// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com

#ifndef _FDE_BRUSH
#define _FDE_BRUSH
class IFDE_Image;
class IFDE_Path;
class IFDE_Brush;
class IFDE_SolidBrush;
class IFDE_HatchBrush;
class IFDE_TextureBrush;
class IFDE_LinearGradientBrush;
#define FDE_BRUSHTYPE_Unknown			-1
#define FDE_BRUSHTYPE_Solid				0
#define FDE_BRUSHTYPE_Hatch				1
#define FDE_BRUSHTYPE_Texture			2
#define FDE_BRUSHTYPE_LinearGradient	3
#define FDE_BRUSHTYPE_MAX				3
#define FDE_WRAPMODE_Tile			0
#define FDE_WRAPMODE_TileFlipX		1
#define FDE_WRAPMODE_TileFlipY		2
#define FDE_WRAPMODE_TileFlipXY		3
#define FDE_WRAPMODE_Clamp			4
typedef struct _FDE_GRADIENTCOLOR {
    FX_FLOAT	pos;
    FX_ARGB		color;
typedef CFX_ArrayTemplate<FDE_GRADIENTCOLOR>	CFDE_GradientColors;
class IFDE_Brush
    static IFDE_Brush*			Create(FX_INT32 iType);
    virtual void				Release() = 0;
    virtual FX_INT32			GetType() const = 0;
class IFDE_SolidBrush : public IFDE_Brush
    virtual FX_ARGB				GetColor() const = 0;
    virtual void				SetColor(FX_ARGB color) = 0;
    virtual const CFX_Matrix&	GetMatrix() const = 0;
    virtual void				ResetMatrix() = 0;
    virtual void				TranslateMatrix(FX_FLOAT dx, FX_FLOAT dy) = 0;
    virtual void				RotateMatrix(FX_FLOAT fRadian) = 0;
    virtual void				ScaleMatrix(FX_FLOAT sx, FX_FLOAT sy) = 0;
    virtual void				ConcatMatrix(const CFX_Matrix &matrix) = 0;
    virtual void				SetMatrix(const CFX_Matrix &matrix) = 0;
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_Horizontal				0
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_Vertical					1
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_ForwardDiagonal			2
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_BackwardDiagonal			3
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_Cross					4
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_DiagonalCross			5
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_05Percent				6
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_10Percent				7
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_20Percent				8
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_25Percent				9
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_30Percent				10
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_40Percent				11
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_50Percent				12
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_60Percent				13
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_70Percent				14
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_75Percent				15
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_80Percent				16
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_90Percent				17
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_LightDownwardDiagonal	18
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_LightUpwardDiagonal		19
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_DarkDownwardDiagonal		20
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_DarkUpwardDiagonal		21
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_WideDownwardDiagonal		22
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_WideUpwardDiagonal		23
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_LightVertical			24
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_LightHorizontal			25
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_NarrowVertical			26
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_NarrowHorizontal			27
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_DarkVertical				28
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_DarkHorizontal			29
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_DashedDownwardDiagonal	30
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_DashedUpwardDiagonal		31
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_DashedHorizontal			32
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_DashedVertical			33
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_SmallConfetti			34
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_LargeConfetti			35
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_ZigZag					36
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_Wave						37
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_DiagonalBrick			38
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_HorizontalBrick			39
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_Weave					40
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_Plaid					41
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_Divot					42
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_DottedGrid				43
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_DottedDiamond			44
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_Shingle					45
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_Trellis					46
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_Sphere					47
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_SmallGrid				48
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_SmallCheckerBoard		49
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_LargeCheckerBoard		50
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_OutlinedDiamond			51
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_SolidDiamond				52
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_Total					53
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_Min						FDE_HATCHSTYLE_Horizontal
#define FDE_HATCHSTYLE_Max						(FDE_HATCHSTYLE_Total - 1)
class IFDE_HatchBrush : public IFDE_Brush
    virtual FX_ARGB			GetColor(FX_BOOL bForegroundColor) const = 0;
    virtual void			SetColor(FX_ARGB color, FX_BOOL bForegroundColor) = 0;
    virtual FX_INT32		GetHatchStyle() const = 0;
    virtual FX_BOOL			SetHatchStyle(FX_INT32 iHatchStyle) = 0;
class IFDE_TextureBrush : public IFDE_Brush
    virtual IFDE_Image*			GetImage() const = 0;
    virtual void				SetImage(IFDE_Image *pImage, FX_BOOL bAutoRelease) = 0;
    virtual FX_INT32			GetWrapMode() const = 0;
    virtual void				SetWrapMode(FX_INT32 iWrapMode) = 0;
#define FDE_LINEARGRADIENTMODE_Horizontal			0
#define FDE_LINEARGRADIENTMODE_Vertical				1
#define FDE_LINEARGRADIENTMODE_ForwardDiagonal		2
#define FDE_LINEARGRADIENTMODE_BackwardDiagonal		3
class IFDE_LinearGradientBrush : public IFDE_Brush
    virtual void				GetLinearPoints(CFX_PointF &startingPoint, CFX_PointF &endingPoint) const = 0;
    virtual void				SetLinearPoints(const CFX_PointF &startingPoint, const CFX_PointF &endingPoint) = 0;
    virtual void				GetLinearColors(FX_ARGB &startingColor, FX_ARGB &endingColor) const = 0;
    virtual void				SetLinearColors(const FX_ARGB &startingColor, const FX_ARGB &endingColor) = 0;
    virtual FX_INT32			CountGradientColors() const = 0;
    virtual FX_BOOL				GetGradientColors(CFDE_GradientColors &colors) const = 0;
    virtual FX_BOOL				SetGradientColors(const CFDE_GradientColors &colors) = 0;
    virtual FX_INT32			GetWrapMode() const = 0;
    virtual void				SetWrapMode(FX_INT32 iWrapMode) = 0;