// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com

#ifndef __H_FX_GRAPHICS__
#define __H_FX_GRAPHICS__
#define FX_ERR_Succeeded					0
#define FX_ERR_Indefinite					-1
#define FX_ERR_Parameter_Invalid			-100
#define FX_ERR_Property_Invalid				-200
#define FX_ERR_Intermediate_Value_Invalid	-300
#define FX_ERR_Method_Not_Supported			-400
#define FX_ERR_Out_Of_Memory				-500
#define _FX_RETURN_IF_FAIL(arg) {if (!(arg)) return;}
#define _FX_RETURN_VALUE_IF_FAIL(arg, val) {if (!(arg)) return val;}
#define _FX_GOTO_POSITION_IF_FAIL(arg, pos) {if (!(arg)) goto pos;}
#define _FX_ERR_CHECK_RETURN_IF_FAIL(arg) {if ((arg) != FX_ERR_Succeeded) return;}
#define _FX_ERR_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE_IF_FAIL(arg, val) {if ((arg) != FX_ERR_Succeeded) return val;}
#define _FX_ERR_CHECK_GOTO_POSITION_IF_FAIL(arg, pos) {if ((arg) != FX_ERR_Succeeded) goto pos;}
#define FX_SHADING_Steps	256
typedef FX_INT32 FX_DashStyle;
enum {
    FX_DASHSTYLE_Solid						= 0,
    FX_DASHSTYLE_Dash						= 1,
    FX_DASHSTYLE_Dot						= 2,
    FX_DASHSTYLE_DashDot					= 3,
    FX_DASHSTYLE_DashDotDot					= 4
typedef FX_INT32 FX_StrokeAlignment;
enum {
    FX_STROKEALIGNMENT_Center				= 0,
    FX_STROKEALIGNMENT_Inset				= 1,
    FX_STROKEALIGNMENT_Outset				= 2,
    FX_STROKEALIGNMENT_Left					= 3,
typedef FX_INT32 FX_HatchStyle;
enum {
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_Horizontal				= 0,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_Vertical					= 1,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_ForwardDiagonal			= 2,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_BackwardDiagonal			= 3,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_Cross						= 4,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_DiagonalCross				= 5,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_05Percent					= 6,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_10Percent					= 7,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_20Percent					= 8,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_25Percent					= 9,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_30Percent					= 10,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_40Percent					= 11,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_50Percent					= 12,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_60Percent					= 13,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_70Percent					= 14,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_75Percent					= 15,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_80Percent					= 16,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_90Percent					= 17,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_LightDownwardDiagonal		= 18,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_LightUpwardDiagonal		= 19,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_DarkDownwardDiagonal		= 20,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_DarkUpwardDiagonal		= 21,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_WideDownwardDiagonal		= 22,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_WideUpwardDiagonal		= 23,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_LightVertical				= 24,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_LightHorizontal			= 25,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_NarrowVertical			= 26,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_NarrowHorizontal			= 27,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_DarkVertical				= 28,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_DarkHorizontal			= 29,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_DashedDownwardDiagonal	= 30,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_DashedUpwardDiagonal		= 31,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_DashedHorizontal			= 32,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_DashedVertical			= 33,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_SmallConfetti				= 34,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_LargeConfetti				= 35,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_ZigZag					= 36,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_Wave						= 37,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_DiagonalBrick				= 38,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_HorizontalBrick			= 39,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_Weave						= 40,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_Plaid						= 41,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_Divot						= 42,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_DottedGrid				= 43,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_DottedDiamond				= 44,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_Shingle					= 45,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_Trellis					= 46,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_Sphere					= 47,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_SmallGrid					= 48,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_SmallCheckerBoard			= 49,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_LargeCheckerBoard			= 50,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_OutlinedDiamond			= 51,
    FX_HATCHSTYLE_SolidDiamond				= 52
typedef FX_INT32 FX_DeviceCap;
typedef FX_INT32 FX_FillMode;
class CFX_RenderDevice;
class CFX_GraphStateData;
class CFX_Matrix;
class CFX_DIBSource;
class CFX_DIBitmap;
class CFX_Font;
class CFX_WideString;
class IFX_FileRead;
class CFX_PathGenerator;
class CAGG_Graphics;
class CFX_Graphics;
class CFX_Color;
class CFX_Path;
class CFX_Pattern;
class CFX_Shading;
class CFX_Graphics


    FX_ERR Create(CFX_RenderDevice * renderDevice, FX_BOOL isAntialiasing = TRUE);

    FX_ERR Create(FX_INT32	   width,
                  FX_INT32	   height,
                  FXDIB_Format format,
                  FX_BOOL      isNative       = TRUE,
                  FX_BOOL	   isAntialiasing = TRUE);

    virtual ~CFX_Graphics();

    FX_ERR GetDeviceCap(const FX_INT32 capID, FX_DeviceCap & capVal);
    FX_ERR IsPrinterDevice(FX_BOOL & isPrinter);
    FX_ERR EnableAntialiasing(FX_BOOL isAntialiasing);

    FX_ERR SaveGraphState();

    FX_ERR RestoreGraphState();

    FX_ERR GetLineCap(CFX_GraphStateData::LineCap & lineCap);

    FX_ERR SetLineCap(CFX_GraphStateData::LineCap lineCap);

    FX_ERR GetDashCount(FX_INT32 & dashCount);

    FX_ERR GetLineDash(FX_FLOAT & dashPhase, FX_FLOAT * dashArray);

    FX_ERR SetLineDash(FX_FLOAT dashPhase, FX_FLOAT * dashArray, FX_INT32 dashCount);

    FX_ERR SetLineDash(FX_DashStyle dashStyle);

    FX_ERR GetLineJoin(CFX_GraphStateData::LineJoin & lineJoin);

    FX_ERR SetLineJoin(CFX_GraphStateData::LineJoin lineJoin);

    FX_ERR GetMiterLimit(FX_FLOAT & miterLimit);

    FX_ERR SetMiterLimit(FX_FLOAT miterLimit);

    FX_ERR GetLineWidth(FX_FLOAT & lineWidth);

    FX_ERR SetLineWidth(FX_FLOAT lineWidth, FX_BOOL isActOnDash = FALSE);

    FX_ERR GetStrokeAlignment(FX_StrokeAlignment & strokeAlignment);

    FX_ERR SetStrokeAlignment(FX_StrokeAlignment strokeAlignment);

    FX_ERR SetStrokeColor(CFX_Color * color);

    FX_ERR SetFillColor(CFX_Color * color);

    FX_ERR StrokePath(CFX_Path * path, CFX_Matrix * matrix = NULL);

    FX_ERR FillPath(CFX_Path *	 path,
                    FX_FillMode	 fillMode = FXFILL_WINDING,
                    CFX_Matrix * matrix	  = NULL);

    FX_ERR ClipPath(CFX_Path *	 path,
                    FX_FillMode	 fillMode = FXFILL_WINDING,
                    CFX_Matrix * matrix	  = NULL);

    FX_ERR DrawImage(CFX_DIBSource *	source,
                     const CFX_PointF &	point,
                     CFX_Matrix *		matrix = NULL);

    FX_ERR StretchImage(CFX_DIBSource *	  source,
                        const CFX_RectF & rect,
                        CFX_Matrix *	  matrix = NULL);

    FX_ERR ConcatMatrix(CFX_Matrix * matrix);

    CFX_Matrix * GetMatrix();

    FX_ERR GetClipRect(CFX_RectF & rect);

    FX_ERR SetClipRect(const CFX_RectF & rect);

    FX_ERR ClearClip();

    FX_ERR SetFont(CFX_Font * font);

    FX_ERR SetFontSize(const FX_FLOAT size);

    FX_ERR SetFontHScale(const FX_FLOAT scale);

    FX_ERR SetCharSpacing(const FX_FLOAT spacing);

    FX_ERR SetTextDrawingMode(const FX_INT32 mode);

    FX_ERR ShowText(const CFX_PointF &	   point,
                    const CFX_WideString & text,
                    CFX_Matrix *		   matrix = NULL);

    FX_ERR CalcTextRect(CFX_RectF &			   rect,
                        const CFX_WideString & text,
                        FX_BOOL				   isMultiline = FALSE,
                        CFX_Matrix *		   matrix	   = NULL);

    FX_ERR Transfer(CFX_Graphics * graphics, CFX_Matrix * matrix = NULL);

    FX_ERR Transfer(CFX_Graphics *	  graphics,
                    FX_FLOAT		  srcLeft,
                    FX_FLOAT		  srcTop,
                    const CFX_RectF & dstRect,
                    CFX_Matrix *	  matrix  = NULL);

    CFX_RenderDevice * GetRenderDevice();

    FX_ERR	InverseRect(const CFX_RectF & rect);
    FX_ERR	XorDIBitmap(const CFX_DIBitmap * srcBitmap, const CFX_RectF & rect);
    FX_ERR	EqvDIBitmap(const CFX_DIBitmap * srcBitmap, const CFX_RectF & rect);

    FX_ERR RenderDeviceSetLineDash(FX_DashStyle dashStyle);

    FX_ERR RenderDeviceStrokePath(CFX_Path * path, CFX_Matrix * matrix);

    FX_ERR RenderDeviceFillPath(CFX_Path *	 path,
                                FX_FillMode	 fillMode,
                                CFX_Matrix * matrix);

    FX_ERR RenderDeviceDrawImage(CFX_DIBSource *	source,
                                 const CFX_PointF &	point,
                                 CFX_Matrix *		matrix);

    FX_ERR RenderDeviceStretchImage(CFX_DIBSource *	  source,
                                    const CFX_RectF & rect,
                                    CFX_Matrix *	  matrix);

    FX_ERR RenderDeviceShowText(const CFX_PointF &	   point,
                                const CFX_WideString & text,
                                CFX_Matrix *		   matrix);

    FX_ERR StrokePathWithPattern(CFX_Path * path, CFX_Matrix * matrix);

    FX_ERR StrokePathWithShading(CFX_Path * path, CFX_Matrix * matrix);

    FX_ERR FillPathWithPattern(CFX_Path *	path,
                               FX_FillMode	fillMode,
                               CFX_Matrix *	matrix);

    FX_ERR FillPathWithShading(CFX_Path *	path,
                               FX_FillMode	fillMode,
                               CFX_Matrix *	matrix);
    FX_ERR SetDIBitsWithMatrix(CFX_DIBSource * source, CFX_Matrix * matrix);
    FX_ERR CalcTextInfo(const CFX_WideString & text, FX_DWORD * charCodes, FXTEXT_CHARPOS * charPos, CFX_RectF & rect);

    FX_INT32		_type;
    struct TInfo {
        CFX_GraphStateData	_graphState;
        FX_BOOL				_isAntialiasing;
        FX_StrokeAlignment	_strokeAlignment;
        CFX_Matrix			_CTM;
        FX_BOOL				_isActOnDash;
        CFX_Color *			_strokeColor;
        CFX_Color *			_fillColor;
        CFX_Font *			_font;
        FX_FLOAT			_fontSize;
        FX_FLOAT			_fontHScale;
        FX_FLOAT			_fontSpacing;
    } _info;
    CFX_RenderDevice *	_renderDevice;
    CFX_PtrArray		_infoStack;
    CAGG_Graphics *     _aggGraphics;
    friend class CAGG_Graphics;

class CFX_Path


    FX_ERR Create();

    virtual ~CFX_Path();

    FX_ERR MoveTo(FX_FLOAT x, FX_FLOAT y);

    FX_ERR LineTo(FX_FLOAT x, FX_FLOAT y);

    FX_ERR BezierTo(FX_FLOAT ctrlX1,
                    FX_FLOAT ctrlY1,
                    FX_FLOAT ctrlX2,
                    FX_FLOAT ctrlY2,
                    FX_FLOAT toX,
                    FX_FLOAT toY);

    FX_ERR ArcTo(FX_FLOAT left,
                 FX_FLOAT top,
                 FX_FLOAT width,
                 FX_FLOAT height,
                 FX_FLOAT startAngle,
                 FX_FLOAT sweepAngle);

    FX_ERR Close();

    FX_ERR AddLine(FX_FLOAT x1, FX_FLOAT y1, FX_FLOAT x2, FX_FLOAT y2);

    FX_ERR AddBezier(FX_FLOAT startX,
                     FX_FLOAT startY,
                     FX_FLOAT ctrlX1,
                     FX_FLOAT ctrlY1,
                     FX_FLOAT ctrlX2,
                     FX_FLOAT ctrlY2,
                     FX_FLOAT endX,
                     FX_FLOAT endY);

    FX_ERR AddRectangle(FX_FLOAT left, FX_FLOAT top, FX_FLOAT width, FX_FLOAT height);

    FX_ERR AddEllipse(FX_FLOAT left, FX_FLOAT top, FX_FLOAT width, FX_FLOAT height);

    FX_ERR AddEllipse(const CFX_RectF & rect);

    FX_ERR AddArc(FX_FLOAT left,
                  FX_FLOAT top,
                  FX_FLOAT width,
                  FX_FLOAT height,
                  FX_FLOAT startAngle,
                  FX_FLOAT sweepAngle);

    FX_ERR AddPie(FX_FLOAT left,
                  FX_FLOAT top,
                  FX_FLOAT width,
                  FX_FLOAT height,
                  FX_FLOAT startAngle,
                  FX_FLOAT sweepAngle);

    FX_ERR AddSubpath(CFX_Path * path);

    FX_ERR Clear();

    FX_BOOL IsEmpty();

    CFX_PathData * GetPathData();
    CFX_PathGenerator *	_generator;
class CFX_Color


    CFX_Color(const FX_ARGB argb);

    CFX_Color(CFX_Pattern * pattern, const FX_ARGB argb = 0x0);

    CFX_Color(CFX_Shading * shading);

    virtual ~CFX_Color();

    FX_ERR Set(const FX_ARGB argb);

    FX_ERR Set(CFX_Pattern * pattern, const FX_ARGB argb = 0x0);

    FX_ERR Set(CFX_Shading * shading);

    FX_INT32				_type;
    union {
        struct {
            FX_ARGB			_argb;
            CFX_Pattern *	_pattern;
        CFX_Shading *		_shading;

    friend class CFX_Graphics;
class CFX_Pattern


    FX_ERR Create(CFX_DIBitmap * bitmap,
                  const FX_FLOAT xStep,
                  const FX_FLOAT yStep,
                  CFX_Matrix *	 matrix = NULL);

    FX_ERR Create(FX_HatchStyle	hatchStyle,
                  const FX_ARGB	foreArgb,
                  const FX_ARGB	backArgb,
                  CFX_Matrix *	matrix = NULL);

    virtual ~CFX_Pattern();

    FX_INT32				_type;
    CFX_Matrix				_matrix;
    union {
        struct {
            CFX_RectF		_rect;
            FX_FLOAT		_xStep;
            FX_FLOAT		_yStep;
            FX_BOOL			_isColored;
        struct {
            CFX_DIBitmap *	_bitmap;
            FX_FLOAT		_x1Step;
            FX_FLOAT		_y1Step;
        struct {
            FX_HatchStyle	_hatchStyle;
            FX_ARGB			_foreArgb;
            FX_ARGB			_backArgb;
    friend class CFX_Graphics;
class CFX_Shading


    FX_ERR CreateAxial(const CFX_PointF & beginPoint,
                       const CFX_PointF & endPoint,
                       FX_BOOL			  isExtendedBegin,
                       FX_BOOL			  isExtendedEnd,
                       const FX_ARGB	  beginArgb,
                       const FX_ARGB	  endArgb);

    FX_ERR CreateRadial(const CFX_PointF & beginPoint,
                        const CFX_PointF & endPoint,
                        const FX_FLOAT	   beginRadius,
                        const FX_FLOAT	   endRadius,
                        FX_BOOL			   isExtendedBegin,
                        FX_BOOL			   isExtendedEnd,
                        const FX_ARGB	   beginArgb,
                        const FX_ARGB	   endArgb);

    virtual ~CFX_Shading();

    FX_ERR InitArgbArray();
    FX_INT32	_type;
    CFX_PointF	_beginPoint;
    CFX_PointF	_endPoint;
    FX_FLOAT	_beginRadius;
    FX_FLOAT	_endRadius;
    FX_BOOL		_isExtendedBegin;
    FX_BOOL		_isExtendedEnd;
    FX_ARGB		_beginArgb;
    FX_ARGB		_endArgb;
    FX_ARGB		_argbArray[FX_SHADING_Steps];
    friend class CFX_Graphics;