Items) { CXFA_Node* pTemplateNode = pNode->GetTemplateNodeIfExists(); if (!pTemplateNode || pTemplateNode->CountChildren(XFA_Element::Unknown, false) != pNode->CountChildren(XFA_Element::Unknown, false)) { bSaveXML = true; } } CFX_WideTextBuf newBuf; CXFA_Node* pChildNode = pNode->GetFirstChild(); while (pChildNode) { RegenerateFormFile_Changed(pChildNode, newBuf, bSaveXML); wsChildren += newBuf.AsStringView(); newBuf.Clear(); pChildNode = pChildNode->GetNextSibling(); } if (!bSaveXML && !wsChildren.IsEmpty() && pNode->GetElementType() == XFA_Element::Items) { wsChildren.clear(); bSaveXML = true; CXFA_Node* pChild = pNode->GetFirstChild(); while (pChild) { RegenerateFormFile_Changed(pChild, newBuf, bSaveXML); wsChildren += newBuf.AsStringView(); newBuf.Clear(); pChild = pChild->GetNextSibling(); } } break; } if (!wsChildren.IsEmpty() || !wsAttrs.IsEmpty() || pNode->JSObject()->HasAttribute(XFA_Attribute::Name)) { WideStringView wsElement = pNode->GetClassName(); WideString wsName; SaveAttribute(pNode, XFA_Attribute::Name, L"name", true, wsName); buf << L"<"; buf << wsElement; buf << wsName; buf << wsAttrs; if (wsChildren.IsEmpty()) { buf << L"\n/>"; } else { buf << L"\n>"; buf << wsChildren; buf << L""; } } } void RegenerateFormFile_Container(CXFA_Node* pNode, const RetainPtr& pStream, bool bSaveXML) { XFA_Element eType = pNode->GetElementType(); if (eType == XFA_Element::Field || eType == XFA_Element::Draw || !pNode->IsContainerNode()) { CFX_WideTextBuf buf; RegenerateFormFile_Changed(pNode, buf, bSaveXML); size_t nLen = buf.GetLength(); if (nLen > 0) pStream->WriteString(buf.MakeString().UTF8Encode().AsStringView()); return; } WideString wsElement(pNode->GetClassName()); pStream->WriteString("<"); pStream->WriteString(wsElement.UTF8Encode().AsStringView()); WideString wsOutput; SaveAttribute(pNode, XFA_Attribute::Name, L"name", true, wsOutput); WideString wsAttrs; for (size_t i = 0;; ++i) { XFA_Attribute attr = pNode->GetAttribute(i); if (attr == XFA_Attribute::Unknown) break; if (attr == XFA_Attribute::Name) continue; WideString wsAttr; SaveAttribute(pNode, attr, CXFA_Node::AttributeToName(attr), false, wsAttr); wsOutput += wsAttr; } if (!wsOutput.IsEmpty()) pStream->WriteString(wsOutput.UTF8Encode().AsStringView()); CXFA_Node* pChildNode = pNode->GetFirstChild(); if (!pChildNode) { pStream->WriteString(" />\n"); return; } pStream->WriteString(">\n"); while (pChildNode) { RegenerateFormFile_Container(pChildNode, pStream, bSaveXML); pChildNode = pChildNode->GetNextSibling(); } pStream->WriteString("WriteString(wsElement.UTF8Encode().AsStringView()); pStream->WriteString(">\n"); } WideString RecognizeXFAVersionNumber(CXFA_Node* pTemplateRoot) { if (!pTemplateRoot) return WideString(); Optional templateNS = pTemplateRoot->JSObject()->TryNamespace(); if (!templateNS) return WideString(); XFA_VERSION eVersion = pTemplateRoot->GetDocument()->RecognizeXFAVersionNumber(*templateNS); if (eVersion == XFA_VERSION_UNKNOWN) eVersion = XFA_VERSION_DEFAULT; return WideString::Format(L"%i.%i", eVersion / 100, eVersion % 100); } } // namespace double XFA_GetFractionalScale(uint32_t idx) { return fraction_scales[idx]; } int XFA_GetMaxFractionalScale() { return FX_ArraySize(fraction_scales); } CXFA_LocaleValue XFA_GetLocaleValue(CXFA_Node* pNode) { CXFA_Value* pNodeValue = pNode->GetChild(0, XFA_Element::Value, false); if (!pNodeValue) return CXFA_LocaleValue(); CXFA_Node* pValueChild = pNodeValue->GetFirstChild(); if (!pValueChild) return CXFA_LocaleValue(); int32_t iVTType = XFA_VT_NULL; switch (pValueChild->GetElementType()) { case XFA_Element::Decimal: iVTType = XFA_VT_DECIMAL; break; case XFA_Element::Float: iVTType = XFA_VT_FLOAT; break; case XFA_Element::Date: iVTType = XFA_VT_DATE; break; case XFA_Element::Time: iVTType = XFA_VT_TIME; break; case XFA_Element::DateTime: iVTType = XFA_VT_DATETIME; break; case XFA_Element::Boolean: iVTType = XFA_VT_BOOLEAN; break; case XFA_Element::Integer: iVTType = XFA_VT_INTEGER; break; case XFA_Element::Text: iVTType = XFA_VT_TEXT; break; default: iVTType = XFA_VT_NULL; break; } return CXFA_LocaleValue(iVTType, pNode->GetRawValue(), pNode->GetDocument()->GetLocalMgr()); } bool XFA_FDEExtension_ResolveNamespaceQualifier(CFX_XMLElement* pNode, const WideString& wsQualifier, WideString* wsNamespaceURI) { if (!pNode) return false; CFX_XMLNode* pFakeRoot = pNode->GetRoot(); WideString wsNSAttribute; bool bRet = false; if (wsQualifier.IsEmpty()) { wsNSAttribute = L"xmlns"; bRet = true; } else { wsNSAttribute = L"xmlns:" + wsQualifier; } for (CFX_XMLNode* pParent = pNode; pParent != pFakeRoot; pParent = pParent->GetParent()) { if (pParent->GetType() != FX_XMLNODE_Element) continue; auto* pElement = static_cast(pParent); if (pElement->HasAttribute(wsNSAttribute.c_str())) { *wsNamespaceURI = pElement->GetAttribute(wsNSAttribute.c_str()); return true; } } wsNamespaceURI->clear(); return bRet; } void XFA_DataExporter_DealWithDataGroupNode(CXFA_Node* pDataNode) { if (!pDataNode || pDataNode->GetElementType() == XFA_Element::DataValue) return; int32_t iChildNum = 0; for (CXFA_Node* pChildNode = pDataNode->GetFirstChild(); pChildNode; pChildNode = pChildNode->GetNextSibling()) { iChildNum++; XFA_DataExporter_DealWithDataGroupNode(pChildNode); } if (pDataNode->GetElementType() != XFA_Element::DataGroup) return; if (iChildNum > 0) { CFX_XMLNode* pXMLNode = pDataNode->GetXMLMappingNode(); ASSERT(pXMLNode->GetType() == FX_XMLNODE_Element); CFX_XMLElement* pXMLElement = static_cast(pXMLNode); if (pXMLElement->HasAttribute(L"xfa:dataNode")) pXMLElement->RemoveAttribute(L"xfa:dataNode"); return; } CFX_XMLNode* pXMLNode = pDataNode->GetXMLMappingNode(); ASSERT(pXMLNode->GetType() == FX_XMLNODE_Element); static_cast(pXMLNode)->SetAttribute(L"xfa:dataNode", L"dataGroup"); } void XFA_DataExporter_RegenerateFormFile( CXFA_Node* pNode, const RetainPtr& pStream, bool bSaveXML) { if (pNode->IsModelNode()) { pStream->WriteString("
WriteString(kFormNS); WideString wsVersionNumber = RecognizeXFAVersionNumber( ToNode(pNode->GetDocument()->GetXFAObject(XFA_HASHCODE_Template))); if (wsVersionNumber.IsEmpty()) wsVersionNumber = L"2.8"; wsVersionNumber += L"/\"\n>"; pStream->WriteString(wsVersionNumber.UTF8Encode().AsStringView()); CXFA_Node* pChildNode = pNode->GetFirstChild(); while (pChildNode) { RegenerateFormFile_Container(pChildNode, pStream, false); pChildNode = pChildNode->GetNextSibling(); } pStream->WriteString(""); } else { RegenerateFormFile_Container(pNode, pStream, bSaveXML); } } bool XFA_FieldIsMultiListBox(CXFA_Node* pFieldNode) { if (!pFieldNode) return false; CXFA_Ui* pUIChild = pFieldNode->GetChild(0, XFA_Element::Ui, false); if (!pUIChild) return false; CXFA_Node* pFirstChild = pUIChild->GetFirstChild(); if (!pFirstChild || pFirstChild->GetElementType() != XFA_Element::ChoiceList) { return false; } return pFirstChild->JSObject()->GetEnum(XFA_Attribute::Open) == XFA_AttributeEnum::MultiSelect; } int32_t XFA_MapRotation(int32_t nRotation) { nRotation = nRotation % 360; nRotation = nRotation < 0 ? nRotation + 360 : nRotation; return nRotation; } const XFA_SCRIPTATTRIBUTEINFO* XFA_GetScriptAttributeByName( XFA_Element eElement, WideStringView wsAttributeName) { if (wsAttributeName.IsEmpty()) return nullptr; int32_t iElementIndex = static_cast(eElement); while (iElementIndex != -1) { const XFA_SCRIPTHIERARCHY* scriptIndex = g_XFAScriptIndex + iElementIndex; size_t iCount = scriptIndex->wAttributeCount; if (iCount == 0) { iElementIndex = scriptIndex->wParentIndex; continue; } uint32_t uHash = FX_HashCode_GetW(wsAttributeName, false); size_t iStart = scriptIndex->wAttributeStart; size_t iEnd = iStart + iCount; for (size_t iter = iStart; iter < iEnd; ++iter) { const XFA_SCRIPTATTRIBUTEINFO* pInfo = g_SomAttributeData + iter; if (uHash == pInfo->uHash) return pInfo; } iElementIndex = scriptIndex->wParentIndex; } return nullptr; }