// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com // Original code is licensed as follows: /* * Copyright 2008 ZXing authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "xfa/src/fxbarcode/barcode.h" #include "xfa/src/fxbarcode/common/BC_CommonBitSource.h" #include "xfa/src/fxbarcode/common/BC_CommonDecoderResult.h" #include "xfa/src/fxbarcode/datamatrix/BC_DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser.h" const FX_CHAR CBC_DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser::C40_BASIC_SET_CHARS[] = { '*', '*', '*', ' ', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'}; const FX_CHAR CBC_DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser::C40_SHIFT2_SET_CHARS[] = { '!', '"', '#', '$', '%', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '_'}; const FX_CHAR CBC_DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser::TEXT_BASIC_SET_CHARS[] = { '*', '*', '*', ' ', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'}; const FX_CHAR CBC_DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser::TEXT_SHIFT3_SET_CHARS[] = { '\'', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '{', '|', '}', '~', (FX_CHAR)127}; const int32_t CBC_DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser::PAD_ENCODE = 0; const int32_t CBC_DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser::ASCII_ENCODE = 1; const int32_t CBC_DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser::C40_ENCODE = 2; const int32_t CBC_DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser::TEXT_ENCODE = 3; const int32_t CBC_DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser::ANSIX12_ENCODE = 4; const int32_t CBC_DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser::EDIFACT_ENCODE = 5; const int32_t CBC_DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser::BASE256_ENCODE = 6; CBC_DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser::CBC_DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser() {} CBC_DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser::~CBC_DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser() {} CBC_CommonDecoderResult* CBC_DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser::Decode( CFX_ByteArray& bytes, int32_t& e) { CBC_CommonBitSource bits(&bytes); CFX_ByteString result; CFX_ByteString resultTrailer; CFX_Int32Array byteSegments; int32_t mode = ASCII_ENCODE; do { if (mode == 1) { mode = DecodeAsciiSegment(&bits, result, resultTrailer, e); BC_EXCEPTION_CHECK_ReturnValue(e, NULL); } else { switch (mode) { case 2: DecodeC40Segment(&bits, result, e); BC_EXCEPTION_CHECK_ReturnValue(e, NULL); break; case 3: DecodeTextSegment(&bits, result, e); BC_EXCEPTION_CHECK_ReturnValue(e, NULL); break; case 4: DecodeAnsiX12Segment(&bits, result, e); BC_EXCEPTION_CHECK_ReturnValue(e, NULL); break; case 5: DecodeEdifactSegment(&bits, result, e); BC_EXCEPTION_CHECK_ReturnValue(e, NULL); break; case 6: DecodeBase256Segment(&bits, result, byteSegments, e); BC_EXCEPTION_CHECK_ReturnValue(e, NULL); break; default: NULL; e = BCExceptionFormatException; return NULL; } mode = ASCII_ENCODE; } } while (mode != PAD_ENCODE && bits.Available() > 0); if (resultTrailer.GetLength() > 0) { result += resultTrailer; } CBC_CommonDecoderResult* tempCp = new CBC_CommonDecoderResult(); tempCp->Init(bytes, result, (byteSegments.GetSize() <= 0) ? CFX_Int32Array() : byteSegments, NULL, e); BC_EXCEPTION_CHECK_ReturnValue(e, NULL); return tempCp; } int32_t CBC_DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser::DecodeAsciiSegment( CBC_CommonBitSource* bits, CFX_ByteString& result, CFX_ByteString& resultTrailer, int32_t& e) { FX_CHAR buffer[128]; FX_BOOL upperShift = FALSE; do { int32_t oneByte = bits->ReadBits(8, e); BC_EXCEPTION_CHECK_ReturnValue(e, 0); if (oneByte == 0) { e = BCExceptionFormatException; return 0; } else if (oneByte <= 128) { oneByte = upperShift ? oneByte + 128 : oneByte; upperShift = FALSE; result += ((FX_CHAR)(oneByte - 1)); return ASCII_ENCODE; } else if (oneByte == 129) { return PAD_ENCODE; } else if (oneByte <= 229) { int32_t value = oneByte - 130; #if defined(_FX_WINAPI_PARTITION_APP_) memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(FX_CHAR) * 128); _itoa_s(value, buffer, 128, 10); #else FXSYS_itoa(value, buffer, 10); #endif if (value < 10) { result += '0'; buffer[1] = '\0'; } else { buffer[2] = '\0'; } result += buffer; } else if (oneByte == 230) { return C40_ENCODE; } else if (oneByte == 231) { return BASE256_ENCODE; } else if (oneByte == 232 || oneByte == 233 || oneByte == 234) { } else if (oneByte == 235) { upperShift = TRUE; } else if (oneByte == 236) { result += "[)>"; result += 0x1E; result += "05"; result += 0x1D; resultTrailer.Insert(0, 0x1E); resultTrailer.Insert(0 + 1, 0x04); } else if (oneByte == 237) { result += "[)>"; result += 0x1E; result += "06"; result += 0x1D; resultTrailer.Insert(0, 0x1E); resultTrailer.Insert(0 + 1, 0x04); } else if (oneByte == 238) { return ANSIX12_ENCODE; } else if (oneByte == 239) { return TEXT_ENCODE; } else if (oneByte == 240) { return EDIFACT_ENCODE; } else if (oneByte == 241) { } else if (oneByte >= 242) { if (oneByte == 254 && bits->Available() == 0) { } else { e = BCExceptionFormatException; return 0; } } } while (bits->Available() > 0); return ASCII_ENCODE; } void CBC_DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser::DecodeC40Segment( CBC_CommonBitSource* bits, CFX_ByteString& result, int32_t& e) { FX_BOOL upperShift = FALSE; CFX_Int32Array cValues; cValues.SetSize(3); do { if (bits->Available() == 8) { return; } int32_t firstByte = bits->ReadBits(8, e); BC_EXCEPTION_CHECK_ReturnVoid(e); if (firstByte == 254) { return; } int32_t tempp = bits->ReadBits(8, e); BC_EXCEPTION_CHECK_ReturnVoid(e); ParseTwoBytes(firstByte, tempp, cValues); int32_t shift = 0; int32_t i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int32_t cValue = cValues[i]; switch (shift) { case 0: if (cValue < 3) { shift = cValue + 1; } else if (cValue < 27) { FX_CHAR c40char = C40_BASIC_SET_CHARS[cValue]; if (upperShift) { result += (FX_CHAR)(c40char + 128); upperShift = FALSE; } else { result += c40char; } } else { e = BCExceptionFormatException; return; } break; case 1: if (upperShift) { result += (FX_CHAR)(cValue + 128); upperShift = FALSE; } else { result += cValue; } shift = 0; break; case 2: if (cValue < 27) { FX_CHAR c40char = C40_SHIFT2_SET_CHARS[cValue]; if (upperShift) { result += (FX_CHAR)(c40char + 128); upperShift = FALSE; } else { result += c40char; } } else if (cValue == 27) { e = BCExceptionFormatException; return; } else if (cValue == 30) { upperShift = TRUE; } else { e = BCExceptionFormatException; return; } shift = 0; break; case 3: if (upperShift) { result += (FX_CHAR)(cValue + 224); upperShift = FALSE; } else { result += (FX_CHAR)(cValue + 96); } shift = 0; break; default: break; e = BCExceptionFormatException; return; } } } while (bits->Available() > 0); } void CBC_DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser::DecodeTextSegment( CBC_CommonBitSource* bits, CFX_ByteString& result, int32_t& e) { FX_BOOL upperShift = FALSE; CFX_Int32Array cValues; cValues.SetSize(3); int32_t shift = 0; do { if (bits->Available() == 8) { return; } int32_t firstByte = bits->ReadBits(8, e); BC_EXCEPTION_CHECK_ReturnVoid(e); if (firstByte == 254) { return; } int32_t inTp = bits->ReadBits(8, e); BC_EXCEPTION_CHECK_ReturnVoid(e); ParseTwoBytes(firstByte, inTp, cValues); for (int32_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int32_t cValue = cValues[i]; switch (shift) { case 0: if (cValue < 3) { shift = cValue + 1; } else if (cValue < 40) { FX_CHAR textChar = TEXT_BASIC_SET_CHARS[cValue]; if (upperShift) { result += (FX_CHAR)(textChar + 128); upperShift = FALSE; } else { result += textChar; } } else { e = BCExceptionFormatException; return; } break; case 1: if (upperShift) { result += (FX_CHAR)(cValue + 128); upperShift = FALSE; } else { result += cValue; } shift = 0; break; case 2: if (cValue < 27) { FX_CHAR c40char = C40_SHIFT2_SET_CHARS[cValue]; if (upperShift) { result += (FX_CHAR)(c40char + 128); upperShift = FALSE; } else { result += c40char; } } else if (cValue == 27) { e = BCExceptionFormatException; return; } else if (cValue == 30) { upperShift = TRUE; } else { e = BCExceptionFormatException; return; } shift = 0; break; case 3: if (cValue < 19) { FX_CHAR textChar = TEXT_SHIFT3_SET_CHARS[cValue]; if (upperShift) { result += (FX_CHAR)(textChar + 128); upperShift = FALSE; } else { result += textChar; } shift = 0; } else { e = BCExceptionFormatException; return; } break; default: break; e = BCExceptionFormatException; return; } } } while (bits->Available() > 0); } void CBC_DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser::DecodeAnsiX12Segment( CBC_CommonBitSource* bits, CFX_ByteString& result, int32_t& e) { CFX_Int32Array cValues; cValues.SetSize(3); do { if (bits->Available() == 8) { return; } int32_t firstByte = bits->ReadBits(8, e); BC_EXCEPTION_CHECK_ReturnVoid(e); if (firstByte == 254) { return; } int32_t iTemp1 = bits->ReadBits(8, e); BC_EXCEPTION_CHECK_ReturnVoid(e); ParseTwoBytes(firstByte, iTemp1, cValues); int32_t i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int32_t cValue = cValues[i]; if (cValue == 0) { BC_FX_ByteString_Append(result, 1, '\r'); } else if (cValue == 1) { BC_FX_ByteString_Append(result, 1, '*'); } else if (cValue == 2) { BC_FX_ByteString_Append(result, 1, '>'); } else if (cValue == 3) { BC_FX_ByteString_Append(result, 1, ' '); } else if (cValue < 14) { BC_FX_ByteString_Append(result, 1, (FX_CHAR)(cValue + 44)); } else if (cValue < 40) { BC_FX_ByteString_Append(result, 1, (FX_CHAR)(cValue + 51)); } else { e = BCExceptionFormatException; return; } } } while (bits->Available() > 0); } void CBC_DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser::ParseTwoBytes( int32_t firstByte, int32_t secondByte, CFX_Int32Array& result) { int32_t fullBitValue = (firstByte << 8) + secondByte - 1; int32_t temp = fullBitValue / 1600; result[0] = temp; fullBitValue -= temp * 1600; temp = fullBitValue / 40; result[1] = temp; result[2] = fullBitValue - temp * 40; } void CBC_DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser::DecodeEdifactSegment( CBC_CommonBitSource* bits, CFX_ByteString& result, int32_t& e) { FX_CHAR buffer[128]; FX_BOOL unlatch = FALSE; do { if (bits->Available() <= 16) { return; } int32_t i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int32_t edifactValue = bits->ReadBits(6, e); BC_EXCEPTION_CHECK_ReturnVoid(e); if (edifactValue == 0x1F) { unlatch = TRUE; } if (!unlatch) { if ((edifactValue & 32) == 0) { edifactValue |= 64; } #if defined(_FX_WINAPI_PARTITION_APP_) memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(FX_CHAR) * 128); _itoa_s(edifactValue, buffer, 128, 10); result += buffer; #else result += FXSYS_itoa(edifactValue, buffer, 10); #endif } } } while (!unlatch && bits->Available() > 0); } void CBC_DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser::DecodeBase256Segment( CBC_CommonBitSource* bits, CFX_ByteString& result, CFX_Int32Array& byteSegments, int32_t& e) { int32_t codewordPosition = 1 + bits->getByteOffset(); int32_t iTmp = bits->ReadBits(8, e); BC_EXCEPTION_CHECK_ReturnVoid(e); int32_t d1 = Unrandomize255State(iTmp, codewordPosition++); int32_t count; if (d1 == 0) { count = bits->Available() / 8; } else if (d1 < 250) { count = d1; } else { int32_t iTmp3 = bits->ReadBits(8, e); BC_EXCEPTION_CHECK_ReturnVoid(e); count = 250 * (d1 - 249) + Unrandomize255State(iTmp3, codewordPosition++); } if (count < 0) { e = BCExceptionFormatException; return; } CFX_ByteArray* bytes = new CFX_ByteArray(); bytes->SetSize(count); int32_t i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (bits->Available() < 8) { e = BCExceptionFormatException; delete bytes; return; } int32_t iTemp5 = bits->ReadBits(8, e); if (e != BCExceptionNO) { delete bytes; return; } bytes->SetAt(i, Unrandomize255State(iTemp5, codewordPosition++)); } BC_FX_ByteString_Append(result, *bytes); delete bytes; } uint8_t CBC_DataMatrixDecodedBitStreamParser::Unrandomize255State( int32_t randomizedBase256Codeword, int32_t base256CodewordPosition) { int32_t pseudoRandomNumber = ((149 * base256CodewordPosition) % 255) + 1; int32_t tempVariable = randomizedBase256Codeword - pseudoRandomNumber; return (uint8_t)(tempVariable >= 0 ? tempVariable : tempVariable + 256); }