path: root/asm/rich4.asm
diff options
authorIru Cai <>2021-05-09 20:40:31 +0800
committerIru Cai <>2021-05-10 09:40:01 +0800
commit80670e0203d469e700016cd36c274f59824e9850 (patch)
tree6ef3d0a3073b641dbe5ab355bb83d04e5d206dd5 /asm/rich4.asm
parenta8b976af1c549be3e7ebe401d15c2826a5a6fa4a (diff)
add assembly dump of rich4.exe
Diffstat (limited to 'asm/rich4.asm')
1 files changed, 191612 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/asm/rich4.asm b/asm/rich4.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c39b6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asm/rich4.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,191612 @@
+;; Generated with r2dumpbin (
+bits 32
+extern __imp__CreateFontA@56
+extern __imp__CreatePen@12
+extern __imp__CreateSolidBrush@4
+extern __imp__DeleteObject@4
+extern __imp__Ellipse@20
+extern __imp__FloodFill@16
+extern __imp__GetStockObject@4
+extern __imp__LineTo@12
+extern __imp__MoveToEx@16
+extern __imp__Pie@36
+extern __imp__SelectObject@8
+extern __imp__SetBkMode@8
+extern __imp__SetTextCharacterExtra@8
+extern __imp__SetTextColor@8
+extern __imp__TextOutA@20
+extern __imp__BeginPaint@8
+extern __imp__CharUpperBuffA@8
+extern __imp__CreateWindowExA@48
+extern __imp__DefWindowProcA@16
+extern __imp__DestroyWindow@4
+extern __imp__DispatchMessageA@4
+extern __imp__DrawTextA@20
+extern __imp__EndPaint@8
+extern __imp__GetCursorPos@4
+extern __imp__GetSystemMetrics@4
+extern __imp__IntersectRect@12
+extern __imp__InvalidateRect@12
+extern __imp__KillTimer@8
+extern __imp__LoadCursorA@8
+extern __imp__LoadIconA@8
+extern __imp__MessageBoxA@16
+extern __imp__PeekMessageA@20
+extern __imp__PostMessageA@16
+extern __imp__PostQuitMessage@4
+extern __imp__RegisterClassA@4
+extern __imp__SetCursorPos@8
+extern __imp__SetFocus@4
+extern __imp__SetTimer@16
+extern __imp__SetWindowsHookExA@16
+extern __imp__ShowCursor@4
+extern __imp__ShowWindow@8
+extern __imp__TranslateMessage@4
+extern __imp__UnhookWindowsHookEx@4
+extern __imp__UpdateWindow@4
+extern __imp__ValidateRect@8
+extern __imp__CloseHandle@4
+extern __imp__CreateEventA@16
+extern __imp__CreateFileA@28
+extern __imp__CreateThread@24
+extern __imp__DeleteCriticalSection@4
+extern __imp__DeleteFileA@4
+extern __imp__EnterCriticalSection@4
+extern __imp__ExitProcess@4
+extern __imp__ExitThread@4
+extern __imp__FlushFileBuffers@4
+extern __imp__GetACP@0
+extern __imp__GetCPInfo@8
+extern __imp__GetCommandLineA@0
+extern __imp__GetCommandLineW@0
+extern __imp__GetConsoleMode@8
+extern __imp__GetCurrentDirectoryA@8
+extern __imp__GetCurrentProcessId@0
+extern __imp__GetCurrentThreadId@0
+extern __imp__GetCurrentThread@0
+extern __imp__GetDriveTypeA@4
+extern __imp__GetEnvironmentStrings@0
+extern __imp__GetFileAttributesA@4
+extern __imp__GetFileSize@8
+extern __imp__GetFileType@4
+extern __imp__GetFullPathNameA@16
+extern __imp__GetLastError@0
+extern __imp__GetLocalTime@4
+extern __imp__GetModuleFileNameA@12
+extern __imp__GetModuleFileNameW@12
+extern __imp__GetModuleHandleA@4
+extern __imp__GetOEMCP@0
+extern __imp__GetProcAddress@8
+extern __imp__GetStdHandle@4
+extern __imp__GetTickCount@0
+extern __imp__GetVersion@0
+extern __imp__InitializeCriticalSection@4
+extern __imp__LeaveCriticalSection@4
+extern __imp__LoadLibraryA@4
+extern __imp__MoveFileA@8
+extern __imp__MultiByteToWideChar@24
+extern __imp__ReadConsoleInputA@16
+extern __imp__ReadFile@20
+extern __imp__SetConsoleCtrlHandler@8
+extern __imp__SetConsoleMode@8
+extern __imp__SetEnvironmentVariableA@8
+extern __imp__SetEnvironmentVariableW@8
+extern __imp__SetEvent@4
+extern __imp__SetFilePointer@16
+extern __imp__SetLastError@4
+extern __imp__SetStdHandle@8
+extern __imp__SetUnhandledExceptionFilter@4
+extern __imp__TlsAlloc@0
+extern __imp__TlsFree@4
+extern __imp__TlsGetValue@4
+extern __imp__TlsSetValue@8
+extern __imp__UnhandledExceptionFilter@4
+extern __imp__VirtualAlloc@16
+extern __imp__VirtualFree@12
+extern __imp__VirtualQuery@12
+extern __imp__WaitForSingleObject@8
+extern __imp__WideCharToMultiByte@32
+extern __imp__WriteConsoleA@20
+extern __imp__WriteFile@20
+extern __imp__auxGetDevCapsA@12
+extern __imp__auxGetNumDevs@0
+extern __imp__auxGetVolume@8
+extern __imp__auxSetVolume@8
+extern __imp__mciGetDeviceIDA@4
+extern __imp__mciSendStringA@16
+extern __imp__midiOutGetDevCapsA@12
+extern __imp__midiOutGetVolume@8
+extern __imp__midiOutSetVolume@8
+extern __imp__timeGetTime@0
+extern __imp__timeKillEvent@4
+extern __imp__timeSetEvent@20
+extern __imp__DirectSoundCreate@12
+extern __imp__DirectDrawCreate@12
+; link flag and libs: -e fcn_0045709c -lgdi32 -luser32 -lkernel32 -lwinmm -ldsound -lddraw
+global fcn_0045709c
+section .text
+db 0xcc
+db 0xeb
+db 0xfd
+db 0x90
+dd 0x00909090
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 8
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x20]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je near loc_00401537 ; je 0x401537
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetCursorPos@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622ec]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ref_00497168] ; mov ax, word [0x497168]
+cmp esi, eax
+jne short loc_00401059 ; jne 0x401059
+test ebx, 0x80000000
+jne short loc_00401059 ; jne 0x401059
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+sub eax, 0xa
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [esp + 4]
+push edi
+jmp short loc_0040107a ; jmp 0x40107a
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ref_0049716a] ; mov ax, word [0x49716a]
+cmp esi, eax
+jne short loc_00401086 ; jne 0x401086
+test ebx, 0x80000000
+jne short loc_00401086 ; jne 0x401086
+mov esi, dword [esp + 4]
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+add eax, 0xa
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetCursorPos@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46231c]
+jmp near loc_00401537 ; jmp 0x401537
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ref_0049716c] ; mov ax, word [0x49716c]
+cmp esi, eax
+jne short loc_004010a9 ; jne 0x4010a9
+test ebx, 0x80000000
+jne short loc_004010a9 ; jne 0x4010a9
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+add eax, 0xa
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 4]
+push ebx
+jmp short loc_0040107a ; jmp 0x40107a
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ref_0049716e] ; mov ax, word [0x49716e]
+cmp esi, eax
+jne short loc_004010cb ; jne 0x4010cb
+test ebx, 0x80000000
+jne short loc_004010cb ; jne 0x4010cb
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+sub eax, 0xa
+jmp short loc_00401079 ; jmp 0x401079
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ref_00497170] ; mov ax, word [0x497170]
+cmp esi, eax
+jne near loc_00401157 ; jne 0x401157
+test ebx, 0x80000000
+jne short loc_004010f1 ; jne 0x4010f1
+cmp word [ref_0046cb09], 0 ; cmp word [0x46cb09], 0
+jne near loc_00401537 ; jne 0x401537
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb00], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb00], 0
+jne near loc_00401537 ; jne 0x401537
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+shl eax, 0x10
+add eax, dword [esp]
+test ebx, 0x80000000
+je short loc_00401134 ; je 0x401134
+push eax
+push 0
+push 0x202
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov word [ref_0046cb09], bx ; mov word [0x46cb09], bx
+jmp near loc_00401537 ; jmp 0x401537
+push eax
+push 0
+push 0x201
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+mov word [ref_0046cb09], 1 ; mov word [0x46cb09], 1
+jmp near loc_00401537 ; jmp 0x401537
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ref_00497172] ; mov ax, word [0x497172]
+cmp esi, eax
+jne near loc_004011df ; jne 0x4011df
+test ebx, 0x80000000
+je near loc_004011df ; je 0x4011df
+cmp byte [ref_0046cafe], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cafe], 0
+je short loc_004011c3 ; je 0x4011c3
+cmp dword [ref_0046cad8], 1 ; cmp dword [0x46cad8], 1
+jne short loc_004011c3 ; jne 0x4011c3
+xor edx, edx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00499114] ; mov ebp, dword [0x499114]
+cmp edx, ebp
+jge short loc_004011af ; jge 0x4011af
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_004011ac ; jne 0x4011ac
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b9a], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b9a], 0
+je near loc_00401537 ; je 0x401537
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_0040118f ; jmp 0x40118f
+test ebx, ebx
+jne near loc_00401537 ; jne 0x401537
+mov byte [ref_0046caff], 1 ; mov byte [0x46caff], 1
+jmp near loc_00401537 ; jmp 0x401537
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x205
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+jmp near loc_00401537 ; jmp 0x401537
+cmp byte [ref_0046cafd], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cafd], 0
+je near loc_00401537 ; je 0x401537
+test ebx, 0xc0000000
+je short loc_00401202 ; je 0x401202
+xor edi, edi
+mov word [ref_0046cb07], di ; mov word [0x46cb07], di
+jmp near loc_00401537 ; jmp 0x401537
+cmp esi, 0x11
+jne short loc_00401212 ; jne 0x401212
+mov word [ref_0046cb07], 0x1100 ; mov word [0x46cb07], 0x1100
+jmp short loc_00401219 ; jmp 0x401219
+or word [ref_0046cb07], si ; or word [0x46cb07], si
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_00497176] ; mov dx, word [0x497176]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ref_0046cb07] ; mov ax, word [0x46cb07]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_00401262 ; jne 0x401262
+mov dh, byte [ref_0049715d] ; mov dh, byte [0x49715d]
+inc dh
+mov byte [ref_0049715d], dh ; mov byte [0x49715d], dh
+cmp dh, 3
+jne short loc_00401249 ; jne 0x401249
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [ref_0049715d], bh ; mov byte [0x49715d], bh
+call fcn_00419703 ; call 0x419703
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_004196f1 ; call 0x4196f1
+jmp near loc_00401523 ; jmp 0x401523
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_0049717c] ; mov dx, word [0x49717c]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_0040128d ; jne 0x40128d
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00419703 ; call 0x419703
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+call fcn_0040dd1f ; call 0x40dd1f
+jmp near loc_00401523 ; jmp 0x401523
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_0049717e] ; mov dx, word [0x49717e]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne near loc_00401312 ; jne 0x401312
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba0], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba0], 0
+jne near loc_00401523 ; jne 0x401523
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+cmp al, 1
+jb short loc_00401306 ; jb 0x401306
+jbe short loc_004012c9 ; jbe 0x4012c9
+cmp al, 2
+je short loc_004012e7 ; je 0x4012e7
+jmp short loc_00401306 ; jmp 0x401306
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+imul edx, ecx, 0x68
+inc byte [eax + ref_00496b7a] ; inc byte [eax + 0x496b7a]
+cmp byte [edx + ref_00496b7a], 3 ; cmp byte [edx + 0x496b7a], 3
+jne short loc_00401306 ; jne 0x401306
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+jmp short loc_004012ff ; jmp 0x4012ff
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+imul edx, ecx, 0x68
+inc byte [eax + ref_00496b7a] ; inc byte [eax + 0x496b7a]
+cmp byte [edx + ref_00496b7a], 4 ; cmp byte [edx + 0x496b7a], 4
+jne short loc_00401306 ; jne 0x401306
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7a], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7a], 1
+push 1
+call fcn_00417191 ; call 0x417191
+jmp near loc_00401520 ; jmp 0x401520
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_00497180] ; mov dx, word [0x497180]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_0040132b ; jne 0x40132b
+push 0xa
+call fcn_00417d65 ; call 0x417d65
+jmp near loc_00401520 ; jmp 0x401520
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_00497182] ; mov dx, word [0x497182]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_0040133c ; jne 0x40133c
+push 9
+jmp short loc_00401321 ; jmp 0x401321
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_00497184] ; mov dx, word [0x497184]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_0040134d ; jne 0x40134d
+push 8
+jmp short loc_00401321 ; jmp 0x401321
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_00497186] ; mov dx, word [0x497186]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_0040135e ; jne 0x40135e
+push 7
+jmp short loc_00401321 ; jmp 0x401321
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_00497188] ; mov dx, word [0x497188]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_0040136f ; jne 0x40136f
+push 6
+jmp short loc_00401321 ; jmp 0x401321
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_0049718a] ; mov dx, word [0x49718a]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_00401380 ; jne 0x401380
+push 5
+jmp short loc_00401321 ; jmp 0x401321
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_0049718c] ; mov dx, word [0x49718c]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_004013c0 ; jne 0x4013c0
+mov edi, dword [ref_00499088] ; mov edi, dword [0x499088]
+dec edi
+mov dword [ref_00499088], edi ; mov dword [0x499088], edi
+mov ebp, edi
+and ebp, 7
+mov dword [ref_00499088], ebp ; mov dword [0x499088], ebp
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+mov dword [ref_00474930], eax ; mov dword [0x474930], eax
+mov dword [ref_00474934], eax ; mov dword [0x474934], eax
+push 1
+call fcn_00415e70 ; call 0x415e70
+jmp near loc_00401520 ; jmp 0x401520
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_0049718e] ; mov dx, word [0x49718e]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_004013f8 ; jne 0x4013f8
+mov edx, dword [ref_00499088] ; mov edx, dword [0x499088]
+inc edx
+mov dword [ref_00499088], edx ; mov dword [0x499088], edx
+mov ecx, edx
+and ecx, 7
+mov dword [ref_00499088], ecx ; mov dword [0x499088], ecx
+mov ebx, 0xffffffff
+mov dword [ref_00474930], ebx ; mov dword [0x474930], ebx
+mov dword [ref_00474934], ebx ; mov dword [0x474934], ebx
+jmp short loc_004013b4 ; jmp 0x4013b4
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_00497190] ; mov dx, word [0x497190]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_0040140c ; jne 0x40140c
+push 2
+jmp near loc_00401321 ; jmp 0x401321
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_00497192] ; mov dx, word [0x497192]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_00401420 ; jne 0x401420
+push 1
+jmp near loc_00401321 ; jmp 0x401321
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_00497194] ; mov dx, word [0x497194]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_00401434 ; jne 0x401434
+push 4
+jmp near loc_00401321 ; jmp 0x401321
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_00497196] ; mov dx, word [0x497196]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_00401448 ; jne 0x401448
+push 3
+jmp near loc_00401321 ; jmp 0x401321
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_00497198] ; mov dx, word [0x497198]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_0040145c ; jne 0x40145c
+push 0
+jmp near loc_00401321 ; jmp 0x401321
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_0049719e] ; mov dx, word [0x49719e]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_004014b1 ; jne 0x4014b1
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00419703 ; call 0x419703
+push 0xf0
+push 0xdc
+call fcn_00453a32 ; call 0x453a32
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_004014a0 ; jne 0x4014a0
+call fcn_00411f80 ; call 0x411f80
+mov byte [ref_0046caf9], 1 ; mov byte [0x46caf9], 1
+jmp near loc_00401523 ; jmp 0x401523
+call fcn_004196f1 ; call 0x4196f1
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+jmp near loc_00401520 ; jmp 0x401520
+cmp byte [ref_0049715d], 2 ; cmp byte [0x49715d], 2
+je short loc_00401523 ; je 0x401523
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_0049719a] ; mov dx, word [0x49719a]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_004014ee ; jne 0x4014ee
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_0048be24] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x48be24]
+dec cl
+mov byte [eax + ref_0048be24], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x48be24], cl
+mov ch, cl
+and ch, 3
+mov byte [eax + ref_0048be24], ch ; mov byte [eax + 0x48be24], ch
+push 1
+call fcn_00415f69 ; call 0x415f69
+jmp short loc_00401520 ; jmp 0x401520
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_0049719c] ; mov dx, word [0x49719c]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_00401523 ; jne 0x401523
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_0048be24] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x48be24]
+inc bl
+mov byte [eax + ref_0048be24], bl ; mov byte [eax + 0x48be24], bl
+mov bh, bl
+and bh, 3
+mov byte [eax + ref_0048be24], bh ; mov byte [eax + 0x48be24], bh
+push 1
+call fcn_00415f69 ; call 0x415f69
+add esp, 4
+cmp word [ref_0046cb07], 0x1100 ; cmp word [0x46cb07], 0x1100
+je short loc_00401537 ; je 0x401537
+xor esi, esi
+mov word [ref_0046cb07], si ; mov word [0x46cb07], si
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0xc
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x259
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x96000
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+push ref_0046cadc ; push 0x46cadc
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0046cae0] ; mov edi, dword [0x46cae0]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0046cadc] ; mov ebp, dword [0x46cadc]
+push ebp
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00454edc ; call 0x454edc
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+call fcn_0045011a ; call 0x45011a
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_00401812 ; je 0x401812
+push 0
+call fcn_00453b55 ; call 0x453b55
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push ref_0048a0d8 ; push 0x48a0d8
+push 0
+call fcn_00461222 ; call 0x461222
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0040161b ; je 0x40161b
+push 0x10
+push ref_00463004 ; push 0x463004
+push ref_0046300a ; push 0x46300a
+push 0
+call dword [cs:__imp__MessageBoxA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462308]
+xor eax, eax
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0d8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0d8]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x11
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x50] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0d8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0d8]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+push 0x1e0
+push 0x280
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x54] ; ucall
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00401658 ; je 0x401658
+push 0x10
+push ref_00463004 ; push 0x463004
+push ref_00463024 ; push 0x463024
+jmp short loc_0040160d ; jmp 0x40160d
+mov dword [ref_0048a068], 0x6c ; mov dword [0x48a068], 0x6c
+mov esi, 1
+mov dword [ref_0048a06c], esi ; mov dword [0x48a06c], esi
+mov dword [ref_0048a0d0], 0x200 ; mov dword [0x48a0d0], 0x200
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0d8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0d8]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push ref_0048a0dc ; push 0x48a0dc
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x18] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x6c] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push esi
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a078] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a078]
+mov dword [ref_0048a060], eax ; mov dword [0x48a060], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov dword [ref_0048a06c], 7 ; mov dword [0x48a06c], 7
+mov dword [ref_0048a0d0], 0x840 ; mov dword [0x48a0d0], 0x840
+mov dword [ref_0048a074], 0x280 ; mov dword [0x48a074], 0x280
+mov dword [ref_0048a070], 0x1e0 ; mov dword [0x48a070], 0x1e0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0d8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0d8]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push ref_0048a0e0 ; push 0x48a0e0
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x18] ; ucall
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetTickCount@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623cc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f50 ; call 0x456f50
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_0044f935 ; call 0x44f935
+call fcn_0045175d ; call 0x45175d
+push ref_0046303e ; push 0x46303e
+call fcn_004502fe ; call 0x4502fe
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048a0e4], eax ; mov dword [0x48a0e4], eax
+push ref_00463047 ; push 0x463047
+call fcn_004502fe ; call 0x4502fe
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048a054], eax ; mov dword [0x48a054], eax
+push ref_00463054 ; push 0x463054
+call fcn_004502fe ; call 0x4502fe
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048a05c], eax ; mov dword [0x48a05c], eax
+push ref_0046305e ; push 0x46305e
+call fcn_004502fe ; call 0x4502fe
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048a058], eax ; mov dword [0x48a058], eax
+push ref_0048231a ; push 0x48231a
+call fcn_00454176 ; call 0x454176
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00411e8f ; call 0x411e8f
+push 0
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a064] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a064]
+push ebx
+push fcn_00401010 ; push 0x401010
+push 2
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetWindowsHookExA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462328]
+mov dword [ref_0048a050], eax ; mov dword [0x48a050], eax
+call fcn_004020fa ; call 0x4020fa
+call fcn_004545ba ; call 0x4545ba
+push 0
+push esi
+push 0x29
+call fcn_004021f8 ; call 0x4021f8
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0046caf8], ah ; mov byte [0x46caf8], ah
+mov byte [ref_0046caf9], ah ; mov byte [0x46caf9], ah
+mov byte [ref_0046cafd], ah ; mov byte [0x46cafd], ah
+mov byte [ref_0046cb05], ah ; mov byte [0x46cb05], ah
+push 4
+push 0
+push ref_004990f0 ; push 0x4990f0
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5e880
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_00474938], eax ; mov dword [0x474938], eax
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [ref_00474930], esi ; mov dword [0x474930], esi
+mov dword [ref_00474934], esi ; mov dword [0x474934], esi
+mov dword [ref_0048a010], esi ; mov dword [0x48a010], esi
+mov dword [ref_0046cad8], esi ; mov dword [0x46cad8], esi
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [ref_0047e771], bh ; mov byte [0x47e771], bh
+mov eax, 1
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb05], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb05], 0
+jne near loc_004018e2 ; jne 0x4018e2
+call fcn_004543c4 ; call 0x4543c4
+mov edx, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov edx, dword [0x474938]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_004021b2 ; call 0x4021b2
+call fcn_004548ef ; call 0x4548ef
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a058] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a058]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450404 ; call 0x450404
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450404 ; call 0x450404
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a054] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a054]
+push esi
+call fcn_00450404 ; call 0x450404
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edi
+call fcn_00450404 ; call 0x450404
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00419228 ; call 0x419228
+call fcn_0044f9b3 ; call 0x44f9b3
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a050] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a050]
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__UnhookWindowsHookEx@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462338]
+push ref_0048231a ; push 0x48231a
+call fcn_00454240 ; call 0x454240
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00453d28 ; call 0x453d28
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_004018b9 ; je 0x4018b9
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 8] ; ucall
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0dc]
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_004018cb ; je 0x4018cb
+mov eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [edx]
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 8] ; ucall
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0d8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0d8]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_004018db ; je 0x4018db
+mov edx, dword [ecx]
+push ecx
+call dword [edx + 8] ; ucall
+mov byte [ref_0046cb05], 1 ; mov byte [0x46cb05], 1
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+sub esp, 0x1c
+mov edx, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov edx, dword [0x46cad8]
+inc edx
+mov dword [ref_0046cad8], edx ; mov dword [0x46cad8], edx
+mov eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov dword [eax*4 + ref_0048a010], edx ; mov dword [eax*4 + 0x48a010], edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x28]
+push ecx
+push 0
+push 0x401
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__PeekMessageA@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46230c]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0040191f ; je 0x40191f
+cmp dword [esp + 4], 0x402
+je short loc_00401957 ; je 0x401957
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__TranslateMessage@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462334]
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__DispatchMessageA@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e0]
+jmp short loc_0040191f ; jmp 0x40191f
+dec dword [ref_0046cad8] ; dec dword [0x46cad8]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+add esp, 0x1c
+pop ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+push edx
+push 0
+push 0x402
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov edx, dword [0x46cad8]
+inc edx
+mov dword [ref_0046cad8], edx ; mov dword [0x46cad8], edx
+mov dword [edx*4 + ref_0048a010], fcn_00417e26 ; mov dword [edx*4 + 0x48a010], 0x417e26
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x401
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+or byte [eax + ref_00498ea0], 0x80 ; or byte [eax + 0x498ea0], 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 8], 0
+je short loc_004019d0 ; je 0x4019d0
+push 0
+call fcn_00454d91 ; call 0x454d91
+add esp, 4
+pop ebx
+dec dword [ref_0046cad8] ; dec dword [0x46cad8]
+jmp near fcn_00454edc ; jmp 0x454edc
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp eax, 0x1c
+jb short loc_00401a02 ; jb 0x401a02
+jbe short loc_00401a10 ; jbe 0x401a10
+cmp eax, 0x3b9
+je near loc_00401b08 ; je 0x401b08
+jmp near loc_00401b33 ; jmp 0x401b33
+cmp eax, 2
+je near loc_00401b24 ; je 0x401b24
+jmp near loc_00401b33 ; jmp 0x401b33
+test edx, edx
+je near loc_00401a9f ; je 0x401a9f
+cmp dword [ref_0046cb0b], 0 ; cmp dword [0x46cb0b], 0
+je short loc_00401a87 ; je 0x401a87
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0dc]
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00401a31 ; je 0x401a31
+mov edx, dword [esi]
+push esi
+call dword [edx + 0x6c] ; ucall
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb02], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb02], 0
+je short loc_00401a4c ; je 0x401a4c
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_00463069 ; push 0x463069
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb03], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb03], 0
+je short loc_00401a67 ; je 0x401a67
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_00463074 ; push 0x463074
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb04], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb04], 0
+je short loc_00401a87 ; je 0x401a87
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push edi
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_0046307f ; push 0x46307f
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetFocus@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462320]
+mov byte [ref_0046cb01], 1 ; mov byte [0x46cb01], 1
+jmp near loc_00401b6e ; jmp 0x401b6e
+mov dword [ref_0046cb0b], 1 ; mov dword [0x46cb0b], 1
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [ref_0046cb01], dl ; mov byte [0x46cb01], dl
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb02], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb02], 0
+je short loc_00401ac9 ; je 0x401ac9
+push ebx
+push ebx
+push ebx
+push ref_00463093 ; push 0x463093
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb03], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb03], 0
+je short loc_00401ae4 ; je 0x401ae4
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_0046309d ; push 0x46309d
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb04], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb04], 0
+je near loc_00401b6e ; je 0x401b6e
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_004630a7 ; push 0x4630a7
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+jmp near loc_00401b6e ; jmp 0x401b6e
+cmp edx, 1
+jne short loc_00401b6e ; jne 0x401b6e
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb02], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb02], 0
+je short loc_00401b1d ; je 0x401b1d
+call fcn_0045174a ; call 0x45174a
+jmp short loc_00401b6e ; jmp 0x401b6e
+call fcn_00454d2c ; call 0x454d2c
+jmp short loc_00401b6e ; jmp 0x401b6e
+call fcn_00401815 ; call 0x401815
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostQuitMessage@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462314]
+jmp short loc_00401b6e ; jmp 0x401b6e
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov ebx, dword [0x46cad8]
+shl ebx, 2
+cmp dword [ebx + ref_0048a010], 0 ; cmp dword [ebx + 0x48a010], 0
+je short loc_00401b59 ; je 0x401b59
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push edi
+push edx
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push ebp
+call dword [ebx + ref_0048a010] ; ucall: call dword [ebx + 0x48a010]
+jmp short loc_00401b6c ; jmp 0x401b6c
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push ebx
+push edx
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+mov ebx, eax
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+db 0x90
+ref_00401b78: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_00401cc8
+dd loc_00401d08
+dd loc_00401d2b
+dd loc_00401d18
+dd loc_00401cbf
+ref_00401b8c: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_00401c8c
+dd loc_00401def
+dd loc_00401e25
+dd loc_00401e2f
+push ebx
+push esi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x44
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x54]
+mov dword [ref_0048a064], eax ; mov dword [0x48a064], eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp], edx
+mov dword [esp + 4], fcn_004019dd ; mov dword [esp + 4], 0x4019dd
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 8], edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], eax
+push ref_004630b4 ; push 0x4630b4
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__LoadIconA@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462304]
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], eax
+push 0x7f00
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__LoadCursorA@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462300]
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], eax
+push 4
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetStockObject@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622a4]
+mov dword [esp + 0x1c], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x20], ebx
+mov ebp, ref_004630bf ; mov ebp, 0x4630bf
+mov dword [esp + 0x24], ebp
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__RegisterClassA@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462318]
+test ax, ax
+jne short loc_00401c1b ; jne 0x401c1b
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+jmp near loc_00401e50 ; jmp 0x401e50
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a064] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a064]
+push eax
+push ebx
+push ebx
+push 1
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetSystemMetrics@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f0]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetSystemMetrics@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f0]
+push eax
+push ebx
+push ebx
+push 0x80000000
+push ebp
+push ebp
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__CreateWindowExA@48] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d4]
+mov dword [ref_0048a0d4], eax ; mov dword [0x48a0d4], eax
+call fcn_004015d6 ; call 0x4015d6
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_00401e50 ; je 0x401e50
+push 5
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__ShowWindow@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462330]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__UpdateWindow@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46233c]
+push 1
+push ref_0046cadc ; push 0x46cadc
+push ref_004630c5 ; push 0x4630c5
+call fcn_00451677 ; call 0x451677
+add esp, 0xc
+xor edx, edx
+mov word [ref_004991b8], dx ; mov word [0x4991b8], dx
+mov word [ref_004991b6], dx ; mov word [0x4991b6], dx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_004990f0], ebx ; mov dword [0x4990f0], ebx
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0046cafc], ah ; mov byte [0x46cafc], ah
+call fcn_004029fd ; call 0x4029fd
+mov ebx, eax
+cmp ebx, 4
+ja short loc_00401d2b ; ja 0x401d2b
+jmp dword [ebx*4 + ref_00401b78] ; ujmp: jmp dword [ebx*4 + 0x401b78]
+mov word [ref_004991b6], 1 ; mov word [0x4991b6], 1
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0046cafc] ; mov al, byte [0x46cafc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00406de7 ; call 0x406de7
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00401c8c ; je 0x401c8c
+call fcn_00401543 ; call 0x401543
+call fcn_00407ad2 ; call 0x407ad2
+call fcn_004190cf ; call 0x4190cf
+call fcn_004291d6 ; call 0x4291d6
+call fcn_00415872 ; call 0x415872
+mov byte [ref_0046cafc], 1 ; mov byte [0x46cafc], 1
+push 0
+call fcn_00401981 ; call 0x401981
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_00401d2b ; jmp 0x401d2b
+call fcn_004190cf ; call 0x4190cf
+mov byte [ref_0046cafc], 1 ; mov byte [0x46cafc], 1
+push 1
+jmp short loc_00401cfe ; jmp 0x401cfe
+call fcn_00401815 ; call 0x401815
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__DestroyWindow@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622dc]
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x38]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__PeekMessageA@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46230c]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00401d68 ; je 0x401d68
+cmp dword [esp + 0x2c], 0x12
+je near loc_00401e4c ; je 0x401e4c
+lea eax, [esp + 0x28]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__TranslateMessage@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462334]
+lea eax, [esp + 0x28]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__DispatchMessageA@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e0]
+jmp short loc_00401d2b ; jmp 0x401d2b
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je short loc_00401d2b ; je 0x401d2b
+cmp dword [ref_00475110], 0 ; cmp dword [0x475110], 0
+je short loc_00401d7f ; je 0x401d7f
+call fcn_004192f7 ; call 0x4192f7
+cmp byte [ref_0046cafa], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cafa], 0
+je short loc_00401d8d ; je 0x401d8d
+call fcn_0040d7c4 ; call 0x40d7c4
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498ea2], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498ea2], 0
+jne short loc_00401db8 ; jne 0x401db8
+mov ch, byte [eax + ref_00498ea0] ; mov ch, byte [eax + 0x498ea0]
+test ch, 0x80
+je short loc_00401db8 ; je 0x401db8
+mov dl, ch
+and dl, 0x7f
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea0], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea0], dl
+call fcn_00418c55 ; call 0x418c55
+mov dh, byte [ref_0046caf8] ; mov dh, byte [0x46caf8]
+test dh, dh
+je short loc_00401e03 ; je 0x401e03
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [ref_0046cb06], bl ; mov byte [0x46cb06], bl
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, dh
+call fcn_00419228 ; call 0x419228
+call fcn_004019d2 ; call 0x4019d2
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [ref_0046caf8], cl ; mov byte [0x46caf8], cl
+lea eax, [ebx - 1]
+cmp eax, 3
+ja short loc_00401e03 ; ja 0x401e03
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_00401b8c] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x401b8c]
+xor ebx, ebx
+call fcn_004075c1 ; call 0x4075c1
+cmp byte [ref_0046caf9], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46caf9], 0
+je near loc_00401cb3 ; je 0x401cb3
+cmp byte [ref_0046caf9], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46caf9], 0
+je near loc_00401d2b ; je 0x401d2b
+call fcn_00451b36 ; call 0x451b36
+call fcn_00401815 ; call 0x401815
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push eax
+jmp near loc_00401d24 ; jmp 0x401d24
+call fcn_004075c1 ; call 0x4075c1
+jmp near loc_00401c8c ; jmp 0x401c8c
+push 0
+call fcn_00403d74 ; call 0x403d74
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_00401c8c ; je 0x401c8c
+mov ebx, 1
+jmp near loc_00401cb8 ; jmp 0x401cb8
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x30]
+add esp, 0x44
+pop ebp
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov ecx, 0x20
+mov edx, ecx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov dword [ref_0048a168], eax ; mov dword [0x48a168], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov dword [ref_0048a164], eax ; mov dword [0x48a164], eax
+movsx ebx, word [ref_0048a172] ; movsx ebx, word [0x48a172]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0f4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0f4]
+add eax, ebx
+movsx ebx, word [eax + 4]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+sub esi, ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048a0ec], esi ; mov dword [0x48a0ec], esi
+movsx eax, word [eax + 6]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+sub ebx, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048a0f0], ebx ; mov dword [0x48a0f0], ebx
+test esi, esi
+jge short loc_00401ebc ; jge 0x401ebc
+add ecx, esi
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [ref_0048a0ec], esi ; mov dword [0x48a0ec], esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0f0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0f0]
+test edi, edi
+jge short loc_00401ecf ; jge 0x401ecf
+add edx, edi
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048a0f0], eax ; mov dword [0x48a0f0], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0ec] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0ec]
+add eax, 0x20
+cmp eax, 0x280
+jle short loc_00401eea ; jle 0x401eea
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0ec] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0ec]
+sub eax, 0x260
+sub ecx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0f0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0f0]
+add eax, 0x20
+cmp eax, 0x1e0
+jle short loc_00401f05 ; jle 0x401f05
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0f0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0f0]
+sub eax, 0x1c0
+sub edx, eax
+push edx
+push ecx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0f0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0f0]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0ec] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0ec]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e8] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e8]
+push ebx
+push ref_0046cb14 ; push 0x46cb14
+call fcn_00451a97 ; call 0x451a97
+add esp, 0x18
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push edi
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048a172] ; movsx edx, word [0x48a172]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0f4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0f4]
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+push ref_0046cb14 ; push 0x46cb14
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+cmp dword [ref_0048a168], 0xffffffff ; cmp dword [0x48a168], 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00401f95 ; je 0x401f95
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0f0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0f0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0ec] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0ec]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e8] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e8]
+push esi
+push ref_0046cb14 ; push 0x46cb14
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048a168], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x48a168], 0xffffffff
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 8
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je near loc_004020f1 ; je 0x4020f1
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_00497158] ; mov al, byte [0x497158]
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_0046cb20] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x46cb20]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov edx, dword [ref_0046cb23] ; mov edx, dword [0x46cb23]
+inc edx
+mov dword [ref_0046cb23], edx ; mov dword [0x46cb23], edx
+cmp eax, edx
+jg short loc_00401fdd ; jg 0x401fdd
+mov dword [ref_0046cb23], ebx ; mov dword [0x46cb23], ebx
+mov byte [ref_0046cafa], 1 ; mov byte [0x46cafa], 1
+test byte [ref_0048a179], 1 ; test byte [0x48a179], 1
+je near loc_004020f1 ; je 0x4020f1
+cmp byte [ref_0048a17a], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48a17a], 0
+jne near loc_004020f1 ; jne 0x4020f1
+cmp byte [ref_0046caf9], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46caf9], 0
+jne near loc_004020f1 ; jne 0x4020f1
+mov byte [ref_0048a17a], 1 ; mov byte [0x48a17a], 1
+cmp word [ref_0048a170], 1 ; cmp word [0x48a170], 1
+jle short loc_00402065 ; jle 0x402065
+mov cx, word [ref_0048a176] ; mov cx, word [0x48a176]
+inc ecx
+mov word [ref_0048a176], cx ; mov word [0x48a176], cx
+movsx edx, cx
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048a174] ; movsx eax, word [0x48a174]
+cmp edx, eax
+jl short loc_00402065 ; jl 0x402065
+xor esi, esi
+mov word [ref_0048a176], si ; mov word [0x48a176], si
+mov di, word [ref_0048a172] ; mov di, word [0x48a172]
+inc edi
+mov word [ref_0048a172], di ; mov word [0x48a172], di
+movsx eax, di
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048a170] ; movsx edx, word [0x48a170]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_00402060 ; jne 0x402060
+xor eax, edx
+mov word [ref_0048a172], ax ; mov word [0x48a172], ax
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetCursorPos@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622ec]
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048a168] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48a168]
+jne short loc_0040208a ; jne 0x40208a
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048a164] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48a164]
+jne short loc_0040208a ; jne 0x40208a
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_004020e9 ; je 0x4020e9
+test byte [ref_0048a179], 2 ; test byte [0x48a179], 2
+jne short loc_004020a2 ; jne 0x4020a2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0d8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0d8]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x58] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a0f8 ; push 0x48a0f8
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a11c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a11c]
+mov dword [ref_0046cb1c], eax ; mov dword [0x46cb1c], eax
+call fcn_00401f5e ; call 0x401f5e
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00401e59 ; call 0x401e59
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x80] ; ucall
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [ref_0048a17a], dl ; mov byte [0x48a17a], dl
+add esp, 8
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x14
+mov edx, dword [ref_0046cb10] ; mov edx, dword [0x46cb10]
+test edx, edx
+jne near loc_004021b1 ; jne 0x4021b1
+push edx
+push edx
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0046cb10], eax ; mov dword [0x46cb10], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x20
+push 0x20
+call fcn_00451a5a ; call 0x451a5a
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048a0e8], eax ; mov dword [0x48a0e8], eax
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0048a179], ah ; mov byte [0x48a179], ah
+mov byte [ref_0048a17a], ah ; mov byte [0x48a17a], ah
+mov byte [ref_0048a178], ah ; mov byte [0x48a178], ah
+mov dword [ref_0048a168], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x48a168], 0xffffffff
+push 0
+call dword [cs:__imp__ShowCursor@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46232c]
+mov dword [ref_0048a0f8], 0x6c ; mov dword [0x48a0f8], 0x6c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a0f8 ; push 0x48a0f8
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a108] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a108]
+sar eax, 1
+mov word [ref_0046cb14], ax ; mov word [0x46cb14], ax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 1
+push 0
+push fcn_00401f98 ; push 0x401f98
+push 5
+push 0x14
+call dword [cs:__imp__timeSetEvent@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462474]
+mov dword [ref_0048a16c], eax ; mov dword [0x48a16c], eax
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov edx, dword [ref_0046cb10] ; mov edx, dword [0x46cb10]
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_004021f5 ; je 0x4021f5
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0048a179], ah ; mov byte [0x48a179], ah
+push edx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e8] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e8]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a16c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a16c]
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__timeKillEvent@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462470]
+push 1
+call dword [cs:__imp__ShowCursor@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46232c]
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0046cb10] ; mov ecx, dword [0x46cb10]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add ecx, 0xc
+add ecx, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048a0f4], ecx ; mov dword [0x48a0f4], ecx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+mov word [ref_0048a170], ax ; mov word [0x48a170], ax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov word [ref_0048a174], ax ; mov word [0x48a174], ax
+xor edx, edx
+mov word [ref_0048a172], dx ; mov word [0x48a172], dx
+mov word [ref_0048a176], dx ; mov word [0x48a176], dx
+push 0
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 8
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov ah, byte [ref_0048a178] ; mov ah, byte [0x48a178]
+cmp ah, 1
+jne near loc_00402357 ; jne 0x402357
+cmp byte [ref_0046caf9], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46caf9], 0
+jne near loc_00402357 ; jne 0x402357
+test byte [ref_0048a179], ah ; test byte [0x48a179], ah
+jne near loc_00402357 ; jne 0x402357
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetCursorPos@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622ec]
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_004022ff ; je 0x4022ff
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048a172] ; movsx edx, word [0x48a172]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0f4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0f4]
+add eax, edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 4]
+mov ecx, dword [esp]
+sub ecx, edx
+mov edx, ecx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 6]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 4]
+sub ecx, eax
+mov eax, ecx
+lea ecx, [edx + 0x20]
+lea esi, [eax + 0x20]
+cmp edx, dword [ebx + 8]
+jge short loc_004022dc ; jge 0x4022dc
+cmp ecx, dword [ebx]
+jle short loc_004022dc ; jle 0x4022dc
+cmp eax, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+jge short loc_004022dc ; jge 0x4022dc
+cmp esi, dword [ebx + 4]
+jg short loc_004022ff ; jg 0x4022ff
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0ec] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0ec]
+cmp eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+jge short loc_00402357 ; jge 0x402357
+add eax, 0x20
+cmp eax, dword [ebx]
+jle short loc_00402357 ; jle 0x402357
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0f0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0f0]
+cmp eax, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+jge short loc_00402357 ; jge 0x402357
+add eax, 0x20
+cmp eax, dword [ebx + 4]
+jle short loc_00402357 ; jle 0x402357
+mov byte [ref_0048a17a], 1 ; mov byte [0x48a17a], 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a0f8 ; push 0x48a0f8
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a11c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a11c]
+mov dword [ref_0046cb1c], eax ; mov dword [0x46cb1c], eax
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 4]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00401e59 ; call 0x401e59
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [ref_0048a17a], bh ; mov byte [0x48a17a], bh
+or byte [ref_0048a179], 1 ; or byte [0x48a179], 1
+add esp, 8
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 8
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov ah, byte [ref_0048a178] ; mov ah, byte [0x48a178]
+cmp ah, 1
+jne short loc_00402357 ; jne 0x402357
+cmp byte [ref_0046caf9], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46caf9], 0
+jne short loc_00402357 ; jne 0x402357
+test byte [ref_0048a179], ah ; test byte [0x48a179], ah
+je short loc_00402357 ; je 0x402357
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetCursorPos@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622ec]
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_00402410 ; je 0x402410
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048a172] ; movsx edx, word [0x48a172]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0f4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0f4]
+add eax, edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 4]
+mov ecx, dword [esp]
+sub ecx, edx
+mov edx, ecx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 6]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 4]
+sub ecx, eax
+mov eax, ecx
+lea ecx, [edx + 0x20]
+lea esi, [eax + 0x20]
+cmp edx, dword [ebx + 8]
+jge short loc_004023dd ; jge 0x4023dd
+cmp ecx, dword [ebx]
+jle short loc_004023dd ; jle 0x4023dd
+cmp eax, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+jge short loc_004023dd ; jge 0x4023dd
+cmp esi, dword [ebx + 4]
+jg short loc_00402410 ; jg 0x402410
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0ec] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0ec]
+cmp eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+jge near loc_00402357 ; jge 0x402357
+add eax, 0x20
+cmp eax, dword [ebx]
+jle near loc_00402357 ; jle 0x402357
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0f0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0f0]
+cmp eax, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+jge near loc_00402357 ; jge 0x402357
+add eax, 0x20
+cmp eax, dword [ebx + 4]
+jle near loc_00402357 ; jle 0x402357
+mov byte [ref_0048a17a], 1 ; mov byte [0x48a17a], 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a0f8 ; push 0x48a0f8
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a11c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a11c]
+mov dword [ref_0046cb1c], eax ; mov dword [0x46cb1c], eax
+call fcn_00401f5e ; call 0x401f5e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [ref_0048a17a], bh ; mov byte [0x48a17a], bh
+and byte [ref_0048a179], 0xfe ; and byte [0x48a179], 0xfe
+jmp near loc_00402357 ; jmp 0x402357
+cmp dword [esp + 4], 1
+jne short loc_00402484 ; jne 0x402484
+mov al, byte [esp + 4]
+mov byte [ref_0048a178], al ; mov byte [0x48a178], al
+test byte [ref_0048a179], 1 ; test byte [0x48a179], 1
+jne short loc_004024a0 ; jne 0x4024a0
+push 0
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+test byte [ref_0048a179], 1 ; test byte [0x48a179], 1
+je short loc_00402497 ; je 0x402497
+push 0
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov al, byte [esp + 4]
+mov byte [ref_0048a178], al ; mov byte [0x48a178], al
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048a178] ; mov al, byte [0x48a178]
+cmp dword [esp + 4], 1
+jne short loc_004024b8 ; jne 0x4024b8
+and byte [ref_0048a179], 0xfd ; and byte [0x48a179], 0xfd
+or byte [ref_0048a179], 2 ; or byte [0x48a179], 2
+push ebx
+sub esp, 8
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetCursorPos@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622ec]
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048a172] ; movsx edx, word [0x48a172]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0f4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0f4]
+movsx eax, word [edx + eax + 4]
+mov edx, dword [esp]
+sub edx, eax
+mov dword [ebx], edx
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048a172] ; movsx edx, word [0x48a172]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0f4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0f4]
+movsx eax, word [edx + eax*4 + 6]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+sub edx, eax
+mov dword [ebx + 4], edx
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+add eax, 0x20
+mov dword [ebx + 8], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 4]
+add eax, 0x20
+mov dword [ebx + 0xc], eax
+cmp dword [ebx], 0
+jge short loc_00402534 ; jge 0x402534
+mov dword [ebx], 0
+cmp dword [ebx + 4], 0
+jge short loc_00402541 ; jge 0x402541
+mov dword [ebx + 4], 0
+cmp dword [ebx + 8], 0x280
+jle short loc_00402551 ; jle 0x402551
+mov dword [ebx + 8], 0x280
+cmp dword [ebx + 0xc], 0x1e0
+jle short loc_00402561 ; jle 0x402561
+mov dword [ebx + 0xc], 0x1e0
+add esp, 8
+pop ebx
+ref_00402566: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_0040274c
+dd fcn_0040264d
+dd fcn_004026e2
+dd fcn_0040274c
+dd fcn_0040274c
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x58
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x70]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x78]
+cmp eax, 0x200
+jb short loc_004025ad ; jb 0x4025ad
+jbe near loc_00402762 ; jbe 0x402762
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jbe near loc_00402620 ; jbe 0x402620
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_004025bb ; je 0x4025bb
+jmp near loc_004029e5 ; jmp 0x4029e5
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je near loc_00402989 ; je 0x402989
+jmp near loc_004029e5 ; jmp 0x4029e5
+mov dword [ref_0048a184], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x48a184], 0xffffffff
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a180] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a180]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x74]
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+jmp short loc_00402672 ; jmp 0x402672
+cmp dword [ref_0048a184], 0xffffffff ; cmp dword [0x48a184], 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00402638 ; je 0x402638
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a184] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a184]
+cmp eax, 4
+ja near loc_004026d6 ; ja 0x4026d6
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_00402566] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x402566]
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00403d74 ; call 0x403d74
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0040267a ; je 0x40267a
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a184] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a184]
+push edx
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_004026d6 ; jmp 0x4026d6
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a180] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a180]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x74]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x58
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00454acb ; call 0x454acb
+push 0
+call fcn_00411b53 ; call 0x411b53
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_004549cf ; call 0x4549cf
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a180] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a180]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+jmp near loc_00402617 ; jmp 0x402617
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a184] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a184]
+push ecx
+jmp near loc_0040266d ; jmp 0x40266d
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, cx
+mov eax, ecx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, ax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a184] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a184]
+mov dword [esp + 0x54], eax
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_0040278d ; jmp 0x40278d
+inc esi
+cmp esi, 5
+jge near loc_0040289f ; jge 0x40289f
+lea eax, [esi + esi]
+lea ebx, [eax + 2]
+mov edi, ebx
+shl edi, 2
+sub edi, ebx
+shl edi, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a180] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a180]
+movsx ebx, word [edi + eax + 0x10]
+mov dword [esp + 0x50], ebx
+mov ebx, esi
+shl ebx, 2
+movsx ebp, word [ebx + ref_0046cb28] ; movsx ebp, word [ebx + 0x46cb28]
+sub ebp, dword [esp + 0x50]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], ebp
+movsx ebp, word [edi + eax + 0x12]
+mov dword [esp + 0x50], ebp
+movsx ebp, word [ebx + ref_0046cb2a] ; movsx ebp, word [ebx + 0x46cb2a]
+sub ebp, dword [esp + 0x50]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], ebp
+movsx ebp, word [edi + eax + 0xc]
+mov dword [esp + 0x50], ebp
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x40]
+add ebp, dword [esp + 0x50]
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], ebp
+movsx eax, word [edi + eax + 0xe]
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x44]
+add ebp, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], ebp
+cmp edx, dword [esp + 0x40]
+jl short loc_00402783 ; jl 0x402783
+cmp ecx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+jl near loc_00402783 ; jl 0x402783
+cmp edx, dword [esp + 0x48]
+jge near loc_00402783 ; jge 0x402783
+cmp ecx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+jge near loc_00402783 ; jge 0x402783
+cmp esi, dword [ref_0048a184] ; cmp esi, dword [0x48a184]
+je short loc_0040289f ; je 0x40289f
+mov dword [ref_0048a184], esi ; mov dword [0x48a184], esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+movsx eax, word [ebx + ref_0046cb2a] ; movsx eax, word [ebx + 0x46cb2a]
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx + ref_0046cb28] ; movsx eax, word [ebx + 0x46cb28]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a180] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a180]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edi
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x74]
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+push ref_0048231a ; push 0x48231a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+cmp esi, 5
+jne short loc_004028ae ; jne 0x4028ae
+mov dword [ref_0048a184], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x48a184], 0xffffffff
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x54]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048a184] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48a184]
+je near loc_004026d6 ; je 0x4026d6
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_004026d6 ; je 0x4026d6
+lea edx, [eax + eax + 2]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a180] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a180]
+add eax, edx
+movsx ebx, word [eax + 0x10]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x54]
+movsx ecx, word [edx*4 + ref_0046cb28] ; movsx ecx, word [edx*4 + 0x46cb28]
+sub ecx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], ecx
+movsx ecx, word [eax + 0x12]
+movsx edx, word [edx*4 + ref_0046cb2a] ; movsx edx, word [edx*4 + 0x46cb2a]
+sub edx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0xc]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x40]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], ecx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0xe]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+sub eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+sub eax, ecx
+push eax
+push edx
+push ecx
+push edx
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a180] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a180]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x74]
+push edx
+jmp near loc_004026cf ; jmp 0x4026cf
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x70]
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebp
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_004026d6 ; jmp 0x4026d6
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x78]
+push ebx
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x78]
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_004026d8 ; jmp 0x4026d8
+push ebx
+push 0
+push 0
+push 1
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048a180], eax ; mov dword [0x48a180], eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+movsx edx, word [ebx*4 + ref_0046cb2a] ; movsx edx, word [ebx*4 + 0x46cb2a]
+push edx
+movsx eax, word [ebx*4 + ref_0046cb28] ; movsx eax, word [ebx*4 + 0x46cb28]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebx + ebx]
+lea edx, [eax + 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a180] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a180]
+add eax, 0xc
+add edx, eax
+push edx
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 5
+jl short loc_00402a1a ; jl 0x402a1a
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 6
+push 0x1d6
+push 0x27e
+push ref_004630d0 ; push 0x4630d0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a180] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a180]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+call fcn_004549cf ; call 0x4549cf
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push fcn_0040257a ; push 0x40257a
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_00454acb ; call 0x454acb
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a180] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a180]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x28
+xor esi, esi
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+push edx
+push ref_004630d8 ; push 0x4630d8
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push ref_004630e3 ; push 0x4630e3
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_004573bf ; call 0x4573bf
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 8
+mov edi, eax
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_00402fbe ; je 0x402fbe
+call fcn_00401543 ; call 0x401543
+call dword [cs:__imp__timeGetTime@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46246c]
+mov ebp, eax
+call fcn_004080f5 ; call 0x4080f5
+push esi
+push 4
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045753a ; call 0x45753a
+add esp, 0xc
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_00497160 ; push 0x497160
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 2
+push ref_004991b8 ; push 0x4991b8
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 2
+push ref_004991b6 ; push 0x4991b6
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_00499114 ; push 0x499114
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 4
+push 0x68
+push ref_00496b68 ; push 0x496b68
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_00499104 ; push 0x499104
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00499114] ; mov ecx, dword [0x499114]
+cmp ebx, ecx
+jge short loc_00402bb7 ; jge 0x402bb7
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+imul edx, edx, 0x68
+mov edx, dword [edx + ref_0047e80c] ; mov edx, dword [edx + 0x47e80c]
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496b68], edx ; mov dword [eax + 0x496b68], edx
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00402b96 ; jmp 0x402b96
+push edi
+push 5
+push 0x10
+push ref_00498e28 ; push 0x498e28
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 0x2e
+push 0x18
+push ref_00496d08 ; push 0x496d08
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 0x3c
+push 1
+push ref_00499120 ; push 0x499120
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 0x3c
+push 1
+push ref_0049915c ; push 0x49915c
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 0x1e
+push 1
+push ref_00499198 ; push 0x499198
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 8
+push 1
+push ref_00497320 ; push 0x497320
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_00499100 ; push 0x499100
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 0x6c0
+push 4
+push ref_00497328 ; push 0x497328
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 0x30
+push 8
+push ref_004971a0 ; push 0x4971a0
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 0xc
+push 0x24
+push ref_00496980 ; push 0x496980
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+xor ebx, ebx
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b6]
+shl edx, 2
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b8]
+add edx, eax
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 3
+add esi, eax
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+lea edx, [esi + eax]
+mov edx, dword [edx + ref_0047f072] ; mov edx, dword [edx + 0x47f072]
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496980], edx ; mov dword [eax + 0x496980], edx
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jl short loc_00402c70 ; jl 0x402c70
+push edi
+push 0x1c
+push 0xc
+push ref_004967e0 ; push 0x4967e0
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_0049910c ; push 0x49910c
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_00499118 ; push 0x499118
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_00499110 ; push 0x499110
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_0049911c ; push 0x49911c
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_00499108 ; push 0x499108
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_0049908c ; push 0x49908c
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_004990e8 ; push 0x4990e8
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_004990e4 ; push 0x4990e4
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_00499084 ; push 0x499084
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_004990dc ; push 0x4990dc
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_0049907c ; push 0x49907c
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_00499078 ; push 0x499078
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_004990ec ; push 0x4990ec
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 4
+push 1
+push ref_004990f0 ; push 0x4990f0
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 0xc
+push 1
+push ref_004990f4 ; push 0x4990f4
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_00499080 ; push 0x499080
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 0x24
+push 1
+push ref_004990b8 ; push 0x4990b8
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 8
+push 1
+push ref_00496b30 ; push 0x496b30
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 8
+push 1
+push ref_00496b60 ; push 0x496b60
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_004990e0 ; push 0x4990e0
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_004990b4 ; push 0x4990b4
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 0x24
+push 1
+push ref_00499090 ; push 0x499090
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 0x25
+push 1
+push ref_00496b38 ; push 0x496b38
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_00499088 ; push 0x499088
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_00498e94 ; push 0x498e94
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e94] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e94]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0047493c], eax ; mov dword [0x47493c], eax
+push edi
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e94] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e94]
+push esi
+push 1
+push eax
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047493c] ; mov eax, dword [0x47493c]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+mov dword [ref_00498e9c], edx ; mov dword [0x498e9c], edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + 4]
+lea ebx, [eax + edx]
+mov dword [ref_00498e80], ebx ; mov dword [0x498e80], ebx
+mov edx, dword [eax + 8]
+mov dword [ref_00498e98], edx ; mov dword [0x498e98], edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + 0xc]
+lea ebx, [eax + edx]
+mov dword [ref_00498e84], ebx ; mov dword [0x498e84], ebx
+mov edx, dword [eax + 0x10]
+mov dword [ref_00498e8c], edx ; mov dword [0x498e8c], edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + 0x14]
+lea ebx, [eax + edx]
+mov dword [ref_00498e88], ebx ; mov dword [0x498e88], ebx
+mov edx, dword [eax + 0x18]
+mov dword [ref_00498e90], edx ; mov dword [0x498e90], edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + 0x1c]
+lea ebx, [eax + edx]
+mov dword [ref_00498e7c], ebx ; mov dword [0x498e7c], ebx
+mov edx, dword [eax + 0x20]
+mov dword [ref_00499074], edx ; mov dword [0x499074], edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + 0x24]
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [ref_00498e78], eax ; mov dword [0x498e78], eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_00402f86 ; jge 0x402f86
+push edi
+push 1
+push 0x2718
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 3
+add esi, eax
+mov eax, ref_0048cb80 ; mov eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, esi
+push eax
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e94] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e94]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esi + ref_0048f294], eax ; mov dword [esi + 0x48f294], eax
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e94] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e94]
+push eax
+push 1
+mov edx, dword [esi + ref_0048f294] ; mov edx, dword [esi + 0x48f294]
+push edx
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00402f1b ; jmp 0x402f1b
+call fcn_00407ad2 ; call 0x407ad2
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+or byte [eax + ref_00498ea0], 0x80 ; or byte [eax + 0x498ea0], 0x80
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetTickCount@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623cc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f50 ; call 0x456f50
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, 1
+call dword [cs:__imp__timeGetTime@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46246c]
+sub eax, ebp
+cmp eax, 0x3e8
+jb short loc_00402fae ; jb 0x402fae
+push edi
+call fcn_004578c5 ; call 0x4578c5
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esi
+add esp, 0x28
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0x2c
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], 0x26
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+push ecx
+push ref_004630d8 ; push 0x4630d8
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push ref_004630e6 ; push 0x4630e6
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_004573bf ; call 0x4573bf
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 8
+mov edi, eax
+push eax
+push 1
+push 4
+lea eax, [esp + 0x34]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_00497160 ; push 0x497160
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 2
+push ref_004991b8 ; push 0x4991b8
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 2
+push ref_004991b6 ; push 0x4991b6
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_00499114 ; push 0x499114
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 4
+push 0x68
+push ref_00496b68 ; push 0x496b68
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_00499104 ; push 0x499104
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 5
+push 0x10
+push ref_00498e28 ; push 0x498e28
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 0x2e
+push 0x18
+push ref_00496d08 ; push 0x496d08
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 0x3c
+push 1
+push ref_00499120 ; push 0x499120
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 0x3c
+push 1
+push ref_0049915c ; push 0x49915c
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 0x1e
+push 1
+push ref_00499198 ; push 0x499198
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 8
+push 1
+push ref_00497320 ; push 0x497320
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_00499100 ; push 0x499100
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 0x6c0
+push 4
+push ref_00497328 ; push 0x497328
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 0x30
+push 8
+push ref_004971a0 ; push 0x4971a0
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 0xc
+push 0x24
+push ref_00496980 ; push 0x496980
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 0x1c
+push 0xc
+push ref_004967e0 ; push 0x4967e0
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_0049910c ; push 0x49910c
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_00499118 ; push 0x499118
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_00499110 ; push 0x499110
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_0049911c ; push 0x49911c
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_00499108 ; push 0x499108
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_0049908c ; push 0x49908c
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_004990e8 ; push 0x4990e8
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_004990e4 ; push 0x4990e4
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_00499084 ; push 0x499084
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_004990dc ; push 0x4990dc
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_0049907c ; push 0x49907c
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_00499078 ; push 0x499078
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_004990ec ; push 0x4990ec
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 4
+push 1
+push ref_004990f0 ; push 0x4990f0
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 0xc
+push 1
+push ref_004990f4 ; push 0x4990f4
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_00499080 ; push 0x499080
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 0x24
+push 1
+push ref_004990b8 ; push 0x4990b8
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 8
+push 1
+push ref_00496b30 ; push 0x496b30
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 8
+push 1
+push ref_00496b60 ; push 0x496b60
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_004990e0 ; push 0x4990e0
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_004990b4 ; push 0x4990b4
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 0x24
+push 1
+push ref_00499090 ; push 0x499090
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 0x25
+push 1
+push ref_00496b38 ; push 0x496b38
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_00499088 ; push 0x499088
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_00498e94 ; push 0x498e94
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e94] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e94]
+push ebx
+push 1
+mov esi, dword [ref_0047493c] ; mov esi, dword [0x47493c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_00403386 ; jge 0x403386
+push edi
+push 1
+push 0x2718
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 3
+add esi, eax
+mov eax, ref_0048cb80 ; mov eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, esi
+push eax
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e94] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e94]
+push eax
+push 1
+mov edx, dword [esi + ref_0048f294] ; mov edx, dword [esi + 0x48f294]
+push edx
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00403330 ; jmp 0x403330
+push edi
+call fcn_004578c5 ; call 0x4578c5
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x2c
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x38
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x30
+push 0x28
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a338] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a338]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov ebp, 1
+jmp near loc_004035df ; jmp 0x4035df
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_0048a340 ; push 0x48a340
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 2
+push ref_0048a33c ; push 0x48a33c
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 2
+push ref_0048a330 ; push 0x48a330
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_0048a32c ; push 0x48a32c
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 4
+push 0x68
+push ref_0048a188 ; push 0x48a188
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+call fcn_004578c5 ; call 0x4578c5
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+lea edx, [ebp - 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+lea edi, [eax + 0x39]
+push edi
+push 0x81
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a338] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a338]
+add eax, 0x84
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+test ebp, ebp
+jne short loc_004034c7 ; jne 0x4034c7
+push 2
+lea eax, [edi + 0xf]
+push eax
+push 0xa5
+push ref_004630e9 ; push 0x4630e9
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0xa
+lea eax, [esp + 0x2c]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a340] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a340]
+shr eax, 0x10
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d61 ; call 0x457d61
+add esp, 0xc
+push 2
+lea eax, [edi + 0x24]
+push eax
+push 0xa5
+lea eax, [esp + 0x34]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a340] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a340]
+shr ebx, 8
+and ebx, 0xff
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a340] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a340]
+and esi, 0xff
+push esi
+push ebx
+push ref_004630ee ; push 0x4630ee
+lea eax, [esp + 0x34]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 2
+lea eax, [edi + 0x39]
+push eax
+push 0xa5
+lea eax, [esp + 0x34]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push edi
+push 0xd1
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a33c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a33c]
+add edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a330] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a330]
+shl eax, 2
+add edx, eax
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a338] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a338]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 0x121
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0048a32c] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x48a32c]
+jge short loc_004035c9 ; jge 0x4035c9
+push edi
+push esi
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_0048a19b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x48a19b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a328] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a328]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x48
+jmp short loc_00403588 ; jmp 0x403588
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+inc ebp
+cmp ebp, 5
+jg short loc_00403632 ; jg 0x403632
+push ebp
+push ref_004630d8 ; push 0x4630d8
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push ref_004630e3 ; push 0x4630e3
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_004573bf ; call 0x4573bf
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_004035d9 ; je 0x4035d9
+push eax
+push 1
+push 4
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40]
+push eax
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+cmp dword [esp + 0x34], 0x26
+je near loc_004033e9 ; je 0x4033e9
+push ebx
+call fcn_004578c5 ; call 0x4578c5
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_004035d9 ; jmp 0x4035d9
+add esp, 0x38
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x50
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x64]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x68]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x70]
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jb short loc_00403683 ; jb 0x403683
+jbe near loc_004038eb ; jbe 0x4038eb
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb short loc_00403673 ; jb 0x403673
+jbe near loc_00403934 ; jbe 0x403934
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_0040369e ; je 0x40369e
+jmp near loc_004039a9 ; jmp 0x4039a9
+cmp eax, 0x203
+je near loc_004038eb ; je 0x4038eb
+jmp near loc_004039a9 ; jmp 0x4039a9
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jb near loc_004039a9 ; jb 0x4039a9
+jbe near loc_00403951 ; jbe 0x403951
+cmp eax, 0x200
+je short loc_004036c3 ; je 0x4036c3
+jmp near loc_004039a9 ; jmp 0x4039a9
+mov dword [ref_0048a34a], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x48a34a], 0xffffffff
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_00403865 ; jmp 0x403865
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, cx
+mov eax, ecx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp edx, 0x81
+jle near loc_0040386c ; jle 0x40386c
+cmp edx, 0x241
+jge near loc_0040386c ; jge 0x40386c
+cmp eax, 0x18
+jle near loc_0040386c ; jle 0x40386c
+cmp eax, 0x1c8
+jge near loc_0040386c ; jge 0x40386c
+lea edx, [eax - 0x18]
+mov ebx, 0x48
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov ebx, eax
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048a34a] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48a34a]
+je near loc_00403865 ; je 0x403865
+push 0
+push ref_0048231a ; push 0x48231a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x7f
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x243
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a34a] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a34a]
+cmp ecx, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0040379f ; je 0x40379f
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ecx
+shl eax, 3
+lea edx, [eax + 0x16]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], edx
+add eax, 0x62
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x44]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x50]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x50]
+push ebp
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+lea edx, [eax + 0x16]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], edx
+add eax, 0x62
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a078] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a078]
+sar eax, 1
+mov word [ref_0046caec], ax ; mov word [0x46caec], ax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+push 0xffff00
+push 0x4c
+push 0x1c4
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x50]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x50]
+push edx
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0xffff00
+push 0x4a
+push 0x1c2
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x50]
+inc eax
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x50]
+inc eax
+push eax
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov word [ref_0046caec], 0x280 ; mov word [0x46caec], 0x280
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048a34a], ebx ; mov dword [0x48a34a], ebx
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_004039b8 ; jmp 0x4039b8
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a34a] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a34a]
+cmp esi, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00403865 ; je 0x403865
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x7f
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x243
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+lea edx, [eax + 0x16]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], edx
+add eax, 0x62
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x44]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x50]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x50]
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048a34a], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x48a34a], 0xffffffff
+jmp near loc_00403865 ; jmp 0x403865
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a34a] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a34a]
+cmp ecx, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_00403865 ; je 0x403865
+cmp byte [ecx + ref_0048a344], 0 ; cmp byte [ecx + 0x48a344], 0
+je near loc_00403865 ; je 0x403865
+push 0
+push ref_0048232a ; push 0x48232a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a34a] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a34a]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00403865 ; jmp 0x403865
+push 0
+push ref_00482332 ; push 0x482332
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+jmp short loc_00403927 ; jmp 0x403927
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push edi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_00403865 ; jmp 0x403865
+push ecx
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x70]
+push ebp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+add esp, 0x50
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x50
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x64]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x68]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x70]
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jb short loc_00403a0b ; jb 0x403a0b
+jbe near loc_00403c7f ; jbe 0x403c7f
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb short loc_004039fb ; jb 0x4039fb
+jbe near loc_00403cf4 ; jbe 0x403cf4
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_00403a26 ; je 0x403a26
+jmp near loc_00403d69 ; jmp 0x403d69
+cmp eax, 0x203
+je near loc_00403c7f ; je 0x403c7f
+jmp near loc_00403d69 ; jmp 0x403d69
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jb near loc_00403d69 ; jb 0x403d69
+jbe near loc_00403d11 ; jbe 0x403d11
+cmp eax, 0x200
+je short loc_00403a50 ; je 0x403a50
+jmp near loc_00403d69 ; jmp 0x403d69
+mov dword [ref_0048a34e], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x48a34e], 0xffffffff
+call fcn_00403396 ; call 0x403396
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_00403865 ; jmp 0x403865
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, cx
+mov eax, ecx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp edx, 0x81
+jle near loc_00403bfb ; jle 0x403bfb
+cmp edx, 0x241
+jge near loc_00403bfb ; jge 0x403bfb
+cmp eax, 0x39
+jle near loc_00403bfb ; jle 0x403bfb
+cmp eax, 0x1a1
+jge near loc_00403bfb ; jge 0x403bfb
+lea edx, [eax - 0x39]
+mov ebx, 0x48
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov ebx, eax
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0048a34e] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x48a34e]
+je near loc_00403865 ; je 0x403865
+push 0
+push ref_0048231a ; push 0x48231a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x7f
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x243
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a34e] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a34e]
+cmp esi, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00403b2e ; je 0x403b2e
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+lea edx, [eax + 0x37]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], edx
+add eax, 0x83
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x44]
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x50]
+push ebp
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x50]
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+lea edx, [eax + 0x37]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], edx
+add eax, 0x83
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a078] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a078]
+sar eax, 1
+mov word [ref_0046caec], ax ; mov word [0x46caec], ax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+push 0xffff00
+push 0x4c
+push 0x1c4
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x50]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x50]
+push edi
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0xffff00
+push 0x4a
+push 0x1c2
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x50]
+inc eax
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x50]
+inc eax
+push eax
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov word [ref_0046caec], 0x280 ; mov word [0x46caec], 0x280
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048a34e], ebx ; mov dword [0x48a34e], ebx
+jmp near loc_00403865 ; jmp 0x403865
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a34e] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a34e]
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_00403865 ; je 0x403865
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x7f
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x243
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+lea edx, [eax + 0x37]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], edx
+add eax, 0x83
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x44]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x50]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x50]
+push edi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048a34e], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x48a34e], 0xffffffff
+jmp near loc_00403865 ; jmp 0x403865
+cmp dword [ref_0048a34e], 0xffffffff ; cmp dword [0x48a34e], 0xffffffff
+je near loc_00403865 ; je 0x403865
+push 0
+push ref_0048232a ; push 0x48232a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a34e] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a34e]
+inc eax
+push eax
+call fcn_00402fd1 ; call 0x402fd1
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00403396 ; call 0x403396
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+push ref_0046cadc ; push 0x46cadc
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0046cae0] ; mov esi, dword [0x46cae0]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0046cadc] ; mov edi, dword [0x46cadc]
+push edi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a34e] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a34e]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00403865 ; jmp 0x403865
+push 0
+push ref_00482332 ; push 0x482332
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+jmp short loc_00403ce7 ; jmp 0x403ce7
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebp
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_00403865 ; jmp 0x403865
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x70]
+push edi
+jmp near loc_004039af ; jmp 0x4039af
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x50
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], edx
+push edx
+push edx
+push 0x208
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048a338], eax ; mov dword [0x48a338], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 2
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048a328], eax ; mov dword [0x48a328], eax
+cmp dword [esp + 0x64], 0
+je short loc_00403dfa ; je 0x403dfa
+mov edi, 0x28
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], edi
+mov ebp, 0xf
+mov dword [esp + 0x2c], ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a338] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a338]
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0xc]
+add edx, edi
+mov dword [esp + 0x30], edx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0xe]
+add eax, ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x34], eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x28]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451e7e ; call 0x451e7e
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048a334], eax ; mov dword [0x48a334], eax
+xor ebp, ebp
+jmp short loc_00403e08 ; jmp 0x403e08
+inc ebp
+cmp ebp, 5
+jg near loc_004040b0 ; jg 0x4040b0
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ebp + ref_0048a344], ah ; mov byte [ebp + 0x48a344], ah
+push ebp
+push ref_004630d8 ; push 0x4630d8
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push ref_004630e3 ; push 0x4630e3
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_004573bf ; call 0x4573bf
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_004040a6 ; je 0x4040a6
+push eax
+push 1
+push 4
+lea eax, [esp + 0x50]
+push eax
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+cmp dword [esp + 0x44], 0x26
+je short loc_00403e67 ; je 0x403e67
+push ebx
+call fcn_004578c5 ; call 0x4578c5
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_00403dfe ; jmp 0x403dfe
+cmp dword [esp + 0x48], 0
+jne short loc_00403eb8 ; jne 0x403eb8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0xf
+push 0x28
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a338] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a338]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 1
+mov byte [ebp + ref_0048a344], 1 ; mov byte [ebp + 0x48a344], 1
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push esi
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_0048a340 ; push 0x48a340
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push esi
+push 1
+push 2
+push ref_0048a33c ; push 0x48a33c
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push esi
+push 1
+push 2
+push ref_0048a330 ; push 0x48a330
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push esi
+push 1
+push 4
+push ref_0048a32c ; push 0x48a32c
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push esi
+push 4
+push 0x68
+push ref_0048a188 ; push 0x48a188
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebp
+shl eax, 3
+lea edi, [eax + 0x18]
+push edi
+push 0x81
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a338] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a338]
+add eax, 0x84
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+test ebp, ebp
+jne short loc_00403f95 ; jne 0x403f95
+push 2
+lea eax, [edi + 0xf]
+push eax
+push 0xa5
+push ref_004630e9 ; push 0x4630e9
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0xa
+lea eax, [esp + 0x3c]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a340] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a340]
+shr eax, 0x10
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d61 ; call 0x457d61
+add esp, 0xc
+push 2
+lea eax, [edi + 0x24]
+push eax
+push 0xa5
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a340] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a340]
+shr ebx, 8
+and ebx, 0xff
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a340] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a340]
+and esi, 0xff
+push esi
+push ebx
+push ref_004630ee ; push 0x4630ee
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 2
+lea eax, [edi + 0x39]
+push eax
+push 0xa5
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push edi
+push 0xd1
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a33c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a33c]
+add edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a330] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a330]
+shl eax, 2
+add edx, eax
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a338] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a338]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 0x121
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0048a32c] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x48a32c]
+jge short loc_00404096 ; jge 0x404096
+push edi
+push esi
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_0048a19b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x48a19b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a328] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a328]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x48
+jmp short loc_00404056 ; jmp 0x404056
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push ecx
+jmp near loc_00403e5d ; jmp 0x403e5d
+mov ebp, 0xffffffff
+cmp dword [esp + 0x48], 0
+je short loc_004040dd ; je 0x4040dd
+push 0
+push fcn_0040363a ; push 0x40363a
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, eax
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_004040dd ; je 0x4040dd
+push eax
+call fcn_00402ac5 ; call 0x402ac5
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, eax
+cmp dword [esp + 0x64], 0
+je short loc_0040413d ; je 0x40413d
+cmp ebp, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_00404104 ; jne 0x404104
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a334] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a334]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00451edb ; call 0x451edb
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp short loc_0040413d ; jmp 0x40413d
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a334] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a334]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb06], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb06], 0
+je short loc_00404133 ; je 0x404133
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [ref_0046cb06], bl ; mov byte [0x46cb06], bl
+call fcn_00454acb ; call 0x454acb
+push 0
+call fcn_00454d91 ; call 0x454d91
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a338] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a338]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a328] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a328]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebp
+add esp, 0x50
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x208
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048a338], eax ; mov dword [0x48a338], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 2
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048a328], eax ; mov dword [0x48a328], eax
+mov ebx, 0x28
+mov dword [esp], ebx
+mov esi, 0x30
+mov dword [esp + 4], esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a338] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a338]
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x18]
+add edx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 8], edx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0x1a]
+add eax, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], eax
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00451e7e ; call 0x451e7e
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048a334], eax ; mov dword [0x48a334], eax
+push 0
+push fcn_004039c2 ; push 0x4039c2
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_004041fe ; je 0x4041fe
+push 0x1f4
+call fcn_0045285e ; call 0x45285e
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, dword [esp + 4]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 4]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a334] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a334]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451edb ; call 0x451edb
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a338] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a338]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a328] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a328]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3b8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3b8]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a3a4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a3a4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp near loc_0040434d ; jmp 0x40434d
+test dl, dl
+jne near loc_00404347 ; jne 0x404347
+cmp ebx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+je near loc_00404347 ; je 0x404347
+push ebp
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3c0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, esi
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a3a4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a3a4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_00404347 ; jmp 0x404347
+push ebp
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3c0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add esi, eax
+push esi
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a3a4] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a3a4]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0xfffffffffffffff0
+push 0x48
+push 0x48
+push ebp
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a3a4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a3a4]
+push edi
+call fcn_004552e7 ; call 0x4552e7
+add esp, 0x18
+jmp short loc_00404347 ; jmp 0x404347
+push 0x2880
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3c0]
+mov ecx, dword [esi + eax + 0x14]
+push ecx
+push ecx
+call fcn_004553da ; call 0x4553da
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x24
+push 0x24
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3b8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3b8]
+add eax, 0x78
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3c0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, esi
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebp
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3c0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, esi
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a3a4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a3a4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebp
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3c0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add esi, eax
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3b8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3b8]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+mov byte [ebx + ref_004990f4], 4 ; mov byte [ebx + 0x4990f4], 4
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jge short loc_004043a8 ; jge 0x4043a8
+mov esi, 6
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, ebx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+lea edi, [eax + 4]
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, ebx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+lea ebp, [eax + 5]
+mov dl, byte [ebx + ref_004990f4] ; mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x4990f4]
+mov esi, ebx
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, ebx
+shl esi, 2
+cmp dl, 1
+jb near loc_00404266 ; jb 0x404266
+jbe near loc_00404299 ; jbe 0x404299
+cmp dl, 2
+je near loc_004042ce ; je 0x4042ce
+jmp short loc_00404347 ; jmp 0x404347
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+cmp ecx, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_00404488 ; je 0x404488
+cmp byte [ecx + ref_004990f4], 0 ; cmp byte [ecx + 0x4990f4], 0
+jne near loc_00404488 ; jne 0x404488
+mov ebx, 6
+mov eax, ecx
+mov edx, ecx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov ebx, edx
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, edx
+shl ebx, 3
+lea edi, [ebx + 4]
+mov esi, 6
+mov eax, ecx
+mov edx, ecx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+lea ebp, [eax + 5]
+inc eax
+push eax
+add ebx, 8
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a3c0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a3c0]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+lea edx, [ebx + 0xc]
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a3a4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a3a4]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp dword [esp + 0x24], 6
+jge short loc_00404447 ; jge 0x404447
+add ebp, 0x44
+jmp short loc_0040444a ; jmp 0x40444a
+sub ebp, 0x18
+push 0xffffffffffffffec
+push 0x14
+push 0x46
+push ebp
+lea eax, [edi + 5]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3a4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3a4]
+push eax
+call fcn_004552e7 ; call 0x4552e7
+add esp, 0x18
+push 2
+add ebp, 0xa
+push ebp
+add edi, 0x28
+push edi
+imul eax, dword [esp + 0x30], 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_0047e80c] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x47e80c]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a3a4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a3a4]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0xa
+push 4
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a3a4] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a3a4]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov dword [esp], 4
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x1bc
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0xa
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0xa5
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a3b4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a3b4]
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x1c
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xffffff
+push 0xf
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b6]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+lea edx, [eax + 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3b8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3b8]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb54] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb54]
+movsx eax, word [eax*2 + ref_0046cc80] ; movsx eax, word [eax*2 + 0x46cc80]
+push eax
+push 0x96
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3b8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3b8]
+add eax, 0x6c
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 5
+push 0xe4
+push 8
+push ref_00463138 ; push 0x463138
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 5
+push 0x108
+push 8
+push ref_00463141 ; push 0x463141
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push esi
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 5
+push 0x12c
+push 8
+push ref_0046314a ; push 0x46314a
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push edi
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 5
+push 0x150
+push 8
+push ref_00463153 ; push 0x463153
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 5
+push 0x174
+push 8
+push ref_0046315c ; push 0x46315c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 5
+push 0x198
+push 8
+push ref_00463165 ; push 0x463165
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push edx
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0x101010
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb40] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb40]
+mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + ref_0046cb94] ; mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + 0x46cb94]
+push ecx
+push ref_0046316e ; push 0x46316e
+lea eax, [esp + 0x18]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 6
+push 0x108
+push 0x9b
+lea eax, [esp + 0x1c]
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb40] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb40]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0046cb50] ; mov edx, dword [0x46cb50]
+mov eax, dword [eax*4 + ref_0046cb94] ; mov eax, dword [eax*4 + 0x46cb94]
+imul eax, dword [edx*4 + ref_0046cc00] ; imul eax, dword [edx*4 + 0x46cc00]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_004046c3 ; je 0x4046c3
+push eax
+push ref_0046316e ; push 0x46316e
+lea eax, [esp + 0x18]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp short loc_004046d5 ; jmp 0x4046d5
+push ref_00463171 ; push 0x463171
+lea eax, [esp + 0x14]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d96 ; call 0x457d96
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push 0x198
+push 0x9b
+lea eax, [esp + 0x1c]
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push edi
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 6
+push 0xe4
+push 0x9b
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb3c] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb3c]
+mov ebp, dword [eax*4 + ref_0046cb88] ; mov ebp, dword [eax*4 + 0x46cb88]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 6
+push 0x12c
+push 0x9b
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb44] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb44]
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_0046cbac] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x46cbac]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 6
+push 0x150
+push 0x9b
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb48] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb48]
+mov ebx, dword [eax*4 + ref_0046cbb8] ; mov ebx, dword [eax*4 + 0x46cbb8]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push esi
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 6
+push 0x174
+push 0x9b
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb4c] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb4c]
+mov edi, dword [eax*4 + ref_0046cbd0] ; mov edi, dword [eax*4 + 0x46cbd0]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0xa
+push 0x1bd
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov dword [esp], 0x1bd
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x27d
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0xa
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x1d7
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a3b4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a3b4]
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+add esp, 0x1c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x8b
+db 0xc0
+ref_00404814: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_004048cb
+dd loc_00404950
+dd loc_004049ec
+dd loc_00404a71
+dd loc_00404af6
+dd loc_00404b7a
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x94
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xa8]
+movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + ref_0046cc8a] ; movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + 0x46cc8a]
+sub eax, 0xa
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + ref_0046cc88] ; movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + 0x46cc88]
+sub eax, 0x1bd
+push eax
+movsx edx, word [ebx*2 + ref_0046ccb8] ; movsx edx, word [ebx*2 + 0x46ccb8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a3b8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a3b8]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + ref_0046cc88] ; movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + 0x46cc88]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x1bb]
+mov dword [esp + 0x90], edx
+movsx edi, word [ebx*8 + ref_0046cc8c] ; movsx edi, word [ebx*8 + 0x46cc8c]
+mov ebp, edi
+sub ebp, eax
+sub ebp, 3
+sub edi, 0x1bf
+movsx esi, word [ebx*8 + ref_0046cc8a] ; movsx esi, word [ebx*8 + 0x46cc8a]
+sub esi, 5
+cmp ebx, 5
+ja near loc_00404c37 ; ja 0x404c37
+mov eax, ebx
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_00404814] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x404814]
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_004048fa ; jmp 0x4048fa
+push 6
+lea eax, [esi + 8]
+push eax
+push edi
+mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + ref_0046cb88] ; mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + 0x46cb88]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x17
+cmp ebx, 3
+jge near loc_00404c37 ; jge 0x404c37
+cmp ebx, dword [esp + 0xac]
+je short loc_0040491d ; je 0x40491d
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0x101010
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+jmp short loc_004048cf ; jmp 0x4048cf
+push 0xaa0000
+push 0x14
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esi - 3]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xa0]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004561be ; call 0x4561be
+add esp, 0x18
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0x101010
+push 0xffffff
+jmp short loc_00404911 ; jmp 0x404911
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0040497c ; jmp 0x40497c
+push 6
+lea eax, [esi + 8]
+push eax
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x17
+cmp ebx, 6
+jge near loc_00404c37 ; jge 0x404c37
+mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + ref_0046cb94] ; mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + 0x46cb94]
+push edx
+push ref_0046316e ; push 0x46316e
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp ebx, dword [esp + 0xac]
+je short loc_004049b9 ; je 0x4049b9
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0x101010
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+jmp short loc_00404954 ; jmp 0x404954
+push 0xaa0000
+push 0x14
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esi - 3]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xa0]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push edx
+call fcn_004561be ; call 0x4561be
+add esp, 0x18
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0x101010
+push 0xffffff
+jmp short loc_004049ad ; jmp 0x4049ad
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00404a1b ; jmp 0x404a1b
+push 6
+lea eax, [esi + 8]
+push eax
+push edi
+mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + ref_0046cbac] ; mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + 0x46cbac]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x17
+cmp ebx, 3
+jge near loc_00404c37 ; jge 0x404c37
+cmp ebx, dword [esp + 0xac]
+je short loc_00404a3e ; je 0x404a3e
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0x101010
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+jmp short loc_004049f0 ; jmp 0x4049f0
+push 0xaa0000
+push 0x14
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esi - 3]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xa0]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004561be ; call 0x4561be
+add esp, 0x18
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0x101010
+push 0xffffff
+jmp short loc_00404a32 ; jmp 0x404a32
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00404aa0 ; jmp 0x404aa0
+push 6
+lea eax, [esi + 8]
+push eax
+push edi
+mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + ref_0046cbb8] ; mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + 0x46cbb8]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x17
+cmp ebx, 6
+jge near loc_00404c37 ; jge 0x404c37
+cmp ebx, dword [esp + 0xac]
+je short loc_00404ac3 ; je 0x404ac3
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0x101010
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+jmp short loc_00404a75 ; jmp 0x404a75
+push 0xaa0000
+push 0x14
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esi - 3]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xa0]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004561be ; call 0x4561be
+add esp, 0x18
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0x101010
+push 0xffffff
+jmp short loc_00404ab7 ; jmp 0x404ab7
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00404b25 ; jmp 0x404b25
+push 6
+lea eax, [esi + 8]
+push eax
+push edi
+mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + ref_0046cbd0] ; mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + 0x46cbd0]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x17
+cmp ebx, 6
+jge near loc_00404c37 ; jge 0x404c37
+cmp ebx, dword [esp + 0xac]
+je short loc_00404b48 ; je 0x404b48
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0x101010
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+jmp short loc_00404afa ; jmp 0x404afa
+push 0xaa0000
+push 0x14
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esi - 3]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xa0]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push eax
+call fcn_004561be ; call 0x4561be
+add esp, 0x18
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0x101010
+push 0xffffff
+jmp short loc_00404b3c ; jmp 0x404b3c
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00404bd4 ; jmp 0x404bd4
+push ref_00463171 ; push 0x463171
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d96 ; call 0x457d96
+add esp, 8
+cmp ebx, dword [esp + 0xac]
+je short loc_00404c01 ; je 0x404c01
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0x101010
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 6
+lea eax, [esi + 8]
+push eax
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x17
+cmp ebx, 6
+jge short loc_00404c37 ; jge 0x404c37
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb40] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb40]
+mov eax, dword [eax*4 + ref_0046cb94] ; mov eax, dword [eax*4 + 0x46cb94]
+imul eax, dword [ebx*4 + ref_0046cc00] ; imul eax, dword [ebx*4 + 0x46cc00]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00404b7e ; je 0x404b7e
+push eax
+push ref_0046316e ; push 0x46316e
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp short loc_00404b90 ; jmp 0x404b90
+push 0xaa0000
+push 0x14
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esi - 3]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xa0]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004561be ; call 0x4561be
+add esp, 0x18
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0x101010
+push 0xffffff
+jmp near loc_00404ba7 ; jmp 0x404ba7
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xa8]
+movsx eax, word [edx*8 + ref_0046cc88] ; movsx eax, word [edx*8 + 0x46cc88]
+mov dword [esp + 0x80], eax
+movsx eax, word [edx*8 + ref_0046cc8a] ; movsx eax, word [edx*8 + 0x46cc8a]
+mov dword [esp + 0x84], eax
+movsx eax, word [edx*8 + ref_0046cc8c] ; movsx eax, word [edx*8 + 0x46cc8c]
+mov dword [esp + 0x88], eax
+movsx eax, word [edx*8 + ref_0046cc8e] ; movsx eax, word [edx*8 + 0x46cc8e]
+add eax, 2
+mov dword [esp + 0x8c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x84]
+sub eax, ebx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x84]
+sub eax, esi
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebx - 0xa]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esi - 0x1bd]
+push eax
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a3b4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a3b4]
+push ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+add esp, 0x94
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+add eax, dword [ref_0046cb44] ; add eax, dword [0x46cb44]
+lea esi, [eax + 9]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_0048a364] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x48a364]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_00404d43 ; je 0x404d43
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov dword [ebx + ref_0048a35c], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x48a35c], eax
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [ebx + ref_0048a360], edi ; mov dword [ebx + 0x48a360], edi
+push edi
+push edi
+push esi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a3b0] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a3b0]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx + ref_0048a364], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x48a364], eax
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x14]
+xor edi, edi
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00404dc5 ; jmp 0x404dc5
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_00404dbf ; je 0x404dbf
+push 0xc
+push esi
+lea edx, [ebx - 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ref_0048a35c ; add eax, 0x48a35c
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0xc
+push 0
+push esi
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_00404e01 ; jge 0x404e01
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov esi, ref_0048a35c ; mov esi, 0x48a35c
+add esi, eax
+cmp ebp, dword [eax + ref_0048a35c] ; cmp ebp, dword [eax + 0x48a35c]
+jne short loc_00404d90 ; jne 0x404d90
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_0048a364] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x48a364]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push 0xc
+push 0
+push esi
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edi, 1
+jmp short loc_00404dbf ; jmp 0x404dbf
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ebp + ref_004990f4], ah ; mov byte [ebp + 0x4990f4], ah
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x8b
+db 0xc0
+ref_00404e10: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_00405339
+dd loc_004053d9
+dd loc_004053d9
+dd loc_004054d8
+dd loc_004054d8
+dd loc_004054d8
+dd loc_004054d8
+dd loc_004054d8
+dd loc_004054d8
+dd loc_004055b9
+dd loc_004055b9
+dd loc_004055b9
+dd loc_004055b9
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x6c
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x80]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x84]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x88]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a3ac] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a3ac]
+test ecx, ecx
+jne near loc_00405c48 ; jne 0x405c48
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jb short loc_00404eb0 ; jb 0x404eb0
+jbe near loc_004052bc ; jbe 0x4052bc
+cmp eax, 0x203
+jb near loc_00405745 ; jb 0x405745
+jbe near loc_004052bc ; jbe 0x4052bc
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb near loc_00405ee2 ; jb 0x405ee2
+jbe near loc_00405ab0 ; jbe 0x405ab0
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_00404edb ; je 0x404edb
+jmp near loc_00405ee2 ; jmp 0x405ee2
+cmp eax, 0x113
+jb short loc_00404ecd ; jb 0x404ecd
+jbe near loc_00404feb ; jbe 0x404feb
+cmp eax, 0x200
+je near loc_00405163 ; je 0x405163
+jmp near loc_00405ee2 ; jmp 0x405ee2
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je near loc_00405b04 ; je 0x405b04
+jmp near loc_00405ee2 ; jmp 0x405ee2
+mov dword [ref_0048a3c8], ecx ; mov dword [0x48a3c8], ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048a408], ecx ; mov dword [0x48a408], ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048a404], ebx ; mov dword [0x48a404], ebx
+mov bh, 0xff
+mov byte [ref_0048a40e], bh ; mov byte [0x48a40e], bh
+mov byte [ref_0048a40f], bh ; mov byte [0x48a40f], bh
+mov byte [ref_0048a40c], bh ; mov byte [0x48a40c], bh
+mov byte [ref_0048a410], bh ; mov byte [0x48a410], bh
+mov dword [ref_0048a3b4], ebp ; mov dword [0x48a3b4], ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push ecx
+push 1
+mov edx, ref_0048a068 ; mov edx, 0x48a068
+push edx
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebx
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x96000
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a354] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a354]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edx
+call dword [eax + 0x80] ; ucall
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_00404f65 ; jmp 0x404f65
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jge short loc_00404f71 ; jge 0x404f71
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_004990f4], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x4990f4], 0
+jne short loc_00404f5f ; jne 0x404f5f
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_00404f5f ; jmp 0x404f5f
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb3c] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb3c]
+inc eax
+cmp esi, eax
+jge short loc_00404f82 ; jge 0x404f82
+dec esi
+mov dword [ref_0046cb3c], esi ; mov dword [0x46cb3c], esi
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a410] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a410]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040423c ; call 0x40423c
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00404504 ; call 0x404504
+push 0
+push 0x64
+mov edx, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov edx, dword [0x46cad8]
+push edx
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTimer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462324]
+mov dword [ref_0048a3c4], eax ; mov dword [0x48a3c4], eax
+cmp dword [ref_0048a404], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48a404], 0
+jne short loc_00404fcc ; jne 0x404fcc
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [ref_0048a40d], bh ; mov byte [0x48a40d], bh
+jmp short loc_00404fd3 ; jmp 0x404fd3
+mov byte [ref_0048a40d], 1 ; mov byte [0x48a40d], 1
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x6c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je short loc_00404fdf ; je 0x404fdf
+cmp edx, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; cmp edx, dword [0x46cad8]
+jne short loc_00404fdf ; jne 0x404fdf
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a3c8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a3c8]
+add edx, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048a3c8], edx ; mov dword [0x48a3c8], edx
+cmp edx, 0x500
+jl short loc_00405019 ; jl 0x405019
+mov dword [ref_0048a3c8], ecx ; mov dword [0x48a3c8], ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a3c8] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a3c8]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a354] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a354]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456180 ; call 0x456180
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb3c] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb3c]
+add eax, 2
+cmp ebx, eax
+jge near loc_004050d1 ; jge 0x4050d1
+mov esi, ebx
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, ebx
+shl esi, 2
+cmp dword [esi + ref_0048a364], 0 ; cmp dword [esi + 0x48a364], 0
+je short loc_004050cb ; je 0x4050cb
+push 0x1b8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb3c] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb3c]
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, ebx
+mov ecx, dword [eax + edx*4 + ref_0046cb58] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + edx*4 + 0x46cb58]
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [esi + ref_0048a360] ; mov edi, dword [esi + 0x48a360]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [esi + ref_0048a364] ; mov eax, dword [esi + 0x48a364]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045663e ; call 0x45663e
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [esi + ref_0048a364] ; mov eax, dword [esi + 0x48a364]
+mov eax, dword [eax + 4]
+dec eax
+mov ecx, dword [esi + ref_0048a360] ; mov ecx, dword [esi + 0x48a360]
+cmp eax, ecx
+jle short loc_004050c3 ; jle 0x4050c3
+lea eax, [ecx + 1]
+mov dword [esi + ref_0048a360], eax ; mov dword [esi + 0x48a360], eax
+jmp short loc_004050cb ; jmp 0x4050cb
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esi + ref_0048a360], edi ; mov dword [esi + 0x48a360], edi
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_0040504d ; jmp 0x40504d
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0xa
+push 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a3a4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a3a4]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0xa
+push 0x1bd
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+cmp dword [ref_0048a404], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48a404], 0
+je near loc_00404fdf ; je 0x404fdf
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a408] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a408]
+inc ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048a408], ecx ; mov dword [0x48a408], ecx
+cmp ecx, 0xa
+jne near loc_00404fdf ; jne 0x404fdf
+mov byte [ref_0048a40e], 1 ; mov byte [0x48a40e], 1
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x202
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+jmp near loc_00404fdf ; jmp 0x404fdf
+cmp dword [ref_0048a404], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48a404], 0
+jne near loc_00404fdf ; jne 0x404fdf
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, bx
+mov eax, ebx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor edi, edi
+mov di, ax
+cmp esi, 8
+jl near loc_00405205 ; jl 0x405205
+cmp esi, 0x1b8
+jge near loc_00405205 ; jge 0x405205
+cmp edi, 0xf
+jl short loc_00405205 ; jl 0x405205
+cmp edi, 0x9f
+jge short loc_00405205 ; jge 0x405205
+lea edx, [edi - 0xf]
+mov ebx, 0x48
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+sub ebx, eax
+add ebx, ebx
+lea edx, [esi - 8]
+mov ebp, 0x48
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebp
+add ebx, eax
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a410] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a410]
+cmp ebx, eax
+je short loc_00405222 ; je 0x405222
+mov byte [ref_0048a410], bl ; mov byte [0x48a410], bl
+movsx eax, bl
+cmp byte [eax + ref_004990f4], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x4990f4], 0
+jne short loc_00405222 ; jne 0x405222
+push ecx
+mov eax, ref_0048231a ; mov eax, 0x48231a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a410] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a410]
+push eax
+jmp short loc_0040521a ; jmp 0x40521a
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a410] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a410]
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00405222 ; je 0x405222
+mov byte [ref_0048a410], 0xff ; mov byte [0x48a410], 0xff
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0040423c ; call 0x40423c
+add esp, 4
+movsx ebp, byte [ref_0048a40f] ; movsx ebp, byte [0x48a40f]
+cmp ebp, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_00404fdf ; je 0x404fdf
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 3
+movsx edx, word [eax + ref_0046cc88] ; movsx edx, word [eax + 0x46cc88]
+cmp esi, edx
+jl short loc_00405299 ; jl 0x405299
+movsx edx, word [eax + ref_0046cc8a] ; movsx edx, word [eax + 0x46cc8a]
+cmp edi, edx
+jl short loc_00405299 ; jl 0x405299
+movsx ebx, word [eax + ref_0046cc8c] ; movsx ebx, word [eax + 0x46cc8c]
+cmp esi, ebx
+jge short loc_00405299 ; jge 0x405299
+movsx eax, word [eax + ref_0046cc8e] ; movsx eax, word [eax + 0x46cc8e]
+cmp edi, eax
+jge short loc_00405299 ; jge 0x405299
+sub edi, edx
+mov edx, edi
+mov ebx, 0x17
+mov eax, edi
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov ebx, eax
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a40c] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a40c]
+cmp ebx, eax
+je near loc_00404fdf ; je 0x404fdf
+mov byte [ref_0048a40c], bl ; mov byte [0x48a40c], bl
+movsx eax, bl
+push eax
+push ebp
+call fcn_0040482c ; call 0x40482c
+jmp near loc_004054d0 ; jmp 0x4054d0
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a40c] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a40c]
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_00404fdf ; je 0x404fdf
+mov byte [ref_0048a40c], 0xff ; mov byte [0x48a40c], 0xff
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a40f] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a40f]
+push eax
+jmp short loc_0040528f ; jmp 0x40528f
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a404] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a404]
+test esi, esi
+jne near loc_00404fdf ; jne 0x404fdf
+mov si, bx
+mov eax, ebx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor edi, edi
+mov di, ax
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a40f] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a40f]
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne near loc_0040566f ; jne 0x40566f
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_004052f6 ; jmp 0x4052f6
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xd
+jge short loc_00405327 ; jge 0x405327
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+movsx edx, word [eax + ref_0046cc18] ; movsx edx, word [eax + 0x46cc18]
+cmp esi, edx
+jl short loc_004052f0 ; jl 0x4052f0
+movsx edx, word [eax + ref_0046cc1a] ; movsx edx, word [eax + 0x46cc1a]
+cmp edi, edx
+jl short loc_004052f0 ; jl 0x4052f0
+movsx edx, word [eax + ref_0046cc1c] ; movsx edx, word [eax + 0x46cc1c]
+cmp esi, edx
+jge short loc_004052f0 ; jge 0x4052f0
+movsx eax, word [eax + ref_0046cc1e] ; movsx eax, word [eax + 0x46cc1e]
+cmp edi, eax
+jge short loc_004052f0 ; jge 0x4052f0
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+ja near loc_00404fdf ; ja 0x404fdf
+mov eax, ebx
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_00404e10] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x404e10]
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a410] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a410]
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_00404fdf ; je 0x404fdf
+cmp byte [eax + ref_004990f4], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x4990f4], 0
+jne short loc_0040539e ; jne 0x40539e
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0046cb3c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x46cb3c]
+add ebx, 2
+movsx edx, byte [ref_0048a40d] ; movsx edx, byte [0x48a40d]
+cmp edx, ebx
+jge short loc_0040539e ; jge 0x40539e
+mov byte [eax + ref_004990f4], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x4990f4], 1
+push eax
+push edx
+call fcn_00404d0a ; call 0x404d0a
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+inc byte [ref_0048a40d] ; inc byte [0x48a40d]
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a410] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a410]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040423c ; call 0x40423c
+jmp near loc_00405afc ; jmp 0x405afc
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a410] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a410]
+cmp byte [eax + ref_004990f4], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x4990f4], 1
+jne near loc_00404fdf ; jne 0x404fdf
+push eax
+call fcn_00404d82 ; call 0x404d82
+add esp, 4
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a410] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a410]
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [eax + ref_004990f4], bl ; mov byte [eax + 0x4990f4], bl
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+dec byte [ref_0048a40d] ; dec byte [0x48a40d]
+jmp short loc_00405384 ; jmp 0x405384
+mov byte [ref_0048a40e], bl ; mov byte [0x48a40e], bl
+mov esi, ebx
+shl esi, 3
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0046cc1a] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x46cc1a]
+sub eax, 0xa
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0046cc18] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x46cc18]
+sub eax, 0x1bd
+push eax
+lea edx, [ebx + 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3b8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3b8]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0046cc18] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x46cc18]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0046cc1c] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x46cc1c]
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0046cc1a] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x46cc1a]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0046cc1e] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x46cc1e]
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+sub eax, ecx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+sub eax, ebx
+push eax
+lea eax, [ecx - 0xa]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebx - 0x1bd]
+push eax
+push ecx
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+add esi, 8
+add esi, ref_0048231a ; add esi, 0x48231a
+push esi
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_00404fdf ; jmp 0x404fdf
+mov byte [ref_0048a40e], bl ; mov byte [0x48a40e], bl
+movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + ref_0046cc1a] ; movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + 0x46cc1a]
+sub eax, 0xa
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + ref_0046cc18] ; movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + 0x46cc18]
+sub eax, 0x1bd
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3b8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3b8]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + ref_0046cc18] ; movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + 0x46cc18]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + ref_0046cc1c] ; movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + 0x46cc1c]
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + ref_0046cc1a] ; movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + 0x46cc1a]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + ref_0046cc1e] ; movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + 0x46cc1e]
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+sub eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+sub eax, ecx
+push eax
+lea eax, [edx - 0xa]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ecx - 0x1bd]
+push eax
+push edx
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+push ref_0048231a ; push 0x48231a
+jmp near loc_004054cb ; jmp 0x4054cb
+sub ebx, 9
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0046cb54] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x46cb54]
+je near loc_00404fdf ; je 0x404fdf
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ref_0046cb54], ebx ; mov dword [0x46cb54], ebx
+push 0xf
+push 0x8a
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a390] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a390]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb54] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb54]
+movsx eax, word [eax*2 + ref_0046cc80] ; movsx eax, word [eax*2 + 0x46cc80]
+push eax
+push 0x96
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3b8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3b8]
+add eax, 0x6c
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push edi
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a358] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a358]
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b6]
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, dword [ref_0046cb54] ; add eax, dword [0x46cb54]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a3b0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a3b0]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0xfffffffffffffff0
+push 0x96000
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a358] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a358]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a354] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a354]
+push esi
+call fcn_004552b7 ; call 0x4552b7
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_00404fd3 ; jmp 0x404fd3
+movsx edx, byte [ref_0048a40c] ; movsx edx, byte [0x48a40c]
+cmp edx, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_00405735 ; je 0x405735
+shl eax, 2
+cmp edx, dword [eax + ref_0046cb3c] ; cmp edx, dword [eax + 0x46cb3c]
+je near loc_0040571d ; je 0x40571d
+mov dword [eax + ref_0046cb3c], edx ; mov dword [eax + 0x46cb3c], edx
+mov al, byte [ref_0048a40f] ; mov al, byte [0x48a40f]
+test al, al
+jbe short loc_004056a6 ; jbe 0x4056a6
+cmp al, 2
+je short loc_004056ee ; je 0x4056ee
+jmp near loc_0040571d ; jmp 0x40571d
+mov ebx, 3
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb3c] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb3c]
+add eax, 2
+cmp ebx, eax
+jl short loc_004056e2 ; jl 0x4056e2
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+cmp dword [eax + ref_0048a364], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x48a364], 0
+je short loc_004056df ; je 0x4056df
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_0048a35c] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x48a35c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00404d82 ; call 0x404d82
+add esp, 4
+dec byte [ref_0048a40d] ; dec byte [0x48a40d]
+dec ebx
+jmp short loc_004056ab ; jmp 0x4056ab
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0040423c ; call 0x40423c
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0040571d ; jmp 0x40571d
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_004056f8 ; jmp 0x4056f8
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_0040571d ; jge 0x40571d
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+cmp dword [eax + ref_0048a364], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x48a364], 0
+je short loc_004056f2 ; je 0x4056f2
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_0048a35c] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x48a35c]
+push edi
+push ebx
+call fcn_00404d0a ; call 0x404d0a
+add esp, 8
+jmp short loc_004056f2 ; jmp 0x4056f2
+mov ch, 0xff
+mov byte [ref_0048a40f], ch ; mov byte [0x48a40f], ch
+mov byte [ref_0048a40c], ch ; mov byte [0x48a40c], ch
+call fcn_00404504 ; call 0x404504
+jmp near loc_00404fdf ; jmp 0x404fdf
+mov bh, 0xff
+mov byte [ref_0048a40f], bh ; mov byte [0x48a40f], bh
+mov byte [ref_0048a40c], bh ; mov byte [0x48a40c], bh
+jmp short loc_0040572b ; jmp 0x40572b
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a40e] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a40e]
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_00404fdf ; je 0x404fdf
+mov al, byte [ref_0048a40e] ; mov al, byte [0x48a40e]
+cmp al, 1
+jb near loc_00405a49 ; jb 0x405a49
+jbe short loc_00405771 ; jbe 0x405771
+cmp al, 2
+je near loc_00405924 ; je 0x405924
+jmp near loc_00405a49 ; jmp 0x405a49
+movsx eax, al
+movsx eax, word [eax*8 + ref_0046cc1a] ; movsx eax, word [eax*8 + 0x46cc1a]
+sub eax, 0xa
+push eax
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a40e] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a40e]
+movsx eax, word [eax*8 + ref_0046cc18] ; movsx eax, word [eax*8 + 0x46cc18]
+sub eax, 0x1bd
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a398] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a398]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a40e] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a40e]
+movsx eax, word [eax*8 + ref_0046cc18] ; movsx eax, word [eax*8 + 0x46cc18]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a40e] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a40e]
+movsx eax, word [eax*8 + ref_0046cc1c] ; movsx eax, word [eax*8 + 0x46cc1c]
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a40e] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a40e]
+movsx eax, word [eax*8 + ref_0046cc1a] ; movsx eax, word [eax*8 + 0x46cc1a]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a40e] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a40e]
+movsx eax, word [eax*8 + ref_0046cc1e] ; movsx eax, word [eax*8 + 0x46cc1e]
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+mov edx, ref_0048a068 ; mov edx, 0x48a068
+push edx
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edx
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+sub eax, ecx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+sub eax, ebx
+push eax
+lea eax, [ecx - 0xa]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebx - 0x1bd]
+push eax
+push ecx
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+call dword [eax + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+cmp byte [ref_0048a40d], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48a40d], 0
+je near loc_00405aa4 ; je 0x405aa4
+push 0x18
+push 0
+mov eax, ref_0048a3cc ; mov eax, 0x48a3cc
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebx, 0xa
+mov dword [ref_0048a3cc], ebx ; mov dword [0x48a3cc], ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048a3e4], ebx ; mov dword [0x48a3e4], ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048a3e8], 0x1bd ; mov dword [0x48a3e8], 0x1bd
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb3c] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb3c]
+shl eax, 4
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_0046cb58] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x46cb58]
+mov dword [ref_0048a3ec], eax ; mov dword [0x48a3ec], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb3c] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb3c]
+shl eax, 4
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_0046cb5c] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x46cb5c]
+mov dword [ref_0048a3f0], eax ; mov dword [0x48a3f0], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb3c] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb3c]
+shl eax, 4
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_0046cb60] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x46cb60]
+mov dword [ref_0048a3f4], eax ; mov dword [0x48a3f4], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb3c] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb3c]
+shl eax, 4
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_0046cb64] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x46cb64]
+mov dword [ref_0048a3f8], eax ; mov dword [0x48a3f8], eax
+mov dword [ref_0048a3fc], 6 ; mov dword [0x48a3fc], 6
+mov dword [ref_0048a400], 4 ; mov dword [0x48a400], 4
+mov dword [ref_0048a3ac], 1 ; mov dword [0x48a3ac], 1
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00405aa4 ; jmp 0x405aa4
+movsx eax, al
+movsx eax, word [eax*8 + ref_0046cc1a] ; movsx eax, word [eax*8 + 0x46cc1a]
+sub eax, 0xa
+push eax
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a40e] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a40e]
+movsx eax, word [eax*8 + ref_0046cc18] ; movsx eax, word [eax*8 + 0x46cc18]
+sub eax, 0x1bd
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a394] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a394]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a40e] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a40e]
+movsx eax, word [eax*8 + ref_0046cc18] ; movsx eax, word [eax*8 + 0x46cc18]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a40e] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a40e]
+movsx eax, word [eax*8 + ref_0046cc1c] ; movsx eax, word [eax*8 + 0x46cc1c]
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a40e] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a40e]
+movsx eax, word [eax*8 + ref_0046cc1a] ; movsx eax, word [eax*8 + 0x46cc1a]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a40e] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a40e]
+movsx eax, word [eax*8 + ref_0046cc1e] ; movsx eax, word [eax*8 + 0x46cc1e]
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+mov edx, ref_0048a068 ; mov edx, 0x48a068
+push edx
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edx
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+sub eax, ecx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+sub eax, ebx
+push eax
+lea eax, [ecx - 0xa]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebx - 0x1bd]
+push eax
+push ecx
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+call dword [eax + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a3c4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a3c4]
+push ebx
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+jmp near loc_0040591c ; jmp 0x40591c
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a40e] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a40e]
+movsx edx, word [eax*8 + ref_0046cc1a] ; movsx edx, word [eax*8 + 0x46cc1a]
+sub edx, 0xa
+push edx
+movsx eax, word [eax*8 + ref_0046cc18] ; movsx eax, word [eax*8 + 0x46cc18]
+sub eax, 0x1bd
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a39c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a39c]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+mov al, byte [ref_0048a40e] ; mov al, byte [0x48a40e]
+sub al, 3
+mov byte [ref_0048a40f], al ; mov byte [0x48a40f], al
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a40c] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a40c]
+push eax
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a40f] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a40f]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040482c ; call 0x40482c
+add esp, 8
+mov byte [ref_0048a40e], 0xff ; mov byte [0x48a40e], 0xff
+jmp near loc_00404fdf ; jmp 0x404fdf
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a404] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a404]
+test ecx, ecx
+jne near loc_00404fdf ; jne 0x404fdf
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a40f] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a40f]
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00405add ; je 0x405add
+mov ah, 0xff
+mov byte [ref_0048a40f], ah ; mov byte [0x48a40f], ah
+mov byte [ref_0048a40c], ah ; mov byte [0x48a40c], ah
+jmp near loc_0040572b ; jmp 0x40572b
+push ecx
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a3c4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a3c4]
+push ebx
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00404fdf ; jmp 0x404fdf
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+cmp dword [esp + 0xc], 0
+jne near loc_00405bfb ; jne 0x405bfb
+cmp dword [esp + 0x14], 0x1e0
+jne near loc_00405bfb ; jne 0x405bfb
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40]
+push eax
+call fcn_004024c0 ; call 0x4024c0
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x50], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x58], 0x280
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+test ecx, ecx
+jle short loc_00405b78 ; jle 0x405b78
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x54], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x5c], ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea edx, [esp + 0x54]
+push edx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push esi
+mov edi, ebx
+push edi
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0dc]
+push ecx
+call dword [eax + 0x1c] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x44]
+mov dword [esp + 0x54], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+mov dword [esp + 0x5c], eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ebx, [esp + 0x54]
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x60]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x60]
+push edi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push 0
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+cmp eax, 0x1e0
+jge short loc_00405c38 ; jge 0x405c38
+mov dword [esp + 0x54], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x5c], 0x1e0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ebx, [esp + 0x54]
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x58]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x60]
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+jmp short loc_00405c38 ; jmp 0x405c38
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ebx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push edi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_00404fdf ; jmp 0x404fdf
+cmp ecx, 1
+jne near loc_00405eb8 ; jne 0x405eb8
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jb near loc_00405ee2 ; jb 0x405ee2
+jbe near loc_00405d8f ; jbe 0x405d8f
+cmp eax, 0x113
+jne near loc_00405ee2 ; jne 0x405ee2
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je near loc_00404fdf ; je 0x404fdf
+cmp edx, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; cmp edx, dword [0x46cad8]
+jne near loc_00404fdf ; jne 0x404fdf
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3c8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3c8]
+add eax, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048a3c8], eax ; mov dword [0x48a3c8], eax
+cmp eax, 0x500
+jl short loc_00405ca0 ; jl 0x405ca0
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048a3c8], ecx ; mov dword [0x48a3c8], ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3cc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3cc]
+lea edx, [eax + 1]
+mov dword [ref_0048a3cc], edx ; mov dword [0x48a3cc], edx
+cmp eax, 0xa
+jl near loc_00404fd3 ; jl 0x404fd3
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048a3cc], ebx ; mov dword [0x48a3cc], ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb3c] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb3c]
+add eax, 2
+movsx edx, byte [ref_0048a40d] ; movsx edx, byte [0x48a40d]
+cmp edx, eax
+jne short loc_00405d0d ; jne 0x405d0d
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a3c4] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a3c4]
+push esi
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+push ebx
+push 0x32
+mov edi, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov edi, dword [0x46cad8]
+push edi
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTimer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462324]
+mov dword [ref_0048a3c4], eax ; mov dword [0x48a3c4], eax
+mov dword [ref_0048a3ac], 2 ; mov dword [0x48a3ac], 2
+push ebx
+push ref_0046ccd0 ; push 0x46ccd0
+jmp near loc_004054cb ; jmp 0x4054cb
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_00405d17 ; jmp 0x405d17
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jge short loc_00405d27 ; jge 0x405d27
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_004990f4], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x4990f4], 0
+jne short loc_00405d11 ; jne 0x405d11
+mov byte [esp + esi + 0x60], bl
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_00405d11 ; jmp 0x405d11
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [esp + edx + 0x60]
+mov byte [ebx + ref_004990f4], 1 ; mov byte [ebx + 0x4990f4], 1
+push ebx
+movsx eax, byte [ref_0048a40d] ; movsx eax, byte [0x48a40d]
+push eax
+call fcn_00404d0a ; call 0x404d0a
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0040423c ; call 0x40423c
+add esp, 4
+mov bl, byte [ref_0048a40d] ; mov bl, byte [0x48a40d]
+movsx edx, bl
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+or byte [eax*4 + ref_0048a35f], 0x80 ; or byte [eax*4 + 0x48a35f], 0x80
+inc bl
+mov byte [ref_0048a40d], bl ; mov byte [0x48a40d], bl
+jmp near loc_00404fd3 ; jmp 0x404fd3
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push ecx
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3c8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3c8]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a354] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a354]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456180 ; call 0x456180
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0xa
+push 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a3a4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a3a4]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0xa
+push 0x1bd
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb3c] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb3c]
+add eax, 2
+cmp ebx, eax
+jge near loc_00405e7c ; jge 0x405e7c
+mov esi, ebx
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, ebx
+shl esi, 2
+cmp dword [esi + ref_0048a364], 0 ; cmp dword [esi + 0x48a364], 0
+je short loc_00405e76 ; je 0x405e76
+push 0x1b8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb3c] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb3c]
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, ebx
+mov ecx, dword [eax + edx*4 + ref_0046cb58] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + edx*4 + 0x46cb58]
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [esi + ref_0048a360] ; mov edi, dword [esi + 0x48a360]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [esi + ref_0048a364] ; mov eax, dword [esi + 0x48a364]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045663e ; call 0x45663e
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [esi + ref_0048a364] ; mov eax, dword [esi + 0x48a364]
+mov eax, dword [eax + 4]
+dec eax
+mov ecx, dword [esi + ref_0048a360] ; mov ecx, dword [esi + 0x48a360]
+cmp eax, ecx
+jle short loc_00405e6e ; jle 0x405e6e
+lea eax, [ecx + 1]
+mov dword [esi + ref_0048a360], eax ; mov dword [esi + 0x48a360], eax
+jmp short loc_00405e76 ; jmp 0x405e76
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esi + ref_0048a360], edi ; mov dword [esi + 0x48a360], edi
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_00405df8 ; jmp 0x405df8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+push ref_0046cadc ; push 0x46cadc
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+push 0
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push 0
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__ValidateRect@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462340]
+jmp near loc_00404fdf ; jmp 0x404fdf
+cmp ecx, 2
+jne near loc_00404fdf ; jne 0x404fdf
+cmp eax, 0x113
+jb short loc_00405ef2 ; jb 0x405ef2
+jbe short loc_00405f04 ; jbe 0x405f04
+cmp eax, 0x202
+jb short loc_00405ee2 ; jb 0x405ee2
+jbe near loc_00405f6a ; jbe 0x405f6a
+cmp eax, 0x205
+je near loc_00405f6a ; je 0x405f6a
+push ebx
+push edx
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_00404fe1 ; jmp 0x404fe1
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jb short loc_00405ee2 ; jb 0x405ee2
+jbe near loc_00405f80 ; jbe 0x405f80
+cmp eax, 0x100
+jmp short loc_00405edc ; jmp 0x405edc
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je near loc_00404fdf ; je 0x404fdf
+cmp edx, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; cmp edx, dword [0x46cad8]
+jne near loc_00404fdf ; jne 0x404fdf
+add dword [ref_0048a3fc], ecx ; add dword [0x48a3fc], ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a400] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a400]
+cmp ecx, 0x1e
+jge short loc_00405f37 ; jge 0x405f37
+lea ebx, [ecx + 1]
+mov dword [ref_0048a400], ebx ; mov dword [0x48a400], ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3fc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3fc]
+sub dword [ref_0048a3e4], eax ; sub dword [0x48a3e4], eax
+add dword [ref_0048a3e8], eax ; add dword [0x48a3e8], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a400] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a400]
+add dword [ref_0048a3ec], eax ; add dword [0x48a3ec], eax
+add dword [ref_0048a3f0], eax ; add dword [0x48a3f0], eax
+add dword [ref_0048a3f4], eax ; add dword [0x48a3f4], eax
+add dword [ref_0048a3f8], eax ; add dword [0x48a3f8], eax
+jmp near loc_00404fd3 ; jmp 0x404fd3
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a3c4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a3c4]
+push edi
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+push 1
+jmp near loc_00405af7 ; jmp 0x405af7
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3c8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3c8]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a358] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a358]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456180 ; call 0x456180
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp dword [ref_0048a3cc], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48a3cc], 0
+jne short loc_00405fde ; jne 0x405fde
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a3e4] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a3e4]
+push esi
+push 4
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a3a4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a3a4]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048a3cc], eax ; mov dword [0x48a3cc], eax
+cmp dword [ref_0048a3d0], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48a3d0], 0
+jne short loc_0040600b ; jne 0x40600b
+push 0xa
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a3e8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a3e8]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048a3d0], eax ; mov dword [0x48a3d0], eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb3c] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb3c]
+add eax, 2
+cmp ebx, eax
+jge near loc_00406091 ; jge 0x406091
+mov edi, ebx
+shl edi, 2
+cmp dword [edi + ref_0048a3d4], 0 ; cmp dword [edi + 0x48a3d4], 0
+jne short loc_0040608b ; jne 0x40608b
+push 0x1b8
+mov esi, dword [edi + ref_0048a3ec] ; mov esi, dword [edi + 0x48a3ec]
+push esi
+mov esi, ebx
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, ebx
+shl esi, 2
+mov eax, dword [esi + ref_0048a360] ; mov eax, dword [esi + 0x48a360]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esi + ref_0048a364] ; mov edx, dword [esi + 0x48a364]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045663e ; call 0x45663e
+add esp, 0x14
+mov dword [edi + ref_0048a3d4], eax ; mov dword [edi + 0x48a3d4], eax
+mov eax, dword [esi + ref_0048a364] ; mov eax, dword [esi + 0x48a364]
+mov eax, dword [eax + 4]
+dec eax
+mov edi, dword [esi + ref_0048a360] ; mov edi, dword [esi + 0x48a360]
+cmp eax, edi
+jle short loc_00406083 ; jle 0x406083
+lea edx, [edi + 1]
+mov dword [esi + ref_0048a360], edx ; mov dword [esi + 0x48a360], edx
+jmp short loc_0040608b ; jmp 0x40608b
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [esi + ref_0048a360], eax ; mov dword [esi + 0x48a360], eax
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_0040600d ; jmp 0x40600d
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+push ref_0046cadc ; push 0x46cadc
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edi
+push 0
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push 0
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__ValidateRect@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462340]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb3c] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb3c]
+cmp dword [eax*4 + ref_0048a3d8], 0 ; cmp dword [eax*4 + 0x48a3d8], 0
+je near loc_00404fdf ; je 0x404fdf
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x100
+jmp near loc_00405156 ; jmp 0x405156
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x60
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x74]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x78]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x80]
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jb short loc_00406135 ; jb 0x406135
+jbe near loc_004067f2 ; jbe 0x4067f2
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb short loc_00406125 ; jb 0x406125
+jbe near loc_00406969 ; jbe 0x406969
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_00406160 ; je 0x406160
+jmp near loc_00406afd ; jmp 0x406afd
+cmp eax, 0x202
+je near loc_0040697f ; je 0x40697f
+jmp near loc_00406afd ; jmp 0x406afd
+cmp eax, 0x113
+jb short loc_00406152 ; jb 0x406152
+jbe near loc_0040622c ; jbe 0x40622c
+cmp eax, 0x200
+je near loc_00406589 ; je 0x406589
+jmp near loc_00406afd ; jmp 0x406afd
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je near loc_004069b3 ; je 0x4069b3
+jmp near loc_00406afd ; jmp 0x406afd
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048a415], edx ; mov dword [0x48a415], edx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048a419], edx ; mov dword [0x48a419], edx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048a41d], edx ; mov dword [0x48a41d], edx
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0048a436], ah ; mov byte [0x48a436], ah
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [ref_0048a437], dl ; mov byte [0x48a437], dl
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [ref_0048a438], dh ; mov byte [0x48a438], dh
+xor bl, cl
+mov byte [ref_0048a439], bl ; mov byte [0x48a439], bl
+xor bh, ch
+mov byte [ref_0048a43a], bh ; mov byte [0x48a43a], bh
+mov dword [ref_0048a421], 0xffffffb0 ; mov dword [0x48a421], 0xffffffb0
+mov dword [ref_0048a425], 0x1e ; mov dword [0x48a425], 0x1e
+cmp word [ref_004991b6], 0 ; cmp word [0x4991b6], 0
+je short loc_004061d4 ; je 0x4061d4
+mov dword [ref_0048a42d], 0x14 ; mov dword [0x48a42d], 0x14
+mov dword [ref_0048a431], 0xf ; mov dword [0x48a431], 0xf
+jmp short loc_004061e8 ; jmp 0x4061e8
+mov dword [ref_0048a42d], 0xf ; mov dword [0x48a42d], 0xf
+mov dword [ref_0048a431], 0xa ; mov dword [0x48a431], 0xa
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3bc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3bc]
+mov eax, dword [eax + 4]
+sub eax, 4
+sar eax, 1
+mov dword [ref_0048a429], eax ; mov dword [0x48a429], eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_00499104] ; mov edi, dword [0x499104]
+cmp edi, 1
+setne al
+mov byte [ref_0048a435], al ; mov byte [0x48a435], al
+push 0
+push 0x32
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov ebp, dword [0x46cad8]
+push ebp
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTimer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462324]
+mov dword [ref_0048a411], eax ; mov dword [0x48a411], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+jmp near loc_00406724 ; jmp 0x406724
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je near loc_0040672c ; je 0x40672c
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x7c]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; cmp eax, dword [0x46cad8]
+jne near loc_0040672c ; jne 0x40672c
+cmp byte [ref_0048a43a], 2 ; cmp byte [0x48a43a], 2
+jne short loc_0040627a ; jne 0x40627a
+mov cl, byte [ref_0048a43b] ; mov cl, byte [0x48a43b]
+dec cl
+mov byte [ref_0048a43b], cl ; mov byte [0x48a43b], cl
+jne short loc_0040627a ; jne 0x40627a
+mov byte [ref_0048a43a], 1 ; mov byte [0x48a43a], 1
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x202
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a415] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a415]
+add ebx, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048a415], ebx ; mov dword [0x48a415], ebx
+cmp ebx, 0x500
+jl short loc_00406299 ; jl 0x406299
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [ref_0048a415], ebp ; mov dword [0x48a415], ebp
+cmp dword [ref_0048a41d], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48a41d], 0
+jne short loc_004062e5 ; jne 0x4062e5
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 0x168
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+add edx, 0x64
+mov dword [ref_0048a41d], edx ; mov dword [0x48a41d], edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048a436] ; mov dl, byte [0x48a436]
+xor dl, 1
+mov byte [ref_0048a436], dl ; mov byte [0x48a436], dl
+jne short loc_004062d9 ; jne 0x4062d9
+mov dword [ref_0048a419], 0xffffff9c ; mov dword [0x48a419], 0xffffff9c
+jmp short loc_0040632a ; jmp 0x40632a
+mov dword [ref_0048a419], 0x2e4 ; mov dword [0x48a419], 0x2e4
+jmp short loc_0040632a ; jmp 0x40632a
+cmp byte [ref_0048a436], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48a436], 0
+jne short loc_0040630e ; jne 0x40630e
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a419] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a419]
+add edi, 0xa
+mov dword [ref_0048a419], edi ; mov dword [0x48a419], edi
+cmp edi, 0x2e4
+jl short loc_0040632a ; jl 0x40632a
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048a41d], eax ; mov dword [0x48a41d], eax
+jmp short loc_0040632a ; jmp 0x40632a
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a419] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a419]
+sub edx, 0xa
+mov dword [ref_0048a419], edx ; mov dword [0x48a419], edx
+cmp edx, 0xffffff9c
+jg short loc_0040632a ; jg 0x40632a
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048a41d], ebx ; mov dword [0x48a41d], ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a415] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a415]
+push ebx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a354] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a354]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456180 ; call 0x456180
+add esp, 0xc
+mov bl, byte [ref_0048a437] ; mov bl, byte [0x48a437]
+inc bl
+mov byte [ref_0048a437], bl ; mov byte [0x48a437], bl
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, bl
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048a429] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48a429]
+jne short loc_0040637f ; jne 0x40637f
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [ref_0048a437], bh ; mov byte [0x48a437], bh
+mov al, byte [ref_0048a436] ; mov al, byte [0x48a436]
+xor al, 1
+and eax, 0xff
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a429] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a429]
+imul edx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048a437] ; mov al, byte [0x48a437]
+add eax, edx
+lea ebx, [eax + 5]
+cmp byte [ref_0048a436], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48a436], 0
+je short loc_004063b3 ; je 0x4063b3
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a419] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a419]
+add eax, 0x5a
+jmp short loc_004063bb ; jmp 0x4063bb
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a419] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a419]
+sub eax, 0x5a
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a41d] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a41d]
+push ecx
+push eax
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a3bc] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a3bc]
+push ebx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0045663e ; call 0x45663e
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ch, byte [ref_0048a438] ; mov ch, byte [0x48a438]
+inc ch
+mov byte [ref_0048a438], ch ; mov byte [0x48a438], ch
+cmp ch, 6
+jne short loc_004063f5 ; jne 0x4063f5
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0048a438], ah ; mov byte [0x48a438], ah
+cmp byte [ref_0048a436], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48a436], 0
+je short loc_00406408 ; je 0x406408
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a419] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a419]
+sub eax, 0x5a
+jmp short loc_00406410 ; jmp 0x406410
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a419] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a419]
+add eax, 0x5a
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a41d] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a41d]
+push ebp
+push eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048a436] ; mov dl, byte [0x48a436]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+lea edx, [eax + eax]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048a438] ; mov al, byte [0x48a438]
+mov al, byte [edx + eax + ref_0046ccc4] ; mov al, byte [edx + eax + 0x46ccc4]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a38c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a38c]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045663e ; call 0x45663e
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp byte [ref_0048a435], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48a435], 0
+jne near loc_00406541 ; jne 0x406541
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a421] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a421]
+cmp ecx, 0x168
+jge short loc_004064a1 ; jge 0x4064a1
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a425] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a425]
+lea ebx, [ecx + eax]
+mov dword [ref_0048a421], ebx ; mov dword [0x48a421], ebx
+lea edi, [eax - 1]
+mov dword [ref_0048a425], edi ; mov dword [0x48a425], edi
+cmp ebx, 0x168
+jle short loc_004064a1 ; jle 0x4064a1
+mov dword [ref_0048a421], 0x168 ; mov dword [0x48a421], 0x168
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a421] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a421]
+push edx
+push 0x140
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a3b8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a3b8]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a42d] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a42d]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+lea eax, [ecx + 0xc]
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov bl, byte [ref_0048a439] ; mov bl, byte [0x48a439]
+test bl, bl
+je near loc_00406574 ; je 0x406574
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, bl
+cmp byte [edx + ref_004990ef], 0 ; cmp byte [edx + 0x4990ef], 0
+jne near loc_00406574 ; jne 0x406574
+lea ebx, [edx - 1]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, 0x12c
+push eax
+push 0x140
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a431] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a431]
+add edx, ebx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3b8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3b8]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp short loc_00406574 ; jmp 0x406574
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x30
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0xf0
+push 0x140
+push ref_00463176 ; push 0x463176
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+jmp near loc_00406223 ; jmp 0x406223
+cmp byte [ref_0048a435], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48a435], 0
+jne near loc_0040672c ; jne 0x40672c
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a421] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a421]
+cmp edi, 0x168
+jne near loc_0040672c ; jne 0x40672c
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, dx
+shr edx, 0x10
+and edx, 0xffff
+and edx, 0xffff
+cmp eax, 0xc8
+jle near loc_00406736 ; jle 0x406736
+cmp eax, 0x1b8
+jge near loc_00406736 ; jge 0x406736
+cmp edx, 0x118
+jle near loc_00406736 ; jle 0x406736
+cmp edx, 0x1b8
+jge near loc_00406736 ; jge 0x406736
+sub edx, 0x118
+mov ecx, 0x28
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+lea ebx, [eax + 1]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048a439] ; mov al, byte [0x48a439]
+cmp ebx, eax
+je near loc_0040672c ; je 0x40672c
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a3b8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a3b8]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a42d] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a42d]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x10]
+mov ecx, 0x140
+sub ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x50], ecx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0xc]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x58], ecx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x12]
+mov ecx, edi
+sub ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x54], ecx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0xe]
+lea edx, [ecx + eax]
+mov dword [esp + 0x5c], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+cmp byte [ref_0048a439], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48a439], 0
+je short loc_004066a5 ; je 0x4066a5
+push edi
+push 0x140
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a3b8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a3b8]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a42d] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a42d]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add ecx, 0xc
+add eax, ecx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov byte [ref_0048a439], bl ; mov byte [0x48a439], bl
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_004990ef], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x4990ef], 0
+jne short loc_0040670d ; jne 0x40670d
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, bl
+lea edx, [eax - 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, 0x12c
+push eax
+push 0x140
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a431] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a431]
+add edx, ebx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3b8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3b8]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push ref_0048231a ; push 0x48231a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x54]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x60
+jmp near loc_00404fe4 ; jmp 0x404fe4
+cmp byte [ref_0048a439], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48a439], 0
+je short loc_0040672c ; je 0x40672c
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a3b8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a3b8]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a42d] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a42d]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x10]
+mov ecx, 0x140
+sub ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x50], ecx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0xc]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x58], ecx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x12]
+mov ecx, 0x168
+sub ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x54], ecx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0xe]
+lea edx, [ecx + eax]
+mov dword [esp + 0x5c], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x168
+push 0x140
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a3b8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a3b8]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a42d] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a42d]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+lea edx, [ecx + 0xc]
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0048a439], ah ; mov byte [0x48a439], ah
+jmp near loc_0040671d ; jmp 0x40671d
+cmp byte [ref_0048a435], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48a435], 0
+jne near loc_0040695d ; jne 0x40695d
+cmp dword [ref_0048a421], 0x168 ; cmp dword [0x48a421], 0x168
+jne near loc_0040672c ; jne 0x40672c
+mov dh, byte [ref_0048a439] ; mov dh, byte [0x48a439]
+test dh, dh
+je near loc_0040672c ; je 0x40672c
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, dh
+cmp byte [eax + ref_004990ef], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x4990ef], 0
+jne near loc_0040672c ; jne 0x40672c
+push 0
+push ref_0048232a ; push 0x48232a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a3b8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a3b8]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a42d] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a42d]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+movsx ecx, word [edx + eax*4 + 0x10]
+mov ebx, 0x140
+sub ebx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x50], ebx
+movsx ecx, word [edx + eax*4 + 0xc]
+add ebx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x58], ebx
+movsx ecx, word [edx + eax*4 + 0x12]
+mov ebx, 0x168
+sub ebx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x54], ebx
+movsx eax, word [edx + eax*4 + 0xe]
+lea ecx, [ebx + eax]
+mov dword [esp + 0x5c], ecx
+push 8
+push 0xd6
+lea eax, [edx + 0x6c]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048a439] ; mov al, byte [0x48a439]
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a431] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a431]
+add ebx, eax
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048a439] ; mov dl, byte [0x48a439]
+lea ebx, [edx - 1]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, 0x12c
+push eax
+push 0x140
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a431] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a431]
+add edx, ecx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3b8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3b8]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048a439] ; mov al, byte [0x48a439]
+dec eax
+mov word [ref_004991b8], ax ; mov word [0x4991b8], ax
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x54]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov byte [ref_0048a43a], 2 ; mov byte [0x48a43a], 2
+mov byte [ref_0048a43b], 0xa ; mov byte [0x48a43b], 0xa
+jmp near loc_0040672c ; jmp 0x40672c
+mov byte [ref_0048a43a], 1 ; mov byte [0x48a43a], 1
+jmp near loc_0040672c ; jmp 0x40672c
+cmp byte [ref_0048a435], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48a435], 0
+je near loc_0040672c ; je 0x40672c
+mov byte [ref_0048a43a], 1 ; mov byte [0x48a43a], 1
+jmp short loc_0040698c ; jmp 0x40698c
+cmp byte [ref_0048a43a], 1 ; cmp byte [0x48a43a], 1
+jne near loc_0040672c ; jne 0x40672c
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a411] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a411]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0040672c ; jmp 0x40672c
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+cmp dword [esp + 0xc], 0
+jne near loc_00406ab0 ; jne 0x406ab0
+cmp dword [esp + 0x14], 0x1e0
+jne near loc_00406ab0 ; jne 0x406ab0
+cmp byte [ref_0048a435], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48a435], 0
+jne near loc_00406ab0 ; jne 0x406ab0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x50]
+push eax
+call fcn_004024c0 ; call 0x4024c0
+add esp, 4
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x280
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x54]
+test edx, edx
+jle short loc_00406a30 ; jle 0x406a30
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea edx, [esp + 0x44]
+push edx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebx
+push ebp
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0dc]
+push edx
+call dword [eax + 0x1c] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x54]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x5c]
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x44]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x50]
+push ebx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x50]
+push edi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push 0
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x5c]
+cmp ebp, 0x1e0
+jge short loc_00406aed ; jge 0x406aed
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x1e0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x44]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+push ebp
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x50]
+push edi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+jmp short loc_00406aed ; jmp 0x406aed
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push edi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_0040672c ; jmp 0x40672c
+push edx
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x80]
+push ebp
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_0040672e ; jmp 0x40672e
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x50
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x64]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x68]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+cmp eax, 0x113
+jb short loc_00406b5d ; jb 0x406b5d
+jbe near loc_00406c52 ; jbe 0x406c52
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb short loc_00406b4d ; jb 0x406b4d
+jbe near loc_00406d60 ; jbe 0x406d60
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_00406b7c ; je 0x406b7c
+jmp near loc_00406dd3 ; jmp 0x406dd3
+cmp eax, 0x202
+je near loc_00406d50 ; je 0x406d50
+jmp near loc_00406dd3 ; jmp 0x406dd3
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jb near loc_00406dd3 ; jb 0x406dd3
+jbe near loc_00406d95 ; jbe 0x406d95
+cmp eax, 0x101
+je near loc_00406d40 ; je 0x406d40
+jmp near loc_00406dd3 ; jmp 0x406dd3
+mov dword [ref_0048a440], 0xa ; mov dword [0x48a440], 0xa
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048a444], ecx ; mov dword [0x48a444], ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push ecx
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+push 0x1e0
+push 0x280
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_00451a97 ; call 0x451a97
+add esp, 0x18
+mov dword [ref_0048a448], eax ; mov dword [0x48a448], eax
+push 0x78
+push 0x140
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3a8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3a8]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x15e
+push 0x140
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3a8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3a8]
+add eax, 0x84
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0x3e8
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov ebp, dword [0x46cad8]
+push ebp
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTimer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462324]
+mov dword [ref_0048a43c], eax ; mov dword [0x48a43c], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x50
+jmp near loc_00404fe4 ; jmp 0x404fe4
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je short loc_00406c48 ; je 0x406c48
+cmp edx, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; cmp edx, dword [0x46cad8]
+jne short loc_00406c48 ; jne 0x406c48
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a440] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a440]
+dec edi
+mov dword [ref_0048a440], edi ; mov dword [0x48a440], edi
+je near loc_00406d2c ; je 0x406d2c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x64
+push 0x50
+push 0x12c
+push 0x118
+push 0x12c
+push 0x118
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a448] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a448]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x15e
+push 0x140
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a3a8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a3a8]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a440] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a440]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+lea eax, [ecx + 0xc]
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x118
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x168
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0x12c
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x190
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+jmp near loc_00406c40 ; jmp 0x406c40
+push edi
+push edi
+push 0x205
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+jmp near loc_00406c48 ; jmp 0x406c48
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ref_00497178] ; mov ax, word [0x497178]
+cmp edx, eax
+jne near loc_00406c48 ; jne 0x406c48
+mov dword [ref_0048a444], 1 ; mov dword [0x48a444], 1
+push 0
+push 0
+jmp short loc_00406d2e ; jmp 0x406d2e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a43c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a43c]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+push 0
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a448] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a448]
+push edx
+call fcn_00451edb ; call 0x451edb
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a444] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a444]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00406c48 ; jmp 0x406c48
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push edi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_00406c48 ; jmp 0x406c48
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x70]
+push ebp
+push edx
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_00406c4a ; jmp 0x406c4a
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+push ref_0046ccd0 ; push 0x46ccd0
+call fcn_00454176 ; call 0x454176
+add esp, 4
+push 0x96000
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048a354], eax ; mov dword [0x48a354], eax
+push 0x96000
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048a358], eax ; mov dword [0x48a358], eax
+push ref_00463187 ; push 0x463187
+call fcn_004502fe ; call 0x4502fe
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048a3b0], eax ; mov dword [0x48a3b0], eax
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a358] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a358]
+push edx
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b6]
+shl edx, 2
+movsx ecx, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx ecx, word [0x4991b8]
+add edx, ecx
+push edx
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0xfffffffffffffff0
+push 0x96000
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a358] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a358]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a354] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a354]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004552b7 ; call 0x4552b7
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x9b
+push 0x1b8
+call fcn_00451a5a ; call 0x451a5a
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048a3a4], eax ; mov dword [0x48a3a4], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x1cd
+push 0xc0
+call fcn_00451a5a ; call 0x451a5a
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048a3a0], eax ; mov dword [0x48a3a0], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 8
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a3b0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a3b0]
+push esi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048a3b8], eax ; mov dword [0x48a3b8], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 2
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048a3c0], eax ; mov dword [0x48a3c0], eax
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [ref_0048a3ac], ebp ; mov dword [0x48a3ac], ebp
+cmp dword [esp + 0x24], 0
+jne short loc_00406f3f ; jne 0x406f3f
+xor edx, edx
+mov word [ref_004991b8], dx ; mov word [0x4991b8], dx
+push 0xc
+push ebp
+push ref_004990f4 ; push 0x4990f4
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x1c
+push ebp
+push ref_0046cb3c ; push 0x46cb3c
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+mov dword [ref_0046cb3c], 2 ; mov dword [0x46cb3c], 2
+mov dword [ref_0046cb40], 1 ; mov dword [0x46cb40], 1
+push 0x30
+push ebp
+push ref_0048a35c ; push 0x48a35c
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp near loc_00406ff6 ; jmp 0x406ff6
+mov eax, dword [ref_00499114] ; mov eax, dword [0x499114]
+sub eax, 2
+mov dword [ref_0046cb3c], eax ; mov dword [0x46cb3c], eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049908c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49908c]
+jmp short loc_00406f5c ; jmp 0x406f5c
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 6
+jge short loc_00406f6b ; jge 0x406f6b
+cmp esi, dword [ebx*4 + ref_0046cb94] ; cmp esi, dword [ebx*4 + 0x46cb94]
+jne short loc_00406f56 ; jne 0x406f56
+mov dword [ref_0046cb40], ebx ; mov dword [0x46cb40], ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_00499118] ; mov eax, dword [0x499118]
+mov dword [ref_0046cb44], eax ; mov dword [0x46cb44], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00499110] ; mov eax, dword [0x499110]
+mov dword [ref_0046cb48], eax ; mov dword [0x46cb48], eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049911c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49911c]
+jmp short loc_00406f8f ; jmp 0x406f8f
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 6
+jge short loc_00406f9e ; jge 0x406f9e
+cmp edi, dword [ebx*4 + ref_0046cbe8] ; cmp edi, dword [ebx*4 + 0x46cbe8]
+jne short loc_00406f89 ; jne 0x406f89
+mov dword [ref_0046cb4c], ebx ; mov dword [0x46cb4c], ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00499108] ; mov edx, dword [0x499108]
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049908c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49908c]
+idiv ebp
+mov edx, eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00406fbd ; jmp 0x406fbd
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 6
+jge short loc_00406fcc ; jge 0x406fcc
+cmp edx, dword [ebx*4 + ref_0046cc00] ; cmp edx, dword [ebx*4 + 0x46cc00]
+jne short loc_00406fb7 ; jne 0x406fb7
+mov dword [ref_0046cb50], ebx ; mov dword [0x46cb50], ebx
+push 0x30
+push 0
+push ref_0048a35c ; push 0x48a35c
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [0x496b7b]
+mov byte [eax + ref_004990f4], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x4990f4], 1
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_00404d0a ; call 0x404d0a
+add esp, 8
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b8]
+mov dword [ref_0046cb54], eax ; mov dword [0x46cb54], eax
+push 0x85
+push 0x29
+push 0xf
+push 0x8a
+push 0
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b6]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+lea edx, [eax + 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3b8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3b8]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+call fcn_00451a97 ; call 0x451a97
+add esp, 0x18
+mov dword [ref_0048a390], eax ; mov dword [0x48a390], eax
+push 0x27
+push 0x4f
+push 0xa6
+push 0xb
+push 0
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b6]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+lea edx, [eax + 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a3b8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a3b8]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+call fcn_00451a97 ; call 0x451a97
+add esp, 0x18
+mov dword [ref_0048a398], eax ; mov dword [0x48a398], eax
+push 0x27
+push 0x4f
+push 0xa6
+push 0x63
+push 0
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b6]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+lea edx, [eax + 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a3b8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a3b8]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+call fcn_00451a97 ; call 0x451a97
+add esp, 0x18
+mov dword [ref_0048a394], eax ; mov dword [0x48a394], eax
+push 0x18
+push 0x17
+push 0xd8
+push 0x9d
+push 0
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b6]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+lea edx, [eax + 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3b8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3b8]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+call fcn_00451a97 ; call 0x451a97
+add esp, 0x18
+mov dword [ref_0048a39c], eax ; mov dword [0x48a39c], eax
+push 0x8001
+call fcn_004549cf ; call 0x4549cf
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+push ebx
+push fcn_00404e44 ; push 0x404e44
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a3b0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a3b0]
+push esi
+call fcn_00450404 ; call 0x450404
+add esp, 4
+cmp ebx, 1
+jne near loc_004074c9 ; jne 0x4074c9
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb3c] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb3c]
+add eax, 2
+mov dword [ref_00499114], eax ; mov dword [0x499114], eax
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [ref_00499104], edi ; mov dword [0x499104], edi
+mov dword [ref_0049910c], edi ; mov dword [0x49910c], edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb40] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb40]
+mov eax, dword [eax*4 + ref_0046cb94] ; mov eax, dword [eax*4 + 0x46cb94]
+mov dword [ref_0049908c], eax ; mov dword [0x49908c], eax
+push 0x3c
+push edi
+push ref_00499120 ; push 0x499120
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x3c
+push edi
+push ref_0049915c ; push 0x49915c
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov al, byte [ebx*8 + ref_0047fdf6] ; mov al, byte [ebx*8 + 0x47fdf6]
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00499198], al ; mov byte [ebx + 0x499198], al
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0x1e
+jl short loc_004071a5 ; jl 0x4071a5
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov al, byte [ebx*8 + ref_0047fee6] ; mov al, byte [ebx*8 + 0x47fee6]
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00497320], al ; mov byte [ebx + 0x497320], al
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 8
+jl short loc_004071ba ; jl 0x4071ba
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp near loc_0040726f ; jmp 0x40726f
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + ref_00496b81] ; mov al, byte [esi + 0x496b81]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], eax
+fild word [esp + 0xc]
+fild dword [ref_0049908c] ; fild dword [0x49908c]
+fdiv dword [ref_00463190] ; fdiv dword [0x463190]
+fmulp st1 ; fmulp st(1)
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp]
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+mov dword [esi + ref_00496b84], eax ; mov dword [esi + 0x496b84], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049908c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49908c]
+mov edx, dword [esi + ref_00496b84] ; mov edx, dword [esi + 0x496b84]
+sub eax, edx
+mov dword [esi + ref_00496b88], eax ; mov dword [esi + 0x496b88], eax
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov dl, byte [ref_0046cb44] ; mov dl, byte [0x46cb44]
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b79], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b79], dl
+test dl, dl
+je short loc_00407236 ; je 0x407236
+mov al, dl
+and eax, 0xff
+dec byte [eax + ref_00497323] ; dec byte [eax + 0x497323]
+mov dl, byte [ref_0046cb44] ; mov dl, byte [0x46cb44]
+inc dl
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7a], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7a], dl
+test byte [eax + ref_00496bcc], 1 ; test byte [eax + 0x496bcc], 1
+je short loc_00407265 ; je 0x407265
+inc dword [ref_00499104] ; inc dword [0x499104]
+jmp short loc_00407265 ; jmp 0x407265
+push 0x68
+push 0
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge near loc_00407319 ; jge 0x407319
+imul esi, ebx, 0x68
+mov ebp, ref_00496b68 ; mov ebp, 0x496b68
+add ebp, esi
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_00407258 ; jge 0x407258
+push 1
+push ebx
+call fcn_00445a4d ; call 0x445a4d
+add esp, 8
+push 2
+push ebx
+call fcn_00445a4d ; call 0x445a4d
+add esp, 8
+push 3
+push ebx
+call fcn_00445a4d ; call 0x445a4d
+add esp, 8
+push 4
+push ebx
+call fcn_00445a4d ; call 0x445a4d
+add esp, 8
+push 8
+push ebx
+call fcn_00445a4d ; call 0x445a4d
+add esp, 8
+push 9
+push ebx
+call fcn_00445a4d ; call 0x445a4d
+add esp, 8
+push 0x68
+mov edi, ebx
+shl edi, 2
+sub edi, ebx
+shl edi, 2
+mov eax, dword [edi + ref_0048a35c] ; mov eax, dword [edi + 0x48a35c]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+add eax, ref_0047e80c ; add eax, 0x47e80c
+push eax
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [edi + ref_0048a35c] ; mov eax, dword [edi + 0x48a35c]
+sar eax, 0x1f
+and eax, 1
+inc eax
+mov byte [esi + ref_00496bcc], al ; mov byte [esi + 0x496bcc], al
+test al, 1
+je near loc_004071d4 ; je 0x4071d4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049908c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49908c]
+sar eax, 1
+mov dword [esi + ref_00496b84], eax ; mov dword [esi + 0x496b84], eax
+jmp near loc_00407210 ; jmp 0x407210
+push 0x50
+push ref_0047ecec ; push 0x47ecec
+push ref_00498e28 ; push 0x498e28
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 8
+push 0
+push ref_00496b30 ; push 0x496b30
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+push 8
+push 0
+push ref_00496b60 ; push 0x496b60
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+mov dh, 1
+mov byte [ref_00496b34], dh ; mov byte [0x496b34], dh
+mov byte [ref_00496b35], dh ; mov byte [0x496b35], dh
+mov byte [ref_00496b66], dh ; mov byte [0x496b66], dh
+mov byte [ref_00496b67], dh ; mov byte [0x496b67], dh
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb44] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb44]
+mov dword [ref_00499118], eax ; mov dword [0x499118], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb48] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb48]
+mov dword [ref_00499110], eax ; mov dword [0x499110], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb4c] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb4c]
+mov eax, dword [eax*4 + ref_0046cbe8] ; mov eax, dword [eax*4 + 0x46cbe8]
+mov dword [ref_0049911c], eax ; mov dword [0x49911c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cb50] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cb50]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049908c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49908c]
+mov eax, dword [eax*4 + ref_0046cc00] ; mov eax, dword [eax*4 + 0x46cc00]
+imul eax, edx
+mov dword [ref_00499108], eax ; mov dword [0x499108], eax
+mov ax, word [ref_0046cb54] ; mov ax, word [0x46cb54]
+mov word [ref_004991b8], ax ; mov word [0x4991b8], ax
+mov dword [ref_004990e8], 1 ; mov dword [0x4990e8], 1
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [ref_004990e4], esi ; mov dword [0x4990e4], esi
+mov dword [ref_00499084], esi ; mov dword [0x499084], esi
+mov dword [ref_004990dc], esi ; mov dword [0x4990dc], esi
+mov dword [ref_004990ec], esi ; mov dword [0x4990ec], esi
+mov dword [ref_00499100], esi ; mov dword [0x499100], esi
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_004073e8 ; jmp 0x4073e8
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jge short loc_0040740b ; jge 0x40740b
+xor edx, edx
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+lea ecx, [ebx + eax]
+shl ecx, 6
+mov eax, edx
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [ecx + eax*4 + ref_00497328], esi ; mov dword [ecx + eax*4 + 0x497328], esi
+inc edx
+cmp edx, 0x90
+jl short loc_004073ea ; jl 0x4073ea
+jmp short loc_004073e2 ; jmp 0x4073e2
+push 0x1b0
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b6]
+shl eax, 2
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b8]
+add edx, eax
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ref_0047f072 ; add eax, 0x47f072
+push eax
+push ref_00496980 ; push 0x496980
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 8], esi
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+fld dword [esp + 8]
+fadd dword [eax*4 + ref_0049698c] ; fadd dword [eax*4 + 0x49698c]
+fstp dword [esp + 8]
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jl short loc_0040744d ; jl 0x40744d
+fld dword [esp + 8]
+fmul dword [ref_00463194] ; fmul dword [0x463194]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [ref_0049907c] ; fistp dword [0x49907c]
+push 0x150
+push 0
+push ref_004967e0 ; push 0x4967e0
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x180
+push 0
+push ref_004971a0 ; push 0x4971a0
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x24
+push 0
+push ref_004990b8 ; push 0x4990b8
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [ref_00499080], ebp ; mov dword [0x499080], ebp
+call fcn_00448b81 ; call 0x448b81
+call fcn_0044baea ; call 0x44baea
+push ref_0046ccd0 ; push 0x46ccd0
+call fcn_00454240 ; call 0x454240
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a390] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a390]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a398] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a398]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a394] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a394]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a39c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a39c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0040751b ; jmp 0x40751b
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_0040753a ; jge 0x40753a
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_0048a364] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x48a364]
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00407515 ; je 0x407515
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_00407515 ; jmp 0x407515
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov al, 2
+jmp short loc_0040754c ; jmp 0x40754c
+mov byte [ebx + ref_004990f4], al ; mov byte [ebx + 0x4990f4], al
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jge short loc_0040755f ; jge 0x40755f
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_004990f4], 4 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x4990f4], 4
+je short loc_00407540 ; je 0x407540
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ebx + ref_004990f4], ah ; mov byte [ebx + 0x4990f4], ah
+jmp short loc_00407546 ; jmp 0x407546
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a3a0] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a3a0]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a3a4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a3a4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a3c0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a3c0]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a3b8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a3b8]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a358] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a358]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a354] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a354]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+jmp near loc_004044fc ; jmp 0x4044fc
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x14
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b8]
+mov byte [eax + ref_004990f0], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x4990f0], 1
+push ref_00463187 ; push 0x463187
+call fcn_004502fe ; call 0x4502fe
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048a3b0], eax ; mov dword [0x48a3b0], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b6]
+shl edx, 2
+movsx ecx, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx ecx, word [0x4991b8]
+add edx, ecx
+push edx
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048a354], eax ; mov dword [0x48a354], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a3b0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a3b0]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048a3b8], eax ; mov dword [0x48a3b8], eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a3b0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a3b0]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450404 ; call 0x450404
+add esp, 4
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_00499114] ; mov esi, dword [0x499114]
+cmp ebx, esi
+jge short loc_00407652 ; jge 0x407652
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+jne short loc_00407652 ; jne 0x407652
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0040763f ; jmp 0x40763f
+imul ebx, ebx, 0x68
+movzx ebp, byte [ebx + ref_00496b7b] ; movzx ebp, byte [ebx + 0x496b7b]
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [ebp + 0x64]
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a05c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048a3bc], eax ; mov dword [0x48a3bc], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x5d
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a05c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048a38c], eax ; mov dword [0x48a38c], eax
+cmp word [ref_004991b6], 0 ; cmp word [0x4991b6], 0
+je short loc_004076a2 ; je 0x4076a2
+mov esi, 0x14
+jmp short loc_004076a7 ; jmp 0x4076a7
+mov esi, 0xf
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor edi, edi
+jmp short loc_004076b3 ; jmp 0x4076b3
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_00407726 ; jge 0x407726
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_004990f0], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x4990f0], 0
+je short loc_004076ad ; je 0x4076ad
+push 0x16
+push 0x20
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a3b8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a3b8]
+lea eax, [ecx + 0x84]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebx + esi]
+lea edx, [eax - 4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add ecx, 0xc
+add eax, ecx
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, 0x1c
+push eax
+push 0xdc
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a3b8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a3b8]
+lea eax, [edx + 0x84]
+push eax
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+inc edi
+jmp short loc_004076ad ; jmp 0x4076ad
+cmp edi, 4
+jge short loc_0040778f ; jge 0x40778f
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x96000
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a354] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a354]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0x8006
+call fcn_004549cf ; call 0x4549cf
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push fcn_004060e9 ; push 0x4060e9
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_00454acb ; call 0x454acb
+jmp short loc_004077fe ; jmp 0x4077fe
+cmp word [ref_004991b6], 0 ; cmp word [0x4991b6], 0
+je short loc_004077cf ; je 0x4077cf
+inc ebp
+push ebp
+push ref_00463198 ; push 0x463198
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push ref_0046cadc ; push 0x46cadc
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451677 ; call 0x451677
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push ref_0046cadc ; push 0x46cadc
+push ref_004631a4 ; push 0x4631a4
+jmp short loc_004077ef ; jmp 0x4077ef
+push 0
+push ref_0046cadc ; push 0x46cadc
+push ref_004631af ; push 0x4631af
+call fcn_00451677 ; call 0x451677
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push ref_0046cadc ; push 0x46cadc
+push ref_004631b7 ; push 0x4631b7
+call fcn_00451677 ; call 0x451677
+add esp, 0xc
+mov byte [ref_0046caf9], 1 ; mov byte [0x46caf9], 1
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a354] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a354]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a3b8] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a3b8]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a3bc] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a3bc]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a38c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a38c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x14
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x70
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048a3a8], eax ; mov dword [0x48a3a8], eax
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+test ecx, ecx
+jne near loc_00407912 ; jne 0x407912
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push ecx
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a078] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a078]
+sar eax, 1
+mov word [ref_0046caec], ax ; mov word [0x46caec], ax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+push 0x1b8
+push 0x1b8
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_00451a97 ; call 0x451a97
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov word [ref_0046caec], 0x280 ; mov word [0x46caec], 0x280
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push fcn_00406b14 ; push 0x406b14
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_004079de ; je 0x4079de
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov ebp, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_004808b2] ; mov ebp, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x4808b2]
+push ebp
+push 3
+mov eax, edi
+or ah, 0x80
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_004079a9 ; jne 0x4079a9
+push eax
+push eax
+push 0x22c
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ref_00475110], ecx ; mov dword [0x475110], ecx
+push 0x65
+push 1
+push 0x28
+push ecx
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, 1
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp eax, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_004079d0 ; jge 0x4079d0
+imul edx, eax, 0x68
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x496b7b]
+and edx, 0xff
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [edx + ref_004990f4], bl ; mov byte [edx + 0x4990f4], bl
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_004079ae ; jmp 0x4079ae
+mov byte [ref_00496b7d], 1 ; mov byte [0x496b7d], 1
+mov ebx, 4
+jmp short loc_004079e3 ; jmp 0x4079e3
+mov ebx, 1
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a3a8] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a3a8]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+xor eax, eax
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov bx, word [ebx]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov dx, word [edx]
+movsx esi, bx
+movsx ecx, dx
+cmp esi, ecx
+jle short loc_00407a1a ; jle 0x407a1a
+mov eax, 1
+movsx ecx, bx
+movsx edx, dx
+cmp ecx, edx
+jge short loc_00407a29 ; jge 0x407a29
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+and edx, 0x1f
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+and ebx, 0x1f
+mov eax, dword [ref_00499088] ; mov eax, dword [0x499088]
+movsx ecx, byte [eax*4 + ref_00474910] ; movsx ecx, byte [eax*4 + 0x474910]
+imul ecx, edx
+sar ecx, 5
+movsx esi, byte [eax*4 + ref_00474912] ; movsx esi, byte [eax*4 + 0x474912]
+imul esi, ebx
+sar esi, 5
+add ecx, esi
+movsx esi, byte [eax*4 + ref_00474911] ; movsx esi, byte [eax*4 + 0x474911]
+imul edx, esi
+sar edx, 5
+movsx eax, byte [eax*4 + ref_00474913] ; movsx eax, byte [eax*4 + 0x474913]
+imul eax, ebx
+sar eax, 5
+add edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov dword [eax], ecx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov dword [eax], edx
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e80]
+lea edx, [ebx + eax]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+movsx ebx, word [eax]
+movsx ecx, word [edx]
+sub ebx, ecx
+movsx ecx, word [eax + 2]
+movsx eax, word [edx + 2]
+sub ecx, eax
+push ecx
+push ebx
+call fcn_00454fb4 ; call 0x454fb4
+add esp, 8
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+call fcn_004080f5 ; call 0x4080f5
+push ref_004631c0 ; push 0x4631c0
+call fcn_004502fe ; call 0x4502fe
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, eax
+push 0
+push 0
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b6]
+shl edx, 2
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b8]
+add eax, edx
+add eax, eax
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_00474945], eax ; mov dword [0x474945], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b6]
+shl eax, 2
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b8]
+add eax, edx
+add eax, 0x10
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048badc], eax ; mov dword [0x48badc], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b6]
+shl eax, 2
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b8]
+add eax, edx
+add eax, 0x10
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bad0], eax ; mov dword [0x48bad0], eax
+push 0x200
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474945] ; mov eax, dword [0x474945]
+add eax, 0x10
+push eax
+push ref_0048b6b4 ; push 0x48b6b4
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474945] ; mov eax, dword [0x474945]
+lea edx, [eax + 0x210]
+mov dword [ref_0048bac4], edx ; mov dword [0x48bac4], edx
+add eax, 0x2a90
+mov dword [ref_0048bacc], eax ; mov dword [0x48bacc], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x18
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_00474949], eax ; mov dword [0x474949], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x1a
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0047494d], eax ; mov dword [0x47494d], eax
+cmp dword [ref_0047493c], 0 ; cmp dword [0x47493c], 0
+jne near loc_00407e0b ; jne 0x407e0b
+push ref_004631c8 ; push 0x4631c8
+call fcn_004502fe ; call 0x4502fe
+mov esi, eax
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00407c16 ; je 0x407c16
+push 0
+push 0
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b6]
+shl eax, 2
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b8]
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+push esi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0047493c], eax ; mov dword [0x47493c], eax
+push esi
+call fcn_00450404 ; call 0x450404
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_00407c3f ; jmp 0x407c3f
+push 0
+push 0
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b6]
+shl eax, 2
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b8]
+add eax, edx
+add eax, eax
+inc eax
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0047493c], eax ; mov dword [0x47493c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047493c] ; mov eax, dword [0x47493c]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+mov dword [ref_00498e9c], edx ; mov dword [0x498e9c], edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + 4]
+lea ebx, [eax + edx]
+mov dword [ref_00498e80], ebx ; mov dword [0x498e80], ebx
+mov edx, dword [eax + 8]
+mov dword [ref_00498e98], edx ; mov dword [0x498e98], edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + 0xc]
+lea ebx, [eax + edx]
+mov dword [ref_00498e84], ebx ; mov dword [0x498e84], ebx
+mov edx, dword [eax + 0x10]
+mov dword [ref_00498e8c], edx ; mov dword [0x498e8c], edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + 0x14]
+lea ebx, [eax + edx]
+mov dword [ref_00498e88], ebx ; mov dword [0x498e88], ebx
+mov edx, dword [eax + 0x18]
+mov dword [ref_00498e90], edx ; mov dword [0x498e90], edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + 0x1c]
+lea ebx, [eax + edx]
+mov dword [ref_00498e7c], ebx ; mov dword [0x498e7c], ebx
+mov edx, dword [eax + 0x20]
+mov dword [ref_00499074], edx ; mov dword [0x499074], edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + 0x24]
+lea ebx, [eax + edx]
+mov dword [ref_00498e78], ebx ; mov dword [0x498e78], ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00499074] ; mov edx, dword [0x499074]
+shl edx, 2
+mov ebx, edx
+shl edx, 3
+sub edx, ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e78] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e78]
+add edx, ebx
+add edx, 0x1c
+sub edx, eax
+mov dword [ref_00498e94], edx ; mov dword [0x498e94], edx
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_00407d3a ; jge 0x407d3a
+push 0x2718
+push 0
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov esi, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add esi, eax
+mov eax, ref_0048cb80 ; mov eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, esi
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00498e94] ; mov ebp, dword [0x498e94]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esi + ref_0048f294], eax ; mov dword [esi + 0x48f294], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e94] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e94]
+push eax
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [esi + ref_0048f294] ; mov edx, dword [esi + 0x48f294]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00407cd1 ; jmp 0x407cd1
+push 0x450
+push 0
+push ref_00496d08 ; push 0x496d08
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + ref_0047ed3c] ; mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x47ed3c]
+mov byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d08], dl ; mov byte [eax*8 + 0x496d08], dl
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0x2e
+jl short loc_00407d50 ; jl 0x407d50
+mov ebx, 1
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0040aa6c ; call 0x40aa6c
+add esp, 4
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040e033 ; call 0x40e033
+add esp, 0x10
+add ebx, 2
+cmp ebx, 0xb
+jle short loc_00407d6f ; jle 0x407d6f
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0040aa6c ; call 0x40aa6c
+add esp, 4
+push eax
+push 0xd
+call fcn_0040e033 ; call 0x40e033
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0040aa6c ; call 0x40aa6c
+add esp, 4
+push eax
+push 0xe
+call fcn_0040e033 ; call 0x40e033
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ebx, 1
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00498e90] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x498e90]
+jg short loc_00407dfe ; jg 0x407dfe
+imul esi, ebx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e7c]
+add esi, eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esi + 0x19]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov ax, word [eax*4 + ref_00496988] ; mov ax, word [eax*4 + 0x496988]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov edx, 0x2710
+sub edx, eax
+mov dword [esi + 0x30], edx
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00407dc6 ; jmp 0x407dc6
+call fcn_0042915a ; call 0x42915a
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_00499088], ebx ; mov dword [0x499088], ebx
+xor ebx, ebx
+push 0
+push 0
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b6]
+shl eax, 2
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b8]
+lea esi, [edx + eax]
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, esi
+add eax, ebx
+add eax, 0x27
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx*4 + ref_0048ae4c], eax ; mov dword [ebx*4 + 0x48ae4c], eax
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 5
+jl short loc_00407e0d ; jl 0x407e0d
+push 0
+push 0
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b8]
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b6]
+shl eax, 2
+add edx, 0x4f
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048ae60], eax ; mov dword [0x48ae60], eax
+cmp word [ref_004991b6], 0 ; cmp word [0x4991b6], 0
+jne short loc_00407e9d ; jne 0x407e9d
+xor ebx, ebx
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [ebx + 0x57]
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx*4 + ref_0048ae64], eax ; mov dword [ebx*4 + 0x48ae64], eax
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0x11
+jl short loc_00407e7d ; jl 0x407e7d
+jmp short loc_00407ece ; jmp 0x407ece
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, edx
+lea esi, [eax + 0x68]
+xor ebx, ebx
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [esi + ebx]
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx*4 + ref_0048ae64], eax ; mov dword [ebx*4 + 0x48ae64], eax
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0x11
+jl short loc_00407eb0 ; jl 0x407eb0
+mov ebx, 1
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00498e90] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x498e90]
+jg short loc_00407f17 ; jg 0x407f17
+imul eax, ebx, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e7c]
+mov ax, word [edx + eax + 0x20]
+and eax, 0xffff
+je short loc_00407f14 ; je 0x407f14
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+mov ebp, dword [esi + ref_0048ae4c] ; mov ebp, dword [esi + 0x48ae4c]
+test ebp, ebp
+jne short loc_00407f14 ; jne 0x407f14
+push ebp
+push ebp
+add eax, 0x26
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [esi + ref_0048ae4c], eax ; mov dword [esi + 0x48ae4c], eax
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00407ed3 ; jmp 0x407ed3
+mov ebx, 1
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499074] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499074]
+jg short loc_00407f68 ; jg 0x407f68
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 3
+sub edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e78] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e78]
+mov ax, word [edx + eax + 0x1a]
+and eax, 0xffff
+je short loc_00407f65 ; je 0x407f65
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+mov edx, dword [esi + ref_0048ae4c] ; mov edx, dword [esi + 0x48ae4c]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_00407f65 ; jne 0x407f65
+push edx
+push edx
+add eax, 0x26
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [esi + ref_0048ae4c], eax ; mov dword [esi + 0x48ae4c], eax
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00407f1c ; jmp 0x407f1c
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x19
+push edi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048aea8], eax ; mov dword [0x48aea8], eax
+push 0x1d4
+push 0
+push ref_00498ea0 ; push 0x498ea0
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00407f9e ; jmp 0x407f9e
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 9
+jge near loc_0040801a ; jge 0x40801a
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_00407fff ; jge 0x407fff
+push 0
+push 0
+imul esi, ebx, 0x68
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [esi + 0x496b7b]
+add eax, 0x1b
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov edx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, ebx, 0x34
+mov dword [eax + ref_00498eb0], edx ; mov dword [eax + 0x498eb0], edx
+cmp byte [esi + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [esi + 0x496b7d], 0
+jne short loc_00407fff ; jne 0x407fff
+cmp byte [esi + ref_00496bcc], 0 ; cmp byte [esi + 0x496bcc], 0
+jne short loc_00407fff ; jne 0x407fff
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0xe]
+push edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0xc]
+push edx
+push 0
+push 0
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_004553fe ; call 0x4553fe
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jl short loc_0040800c ; jl 0x40800c
+cmp ebx, 4
+jl short loc_00407f94 ; jl 0x407f94
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040b93b ; call 0x40b93b
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00407f94 ; jmp 0x407f94
+push edi
+call fcn_00450404 ; call 0x450404
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, 1
+mov edi, dword [ref_00498e9c] ; mov edi, dword [0x498e9c]
+cmp ebx, edi
+jg short loc_00408072 ; jg 0x408072
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e80]
+cmp word [edx + eax*8 + 0x20], 0x1f41
+jne short loc_0040804f ; jne 0x40804f
+mov word [ref_0048bae2], bx ; mov word [0x48bae2], bx
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+lea edx, [ebx + eax]
+shl edx, 3
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+cmp word [edx + eax + 0x20], 0x1f42
+jne short loc_0040806f ; jne 0x40806f
+mov word [ref_0048bae0], bx ; mov word [0x48bae0], bx
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0040802e ; jmp 0x40802e
+call fcn_00428caf ; call 0x428caf
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x205
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bad8], eax ; mov dword [0x48bad8], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x207
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bad4], eax ; mov dword [0x48bad4], eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [ebx + 0x18c]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx*4 + ref_00496930], eax ; mov dword [ebx*4 + 0x496930], eax
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0x14
+jl short loc_004080b2 ; jl 0x4080b2
+push ref_0048234a ; push 0x48234a
+call fcn_00454176 ; call 0x454176
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_0040a4e1 ; call 0x40a4e1
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [ref_00474945] ; mov edx, dword [0x474945]
+test edx, edx
+je near loc_0040825c ; je 0x40825c
+push edx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048badc] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48badc]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048bad0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48bad0]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, dword [ref_0047493c] ; mov edi, dword [0x47493c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00474949] ; mov ebp, dword [0x474949]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047494d] ; mov eax, dword [0x47494d]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00408167 ; jmp 0x408167
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0x118
+jge short loc_00408189 ; jge 0x408189
+mov esi, ebx
+shl esi, 2
+mov edx, dword [esi + ref_0048ae4c] ; mov edx, dword [esi + 0x48ae4c]
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_0040815e ; je 0x40815e
+push edx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esi + ref_0048ae4c], edi ; mov dword [esi + 0x48ae4c], edi
+jmp short loc_0040815e ; jmp 0x40815e
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48bad8]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0040820c ; jge 0x40820c
+imul esi, ebx, 0x34
+mov ecx, dword [esi + ref_00498eb0] ; mov ecx, dword [esi + 0x498eb0]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esi + ref_00498eb0], edi ; mov dword [esi + 0x498eb0], edi
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov esi, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add esi, eax
+mov ebp, dword [esi + ref_0048f294] ; mov ebp, dword [esi + 0x48f294]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push 0x2718
+push edi
+add esi, ref_0048cb80 ; add esi, 0x48cb80
+push esi
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_004081a8 ; jmp 0x4081a8
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + ref_00496930] ; mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + 0x496930]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0x14
+jl short loc_0040820e ; jl 0x40820e
+call fcn_0040c03b ; call 0x40c03b
+push ref_0048234a ; push 0x48234a
+call fcn_00454240 ; call 0x454240
+add esp, 4
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ref_00474945], ecx ; mov dword [0x474945], ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048badc], ecx ; mov dword [0x48badc], ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048bad0], ecx ; mov dword [0x48bad0], ecx
+mov dword [ref_0047493c], ecx ; mov dword [0x47493c], ecx
+mov dword [ref_00474949], ecx ; mov dword [0x474949], ecx
+mov dword [ref_0047494d], ecx ; mov dword [0x47494d], ecx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_00475114], edx ; mov dword [0x475114], edx
+mov dword [ref_0048be18], edx ; mov dword [0x48be18], edx
+mov dword [ref_0048be1c], edx ; mov dword [0x48be1c], edx
+mov dword [ref_0048be20], edx ; mov dword [0x48be20], edx
+mov dword [ref_00474930], edx ; mov dword [0x474930], edx
+mov dword [ref_00474934], edx ; mov dword [0x474934], edx
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x8b
+db 0xc0
+ref_00408289: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_00409419
+dd fcn_00409426
+dd fcn_00409434
+dd fcn_00409442
+dd fcn_00409449
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x5c
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x70]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x74]
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_004082bc ; jne 0x4082bc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048b2ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48b2ac]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048b2b0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48b2b0]
+cmp dword [ref_0049910c], 4 ; cmp dword [0x49910c], 4
+jge near loc_004083a3 ; jge 0x4083a3
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_004083a3 ; jne 0x4083a3
+test edx, edx
+jne near loc_004083a3 ; jne 0x4083a3
+call fcn_0040aa0f ; call 0x40aa0f
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e80]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], edx
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov word [eax + ref_00496b74], bx ; mov word [eax + 0x496b74], bx
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor edi, edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x48]
+jmp short loc_00408312 ; jmp 0x408312
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_00408328 ; jge 0x408328
+lea esi, [ebx + ebx]
+add esi, ebp
+mov dx, word [esi + 0x18]
+test dx, dx
+je short loc_0040830c ; je 0x40830c
+mov word [esp + edi*2 + 0x10], dx
+inc edi
+jmp short loc_0040830c ; jmp 0x40830c
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv edi
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov dx, word [esp + edx*2 + 0x10]
+mov word [eax + ref_00496b76], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x496b76], dx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b74] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b74]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b76] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b76]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+call fcn_00407a8c ; call 0x407a8c
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul edx, ebx, 0x68
+mov byte [edx + ref_00496b78], al ; mov byte [edx + 0x496b78], al
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x48]
+movsx eax, word [eax]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x48]
+movsx edx, word [edx + 2]
+lea ecx, [ebx + 1]
+mov dword [ref_00475114], ecx ; mov dword [0x475114], ecx
+mov cl, byte [ref_0049910c] ; mov cl, byte [0x49910c]
+mov ebx, 0x100
+shl ebx, cl
+mov ecx, ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x48]
+or dword [ebx + 0x24], ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048b2ac], eax ; mov dword [0x48b2ac], eax
+mov dword [ref_0048b2b0], edx ; mov dword [0x48b2b0], edx
+mov ecx, eax
+sar ecx, 5
+mov dword [esp + 0x50], ecx
+mov ecx, edx
+sar ecx, 5
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], ecx
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x20]
+push ecx
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x38]
+push ecx
+push edx
+push eax
+call fcn_00407a2c ; call 0x407a2c
+add esp, 0x10
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [ref_0048bac8], edi ; mov dword [0x48bac8], edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+add dword [esp + 0x34], 0xdc
+add dword [esp + 0x20], 0x104
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push edi
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push edi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00408429 ; jmp 0x408429
+mov esi, ref_0048b2b4 ; mov esi, 0x48b2b4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push esi
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004557a1 ; call 0x4557a1
+add esp, 0xc
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0x130
+jge near loc_0040855f ; jge 0x40855f
+mov edi, dword [ref_00499088] ; mov edi, dword [0x499088]
+mov esi, edi
+shl esi, 2
+add esi, edi
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, edi
+shl esi, 5
+lea eax, [ebx + ebx]
+add esi, eax
+movsx ebp, byte [esi + ref_00473610] ; movsx ebp, byte [esi + 0x473610]
+cmp ebp, 0xffffff80
+je near loc_0040855f ; je 0x40855f
+movsx eax, byte [esi + ref_00473611] ; movsx eax, byte [esi + 0x473611]
+mov dword [esp + 0x2c], eax
+lea edx, [eax + 0xe]
+lea edi, [ebp + 0xe]
+imul ecx, dword [ref_00499088], 0xd24 ; imul ecx, dword [0x499088], 0xd24
+imul eax, edi, 0x74
+add eax, ecx
+shl edx, 2
+lea esi, [eax + edx]
+mov ax, word [esi + ref_0046ccf2] ; mov ax, word [esi + 0x46ccf2]
+add eax, dword [esp + 0x34]
+mov word [esp + 2], ax
+mov ax, word [esi + ref_0046ccf0] ; mov ax, word [esi + 0x46ccf0]
+add eax, dword [esp + 0x20]
+mov word [esp], ax
+mov ax, word [esi + ref_0046ccf6] ; mov ax, word [esi + 0x46ccf6]
+add eax, dword [esp + 0x34]
+mov word [esp + 6], ax
+mov ax, word [esi + ref_0046ccf4] ; mov ax, word [esi + 0x46ccf4]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x20]
+add eax, esi
+mov word [esp + 4], ax
+inc edi
+imul edi, edi, 0x74
+add ecx, edi
+lea esi, [ecx + edx]
+mov ax, word [esi + ref_0046ccf6] ; mov ax, word [esi + 0x46ccf6]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x34]
+add eax, edi
+mov word [esp + 0xa], ax
+mov ax, word [esi + ref_0046ccf4] ; mov ax, word [esi + 0x46ccf4]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+add eax, edx
+mov word [esp + 8], ax
+mov ax, word [esi + ref_0046ccf2] ; mov ax, word [esi + 0x46ccf2]
+add eax, edi
+mov word [esp + 0xe], ax
+mov ax, word [esi + ref_0046ccf0] ; mov ax, word [esi + 0x46ccf0]
+add eax, edx
+mov word [esp + 0xc], ax
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x50]
+add edi, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+add esi, ebp
+test edi, edi
+jl near loc_00408404 ; jl 0x408404
+cmp edi, 0x48
+jge near loc_00408404 ; jge 0x408404
+test esi, esi
+jl near loc_00408404 ; jl 0x408404
+cmp esi, 0x48
+jge near loc_00408404 ; jge 0x408404
+mov eax, esi
+shl esi, 3
+add esi, eax
+shl esi, 3
+add edi, esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac4]
+mov di, word [eax + edi*2]
+mov esi, edi
+and esi, 0xffff
+shl esi, 0xa
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bacc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bacc]
+add esi, eax
+jmp near loc_00408409 ; jmp 0x408409
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+add eax, 0x28
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00498e9c] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x498e9c]
+jg near loc_00408662 ; jg 0x408662
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x48]
+cmp word [eax + 0x22], 0
+je near loc_00408657 ; je 0x408657
+movsx ebp, word [eax]
+mov eax, ebp
+sar eax, 5
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x50]
+lea esi, [eax + 0xe]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x48]
+movsx eax, word [eax + 2]
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 5
+sub edx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+lea edi, [edx + 0xe]
+test esi, esi
+jl near loc_00408657 ; jl 0x408657
+cmp esi, 0x1c
+jg near loc_00408657 ; jg 0x408657
+test edi, edi
+jl near loc_00408657 ; jl 0x408657
+cmp edi, 0x1c
+jg near loc_00408657 ; jg 0x408657
+lea edx, [esp + 0x28]
+push edx
+lea edx, [esp + 0x28]
+push edx
+push eax
+push ebp
+call fcn_00407a2c ; call 0x407a2c
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_00499088], 0xd24 ; imul eax, dword [0x499088], 0xd24
+imul edi, edi, 0x74
+add eax, edi
+shl esi, 2
+add esi, eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0046ccf2] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x46ccf2]
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x34]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x30], edx
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0046ccf0] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x46ccf0]
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x3c], edx
+push edx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x34]
+push edi
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x50]
+mov ax, word [edx + 0x22]
+dec eax
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474949] ; mov eax, dword [0x474949]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, esi
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004564c1 ; call 0x4564c1
+add esp, 0x10
+inc ebx
+add dword [esp + 0x48], 0x28
+jmp near loc_00408570 ; jmp 0x408570
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_00408919 ; jge 0x408919
+imul esi, ebx, 0x68
+cmp word [esi + ref_00496b70], 0 ; cmp word [esi + 0x496b70], 0
+je near loc_00408913 ; je 0x408913
+cmp dword [esi + ref_00496b9a], 0 ; cmp dword [esi + 0x496b9a], 0
+je short loc_004086a7 ; je 0x4086a7
+test byte [esi + ref_00496b7d], 0x20 ; test byte [esi + 0x496b7d], 0x20
+je near loc_00408913 ; je 0x408913
+imul edi, ebx, 0x68
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [edi + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [edi + 0x496b70]
+mov esi, eax
+sar esi, 5
+sub esi, dword [esp + 0x50]
+add esi, 0xe
+movzx ebp, word [edi + ref_00496b72] ; movzx ebp, word [edi + 0x496b72]
+mov edx, ebp
+sar edx, 5
+sub edx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+lea edi, [edx + 0xe]
+test esi, esi
+jl near loc_00408913 ; jl 0x408913
+cmp esi, 0x1c
+jg near loc_00408913 ; jg 0x408913
+test edi, edi
+jl near loc_00408913 ; jl 0x408913
+cmp edi, 0x1c
+jg near loc_00408913 ; jg 0x408913
+lea edx, [esp + 0x28]
+push edx
+lea edx, [esp + 0x28]
+push edx
+push ebp
+push eax
+call fcn_00407a2c ; call 0x407a2c
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_00499088], 0xd24 ; imul eax, dword [0x499088], 0xd24
+imul edi, edi, 0x74
+add eax, edi
+shl esi, 2
+add esi, eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0046ccf2] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x46ccf2]
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x34]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x30], edx
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0046ccf0] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x46ccf0]
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x3c], edx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+and eax, 0xfff0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bac8]
+shl edx, 0x10
+add eax, edx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov esi, dword [0x48bac8]
+shl esi, 2
+mov dword [esi + ref_0048a44c], eax ; mov dword [esi + 0x48a44c], eax
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+jne short loc_0040877b ; jne 0x40877b
+or byte [esi + ref_0048a44c], 0xd ; or byte [esi + 0x48a44c], 0xd
+jmp short loc_00408782 ; jmp 0x408782
+or byte [esi + ref_0048a44c], 0xc ; or byte [esi + 0x48a44c], 0xc
+imul esi, ebx, 0x34
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + ref_00498ea2] ; mov al, byte [esi + 0x498ea2]
+shl eax, 3
+lea edx, [esi + eax]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + ref_00498ea1] ; mov al, byte [esi + 0x498ea1]
+shl eax, 2
+add edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+mov edi, eax
+shl edi, 2
+sub edi, eax
+shl edi, 2
+mov eax, dword [edx + ref_00498eb4] ; mov eax, dword [edx + 0x498eb4]
+mov dword [edi + ref_0048a84c], eax ; mov dword [edi + 0x48a84c], eax
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9e], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9e], 0
+je short loc_004087e6 ; je 0x4087e6
+test byte [esi + ref_00498ea0], 0x40 ; test byte [esi + 0x498ea0], 0x40
+jne short loc_004087e6 ; jne 0x4087e6
+mov ebp, dword [edi + ref_0048a84c] ; mov ebp, dword [edi + 0x48a84c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004555c5 ; call 0x4555c5
+add esp, 4
+or byte [esi + ref_00498ea0], 0x40 ; or byte [esi + 0x498ea0], 0x40
+mov cl, bl
+mov eax, 1
+shl eax, cl
+add ah, 0x80
+mov edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, eax
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a850], dx ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a850], dx
+mov byte [esi*4 + ref_0048a852], 0xff ; mov byte [esi*4 + 0x48a852], 0xff
+mov eax, dword [esi*4 + ref_0048a84c] ; mov eax, dword [esi*4 + 0x48a84c]
+mov eax, dword [eax + 4]
+sar eax, 3
+imul edi, ebx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [edi + ref_00496b78] ; mov dl, byte [edi + 0x496b78]
+mov ecx, 8
+sub ecx, dword [ref_00499088] ; sub ecx, dword [0x499088]
+add edx, ecx
+and edx, 7
+mov dword [esp + 0x54], edx
+imul edx, ebx, 0x34
+mul byte [esp + 0x54]
+mov ch, byte [edx + ref_00498ea3] ; mov ch, byte [edx + 0x498ea3]
+add al, ch
+mov byte [esi*4 + ref_0048a853], al ; mov byte [esi*4 + 0x48a853], al
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x30]
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a854], ax ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a854], ax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a856], ax ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a856], ax
+inc dword [ref_0048bac8] ; inc dword [0x48bac8]
+cmp byte [edi + ref_00496b9f], 0 ; cmp byte [edi + 0x496b9f], 0
+je near loc_00408913 ; je 0x408913
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+shl eax, 4
+and eax, 0xfff0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bac8]
+shl edx, 0x10
+add eax, edx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov esi, dword [0x48bac8]
+shl esi, 2
+mov dword [esi + ref_0048a44c], eax ; mov dword [esi + 0x48a44c], eax
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+jne short loc_004088b4 ; jne 0x4088b4
+or byte [esi + ref_0048a44c], 0xf ; or byte [esi + 0x48a44c], 0xf
+jmp short loc_004088bb ; jmp 0x4088bb
+or byte [esi + ref_0048a44c], 0xe ; or byte [esi + 0x48a44c], 0xe
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00496978] ; mov eax, dword [0x496978]
+mov dword [esi*4 + ref_0048a84c], eax ; mov dword [esi*4 + 0x48a84c], eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a850], dx ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a850], dx
+mov byte [esi*4 + ref_0048a852], 0xff ; mov byte [esi*4 + 0x48a852], 0xff
+imul eax, ebx, 0x34
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00498ea4] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x498ea4]
+mov byte [esi*4 + ref_0048a853], al ; mov byte [esi*4 + 0x48a853], al
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x30]
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a854], ax ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a854], ax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a856], ax ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a856], ax
+inc dword [ref_0048bac8] ; inc dword [0x48bac8]
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_00408674 ; jmp 0x408674
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x58], 4
+jmp near loc_00408b82 ; jmp 0x408b82
+or byte [esi + ref_0048a44c], 8 ; or byte [esi + 0x48a44c], 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+mov ebp, eax
+shl ebp, 2
+sub ebp, eax
+shl ebp, 2
+imul esi, dword [esp + 0x58], 0x34
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge near loc_00408a27 ; jge 0x408a27
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 4
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00498e2c] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x498e2c]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov edi, eax
+shl edi, 2
+add edi, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+test byte [eax + edi*8 + 0x27], 0x80
+je short loc_00408990 ; je 0x408990
+cmp byte [esi + ref_00498ea2], 0 ; cmp byte [esi + 0x498ea2], 0
+jne short loc_00408990 ; jne 0x408990
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + ref_00498ea1] ; mov al, byte [esi + 0x498ea1]
+mov eax, dword [esi + eax*4 + ref_00498ebc] ; mov eax, dword [esi + eax*4 + 0x498ebc]
+mov dword [ebp + ref_0048a84c], eax ; mov dword [ebp + 0x48a84c], eax
+jmp short loc_004089c6 ; jmp 0x4089c6
+imul esi, dword [esp + 0x58], 0x34
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + ref_00498ea2] ; mov al, byte [esi + 0x498ea2]
+shl eax, 3
+lea edx, [esi + eax]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + ref_00498ea1] ; mov al, byte [esi + 0x498ea1]
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov edi, dword [0x48bac8]
+mov esi, edi
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, edi
+mov eax, dword [edx + eax*4 + ref_00498eb4] ; mov eax, dword [edx + eax*4 + 0x498eb4]
+mov dword [esi*4 + ref_0048a84c], eax ; mov dword [esi*4 + 0x48a84c], eax
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 4
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498e34], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498e34], 0
+je short loc_00408a05 ; je 0x408a05
+imul edi, dword [esp + 0x58], 0x34
+test byte [edi + ref_00498ea0], 0x40 ; test byte [edi + 0x498ea0], 0x40
+jne short loc_00408a05 ; jne 0x408a05
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, eax
+mov ebp, dword [esi*4 + ref_0048a84c] ; mov ebp, dword [esi*4 + 0x48a84c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004555c5 ; call 0x4555c5
+add esp, 4
+or byte [edi + ref_00498ea0], 0x40 ; or byte [edi + 0x498ea0], 0x40
+mov cl, bl
+mov edx, 0x10
+shl edx, cl
+add dh, 0x80
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, eax
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a850], dx ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a850], dx
+jmp short loc_00408a53 ; jmp 0x408a53
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + ref_00498ea2] ; mov al, byte [esi + 0x498ea2]
+shl eax, 3
+lea edx, [esi + eax]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + ref_00498ea1] ; mov al, byte [esi + 0x498ea1]
+mov eax, dword [edx + eax*4 + ref_00498eb4] ; mov eax, dword [edx + eax*4 + 0x498eb4]
+mov dword [ebp + ref_0048a84c], eax ; mov dword [ebp + 0x48a84c], eax
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov word [ebp + ref_0048a850], cx ; mov word [ebp + 0x48a850], cx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, eax
+mov byte [esi*4 + ref_0048a852], 0xff ; mov byte [esi*4 + 0x48a852], 0xff
+mov eax, dword [esi*4 + ref_0048a84c] ; mov eax, dword [esi*4 + 0x48a84c]
+mov eax, dword [eax + 4]
+sar eax, 3
+mov edi, ebx
+shl edi, 4
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [edi + ref_00498e31] ; mov dl, byte [edi + 0x498e31]
+mov ecx, 8
+sub ecx, dword [ref_00499088] ; sub ecx, dword [0x499088]
+add edx, ecx
+and edx, 7
+mov dword [esp + 0x54], edx
+imul ebp, dword [esp + 0x58], 0x34
+mul byte [esp + 0x54]
+mov dh, byte [ebp + ref_00498ea3] ; mov dh, byte [ebp + 0x498ea3]
+add al, dh
+mov byte [esi*4 + ref_0048a853], al ; mov byte [esi*4 + 0x48a853], al
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x30]
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a854], ax ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a854], ax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a856], ax ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a856], ax
+inc dword [ref_0048bac8] ; inc dword [0x48bac8]
+cmp byte [edi + ref_00498e35], 0 ; cmp byte [edi + 0x498e35], 0
+je near loc_00408b74 ; je 0x408b74
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+shl eax, 4
+and eax, 0xfff0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bac8]
+shl edx, 0x10
+add eax, edx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov esi, dword [0x48bac8]
+shl esi, 2
+mov dword [esi + ref_0048a44c], eax ; mov dword [esi + 0x48a44c], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x58]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; cmp eax, dword [0x49910c]
+jne short loc_00408b13 ; jne 0x408b13
+or byte [esi + ref_0048a44c], 0xf ; or byte [esi + 0x48a44c], 0xf
+jmp short loc_00408b1a ; jmp 0x408b1a
+or byte [esi + ref_0048a44c], 0xe ; or byte [esi + 0x48a44c], 0xe
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00496978] ; mov eax, dword [0x496978]
+mov dword [esi*4 + ref_0048a84c], eax ; mov dword [esi*4 + 0x48a84c], eax
+xor edi, edi
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a850], di ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a850], di
+mov byte [esi*4 + ref_0048a852], 0xff ; mov byte [esi*4 + 0x48a852], 0xff
+imul eax, dword [esp + 0x58], 0x34
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00498ea4] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x498ea4]
+mov byte [esi*4 + ref_0048a853], al ; mov byte [esi*4 + 0x48a853], al
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x30]
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a854], ax ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a854], ax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a856], ax ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a856], ax
+inc dword [ref_0048bac8] ; inc dword [0x48bac8]
+inc ebx
+inc dword [esp + 0x58]
+cmp ebx, 5
+jge near loc_00408c5e ; jge 0x408c5e
+mov edi, ebx
+shl edi, 4
+cmp byte [edi + ref_00498e32], 0 ; cmp byte [edi + 0x498e32], 0
+jne short loc_00408b74 ; jne 0x408b74
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [edi + ref_00498e28] ; mov ax, word [edi + 0x498e28]
+mov esi, eax
+sar esi, 5
+sub esi, dword [esp + 0x50]
+add esi, 0xe
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [edi + ref_00498e2a] ; mov dx, word [edi + 0x498e2a]
+mov ecx, edx
+sar ecx, 5
+sub ecx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+lea edi, [ecx + 0xe]
+test esi, esi
+jl short loc_00408b74 ; jl 0x408b74
+cmp esi, 0x1c
+jg short loc_00408b74 ; jg 0x408b74
+test edi, edi
+jl short loc_00408b74 ; jl 0x408b74
+cmp edi, 0x1c
+jg short loc_00408b74 ; jg 0x408b74
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x28]
+push ecx
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x28]
+push ecx
+push edx
+push eax
+call fcn_00407a2c ; call 0x407a2c
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_00499088], 0xd24 ; imul eax, dword [0x499088], 0xd24
+imul edi, edi, 0x74
+add eax, edi
+shl esi, 2
+add esi, eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0046ccf2] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x46ccf2]
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x34]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x30], edx
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0046ccf0] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x46ccf0]
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x3c], edx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+and eax, 0xfff0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bac8]
+shl edx, 0x10
+add eax, edx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov esi, dword [0x48bac8]
+shl esi, 2
+mov dword [esi + ref_0048a44c], eax ; mov dword [esi + 0x48a44c], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x58]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; cmp eax, dword [0x49910c]
+jne near loc_00408928 ; jne 0x408928
+or byte [esi + ref_0048a44c], 0xd ; or byte [esi + 0x48a44c], 0xd
+jmp near loc_0040892f ; jmp 0x40892f
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp near loc_00408f78 ; jmp 0x408f78
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x54]
+mov eax, dword [esi*8 + ref_00474951] ; mov eax, dword [esi*8 + 0x474951]
+add dword [esp + 0x30], eax
+mov eax, dword [esi*8 + ref_00474955] ; mov eax, dword [esi*8 + 0x474955]
+add dword [esp + 0x3c], eax
+mov eax, ebx
+inc eax
+shl eax, 8
+add ah, 0x80
+mov edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+mov edi, eax
+shl edi, 2
+sub edi, eax
+shl edi, 2
+mov word [edi + ref_0048a850], dx ; mov word [edi + 0x48a850], dx
+mov esi, ebx
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, ebx
+cmp byte [esi*8 + ref_00496d08], 0x12 ; cmp byte [esi*8 + 0x496d08], 0x12
+jne short loc_00408cb8 ; jne 0x408cb8
+or byte [edi + ref_0048a851], 0x40 ; or byte [edi + 0x48a851], 0x40
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+shl eax, 4
+and eax, 0xfff0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bac8]
+shl edx, 0x10
+add edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+jmp near loc_00408f15 ; jmp 0x408f15
+cmp byte [ebp + ref_00496d0e], 0 ; cmp byte [ebp + 0x496d0e], 0
+je near loc_00408e0e ; je 0x408e0e
+fld dword [ebp + ref_00496d10] ; fld dword [ebp + 0x496d10]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x40]
+fld dword [ebp + ref_00496d14] ; fld dword [ebp + 0x496d14]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x44]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x40]
+sar eax, 5
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x50]
+lea esi, [eax + 0xe]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x44]
+sar edi, 5
+sub edi, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+add edi, 0xe
+test esi, esi
+jl short loc_00408d32 ; jl 0x408d32
+cmp esi, 0x1c
+jg short loc_00408d32 ; jg 0x408d32
+test edi, edi
+jl short loc_00408d32 ; jl 0x408d32
+cmp edi, 0x1c
+jle short loc_00408d47 ; jle 0x408d47
+mov esi, ebx
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, ebx
+xor ch, ch
+mov byte [esi*8 + ref_00496d0e], ch ; mov byte [esi*8 + 0x496d0e], ch
+jmp near loc_00408f6e ; jmp 0x408f6e
+lea eax, [esp + 0x28]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x28]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push ecx
+dec byte [ebp + ref_00496d0e] ; dec byte [ebp + 0x496d0e]
+call fcn_00407a2c ; call 0x407a2c
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_00499088], 0xd24 ; imul eax, dword [0x499088], 0xd24
+imul edi, edi, 0x74
+add edi, eax
+movsx eax, word [edi + esi*4 + ref_0046ccf2] ; movsx eax, word [edi + esi*4 + 0x46ccf2]
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x34]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x30], edx
+movsx eax, word [edi + esi*4 + ref_0046ccf0] ; movsx eax, word [edi + esi*4 + 0x46ccf0]
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x3c], edx
+fld dword [ebp + ref_00496d18] ; fld dword [ebp + 0x496d18]
+fadd dword [ebp + ref_00496d10] ; fadd dword [ebp + 0x496d10]
+fstp dword [ebp + ref_00496d10] ; fstp dword [ebp + 0x496d10]
+fld dword [ebp + ref_00496d1c] ; fld dword [ebp + 0x496d1c]
+fadd dword [ebp + ref_00496d14] ; fadd dword [ebp + 0x496d14]
+fstp dword [ebp + ref_00496d14] ; fstp dword [ebp + 0x496d14]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a850], dx ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a850], dx
+mov al, 8
+sub al, byte [ref_00499088] ; sub al, byte [0x499088]
+add al, byte [ebp + ref_00496d0f] ; add al, byte [ebp + 0x496d0f]
+and al, 7
+mov byte [esi*4 + ref_0048a853], al ; mov byte [esi*4 + 0x48a853], al
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bac8]
+shl edx, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+add edx, 0x7ff0
+jmp near loc_00408f15 ; jmp 0x408f15
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebp + ref_00496d0a] ; mov ax, word [ebp + 0x496d0a]
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+add esi, eax
+shl esi, 3
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+add eax, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+movsx edx, word [eax]
+mov eax, edx
+sar eax, 5
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x50]
+lea esi, [eax + 0xe]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x48]
+movsx eax, word [eax + 2]
+mov ecx, eax
+sar ecx, 5
+sub ecx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+lea edi, [ecx + 0xe]
+test esi, esi
+jl near loc_00408f6e ; jl 0x408f6e
+cmp esi, 0x1c
+jg near loc_00408f6e ; jg 0x408f6e
+test edi, edi
+jl near loc_00408f6e ; jl 0x408f6e
+cmp edi, 0x1c
+jg near loc_00408f6e ; jg 0x408f6e
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x28]
+push ecx
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x28]
+push ecx
+push eax
+push edx
+call fcn_00407a2c ; call 0x407a2c
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_00499088], 0xd24 ; imul eax, dword [0x499088], 0xd24
+imul edi, edi, 0x74
+add eax, edi
+shl esi, 2
+add esi, eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0046ccf2] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x46ccf2]
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x34]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x30], edx
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0046ccf0] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x46ccf0]
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x3c], edx
+mov eax, ebx
+inc eax
+shl eax, 8
+add ah, 0x80
+mov edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, eax
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a850], dx ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a850], dx
+mov al, 8
+sub al, byte [ref_00499088] ; sub al, byte [0x499088]
+add al, byte [ebp + ref_00496d09] ; add al, byte [ebp + 0x496d09]
+and al, 7
+mov byte [esi*4 + ref_0048a853], al ; mov byte [esi*4 + 0x48a853], al
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+shl edx, 4
+and edx, 0xfff0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+shl eax, 0x10
+add edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+mov dword [eax*4 + ref_0048a44c], edx ; mov dword [eax*4 + 0x48a44c], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x30]
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a854], ax ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a854], ax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a856], ax ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a856], ax
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edi, ebx
+shl edi, 2
+sub edi, ebx
+xor eax, ebx
+mov al, byte [edi*8 + ref_00496d08] ; mov al, byte [edi*8 + 0x496d08]
+mov eax, dword [eax*4 + ref_0049692c] ; mov eax, dword [eax*4 + 0x49692c]
+mov dword [esi*4 + ref_0048a84c], eax ; mov dword [esi*4 + 0x48a84c], eax
+mov byte [esi*4 + ref_0048a852], 0xff ; mov byte [esi*4 + 0x48a852], 0xff
+inc dword [ref_0048bac8] ; inc dword [0x48bac8]
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0x2e
+jge near loc_004090e2 ; jge 0x4090e2
+mov esi, ebx
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, ebx
+shl esi, 3
+cmp word [esi + ref_00496d0a], 0 ; cmp word [esi + 0x496d0a], 0
+jne short loc_00408f95 ; jne 0x408f95
+cmp byte [esi + ref_00496d0e], 0 ; cmp byte [esi + 0x496d0e], 0
+je short loc_00408f6e ; je 0x408f6e
+mov ebp, ebx
+shl ebp, 2
+sub ebp, ebx
+shl ebp, 3
+mov dh, byte [ebp + ref_00496d0d] ; mov dh, byte [ebp + 0x496d0d]
+test dh, dh
+je near loc_00408cd9 ; je 0x408cd9
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, dh
+dec eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x58], eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov dword [esp + 0x38], eax
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b9a], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b9a], 0
+jne short loc_00408f6e ; jne 0x408f6e
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x38]
+mov ax, word [edx + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [edx + 0x496b70]
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 5
+sub edx, dword [esp + 0x50]
+lea esi, [edx + 0xe]
+xor edx, edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x38]
+mov dx, word [ecx + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [ecx + 0x496b72]
+mov ecx, edx
+sar ecx, 5
+sub ecx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+lea edi, [ecx + 0xe]
+test esi, esi
+jl near loc_00408f6e ; jl 0x408f6e
+cmp esi, 0x1c
+jg near loc_00408f6e ; jg 0x408f6e
+test edi, edi
+jl near loc_00408f6e ; jl 0x408f6e
+cmp edi, 0x1c
+jg near loc_00408f6e ; jg 0x408f6e
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x28]
+push ecx
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x28]
+push ecx
+push edx
+push eax
+call fcn_00407a2c ; call 0x407a2c
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_00499088], 0xd24 ; imul eax, dword [0x499088], 0xd24
+imul edi, edi, 0x74
+add eax, edi
+shl esi, 2
+add esi, eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0046ccf2] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x46ccf2]
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x34]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x30], edx
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0046ccf0] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x46ccf0]
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x3c], edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x38]
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b78] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b78]
+mov eax, 8
+sub eax, dword [ref_00499088] ; sub eax, dword [0x499088]
+add eax, edx
+and eax, 7
+mov dword [esp + 0x54], eax
+mov dl, byte [esp + 0x54]
+add dl, 4
+and dl, 7
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, eax
+mov byte [esi*4 + ref_0048a853], dl ; mov byte [esi*4 + 0x48a853], dl
+cmp byte [ebp + ref_00496d08], 0x12 ; cmp byte [ebp + 0x496d08], 0x12
+jne near loc_00408c65 ; jne 0x408c65
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x38]
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba7], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba7], 0
+je near loc_00408c65 ; je 0x408c65
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x54]
+mov eax, dword [esi*8 + ref_00474991] ; mov eax, dword [esi*8 + 0x474991]
+add dword [esp + 0x30], eax
+mov eax, dword [esi*8 + ref_00474995] ; mov eax, dword [esi*8 + 0x474995]
+jmp near loc_00408c7b ; jmp 0x408c7b
+mov ebx, 1
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebp, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebp, 0x34
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x498e98]
+jg near loc_004092f4 ; jg 0x4092f4
+movsx eax, word [ebp]
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 5
+sub edx, dword [esp + 0x50]
+lea esi, [edx + 0xe]
+movsx edx, word [ebp + 2]
+mov edi, edx
+sar edi, 5
+sub edi, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+add edi, 0xe
+test esi, esi
+jl near loc_004092ee ; jl 0x4092ee
+cmp esi, 0x1c
+jg near loc_004092ee ; jg 0x4092ee
+test edi, edi
+jl near loc_004092ee ; jl 0x4092ee
+cmp edi, 0x1c
+jg near loc_004092ee ; jg 0x4092ee
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x28]
+push ecx
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x28]
+push ecx
+push edx
+push eax
+call fcn_00407a2c ; call 0x407a2c
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_00499088], 0xd24 ; imul eax, dword [0x499088], 0xd24
+imul edi, edi, 0x74
+add eax, edi
+shl esi, 2
+add esi, eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0046ccf2] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x46ccf2]
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x34]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x30], edx
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0046ccf0] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x46ccf0]
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x3c], edx
+shl edx, 4
+and edx, 0xfff0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+shl eax, 0x10
+add edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+mov dword [eax*4 + ref_0048a44c], edx ; mov dword [eax*4 + 0x48a44c], edx
+mov al, byte [ebp + 0x1b]
+add al, byte [ref_00499088] ; add al, byte [0x499088]
+mov dl, 8
+sub dl, al
+and dl, 7
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+mov byte [esi + ref_0048a853], dl ; mov byte [esi + 0x48a853], dl
+mov al, dl
+and eax, 0xff
+mov dword [esp + 0x54], eax
+cmp byte [ebp + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_0040920f ; je 0x40920f
+mov al, byte [ebp + 0x19]
+mov byte [esi + ref_0048a852], al ; mov byte [esi + 0x48a852], al
+cmp byte [ebp + 0x18], 0
+jne short loc_00409208 ; jne 0x409208
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebp + 0x1a]
+mov eax, dword [eax*4 + ref_0048ae48] ; mov eax, dword [eax*4 + 0x48ae48]
+mov dword [esi + ref_0048a84c], eax ; mov dword [esi + 0x48a84c], eax
+jmp short loc_00409246 ; jmp 0x409246
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048ae60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48ae60]
+jmp short loc_00409200 ; jmp 0x409200
+mov byte [esi + ref_0048a852], 0xff ; mov byte [esi + 0x48a852], 0xff
+cmp byte [ebp + 0x19], 0
+je short loc_0040923e ; je 0x40923e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048aea8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48aea8]
+mov dword [esi + ref_0048a84c], eax ; mov dword [esi + 0x48a84c], eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebp + 0x19]
+dec eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov byte [esi + ref_0048a853], al ; mov byte [esi + 0x48a853], al
+jmp short loc_00409246 ; jmp 0x409246
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esi + ref_0048a84c], edi ; mov dword [esi + 0x48a84c], edi
+mov edx, ebx
+add edx, 0x7d0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, eax
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a850], dx ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a850], dx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x30]
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a854], ax ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a854], ax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a856], ax ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a856], ax
+inc dword [ref_0048bac8] ; inc dword [0x48bac8]
+cmp byte [ebp + 0x17], 0
+je short loc_004092ee ; je 0x4092ee
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [esi]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push esi
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov al, byte [ebp + 0x17]
+and al, 1
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x40]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x38]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x60]
+and eax, 1
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047494d] ; mov eax, dword [0x47494d]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, esi
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456c33 ; call 0x456c33
+add esp, 0x14
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [esi]
+push 0
+push esi
+call dword [eax + 0x80] ; ucall
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_004090ed ; jmp 0x4090ed
+mov ebx, 1
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebp, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebp, 0x38
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x498e8c]
+jg near loc_0040953f ; jg 0x40953f
+movsx edx, word [ebp]
+mov eax, edx
+sar eax, 5
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x50]
+lea esi, [eax + 0xe]
+movsx eax, word [ebp + 2]
+mov edi, eax
+sar edi, 5
+sub edi, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+add edi, 0xe
+test esi, esi
+jl near loc_00409539 ; jl 0x409539
+cmp esi, 0x1c
+jg near loc_00409539 ; jg 0x409539
+test edi, edi
+jl near loc_00409539 ; jl 0x409539
+cmp edi, 0x1c
+jg near loc_00409539 ; jg 0x409539
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x28]
+push ecx
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x28]
+push ecx
+push eax
+push edx
+call fcn_00407a2c ; call 0x407a2c
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_00499088], 0xd24 ; imul eax, dword [0x499088], 0xd24
+imul edi, edi, 0x74
+add eax, edi
+shl esi, 2
+add esi, eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0046ccf2] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x46ccf2]
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x34]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x30], edx
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0046ccf0] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x46ccf0]
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x3c], edx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+and eax, 0xfff0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bac8]
+shl edx, 0x10
+add edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+mov dword [eax*4 + ref_0048a44c], edx ; mov dword [eax*4 + 0x48a44c], edx
+mov al, byte [ebp + 0x1b]
+add al, byte [ref_00499088] ; add al, byte [0x499088]
+mov dl, 8
+sub dl, al
+and dl, 7
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+mov byte [esi + ref_0048a853], dl ; mov byte [esi + 0x48a853], dl
+mov al, dl
+and eax, 0xff
+mov dword [esp + 0x54], eax
+cmp byte [ebp + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_00409457 ; je 0x409457
+mov al, byte [ebp + 0x19]
+mov byte [esi + ref_0048a852], al ; mov byte [esi + 0x48a852], al
+mov al, byte [ebp + 0x18]
+cmp al, 4
+ja near loc_0040948e ; ja 0x40948e
+and eax, 0xff
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_00408289] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x408289]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048ae64] ; mov eax, dword [0x48ae64]
+mov dword [esi + ref_0048a84c], eax ; mov dword [esi + 0x48a84c], eax
+jmp short loc_0040948e ; jmp 0x40948e
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebp + 0x1a]
+mov eax, dword [eax*4 + ref_0048ae64] ; mov eax, dword [eax*4 + 0x48ae64]
+jmp short loc_0040941e ; jmp 0x40941e
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebp + 0x1a]
+mov eax, dword [eax*4 + ref_0048ae78] ; mov eax, dword [eax*4 + 0x48ae78]
+jmp short loc_0040941e ; jmp 0x40941e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048ae90] ; mov eax, dword [0x48ae90]
+jmp short loc_0040941e ; jmp 0x40941e
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebp + 0x1a]
+mov eax, dword [eax*4 + ref_0048ae90] ; mov eax, dword [eax*4 + 0x48ae90]
+jmp short loc_0040941e ; jmp 0x40941e
+mov byte [esi + ref_0048a852], 0xff ; mov byte [esi + 0x48a852], 0xff
+cmp byte [ebp + 0x19], 0
+je short loc_00409486 ; je 0x409486
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048aea8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48aea8]
+mov dword [esi + ref_0048a84c], eax ; mov dword [esi + 0x48a84c], eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebp + 0x19]
+dec eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov byte [esi + ref_0048a853], al ; mov byte [esi + 0x48a853], al
+jmp short loc_0040948e ; jmp 0x40948e
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esi + ref_0048a84c], edi ; mov dword [esi + 0x48a84c], edi
+mov edx, ebx
+add edx, 0xfa0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, eax
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a850], dx ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a850], dx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x30]
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a854], ax ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a854], ax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a856], ax ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a856], ax
+inc dword [ref_0048bac8] ; inc dword [0x48bac8]
+cmp byte [ebp + 0x1c], 0
+je short loc_00409539 ; je 0x409539
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [esi]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push esi
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov al, byte [ebp + 0x1c]
+and al, 1
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x40]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x38]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x60]
+and eax, 1
+add eax, 2
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047494d] ; mov eax, dword [0x47494d]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, esi
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456c33 ; call 0x456c33
+add esp, 0x14
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [esi]
+push 0
+push esi
+call dword [eax + 0x80] ; ucall
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_004092ff ; jmp 0x4092ff
+mov ebx, 1
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x498e7c]
+add ebp, 0x34
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00498e90] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x498e90]
+jg near loc_00409689 ; jg 0x409689
+cmp word [ebp + 0x20], 0
+je near loc_00409683 ; je 0x409683
+movsx edx, word [ebp]
+mov eax, edx
+sar eax, 5
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x50]
+lea esi, [eax + 0xe]
+movsx eax, word [ebp + 2]
+mov ecx, eax
+sar ecx, 5
+sub ecx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+lea edi, [ecx + 0xe]
+test esi, esi
+jl near loc_00409683 ; jl 0x409683
+cmp esi, 0x1c
+jg near loc_00409683 ; jg 0x409683
+test edi, edi
+jl near loc_00409683 ; jl 0x409683
+cmp edi, 0x1c
+jg near loc_00409683 ; jg 0x409683
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x28]
+push ecx
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x28]
+push ecx
+push eax
+push edx
+call fcn_00407a2c ; call 0x407a2c
+add esp, 0x10
+imul edx, dword [ref_00499088], 0xd24 ; imul edx, dword [0x499088], 0xd24
+imul eax, edi, 0x74
+add eax, edx
+shl esi, 2
+add esi, eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0046ccf2] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x46ccf2]
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x34]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x30], edx
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0046ccf0] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x46ccf0]
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x3c], edx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+and eax, 0xfff0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bac8]
+shl edx, 0x10
+add edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+mov dword [eax*4 + ref_0048a44c], edx ; mov dword [eax*4 + 0x48a44c], edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebp + 0x20]
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, eax
+mov eax, dword [edx*4 + ref_0048ae4c] ; mov eax, dword [edx*4 + 0x48ae4c]
+mov dword [esi*4 + ref_0048a84c], eax ; mov dword [esi*4 + 0x48a84c], eax
+mov eax, ebx
+add eax, 0x1770
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a850], ax ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a850], ax
+mov al, byte [ebp + 0x18]
+mov byte [esi*4 + ref_0048a852], al ; mov byte [esi*4 + 0x48a852], al
+mov al, byte [ebp + 0x1b]
+add al, byte [ref_00499088] ; add al, byte [0x499088]
+mov ah, 8
+sub ah, al
+mov al, ah
+and al, 7
+mov byte [esi*4 + ref_0048a853], al ; mov byte [esi*4 + 0x48a853], al
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x30]
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a854], ax ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a854], ax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a856], ax ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a856], ax
+inc dword [ref_0048bac8] ; inc dword [0x48bac8]
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_0040954a ; jmp 0x40954a
+mov ebx, 1
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00498e78] ; mov ebp, dword [0x498e78]
+add ebp, 0x1c
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499074] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499074]
+jg near loc_004097cf ; jg 0x4097cf
+cmp word [ebp + 0x1a], 0
+je near loc_004097c9 ; je 0x4097c9
+movsx edx, word [ebp]
+mov eax, edx
+sar eax, 5
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x50]
+lea esi, [eax + 0xe]
+movsx eax, word [ebp + 2]
+mov ecx, eax
+sar ecx, 5
+sub ecx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+lea edi, [ecx + 0xe]
+test esi, esi
+jl near loc_004097c9 ; jl 0x4097c9
+cmp esi, 0x1c
+jg near loc_004097c9 ; jg 0x4097c9
+test edi, edi
+jl near loc_004097c9 ; jl 0x4097c9
+cmp edi, 0x1c
+jg near loc_004097c9 ; jg 0x4097c9
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x28]
+push ecx
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x28]
+push ecx
+push eax
+push edx
+call fcn_00407a2c ; call 0x407a2c
+add esp, 0x10
+imul edx, dword [ref_00499088], 0xd24 ; imul edx, dword [0x499088], 0xd24
+imul eax, edi, 0x74
+add eax, edx
+shl esi, 2
+add esi, eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0046ccf2] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x46ccf2]
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x34]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x30], edx
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0046ccf0] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x46ccf0]
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x3c], edx
+shl edx, 4
+and edx, 0xfff0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+shl eax, 0x10
+add edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bac8]
+mov dword [eax*4 + ref_0048a44c], edx ; mov dword [eax*4 + 0x48a44c], edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebp + 0x1a]
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, eax
+mov eax, dword [edx*4 + ref_0048ae4c] ; mov eax, dword [edx*4 + 0x48ae4c]
+mov dword [esi*4 + ref_0048a84c], eax ; mov dword [esi*4 + 0x48a84c], eax
+mov eax, ebx
+add eax, 0x1f40
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a850], ax ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a850], ax
+mov byte [esi*4 + ref_0048a852], 0xff ; mov byte [esi*4 + 0x48a852], 0xff
+mov al, byte [ebp + 0x18]
+add al, byte [ref_00499088] ; add al, byte [0x499088]
+mov ah, 8
+sub ah, al
+mov al, ah
+and al, 7
+mov byte [esi*4 + ref_0048a853], al ; mov byte [esi*4 + 0x48a853], al
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x30]
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a854], ax ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a854], ax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048a856], ax ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48a856], ax
+inc dword [ref_0048bac8] ; inc dword [0x48bac8]
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_00409694 ; jmp 0x409694
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48bac8]
+test ebp, ebp
+je near loc_00409a1b ; je 0x409a1b
+push fcn_004079f9 ; push 0x4079f9
+push 4
+push ebp
+push ref_0048a44c ; push 0x48a44c
+call fcn_00457e6c ; call 0x457e6c
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 0xb
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x48bac8]
+jge near loc_00409937 ; jge 0x409937
+mov edi, dword [ebx*4 + ref_0048a44c] ; mov edi, dword [ebx*4 + 0x48a44c]
+shr edi, 0x10
+mov esi, edi
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, edi
+shl esi, 2
+mov ebp, dword [esi + ref_0048a84c] ; mov ebp, dword [esi + 0x48a84c]
+test ebp, ebp
+je near loc_00409931 ; je 0x409931
+add ebp, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov cl, byte [esi + ref_0048a852] ; mov cl, byte [esi + 0x48a852]
+cmp cl, 0xff
+je short loc_00409884 ; je 0x409884
+test cl, cl
+jne short loc_00409866 ; jne 0x409866
+xor eax, eax
+jmp short loc_0040987d ; jmp 0x40987d
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, cl
+dec eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b6c] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b6c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004551f0 ; call 0x4551f0
+add esp, 4
+mov word [ebp + 0x1fe], ax
+mov esi, edi
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, edi
+shl esi, 2
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0048a856] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x48a856]
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0048a854] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x48a854]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + ref_0048a853] ; mov al, byte [esi + 0x48a853]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [esi + ref_0048a84c] ; mov ecx, dword [esi + 0x48a84c]
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456770 ; call 0x456770
+add esp, 0x14
+mov al, byte [esi + ref_0048a851] ; mov al, byte [esi + 0x48a851]
+test al, 0x80
+je short loc_00409931 ; je 0x409931
+test al, 0x40
+je short loc_00409931 ; je 0x409931
+mov dl, al
+and dl, 0xbf
+mov byte [esi + ref_0048a851], dl ; mov byte [esi + 0x48a851], dl
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esi + ref_0048a850] ; mov ax, word [esi + 0x48a850]
+sar eax, 8
+and eax, 0x3f
+mov dword [esp + 0x58], eax
+dec eax
+mov edi, eax
+shl edi, 2
+sub edi, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edi*8 + ref_00496d0c] ; mov al, byte [edi*8 + 0x496d0c]
+push eax
+push ref_004631d3 ; push 0x4631d3
+lea eax, [esp + 0x20]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 2
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0048a856] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x48a856]
+sub eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + ref_0048a854] ; movsx eax, word [esi + 0x48a854]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x24]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_00409822 ; jmp 0x409822
+cmp byte [ref_0046cafb], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cafb], 0
+je near loc_004099fd ; je 0x4099fd
+cmp dword [ref_0048baf8], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48baf8], 0
+je near loc_004099fd ; je 0x4099fd
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp eax, 4
+jge short loc_0040997e ; jge 0x40997e
+jge near loc_004099fd ; jge 0x4099fd
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+test byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0x30 ; test byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0x30
+jne near loc_004099fd ; jne 0x4099fd
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b9a], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b9a], 0
+jne near loc_004099fd ; jne 0x4099fd
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048baf8] ; mov esi, dword [0x48baf8]
+push esi
+push ref_004631d3 ; push 0x4631d3
+lea eax, [esp + 0x20]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+lea eax, [esp + 0x18]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045825d ; call 0x45825d
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0x58], eax
+imul edx, eax, 0x32
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+sub eax, edx
+sar eax, 1
+mov esi, 0xf5
+sub esi, eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x58]
+cmp ebx, ebp
+jge short loc_004099fd ; jge 0x4099fd
+push 0x190
+push esi
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + ebx + 0x20]
+sub eax, 0x28
+mov edi, eax
+shl edi, 2
+sub edi, eax
+shl edi, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edi
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x32
+jmp short loc_004099c1 ; jmp 0x4099c1
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_00474930], edx ; mov dword [0x474930], edx
+mov dword [ref_00474934], edx ; mov dword [0x474934], edx
+add esp, 0x5c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x30]
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048b2ac] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48b2ac]
+sar ebx, 5
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048b2b0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48b2b0]
+sar esi, 5
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048b2b0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48b2b0]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048b2ac] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48b2ac]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00407a2c ; call 0x407a2c
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x24]
+sar eax, 5
+add dword [esp], 0xdc
+add dword [esp + 4], 0x104
+sub eax, ebx
+lea ebx, [eax + 0xe]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x28]
+sar eax, 5
+sub eax, esi
+lea esi, [eax + 0xe]
+test ebx, ebx
+jl short loc_00409a9d ; jl 0x409a9d
+cmp ebx, 0x1c
+jg short loc_00409a9d ; jg 0x409a9d
+test esi, esi
+jl short loc_00409a9d ; jl 0x409a9d
+cmp esi, 0x1c
+jle short loc_00409aac ; jle 0x409aac
+mov dword [edi], 0
+mov dword [ebp], 0
+jmp short loc_00409b10 ; jmp 0x409b10
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x30]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+push edx
+call fcn_00407a2c ; call 0x407a2c
+add esp, 0x10
+imul edx, dword [ref_00499088], 0xd24 ; imul edx, dword [0x499088], 0xd24
+imul eax, esi, 0x74
+add edx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+lea esi, [edx + ebx]
+movsx edx, word [esi + ref_0046ccf2] ; movsx edx, word [esi + 0x46ccf2]
+sub edx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov esi, dword [esp]
+add esi, edx
+mov dword [edi], esi
+imul edx, dword [ref_00499088], 0xd24 ; imul edx, dword [0x499088], 0xd24
+add eax, edx
+movsx eax, word [ebx + eax + ref_0046ccf0] ; movsx eax, word [ebx + eax + 0x46ccf0]
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [ebp], edx
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x18
+cmp dword [esp + 0x2c], 0
+jne short loc_00409b44 ; jne 0x409b44
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474930] ; mov eax, dword [0x474930]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048b2ac] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48b2ac]
+jne short loc_00409b44 ; jne 0x409b44
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474934] ; mov eax, dword [0x474934]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048b2b0] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48b2b0]
+je near loc_0040b33b ; je 0x40b33b
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048b2ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48b2ac]
+mov dword [ref_00474930], eax ; mov dword [0x474930], eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048b2b0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48b2b0]
+mov dword [ref_00474934], edx ; mov dword [0x474934], edx
+mov ecx, eax
+sar ecx, 5
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], ecx
+mov ecx, edx
+sar ecx, 5
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], ecx
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+push edx
+push eax
+call fcn_00407a2c ; call 0x407a2c
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x5e880
+push 0
+mov esi, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov esi, dword [0x474938]
+push esi
+add dword [esp + 0xc], 0xdc
+add dword [esp + 0x10], 0xdc
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+mov esi, 1
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e80]
+add ebx, 0x28
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00498e9c] ; cmp esi, dword [0x498e9c]
+jg near loc_00409c61 ; jg 0x409c61
+test dword [ebx + 0x24], 0xffff00
+jne near loc_00409c5b ; jne 0x409c5b
+movsx eax, word [ebx]
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 5
+sub edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+lea edi, [edx + 0xe]
+movsx edx, word [ebx + 2]
+mov ebp, edx
+sar ebp, 5
+sub ebp, dword [esp + 0x14]
+add ebp, 0xe
+test edi, edi
+jl short loc_00409c5b ; jl 0x409c5b
+cmp edi, 0x1c
+jg short loc_00409c5b ; jg 0x409c5b
+test ebp, ebp
+jl short loc_00409c5b ; jl 0x409c5b
+cmp ebp, 0x1c
+jg short loc_00409c5b ; jg 0x409c5b
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+push edx
+push eax
+call fcn_00407a2c ; call 0x407a2c
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_00499088], 0xd24 ; imul eax, dword [0x499088], 0xd24
+imul ebp, ebp, 0x74
+add eax, ebp
+movsx edx, word [eax + edi*4 + ref_0046ccf2] ; movsx edx, word [eax + edi*4 + 0x46ccf2]
+sub edx, dword [esp + 8]
+add edx, dword [esp]
+movsx eax, word [eax + edi*4 + ref_0046ccf0] ; movsx eax, word [eax + edi*4 + 0x46ccf0]
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+add eax, dword [esp + 4]
+push esi
+push eax
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047494d] ; mov eax, dword [0x47494d]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov ebp, dword [0x474938]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456a1c ; call 0x456a1c
+add esp, 0x14
+inc esi
+jmp near loc_00409bb1 ; jmp 0x409bb1
+cmp dword [ref_0048bac8], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48bac8], 0
+je near loc_0040b33b ; je 0x40b33b
+xor esi, esi
+cmp esi, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; cmp esi, dword [0x48bac8]
+jge near loc_0040b33b ; jge 0x40b33b
+mov edi, dword [esi*4 + ref_0048a44c] ; mov edi, dword [esi*4 + 0x48a44c]
+shr edi, 0x10
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_0048a850] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x48a850]
+test dx, dx
+je near loc_00409de1 ; je 0x409de1
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, dx
+cmp ebx, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_00409d8d ; jle 0x409d8d
+cmp ebx, 0x1f40
+jge near loc_00409d8d ; jge 0x409d8d
+cmp ebx, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_00409cf6 ; jle 0x409cf6
+cmp ebx, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_00409cf6 ; jge 0x409cf6
+lea edx, [ebx - 0x7d0]
+imul edx, edx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+mov al, byte [edx + eax + 0x1b]
+and eax, 0xff
+add eax, dword [ref_00499088] ; add eax, dword [0x499088]
+mov edx, 8
+sub edx, eax
+and edx, 1
+jmp short loc_00409d4a ; jmp 0x409d4a
+cmp ebx, 0xfa0
+jle short loc_00409d1e ; jle 0x409d1e
+cmp ebx, 0x1770
+jge short loc_00409d1e ; jge 0x409d1e
+lea eax, [ebx - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+jmp short loc_00409d2c ; jmp 0x409d2c
+lea eax, [ebx - 0x1770]
+imul edx, eax, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e7c]
+mov al, byte [edx + eax + 0x1b]
+and eax, 0xff
+add eax, dword [ref_00499088] ; add eax, dword [0x499088]
+mov edx, 8
+sub edx, eax
+mov eax, edx
+and eax, 1
+lea edx, [eax + 2]
+push ebx
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edi
+movsx ebp, word [eax*4 + ref_0048a856] ; movsx ebp, word [eax*4 + 0x48a856]
+sub ebp, 0x28
+push ebp
+movsx eax, word [eax*4 + ref_0048a854] ; movsx eax, word [eax*4 + 0x48a854]
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0047494d] ; mov ebp, dword [0x47494d]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+lea eax, [ebp + 0xc]
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov eax, dword [0x474938]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456a1c ; call 0x456a1c
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+cmp dword [eax + ref_0048a84c], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x48a84c], 0
+je short loc_00409de1 ; je 0x409de1
+push ebx
+movsx edx, word [eax + ref_0048a856] ; movsx edx, word [eax + 0x48a856]
+sub edx, 0x28
+push edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + ref_0048a854] ; movsx edx, word [eax + 0x48a854]
+push edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_0048a853] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x48a853]
+mov ebx, edx
+shl ebx, 2
+sub ebx, edx
+shl ebx, 2
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_0048a84c] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x48a84c]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, ebx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov ecx, dword [0x474938]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456a1c ; call 0x456a1c
+add esp, 0x14
+inc esi
+jmp near loc_00409c70 ; jmp 0x409c70
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push 0x5e880
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov edx, dword [0x474938]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp dword [ref_0048bac8], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48bac8], 0
+je near loc_00409ef5 ; je 0x409ef5
+xor ecx, ecx
+cmp ecx, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; cmp ecx, dword [0x48bac8]
+jge near loc_00409ee7 ; jge 0x409ee7
+mov edi, dword [ecx*4 + ref_0048a44c] ; mov edi, dword [ecx*4 + 0x48a44c]
+shr edi, 0x10
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+cmp word [eax + ref_0048a850], 0 ; cmp word [eax + 0x48a850], 0
+je near loc_00409ee1 ; je 0x409ee1
+cmp dword [eax + ref_0048a84c], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x48a84c], 0
+je near loc_00409ee1 ; je 0x409ee1
+movsx ebx, word [eax + ref_0048a854] ; movsx ebx, word [eax + 0x48a854]
+movsx edx, word [eax + ref_0048a856] ; movsx edx, word [eax + 0x48a856]
+sub edx, 0x28
+test byte [eax + ref_0048a851], 0x80 ; test byte [eax + 0x48a851], 0x80
+je short loc_00409e95 ; je 0x409e95
+test byte [eax + ref_0048a851], 0x3f ; test byte [eax + 0x48a851], 0x3f
+je short loc_00409e95 ; je 0x409e95
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_0048a850] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x48a850]
+xor al, al
+and ah, 0x3f
+and eax, 0xffff
+sar eax, 8
+lea esi, [eax - 1]
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, esi
+cmp byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d0d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax*8 + 0x496d0d], 0
+jne short loc_00409ee1 ; jne 0x409ee1
+test ebx, ebx
+jl short loc_00409ee1 ; jl 0x409ee1
+cmp ebx, 0x1b8
+jge short loc_00409ee1 ; jge 0x409ee1
+test edx, edx
+jl short loc_00409ee1 ; jl 0x409ee1
+cmp edx, 0x1b8
+jge short loc_00409ee1 ; jge 0x409ee1
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+lea edx, [eax + ebx]
+add edx, edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov eax, dword [0x474938]
+add edx, eax
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edi
+mov ax, word [eax*4 + ref_0048a850] ; mov ax, word [eax*4 + 0x48a850]
+or word [edx], ax
+inc ecx
+jmp near loc_00409e0f ; jmp 0x409e0f
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [ref_00474930], esi ; mov dword [0x474930], esi
+mov dword [ref_00474934], esi ; mov dword [0x474934], esi
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048b2ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48b2ac]
+mov dword [ref_00474930], eax ; mov dword [0x474930], eax
+mov edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048b2b0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48b2b0]
+mov dword [ref_00474934], eax ; mov dword [0x474934], eax
+mov ecx, edx
+sar ecx, 5
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], ecx
+mov ecx, eax
+sar ecx, 5
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], ecx
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+push eax
+push edx
+call fcn_00407a2c ; call 0x407a2c
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x5e880
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov edx, dword [0x474938]
+push edx
+add dword [esp + 0xc], 0xdc
+add dword [esp + 0x10], 0xdc
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edi, 1
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e80]
+add esi, 0x28
+cmp edi, dword [ref_00498e9c] ; cmp edi, dword [0x498e9c]
+jg near loc_0040a050 ; jg 0x40a050
+test dword [esi + 0x24], 0xffff00
+jne near loc_0040a04a ; jne 0x40a04a
+movsx eax, word [esi]
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 5
+sub edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+lea ebx, [edx + 0xe]
+movsx edx, word [esi + 2]
+mov ecx, edx
+sar ecx, 5
+sub ecx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+lea ebp, [ecx + 0xe]
+test ebx, ebx
+jl near loc_0040a04a ; jl 0x40a04a
+cmp ebx, 0x1c
+jg near loc_0040a04a ; jg 0x40a04a
+test ebp, ebp
+jl near loc_0040a04a ; jl 0x40a04a
+cmp ebp, 0x1c
+jg near loc_0040a04a ; jg 0x40a04a
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+push edx
+push eax
+call fcn_00407a2c ; call 0x407a2c
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_00499088], 0xd24 ; imul eax, dword [0x499088], 0xd24
+imul ebp, ebp, 0x74
+add ebp, eax
+mov eax, ebx
+movsx edx, word [ebp + eax*4 + ref_0046ccf2] ; movsx edx, word [ebp + eax*4 + 0x46ccf2]
+sub edx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov ecx, dword [esp]
+add ecx, edx
+movsx edx, word [ebp + eax*4 + ref_0046ccf0] ; movsx edx, word [ebp + eax*4 + 0x46ccf0]
+sub edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+add edx, dword [esp + 4]
+test ecx, ecx
+jl short loc_0040a04a ; jl 0x40a04a
+cmp ecx, 0x1b8
+jge short loc_0040a04a ; jge 0x40a04a
+test edx, edx
+jl short loc_0040a04a ; jl 0x40a04a
+cmp edx, 0x1b8
+jge short loc_0040a04a ; jge 0x40a04a
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ecx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov edx, dword [0x474938]
+mov word [edx + eax*2], di
+inc edi
+jmp near loc_00409f6d ; jmp 0x409f6d
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [ref_00474930], eax ; mov dword [0x474930], eax
+mov dword [ref_00474934], eax ; mov dword [0x474934], eax
+xor edi, edi
+xor ecx, ecx
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_0040a073 ; jmp 0x40a073
+add ecx, 0x1b8
+inc edi
+cmp edi, 0x1b8
+jge short loc_0040a0a0 ; jge 0x40a0a0
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0040a080 ; jmp 0x40a080
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0x1b8
+jge short loc_0040a064 ; jge 0x40a064
+lea eax, [ecx + ebx]
+add eax, eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov edx, dword [0x474938]
+add eax, edx
+mov dx, word [eax]
+test dx, dx
+je short loc_0040a077 ; je 0x40a077
+mov word [esi*2 + ref_0048b8c4], dx ; mov word [esi*2 + 0x48b8c4], dx
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0040a077 ; jmp 0x40a077
+push 1
+call fcn_00409b18 ; call 0x409b18
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esi
+jmp near loc_0040b33b ; jmp 0x40b33b
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x18
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+sar eax, 5
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x30]
+sar eax, 5
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x38]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x38]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00407a2c ; call 0x407a2c
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x5e880
+push 0
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov ebx, dword [0x474938]
+push ebx
+add dword [esp + 0xc], 0xdc
+add dword [esp + 0x10], 0xdc
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b9a] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b9a]
+test edx, edx
+jne near loc_0040a206 ; jne 0x40a206
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+mov ecx, edx
+sar ecx, 5
+sub ecx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+lea ebx, [ecx + 0xe]
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov ebp, eax
+sar ebp, 5
+sub ebp, dword [esp + 0x10]
+add ebp, 0xe
+test ebx, ebx
+jl near loc_0040a206 ; jl 0x40a206
+cmp ebx, 0x1c
+jg near loc_0040a206 ; jg 0x40a206
+test ebp, ebp
+jl near loc_0040a206 ; jl 0x40a206
+cmp ebp, 0x1c
+jg near loc_0040a206 ; jg 0x40a206
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+push eax
+push edx
+call fcn_00407a2c ; call 0x407a2c
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_00499088], 0xd24 ; imul eax, dword [0x499088], 0xd24
+imul edx, ebp, 0x74
+add edx, eax
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + ref_0046ccf2] ; movsx edx, word [eax + 0x46ccf2]
+sub edx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov ebx, dword [esp]
+add ebx, edx
+movsx eax, word [eax + ref_0046ccf0] ; movsx eax, word [eax + 0x46ccf0]
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+add eax, dword [esp + 4]
+mov cl, byte [ref_0049910c] ; mov cl, byte [0x49910c]
+mov edx, 1
+shl edx, cl
+mov ecx, edx
+add ch, 0x80
+test ebx, ebx
+jl short loc_0040a206 ; jl 0x40a206
+cmp ebx, 0x1b8
+jge short loc_0040a206 ; jge 0x40a206
+test eax, eax
+jl short loc_0040a206 ; jl 0x40a206
+cmp eax, 0x1b8
+jge short loc_0040a206 ; jge 0x40a206
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov edx, dword [0x474938]
+mov word [edx + eax*2], cx
+mov edi, 1
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e84]
+add esi, 0x34
+cmp edi, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp edi, dword [0x498e98]
+jg near loc_0040a2f6 ; jg 0x40a2f6
+cmp byte [esi + 0x19], 0
+je near loc_0040a2f0 ; je 0x40a2f0
+movsx edx, word [esi]
+mov ebx, edx
+sar ebx, 5
+sub ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+add ebx, 0xe
+movsx eax, word [esi + 2]
+mov ecx, eax
+sar ecx, 5
+sub ecx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+lea ebp, [ecx + 0xe]
+test ebx, ebx
+jl near loc_0040a2f0 ; jl 0x40a2f0
+cmp ebx, 0x1c
+jg near loc_0040a2f0 ; jg 0x40a2f0
+test ebp, ebp
+jl near loc_0040a2f0 ; jl 0x40a2f0
+cmp ebp, 0x1c
+jg near loc_0040a2f0 ; jg 0x40a2f0
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+push eax
+push edx
+call fcn_00407a2c ; call 0x407a2c
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_00499088], 0xd24 ; imul eax, dword [0x499088], 0xd24
+imul ebp, ebp, 0x74
+add ebp, eax
+mov eax, ebx
+movsx ebx, word [ebp + eax*4 + ref_0046ccf2] ; movsx ebx, word [ebp + eax*4 + 0x46ccf2]
+sub ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+add ebx, dword [esp]
+movsx eax, word [ebp + eax*4 + ref_0046ccf0] ; movsx eax, word [ebp + eax*4 + 0x46ccf0]
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+add eax, dword [esp + 4]
+test ebx, ebx
+jl short loc_0040a2f0 ; jl 0x40a2f0
+cmp ebx, 0x1b8
+jge short loc_0040a2f0 ; jge 0x40a2f0
+test eax, eax
+jl short loc_0040a2f0 ; jl 0x40a2f0
+cmp eax, 0x1b8
+jge short loc_0040a2f0 ; jge 0x40a2f0
+mov ecx, edi
+add ecx, 0x7d0
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov edx, dword [0x474938]
+mov word [edx + eax*2], cx
+inc edi
+jmp near loc_0040a211 ; jmp 0x40a211
+mov edi, 1
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e88]
+add esi, 0x38
+cmp edi, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; cmp edi, dword [0x498e8c]
+jg near loc_0040a3e9 ; jg 0x40a3e9
+cmp byte [esi + 0x19], 0
+je near loc_0040a3e3 ; je 0x40a3e3
+movsx eax, word [esi]
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 5
+sub edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+lea ebx, [edx + 0xe]
+movsx edx, word [esi + 2]
+mov ecx, edx
+sar ecx, 5
+sub ecx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+lea ebp, [ecx + 0xe]
+test ebx, ebx
+jl near loc_0040a3e3 ; jl 0x40a3e3
+cmp ebx, 0x1c
+jg near loc_0040a3e3 ; jg 0x40a3e3
+test ebp, ebp
+jl near loc_0040a3e3 ; jl 0x40a3e3
+cmp ebp, 0x1c
+jg near loc_0040a3e3 ; jg 0x40a3e3
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+push edx
+push eax
+call fcn_00407a2c ; call 0x407a2c
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_00499088], 0xd24 ; imul eax, dword [0x499088], 0xd24
+imul ebp, ebp, 0x74
+add ebp, eax
+mov eax, ebx
+movsx edx, word [ebp + eax*4 + ref_0046ccf2] ; movsx edx, word [ebp + eax*4 + 0x46ccf2]
+sub edx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov ebx, dword [esp]
+add ebx, edx
+movsx eax, word [ebp + eax*4 + ref_0046ccf0] ; movsx eax, word [ebp + eax*4 + 0x46ccf0]
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+add eax, dword [esp + 4]
+test ebx, ebx
+jl short loc_0040a3e3 ; jl 0x40a3e3
+cmp ebx, 0x1b8
+jge short loc_0040a3e3 ; jge 0x40a3e3
+test eax, eax
+jl short loc_0040a3e3 ; jl 0x40a3e3
+cmp eax, 0x1b8
+jge short loc_0040a3e3 ; jge 0x40a3e3
+mov ecx, edi
+add ecx, 0xfa0
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add edx, eax
+add edx, ebx
+add edx, edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov eax, dword [0x474938]
+mov word [edx + eax], cx
+inc edi
+jmp near loc_0040a301 ; jmp 0x40a301
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x34]
+cmp edx, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_0040a3fb ; jne 0x40a3fb
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov ebp, 0x1b8
+jmp short loc_0040a421 ; jmp 0x40a421
+mov edi, 0xdc
+sub edi, edx
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edi
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+lea ecx, [eax + edi]
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x34]
+add ebp, ebp
+xor edi, edi
+xor esi, esi
+cmp edi, ebp
+jge near loc_0040a0a0 ; jge 0x40a0a0
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, ebp
+jge short loc_0040a453 ; jge 0x40a453
+lea edx, [ecx + ebx]
+add edx, edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov eax, dword [0x474938]
+add eax, edx
+mov dx, word [eax]
+test dx, dx
+je short loc_0040a450 ; je 0x40a450
+mov word [esi*2 + ref_0048b8c4], dx ; mov word [esi*2 + 0x48b8c4], dx
+inc esi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0040a42f ; jmp 0x40a42f
+add ecx, 0x1b8
+inc edi
+jmp short loc_0040a425 ; jmp 0x40a425
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+cmp edi, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_0040a472 ; jne 0x40a472
+xor esi, esi
+mov edi, 0x1b8
+jmp short loc_0040a494 ; jmp 0x40a494
+mov ebp, 0xdc
+sub ebp, edi
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebp
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebp
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+lea esi, [eax + ebp]
+add edi, edi
+call fcn_00409de7 ; call 0x409de7
+xor ebp, ebp
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebp, edi
+jge short loc_0040a4d0 ; jge 0x40a4d0
+xor edx, edx
+cmp edx, edi
+jge short loc_0040a4c7 ; jge 0x40a4c7
+lea ecx, [esi + edx]
+add ecx, ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov eax, dword [0x474938]
+add eax, ecx
+mov cx, word [eax]
+test cx, cx
+je short loc_0040a4c4 ; je 0x40a4c4
+mov word [ebx*2 + ref_0048b8c4], cx ; mov word [ebx*2 + 0x48b8c4], cx
+inc ebx
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_0040a4a3 ; jmp 0x40a4a3
+add esi, 0x1b8
+inc ebp
+jmp short loc_0040a49d ; jmp 0x40a49d
+push 1
+call fcn_00409b18 ; call 0x409b18
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push 0
+push 0
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bad0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bad0]
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+add ecx, 0xc
+add ecx, eax
+push ecx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048badc] ; mov edx, dword [0x48badc]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+mov esi, 1
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, 0x34
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp esi, dword [0x498e98]
+jg near loc_0040a60f ; jg 0x40a60f
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x19], 0
+je near loc_0040a609 ; je 0x40a609
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_0040a583 ; je 0x40a583
+movsx edx, word [ebx]
+mov ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 2
+sub ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 2
+sub ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 3
+add ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 7
+sar ecx, 0x10
+movsx edx, word [ebx + 2]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add edx, eax
+shl edx, 7
+sar edx, 0x10
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1b]
+and al, 1
+and eax, 0xff
+add eax, 0x1a
+jmp short loc_0040a5c5 ; jmp 0x40a5c5
+movsx edx, word [ebx]
+mov ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 2
+sub ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 2
+sub ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 3
+add ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 6
+sar ecx, 0x10
+movsx edx, word [ebx + 2]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add edx, eax
+shl edx, 6
+sar edx, 0x10
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1b]
+and al, 1
+and eax, 0xff
+add eax, 0x16
+movzx ebp, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+dec ebp
+imul ebp, ebp, 0x68
+push dword [ebp + ref_00496b6c] ; push dword [ebp + 0x496b6c]
+push edx
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bad8]
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add ecx, 0xc
+add eax, ecx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048badc] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48badc]
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+add ecx, 0xc
+add eax, ecx
+push eax
+call fcn_00456384 ; call 0x456384
+add esp, 0x14
+inc esi
+jmp near loc_0040a522 ; jmp 0x40a522
+mov esi, 1
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebx, 0x38
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; cmp esi, dword [0x498e8c]
+jg near loc_0040a709 ; jg 0x40a709
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x19], 0
+je near loc_0040a703 ; je 0x40a703
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_0040a67b ; je 0x40a67b
+movsx edx, word [ebx]
+mov ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 2
+sub ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 2
+sub ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 3
+add ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 7
+sar ecx, 0x10
+movsx edx, word [ebx + 2]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add edx, eax
+shl edx, 7
+sar edx, 0x10
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1b]
+and al, 1
+and eax, 0xff
+add eax, 0x1c
+jmp short loc_0040a6bd ; jmp 0x40a6bd
+movsx edx, word [ebx]
+mov ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 2
+sub ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 2
+sub ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 3
+add ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 6
+sar ecx, 0x10
+movsx edx, word [ebx + 2]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add edx, eax
+shl edx, 6
+sar edx, 0x10
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1b]
+and al, 1
+and eax, 0xff
+add eax, 0x18
+movzx ebp, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+dec ebp
+imul ebp, ebp, 0x68
+push dword [ebp + ref_00496b6c] ; push dword [ebp + 0x496b6c]
+push edx
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bad8]
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+lea eax, [ecx + 0xc]
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048badc] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48badc]
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+lea edx, [ecx + 0xc]
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+call fcn_00456384 ; call 0x456384
+add esp, 0x14
+inc esi
+jmp near loc_0040a61a ; jmp 0x40a61a
+mov esi, 1
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e7c]
+add ebx, 0x34
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00498e90] ; cmp esi, dword [0x498e90]
+jg near loc_0040a4dc ; jg 0x40a4dc
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+je near loc_0040a7fb ; je 0x40a7fb
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_0040a775 ; je 0x40a775
+movsx edx, word [ebx]
+mov ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 2
+sub ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 2
+sub ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 3
+add ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 7
+sar ecx, 0x10
+movsx edx, word [ebx + 2]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add edx, eax
+shl edx, 7
+sar edx, 0x10
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1b]
+and al, 1
+and eax, 0xff
+add eax, 0x1c
+jmp short loc_0040a7b7 ; jmp 0x40a7b7
+movsx edx, word [ebx]
+mov ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 2
+sub ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 2
+sub ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 3
+add ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 6
+sar ecx, 0x10
+movsx edx, word [ebx + 2]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add edx, eax
+shl edx, 6
+sar edx, 0x10
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1b]
+and al, 1
+and eax, 0xff
+add eax, 0x18
+movzx ebp, byte [ebx + 0x18]
+dec ebp
+imul ebp, ebp, 0x68
+push dword [ebp + ref_00496b6c] ; push dword [ebp + 0x496b6c]
+push edx
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bad8]
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+lea edx, [ecx + 0xc]
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048badc] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48badc]
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+add ecx, 0xc
+add eax, ecx
+push eax
+call fcn_00456384 ; call 0x456384
+add esp, 0x14
+inc esi
+jmp near loc_0040a714 ; jmp 0x40a714
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x28]
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb short loc_0040a821 ; jb 0x40a821
+jbe short loc_0040a854 ; jbe 0x40a854
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_0040a82b ; je 0x40a82b
+jmp near loc_0040a9a4 ; jmp 0x40a9a4
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je short loc_0040a86d ; je 0x40a86d
+jmp near loc_0040a9a4 ; jmp 0x40a9a4
+push 1
+call fcn_0040a4e1 ; call 0x40a4e1
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_0040a998 ; jmp 0x40a998
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0040a998 ; jmp 0x40a998
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x3c
+push 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048badc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48badc]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_0040a928 ; jge 0x40a928
+imul edx, ebx, 0x68
+cmp word [edx + ref_00496b70], 0 ; cmp word [edx + 0x496b70], 0
+je short loc_0040a922 ; je 0x40a922
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [edx + ref_00496b70] ; mov cx, word [edx + 0x496b70]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ecx
+shl eax, 7
+sar eax, 0x10
+lea ecx, [eax + 0x14]
+mov dx, word [edx + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [edx + 0x496b72]
+and edx, 0xffff
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 7
+sar eax, 0x10
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+push ecx
+imul eax, ebx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_0040a8a1 ; jmp 0x40a8a1
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov dword [esp], 0x14
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0x3c
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x1a4
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x1cc
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push esi
+push 0x3c
+push 0x14
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x28]
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__ValidateRect@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462340]
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+push ebx
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x30]
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp short loc_0040a99a ; jmp 0x40a99a
+push 0
+push fcn_0040a801 ; push 0x40a801
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+call fcn_00415e70 ; call 0x415e70
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00409b18 ; call 0x409b18
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+add eax, dword [esp + 4]
+mov edx, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov edx, dword [0x474938]
+mov ax, word [edx + eax*2]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push ebx
+sub esp, 0x100
+mov edx, 1
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp edx, dword [ref_00498e9c] ; cmp edx, dword [0x498e9c]
+jg short loc_0040aa53 ; jg 0x40aa53
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+lea ecx, [edx + eax]
+shl ecx, 3
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+add eax, ecx
+test dword [eax + 0x24], 0x80ffff00
+jne short loc_0040aa50 ; jne 0x40aa50
+cmp dword [eax + 0x18], 0
+jne short loc_0040aa4c ; jne 0x40aa4c
+cmp dword [eax + 0x1c], 0
+je short loc_0040aa50 ; je 0x40aa50
+mov byte [esp + ebx], dl
+inc ebx
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_0040aa1d ; jmp 0x40aa1d
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + edx]
+add esp, 0x100
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x104
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x118]
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_0040aaa2 ; je 0x40aaa2
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ebp, dword [0x498e80]
+add ebp, eax
+movsx eax, word [ebp]
+mov dword [esp + 0x100], eax
+movsx ebp, word [ebp + 2]
+mov edx, 1
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp edx, dword [ref_00498e9c] ; cmp edx, dword [0x498e9c]
+jg short loc_0040aadf ; jg 0x40aadf
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e80]
+add eax, ecx
+test dword [eax + 0x24], 0x80ffff00
+jne short loc_0040aadc ; jne 0x40aadc
+cmp dword [eax + 0x18], 0
+jne short loc_0040aad8 ; jne 0x40aad8
+cmp dword [eax + 0x1c], 0
+je short loc_0040aadc ; je 0x40aadc
+mov byte [esp + ebx], dl
+inc ebx
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_0040aaa9 ; jmp 0x40aaa9
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+movzx esi, byte [esp + edx]
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e80]
+add eax, edx
+movsx edx, word [eax]
+movsx edi, word [eax + 2]
+cmp dword [esp + 0x118], 0
+je short loc_0040ab3d ; je 0x40ab3d
+sub edx, dword [esp + 0x100]
+push edx
+call fcn_00458276 ; call 0x458276
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0x12c
+jge short loc_0040ab3d ; jge 0x40ab3d
+mov eax, edi
+sub eax, ebp
+push eax
+call fcn_00458276 ; call 0x458276
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0x12c
+jl short loc_0040aadf ; jl 0x40aadf
+mov eax, esi
+add esp, 0x104
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+xor edx, edx
+cmp esi, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_0040abdb ; jle 0x40abdb
+cmp esi, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_0040abdb ; jge 0x40abdb
+lea eax, [esi - 0x7d0]
+imul ecx, eax, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, ecx
+cmp ebx, 1
+jb short loc_0040ab8c ; jb 0x40ab8c
+jbe short loc_0040abae ; jbe 0x40abae
+cmp ebx, 2
+je short loc_0040abc8 ; je 0x40abc8
+jmp short loc_0040abdb ; jmp 0x40abdb
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0040abdb ; jne 0x40abdb
+mov ch, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+test ch, ch
+je short loc_0040abdb ; je 0x40abdb
+mov dl, ch
+dec dl
+mov byte [eax + 0x1a], dl
+cmp byte [eax + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_0040abd6 ; je 0x40abd6
+mov byte [eax + 0x1a], 0
+mov byte [eax + 0x18], 0
+jmp short loc_0040abd6 ; jmp 0x40abd6
+mov byte [eax + 0x19], 0
+mov byte [eax + 0x1a], 0
+mov byte [eax + 0x18], 0
+mov dword [eax + 0x30], edx
+push edx
+call fcn_0040a4e1 ; call 0x40a4e1
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0040abd6 ; jmp 0x40abd6
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_0040abdb ; je 0x40abdb
+mov byte [eax + 0x1a], 0
+mov byte [eax + 0x18], 0
+mov edx, 1
+cmp esi, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_0040ac76 ; jle 0x40ac76
+cmp esi, 0x1770
+jge near loc_0040ac76 ; jge 0x40ac76
+lea eax, [esi - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov ecx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, ecx
+cmp ebx, 1
+jb short loc_0040ac1c ; jb 0x40ac1c
+jbe short loc_0040ac3a ; jbe 0x40ac3a
+cmp ebx, 2
+je short loc_0040ac5e ; je 0x40ac5e
+mov eax, edx
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0040ac76 ; jne 0x40ac76
+mov bh, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+test bh, bh
+je short loc_0040ac76 ; je 0x40ac76
+mov cl, bh
+dec cl
+mov byte [eax + 0x1a], cl
+jne short loc_0040ac71 ; jne 0x40ac71
+mov byte [eax + 0x18], cl
+call fcn_0040dffa ; call 0x40dffa
+jmp short loc_0040ac71 ; jmp 0x40ac71
+mov byte [eax + 0x19], 0
+mov byte [eax + 0x1a], 0
+mov byte [eax + 0x18], 0
+mov dword [eax + 0x34], 0
+call fcn_0040dffa ; call 0x40dffa
+push 0
+call fcn_0040a4e1 ; call 0x40a4e1
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0040ac71 ; jmp 0x40ac71
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_0040ac76 ; je 0x40ac76
+mov byte [eax + 0x1a], 0
+mov byte [eax + 0x18], 0
+call fcn_0040dffa ; call 0x40dffa
+mov edx, 1
+mov eax, edx
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xc
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push edx
+call fcn_0040a45c ; call 0x40a45c
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp], eax
+xor edi, edi
+cmp edi, dword [esp]
+jge near loc_0040af0a ; jge 0x40af0a
+mov ax, word [edi*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov ax, word [edi*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+test byte [esp + 0x24], 2
+je near loc_0040ad88 ; je 0x40ad88
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+cmp ebx, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_0040ad88 ; jle 0x40ad88
+cmp ebx, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_0040ad88 ; jge 0x40ad88
+lea eax, [ebx - 0x7d0]
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, eax
+test ebp, ebp
+jne short loc_0040ad3a ; jne 0x40ad3a
+cmp esi, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0040ad1c ; je 0x40ad1c
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x19], 0
+je short loc_0040ad1c ; je 0x40ad1c
+mov eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+add eax, eax
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+push eax
+push esi
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+dec eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+mov cl, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_0040ad2a ; je 0x40ad2a
+mov ch, cl
+dec ch
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1a], ch
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_0040ad88 ; je 0x40ad88
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1a], 0
+mov byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+jmp short loc_0040ad88 ; jmp 0x40ad88
+cmp esi, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0040ad6b ; je 0x40ad6b
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x19], 0
+je short loc_0040ad6b ; je 0x40ad6b
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+add edx, edx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+push eax
+push esi
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+dec eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+mov byte [ebx + 0x19], 0
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1a], 0
+mov byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+mov dword [ebx + 0x30], 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0040a4e1 ; call 0x40a4e1
+add esp, 4
+test byte [esp + 0x24], 4
+je near loc_0040ae67 ; je 0x40ae67
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 8]
+cmp ecx, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_0040ae67 ; jle 0x40ae67
+cmp ecx, 0x1770
+jge near loc_0040ae67 ; jge 0x40ae67
+lea eax, [ecx - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebx, eax
+test ebp, ebp
+jne short loc_0040ae14 ; jne 0x40ae14
+cmp esi, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0040adf5 ; je 0x40adf5
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x19], 0
+je short loc_0040adf5 ; je 0x40adf5
+mov eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+add eax, eax
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+push eax
+push esi
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+dec eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+mov cl, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_0040ae03 ; je 0x40ae03
+mov ch, cl
+dec ch
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1a], ch
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+test al, al
+jne short loc_0040ae67 ; jne 0x40ae67
+mov byte [ebx + 0x18], al
+call fcn_0040dffa ; call 0x40dffa
+jmp short loc_0040ae67 ; jmp 0x40ae67
+cmp esi, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0040ae45 ; je 0x40ae45
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x19], 0
+je short loc_0040ae45 ; je 0x40ae45
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+add edx, edx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+push eax
+push esi
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+dec eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+mov byte [ebx + 0x19], 0
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1a], 0
+mov byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+mov dword [ebx + 0x34], 0
+call fcn_0040dffa ; call 0x40dffa
+push 0
+call fcn_0040a4e1 ; call 0x40a4e1
+add esp, 4
+test byte [esp + 0x24], 0x20
+je near loc_0040af04 ; je 0x40af04
+test byte [esp + 9], 0x80
+je near loc_0040af04 ; je 0x40af04
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+test byte [esp + 8], 0xf
+je short loc_0040aeac ; je 0x40aeac
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0040ae9a ; jmp 0x40ae9a
+sar dword [esp + 8], 1
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_0040aeac ; jge 0x40aeac
+test byte [esp + 8], 1
+je short loc_0040ae90 ; je 0x40ae90
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040cd07 ; call 0x40cd07
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0040ae90 ; jmp 0x40ae90
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+test byte [esp + 4], 0xf0
+je short loc_0040aee0 ; je 0x40aee0
+mov ebx, 4
+jmp short loc_0040aecc ; jmp 0x40aecc
+sar dword [esp + 8], 1
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 8
+jge short loc_0040aee0 ; jge 0x40aee0
+test byte [esp + 8], 0x10
+je short loc_0040aec2 ; je 0x40aec2
+push 0
+push ebx
+call fcn_0043ec3f ; call 0x43ec3f
+add esp, 8
+jmp short loc_0040aec2 ; jmp 0x40aec2
+test byte [esp + 5], 0x7f
+je short loc_0040af04 ; je 0x40af04
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+sar eax, 8
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+mov edx, eax
+and edx, 0x7f
+mov dword [esp + 8], edx
+push edx
+call fcn_0040e14d ; call 0x40e14d
+add esp, 4
+inc edi
+jmp near loc_0040ac9c ; jmp 0x40ac9c
+add esp, 0xc
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor ecx, ecx
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jge short loc_0040af38 ; jge 0x40af38
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+add edx, eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e80]
+movsx ebx, word [ecx + edx*8]
+movsx ecx, word [ecx + edx*8 + 2]
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_0040af62 ; jle 0x40af62
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_0040af62 ; jge 0x40af62
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e84]
+movsx ebx, word [ecx + eax]
+movsx ecx, word [ecx + eax + 2]
+jmp near loc_0040b058 ; jmp 0x40b058
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jle short loc_0040af87 ; jle 0x40af87
+cmp eax, 0x1770
+jge short loc_0040af87 ; jge 0x40af87
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e88]
+jmp short loc_0040af54 ; jmp 0x40af54
+cmp eax, 0x1770
+jle short loc_0040afa5 ; jle 0x40afa5
+cmp eax, 0x1f40
+jge short loc_0040afa5 ; jge 0x40afa5
+sub eax, 0x1770
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e7c]
+jmp short loc_0040af54 ; jmp 0x40af54
+cmp eax, 0x1f40
+jle short loc_0040afca ; jle 0x40afca
+cmp eax, 0x2710
+jge short loc_0040afca ; jge 0x40afca
+sub eax, 0x1f40
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e78] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e78]
+jmp short loc_0040af54 ; jmp 0x40af54
+test ah, 0x80
+je near loc_0040b058 ; je 0x40b058
+xor edx, edx
+test al, 0xf
+je short loc_0040afff ; je 0x40afff
+mov ecx, eax
+and ecx, 1
+cmp ecx, 1
+je short loc_0040afe8 ; je 0x40afe8
+sar eax, 1
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_0040afd9 ; jmp 0x40afd9
+imul edx, edx, 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [edx + ref_00496b70] ; mov bx, word [edx + 0x496b70]
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [edx + ref_00496b72] ; mov cx, word [edx + 0x496b72]
+jmp short loc_0040b058 ; jmp 0x40b058
+test al, 0xf0
+je short loc_0040b023 ; je 0x40b023
+test al, 0x10
+jne short loc_0040b00c ; jne 0x40b00c
+sar eax, 1
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_0040b003 ; jmp 0x40b003
+shl edx, 4
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [edx + ref_00498e28] ; mov bx, word [edx + 0x498e28]
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [edx + ref_00498e2a] ; mov cx, word [edx + 0x498e2a]
+jmp short loc_0040b058 ; jmp 0x40b058
+test ah, 0x7f
+je short loc_0040b058 ; je 0x40b058
+sar eax, 8
+and eax, 0x7f
+lea edx, [eax - 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax*8 + ref_00496d0a] ; mov dx, word [eax*8 + 0x496d0a]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e80]
+movsx ebx, word [ecx + eax*8]
+movsx ecx, word [ecx + eax*8 + 2]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov dword [eax], ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov dword [eax], ecx
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+xor edx, edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bac8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bac8]
+cmp edx, ecx
+jge short loc_0040b092 ; jge 0x40b092
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov ax, word [eax*4 + ref_0048a850] ; mov ax, word [eax*4 + 0x48a850]
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp eax, ebx
+je short loc_0040b092 ; je 0x40b092
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_0040b073 ; jmp 0x40b073
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+movsx edx, word [eax + ref_0048a854] ; movsx edx, word [eax + 0x48a854]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov dword [ecx], edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + ref_0048a856] ; movsx edx, word [eax + 0x48a856]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov dword [ecx], edx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0040b0cb ; je 0x40b0cb
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_0048a853] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x48a853]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov dword [ebx], eax
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x20b
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0040829d ; call 0x40829d
+add esp, 8
+push 0x5a
+push 1
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+xor eax, eax
+cmp edx, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_0040b170 ; jle 0x40b170
+cmp edx, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_0040b170 ; jge 0x40b170
+lea ecx, [edx - 0x7d0]
+imul ecx, ecx, 0x34
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, ecx
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+jne short loc_0040b149 ; jne 0x40b149
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x1a], 5
+jae short loc_0040b149 ; jae 0x40b149
+mov eax, 1
+mov cl, byte [ebx + 0x18]
+cmp cl, 1
+jne short loc_0040b15d ; jne 0x40b15d
+cmp cl, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+jbe short loc_0040b15d ; jbe 0x40b15d
+mov eax, 1
+jmp short loc_0040b161 ; jmp 0x40b161
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0040b170 ; je 0x40b170
+mov cl, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+inc cl
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1a], cl
+cmp cl, 5
+jne short loc_0040b170 ; jne 0x40b170
+or al, 0x80
+cmp edx, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_0040b21f ; jle 0x40b21f
+cmp edx, 0x1770
+jge near loc_0040b21f ; jge 0x40b21f
+lea ebx, [edx - 0xfa0]
+shl ebx, 3
+mov edx, ebx
+shl ebx, 3
+sub ebx, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebx, edx
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x1a], 0
+jne short loc_0040b1f9 ; jne 0x40b1f9
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+test byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 6 ; test byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 6
+je short loc_0040b1e2 ; je 0x40b1e2
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edx, eax
+jne short loc_0040b1dc ; jne 0x40b1dc
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 4
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+inc edx
+mov byte [ebx + 0x18], dl
+jmp short loc_0040b1ef ; jmp 0x40b1ef
+mov byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+jmp short loc_0040b1ef ; jmp 0x40b1ef
+push 0
+call fcn_00440aac ; call 0x440aac
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ebx + 0x18], al
+mov eax, 1
+inc byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+pop ebx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x18]
+mov cl, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+cmp cl, byte [edx + ref_00474940] ; cmp cl, byte [edx + 0x474940]
+jae short loc_0040b21f ; jae 0x40b21f
+mov eax, 1
+mov dl, cl
+inc dl
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1a], dl
+cmp dl, 5
+jne short loc_0040b21f ; jne 0x40b21f
+mov eax, 0x81
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x18
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 8], edx
+push 0x10
+push edx
+push ref_0048b8b4 ; push 0x48b8b4
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp dword [esp + 0x30], 8
+jle short loc_0040b24d ; jle 0x40b24d
+mov dword [esp + 0x30], 8
+imul eax, dword [esp + 0x2c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b74] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b74]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b76] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b76]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], eax
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], edi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+cmp eax, dword [esp + 0x30]
+jge near loc_0040b337 ; jge 0x40b337
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edi, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov edi, dword [0x498e80]
+add edi, eax
+mov ebp, dword [edi + 0x24]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ecx, 0x40000000
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0040b2af ; jmp 0x40b2af
+shr ecx, 1
+inc eax
+cmp eax, 4
+jge short loc_0040b2d1 ; jge 0x40b2d1
+mov edx, eax
+mov dx, word [edi + edx*2 + 0x18]
+test dx, dx
+je short loc_0040b2a7 ; je 0x40b2a7
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, dx
+cmp esi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+je short loc_0040b2a7 ; je 0x40b2a7
+test ebp, ecx
+jne short loc_0040b2a7 ; jne 0x40b2a7
+mov word [esp + ebx*2], dx
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0040b2a7 ; jmp 0x40b2a7
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+add esi, esi
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0040b2e8 ; jne 0x40b2e8
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov word [esi + ref_0048b8b4], ax ; mov word [esi + 0x48b8b4], ax
+jmp short loc_0040b311 ; jmp 0x40b311
+cmp ebx, 1
+jne short loc_0040b2f2 ; jne 0x40b2f2
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+jmp short loc_0040b2df ; jmp 0x40b2df
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov ax, word [esp + edx*2]
+mov word [esi + ref_0048b8b4], ax ; mov word [esi + 0x48b8b4], ax
+mov dword [esp + 8], 1
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov ax, word [eax*2 + ref_0048b8b4] ; mov ax, word [eax*2 + 0x48b8b4]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], eax
+inc dword [esp + 0x10]
+jmp near loc_0040b275 ; jmp 0x40b275
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+add esp, 0x18
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x18
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 8], edx
+push 0x10
+push edx
+push ref_0048b8b4 ; push 0x48b8b4
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp dword [esp + 0x30], 8
+jle short loc_0040b36f ; jle 0x40b36f
+mov dword [esp + 0x30], 8
+imul eax, dword [esp + 0x2c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b76] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b76]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b74] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b74]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], eax
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], edi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+cmp eax, dword [esp + 0x30]
+jge short loc_0040b337 ; jge 0x40b337
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edi, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov edi, dword [0x498e80]
+add edi, eax
+mov ebp, dword [edi + 0x24]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ecx, 0x40000000
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0040b3cd ; jmp 0x40b3cd
+shr ecx, 1
+inc eax
+cmp eax, 4
+jge short loc_0040b3ef ; jge 0x40b3ef
+mov edx, eax
+mov dx, word [edi + edx*2 + 0x18]
+test dx, dx
+je short loc_0040b3c5 ; je 0x40b3c5
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, dx
+cmp esi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+je short loc_0040b3c5 ; je 0x40b3c5
+test ebp, ecx
+jne short loc_0040b3c5 ; jne 0x40b3c5
+mov word [esp + ebx*2], dx
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0040b3c5 ; jmp 0x40b3c5
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+add esi, esi
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0040b406 ; jne 0x40b406
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov word [esi + ref_0048b8b4], ax ; mov word [esi + 0x48b8b4], ax
+jmp short loc_0040b42f ; jmp 0x40b42f
+cmp ebx, 1
+jne short loc_0040b410 ; jne 0x40b410
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+jmp short loc_0040b3fd ; jmp 0x40b3fd
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov ax, word [esp + edx*2]
+mov word [esi + ref_0048b8b4], ax ; mov word [esi + 0x48b8b4], ax
+mov dword [esp + 8], 1
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov ax, word [eax*2 + ref_0048b8b4] ; mov ax, word [eax*2 + 0x48b8b4]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], eax
+inc dword [esp + 0x10]
+jmp near loc_0040b397 ; jmp 0x40b397
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov edx, 1
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, 0x34
+cmp edx, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp edx, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_0040b4ab ; jg 0x40b4ab
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+inc esi
+cmp ebx, esi
+jne short loc_0040b4a8 ; jne 0x40b4a8
+cmp byte [eax + 0x18], 0
+jne short loc_0040b4a8 ; jne 0x40b4a8
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+mov bx, word [eax + ebx*2 + 0x20]
+and ebx, 0xffff
+cmp ecx, ebx
+jge short loc_0040b4a8 ; jge 0x40b4a8
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 5
+jae short loc_0040b4a8 ; jae 0x40b4a8
+mov ecx, ebx
+lea ebp, [edx + 0x7d0]
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_0040b467 ; jmp 0x40b467
+mov edx, 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, 0x38
+cmp edx, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; cmp edx, dword [0x498e8c]
+jg short loc_0040b4f1 ; jg 0x40b4f1
+movzx esi, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+inc ebx
+cmp esi, ebx
+jne short loc_0040b4ee ; jne 0x40b4ee
+xor edi, edi
+mov di, word [eax + 0x22]
+cmp ecx, edi
+jge short loc_0040b4ee ; jge 0x40b4ee
+movzx esi, byte [eax + 0x18]
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+cmp bl, byte [esi + ref_00474940] ; cmp bl, byte [esi + 0x474940]
+jae short loc_0040b4ee ; jae 0x40b4ee
+mov ecx, edi
+lea ebp, [edx + 0xfa0]
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_0040b4b5 ; jmp 0x40b4b5
+mov eax, ebp
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0x38
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x48]
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_0040b6e2 ; jle 0x40b6e2
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_0040b6e2 ; jge 0x40b6e2
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e84]
+lea ebx, [esi + eax]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+add esi, eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 2]
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], eax
+movsx eax, word [esi]
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + 2]
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+sub edi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+sub edx, eax
+mov ecx, edi
+imul ecx, edi
+mov eax, edx
+imul eax, edx
+add eax, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x34], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x34]
+call fcn_004582bc ; call 0x4582bc
+fst dword [esp]
+fmul dword [ref_004631d8] ; fmul dword [0x4631d8]
+faddp st1 ; faddp st(1)
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x30]
+mov dword [esp + 0x34], edi
+fild dword [esp + 0x34]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x30]
+mov dword [esp + 0x34], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x34]
+fstp dword [esp + 4]
+fdiv dword [esp + 4]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov dword [esp + 0x34], edx
+fild dword [esp + 0x34]
+fdiv dword [esp + 4]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x1c]
+fild word [ebx]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x20]
+fild word [ebx + 2]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x24]
+fild word [esi]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x28]
+fild word [esi + 2]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x2c]
+cmp dword [esp + 0x30], 0
+je near loc_0040b6a7 ; je 0x40b6a7
+call dword [cs:__imp__timeGetTime@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46246c]
+mov edi, eax
+fld dword [esp + 0x20]
+fsub dword [esp + 0x18]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x20]
+fld dword [esp + 0x24]
+fsub dword [esp + 0x1c]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x24]
+fld dword [esp + 0x28]
+fadd dword [esp + 0x18]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x28]
+fld dword [esp + 0x2c]
+fadd dword [esp + 0x1c]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x2c]
+fld dword [esp + 0x20]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x34]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x34]
+mov word [ebx], ax
+fld dword [esp + 0x24]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x34]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x34]
+mov word [ebx + 2], ax
+fld dword [esp + 0x28]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x34]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x34]
+mov word [esi], ax
+fld dword [esp + 0x2c]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x34]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x34]
+mov word [esi + 2], ax
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+call dword [cs:__imp__timeGetTime@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46246c]
+sub eax, edi
+cmp eax, 0x18
+jae short loc_0040b69e ; jae 0x40b69e
+mov edx, 0x18
+sub edx, eax
+push edx
+call fcn_0045285e ; call 0x45285e
+add esp, 4
+dec dword [esp + 0x30]
+jmp near loc_0040b5dc ; jmp 0x40b5dc
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov word [ebx], ax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov word [ebx + 2], ax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov word [esi], ax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+mov word [esi + 2], ax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+mov ah, byte [esi + 0x1a]
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1a], ah
+mov byte [esi + 0x1a], al
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x18]
+mov ah, byte [esi + 0x18]
+mov byte [ebx + 0x18], ah
+mov byte [esi + 0x18], al
+jmp near loc_0040b8b6 ; jmp 0x40b8b6
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+lea esi, [edx + eax]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ebx
+lea ebx, [edx + eax]
+movsx eax, word [esi]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + 2]
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx]
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 2]
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+sub edi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+sub edx, eax
+mov ecx, edi
+imul ecx, edi
+mov eax, edx
+imul eax, edx
+add eax, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x34], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x34]
+call fcn_004582bc ; call 0x4582bc
+fst dword [esp]
+fmul dword [ref_004631d8] ; fmul dword [0x4631d8]
+faddp st1 ; faddp st(1)
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x30]
+mov dword [esp + 0x34], edi
+fild dword [esp + 0x34]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x30]
+mov dword [esp + 0x34], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x34]
+fstp dword [esp + 4]
+fdiv dword [esp + 4]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov dword [esp + 0x34], edx
+fild dword [esp + 0x34]
+fdiv dword [esp + 4]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x1c]
+fild word [esi]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x20]
+fild word [esi + 2]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x24]
+fild word [ebx]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x28]
+fild word [ebx + 2]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x2c]
+cmp dword [esp + 0x30], 0
+je near loc_0040b880 ; je 0x40b880
+call dword [cs:__imp__timeGetTime@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46246c]
+mov edi, eax
+fld dword [esp + 0x20]
+fsub dword [esp + 0x18]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x20]
+fld dword [esp + 0x24]
+fsub dword [esp + 0x1c]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x24]
+fld dword [esp + 0x28]
+fadd dword [esp + 0x18]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x28]
+fld dword [esp + 0x2c]
+fadd dword [esp + 0x1c]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x2c]
+fld dword [esp + 0x20]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x34]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x34]
+mov word [esi], ax
+fld dword [esp + 0x24]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x34]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x34]
+mov word [esi + 2], ax
+fld dword [esp + 0x28]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x34]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x34]
+mov word [ebx], ax
+fld dword [esp + 0x2c]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x34]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x34]
+mov word [ebx + 2], ax
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+call dword [cs:__imp__timeGetTime@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46246c]
+sub eax, edi
+cmp eax, 0x18
+jae short loc_0040b877 ; jae 0x40b877
+mov edx, 0x18
+sub edx, eax
+push edx
+call fcn_0045285e ; call 0x45285e
+add esp, 4
+dec dword [esp + 0x30]
+jmp near loc_0040b7b5 ; jmp 0x40b7b5
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov word [esi], ax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov word [esi + 2], ax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov word [ebx], ax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+mov word [ebx + 2], ax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x1a]
+mov ah, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+mov byte [esi + 0x1a], ah
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1a], al
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x18]
+mov ah, byte [ebx + 0x18]
+mov byte [esi + 0x18], ah
+mov byte [ebx + 0x18], al
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x1f4
+call fcn_0045285e ; call 0x45285e
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x38
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_0040b8ee ; jmp 0x40b8ee
+inc esi
+cmp esi, 4
+jge short loc_0040b91c ; jge 0x40b91c
+imul eax, ebp, 0x34
+mov ebx, esi
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, eax
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+add ebx, eax
+mov edx, dword [ebx + ref_00498eb4] ; mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x498eb4]
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_0040b8e8 ; je 0x40b8e8
+push edx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00498eb4], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x498eb4], eax
+jmp short loc_0040b8e8 ; jmp 0x40b8e8
+imul ebp, ebp, 0x34
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_0040b92f ; je 0x40b92f
+and byte [ebp + ref_00498ea0], 0xf ; and byte [ebp + 0x498ea0], 0xf
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+and byte [ebp + ref_00498ea0], 0xf0 ; and byte [ebp + 0x498ea0], 0xf0
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+imul ebx, esi, 0x34
+cmp esi, 4
+jge near loc_0040bd43 ; jge 0x40bd43
+imul ebp, esi, 0x68
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebp + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [ebp + 0x496b7b]
+mov edi, eax
+shl edi, 2
+add edi, eax
+shl edi, 2
+add edi, eax
+add edi, 0x80
+mov cl, byte [ebp + ref_00496b7d] ; mov cl, byte [ebp + 0x496b7d]
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_0040b97f ; je 0x40b97f
+test cl, 0x40
+je near loc_0040ba16 ; je 0x40ba16
+imul ebx, esi, 0x34
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x498ea0]
+and al, 0x30
+cmp al, 0x20
+je short loc_0040b9d0 ; je 0x40b9d0
+push 1
+push esi
+call fcn_0040b8d8 ; call 0x40b8d8
+add esp, 8
+mov cl, byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0] ; mov cl, byte [ebx + 0x498ea0]
+and cl, 0xcf
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0], cl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498ea0], cl
+mov ch, cl
+or ch, 0x20
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0], ch ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498ea0], ch
+push 0
+push 0
+add edi, 0x12
+push edi
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00498eb8], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x498eb8], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, esi, 0x34
+mov dl, 1
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea1], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea1], dl
+cmp dl, byte [eax + ref_00498ea2] ; cmp dl, byte [eax + 0x498ea2]
+jne short loc_0040ba00 ; jne 0x40ba00
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea5], 5 ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea5], 5
+imul esi, esi, 0x34
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [esi + ref_00498ea2], bh ; mov byte [esi + 0x498ea2], bh
+mov byte [esi + ref_00498ea3], bh ; mov byte [esi + 0x498ea3], bh
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+cmp byte [ebp + ref_00496b9f], 0 ; cmp byte [ebp + 0x496b9f], 0
+je near loc_0040bace ; je 0x40bace
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x498ea0]
+and al, 0xf
+cmp al, 5
+je short loc_0040baaa ; je 0x40baaa
+push 0
+push esi
+call fcn_0040b8d8 ; call 0x40b8d8
+add esp, 8
+mov cl, byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0] ; mov cl, byte [ebx + 0x498ea0]
+and cl, 0xf0
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0], cl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498ea0], cl
+mov ch, cl
+or ch, 5
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0], ch ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498ea0], ch
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [edi + 0x10]
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00498eb4], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x498eb4], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [edi + 0x11]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00498ebc], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x498ebc], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+add edi, 2
+push edi
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00498ec4], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x498ec4], eax
+imul eax, esi, 0x34
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498ea1], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498ea1], 1
+jne short loc_0040babe ; jne 0x40babe
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea3], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea3], dh
+imul esi, esi, 0x34
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [esi + ref_00498ea1], bl ; mov byte [esi + 0x498ea1], bl
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebp + ref_00496b74] ; mov dx, word [ebp + 0x496b74]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e80]
+test byte [edx + eax*8 + 0x27], 0x80
+je near loc_0040bbd8 ; je 0x40bbd8
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x498ea0]
+and al, 0x30
+cmp al, 0x10
+je short loc_0040bb76 ; je 0x40bb76
+push 1
+push esi
+call fcn_0040b8d8 ; call 0x40b8d8
+add esp, 8
+mov cl, byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0] ; mov cl, byte [ebx + 0x498ea0]
+and cl, 0xcf
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0], cl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498ea0], cl
+mov ch, cl
+or ch, 0x10
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0], ch ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498ea0], ch
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [edi + 0xd]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00498eb8], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x498eb8], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [edi + 0xe]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00498ec0], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x498ec0], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+add edi, 0xf
+push edi
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00498ec8], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x498ec8], eax
+imul eax, esi, 0x34
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498ea1], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498ea1], 0
+jne short loc_0040bbc9 ; jne 0x40bbc9
+cmp dword [ref_0048baf8], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48baf8], 0
+je short loc_0040bbbe ; je 0x40bbbe
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_004749d4], 0xf ; mov dword [0x4749d4], 0xf
+push 1
+mov eax, ref_0048234a ; mov eax, 0x48234a
+add eax, 0x78
+push eax
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, esi, 0x34
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea3], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea3], dh
+imul esi, esi, 0x34
+mov byte [esi + ref_00498ea1], 1 ; mov byte [esi + 0x498ea1], 1
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov al, byte [ebp + ref_00496b79] ; mov al, byte [ebp + 0x496b79]
+and al, 3
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, al
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x498ea0]
+and al, 0xf
+and eax, 0xff
+inc edx
+cmp edx, eax
+je near loc_0040bcb3 ; je 0x40bcb3
+push 0
+push esi
+call fcn_0040b8d8 ; call 0x40b8d8
+add esp, 8
+mov ch, byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0] ; mov ch, byte [ebx + 0x498ea0]
+and ch, 0xf0
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0], ch ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498ea0], ch
+mov al, byte [ebp + ref_00496b79] ; mov al, byte [ebp + 0x496b79]
+and al, 3
+mov ah, al
+inc ah
+mov dl, ch
+or dl, ah
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0], dl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498ea0], dl
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, al
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add edi, eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00498eb4], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x498eb4], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [edi + 1]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00498ebc], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x498ebc], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [edi + 2]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00498ec4], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x498ec4], eax
+mov al, byte [ebp + ref_00496b79] ; mov al, byte [ebp + 0x496b79]
+and al, 3
+cmp al, 3
+jne short loc_0040bcb3 ; jne 0x40bcb3
+push 0
+push 0
+add edi, 3
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00498ecc], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x498ecc], eax
+imul eax, esi, 0x34
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498ea1], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498ea1], 1
+jne short loc_0040bcc7 ; jne 0x40bcc7
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea3], bl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea3], bl
+imul eax, esi, 0x34
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea1], bh ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea1], bh
+imul esi, esi, 0x68
+mov al, byte [esi + ref_00496b79] ; mov al, byte [esi + 0x496b79]
+and al, 3
+and eax, 0xff
+mov edx, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov edx, dword [0x4749d4]
+sub edx, 0xb
+cmp edx, eax
+je near loc_0040bf8e ; je 0x40bf8e
+cmp dword [ref_0048baf8], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48baf8], 0
+je near loc_0040bf8e ; je 0x40bf8e
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+mov al, byte [esi + ref_00496b79] ; mov al, byte [esi + 0x496b79]
+and al, 3
+and eax, 0xff
+add eax, 0xb
+mov dword [ref_004749d4], eax ; mov dword [0x4749d4], eax
+push 1
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+cmp esi, 8
+jge near loc_0040bf02 ; jge 0x40bf02
+mov edi, esi
+shl edi, 2
+add edi, 0x16c
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 4
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498df5], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498df5], 0
+je short loc_0040bdd6 ; je 0x40bdd6
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x498ea0]
+and al, 0xf
+cmp al, 5
+je near loc_0040baaa ; je 0x40baaa
+push 0
+push esi
+call fcn_0040b8d8 ; call 0x40b8d8
+add esp, 8
+mov cl, byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0] ; mov cl, byte [ebx + 0x498ea0]
+and cl, 0xf0
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0], cl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498ea0], cl
+mov ch, cl
+or ch, 5
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0], ch ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498ea0], ch
+push 0
+push 0
+push edi
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00498eb4], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x498eb4], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+add edi, 3
+push edi
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00498ebc], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x498ebc], eax
+jmp near loc_0040baaa ; jmp 0x40baaa
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00498dec] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x498dec]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e80]
+test byte [edx + eax*8 + 0x27], 0x80
+je short loc_0040be4a ; je 0x40be4a
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x498ea0]
+and al, 0x30
+cmp al, 0x10
+je near loc_0040bb76 ; je 0x40bb76
+push 1
+push esi
+call fcn_0040b8d8 ; call 0x40b8d8
+add esp, 8
+mov cl, byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0] ; mov cl, byte [ebx + 0x498ea0]
+and cl, 0xcf
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0], cl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498ea0], cl
+mov ch, cl
+or ch, 0x10
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0], ch ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498ea0], ch
+push 0
+push 0
+add edi, 2
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00498ec0], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x498ec0], eax
+jmp near loc_0040bb76 ; jmp 0x40bb76
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x498ea0]
+and al, 0xf
+cmp al, 1
+je short loc_0040beae ; je 0x40beae
+push 0
+push esi
+call fcn_0040b8d8 ; call 0x40b8d8
+add esp, 8
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x498ea0]
+and al, 0xf0
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0], al ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498ea0], al
+mov ah, al
+or ah, 1
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0], ah ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498ea0], ah
+push 0
+push 0
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00498eb4], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x498eb4], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+inc edi
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00498ebc], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x498ebc], eax
+imul eax, esi, 0x34
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498ea1], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498ea1], 1
+jne near loc_0040babe ; jne 0x40babe
+cmp dword [ref_0048baf8], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48baf8], 0
+je short loc_0040befa ; je 0x40befa
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_004749d4], 0xb ; mov dword [0x4749d4], 0xb
+push 1
+mov eax, ref_0048234a ; mov eax, 0x48234a
+add eax, 0x58
+push eax
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, esi, 0x34
+jmp near loc_0040bab6 ; jmp 0x40bab6
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x498ea0]
+and al, 0xf
+cmp al, 1
+je short loc_0040bf6f ; je 0x40bf6f
+push 0
+push esi
+call fcn_0040b8d8 ; call 0x40b8d8
+add esp, 8
+mov ah, byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0] ; mov ah, byte [ebx + 0x498ea0]
+and ah, 0xf0
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0], ah ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498ea0], ah
+mov dl, ah
+or dl, 1
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498ea0], dl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498ea0], dl
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x209
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00498eb4], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x498eb4], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x20a
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00498ebc], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x498ebc], eax
+imul eax, esi, 0x34
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498ea1], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498ea1], 1
+jne short loc_0040bf83 ; jne 0x40bf83
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea3], bl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea3], bl
+imul esi, esi, 0x34
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [esi + ref_00498ea1], bh ; mov byte [esi + 0x498ea1], bh
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+lea esi, [eax + 0x80]
+imul eax, edi, 0x34
+test byte [eax + ref_00498ea0], 0x30 ; test byte [eax + 0x498ea0], 0x30
+je short loc_0040bfce ; je 0x40bfce
+push 1
+push edi
+call fcn_0040b8d8 ; call 0x40b8d8
+add esp, 8
+imul ebx, edi, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_0040bfe8 ; jne 0x40bfe8
+push edx
+push edx
+add esi, 0x13
+push esi
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push esi
+jmp short loc_0040bff7 ; jmp 0x40bff7
+push 0
+push 0
+add esi, 0x14
+push esi
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00498eb8], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x498eb8], eax
+imul eax, edi, 0x34
+mov dh, byte [eax + ref_00498ea0] ; mov dh, byte [eax + 0x498ea0]
+and dh, 0xcf
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea0], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea0], dh
+mov bl, dh
+or bl, 0x30
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea0], bl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea0], bl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea1], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea1], 1
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea2], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea2], cl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea3], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea3], cl
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+xor ebx, ebx
+push 0
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040b8d8 ; call 0x40b8d8
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040b8d8 ; call 0x40b8d8
+add esp, 8
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 9
+jl short loc_0040c03e ; jl 0x40c03e
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x30
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 8], edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp ecx, 4
+jge near loc_0040c489 ; jge 0x40c489
+cmp dword [ref_004749dc], 0 ; cmp dword [0x4749dc], 0
+jne near loc_0040c332 ; jne 0x40c332
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [eax + ref_00496b74] ; mov cx, word [eax + 0x496b74]
+mov edx, ecx
+shl edx, 2
+add edx, ecx
+shl edx, 3
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e80]
+add ebx, edx
+mov cl, byte [ref_0049910c] ; mov cl, byte [0x49910c]
+mov edx, 0x100
+shl edx, cl
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7d] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7d]
+test dl, 0x10
+je short loc_0040c0ed ; je 0x40c0ed
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx]
+mov dword [ref_0048bae4], eax ; mov dword [0x48bae4], eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 2]
+jmp near loc_0040c211 ; jmp 0x40c211
+test dl, 0x20
+je short loc_0040c12c ; je 0x40c12c
+movsx edx, word [ebx]
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], edx
+movsx edx, word [ebx + 2]
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + ref_00496bb2] ; movsx edx, word [eax + 0x496bb2]
+shl edx, 3
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, edx
+movsx edx, word [eax]
+mov dword [ref_0048bae4], edx ; mov dword [0x48bae4], edx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 2]
+jmp near loc_0040c211 ; jmp 0x40c211
+xor eax, eax
+mov ecx, 0x40000000
+xor esi, esi
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x24]
+mov dword [esp + 0x24], edx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+jmp short loc_0040c14c ; jmp 0x40c14c
+sar ecx, 1
+inc eax
+cmp eax, 4
+jge short loc_0040c17c ; jge 0x40c17c
+mov edx, eax
+mov dx, word [ebx + edx*2 + 0x18]
+and edx, 0xffff
+je short loc_0040c144 ; je 0x40c144
+imul edi, ebp, 0x68
+mov di, word [edi + ref_00496b76] ; mov di, word [edi + 0x496b76]
+and edi, 0xffff
+cmp edx, edi
+je short loc_0040c144 ; je 0x40c144
+test dword [esp + 0x24], ecx
+jne short loc_0040c144 ; jne 0x40c144
+mov word [esp + esi*2], dx
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0040c144 ; jmp 0x40c144
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_0040c196 ; jne 0x40c196
+imul edi, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul edi, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov di, word [edi + ref_00496b76] ; mov di, word [edi + 0x496b76]
+and edi, 0xffff
+jmp short loc_0040c1a9 ; jmp 0x40c1a9
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+lea edi, [edx + edx]
+movsx edi, word [esp + edi]
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b74] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b74]
+mov word [eax + ref_00496b76], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x496b76], dx
+mov word [eax + ref_00496b74], di ; mov word [eax + 0x496b74], di
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040fc00 ; call 0x40fc00
+add esp, 4
+movsx eax, word [ebx]
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 2]
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+not eax
+and dword [ebx + 0x24], eax
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edi
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e80]
+add ebx, eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+or dword [ebx + 0x24], eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx]
+mov dword [ref_0048bae4], eax ; mov dword [0x48bae4], eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 2]
+mov dword [ref_0048bae8], eax ; mov dword [0x48bae8], eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0040b93b ; call 0x40b93b
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bae4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bae4]
+sub edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048bae8] ; mov edi, dword [0x48bae8]
+sub edi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov eax, edx
+imul eax, edx
+mov ecx, edi
+imul ecx, edi
+add eax, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x28]
+call fcn_004582bc ; call 0x4582bc
+fstp dword [esp + 0xc]
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498ea1], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498ea1], 0
+jne short loc_0040c276 ; jne 0x40c276
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+test byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0x30 ; test byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0x30
+je short loc_0040c282 ; je 0x40c282
+fld dword [esp + 0xc]
+fmul dword [ref_004631dc] ; fmul dword [0x4631dc]
+jmp short loc_0040c2a2 ; jmp 0x40c2a2
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+and al, 3
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, al
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ecx + ref_004749d8] ; mov al, byte [ecx + 0x4749d8]
+mov dword [esp + 0x2c], eax
+fild word [esp + 0x2c]
+fdivr dword [esp + 0xc]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], edx
+fild dword [esp + 0x28]
+fdiv dword [esp + 0x1c]
+fstp dword [ref_0048baec] ; fstp dword [0x48baec]
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], edi
+fild dword [esp + 0x28]
+fdiv dword [esp + 0x1c]
+fstp dword [ref_0048baf0] ; fstp dword [0x48baf0]
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul edx, edi, 0x68
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [edx + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [edx + 0x496b70]
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x28]
+imul ecx, edi, 0x34
+fstp dword [ecx + ref_00498ea8] ; fstp dword [ecx + 0x498ea8]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [edx + ref_00496b72] ; mov ax, word [edx + 0x496b72]
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x28]
+fstp dword [ecx + ref_00498eac] ; fstp dword [ecx + 0x498eac]
+fld dword [esp + 0x1c]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [ref_004749dc] ; fistp dword [0x4749dc]
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749dc]
+sar eax, 1
+mov dword [ref_0048baf4], eax ; mov dword [0x48baf4], eax
+cmp dword [ref_004749dc], 0 ; cmp dword [0x4749dc], 0
+jne short loc_0040c332 ; jne 0x40c332
+mov dword [ref_004749dc], 1 ; mov dword [0x4749dc], 1
+mov ecx, dword [ref_004749dc] ; mov ecx, dword [0x4749dc]
+dec ecx
+mov dword [ref_004749dc], ecx ; mov dword [0x4749dc], ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+test ecx, ecx
+jle near loc_0040c3ec ; jle 0x40c3ec
+imul edx, ebx, 0x34
+fld dword [ref_0048baec] ; fld dword [0x48baec]
+fadd dword [edx + ref_00498ea8] ; fadd dword [edx + 0x498ea8]
+fstp dword [edx + ref_00498ea8] ; fstp dword [edx + 0x498ea8]
+fld dword [ref_0048baf0] ; fld dword [0x48baf0]
+fadd dword [edx + ref_00498eac] ; fadd dword [edx + 0x498eac]
+fstp dword [edx + ref_00498eac] ; fstp dword [edx + 0x498eac]
+fld dword [edx + ref_00498ea8] ; fld dword [edx + 0x498ea8]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov word [eax + ref_00496b70], bx ; mov word [eax + 0x496b70], bx
+fld dword [edx + ref_00498eac] ; fld dword [edx + 0x498eac]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov word [eax + ref_00496b72], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x496b72], dx
+test byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0x30 ; test byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0x30
+je short loc_0040c410 ; je 0x40c410
+mov edx, dword [ref_004749dc] ; mov edx, dword [0x4749dc]
+cmp edx, dword [ref_0048baf4] ; cmp edx, dword [0x48baf4]
+jge short loc_0040c410 ; jge 0x40c410
+mov ch, byte [eax + ref_00496b7d] ; mov ch, byte [eax + 0x496b7d]
+test ch, 0x10
+je short loc_0040c3d7 ; je 0x40c3d7
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496b9a], ebx ; mov dword [eax + 0x496b9a], ebx
+jmp short loc_0040c3e2 ; jmp 0x40c3e2
+mov dl, ch
+and dl, 0xf
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7d], dl
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [ref_0048baf4], esi ; mov dword [0x48baf4], esi
+jmp short loc_0040c410 ; jmp 0x40c410
+mov dx, word [ref_0048bae4] ; mov dx, word [0x48bae4]
+mov word [eax + ref_00496b70], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x496b70], dx
+mov dx, word [ref_0048bae8] ; mov dx, word [0x48bae8]
+mov word [eax + ref_00496b72], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x496b72], dx
+mov dword [esp + 8], 1
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+test byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0x30 ; test byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0x30
+jne short loc_0040c44c ; jne 0x40c44c
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b74] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b74]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b76] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b76]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+call fcn_00407a8c ; call 0x407a8c
+add esp, 8
+imul edx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul edx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov byte [edx + ref_00496b78], al ; mov byte [edx + 0x496b78], al
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9f], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9f], 0
+je near loc_0040c74a ; je 0x40c74a
+imul eax, edx, 0x34
+mov bh, byte [eax + ref_00498ea4] ; mov bh, byte [eax + 0x498ea4]
+inc bh
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea4], bh ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea4], bh
+cmp bh, 6
+jne near loc_0040c74a ; jne 0x40c74a
+xor ch, ch
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea4], ch ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea4], ch
+jmp near loc_0040c74a ; jmp 0x40c74a
+lea eax, [ecx - 4]
+mov dword [esp + 0x20], eax
+shl eax, 4
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00498e2c] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x498e2c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e80]
+add ebx, eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx]
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 2]
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_004749dc] ; mov esi, dword [0x4749dc]
+test esi, esi
+jne near loc_0040c65f ; jne 0x40c65f
+xor eax, eax
+mov ecx, 0x40000000
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x24]
+mov dword [esp + 0x24], edx
+jmp short loc_0040c4e1 ; jmp 0x40c4e1
+sar ecx, 1
+inc eax
+cmp eax, 4
+jge short loc_0040c515 ; jge 0x40c515
+mov edx, eax
+mov dx, word [ebx + edx*2 + 0x18]
+and edx, 0xffff
+je short loc_0040c4d9 ; je 0x40c4d9
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x20]
+shl edi, 4
+mov di, word [edi + ref_00498e2e] ; mov di, word [edi + 0x498e2e]
+and edi, 0xffff
+cmp edx, edi
+je short loc_0040c4d9 ; je 0x40c4d9
+test dword [esp + 0x24], ecx
+jne short loc_0040c4d9 ; jne 0x40c4d9
+mov word [esp + esi*2], dx
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0040c4d9 ; jmp 0x40c4d9
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_0040c52f ; jne 0x40c52f
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x20]
+shl edi, 4
+mov di, word [edi + ref_00498e2e] ; mov di, word [edi + 0x498e2e]
+and edi, 0xffff
+jmp short loc_0040c542 ; jmp 0x40c542
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+lea edi, [edx + edx]
+movsx edi, word [esp + edi]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x20]
+shl eax, 4
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00498e2c] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x498e2c]
+mov word [eax + ref_00498e2e], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x498e2e], dx
+mov word [eax + ref_00498e2c], di ; mov word [eax + 0x498e2c], di
+cmp dword [esp + 0x20], 4
+jge short loc_0040c579 ; jge 0x40c579
+mov cl, byte [esp + 0x20]
+mov eax, 0x1000
+shl eax, cl
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], eax
+not eax
+and dword [ebx + 0x24], eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040b93b ; call 0x40b93b
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edi
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e80]
+add ebx, eax
+cmp dword [esp + 0x20], 4
+jge short loc_0040c5a8 ; jge 0x40c5a8
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+or dword [ebx + 0x24], eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx]
+mov dword [ref_0048bae4], eax ; mov dword [0x48bae4], eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 2]
+mov dword [ref_0048bae8], eax ; mov dword [0x48bae8], eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bae4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bae4]
+sub edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov edi, eax
+sub edi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov eax, edx
+imul eax, edx
+mov ecx, edi
+imul ecx, edi
+add eax, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x28]
+call fcn_004582bc ; call 0x4582bc
+fst dword [esp + 0xc]
+fmul dword [ref_004631dc] ; fmul dword [0x4631dc]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], edx
+fild dword [esp + 0x28]
+fdiv dword [esp + 0x1c]
+fstp dword [ref_0048baec] ; fstp dword [0x48baec]
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], edi
+fild dword [esp + 0x28]
+fdiv dword [esp + 0x1c]
+fstp dword [ref_0048baf0] ; fstp dword [0x48baf0]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+shl ecx, 4
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ecx + ref_00498e28] ; mov ax, word [ecx + 0x498e28]
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x28]
+imul edx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul edx, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+fstp dword [edx + ref_00498ea8] ; fstp dword [edx + 0x498ea8]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ecx + ref_00498e2a] ; mov ax, word [ecx + 0x498e2a]
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x28]
+fstp dword [edx + ref_00498eac] ; fstp dword [edx + 0x498eac]
+fld dword [esp + 0x1c]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [ref_004749dc] ; fistp dword [0x4749dc]
+mov esi, dword [ref_004749dc] ; mov esi, dword [0x4749dc]
+dec esi
+mov dword [ref_004749dc], esi ; mov dword [0x4749dc], esi
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+shl edx, 4
+test esi, esi
+jle short loc_0040c6d8 ; jle 0x40c6d8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+fld dword [ref_0048baec] ; fld dword [0x48baec]
+fadd dword [eax + ref_00498ea8] ; fadd dword [eax + 0x498ea8]
+fstp dword [eax + ref_00498ea8] ; fstp dword [eax + 0x498ea8]
+fld dword [ref_0048baf0] ; fld dword [0x48baf0]
+fadd dword [eax + ref_00498eac] ; fadd dword [eax + 0x498eac]
+fstp dword [eax + ref_00498eac] ; fstp dword [eax + 0x498eac]
+fld dword [eax + ref_00498ea8] ; fld dword [eax + 0x498ea8]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov word [edx + ref_00498e28], bx ; mov word [edx + 0x498e28], bx
+fld dword [eax + ref_00498eac] ; fld dword [eax + 0x498eac]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov word [edx + ref_00498e2a], ax ; mov word [edx + 0x498e2a], ax
+jmp short loc_0040c6f6 ; jmp 0x40c6f6
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov word [edx + ref_00498e28], ax ; mov word [edx + 0x498e28], ax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov word [edx + ref_00498e2a], ax ; mov word [edx + 0x498e2a], ax
+mov dword [esp + 8], 1
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+shl ebx, 4
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00498e2c] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x498e2c]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00498e2e] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x498e2e]
+push eax
+call fcn_00407a8c ; call 0x407a8c
+add esp, 8
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498e31], al ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498e31], al
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00498e35], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x498e35], 0
+je short loc_0040c74a ; je 0x40c74a
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov ch, byte [eax + ref_00498ea4] ; mov ch, byte [eax + 0x498ea4]
+inc ch
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea4], ch ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea4], ch
+cmp ch, 6
+jne short loc_0040c74a ; jne 0x40c74a
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea4], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea4], dh
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+inc byte [eax + ref_00498ea3] ; inc byte [eax + 0x498ea3]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00498ea1] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x498ea1]
+mov edx, dword [eax + edx*4 + ref_00498ebc] ; mov edx, dword [eax + edx*4 + 0x498ebc]
+mov edx, dword [edx + 4]
+sar edx, 3
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00498ea3] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x498ea3]
+cmp ecx, edx
+jne short loc_0040c780 ; jne 0x40c780
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea3], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea3], dh
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+add esp, 0x30
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push ref_004823f2 ; push 0x4823f2
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+cmp edx, 4
+jge near loc_0040c85e ; jge 0x40c85e
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b78] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b78]
+add dl, 4
+and dl, 7
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b78], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b78], dl
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b74] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b74]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e80]
+add ecx, eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor edx, edx
+mov esi, 0x40000000
+jmp short loc_0040c7f2 ; jmp 0x40c7f2
+sar esi, 1
+inc edx
+cmp edx, 4
+jge short loc_0040c82b ; jge 0x40c82b
+mov eax, edx
+mov ax, word [ecx + eax*2 + 0x18]
+test ax, ax
+je short loc_0040c7ea ; je 0x40c7ea
+test dword [ecx + 0x24], esi
+jne short loc_0040c7ea ; jne 0x40c7ea
+imul edi, dword [esp + 0x20], 0x68
+mov di, word [edi + ref_00496b76] ; mov di, word [edi + 0x496b76]
+and edi, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 8], edi
+xor edi, edi
+mov di, ax
+cmp edi, dword [esp + 8]
+je short loc_0040c7ea ; je 0x40c7ea
+mov word [esp + ebx*2], ax
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0040c7ea ; jmp 0x40c7ea
+imul esi, dword [esp + 0x20], 0x68
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0040c850 ; je 0x40c850
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov ax, word [esp + edx*2]
+mov word [esi + ref_00496b76], ax ; mov word [esi + 0x496b76], ax
+jmp near loc_0040c90a ; jmp 0x40c90a
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov word [esi + ref_00496b76], bx ; mov word [esi + 0x496b76], bx
+jmp near loc_0040c90a ; jmp 0x40c90a
+lea ecx, [edx - 4]
+mov dword [esp + 0x20], ecx
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 4
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00498e31] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x498e31]
+add dl, 4
+and dl, 7
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498e31], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498e31], dl
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00498e2c] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x498e2c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e80]
+add ecx, eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor edx, edx
+mov esi, 0x40000000
+jmp short loc_0040c8aa ; jmp 0x40c8aa
+sar esi, 1
+inc edx
+cmp edx, 4
+jge short loc_0040c8dd ; jge 0x40c8dd
+mov eax, edx
+mov ax, word [ecx + eax*2 + 0x18]
+test ax, ax
+je short loc_0040c8a2 ; je 0x40c8a2
+test dword [ecx + 0x24], esi
+jne short loc_0040c8a2 ; jne 0x40c8a2
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x20]
+shl edi, 4
+mov di, word [edi + ref_00498e2e] ; mov di, word [edi + 0x498e2e]
+and edi, 0xffff
+movzx ebp, ax
+cmp edi, ebp
+je short loc_0040c8a2 ; je 0x40c8a2
+mov word [esp + ebx*2], ax
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0040c8a2 ; jmp 0x40c8a2
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x20]
+shl esi, 4
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0040c901 ; je 0x40c901
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov ax, word [esp + edx*2]
+mov word [esi + ref_00498e2e], ax ; mov word [esi + 0x498e2e], ax
+jmp short loc_0040c90a ; jmp 0x40c90a
+xor edx, edx
+mov word [esi + ref_00498e2e], dx ; mov word [esi + 0x498e2e], dx
+add esp, 0xc
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x94
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp edx, 4
+jge near loc_0040cbdd ; jge 0x40cbdd
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+mov ch, byte [eax + ref_00496b7d] ; mov ch, byte [eax + 0x496b7d]
+test ch, ch
+je near loc_0040cc0d ; je 0x40cc0d
+cmp dword [esp + 0xa8], 0
+jne near loc_0040cbc2 ; jne 0x40cbc2
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b9a], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b9a], 0
+jne short loc_0040c962 ; jne 0x40c962
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9e], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9e], 0
+je near loc_0040cba5 ; je 0x40cba5
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+test byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0x30 ; test byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0x30
+je short loc_0040c97c ; je 0x40c97c
+call fcn_0040dd1f ; call 0x40dd1f
+jmp near loc_0040cc0d ; jmp 0x40cc0d
+call fcn_0044808a ; call 0x44808a
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [esp], dh
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00496b9a] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x496b9a]
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_0040c9da ; je 0x40c9da
+mov al, cl
+and al, 0x7f
+and eax, 0xff
+inc eax
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_004631e0 ; push 0x4631e0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ch, byte [eax + ref_00496b9b] ; mov ch, byte [eax + 0x496b9b]
+test ch, ch
+je short loc_0040ca10 ; je 0x40ca10
+mov al, ch
+and al, 0x3f
+and eax, 0xff
+inc eax
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_004631f5 ; push 0x4631f5
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9c], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9c], 0
+je short loc_0040ca89 ; je 0x40ca89
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+test al, 1
+je short loc_0040ca59 ; je 0x40ca59
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov edi, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_00480896] ; mov edi, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x480896]
+push edi
+push 2
+push esi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b9c] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b9c]
+and al, 0x7f
+and eax, 0xff
+inc eax
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_0046320a ; push 0x46320a
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9d], 0
+je short loc_0040cb02 ; je 0x40cb02
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+test al, 1
+je short loc_0040cad2 ; je 0x40cad2
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov edi, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_0048089a] ; mov edi, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x48089a]
+push edi
+push 2
+push esi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b9d] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b9d]
+and al, 0x7f
+and eax, 0xff
+inc eax
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_0046321f ; push 0x46321f
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9e], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9e], 0
+je short loc_0040cb84 ; je 0x40cb84
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b9a], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b9a], 0
+jne short loc_0040cb84 ; jne 0x40cb84
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+test al, 1
+je short loc_0040cb54 ; je 0x40cb54
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov ebp, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_0048089e] ; mov ebp, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x48089e]
+push ebp
+push 1
+push edi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b9e] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b9e]
+and al, 0x7f
+and eax, 0xff
+inc eax
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_00463234 ; push 0x463234
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+cmp byte [esp], 0
+je near loc_0040cc0d ; je 0x40cc0d
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_0040cc0d ; jmp 0x40cc0d
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9f], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9f], 0
+je short loc_0040cbba ; je 0x40cbba
+call fcn_0040dd1f ; call 0x40dd1f
+mov ebx, 0xffffffff
+jmp short loc_0040cc0d ; jmp 0x40cc0d
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7d] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7d]
+jmp short loc_0040cc0d ; jmp 0x40cc0d
+test ch, 0x30
+jne short loc_0040cc0d ; jne 0x40cc0d
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b9a], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b9a], 0
+jne short loc_0040cc0d ; jne 0x40cc0d
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9e], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9e], 0
+jne short loc_0040cc0d ; jne 0x40cc0d
+mov bl, ch
+jmp short loc_0040cc0d ; jmp 0x40cc0d
+lea eax, [edx - 4]
+shl eax, 4
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498e32], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498e32], 0
+jne short loc_0040cc0d ; jne 0x40cc0d
+cmp dword [esp + 0xa8], 0
+jne short loc_0040cc0d ; jne 0x40cc0d
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498e34], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498e34], 0
+jne short loc_0040cc0d ; jne 0x40cc0d
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498e36], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498e36], 0
+jne short loc_0040cc0d ; jne 0x40cc0d
+mov ebx, 2
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 0x94
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+imul eax, dword [esp + 8], 0x68
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba5], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba5], dl
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496ba9] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496ba9]
+dec edx
+imul edx, edx, 0x68
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [edx + ref_00496ba9], bl ; mov byte [edx + 0x496ba9], bl
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496ba9] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496ba9]
+dec edx
+imul edx, edx, 0x68
+mov byte [edx + ref_00496ba5], bl ; mov byte [edx + 0x496ba5], bl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba9], bl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba9], bl
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov cl, byte [esp + 0x10]
+mov edi, 0x100
+shl edi, cl
+imul edx, dword [esp + 0x10], 0x68
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [edx + ref_00496b74] ; mov cx, word [edx + 0x496b74]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e80]
+add eax, ecx
+mov ecx, edi
+not ecx
+and dword [eax + 0x24], ecx
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [edx + ref_00496b74] ; mov ax, word [edx + 0x496b74]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040aa6c ; call 0x40aa6c
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e80]
+add ebx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+jmp short loc_0040ccb9 ; jmp 0x40ccb9
+inc eax
+cmp eax, 4
+jge short loc_0040ccc8 ; jge 0x40ccc8
+mov edx, eax
+mov dx, word [ebx + edx*2 + 0x18]
+and edx, 0xffff
+je short loc_0040ccb3 ; je 0x40ccb3
+imul esi, dword [esp + 0x10], 0x68
+mov ax, word [ebx]
+mov word [esi + ref_00496b70], ax ; mov word [esi + 0x496b70], ax
+mov ax, word [ebx + 2]
+mov word [esi + ref_00496b72], ax ; mov word [esi + 0x496b72], ax
+mov word [esi + ref_00496b74], cx ; mov word [esi + 0x496b74], cx
+mov word [esi + ref_00496b76], dx ; mov word [esi + 0x496b76], dx
+push ecx
+push edx
+call fcn_00407a8c ; call 0x407a8c
+add esp, 8
+mov byte [esi + ref_00496b78], al ; mov byte [esi + 0x496b78], al
+or dword [ebx + 0x24], edi
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0040cd70 ; je 0x40cd70
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b9a], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b9a], 0
+jne short loc_0040cd70 ; jne 0x40cd70
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_0040cd5b ; je 0x40cd5b
+mov al, cl
+and al, 3
+cmp al, 1
+jb short loc_0040cd49 ; jb 0x40cd49
+jbe short loc_0040cd3b ; jbe 0x40cd3b
+cmp al, 2
+je short loc_0040cd43 ; je 0x40cd43
+jmp short loc_0040cd49 ; jmp 0x40cd49
+inc byte [ref_00497324] ; inc byte [0x497324]
+jmp short loc_0040cd49 ; jmp 0x40cd49
+inc byte [ref_00497325] ; inc byte [0x497325]
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b79], bl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b79], bl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7a], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7a], 1
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+or byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0x40 ; or byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0x40
+push edx
+call fcn_0040b93b ; call 0x40b93b
+add esp, 4
+pop ebx
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+jne short loc_0040cd85 ; jne 0x40cd85
+push edx
+call fcn_0040cc56 ; call 0x40cc56
+add esp, 4
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x404
+imul eax, dword [esp + 0x418], 0x68
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7d] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7d]
+mov byte [esp + 0x400], dl
+test dl, dl
+je near loc_0040d288 ; je 0x40d288
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [eax + ref_00496b74] ; mov bx, word [eax + 0x496b74]
+mov edx, ebx
+shl edx, 2
+add edx, ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e80]
+mov dx, word [ebx + edx*8]
+mov word [eax + ref_00496b70], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x496b70], dx
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, word [eax + ref_00496b74] ; mov si, word [eax + 0x496b74]
+mov edx, esi
+shl edx, 2
+add edx, esi
+mov dx, word [ebx + edx*8 + 2]
+mov word [eax + ref_00496b72], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x496b72], dx
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, word [eax + ref_00496b74] ; mov si, word [eax + 0x496b74]
+mov edx, esi
+shl edx, 2
+add edx, esi
+shl edx, 3
+add edx, ebx
+mov cl, byte [esp + 0x418]
+mov ebx, 0x100
+shl ebx, cl
+or dword [edx + 0x24], ebx
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7d], dh
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x418]
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [edx + ref_00496b30], bl ; mov byte [edx + 0x496b30], bl
+mov byte [edx + ref_00496b60], bl ; mov byte [edx + 0x496b60], bl
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00496ba7] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x496ba7]
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_0040ce48 ; je 0x40ce48
+mov al, cl
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+call fcn_0040e14d ; call 0x40e14d
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [esp + 0x418], 0x68
+mov ch, byte [eax + ref_00496ba8] ; mov ch, byte [eax + 0x496ba8]
+test ch, ch
+je short loc_0040ce6a ; je 0x40ce6a
+mov al, ch
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+call fcn_0040e14d ; call 0x40e14d
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x418]
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba9], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba9], 0
+je short loc_0040ce86 ; je 0x40ce86
+push esi
+call fcn_0040cc1a ; call 0x40cc1a
+add esp, 4
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0040ce90 ; jmp 0x40ce90
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 2
+jge short loc_0040cec0 ; jge 0x40cec0
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 4
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498e32], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498e32], 0
+jne short loc_0040ce8a ; jne 0x40ce8a
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00498e30] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x498e30]
+and eax, 0xff
+cmp eax, dword [esp + 0x418]
+jne short loc_0040ce8a ; jne 0x40ce8a
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_0043d593 ; call 0x43d593
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0040ce8a ; jmp 0x40ce8a
+mov ebx, 2
+jmp short loc_0040cecd ; jmp 0x40cecd
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_0040cefd ; jge 0x40cefd
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 4
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498e32], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498e32], 0
+jne short loc_0040cec7 ; jne 0x40cec7
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00498e30] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x498e30]
+and eax, 0xff
+cmp eax, dword [esp + 0x418]
+jne short loc_0040cec7 ; jne 0x40cec7
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_0043ec3f ; call 0x43ec3f
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0040cec7 ; jmp 0x40cec7
+imul esi, dword [esp + 0x418], 0x68
+mov ebx, ref_00496b68 ; mov ebx, 0x496b68
+add ebx, esi
+lea eax, [ebx + 0x1c]
+mov edx, eax
+sub edx, ebx
+mov ebx, edx
+mov edx, 0x68
+sub edx, ebx
+push edx
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [esi + 0x496b7b]
+mov byte [eax + ref_004990f4], 2 ; mov byte [eax + 0x4990f4], 2
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x418]
+push esi
+call fcn_0040b93b ; call 0x40b93b
+add esp, 4
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x418]
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0040cf6d ; jge 0x40cf6d
+cmp ebx, esi
+je short loc_0040cf6a ; je 0x40cf6a
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov edx, esi
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [eax + edx*4 + ref_00496bb4], ebp ; mov dword [eax + edx*4 + 0x496bb4], ebp
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0040cf50 ; jmp 0x40cf50
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048be18], eax ; mov dword [0x48be18], eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x418]
+mov dword [ref_0049910c], eax ; mov dword [0x49910c], eax
+push 2
+call fcn_004549cf ; call 0x4549cf
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x22b
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x64
+push 1
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push 0x7d0
+call fcn_0045285e ; call 0x45285e
+add esp, 4
+cmp dword [ref_00499104], 1 ; cmp dword [0x499104], 1
+jne short loc_0040d002 ; jne 0x40d002
+test byte [esp + 0x400], 1
+je short loc_0040d002 ; je 0x40d002
+push 0
+call fcn_00407842 ; call 0x407842
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ref_0046caf8], al ; mov byte [0x46caf8], al
+jmp near loc_0040d274 ; jmp 0x40d274
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor eax, eax
+xor esi, esi
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0040d029 ; jge 0x40d029
+imul edx, ebx, 0x68
+mov cl, byte [edx + ref_00496b7d] ; mov cl, byte [edx + 0x496b7d]
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_0040d026 ; je 0x40d026
+test cl, 1
+je short loc_0040d025 ; je 0x40d025
+mov edi, ebx
+inc esi
+inc eax
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0040d008 ; jmp 0x40d008
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_0040d039 ; jne 0x40d039
+mov byte [ref_0046caf8], 1 ; mov byte [0x46caf8], 1
+jmp near loc_0040d282 ; jmp 0x40d282
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_0040d089 ; jne 0x40d089
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_004808aa] ; mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x4808aa]
+push ecx
+push 3
+push edi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp dword [ref_00499104], 1 ; cmp dword [0x499104], 1
+jne short loc_0040d07d ; jne 0x40d07d
+mov byte [ref_0046caf8], 2 ; mov byte [0x46caf8], 2
+jmp near loc_0040d282 ; jmp 0x40d282
+mov byte [ref_0046caf8], 3 ; mov byte [0x46caf8], 3
+jmp near loc_0040d282 ; jmp 0x40d282
+xor esi, esi
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, 0x34
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_0040d0cc ; jg 0x40d0cc
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x418]
+inc edi
+cmp edx, edi
+jne short loc_0040d0c9 ; jne 0x40d0c9
+mov byte [eax + 0x19], 0
+mov dword [eax + 0x30], 0
+mov edi, ebx
+add edi, 0x7d0
+mov word [esp + esi*2], di
+inc esi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0040d095 ; jmp 0x40d095
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, 0x38
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x498e8c]
+jg short loc_0040d10d ; jg 0x40d10d
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x418]
+inc edi
+cmp edx, edi
+jne short loc_0040d10a ; jne 0x40d10a
+mov byte [eax + 0x19], 0
+mov dword [eax + 0x34], 0
+mov edi, ebx
+add edi, 0xfa0
+mov word [esp + esi*2], di
+inc esi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0040d0d6 ; jmp 0x40d0d6
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e7c]
+add eax, 0x34
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00498e90] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x498e90]
+jg short loc_0040d139 ; jg 0x40d139
+movzx edi, byte [eax + 0x18]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x418]
+inc edx
+cmp edi, edx
+jne short loc_0040d136 ; jne 0x40d136
+mov byte [eax + 0x18], 0
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0040d117 ; jmp 0x40d117
+push 0
+call fcn_0040a4e1 ; call 0x40a4e1
+add esp, 4
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0040d14d ; jmp 0x40d14d
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jge short loc_0040d185 ; jge 0x40d185
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x418]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 5
+mov edx, ebx
+shl edx, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_004971a0] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x4971a0]
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_0040d147 ; je 0x40d147
+push 0
+push edi
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x424]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00428e23 ; call 0x428e23
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp short loc_0040d147 ; jmp 0x40d147
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x418]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00445b3f ; call 0x445b3f
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+call fcn_00441f21 ; call 0x441f21
+add esp, 4
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0040d1a8 ; jmp 0x40d1a8
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0x24
+jge short loc_0040d1c6 ; jge 0x40d1c6
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_004990b8] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x4990b8]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x418]
+inc edx
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_0040d1a2 ; jne 0x40d1a2
+xor al, dl
+mov byte [ebx + ref_004990b8], al ; mov byte [ebx + 0x4990b8], al
+jmp short loc_0040d1a2 ; jmp 0x40d1a2
+cmp esi, 3
+jle short loc_0040d211 ; jle 0x40d211
+push 5
+call fcn_004549cf ; call 0x4549cf
+add esp, 4
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0040d1f7 ; jmp 0x40d1f7
+push 0
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, dx
+push eax
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0043bde5 ; call 0x43bde5
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov word [esp + edi], cx
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 3
+jge short loc_0040d211 ; jge 0x40d211
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+lea edi, [edx + edx]
+mov dx, word [esp + edi]
+test dx, dx
+je short loc_0040d1f7 ; je 0x40d1f7
+jmp short loc_0040d1d9 ; jmp 0x40d1d9
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [esp + 0x418], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_004808ae] ; mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x4808ae]
+push ecx
+push 2
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x420]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, ebx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0xe]
+push edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0xc]
+push edx
+push 0
+push 0
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_004553fe ; call 0x4553fe
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp byte [ref_0046caf8], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46caf8], 0
+jne short loc_0040d282 ; jne 0x40d282
+call fcn_00454bcc ; call 0x454bcc
+mov dword [ref_0049910c], ebp ; mov dword [0x49910c], ebp
+add esp, 0x404
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+test dl, 0xff
+jne short loc_0040d2a2 ; jne 0x40d2a2
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+xor eax, eax
+jmp short loc_0040d2ae ; jmp 0x40d2ae
+sar edx, 1
+inc eax
+cmp eax, 8
+jge short loc_0040d2b3 ; jge 0x40d2b3
+test dl, 1
+je short loc_0040d2a6 ; je 0x40d2a6
+xor eax, eax
+xor ecx, ecx
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp eax, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0040d2d0 ; jge 0x40d2d0
+imul edx, eax, 0x68
+cmp byte [edx + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [edx + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0040d2cd ; je 0x40d2cd
+inc ecx
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_0040d2b8 ; jmp 0x40d2b8
+mov eax, ecx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+xor eax, eax
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov edi, 0xffffffff
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp eax, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0040d316 ; jge 0x40d316
+cmp eax, esi
+je short loc_0040d313 ; je 0x40d313
+imul edx, eax, 0x68
+cmp byte [edx + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [edx + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0040d313 ; je 0x40d313
+imul edx, esi, 0x68
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+add edx, ebx
+mov ebx, dword [edx + ref_00496bb4] ; mov ebx, dword [edx + 0x496bb4]
+cmp ecx, ebx
+jge short loc_0040d313 ; jge 0x40d313
+mov ecx, ebx
+mov edi, eax
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_0040d2e3 ; jmp 0x40d2e3
+mov eax, edi
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0040d351 ; jge 0x40d351
+cmp ebx, edx
+je short loc_0040d34e ; je 0x40d34e
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0040d34e ; je 0x40d34e
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b9a], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b9a], 0
+jne short loc_0040d34e ; jne 0x40d34e
+mov byte [esp + esi], bl
+inc esi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0040d329 ; jmp 0x40d329
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_0040d368 ; je 0x40d368
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [esp + edx]
+jmp short loc_0040d36d ; jmp 0x40d36d
+mov ebx, 0xffffffff
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 4
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+mov cl, byte [esp + 0x18]
+mov edi, 0x100
+shl edi, cl
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+imul ebx, edx, 0x68
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x20]
+shl al, 6
+mov ah, byte [esp + 0x1c]
+or ah, al
+mov byte [esp], ah
+mov ah, byte [ebx + ref_00496b9b] ; mov ah, byte [ebx + 0x496b9b]
+test ah, ah
+jne near loc_0040d4c5 ; jne 0x40d4c5
+push edx
+call fcn_0040d761 ; call 0x40d761
+add esp, 4
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + ref_00496b74] ; mov dx, word [ebx + 0x496b74]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e80]
+add esi, eax
+push 0
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b72] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b72]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b70]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0044f2c2 ; call 0x44f2c2
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebp
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebp
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044ba63 ; call 0x44ba63
+add esp, 0xc
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x1c]
+add byte [ebx + ref_00496baa], al ; add byte [ebx + 0x496baa], al
+mov al, byte [esp]
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b9b], al ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b9b], al
+mov eax, edi
+not eax
+and dword [esi + 0x24], eax
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x20]
+test edi, edi
+jne short loc_0040d472 ; jne 0x40d472
+push edi
+push edi
+push 0x22e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ebx, eax
+push 0x60
+push 0x140001
+push 0x28
+push edi
+jmp short loc_0040d497 ; jmp 0x40d497
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x215
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ebx, eax
+push 0x54
+push 0x1c0001
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [esp + 0x18], 0x68
+mov dx, word [esi]
+mov word [eax + ref_00496b70], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x496b70], dx
+mov dx, word [esi + 2]
+mov word [eax + ref_00496b72], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x496b72], dx
+jmp short loc_0040d4dd ; jmp 0x40d4dd
+mov dl, ah
+and dl, 0x3f
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b9b], dl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b9b], dl
+mov al, byte [esp]
+mov dh, dl
+add dh, al
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b9b], dh ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b9b], dh
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+mov cl, byte [esp + 0x14]
+mov ebx, 0x100
+shl ebx, cl
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+imul edx, dword [esp + 0x14], 0x68
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edx + ref_00496b9b] ; mov al, byte [edx + 0x496b9b]
+mov dword [esp], eax
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [edx + ref_00496b74] ; mov cx, word [edx + 0x496b74]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e80]
+or dword [ecx + eax*8 + 0x24], ebx
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [edx + ref_00496b9b], ah ; mov byte [edx + 0x496b9b], ah
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push edi
+call fcn_0040b93b ; call 0x40b93b
+add esp, 4
+test byte [esp], 0x40
+je short loc_0040d567 ; je 0x40d567
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x215
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ebx, eax
+push 0x54
+push 0x1c0001
+jmp short loc_0040d588 ; jmp 0x40d588
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x22e
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ebx, eax
+push 0x60
+push 0x140001
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov cl, byte [esp + 0x10]
+mov eax, 0x100
+shl eax, cl
+mov ecx, eax
+not ecx
+imul ebx, dword [esp + 0x10], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + ref_00496b74] ; mov dx, word [ebx + 0x496b74]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e80]
+and dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x24], ecx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, edx
+movsx edx, word [eax]
+movsx eax, word [eax + 2]
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [ebx + ref_00496b74] ; mov cx, word [ebx + 0x496b74]
+cmp ecx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+jne short loc_0040d650 ; jne 0x40d650
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+cmp ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; cmp ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+jne short loc_0040d650 ; jne 0x40d650
+or byte [ebx + ref_00496b7d], 0x20 ; or byte [ebx + 0x496b7d], 0x20
+mov cl, byte [ebx + ref_00496b78] ; mov cl, byte [ebx + 0x496b78]
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b83], cl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b83], cl
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [ebx + ref_00496b70] ; mov cx, word [ebx + 0x496b70]
+sub edx, ecx
+mov ecx, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [ebx + 0x496b72]
+sub eax, edx
+push eax
+push ecx
+call fcn_00454fb4 ; call 0x454fb4
+add esp, 8
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b78], al ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b78], al
+call fcn_0040dd1f ; call 0x40dd1f
+jmp short loc_0040d6aa ; jmp 0x40d6aa
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+imul ebx, ecx, 0x68
+mov word [ebx + ref_00496b70], dx ; mov word [ebx + 0x496b70], dx
+mov word [ebx + ref_00496b72], ax ; mov word [ebx + 0x496b72], ax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b74] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b74]
+mov word [ebx + ref_00496b74], dx ; mov word [ebx + 0x496b74], dx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b76] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b76]
+mov word [ebx + ref_00496b76], dx ; mov word [ebx + 0x496b76], dx
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b78] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b78]
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b83], al ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b83], al
+mov edi, ecx
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040b93b ; call 0x40b93b
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, edi
+push ebp
+call fcn_0040fc00 ; call 0x40fc00
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [esp + 0x10], 0x68
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov word [eax + ref_00496bb2], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x496bb2], dx
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov cl, bl
+mov esi, 0x100
+shl esi, cl
+imul ebx, ebx, 0x68
+or byte [ebx + ref_00496b7d], 0x10 ; or byte [ebx + 0x496b7d], 0x10
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + ref_00496b74] ; mov dx, word [ebx + 0x496b74]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e80]
+movsx ecx, word [edx + eax*8]
+movsx edi, word [edx + eax*8 + 2]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + ref_00496b70] ; mov dx, word [ebx + 0x496b70]
+sub ecx, edx
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b72] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b72]
+sub edi, eax
+push edi
+push ecx
+call fcn_00454fb4 ; call 0x454fb4
+add esp, 8
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b78], al ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b78], al
+mov bx, word [ebx + ref_00496b74] ; mov bx, word [ebx + 0x496b74]
+and ebx, 0xffff
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e80]
+or dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x24], esi
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+xor edx, edx
+imul eax, dword [esp + 4], 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b9a] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b9a]
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0040d75e ; je 0x40d75e
+test ecx, ecx
+jne short loc_0040d75e ; jne 0x40d75e
+mov edx, 1
+mov eax, edx
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9c], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9c], 0
+je short loc_0040d785 ; je 0x40d785
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b30], dh ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b30], dh
+push 1
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040bf93 ; call 0x40bf93
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9d], 0
+je short loc_0040d7a4 ; je 0x40d7a4
+xor ch, ch
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b60], ch ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b60], ch
+push 0
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040bf93 ; call 0x40bf93
+add esp, 8
+imul ebx, ebx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00496b9a], edx ; mov dword [ebx + 0x496b9a], edx
+pop ebx
+db 0x8d
+db 0x40
+db 0x00
+ref_0040d7b4: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_0040d808
+dd loc_0040d8d3
+dd loc_0040d975
+dd loc_0040da4b
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 8
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0046cafa], ah ; mov byte [0x46cafa], ah
+cmp byte [ref_0046cafb], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cafb], 0
+je near loc_0040dd17 ; je 0x40dd17
+mov edi, 1
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul edx, ecx, 0x34
+mov al, byte [edx + ref_00498ea2] ; mov al, byte [edx + 0x498ea2]
+cmp al, 3
+ja near loc_0040d88e ; ja 0x40d88e
+and eax, 0xff
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_0040d7b4] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x40d7b4]
+xor edi, edi
+cmp byte [edx + ref_00498ea5], 0 ; cmp byte [edx + 0x498ea5], 0
+je near loc_0040d88e ; je 0x40d88e
+cmp ecx, 8
+jne short loc_0040d82a ; jne 0x40d82a
+call fcn_0040fad6 ; call 0x40fad6
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0040d82a ; jne 0x40d82a
+mov edi, 1
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov bh, byte [eax + ref_00498ea5] ; mov bh, byte [eax + 0x498ea5]
+test bh, 0x7f
+je short loc_0040d846 ; je 0x40d846
+mov cl, bh
+dec cl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea5], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea5], cl
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov ch, byte [eax + ref_00498ea5] ; mov ch, byte [eax + 0x498ea5]
+test ch, 0x7f
+jne near loc_0040d88e ; jne 0x40d88e
+test ch, 0x80
+je short loc_0040d879 ; je 0x40d879
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [ref_0046cafb], bl ; mov byte [0x46cafb], bl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea5], bl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea5], bl
+call fcn_00418ebd ; call 0x418ebd
+jmp near loc_0040d88e ; jmp 0x40d88e
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_0040d889 ; je 0x40d889
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea5], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea5], 1
+jmp near loc_0040d88e ; jmp 0x40d88e
+call fcn_00418e7f ; call 0x418e7f
+test edi, edi
+je near loc_0040dd17 ; je 0x40dd17
+cmp dword [ref_0048be18], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48be18], 0
+jne near loc_0040dcdf ; jne 0x40dcdf
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp ebp, 4
+jge near loc_0040dcc4 ; jge 0x40dcc4
+mov edx, ebp
+imul eax, ebp, 0x68
+xor edx, ebp
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+jmp near loc_0040dced ; jmp 0x40dced
+cmp dword [ref_0048baf8], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48baf8], 0
+jne short loc_0040d932 ; jne 0x40d932
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp ebp, 4
+jge short loc_0040d916 ; jge 0x40d916
+imul eax, ebp, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba8], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba8], 0
+je short loc_0040d916 ; je 0x40d916
+push ref_00482362 ; push 0x482362
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea2], bl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea2], bl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea3], bl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea3], bl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea5], 5 ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea5], 5
+cmp byte [ref_0048bb00], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48bb00], 0
+je short loc_0040d947 ; je 0x40d947
+xor al, al
+mov byte [ref_0048bb00], al ; mov byte [0x48bb00], al
+call fcn_0041b42d ; call 0x41b42d
+cmp dword [ref_0048baf8], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48baf8], 0
+je short loc_0040d966 ; je 0x40d966
+call fcn_0040c05c ; call 0x40c05c
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0040d966 ; je 0x40d966
+mov byte [ref_0048bb00], 1 ; mov byte [0x48bb00], 1
+dec dword [ref_0048baf8] ; dec dword [0x48baf8]
+push 1
+call fcn_00416e6d ; call 0x416e6d
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0040d88e ; jmp 0x40d88e
+mov bl, byte [edx + ref_00498ea3] ; mov bl, byte [edx + 0x498ea3]
+inc bl
+mov byte [edx + ref_00498ea3], bl ; mov byte [edx + 0x498ea3], bl
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edx + ref_00498ea1] ; mov al, byte [edx + 0x498ea1]
+mov esi, dword [edx + eax*4 + ref_00498ec4] ; mov esi, dword [edx + eax*4 + 0x498ec4]
+mov esi, dword [esi + 4]
+sar esi, 3
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, bl
+cmp eax, esi
+jne near loc_0040d88e ; jne 0x40d88e
+call fcn_00447285 ; call 0x447285
+push eax
+call fcn_00419572 ; call 0x419572
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048baf8], eax ; mov dword [0x48baf8], eax
+mov dword [ref_0048bafc], eax ; mov dword [0x48bafc], eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, esi, 0x34
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498ea1], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498ea1], 0
+je short loc_0040d9da ; je 0x40d9da
+mov dword [ref_004749d4], 0xf ; mov dword [0x4749d4], 0xf
+jmp short loc_0040d9f2 ; jmp 0x40d9f2
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+and al, 3
+and eax, 0xff
+add eax, 0xb
+mov dword [ref_004749d4], eax ; mov dword [0x4749d4], eax
+push 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp edx, 4
+jge short loc_0040da30 ; jge 0x40da30
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba8], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba8], 0
+je short loc_0040da30 ; je 0x40da30
+push 1
+push ref_00482362 ; push 0x482362
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea2], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea2], 1
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea3], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea3], dl
+jmp near loc_0040d88e ; jmp 0x40d88e
+mov bl, byte [ref_004749e0] ; mov bl, byte [0x4749e0]
+test bl, bl
+je short loc_0040da64 ; je 0x40da64
+mov ah, bl
+dec ah
+mov byte [ref_004749e0], ah ; mov byte [0x4749e0], ah
+jmp near loc_0040dd17 ; jmp 0x40dd17
+imul ebx, ecx, 0x68
+mov cl, byte [edx + ref_00498ea3] ; mov cl, byte [edx + 0x498ea3]
+test cl, cl
+jne near loc_0040dbde ; jne 0x40dbde
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + ref_00496b74] ; mov dx, word [ebx + 0x496b74]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e80]
+add ebx, eax
+mov si, word [ebx + 0x20]
+cmp si, 0x7d0
+jbe short loc_0040dae9 ; jbe 0x40dae9
+cmp si, 0xfa0
+jae short loc_0040dae9 ; jae 0x40dae9
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, si
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+add edx, eax
+movsx eax, word [edx]
+mov dword [esp], eax
+movsx eax, word [edx + 2]
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+cmp byte [edx + 0x19], 0
+je short loc_0040db3e ; je 0x40db3e
+mov eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+add eax, eax
+mov ecx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, ecx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edx + 0x19]
+sub eax, edi
+jmp short loc_0040db35 ; jmp 0x40db35
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, si
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+add edx, eax
+movsx eax, word [edx]
+mov dword [esp], eax
+movsx eax, word [edx + 2]
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+cmp byte [edx + 0x19], 0
+je short loc_0040db3e ; je 0x40db3e
+mov eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+add eax, eax
+mov ecx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, ecx
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edx + 0x19]
+dec eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b78] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b78]
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b83], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b83], dl
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 2]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+sub edx, eax
+push edx
+movsx eax, word [ebx]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+sub edx, eax
+push edx
+call fcn_00454fb4 ; call 0x454fb4
+mov edx, eax
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b78], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b78], dl
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, si
+push eax
+call fcn_0040b066 ; call 0x40b066
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x20e
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bb01], eax ; mov dword [0x48bb01], eax
+push 0xff0001
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+sub edx, 0x37
+push edx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+sub edx, 0x37
+push edx
+push eax
+call fcn_00450ced ; call 0x450ced
+add esp, 0x10
+mov byte [ref_004749e0], 6 ; mov byte [0x4749e0], 6
+jmp near loc_0040d88e ; jmp 0x40d88e
+mov esi, dword [edx + ref_00498ecc] ; mov esi, dword [edx + 0x498ecc]
+mov esi, dword [esi + 4]
+sar esi, 3
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, cl
+mov dword [esp], eax
+cmp eax, 3
+jne short loc_0040dc21 ; jne 0x40dc21
+push 2
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + ref_00496b74] ; mov dx, word [ebx + 0x496b74]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e80]
+mov ax, word [edx + eax*8 + 0x20]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+call fcn_0040ab4a ; call 0x40ab4a
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+cmp eax, 2
+jl short loc_0040dc47 ; jl 0x40dc47
+jne short loc_0040dc3a ; jne 0x40dc3a
+push 0
+push ref_004823fa ; push 0x4823fa
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_00450f04 ; call 0x450f04
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+xor edi, edi
+jmp short loc_0040dc4f ; jmp 0x40dc4f
+mov dword [esp + 4], 1
+lea eax, [esi - 1]
+cmp eax, dword [esp]
+jle short loc_0040dc64 ; jle 0x40dc64
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+inc byte [eax + ref_00498ea3] ; inc byte [eax + 0x498ea3]
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00498ea3] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x498ea3]
+and eax, 0xff
+dec esi
+cmp eax, esi
+jne near loc_0040d88e ; jne 0x40d88e
+cmp dword [esp + 4], 0
+jne near loc_0040d88e ; jne 0x40d88e
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bb01] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bb01]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b83] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b83]
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b78], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b78], dl
+imul eax, esi, 0x34
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea2], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea2], dl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea3], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea3], dl
+jmp near loc_0040d896 ; jmp 0x40d896
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 4
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00498dea] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x498dea]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00498de8] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x498de8]
+jmp near loc_0040d8c8 ; jmp 0x40d8c8
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048be20] ; mov esi, dword [0x48be20]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048be1c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48be1c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0040829d ; call 0x40829d
+add esp, 8
+or byte [ref_00475110], 2 ; or byte [0x475110], 2
+call fcn_004192f7 ; call 0x4192f7
+cmp byte [ref_004749e0], 6 ; cmp byte [0x4749e0], 6
+jne short loc_0040dd17 ; jne 0x40dd17
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+inc byte [eax + ref_00498ea3] ; inc byte [eax + 0x498ea3]
+add esp, 8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edx, 0x34
+cmp edx, 4
+jge near loc_0040de09 ; jge 0x40de09
+imul edx, edx, 0x68
+test byte [edx + ref_00496b7d], 0x30 ; test byte [edx + 0x496b7d], 0x30
+je short loc_0040dd53 ; je 0x40dd53
+mov dword [ref_0048baf8], 1 ; mov dword [0x48baf8], 1
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea2], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea2], 1
+jmp short loc_0040dd8e ; jmp 0x40dd8e
+call fcn_0044808a ; call 0x44808a
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul edx, edi, 0x68
+imul eax, edi, 0x34
+cmp byte [edx + ref_00496ba0], 0 ; cmp byte [edx + 0x496ba0], 0
+je short loc_0040dd7e ; je 0x40dd7e
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea2], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea2], dh
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea5], 2 ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea5], 2
+jmp short loc_0040dd8e ; jmp 0x40dd8e
+cmp byte [edx + ref_00496ba1], 0 ; cmp byte [edx + 0x496ba1], 0
+jne short loc_0040dd40 ; jne 0x40dd40
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea2], 2 ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea2], 2
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ebx, 0x34
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498ea2], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498ea2], 1
+jne near loc_0040dee4 ; jne 0x40dee4
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498ea1], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498ea1], 0
+je short loc_0040ddb9 ; je 0x40ddb9
+mov dword [ref_004749d4], 0xf ; mov dword [0x4749d4], 0xf
+jmp short loc_0040ddd1 ; jmp 0x40ddd1
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+and al, 3
+and eax, 0xff
+add eax, 0xb
+mov dword [ref_004749d4], eax ; mov dword [0x4749d4], eax
+push 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba8], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba8], 0
+je near loc_0040dee4 ; je 0x40dee4
+push 1
+push ref_00482362 ; push 0x482362
+jmp near loc_0040dedc ; jmp 0x40dedc
+cmp edx, 8
+jge near loc_0040deb9 ; jge 0x40deb9
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+imul edx, edx, 0x34
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498df6], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498df6], 0
+je short loc_0040de34 ; je 0x40de34
+xor al, al
+mov byte [edx + ref_00498ea2], al ; mov byte [edx + 0x498ea2], al
+mov byte [edx + ref_00498ea5], 0x82 ; mov byte [edx + 0x498ea5], 0x82
+jmp short loc_0040de78 ; jmp 0x40de78
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498df7], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498df7], 0
+je short loc_0040de50 ; je 0x40de50
+mov dword [ref_0048baf8], 1 ; mov dword [0x48baf8], 1
+mov byte [edx + ref_00498ea2], 1 ; mov byte [edx + 0x498ea2], 1
+jmp short loc_0040de78 ; jmp 0x40de78
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 9
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+add edx, 2
+mov dword [ref_0048baf8], edx ; mov dword [0x48baf8], edx
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea2], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea2], 1
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498ea2], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498ea2], 0
+je short loc_0040dee4 ; je 0x40dee4
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498ea1], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498ea1], 0
+je short loc_0040de9d ; je 0x40de9d
+mov dword [ref_004749d4], 0xf ; mov dword [0x4749d4], 0xf
+jmp short loc_0040dea7 ; jmp 0x40dea7
+mov dword [ref_004749d4], 0xb ; mov dword [0x4749d4], 0xb
+push 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+jmp short loc_0040dedc ; jmp 0x40dedc
+mov esi, 9
+mov dword [ref_0048baf8], esi ; mov dword [0x48baf8], esi
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea2], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea2], 1
+mov dword [ref_004749d4], esi ; mov dword [0x4749d4], esi
+push 1
+mov eax, ref_0048234a ; mov eax, 0x48234a
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea3], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea3], dh
+mov byte [ref_0046cafb], 1 ; mov byte [0x46cafb], 1
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp edx, 4
+jge short loc_0040df41 ; jge 0x40df41
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_0040df30 ; jne 0x40df30
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b9a], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b9a], 0
+jne short loc_0040df30 ; jne 0x40df30
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9f], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9f], 0
+jne short loc_0040df30 ; jne 0x40df30
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9e], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9e], 0
+je short loc_0040df41 ; je 0x40df41
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+or byte [eax + ref_00498ea0], 0x80 ; or byte [eax + 0x498ea0], 0x80
+xor eax, eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498ea2], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498ea2], 0
+jne short loc_0040df3e ; jne 0x40df3e
+cmp byte [ref_0046caf8], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46caf8], 0
+jne short loc_0040df3e ; jne 0x40df3e
+cmp byte [ref_0046caf9], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46caf9], 0
+jne short loc_0040df3e ; jne 0x40df3e
+mov eax, 1
+push ebx
+push edi
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+cmp edx, ebx
+je short loc_0040dfd7 ; je 0x40dfd7
+cmp dword [esp + 0x14], 0
+jge short loc_0040df8d ; jge 0x40df8d
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+mov ecx, ebx
+cmp dword [eax + ecx*4 + ref_00496bb4], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + ecx*4 + 0x496bb4], 0
+je short loc_0040dfd7 ; je 0x40dfd7
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+mov ecx, ebx
+shl ecx, 2
+add eax, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00496bb4] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x496bb4]
+add edi, ecx
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496bb4], edi ; mov dword [eax + 0x496bb4], edi
+test edi, edi
+jge short loc_0040dfb5 ; jge 0x40dfb5
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496bb4], ecx ; mov dword [eax + 0x496bb4], ecx
+cmp dword [esp + 0x14], 0
+jle short loc_0040dfd7 ; jle 0x40dfd7
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00496ba9] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x496ba9]
+lea eax, [ebx + 1]
+cmp ecx, eax
+jne short loc_0040dfd7 ; jne 0x40dfd7
+push edx
+call fcn_0040cc1a ; call 0x40cc1a
+add esp, 4
+pop edi
+pop ebx
+xor eax, eax
+xor ecx, ecx
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp eax, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_0040d2d0 ; jge 0x40d2d0
+imul edx, eax, 0x68
+test byte [edx + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; test byte [edx + 0x496b7d], 1
+je short loc_0040dff7 ; je 0x40dff7
+inc ecx
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_0040dfde ; jmp 0x40dfde
+xor edx, edx
+cmp edx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp edx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0040dfd9 ; jge 0x40dfd9
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0040e020 ; je 0x40e020
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9a], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9a], 0
+je short loc_0040e020 ; je 0x40e020
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b9a], 0x80 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b9a], 0x80
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_0040dffc ; jmp 0x40dffc
+ref_0040e023: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_0040e04d
+dd fcn_0040e059
+dd fcn_0040e065
+dd fcn_0040e071
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+lea eax, [edi - 0xf]
+cmp eax, 3
+ja short loc_0040e07d ; ja 0x40e07d
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_0040e023] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x40e023]
+mov ebx, 0xe
+mov ecx, 0x10
+jmp short loc_0040e082 ; jmp 0x40e082
+mov ebx, 0x10
+mov ecx, 0x1a
+jmp short loc_0040e082 ; jmp 0x40e082
+mov ebx, 0x1a
+mov ecx, 0x24
+jmp short loc_0040e082 ; jmp 0x40e082
+mov ebx, 0x24
+mov ecx, 0x2e
+jmp short loc_0040e082 ; jmp 0x40e082
+lea ebx, [edi - 1]
+mov ecx, edi
+cmp ebx, ecx
+jge near loc_0040e13f ; jge 0x40e13f
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+lea edx, [ebx + 1]
+cmp word [eax + ref_00496d0a], 0 ; cmp word [eax + 0x496d0a], 0
+jne near loc_0040e146 ; jne 0x40e146
+mov word [eax + ref_00496d0a], si ; mov word [eax + 0x496d0a], si
+mov cl, byte [esp + 0x18]
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496d0c], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496d0c], cl
+mov cl, byte [esp + 0x1c]
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496d0d], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496d0d], cl
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_0040e0dc ; je 0x40e0dc
+cmp edi, 0xf
+jne short loc_0040e0dc ; jne 0x40e0dc
+push edx
+push 0
+lea eax, [ecx - 1]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040ead7 ; call 0x40ead7
+add esp, 0xc
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_0040e13f ; je 0x40e13f
+xor edx, edx
+jmp short loc_0040e0ea ; jmp 0x40e0ea
+inc edx
+cmp edx, 4
+jge short loc_0040e10a ; jge 0x40e10a
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+lea ecx, [esi + eax]
+shl ecx, 3
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+add eax, ecx
+mov ecx, edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ecx*2 + 0x18]
+and eax, 0xffff
+je short loc_0040e0e4 ; je 0x40e0e4
+push esi
+push eax
+call fcn_00407a8c ; call 0x407a8c
+mov edx, eax
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+mov byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d09], dl ; mov byte [eax*8 + 0x496d09], dl
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e80]
+add eax, edx
+lea edx, [ebx + 1]
+shl edx, 0x10
+or dword [eax + 0x24], edx
+lea eax, [ebx + 1]
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov ebx, edx
+jmp near loc_0040e082 ; jmp 0x40e082
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+test edx, edx
+je near loc_0040e29f ; je 0x40e29f
+dec edx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00496d08] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x496d08]
+cmp cl, 0x11
+jb short loc_0040e17a ; jb 0x40e17a
+jbe short loc_0040e18a ; jbe 0x40e18a
+cmp cl, 0x12
+je short loc_0040e195 ; je 0x40e195
+jmp short loc_0040e1ba ; jmp 0x40e1ba
+cmp cl, 0x10
+jne short loc_0040e1ba ; jne 0x40e1ba
+inc byte [ref_00497321] ; inc byte [0x497321]
+jmp near loc_0040e21a ; jmp 0x40e21a
+inc byte [ref_00497322] ; inc byte [0x497322]
+jmp near loc_0040e21a ; jmp 0x40e21a
+inc byte [ref_00497323] ; inc byte [0x497323]
+mov bh, byte [eax + ref_00496d0d] ; mov bh, byte [eax + 0x496d0d]
+test bh, bh
+je short loc_0040e21a ; je 0x40e21a
+mov al, bh
+and eax, 0xff
+dec eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba8], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba8], cl
+jmp short loc_0040e21a ; jmp 0x40e21a
+mov ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 2
+sub ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 3
+cmp byte [ecx + ref_00496d0d], 0 ; cmp byte [ecx + 0x496d0d], 0
+je short loc_0040e21a ; je 0x40e21a
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ecx + ref_00496d0d] ; mov al, byte [ecx + 0x496d0d]
+dec eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba7], bl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba7], bl
+mov cl, byte [ecx + ref_00496d08] ; mov cl, byte [ecx + 0x496d08]
+and ecx, 0xff
+mov bx, word [ecx*2 + ref_004749e2] ; mov bx, word [ecx*2 + 0x4749e2]
+sub word [eax + ref_00496bac], bx ; sub word [eax + 0x496bac], bx
+mov bx, word [ecx*2 + ref_00474a06] ; mov bx, word [ecx*2 + 0x474a06]
+sub word [eax + ref_00496bae], bx ; sub word [eax + 0x496bae], bx
+mov bx, word [ecx*2 + ref_00474a2a] ; mov bx, word [ecx*2 + 0x474a2a]
+sub word [eax + ref_00496bb0], bx ; sub word [eax + 0x496bb0], bx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496d0d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496d0d], 0
+jne short loc_0040e248 ; jne 0x40e248
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [eax + ref_00496d0a] ; mov cx, word [eax + 0x496d0a]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e80]
+mov byte [ecx + eax*8 + 0x26], 0
+mov ecx, edx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+xor ecx, edx
+mov cx, word [eax*8 + ref_00496d0a] ; mov cx, word [eax*8 + 0x496d0a]
+xor esi, esi
+mov word [eax*8 + ref_00496d0a], si ; mov word [eax*8 + 0x496d0a], si
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d0c], bl ; mov byte [eax*8 + 0x496d0c], bl
+mov byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d0d], bl ; mov byte [eax*8 + 0x496d0d], bl
+cmp edx, 0xc
+jge short loc_0040e29f ; jge 0x40e29f
+test dl, 1
+je short loc_0040e284 ; je 0x40e284
+lea ebx, [edx - 1]
+jmp short loc_0040e287 ; jmp 0x40e287
+lea ebx, [edx + 1]
+push 0
+push 0
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040aa6c ; call 0x40aa6c
+add esp, 4
+push eax
+inc ebx
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040e033 ; call 0x40e033
+add esp, 0x10
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a078] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a078]
+sar eax, 1
+mov word [ref_0046caec], ax ; mov word [0x46caec], ax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+push 0
+push 6
+push 0x101010
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x1c
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 7
+push 0x1cc
+push 0xdc
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push edx
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov word [ref_0046caec], 0x280 ; mov word [0x46caec], 0x280
+push 0x960
+call fcn_004528b9 ; call 0x4528b9
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x30
+imul ebx, dword [esp + 0x44], 0x68
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_00496ba7] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x496ba7]
+dec eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x2c], eax
+mov edi, eax
+shl edi, 2
+sub edi, eax
+shl edi, 3
+movzx ebp, byte [edi + ref_00496d08] ; movzx ebp, byte [edi + 0x496d08]
+cmp dword [ebx + ref_00496b9a], 0 ; cmp dword [ebx + 0x496b9a], 0
+je short loc_0040e36e ; je 0x40e36e
+inc eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0040e14d ; call 0x40e14d
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0040e661 ; jmp 0x40e661
+push 4
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b72] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b72]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b70]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov esi, dword [ebp*4 + ref_0049692c] ; mov esi, dword [ebp*4 + 0x49692c]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+shl eax, 8
+lea edx, [eax + 0x8100]
+lea eax, [esp + 0x24]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x2c]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x28]
+push eax
+push edx
+call fcn_0040b066 ; call 0x40b066
+add esp, 0x10
+xor edx, edx
+mov word [edi + ref_00496d0a], dx ; mov word [edi + 0x496d0a], dx
+push 0
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0040829d ; call 0x40829d
+add esp, 8
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b74] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b74]
+mov word [edi + ref_00496d0a], ax ; mov word [edi + 0x496d0a], ax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+push 0x1b8
+push 0x1b8
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_00451a97 ; call 0x451a97
+add esp, 0x18
+mov edi, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+movsx edx, word [esi + eax*4 + 0x10]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+sub ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp], ecx
+movsx edx, word [esi + eax*4 + 0x12]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x28]
+sub ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 4], ecx
+movsx edx, word [esi + eax*4 + 0xc]
+mov ecx, dword [esp]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 8], ecx
+movsx eax, word [esi + eax*4 + 0xe]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], edx
+push 0
+push ref_004823e2 ; push 0x4823e2
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp near loc_0040e539 ; jmp 0x40e539
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x18]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452808 ; call 0x452808
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x14]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+sub eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+sub eax, ecx
+push eax
+lea eax, [edx - 0x28]
+push eax
+push ecx
+push edx
+push ecx
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0x10
+lea eax, [esp + 0x14]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x3c
+call fcn_0045285e ; call 0x45285e
+add esp, 4
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0x18
+jge near loc_0040e5f5 ; jge 0x40e5f5
+sub dword [esp + 0x28], 0xa
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+inc edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x24], edx
+mov ecx, edx
+and ecx, 7
+mov dword [esp + 0x24], ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x28]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+push ecx
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456770 ; call 0x456770
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+movsx edx, word [esi + eax*4 + 0x10]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+sub ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], ecx
+movsx edx, word [esi + eax*4 + 0x12]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x28]
+sub ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], ecx
+movsx edx, word [esi + eax*4 + 0xc]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], ecx
+movsx eax, word [esi + eax*4 + 0xe]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x1c], edx
+cmp dword [esp + 0x14], 0x28
+jge short loc_0040e5ea ; jge 0x40e5ea
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], 0x28
+cmp dword [esp + 0x1c], 0x28
+jge near loc_0040e485 ; jge 0x40e485
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+inc eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0040e14d ; call 0x40e14d
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0040829d ; call 0x40829d
+add esp, 8
+cmp ebp, 5
+je short loc_0040e631 ; je 0x40e631
+cmp ebp, 6
+je short loc_0040e631 ; je 0x40e631
+cmp ebp, 7
+je short loc_0040e631 ; je 0x40e631
+cmp ebp, 8
+je short loc_0040e631 ; je 0x40e631
+cmp ebp, 0xf
+jne short loc_0040e661 ; jne 0x40e661
+imul eax, dword [esp + 0x44], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_004808a6] ; mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x4808a6]
+push ecx
+push 2
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+add esp, 0x30
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x68
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x7c]
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_0040e6b9 ; je 0x40e6b9
+dec edx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d09] ; mov cl, byte [eax*8 + 0x496d09]
+mov ebp, 8
+sub ebp, dword [ref_00499088] ; sub ebp, dword [0x499088]
+add ebp, ecx
+and ebp, 7
+movzx edi, byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d08] ; movzx edi, byte [eax*8 + 0x496d08]
+mov edi, dword [edi*4 + ref_0049692c] ; mov edi, dword [edi*4 + 0x49692c]
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebp
+shl eax, 2
+lea ebx, [edi + 0xc]
+add ebx, eax
+jmp short loc_0040e6c4 ; jmp 0x40e6c4
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049697c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49697c]
+lea ebx, [edi + 0xc]
+lea eax, [esp + 0x34]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x34]
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00409a23 ; call 0x409a23
+add esp, 0x10
+lea eax, [esp + 0x3c]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x3c]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x94]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x94]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00409a23 ; call 0x409a23
+add esp, 0x10
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x38]
+sub edx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+sub ecx, dword [esp + 0x34]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_0040e724 ; jne 0x40e724
+test ecx, ecx
+je near loc_0040ea5a ; je 0x40ea5a
+mov eax, edx
+imul eax, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+mov eax, ecx
+imul eax, ecx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x40]
+add eax, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x64], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x64]
+call fcn_004582bc ; call 0x4582bc
+fmul dword [ref_0046324c] ; fmul dword [0x46324c]
+faddp st1 ; faddp st(1)
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x60]
+mov dword [esp + 0x64], edx
+fild dword [esp + 0x64]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x60]
+mov dword [esp + 0x64], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x64]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x40]
+fdiv dword [esp + 0x40]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x48]
+mov dword [esp + 0x64], ecx
+fild dword [esp + 0x64]
+fdiv dword [esp + 0x40]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x44]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x30]
+mov dword [esp + 0x64], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x64]
+fadd dword [esp + 0x48]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x58]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x34]
+mov dword [esp + 0x64], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x64]
+fadd dword [esp + 0x44]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x5c]
+mov dword [esp], 0xfffffc18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+push 0x1b8
+push 0x1b8
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_00451a97 ; call 0x451a97
+add esp, 0x18
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+cmp dword [esp + 0x60], 0
+je near loc_0040e9bd ; je 0x40e9bd
+call dword [cs:__imp__timeGetTime@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46246c]
+mov esi, eax
+fld dword [esp + 0x58]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x54]
+fld dword [esp + 0x5c]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x50]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edx, dword [esp]
+cmp edx, 0xfffffc18
+je short loc_0040e883 ; je 0x40e883
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 4]
+sub eax, ecx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+sub eax, edx
+push eax
+lea eax, [ecx - 0x28]
+push eax
+push edx
+push ecx
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x64]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456469 ; call 0x456469
+add esp, 0x20
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x50]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x58]
+push ecx
+push ebp
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456770 ; call 0x456770
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 4]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x54]
+sub edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x20], edx
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 6]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x50]
+sub edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x24], edx
+movsx eax, word [ebx]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], edx
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 2]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x2c], edx
+cmp dword [esp], 0xfffffc18
+je short loc_0040e903 ; je 0x40e903
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x28]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452808 ; call 0x452808
+jmp short loc_0040e914 ; jmp 0x40e914
+push 0x10
+lea eax, [esp + 0x24]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x18]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp dword [esp + 0x18], 0
+jle short loc_0040e96a ; jle 0x40e96a
+cmp dword [esp + 0x14], 0x1e0
+jge short loc_0040e96a ; jge 0x40e96a
+cmp dword [esp + 0x10], 0
+jge short loc_0040e935 ; jge 0x40e935
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], ecx
+cmp dword [esp + 0x1c], 0x1e0
+jle short loc_0040e947 ; jle 0x40e947
+mov dword [esp + 0x1c], 0x1e0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x14]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push 0x10
+lea eax, [esp + 0x24]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+call dword [cs:__imp__timeGetTime@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46246c]
+sub eax, esi
+cmp eax, 0x18
+jae short loc_0040e99c ; jae 0x40e99c
+mov edx, 0x18
+sub edx, eax
+push edx
+call fcn_0045285e ; call 0x45285e
+add esp, 4
+fld dword [esp + 0x58]
+fadd dword [esp + 0x48]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x58]
+fld dword [esp + 0x5c]
+fadd dword [esp + 0x44]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x5c]
+dec dword [esp + 0x60]
+jmp near loc_0040e808 ; jmp 0x40e808
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x90]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045285e ; call 0x45285e
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x7c]
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0040ea4d ; jne 0x40ea4d
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push ebx
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push ebx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 4]
+sub eax, esi
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 4]
+sub eax, edi
+push eax
+lea eax, [esi - 0x28]
+push eax
+push edi
+push esi
+push edi
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x64]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456469 ; call 0x456469
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push ebp
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x68
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+xor edx, edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 4]
+test ecx, ecx
+jne short loc_0040ea6f ; jne 0x40ea6f
+xor eax, eax
+dec ecx
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+mov al, byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d08] ; mov al, byte [eax*8 + 0x496d08]
+and eax, 0xff
+cmp eax, 0xc
+jg short loc_0040ea8d ; jg 0x40ea8d
+cmp eax, 0xb
+jne short loc_0040ea92 ; jne 0x40ea92
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jne short loc_0040ea97 ; jne 0x40ea97
+mov edx, 1
+mov eax, edx
+db 0x90
+ref_0040ea9b: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_0040ec14
+dd fcn_0040ecf1
+dd fcn_0040ed8f
+dd fcn_0040ee50
+dd fcn_0040ef1b
+dd fcn_0040efe4
+dd fcn_0040f083
+dd fcn_0040f155
+dd fcn_0040f205
+dd fcn_0040f258
+dd fcn_0040ece6
+dd fcn_0040f2a0
+dd fcn_0040ece6
+dd fcn_0040ece6
+dd fcn_0040f2eb
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+test edx, edx
+je near fcn_0040ece6 ; je 0x40ece6
+push edx
+call fcn_0040ea62 ; call 0x40ea62
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je near fcn_0040ece6 ; je 0x40ece6
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+dec ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x9c], ebx
+mov edx, ebx
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+movzx esi, byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d08] ; movzx esi, byte [eax*8 + 0x496d08]
+xor edx, ebx
+mov word [eax*8 + ref_00496d0a], dx ; mov word [eax*8 + 0x496d0a], dx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x94]
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba7], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba7], 0
+je short loc_0040eb47 ; je 0x40eb47
+push edi
+call fcn_0040e32c ; call 0x40e32c
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x9c]
+inc al
+imul ebx, dword [esp + 0x94], 0x68
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496ba7], al ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496ba7], al
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov dx, word [ebx + ref_00496b74] ; mov dx, word [ebx + 0x496b74]
+mov word [eax + ref_00496d0a], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x496d0a], dx
+mov dl, byte [esp + 0x94]
+inc dl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496d0d], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496d0d], dl
+cmp esi, 0xf
+jne short loc_0040eba8 ; jne 0x40eba8
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496d0c], 0xd ; mov byte [eax + 0x496d0c], 0xd
+jmp short loc_0040ebaf ; jmp 0x40ebaf
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496d0c], 7 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496d0c], 7
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x98]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_0040ebcc ; je 0x40ebcc
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e80]
+mov byte [edx + eax*8 + 0x26], 0
+imul eax, dword [esp + 0x94], 0x68
+mov dx, word [esi*2 + ref_004749e2] ; mov dx, word [esi*2 + 0x4749e2]
+add word [eax + ref_00496bac], dx ; add word [eax + 0x496bac], dx
+mov dx, word [esi*2 + ref_00474a06] ; mov dx, word [esi*2 + 0x474a06]
+add word [eax + ref_00496bae], dx ; add word [eax + 0x496bae], dx
+mov dx, word [esi*2 + ref_00474a2a] ; mov dx, word [esi*2 + 0x474a2a]
+add word [eax + ref_00496bb0], dx ; add word [eax + 0x496bb0], dx
+lea edx, [esi - 1]
+cmp edx, 0xe
+ja near fcn_0040ece6 ; ja 0x40ece6
+jmp dword [edx*4 + ref_0040ea9b] ; ujmp: jmp dword [edx*4 + 0x40ea9b]
+cmp byte [ref_00497159], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497159], 0
+je short loc_0040ec5e ; je 0x40ec5e
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x21c
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push esi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x66
+push 1
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push ref_00463250 ; push 0x463250
+call fcn_0040e2a2 ; call 0x40e2a2
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00440706 ; call 0x440706
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x94]
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0040eca4 ; jge 0x40eca4
+cmp byte [ref_0046caf8], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46caf8], 0
+jne short loc_0040eca4 ; jne 0x40eca4
+cmp ebx, ebp
+je short loc_0040eca1 ; je 0x40eca1
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0040eca1 ; je 0x40eca1
+push 1
+push esi
+push ebp
+push ebx
+call fcn_0041d2c6 ; call 0x41d2c6
+add esp, 0x10
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0040ec73 ; jmp 0x40ec73
+cmp esi, 0x2bc
+jle short fcn_0040ece6 ; jle 0x40ece6
+cmp byte [ref_0046caf8], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46caf8], 0
+jne short fcn_0040ece6 ; jne 0x40ece6
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x94]
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, eax
+mov esi, dword [ebx + eax*8 + ref_0048086a] ; mov esi, dword [ebx + eax*8 + 0x48086a]
+push esi
+push 3
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+add esp, 0x80
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+cmp byte [ref_00497159], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497159], 0
+je short loc_0040ed3b ; je 0x40ed3b
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x21d
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x67
+push 1
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push ref_00463295 ; push 0x463295
+call fcn_0040e2a2 ; call 0x40e2a2
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+call fcn_00440706 ; call 0x440706
+mov esi, eax
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0041d3f4 ; call 0x41d3f4
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov ebx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+cmp esi, eax
+jl near fcn_0040ece6 ; jl 0x40ece6
+push esi
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044f354 ; call 0x44f354
+jmp near loc_0040f14d ; jmp 0x40f14d
+cmp byte [ref_00497159], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497159], 0
+je short loc_0040ede7 ; je 0x40ede7
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x21e
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x68
+push 1
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push ref_004632cc ; push 0x4632cc
+call fcn_0040e2a2 ; call 0x40e2a2
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x94]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00441e12 ; call 0x441e12
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je near fcn_0040ece6 ; je 0x40ece6
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+mov edi, dword [ebx + ref_0047fdea] ; mov edi, dword [ebx + 0x47fdea]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esi*4 + ref_0047ed76] ; mov ebp, dword [esi*4 + 0x47ed76]
+push ebp
+push ref_004632fd ; push 0x4632fd
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_0047fdef] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x47fdef]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0044f230 ; call 0x44f230
+jmp near loc_0040f14d ; jmp 0x40f14d
+cmp byte [ref_00497159], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497159], 0
+je short loc_0040eea8 ; je 0x40eea8
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x21f
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x69
+push 1
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push ref_0046330e ; push 0x46330e
+call fcn_0040e2a2 ; call 0x40e2a2
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x94]
+push esi
+call fcn_00441e12 ; call 0x441e12
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+push esi
+call fcn_00441e12 ; call 0x441e12
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 3
+mov ebp, dword [esi + ref_0047fdea] ; mov ebp, dword [esi + 0x47fdea]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ebx*8 + ref_0047fdea] ; mov eax, dword [ebx*8 + 0x47fdea]
+push eax
+push ref_00463353 ; push 0x463353
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx*8 + ref_0047fdef] ; mov dl, byte [ebx*8 + 0x47fdef]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + ref_0047fdef] ; mov al, byte [esi + 0x47fdef]
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+push edx
+jmp near loc_0040ee46 ; jmp 0x40ee46
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, eax
+mov edx, dword [ebx + eax*8 + ref_004808a2] ; mov edx, dword [ebx + eax*8 + 0x4808a2]
+push edx
+push 2
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+or ah, 0x80
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp byte [ref_00497159], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497159], 0
+je short loc_0040ef96 ; je 0x40ef96
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x220
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x6a
+push 1
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push ref_0046336c ; push 0x46336c
+call fcn_0040e2a2 ; call 0x40e2a2
+add esp, 4
+push 4
+call fcn_00440706 ; call 0x440706
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x94]
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near fcn_0040ece6 ; jge 0x40ece6
+cmp byte [ref_0046caf8], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46caf8], 0
+jne near fcn_0040ece6 ; jne 0x40ece6
+cmp ebx, ebp
+je short loc_0040efe1 ; je 0x40efe1
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0040efe1 ; je 0x40efe1
+push 0
+push esi
+push ebx
+push ebp
+call fcn_0041d2c6 ; call 0x41d2c6
+add esp, 0x10
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0040efab ; jmp 0x40efab
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, eax
+mov edi, dword [ebx + eax*8 + ref_004808a2] ; mov edi, dword [ebx + eax*8 + 0x4808a2]
+push edi
+push 2
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+or ah, 0x80
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp byte [ref_00497159], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497159], 0
+je short loc_0040f05f ; je 0x40f05f
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x221
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x6b
+push 1
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push ref_00463381 ; push 0x463381
+call fcn_0040e2a2 ; call 0x40e2a2
+add esp, 4
+push 5
+call fcn_00440706 ; call 0x440706
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push eax
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xa0]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d2c6 ; call 0x41d2c6
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near fcn_0040ece6 ; jmp 0x40ece6
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, eax
+mov edx, dword [ebx + eax*8 + ref_004808a2] ; mov edx, dword [ebx + eax*8 + 0x4808a2]
+push edx
+push 2
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+or ah, 0x80
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp byte [ref_00497159], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497159], 0
+je short loc_0040f10c ; je 0x40f10c
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x222
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x6c
+push 1
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push ref_0046338e ; push 0x46338e
+call fcn_0040e2a2 ; call 0x40e2a2
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x94]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00441e77 ; call 0x441e77
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je near fcn_0040ece6 ; je 0x40ece6
+mov esi, dword [eax*8 + ref_0047fdea] ; mov esi, dword [eax*8 + 0x47fdea]
+push esi
+push ref_004633ab ; push 0x4633ab
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+jmp near fcn_0040ece6 ; jmp 0x40ece6
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, eax
+mov esi, dword [ebx + eax*8 + ref_004808a2] ; mov esi, dword [ebx + eax*8 + 0x4808a2]
+push esi
+push 2
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+or ah, 0x80
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp byte [ref_00497159], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497159], 0
+je short loc_0040f1de ; je 0x40f1de
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x223
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x6d
+push 1
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push ref_004633c0 ; push 0x4633c0
+call fcn_0040e2a2 ; call 0x40e2a2
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x94]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00441ece ; call 0x441ece
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je near fcn_0040ece6 ; je 0x40ece6
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_004633d5 ; push 0x4633d5
+jmp near loc_0040f148 ; jmp 0x40f148
+cmp byte [ref_00497159], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497159], 0
+je near fcn_0040ece6 ; je 0x40ece6
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x224
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x6e
+push 1
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push ref_004633f0 ; push 0x4633f0
+call fcn_0040e2a2 ; call 0x40e2a2
+add esp, 4
+jmp near fcn_0040ece6 ; jmp 0x40ece6
+cmp byte [ref_00497159], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497159], 0
+je near fcn_0040ece6 ; je 0x40ece6
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x225
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x70
+push 1
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push ref_00463419 ; push 0x463419
+jmp short loc_0040f24b ; jmp 0x40f24b
+cmp byte [ref_00497159], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497159], 0
+je near fcn_0040ece6 ; je 0x40ece6
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x226
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x6f
+push 1
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push ref_0046344e ; push 0x46344e
+jmp near loc_0040f24b ; jmp 0x40f24b
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, eax
+mov esi, dword [ebx + eax*8 + ref_004808a2] ; mov esi, dword [ebx + eax*8 + 0x4808a2]
+push esi
+push 2
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+or ah, 0x80
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp byte [ref_00497159], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497159], 0
+je short loc_0040f366 ; je 0x40f366
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x227
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x71
+push 1
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push ref_00463495 ; push 0x463495
+call fcn_0040e2a2 ; call 0x40e2a2
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x94]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00445b3f ; call 0x445b3f
+add esp, 4
+push ebp
+call fcn_00441f21 ; call 0x441f21
+jmp near loc_0040f250 ; jmp 0x40f250
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x94
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x88], edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xa8]
+imul ebx, ecx, 0x68
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b9a], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b9a], 0
+jne near loc_0040f8b3 ; jne 0x40f8b3
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b7d], 0
+je near loc_0040f8b3 ; je 0x40f8b3
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xac]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e80]
+mov si, word [esi + eax*8 + 0x20]
+and esi, 0xffff
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_00496ba7] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x496ba7]
+cmp al, 0xa
+jb short loc_0040f3ff ; jb 0x40f3ff
+lea ebx, [esi - 0x7d0]
+imul ebx, ebx, 0x34
+cmp al, 0xa
+jbe near loc_0040f521 ; jbe 0x40f521
+cmp al, 0xc
+je near loc_0040f68b ; je 0x40f68b
+jmp near loc_0040f8b3 ; jmp 0x40f8b3
+cmp al, 9
+jne near loc_0040f8b3 ; jne 0x40f8b3
+push 0
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp esi, 0xfa0
+jle short loc_0040f492 ; jle 0x40f492
+cmp esi, 0x1770
+jge short loc_0040f492 ; jge 0x40f492
+lea eax, [esi - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+cmp byte [ebx + eax + 0x1a], 0
+jne short loc_0040f492 ; jne 0x40f492
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0047ed9a] ; mov ecx, dword [0x47ed9a]
+push ecx
+push ref_004634c0 ; push 0x4634c0
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [esp + 0x88], 0x800
+push esi
+call fcn_0040b110 ; call 0x40b110
+add esp, 4
+or dword [esp + 0x88], eax
+test byte [esp + 0x88], 1
+je short loc_0040f4e1 ; je 0x40f4e1
+test byte [esp + 0x89], 8
+jne short loc_0040f4e1 ; jne 0x40f4e1
+mov edi, dword [ref_0047ed9a] ; mov edi, dword [0x47ed9a]
+push edi
+push ref_004634c0 ; push 0x4634c0
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov bh, byte [esp + 0x88]
+test bh, 1
+je near loc_0040f8b3 ; je 0x40f8b3
+push 0
+push ref_004823da ; push 0x4823da
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+test bh, 0x80
+je near loc_0040f8b3 ; je 0x40f8b3
+call fcn_0040b0cd ; call 0x40b0cd
+jmp near loc_0040f8b3 ; jmp 0x40f8b3
+cmp esi, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_0040f574 ; jle 0x40f574
+cmp esi, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_0040f574 ; jge 0x40f574
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, eax
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x1a], 0
+je near loc_0040f5d0 ; je 0x40f5d0
+mov ch, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+test ch, ch
+je near loc_0040f5de ; je 0x40f5de
+mov eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+add eax, eax
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xac]
+push edi
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, ch
+dec eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp short loc_0040f5de ; jmp 0x40f5de
+cmp esi, 0xfa0
+jle short loc_0040f5d0 ; jle 0x40f5d0
+cmp esi, 0x1770
+jge short loc_0040f5d0 ; jge 0x40f5d0
+lea eax, [esi - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebx, eax
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_0040f5d0 ; je 0x40f5d0
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x19], 0
+je short loc_0040f5de ; je 0x40f5de
+mov eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+add eax, eax
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xac]
+push edx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+dec eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp short loc_0040f5de ; jmp 0x40f5de
+cmp dword [esp + 0x88], 0
+je near loc_0040f8b3 ; je 0x40f8b3
+push 0
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_004634d7 ; push 0x4634d7
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+push esi
+call fcn_0040ab4a ; call 0x40ab4a
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x88]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x88]
+push eax
+push esi
+call fcn_0040b066 ; call 0x40b066
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x20e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x5f
+push 0x30001
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+sub eax, 0x37
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+sub eax, 0x37
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0040f8b3 ; jmp 0x40f8b3
+cmp esi, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_0040f753 ; jle 0x40f753
+cmp esi, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_0040f753 ; jge 0x40f753
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+lea eax, [ecx + 1]
+cmp edx, eax
+je near loc_0040f83c ; je 0x40f83c
+test dl, dl
+je short loc_0040f70d ; je 0x40f70d
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + 0x1c]
+mov esi, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov esi, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul eax, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x8c], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x8c]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+mov dword [esp + 0x90], eax
+fild word [esp + 0x90]
+fadd dword [ref_0046350c] ; fadd dword [0x46350c]
+fdiv dword [ref_00463510] ; fdiv dword [0x463510]
+fmulp st1 ; fmulp st(1)
+sub esp, 8
+fstp qword [esp]
+push ecx
+dec edx
+push edx
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [esp + 0x88], 1
+cmp dword [ref_00499110], 0 ; cmp dword [0x499110], 0
+je near loc_0040f826 ; je 0x40f826
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x19], 0
+jne near loc_0040f826 ; jne 0x40f826
+mov eax, dword [ref_00499110] ; mov eax, dword [0x499110]
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_004751f0] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x4751f0]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov ecx, dword [0x497160]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004521cb ; call 0x4521cb
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ebx + 0x30], eax
+jmp near loc_0040f826 ; jmp 0x40f826
+cmp esi, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_0040f83c ; jle 0x40f83c
+cmp esi, 0x1770
+jge near loc_0040f83c ; jge 0x40f83c
+lea eax, [esi - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebx, eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xa8]
+inc eax
+cmp edx, eax
+je near loc_0040f83c ; je 0x40f83c
+test dl, dl
+je short loc_0040f7f2 ; je 0x40f7f2
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + 0x22]
+mov esi, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov esi, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul eax, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x8c], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x8c]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+mov dword [esp + 0x90], eax
+fild word [esp + 0x90]
+fadd dword [ref_0046350c] ; fadd dword [0x46350c]
+fdiv dword [ref_00463510] ; fdiv dword [0x463510]
+fmulp st1 ; fmulp st(1)
+sub esp, 8
+fstp qword [esp]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xb0]
+push edi
+dec edx
+push edx
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [esp + 0x88], 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_00499110] ; mov eax, dword [0x499110]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0040f826 ; je 0x40f826
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x19], 0
+jne short loc_0040f826 ; jne 0x40f826
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_004751f0] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x4751f0]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov ecx, dword [0x497160]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004521cb ; call 0x4521cb
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ebx + 0x34], eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0xa8]
+inc al
+mov byte [ebx + 0x19], al
+push 0
+call fcn_0040a4e1 ; call 0x40a4e1
+add esp, 4
+cmp dword [esp + 0x88], 0
+je short loc_0040f8b3 ; je 0x40f8b3
+push 0
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_004634f2 ; push 0x4634f2
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+sub ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+mov eax, ebx
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ebx*8 + ref_0048084a] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + ebx*8 + 0x48084a]
+push ebp
+push 0
+push edi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+add esp, 0x94
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x94]
+xor ebx, ebx
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496ba7] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496ba7]
+cmp dl, 3
+je short loc_0040f8e8 ; je 0x40f8e8
+cmp dl, 4
+jne near fcn_0040ece6 ; jne 0x40ece6
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x98]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e80]
+mov si, word [esi + eax*8 + 0x20]
+and esi, 0xffff
+cmp esi, 0xfa0
+jle short loc_0040f982 ; jle 0x40f982
+cmp esi, 0x1770
+jge short loc_0040f982 ; jge 0x40f982
+lea eax, [esi - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+cmp byte [edx + eax + 0x1a], 0
+jne short loc_0040f982 ; jne 0x40f982
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496ba7] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496ba7]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_0047ed76] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x47ed76]
+push edx
+push ref_004634c0 ; push 0x4634c0
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, 0x800
+push esi
+call fcn_0040b110 ; call 0x40b110
+add esp, 4
+or ebx, eax
+test bl, 1
+je short loc_0040f9d1 ; je 0x40f9d1
+test bh, 8
+jne short loc_0040f9d1 ; jne 0x40f9d1
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496ba7] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496ba7]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + ref_0047ed76] ; mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + 0x47ed76]
+push ecx
+push ref_004634c0 ; push 0x4634c0
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+test bl, 1
+je near fcn_0040ece6 ; je 0x40ece6
+push 0
+push ref_004823da ; push 0x4823da
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+test bl, 0x80
+je short loc_0040fa30 ; je 0x40fa30
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, eax
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + eax*8 + ref_00480886] ; mov ebp, dword [ebx + eax*8 + 0x480886]
+push ebp
+push 0
+push edi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+call fcn_0040b0cd ; call 0x40b0cd
+jmp near fcn_0040ece6 ; jmp 0x40ece6
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add ebx, eax
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and eax, 1
+mov esi, dword [ebx + eax*4 + ref_0048084a] ; mov esi, dword [ebx + eax*4 + 0x48084a]
+push esi
+push 0
+push edi
+jmp near loc_0040ecde ; jmp 0x40ecde
+push esi
+sub esp, 0x80
+xor edx, edx
+imul eax, dword [esp + 0x88], 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496ba7] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496ba7]
+cmp al, 8
+jb short loc_0040fa84 ; jb 0x40fa84
+jbe short loc_0040fa88 ; jbe 0x40fa88
+cmp al, 0xf
+je short loc_0040fa88 ; je 0x40fa88
+jmp short loc_0040facc ; jmp 0x40facc
+cmp al, 7
+jne short loc_0040facc ; jne 0x40facc
+imul eax, dword [esp + 0x88], 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496ba7] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496ba7]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov esi, dword [eax*4 + ref_0047ed76] ; mov esi, dword [eax*4 + 0x47ed76]
+push esi
+push ref_00463514 ; push 0x463514
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov edx, 1
+mov eax, edx
+add esp, 0x80
+pop esi
+push ebx
+mov ebx, 1
+xor edx, edx
+jmp short loc_0040fae6 ; jmp 0x40fae6
+inc edx
+cmp edx, 0x2e
+jge short loc_0040faf9 ; jge 0x40faf9
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+cmp byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d0e], 0 ; cmp byte [eax*8 + 0x496d0e], 0
+je short loc_0040fae0 ; je 0x40fae0
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 4
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+test edi, edi
+je near loc_0040fbb1 ; je 0x40fbb1
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e80]
+dec edi
+movsx esi, word [ecx + eax*8]
+movsx ebx, word [ecx + eax*8 + 2]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+movsx edx, word [ecx + eax*8]
+movsx ecx, word [ecx + eax*8 + 2]
+mov eax, esi
+sub eax, edx
+mov dword [esp], eax
+fild dword [esp]
+fmul qword [ref_0046352c] ; fmul qword [0x46352c]
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edi
+fstp dword [eax*8 + ref_00496d18] ; fstp dword [eax*8 + 0x496d18]
+mov edx, ebx
+sub edx, ecx
+mov dword [esp], edx
+fild dword [esp]
+fmul qword [ref_0046352c] ; fmul qword [0x46352c]
+fstp dword [eax*8 + ref_00496d1c] ; fstp dword [eax*8 + 0x496d1c]
+mov dword [esp], esi
+fild dword [esp]
+fadd dword [eax*8 + ref_00496d18] ; fadd dword [eax*8 + 0x496d18]
+fstp dword [eax*8 + ref_00496d10] ; fstp dword [eax*8 + 0x496d10]
+mov dword [esp], ebx
+fild dword [esp]
+fadd dword [eax*8 + ref_00496d1c] ; fadd dword [eax*8 + 0x496d1c]
+fstp dword [eax*8 + ref_00496d14] ; fstp dword [eax*8 + 0x496d14]
+mov byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d0e], 0xff ; mov byte [eax*8 + 0x496d0e], 0xff
+mov dl, byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d09] ; mov dl, byte [eax*8 + 0x496d09]
+mov byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d0f], dl ; mov byte [eax*8 + 0x496d0f], dl
+add esp, 4
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov ebx, 0xffffffff
+xor edx, edx
+mov esi, dword [ref_00499114] ; mov esi, dword [0x499114]
+cmp edx, esi
+jge short loc_0040fbfb ; jge 0x40fbfb
+cmp edx, ecx
+je short loc_0040fbf8 ; je 0x40fbf8
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0040fbf8 ; je 0x40fbf8
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba7], 0xe ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba7], 0xe
+je short loc_0040fbf1 ; je 0x40fbf1
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba7], 0xf ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba7], 0xf
+jne short loc_0040fbf8 ; jne 0x40fbf8
+mov ebx, edx
+mov eax, ebx
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_0040fbcb ; jmp 0x40fbcb
+mov eax, ebx
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+imul edx, dword [esp + 8], 0x68
+mov ah, byte [edx + ref_00496ba7] ; mov ah, byte [edx + 0x496ba7]
+test ah, ah
+je short loc_0040fc2b ; je 0x40fc2b
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, ah
+dec ecx
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+mov dx, word [edx + ref_00496b74] ; mov dx, word [edx + 0x496b74]
+mov word [eax*8 + ref_00496d0a], dx ; mov word [eax*8 + 0x496d0a], dx
+imul edx, dword [esp + 8], 0x68
+mov bl, byte [edx + ref_00496ba8] ; mov bl, byte [edx + 0x496ba8]
+test bl, bl
+je short loc_0040fc55 ; je 0x40fc55
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, bl
+dec ecx
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+mov dx, word [edx + ref_00496b74] ; mov dx, word [edx + 0x496b74]
+mov word [eax*8 + ref_00496d0a], dx ; mov word [eax*8 + 0x496d0a], dx
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+call fcn_00454f5b ; call 0x454f5b
+mov dword [esp], eax
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0xc
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+push 0x78
+push 0x9f
+push 0xe2
+push 0x12
+lea eax, [edi + 0xe2]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebp + 0x12]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 0xe9
+jmp short loc_0040fd05 ; jmp 0x40fd05
+push 5
+lea eax, [edi + esi]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebp + 0x1a]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + ref_00474a9c] ; mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + 0x474a9c]
+push edx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0xf
+cmp ebx, 8
+jge short loc_0040fd31 ; jge 0x40fd31
+lea eax, [ebx + 1]
+cmp eax, dword [esp]
+jne short loc_0040fce0 ; jne 0x40fce0
+push 0xff0000
+push 0xe
+push 0x9f
+lea eax, [edi + esi - 7]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebp + 0x12]
+push eax
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_004561be ; call 0x4561be
+add esp, 0x18
+jmp short loc_0040fce0 ; jmp 0x40fce0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x80] ; ucall
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+xor esi, esi
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00474b92] ; mov ebx, dword [0x474b92]
+add ebx, ebp
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048bb48] ; mov al, byte [0x48bb48]
+cmp esi, eax
+jg short loc_0040fdc0 ; jg 0x40fdc0
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474b96] ; mov eax, dword [0x474b96]
+add eax, edi
+push eax
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+inc esi
+add ebx, 0x10
+jmp short loc_0040fd8f ; jmp 0x40fd8f
+cmp byte [ref_0048bb49], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48bb49], 0
+je short loc_0040fdf1 ; je 0x40fdf1
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474c26] ; mov eax, dword [0x474c26]
+add eax, edi
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474c22] ; mov eax, dword [0x474c22]
+add eax, ebp
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0x78
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+cmp byte [ref_0048bb4a], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48bb4a], 0
+je short loc_0040fe5e ; je 0x40fe5e
+xor esi, esi
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00474ba2] ; mov ebx, dword [0x474ba2]
+add ebx, ebp
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048bb4a] ; mov al, byte [0x48bb4a]
+cmp esi, eax
+jge short loc_0040fe36 ; jge 0x40fe36
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474ba6] ; mov eax, dword [0x474ba6]
+add eax, edi
+push eax
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+inc esi
+add ebx, 0x10
+jmp short loc_0040fe04 ; jmp 0x40fe04
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474c36] ; mov eax, dword [0x474c36]
+add eax, edi
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474c32] ; mov eax, dword [0x474c32]
+add eax, ebp
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0x78
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+cmp byte [ref_0048bb4b], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48bb4b], 0
+je short loc_0040feca ; je 0x40feca
+xor esi, esi
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00474bb2] ; mov ebx, dword [0x474bb2]
+add ebx, ebp
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048bb4b] ; mov al, byte [0x48bb4b]
+cmp esi, eax
+jge short loc_0040fea2 ; jge 0x40fea2
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474bb6] ; mov eax, dword [0x474bb6]
+add eax, edi
+push eax
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+inc esi
+add ebx, 0x10
+jmp short loc_0040fe71 ; jmp 0x40fe71
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474c46] ; mov eax, dword [0x474c46]
+add eax, edi
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474c42] ; mov eax, dword [0x474c42]
+add eax, ebp
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0x78
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+cmp byte [ref_0048bb4c], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48bb4c], 0
+je short loc_0040fefb ; je 0x40fefb
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474c56] ; mov eax, dword [0x474c56]
+add eax, edi
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474c52] ; mov eax, dword [0x474c52]
+add eax, ebp
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0x78
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048bb4d] ; mov al, byte [0x48bb4d]
+movsx eax, word [eax*2 + ref_00474c92] ; movsx eax, word [eax*2 + 0x474c92]
+add eax, edi
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebp + 0xda]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0x78
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push edi
+push ebp
+call fcn_0040fc57 ; call 0x40fc57
+add esp, 8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x14
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov esi, edi
+shr esi, 0x10
+mov eax, edi
+shr eax, 8
+and eax, 0xff
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], eax
+mov ebp, edi
+and ebp, 0xff
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 2
+movsx eax, word [ref_00474cd6] ; movsx eax, word [0x474cd6]
+add eax, dword [esp + 0x34]
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_00474cd4] ; movsx eax, word [0x474cd4]
+add eax, dword [esp + 0x34]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov ebx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00474c94] ; mov ebx, dword [eax*4 + 0x474c94]
+push ebx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0xa
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+push esi
+call fcn_00457d61 ; call 0x457d61
+add esp, 0xc
+push 2
+movsx eax, word [ref_00474cda] ; movsx eax, word [0x474cda]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x34]
+add eax, esi
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_00474cd8] ; movsx eax, word [0x474cd8]
+add eax, dword [esp + 0x34]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+and di, 0xff00
+mov eax, edi
+or al, 1
+lea ebx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ebx
+lea ebx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ebx
+push eax
+call fcn_004520a6 ; call 0x4520a6
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ebx
+add eax, 0x1c
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+mov word [ref_0048bb08], ax ; mov word [0x48bb08], ax
+mov word [ref_0048bb0a], 0x50 ; mov word [0x48bb0a], 0x50
+mov edi, 1
+movsx ebx, ax
+add ebx, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+add esi, 0x50
+cmp edi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+jg near loc_00410126 ; jg 0x410126
+push 0xa
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_00457d61 ; call 0x457d61
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp edi, ebp
+jne short loc_004100f1 ; jne 0x4100f1
+push 0x51916c
+push 0x10
+push 0x14
+lea eax, [esi - 6]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebx - 0xa]
+push eax
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_004561be ; call 0x4561be
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0x101010
+push 0xffffff
+push 0xf
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push esi
+push ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0x101010
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+jmp short loc_00410101 ; jmp 0x410101
+push 2
+push esi
+push ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+add eax, 0xa6
+cmp ebx, eax
+jne short loc_0041011d ; jne 0x41011d
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+add ebx, 0x1c
+add esi, 0x12
+jmp short loc_00410120 ; jmp 0x410120
+add ebx, 0x17
+inc edi
+jmp near loc_00410073 ; jmp 0x410073
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+sub ebx, ecx
+mov word [ref_0048bb0c], bx ; mov word [0x48bb0c], bx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x30]
+sub esi, edi
+mov word [ref_0048bb0e], si ; mov word [0x48bb0e], si
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x80] ; ucall
+add esp, 0x14
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x38
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x50]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x50]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+add edi, 0x84
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x50]
+add esi, 0x21
+jmp near loc_004102db ; jmp 0x4102db
+push 0
+push 1
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f000
+push 0xc
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [esp], ah
+lea eax, [ebx + ebx]
+test byte [eax + ref_0048bb11], 0xff ; test byte [eax + 0x48bb11], 0xff
+je short loc_0041023d ; je 0x41023d
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_0048bb10] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x48bb10]
+mov ecx, eax
+and ecx, 0xffff
+sar ecx, 8
+and ecx, 0xff
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 3
+cmp byte [edx + ref_0047edfa], 0 ; cmp byte [edx + 0x47edfa], 0
+je short loc_00410213 ; je 0x410213
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_0047edfa] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x47edfa]
+and edx, 0xff
+cmp edx, ecx
+je short loc_00410213 ; je 0x410213
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_004101f2 ; jmp 0x4101f2
+shl eax, 3
+cmp byte [eax + ref_0047edfa], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x47edfa], 0
+je short loc_0041023d ; je 0x41023d
+test byte [ebx*2 + ref_0048bb10], 0xff ; test byte [ebx*2 + 0x48bb10], 0xff
+je short loc_0041023d ; je 0x41023d
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_0047edfe] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x47edfe]
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d96 ; call 0x457d96
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [ebx + ebx]
+test byte [eax + ref_0048bb10], 0xff ; test byte [eax + 0x48bb10], 0xff
+je short loc_0041029a ; je 0x41029a
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_0048bb10] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x48bb10]
+xor ah, ah
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, ax
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 3
+cmp byte [edx + ref_0047edfa], 0 ; cmp byte [edx + 0x47edfa], 0
+je short loc_0041027a ; je 0x41027a
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_0047edfa] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x47edfa]
+and edx, 0xff
+cmp edx, ecx
+je short loc_0041027a ; je 0x41027a
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_00410259 ; jmp 0x410259
+shl eax, 3
+cmp byte [eax + ref_0047edfa], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x47edfa], 0
+je short loc_0041029a ; je 0x41029a
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_0047edfe] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x47edfe]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_004582fc ; call 0x4582fc
+add esp, 8
+cmp byte [esp], 0
+je short loc_004102b3 ; je 0x4102b3
+push 2
+push esi
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+add esi, 0x10
+cmp ebx, 0xe
+jne short loc_004102cc ; jne 0x4102cc
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+add edi, 0x11c
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x50]
+add esi, 0x21
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0x1c
+jge short loc_004102ee ; jge 0x4102ee
+cmp ebx, 8
+jge near loc_004101af ; jge 0x4101af
+push 0
+push 1
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0
+jmp near loc_004101bd ; jmp 0x4101bd
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x18]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x30], ecx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x50]
+mov dword [esp + 0x2c], edx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0x1a]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x34], edx
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x2c]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+add esp, 0x38
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x8d
+db 0x40
+db 0x00
+ref_0041034b: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_00410537
+dd fcn_00410572
+dd fcn_004105b9
+dd fcn_004105f4
+dd fcn_004105f4
+dd fcn_004105f4
+dd fcn_00410668
+dd fcn_004106c1
+dd fcn_004106c1
+dd fcn_00410745
+dd fcn_0041076e
+dd fcn_0041079c
+dd fcn_004107d8
+dd fcn_004107f3
+dd fcn_004107f3
+dd fcn_004107f3
+ref_0041038b: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_00410838
+dd fcn_00410838
+dd fcn_00410838
+dd fcn_004104a5
+dd fcn_0041095b
+dd fcn_00410969
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x40
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x54]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x58]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x60]
+cmp eax, 0x202
+jb short loc_004103ec ; jb 0x4103ec
+jbe near loc_00410820 ; jbe 0x410820
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb short loc_004103dc ; jb 0x4103dc
+jbe near fcn_0041095b ; jbe 0x41095b
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_00410402 ; je 0x410402
+jmp near loc_00410a73 ; jmp 0x410a73
+cmp eax, 0x203
+je near loc_004104af ; je 0x4104af
+jmp near loc_00410a73 ; jmp 0x410a73
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jb near loc_00410a73 ; jb 0x410a73
+jbe near loc_00410a1b ; jbe 0x410a1b
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jmp short loc_004103e1 ; jmp 0x4103e1
+mov dword [ref_00474d74], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x474d74], 0xffffffff
+push 0x10
+push ref_00497158 ; push 0x497158
+push ref_0048bb48 ; push 0x48bb48
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, si
+mov dword [ref_0048bb74], eax ; mov dword [0x48bb74], eax
+mov eax, esi
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [ref_0048bb78], eax ; mov dword [0x48bb78], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb74] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb74]
+mov dword [ref_0048bb64], eax ; mov dword [0x48bb64], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb78] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb78]
+mov dword [ref_0048bb68], eax ; mov dword [0x48bb68], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+movsx ebx, word [eax + 0xc]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb74] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb74]
+add edx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048bb6c], edx ; mov dword [0x48bb6c], edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0xe]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb78] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb78]
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048bb70], eax ; mov dword [0x48bb70], eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bb78] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bb78]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bb74] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bb74]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040fd49 ; call 0x40fd49
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x40
+jmp near loc_0041111b ; jmp 0x41111b
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, si
+sub ebx, dword [ref_0048bb74] ; sub ebx, dword [0x48bb74]
+shr esi, 0x10
+and esi, 0xffff
+and esi, 0xffff
+sub esi, dword [ref_0048bb78] ; sub esi, dword [0x48bb78]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_00474d74], edx ; mov dword [0x474d74], edx
+jmp short loc_004104eb ; jmp 0x4104eb
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00474d74] ; mov ecx, dword [0x474d74]
+inc ecx
+mov dword [ref_00474d74], ecx ; mov dword [0x474d74], ecx
+cmp ecx, 0x10
+jge short loc_00410522 ; jge 0x410522
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474d74] ; mov eax, dword [0x474d74]
+shl eax, 4
+cmp ebx, dword [eax + ref_00474b92] ; cmp ebx, dword [eax + 0x474b92]
+jl short loc_004104d9 ; jl 0x4104d9
+cmp esi, dword [eax + ref_00474b96] ; cmp esi, dword [eax + 0x474b96]
+jl short loc_004104d9 ; jl 0x4104d9
+cmp ebx, dword [eax + ref_00474b9a] ; cmp ebx, dword [eax + 0x474b9a]
+jge short loc_004104d9 ; jge 0x4104d9
+cmp esi, dword [eax + ref_00474b9e] ; cmp esi, dword [eax + 0x474b9e]
+jge short loc_004104d9 ; jge 0x4104d9
+push 0
+push ref_0048bb64 ; push 0x48bb64
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474d74] ; mov eax, dword [0x474d74]
+cmp eax, 0xf
+ja near fcn_004104a5 ; ja 0x4104a5
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_0041034b] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x41034b]
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov esi, dword [ref_00474b92] ; mov esi, dword [0x474b92]
+mov edx, ebx
+sub edx, esi
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+shl edx, 4
+sbb eax, edx
+sar eax, 4
+mov byte [ref_0048bb48], al ; mov byte [0x48bb48], al
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048bb78] ; mov edi, dword [0x48bb78]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048bb74] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48bb74]
+push ebp
+jmp short loc_004105ac ; jmp 0x4105ac
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov edx, dword [ref_00474ba2] ; mov edx, dword [0x474ba2]
+sub ebx, edx
+mov edx, ebx
+mov eax, ebx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+shl edx, 4
+sbb eax, edx
+sar eax, 4
+inc eax
+mov byte [ref_0048bb4a], al ; mov byte [0x48bb4a], al
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bb78] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bb78]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bb74] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bb74]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040fd49 ; call 0x40fd49
+add esp, 8
+jmp near fcn_004104a5 ; jmp 0x4104a5
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov edi, dword [ref_00474bb2] ; mov edi, dword [0x474bb2]
+mov edx, ebx
+sub edx, edi
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+shl edx, 4
+sbb eax, edx
+sar eax, 4
+inc eax
+mov byte [ref_0048bb4b], al ; mov byte [0x48bb4b], al
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048bb78] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48bb78]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb74] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb74]
+push eax
+jmp short loc_004105ac ; jmp 0x4105ac
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474d74] ; mov eax, dword [0x474d74]
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb78] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb78]
+add edx, dword [eax + ref_00474b96] ; add edx, dword [eax + 0x474b96]
+push edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb74] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb74]
+add edx, dword [eax + ref_00474b92] ; add edx, dword [eax + 0x474b92]
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0x54
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+jmp near fcn_004104a5 ; jmp 0x4104a5
+cmp byte [ref_0049715a], 0 ; cmp byte [0x49715a], 0
+je short loc_004106b0 ; je 0x4106b0
+lea edx, [esi - 0xe2]
+mov ebx, 0xf
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+lea ebx, [eax + 1]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00454d91 ; call 0x454d91
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048bb78] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48bb78]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb74] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb74]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040fc57 ; call 0x40fc57
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+push ref_0048bb64 ; push 0x48bb64
+jmp near loc_0041049d ; jmp 0x41049d
+push 0
+push ref_0048233a ; push 0x48233a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+jmp near loc_004105b1 ; jmp 0x4105b1
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474d74] ; mov eax, dword [0x474d74]
+sub eax, 7
+xor al, 1
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, 0x10
+add eax, ref_0048231a ; add eax, 0x48231a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474d74] ; mov eax, dword [0x474d74]
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb78] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb78]
+add edx, dword [eax + ref_00474b96] ; add edx, dword [eax + 0x474b96]
+push edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb74] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb74]
+add edx, dword [eax + ref_00474b92] ; add edx, dword [eax + 0x474b92]
+push edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00474d74] ; mov edx, dword [0x474d74]
+sub edx, 4
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+jmp near loc_0041064b ; jmp 0x41064b
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+xor byte [ref_0048bb49], 1 ; xor byte [0x48bb49], 1
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb78] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb78]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bb74] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bb74]
+push ecx
+jmp near loc_004105ac ; jmp 0x4105ac
+cmp byte [ref_0048bb4a], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48bb4a], 0
+je short loc_00410781 ; je 0x410781
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [ref_0048bb4a], cl ; mov byte [0x48bb4a], cl
+jmp short loc_00410788 ; jmp 0x410788
+mov byte [ref_0048bb4a], 4 ; mov byte [0x48bb4a], 4
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_004105e5 ; jmp 0x4105e5
+cmp byte [ref_0048bb4b], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48bb4b], 0
+je short loc_004107af ; je 0x4107af
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [ref_0048bb4b], dh ; mov byte [0x48bb4b], dh
+jmp short loc_004107b6 ; jmp 0x4107b6
+mov byte [ref_0048bb4b], 4 ; mov byte [0x48bb4b], 4
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048bb78] ; mov esi, dword [0x48bb78]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048bb74] ; mov edi, dword [0x48bb74]
+push edi
+jmp near loc_004105ac ; jmp 0x4105ac
+xor byte [ref_0048bb4c], 1 ; xor byte [0x48bb4c], 1
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_0041059e ; jmp 0x41059e
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov al, byte [ref_00474d74] ; mov al, byte [0x474d74]
+sub al, 0xd
+mov byte [ref_0048bb4d], al ; mov byte [0x48bb4d], al
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb78] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb78]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb74] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb74]
+push edx
+jmp near loc_004105ac ; jmp 0x4105ac
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474d74] ; mov eax, dword [0x474d74]
+sub eax, 3
+cmp eax, 5
+ja near fcn_004104a5 ; ja 0x4104a5
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_0041038b] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x41038b]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb78] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb78]
+add eax, 2
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb74] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb74]
+add eax, 0xa8
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb58] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb58]
+add edx, 0xa
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push ref_0048bb64 ; push 0x48bb64
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+push ref_0048bb64 ; push 0x48bb64
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048bb78] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48bb78]
+push ebp
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bb74] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bb74]
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push ref_0048bb64 ; push 0x48bb64
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bb58] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bb58]
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00410927 ; je 0x410927
+push 0xc8
+push 0x140
+call fcn_00453a32 ; call 0x453a32
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne near fcn_004104a5 ; jne 0x4104a5
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474d74] ; mov eax, dword [0x474d74]
+sub eax, 2
+push eax
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp near fcn_004104a5 ; jmp 0x4104a5
+push ebx
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474d74] ; mov eax, dword [0x474d74]
+call dword [eax*4 + ref_00474d5c] ; ucall: call dword [eax*4 + 0x474d5c]
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048bb78] ; mov esi, dword [0x48bb78]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048bb74] ; mov edi, dword [0x48bb74]
+push edi
+call fcn_0040fd49 ; call 0x40fd49
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+jmp short loc_0041091f ; jmp 0x41091f
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+jmp short loc_0041091a ; jmp 0x41091a
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [ref_0049715a] ; mov bl, byte [0x49715a]
+movzx esi, byte [ref_0049715d] ; movzx esi, byte [0x49715d]
+push 0x10
+push ref_0048bb48 ; push 0x48bb48
+push ref_00497158 ; push 0x497158
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+call fcn_00411f80 ; call 0x411f80
+cmp byte [ref_0049715a], 0 ; cmp byte [0x49715a], 0
+jne short loc_004109b5 ; jne 0x4109b5
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_004109b5 ; je 0x4109b5
+test byte [ref_0047e772], 0x80 ; test byte [0x47e772], 0x80
+je short loc_004109ae ; je 0x4109ae
+call fcn_00454edc ; call 0x454edc
+jmp short loc_004109e2 ; jmp 0x4109e2
+call fcn_00454acb ; call 0x454acb
+jmp short loc_004109e2 ; jmp 0x4109e2
+cmp byte [ref_0049715a], 0 ; cmp byte [0x49715a], 0
+je short loc_004109e2 ; je 0x4109e2
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_004109e2 ; jne 0x4109e2
+mov dh, byte [ref_0047e772] ; mov dh, byte [0x47e772]
+test dh, 0x80
+je short loc_004109d5 ; je 0x4109d5
+push ebx
+call fcn_00454d91 ; call 0x454d91
+jmp short loc_004109df ; jmp 0x4109df
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, dh
+push eax
+call fcn_004549cf ; call 0x4549cf
+add esp, 4
+mov ch, byte [ref_0049715a] ; mov ch, byte [0x49715a]
+test ch, ch
+je short loc_004109f9 ; je 0x4109f9
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, ch
+cmp eax, ebx
+je short loc_004109f9 ; je 0x4109f9
+call fcn_0045497b ; call 0x45497b
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0049715d] ; mov al, byte [0x49715d]
+cmp eax, esi
+je short loc_00410a15 ; je 0x410a15
+mov ebx, 0x8000
+push ebx
+jmp near loc_0041091a ; jmp 0x41091a
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ebx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near fcn_004104a5 ; jmp 0x4104a5
+push esi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x60]
+push ebp
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_004104a7 ; jmp 0x4104a7
+ref_00410a87: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_00410c40
+dd loc_00410cee
+dd loc_00410c40
+dd loc_00410cee
+dd loc_00410d84
+dd loc_00410d84
+dd loc_00410d84
+dd loc_00410e78
+ref_00410aa7: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_00410f85
+dd loc_00410fb3
+dd loc_00410fff
+dd loc_0041101a
+dd loc_00411036
+dd loc_0041104c
+dd loc_00411081
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x50
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x64]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x68]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x70]
+cmp eax, 0x202
+jb short loc_00410b0c ; jb 0x410b0c
+jbe near loc_00410f3d ; jbe 0x410f3d
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb short loc_00410afc ; jb 0x410afc
+jbe near loc_0041104c ; jbe 0x41104c
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_00410b22 ; je 0x410b22
+jmp near loc_00411109 ; jmp 0x411109
+cmp eax, 0x203
+je near loc_00410bc8 ; je 0x410bc8
+jmp near loc_00411109 ; jmp 0x411109
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jb near loc_00411109 ; jb 0x411109
+jbe near loc_004110b1 ; jbe 0x4110b1
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jmp short loc_00410b01 ; jmp 0x410b01
+mov dword [ref_00474d78], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x474d78], 0xffffffff
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb50] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb50]
+mov dword [ref_0048bb84], eax ; mov dword [0x48bb84], eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb60]
+movsx eax, word [edx + 0x24]
+sar eax, 1
+mov ecx, 0x140
+sub ecx, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048bb7c], ecx ; mov dword [0x48bb7c], ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], ecx
+movsx eax, word [edx + 0x26]
+sar eax, 1
+mov ecx, 0xf0
+sub ecx, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048bb80], ecx ; mov dword [0x48bb80], ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], ecx
+movsx eax, word [edx + 0x24]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x40]
+add ecx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], ecx
+movsx eax, word [edx + 0x26]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451e7e ; call 0x451e7e
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048bb88], eax ; mov dword [0x48bb88], eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bb80] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bb80]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bb7c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bb7c]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048bb84] ; mov esi, dword [0x48bb84]
+push esi
+call fcn_0040ff4b ; call 0x40ff4b
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+jmp near loc_00410ff0 ; jmp 0x410ff0
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, dx
+sub ebx, dword [ref_0048bb7c] ; sub ebx, dword [0x48bb7c]
+mov eax, edx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, ax
+sub esi, dword [ref_0048bb80] ; sub esi, dword [0x48bb80]
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [ref_00474d78], eax ; mov dword [0x474d78], eax
+jmp short loc_00410c03 ; jmp 0x410c03
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00474d78] ; mov ecx, dword [0x474d78]
+inc ecx
+mov dword [ref_00474d78], ecx ; mov dword [0x474d78], ecx
+cmp ecx, 8
+jge short loc_00410c2b ; jge 0x410c2b
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474d78] ; mov eax, dword [0x474d78]
+shl eax, 4
+cmp ebx, dword [eax + ref_00474ce8] ; cmp ebx, dword [eax + 0x474ce8]
+jl short loc_00410bf1 ; jl 0x410bf1
+cmp esi, dword [eax + ref_00474cec] ; cmp esi, dword [eax + 0x474cec]
+jl short loc_00410bf1 ; jl 0x410bf1
+cmp ebx, dword [eax + ref_00474cf0] ; cmp ebx, dword [eax + 0x474cf0]
+jge short loc_00410bf1 ; jge 0x410bf1
+cmp esi, dword [eax + ref_00474cf4] ; cmp esi, dword [eax + 0x474cf4]
+jge short loc_00410bf1 ; jge 0x410bf1
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474d78] ; mov eax, dword [0x474d78]
+cmp eax, 7
+ja near loc_00410ff8 ; ja 0x410ff8
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_00410a87] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x410a87]
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474d78] ; mov eax, dword [0x474d78]
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb7c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb7c]
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_00474ce8] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x474ce8]
+add edx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb80] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb80]
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_00474cec] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x474cec]
+add edx, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb7c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb7c]
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00474cf0] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x474cf0]
+add edx, edi
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb80] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb80]
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00474cf4] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x474cf4]
+add edx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0x9c
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+jmp near loc_00410fe9 ; jmp 0x410fe9
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474d78] ; mov eax, dword [0x474d78]
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb7c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb7c]
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00474ce8] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x474ce8]
+add edx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb80] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb80]
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_00474cec] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x474cec]
+add edx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb7c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb7c]
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_00474cf0] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x474cf0]
+add edx, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb80] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb80]
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00474cf4] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x474cf4]
+add edx, edi
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0xa8
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+jmp near loc_00410cd1 ; jmp 0x410cd1
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474d78] ; mov eax, dword [0x474d78]
+cmp eax, 4
+jne short loc_00410d95 ; jne 0x410d95
+mov eax, 1
+jmp short loc_00410d9d ; jmp 0x410d9d
+sub eax, 5
+xor al, 1
+add eax, 2
+push 0
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048231a ; add eax, 0x48231a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474d78] ; mov eax, dword [0x474d78]
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb7c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb7c]
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00474ce8] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x474ce8]
+add edx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb80] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb80]
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_00474cec] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x474cec]
+add edx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb7c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb7c]
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_00474cf0] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x474cf0]
+add edx, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb80] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb80]
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00474cf4] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x474cf4]
+add edx, edi
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0xb4
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474d78] ; mov eax, dword [0x474d78]
+movsx edx, word [eax*4 + (ref_00474cd0 - 2)] ; movsx edx, word [eax*4 + 0x474cce]
+add edx, dword [ref_0048bb80] ; add edx, dword [0x48bb80]
+inc edx
+push edx
+movsx edx, word [eax*4 + ref_00474ccc] ; movsx edx, word [eax*4 + 0x474ccc]
+add edx, dword [ref_0048bb7c] ; add edx, dword [0x48bb7c]
+inc edx
+push edx
+mov edi, dword [eax*4 + ref_00474cb8] ; mov edi, dword [eax*4 + 0x474cb8]
+push edi
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+jmp near loc_00410cd9 ; jmp 0x410cd9
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048bb08] ; movsx eax, word [0x48bb08]
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048bb0a] ; movsx edx, word [0x48bb0a]
+mov ecx, 1
+lea edi, [eax - 0xa]
+cmp ebx, edi
+jl short loc_00410ebe ; jl 0x410ebe
+lea edi, [edx - 8]
+cmp esi, edi
+jl short loc_00410ebe ; jl 0x410ebe
+lea edi, [eax + 0xa]
+cmp ebx, edi
+jge short loc_00410ebe ; jge 0x410ebe
+lea edi, [edx + 8]
+cmp esi, edi
+jge short loc_00410ebe ; jge 0x410ebe
+mov byte [ref_0048bb84], cl ; mov byte [0x48bb84], cl
+jmp short loc_00410ee9 ; jmp 0x410ee9
+inc ecx
+cmp eax, 0xa6
+jne short loc_00410ed0 ; jne 0x410ed0
+mov eax, 0x1c
+add edx, 0x12
+jmp short loc_00410ed3 ; jmp 0x410ed3
+add eax, 0x17
+movsx edi, word [ref_0048bb0c] ; movsx edi, word [0x48bb0c]
+cmp eax, edi
+jne short loc_00410e9a ; jne 0x410e9a
+movsx edi, word [ref_0048bb0e] ; movsx edi, word [0x48bb0e]
+cmp edx, edi
+jne short loc_00410e9a ; jne 0x410e9a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb80] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb80]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb7c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb7c]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bb84] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bb84]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040ff4b ; call 0x40ff4b
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb7c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb7c]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb80] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb80]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x24]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x40]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], ecx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0x26]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], edx
+jmp near loc_00410fe9 ; jmp 0x410fe9
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb7c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb7c]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb80] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb80]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x24]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x40]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], ecx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0x26]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474d78] ; mov eax, dword [0x474d78]
+cmp eax, 6
+ja near loc_00410ff8 ; ja 0x410ff8
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_00410aa7] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x410aa7]
+mov bl, byte [ref_0048bb85] ; mov bl, byte [0x48bb85]
+dec bl
+mov byte [ref_0048bb85], bl ; mov byte [0x48bb85], bl
+jne short loc_00410f9c ; jne 0x410f9c
+mov byte [ref_0048bb85], 0xc ; mov byte [0x48bb85], 0xc
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb80] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb80]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bb7c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bb7c]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bb84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bb84]
+push ebx
+jmp short loc_00410fe1 ; jmp 0x410fe1
+mov ah, byte [ref_0048bb85] ; mov ah, byte [0x48bb85]
+inc ah
+mov byte [ref_0048bb85], ah ; mov byte [0x48bb85], ah
+cmp ah, 0xd
+jne short loc_00410fcd ; jne 0x410fcd
+mov byte [ref_0048bb85], 1 ; mov byte [0x48bb85], 1
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048bb80] ; mov esi, dword [0x48bb80]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048bb7c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48bb7c]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb84] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb84]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040ff4b ; call 0x40ff4b
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_00411118 ; jmp 0x411118
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [ref_0048bb86] ; mov bx, word [0x48bb86]
+cmp ebx, 0x7ce
+jle short loc_00410f9c ; jle 0x410f9c
+dec ebx
+mov word [ref_0048bb86], bx ; mov word [0x48bb86], bx
+jmp short loc_00410f9c ; jmp 0x410f9c
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [ref_0048bb86] ; mov bx, word [0x48bb86]
+inc ebx
+mov word [ref_0048bb86], bx ; mov word [0x48bb86], bx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x44]
+jmp short loc_00410fda ; jmp 0x410fda
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb5c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb5c]
+mov dword [ref_0048bb84], eax ; mov dword [0x48bb84], eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ecx
+jmp short loc_00410fe0 ; jmp 0x410fe0
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048bb80] ; mov edi, dword [0x48bb80]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048bb7c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48bb7c]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb88] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb88]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451edb ; call 0x451edb
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00410ff8 ; jmp 0x410ff8
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb80] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb80]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bb7c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bb7c]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bb88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bb88]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00451edb ; call 0x451edb
+add esp, 0xc
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048bb84] ; mov esi, dword [0x48bb84]
+push esi
+jmp short loc_00411074 ; jmp 0x411074
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_00410ff8 ; jmp 0x410ff8
+push edx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x70]
+push edi
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+add esp, 0x50
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x50
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x64]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x68]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x70]
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jb short loc_0041116f ; jb 0x41116f
+jbe near loc_004113d9 ; jbe 0x4113d9
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb short loc_0041115f ; jb 0x41115f
+jbe near loc_00411915 ; jbe 0x411915
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_0041119a ; je 0x41119a
+jmp near loc_004119da ; jmp 0x4119da
+cmp eax, 0x202
+je near loc_0041170f ; je 0x41170f
+jmp near loc_004119da ; jmp 0x4119da
+cmp eax, 0x100
+jb short loc_0041118c ; jb 0x41118c
+jbe near loc_0041183b ; jbe 0x41183b
+cmp eax, 0x113
+je near loc_00411261 ; je 0x411261
+jmp near loc_004119da ; jmp 0x4119da
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je near loc_0041197c ; je 0x41197c
+jmp near loc_004119da ; jmp 0x4119da
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048bb9e], edx ; mov dword [0x48bb9e], edx
+mov dword [ref_0048bba6], edx ; mov dword [0x48bba6], edx
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [ref_0048bbaa], edx ; mov dword [0x48bbaa], edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb60]
+movsx eax, word [edx + 0x18]
+sar eax, 1
+mov ecx, 0x140
+sub ecx, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048bb8e], ecx ; mov dword [0x48bb8e], ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], ecx
+movsx eax, word [edx + 0x1a]
+sar eax, 1
+mov ecx, 0xf0
+sub ecx, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048bb92], ecx ; mov dword [0x48bb92], ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], ecx
+movsx eax, word [edx + 0x18]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x40]
+add ecx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], ecx
+movsx eax, word [edx + 0x1a]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451e7e ; call 0x451e7e
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048bbae], eax ; mov dword [0x48bbae], eax
+push 0x38
+push ref_00497168 ; push 0x497168
+push ref_0048bb10 ; push 0x48bb10
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048bb92] ; mov edi, dword [0x48bb92]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48bb8e]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00410158 ; call 0x410158
+add esp, 8
+push esi
+push 0xfa
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cad8]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTimer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462324]
+mov dword [ref_0048bba2], eax ; mov dword [0x48bba2], eax
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+jmp near loc_0041160f ; jmp 0x41160f
+cmp dword [ref_0048bba6], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48bba6], 0
+je near loc_00410ff8 ; je 0x410ff8
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je near loc_00410ff8 ; je 0x410ff8
+cmp esi, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; cmp esi, dword [0x46cad8]
+jne near loc_00410ff8 ; jne 0x410ff8
+xor byte [ref_0048bbaa], 1 ; xor byte [0x48bbaa], 1
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048bbaa] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48bbaa]
+test ebp, ebp
+je near loc_00411329 ; je 0x411329
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb96] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb96]
+sub eax, 0x1a
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb96] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb96]
+add eax, 0x1b
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb9a] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb9a]
+sub eax, 7
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb9a] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb9a]
+add eax, 6
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+mov edx, ref_0048a068 ; mov edx, 0x48a068
+push edx
+push 0
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0xd
+push 0x35
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x50]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x50]
+push edi
+mov eax, ref_0046caec ; mov eax, 0x46caec
+push eax
+call fcn_004561be ; call 0x4561be
+add esp, 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebp
+jmp near loc_004113bf ; jmp 0x4113bf
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb96] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb96]
+sub eax, 0x1b
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb96] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb96]
+add eax, 0x1c
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb9a] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb9a]
+sub eax, 8
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb9a] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb9a]
+add eax, 8
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push ebp
+push 1
+mov edx, ref_0048a068 ; mov edx, 0x48a068
+push edx
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edx
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0xf
+push 0x37
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+sub eax, dword [ref_0048bb92] ; sub eax, dword [0x48bb92]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+sub eax, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; sub eax, dword [0x48bb8e]
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x54]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x54]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edx
+call dword [eax + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_00410ff8 ; jmp 0x410ff8
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, dx
+shr edx, 0x10
+and edx, 0xffff
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, dx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb8e]
+add edx, 0x69
+cmp eax, edx
+jl near loc_004114b6 ; jl 0x4114b6
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb8e]
+add edx, 0xa0
+cmp eax, edx
+jg near loc_004114b6 ; jg 0x4114b6
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb92] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb92]
+add edx, 0x19
+cmp esi, edx
+jl near loc_004114b6 ; jl 0x4114b6
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb92] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb92]
+add edx, 0x108
+cmp esi, edx
+jg near loc_004114b6 ; jg 0x4114b6
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bba6] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bba6]
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_004114b6 ; jne 0x4114b6
+push ebx
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bb92] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bb92]
+add ecx, 0x19
+mov edx, esi
+sub edx, ecx
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+shl edx, 4
+sbb eax, edx
+sar eax, 4
+mov edx, eax
+inc eax
+mov dword [ref_0048bb9e], eax ; mov dword [0x48bb9e], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb8e]
+add eax, 0x69
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb8e]
+add eax, 0xa0
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+shl edx, 4
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], ecx
+lea eax, [ecx + 0xf]
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb8e]
+add eax, 0x84
+mov dword [ref_0048bb96], eax ; mov dword [0x48bb96], eax
+lea eax, [ecx + 8]
+mov dword [ref_0048bb9a], eax ; mov dword [0x48bb9a], eax
+jmp near loc_00411605 ; jmp 0x411605
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb8e]
+add edx, 0x101
+cmp eax, edx
+jl near loc_00411576 ; jl 0x411576
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb8e]
+add edx, 0x138
+cmp eax, edx
+jg near loc_00411576 ; jg 0x411576
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb92] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb92]
+add edx, 0x19
+cmp esi, edx
+jl near loc_00411576 ; jl 0x411576
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb92] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb92]
+add edx, 0x108
+cmp esi, edx
+jg short loc_00411576 ; jg 0x411576
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048bba6] ; mov edi, dword [0x48bba6]
+test edi, edi
+jne short loc_00411576 ; jne 0x411576
+push edi
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bb92] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bb92]
+add ecx, 0x19
+mov edx, esi
+sub edx, ecx
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+shl edx, 4
+sbb eax, edx
+sar eax, 4
+mov edx, eax
+add eax, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bb9e], eax ; mov dword [0x48bb9e], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb8e]
+add eax, 0x101
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb8e]
+add eax, 0x138
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+shl edx, 4
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], ecx
+lea eax, [ecx + 0xf]
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb8e]
+add eax, 0x11c
+jmp near loc_004114a4 ; jmp 0x4114a4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb8e]
+add edx, 0x11
+cmp eax, edx
+jl near loc_00411617 ; jl 0x411617
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb8e]
+add edx, 0x57
+cmp eax, edx
+jg near loc_00411617 ; jg 0x411617
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb92] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb92]
+add edx, 0x119
+cmp esi, edx
+jl short loc_00411617 ; jl 0x411617
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb92] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb92]
+add edx, 0x137
+cmp esi, edx
+jg short loc_00411617 ; jg 0x411617
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ref_0048bb9e], 0x64 ; mov dword [0x48bb9e], 0x64
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb8e]
+add eax, 0x11
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb8e]
+add eax, 0x57
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb92] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb92]
+add eax, 0x119
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb92] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb92]
+add eax, 0x137
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451b9e ; call 0x451b9e
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00410ff8 ; jmp 0x410ff8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb8e]
+add edx, 0x82
+cmp eax, edx
+jl short loc_0041168d ; jl 0x41168d
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb8e]
+add edx, 0xc8
+cmp eax, edx
+jg short loc_0041168d ; jg 0x41168d
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb92] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb92]
+add edx, 0x119
+cmp esi, edx
+jl short loc_0041168d ; jl 0x41168d
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb92] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb92]
+add edx, 0x137
+cmp esi, edx
+jg short loc_0041168d ; jg 0x41168d
+push 0
+push ref_00482332 ; push 0x482332
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ref_0048bb9e], 0x65 ; mov dword [0x48bb9e], 0x65
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb8e]
+add eax, 0x82
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb8e]
+add eax, 0xc8
+jmp near loc_004115e5 ; jmp 0x4115e5
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb8e]
+add edx, 0xf2
+cmp eax, edx
+jl near loc_00410ff8 ; jl 0x410ff8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb8e]
+add edx, 0x138
+cmp eax, edx
+jg near loc_00410ff8 ; jg 0x410ff8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb92] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb92]
+add eax, 0x119
+cmp esi, eax
+jl near loc_00410ff8 ; jl 0x410ff8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb92] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb92]
+add eax, 0x137
+cmp esi, eax
+jg near loc_00410ff8 ; jg 0x410ff8
+push 0
+push ref_0048232a ; push 0x48232a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ref_0048bb9e], 0x66 ; mov dword [0x48bb9e], 0x66
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb8e]
+add eax, 0xf2
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb8e]
+add eax, 0x138
+jmp near loc_004115e5 ; jmp 0x4115e5
+cmp dword [ref_0048bb9e], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48bb9e], 0
+je near loc_00410ff8 ; je 0x410ff8
+call fcn_00451d4e ; call 0x451d4e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb9e] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb9e]
+cmp eax, 0x65
+jb short loc_0041173b ; jb 0x41173b
+jbe short loc_0041177a ; jbe 0x41177a
+cmp eax, 0x66
+je near loc_004117bc ; je 0x4117bc
+jmp near loc_00411804 ; jmp 0x411804
+cmp eax, 0x64
+jne near loc_00411804 ; jne 0x411804
+push 0x38
+push ref_0047edc2 ; push 0x47edc2
+push ref_0048bb10 ; push 0x48bb10
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048bb92] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48bb92]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb8e]
+push eax
+call fcn_00410158 ; call 0x410158
+add esp, 8
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048bba6], edx ; mov dword [0x48bba6], edx
+jmp near loc_0041182e ; jmp 0x41182e
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bba2] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bba2]
+push edx
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bb92] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bb92]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bb8e]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048bbae] ; mov esi, dword [0x48bbae]
+push esi
+call fcn_00451edb ; call 0x451edb
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0041182e ; jmp 0x41182e
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048bba2] ; mov esi, dword [0x48bba2]
+push esi
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0x38
+push ref_0048bb10 ; push 0x48bb10
+push ref_00497168 ; push 0x497168
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+call fcn_00411f80 ; call 0x411f80
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048bb92] ; mov edi, dword [0x48bb92]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48bb8e]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bbae] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bbae]
+push eax
+jmp short loc_004117a8 ; jmp 0x4117a8
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048bb9e] ; mov edi, dword [0x48bb9e]
+cmp edi, 8
+jle short loc_0041182e ; jle 0x41182e
+mov dword [ref_0048bba6], edi ; mov dword [0x48bba6], edi
+mov dx, word [edi*2 + ref_0048bb0e] ; mov dx, word [edi*2 + 0x48bb0e]
+mov word [ref_0048bb8c], dx ; mov word [0x48bb8c], dx
+xor edx, edx
+mov word [edi*2 + ref_0048bb0e], dx ; mov word [edi*2 + 0x48bb0e], dx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048bb9e], ecx ; mov dword [0x48bb9e], ecx
+jmp near loc_00410ff8 ; jmp 0x410ff8
+cmp dword [ref_0048bba6], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48bba6], 0
+je near loc_00410ff8 ; je 0x410ff8
+xor edx, edx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_0047edfa] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x47edfa]
+test bl, bl
+je short loc_00411867 ; je 0x411867
+mov al, bl
+and eax, 0xff
+cmp eax, esi
+je short loc_00411867 ; je 0x411867
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_0041184a ; jmp 0x41184a
+mov ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 3
+mov bh, byte [ecx + ref_0047edfa] ; mov bh, byte [ecx + 0x47edfa]
+test bh, bh
+je near loc_004118fb ; je 0x4118fb
+cmp bh, 0x11
+jne short loc_00411893 ; jne 0x411893
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bba6] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bba6]
+mov word [eax*2 + ref_0048bb0e], 0x1100 ; mov word [eax*2 + 0x48bb0e], 0x1100
+jmp near loc_004118fb ; jmp 0x4118fb
+xor eax, eax
+xor esi, esi
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bba6] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bba6]
+mov cl, byte [ecx + ref_0047edfa] ; mov cl, byte [ecx + 0x47edfa]
+xor ch, ch
+mov di, word [ebx*2 + ref_0048bb0e] ; mov di, word [ebx*2 + 0x48bb0e]
+or edi, ecx
+jmp short loc_004118b7 ; jmp 0x4118b7
+inc eax
+cmp eax, 0x1c
+jge short loc_004118db ; jge 0x4118db
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bba6] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bba6]
+dec ecx
+cmp eax, ecx
+je short loc_004118b1 ; je 0x4118b1
+mov cx, word [eax*2 + ref_0048bb10] ; mov cx, word [eax*2 + 0x48bb10]
+and ecx, 0xffff
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, di
+cmp ebx, ecx
+jne short loc_004118b1 ; jne 0x4118b1
+jmp short loc_004118fb ; jmp 0x4118fb
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_004118fb ; jne 0x4118fb
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bba6] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bba6]
+mov dl, byte [edx*8 + ref_0047edfa] ; mov dl, byte [edx*8 + 0x47edfa]
+xor dh, dh
+or word [eax*2 + ref_0048bb0e], dx ; or word [eax*2 + 0x48bb0e], dx
+mov dword [ref_0048bba6], esi ; mov dword [0x48bba6], esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb92] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb92]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb8e]
+push edx
+call fcn_00410158 ; call 0x410158
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_00410ff8 ; jmp 0x410ff8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bba6] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bba6]
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_0041193a ; je 0x41193a
+mov eax, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_0048bb8c] ; mov dx, word [0x48bb8c]
+mov word [eax*2 + ref_0048bb0e], dx ; mov word [eax*2 + 0x48bb0e], dx
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [ref_0048bba6], ebp ; mov dword [0x48bba6], ebp
+jmp short loc_004118fb ; jmp 0x4118fb
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bba2] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bba2]
+push ecx
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bb92] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bb92]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048bb8e] ; mov esi, dword [0x48bb8e]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048bbae] ; mov edi, dword [0x48bbae]
+push edi
+call fcn_00451edb ; call 0x451edb
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+jmp near loc_0041160f ; jmp 0x41160f
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea edx, [esp + 0xc]
+push edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0dc]
+push edi
+call dword [eax + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_00410ff8 ; jmp 0x410ff8
+push edx
+push esi
+push eax
+push ebx
+jmp near loc_00411111 ; jmp 0x411111
+push ebx
+sub esp, 8
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0x101010
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+push 2
+movsx edx, word [ebx*4 + ref_00474cde] ; movsx edx, word [ebx*4 + 0x474cde]
+push edx
+movsx edx, word [ebx*4 + ref_00474cdc] ; movsx edx, word [ebx*4 + 0x474cdc]
+push edx
+mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + ref_00474cc8] ; mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + 0x474cc8]
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 3
+jl short loc_00411a01 ; jl 0x411a01
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00458331 ; call 0x458331
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esp + 2]
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 0x10
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 1]
+shl eax, 8
+add edx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048bb5c], edx ; mov dword [0x48bb5c], edx
+push 0
+push fcn_00410ac3 ; push 0x410ac3
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00411a81 ; je 0x411a81
+mov dword [ref_0048bb50], eax ; mov dword [0x48bb50], eax
+mov dword [ref_00497160], eax ; mov dword [0x497160], eax
+add esp, 8
+pop ebx
+push 0
+push fcn_00411122 ; push 0x411122
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0044eb39 ; call 0x44eb39
+add esp, 8
+sub esp, 8
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00458331 ; call 0x458331
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esp + 2]
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 0x10
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 1]
+shl eax, 8
+add edx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [ref_00497160], edx ; mov dword [0x497160], edx
+mov byte [ref_0046caf8], 1 ; mov byte [0x46caf8], 1
+add esp, 8
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0040cd87 ; call 0x40cd87
+add esp, 4
+cmp dword [ref_00499104], 1 ; cmp dword [0x499104], 1
+jle short loc_00411b43 ; jle 0x411b43
+call fcn_0040dfda ; call 0x40dfda
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00411b43 ; je 0x411b43
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004339d9 ; call 0x4339d9
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00411b43 ; je 0x411b43
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+dec eax
+mov dword [ref_0049910c], eax ; mov dword [0x49910c], eax
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+push 7
+push 0
+push 0xf
+call fcn_0040e033 ; call 0x40e033
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0049910c], esi ; mov dword [0x49910c], esi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+call fcn_00411f80 ; call 0x411f80
+mov byte [ref_0046caf9], 1 ; mov byte [0x46caf9], 1
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov dword [ref_0048bb58], eax ; mov dword [0x48bb58], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 3
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bb60], eax ; mov dword [0x48bb60], eax
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+movsx esi, word [eax*2 + ref_00474b3c] ; movsx esi, word [eax*2 + 0x474b3c]
+push esi
+movsx esi, word [eax*2 + ref_00474b3a] ; movsx esi, word [eax*2 + 0x474b3a]
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [eax*2 + ref_00474b38] ; movsx eax, word [eax*2 + 0x474b38]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ebx*4 + ref_00474a54] ; mov ecx, dword [ebx*4 + 0x474a54]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xa
+jl short loc_00411b94 ; jl 0x411b94
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 0x34
+push 2
+push 0x128
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ebx*4 + ref_00474b2c] ; mov edi, dword [ebx*4 + 0x474b2c]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x71
+cmp ebx, 3
+jl short loc_00411bdc ; jl 0x411bdc
+push 0
+push 1
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0xc
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 0x3e
+mov edi, 0x21
+jmp short loc_00411c32 ; jmp 0x411c32
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0x1c
+jge short loc_00411c63 ; jge 0x411c63
+push 2
+push edi
+push esi
+mov ebp, dword [ebx*4 + ref_00474abc] ; mov ebp, dword [ebx*4 + 0x474abc]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+add edi, 0x10
+cmp ebx, 0xe
+jne short loc_00411c2c ; jne 0x411c2c
+mov esi, 0xd0
+mov edi, 0x21
+jmp short loc_00411c2c ; jmp 0x411c2c
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0x101010
+push 0x101010
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+movsx eax, word [ref_00474b78] ; movsx eax, word [0x474b78]
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_00474b76] ; movsx eax, word [0x474b76]
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_00474b74] ; movsx eax, word [0x474b74]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474a7c] ; mov eax, dword [0x474a7c]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+movsx eax, word [ref_00474b7e] ; movsx eax, word [0x474b7e]
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_00474b7c] ; movsx eax, word [0x474b7c]
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_00474b7a] ; movsx eax, word [0x474b7a]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_00474a80] ; mov edx, dword [0x474a80]
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ebx, 0xc
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+movsx esi, word [eax*2 + ref_00474b3c] ; movsx esi, word [eax*2 + 0x474b3c]
+push esi
+movsx esi, word [eax*2 + ref_00474b3a] ; movsx esi, word [eax*2 + 0x474b3a]
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [eax*2 + ref_00474b38] ; movsx eax, word [eax*2 + 0x474b38]
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048bb58] ; mov esi, dword [0x48bb58]
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, esi
+add eax, ebx
+mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00474a54] ; mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + 0x474a54]
+push ecx
+add esi, 0xa
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, esi
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, esi
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xf
+jl short loc_00411cdf ; jl 0x411cdf
+push 2
+push 0xa8
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bb58] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bb58]
+add ebx, 0xa
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0xc
+add ebx, eax
+push ebx
+push eax
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+push 2
+push 0xe
+push 0x1e
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00474a7c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x474a7c]
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0xe
+push 0x1e
+mov esi, dword [ref_00474a80] ; mov esi, dword [0x474a80]
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bb60]
+movsx ebx, word [eax + 0xc]
+sar ebx, 1
+mov esi, 0x140
+sub esi, ebx
+mov dword [esp], esi
+movsx ebx, word [eax + 0xe]
+sar ebx, 1
+mov esi, 0xf0
+sub esi, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 4], esi
+movsx ebx, word [eax + 0xc]
+mov esi, dword [esp]
+add esi, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 8], esi
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0xe]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 4]
+add ebx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], ebx
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00451e7e ; call 0x451e7e
+mov esi, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+shl eax, 0x10
+add eax, dword [esp]
+push eax
+push fcn_004103a3 ; push 0x4103a3
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, eax
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 4]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+push eax
+push esi
+call fcn_00451edb ; call 0x451edb
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bb60] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bb60]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+cmp dword [esp + 0x24], 0
+jne short loc_00411e4b ; jne 0x411e4b
+test byte [ref_0047e772], 0x80 ; test byte [0x47e772], 0x80
+je short loc_00411e4b ; je 0x411e4b
+call fcn_00454edc ; call 0x454edc
+mov eax, ebx
+and eax, 0x7fff
+cmp eax, 2
+jb short loc_00411e60 ; jb 0x411e60
+jbe short loc_00411e6c ; jbe 0x411e6c
+cmp eax, 3
+je short loc_00411e73 ; je 0x411e73
+jmp short loc_00411e78 ; jmp 0x411e78
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_00411e78 ; jne 0x411e78
+call fcn_00411aa3 ; call 0x411aa3
+jmp short loc_00411e78 ; jmp 0x411e78
+call fcn_00411ae0 ; call 0x411ae0
+jmp short loc_00411e78 ; jmp 0x411e78
+call fcn_00411b46 ; call 0x411b46
+test bh, 0x80
+je short loc_00411e87 ; je 0x411e87
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+sub esp, 8
+push ref_00463764 ; push 0x463764
+push ref_00463767 ; push 0x463767
+call fcn_004573bf ; call 0x4573bf
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00411eda ; je 0x411eda
+push eax
+push 1
+push 0x10
+push ref_00497158 ; push 0x497158
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 0x38
+push 1
+push ref_00497168 ; push 0x497168
+call fcn_004576d0 ; call 0x4576d0
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+call fcn_004578c5 ; call 0x4578c5
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_00411f1e ; jmp 0x411f1e
+mov ah, 1
+mov byte [ref_00497158], ah ; mov byte [0x497158], ah
+mov byte [ref_00497159], ah ; mov byte [0x497159], ah
+mov dh, 4
+mov byte [ref_0049715a], dh ; mov byte [0x49715a], dh
+mov byte [ref_0049715b], dh ; mov byte [0x49715b], dh
+mov byte [ref_0049715c], ah ; mov byte [0x49715c], ah
+mov byte [ref_0049715d], ah ; mov byte [0x49715d], ah
+xor ch, ch
+mov byte [ref_00497164], ch ; mov byte [0x497164], ch
+push 0x38
+push ref_0047edc2 ; push 0x47edc2
+push ref_00497168 ; push 0x497168
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00458331 ; call 0x458331
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [esp + 2]
+cmp dx, 0x7ce
+jae short loc_00411f46 ; jae 0x411f46
+mov word [esp + 2], 0x7ce
+mov dl, 1
+mov byte [esp + 1], dl
+mov byte [esp], dl
+jmp short loc_00411f5d ; jmp 0x411f5d
+cmp dx, 0x7da
+jbe short loc_00411f5d ; jbe 0x411f5d
+mov word [esp + 2], 0x7da
+mov al, 1
+mov byte [esp + 1], al
+mov byte [esp], al
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [esp + 2]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 0x10
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [esp + 1]
+shl ebx, 8
+add eax, ebx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [esp]
+add eax, ebx
+jmp near loc_00411a7c ; jmp 0x411a7c
+push ebx
+push ref_00463771 ; push 0x463771
+push ref_00463767 ; push 0x463767
+call fcn_004573bf ; call 0x4573bf
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00411fc6 ; je 0x411fc6
+push eax
+push 1
+push 0x10
+push ref_00497158 ; push 0x497158
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 0x38
+push 1
+push ref_00497168 ; push 0x497168
+call fcn_00457ada ; call 0x457ada
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+call fcn_004578c5 ; call 0x4578c5
+add esp, 4
+pop ebx
+dd 0x00000003
+dd 0x0000000c
+dd 0x00000003
+dd 0x00000009
+dd 0x00000001
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000280
+dd 0x00000183
+dd 0x01830280
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000280
+dd 0x00000183
+dd 0x01830280
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x20
+mov ebp, 0x40
+mov ecx, 5
+mov edi, esp
+mov esi, ref_00411fc8 ; mov esi, 0x411fc8
+rep movsd ; rep movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_00412038 ; jmp 0x412038
+inc esi
+cmp esi, 9
+jge short loc_00412064 ; jge 0x412064
+xor edx, edx
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+lea ecx, [esi + eax]
+shl ecx, 3
+mov eax, edx
+mov bx, word [ecx + eax*8 + ref_00474d80] ; mov bx, word [ecx + eax*8 + 0x474d80]
+xor bh, bh
+and bl, 0xf0
+mov word [ecx + eax*8 + ref_00474d80], bx ; mov word [ecx + eax*8 + 0x474d80], bx
+inc edx
+cmp edx, 9
+jl short loc_0041203a ; jl 0x41203a
+jmp short loc_00412032 ; jmp 0x412032
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x1c], edx
+jmp short loc_0041207c ; jmp 0x41207c
+lea esi, [eax + 1]
+mov dword [esp + 0x1c], esi
+cmp esi, 5
+jge near loc_00412114 ; jge 0x412114
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], ecx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+cmp edx, dword [esp + eax*4]
+jge short loc_0041206c ; jge 0x41206c
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+imul eax, ebp
+sar eax, 0xf
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], eax
+xor ecx, ecx
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_004120aa ; jmp 0x4120aa
+inc esi
+cmp esi, 9
+jge short loc_0041210b ; jge 0x41210b
+xor edx, edx
+jmp short loc_004120b4 ; jmp 0x4120b4
+inc edx
+cmp edx, 9
+jge short loc_004120a4 ; jge 0x4120a4
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+lea ebx, [esi + eax]
+shl ebx, 3
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+cmp word [eax + ref_00474d7c], 0 ; cmp word [eax + 0x474d7c], 0
+je short loc_004120ae ; je 0x4120ae
+test byte [eax + ref_00474d80], 0xf ; test byte [eax + 0x474d80], 0xf
+jne short loc_004120ae ; jne 0x4120ae
+mov ebx, ecx
+inc ecx
+cmp ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+jne short loc_004120ae ; jne 0x4120ae
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00474d80] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x474d80]
+xor dh, dh
+and dl, 0xf0
+mov word [eax + ref_00474d80], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x474d80], dx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+inc edx
+or word [eax + ref_00474d80], dx ; or word [eax + 0x474d80], dx
+mov esi, 9
+mov edx, esi
+dec ebp
+jmp short loc_004120ae ; jmp 0x4120ae
+inc dword [esp + 0x14]
+jmp near loc_00412082 ; jmp 0x412082
+add esp, 0x20
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ebx, ebp
+shl ebx, 3
+lea esi, [ebx + ebp]
+shl esi, 3
+mov ebx, edi
+cmp word [esi + ebx*8 + ref_00474d7c], 0 ; cmp word [esi + ebx*8 + 0x474d7c], 0
+je near loc_0041227f ; je 0x41227f
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bd04] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bd04]
+shr ebx, 0x10
+and ebx, 0xffff
+and ebx, 0xffff
+cmp edi, ebx
+jne short loc_0041217f ; jne 0x41217f
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bd08] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bd08]
+shr ebx, 0x10
+and ebx, 0xffff
+and ebx, 0xffff
+cmp ebp, ebx
+je near loc_0041227f ; je 0x41227f
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov word [ref_0048bd04], bx ; mov word [0x48bd04], bx
+mov word [ref_0048bd08], bx ; mov word [0x48bd08], bx
+shl edi, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bcdc], edi ; mov dword [0x48bcdc], edi
+shl ebp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bce0], ebp ; mov dword [0x48bce0], ebp
+mov eax, edi
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, ax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bd04] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bd04]
+add edx, 0x8000
+mov dword [ref_0048bd04], edx ; mov dword [0x48bd04], edx
+mov eax, edx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor edi, edi
+mov di, ax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bd08] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bd08]
+add ecx, 0x8000
+mov dword [ref_0048bd08], ecx ; mov dword [0x48bd08], ecx
+sub ebx, edi
+mov edi, ebx
+mov eax, ebp
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, ax
+mov eax, ecx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+movzx ebp, ax
+sub ebx, ebp
+mov ebp, ebx
+push edi
+call fcn_00458276 ; call 0x458276
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+call fcn_00458276 ; call 0x458276
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, ebx
+shl esi, 0x10
+mov ebx, edi
+shl ebx, 0x10
+cmp eax, dword [esp]
+jge short loc_00412248 ; jge 0x412248
+push edi
+call fcn_00458276 ; call 0x458276
+mov ebp, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, ebx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebp
+mov dword [ref_0048bcfc], eax ; mov dword [0x48bcfc], eax
+push edi
+jmp short loc_00412262 ; jmp 0x412262
+push ebp
+call fcn_00458276 ; call 0x458276
+mov edi, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, ebx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv edi
+mov dword [ref_0048bcfc], eax ; mov dword [0x48bcfc], eax
+push ebp
+call fcn_00458276 ; call 0x458276
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esi
+mov edx, esi
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048bd00], eax ; mov dword [0x48bd00], eax
+mov eax, 1
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048bd04] ; mov esi, dword [0x48bd04]
+add esi, dword [ref_0048bcfc] ; add esi, dword [0x48bcfc]
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bd08] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bd08]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bd00] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bd00]
+add ebx, ecx
+mov eax, ebx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, ax
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add edx, eax
+shl edx, 3
+mov eax, esi
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp word [edx + eax*8 + ref_00474d7c], 0 ; cmp word [edx + eax*8 + 0x474d7c], 0
+jne near loc_004123aa ; jne 0x4123aa
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048bcfc] ; mov edi, dword [0x48bcfc]
+push edi
+call fcn_00458276 ; call 0x458276
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0x10000
+jne short loc_0041234c ; jne 0x41234c
+mov dword [ref_0048bd10], esi ; mov dword [0x48bd10], esi
+sar ebx, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd0c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd0c]
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp eax, ebx
+jne near loc_0041239f ; jne 0x41239f
+cmp dword [ref_0048bd00], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48bd00], 0
+jne short loc_00412327 ; jne 0x412327
+mov dword [ref_0048bd00], 1 ; mov dword [0x48bd00], 1
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048bd00] ; mov edi, dword [0x48bd00]
+push edi
+call fcn_00458276 ; call 0x458276
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, edi
+mov edx, edi
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+shl eax, 0x10
+add dword [ref_0048bd0c], eax ; add dword [0x48bd0c], eax
+jmp short loc_0041239f ; jmp 0x41239f
+mov dword [ref_0048bd0c], ebx ; mov dword [0x48bd0c], ebx
+sar esi, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd10] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd10]
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp eax, esi
+jne short loc_0041239f ; jne 0x41239f
+test edi, edi
+jne short loc_00412379 ; jne 0x412379
+mov dword [ref_0048bcfc], 1 ; mov dword [0x48bcfc], 1
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bcfc] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bcfc]
+push edx
+call fcn_00458276 ; call 0x458276
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcfc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcfc]
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+shl eax, 0x10
+add dword [ref_0048bd10], eax ; add dword [0x48bd10], eax
+mov byte [ref_0048bd5b], 1 ; mov byte [0x48bd5b], 1
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048bd10], esi ; mov dword [0x48bd10], esi
+mov dword [ref_0048bd0c], ebx ; mov dword [0x48bd0c], ebx
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 0xa
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+cmp edx, 7
+setl al
+and eax, 0xff
+push ebx
+sub esp, 4
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_004123e5 ; jmp 0x4123e5
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0x10
+jge short loc_004123f0 ; jge 0x4123f0
+cmp word [ebx*8 + ref_0048bbc4], 0 ; cmp word [ebx*8 + 0x48bbc4], 0
+jne short loc_004123df ; jne 0x4123df
+cmp ebx, 0x10
+je near loc_004124a4 ; je 0x4124a4
+cmp dword [esp + 0x10], 0
+jne short loc_00412439 ; jne 0x412439
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 0x14
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+cmp edx, 9
+jge short loc_0041241d ; jge 0x41241d
+mov edx, 3
+jmp short loc_00412445 ; jmp 0x412445
+cmp edx, 0xf
+jge short loc_00412429 ; jge 0x412429
+mov edx, 2
+jmp short loc_00412445 ; jmp 0x412445
+cmp edx, 0x12
+jge short loc_00412435 ; jge 0x412435
+mov edx, 1
+jmp short loc_00412445 ; jmp 0x412445
+xor edx, edx
+jmp short loc_00412445 ; jmp 0x412445
+mov edx, 4
+inc word [ref_0048bd54] ; inc word [0x48bd54]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov word [ebx*8 + ref_0048bbc4], ax ; mov word [ebx*8 + 0x48bbc4], ax
+mov word [ebx*8 + ref_0048bbc6], 0x64 ; mov word [ebx*8 + 0x48bbc6], 0x64
+mov word [ebx*8 + ref_0048bbc8], dx ; mov word [ebx*8 + 0x48bbc8], dx
+mov word [ebx*8 + ref_0048bbca], 0xfff0 ; mov word [ebx*8 + 0x48bbca], 0xfff0
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+sub eax, 0x140
+mov dword [esp], eax
+fild dword [esp]
+fst dword [esp]
+fdiv dword [ref_00463774] ; fdiv dword [0x463774]
+fmul dword [ref_00463778] ; fmul dword [0x463778]
+fsub dword [esp]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp]
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+shl eax, 8
+add word [ebx*8 + ref_0048bbc8], ax ; add word [ebx*8 + 0x48bbc8], ax
+add esp, 4
+pop ebx
+db 0x8d
+db 0x40
+db 0x00
+ref_004124ac: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_004125a3
+dd loc_004125e0
+dd loc_00412651
+dd loc_00412851
+dd loc_00412a08
+dd loc_00412aac
+dd loc_00412b45
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x4c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd04] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd04]
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd08] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd08]
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+movzx ebp, ax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd10] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd10]
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd0c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd0c]
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 0x3c], eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+cmp dword [ref_0048bcf0], 0xffffffff ; cmp dword [0x48bcf0], 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0041258e ; je 0x41258e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd68] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd68]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bd60] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bd60]
+sub eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd64] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd64]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bd5c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bd5c]
+sub eax, ecx
+push eax
+mov eax, edx
+push edx
+mov edx, ecx
+push ecx
+mov ecx, eax
+push ecx
+mov eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd34] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd34]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_004562cc ; call 0x4562cc
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bccc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bccc]
+cmp eax, 6
+ja near loc_00412b9c ; ja 0x412b9c
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_004124ac] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x4124ac]
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebp
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x48]
+shl edi, 3
+movsx esi, word [edi + eax*8 + ref_00474d7c] ; movsx esi, word [edi + eax*8 + 0x474d7c]
+movsx edi, word [edi + eax*8 + ref_00474d7e] ; movsx edi, word [edi + eax*8 + 0x474d7e]
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bd34] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bd34]
+add ebx, 0x18
+push edi
+push esi
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_00412b9c ; jmp 0x412b9c
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebp
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x48]
+shl edi, 3
+movsx esi, word [edi + eax*8 + ref_00474d7c] ; movsx esi, word [edi + eax*8 + 0x474d7c]
+movsx edi, word [edi + eax*8 + ref_00474d7e] ; movsx edi, word [edi + eax*8 + 0x474d7e]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcc4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcc4]
+and eax, 0xf
+cmp eax, 3
+jge short loc_00412616 ; jge 0x412616
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bd34] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bd34]
+add ebx, 0x18
+jmp short loc_0041261f ; jmp 0x41261f
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bd34] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bd34]
+add ebx, 0x24
+push edi
+push esi
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bcc4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bcc4]
+inc ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048bcc4], ecx ; mov dword [0x48bcc4], ecx
+mov eax, ecx
+and eax, 0xf
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jne near loc_00412b9c ; jne 0x412b9c
+jmp near loc_00412b95 ; jmp 0x412b95
+test byte [ref_0048bcc4], 3 ; test byte [0x48bcc4], 3
+jne short loc_004126b7 ; jne 0x4126b7
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x40]
+sub esi, dword [esp + 0x48]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+sub edi, ebp
+test esi, esi
+jle short loc_0041267a ; jle 0x41267a
+lea eax, [edi + 1]
+mov edx, 4
+sub edx, eax
+mov eax, edx
+jmp short loc_00412694 ; jmp 0x412694
+jne short loc_0041268e ; jne 0x41268e
+test edi, edi
+jle short loc_00412687 ; jle 0x412687
+mov eax, 1
+jmp short loc_00412694 ; jmp 0x412694
+mov eax, 5
+jmp short loc_00412694 ; jmp 0x412694
+lea eax, [edi + 7]
+and eax, 7
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048bcc4] ; mov esi, dword [0x48bcc4]
+and esi, 0xf0f
+mov dword [ref_0048bcc4], esi ; mov dword [0x48bcc4], esi
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 4
+mov edi, esi
+or edi, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048bcc4], edi ; mov dword [0x48bcc4], edi
+jmp short loc_004126c2 ; jmp 0x4126c2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcc4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcc4]
+sar eax, 4
+and eax, 0xf
+mov edx, ebp
+shl edx, 3
+add edx, ebp
+shl edx, 3
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x48]
+shl edi, 3
+add edi, edx
+movsx esi, word [edi + ref_00474d7c] ; movsx esi, word [edi + 0x474d7c]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+mov edx, ecx
+shl edx, 3
+add ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 3
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x40]
+shl edx, 3
+add edx, ecx
+movsx ecx, word [edx + ref_00474d7c] ; movsx ecx, word [edx + 0x474d7c]
+sub ecx, esi
+sar ecx, 2
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bcc4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bcc4]
+and ebx, 3
+imul ecx, ebx
+add esi, ecx
+movsx edi, word [edi + ref_00474d7e] ; movsx edi, word [edi + 0x474d7e]
+movsx edx, word [edx + ref_00474d7e] ; movsx edx, word [edx + 0x474d7e]
+sub edx, edi
+sar edx, 2
+imul edx, ebx
+add edi, edx
+shl eax, 2
+lea edx, [eax + ebx]
+mov ebx, edx
+shl ebx, 2
+sub ebx, edx
+shl ebx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcf8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcf8]
+lea ecx, [eax + 0xc]
+add ebx, ecx
+push edi
+push esi
+push edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045663e ; call 0x45663e
+add esp, 0x14
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bcc4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bcc4]
+inc edx
+mov dword [ref_0048bcc4], edx ; mov dword [0x48bcc4], edx
+mov ecx, edx
+and ecx, 0xff3
+mov dword [ref_0048bcc4], ecx ; mov dword [0x48bcc4], ecx
+test byte [ref_0048bcc4], 3 ; test byte [0x48bcc4], 3
+jne near loc_00412b9c ; jne 0x412b9c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd10] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd10]
+mov dword [ref_0048bd04], eax ; mov dword [0x48bd04], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd0c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd0c]
+mov dword [ref_0048bd08], eax ; mov dword [0x48bd08], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd04] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd04]
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, ax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcdc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcdc]
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp edx, eax
+jne short loc_00412808 ; jne 0x412808
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd08] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd08]
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, ax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bce0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bce0]
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp edx, eax
+jne short loc_00412808 ; jne 0x412808
+push ref_00475057 ; push 0x475057
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push ref_0047505f ; push 0x47505f
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ref_0048bccc], 3 ; mov dword [0x48bccc], 3
+jmp near loc_00412b9c ; jmp 0x412b9c
+cmp byte [ref_0048bd5b], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48bd5b], 0
+je short loc_00412847 ; je 0x412847
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bce0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bce0]
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcdc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcdc]
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+call fcn_0041211c ; call 0x41211c
+add esp, 8
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [ref_0048bd5b], dl ; mov byte [0x48bd5b], dl
+call fcn_00412287 ; call 0x412287
+jmp near loc_00412b9c ; jmp 0x412b9c
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebp
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x48]
+shl edi, 3
+movsx esi, word [edi + eax*8 + ref_00474d7c] ; movsx esi, word [edi + eax*8 + 0x474d7c]
+movsx edi, word [edi + eax*8 + ref_00474d7e] ; movsx edi, word [edi + eax*8 + 0x474d7e]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcc4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcc4]
+and eax, 3
+cmp eax, 2
+jne short loc_004128a5 ; jne 0x4128a5
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd34] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd34]
+lea ebx, [eax + 0x78]
+push edi
+push esi
+push ebx
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+push esi
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcc4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcc4]
+and eax, 3
+cmp eax, 3
+jne short loc_00412925 ; jne 0x412925
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebp
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x48]
+shl edx, 3
+add edx, eax
+test byte [edx + ref_00474d80], 0xf ; test byte [edx + 0x474d80], 0xf
+je short loc_0041291d ; je 0x41291d
+and dword [ref_0048bcc4], 0xff ; and dword [0x48bcc4], 0xff
+or byte [ref_0048bcc5], 1 ; or byte [0x48bcc5], 1
+mov ax, word [edx + ref_00474d80] ; mov ax, word [edx + 0x474d80]
+xor ah, ah
+and al, 0xf
+mov dword [ref_0048bd6c], eax ; mov dword [0x48bd6c], eax
+movsx eax, word [edx + ref_00474d7c] ; movsx eax, word [edx + 0x474d7c]
+mov dword [ref_0048bd70], eax ; mov dword [0x48bd70], eax
+movsx eax, word [edx + ref_00474d7e] ; movsx eax, word [edx + 0x474d7e]
+mov dword [ref_0048bd74], eax ; mov dword [0x48bd74], eax
+mov bx, word [edx + ref_00474d80] ; mov bx, word [edx + 0x474d80]
+xor bh, bh
+and bl, 0xf0
+mov word [edx + ref_00474d80], bx ; mov word [edx + 0x474d80], bx
+jmp short loc_00412925 ; jmp 0x412925
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048bd6c], ebx ; mov dword [0x48bd6c], ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcc4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcc4]
+and eax, 0xf0
+sar eax, 4
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bcc4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bcc4]
+and edx, 3
+add edx, eax
+mov ebx, edx
+shl ebx, 2
+sub ebx, edx
+shl ebx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd28] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd28]
+lea ecx, [eax + 0xc]
+add ebx, ecx
+push edi
+push esi
+push edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045663e ; call 0x45663e
+add esp, 0x14
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bcc4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bcc4]
+inc edx
+mov dword [ref_0048bcc4], edx ; mov dword [0x48bcc4], edx
+mov ecx, edx
+and ecx, 0xff3
+mov dword [ref_0048bcc4], ecx ; mov dword [0x48bcc4], ecx
+test byte [ref_0048bcc4], 3 ; test byte [0x48bcc4], 3
+jne near loc_00412b9c ; jne 0x412b9c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd6c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd6c]
+test eax, eax
+jbe short loc_0041299e ; jbe 0x41299e
+cmp eax, 1
+je short loc_004129ab ; je 0x4129ab
+jmp short loc_004129c4 ; jmp 0x4129c4
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048bccc], edx ; mov dword [0x48bccc], edx
+jmp near loc_00412b9c ; jmp 0x412b9c
+mov dword [ref_0048bccc], eax ; mov dword [0x48bccc], eax
+push 0
+push ref_0047508f ; push 0x47508f
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_00412b9c ; jmp 0x412b9c
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048bccc], ecx ; mov dword [0x48bccc], ecx
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd6c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd6c]
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00475051] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x475051]
+and eax, 0xff
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_00475057 ; add eax, 0x475057
+push eax
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd6c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd6c]
+mov edx, 1
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], edx
+add dword [eax*4 + ref_0048bbac], edx ; add dword [eax*4 + 0x48bbac], edx
+jmp near loc_00412b9c ; jmp 0x412b9c
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebp
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x48]
+shl edi, 3
+movsx esi, word [edi + eax*8 + ref_00474d7c] ; movsx esi, word [edi + eax*8 + 0x474d7c]
+movsx edi, word [edi + eax*8 + ref_00474d7e] ; movsx edi, word [edi + eax*8 + 0x474d7e]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bcc4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bcc4]
+and edx, 0xf
+mov ebx, edx
+shl ebx, 2
+sub ebx, edx
+shl ebx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd8]
+lea ecx, [eax + 0xc]
+add ebx, ecx
+push edi
+push esi
+push edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045663e ; call 0x45663e
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd8]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bcc4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bcc4]
+inc edx
+mov dword [ref_0048bcc4], edx ; mov dword [0x48bcc4], edx
+and edx, 0xf
+cmp edx, dword [eax + 4]
+jne short loc_00412a87 ; jne 0x412a87
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcc4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcc4]
+and eax, 0xf0
+mov dword [ref_0048bcc4], eax ; mov dword [0x48bcc4], eax
+lea edx, [eax + 0x10]
+mov dword [ref_0048bcc4], edx ; mov dword [0x48bcc4], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcc4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcc4]
+and eax, 0xf0
+cmp eax, 0x40
+jne near loc_00412b9c ; jne 0x412b9c
+push ref_00475067 ; push 0x475067
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00412b95 ; jmp 0x412b95
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebp
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x48]
+shl edi, 3
+movsx esi, word [edi + eax*8 + ref_00474d7c] ; movsx esi, word [edi + eax*8 + 0x474d7c]
+movsx edi, word [edi + eax*8 + ref_00474d7e] ; movsx edi, word [edi + eax*8 + 0x474d7e]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bcc4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bcc4]
+and ecx, 0xf
+mov ebx, ecx
+shl ebx, 2
+sub ebx, ecx
+shl ebx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd4]
+lea edx, [eax + 0xc]
+add ebx, edx
+push edi
+push esi
+push ecx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045663e ; call 0x45663e
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd4]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bcc4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bcc4]
+inc edx
+mov dword [ref_0048bcc4], edx ; mov dword [0x48bcc4], edx
+and edx, 0xf
+cmp edx, dword [eax + 4]
+jne short loc_00412b2c ; jne 0x412b2c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcc4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcc4]
+and eax, 0xf0
+mov dword [ref_0048bcc4], eax ; mov dword [0x48bcc4], eax
+lea edx, [eax + 0x10]
+mov dword [ref_0048bcc4], edx ; mov dword [0x48bcc4], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcc4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcc4]
+and eax, 0xf0
+cmp eax, 0x40
+jne short loc_00412b9c ; jne 0x412b9c
+push ref_0047506f ; push 0x47506f
+jmp near loc_00412a9f ; jmp 0x412a9f
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebp
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x48]
+shl edi, 3
+movsx esi, word [edi + eax*8 + ref_00474d7c] ; movsx esi, word [edi + eax*8 + 0x474d7c]
+movsx edi, word [edi + eax*8 + ref_00474d7e] ; movsx edi, word [edi + eax*8 + 0x474d7e]
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bd34] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bd34]
+add ebx, 0x18
+push edi
+push esi
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bcc4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bcc4]
+inc ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048bcc4], ecx ; mov dword [0x48bcc4], ecx
+mov eax, ecx
+and eax, 0xf
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jne short loc_00412b9c ; jne 0x412b9c
+mov byte [ref_0048bd58], 1 ; mov byte [0x48bd58], 1
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 4]
+mov edx, esi
+sub edx, eax
+mov dword [esp], edx
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 6]
+mov edx, edi
+sub edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 4], edx
+movsx eax, word [ebx]
+mov edx, dword [esp]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 8], edx
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 2]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], edx
+test byte [ref_0048bcc5], 0xf ; test byte [0x48bcc5], 0xf
+je near loc_00412cab ; je 0x412cab
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd6c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd6c]
+mov eax, dword [eax*4 + ref_0048bd10] ; mov eax, dword [eax*4 + 0x48bd10]
+mov dword [esp + 0x38], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcc4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcc4]
+and eax, 0xf00
+sar eax, 8
+lea ecx, [eax - 1]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x38]
+add ebx, 0xc
+add ebx, eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bd74] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bd74]
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd70] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd70]
+push eax
+push ecx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045663e ; call 0x45663e
+add esp, 0x14
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 4]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bd70] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bd70]
+sub edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x20], edx
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 6]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bd74] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bd74]
+sub edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x24], edx
+movsx eax, word [ebx]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], edx
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 2]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x2c], edx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bcc4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bcc4]
+add ebx, 0x100
+mov dword [ref_0048bcc4], ebx ; mov dword [0x48bcc4], ebx
+mov eax, ebx
+and eax, 0xf00
+cmp eax, 0x700
+jne short loc_00412c96 ; jne 0x412c96
+mov eax, ebx
+and eax, 0xff
+mov dword [ref_0048bcc4], eax ; mov dword [0x48bcc4], eax
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x24]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452808 ; call 0x452808
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebp
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x48]
+shl edx, 3
+test byte [edx + eax*8 + ref_00474d80], 0xf0 ; test byte [edx + eax*8 + 0x474d80], 0xf0
+je short loc_00412d34 ; je 0x412d34
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bd34] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bd34]
+add ebx, 0x30
+push 0xe1
+push 0x140
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 4]
+mov edx, 0x140
+sub edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x20], edx
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 6]
+mov edx, 0xe1
+sub edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x24], edx
+movsx eax, word [ebx]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], edx
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 2]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x2c], edx
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x24]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452808 ; call 0x452808
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bccc] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bccc]
+cmp ecx, 3
+jne short loc_00412d8f ; jne 0x412d8f
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcc4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcc4]
+and eax, ecx
+cmp eax, ecx
+jne short loc_00412d8f ; jne 0x412d8f
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bd34] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bd34]
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 0x7c]
+sub esi, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x20], esi
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 0x7e]
+sub edi, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x24], edi
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 0x78]
+lea edx, [esi + eax]
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], edx
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 0x7a]
+lea edx, [edi + eax]
+mov dword [esp + 0x2c], edx
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x24]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452808 ; call 0x452808
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bccc] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bccc]
+cmp ebx, 1
+je short loc_00412d9f ; je 0x412d9f
+cmp ebx, 6
+jne short loc_00412dac ; jne 0x412dac
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcc4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcc4]
+and eax, 0xf
+cmp eax, 4
+je short loc_00412dc0 ; je 0x412dc0
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048bccc] ; mov edi, dword [0x48bccc]
+cmp edi, 4
+je short loc_00412dc0 ; je 0x412dc0
+cmp edi, 5
+jne near loc_00412eac ; jne 0x412eac
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcec] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcec]
+push eax
+push ref_0046377c ; push 0x46377c
+lea eax, [esp + 0x38]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+lea eax, [esp + 0x30]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045825d ; call 0x45825d
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, eax
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 5
+add ebx, eax
+add ebx, ebx
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, ebx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+sub eax, edx
+sar eax, 1
+mov esi, 0x161
+sub esi, eax
+lea eax, [esi - 0x21]
+mov dword [esp + 0x20], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x24], 0x64
+add eax, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x2c], 0xc8
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x24]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452808 ; call 0x452808
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, edi
+jge short loc_00412eac ; jge 0x412eac
+push 0x96
+push esi
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esp + ebx + 0x38]
+sub edx, 0x26
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd34] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd34]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x96
+push esi
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + ebx + 0x38]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x26]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x42
+jmp short loc_00412e36 ; jmp 0x412e36
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+cmp dword [ref_0048bcf0], 0xffffffff ; cmp dword [0x48bcf0], 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00412edc ; je 0x412edc
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+push ref_0048bd5c ; push 0x48bd5c
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452808 ; call 0x452808
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x10
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+push ref_0048bd5c ; push 0x48bd5c
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp dword [esp + 0x10], 0
+jge short loc_00412efd ; jge 0x412efd
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], ecx
+cmp dword [esp + 0x18], 0x280
+jle short loc_00412f0f ; jle 0x412f0f
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], 0x280
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x14]
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push ebp
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+cmp dword [esp + 0x44], 0
+je short loc_00412f5d ; je 0x412f5d
+push 1
+call fcn_00413a4a ; call 0x413a4a
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bccc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bccc]
+mov dword [ref_0048bcf0], eax ; mov dword [0x48bcf0], eax
+add esp, 0x4c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x44
+lea edi, [esp + 0x20]
+mov esi, ref_00411fdc ; mov esi, 0x411fdc
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+lea edi, [esp + 0x30]
+mov esi, ref_00411fec ; mov esi, 0x411fec
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [esp + 0x38], eax
+push 0x183
+push 0x280
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd34] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd34]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x4c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004562cc ; call 0x4562cc
+add esp, 0x20
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x3c], ebp
+jmp near loc_00413189 ; jmp 0x413189
+cmp edx, 0x1c
+jge short loc_00412ff8 ; jge 0x412ff8
+mov eax, 0x1b
+sub eax, edx
+sar eax, 1
+add eax, 5
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+jmp short loc_0041301c ; jmp 0x41301c
+cmp edx, 0x1e
+jge near loc_00413183 ; jge 0x413183
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 0xa
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edx + ref_00475039] ; mov al, byte [edx + 0x475039]
+jmp short loc_00412ff2 ; jmp 0x412ff2
+cmp dword [esp + 0x40], 0xffffffff
+je near loc_00413183 ; je 0x413183
+mov ebx, 0x28
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_00413066 ; jmp 0x413066
+inc edx
+cmp edx, 0x10
+jge short loc_00413053 ; jge 0x413053
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+movsx ecx, word [eax + ref_0048bc44] ; movsx ecx, word [eax + 0x48bc44]
+cmp ecx, ebx
+jne short loc_00413030 ; jne 0x413030
+cmp word [eax + ref_0048bc46], 0x12c ; cmp word [eax + 0x48bc46], 0x12c
+jle short loc_00413030 ; jle 0x413030
+jmp short loc_0041305b ; jmp 0x41305b
+test edi, edi
+jne short loc_0041305b ; jne 0x41305b
+mov dword [esp + esi*4], ebx
+inc esi
+add ebx, 0x50
+cmp ebx, 0x280
+jge short loc_0041306c ; jge 0x41306c
+xor edx, edx
+xor edi, edi
+jmp short loc_00413036 ; jmp 0x413036
+test esi, esi
+je near loc_00413183 ; je 0x413183
+push 0
+push ref_0047509f ; push 0x47509f
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+mov dx, word [esp + edx*4]
+mov word [ebp*8 + ref_0048bc44], dx ; mov word [ebp*8 + 0x48bc44], dx
+mov word [ebp*8 + ref_0048bc46], 0x1a4 ; mov word [ebp*8 + 0x48bc46], 0x1a4
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x40]
+mov word [ebp*8 + ref_0048bc48], dx ; mov word [ebp*8 + 0x48bc48], dx
+jmp near loc_00413183 ; jmp 0x413183
+test byte [eax + ref_0048bc48], 0xf0 ; test byte [eax + 0x48bc48], 0xf0
+je short loc_004130de ; je 0x4130de
+sub word [eax + ref_0048bc48], 0x10 ; sub word [eax + 0x48bc48], 0x10
+test byte [eax + ref_0048bc48], 0xf0 ; test byte [eax + 0x48bc48], 0xf0
+jne short loc_0041311b ; jne 0x41311b
+xor edx, edx
+mov word [eax + ref_0048bc44], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x48bc44], dx
+jmp near loc_00413183 ; jmp 0x413183
+cmp byte [ref_0048bd59], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48bd59], 0
+jne short loc_0041311b ; jne 0x41311b
+movsx eax, word [eax + ref_0048bc48] ; movsx eax, word [eax + 0x48bc48]
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00475004] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x475004]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bcc8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bcc8]
+cmp edx, 0xffffffff
+jl short loc_00413113 ; jl 0x413113
+jle short loc_0041310d ; jle 0x41310d
+cmp edx, 1
+je short loc_00413111 ; je 0x413111
+jmp short loc_00413113 ; jmp 0x413113
+add eax, eax
+jmp short loc_00413113 ; jmp 0x413113
+sar eax, 1
+sub word [ebp*8 + ref_0048bc46], ax ; sub word [ebp*8 + 0x48bc46], ax
+mov ebx, ebp
+shl ebx, 3
+movsx eax, word [ebx + ref_0048bc46] ; movsx eax, word [ebx + 0x48bc46]
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx + ref_0048bc44] ; movsx eax, word [ebx + 0x48bc44]
+push eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_0048bc48] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x48bc48]
+xor ah, ah
+and al, 0xf
+lea edx, [eax + 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd34] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd34]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x3c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00413170 ; je 0x413170
+xor esi, esi
+mov word [ebx + ref_0048bc44], si ; mov word [ebx + 0x48bc44], si
+cmp word [ebp*8 + ref_0048bc44], 0 ; cmp word [ebp*8 + 0x48bc44], 0
+je short loc_00413183 ; je 0x413183
+mov dword [esp + 0x3c], 1
+inc ebp
+cmp ebp, 0x10
+jge short loc_004131cb ; jge 0x4131cb
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 3
+cmp word [eax + ref_0048bc44], 0 ; cmp word [eax + 0x48bc44], 0
+jne near loc_004130b6 ; jne 0x4130b6
+cmp byte [ref_0048bd58], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48bd58], 0
+jne short loc_00413183 ; jne 0x413183
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 0x3e8
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+cmp edx, 0x14
+jge near loc_00412fe1 ; jge 0x412fe1
+sar edx, 2
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], edx
+jmp near loc_0041301c ; jmp 0x41301c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x20]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x24]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push esi
+push 0
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x20]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+cmp dword [esp + 0x3c], 0
+jne short loc_00413229 ; jne 0x413229
+cmp byte [ref_0048bd58], 1 ; cmp byte [0x48bd58], 1
+jne short loc_00413229 ; jne 0x413229
+mov byte [ref_0048bd58], 2 ; mov byte [0x48bd58], 2
+add esp, 0x44
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x8d
+db 0x40
+db 0x00
+ref_00413234: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_00413886
+dd loc_00413a2b
+dd loc_00413934
+dd loc_00413964
+dd loc_00413986
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x40
+mov edi, esp
+mov esi, ref_00411ff8 ; mov esi, 0x411ff8
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+lea edi, [esp + 0x10]
+mov esi, ref_00412008 ; mov esi, 0x412008
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], eax
+push 0x183
+push 0x280
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_00475043 ; push 0x475043
+lea eax, [esp + 0x2c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004562cc ; call 0x4562cc
+add esp, 0x20
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x30], esi
+jmp near loc_00413546 ; jmp 0x413546
+movsx eax, bx
+sub eax, 0x82
+mov ebx, esi
+shl ebx, 3
+movsx edx, word [ebx + ref_0048bbc8] ; movsx edx, word [ebx + 0x48bbc8]
+sar edx, 8
+mov dword [esp + 0x24], edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x3c], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x3c]
+fdiv dword [ref_00463780] ; fdiv dword [0x463780]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov dword [esp + 0x3c], edx
+fild dword [esp + 0x3c]
+fmul dword [esp + 0x28]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x24]
+fld dword [esp + 0x28]
+fmul dword [ref_00463784] ; fmul dword [0x463784]
+fadd dword [ref_00463784] ; fadd dword [0x463784]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x34]
+movsx ebp, word [ebx + ref_0048bbc4] ; movsx ebp, word [ebx + 0x48bbc4]
+add ebp, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_0048bbc8] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x48bbc8]
+xor ah, ah
+and al, 0xf
+movsx edi, ax
+mov cx, word [ref_0048bd48] ; mov cx, word [0x48bd48]
+test cx, cx
+je near loc_00413447 ; je 0x413447
+movsx edx, cx
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048bd52] ; movsx eax, word [0x48bd52]
+dec edx
+imul eax, edx
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048bd50] ; movsx edx, word [0x48bd50]
+add eax, 5
+add edx, eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bd30] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bd30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x10]
+mov dword [esp + 0x3c], edx
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048bd4e] ; movsx edx, word [0x48bd4e]
+sub edx, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+movsx ecx, word [eax + 0x12]
+mov dword [esp + 0x3c], ecx
+mov ecx, 0x17c
+sub ecx, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+mov dword [esp + 0x38], ecx
+movsx ecx, word [eax + 0xc]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x2c], ecx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0xe]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x38]
+add ecx, eax
+cmp ebp, edx
+jle near loc_00413447 ; jle 0x413447
+cmp ebp, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+jge near loc_00413447 ; jge 0x413447
+movsx eax, word [ebx + ref_0048bbc6] ; movsx eax, word [ebx + 0x48bbc6]
+cmp eax, dword [esp + 0x38]
+jle near loc_00413447 ; jle 0x413447
+cmp eax, ecx
+jge near loc_00413447 ; jge 0x413447
+cmp byte [ref_0048bd5a], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48bd5a], 0
+jne short loc_00413447 ; jne 0x413447
+cmp edi, 4
+jne short loc_00413436 ; jne 0x413436
+push ref_004750cf ; push 0x4750cf
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push ref_004750d7 ; push 0x4750d7
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push 0x127
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048bd4e] ; movsx eax, word [0x48bd4e]
+sub eax, 0x37
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bce8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bce8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450ced ; call 0x450ced
+add esp, 0x10
+xor eax, eax
+mov word [ref_0048bd48], ax ; mov word [0x48bd48], ax
+mov word [ref_0048bd56], 4 ; mov word [0x48bd56], 4
+mov dl, 1
+mov byte [ref_0048bd5a], dl ; mov byte [0x48bd5a], dl
+mov byte [ref_0048bd58], dl ; mov byte [0x48bd58], dl
+jmp short loc_0041343d ; jmp 0x41343d
+inc dword [edi*4 + ref_0048bbb4] ; inc dword [edi*4 + 0x48bbb4]
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov word [esi*8 + ref_0048bbc4], bx ; mov word [esi*8 + 0x48bbc4], bx
+mov ebx, esi
+shl ebx, 3
+cmp word [ebx + ref_0048bbc4], 0 ; cmp word [ebx + 0x48bbc4], 0
+je near loc_0041352d ; je 0x41352d
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_0048bbc8] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x48bbc8]
+xor ah, ah
+and al, 0xf0
+sar eax, 4
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x34]
+push edx
+movsx edx, word [ebx + ref_0048bbc6] ; movsx edx, word [ebx + 0x48bbc6]
+push edx
+push ebp
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [edi*4 + ref_0048bd14] ; mov ecx, dword [edi*4 + 0x48bd14]
+push ecx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004568c2 ; call 0x4568c2
+add esp, 0x18
+add word [ebx + ref_0048bbc8], 0x10 ; add word [ebx + 0x48bbc8], 0x10
+and byte [ebx + ref_0048bbc8], 0x7f ; and byte [ebx + 0x48bbc8], 0x7f
+mov dx, word [ebx + ref_0048bbc6] ; mov dx, word [ebx + 0x48bbc6]
+cmp dx, 0x82
+jge short loc_004134e0 ; jge 0x4134e0
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_0048bbca] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x48bbca]
+db 0x05, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ; add eax, 2
+mov word [ebx + ref_0048bbca], ax ; mov word [ebx + 0x48bbca], ax
+cmp ax, 0x10
+jle short loc_004134ce ; jle 0x4134ce
+mov word [ebx + ref_0048bbca], 0x10 ; mov word [ebx + 0x48bbca], 0x10
+mov dx, word [esi*8 + ref_0048bbca] ; mov dx, word [esi*8 + 0x48bbca]
+add word [esi*8 + ref_0048bbc6], dx ; add word [esi*8 + 0x48bbc6], dx
+jmp short loc_004134f3 ; jmp 0x4134f3
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edi + ref_00475010] ; mov al, byte [edi + 0x475010]
+mov ecx, edx
+add ecx, eax
+mov word [ebx + ref_0048bbc6], cx ; mov word [ebx + 0x48bbc6], cx
+cmp word [esi*8 + ref_0048bbc6], 0x17c ; cmp word [esi*8 + 0x48bbc6], 0x17c
+jle short loc_0041352d ; jle 0x41352d
+cmp edi, 4
+jne short loc_00413523 ; jne 0x413523
+mov di, word [ref_0048bd54] ; mov di, word [0x48bd54]
+dec di
+mov word [ref_0048bd54], di ; mov word [0x48bd54], di
+jne short loc_00413523 ; jne 0x413523
+push ref_004750cf ; push 0x4750cf
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+xor edx, edx
+mov word [esi*8 + ref_0048bbc4], dx ; mov word [esi*8 + 0x48bbc4], dx
+cmp word [esi*8 + ref_0048bbc4], 0 ; cmp word [esi*8 + 0x48bbc4], 0
+je short loc_00413540 ; je 0x413540
+mov dword [esp + 0x30], 1
+inc esi
+cmp esi, 0x10
+jge short loc_0041356e ; jge 0x41356e
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+cmp word [eax + ref_0048bbc4], 0 ; cmp word [eax + 0x48bbc4], 0
+je short loc_00413540 ; je 0x413540
+mov bx, word [eax + ref_0048bbc6] ; mov bx, word [eax + 0x48bbc6]
+cmp bx, 0x82
+jge near loc_004132b4 ; jge 0x4132b4
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_004132bc ; jmp 0x4132bc
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048bd42] ; movsx eax, word [0x48bd42]
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0041359b ; je 0x41359b
+push 0x7d
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048bd4a] ; movsx edx, word [0x48bd4a]
+push edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bcf4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bcf4]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045663e ; call 0x45663e
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x7e
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048bd4c] ; movsx eax, word [0x48bd4c]
+push eax
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048bd44] ; movsx edx, word [0x48bd44]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+lea edx, [eax + eax]
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048bd46] ; movsx eax, word [0x48bd46]
+mov al, byte [edx + eax + ref_00475015] ; mov al, byte [edx + eax + 0x475015]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bce4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bce4]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_0045663e ; call 0x45663e
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp byte [ref_0048bd58], 2 ; cmp byte [0x48bd58], 2
+je near loc_004136c1 ; je 0x4136c1
+cmp byte [ref_0048bd5a], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48bd5a], 0
+jne near loc_004136c1 ; jne 0x4136c1
+lea eax, [esp + 0x1c]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetCursorPos@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622ec]
+mov esi, dword [ref_0047504f] ; mov esi, dword [0x47504f]
+sub esi, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+cmp esi, 8
+jle short loc_0041362d ; jle 0x41362d
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push edx
+push 0
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetCursorPos@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46231c]
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ref_0047504f], ecx ; mov dword [0x47504f], ecx
+jmp short loc_0041364d ; jmp 0x41364d
+cmp esi, 0xfffffff8
+jge short loc_0041364d ; jge 0x41364d
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push ebp
+push 0x27f
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetCursorPos@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46231c]
+mov dword [ref_0047504f], 0x27f ; mov dword [0x47504f], 0x27f
+movsx esi, word [ref_0048bd4e] ; movsx esi, word [0x48bd4e]
+sub esi, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00458276 ; call 0x458276
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 8
+jle short loc_004136c1 ; jle 0x4136c1
+test esi, esi
+jle short loc_0041367d ; jle 0x41367d
+mov word [ref_0048bd48], 1 ; mov word [0x48bd48], 1
+sub word [ref_0048bd4e], 0xa ; sub word [0x48bd4e], 0xa
+jmp short loc_0041369b ; jmp 0x41369b
+jge short loc_00413692 ; jge 0x413692
+mov word [ref_0048bd48], 2 ; mov word [0x48bd48], 2
+add word [ref_0048bd4e], 0xa ; add word [0x48bd4e], 0xa
+jmp short loc_0041369b ; jmp 0x41369b
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov word [ref_0048bd48], cx ; mov word [0x48bd48], cx
+mov bx, word [ref_0048bd50] ; mov bx, word [0x48bd50]
+inc ebx
+mov word [ref_0048bd50], bx ; mov word [0x48bd50], bx
+movsx edx, bx
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048bd52] ; movsx eax, word [0x48bd52]
+cmp edx, eax
+jne short loc_004136c1 ; jne 0x4136c1
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov word [ref_0048bd50], cx ; mov word [0x48bd50], cx
+mov si, word [ref_0048bd48] ; mov si, word [0x48bd48]
+test si, si
+jne short loc_004136d6 ; jne 0x4136d6
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048bd56] ; movsx eax, word [0x48bd56]
+jmp short loc_004136f0 ; jmp 0x4136f0
+movsx eax, si
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048bd52] ; movsx edx, word [0x48bd52]
+dec eax
+imul eax, edx
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048bd50] ; movsx edx, word [0x48bd50]
+add eax, 5
+add eax, edx
+push 0x17c
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048bd4e] ; movsx edx, word [0x48bd4e]
+push edx
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048bd30] ; mov esi, dword [0x48bd30]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0045663e ; call 0x45663e
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebp
+push 0
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push 1
+call fcn_0041417e ; call 0x41417e
+add esp, 4
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048bd42] ; movsx eax, word [0x48bd42]
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne near loc_004137e8 ; jne 0x4137e8
+cmp word [ref_0048bd44], 2 ; cmp word [0x48bd44], 2
+jge short loc_00413770 ; jge 0x413770
+cmp word [ref_0048bd4c], 0x140 ; cmp word [0x48bd4c], 0x140
+jg short loc_0041378d ; jg 0x41378d
+cmp word [ref_0048bd44], 3 ; cmp word [0x48bd44], 3
+jle near loc_00413849 ; jle 0x413849
+cmp word [ref_0048bd4c], 0x140 ; cmp word [0x48bd4c], 0x140
+jge near loc_00413849 ; jge 0x413849
+call fcn_004123ba ; call 0x4123ba
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_00413849 ; jne 0x413849
+cmp byte [ref_0048bd58], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48bd58], 0
+jne near loc_00413849 ; jne 0x413849
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 0x8c
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov word [ref_0048bd42], bx ; mov word [0x48bd42], bx
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048bd4c] ; movsx eax, word [0x48bd4c]
+sub eax, 0x140
+test eax, eax
+jle short loc_004137e0 ; jle 0x4137e0
+add edx, 0xa0
+mov word [ref_0048bd4a], dx ; mov word [0x48bd4a], dx
+jmp short loc_00413849 ; jmp 0x413849
+add edx, 0x168
+jmp short loc_004137d7 ; jmp 0x4137d7
+mov di, word [ref_0048bd42] ; mov di, word [0x48bd42]
+inc edi
+mov word [ref_0048bd42], di ; mov word [0x48bd42], di
+cmp di, 8
+jne short loc_00413836 ; jne 0x413836
+cmp byte [ref_0048bd5a], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48bd5a], 0
+jne short loc_00413836 ; jne 0x413836
+push 0
+push ref_004750bf ; push 0x4750bf
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push ref_004750cf ; push 0x4750cf
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048bd4a] ; movsx eax, word [0x48bd4a]
+push eax
+call fcn_004123d7 ; call 0x4123d7
+add esp, 8
+cmp word [ref_0048bd42], 0xc ; cmp word [0x48bd42], 0xc
+jne short loc_00413849 ; jne 0x413849
+mov word [ref_0048bd42], 0xffff ; mov word [0x48bd42], 0xffff
+cmp byte [ref_0048bd58], 1 ; cmp byte [0x48bd58], 1
+jne short loc_0041386a ; jne 0x41386a
+mov edi, 2
+mov word [ref_0048bd44], di ; mov word [0x48bd44], di
+mov word [ref_0048bd46], di ; mov word [0x48bd46], di
+jmp near loc_00413a2b ; jmp 0x413a2b
+mov ax, word [ref_0048bd44] ; mov ax, word [0x48bd44]
+cmp ax, 4
+ja near loc_00413a2b ; ja 0x413a2b
+and eax, 0xffff
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_00413234] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x413234]
+mov bx, word [ref_0048bd46] ; mov bx, word [0x48bd46]
+cmp bx, 5
+jge short loc_004138c7 ; jge 0x4138c7
+movsx eax, bx
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048bd40] ; movsx edx, word [0x48bd40]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_004138b3 ; jne 0x4138b3
+push 0
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048bd4c] ; movsx eax, word [0x48bd4c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004123d7 ; call 0x4123d7
+add esp, 8
+inc word [ref_0048bd46] ; inc word [0x48bd46]
+add word [ref_0048bd4c], 0xc ; add word [0x48bd4c], 0xc
+jmp near loc_00413a2b ; jmp 0x413a2b
+cmp word [ref_0048bd4c], 0x140 ; cmp word [0x48bd4c], 0x140
+jle short loc_004138e7 ; jle 0x4138e7
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 4
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_004138f2 ; je 0x4138f2
+cmp word [ref_0048bd4c], 0x212 ; cmp word [0x48bd4c], 0x212
+jne short loc_004138fd ; jne 0x4138fd
+mov word [ref_0048bd44], 2 ; mov word [0x48bd44], 2
+jmp short loc_00413926 ; jmp 0x413926
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 5
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov word [ref_0048bd40], dx ; mov word [0x48bd40], dx
+xor edi, edi
+mov word [ref_0048bd44], di ; mov word [0x48bd44], di
+add word [ref_0048bd4c], 0xc ; add word [0x48bd4c], 0xc
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov word [ref_0048bd46], bx ; mov word [0x48bd46], bx
+jmp near loc_00413a2b ; jmp 0x413a2b
+mov si, word [ref_0048bd46] ; mov si, word [0x48bd46]
+inc esi
+mov word [ref_0048bd46], si ; mov word [0x48bd46], si
+cmp si, 5
+jne near loc_00413a2b ; jne 0x413a2b
+mov word [ref_0048bd44], 4 ; mov word [0x48bd44], 4
+xor edx, edx
+mov word [ref_0048bd46], dx ; mov word [0x48bd46], dx
+jmp near loc_00413a2b ; jmp 0x413a2b
+mov ax, word [ref_0048bd46] ; mov ax, word [0x48bd46]
+inc eax
+mov word [ref_0048bd46], ax ; mov word [0x48bd46], ax
+cmp ax, 5
+jne near loc_00413a2b ; jne 0x413a2b
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov word [ref_0048bd44], bx ; mov word [0x48bd44], bx
+jmp short loc_00413928 ; jmp 0x413928
+mov cx, word [ref_0048bd46] ; mov cx, word [0x48bd46]
+cmp cx, 5
+jge short loc_004139c4 ; jge 0x4139c4
+movsx edx, cx
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048bd40] ; movsx eax, word [0x48bd40]
+cmp edx, eax
+jne short loc_004139b3 ; jne 0x4139b3
+push 0
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048bd4c] ; movsx eax, word [0x48bd4c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004123d7 ; call 0x4123d7
+add esp, 8
+inc word [ref_0048bd46] ; inc word [0x48bd46]
+sub word [ref_0048bd4c], 0xc ; sub word [0x48bd4c], 0xc
+jmp short loc_00413a2b ; jmp 0x413a2b
+cmp word [ref_0048bd4c], 0x140 ; cmp word [0x48bd4c], 0x140
+jge short loc_004139e4 ; jge 0x4139e4
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 4
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_004139ee ; je 0x4139ee
+cmp word [ref_0048bd4c], 0x6e ; cmp word [0x48bd4c], 0x6e
+jne short loc_004139f9 ; jne 0x4139f9
+mov word [ref_0048bd44], 3 ; mov word [0x48bd44], 3
+jmp short loc_00413a22 ; jmp 0x413a22
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 5
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov word [ref_0048bd40], dx ; mov word [0x48bd40], dx
+mov word [ref_0048bd44], 4 ; mov word [0x48bd44], 4
+sub word [ref_0048bd4c], 0xc ; sub word [0x48bd4c], 0xc
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov word [ref_0048bd46], cx ; mov word [0x48bd46], cx
+cmp dword [esp + 0x30], 0
+jne short loc_00413a42 ; jne 0x413a42
+cmp byte [ref_0048bd58], 1 ; cmp byte [0x48bd58], 1
+jne short loc_00413a42 ; jne 0x413a42
+mov byte [ref_0048bd58], 2 ; mov byte [0x48bd58], 2
+add esp, 0x40
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bd2c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bd2c]
+push edx
+push ref_00463788 ; push 0x463788
+lea eax, [esp + 0x18]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x31
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x18]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x45
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x19]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x5e
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esp + 0x1a]
+sub edx, 0x30
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x72
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048bbc0] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48bbc0]
+push ebp
+push ref_0046378d ; push 0x46378d
+lea eax, [esp + 0x18]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x1a5
+push 0xb9
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x18]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x1a5
+push 0xcd
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x19]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bbb8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bbb8]
+push ecx
+push ref_0046378d ; push 0x46378d
+lea eax, [esp + 0x18]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x114
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x18]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add edx, eax
+push edx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x128
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x19]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048bbbc] ; mov edi, dword [0x48bbbc]
+push edi
+push ref_0046378d ; push 0x46378d
+lea eax, [esp + 0x18]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x16f
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esp + 0x18]
+sub edx, 0x30
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x183
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x19]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bbb4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bbb4]
+push edx
+push ref_0046378d ; push 0x46378d
+lea eax, [esp + 0x18]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x1ca
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x18]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x1de
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x19]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bbc0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bbc0]
+mov ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 2
+add ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bbb8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bbb8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bbbc] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bbbc]
+shl ecx, 3
+add ecx, eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bbb4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bbb4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+add ecx, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048bcec], ecx ; mov dword [0x48bcec], ecx
+push ecx
+push ref_00463788 ; push 0x463788
+lea eax, [esp + 0x18]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x225
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x18]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x239
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x19]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add edx, eax
+push edx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x24d
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x1a]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+test edx, edx
+je near loc_00413eff ; je 0x413eff
+cmp edx, 1
+jne short loc_00413eaa ; jne 0x413eaa
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0x19f
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x1c7
+mov dword [esp], 0x2c
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x261
+jmp short loc_00413ec9 ; jmp 0x413ec9
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0x19f
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x1c7
+mov dword [esp], 0x2c
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x8c
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push esi
+push 0x19f
+push 0x2c
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x18
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bd2c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bd2c]
+push edx
+push ref_00463788 ; push 0x463788
+lea eax, [esp + 0x18]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x31
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x18]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x45
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esp + 0x19]
+sub edx, 0x30
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x5e
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x1a]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x72
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048bcec] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48bcec]
+push ebp
+push ref_00463792 ; push 0x463792
+lea eax, [esp + 0x18]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x211
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x18]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x225
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x19]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x239
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x1a]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x24d
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x1b]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+test esi, esi
+je near loc_00413eff ; je 0x413eff
+cmp esi, 1
+jne short loc_0041413a ; jne 0x41413a
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0x19f
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x1c7
+mov dword [esp], 0x2c
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x261
+jmp short loc_00414159 ; jmp 0x414159
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0x19f
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x1c7
+mov dword [esp], 0x2c
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x8c
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+jmp near loc_00413ee9 ; jmp 0x413ee9
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd2c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd2c]
+sar eax, 1
+push eax
+push ref_00463788 ; push 0x463788
+lea eax, [esp + 0x18]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x31
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x18]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x45
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x19]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x5e
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x1a]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x72
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048bbb4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48bbb4]
+push edi
+push ref_0046378d ; push 0x46378d
+lea eax, [esp + 0x18]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x1a5
+push 0xb9
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esp + 0x18]
+sub edx, 0x30
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x1a5
+push 0xcd
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x19]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bbb8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bbb8]
+push edx
+push ref_0046378d ; push 0x46378d
+lea eax, [esp + 0x18]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x114
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x18]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add edx, eax
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x128
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x19]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048bbbc] ; mov esi, dword [0x48bbbc]
+push esi
+push ref_0046378d ; push 0x46378d
+lea eax, [esp + 0x18]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x16f
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esp + 0x18]
+sub edx, 0x30
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x183
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esp + 0x19]
+sub edx, 0x30
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bbc0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bbc0]
+push eax
+push ref_0046378d ; push 0x46378d
+lea eax, [esp + 0x18]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x1ca
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x18]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x1de
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x19]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bbb8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bbb8]
+mov ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 2
+add ecx, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bbb4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bbb4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+add eax, eax
+add ecx, eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bbbc] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bbbc]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add eax, ecx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bbc0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bbc0]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048bcec], edx ; mov dword [0x48bcec], edx
+push edx
+push ref_00463788 ; push 0x463788
+lea eax, [esp + 0x18]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x225
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x18]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x239
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x19]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x1a5
+push 0x24d
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x1a]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_00413eff ; je 0x413eff
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_004145d7 ; jne 0x4145d7
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0x19f
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x1c7
+mov dword [esp], 0x2c
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x261
+jmp short loc_004145f6 ; jmp 0x4145f6
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0x19f
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x1c7
+mov dword [esp], 0x2c
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x8c
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebx
+jmp near loc_00413ee9 ; jmp 0x413ee9
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd34] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd34]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+cmp dword [esp + 0x10], 0
+je near loc_004146d0 ; je 0x4146d0
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_00414665 ; jmp 0x414665
+inc esi
+cmp esi, 9
+jge short loc_004146d0 ; jge 0x4146d0
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0041466f ; jmp 0x41466f
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 9
+jge short loc_0041465f ; jge 0x41465f
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+lea edx, [esi + eax]
+shl edx, 3
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+test byte [eax + ref_00474d80], 0xf ; test byte [eax + 0x474d80], 0xf
+je short loc_00414669 ; je 0x414669
+movsx edx, word [eax + ref_00474d7e] ; movsx edx, word [eax + 0x474d7e]
+push edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + ref_00474d7c] ; movsx edx, word [eax + 0x474d7c]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00474d80] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x474d80]
+xor ah, ah
+and al, 0xf
+lea edx, [eax + 3]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bd34] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bd34]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp short loc_00414669 ; jmp 0x414669
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+call fcn_00413a4a ; call 0x413a4a
+add esp, 4
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd34] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd34]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+call fcn_00413f07 ; call 0x413f07
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_00475043 ; push 0x475043
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+call fcn_00413248 ; call 0x413248
+push 0
+call fcn_0041417e ; call 0x41417e
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bcec] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bcec]
+push edx
+push ref_0046377c ; push 0x46377c
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_0045825d ; call 0x45825d
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, eax
+shl eax, 5
+lea edx, [edi + eax]
+add edx, edx
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+sub eax, edx
+sar eax, 1
+mov esi, 0x161
+sub esi, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, edi
+jge short loc_00414824 ; jge 0x414824
+push 0x96
+push esi
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esp + ebx + 8]
+sub edx, 0x26
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x42
+jmp short loc_004147e5 ; jmp 0x4147e5
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+push ref_0046cadc ; push 0x46cadc
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebx
+push 0
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+add esp, 8
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jb short loc_0041489e ; jb 0x41489e
+jbe near loc_00414aa9 ; jbe 0x414aa9
+cmp eax, 0x401
+jb short loc_0041488e ; jb 0x41488e
+jbe short loc_004148b9 ; jbe 0x4148b9
+cmp eax, 0x405
+je near loc_00414a51 ; je 0x414a51
+jmp near loc_00414b8e ; jmp 0x414b8e
+cmp eax, 0x203
+je near loc_00414aa9 ; je 0x414aa9
+jmp near loc_00414b8e ; jmp 0x414b8e
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jb near loc_00414b8e ; jb 0x414b8e
+jbe near loc_00414b62 ; jbe 0x414b62
+cmp eax, 0x113
+je short loc_00414900 ; je 0x414900
+jmp near loc_00414b8e ; jmp 0x414b8e
+mov dword [ref_0048bd2c], 0x96 ; mov dword [0x48bd2c], 0x96
+mov dword [ref_0048bd7c], 0xa ; mov dword [0x48bd7c], 0xa
+push 1
+call fcn_0041461b ; call 0x41461b
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0x64
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov ebp, dword [0x46cad8]
+push ebp
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTimer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462324]
+mov dword [ref_0048bd78], eax ; mov dword [0x48bd78], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_00414a4a ; jmp 0x414a4a
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je near loc_00414a4a ; je 0x414a4a
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; cmp eax, dword [0x46cad8]
+jne near loc_00414a4a ; jne 0x414a4a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd2c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd2c]
+dec eax
+cmp byte [ref_0048bd58], 2 ; cmp byte [0x48bd58], 2
+jne short loc_00414957 ; jne 0x414957
+mov dword [ref_0048bd2c], eax ; mov dword [0x48bd2c], eax
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_00414a4a ; jne 0x414a4a
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048bd78] ; mov esi, dword [0x48bd78]
+push esi
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00414a4a ; jmp 0x414a4a
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048bd7c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48bd7c]
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_00414986 ; je 0x414986
+lea edx, [edi - 1]
+mov dword [ref_0048bd7c], edx ; mov dword [0x48bd7c], edx
+test edx, edx
+jne near loc_00414a4a ; jne 0x414a4a
+push edx
+push edx
+push 0x405
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+jmp near loc_00414a4a ; jmp 0x414a4a
+cmp dword [ref_0048bd2c], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48bd2c], 0
+jle near loc_00414a0a ; jle 0x414a0a
+push 2
+mov dword [ref_0048bd2c], eax ; mov dword [0x48bd2c], eax
+call fcn_00413a4a ; call 0x413a4a
+add esp, 4
+cmp dword [ref_0048bd2c], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48bd2c], 0
+jne short loc_00414a0a ; jne 0x414a0a
+push ref_00475057 ; push 0x475057
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+and dword [ref_0048bcc4], 0xf00 ; and dword [0x48bcc4], 0xf00
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bcec] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bcec]
+cmp ecx, 0x28
+jge short loc_004149e8 ; jge 0x4149e8
+mov dword [ref_0048bccc], 5 ; mov dword [0x48bccc], 5
+push 1
+push ref_0047506f ; push 0x47506f
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+jmp short loc_00414a0a ; jmp 0x414a0a
+cmp ecx, 0x37
+jle short loc_00414a00 ; jle 0x414a00
+mov dword [ref_0048bccc], 4 ; mov dword [0x48bccc], 4
+push 1
+push ref_00475067 ; push 0x475067
+jmp short loc_004149de ; jmp 0x4149de
+mov dword [ref_0048bccc], 6 ; mov dword [0x48bccc], 6
+call fcn_004124c8 ; call 0x4124c8
+cmp byte [ref_0048bd58], 1 ; cmp byte [0x48bd58], 1
+jne near loc_00414a4a ; jne 0x414a4a
+mov byte [ref_0048bd58], 2 ; mov byte [0x48bd58], 2
+mov dword [ref_0048bd2c], 0x14 ; mov dword [0x48bd2c], 0x14
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 1
+push 0x29
+call fcn_004021f8 ; call 0x4021f8
+add esp, 0xc
+call fcn_00414789 ; call 0x414789
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_00414b9d ; jmp 0x414b9d
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bd3c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bd3c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+call fcn_0041461b ; call 0x41461b
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov ecx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+push ref_0046cadc ; push 0x46cadc
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebx
+push 0
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ecx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 1
+push 0x2a
+call fcn_004021f8 ; call 0x4021f8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+jmp near loc_0041494f ; jmp 0x41494f
+cmp byte [ref_0048bd58], 2 ; cmp byte [0x48bd58], 2
+jne short loc_00414abe ; jne 0x414abe
+mov dword [ref_0048bd2c], 1 ; mov dword [0x48bd2c], 1
+jmp short loc_00414a4a ; jmp 0x414a4a
+cmp dword [ref_0048bccc], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48bccc], 0
+jne short loc_00414a4a ; jne 0x414a4a
+cmp byte [ref_0048bd58], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48bd58], 0
+jne near loc_00414a4a ; jne 0x414a4a
+cmp dword [ref_0048bd7c], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48bd7c], 0
+jne near loc_00414a4a ; jne 0x414a4a
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, cx
+mov eax, ecx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov ecx, eax
+shl ecx, 2
+add ecx, eax
+shl ecx, 7
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd38] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd38]
+add ecx, eax
+mov cl, byte [ecx + ebx]
+and ecx, 0xff
+mov ebx, 9
+mov eax, ecx
+mov edx, ecx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov ebx, edx
+mov esi, 9
+mov eax, ecx
+mov edx, ecx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_0041211c ; call 0x41211c
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_00414a4a ; je 0x414a4a
+call fcn_00412287 ; call 0x412287
+mov dword [ref_0048bccc], 2 ; mov dword [0x48bccc], 2
+push 1
+push ref_00475057 ; push 0x475057
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_00414a4a ; jmp 0x414a4a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov ecx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+push ref_0046cadc ; push 0x46cadc
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edi
+push 0
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ecx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__ValidateRect@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462340]
+jmp near loc_00414a4a ; jmp 0x414a4a
+push ecx
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push ebp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+ref_00414ba4: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_00414e8d
+dd loc_00414e99
+dd loc_00414ea2
+dd loc_00414eae
+dd loc_00414eba
+dd loc_00414ebe
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jb short loc_00414c02 ; jb 0x414c02
+jbe near loc_00414d9f ; jbe 0x414d9f
+cmp eax, 0x401
+jb short loc_00414bf2 ; jb 0x414bf2
+jbe short loc_00414c1d ; jbe 0x414c1d
+cmp eax, 0x405
+je near loc_00414d51 ; je 0x414d51
+jmp near loc_00414fc2 ; jmp 0x414fc2
+cmp eax, 0x203
+je near loc_00414d9f ; je 0x414d9f
+jmp near loc_00414fc2 ; jmp 0x414fc2
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jb near loc_00414fc2 ; jb 0x414fc2
+jbe near loc_00414f6b ; jbe 0x414f6b
+cmp eax, 0x113
+je short loc_00414c69 ; je 0x414c69
+jmp near loc_00414fc2 ; jmp 0x414fc2
+mov dword [ref_0048bd2c], 0x96 ; mov dword [0x48bd2c], 0x96
+mov dword [ref_0048bd84], 0x63 ; mov dword [0x48bd84], 0x63
+call fcn_004146ee ; call 0x4146ee
+push 0
+push 0x64
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov ebp, dword [0x46cad8]
+push ebp
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTimer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462324]
+mov dword [ref_0048bd80], eax ; mov dword [0x48bd80], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+call fcn_004024a9 ; call 0x4024a9
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00414a4a ; jmp 0x414a4a
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je near loc_00414a4a ; je 0x414a4a
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; cmp eax, dword [0x46cad8]
+jne near loc_00414a4a ; jne 0x414a4a
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bd84] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bd84]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_00414cb5 ; je 0x414cb5
+lea edx, [ecx - 1]
+mov dword [ref_0048bd84], edx ; mov dword [0x48bd84], edx
+test edx, edx
+jne near loc_00414a4a ; jne 0x414a4a
+push edx
+push edx
+push 0x405
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+jmp near loc_00414a4a ; jmp 0x414a4a
+mov dh, byte [ref_0048bd59] ; mov dh, byte [0x48bd59]
+test dh, dh
+je short loc_00414cc9 ; je 0x414cc9
+mov cl, dh
+dec cl
+mov byte [ref_0048bd59], cl ; mov byte [0x48bd59], cl
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048bd2c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48bd2c]
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00414ce7 ; je 0x414ce7
+lea edi, [esi - 1]
+mov dword [ref_0048bd2c], edi ; mov dword [0x48bd2c], edi
+test edi, edi
+jne short loc_00414ce7 ; jne 0x414ce7
+mov byte [ref_0048bd58], 1 ; mov byte [0x48bd58], 1
+push 2
+call fcn_00413f07 ; call 0x413f07
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00412f6f ; call 0x412f6f
+cmp byte [ref_0048bd58], 2 ; cmp byte [0x48bd58], 2
+jne near loc_00414a4a ; jne 0x414a4a
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 1
+push 0x29
+call fcn_004021f8 ; call 0x4021f8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd80] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd80]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+push 1
+call fcn_004024a9 ; call 0x4024a9
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00414789 ; call 0x414789
+push 0x7d0
+call fcn_0045285e ; call 0x45285e
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+jmp near loc_00414c61 ; jmp 0x414c61
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bd3c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bd3c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+push ref_0046cadc ; push 0x46cadc
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+push 0
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push 5
+push 3
+push 9
+call fcn_004021f8 ; call 0x4021f8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+jmp near loc_00414c61 ; jmp 0x414c61
+cmp byte [ref_0048bd58], 2 ; cmp byte [0x48bd58], 2
+je near loc_00414a4a ; je 0x414a4a
+cmp dword [ref_0048bd84], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48bd84], 0
+jne near loc_00414a4a ; jne 0x414a4a
+xor edi, edi
+mov di, dx
+mov eax, edx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+movzx ebp, ax
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp near loc_00414f26 ; jmp 0x414f26
+movsx edx, word [eax + ref_0048bc44] ; movsx edx, word [eax + 0x48bc44]
+lea ecx, [edx - 0x12]
+add edx, 0x12
+movsx eax, word [eax + ref_0048bc46] ; movsx eax, word [eax + 0x48bc46]
+lea esi, [eax - 0x1a]
+add eax, 0x1a
+cmp edi, ecx
+jl near loc_00414f0d ; jl 0x414f0d
+cmp edi, edx
+jg near loc_00414f0d ; jg 0x414f0d
+cmp ebp, esi
+jl near loc_00414f0d ; jl 0x414f0d
+cmp ebp, eax
+jg near loc_00414f0d ; jg 0x414f0d
+push 0
+push ref_004750af ; push 0x4750af
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov dx, word [ebx*8 + ref_0048bc48] ; mov dx, word [ebx*8 + 0x48bc48]
+cmp dx, 0xa
+jb short loc_00414e36 ; jb 0x414e36
+jbe short loc_00414e51 ; jbe 0x414e51
+cmp dx, 0xb
+je short loc_00414e5c ; je 0x414e5c
+jmp near loc_00414ece ; jmp 0x414ece
+cmp dx, 9
+jne near loc_00414ece ; jne 0x414ece
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcec] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcec]
+add eax, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048bcec], eax ; mov dword [0x48bcec], eax
+jmp near loc_00414ef7 ; jmp 0x414ef7
+sar dword [ref_0048bcec], 1 ; sar dword [0x48bcec], 1
+jmp near loc_00414ef7 ; jmp 0x414ef7
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [ref_0048bd59], dh ; mov byte [0x48bd59], dh
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048bcc8], ecx ; mov dword [0x48bcc8], ecx
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 6
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+cmp edx, 5
+ja near loc_00414ef7 ; ja 0x414ef7
+jmp dword [edx*4 + ref_00414ba4] ; ujmp: jmp dword [edx*4 + 0x414ba4]
+mov dword [ref_0048bd2c], 1 ; mov dword [0x48bd2c], 1
+jmp short loc_00414ef7 ; jmp 0x414ef7
+mov byte [ref_0048bd59], 0x14 ; mov byte [0x48bd59], 0x14
+jmp short loc_00414ef7 ; jmp 0x414ef7
+mov dword [ref_0048bcc8], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x48bcc8], 0xffffffff
+jmp short loc_00414ef7 ; jmp 0x414ef7
+mov dword [ref_0048bcc8], 1 ; mov dword [0x48bcc8], 1
+jmp short loc_00414ef7 ; jmp 0x414ef7
+xor eax, eax
+jmp short loc_00414e47 ; jmp 0x414e47
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048bcec] ; mov esi, dword [0x48bcec]
+add esi, esi
+mov dword [ref_0048bcec], esi ; mov dword [0x48bcec], esi
+jmp short loc_00414ef7 ; jmp 0x414ef7
+movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + ref_0048bc48] ; movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + 0x48bc48]
+inc eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bcec] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bcec]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048bcec], edx ; mov dword [0x48bcec], edx
+cmp edx, 0x3e8
+jl short loc_00414ef7 ; jl 0x414ef7
+mov dword [ref_0048bcec], 0x3e7 ; mov dword [0x48bcec], 0x3e7
+push 1
+call fcn_00413f07 ; call 0x413f07
+add esp, 4
+mov word [ebx*8 + ref_0048bc48], 0x3c ; mov word [ebx*8 + 0x48bc48], 0x3c
+jmp short loc_00414f1c ; jmp 0x414f1c
+push 0
+push ref_004750a7 ; push 0x4750a7
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0x10
+jge near loc_00414a4a ; jge 0x414a4a
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+cmp word [eax + ref_0048bc44], 0 ; cmp word [eax + 0x48bc44], 0
+je short loc_00414f1c ; je 0x414f1c
+test byte [eax + ref_0048bc48], 0xf0 ; test byte [eax + 0x48bc48], 0xf0
+jne short loc_00414f1c ; jne 0x414f1c
+cmp word [eax + ref_0048bc48], 6 ; cmp word [eax + 0x48bc48], 6
+jge near loc_00414dd2 ; jge 0x414dd2
+movsx edx, word [eax + ref_0048bc44] ; movsx edx, word [eax + 0x48bc44]
+lea ecx, [edx - 0x16]
+add edx, 0x16
+movsx eax, word [eax + ref_0048bc46] ; movsx eax, word [eax + 0x48bc46]
+lea esi, [eax - 0x1e]
+add eax, 0x1e
+jmp near loc_00414dec ; jmp 0x414dec
+push 0
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+push ref_0046cadc ; push 0x46cadc
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push esi
+push 0
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push 0
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__ValidateRect@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462340]
+cmp dword [ref_0048bd84], 0x63 ; cmp dword [0x48bd84], 0x63
+jne near loc_00414a4a ; jne 0x414a4a
+mov dword [ref_0048bd84], 5 ; mov dword [0x48bd84], 5
+jmp near loc_00414a4a ; jmp 0x414a4a
+push edx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push edx
+jmp near loc_00414b94 ; jmp 0x414b94
+push ebx
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 8
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+cmp eax, 0x113
+jb short loc_00415001 ; jb 0x415001
+jbe short loc_00415051 ; jbe 0x415051
+cmp eax, 0x401
+jb near loc_004151fd ; jb 0x4151fd
+jbe short loc_0041500f ; jbe 0x41500f
+cmp eax, 0x405
+je near loc_0041518a ; je 0x41518a
+jmp near loc_004151fd ; jmp 0x4151fd
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je near loc_004151c1 ; je 0x4151c1
+jmp near loc_004151fd ; jmp 0x4151fd
+mov dword [ref_0048bd2c], 0x168 ; mov dword [0x48bd2c], 0x168
+mov dword [ref_0048bd8c], 0x63 ; mov dword [0x48bd8c], 0x63
+call fcn_0041473b ; call 0x41473b
+push 0
+push 0x32
+mov edi, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov edi, dword [0x46cad8]
+push edi
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTimer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462324]
+mov dword [ref_0048bd88], eax ; mov dword [0x48bd88], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_0041517f ; jmp 0x41517f
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je near loc_0041517f ; je 0x41517f
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x20]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; cmp eax, dword [0x46cad8]
+jne near loc_0041517f ; jne 0x41517f
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd8c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd8c]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0041509c ; je 0x41509c
+lea ecx, [eax - 1]
+mov dword [ref_0048bd8c], ecx ; mov dword [0x48bd8c], ecx
+test ecx, ecx
+jne near loc_00415156 ; jne 0x415156
+push ecx
+push ecx
+push 0x405
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+jmp near loc_00415156 ; jmp 0x415156
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bd2c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bd2c]
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_004150ba ; je 0x4150ba
+lea ecx, [edx - 1]
+mov dword [ref_0048bd2c], ecx ; mov dword [0x48bd2c], ecx
+test ecx, ecx
+jne short loc_004150ba ; jne 0x4150ba
+mov byte [ref_0048bd58], 1 ; mov byte [0x48bd58], 1
+push 2
+call fcn_0041417e ; call 0x41417e
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00413248 ; call 0x413248
+cmp byte [ref_0048bd58], 2 ; cmp byte [0x48bd58], 2
+jne near loc_00415156 ; jne 0x415156
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048bd88] ; mov edi, dword [0x48bd88]
+push edi
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+cmp word [ref_0048bd56], 4 ; cmp word [0x48bd56], 4
+je short loc_00415135 ; je 0x415135
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov word [ref_0048bd48], bx ; mov word [0x48bd48], bx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048bcec] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48bcec]
+cmp ebp, 0x28
+jge short loc_0041510e ; jge 0x41510e
+mov word [ref_0048bd56], 1 ; mov word [0x48bd56], 1
+jmp short loc_00415135 ; jmp 0x415135
+cmp ebp, 0x32
+jge short loc_0041511e ; jge 0x41511e
+mov word [ref_0048bd56], 2 ; mov word [0x48bd56], 2
+jmp short loc_00415135 ; jmp 0x415135
+cmp ebp, 0x3c
+jge short loc_0041512c ; jge 0x41512c
+mov word [ref_0048bd56], bx ; mov word [0x48bd56], bx
+jmp short loc_00415135 ; jmp 0x415135
+mov word [ref_0048bd56], 3 ; mov word [0x48bd56], 3
+call fcn_0041473b ; call 0x41473b
+call fcn_00414789 ; call 0x414789
+push 0x7d0
+call fcn_0045285e ; call 0x45285e
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+cmp byte [ref_0048bd5a], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48bd5a], 0
+je near loc_0041517f ; je 0x41517f
+call fcn_00450f04 ; call 0x450f04
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_0041517f ; jne 0x41517f
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [ref_0048bd5a], bh ; mov byte [0x48bd5a], bh
+mov byte [ref_0048bd58], 2 ; mov byte [0x48bd58], 2
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bd3c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bd3c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetCursorPos@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622ec]
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+mov dword [ref_0047504f], eax ; mov dword [0x47504f], eax
+jmp short loc_0041517f ; jmp 0x41517f
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+push ref_0046cadc ; push 0x46cadc
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+push 0
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__ValidateRect@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462340]
+cmp dword [ref_0048bd8c], 0x63 ; cmp dword [0x48bd8c], 0x63
+jne short loc_0041517f ; jne 0x41517f
+mov dword [ref_0048bd8c], 0xa ; mov dword [0x48bd8c], 0xa
+jmp short loc_0041517f ; jmp 0x41517f
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x24]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x24]
+push ebp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_00415181 ; jmp 0x415181
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne near loc_00415457 ; jne 0x415457
+cmp byte [ref_00497159], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497159], 0
+je near loc_00415457 ; je 0x415457
+push ref_00475057 ; push 0x475057
+call fcn_00454176 ; call 0x454176
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x4e
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bd3c], eax ; mov dword [0x48bd3c], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x4f
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a05c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bcd0], eax ; mov dword [0x48bcd0], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x50
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bd34], eax ; mov dword [0x48bd34], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x51
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bd38], eax ; mov dword [0x48bd38], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x52
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bcf8], eax ; mov dword [0x48bcf8], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x53
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a05c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bd28], eax ; mov dword [0x48bd28], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x54
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a05c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bcd8], eax ; mov dword [0x48bcd8], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x55
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bcd4], eax ; mov dword [0x48bcd4], eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [ebx + 0x56]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a05c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx*4 + ref_0048bd14], eax ; mov dword [ebx*4 + 0x48bd14], eax
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 5
+jl short loc_0041531e ; jl 0x41531e
+mov dword [ref_0048bd04], 0x20000 ; mov dword [0x48bd04], 0x20000
+mov dword [ref_0048bd08], 0x60000 ; mov dword [0x48bd08], 0x60000
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048bcec], ebx ; mov dword [0x48bcec], ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048bcf0], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x48bcf0], 0xffffffff
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [ref_0048bccc], ebx ; mov dword [0x48bccc], ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048bcc4], ebx ; mov dword [0x48bcc4], ebx
+push 0x10
+push ebx
+push ref_0048bbb4 ; push 0x48bbb4
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [ref_0048bd58], bl ; mov byte [0x48bd58], bl
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [ref_0048bd5b], bh ; mov byte [0x48bd5b], bh
+call fcn_00412014 ; call 0x412014
+push 0xc
+call fcn_004549cf ; call 0x4549cf
+add esp, 4
+push edi
+push fcn_00414858 ; push 0x414858
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_00454bcc ; call 0x454bcc
+push ref_00475057 ; push 0x475057
+call fcn_00454240 ; call 0x454240
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd0]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bd3c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bd3c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bd34] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bd34]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bd38] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bd38]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048bcf8] ; mov esi, dword [0x48bcf8]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048bd28] ; mov edi, dword [0x48bd28]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048bcd8] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48bcd8]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcd4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcd4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + ref_0048bd14] ; mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + 0x48bd14]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 5
+jl short loc_0041543c ; jl 0x41543c
+jmp near loc_004155ec ; jmp 0x4155ec
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ebx, 0x14
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+add edx, 0x32
+mov dword [ref_0048bcec], edx ; mov dword [0x48bcec], edx
+push edx
+push ref_00463797 ; push 0x463797
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x7d0
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, eax
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and eax, 1
+mov esi, dword [ebx + eax*4 + ref_0048084a] ; mov esi, dword [ebx + eax*4 + 0x48084a]
+push esi
+push 0
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp near loc_004155ec ; jmp 0x4155ec
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne near loc_00415457 ; jne 0x415457
+cmp byte [ref_00497159], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497159], 0
+je near loc_00415457 ; je 0x415457
+push ref_0047509f ; push 0x47509f
+call fcn_00454176 ; call 0x454176
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x4e
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bd3c], eax ; mov dword [0x48bd3c], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x4f
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a05c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bcd0], eax ; mov dword [0x48bcd0], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x5b
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bd34], eax ; mov dword [0x48bd34], eax
+push 0x80
+push 0
+push ref_0048bc44 ; push 0x48bc44
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048bcec], ecx ; mov dword [0x48bcec], ecx
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [ref_0048bd58], bl ; mov byte [0x48bd58], bl
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [ref_0048bd59], bh ; mov byte [0x48bd59], bh
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048bcc8], ecx ; mov dword [0x48bcc8], ecx
+push 0xb
+call fcn_004549cf ; call 0x4549cf
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+push fcn_00414bbc ; push 0x414bbc
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_00454bcc ; call 0x454bcc
+push ref_0047509f ; push 0x47509f
+call fcn_00454240 ; call 0x454240
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48bcd0]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048bd3c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48bd3c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048bd34] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48bd34]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcec] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcec]
+add esp, 0x80
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne near loc_00415457 ; jne 0x415457
+cmp byte [ref_00497159], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497159], 0
+je near loc_00415457 ; je 0x415457
+push ref_004750bf ; push 0x4750bf
+call fcn_00454176 ; call 0x454176
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x4e
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bd3c], eax ; mov dword [0x48bd3c], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x4f
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a05c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bcd0], eax ; mov dword [0x48bcd0], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x5c
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bd38], eax ; mov dword [0x48bd38], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+add eax, 0x64
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bd30], eax ; mov dword [0x48bd30], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x5d
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a05c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bce4], eax ; mov dword [0x48bce4], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x5e
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a05c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bcf4], eax ; mov dword [0x48bcf4], eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [ebx + 0x5f]
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx*4 + ref_0048bd14], eax ; mov dword [ebx*4 + 0x48bd14], eax
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 5
+jl short loc_004156e5 ; jl 0x4156e5
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x20e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bce8], eax ; mov dword [0x48bce8], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd38] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd38]
+mov dword [ref_0047504b], eax ; mov dword [0x47504b], eax
+push 0x10
+push 0
+push ref_0048bbb4 ; push 0x48bbb4
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [ref_0048bd5a], bl ; mov byte [0x48bd5a], bl
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048bcec], edx ; mov dword [0x48bcec], edx
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [ref_0048bd58], bh ; mov byte [0x48bd58], bh
+mov word [ref_0048bd4c], 0x6e ; mov word [0x48bd4c], 0x6e
+mov word [ref_0048bd44], 3 ; mov word [0x48bd44], 3
+mov word [ref_0048bd46], 4 ; mov word [0x48bd46], 4
+mov word [ref_0048bd42], 0xffff ; mov word [0x48bd42], 0xffff
+xor edi, edi
+mov word [ref_0048bd54], di ; mov word [0x48bd54], di
+mov word [ref_0048bd4e], 0x140 ; mov word [0x48bd4e], 0x140
+mov word [ref_0048bd48], di ; mov word [0x48bd48], di
+mov word [ref_0048bd50], di ; mov word [0x48bd50], di
+mov word [ref_0048bd56], di ; mov word [0x48bd56], di
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bd30] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bd30]
+mov eax, dword [eax + 4]
+sub eax, 5
+sar eax, 1
+mov word [ref_0048bd52], ax ; mov word [0x48bd52], ax
+push 0x80
+push 0
+push ref_0048bbc4 ; push 0x48bbc4
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0xa
+call fcn_004549cf ; call 0x4549cf
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push fcn_00414fcd ; push 0x414fcd
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_00454bcc ; call 0x454bcc
+push ref_004750bf ; push 0x4750bf
+call fcn_00454240 ; call 0x454240
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bd3c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bd3c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bcd0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bcd0]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048bd38] ; mov esi, dword [0x48bd38]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048bd30] ; mov edi, dword [0x48bd30]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048bce4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48bce4]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bcf4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bcf4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + ref_0048bd14] ; mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + 0x48bd14]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 5
+jl short loc_00415850 ; jl 0x415850
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bce8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bce8]
+push ecx
+jmp near loc_004155e4 ; jmp 0x4155e4
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+push ref_004637cf ; push 0x4637cf
+call fcn_004502fe ; call 0x4502fe
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x2d
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bdb0], eax ; mov dword [0x48bdb0], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x2e
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bdb4], eax ; mov dword [0x48bdb4], eax
+push 0x20
+push 0
+push ref_0048bd90 ; push 0x48bd90
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_004158cd ; jmp 0x4158cd
+inc esi
+cmp esi, 2
+jge short loc_00415910 ; jge 0x415910
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_004158c7 ; jge 0x4158c7
+push 0
+push 0
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, 0x2f
+add eax, ecx
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ecx, esi
+shl ecx, 4
+mov edx, ebx
+mov dword [ecx + edx*4 + ref_0048bd90], eax ; mov dword [ecx + edx*4 + 0x48bd90], eax
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_004158cf ; jmp 0x4158cf
+push edi
+call fcn_00450404 ; call 0x450404
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00454acb ; call 0x454acb
+cmp word [ref_004991b6], 0 ; cmp word [0x4991b6], 0
+je short loc_00415936 ; je 0x415936
+push 1
+push ref_0046cadc ; push 0x46cadc
+push ref_004637d8 ; push 0x4637d8
+jmp short loc_0041594c ; jmp 0x41594c
+push 1
+push ref_0046cadc ; push 0x46cadc
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b8]
+mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + ref_004750e8] ; mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + 0x4750e8]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00451677 ; call 0x451677
+add esp, 0xc
+mov esi, eax
+push ref_004750f8 ; push 0x4750f8
+call fcn_00454176 ; call 0x454176
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+call fcn_00454d91 ; call 0x454d91
+add esp, 4
+test esi, esi
+jne near loc_00415cad ; jne 0x415cad
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push esi
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push esi
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bdb0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bdb0]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov dword [esp + 4], esi
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x1e0
+mov dword [esp], esi
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x280
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+push esi
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push esi
+push ref_004750f8 ; push 0x4750f8
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+push 3
+push 0x3c
+push 0xb4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bdb4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bdb4]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_00415cad ; jne 0x415cad
+movzx edi, byte [ref_00496b7b] ; movzx edi, byte [0x496b7b]
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp esi, dword [0x499114]
+jg near loc_00415bd3 ; jg 0x415bd3
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+push 0xf0
+push 0xdc
+push 0x3c
+push 0xb4
+push 0x3c
+push 0xb4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bdb0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bdb0]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_004562cc ; call 0x4562cc
+add esp, 0x20
+cmp edi, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00415aee ; je 0x415aee
+push 0xffffffffffffffec
+lea edx, [edi + 3]
+mov ebx, edx
+shl ebx, 2
+sub ebx, edx
+shl ebx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bdb0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bdb0]
+movsx edx, word [ebx + eax + 0xe]
+movsx ecx, word [ebx + eax + 0xc]
+imul edx, ecx
+add edx, edx
+push edx
+mov edi, dword [ebx + eax + 0x14]
+push edi
+push edi
+call fcn_004552b7 ; call 0x4552b7
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0xdc
+push 0x10e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bdb0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bdb0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add ebx, eax
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x3c
+push 0x96
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bdb0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bdb0]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0x3c
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x12c
+mov edi, 0xb4
+mov dword [esp], edi
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x190
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+push 0x3c
+push edi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00415b70 ; je 0x415b70
+push 0
+push ref_00475100 ; push 0x475100
+call fcn_00450cda ; call 0x450cda
+add esp, 8
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+push 0x14000003
+push 0
+push 0
+mov ebx, dword [esi*4 + ref_0048bd8c] ; mov ebx, dword [esi*4 + 0x48bd8c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_00415cad ; jne 0x415cad
+mov edi, 0x190
+mov dword [esp + 4], edi
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x1e0
+mov dword [esp], 0x140
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x280
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+push edi
+push 0x140
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_00499114] ; mov eax, dword [0x499114]
+dec eax
+cmp esi, eax
+jge short loc_00415bc8 ; jge 0x415bc8
+lea edi, [esi + 1]
+imul edi, edi, 0x68
+movzx edi, byte [edi + ref_00496b7b] ; movzx edi, byte [edi + 0x496b7b]
+jmp short loc_00415bcd ; jmp 0x415bcd
+mov edi, 0xffffffff
+inc esi
+jmp near loc_00415a1b ; jmp 0x415a1b
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bdb0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bdb0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 4], edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x1e0
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp], edx
+mov esi, 0x280
+mov dword [esp + 8], esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edi
+push ebx
+push ebx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0x1b8
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x1e0
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp], edx
+mov dword [esp + 8], esi
+xor esi, esi
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp esi, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_00415cad ; jge 0x415cad
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+push 3
+push 0
+push 0
+mov edi, dword [esi*4 + ref_0048bda0] ; mov edi, dword [esi*4 + 0x48bda0]
+push edi
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00415cad ; jne 0x415cad
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebp
+push 0x1b8
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_00415c66 ; jmp 0x415c66
+push ref_004750f8 ; push 0x4750f8
+call fcn_00454240 ; call 0x454240
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bdb0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bdb0]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bdb4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bdb4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_00415ce1 ; jmp 0x415ce1
+inc esi
+cmp esi, 2
+jge short loc_00415d05 ; jge 0x415d05
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_00415cdb ; jge 0x415cdb
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, ebx
+mov edi, dword [eax + edx*4 + ref_0048bd90] ; mov edi, dword [eax + edx*4 + 0x48bd90]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00415ce3 ; jmp 0x415ce3
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x0f
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+dd 0x00005800
+dd 0x00009e00
+dd 0x0000e600
+db 0x00
+db 0x24
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+db 0x00
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+test byte [ref_00475110], 1 ; test byte [0x475110], 1
+jne near loc_00415f47 ; jne 0x415f47
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475118] ; mov eax, dword [0x475118]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00415d81 ; jmp 0x415d81
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xb
+jge short loc_00415deb ; jge 0x415deb
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, 0x14
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bde4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bde4]
+cmp ebx, ecx
+jne short loc_00415dc5 ; jne 0x415dc5
+push 0x14
+push eax
+lea edx, [ecx + 0xc]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_00475118] ; mov edx, dword [0x475118]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp short loc_00415d7b ; jmp 0x415d7b
+push 0x14
+push eax
+lea edx, [ebx + 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475118] ; mov eax, dword [0x475118]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+jmp short loc_00415dbb ; jmp 0x415dbb
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+cmp dword [esp + 0x24], 0
+je short loc_00415e64 ; je 0x415e64
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x28
+mov dword [esp], eax
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x1b8
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ebx, [esp + 4]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push ebp
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_004174cd ; call 0x4174cd
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00415f47 ; jmp 0x415f47
+or byte [ref_00475110], 1 ; or byte [0x475110], 1
+jmp near loc_00415f47 ; jmp 0x415f47
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+test byte [ref_00475110], 2 ; test byte [0x475110], 2
+jne near loc_00415f47 ; jne 0x415f47
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048be18] ; mov edx, dword [0x48be18]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_00415ec9 ; jne 0x415ec9
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp esi, 4
+jge short loc_00415eb3 ; jge 0x415eb3
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+jmp short loc_00415ed7 ; jmp 0x415ed7
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 4
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00498dea] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x498dea]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00498de8] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x498de8]
+jmp short loc_00415eab ; jmp 0x415eab
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048be20] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48be20]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048be1c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48be1c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040829d ; call 0x40829d
+add esp, 8
+cmp dword [esp + 0x24], 0
+je short loc_00415f4f ; je 0x415f4f
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0x28
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x1e0
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp], ecx
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x1b8
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push ebp
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_004174cd ; call 0x4174cd
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+or byte [ref_00475110], 2 ; or byte [0x475110], 2
+jmp short loc_00415f47 ; jmp 0x415f47
+db 0x90
+ref_00415f59: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_004162d4
+dd loc_00416355
+dd loc_0041646c
+dd loc_004165e1
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xb0
+lea edi, [esp + 0x90]
+mov esi, ref_00415d0d ; mov esi, 0x415d0d
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+cmp byte [ref_0049715d], 2 ; cmp byte [0x49715d], 2
+je near loc_004166ed ; je 0x4166ed
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475110] ; mov eax, dword [0x475110]
+and eax, 0xc
+cmp eax, 0xc
+je near loc_004166ed ; je 0x4166ed
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp eax, dword [0x499114]
+jl near loc_0041610d ; jl 0x41610d
+cmp eax, 8
+je near loc_0041610d ; je 0x41610d
+push 0
+push 0x1b8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be0c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be0c]
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x16
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x28
+push 0x246
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_0047ed5a] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x47ed5a]
+push edx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x40
+push 0x20c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+shl eax, 4
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00498df0] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x498df0]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+cmp dword [esp + 0xc4], 0
+je near loc_004166e6 ; je 0x4166e6
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x84], esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x8c], 0x118
+mov dword [esp + 0x80], 0x1b8
+mov dword [esp + 0x88], 0x280
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x84]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x90]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x90]
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+call fcn_004174cd ; call 0x4174cd
+add esp, 4
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_004166ed ; jmp 0x4166ed
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp ebx, 8
+jne short loc_00416121 ; jne 0x416121
+movzx esi, byte [ref_00498e70] ; movzx esi, byte [0x498e70]
+jmp short loc_00416123 ; jmp 0x416123
+mov esi, ebx
+push 0
+push 0x1b8
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esi + ref_0048be24] ; mov dl, byte [esi + 0x48be24]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be0c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be0c]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0xc
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ebp, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov ebp, dword [0x4990e8]
+push ebp
+push ref_004638f5 ; push 0x4638f5
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x104
+push 0x1c2
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_004161e5 ; jmp 0x4161e5
+mov eax, 0x404040
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0
+push eax
+push 0x12
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 3
+mov edx, dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x94]
+add edx, 0x14
+push edx
+push 0x273
+mov edi, dword [ebx*4 + ref_00475274] ; mov edi, dword [ebx*4 + 0x475274]
+push edi
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_004161f8 ; jge 0x4161f8
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + ref_0048be24] ; mov al, byte [esi + 0x48be24]
+cmp ebx, eax
+jne short loc_004161a5 ; jne 0x4161a5
+mov eax, 0x101010
+jmp short loc_004161aa ; jmp 0x4161aa
+push 0
+push 0xc
+push 0x56
+push 0x39
+push 0x20b
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_004561be ; call 0x4561be
+add esp, 0x18
+imul ebx, esi, 0x68
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + ref_00496b6c] ; mov ebp, dword [ebx + 0x496b6c]
+push ebp
+push 0xc
+push 0x56
+push 0x38
+push 0x20a
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_004561be ; call 0x4561be
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0x28
+push 0x1e2
+imul eax, esi, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dl, byte [ebx + ref_00496ba9] ; mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x496ba9]
+test dl, dl
+je short loc_00416288 ; je 0x416288
+push 0x40
+push 0x20c
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, dl
+dec eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x16
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x28
+push 0x234
+imul ebx, esi, 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + ref_00496b68] ; mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x496b68]
+push ecx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov al, byte [esi + ref_0048be24] ; mov al, byte [esi + 0x48be24]
+cmp al, 3
+ja near loc_00416064 ; ja 0x416064
+and eax, 0xff
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_00415f59] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x415f59]
+mov byte [esp], 0x24
+xor al, al
+mov byte [esp + 1], al
+mov eax, dword [ebx + ref_00496b84] ; mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x496b84]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 5]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push 0x66
+push 0x258
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov edx, dword [ebx + ref_00496b88] ; mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x496b88]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 5]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push 0xa6
+push 0x258
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push esi
+call fcn_004239b9 ; call 0x4239b9
+add esp, 4
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 5]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_0041644c ; jmp 0x41644c
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, 0x34
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esp + 0xac], edi
+mov dword [esp + 0xa8], edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00498e98] ; mov ebp, dword [0x498e98]
+cmp ebx, ebp
+jg short loc_004163a2 ; jg 0x4163a2
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+lea ecx, [esi + 1]
+cmp edx, ecx
+jne short loc_0041639c ; jne 0x41639c
+inc dword [esp + 0xac]
+cmp byte [eax + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_0041639c ; je 0x41639c
+inc dword [esp + 0xa8]
+inc ebx
+add eax, 0x34
+jmp short loc_00416378 ; jmp 0x416378
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, 0x38
+xor edi, edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x498e8c]
+cmp ebx, ebp
+jg short loc_004163db ; jg 0x4163db
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+lea ecx, [esi + 1]
+cmp edx, ecx
+jne short loc_004163d5 ; jne 0x4163d5
+inc dword [esp + 0xac]
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_004163d5 ; je 0x4163d5
+inc edi
+inc ebx
+add eax, 0x38
+jmp short loc_004163b7 ; jmp 0x4163b7
+push 0xa
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xb4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d61 ; call 0x457d61
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+push 0x66
+push 0x258
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0xa
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xb0]
+push edx
+call fcn_00457d61 ; call 0x457d61
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+push 0xa6
+push 0x258
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0xa
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_00457d61 ; call 0x457d61
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+push 0xe6
+push 0x258
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+jmp near loc_00416064 ; jmp 0x416064
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0xac], ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0xa8], ebx
+jmp short loc_00416488 ; jmp 0x416488
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jge near loc_00416534 ; jge 0x416534
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, esi
+shl eax, 5
+mov edx, ebx
+shl edx, 3
+add edx, eax
+cmp dword [edx + ref_004971a0], 0 ; cmp dword [edx + 0x4971a0], 0
+je short loc_0041647e ; je 0x41647e
+fild dword [edx + ref_004971a0] ; fild dword [edx + 0x4971a0]
+fstp dword [esp + 0xa0]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+fld dword [esp + 0xa0]
+fmul dword [eax*4 + ref_00496994] ; fmul dword [eax*4 + 0x496994]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xac]
+mov dword [esp + 0xa4], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0xa4]
+fstp dword [esp + 0xa4]
+fadd dword [esp + 0xa4]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0xac]
+fld dword [esp + 0xa0]
+fmul dword [edx + ref_004971a4] ; fmul dword [edx + 0x4971a4]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xa8]
+mov dword [esp + 0xa4], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0xa4]
+fstp dword [esp + 0xa4]
+fadd dword [esp + 0xa4]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0xa8]
+jmp near loc_0041647e ; jmp 0x41647e
+mov byte [esp], 0x24
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [esp + 1], dl
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xac]
+push ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 5]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push 0x66
+push 0x258
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xa8]
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 5]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push 0xa6
+push 0x258
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e7c]
+add eax, 0x34
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0xac], ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00498e90] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x498e90]
+jg short loc_004165cd ; jg 0x4165cd
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + 0x18]
+lea edx, [esi + 1]
+cmp ecx, edx
+jne short loc_004165c7 ; jne 0x4165c7
+inc dword [esp + 0xac]
+inc ebx
+add eax, 0x34
+jmp short loc_004165ac ; jmp 0x4165ac
+push 0xa
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xb4]
+push ecx
+jmp near loc_00416444 ; jmp 0x416444
+push 0xa
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b98] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b98]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d61 ; call 0x457d61
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+push 0x66
+push 0x258
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_00496ba6] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x496ba6]
+push eax
+push ref_00463902 ; push 0x463902
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+push 0xe6
+push 0x258
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov byte [esp], 0x24
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [esp + 1], cl
+mov esi, dword [ebx + ref_00496b8c] ; mov esi, dword [ebx + 0x496b8c]
+push esi
+lea eax, [esp + 5]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push 0xa6
+push 0x258
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp dword [ebx + ref_00496b8c], 0 ; cmp dword [ebx + 0x496b8c], 0
+je near loc_00416064 ; je 0x416064
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + ref_00496b94] ; mov ebp, dword [ebx + 0x496b94]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov eax, dword [0x497160]
+push eax
+call fcn_004521aa ; call 0x4521aa
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_00416064 ; je 0x416064
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0xc
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+push ref_00463902 ; push 0x463902
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x92
+push 0x1f4
+jmp near loc_00416458 ; jmp 0x416458
+or byte [ref_00475110], 0xc ; or byte [0x475110], 0xc
+add esp, 0xb0
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x24
+mov ecx, 5
+mov edi, esp
+mov esi, ref_00415d1d ; mov esi, 0x415d1d
+rep movsd ; rep movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+cmp byte [ref_0049715d], 2 ; cmp byte [0x49715d], 2
+jne near loc_004169b4 ; jne 0x4169b4
+test byte [ref_00475110], 4 ; test byte [0x475110], 4
+jne near loc_004169b4 ; jne 0x4169b4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+push 0
+push 0x1b8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be0c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be0c]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp eax, dword [0x499114]
+jl short loc_004167e9 ; jl 0x4167e9
+cmp eax, 8
+je short loc_004167e9 ; je 0x4167e9
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x14
+push 0x246
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+mov edi, dword [eax*4 + ref_0047ed5a] ; mov edi, dword [eax*4 + 0x47ed5a]
+push edi
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x40
+push 0x20c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+shl eax, 4
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00498df0] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x498df0]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_0041692a ; jmp 0x41692a
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp esi, 8
+jne short loc_004167fb ; jne 0x4167fb
+movzx esi, byte [ref_00498e70] ; movzx esi, byte [0x498e70]
+push 0
+push 4
+push 0x6a
+push 0x21
+push 0x211
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_004561be ; call 0x4561be
+add esp, 0x18
+imul ebx, esi, 0x68
+mov edi, dword [ebx + ref_00496b6c] ; mov edi, dword [ebx + 0x496b6c]
+push edi
+push 4
+push 0x6a
+push 0x20
+push 0x210
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_004561be ; call 0x4561be
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0x28
+push 0x1e2
+imul eax, esi, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dh, byte [ebx + ref_00496ba9] ; mov dh, byte [ebx + 0x496ba9]
+test dh, dh
+je short loc_0041688b ; je 0x41688b
+push 0x40
+push 0x20c
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, dh
+dec eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x10
+push 0x246
+imul ebx, esi, 0x68
+mov edx, dword [ebx + ref_00496b68] ; mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x496b68]
+push edx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0xc
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + ref_00496b84] ; mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x496b84]
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 5]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push 0x29
+push 0x27a
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov esi, dword [ebx + ref_00496b88] ; mov esi, dword [ebx + 0x496b88]
+push esi
+lea eax, [esp + 5]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push 0x3f
+push 0x27a
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [eax + 0x80] ; ucall
+cmp dword [esp + 0x38], 0
+je short loc_004169ad ; je 0x4169ad
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x20], 0x50
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], 0x1b8
+mov dword [esp + 0x1c], 0x280
+lea eax, [esp + 0x14]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+push 0x10
+lea esi, [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x24]
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+push edx
+push ebx
+call dword [eax + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x14]
+push eax
+call fcn_004174cd ; call 0x4174cd
+add esp, 4
+lea eax, [esp + 0x14]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_004169b4 ; jmp 0x4169b4
+or byte [ref_00475110], 4 ; or byte [0x475110], 4
+add esp, 0x24
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x44
+cmp byte [ref_0049715d], 1 ; cmp byte [0x49715d], 1
+je near loc_00416e65 ; je 0x416e65
+test byte [ref_00475110], 0x10 ; test byte [0x475110], 0x10
+jne near loc_00416e65 ; jne 0x416e65
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+cmp byte [ref_00497164], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497164], 0
+je near loc_00416b4c ; je 0x416b4c
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov ebp, dword [0x497160]
+and ebp, 0xffffff00
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov ebx, dword [0x497160]
+shr ebx, 8
+and ebx, 0xff
+dec ebx
+push 0x118
+push 0x1b8
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_00475218] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x475218]
+lea ebx, [eax + 4]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048be10] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48be10]
+add ebx, 0xc
+add eax, ebx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov ebx, dword [0x497160]
+xor bl, bl
+mov eax, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov eax, dword [0x497160]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+or bl, 1
+lea eax, [esp + 0x3c]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x3c]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_004520a6 ; call 0x4520a6
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebx, 1
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x38]
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, esi
+lea esi, [eax + 0x1d6]
+mov edi, 0x17a
+cmp ebx, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+jg near loc_00416d3b ; jg 0x416d3b
+push 0xa
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_00457d61 ; call 0x457d61
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp ebx, dword [esp + 0x40]
+jne short loc_00416aea ; jne 0x416aea
+push 0xff0000
+push 0xe
+push 0x14
+lea eax, [edi - 6]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esi - 0xa]
+push eax
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+mov eax, ebp
+or eax, ebx
+push eax
+call fcn_004523d5 ; call 0x4523d5
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_00416b08 ; jne 0x416b08
+push eax
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0xff0000
+jmp short loc_00416b13 ; jmp 0x416b13
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0xc
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push edi
+push esi
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp esi, 0x260
+jne short loc_00416b43 ; jne 0x416b43
+mov esi, 0x1bf
+add edi, 0xe
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x17
+jmp near loc_00416aac ; jmp 0x416aac
+xor esi, esi
+mov edx, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov edx, dword [0x497160]
+push edx
+call fcn_004521f0 ; call 0x4521f0
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_00416baf ; jne 0x416baf
+mov eax, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov eax, dword [0x497160]
+shr eax, 8
+and eax, 0xff
+lea ebx, [eax - 1]
+push 0x118
+push 0x1b8
+mov bl, byte [ebx + ref_00475218] ; mov bl, byte [ebx + 0x475218]
+and ebx, 0xff
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048be10] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48be10]
+add ebx, 0xc
+add eax, ebx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp short loc_00416c1f ; jmp 0x416c1f
+movsx ebx, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx ebx, word [0x4991b6]
+shl ebx, 2
+movsx esi, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx esi, word [0x4991b8]
+add ebx, esi
+mov bx, word [ebx*2 + ref_00475208] ; mov bx, word [ebx*2 + 0x475208]
+and ebx, 0xffff
+add ebx, eax
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0048bdd0] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x48bdd0]
+je short loc_00416bfb ; je 0x416bfb
+mov dword [ref_0048bdd0], ebx ; mov dword [0x48bdd0], ebx
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bdcc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bdcc]
+mov esi, dword [eax + 8]
+push esi
+push ebx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x118
+push 0x1b8
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048bdcc] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48bdcc]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov esi, 1
+push 0x12c
+push 0x1ce
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be10] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be10]
+add eax, 0x6c
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x12d
+push 0x1ec
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be10] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be10]
+add eax, 0x90
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+lea eax, [esp + 0x3c]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x3c]
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov edi, dword [0x497160]
+push edi
+call fcn_004520a6 ; call 0x4520a6
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp dword [esp + 0x38], 0
+jne short loc_00416c8c ; jne 0x416c8c
+mov esi, 1
+jmp short loc_00416c90 ; jmp 0x416c90
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00416ca0 ; je 0x416ca0
+push 1
+push 6
+push 0x101010
+push 0xff0000
+jmp short loc_00416cae ; jmp 0x416cae
+push 1
+push 6
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x101010
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 3
+push 0x160
+push 0x1c6
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x44]
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_0047511c] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x47511c]
+push edx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00416cee ; je 0x416cee
+push 1
+push 6
+push 0x101010
+push 0xff0000
+jmp short loc_00416cfc ; jmp 0x416cfc
+push 1
+push 6
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x101010
+push 0x3c
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0xa
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov eax, dword [0x497160]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d61 ; call 0x457d61
+add esp, 0xc
+push 2
+push 0x178
+push 0x1f4
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 1
+push 6
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x101010
+push 0x18
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0xa
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov eax, dword [0x497160]
+shr eax, 0x10
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d61 ; call 0x457d61
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x120
+push 0x244
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 1
+push 6
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x101010
+push 0x1c
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov ebx, dword [0x497160]
+shr ebx, 8
+and ebx, 0xff
+push ebx
+push ref_00463907 ; push 0x463907
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 2
+push 0x148
+push 0x1f4
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x80] ; ucall
+cmp dword [esp + 0x58], 0
+je short loc_00416e5e ; je 0x416e5e
+mov dword [esp + 0x2c], 0x118
+mov dword [esp + 0x34], 0x1e0
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], 0x1b8
+mov dword [esp + 0x30], 0x280
+lea eax, [esp + 0x28]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea esi, [esp + 0x2c]
+push esi
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x38]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x38]
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x28]
+push eax
+call fcn_004174cd ; call 0x4174cd
+add esp, 4
+lea eax, [esp + 0x28]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_00416e65 ; jmp 0x416e65
+or byte [ref_00475110], 0x10 ; or byte [0x475110], 0x10
+add esp, 0x44
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x18
+movzx ebp, byte [ref_0049715d] ; movzx ebp, byte [0x49715d]
+mov ebp, dword [ebp*4 + ref_004752aa] ; mov ebp, dword [ebp*4 + 0x4752aa]
+test ebp, ebp
+je near loc_00417179 ; je 0x417179
+cmp ebp, 0x50
+jne short loc_00416e9c ; jne 0x416e9c
+test byte [ref_00475110], 8 ; test byte [0x475110], 8
+jne near loc_00417179 ; jne 0x417179
+cmp ebp, 0x118
+jne short loc_00416eb1 ; jne 0x416eb1
+test byte [ref_00475110], 0x10 ; test byte [0x475110], 0x10
+jne near loc_00417179 ; jne 0x417179
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+push ebp
+push 0x1b8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048badc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48badc]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+lea ebx, [ebp + 3]
+push ebx
+push 0x1bb
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+add eax, 0xfc
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 0x1d4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+add eax, 0x108
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+xor esi, esi
+xor edi, edi
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp near loc_00416fb9 ; jmp 0x416fb9
+mov edx, ebx
+shl edx, 4
+cmp byte [edx + ref_00498df2], 0 ; cmp byte [edx + 0x498df2], 0
+jne short loc_00416f9f ; jne 0x416f9f
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+jne short loc_00416f9f ; jne 0x416f9f
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [edx + ref_00498de8] ; mov cx, word [edx + 0x498de8]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ecx
+shl eax, 6
+sar eax, 0x10
+lea esi, [eax + 0x1b8]
+mov dx, word [edx + ref_00498dea] ; mov dx, word [edx + 0x498dea]
+and edx, 0xffff
+mov edi, edx
+shl edi, 2
+sub edi, edx
+shl edi, 2
+sub edi, edx
+shl edi, 3
+add edi, edx
+shl edi, 6
+sar edi, 0x10
+add edi, ebp
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+jne short loc_00416faf ; jne 0x416faf
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], edi
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 9
+jge near loc_00417041 ; jge 0x417041
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_00416f3d ; jge 0x416f3d
+imul edx, ebx, 0x68
+cmp word [edx + ref_00496b70], 0 ; cmp word [edx + 0x496b70], 0
+je short loc_00416f9f ; je 0x416f9f
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [edx + ref_00496b70] ; mov cx, word [edx + 0x496b70]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ecx
+shl eax, 6
+sar eax, 0x10
+lea esi, [eax + 0x1b8]
+mov dx, word [edx + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [edx + 0x496b72]
+and edx, 0xffff
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 6
+sar eax, 0x10
+lea edi, [eax + ebp]
+push edi
+push esi
+imul eax, ebx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x54
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_00416f9f ; jmp 0x416f9f
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_0041706f ; je 0x41706f
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0041706f ; je 0x41706f
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x1e
+push 0x1e
+lea eax, [ebx - 0xf]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ecx - 0xf]
+push eax
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+cmp dword [ref_0048be18], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48be18], 0
+je short loc_004170ea ; je 0x4170ea
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048be1c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48be1c]
+mov ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 2
+sub ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 2
+sub ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 3
+add ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 6
+sar ecx, 0x10
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048be20] ; mov edx, dword [0x48be20]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 6
+sar eax, 0x10
+lea edx, [ecx + 0x1b8]
+cmp edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+jne short loc_004170c7 ; jne 0x4170c7
+lea edx, [eax + ebp]
+cmp edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+je short loc_004170ea ; je 0x4170ea
+push 0xff0000
+push 0x1e
+push 0x1e
+add eax, ebp
+sub eax, 0xf
+push eax
+add ecx, 0x1a9
+push ecx
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+cmp dword [esp + 0x2c], 0
+je short loc_00417164 ; je 0x417164
+mov dword [esp + 4], ebp
+add ebp, 0xc8
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], ebp
+mov dword [esp], 0x1b8
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x280
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_004174cd ; call 0x4174cd
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_00417179 ; jmp 0x417179
+cmp ebp, 0x50
+jne short loc_00417172 ; jne 0x417172
+or byte [ref_00475110], 8 ; or byte [0x475110], 8
+jmp short loc_00417179 ; jmp 0x417179
+or byte [ref_00475110], 0x10 ; or byte [0x475110], 0x10
+add esp, 0x18
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ref_00417181: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_00417302
+dd loc_00417353
+dd loc_00417401
+dd loc_00417302
+push ebx
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bdec] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bdec]
+mov dword [esp], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bde8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bde8]
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bdd8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bdd8]
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bddc] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bddc]
+add eax, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], eax
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bdec] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bdec]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00475284] ; cmp eax, dword [0x475284]
+jne short loc_004171f2 ; jne 0x4171f2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bde8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bde8]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00475288] ; cmp eax, dword [0x475288]
+jne short loc_004171f2 ; jne 0x4171f2
+cmp dword [esp + 0x1c], 0
+jne short loc_0041724d ; jne 0x41724d
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475284] ; mov eax, dword [0x475284]
+mov dword [ref_0048bdec], eax ; mov dword [0x48bdec], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475288] ; mov eax, dword [0x475288]
+mov dword [ref_0048bde8], eax ; mov dword [0x48bde8], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ebx, [esp + 4]
+push ebx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebp
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push ebx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+cmp dword [esp + 0x1c], 0
+jne short loc_0041724d ; jne 0x41724d
+cmp byte [ref_0046cafd], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cafd], 0
+jne near loc_004174c7 ; jne 0x4174c7
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_004174c7 ; jmp 0x4174c7
+xor ebx, ebx
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba0], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba0], 0
+je short loc_00417264 ; je 0x417264
+mov ebx, 2
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba1], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba1], 0
+je short loc_00417279 ; je 0x417279
+mov ebx, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a078] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a078]
+sar eax, 1
+mov word [ref_0046caec], ax ; mov word [0x46caec], ax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475288] ; mov eax, dword [0x475288]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_00475284] ; mov edx, dword [0x475284]
+push edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bdd4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bdd4]
+add edx, ebx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be04] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be04]
+add eax, 0xc
+add edx, eax
+push edx
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+and al, 3
+cmp al, 3
+ja near loc_004174a3 ; ja 0x4174a3
+and eax, 0xff
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_00417181] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x417181]
+imul edx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul edx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475288] ; mov eax, dword [0x475288]
+add eax, 0x1a
+cmp byte [edx + ref_00496ba0], 0 ; cmp byte [edx + 0x496ba0], 0
+jne short loc_0041733f ; jne 0x41733f
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475284] ; mov eax, dword [0x475284]
+add eax, 7
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be04] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be04]
+add eax, 0x60
+push eax
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_004174a3 ; jmp 0x4174a3
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475284] ; mov eax, dword [0x475284]
+add eax, 8
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be04] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be04]
+add eax, 0x54
+jmp short loc_0041732c ; jmp 0x41732c
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00417361 ; jmp 0x417361
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 2
+jge near loc_004174a3 ; jge 0x4174a3
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7a] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7a]
+dec edx
+cmp ebx, edx
+jg short loc_004173c7 ; jg 0x4173c7
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba0], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba0], 0
+jne short loc_004173c7 ; jne 0x4173c7
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+add eax, dword [ref_00475288] ; add eax, dword [0x475288]
+add eax, 0x10
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475284] ; mov eax, dword [0x475284]
+add eax, 7
+push eax
+lea edx, [ebx + ebx + 7]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be04] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be04]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp short loc_00417357 ; jmp 0x417357
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+add eax, dword [ref_00475288] ; add eax, dword [0x475288]
+add eax, 0x10
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475284] ; mov eax, dword [0x475284]
+add eax, 8
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebx + ebx]
+lea edx, [eax + 6]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048be04] ; mov edx, dword [0x48be04]
+add edx, 0xc
+jmp short loc_004173b5 ; jmp 0x4173b5
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0041740f ; jmp 0x41740f
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 3
+jge near loc_004174a3 ; jge 0x4174a3
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7a] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7a]
+dec edx
+cmp ebx, edx
+jg short loc_00417470 ; jg 0x417470
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba0], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba0], 0
+jne short loc_00417470 ; jne 0x417470
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, dword [ref_00475288] ; add eax, dword [0x475288]
+add eax, 9
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475284] ; mov eax, dword [0x475284]
+add eax, 7
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebx + ebx]
+lea edx, [eax + 7]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be04] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be04]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp short loc_00417405 ; jmp 0x417405
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, dword [ref_00475288] ; add eax, dword [0x475288]
+add eax, 9
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475284] ; mov eax, dword [0x475284]
+add eax, 8
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebx + ebx]
+lea edx, [eax + 6]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048be04] ; mov edx, dword [0x48be04]
+add edx, 0xc
+jmp short loc_0041745e ; jmp 0x41745e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov word [ref_0046caec], 0x280 ; mov word [0x46caec], 0x280
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+sub esp, 0x20
+cmp byte [ref_0046cafd], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cafd], 0
+je short loc_00417530 ; je 0x417530
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475284] ; mov eax, dword [0x475284]
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475288] ; mov eax, dword [0x475288]
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bdd8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bdd8]
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bddc] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bddc]
+add eax, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x1c], eax
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x28]
+push ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x14]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__IntersectRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f4]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00417530 ; je 0x417530
+push 1
+call fcn_00417191 ; call 0x417191
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x20
+pop ebx
+ref_00417535: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_00417637
+dd loc_0041766f
+dd loc_0041769f
+dd loc_004176cd
+ref_00417545: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_004179c6
+dd loc_00417a24
+dd loc_00417a24
+dd loc_004179df
+dd loc_00417a86
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x50
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+sub edx, 0x28
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], edx
+push edx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x68]
+push edi
+call fcn_0040a9d7 ; call 0x40a9d7
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+test eax, eax
+jle short loc_00417588 ; jle 0x417588
+cmp eax, 0x2710
+jl short loc_004175a0 ; jl 0x4175a0
+test byte [esp + 0x4d], 0x80
+je near loc_00417c5f ; je 0x417c5f
+test word [esp + 0x4c], 0x7fff
+je near loc_00417c5f ; je 0x417c5f
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+cmp ebp, 0x7d0
+jge short loc_004175c4 ; jge 0x4175c4
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebp
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e80]
+cmp byte [ecx + eax*8 + 4], 0
+je near loc_00417c5f ; je 0x417c5f
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+call fcn_00417191 ; call 0x417191
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0xe]
+cmp eax, dword [esp + 0x68]
+setle al
+movzx ebp, al
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0xc]
+mov ecx, 0x1b8
+sub ecx, eax
+mov eax, ecx
+cmp eax, dword [esp + 0x64]
+jge short loc_0041760b ; jge 0x41760b
+add ebp, 2
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov edi, dword [0x48bad8]
+movsx ecx, word [edi + 0xc]
+mov eax, ecx
+mov edx, ecx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+sub eax, edx
+sar eax, 1
+add eax, 9
+cmp ebp, 3
+ja near loc_004176fe ; ja 0x4176fe
+mov edx, ebp
+shl edx, 2
+jmp dword [edx + ref_00417535] ; ujmp: jmp dword [edx + 0x417535]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x64]
+mov dword [esp + 0x3c], ecx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], ecx
+movsx ecx, word [edi + 0xc]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x64]
+add ebx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], ebx
+movsx ecx, word [edi + 0xe]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+add ebx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], ebx
+mov esi, eax
+mov ebx, 0x2a
+jmp near loc_004176fe ; jmp 0x4176fe
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x64]
+mov dword [esp + 0x3c], ecx
+movsx ecx, word [edi + 0xe]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+sub ebx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], ebx
+movsx ecx, word [edi + 0xc]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x64]
+add ebx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], ebx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], ecx
+mov esi, eax
+jmp short loc_004176f9 ; jmp 0x4176f9
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x64]
+sub ebx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x3c], ebx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], ecx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x64]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], ecx
+movsx ecx, word [edi + 0xe]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+add ebx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], ebx
+mov esi, eax
+neg esi
+jmp short loc_00417665 ; jmp 0x417665
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x64]
+sub ebx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x3c], ebx
+movsx ecx, word [edi + 0xe]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+sub ebx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], ebx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x64]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], ecx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], ecx
+mov esi, eax
+neg esi
+mov ebx, 0xffffffa0
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+mov dword [ref_0048bdf4], eax ; mov dword [0x48bdf4], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x40]
+add eax, 0x28
+mov dword [ref_0048bdf0], eax ; mov dword [0x48bdf0], eax
+add esi, dword [esp + 0x64]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x68]
+add edi, 0x28
+add ebx, edi
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ecx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ecx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+movsx ecx, word [eax + 0xe]
+push ecx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bdf0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bdf0]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bdf4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bdf4]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bde0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bde0]
+push ecx
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_00451a97 ; call 0x451a97
+add esp, 0x18
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x68]
+push edi
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bad8]
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebp
+shl eax, 2
+add ecx, 0xc
+add eax, ecx
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+test eax, eax
+jle short loc_004177ed ; jle 0x4177ed
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jge short loc_004177ed ; jge 0x4177ed
+mov ecx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add ecx, eax
+shl ecx, 3
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+add eax, ecx
+push 2
+add ebx, 0x1b
+push ebx
+push esi
+add eax, 4
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+jmp near loc_00417bfe ; jmp 0x417bfe
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+cmp ecx, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_00417942 ; jle 0x417942
+cmp ecx, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_00417942 ; jge 0x417942
+lea edi, [ecx - 0x7d0]
+imul edi, edi, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add edi, eax
+movzx ebp, byte [edi + 0x19]
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_0041783c ; je 0x41783c
+push 2
+push ebx
+push esi
+lea eax, [ebp - 1]
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ebp
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+movzx ebp, byte [edi + 0x1a]
+add ebx, 0x12
+test ebp, ebp
+jne short loc_00417853 ; jne 0x417853
+push 2
+push ebx
+push esi
+push ref_00463819 ; push 0x463819
+push ebp
+jmp short loc_00417874 ; jmp 0x417874
+cmp byte [edi + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_00417866 ; je 0x417866
+push 2
+push ebx
+push esi
+push ref_0046390c ; push 0x46390c
+push 0
+jmp short loc_00417874 ; jmp 0x417874
+push 2
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov edx, dword [ebp*4 + ref_00475138] ; mov edx, dword [ebp*4 + 0x475138]
+push edx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+add ebx, 0x12
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov ecx, dword [ebp*4 + ref_00475164] ; mov ecx, dword [ebp*4 + 0x475164]
+push ecx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov byte [esp], 0x24
+add ebx, 0x12
+mov dl, byte [edi + 0x19]
+test dl, dl
+je near loc_00417928 ; je 0x417928
+cmp byte [edi + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_0041790a ; je 0x41790a
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, dl
+push eax
+call fcn_0041970f ; call 0x41970f
+mov edi, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ecx
+shl eax, 4
+mov ecx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 5]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push edi
+push ref_00463913 ; push 0x463913
+lea eax, [esp + 0x30]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+lea eax, [esp + 0x28]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_004582fc ; call 0x4582fc
+jmp short loc_0041793a ; jmp 0x41793a
+lea eax, [edi + 4]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, dl
+push eax
+call fcn_00419744 ; call 0x419744
+add esp, 8
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 5]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+jmp short loc_0041793a ; jmp 0x41793a
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [edi + ebp*2 + 0x20]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 5]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_00417a17 ; jmp 0x417a17
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+cmp ebp, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_00417ae4 ; jle 0x417ae4
+cmp ebp, 0x1770
+jge near loc_00417ae4 ; jge 0x417ae4
+lea eax, [ebp - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov ecx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ecx
+mov edi, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edi, dword [0x498e88]
+add edi, eax
+movzx ebp, byte [edi + 0x19]
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_00417999 ; je 0x417999
+push 2
+push ebx
+push esi
+lea eax, [ebp - 1]
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ebp
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp byte [edi + 0x1a], 0
+jne short loc_004179b0 ; jne 0x4179b0
+push 2
+add ebx, 0x1b
+push ebx
+push esi
+push ref_00463819 ; push 0x463819
+jmp near loc_004177de ; jmp 0x4177de
+mov al, byte [edi + 0x18]
+cmp al, 4
+ja near loc_00417bfe ; ja 0x417bfe
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, al
+jmp dword [ecx*4 + ref_00417545] ; ujmp: jmp dword [ecx*4 + 0x417545]
+push 2
+add ebx, 0x1b
+push ebx
+push esi
+and eax, 0xff
+mov ebx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475150] ; mov ebx, dword [eax*4 + 0x475150]
+push ebx
+jmp near loc_004177de ; jmp 0x4177de
+push 2
+add ebx, 0x1b
+push ebx
+push esi
+and eax, 0xff
+mov edi, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475150] ; mov edi, dword [eax*4 + 0x475150]
+push edi
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x3e8
+push ref_00463913 ; push 0x463913
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+add ebx, 0x1b
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 2
+push ebx
+push esi
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+jmp near loc_004177dd ; jmp 0x4177dd
+push 2
+add ebx, 0x12
+push ebx
+push esi
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edi + 0x18]
+mov ebp, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475150] ; mov ebp, dword [eax*4 + 0x475150]
+push ebp
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+add ebx, 0x12
+push ebx
+push esi
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edi + 0x1a]
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475164] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x475164]
+push edx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edi + 0x1a]
+add eax, eax
+add ebx, 0x12
+add edi, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [edi + 0x24]
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+push eax
+push ref_00463913 ; push 0x463913
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+jmp short loc_00417a0f ; jmp 0x417a0f
+push 2
+add ebx, 0x12
+push ebx
+push esi
+and eax, 0xff
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475150] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x475150]
+push edx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+add ebx, 0x12
+push ebx
+push esi
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edi + 0x1a]
+mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475164] ; mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + 0x475164]
+push ecx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp byte [edi + 0x1e], 0
+je near loc_00417bfe ; je 0x417bfe
+push 2
+add ebx, 0x12
+push ebx
+push esi
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edi + 0x1d]
+mov ebx, dword [eax*8 + ref_0047ff1a] ; mov ebx, dword [eax*8 + 0x47ff1a]
+jmp near loc_004179d9 ; jmp 0x4179d9
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+cmp edx, 0x1770
+jle short loc_00417b4f ; jle 0x417b4f
+cmp edx, 0x1f40
+jge short loc_00417b4f ; jge 0x417b4f
+lea eax, [edx - 0x1770]
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edi, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov edi, dword [0x498e7c]
+add edi, eax
+movzx ebp, byte [edi + 0x18]
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_00417b2c ; je 0x417b2c
+push 2
+push ebx
+push esi
+lea eax, [ebp - 1]
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push edx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+add ebx, 0x1b
+push ebx
+push esi
+lea eax, [edi + 4]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ecx, dword [edi + 0x30]
+push ecx
+push ref_00463918 ; push 0x463918
+jmp near loc_00417a07 ; jmp 0x417a07
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+cmp edi, 0x1f40
+jle short loc_00417b7e ; jle 0x417b7e
+cmp edi, 0x2710
+jge short loc_00417b7e ; jge 0x417b7e
+lea eax, [edi - 0x1f40]
+shl eax, 2
+mov ecx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e78] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e78]
+jmp near loc_004177d1 ; jmp 0x4177d1
+test byte [esp + 0x4c], 0xff
+je short loc_00417bad ; je 0x417bad
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040d293 ; call 0x40d293
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 4
+jl short loc_00417ba1 ; jl 0x417ba1
+mov ebp, dword [eax*4 + ref_0047ed5a] ; mov ebp, dword [eax*4 + 0x47ed5a]
+push ebp
+jmp short loc_00417bdb ; jmp 0x417bdb
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push edi
+jmp short loc_00417bdb ; jmp 0x417bdb
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+and eax, 0x7f00
+sar eax, 8
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+lea ecx, [eax - 1]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+mov al, byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d08] ; mov al, byte [eax*8 + 0x496d08]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_0047ed76] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x47ed76]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d96 ; call 0x457d96
+add esp, 8
+push 2
+add ebx, 0x19
+push ebx
+push esi
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ecx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ecx + 0x80] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x3c]
+push eax
+add dword [esp + 0x44], 0x28
+add dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x28
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov ecx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ebx, [esp + 0x40]
+push ebx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push edx
+push eax
+call dword [ecx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x3c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_00475270], 1 ; mov dword [0x475270], 1
+add esp, 0x50
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bdf0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bdf0]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bdf4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bdf4]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bde0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bde0]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bdf4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bdf4]
+mov dword [esp], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bdf0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bdf0]
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0xc]
+mov ecx, dword [esp]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 8], ecx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0xe]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], edx
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push ebp
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_00475270], ebx ; mov dword [0x475270], ebx
+push 1
+call fcn_00417191 ; call 0x417191
+jmp near loc_00415f44 ; jmp 0x415f44
+db 0x8d
+db 0x40
+db 0x00
+ref_00417d39: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_00417d9f
+dd loc_00417dad
+dd loc_00417db6
+dd loc_00417dbd
+dd loc_00417dcb
+dd loc_00417dd2
+dd loc_00417dd9
+dd loc_00417de0
+dd loc_00417de7
+dd loc_00417dee
+dd loc_00417df5
+push ebx
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00419703 ; call 0x419703
+mov dword [ref_0048bde4], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x48bde4], 0xffffffff
+push 1
+call fcn_00415d31 ; call 0x415d31
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 8]
+cmp ecx, 0xa
+ja near loc_00417dff ; ja 0x417dff
+mov eax, ecx
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_00417d39] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x417d39]
+push 0x3c
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044eb39 ; call 0x44eb39
+add esp, 8
+jmp short loc_00417dff ; jmp 0x417dff
+push 1
+call fcn_00411b53 ; call 0x411b53
+jmp short loc_00417dfc ; jmp 0x417dfc
+call fcn_0041e345 ; call 0x41e345
+jmp short loc_00417dff ; jmp 0x417dff
+push 1
+call fcn_00403d74 ; call 0x403d74
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+jmp short loc_00417dff ; jmp 0x417dff
+call fcn_00404165 ; call 0x404165
+jmp short loc_00417dff ; jmp 0x417dff
+call fcn_0040a9bd ; call 0x40a9bd
+jmp short loc_00417dff ; jmp 0x417dff
+call fcn_00424492 ; call 0x424492
+jmp short loc_00417dff ; jmp 0x417dff
+call fcn_00447d97 ; call 0x447d97
+jmp short loc_00417dff ; jmp 0x417dff
+call fcn_00441baa ; call 0x441baa
+jmp short loc_00417dff ; jmp 0x417dff
+call fcn_004284be ; call 0x4284be
+jmp short loc_00417dff ; jmp 0x417dff
+push 0
+call fcn_0042b58f ; call 0x42b58f
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_0040defe ; call 0x40defe
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_00417e24 ; jne 0x417e24
+cmp dword [esp + 8], 3
+jne short loc_00417e15 ; jne 0x417e15
+cmp ebx, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_00417e24 ; jne 0x417e24
+call fcn_004196f1 ; call 0x4196f1
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x24
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x38]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x40]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+cmp dword [ref_00475118], 0 ; cmp dword [0x475118], 0
+jne short loc_00417e56 ; jne 0x417e56
+push edx
+push ecx
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_00418c32 ; jmp 0x418c32
+mov ebx, edx
+shr ebx, 0x10
+and ebx, 0xffff
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jb short loc_00417e95 ; jb 0x417e95
+jbe near loc_00418151 ; jbe 0x418151
+cmp eax, 0x203
+jb near loc_004186cb ; jb 0x4186cb
+jbe near loc_00418151 ; jbe 0x418151
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb short loc_00417e46 ; jb 0x417e46
+jbe near loc_00418893 ; jbe 0x418893
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_00417eba ; je 0x417eba
+jmp short loc_00417e46 ; jmp 0x417e46
+cmp eax, 0x113
+jb short loc_00417eaf ; jb 0x417eaf
+jbe near loc_00418b7a ; jbe 0x418b7a
+cmp eax, 0x200
+je near loc_00418910 ; je 0x418910
+jmp short loc_00417e46 ; jmp 0x417e46
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je near loc_00418bb9 ; je 0x418bb9
+jmp short loc_00417e46 ; jmp 0x417e46
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0xc
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0x50
+push 0xa
+push ref_00463920 ; push 0x463920
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be0c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be0c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0x91
+push 0xa
+push ref_00463927 ; push 0x463927
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be0c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be0c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0xd0
+push 0xa
+push ref_0046392e ; push 0x46392e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be0c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be0c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0x50
+push 0xa
+push ref_00463935 ; push 0x463935
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be0c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be0c]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0x91
+push 0xa
+push ref_0046390c ; push 0x46390c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be0c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be0c]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0xd0
+push 0xa
+push ref_0046393c ; push 0x46393c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be0c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be0c]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0x50
+push 0xa
+push ref_00463943 ; push 0x463943
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be0c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be0c]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0x91
+push 0xa
+push ref_0046394a ; push 0x46394a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be0c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be0c]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0xd0
+push 0xa
+push ref_00463951 ; push 0x463951
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be0c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be0c]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0x50
+push 0xa
+push ref_00463958 ; push 0x463958
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be0c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be0c]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0x91
+push 0xa
+push ref_0046395f ; push 0x46395f
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be0c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be0c]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0xd0
+push 0xa
+push ref_00463966 ; push 0x463966
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be0c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be0c]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [ref_0048be24], edi ; mov dword [0x48be24], edi
+push 1
+push 2
+push edi
+push 0x101010
+push 0xc
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push ref_00463920 ; push 0x463920
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+push edi
+push 0x28
+push 0x5a
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be0c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be0c]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push ref_00463927 ; push 0x463927
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+push edi
+push 0x3e
+push 0x5a
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be0c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be0c]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475284] ; mov eax, dword [0x475284]
+mov dword [ref_0048bdec], eax ; mov dword [0x48bdec], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475288] ; mov eax, dword [0x475288]
+mov dword [ref_0048bde8], eax ; mov dword [0x48bde8], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be04] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be04]
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0xc]
+mov dword [ref_0048bdd8], edx ; mov dword [0x48bdd8], edx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0xe]
+mov dword [ref_0048bddc], eax ; mov dword [0x48bddc], eax
+mov dword [ref_0048bdd4], edi ; mov dword [0x48bdd4], edi
+push edi
+push 0x1f4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cad8]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTimer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462324]
+mov dword [ref_0048bdc8], eax ; mov dword [0x48bdc8], eax
+mov dword [ref_0048bdd0], edi ; mov dword [0x48bdd0], edi
+mov dword [ref_00475270], edi ; mov dword [0x475270], edi
+push 0x1e0
+push 0x1b8
+push 0x28
+push edi
+call fcn_0045577c ; call 0x45577c
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bde4], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x48bde4], 0xffffffff
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0048be28], ah ; mov byte [0x48be28], ah
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [ref_0048be29], dl ; mov byte [0x48be29], dl
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [ref_0048be2a], dh ; mov byte [0x48be2a], dh
+mov byte [ref_0046cafe], 1 ; mov byte [0x46cafe], 1
+push edi
+push edi
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_00418c30 ; jmp 0x418c30
+cmp byte [ref_0046cafd], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cafd], 0
+je near loc_00418c30 ; je 0x418c30
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, dx
+shr edx, 0x10
+and edx, 0xffff
+and edx, 0xffff
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00475284] ; mov ecx, dword [0x475284]
+cmp esi, ecx
+jl near loc_004182fa ; jl 0x4182fa
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bdd8] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bdd8]
+lea eax, [ecx + ebx]
+cmp esi, eax
+jg near loc_004182fa ; jg 0x4182fa
+mov edi, dword [ref_00475288] ; mov edi, dword [0x475288]
+cmp edx, edi
+jl near loc_004182fa ; jl 0x4182fa
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048bddc] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48bddc]
+lea eax, [edi + ebp]
+cmp edx, eax
+jg near loc_004182fa ; jg 0x4182fa
+mov ebx, esi
+sub ebx, ecx
+sub edx, edi
+mov esi, edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bdd8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bdd8]
+imul eax, edx
+add eax, ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048be08] ; mov edx, dword [0x48be08]
+add eax, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax]
+add dl, 0xa
+mov byte [ref_0048be28], dl ; mov byte [0x48be28], dl
+mov al, byte [eax]
+add al, 0xa
+cmp al, 0xc
+jb short loc_004181f0 ; jb 0x4181f0
+jbe near loc_004182b5 ; jbe 0x4182b5
+cmp al, 0xd
+je near loc_004182cd ; je 0x4182cd
+jmp near loc_00418c30 ; jmp 0x418c30
+cmp al, 0xb
+jne near loc_00418c30 ; jne 0x418c30
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba0], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba0], 0
+jne near loc_00418c30 ; jne 0x418c30
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+cmp al, 1
+jb near loc_004182a6 ; jb 0x4182a6
+jbe short loc_0041823b ; jbe 0x41823b
+cmp al, 2
+je short loc_00418274 ; je 0x418274
+jmp near loc_004182a6 ; jmp 0x4182a6
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+jmp short loc_0041824b ; jmp 0x41824b
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 2
+jge short loc_004182a6 ; jge 0x4182a6
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+lea edx, [eax + 0x10]
+cmp esi, edx
+jl short loc_00418245 ; jl 0x418245
+add eax, 0x20
+cmp esi, eax
+jg short loc_00418245 ; jg 0x418245
+mov dl, bl
+inc dl
+imul eax, ebp, 0x68
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7a], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7a], dl
+jmp short loc_00418245 ; jmp 0x418245
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+jmp short loc_00418284 ; jmp 0x418284
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 3
+jge short loc_004182a6 ; jge 0x4182a6
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 4
+lea edx, [eax + 9]
+cmp esi, edx
+jl short loc_0041827e ; jl 0x41827e
+add eax, 0x19
+cmp esi, eax
+jg short loc_0041827e ; jg 0x41827e
+mov dl, bl
+inc dl
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7a], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7a], dl
+jmp short loc_0041827e ; jmp 0x41827e
+push 1
+call fcn_00417191 ; call 0x417191
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00418c30 ; jmp 0x418c30
+mov dword [ref_0048be2b], ebx ; mov dword [0x48be2b], ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048be2f], esi ; mov dword [0x48be2f], esi
+mov byte [ref_0048be2a], 1 ; mov byte [0x48be2a], 1
+jmp near loc_00418c30 ; jmp 0x418c30
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00419703 ; call 0x419703
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+call fcn_0040dd1f ; call 0x40dd1f
+jmp near loc_00418c30 ; jmp 0x418c30
+cmp byte [ref_0049715d], 2 ; cmp byte [0x49715d], 2
+je short loc_0041835f ; je 0x41835f
+cmp esi, 0x268
+jl short loc_0041835f ; jl 0x41835f
+cmp edx, 0x118
+jge short loc_0041835f ; jge 0x41835f
+mov ebx, 0x46
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov ebx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_0048be24] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x48be24]
+and eax, 0xff
+cmp eax, ebx
+je near loc_00418c30 ; je 0x418c30
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+mov byte [eax + ref_0048be24], bl ; mov byte [eax + 0x48be24], bl
+push 1
+call fcn_00415f69 ; call 0x415f69
+jmp near loc_004182ad ; jmp 0x4182ad
+cmp byte [ref_0049715d], 1 ; cmp byte [0x49715d], 1
+je near loc_00418415 ; je 0x418415
+cmp esi, 0x1b8
+jle near loc_00418415 ; jle 0x418415
+cmp edx, 0x118
+jle near loc_00418415 ; jle 0x418415
+cmp edx, 0x120
+jl near loc_00418c30 ; jl 0x418c30
+cmp edx, 0x13a
+jg near loc_00418c30 ; jg 0x418c30
+cmp esi, 0x1c0
+jl short loc_004183d8 ; jl 0x4183d8
+cmp esi, 0x1da
+jg short loc_004183d8 ; jg 0x4183d8
+cmp byte [ref_00497164], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497164], 0
+je short loc_004183d8 ; je 0x4183d8
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [ref_00497164], bl ; mov byte [0x497164], bl
+push 1
+call fcn_004169bc ; call 0x4169bc
+jmp near loc_004182ad ; jmp 0x4182ad
+cmp esi, 0x1de
+jl near loc_00418c30 ; jl 0x418c30
+cmp esi, 0x1f8
+jg near loc_00418c30 ; jg 0x418c30
+cmp byte [ref_00497164], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497164], 0
+jne near loc_00418c30 ; jne 0x418c30
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov byte [ref_00497164], 1 ; mov byte [0x497164], 1
+jmp short loc_004183cc ; jmp 0x4183cc
+mov ch, byte [ref_0049715d] ; mov ch, byte [0x49715d]
+test ch, ch
+je near loc_00418670 ; je 0x418670
+cmp esi, 0x1b8
+jle near loc_00418670 ; jle 0x418670
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, ch
+shl eax, 2
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_004752aa] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x4752aa]
+cmp edx, ecx
+jle near loc_00418670 ; jle 0x418670
+lea ebx, [ecx + 0xc8]
+cmp edx, ebx
+jge near loc_00418670 ; jge 0x418670
+lea ebx, [esi - 0x1b8]
+mov esi, edx
+sub esi, ecx
+cmp ebx, 3
+jl near loc_00418591 ; jl 0x418591
+cmp ebx, 0x35
+jg near loc_00418591 ; jg 0x418591
+cmp esi, 3
+jl near loc_00418591 ; jl 0x418591
+cmp esi, 0x1c
+jg near loc_00418591 ; jg 0x418591
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+lea edx, [ebx - 3]
+mov ebx, 0x19
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+inc eax
+mov byte [ref_0048be28], al ; mov byte [0x48be28], al
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048be28] ; mov al, byte [0x48be28]
+lea edx, [eax - 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+lea edx, [eax + 0x1bb]
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], edx
+add eax, 0x1d4
+mov dword [esp + 0x1c], eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0049715d] ; mov dl, byte [0x49715d]
+mov eax, dword [edx*4 + ref_004752aa] ; mov eax, dword [edx*4 + 0x4752aa]
+add eax, 3
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], eax
+mov eax, dword [edx*4 + ref_004752aa] ; mov eax, dword [edx*4 + 0x4752aa]
+add eax, 0x1c
+mov dword [esp + 0x20], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048be28] ; mov dl, byte [0x48be28]
+add edx, 0x11
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x14]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ebx, [esp + 0x18]
+push ebx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x24]
+push ebp
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x14]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+jmp near loc_004182ad ; jmp 0x4182ad
+mov byte [ref_0048be29], 1 ; mov byte [0x48be29], 1
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 0xd
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 5
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ebx, eax
+sar ebx, 0x10
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, esi
+shl eax, 0xd
+mov esi, eax
+shl eax, 5
+sub eax, esi
+mov esi, eax
+sar esi, 0x10
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0048be1c] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x48be1c]
+jne short loc_004185d8 ; jne 0x4185d8
+cmp esi, dword [ref_0048be20] ; cmp esi, dword [0x48be20]
+je near loc_00418656 ; je 0x418656
+mov dword [ref_0048be18], 1 ; mov dword [0x48be18], 1
+mov dword [ref_0048be1c], ebx ; mov dword [0x48be1c], ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048be20], esi ; mov dword [0x48be20], esi
+cmp ebx, 0xdc
+jge short loc_00418602 ; jge 0x418602
+mov dword [ref_0048be1c], 0xdc ; mov dword [0x48be1c], 0xdc
+jmp short loc_00418614 ; jmp 0x418614
+cmp ebx, 0x824
+jle short loc_00418614 ; jle 0x418614
+mov dword [ref_0048be1c], 0x824 ; mov dword [0x48be1c], 0x824
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048be20] ; mov edi, dword [0x48be20]
+cmp edi, 0xdc
+jge short loc_0041862e ; jge 0x41862e
+mov dword [ref_0048be20], 0xdc ; mov dword [0x48be20], 0xdc
+jmp short loc_00418640 ; jmp 0x418640
+cmp edi, 0x824
+jle short loc_00418640 ; jle 0x418640
+mov dword [ref_0048be20], 0x824 ; mov dword [0x48be20], 0x824
+push 1
+call fcn_00416e6d ; call 0x416e6d
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+call fcn_00415e70 ; call 0x415e70
+jmp near loc_004182ad ; jmp 0x4182ad
+cmp dword [ref_0048be18], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48be18], 0
+je near loc_00418c30 ; je 0x418c30
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048be18], edx ; mov dword [0x48be18], edx
+jmp near loc_00418c30 ; jmp 0x418c30
+cmp esi, 0x1b8
+jge short loc_004186a7 ; jge 0x4186a7
+cmp edx, 0x28
+jge short loc_004186a7 ; jge 0x4186a7
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, 0x28
+mov eax, esi
+mov edx, esi
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+add eax, 0x64
+mov byte [ref_0048be28], al ; mov byte [0x48be28], al
+jmp near loc_00418c30 ; jmp 0x418c30
+cmp esi, 0x1b8
+jge near loc_00418c30 ; jge 0x418c30
+cmp edx, 0x28
+jle near loc_00418c30 ; jle 0x418c30
+push edx
+push esi
+call fcn_00417559 ; call 0x417559
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_00418c30 ; jmp 0x418c30
+cmp byte [ref_0046cafd], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cafd], 0
+je near loc_00418c30 ; je 0x418c30
+cmp byte [ref_0048be29], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48be29], 0
+je short loc_004186f3 ; je 0x4186f3
+push 1
+call fcn_004024a9 ; call 0x4024a9
+add esp, 4
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [ref_0048be29], dh ; mov byte [0x48be29], dh
+mov bl, byte [ref_0048be28] ; mov bl, byte [0x48be28]
+cmp bl, 1
+je short loc_00418707 ; je 0x418707
+cmp bl, 2
+jne near loc_00418855 ; jne 0x418855
+cmp byte [ref_0048be28], 1 ; cmp byte [0x48be28], 1
+jne short loc_0041873b ; jne 0x41873b
+mov esi, dword [ref_00499088] ; mov esi, dword [0x499088]
+dec esi
+mov dword [ref_00499088], esi ; mov dword [0x499088], esi
+mov edi, esi
+and edi, 7
+mov dword [ref_00499088], edi ; mov dword [0x499088], edi
+mov ebp, 0xffffffff
+mov dword [ref_00474930], ebp ; mov dword [0x474930], ebp
+mov dword [ref_00474934], ebp ; mov dword [0x474934], ebp
+jmp short loc_00418762 ; jmp 0x418762
+mov eax, dword [ref_00499088] ; mov eax, dword [0x499088]
+inc eax
+mov dword [ref_00499088], eax ; mov dword [0x499088], eax
+mov edx, eax
+and edx, 7
+mov dword [ref_00499088], edx ; mov dword [0x499088], edx
+mov ecx, 0xffffffff
+mov dword [ref_00474930], ecx ; mov dword [0x474930], ecx
+mov dword [ref_00474934], ecx ; mov dword [0x474934], ecx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048be28] ; mov dl, byte [0x48be28]
+dec edx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+lea edx, [eax + 0x1bb]
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], edx
+add eax, 0x1d4
+mov dword [esp + 0x1c], eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0049715d] ; mov dl, byte [0x49715d]
+mov eax, dword [edx*4 + ref_004752aa] ; mov eax, dword [edx*4 + 0x4752aa]
+add eax, 3
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], eax
+mov eax, dword [edx*4 + ref_004752aa] ; mov eax, dword [edx*4 + 0x4752aa]
+add eax, 0x1c
+mov dword [esp + 0x20], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ecx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048be28] ; mov dl, byte [0x48be28]
+add edx, 0x13
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x14]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ebx, [esp + 0x18]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x24]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x24]
+push ebp
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x14]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+call fcn_00415e70 ; call 0x415e70
+jmp short loc_00418875 ; jmp 0x418875
+cmp bl, 0xc
+jne short loc_00418863 ; jne 0x418863
+xor al, al
+mov byte [ref_0048be2a], al ; mov byte [0x48be2a], al
+jmp short loc_00418878 ; jmp 0x418878
+cmp bl, 0x64
+jb short loc_00418878 ; jb 0x418878
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, bl
+sub eax, 0x64
+push eax
+call fcn_00417d65 ; call 0x417d65
+add esp, 4
+cmp dword [ref_00475270], 0 ; cmp dword [0x475270], 0
+je short loc_00418886 ; je 0x418886
+call fcn_00417c67 ; call 0x417c67
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [ref_0048be28], dl ; mov byte [0x48be28], dl
+jmp near loc_00418c30 ; jmp 0x418c30
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, dx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, bx
+cmp byte [ref_0046cafd], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cafd], 0
+je near loc_00418c30 ; je 0x418c30
+cmp dword [ref_0048be18], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48be18], 0
+je near loc_00418c30 ; je 0x418c30
+mov cl, byte [ref_0049715d] ; mov cl, byte [0x49715d]
+test cl, cl
+je near loc_00418c30 ; je 0x418c30
+cmp esi, 0x1b8
+jle near loc_00418c30 ; jle 0x418c30
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp cl, 1
+jne short loc_004188e5 ; jne 0x4188e5
+cmp edx, 0x118
+jle short loc_004188e5 ; jle 0x4188e5
+mov ebx, 1
+cmp byte [ref_0049715d], 2 ; cmp byte [0x49715d], 2
+jne short loc_004188fb ; jne 0x4188fb
+cmp edx, 0x50
+jle short loc_004188fb ; jle 0x4188fb
+cmp edx, 0x118
+jl short loc_00418903 ; jl 0x418903
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_00418c30 ; je 0x418c30
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [ref_0048be18], ebp ; mov dword [0x48be18], ebp
+jmp near loc_00418640 ; jmp 0x418640
+cmp byte [ref_0046cafd], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cafd], 0
+je near loc_00418c30 ; je 0x418c30
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, dx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, bx
+cmp byte [ref_0048be29], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48be29], 0
+je near loc_00418a73 ; je 0x418a73
+cmp byte [ref_0049715d], 1 ; cmp byte [0x49715d], 1
+jne short loc_0041895b ; jne 0x41895b
+cmp esi, 0x1b8
+jle short loc_0041895b ; jle 0x41895b
+cmp edx, 0x118
+jle short loc_0041895b ; jle 0x41895b
+lea ebx, [esi - 0x1b8]
+lea esi, [edx - 0x118]
+jmp short loc_0041899b ; jmp 0x41899b
+cmp byte [ref_0049715d], 2 ; cmp byte [0x49715d], 2
+jne short loc_00418984 ; jne 0x418984
+cmp esi, 0x1b8
+jle short loc_00418984 ; jle 0x418984
+cmp edx, 0x50
+jle short loc_00418984 ; jle 0x418984
+cmp edx, 0x118
+jge short loc_00418984 ; jge 0x418984
+lea ebx, [esi - 0x1b8]
+lea esi, [edx - 0x50]
+jmp short loc_0041899b ; jmp 0x41899b
+push 1
+call fcn_004024a9 ; call 0x4024a9
+add esp, 4
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [ref_0048be29], cl ; mov byte [0x48be29], cl
+jmp near loc_00418c30 ; jmp 0x418c30
+cmp byte [ref_0048be29], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48be29], 0
+je near loc_00418c30 ; je 0x418c30
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 0xd
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 5
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ebx, eax
+sar ebx, 0x10
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, esi
+shl eax, 0xd
+mov esi, eax
+shl eax, 5
+sub eax, esi
+mov esi, eax
+sar esi, 0x10
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0048be1c] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x48be1c]
+jne short loc_004189e8 ; jne 0x4189e8
+cmp esi, dword [ref_0048be20] ; cmp esi, dword [0x48be20]
+je near loc_00418656 ; je 0x418656
+mov dword [ref_0048be1c], ebx ; mov dword [0x48be1c], ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048be20], esi ; mov dword [0x48be20], esi
+cmp ebx, 0xdc
+jge short loc_00418a08 ; jge 0x418a08
+mov dword [ref_0048be1c], 0xdc ; mov dword [0x48be1c], 0xdc
+jmp short loc_00418a1a ; jmp 0x418a1a
+cmp ebx, 0x824
+jle short loc_00418a1a ; jle 0x418a1a
+mov dword [ref_0048be1c], 0x824 ; mov dword [0x48be1c], 0x824
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048be20] ; mov esi, dword [0x48be20]
+cmp esi, 0xdc
+jge short loc_00418a34 ; jge 0x418a34
+mov dword [ref_0048be20], 0xdc ; mov dword [0x48be20], 0xdc
+jmp short loc_00418a46 ; jmp 0x418a46
+cmp esi, 0x824
+jle short loc_00418a46 ; jle 0x418a46
+mov dword [ref_0048be20], 0x824 ; mov dword [0x48be20], 0x824
+push 1
+call fcn_00416e6d ; call 0x416e6d
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+call fcn_00415e70 ; call 0x415e70
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_004024a9 ; call 0x4024a9
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048be18], 1 ; mov dword [0x48be18], 1
+jmp near loc_00418c30 ; jmp 0x418c30
+cmp byte [ref_0048be2a], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48be2a], 0
+je near loc_00418b0a ; je 0x418b0a
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048be2b] ; mov edi, dword [0x48be2b]
+mov ebx, esi
+sub ebx, edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048be2f] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48be2f]
+mov esi, edx
+sub esi, ebp
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00475284] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x475284]
+jne short loc_00418aa8 ; jne 0x418aa8
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00475288] ; cmp esi, dword [0x475288]
+je near loc_00418c30 ; je 0x418c30
+mov dword [ref_00475284], ebx ; mov dword [0x475284], ebx
+mov dword [ref_00475288], esi ; mov dword [0x475288], esi
+test ebx, ebx
+jge short loc_00418ac0 ; jge 0x418ac0
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ref_00475284], ecx ; mov dword [0x475284], ecx
+mov eax, 0x280
+sub eax, dword [ref_0048bdd8] ; sub eax, dword [0x48bdd8]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00475284] ; cmp eax, dword [0x475284]
+jge short loc_00418ad8 ; jge 0x418ad8
+mov dword [ref_00475284], eax ; mov dword [0x475284], eax
+cmp dword [ref_00475288], 0 ; cmp dword [0x475288], 0
+jge short loc_00418ae9 ; jge 0x418ae9
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [ref_00475288], ebp ; mov dword [0x475288], ebp
+mov eax, 0x1e0
+sub eax, dword [ref_0048bddc] ; sub eax, dword [0x48bddc]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00475288] ; cmp eax, dword [0x475288]
+jge near loc_004182a6 ; jge 0x4182a6
+mov dword [ref_00475288], eax ; mov dword [0x475288], eax
+jmp near loc_004182a6 ; jmp 0x4182a6
+cmp esi, 0x1b8
+jge short loc_00418b46 ; jge 0x418b46
+cmp edx, 0x28
+jge short loc_00418b46 ; jge 0x418b46
+mov ebx, 0x28
+mov eax, esi
+mov edx, esi
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov ebx, eax
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048bde4] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48bde4]
+je short loc_00418b63 ; je 0x418b63
+push 0
+push ref_0048231a ; push 0x48231a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ref_0048bde4], ebx ; mov dword [0x48bde4], ebx
+jmp short loc_00418b59 ; jmp 0x418b59
+cmp dword [ref_0048bde4], 0xffffffff ; cmp dword [0x48bde4], 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00418b63 ; je 0x418b63
+mov dword [ref_0048bde4], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x48bde4], 0xffffffff
+push 1
+call fcn_00415d31 ; call 0x415d31
+add esp, 4
+cmp dword [ref_00475270], 0 ; cmp dword [0x475270], 0
+je near loc_00418c30 ; je 0x418c30
+call fcn_00417c67 ; call 0x417c67
+jmp near loc_00418c30 ; jmp 0x418c30
+cmp ecx, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; cmp ecx, dword [0x46cad8]
+jne near loc_00418c30 ; jne 0x418c30
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je near loc_00418c30 ; je 0x418c30
+cmp byte [ref_0046cafd], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cafd], 0
+je near loc_00418c30 ; je 0x418c30
+cmp dword [ref_00475270], 0 ; cmp dword [0x475270], 0
+jne near loc_00418c30 ; jne 0x418c30
+xor byte [ref_0048bdd4], 1 ; xor byte [0x48bdd4], 1
+jmp near loc_004182a6 ; jmp 0x4182a6
+push 0
+call fcn_00415d31 ; call 0x415d31
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00415e70 ; call 0x415e70
+add esp, 4
+mov al, byte [ref_0049715d] ; mov al, byte [0x49715d]
+cmp al, 1
+jb short loc_00418bde ; jb 0x418bde
+jbe short loc_00418bf5 ; jbe 0x418bf5
+cmp al, 2
+je short loc_00418c08 ; je 0x418c08
+jmp short loc_00418c26 ; jmp 0x418c26
+test al, al
+jne short loc_00418c26 ; jne 0x418c26
+push 0
+call fcn_00415f69 ; call 0x415f69
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_004169bc ; call 0x4169bc
+jmp short loc_00418c23 ; jmp 0x418c23
+push 0
+call fcn_00415f69 ; call 0x415f69
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00416e6d ; call 0x416e6d
+jmp short loc_00418c23 ; jmp 0x418c23
+push 0
+call fcn_004166f8 ; call 0x4166f8
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00416e6d ; call 0x416e6d
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_004169bc ; call 0x4169bc
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__ValidateRect@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462340]
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x24
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+db 0x90
+ref_00418c3d: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_00418d88
+dd loc_00418d99
+dd loc_00418dc6
+dd loc_00418e7a
+dd loc_00418e7a
+dd loc_00418dc6
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+cmp dword [ref_00475114], 0 ; cmp dword [0x475114], 0
+je near loc_00418d2a ; je 0x418d2a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp eax, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_00418d2a ; jge 0x418d2a
+push 0
+push 0
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+add eax, 0x22f
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push esi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+push 1
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00475114] ; mov ecx, dword [0x475114]
+dec ecx
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [eax + ref_00496b74] ; mov bx, word [eax + 0x496b74]
+mov edx, ebx
+shl edx, 2
+add edx, ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e80]
+mov dx, word [ebx + edx*8]
+mov word [eax + ref_00496b70], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x496b70], dx
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, word [eax + ref_00496b74] ; mov si, word [eax + 0x496b74]
+mov edx, esi
+shl edx, 2
+add edx, esi
+mov dx, word [ebx + edx*8 + 2]
+mov word [eax + ref_00496b72], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x496b72], dx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496bcc] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496bcc]
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7d], dl
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040b93b ; call 0x40b93b
+add esp, 4
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [ref_00475114], edi ; mov dword [0x475114], edi
+push 1
+push edi
+push edi
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp ebp, 4
+jge short loc_00418d41 ; jge 0x418d41
+imul eax, ebp, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+jne short loc_00418d5f ; jne 0x418d5f
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp ecx, 4
+jl short loc_00418d6e ; jl 0x418d6e
+cmp ecx, 8
+jge short loc_00418d6e ; jge 0x418d6e
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 4
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498df2], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498df2], 0
+jne short loc_00418d6e ; jne 0x418d6e
+push 1
+call fcn_00416e6d ; call 0x416e6d
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+push 0
+call fcn_0040c912 ; call 0x40c912
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 5
+ja near loc_00418e7a ; ja 0x418e7a
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_00418c3d] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x418c3d]
+call fcn_00418e7f ; call 0x418e7f
+mov byte [ref_0046cafb], 1 ; mov byte [0x46cafb], 1
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+call fcn_004196f1 ; call 0x4196f1
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475288] ; mov eax, dword [0x475288]
+add eax, 0x22
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475284] ; mov eax, dword [0x475284]
+add eax, 0x2e
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetCursorPos@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46231c]
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp esi, 4
+jge near loc_00418e75 ; jge 0x418e75
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+test byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0x30 ; test byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0x30
+jne near loc_00418e75 ; jne 0x418e75
+push esi
+call fcn_0042bf03 ; call 0x42bf03
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0042c79f ; call 0x42c79f
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00436b0a ; call 0x436b0a
+add esp, 4
+cmp byte [ref_0046caf8], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46caf8], 0
+jne near loc_00418e7a ; jne 0x418e7a
+call fcn_004284be ; call 0x4284be
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+test al, 1
+je short loc_00418e28 ; je 0x418e28
+call fcn_00441baa ; call 0x441baa
+jmp short loc_00418e2d ; jmp 0x418e2d
+call fcn_00447d97 ; call 0x447d97
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b9a], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b9a], 0
+jne short loc_00418e51 ; jne 0x418e51
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9f], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9f], 0
+jne short loc_00418e51 ; jne 0x418e51
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9e], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9e], 0
+je short loc_00418e64 ; je 0x418e64
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+or byte [eax + ref_00498ea0], 0x80 ; or byte [eax + 0x498ea0], 0x80
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+imul eax, edx, 0x34
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498ea2], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498ea2], 1
+je short loc_00418e7a ; je 0x418e7a
+call fcn_004221c0 ; call 0x4221c0
+call fcn_0040dd1f ; call 0x40dd1f
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push 1
+call fcn_0040c912 ; call 0x40c912
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00418ead ; je 0x418ead
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b74] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b74]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+call fcn_0041982d ; call 0x41982d
+add esp, 4
+mov dl, al
+jmp short loc_00418eaf ; jmp 0x418eaf
+mov dl, 0x83
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea5], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea5], dl
+push ebx
+push esi
+push ebp
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048be18], edx ; mov dword [0x48be18], edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp ecx, 8
+jne short loc_00418efb ; jne 0x418efb
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_00498e70] ; mov al, byte [0x498e70]
+mov dword [ref_0049910c], eax ; mov dword [0x49910c], eax
+cmp byte [ref_00498e72], 0 ; cmp byte [0x498e72], 0
+jne short loc_00418eef ; jne 0x418eef
+mov byte [ref_00498e72], 3 ; mov byte [0x498e72], 3
+push 1
+call fcn_00415e70 ; call 0x415e70
+jmp near loc_00419055 ; jmp 0x419055
+cmp ecx, 4
+jge near loc_00418f93 ; jge 0x418f93
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+test byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0x30 ; test byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0x30
+je near loc_00418f93 ; je 0x418f93
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+test byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0x10 ; test byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0x10
+je short loc_00418f80 ; je 0x418f80
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b83] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b83]
+and bl, 0xf
+cmp bl, 0xf
+je short loc_00418f42 ; je 0x418f42
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b78], bl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b78], bl
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ebp, 0x68
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b74] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b74]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push ebp
+call fcn_0040f381 ; call 0x40f381
+add esp, 8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b74] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b74]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push edx
+call fcn_00448a7e ; call 0x448a7e
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+and byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0xf ; and byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0xf
+jmp near loc_00419058 ; jmp 0x419058
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+inc esi
+mov dword [ref_0049910c], esi ; mov dword [0x49910c], esi
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp esi, dword [0x499114]
+jne short loc_00418fb6 ; jne 0x418fb6
+mov dword [ref_0049910c], 4 ; mov dword [0x49910c], 4
+jmp short loc_00418fd4 ; jmp 0x418fd4
+cmp esi, 8
+jne short loc_00418fca ; jne 0x418fca
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ref_0049910c], ecx ; mov dword [0x49910c], ecx
+mov ebx, 1
+jmp short loc_00418fee ; jmp 0x418fee
+cmp esi, 4
+jl short loc_00418fe5 ; jl 0x418fe5
+cmp esi, 8
+jge short loc_00418fe5 ; jge 0x418fe5
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+shl eax, 4
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498df2], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498df2], 0
+jne short loc_00418f95 ; jne 0x418f95
+cmp dword [ref_0049910c], 4 ; cmp dword [0x49910c], 4
+jge short loc_00419008 ; jge 0x419008
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+jne short loc_00419008 ; jne 0x419008
+cmp word [eax + ref_00496b70], 0 ; cmp word [eax + 0x496b70], 0
+jne short loc_00418f95 ; jne 0x418f95
+cmp byte [ref_0046caff], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46caff], 0
+je short loc_0041902a ; je 0x41902a
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [ref_0046caff], cl ; mov byte [0x46caff], cl
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+and byte [ref_00496b7d], 0xfb ; and byte [0x496b7d], 0xfb
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00419033 ; je 0x419033
+call fcn_0041cf67 ; call 0x41cf67
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041c84f ; call 0x41c84f
+add esp, 4
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00419058 ; je 0x419058
+cmp byte [ref_0049715c], 0 ; cmp byte [0x49715c], 0
+je short loc_00419058 ; je 0x419058
+push 0
+call fcn_00402fd1 ; call 0x402fd1
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+or byte [eax + ref_00498ea0], 0x80 ; or byte [eax + 0x498ea0], 0x80
+pop ebp
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0xf
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00417e26 ; call 0x417e26
+cmp dword [esp + 0x14], 0
+je short loc_004190ca ; je 0x4190ca
+push 0
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+push ref_0046cadc ; push 0x46cadc
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0046cae0] ; mov esi, dword [0x46cae0]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0046cadc] ; mov edi, dword [0x46cadc]
+push edi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push 0
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [ref_00475110], ebp ; mov dword [0x475110], ebp
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [ref_00475118] ; mov edx, dword [0x475118]
+test edx, edx
+jne near loc_00419223 ; jne 0x419223
+push edx
+push edx
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048be0c], eax ; mov dword [0x48be0c], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 1
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_00475118], eax ; mov dword [0x475118], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 2
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a05c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048be10], eax ; mov dword [0x48be10], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 3
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a05c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048be14], eax ; mov dword [0x48be14], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 7
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048be04], eax ; mov dword [0x48be04], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a05c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048be08], eax ; mov dword [0x48be08], eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx*4 + ref_0048bdf8], eax ; mov dword [ebx*4 + 0x48bdf8], eax
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 3
+jl short loc_0041917b ; jl 0x41917b
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0xc8
+push 0xc8
+call fcn_00451a5a ; call 0x451a5a
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bdcc], eax ; mov dword [0x48bdcc], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0xe]
+push edx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451a5a ; call 0x451a5a
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048bde0], eax ; mov dword [0x48bde0], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x4c]
+mov ebx, 0xdc
+sub ebx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048bdb8], ebx ; mov dword [0x48bdb8], ebx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x4e]
+mov ebx, 0x8c
+sub ebx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048bdbc], ebx ; mov dword [0x48bdbc], ebx
+movsx ebx, word [eax + 0x48]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bdb8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bdb8]
+add edx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048bdc0], edx ; mov dword [0x48bdc0], edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x4a]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bdbc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bdbc]
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048bdc4], eax ; mov dword [0x48bdc4], eax
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+cmp dword [ref_00475118], 0 ; cmp dword [0x475118], 0
+je near loc_004192f2 ; je 0x4192f2
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048be0c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48be0c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00475118] ; mov ebx, dword [0x475118]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048be10] ; mov esi, dword [0x48be10]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048be14] ; mov edi, dword [0x48be14]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048be04] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48be04]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be08] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be08]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + ref_0048bdf8] ; mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + 0x48bdf8]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 3
+jl short loc_00419294 ; jl 0x419294
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bde0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bde0]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bdcc] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bdcc]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_004080f5 ; call 0x4080f5
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048bdc8] ; mov esi, dword [0x48bdc8]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0046cafe], ah ; mov byte [0x46cafe], ah
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [ref_00475118], ebp ; mov dword [0x475118], ebp
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475110] ; mov eax, dword [0x475110]
+and eax, 0x1f
+cmp eax, 0x1f
+jne short loc_00419351 ; jne 0x419351
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_00475110], ebx ; mov dword [0x475110], ebx
+mov dword [esp + 4], ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x1e0
+mov dword [esp], ebx
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x280
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+push ebx
+push ebx
+jmp near loc_00415f2d ; jmp 0x415f2d
+mov ah, byte [ref_00475110] ; mov ah, byte [0x475110]
+test ah, 1
+je short loc_004193be ; je 0x4193be
+mov dl, ah
+and dl, 0xfe
+mov byte [ref_00475110], dl ; mov byte [0x475110], dl
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 4], edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x28
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp], edx
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x1b8
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edi
+push ebx
+push ebx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_004174cd ; call 0x4174cd
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov dh, byte [ref_00475110] ; mov dh, byte [0x475110]
+test dh, 2
+je short loc_0041942f ; je 0x41942f
+mov bl, dh
+and bl, 0xfd
+mov byte [ref_00475110], bl ; mov byte [0x475110], bl
+mov ebp, 0x28
+mov dword [esp + 4], ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x1e0
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp], edx
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x1b8
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebx
+push ebp
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_004174cd ; call 0x4174cd
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov bh, byte [ref_00475110] ; mov bh, byte [0x475110]
+test bh, 4
+je short loc_0041949f ; je 0x41949f
+mov cl, bh
+and cl, 0xfb
+mov byte [ref_00475110], cl ; mov byte [0x475110], cl
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp + 4], esi
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x50
+mov ebp, 0x1b8
+mov dword [esp], ebp
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x280
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+push esi
+push ebp
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_004174cd ; call 0x4174cd
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov ch, byte [ref_00475110] ; mov ch, byte [0x475110]
+test ch, 8
+je short loc_00419510 ; je 0x419510
+mov al, ch
+and al, 0xf7
+mov byte [ref_00475110], al ; mov byte [0x475110], al
+mov ebx, 0x50
+mov dword [esp + 4], ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x118
+mov edi, 0x1b8
+mov dword [esp], edi
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x280
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+push ebx
+push edi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_004174cd ; call 0x4174cd
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov ah, byte [ref_00475110] ; mov ah, byte [0x475110]
+test ah, 0x10
+je near loc_00415f47 ; je 0x415f47
+mov dl, ah
+and dl, 0xef
+mov byte [ref_00475110], dl ; mov byte [0x475110], dl
+mov ebx, 0x118
+mov dword [esp + 4], ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x1e0
+mov edi, 0x1b8
+mov dword [esp], edi
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x280
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+push ebx
+push edi
+jmp near loc_00415f2d ; jmp 0x415f2d
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x1c
+imul esi, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul esi, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+movzx esi, byte [esi + ref_00496b7a] ; movzx esi, byte [esi + 0x496b7a]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+test ecx, ecx
+jne short loc_004195ae ; jne 0x4195ae
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, esi
+jge short loc_004195b7 ; jge 0x4195b7
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 6
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+inc edx
+mov dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x10], edx
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00419591 ; jmp 0x419591
+mov esi, 1
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], ecx
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b78] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b78]
+mov eax, 8
+sub eax, dword [ref_00499088] ; sub eax, dword [0x499088]
+add eax, edx
+and eax, 7
+mov edi, dword [eax*8 + ref_00475224] ; mov edi, dword [eax*8 + 0x475224]
+add edi, 0x88
+mov ebp, dword [eax*8 + ref_00475228] ; mov ebp, dword [eax*8 + 0x475228]
+add ebp, 0x30
+push 0
+push ref_0048235a ; push 0x48235a
+call fcn_00450cda ; call 0x450cda
+add esp, 8
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_00497158] ; mov al, byte [0x497158]
+mov eax, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475264] ; mov eax, dword [eax*4 + 0x475264]
+shl eax, 4
+inc eax
+or eax, 0x1e000000
+push eax
+push ebp
+push edi
+mov edx, dword [esi*4 + ref_0048bdf4] ; mov edx, dword [esi*4 + 0x48bdf4]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push ref_0048235a ; push 0x48235a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, esi
+jge short loc_00419685 ; jge 0x419685
+lea eax, [ebp + 0x91]
+push eax
+lea eax, [edi + 0x55]
+push eax
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+add eax, eax
+add eax, dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x18]
+dec eax
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048be14] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48be14]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045663e ; call 0x45663e
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0041964f ; jmp 0x41964f
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov dword [esp], edi
+mov dword [esp + 4], ebp
+lea eax, [edi + 0xbd]
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+lea eax, [ebp + 0x11d]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+push ebp
+push edi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor edi, edi
+cmp ebx, esi
+jge short loc_004196da ; jge 0x4196da
+add edi, dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x10]
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_004196cf ; jmp 0x4196cf
+push 0x1f4
+call fcn_0045285e ; call 0x45285e
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, edi
+add esp, 0x1c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov byte [ref_0046cafd], 1 ; mov byte [0x46cafd], 1
+push 1
+call fcn_00417191 ; call 0x417191
+add esp, 4
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0046cafd], ah ; mov byte [0x46cafd], ah
+push 0
+jmp short loc_004196fa ; jmp 0x4196fa
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov edx, 1
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, 0x34
+cmp edx, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp edx, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_0041973f ; jg 0x41973f
+cmp byte [eax + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_0041973c ; je 0x41973c
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+cmp ebx, esi
+jne short loc_0041973c ; jne 0x41973c
+inc ecx
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_00419721 ; jmp 0x419721
+mov eax, ecx
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x14]
+xor edi, edi
+cmp dword [esp + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_004197a5 ; je 0x4197a5
+mov esi, 1
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, 0x34
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp esi, dword [0x498e98]
+jg near loc_004197d8 ; jg 0x4197d8
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+jne short loc_004197a2 ; jne 0x4197a2
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+cmp eax, ebp
+jne short loc_004197a2 ; jne 0x4197a2
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push edx
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_004197a2 ; jne 0x4197a2
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+mov ax, word [ebx + eax*2 + 0x20]
+and eax, 0xffff
+add edi, eax
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_00419760 ; jmp 0x419760
+mov esi, 1
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, 0x34
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e98] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e98]
+cmp esi, ecx
+jg short loc_004197d8 ; jg 0x4197d8
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_004197d2 ; je 0x4197d2
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+cmp eax, ebp
+jne short loc_004197d2 ; jne 0x4197d2
+add edi, 0x7d0
+inc esi
+add ebx, 0x34
+jmp short loc_004197b9 ; jmp 0x4197b9
+mov ecx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edi
+imul eax, ecx
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x90
+ref_004197e9: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_004198b9
+dd loc_0041b3d0
+dd loc_0041b11e
+dd loc_0041b128
+dd loc_0041b132
+dd loc_0041b13c
+dd loc_0041b146
+dd loc_0041b15e
+dd loc_0041b16c
+dd loc_0041b17a
+dd loc_0041b184
+dd loc_0041b21e
+dd loc_0041b2a3
+dd loc_0041b302
+dd loc_0041b396
+dd loc_0041b3b9
+dd loc_0041b3cb
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xf8
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e80]
+add eax, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + 0x20]
+mov dword [esp + 0xf0], edx
+mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x24]
+and ebx, 0xff
+mov byte [esp + 0xf4], 0x80
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9f], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9f], 0
+je short loc_00419884 ; je 0x419884
+test ebx, ebx
+jne near loc_0041b3d0 ; jne 0x41b3d0
+cmp ebx, 2
+jb short loc_004198a9 ; jb 0x4198a9
+cmp ebx, 0x10
+ja short loc_004198a9 ; ja 0x4198a9
+push 0
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_00475299] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x475299]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+cmp ebx, 0x10
+ja near loc_0041b3d0 ; ja 0x41b3d0
+jmp dword [ebx*4 + ref_004197e9] ; ujmp: jmp dword [ebx*4 + 0x4197e9]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xf0]
+test bx, bx
+je near loc_0041b3d0 ; je 0x41b3d0
+cmp bx, 0x7d0
+jbe near loc_0041a168 ; jbe 0x41a168
+cmp bx, 0xfa0
+jae near loc_0041a168 ; jae 0x41a168
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, bx
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e84]
+add esi, eax
+mov ch, byte [esi + 0x19]
+test ch, ch
+je near loc_0041a013 ; je 0x41a013
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, ch
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edx, eax
+jne near loc_00419a67 ; jne 0x419a67
+cmp byte [esi + 0x1a], 5
+jae near loc_0041b077 ; jae 0x41b077
+cmp byte [esi + 0x18], 0
+jne near loc_0041b077 ; jne 0x41b077
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9f], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9f], 0
+jne near loc_0041b077 ; jne 0x41b077
+movzx ebp, word [esi + 0x1e]
+imul ebp, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul ebp, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp ebp, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; cmp ebp, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+jg near loc_00419a52 ; jg 0x419a52
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esi + 4]
+push eax
+mov eax, ref_0046396d ; mov eax, 0x46396d
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+test byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 6 ; test byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 6
+jne short loc_004199a7 ; jne 0x4199a7
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne near loc_0041b077 ; jne 0x41b077
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00440ba8 ; call 0x440ba8
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 1
+jne near loc_0041b077 ; jne 0x41b077
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040fa61 ; call 0x40fa61
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_0041b077 ; jne 0x41b077
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+sub dword [eax + ref_00496b84], ebp ; sub dword [eax + 0x496b84], ebp
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+inc byte [esi + 0x1a]
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push ref_004823da ; push 0x4823da
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+cmp byte [esi + 0x1a], 5
+jne short loc_00419a2b ; jne 0x419a2b
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov edi, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_00480886] ; mov edi, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x480886]
+push edi
+push 0
+push esi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+call fcn_0040b0cd ; call 0x40b0cd
+jmp near loc_0041b077 ; jmp 0x41b077
+push 1
+add esi, 4
+push esi
+call fcn_0044f627 ; call 0x44f627
+add esp, 8
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x10c]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040f8be ; call 0x40f8be
+jmp near loc_0041b074 ; jmp 0x41b074
+push 0x5dc
+mov eax, ref_0046398b ; mov eax, 0x46398b
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+jmp near loc_0041b074 ; jmp 0x41b074
+push 0
+push ref_004823ea ; push 0x4823ea
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0047517c] ; mov edx, dword [0x47517c]
+push edx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x17]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x19]
+dec eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d559 ; call 0x41d559
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 1
+jne near loc_0041b077 ; jne 0x41b077
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x19]
+dec eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496ba9] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496ba9]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov dword [esp + 0xe4], eax
+cmp byte [esi + 0x18], 0
+jne short loc_00419ade ; jne 0x419ade
+lea eax, [esi + 4]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x19]
+push eax
+call fcn_00419744 ; call 0x419744
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, eax
+lea eax, [esi + 4]
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xe8]
+push ebx
+jmp short loc_00419afa ; jmp 0x419afa
+push 0
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x19]
+push eax
+call fcn_00419744 ; call 0x419744
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, eax
+push 0
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xe8]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00419744 ; call 0x419744
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], eax
+cmp byte [esi + 0x17], 0
+je short loc_00419b11 ; je 0x419b11
+add ebp, ebp
+push 1
+call fcn_00409b18 ; call 0x409b18
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, 1
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, 0x34
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xe8], eax
+cmp edi, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp edi, dword [0x498e98]
+jg near loc_00419c79 ; jg 0x419c79
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe8]
+inc eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xdc], eax
+lea eax, [edi + 0x7d0]
+mov dword [esp + 0xd8], eax
+cmp byte [esi + 0x18], 0
+jne near loc_00419bf4 ; jne 0x419bf4
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+cmp al, byte [esi + 0x19]
+jne short loc_00419bb4 ; jne 0x419bb4
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+jne short loc_00419bb4 ; jne 0x419bb4
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esi + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00419bb4 ; jne 0x419bb4
+push 0xffff
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+push ecx
+push 0x2f440
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov eax, dword [0x474938]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456c0a ; call 0x456c0a
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+mov dword [esp + 0xe8], eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+test edx, edx
+je near loc_00419c70 ; je 0x419c70
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne near loc_00419c70 ; jne 0x419c70
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+jne near loc_00419c70 ; jne 0x419c70
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esi + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_00419c70 ; jne 0x419c70
+jmp short loc_00419c4a ; jmp 0x419c4a
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+cmp al, byte [esi + 0x19]
+jne short loc_00419c30 ; jne 0x419c30
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_00419c30 ; je 0x419c30
+push 0xffff
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+push ecx
+push 0x2f440
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov eax, dword [0x474938]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456c0a ; call 0x456c0a
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+mov dword [esp + 0xe8], eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_00419c70 ; je 0x419c70
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_00419c70 ; jne 0x419c70
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_00419c70 ; je 0x419c70
+push 0xffff
+lea eax, [edi + 0x7d0]
+push eax
+push 0x2f440
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov eax, dword [0x474938]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456c0a ; call 0x456c0a
+add esp, 0x10
+inc dword [esp + 0xe8]
+inc edi
+add ebx, 0x34
+jmp near loc_00419b32 ; jmp 0x419b32
+cmp dword [esp + 0xe8], 1
+jle short loc_00419c88 ; jle 0x419c88
+call fcn_00451985 ; call 0x451985
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x19]
+dec eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xac]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+lea ebx, [esi + 4]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_00419d2e ; je 0x419d2e
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xcc]
+add ebp, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xec], edx
+fild dword [esp + 0xec]
+mov dword [esp + 0xec], ebp
+fild dword [esp + 0xec]
+fdivp st1 ; fdivp st(1)
+fstp dword [esp + 0xc4]
+lea eax, [edi - 1]
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x98]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+mov edi, dword [ref_0047517c] ; mov edi, dword [0x47517c]
+push edi
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esp + 0x9c]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xb4]
+push eax
+push ebx
+push ref_0046399a ; push 0x46399a
+lea eax, [esp + 0x18]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x1c
+jmp short loc_00419d50 ; jmp 0x419d50
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047517c] ; mov eax, dword [0x47517c]
+push eax
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esp + 0xb0]
+push eax
+push ebx
+push ref_004639b3 ; push 0x4639b3
+lea eax, [esp + 0x14]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+push ebp
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0047517c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x47517c]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d709 ; call 0x41d709
+mov edx, eax
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebp, eax
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0041b077 ; je 0x41b077
+cmp dword [esp + 0xe4], 0
+je short loc_00419dda ; je 0x419dda
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xcc]
+sub edx, edi
+mov ecx, 0x64
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x19]
+dec eax
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, 0x64
+mov eax, edi
+mov edx, edi
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe8]
+dec eax
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+push edx
+jmp short loc_00419df3 ; jmp 0x419df3
+mov ecx, 0x64
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x19]
+dec eax
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+cmp ebp, eax
+jge short loc_00419e34 ; jge 0x419e34
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+add edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; add edx, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+cmp ebp, edx
+jle short loc_00419e67 ; jle 0x419e67
+push 0x14
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004413ad ; call 0x4413ad
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_00419e67 ; jne 0x419e67
+push ebp
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x19]
+dec eax
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00444a60 ; call 0x444a60
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_00419e67 ; jne 0x419e67
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+cmp ebp, eax
+jge short loc_00419e9a ; jge 0x419e9a
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+add edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; add edx, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+cmp ebp, edx
+jle short loc_00419ec7 ; jle 0x419ec7
+push 0x13
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004413ad ; call 0x4413ad
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_00419ec7 ; jne 0x419ec7
+push ebp
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0044476a ; call 0x44476a
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00419ec7 ; je 0x419ec7
+mov edi, eax
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_00419f2a ; je 0x419f2a
+push edi
+call fcn_0040fbb8 ; call 0x40fbb8
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00419f2a ; je 0x419f2a
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xac]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0047517c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x47517c]
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xac]
+push eax
+push ref_004639cc ; push 0x4639cc
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov edi, ebx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x19]
+dec eax
+cmp edi, eax
+je near loc_0041b077 ; je 0x41b077
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+dec edx
+cmp edi, edx
+je near loc_0041b077 ; je 0x41b077
+cmp dword [esp + 0xe4], 0
+je near loc_00419fcf ; je 0x419fcf
+push ebp
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_0044f4ed ; call 0x44f4ed
+add esp, 0xc
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00419f6f ; jne 0x419f6f
+push ebp
+push edi
+call fcn_0044f42d ; call 0x44f42d
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [esp + 0xec], ebp
+fild dword [esp + 0xec]
+fmul dword [esp + 0xc4]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0xcc]
+mov ebx, ebp
+sub ebx, dword [esp + 0xcc]
+push ebx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x19]
+dec eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0044f354 ; call 0x44f354
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+push ebx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x19]
+dec eax
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_0041d2c6 ; call 0x41d2c6
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xd0]
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xec]
+jmp short loc_0041a000 ; jmp 0x41a000
+push ebp
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_0044f4ed ; call 0x44f4ed
+add esp, 0xc
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00419fe8 ; jne 0x419fe8
+push ebp
+push edi
+call fcn_0044f42d ; call 0x44f42d
+add esp, 8
+push ebp
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x19]
+dec eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0044f354 ; call 0x44f354
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+push ebp
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x19]
+dec eax
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_0041d2c6 ; call 0x41d2c6
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [esi + 0x2c], ebp
+jmp near loc_0041b077 ; jmp 0x41b077
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9f], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9f], 0
+jne near loc_0041b077 ; jne 0x41b077
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba7], 0xc ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba7], 0xc
+je near loc_0041b077 ; je 0x41b077
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [esi + 0x1a]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [esi + 0x1e]
+imul edx, ecx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [esi + 0x1c]
+add edx, ecx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov ebp, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul ebp, edx
+cmp ebp, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; cmp ebp, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+jg near loc_0041a159 ; jg 0x41a159
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esi + 4]
+push eax
+push ref_004639e1 ; push 0x4639e1
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+xor edi, edi
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+test byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 6 ; test byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 6
+je short loc_0041a098 ; je 0x41a098
+push ebp
+call fcn_0041d7d4 ; call 0x41d7d4
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_0041a098 ; jne 0x41a098
+mov edi, eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_0041a0b8 ; jne 0x41a0b8
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00440ba8 ; call 0x440ba8
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 1
+je short loc_0041a0c0 ; je 0x41a0c0
+test edi, edi
+je near loc_0041b077 ; je 0x41b077
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0040fa61 ; call 0x40fa61
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_0041b077 ; jne 0x41b077
+mov al, byte [ref_0049910c] ; mov al, byte [0x49910c]
+inc al
+mov byte [esi + 0x19], al
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push ref_004823d2 ; push 0x4823d2
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+call fcn_0040a4e1 ; call 0x40a4e1
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_00499110] ; mov eax, dword [0x499110]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0041a12b ; je 0x41a12b
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_004751f0] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x4751f0]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov ecx, dword [0x497160]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004521cb ; call 0x4521cb
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [esi + 0x30], eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+sub dword [eax + ref_00496b84], ebp ; sub dword [eax + 0x496b84], ebp
+push 0
+add esi, 4
+push esi
+call fcn_0044f627 ; call 0x44f627
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x10c]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+jmp near loc_00419a48 ; jmp 0x419a48
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_0046398b ; push 0x46398b
+jmp near loc_00419a5d ; jmp 0x419a5d
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xf0]
+cmp di, 0xfa0
+jbe near loc_0041a998 ; jbe 0x41a998
+cmp di, 0x1770
+jae near loc_0041a998 ; jae 0x41a998
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, di
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xe0], edx
+lea edi, [edx + 4]
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+cmp byte [edx + 0x19], 0
+je near loc_0041a86b ; je 0x41a86b
+xor edx, edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+mov dl, byte [ecx + 0x19]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc ecx
+cmp edx, ecx
+jne near loc_0041a370 ; jne 0x41a370
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9f], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9f], 0
+jne near loc_0041b077 ; jne 0x41b077
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+cmp byte [edx + 0x1a], 0
+jne near loc_0041a2b3 ; jne 0x41a2b3
+movzx ebp, word [edx + 0x22]
+imul ebp, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul ebp, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+cmp ebp, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; cmp ebp, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+jg near loc_00419a52 ; jg 0x419a52
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_0041a23e ; jne 0x41a23e
+push 0
+call fcn_00440aac ; call 0x440aac
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+mov byte [edx + 0x18], al
+jmp short loc_0041a25a ; jmp 0x41a25a
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 4
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+inc edx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+mov byte [eax + 0x18], dl
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+push esi
+call fcn_0040fa61 ; call 0x40fa61
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_0041b077 ; jne 0x41b077
+push 1
+push eax
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xec]
+inc byte [eax + 0x1a]
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push ref_004823da ; push 0x4823da
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+sub dword [eax + ref_00496b84], ebp ; sub dword [eax + 0x496b84], ebp
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x10c]
+push ecx
+push edi
+jmp near loc_00419a48 ; jmp 0x419a48
+xor edx, edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+mov dl, byte [ecx + 0x18]
+mov bl, byte [ecx + 0x1a]
+cmp bl, byte [edx + ref_00474940] ; cmp bl, byte [edx + 0x474940]
+jae near loc_0041b077 ; jae 0x41b077
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+movzx ebp, word [ebp + 0x24]
+imul ebp, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul ebp, dword [0x4990e8]
+cmp ebp, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; cmp ebp, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+jg near loc_0041a159 ; jg 0x41a159
+push ebp
+push edi
+push ref_0046396d ; push 0x46396d
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ch, byte [eax + ref_00496b7d] ; mov ch, byte [eax + 0x496b7d]
+test ch, 6
+jne short loc_0041a32f ; jne 0x41a32f
+cmp ch, 1
+jne near loc_0041b077 ; jne 0x41b077
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00440ba8 ; call 0x440ba8
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 1
+jne near loc_0041b077 ; jne 0x41b077
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+push esi
+call fcn_0040fa61 ; call 0x40fa61
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_0041b077 ; jne 0x41b077
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+sub dword [eax + ref_00496b84], ebp ; sub dword [eax + 0x496b84], ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+mov dh, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+inc dh
+mov byte [eax + 0x1a], dh
+cmp dh, 5
+je near loc_004199f1 ; je 0x4199f1
+jmp near loc_00419a39 ; jmp 0x419a39
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 0
+je near loc_0041b077 ; je 0x41b077
+mov ch, byte [eax + 0x18]
+test ch, ch
+jbe near loc_0041b077 ; jbe 0x41b077
+cmp ch, 4
+jae near loc_0041b077 ; jae 0x41b077
+push 0
+push ref_004823ea ; push 0x4823ea
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+mov al, byte [edx + 0x18]
+movzx esi, byte [eax + ref_0047528b] ; movzx esi, byte [eax + 0x47528b]
+mov esi, dword [esi*4 + ref_0047517c] ; mov esi, dword [esi*4 + 0x47517c]
+push esi
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edx + 0x1c]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edx + 0x19]
+dec eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d559 ; call 0x41d559
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 1
+jne near loc_0041b077 ; jne 0x41b077
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+mov al, byte [edx + 0x19]
+dec eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0xac]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+mov al, byte [eax + 0x18]
+cmp al, 2
+jb short loc_0041a421 ; jb 0x41a421
+jbe short loc_0041a485 ; jbe 0x41a485
+cmp al, 3
+je near loc_0041a4db ; je 0x41a4db
+jmp near loc_0041a581 ; jmp 0x41a581
+cmp al, 1
+jne near loc_0041a581 ; jne 0x41a581
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+mov al, byte [edx + 0x1a]
+add eax, eax
+add eax, edx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [eax + 0x24]
+imul ebx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul ebx, dword [0x4990e8]
+cmp byte [edx + 0x1c], 0
+je short loc_0041a44e ; je 0x41a44e
+add ebx, ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xa8]
+push eax
+push 1
+call fcn_0044090e ; call 0x44090e
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [esp + 0xd0], eax
+mov ebp, eax
+imul ebp, ebx
+push ebp
+push eax
+push ref_004639ff ; push 0x4639ff
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_0041a56f ; jmp 0x41a56f
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+mov al, byte [edx + 0x1a]
+add eax, eax
+add eax, edx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [eax + 0x24]
+imul ebx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul ebx, dword [0x4990e8]
+cmp byte [edx + 0x1c], 0
+je short loc_0041a4aa ; je 0x41a4aa
+add ebx, ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xa8]
+push eax
+push 2
+call fcn_0044090e ; call 0x44090e
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, eax
+imul ebp, ebx
+push ebp
+push eax
+push ebx
+push ref_00463a14 ; push 0x463a14
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x14
+jmp near loc_0041a56f ; jmp 0x41a56f
+xor ebp, ebp
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov dh, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov dh, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+test dh, 3
+je near loc_0041a581 ; je 0x41a581
+mov al, dh
+and al, 3
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, al
+dec ecx
+mov eax, 1
+shl eax, cl
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], eax
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048bafc] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48bafc]
+imul ebp, eax
+imul ebp, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul ebp, dword [0x4990e8]
+push ref_0046385e ; push 0x46385e
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d96 ; call 0x457d96
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00475184] ; mov ebx, dword [0x475184]
+push ebx
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esp + 0xb0]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x8c]
+push eax
+push ref_00463a31 ; push 0x463a31
+lea eax, [esp + 0x14]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+push ebp
+push esi
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0041d709 ; call 0x41d709
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebp, eax
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0041b077 ; je 0x41b077
+mov ecx, 0x64
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+mov al, byte [edx + 0x19]
+dec eax
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+cmp byte [eax + 0x18], 1
+je short loc_0041a63d ; je 0x41a63d
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+cmp ebx, eax
+jge short loc_0041a60e ; jge 0x41a60e
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+add edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; add edx, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+cmp ebx, edx
+jle short loc_0041a63d ; jle 0x41a63d
+push 0x14
+push edi
+call fcn_004413ad ; call 0x4413ad
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_0041a63d ; jne 0x41a63d
+push ebp
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+mov al, byte [edx + 0x19]
+dec eax
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_00444a60 ; call 0x444a60
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_0041a63d ; jne 0x41a63d
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+cmp ebp, eax
+jge short loc_0041a670 ; jge 0x41a670
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+add edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; add edx, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+cmp ebp, edx
+jle short loc_0041a692 ; jle 0x41a692
+push 0x13
+push edi
+call fcn_004413ad ; call 0x4413ad
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_0041a692 ; jne 0x41a692
+push ebp
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_0044476a ; call 0x44476a
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0041a692 ; je 0x41a692
+mov edi, eax
+test ebp, ebp
+jne short loc_0041a6a3 ; jne 0x41a6a3
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+cmp byte [eax + 0x18], 1
+jne short loc_0041a6fc ; jne 0x41a6fc
+push edi
+call fcn_0040fbb8 ; call 0x40fbb8
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0041a6fc ; je 0x41a6fc
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0xac]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+push esi
+lea eax, [esp + 0xac]
+push eax
+push ref_004639cc ; push 0x4639cc
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov edi, ebx
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+mov al, byte [edx + 0x19]
+dec eax
+cmp edi, eax
+je short loc_0041a761 ; je 0x41a761
+push ebp
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_0044f4ed ; call 0x44f4ed
+add esp, 0xc
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0041a726 ; jne 0x41a726
+push ebp
+push edi
+call fcn_0044f42d ; call 0x44f42d
+add esp, 8
+push ebp
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+mov al, byte [edx + 0x19]
+dec eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0044f354 ; call 0x44f354
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+push ebp
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe8]
+mov al, byte [edx + 0x19]
+dec eax
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_0041d2c6 ; call 0x41d2c6
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+mov dword [eax + 0x30], ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+cmp byte [eax + 0x18], 1
+jne near loc_0041b077 ; jne 0x41b077
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je near loc_0041b077 ; je 0x41b077
+cmp byte [ref_0046caf8], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46caf8], 0
+jne near loc_0041b077 ; jne 0x41b077
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xd0]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+mov al, byte [edx + 0x19]
+dec eax
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+push edi
+call fcn_0040d761 ; call 0x40d761
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp edi, edx
+jne short loc_0041a7e8 ; jne 0x41a7e8
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xd0]
+push ecx
+push edx
+call fcn_0044f2c2 ; call 0x44f2c2
+add esp, 8
+mov dl, byte [esp + 0xd0]
+dec dl
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b9a], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b9a], dl
+test dl, dl
+jne short loc_0041a805 ; jne 0x41a805
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b9a], 0x80 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b9a], 0x80
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_0044ba63 ; call 0x44ba63
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+mov dl, byte [esp + 0xd0]
+add byte [eax + ref_00496baa], dl ; add byte [eax + 0x496baa], dl
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esp + 0xf0]
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x110]
+push ebp
+push edi
+call fcn_0040d5a5 ; call 0x40d5a5
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp near loc_0041b077 ; jmp 0x41b077
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9f], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9f], 0
+jne near loc_0041b077 ; jne 0x41b077
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba7], 0xc ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba7], 0xc
+je near loc_0041b077 ; je 0x41b077
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+movzx ebp, word [ebp + 0x22]
+imul ebp, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul ebp, dword [0x4990e8]
+cmp ebp, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; cmp ebp, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+jg near loc_0041a159 ; jg 0x41a159
+push ebp
+push edi
+push ref_004639e1 ; push 0x4639e1
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+xor edi, edi
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+test byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 6 ; test byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 6
+je short loc_0041a8d9 ; je 0x41a8d9
+push ebp
+call fcn_0041d7d4 ; call 0x41d7d4
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_0041a8d9 ; jne 0x41a8d9
+mov edi, eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_0041a8f9 ; jne 0x41a8f9
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00440ba8 ; call 0x440ba8
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 1
+je short loc_0041a901 ; je 0x41a901
+test edi, edi
+je near loc_0041b077 ; je 0x41b077
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040fa61 ; call 0x40fa61
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_0041b077 ; jne 0x41b077
+mov al, byte [ref_0049910c] ; mov al, byte [0x49910c]
+inc al
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+mov byte [edx + 0x19], al
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push ref_004823d2 ; push 0x4823d2
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+call fcn_0040a4e1 ; call 0x40a4e1
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00499110] ; mov ebx, dword [0x499110]
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0041a97b ; je 0x41a97b
+mov esi, dword [ebx*4 + ref_004751f0] ; mov esi, dword [ebx*4 + 0x4751f0]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov edi, dword [0x497160]
+push edi
+call fcn_004521cb ; call 0x4521cb
+add esp, 8
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+mov dword [edx + 0x34], eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+sub dword [eax + ref_00496b84], ebp ; sub dword [eax + 0x496b84], ebp
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10c]
+push ebx
+push edx
+jmp near loc_00419a48 ; jmp 0x419a48
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xf0]
+cmp dx, 0x1770
+jbe near loc_0041b077 ; jbe 0x41b077
+cmp dx, 0x1f40
+jae near loc_0041b077 ; jae 0x41b077
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, dx
+sub eax, 0x1770
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e7c]
+add ebx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x18]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edx
+lea edi, [ebx + 4]
+imul esi, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul esi, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp eax, edx
+jne near loc_0041ab6d ; jne 0x41ab6d
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+cmp al, 4
+jb near loc_0041b067 ; jb 0x41b067
+jbe short loc_0041a9fe ; jbe 0x41a9fe
+cmp al, 0xb
+je short loc_0041aa3c ; je 0x41aa3c
+jmp near loc_0041b067 ; jmp 0x41b067
+push edi
+push 3
+call fcn_0044090e ; call 0x44090e
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov dl, byte [esp + 0xd4]
+mov dh, byte [eax + ref_00496ba6] ; mov dh, byte [eax + 0x496ba6]
+add dh, dl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba6], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba6], dh
+mov cl, dh
+and cl, 0x7f
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba6], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba6], cl
+jmp near loc_0041b067 ; jmp 0x41b067
+cmp byte [esi + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [esi + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_0041aa76 ; jne 0x41aa76
+push edi
+push ref_00463a4a ; push 0x463a4a
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+push 0x2090086
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_0041aa82 ; jmp 0x41aa82
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+push esi
+call fcn_0040b455 ; call 0x40b455
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], eax
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+test edi, edi
+je near loc_0041b062 ; je 0x41b062
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc0]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc0]
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_0040af12 ; call 0x40af12
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x229
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov esi, eax
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push edi
+call fcn_0040b110 ; call 0x40b110
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0xbc], eax
+test al, 0x80
+jne short loc_0041ab04 ; jne 0x41ab04
+push edi
+call fcn_0040b110 ; call 0x40b110
+add esp, 4
+push 0x5b
+push 0x2c0001
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push esi
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+test byte [esp + 0xbc], 0x80
+je near loc_0041b062 ; je 0x41b062
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_00480886] ; mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x480886]
+push ecx
+push 0
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+push esi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+call fcn_0040b0cd ; call 0x40b0cd
+jmp near loc_0041b062 ; jmp 0x41b062
+test al, al
+je near loc_0041b067 ; je 0x41b067
+cmp eax, edx
+je near loc_0041b067 ; je 0x41b067
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+cmp al, 5
+jb short loc_0041abb0 ; jb 0x41abb0
+jbe near loc_0041ac8c ; jbe 0x41ac8c
+cmp al, 0xb
+jb short loc_0041aba3 ; jb 0x41aba3
+jbe near loc_0041acd1 ; jbe 0x41acd1
+cmp al, 0xc
+je near loc_0041ae21 ; je 0x41ae21
+jmp near loc_0041ae37 ; jmp 0x41ae37
+cmp al, 6
+je near loc_0041ac8c ; je 0x41ac8c
+jmp near loc_0041ae37 ; jmp 0x41ae37
+cmp al, 3
+jb short loc_0041abbb ; jb 0x41abbb
+jbe short loc_0041ac2c ; jbe 0x41ac2c
+jmp near loc_0041ac3c ; jmp 0x41ac3c
+cmp al, 1
+jne near loc_0041ae37 ; jne 0x41ae37
+push edi
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044090e ; call 0x44090e
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [esp + 0xd0], eax
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0041abe6 ; je 0x41abe6
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 0x22]
+imul eax, edx
+jmp near loc_0041ae2e ; jmp 0x41ae2e
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_00463a5f ; push 0x463a5f
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov edi, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_00480852] ; mov edi, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x480852]
+push edi
+push ebp
+push esi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp near loc_0041ae37 ; jmp 0x41ae37
+movzx ebp, word [ebx + 0x22]
+imul ebp, dword [ref_004990e4] ; imul ebp, dword [0x4990e4]
+jmp near loc_0041ae37 ; jmp 0x41ae37
+push edi
+push 3
+call fcn_0044090e ; call 0x44090e
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 0x22]
+imul eax, edx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov ebp, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul ebp, eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov dl, byte [esp + 0xd4]
+mov dh, byte [eax + ref_00496ba6] ; mov dh, byte [eax + 0x496ba6]
+add dh, dl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba6], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba6], dh
+mov cl, dh
+and cl, 0x7f
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba6], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba6], cl
+jmp near loc_0041ae37 ; jmp 0x41ae37
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+test dl, dl
+je near loc_0041ae37 ; je 0x41ae37
+mov al, dl
+and al, 3
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, al
+dec ecx
+mov eax, 1
+shl eax, cl
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + 0x22]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+imul edx, dword [ref_0048bafc] ; imul edx, dword [0x48bafc]
+jmp near loc_0041abde ; jmp 0x41abde
+cmp byte [esi + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [esi + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_0041ad0b ; jne 0x41ad0b
+push edi
+push ref_00463a4a ; push 0x463a4a
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+push 0x2090086
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_0041ad17 ; jmp 0x41ad17
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0040b455 ; call 0x40b455
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], eax
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+test ebp, ebp
+je near loc_0041adff ; je 0x41adff
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc0]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc0]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call fcn_0040af12 ; call 0x40af12
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x229
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov esi, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push edi
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push ebp
+call fcn_0040b110 ; call 0x40b110
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0xbc], eax
+push 0x5b
+push 0x2c0001
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push esi
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+test byte [esp + 0xbc], 0x80
+je short loc_0041adb9 ; je 0x41adb9
+call fcn_0040b0cd ; call 0x40b0cd
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_0041ade3 ; jge 0x41ade3
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+movzx ebp, word [edx + eax + 0x1c]
+imul ebp, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul ebp, dword [0x4990e8]
+jmp short loc_0041ae1a ; jmp 0x41ae1a
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+movzx ebp, word [edx + eax + 0x22]
+jmp short loc_0041adda ; jmp 0x41adda
+mov eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov ebp, eax
+shl ebp, 2
+sub ebp, eax
+shl ebp, 3
+add ebp, eax
+shl ebp, 3
+mov eax, ebp
+shl ebp, 2
+add ebp, eax
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+jmp short loc_0041ae37 ; jmp 0x41ae37
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + 0x22]
+imul eax, dword [ref_0048bafc] ; imul eax, dword [0x48bafc]
+mov ebp, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov ebp, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul ebp, eax
+test ebp, ebp
+je near loc_0041b067 ; je 0x41b067
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x18]
+dec eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xac]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+movzx esi, byte [eax + ref_0047528e] ; movzx esi, byte [eax + 0x47528e]
+mov esi, dword [esi*4 + ref_0047517c] ; mov esi, dword [esi*4 + 0x47517c]
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x1a], 0xc
+jne short loc_0041ae8d ; jne 0x41ae8d
+push esi
+push ebp
+lea edx, [esp + 0xb0]
+push edx
+push eax
+push ref_00463a6a ; push 0x463a6a
+jmp short loc_0041ae9d ; jmp 0x41ae9d
+push esi
+push ebp
+lea edx, [esp + 0xb0]
+push edx
+push eax
+push ref_00463a31 ; push 0x463a31
+lea eax, [esp + 0x14]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+push ebp
+push esi
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0041d709 ; call 0x41d709
+mov ecx, eax
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebp, eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+cmp ecx, eax
+jge short loc_0041af0c ; jge 0x41af0c
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+add edx, eax
+cmp ecx, edx
+jle short loc_0041af2f ; jle 0x41af2f
+push 0x14
+push edi
+call fcn_004413ad ; call 0x4413ad
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_0041af2f ; jne 0x41af2f
+push ebp
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+push edi
+call fcn_00444a60 ; call 0x444a60
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_0041af2f ; jne 0x41af2f
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+cmp ebp, eax
+jge short loc_0041af62 ; jge 0x41af62
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+add edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; add edx, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+cmp ebp, edx
+jle short loc_0041af84 ; jle 0x41af84
+push 0x13
+push edi
+call fcn_004413ad ; call 0x4413ad
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_0041af84 ; jne 0x41af84
+push ebp
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_0044476a ; call 0x44476a
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0041af84 ; je 0x41af84
+mov edi, eax
+test ebp, ebp
+jne short loc_0041af98 ; jne 0x41af98
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x1a], 1
+jne short loc_0041affb ; jne 0x41affb
+cmp dword [esp + 0xd0], 0
+je short loc_0041affb ; je 0x41affb
+push edi
+call fcn_0040fbb8 ; call 0x40fbb8
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], eax
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0041affb ; je 0x41affb
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0xac]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+push esi
+lea eax, [esp + 0xac]
+push eax
+push ref_004639cc ; push 0x4639cc
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xc8]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp edi, eax
+jne short loc_0041b00e ; jne 0x41b00e
+push ebp
+push eax
+call fcn_0044f42d ; call 0x44f42d
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+push ebp
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esp + 0xf8]
+sub eax, 0x170c
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_0041d2c6 ; call 0x41d2c6
+add esp, 0x10
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x1a], 1
+jne short loc_0041b062 ; jne 0x41b062
+cmp dword [esp + 0xd0], 0
+je short loc_0041b062 ; je 0x41b062
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0041b062 ; je 0x41b062
+cmp byte [ref_0046caf8], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46caf8], 0
+jne short loc_0041b062 ; jne 0x41b062
+push 0
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push ecx
+push edi
+call fcn_0040d375 ; call 0x40d375
+add esp, 0xc
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+push ebx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0041d1a9 ; call 0x41d1a9
+add esp, 8
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x10c]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040f381 ; call 0x40f381
+add esp, 8
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x10c]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00448a7e ; call 0x448a7e
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xf0]
+cmp cx, 0xfa0
+jbe short loc_0041b111 ; jbe 0x41b111
+cmp cx, 0x1770
+jae short loc_0041b111 ; jae 0x41b111
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+mov al, byte [edx + 0x19]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edx
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_0041b111 ; jne 0x41b111
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9f], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9f], 0
+jne short loc_0041b111 ; jne 0x41b111
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+cmp byte [eax + 0x18], 4
+jne short loc_0041b111 ; jne 0x41b111
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_0041b111 ; je 0x41b111
+test byte [eax + 0x1c], 0xf
+jne short loc_0041b111 ; jne 0x41b111
+push eax
+call fcn_0044101d ; call 0x44101d
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [esp + 0xf4], 0x88
+jmp near loc_0041b3d0 ; jmp 0x41b3d0
+call fcn_0044b6df ; call 0x44b6df
+jmp near loc_0041b3d0 ; jmp 0x41b3d0
+call fcn_0044db81 ; call 0x44db81
+jmp near loc_0041b3d0 ; jmp 0x41b3d0
+call fcn_0043d304 ; call 0x43d304
+jmp near loc_0041b3d0 ; jmp 0x41b3d0
+call fcn_0043e9a4 ; call 0x43e9a4
+jmp near loc_0041b3d0 ; jmp 0x41b3d0
+imul ebx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul ebx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+call fcn_00415215 ; call 0x415215
+add word [ebx + ref_00496b98], ax ; add word [ebx + 0x496b98], ax
+jmp near loc_0041b3d0 ; jmp 0x41b3d0
+imul ebx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul ebx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+call fcn_004154dc ; call 0x4154dc
+jmp short loc_0041b152 ; jmp 0x41b152
+imul ebx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul ebx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+call fcn_004155fc ; call 0x4155fc
+jmp short loc_0041b152 ; jmp 0x41b152
+call fcn_004315cc ; call 0x4315cc
+jmp near loc_0041b3d0 ; jmp 0x41b3d0
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x219
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x62
+push 1
+push 0xb4
+push 0xcc
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push 0x3e8
+push ref_00463a81 ; push 0x463a81
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+add word [eax + ref_00496b98], 0x32 ; add word [eax + 0x496b98], 0x32
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, eax
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and eax, 1
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + eax*4 + ref_0048084a] ; mov ecx, dword [ebx + eax*4 + 0x48084a]
+push ecx
+push 0
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp near loc_0041b3d0 ; jmp 0x41b3d0
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x219
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x62
+push 1
+push 0xb4
+push 0xcc
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push 0x3e8
+push ref_00463a8e ; push 0x463a8e
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+add word [eax + ref_00496b98], 0x1e ; add word [eax + 0x496b98], 0x1e
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov esi, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_00480852] ; mov esi, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x480852]
+push esi
+push 0
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+jmp near loc_0041b211 ; jmp 0x41b211
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x219
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x62
+push 1
+push 0xb4
+push 0xcc
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push 0x3e8
+push ref_00463a9b ; push 0x463a9b
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+add word [eax + ref_00496b98], 0xa ; add word [eax + 0x496b98], 0xa
+jmp near loc_0041b3d0 ; jmp 0x41b3d0
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x218
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x63
+push 1
+push 0xb4
+push 0xd0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00441e12 ; call 0x441e12
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0041b3d0 ; je 0x41b3d0
+mov edi, dword [eax*8 + ref_0047fdea] ; mov edi, dword [eax*8 + 0x47fdea]
+push edi
+push ref_00463aa8 ; push 0x463aa8
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_00441f73 ; call 0x441f73
+add esp, 8
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx*8 + ref_0047fdef] ; mov al, byte [ebx*8 + 0x47fdef]
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044f230 ; call 0x44f230
+add esp, 8
+jmp short loc_0041b3d0 ; jmp 0x41b3d0
+call fcn_004379c9 ; call 0x4379c9
+cmp byte [ref_0046caf8], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46caf8], 0
+jne short loc_0041b3d0 ; jne 0x41b3d0
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esp + 0xf0]
+push eax
+call fcn_00436668 ; call 0x436668
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0041b3d0 ; jmp 0x41b3d0
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esp + 0xf0]
+push eax
+call fcn_0042e931 ; call 0x42e931
+jmp short loc_0041b3b4 ; jmp 0x41b3b4
+call fcn_0043380a ; call 0x43380a
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0xf4]
+add esp, 0xf8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x90
+ref_0041b3e5: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_0041b807
+dd loc_0041b807
+dd loc_0041b807
+dd loc_0041b807
+dd loc_0041b807
+dd loc_0041b807
+dd loc_0041b807
+dd loc_0041b807
+dd loc_0041b807
+dd loc_0041b807
+dd loc_0041b837
+dd loc_0041b807
+dd loc_0041b8f9
+dd loc_0041bb0c
+dd loc_0041c164
+dd loc_0041bceb
+dd loc_0041be5f
+dd loc_0041bfd2
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xa8
+cmp dword [ref_0048baf8], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48baf8], 0
+jne short loc_0041b456 ; jne 0x41b456
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp ecx, 4
+jge short loc_0041b46d ; jge 0x41b46d
+imul esi, ecx, 0x68
+mov si, word [esi + ref_00496b74] ; mov si, word [esi + 0x496b74]
+jmp short loc_0041b479 ; jmp 0x41b479
+mov esi, ecx
+shl esi, 4
+mov si, word [esi + ref_00498dec] ; mov si, word [esi + 0x498dec]
+and esi, 0xffff
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e80]
+add eax, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x24]
+and ecx, 0xff
+mov dword [esp + 0xa0], ecx
+mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x24]
+and ecx, 0xf00
+shr ecx, 8
+mov dword [esp + 0x98], ecx
+mov eax, dword [eax + 0x24]
+and eax, 0xff0000
+shr eax, 0x10
+mov dword [esp + 0xa4], eax
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0041b4e0 ; je 0x41b4e0
+lea ebx, [eax - 1]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+mov al, byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d08] ; mov al, byte [eax*8 + 0x496d08]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov dword [esp + 0x9c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp eax, 8
+jne short loc_0041b536 ; jne 0x41b536
+cmp dword [esp + 0xa4], 0
+je near loc_0041c844 ; je 0x41c844
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ref_00498e6e] ; mov ax, word [0x498e6e]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ref_00498e6c] ; mov ax, word [0x498e6c]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xac]
+push edx
+call fcn_0040fafd ; call 0x40fafd
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xa4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040e14d ; call 0x40e14d
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0041c844 ; jmp 0x41c844
+cmp eax, 4
+jge near loc_0041b7ef ; jge 0x41b7ef
+cmp dword [esp + 0xa0], 0xe
+jne near loc_0041b5fd ; jne 0x41b5fd
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9f], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9f], 0
+jne near loc_0041b5fd ; jne 0x41b5fd
+cmp dword [ref_0048baf8], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48baf8], 0
+je near loc_0041b5fd ; je 0x41b5fd
+cmp dword [esp + 0x9c], 0x10
+je near loc_0041b5fd ; je 0x41b5fd
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba8], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba8], 0
+je short loc_0041b5ab ; je 0x41b5ab
+push ref_00482362 ; push 0x482362
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_004379c9 ; call 0x4379c9
+cmp byte [ref_0046caf8], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46caf8], 0
+jne near loc_0041c844 ; jne 0x41c844
+cmp dword [ref_0048baf8], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48baf8], 0
+je short loc_0041b5fd ; je 0x41b5fd
+push 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba8], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba8], 0
+je short loc_0041b5fd ; je 0x41b5fd
+push 1
+push ref_00482362 ; push 0x482362
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov cl, byte [ref_0049910c] ; mov cl, byte [0x49910c]
+mov eax, 1
+shl eax, cl
+not eax
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x98]
+and edi, eax
+push edi
+call fcn_0040d293 ; call 0x40d293
+mov ebp, eax
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0041b697 ; je 0x41b697
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+jne short loc_0041b697 ; jne 0x41b697
+cmp dword [ref_0048baf8], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48baf8], 0
+jne short loc_0041b697 ; jne 0x41b697
+mov eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+sub ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+mov eax, ebx
+shl ebx, 2
+add ebx, eax
+push ebx
+push ref_00463ab1 ; push 0x463ab1
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+push ebx
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0041d2c6 ; call 0x41d2c6
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebp
+call fcn_0040cc56 ; call 0x40cc56
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ch, byte [eax + ref_00496ba8] ; mov ch, byte [eax + 0x496ba8]
+test ch, ch
+je near loc_0041b7ef ; je 0x41b7ef
+mov al, ch
+and eax, 0xff
+lea ebx, [eax - 1]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+mov dl, byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d0c] ; mov dl, byte [eax*8 + 0x496d0c]
+dec dl
+mov byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d0c], dl ; mov byte [eax*8 + 0x496d0c], dl
+jne near loc_0041b78b ; jne 0x41b78b
+push ref_00482362 ; push 0x482362
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496ba8] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496ba8]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+call fcn_0040e14d ; call 0x40e14d
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, esi
+shl ecx, 2
+add ecx, esi
+shl ecx, 3
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+add eax, ecx
+mov di, word [eax + 0x20]
+test di, di
+je short loc_0041b727 ; je 0x41b727
+push 0
+mov eax, edi
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+call fcn_0040ab4a ; call 0x40ab4a
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040cd07 ; call 0x40cd07
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x20d
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push esi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x52
+push 0x30001
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [ref_0048baf8], edi ; mov dword [0x48baf8], edi
+push 5
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0043ec3f ; call 0x43ec3f
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_0041c844 ; jmp 0x41c844
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_0041b7ef ; je 0x41b7ef
+push edi
+call fcn_0040d293 ; call 0x40d293
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0041b7ef ; je 0x41b7ef
+mov ch, byte [eax + ref_00496ba8] ; mov ch, byte [eax + 0x496ba8]
+test ch, ch
+jne short loc_0041b7ef ; jne 0x41b7ef
+imul edi, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul edi, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov bh, byte [edi + ref_00496ba8] ; mov bh, byte [edi + 0x496ba8]
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba8], bh ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba8], bh
+mov cl, bl
+inc cl
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, bh
+lea ebx, [eax - 1]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+mov byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d0d], cl ; mov byte [eax*8 + 0x496d0d], cl
+mov byte [edi + ref_00496ba8], ch ; mov byte [edi + 0x496ba8], ch
+push ref_00482362 ; push 0x482362
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+dec eax
+cmp eax, 0x11
+ja near loc_0041c164 ; ja 0x41c164
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_0041b3e5] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x41b3e5]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp edx, 4
+jge near loc_0041c164 ; jge 0x41c164
+cmp dword [ref_0048baf8], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48baf8], 0
+jne near loc_0041c164 ; jne 0x41c164
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xa4]
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edx
+call fcn_0040ead7 ; call 0x40ead7
+jmp near loc_0041bb95 ; jmp 0x41bb95
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048baf8] ; mov edi, dword [0x48baf8]
+test edi, edi
+jne near loc_0041c164 ; jne 0x41c164
+push 0xb
+call fcn_0040e14d ; call 0x40e14d
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp ebp, 4
+jge short loc_0041b8a7 ; jge 0x41b8a7
+imul eax, ebp, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b79], 0
+je short loc_0041b89e ; je 0x41b89e
+push edi
+push edi
+push 0x228
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x55
+push 0x10001
+push 0x28
+push edi
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0041c164 ; jmp 0x41c164
+push ebp
+call fcn_0040cd07 ; call 0x40cd07
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x214
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x5d
+push 0x30001
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [ref_0048baf8], edi ; mov dword [0x48baf8], edi
+push 3
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0043ec3f ; call 0x43ec3f
+jmp near loc_0041c161 ; jmp 0x41c161
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp eax, 4
+jge near loc_0041b995 ; jge 0x41b995
+cmp dword [ref_0048baf8], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48baf8], 0
+jne near loc_0041b995 ; jne 0x41b995
+push eax
+call fcn_00445ada ; call 0x445ada
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0041c164 ; je 0x41c164
+push 0
+push ref_0048237a ; push 0x48237a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0xd
+call fcn_0040e14d ; call 0x40e14d
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [ebx*8 + ref_0047feda] ; mov ecx, dword [ebx*8 + 0x47feda]
+push ecx
+push ref_00463aa8 ; push 0x463aa8
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx*8 + ref_0047fedf] ; mov al, byte [ebx*8 + 0x47fedf]
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044f230 ; call 0x44f230
+jmp near loc_0041c161 ; jmp 0x41c161
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp ecx, 4
+jne near loc_0041c164 ; jne 0x41c164
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 4
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498df5], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498df5], 0
+jne near loc_0041c164 ; jne 0x41c164
+push 0xd
+call fcn_0040e14d ; call 0x40e14d
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+shl eax, 4
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00498df0] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x498df0]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0047edaa] ; mov edi, dword [0x47edaa]
+push edi
+push ref_00463ac0 ; push 0x463ac0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+shl eax, 4
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00498df0] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x498df0]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+call fcn_00445ada ; call 0x445ada
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0041be38 ; je 0x41be38
+push 0
+push ref_0048237a ; push 0x48237a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+shl eax, 4
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00498df0] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x498df0]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov cx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push ecx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebp, dword [ebx*8 + ref_0047feda] ; mov ebp, dword [ebx*8 + 0x47feda]
+push ebp
+push ref_00463aa8 ; push 0x463aa8
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx*8 + ref_0047fedf] ; mov al, byte [ebx*8 + 0x47fedf]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+shl eax, 4
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00498df0] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x498df0]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+call fcn_0044f230 ; call 0x44f230
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+jmp near loc_0041be38 ; jmp 0x41be38
+cmp dword [ref_0049910c], 4 ; cmp dword [0x49910c], 4
+jge near loc_0041bb9d ; jge 0x41bb9d
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048baf8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48baf8]
+test ecx, ecx
+jne short loc_0041bb9d ; jne 0x41bb9d
+push ecx
+push ref_00482382 ; push 0x482382
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0xe
+call fcn_0040e14d ; call 0x40e14d
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_00463ad3 ; push 0x463ad3
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+add word [eax + ref_00496b98], 0x1f4 ; add word [eax + 0x496b98], 0x1f4
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, eax
+mov edi, dword [ebx + eax*8 + ref_0048084a] ; mov edi, dword [ebx + eax*8 + 0x48084a]
+push edi
+push 0
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp near loc_0041c164 ; jmp 0x41c164
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp ebx, 4
+jne near loc_0041c164 ; jne 0x41c164
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 4
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498df5], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498df5], 0
+jne near loc_0041c164 ; jne 0x41c164
+push 0
+push ref_00482382 ; push 0x482382
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0xe
+call fcn_0040e14d ; call 0x40e14d
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+shl eax, 4
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00498df0] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x498df0]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0047edae] ; mov ebp, dword [0x47edae]
+push ebp
+push ref_00463ac0 ; push 0x463ac0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+shl eax, 4
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00498df0] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x498df0]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov cx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push ecx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_00463ad3 ; push 0x463ad3
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+shl eax, 4
+movzx edi, byte [eax + ref_00498df0] ; movzx edi, byte [eax + 0x498df0]
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+add word [eax + ref_00496b98], 0x1f4 ; add word [eax + 0x496b98], 0x1f4
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, eax
+mov edx, dword [ebx + eax*8 + ref_0048084a] ; mov edx, dword [ebx + eax*8 + 0x48084a]
+push edx
+push 0
+push edi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp near loc_0041bb02 ; jmp 0x41bb02
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp eax, 8
+jge short loc_0041bd65 ; jge 0x41bd65
+cmp eax, 4
+je short loc_0041bd65 ; je 0x41bd65
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xa4]
+push edx
+call fcn_0040e14d ; call 0x40e14d
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048baf8], ecx ; mov dword [0x48baf8], ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge near loc_0041c164 ; jge 0x41c164
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00480d92] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x480d92]
+push ebp
+push 1
+push ebx
+jmp near loc_0041bb90 ; jmp 0x41bb90
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp ecx, 4
+jne near loc_0041c164 ; jne 0x41c164
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 4
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498df5], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498df5], 0
+jne near loc_0041c164 ; jne 0x41c164
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xa4]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040e14d ; call 0x40e14d
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+shl eax, 4
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00498df0] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x498df0]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0047edb6] ; mov ebp, dword [0x47edb6]
+push ebp
+push ref_00463ac0 ; push 0x463ac0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+push 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+shl eax, 4
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00498df0] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x498df0]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+call fcn_00445a4d ; call 0x445a4d
+add esp, 8
+cmp dword [ref_0048baf8], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48baf8], 0
+je near loc_0041c164 ; je 0x41c164
+push 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+jmp near loc_0041c161 ; jmp 0x41c161
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp ebp, 8
+jge near loc_0041bf16 ; jge 0x41bf16
+cmp ebp, 4
+je near loc_0041bf16 ; je 0x41bf16
+cmp dword [ref_0048baf8], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48baf8], 0
+jne near loc_0041bf16 ; jne 0x41bf16
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xa4]
+push edx
+call fcn_0040e14d ; call 0x40e14d
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp ecx, 4
+jge short loc_0041bea8 ; jge 0x41bea8
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040cd07 ; call 0x40cd07
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x20d
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x52
+push 0x30001
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp ebp, 4
+jge near loc_0041b8de ; jge 0x41b8de
+imul eax, ebp, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00480d96] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x480d96]
+push ecx
+push 1
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp near loc_0041b8de ; jmp 0x41b8de
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp ecx, 4
+jne near loc_0041c164 ; jne 0x41c164
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 4
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498df5], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498df5], 0
+jne near loc_0041c164 ; jne 0x41c164
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xa4]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040e14d ; call 0x40e14d
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+shl eax, 4
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00498df0] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x498df0]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0047edba] ; mov ebp, dword [0x47edba]
+push ebp
+push ref_00463ac0 ; push 0x463ac0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+push 3
+jmp near loc_0041be1c ; jmp 0x41be1c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp eax, 4
+jge near loc_0041c072 ; jge 0x41c072
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496ba8] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496ba8]
+test dl, dl
+jne near loc_0041c072 ; jne 0x41c072
+cmp dword [ref_0048baf8], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48baf8], 0
+jne short loc_0041c072 ; jne 0x41c072
+mov bl, byte [esp + 0xa4]
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba8], bl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba8], bl
+mov cl, byte [ref_0049910c] ; mov cl, byte [0x49910c]
+inc cl
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xa4]
+dec ebx
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+mov byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d0d], cl ; mov byte [eax*8 + 0x496d0d], cl
+mov byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d0c], 0x26 ; mov byte [eax*8 + 0x496d0c], 0x26
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, esi
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e80]
+mov byte [ecx + eax*8 + 0x26], dl
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_00480d9a] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x480d9a]
+push ebx
+push 2
+push ecx
+jmp near loc_0041bb90 ; jmp 0x41bb90
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp ebx, 4
+jne near loc_0041c164 ; jne 0x41c164
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 4
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498df5], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498df5], 0
+jne near loc_0041c164 ; jne 0x41c164
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xa4]
+push edi
+call fcn_0040e14d ; call 0x40e14d
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+shl eax, 4
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00498df0] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x498df0]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047edbe] ; mov eax, dword [0x47edbe]
+push eax
+push ref_00463ac0 ; push 0x463ac0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+shl eax, 4
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00498df0] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x498df0]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+call fcn_00445a4d ; call 0x445a4d
+add esp, 8
+cmp dword [ref_0048baf8], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48baf8], 0
+je short loc_0041c164 ; je 0x41c164
+push 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp ebp, 4
+jl near loc_0041c844 ; jl 0x41c844
+mov ebx, ebp
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 4
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498df2], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498df2], 0
+jne near loc_0041c7a6 ; jne 0x41c7a6
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00498df5], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x498df5], 0
+jne near loc_0041c7a6 ; jne 0x41c7a6
+cmp ebp, 4
+je short loc_0041c1a2 ; je 0x41c1a2
+cmp ebp, 5
+jne near loc_0041c447 ; jne 0x41c447
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+shl eax, 4
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00498df0] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x498df0]
+mov eax, 1
+shl eax, cl
+not eax
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x98]
+and edi, eax
+je near loc_0041c330 ; je 0x41c330
+push edi
+call fcn_0040d293 ; call 0x40d293
+mov esi, eax
+add esp, 4
+imul ebx, eax, 0x68
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b7d], 0
+je near loc_0041c330 ; je 0x41c330
+mov edx, dword [ebx + ref_00496b68] ; mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x496b68]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+cmp dword [ref_0049910c], 4 ; cmp dword [0x49910c], 4
+jne near loc_0041c293 ; jne 0x41c293
+xor edi, edi
+mov di, word [ebx + ref_00496b98] ; mov di, word [ebx + 0x496b98]
+sar edi, 1
+test edi, edi
+je near loc_0041c330 ; je 0x41c330
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_00463ae4 ; push 0x463ae4
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x3e8
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+sub word [ebx + ref_00496b98], di ; sub word [ebx + 0x496b98], di
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+shl eax, 4
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00498df0] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x498df0]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+add word [eax + ref_00496b98], di ; add word [eax + 0x496b98], di
+cmp dword [ref_0048baf8], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48baf8], 0
+je near loc_0041c330 ; je 0x41c330
+jmp near loc_0041c318 ; jmp 0x41c318
+push esi
+call fcn_00441e77 ; call 0x441e77
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0041c330 ; je 0x41c330
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+mov esi, dword [eax*8 + ref_0047fdea] ; mov esi, dword [eax*8 + 0x47fdea]
+push esi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_00463af7 ; push 0x463af7
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x3e8
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+shl eax, 4
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00498df0] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x498df0]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+call fcn_004412e4 ; call 0x4412e4
+add esp, 8
+cmp dword [ref_0048baf8], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48baf8], 0
+je short loc_0041c330 ; je 0x41c330
+push 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+cmp dword [ref_0049910c], 5 ; cmp dword [0x49910c], 5
+jne near loc_0041c7a6 ; jne 0x41c7a6
+cmp dword [esp + 0xa0], 0xe
+jne near loc_0041c7a6 ; jne 0x41c7a6
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor edi, edi
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0041c3ad ; jge 0x41c3ad
+imul esi, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [esi + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [esi + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0041c3aa ; je 0x41c3aa
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+shl ebp, 4
+movzx ebp, byte [ebp + ref_00498df0] ; movzx ebp, byte [ebp + 0x498df0]
+cmp ebx, ebp
+je short loc_0041c3aa ; je 0x41c3aa
+fild dword [esi + ref_00496b88] ; fild dword [esi + 0x496b88]
+fmul qword [ref_00463b60] ; fmul qword [0x463b60]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x94]
+push 5
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push eax
+push ebp
+push ebx
+call fcn_0041d2c6 ; call 0x41d2c6
+add esp, 0x10
+add edi, dword [esp + 0x94]
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0041c34f ; jmp 0x41c34f
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+shl eax, 4
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00498df0] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x498df0]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push edi
+push ref_00463b02 ; push 0x463b02
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x7d0
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+cmp dword [ref_0048baf8], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48baf8], 0
+je near loc_0041c7a6 ; je 0x41c7a6
+push 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_0041c7a6 ; jmp 0x41c7a6
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048baf8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48baf8]
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_0041c7a6 ; jne 0x41c7a6
+push 1
+push eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov edi, dword [0x498e80]
+mov di, word [edi + eax*8 + 0x20]
+cmp di, 0x7d0
+jbe near loc_0041c5cd ; jbe 0x41c5cd
+cmp di, 0xfa0
+jae near loc_0041c5cd ; jae 0x41c5cd
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, di
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebp, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebp, eax
+mov dl, byte [ebp + 0x19]
+test dl, dl
+je near loc_0041c7a6 ; je 0x41c7a6
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+shl eax, 4
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00498df0] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x498df0]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, dl
+dec eax
+cmp ecx, eax
+je near loc_0041c7a6 ; je 0x41c7a6
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+cmp dword [ref_0049910c], 6 ; cmp dword [0x49910c], 6
+jne near loc_0041c597 ; jne 0x41c597
+mov ebx, 1
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e84]
+add esi, 0x34
+xor edi, edi
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_0041c52c ; jg 0x41c52c
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x19]
+cmp al, byte [ebp + 0x19]
+jne short loc_0041c526 ; jne 0x41c526
+lea eax, [esi + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0041c526 ; jne 0x41c526
+mov ax, word [esi + 0x1c]
+add edi, eax
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x34
+jmp short loc_0041c4fc ; jmp 0x41c4fc
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+imul edi, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul edi, dword [0x4990e8]
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_00463b21 ; push 0x463b21
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+shl eax, 4
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00498df0] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x498df0]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebp + 0x19]
+jmp near loc_0041c6b6 ; jmp 0x41c6b6
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x2c]
+test edi, edi
+je near loc_0041c7a6 ; je 0x41c7a6
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+push edi
+push ref_00463b36 ; push 0x463b36
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp short loc_0041c564 ; jmp 0x41c564
+cmp di, 0xfa0
+jbe near loc_0041c6e6 ; jbe 0x41c6e6
+cmp di, 0x1770
+jae near loc_0041c6e6 ; jae 0x41c6e6
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, di
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebx, eax
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x19], 0
+je near loc_0041c7a6 ; je 0x41c7a6
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+shl eax, 4
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00498df0] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x498df0]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+dec eax
+cmp ecx, eax
+je near loc_0041c7a6 ; je 0x41c7a6
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+cmp dword [ref_0049910c], 6 ; cmp dword [0x49910c], 6
+jne short loc_0041c6bd ; jne 0x41c6bd
+push eax
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+xor edi, edi
+mov di, word [ebx + 0x22]
+imul edi, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul edi, dword [0x4990e8]
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_00463b21 ; push 0x463b21
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+shl eax, 4
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00498df0] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x498df0]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+dec eax
+push eax
+jmp near loc_0041c79e ; jmp 0x41c79e
+mov edi, dword [ebx + 0x30]
+test edi, edi
+je near loc_0041c7a6 ; je 0x41c7a6
+push eax
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+push edi
+push ref_00463b36 ; push 0x463b36
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp short loc_0041c688 ; jmp 0x41c688
+cmp di, 0x1770
+jbe near loc_0041c7a6 ; jbe 0x41c7a6
+cmp di, 0x1f40
+jae near loc_0041c7a6 ; jae 0x41c7a6
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, di
+lea eax, [esi - 0x1770]
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edi, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov edi, dword [0x498e7c]
+add edi, eax
+cmp byte [edi + 0x18], 0
+je near loc_0041c7a6 ; je 0x41c7a6
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 4
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00498df0] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x498df0]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edi + 0x18]
+dec eax
+cmp ecx, eax
+je short loc_0041c7a6 ; je 0x41c7a6
+cmp ebx, 7
+jne short loc_0041c7a6 ; jne 0x41c7a6
+mov edi, dword [edi + 0x28]
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_0041c7a6 ; je 0x41c7a6
+mov eax, dword [ref_004749d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4749d4]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ref_0048234a ; add eax, 0x48234a
+push eax
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+push edi
+push ref_00463b49 ; push 0x463b49
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+shl eax, 4
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00498df0] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x498df0]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+sub esi, 0x170c
+push esi
+call fcn_0041d2c6 ; call 0x41d2c6
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 4
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00498df3] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x498df3]
+and cl, 0x7f
+cmp cl, 1
+jne short loc_0041c7f6 ; jne 0x41c7f6
+cmp dword [esp + 0xa0], 4
+jne short loc_0041c7f6 ; jne 0x41c7f6
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00498df3] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x498df3]
+test cl, 0x80
+je short loc_0041c7e9 ; je 0x41c7e9
+push 0
+push ebx
+call fcn_0043d593 ; call 0x43d593
+add esp, 8
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [ref_0048baf8], ebp ; mov dword [0x48baf8], ebp
+jmp short loc_0041c844 ; jmp 0x41c844
+mov ch, cl
+or ch, 0x80
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498df3], ch ; mov byte [eax + 0x498df3], ch
+jmp short loc_0041c844 ; jmp 0x41c844
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 4
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00498df3] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x498df3]
+and cl, 0x7f
+cmp cl, 2
+jne short loc_0041c844 ; jne 0x41c844
+cmp dword [esp + 0xa0], 5
+jne short loc_0041c844 ; jne 0x41c844
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00498df3] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x498df3]
+test dl, 0x80
+je short loc_0041c839 ; je 0x41c839
+push 0
+push ebx
+call fcn_0043ec3f ; call 0x43ec3f
+add esp, 8
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [ref_0048baf8], edi ; mov dword [0x48baf8], edi
+jmp short loc_0041c844 ; jmp 0x41c844
+mov dh, dl
+or dh, 0x80
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498df3], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x498df3], dh
+add esp, 0xa8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x90]
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge near loc_0041ce39 ; jge 0x41ce39
+call fcn_0042915a ; call 0x42915a
+call fcn_00436a5a ; call 0x436a5a
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je near loc_0041cf5d ; je 0x41cf5d
+cmp byte [ref_0046caf8], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46caf8], 0
+jne near loc_0041cf5d ; jne 0x41cf5d
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00496b9a] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x496b9a]
+test cl, 0x80
+je short loc_0041c8a5 ; je 0x41c8a5
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040d6be ; call 0x40d6be
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0041c8bc ; jmp 0x41c8bc
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_0041c8bc ; je 0x41c8bc
+mov dl, cl
+dec dl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b9a], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b9a], dl
+jne short loc_0041c8bc ; jne 0x41c8bc
+or byte [eax + ref_00496b9a], 0x80 ; or byte [eax + 0x496b9a], 0x80
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov ch, byte [eax + ref_00496b9b] ; mov ch, byte [eax + 0x496b9b]
+test ch, 0x80
+je short loc_0041c8d5 ; je 0x41c8d5
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040d4e5 ; call 0x40d4e5
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0041c8f3 ; jmp 0x41c8f3
+test ch, ch
+je short loc_0041c8f3 ; je 0x41c8f3
+mov dh, ch
+dec dh
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b9b], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b9b], dh
+test dh, 0x3f
+jne short loc_0041c8f3 ; jne 0x41c8f3
+mov ch, dh
+or ch, 0x80
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b9b], ch ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b9b], ch
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b9c] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b9c]
+test dl, 0x80
+je short loc_0041c90c ; je 0x41c90c
+push ebx
+call fcn_0043d7bf ; call 0x43d7bf
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0041c927 ; jmp 0x41c927
+test dl, dl
+je short loc_0041c927 ; je 0x41c927
+mov cl, dl
+dec cl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b9c], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b9c], cl
+jne short loc_0041c927 ; jne 0x41c927
+mov dl, cl
+or dl, 0x80
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b9c], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b9c], dl
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov dh, byte [eax + ref_00496b9d] ; mov dh, byte [eax + 0x496b9d]
+test dh, 0x80
+je short loc_0041c940 ; je 0x41c940
+push ebx
+call fcn_0043ee6e ; call 0x43ee6e
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0041c95b ; jmp 0x41c95b
+test dh, dh
+je short loc_0041c95b ; je 0x41c95b
+mov ch, dh
+dec ch
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b9d], ch ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b9d], ch
+jne short loc_0041c95b ; jne 0x41c95b
+mov dh, ch
+or dh, 0x80
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b9d], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b9d], dh
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b9a], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b9a], 0
+jne near loc_0041ca8f ; jne 0x41ca8f
+test byte [eax + ref_00496b9e], 0x80 ; test byte [eax + 0x496b9e], 0x80
+je short loc_0041c9a4 ; je 0x41c9a4
+xor ch, ch
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b9e], ch ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b9e], ch
+imul eax, ebx, 0x34
+and byte [eax + ref_00498ea0], 0xbf ; and byte [eax + 0x498ea0], 0xbf
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00498ea1] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x498ea1]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040b8d8 ; call 0x40b8d8
+add esp, 8
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040b93b ; call 0x40b93b
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+test byte [eax + ref_00496b9f], 0x80 ; test byte [eax + 0x496b9f], 0x80
+je near loc_0041ca7b ; je 0x41ca7b
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b9f], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b9f], cl
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496bce] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496bce]
+and al, 3
+movzx esi, al
+cmp esi, 1
+jne short loc_0041c9e3 ; jne 0x41c9e3
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00499160], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x499160], 0
+jne short loc_0041ca04 ; jne 0x41ca04
+cmp esi, 2
+jne short loc_0041c9ff ; jne 0x41c9ff
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00499161], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x499161], 0
+jne short loc_0041ca04 ; jne 0x41ca04
+cmp esi, 3
+jne short loc_0041ca60 ; jne 0x41ca60
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496bce] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496bce]
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b79], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b79], dl
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496bcf] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496bcf]
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7a], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7a], dl
+mov ch, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov ch, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+cmp ch, 1
+jne short loc_0041ca3e ; jne 0x41ca3e
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+sub byte [eax + ref_00499160], ch ; sub byte [eax + 0x499160], ch
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 2 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b79], 2
+jne short loc_0041ca72 ; jne 0x41ca72
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+dec byte [eax + ref_00499161] ; dec byte [eax + 0x499161]
+jmp short loc_0041ca72 ; jmp 0x41ca72
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b79], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b79], dh
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7a], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7a], 1
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040b93b ; call 0x40b93b
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+test byte [eax + ref_00496ba1], 0x80 ; test byte [eax + 0x496ba1], 0x80
+je short loc_0041ca8f ; je 0x41ca8f
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba1], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba1], dl
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+test byte [eax + ref_00496ba0], 0x80 ; test byte [eax + 0x496ba0], 0x80
+je short loc_0041caa3 ; je 0x41caa3
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba0], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba0], cl
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+test byte [eax + ref_00496ba3], 0x80 ; test byte [eax + 0x496ba3], 0x80
+je short loc_0041cab7 ; je 0x41cab7
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba3], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba3], dl
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+test byte [eax + ref_00496ba4], 0x80 ; test byte [eax + 0x496ba4], 0x80
+je short loc_0041cacb ; je 0x41cacb
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba4], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba4], cl
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+test byte [eax + ref_00496ba5], 0x80 ; test byte [eax + 0x496ba5], 0x80
+je short loc_0041cae0 ; je 0x41cae0
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040cc1a ; call 0x40cc1a
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+test byte [eax + ref_00496ba6], 0x80 ; test byte [eax + 0x496ba6], 0x80
+je short loc_0041caf4 ; je 0x41caf4
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba6], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba6], dh
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b9a], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b9a], 0
+jne near loc_0041cb6d ; jne 0x41cb6d
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00496b9e] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x496b9e]
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_0041cb25 ; je 0x41cb25
+mov ch, cl
+dec ch
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b9e], ch ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b9e], ch
+jne short loc_0041cb25 ; jne 0x41cb25
+mov dh, ch
+or dh, 0x80
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b9e], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b9e], dh
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00496b9f] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x496b9f]
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_0041cb49 ; je 0x41cb49
+mov ch, cl
+dec ch
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b9f], ch ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b9f], ch
+jne short loc_0041cb49 ; jne 0x41cb49
+mov dh, ch
+or dh, 0x80
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b9f], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b9f], dh
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00496ba1] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x496ba1]
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_0041cb6d ; je 0x41cb6d
+mov ch, cl
+dec ch
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba1], ch ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba1], ch
+jne short loc_0041cb6d ; jne 0x41cb6d
+mov dh, ch
+or dh, 0x80
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba1], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba1], dh
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00496ba0] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x496ba0]
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_0041cb91 ; je 0x41cb91
+mov ch, cl
+dec ch
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba0], ch ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba0], ch
+jne short loc_0041cb91 ; jne 0x41cb91
+mov dh, ch
+or dh, 0x80
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba0], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba0], dh
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00496ba3] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x496ba3]
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_0041cbb5 ; je 0x41cbb5
+mov ch, cl
+dec ch
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba3], ch ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba3], ch
+jne short loc_0041cbb5 ; jne 0x41cbb5
+mov dh, ch
+or dh, 0x80
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba3], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba3], dh
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00496ba4] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x496ba4]
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_0041cbd9 ; je 0x41cbd9
+mov ch, cl
+dec ch
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba4], ch ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba4], ch
+jne short loc_0041cbd9 ; jne 0x41cbd9
+mov dh, ch
+or dh, 0x80
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba4], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba4], dh
+imul esi, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [esi + ref_00496ba5], 0 ; cmp byte [esi + 0x496ba5], 0
+je short loc_0041cc48 ; je 0x41cc48
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+neg eax
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + ref_00496ba9] ; mov al, byte [esi + 0x496ba9]
+dec eax
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+neg eax
+push eax
+push ebx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + ref_00496ba9] ; mov al, byte [esi + 0x496ba9]
+dec eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ch, byte [esi + ref_00496ba5] ; mov ch, byte [esi + 0x496ba5]
+dec ch
+mov byte [esi + ref_00496ba5], ch ; mov byte [esi + 0x496ba5], ch
+jne short loc_0041cc48 ; jne 0x41cc48
+mov byte [esi + ref_00496ba5], 0x80 ; mov byte [esi + 0x496ba5], 0x80
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496ba6] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496ba6]
+test dl, dl
+je short loc_0041cc6c ; je 0x41cc6c
+mov dh, dl
+dec dh
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba6], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba6], dh
+jne short loc_0041cc6c ; jne 0x41cc6c
+mov ch, dh
+or ch, 0x80
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba6], ch ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba6], ch
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba7], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba7], 0
+je short loc_0041cca3 ; je 0x41cca3
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496ba7] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496ba7]
+dec edx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov dh, byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d0c] ; mov dh, byte [eax*8 + 0x496d0c]
+dec dh
+mov byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d0c], dh ; mov byte [eax*8 + 0x496d0c], dh
+jne short loc_0041cca3 ; jne 0x41cca3
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040e32c ; call 0x40e32c
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+and dl, 3
+cmp dl, 3
+jne near loc_0041cd8c ; jne 0x41cd8c
+mov ch, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov ch, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+sub ch, 4
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b79], ch ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b79], ch
+test ch, 0xfc
+jne near loc_0041cd8c ; jne 0x41cd8c
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496bcc] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496bcc]
+and al, dl
+movzx esi, al
+cmp esi, 1
+jne short loc_0041ccf7 ; jne 0x41ccf7
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00499160], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x499160], 0
+jne short loc_0041cd17 ; jne 0x41cd17
+cmp esi, 2
+jne near loc_0041cd71 ; jne 0x41cd71
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00499161], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x499161], 0
+je short loc_0041cd71 ; je 0x41cd71
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496bcc] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496bcc]
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b79], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b79], dl
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496bcd] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496bcd]
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7a], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7a], dl
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b79], 1
+jne short loc_0041cd4f ; jne 0x41cd4f
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+dec byte [eax + ref_00499160] ; dec byte [eax + 0x499160]
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 2 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b79], 2
+jne short loc_0041cd83 ; jne 0x41cd83
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+dec byte [eax + ref_00499161] ; dec byte [eax + 0x499161]
+jmp short loc_0041cd83 ; jmp 0x41cd83
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+xor ch, ch
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b79], ch ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b79], ch
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7a], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7a], 1
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040b93b ; call 0x40b93b
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, 1
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebx, 0x38
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; cmp esi, dword [0x498e8c]
+jg near loc_0041cf5d ; jg 0x41cf5d
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 4
+jne near loc_0041ce33 ; jne 0x41ce33
+mov cl, byte [ebx + 0x1e]
+test cl, cl
+je near loc_0041ce33 ; je 0x41ce33
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edx, eax
+jne short loc_0041ce33 ; jne 0x41ce33
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1d]
+cmp al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+ja short loc_0041ce2f ; ja 0x41ce2f
+mov al, cl
+dec al
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1e], al
+jne short loc_0041ce33 ; jne 0x41ce33
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1d]
+mov ebp, dword [eax*8 + ref_0047ff1a] ; mov ebp, dword [eax*8 + 0x47ff1a]
+push ebp
+push ref_00463b68 ; push 0x463b68
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1d]
+add eax, 8
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00445a4d ; call 0x445a4d
+add esp, 8
+jmp short loc_0041ce33 ; jmp 0x41ce33
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1e], 0
+inc esi
+jmp near loc_0041cd97 ; jmp 0x41cd97
+cmp ebx, 8
+jge near loc_0041cf5d ; jge 0x41cf5d
+sub ebx, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 4
+test byte [eax + ref_00498e34], 0x80 ; test byte [eax + 0x498e34], 0x80
+je short loc_0041ce86 ; je 0x41ce86
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498e34], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x498e34], dh
+lea esi, [ebx + 4]
+imul eax, esi, 0x34
+and byte [eax + ref_00498ea0], 0xbf ; and byte [eax + 0x498ea0], 0xbf
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00498ea1] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x498ea1]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+push esi
+call fcn_0040b8d8 ; call 0x40b8d8
+add esp, 8
+push esi
+call fcn_0040b93b ; call 0x40b93b
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 4
+test byte [eax + ref_00498e35], 0x80 ; test byte [eax + 0x498e35], 0x80
+je short loc_0041ce9c ; je 0x41ce9c
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498e35], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498e35], dl
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 4
+test byte [eax + ref_00498e36], 0x80 ; test byte [eax + 0x498e36], 0x80
+je short loc_0041ceb2 ; je 0x41ceb2
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498e36], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498e36], cl
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 4
+test byte [eax + ref_00498e37], 0x80 ; test byte [eax + 0x498e37], 0x80
+je short loc_0041cec8 ; je 0x41cec8
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498e37], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498e37], dl
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 4
+mov dh, byte [eax + ref_00498e34] ; mov dh, byte [eax + 0x498e34]
+test dh, dh
+je short loc_0041ceee ; je 0x41ceee
+mov cl, dh
+dec cl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498e34], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498e34], cl
+jne short loc_0041ceee ; jne 0x41ceee
+mov dl, cl
+or dl, 0x80
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498e34], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498e34], dl
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 4
+mov dh, byte [eax + ref_00498e35] ; mov dh, byte [eax + 0x498e35]
+test dh, dh
+je short loc_0041cf14 ; je 0x41cf14
+mov cl, dh
+dec cl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498e35], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498e35], cl
+jne short loc_0041cf14 ; jne 0x41cf14
+mov dl, cl
+or dl, 0x80
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498e35], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498e35], dl
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 4
+mov dh, byte [eax + ref_00498e36] ; mov dh, byte [eax + 0x498e36]
+test dh, dh
+je short loc_0041cf3a ; je 0x41cf3a
+mov cl, dh
+dec cl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498e36], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498e36], cl
+jne short loc_0041cf3a ; jne 0x41cf3a
+mov dl, cl
+or dl, 0x80
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498e36], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498e36], dl
+shl ebx, 4
+mov dh, byte [ebx + ref_00498e37] ; mov dh, byte [ebx + 0x498e37]
+test dh, dh
+je short loc_0041cf5d ; je 0x41cf5d
+mov cl, dh
+dec cl
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498e37], cl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498e37], cl
+jne short loc_0041cf5d ; jne 0x41cf5d
+mov al, cl
+or al, 0x80
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498e37], al ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498e37], al
+add esp, 0x80
+pop ebp
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+xor esi, esi
+mov ah, byte [ref_0046cb06] ; mov ah, byte [0x46cb06]
+test ah, 0xf
+je short loc_0041cf9c ; je 0x41cf9c
+mov dl, ah
+dec dl
+mov byte [ref_0046cb06], dl ; mov byte [0x46cb06], dl
+test dl, 0xf
+jne short loc_0041cf9c ; jne 0x41cf9c
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [ref_0046cb06], bl ; mov byte [0x46cb06], bl
+call fcn_00454acb ; call 0x454acb
+push esi
+call fcn_00454d91 ; call 0x454d91
+add esp, 4
+push ref_00497160 ; push 0x497160
+call fcn_00452117 ; call 0x452117
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, eax
+inc dword [ref_004990e4] ; inc dword [0x4990e4]
+call fcn_0041d89e ; call 0x41d89e
+cmp eax, 1
+je near loc_0041d1a5 ; je 0x41d1a5
+call fcn_00423acf ; call 0x423acf
+call fcn_00428475 ; call 0x428475
+test byte [ref_004990dc], 0x80 ; test byte [0x4990dc], 0x80
+je short loc_0041cfdb ; je 0x41cfdb
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [ref_004990dc], eax ; mov dword [0x4990dc], eax
+jmp short loc_0041cff9 ; jmp 0x41cff9
+mov ecx, dword [ref_004990dc] ; mov ecx, dword [0x4990dc]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_0041cff9 ; je 0x41cff9
+lea ebx, [ecx - 1]
+mov dword [ref_004990dc], ebx ; mov dword [0x4990dc], ebx
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0041cff9 ; jne 0x41cff9
+or byte [ref_004990dc], 0x80 ; or byte [0x4990dc], 0x80
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0041d003 ; jmp 0x41d003
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jge short loc_0041d066 ; jge 0x41d066
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ch, byte [eax + ref_00496986] ; mov ch, byte [eax + 0x496986]
+test ch, ch
+je short loc_0041d021 ; je 0x41d021
+mov dl, ch
+dec dl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496986], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496986], dl
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov dh, byte [eax + ref_00496987] ; mov dh, byte [eax + 0x496987]
+test dh, dh
+je short loc_0041cffd ; je 0x41cffd
+test dh, 0xf0
+je short loc_0041d045 ; je 0x41d045
+mov ch, dh
+sub ch, 0x10
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496987], ch ; mov byte [eax + 0x496987], ch
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496987] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496987]
+test dl, 0xf
+je short loc_0041cffd ; je 0x41cffd
+mov dh, dl
+dec dh
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496987], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x496987], dh
+jmp short loc_0041cffd ; jmp 0x41cffd
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetTickCount@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623cc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f50 ; call 0x456f50
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_004291d6 ; call 0x4291d6
+call fcn_00452444 ; call 0x452444
+mov eax, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov eax, dword [0x497160]
+and eax, 0xff
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jne short loc_0041d099 ; jne 0x41d099
+call fcn_0042ba97 ; call 0x42ba97
+call fcn_00431712 ; call 0x431712
+cmp edi, 1
+jne short loc_0041d0ff ; jne 0x41d0ff
+call fcn_00439bfa ; call 0x439bfa
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [ref_00496e2a] ; mov bx, word [0x496e2a]
+push 0xd
+call fcn_0040e14d ; call 0x40e14d
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040aa6c ; call 0x40aa6c
+add esp, 4
+push eax
+push 0xd
+call fcn_0040e033 ; call 0x40e033
+add esp, 0x10
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [ref_00496e42] ; mov bx, word [0x496e42]
+push 0xe
+call fcn_0040e14d ; call 0x40e14d
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040aa6c ; call 0x40aa6c
+add esp, 4
+push eax
+push 0xe
+call fcn_0040e033 ; call 0x40e033
+add esp, 0x10
+add dword [ref_00499084], edi ; add dword [0x499084], edi
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, 0x34
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_0041d14b ; jg 0x41d14b
+mov cl, byte [eax + 0x17]
+test cl, 0xf0
+je short loc_0041d12d ; je 0x41d12d
+mov ch, cl
+sub ch, 0x10
+mov byte [eax + 0x17], ch
+test ch, 0xf0
+jne short loc_0041d12d ; jne 0x41d12d
+mov byte [eax + 0x17], 0
+mov edx, dword [eax + 0x30]
+cmp edx, dword [ref_00497160] ; cmp edx, dword [0x497160]
+jne short loc_0041d148 ; jne 0x41d148
+mov byte [eax + 0x19], 0
+mov dword [eax + 0x30], 0
+mov esi, 1
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0041d109 ; jmp 0x41d109
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, 0x38
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x498e8c]
+jg short loc_0041d197 ; jg 0x41d197
+mov dh, byte [eax + 0x1c]
+test dh, 0xf0
+je short loc_0041d179 ; je 0x41d179
+mov cl, dh
+sub cl, 0x10
+mov byte [eax + 0x1c], cl
+test cl, 0xf0
+jne short loc_0041d179 ; jne 0x41d179
+mov byte [eax + 0x1c], 0
+mov edx, dword [eax + 0x34]
+cmp edx, dword [ref_00497160] ; cmp edx, dword [0x497160]
+jne short loc_0041d194 ; jne 0x41d194
+mov byte [eax + 0x19], 0
+mov dword [eax + 0x34], 0
+mov esi, 1
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0041d155 ; jmp 0x41d155
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_0041d1a5 ; je 0x41d1a5
+push 0
+call fcn_0040a4e1 ; call 0x40a4e1
+add esp, 4
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x94]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x98]
+xor edi, edi
+imul esi, ebp, 0x68
+cmp byte [esi + ref_00496b9f], 0 ; cmp byte [esi + 0x496b9f], 0
+jne near loc_0041d2bb ; jne 0x41d2bb
+cmp byte [esi + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [esi + 0x496b7d], 0
+je near loc_0041d2bb ; je 0x41d2bb
+cmp dword [ebx + 0x30], 0
+je near loc_0041d2bb ; je 0x41d2bb
+mov ecx, 0x2710
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x24]
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov ecx, eax
+mov eax, dword [esi + ref_00496b84] ; mov eax, dword [esi + 0x496b84]
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov esi, eax
+cmp eax, 0x3e8
+jle short loc_0041d216 ; jle 0x41d216
+mov esi, 0x3e8
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x30]
+cmp esi, eax
+jle short loc_0041d21f ; jle 0x41d21f
+mov esi, eax
+test esi, esi
+je near loc_0041d2bb ; je 0x41d2bb
+imul eax, ebp, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_0041d267 ; jne 0x41d267
+push ecx
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+push ref_00463b75 ; push 0x463b75
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00440ba8 ; call 0x440ba8
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_0041d273 ; jne 0x41d273
+push esi
+call fcn_00453544 ; call 0x453544
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, eax
+jmp short loc_0041d273 ; jmp 0x41d273
+push esi
+push ecx
+call fcn_0041d839 ; call 0x41d839
+mov edi, eax
+add esp, 8
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_0041d2bb ; je 0x41d2bb
+push 0
+push edi
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call fcn_00428d2a ; call 0x428d2a
+add esp, 0x10
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_0041d2b2 ; jne 0x41d2b2
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x1a], 0xc
+jne short loc_0041d2a0 ; jne 0x41d2a0
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_00463b94 ; push 0x463b94
+jmp short loc_0041d2aa ; jmp 0x41d2aa
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_00463ba5 ; push 0x463ba5
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+push ebp
+call fcn_0041d433 ; call 0x41d433
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x80
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+cmp esi, 0x64
+jle short loc_0041d2f3 ; jle 0x41d2f3
+lea edx, [esi - 0x64]
+imul edx, edx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e7c]
+sub dword [edx + eax + 0x28], ebx
+sub dword [edx + eax + 0x2c], ebx
+jmp near loc_0041d387 ; jmp 0x41d387
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+test byte [esp + 0x20], 4
+je short loc_0041d33d ; je 0x41d33d
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+sub ecx, ebx
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496b88], ecx ; mov dword [eax + 0x496b88], ecx
+test ecx, ecx
+jge near loc_0041d37e ; jge 0x41d37e
+mov edx, ecx
+add dword [eax + ref_00496b84], edx ; add dword [eax + 0x496b84], edx
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496b88], ebp ; mov dword [eax + 0x496b88], ebp
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+test edx, edx
+jge short loc_0041d37e ; jge 0x41d37e
+add ebx, edx
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496b84], ebp ; mov dword [eax + 0x496b84], ebp
+test ebx, ebx
+jge short loc_0041d375 ; jge 0x41d375
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0041d375 ; jmp 0x41d375
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+sub edx, ebx
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496b84], edx ; mov dword [eax + 0x496b84], edx
+test edx, edx
+jge short loc_0041d37e ; jge 0x41d37e
+add dword [eax + ref_00496b88], edx ; add dword [eax + 0x496b88], edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496b84], edx ; mov dword [eax + 0x496b84], edx
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+test ecx, ecx
+jge short loc_0041d37e ; jge 0x41d37e
+add ebx, ecx
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496b88], edx ; mov dword [eax + 0x496b88], edx
+test ebx, ebx
+jge short loc_0041d375 ; jge 0x41d375
+xor ebx, ebx
+push esi
+call fcn_0040cd87 ; call 0x40cd87
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+add dword [eax + ref_00496bc4], ebx ; add dword [eax + 0x496bc4], ebx
+cmp edi, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_0041d394 ; jne 0x41d394
+add dword [ref_00499080], ebx ; add dword [0x499080], ebx
+jmp short loc_0041d3d0 ; jmp 0x41d3d0
+cmp edi, 0x64
+jle short loc_0041d3af ; jle 0x41d3af
+sub edi, 0x64
+imul eax, edi, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e7c]
+add dword [edx + eax + 0x28], ebx
+add dword [edx + eax + 0x2c], ebx
+jmp short loc_0041d3d0 ; jmp 0x41d3d0
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+test byte [esp + 0x20], 1
+je short loc_0041d3c1 ; je 0x41d3c1
+add dword [eax + ref_00496b84], ebx ; add dword [eax + 0x496b84], ebx
+jmp short loc_0041d3c7 ; jmp 0x41d3c7
+add dword [eax + ref_00496b88], ebx ; add dword [eax + 0x496b88], ebx
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+add dword [eax + ref_00496bc8], ebx ; add dword [eax + 0x496bc8], ebx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp esi, ebp
+jne short loc_0041d3ef ; jne 0x41d3ef
+imul eax, ebp, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0041d3ef ; je 0x41d3ef
+push ebp
+call fcn_0041d433 ; call 0x41d433
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+test byte [esp + 0x10], 1
+je short loc_0041d40f ; je 0x41d40f
+add dword [eax + ref_00496b84], ecx ; add dword [eax + 0x496b84], ecx
+jmp short loc_0041d415 ; jmp 0x41d415
+add dword [eax + ref_00496b88], ecx ; add dword [eax + 0x496b88], ecx
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+add dword [eax + ref_00496bc8], ecx ; add dword [eax + 0x496bc8], ecx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp edx, ebp
+jne short loc_0041d431 ; jne 0x41d431
+push ebp
+call fcn_0041d433 ; call 0x41d433
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+cmp edx, 7
+jg short loc_0041d474 ; jg 0x41d474
+cmp dword [ref_0046cad8], 1 ; cmp dword [0x46cad8], 1
+jg short loc_0041d474 ; jg 0x41d474
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov dword [ref_0049910c], edx ; mov dword [0x49910c], edx
+cmp byte [ref_0049715d], 2 ; cmp byte [0x49715d], 2
+je short loc_0041d464 ; je 0x41d464
+push 1
+call fcn_00415f69 ; call 0x415f69
+jmp short loc_0041d46b ; jmp 0x41d46b
+push 1
+call fcn_004166f8 ; call 0x4166f8
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0049910c], ebx ; mov dword [0x49910c], ebx
+pop ebx
+push ebp
+test byte [esp + 0x10], 1
+je short loc_0041d496 ; je 0x41d496
+push 0
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0040829d ; call 0x40829d
+add esp, 8
+or byte [ref_00475110], 2 ; or byte [0x475110], 2
+jmp near loc_0041d516 ; jmp 0x41d516
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp edx, 4
+jge short loc_0041d4b6 ; jge 0x41d4b6
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+jmp short loc_0041d4cb ; jmp 0x41d4cb
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00498de8] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x498de8]
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00498dea] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x498dea]
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp edx, dword [esp + 8]
+jne short loc_0041d4e6 ; jne 0x41d4e6
+cmp eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+jne short loc_0041d4e6 ; jne 0x41d4e6
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [ref_0048be18], ebp ; mov dword [0x48be18], ebp
+jmp short loc_0041d502 ; jmp 0x41d502
+mov dword [ref_0048be18], 1 ; mov dword [0x48be18], 1
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+mov dword [ref_0048be1c], eax ; mov dword [0x48be1c], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov dword [ref_0048be20], eax ; mov dword [0x48be20], eax
+push 0
+call fcn_00416e6d ; call 0x416e6d
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00415e70 ; call 0x415e70
+add esp, 4
+test byte [esp + 0x10], 2
+je short loc_0041d527 ; je 0x41d527
+push 0
+call fcn_00415d31 ; call 0x415d31
+add esp, 4
+test byte [esp + 0x10], 4
+je short loc_0041d53f ; je 0x41d53f
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0xf
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00417e26 ; call 0x417e26
+call fcn_004192f7 ; call 0x4192f7
+pop ebp
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048be18], edx ; mov dword [0x48be18], edx
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+push esi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x94
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xac]
+mov ebx, 1
+imul eax, dword [esp + 0xa4], 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+mov ah, byte [esp + 0xa8]
+test ah, 0xf0
+je short loc_0041d5b3 ; je 0x41d5b3
+test ah, 0xf
+je short loc_0041d5b3 ; je 0x41d5b3
+push esi
+push ref_00463bb8 ; push 0x463bb8
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp short loc_0041d5e9 ; jmp 0x41d5e9
+imul eax, dword [esp + 0xa4], 0x68
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00496ba9] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x496ba9]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edx
+cmp ecx, edx
+jne short loc_0041d5f0 ; jne 0x41d5f0
+push esi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_00463bcd ; push 0x463bcd
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp near loc_0041d6a4 ; jmp 0x41d6a4
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba7], 0xf ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba7], 0xf
+jne short loc_0041d601 ; jne 0x41d601
+push esi
+push ref_00463be2 ; push 0x463be2
+jmp short loc_0041d5a4 ; jmp 0x41d5a4
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9a], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9a], 0
+je short loc_0041d61a ; je 0x41d61a
+push esi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_00463bf5 ; push 0x463bf5
+jmp short loc_0041d5dc ; jmp 0x41d5dc
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9b], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9b], 0
+je short loc_0041d633 ; je 0x41d633
+push esi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_00463c08 ; push 0x463c08
+jmp short loc_0041d5dc ; jmp 0x41d5dc
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9c], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9c], 0
+je short loc_0041d64c ; je 0x41d64c
+push esi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_00463c1b ; push 0x463c1b
+jmp short loc_0041d5dc ; jmp 0x41d5dc
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9d], 0
+je short loc_0041d668 ; je 0x41d668
+push esi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_00463c2e ; push 0x463c2e
+jmp near loc_0041d5dc ; jmp 0x41d5dc
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9e], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9e], 0
+je short loc_0041d684 ; je 0x41d684
+push esi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_00463c41 ; push 0x463c41
+jmp near loc_0041d5dc ; jmp 0x41d5dc
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9f], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9f], 0
+je short loc_0041d6a0 ; je 0x41d6a0
+push esi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_00463c54 ; push 0x463c54
+jmp near loc_0041d5dc ; jmp 0x41d5dc
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0041d6e5 ; jne 0x41d6e5
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ebp, 0x68
+movzx esi, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; movzx esi, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+mov esi, eax
+mov edx, dword [esi + eax*8 + ref_0048087e] ; mov edx, dword [esi + eax*8 + 0x48087e]
+push edx
+push 3
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 0x94
+pop ebp
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ref_0041d6f1: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_0041d741
+dd loc_0041d758
+dd loc_0041d79e
+dd loc_0041d79e
+dd loc_0041d76f
+dd loc_0041d788
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 0x80
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x90]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x94]
+mov ebx, esi
+imul eax, dword [esp + 0x8c], 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496ba7] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496ba7]
+dec al
+cmp al, 5
+ja short loc_0041d79e ; ja 0x41d79e
+and eax, 0xff
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_0041d6f1] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x41d6f1]
+push edx
+push ref_00463c67 ; push 0x463c67
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+sar ebx, 1
+jmp short loc_0041d79e ; jmp 0x41d79e
+push edx
+push ref_00463c80 ; push 0x463c80
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ebx, esi
+jmp short loc_0041d79e ; jmp 0x41d79e
+push edx
+push ref_00463c95 ; push 0x463c95
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+sar ebx, 1
+add ebx, esi
+jmp short loc_0041d79e ; jmp 0x41d79e
+push edx
+push ref_00463cae ; push 0x463cae
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+lea ebx, [esi + esi]
+cmp ebx, esi
+je short loc_0041d7c9 ; je 0x41d7c9
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0041d7c9 ; jne 0x41d7c9
+push esi
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x90]
+push esi
+call fcn_0044f567 ; call 0x44f567
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 0x80
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 4
+xor ecx, ecx
+fild dword [ref_0049908c] ; fild dword [0x49908c]
+fmul qword [ref_00463cc8] ; fmul qword [0x463cc8]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp]
+cmp dword [esp], 0x1b58
+jle short loc_0041d7fe ; jle 0x41d7fe
+mov dword [esp], 0x1b58
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+mov esi, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov esi, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul eax, esi
+mov dword [esp], eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+add edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; add edx, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+sub edx, eax
+mov eax, edx
+cmp eax, dword [esp]
+jle short loc_0041d832 ; jle 0x41d832
+mov ecx, 1
+mov eax, ecx
+add esp, 4
+pop esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+xor ecx, ecx
+fild dword [ref_0049908c] ; fild dword [0x49908c]
+fmul qword [ref_00463cd0] ; fmul qword [0x463cd0]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp]
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul eax, edx
+mov dword [esp], eax
+imul edx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul edx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov edx, dword [edx + ref_00496b84] ; mov edx, dword [edx + 0x496b84]
+sub edx, eax
+test edx, edx
+jle short loc_0041d896 ; jle 0x41d896
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+imul eax, edi
+cmp edx, eax
+jle short loc_0041d889 ; jle 0x41d889
+mov ecx, edi
+jmp short loc_0041d896 ; jmp 0x41d896
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x10]
+idiv ebp
+mov ecx, eax
+mov eax, ecx
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+xor ebp, ebp
+cmp dword [ref_0049911c], 0 ; cmp dword [0x49911c], 0
+jne short loc_0041d8bd ; jne 0x41d8bd
+cmp dword [ref_00499108], 0 ; cmp dword [0x499108], 0
+jne short loc_0041d8bd ; jne 0x41d8bd
+xor eax, eax
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor edi, edi
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0041d8e9 ; jge 0x41d8e9
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0041d8e6 ; je 0x41d8e6
+push ebx
+call fcn_004239b9 ; call 0x4239b9
+add esp, 4
+cmp edi, eax
+jge short loc_0041d8e6 ; jge 0x41d8e6
+mov edi, eax
+mov esi, ebx
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0041d8c1 ; jmp 0x41d8c1
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_0041d8ff ; je 0x41d8ff
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049911c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49911c]
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_0041d8ff ; je 0x41d8ff
+cmp edx, dword [ref_004990e4] ; cmp edx, dword [0x4990e4]
+jle short loc_0041d915 ; jle 0x41d915
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00499108] ; mov ebx, dword [0x499108]
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_0041da5a ; je 0x41da5a
+cmp edi, ebx
+jl near loc_0041da5a ; jl 0x41da5a
+mov dword [ref_0049910c], esi ; mov dword [0x49910c], esi
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, eax
+mov edx, dword [ebx + eax*8 + ref_004808aa] ; mov edx, dword [ebx + eax*8 + 0x4808aa]
+push edx
+push 3
+push esi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0041d96b ; jge 0x41d96b
+cmp ebx, esi
+je short loc_0041d968 ; je 0x41d968
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+xor ch, ch
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], ch ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7d], ch
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0041d951 ; jmp 0x41d951
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+cmp dword [ref_00499104], 1 ; cmp dword [0x499104], 1
+jne near loc_0041da3c ; jne 0x41da3c
+test byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; test byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je short loc_0041d9b9 ; je 0x41d9b9
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dl, 2
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00499114] ; mov ebp, dword [0x499114]
+cmp ebx, ebp
+jge short loc_0041d9ad ; jge 0x41d9ad
+cmp ebx, esi
+je short loc_0041d9aa ; je 0x41d9aa
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov byte [eax + ref_004990f4], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x4990f4], dl
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0041d98e ; jmp 0x41d98e
+mov byte [ref_0046caf8], 2 ; mov byte [0x46caf8], 2
+jmp near loc_0041da55 ; jmp 0x41da55
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [ref_0049910c], esi ; mov dword [0x49910c], esi
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [ref_00496b74] ; mov bx, word [0x496b74]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+add eax, ebx
+mov bx, word [eax]
+mov word [ref_00496b70], bx ; mov word [0x496b70], bx
+mov ax, word [eax + 2]
+mov word [ref_00496b72], ax ; mov word [0x496b72], ax
+mov eax, ref_00496b68 ; mov eax, 0x496b68
+add eax, 0x32
+mov ebx, eax
+sub ebx, ref_00496b68 ; sub ebx, 0x496b68
+mov esi, 0x68
+sub esi, ebx
+push esi
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0040b93b ; call 0x40b93b
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+call fcn_00407842 ; call 0x407842
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ref_0046caf8], al ; mov byte [0x46caf8], al
+jmp short loc_0041da55 ; jmp 0x41da55
+test byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; test byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je short loc_0041da4e ; je 0x41da4e
+mov byte [ref_0046caf8], 3 ; mov byte [0x46caf8], 3
+jmp short loc_0041da55 ; jmp 0x41da55
+mov byte [ref_0046caf8], 1 ; mov byte [0x46caf8], 1
+mov ebp, 1
+mov eax, ebp
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+push 0x39
+push 0x50
+push 0x109
+push 0xd0
+push 0x147
+push 0x136
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be50] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be50]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 0x137
+jmp short loc_0041dacf ; jmp 0x41dacf
+add ebx, 0xa
+add esi, 8
+cmp ebx, 0x64
+jge near loc_0041db46 ; jge 0x41db46
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048be4c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48be4c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov al, byte [eax*2 + ref_0048be38] ; mov al, byte [eax*2 + 0x48be38]
+and eax, 0xff
+cmp eax, ebx
+jle short loc_0041db08 ; jle 0x41db08
+push 0xff0000
+push 0x16
+push 7
+push 0x148
+push esi
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_004561be ; call 0x4561be
+add esp, 0x18
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048be4c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48be4c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov al, byte [eax*2 + ref_0048be39] ; mov al, byte [eax*2 + 0x48be39]
+and eax, 0xff
+cmp eax, ebx
+jle short loc_0041dac0 ; jle 0x41dac0
+push 0xff0000
+push 0x16
+push 7
+push 0x169
+push esi
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_004561be ; call 0x4561be
+add esp, 0x18
+jmp near loc_0041dac0 ; jmp 0x41dac0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov dword [esp], 0x136
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0x147
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x186
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x180
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x3e
+push 0x66
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be50] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be50]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 0x46
+jmp short loc_0041dbe0 ; jmp 0x41dbe0
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x53
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge near loc_0041dc7b ; jge 0x41dc7b
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+lea edi, [eax + eax]
+cmp byte [edi + ref_0048be34], 0 ; cmp byte [edi + 0x48be34], 0
+je short loc_0041dbd3 ; je 0x41dbd3
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0048be4c] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x48be4c]
+jne short loc_0041dc43 ; jne 0x41dc43
+push esi
+push 0x6e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be50] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be50]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+lea eax, [esi + 0x28]
+push eax
+push 0xb6
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edi + ref_0048be34] ; mov al, byte [edi + 0x48be34]
+dec eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+test byte [eax*2 + ref_0048be35], 4 ; test byte [eax*2 + 0x48be35], 4
+je near loc_0041dbd3 ; je 0x41dbd3
+lea eax, [esi + 0x24]
+push eax
+push 0x79
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be50] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be50]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_0041dbd3 ; jmp 0x41dbd3
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048be4c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48be4c]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+test byte [eax*2 + ref_0048be36], 1 ; test byte [eax*2 + 0x48be36], 1
+je short loc_0041dcb1 ; je 0x41dcb1
+push 0x6b
+push 0x120
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be50] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be50]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048be4c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48be4c]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+test byte [eax*2 + ref_0048be36], 2 ; test byte [eax*2 + 0x48be36], 2
+je short loc_0041dcea ; je 0x41dcea
+push 0x8b
+push 0x120
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be50] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be50]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048be4c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48be4c]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+mov al, byte [eax*2 + ref_0048be37] ; mov al, byte [eax*2 + 0x48be37]
+and eax, 0xff
+movsx eax, word [eax*2 + ref_004752b8] ; movsx eax, word [eax*2 + 0x4752b8]
+push eax
+push 0x120
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be50] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be50]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x80] ; ucall
+call fcn_0041da61 ; call 0x41da61
+mov dword [esp], 0x66
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0x3e
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x219
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x1a1
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x8d
+db 0x40
+db 0x00
+ref_0041dd7d: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_0041e0d7
+dd loc_0041e0f1
+dd loc_0041e10b
+dd loc_0041e126
+dd loc_0041e140
+dd loc_0041e15a
+dd loc_0041e191
+dd loc_0041e1c7
+dd loc_0041e1fe
+dd loc_0041e234
+dd loc_0041e297
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x50
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x64]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x68]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x70]
+cmp eax, 0x202
+jb short loc_0041ddf2 ; jb 0x41ddf2
+jbe near loc_0041e0b1 ; jbe 0x41e0b1
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb short loc_0041dde2 ; jb 0x41dde2
+jbe near loc_0041e2ba ; jbe 0x41e2ba
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_0041de0e ; je 0x41de0e
+jmp near loc_0041e331 ; jmp 0x41e331
+cmp eax, 0x203
+je near loc_0041de95 ; je 0x41de95
+jmp near loc_0041e331 ; jmp 0x41e331
+cmp eax, 0x200
+jb short loc_0041de00 ; jb 0x41de00
+jbe short loc_0041de2e ; jbe 0x41de2e
+jmp near loc_0041de95 ; jmp 0x41de95
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je near loc_0041e2d3 ; je 0x41e2d3
+jmp near loc_0041e331 ; jmp 0x41e331
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0048be54], ah ; mov byte [0x48be54], ah
+call fcn_0041db91 ; call 0x41db91
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+jmp near loc_0041e003 ; jmp 0x41e003
+mov al, byte [ref_0048be54] ; mov al, byte [0x48be54]
+cmp al, 0xd
+je short loc_0041de3f ; je 0x41de3f
+cmp al, 0xe
+jne near loc_0041de89 ; jne 0x41de89
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, dx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [ref_0048be54] ; mov cl, byte [0x48be54]
+movsx edx, word [ecx*8 + ref_004752ae] ; movsx edx, word [ecx*8 + 0x4752ae]
+sub esi, edx
+mov edx, esi
+mov eax, esi
+sar edx, 0x1f
+shl edx, 3
+sbb eax, edx
+sar eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+add eax, eax
+mov bl, al
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048be4c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48be4c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov byte [ecx + eax*2 + ref_0048be2b], bl ; mov byte [ecx + eax*2 + 0x48be2b], bl
+call fcn_0041da61 ; call 0x41da61
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x50
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, dx
+mov eax, edx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor edi, edi
+mov di, ax
+xor edx, edx
+mov ecx, 0x46
+jmp short loc_0041debb ; jmp 0x41debb
+inc edx
+add ecx, 0x53
+cmp edx, 4
+jge short loc_0041df03 ; jge 0x41df03
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add eax, eax
+cmp byte [eax + ref_0048be34], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x48be34], 0
+je short loc_0041deb2 ; je 0x41deb2
+cmp esi, 0x6e
+jle short loc_0041deb2 ; jle 0x41deb2
+cmp esi, 0xe2
+jge short loc_0041deb2 ; jge 0x41deb2
+cmp edi, ecx
+jle short loc_0041deb2 ; jle 0x41deb2
+lea ebx, [ecx + 0x53]
+cmp edi, ebx
+jge short loc_0041deb2 ; jge 0x41deb2
+cmp edx, dword [ref_0048be4c] ; cmp edx, dword [0x48be4c]
+jne short loc_0041def4 ; jne 0x41def4
+xor byte [eax + ref_0048be35], 4 ; xor byte [eax + 0x48be35], 4
+mov dword [ref_0048be4c], edx ; mov dword [0x48be4c], edx
+mov byte [ref_0048be54], 1 ; mov byte [0x48be54], 1
+jmp short loc_0041de89 ; jmp 0x41de89
+xor edx, edx
+jmp short loc_0041df0d ; jmp 0x41df0d
+inc edx
+cmp edx, 0xd
+jge short loc_0041df49 ; jge 0x41df49
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+movsx ecx, word [eax + ref_004752be] ; movsx ecx, word [eax + 0x4752be]
+cmp esi, ecx
+jle short loc_0041df07 ; jle 0x41df07
+movsx ecx, word [eax + ref_004752c2] ; movsx ecx, word [eax + 0x4752c2]
+cmp esi, ecx
+jge short loc_0041df07 ; jge 0x41df07
+movsx ecx, word [eax + ref_004752c0] ; movsx ecx, word [eax + 0x4752c0]
+cmp edi, ecx
+jle short loc_0041df07 ; jle 0x41df07
+movsx eax, word [eax + ref_004752c4] ; movsx eax, word [eax + 0x4752c4]
+cmp edi, eax
+jge short loc_0041df07 ; jge 0x41df07
+mov al, dl
+add al, 2
+mov byte [ref_0048be54], al ; mov byte [0x48be54], al
+jmp short loc_0041df07 ; jmp 0x41df07
+mov ch, byte [ref_0048be54] ; mov ch, byte [0x48be54]
+cmp ch, 7
+jb near loc_0041e010 ; jb 0x41e010
+cmp ch, 0xa
+ja near loc_0041e010 ; ja 0x41e010
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, ch
+movsx eax, word [edx*8 + ref_004752ae] ; movsx eax, word [edx*8 + 0x4752ae]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+movsx eax, word [edx*8 + ref_004752b0] ; movsx eax, word [edx*8 + 0x4752b0]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+movsx eax, word [edx*8 + ref_004752b2] ; movsx eax, word [edx*8 + 0x4752b2]
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+movsx eax, word [edx*8 + ref_004752b4] ; movsx eax, word [edx*8 + 0x4752b4]
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048be54] ; mov al, byte [0x48be54]
+lea ecx, [eax - 7]
+and ecx, 1
+add ecx, 4
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x44]
+inc eax
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x44]
+inc eax
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048be50] ; mov edx, dword [0x48be50]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_0041de89 ; jmp 0x41de89
+mov ah, byte [ref_0048be54] ; mov ah, byte [0x48be54]
+cmp ah, 0xb
+je short loc_0041e020 ; je 0x41e020
+cmp ah, 0xc
+jne short loc_0041e09a ; jne 0x41e09a
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048be54] ; mov dl, byte [0x48be54]
+movsx eax, word [edx*8 + ref_004752ae] ; movsx eax, word [edx*8 + 0x4752ae]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+movsx eax, word [edx*8 + ref_004752b0] ; movsx eax, word [edx*8 + 0x4752b0]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+movsx eax, word [edx*8 + ref_004752b2] ; movsx eax, word [edx*8 + 0x4752b2]
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+movsx eax, word [edx*8 + ref_004752b4] ; movsx eax, word [edx*8 + 0x4752b4]
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+push 0xfffffffffffffff4
+push 0x38
+push 0x28
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x50]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x50]
+push edx
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_004552e7 ; call 0x4552e7
+add esp, 0x18
+jmp near loc_0041dfec ; jmp 0x41dfec
+cmp ah, 0xd
+je near loc_0041de44 ; je 0x41de44
+cmp ah, 0xe
+jne near loc_0041de89 ; jne 0x41de89
+jmp near loc_0041de44 ; jmp 0x41de44
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048be54] ; mov dl, byte [0x48be54]
+test dl, dl
+je near loc_0041de89 ; je 0x41de89
+mov al, dl
+sub al, 2
+cmp al, 0xa
+ja near loc_0041e2a8 ; ja 0x41e2a8
+and eax, 0xff
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_0041dd7d] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x41dd7d]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048be4c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48be4c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+xor byte [eax*2 + ref_0048be36], 1 ; xor byte [eax*2 + 0x48be36], 1
+jmp near loc_0041e2a8 ; jmp 0x41e2a8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048be4c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48be4c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+xor byte [eax*2 + ref_0048be36], 2 ; xor byte [eax*2 + 0x48be36], 2
+jmp near loc_0041e2a8 ; jmp 0x41e2a8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048be4c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48be4c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [eax*2 + ref_0048be37], bh ; mov byte [eax*2 + 0x48be37], bh
+jmp near loc_0041e2a8 ; jmp 0x41e2a8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048be4c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48be4c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov byte [eax*2 + ref_0048be37], 1 ; mov byte [eax*2 + 0x48be37], 1
+jmp near loc_0041e2a8 ; jmp 0x41e2a8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048be4c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48be4c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov byte [eax*2 + ref_0048be37], 2 ; mov byte [eax*2 + 0x48be37], 2
+jmp near loc_0041e2a8 ; jmp 0x41e2a8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048be4c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48be4c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add eax, eax
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_0048be38] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x48be38]
+cmp cl, 0xa
+jbe short loc_0041e184 ; jbe 0x41e184
+mov dl, cl
+sub dl, 0xa
+mov byte [eax + ref_0048be38], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x48be38], dl
+jmp near loc_0041e2a8 ; jmp 0x41e2a8
+xor ch, ch
+mov byte [eax + ref_0048be38], ch ; mov byte [eax + 0x48be38], ch
+jmp near loc_0041e2a8 ; jmp 0x41e2a8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048be4c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48be4c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add eax, eax
+mov dh, byte [eax + ref_0048be38] ; mov dh, byte [eax + 0x48be38]
+cmp dh, 0x5a
+jae short loc_0041e1bb ; jae 0x41e1bb
+mov bh, dh
+add bh, 0xa
+mov byte [eax + ref_0048be38], bh ; mov byte [eax + 0x48be38], bh
+jmp near loc_0041e2a8 ; jmp 0x41e2a8
+mov byte [eax + ref_0048be38], 0x64 ; mov byte [eax + 0x48be38], 0x64
+jmp near loc_0041e2a8 ; jmp 0x41e2a8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048be4c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48be4c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add eax, eax
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_0048be39] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x48be39]
+cmp cl, 0xa
+jbe short loc_0041e1f1 ; jbe 0x41e1f1
+mov dl, cl
+sub dl, 0xa
+mov byte [eax + ref_0048be39], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x48be39], dl
+jmp near loc_0041e2a8 ; jmp 0x41e2a8
+xor ch, ch
+mov byte [eax + ref_0048be39], ch ; mov byte [eax + 0x48be39], ch
+jmp near loc_0041e2a8 ; jmp 0x41e2a8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048be4c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48be4c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add eax, eax
+mov dh, byte [eax + ref_0048be39] ; mov dh, byte [eax + 0x48be39]
+cmp dh, 0x5a
+jae short loc_0041e228 ; jae 0x41e228
+mov bh, dh
+add bh, 0xa
+mov byte [eax + ref_0048be39], bh ; mov byte [eax + 0x48be39], bh
+jmp near loc_0041e2a8 ; jmp 0x41e2a8
+mov byte [eax + ref_0048be39], 0x64 ; mov byte [eax + 0x48be39], 0x64
+jmp near loc_0041e2a8 ; jmp 0x41e2a8
+xor edx, edx
+jmp short loc_0041e23e ; jmp 0x41e23e
+inc edx
+cmp edx, 4
+jge short loc_0041e297 ; jge 0x41e297
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add eax, eax
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_0048be34] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x48be34]
+test bl, bl
+je short loc_0041e238 ; je 0x41e238
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, bl
+dec ecx
+imul ecx, ecx, 0x68
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_0048be35] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x48be35]
+mov byte [ecx + ref_00496b7d], bl ; mov byte [ecx + 0x496b7d], bl
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_0048be36] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x48be36]
+mov byte [ecx + ref_00496b7e], bl ; mov byte [ecx + 0x496b7e], bl
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_0048be37] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x48be37]
+mov byte [ecx + ref_00496b7f], bl ; mov byte [ecx + 0x496b7f], bl
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_0048be38] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x48be38]
+mov byte [ecx + ref_00496b81], bl ; mov byte [ecx + 0x496b81], bl
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_0048be39] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x48be39]
+mov byte [ecx + ref_00496b82], al ; mov byte [ecx + 0x496b82], al
+jmp short loc_0041e238 ; jmp 0x41e238
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x205
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+call fcn_0041db91 ; call 0x41db91
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [ref_0048be54], bh ; mov byte [0x48be54], bh
+jmp near loc_0041de89 ; jmp 0x41de89
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0041de89 ; jmp 0x41de89
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea edx, [esp + 0xc]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0dc]
+push edi
+call dword [eax + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_0041de89 ; jmp 0x41de89
+push edx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x70]
+push edx
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_0041de8b ; jmp 0x41de8b
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x4d
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048be50], eax ; mov dword [0x48be50], eax
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x1a
+push 0xad
+push ref_00463cd8 ; push 0x463cd8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be50] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be50]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x72
+push 0xad
+push ref_00463cdf ; push 0x463cdf
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be50] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be50]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0xf6
+push 0xf9
+push ref_00463ce6 ; push 0x463ce6
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be50] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be50]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x35
+push 0xf4
+push ref_00463cf3 ; push 0x463cf3
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be50] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be50]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x54
+push 0xf4
+push ref_00463cfc ; push 0x463cfc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be50] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be50]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x8d
+push 0xf4
+push ref_00463d05 ; push 0x463d05
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be50] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be50]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0xad
+push 0xf4
+push ref_00463d0c ; push 0x463d0c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be50] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be50]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0xce
+push 0xf4
+push ref_00463d13 ; push 0x463d13
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be50] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be50]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 6
+push 0x115
+push 0xbf
+push ref_00463d1a ; push 0x463d1a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be50] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be50]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 5
+push 0x115
+push 0x131
+push ref_00463d1f ; push 0x463d1f
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be50] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be50]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 6
+push 0x136
+push 0xbf
+push ref_00463d24 ; push 0x463d24
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be50] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be50]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 5
+push 0x136
+push 0x131
+push ref_00463d29 ; push 0x463d29
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be50] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be50]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 3
+push 0x7d
+push 0x18d
+push ref_00463d2e ; push 0x463d2e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be50] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be50]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 3
+push 0xd5
+push 0x18d
+push ref_00463d33 ; push 0x463d33
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be50] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be50]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x18
+push 0
+push ref_0048be34 ; push 0x48be34
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp], ecx
+xor esi, esi
+mov edi, 8
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp eax, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_0041e66f ; jge 0x41e66f
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+test byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; test byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je near loc_0041e667 ; je 0x41e667
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; cmp eax, dword [0x49910c]
+jne short loc_0041e5c4 ; jne 0x41e5c4
+mov dword [ref_0048be4c], esi ; mov dword [0x48be4c], esi
+mov dl, byte [esp]
+inc dl
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, esi
+mov byte [eax*2 + ref_0048be34], dl ; mov byte [eax*2 + 0x48be34], dl
+imul ebx, dword [esp], 0x68
+mov dl, byte [ebx + ref_00496b7d] ; mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x496b7d]
+mov byte [eax*2 + ref_0048be35], dl ; mov byte [eax*2 + 0x48be35], dl
+mov dl, byte [ebx + ref_00496b7e] ; mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x496b7e]
+mov byte [eax*2 + ref_0048be36], dl ; mov byte [eax*2 + 0x48be36], dl
+mov dl, byte [ebx + ref_00496b7f] ; mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x496b7f]
+mov byte [eax*2 + ref_0048be37], dl ; mov byte [eax*2 + 0x48be37], dl
+mov dl, byte [ebx + ref_00496b81] ; mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x496b81]
+mov byte [eax*2 + ref_0048be38], dl ; mov byte [eax*2 + 0x48be38], dl
+mov dl, byte [ebx + ref_00496b82] ; mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x496b82]
+mov byte [eax*2 + ref_0048be39], dl ; mov byte [eax*2 + 0x48be39], dl
+push edi
+push 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be50] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be50]
+lea edx, [eax + 0x24]
+push edx
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+lea eax, [edi + 0x28]
+push eax
+push 0x50
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x496b7b]
+lea ebx, [eax + 6]
+mov edx, ebx
+shl edx, 2
+sub edx, ebx
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be50] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be50]
+add eax, 0xc
+add edx, eax
+push edx
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+inc esi
+add edi, 0x53
+inc dword [esp]
+jmp near loc_0041e594 ; jmp 0x41e594
+push 0
+push fcn_0041dda9 ; push 0x41dda9
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048be50] ; mov esi, dword [0x48be50]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 4
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax*8 + ref_0047fdf1] ; mov dl, byte [eax*8 + 0x47fdf1]
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7f] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7f]
+and eax, 0xff
+sub edx, eax
+mov eax, edx
+cmp edx, 2
+jl short loc_0041e6c9 ; jl 0x41e6c9
+xor eax, edx
+cmp edx, 1
+jne short loc_0041e6e6 ; jne 0x41e6e6
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 3
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_0041e6e6 ; je 0x41e6e6
+xor eax, eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+call dword [eax*4 + ref_00475324] ; ucall: call dword [eax*4 + 0x475324]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+mov eax, dword [eax*4 + ref_0048be58] ; mov eax, dword [eax*4 + 0x48be58]
+push ebx
+push esi
+xor esi, esi
+xor edx, edx
+xor ecx, ecx
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp edx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp edx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0041e726 ; jge 0x41e726
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0041e723 ; je 0x41e723
+add ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; add ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+inc ebx
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_0041e708 ; jmp 0x41e708
+mov eax, ecx
+mov edx, ecx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov ecx, eax
+imul ebx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul ebx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov edx, dword [ebx + ref_00496b84] ; mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x496b84]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+add eax, eax
+cmp ecx, eax
+jle short loc_0041e774 ; jle 0x41e774
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+cmp eax, dword [ebx + ref_00496b84] ; cmp eax, dword [ebx + 0x496b84]
+jle short loc_0041e774 ; jle 0x41e774
+mov esi, 1
+mov eax, esi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xc
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp], esi
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040d2d3 ; call 0x40d2d3
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0040a45c ; call 0x40a45c
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048be60], eax ; mov dword [0x48be60], eax
+mov dword [esp + 8], esi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048be60] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48be60]
+jge short loc_0041e806 ; jge 0x41e806
+mov bx, word [eax*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov bx, word [eax*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+and ebx, 0xffff
+test bh, 0x80
+je short loc_0041e800 ; je 0x41e800
+test bl, 0xf
+je short loc_0041e800 ; je 0x41e800
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov eax, 1
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+jmp short loc_0041e7e6 ; jmp 0x41e7e6
+add eax, eax
+inc ecx
+cmp eax, 0x10
+jge short loc_0041e800 ; jge 0x41e800
+test ebx, eax
+je short loc_0041e7de ; je 0x41e7de
+cmp ecx, edi
+je short loc_0041e7de ; je 0x41e7de
+imul edx, ecx, 0x68
+cmp byte [edx + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [edx + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0041e7de ; je 0x41e7de
+mov byte [esp + ecx], 1
+jmp short loc_0041e7de ; jmp 0x41e7de
+inc dword [esp + 8]
+jmp short loc_0041e7ab ; jmp 0x41e7ab
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 4]
+cmp ebp, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0041e873 ; je 0x41e873
+cmp byte [esp + ebp], 0
+je short loc_0041e873 ; je 0x41e873
+imul ecx, ebp, 0x68
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ecx + ref_00496b84] ; mov edx, dword [ecx + 0x496b84]
+cmp eax, edx
+jge short loc_0041e873 ; jge 0x41e873
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+add eax, eax
+cmp eax, edx
+jge short loc_0041e873 ; jge 0x41e873
+mov cl, byte [esp + 4]
+mov eax, 1
+shl eax, cl
+or ah, 0x80
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], eax ; mov dword [0x48be58], eax
+mov esi, 1
+jmp near loc_0041e8dc ; jmp 0x41e8dc
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_0041e8dc ; jne 0x41e8dc
+mov dword [esp + 8], esi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp eax, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0041e8dc ; jge 0x41e8dc
+cmp byte [esp + eax], 0
+je short loc_0041e8d6 ; je 0x41e8d6
+imul edx, eax, 0x68
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8], 0xc350 ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8], 0xc350
+mov edi, dword [edx + ref_00496b84] ; mov edi, dword [edx + 0x496b84]
+cmp eax, edi
+jge short loc_0041e8d6 ; jge 0x41e8d6
+imul eax, ebp, 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+cmp eax, edi
+jge short loc_0041e8d6 ; jge 0x41e8d6
+mov cl, byte [esp + 8]
+mov eax, 1
+shl eax, cl
+or ah, 0x80
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], eax ; mov dword [0x48be58], eax
+mov esi, 1
+inc dword [esp + 8]
+jmp short loc_0041e881 ; jmp 0x41e881
+mov eax, esi
+add esp, 0xc
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+xor ebp, ebp
+cmp dword [esp + 0x14], 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_0041e8fe ; jne 0x41e8fe
+xor eax, eax
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_0041e994 ; jle 0x41e994
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_0041e994 ; jge 0x41e994
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+lea edi, [ebx + eax]
+mov cl, byte [edi + 0x19]
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_0041e97a ; je 0x41e97a
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, cl
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edx, eax
+je short loc_0041e97a ; je 0x41e97a
+cmp byte [edi + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_0041e97a ; je 0x41e97a
+mov esi, 1
+add ebx, 0x34
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp esi, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_0041e97a ; jg 0x41e97a
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [edi + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0041e977 ; jne 0x41e977
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edx, eax
+je near loc_0041e9d6 ; je 0x41e9d6
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0041e945 ; jmp 0x41e945
+test ebp, ebp
+jne short loc_0041e9db ; jne 0x41e9db
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edi + 0x19]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+inc edx
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_0041e9db ; jne 0x41e9db
+cmp byte [edi + 0x1a], 2
+jb short loc_0041e9db ; jb 0x41e9db
+jmp short loc_0041e9d6 ; jmp 0x41e9d6
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jle short loc_0041e9db ; jle 0x41e9db
+cmp eax, 0x1770
+jge short loc_0041e9db ; jge 0x41e9db
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, edx
+cmp byte [eax + 0x19], 0
+je short loc_0041e9db ; je 0x41e9db
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc ebx
+cmp edx, ebx
+je short loc_0041e9db ; je 0x41e9db
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_0041e9db ; je 0x41e9db
+mov ebp, 1
+mov eax, ebp
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+xor esi, esi
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [eax + ref_00496b74] ; mov bx, word [eax + 0x496b74]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e80]
+mov bx, word [ebx + eax*8 + 0x20]
+and ebx, 0xffff
+push edx
+call fcn_0040d2d3 ; call 0x40d2d3
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+push eax
+call fcn_0041e8e6 ; call 0x41e8e6
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne near loc_0041eadd ; jne 0x41eadd
+cmp ebx, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_0041ea7f ; jle 0x41ea7f
+cmp ebx, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_0041ea7f ; jge 0x41ea7f
+sub ebx, 0x7d0
+imul ebx, ebx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, ebx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + 0x1e]
+imul edx, ebx
+mov ax, word [eax + 0x1c]
+and eax, 0xffff
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul edx, eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; cmp edx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+jge short loc_0041eadd ; jge 0x41eadd
+jmp short loc_0041ead8 ; jmp 0x41ead8
+cmp ebx, 0xfa0
+jle short loc_0041eadd ; jle 0x41eadd
+cmp ebx, 0x1770
+jge short loc_0041eadd ; jge 0x41eadd
+lea eax, [ebx - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [eax + 0x24]
+imul ebx, edx
+mov ax, word [eax + 0x22]
+and eax, 0xffff
+add eax, ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul edx, eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; cmp edx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+jge short loc_0041eadd ; jge 0x41eadd
+mov esi, 1
+mov eax, esi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], edx
+mov dword [esp], edx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b74] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b74]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e80]
+mov ax, word [edx + eax*8 + 0x20]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040d2d3 ; call 0x40d2d3
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_0041ebc5 ; jle 0x41ebc5
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_0041ebc5 ; jge 0x41ebc5
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e84]
+lea edi, [esi + eax]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edi + 0x19]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edx
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_0041eb6b ; jne 0x41eb6b
+cmp byte [edi + 0x1a], 1
+jbe short loc_0041eb72 ; jbe 0x41eb72
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_0041ed36 ; jmp 0x41ed36
+mov ebx, 1
+add esi, 0x34
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_0041ebbb ; jg 0x41ebbb
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+cmp ebx, eax
+je short loc_0041ebb8 ; je 0x41ebb8
+lea eax, [esi + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [edi + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0041ebb8 ; jne 0x41ebb8
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x19]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edx
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_0041ebb8 ; jne 0x41ebb8
+xor eax, edx
+jmp near loc_0041ed36 ; jmp 0x41ed36
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0041eb77 ; jmp 0x41eb77
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 1
+jmp short loc_0041ec24 ; jmp 0x41ec24
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 4]
+cmp ecx, 0xfa0
+jle short loc_0041ec19 ; jle 0x41ec19
+cmp ecx, 0x1770
+jge short loc_0041ec19 ; jge 0x41ec19
+lea eax, [ecx - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebp, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebp, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebp + 0x19]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edx
+cmp eax, edx
+jne near loc_0041eb6b ; jne 0x41eb6b
+cmp byte [ebp + 0x1a], 1
+ja near loc_0041eb6b ; ja 0x41eb6b
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 2
+jmp short loc_0041ec24 ; jmp 0x41ec24
+cmp dword [esp + 0xc], 0
+je near loc_0041ed33 ; je 0x41ed33
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0040a45c ; call 0x40a45c
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048be60], eax ; mov dword [0x48be60], eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048be60] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48be60]
+jge near loc_0041ed33 ; jge 0x41ed33
+mov bx, word [eax*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov bx, word [eax*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+and ebx, 0xffff
+cmp ebx, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_0041ecd9 ; jle 0x41ecd9
+cmp ebx, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_0041ecd9 ; jge 0x41ecd9
+cmp dword [esp + 0xc], 1
+jne short loc_0041ecd9 ; jne 0x41ecd9
+lea eax, [ebx - 0x7d0]
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e84]
+add esi, eax
+lea eax, [edi + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esi + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0041ed2a ; je 0x41ed2a
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esi + 0x1c]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [edi + 0x1c]
+cmp eax, edx
+jle near loc_0041ed2a ; jle 0x41ed2a
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x1a]
+cmp al, byte [edi + 0x1a]
+jbe near loc_0041ed2a ; jbe 0x41ed2a
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push esi
+call fcn_0041e8e6 ; call 0x41e8e6
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_0041ed2a ; jne 0x41ed2a
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], ebx ; mov dword [0x48be58], ebx
+mov dword [esp], eax
+jmp short loc_0041ed33 ; jmp 0x41ed33
+cmp ebx, 0xfa0
+jle short loc_0041ed2a ; jle 0x41ed2a
+cmp ebx, 0x1770
+jge short loc_0041ed2a ; jge 0x41ed2a
+cmp dword [esp + 0xc], 2
+jne short loc_0041ed2a ; jne 0x41ed2a
+lea esi, [ebx - 0xfa0]
+shl esi, 3
+mov eax, esi
+shl esi, 3
+sub esi, eax
+mov eax, esi
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e88]
+add esi, eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [esi + 0x22]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebp + 0x22]
+cmp edx, eax
+jle short loc_0041ed2a ; jle 0x41ed2a
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x1a]
+cmp al, byte [ebp + 0x1a]
+jbe short loc_0041ed2a ; jbe 0x41ed2a
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+jmp short loc_0041ecc1 ; jmp 0x41ecc1
+inc dword [esp + 0x10]
+jmp near loc_0041ec39 ; jmp 0x41ec39
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+add esp, 0x14
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp], edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b74] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b74]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ebp, dword [0x498e80]
+movzx ebp, word [ebp + eax*8 + 0x20]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040d2d3 ; call 0x40d2d3
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, eax
+cmp ebp, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_0041ee78 ; jle 0x41ee78
+cmp ebp, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_0041ee78 ; jge 0x41ee78
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x7d0]
+imul edi, eax, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add edi, eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [edi + 0x19]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edx
+cmp ebx, edx
+jne near loc_0041ef1b ; jne 0x41ef1b
+lea ebx, [eax + 0x34]
+cmp byte [edi + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_0041ee04 ; je 0x41ee04
+mov esi, 1
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp esi, dword [0x498e98]
+jg near loc_0041ef1b ; jg 0x41ef1b
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x7d0]
+cmp esi, eax
+je short loc_0041edfe ; je 0x41edfe
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [edi + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0041edfe ; jne 0x41edfe
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edx, eax
+je near loc_0041ef14 ; je 0x41ef14
+inc esi
+add ebx, 0x34
+jmp short loc_0041edc1 ; jmp 0x41edc1
+cmp byte [edi + 0x1a], 1
+jne near loc_0041ef1b ; jne 0x41ef1b
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7f], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7f], 0
+je near loc_0041ef14 ; je 0x41ef14
+mov ecx, 1
+mov dword [esp], ecx
+mov esi, ecx
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp esi, dword [0x498e98]
+jg near loc_0041ef1b ; jg 0x41ef1b
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x7d0]
+cmp esi, eax
+je short loc_0041ee72 ; je 0x41ee72
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [edi + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0041ee72 ; jne 0x41ee72
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edx
+cmp eax, edx
+je short loc_0041ee68 ; je 0x41ee68
+test al, al
+jne short loc_0041ee72 ; jne 0x41ee72
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp], edx
+jmp near loc_0041ef1b ; jmp 0x41ef1b
+inc esi
+add ebx, 0x34
+jmp short loc_0041ee2c ; jmp 0x41ee2c
+cmp ebp, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_0041ef1b ; jle 0x41ef1b
+cmp ebp, 0x1770
+jge near loc_0041ef1b ; jge 0x41ef1b
+lea eax, [ebp - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, edx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edx
+cmp ebx, edx
+jne short loc_0041eede ; jne 0x41eede
+cmp byte [eax + 0x18], 0
+jne short loc_0041eede ; jne 0x41eede
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 1
+jne short loc_0041eede ; jne 0x41eede
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ebx, 4
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+inc edx
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], edx ; mov dword [0x48be58], edx
+jmp short loc_0041ef14 ; jmp 0x41ef14
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+test bl, bl
+je short loc_0041ef1b ; je 0x41ef1b
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, bl
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc ebx
+cmp edx, ebx
+je short loc_0041ef1b ; je 0x41ef1b
+cmp byte [eax + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_0041ef1b ; je 0x41ef1b
+mov cl, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+cmp cl, 3
+jae short loc_0041ef0c ; jae 0x41ef0c
+inc esi
+cmp edx, esi
+jne short loc_0041ef1b ; jne 0x41ef1b
+cmp cl, 2
+jb short loc_0041ef1b ; jb 0x41ef1b
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], esi ; mov dword [0x48be58], esi
+mov dword [esp], 1
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+xor ebx, ebx
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b74] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b74]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e80]
+mov si, word [esi + eax*8 + 0x20]
+and esi, 0xffff
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040d2d3 ; call 0x40d2d3
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, eax
+cmp esi, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_0041efd1 ; jle 0x41efd1
+cmp esi, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_0041efd1 ; jge 0x41efd1
+sub esi, 0x7d0
+imul esi, esi, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, esi
+cmp byte [eax + 0x19], 0
+je short loc_0041efa3 ; je 0x41efa3
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+inc esi
+cmp ecx, esi
+je short loc_0041efa3 ; je 0x41efa3
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 3
+jae near loc_0041f02d ; jae 0x41f02d
+test ebx, ebx
+jne near loc_0041f032 ; jne 0x41f032
+mov cl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+test cl, cl
+je near loc_0041f032 ; je 0x41f032
+movzx esi, cl
+inc edx
+cmp esi, edx
+jne near loc_0041f032 ; jne 0x41f032
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 2
+jb near loc_0041f032 ; jb 0x41f032
+jmp near loc_0041f02d ; jmp 0x41f02d
+cmp esi, 0xfa0
+jle short loc_0041f032 ; jle 0x41f032
+cmp esi, 0x1770
+jge short loc_0041f032 ; jge 0x41f032
+lea eax, [esi - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov ecx, eax
+shl ecx, 3
+sub ecx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_0041f013 ; je 0x41f013
+movzx esi, cl
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc ecx
+cmp esi, ecx
+je short loc_0041f013 ; je 0x41f013
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 3
+jae short loc_0041f02d ; jae 0x41f02d
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0041f032 ; jne 0x41f032
+cmp byte [eax + 0x19], 0
+je short loc_0041f032 ; je 0x41f032
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+inc edx
+cmp ecx, edx
+jne short loc_0041f032 ; jne 0x41f032
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 2
+jb short loc_0041f032 ; jb 0x41f032
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, ebx
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x120
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x110], edx
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0040a45c ; call 0x40a45c
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048be60], eax ; mov dword [0x48be60], eax
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x11c], ecx
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x11c]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048be60] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48be60]
+jge near loc_0041f13a ; jge 0x41f13a
+mov ax, word [eax*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov ax, word [eax*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 0x118], eax
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_0041f12e ; jle 0x41f12e
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_0041f12e ; jge 0x41f12e
+lea ebx, [eax - 0x7d0]
+imul ebx, ebx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+inc esi
+cmp eax, esi
+jne near loc_0041f12e ; jne 0x41f12e
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x114], esi
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+cmp esi, ebp
+jge short loc_0041f101 ; jge 0x41f101
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+jne short loc_0041f0fe ; jne 0x41f0fe
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x1a], 5
+jae short loc_0041f0fe ; jae 0x41f0fe
+mov edi, esi
+shl edi, 3
+mov ecx, dword [esp + edi]
+push ecx
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0041f0fe ; jne 0x41f0fe
+inc word [esp + edi + 6]
+jmp short loc_0041f12e ; jmp 0x41f12e
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0041f0ce ; jmp 0x41f0ce
+cmp dword [esp + 0x114], 0
+jne short loc_0041f12e ; jne 0x41f12e
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+jne short loc_0041f12e ; jne 0x41f12e
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x1a], 5
+jae short loc_0041f12e ; jae 0x41f12e
+mov dword [esp + ebp*8], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x118]
+mov word [esp + ebp*8 + 4], ax
+mov word [esp + ebp*8 + 6], 1
+inc ebp
+inc dword [esp + 0x11c]
+jmp near loc_0041f064 ; jmp 0x41f064
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x11c], esi
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x11c]
+cmp ebp, ecx
+jle short loc_0041f16e ; jle 0x41f16e
+cmp word [esp + ecx*8 + 6], 3
+jb short loc_0041f165 ; jb 0x41f165
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x11c]
+mov byte [esp + esi + 0x100], al
+inc esi
+inc dword [esp + 0x11c]
+jmp short loc_0041f143 ; jmp 0x41f143
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_0041f1a1 ; je 0x41f1a1
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + edx + 0x100]
+mov ax, word [esp + eax*8 + 4]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], eax ; mov dword [0x48be58], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x110], 1
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x110]
+add esp, 0x120
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x210
+push 0x100
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0040d2d3 ; call 0x40d2d3
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0x204], eax
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0040a45c ; call 0x40a45c
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048be60], eax ; mov dword [0x48be60], eax
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x20c], ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x208], ecx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x20c]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048be60] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48be60]
+jge near loc_0041f2f7 ; jge 0x41f2f7
+mov si, word [eax*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov si, word [eax*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+and esi, 0xffff
+cmp esi, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_0041f2eb ; jle 0x41f2eb
+cmp esi, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_0041f2eb ; jge 0x41f2eb
+lea eax, [esi - 0x7d0]
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, eax
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esp + 0x200], edi
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+cmp edi, dword [esp + 0x208]
+jge short loc_0041f2a3 ; jge 0x41f2a3
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+jne short loc_0041f2a0 ; jne 0x41f2a0
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x19], 0
+je short loc_0041f2a0 ; je 0x41f2a0
+mov ebp, edi
+shl ebp, 4
+mov edx, dword [esp + ebp]
+push edx
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0041f2a0 ; jne 0x41f2a0
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+add eax, ebp
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+add byte [esp + eax + 3], dl
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+add ebp, eax
+inc byte [esp + ebp + 7]
+jmp short loc_0041f2eb ; jmp 0x41f2eb
+inc edi
+jmp short loc_0041f259 ; jmp 0x41f259
+cmp dword [esp + 0x200], 0
+jne short loc_0041f2eb ; jne 0x41f2eb
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+jne short loc_0041f2eb ; jne 0x41f2eb
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x19], 0
+je short loc_0041f2eb ; je 0x41f2eb
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x208]
+shl edx, 4
+mov dword [esp + edx], eax
+mov dword [esp + edx + 0xc], esi
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+add eax, edx
+mov cl, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+mov byte [esp + eax + 3], cl
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+add edx, eax
+mov byte [esp + edx + 7], 1
+inc dword [esp + 0x208]
+inc dword [esp + 0x20c]
+jmp near loc_0041f206 ; jmp 0x41f206
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esp + 0x20c], edi
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x20c]
+cmp eax, dword [esp + 0x208]
+jge near loc_0041f3f3 ; jge 0x41f3f3
+test ecx, ecx
+jne near loc_0041f3f3 ; jne 0x41f3f3
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x204]
+cmp esi, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0041f36d ; je 0x41f36d
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 4
+lea eax, [esi + edx]
+cmp byte [esp + eax + 8], 2
+jb near loc_0041f3e7 ; jb 0x41f3e7
+cmp byte [esp + eax + 4], 7
+jb near loc_0041f3e7 ; jb 0x41f3e7
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+add eax, edx
+cmp byte [esp + eax + 4], 1
+ja near loc_0041f3e7 ; ja 0x41f3e7
+mov eax, dword [esp + edx + 0xc]
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], eax ; mov dword [0x48be58], eax
+mov ecx, 1
+jmp near loc_0041f3f3 ; jmp 0x41f3f3
+xor esi, esi
+xor ebp, ebp
+xor edx, edx
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp esi, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0041f3bc ; jge 0x41f3bc
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x20c]
+shl ebx, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+add eax, ebx
+cmp byte [esp + eax + 4], 0
+jne short loc_0041f3bc ; jne 0x41f3bc
+cmp esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; cmp esi, dword [0x49910c]
+je short loc_0041f3b9 ; je 0x41f3b9
+imul edi, esi, 0x68
+cmp byte [edi + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [edi + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0041f3b9 ; je 0x41f3b9
+add ebx, esi
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + ebx + 8]
+add ebp, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + ebx + 4]
+add edx, eax
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0041f373 ; jmp 0x41f373
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x20c]
+shl ebx, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+add eax, ebx
+cmp byte [esp + eax + 4], 0
+jne short loc_0041f3e7 ; jne 0x41f3e7
+cmp ebp, 3
+jl short loc_0041f3e7 ; jl 0x41f3e7
+cmp edx, 9
+jl short loc_0041f3e7 ; jl 0x41f3e7
+mov eax, dword [esp + ebx + 0xc]
+jmp near loc_0041f35e ; jmp 0x41f35e
+inc dword [esp + 0x20c]
+jmp near loc_0041f302 ; jmp 0x41f302
+mov eax, ecx
+add esp, 0x210
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x4c
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], edx
+push 0x40
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040d2d3 ; call 0x40d2d3
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, eax
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0040a45c ; call 0x40a45c
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048be60], eax ; mov dword [0x48be60], eax
+xor ecx, ecx
+cmp ecx, dword [ref_0048be60] ; cmp ecx, dword [0x48be60]
+jge near loc_0041f5a1 ; jge 0x41f5a1
+mov dx, word [ecx*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov dx, word [ecx*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+and edx, 0xffff
+cmp edx, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_0041f503 ; jle 0x41f503
+cmp edx, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_0041f503 ; jge 0x41f503
+lea eax, [edx - 0x7d0]
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, ebx
+cmp byte [eax + 0x19], 0
+je near loc_0041f59b ; je 0x41f59b
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+inc esi
+cmp ebx, esi
+je near loc_0041f59b ; je 0x41f59b
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 3
+jb near loc_0041f59b ; jb 0x41f59b
+shl ebx, 3
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, word [esp + ebx - 8]
+movzx edi, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+cmp esi, edi
+jge short loc_0041f4e7 ; jge 0x41f4e7
+movzx si, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+mov word [esp + ebx - 8], si
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, word [eax + 0x1c]
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov dword [esp + ebx*8 - 4], esi
+mov al, byte [eax + 0x19]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov word [esp + eax*8 - 6], dx
+jmp near loc_0041f59b ; jmp 0x41f59b
+jne near loc_0041f59b ; jne 0x41f59b
+xor esi, edi
+mov si, word [eax + 0x1c]
+cmp esi, dword [esp + ebx - 4]
+jle near loc_0041f59b ; jle 0x41f59b
+mov dword [esp + ebx - 4], esi
+jmp short loc_0041f4d5 ; jmp 0x41f4d5
+cmp edx, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_0041f59b ; jle 0x41f59b
+cmp edx, 0x1770
+jge near loc_0041f59b ; jge 0x41f59b
+lea eax, [edx - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, ebx
+cmp byte [eax + 0x19], 0
+je short loc_0041f59b ; je 0x41f59b
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+inc esi
+cmp ebx, esi
+je short loc_0041f59b ; je 0x41f59b
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 3
+jb short loc_0041f59b ; jb 0x41f59b
+shl ebx, 3
+xor edi, edi
+mov di, word [esp + ebx + 0x18]
+movzx esi, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+cmp edi, esi
+jge short loc_0041f57c ; jge 0x41f57c
+movzx si, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+mov word [esp + ebx + 0x18], si
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, word [eax + 0x22]
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov dword [esp + ebx*8 + 0x1c], esi
+jmp short loc_0041f58e ; jmp 0x41f58e
+jne short loc_0041f59b ; jne 0x41f59b
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, word [eax + 0x22]
+cmp esi, dword [esp + ebx + 0x1c]
+jle short loc_0041f59b ; jle 0x41f59b
+mov dword [esp + ebx + 0x1c], esi
+mov al, byte [eax + 0x19]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov word [esp + eax*8 + 0x1a], dx
+inc ecx
+jmp near loc_0041f43f ; jmp 0x41f43f
+cmp ebp, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0041f5d4 ; je 0x41f5d4
+mov edx, ebp
+shl edx, 3
+cmp word [esp + edx + 0x20], 3
+jb short loc_0041f5c4 ; jb 0x41f5c4
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esp + edx + 0x22]
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], eax ; mov dword [0x48be58], eax
+jmp near loc_0041f695 ; jmp 0x41f695
+cmp word [esp + edx], 3
+jb short loc_0041f5d4 ; jb 0x41f5d4
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esp + edx + 2]
+jmp short loc_0041f5ba ; jmp 0x41f5ba
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x40]
+test esi, esi
+jne near loc_0041f69d ; jne 0x41f69d
+xor ecx, ecx
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], esi
+xor ebp, ebp
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], esi
+jmp short loc_0041f637 ; jmp 0x41f637
+jne short loc_0041f605 ; jne 0x41f605
+mov ebx, dword [esp + eax + 4]
+cmp esi, ebx
+jge short loc_0041f605 ; jge 0x41f605
+mov esi, ebx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [esp + eax + 2]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 3
+cmp word [esp + eax + 0x20], 3
+jb short loc_0041f631 ; jb 0x41f631
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [esp + eax + 0x20]
+cmp edi, ebx
+jge short loc_0041f66d ; jge 0x41f66d
+mov edi, ebx
+mov ebp, dword [esp + eax + 0x24]
+mov ax, word [esp + eax + 0x22]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+inc ecx
+cmp ecx, 4
+jge short loc_0041f67b ; jge 0x41f67b
+cmp ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; cmp ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+je short loc_0041f631 ; je 0x41f631
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0041f631 ; je 0x41f631
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 3
+cmp word [esp + eax], 4
+jb short loc_0041f605 ; jb 0x41f605
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [esp + eax]
+cmp ebx, dword [esp + 0x48]
+jle short loc_0041f5f2 ; jle 0x41f5f2
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + eax + 4]
+jmp short loc_0041f5fe ; jmp 0x41f5fe
+jne short loc_0041f631 ; jne 0x41f631
+mov ebx, dword [esp + eax + 0x24]
+cmp ebp, ebx
+jge short loc_0041f631 ; jge 0x41f631
+mov ebp, ebx
+jmp short loc_0041f623 ; jmp 0x41f623
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x44]
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_0041f68b ; je 0x41f68b
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], esi ; mov dword [0x48be58], esi
+jmp short loc_0041f695 ; jmp 0x41f695
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_0041f69d ; je 0x41f69d
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], edx ; mov dword [0x48be58], edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 1
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x40]
+add esp, 0x4c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+call fcn_0041f400 ; call 0x41f400
+cmp eax, 1
+je near loc_0041f8fc ; je 0x41f8fc
+xor edi, edi
+xor esi, esi
+cmp edi, dword [ref_0048be60] ; cmp edi, dword [0x48be60]
+jge near loc_0041f8fa ; jge 0x41f8fa
+test esi, esi
+jne near loc_0041f8fa ; jne 0x41f8fa
+mov bx, word [edi*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov bx, word [edi*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+and ebx, 0xffff
+cmp ebx, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_0041f752 ; jle 0x41f752
+cmp ebx, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_0041f752 ; jge 0x41f752
+lea eax, [ebx - 0x7d0]
+imul edx, eax, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, edx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+imul edx, ebp, 0x68
+cmp byte [edx + ref_00496b7f], 0 ; cmp byte [edx + 0x496b7f], 0
+je near loc_0041f8f4 ; je 0x41f8f4
+mov ch, byte [eax + 0x19]
+test ch, ch
+je near loc_0041f8f4 ; je 0x41f8f4
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, ch
+lea ecx, [ebp + 1]
+cmp edx, ecx
+je near loc_0041f8f4 ; je 0x41f8f4
+cmp byte [eax + 0x18], 0
+je near loc_0041f8f4 ; je 0x41f8f4
+push edx
+call fcn_0041970f ; call 0x41970f
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 4
+jl near loc_0041f8f4 ; jl 0x41f8f4
+jmp near loc_0041f8e9 ; jmp 0x41f8e9
+cmp ebx, 0xfa0
+jle short loc_0041f7ba ; jle 0x41f7ba
+cmp ebx, 0x1770
+jge short loc_0041f7ba ; jge 0x41f7ba
+lea eax, [ebx - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, edx
+imul edx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul edx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+test byte [edx + ref_00496b79], 3 ; test byte [edx + 0x496b79], 3
+je near loc_0041f8f4 ; je 0x41f8f4
+cmp byte [eax + 0x18], 3
+jne near loc_0041f8f4 ; jne 0x41f8f4
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 1
+jne near loc_0041f8f4 ; jne 0x41f8f4
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edx, eax
+je near loc_0041f8f4 ; je 0x41f8f4
+jmp near loc_0041f8e9 ; jmp 0x41f8e9
+test bh, 0x80
+je near loc_0041f8f4 ; je 0x41f8f4
+mov eax, ebx
+sar eax, 8
+and eax, 0x3f
+je near loc_0041f8f4 ; je 0x41f8f4
+lea edx, [eax - 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 3
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [edx + ref_00496d0a] ; mov cx, word [edx + 0x496d0a]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e80]
+mov ax, word [ecx + eax*8 + 0x20]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc ecx
+lea ebp, [eax - 0x7d0]
+imul ebp, ebp, 0x34
+cmp byte [edx + ref_00496d08], 0x10 ; cmp byte [edx + 0x496d08], 0x10
+jne short loc_0041f884 ; jne 0x41f884
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_0041f847 ; jle 0x41f847
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_0041f847 ; jge 0x41f847
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, ebp
+mov dh, byte [eax + 0x19]
+test dh, dh
+je near loc_0041f8f4 ; je 0x41f8f4
+mov al, dh
+and eax, 0xff
+cmp eax, ecx
+jmp near loc_0041f7af ; jmp 0x41f7af
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_0041f8f4 ; jle 0x41f8f4
+cmp eax, 0x1770
+jge near loc_0041f8f4 ; jge 0x41f8f4
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, edx
+cmp byte [eax + 0x19], 0
+je near loc_0041f8f4 ; je 0x41f8f4
+jmp near loc_0041f7a2 ; jmp 0x41f7a2
+cmp byte [edx + ref_00496d08], 0x11 ; cmp byte [edx + 0x496d08], 0x11
+jne near loc_0041f8f4 ; jne 0x41f8f4
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_0041f8b4 ; jle 0x41f8b4
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_0041f8b4 ; jge 0x41f8b4
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, ebp
+mov al, byte [eax + 0x19]
+and eax, 0xff
+cmp eax, ecx
+jne short loc_0041f8f4 ; jne 0x41f8f4
+jmp short loc_0041f8e9 ; jmp 0x41f8e9
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jle short loc_0041f8f4 ; jle 0x41f8f4
+cmp eax, 0x1770
+jge short loc_0041f8f4 ; jge 0x41f8f4
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edx, eax
+jne short loc_0041f8f4 ; jne 0x41f8f4
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], ebx ; mov dword [0x48be58], ebx
+mov esi, 1
+inc edi
+jmp near loc_0041f6bf ; jmp 0x41f6bf
+mov eax, esi
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], edx
+mov dword [esp + 8], edx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040d2d3 ; call 0x40d2d3
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, eax
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0040a45c ; call 0x40a45c
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048be60], eax ; mov dword [0x48be60], eax
+xor edi, edi
+mov ch, 1
+cmp edi, dword [ref_0048be60] ; cmp edi, dword [0x48be60]
+jge short loc_0041f99a ; jge 0x41f99a
+mov ax, word [edi*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov ax, word [edi*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], eax
+test byte [esp + 0x11], 0x80
+je short loc_0041f997 ; je 0x41f997
+test byte [esp + 0x10], 0xf
+je short loc_0041f997 ; je 0x41f997
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 1
+jmp short loc_0041f96e ; jmp 0x41f96e
+add esi, esi
+inc ebx
+cmp esi, 0x10
+jge short loc_0041f997 ; jge 0x41f997
+test dword [esp + 0x10], esi
+je short loc_0041f966 ; je 0x41f966
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+je short loc_0041f966 ; je 0x41f966
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0041f966 ; je 0x41f966
+mov byte [esp + ebx + 8], ch
+mov edx, esi
+or dh, 0x80
+mov word [esp + ebx*2], dx
+jmp short loc_0041f966 ; jmp 0x41f966
+inc edi
+jmp short loc_0041f936 ; jmp 0x41f936
+cmp ebp, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_0041fa24 ; je 0x41fa24
+cmp byte [esp + ebp + 8], 0
+je near loc_0041fa24 ; je 0x41fa24
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], edi
+xor esi, esi
+push ebp
+call fcn_00441262 ; call 0x441262
+add esp, 4
+cmp edi, eax
+jge short loc_0041fa06 ; jge 0x41fa06
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebp
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+lea edx, [eax + edi]
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_00499120] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x499120]
+and edx, 0xff
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+cmp byte [eax + ref_0047fdf1], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x47fdf1], 1
+jb short loc_0041fa03 ; jb 0x41fa03
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_0047fdef] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x47fdef]
+and eax, 0xff
+cmp eax, esi
+jle short loc_0041fa03 ; jle 0x41fa03
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], edx
+mov esi, eax
+inc edi
+jmp short loc_0041f9b6 ; jmp 0x41f9b6
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_0041fa24 ; je 0x41fa24
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esp + ebp*2]
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], eax ; mov dword [0x48be58], eax
+mov dword [ref_0048be5c], edx ; mov dword [0x48be5c], edx
+jmp near loc_0041fabb ; jmp 0x41fabb
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+test ebx, ebx
+jne near loc_0041fac3 ; jne 0x41fac3
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], ebx
+mov ebp, 1
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_0041fab4 ; jge 0x41fab4
+cmp byte [esp + ebx + 8], 0
+je short loc_0041fab1 ; je 0x41fab1
+xor edi, edi
+push ebx
+call fcn_00441262 ; call 0x441262
+add esp, 4
+cmp edi, eax
+jge short loc_0041fab1 ; jge 0x41fab1
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+lea edx, [eax + edi]
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_00499120] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x499120]
+and edx, 0xff
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+cmp byte [eax + ref_0047fdf1], 2 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x47fdf1], 2
+jne short loc_0041faae ; jne 0x41faae
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_0047fdef] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x47fdef]
+cmp ecx, esi
+jle short loc_0041faae ; jle 0x41faae
+mov ax, word [esp + ebx*2]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], eax ; mov dword [0x48be58], eax
+mov dword [ref_0048be5c], edx ; mov dword [0x48be5c], edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], ebp
+mov esi, ecx
+inc edi
+jmp short loc_0041fa50 ; jmp 0x41fa50
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0041fa3b ; jmp 0x41fa3b
+cmp dword [esp + 0x10], 0
+je short loc_0041fac3 ; je 0x41fac3
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 1
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+jmp near loc_0041ed36 ; jmp 0x41ed36
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x18
+xor esi, esi
+imul ecx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul ecx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ecx + ref_00496b74] ; mov dx, word [ecx + 0x496b74]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ebp, dword [0x498e80]
+movzx ebp, word [ebp + eax*8 + 0x20]
+cmp byte [ecx + ref_00496ba1], 0 ; cmp byte [ecx + 0x496ba1], 0
+jne near loc_0041fca6 ; jne 0x41fca6
+cmp ebp, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_0041fc1f ; jle 0x41fc1f
+cmp ebp, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_0041fc1f ; jge 0x41fc1f
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x7d0]
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+lea edi, [edx + eax]
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [edi + 0x1e]
+imul ebx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul ebx, dword [0x4990e8]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edi + 0x19]
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+cmp eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+jne near loc_0041fca6 ; jne 0x41fca6
+cmp byte [edi + 0x18], 0
+jne near loc_0041fca6 ; jne 0x41fca6
+cmp byte [edi + 0x1a], 5
+jae near loc_0041fca6 ; jae 0x41fca6
+mov eax, dword [ecx + ref_00496b84] ; mov eax, dword [ecx + 0x496b84]
+cmp ebx, eax
+jge near loc_0041fca6 ; jge 0x41fca6
+add eax, dword [ecx + ref_00496b88] ; add eax, dword [ecx + 0x496b88]
+cmp eax, 0x2710
+jle near loc_0041fca6 ; jle 0x41fca6
+cmp word [ecx + ref_00496bae], 0 ; cmp word [ecx + 0x496bae], 0
+jl near loc_0041fca6 ; jl 0x41fca6
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], 1
+lea ebx, [edx + 0x34]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp eax, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_0041fc0b ; jg 0x41fc0b
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x7d0]
+cmp eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+je short loc_0041fc02 ; je 0x41fc02
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [edi + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0041fc02 ; jne 0x41fc02
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edx, eax
+jne short loc_0041fc02 ; jne 0x41fc02
+mov cl, byte [ref_0049910c] ; mov cl, byte [0x49910c]
+mov eax, 1
+shl eax, cl
+or ah, 0x80
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], eax ; mov dword [0x48be58], eax
+mov esi, 1
+jmp near loc_0041fe44 ; jmp 0x41fe44
+inc dword [esp + 0x14]
+add ebx, 0x34
+jmp short loc_0041fba8 ; jmp 0x41fba8
+test esi, esi
+jne near loc_0041fca6 ; jne 0x41fca6
+cmp byte [edi + 0x1a], 2
+jb near loc_0041fca6 ; jb 0x41fca6
+jmp short loc_0041fbf8 ; jmp 0x41fbf8
+cmp ebp, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_0041fca6 ; jle 0x41fca6
+cmp ebp, 0x1770
+jge near loc_0041fca6 ; jge 0x41fca6
+lea eax, [ebp - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, edx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [eax + 0x24]
+imul ebx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul ebx, dword [0x4990e8]
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edx
+cmp ecx, edx
+jne short loc_0041fca6 ; jne 0x41fca6
+imul edx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul edx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ebp, dword [edx + ref_00496b84] ; mov ebp, dword [edx + 0x496b84]
+cmp ebx, ebp
+jge short loc_0041fca6 ; jge 0x41fca6
+cmp ebp, 0x2710
+jle short loc_0041fca6 ; jle 0x41fca6
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x18]
+test bl, bl
+je short loc_0041fca6 ; je 0x41fca6
+cmp bl, 3
+je short loc_0041fca6 ; je 0x41fca6
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 5
+jae short loc_0041fca6 ; jae 0x41fca6
+cmp word [edx + ref_00496bae], 0 ; cmp word [edx + 0x496bae], 0
+jge near loc_0041fbe3 ; jge 0x41fbe3
+test esi, esi
+jne near loc_0041fe44 ; jne 0x41fe44
+push 8
+push esi
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0040a45c ; call 0x40a45c
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048be60], eax ; mov dword [0x48be60], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048be60] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48be60]
+jge near loc_0041fd57 ; jge 0x41fd57
+mov ax, word [eax*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov ax, word [eax*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], eax
+test byte [esp + 0x15], 0x80
+je short loc_0041fd51 ; je 0x41fd51
+test byte [esp + 0x14], 0xf
+je short loc_0041fd51 ; je 0x41fd51
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov edx, 1
+jmp short loc_0041fd17 ; jmp 0x41fd17
+add edx, edx
+inc ecx
+cmp edx, 0x10
+jge short loc_0041fd51 ; jge 0x41fd51
+test dword [esp + 0x14], edx
+je short loc_0041fd0f ; je 0x41fd0f
+cmp ecx, edi
+je short loc_0041fd0f ; je 0x41fd0f
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0041fd0f ; je 0x41fd0f
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [eax + ref_00496b74] ; mov bx, word [eax + 0x496b74]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+add eax, ebx
+mov ax, word [eax + 0x20]
+mov word [esp + ecx*2], ax
+jmp short loc_0041fd0f ; jmp 0x41fd0f
+inc dword [esp + 0x10]
+jmp short loc_0041fcd7 ; jmp 0x41fcd7
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], ebx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+mov edi, dword [ref_00499114] ; mov edi, dword [0x499114]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+cmp eax, edi
+jge near loc_0041fe44 ; jge 0x41fe44
+test esi, esi
+jne near loc_0041fe44 ; jne 0x41fe44
+cmp eax, ebp
+je near loc_0041fe3b ; je 0x41fe3b
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je near loc_0041fe3b ; je 0x41fe3b
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+add ecx, ecx
+mov dx, word [esp + ecx]
+cmp dx, 0xfa0
+jbe short loc_0041fde5 ; jbe 0x41fde5
+cmp dx, 0x1770
+jae short loc_0041fde5 ; jae 0x41fde5
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [esp + ecx]
+lea eax, [edx - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, edx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+lea edx, [ebp + 1]
+cmp ecx, edx
+jne short loc_0041fe3b ; jne 0x41fe3b
+cmp byte [eax + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_0041fe3b ; je 0x41fe3b
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 2
+jb short loc_0041fe3b ; jb 0x41fe3b
+jmp short loc_0041fe23 ; jmp 0x41fe23
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+add eax, eax
+mov cx, word [esp + eax]
+cmp cx, 0x1770
+jbe short loc_0041fe3b ; jbe 0x41fe3b
+cmp cx, 0x1f40
+jae short loc_0041fe3b ; jae 0x41fe3b
+mov eax, ecx
+and eax, 0xffff
+sub eax, 0x1770
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e7c]
+add eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x18]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edx, eax
+jne short loc_0041fe3b ; jne 0x41fe3b
+mov cl, byte [esp + 0x10]
+mov eax, 1
+shl eax, cl
+or ah, 0x80
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], eax ; mov dword [0x48be58], eax
+mov esi, 1
+inc dword [esp + 0x10]
+jmp near loc_0041fd69 ; jmp 0x41fd69
+mov eax, esi
+add esp, 0x18
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+xor ebx, ebx
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 4
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_0041fe6b ; jne 0x41fe6b
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 4], edx
+mov ebp, 0xffffffff
+push ebp
+call fcn_0040a45c ; call 0x40a45c
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048be60], eax ; mov dword [0x48be60], eax
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp], ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040d2d3 ; call 0x40d2d3
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], eax
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp + 8], esi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048be60] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48be60]
+jge near loc_0041ff3a ; jge 0x41ff3a
+mov ax, word [eax*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov ax, word [eax*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], eax
+test byte [esp + 0x11], 0x80
+je near loc_0041ff31 ; je 0x41ff31
+test byte [esp + 0x10], 0xf
+je short loc_0041ff31 ; je 0x41ff31
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov edi, 1
+jmp short loc_0041fef1 ; jmp 0x41fef1
+add edi, edi
+inc ebx
+cmp edi, 0x10
+jge short loc_0041ff31 ; jge 0x41ff31
+test dword [esp + 0x10], edi
+je short loc_0041fee9 ; je 0x41fee9
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+je short loc_0041fee9 ; je 0x41fee9
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0041fee9 ; je 0x41fee9
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9e], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9e], 0
+jne short loc_0041fee9 ; jne 0x41fee9
+push 0x12
+push ebx
+call fcn_004413ad ; call 0x4413ad
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0041fee9 ; jne 0x41fee9
+cmp ebx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+jne short loc_0041ff2b ; jne 0x41ff2b
+mov ebp, esi
+mov byte [esp + esi], bl
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0041fee9 ; jmp 0x41fee9
+inc dword [esp + 8]
+jmp near loc_0041fead ; jmp 0x41fead
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_0041ff6e ; je 0x41ff6e
+cmp ebp, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0041ff48 ; je 0x41ff48
+mov cl, byte [esp + ebp]
+jmp short loc_0041ff57 ; jmp 0x41ff57
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+mov cl, byte [esp + edx]
+mov eax, 1
+shl eax, cl
+or ah, 0x80
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], eax ; mov dword [0x48be58], eax
+mov dword [esp + 4], 1
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+jmp near loc_0041ed36 ; jmp 0x41ed36
+push ebx
+xor edx, edx
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496ba7] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496ba7]
+test bl, bl
+je short loc_0041ffc3 ; je 0x41ffc3
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, bl
+dec ecx
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+mov al, byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d08] ; mov al, byte [eax*8 + 0x496d08]
+and eax, 0xff
+cmp eax, 5
+je short loc_0041ffef ; je 0x41ffef
+cmp eax, 6
+je short loc_0041ffef ; je 0x41ffef
+cmp eax, 7
+je short loc_0041ffef ; je 0x41ffef
+cmp eax, 8
+je short loc_0041ffef ; je 0x41ffef
+cmp eax, 0xa
+je short loc_0041ffef ; je 0x41ffef
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jne short loc_0041fff4 ; jne 0x41fff4
+jmp short loc_0041ffef ; jmp 0x41ffef
+mov bh, byte [eax + ref_00496ba8] ; mov bh, byte [eax + 0x496ba8]
+test bh, bh
+je short loc_0041fff4 ; je 0x41fff4
+mov al, bh
+and eax, 0xff
+lea ecx, [eax - 1]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+mov al, byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d0c] ; mov al, byte [eax*8 + 0x496d0c]
+and eax, 0xff
+cmp eax, 0xd
+jge short loc_0041fff4 ; jge 0x41fff4
+mov edx, 1
+mov eax, edx
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+xor eax, eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+imul edx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul edx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_00496ba7] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x496ba7]
+and edx, 0xff
+cmp edx, 1
+je short loc_0042002e ; je 0x42002e
+cmp edx, 2
+je short loc_0042002e ; je 0x42002e
+cmp edx, 3
+je short loc_0042002e ; je 0x42002e
+cmp edx, 4
+je short loc_0042002e ; je 0x42002e
+cmp edx, 0xc
+je short loc_0042002e ; je 0x42002e
+call fcn_00444d1a ; call 0x444d1a
+cmp eax, 1
+je short loc_00420047 ; je 0x420047
+cmp eax, 2
+je short loc_00420047 ; je 0x420047
+cmp eax, 3
+je short loc_00420047 ; je 0x420047
+cmp eax, 4
+je short loc_00420047 ; je 0x420047
+cmp eax, 0xc
+jne short loc_00420051 ; jne 0x420051
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], eax ; mov dword [0x48be58], eax
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+mov edi, 0xffffffff
+xor ebp, ebp
+call fcn_00428d01 ; call 0x428d01
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_00420074 ; jne 0x420074
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_0041ef1e ; jmp 0x41ef1e
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_00420080 ; jmp 0x420080
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jge short loc_004200d3 ; jge 0x4200d3
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 5
+mov edx, ebx
+fild dword [eax + edx*8 + ref_004971a0] ; fild dword [eax + edx*8 + 0x4971a0]
+fmul dword [eax + edx*8 + ref_004971a4] ; fmul dword [eax + edx*8 + 0x4971a4]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp]
+cmp esi, dword [esp]
+jge short loc_0042007a ; jge 0x42007a
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+cmp byte [eax*4 + ref_00496986], 0 ; cmp byte [eax*4 + 0x496986], 0
+jne short loc_0042007a ; jne 0x42007a
+push ebx
+call fcn_004295ea ; call 0x4295ea
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 1
+je short loc_0042007a ; je 0x42007a
+mov esi, dword [esp]
+mov edi, ebx
+jmp short loc_0042007a ; jmp 0x42007a
+cmp edi, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_004200e3 ; je 0x4200e3
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], edi ; mov dword [0x48be58], edi
+mov ebp, 1
+mov eax, ebp
+jmp near loc_0041ef1e ; jmp 0x41ef1e
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov edx, 0xffffffff
+mov dword [esp + 8], edx
+mov ebp, edx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 4], ecx
+call fcn_00428d01 ; call 0x428d01
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_00420113 ; jne 0x420113
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_004202ca ; jmp 0x4202ca
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp], ebx
+mov ebx, 1
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e7c]
+add esi, 0x34
+mov edi, dword [ref_00498e90] ; mov edi, dword [0x498e90]
+cmp ebx, edi
+jg short loc_00420145 ; jg 0x420145
+cmp byte [esi + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_0042013f ; je 0x42013f
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x18]
+inc byte [esp + eax - 1]
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x34
+jmp short loc_0042012c ; jmp 0x42012c
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+mov edi, 0xffffffff
+jmp short loc_00420156 ; jmp 0x420156
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_0042016d ; jge 0x42016d
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+je short loc_00420150 ; je 0x420150
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + ebx]
+cmp esi, eax
+jge short loc_00420150 ; jge 0x420150
+mov esi, eax
+mov edi, ebx
+jmp short loc_00420150 ; jmp 0x420150
+cmp edi, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_00420204 ; je 0x420204
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_00420186 ; jmp 0x420186
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jge near loc_00420204 ; jge 0x420204
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edi
+shl eax, 5
+mov ecx, ebx
+shl ecx, 3
+fild dword [ecx + eax + ref_004971a0] ; fild dword [ecx + eax + 0x4971a0]
+fmul dword [ecx + eax + ref_004971a4] ; fmul dword [ecx + eax + 0x4971a4]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0xc]
+cmp esi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+jge short loc_0042017c ; jge 0x42017c
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+cmp word [eax + ref_00496984], 0 ; cmp word [eax + 0x496984], 0
+je short loc_0042017c ; je 0x42017c
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496986], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496986], 0
+jne short loc_0042017c ; jne 0x42017c
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 5
+cmp dword [ecx + eax + ref_004971a0], 0 ; cmp dword [ecx + eax + 0x4971a0], 0
+jne short loc_0042017c ; jne 0x42017c
+push ebx
+call fcn_004295ea ; call 0x4295ea
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 3
+je short loc_0042017c ; je 0x42017c
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov dword [esp + 8], ebx
+jmp near loc_0042017c ; jmp 0x42017c
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040d2d3 ; call 0x40d2d3
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, eax
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_0042029b ; je 0x42029b
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_0042022e ; jmp 0x42022e
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jge near loc_0042029b ; jge 0x42029b
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edi
+shl eax, 5
+mov ecx, ebx
+shl ecx, 3
+fild dword [ecx + eax + ref_004971a0] ; fild dword [ecx + eax + 0x4971a0]
+fmul dword [ecx + eax + ref_004971a4] ; fmul dword [ecx + eax + 0x4971a4]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0xc]
+cmp esi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+jge short loc_00420224 ; jge 0x420224
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+cmp byte [eax*4 + ref_00496986], 0 ; cmp byte [eax*4 + 0x496986], 0
+jne short loc_00420224 ; jne 0x420224
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 5
+cmp dword [ecx + eax + ref_004971a0], 0 ; cmp dword [ecx + eax + 0x4971a0], 0
+jne short loc_00420224 ; jne 0x420224
+push ebx
+call fcn_004295ea ; call 0x4295ea
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 3
+je short loc_00420224 ; je 0x420224
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov ebp, ebx
+jmp short loc_00420224 ; jmp 0x420224
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 8]
+cmp ecx, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_004202a8 ; jne 0x4202a8
+cmp ebp, ecx
+je short loc_004202c6 ; je 0x4202c6
+cmp ebp, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_004202b5 ; je 0x4202b5
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], ebp ; mov dword [0x48be58], ebp
+jmp short loc_004202be ; jmp 0x4202be
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], eax ; mov dword [0x48be58], eax
+mov dword [esp + 4], 1
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xc
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp], esi
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040d2d3 ; call 0x40d2d3
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0040a45c ; call 0x40a45c
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048be60], eax ; mov dword [0x48be60], eax
+mov dword [esp + 8], esi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048be60] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48be60]
+jge short loc_0042035f ; jge 0x42035f
+mov bx, word [eax*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov bx, word [eax*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+and ebx, 0xffff
+test bh, 0x80
+je short loc_00420359 ; je 0x420359
+test bl, 0xf
+je short loc_00420359 ; je 0x420359
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov eax, 1
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+jmp short loc_0042033f ; jmp 0x42033f
+add eax, eax
+inc ecx
+cmp eax, 0x10
+jge short loc_00420359 ; jge 0x420359
+test ebx, eax
+je short loc_00420337 ; je 0x420337
+cmp ecx, edi
+je short loc_00420337 ; je 0x420337
+imul edx, ecx, 0x68
+cmp byte [edx + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [edx + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00420337 ; je 0x420337
+mov byte [esp + ecx], 1
+jmp short loc_00420337 ; jmp 0x420337
+inc dword [esp + 8]
+jmp short loc_00420304 ; jmp 0x420304
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 4]
+cmp ebp, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_004203b7 ; je 0x4203b7
+cmp byte [esp + ebp], 0
+je short loc_004203b7 ; je 0x4203b7
+imul ecx, ebp, 0x68
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+cmp eax, dword [ecx + ref_00496b84] ; cmp eax, dword [ecx + 0x496b84]
+jge short loc_004203b7 ; jge 0x4203b7
+mov cl, byte [esp + 4]
+mov eax, 1
+shl eax, cl
+or ah, 0x80
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], eax ; mov dword [0x48be58], eax
+mov esi, 1
+jmp near loc_0041e8dc ; jmp 0x41e8dc
+test esi, esi
+jne near loc_0041e8dc ; jne 0x41e8dc
+mov dword [esp + 8], esi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov ebp, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp eax, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_0041e8dc ; jge 0x41e8dc
+cmp byte [esp + eax], 0
+je short loc_00420408 ; je 0x420408
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+imul edx, ebp, 0xc350
+cmp edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; cmp edx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+jge short loc_00420408 ; jge 0x420408
+mov cl, byte [esp + 8]
+mov eax, 1
+shl eax, cl
+or ah, 0x80
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], eax ; mov dword [0x48be58], eax
+mov esi, 1
+inc dword [esp + 8]
+jmp short loc_004203c9 ; jmp 0x4203c9
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x2c
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 8], edx
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040d2d3 ; call 0x40d2d3
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0x1c], eax
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0040a45c ; call 0x40a45c
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048be60], eax ; mov dword [0x48be60], eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], ebx
+mov dword [esp + 4], ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048be60] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48be60]
+jge near loc_00420609 ; jge 0x420609
+cmp dword [esp + 8], 0
+jne near loc_00420609 ; jne 0x420609
+mov ax, word [eax*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov ax, word [eax*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], eax
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_00420599 ; jle 0x420599
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_00420599 ; jge 0x420599
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul edx, eax, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], eax
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_004204b7 ; je 0x4204b7
+push ebp
+add eax, 4
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_00420600 ; je 0x420600
+mov esi, 1
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x24], ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x20], ebp
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], ebp
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, 0x34
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp esi, dword [0x498e98]
+jg near loc_00420542 ; jg 0x420542
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+add eax, 4
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0042053f ; jne 0x42053f
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+inc edi
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edx
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_00420517 ; jne 0x420517
+xor eax, edx
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+add dword [esp + 0x24], eax
+inc dword [esp + 0x20]
+jmp short loc_00420522 ; jmp 0x420522
+test al, al
+je short loc_00420522 ; je 0x420522
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+add ebp, eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0042053f ; je 0x42053f
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+inc eax
+cmp edx, eax
+jne short loc_0042053f ; jne 0x42053f
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 1
+jmp short loc_00420542 ; jmp 0x420542
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_004204d2 ; jmp 0x4204d2
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x20]
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], edi
+fild dword [esp + 0x28]
+fdivp st1 ; fdivp st(1)
+fstp dword [esp]
+cmp dword [esp + 0xc], 0
+jne short loc_0042058d ; jne 0x42058d
+cmp dword [esp + 0x24], 7
+jl short loc_0042058d ; jl 0x42058d
+cmp ebp, 3
+jg short loc_0042058d ; jg 0x42058d
+fld dword [esp]
+fcomp qword [ref_00463d38] ; fcomp qword [0x463d38]
+fnstsw ax
+jb short loc_0042058d ; jb 0x42058d
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], eax ; mov dword [0x48be58], eax
+mov dword [esp + 8], 1
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x18]
+add ebp, 4
+jmp near loc_00420600 ; jmp 0x420600
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+cmp ecx, 0xfa0
+jle short loc_00420600 ; jle 0x420600
+cmp ecx, 0x1770
+jge short loc_00420600 ; jge 0x420600
+lea eax, [ecx - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc ebx
+cmp edx, ebx
+jne short loc_00420600 ; jne 0x420600
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x18]
+test dl, dl
+je short loc_00420600 ; je 0x420600
+cmp dl, 4
+je short loc_00420600 ; je 0x420600
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+cmp bl, 3
+jb short loc_00420600 ; jb 0x420600
+mov al, bl
+and eax, 0xff
+cmp eax, dword [esp + 4]
+jle short loc_00420600 ; jle 0x420600
+mov dword [esp + 4], esi
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], ecx ; mov dword [0x48be58], ecx
+inc dword [esp + 0x10]
+jmp near loc_00420449 ; jmp 0x420449
+cmp dword [esp + 8], 0
+jne short loc_0042061f ; jne 0x42061f
+cmp dword [esp + 4], 0
+je short loc_0042061f ; je 0x42061f
+mov dword [esp + 8], 1
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+add esp, 0x2c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 8], edx
+xor esi, esi
+push 6
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040b221 ; call 0x40b221
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040d2d3 ; call 0x40d2d3
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], edi
+jmp near loc_00420705 ; jmp 0x420705
+cmp dword [esp], 0
+jne short loc_00420685 ; jne 0x420685
+cmp edi, 7
+jl short loc_00420685 ; jl 0x420685
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], eax ; mov dword [0x48be58], eax
+mov dword [esp + 8], 1
+lea esi, [ebp + 4]
+jmp short loc_004206e8 ; jmp 0x4206e8
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+cmp edx, 0xfa0
+jle short loc_004206e8 ; jle 0x4206e8
+cmp edx, 0x1770
+jge short loc_004206e8 ; jge 0x4206e8
+cmp dword [esp + 4], 0xffffffff
+je short loc_004206e8 ; je 0x4206e8
+lea eax, [edx - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, edx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+inc edx
+cmp ebx, edx
+jne short loc_004206e8 ; jne 0x4206e8
+cmp byte [eax + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_004206e8 ; je 0x4206e8
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 3
+jb short loc_004206e8 ; jb 0x4206e8
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], eax ; mov dword [0x48be58], eax
+mov dword [esp + 8], 1
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+inc edi
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], edi
+cmp edi, 6
+jge near loc_004207c3 ; jge 0x4207c3
+cmp dword [esp + 8], 0
+jne near loc_004207c3 ; jne 0x4207c3
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax*2 + ref_0048b8b4] ; mov dx, word [eax*2 + 0x48b8b4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add edx, eax
+shl edx, 3
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+mov ax, word [edx + eax + 0x20]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], eax
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_0042068a ; jle 0x42068a
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_0042068a ; jge 0x42068a
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebp, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebp, eax
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_0042076f ; je 0x42076f
+push esi
+lea eax, [ebp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_004206e8 ; je 0x4206e8
+mov esi, 1
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esp], edi
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, 0x34
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp esi, dword [0x498e98]
+jg near loc_00420669 ; jg 0x420669
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_004207c0 ; jne 0x4207c0
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edx, eax
+je near loc_00420685 ; je 0x420685
+test dl, dl
+je short loc_004207c0 ; je 0x4207c0
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+add edi, eax
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0042077f ; jmp 0x42077f
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+jmp near loc_0041ed36 ; jmp 0x41ed36
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x1c
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], edx
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0040a45c ; call 0x40a45c
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048be60], eax ; mov dword [0x48be60], eax
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp], ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040d2d3 ; call 0x40d2d3
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], eax
+xor eax, eax
+xor edi, edi
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048be60] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48be60]
+jge near loc_00420877 ; jge 0x420877
+mov dx, word [eax*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov dx, word [eax*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+and edx, 0xffff
+test dh, 0x80
+je short loc_00420874 ; je 0x420874
+test dl, 0xf
+je short loc_00420874 ; je 0x420874
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov esi, 1
+jmp short loc_00420839 ; jmp 0x420839
+add esi, esi
+inc ecx
+cmp esi, 0x10
+jge short loc_00420874 ; jge 0x420874
+test edx, esi
+je short loc_00420831 ; je 0x420831
+cmp ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; cmp ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+je short loc_00420831 ; je 0x420831
+cmp ecx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+je short loc_00420831 ; je 0x420831
+imul ebx, ecx, 0x68
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00420831 ; je 0x420831
+mov bl, byte [ebx + ref_00496ba9] ; mov bl, byte [ebx + 0x496ba9]
+and ebx, 0xff
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+inc ebp
+cmp ebx, ebp
+je short loc_00420831 ; je 0x420831
+mov byte [esp + edi], cl
+inc edi
+jmp short loc_00420831 ; jmp 0x420831
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_00420804 ; jmp 0x420804
+test edi, edi
+je near loc_00420964 ; je 0x420964
+xor ecx, ecx
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], 0xffffffff
+cmp ecx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ecx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_00420931 ; jge 0x420931
+cmp ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; cmp ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+je near loc_0042092b ; je 0x42092b
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je near loc_0042092b ; je 0x42092b
+xor edx, edx
+mov eax, 1
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, 0x34
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp eax, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_004208e8 ; jg 0x4208e8
+movzx ebp, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+mov dword [esp + 4], ebp
+lea ebp, [ecx + 1]
+mov dword [esp + 8], ebp
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 4]
+cmp ebp, dword [esp + 8]
+jne short loc_004208e5 ; jne 0x4208e5
+inc edx
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_004208c0 ; jmp 0x4208c0
+mov eax, 1
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebx, 0x38
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], ebx
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; cmp eax, dword [0x498e8c]
+jg short loc_00420921 ; jg 0x420921
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov bl, byte [ebp + 0x19]
+mov dword [esp + 8], ebx
+lea ebx, [ecx + 1]
+cmp ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+jne short loc_00420919 ; jne 0x420919
+inc edx
+inc eax
+add dword [esp + 0x18], 0x38
+jmp short loc_004208fa ; jmp 0x4208fa
+cmp esi, edx
+jge short loc_0042092b ; jge 0x42092b
+mov esi, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], ecx
+inc ecx
+jmp near loc_0042088b ; jmp 0x42088b
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+cmp ecx, edi
+jge short loc_00420964 ; jge 0x420964
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + ecx]
+cmp eax, ebx
+jne short loc_00420961 ; jne 0x420961
+mov cl, byte [esp + 0x10]
+mov eax, 1
+shl eax, cl
+or ah, 0x80
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], eax ; mov dword [0x48be58], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 1
+jmp short loc_00420964 ; jmp 0x420964
+inc ecx
+jmp short loc_00420937 ; jmp 0x420937
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+add esp, 0x1c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x18
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 8], edx
+push 3
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040b221 ; call 0x40b221
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_00420a82 ; jne 0x420a82
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], eax
+jmp short loc_004209ae ; jmp 0x4209ae
+inc ebp
+cmp ebp, 3
+jge near loc_00420bdf ; jge 0x420bdf
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebp*2 + ref_0048b8b4] ; mov dx, word [ebp*2 + 0x48b8b4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e80]
+mov ax, word [edx + eax*8 + 0x20]
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_00420ae6 ; jle 0x420ae6
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_00420ae6 ; jge 0x420ae6
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e84]
+add esi, eax
+mov cl, byte [esi + 0x19]
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_00420a17 ; je 0x420a17
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, cl
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edx
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_00420a31 ; jne 0x420a31
+cmp byte [esi + 0x18], 0
+jne short loc_00420a31 ; jne 0x420a31
+cmp byte [esi + 0x1a], 5
+jae short loc_00420a31 ; jae 0x420a31
+cmp byte [esi + 0x19], 0
+je short loc_00420a25 ; je 0x420a25
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esi + 0x1e]
+jmp short loc_00420a2b ; jmp 0x420a2b
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esi + 0x1c]
+add edi, eax
+inc dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov dl, byte [esi + 0x19]
+test dl, dl
+je near loc_004209a4 ; je 0x4209a4
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, dl
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edx
+cmp eax, edx
+je near loc_004209a4 ; je 0x4209a4
+add esi, 4
+push esi
+push eax
+call fcn_00419744 ; call 0x419744
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 8
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+cmp ebx, eax
+jle near loc_004209a4 ; jle 0x4209a4
+cmp dword [esp + 8], 0
+jne near loc_00420c5d ; jne 0x420c5d
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0040a45c ; call 0x40a45c
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048be60], eax ; mov dword [0x48be60], eax
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp], ecx
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], ecx
+cmp ebp, dword [ref_0048be60] ; cmp ebp, dword [0x48be60]
+jge near loc_00420c9e ; jge 0x420c9e
+mov ax, word [ebp*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov ax, word [ebp*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], eax
+test byte [esp + 0x11], 0x80
+je near loc_00420c98 ; je 0x420c98
+test byte [esp + 0x10], 0xf
+je near loc_00420c98 ; je 0x420c98
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov eax, 1
+jmp near loc_00420c6e ; jmp 0x420c6e
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_00420b97 ; jle 0x420b97
+cmp eax, 0x1770
+jge near loc_00420b97 ; jge 0x420b97
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, edx
+cmp byte [eax + 0x19], 0
+je short loc_00420b3c ; je 0x420b3c
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc ecx
+cmp edx, ecx
+jne short loc_00420b56 ; jne 0x420b56
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x18]
+test bl, bl
+je short loc_00420b56 ; je 0x420b56
+cmp bl, 3
+je short loc_00420b56 ; je 0x420b56
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 5
+jae short loc_00420b56 ; jae 0x420b56
+cmp byte [eax + 0x19], 0
+je short loc_00420b4a ; je 0x420b4a
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + 0x24]
+jmp short loc_00420b50 ; jmp 0x420b50
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + 0x22]
+add edi, edx
+inc dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+test dl, dl
+je near loc_004209a4 ; je 0x4209a4
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, dl
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edx
+cmp ecx, edx
+je near loc_004209a4 ; je 0x4209a4
+mov dh, byte [eax + 0x18]
+test dh, dh
+je near loc_004209a4 ; je 0x4209a4
+cmp dh, 4
+je near loc_004209a4 ; je 0x4209a4
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 0
+je near loc_004209a4 ; je 0x4209a4
+jmp near loc_00420a82 ; jmp 0x420a82
+cmp eax, 0x1770
+jle near loc_004209a4 ; jle 0x4209a4
+cmp eax, 0x1f40
+jge near loc_004209a4 ; jge 0x4209a4
+sub eax, 0x1770
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e7c]
+add eax, edx
+cmp byte [eax + 0x18], 0
+je near loc_004209a4 ; je 0x4209a4
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x18]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edx, eax
+je near loc_004209a4 ; je 0x4209a4
+jmp near loc_00420a82 ; jmp 0x420a82
+cmp dword [esp + 4], 0
+jne near loc_00420a82 ; jne 0x420a82
+imul edx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul edx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+fild dword [edx + ref_00496b84] ; fild dword [edx + 0x496b84]
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], edi
+fild dword [esp + 0x14]
+fmul qword [ref_00463d40] ; fmul qword [0x463d40]
+fnstsw ax
+jae near loc_00420a82 ; jae 0x420a82
+cmp dword [esp + 0x10], 2
+jl near loc_00420a82 ; jl 0x420a82
+mov eax, dword [edx + ref_00496b84] ; mov eax, dword [edx + 0x496b84]
+add eax, dword [edx + ref_00496b88] ; add eax, dword [edx + 0x496b88]
+cmp eax, 0x2710
+jle near loc_00420a82 ; jle 0x420a82
+cmp word [edx + ref_00496bae], 0 ; cmp word [edx + 0x496bae], 0
+jl near loc_00420a82 ; jl 0x420a82
+mov cl, byte [ref_0049910c] ; mov cl, byte [0x49910c]
+mov eax, 1
+shl eax, cl
+or ah, 0x80
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], eax ; mov dword [0x48be58], eax
+mov dword [esp + 8], 1
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+jmp near loc_0041fe46 ; jmp 0x41fe46
+add eax, eax
+inc ebx
+cmp eax, 0x10
+jge short loc_00420c98 ; jge 0x420c98
+test dword [esp + 0x10], eax
+je short loc_00420c66 ; je 0x420c66
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+je short loc_00420c66 ; je 0x420c66
+imul esi, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [esi + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [esi + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00420c66 ; je 0x420c66
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov byte [esp + edx], bl
+lea esi, [edx + 1]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], esi
+jmp short loc_00420c66 ; jmp 0x420c66
+inc ebp
+jmp near loc_00420aa7 ; jmp 0x420aa7
+cmp dword [esp + 0xc], 0
+je short loc_00420c5d ; je 0x420c5d
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+jge short loc_00420c5d ; jge 0x420c5d
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 8]
+test ebp, ebp
+jne short loc_00420c5d ; jne 0x420c5d
+push 3
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + ebx + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040b221 ; call 0x40b221
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_00420e94 ; jne 0x420e94
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esp + 4], ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], ebp
+jmp short loc_00420ce4 ; jmp 0x420ce4
+inc ebp
+cmp ebp, 3
+jge near loc_00420e4e ; jge 0x420e4e
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, word [ebp*2 + ref_0048b8b4] ; mov si, word [ebp*2 + 0x48b8b4]
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, esi
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e80]
+mov ax, word [edx + eax*8 + 0x20]
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_00420d68 ; jle 0x420d68
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_00420d68 ; jge 0x420d68
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e84]
+add esi, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x19]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edx
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_00420d46 ; jne 0x420d46
+lea edx, [esi + 4]
+push edx
+push eax
+call fcn_00419744 ; call 0x419744
+add esp, 8
+add edi, eax
+inc dword [esp + 0x10]
+cmp byte [esi + 0x19], 0
+je near loc_00420e94 ; je 0x420e94
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + ebx]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esi + 0x19]
+inc eax
+cmp edx, eax
+jne near loc_00420cda ; jne 0x420cda
+jmp near loc_00420e94 ; jmp 0x420e94
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_00420df1 ; jle 0x420df1
+cmp eax, 0x1770
+jge near loc_00420df1 ; jge 0x420df1
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 3
+sub edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+inc esi
+cmp edx, esi
+jne short loc_00420dcc ; jne 0x420dcc
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x18]
+test dl, dl
+je short loc_00420dcc ; je 0x420dcc
+cmp dl, 4
+je short loc_00420dcc ; je 0x420dcc
+mov cl, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_00420dcc ; je 0x420dcc
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, cl
+add edx, edx
+lea esi, [eax + edx]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [esi + 0x24]
+add edi, edx
+inc dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov ch, byte [eax + 0x19]
+test ch, ch
+je near loc_00420e94 ; je 0x420e94
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esp + ebx]
+mov al, ch
+and eax, 0xff
+inc edx
+cmp eax, edx
+jne near loc_00420cda ; jne 0x420cda
+jmp near loc_00420e94 ; jmp 0x420e94
+cmp eax, 0x1770
+jle near loc_00420cda ; jle 0x420cda
+cmp eax, 0x1f40
+jge near loc_00420cda ; jge 0x420cda
+sub eax, 0x1770
+imul edx, eax, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e7c]
+add eax, edx
+movzx esi, byte [eax + 0x18]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edx
+cmp esi, edx
+jne short loc_00420e31 ; jne 0x420e31
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + 0x22]
+add edi, edx
+inc dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov ch, byte [eax + 0x18]
+test ch, ch
+je short loc_00420e94 ; je 0x420e94
+movzx esi, byte [esp + ebx]
+mov al, ch
+and eax, 0xff
+inc esi
+cmp eax, esi
+jne near loc_00420cda ; jne 0x420cda
+jmp short loc_00420e94 ; jmp 0x420e94
+cmp dword [esp + 4], 0
+jne short loc_00420e94 ; jne 0x420e94
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+cmp edi, eax
+jl short loc_00420e94 ; jl 0x420e94
+cmp dword [esp + 0x10], 2
+jl short loc_00420e94 ; jl 0x420e94
+mov cl, byte [esp + ebx]
+mov eax, 1
+shl eax, cl
+or ah, 0x80
+mov dword [ref_0048be58], eax ; mov dword [0x48be58], eax
+mov dword [esp + 8], 1
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_00420ca7 ; jmp 0x420ca7
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax*8 + ref_0047fee1] ; mov dl, byte [eax*8 + 0x47fee1]
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7f] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7f]
+and eax, 0xff
+sub edx, eax
+mov eax, edx
+cmp edx, 2
+jl short loc_00420ec5 ; jl 0x420ec5
+xor eax, edx
+cmp edx, 1
+jne short loc_00420ee2 ; jne 0x420ee2
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 3
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_00420ee2 ; je 0x420ee2
+xor eax, eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+call dword [eax*4 + ref_0047539c] ; ucall: call dword [eax*4 + 0x47539c]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+mov eax, dword [eax*4 + ref_0048be64] ; mov eax, dword [eax*4 + 0x48be64]
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+xor esi, esi
+push 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0040b221 ; call 0x40b221
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_00421078 ; jne 0x421078
+xor edi, edi
+jmp near loc_00420f92 ; jmp 0x420f92
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jle short loc_00420f52 ; jle 0x420f52
+cmp eax, 0x1770
+jge short loc_00420f52 ; jge 0x420f52
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+mov bl, byte [ebx + eax + 0x19]
+and ebx, 0xff
+mov edx, 0x989680
+dec ebp
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebp
+mov al, byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d08] ; mov al, byte [eax*8 + 0x496d08]
+and eax, 0xff
+cmp eax, 5
+je short loc_00420f83 ; je 0x420f83
+cmp eax, 6
+je short loc_00420f83 ; je 0x420f83
+cmp eax, 7
+je short loc_00420f83 ; je 0x420f83
+cmp eax, 8
+je short loc_00420f83 ; je 0x420f83
+cmp eax, 0xb
+jne near loc_00421010 ; jne 0x421010
+mov esi, 1
+inc edi
+cmp edi, 4
+jge near loc_00421078 ; jge 0x421078
+test esi, esi
+jne near loc_00421078 ; jne 0x421078
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [edi*2 + ref_0048b8b4] ; mov dx, word [edi*2 + 0x48b8b4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e80]
+add eax, edx
+mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x24]
+and ebp, 0x3f0000
+shr ebp, 0x10
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_00420f88 ; je 0x420f88
+mov ax, word [eax + 0x20]
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor edx, edx
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_00420f20 ; jle 0x420f20
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_00420f20 ; jge 0x420f20
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, edx
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+add eax, 4
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_00419744 ; call 0x419744
+add esp, 8
+mov edx, eax
+jmp near loc_00420f52 ; jmp 0x420f52
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_00421028 ; jne 0x421028
+cmp eax, 0x11
+jne short loc_00421028 ; jne 0x421028
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+inc ebp
+cmp ebx, ebp
+je near loc_00420f83 ; je 0x420f83
+test esi, esi
+jne near loc_00420f88 ; jne 0x420f88
+cmp eax, 0x10
+jne near loc_00420f88 ; jne 0x420f88
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_00420f88 ; je 0x420f88
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp ebx, eax
+je near loc_00420f88 ; je 0x420f88
+mov ebx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov ebx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, ebx
+cmp edx, eax
+jle near loc_00420f88 ; jle 0x420f88
+jmp near loc_00420f83 ; jmp 0x420f83
+mov eax, esi
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 8], edx
+push 4
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040b221 ; call 0x40b221
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_00421299 ; jne 0x421299
+xor ebp, ebp
+jmp near loc_00421122 ; jmp 0x421122
+xor esi, esi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov si, word [eax + 0x1c]
+imul esi, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul esi, dword [0x4990e8]
+cmp ebx, 2
+jge short loc_004210c8 ; jge 0x4210c8
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_00421118 ; je 0x421118
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+add edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; add edx, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+cmp edx, 0x2710
+jle short loc_00421118 ; jle 0x421118
+cmp word [eax + ref_00496bae], 0 ; cmp word [eax + 0x496bae], 0
+jl short loc_00421118 ; jl 0x421118
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba1], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba1], 0
+jne short loc_00421118 ; jne 0x421118
+cmp esi, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; cmp esi, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+jge short loc_00421118 ; jge 0x421118
+mov ax, word [ebp*2 + ref_0048b8b4] ; mov ax, word [ebp*2 + 0x48b8b4]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [ref_0048be64], eax ; mov dword [0x48be64], eax
+mov dword [esp + 8], 1
+inc ebp
+cmp ebp, 4
+jge near loc_00421299 ; jge 0x421299
+cmp dword [esp + 8], 0
+jne near loc_00421299 ; jne 0x421299
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebp*2 + ref_0048b8b4] ; mov dx, word [ebp*2 + 0x48b8b4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add edx, eax
+shl edx, 3
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+add eax, edx
+test dword [eax + 0x24], 0x3fff00
+jne short loc_00421118 ; jne 0x421118
+mov ax, word [eax + 0x20]
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_004211c3 ; jle 0x4211c3
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_004211c3 ; jge 0x4211c3
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e84]
+lea edx, [esi + eax]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], edx
+cmp byte [edx + 0x19], 0
+jne short loc_00421118 ; jne 0x421118
+mov edi, 1
+xor ebx, ebx
+add esi, 0x34
+cmp edi, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp edi, dword [0x498e98]
+jg near loc_004210ac ; jg 0x4210ac
+lea eax, [esi + 4]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+add eax, 4
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_004211c0 ; jne 0x4211c0
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x19]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edx
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_004211c0 ; jne 0x4211c0
+inc ebx
+inc edi
+jmp short loc_0042118a ; jmp 0x42118a
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_0042124c ; jle 0x42124c
+cmp eax, 0x1770
+jge short loc_0042124c ; jge 0x42124c
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+add edx, eax
+cmp byte [edx + 0x19], 0
+jne near loc_00421118 ; jne 0x421118
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+add ebx, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; add ebx, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+cmp ebx, 0x2710
+jle near loc_00421118 ; jle 0x421118
+cmp word [eax + ref_00496bae], 0 ; cmp word [eax + 0x496bae], 0
+jl near loc_00421118 ; jl 0x421118
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba1], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba1], 0
+jne near loc_00421118 ; jne 0x421118
+mov dx, word [edx + 0x22]
+and edx, 0xffff
+imul edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+cmp edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; cmp edx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+jmp near loc_004210fc ; jmp 0x4210fc
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [ebp*2 + ref_0048b8b4] ; mov bx, word [ebp*2 + 0x48b8b4]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+lea edx, [ebx + eax]
+shl edx, 3
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+mov eax, dword [edx + eax + 0x24]
+and eax, 0xff
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jne near loc_00421118 ; jne 0x421118
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp word [eax + ref_00496b98], 0xc8 ; cmp word [eax + 0x496b98], 0xc8
+jbe near loc_00421118 ; jbe 0x421118
+mov dword [ref_0048be64], ebx ; mov dword [0x48be64], ebx
+jmp near loc_00421110 ; jmp 0x421110
+cmp dword [esp + 8], 0
+jne near loc_004213b9 ; jne 0x4213b9
+push 6
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040b343 ; call 0x40b343
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_00409ef9 ; call 0x409ef9
+mov dword [esp], eax
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [esp + 4], ebp
+cmp ebp, dword [esp]
+jge near loc_004213b9 ; jge 0x4213b9
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor edx, edx
+jmp short loc_004212d8 ; jmp 0x4212d8
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 6
+jge short loc_004212f6 ; jge 0x4212f6
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebp*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov ax, word [ebp*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+mov si, word [ebx*2 + ref_0048b8b4] ; mov si, word [ebx*2 + 0x48b8b4]
+and esi, 0xffff
+cmp eax, esi
+jne short loc_004212d2 ; jne 0x4212d2
+jmp short loc_004212fe ; jmp 0x4212fe
+test edx, edx
+je near loc_004213b3 ; je 0x4213b3
+lea esi, [ebp + ebp]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [esi + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov dx, word [esi + 0x48b8c4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edi, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov edi, dword [0x498e80]
+mov di, word [edi + eax*8 + 0x20]
+and edi, 0xffff
+cmp edi, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_004213b3 ; jle 0x4213b3
+cmp edi, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_004213b3 ; jge 0x4213b3
+lea eax, [edi - 0x7d0]
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], edx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edx + 0x19]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edx
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_004213b3 ; jne 0x4213b3
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+add edx, 4
+push edx
+push eax
+call fcn_00419744 ; call 0x419744
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 8
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+cmp ebx, eax
+jle short loc_004213b3 ; jle 0x4213b3
+cmp ebx, dword [esp + 4]
+jle short loc_004213b3 ; jle 0x4213b3
+mov dword [esp + 4], ebx
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esi + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov ax, word [esi + 0x48b8c4]
+mov dword [ref_0048be64], eax ; mov dword [0x48be64], eax
+mov dword [esp + 8], 1
+inc ebp
+jmp near loc_004212c3 ; jmp 0x4212c3
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0x208
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x200], edx
+push 6
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040b343 ; call 0x40b343
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_00409ef9 ; call 0x409ef9
+mov dword [esp + 0x204], eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+cmp ebx, dword [esp + 0x204]
+jge near loc_0042153a ; jge 0x42153a
+xor eax, eax
+xor edi, edi
+jmp short loc_00421411 ; jmp 0x421411
+inc eax
+cmp eax, 6
+jge short loc_0042142f ; jge 0x42142f
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [ebx*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov cx, word [ebx*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+mov dx, word [eax*2 + ref_0048b8b4] ; mov dx, word [eax*2 + 0x48b8b4]
+and edx, 0xffff
+cmp ecx, edx
+jne short loc_0042140b ; jne 0x42140b
+jmp short loc_00421437 ; jmp 0x421437
+test edi, edi
+je near loc_00421534 ; je 0x421534
+mov ax, word [ebx*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov ax, word [ebx*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_0048bae0] ; mov dx, word [0x48bae0]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_0042145a ; jne 0x42145a
+cmp dword [ref_00496b30], 0 ; cmp dword [0x496b30], 0
+jne short loc_0042147d ; jne 0x42147d
+mov ax, word [ebx*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov ax, word [ebx*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_0048bae2] ; mov dx, word [0x48bae2]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_0042148c ; jne 0x42148c
+cmp dword [ref_00496b60], 0 ; cmp dword [0x496b60], 0
+je short loc_0042148c ; je 0x42148c
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov ax, word [ebx*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+jmp near loc_00421553 ; jmp 0x421553
+lea edx, [ebx + ebx]
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [edx + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov cx, word [edx + 0x48b8c4]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add ecx, eax
+shl ecx, 3
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+mov ax, word [ecx + eax + 0x20]
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_004214ec ; jle 0x4214ec
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_004214ec ; jge 0x4214ec
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul ecx, eax, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, ecx
+cmp byte [eax + 0x19], 0
+je short loc_00421534 ; je 0x421534
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp ecx, eax
+je short loc_00421534 ; je 0x421534
+mov dx, word [edx + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov dx, word [edx + 0x48b8c4]
+jmp short loc_0042152f ; jmp 0x42152f
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jle short loc_00421534 ; jle 0x421534
+cmp eax, 0x1770
+jge short loc_00421534 ; jge 0x421534
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, edx
+cmp byte [eax + 0x19], 0
+je short loc_00421534 ; je 0x421534
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edx, eax
+je short loc_00421534 ; je 0x421534
+mov dx, word [ebx*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov dx, word [ebx*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+mov word [esp + esi*2], dx
+inc esi
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_004213f8 ; jmp 0x4213f8
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00421563 ; je 0x421563
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+mov ax, word [esp + edx*2]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [ref_0048be64], eax ; mov dword [0x48be64], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x200], 1
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x200]
+add esp, 0x208
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0x208
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x200], edx
+push 6
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040b343 ; call 0x40b343
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_00409ef9 ; call 0x409ef9
+mov dword [esp + 0x204], eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+cmp ebx, dword [esp + 0x204]
+jge short loc_0042153a ; jge 0x42153a
+xor eax, eax
+xor edi, edi
+jmp short loc_004215bc ; jmp 0x4215bc
+inc eax
+cmp eax, 6
+jge short loc_004215da ; jge 0x4215da
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [ebx*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov cx, word [ebx*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+mov dx, word [eax*2 + ref_0048b8b4] ; mov dx, word [eax*2 + 0x48b8b4]
+and edx, 0xffff
+cmp ecx, edx
+jne short loc_004215b6 ; jne 0x4215b6
+jmp short loc_004215de ; jmp 0x4215de
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_0042163e ; je 0x42163e
+mov ax, word [ebx*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov ax, word [ebx*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_0048bae0] ; mov dx, word [0x48bae0]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_00421601 ; jne 0x421601
+cmp dword [ref_00496b30], 0 ; cmp dword [0x496b30], 0
+jne short loc_00421622 ; jne 0x421622
+mov eax, ebx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov dx, word [ebx*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+xor eax, ebx
+mov ax, word [ref_0048bae2] ; mov ax, word [0x48bae2]
+cmp edx, eax
+jne short loc_00421631 ; jne 0x421631
+cmp dword [ref_00496b60], 0 ; cmp dword [0x496b60], 0
+je short loc_00421631 ; je 0x421631
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov ax, word [ebx*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+jmp near loc_00421553 ; jmp 0x421553
+mov ax, word [ebx*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov ax, word [ebx*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+mov word [esp + esi*2], ax
+inc esi
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_004215a7 ; jmp 0x4215a7
+push ebx
+xor ebx, ebx
+imul edx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul edx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+test byte [edx + ref_00496b79], 3 ; test byte [edx + 0x496b79], 3
+jne short loc_00421671 ; jne 0x421671
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 4
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_00421671 ; jne 0x421671
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+xor ebx, ebx
+imul edx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul edx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_00496b79] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x496b79]
+and dl, 3
+cmp dl, 2
+jae short loc_004216a7 ; jae 0x4216a7
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 4
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_004216a7 ; jne 0x4216a7
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_004216dc ; jle 0x4216dc
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_004216dc ; jge 0x4216dc
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul ecx, eax, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, ecx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+inc eax
+cmp ecx, eax
+jne short loc_00421714 ; jne 0x421714
+jmp short loc_0042170f ; jmp 0x42170f
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jle short loc_00421714 ; jle 0x421714
+cmp eax, 0x1770
+jge short loc_00421714 ; jge 0x421714
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov ecx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, ecx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+inc eax
+cmp ecx, eax
+jne short loc_00421714 ; jne 0x421714
+mov edx, 1
+mov eax, edx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 8
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp], edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040d2d3 ; call 0x40d2d3
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_0042174a ; jne 0x42174a
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040d31c ; call 0x40d31c
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+cmp ebx, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_00421756 ; jne 0x421756
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_0042181f ; jmp 0x42181f
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0040a45c ; call 0x40a45c
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+xor esi, esi
+xor edi, edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 4]
+cmp esi, ebp
+jge short loc_004217b3 ; jge 0x4217b3
+test edi, edi
+jne short loc_004217b3 ; jne 0x4217b3
+mov cx, word [esi*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov cx, word [esi*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+and ecx, 0xffff
+test ch, 0x80
+je short loc_004217b0 ; je 0x4217b0
+test cl, 0xf
+je short loc_004217b0 ; je 0x4217b0
+xor edx, edx
+mov eax, 1
+jmp short loc_0042179d ; jmp 0x42179d
+add eax, eax
+inc edx
+cmp eax, 0x10
+jge short loc_004217b0 ; jge 0x4217b0
+test ecx, eax
+je short loc_00421795 ; je 0x421795
+cmp edx, ebx
+jne short loc_00421795 ; jne 0x421795
+mov dword [ref_0048be64], ecx ; mov dword [0x48be64], ecx
+mov edi, 1
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0042176c ; jmp 0x42176c
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_0042181c ; je 0x42181c
+push 0x64
+imul ebx, ebx, 0x68
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b72] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b72]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b70]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040a0b1 ; call 0x40a0b1
+add esp, 0xc
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+xor esi, esi
+xor edi, edi
+cmp esi, dword [esp + 4]
+jge short loc_00421811 ; jge 0x421811
+mov cx, word [esi*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov cx, word [esi*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+and ecx, 0xffff
+test ch, 0x80
+jne short loc_0042181c ; jne 0x42181c
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004216ab ; call 0x4216ab
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+je short loc_0042181c ; je 0x42181c
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_004217e0 ; jmp 0x4217e0
+test edi, edi
+jne short loc_0042181c ; jne 0x42181c
+mov dword [esp], 1
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+add esp, 8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 4], edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul edx, ecx, 0x68
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edx + ref_00496ba7] ; mov al, byte [edx + 0x496ba7]
+cmp eax, 7
+je short loc_00421854 ; je 0x421854
+cmp eax, 8
+je short loc_00421854 ; je 0x421854
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jne short loc_0042185b ; jne 0x42185b
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_004213bd ; jmp 0x4213bd
+cmp byte [edx + ref_00496ba1], 0 ; cmp byte [edx + 0x496ba1], 0
+jne short loc_00421854 ; jne 0x421854
+mov eax, dword [edx + ref_00496b84] ; mov eax, dword [edx + 0x496b84]
+add eax, dword [edx + ref_00496b88] ; add eax, dword [edx + 0x496b88]
+cmp eax, 0x2710
+jl short loc_00421854 ; jl 0x421854
+cmp word [edx + ref_00496bae], 0 ; cmp word [edx + 0x496bae], 0
+jl short loc_00421854 ; jl 0x421854
+push 6
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040b221 ; call 0x40b221
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_00421b9d ; jne 0x421b9d
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+mov dword [esp], eax
+jmp near loc_004219e8 ; jmp 0x4219e8
+lea edx, [eax - 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov al, byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d08] ; mov al, byte [eax*8 + 0x496d08]
+and eax, 0xff
+cmp eax, 5
+je near loc_004219d6 ; je 0x4219d6
+cmp eax, 6
+je near loc_004219d6 ; je 0x4219d6
+cmp eax, 7
+je near loc_004219d6 ; je 0x4219d6
+cmp eax, 8
+je near loc_004219d6 ; je 0x4219d6
+cmp eax, 0xa
+je near loc_004219d6 ; je 0x4219d6
+cmp eax, 0xb
+je near loc_004219d6 ; je 0x4219d6
+cmp eax, 0x10
+je near loc_004219d6 ; je 0x4219d6
+cmp eax, 0x11
+je near loc_004219d6 ; je 0x4219d6
+cmp eax, 0x12
+je near loc_004219d6 ; je 0x4219d6
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax*2 + ref_0048b8b4] ; mov dx, word [eax*2 + 0x48b8b4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e80]
+mov ax, word [edx + eax*8 + 0x20]
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_00421ae0 ; jle 0x421ae0
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_00421ae0 ; jge 0x421ae0
+xor edi, edi
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul ebp, eax, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebp, eax
+lea ebx, [eax + 0x34]
+mov al, byte [ebp + 0x19]
+test al, al
+jne near loc_00421a3a ; jne 0x421a3a
+mov esi, 1
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp esi, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_00421997 ; jg 0x421997
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00421991 ; jne 0x421991
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edx
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_00421991 ; jne 0x421991
+inc edi
+inc esi
+add ebx, 0x34
+jmp short loc_00421966 ; jmp 0x421966
+cmp edi, 1
+jle short loc_004219d6 ; jle 0x4219d6
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+fild dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; fild dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebp + 0x1c]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0xc]
+fmul qword [ref_00463d48] ; fmul qword [0x463d48]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_004219d6 ; jae 0x4219d6
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+inc eax
+mov dword [ref_0048be64], eax ; mov dword [0x48be64], eax
+mov dword [esp + 4], 1
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+inc ebx
+mov dword [esp + 8], ebx
+cmp ebx, 6
+jge near loc_00421b88 ; jge 0x421b88
+cmp dword [esp + 4], 0
+jne near loc_00421b88 ; jne 0x421b88
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax*2 + ref_0048b8b4] ; mov dx, word [eax*2 + 0x48b8b4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add edx, eax
+shl edx, 3
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + 0x24]
+and edx, 0xf000
+shr edx, 0xc
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_004219d6 ; jne 0x4219d6
+mov eax, dword [eax + 0x24]
+and eax, 0x3f0000
+shr eax, 0x10
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_004218a0 ; jne 0x4218a0
+jmp near loc_00421907 ; jmp 0x421907
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, al
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edx, eax
+jne short loc_004219d6 ; jne 0x4219d6
+cmp byte [ebp + 0x18], 0
+jne short loc_004219d6 ; jne 0x4219d6
+cmp byte [ebp + 0x1a], 5
+jae short loc_004219d6 ; jae 0x4219d6
+mov esi, 1
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp esi, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_00421a8b ; jg 0x421a8b
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00421a85 ; jne 0x421a85
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edx, eax
+jne short loc_00421a85 ; jne 0x421a85
+inc edi
+inc esi
+add ebx, 0x34
+jmp short loc_00421a59 ; jmp 0x421a59
+cmp edi, 1
+jle near loc_004219d6 ; jle 0x4219d6
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+fild dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; fild dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebp + 0x1e]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0xc]
+fmul qword [ref_00463d48] ; fmul qword [0x463d48]
+fnstsw ax
+jae near loc_004219d6 ; jae 0x4219d6
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebp + 0x1a]
+cmp eax, dword [esp]
+jle near loc_004219d6 ; jle 0x4219d6
+mov dword [esp], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+inc eax
+mov dword [ref_0048be64], eax ; mov dword [0x48be64], eax
+jmp near loc_004219d6 ; jmp 0x4219d6
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_004219d6 ; jle 0x4219d6
+cmp eax, 0x1770
+jge near loc_004219d6 ; jge 0x4219d6
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+add edx, eax
+cmp byte [edx + 0x19], 0
+jne short loc_00421b3f ; jne 0x421b3f
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+fild dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; fild dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [edx + 0x22]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0xc]
+fmul qword [ref_00463d48] ; fmul qword [0x463d48]
+fnstsw ax
+jb near loc_004219c4 ; jb 0x4219c4
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [edx + 0x19]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp ebx, eax
+jne near loc_004219d6 ; jne 0x4219d6
+mov bh, byte [edx + 0x18]
+test bh, bh
+je near loc_004219d6 ; je 0x4219d6
+cmp bh, 3
+je near loc_004219d6 ; je 0x4219d6
+cmp byte [edx + 0x1a], 5
+jae near loc_004219d6 ; jae 0x4219d6
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+fild dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; fild dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [edx + 0x24]
+jmp near loc_004219af ; jmp 0x4219af
+cmp dword [esp + 4], 0
+jne short loc_00421b9d ; jne 0x421b9d
+cmp dword [esp], 0
+je short loc_00421b9d ; je 0x421b9d
+mov dword [esp + 4], 1
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+jmp near loc_004213bd ; jmp 0x4213bd
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp], edx
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0040a45c ; call 0x40a45c
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, eax
+xor esi, esi
+xor ecx, ecx
+cmp esi, ebp
+jge near loc_00421ca0 ; jge 0x421ca0
+mov dx, word [esi*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov dx, word [esi*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+and edx, 0xffff
+cmp edx, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_00421c38 ; jle 0x421c38
+cmp edx, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_00421c38 ; jge 0x421c38
+lea eax, [edx - 0x7d0]
+imul ebx, eax, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, ebx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edi
+cmp ebx, edi
+jne near loc_00421c9a ; jne 0x421c9a
+cmp byte [eax + 0x18], 0
+jne near loc_00421c9a ; jne 0x421c9a
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+mov bx, word [eax + ebx*2 + 0x20]
+and ebx, 0xffff
+cmp ecx, ebx
+jge near loc_00421c9a ; jge 0x421c9a
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 5
+jae short loc_00421c9a ; jae 0x421c9a
+mov ecx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00421c94 ; jmp 0x421c94
+cmp edx, 0xfa0
+jle short loc_00421c9a ; jle 0x421c9a
+cmp edx, 0x1770
+jge short loc_00421c9a ; jge 0x421c9a
+lea eax, [edx - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, ebx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edi
+cmp ebx, edi
+jne short loc_00421c9a ; jne 0x421c9a
+movzx edi, byte [eax + 0x18]
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+cmp bl, byte [edi + ref_00474940] ; cmp bl, byte [edi + 0x474940]
+jae short loc_00421c9a ; jae 0x421c9a
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+mov ax, word [eax + ebx*2 + 0x24]
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp ecx, eax
+jge short loc_00421c9a ; jge 0x421c9a
+mov ecx, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048be64], edx ; mov dword [0x48be64], edx
+inc esi
+jmp near loc_00421bc2 ; jmp 0x421bc2
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_00421cab ; je 0x421cab
+mov dword [esp], 1
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 8
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp], edx
+call fcn_00409ef9 ; call 0x409ef9
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+xor edx, edx
+xor ecx, ecx
+imul ebx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul ebx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp edx, dword [esp + 4]
+jge near loc_00421dee ; jge 0x421dee
+xor edi, edi
+mov di, word [edx*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov di, word [edx*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edi
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e80]
+mov ax, word [esi + eax*8 + 0x20]
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_00421d71 ; jle 0x421d71
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_00421d71 ; jge 0x421d71
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, esi
+cmp byte [eax + 0x19], 0
+jne near loc_00421de8 ; jne 0x421de8
+cmp byte [eax + 0x18], 0
+jne near loc_00421de8 ; jne 0x421de8
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 3
+jb near loc_00421de8 ; jb 0x421de8
+movzx esi, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+cmp ecx, esi
+jge near loc_00421de8 ; jge 0x421de8
+mov ax, word [eax + 0x1e]
+and eax, 0xffff
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+cmp eax, dword [ebx + ref_00496b84] ; cmp eax, dword [ebx + 0x496b84]
+jge near loc_00421de8 ; jge 0x421de8
+mov ecx, esi
+mov dword [ref_0048be64], edi ; mov dword [0x48be64], edi
+jmp near loc_00421de8 ; jmp 0x421de8
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_00421de8 ; jle 0x421de8
+cmp eax, 0x1770
+jge short loc_00421de8 ; jge 0x421de8
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, ebx
+cmp byte [eax + 0x19], 0
+jne short loc_00421de8 ; jne 0x421de8
+cmp byte [eax + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_00421de8 ; je 0x421de8
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 3
+jb short loc_00421de8 ; jb 0x421de8
+imul ebx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul ebx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, word [eax + 0x24]
+imul esi, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul esi, dword [0x4990e8]
+cmp esi, dword [ebx + ref_00496b84] ; cmp esi, dword [ebx + 0x496b84]
+jge short loc_00421de8 ; jge 0x421de8
+mov al, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+and eax, 0xff
+cmp ecx, eax
+jge short loc_00421de8 ; jge 0x421de8
+mov ecx, eax
+mov ax, word [edx*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov ax, word [edx*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [ref_0048be64], eax ; mov dword [0x48be64], eax
+inc edx
+jmp near loc_00421cce ; jmp 0x421cce
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_00421e16 ; je 0x421e16
+mov eax, dword [ebx + ref_00496b84] ; mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x496b84]
+add eax, dword [ebx + ref_00496b88] ; add eax, dword [ebx + 0x496b88]
+cmp eax, 0x2710
+jle short loc_00421e16 ; jle 0x421e16
+cmp word [ebx + ref_00496bae], 0 ; cmp word [ebx + 0x496bae], 0
+jl short loc_00421e16 ; jl 0x421e16
+mov dword [esp], 1
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+add esp, 8
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+xor ebx, ebx
+imul edx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul edx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov al, byte [edx + ref_00496b79] ; mov al, byte [edx + 0x496b79]
+and al, 3
+cmp al, 3
+jne short loc_00421e3c ; jne 0x421e3c
+xor eax, eax
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+movzx esi, byte [edx + ref_00496b7f] ; movzx esi, byte [edx + 0x496b7f]
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 0xf
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+cmp edx, esi
+jg short loc_00421e5d ; jg 0x421e5d
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, ebx
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x430
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x410], edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x420], 1
+mov dword [esp + 0x41c], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, 0x34
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e98] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e98]
+cmp esi, dword [esp + 0x420]
+jl short loc_00421ee8 ; jl 0x421ee8
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+test dl, dl
+je short loc_00421edc ; je 0x421edc
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, dl
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edx
+cmp ecx, edx
+je short loc_00421edc ; je 0x421edc
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_00421edc ; je 0x421edc
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x420]
+add ebx, 0x7d0
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x41c]
+mov word [esp + edx*2], bx
+lea ebp, [edx + 1]
+mov dword [esp + 0x41c], ebp
+inc dword [esp + 0x420]
+add eax, 0x34
+jmp short loc_00421e95 ; jmp 0x421e95
+mov dword [esp + 0x420], 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, 0x38
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x420]
+cmp edx, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; cmp edx, dword [0x498e8c]
+jg short loc_00421f51 ; jg 0x421f51
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+test bl, bl
+je short loc_00421f48 ; je 0x421f48
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, bl
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edx
+cmp ecx, edx
+je short loc_00421f48 ; je 0x421f48
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_00421f48 ; je 0x421f48
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x420]
+add ebx, 0xfa0
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x41c]
+mov word [esp + edx*2], bx
+lea edi, [edx + 1]
+mov dword [esp + 0x41c], edi
+inc dword [esp + 0x420]
+jmp short loc_00421ef8 ; jmp 0x421ef8
+cmp dword [esp + 0x41c], 0
+je near loc_004221ae ; je 0x4221ae
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x420], esi
+jmp near loc_00422165 ; jmp 0x422165
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+movsx ebx, word [edx + eax]
+movsx eax, word [edx + eax + 2]
+mov dword [esp + 0x428], eax
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x42c]
+push esi
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040a0b1 ; call 0x40a0b1
+add esp, 0xc
+mov dword [esp + 0x404], eax
+xor ebp, ebp
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esp + 0x424], ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x428], ebp
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x414], ebp
+cmp ebp, dword [esp + 0x404]
+jge near loc_00422091 ; jge 0x422091
+mov bx, word [ebp*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov bx, word [ebp*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+and ebx, 0xffff
+test bh, 0x80
+je short loc_00421ff7 ; je 0x421ff7
+mov dword [esp + 0x414], 1
+jmp near loc_00422091 ; jmp 0x422091
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004216ab ; call 0x4216ab
+mov dword [esp + 0x434], eax
+add esp, 8
+lea ecx, [ebx - 0x7d0]
+lea eax, [ebx - 0xfa0]
+imul ecx, ecx, 0x34
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+cmp dword [esp + 0x42c], 1
+jne short loc_0042205d ; jne 0x42205d
+cmp ebx, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_00422043 ; jge 0x422043
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+mov al, byte [ecx + eax + 0x1a]
+jmp short loc_0042204d ; jmp 0x42204d
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+mov al, byte [edx + eax + 0x1a]
+and eax, 0xff
+add edi, eax
+inc dword [esp + 0x424]
+jmp short loc_0042208b ; jmp 0x42208b
+cmp ebx, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_00422073 ; jge 0x422073
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add ecx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ecx + 0x1a]
+jmp short loc_00422082 ; jmp 0x422082
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+mov al, byte [edx + eax + 0x1a]
+and eax, 0xff
+add esi, eax
+inc dword [esp + 0x428]
+inc ebp
+jmp near loc_00421fc7 ; jmp 0x421fc7
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x424]
+mov dword [esp + 0x42c], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x42c]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x428]
+mov dword [esp + 0x42c], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x42c]
+fdivp st1 ; fdivp st(1)
+fstp dword [esp + 0x408]
+mov dword [esp + 0x42c], edi
+fild dword [esp + 0x42c]
+mov dword [esp + 0x42c], esi
+fild dword [esp + 0x42c]
+fdivp st1 ; fdivp st(1)
+fstp dword [esp + 0x40c]
+call fcn_0040d2b4 ; call 0x40d2b4
+add eax, 2
+mov dword [esp + 0x42c], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x42c]
+fdivrp st1 ; fdivrp st(1)
+fstp dword [esp + 0x400]
+cmp dword [esp + 0x414], 0
+jne short loc_00422151 ; jne 0x422151
+fld dword [esp + 0x408]
+fcomp dword [esp + 0x400]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_00422151 ; jae 0x422151
+fld dword [esp + 0x40c]
+fcomp dword [esp + 0x400]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_00422151 ; jae 0x422151
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x418]
+mov dword [ref_0048be64], eax ; mov dword [0x48be64], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x410], 1
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x420]
+inc ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x420], ecx
+cmp ecx, 0xa
+jge short loc_004221ae ; jge 0x4221ae
+cmp dword [esp + 0x410], 0
+jne short loc_004221ae ; jne 0x4221ae
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv dword [esp + 0x41c]
+mov ax, word [esp + edx*2]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 0x418], eax
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_00421f6d ; jge 0x421f6d
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+jmp near loc_00421f82 ; jmp 0x421f82
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x410]
+add esp, 0x430
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+cmp dl, 2
+jne near loc_00422319 ; jne 0x422319
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7a], 3 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7a], 3
+mov dh, byte [eax + ref_00496ba8] ; mov dh, byte [eax + 0x496ba8]
+test dh, dh
+je short loc_0042221e ; je 0x42221e
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, dh
+dec ecx
+mov edx, ecx
+shl edx, 2
+sub edx, ecx
+mov dl, byte [edx*8 + ref_00496d0c] ; mov dl, byte [edx*8 + 0x496d0c]
+and edx, 0xff
+cmp edx, 0xf
+jl near loc_00422439 ; jl 0x422439
+cmp edx, 0x14
+jle near loc_00422440 ; jle 0x422440
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7a], 3 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7a], 3
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push 5
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040b221 ; call 0x40b221
+add esp, 8
+xor edx, edx
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_00422281 ; jmp 0x422281
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jle short loc_0042227b ; jle 0x42227b
+cmp eax, 0x1770
+jge short loc_0042227b ; jge 0x42227b
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov ecx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ecx
+mov ecx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+test cl, cl
+je near loc_004222d5 ; je 0x4222d5
+mov al, cl
+and eax, 0xff
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc ecx
+cmp eax, ecx
+je short loc_004222d5 ; je 0x4222d5
+inc esi
+inc edx
+cmp edx, 5
+jge short loc_004222d8 ; jge 0x4222d8
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [edx*2 + ref_0048b8b4] ; mov cx, word [edx*2 + 0x48b8b4]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e80]
+mov ax, word [ecx + eax*8 + 0x20]
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_00422237 ; jle 0x422237
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_00422237 ; jge 0x422237
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, ecx
+cmp byte [eax + 0x19], 0
+je short loc_004222d5 ; je 0x4222d5
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp ecx, eax
+jne short loc_0042227a ; jne 0x42227a
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0042227b ; jmp 0x42227b
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_004222fb ; jne 0x4222fb
+cmp esi, 2
+jle short loc_004222fb ; jle 0x4222fb
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov dl, al
+and dl, 1
+add dl, 2
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7a], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7a], dl
+cmp ebx, 2
+jl near loc_00422440 ; jl 0x422440
+cmp esi, 1
+jg near loc_00422440 ; jg 0x422440
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+jmp near loc_00422439 ; jmp 0x422439
+cmp dl, 1
+jne near loc_00422440 ; jne 0x422440
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7a], 2 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7a], 2
+mov bh, byte [eax + ref_00496ba8] ; mov bh, byte [eax + 0x496ba8]
+test bh, bh
+je short loc_0042235d ; je 0x42235d
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, bh
+lea ecx, [edx - 1]
+mov edx, ecx
+shl edx, 2
+sub edx, ecx
+mov dl, byte [edx*8 + ref_00496d0c] ; mov dl, byte [edx*8 + 0x496d0c]
+and edx, 0xff
+cmp edx, 0xf
+jl near loc_00422439 ; jl 0x422439
+cmp edx, 0x14
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push 5
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040b221 ; call 0x40b221
+add esp, 8
+xor edx, edx
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_004223bb ; jmp 0x4223bb
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jle short loc_004223b5 ; jle 0x4223b5
+cmp eax, 0x1770
+jge short loc_004223b5 ; jge 0x4223b5
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov ecx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, ecx
+cmp byte [eax + 0x19], 0
+je near loc_0042240e ; je 0x42240e
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp ecx, eax
+je short loc_0042240e ; je 0x42240e
+inc esi
+inc edx
+cmp edx, 5
+jge short loc_00422411 ; jge 0x422411
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [edx*2 + ref_0048b8b4] ; mov cx, word [edx*2 + 0x48b8b4]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e80]
+mov ax, word [ecx + eax*8 + 0x20]
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_00422376 ; jle 0x422376
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_00422376 ; jge 0x422376
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul ecx, eax, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, ecx
+cmp byte [eax + 0x19], 0
+je short loc_0042240e ; je 0x42240e
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp ecx, eax
+jne short loc_004223b4 ; jne 0x4223b4
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_004223b5 ; jmp 0x4223b5
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_00422428 ; jne 0x422428
+cmp esi, 2
+jle short loc_00422428 ; jle 0x422428
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7a], 2 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7a], 2
+cmp ebx, 2
+jl short loc_00422440 ; jl 0x422440
+cmp esi, 1
+jg short loc_00422440 ; jg 0x422440
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7a], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7a], 1
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 0x58
+push 2
+push esi
+push 0x8e
+mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + ref_00475418] ; mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + 0x475418]
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c270] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c270]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x30
+cmp ebx, 4
+jl short loc_00422463 ; jl 0x422463
+mov ebx, 4
+mov esi, 0x58
+push 2
+push esi
+push 0x1ae
+mov ecx, dword [ebx*4 + ref_00475418] ; mov ecx, dword [ebx*4 + 0x475418]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c270] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c270]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x30
+cmp ebx, 8
+jl short loc_00422497 ; jl 0x422497
+mov ebx, 8
+mov esi, 0x128
+push 2
+push esi
+push 0x8e
+mov edi, dword [ebx*4 + ref_00475418] ; mov edi, dword [ebx*4 + 0x475418]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c270] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c270]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x30
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jl short loc_004224cb ; jl 0x4224cb
+xor ebx, ebx
+push 2
+push 0x70
+movsx eax, word [ebx*2 + ref_00475454] ; movsx eax, word [ebx*2 + 0x475454]
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ebx*4 + ref_004753e8] ; mov ebp, dword [ebx*4 + 0x4753e8]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c270] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c270]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 5
+jl short loc_004224f7 ; jl 0x4224f7
+xor ebx, ebx
+push 2
+push 0x44
+movsx eax, word [ebx*2 + ref_0047545e] ; movsx eax, word [ebx*2 + 0x47545e]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + ref_00475448] ; mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + 0x475448]
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c270] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c270]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 3
+jl short loc_00422525 ; jl 0x422525
+push 4
+push 0xff
+push ref_0048c278 ; push 0x48c278
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00499114] ; mov ecx, dword [0x499114]
+cmp ebx, ecx
+jge short loc_00422589 ; jge 0x422589
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00422586 ; je 0x422586
+mov byte [esi + ref_0048c278], bl ; mov byte [esi + 0x48c278], bl
+inc esi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0042256f ; jmp 0x42256f
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x90
+ref_0042258f: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_004226df
+dd loc_00422a15
+dd loc_00422ba6
+dd loc_00422d51
+dd loc_00422ebd
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xa0
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xb4]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xb8]
+mov esi, 0x90
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x94], edx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_004754a8] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x4754a8]
+je short loc_004225e6 ; je 0x4225e6
+push ebx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c27c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c27c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00423b3b ; call 0x423b3b
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ref_0048c280], eax ; mov dword [0x48c280], eax
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c27c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c27c]
+inc eax
+push eax
+call fcn_00419744 ; call 0x419744
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, eax
+cmp edi, 1
+jb short loc_00422607 ; jb 0x422607
+jbe short loc_00422613 ; jbe 0x422613
+cmp edi, 2
+je short loc_00422630 ; je 0x422630
+jmp short loc_00422646 ; jmp 0x422646
+test edi, edi
+jne short loc_00422646 ; jne 0x422646
+mov dword [ref_00475404], edi ; mov dword [0x475404], edi
+jmp short loc_00422646 ; jmp 0x422646
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475404] ; mov eax, dword [0x475404]
+add eax, 0xb
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048c280] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48c280]
+jg near loc_00423065 ; jg 0x423065
+add dword [ref_00475404], 0xa ; add dword [0x475404], 0xa
+jmp short loc_00422646 ; jmp 0x422646
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475404] ; mov eax, dword [0x475404]
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_00423065 ; je 0x423065
+lea edx, [eax - 0xa]
+mov dword [ref_00475404], edx ; mov dword [0x475404], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475404] ; mov eax, dword [0x475404]
+add eax, 0xa
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c280] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c280]
+cmp eax, edx
+jle short loc_00422669 ; jle 0x422669
+mov eax, edx
+mov edi, dword [ref_00475404] ; mov edi, dword [0x475404]
+sub eax, edi
+mov dword [ref_00475408], eax ; mov dword [0x475408], eax
+jmp short loc_00422673 ; jmp 0x422673
+mov dword [ref_00475408], 0xa ; mov dword [0x475408], 0xa
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x140
+push 0x1d0
+push 0x80
+push 0x78
+push 0x80
+push 0x78
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c270] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c270]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp ebx, 4
+ja near loc_00423011 ; ja 0x423011
+mov eax, ebx
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_0042258f] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x42258f]
+xor edi, edi
+cmp edi, dword [ref_00475408] ; cmp edi, dword [0x475408]
+jge near loc_00423011 ; jge 0x423011
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475404] ; mov eax, dword [0x475404]
+add eax, edi
+add eax, eax
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_0048be70] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x48be70]
+cmp dx, 0xfa0
+jae near loc_00422883 ; jae 0x422883
+mov eax, edx
+and eax, 0xffff
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, eax
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_00475454] ; movsx eax, word [0x475454]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+mov dword [esp + 0xa8], eax
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+jne short loc_00422780 ; jne 0x422780
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_00475456] ; movsx eax, word [0x475456]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475138] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x475138]
+push edx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+push ecx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+push eax
+call fcn_00419744 ; call 0x419744
+add esp, 8
+push eax
+jmp short loc_0042279b ; jmp 0x42279b
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_00475456] ; movsx eax, word [0x475456]
+push eax
+push ref_00463d6c ; push 0x463d6c
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_0047545a] ; movsx eax, word [0x47545a]
+add eax, 0x2a
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 0x1e]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+imul eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 0x1c]
+add eax, edx
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_00475458] ; movsx eax, word [0x475458]
+add eax, 0x26
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x30]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_0042286d ; je 0x42286d
+mov eax, ecx
+shr eax, 0x10
+mov ecx, 0x64
+xor edx, edx
+div ecx
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x30]
+shr eax, 8
+and eax, 0xf
+mov dword [esp + 0x90], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x30]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x94]
+push ebx
+push edx
+push ref_00463e14 ; push 0x463e14
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_0047545c] ; movsx eax, word [0x47545c]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+jmp near loc_00422a04 ; jmp 0x422a04
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_0047545c] ; movsx eax, word [0x47545c]
+push eax
+push ref_00463e1f ; push 0x463e1f
+push ecx
+jmp near loc_00422a04 ; jmp 0x422a04
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x94]
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_004228ad ; jne 0x4228ad
+push 1
+push 2
+push eax
+push 0x1010f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov dword [esp + 0x94], 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475404] ; mov eax, dword [0x475404]
+add eax, edi
+mov ax, word [eax*2 + ref_0048be70] ; mov ax, word [eax*2 + 0x48be70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebx, eax
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_00475454] ; movsx eax, word [0x475454]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_00422911 ; je 0x422911
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_00475456] ; movsx eax, word [0x475456]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x18]
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475150] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x475150]
+push edx
+jmp short loc_00422923 ; jmp 0x422923
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_00475456] ; movsx eax, word [0x475456]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00475138] ; mov ecx, dword [0x475138]
+push ecx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 0x24]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+imul edx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + 0x22]
+add eax, edx
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_00475458] ; movsx eax, word [0x475458]
+add eax, 0x26
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_00422999 ; je 0x422999
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_00422999 ; je 0x422999
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+mov ax, word [ebx + eax*2 + 0x24]
+and eax, 0xffff
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+jmp short loc_0042299b ; jmp 0x42299b
+xor eax, eax
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_0047545a] ; movsx eax, word [0x47545a]
+add eax, 0x2a
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x34]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_004229f3 ; je 0x4229f3
+mov eax, ecx
+shr eax, 0x10
+mov ecx, 0x64
+xor edx, edx
+div ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x34]
+shr ecx, 8
+and ecx, 0xf
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x34]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+push ecx
+jmp near loc_00422843 ; jmp 0x422843
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_0047545c] ; movsx eax, word [0x47545c]
+push eax
+push ref_00463e1f ; push 0x463e1f
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc edi
+add esi, 0x20
+jmp near loc_004226e1 ; jmp 0x4226e1
+xor edi, edi
+cmp edi, dword [ref_00475408] ; cmp edi, dword [0x475408]
+jge near loc_00423011 ; jge 0x423011
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475404] ; mov eax, dword [0x475404]
+add eax, edi
+mov ax, word [eax*2 + ref_0048be70] ; mov ax, word [eax*2 + 0x48be70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul ebx, eax, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, eax
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_00475454] ; movsx eax, word [0x475454]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+mov dword [esp + 0xa4], eax
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+jne short loc_00422aa7 ; jne 0x422aa7
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_00475456] ; movsx eax, word [0x475456]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475138] ; mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + 0x475138]
+push ecx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+push eax
+call fcn_00419744 ; call 0x419744
+add esp, 8
+push eax
+jmp short loc_00422ac2 ; jmp 0x422ac2
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_00475456] ; movsx eax, word [0x475456]
+push eax
+push ref_00463d6c ; push 0x463d6c
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_0047545a] ; movsx eax, word [0x47545a]
+add eax, 0x2a
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 0x1e]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+imul eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 0x1c]
+add eax, edx
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_00475458] ; movsx eax, word [0x475458]
+add eax, 0x26
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x30]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_00422b84 ; je 0x422b84
+mov eax, ecx
+shr eax, 0x10
+mov ecx, 0x64
+xor edx, edx
+div ecx
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x30]
+shr eax, 8
+and eax, 0xf
+mov ebx, dword [ebx + 0x30]
+and ebx, 0xff
+push ebx
+push eax
+push edx
+push ref_00463e14 ; push 0x463e14
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_0047545c] ; movsx eax, word [0x47545c]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+jmp short loc_00422b95 ; jmp 0x422b95
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_0047545c] ; movsx eax, word [0x47545c]
+push eax
+push ref_00463e1f ; push 0x463e1f
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc edi
+add esi, 0x20
+jmp near loc_00422a17 ; jmp 0x422a17
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x1010f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edi, edi
+cmp edi, dword [ref_00475408] ; cmp edi, dword [0x475408]
+jge near loc_00423011 ; jge 0x423011
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475404] ; mov eax, dword [0x475404]
+add eax, edi
+mov ax, word [eax*2 + ref_0048be70] ; mov ax, word [eax*2 + 0x48be70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebx, eax
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_00475454] ; movsx eax, word [0x475454]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_00422c2d ; je 0x422c2d
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_00475456] ; movsx eax, word [0x475456]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x18]
+mov ebp, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475150] ; mov ebp, dword [eax*4 + 0x475150]
+push ebp
+jmp short loc_00422c3f ; jmp 0x422c3f
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_00475456] ; movsx eax, word [0x475456]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00475138] ; mov ecx, dword [0x475138]
+push ecx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 0x24]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+imul eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 0x22]
+add eax, edx
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_00475458] ; movsx eax, word [0x475458]
+add eax, 0x26
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_00422cb5 ; je 0x422cb5
+mov dh, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+test dh, dh
+je short loc_00422cb5 ; je 0x422cb5
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, dh
+mov ax, word [ebx + eax*2 + 0x24]
+and eax, 0xffff
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+jmp short loc_00422cb7 ; jmp 0x422cb7
+xor eax, eax
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_0047545a] ; movsx eax, word [0x47545a]
+add eax, 0x2a
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + 0x34]
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_00422d2f ; je 0x422d2f
+mov eax, ebp
+shr eax, 0x10
+mov ecx, 0x64
+xor edx, edx
+div ecx
+mov ecx, ebp
+shr ecx, 8
+and ecx, 0xf
+mov eax, ebp
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+push ecx
+push edx
+push ref_00463e14 ; push 0x463e14
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_0047545c] ; movsx eax, word [0x47545c]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+jmp short loc_00422d40 ; jmp 0x422d40
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_0047545c] ; movsx eax, word [0x47545c]
+push eax
+push ref_00463e1f ; push 0x463e1f
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc edi
+add esi, 0x20
+jmp near loc_00422bbd ; jmp 0x422bbd
+xor edi, edi
+cmp edi, dword [ref_00475408] ; cmp edi, dword [0x475408]
+jge near loc_00423011 ; jge 0x423011
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475404] ; mov eax, dword [0x475404]
+add eax, edi
+mov ax, word [eax*2 + ref_0048be70] ; mov ax, word [eax*2 + 0x48be70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, eax
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_00475454] ; movsx eax, word [0x475454]
+push eax
+lea ebp, [ebx + 4]
+push ebp
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_00475456] ; movsx eax, word [0x475456]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475138] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x475138]
+push edx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 0x1e]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+imul eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 0x1c]
+add eax, edx
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_00475458] ; movsx eax, word [0x475458]
+add eax, 0x26
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebp
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+push eax
+call fcn_00419744 ; call 0x419744
+add esp, 8
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_0047545a] ; movsx eax, word [0x47545a]
+add eax, 0x2a
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + 0x30]
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_00422e9b ; je 0x422e9b
+mov eax, ebp
+shr eax, 0x10
+mov ecx, 0x64
+xor edx, edx
+div ecx
+mov eax, ebp
+shr eax, 8
+and eax, 0xf
+mov dword [esp + 0x90], eax
+mov eax, ebp
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x94]
+push eax
+push edx
+push ref_00463e14 ; push 0x463e14
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_0047545c] ; movsx eax, word [0x47545c]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+jmp short loc_00422eac ; jmp 0x422eac
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_0047545c] ; movsx eax, word [0x47545c]
+push eax
+push ref_00463e1f ; push 0x463e1f
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc edi
+add esi, 0x20
+jmp near loc_00422d53 ; jmp 0x422d53
+xor edi, edi
+cmp edi, dword [ref_00475408] ; cmp edi, dword [0x475408]
+jge near loc_00423011 ; jge 0x423011
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475404] ; mov eax, dword [0x475404]
+add eax, edi
+mov ax, word [eax*2 + ref_0048be70] ; mov ax, word [eax*2 + 0x48be70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, eax
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_00475454] ; movsx eax, word [0x475454]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_00475456] ; movsx eax, word [0x475456]
+push eax
+push ref_00463d6c ; push 0x463d6c
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 0x1e]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+imul eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 0x1c]
+add eax, edx
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_00475458] ; movsx eax, word [0x475458]
+add eax, 0x26
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_0047545a] ; movsx eax, word [0x47545a]
+add eax, 0x2a
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x30]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00422fee ; je 0x422fee
+shr eax, 0x10
+mov ecx, 0x64
+xor edx, edx
+div ecx
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x30]
+shr eax, 8
+and eax, 0xf
+mov dword [esp + 0x90], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x30]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x94]
+push ecx
+push edx
+push ref_00463e14 ; push 0x463e14
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_0047545c] ; movsx eax, word [0x47545c]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+jmp short loc_00422ffe ; jmp 0x422ffe
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_0047545c] ; movsx eax, word [0x47545c]
+push eax
+push ref_00463e1f ; push 0x463e1f
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc edi
+add esi, 0x20
+jmp near loc_00422ebf ; jmp 0x422ebf
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov dword [esp + 0x80], 0x78
+mov dword [esp + 0x88], 0x248
+mov dword [esp + 0x84], 0x80
+mov dword [esp + 0x8c], 0x1c0
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+add esp, 0xa0
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x88
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c270] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c270]
+mov edx, dword [ref_004753fc] ; mov edx, dword [0x4753fc]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+lea edx, [ecx + 0xc]
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x17
+push 0x223
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c270] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c270]
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x64
+push 0x3c
+imul eax, dword [ref_0048c27c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x48c27c], 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_0048c27c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x48c27c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba7], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba7], 0
+je near loc_004231ba ; je 0x4231ba
+push 0xbc
+push 0x3c
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496ba7] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496ba7]
+mov edx, dword [edx*4 + ref_00475464] ; mov edx, dword [edx*4 + 0x475464]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c270] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c270]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+imul eax, dword [ref_0048c27c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x48c27c], 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496ba7] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496ba7]
+and eax, 0xff
+lea edx, [eax - 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov al, byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d0c] ; mov al, byte [eax*8 + 0x496d0c]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+push ref_00463e26 ; push 0x463e26
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 2
+push 0xea
+push 0x3c
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 0x12e
+jmp short loc_004231e3 ; jmp 0x4231e3
+push 2
+push esi
+push 0x3c
+mov edi, dword [ebx*4 + ref_0047540c] ; mov edi, dword [ebx*4 + 0x47540c]
+push edi
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x40
+cmp ebx, 3
+jge short loc_00423215 ; jge 0x423215
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_004753fc] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x4753fc]
+jne short loc_00423205 ; jne 0x423205
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+jmp short loc_004231c3 ; jmp 0x4231c3
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xc0c0c0
+jmp short loc_004231f9 ; jmp 0x4231f9
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x80], 0x10
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_004232d4 ; jge 0x4232d4
+mov dh, byte [ebx + ref_0048c278] ; mov dh, byte [ebx + 0x48c278]
+cmp dh, 0xff
+je near loc_004232d4 ; je 0x4232d4
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, dh
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048c27c] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48c27c]
+jne short loc_0042327a ; jne 0x42327a
+push 0xe
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x84]
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c270] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c270]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+jmp short loc_00423293 ; jmp 0x423293
+push 0xf
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x84]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c270] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c270]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 2
+push 0x1e
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x88]
+add eax, 0x2c
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_0048c278] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x48c278]
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push esi
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+add dword [esp + 0x80], 0x58
+jmp near loc_00423237 ; jmp 0x423237
+mov ebx, dword [ref_004753fc] ; mov ebx, dword [0x4753fc]
+cmp ebx, 1
+jb short loc_004232f3 ; jb 0x4232f3
+jbe near loc_00423841 ; jbe 0x423841
+cmp ebx, 2
+je near loc_004238b1 ; je 0x4238b1
+jmp near loc_0042399e ; jmp 0x42399e
+test ebx, ebx
+jne near loc_0042399e ; jne 0x42399e
+push ebx
+push 2
+push ebx
+push 0x101010
+push 0x1c
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+imul eax, dword [ref_0048c27c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x48c27c], 0x68
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+push ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push 0x58
+push 0x14a
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+imul eax, dword [ref_0048c27c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x48c27c], 0x68
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push 0x88
+push 0x14a
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+imul eax, dword [ref_0048c27c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x48c27c], 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b8c] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b8c]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push 0xb8
+push 0x14a
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c27c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c27c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004239b9 ; call 0x4239b9
+add esp, 4
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push 0xe8
+push 0x14a
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x80], ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c27c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c27c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 5
+mov eax, ebx
+fild dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_004971a0] ; fild dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x4971a0]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+fmul dword [eax*4 + ref_00496994] ; fmul dword [eax*4 + 0x496994]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x80]
+mov dword [esp + 0x84], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x84]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x84]
+fadd dword [esp + 0x84]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x80]
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jl short loc_004233ee ; jl 0x4233ee
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x80]
+push ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push 0x58
+push 0x25a
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0xa
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0048c27c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x48c27c], 0x68
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b98] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b98]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d61 ; call 0x457d61
+add esp, 0xc
+push 6
+push 0x88
+push 0x25a
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+imul eax, dword [ref_0048c27c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x48c27c], 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496ba6] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496ba6]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+push ref_00463e26 ; push 0x463e26
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 6
+push 0xb8
+push 0x25a
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e7c]
+add eax, 0x34
+mov ebx, 1
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x80], ebp
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00498e90] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x498e90]
+jg short loc_00423530 ; jg 0x423530
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x18]
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c27c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c27c]
+inc esi
+cmp edx, esi
+jne short loc_0042352a ; jne 0x42352a
+inc dword [esp + 0x80]
+inc ebx
+add eax, 0x34
+jmp short loc_0042350b ; jmp 0x42350b
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x80]
+push ecx
+push ref_00463e2b ; push 0x463e2b
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 6
+push 0xe8
+push 0x25a
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, 0x34
+mov ebx, 1
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x80], esi
+xor edi, edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00498e98] ; mov ebp, dword [0x498e98]
+cmp ebx, ebp
+jg short loc_004235b4 ; jg 0x4235b4
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c27c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c27c]
+inc edx
+cmp ecx, edx
+jne short loc_004235ae ; jne 0x4235ae
+inc dword [esp + 0x80]
+cmp byte [eax + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_004235a7 ; je 0x4235a7
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_004235ae ; jmp 0x4235ae
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_004235ae ; je 0x4235ae
+inc edi
+inc ebx
+add eax, 0x34
+jmp short loc_00423583 ; jmp 0x423583
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, 0x38
+mov ebx, 1
+xor ebp, ebp
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x498e8c]
+jg short loc_004235ef ; jg 0x4235ef
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c27c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c27c]
+inc edx
+cmp ecx, edx
+jne short loc_004235e9 ; jne 0x4235e9
+inc dword [esp + 0x80]
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_004235e9 ; je 0x4235e9
+inc ebp
+inc ebx
+add eax, 0x38
+jmp short loc_004235c3 ; jmp 0x4235c3
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x80]
+push ebx
+push ref_00463e2b ; push 0x463e2b
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 6
+push 0x128
+push 0xfa
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push esi
+push ref_00463e2b ; push 0x463e2b
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 6
+push 0x158
+push 0xfa
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push edi
+push ref_00463e2b ; push 0x463e2b
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 6
+push 0x188
+push 0xfa
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebp
+push ref_00463e2b ; push 0x463e2b
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 6
+push 0x1b8
+push 0xfa
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x80], 0x12c
+mov esi, 0x119
+jmp short loc_004236e4 ; jmp 0x4236e4
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xd
+jge near loc_004237b3 ; jge 0x4237b3
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c27c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c27c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+cmp byte [ebx + eax + ref_0049915c], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + eax + 0x49915c], 0
+je short loc_004236da ; je 0x4236da
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x84]
+sub eax, 0x10
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c274] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c274]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add edi, 0xc
+add eax, edi
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c27c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c27c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov al, byte [ebx + eax + ref_0049915c] ; mov al, byte [ebx + eax + 0x49915c]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+push ref_00463e2b ; push 0x463e2b
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 6
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x88]
+add eax, 0x1e
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x80]
+add edi, 0x48
+mov dword [esp + 0x80], edi
+cmp edi, 0x24c
+jle near loc_004236da ; jle 0x4236da
+mov dword [esp + 0x80], 0x12c
+add esi, 0x20
+jmp near loc_004236da ; jmp 0x4236da
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x80], 0x12c
+mov esi, 0x181
+jmp short loc_004237d1 ; jmp 0x4237d1
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xf
+jge near loc_0042399e ; jge 0x42399e
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c27c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c27c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add eax, ebx
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00499120], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x499120], 0
+je short loc_004237c7 ; je 0x4237c7
+push 2
+push esi
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x88]
+push ecx
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00499120] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x499120]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov edi, dword [eax*8 + ref_0047fdea] ; mov edi, dword [eax*8 + 0x47fdea]
+push edi
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x80]
+add ebp, 0x48
+mov dword [esp + 0x80], ebp
+cmp ebp, 0x24c
+jle short loc_004237c7 ; jle 0x4237c7
+mov dword [esp + 0x80], 0x12c
+add esi, 0x20
+jmp short loc_004237c7 ; jmp 0x4237c7
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x80], 0x78
+jmp short loc_00423883 ; jmp 0x423883
+push 2
+push 0x50
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x88]
+add eax, 0x25
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + ref_004753d4] ; mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + 0x4753d4]
+push edx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+add dword [esp + 0x80], 0x4b
+cmp ebx, 5
+jge near loc_0042399e ; jge 0x42399e
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00475400] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x475400]
+jne short loc_00423850 ; jne 0x423850
+push 0x40
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x84]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c270] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c270]
+add eax, 0x90
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp short loc_00423850 ; jmp 0x423850
+push 0
+push ebx
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 0x64
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_0047545e] ; movsx eax, word [0x47545e]
+push eax
+mov edi, ebx
+shl edi, 3
+add edi, ebx
+shl edi, 2
+mov ebp, dword [edi + ref_00496980] ; mov ebp, dword [edi + 0x496980]
+push ebp
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c27c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c27c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 5
+mov ebp, ebx
+mov edx, dword [eax + ebp*8 + ref_004971a0] ; mov edx, dword [eax + ebp*8 + 0x4971a0]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_00475460] ; movsx eax, word [0x475460]
+add eax, 0x34
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c27c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c27c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 5
+fild dword [eax + ebp*8 + ref_004971a0] ; fild dword [eax + ebp*8 + 0x4971a0]
+fmul dword [edi + ref_00496994] ; fmul dword [edi + 0x496994]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x80]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x80]
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_00475462] ; movsx eax, word [0x475462]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x20
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jl near loc_004238cc ; jl 0x4238cc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+add esp, 0x88
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 8
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+add edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; add edx, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_00496b8c] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x496b8c]
+sub edx, esi
+mov dword [esp], edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov ecx, ebx
+shl ecx, 2
+sub ecx, ebx
+shl ecx, 5
+mov eax, edx
+fild dword [ecx + eax*8 + ref_004971a0] ; fild dword [ecx + eax*8 + 0x4971a0]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+fmul dword [eax*4 + ref_00496994] ; fmul dword [eax*4 + 0x496994]
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+fild dword [esp + 4]
+fstp dword [esp + 4]
+fadd dword [esp + 4]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp]
+inc edx
+cmp edx, 0xc
+jl short loc_004239e0 ; jl 0x4239e0
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, 0x34
+mov edx, 1
+cmp edx, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp edx, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_00423a83 ; jg 0x423a83
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+lea esi, [ebx + 1]
+cmp ecx, esi
+jne short loc_00423a7d ; jne 0x423a7d
+xor ecx, esi
+mov cx, word [eax + 0x1c]
+mov ebp, dword [esp]
+add ebp, ecx
+mov dword [esp], ebp
+cmp byte [eax + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_00423a63 ; je 0x423a63
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [eax + 0x1e]
+lea edi, [ecx + ebp]
+mov dword [esp], edi
+jmp short loc_00423a7d ; jmp 0x423a7d
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_00423a7d ; je 0x423a7d
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, word [eax + 0x1e]
+imul ecx, esi
+lea esi, [ecx + ebp]
+mov dword [esp], esi
+inc edx
+add eax, 0x34
+jmp short loc_00423a2d ; jmp 0x423a2d
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, 0x38
+mov edx, 1
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x498e8c]
+cmp edx, ebp
+jg short loc_00423ac4 ; jg 0x423ac4
+movzx esi, byte [eax + 0x19]
+lea ecx, [ebx + 1]
+cmp esi, ecx
+jne short loc_00423abe ; jne 0x423abe
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, word [eax + 0x24]
+imul ecx, esi
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, word [eax + 0x22]
+add ecx, esi
+add dword [esp], ecx
+inc edx
+add eax, 0x38
+jmp short loc_00423a96 ; jmp 0x423a96
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+add esp, 8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+xor edi, edi
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_00423afb ; jge 0x423afb
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00423af8 ; je 0x423af8
+push ebx
+call fcn_004239b9 ; call 0x4239b9
+add esp, 4
+add esi, eax
+inc edi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00423ad8 ; jmp 0x423ad8
+mov eax, esi
+mov edx, esi
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv edi
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049908c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49908c]
+idiv ecx
+mov ebx, eax
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+jle short loc_00423b20 ; jle 0x423b20
+mov dword [ref_004990e8], eax ; mov dword [0x4990e8], eax
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x8d
+db 0x40
+db 0x00
+ref_00423b27: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_00423b5b
+dd loc_00423bd1
+dd loc_00423c0a
+dd loc_00423c48
+dd loc_00423c90
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+cmp edx, 4
+ja near loc_00423cd1 ; ja 0x423cd1
+mov eax, edx
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_00423b27] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x423b27]
+mov eax, 1
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+add edx, 0x34
+lea esi, [ebx + 1]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp eax, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_00423b93 ; jg 0x423b93
+movzx edi, byte [edx + 0x19]
+cmp edi, esi
+jne short loc_00423b8d ; jne 0x423b8d
+mov edi, eax
+add edi, 0x7d0
+mov word [ecx*2 + ref_0048be70], di ; mov word [ecx*2 + 0x48be70], di
+inc ecx
+inc eax
+add edx, 0x34
+jmp short loc_00423b6c ; jmp 0x423b6c
+mov eax, 1
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+add edx, 0x38
+lea esi, [ebx + 1]
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x498e8c]
+cmp eax, ebp
+jg near loc_00423cd1 ; jg 0x423cd1
+movzx edi, byte [edx + 0x19]
+cmp edi, esi
+jne short loc_00423bcb ; jne 0x423bcb
+mov edi, eax
+add edi, 0xfa0
+mov word [ecx*2 + ref_0048be70], di ; mov word [ecx*2 + 0x48be70], di
+inc ecx
+inc eax
+add edx, 0x38
+jmp short loc_00423baa ; jmp 0x423baa
+mov eax, 1
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+add edx, 0x34
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp eax, dword [0x498e98]
+jg near loc_00423cd1 ; jg 0x423cd1
+movzx edi, byte [edx + 0x19]
+lea esi, [ebx + 1]
+cmp edi, esi
+jne short loc_00423c07 ; jne 0x423c07
+mov edi, eax
+add edi, 0x7d0
+mov word [ecx*2 + ref_0048be70], di ; mov word [ecx*2 + 0x48be70], di
+inc ecx
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_00423bdc ; jmp 0x423bdc
+mov eax, 1
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+add edx, 0x38
+lea esi, [ebx + 1]
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x498e8c]
+cmp eax, ebp
+jg near loc_00423cd1 ; jg 0x423cd1
+movzx edi, byte [edx + 0x19]
+cmp edi, esi
+jne short loc_00423c42 ; jne 0x423c42
+mov edi, eax
+add edi, 0xfa0
+mov word [ecx*2 + ref_0048be70], di ; mov word [ecx*2 + 0x48be70], di
+inc ecx
+inc eax
+add edx, 0x38
+jmp short loc_00423c21 ; jmp 0x423c21
+mov eax, 1
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+add edx, 0x34
+lea esi, [ebx + 1]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp eax, dword [0x498e98]
+jg near loc_00423cd1 ; jg 0x423cd1
+movzx edi, byte [edx + 0x19]
+cmp edi, esi
+jne short loc_00423c8a ; jne 0x423c8a
+cmp byte [edx + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_00423c8a ; je 0x423c8a
+cmp byte [edx + 0x18], 0
+jne short loc_00423c8a ; jne 0x423c8a
+mov edi, eax
+add edi, 0x7d0
+mov word [ecx*2 + ref_0048be70], di ; mov word [ecx*2 + 0x48be70], di
+inc ecx
+inc eax
+add edx, 0x34
+jmp short loc_00423c59 ; jmp 0x423c59
+mov eax, 1
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+add edx, 0x34
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp eax, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_00423cd1 ; jg 0x423cd1
+movzx edi, byte [edx + 0x19]
+lea esi, [ebx + 1]
+cmp edi, esi
+jne short loc_00423cce ; jne 0x423cce
+cmp byte [edx + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_00423cce ; je 0x423cce
+cmp byte [edx + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_00423cce ; je 0x423cce
+mov edi, eax
+add edi, 0x7d0
+mov word [ecx*2 + ref_0048be70], di ; mov word [ecx*2 + 0x48be70], di
+inc ecx
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_00423c9b ; jmp 0x423c9b
+mov eax, ecx
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x8d
+db 0x40
+db 0x00
+ref_00423cdb: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_004241f2
+dd loc_0042420b
+dd loc_0042420b
+dd loc_0042420b
+dd loc_0042424e
+dd loc_004242cd
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x50
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x68]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x70]
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jb short loc_00423d41 ; jb 0x423d41
+jbe near loc_00423dd1 ; jbe 0x423dd1
+cmp eax, 0x203
+jb near loc_004241d7 ; jb 0x4241d7
+jbe near loc_00423dd1 ; jbe 0x423dd1
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb near loc_0042447e ; jb 0x42447e
+jbe near loc_00424409 ; jbe 0x424409
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_00423d6c ; je 0x423d6c
+jmp near loc_0042447e ; jmp 0x42447e
+cmp eax, 0x100
+jb short loc_00423d5e ; jb 0x423d5e
+jbe near loc_00424374 ; jbe 0x424374
+cmp eax, 0x101
+je near loc_00424366 ; je 0x424366
+jmp near loc_0042447e ; jmp 0x42447e
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je near loc_00424422 ; je 0x424422
+jmp near loc_0042447e ; jmp 0x42447e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+mov dword [ref_0048c27c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c27c], eax
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c284], ah ; mov byte [0x48c284], ah
+xor edx, edx
+mov word [ref_0048c285], dx ; mov word [0x48c285], dx
+call fcn_00422443 ; call 0x422443
+call fcn_00423070 ; call 0x423070
+cmp dword [ref_004753fc], 1 ; cmp dword [0x4753fc], 1
+jne short loc_00423dab ; jne 0x423dab
+push 0
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00475400] ; mov ecx, dword [0x475400]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004225a3 ; call 0x4225a3
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x50
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+movzx ebp, di
+mov eax, edi
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor edi, edi
+mov di, ax
+cmp ebp, 0x1ec
+jl near loc_00423ebb ; jl 0x423ebb
+cmp ebp, 0x25a
+jg near loc_00423ebb ; jg 0x423ebb
+cmp edi, 9
+jl near loc_00423ebb ; jl 0x423ebb
+cmp edi, 0x26
+jg near loc_00423ebb ; jg 0x423ebb
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x1d
+push 0x6e
+push 9
+push 0x1ec
+push 9
+push 0x1ec
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c270] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c270]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x17
+push 0x223
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c270] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c270]
+add eax, 0x54
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x1ec
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 9
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x25a
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x26
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov byte [ref_0048c284], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c284], 1
+jmp near loc_00423dc5 ; jmp 0x423dc5
+cmp dword [ref_004753fc], 1 ; cmp dword [0x4753fc], 1
+jne near loc_00424042 ; jne 0x424042
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 0x78
+jmp short loc_00423eda ; jmp 0x423eda
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x4b
+cmp ebx, 5
+jge short loc_00423f36 ; jge 0x423f36
+cmp byte [ref_0048c284], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c284], 0
+jne short loc_00423f36 ; jne 0x423f36
+cmp ebp, esi
+jl short loc_00423ed1 ; jl 0x423ed1
+lea eax, [esi + 0x4b]
+cmp ebp, eax
+jg short loc_00423ed1 ; jg 0x423ed1
+cmp edi, 0x40
+jl short loc_00423ed1 ; jl 0x423ed1
+cmp edi, 0x61
+jg short loc_00423ed1 ; jg 0x423ed1
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00475400] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x475400]
+je short loc_00423ed1 ; je 0x423ed1
+mov dword [ref_00475400], ebx ; mov dword [0x475400], ebx
+call fcn_00423070 ; call 0x423070
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_00475400] ; mov edx, dword [0x475400]
+push edx
+call fcn_004225a3 ; call 0x4225a3
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+push 0
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor ch, ch
+mov byte [ref_0048c284], ch ; mov byte [0x48c284], ch
+jmp short loc_00423ed1 ; jmp 0x423ed1
+cmp byte [ref_0048c284], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c284], 0
+jne near loc_00424042 ; jne 0x424042
+cmp ebp, 0x251
+jle near loc_00424042 ; jle 0x424042
+cmp ebp, 0x26f
+jge near loc_00424042 ; jge 0x424042
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebx, 0x251
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x26f
+cmp edi, 0x171
+jle short loc_00423fd9 ; jle 0x423fd9
+cmp edi, 0x18f
+jge short loc_00423fd9 ; jge 0x423fd9
+mov eax, 0x171
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x18f
+push eax
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c270] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c270]
+add eax, 0x60
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov byte [ref_0048c284], 5 ; mov byte [0x48c284], 5
+jmp short loc_00424032 ; jmp 0x424032
+cmp edi, 0x1a1
+jle short loc_00424032 ; jle 0x424032
+cmp edi, 0x1bf
+jge short loc_00424032 ; jge 0x424032
+mov eax, 0x1a1
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x1dd
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c270] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c270]
+add eax, 0x6c
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov byte [ref_0048c284], 6 ; mov byte [0x48c284], 6
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 0x10
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_004240d1 ; jge 0x4240d1
+cmp byte [ref_0048c284], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c284], 0
+jne near loc_004240d1 ; jne 0x4240d1
+mov cl, byte [ebx + ref_0048c278] ; mov cl, byte [ebx + 0x48c278]
+cmp cl, 0xff
+je short loc_004240d1 ; je 0x4240d1
+cmp ebp, esi
+jl short loc_004240c8 ; jl 0x4240c8
+lea eax, [esi + 0x58]
+cmp ebp, eax
+jg short loc_004240c8 ; jg 0x4240c8
+cmp edi, 0xe
+jl short loc_004240c8 ; jl 0x4240c8
+cmp edi, 0x2f
+jg short loc_004240c8 ; jg 0x4240c8
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, cl
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048c27c] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48c27c]
+je short loc_004240c8 ; je 0x4240c8
+mov dword [ref_0048c27c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c27c], eax
+call fcn_00423070 ; call 0x423070
+cmp dword [ref_004753fc], 1 ; cmp dword [0x4753fc], 1
+jne short loc_004240b1 ; jne 0x4240b1
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475400] ; mov eax, dword [0x475400]
+push eax
+call fcn_004225a3 ; call 0x4225a3
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov byte [ref_0048c284], 7 ; mov byte [0x48c284], 7
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x58
+jmp near loc_00424049 ; jmp 0x424049
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 0x11a
+jmp near loc_00424163 ; jmp 0x424163
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xc0c0c0
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+lea eax, [esi + 0x15]
+push eax
+push 0x3d
+mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + ref_0047540c] ; mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + 0x47540c]
+push edx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0xc
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x6d
+lea eax, [esi + 0x28]
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov al, bl
+add al, 2
+mov byte [ref_0048c284], al ; mov byte [0x48c284], al
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x40
+cmp ebx, 3
+jge near loc_00423dc5 ; jge 0x423dc5
+cmp byte [ref_0048c284], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c284], 0
+jne near loc_00423dc5 ; jne 0x423dc5
+cmp ebp, 0xc
+jl short loc_00424156 ; jl 0x424156
+cmp ebp, 0x6d
+jg short loc_00424156 ; jg 0x424156
+cmp edi, esi
+jl short loc_00424156 ; jl 0x424156
+lea eax, [esi + 0x28]
+cmp edi, eax
+jg short loc_00424156 ; jg 0x424156
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push esi
+push 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c270] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c270]
+add eax, 0x9c
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_004753fc] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x4753fc]
+jne near loc_004240dd ; jne 0x4240dd
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xffffff
+jmp near loc_004240eb ; jmp 0x4240eb
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c284] ; mov al, byte [0x48c284]
+dec al
+cmp al, 5
+ja near loc_00424359 ; ja 0x424359
+and eax, 0xff
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_00423cdb] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x423cdb]
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00424359 ; jmp 0x424359
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c284] ; mov al, byte [0x48c284]
+sub eax, 2
+mov dword [ref_004753fc], eax ; mov dword [0x4753fc], eax
+call fcn_00423070 ; call 0x423070
+cmp dword [ref_004753fc], 1 ; cmp dword [0x4753fc], 1
+jne short loc_00424239 ; jne 0x424239
+push 0
+mov edi, dword [ref_00475400] ; mov edi, dword [0x475400]
+push edi
+call fcn_004225a3 ; call 0x4225a3
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+push 0
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_00424359 ; jmp 0x424359
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov esi, 0x251
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x26f
+mov ebp, 0x171
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x18f
+push 0x1e
+push 0x1e
+push ebp
+push esi
+push ebp
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c270] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c270]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 2
+jmp short loc_0042434a ; jmp 0x42434a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov esi, 0x251
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x26f
+mov ebp, 0x1a1
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x1dd
+push 0x1e
+push 0x1e
+push ebp
+push esi
+push ebp
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c270] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c270]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 1
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00475400] ; mov ebx, dword [0x475400]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004225a3 ; call 0x4225a3
+add esp, 8
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [ref_0048c284], dl ; mov byte [0x48c284], dl
+jmp near loc_00423dc5 ; jmp 0x423dc5
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov word [ref_0048c285], bx ; mov word [0x48c285], bx
+jmp near loc_00423dc5 ; jmp 0x423dc5
+cmp dword [ref_004753fc], 1 ; cmp dword [0x4753fc], 1
+jne near loc_00423dc5 ; jne 0x423dc5
+cmp edx, 0x11
+jne short loc_00424391 ; jne 0x424391
+mov word [ref_0048c285], 0x1100 ; mov word [0x48c285], 0x1100
+jmp short loc_00424398 ; jmp 0x424398
+or word [ref_0048c285], dx ; or word [0x48c285], dx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_0049719a] ; mov dx, word [0x49719a]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ref_0048c285] ; mov ax, word [0x48c285]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_004243c4 ; jne 0x4243c4
+mov byte [ref_0048c284], 5 ; mov byte [0x48c284], 5
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x202
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x70]
+push esi
+jmp short loc_004243e6 ; jmp 0x4243e6
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_0049719c] ; mov dx, word [0x49719c]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_004243ed ; jne 0x4243ed
+mov byte [ref_0048c284], 6 ; mov byte [0x48c284], 6
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x202
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x70]
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+cmp word [ref_0048c285], 0x1100 ; cmp word [0x48c285], 0x1100
+je near loc_00423dc5 ; je 0x423dc5
+xor eax, eax
+mov word [ref_0048c285], ax ; mov word [0x48c285], ax
+jmp near loc_00423dc5 ; jmp 0x423dc5
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00423dc5 ; jmp 0x423dc5
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x68]
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ebx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_00423dc5 ; jmp 0x423dc5
+push edi
+push edx
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x70]
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_00423dc7 ; jmp 0x423dc7
+push ebx
+push esi
+push 0
+push 0
+push 9
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c270], eax ; mov dword [0x48c270], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x4a
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c274], eax ; mov dword [0x48c274], eax
+push 0
+push fcn_00423cf3 ; push 0x423cf3
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c270] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c270]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c274] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c274]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_00424515 ; jne 0x424515
+mov ebx, 0x2a
+jmp short loc_0042451a ; jmp 0x42451a
+mov ebx, 0xc4
+mov dword [ref_0048c288], 0xe3 ; mov dword [0x48c288], 0xe3
+mov dword [ref_0048c28c], ebx ; mov dword [0x48c28c], ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048c290], 0x19d ; mov dword [0x48c290], 0x19d
+lea eax, [ebx + 0x58]
+mov dword [ref_0048c294], eax ; mov dword [0x48c294], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+push 0x58
+push 0xba
+push ebx
+push 0xe3
+push 0
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_00451a97 ; call 0x451a97
+add esp, 0x18
+mov dword [ref_0048c2b0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c2b0], eax
+push ebx
+push 0xe3
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 4
+add ebx, 0x2c
+push ebx
+push 0x140
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push edi
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push ref_0048c288 ; push 0x48c288
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+push ref_0048c288 ; push 0x48c288
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebp
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c28c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c28c]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c288] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c288]
+push ebx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push ref_0048c288 ; push 0x48c288
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c28c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c28c]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c288] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c288]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c2b0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c2b0]
+push ebx
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c2b0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c2b0]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push ref_0048c288 ; push 0x48c288
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+push ref_0048c288 ; push 0x48c288
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebp
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c28c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c28c]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c288] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c288]
+push ebx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push ref_0048c288 ; push 0x48c288
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+xor edx, edx
+jmp short loc_004246df ; jmp 0x4246df
+inc edx
+cmp edx, 7
+jge near loc_004247d0 ; jge 0x4247d0
+imul ebx, edi, 0x54
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_004967e0] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x4967e0]
+test bl, bl
+je short loc_00424712 ; je 0x424712
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, bl
+cmp ecx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+jne short loc_004246d5 ; jne 0x4246d5
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_004967e2] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x4967e2]
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp eax, esi
+jne short loc_004246d5 ; jne 0x4246d5
+imul ebx, edi, 0x54
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+mov bl, byte [esp + 0x18]
+mov byte [eax + ref_004967e0], bl ; mov byte [eax + 0x4967e0], bl
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [eax + ref_004967e1], bh ; mov byte [eax + 0x4967e1], bh
+mov word [eax + ref_004967e2], si ; mov word [eax + 0x4967e2], si
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+mov dword [eax + ref_004967e4], ecx ; mov dword [eax + 0x4967e4], ecx
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x18]
+cmp ebp, 1
+jne short loc_0042475d ; jne 0x42475d
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov word [eax + ref_004967e8], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x4967e8], dx
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+cmp ebp, 2
+jne short loc_004247d0 ; jne 0x4247d0
+cmp esi, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_0042479a ; jle 0x42479a
+cmp esi, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_0042479a ; jge 0x42479a
+sub esi, 0x7d0
+imul edx, esi, 0x34
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e84]
+mov bl, byte [ecx + edx + 0x18]
+mov byte [eax + ref_004967ea], bl ; mov byte [eax + 0x4967ea], bl
+mov dl, byte [ecx + edx + 0x1a]
+mov byte [eax + ref_004967eb], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x4967eb], dl
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+lea eax, [esi - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov ecx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e88]
+add ecx, eax
+imul edi, edi, 0x54
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov dl, byte [ecx + 0x18]
+mov byte [edi + eax*4 + ref_004967ea], dl ; mov byte [edi + eax*4 + 0x4967ea], dl
+mov dl, byte [ecx + 0x1a]
+mov byte [edi + eax*4 + ref_004967eb], dl ; mov byte [edi + eax*4 + 0x4967eb], dl
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov ebx, 6
+sub ebx, ecx
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+push eax
+imul ebx, dword [esp + 0xc], 0x54
+add ebx, ref_004967e0 ; add ebx, 0x4967e0
+lea edx, [ecx + 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+push eax
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0xc
+push 0
+add ebx, 0x48
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+pop ebx
+ref_0042482e: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_0042485e
+dd loc_00424897
+dd loc_00424934
+dd loc_00424993
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xc
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_004249ba ; jge 0x4249ba
+xor ebp, ebp
+xor esi, esi
+xor edi, edi
+jmp near loc_0042496a ; jmp 0x42496a
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_004967e2] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x4967e2]
+shl edx, 3
+mov dword [esp], edx
+mov edx, ebx
+shl edx, 2
+sub edx, ebx
+shl edx, 5
+add edx, dword [esp]
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_004967e8] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x4967e8]
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp eax, dword [edx + ref_004971a0] ; cmp eax, dword [edx + 0x4971a0]
+jle near loc_004249ad ; jle 0x4249ad
+jmp near loc_00424955 ; jmp 0x424955
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_004967e2] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x4967e2]
+cmp edx, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_004248f9 ; jle 0x4248f9
+cmp edx, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_004248f9 ; jge 0x4248f9
+sub edx, 0x7d0
+imul edx, edx, 0x34
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e84]
+add edx, ecx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [edx + 0x19]
+mov dword [esp], ecx
+lea ecx, [ebx + 1]
+mov dword [esp + 4], ecx
+mov ecx, dword [esp]
+cmp ecx, dword [esp + 4]
+jne near loc_00424955 ; jne 0x424955
+mov cl, byte [edx + 0x18]
+cmp cl, byte [eax + ref_004967ea] ; cmp cl, byte [eax + 0x4967ea]
+jne short loc_00424955 ; jne 0x424955
+mov dl, byte [edx + 0x1a]
+cmp dl, byte [eax + ref_004967eb] ; cmp dl, byte [eax + 0x4967eb]
+je near loc_004249ad ; je 0x4249ad
+jmp short loc_00424955 ; jmp 0x424955
+lea eax, [edx - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+add edx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edx + 0x19]
+lea ecx, [ebx + 1]
+cmp eax, ecx
+jne short loc_00424955 ; jne 0x424955
+imul eax, ebx, 0x54
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, dword [esp + 8]
+jmp short loc_004248dd ; jmp 0x4248dd
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [eax + ref_004967e2] ; mov cx, word [eax + 0x4967e2]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+cmp byte [ecx + eax + ref_0049915b], 0 ; cmp byte [ecx + eax + 0x49915b], 0
+jne short loc_004249ad ; jne 0x4249ad
+push esi
+push ebx
+call fcn_004247d5 ; call 0x4247d5
+add esp, 8
+mov edi, 1
+inc ebp
+cmp ebp, 7
+jge short loc_004249b4 ; jge 0x4249b4
+imul ecx, ebx, 0x54
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_004967e0] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x4967e0]
+dec dl
+cmp dl, 3
+ja short loc_004249ad ; ja 0x4249ad
+and edx, 0xff
+jmp dword [edx*4 + ref_0042482e] ; ujmp: jmp dword [edx*4 + 0x42482e]
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_004967e2] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x4967e2]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_004413ad ; call 0x4413ad
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jmp short loc_00424953 ; jmp 0x424953
+test edi, edi
+jne short loc_00424964 ; jne 0x424964
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_00424964 ; jmp 0x424964
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_00424847 ; jmp 0x424847
+add esp, 0xc
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x42
+push 0x16
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+xor edi, edi
+mov ebp, 0x72
+cmp edi, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp edi, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_00424a87 ; jge 0x424a87
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 0x68
+jmp short loc_00424a1d ; jmp 0x424a1d
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 7
+jge short loc_00424a7e ; jge 0x424a7e
+imul ecx, edi, 0x54
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+cmp byte [eax + ref_004967e0], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x4967e0], 0
+je short loc_00424a17 ; je 0x424a17
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_004967e0] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x4967e0]
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7c] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7c]
+and eax, 0xff
+shl eax, 2
+add edx, eax
+add edx, 8
+push ebp
+push esi
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c298]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add ecx, 0xc
+add eax, ecx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+add esi, 0x48
+jmp short loc_00424a17 ; jmp 0x424a17
+inc edi
+add ebp, 0x48
+jmp near loc_00424a02 ; jmp 0x424a02
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov dword [esp], 0x16
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0x42
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x26a
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x19e
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x8d
+db 0x40
+db 0x00
+ref_00424ad6: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_00424c62
+dd loc_00424f5f
+dd loc_004250fe
+dd loc_004252a0
+dd loc_0042540c
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x9c
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xb0]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xb4]
+mov esi, 0x70
+cmp edi, dword [ref_004754c2] ; cmp edi, dword [0x4754c2]
+je short loc_00424b24 ; je 0x424b24
+push edi
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00423b3b ; call 0x423b3b
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ref_0048c2b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c2b4], eax
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+push eax
+call fcn_00419744 ; call 0x419744
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, eax
+cmp ebx, 1
+jb short loc_00424b45 ; jb 0x424b45
+jbe short loc_00424b51 ; jbe 0x424b51
+cmp ebx, 2
+je short loc_00424b67 ; je 0x424b67
+jmp short loc_00424b7d ; jmp 0x424b7d
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_00424b7d ; jne 0x424b7d
+mov dword [ref_004754ba], ebx ; mov dword [0x4754ba], ebx
+jmp short loc_00424b7d ; jmp 0x424b7d
+mov eax, dword [ref_004754ba] ; mov eax, dword [0x4754ba]
+add eax, 0xb
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048c2b4] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48c2b4]
+jge near loc_004255be ; jge 0x4255be
+jmp short loc_00424b78 ; jmp 0x424b78
+mov ebx, dword [ref_004754ba] ; mov ebx, dword [0x4754ba]
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_004255be ; je 0x4255be
+lea eax, [ebx - 0xb]
+mov dword [ref_004754ba], eax ; mov dword [0x4754ba], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_004754ba] ; mov eax, dword [0x4754ba]
+add eax, 0xb
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c2b4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c2b4]
+cmp eax, ebx
+jle short loc_00424ba0 ; jle 0x424ba0
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_004754ba] ; mov edx, dword [0x4754ba]
+sub eax, edx
+mov dword [ref_004754be], eax ; mov dword [0x4754be], eax
+jmp short loc_00424baa ; jmp 0x424baa
+mov dword [ref_004754be], 0xb ; mov dword [0x4754be], 0xb
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x20
+push 0x70
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x20
+mov ebx, edi
+shl ebx, 2
+add ebx, edi
+shl ebx, 4
+lea eax, [ebx + 0x70]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0xf0
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x30
+add ebx, 0x98
+push ebx
+mov ebx, edi
+shl ebx, 2
+mov edx, dword [ebx + ref_004753d4] ; mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x4753d4]
+push edx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp edi, 4
+ja near loc_00425563 ; ja 0x425563
+jmp dword [ebx + ref_00424ad6] ; ujmp: jmp dword [ebx + 0x424ad6]
+xor edi, edi
+cmp edi, dword [ref_004754be] ; cmp edi, dword [0x4754be]
+jge near loc_00425563 ; jge 0x425563
+mov eax, dword [ref_004754ba] ; mov eax, dword [0x4754ba]
+add eax, edi
+add eax, eax
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_0048be70] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x48be70]
+cmp dx, 0xfa0
+jae near loc_00424e06 ; jae 0x424e06
+mov eax, edx
+and eax, 0xffff
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, eax
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b0] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b0]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+mov dword [esp + 0xa0], eax
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+jne short loc_00424d03 ; jne 0x424d03
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b2] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b2]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475138] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x475138]
+push edx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x94]
+push ecx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+push eax
+call fcn_00419744 ; call 0x419744
+add esp, 8
+push eax
+jmp short loc_00424d1e ; jmp 0x424d1e
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b2] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b2]
+push eax
+push ref_00463e30 ; push 0x463e30
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b6] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b6]
+add eax, 0x1d
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 0x1e]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+imul eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 0x1c]
+add eax, edx
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b4] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b4]
+add eax, 0x21
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x30]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_00424df0 ; je 0x424df0
+mov eax, ecx
+shr eax, 0x10
+mov ecx, 0x64
+xor edx, edx
+div ecx
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x30]
+shr eax, 8
+and eax, 0xf
+mov dword [esp + 0x90], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x30]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x94]
+push ebx
+push edx
+push ref_00463e37 ; push 0x463e37
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b8] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b8]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+jmp near loc_00424f4e ; jmp 0x424f4e
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b8] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b8]
+push eax
+push ref_00463e42 ; push 0x463e42
+push ecx
+jmp near loc_00424f4e ; jmp 0x424f4e
+mov eax, edx
+and eax, 0xffff
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebx, eax
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b0] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b0]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_00424e5d ; je 0x424e5d
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b2] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b2]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x18]
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475150] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x475150]
+push edx
+jmp short loc_00424e6d ; jmp 0x424e6d
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b2] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b2]
+push eax
+push ref_00463e49 ; push 0x463e49
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + 0x24]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+imul eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 0x22]
+add eax, edx
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b4] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b4]
+add eax, 0x21
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_00424ee3 ; je 0x424ee3
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_00424ee3 ; je 0x424ee3
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+mov ax, word [ebx + eax*2 + 0x24]
+and eax, 0xffff
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+jmp short loc_00424ee5 ; jmp 0x424ee5
+xor eax, eax
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b6] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b6]
+add eax, 0x1d
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x34]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_00424f3d ; je 0x424f3d
+mov eax, ecx
+shr eax, 0x10
+mov ecx, 0x64
+xor edx, edx
+div ecx
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x34]
+shr eax, 8
+and eax, 0xf
+mov dword [esp + 0x90], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x34]
+jmp near loc_00424db8 ; jmp 0x424db8
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b8] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b8]
+push eax
+push ref_00463e42 ; push 0x463e42
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc edi
+add esi, 0x20
+jmp near loc_00424c64 ; jmp 0x424c64
+xor edi, edi
+cmp edi, dword [ref_004754be] ; cmp edi, dword [0x4754be]
+jge near loc_00425563 ; jge 0x425563
+mov eax, dword [ref_004754ba] ; mov eax, dword [0x4754ba]
+add eax, edi
+mov ax, word [eax*2 + ref_0048be70] ; mov ax, word [eax*2 + 0x48be70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, eax
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b0] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b0]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+mov dword [esp + 0xa4], eax
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+jne short loc_00424ff2 ; jne 0x424ff2
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b2] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b2]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475138] ; mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + 0x475138]
+push ecx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+push eax
+call fcn_00419744 ; call 0x419744
+add esp, 8
+push eax
+jmp short loc_0042500d ; jmp 0x42500d
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b2] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b2]
+push eax
+push ref_00463e30 ; push 0x463e30
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b6] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b6]
+add eax, 0x1d
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 0x1e]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+imul eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 0x1c]
+add eax, edx
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b4] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b4]
+add eax, 0x21
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x30]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_004250dc ; je 0x4250dc
+mov eax, ecx
+shr eax, 0x10
+mov ecx, 0x64
+xor edx, edx
+div ecx
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x30]
+shr eax, 8
+and eax, 0xf
+mov dword [esp + 0x90], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x30]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x94]
+push ebx
+push edx
+push ref_00463e37 ; push 0x463e37
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b8] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b8]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+jmp short loc_004250ed ; jmp 0x4250ed
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b8] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b8]
+push eax
+push ref_00463e42 ; push 0x463e42
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc edi
+add esi, 0x20
+jmp near loc_00424f61 ; jmp 0x424f61
+xor edi, edi
+cmp edi, dword [ref_004754be] ; cmp edi, dword [0x4754be]
+jge near loc_00425563 ; jge 0x425563
+mov eax, dword [ref_004754ba] ; mov eax, dword [0x4754ba]
+add eax, edi
+mov ax, word [eax*2 + ref_0048be70] ; mov ax, word [eax*2 + 0x48be70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebx, eax
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b0] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b0]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_00425170 ; je 0x425170
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b2] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b2]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x18]
+mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475150] ; mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + 0x475150]
+push ecx
+jmp short loc_00425180 ; jmp 0x425180
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b2] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b2]
+push eax
+push ref_00463e49 ; push 0x463e49
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 0x24]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+imul edx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + 0x22]
+add eax, edx
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b4] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b4]
+add eax, 0x21
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_004251f6 ; je 0x4251f6
+mov dh, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+test dh, dh
+je short loc_004251f6 ; je 0x4251f6
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, dh
+mov ax, word [ebx + eax*2 + 0x24]
+and eax, 0xffff
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+jmp short loc_004251f8 ; jmp 0x4251f8
+xor eax, eax
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b6] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b6]
+add eax, 0x1d
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x34]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_0042527e ; je 0x42527e
+mov eax, ecx
+shr eax, 0x10
+mov ebp, 0x64
+xor edx, edx
+div ebp
+mov eax, ecx
+shr eax, 8
+and eax, 0xf
+mov dword [esp + 0x90], eax
+mov eax, ecx
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x94]
+push ebx
+push edx
+push ref_00463e37 ; push 0x463e37
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b8] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b8]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+jmp short loc_0042528f ; jmp 0x42528f
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b8] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b8]
+push eax
+push ref_00463e42 ; push 0x463e42
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc edi
+add esi, 0x20
+jmp near loc_00425100 ; jmp 0x425100
+xor edi, edi
+cmp edi, dword [ref_004754be] ; cmp edi, dword [0x4754be]
+jge near loc_00425563 ; jge 0x425563
+mov eax, dword [ref_004754ba] ; mov eax, dword [0x4754ba]
+add eax, edi
+mov ax, word [eax*2 + ref_0048be70] ; mov ax, word [eax*2 + 0x48be70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, eax
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b0] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b0]
+push eax
+lea ebp, [ebx + 4]
+push ebp
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b2] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b2]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475138] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x475138]
+push edx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + 0x1e]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+imul eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 0x1c]
+add eax, edx
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b4] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b4]
+add eax, 0x21
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebp
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+push eax
+call fcn_00419744 ; call 0x419744
+add esp, 8
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b6] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b6]
+add eax, 0x1d
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + 0x30]
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_004253ea ; je 0x4253ea
+mov eax, ebp
+shr eax, 0x10
+mov ecx, 0x64
+xor edx, edx
+div ecx
+mov eax, ebp
+shr eax, 8
+and eax, 0xf
+mov dword [esp + 0x90], eax
+mov eax, ebp
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x94]
+push eax
+push edx
+push ref_00463e37 ; push 0x463e37
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b8] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b8]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+jmp short loc_004253fb ; jmp 0x4253fb
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b8] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b8]
+push eax
+push ref_00463e42 ; push 0x463e42
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc edi
+add esi, 0x20
+jmp near loc_004252a2 ; jmp 0x4252a2
+xor edi, edi
+cmp edi, dword [ref_004754be] ; cmp edi, dword [0x4754be]
+jge near loc_00425563 ; jge 0x425563
+mov eax, dword [ref_004754ba] ; mov eax, dword [0x4754ba]
+add eax, edi
+mov ax, word [eax*2 + ref_0048be70] ; mov ax, word [eax*2 + 0x48be70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, eax
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b0] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b0]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b2] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b2]
+push eax
+push ref_00463e30 ; push 0x463e30
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 0x1e]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+imul eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 0x1c]
+add eax, edx
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b4] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b4]
+add eax, 0x21
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b6] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b6]
+add eax, 0x1d
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x30]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_00425541 ; je 0x425541
+mov eax, ecx
+shr eax, 0x10
+mov ecx, 0x64
+xor edx, edx
+div ecx
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x30]
+shr eax, 8
+and eax, 0xf
+mov dword [esp + 0x90], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x30]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x94]
+push ebx
+push edx
+push ref_00463e37 ; push 0x463e37
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b8] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b8]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+jmp short loc_00425552 ; jmp 0x425552
+push 2
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [ref_004754b8] ; movsx eax, word [0x4754b8]
+push eax
+push ref_00463e42 ; push 0x463e42
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc edi
+add esi, 0x20
+jmp near loc_0042540e ; jmp 0x42540e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov esi, 0x70
+mov dword [esp + 0x80], esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0x24]
+add eax, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x88], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x84], 0x61
+mov dword [esp + 0x8c], 0x1bf
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+add esp, 0x9c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x90
+ref_004255ca: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_0042565c
+dd loc_0042577d
+dd loc_004257d2
+dd loc_00425841
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 8
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x20]
+imul ebx, esi, 0x54
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebp
+shl eax, 2
+add ebx, eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul edx, ecx, 0x68
+mov eax, dword [edx + ref_00496b84] ; mov eax, dword [edx + 0x496b84]
+cmp eax, dword [ebx + ref_004967e4] ; cmp eax, dword [ebx + 0x4967e4]
+jge short loc_00425640 ; jge 0x425640
+cmp byte [edx + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [edx + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_00425639 ; jne 0x425639
+push 1
+push ref_00463e50 ; push 0x463e50
+call fcn_00424502 ; call 0x424502
+add esp, 8
+push 0x5dc
+call fcn_004528b9 ; call 0x4528b9
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00424620 ; call 0x424620
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_004258b9 ; jmp 0x4258b9
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_004967e0] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x4967e0]
+dec al
+cmp al, 3
+ja near loc_004258b4 ; ja 0x4258b4
+and eax, 0xff
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_004255ca] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x4255ca]
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [ebx + ref_004967e2] ; mov cx, word [ebx + 0x4967e2]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 5
+mov edi, ecx
+shl edi, 3
+fild dword [edi + eax + ref_004971a0] ; fild dword [edi + eax + 0x4971a0]
+fmul dword [edi + eax + ref_004971a4] ; fmul dword [edi + eax + 0x4971a4]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + ref_004967e8] ; mov dx, word [ebx + 0x4967e8]
+add dword [edi + eax + ref_004971a0], edx ; add dword [edi + eax + 0x4971a0], edx
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, esi
+shl eax, 5
+add eax, edi
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_004971a0] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x4971a0]
+sub edi, edx
+mov dword [eax + ref_004971a0], edi ; mov dword [eax + 0x4971a0], edi
+jne short loc_004256c2 ; jne 0x4256c2
+mov dword [eax + ref_004971a4], edi ; mov dword [eax + 0x4971a4], edi
+imul ebx, esi, 0x54
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebp
+shl eax, 2
+add ebx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ebx + ref_004967e4] ; mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x4967e4]
+mov edi, dword [esp]
+add edi, eax
+mov dword [esp], edi
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 5
+mov edx, ecx
+shl edx, 3
+add edx, eax
+fild dword [edx + ref_004971a0] ; fild dword [edx + 0x4971a0]
+mov eax, edi
+mov dword [esp + 4], edi
+fild dword [esp + 4]
+fdivrp st1 ; fdivrp st(1)
+fstp dword [edx + ref_004971a4] ; fstp dword [edx + 0x4971a4]
+xor eax, edi
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_004967e2] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x4967e2]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004294d5 ; call 0x4294d5
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_0042575c ; jne 0x42575c
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_0042575c ; jne 0x42575c
+push 1
+push ref_00463e5f ; push 0x463e5f
+call fcn_00424502 ; call 0x424502
+add esp, 8
+push 0x5dc
+call fcn_004528b9 ; call 0x4528b9
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00424620 ; call 0x424620
+push 0
+imul ecx, esi, 0x54
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebp
+mov ebx, dword [ecx + eax*4 + ref_004967e4] ; mov ebx, dword [ecx + eax*4 + 0x4967e4]
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+push esi
+jmp near loc_004258ac ; jmp 0x4258ac
+mov dx, word [ebx + ref_004967e2] ; mov dx, word [ebx + 0x4967e2]
+cmp dx, 0xfa0
+jae short loc_004257a0 ; jae 0x4257a0
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, dx
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+jmp short loc_004257ba ; jmp 0x4257ba
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, dx
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+add edx, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0049910c] ; mov al, byte [0x49910c]
+inc al
+mov byte [edx + 0x19], al
+push 0
+call fcn_0040a4e1 ; call 0x40a4e1
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0042575c ; jmp 0x42575c
+xor edi, edi
+mov di, word [ebx + ref_004967e2] ; mov di, word [ebx + 0x4967e2]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+mov ecx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+cmp byte [edi + eax + ref_0049915b], 9 ; cmp byte [edi + eax + 0x49915b], 9
+jb short loc_0042580c ; jb 0x42580c
+cmp byte [edx + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [edx + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne near loc_00425639 ; jne 0x425639
+push 1
+push ref_00463e72 ; push 0x463e72
+jmp near loc_0042561f ; jmp 0x42561f
+push edi
+push esi
+call fcn_00445aa2 ; call 0x445aa2
+add esp, 8
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_004967e2] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x4967e2]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00445a4d ; call 0x445a4d
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ebx + ref_004967e4] ; mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x4967e4]
+push edx
+push esi
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+jmp short loc_004258ac ; jmp 0x4258ac
+push ecx
+call fcn_00441262 ; call 0x441262
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jl short loc_0042586f ; jl 0x42586f
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne near loc_00425639 ; jne 0x425639
+push 1
+push ref_00463e89 ; push 0x463e89
+jmp near loc_0042561f ; jmp 0x42561f
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_004967e2] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x4967e2]
+push eax
+push esi
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_004967e2] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x4967e2]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004412e4 ; call 0x4412e4
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+mov edi, dword [ebx + ref_004967e4] ; mov edi, dword [ebx + 0x4967e4]
+push edi
+push esi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0041d2c6 ; call 0x41d2c6
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, 1
+add esp, 8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xdc
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xf4]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xfc]
+cmp eax, 0x202
+jb short loc_0042590f ; jb 0x42590f
+jbe near loc_00425dd8 ; jbe 0x425dd8
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb short loc_004258ff ; jb 0x4258ff
+jbe near loc_00425fca ; jbe 0x425fca
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_0042592f ; je 0x42592f
+jmp near loc_00426071 ; jmp 0x426071
+cmp eax, 0x203
+je near loc_00425cfa ; je 0x425cfa
+jmp near loc_00426071 ; jmp 0x426071
+cmp eax, 0x200
+jb short loc_00425921 ; jb 0x425921
+jbe near loc_00425b19 ; jbe 0x425b19
+jmp near loc_00425cfa ; jmp 0x425cfa
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je near loc_00425ff9 ; je 0x425ff9
+jmp near loc_00426071 ; jmp 0x426071
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c2b8], ah ; mov byte [0x48c2b8], ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c2b9], ah ; mov byte [0x48c2b9], ah
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+push 0x1a0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0x18]
+push eax
+push 0x20
+push 0x98
+push 0
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_00451a97 ; call 0x451a97
+add esp, 0x18
+mov dword [ref_0048c2ac], eax ; mov dword [0x48c2ac], eax
+push 0x20
+push 0x98
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0xc
+push 0
+push ref_0048c29c ; push 0x48c29c
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov esi, 0x50
+jmp short loc_004259e4 ; jmp 0x4259e4
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jge near loc_00425adf ; jge 0x425adf
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edi
+shl eax, 5
+mov edx, ebx
+shl edx, 3
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], edx
+add eax, edx
+cmp dword [eax + ref_004971a0], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x4971a0], 0
+je short loc_004259da ; je 0x4259da
+push 2
+push esi
+push 0xc8
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+lea edi, [ebx + eax]
+shl edi, 2
+mov ecx, dword [edi + ref_00496980] ; mov ecx, dword [edi + 0x496980]
+push ecx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 5
+add eax, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_004971a0] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x4971a0]
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+push 0x14c
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 5
+add eax, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+fild dword [eax + ref_004971a0] ; fild dword [eax + 0x4971a0]
+fmul dword [edi + ref_00496994] ; fmul dword [edi + 0x496994]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0xd8]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xd8]
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push esi
+push 0x1de
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+add esi, 0x20
+mov al, bl
+inc al
+mov byte [ebp + ref_0048c29c], al ; mov byte [ebp + 0x48c29c], al
+inc ebp
+jmp near loc_004259da ; jmp 0x4259da
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xf8]
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0xdc
+jmp near loc_0042679d ; jmp 0x42679d
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, dx
+shr edx, 0x10
+and edx, 0xffff
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, dx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x98
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c298]
+movsx eax, word [edi + 0x18]
+add eax, 0x98
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], eax
+cmp ebx, 0x98
+jle near loc_00425c73 ; jle 0x425c73
+cmp ebx, eax
+jge near loc_00425c73 ; jge 0x425c73
+cmp esi, 0x40
+jle near loc_00425c73 ; jle 0x425c73
+cmp esi, 0x1c0
+jge near loc_00425c73 ; jge 0x425c73
+lea edx, [esi - 0x40]
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+shl edx, 5
+sbb eax, edx
+sar eax, 5
+mov ebx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2b9] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2b9]
+lea edx, [ebx + 1]
+cmp eax, edx
+je near loc_00425ce5 ; je 0x425ce5
+test al, al
+je short loc_00425c0a ; je 0x425c0a
+shl eax, 5
+lea edx, [eax + 0x20]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], edx
+add eax, 0x40
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], eax
+push 0
+push 0x20
+movsx eax, word [edi + 0x18]
+push eax
+push edx
+push 0x98
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xf8]
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 5
+lea edx, [eax + 0x40]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], edx
+add eax, 0x60
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], eax
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0x18]
+push eax
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xd0]
+push eax
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xf8]
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+inc bl
+mov byte [ref_0048c2b8], bl ; mov byte [0x48c2b8], bl
+mov byte [ref_0048c2b9], bl ; mov byte [0x48c2b9], bl
+jmp short loc_00425ce5 ; jmp 0x425ce5
+cmp byte [ref_0048c2b9], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c2b9], 0
+je short loc_00425ce5 ; je 0x425ce5
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2b9] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2b9]
+shl eax, 5
+lea edx, [eax + 0x20]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], edx
+add eax, 0x40
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], eax
+push 0
+push 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0x18]
+push eax
+push edx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xd0]
+push edx
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xf8]
+push ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c2b8], ah ; mov byte [0x48c2b8], ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c2b9], ah ; mov byte [0x48c2b9], ah
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+jmp near loc_00425b0c ; jmp 0x425b0c
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, dx
+shr edx, 0x10
+and edx, 0xffff
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, dx
+cmp ebx, 0x1cf
+jle near loc_00425b0c ; jle 0x425b0c
+cmp ebx, 0x1e4
+jge near loc_00425b0c ; jge 0x425b0c
+cmp esi, 0x26
+jle near loc_00425b0c ; jle 0x425b0c
+cmp esi, 0x3b
+jge near loc_00425b0c ; jge 0x425b0c
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x1cf
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0x1e4
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0x26
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0x3b
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0xe4
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xf8]
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov byte [ref_0048c2b8], 0x63 ; mov byte [0x48c2b8], 0x63
+jmp near loc_00425b0c ; jmp 0x425b0c
+mov dh, byte [ref_0048c2b8] ; mov dh, byte [0x48c2b8]
+test dh, dh
+je near loc_00425b0c ; je 0x425b0c
+cmp dh, 0x63
+jne near loc_00425ea2 ; jne 0x425ea2
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x1cf
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0x1e4
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0x26
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0x3b
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x15
+push 0x15
+push 6
+push 0x137
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xf8]
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x205
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xfc]
+push ecx
+jmp near loc_00425fb6 ; jmp 0x425fb6
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, dh
+cmp byte [eax + ref_0048c29b], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x48c29b], 0
+je near loc_00425fbd ; je 0x425fbd
+push 0
+push ref_00463ea0 ; push 0x463ea0
+call fcn_00424502 ; call 0x424502
+add esp, 8
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2b8] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2b8]
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_0048c29b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x48c29b]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 5
+mov esi, dword [eax + ebx*8 + ref_00497198] ; mov esi, dword [eax + ebx*8 + 0x497198]
+push esi
+call fcn_00453544 ; call 0x453544
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00424620 ; call 0x424620
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_00425fbd ; je 0x425fbd
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2b8] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2b8]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_0048c29b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x48c29b]
+dec edx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xd8], ebx
+fild dword [esp + 0xd8]
+fmul dword [eax*4 + ref_00496994] ; fmul dword [eax*4 + 0x496994]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0xd0]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xd0]
+push edi
+push ref_00463eb3 ; push 0x463eb3
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00424502 ; call 0x424502
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edi
+add eax, eax
+push eax
+call fcn_00453544 ; call 0x453544
+mov esi, eax
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00424620 ; call 0x424620
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00425fbd ; je 0x425fbd
+push ebx
+push esi
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2b8] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2b8]
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_0048c29b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x48c29b]
+and eax, 0xff
+dec eax
+push eax
+push 1
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004246c5 ; call 0x4246c5
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x205
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xfc]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [ref_0048c2b8], cl ; mov byte [0x48c2b8], cl
+jmp near loc_00425b0c ; jmp 0x425b0c
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0x20
+push 0x98
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c2ac] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c2ac]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00451edb ; call 0x451edb
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00425b0c ; jmp 0x425b0c
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xf4]
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 0x88]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ebx, [esp + 0x8c]
+push ebx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push ebp
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x88]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_00425b0c ; jmp 0x425b0c
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xfc]
+push ecx
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xfc]
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_00425b0e ; jmp 0x425b0e
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xd0
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe8]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xec]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xf0]
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jb short loc_004260f0 ; jb 0x4260f0
+jbe near loc_00426387 ; jbe 0x426387
+cmp eax, 0x203
+jb near loc_00426515 ; jb 0x426515
+jbe near loc_00426387 ; jbe 0x426387
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb near loc_0042678c ; jb 0x42678c
+jbe near loc_00426673 ; jbe 0x426673
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_00426126 ; je 0x426126
+jmp near loc_0042678c ; jmp 0x42678c
+cmp eax, 0x100
+jb short loc_00426118 ; jb 0x426118
+jbe near loc_004266aa ; jbe 0x4266aa
+cmp eax, 0x101
+jbe near loc_0042669c ; jbe 0x42669c
+cmp eax, 0x200
+je near loc_004261cb ; je 0x4261cb
+jmp near loc_0042678c ; jmp 0x42678c
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je near loc_00426715 ; je 0x426715
+jmp near loc_0042678c ; jmp 0x42678c
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c2ba], ah ; mov byte [0x48c2ba], ah
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [ref_0048c2bb], ah ; mov byte [0x48c2bb], ah
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [ref_0048c2bc], ah ; mov byte [0x48c2bc], ah
+mov word [ref_0048c2bd], dx ; mov word [0x48c2bd], dx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x26]
+push edx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0x24]
+push eax
+push 0x20
+push 0x70
+push 0
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_00451a97 ; call 0x451a97
+add esp, 0x18
+mov dword [ref_0048c2ac], eax ; mov dword [0x48c2ac], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2bb] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2bb]
+push eax
+call fcn_00424aea ; call 0x424aea
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_00426797 ; jmp 0x426797
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, bx
+mov eax, ebx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, ax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+mov edx, 0x70
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c298]
+movsx eax, word [ecx + 0x24]
+add eax, 0x5f
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], eax
+cmp esi, edx
+jle near loc_0042630c ; jle 0x42630c
+cmp esi, eax
+jge near loc_0042630c ; jge 0x42630c
+cmp ebx, 0x60
+jle near loc_0042630c ; jle 0x42630c
+cmp ebx, 0x1c0
+jge near loc_0042630c ; jge 0x42630c
+lea edx, [ebx - 0x60]
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+shl edx, 5
+sbb eax, edx
+sar eax, 5
+mov ebx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2bc] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2bc]
+lea edx, [ebx + 1]
+cmp eax, edx
+je near loc_00426372 ; je 0x426372
+test al, al
+je short loc_004262b1 ; je 0x4262b1
+shl eax, 5
+lea edx, [eax + 0x40]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], edx
+add eax, 0x60
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], eax
+push 0
+push 0x20
+movsx eax, word [ecx + 0x24]
+sub eax, 0x11
+push eax
+push edx
+push 0x70
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 5
+lea edx, [eax + 0x60]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], edx
+add eax, 0x80
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], eax
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0x24]
+sub eax, 0x11
+push eax
+push edx
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xd0]
+push ebp
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+inc bl
+jmp short loc_0042636c ; jmp 0x42636c
+mov dh, byte [ref_0048c2bc] ; mov dh, byte [0x48c2bc]
+test dh, dh
+je short loc_00426372 ; je 0x426372
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, dh
+shl eax, 5
+lea edx, [eax + 0x40]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], edx
+add eax, 0x60
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], eax
+push 0
+push 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0x24]
+sub eax, 0x11
+push eax
+push edx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xd0]
+push edx
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [ref_0048c2bc], bl ; mov byte [0x48c2bc], bl
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+jmp near loc_004261c4 ; jmp 0x4261c4
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, bx
+shr ebx, 0x10
+and ebx, 0xffff
+and ebx, 0xffff
+cmp esi, 0x70
+jle near loc_0042643e ; jle 0x42643e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0x24]
+add eax, 0x5f
+cmp esi, eax
+jge near loc_0042643e ; jge 0x42643e
+cmp ebx, 0x20
+jle near loc_0042643e ; jle 0x42643e
+cmp ebx, 0x3e
+jge short loc_0042643e ; jge 0x42643e
+lea edx, [esi - 0x70]
+mov ecx, 0x50
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov ebx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2bb] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2bb]
+cmp eax, ebx
+je near loc_004261c4 ; je 0x4261c4
+mov byte [ref_0048c2bb], bl ; mov byte [0x48c2bb], bl
+push 0
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, bl
+push eax
+call fcn_00424aea ; call 0x424aea
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x70
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0x24]
+add eax, 0x5f
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0x20
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0x3e
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+jmp near loc_004261bc ; jmp 0x4261bc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x24]
+lea ecx, [edx + 0x5f]
+cmp esi, ecx
+jle near loc_004261c4 ; jle 0x4261c4
+lea ecx, [edx + 0x70]
+cmp esi, ecx
+jge near loc_004261c4 ; jge 0x4261c4
+add edx, 0x60
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], edx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0x24]
+add eax, 0x6f
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], eax
+cmp ebx, 0x20
+jle short loc_0042649e ; jle 0x42649e
+cmp ebx, 0x33
+jge short loc_0042649e ; jge 0x42649e
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0x21
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0x32
+mov byte [ref_0048c2ba], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c2ba], 1
+jmp short loc_00426500 ; jmp 0x426500
+cmp ebx, 0x40
+jle short loc_004264c7 ; jle 0x4264c7
+cmp ebx, 0x60
+jge short loc_004264c7 ; jge 0x4264c7
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0x41
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0x5f
+mov byte [ref_0048c2ba], 2 ; mov byte [0x48c2ba], 2
+jmp short loc_00426500 ; jmp 0x426500
+cmp ebx, 0x60
+jle short loc_004264f3 ; jle 0x4264f3
+cmp ebx, 0x80
+jge short loc_004264f3 ; jge 0x4264f3
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0x61
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0x7f
+mov byte [ref_0048c2ba], 3 ; mov byte [0x48c2ba], 3
+jmp short loc_00426500 ; jmp 0x426500
+cmp byte [ref_0048c2ba], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c2ba], 0
+je near loc_004261c4 ; je 0x4261c4
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc0]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451b9e ; call 0x451b9e
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_004261c4 ; jmp 0x4261c4
+cmp byte [ref_0048c2ba], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c2ba], 0
+je short loc_00426569 ; je 0x426569
+call fcn_00451d4e ; call 0x451d4e
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2ba] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2ba]
+cmp al, 2
+jb short loc_00426534 ; jb 0x426534
+jbe short loc_0042654b ; jbe 0x42654b
+cmp al, 3
+je short loc_0042654f ; je 0x42654f
+jmp short loc_00426561 ; jmp 0x426561
+cmp al, 1
+jne short loc_00426561 ; jne 0x426561
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x205
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+jmp short loc_00426561 ; jmp 0x426561
+push 2
+jmp short loc_00426551 ; jmp 0x426551
+push 1
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2bb] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2bb]
+push eax
+call fcn_00424aea ; call 0x424aea
+add esp, 8
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [ref_0048c2ba], bh ; mov byte [0x48c2ba], bh
+mov cl, byte [ref_0048c2bc] ; mov cl, byte [0x48c2bc]
+test cl, cl
+je near loc_004261c4 ; je 0x4261c4
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, cl
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004754be] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4754be]
+jg near loc_004261c4 ; jg 0x4261c4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_004754ba] ; mov ebx, dword [0x4754ba]
+add ebx, eax
+add ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [ebx + ref_0048be6e] ; mov bx, word [ebx + 0x48be6e]
+and ebx, 0xffff
+cmp ebx, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_004265cb ; jge 0x4265cb
+lea eax, [ebx - 0x7d0]
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, edx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [eax + 0x1e]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+imul edx, ecx
+mov ax, word [eax + 0x1c]
+jmp short loc_004265f5 ; jmp 0x4265f5
+lea eax, [ebx - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, edx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [eax + 0x24]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+imul edx, ecx
+mov ax, word [eax + 0x22]
+and eax, 0xffff
+add eax, edx
+mov esi, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov esi, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul esi, eax
+push esi
+push ref_00463eb3 ; push 0x463eb3
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00424502 ; call 0x424502
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, esi
+add eax, eax
+push eax
+call fcn_00453544 ; call 0x453544
+mov esi, eax
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00424620 ; call 0x424620
+test esi, esi
+je near loc_004261c4 ; je 0x4261c4
+push 0
+push esi
+push ebx
+push 2
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+push esi
+call fcn_004246c5 ; call 0x4246c5
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x205
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+jmp near loc_004261c4 ; jmp 0x4261c4
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0x20
+push 0x70
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c2ac] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c2ac]
+push edx
+call fcn_00451edb ; call 0x451edb
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+jmp near loc_0042650d ; jmp 0x42650d
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov word [ref_0048c2bd], bx ; mov word [0x48c2bd], bx
+jmp near loc_004261c4 ; jmp 0x4261c4
+cmp edx, 0x11
+jne short loc_004266ba ; jne 0x4266ba
+mov word [ref_0048c2bd], 0x1100 ; mov word [0x48c2bd], 0x1100
+jmp short loc_004266c1 ; jmp 0x4266c1
+or word [ref_0048c2bd], dx ; or word [0x48c2bd], dx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_0049719a] ; mov dx, word [0x49719a]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ref_0048c2bd] ; mov ax, word [0x48c2bd]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_004266da ; jne 0x4266da
+push 2
+jmp short loc_004266e9 ; jmp 0x4266e9
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_0049719c] ; mov dx, word [0x49719c]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_004266f9 ; jne 0x4266f9
+push 1
+xor eax, edx
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2bb] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2bb]
+push eax
+call fcn_00424aea ; call 0x424aea
+add esp, 8
+cmp word [ref_0048c2bd], 0x1100 ; cmp word [0x48c2bd], 0x1100
+je near loc_004261c4 ; je 0x4261c4
+xor eax, eax
+mov word [ref_0048c2bd], ax ; mov word [0x48c2bd], ax
+jmp near loc_004261c4 ; jmp 0x4261c4
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 0x88]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea edx, [esp + 0x8c]
+push edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0dc]
+push esi
+call dword [eax + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x88]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_004261c4 ; jmp 0x4261c4
+push ebx
+push edx
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+add esp, 0xd0
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xd0
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe8]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xf0]
+cmp eax, 0x202
+jb short loc_004267f2 ; jb 0x4267f2
+jbe near loc_00426ab8 ; jbe 0x426ab8
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb short loc_004267e2 ; jb 0x4267e2
+jbe near loc_00426b89 ; jbe 0x426b89
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_00426808 ; je 0x426808
+jmp near loc_00426c17 ; jmp 0x426c17
+cmp eax, 0x203
+je near loc_00426974 ; je 0x426974
+jmp near loc_00426c17 ; jmp 0x426c17
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jb near loc_00426c17 ; jb 0x426c17
+jbe near loc_00426b9f ; jbe 0x426b9f
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jmp short loc_004267e7 ; jmp 0x4267e7
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c2bf], ah ; mov byte [0x48c2bf], ah
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0xa0
+push 0x8c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x10
+push 0
+push ref_0048c548 ; push 0x48c548
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov esi, 0xb0
+mov edi, 0xd0
+jmp short loc_0042688b ; jmp 0x42688b
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xd
+jge near loc_00426942 ; jge 0x426942
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+cmp byte [ebx + eax + ref_0049915c], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + eax + 0x49915c], 0
+je short loc_00426881 ; je 0x426881
+push edi
+lea eax, [esi - 0x10]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c2a8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c2a8]
+mov edx, ebx
+shl edx, 2
+sub edx, ebx
+shl edx, 2
+lea eax, [ecx + 0xc]
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov al, byte [ebx + eax + ref_0049915c] ; mov al, byte [ebx + eax + 0x49915c]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+push ref_00463ed6 ; push 0x463ed6
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 6
+push edi
+lea eax, [esi + 0x1e]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov al, bl
+inc al
+mov byte [ebp + ref_0048c548], al ; mov byte [ebp + 0x48c548], al
+inc ebp
+add esi, 0x48
+cmp esi, 0x1d0
+jle near loc_00426881 ; jle 0x426881
+mov esi, 0xb0
+add edi, 0x20
+jmp near loc_00426881 ; jmp 0x426881
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xec]
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_004261c4 ; jmp 0x4261c4
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, dx
+mov eax, edx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor edi, edi
+mov di, ax
+cmp esi, 0x8c
+jle near loc_00426a63 ; jle 0x426a63
+cmp esi, 0x1f4
+jge near loc_00426a63 ; jge 0x426a63
+cmp edi, 0xc0
+jle near loc_00426a63 ; jle 0x426a63
+cmp edi, 0x120
+jge near loc_00426a63 ; jge 0x426a63
+lea edx, [edi - 0xc0]
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+shl edx, 5
+sbb eax, edx
+sar eax, 5
+mov ebp, eax
+lea edx, [esi - 0x8c]
+mov ecx, 0x48
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, ebp
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+lea ebx, [eax + edx]
+mov cl, byte [ebx + ref_0048c548] ; mov cl, byte [ebx + 0x48c548]
+test cl, cl
+je near loc_00426a41 ; je 0x426a41
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+lea edx, [eax + 0x8d]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], edx
+add eax, 0xd3
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], eax
+shl ebp, 5
+lea eax, [ebp + 0xc1]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], eax
+add ebp, 0xdf
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], ebp
+mov byte [ref_0048c2bf], cl ; mov byte [0x48c2bf], cl
+cmp byte [ref_0048c2bf], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c2bf], 0
+je near loc_004261c4 ; je 0x4261c4
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc0]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451b9e ; call 0x451b9e
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_004261c4 ; jmp 0x4261c4
+cmp esi, 0x1ac
+jle short loc_00426a41 ; jle 0x426a41
+cmp esi, 0x1f4
+jge short loc_00426a41 ; jge 0x426a41
+cmp edi, 0xa0
+jle short loc_00426a41 ; jle 0x426a41
+cmp edi, 0xc0
+jge short loc_00426a41 ; jge 0x426a41
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x1ad
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0x1f3
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0xa1
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0xbf
+mov byte [ref_0048c2bf], 0x63 ; mov byte [0x48c2bf], 0x63
+jmp short loc_00426a4e ; jmp 0x426a4e
+cmp byte [ref_0048c2bf], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c2bf], 0
+je near loc_004261c4 ; je 0x4261c4
+call fcn_00451d4e ; call 0x451d4e
+mov dh, byte [ref_0048c2bf] ; mov dh, byte [0x48c2bf]
+cmp dh, 0x63
+jne short loc_00426af2 ; jne 0x426af2
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x205
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xf0]
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+jmp near loc_004261c4 ; jmp 0x4261c4
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, dh
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax*8 + ref_0047fedf] ; mov bl, byte [eax*8 + 0x47fedf]
+imul ebx, ebx, 0x64
+imul ebx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul ebx, dword [0x4990e8]
+push ebx
+push ref_00463eb3 ; push 0x463eb3
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00424502 ; call 0x424502
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+add eax, eax
+push eax
+call fcn_00453544 ; call 0x453544
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00424620 ; call 0x424620
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00426b7c ; je 0x426b7c
+push 0
+push ebx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2bf] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2bf]
+push eax
+push 3
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004246c5 ; call 0x4246c5
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x205
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xf0]
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [ref_0048c2bf], bl ; mov byte [0x48c2bf], bl
+jmp near loc_004261c4 ; jmp 0x4261c4
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+jmp near loc_00426a5b ; jmp 0x426a5b
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xe8]
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 0x88]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x8c]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push ebp
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x88]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_004261c4 ; jmp 0x4261c4
+push edx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xf0]
+push edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xf0]
+push ecx
+jmp near loc_00426790 ; jmp 0x426790
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xd0
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe8]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xf0]
+cmp eax, 0x202
+jb short loc_00426c83 ; jb 0x426c83
+jbe near loc_00426edc ; jbe 0x426edc
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb short loc_00426c73 ; jb 0x426c73
+jbe near loc_00426fa4 ; jbe 0x426fa4
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_00426c99 ; je 0x426c99
+jmp near loc_0042702b ; jmp 0x42702b
+cmp eax, 0x203
+je near loc_00426d82 ; je 0x426d82
+jmp near loc_0042702b ; jmp 0x42702b
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jb near loc_0042702b ; jb 0x42702b
+jbe near loc_00426fba ; jbe 0x426fba
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jmp short loc_00426c78 ; jmp 0x426c78
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c2c0], ah ; mov byte [0x48c2c0], ah
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0xa0
+push 0x8c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor esi, esi
+mov ebx, 0xb0
+mov edi, 0xd0
+jmp short loc_00426d05 ; jmp 0x426d05
+inc esi
+cmp esi, 0xf
+jge short loc_00426d57 ; jge 0x426d57
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add eax, esi
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00499120] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x499120]
+test dl, dl
+je short loc_00426cff ; je 0x426cff
+push 2
+push edi
+push ebx
+mov al, dl
+and eax, 0xff
+mov edx, dword [eax*8 + ref_0047fdea] ; mov edx, dword [eax*8 + 0x47fdea]
+push edx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+add ebx, 0x48
+cmp ebx, 0x1d0
+jle short loc_00426cff ; jle 0x426cff
+mov ebx, 0xb0
+add edi, 0x20
+jmp short loc_00426cff ; jmp 0x426cff
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_004261c4 ; jmp 0x4261c4
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, dx
+mov eax, edx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor edi, edi
+mov di, ax
+cmp ebx, 0x8c
+jle near loc_00426e87 ; jle 0x426e87
+cmp ebx, 0x1f4
+jge near loc_00426e87 ; jge 0x426e87
+cmp edi, 0xc0
+jle near loc_00426e87 ; jle 0x426e87
+cmp edi, 0x120
+jge near loc_00426e87 ; jge 0x426e87
+lea edx, [edi - 0xc0]
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+shl edx, 5
+sbb eax, edx
+sar eax, 5
+mov edi, eax
+lea edx, [ebx - 0x8c]
+mov ebx, 0x48
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov ebx, eax
+mov edx, edi
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+lea esi, [eax + ebx]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add esi, eax
+mov cl, byte [esi + ref_00499120] ; mov cl, byte [esi + 0x499120]
+test cl, cl
+je near loc_00426e65 ; je 0x426e65
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+lea edx, [eax + 0x8d]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], edx
+add eax, 0xd3
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], eax
+shl edi, 5
+lea eax, [edi + 0xc1]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], eax
+add edi, 0xdf
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], edi
+mov byte [ref_0048c2c0], cl ; mov byte [0x48c2c0], cl
+cmp byte [ref_0048c2c0], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c2c0], 0
+je near loc_004261c4 ; je 0x4261c4
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc0]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451b9e ; call 0x451b9e
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_004261c4 ; jmp 0x4261c4
+cmp ebx, 0x1ac
+jle short loc_00426e65 ; jle 0x426e65
+cmp ebx, 0x1f4
+jge short loc_00426e65 ; jge 0x426e65
+cmp edi, 0xa0
+jle short loc_00426e65 ; jle 0x426e65
+cmp edi, 0xc0
+jge short loc_00426e65 ; jge 0x426e65
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x1ad
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0x1f3
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0xa1
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0xbf
+mov byte [ref_0048c2c0], 0x63 ; mov byte [0x48c2c0], 0x63
+jmp short loc_00426e72 ; jmp 0x426e72
+cmp byte [ref_0048c2c0], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c2c0], 0
+je near loc_004261c4 ; je 0x4261c4
+call fcn_00451d4e ; call 0x451d4e
+mov dh, byte [ref_0048c2c0] ; mov dh, byte [0x48c2c0]
+cmp dh, 0x63
+jne short loc_00426f0f ; jne 0x426f0f
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x205
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+jmp near loc_004261c4 ; jmp 0x4261c4
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, dh
+mov al, byte [eax*8 + ref_0047fdef] ; mov al, byte [eax*8 + 0x47fdef]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x64
+mov ebx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov ebx, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul ebx, eax
+push ebx
+push ref_00463eb3 ; push 0x463eb3
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00424502 ; call 0x424502
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+add eax, eax
+push eax
+call fcn_00453544 ; call 0x453544
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00424620 ; call 0x424620
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00426f97 ; je 0x426f97
+push 0
+push ebx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2c0] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2c0]
+push eax
+push 4
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004246c5 ; call 0x4246c5
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x205
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [ref_0048c2c0], bl ; mov byte [0x48c2c0], bl
+jmp near loc_004261c4 ; jmp 0x4261c4
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+jmp near loc_00426e7f ; jmp 0x426e7f
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 0x88]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ebx, [esp + 0x8c]
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x88]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_004261c4 ; jmp 0x4261c4
+push edx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xf0]
+push edi
+push eax
+push ebp
+jmp near loc_00426790 ; jmp 0x426790
+db 0x8d
+db 0x40
+db 0x00
+ref_0042703e: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_0042728e
+dd loc_00427469
+dd loc_0042771a
+dd loc_00427816
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xec
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x100]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x104]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10c]
+cmp eax, 0x202
+jb short loc_004270a3 ; jb 0x4270a3
+jbe near loc_00427ad9 ; jbe 0x427ad9
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb short loc_00427093 ; jb 0x427093
+jbe near loc_00427b7d ; jbe 0x427b7d
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_004270b9 ; je 0x4270b9
+jmp near loc_00427c0a ; jmp 0x427c0a
+cmp eax, 0x203
+je near loc_00427a18 ; je 0x427a18
+jmp near loc_00427c0a ; jmp 0x427c0a
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jb near loc_00427c0a ; jb 0x427c0a
+jbe near loc_00427b93 ; jbe 0x427b93
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jmp short loc_00427098 ; jmp 0x427098
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c2c1], ah ; mov byte [0x48c2c1], ah
+lea ebx, [edx - 0x64]
+mov ecx, 7
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, ebx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov byte [ref_0048c2c2], al ; mov byte [0x48c2c2], al
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, ebx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov byte [ref_0048c2c3], dl ; mov byte [0x48c2c3], dl
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [ref_0048c2c2] ; mov cl, byte [0x48c2c2]
+imul ecx, ecx, 0x54
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c2c3] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c2c3]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov al, byte [ecx + eax*4 + ref_004967e0] ; mov al, byte [ecx + eax*4 + 0x4967e0]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_004754ab] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x4754ab]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c298]
+mov ecx, eax
+shl ecx, 2
+sub ecx, eax
+shl ecx, 2
+lea ebx, [edx + ecx]
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 0xc]
+movsx ebx, word [ebx + 0xe]
+mov edi, 0x280
+sub edi, eax
+mov eax, edi
+sar eax, 1
+mov word [ref_0048c2c4], ax ; mov word [0x48c2c4], ax
+mov eax, 0x1e0
+sub eax, ebx
+sar eax, 1
+mov word [ref_0048c2c6], ax ; mov word [0x48c2c6], ax
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c4] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c4]
+push eax
+add edx, 0xc
+add edx, ecx
+push edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c2c2] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c2c2]
+imul ebx, edx, 0x54
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [ref_0048c2c3] ; mov cl, byte [0x48c2c3]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [ebx + eax*4 + ref_004967e0] ; mov cl, byte [ebx + eax*4 + 0x4967e0]
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7c] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7c]
+and eax, 0xff
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+add eax, 8
+mov dword [esp + 0xe4], eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c6]
+add eax, 6
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c4] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c4]
+add eax, 0x70
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c298]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xec]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c6]
+add eax, 0x28
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c4] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c4]
+add eax, 0x3a
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2c2] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2c2]
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ebx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2c2] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2c2]
+imul edx, eax, 0x54
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [ref_0048c2c3] ; mov bl, byte [0x48c2c3]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_004967e0] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x4967e0]
+dec bl
+cmp bl, 3
+ja near loc_0042796c ; ja 0x42796c
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, bl
+jmp dword [edx*4 + ref_0042703e] ; ujmp: jmp dword [edx*4 + 0x42703e]
+push 2
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048c2c6] ; movsx edx, word [0x48c2c6]
+add edx, 0x5c
+push edx
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048c2c4] ; movsx edx, word [0x48c2c4]
+add edx, 0x78
+push edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_004967e2] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x4967e2]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov edi, dword [eax*4 + ref_00496980] ; mov edi, dword [eax*4 + 0x496980]
+push edi
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c2c2] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c2c2]
+imul edx, edx, 0x54
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [ref_0048c2c3] ; mov cl, byte [0x48c2c3]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+mov ax, word [edx + eax*4 + ref_004967e8] ; mov ax, word [edx + eax*4 + 0x4967e8]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push ref_00463edb ; push 0x463edb
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 6
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c6]
+add eax, 0x7c
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c4] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c4]
+add eax, 0xb2
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c2c2] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c2c2]
+imul edx, edx, 0x54
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [ref_0048c2c3] ; mov bl, byte [0x48c2c3]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+lea ebx, [edx + eax]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + ref_004967e2] ; mov dx, word [ebx + 0x4967e2]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_004967e8] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x4967e8]
+mov dword [esp + 0xe8], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0xe8]
+fmul dword [edx + ref_00496994] ; fmul dword [edx + 0x496994]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0xe4]
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc0]
+push eax
+push ref_00463ee0 ; push 0x463ee0
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 6
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c6]
+add eax, 0x9c
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c4] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c4]
+add eax, 0xb2
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [ref_0048c2c2] ; mov cl, byte [0x48c2c2]
+imul ecx, ecx, 0x54
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c2c3] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c2c3]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ecx + eax*4 + ref_004967e4] ; mov edx, dword [ecx + eax*4 + 0x4967e4]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc0]
+push eax
+push ref_00463ee0 ; push 0x463ee0
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 6
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c6]
+add eax, 0xbc
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c4] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c4]
+add eax, 0xb2
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov word [ref_0048c2c8], 0xec ; mov word [0x48c2c8], 0xec
+jmp near loc_0042796c ; jmp 0x42796c
+mov cx, word [eax + ref_004967e2] ; mov cx, word [eax + 0x4967e2]
+cmp cx, 0xfa0
+jae near loc_00427550 ; jae 0x427550
+mov eax, ecx
+and eax, 0xffff
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, eax
+push 2
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c6]
+add eax, 0x5c
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c4] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c4]
+add eax, 0x78
+push eax
+push ref_00463ee5 ; push 0x463ee5
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c6]
+add eax, 0x7c
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c4] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c4]
+add eax, 0x78
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+jne short loc_0042750e ; jne 0x42750e
+push 2
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c6]
+add eax, 0x9c
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c4] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c4]
+add eax, 0x78
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475138] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x475138]
+push edx
+jmp short loc_0042752d ; jmp 0x42752d
+push 2
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c6]
+add eax, 0x9c
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c4] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c4]
+add eax, 0x78
+push eax
+push ref_00463e30 ; push 0x463e30
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + 0x1e]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+imul eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 0x1c]
+jmp near loc_0042762d ; jmp 0x42762d
+mov eax, ecx
+and eax, 0xffff
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebx, eax
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x1a], 0
+jne short loc_00427593 ; jne 0x427593
+push 2
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c6]
+add eax, 0x5c
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c4] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c4]
+add eax, 0x78
+push eax
+push ref_00463eee ; push 0x463eee
+jmp short loc_004275b8 ; jmp 0x4275b8
+push 2
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c6]
+add eax, 0x5c
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c4] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c4]
+add eax, 0x78
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x18]
+mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475150] ; mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + 0x475150]
+push ecx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c6]
+add eax, 0x7c
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c4] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c4]
+add eax, 0x78
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c6]
+add eax, 0x9c
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c4] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c4]
+add eax, 0x78
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+mov edi, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475164] ; mov edi, dword [eax*4 + 0x475164]
+push edi
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 0x24]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+imul eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 0x22]
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xe4], edx
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc0]
+push eax
+push ref_00463ee0 ; push 0x463ee0
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 6
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c6]
+add eax, 0xbc
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c4] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c4]
+add eax, 0xb2
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [ref_0048c2c2] ; mov cl, byte [0x48c2c2]
+imul ecx, ecx, 0x54
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c2c3] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c2c3]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebx, dword [ecx + eax*4 + ref_004967e4] ; mov ebx, dword [ecx + eax*4 + 0x4967e4]
+push ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc0]
+push eax
+push ref_00463ee0 ; push 0x463ee0
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 6
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c6]
+add eax, 0xdc
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c4] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c4]
+add eax, 0xb2
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov word [ref_0048c2c8], 0x109 ; mov word [0x48c2c8], 0x109
+jmp near loc_0042796c ; jmp 0x42796c
+push 2
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048c2c6] ; movsx edx, word [0x48c2c6]
+add edx, 0x5c
+push edx
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048c2c4] ; movsx edx, word [0x48c2c4]
+add edx, 0x78
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_004967e2] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x4967e2]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov ebx, dword [eax*8 + ref_0047feda] ; mov ebx, dword [eax*8 + 0x47feda]
+push ebx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [ref_0048c2c2] ; mov cl, byte [0x48c2c2]
+imul ecx, ecx, 0x54
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c2c3] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c2c3]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ecx + eax*4 + ref_004967e2] ; mov dx, word [ecx + eax*4 + 0x4967e2]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edx*8 + ref_0047fedf] ; mov al, byte [edx*8 + 0x47fedf]
+mov dword [esp + 0xe4], eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8], 0x64 ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8], 0x64
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+imul edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xe4], edx
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc0]
+push eax
+push ref_00463ee0 ; push 0x463ee0
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 6
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c6]
+add eax, 0x7a
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c4] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c4]
+add eax, 0xb2
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2c2] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2c2]
+imul ecx, eax, 0x54
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c2c3] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c2c3]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ecx + eax*4 + ref_004967e4] ; mov edx, dword [ecx + eax*4 + 0x4967e4]
+push edx
+jmp near loc_0042790e ; jmp 0x42790e
+push 2
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048c2c6] ; movsx edx, word [0x48c2c6]
+add edx, 0x5c
+push edx
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048c2c4] ; movsx edx, word [0x48c2c4]
+add edx, 0x78
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_004967e2] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x4967e2]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov edi, dword [eax*8 + ref_0047fdea] ; mov edi, dword [eax*8 + 0x47fdea]
+push edi
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [ref_0048c2c2] ; mov cl, byte [0x48c2c2]
+imul ecx, ecx, 0x54
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c2c3] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c2c3]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ecx + eax*4 + ref_004967e2] ; mov dx, word [ecx + eax*4 + 0x4967e2]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edx*8 + ref_0047fdef] ; mov al, byte [edx*8 + 0x47fdef]
+mov dword [esp + 0xe4], eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8], 0x64 ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8], 0x64
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+imul edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xe4], edx
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc0]
+push eax
+push ref_00463ee0 ; push 0x463ee0
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 6
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c6]
+add eax, 0x7a
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c4] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c4]
+add eax, 0xb2
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c2c2] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c2c2]
+imul edx, edx, 0x54
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [ref_0048c2c3] ; mov bl, byte [0x48c2c3]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*4 + ref_004967e4] ; mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*4 + 0x4967e4]
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc0]
+push eax
+push ref_00463ee0 ; push 0x463ee0
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 6
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c6]
+add eax, 0x98
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c4] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c4]
+add eax, 0xb2
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov word [ref_0048c2c8], 0xcb ; mov word [0x48c2c8], 0xcb
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x800000
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2c2] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2c2]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; cmp eax, dword [0x49910c]
+jne short loc_004279b8 ; jne 0x4279b8
+push 2
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048c2c6] ; movsx edx, word [0x48c2c6]
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c8] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c8]
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c4] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c4]
+add eax, 0x34
+push eax
+push ref_00463ef7 ; push 0x463ef7
+jmp short loc_004279db ; jmp 0x4279db
+push 2
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048c2c6] ; movsx edx, word [0x48c2c6]
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c8] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c8]
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048c2c4] ; movsx eax, word [0x48c2c4]
+add eax, 0x34
+push eax
+push ref_00463efd ; push 0x463efd
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0xec
+jmp near loc_0042679d ; jmp 0x42679d
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, dx
+shr edx, 0x10
+and edx, 0xffff
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, dx
+movsx ecx, word [ref_0048c2c8] ; movsx ecx, word [0x48c2c8]
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048c2c6] ; movsx edx, word [0x48c2c6]
+lea esi, [ecx - 0xc]
+add esi, edx
+cmp ebx, esi
+jle short loc_00427a0b ; jle 0x427a0b
+add ecx, 0xc
+add edx, ecx
+cmp ebx, edx
+jge short loc_00427a0b ; jge 0x427a0b
+mov dword [esp + 0xd8], esi
+add esi, 0x18
+mov dword [esp + 0xe0], esi
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048c2c4] ; movsx edx, word [0x48c2c4]
+lea ebx, [edx + 0x10]
+cmp eax, ebx
+jle short loc_00427a88 ; jle 0x427a88
+add edx, 0x58
+cmp eax, edx
+jge short loc_00427a88 ; jge 0x427a88
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0xdc], edx
+mov byte [ref_0048c2c1], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c2c1], 1
+jmp short loc_00427ac4 ; jmp 0x427ac4
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048c2c4] ; movsx edx, word [0x48c2c4]
+lea ecx, [edx + 0x68]
+cmp eax, ecx
+jle short loc_00427ab7 ; jle 0x427ab7
+add edx, 0xb0
+cmp eax, edx
+jge short loc_00427ab7 ; jge 0x427ab7
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0xdc], edx
+mov byte [ref_0048c2c1], 2 ; mov byte [0x48c2c1], 2
+jmp short loc_00427ac4 ; jmp 0x427ac4
+cmp byte [ref_0048c2c1], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c2c1], 0
+je near loc_00427a0b ; je 0x427a0b
+lea eax, [esp + 0xd4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451b9e ; call 0x451b9e
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00427a0b ; jmp 0x427a0b
+cmp byte [ref_0048c2c1], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c2c1], 0
+je near loc_00427a0b ; je 0x427a0b
+call fcn_00451d4e ; call 0x451d4e
+cmp byte [ref_0048c2c1], 1 ; cmp byte [0x48c2c1], 1
+jne short loc_00427b5f ; jne 0x427b5f
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2c2] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2c2]
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp eax, ebx
+jne short loc_00427b19 ; jne 0x427b19
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c2c3] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c2c3]
+push edx
+push ebx
+call fcn_004247d5 ; call 0x4247d5
+add esp, 8
+jmp short loc_00427b5f ; jmp 0x427b5f
+push 0xf0
+push 0x140
+call fcn_00453a32 ; call 0x453a32
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_00427b70 ; jne 0x427b70
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2c3] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2c3]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2c2] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2c2]
+push eax
+call fcn_004255da ; call 0x4255da
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_00427b70 ; jne 0x427b70
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2c3] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2c3]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2c2] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2c2]
+push eax
+jmp short loc_00427b0f ; jmp 0x427b0f
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x205
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [ref_0048c2c1], cl ; mov byte [0x48c2c1], cl
+jmp near loc_00427a0b ; jmp 0x427a0b
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+jmp near loc_00427ad1 ; jmp 0x427ad1
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 0x88]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea edx, [esp + 0x8c]
+push edx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0dc]
+push ecx
+call dword [eax + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x88]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_00427a0b ; jmp 0x427a0b
+push edx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10c]
+push ebx
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_00427a0d ; jmp 0x427a0d
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x58
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x70]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x78]
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb short loc_00427c8c ; jb 0x427c8c
+jbe near loc_00428378 ; jbe 0x428378
+cmp eax, 0x410
+jb short loc_00427c6f ; jb 0x427c6f
+jbe near loc_004283b8 ; jbe 0x4283b8
+cmp eax, 0x412
+jb near loc_004283cb ; jb 0x4283cb
+jbe near loc_004283de ; jbe 0x4283de
+cmp eax, 0x413
+je near loc_004283f1 ; je 0x4283f1
+jmp near loc_00428461 ; jmp 0x428461
+cmp eax, 0x401
+jb near loc_00428461 ; jb 0x428461
+jbe short loc_00427ccf ; jbe 0x427ccf
+cmp eax, 0x40f
+je near loc_0042838b ; je 0x42838b
+jmp near loc_00428461 ; jmp 0x428461
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jb short loc_00427cb4 ; jb 0x427cb4
+jbe near loc_00427ea1 ; jbe 0x427ea1
+cmp eax, 0x202
+jbe near loc_004281af ; jbe 0x4281af
+cmp eax, 0x203
+je near loc_00427ea1 ; je 0x427ea1
+jmp near loc_00428461 ; jmp 0x428461
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jb near loc_00428461 ; jb 0x428461
+jbe near loc_00428403 ; jbe 0x428403
+cmp eax, 0x200
+je short loc_00427cfd ; je 0x427cfd
+jmp near loc_00428461 ; jmp 0x428461
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c2ca], ah ; mov byte [0x48c2ca], ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c2cb], ah ; mov byte [0x48c2cb], ah
+call fcn_004249c2 ; call 0x4249c2
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_00427e97 ; jmp 0x427e97
+cmp byte [ref_0048c2ca], 1 ; cmp byte [0x48c2ca], 1
+jne near loc_00427e97 ; jne 0x427e97
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, bx
+shr ebx, 0x10
+and ebx, 0xffff
+and ebx, 0xffff
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+mov edx, ref_0048a068 ; mov edx, 0x48a068
+push edx
+push 0
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebp
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x1d0
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x260
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0x74
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0xd4
+cmp esi, 0x1d9
+jle near loc_00427e48 ; jle 0x427e48
+cmp esi, 0x256
+jge near loc_00427e48 ; jge 0x427e48
+cmp ebx, 0x7d
+jle near loc_00427e48 ; jle 0x427e48
+cmp ebx, 0xca
+jge near loc_00427e48 ; jge 0x427e48
+lea edx, [esi - 0x1d9]
+mov esi, 0x3f
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+lea esi, [eax + eax]
+lea edx, [ebx - 0x7d]
+mov ecx, 0x27
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+add esi, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x54], esi
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c2cb] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c2cb]
+lea eax, [esi + 1]
+cmp edx, eax
+je near loc_00427e87 ; je 0x427e87
+test dl, dl
+je short loc_00427df4 ; je 0x427df4
+push 0x74
+push 0x1d0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0xd8
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x54]
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+sub eax, edx
+sar eax, 1
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ebx
+lea esi, [eax + 0x1d9]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x54]
+and edx, 1
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+lea ebx, [eax + 0x7d]
+push 0xfffffffffffffff4
+push 0x26
+push 0x3e
+push ebx
+push esi
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_004552e7 ; call 0x4552e7
+add esp, 0x18
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x54]
+inc al
+jmp short loc_00427e73 ; jmp 0x427e73
+cmp byte [ref_0048c2cb], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c2cb], 0
+je short loc_00427e87 ; je 0x427e87
+push 0x74
+push 0x1d0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0xd8
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+xor al, al
+mov byte [ref_0048c2cb], al ; mov byte [0x48c2cb], al
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x58
+jmp near loc_0042679d ; jmp 0x42679d
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, bx
+mov eax, ebx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, ax
+cmp esi, 0x1d0
+jle near loc_00427fc8 ; jle 0x427fc8
+cmp esi, 0x218
+jge near loc_00427fc8 ; jge 0x427fc8
+cmp ebx, 0x4a
+jle near loc_00427fc8 ; jle 0x427fc8
+cmp ebx, 0x72
+jge near loc_00427fc8 ; jge 0x427fc8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x54 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x54
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496828], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496828], 0
+je short loc_00427f12 ; je 0x427f12
+push 1
+push ref_00463f03 ; push 0x463f03
+call fcn_00424502 ; call 0x424502
+add esp, 8
+push 0x5dc
+call fcn_004528b9 ; call 0x4528b9
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00424620 ; call 0x424620
+jmp short loc_00427e97 ; jmp 0x427e97
+mov dword [ref_0048c2cc], 0x1d0 ; mov dword [0x48c2cc], 0x1d0
+mov dword [ref_0048c2d0], 0x4a ; mov dword [0x48c2d0], 0x4a
+mov dword [ref_0048c2d4], 0x260 ; mov dword [0x48c2d4], 0x260
+mov dword [ref_0048c2d8], 0xd4 ; mov dword [0x48c2d8], 0xd4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+push 0xfffffffffffffff4
+push 0x28
+push 0x48
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2d0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2d0]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c2cc] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c2cc]
+push edx
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_004552e7 ; call 0x4552e7
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0x74
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c2cc] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c2cc]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0xd8
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push ref_0048c2cc ; push 0x48c2cc
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov byte [ref_0048c2ca], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c2ca], 1
+jmp near loc_00427e97 ; jmp 0x427e97
+cmp esi, 0x218
+jle near loc_00428085 ; jle 0x428085
+cmp esi, 0x260
+jge near loc_00428085 ; jge 0x428085
+cmp ebx, 0x4a
+jle near loc_00428085 ; jle 0x428085
+cmp ebx, 0x72
+jge near loc_00428085 ; jge 0x428085
+mov dword [ref_0048c2cc], 0x218 ; mov dword [0x48c2cc], 0x218
+mov dword [ref_0048c2d0], 0x4a ; mov dword [0x48c2d0], 0x4a
+mov dword [ref_0048c2d4], 0x260 ; mov dword [0x48c2d4], 0x260
+mov dword [ref_0048c2d8], 0x72 ; mov dword [0x48c2d8], 0x72
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+push 0xfffffffffffffff4
+push 0x28
+push 0x48
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c2d0] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c2d0]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2cc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2cc]
+push eax
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_004552e7 ; call 0x4552e7
+add esp, 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push ref_0048c2cc ; push 0x48c2cc
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov byte [ref_0048c2ca], 2 ; mov byte [0x48c2ca], 2
+jmp near loc_00427e97 ; jmp 0x427e97
+cmp esi, 0x68
+jle near loc_00427e97 ; jle 0x427e97
+cmp esi, 0x260
+jge near loc_00427e97 ; jge 0x427e97
+cmp ebx, 0x72
+jle near loc_00427e97 ; jle 0x427e97
+mov edx, dword [ref_00499114] ; mov edx, dword [0x499114]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, 0x72
+cmp ebx, eax
+jge near loc_00427e97 ; jge 0x427e97
+lea edx, [esi - 0x68]
+mov esi, 0x48
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x54], eax
+lea edx, [ebx - 0x72]
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x50], eax
+imul ebx, eax, 0x54
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x54]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+cmp byte [ebx + eax*4 + ref_004967e0], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + eax*4 + 0x4967e0], 0
+je near loc_00427e97 ; je 0x427e97
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add edx, eax
+shl edx, 3
+lea eax, [edx + 0x68]
+mov dword [ref_0048c2cc], eax ; mov dword [0x48c2cc], eax
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x50]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+lea ecx, [eax + 0x72]
+mov dword [ref_0048c2d0], ecx ; mov dword [0x48c2d0], ecx
+add edx, 0xb0
+mov dword [ref_0048c2d4], edx ; mov dword [0x48c2d4], edx
+add eax, 0xba
+mov dword [ref_0048c2d8], eax ; mov dword [0x48c2d8], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+push 0xfffffffffffffff4
+push esi
+push esi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c2d0] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c2d0]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2cc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2cc]
+push eax
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_004552e7 ; call 0x4552e7
+add esp, 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push ref_0048c2cc ; push 0x48c2cc
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x50]
+mov ah, 7
+mul ah
+add al, byte [esp + 0x54]
+add al, 0x64
+mov byte [ref_0048c2ca], al ; mov byte [0x48c2ca], al
+jmp near loc_00427e97 ; jmp 0x427e97
+mov dh, byte [ref_0048c2ca] ; mov dh, byte [0x48c2ca]
+test dh, dh
+je near loc_00427e97 ; je 0x427e97
+mov al, dh
+cmp dh, 1
+jb near loc_00428296 ; jb 0x428296
+jbe short loc_004281d4 ; jbe 0x4281d4
+cmp dh, 2
+je short loc_0042820a ; je 0x42820a
+jmp near loc_00428296 ; jmp 0x428296
+call fcn_004249c2 ; call 0x4249c2
+mov bl, byte [ref_0048c2cb] ; mov bl, byte [0x48c2cb]
+test bl, bl
+je near loc_0042836b ; je 0x42836b
+push 0
+push 0
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, bl
+add eax, 0x40e
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [ref_0048c2cb], bh ; mov byte [0x48c2cb], bh
+jmp near loc_0042836b ; jmp 0x42836b
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2d8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2d8]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c2d0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c2d0]
+sub eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2d4]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c2cc] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c2cc]
+sub eax, ecx
+push eax
+lea eax, [edx - 0x42]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ecx - 0x16]
+push eax
+push edx
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push ref_0048c2cc ; push 0x48c2cc
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0042836b ; jmp 0x42836b
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [ref_0048c2ca] ; mov bl, byte [0x48c2ca]
+sub ebx, 0x64
+mov esi, 7
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, ebx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+mov esi, eax
+imul ebp, eax, 0x54
+mov ecx, 7
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, ebx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebp + eax*4 + ref_004967e0] ; mov dl, byte [ebp + eax*4 + 0x4967e0]
+imul esi, esi, 0x68
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + ref_00496b7c] ; mov al, byte [esi + 0x496b7c]
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+add eax, 8
+mov dword [esp + 0x50], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2d0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2d0]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c2cc] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c2cc]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c298]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x58]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add ecx, 0xc
+add eax, ecx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push ref_0048c2cc ; push 0x48c2cc
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2ca] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2ca]
+push eax
+push 0
+push 0x413
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [ref_0048c2ca], cl ; mov byte [0x48c2ca], cl
+jmp near loc_00427e97 ; jmp 0x427e97
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+jmp short loc_004283b0 ; jmp 0x4283b0
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push fcn_004258c1 ; push 0x4258c1
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_004249c2 ; call 0x4249c2
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00427e97 ; jmp 0x427e97
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push fcn_0042608f ; push 0x42608f
+jmp short loc_0042839c ; jmp 0x42839c
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push fcn_004267a4 ; push 0x4267a4
+jmp short loc_0042839c ; jmp 0x42839c
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push fcn_00426c2e ; push 0x426c2e
+jmp short loc_0042839c ; jmp 0x42839c
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+push fcn_0042704e ; push 0x42704e
+jmp short loc_0042839c ; jmp 0x42839c
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea edx, [esp + 0xc]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0dc]
+push ebp
+call dword [eax + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_00427e97 ; jmp 0x427e97
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x78]
+push edx
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_00427e99 ; jmp 0x427e99
+push ebx
+push esi
+xor esi, esi
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp esi, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_004258be ; jge 0x4258be
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_004284bb ; je 0x4284bb
+xor edx, edx
+jmp short loc_0042849b ; jmp 0x42849b
+inc edx
+cmp edx, 7
+jge short loc_004284bb ; jge 0x4284bb
+imul ebx, esi, 0x54
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+cmp byte [eax + ref_004967e0], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x4967e0], 0
+je short loc_00428495 ; je 0x428495
+inc byte [eax + ref_004967e1] ; inc byte [eax + 0x4967e1]
+jmp short loc_00428495 ; jmp 0x428495
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_00428479 ; jmp 0x428479
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x18
+call fcn_0042483e ; call 0x42483e
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne near loc_0042886e ; jne 0x42886e
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x49
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c298], eax ; mov dword [0x48c298], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x4a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a05c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c2a8], eax ; mov dword [0x48c2a8], eax
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x10
+push 0x30
+push ref_00463f1a ; push 0x463f1a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x10
+push 0x90
+push ref_00463f23 ; push 0x463f23
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x10
+push 0xfa
+push ref_00463f2c ; push 0x463f2c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x5c
+push 0x1f
+push ref_00463f35 ; push 0x463f35
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0x54
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x7a
+push 0x1f
+push ref_00463f3c ; push 0x463f3c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0x54
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x98
+push 0x1f
+push ref_00463f43 ; push 0x463f43
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0x54
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x5c
+push 0x1f
+push ref_00463f35 ; push 0x463f35
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0x60
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x7c
+push 0x1f
+push ref_00463f4a ; push 0x463f4a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0x60
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x9c
+push 0x1f
+push ref_00463f3c ; push 0x463f3c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0x60
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0xbc
+push 0x1f
+push ref_00463f43 ; push 0x463f43
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0x60
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x5c
+push 0x1f
+push ref_00463f35 ; push 0x463f35
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0x6c
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x7c
+push 0x1f
+push ref_00463f51 ; push 0x463f51
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0x6c
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x9c
+push 0x1f
+push ref_00463f58 ; push 0x463f58
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0x6c
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0xbc
+push 0x1f
+push ref_00463f3c ; push 0x463f3c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0x6c
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0xdc
+push 0x1f
+push ref_00463f43 ; push 0x463f43
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0x6c
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x800000
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0xcb
+push 0x8c
+push ref_00463f5f ; push 0x463f5f
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0x54
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0xec
+push 0x8c
+push ref_00463f5f ; push 0x463f5f
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0x60
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x109
+push 0x8c
+push ref_00463f5f ; push 0x463f5f
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0x6c
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 0x28
+push 2
+push 0x10
+push esi
+mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + ref_004753d4] ; mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + 0x4753d4]
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x50
+cmp ebx, 5
+jl short loc_0042877f ; jl 0x42877f
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+push 2
+push 0x30
+movsx eax, word [ebx*2 + ref_004754b0] ; movsx eax, word [ebx*2 + 0x4754b0]
+sub eax, 0x70
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ebx*4 + ref_004753e8] ; mov ecx, dword [ebx*4 + 0x4753e8]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 5
+jl short loc_004287bd ; jl 0x4287bd
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov edi, 0x30
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_00428825 ; jge 0x428825
+lea eax, [edi + 0x24]
+push eax
+push 0x2c
+imul eax, ebx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c298]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+inc ebx
+add edi, 0x48
+jmp short loc_004287f3 ; jmp 0x4287f3
+push 0
+push fcn_00427c21 ; push 0x427c21
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c298] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c298]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c2a8] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c2a8]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00436b0a ; call 0x436b0a
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x18
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ebx, 0xf
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+test edx, edx
+jne near loc_00428a37 ; jne 0x428a37
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00441262 ; call 0x441262
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+cmp eax, 0xc
+jle near loc_00428958 ; jle 0x428958
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], esi
+cmp esi, ebx
+jge short loc_004288f4 ; jge 0x4288f4
+xor edi, edi
+cmp edi, ebx
+jge short loc_004288f1 ; jge 0x4288f1
+cmp edi, esi
+je short loc_004288ee ; je 0x4288ee
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+lea edx, [eax + esi]
+add eax, edi
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_00499120] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x499120]
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00499120] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x499120]
+cmp dl, cl
+jne short loc_004288ee ; jne 0x4288ee
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov byte [esp + eax], cl
+lea edx, [eax + 1]
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], edx
+inc edi
+jmp short loc_004288af ; jmp 0x4288af
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_004288a9 ; jmp 0x4288a9
+cmp dword [esp + 0x10], 0
+je short loc_00428958 ; je 0x428958
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv dword [esp + 0x10]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + edx]
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ebx, 0x54
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496828], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496828], 0
+je short loc_0042892f ; je 0x42892f
+push 0
+push ebx
+call fcn_004247d5 ; call 0x4247d5
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov al, byte [eax*8 + ref_0047fdef] ; mov al, byte [eax*8 + 0x47fdef]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x64
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebp
+push 4
+jmp near loc_00428a29 ; jmp 0x428a29
+test ebp, ebp
+jne near loc_00428a37 ; jne 0x428a37
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], ebp
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+jmp short loc_00428974 ; jmp 0x428974
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xd
+jge short loc_004289cb ; jge 0x4289cb
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add eax, ebx
+mov ch, byte [eax + ref_0049915c] ; mov ch, byte [eax + 0x49915c]
+cmp ch, 3
+jae short loc_004289b7 ; jae 0x4289b7
+test ch, ch
+je short loc_0042896e ; je 0x42896e
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx*8 + ref_0047fee9] ; mov dl, byte [ebx*8 + 0x47fee9]
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7f] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7f]
+and eax, 0xff
+sub edx, eax
+cmp edx, 2
+jne short loc_0042896e ; jne 0x42896e
+mov dl, bl
+inc dl
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov byte [esp + eax], dl
+lea edi, [eax + 1]
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], edi
+jmp short loc_0042896e ; jmp 0x42896e
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x10]
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_00428a37 ; je 0x428a37
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebp
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + edx]
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ebx, 0x54
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496828], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496828], 0
+je short loc_00428a05 ; je 0x428a05
+push 0
+push ebx
+call fcn_004247d5 ; call 0x4247d5
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov al, byte [eax*8 + ref_0047fedf] ; mov al, byte [eax*8 + 0x47fedf]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x64
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebp
+push 3
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004246c5 ; call 0x4246c5
+add esp, 0x14
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ebx, 3
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+test edx, edx
+jne near loc_00428ae8 ; jne 0x428ae8
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00428a92 ; jmp 0x428a92
+cmp cl, 4
+jne short loc_00428a8c ; jne 0x428a8c
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [edx + ref_004967e2] ; mov ax, word [edx + 0x4967e2]
+mov al, byte [eax*8 + ref_0047fdef] ; mov al, byte [eax*8 + 0x47fdef]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x64
+mov esi, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov esi, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul esi, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], esi
+cmp esi, dword [edx + ref_004967e4] ; cmp esi, dword [edx + 0x4967e4]
+je short loc_00428a8c ; je 0x428a8c
+mov dword [edx + ref_004967e4], esi ; mov dword [edx + 0x4967e4], esi
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 7
+jge short loc_00428ae8 ; jge 0x428ae8
+imul esi, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x54 ; imul esi, dword [0x49910c], 0x54
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+lea edx, [esi + eax]
+mov cl, byte [edx + ref_004967e0] ; mov cl, byte [edx + 0x4967e0]
+cmp cl, 3
+jne short loc_00428a54 ; jne 0x428a54
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [edx + ref_004967e2] ; mov ax, word [edx + 0x4967e2]
+mov al, byte [eax*8 + ref_0047fedf] ; mov al, byte [eax*8 + 0x47fedf]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x64
+mov esi, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov esi, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul esi, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], esi
+mov eax, esi
+cmp eax, dword [edx + ref_004967e4] ; cmp eax, dword [edx + 0x4967e4]
+je short loc_00428a8c ; je 0x428a8c
+mov dword [edx + ref_004967e4], eax ; mov dword [edx + 0x4967e4], eax
+jmp short loc_00428a8c ; jmp 0x428a8c
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ebx, 4
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+test edx, edx
+jne near loc_0042885c ; jne 0x42885c
+xor esi, esi
+xor ebp, ebp
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp esi, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_0042885c ; jge 0x42885c
+test ebp, ebp
+jne near loc_0042885c ; jne 0x42885c
+cmp esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; cmp esi, dword [0x49910c]
+je near loc_00428ca9 ; je 0x428ca9
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je near loc_00428ca9 ; je 0x428ca9
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00428b43 ; jmp 0x428b43
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 7
+jge near loc_00428ca9 ; jge 0x428ca9
+imul edi, esi, 0x54
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+lea edx, [edi + eax]
+mov cl, byte [edx + ref_004967e0] ; mov cl, byte [edx + 0x4967e0]
+cmp cl, 1
+jne short loc_00428bc6 ; jne 0x428bc6
+fild dword [edx + ref_004967e4] ; fild dword [edx + 0x4967e4]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [edx + ref_004967e8] ; mov ax, word [edx + 0x4967e8]
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x14]
+fdivp st1 ; fdivp st(1)
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov dx, word [edx + ref_004967e2] ; mov dx, word [edx + 0x4967e2]
+and edx, 0xffff
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x14]
+fcomp dword [edx + ref_00496994] ; fcomp dword [edx + 0x496994]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_00428b39 ; jae 0x428b39
+push ebx
+push esi
+call fcn_004255da ; call 0x4255da
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne near loc_00428b39 ; jne 0x428b39
+jmp near loc_00428c9a ; jmp 0x428c9a
+cmp cl, 2
+jne near loc_00428b39 ; jne 0x428b39
+mov cx, word [edx + ref_004967e2] ; mov cx, word [edx + 0x4967e2]
+cmp cx, 0xfa0
+jae short loc_00428c06 ; jae 0x428c06
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, cx
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, edx
+xor edi, edi
+mov di, word [eax + 0x1e]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+imul edx, edi
+mov ax, word [eax + 0x1c]
+jmp short loc_00428c34 ; jmp 0x428c34
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, cx
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + 0x24]
+movzx edi, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+imul edx, edi
+mov ax, word [eax + 0x22]
+and eax, 0xffff
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], edx
+imul edi, esi, 0x54
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+lea edx, [edi + eax]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edi
+mov ecx, dword [edx + ref_004967e4] ; mov ecx, dword [edx + 0x4967e4]
+cmp eax, ecx
+jle near loc_00428b39 ; jle 0x428b39
+lea edx, [ecx + ecx]
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; cmp edx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+jge near loc_00428b39 ; jge 0x428b39
+push ebx
+push esi
+call fcn_004255da ; call 0x4255da
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne near loc_00428b39 ; jne 0x428b39
+push ebx
+push esi
+call fcn_004247d5 ; call 0x4247d5
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, 1
+inc esi
+jmp near loc_00428b05 ; jmp 0x428b05
+push ebx
+push esi
+xor esi, esi
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e90] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e90]
+jmp short loc_00428cc1 ; jmp 0x428cc1
+inc esi
+cmp esi, 0xc
+jge short loc_00428cfe ; jge 0x428cfe
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, esi
+cmp word [eax*4 + ref_00496984], 0 ; cmp word [eax*4 + 0x496984], 0
+je short loc_00428cbb ; je 0x428cbb
+mov edx, 1
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e7c]
+add ecx, 0x34
+cmp edx, ebx
+jg short loc_00428cbb ; jg 0x428cbb
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ecx + 0x19]
+cmp eax, esi
+jne short loc_00428cfb ; jne 0x428cfb
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, esi
+mov word [eax*4 + ref_00496984], dx ; mov word [eax*4 + 0x496984], dx
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_00428cde ; jmp 0x428cde
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp dword [ref_004990dc], 0 ; cmp dword [0x4990dc], 0
+jne short loc_00428d21 ; jne 0x428d21
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov ecx, dword [0x497160]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004523d5 ; call 0x4523d5
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_00428d26 ; jne 0x428d26
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0xc
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x24]
+imul ebx, dword [esp + 0x1c], 0x68
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+cmp dword [esp + 0x28], 0
+je short loc_00428d7f ; je 0x428d7f
+mov dword [esp + 8], esi
+fild dword [esp + 8]
+fmul dword [eax + ref_00496994] ; fmul dword [eax + 0x496994]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 4]
+sub word [eax + ref_0049698a], si ; sub word [eax + 0x49698a], si
+sub word [eax + ref_00496988], si ; sub word [eax + 0x496988], si
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+sub dword [ebx + ref_00496b88], eax ; sub dword [ebx + 0x496b88], eax
+jmp short loc_00428db7 ; jmp 0x428db7
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496984] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496984]
+and eax, 0xffff
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e7c]
+add ecx, eax
+mov edi, 0x2710
+mov eax, dword [ecx + 0x24]
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv edi
+mov edx, esi
+imul edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 4], edx
+sub dword [ecx + 0x30], esi
+sub dword [ebx + ref_00496b84], edx ; sub dword [ebx + 0x496b84], edx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 5
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+shl edx, 3
+add edx, eax
+fild dword [edx + ref_004971a0] ; fild dword [edx + 0x4971a0]
+fmul dword [edx + ref_004971a4] ; fmul dword [edx + 0x4971a4]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp]
+add dword [edx + ref_004971a0], esi ; add dword [edx + 0x4971a0], esi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+mov ebx, dword [esp]
+add ebx, eax
+mov dword [esp], ebx
+fild dword [edx + ref_004971a0] ; fild dword [edx + 0x4971a0]
+mov dword [esp + 8], ebx
+fild dword [esp + 8]
+fdivrp st1 ; fdivrp st(1)
+fstp dword [edx + ref_004971a4] ; fstp dword [edx + 0x4971a4]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push edi
+call fcn_004294d5 ; call 0x4294d5
+add esp, 8
+add esp, 0xc
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 8
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 5
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_004971a0] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x4971a0]
+sub edx, ecx
+mov dword [eax + ref_004971a0], edx ; mov dword [eax + 0x4971a0], edx
+jne short loc_00428e5b ; jne 0x428e5b
+mov dword [eax + ref_004971a4], edx ; mov dword [eax + 0x4971a4], edx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [esp + 4], ecx
+fild dword [esp + 4]
+fmul dword [eax*4 + ref_00496994] ; fmul dword [eax*4 + 0x496994]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp]
+add word [eax*4 + ref_0049698a], cx ; add word [eax*4 + 0x49698a], cx
+add word [eax*4 + ref_00496988], cx ; add word [eax*4 + 0x496988], cx
+cmp dword [esp + 0x20], 0
+je short loc_00428ea4 ; je 0x428ea4
+imul edx, dword [esp + 0x14], 0x68
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+add dword [edx + ref_00496b88], eax ; add dword [edx + 0x496b88], eax
+jmp short loc_00428ead ; jmp 0x428ead
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+add dword [ref_00499080], eax ; add dword [0x499080], eax
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+call fcn_004294d5 ; call 0x4294d5
+add esp, 8
+add esp, 8
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+sub esp, 0x10
+fld dword [esp + 0x18]
+fadd dword [ref_00463f88] ; fadd dword [0x463f88]
+fdiv dword [ref_00463f88] ; fdiv dword [0x463f88]
+fmul dword [esp + 0x14]
+fstp dword [esp + 0xc]
+fcomp dword [esp + 0x18]
+fnstsw ax
+jae near loc_00428f77 ; jae 0x428f77
+fld dword [esp + 0xc]
+fsub dword [esp + 0x14]
+fstp dword [esp + 8]
+fld dword [esp + 0xc]
+fcomp dword [ref_00463f8c] ; fcomp dword [0x463f8c]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_00428f28 ; jae 0x428f28
+fld qword [ref_00463fb4] ; fld qword [0x463fb4]
+fld dword [esp + 8]
+call fcn_0045841c ; call 0x45841c
+fld dword [esp + 0xc]
+fstp qword [esp]
+fsubr qword [esp]
+jmp near loc_00429009 ; jmp 0x429009
+fld dword [esp + 0xc]
+fcomp dword [ref_00463f90] ; fcomp dword [0x463f90]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_00428f3f ; jae 0x428f3f
+fld qword [ref_00463fac] ; fld qword [0x463fac]
+jmp short loc_00428f10 ; jmp 0x428f10
+fld dword [esp + 0xc]
+fcomp dword [ref_00463f94] ; fcomp dword [0x463f94]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_00428f56 ; jae 0x428f56
+fld qword [ref_00463fa4] ; fld qword [0x463fa4]
+jmp short loc_00428f10 ; jmp 0x428f10
+fld dword [esp + 0xc]
+fcomp dword [ref_00463f98] ; fcomp dword [0x463f98]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_00428f6d ; jae 0x428f6d
+fld qword [ref_00463f9c] ; fld qword [0x463f9c]
+jmp short loc_00428f10 ; jmp 0x428f10
+fld dword [esp + 8]
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+jmp short loc_00428f14 ; jmp 0x428f14
+fld dword [esp + 0x14]
+fsub dword [esp + 0xc]
+fstp dword [esp + 8]
+fld dword [esp + 0xc]
+fcomp dword [ref_00463f8c] ; fcomp dword [0x463f8c]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_00428fad ; jae 0x428fad
+fld qword [ref_00463fb4] ; fld qword [0x463fb4]
+fld dword [esp + 8]
+call fcn_0045841c ; call 0x45841c
+fld dword [esp + 0xc]
+fstp qword [esp]
+fadd qword [esp]
+jmp short loc_00429009 ; jmp 0x429009
+fld dword [esp + 0xc]
+fcomp dword [ref_00463f90] ; fcomp dword [0x463f90]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_00428fc4 ; jae 0x428fc4
+fld qword [ref_00463fac] ; fld qword [0x463fac]
+jmp short loc_00428f98 ; jmp 0x428f98
+fld dword [esp + 0xc]
+fcomp dword [ref_00463f94] ; fcomp dword [0x463f94]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_00428fdb ; jae 0x428fdb
+fld qword [ref_00463fa4] ; fld qword [0x463fa4]
+jmp short loc_00428f98 ; jmp 0x428f98
+fld dword [esp + 0xc]
+fcomp dword [ref_00463f98] ; fcomp dword [0x463f98]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_00428ff2 ; jae 0x428ff2
+fld qword [ref_00463f9c] ; fld qword [0x463f9c]
+jmp short loc_00428f98 ; jmp 0x428f98
+fld dword [esp + 8]
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+call fcn_0045841c ; call 0x45841c
+fld dword [esp + 0xc]
+fstp qword [esp]
+fadd qword [esp]
+fstp dword [esp + 0xc]
+cmp dword [esp + 0xc], 0x3f800000
+jge short loc_00429021 ; jge 0x429021
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x3f800000
+jmp short loc_00429038 ; jmp 0x429038
+fld dword [esp + 0xc]
+fcomp dword [ref_00463fbc] ; fcomp dword [0x463fbc]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe short loc_00429038 ; jbe 0x429038
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x461c3c00
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov edi, dword [ref_00499100] ; mov edi, dword [0x499100]
+dec edi
+test edi, edi
+jge short loc_0042905b ; jge 0x42905b
+mov edi, 0x8f
+test esi, esi
+je near loc_004290e2 ; je 0x4290e2
+lea ebx, [esi - 1]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496987] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496987]
+test dl, dl
+je near loc_004290da ; je 0x4290da
+test dl, 0xf0
+je short loc_0042908f ; je 0x42908f
+mov dword [eax + ref_0049699c], 0x41200000 ; mov dword [eax + 0x49699c], 0x41200000
+jmp short loc_00429099 ; jmp 0x429099
+mov dword [eax + ref_0049699c], 0xc1200000 ; mov dword [eax + 0x49699c], 0xc1200000
+dec esi
+mov ebx, esi
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, esi
+push dword [ebx*4 + ref_0049699c] ; push dword [ebx*4 + 0x49699c]
+push dword [ebx*4 + ref_00496990] ; push dword [ebx*4 + 0x496990]
+call fcn_00428ec5 ; call 0x428ec5
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+fld dword [esp + 8]
+add esp, 8
+fst dword [ebx*4 + ref_00496994] ; fst dword [ebx*4 + 0x496994]
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+lea ebx, [esi + eax]
+shl ebx, 6
+mov eax, edi
+fstp dword [ebx + eax*4 + ref_00497328] ; fstp dword [ebx + eax*4 + 0x497328]
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov ebp, 0x41200000
+jmp short loc_00429139 ; jmp 0x429139
+mov dword [eax + ref_0049699c], 0xc1200000 ; mov dword [eax + 0x49699c], 0xc1200000
+mov ebx, esi
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, esi
+push dword [ebx*4 + ref_0049699c] ; push dword [ebx*4 + 0x49699c]
+push dword [ebx*4 + ref_00496990] ; push dword [ebx*4 + 0x496990]
+call fcn_00428ec5 ; call 0x428ec5
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+fld dword [esp + 8]
+add esp, 8
+fst dword [ebx*4 + ref_00496994] ; fst dword [ebx*4 + 0x496994]
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+lea ebx, [esi + eax]
+shl ebx, 6
+mov eax, edi
+fstp dword [ebx + eax*4 + ref_00497328] ; fstp dword [ebx + eax*4 + 0x497328]
+inc esi
+cmp esi, 0xc
+jge short loc_004290da ; jge 0x4290da
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496987] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496987]
+test bl, bl
+je short loc_00429133 ; je 0x429133
+test bl, 0xf0
+je short loc_004290e9 ; je 0x4290e9
+mov dword [eax + ref_0049699c], ebp ; mov dword [eax + 0x49699c], ebp
+jmp short loc_004290f3 ; jmp 0x4290f3
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 4
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_00429170 ; jmp 0x429170
+mov word [ebx + ref_0049698a], dx ; mov word [ebx + 0x49698a], dx
+inc esi
+cmp esi, 0xc
+jge short loc_004291d0 ; jge 0x4291d0
+mov ebx, esi
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, esi
+shl ebx, 2
+mov dx, word [ebx + ref_00496988] ; mov dx, word [ebx + 0x496988]
+cmp dx, 0x3e8
+jbe short loc_00429163 ; jbe 0x429163
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 0x7d0
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+add edx, 0x3e8
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496988] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496988]
+mov dword [esp], eax
+fild dword [esp]
+mov dword [esp], edx
+fild dword [esp]
+fdiv dword [ref_00463fc0] ; fdiv dword [0x463fc0]
+fmulp st1 ; fmulp st(1)
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp]
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+mov word [ebx + ref_0049698a], ax ; mov word [ebx + 0x49698a], ax
+jmp short loc_0042916a ; jmp 0x42916a
+add esp, 4
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xc
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp], edx
+call fcn_00428d01 ; call 0x428d01
+cmp eax, 1
+je near loc_004294cd ; je 0x4294cd
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+sub eax, 0x4000
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+fild dword [esp + 8]
+fdiv dword [ref_00463fc4] ; fdiv dword [0x463fc4]
+fstp dword [ref_004990ec] ; fstp dword [0x4990ec]
+xor esi, esi
+mov ebp, 0xc1200000
+mov edi, 0xc1200000
+jmp near loc_00429470 ; jmp 0x429470
+mov dl, byte [ebx + ref_00496987] ; mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x496987]
+test dl, dl
+je short loc_00429248 ; je 0x429248
+test dl, 0xf0
+je short loc_0042923d ; je 0x42923d
+mov dword [ebx + ref_0049699c], 0x41200000 ; mov dword [ebx + 0x49699c], 0x41200000
+jmp near loc_00429413 ; jmp 0x429413
+mov dword [ebx + ref_0049699c], ebp ; mov dword [ebx + 0x49699c], ebp
+jmp near loc_00429413 ; jmp 0x429413
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+sub eax, 0x4000
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+fild dword [esp + 8]
+fdiv dword [ref_00463fc8] ; fdiv dword [0x463fc8]
+fst dword [ebx + ref_004969a0] ; fst dword [ebx + 0x4969a0]
+fmul dword [ebx + ref_00496998] ; fmul dword [ebx + 0x496998]
+fadd dword [ebx + ref_0049699c] ; fadd dword [ebx + 0x49699c]
+fstp dword [ebx + ref_0049699c] ; fstp dword [ebx + 0x49699c]
+fld dword [ref_004990ec] ; fld dword [0x4990ec]
+fadd dword [ebx + ref_0049699c] ; fadd dword [ebx + 0x49699c]
+fstp dword [ebx + ref_0049699c] ; fstp dword [ebx + 0x49699c]
+cmp word [ebx + ref_00496984], 0 ; cmp word [ebx + 0x496984], 0
+je near loc_00429346 ; je 0x429346
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + ref_00496984] ; mov dx, word [ebx + 0x496984]
+imul edx, edx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e7c]
+fild dword [edx + eax + 0x24]
+fdiv dword [ref_00463fd8] ; fdiv dword [0x463fd8]
+fstp dword [esp + 4]
+fld dword [ebx + ref_00496990] ; fld dword [ebx + 0x496990]
+fcomp dword [esp + 4]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe short loc_00429316 ; jbe 0x429316
+fld dword [esp + 4]
+fmul dword [ref_00463fe4] ; fmul dword [0x463fe4]
+fstp dword [esp + 4]
+fld dword [ebx + ref_00496990] ; fld dword [ebx + 0x496990]
+fcomp dword [esp + 4]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe near loc_004293d2 ; jbe 0x4293d2
+fcomp dword [ebx + ref_0049699c] ; fcomp dword [ebx + 0x49699c]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_00429305 ; jae 0x429305
+fld dword [ebx + ref_0049699c] ; fld dword [ebx + 0x49699c]
+fmul dword [ref_00463fcc] ; fmul dword [0x463fcc]
+jmp near loc_004293cc ; jmp 0x4293cc
+fld dword [ebx + ref_0049699c] ; fld dword [ebx + 0x49699c]
+fmul dword [ref_00463fd0] ; fmul dword [0x463fd0]
+jmp near loc_004293cc ; jmp 0x4293cc
+fld dword [esp + 4]
+fmul qword [ref_00463fdc] ; fmul qword [0x463fdc]
+fstp dword [esp + 4]
+fld dword [ebx + ref_00496990] ; fld dword [ebx + 0x496990]
+fcomp dword [esp + 4]
+fnstsw ax
+jae near loc_004293d2 ; jae 0x4293d2
+fcomp dword [ebx + ref_0049699c] ; fcomp dword [ebx + 0x49699c]
+fnstsw ax
+jb short loc_00429305 ; jb 0x429305
+jmp short loc_004292f4 ; jmp 0x4292f4
+mov eax, dword [ebx + ref_0049698c] ; mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x49698c]
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+fld dword [ebx + ref_00496990] ; fld dword [ebx + 0x496990]
+fcomp dword [esp + 4]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe short loc_00429392 ; jbe 0x429392
+fld dword [esp + 4]
+fmul dword [ref_00463fd4] ; fmul dword [0x463fd4]
+fstp dword [esp + 4]
+fld dword [ebx + ref_00496990] ; fld dword [ebx + 0x496990]
+fcomp dword [esp + 4]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe short loc_004293d2 ; jbe 0x4293d2
+fcomp dword [ebx + ref_0049699c] ; fcomp dword [ebx + 0x49699c]
+fnstsw ax
+jb near loc_004292f4 ; jb 0x4292f4
+jmp near loc_00429305 ; jmp 0x429305
+fld dword [esp + 4]
+fmul dword [ref_00463fcc] ; fmul dword [0x463fcc]
+fstp dword [esp + 4]
+fld dword [ebx + ref_00496990] ; fld dword [ebx + 0x496990]
+fcomp dword [esp + 4]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_004293d2 ; jae 0x4293d2
+fcomp dword [ebx + ref_0049699c] ; fcomp dword [ebx + 0x49699c]
+fnstsw ax
+jb near loc_00429305 ; jb 0x429305
+fld dword [ebx + ref_0049699c] ; fld dword [ebx + 0x49699c]
+fmul dword [ref_00463fcc] ; fmul dword [0x463fcc]
+fstp dword [ebx + ref_0049699c] ; fstp dword [ebx + 0x49699c]
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+cmp dword [eax + ref_0049699c], 0x41200000 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x49699c], 0x41200000
+jle short loc_004293f2 ; jle 0x4293f2
+mov dword [eax + ref_0049699c], 0x41200000 ; mov dword [eax + 0x49699c], 0x41200000
+mov ebx, esi
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, esi
+shl ebx, 2
+fld dword [ebx + ref_0049699c] ; fld dword [ebx + 0x49699c]
+fcomp dword [ref_00463fe8] ; fcomp dword [0x463fe8]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_00429413 ; jae 0x429413
+mov dword [ebx + ref_0049699c], edi ; mov dword [ebx + 0x49699c], edi
+mov ebx, esi
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, esi
+push dword [ebx*4 + ref_0049699c] ; push dword [ebx*4 + 0x49699c]
+push dword [ebx*4 + ref_00496990] ; push dword [ebx*4 + 0x496990]
+call fcn_00428ec5 ; call 0x428ec5
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], eax
+fld dword [esp + 0x10]
+add esp, 8
+fstp dword [ebx*4 + ref_00496994] ; fstp dword [ebx*4 + 0x496994]
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+lea edx, [esi + eax]
+shl edx, 6
+mov eax, dword [ref_00499100] ; mov eax, dword [0x499100]
+mov ecx, dword [ebx*4 + ref_00496994] ; mov ecx, dword [ebx*4 + 0x496994]
+mov dword [edx + eax*4 + ref_00497328], ecx ; mov dword [edx + eax*4 + 0x497328], ecx
+fld dword [esp]
+fadd dword [ebx*4 + ref_00496994] ; fadd dword [ebx*4 + 0x496994]
+fstp dword [esp]
+inc esi
+cmp esi, 0xc
+jge short loc_004294a0 ; jge 0x4294a0
+mov ebx, esi
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, esi
+shl ebx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ebx + ref_00496994] ; mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x496994]
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00496990], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x496990], eax
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496986], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496986], 0
+je near loc_0042921f ; je 0x42921f
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ebx + ref_0049699c], edx ; mov dword [ebx + 0x49699c], edx
+jmp near loc_00429413 ; jmp 0x429413
+lea ecx, [eax + 1]
+mov dword [ref_00499100], ecx ; mov dword [0x499100], ecx
+cmp ecx, 0x90
+jne short loc_004294b9 ; jne 0x4294b9
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [ref_00499100], esi ; mov dword [0x499100], esi
+fld dword [esp]
+fmul dword [ref_00463fec] ; fmul dword [0x463fec]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [ref_00499078] ; fistp dword [0x499078]
+add esp, 0xc
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 8
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp], edx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496984] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496984]
+test dx, dx
+jne short loc_00429501 ; jne 0x429501
+xor edx, edx
+jmp near loc_004295e1 ; jmp 0x4295e1
+mov eax, edx
+and eax, 0xffff
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e7c]
+add ebx, eax
+xor ecx, ecx
+jmp short loc_0042951e ; jmp 0x42951e
+mov ecx, eax
+cmp eax, 4
+jge short loc_0042954f ; jge 0x42954f
+lea eax, [ebx + ecx]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x1c]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+inc esi
+lea eax, [ecx + 1]
+cmp edx, esi
+jne short loc_00429517 ; jne 0x429517
+mov edx, 3
+sub edx, ecx
+push edx
+lea edx, [ebx + 0x1c]
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+add edx, ecx
+push edx
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1f], 0
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 5
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov edi, dword [eax + edi*8 + ref_004971a0] ; mov edi, dword [eax + edi*8 + 0x4971a0]
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_004295c0 ; je 0x4295c0
+mov ecx, 2
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp + 4], esi
+jmp short loc_00429584 ; jmp 0x429584
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x1c]
+mov byte [eax + 0x1d], dl
+dec ecx
+test ecx, ecx
+jl short loc_004295b2 ; jl 0x4295b2
+lea eax, [ebx + ecx]
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x1c]
+test dl, dl
+je short loc_0042957f ; je 0x42957f
+movzx esi, dl
+dec esi
+mov edx, esi
+shl edx, 2
+sub edx, esi
+mov esi, edx
+shl esi, 5
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov edx, dword [esi + edx*8 + ref_004971a0] ; mov edx, dword [esi + edx*8 + 0x4971a0]
+cmp edx, edi
+jl short loc_00429579 ; jl 0x429579
+inc ecx
+mov dword [esp + 4], ecx
+mov dl, byte [esp + 0x18]
+inc dl
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+mov byte [ebx + eax + 0x1c], dl
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x18]
+mov dh, byte [ebx + 0x1c]
+cmp al, dh
+je short loc_004295de ; je 0x4295de
+mov byte [ebx + 0x18], dh
+push 0
+call fcn_0040a4e1 ; call 0x40a4e1
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp], 1
+mov edx, dword [esp]
+mov eax, edx
+add esp, 8
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00496990] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x496990]
+mov dword [esp + 8], edx
+mov eax, dword [eax*4 + ref_00496994] ; mov eax, dword [eax*4 + 0x496994]
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+fld dword [esp + 4]
+fcomp dword [esp + 8]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe short loc_0042964f ; jbe 0x42964f
+push 0x41200000
+push edx
+call fcn_00428ec5 ; call 0x428ec5
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], eax
+fld dword [esp + 0x14]
+add esp, 8
+fstp dword [esp]
+fld dword [esp + 4]
+fcomp dword [esp]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_00429646 ; jae 0x429646
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, 1
+add esp, 0x10
+jae short loc_00429688 ; jae 0x429688
+push 0xc1200000
+push edx
+call fcn_00428ec5 ; call 0x428ec5
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], eax
+fld dword [esp + 0x14]
+add esp, 8
+fstp dword [esp]
+fld dword [esp + 4]
+fcomp dword [esp]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe short loc_0042967f ; jbe 0x42967f
+mov eax, 2
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, 3
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, 4
+add esp, 0x10
+mov edx, 2
+fld dword [esp + 4]
+fcomp dword [ref_00463ff0] ; fcomp dword [0x463ff0]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_004296aa ; jae 0x4296aa
+xor edx, edx
+mov eax, edx
+fld dword [esp + 4]
+fcomp dword [ref_00463ff4] ; fcomp dword [0x463ff4]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_004296be ; jae 0x4296be
+mov edx, 1
+mov eax, edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+cmp dword [esp + 4], 0
+jne short loc_00429702 ; jne 0x429702
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xa0a0a0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+jmp short loc_0042976b ; jmp 0x42976b
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c2e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c2e0]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_00429745 ; je 0x429745
+push 0
+push 0x20
+push 0x262
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 5
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+push 0xf
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x20
+push 0x262
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+shl eax, 5
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+push 0xf
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+push 2
+push 0x18
+push 0xa3
+push ref_00463ff8 ; push 0x463ff8
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x18
+push 0xed
+push ref_00463ffd ; push 0x463ffd
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x18
+push 0x157
+push ref_00464002 ; push 0x464002
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+mov dword [ref_0048c2e0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c2e0], eax
+db 0x8b
+db 0xc0
+ref_004297cf: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_004298b9
+dd loc_004298cc
+dd loc_004298f8
+dd loc_00429908
+dd loc_00429934
+ref_004297e3: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_004299af
+dd loc_004299af
+dd loc_004299bf
+dd loc_004299bf
+dd loc_004299cf
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x88
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c2dc]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xa4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add ebx, 0xc
+add ebx, eax
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov byte [esp], 0x24
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+push ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 5]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push 0x18
+push 0x21c
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+test esi, esi
+jne near loc_00429b87 ; jne 0x429b87
+mov ebp, 0x60
+jmp near loc_00429b6c ; jmp 0x429b6c
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xff0000
+jmp near loc_00429942 ; jmp 0x429942
+push 0xd00000
+push 0x14
+push 0x59
+lea eax, [ebp - 0xa]
+push eax
+push 0x90
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_004561be ; call 0x4561be
+add esp, 0x18
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0xf0f0f0
+jmp short loc_00429942 ; jmp 0x429942
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xff00
+jmp short loc_00429942 ; jmp 0x429942
+push 0xd000
+push 0x14
+push 0x59
+lea eax, [ebp - 0xa]
+push eax
+push 0x90
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_004561be ; call 0x4561be
+add esp, 0x18
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+jmp short loc_00429942 ; jmp 0x429942
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov edi, esi
+shl edi, 3
+add edi, esi
+shl edi, 2
+push dword [edi + ref_00496994] ; push dword [edi + 0x496994]
+call fcn_00429691 ; call 0x429691
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0x80], eax
+fld dword [edi + ref_00496994] ; fld dword [edi + 0x496994]
+sub esp, 8
+fstp qword [esp]
+mov edi, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475518] ; mov edi, dword [eax*4 + 0x475518]
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 6
+push ebp
+push 0xe1
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp ebx, 4
+ja short loc_004299e7 ; ja 0x4299e7
+jmp dword [ebx*4 + ref_004297e3] ; ujmp: jmp dword [ebx*4 + 0x4297e3]
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xff0000
+jmp short loc_004299dd ; jmp 0x4299dd
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xff00
+jmp short loc_004299dd ; jmp 0x4299dd
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ebx, esi
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, esi
+shl ebx, 2
+fld dword [ebx + ref_00496994] ; fld dword [ebx + 0x496994]
+fsub dword [ebx + ref_00496990] ; fsub dword [ebx + 0x496990]
+sub esp, 8
+fstp qword [esp]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x88]
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475524] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x475524]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 6
+push ebp
+push 0x131
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496986], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496986], 0
+je short loc_00429a66 ; je 0x429a66
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push ebp
+push 0x170
+push ref_0046400f ; push 0x46400f
+jmp short loc_00429a8f ; jmp 0x429a8f
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_0049698a] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x49698a]
+push eax
+push ref_00464018 ; push 0x464018
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 6
+push ebp
+push 0x191
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, esi
+cmp word [eax*4 + ref_00496984], 0 ; cmp word [eax*4 + 0x496984], 0
+je short loc_00429abb ; je 0x429abb
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0
+jmp short loc_00429ac9 ; jmp 0x429ac9
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 5
+mov ebx, esi
+shl ebx, 3
+add eax, ebx
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_004971a0] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x4971a0]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_00429b5f ; je 0x429b5f
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push ebp
+push 0x1f8
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 5
+fld dword [ebx + eax + ref_004971a4] ; fld dword [ebx + eax + 0x4971a4]
+sub esp, 8
+fstp qword [esp]
+push ref_00463f64 ; push 0x463f64
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 6
+push ebp
+push 0x261
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc esi
+add ebp, 0x20
+cmp esi, 0xc
+jge near loc_00429d4a ; jge 0x429d4a
+push esi
+call fcn_004295ea ; call 0x4295ea
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+cmp eax, 4
+ja near loc_0042994c ; ja 0x42994c
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_004297cf] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x4297cf]
+xor esi, esi
+mov ebp, 0x60
+jmp near loc_00429ccd ; jmp 0x429ccd
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov edx, ebx
+shl edx, 2
+sub edx, ebx
+shl edx, 5
+mov eax, esi
+mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_004971a0] ; mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x4971a0]
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, esi
+cmp word [eax*4 + ref_00496984], 0 ; cmp word [eax*4 + 0x496984], 0
+je short loc_00429c24 ; je 0x429c24
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x84]
+mov al, byte [edx + 0x18]
+lea edx, [ebx + 1]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_00429c24 ; jne 0x429c24
+push 0xff
+push 0x14
+push 0x40
+lea eax, [ebp - 0xa]
+push eax
+lea eax, [edi - 0x38]
+push eax
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_004561be ; call 0x4561be
+add esp, 0x18
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0xf0f000
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 6
+push ebp
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+add edi, 0x50
+jmp near loc_00429cf9 ; jmp 0x429cf9
+cmp word [eax + ref_00496984], 0 ; cmp word [eax + 0x496984], 0
+je near loc_00429d30 ; je 0x429d30
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x84]
+mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x30]
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push ebp
+push 0x208
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x84]
+mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x28]
+push ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push ebp
+push 0x261
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc esi
+add ebp, 0x20
+cmp esi, 0xc
+jge short loc_00429d4a ; jge 0x429d4a
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, esi
+mov ax, word [eax*4 + ref_00496984] ; mov ax, word [eax*4 + 0x496984]
+and eax, 0xffff
+imul edx, eax, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e7c]
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x84], eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov edi, 0xc0
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_00429c40 ; jge 0x429c40
+cmp word [eax + ref_00496984], 0 ; cmp word [eax + 0x496984], 0
+je near loc_00429b93 ; je 0x429b93
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0
+jmp near loc_00429ba1 ; jmp 0x429ba1
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+jmp near loc_00429cc1 ; jmp 0x429cc1
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+add esp, 0x88
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10c
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x124]
+cmp eax, 0x202
+jb short loc_00429da0 ; jb 0x429da0
+jbe near loc_0042aa08 ; jbe 0x42aa08
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb near loc_0042aab0 ; jb 0x42aab0
+jbe near loc_0042aa08 ; jbe 0x42aa08
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_00429dae ; je 0x429dae
+jmp near loc_0042aab0 ; jmp 0x42aab0
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je near loc_0042aa31 ; je 0x42aa31
+jmp near loc_0042aab0 ; jmp 0x42aab0
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x12c]
+mov byte [ref_0048c2e4], al ; mov byte [0x48c2e4], al
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x1a
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0x34
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0x265
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0x1ab
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc0]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451e7e ; call 0x451e7e
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048c2e5], eax ; mov dword [0x48c2e5], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x34
+push 0x1a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x52
+push 0x140
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c2e4] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c2e4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov ebp, dword [eax*4 + ref_00496980] ; mov ebp, dword [eax*4 + 0x496980]
+push ebp
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c2e4] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c2e4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496984] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496984]
+test dx, dx
+je near loc_00429fc5 ; je 0x429fc5
+mov eax, edx
+and eax, 0xffff
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e7c]
+add esi, eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b6]
+shl eax, 2
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b8]
+add edx, eax
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [esi + 0x1a]
+mov bl, byte [ebx + eax*4 + (ref_00475530 - 1)] ; mov bl, byte [ebx + eax*4 + 0x47552f]
+and ebx, 0xff
+cmp ebx, 0xf
+jne short loc_00429ef6 ; jne 0x429ef6
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x19]
+sub eax, 3
+add ebx, eax
+cmp ebx, 0x18
+jne short loc_00429f05 ; jne 0x429f05
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x19]
+sub eax, 2
+add ebx, eax
+push 0x6b
+push 0x32
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c2dc]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov edx, dword [esi + 0x28]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push 0x7b
+push 0x135
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00499084] ; mov ecx, dword [0x499084]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_00429f6d ; je 0x429f6d
+mov edx, dword [esi + 0x2c]
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+push eax
+jmp short loc_00429f71 ; jmp 0x429f71
+mov ebx, dword [esi + 0x2c]
+push ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push 0xa2
+push 0x135
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp byte [esi + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_00429fc5 ; je 0x429fc5
+push 2
+push 0xcb
+push 0x10d
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x18]
+dec eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ebp
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c2e4] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c2e4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+push dword [eax*4 + ref_00496994] ; push dword [eax*4 + 0x496994]
+call fcn_00429691 ; call 0x429691
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c2e4] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c2e4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+fld dword [eax*4 + ref_00496994] ; fld dword [eax*4 + 0x496994]
+sub esp, 8
+fstp qword [esp]
+mov eax, dword [ebx*4 + ref_00475518] ; mov eax, dword [ebx*4 + 0x475518]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 6
+push 0x7b
+push 0x1c5
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c2e4] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c2e4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+fld dword [eax*4 + ref_00496994] ; fld dword [eax*4 + 0x496994]
+fsub dword [eax*4 + ref_00496990] ; fsub dword [eax*4 + 0x496990]
+fst dword [esp + 0xdc]
+sub esp, 8
+fstp qword [esp]
+mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + ref_00475524] ; mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + 0x475524]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 6
+push 0xa2
+push 0x1c5
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c2e4] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c2e4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov ax, word [eax*4 + ref_0049698a] ; mov ax, word [eax*4 + 0x49698a]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push ref_00464018 ; push 0x464018
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 6
+push 0x7b
+push 0x24d
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c2e4] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c2e4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+fld dword [esp + 0xdc]
+fdiv dword [eax*4 + ref_00496990] ; fdiv dword [eax*4 + 0x496990]
+fmul dword [ref_0046401c] ; fmul dword [0x46401c]
+fst dword [esp + 0xe4]
+sub esp, 8
+fstp qword [esp]
+push ref_00463f64 ; push 0x463f64
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 6
+push 0xa2
+push 0x24d
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor esi, esi
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00499100] ; mov ebx, dword [0x499100]
+mov dword [esp + 0x104], esi
+xor edx, edx
+jmp short loc_0042a147 ; jmp 0x42a147
+inc esi
+cmp esi, 6
+jge short loc_0042a18d ; jge 0x42a18d
+dec ebx
+test ebx, ebx
+jge short loc_0042a151 ; jge 0x42a151
+mov ebx, 0x8f
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [ref_0048c2e4] ; mov cl, byte [0x48c2e4]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 3
+add ecx, eax
+shl ecx, 6
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+test dword [eax + ref_00497328], 0x7fffffff ; test dword [eax + 0x497328], 0x7fffffff
+je short loc_0042a141 ; je 0x42a141
+fld dword [esp + 0x104]
+fadd dword [eax + ref_00497328] ; fadd dword [eax + 0x497328]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x104]
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_0042a141 ; jmp 0x42a141
+mov dword [esp + 0x108], edx
+fild dword [esp + 0x108]
+fdivr dword [esp + 0x104]
+fst dword [esp + 0x104]
+sub esp, 8
+fstp qword [esp]
+mov edx, dword [edi*4 + ref_00475518] ; mov edx, dword [edi*4 + 0x475518]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 6
+push 0xcb
+push 0x1c5
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor esi, esi
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00499100] ; mov ebx, dword [0x499100]
+mov dword [esp + 0x104], esi
+xor edx, edx
+jmp short loc_0042a1f8 ; jmp 0x42a1f8
+inc esi
+cmp esi, 0x18
+jge short loc_0042a23e ; jge 0x42a23e
+dec ebx
+test ebx, ebx
+jge short loc_0042a202 ; jge 0x42a202
+mov ebx, 0x8f
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [ref_0048c2e4] ; mov cl, byte [0x48c2e4]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ecx
+shl eax, 6
+mov ecx, ebx
+shl ecx, 2
+add eax, ecx
+test dword [eax + ref_00497328], 0x7fffffff ; test dword [eax + 0x497328], 0x7fffffff
+je short loc_0042a1f2 ; je 0x42a1f2
+fld dword [esp + 0x104]
+fadd dword [eax + ref_00497328] ; fadd dword [eax + 0x497328]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x104]
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_0042a1f2 ; jmp 0x42a1f2
+mov dword [esp + 0x108], edx
+fild dword [esp + 0x108]
+fdivr dword [esp + 0x104]
+fst dword [esp + 0x104]
+sub esp, 8
+fstp qword [esp]
+mov edx, dword [edi*4 + ref_00475518] ; mov edx, dword [edi*4 + 0x475518]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 6
+push 0xcb
+push 0x24d
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0xf0], esi
+mov dword [esp + 0xf4], 0x461c4000
+jmp short loc_0042a2b3 ; jmp 0x42a2b3
+inc esi
+cmp esi, 0x90
+jge near loc_0042a32f ; jge 0x42a32f
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c2e4] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c2e4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 6
+mov ebx, esi
+shl ebx, 2
+add ebx, eax
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + ref_00497328] ; mov ebp, dword [ebx + 0x497328]
+test ebp, 0x7fffffff
+je short loc_0042a2a6 ; je 0x42a2a6
+fld dword [ebx + ref_00497328] ; fld dword [ebx + 0x497328]
+fcomp dword [esp + 0xf0]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe short loc_0042a2f3 ; jbe 0x42a2f3
+mov dword [esp + 0xf0], ebp
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2e4] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2e4]
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 6
+mov ebx, esi
+shl ebx, 2
+add ebx, eax
+fld dword [ebx + ref_00497328] ; fld dword [ebx + 0x497328]
+fcomp dword [esp + 0xf4]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_0042a2a6 ; jae 0x42a2a6
+mov eax, dword [ebx + ref_00497328] ; mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x497328]
+mov dword [esp + 0xf4], eax
+jmp near loc_0042a2a6 ; jmp 0x42a2a6
+fld dword [esp + 0xf0]
+sub esp, 8
+fstp qword [esp]
+mov eax, dword [edi*4 + ref_00475518] ; mov eax, dword [edi*4 + 0x475518]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 6
+push 0xf3
+push 0x24d
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+fld dword [esp + 0xf4]
+sub esp, 8
+fstp qword [esp]
+mov edx, dword [edi*4 + ref_00475518] ; mov edx, dword [edi*4 + 0x475518]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 6
+push 0x11b
+push 0x24d
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xd8]
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x44] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 1
+push 0
+call dword [cs:__imp__CreatePen@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462290]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+push ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__SelectObject@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622b4]
+push 0
+push 0x16d
+push 0x19e
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__MoveToEx@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622ac]
+push 0x174
+push 0x19e
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__LineTo@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622a8]
+push 0
+push 0x16d
+push 0x24e
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__MoveToEx@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622ac]
+push 0x174
+push 0x24e
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__LineTo@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622a8]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 5
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2e4] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2e4]
+fild dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_004971a0] ; fild dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x4971a0]
+fdiv dword [ref_00464020] ; fdiv dword [0x464020]
+fstp dword [esp + 0xe4]
+fcomp dword [esp + 0xe4]
+fnstsw ax
+jae near loc_0042a658 ; jae 0x42a658
+cmp dword [esp + 0xe4], 0x3f800000
+jge near loc_0042a658 ; jge 0x42a658
+fld dword [esp + 0xe4]
+fmul qword [ref_00464024] ; fmul qword [0x464024]
+fsubr qword [ref_0046402c] ; fsubr qword [0x46402c]
+fst qword [esp + 0xd0]
+call fcn_0045844e ; call 0x45844e
+fld qword [esp + 0xd0]
+call fcn_00458458 ; call 0x458458
+fstp qword [esp + 0xd0]
+fmul qword [ref_00464034] ; fmul qword [0x464034]
+fadd qword [ref_0046403c] ; fadd qword [0x46403c]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0xfc]
+fld qword [esp + 0xd0]
+fmul qword [ref_00464044] ; fmul qword [0x464044]
+fsubr qword [ref_0046404c] ; fsubr qword [0x46404c]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x100]
+push 0xd00000
+call dword [cs:__imp__CreateSolidBrush@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462294]
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__SelectObject@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622b4]
+push 0x191
+push 0x24f
+push 0x157
+push 0x19e
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xe8]
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__Ellipse@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46229c]
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x100]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x100]
+push eax
+push 0x150
+push 0x1f6
+push 0x18a
+push 0x24f
+push 0x150
+push 0x19e
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xf8]
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__Pie@36] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622b0]
+push 0xd0
+call dword [cs:__imp__CreateSolidBrush@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462294]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+push ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__SelectObject@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622b4]
+push 0x150
+push 0x1f6
+mov ebx, ebp
+push ebp
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x108]
+push esi
+push 0x18a
+push 0x24f
+push 0x150
+push 0x19e
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xf8]
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__Pie@36] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622b0]
+mov eax, ebx
+cmp eax, 0x16d
+jl short loc_0042a611 ; jl 0x42a611
+push 0
+push eax
+push esi
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__MoveToEx@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622ac]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x100]
+add eax, 7
+push eax
+push esi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__LineTo@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622a8]
+fld dword [esp + 0xe4]
+fcomp qword [ref_00464054] ; fcomp qword [0x464054]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe near loc_0042a724 ; jbe 0x42a724
+cmp dword [esp + 0xfc], 0x24d
+jge near loc_0042a724 ; jge 0x42a724
+push 0
+push 0x176
+push 0x24d
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__FloodFill@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622a0]
+jmp near loc_0042a724 ; jmp 0x42a724
+test dword [esp + 0xe4], 0x7fffffff
+jne short loc_0042a6c2 ; jne 0x42a6c2
+push 0xd00000
+call dword [cs:__imp__CreateSolidBrush@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462294]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__SelectObject@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622b4]
+push 0x191
+push 0x24f
+push 0x157
+push 0x19e
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe8]
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__Ellipse@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46229c]
+push 0x18a
+push 0x24f
+push 0x150
+push 0x19e
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xe8]
+push ecx
+jmp short loc_0042a71d ; jmp 0x42a71d
+push 0xd0
+call dword [cs:__imp__CreateSolidBrush@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462294]
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__SelectObject@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622b4]
+push 0x191
+push 0x24f
+push 0x157
+push 0x19e
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xe8]
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__Ellipse@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46229c]
+push 0x18a
+push 0x24f
+push 0x150
+push 0x19e
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xe8]
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__Ellipse@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46229c]
+push 0xffffff
+push 1
+push 0
+call dword [cs:__imp__CreatePen@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462290]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+push ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__SelectObject@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622b4]
+fld dword [esp + 0xf0]
+fadd dword [esp + 0xf4]
+fmul dword [ref_0046405c] ; fmul dword [0x46405c]
+fstp dword [esp + 0xec]
+fld dword [esp + 0xf0]
+fsub dword [esp + 0xf4]
+fst dword [esp + 0xe0]
+fdiv dword [esp + 0xec]
+fcomp qword [ref_00464064] ; fcomp qword [0x464064]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe short loc_0042a795 ; jbe 0x42a795
+fld dword [ref_0046407c] ; fld dword [0x46407c]
+fdiv dword [esp + 0xe0]
+jmp short loc_0042a7a8 ; jmp 0x42a7a8
+fld dword [esp + 0xec]
+fmul qword [ref_0046406c] ; fmul qword [0x46406c]
+fdivr qword [ref_00464074] ; fdivr qword [0x464074]
+fstp dword [esp + 0xe8]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c2e4] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c2e4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 6
+mov edx, dword [ref_00499100] ; mov edx, dword [0x499100]
+test dword [eax + edx*4 + ref_00497328], 0x7fffffff ; test dword [eax + edx*4 + 0x497328], 0x7fffffff
+jne short loc_0042a7d8 ; jne 0x42a7d8
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0042a7da ; jmp 0x42a7da
+mov ebx, edx
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0xf8], 0x42b80000
+jmp short loc_0042a834 ; jmp 0x42a834
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x100]
+push ecx
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x100]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__LineTo@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622a8]
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0x90
+jne short loc_0042a813 ; jne 0x42a813
+xor ebx, ebx
+inc esi
+fld dword [esp + 0xf8]
+fadd dword [ref_00464084] ; fadd dword [0x464084]
+fstp dword [esp + 0xf8]
+cmp esi, 0x90
+jge near loc_0042a8bf ; jge 0x42a8bf
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c2e4] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c2e4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 6
+mov edx, ebx
+shl edx, 2
+add eax, edx
+test dword [eax + ref_00497328], 0x7fffffff ; test dword [eax + 0x497328], 0x7fffffff
+je short loc_0042a8bf ; je 0x42a8bf
+fld dword [esp + 0xf8]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0xfc]
+fld dword [eax + ref_00497328] ; fld dword [eax + 0x497328]
+fsub dword [esp + 0xec]
+fmul dword [esp + 0xe8]
+fsubr dword [ref_00464080] ; fsubr dword [0x464080]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x100]
+test esi, esi
+jne near loc_0042a7e9 ; jne 0x42a7e9
+push esi
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x104]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x104]
+push ecx
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__MoveToEx@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622ac]
+jmp near loc_0042a808 ; jmp 0x42a808
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xd8]
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x68] ; ucall
+push 1
+push 1
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0xc
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+fld dword [esp + 0xf0]
+fsub dword [esp + 0xec]
+fmul dword [esp + 0xe8]
+fsubr dword [ref_00464080] ; fsubr dword [0x464080]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x100]
+fld dword [esp + 0xf0]
+sub esp, 8
+fstp qword [esp]
+mov ebx, dword [edi*4 + ref_00475518] ; mov ebx, dword [edi*4 + 0x475518]
+push ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 6
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x104]
+sub eax, 8
+push eax
+push 0x58
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+fld dword [esp + 0xf4]
+fsub dword [esp + 0xec]
+fmul dword [esp + 0xe8]
+fsubr dword [ref_00464080] ; fsubr dword [0x464080]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x100]
+fld dword [esp + 0xf4]
+sub esp, 8
+fstp qword [esp]
+mov esi, dword [edi*4 + ref_00475518] ; mov esi, dword [edi*4 + 0x475518]
+push esi
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 6
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x104]
+add eax, 8
+push eax
+push 0x58
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x128]
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x10c
+jmp near loc_0042b3e4 ; jmp 0x42b3e4
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0x34
+push 0x1a
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c2e5] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c2e5]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00451edb ; call 0x451edb
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0042a9fb ; jmp 0x42a9fb
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x124]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 0x88]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x8c]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x88]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x124]
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_0042a9fb ; jmp 0x42a9fb
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x12c]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x12c]
+push edi
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x12c]
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_0042a9fd ; jmp 0x42a9fd
+db 0x8b
+db 0xc0
+ref_0042aad7: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_0042adf3
+dd loc_0042adde
+dd loc_0042adde
+dd loc_0042adde
+dd loc_0042ae26
+ref_0042aaeb: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_0042aec4
+dd loc_0042aee4
+dd loc_0042afff
+dd loc_0042b0b7
+dd loc_0042b0c2
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x54
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x68]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x74]
+cmp eax, 0x202
+jb short loc_0042ab59 ; jb 0x42ab59
+jbe near loc_0042ae8d ; jbe 0x42ae8d
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb short loc_0042ab49 ; jb 0x42ab49
+jbe near loc_0042b22f ; jbe 0x42b22f
+cmp eax, 0x401
+jb near loc_0042b2d8 ; jb 0x42b2d8
+jbe short loc_0042ab75 ; jbe 0x42ab75
+cmp eax, 0x40b
+je near loc_0042b203 ; je 0x42b203
+jmp near loc_0042b2d8 ; jmp 0x42b2d8
+cmp eax, 0x203
+je near loc_0042ad6c ; je 0x42ad6c
+jmp near loc_0042b2d8 ; jmp 0x42b2d8
+cmp eax, 0x200
+jb short loc_0042ab67 ; jb 0x42ab67
+jbe short loc_0042abbb ; jbe 0x42abbb
+jmp near loc_0042ad6c ; jmp 0x42ad6c
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je near loc_0042b27a ; je 0x42b27a
+jmp near loc_0042b2d8 ; jmp 0x42b2d8
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c2e9], ah ; mov byte [0x48c2e9], ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c2ea], ah ; mov byte [0x48c2ea], ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c2eb], ah ; mov byte [0x48c2eb], ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c2ec], ah ; mov byte [0x48c2ec], ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c2ed], dl ; mov byte [0x48c2ed], dl
+push 0
+call fcn_004297f7 ; call 0x4297f7
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2eb] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2eb]
+push eax
+call fcn_004296c1 ; call 0x4296c1
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+jmp near loc_0042b1ef ; jmp 0x42b1ef
+cmp byte [ref_0048c2ed], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c2ed], 0
+je near loc_0042acfb ; je 0x42acfb
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, dx
+mov eax, edx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, ax
+cmp ecx, 0xf
+jle near loc_0042ad05 ; jle 0x42ad05
+cmp ecx, 0x271
+jge near loc_0042ad05 ; jge 0x42ad05
+cmp edx, 0x50
+jle near loc_0042ad05 ; jle 0x42ad05
+cmp edx, 0x1d0
+jge near loc_0042ad05 ; jge 0x42ad05
+sub edx, 0x50
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+shl edx, 5
+sbb eax, edx
+sar eax, 5
+lea ebx, [eax + 1]
+mov edi, 0xf
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], edi
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x271
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+mov edx, ref_0048a068 ; mov edx, 0x48a068
+push edx
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edx
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+cmp byte [ref_0048c2ea], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c2ea], 0
+je short loc_0042ac9e ; je 0x42ac9e
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2ea] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2ea]
+shl eax, 5
+add eax, 0x30
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+add eax, 0x20
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+push 0
+push 0x20
+push 0x262
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x50]
+push ecx
+push edi
+mov eax, ref_0046caec ; mov eax, 0x46caec
+push eax
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 5
+lea edx, [eax + 0x30]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], edx
+add eax, 0x50
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x20
+push 0x262
+push edx
+push 0xf
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov byte [ref_0048c2ea], bl ; mov byte [0x48c2ea], bl
+add bl, 0xa
+mov byte [ref_0048c2e9], bl ; mov byte [0x48c2e9], bl
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x54
+jmp near loc_0042b3e4 ; jmp 0x42b3e4
+mov cl, byte [ref_0048c2ea] ; mov cl, byte [0x48c2ea]
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_0042ad5c ; je 0x42ad5c
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0xf
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x271
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, cl
+shl eax, 5
+lea edx, [eax + 0x30]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], edx
+add eax, 0x50
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+push 0
+push 0x20
+push 0x262
+push edx
+push 0xf
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor ch, ch
+mov byte [ref_0048c2e9], ch ; mov byte [0x48c2e9], ch
+mov byte [ref_0048c2ea], ch ; mov byte [0x48c2ea], ch
+jmp short loc_0042acfb ; jmp 0x42acfb
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, dx
+mov eax, edx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, ax
+cmp edx, 0x27
+jge near loc_0042ae2c ; jge 0x42ae2c
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0042ad93 ; jmp 0x42ad93
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 5
+jge short loc_0042adc0 ; jge 0x42adc0
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 4
+cmp ecx, dword [eax + ref_004754c8] ; cmp ecx, dword [eax + 0x4754c8]
+jle short loc_0042ad8d ; jle 0x42ad8d
+cmp ecx, dword [eax + ref_004754d0] ; cmp ecx, dword [eax + 0x4754d0]
+jge short loc_0042ad8d ; jge 0x42ad8d
+cmp edx, dword [eax + ref_004754cc] ; cmp edx, dword [eax + 0x4754cc]
+jle short loc_0042ad8d ; jle 0x42ad8d
+cmp edx, dword [eax + ref_004754d4] ; cmp edx, dword [eax + 0x4754d4]
+jge short loc_0042ad8d ; jge 0x42ad8d
+inc bl
+mov byte [ref_0048c2e9], bl ; mov byte [0x48c2e9], bl
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c2e9] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c2e9]
+mov al, dl
+dec al
+cmp al, 4
+ja near loc_0042acfb ; ja 0x42acfb
+and eax, 0xff
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_0042aad7] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x42aad7]
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c2eb] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c2eb]
+test dl, dl
+jne short loc_0042adf3 ; jne 0x42adf3
+mov byte [ref_0048c2e9], dl ; mov byte [0x48c2e9], dl
+jmp near loc_0042acfb ; jmp 0x42acfb
+cmp byte [ref_0048c2ed], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c2ed], 0
+jne short loc_0042ae19 ; jne 0x42ae19
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2e9] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2e9]
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, 0x10
+add eax, ref_004754c8 ; add eax, 0x4754c8
+push eax
+call fcn_00451b9e ; call 0x451b9e
+jmp near loc_0042b19c ; jmp 0x42b19c
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [ref_0048c2e9], bh ; mov byte [0x48c2e9], bh
+jmp near loc_0042acfb ; jmp 0x42acfb
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, dl
+jmp short loc_0042ae03 ; jmp 0x42ae03
+cmp ecx, 0xf
+jle near loc_0042acfb ; jle 0x42acfb
+cmp ecx, 0x271
+jge near loc_0042acfb ; jge 0x42acfb
+cmp edx, 0x50
+jle near loc_0042acfb ; jle 0x42acfb
+cmp edx, 0x1d0
+jge near loc_0042acfb ; jge 0x42acfb
+cmp byte [ref_0048c2ec], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c2ec], 0
+jne near loc_0042acfb ; jne 0x42acfb
+cmp byte [ref_0048c2ed], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c2ed], 0
+jne near loc_0042acfb ; jne 0x42acfb
+sub edx, 0x50
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+shl edx, 5
+sbb eax, edx
+sar eax, 5
+add eax, 0xb
+mov byte [ref_0048c2e9], al ; mov byte [0x48c2e9], al
+jmp near loc_0042acfb ; jmp 0x42acfb
+mov ah, byte [ref_0048c2e9] ; mov ah, byte [0x48c2e9]
+test ah, ah
+je near loc_0042acfb ; je 0x42acfb
+cmp ah, 0xa
+jae near loc_0042b0da ; jae 0x42b0da
+call fcn_00451d4e ; call 0x451d4e
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2e9] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2e9]
+dec al
+cmp al, 4
+ja near loc_0042b0d3 ; ja 0x42b0d3
+and eax, 0xff
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_0042aaeb] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x42aaeb]
+mov cl, byte [ref_0048c2ec] ; mov cl, byte [0x48c2ec]
+xor cl, 1
+mov byte [ref_0048c2ec], cl ; mov byte [0x48c2ec], cl
+xor ch, ch
+mov byte [ref_0048c2eb], ch ; mov byte [0x48c2eb], ch
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, cl
+jmp near loc_0042afd5 ; jmp 0x42afd5
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c2eb] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c2eb]
+dec edx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+cmp byte [eax*4 + ref_00496986], 0 ; cmp byte [eax*4 + 0x496986], 0
+jne near loc_0042b0d3 ; jne 0x42b0d3
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2eb] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2eb]
+dec eax
+push eax
+call fcn_004295ea ; call 0x4295ea
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_0042af30 ; jne 0x42af30
+push 0x800003e8
+mov eax, ref_00464088 ; mov eax, 0x464088
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_0042b0d3 ; jmp 0x42b0d3
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2eb] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2eb]
+lea edx, [eax - 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [eax*4 + ref_0049698a] ; mov cx, word [eax*4 + 0x49698a]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2eb] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2eb]
+lea edx, [eax - 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+fild dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; fild dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+fdiv dword [edx + ref_00496994] ; fdiv dword [edx + 0x496994]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x50]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x50]
+cmp ecx, edi
+jge short loc_0042af87 ; jge 0x42af87
+mov eax, ecx
+jmp short loc_0042af89 ; jmp 0x42af89
+mov eax, edi
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0042b0d3 ; je 0x42b0d3
+push eax
+call fcn_00453544 ; call 0x453544
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0042b0d3 ; je 0x42b0d3
+push 0
+push ref_00475590 ; push 0x475590
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push ebx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2eb] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2eb]
+dec eax
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00428d2a ; call 0x428d2a
+add esp, 0x10
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2ec] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2ec]
+push eax
+call fcn_004297f7 ; call 0x4297f7
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2eb] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2eb]
+push eax
+call fcn_004296c1 ; call 0x4296c1
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_0042b0d3 ; jmp 0x42b0d3
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c2eb] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c2eb]
+mov ebx, edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+shl eax, 5
+cmp dword [eax + ebx*8 + ref_00497198], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + ebx*8 + 0x497198], 0
+je near loc_0042b0d3 ; je 0x42b0d3
+dec edx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+cmp byte [eax*4 + ref_00496986], 0 ; cmp byte [eax*4 + 0x496986], 0
+jne near loc_0042b0d3 ; jne 0x42b0d3
+push edx
+call fcn_004295ea ; call 0x4295ea
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 3
+jne short loc_0042b05a ; jne 0x42b05a
+push 0x800003e8
+mov eax, ref_00464097 ; mov eax, 0x464097
+jmp near loc_0042af22 ; jmp 0x42af22
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2eb] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2eb]
+mov ecx, eax
+shl ecx, 3
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 5
+mov ebp, dword [ecx + eax + ref_00497198] ; mov ebp, dword [ecx + eax + 0x497198]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00453544 ; call 0x453544
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0042b0d3 ; je 0x42b0d3
+push 0
+push ref_00475598 ; push 0x475598
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push ebx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2eb] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2eb]
+dec eax
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00428e23 ; call 0x428e23
+jmp near loc_0042afcb ; jmp 0x42afcb
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x40b
+jmp short loc_0042b0cb ; jmp 0x42b0cb
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x205
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+xor al, al
+jmp near loc_0042ae83 ; jmp 0x42ae83
+cmp byte [ref_0048c2ed], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c2ed], 0
+je near loc_0042b1a4 ; je 0x42b1a4
+mov al, ah
+sub al, 0xa
+mov byte [ref_0048c2eb], al ; mov byte [0x48c2eb], al
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+cmp byte [ref_0048c2ed], 1 ; cmp byte [0x48c2ed], 1
+jne short loc_0042b11e ; jne 0x42b11e
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2eb] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2eb]
+lea edx, [eax - 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov byte [eax*4 + ref_00496987], 0x20 ; mov byte [eax*4 + 0x496987], 0x20
+jmp short loc_0042b137 ; jmp 0x42b137
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2eb] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2eb]
+lea edx, [eax - 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov byte [eax*4 + ref_00496987], 2 ; mov byte [eax*4 + 0x496987], 2
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2eb] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2eb]
+push eax
+call fcn_00429040 ; call 0x429040
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_004297f7 ; call 0x4297f7
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_004296c1 ; call 0x4296c1
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+push ref_0046cadc ; push 0x46cadc
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0046cae0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x46cae0]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0046cadc] ; mov esi, dword [0x46cadc]
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push 0x3e8
+call fcn_0045285e ; call 0x45285e
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2eb] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2eb]
+push eax
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0042acfb ; jmp 0x42acfb
+mov bl, byte [ref_0048c2eb] ; mov bl, byte [0x48c2eb]
+test bl, bl
+je short loc_0042b1d6 ; je 0x42b1d6
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2e9] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2e9]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, bl
+sub eax, 0xa
+cmp edx, eax
+jne short loc_0042b1d6 ; jne 0x42b1d6
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x40b
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+jmp near loc_0042acfb ; jmp 0x42acfb
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2e9] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2e9]
+sub al, 0xa
+mov byte [ref_0048c2eb], al ; mov byte [0x48c2eb], al
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2eb] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2eb]
+push eax
+call fcn_004296c1 ; call 0x4296c1
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_0042acfb ; jmp 0x42acfb
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c2eb] ; mov al, byte [0x48c2eb]
+dec eax
+push eax
+push fcn_00429d65 ; push 0x429d65
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+jmp near loc_0042b19c ; jmp 0x42b19c
+mov cl, byte [ref_0048c2ec] ; mov cl, byte [0x48c2ec]
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_0042b25a ; je 0x42b25a
+mov ch, cl
+xor ch, 1
+mov byte [ref_0048c2ec], ch ; mov byte [0x48c2ec], ch
+xor al, al
+mov byte [ref_0048c2eb], al ; mov byte [0x48c2eb], al
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, ch
+push eax
+call fcn_004297f7 ; call 0x4297f7
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0042b1e2 ; jmp 0x42b1e2
+push 0
+push ref_00482332 ; push 0x482332
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+jmp near loc_0042b197 ; jmp 0x42b197
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea edx, [esp + 0xc]
+push edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0dc]
+push edi
+call dword [eax + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_0042acfb ; jmp 0x42acfb
+push edx
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x74]
+push ebp
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_0042acfd ; jmp 0x42acfd
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x40
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x54]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x58]
+cmp eax, 0x202
+jb short loc_0042b321 ; jb 0x42b321
+jbe near loc_0042b385 ; jbe 0x42b385
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb near loc_0042b3ce ; jb 0x42b3ce
+jbe short loc_0042b385 ; jbe 0x42b385
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_0042b32b ; je 0x42b32b
+jmp near loc_0042b3ce ; jmp 0x42b3ce
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je short loc_0042b391 ; je 0x42b391
+jmp near loc_0042b3ce ; jmp 0x42b3ce
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+call fcn_004296c1 ; call 0x4296c1
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp short loc_0042b3ca ; jmp 0x42b3ca
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0042b3ca ; jmp 0x42b3ca
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebp
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+xor eax, eax
+jmp short loc_0042b3e1 ; jmp 0x42b3e1
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x60]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x60]
+push esi
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+add esp, 0x40
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x40
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x54]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x58]
+cmp eax, 0x202
+jb short loc_0042b424 ; jb 0x42b424
+jbe near loc_0042b524 ; jbe 0x42b524
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb near loc_0042b580 ; jb 0x42b580
+jbe near loc_0042b524 ; jbe 0x42b524
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_0042b443 ; je 0x42b443
+jmp near loc_0042b580 ; jmp 0x42b580
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jb near loc_0042b580 ; jb 0x42b580
+jbe near loc_0042b542 ; jbe 0x42b542
+cmp eax, 0x113
+je near loc_0042b4db ; je 0x42b4db
+jmp near loc_0042b580 ; jmp 0x42b580
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x96000
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x18
+push 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0x3e8
+mov esi, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov esi, dword [0x46cad8]
+push esi
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTimer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462324]
+mov dword [ref_0048c2ee], eax ; mov dword [0x48c2ee], eax
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [ref_0048c2f2], edi ; mov dword [0x48c2f2], edi
+push edi
+push edi
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push edi
+push ref_004755a8 ; push 0x4755a8
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_0042b3ca ; jmp 0x42b3ca
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je near loc_0042b3ca ; je 0x42b3ca
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x5c]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; cmp eax, dword [0x46cad8]
+jne near loc_0042b3ca ; jne 0x42b3ca
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c2f2] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c2f2]
+inc ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048c2f2], ecx ; mov dword [0x48c2f2], ecx
+cmp ecx, 3
+jne near loc_0042b3ca ; jne 0x42b3ca
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x202
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+jmp near loc_0042b3ca ; jmp 0x42b3ca
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c2ee] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c2ee]
+push ebp
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0042b3ca ; jmp 0x42b3ca
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebp
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_0042b3ca ; jmp 0x42b3ca
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x60]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x60]
+push edi
+jmp near loc_0042b3d8 ; jmp 0x42b3d8
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x4b
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c2dc], eax ; mov dword [0x48c2dc], eax
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x18
+push 0x46
+push ref_004640a6 ; push 0x4640a6
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x18
+push 0x46
+push ref_004640b1 ; push 0x4640b1
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x40
+push 0x4c
+push ref_004640ba ; push 0x4640ba
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x40
+push 0xbc
+push ref_004640c3 ; push 0x4640c3
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x40
+push 0x118
+push ref_004640ca ; push 0x4640ca
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x40
+push 0x170
+push ref_004640cf ; push 0x4640cf
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x40
+push 0x1d4
+push ref_004640d6 ; push 0x4640d6
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x40
+push 0x23c
+push ref_004640df ; push 0x4640df
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+call fcn_00428d01 ; call 0x428d01
+cmp eax, 1
+jne near loc_0042b745 ; jne 0x42b745
+push eax
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x48
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0xf4
+push 0x144
+push ref_004640e8 ; push 0x4640e8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x48
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0xf0
+push 0x140
+push ref_004640e8 ; push 0x4640e8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push fcn_0042b2ec ; push 0x42b2ec
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, eax
+jmp near loc_0042ba6d ; jmp 0x42ba6d
+push ref_00475590 ; push 0x475590
+call fcn_00454176 ; call 0x454176
+add esp, 4
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov edi, 0x60
+jmp short loc_0042b7a9 ; jmp 0x42b7a9
+push 2
+push edi
+push 0x4c
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+lea esi, [ebx + eax]
+shl esi, 2
+mov ecx, dword [esi + ref_00496980] ; mov ecx, dword [esi + 0x496980]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push edi
+push 0x47
+mov ebp, dword [esi + ref_00496980] ; mov ebp, dword [esi + 0x496980]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+add edi, 0x20
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jge short loc_0042b7e5 ; jge 0x42b7e5
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+cmp word [eax*4 + ref_00496984], 0 ; cmp word [eax*4 + 0x496984], 0
+je short loc_0042b7d5 ; je 0x42b7d5
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+jmp short loc_0042b75b ; jmp 0x42b75b
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+jmp short loc_0042b7c9 ; jmp 0x42b7c9
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x40
+push 0x47
+push ref_004640ba ; push 0x4640ba
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 0xa8
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0042b84e ; jge 0x42b84e
+push 2
+push 0x40
+push esi
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x50
+jmp short loc_0042b820 ; jmp 0x42b820
+push 2
+push 0x40
+push 0x1ec
+push ref_004640f1 ; push 0x4640f1
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x40
+push 0x244
+push ref_004640fa ; push 0x4640fa
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 6
+push 0x47
+push 0xba
+push ref_00464103 ; push 0x464103
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 6
+push 0x6e
+push 0xba
+push ref_0046410c ; push 0x46410c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 6
+push 0x97
+push 0xba
+push ref_00464115 ; push 0x464115
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 6
+push 0x47
+push 0x171
+push ref_004640c3 ; push 0x4640c3
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 6
+push 0x6e
+push 0x171
+push ref_0046411e ; push 0x46411e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 6
+push 0x97
+push 0x171
+push ref_00464125 ; push 0x464125
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 6
+push 0x47
+push 0x1f9
+push ref_004640cf ; push 0x4640cf
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 6
+push 0x6e
+push 0x1f9
+push ref_0046412c ; push 0x46412c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 6
+push 0x97
+push 0x1f9
+push ref_00464133 ; push 0x464133
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 6
+push 0xbf
+push 0x1f9
+push ref_0046413a ; push 0x46413a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 6
+push 0xe7
+push 0x1f9
+push ref_00464143 ; push 0x464143
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 1
+push 1
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0xc
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0xc4
+push 0xd2
+push ref_0046414c ; push 0x46414c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x10a
+push 0x1dc
+push ref_0046415f ; push 0x46415f
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push edx
+push fcn_0042aaff ; push 0x42aaff
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, eax
+push ref_00475590 ; push 0x475590
+call fcn_00454240 ; call 0x454240
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c2dc]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00436b0a ; call 0x436b0a
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xb4
+push ref_004755a8 ; push 0x4755a8
+call fcn_00454176 ; call 0x454176
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x4c
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c2dc], eax ; mov dword [0x48c2dc], eax
+push 0x10
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x98]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x1c
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x19
+push 0x128
+push ref_00464168 ; push 0x464168
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0xc
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 6
+push 0x52
+push 0x68
+push ref_00464175 ; push 0x464175
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 5
+push 0x5e
+push 0x12
+push ref_0046417a ; push 0x46417a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov edi, 0xa0
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0042bbb3 ; jge 0x42bbb3
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0042bbb0 ; je 0x42bbb0
+push 2
+push 0x58
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+add edi, 0x62
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0042bb7c ; jmp 0x42bb7c
+push 2
+push 0x58
+push 0x21e
+push ref_00464103 ; push 0x464103
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x194
+push 0x3e
+push ref_0046417f ; push 0x46417f
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0xac], ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0xa8], 0x74
+jmp near loc_0042bd61 ; jmp 0x42bd61
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0042bc6e ; jge 0x42bc6e
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0042bc6b ; je 0x42bc6b
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 5
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xac]
+shl esi, 3
+add esi, eax
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edi, dword [esi + ref_004971a0] ; mov edi, dword [esi + 0x4971a0]
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_0042bc64 ; je 0x42bc64
+fild dword [esi + ref_004971a0] ; fild dword [esi + 0x4971a0]
+mov dword [esp + 0xb0], ebp
+fild dword [esp + 0xb0]
+fdivp st1 ; fdivp st(1)
+fstp dword [esp + eax + 0x80]
+jmp short loc_0042bc6b ; jmp 0x42bc6b
+mov dword [esp + eax + 0x80], edi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0042bc0c ; jmp 0x42bc0c
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov edi, 0xc6
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0042bcf0 ; jge 0x42bcf0
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0042bced ; je 0x42bced
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xa4]
+fild dword [eax + 0x28]
+fmul dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x80]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0xa0]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xa0]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xac]
+push edx
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xa0]
+add dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x90], eax
+add edi, 0x62
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0042bc75 ; jmp 0x42bc75
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xa4]
+mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x28]
+push ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xac]
+push esi
+push 0x23c
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+lea edi, [esi + 0x18]
+mov dword [esp + 0xa8], edi
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_0042bd49 ; je 0x42bd49
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xa4]
+mov dword [eax + 0x28], 0
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xac]
+inc ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0xac], ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jge near loc_0042bdef ; jge 0x42bdef
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xac]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496984] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496984]
+test dx, dx
+je short loc_0042bd49 ; je 0x42bd49
+mov eax, edx
+and eax, 0xffff
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e7c]
+add ebx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xa4], ebx
+push 2
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xac]
+push eax
+push 0x3e
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xac]
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_0042bc0a ; jge 0x42bc0a
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0042bdec ; je 0x42bdec
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 5
+add ebp, dword [eax + esi*8 + ref_004971a0] ; add ebp, dword [eax + esi*8 + 0x4971a0]
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0042bdc3 ; jmp 0x42bdc3
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov edi, 0xc6
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0042be43 ; jge 0x42be43
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0042be40 ; je 0x42be40
+mov edx, dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x90]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 6
+push 0x194
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+add edi, 0x62
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0042bdf6 ; jmp 0x42bdf6
+push 0
+push fcn_0042b3eb ; push 0x42b3eb
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c2dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c2dc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push ref_004755a8 ; push 0x4755a8
+call fcn_00454240 ; call 0x454240
+add esp, 4
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0042bec5 ; jge 0x42bec5
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0042bec2 ; je 0x42bec2
+mov esi, dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x90]
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+add edi, esi
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496b88], edi ; mov dword [eax + 0x496b88], edi
+test edi, edi
+jge short loc_0042bec2 ; jge 0x42bec2
+add dword [eax + ref_00496b84], edi ; add dword [eax + 0x496b84], edi
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496b88], ecx ; mov dword [eax + 0x496b88], ecx
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b84], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b84], 0
+jge short loc_0042bec2 ; jge 0x42bec2
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496b84], ecx ; mov dword [eax + 0x496b84], ecx
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040cd87 ; call 0x40cd87
+add esp, 4
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0042be6f ; jmp 0x42be6f
+add esp, 0xb4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+xor eax, eax
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov bx, word [ebx]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov dx, word [edx]
+movsx esi, bx
+movsx ecx, dx
+cmp esi, ecx
+jle short loc_0042bef1 ; jle 0x42bef1
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+movsx ecx, bx
+movsx edx, dx
+cmp ecx, edx
+jge short loc_0042bf00 ; jge 0x42bf00
+mov eax, 1
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xe8
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xfc]
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 3
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+test edx, edx
+jne near loc_0042c794 ; jne 0x42c794
+imul ebx, edi, 0x68
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b82], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b82], 0
+je near loc_0042c794 ; je 0x42c794
+call fcn_00428d01 ; call 0x428d01
+cmp eax, 1
+je near loc_0042c794 ; je 0x42c794
+mov edx, dword [ebx + ref_00496b94] ; mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x496b94]
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_0042bf6e ; je 0x42bf6e
+push edx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov ebx, dword [0x497160]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004521aa ; call 0x4521aa
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jl near loc_0042c794 ; jl 0x42c794
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0xe0], esi
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], esi
+jmp short loc_0042bf94 ; jmp 0x42bf94
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+inc ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0xe0], ecx
+cmp ecx, 0xc
+jge short loc_0042bfff ; jge 0x42bfff
+mov edx, edi
+shl edx, 2
+sub edx, edi
+shl edx, 5
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+cmp dword [eax + ref_004971a0], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x4971a0], 0
+je short loc_0042bf80 ; je 0x42bf80
+fild dword [eax + ref_004971a0] ; fild dword [eax + 0x4971a0]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+fmul dword [eax*4 + ref_00496994] ; fmul dword [eax*4 + 0x496994]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc8]
+mov dword [esp + 0xe4], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0xe4]
+fstp dword [esp + 0xe4]
+fadd dword [esp + 0xe4]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0xc8]
+jmp short loc_0042bf80 ; jmp 0x42bf80
+imul ecx, edi, 0x68
+mov eax, dword [ecx + ref_00496b88] ; mov eax, dword [ecx + 0x496b88]
+add eax, dword [ecx + ref_00496b84] ; add eax, dword [ecx + 0x496b84]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc8]
+add edx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ecx + ref_00496b82] ; mov al, byte [ecx + 0x496b82]
+imul edx, eax
+mov ebx, 0x64
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc8]
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+cmp eax, ebp
+jge near loc_0042c794 ; jge 0x42c794
+mov edx, ebp
+sub edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], edx
+mov ebx, dword [ecx + ref_00496b88] ; mov ebx, dword [ecx + 0x496b88]
+cmp edx, ebx
+jle short loc_0042c067 ; jle 0x42c067
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], ebx
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0xe0], esi
+jmp near loc_0042c58c ; jmp 0x42c58c
+fild dword [ecx + 0x2c]
+fstp dword [esp + 0xd4]
+mov ebx, 0x2710
+mov eax, dword [ecx + 0x24]
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0xe4], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0xe4]
+fstp dword [esp + 0xd0]
+fcomp dword [esp + 0xd4]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_0042c0f3 ; jae 0x42c0f3
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov dword [esp + 0xe4], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0xe4]
+fcomp dword [esp + 0xd4]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe short loc_0042c0f3 ; jbe 0x42c0f3
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+inc dword [esp + eax*4 + 0x80]
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov dword [esp + 0xe4], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0xe4]
+fcomp dword [esp + 0xd4]
+fnstsw ax
+ja short loc_0042c164 ; ja 0x42c164
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0xe4], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0xe4]
+fcomp dword [esp + 0xd4]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe short loc_0042c164 ; jbe 0x42c164
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+add dword [esp + eax*4 + 0x80], 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0xe4], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0xe4]
+fcomp dword [esp + 0xd4]
+fnstsw ax
+ja short loc_0042c1a7 ; ja 0x42c1a7
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+add dword [esp + eax*4 + 0x80], 3
+cmp dword [ecx + 0x28], 0
+jle near loc_0042c2e7 ; jle 0x42c2e7
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edi
+shl eax, 5
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+shl esi, 3
+lea ebx, [eax + esi]
+cmp dword [ebx + ref_004971a0], 0x1388 ; cmp dword [ebx + 0x4971a0], 0x1388
+jge near loc_0042c2e7 ; jge 0x42c2e7
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+fld dword [edx + ref_00496994] ; fld dword [edx + 0x496994]
+fld dword [esp + 0xd0]
+fmul qword [ref_0046419c] ; fmul qword [0x46419c]
+fnstsw ax
+jb near loc_0042c2e7 ; jb 0x42c2e7
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+shl eax, 2
+inc dword [esp + eax + 0x80]
+cmp byte [ecx + 0x18], 0
+je near loc_0042c2e7 ; je 0x42c2e7
+movzx ebp, byte [ecx + 0x18]
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], ebp
+lea ebp, [edi + 1]
+mov dword [esp + 0xe4], ebp
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xcc]
+cmp ebp, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+je near loc_0042c2e7 ; je 0x42c2e7
+mov dx, word [edx + ref_00496988] ; mov dx, word [edx + 0x496988]
+and edx, 0xffff
+add edx, dword [ebx + ref_004971a0] ; add edx, dword [ebx + 0x4971a0]
+mov ebp, dword [ecx + 0x30]
+add ebp, edx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xcc]
+dec ebx
+mov edx, ebx
+shl edx, 2
+sub edx, ebx
+shl edx, 5
+cmp ebp, dword [edx + esi + ref_004971a0] ; cmp ebp, dword [edx + esi + 0x4971a0]
+jle short loc_0042c285 ; jle 0x42c285
+inc dword [esp + eax + 0x80]
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edi
+shl eax, 5
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+shl esi, 3
+lea ebx, [eax + esi]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov ax, word [eax*4 + ref_0049698a] ; mov ax, word [eax*4 + 0x49698a]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov ebx, dword [ebx + ref_004971a0] ; mov ebx, dword [ebx + 0x4971a0]
+add ebx, eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ecx + 0x18]
+dec edx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 5
+cmp ebx, dword [esi + eax + ref_004971a0] ; cmp ebx, dword [esi + eax + 0x4971a0]
+jle short loc_0042c2e7 ; jle 0x42c2e7
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+add dword [esp + eax*4 + 0x80], 2
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+fld dword [eax*4 + ref_00496994] ; fld dword [eax*4 + 0x496994]
+fld dword [esp + 0xd0]
+fmul qword [ref_004641a4] ; fmul qword [0x4641a4]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe short loc_0042c318 ; jbe 0x42c318
+add dword [esp + edx*4 + 0x80], 3
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+fld dword [eax*4 + ref_00496994] ; fld dword [eax*4 + 0x496994]
+fld dword [esp + 0xd0]
+fmul qword [ref_004641ac] ; fmul qword [0x4641ac]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe near loc_0042c557 ; jbe 0x42c557
+add dword [esp + edx*4 + 0x80], 5
+jmp near loc_0042c557 ; jmp 0x42c557
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+cmp eax, dword [ecx + ref_00496b88] ; cmp eax, dword [ecx + 0x496b88]
+jge near loc_0042c574 ; jge 0x42c574
+mov eax, dword [ref_00499100] ; mov eax, dword [0x499100]
+sub eax, 0x18
+test eax, eax
+jge short loc_0042c390 ; jge 0x42c390
+add eax, 0x90
+xor ecx, ecx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0xd8], ecx
+jmp short loc_0042c3a4 ; jmp 0x42c3a4
+inc ecx
+inc eax
+cmp ecx, 0x18
+jge short loc_0042c3e8 ; jge 0x42c3e8
+cmp eax, 0x90
+jne short loc_0042c3ad ; jne 0x42c3ad
+xor eax, eax
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+mov edx, esi
+shl edx, 3
+add esi, edx
+shl esi, 6
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+add edx, esi
+test dword [edx + ref_00497328], 0x7fffffff ; test dword [edx + 0x497328], 0x7fffffff
+je short loc_0042c39d ; je 0x42c39d
+fld dword [esp + 0xd8]
+fadd dword [edx + ref_00497328] ; fadd dword [edx + 0x497328]
+fstp dword [esp + 0xd8]
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0042c39d ; jmp 0x42c39d
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0042c408 ; je 0x42c408
+mov dword [esp + 0xe4], ebx
+fild dword [esp + 0xe4]
+fdivr dword [esp + 0xd8]
+fstp dword [esp + 0xd8]
+mov eax, dword [ref_00499100] ; mov eax, dword [0x499100]
+sub eax, 6
+test eax, eax
+jge short loc_0042c419 ; jge 0x42c419
+add eax, 0x90
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0xdc], ecx
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0042c42d ; jmp 0x42c42d
+inc ecx
+inc eax
+cmp ecx, 6
+jge short loc_0042c471 ; jge 0x42c471
+cmp eax, 0x90
+jne short loc_0042c436 ; jne 0x42c436
+xor eax, eax
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+mov edx, esi
+shl edx, 3
+add edx, esi
+shl edx, 6
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+add edx, esi
+test dword [edx + ref_00497328], 0x7fffffff ; test dword [edx + 0x497328], 0x7fffffff
+je short loc_0042c426 ; je 0x42c426
+fld dword [esp + 0xdc]
+fadd dword [edx + ref_00497328] ; fadd dword [edx + 0x497328]
+fstp dword [esp + 0xdc]
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0042c426 ; jmp 0x42c426
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0042c491 ; je 0x42c491
+mov dword [esp + 0xe4], ebx
+fild dword [esp + 0xe4]
+fdivr dword [esp + 0xdc]
+fstp dword [esp + 0xdc]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+fld dword [edx + ref_0049698c] ; fld dword [edx + 0x49698c]
+fmul qword [ref_004641b4] ; fmul qword [0x4641b4]
+fld dword [edx + ref_00496994] ; fld dword [edx + 0x496994]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_0042c4e9 ; jae 0x42c4e9
+cmp dword [edx + ref_0049699c], 0x40000000 ; cmp dword [edx + 0x49699c], 0x40000000
+jle short loc_0042c4e9 ; jle 0x42c4e9
+fld dword [esp + 0xdc]
+fcomp dword [esp + 0xd8]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe short loc_0042c4e9 ; jbe 0x42c4e9
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+add dword [esp + eax*4 + 0x80], 2
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+fld dword [eax*4 + ref_0049698c] ; fld dword [eax*4 + 0x49698c]
+fmul qword [ref_004641bc] ; fmul qword [0x4641bc]
+fld dword [eax*4 + ref_00496994] ; fld dword [eax*4 + 0x496994]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_0042c52d ; jae 0x42c52d
+fld dword [esp + 0xdc]
+fcomp dword [esp + 0xd8]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe short loc_0042c52d ; jbe 0x42c52d
+add dword [esp + edx*4 + 0x80], 4
+fld dword [esp + 0xd8]
+fmul qword [ref_004641c4] ; fmul qword [0x4641c4]
+fld dword [esp + 0xdc]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_0042c557 ; jae 0x42c557
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+add dword [esp + eax*4 + 0x80], 2
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+xor edx, edx
+mov word [esp + eax*4 + 0x82], dx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 0x10
+or dword [esp + eax*4 + 0x80], edx
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+inc ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0xe0], ebp
+cmp ebp, 0xc
+jge near loc_0042c63d ; jge 0x42c63d
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [esp + eax*4 + 0x80], ebp
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496986], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496986], 0
+jne short loc_0042c557 ; jne 0x42c557
+push eax
+call fcn_004295ea ; call 0x4295ea
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 1
+je short loc_0042c557 ; je 0x42c557
+cmp word [ebx + ref_0049698a], 0 ; cmp word [ebx + 0x49698a], 0
+je short loc_0042c557 ; je 0x42c557
+imul ecx, edi, 0x68
+cmp word [ebx + ref_00496984], 0 ; cmp word [ebx + 0x496984], 0
+je near loc_0042c352 ; je 0x42c352
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 5
+cmp eax, dword [ecx + ref_00496b88] ; cmp eax, dword [ecx + 0x496b88]
+jge near loc_0042c574 ; jge 0x42c574
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496984] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496984]
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e7c]
+add ecx, eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00499084] ; mov ebp, dword [0x499084]
+test ebp, ebp
+je near loc_0042c075 ; je 0x42c075
+mov edx, dword [ecx + 0x2c]
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0xe4], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0xe4]
+jmp near loc_0042c078 ; jmp 0x42c078
+push fcn_0042bed0 ; push 0x42bed0
+push 4
+push 0xc
+lea eax, [esp + 0x8c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457e6c ; call 0x457e6c
+add esp, 0x10
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xe0], edx
+mov esi, 0xffffffff
+jmp short loc_0042c67a ; jmp 0x42c67a
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+inc ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0xe0], ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jge short loc_0042c6c1 ; jge 0x42c6c1
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+shl ebx, 2
+test word [esp + ebx + 0x80], 0xffff
+je short loc_0042c666 ; je 0x42c666
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 0x18
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov eax, 0xc
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+cmp edx, eax
+jg short loc_0042c666 ; jg 0x42c666
+mov esi, dword [esp + ebx + 0x80]
+sar esi, 0x10
+and esi, 0xffff
+cmp esi, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_0042c794 ; je 0x42c794
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+mov dword [esp + 0xe4], edx
+fild dword [esp + 0xe4]
+fdiv dword [eax + ref_00496994] ; fdiv dword [eax + 0x496994]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0xe0]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe0]
+test edx, edx
+je near loc_0042c794 ; je 0x42c794
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_0049698a] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x49698a]
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp eax, edx
+jge short loc_0042c721 ; jge 0x42c721
+mov dword [esp + 0xe0], eax
+push 1
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+call fcn_00428d2a ; call 0x428d2a
+add esp, 0x10
+push edi
+call fcn_0041d433 ; call 0x41d433
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, esi
+mov esi, dword [eax*4 + ref_00496980] ; mov esi, dword [eax*4 + 0x496980]
+push esi
+lea eax, [esp + 0xb4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+push ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xb4]
+push eax
+imul edi, edi, 0x68
+mov eax, dword [edi + ref_00496b68] ; mov eax, dword [edi + 0x496b68]
+push eax
+push ref_00464186 ; push 0x464186
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+add esp, 0xe8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xfc
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x110]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xd0], edx
+imul ebx, ebp, 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + ref_00496b94] ; mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x496b94]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov esi, dword [0x497160]
+push esi
+call fcn_004521aa ; call 0x4521aa
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 6
+jg short loc_0042c7f8 ; jg 0x42c7f8
+mov eax, dword [ebx + ref_00496b88] ; mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x496b88]
+add eax, dword [ebx + ref_00496b84] ; add eax, dword [ebx + 0x496b84]
+cmp eax, dword [ebx + ref_00496b8c] ; cmp eax, dword [ebx + 0x496b8c]
+jge short loc_0042c7f8 ; jge 0x42c7f8
+mov dword [esp + 0xd0], 1
+jmp short loc_0042c81b ; jmp 0x42c81b
+cmp dword [esp + 0xd0], 0
+jne short loc_0042c81b ; jne 0x42c81b
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 3
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+test edx, edx
+jne near loc_0042d0e4 ; jne 0x42d0e4
+call fcn_00428d01 ; call 0x428d01
+cmp eax, 1
+je near loc_0042d0e4 ; je 0x42d0e4
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], esi
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0xffffffff
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp near loc_0042cf7c ; jmp 0x42cf7c
+fild dword [esi + 0x2c]
+fstp dword [esp + 0xd4]
+mov ecx, 0x2710
+mov eax, dword [esi + 0x24]
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0xf8], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0xf8]
+fstp dword [esp + 0xe0]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xf4], edx
+mov edi, ebx
+shl edi, 3
+cmp edx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp edx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0042c8a3 ; jge 0x42c8a3
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 5
+mov eax, dword [edi + eax + ref_004971a0] ; mov eax, dword [edi + eax + 0x4971a0]
+add dword [esp + 0xf4], eax
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_0042c87b ; jmp 0x42c87b
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebp
+shl eax, 5
+fild dword [edi + eax + ref_004971a0] ; fild dword [edi + eax + 0x4971a0]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xf4]
+mov dword [esp + 0xf8], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0xf8]
+fdivrp st1 ; fdivrp st(1)
+fstp dword [esp + 0xd8]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov ecx, dword [0x497160]
+and ecx, 0xff
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+neg eax
+cmp eax, dword [esi + 0x28]
+jl short loc_0042c923 ; jl 0x42c923
+fld dword [esp + 0xd8]
+fcomp qword [ref_00464204] ; fcomp qword [0x464204]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe short loc_0042c923 ; jbe 0x42c923
+cmp ecx, 0xa
+jle short loc_0042c923 ; jle 0x42c923
+cmp ecx, 0xf
+jge short loc_0042c923 ; jge 0x42c923
+add dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x80], 3
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+neg eax
+cmp eax, dword [esi + 0x28]
+jl short loc_0042c990 ; jl 0x42c990
+mov edx, ebp
+shl edx, 2
+sub edx, ebp
+shl edx, 5
+mov eax, ebx
+fld dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_004971a4] ; fld dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x4971a4]
+fmul qword [ref_0046420c] ; fmul qword [0x46420c]
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+fld dword [eax*4 + ref_00496994] ; fld dword [eax*4 + 0x496994]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe short loc_0042c990 ; jbe 0x42c990
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esi + 0x18]
+lea eax, [ebp + 1]
+cmp edx, eax
+je short loc_0042c990 ; je 0x42c990
+cmp ecx, 8
+jle short loc_0042c990 ; jle 0x42c990
+cmp ecx, 0xf
+jge short loc_0042c990 ; jge 0x42c990
+add dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x80], 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0xf8], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0xf8]
+fcomp dword [esp + 0xd4]
+fnstsw ax
+jb short loc_0042ca26 ; jb 0x42ca26
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+lea edx, [ebx + eax]
+shl edx, 2
+fld dword [esp + 0xe0]
+fmul dword [ref_004641f4] ; fmul dword [0x4641f4]
+fcomp dword [edx + ref_00496994] ; fcomp dword [edx + 0x496994]
+fnstsw ax
+ja short loc_0042ca26 ; ja 0x42ca26
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebp
+shl eax, 5
+mov ecx, ebx
+fld dword [eax + ecx*8 + ref_004971a4] ; fld dword [eax + ecx*8 + 0x4971a4]
+fmul qword [ref_00464214] ; fmul qword [0x464214]
+fld dword [edx + ref_00496994] ; fld dword [edx + 0x496994]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe short loc_0042ca26 ; jbe 0x42ca26
+fld dword [esp + 0xd8]
+fcomp qword [ref_0046421c] ; fcomp qword [0x46421c]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_0042ca26 ; jae 0x42ca26
+inc dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x80]
+mov dl, byte [esi + 0x18]
+test dl, dl
+je near loc_0042cad1 ; je 0x42cad1
+movzx edi, dl
+lea eax, [ebp + 1]
+cmp edi, eax
+je near loc_0042cad1 ; je 0x42cad1
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebp
+shl eax, 5
+mov edx, ebx
+shl edx, 3
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], edx
+lea ecx, [edx + eax]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+lea edx, [ebx + eax]
+shl edx, 2
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [edx + ref_00496988] ; mov ax, word [edx + 0x496988]
+mov dword [esp + 0xf8], eax
+mov eax, dword [ecx + ref_004971a0] ; mov eax, dword [ecx + 0x4971a0]
+add eax, dword [esp + 0xf8]
+add eax, dword [esi + 0x30]
+mov dword [esp + 0xf8], eax
+dec edi
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edi
+shl eax, 5
+add eax, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xf8]
+cmp edi, dword [eax + ref_004971a0] ; cmp edi, dword [eax + 0x4971a0]
+jge short loc_0042cad1 ; jge 0x42cad1
+cmp dword [esi + 0x28], 0
+jg short loc_0042cad1 ; jg 0x42cad1
+fld dword [ecx + ref_004971a4] ; fld dword [ecx + 0x4971a4]
+fmul qword [ref_00464224] ; fmul qword [0x464224]
+fld dword [edx + ref_00496994] ; fld dword [edx + 0x496994]
+fnstsw ax
+jb short loc_0042cad1 ; jb 0x42cad1
+inc dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x80]
+mov edx, ebx
+shl edx, 3
+add edx, ebx
+shl edx, 2
+fld dword [esp + 0xe0]
+fmul dword [ref_004641f4] ; fmul dword [0x4641f4]
+fcomp dword [edx + ref_00496994] ; fcomp dword [edx + 0x496994]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_0042cb3c ; jae 0x42cb3c
+mov ecx, ebp
+shl ecx, 2
+sub ecx, ebp
+shl ecx, 5
+mov eax, ebx
+fld dword [ecx + eax*8 + ref_004971a4] ; fld dword [ecx + eax*8 + 0x4971a4]
+fmul dword [ref_004641f4] ; fmul dword [0x4641f4]
+fcomp dword [edx + ref_00496994] ; fcomp dword [edx + 0x496994]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_0042cb3c ; jae 0x42cb3c
+fld dword [edx + ref_00496994] ; fld dword [edx + 0x496994]
+fcomp dword [edx + ref_00496990] ; fcomp dword [edx + 0x496990]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_0042cb3c ; jae 0x42cb3c
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esi + 0x18]
+lea eax, [ebp + 1]
+cmp edx, eax
+je short loc_0042cb3c ; je 0x42cb3c
+add dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x80], 2
+mov edx, ebx
+shl edx, 3
+add edx, ebx
+shl edx, 2
+fld dword [esp + 0xe0]
+fmul dword [ref_0046422c] ; fmul dword [0x46422c]
+fcomp dword [edx + ref_00496994] ; fcomp dword [edx + 0x496994]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_0042cba7 ; jae 0x42cba7
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebp
+shl eax, 5
+mov ecx, ebx
+fld dword [eax + ecx*8 + ref_004971a4] ; fld dword [eax + ecx*8 + 0x4971a4]
+fmul dword [ref_0046422c] ; fmul dword [0x46422c]
+fcomp dword [edx + ref_00496994] ; fcomp dword [edx + 0x496994]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_0042cba7 ; jae 0x42cba7
+fld dword [edx + ref_00496994] ; fld dword [edx + 0x496994]
+fcomp dword [edx + ref_00496990] ; fcomp dword [edx + 0x496990]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_0042cba7 ; jae 0x42cba7
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x18]
+lea edx, [ebp + 1]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_0042cba7 ; jne 0x42cba7
+add dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x80], 2
+cmp dword [esp + 0xd0], 0
+je near loc_0042cf4d ; je 0x42cf4d
+inc dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x80]
+jmp near loc_0042cf4d ; jmp 0x42cf4d
+fld dword [esi + ref_00496994] ; fld dword [esi + 0x496994]
+fdiv dword [edi + ref_004971a4] ; fdiv dword [edi + 0x4971a4]
+fstp dword [esp + 0xe4]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xe8], 0x461c4000
+jmp short loc_0042cbec ; jmp 0x42cbec
+inc edx
+cmp edx, 0x90
+jge short loc_0042cc2a ; jge 0x42cc2a
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 6
+mov ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 2
+add ecx, eax
+test dword [ecx + ref_00497328], 0x7fffffff ; test dword [ecx + 0x497328], 0x7fffffff
+je short loc_0042cbe3 ; je 0x42cbe3
+fld dword [esp + 0xe8]
+fcomp dword [ecx + ref_00497328] ; fcomp dword [ecx + 0x497328]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe short loc_0042cbe3 ; jbe 0x42cbe3
+mov eax, dword [ecx + ref_00497328] ; mov eax, dword [ecx + 0x497328]
+mov dword [esp + 0xe8], eax
+jmp short loc_0042cbe3 ; jmp 0x42cbe3
+mov edx, dword [ref_00499100] ; mov edx, dword [0x499100]
+sub edx, 0x18
+test edx, edx
+jge short loc_0042cc3d ; jge 0x42cc3d
+add edx, 0x90
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0xec], ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0xf4], ecx
+jmp short loc_0042cc56 ; jmp 0x42cc56
+inc ecx
+inc edx
+cmp ecx, 0x18
+jge short loc_0042cc9a ; jge 0x42cc9a
+cmp edx, 0x90
+jne short loc_0042cc60 ; jne 0x42cc60
+xor edx, edx
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 6
+mov esi, edx
+shl esi, 2
+add eax, esi
+test dword [eax + ref_00497328], 0x7fffffff ; test dword [eax + 0x497328], 0x7fffffff
+je short loc_0042cc4f ; je 0x42cc4f
+fld dword [esp + 0xec]
+fadd dword [eax + ref_00497328] ; fadd dword [eax + 0x497328]
+fstp dword [esp + 0xec]
+inc dword [esp + 0xf4]
+jmp short loc_0042cc4f ; jmp 0x42cc4f
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xf4]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0042ccc1 ; je 0x42ccc1
+mov dword [esp + 0xf8], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0xf8]
+fdivr dword [esp + 0xec]
+fstp dword [esp + 0xec]
+mov edx, dword [ref_00499100] ; mov edx, dword [0x499100]
+sub edx, 6
+test edx, edx
+jge short loc_0042ccd4 ; jge 0x42ccd4
+add edx, 0x90
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0xf0], ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0xf4], ecx
+jmp short loc_0042cced ; jmp 0x42cced
+inc ecx
+inc edx
+cmp ecx, 6
+jge short loc_0042cd32 ; jge 0x42cd32
+cmp edx, 0x90
+jne short loc_0042ccf7 ; jne 0x42ccf7
+xor edx, edx
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+lea esi, [ebx + eax]
+shl esi, 6
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, esi
+test dword [eax + ref_00497328], 0x7fffffff ; test dword [eax + 0x497328], 0x7fffffff
+je short loc_0042cce6 ; je 0x42cce6
+fld dword [esp + 0xf0]
+fadd dword [eax + ref_00497328] ; fadd dword [eax + 0x497328]
+fstp dword [esp + 0xf0]
+inc dword [esp + 0xf4]
+jmp short loc_0042cce6 ; jmp 0x42cce6
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xf4]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0042cd59 ; je 0x42cd59
+mov dword [esp + 0xf8], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0xf8]
+fdivr dword [esp + 0xf0]
+fstp dword [esp + 0xf0]
+fld dword [esp + 0xe4]
+fcomp qword [ref_004641dc] ; fcomp qword [0x4641dc]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe short loc_0042cd87 ; jbe 0x42cd87
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+cmp dword [eax*4 + ref_0049699c], 0x3f800000 ; cmp dword [eax*4 + 0x49699c], 0x3f800000
+jge short loc_0042cd87 ; jge 0x42cd87
+add dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x80], 2
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+fld dword [esp + 0xe8]
+fmul dword [ref_004641e4] ; fmul dword [0x4641e4]
+fstp dword [esp + 0xdc]
+fld dword [eax*4 + ref_00496994] ; fld dword [eax*4 + 0x496994]
+fcomp dword [esp + 0xdc]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe short loc_0042cde4 ; jbe 0x42cde4
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebp
+shl eax, 5
+mov edx, ebx
+fld dword [eax + edx*8 + ref_004971a4] ; fld dword [eax + edx*8 + 0x4971a4]
+fmul qword [ref_004641ec] ; fmul qword [0x4641ec]
+fld dword [esp + 0xdc]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe short loc_0042cde4 ; jbe 0x42cde4
+add dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x80], 2
+fld dword [esp + 0xec]
+fcomp dword [esp + 0xf0]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe short loc_0042ce19 ; jbe 0x42ce19
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+fld dword [eax*4 + ref_00496994] ; fld dword [eax*4 + 0x496994]
+fcomp dword [eax*4 + ref_00496990] ; fcomp dword [eax*4 + 0x496990]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_0042ce19 ; jae 0x42ce19
+add dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x80], 2
+fld dword [esp + 0xe4]
+fcomp dword [ref_004641f4] ; fcomp dword [0x4641f4]
+fnstsw ax
+jb short loc_0042ce5c ; jb 0x42ce5c
+fld dword [esp + 0xe4]
+fadd dword [ref_004641f8] ; fadd dword [0x4641f8]
+fdiv qword [ref_004641fc] ; fdiv qword [0x4641fc]
+faddp st1 ; faddp st(1)
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0xf4]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xf4]
+add dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x80], eax
+imul eax, ebp, 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+add ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; add ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+cmp ecx, eax
+jge short loc_0042cec9 ; jge 0x42cec9
+fcomp dword [esp + 0xe4]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_0042cec9 ; jae 0x42cec9
+fld dword [esp + 0xe4]
+fdiv qword [ref_004641fc] ; fdiv qword [0x4641fc]
+faddp st1 ; faddp st(1)
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0xf4]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xf4]
+add dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x80], eax
+imul eax, ebp, 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+add ecx, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 7
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+cmp ecx, eax
+jge short loc_0042cf33 ; jge 0x42cf33
+fcomp dword [esp + 0xe4]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_0042cf33 ; jae 0x42cf33
+fld dword [esp + 0xe4]
+fdiv qword [ref_004641fc] ; fdiv qword [0x4641fc]
+faddp st1 ; faddp st(1)
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0xf4]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xf4]
+add dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x80], eax
+cmp dword [esp + 0xd0], 0
+je short loc_0042cf4d ; je 0x42cf4d
+mov edx, dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x80]
+add edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x80], edx
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xcc]
+mov esi, dword [esp + eax + 0x80]
+cmp edx, esi
+jge short loc_0042cf72 ; jge 0x42cf72
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], esi
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], ebx
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jge near loc_0042d00b ; jge 0x42d00b
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x80], edx
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebp
+shl eax, 5
+mov edi, ebx
+shl edi, 3
+add edi, eax
+cmp dword [edi + ref_004971a0], 0 ; cmp dword [edi + 0x4971a0], 0
+je short loc_0042cf4d ; je 0x42cf4d
+mov esi, ebx
+shl esi, 3
+add esi, ebx
+shl esi, 2
+cmp byte [esi + ref_00496986], 0 ; cmp byte [esi + 0x496986], 0
+jne short loc_0042cf4d ; jne 0x42cf4d
+push ebx
+call fcn_004295ea ; call 0x4295ea
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 3
+je short loc_0042cf4d ; je 0x42cf4d
+mov dx, word [esi + ref_00496984] ; mov dx, word [esi + 0x496984]
+test dx, dx
+je near loc_0042cbc1 ; je 0x42cbc1
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, dx
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e7c]
+add esi, eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_00499084] ; mov edi, dword [0x499084]
+test edi, edi
+je near loc_0042c844 ; je 0x42c844
+mov edx, dword [esi + 0x2c]
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv edi
+mov dword [esp + 0xf8], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0xf8]
+jmp near loc_0042c847 ; jmp 0x42c847
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xc8]
+cmp edi, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_0042d09a ; je 0x42d09a
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebp
+shl eax, 5
+mov ebx, edi
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ebx*8 + ref_004971a0] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + ebx*8 + 0x4971a0]
+push 1
+push ebx
+push edi
+push ebp
+call fcn_00428e23 ; call 0x428e23
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebp
+call fcn_0041d433 ; call 0x41d433
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edi
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00496980] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x496980]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xb4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+push ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xb4]
+push eax
+imul eax, ebp, 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ecx
+push ref_004641cc ; push 0x4641cc
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+cmp dword [esp + 0xd0], 0
+je short loc_0042d0e4 ; je 0x42d0e4
+cmp dword [esp + 0xc8], 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0042d0e4 ; je 0x42d0e4
+imul eax, ebp, 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+add edx, edi
+mov dword [esp + 0xf8], edx
+fild dword [esp + 0xf8]
+fild dword [eax + ref_00496b8c] ; fild dword [eax + 0x496b8c]
+fmul qword [ref_00464234] ; fmul qword [0x464234]
+fnstsw ax
+ja near loc_0042c829 ; ja 0x42c829
+add esp, 0xfc
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+sub esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov dl, byte [edx]
+mov byte [esp], dl
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov dl, byte [edx]
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [esp]
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, dl
+mov cl, byte [ecx*8 + ref_0047fdf7] ; mov cl, byte [ecx*8 + 0x47fdf7]
+cmp cl, byte [ebx*8 + ref_0047fdf7] ; cmp cl, byte [ebx*8 + 0x47fdf7]
+jbe short loc_0042d122 ; jbe 0x42d122
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [esp]
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, dl
+mov dl, byte [ebx*8 + ref_0047fdf7] ; mov dl, byte [ebx*8 + 0x47fdf7]
+cmp dl, byte [ecx*8 + ref_0047fdf7] ; cmp dl, byte [ecx*8 + 0x47fdf7]
+jae short loc_0042d140 ; jae 0x42d140
+mov eax, 1
+add esp, 4
+pop ebx
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+imul ecx, dword [esp + 0x14], 0x68
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edx*8 + ref_0047fdef] ; mov al, byte [edx*8 + 0x47fdef]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], eax
+fild word [esp + 0xc]
+fmul qword [ref_00464364] ; fmul qword [0x464364]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ecx + ref_00496b98] ; mov ax, word [ecx + 0x496b98]
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+fild dword [esp + 8]
+fstp qword [esp]
+fadd qword [esp]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 8]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+mov word [ecx + ref_00496b98], ax ; mov word [ecx + 0x496b98], ax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edx*8 + ref_0047fdef] ; mov al, byte [edx*8 + 0x47fdef]
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov eax, ecx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [ecx*8 + ref_0047fedf] ; mov bl, byte [ecx*8 + 0x47fedf]
+imul ebx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+imul edx, esi, 0x68
+mov dword [esp + 8], ebx
+fild dword [esp + 8]
+fmul qword [ref_0046436c] ; fmul qword [0x46436c]
+xor eax, ecx
+mov ax, word [edx + ref_00496b98] ; mov ax, word [edx + 0x496b98]
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+fild dword [esp + 8]
+fstp qword [esp]
+fadd qword [esp]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 8]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+mov word [edx + ref_00496b98], ax ; mov word [edx + 0x496b98], ax
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, esi
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov dl, byte [esp + 0x20]
+sub byte [ecx + eax + ref_0049915b], dl ; sub byte [ecx + eax + 0x49915b], dl
+cmp ecx, 8
+jg short loc_0042d22f ; jg 0x42d22f
+add byte [ecx + ref_0049731f], dl ; add byte [ecx + 0x49731f], dl
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 0xc
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004412e4 ; call 0x4412e4
+add esp, 8
+imul edx, dword [esp + 8], 0x68
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+xor bh, bh
+mov bl, byte [eax*8 + ref_0047fdef] ; mov bl, byte [eax*8 + 0x47fdef]
+sub word [edx + ref_00496b98], bx ; sub word [edx + 0x496b98], bx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, bl
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+add eax, eax
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00445a4d ; call 0x445a4d
+add esp, 8
+imul edx, dword [esp + 8], 0x68
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+xor bh, bh
+mov bl, byte [eax*8 + ref_0047fedf] ; mov bl, byte [eax*8 + 0x47fedf]
+jmp short loc_0042d25c ; jmp 0x42d25c
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c310] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c310]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_0042d2f2 ; jne 0x42d2f2
+push edx
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0xf0
+push 0x140
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+jmp short loc_0042d32c ; jmp 0x42d32c
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0xcc
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0xf0
+push 0x140
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0xe4
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0
+push 0xffffffffffffffec
+push 0xa
+push 0x78
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0xc0
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ec30 ; call 0x44ec30
+add esp, 0x1c
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x90
+ref_0042d36b: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_0042d8ab
+dd loc_0042d8ee
+dd loc_0042d9a3
+dd loc_0042da31
+dd loc_0042daf1
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x60
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x74]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x78]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x80]
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb short loc_0042d3e7 ; jb 0x42d3e7
+jbe near loc_0042e888 ; jbe 0x42e888
+cmp eax, 0x40c
+jb short loc_0042d3ca ; jb 0x42d3ca
+jbe near loc_0042d5fe ; jbe 0x42d5fe
+cmp eax, 0x40d
+jbe near loc_0042d821 ; jbe 0x42d821
+cmp eax, 0x40e
+je near loc_0042d499 ; je 0x42d499
+jmp near loc_0042e91a ; jmp 0x42e91a
+cmp eax, 0x401
+jb near loc_0042e91a ; jb 0x42e91a
+jbe short loc_0042d423 ; jbe 0x42d423
+cmp eax, 0x405
+je near loc_0042d56d ; je 0x42d56d
+jmp near loc_0042e91a ; jmp 0x42e91a
+cmp eax, 0x113
+jb short loc_0042d415 ; jb 0x42d415
+jbe near loc_0042d847 ; jbe 0x42d847
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jb near loc_0042e91a ; jb 0x42e91a
+jbe near loc_0042de09 ; jbe 0x42de09
+cmp eax, 0x202
+je near loc_0042e62b ; je 0x42e62b
+jmp near loc_0042e91a ; jmp 0x42e91a
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je near loc_0042e8bc ; je 0x42e8bc
+jmp near loc_0042e91a ; jmp 0x42e91a
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [ref_0048c310], ebp ; mov dword [0x48c310], ebp
+mov dword [ref_0048c314], ebp ; mov dword [0x48c314], ebp
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [ref_0048c347], bl ; mov byte [0x48c347], bl
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [ref_0048c348], bh ; mov byte [0x48c348], bh
+mov dword [ref_0048c343], ebp ; mov dword [0x48c343], ebp
+mov al, byte [ref_00497159] ; mov al, byte [0x497159]
+xor al, 1
+mov byte [ref_0048c349], al ; mov byte [0x48c349], al
+mov byte [ref_0048c34a], al ; mov byte [0x48c34a], al
+call fcn_0042d299 ; call 0x42d299
+push ebp
+push 0x32
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x46cad8]
+push ecx
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTimer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462324]
+mov dword [ref_0048c32b], eax ; mov dword [0x48c32b], eax
+push ebp
+push ebp
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push ebp
+push ebp
+push 0x405
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x60
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0xe6
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0xf6
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x140
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x11e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0x1c8
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0xa
+lea eax, [esp + 0x54]
+push eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b98] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b98]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d61 ; call 0x457d61
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+push 0x101
+push 0x136
+lea eax, [esp + 0x5c]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_0042d48d ; jmp 0x42d48d
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c310] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c310]
+cmp byte [eax + ref_0048c349], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x48c349], 0
+jne short loc_0042d5ba ; jne 0x42d5ba
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [ref_0048c318], edi ; mov dword [0x48c318], edi
+mov dword [ref_0048c333], 0xffffff22 ; mov dword [0x48c333], 0xffffff22
+mov dword [ref_0048c337], 0x280 ; mov dword [0x48c337], 0x280
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov ecx, dword [eax*8 + ref_004755c0] ; mov ecx, dword [eax*8 + 0x4755c0]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0042d5d8 ; jmp 0x42d5d8
+mov dword [ref_0048c318], 1 ; mov dword [0x48c318], 1
+mov dword [ref_0048c333], 5 ; mov dword [0x48c333], 5
+mov dword [ref_0048c337], 0xe3 ; mov dword [0x48c337], 0xe3
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c310] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c310]
+add eax, 3
+mov dword [ref_0048c32f], eax ; mov dword [0x48c32f], eax
+mov dword [ref_0048c33b], 0x28 ; mov dword [0x48c33b], 0x28
+mov dword [ref_0048c33f], 0x50 ; mov dword [0x48c33f], 0x50
+jmp near loc_0042d48d ; jmp 0x42d48d
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c33b] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c33b]
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c333] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c333]
+add esi, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048c333], esi ; mov dword [0x48c333], esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c33f] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c33f]
+sub dword [ref_0048c337], eax ; sub dword [0x48c337], eax
+sub dword [ref_0048c33b], 3 ; sub dword [0x48c33b], 3
+sub dword [ref_0048c33f], 7 ; sub dword [0x48c33f], 7
+cmp esi, 5
+jle short loc_0042d639 ; jle 0x42d639
+mov dword [ref_0048c333], 5 ; mov dword [0x48c333], 5
+cmp dword [ref_0048c337], 0xe3 ; cmp dword [0x48c337], 0xe3
+jge short loc_0042d64f ; jge 0x42d64f
+mov dword [ref_0048c337], 0xe3 ; mov dword [0x48c337], 0xe3
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c333] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c333]
+cmp eax, 5
+jne near loc_0042d75e ; jne 0x42d75e
+cmp dword [ref_0048c337], 0xe3 ; cmp dword [0x48c337], 0xe3
+jne near loc_0042d75e ; jne 0x42d75e
+push 0x1d6
+push eax
+push 0xa
+push 0
+push 0xa
+push 0
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c308]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c310] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c310]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 6
+add ecx, 0xc
+add eax, ecx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0xb6
+push 0xa
+push 0x124
+push 0x276
+push 0x124
+push 0x276
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c308]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c310] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c310]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 6
+add ecx, 0xc
+add eax, ecx
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0xd
+push 0x21e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c310] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c310]
+shl eax, 4
+lea edx, [eax + 0xd]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0xf6
+push 0x22c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0x1b0
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0xa
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c333] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c333]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c310] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c310]
+shl eax, 4
+lea edx, [eax + 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x125
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c337] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c337]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c310] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c310]
+mov ebx, dword [eax*4 + ref_0048c300] ; mov ebx, dword [eax*4 + 0x48c300]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+cmp dword [ref_0048c333], 5 ; cmp dword [0x48c333], 5
+jne near loc_0042d48d ; jne 0x42d48d
+cmp dword [ref_0048c337], 0xe3 ; cmp dword [0x48c337], 0xe3
+jne near loc_0042d48d ; jne 0x42d48d
+mov dword [ref_0048c318], 2 ; mov dword [0x48c318], 2
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x40d
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x40e
+jmp near loc_0042d485 ; jmp 0x42d485
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c310] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c310]
+cmp byte [eax + ref_0048c349], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x48c349], 0
+jne near loc_0042d48d ; jne 0x42d48d
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebx, dword [eax*8 + ref_004755c4] ; mov ebx, dword [eax*8 + 0x4755c4]
+push ebx
+jmp near loc_0042e459 ; jmp 0x42e459
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je near loc_0042d48d ; je 0x42d48d
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x7c]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; cmp eax, dword [0x46cad8]
+jne near loc_0042d48d ; jne 0x42d48d
+cmp dword [ref_0048c318], 1 ; cmp dword [0x48c318], 1
+jne short loc_0042d87e ; jne 0x42d87e
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x40c
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+mov ch, byte [ref_0048c348] ; mov ch, byte [0x48c348]
+xor ch, 1
+mov byte [ref_0048c348], ch ; mov byte [0x48c348], ch
+je near loc_0042d48d ; je 0x42d48d
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c32f] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c32f]
+and eax, 0xf
+cmp eax, 4
+ja near loc_0042dbac ; ja 0x42dbac
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_0042d36b] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x42d36b]
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov esi, eax
+sar esi, 0xa
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_0042d8d3 ; jne 0x42d8d3
+test byte [ref_0048c330], 0xf ; test byte [0x48c330], 0xf
+je short loc_0042d8d3 ; je 0x42d8d3
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c310] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c310]
+inc eax
+or dword [ref_0048c32f], eax ; or dword [0x48c32f], eax
+jmp near loc_0042dbac ; jmp 0x42dbac
+cmp esi, 1
+jne near loc_0042dbac ; jne 0x42dbac
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c310] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c310]
+add eax, 3
+mov dword [ref_0048c32f], eax ; mov dword [0x48c32f], eax
+jmp near loc_0042dbac ; jmp 0x42dbac
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c32f] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c32f]
+and esi, 0xf0
+sar esi, 4
+cmp esi, 4
+jne short loc_0042d911 ; jne 0x42d911
+mov dword [ref_0048c32f], 0x200 ; mov dword [0x48c32f], 0x200
+jmp near loc_0042dbac ; jmp 0x42dbac
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x195
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0x3c
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x1c7
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x5d
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esi + ref_004755b8] ; mov dl, byte [esi + 0x4755b8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push edi
+add dword [ref_0048c32f], 0x10 ; add dword [0x48c32f], 0x10
+jmp near loc_0042dba5 ; jmp 0x42dba5
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c32f] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c32f]
+and esi, 0xf0
+sar esi, 4
+cmp esi, 4
+jne short loc_0042d9c6 ; jne 0x42d9c6
+mov dword [ref_0048c32f], 0x100 ; mov dword [0x48c32f], 0x100
+jmp near loc_0042dbac ; jmp 0x42dbac
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x1a1
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0x32
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x1e7
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x5e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ecx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esi + ref_004755bc] ; mov dl, byte [esi + 0x4755bc]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0xc
+add edx, eax
+push edx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+jmp near loc_0042d977 ; jmp 0x42d977
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+sar eax, 0xf
+lea esi, [eax + 1]
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c32f] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c32f]
+and ebp, 0xf00
+sar ebp, 8
+cmp esi, ebp
+je near loc_0042dbac ; je 0x42dbac
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x195
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0x3c
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x1c7
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x5d
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ebx
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ebp
+lea edx, [esi + 3]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+and word [ref_0048c32f], 0xf0f0 ; and word [0x48c32f], 0xf0f0
+shl esi, 8
+or dword [ref_0048c32f], esi ; or dword [0x48c32f], esi
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push edi
+jmp near loc_0042dba5 ; jmp 0x42dba5
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and eax, 1
+lea esi, [eax + 1]
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c32f] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c32f]
+and ebp, 0xf00
+sar ebp, 8
+cmp esi, ebp
+je near loc_0042dbac ; je 0x42dbac
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x1a1
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0x32
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x1e7
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x5e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push edx
+lea edx, [esi + 0x16]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c308]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+and word [ref_0048c32f], 0xf0f0 ; and word [0x48c32f], 0xf0f0
+shl esi, 8
+or dword [ref_0048c32f], esi ; or dword [0x48c32f], esi
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0042dc36 ; je 0x42dc36
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c318] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c318]
+cmp eax, 2
+jb short loc_0042dbd1 ; jb 0x42dbd1
+jbe short loc_0042dbf0 ; jbe 0x42dbf0
+cmp eax, 4
+je short loc_0042dc0f ; je 0x42dc0f
+jmp short loc_0042dc36 ; jmp 0x42dc36
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0042dc36 ; jne 0x42dc36
+push eax
+push eax
+push 0x40c
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+mov dword [ref_0048c318], 1 ; mov dword [0x48c318], 1
+jmp short loc_0042dc36 ; jmp 0x42dc36
+mov dword [ref_0048c318], 3 ; mov dword [0x48c318], 3
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c310] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c310]
+mov byte [eax + ref_0048c349], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x48c349], 1
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+jmp short loc_0042dc33 ; jmp 0x42dc33
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c32b] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c32b]
+push ebp
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c343] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c343]
+push eax
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_0044ef3b ; call 0x44ef3b
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0042dc4c ; jne 0x42dc4c
+cmp dword [ref_0048c314], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c314], 0
+je near loc_0042d48d ; je 0x42d48d
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c314] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c314]
+test esi, esi
+je near loc_0042dd03 ; je 0x42dd03
+lea edx, [esi - 1]
+mov dword [ref_0048c314], edx ; mov dword [0x48c314], edx
+test edx, edx
+jne near loc_0042ddf4 ; jne 0x42ddf4
+cmp dword [ref_0048c310], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c310], 0
+jne short loc_0042dcc0 ; jne 0x42dcc0
+mov ebx, 0x195
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], ebx
+mov esi, 0x5b
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x1c7
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x6e
+push esi
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0x78
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+jmp short loc_0042dcf6 ; jmp 0x42dcf6
+mov esi, 0x1a1
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], esi
+mov ebp, 0x59
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x1e7
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x6e
+push ebp
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0x138
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_0042dde5 ; jmp 0x42dde5
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov esi, eax
+sar esi, 0xb
+cmp esi, 4
+jge near loc_0042ddf4 ; jge 0x42ddf4
+cmp dword [ref_0048c310], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c310], 0
+jne short loc_0042dd6e ; jne 0x42dd6e
+mov ebp, 0x195
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], ebp
+mov eax, 0x5b
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x1c7
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x6e
+push eax
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and eax, 1
+lea edx, [eax + 0xa]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+jmp short loc_0042ddbb ; jmp 0x42ddbb
+mov eax, 0x1a1
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+mov edx, 0x59
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x1e7
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x6e
+push edx
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and eax, 1
+lea edx, [eax + 0x1a]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and eax, 7
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c314] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c314]
+or esi, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048c314], esi ; mov dword [0x48c314], esi
+jne short loc_0042dde5 ; jne 0x42dde5
+mov dword [ref_0048c314], 1 ; mov dword [0x48c314], 1
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+jmp near loc_0042d48d ; jmp 0x42d48d
+cmp dword [ref_0048c318], 3 ; cmp dword [0x48c318], 3
+je short loc_0042de4c ; je 0x42de4c
+push 1
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+add esp, 4
+cmp dword [ref_0048c318], 1 ; cmp dword [0x48c318], 1
+jg near loc_0042d48d ; jg 0x42d48d
+mov dword [ref_0048c318], 1 ; mov dword [0x48c318], 1
+mov dword [ref_0048c333], 5 ; mov dword [0x48c333], 5
+mov dword [ref_0048c337], 0xe3 ; mov dword [0x48c337], 0xe3
+jmp near loc_0042d48d ; jmp 0x42d48d
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, dx
+mov eax, edx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+movzx ebp, ax
+cmp esi, 0x21e
+jl near loc_0042df31 ; jl 0x42df31
+cmp esi, 0x273
+jg near loc_0042df31 ; jg 0x42df31
+cmp ebp, 0xd
+jl near loc_0042df31 ; jl 0x42df31
+cmp ebp, 0x62
+jg near loc_0042df31 ; jg 0x42df31
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x21e
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0xd
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x273
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x62
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+mov edx, ref_0048a068 ; mov edx, 0x48a068
+push edx
+push 0
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c310] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c310]
+shl eax, 4
+lea edx, [eax + 0xe]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edx
+call dword [eax + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov byte [ref_0048c347], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c347], 1
+jmp near loc_0042d48d ; jmp 0x42d48d
+cmp esi, 0x22c
+jl near loc_0042dfe6 ; jl 0x42dfe6
+cmp esi, 0x27c
+jg near loc_0042dfe6 ; jg 0x42dfe6
+cmp ebp, 0xf6
+jl near loc_0042dfe6 ; jl 0x42dfe6
+cmp ebp, 0x11e
+jg near loc_0042dfe6 ; jg 0x42dfe6
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x22c
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0xf6
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x27c
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x11e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0x1bc
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov byte [ref_0048c347], 2 ; mov byte [0x48c347], 2
+jmp near loc_0042d48d ; jmp 0x42d48d
+cmp esi, 0xe8
+jle near loc_0042e148 ; jle 0x42e148
+cmp esi, 0x278
+jge near loc_0042e148 ; jge 0x42e148
+cmp ebp, 0x12a
+jle near loc_0042e148 ; jle 0x42e148
+cmp ebp, 0x1d2
+jge near loc_0042e148 ; jge 0x42e148
+lea edx, [ebp - 0x12a]
+mov ebx, 0x38
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov edi, eax
+lea edx, [esi - 0xe8]
+mov ecx, 0x50
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov edx, eax
+mov ebx, edi
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+lea ebx, [eax + edx]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+lea edx, [eax + 0xe9]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], edx
+add eax, 0x137
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+shl edi, 3
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edi
+lea edx, [eax + 0x12b]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], edx
+add eax, 0x161
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+cmp dword [ref_0048c310], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c310], 0
+jne short loc_0042e100 ; jne 0x42e100
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add ebx, eax
+mov dl, byte [ebx + ref_00499120] ; mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x499120]
+test dl, dl
+je near loc_0042d48d ; je 0x42d48d
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, dl
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0042d145 ; call 0x42d145
+add esp, 8
+add dword [ref_0048c343], eax ; add dword [0x48c343], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c30c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c30c]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c300] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c300]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00441b0a ; call 0x441b0a
+add esp, 0xc
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451b9e ; call 0x451b9e
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ref_0048c347], 3 ; mov byte [0x48c347], 3
+jmp near loc_0042d48d ; jmp 0x42d48d
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_0048c548], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x48c548], 0
+je near loc_0042d48d ; je 0x42d48d
+push 1
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_0048c548] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x48c548]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0042d1b2 ; call 0x42d1b2
+add esp, 0xc
+add dword [ref_0048c343], eax ; add dword [0x48c343], eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c30c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c30c]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c304] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c304]
+push esi
+call fcn_00447c6e ; call 0x447c6e
+jmp short loc_0042e0e4 ; jmp 0x42e0e4
+cmp dword [ref_0048c310], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c310], 0
+jne near loc_0042e39c ; jne 0x42e39c
+cmp esi, 0xe
+jl near loc_0042e39c ; jl 0x42e39c
+cmp esi, 0xd7
+jg near loc_0042e39c ; jg 0x42e39c
+cmp ebp, 0x51
+jl near loc_0042e39c ; jl 0x42e39c
+cmp ebp, 0x1b9
+jg near loc_0042e39c ; jg 0x42e39c
+lea edx, [ebp - 0x51]
+mov ebx, 0x18
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov ebx, eax
+cmp byte [eax + ref_0048c31c], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x48c31c], 0
+je near loc_0042d48d ; je 0x42d48d
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_0048c31c] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x48c31c]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax*8 + ref_0047fdef] ; mov dl, byte [eax*8 + 0x47fdef]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b98] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b98]
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp eax, edx
+jge short loc_0042e1eb ; jge 0x42e1eb
+mov dword [ref_0048c318], 2 ; mov dword [0x48c318], 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c310] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c310]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edi, dword [eax*8 + ref_004755c8] ; mov edi, dword [eax*8 + 0x4755c8]
+push edi
+jmp near loc_0042e459 ; jmp 0x42e459
+push ecx
+call fcn_00441262 ; call 0x441262
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jge near loc_0042e43a ; jge 0x42e43a
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_0048c31c] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x48c31c]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0042d237 ; call 0x42d237
+add esp, 8
+add dword [ref_0048c343], eax ; add dword [0x48c343], eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c30c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c30c]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c300] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c300]
+push edx
+call fcn_00441b0a ; call 0x441b0a
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xa0a0a0
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0xe
+mov edx, ebx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov dword [esp + 0x5c], eax
+add eax, 0x51
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0xd7
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x5c]
+add eax, 0x69
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+push 2
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x60]
+add eax, 0x53
+push eax
+push 0x5a
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_0048c31c] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x48c31c]
+mov edx, dword [eax*8 + ref_0047fdea] ; mov edx, dword [eax*8 + 0x47fdea]
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_0048c31c] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x48c31c]
+mov al, byte [eax*8 + ref_0047fdef] ; mov al, byte [eax*8 + 0x47fdef]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+push ref_00464374 ; push 0x464374
+lea eax, [esp + 0x58]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x60]
+add eax, 0x4b
+push eax
+push 0xc2
+lea eax, [esp + 0x5c]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x18
+push 0xc9
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+sub eax, 0xa
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+sub eax, 5
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x54]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x54]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x125
+push 0xe3
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c300] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c300]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [ebx + ref_0048c31c], dl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x48c31c], dl
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x40e
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+push 0
+push 0
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+cmp dword [ref_0048c310], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c310], 0
+je near loc_0042d48d ; je 0x42d48d
+cmp esi, 0xc
+jl near loc_0042d48d ; jl 0x42d48d
+cmp esi, 0xd5
+jg near loc_0042d48d ; jg 0x42d48d
+cmp ebp, 0x50
+jl near loc_0042d48d ; jl 0x42d48d
+cmp ebp, 0x1d0
+jg near loc_0042d48d ; jg 0x42d48d
+lea edx, [ebp - 0x50]
+mov ebx, 0x30
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov ebx, eax
+mov dh, byte [eax + ref_0048c2f8] ; mov dh, byte [eax + 0x48c2f8]
+test dh, dh
+je near loc_0042d48d ; je 0x42d48d
+movzx ebp, dh
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [ebp*8 + ref_0047fedf] ; mov cl, byte [ebp*8 + 0x47fedf]
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b98] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b98]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c310] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c310]
+mov esi, edx
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, edx
+shl esi, 3
+cmp ecx, eax
+jle short loc_0042e466 ; jle 0x42e466
+mov dword [ref_0048c318], 2 ; mov dword [0x48c318], 2
+mov ebx, dword [esi + ref_004755c8] ; mov ebx, dword [esi + 0x4755c8]
+jmp near loc_0042d841 ; jmp 0x42d841
+mov dword [ref_0048c318], 2 ; mov dword [0x48c318], 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c310] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c310]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov ecx, dword [eax*8 + ref_004755cc] ; mov ecx, dword [eax*8 + 0x4755cc]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0042d48d ; jmp 0x42d48d
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+cmp byte [eax + ebp + ref_0049915b], 9 ; cmp byte [eax + ebp + 0x49915b], 9
+jae near loc_0042e616 ; jae 0x42e616
+push ebp
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+push esi
+call fcn_0042d272 ; call 0x42d272
+add esp, 8
+add dword [ref_0048c343], eax ; add dword [0x48c343], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c30c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c30c]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c304] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c304]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00447c6e ; call 0x447c6e
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xa0a0a0
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0xc
+mov edx, ebx
+mov esi, edx
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, edx
+shl esi, 4
+lea eax, [esi + 0x50]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0xdc
+lea eax, [esi + 0x80]
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+push 2
+lea eax, [esi + 0x5c]
+push eax
+push 0x5a
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_0048c2f8] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x48c2f8]
+mov edx, dword [eax*8 + ref_0047feda] ; mov edx, dword [eax*8 + 0x47feda]
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0xd8
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_0048c2f8] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x48c2f8]
+mov al, byte [eax*8 + ref_0047fedf] ; mov al, byte [eax*8 + 0x47fedf]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+push ref_00464374 ; push 0x464374
+lea eax, [esp + 0x58]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+add esi, 0x54
+push esi
+push 0xc2
+lea eax, [esp + 0x5c]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0xd8
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x30
+push 0xd0
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+sub eax, 0xa
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+sub eax, 5
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x54]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x54]
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0xd8
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x125
+push 0xe3
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c304] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c304]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+xor ch, ch
+mov byte [ebx + ref_0048c2f8], ch ; mov byte [ebx + 0x48c2f8], ch
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x40e
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+push 0
+push 0
+jmp near loc_0042d560 ; jmp 0x42d560
+mov dword [ref_0048c318], 2 ; mov dword [0x48c318], 2
+mov ecx, dword [esi + ref_004755cc] ; mov ecx, dword [esi + 0x4755cc]
+jmp near loc_0042e458 ; jmp 0x42e458
+mov cl, byte [ref_0048c347] ; mov cl, byte [0x48c347]
+test cl, cl
+je near loc_0042d48d ; je 0x42d48d
+mov al, cl
+cmp cl, 2
+jb short loc_0042e650 ; jb 0x42e650
+jbe short loc_0042e686 ; jbe 0x42e686
+cmp cl, 3
+je near loc_0042e7ec ; je 0x42e7ec
+jmp near loc_0042e87c ; jmp 0x42e87c
+cmp cl, 1
+jne near loc_0042e87c ; jne 0x42e87c
+xor byte [ref_0048c310], cl ; xor byte [0x48c310], cl
+call fcn_0042d299 ; call 0x42d299
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x405
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+push 0
+push 0
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_0042e87c ; jmp 0x42e87c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+cmp dword [ref_0048c310], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c310], 0
+jne short loc_0042e6c7 ; jne 0x42e6c7
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x13c
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0x5e
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x1a0
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0xe3
+jmp short loc_0042e6e7 ; jmp 0x42e6e7
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x136
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0x17
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x19a
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0xc1
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+sub eax, ecx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+sub eax, ebx
+push eax
+push ecx
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c308]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c310] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c310]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 6
+add ecx, 0xc
+add eax, ecx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0xf0
+push 0x140
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c310] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c310]
+shl eax, 4
+lea edx, [eax + 3]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c308]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov esi, 0x22c
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], esi
+mov ebp, 0xf6
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x27c
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x11e
+push ebp
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0x1b0
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c310] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c310]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebx, dword [eax*8 + ref_004755d0] ; mov ebx, dword [eax*8 + 0x4755d0]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048c318], 4 ; mov dword [0x48c318], 4
+jmp near loc_0042e87c ; jmp 0x42e87c
+call fcn_00451d4e ; call 0x451d4e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x125
+push 0xe3
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c310] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c310]
+mov ebp, dword [eax*4 + ref_0048c300] ; mov ebp, dword [eax*4 + 0x48c300]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0xe8
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x278
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0x12a
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x1d2
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x40e
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+xor al, al
+mov byte [ref_0048c347], al ; mov byte [0x48c347], al
+jmp near loc_0042d48d ; jmp 0x42d48d
+push 1
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c32b] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c32b]
+push ebx
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c343] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c343]
+push esi
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+jmp near loc_0042e45e ; jmp 0x42e45e
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea edx, [esp + 0xc]
+push edx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0dc]
+push edx
+call dword [eax + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_0042d48d ; jmp 0x42d48d
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x80]
+push ecx
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_0042d48f ; jmp 0x42d48f
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x134
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x148]
+cmp edx, 0x1770
+jle near loc_0042ea2b ; jle 0x42ea2b
+cmp edx, 0x1f40
+jge near loc_0042ea2b ; jge 0x42ea2b
+lea eax, [edx - 0x1770]
+imul edx, eax, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e7c]
+add eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x18]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edx, eax
+jne near loc_0042ea2b ; jne 0x42ea2b
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+test al, 1
+je short loc_0042e9b9 ; je 0x42e9b9
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00445ada ; call 0x445ada
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + ref_0047feda] ; mov ebp, dword [ebx + 0x47feda]
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esp + 0x124]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d96 ; call 0x457d96
+add esp, 8
+mov bl, byte [ebx + ref_0047fedf] ; mov bl, byte [ebx + 0x47fedf]
+jmp short loc_0042e9ea ; jmp 0x42e9ea
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00441e12 ; call 0x441e12
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+mov esi, dword [ebx + ref_0047fdea] ; mov esi, dword [ebx + 0x47fdea]
+push esi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x124]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d96 ; call 0x457d96
+add esp, 8
+mov bl, byte [ebx + ref_0047fdef] ; mov bl, byte [ebx + 0x47fdef]
+and ebx, 0xff
+lea eax, [esp + 0x120]
+push eax
+push ref_00464378 ; push 0x464378
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0044f230 ; call 0x44f230
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne near loc_0042ed8d ; jne 0x42ed8d
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0xa
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c308], eax ; mov dword [0x48c308], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0xb
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a05c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c30c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c30c], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0xe]
+push edx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451a5a ; call 0x451a5a
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c300], eax ; mov dword [0x48c300], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c30c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c30c]
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x1a]
+push edx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0x18]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451a5a ; call 0x451a5a
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c304], eax ; mov dword [0x48c304], eax
+push 0xf
+push 0
+push ref_0048c31c ; push 0x48c31c
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+push 8
+push 0
+push ref_0048c2f8 ; push 0x48c2f8
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x1e
+push ref_00499198 ; push 0x499198
+lea eax, [esp + 0x108]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ebx, 0xa
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+lea ebp, [edx + 6]
+xor edi, edi
+cmp edi, ebp
+jge near loc_0042ebfe ; jge 0x42ebfe
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x130], ebx
+jmp short loc_0042eb37 ; jmp 0x42eb37
+lea eax, [edx + 1]
+mov dword [esp + 0x130], eax
+cmp eax, 0x1e
+jge short loc_0042eb61 ; jge 0x42eb61
+xor esi, esi
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x130]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + edx + 0x100]
+cmp esi, eax
+jge short loc_0042eb28 ; jge 0x42eb28
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x130]
+inc al
+mov byte [esp + ebx + 0x80], al
+inc ebx
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0042eb40 ; jmp 0x42eb40
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov al, byte [esp + edx + 0x80]
+mov byte [edi + ref_0048c31c], al ; mov byte [edi + 0x48c31c], al
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, al
+push 2
+mov ebx, edi
+shl ebx, 2
+sub ebx, edi
+shl ebx, 3
+dec byte [esp + edx + 0x103]
+lea eax, [ebx + 0x53]
+push eax
+push 0x5a
+mov ecx, dword [edx*8 + ref_0047fdea] ; mov ecx, dword [edx*8 + 0x47fdea]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edi + ref_0048c31c] ; mov al, byte [edi + 0x48c31c]
+mov al, byte [eax*8 + ref_0047fdef] ; mov al, byte [eax*8 + 0x47fdef]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+push ref_00464374 ; push 0x464374
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+add ebx, 0x4b
+push ebx
+push 0xc2
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc edi
+jmp near loc_0042eb15 ; jmp 0x42eb15
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x130], ecx
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_0042ec23 ; jmp 0x42ec23
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x130]
+inc eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x130], eax
+cmp eax, 8
+jge near loc_0042ecbb ; jge 0x42ecbb
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x130]
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00497320], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x497320], 0
+je short loc_0042ec0b ; je 0x42ec0b
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x130]
+inc al
+mov byte [esi + ref_0048c2f8], al ; mov byte [esi + 0x48c2f8], al
+push 2
+mov edi, esi
+shl edi, 2
+sub edi, esi
+shl edi, 4
+lea eax, [edi + 0x5c]
+push eax
+push 0x5a
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x13c]
+mov ebp, dword [ebx*8 + ref_0047fee2] ; mov ebp, dword [ebx*8 + 0x47fee2]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0xd8
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx*8 + ref_0047fee7] ; mov al, byte [ebx*8 + 0x47fee7]
+push eax
+push ref_00464374 ; push 0x464374
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+add edi, 0x54
+push edi
+push 0xc2
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c308]
+add eax, 0xd8
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc esi
+jmp near loc_0042ec0b ; jmp 0x42ec0b
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c30c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c30c]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c300] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c300]
+push esi
+call fcn_00441b0a ; call 0x441b0a
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c30c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c30c]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c304] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c304]
+push eax
+call fcn_00447c6e ; call 0x447c6e
+add esp, 0xc
+push 6
+call fcn_004549cf ; call 0x4549cf
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push fcn_0042d37f ; push 0x42d37f
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, eax
+call fcn_00454bcc ; call 0x454bcc
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c308] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c308]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c30c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c30c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c300] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c300]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c304] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c304]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x148]
+cmp ebx, 0x1770
+jle short loc_0042ed82 ; jle 0x42ed82
+cmp ebx, 0x1f40
+jge short loc_0042ed82 ; jge 0x42ed82
+lea edx, [ebx - 0x1770]
+imul edx, edx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e7c]
+add dword [edx + eax + 0x28], ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e7c]
+add dword [edx + eax + 0x2c], ebp
+add esp, 0x134
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x130], ebp
+jmp short loc_0042edac ; jmp 0x42edac
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x130]
+inc edi
+mov dword [esp + 0x130], edi
+cmp edi, 0xf
+jge short loc_0042ee1d ; jge 0x42ee1d
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x130]
+add eax, edi
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00499120], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x499120], 0
+je short loc_0042ee1d ; je 0x42ee1d
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [edi*8 + ref_0047fdf9] ; mov bl, byte [edi*8 + 0x47fdf9]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul edx, ecx, 0x68
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_00496b7f] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x496b7f]
+and edx, 0xff
+sub ebx, edx
+cmp ebx, 2
+jne short loc_0042ed98 ; jne 0x42ed98
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00499120] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x499120]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+push ecx
+call fcn_0042d145 ; call 0x42d145
+add esp, 8
+add ebp, eax
+lea esi, [edi - 1]
+mov dword [esp + 0x130], esi
+jmp near loc_0042ed98 ; jmp 0x42ed98
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x130], edx
+jmp short loc_0042ee3c ; jmp 0x42ee3c
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x130]
+inc eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x130], eax
+cmp eax, 0xd
+jge short loc_0042eea4 ; jge 0x42eea4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x130]
+add eax, ecx
+cmp byte [eax + ref_0049915c], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x49915c], 0
+je short loc_0042ee28 ; je 0x42ee28
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [ecx*8 + ref_0047fee9] ; mov bl, byte [ecx*8 + 0x47fee9]
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul edx, esi, 0x68
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_00496b7f] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x496b7f]
+and edx, 0xff
+sub ebx, edx
+cmp ebx, 2
+jne short loc_0042ee28 ; jne 0x42ee28
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_0049915c] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x49915c]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+lea eax, [ecx + 1]
+push eax
+push esi
+call fcn_0042d1b2 ; call 0x42d1b2
+add esp, 0xc
+add ebp, eax
+jmp short loc_0042ee28 ; jmp 0x42ee28
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp word [eax + ref_00496b98], 0x64 ; cmp word [eax + 0x496b98], 0x64
+jae near loc_0042f025 ; jae 0x42f025
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x130], ebx
+mov esi, 0x2710
+xor edi, edi
+jmp short loc_0042eedf ; jmp 0x42eedf
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x130]
+inc ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x130], ecx
+cmp ecx, 0xf
+jge short loc_0042ef1e ; jge 0x42ef1e
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add eax, dword [esp + 0x130]
+mov bh, byte [eax + ref_00499120] ; mov bh, byte [eax + 0x499120]
+test bh, bh
+je short loc_0042eecb ; je 0x42eecb
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, bh
+mov al, byte [edx*8 + ref_0047fdef] ; mov al, byte [edx*8 + 0x47fdef]
+and eax, 0xff
+cmp eax, esi
+jge short loc_0042eecb ; jge 0x42eecb
+mov esi, eax
+mov edi, edx
+jmp short loc_0042eecb ; jmp 0x42eecb
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_0042ef34 ; je 0x42ef34
+push edi
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+push esi
+call fcn_0042d145 ; call 0x42d145
+add esp, 8
+add ebp, eax
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esp + 0x130], edi
+jmp short loc_0042ef53 ; jmp 0x42ef53
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x130]
+inc ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x130], ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xd
+jge short loc_0042ef9b ; jge 0x42ef9b
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x130]
+add eax, edx
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_0049915c] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x49915c]
+cmp cl, 1
+jbe short loc_0042ef3f ; jbe 0x42ef3f
+mov al, cl
+and eax, 0xff
+dec eax
+push eax
+lea eax, [edx + 1]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0042d1b2 ; call 0x42d1b2
+add esp, 0xc
+add ebp, eax
+jmp short loc_0042ef3f ; jmp 0x42ef3f
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+and al, 3
+cmp al, 1
+jne short loc_0042efdd ; jne 0x42efdd
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edi
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov ch, byte [eax + ref_00499160] ; mov ch, byte [eax + 0x499160]
+test ch, ch
+je short loc_0042efdd ; je 0x42efdd
+mov al, ch
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+push 5
+push edi
+call fcn_0042d1b2 ; call 0x42d1b2
+add esp, 0xc
+add ebp, eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+and al, 3
+cmp al, 2
+jne short loc_0042f025 ; jne 0x42f025
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00499161] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x499161]
+test dl, dl
+je short loc_0042f025 ; je 0x42f025
+mov al, dl
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+push 6
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0042d1b2 ; call 0x42d1b2
+add esp, 0xc
+add ebp, eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov bx, word [eax + ref_00496b98] ; mov bx, word [eax + 0x496b98]
+test bx, bx
+je near loc_0042ed50 ; je 0x42ed50
+mov eax, ebx
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov edi, eax
+sar edi, 1
+sub eax, edi
+mov dword [esp + 0x12c], eax
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x130], esi
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+jmp short loc_0042f077 ; jmp 0x42f077
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x130]
+inc esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x130], esi
+cmp esi, 0x1e
+jge short loc_0042f0cc ; jge 0x42f0cc
+xor esi, esi
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x130]
+mov al, byte [edx + ref_00499198] ; mov al, byte [edx + 0x499198]
+cmp esi, eax
+jge short loc_0042f063 ; jge 0x42f063
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_0047fdf7] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x47fdf7]
+cmp edi, edx
+jl short loc_0042f063 ; jl 0x42f063
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_0047fdf9] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x47fdf9]
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7f] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7f]
+and eax, 0xff
+sub edx, eax
+cmp edx, 2
+je short loc_0042f063 ; je 0x42f063
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x130]
+mov byte [esp + ebx + 0x80], al
+inc ebx
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0042f079 ; jmp 0x42f079
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_0042f16c ; je 0x42f16c
+push fcn_0042d0ef ; push 0x42d0ef
+push 1
+push ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x8c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457e6c ; call 0x457e6c
+add esp, 0x10
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x130], edx
+cmp ebx, dword [esp + 0x130]
+jle short loc_0042f16c ; jle 0x42f16c
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00441262 ; call 0x441262
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je short loc_0042f16c ; je 0x42f16c
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x130]
+mov al, byte [esp + edx + 0x80]
+mov dl, byte [eax*8 + ref_0047fdf7] ; mov dl, byte [eax*8 + 0x47fdf7]
+and edx, 0xff
+cmp edi, edx
+jl short loc_0042f163 ; jl 0x42f163
+inc eax
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0042d237 ; call 0x42d237
+add esp, 8
+add ebp, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x130]
+mov al, byte [esp + edx + 0x80]
+mov al, byte [eax*8 + ref_0047fdf7] ; mov al, byte [eax*8 + 0x47fdf7]
+and eax, 0xff
+sub edi, eax
+inc dword [esp + 0x130]
+jmp short loc_0042f0f5 ; jmp 0x42f0f5
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+and al, 3
+cmp al, 1
+je short loc_0042f1cc ; je 0x42f1cc
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00499160], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x499160], 0
+jne short loc_0042f1cc ; jne 0x42f1cc
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0047ff07] ; mov al, byte [0x47ff07]
+cmp eax, dword [esp + 0x12c]
+jge short loc_0042f1cc ; jge 0x42f1cc
+cmp byte [ref_00497324], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497324], 0
+je short loc_0042f1cc ; je 0x42f1cc
+push 5
+push ecx
+call fcn_0042d272 ; call 0x42d272
+add esp, 8
+add ebp, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0047ff07] ; mov al, byte [0x47ff07]
+sub dword [esp + 0x12c], eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+and al, 3
+cmp al, 2
+je short loc_0042f232 ; je 0x42f232
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00499161], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x499161], 0
+jne short loc_0042f232 ; jne 0x42f232
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0047ff0f] ; mov al, byte [0x47ff0f]
+cmp eax, dword [esp + 0x12c]
+jge short loc_0042f232 ; jge 0x42f232
+cmp byte [ref_00497325], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497325], 0
+je short loc_0042f232 ; je 0x42f232
+push 6
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0042d272 ; call 0x42d272
+add esp, 8
+add ebp, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0047ff0f] ; mov al, byte [0x47ff0f]
+sub dword [esp + 0x12c], eax
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esp + 0x130], edi
+jmp short loc_0042f255 ; jmp 0x42f255
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x130]
+inc eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x130], eax
+cmp eax, 6
+jge near loc_0042ed50 ; jge 0x42ed50
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x130]
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_004755f0] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x4755f0]
+cmp byte [edx + eax + ref_0049915c], 9 ; cmp byte [edx + eax + 0x49915c], 9
+jae short loc_0042f23d ; jae 0x42f23d
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 3
+movzx esi, byte [edx + ref_0047fee9] ; movzx esi, byte [edx + 0x47fee9]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul ebx, ecx, 0x68
+mov bl, byte [ebx + ref_00496b7f] ; mov bl, byte [ebx + 0x496b7f]
+and ebx, 0xff
+sub esi, ebx
+cmp esi, 2
+je short loc_0042f23d ; je 0x42f23d
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_0047fee7] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x47fee7]
+and edx, 0xff
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x12c]
+cmp edx, ebx
+jg near loc_0042f23d ; jg 0x42f23d
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00497320], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x497320], 0
+je near loc_0042f23d ; je 0x42f23d
+inc eax
+push eax
+push ecx
+call fcn_0042d272 ; call 0x42d272
+add esp, 8
+add ebp, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x130]
+mov al, byte [edx + ref_004755f0] ; mov al, byte [edx + 0x4755f0]
+mov al, byte [eax*8 + ref_0047fee7] ; mov al, byte [eax*8 + 0x47fee7]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov edi, ebx
+sub edi, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x12c], edi
+jmp near loc_0042f23d ; jmp 0x42f23d
+dd 0x00000010
+dd 0x00000154
+dd 0x00000010
+dd 0x0000019a
+dd 0x00000148
+dd 0x00000154
+dd 0x00000148
+dd 0x0000019a
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+xor esi, esi
+mov ebx, 0x1f
+mov edi, 0x110
+jmp short loc_0042f343 ; jmp 0x42f343
+inc esi
+cmp esi, 0x24
+jge short loc_0042f37a ; jge 0x42f37a
+cmp byte [esi + ref_004990b8], 0 ; cmp byte [esi + 0x4990b8], 0
+je short loc_0042f365 ; je 0x42f365
+push 0xfffffffffffffff6
+push 0x2e
+push 0x3e
+push edi
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c35c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c35c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_004552e7 ; call 0x4552e7
+add esp, 0x18
+add ebx, 0x40
+cmp ebx, 0x25f
+jne short loc_0042f33d ; jne 0x42f33d
+mov ebx, 0x1f
+add edi, 0x30
+jmp short loc_0042f33d ; jmp 0x42f33d
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c35c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c35c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0xfffffffffffffffb
+push 0xd2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c35c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c35c]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0
+push 0x14
+push 0x14
+push 0x168
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c35c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c35c]
+add eax, 0x6c
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ec30 ; call 0x44ec30
+add esp, 0x1c
+push 5
+push 8
+push 8
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c364] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c364]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450ced ; call 0x450ced
+add esp, 0x10
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x7c
+mov ecx, 8
+lea edi, [esp + 0x4c]
+mov esi, ref_0042f30c ; mov esi, 0x42f30c
+rep movsd ; rep movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x74], edx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x70]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp eax, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_0042f6ab ; jge 0x42f6ab
+imul esi, eax, 0x68
+cmp byte [esi + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [esi + 0x496b7d], 0
+je near loc_0042f6a2 ; je 0x42f6a2
+push 0xfffffffffffffff0
+push 0x3c
+push 0x128
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x80]
+mov ebp, dword [esp + ebx*8 + 0x5c]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + ebx*8 + 0x5c]
+push eax
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_004552e7 ; call 0x4552e7
+add esp, 0x18
+mov eax, dword [esp + ebx*8 + 0x50]
+add eax, 0x1e
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + ebx*8 + 0x50]
+add eax, 0x14
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [esi + 0x496b7b]
+lea edx, [eax + 0x19]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c360]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [esp], dl
+xor edi, edi
+jmp short loc_0042f4ee ; jmp 0x42f4ee
+inc edi
+cmp edi, 0x24
+jge short loc_0042f52c ; jge 0x42f52c
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [edi + ref_004990b8] ; mov dl, byte [edi + 0x4990b8]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x70]
+inc eax
+cmp edx, eax
+jne short loc_0042f4e8 ; jne 0x42f4e8
+lea eax, [edi + 1]
+push eax
+push ref_004645d4 ; push 0x4645d4
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+lea eax, [esp + 0x78]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_004582fc ; call 0x4582fc
+add esp, 8
+jmp short loc_0042f4e8 ; jmp 0x42f4e8
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_0045825d ; call 0x45825d
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, eax
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0042f69e ; je 0x42f69e
+cmp eax, 0xc
+jg near loc_0042f5df ; jg 0x42f5df
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x74]
+mov esi, dword [esp + eax*8 + 0x4c]
+add esi, 0x36
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x74]
+cmp ebx, edi
+jge near loc_0042f69e ; jge 0x42f69e
+mov eax, dword [esp + ebp*8 + 0x50]
+add eax, 0x1e
+push eax
+push esi
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esp + ebx + 8]
+sub edx, 0x30
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c368] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c368]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [esp + ebp*8 + 0x50]
+add eax, 0x1e
+push eax
+lea eax, [esi + 0x10]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + ebx + 9]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c368] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c368]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+add ebx, 2
+add esi, 0x28
+jmp near loc_0042f55b ; jmp 0x42f55b
+cmp eax, 0x18
+jle short loc_0042f5e9 ; jle 0x42f5e9
+mov edi, 0x18
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x74]
+mov esi, dword [esp + eax*8 + 0x4c]
+add esi, 0x36
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], 0xf
+cmp ebx, edi
+jge near loc_0042f69e ; jge 0x42f69e
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x74]
+shl ebp, 3
+mov eax, dword [esp + ebp + 0x50]
+add eax, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+push esi
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + ebx + 8]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c368] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c368]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [esp + ebp + 0x50]
+add eax, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esi + 0x10]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + ebx + 9]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c368] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c368]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+cmp ebx, 0xa
+jne short loc_0042f693 ; jne 0x42f693
+mov esi, dword [esp + ebp + 0x4c]
+add esi, 0xe
+add dword [esp + 0x6c], 0x1e
+add ebx, 2
+add esi, 0x28
+jmp near loc_0042f5fe ; jmp 0x42f5fe
+inc dword [esp + 0x74]
+inc dword [esp + 0x70]
+jmp near loc_0042f458 ; jmp 0x42f458
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+add esp, 0x7c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 0x4c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x42
+push 0x1d8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x42
+push 7
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x4f35b1
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0xc1
+push 0x4d
+push ref_004645d9 ; push 0x4645d9
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0xff0000
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov byte [esp], 0x24
+mov esi, dword [ref_00499080] ; mov esi, dword [0x499080]
+push esi
+lea eax, [esp + 5]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 2
+push 0xe4
+push 0x4d
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0
+push 0xfffffffffffffff6
+push 0x2f
+push 0x12c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0x114
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ec30 ; call 0x44ec30
+add esp, 0x1c
+call fcn_0042f417 ; call 0x42f417
+add esp, 0x4c
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x90
+ref_0042f7e8: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_0042fa88
+dd loc_0042fac5
+dd loc_0042fa9e
+dd loc_0042fae5
+dd loc_0042faf8
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x5c
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x70]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x74]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x78]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x7c]
+cmp eax, 0x203
+jb short loc_0042f85a ; jb 0x42f85a
+jbe near loc_0042fe8c ; jbe 0x42fe8c
+cmp eax, 0x401
+jb short loc_0042f84a ; jb 0x42f84a
+jbe short loc_0042f885 ; jbe 0x42f885
+cmp eax, 0x405
+jb near loc_004300c0 ; jb 0x4300c0
+jbe near loc_0042f930 ; jbe 0x42f930
+cmp eax, 0x406
+je near loc_0042f94f ; je 0x42f94f
+jmp near loc_004300c0 ; jmp 0x4300c0
+cmp eax, 0x205
+je near loc_0043003d ; je 0x43003d
+jmp near loc_004300c0 ; jmp 0x4300c0
+cmp eax, 0x113
+jb short loc_0042f877 ; jb 0x42f877
+jbe near loc_0042fa2f ; jbe 0x42fa2f
+cmp eax, 0x201
+je near loc_0042fe8c ; je 0x42fe8c
+jmp near loc_004300c0 ; jmp 0x4300c0
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je near loc_00430062 ; je 0x430062
+jmp near loc_004300c0 ; jmp 0x4300c0
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [ref_0048c370], bh ; mov byte [0x48c370], bh
+mov byte [ref_0048c371], bh ; mov byte [0x48c371], bh
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048c34c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c34c], eax
+mov dword [ref_0048c350], eax ; mov dword [0x48c350], eax
+xor ch, ch
+mov byte [ref_0048c372], ch ; mov byte [0x48c372], ch
+call fcn_0042f32c ; call 0x42f32c
+push 0
+push 0x64
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x46cad8]
+push ecx
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTimer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462324]
+mov dword [ref_0048c36c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c36c], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b84], 0x3e8 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b84], 0x3e8
+jge short loc_0042f8f6 ; jge 0x42f8f6
+push 4
+push 4
+push 0x405
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+jmp short loc_0042f90c ; jmp 0x42f90c
+cmp byte [ref_00497159], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497159], 0
+je short loc_0042f905 ; je 0x42f905
+push 0
+push 1
+jmp short loc_0042f8e7 ; jmp 0x42f8e7
+mov byte [ref_0048c370], 3 ; mov byte [0x48c370], 3
+push 0
+push 1
+push 0x1c
+call fcn_004021f8 ; call 0x4021f8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x5c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+mov byte [ref_0048c370], bl ; mov byte [0x48c370], bl
+mov ebp, dword [edi*4 + ref_004755f8] ; mov ebp, dword [edi*4 + 0x4755f8]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ref_0048c372], 2 ; mov byte [0x48c372], 2
+jmp short loc_0042f924 ; jmp 0x42f924
+call fcn_0044ef3b ; call 0x44ef3b
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0042f974 ; je 0x42f974
+push 1
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+add esp, 4
+cmp byte [ref_0048c370], 3 ; cmp byte [0x48c370], 3
+jbe short loc_0042f974 ; jbe 0x42f974
+mov byte [ref_0048c370], 5 ; mov byte [0x48c370], 5
+jmp short loc_0042f924 ; jmp 0x42f924
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x9a
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x1c2
+mov edi, 0x101
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push ecx
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push edi
+push 0xe6
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+add eax, 0x42
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x54]
+push edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c35c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c35c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0xfffffffffffffff8
+push 0x9a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c35c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c35c]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov byte [ref_0048c370], 5 ; mov byte [0x48c370], 5
+mov edi, dword [ebx*4 + ref_004755f8] ; mov edi, dword [ebx*4 + 0x4755f8]
+push edi
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+jmp near loc_0042f921 ; jmp 0x42f921
+cmp byte [ref_0048c370], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c370], 0
+je near loc_0042f924 ; je 0x42f924
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je near loc_0042f924 ; je 0x42f924
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x46cad8]
+jne near loc_0042f924 ; jne 0x42f924
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c372] ; mov al, byte [0x48c372]
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0042fa9e ; je 0x42fa9e
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c370] ; mov al, byte [0x48c370]
+dec al
+cmp al, 4
+ja near loc_0042fa9e ; ja 0x42fa9e
+and eax, 0xff
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_0042f7e8] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x42f7e8]
+mov byte [ref_0048c370], 2 ; mov byte [0x48c370], 2
+mov ecx, dword [ref_004755fc] ; mov ecx, dword [0x4755fc]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+cmp byte [ref_0048c370], 5 ; cmp byte [0x48c370], 5
+je near loc_0042fd5f ; je 0x42fd5f
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c350] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c350]
+and eax, 0xf
+test eax, eax
+jbe short loc_0042fb2a ; jbe 0x42fb2a
+cmp eax, 1
+je near loc_0042fb48 ; je 0x42fb48
+jmp near loc_0042fc24 ; jmp 0x42fc24
+mov byte [ref_0048c370], 3 ; mov byte [0x48c370], 3
+mov edx, dword [ref_00475600] ; mov edx, dword [0x475600]
+push edx
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [ref_0048c372], bl ; mov byte [0x48c372], bl
+jmp short loc_0042fa9e ; jmp 0x42fa9e
+push 0
+push 5
+push 0x406
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+jmp short loc_0042fa9e ; jmp 0x42fa9e
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 1
+push 0x29
+call fcn_004021f8 ; call 0x4021f8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c36c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c36c]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+jmp near loc_0042fa9b ; jmp 0x42fa9b
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov esi, eax
+sar esi, 0xa
+test esi, esi
+jne near loc_0042fc24 ; jne 0x42fc24
+or byte [ref_0048c350], 1 ; or byte [0x48c350], 1
+jmp near loc_0042fc24 ; jmp 0x42fc24
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c350] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c350]
+and esi, 0xf0
+sar esi, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x111
+mov edi, 0x3f
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], edi
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x157
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x69
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+cmp esi, 3
+jge short loc_0042fbd4 ; jge 0x42fbd4
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esi + ref_00475660] ; mov dl, byte [esi + 0x475660]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c35c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c35c]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+add dword [ref_0048c350], 0x10 ; add dword [0x48c350], 0x10
+jmp short loc_0042fc05 ; jmp 0x42fc05
+push 0x2a
+push 0x46
+push 0x44
+push edi
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x54]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x54]
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c35c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c35c]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+xor ch, ch
+mov byte [ref_0048c350], ch ; mov byte [0x48c350], ch
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+call fcn_0044ef3b ; call 0x44ef3b
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0042fc3a ; jne 0x42fc3a
+cmp dword [ref_0048c34c], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c34c], 0
+je near loc_0042fd5f ; je 0x42fd5f
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x111
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0x69
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x157
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x7b
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c34c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c34c]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_0042fcc3 ; je 0x42fcc3
+dec ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048c34c], ecx ; mov dword [0x48c34c], ecx
+jne near loc_0042fd5f ; jne 0x42fd5f
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push ecx
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x12
+push 0x46
+push 0x6e
+push 0x3f
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x54]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x54]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c35c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c35c]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+jmp near loc_0042fd50 ; jmp 0x42fd50
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov esi, eax
+sar esi, 0xb
+cmp esi, 4
+jge near loc_0042fd5f ; jge 0x42fd5f
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and eax, 1
+lea edx, [eax + 5]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c35c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c35c]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and eax, 7
+mov dword [ref_0048c34c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c34c], eax
+jne short loc_0042fd50 ; jne 0x42fd50
+mov dword [ref_0048c34c], 1 ; mov dword [0x48c34c], 1
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+call fcn_00450f04 ; call 0x450f04
+cmp byte [ref_0048c371], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c371], 0
+jne near loc_0042f924 ; jne 0x42f924
+mov byte [ref_0048c371], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c371], 1
+mov byte [esp + 0x50], 0x24
+mov edx, dword [ref_00499080] ; mov edx, dword [0x499080]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x55]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x1c
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0x1b
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0xc8
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x37
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c35c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c35c]
+add eax, 0x78
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+lea eax, [esp + 0x50]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045825d ; call 0x45825d
+add esp, 4
+lea ebx, [eax - 1]
+mov esi, 0xb8
+test ebx, ebx
+jl short loc_0042fe68 ; jl 0x42fe68
+mov cl, byte [esp + ebx + 0x50]
+cmp cl, 0x30
+jb short loc_0042fe1b ; jb 0x42fe1b
+cmp cl, 0x39
+ja short loc_0042fe1b ; ja 0x42fe1b
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [esp + ebx + 0x50]
+sub ecx, 0x30
+jmp short loc_0042fe36 ; jmp 0x42fe36
+cmp byte [esp + ebx + 0x50], 0x2c
+jne short loc_0042fe31 ; jne 0x42fe31
+mov ecx, 0xa
+mov edi, 0xc
+add esi, 6
+jmp short loc_0042fe3b ; jmp 0x42fe3b
+mov ecx, 0xb
+mov edi, 0x12
+push 0x29
+push esi
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c368] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c368]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+lea ecx, [edx + 0xc]
+add eax, ecx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+sub esi, edi
+dec ebx
+jmp short loc_0042fdfe ; jmp 0x42fdfe
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_0042f924 ; jmp 0x42f924
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c370] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c370]
+cmp dl, 3
+ja near loc_0042f924 ; ja 0x42f924
+jae short loc_0042feae ; jae 0x42feae
+push 1
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ref_0048c370], 3 ; mov byte [0x48c370], 3
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, di
+mov eax, edi
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, ax
+cmp esi, 0x1e
+jl near loc_0042f924 ; jl 0x42f924
+cmp esi, 0x25e
+jg near loc_0042f924 ; jg 0x42f924
+cmp ecx, 0x10f
+jl near loc_0042f924 ; jl 0x42f924
+cmp ecx, 0x1cf
+jg near loc_0042f924 ; jg 0x42f924
+lea edx, [esi - 0x1e]
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+shl edx, 6
+sbb eax, edx
+sar eax, 6
+mov esi, eax
+lea edx, [ecx - 0x10f]
+mov ecx, 0x30
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov ecx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ecx
+lea ebx, [eax + esi]
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_004990b8], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x4990b8], 0
+jne near loc_0042f924 ; jne 0x42f924
+shl esi, 6
+lea eax, [esi + 0x1e]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+shl eax, 4
+lea edx, [eax + 0x10f]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], edx
+add esi, 0x5e
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], esi
+add eax, 0x13f
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x44]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x44]
+add eax, 0x20
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c35c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c35c]
+add eax, 0x60
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+cmp ebx, 2
+je short loc_0042ffa0 ; je 0x42ffa0
+cmp ebx, 3
+jne short loc_0042ffd1 ; jne 0x42ffd1
+push 0x1e
+push 0x40
+push 0x10c
+push 0
+push 0x107
+push 0xd2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c35c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c35c]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456495 ; call 0x456495
+add esp, 0x20
+sub dword [esp + 0x44], 0x1e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov al, byte [ref_0049910c] ; mov al, byte [0x49910c]
+inc al
+mov byte [ebx + ref_004990b8], al ; mov byte [ebx + 0x4990b8], al
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x406
+push ebp
+sub dword [eax + ref_00496b84], 0x3e8 ; sub dword [eax + 0x496b84], 0x3e8
+add dword [ref_00499080], 0x3e8 ; add dword [0x499080], 0x3e8
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+push 0
+push ref_0047566b ; push 0x47566b
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_0042f924 ; jmp 0x42f924
+push 0
+push ref_00482332 ; push 0x482332
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+push 5
+push 0x406
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+jmp near loc_0042f924 ; jmp 0x42f924
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea edx, [esp + 0xc]
+push edx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push edi
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0dc]
+push edx
+call dword [eax + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_0042f924 ; jmp 0x42f924
+push edi
+push ebx
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_0042f926 ; jmp 0x42f926
+ref_004300d0: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_00430236
+dd loc_0043036c
+dd loc_0043024c
+dd loc_00430485
+dd loc_0043024c
+dd loc_004306ff
+dd loc_004308e0
+dd loc_004308f3
+dd loc_00430aa3
+dd loc_00430ab5
+ref_004300f8: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_00431117
+dd loc_00431157
+dd loc_00431222
+dd loc_004312d8
+dd loc_00431383
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x84
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x98]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+cmp eax, 0x113
+jb short loc_0043014a ; jb 0x43014a
+jbe near loc_004301e8 ; jbe 0x4301e8
+cmp eax, 0x401
+jb near loc_004315ae ; jb 0x4315ae
+jbe short loc_00430158 ; jbe 0x430158
+cmp eax, 0x405
+je short loc_004301b0 ; je 0x4301b0
+jmp near loc_004315ae ; jmp 0x4315ae
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je near loc_00431570 ; je 0x431570
+jmp near loc_004315ae ; jmp 0x4315ae
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [ref_0048c37b], bl ; mov byte [0x48c37b], bl
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048c34c], ecx ; mov dword [0x48c34c], ecx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048c350], ecx ; mov dword [0x48c350], ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048c377], ecx ; mov dword [0x48c377], ecx
+call fcn_0042f6c3 ; call 0x42f6c3
+push ebx
+push 0x32
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov ebp, dword [0x46cad8]
+push ebp
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTimer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462324]
+mov dword [ref_0048c373], eax ; mov dword [0x48c373], eax
+push ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push ebx
+push ebx
+push 0x405
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+jmp near loc_004301db ; jmp 0x4301db
+cmp byte [ref_00497159], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497159], 0
+je short loc_004301d4 ; je 0x4301d4
+mov byte [ref_0048c37b], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c37b], 1
+mov edx, dword [ref_00475610] ; mov edx, dword [0x475610]
+push edx
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_004301db ; jmp 0x4301db
+mov byte [ref_0048c37b], 2 ; mov byte [0x48c37b], 2
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x84
+jmp near loc_0042f929 ; jmp 0x42f929
+cmp byte [ref_0048c37b], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c37b], 0
+je short loc_004301db ; je 0x4301db
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je short loc_004301db ; je 0x4301db
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xa0]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; cmp eax, dword [0x46cad8]
+jne short loc_004301db ; jne 0x4301db
+push 0
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0043024c ; je 0x43024c
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c37b] ; mov al, byte [0x48c37b]
+dec al
+cmp al, 9
+ja near loc_0043024c ; ja 0x43024c
+and eax, 0xff
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_004300d0] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x4300d0]
+mov byte [ref_0048c37b], 2 ; mov byte [0x48c37b], 2
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00475614] ; mov ecx, dword [0x475614]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+cmp byte [ref_0048c37b], 3 ; cmp byte [0x48c37b], 3
+jne near loc_00430f43 ; jne 0x430f43
+mov dh, byte [ref_0048c37c] ; mov dh, byte [0x48c37c]
+inc dh
+mov byte [ref_0048c37c], dh ; mov byte [0x48c37c], dh
+cmp dh, 0x14
+jb near loc_00430f43 ; jb 0x430f43
+jne near loc_00430322 ; jne 0x430322
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x50
+push 0x50
+push 0xab
+push 0x1a2
+push 0xab
+push 0x1a2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x5a
+push 0x26
+push 0x33
+push 0
+push 0x75
+push 0x1d8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456495 ; call 0x456495
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov dword [esp + 0x64], 0x1a2
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], 0x75
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], 0x1fe
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], 0xfb
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x68]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov dword [esp + 0x64], 0xb7
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], 0x4b
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], 0x1ca
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], 0x159
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x68]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+call fcn_00450f04 ; call 0x450f04
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_00430f43 ; jne 0x430f43
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x80], eax
+jmp near loc_00430b0d ; jmp 0x430b0d
+mov byte [ref_0048c37b], 3 ; mov byte [0x48c37b], 3
+xor al, al
+mov byte [ref_0048c37c], al ; mov byte [0x48c37c], al
+push 8
+push 0x4b
+push 0xb7
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c358] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c358]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450ced ; call 0x450ced
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x82
+push 0x260
+push 0x154
+push 0x10
+push 0x154
+push 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x5a
+push 0x2d
+push 0x74
+push 0x1d8
+push 0x74
+push 0x1d8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x42
+push 0x1a2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x82
+push 0x86
+push 0x112
+push 0
+push 0x154
+push 7
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456495 ; call 0x456495
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+call fcn_0042f417 ; call 0x42f417
+push 0
+push 0
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+push ref_0047567b ; push 0x47567b
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_0043024c ; jmp 0x43024c
+mov byte [ref_0048c37b], 5 ; mov byte [0x48c37b], 5
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [ref_0048c37c], bh ; mov byte [0x48c37c], bh
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0xcd
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c354] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c354]
+push edi
+call fcn_00450ced ; call 0x450ced
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x82
+push 0x260
+push 0x154
+push 0x10
+push 0x154
+push 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x19e
+push 0xa8
+push 0x42
+push 0x1d8
+push 0x42
+push 0x1d8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x19e
+push 0x8c
+push 0x42
+push 7
+push 0x42
+push 7
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0x54
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x42
+push 0x1f9
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0xc8
+push 0x140
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0x12c
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x195
+push 0x11e
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c37d] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c37d]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x195
+push 0x166
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c37e] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c37e]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c360]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x4f35b1
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x13
+push 0x5b
+push ref_004645d9 ; push 0x4645d9
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0xff0000
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov byte [esp + 0x74], 0x24
+mov edx, dword [ref_00499080] ; mov edx, dword [0x499080]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x79]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 2
+push 0x38
+push 0x5b
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 4
+push 3
+push 0x400000
+push 0xff0000
+push 0x1c
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0xb4
+push 0x140
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c377] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c377]
+dec eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475630] ; mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + 0x475630]
+push ecx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+call fcn_0042f417 ; call 0x42f417
+push 0
+push ref_00475683 ; push 0x475683
+jmp near loc_00430478 ; jmp 0x430478
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x82
+push 0x260
+push 0x154
+push 0x10
+push 0x154
+push 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x1e0
+push 0xa0
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x1e0
+push 0x96
+push 0
+push 0x1ea
+push 0
+push 0x1ea
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x42
+push 0x1d8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x42
+push 7
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x195
+push 0x11e
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c37d] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c37d]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x195
+push 0x166
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c37e] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c37e]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x4f35b1
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0xc1
+push 0x4d
+push ref_004645d9 ; push 0x4645d9
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0xff0000
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov byte [esp + 0x74], 0x24
+mov esi, dword [ref_00499080] ; mov esi, dword [0x499080]
+push esi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x79]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 2
+push 0xe4
+push 0x4d
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+call fcn_0042f417 ; call 0x42f417
+mov byte [ref_0048c37b], 8 ; mov byte [0x48c37b], 8
+jmp near loc_004301db ; jmp 0x4301db
+mov byte [ref_0048c37b], 8 ; mov byte [0x48c37b], 8
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00475624] ; mov ebx, dword [0x475624]
+push ebx
+jmp near loc_00430244 ; jmp 0x430244
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x82
+push 0x260
+push 0x154
+push 0x10
+push 0x154
+push 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x16c
+push 0x97
+push 0x74
+push 0x1e9
+push 0x74
+push 0x1e9
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x82
+push 0x86
+push 0x112
+push 0
+push 0x154
+push 7
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456495 ; call 0x456495
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x42
+push 0x1d8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x28
+push 0x32
+push 0x17
+push 0x2d
+push 0x59
+push 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x195
+push 0x11e
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c37d] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c37d]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x195
+push 0x166
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c37e] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c37e]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+call fcn_0042f417 ; call 0x42f417
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0
+push 0xfffffffffffffff6
+push 0x2f
+push 0x12c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0x114
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ec30 ; call 0x44ec30
+add esp, 0x1c
+mov byte [ref_0048c37b], 9 ; mov byte [0x48c37b], 9
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00475628] ; mov ecx, dword [0x475628]
+jmp near loc_00430243 ; jmp 0x430243
+mov byte [ref_0048c37b], 0xa ; mov byte [0x48c37b], 0xa
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047562c] ; mov eax, dword [0x47562c]
+push eax
+jmp near loc_00430244 ; jmp 0x430244
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c373] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c373]
+push ecx
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c377] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c377]
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00430afb ; je 0x430afb
+push 1
+mov edi, dword [ref_00499080] ; mov edi, dword [0x499080]
+push edi
+lea eax, [ebx - 1]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d3f4 ; call 0x41d3f4
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [ref_00499080], ebp ; mov dword [0x499080], ebp
+push 0x24
+push ebp
+push ref_004990b8 ; push 0x4990b8
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+jmp near loc_00430249 ; jmp 0x430249
+inc eax
+cmp eax, 0x24
+jge short loc_00430b2a ; jge 0x430b2a
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_004990b8] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x4990b8]
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_00430b07 ; je 0x430b07
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, cl
+inc byte [esp + edx + 0x7f]
+mov dl, al
+inc dl
+mov byte [esp + ebx + 0x40], dl
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00430b07 ; jmp 0x430b07
+cmp byte [esp + 0x80], 0xa
+ja short loc_00430b52 ; ja 0x430b52
+cmp byte [esp + 0x81], 0xa
+ja short loc_00430b52 ; ja 0x430b52
+cmp byte [esp + 0x82], 0xa
+ja short loc_00430b52 ; ja 0x430b52
+cmp byte [esp + 0x83], 0xa
+jbe short loc_00430b66 ; jbe 0x430b66
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [esp + edx + 0x40]
+jmp short loc_00430b7a ; jmp 0x430b7a
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ebx, 0x24
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+lea ebx, [edx + 1]
+push ebx
+push ref_004645d4 ; push 0x4645d4
+lea eax, [esp + 0x7c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x74]
+sub al, 0xb
+mov byte [ref_0048c37d], al ; mov byte [0x48c37d], al
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x75]
+sub al, 0xb
+mov byte [ref_0048c37e], al ; mov byte [0x48c37e], al
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x82
+push 0x260
+push 0x154
+push 0x10
+push 0x154
+push 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x82
+push 0x86
+push 0x112
+push 0
+push 0x154
+push 7
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456495 ; call 0x456495
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x195
+push 0x11e
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c37d] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c37d]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x195
+push 0x166
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c37e] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c37e]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0xdc
+push 0x12c
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c37d] ; mov al, byte [0x48c37d]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x1d]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0xdc
+push 0x154
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c37e] ; mov al, byte [0x48c37e]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x1d]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov dword [esp + 0x64], 0xf4
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], 0xb4
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], 0x18a
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], 0x1bc
+call fcn_0042f417 ; call 0x42f417
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x68]
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x74]
+push ebp
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x74]
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_004990b7], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x4990b7], 0
+je short loc_00430d85 ; je 0x430d85
+mov byte [ref_0048c37b], 4 ; mov byte [0x48c37b], 4
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00475618] ; mov ebp, dword [0x475618]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_004990b7] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x4990b7]
+mov dword [ref_0048c377], eax ; mov dword [0x48c377], eax
+jmp near loc_00430f43 ; jmp 0x430f43
+push 0x1f4
+call fcn_0045285e ; call 0x45285e
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ref_0048c37b], 7 ; mov byte [0x48c37b], 7
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0xc8
+push 0x140
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0x120
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ec30 ; call 0x44ec30
+add esp, 0x1c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x82
+push 0x260
+push 0x154
+push 0x10
+push 0x154
+push 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x1e0
+push 0xa9
+push 0
+push 0x1d8
+push 0
+push 0x1d8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x82
+push 0x86
+push 0x112
+push 0
+push 0x154
+push 7
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456495 ; call 0x456495
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x195
+push 0x11e
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c37d] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c37d]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x195
+push 0x166
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c37e] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c37e]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x74
+push 0x1e9
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x59
+push 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0x108
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+call fcn_0042f417 ; call 0x42f417
+mov edi, dword [ref_00475620] ; mov edi, dword [0x475620]
+push edi
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+cmp byte [ref_0048c37b], 5 ; cmp byte [0x48c37b], 5
+jne near loc_004310eb ; jne 0x4310eb
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c37c] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c37c]
+inc dl
+mov byte [ref_0048c37c], dl ; mov byte [0x48c37c], dl
+cmp dl, 0x1e
+jbe near loc_004310eb ; jbe 0x4310eb
+call fcn_00450f04 ; call 0x450f04
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_004310eb ; jne 0x4310eb
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x82
+push 0x260
+push 0x154
+push 0x10
+push 0x154
+push 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x168
+push 0x14a
+push 0
+push 0x96
+push 0
+push 0x96
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x78
+push 0xa2
+push 0x154
+push 0
+push 0x154
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0x54
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456495 ; call 0x456495
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x82
+push 0x7c
+push 0x112
+push 0
+push 0x154
+push 0x1f9
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456495 ; call 0x456495
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x195
+push 0x11e
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c37d] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c37d]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c360]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x195
+push 0x166
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c37e] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c37e]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+call fcn_0042f417 ; call 0x42f417
+mov byte [ref_0048c37b], 6 ; mov byte [0x48c37b], 6
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047561c] ; mov eax, dword [0x47561c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+mov bh, byte [ref_0048c37b] ; mov bh, byte [0x48c37b]
+cmp bh, 4
+jb short loc_004310ff ; jb 0x4310ff
+cmp bh, 8
+jbe near loc_004301db ; jbe 0x4301db
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c350] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c350]
+and eax, 0xf
+cmp eax, 4
+ja near loc_00431431 ; ja 0x431431
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_004300f8] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x4300f8]
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov ebx, eax
+sar ebx, 9
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c350] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c350]
+and al, 0xf0
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_00431138 ; jne 0x431138
+or al, 1
+mov dword [ref_0048c350], eax ; mov dword [0x48c350], eax
+jmp near loc_00431431 ; jmp 0x431431
+cmp ebx, 1
+jne short loc_00431141 ; jne 0x431141
+or al, 2
+jmp short loc_0043112e ; jmp 0x43112e
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_0043114a ; jge 0x43114a
+or al, 3
+jmp short loc_0043112e ; jmp 0x43112e
+cmp ebx, 6
+jge near loc_00431431 ; jge 0x431431
+or al, 4
+jmp short loc_0043112e ; jmp 0x43112e
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c350] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c350]
+and ebx, 0xf0
+sar ebx, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0x64], 0x200
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], 0x66
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], 0x232
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], 0x76
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x68]
+push edi
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + ref_00475663] ; mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x475663]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c360]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+add dword [ref_0048c350], 0x10 ; add dword [0x48c350], 0x10
+mov bh, byte [ref_0048c350] ; mov bh, byte [0x48c350]
+and bh, 0x3f
+mov byte [ref_0048c350], bh ; mov byte [0x48c350], bh
+test bh, 0x30
+jne short loc_004311fe ; jne 0x4311fe
+or byte [ref_0048c351], 0x10 ; or byte [0x48c351], 0x10
+mov al, bh
+and al, 0xf0
+mov byte [ref_0048c350], al ; mov byte [0x48c350], al
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x68]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_00431431 ; jmp 0x431431
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c350] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c350]
+and ebx, 0xf00
+sar ebx, 8
+mov dword [esp + 0x64], 0x34
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], 0x59
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], 0x66
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], 0x73
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x68]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x68]
+push eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + ref_00475667] ; mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x475667]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+add dword [ref_0048c350], 0x100 ; add dword [0x48c350], 0x100
+mov ah, byte [ref_0048c351] ; mov ah, byte [0x48c351]
+and ah, 0xf3
+mov byte [ref_0048c351], ah ; mov byte [0x48c351], ah
+test ah, 3
+jne near loc_004311fe ; jne 0x4311fe
+mov dh, ah
+or dh, 0x20
+mov byte [ref_0048c351], dh ; mov byte [0x48c351], dh
+and byte [ref_0048c350], 0xf0 ; and byte [0x48c350], 0xf0
+jmp near loc_004311fe ; jmp 0x4311fe
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov ebx, eax
+and ebx, 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c350] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c350]
+and eax, 0x1000
+sar eax, 0xc
+cmp ebx, eax
+je near loc_0043142a ; je 0x43142a
+mov dword [esp + 0x64], 0x200
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], 0x66
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], 0x232
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], 0x76
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x68]
+push edi
+lea edx, [ebx + 9]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c360]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x68]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_0043142a ; jmp 0x43142a
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov ebx, eax
+and ebx, 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c350] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c350]
+and eax, 0x2000
+sar eax, 0xd
+cmp ebx, eax
+je near loc_0043142a ; je 0x43142a
+mov dword [esp + 0x64], 0x34
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], 0x59
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], 0x66
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], 0x73
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x68]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+push edx
+lea edx, [ebx + 0xe]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x68]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+and byte [ref_0048c350], 0xf0 ; and byte [0x48c350], 0xf0
+call fcn_0044ef3b ; call 0x44ef3b
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00431447 ; jne 0x431447
+cmp dword [ref_0048c34c], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c34c], 0
+je near loc_004301db ; je 0x4301db
+mov dword [esp + 0x64], 0x200
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], 0x77
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], 0x232
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], 0x8d
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c34c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c34c]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_004314da ; je 0x4314da
+dec eax
+mov dword [ref_0048c34c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c34c], eax
+jne near loc_004301db ; jne 0x4301db
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0x90
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x68]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_004301db ; jmp 0x4301db
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov ebx, eax
+sar ebx, 0xb
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge near loc_004301db ; jge 0x4301db
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and eax, 1
+lea edx, [eax + 0xc]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c360]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and eax, 0xf
+mov dword [ref_0048c34c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c34c], eax
+jne near loc_004314c6 ; jne 0x4314c6
+mov dword [ref_0048c34c], 1 ; mov dword [0x48c34c], 1
+jmp near loc_004314c6 ; jmp 0x4314c6
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ebx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ebx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebp
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_004301db ; jmp 0x4301db
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xa4]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xa4]
+push ebx
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_004301dd ; jmp 0x4301dd
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x28
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne near loc_0043169e ; jne 0x43169e
+push ref_0047566b ; push 0x47566b
+call fcn_00454176 ; call 0x454176
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0xc
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c35c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c35c], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0xd
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a05c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c368], eax ; mov dword [0x48c368], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0xe
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a05c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c364], eax ; mov dword [0x48c364], eax
+push 6
+call fcn_004549cf ; call 0x4549cf
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push fcn_0042f7fc ; push 0x42f7fc
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_00454bcc ; call 0x454bcc
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c35c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c35c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c368] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c368]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c364] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c364]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push ref_0047566b ; push 0x47566b
+call fcn_00454240 ; call 0x454240
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0043170a ; jmp 0x43170a
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b84], 0x3e8 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b84], 0x3e8
+jle short loc_0043170a ; jle 0x43170a
+xor eax, eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_004316b6 ; jmp 0x4316b6
+inc eax
+cmp eax, 0x24
+jge short loc_004316c5 ; jge 0x4316c5
+cmp byte [eax + ref_004990b8], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x4990b8], 0
+jne short loc_004316b0 ; jne 0x4316b0
+mov byte [esp + ebx], al
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_004316b0 ; jmp 0x4316b0
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0043170a ; je 0x43170a
+mov al, byte [ref_0049910c] ; mov al, byte [0x49910c]
+inc al
+mov byte [esp + 0x24], al
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + edx]
+mov dl, byte [esp + 0x24]
+mov byte [eax + ref_004990b8], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x4990b8], dl
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+sub dword [eax + ref_00496b84], 0x3e8 ; sub dword [eax + 0x496b84], 0x3e8
+add dword [ref_00499080], 0x3e8 ; add dword [0x499080], 0x3e8
+add esp, 0x28
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+xor eax, eax
+jmp short loc_00431720 ; jmp 0x431720
+inc eax
+cmp eax, 0x24
+jge short loc_00431729 ; jge 0x431729
+cmp byte [eax + ref_004990b8], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x4990b8], 0
+je short loc_0043171a ; je 0x43171a
+cmp eax, 0x24
+je near loc_0043180d ; je 0x43180d
+push ref_0047567b ; push 0x47567b
+call fcn_00454176 ; call 0x454176
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0xf
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c360], eax ; mov dword [0x48c360], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0xd
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c368], eax ; mov dword [0x48c368], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x10
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c358], eax ; mov dword [0x48c358], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x11
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a05c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c354], eax ; mov dword [0x48c354], eax
+push 8
+call fcn_004549cf ; call 0x4549cf
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push fcn_0043010c ; push 0x43010c
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_00454bcc ; call 0x454bcc
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c360] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c360]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c368] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c368]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c358] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c358]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c354] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c354]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push ref_0047567b ; push 0x47567b
+call fcn_00454240 ; call 0x454240
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ref_00431812: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_00431867
+dd loc_004318b7
+dd loc_00431969
+dd loc_00431a23
+dd loc_00431a7d
+dd loc_00431ad2
+dd loc_00431b2c
+dd loc_00431b61
+dd loc_00431b99
+dd loc_00431bcf
+dd loc_00431c02
+dd loc_00431c31
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c380], edx ; mov dword [0x48c380], edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+cmp ecx, 0xb
+ja near loc_00431c62 ; ja 0x431c62
+mov eax, ecx
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_00431812] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x431812]
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp], edx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_00431c62 ; jge 0x431c62
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_004318b4 ; je 0x4318b4
+push ebx
+call fcn_004239b9 ; call 0x4239b9
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [esp]
+cmp eax, edx
+jle short loc_004318a7 ; jle 0x4318a7
+mov dword [esp], eax
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_004318a9 ; je 0x4318a9
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [ref_0048c380], esi ; mov dword [0x48c380], esi
+jmp short loc_004318a9 ; jmp 0x4318a9
+jne short loc_004318b4 ; jne 0x4318b4
+mov al, bl
+inc al
+mov byte [esi + ref_0048c380], al ; mov byte [esi + 0x48c380], al
+inc esi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0043186e ; jmp 0x43186e
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp], edx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_00431c62 ; jge 0x431c62
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je near loc_00431963 ; je 0x431963
+xor edx, edx
+mov eax, 1
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp eax, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_00431907 ; jg 0x431907
+imul edi, eax, 0x34
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e84]
+mov cl, byte [ecx + edi + 0x19]
+and ecx, 0xff
+lea edi, [ebx + 1]
+cmp ecx, edi
+jne short loc_00431904 ; jne 0x431904
+inc edx
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_004318e1 ; jmp 0x4318e1
+mov eax, 1
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; cmp eax, dword [0x498e8c]
+jg short loc_00431938 ; jg 0x431938
+mov ecx, eax
+shl ecx, 3
+mov edi, ecx
+shl ecx, 3
+sub ecx, edi
+mov edi, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e88]
+movzx edi, byte [ecx + edi + 0x19]
+lea ecx, [ebx + 1]
+cmp edi, ecx
+jne short loc_00431935 ; jne 0x431935
+inc edx
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_0043190c ; jmp 0x43190c
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_00431963 ; je 0x431963
+mov ebp, dword [esp]
+cmp edx, ebp
+jle short loc_00431956 ; jle 0x431956
+mov dword [esp], edx
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00431958 ; je 0x431958
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c380], edx ; mov dword [0x48c380], edx
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_00431958 ; jmp 0x431958
+jne short loc_00431963 ; jne 0x431963
+mov al, bl
+inc al
+mov byte [esi + ref_0048c380], al ; mov byte [esi + 0x48c380], al
+inc esi
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_004318be ; jmp 0x4318be
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp], edx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_00431c62 ; jge 0x431c62
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je near loc_00431a1d ; je 0x431a1d
+xor edx, edx
+mov eax, 1
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp eax, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_004319bb ; jg 0x4319bb
+imul ecx, eax, 0x34
+mov edi, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edi, dword [0x498e84]
+add ecx, edi
+movzx ebp, byte [ecx + 0x19]
+lea edi, [ebx + 1]
+cmp ebp, edi
+jne short loc_004319b8 ; jne 0x4319b8
+cmp byte [ecx + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_004319b8 ; je 0x4319b8
+inc edx
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_00431993 ; jmp 0x431993
+mov eax, 1
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; cmp eax, dword [0x498e8c]
+jg short loc_004319f3 ; jg 0x4319f3
+mov ecx, eax
+shl ecx, 3
+mov edi, ecx
+shl ecx, 3
+sub ecx, edi
+mov edi, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e88]
+add ecx, edi
+movzx ebp, byte [ecx + 0x19]
+lea edi, [ebx + 1]
+cmp ebp, edi
+jne short loc_004319f0 ; jne 0x4319f0
+cmp byte [ecx + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_004319f0 ; je 0x4319f0
+inc edx
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_004319c0 ; jmp 0x4319c0
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_00431a1d ; je 0x431a1d
+mov edi, dword [esp]
+cmp edx, edi
+jle short loc_00431a10 ; jle 0x431a10
+mov dword [esp], edx
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00431a12 ; je 0x431a12
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048c380], eax ; mov dword [0x48c380], eax
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_00431a12 ; jmp 0x431a12
+jne short loc_00431a1d ; jne 0x431a1d
+mov al, bl
+inc al
+mov byte [esi + ref_0048c380], al ; mov byte [esi + 0x48c380], al
+inc esi
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_00431970 ; jmp 0x431970
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+xor eax, ecx
+mov dword [esp], eax
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_00431c62 ; jge 0x431c62
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00431a7a ; je 0x431a7a
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b84], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b84], 0
+je short loc_00431a7a ; je 0x431a7a
+mov edx, dword [esp]
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+cmp edx, ecx
+jge short loc_00431a6d ; jge 0x431a6d
+mov dword [esp], ecx
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00431a6f ; je 0x431a6f
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [ref_0048c380], ebp ; mov dword [0x48c380], ebp
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_00431a6f ; jmp 0x431a6f
+jne short loc_00431a7a ; jne 0x431a7a
+mov al, bl
+inc al
+mov byte [esi + ref_0048c380], al ; mov byte [esi + 0x48c380], al
+inc esi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00431a2c ; jmp 0x431a2c
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp], edx
+mov edi, dword [ref_00499114] ; mov edi, dword [0x499114]
+cmp ebx, edi
+jge near loc_00431c62 ; jge 0x431c62
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00431acf ; je 0x431acf
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_00431acf ; je 0x431acf
+mov edx, dword [esp]
+cmp edx, ebp
+jge short loc_00431ac2 ; jge 0x431ac2
+mov dword [esp], ebp
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00431ac4 ; je 0x431ac4
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [ref_0048c380], ebp ; mov dword [0x48c380], ebp
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_00431ac4 ; jmp 0x431ac4
+jne short loc_00431acf ; jne 0x431acf
+mov al, bl
+inc al
+mov byte [esi + ref_0048c380], al ; mov byte [esi + 0x48c380], al
+inc esi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00431a8a ; jmp 0x431a8a
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp], edx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_00431c62 ; jge 0x431c62
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00431b29 ; je 0x431b29
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b98] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b98]
+test dx, dx
+je short loc_00431b29 ; je 0x431b29
+mov eax, edx
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov edx, dword [esp]
+cmp eax, edx
+jle short loc_00431b1c ; jle 0x431b1c
+mov dword [esp], eax
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00431b1e ; je 0x431b1e
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [ref_0048c380], esi ; mov dword [0x48c380], esi
+jmp short loc_00431b1e ; jmp 0x431b1e
+jne short loc_00431b29 ; jne 0x431b29
+mov al, bl
+inc al
+mov byte [esi + ref_0048c380], al ; mov byte [esi + 0x48c380], al
+inc esi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00431ad9 ; jmp 0x431ad9
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00499114] ; mov ebp, dword [0x499114]
+cmp ebx, ebp
+jge near loc_00431c62 ; jge 0x431c62
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00431b5e ; je 0x431b5e
+test byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 3 ; test byte [eax + 0x496b79], 3
+jne short loc_00431b5e ; jne 0x431b5e
+mov al, bl
+inc al
+mov byte [esi + ref_0048c380], al ; mov byte [esi + 0x48c380], al
+inc esi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00431b36 ; jmp 0x431b36
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_00499114] ; mov edi, dword [0x499114]
+cmp ebx, edi
+jge near loc_00431c62 ; jge 0x431c62
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00431b96 ; je 0x431b96
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+and al, 3
+cmp al, 1
+jne short loc_00431b96 ; jne 0x431b96
+mov al, bl
+inc al
+mov byte [esi + ref_0048c380], al ; mov byte [esi + 0x48c380], al
+inc esi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00431b6b ; jmp 0x431b6b
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_00431c62 ; jge 0x431c62
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00431bcc ; je 0x431bcc
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+and al, 3
+cmp al, 2
+jne short loc_00431bcc ; jne 0x431bcc
+mov al, bl
+inc al
+mov byte [esi + ref_0048c380], al ; mov byte [esi + 0x48c380], al
+inc esi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00431b9d ; jmp 0x431b9d
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_00431c62 ; jge 0x431c62
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00431bff ; je 0x431bff
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba7], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba7], 0
+je short loc_00431bff ; je 0x431bff
+mov al, bl
+inc al
+mov byte [esi + ref_0048c380], al ; mov byte [esi + 0x48c380], al
+inc esi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00431bd3 ; jmp 0x431bd3
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_00431c62 ; jge 0x431c62
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00431c2e ; je 0x431c2e
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7c], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7c], 0
+je short loc_00431c2e ; je 0x431c2e
+mov al, bl
+inc al
+mov byte [esi + ref_0048c380], al ; mov byte [esi + 0x48c380], al
+inc esi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00431c06 ; jmp 0x431c06
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00499114] ; mov ebp, dword [0x499114]
+cmp ebx, ebp
+jge short loc_00431c62 ; jge 0x431c62
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00431c5f ; je 0x431c5f
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7c], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7c], 0
+jne short loc_00431c5f ; jne 0x431c5f
+mov al, bl
+inc al
+mov byte [esi + ref_0048c380], al ; mov byte [esi + 0x48c380], al
+inc esi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00431c3b ; jmp 0x431c3b
+cmp dword [ref_0048c380], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c380], 0
+setne al
+and eax, 0xff
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x90
+ref_00431c7a: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_00431cd6
+dd loc_00431d65
+dd loc_00431dcc
+dd loc_00431e75
+dd loc_00431eef
+dd loc_00431f67
+dd loc_004320dd
+dd loc_00432160
+dd loc_004321f0
+dd loc_00432259
+dd loc_00432384
+dd loc_0043242b
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xb4
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xc8]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048be18], edx ; mov dword [0x48be18], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+mov dword [esp + 0xb0], eax
+xor edi, edi
+jmp near loc_004320b4 ; jmp 0x4320b4
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ecx
+push ref_0046482a ; push 0x46482a
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 4
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_00475724] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x475724]
+push ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_004582fc ; call 0x4582fc
+add esp, 8
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+imul ebx, ebp, 0x68
+push ebp
+call fcn_00441f21 ; call 0x441f21
+add esp, 4
+add word [ebx + ref_00496b98], ax ; add word [ebx + 0x496b98], ax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0041d433 ; call 0x41d433
+add esp, 4
+push 0xc8
+call fcn_0045285e ; call 0x45285e
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_004320aa ; jmp 0x4320aa
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ebx
+push ref_0046482a ; push 0x46482a
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 4
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00475724] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x475724]
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_004582fc ; call 0x4582fc
+add esp, 8
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+xor ebx, ebx
+call fcn_0044db81 ; call 0x44db81
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 3
+jl short loc_00431dbc ; jl 0x431dbc
+jmp near loc_004320aa ; jmp 0x4320aa
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ecx
+push ref_0046482a ; push 0x46482a
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 4
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_00475724] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x475724]
+push ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_004582fc ; call 0x4582fc
+add esp, 8
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+sub ebx, eax
+add ebx, ebx
+mov eax, ebx
+shl ebx, 4
+sub ebx, eax
+push ebx
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xb4]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00441210 ; call 0x441210
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_004320aa ; je 0x4320aa
+push 3
+push eax
+call fcn_0043d593 ; call 0x43d593
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_004320aa ; jmp 0x4320aa
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ebx
+push ref_0046482a ; push 0x46482a
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 4
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00475724] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x475724]
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_004582fc ; call 0x4582fc
+add esp, 8
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+imul ebx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul ebx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov dh, byte [ebx + ref_00496ba0] ; mov dh, byte [ebx + 0x496ba0]
+inc dh
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496ba0], dh ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496ba0], dh
+mov cl, dh
+and cl, 0x7f
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496ba0], cl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496ba0], cl
+jmp near loc_004320aa ; jmp 0x4320aa
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ebp
+push ref_0046482a ; push 0x46482a
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00475724] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x475724]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_004582fc ; call 0x4582fc
+add esp, 8
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul ebx, ecx, 0x68
+mov eax, dword [ebx + ref_00496b84] ; mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x496b84]
+add dword [ebx + ref_00496b88], eax ; add dword [ebx + 0x496b88], eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00496b84], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x496b84], eax
+push ecx
+jmp near loc_00431d4b ; jmp 0x431d4b
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b9a], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b9a], 0
+jne near loc_004320aa ; jne 0x4320aa
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b74] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b74]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+add ebx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+mov bx, word [eax + ebx*8 + 0x20]
+and ebx, 0xffff
+cmp ebx, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_004320aa ; jle 0x4320aa
+cmp ebx, 0x1770
+jge near loc_004320aa ; jge 0x4320aa
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ebp
+push ref_0046482a ; push 0x46482a
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00475724] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x475724]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_004582fc ; call 0x4582fc
+add esp, 8
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0xac]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xac]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040af12 ; call 0x40af12
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x229
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebp, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xb0]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xb0]
+push edx
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040b110 ; call 0x40b110
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0xa8], eax
+push 0x5b
+push 0x2c0001
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push ebp
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+test byte [esp + 0xa8], 0x80
+je short loc_00432094 ; je 0x432094
+call fcn_0040b0cd ; call 0x40b0cd
+push ref_0046482f ; push 0x46482f
+push 0
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+inc edi
+cmp edi, 4
+jge near loc_004324fa ; jge 0x4324fa
+cmp byte [edi + ref_0048c380], 0 ; cmp byte [edi + 0x48c380], 0
+je near loc_004324fa ; je 0x4324fa
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edi + ref_0048c380] ; mov al, byte [edi + 0x48c380]
+dec eax
+mov dword [ref_0049910c], eax ; mov dword [0x49910c], eax
+cmp esi, 0xb
+ja short loc_004320aa ; ja 0x4320aa
+mov eax, esi
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_00431c7a] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x431c7a]
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00441e12 ; call 0x441e12
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ecx
+push ref_0046482a ; push 0x46482a
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, ebx
+mov ebx, dword [eax*8 + ref_0047fdea] ; mov ebx, dword [eax*8 + 0x47fdea]
+push ebx
+push ref_00464839 ; push 0x464839
+lea eax, [esp + 0x88]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_004582fc ; call 0x4582fc
+add esp, 8
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+jmp near loc_00431e6d ; jmp 0x431e6d
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b9a], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b9a], 0
+jne near loc_004320aa ; jne 0x4320aa
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push edx
+push ref_0046482a ; push 0x46482a
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 4
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00475724] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x475724]
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_004582fc ; call 0x4582fc
+add esp, 8
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040c78c ; call 0x40c78c
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x1f4
+jmp near loc_00431d58 ; jmp 0x431d58
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push edx
+push ref_0046482a ; push 0x46482a
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 4
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00475724] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x475724]
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_004582fc ; call 0x4582fc
+add esp, 8
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+imul ebx, ebp, 0x68
+push ebp
+call fcn_00445b3f ; call 0x445b3f
+jmp near loc_00431d3a ; jmp 0x431d3a
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b9a], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b9a], 0
+jne near loc_004320aa ; jne 0x4320aa
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b74] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b74]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+add ebx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+mov bx, word [eax + ebx*8 + 0x20]
+and ebx, 0xffff
+cmp ebx, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_004320aa ; jle 0x4320aa
+cmp ebx, 0x1770
+jge near loc_004320aa ; jge 0x4320aa
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ecx
+push ref_0046482a ; push 0x46482a
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 4
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00475724] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x475724]
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_004582fc ; call 0x4582fc
+add esp, 8
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0xac]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xac]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040af12 ; call 0x40af12
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x211
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebp, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xb0]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xb0]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040ab4a ; call 0x40ab4a
+add esp, 8
+push 0x61
+push 0x260001
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push ebp
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push ref_0046482f ; push 0x46482f
+push 0
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+jmp near loc_004320a2 ; jmp 0x4320a2
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ebx
+push ref_0046482a ; push 0x46482a
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 4
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00475724] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x475724]
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_004582fc ; call 0x4582fc
+add esp, 8
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+sub ebx, eax
+add ebx, ebx
+mov eax, ebx
+shl ebx, 4
+sub ebx, eax
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xb4]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00441210 ; call 0x441210
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_004320aa ; je 0x4320aa
+push 3
+push eax
+call fcn_0043ec3f ; call 0x43ec3f
+jmp near loc_00431e6d ; jmp 0x431e6d
+imul ebx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul ebx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp dword [ebx + ref_00496b9a], 0 ; cmp dword [ebx + 0x496b9a], 0
+jne near loc_004320aa ; jne 0x4320aa
+xor eax, esi
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b74] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b74]
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+add ebx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+mov bx, word [eax + ebx*8 + 0x20]
+and ebx, 0xffff
+cmp ebx, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_004320aa ; jle 0x4320aa
+cmp ebx, 0x1770
+jge near loc_004320aa ; jge 0x4320aa
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ecx
+push ref_0046482a ; push 0x46482a
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 4
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00475724] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x475724]
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_004582fc ; call 0x4582fc
+add esp, 8
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0043bde5 ; call 0x43bde5
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+push ref_0046482f ; push 0x46482f
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+push edx
+jmp near loc_004320a2 ; jmp 0x4320a2
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xb0]
+mov dword [ref_0049910c], eax ; mov dword [0x49910c], eax
+add esp, 0xb4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c398] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c398]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x8c
+push 0xf1
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c398] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c398]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0x202020
+push 0xe0e0e0
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x180
+push 0x140
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c398] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c398]
+add eax, 0x6c
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ec30 ; call 0x44ec30
+add esp, 0x1c
+db 0x8d
+db 0x40
+db 0x00
+ref_004325a2: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_0043285b
+dd loc_0043292e
+dd loc_00432951
+dd loc_00432871
+dd loc_004329ef
+dd loc_00432a0f
+dd loc_00432871
+dd loc_00432a4c
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x5c
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x70]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x74]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x7c]
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jb short loc_0043261c ; jb 0x43261c
+jbe near loc_00432e8e ; jbe 0x432e8e
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb short loc_0043260c ; jb 0x43260c
+jbe near loc_00432e64 ; jbe 0x432e64
+cmp eax, 0x401
+jb near loc_00433074 ; jb 0x433074
+jbe short loc_00432647 ; jbe 0x432647
+cmp eax, 0x405
+je near loc_004326b9 ; je 0x4326b9
+jmp near loc_00433074 ; jmp 0x433074
+cmp eax, 0x203
+je near loc_00432e8e ; je 0x432e8e
+jmp near loc_00433074 ; jmp 0x433074
+cmp eax, 0x113
+jb short loc_00432639 ; jb 0x432639
+jbe near loc_004326e5 ; jbe 0x4326e5
+cmp eax, 0x200
+je near loc_00432b50 ; je 0x432b50
+jmp near loc_00433074 ; jmp 0x433074
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je near loc_0043301c ; je 0x43301c
+jmp near loc_00433074 ; jmp 0x433074
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a0], cl ; mov byte [0x48c3a0], cl
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a1], cl ; mov byte [0x48c3a1], cl
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a2], cl ; mov byte [0x48c3a2], cl
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a3], cl ; mov byte [0x48c3a3], cl
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a4], cl ; mov byte [0x48c3a4], cl
+mov al, byte [ref_00497159] ; mov al, byte [0x497159]
+xor al, 1
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a5], al ; mov byte [0x48c3a5], al
+call fcn_00432511 ; call 0x432511
+push 0
+push 0x64
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x46cad8]
+push ecx
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTimer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462324]
+mov dword [ref_0048c39c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c39c], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x405
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x5c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3a5], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c3a5], 0
+jne near loc_00432e82 ; jne 0x432e82
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a2], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c3a2], 1
+mov edx, dword [ref_00475694] ; mov edx, dword [0x475694]
+push edx
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a4], 2 ; mov byte [0x48c3a4], 2
+jmp short loc_004326ad ; jmp 0x4326ad
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je short loc_004326ad ; je 0x4326ad
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x78]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; cmp eax, dword [0x46cad8]
+jne short loc_004326ad ; jne 0x4326ad
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3a2], 4 ; cmp byte [0x48c3a2], 4
+jne near loc_00432828 ; jne 0x432828
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3a1] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3a1]
+dec al
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a1], al ; mov byte [0x48c3a1], al
+jne near loc_00432828 ; jne 0x432828
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 0xc
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a3], dl ; mov byte [0x48c3a3], dl
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, dl
+push eax
+call fcn_00431842 ; call 0x431842
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00432719 ; je 0x432719
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0xf1
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0x8c
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x196
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x161
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c398] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c398]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x128
+push 0x146
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3a3] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3a3]
+lea edx, [eax + 0xb]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c398] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c398]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a2], 5 ; mov byte [0x48c3a2], 5
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3a3] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3a3]
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_004756b8] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x4756b8]
+push edx
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3a5], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c3a5], 0
+jne short loc_00432820 ; jne 0x432820
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a4], 2 ; mov byte [0x48c3a4], 2
+jmp short loc_00432828 ; jmp 0x432828
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a4], cl ; mov byte [0x48c3a4], cl
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3a4] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3a4]
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_00432871 ; je 0x432871
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3a2] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3a2]
+dec al
+cmp al, 7
+ja near loc_00432871 ; ja 0x432871
+and eax, 0xff
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_004325a2] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x4325a2]
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a2], 2 ; mov byte [0x48c3a2], 2
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00475698] ; mov ecx, dword [0x475698]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3a2], 8 ; cmp byte [0x48c3a2], 8
+je near loc_004326ad ; je 0x4326ad
+call fcn_0044ef3b ; call 0x44ef3b
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00432894 ; jne 0x432894
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3a0], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c3a0], 0
+je near loc_004326ad ; je 0x4326ad
+mov ah, byte [ref_0048c3a0] ; mov ah, byte [0x48c3a0]
+test ah, ah
+je near loc_00432a85 ; je 0x432a85
+mov cl, ah
+dec cl
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a0], cl ; mov byte [0x48c3a0], cl
+jne near loc_004326ad ; jne 0x4326ad
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x11e
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0xdc
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x15a
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0xee
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c398] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c398]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_004326ad ; jmp 0x4326ad
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a2], 3 ; mov byte [0x48c3a2], 3
+mov edx, dword [ref_0047569c] ; mov edx, dword [0x47569c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a4], dh ; mov byte [0x48c3a4], dh
+jmp near loc_00432871 ; jmp 0x432871
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a2], 4 ; mov byte [0x48c3a2], 4
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x11e
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0xbc
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x15a
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0xdf
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c398] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c398]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3a5], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c3a5], 0
+je short loc_004329e3 ; je 0x4329e3
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a1], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c3a1], 1
+jmp near loc_00432871 ; jmp 0x432871
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a1], 0xa ; mov byte [0x48c3a1], 0xa
+jmp near loc_00432871 ; jmp 0x432871
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a2], 6 ; mov byte [0x48c3a2], 6
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3a5], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c3a5], 0
+jne near loc_00432944 ; jne 0x432944
+mov ebp, dword [ref_004756a0] ; mov ebp, dword [0x4756a0]
+push ebp
+jmp near loc_0043293c ; jmp 0x43293c
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a2], 7 ; mov byte [0x48c3a2], 7
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+lea eax, [esp + 0x50]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetCursorPos@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622ec]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x54]
+shl eax, 0x10
+add eax, dword [esp + 0x50]
+push eax
+push 0
+push 0x200
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+jmp near loc_00432871 ; jmp 0x432871
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c39c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c39c]
+push ecx
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+push 0x3b
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c390] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c390]
+push esi
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3a1] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3a1]
+dec eax
+push eax
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+jmp near loc_0043286e ; jmp 0x43286e
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+sar eax, 0xb
+cmp eax, 4
+jge near loc_004326ad ; jge 0x4326ad
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x11e
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0xd9
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x15a
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0xee
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+test al, 1
+je short loc_00432b00 ; je 0x432b00
+push 0x15
+push 0x3c
+push 0x4d
+push 0x2d
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x54]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x54]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c398] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c398]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+jmp short loc_00432b22 ; jmp 0x432b22
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c398] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c398]
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and al, 7
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a0], al ; mov byte [0x48c3a0], al
+jne near loc_0043291a ; jne 0x43291a
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a0], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c3a0], 1
+jmp near loc_0043291a ; jmp 0x43291a
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3a2], 7 ; cmp byte [0x48c3a2], 7
+jne near loc_004326ad ; jne 0x4326ad
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, dx
+mov eax, edx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, ax
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 7
+add eax, ecx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c394] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c394]
+mov al, byte [edx + eax]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov dword [esp + 0x58], eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3a1] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3a1]
+cmp eax, dword [esp + 0x58]
+je near loc_004326ad ; je 0x4326ad
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3a1] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3a1]
+test al, al
+je near loc_00432ca3 ; je 0x432ca3
+cmp al, 0xd
+je near loc_00432ca3 ; je 0x432ca3
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3a1] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3a1]
+movsx edx, word [eax*4 + ref_004756e4] ; movsx edx, word [eax*4 + 0x4756e4]
+lea ecx, [edx - 0x20]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], ecx
+movsx eax, word [eax*4 + (ref_004756e8 - 2)] ; movsx eax, word [eax*4 + 0x4756e6]
+lea ecx, [eax - 0x20]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], ecx
+add edx, 0x20
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], edx
+add eax, 0x20
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+push 0x40
+push 0x40
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push edi
+push ecx
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c398] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c398]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c3a1] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c3a1]
+shl edx, 4
+mov eax, dword [edx + ref_0047570c] ; mov eax, dword [edx + 0x47570c]
+sub eax, 0x48
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+mov eax, dword [edx + ref_00475710] ; mov eax, dword [edx + 0x475710]
+sub eax, 0x40
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+mov eax, dword [edx + ref_0047570c] ; mov eax, dword [edx + 0x47570c]
+add eax, 0x48
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+mov eax, dword [edx + ref_00475710] ; mov eax, dword [edx + 0x475710]
+add eax, 0x40
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+mov ecx, dword [edx + ref_00475710] ; mov ecx, dword [edx + 0x475710]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [edx + ref_0047570c] ; mov esi, dword [edx + 0x47570c]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c384] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c384]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x58]
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a1], al ; mov byte [0x48c3a1], al
+test al, al
+je near loc_00432e4f ; je 0x432e4f
+cmp al, 0xd
+je near loc_00432e4f ; je 0x432e4f
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, al
+movsx edx, word [ecx*4 + ref_004756e4] ; movsx edx, word [ecx*4 + 0x4756e4]
+lea esi, [edx - 0x20]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], esi
+movsx eax, word [ecx*4 + (ref_004756e8 - 2)] ; movsx eax, word [ecx*4 + 0x4756e6]
+lea esi, [eax - 0x20]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], esi
+lea esi, [edx + 0x20]
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], esi
+lea esi, [eax + 0x20]
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], esi
+push eax
+push edx
+lea edx, [ecx + 0x16]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c398] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c398]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c3a1] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c3a1]
+shl edx, 4
+mov eax, dword [edx + ref_0047570c] ; mov eax, dword [edx + 0x47570c]
+sub eax, 0x48
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+mov eax, dword [edx + ref_00475710] ; mov eax, dword [edx + 0x475710]
+sub eax, 0x40
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+mov eax, dword [edx + ref_0047570c] ; mov eax, dword [edx + 0x47570c]
+add eax, 0x48
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+mov eax, dword [edx + ref_00475710] ; mov eax, dword [edx + 0x475710]
+add eax, 0x40
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+push 0x80
+push 0x90
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c384] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c384]
+push esi
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_00451a97 ; call 0x451a97
+add esp, 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c384] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c384]
+mov word [eax + 4], 0x48
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c384] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c384]
+mov word [eax + 6], 0x40
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3a1] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3a1]
+shl eax, 4
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00475710] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x475710]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_0047570c] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x47570c]
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00475708] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x475708]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c398] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c398]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x202020
+push 0xe0e0e0
+push 0xe
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3a1] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3a1]
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00475710] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x475710]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_0047570c] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x47570c]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_00475714] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x475714]
+push esi
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+push ref_004757e7 ; push 0x4757e7
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+jmp near loc_004326ad ; jmp 0x4326ad
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3a2], 3 ; cmp byte [0x48c3a2], 3
+jae near loc_004326ad ; jae 0x4326ad
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a5], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c3a5], 1
+push 1
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a2], 3 ; mov byte [0x48c3a2], 3
+jmp near loc_004326ad ; jmp 0x4326ad
+mov cl, byte [ref_0048c3a2] ; mov cl, byte [0x48c3a2]
+cmp cl, 3
+jb short loc_00432e71 ; jb 0x432e71
+cmp cl, 7
+jne near loc_004326ad ; jne 0x4326ad
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3a1] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3a1]
+test al, al
+je near loc_00432ff7 ; je 0x432ff7
+cmp al, 0xd
+je near loc_00432ff7 ; je 0x432ff7
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c3a1] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c3a1]
+shl edx, 4
+mov eax, dword [edx + ref_0047570c] ; mov eax, dword [edx + 0x47570c]
+sub eax, 0x48
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+mov eax, dword [edx + ref_00475710] ; mov eax, dword [edx + 0x475710]
+sub eax, 0x40
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+mov eax, dword [edx + ref_0047570c] ; mov eax, dword [edx + 0x47570c]
+add eax, 0x48
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+mov eax, dword [edx + ref_00475710] ; mov eax, dword [edx + 0x475710]
+add eax, 0x40
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+mov esi, dword [edx + ref_00475710] ; mov esi, dword [edx + 0x475710]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [edx + ref_0047570c] ; mov edi, dword [edx + 0x47570c]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c384] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c384]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov edx, 0xb6
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], edx
+mov ecx, 0x8e
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x1d2
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x160
+push ecx
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c398] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c398]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x128
+push 0x146
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3a3] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3a3]
+lea edx, [eax + 0xb]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c398] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c398]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a2], 8 ; mov byte [0x48c3a2], 8
+mov edx, dword [ref_004756a4] ; mov edx, dword [0x4756a4]
+push edx
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_004326ad ; jmp 0x4326ad
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3a1], 0xd ; cmp byte [0x48c3a1], 0xd
+jne near loc_004326ad ; jne 0x4326ad
+mov byte [ref_0048c3a2], 6 ; mov byte [0x48c3a2], 6
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3a3] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3a3]
+mov ebx, dword [eax*4 + ref_004756b8] ; mov ebx, dword [eax*4 + 0x4756b8]
+push ebx
+jmp short loc_00432fea ; jmp 0x432fea
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push edi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_004326ad ; jmp 0x4326ad
+push edx
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x7c]
+push ebp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_004326af ; jmp 0x4326af
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x58
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x70]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x78]
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jb short loc_004330e2 ; jb 0x4330e2
+jbe near loc_0043364d ; jbe 0x43364d
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb short loc_004330d2 ; jb 0x4330d2
+jbe near loc_00433763 ; jbe 0x433763
+cmp eax, 0x401
+jb near loc_004337f6 ; jb 0x4337f6
+jbe short loc_0043310d ; jbe 0x43310d
+cmp eax, 0x405
+je near loc_00433177 ; je 0x433177
+jmp near loc_004337f6 ; jmp 0x4337f6
+cmp eax, 0x203
+je near loc_0043364d ; je 0x43364d
+jmp near loc_004337f6 ; jmp 0x4337f6
+cmp eax, 0x113
+jb short loc_004330ff ; jb 0x4330ff
+jbe near loc_00433196 ; jbe 0x433196
+cmp eax, 0x200
+je near loc_00433457 ; je 0x433457
+jmp near loc_004337f6 ; jmp 0x4337f6
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je near loc_0043379e ; je 0x43379e
+jmp near loc_004337f6 ; jmp 0x4337f6
+mov byte [ref_0048c3aa], dl ; mov byte [0x48c3aa], dl
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [ref_0048c3ab], dh ; mov byte [0x48c3ab], dh
+mov byte [ref_0048c3ac], dh ; mov byte [0x48c3ac], dh
+mov byte [ref_0048c3ad], dh ; mov byte [0x48c3ad], dh
+mov byte [ref_0048c3ae], dh ; mov byte [0x48c3ae], dh
+mov byte [ref_0048c3af], dh ; mov byte [0x48c3af], dh
+call fcn_00432511 ; call 0x432511
+push 0
+push 0x64
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x46cad8]
+push ecx
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTimer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462324]
+mov dword [ref_0048c3a6], eax ; mov dword [0x48c3a6], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x405
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x58
+jmp near loc_004326b2 ; jmp 0x4326b2
+mov byte [ref_0048c3ad], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c3ad], 1
+mov edx, dword [ref_004756a8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4756a8]
+push edx
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ref_0048c3af], 2 ; mov byte [0x48c3af], 2
+jmp short loc_0043316d ; jmp 0x43316d
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je short loc_0043316d ; je 0x43316d
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x74]
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov ebx, dword [0x46cad8]
+cmp eax, ebx
+jne short loc_0043316d ; jne 0x43316d
+xor eax, ebx
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3af] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3af]
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_004332cc ; je 0x4332cc
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3ad] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3ad]
+cmp al, 3
+jb short loc_004331dd ; jb 0x4331dd
+jbe short loc_00433206 ; jbe 0x433206
+cmp al, 5
+je near loc_0043328b ; je 0x43328b
+jmp near loc_004332cc ; jmp 0x4332cc
+cmp al, 1
+jne near loc_004332cc ; jne 0x4332cc
+mov byte [ref_0048c3ad], 3 ; mov byte [0x48c3ad], 3
+mov eax, dword [ref_004756ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x4756ac]
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+xor al, al
+mov byte [ref_0048c3af], al ; mov byte [0x48c3af], al
+jmp near loc_004332cc ; jmp 0x4332cc
+mov byte [ref_0048c3ad], 4 ; mov byte [0x48c3ad], 4
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0xb4
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0x12a
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x1cc
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x1d7
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x180
+push 0x140
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c388] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c388]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+jmp short loc_004332c9 ; jmp 0x4332c9
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c3a6] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c3a6]
+push esi
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+push 0x3b
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c390] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c390]
+push edi
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3ae] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3ae]
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_004757e3] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x4757e3]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3ad], 5 ; cmp byte [0x48c3ad], 5
+je near loc_0043316d ; je 0x43316d
+call fcn_0044ef3b ; call 0x44ef3b
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_004332ef ; jne 0x4332ef
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3ab], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c3ab], 0
+je near loc_0043316d ; je 0x43316d
+mov dh, byte [ref_0048c3ab] ; mov dh, byte [0x48c3ab]
+test dh, dh
+je near loc_00433389 ; je 0x433389
+mov cl, dh
+dec cl
+mov byte [ref_0048c3ab], cl ; mov byte [0x48c3ab], cl
+jne near loc_0043316d ; jne 0x43316d
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x11e
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0xdc
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x15a
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0xee
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c398] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c398]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_0043316d ; jmp 0x43316d
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edi, eax
+sar edi, 0xb
+cmp edi, 4
+jge near loc_0043316d ; jge 0x43316d
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x11e
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0xd9
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x15a
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0xee
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+test al, 1
+je short loc_00433407 ; je 0x433407
+push 0x15
+push 0x3c
+push 0x4d
+push 0x2d
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x54]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x54]
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c398] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c398]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+jmp short loc_00433429 ; jmp 0x433429
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c398] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c398]
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and al, 7
+mov byte [ref_0048c3ab], al ; mov byte [0x48c3ab], al
+jne near loc_00433375 ; jne 0x433375
+mov byte [ref_0048c3ab], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c3ab], 1
+jmp near loc_00433375 ; jmp 0x433375
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3ad], 4 ; cmp byte [0x48c3ad], 4
+jne near loc_0043316d ; jne 0x43316d
+xor edi, edi
+mov di, dx
+mov eax, edx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 0x50], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0xb4
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0x12a
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x1cc
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x1d7
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x54], ebx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3aa] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3aa]
+lea edx, [eax + 2]
+cmp ebx, edx
+jge near loc_004335f2 ; jge 0x4335f2
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x50]
+cmp ecx, 0x15c
+jl near loc_004335ec ; jl 0x4335ec
+cmp ecx, 0x1a4
+jg near loc_004335ec ; jg 0x4335ec
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+lea edx, [ebx + ebx]
+movsx eax, word [edx + eax*2 + ref_004757d8] ; movsx eax, word [edx + eax*2 + 0x4757d8]
+cmp edi, eax
+jl near loc_004335ec ; jl 0x4335ec
+add eax, 0x48
+cmp edi, eax
+jg near loc_004335ec ; jg 0x4335ec
+mov dword [esp + 0x54], 1
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3ae] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3ae]
+lea edx, [ebx + 1]
+cmp eax, edx
+je near loc_004335ec ; je 0x4335ec
+push 0
+push ref_0048231a ; push 0x48231a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3ae], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c3ae], 0
+je short loc_00433567 ; je 0x433567
+push 0x180
+push 0x140
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c388] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c388]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0xffff00
+push 0x4c
+push 0x4c
+push 0x15a
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c3aa] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c3aa]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+lea esi, [ebx + ebx]
+movsx eax, word [esi + eax*2 + ref_004757d8] ; movsx eax, word [esi + eax*2 + 0x4757d8]
+sub eax, 2
+push eax
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0xffff00
+push 0x4a
+push 0x4a
+push 0x15b
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c3aa] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c3aa]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+movsx eax, word [esi + eax*2 + ref_004757d8] ; movsx eax, word [esi + eax*2 + 0x4757d8]
+dec eax
+push eax
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+mov al, bl
+inc al
+mov byte [ref_0048c3ae], al ; mov byte [0x48c3ae], al
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_004334c2 ; jmp 0x4334c2
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x54]
+test edi, edi
+jne short loc_00433638 ; jne 0x433638
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3ae], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c3ae], 0
+je short loc_00433638 ; je 0x433638
+push 0x180
+push 0x140
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c388] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c388]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c3ae], ah ; mov byte [0x48c3ae], ah
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+jmp near loc_0043316d ; jmp 0x43316d
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3ad], 4 ; cmp byte [0x48c3ad], 4
+jne near loc_0043316d ; jne 0x43316d
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3ae], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c3ae], 0
+je near loc_0043316d ; je 0x43316d
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov esi, 0xb4
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], esi
+mov edi, 0x12a
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], edi
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x1cc
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x1d7
+push 0xad
+push 0x118
+push edi
+push esi
+push edi
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c398] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c398]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov ebx, 0xb6
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], ebx
+mov esi, 0x8e
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x1d2
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x160
+push esi
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c398] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c398]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov byte [ref_0048c3ad], 5 ; mov byte [0x48c3ad], 5
+mov ecx, dword [ref_004756a4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x4756a4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0043316d ; jmp 0x43316d
+push 0
+push ref_00482332 ; push 0x482332
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c3a6] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c3a6]
+push ebx
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+jmp short loc_0043375b ; jmp 0x43375b
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ebx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_0043316d ; jmp 0x43316d
+push edx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x78]
+push edx
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_0043316f ; jmp 0x43316f
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne near loc_0043390b ; jne 0x43390b
+push ref_004757e7 ; push 0x4757e7
+call fcn_00454176 ; call 0x454176
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x12
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c398], eax ; mov dword [0x48c398], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x13
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c394], eax ; mov dword [0x48c394], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x14
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a05c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c390], eax ; mov dword [0x48c390], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x80
+push 0x90
+call fcn_00451a5a ; call 0x451a5a
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c384], eax ; mov dword [0x48c384], eax
+push 7
+call fcn_004549cf ; call 0x4549cf
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push fcn_004325c2 ; push 0x4325c2
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+mov esi, eax
+call fcn_00454bcc ; call 0x454bcc
+push ref_004757e7 ; push 0x4757e7
+call fcn_00454240 ; call 0x454240
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c398] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c398]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c394] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c394]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c390] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c390]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c384] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c384]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_004339c5 ; jmp 0x4339c5
+mov esi, 0xffffffff
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 0xc
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov bl, dl
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, dl
+push eax
+call fcn_00431842 ; call 0x431842
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00433910 ; je 0x433910
+xor eax, eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+jmp short loc_00433944 ; jmp 0x433944
+inc eax
+cmp eax, 4
+jge short loc_00433961 ; jge 0x433961
+cmp byte [eax + ref_0048c380], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x48c380], 0
+je short loc_00433961 ; je 0x433961
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_0048c380] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x48c380]
+dec edx
+cmp edx, ecx
+jne short loc_0043393e ; jne 0x43393e
+mov esi, 6
+jmp short loc_0043393e ; jmp 0x43393e
+cmp esi, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_00433981 ; jne 0x433981
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 0xb
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov esi, edx
+cmp edx, 6
+jne short loc_00433981 ; jne 0x433981
+lea esi, [edx + 1]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, bl
+mov eax, dword [eax*4 + ref_004756b8] ; mov eax, dword [eax*4 + 0x4756b8]
+cmp byte [eax], 0x23
+jne short loc_00433994 ; jne 0x433994
+add eax, 5
+mov edx, esi
+shl edx, 4
+mov ebx, dword [edx + ref_00475724] ; mov ebx, dword [edx + 0x475724]
+push ebx
+push eax
+push ref_00464842 ; push 0x464842
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+push esi
+call fcn_00431caa ; call 0x431caa
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x80
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor edi, edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x14]
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_00433a01 ; jge 0x433a01
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_004339fe ; je 0x4339fe
+cmp ebx, ebp
+je short loc_004339fe ; je 0x4339fe
+inc edi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_004339e5 ; jmp 0x4339e5
+cmp edi, 1
+jg short loc_00433a0d ; jg 0x433a0d
+xor eax, eax
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x12
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c398], eax ; mov dword [0x48c398], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x14
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c390], eax ; mov dword [0x48c390], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 2
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push esi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c38c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c38c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c398] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c398]
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x72]
+push edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x70]
+push edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x6e]
+push edx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0x6c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451a5a ; call 0x451a5a
+mov edx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c388], eax ; mov dword [0x48c388], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c398] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c398]
+movsx ecx, word [eax + 0x72]
+push ecx
+movsx ecx, word [eax + 0x70]
+push ecx
+add eax, 0x6c
+push eax
+push edx
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+lea ebp, [edi - 2]
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_00433b1c ; jge 0x433b1c
+imul edx, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [edx + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [edx + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00433b19 ; je 0x433b19
+cmp ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+je short loc_00433b19 ; je 0x433b19
+mov al, bl
+inc al
+mov byte [esi + ref_004757e4], al ; mov byte [esi + 0x4757e4], al
+push 0x32
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebp
+lea ecx, [eax + eax]
+mov eax, esi
+movsx eax, word [ecx + eax*2 + ref_004757d8] ; movsx eax, word [ecx + eax*2 + 0x4757d8]
+sub eax, 0xb4
+push eax
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x496b7b]
+and edx, 0xff
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c38c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c38c]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c388] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c388]
+push edx
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+inc esi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00433aa6 ; jmp 0x433aa6
+push 7
+call fcn_004549cf ; call 0x4549cf
+add esp, 4
+push ebp
+push fcn_00433088 ; push 0x433088
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_00454bcc ; call 0x454bcc
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c398] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c398]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c390] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c390]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c38c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c38c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c388] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c388]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+imul ebx, esi, 0x68
+cmp dword [ebx + ref_00496b94], 0 ; cmp dword [ebx + 0x496b94], 0
+jne short loc_00433bd4 ; jne 0x433bd4
+push 0x5a
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov ecx, dword [0x497160]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045218f ; call 0x45218f
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00496b94], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x496b94], eax
+imul ebx, esi, 0x68
+mov edi, dword [ebx + ref_00496b94] ; mov edi, dword [ebx + 0x496b94]
+push edi
+call fcn_004523d5 ; call 0x4523d5
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_00433bd4 ; jne 0x433bd4
+mov eax, ref_00496b68 ; mov eax, 0x496b68
+add eax, ebx
+add eax, 0x2c
+push eax
+call fcn_00452117 ; call 0x452117
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_00433bab ; jmp 0x433bab
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push edi
+imul eax, dword [esp + 8], 0x68
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+sub ecx, edx
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496b88], ecx ; mov dword [eax + 0x496b88], ecx
+test ecx, ecx
+jge short loc_00433c1e ; jge 0x433c1e
+add dword [eax + ref_00496b84], ecx ; add dword [eax + 0x496b84], ecx
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496b88], edi ; mov dword [eax + 0x496b88], edi
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b84], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b84], 0
+jge short loc_00433c1e ; jge 0x433c1e
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496b84], edi ; mov dword [eax + 0x496b84], edi
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 8]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040cd87 ; call 0x40cd87
+add esp, 4
+pop edi
+push ebx
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x1c
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov byte [esp + 0x10], 0x24
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [esp + 0x11], dl
+mov dword [esp], 0x16
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0xa1
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x87
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x116
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x75
+push 0x71
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push ebp
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+push ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x15]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push 0xa3
+push 0x80
+lea eax, [esp + 0x1c]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00496b90] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x496b90]
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x15]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push 0xd3
+push 0x80
+lea eax, [esp + 0x1c]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b90] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b90]
+mov eax, ebx
+sub eax, ecx
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x15]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push 0x103
+push 0x80
+lea eax, [esp + 0x1c]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00433d67 ; je 0x433d67
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+add esp, 0x1c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0xc0
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c3b8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c3b8]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x28
+push 0x2a
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c3b8] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c3b8]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 4
+push 0x101010
+push 0xffffff
+push 0xc
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0x50
+push 0xa
+push ref_00464a5a ; push 0x464a5a
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c3b8] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c3b8]
+push esi
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0x91
+push 0xa
+push ref_00464a61 ; push 0x464a61
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c3b8] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c3b8]
+push edi
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0xd0
+push 0xa
+push ref_00464a68 ; push 0x464a68
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c3b8] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c3b8]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 6
+push 0x101010
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x16
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0x1c
+push 0x52
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c3b8] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c3b8]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov byte [esp], 0x24
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [esp + 1], dl
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 5]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push 0x64
+push 0xb4
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c3b8] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c3b8]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 5]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push 0xa4
+push 0xb4
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c3b8] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c3b8]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00496b8c] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x496b8c]
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 5]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push 0xe4
+push 0xb4
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c3b8] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c3b8]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+add esp, 0x80
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x88
+mov edx, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov edx, dword [0x497160]
+push edx
+call fcn_004521f0 ; call 0x4521f0
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_00433f81 ; jne 0x433f81
+mov eax, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov eax, dword [0x497160]
+shr eax, 8
+and eax, 0xff
+dec eax
+push 0
+push 0
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00475218] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x475218]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3bc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3bc]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c3b4] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c3b4]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+jmp short loc_00433fbd ; jmp 0x433fbd
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c3b4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c3b4]
+mov ecx, dword [edx + 8]
+push ecx
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b6]
+shl edx, 2
+movsx ecx, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx ecx, word [0x4991b8]
+add edx, ecx
+mov dx, word [edx*2 + ref_00475208] ; mov dx, word [edx*2 + 0x475208]
+and edx, 0xffff
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+push 1
+push 6
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x101010
+push 0x3c
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0xa
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov eax, dword [0x497160]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d61 ; call 0x457d61
+add esp, 0xc
+push 2
+push 0x60
+push 0x3c
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c3b4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c3b4]
+push edi
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 1
+push 6
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x101010
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x88]
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov ebp, dword [0x497160]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004520a6 ; call 0x4520a6
+add esp, 0xc
+push 3
+push 0x48
+push 0xe
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x90]
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_0047511c] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x47511c]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c3b4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c3b4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 1
+push 6
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x101010
+push 0x18
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0xa
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov eax, dword [0x497160]
+shr eax, 0x10
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d61 ; call 0x457d61
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 8
+push 0x8c
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c3b4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c3b4]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 1
+push 6
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x101010
+push 0x1c
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov eax, dword [0x497160]
+shr eax, 8
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+push ref_00464a6f ; push 0x464a6f
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 2
+push 0x30
+push 0x3c
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c3b4] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c3b4]
+push esi
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b94], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b94], 0
+je short loc_0043417b ; je 0x43417b
+push 1
+push 6
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x101010
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b94] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b94]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov ebx, dword [0x497160]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004521aa ; call 0x4521aa
+add esp, 8
+push eax
+push ref_00464a74 ; push 0x464a74
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 5
+push 0xb0
+push 0x14
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c3b4] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c3b4]
+push esi
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+add esp, 0x88
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push esi
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x1a
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x159
+push 0x159
+push ref_00464a81 ; push 0x464a81
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x159
+push 0x212
+push ref_00464a8a ; push 0x464a8a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba4], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba4], 0
+je short loc_00434212 ; je 0x434212
+push 0x159
+push 0x159
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+lea edx, [eax + 0x120]
+push edx
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+cmp dword [esp + 8], 0
+jne short loc_0043423d ; jne 0x43423d
+push 0xf0
+push 0x140
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+lea edx, [eax + 0x18]
+push edx
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_00434403 ; jmp 0x434403
+push 2
+push 0x1ab
+push 0x1bb
+push ref_00464a93 ; push 0x464a93
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x7d
+push 0xa
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+lea edx, [eax + 0xfc]
+push edx
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x131
+push 0xb
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+lea edx, [eax + 0xcc]
+push edx
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x16a
+push 0xb
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+lea edx, [eax + 0xcc]
+push edx
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x1a3
+push 0xb
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+lea edx, [eax + 0xe4]
+push edx
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x144
+push 0x43
+push ref_00464a9c ; push 0x464a9c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba4], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba4], 0
+je short loc_0043433b ; je 0x43433b
+push 0x144
+push 0x43
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+lea edx, [eax + 0x120]
+push edx
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 2
+push 0x17e
+push 0x43
+push ref_00464aa5 ; push 0x464aa5
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x202020
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x93
+push 0x4e
+push ref_00464aae ; push 0x464aae
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0xc3
+push 0x4e
+push ref_00464abb ; push 0x464abb
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0xf3
+push 0x4e
+push ref_00464ac8 ; push 0x464ac8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x808080
+push 0xe
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0xf5
+push 0x1ec
+push ref_00464a93 ; push 0x464a93
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0
+push 0x14
+push 0x50
+push 0xf0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0x108
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ec30 ; call 0x44ec30
+add esp, 0x1c
+call fcn_00433d6e ; call 0x433d6e
+call fcn_00433f24 ; call 0x433f24
+pop esi
+ref_00434476: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_00434791
+dd loc_004347a2
+dd loc_004347cb
+dd loc_004347a2
+dd loc_00434871
+dd loc_004347a2
+dd loc_0043490f
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x54
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x68]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x74]
+cmp eax, 0x203
+jb short loc_00434509 ; jb 0x434509
+jbe near loc_00434b5f ; jbe 0x434b5f
+cmp eax, 0x405
+jb short loc_004344ec ; jb 0x4344ec
+jbe near loc_0043464d ; jbe 0x43464d
+cmp eax, 0x409
+jb near loc_0043503b ; jb 0x43503b
+imul edx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul edx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp eax, 0x409
+jbe near loc_00434665 ; jbe 0x434665
+cmp eax, 0x40a
+je near loc_004346bb ; je 0x4346bb
+jmp near loc_0043503b ; jmp 0x43503b
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb near loc_0043503b ; jb 0x43503b
+jbe near loc_00434fae ; jbe 0x434fae
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_0043453a ; je 0x43453a
+jmp near loc_0043503b ; jmp 0x43503b
+cmp eax, 0x113
+jb short loc_0043452c ; jb 0x43452c
+jbe near loc_0043473a ; jbe 0x43473a
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jb near loc_0043503b ; jb 0x43503b
+jbe near loc_00434b5f ; jbe 0x434b5f
+jmp near loc_00434da1 ; jmp 0x434da1
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je near loc_00434fdd ; je 0x434fdd
+jmp near loc_0043503b ; jmp 0x43503b
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c3cc], ah ; mov byte [0x48c3cc], ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c3cd], ah ; mov byte [0x48c3cd], ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c3ce], ah ; mov byte [0x48c3ce], ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c3cf], ah ; mov byte [0x48c3cf], ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c3d0], ah ; mov byte [0x48c3d0], ah
+push 0
+push 0x64
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cad8]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTimer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462324]
+mov dword [ref_0048c3c4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c3c4], eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x50], edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c3c8], edx ; mov dword [0x48c3c8], edx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+jmp short loc_00434593 ; jmp 0x434593
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x50]
+inc eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x50], eax
+cmp eax, 4
+jge short loc_004345ac ; jge 0x4345ac
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x50]
+cmp eax, ebx
+je short loc_00434585 ; je 0x434585
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+add dword [ref_0048c3c8], eax ; add dword [0x48c3c8], eax
+jmp short loc_00434585 ; jmp 0x434585
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c3c8] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c3c8]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00433c20 ; call 0x433c20
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0xfffffffffffffff6
+push 0
+push 0x32
+push 0xd6
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0x114
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ec30 ; call 0x44ec30
+add esp, 0x1c
+push 0
+push 0
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x405
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x54
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+mov byte [ref_0048c3cc], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c3cc], 1
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0047585c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x47585c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_00434641 ; jmp 0x434641
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c8]
+sub eax, dword [edx + ref_00496b90] ; sub eax, dword [edx + 0x496b90]
+push eax
+call fcn_00453544 ; call 0x453544
+mov edx, eax
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_004346b2 ; je 0x4346b2
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+add dword [eax + ref_00496b88], edx ; add dword [eax + 0x496b88], edx
+add dword [eax + ref_00496b90], edx ; add dword [eax + 0x496b90], edx
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c3c8] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c3c8]
+push edi
+call fcn_00433c20 ; call 0x433c20
+add esp, 8
+mov byte [ref_0048c3cc], 7 ; mov byte [0x48c3cc], 7
+mov byte [ref_0048c3d0], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c3d0], 1
+jmp short loc_00434641 ; jmp 0x434641
+mov byte [ref_0048c3cc], 2 ; mov byte [0x48c3cc], 2
+jmp short loc_00434641 ; jmp 0x434641
+mov ebx, dword [edx + ref_00496b90] ; mov ebx, dword [edx + 0x496b90]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00453544 ; call 0x453544
+mov edx, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0x50], eax
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_004346b2 ; je 0x4346b2
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+add ebx, ebp
+cmp edx, ebx
+jle short loc_00434700 ; jle 0x434700
+mov byte [ref_0048c3cc], 5 ; mov byte [0x48c3cc], 5
+mov esi, dword [ref_0047586c] ; mov esi, dword [0x47586c]
+push esi
+jmp near loc_0043465b ; jmp 0x43465b
+mov ecx, ebp
+sub ecx, edx
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496b88], ecx ; mov dword [eax + 0x496b88], ecx
+test ecx, ecx
+jge short loc_0043471c ; jge 0x43471c
+add dword [eax + ref_00496b84], ecx ; add dword [eax + 0x496b84], ecx
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496b88], ebp ; mov dword [eax + 0x496b88], ebp
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x50]
+sub dword [eax + ref_00496b90], edx ; sub dword [eax + 0x496b90], edx
+push edi
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c3c8] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c3c8]
+push ebx
+jmp near loc_0043469a ; jmp 0x43469a
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3cc], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c3cc], 0
+je near loc_00434641 ; je 0x434641
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je near loc_00434641 ; je 0x434641
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x70]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; cmp eax, dword [0x46cad8]
+jne near loc_00434641 ; jne 0x434641
+push 0
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_004347a2 ; je 0x4347a2
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3cc] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3cc]
+dec al
+cmp al, 6
+ja near loc_004347a2 ; ja 0x4347a2
+and eax, 0xff
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_00434476] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x434476]
+mov byte [ref_0048c3cc], 2 ; mov byte [0x48c3cc], 2
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3cc], 4 ; cmp byte [0x48c3cc], 4
+je near loc_00434641 ; je 0x434641
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3ce] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3ce]
+and al, 0xf
+test al, al
+jbe near loc_0043493a ; jbe 0x43493a
+cmp al, 1
+je near loc_00434958 ; je 0x434958
+jmp near loc_00434a46 ; jmp 0x434a46
+mov byte [ref_0048c3cc], 4 ; mov byte [0x48c3cc], 4
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x1f0
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0xa2
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x236
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0xde
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+mov edx, ref_0048a068 ; mov edx, 0x48a068
+push edx
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edx
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x3c
+push 0x46
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edx
+call dword [eax + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x409
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+jmp near loc_004347a2 ; jmp 0x4347a2
+mov byte [ref_0048c3cc], 6 ; mov byte [0x48c3cc], 6
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x1f0
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0xa2
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x236
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0xde
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+mov edx, ref_0048a068 ; mov edx, 0x48a068
+push edx
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edx
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x3c
+push 0x46
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edx
+call dword [eax + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x40a
+jmp near loc_00434864 ; jmp 0x434864
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c3c4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c3c4]
+push ecx
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3d0] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3d0]
+push eax
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+jmp near loc_0043479f ; jmp 0x43479f
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov esi, eax
+sar esi, 0xa
+test esi, esi
+jne near loc_00434a46 ; jne 0x434a46
+or byte [ref_0048c3ce], 1 ; or byte [0x48c3ce], 1
+jmp near loc_00434a46 ; jmp 0x434a46
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3ce] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3ce]
+and al, 0x30
+movzx esi, al
+sar esi, 4
+mov ch, byte [ref_0048c3ce] ; mov ch, byte [0x48c3ce]
+add ch, 0x10
+mov byte [ref_0048c3ce], ch ; mov byte [0x48c3ce], ch
+mov al, ch
+and al, 0x3f
+mov byte [ref_0048c3ce], al ; mov byte [0x48c3ce], al
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x1f0
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0xa2
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x236
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0xc5
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3ce] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3ce]
+and al, 0x30
+cmp al, 0x30
+jne short loc_004349f0 ; jne 0x4349f0
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c3ce], ah ; mov byte [0x48c3ce], ah
+push 0x23
+push 0x46
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push esi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push ebp
+push esi
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+jmp short loc_00434a27 ; jmp 0x434a27
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ecx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esi + ref_00475884] ; mov dl, byte [esi + 0x475884]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+call fcn_0044ef3b ; call 0x44ef3b
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00434a5c ; jne 0x434a5c
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3cd], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c3cd], 0
+je near loc_00434641 ; je 0x434641
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x1f0
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0xc5
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x232
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0xde
+mov bl, byte [ref_0048c3cd] ; mov bl, byte [0x48c3cd]
+test bl, bl
+je short loc_00434ad9 ; je 0x434ad9
+mov bh, bl
+dec bh
+mov byte [ref_0048c3cd], bh ; mov byte [0x48c3cd], bh
+jne near loc_00434641 ; jne 0x434641
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x19
+push 0x42
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push esi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push ebp
+push esi
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+jmp near loc_00434cdc ; jmp 0x434cdc
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov esi, eax
+sar esi, 0xb
+cmp esi, 4
+jge near loc_00434641 ; jge 0x434641
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and eax, 1
+lea edx, [eax + 0xd]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and al, 7
+inc al
+mov byte [ref_0048c3cd], al ; mov byte [0x48c3cd], al
+jmp near loc_00434cec ; jmp 0x434cec
+mov cl, byte [ref_0048c3cc] ; mov cl, byte [0x48c3cc]
+cmp cl, 2
+jae short loc_00434b80 ; jae 0x434b80
+push 1
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ref_0048c3cc], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c3cc], 1
+jmp near loc_00434641 ; jmp 0x434641
+jbe short loc_00434b8e ; jbe 0x434b8e
+push 1
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+jmp near loc_00434660 ; jmp 0x434660
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, bx
+mov eax, ebx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x50], ebp
+jmp short loc_00434bbc ; jmp 0x434bbc
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x50]
+inc ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x50], ebp
+cmp ebp, 3
+jge near loc_00434c35 ; jge 0x434c35
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x50]
+shl ebx, 3
+movsx edx, word [ebx + ref_00475818] ; movsx edx, word [ebx + 0x475818]
+cmp esi, edx
+jl short loc_00434baa ; jl 0x434baa
+movsx edx, word [ebx + ref_0047581c] ; movsx edx, word [ebx + 0x47581c]
+cmp esi, edx
+jg short loc_00434baa ; jg 0x434baa
+movsx edx, word [ebx + ref_0047581a] ; movsx edx, word [ebx + 0x47581a]
+cmp eax, edx
+jl short loc_00434baa ; jl 0x434baa
+movsx edx, word [ebx + ref_0047581e] ; movsx edx, word [ebx + 0x47581e]
+cmp eax, edx
+jg short loc_00434baa ; jg 0x434baa
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x50]
+inc al
+mov byte [ref_0048c3cf], al ; mov byte [0x48c3cf], al
+movsx eax, word [ebx + ref_00475818] ; movsx eax, word [ebx + 0x475818]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx + ref_0047581a] ; movsx eax, word [ebx + 0x47581a]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx + ref_0047581c] ; movsx eax, word [ebx + 0x47581c]
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx + ref_0047581e] ; movsx eax, word [ebx + 0x47581e]
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3cf] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3cf]
+cmp al, 2
+jb short loc_00434c51 ; jb 0x434c51
+jbe near loc_00434d00 ; jbe 0x434d00
+cmp al, 3
+je near loc_00434d62 ; je 0x434d62
+jmp near loc_00434641 ; jmp 0x434641
+cmp al, 1
+jne near loc_00434641 ; jne 0x434641
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba4], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba4], 0
+je short loc_00434c75 ; je 0x434c75
+xor al, al
+mov byte [ref_0048c3cf], al ; mov byte [0x48c3cf], al
+jmp near loc_00434641 ; jmp 0x434641
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0xd8
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x145
+push 0x44
+push ref_00464a9c ; push 0x464a9c
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_00434641 ; jmp 0x434641
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0xd8
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x17f
+push 0x44
+push ref_00464aa5 ; push 0x464aa5
+jmp near loc_00434cd2 ; jmp 0x434cd2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0xf0
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_00434cdc ; jmp 0x434cdc
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3cf] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3cf]
+test al, al
+je near loc_00434641 ; je 0x434641
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, al
+movsx eax, word [edx*8 + ref_00475810] ; movsx eax, word [edx*8 + 0x475810]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+movsx eax, word [edx*8 + ref_00475812] ; movsx eax, word [edx*8 + 0x475812]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+movsx eax, word [edx*8 + ref_00475814] ; movsx eax, word [edx*8 + 0x475814]
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+movsx eax, word [edx*8 + ref_00475816] ; movsx eax, word [edx*8 + 0x475816]
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+mov al, dl
+cmp al, 2
+jb short loc_00434dfb ; jb 0x434dfb
+jbe near loc_00434e98 ; jbe 0x434e98
+cmp al, 3
+je near loc_00434f25 ; je 0x434f25
+jmp near loc_00434fa1 ; jmp 0x434fa1
+cmp al, 1
+jne near loc_00434fa1 ; jne 0x434fa1
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+mov edx, ref_0048a068 ; mov edx, 0x48a068
+push edx
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edx
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x28
+push 0x72
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edx
+call dword [eax + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00496b90] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x496b90]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048c3c8] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48c3c8]
+jge near loc_00434fa1 ; jge 0x434fa1
+mov byte [ref_0048c3cc], 3 ; mov byte [0x48c3cc], 3
+mov esi, dword [ref_00475860] ; mov esi, dword [0x475860]
+push esi
+jmp near loc_00434f99 ; jmp 0x434f99
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+mov edx, ref_0048a068 ; mov edx, 0x48a068
+push edx
+push 0
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push esi
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x28
+push 0x72
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push eax
+push ebp
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push esi
+call dword [eax + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b90], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b90], 0
+je near loc_00434fa1 ; je 0x434fa1
+mov byte [ref_0048c3cc], 5 ; mov byte [0x48c3cc], 5
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475868] ; mov eax, dword [0x475868]
+push eax
+jmp short loc_00434f99 ; jmp 0x434f99
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+mov edx, ref_0048a068 ; mov edx, 0x48a068
+push edx
+push 0
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push esi
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0xe4
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+call dword [eax + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov byte [ref_0048c3cc], 7 ; mov byte [0x48c3cc], 7
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00475870] ; mov ebx, dword [0x475870]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [ref_0048c3cf], bl ; mov byte [0x48c3cf], bl
+jmp near loc_00434641 ; jmp 0x434641
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3cc], 7 ; cmp byte [0x48c3cc], 7
+je near loc_00434641 ; je 0x434641
+push 0
+push ref_00482332 ; push 0x482332
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov byte [ref_0048c3cc], 7 ; mov byte [0x48c3cc], 7
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00475870] ; mov ebx, dword [0x475870]
+push ebx
+jmp near loc_0043465b ; jmp 0x43465b
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea edx, [esp + 0xc]
+push edx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push esi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0dc]
+push ecx
+call dword [eax + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_00434641 ; jmp 0x434641
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x74]
+push ebx
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_00434643 ; jmp 0x434643
+db 0x8d
+db 0x40
+db 0x00
+ref_00435052: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_00435cca
+dd loc_00435d48
+dd loc_00435da4
+dd loc_00435ddb
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xd4
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xe8]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xec]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xf4]
+cmp eax, 0x203
+jb short loc_004350e5 ; jb 0x4350e5
+jbe near loc_00435c12 ; jbe 0x435c12
+cmp eax, 0x405
+jb short loc_004350c8 ; jb 0x4350c8
+imul ebx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul ebx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp eax, 0x405
+jbe near loc_00435197 ; jbe 0x435197
+cmp eax, 0x409
+jb near loc_0043601d ; jb 0x43601d
+jbe near loc_00435228 ; jbe 0x435228
+cmp eax, 0x40a
+je near loc_00435360 ; je 0x435360
+jmp near loc_0043601d ; jmp 0x43601d
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb near loc_0043601d ; jb 0x43601d
+jbe near loc_00435f6d ; jbe 0x435f6d
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_00435116 ; je 0x435116
+jmp near loc_0043601d ; jmp 0x43601d
+cmp eax, 0x113
+jb short loc_00435108 ; jb 0x435108
+jbe near loc_004354aa ; jbe 0x4354aa
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jb near loc_0043601d ; jb 0x43601d
+jbe near loc_00435c12 ; jbe 0x435c12
+jmp near loc_00435ea2 ; jmp 0x435ea2
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je near loc_00435fa6 ; je 0x435fa6
+jmp near loc_0043601d ; jmp 0x43601d
+mov byte [ref_0048c3e0], dl ; mov byte [0x48c3e0], dl
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [ref_0048c3dd], bl ; mov byte [0x48c3dd], bl
+mov byte [ref_0048c3de], bl ; mov byte [0x48c3de], bl
+mov byte [ref_0048c3df], bl ; mov byte [0x48c3df], bl
+mov byte [ref_0048c3e1], bl ; mov byte [0x48c3e1], bl
+mov byte [ref_0048c3e2], bl ; mov byte [0x48c3e2], bl
+mov dword [ref_0048c3d5], 0x280 ; mov dword [0x48c3d5], 0x280
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [ref_0048c3d9], ebp ; mov dword [0x48c3d9], ebp
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, dl
+push eax
+call fcn_00434186 ; call 0x434186
+add esp, 4
+push ebp
+push 0x32
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cad8]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTimer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462324]
+mov dword [ref_0048c3d1], eax ; mov dword [0x48c3d1], eax
+push ebp
+push ebp
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push ebp
+push ebp
+push 0x405
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0xd4
+jmp near loc_00434646 ; jmp 0x434646
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496ba4], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496ba4], 0
+je short loc_00435200 ; je 0x435200
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+push ref_0046cadc ; push 0x46cadc
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0046cae0] ; mov ebp, dword [0x46cae0]
+push ebp
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0046cadc] ; mov ecx, dword [0x46cadc]
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496ba4] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496ba4]
+and al, 0x7f
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, al
+inc ebx
+push ebx
+push ref_00464ad5 ; push 0x464ad5
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x800005dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+cmp byte [ref_00497159], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497159], 0
+je short loc_0043521c ; je 0x43521c
+mov byte [ref_0048c3dd], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c3dd], 1
+mov esi, dword [ref_00475830] ; mov esi, dword [0x475830]
+push esi
+jmp near loc_00435d8c ; jmp 0x435d8c
+mov byte [ref_0048c3dd], 3 ; mov byte [0x48c3dd], 3
+jmp near loc_0043518a ; jmp 0x43518a
+mov eax, dword [ebx + ref_00496b8c] ; mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x496b8c]
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c3b0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c3b0]
+cmp eax, edi
+jge near loc_00435354 ; jge 0x435354
+mov eax, edi
+sub eax, dword [ebx + ref_00496b8c] ; sub eax, dword [ebx + 0x496b8c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00453544 ; call 0x453544
+mov edx, eax
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_00435354 ; je 0x435354
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+add dword [eax + ref_00496b88], edx ; add dword [eax + 0x496b88], edx
+add dword [eax + ref_00496b8c], edx ; add dword [eax + 0x496b8c], edx
+push ecx
+call fcn_00433b7e ; call 0x433b7e
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00433d6e ; call 0x433d6e
+call fcn_00433f24 ; call 0x433f24
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3d5] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3d5]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0x280
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0x1e0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ebx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c3b8] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c3b8]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+add eax, 0x118
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c3b4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c3b4]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov byte [ref_0048c3dd], 7 ; mov byte [0x48c3dd], 7
+mov esi, dword [ref_00475840] ; mov esi, dword [0x475840]
+push esi
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ref_0048c3e2], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c3e2], 1
+jmp near loc_0043518a ; jmp 0x43518a
+mov byte [ref_0048c3dd], 8 ; mov byte [0x48c3dd], 8
+jmp near loc_0043518a ; jmp 0x43518a
+mov edi, dword [ebx + ref_00496b8c] ; mov edi, dword [ebx + 0x496b8c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00453544 ; call 0x453544
+mov edx, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00435354 ; je 0x435354
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+add ecx, edi
+cmp edx, ecx
+jle short loc_004353a3 ; jle 0x4353a3
+mov byte [ref_0048c3dd], 9 ; mov byte [0x48c3dd], 9
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00475850] ; mov ebx, dword [0x475850]
+push ebx
+jmp near loc_00435d8c ; jmp 0x435d8c
+mov ebp, edi
+sub ebp, edx
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496b88], ebp ; mov dword [eax + 0x496b88], ebp
+test ebp, ebp
+jge short loc_004353bf ; jge 0x4353bf
+add dword [eax + ref_00496b84], ebp ; add dword [eax + 0x496b84], ebp
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496b88], edi ; mov dword [eax + 0x496b88], edi
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b8c] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b8c]
+sub edx, ebx
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496b8c], edx ; mov dword [eax + 0x496b8c], edx
+jne short loc_004353e1 ; jne 0x4353e1
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496b94], edx ; mov dword [eax + 0x496b94], edx
+call fcn_00433f24 ; call 0x433f24
+call fcn_00433d6e ; call 0x433d6e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3d5] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3d5]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], eax
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], edi
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0x280
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0x1e0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push edi
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push edi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c3b8] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c3b8]
+push ebx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+add eax, 0x118
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3b4]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov byte [ref_0048c3dd], 8 ; mov byte [0x48c3dd], 8
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00475854] ; mov ecx, dword [0x475854]
+push ecx
+jmp near loc_00435340 ; jmp 0x435340
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3dd], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c3dd], 0
+je near loc_0043518a ; je 0x43518a
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je near loc_0043518a ; je 0x43518a
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xf0]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; cmp eax, dword [0x46cad8]
+jne near loc_0043518a ; jne 0x43518a
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c3d9] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c3d9]
+test ebp, ebp
+je near loc_00435667 ; je 0x435667
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c3d5] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c3d5]
+add edx, ebp
+mov dword [ref_0048c3d5], edx ; mov dword [0x48c3d5], edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], edx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0x280
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0x1e0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push ecx
+push 1
+mov edx, ref_0048a068 ; mov edx, 0x48a068
+push edx
+push ecx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebp
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c3b8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c3b8]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+add eax, 0x118
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c3b4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c3b4]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c3d9] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c3d9]
+test edx, edx
+jle short loc_004355d3 ; jle 0x4355d3
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c3d5] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c3d5]
+cmp ecx, 0x1b8
+jle short loc_004355d3 ; jle 0x4355d3
+push 0x1e0
+push edx
+push 0
+mov eax, ecx
+sub eax, edx
+push eax
+push 0
+mov eax, ecx
+sub eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3d9] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3d9]
+sub dword [esp + 0xc0], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+cmp dword [ref_0048c3d5], 0x1b8 ; cmp dword [0x48c3d5], 0x1b8
+jne short loc_004355f7 ; jne 0x4355f7
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048c3d9], ebx ; mov dword [0x48c3d9], ebx
+cmp dword [ref_0048c3d5], 0x280 ; cmp dword [0x48c3d5], 0x280
+jne short loc_0043561b ; jne 0x43561b
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [ref_0048c3d9], ebp ; mov dword [0x48c3d9], ebp
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3e2], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c3e2], 0
+je short loc_0043561b ; je 0x43561b
+mov byte [ref_0048c3dd], 0xb ; mov byte [0x48c3dd], 0xb
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc0]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xc4]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xd0]
+push ebx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xd0]
+push edi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc0]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_00435891 ; je 0x435891
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3dd] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3dd]
+cmp al, 7
+jb short loc_004356a3 ; jb 0x4356a3
+jbe near loc_00435794 ; jbe 0x435794
+cmp al, 9
+jb near loc_004357a7 ; jb 0x4357a7
+jbe near loc_004357c7 ; jbe 0x4357c7
+cmp al, 0xb
+je near loc_0043586e ; je 0x43586e
+jmp near loc_00435891 ; jmp 0x435891
+cmp al, 3
+jb short loc_004356b2 ; jb 0x4356b2
+jbe short loc_004356d2 ; jbe 0x4356d2
+cmp al, 5
+je short loc_004356e5 ; je 0x4356e5
+jmp near loc_00435891 ; jmp 0x435891
+cmp al, 1
+jne near loc_00435891 ; jne 0x435891
+mov byte [ref_0048c3dd], 3 ; mov byte [0x48c3dd], 3
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00475834] ; mov ebx, dword [0x475834]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+jmp near loc_0043588e ; jmp 0x43588e
+mov byte [ref_0048c3dd], 4 ; mov byte [0x48c3dd], 4
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+jmp near loc_0043588e ; jmp 0x43588e
+mov byte [ref_0048c3dd], 6 ; mov byte [0x48c3dd], 6
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x8c
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0x72
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0xdc
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0xb6
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x44
+push 0x50
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xcc]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xcc]
+push ebp
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x409
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+jmp near loc_00435891 ; jmp 0x435891
+mov byte [ref_0048c3dd], 8 ; mov byte [0x48c3dd], 8
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00475844] ; mov ebp, dword [0x475844]
+push ebp
+jmp near loc_004356c8 ; jmp 0x4356c8
+mov dword [ref_0048c3d9], 0x28 ; mov dword [0x48c3d9], 0x28
+mov dword [ref_0048c3d5], 0x1b8 ; mov dword [0x48c3d5], 0x1b8
+mov byte [ref_0048c3dd], 4 ; mov byte [0x48c3dd], 4
+jmp near loc_004358a9 ; jmp 0x4358a9
+mov byte [ref_0048c3dd], 0xa ; mov byte [0x48c3dd], 0xa
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x8c
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0x72
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0xdc
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0xb6
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x44
+push 0x50
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xcc]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xcc]
+push ebp
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x40a
+jmp near loc_00435787 ; jmp 0x435787
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c3d1] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c3d1]
+push ebp
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+mov bl, byte [ref_0048c3dd] ; mov bl, byte [0x48c3dd]
+cmp bl, 6
+je near loc_0043518a ; je 0x43518a
+cmp bl, 0xa
+je near loc_0043518a ; je 0x43518a
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3df] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3df]
+and al, 0xf
+cmp al, 1
+jb short loc_004358c3 ; jb 0x4358c3
+jbe short loc_004358ff ; jbe 0x4358ff
+cmp al, 2
+je near loc_004359da ; je 0x4359da
+jmp near loc_00435ac0 ; jmp 0x435ac0
+test al, al
+jne near loc_00435ac0 ; jne 0x435ac0
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+sar eax, 0xa
+mov dword [esp + 0xd0], eax
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_004358ea ; jne 0x4358ea
+or byte [ref_0048c3df], 1 ; or byte [0x48c3df], 1
+jmp near loc_00435ac0 ; jmp 0x435ac0
+cmp eax, 1
+jne near loc_00435ac0 ; jne 0x435ac0
+or byte [ref_0048c3df], 2 ; or byte [0x48c3df], 2
+jmp near loc_00435ac0 ; jmp 0x435ac0
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3df] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3df]
+and al, 0x30
+and eax, 0xff
+sar eax, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0xd0], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x8c
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0x72
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0xdc
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0x9a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ebp
+xor edx, edx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xd8]
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00475880] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x475880]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov cl, byte [ref_0048c3df] ; mov cl, byte [0x48c3df]
+add cl, 0x10
+mov byte [ref_0048c3df], cl ; mov byte [0x48c3df], cl
+mov ch, cl
+and ch, 0x3f
+mov byte [ref_0048c3df], ch ; mov byte [0x48c3df], ch
+test ch, 0x30
+jne near loc_00435aae ; jne 0x435aae
+mov byte [ref_0048c3df], 0x80 ; mov byte [0x48c3df], 0x80
+jmp near loc_00435aae ; jmp 0x435aae
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 3
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0xd0], edx
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3df] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3df]
+and al, 0xc0
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, al
+sar edx, 6
+cmp edx, dword [esp + 0xd0]
+je near loc_00435ac0 ; je 0x435ac0
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x8c
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0x72
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0xdc
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0x9a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ebx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push edi
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xd8]
+add edx, 3
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov al, byte [esp + 0xd0]
+shl al, 6
+mov byte [ref_0048c3df], al ; mov byte [0x48c3df], al
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+call fcn_0044ef3b ; call 0x44ef3b
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00435ad6 ; jne 0x435ad6
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3de], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c3de], 0
+je near loc_0043518a ; je 0x43518a
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x8c
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0x98
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0xdc
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0xb6
+mov bh, byte [ref_0048c3de] ; mov bh, byte [0x48c3de]
+test bh, bh
+je short loc_00435b81 ; je 0x435b81
+mov cl, bh
+dec cl
+mov byte [ref_0048c3de], cl ; mov byte [0x48c3de], cl
+jne near loc_0043518a ; jne 0x43518a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0x6c
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_0043518a ; jmp 0x43518a
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+sar eax, 0xb
+mov dword [esp + 0xd0], eax
+cmp eax, 4
+jge near loc_0043518a ; jge 0x43518a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and eax, 1
+lea edx, [eax + 9]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and al, 7
+inc al
+mov byte [ref_0048c3de], al ; mov byte [0x48c3de], al
+jmp near loc_00435b6a ; jmp 0x435b6a
+mov ch, byte [ref_0048c3dd] ; mov ch, byte [0x48c3dd]
+cmp ch, 4
+jae short loc_00435c2c ; jae 0x435c2c
+push 1
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0043521c ; jmp 0x43521c
+jbe short loc_00435c3a ; jbe 0x435c3a
+push 1
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+jmp near loc_00435d91 ; jmp 0x435d91
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, dx
+mov dword [esp + 0xd0], eax
+mov eax, edx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, ax
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xd0]
+jmp short loc_00435c66 ; jmp 0x435c66
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_00435caf ; jge 0x435caf
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+movsx ecx, word [eax + ref_004757f8] ; movsx ecx, word [eax + 0x4757f8]
+cmp ecx, edi
+jg short loc_00435c60 ; jg 0x435c60
+movsx ecx, word [eax + ref_004757fc] ; movsx ecx, word [eax + 0x4757fc]
+cmp ecx, edi
+jl short loc_00435c60 ; jl 0x435c60
+movsx ecx, word [eax + ref_004757fa] ; movsx ecx, word [eax + 0x4757fa]
+cmp edx, ecx
+jl short loc_00435c60 ; jl 0x435c60
+movsx eax, word [eax + ref_004757fe] ; movsx eax, word [eax + 0x4757fe]
+cmp edx, eax
+jg short loc_00435c60 ; jg 0x435c60
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov al, bl
+inc al
+mov byte [ref_0048c3e1], al ; mov byte [0x48c3e1], al
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3e1] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3e1]
+dec al
+cmp al, 3
+ja near loc_0043518a ; ja 0x43518a
+and eax, 0xff
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_00435052] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x435052]
+movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + ref_004757f8] ; movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + 0x4757f8]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + ref_004757fa] ; movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + 0x4757fa]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + ref_004757fc] ; movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + 0x4757fc]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + ref_004757fe] ; movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + 0x4757fe]
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0xf0
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+jmp near loc_00435b57 ; jmp 0x435b57
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba4], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba4], 0
+jne near loc_0043518a ; jne 0x43518a
+mov dword [ref_0048c3d5], 0x280 ; mov dword [0x48c3d5], 0x280
+mov dword [ref_0048c3d9], 0xffffffd8 ; mov dword [0x48c3d9], 0xffffffd8
+mov byte [ref_0048c3dd], 5 ; mov byte [0x48c3dd], 5
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00496b8c] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x496b8c]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048c3b0] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48c3b0]
+jl short loc_00435d99 ; jl 0x435d99
+mov edi, dword [ref_00475848] ; mov edi, dword [0x475848]
+push edi
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0043518a ; jmp 0x43518a
+mov esi, dword [ref_0047583c] ; mov esi, dword [0x47583c]
+jmp near loc_00435216 ; jmp 0x435216
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b8c], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b8c], 0
+je near loc_0043518a ; je 0x43518a
+mov byte [ref_0048c3dd], 9 ; mov byte [0x48c3dd], 9
+mov dword [ref_0048c3d5], 0x280 ; mov dword [0x48c3d5], 0x280
+mov dword [ref_0048c3d9], 0xffffffd8 ; mov dword [0x48c3d9], 0xffffffd8
+mov edi, dword [ref_0047584c] ; mov edi, dword [0x47584c]
+jmp short loc_00435d8b ; jmp 0x435d8b
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3e0], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c3e0], 0
+je near loc_0043518a ; je 0x43518a
+mov byte [ref_0048c3dd], 0xa ; mov byte [0x48c3dd], 0xa
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push fcn_00434492 ; push 0x434492
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+mov byte [ref_0048c3e2], al ; mov byte [0x48c3e2], al
+test al, al
+je short loc_00435e1d ; je 0x435e1d
+mov byte [ref_0048c3dd], 0xb ; mov byte [0x48c3dd], 0xb
+jmp near loc_0043518a ; jmp 0x43518a
+mov byte [ref_0048c3dd], 4 ; mov byte [0x48c3dd], 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0
+push 0x14
+push 0x50
+push 0xf0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0x108
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ec30 ; call 0x44ec30
+add esp, 0x1c
+push 0
+push 0
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+jmp near loc_00435d91 ; jmp 0x435d91
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3e1], 1 ; cmp byte [0x48c3e1], 1
+jne near loc_00435f60 ; jne 0x435f60
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3dd], 0xb ; cmp byte [0x48c3dd], 0xb
+je near loc_00435f60 ; je 0x435f60
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x224
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0x1af
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0x274
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0x1d7
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0xe4
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov byte [ref_0048c3dd], 0xb ; mov byte [0x48c3dd], 0xb
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00475858] ; mov ebx, dword [0x475858]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [ref_0048c3e1], cl ; mov byte [0x48c3e1], cl
+jmp near loc_0043518a ; jmp 0x43518a
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3dd], 0xb ; cmp byte [0x48c3dd], 0xb
+je near loc_0043518a ; je 0x43518a
+push 0
+push ref_00482332 ; push 0x482332
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ref_0048c3dd], 0xb ; mov byte [0x48c3dd], 0xb
+mov edx, dword [ref_00475858] ; mov edx, dword [0x475858]
+push edx
+jmp near loc_00435d8c ; jmp 0x435d8c
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 0x88]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea edx, [esp + 0x8c]
+push edx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0dc]
+push edx
+call dword [eax + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x88]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_0043518a ; jmp 0x43518a
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xf4]
+push ecx
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_0043518c ; jmp 0x43518c
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xe4
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xf8]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xfc]
+cmp eax, 0x203
+jb short loc_00436082 ; jb 0x436082
+jbe near loc_00436596 ; jbe 0x436596
+cmp eax, 0x401
+jb short loc_00436072 ; jb 0x436072
+jbe short loc_004360ad ; jbe 0x4360ad
+cmp eax, 0x405
+je near loc_0043616f ; je 0x43616f
+jmp near loc_0043664a ; jmp 0x43664a
+cmp eax, 0x205
+je near loc_004365b4 ; je 0x4365b4
+jmp near loc_0043664a ; jmp 0x43664a
+cmp eax, 0x113
+jb short loc_0043609f ; jb 0x43609f
+jbe near loc_004361c2 ; jbe 0x4361c2
+cmp eax, 0x201
+je near loc_00436596 ; je 0x436596
+jmp near loc_0043664a ; jmp 0x43664a
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je near loc_004365d9 ; je 0x4365d9
+jmp near loc_0043664a ; jmp 0x43664a
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [ref_0048c3e7], dl ; mov byte [0x48c3e7], dl
+mov byte [ref_0048c3e8], dl ; mov byte [0x48c3e8], dl
+mov byte [ref_0048c3e9], dl ; mov byte [0x48c3e9], dl
+push 0
+call fcn_00434186 ; call 0x434186
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0x1b8
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c3b8] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c3b8]
+push ebx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x118
+push 0x1b8
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c3b4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c3b4]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0x32
+mov edx, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov edx, dword [0x46cad8]
+push edx
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTimer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462324]
+mov dword [ref_0048c3e3], eax ; mov dword [0x48c3e3], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x405
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0xe4
+jmp near loc_00434646 ; jmp 0x434646
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc0]
+push eax
+push ref_00464aee ; push 0x464aee
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esp
+mov dword [ref_00475874], eax ; mov dword [0x475874], eax
+mov byte [ref_0048c3e7], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c3e7], 1
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+jmp near loc_004365ac ; jmp 0x4365ac
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3e7], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c3e7], 0
+je short loc_00436162 ; je 0x436162
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je short loc_00436162 ; je 0x436162
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x100]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; cmp eax, dword [0x46cad8]
+jne near loc_00436162 ; jne 0x436162
+push 0
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00436248 ; je 0x436248
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3e7] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3e7]
+cmp al, 2
+jb short loc_00436206 ; jb 0x436206
+jbe short loc_0043621f ; jbe 0x43621f
+cmp al, 3
+je short loc_0043622f ; je 0x43622f
+jmp short loc_00436248 ; jmp 0x436248
+cmp al, 1
+jne short loc_00436248 ; jne 0x436248
+mov byte [ref_0048c3e7], 2 ; mov byte [0x48c3e7], 2
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00475878] ; mov ebp, dword [0x475878]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+jmp short loc_00436245 ; jmp 0x436245
+mov byte [ref_0048c3e7], 3 ; mov byte [0x48c3e7], 3
+mov edi, dword [ref_0047587c] ; mov edi, dword [0x47587c]
+push edi
+jmp short loc_00436218 ; jmp 0x436218
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c3e3] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c3e3]
+push ebx
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+mov dh, byte [ref_0048c3e9] ; mov dh, byte [0x48c3e9]
+xor dh, 8
+mov byte [ref_0048c3e9], dh ; mov byte [0x48c3e9], dh
+test dh, 8
+jne near loc_00436162 ; jne 0x436162
+mov al, dh
+and al, 0xf
+cmp al, 1
+jb short loc_00436277 ; jb 0x436277
+jbe short loc_004362ae ; jbe 0x4362ae
+cmp al, 2
+je near loc_00436378 ; je 0x436378
+jmp near loc_00436448 ; jmp 0x436448
+test al, al
+jne near loc_00436448 ; jne 0x436448
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov ebx, eax
+sar ebx, 0xa
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_00436299 ; jne 0x436299
+or byte [ref_0048c3e9], 1 ; or byte [0x48c3e9], 1
+jmp near loc_00436448 ; jmp 0x436448
+cmp ebx, 1
+jne near loc_00436448 ; jne 0x436448
+or byte [ref_0048c3e9], 2 ; or byte [0x48c3e9], 2
+jmp near loc_00436448 ; jmp 0x436448
+mov al, dh
+and al, 0x30
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, al
+sar ebx, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], 0x8c
+mov dword [esp + 0xd8], 0x72
+mov dword [esp + 0xdc], 0xdc
+mov dword [esp + 0xe0], 0x9a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xd8]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xd8]
+push ecx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + ref_00475880] ; mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x475880]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov bh, byte [ref_0048c3e9] ; mov bh, byte [0x48c3e9]
+add bh, 0x10
+mov byte [ref_0048c3e9], bh ; mov byte [0x48c3e9], bh
+mov cl, bh
+and cl, 0x3f
+mov byte [ref_0048c3e9], cl ; mov byte [0x48c3e9], cl
+test cl, 0x30
+jne near loc_00436436 ; jne 0x436436
+mov byte [ref_0048c3e9], 0x80 ; mov byte [0x48c3e9], 0x80
+jmp near loc_00436436 ; jmp 0x436436
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ebx, 3
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov ebx, edx
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c3e9] ; mov al, byte [0x48c3e9]
+and al, 0xc0
+and eax, 0xff
+sar eax, 6
+cmp edx, eax
+je near loc_00436448 ; je 0x436448
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], 0x8c
+mov dword [esp + 0xd8], 0x72
+mov dword [esp + 0xdc], 0xdc
+mov dword [esp + 0xe0], 0x9a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xd8]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xd8]
+push eax
+lea edx, [ebx + 3]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+shl bl, 6
+mov byte [ref_0048c3e9], bl ; mov byte [0x48c3e9], bl
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xd8]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+call fcn_0044ef3b ; call 0x44ef3b
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0043645e ; jne 0x43645e
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3e8], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c3e8], 0
+je near loc_00436162 ; je 0x436162
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], 0x8c
+mov dword [esp + 0xd8], 0x98
+mov dword [esp + 0xdc], 0xdc
+mov dword [esp + 0xe0], 0xb6
+mov bl, byte [ref_0048c3e8] ; mov bl, byte [0x48c3e8]
+test bl, bl
+je short loc_00436509 ; je 0x436509
+mov bh, bl
+dec bh
+mov byte [ref_0048c3e8], bh ; mov byte [0x48c3e8], bh
+jne near loc_00436162 ; jne 0x436162
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xd8]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xd8]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0x6c
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xd8]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_00436162 ; jmp 0x436162
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov ebx, eax
+sar ebx, 0xb
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge near loc_00436162 ; jge 0x436162
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xd8]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xd8]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and eax, 1
+lea edx, [eax + 9]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3c0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and al, 7
+inc al
+mov byte [ref_0048c3e8], al ; mov byte [0x48c3e8], al
+jmp near loc_004364f2 ; jmp 0x4364f2
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00436162 ; jmp 0x436162
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3e7], 3 ; cmp byte [0x48c3e7], 3
+jae near loc_00436162 ; jae 0x436162
+push 0
+push ref_00482332 ; push 0x482332
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov byte [ref_0048c3e7], 3 ; mov byte [0x48c3e7], 3
+jmp short loc_004365a5 ; jmp 0x4365a5
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 0x88]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ebx, [esp + 0x8c]
+push ebx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push ebp
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x88]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_00436162 ; jmp 0x436162
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x104]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x104]
+push ebx
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_00436164 ; jmp 0x436164
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x84
+xor ebx, ebx
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba3], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba3], 0
+jne near loc_00436953 ; jne 0x436953
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004239b9 ; call 0x4239b9
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048c3b0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c3b0], eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne near loc_004367ab ; jne 0x4367ab
+push ebx
+push ebx
+push 0x17
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c3c0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c3c0], eax
+push ebx
+push ebx
+push 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a05c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c3bc], eax ; mov dword [0x48c3bc], eax
+push ebx
+push ebx
+push 0x118
+push 0xc8
+call fcn_00451a5a ; call 0x451a5a
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c3b8], eax ; mov dword [0x48c3b8], eax
+push ebx
+push ebx
+push 0xc8
+push 0xc8
+call fcn_00451a5a ; call 0x451a5a
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c3b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c3b4], eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x98]
+cmp edx, 0x1770
+jle short loc_0043674d ; jle 0x43674d
+cmp edx, 0x1f40
+jge short loc_0043674d ; jge 0x43674d
+lea eax, [edx - 0x1770]
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e7c]
+add eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x18]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edx, eax
+jne short loc_0043674d ; jne 0x43674d
+mov ebx, 1
+push 4
+call fcn_004549cf ; call 0x4549cf
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+push fcn_00435062 ; push 0x435062
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_00454bcc ; call 0x454bcc
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c3c0]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c3bc] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c3bc]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c3b8] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c3b8]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c3b4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c3b4]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00436953 ; jmp 0x436953
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b8c], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b8c], 0
+je near loc_00436893 ; je 0x436893
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_00496b94] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x496b94]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov edi, dword [0x497160]
+push edi
+call fcn_004521aa ; call 0x4521aa
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 6
+jg short loc_0043680e ; jg 0x43680e
+imul ecx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul ecx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov eax, dword [ecx + ref_00496b88] ; mov eax, dword [ecx + 0x496b88]
+mov edx, dword [ecx + ref_00496b84] ; mov edx, dword [ecx + 0x496b84]
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x80], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x80]
+fild dword [ecx + ref_00496b8c] ; fild dword [ecx + 0x496b8c]
+fmul qword [ref_00464b24] ; fmul qword [0x464b24]
+fnstsw ax
+ja short loc_0043680e ; ja 0x43680e
+mov ebx, 1
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b8c] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b8c]
+add edx, edx
+cmp edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; cmp edx, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+jl short loc_0043682d ; jl 0x43682d
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_00436953 ; je 0x436953
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00496b8c] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x496b8c]
+push ebp
+push edi
+call fcn_00433bd8 ; call 0x433bd8
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b8c] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b8c]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ebx
+push ref_00464af5 ; push 0x464af5
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496b8c], edi ; mov dword [eax + 0x496b8c], edi
+jmp near loc_00436953 ; jmp 0x436953
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 0xa
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_004368c7 ; je 0x4368c7
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+add edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; add edx, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+cmp edx, 0x7530
+jge near loc_00436953 ; jge 0x436953
+imul ecx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul ecx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [ecx + ref_00496ba4], 0 ; cmp byte [ecx + 0x496ba4], 0
+jne near loc_00436953 ; jne 0x436953
+mov bh, byte [ecx + ref_00496b80] ; mov bh, byte [ecx + 0x496b80]
+test bh, bh
+je short loc_00436953 ; je 0x436953
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, bh
+imul edx, dword [ref_0048c3b0] ; imul edx, dword [0x48c3b0]
+mov ebx, 0x64
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov dword [ecx + ref_00496b8c], eax ; mov dword [ecx + 0x496b8c], eax
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00436953 ; je 0x436953
+add dword [ecx + ref_00496b88], eax ; add dword [ecx + 0x496b88], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00433b7e ; call 0x433b7e
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b8c] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b8c]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ebx
+push ref_00464b0c ; push 0x464b0c
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+add esp, 0x84
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne near loc_00436a43 ; jne 0x436a43
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x17
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c3c0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c3c0], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 2
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c3bc], eax ; mov dword [0x48c3bc], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x118
+push 0xc8
+call fcn_00451a5a ; call 0x451a5a
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c3b8], eax ; mov dword [0x48c3b8], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0xc8
+push 0xc8
+call fcn_00451a5a ; call 0x451a5a
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c3b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c3b4], eax
+push 4
+call fcn_004549cf ; call 0x4549cf
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push fcn_00436034 ; push 0x436034
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00454bcc ; call 0x454bcc
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c3c0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c3c0]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c3bc] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c3bc]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c3b8] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c3b8]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3b4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x8b
+db 0xc0
+ref_00436a4a: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_00436a9b
+dd loc_00436adf
+dd loc_00436af5
+dd loc_00436b01
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+imul ebx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul ebx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + ref_00496b94] ; mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x496b94]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov ebx, dword [0x497160]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004521aa ; call 0x4521aa
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 3
+jg near loc_00436b06 ; jg 0x436b06
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+cmp ebx, 3
+ja short loc_00436b06 ; ja 0x436b06
+jmp dword [ebx*4 + ref_00436a4a] ; ujmp: jmp dword [ebx*4 + 0x436a4a]
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_00464b2c ; push 0x464b2c
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul ebx, esi, 0x68
+mov edi, dword [ebx + ref_00496b8c] ; mov edi, dword [ebx + 0x496b8c]
+push edi
+push esi
+call fcn_00433bd8 ; call 0x433bd8
+add esp, 8
+imul ebx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul ebx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00496b8c], edx ; mov dword [ebx + 0x496b8c], edx
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00496b94], edx ; mov dword [ebx + 0x496b94], edx
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_00464b43 ; push 0x464b43
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_00464b5c ; push 0x464b5c
+jmp short loc_00436ae9 ; jmp 0x436ae9
+call fcn_0043695e ; call 0x43695e
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x9c
+mov ebx, 1
+mov edi, 0xffffffff
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x498e7c]
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00498e90] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x498e90]
+jg short loc_00436b45 ; jg 0x436b45
+imul esi, ebx, 0x34
+add esi, ebp
+cmp byte [esi + 0x1a], 7
+jne short loc_00436b42 ; jne 0x436b42
+mov dl, byte [esi + 0x18]
+test dl, dl
+je short loc_00436b42 ; je 0x436b42
+movzx edi, dl
+dec edi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00436b24 ; jmp 0x436b24
+cmp dword [esp + 0xb0], 0
+je near loc_00436c6d ; je 0x436c6d
+cmp edi, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_00436c62 ; je 0x436c62
+cmp edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; cmp edi, dword [0x49910c]
+je near loc_00436c62 ; je 0x436c62
+imul ebx, edi, 0x68
+mov ebx, dword [ebx + ref_00496b90] ; mov ebx, dword [ebx + 0x496b90]
+mov dword [esp + 0x94], ebx
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_00436c62 ; je 0x436c62
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor ebp, ebp
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_00436ba5 ; jge 0x436ba5
+cmp ebx, edi
+je short loc_00436ba2 ; je 0x436ba2
+imul esi, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [esi + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [esi + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00436ba2 ; je 0x436ba2
+add ebp, dword [esi + ref_00496b88] ; add ebp, dword [esi + 0x496b88]
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00436b84 ; jmp 0x436b84
+cmp ebp, dword [esp + 0x94]
+jge near loc_00436c62 ; jge 0x436c62
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov dword [esp + 0x98], ebx
+mov dword [ref_0049910c], edi ; mov dword [0x49910c], edi
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [ref_0048be18], esi ; mov dword [0x48be18], esi
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x94]
+sub esi, ebp
+imul ebx, edi, 0x68
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + ref_00496b68] ; mov ebp, dword [ebx + 0x496b68]
+push ebp
+lea ebp, [esp + 0x84]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+lea ebp, [esp + 0x80]
+push ebp
+push esi
+push ref_00464b75 ; push 0x464b75
+lea ebp, [esp + 0xc]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x9c4
+lea ebp, [esp + 4]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+push esi
+push edi
+call fcn_00433bd8 ; call 0x433bd8
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ebx + ref_00496b90] ; mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x496b90]
+sub eax, esi
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00496b90], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x496b90], eax
+test eax, eax
+jge short loc_00436c4b ; jge 0x436c4b
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ebx + ref_00496b90], ecx ; mov dword [ebx + 0x496b90], ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x98]
+mov dword [ref_0049910c], ebx ; mov dword [0x49910c], ebx
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x9c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_00436c62 ; jge 0x436c62
+cmp ebx, edi
+je near loc_00436d34 ; je 0x436d34
+imul esi, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [esi + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [esi + 0x496b7d], 0
+je near loc_00436d34 ; je 0x436d34
+cmp dword [esi + ref_00496b90], 0 ; cmp dword [esi + 0x496b90], 0
+je near loc_00436d34 ; je 0x436d34
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+mov dword [esp + 0x98], ebp
+mov dword [ref_0049910c], ebx ; mov dword [0x49910c], ebx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048be18], edx ; mov dword [0x48be18], edx
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_00464b9e ; push 0x464b9e
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov ecx, dword [esi + ref_00496b90] ; mov ecx, dword [esi + 0x496b90]
+push ecx
+mov ebp, dword [esi + ref_00496b68] ; mov ebp, dword [esi + 0x496b68]
+push ebp
+push ref_00464baf ; push 0x464baf
+lea ebp, [esp + 0xc]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x5dc
+lea ebp, [esp + 4]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [esi + ref_00496b90] ; mov eax, dword [esi + 0x496b90]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_00433bd8 ; call 0x433bd8
+add esp, 8
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esi + ref_00496b90], edx ; mov dword [esi + 0x496b90], edx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x98]
+mov dword [ref_0049910c], esi ; mov dword [0x49910c], esi
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_00436c6f ; jmp 0x436c6f
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x18
+mov esi, 0x130
+push ref_0048c3f8 ; push 0x48c3f8
+call fcn_004584db ; call 0x4584db
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x14]
+fild dword [ref_0048c3ec] ; fild dword [0x48c3ec]
+fdivp st1 ; fdivp st(1)
+fmul dword [ref_00464bd0] ; fmul dword [0x464bd0]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add eax, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+xor edi, edi
+push ref_0048c3f8 ; push 0x48c3f8
+call fcn_0045825d ; call 0x45825d
+add esp, 4
+lea ebx, [eax - 1]
+jmp short loc_00436ded ; jmp 0x436ded
+push 0xac
+push esi
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + ref_0048c3f8] ; mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x48c3f8]
+sub edx, 0x1d
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c3f4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c3f4]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+sub esi, 0x14
+dec ebx
+inc edi
+cmp edi, 0xa
+jge short loc_00436e1a ; jge 0x436e1a
+test ebx, ebx
+jge short loc_00436dad ; jge 0x436dad
+push 0x20
+sub esi, 0x66
+push esi
+push 0x65
+push 0x3e
+push 0xac
+push 0x7a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3f4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3f4]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00436e48 ; je 0x436e48
+push 0x1a
+push ebx
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0xd2
+push 0x76
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3f4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3f4]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x10]
+cmp ebp, 0xcc
+jge short loc_00436e88 ; jge 0x436e88
+push 0x1a
+mov eax, 0xcc
+sub eax, ebp
+push eax
+push 0x8b
+lea eax, [ebp + 0x3a]
+push eax
+push 0xd2
+lea eax, [ebp + 0x76]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3f4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3f4]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+cmp dword [esp + 0x2c], 0
+je short loc_00436ed3 ; je 0x436ed3
+mov dword [esp], 0x76
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0xac
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x144
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0xec
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+add esp, 0x18
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov byte [ref_0048c3f8], 0x30 ; mov byte [0x48c3f8], 0x30
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [ref_0048c3f9], dl ; mov byte [0x48c3f9], dl
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00436d3a ; call 0x436d3a
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xd0
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xe8]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xec]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xf0]
+cmp ebx, 0x202
+jb short loc_00436f6a ; jb 0x436f6a
+jbe near loc_0043762d ; jbe 0x43762d
+cmp ebx, 0x205
+jb short loc_00436f59 ; jb 0x436f59
+jbe near loc_0043791e ; jbe 0x43791e
+cmp ebx, 0x401
+jb near loc_004379b9 ; jb 0x4379b9
+jbe short loc_00436f9d ; jbe 0x436f9d
+cmp ebx, 0x408
+je near loc_004370e7 ; je 0x4370e7
+jmp near loc_004379b9 ; jmp 0x4379b9
+cmp ebx, 0x203
+je near loc_00437161 ; je 0x437161
+jmp near loc_004379b9 ; jmp 0x4379b9
+cmp ebx, 0x100
+jb short loc_00436f8f ; jb 0x436f8f
+jbe near loc_004374ac ; jbe 0x4374ac
+cmp ebx, 0x200
+jb near loc_004379b9 ; jb 0x4379b9
+jbe near loc_00437904 ; jbe 0x437904
+jmp near loc_00437161 ; jmp 0x437161
+cmp ebx, 0xf
+je near loc_00437942 ; je 0x437942
+jmp near loc_004379b9 ; jmp 0x4379b9
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c40b], ah ; mov byte [0x48c40b], ah
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x47
+push 0x3c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3f4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3f4]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba4], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba4], 0
+je short loc_00437041 ; je 0x437041
+push 0x8d
+push 0x9d
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3f4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3f4]
+add eax, 0x168
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x78
+push 0xc7
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3f4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3f4]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c3f0], 1 ; mov dword [0x48c3f0], 1
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+jmp short loc_00437072 ; jmp 0x437072
+push 0x78
+push 0x75
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3f4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3f4]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048c3f0], ebx ; mov dword [0x48c3f0], ebx
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+mov dword [ref_0048c3ec], eax ; mov dword [0x48c3ec], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+call fcn_00436edb ; call 0x436edb
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba4], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba4], 0
+je short loc_004370b4 ; je 0x4370b4
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x408
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+jmp short loc_004370cc ; jmp 0x4370cc
+push 0
+push 1
+push 0x1b
+call fcn_004021f8 ; call 0x4021f8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0xd0
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+push ref_0046cadc ; push 0x46cadc
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0046cae0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x46cae0]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0046cadc] ; mov esi, dword [0x46cadc]
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496ba4] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496ba4]
+and al, 0x7f
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, al
+inc ebx
+push ebx
+push ref_00464bd4 ; push 0x464bd4
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+push 1
+push 0x1b
+call fcn_004021f8 ; call 0x4021f8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+jmp near loc_004373e3 ; jmp 0x4373e3
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, cx
+sub esi, 0x3c
+mov eax, ecx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, ax
+sub edx, 0x47
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00437189 ; jmp 0x437189
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0x12
+jge near loc_00437397 ; jge 0x437397
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+movsx ecx, word [eax + ref_00475888] ; movsx ecx, word [eax + 0x475888]
+cmp esi, ecx
+jl short loc_0043717f ; jl 0x43717f
+movsx ecx, word [eax + ref_0047588c] ; movsx ecx, word [eax + 0x47588c]
+cmp esi, ecx
+jg short loc_0043717f ; jg 0x43717f
+movsx ecx, word [eax + ref_0047588a] ; movsx ecx, word [eax + 0x47588a]
+cmp edx, ecx
+jl short loc_0043717f ; jl 0x43717f
+movsx eax, word [eax + ref_0047588e] ; movsx eax, word [eax + 0x47588e]
+cmp edx, eax
+jg short loc_0043717f ; jg 0x43717f
+cmp ebx, 3
+je near loc_0043738f ; je 0x43738f
+cmp ebx, 1
+jg short loc_004371da ; jg 0x4371da
+jg near loc_0043738f ; jg 0x43738f
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0048c3f0] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x48c3f0]
+je near loc_0043738f ; je 0x43738f
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_004371f9 ; jne 0x4371f9
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba4], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba4], 0
+je short loc_004371f9 ; je 0x4371f9
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c3f0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c3f0]
+jmp near loc_0043738f ; jmp 0x43738f
+movsx edx, word [ebx*8 + ref_00475888] ; movsx edx, word [ebx*8 + 0x475888]
+add edx, 0x3c
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], edx
+movsx edx, word [ebx*8 + ref_0047588a] ; movsx edx, word [ebx*8 + 0x47588a]
+add edx, 0x47
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], edx
+movsx edx, word [ebx*8 + ref_0047588c] ; movsx edx, word [ebx*8 + 0x47588c]
+add edx, 0x3c
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], edx
+movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + ref_0047588e] ; movsx eax, word [ebx*8 + 0x47588e]
+add eax, 0x47
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push edi
+lea edx, [ebx + 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c3f4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c3f4]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+cmp ebx, 1
+jg near loc_0043738f ; jg 0x43738f
+mov esi, ebx
+xor si, 1
+movsx eax, word [esi*8 + ref_00475888] ; movsx eax, word [esi*8 + 0x475888]
+add eax, 0x3c
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], eax
+movsx eax, word [esi*8 + ref_0047588a] ; movsx eax, word [esi*8 + 0x47588a]
+add eax, 0x47
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], eax
+movsx eax, word [esi*8 + ref_0047588c] ; movsx eax, word [esi*8 + 0x47588c]
+add eax, 0x3c
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], eax
+movsx eax, word [esi*8 + ref_0047588e] ; movsx eax, word [esi*8 + 0x47588e]
+add eax, 0x47
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+movsx eax, word [esi*8 + ref_0047588e] ; movsx eax, word [esi*8 + 0x47588e]
+movsx edx, word [esi*8 + ref_0047588a] ; movsx edx, word [esi*8 + 0x47588a]
+sub eax, edx
+push eax
+movsx ecx, word [esi*8 + ref_0047588c] ; movsx ecx, word [esi*8 + 0x47588c]
+movsx eax, word [esi*8 + ref_00475888] ; movsx eax, word [esi*8 + 0x475888]
+sub ecx, eax
+push ecx
+push edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3f4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3f4]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+inc bl
+mov byte [ref_0048c40b], bl ; mov byte [0x48c40b], bl
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c40b] ; mov al, byte [0x48c40b]
+cmp al, 2
+jb short loc_004373ab ; jb 0x4373ab
+jbe short loc_004373eb ; jbe 0x4373eb
+cmp al, 4
+je short loc_00437413 ; je 0x437413
+jmp near loc_0043748b ; jmp 0x43748b
+cmp al, 1
+jne near loc_0043748b ; jne 0x43748b
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048c3f0], ecx ; mov dword [0x48c3f0], ecx
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+mov dword [ref_0048c3ec], eax ; mov dword [0x48c3ec], eax
+push 1
+call fcn_00436edb ; call 0x436edb
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_004370d8 ; jmp 0x4370d8
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ref_0048c3f0], 1 ; mov dword [0x48c3f0], 1
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+jmp short loc_004373d7 ; jmp 0x4373d7
+push 0
+push ref_00482352 ; push 0x482352
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+sub esi, 0x3a
+test esi, esi
+jge short loc_0043742d ; jge 0x43742d
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0043746f ; jmp 0x43746f
+cmp esi, 0xcc
+jl short loc_0043743d ; jl 0x43743d
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c3ec] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c3ec]
+jmp short loc_0043746f ; jmp 0x43746f
+mov ecx, 6
+mov eax, esi
+mov edx, esi
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov ebx, eax
+mov ecx, 0x22
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3ec] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3ec]
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+inc ebx
+inc eax
+imul ebx, eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c3ec] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c3ec]
+cmp ebx, ebp
+jle short loc_0043746f ; jle 0x43746f
+mov ebx, ebp
+push 0xa
+push ref_0048c3f8 ; push 0x48c3f8
+push ebx
+call fcn_00457d61 ; call 0x457d61
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+call fcn_00436d3a ; call 0x436d3a
+jmp near loc_004373e3 ; jmp 0x4373e3
+cmp byte [ref_0048c40b], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c40b], 0
+je near loc_004370d8 ; je 0x4370d8
+push 0
+push ref_0048234a ; push 0x48234a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_004370d8 ; jmp 0x4370d8
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [ref_0048c40b], dl ; mov byte [0x48c40b], dl
+cmp eax, 0x35
+jb short loc_00437505 ; jb 0x437505
+jbe near loc_00437594 ; jbe 0x437594
+cmp eax, 0x39
+jb short loc_004374f1 ; jb 0x4374f1
+jbe near loc_004375b8 ; jbe 0x4375b8
+cmp eax, 0x48
+jb short loc_004374e3 ; jb 0x4374e3
+jbe near loc_004375dc ; jbe 0x4375dc
+cmp eax, 0x4d
+je near loc_004375c1 ; je 0x4375c1
+jmp near loc_00437601 ; jmp 0x437601
+cmp eax, 0x43
+je near loc_004375ca ; je 0x4375ca
+jmp near loc_00437601 ; jmp 0x437601
+cmp eax, 0x37
+jb near loc_0043759d ; jb 0x43759d
+jbe near loc_004375a6 ; jbe 0x4375a6
+jmp near loc_004375af ; jmp 0x4375af
+cmp eax, 0x31
+jb short loc_00437515 ; jb 0x437515
+jbe short loc_00437544 ; jbe 0x437544
+cmp eax, 0x33
+jb short loc_00437550 ; jb 0x437550
+jbe short loc_0043755c ; jbe 0x43755c
+jmp short loc_00437568 ; jmp 0x437568
+cmp eax, 0xd
+jb short loc_0043752a ; jb 0x43752a
+jbe near loc_004375f5 ; jbe 0x4375f5
+cmp eax, 0x30
+je short loc_00437538 ; je 0x437538
+jmp near loc_00437601 ; jmp 0x437601
+cmp eax, 8
+je near loc_004375d3 ; je 0x4375d3
+jmp near loc_00437601 ; jmp 0x437601
+mov byte [ref_0048c40b], 0xf ; mov byte [0x48c40b], 0xf
+jmp near loc_0043756f ; jmp 0x43756f
+mov byte [ref_0048c40b], 0xb ; mov byte [0x48c40b], 0xb
+jmp near loc_0043756f ; jmp 0x43756f
+mov byte [ref_0048c40b], 0xc ; mov byte [0x48c40b], 0xc
+jmp near loc_0043756f ; jmp 0x43756f
+mov byte [ref_0048c40b], 0xd ; mov byte [0x48c40b], 0xd
+jmp near loc_0043756f ; jmp 0x43756f
+mov byte [ref_0048c40b], 8 ; mov byte [0x48c40b], 8
+push 0
+push ref_0048234a ; push 0x48234a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x202
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+jmp near loc_004370d8 ; jmp 0x4370d8
+mov byte [ref_0048c40b], 9 ; mov byte [0x48c40b], 9
+jmp short loc_0043756f ; jmp 0x43756f
+mov byte [ref_0048c40b], 0xa ; mov byte [0x48c40b], 0xa
+jmp short loc_0043756f ; jmp 0x43756f
+mov byte [ref_0048c40b], 5 ; mov byte [0x48c40b], 5
+jmp short loc_0043756f ; jmp 0x43756f
+mov byte [ref_0048c40b], 6 ; mov byte [0x48c40b], 6
+jmp short loc_0043756f ; jmp 0x43756f
+mov byte [ref_0048c40b], 7 ; mov byte [0x48c40b], 7
+jmp short loc_0043756f ; jmp 0x43756f
+mov byte [ref_0048c40b], 0x11 ; mov byte [0x48c40b], 0x11
+jmp short loc_0043756f ; jmp 0x43756f
+mov byte [ref_0048c40b], 0xe ; mov byte [0x48c40b], 0xe
+jmp short loc_0043756f ; jmp 0x43756f
+mov byte [ref_0048c40b], 0x10 ; mov byte [0x48c40b], 0x10
+jmp short loc_0043756f ; jmp 0x43756f
+mov byte [ref_0048c40b], 4 ; mov byte [0x48c40b], 4
+mov esi, 0xdc
+mov edx, 0xdf
+shl edx, 0x10
+lea ecx, [edx + esi]
+jmp short loc_00437618 ; jmp 0x437618
+mov byte [ref_0048c40b], 0x12 ; mov byte [0x48c40b], 0x12
+jmp near loc_0043756f ; jmp 0x43756f
+mov ah, byte [ref_0048c40b] ; mov ah, byte [0x48c40b]
+test ah, ah
+je near loc_004370d8 ; je 0x4370d8
+cmp ah, 4
+jne near loc_0043756f ; jne 0x43756f
+push ecx
+push 0
+push 0x201
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+jmp near loc_0043757e ; jmp 0x43757e
+mov bl, byte [ref_0048c40b] ; mov bl, byte [0x48c40b]
+cmp bl, 2
+jbe near loc_004378f7 ; jbe 0x4378f7
+cmp bl, 4
+je near loc_004378f7 ; je 0x4378f7
+mov cl, bl
+dec cl
+mov byte [ref_0048c40b], cl ; mov byte [0x48c40b], cl
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, cl
+movsx edx, word [eax*8 + ref_00475888] ; movsx edx, word [eax*8 + 0x475888]
+add edx, 0x3c
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], edx
+movsx edx, word [eax*8 + ref_0047588a] ; movsx edx, word [eax*8 + 0x47588a]
+add edx, 0x47
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], edx
+movsx edx, word [eax*8 + ref_0047588c] ; movsx edx, word [eax*8 + 0x47588c]
+add edx, 0x3c
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], edx
+movsx eax, word [eax*8 + ref_0047588e] ; movsx eax, word [eax*8 + 0x47588e]
+add eax, 0x47
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c40b] ; mov al, byte [0x48c40b]
+movsx ecx, word [eax*8 + ref_0047588e] ; movsx ecx, word [eax*8 + 0x47588e]
+movsx edx, word [eax*8 + ref_0047588a] ; movsx edx, word [eax*8 + 0x47588a]
+sub ecx, edx
+push ecx
+movsx ecx, word [eax*8 + ref_0047588c] ; movsx ecx, word [eax*8 + 0x47588c]
+movsx eax, word [eax*8 + ref_00475888] ; movsx eax, word [eax*8 + 0x475888]
+sub ecx, eax
+push ecx
+push edx
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c3f4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c3f4]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c40b] ; mov al, byte [0x48c40b]
+cmp al, 0xf
+jb short loc_00437749 ; jb 0x437749
+jbe short loc_0043778c ; jbe 0x43778c
+cmp al, 0x10
+jbe near loc_004377ce ; jbe 0x4377ce
+cmp al, 0x11
+je near loc_004377e6 ; je 0x4377e6
+jmp near loc_0043787e ; jmp 0x43787e
+cmp al, 2
+jb near loc_0043787e ; jb 0x43787e
+jbe short loc_0043775c ; jbe 0x43775c
+cmp al, 0xd
+je short loc_00437780 ; je 0x437780
+jmp near loc_0043787e ; jmp 0x43787e
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 1
+push 0x29
+call fcn_004021f8 ; call 0x4021f8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+jmp near loc_004378f4 ; jmp 0x4378f4
+push 1
+call fcn_00436edb ; call 0x436edb
+jmp near loc_004378f4 ; jmp 0x4378f4
+push ref_0048c3f8 ; push 0x48c3f8
+call fcn_0045825d ; call 0x45825d
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 1
+jle short loc_004377b2 ; jle 0x4377b2
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [eax + ref_0048c3f7], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x48c3f7], dl
+push 1
+call fcn_00436d3a ; call 0x436d3a
+jmp near loc_004378f4 ; jmp 0x4378f4
+jne near loc_004378f7 ; jne 0x4378f7
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3f8], 0x30 ; cmp byte [0x48c3f8], 0x30
+je near loc_004378f7 ; je 0x4378f7
+mov byte [ref_0048c3f8], 0x30 ; mov byte [0x48c3f8], 0x30
+jmp short loc_004377a6 ; jmp 0x4377a6
+push 0xa
+push ref_0048c3f8 ; push 0x48c3f8
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c3ec] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c3ec]
+push esi
+call fcn_00457d61 ; call 0x457d61
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp short loc_004377a6 ; jmp 0x4377a6
+push ref_0048c3f8 ; push 0x48c3f8
+call fcn_004584db ; call 0x4584db
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 1
+push 0x29
+call fcn_004021f8 ; call 0x4021f8
+add esp, 0xc
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_00437774 ; je 0x437774
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+cmp dword [ref_0048c3f0], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c3f0], 0
+jne short loc_00437856 ; jne 0x437856
+sub dword [eax + ref_00496b88], ebx ; sub dword [eax + 0x496b88], ebx
+add dword [eax + ref_00496b84], ebx ; add dword [eax + 0x496b84], ebx
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+mov dword [ref_0048c3ec], eax ; mov dword [0x48c3ec], eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0041d433 ; call 0x41d433
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+call fcn_00436b0a ; call 0x436b0a
+jmp short loc_00437876 ; jmp 0x437876
+add dword [eax + ref_00496b88], ebx ; add dword [eax + 0x496b88], ebx
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+sub edi, ebx
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496b84], edi ; mov dword [eax + 0x496b84], edi
+mov dword [ref_0048c3ec], edi ; mov dword [0x48c3ec], edi
+push edx
+call fcn_0041d433 ; call 0x41d433
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00437774 ; jmp 0x437774
+push ref_0048c3f8 ; push 0x48c3f8
+call fcn_0045825d ; call 0x45825d
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+cmp eax, 0xa
+jge short loc_004378f7 ; jge 0x4378f7
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_004378ab ; jne 0x4378ab
+cmp byte [ref_0048c3f8], 0x30 ; cmp byte [0x48c3f8], 0x30
+jne short loc_004378ab ; jne 0x4378ab
+cmp byte [ref_0048c40b], 0xe ; cmp byte [0x48c40b], 0xe
+je short loc_004378f7 ; je 0x4378f7
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c40b] ; mov al, byte [0x48c40b]
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00475914] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x475914]
+mov byte [ebx + ref_0048c3f8], al ; mov byte [ebx + 0x48c3f8], al
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [ebx + ref_0048c3f9], cl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x48c3f9], cl
+push ref_0048c3f8 ; push 0x48c3f8
+call fcn_004584db ; call 0x4584db
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c3ec] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c3ec]
+cmp eax, edi
+jle short loc_004378ed ; jle 0x4378ed
+push 0xa
+push ref_0048c3f8 ; push 0x48c3f8
+push edi
+call fcn_00457d61 ; call 0x457d61
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+call fcn_00436d3a ; call 0x436d3a
+add esp, 4
+xor ch, ch
+mov byte [ref_0048c40b], ch ; mov byte [0x48c40b], ch
+jmp near loc_004370d8 ; jmp 0x4370d8
+cmp byte [ref_0048c40b], 4 ; cmp byte [0x48c40b], 4
+jne near loc_004370d8 ; jne 0x4370d8
+push ecx
+push 0
+push 0x201
+jmp near loc_00437587 ; jmp 0x437587
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 1
+push 0x29
+call fcn_004021f8 ; call 0x4021f8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+jmp near loc_004373e3 ; jmp 0x4373e3
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 0x88]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea edx, [esp + 0x8c]
+push edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0dc]
+push esi
+call dword [eax + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x88]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_004370d8 ; jmp 0x4370d8
+push ecx
+push eax
+push ebx
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_004370da ; jmp 0x4370da
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 0x98
+xor ebx, ebx
+imul edx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul edx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ah, byte [edx + ref_00496ba3] ; mov ah, byte [edx + 0x496ba3]
+test ah, ah
+je short loc_00437a18 ; je 0x437a18
+mov al, ah
+and al, 0x7f
+and eax, 0xff
+inc eax
+push eax
+push ref_00464bed ; push 0x464bed
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x3e8
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_00437c1c ; jmp 0x437c1c
+mov cl, byte [edx + ref_00496b7d] ; mov cl, byte [edx + 0x496b7d]
+cmp cl, 1
+jne near loc_00437acd ; jne 0x437acd
+mov byte [ref_0046cb00], cl ; mov byte [0x46cb00], cl
+push ebx
+push ebx
+push 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a05c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c3f4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c3f4], eax
+cmp byte [ref_0049715d], 2 ; cmp byte [0x49715d], 2
+je short loc_00437a6f ; je 0x437a6f
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_0048be24] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x48be24]
+test dl, dl
+je short loc_00437a6f ; je 0x437a6f
+mov bl, dl
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [eax + ref_0048be24], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x48be24], dh
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d433 ; call 0x41d433
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push fcn_00436ef8 ; push 0x436ef8
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00437aa3 ; je 0x437aa3
+push 0x168
+call fcn_0045285e ; call 0x45285e
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+mov byte [eax + ref_0048be24], bl ; mov byte [eax + 0x48be24], bl
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d433 ; call 0x41d433
+add esp, 4
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c3f4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c3f4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [ref_0046cb00], bl ; mov byte [0x46cb00], bl
+jmp near loc_00437c1c ; jmp 0x437c1c
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov ecx, dword [0x497160]
+and ecx, 0xff
+mov ebx, dword [edx + ref_00496b84] ; mov ebx, dword [edx + 0x496b84]
+add ebx, dword [edx + ref_00496b88] ; add ebx, dword [edx + 0x496b88]
+fild dword [edx + ref_00496b84] ; fild dword [edx + 0x496b84]
+mov dword [esp + 0x90], ebx
+fild dword [esp + 0x90]
+fdivp st1 ; fdivp st(1)
+fstp dword [esp + 0x8c]
+mov al, byte [edx + ref_00496b81] ; mov al, byte [edx + 0x496b81]
+mov dword [esp + 0x94], eax
+fild word [esp + 0x94]
+fdiv dword [ref_00464c08] ; fdiv dword [0x464c08]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x88]
+cmp ecx, 7
+jg short loc_00437b3c ; jg 0x437b3c
+fld dword [esp + 0x88]
+fmul qword [ref_00464c10] ; fmul qword [0x464c10]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x88]
+cmp ecx, 0x1a
+jl short loc_00437b55 ; jl 0x437b55
+fld dword [esp + 0x88]
+fmul qword [ref_00464c18] ; fmul qword [0x464c18]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x88]
+cmp dword [esp + 0x88], 0x3f800000
+jl short loc_00437b6f ; jl 0x437b6f
+mov dword [esp + 0x88], 0x3f666666
+jmp short loc_00437b88 ; jmp 0x437b88
+fcomp dword [esp + 0x88]
+fnstsw ax
+jb short loc_00437b88 ; jb 0x437b88
+mov dword [esp + 0x88], 0x3dcccccd
+fld dword [esp + 0x8c]
+fsub dword [esp + 0x88]
+fst qword [esp + 0x80]
+fcomp qword [ref_00464c20] ; fcomp qword [0x464c20]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_00437bca ; jae 0x437bca
+fld qword [esp + 0x80]
+fcomp qword [ref_00464c28] ; fcomp qword [0x464c28]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe short loc_00437bca ; jbe 0x437bca
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b84], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b84], 0
+jne short loc_00437c1c ; jne 0x437c1c
+mov dword [esp + 0x90], ebx
+fild dword [esp + 0x90]
+fmul dword [esp + 0x88]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x90]
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul edx, esi, 0x68
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x90]
+mov dword [edx + ref_00496b84], eax ; mov dword [edx + 0x496b84], eax
+sub ebx, eax
+mov dword [edx + ref_00496b88], ebx ; mov dword [edx + 0x496b88], ebx
+push esi
+call fcn_0041d433 ; call 0x41d433
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+call fcn_00436b0a ; call 0x436b0a
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x98
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x46
+push 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xf0
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+xor ebx, ebx
+movzx esi, byte [ref_0048c420] ; movzx esi, byte [0x48c420]
+cmp ebx, esi
+jge short loc_00437cf6 ; jge 0x437cf6
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_0048c418] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x48c418]
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+lea edx, [eax + 0x2f]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c41c]
+lea eax, [ecx + edx]
+mov edi, 0x14a
+sub di, word [eax + 0xe]
+add di, word [eax + 0x12]
+mov eax, ebx
+mov word [ebx*2 + ref_0048c40c], di ; mov word [ebx*2 + 0x48c40c], di
+movsx edi, di
+push edi
+shl esi, 3
+movsx eax, word [esi + eax*2 + ref_00475930] ; movsx eax, word [esi + eax*2 + 0x475930]
+push eax
+add ecx, 0xc
+add edx, ecx
+push edx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00437c7a ; jmp 0x437c7a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x14
+mov ebp, 0xffffffff
+xor eax, eax
+xor ecx, ecx
+xor edi, edi
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c420] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c420]
+cmp eax, edx
+jge short loc_00437d99 ; jge 0x437d99
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_0048c418] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x48c418]
+imul edx, edx, 0x68
+mov ebx, dword [edx + ref_00496bc4] ; mov ebx, dword [edx + 0x496bc4]
+mov esi, dword [edx + ref_00496bc8] ; mov esi, dword [edx + 0x496bc8]
+sub ebx, esi
+mov esi, ebx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [edx + ref_00496baa] ; mov bl, byte [edx + 0x496baa]
+imul ebx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul ebx, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul ebx, ebx, 0x9c4
+add esi, ebx
+movsx ebx, word [edx + ref_00496bac] ; movsx ebx, word [edx + 0x496bac]
+mov edx, ebx
+shl edx, 2
+add edx, ebx
+add edx, edx
+lea ebx, [esi + edx]
+mov dword [esp + eax*4], ebx
+test ecx, ecx
+jge short loc_00437d86 ; jge 0x437d86
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov ebx, dword [esp + edx]
+cmp ecx, ebx
+jge short loc_00437d96 ; jge 0x437d96
+mov ecx, ebx
+mov edi, eax
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_00437d2c ; jmp 0x437d2c
+xor eax, eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c420] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c420]
+cmp eax, edx
+jge short loc_00437dc9 ; jge 0x437dc9
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+cmp ecx, dword [esp + edx]
+jne short loc_00437db8 ; jne 0x437db8
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp + edx], esi
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov esi, dword [esp + edx]
+cmp ebx, esi
+jge short loc_00437dc6 ; jge 0x437dc6
+mov ebx, esi
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_00437d9d ; jmp 0x437d9d
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_00437df4 ; je 0x437df4
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00437df4 ; je 0x437df4
+mov eax, ecx
+sub eax, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], ecx
+fild dword [esp + 0x10]
+fdivp st1 ; fdivp st(1)
+fcomp qword [ref_00464d58] ; fcomp qword [0x464d58]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe short loc_00437df4 ; jbe 0x437df4
+mov ebp, edi
+mov eax, ebp
+add esp, 0x14
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+xor edi, edi
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c420] ; mov al, byte [0x48c420]
+cmp ebx, eax
+jge short loc_00437e2e ; jge 0x437e2e
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_0048c418] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x48c418]
+push eax
+call fcn_004239b9 ; call 0x4239b9
+add esp, 4
+cmp esi, eax
+jge short loc_00437e2b ; jge 0x437e2b
+mov esi, eax
+mov edi, ebx
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00437e07 ; jmp 0x437e07
+mov eax, edi
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x90
+ref_00437e35: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_004391ee
+dd loc_0043930f
+dd loc_004394cd
+dd loc_004396a8
+dd loc_004395c2
+ref_00437e49: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_004396d7
+dd loc_00439867
+dd loc_00439966
+dd loc_00437f23
+dd loc_00437f23
+dd loc_00439a63
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xd0
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe8]
+cmp eax, 0x202
+jb short loc_00437eaf ; jb 0x437eaf
+jbe near loc_00439b62 ; jbe 0x439b62
+cmp eax, 0x401
+jb short loc_00437e9f ; jb 0x437e9f
+jbe short loc_00437ece ; jbe 0x437ece
+cmp eax, 0x405
+je near loc_00437f32 ; je 0x437f32
+jmp near loc_00439bdc ; jmp 0x439bdc
+cmp eax, 0x205
+je near loc_00439b62 ; je 0x439b62
+jmp near loc_00439bdc ; jmp 0x439bdc
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jb near loc_00439bdc ; jb 0x439bdc
+jbe near loc_00439b85 ; jbe 0x439b85
+cmp eax, 0x113
+je near loc_00437f51 ; je 0x437f51
+jmp near loc_00439bdc ; jmp 0x439bdc
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [ref_0048c42c], dh ; mov byte [0x48c42c], dh
+mov byte [ref_0048c429], dh ; mov byte [0x48c429], dh
+mov byte [ref_0048c42b], dh ; mov byte [0x48c42b], dh
+mov byte [ref_0048c42d], dh ; mov byte [0x48c42d], dh
+mov byte [ref_0048c42e], dh ; mov byte [0x48c42e], dh
+push 0
+push 0x64
+mov edx, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov edx, dword [0x46cad8]
+push edx
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTimer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462324]
+mov dword [ref_0048c421], eax ; mov dword [0x48c421], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x405
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0xd0
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+mov byte [ref_0048c42a], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c42a], 1
+cmp byte [ref_00497159], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497159], 0
+je short loc_00437f23 ; je 0x437f23
+push ref_00464d60 ; push 0x464d60
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_00437f23 ; jmp 0x437f23
+cmp byte [ref_0048c42a], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c42a], 0
+je short loc_00437f23 ; je 0x437f23
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je short loc_00437f23 ; je 0x437f23
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xec]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; cmp eax, dword [0x46cad8]
+jne short loc_00437f23 ; jne 0x437f23
+push 0
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_00439196 ; je 0x439196
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c42a] ; mov al, byte [0x48c42a]
+cmp al, 9
+jb short loc_00437fcb ; jb 0x437fcb
+jbe near loc_00438a31 ; jbe 0x438a31
+cmp al, 0x11
+jb short loc_00437fb8 ; jb 0x437fb8
+jbe near loc_00438d40 ; jbe 0x438d40
+cmp al, 0x13
+jb near loc_00438ff5 ; jb 0x438ff5
+jbe near loc_00439120 ; jbe 0x439120
+cmp al, 0x16
+je near loc_00439163 ; je 0x439163
+jmp near loc_00439196 ; jmp 0x439196
+cmp al, 0xf
+jb near loc_00439196 ; jb 0x439196
+jbe near loc_00438a78 ; jbe 0x438a78
+jmp near loc_00438ba6 ; jmp 0x438ba6
+cmp al, 5
+jb short loc_00437fe8 ; jb 0x437fe8
+jbe near loc_0043829c ; jbe 0x43829c
+cmp al, 7
+jb near loc_004383dc ; jb 0x4383dc
+jbe near loc_00438570 ; jbe 0x438570
+jmp near loc_0043889e ; jmp 0x43889e
+cmp al, 1
+jb near loc_00439196 ; jb 0x439196
+jbe short loc_00437fff ; jbe 0x437fff
+cmp al, 2
+je near loc_004380d5 ; je 0x4380d5
+jmp near loc_00439196 ; jmp 0x439196
+mov byte [ref_0048c42a], 2 ; mov byte [0x48c42a], 2
+mov byte [ref_0048c42d], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c42d], 1
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x18
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0x46
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0x105
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0x1e0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+mov edx, ref_0048a068 ; mov edx, 0x48a068
+push edx
+push 0
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edi
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x19a
+push 0xba
+push 0x46
+push 0x18
+push 0x46
+push 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x46
+push 0x1c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0x12c
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edx
+call dword [eax + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov eax, ref_00464d92 ; mov eax, 0x464d92
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+jmp near loc_00439193 ; jmp 0x439193
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [ref_0048c425], ebp ; mov dword [0x48c425], ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x168
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0x280
+mov ebx, 0x1e0
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push ebp
+push 1
+mov edx, ref_0048a068 ; mov edx, 0x48a068
+push edx
+push ebp
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edi
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+push ebx
+push 0x64
+push ebp
+push 0x21c
+push ebp
+push 0x21c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c420] ; mov al, byte [0x48c420]
+cmp ebx, eax
+jge near loc_0043821e ; jge 0x43821e
+lea edi, [ebx + ebx]
+movsx eax, word [edi + eax*8 + ref_00475918] ; movsx eax, word [edi + eax*8 + 0x475918]
+push eax
+push 0x258
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_0048c418] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x48c418]
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+lea edx, [eax + 0x31]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c420] ; mov al, byte [0x48c420]
+movsx eax, word [edi + eax*8 + ref_00475918] ; movsx eax, word [edi + eax*8 + 0x475918]
+sub eax, 0x24
+push eax
+push 0x168
+lea edx, [ebx + 0xb]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c41c]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_0048c418] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x48c418]
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b8c], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b8c], 0
+jne short loc_00438218 ; jne 0x438218
+fild dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; fild dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+fmul qword [ref_00464e88] ; fmul qword [0x464e88]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; fistp dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_0043814a ; jmp 0x43814a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+call fcn_00437d1a ; call 0x437d1a
+mov byte [ref_0048c42f], al ; mov byte [0x48c42f], al
+call fcn_00437dfe ; call 0x437dfe
+mov byte [ref_0048c430], al ; mov byte [0x48c430], al
+cmp byte [ref_00497159], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497159], 0
+je short loc_0043827e ; je 0x43827e
+mov ch, byte [ref_0048c42f] ; mov ch, byte [0x48c42f]
+cmp al, ch
+je short loc_0043826c ; je 0x43826c
+cmp ch, 0xff
+jne short loc_00438275 ; jne 0x438275
+mov byte [ref_0048c42a], 0xf ; mov byte [0x48c42a], 0xf
+jmp short loc_0043828f ; jmp 0x43828f
+mov byte [ref_0048c42a], 5 ; mov byte [0x48c42a], 5
+jmp short loc_0043828f ; jmp 0x43828f
+mov byte [ref_0048c42a], 0x16 ; mov byte [0x48c42a], 0x16
+mov dword [ref_0048c425], 0x1e ; mov dword [0x48c425], 0x1e
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [ref_0048c42e], dh ; mov byte [0x48c42e], dh
+jmp near loc_00439196 ; jmp 0x439196
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c425] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c425]
+inc ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048c425], ecx ; mov dword [0x48c425], ecx
+cmp ecx, 0x14
+je short loc_004382b7 ; je 0x4382b7
+cmp byte [ref_0048c42e], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c42e], 0
+je short loc_004382c8 ; je 0x4382c8
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [ref_0048c42d], bh ; mov byte [0x48c42d], bh
+push esi
+call fcn_00437c25 ; call 0x437c25
+add esp, 4
+cmp dword [ref_0048c425], 0x1e ; cmp dword [0x48c425], 0x1e
+je short loc_004382de ; je 0x4382de
+cmp byte [ref_0048c42e], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c42e], 0
+je near loc_00439196 ; je 0x439196
+xor ch, ch
+mov byte [ref_0048c42e], ch ; mov byte [0x48c42e], ch
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c42f] ; mov al, byte [0x48c42f]
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_004383d0 ; je 0x4383d0
+mov ebp, 0x18
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0x43
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0xd2
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0x1e0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x19a
+push 0xba
+push 0x46
+push ebp
+push 0x46
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x43
+push 0x23
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0x18c
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov byte [ref_0048c42a], 6 ; mov byte [0x48c42a], 6
+mov byte [ref_0048c42d], 2 ; mov byte [0x48c42d], 2
+push ref_00464dca ; push 0x464dca
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push ref_00475b17 ; push 0x475b17
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_00439196 ; jmp 0x439196
+mov byte [ref_0048c42a], 0xf ; mov byte [0x48c42a], 0xf
+jmp near loc_00439196 ; jmp 0x439196
+mov byte [ref_0048c42a], 7 ; mov byte [0x48c42a], 7
+mov byte [ref_0048c42d], 3 ; mov byte [0x48c42d], 3
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+mov edx, ref_0048a068 ; mov edx, 0x48a068
+push edx
+push 0
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edi
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c420] ; mov al, byte [0x48c420]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c42f] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c42f]
+add edx, edx
+movsx eax, word [edx + eax*8 + ref_00475948] ; movsx eax, word [edx + eax*8 + 0x475948]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c420] ; mov al, byte [0x48c420]
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 3
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c42f] ; mov al, byte [0x48c42f]
+movsx edx, word [edx + eax*2 + ref_00475960] ; movsx edx, word [edx + eax*2 + 0x475960]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c41c]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x59
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0x1c8
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+xor ebx, ebx
+movzx ebp, byte [ref_0048c420] ; movzx ebp, byte [0x48c420]
+cmp ebx, ebp
+jge short loc_00438518 ; jge 0x438518
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_0048c418] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x48c418]
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+lea edx, [eax + 0x2f]
+mov ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 2
+sub ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c41c]
+lea eax, [edx + ecx]
+mov edi, 0x14a
+sub di, word [eax + 0xe]
+add di, word [eax + 0x12]
+mov eax, ebx
+mov word [ebx*2 + ref_0048c40c], di ; mov word [ebx*2 + 0x48c40c], di
+movsx edi, di
+push edi
+shl ebp, 3
+movsx eax, word [ebp + eax*2 + ref_00475930] ; movsx eax, word [ebp + eax*2 + 0x475930]
+push eax
+add edx, 0xc
+add edx, ecx
+push edx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0043849e ; jmp 0x43849e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c42f] ; mov al, byte [0x48c42f]
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_0048c418] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x48c418]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475988] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x475988]
+push edx
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push ref_00475b27 ; push 0x475b27
+jmp near loc_004383c3 ; jmp 0x4383c3
+mov byte [ref_0048c42a], 8 ; mov byte [0x48c42a], 8
+mov byte [ref_0048c42d], 2 ; mov byte [0x48c42d], 2
+push 0
+push 0
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c42f] ; mov al, byte [0x48c42f]
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_0048c418] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x48c418]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+add eax, eax
+add eax, 0x1a1
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c414], eax ; mov dword [0x48c414], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+mov edx, ref_0048a068 ; mov edx, 0x48a068
+push edx
+push 0
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebx
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x43
+push 0x23
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0x18c
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c420] ; mov al, byte [0x48c420]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c42f] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c42f]
+add edx, edx
+movsx eax, word [edx + eax*8 + ref_00475948] ; movsx eax, word [edx + eax*8 + 0x475948]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c420] ; mov al, byte [0x48c420]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c42f] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c42f]
+add edx, edx
+movsx edx, word [edx + eax*8 + ref_00475960] ; movsx edx, word [edx + eax*8 + 0x475960]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x195
+push 0x1b8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov byte [esp], 0x24
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [esp + 1], ah
+push 0
+push 0x172
+push 0x140
+mov eax, ref_00464de4 ; mov eax, 0x464de4
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0x184
+push 0x140
+mov eax, ref_00464def ; mov eax, 0x464def
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c42f] ; mov al, byte [0x48c42f]
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_0048c418] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x48c418]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496bc4] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496bc4]
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 5]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push 0x184
+push 0x230
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0x196
+push 0x140
+mov eax, ref_00464dfe ; mov eax, 0x464dfe
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c42f] ; mov al, byte [0x48c42f]
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_0048c418] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x48c418]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_00496bc8] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x496bc8]
+push ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 5]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push 0x196
+push 0x230
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0x1a8
+push 0x140
+mov eax, ref_00464e0d ; mov eax, 0x464e0d
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c42f] ; mov al, byte [0x48c42f]
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_0048c418] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x48c418]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496baa] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496baa]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+mov eax, ref_00464e1c ; mov eax, 0x464e1c
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+push 0x1a8
+push 0x230
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+movzx ebp, byte [ref_0048c420] ; movzx ebp, byte [0x48c420]
+cmp ebx, ebp
+jge near loc_00438885 ; jge 0x438885
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c42f] ; mov al, byte [0x48c42f]
+cmp ebx, eax
+je short loc_0043887f ; je 0x43887f
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_0048c418] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x48c418]
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+lea edx, [eax + 0x2f]
+mov ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 2
+sub ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c41c]
+lea eax, [edx + ecx]
+mov edi, 0x14a
+sub di, word [eax + 0xe]
+add di, word [eax + 0x12]
+mov eax, ebx
+mov word [ebx*2 + ref_0048c40c], di ; mov word [ebx*2 + 0x48c40c], di
+movsx edi, di
+push edi
+shl ebp, 3
+movsx eax, word [ebp + eax*2 + ref_00475930] ; movsx eax, word [ebp + eax*2 + 0x475930]
+push eax
+add edx, 0xc
+add edx, ecx
+push edx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_004387f9 ; jmp 0x4387f9
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+jmp near loc_00438a24 ; jmp 0x438a24
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c42f] ; mov al, byte [0x48c42f]
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_0048c418] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x48c418]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edi, dword [eax*8 + ref_00475a0b] ; mov edi, dword [eax*8 + 0x475a0b]
+push edi
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c42f] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c42f]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edx + ref_0048c418] ; mov al, byte [edx + 0x48c418]
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, 0x14a
+mov ebp, dword [eax*8 + ref_00475a07] ; mov ebp, dword [eax*8 + 0x475a07]
+lea eax, [edx + ebp]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c42f] ; mov al, byte [0x48c42f]
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_0048c418] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x48c418]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 3
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [ref_0048c420] ; mov cl, byte [0x48c420]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c42f] ; mov al, byte [0x48c42f]
+add eax, eax
+movsx eax, word [eax + ecx*8 + ref_00475930] ; movsx eax, word [eax + ecx*8 + 0x475930]
+add eax, dword [edx + ref_00475a03] ; add eax, dword [edx + 0x475a03]
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c414] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c414]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c414] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c414]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ref_0048c42a], 9 ; mov byte [0x48c42a], 9
+mov byte [ref_0048c42d], 4 ; mov byte [0x48c42d], 4
+mov ebp, 0x11
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0x41
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0x100
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0x1e0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+mov edx, ref_0048a068 ; mov edx, 0x48a068
+push edx
+push 0
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebx
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x19d
+push 0xad
+push 0x43
+push 0x23
+push 0x43
+push 0x23
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x41
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0x1d4
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edx
+call dword [eax + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_00439196 ; jmp 0x439196
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0
+push 0x14
+push 0xa
+push 0xbe
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ec30 ; call 0x44ec30
+add esp, 0x1c
+mov eax, ref_00464e21 ; mov eax, 0x464e21
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ref_0048c42a], 0xf ; mov byte [0x48c42a], 0xf
+mov dword [ref_0048c425], 0x13 ; mov dword [0x48c425], 0x13
+jmp near loc_00439196 ; jmp 0x439196
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c425] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c425]
+inc eax
+mov dword [ref_0048c425], eax ; mov dword [0x48c425], eax
+cmp eax, 0x14
+je short loc_00438a91 ; je 0x438a91
+cmp byte [ref_0048c42e], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c42e], 0
+je short loc_00438aa2 ; je 0x438aa2
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [ref_0048c42d], cl ; mov byte [0x48c42d], cl
+push esi
+call fcn_00437c25 ; call 0x437c25
+add esp, 4
+cmp dword [ref_0048c425], 0x1e ; cmp dword [0x48c425], 0x1e
+je short loc_00438ab8 ; je 0x438ab8
+cmp byte [ref_0048c42e], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c42e], 0
+je near loc_00439196 ; je 0x439196
+xor al, al
+mov byte [ref_0048c42e], al ; mov byte [0x48c42e], al
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0xffffffffffffffe2
+push 0
+push 0xa
+push 0xbe
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ec30 ; call 0x44ec30
+add esp, 0x1c
+mov ebx, 0x11
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], ebx
+mov edi, 0x41
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], edi
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0x100
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0x1e0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x19a
+push 0xba
+push 0x46
+push 0x18
+push 0x46
+push 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push edi
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0x1d4
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov byte [ref_0048c42a], 0x10 ; mov byte [0x48c42a], 0x10
+mov byte [ref_0048c42d], 4 ; mov byte [0x48c42d], 4
+push ref_00464e39 ; push 0x464e39
+jmp near loc_004383b4 ; jmp 0x4383b4
+mov byte [ref_0048c42a], 0x11 ; mov byte [0x48c42a], 0x11
+mov byte [ref_0048c42d], 5 ; mov byte [0x48c42d], 5
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+mov edx, ref_0048a068 ; mov edx, 0x48a068
+push edx
+push 0
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c420] ; mov al, byte [0x48c420]
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 3
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c430] ; mov al, byte [0x48c430]
+movsx eax, word [edx + eax*2 + ref_00475948] ; movsx eax, word [edx + eax*2 + 0x475948]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c420] ; mov al, byte [0x48c420]
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 3
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c430] ; mov al, byte [0x48c430]
+movsx edx, word [edx + eax*2 + ref_00475960] ; movsx edx, word [edx + eax*2 + 0x475960]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x40
+push 0x1b
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0x204
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+xor ebx, ebx
+movzx ebp, byte [ref_0048c420] ; movzx ebp, byte [0x48c420]
+cmp ebx, ebp
+jge short loc_00438ce8 ; jge 0x438ce8
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_0048c418] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x48c418]
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+lea edx, [eax + 0x2f]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c41c]
+lea eax, [ecx + edx]
+mov edi, 0x14a
+sub di, word [eax + 0xe]
+add di, word [eax + 0x12]
+mov eax, ebx
+mov word [ebx*2 + ref_0048c40c], di ; mov word [ebx*2 + 0x48c40c], di
+movsx edi, di
+push edi
+shl ebp, 3
+movsx eax, word [ebp + eax*2 + ref_00475930] ; movsx eax, word [ebp + eax*2 + 0x475930]
+push eax
+add ecx, 0xc
+add edx, ecx
+push edx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00438c6c ; jmp 0x438c6c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c430] ; mov al, byte [0x48c430]
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_0048c418] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x48c418]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_004759b8] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x4759b8]
+push edx
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push ref_00475b1f ; push 0x475b1f
+jmp near loc_004383c3 ; jmp 0x4383c3
+mov byte [ref_0048c42a], 0x12 ; mov byte [0x48c42a], 0x12
+push 0
+push 0
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c430] ; mov al, byte [0x48c430]
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_0048c418] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x48c418]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+add eax, eax
+add eax, 0x1a0
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c414], eax ; mov dword [0x48c414], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c420] ; mov al, byte [0x48c420]
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 3
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c430] ; mov al, byte [0x48c430]
+add eax, eax
+add eax, edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + ref_00475948] ; movsx edx, word [eax + 0x475948]
+push edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + ref_00475960] ; movsx edx, word [eax + 0x475960]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x195
+push 0x1b8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov byte [esp], 0x24
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [esp + 1], dl
+push 0
+push 0x172
+push 0x140
+push ref_00464de4 ; push 0x464de4
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0x184
+push 0x140
+push ref_00464e4f ; push 0x464e4f
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c430] ; mov al, byte [0x48c430]
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_0048c418] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x48c418]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esp + 5]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push 0x184
+push 0x230
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0x196
+push 0x140
+push ref_00464e56 ; push 0x464e56
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c430] ; mov al, byte [0x48c430]
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_0048c418] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x48c418]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 5]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push 0x196
+push 0x230
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0x1a8
+push 0x140
+push ref_00464e5d ; push 0x464e5d
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c430] ; mov al, byte [0x48c430]
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_0048c418] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x48c418]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+call fcn_004239b9 ; call 0x4239b9
+add esp, 4
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 5]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push 0x1a8
+push 0x230
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [ref_0048c420] ; mov cl, byte [0x48c420]
+cmp ebx, ecx
+jge near loc_00438885 ; jge 0x438885
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c430] ; mov al, byte [0x48c430]
+cmp ebx, eax
+je short loc_00438fef ; je 0x438fef
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_0048c418] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x48c418]
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+lea edx, [eax + 0x2f]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c41c]
+lea eax, [edx + ebp]
+mov edi, 0x14a
+sub di, word [eax + 0xe]
+add di, word [eax + 0x12]
+mov eax, ebx
+mov word [ebx*2 + ref_0048c40c], di ; mov word [ebx*2 + 0x48c40c], di
+movsx edi, di
+push edi
+shl ecx, 3
+movsx eax, word [ecx + eax*2 + ref_00475930] ; movsx eax, word [ecx + eax*2 + 0x475930]
+push eax
+add ebp, 0xc
+add edx, ebp
+push edx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_00438f66 ; jmp 0x438f66
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c430] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c430]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edx + ref_0048c418] ; mov al, byte [edx + 0x48c418]
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [eax*8 + ref_004759ff] ; mov ecx, dword [eax*8 + 0x4759ff]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [eax*8 + ref_004759fb] ; mov ecx, dword [eax*8 + 0x4759fb]
+add ecx, 0x14a
+push ecx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [ref_0048c420] ; mov cl, byte [0x48c420]
+add edx, edx
+movsx edx, word [edx + ecx*8 + ref_00475930] ; movsx edx, word [edx + ecx*8 + 0x475930]
+add edx, dword [eax*8 + ref_004759f7] ; add edx, dword [eax*8 + 0x4759f7]
+push edx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c414] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c414]
+push edi
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c414] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c414]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ref_0048c42a], 0x13 ; mov byte [0x48c42a], 0x13
+mov byte [ref_0048c42d], 6 ; mov byte [0x48c42d], 6
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 6
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0x3c
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0xde
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0x1e0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x1a0
+push 0xc3
+push 0x40
+push 0x1b
+push 0x40
+push 0x1b
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0x228
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+jmp near loc_00438a1a ; jmp 0x438a1a
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0
+push 0x14
+push 0x25
+push 0xd5
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ec30 ; call 0x44ec30
+add esp, 0x1c
+push ref_00464e66 ; push 0x464e66
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ref_0048c42a], 0x16 ; mov byte [0x48c42a], 0x16
+mov dword [ref_0048c425], 0xa ; mov dword [0x48c425], 0xa
+jmp short loc_00439196 ; jmp 0x439196
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c425] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c425]
+dec ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048c425], ebx ; mov dword [0x48c425], ebx
+test ebx, ebx
+jle short loc_0043917d ; jle 0x43917d
+cmp byte [ref_0048c42e], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c42e], 0
+je short loc_00439196 ; je 0x439196
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c421] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c421]
+push ebp
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+test byte [ref_0048c42c], 0xf ; test byte [0x48c42c], 0xf
+jne short loc_004391c2 ; jne 0x4391c2
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov ebx, eax
+sar ebx, 0xa
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_004391b6 ; jne 0x4391b6
+or byte [ref_0048c42c], 1 ; or byte [0x48c42c], 1
+jmp short loc_004391c2 ; jmp 0x4391c2
+cmp ebx, 1
+jne short loc_004391c2 ; jne 0x4391c2
+or byte [ref_0048c42c], 2 ; or byte [0x48c42c], 2
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c42c] ; mov al, byte [0x48c42c]
+and al, 0xf
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, al
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_004396a8 ; je 0x4396a8
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c42d] ; mov al, byte [0x48c42d]
+cmp al, 4
+ja near loc_004396a8 ; ja 0x4396a8
+and eax, 0xff
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_00437e35] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x437e35]
+cmp ebx, 1
+jne near loc_00439302 ; jne 0x439302
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c42c] ; mov al, byte [0x48c42c]
+and al, 0x30
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, al
+sar ebx, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x4c
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0x78
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0x9c
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0xa0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+cmp ebx, 3
+jne short loc_00439288 ; jne 0x439288
+push 0x28
+push 0x50
+push 0x32
+push 0x34
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xf0
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [ref_0048c42c], dh ; mov byte [0x48c42c], dh
+jmp short loc_004392db ; jmp 0x4392db
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ebp
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c42d] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c42d]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + eax + ref_004759e8] ; mov dl, byte [ebx + eax + 0x4759e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c41c]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+add byte [ref_0048c42c], 0x10 ; add byte [0x48c42c], 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_004396a8 ; jmp 0x4396a8
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c42c], ah ; mov byte [0x48c42c], ah
+jmp near loc_004396a8 ; jmp 0x4396a8
+cmp ebx, 1
+jb near loc_004396a8 ; jb 0x4396a8
+jbe short loc_00439328 ; jbe 0x439328
+cmp ebx, 2
+je near loc_004393fd ; je 0x4393fd
+jmp near loc_004396a8 ; jmp 0x4396a8
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c42c] ; mov al, byte [0x48c42c]
+and al, 0x30
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, al
+sar ebx, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x67
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0x78
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0xa3
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0x9e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+cmp ebx, 3
+jne short loc_004393b3 ; jne 0x4393b3
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0x138
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+xor al, al
+mov byte [ref_0048c42c], al ; mov byte [0x48c42c], al
+jmp near loc_004392db ; jmp 0x4392db
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c42d] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c42d]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + eax + ref_004759e8] ; mov dl, byte [ebx + eax + 0x4759e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c41c]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+jmp near loc_004392cc ; jmp 0x4392cc
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov ebx, eax
+and ebx, 1
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c42c] ; mov al, byte [0x48c42c]
+sar eax, 6
+cmp eax, ebx
+je near loc_004394c1 ; je 0x4394c1
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x67
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0x78
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0xa3
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0x9e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push edi
+lea edx, [ebx + 0x19]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov al, bl
+shl al, 6
+or byte [ref_0048c42c], al ; or byte [0x48c42c], al
+and byte [ref_0048c42c], 0x40 ; and byte [0x48c42c], 0x40
+jmp near loc_004396a8 ; jmp 0x4396a8
+cmp ebx, 1
+jne near loc_004395b5 ; jne 0x4395b5
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c42c] ; mov al, byte [0x48c42c]
+and al, 0x30
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, al
+sar ebx, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x57
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0x76
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0xa3
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0xa1
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+cmp ebx, 3
+jne short loc_0043956a ; jne 0x43956a
+push 0x2b
+push 0x4c
+push 0x33
+push 0x34
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0x18c
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [ref_0048c42c], bl ; mov byte [0x48c42c], bl
+jmp near loc_004392db ; jmp 0x4392db
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push edi
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c42d] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c42d]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + eax + ref_004759e8] ; mov dl, byte [ebx + eax + 0x4759e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+jmp near loc_004392cc ; jmp 0x4392cc
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [ref_0048c42c], dl ; mov byte [0x48c42c], dl
+jmp near loc_004396a8 ; jmp 0x4396a8
+cmp ebx, 1
+jne near loc_004396a0 ; jne 0x4396a0
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c42c] ; mov al, byte [0x48c42c]
+and al, 0x30
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, al
+sar ebx, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x53
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0x7b
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0x99
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0x9c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+cmp ebx, 3
+jne short loc_0043965f ; jne 0x43965f
+push 0x21
+push 0x46
+push 0x3a
+push 0x42
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0x1d4
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c42c], ah ; mov byte [0x48c42c], ah
+jmp near loc_004392db ; jmp 0x4392db
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ebp
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c42d] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c42d]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + eax + ref_004759e8] ; mov dl, byte [ebx + eax + 0x4759e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xc
+jmp near loc_004392c3 ; jmp 0x4392c3
+xor ch, ch
+mov byte [ref_0048c42c], ch ; mov byte [0x48c42c], ch
+call fcn_0044ef3b ; call 0x44ef3b
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_004396be ; jne 0x4396be
+cmp byte [ref_0048c42b], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c42b], 0
+je near loc_00437f23 ; je 0x437f23
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c42d] ; mov al, byte [0x48c42d]
+cmp al, 5
+ja near loc_00437f23 ; ja 0x437f23
+and eax, 0xff
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_00437e49] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x437e49]
+mov cl, byte [ref_0048c42b] ; mov cl, byte [0x48c42b]
+test cl, cl
+je near loc_00439776 ; je 0x439776
+mov ch, cl
+dec ch
+mov byte [ref_0048c42b], ch ; mov byte [0x48c42b], ch
+jne near loc_00437f23 ; jne 0x437f23
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x4c
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0xa0
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0x9c
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0xb4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0x120
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+jmp near loc_0043981c ; jmp 0x43981c
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov ebx, eax
+sar ebx, 0xb
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge near loc_00437f23 ; jge 0x437f23
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x4c
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0xa0
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0x9c
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0xb4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+test al, 1
+je short loc_00439833 ; je 0x439833
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0x114
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and al, 7
+inc al
+mov byte [ref_0048c42b], al ; mov byte [0x48c42b], al
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_00437f23 ; jmp 0x437f23
+push 0x14
+push 0x50
+push 0x5a
+push 0x34
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xf0
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+jmp short loc_004397fe ; jmp 0x4397fe
+mov dh, byte [ref_0048c42b] ; mov dh, byte [0x48c42b]
+test dh, dh
+je short loc_004398ea ; je 0x4398ea
+mov bl, dh
+dec bl
+mov byte [ref_0048c42b], bl ; mov byte [0x48c42b], bl
+jne near loc_00437f23 ; jne 0x437f23
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x67
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0x9b
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0xa3
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0xb4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0x168
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+jmp near loc_00439759 ; jmp 0x439759
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov ebx, eax
+sar ebx, 0xb
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge near loc_00437f23 ; jge 0x437f23
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x67
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0x9b
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0xa3
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0xb4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0x174
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+jmp near loc_004397f6 ; jmp 0x4397f6
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c42b] ; mov al, byte [0x48c42b]
+test al, al
+je short loc_004399e8 ; je 0x4399e8
+mov ah, al
+dec ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c42b], ah ; mov byte [0x48c42b], ah
+jne near loc_00437f23 ; jne 0x437f23
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x57
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0xa1
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0xa3
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0xbc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0x1bc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+jmp near loc_00439759 ; jmp 0x439759
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov ebx, eax
+sar ebx, 0xb
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge near loc_00437f23 ; jge 0x437f23
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x57
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0xa1
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0xa3
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0xbc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0x1b0
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+jmp near loc_004397f6 ; jmp 0x4397f6
+mov bh, byte [ref_0048c42b] ; mov bh, byte [0x48c42b]
+test bh, bh
+je short loc_00439ae6 ; je 0x439ae6
+mov cl, bh
+dec cl
+mov byte [ref_0048c42b], cl ; mov byte [0x48c42b], cl
+jne near loc_00437f23 ; jne 0x437f23
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x5a
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0x86
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0x96
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0xae
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ebx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0x210
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+jmp near loc_00439759 ; jmp 0x439759
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov ebx, eax
+sar ebx, 0xb
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge near loc_00437f23 ; jge 0x437f23
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], 0x5a
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], 0x86
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], 0x96
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], 0xae
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0x21c
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+jmp near loc_004397f6 ; jmp 0x4397f6
+cmp byte [ref_0048c42a], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c42a], 0
+je near loc_00437f23 ; je 0x437f23
+push 1
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ref_0048c42e], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c42e], 1
+jmp near loc_00437f23 ; jmp 0x437f23
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea edx, [esp + 0x8c]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push ebx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0dc]
+push ebp
+call dword [eax + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_00437f23 ; jmp 0x437f23
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xf0]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xf0]
+push ecx
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_00437f25 ; jmp 0x437f25
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x84
+push ref_00475b17 ; push 0x475b17
+call fcn_00454176 ; call 0x454176
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x19
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c41c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c41c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x46
+push 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xf0
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x12
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov byte [esp], 0x24
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [esp + 1], dl
+xor eax, eax
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [ref_0048c420], dh ; mov byte [0x48c420], dh
+mov esi, dword [ref_00499114] ; mov esi, dword [0x499114]
+cmp eax, esi
+jge short loc_00439cd5 ; jge 0x439cd5
+imul ebx, eax, 0x68
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00439cd2 ; je 0x439cd2
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c420] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c420]
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, dl
+mov byte [ebx + ref_0048c418], al ; mov byte [ebx + 0x48c418], al
+inc dl
+mov byte [ref_0048c420], dl ; mov byte [0x48c420], dl
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_00439caa ; jmp 0x439caa
+xor ebx, ebx
+movzx esi, byte [ref_0048c420] ; movzx esi, byte [0x48c420]
+cmp ebx, esi
+jge near loc_00439e64 ; jge 0x439e64
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_0048c418] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x48c418]
+mov edi, esi
+shl edi, 3
+mov esi, ebx
+movsx esi, word [edi + esi*2 + ref_00475918] ; movsx esi, word [edi + esi*2 + 0x475918]
+push esi
+push 0x258
+imul esi, eax, 0x68
+movzx edi, byte [esi + ref_00496b7b] ; movzx edi, byte [esi + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edi
+lea edi, [eax + 0x2f]
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edi
+mov edi, eax
+shl edi, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edi
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 6
+push 4
+push ref_00464e56 ; push 0x464e56
+lea edi, [ebx + 0xb]
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edi
+mov edi, eax
+shl edi, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edi
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [esi + ref_00496b88] ; mov eax, dword [esi + 0x496b88]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 5]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push 6
+push 0x9a
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edi
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0x2e
+push 4
+push ref_00464e90 ; push 0x464e90
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edi
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp dword [esi + ref_00496b8c], 0 ; cmp dword [esi + 0x496b8c], 0
+je short loc_00439e10 ; je 0x439e10
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0xff0000
+push 0x12
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 1
+push 0x2e
+push 0x9a
+push ref_00464e97 ; push 0x464e97
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edi
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x12
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+jmp short loc_00439e5b ; jmp 0x439e5b
+fild dword [esi + ref_00496b88] ; fild dword [esi + 0x496b88]
+fmul qword [ref_00464ea0] ; fmul qword [0x464ea0]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x80]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x80]
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 5]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452793 ; call 0x452793
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push 0x2e
+push 0x9a
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edi
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_00439cd7 ; jmp 0x439cd7
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0xffffffffffffffe2
+push 0
+push 0xa
+push 0xbe
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c41c]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ec30 ; call 0x44ec30
+add esp, 0x1c
+push 9
+call fcn_004549cf ; call 0x4549cf
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push fcn_00437e61 ; push 0x437e61
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_00454bcc ; call 0x454bcc
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c41c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c41c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c420] ; mov al, byte [0x48c420]
+cmp ebx, eax
+jge short loc_00439ef5 ; jge 0x439ef5
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_0048c418] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x48c418]
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+xor ch, ch
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496baa], ch ; mov byte [eax + 0x496baa], ch
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496bc4], esi ; mov dword [eax + 0x496bc4], esi
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496bc8], esi ; mov dword [eax + 0x496bc8], esi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00439ec6 ; jmp 0x439ec6
+push ref_00475b17 ; push 0x475b17
+call fcn_00454240 ; call 0x454240
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x84
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x1c
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x34]
+xor edi, edi
+xor ebp, ebp
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x18]
+fdiv dword [ref_00465014] ; fdiv dword [0x465014]
+fmul qword [ref_00465018] ; fmul qword [0x465018]
+fadd qword [ref_00465020] ; fadd qword [0x465020]
+fstp dword [esp + 8]
+cmp ebx, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_0043a054 ; jle 0x43a054
+cmp ebx, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_0043a054 ; jge 0x43a054
+sub ebx, 0x7d0
+imul ebx, ebx, 0x34
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e84]
+lea eax, [esi + ebx]
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], eax
+mov ebx, 1
+add esi, 0x34
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_00439fab ; jg 0x439fab
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x19]
+cmp eax, dword [esp + 0x30]
+jne short loc_00439fa1 ; jne 0x439fa1
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+add eax, 4
+push eax
+lea eax, [esi + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00439fa1 ; jne 0x439fa1
+inc ebp
+cmp byte [esi + 0x19], 0
+jne short loc_00439fa8 ; jne 0x439fa8
+inc edi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00439f72 ; jmp 0x439f72
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], edi
+fild dword [esp + 0x18]
+fild dword [ref_00498e98] ; fild dword [0x498e98]
+fdivp st1 ; fdivp st(1)
+fmul dword [ref_00465028] ; fmul dword [0x465028]
+fsubr dword [ref_0046502c] ; fsubr dword [0x46502c]
+fstp dword [esp]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+sar eax, 1
+inc eax
+add eax, ebp
+imul eax, dword [ref_0048c488] ; imul eax, dword [0x48c488]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul eax, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x18]
+fmul dword [esp]
+fmul dword [esp + 8]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x10]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + 0x1c]
+imul eax, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x18]
+fstp dword [esp + 4]
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x18]
+fmul dword [ref_00465030] ; fmul dword [0x465030]
+fadd dword [ref_00465034] ; fadd dword [0x465034]
+fmul dword [esp + 4]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+cmp eax, esi
+jle near loc_0043a131 ; jle 0x43a131
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], esi
+jmp near loc_0043a131 ; jmp 0x43a131
+lea eax, [ebx - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebp, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebp, eax
+mov ebx, 1
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x498e8c]
+jg short loc_0043a097 ; jg 0x43a097
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov esi, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, esi
+mov esi, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+cmp byte [esi + eax + 0x19], 0
+jne short loc_0043a094 ; jne 0x43a094
+inc edi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0043a071 ; jmp 0x43a071
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], edi
+fild dword [esp + 0x18]
+fild dword [ref_00498e8c] ; fild dword [0x498e8c]
+fdivp st1 ; fdivp st(1)
+fmul dword [ref_00465028] ; fmul dword [0x465028]
+fsubr dword [ref_0046502c] ; fsubr dword [0x46502c]
+fstp dword [esp]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebp + 0x1a]
+sar eax, 1
+inc eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0048c488] ; imul eax, dword [0x48c488]
+mov ebx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov ebx, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul eax, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x18]
+fmul dword [esp]
+fmul dword [esp + 8]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x10]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebp + 0x22]
+imul eax, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x18]
+fstp dword [esp + 4]
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x18]
+fmul dword [ref_00465030] ; fmul dword [0x465030]
+fadd dword [ref_00465034] ; fadd dword [0x465034]
+fmul dword [esp + 4]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+cmp eax, edi
+jle short loc_0043a131 ; jle 0x43a131
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], edi
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+dec ebx
+imul ebx, ebx, 0x68
+mov eax, dword [ebx + ref_00496b84] ; mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x496b84]
+cmp eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+jge short loc_0043a149 ; jge 0x43a149
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+add esp, 0x1c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x20
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x38]
+shl eax, 3
+mov esi, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, esi
+lea esi, [eax + 0x50]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x38]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov ax, word [eax*4 + ref_0048c434] ; mov ax, word [eax*4 + 0x48c434]
+and eax, 0xffff
+dec eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+lea edx, [eax + 0x4e]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c49c]
+mov edi, edx
+shl edi, 2
+sub edi, edx
+shl edi, 2
+lea eax, [ecx + edi]
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x10]
+mov ecx, 0x24e
+sub ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp], ecx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x12]
+mov ecx, esi
+sub ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 4], ecx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0xc]
+mov ecx, dword [esp]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 8], ecx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0xe]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+cmp dword [esp + 0x40], 0
+jne short loc_0043a234 ; jne 0x43a234
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 4]
+sub eax, edi
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 4]
+sub eax, ebp
+push eax
+push edi
+push ebp
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+jmp short loc_0043a254 ; jmp 0x43a254
+push esi
+push 0x24e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0xc
+add edi, eax
+push edi
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0043a2b2 ; je 0x43a2b2
+push esi
+push 0x24e
+push 0
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045663e ; call 0x45663e
+add esp, 0x14
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 0x10]
+mov edx, 0x24e
+sub edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], edx
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 0x12]
+sub esi, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], esi
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 0xc]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], edx
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 0xe]
+lea edx, [esi + eax]
+mov dword [esp + 0x1c], edx
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x14]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452808 ; call 0x452808
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+add esp, 0x20
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xe8
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xfc]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x100]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x104]
+cmp eax, 0x202
+jb short loc_0043a343 ; jb 0x43a343
+jbe near loc_0043bc59 ; jbe 0x43bc59
+cmp eax, 0x401
+jb short loc_0043a333 ; jb 0x43a333
+jbe short loc_0043a365 ; jbe 0x43a365
+cmp eax, 0x405
+jb near loc_0043bdb9 ; jb 0x43bdb9
+jbe near loc_0043a3e6 ; jbe 0x43a3e6
+cmp eax, 0x407
+je near loc_0043a3fc ; je 0x43a3fc
+jmp near loc_0043bdb9 ; jmp 0x43bdb9
+cmp eax, 0x203
+je near loc_0043bb25 ; je 0x43bb25
+jmp near loc_0043bdb9 ; jmp 0x43bdb9
+cmp eax, 0x113
+jb short loc_0043a357 ; jb 0x43a357
+jbe near loc_0043a6d5 ; jbe 0x43a6d5
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jmp short loc_0043a338 ; jmp 0x43a338
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je near loc_0043bd48 ; je 0x43bd48
+jmp near loc_0043bdb9 ; jmp 0x43bdb9
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x108]
+mov byte [ref_0048c4b1], al ; mov byte [0x48c4b1], al
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [ref_0048c4ac], dl ; mov byte [0x48c4ac], dl
+mov byte [ref_0048c4ad], dl ; mov byte [0x48c4ad], dl
+mov byte [ref_0048c4ae], dl ; mov byte [0x48c4ae], dl
+mov byte [ref_0048c4af], dl ; mov byte [0x48c4af], dl
+mov byte [ref_0048c4b0], dl ; mov byte [0x48c4b0], dl
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048c4a4], ecx ; mov dword [0x48c4a4], ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048c4a8], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x48c4a8], 0xffffffff
+push ecx
+push 0x64
+mov esi, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov esi, dword [0x46cad8]
+push esi
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTimer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462324]
+mov dword [ref_0048c4a0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c4a0], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x405
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0xe8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+push ref_00465038 ; push 0x465038
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ref_0048c4ac], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c4ac], 1
+jmp short loc_0043a3d7 ; jmp 0x43a3d7
+push 0
+push ref_00475bc2 ; push 0x475bc2
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4a4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4a4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+test ebx, ebx
+jbe short loc_0043a426 ; jbe 0x43a426
+cmp ebx, 6
+je short loc_0043a43a ; je 0x43a43a
+jmp short loc_0043a478 ; jmp 0x43a478
+mov word [eax + ref_0048c436], 1 ; mov word [eax + 0x48c436], 1
+or word [ref_0048c4a4], 0x110 ; or word [0x48c4a4], 0x110
+jmp short loc_0043a3d7 ; jmp 0x43a3d7
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_0048c440] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x48c440]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c4a4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c4a4]
+push ecx
+push ebp
+call fcn_0043a155 ; call 0x43a155
+add esp, 0x10
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4a4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4a4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov word [eax*4 + ref_0048c434], dx ; mov word [eax*4 + 0x48c434], dx
+or word [ref_0048c4a4], 0x120 ; or word [0x48c4a4], 0x120
+jmp near loc_0043a3d7 ; jmp 0x43a3d7
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4a4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4a4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov ax, word [eax*4 + ref_0048c434] ; mov ax, word [eax*4 + 0x48c434]
+and eax, 0xffff
+dec eax
+imul edx, eax, 0x68
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c488] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c488]
+add eax, dword [ebx*4 + ref_00475ba2] ; add eax, dword [ebx*4 + 0x475ba2]
+cmp eax, dword [edx + ref_00496b84] ; cmp eax, dword [edx + 0x496b84]
+jg near loc_0043a3d7 ; jg 0x43a3d7
+mov dword [ref_0048c488], eax ; mov dword [0x48c488], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0d020
+push 0x12
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov dword [esp + 0xd0], 0x208
+mov dword [esp + 0xd8], 0x26c
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 0x50
+jmp short loc_0043a50d ; jmp 0x43a50d
+add esi, 0x78
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge near loc_0043a5eb ; jge 0x43a5eb
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+cmp word [eax*4 + ref_0048c434], 0 ; cmp word [eax*4 + 0x48c434], 0
+je short loc_0043a500 ; je 0x43a500
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4a8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4a8]
+and eax, 3
+cmp eax, ebx
+jne short loc_0043a580 ; jne 0x43a580
+lea eax, [esi + 0x19]
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], eax
+lea eax, [esi + 0x2d]
+mov dword [esp + 0xdc], eax
+push 0x14
+push 0x64
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+push edi
+push 0x208
+push edi
+push 0x208
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xd4]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4a4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4a4]
+and eax, 3
+cmp eax, ebx
+jne near loc_0043a500 ; jne 0x43a500
+lea edi, [esi + 0x19]
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], edi
+lea eax, [esi + 0x2d]
+mov dword [esp + 0xdc], eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c488] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c488]
+push ecx
+push ref_00465050 ; push 0x465050
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+push edi
+push 0x26c
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xd4]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_0043a500 ; jmp 0x43a500
+mov ebx, 0xb4
+mov dword [esp + 0xd0], ebx
+mov esi, 0x104
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], esi
+mov edi, 0x118
+mov dword [esp + 0xd8], edi
+mov dword [esp + 0xdc], edi
+push 0x14
+push 0x64
+push esi
+push ebx
+push esi
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x12
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c488] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c488]
+push ecx
+push ref_00465050 ; push 0x465050
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+push 0x106
+push 0x110
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xd4]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4a4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4a4]
+mov dword [ref_0048c4a8], eax ; mov dword [0x48c4a8], eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, ebx
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+xor esi, ebx
+mov word [eax*4 + ref_0048c436], si ; mov word [eax*4 + 0x48c436], si
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jl short loc_0043a6b0 ; jl 0x43a6b0
+or byte [ref_0048c4a5], 1 ; or byte [0x48c4a5], 1
+jmp near loc_0043a3d7 ; jmp 0x43a3d7
+cmp byte [ref_0048c4ac], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c4ac], 0
+je near loc_0043a3d7 ; je 0x43a3d7
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je near loc_0043a3d7 ; je 0x43a3d7
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x46cad8]
+jne near loc_0043a3d7 ; jne 0x43a3d7
+test byte [ref_0048c4a5], 0xff ; test byte [0x48c4a5], 0xff
+je near loc_0043ab5a ; je 0x43ab5a
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c4a4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c4a4]
+sar ebx, 8
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c4a4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c4a4]
+and ecx, 3
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+mov esi, dword [eax*4 + ref_0048c43c] ; mov esi, dword [eax*4 + 0x48c43c]
+mov esi, dword [esi + 4]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+add eax, 0x50
+mov dword [esp + 0xe4], eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c4a4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c4a4]
+sar edi, 4
+and edi, 3
+cmp ebx, 1
+jne near loc_0043a8c4 ; jne 0x43a8c4
+test edi, edi
+jne short loc_0043a766 ; jne 0x43a766
+push edi
+push edi
+push ecx
+push ebp
+call fcn_0043a155 ; call 0x43a155
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [esp + 0xd0], 0x196
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+sub eax, 0x4a
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xd8], 0x224
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+add eax, 0x27
+mov dword [esp + 0xdc], eax
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+push 0x71
+push 0x8e
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c484] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c484]
+push edx
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_00451a97 ; call 0x451a97
+add esp, 0x18
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+sub eax, 0xf
+mov dword [esp + 0xe0], eax
+push eax
+push 0x1e0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+cmp edi, 1
+jb short loc_0043a83a ; jb 0x43a83a
+jbe short loc_0043a86d ; jbe 0x43a86d
+cmp edi, 2
+je short loc_0043a885 ; je 0x43a885
+jmp short loc_0043a8a2 ; jmp 0x43a8a2
+test edi, edi
+jne short loc_0043a8a2 ; jne 0x43a8a2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c488] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c488]
+push eax
+push ref_00465050 ; push 0x465050
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 2
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+push edx
+push 0x1e0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push edi
+jmp short loc_0043a89a ; jmp 0x43a89a
+push 2
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+push ecx
+push 0x1e0
+push ref_00465055 ; push 0x465055
+push 0
+jmp short loc_0043a89a ; jmp 0x43a89a
+push edi
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+push edx
+push 0x1e0
+push ref_0046505e ; push 0x46505e
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xd4]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+cmp ebx, esi
+jg near loc_0043aa9a ; jg 0x43aa9a
+test edi, edi
+jne near loc_0043aa9a ; jne 0x43aa9a
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4a4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4a4]
+and edx, 3
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + ref_0048c43c] ; mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + 0x48c43c]
+lea edx, [ebx - 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x10]
+mov ecx, 0x24e
+sub ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xd0], ecx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x12]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+sub ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], ecx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0xc]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xd0]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xd8], ecx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0xe]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xdc], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push edi
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push edi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+sub eax, ecx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+sub eax, edi
+push eax
+push ecx
+push edi
+push ecx
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4a4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4a4]
+and edx, 3
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+cmp ebx, esi
+jne short loc_0043a9c3 ; jne 0x43a9c3
+xor ebx, esi
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+push edx
+push 0x24e
+push 0
+jmp short loc_0043a9d1 ; jmp 0x43a9d1
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+push edx
+push 0x24e
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_0048c43c] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x48c43c]
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0045663e ; call 0x45663e
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4a4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4a4]
+and edx, 3
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + ref_0048c43c] ; mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + 0x48c43c]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x10]
+mov ecx, 0x24e
+sub ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], ecx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x12]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+sub ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], ecx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0xc]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc0]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], ecx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0xe]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xd0]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xd8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452808 ; call 0x452808
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xd4]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+cmp ebx, esi
+jle near loc_0043ab50 ; jle 0x43ab50
+cmp ebx, 0xa
+jl near loc_0043ab50 ; jl 0x43ab50
+mov dword [esp + 0xd0], 0x196
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+sub eax, 0x4a
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xd8], 0x224
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+add eax, 0x27
+mov dword [esp + 0xdc], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c484] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c484]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xd4]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+and dword [ref_0048c4a4], 3 ; and dword [0x48c4a4], 3
+mov byte [ref_0048c4ac], 5 ; mov byte [0x48c4ac], 5
+jmp short loc_0043ab5a ; jmp 0x43ab5a
+add dword [ref_0048c4a4], 0x100 ; add dword [0x48c4a4], 0x100
+test byte [ref_0048c4a6], 0xff ; test byte [0x48c4a6], 0xff
+je near loc_0043aeb7 ; je 0x43aeb7
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c4a4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c4a4]
+sar ebx, 0x10
+dec ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4a8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4a8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov esi, dword [edx + ref_0048c444] ; mov esi, dword [edx + 0x48c444]
+mov esi, dword [esi + 4]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4a8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4a8]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edi, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edi
+add eax, 0x50
+mov dword [esp + 0xe4], eax
+test ebx, ebx
+jne near loc_0043ad4e ; jne 0x43ad4e
+mov eax, dword [edx + ref_0048c43c] ; mov eax, dword [edx + 0x48c43c]
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x10]
+mov ecx, 0x24e
+sub ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xd0], ecx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x12]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+sub ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], ecx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0xc]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xd0]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xd8], ecx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0xe]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xdc], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push ebx
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push ebx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+sub eax, ebx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+sub eax, esi
+push eax
+push ebx
+push esi
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+push esi
+push 0x24e
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4a8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4a8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edi, dword [eax*4 + ref_0048c444] ; mov edi, dword [eax*4 + 0x48c444]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045663e ; call 0x45663e
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0xd0]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xd8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452808 ; call 0x452808
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4a8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4a8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov eax, dword [eax*4 + ref_0048c444] ; mov eax, dword [eax*4 + 0x48c444]
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x10]
+mov ecx, 0x24e
+sub ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], ecx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x12]
+mov ecx, esi
+sub ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xc4], ecx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0xc]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc0]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xc8], ecx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0xe]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xcc], edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xd0]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xd8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452808 ; call 0x452808
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xd4]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+inc word [ref_0048c4a6] ; inc word [0x48c4a6]
+jmp near loc_0043aeb7 ; jmp 0x43aeb7
+cmp ebx, 0x3c
+jge near loc_0043aeae ; jge 0x43aeae
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, ebx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+mov ebx, edx
+mov edi, edx
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_0043ad6a ; jne 0x43ad6a
+mov edi, esi
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4a8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4a8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov eax, dword [eax*4 + ref_0048c444] ; mov eax, dword [eax*4 + 0x48c444]
+lea ecx, [edi - 1]
+mov edx, ecx
+shl edx, 2
+sub edx, ecx
+shl edx, 2
+add eax, edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x10]
+mov ecx, 0x24e
+sub ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xd0], ecx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x12]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+sub ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], ecx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0xc]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xd0]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xd8], ecx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0xe]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xdc], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+sub eax, ecx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+sub eax, esi
+push eax
+push ecx
+push esi
+push ecx
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+push edi
+push 0x24e
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4a8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4a8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_0048c444] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x48c444]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045663e ; call 0x45663e
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4a8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4a8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_0048c444] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x48c444]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x10]
+mov ecx, 0x24e
+sub ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xc0], ecx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x12]
+mov ecx, edi
+jmp near loc_0043acdf ; jmp 0x43acdf
+xor edi, edi
+mov word [ref_0048c4a6], di ; mov word [0x48c4a6], di
+push 0
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0043b5dd ; je 0x43b5dd
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c4ac] ; mov al, byte [0x48c4ac]
+cmp al, 5
+jb short loc_0043aefc ; jb 0x43aefc
+jbe near loc_0043b262 ; jbe 0x43b262
+cmp al, 0xa
+jb short loc_0043aeef ; jb 0x43aeef
+jbe near loc_0043b4d8 ; jbe 0x43b4d8
+cmp al, 0xb
+je near loc_0043b5b5 ; je 0x43b5b5
+jmp near loc_0043b5dd ; jmp 0x43b5dd
+cmp al, 9
+je near loc_0043b412 ; je 0x43b412
+jmp near loc_0043b5dd ; jmp 0x43b5dd
+cmp al, 1
+jb near loc_0043b5dd ; jb 0x43b5dd
+jbe short loc_0043af13 ; jbe 0x43af13
+cmp al, 2
+je near loc_0043afa1 ; je 0x43afa1
+jmp near loc_0043b5dd ; jmp 0x43b5dd
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 0xffffffff
+mov dword [ref_0048c4a4], esi ; mov dword [0x48c4a4], esi
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c4a4] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c4a4]
+jmp short loc_0043af2e ; jmp 0x43af2e
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_0043af4b ; jge 0x43af4b
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+cmp word [eax*4 + ref_0048c434], 0 ; cmp word [eax*4 + 0x48c434], 0
+je short loc_0043af28 ; je 0x43af28
+cmp esi, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_0043af28 ; jne 0x43af28
+mov dword [ref_0048c4a4], ebx ; mov dword [0x48c4a4], ebx
+cmp dword [ref_0048c4a4], 0xffffffff ; cmp dword [0x48c4a4], 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_0043af75 ; jne 0x43af75
+push ref_00465063 ; push 0x465063
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ref_0048c4ac], 0xb ; mov byte [0x48c4ac], 0xb
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c4a4], edx ; mov dword [0x48c4a4], edx
+jmp near loc_0043b5dd ; jmp 0x43b5dd
+mov byte [ref_0048c4ac], 2 ; mov byte [0x48c4ac], 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c488] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c488]
+push eax
+push ref_0046507d ; push 0x46507d
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+jmp near loc_0043b5da ; jmp 0x43b5da
+mov dword [esp + 0xd0], 0x16b
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], 0x72
+mov dword [esp + 0xd8], 0x1c9
+mov dword [esp + 0xdc], 0x1c0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4a4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4a4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov ax, word [eax*4 + ref_0048c434] ; mov ax, word [eax*4 + 0x48c434]
+and eax, 0xffff
+dec eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne near loc_0043b0a0 ; jne 0x43b0a0
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, dword [ebx*4 + ref_00475b84] ; mov esi, dword [ebx*4 + 0x475b84]
+push esi
+push 0x196
+lea eax, [ebx + ebx]
+lea esi, [eax + 4]
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c49c]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 7
+jl short loc_0043b010 ; jl 0x43b010
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4a4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4a4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov ax, word [eax*4 + ref_0048c434] ; mov ax, word [eax*4 + 0x48c434]
+and eax, 0xffff
+dec eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c488] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c488]
+cmp edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; cmp edx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+jle short loc_0043b08a ; jle 0x43b08a
+mov byte [ref_0048c4ac], 4 ; mov byte [0x48c4ac], 4
+push 0
+push 6
+jmp near loc_0043b22e ; jmp 0x43b22e
+mov byte [ref_0048c4ac], 3 ; mov byte [0x48c4ac], 3
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0043b23b ; jmp 0x43b23b
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+sub eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+sub eax, ecx
+push eax
+push edx
+push ecx
+push edx
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov byte [ref_0048c4ac], 4 ; mov byte [0x48c4ac], 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4a4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4a4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_0048c434] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x48c434]
+dec edx
+imul edx, edx, 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c488] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c488]
+cmp ecx, dword [edx + ref_00496b84] ; cmp ecx, dword [edx + 0x496b84]
+jle short loc_0043b124 ; jle 0x43b124
+mov ebx, 6
+jmp near loc_0043b219 ; jmp 0x43b219
+lea edx, [ecx + 0x2710]
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_0048c438] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x48c438]
+cmp edx, esi
+jg short loc_0043b13b ; jg 0x43b13b
+mov ebx, 5
+jmp short loc_0043b183 ; jmp 0x43b183
+lea edx, [ecx + 0x1388]
+cmp edx, esi
+jg short loc_0043b14c ; jg 0x43b14c
+mov ebx, 4
+jmp short loc_0043b183 ; jmp 0x43b183
+lea edx, [ecx + 0x3e8]
+cmp edx, esi
+jg short loc_0043b15d ; jg 0x43b15d
+mov ebx, 3
+jmp short loc_0043b183 ; jmp 0x43b183
+lea edx, [ecx + 0x1f4]
+cmp edx, esi
+jg short loc_0043b16e ; jg 0x43b16e
+mov ebx, 2
+jmp short loc_0043b183 ; jmp 0x43b183
+lea edx, [ecx + 0x64]
+cmp edx, esi
+jg short loc_0043b17c ; jg 0x43b17c
+mov ebx, 1
+jmp short loc_0043b183 ; jmp 0x43b183
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp near loc_0043b219 ; jmp 0x43b219
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c4a8] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c4a8]
+cmp edi, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_0043b219 ; je 0x43b219
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c488] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c488]
+add esi, dword [ebx*4 + ref_00475ba2] ; add esi, dword [ebx*4 + 0x475ba2]
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edi
+mov ax, word [eax*4 + ref_0048c434] ; mov ax, word [eax*4 + 0x48c434]
+and eax, 0xffff
+dec eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+add edi, 0x1f4
+cmp esi, edi
+jle short loc_0043b219 ; jle 0x43b219
+sub edi, dword [ref_0048c488] ; sub edi, dword [0x48c488]
+cmp edi, 0x3e8
+jle short loc_0043b1e4 ; jle 0x43b1e4
+cmp edi, 0x1388
+jg short loc_0043b1e4 ; jg 0x43b1e4
+mov ebx, 4
+jmp short loc_0043b219 ; jmp 0x43b219
+cmp edi, 0x1f4
+jle short loc_0043b1fb ; jle 0x43b1fb
+cmp edi, 0x3e8
+jg short loc_0043b1fb ; jg 0x43b1fb
+mov ebx, 3
+jmp short loc_0043b219 ; jmp 0x43b219
+cmp edi, 0x64
+jle short loc_0043b20f ; jle 0x43b20f
+cmp edi, 0x1f4
+jg short loc_0043b20f ; jg 0x43b20f
+mov ebx, 2
+jmp short loc_0043b219 ; jmp 0x43b219
+cmp edi, 0x64
+jg short loc_0043b219 ; jg 0x43b219
+mov ebx, 1
+cmp byte [ref_0048c4b1], 1 ; cmp byte [0x48c4b1], 1
+jne short loc_0043b22b ; jne 0x43b22b
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0043b22b ; je 0x43b22b
+mov ebx, 1
+push 0
+push ebx
+push 0x407
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xd4]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_0043b5dd ; jmp 0x43b5dd
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4a4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4a4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+cmp word [eax + ref_0048c434], 0 ; cmp word [eax + 0x48c434], 0
+je short loc_0043b295 ; je 0x43b295
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_0048c43c] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x48c43c]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c4a4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c4a4]
+push ecx
+push ebp
+call fcn_0043a155 ; call 0x43a155
+add esp, 0x10
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+xor edi, edi
+jmp short loc_0043b2a3 ; jmp 0x43b2a3
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_0043b2c5 ; jge 0x43b2c5
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+cmp word [eax + ref_0048c434], 0 ; cmp word [eax + 0x48c434], 0
+je short loc_0043b29d ; je 0x43b29d
+inc esi
+cmp word [eax + ref_0048c436], 0 ; cmp word [eax + 0x48c436], 0
+je short loc_0043b29d ; je 0x43b29d
+inc edi
+jmp short loc_0043b29d ; jmp 0x43b29d
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_0043b2cd ; je 0x43b2cd
+cmp esi, edi
+jne short loc_0043b2e6 ; jne 0x43b2e6
+push ref_00465063 ; push 0x465063
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ref_0048c4ac], 0xb ; mov byte [0x48c4ac], 0xb
+jmp near loc_0043b5dd ; jmp 0x43b5dd
+cmp esi, 1
+je short loc_0043b2f6 ; je 0x43b2f6
+sub esi, edi
+cmp esi, 1
+jne near loc_0043b3c2 ; jne 0x43b3c2
+cmp dword [ref_0048c4a8], 0xffffffff ; cmp dword [0x48c4a8], 0xffffffff
+je near loc_0043b3c2 ; je 0x43b3c2
+mov dword [esp + 0xd0], 0x16b
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], 0x72
+mov dword [esp + 0xd8], 0x1c9
+mov dword [esp + 0xdc], 0x1c0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+sub eax, esi
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+sub eax, edi
+push eax
+push esi
+push edi
+push esi
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xd4]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+or byte [ref_0048c4a6], 1 ; or byte [0x48c4a6], 1
+mov byte [ref_0048c4ac], 9 ; mov byte [0x48c4ac], 9
+jmp near loc_0043b5dd ; jmp 0x43b5dd
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c4a4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c4a4]
+inc edi
+mov dword [ref_0048c4a4], edi ; mov dword [0x48c4a4], edi
+mov eax, edi
+and eax, 3
+mov dword [ref_0048c4a4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c4a4], eax
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+cmp word [eax + ref_0048c434], 0 ; cmp word [eax + 0x48c434], 0
+je short loc_0043b3c2 ; je 0x43b3c2
+push 1
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_0048c43c] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x48c43c]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c4a4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c4a4]
+push ecx
+push ebp
+call fcn_0043a155 ; call 0x43a155
+add esp, 0x10
+mov byte [ref_0048c4ac], 2 ; mov byte [0x48c4ac], 2
+jmp near loc_0043b5dd ; jmp 0x43b5dd
+mov byte [ref_0048c4ac], 0xa ; mov byte [0x48c4ac], 0xa
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0xa0
+push 0x9a
+push 0x18
+push 0x7b
+push 0x18
+push 0x7b
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x1b
+push 0x7c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0x108
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x3f
+push 0x43
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0xd8
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+push ref_00475bba ; push 0x475bba
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov byte [ref_0048c4b0], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c4b0], 1
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c488] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c488]
+push edi
+push ref_00465098 ; push 0x465098
+jmp near loc_0043af87 ; jmp 0x43af87
+mov byte [ref_0048c4ac], 0xb ; mov byte [0x48c4ac], 0xb
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0xa6
+push 0xc7
+push 0x1b
+push 0x7c
+push 0x1b
+push 0x7c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x18
+push 0x7b
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0x138
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x3f
+push 0x43
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0xd8
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [ref_0048c4b0], dh ; mov byte [0x48c4b0], dh
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4a8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4a8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov ax, word [eax*4 + ref_0048c434] ; mov ax, word [eax*4 + 0x48c434]
+and eax, 0xffff
+dec eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475b54] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x475b54]
+push edx
+jmp near loc_0043af97 ; jmp 0x43af97
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4a0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4a0]
+push edx
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c4a8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c4a8]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c4ae] ; mov al, byte [0x48c4ae]
+and al, 0xf
+cmp al, 1
+jb short loc_0043b5f7 ; jb 0x43b5f7
+jbe short loc_0043b637 ; jbe 0x43b637
+cmp al, 2
+je near loc_0043b74c ; je 0x43b74c
+jmp near loc_0043b853 ; jmp 0x43b853
+test al, al
+jne near loc_0043b853 ; jne 0x43b853
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edi, eax
+sar edi, 0xa
+test edi, edi
+jne short loc_0043b622 ; jne 0x43b622
+cmp byte [ref_0048c4b0], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c4b0], 0
+jne short loc_0043b622 ; jne 0x43b622
+or byte [ref_0048c4ae], 1 ; or byte [0x48c4ae], 1
+jmp near loc_0043b853 ; jmp 0x43b853
+cmp edi, 1
+jne near loc_0043b853 ; jne 0x43b853
+or byte [ref_0048c4ae], 2 ; or byte [0x48c4ae], 2
+jmp near loc_0043b853 ; jmp 0x43b853
+cmp byte [ref_0048c4b0], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c4b0], 0
+jne near loc_0043b853 ; jne 0x43b853
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c4ae] ; mov al, byte [0x48c4ae]
+and al, 0x30
+movzx edi, al
+sar edi, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0xd0], 0xa3
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], 0x2d
+mov dword [esp + 0xd8], 0xbf
+mov dword [esp + 0xdc], 0x3c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+cmp edi, 3
+jge short loc_0043b6d7 ; jge 0x43b6d7
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [edi + ref_00475ba0] ; mov dl, byte [edi + 0x475ba0]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c49c]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp short loc_0043b709 ; jmp 0x43b709
+push 0xf
+push 0x1c
+push 0x15
+push 0x28
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0x138
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456495 ; call 0x456495
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov cl, byte [ref_0048c4ae] ; mov cl, byte [0x48c4ae]
+add cl, 0x10
+mov byte [ref_0048c4ae], cl ; mov byte [0x48c4ae], cl
+mov ch, cl
+and ch, 0x3f
+mov byte [ref_0048c4ae], ch ; mov byte [0x48c4ae], ch
+test ch, 0x30
+jne near loc_0043b841 ; jne 0x43b841
+mov ah, ch
+and ah, 0xf0
+mov byte [ref_0048c4ae], ah ; mov byte [0x48c4ae], ah
+jmp near loc_0043b841 ; jmp 0x43b841
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c4ae] ; mov al, byte [0x48c4ae]
+and al, 0xc0
+movzx edi, al
+sar edi, 6
+mov dword [esp + 0xd0], 0x7f
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], 0x5a
+mov dword [esp + 0xd8], 0x8f
+mov dword [esp + 0xdc], 0x68
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+cmp edi, 3
+jge short loc_0043b7e0 ; jge 0x43b7e0
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [edi + ref_00475ba3] ; mov dl, byte [edi + 0x475ba3]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp short loc_0043b812 ; jmp 0x43b812
+push 0xe
+push 0x10
+push 0x1d
+push 0x3d
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0xd8
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c4ae] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c4ae]
+add dl, 0x40
+mov byte [ref_0048c4ae], dl ; mov byte [0x48c4ae], dl
+test dl, 0xc0
+jne short loc_0043b841 ; jne 0x43b841
+mov bl, dl
+and bl, 0xf0
+mov byte [ref_0048c4ae], bl ; mov byte [0x48c4ae], bl
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xd4]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+call fcn_0044ef3b ; call 0x44ef3b
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0043b869 ; jne 0x43b869
+cmp byte [ref_0048c4ad], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c4ad], 0
+je near loc_0043a3d7 ; je 0x43a3d7
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c4ad] ; mov al, byte [0x48c4ad]
+dec al
+cmp byte [ref_0048c4b0], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c4b0], 0
+je near loc_0043b9fb ; je 0x43b9fb
+mov dword [esp + 0xd0], 0xb7
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], 0x41
+mov dword [esp + 0xd8], 0xdf
+mov dword [esp + 0xdc], 0x5f
+cmp byte [ref_0048c4ad], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c4ad], 0
+je near loc_0043b945 ; je 0x43b945
+mov byte [ref_0048c4ad], al ; mov byte [0x48c4ad], al
+test al, al
+jne near loc_0043a3d7 ; jne 0x43a3d7
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x1e
+push 0x28
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+push eax
+push edi
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0x114
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+jmp near loc_0043b9e4 ; jmp 0x43b9e4
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edi, eax
+sar edi, 0xb
+cmp edi, 4
+jge near loc_0043a3d7 ; jge 0x43a3d7
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x1e
+push 0x28
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+push esi
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0x120
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and al, 7
+inc al
+mov byte [ref_0048c4ad], al ; mov byte [0x48c4ad], al
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xd4]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_0043a3d7 ; jmp 0x43a3d7
+mov dword [esp + 0xd0], 0xa3
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], 0x3c
+mov dword [esp + 0xd8], 0xc1
+mov dword [esp + 0xdc], 0x55
+cmp byte [ref_0048c4ad], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c4ad], 0
+je short loc_0043baa7 ; je 0x43baa7
+mov byte [ref_0048c4ad], al ; mov byte [0x48c4ad], al
+test al, al
+jne near loc_0043a3d7 ; jne 0x43a3d7
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x19
+push 0x1e
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0x15c
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+jmp near loc_0043b928 ; jmp 0x43b928
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edi, eax
+sar edi, 0xb
+cmp edi, 4
+jge near loc_0043a3d7 ; jge 0x43a3d7
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x19
+push 0x1e
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xdc]
+push edx
+push eax
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xd4]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0x168
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+jmp near loc_0043b9be ; jmp 0x43b9be
+push 1
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+add esp, 4
+cmp byte [ref_0048c4ac], 3 ; cmp byte [0x48c4ac], 3
+jne near loc_0043a3d7 ; jne 0x43a3d7
+test dword [ref_0048c4a4], 0xffff00 ; test dword [0x48c4a4], 0xffff00
+jne near loc_0043a3d7 ; jne 0x43a3d7
+xor edi, edi
+mov di, word [esp + 0x108]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x108]
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 0xe4], eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+jmp short loc_0043bb86 ; jmp 0x43bb86
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 7
+jge near loc_0043a3d7 ; jge 0x43a3d7
+cmp edi, 0x16b
+jl short loc_0043bb7c ; jl 0x43bb7c
+cmp edi, 0x1c1
+jg short loc_0043bb7c ; jg 0x43bb7c
+mov esi, ebx
+shl esi, 2
+mov edx, dword [esi + ref_00475b84] ; mov edx, dword [esi + 0x475b84]
+sub edx, 0x13
+cmp edx, dword [esp + 0xe4]
+jg short loc_0043bb7c ; jg 0x43bb7c
+mov eax, dword [esi + ref_00475b84] ; mov eax, dword [esi + 0x475b84]
+add eax, 0x13
+cmp eax, ecx
+jl short loc_0043bb7c ; jl 0x43bb7c
+mov dword [esp + 0xd0], 0x16b
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xd8], 0x1c1
+mov dword [esp + 0xdc], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ecx, dword [esi + ref_00475b84] ; mov ecx, dword [esi + 0x475b84]
+push ecx
+push 0x196
+lea edx, [ebx + ebx + 3]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xd4]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+inc bl
+mov byte [ref_0048c4af], bl ; mov byte [0x48c4af], bl
+jmp near loc_0043a3d7 ; jmp 0x43a3d7
+mov ch, byte [ref_0048c4af] ; mov ch, byte [0x48c4af]
+test ch, ch
+je near loc_0043a3d7 ; je 0x43a3d7
+mov dword [esp + 0xd0], 0x16b
+mov al, ch
+dec al
+mov byte [ref_0048c4af], al ; mov byte [0x48c4af], al
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, al
+mov eax, dword [edx*4 + ref_00475b84] ; mov eax, dword [edx*4 + 0x475b84]
+sub eax, 0x13
+mov dword [esp + 0xd4], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xd8], 0x1c1
+mov eax, dword [edx*4 + ref_00475b84] ; mov eax, dword [edx*4 + 0x475b84]
+add eax, 0x13
+mov dword [esp + 0xdc], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c4af] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c4af]
+mov ecx, dword [edx*4 + ref_00475b84] ; mov ecx, dword [edx*4 + 0x475b84]
+push ecx
+push 0x196
+add edx, edx
+add edx, 4
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xd4]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c4af] ; mov al, byte [0x48c4af]
+push eax
+push 0x407
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c4af], ah ; mov byte [0x48c4af], ah
+jmp near loc_0043a3d7 ; jmp 0x43a3d7
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 0x88]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x8c]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x88]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_0043a3d7 ; jmp 0x43a3d7
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x108]
+push edi
+push ebx
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_0043a3d9 ; jmp 0x43a3d9
+db 0x90
+ref_0043bdd1: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_0043c064
+dd loc_0043c08d
+dd loc_0043c08d
+dd loc_0043c07a
+dd loc_0043c08d
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x98
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x88], edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x84], edx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xb0]
+cmp ebx, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_0043bf3a ; jle 0x43bf3a
+cmp ebx, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_0043bf3a ; jge 0x43bf3a
+lea eax, [ebx - 0x7d0]
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048c48c], edx ; mov dword [0x48c48c], edx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edx + 0x1a]
+mov dword [esp + 0x94], eax
+fild word [esp + 0x94]
+fmul dword [ref_004650b0] ; fmul dword [0x4650b0]
+faddp st1 ; faddp st(1)
+fstp dword [esp + 0x80]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [edx + 0x1c]
+mov dword [esp + 0x90], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x90]
+fmul dword [esp + 0x80]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [ref_0048c488] ; fistp dword [0x48c488]
+mov eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c488] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c488]
+imul ebx, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048c488], ebx ; mov dword [0x48c488], ebx
+cmp byte [edx + 0x1a], 0
+jne short loc_0043bec7 ; jne 0x43bec7
+mov ch, byte [edx + 0x19]
+test ch, ch
+je short loc_0043bebb ; je 0x43bebb
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, ch
+dec eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+add eax, 0x5b
+jmp near loc_0043bf29 ; jmp 0x43bf29
+mov dword [ref_0048c494], 0x5a ; mov dword [0x48c494], 0x5a
+jmp short loc_0043bf2e ; jmp 0x43bf2e
+cmp word [ref_004991b6], 0 ; cmp word [0x4991b6], 0
+jne short loc_0043befd ; jne 0x43befd
+cmp byte [edx + 0x18], 0
+jne short loc_0043bef1 ; jne 0x43bef1
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [edx + 0x1a]
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ebx
+add eax, 0x1d
+jmp short loc_0043bf29 ; jmp 0x43bf29
+mov dword [ref_0048c494], 0x32 ; mov dword [0x48c494], 0x32
+jmp short loc_0043bf2e ; jmp 0x43bf2e
+cmp byte [edx + 0x18], 0
+jne short loc_0043bf1d ; jne 0x43bf1d
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [edx + 0x1a]
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ebx
+add eax, 0x73
+jmp short loc_0043bf29 ; jmp 0x43bf29
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b8]
+add eax, 0x83
+mov dword [ref_0048c494], eax ; mov dword [0x48c494], eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048c490], eax ; mov dword [0x48c490], eax
+jmp near loc_0043c0d5 ; jmp 0x43c0d5
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xb0]
+cmp edi, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_0043c0d5 ; jle 0x43c0d5
+cmp edi, 0x1770
+jge near loc_0043c0d5 ; jge 0x43c0d5
+lea eax, [edi - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048c498], edx ; mov dword [0x48c498], edx
+mov ebx, edx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edx + 0x1a]
+mov dword [esp + 0x94], eax
+fild word [esp + 0x94]
+fmul dword [ref_004650b0] ; fmul dword [0x4650b0]
+faddp st1 ; faddp st(1)
+fstp dword [esp + 0x80]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [edx + 0x22]
+mov dword [esp + 0x90], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x90]
+fmul dword [esp + 0x80]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [ref_0048c488] ; fistp dword [0x48c488]
+mov eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c488] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c488]
+imul edx, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048c488], edx ; mov dword [0x48c488], edx
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x1a], 0
+jne short loc_0043c013 ; jne 0x43c013
+mov dh, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+test dh, dh
+je short loc_0043c004 ; je 0x43c004
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, dh
+dec eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+add eax, 0x68
+mov dword [ref_0048c494], eax ; mov dword [0x48c494], eax
+jmp near loc_0043c0cb ; jmp 0x43c0cb
+mov dword [ref_0048c494], 0x67 ; mov dword [0x48c494], 0x67
+jmp near loc_0043c0cb ; jmp 0x43c0cb
+cmp word [ref_004991b6], 0 ; cmp word [0x4991b6], 0
+jne short loc_0043c04d ; jne 0x43c04d
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x18]
+test dl, dl
+je short loc_0043c03e ; je 0x43c03e
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, dl
+lea edx, [eax - 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+add eax, edx
+add eax, 0x33
+jmp short loc_0043bffa ; jmp 0x43bffa
+mov dword [ref_0048c494], 0x33 ; mov dword [0x48c494], 0x33
+jmp near loc_0043c0cb ; jmp 0x43c0cb
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x18]
+cmp al, 4
+ja near loc_0043c0cb ; ja 0x43c0cb
+and eax, 0xff
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_0043bdd1] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x43bdd1]
+cmp word [ref_004991b8], 0 ; cmp word [0x4991b8], 0
+jne short loc_0043c03e ; jne 0x43c03e
+mov dword [ref_0048c494], 0x97 ; mov dword [0x48c494], 0x97
+jmp short loc_0043c0cb ; jmp 0x43c0cb
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b8]
+mov eax, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475be2] ; mov eax, dword [eax*4 + 0x475be2]
+jmp near loc_0043bffa ; jmp 0x43bffa
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c498] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c498]
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x18]
+dec ebx
+cmp ebx, 3
+jne short loc_0043c0a2 ; jne 0x43c0a2
+mov ebx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c498] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c498]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+add edx, eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b8]
+mov eax, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475bd2] ; mov eax, dword [eax*4 + 0x475bd2]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048c494], edx ; mov dword [0x48c494], edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c490], 1 ; mov dword [0x48c490], 1
+push 0x50
+push 0
+push ref_0048c434 ; push 0x48c434
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x1a
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c49c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c49c], eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x8c], ebx
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xac]
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_0043c2f5 ; jge 0x43c2f5
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je near loc_0043c2ef ; je 0x43c2ef
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048c488] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48c488]
+jg short loc_0043c152 ; jg 0x43c152
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, esi
+mov word [eax*4 + ref_0048c436], 8 ; mov word [eax*4 + 0x48c436], 8
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9a], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9a], 0
+je short loc_0043c176 ; je 0x43c176
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov word [eax*4 + ref_0048c436], 1 ; mov word [eax*4 + 0x48c436], 1
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9b], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9b], 0
+je short loc_0043c19a ; je 0x43c19a
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov word [eax*4 + ref_0048c436], 2 ; mov word [eax*4 + 0x48c436], 2
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9c], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9c], 0
+je short loc_0043c1be ; je 0x43c1be
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, esi
+mov word [eax*4 + ref_0048c436], 3 ; mov word [eax*4 + 0x48c436], 3
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9d], 0
+je short loc_0043c1e2 ; je 0x43c1e2
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov word [eax*4 + ref_0048c436], 4 ; mov word [eax*4 + 0x48c436], 4
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9e], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9e], 0
+je short loc_0043c206 ; je 0x43c206
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov word [eax*4 + ref_0048c436], 5 ; mov word [eax*4 + 0x48c436], 5
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9f], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9f], 0
+je short loc_0043c22a ; je 0x43c22a
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov word [eax*4 + ref_0048c436], 6 ; mov word [eax*4 + 0x48c436], 6
+cmp ebx, ebp
+jne short loc_0043c246 ; jne 0x43c246
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, esi
+mov word [eax*4 + ref_0048c436], 7 ; mov word [eax*4 + 0x48c436], 7
+mov edx, ebx
+inc edx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+add esi, eax
+mov word [esi*4 + ref_0048c434], dx ; mov word [esi*4 + 0x48c434], dx
+push 0
+push 0
+imul edi, ebx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [edi + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [edi + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add eax, 0x1b
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a05c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [esi*4 + ref_0048c43c], eax ; mov dword [esi*4 + 0x48c43c], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [edi + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [edi + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add eax, 0x1c
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [esi*4 + ref_0048c440], eax ; mov dword [esi*4 + 0x48c440], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [edi + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [edi + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add eax, 0x1d
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [esi*4 + ref_0048c444], eax ; mov dword [esi*4 + 0x48c444], eax
+inc dword [esp + 0x8c]
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_0043c110 ; jmp 0x43c110
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x71
+push 0x8e
+call fcn_00451a5a ; call 0x451a5a
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c484], eax ; mov dword [0x48c484], eax
+cmp dword [esp + 0x8c], 0
+je near loc_0043c868 ; je 0x43c868
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x12
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x18
+push 0x7b
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0x138
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x3f
+push 0x43
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0xd8
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0xb4
+push 0xe8
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c49c]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c494] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c494]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+lea eax, [ebx + 0xc]
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 0xf2
+push 0xb6
+push ref_004650a6 ; push 0x4650a6
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c488] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c488]
+push ebx
+push ref_00465050 ; push 0x465050
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+push 0x106
+push 0x110
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x8c], 0x50
+xor ebp, ebp
+xor edi, edi
+jmp near loc_0043c5d9 ; jmp 0x43c5d9
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_0048c434] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x48c434]
+and eax, 0xffff
+dec eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+push ecx
+push ref_00465050 ; push 0x465050
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 6
+push esi
+push 0x26c
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+cmp word [eax + ref_0048c436], 7 ; cmp word [eax + 0x48c436], 7
+je short loc_0043c4af ; je 0x43c4af
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+push edx
+push 0x24e
+push 0
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_0048c440] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x48c440]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+jmp short loc_0043c4cb ; jmp 0x43c4cb
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+push ecx
+push 0x24e
+push 0
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_0048c43c] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x48c43c]
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045663e ; call 0x45663e
+add esp, 0x14
+mov edx, ebx
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+mov word [eax*4 + ref_0048c434], si ; mov word [eax*4 + 0x48c434], si
+xor edx, ebx
+mov word [eax*4 + ref_0048c436], dx ; mov word [eax*4 + 0x48c436], dx
+jmp near loc_0043c5c7 ; jmp 0x43c5c7
+inc edi
+test ebp, ebp
+jne short loc_0043c551 ; jne 0x43c551
+mov ebp, 1
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+push edx
+push 0x24e
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_0048c434] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x48c434]
+and eax, 0xffff
+sub eax, ebp
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+lea edx, [eax + 0x4e]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov esi, ebx
+shl esi, 2
+add esi, ebx
+shl esi, 2
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esi + ref_0048c434] ; mov ax, word [esi + 0x48c434]
+dec eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+push edx
+push ref_00465050 ; push 0x465050
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 6
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x90]
+add eax, 0xe
+push eax
+push 0x26c
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+push ecx
+push 0x24e
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [esi + ref_0048c43c] ; mov eax, dword [esi + 0x48c43c]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045663e ; call 0x45663e
+add esp, 0x14
+add dword [esp + 0x8c], 0x78
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge near loc_0043c680 ; jge 0x43c680
+mov esi, ebx
+shl esi, 2
+add esi, ebx
+shl esi, 2
+mov ax, word [esi + ref_0048c434] ; mov ax, word [esi + 0x48c434]
+test ax, ax
+je short loc_0043c5cf ; je 0x43c5cf
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, ax
+lea eax, [edx - 1]
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+test byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 6 ; test byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 6
+je short loc_0043c624 ; je 0x43c624
+cmp word [esi + ref_0048c436], 0 ; cmp word [esi + 0x48c436], 0
+jne short loc_0043c624 ; jne 0x43c624
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xb0]
+push eax
+push edx
+call fcn_00439f0d ; call 0x439f0d
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [esi + ref_0048c438], eax ; mov dword [esi + 0x48c438], eax
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+cmp word [eax + ref_0048c436], 0 ; cmp word [eax + 0x48c436], 0
+je near loc_0043c4f5 ; je 0x43c4f5
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+add esi, 0xe
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_0048c436] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x48c436]
+cmp dx, 8
+je near loc_0043c43c ; je 0x43c43c
+mov eax, edx
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475b34] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x475b34]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d96 ; call 0x457d96
+add esp, 8
+push 2
+push esi
+push 0x24e
+jmp near loc_0043c46d ; jmp 0x43c46d
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x3c
+push 0x19a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c49c]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ec30 ; call 0x44ec30
+add esp, 0x1c
+push ref_00475bba ; push 0x475bba
+call fcn_00454176 ; call 0x454176
+add esp, 4
+cmp dword [esp + 0xb4], 0
+je short loc_0043c6db ; je 0x43c6db
+push 5
+call fcn_004549cf ; call 0x4549cf
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0x84], eax
+push edi
+push fcn_0043a2dd ; push 0x43a2dd
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [esp + 0x8c], eax
+cmp dword [esp + 0xb4], 0
+je short loc_0043c709 ; je 0x43c709
+cmp dword [esp + 0x84], 0
+je short loc_0043c709 ; je 0x43c709
+call fcn_00454bcc ; call 0x454bcc
+push ref_00475bba ; push 0x475bba
+call fcn_00454240 ; call 0x454240
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+cmp esi, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_0043c868 ; je 0x43c868
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, esi
+mov ax, word [eax*4 + ref_0048c434] ; mov ax, word [eax*4 + 0x48c434]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 0x8c], eax
+cmp dword [ref_0048c490], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c490], 0
+jne short loc_0043c751 ; jne 0x43c751
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c48c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c48c]
+jmp short loc_0043c756 ; jmp 0x43c756
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c498] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c498]
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+movsx edx, word [eax]
+movsx eax, word [eax + 2]
+push 4
+push eax
+push edx
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x3e8
+call fcn_004528b9 ; call 0x4528b9
+add esp, 4
+cmp ebx, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+je near loc_0043c83b ; je 0x43c83b
+mov eax, dword [ref_00499110] ; mov eax, dword [0x499110]
+shl eax, 2
+cmp dword [ref_0048c490], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c490], 0
+jne short loc_0043c7d3 ; jne 0x43c7d3
+cmp dword [ref_00499110], 0 ; cmp dword [0x499110], 0
+je short loc_0043c7cc ; je 0x43c7cc
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c48c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c48c]
+cmp byte [edx + 0x19], 0
+jne short loc_0043c7cc ; jne 0x43c7cc
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_004751f0] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x4751f0]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov eax, dword [0x497160]
+push eax
+call fcn_004521cb ; call 0x4521cb
+add esp, 8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c48c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c48c]
+mov dword [edx + 0x30], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c48c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c48c]
+jmp short loc_0043c80c ; jmp 0x43c80c
+cmp dword [ref_00499110], 0 ; cmp dword [0x499110], 0
+je short loc_0043c807 ; je 0x43c807
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c498] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c498]
+cmp byte [edx + 0x19], 0
+jne short loc_0043c807 ; jne 0x43c807
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_004751f0] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x4751f0]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov esi, dword [0x497160]
+push esi
+call fcn_004521cb ; call 0x4521cb
+add esp, 8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c498] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c498]
+mov dword [edx + 0x34], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c498] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c498]
+mov dl, byte [esp + 0x8c]
+mov byte [eax + 0x19], dl
+push 0
+call fcn_0040a4e1 ; call 0x40a4e1
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x3e8
+call fcn_004528b9 ; call 0x4528b9
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c488] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c488]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xb4]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x98]
+dec eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d2c6 ; call 0x41d2c6
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [esp + 0x88], 1
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c49c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c49c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0043c881 ; jmp 0x43c881
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_0043c8da ; jge 0x43c8da
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_0048c43c] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x48c43c]
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_0043c89e ; je 0x43c89e
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_0048c440] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x48c440]
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_0043c8bb ; je 0x43c8bb
+push edx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_0048c444] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x48c444]
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_0043c87b ; je 0x43c87b
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0043c87b ; jmp 0x43c87b
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c484] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c484]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x88]
+add esp, 0x98
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4b4]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0043c9a1 ; jmp 0x43c9a1
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00475c08] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x475c08]
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00475c04] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x475c04]
+push edx
+lea edx, [ebx + 0xd]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4b4]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov edx, dword [ebx*8 + ref_00475c08] ; mov edx, dword [ebx*8 + 0x475c08]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ebx*8 + ref_00475c04] ; mov ecx, dword [ebx*8 + 0x475c04]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4b4]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 8
+jge near loc_0043ca19 ; jge 0x43ca19
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b30], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b30], 0
+je short loc_0043c9f6 ; je 0x43c9f6
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_0043c938 ; jge 0x43c938
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_00475c08] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x475c08]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00475c04] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x475c04]
+push edi
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+lea edx, [eax + 5]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4b4]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+jmp near loc_0043c967 ; jmp 0x43c967
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00475c08] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x475c08]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_00475c04] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x475c04]
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4b4]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+jmp near loc_0043c98f ; jmp 0x43c98f
+push 0x1b0
+push 0x21e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4b4]
+add eax, 0x108
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0xa
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b98] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b98]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d61 ; call 0x457d61
+add esp, 0xc
+push 6
+push 0x1c4
+push 0x26e
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+add esp, 0x14
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x7c
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x90]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x94]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+cmp eax, 0x200
+jb short loc_0043cb0d ; jb 0x43cb0d
+mov ebx, edx
+shr ebx, 0x10
+and ebx, 0xffff
+cmp eax, 0x200
+jbe near loc_0043cbf5 ; jbe 0x43cbf5
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb short loc_0043cafd ; jb 0x43cafd
+jbe near loc_0043d266 ; jbe 0x43d266
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_0043cb28 ; je 0x43cb28
+jmp near loc_0043d2ed ; jmp 0x43d2ed
+cmp eax, 0x202
+je near loc_0043cef6 ; je 0x43cef6
+jmp near loc_0043d2ed ; jmp 0x43d2ed
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jb near loc_0043d2ed ; jb 0x43d2ed
+jbe near loc_0043d295 ; jbe 0x43d295
+cmp eax, 0x113
+je short loc_0043cb73 ; je 0x43cb73
+jmp near loc_0043d2ed ; jmp 0x43d2ed
+mov dword [ref_0048c4c4], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x48c4c4], 0xffffffff
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c4c8], ah ; mov byte [0x48c4c8], ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c4c9], ah ; mov byte [0x48c4c9], ah
+push 0
+push 0x64
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x46cad8]
+push ecx
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTimer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462324]
+mov dword [ref_0048c4c0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c4c0], eax
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_0043cbe9 ; jmp 0x43cbe9
+cmp byte [ref_0048c4c8], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c4c8], 0
+je near loc_0043cbe9 ; je 0x43cbe9
+push 0
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0043cbe9 ; je 0x43cbe9
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je near loc_0043cbe9 ; je 0x43cbe9
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x98]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; cmp eax, dword [0x46cad8]
+jne near loc_0043cbe9 ; jne 0x43cbe9
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [ref_0048c4c8], dl ; mov byte [0x48c4c8], dl
+call fcn_0043c8fb ; call 0x43c8fb
+push 0
+push 0
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+cmp byte [ref_0048c4c9], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c4c9], 0
+je near loc_0043cbe9 ; je 0x43cbe9
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x205
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x7c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+cmp byte [ref_0048c4c8], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c4c8], 0
+jne short loc_0043cbe9 ; jne 0x43cbe9
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, dx
+mov dword [esp + 0x78], eax
+movzx ebp, bx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x78]
+jmp short loc_0043cc1c ; jmp 0x43cc1c
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 8
+jge near loc_0043ce40 ; jge 0x43ce40
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b30], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b30], 0
+je short loc_0043cc12 ; je 0x43cc12
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x78]
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_00475c04] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x475c04]
+cmp edx, esi
+jl short loc_0043cc12 ; jl 0x43cc12
+lea edx, [esi + 0x79]
+cmp edx, ecx
+jl short loc_0043cc12 ; jl 0x43cc12
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_00475c08] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x475c08]
+cmp ebp, esi
+jl short loc_0043cc12 ; jl 0x43cc12
+lea eax, [esi + 0x89]
+cmp ebp, eax
+jg short loc_0043cc12 ; jg 0x43cc12
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0048c4c4] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x48c4c4]
+je near loc_0043ce40 ; je 0x43ce40
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4c4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4c4]
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0043ccf4 ; je 0x43ccf4
+mov edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [eax*8 + ref_00475c04] ; mov eax, dword [eax*8 + 0x475c04]
+add eax, 0x14
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], eax
+mov eax, dword [edx*8 + ref_00475c08] ; mov eax, dword [edx*8 + 0x475c08]
+add eax, 0x78
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], eax
+mov eax, dword [edx*8 + ref_00475c04] ; mov eax, dword [edx*8 + 0x475c04]
+add eax, 0x78
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], eax
+mov eax, dword [edx*8 + ref_00475c08] ; mov eax, dword [edx*8 + 0x475c08]
+add eax, 0xd7
+mov dword [esp + 0x74], eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c4b8] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c4b8]
+push esi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov dword [ref_0048c4c4], ebx ; mov dword [0x48c4c4], ebx
+mov eax, dword [ebx*8 + ref_00475c04] ; mov eax, dword [ebx*8 + 0x475c04]
+add eax, 0x14
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebx*8 + ref_00475c08] ; mov eax, dword [ebx*8 + 0x475c08]
+add eax, 0x78
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebx*8 + ref_00475c04] ; mov eax, dword [ebx*8 + 0x475c04]
+add eax, 0x78
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebx*8 + ref_00475c08] ; mov eax, dword [ebx*8 + 0x475c08]
+add eax, 0xd7
+mov dword [esp + 0x74], eax
+push 0x5f
+push 0x64
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x74]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x74]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c4b8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c4b8]
+push ecx
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_00451a97 ; call 0x451a97
+add esp, 0x18
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push esi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4b4]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x68]
+add eax, 0x39
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+add edx, 0x1a
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_0043cdaf ; jge 0x43cdaf
+push 2
+push edx
+push eax
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ecx
+jmp short loc_0043cdbb ; jmp 0x43cdbb
+push 2
+push edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + ref_0047ed5a] ; mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + 0x47ed5a]
+push edx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x70]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x70]
+add eax, 0x39
+push eax
+push ref_00465140 ; push 0x465140
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov esi, dword [ebx*4 + ref_00475c44] ; mov esi, dword [ebx*4 + 0x475c44]
+push esi
+push ref_00465149 ; push 0x465149
+lea eax, [esp + 0x48]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 2
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x70]
+add eax, 0x46
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x70]
+add eax, 0x39
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x4c]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+cmp ebx, 8
+jne near loc_0043cbe9 ; jne 0x43cbe9
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c4c4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c4c4]
+cmp ebp, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_0043cbe9 ; je 0x43cbe9
+mov eax, dword [ebp*8 + ref_00475c04] ; mov eax, dword [ebp*8 + 0x475c04]
+add eax, 0x14
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp*8 + ref_00475c08] ; mov eax, dword [ebp*8 + 0x475c08]
+add eax, 0x78
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp*8 + ref_00475c04] ; mov eax, dword [ebp*8 + 0x475c04]
+add eax, 0x78
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp*8 + ref_00475c08] ; mov eax, dword [ebp*8 + 0x475c08]
+add eax, 0xd7
+mov dword [esp + 0x74], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c4b8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c4b8]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov dword [ref_0048c4c4], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x48c4c4], 0xffffffff
+jmp near loc_0043cbe9 ; jmp 0x43cbe9
+cmp byte [ref_0048c4c8], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c4c8], 0
+je short loc_0043cf0e ; je 0x43cf0e
+push 1
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0043cbe9 ; jmp 0x43cbe9
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, dx
+mov dword [esp + 0x78], eax
+movzx ebp, bx
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp near loc_0043cfdb ; jmp 0x43cfdb
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b9c] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b9c]
+and al, 0x7f
+and eax, 0xff
+jne short loc_0043cf38 ; jne 0x43cf38
+mov eax, 1
+imul eax, eax, 0x64
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+neg eax
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+push esi
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x205
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b9c], 0x80 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b9c], 0x80
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b30], dh ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b30], dh
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov dx, word [ebx*4 + ref_00475c44] ; mov dx, word [ebx*4 + 0x475c44]
+sub word [eax + ref_00496b98], dx ; sub word [eax + 0x496b98], dx
+mov byte [ref_0048c4c9], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c4c9], 1
+jmp short loc_0043cfd1 ; jmp 0x43cfd1
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0xfffffffffffffffa
+push 0
+push 0x12c
+push 0xe6
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4b4]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ec30 ; call 0x44ec30
+add esp, 0x1c
+push ref_0046514e ; push 0x46514e
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ref_0048c4c8], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c4c8], 1
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 8
+jge near loc_0043cbe9 ; jge 0x43cbe9
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b30], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b30], 0
+je short loc_0043cfd1 ; je 0x43cfd1
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x78]
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00475c04] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x475c04]
+cmp edx, ecx
+jl short loc_0043cfd1 ; jl 0x43cfd1
+lea edx, [ecx + 0x79]
+cmp edx, dword [esp + 0x78]
+jl short loc_0043cfd1 ; jl 0x43cfd1
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00475c08] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x475c08]
+cmp ebp, edx
+jl short loc_0043cfd1 ; jl 0x43cfd1
+lea eax, [edx + 0x89]
+cmp ebp, eax
+jg short loc_0043cfd1 ; jg 0x43cfd1
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c4c4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c4c4]
+cmp ecx, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_0043d0bc ; je 0x43d0bc
+mov eax, dword [ecx*8 + ref_00475c04] ; mov eax, dword [ecx*8 + 0x475c04]
+add eax, 0x14
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], eax
+mov eax, dword [ecx*8 + ref_00475c08] ; mov eax, dword [ecx*8 + 0x475c08]
+add eax, 0x78
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ecx*8 + ref_00475c04] ; mov eax, dword [ecx*8 + 0x475c04]
+add eax, 0x78
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], eax
+mov eax, dword [ecx*8 + ref_00475c08] ; mov eax, dword [ecx*8 + 0x475c08]
+add eax, 0xd7
+mov dword [esp + 0x74], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4b8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4b8]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov dword [ref_0048c4c4], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x48c4c4], 0xffffffff
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b98] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b98]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov esi, ebx
+shl esi, 2
+cmp eax, dword [esi + ref_00475c44] ; cmp eax, dword [esi + 0x475c44]
+jl near loc_0043cf97 ; jl 0x43cf97
+push 0xf0
+push 0x140
+call fcn_00453a32 ; call 0x453a32
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne near loc_0043cfd1 ; jne 0x43cfd1
+mov eax, dword [ebx*8 + ref_00475c04] ; mov eax, dword [ebx*8 + 0x475c04]
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebx*8 + ref_00475c08] ; mov eax, dword [ebx*8 + 0x475c08]
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x68]
+add eax, 0x8c
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+add eax, 0x89
+mov dword [esp + 0x74], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x89
+push 0x8c
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x74]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x74]
+push edx
+push eax
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4b4]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4b4]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+cmp ebx, 4
+jl near loc_0043cf21 ; jl 0x43cf21
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x1c2
+push 0x16d
+lea edx, [ebx - 4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4bc] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4bc]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0xfffffffffffffffa
+push 0
+push 0x96
+push 0xd2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4b4]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ec30 ; call 0x44ec30
+add esp, 0x1c
+mov edx, dword [esi + ref_00475be4] ; mov edx, dword [esi + 0x475be4]
+push edx
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ref_0048c4c8], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c4c8], 1
+push ebx
+call fcn_0043d7bf ; call 0x43d7bf
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0043cf78 ; jmp 0x43cf78
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c4c0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c4c0]
+push ebx
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+push 1
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+jmp near loc_0043cf06 ; jmp 0x43cf06
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ebx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ebx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebp
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_0043cbe9 ; jmp 0x43cbe9
+push edx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+push esi
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_0043cbeb ; jmp 0x43cbeb
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x9c
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0043d318 ; jmp 0x43d318
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 8
+jge short loc_0043d321 ; jge 0x43d321
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b30], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b30], 0
+je short loc_0043d312 ; je 0x43d312
+cmp ebx, 8
+je near loc_0043d588 ; je 0x43d588
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne near loc_0043d3d8 ; jne 0x43d3d8
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x3f
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c4b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c4b4], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x40
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a05c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c4bc], eax ; mov dword [0x48c4bc], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x5f
+push 0x64
+call fcn_00451a5a ; call 0x451a5a
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c4b8], eax ; mov dword [0x48c4b8], eax
+call fcn_0043c8fb ; call 0x43c8fb
+push 0xf
+call fcn_004549cf ; call 0x4549cf
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push fcn_0043caab ; push 0x43caab
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_00454bcc ; call 0x454bcc
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c4b4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c4b4]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c4bc] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c4bc]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4b8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4b8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+jmp near loc_0043d585 ; jmp 0x43d585
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+test al, 1
+je near loc_0043d588 ; je 0x43d588
+xor esi, esi
+imul edx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul edx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_00496b7f] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x496b7f]
+cmp dl, 1
+jb short loc_0043d409 ; jb 0x43d409
+jbe short loc_0043d432 ; jbe 0x43d432
+cmp dl, 2
+je near loc_0043d484 ; je 0x43d484
+jmp near loc_0043d4a4 ; jmp 0x43d4a4
+test dl, dl
+jne near loc_0043d4a4 ; jne 0x43d4a4
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0043d41f ; jmp 0x43d41f
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge near loc_0043d4a4 ; jge 0x43d4a4
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b30], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b30], 0
+je short loc_0043d415 ; je 0x43d415
+mov byte [esp + esi + 0x94], bl
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0043d415 ; jmp 0x43d415
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0043d43c ; jmp 0x43d43c
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_0043d44f ; jge 0x43d44f
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b30], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b30], 0
+je short loc_0043d436 ; je 0x43d436
+mov byte [esp + esi + 0x94], bl
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0043d436 ; jmp 0x43d436
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ebx, 3
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_0043d4a4 ; jne 0x43d4a4
+mov ebx, 4
+jmp short loc_0043d471 ; jmp 0x43d471
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 8
+jge short loc_0043d4a4 ; jge 0x43d4a4
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b30], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b30], 0
+je short loc_0043d46b ; je 0x43d46b
+mov byte [esp + esi + 0x94], bl
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0043d46b ; jmp 0x43d46b
+mov ebx, 4
+jmp short loc_0043d491 ; jmp 0x43d491
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 8
+jge short loc_0043d4a4 ; jge 0x43d4a4
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b30], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b30], 0
+je short loc_0043d48b ; je 0x43d48b
+mov byte [esp + esi + 0x94], bl
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0043d48b ; jmp 0x43d48b
+test esi, esi
+je near loc_0043d588 ; je 0x43d588
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [esp + edx + 0x94]
+mov esi, dword [ebx*4 + ref_00475c44] ; mov esi, dword [ebx*4 + 0x475c44]
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_0043d4e4 ; jge 0x43d4e4
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b98] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b98]
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp eax, esi
+jg short loc_0043d503 ; jg 0x43d503
+cmp ebx, 4
+jl near loc_0043d588 ; jl 0x43d588
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp word [eax + ref_00496b98], 0x2bc ; cmp word [eax + 0x496b98], 0x2bc
+jb near loc_0043d588 ; jb 0x43d588
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_0043d514 ; jge 0x43d514
+imul edx, ebx, 0x68
+mov ebp, dword [edx + ref_00496b68] ; mov ebp, dword [edx + 0x496b68]
+push ebp
+jmp short loc_0043d51c ; jmp 0x43d51c
+mov edi, dword [ebx*4 + ref_0047ed5a] ; mov edi, dword [ebx*4 + 0x47ed5a]
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push ref_00465169 ; push 0x465169
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+imul edx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul edx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+sub word [edx + ref_00496b98], si ; sub word [edx + 0x496b98], si
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_0043d57f ; jge 0x43d57f
+imul edx, ebx, 0x68
+mov byte [edx + ref_00496b9c], 0x80 ; mov byte [edx + 0x496b9c], 0x80
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b30], dl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b30], dl
+jmp short loc_0043d588 ; jmp 0x43d588
+push ebx
+call fcn_0043d7bf ; call 0x43d7bf
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x9c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov cl, byte [esp + 0x14]
+mov edi, 0x100
+shl edi, cl
+not edi
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+cmp edx, 4
+jge near loc_0043d760 ; jge 0x43d760
+push 0
+mov eax, edx
+imul ebx, edx, 0x68
+xor eax, edx
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b72] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b72]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b70]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov dh, byte [ebx + ref_00496b9c] ; mov dh, byte [ebx + 0x496b9c]
+test dh, dh
+jne near loc_0043d6bd ; jne 0x43d6bd
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push edx
+call fcn_0040d761 ; call 0x40d761
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+call fcn_0044f2c2 ; call 0x44f2c2
+add esp, 8
+and byte [ebx + ref_00496b7d], 0xf ; and byte [ebx + 0x496b7d], 0xf
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b74] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b74]
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+add esi, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+and dword [eax + esi*8 + 0x24], edi
+mov ax, word [ref_0048bae0] ; mov ax, word [0x48bae0]
+mov word [ebx + ref_00496b74], ax ; mov word [ebx + 0x496b74], ax
+xor edx, edx
+mov word [ebx + ref_00496b76], dx ; mov word [ebx + 0x496b76], dx
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b83], 0xf ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b83], 0xf
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e78] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e78]
+mov si, word [eax + 0x38]
+mov word [ebx + ref_00496b70], si ; mov word [ebx + 0x496b70], si
+mov ax, word [eax + 0x3a]
+mov word [ebx + ref_00496b72], ax ; mov word [ebx + 0x496b72], ax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x18]
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b9c], al ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b9c], al
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040fc00 ; call 0x40fc00
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b30], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b30], 1
+cmp byte [ref_00497159], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497159], 0
+je short loc_0043d6d6 ; je 0x43d6d6
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x21a
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x5e
+push 0x120001
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0043d6d6 ; jmp 0x43d6d6
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x18]
+mov cl, dh
+add cl, al
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b9c], cl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b9c], cl
+mov ch, cl
+and ch, 0x7f
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b9c], ch ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b9c], ch
+push 0
+imul esi, dword [esp + 0x18], 0x68
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esi + ref_00496b72] ; mov ax, word [esi + 0x496b72]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esi + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [esi + 0x496b70]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [esi + 0x496b7b]
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+sub ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edi, dword [eax + ebx*8 + ref_00480896] ; mov edi, dword [eax + ebx*8 + 0x480896]
+push edi
+push 2
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+sub ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+shl ebx, 2
+add ebx, eax
+imul ebx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul ebx, dword [0x4990e8]
+push ebx
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044ba63 ; call 0x44ba63
+add esp, 0xc
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x18]
+add byte [esi + ref_00496baa], al ; add byte [esi + 0x496baa], al
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+cmp edx, 8
+jge short loc_0043d7ba ; jge 0x43d7ba
+lea ebx, [edx - 4]
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], ebx
+shl ebx, 4
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00498e2c] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x498e2c]
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+add esi, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+and dword [eax + esi*8 + 0x24], edi
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498e32], 1 ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498e32], 1
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498e33], dl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498e33], dl
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498e34], dl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498e34], dl
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498e35], dl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498e35], dl
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498e36], dl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498e36], dl
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498e37], dl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498e37], dl
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b34], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b34], 1
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_0043d7e0 ; jge 0x43d7e0
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040d6be ; call 0x40d6be
+add esp, 4
+xor al, al
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b30], al ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b30], al
+jmp near loc_0043d883 ; jmp 0x43d883
+lea eax, [ebx - 4]
+shl eax, 4
+mov dl, byte [ref_0049910c] ; mov dl, byte [0x49910c]
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498e30], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498e30], dl
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498e32], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498e32], dl
+mov dx, word [ref_0048bae0] ; mov dx, word [0x48bae0]
+mov word [eax + ref_00498e2c], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x498e2c], dx
+xor edx, edx
+mov word [eax + ref_00498e2e], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x498e2e], dx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [eax + ref_00498e2c] ; mov cx, word [eax + 0x498e2c]
+mov edx, ecx
+shl edx, 2
+add edx, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e80]
+mov dx, word [ecx + edx*8]
+mov word [eax + ref_00498e28], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x498e28], dx
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, word [eax + ref_00498e2c] ; mov si, word [eax + 0x498e2c]
+mov edx, esi
+shl edx, 2
+add edx, esi
+mov dx, word [ecx + edx*8 + 2]
+mov word [eax + ref_00498e2a], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x498e2a], dx
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498e33], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x498e33], 1
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, word [eax + ref_00498e2c] ; mov si, word [eax + 0x498e2c]
+mov edx, esi
+shl edx, 2
+add edx, esi
+mov edx, dword [ecx + edx*8 + 0x24]
+and edx, 0xff
+cmp edx, 4
+jne short loc_0043d87b ; jne 0x43d87b
+or byte [eax + ref_00498e33], 0x80 ; or byte [eax + 0x498e33], 0x80
+xor ch, ch
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b30], ch ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b30], ch
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040b93b ; call 0x40b93b
+add esp, 4
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4d4]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x6e
+push 0x68
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4d4]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0043d8f2 ; jmp 0x43d8f2
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 8
+jge near loc_0043d97d ; jge 0x43d97d
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b60], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b60], 0
+je short loc_0043d8e8 ; je 0x43d8e8
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_0043d94c ; jge 0x43d94c
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00475c68] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x475c68]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00475c64] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x475c64]
+push ecx
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+lea edx, [eax + 0xe]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4d4]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp short loc_0043d8e8 ; jmp 0x43d8e8
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_00475c68] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x475c68]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00475c64] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x475c64]
+push edi
+lea edx, [ebx + 0x16]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4d4]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+jmp short loc_0043d942 ; jmp 0x43d942
+push 0x1b0
+push 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4d4]
+add eax, 0x174
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0xa
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b98] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b98]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d61 ; call 0x457d61
+add esp, 0xc
+push 6
+push 0x1c4
+push 0x58
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+add esp, 0x14
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x8b
+db 0xc0
+ref_0043da0b: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_0043dba7
+dd loc_0043dbb3
+dd loc_0043df8b
+dd loc_0043dbd6
+dd loc_0043dba7
+dd loc_0043ded8
+dd loc_0043df68
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x78
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x90]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x98]
+mov ebx, esi
+shr ebx, 0x10
+and ebx, 0xffff
+cmp eax, 0x202
+jb short loc_0043da84 ; jb 0x43da84
+jbe near loc_0043e658 ; jbe 0x43e658
+cmp eax, 0x401
+jb short loc_0043da74 ; jb 0x43da74
+jbe short loc_0043daaf ; jbe 0x43daaf
+cmp eax, 0x405
+je near loc_0043db41 ; je 0x43db41
+jmp near loc_0043e98d ; jmp 0x43e98d
+cmp eax, 0x205
+je near loc_0043e7c7 ; je 0x43e7c7
+jmp near loc_0043e98d ; jmp 0x43e98d
+cmp eax, 0x113
+jb short loc_0043daa1 ; jb 0x43daa1
+jbe near loc_0043db59 ; jbe 0x43db59
+cmp eax, 0x200
+je near loc_0043e35b ; je 0x43e35b
+jmp near loc_0043e98d ; jmp 0x43e98d
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je near loc_0043e92f ; je 0x43e92f
+jmp near loc_0043e98d ; jmp 0x43e98d
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f0], 0xff ; mov byte [0x48c4f0], 0xff
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f1], dh ; mov byte [0x48c4f1], dh
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f2], dh ; mov byte [0x48c4f2], dh
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f3], dh ; mov byte [0x48c4f3], dh
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f4], dh ; mov byte [0x48c4f4], dh
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f6], dh ; mov byte [0x48c4f6], dh
+push 0
+push 0x64
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x46cad8]
+push ecx
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTimer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462324]
+mov dword [ref_0048c4ec], eax ; mov dword [0x48c4ec], eax
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0
+push 0
+push 8
+push 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4d4]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ec30 ; call 0x44ec30
+add esp, 0x1c
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x405
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x78
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f2], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c4f2], 1
+mov edx, dword [ref_00475cc4] ; mov edx, dword [0x475cc4]
+push edx
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0043db35 ; jmp 0x43db35
+cmp byte [ref_0048c4f2], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c4f2], 0
+je short loc_0043db35 ; je 0x43db35
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je short loc_0043db35 ; je 0x43db35
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x94]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; cmp eax, dword [0x46cad8]
+jne short loc_0043db35 ; jne 0x43db35
+push 0
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0043df8b ; je 0x43df8b
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c4f2] ; mov al, byte [0x48c4f2]
+dec al
+cmp al, 6
+ja near loc_0043df8b ; ja 0x43df8b
+and eax, 0xff
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_0043da0b] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x43da0b]
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f2], 2 ; mov byte [0x48c4f2], 2
+jmp near loc_0043df8b ; jmp 0x43df8b
+cmp byte [ref_0048c4f6], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c4f6], 0
+je near loc_0043df8b ; je 0x43df8b
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x205
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+jmp near loc_0043df8b ; jmp 0x43df8b
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f2], 2 ; mov byte [0x48c4f2], 2
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c4f5] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c4f5]
+mov eax, dword [edx*8 + ref_00475c64] ; mov eax, dword [edx*8 + 0x475c64]
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], eax
+mov eax, dword [edx*8 + ref_00475c68] ; mov eax, dword [edx*8 + 0x475c68]
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x68]
+add eax, 0x93
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+add eax, 0x66
+mov dword [esp + 0x74], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x66
+push 0x93
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x74]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x74]
+push esi
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4d4]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov bl, byte [ref_0048c4f5] ; mov bl, byte [0x48c4f5]
+cmp bl, 4
+jb near loc_0043de56 ; jb 0x43de56
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f2], 6 ; mov byte [0x48c4f2], 6
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, bl
+lea edx, [eax - 4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4d0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4d0]
+movsx eax, word [edx + eax*4 + 0x10]
+mov edx, 0x1a4
+sub edx, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048c4d8], edx ; mov dword [0x48c4d8], edx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, bl
+lea edx, [eax - 4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4d0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4d0]
+movsx edx, word [edx + eax*4 + 0xc]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4d8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4d8]
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c4e0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c4e0], eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, bl
+lea edx, [eax - 4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4d0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4d0]
+movsx eax, word [edx + eax + 0x12]
+mov edx, 0x1c2
+sub edx, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048c4dc], edx ; mov dword [0x48c4dc], edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, bl
+sub edx, 4
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4d0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4d0]
+movsx eax, word [edx + eax*4 + 0xe]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4dc] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4dc]
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c4e4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c4e4], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+mov edx, ref_0048a068 ; mov edx, 0x48a068
+push edx
+push 0
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push esi
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c4f5] ; mov al, byte [0x48c4f5]
+lea edx, [eax - 4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4d0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4d0]
+movsx eax, word [edx + eax*4 + 0xe]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c4f5] ; mov al, byte [0x48c4f5]
+lea edx, [eax - 4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4d0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4d0]
+movsx eax, word [edx + eax*4 + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c4dc] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c4dc]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4d8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4d8]
+push eax
+push 0
+mov eax, ref_0046caec ; mov eax, 0x46caec
+push eax
+call fcn_00451a97 ; call 0x451a97
+add esp, 0x18
+mov dword [ref_0048c4e8], eax ; mov dword [0x48c4e8], eax
+push 0x1c2
+push 0x1a4
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c4f5] ; mov al, byte [0x48c4f5]
+lea edx, [eax - 4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4d0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4d0]
+add eax, 0xc
+add edx, eax
+push edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+call dword [eax + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+mov eax, ref_0048c4d8 ; mov eax, 0x48c4d8
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0xfffffffffffffffa
+push 0
+push 0xc8
+push 0xc8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4d4]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ec30 ; call 0x44ec30
+add esp, 0x1c
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c4f5] ; mov al, byte [0x48c4f5]
+mov ebx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475be4] ; mov ebx, dword [eax*4 + 0x475be4]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c4f5] ; mov al, byte [0x48c4f5]
+push eax
+call fcn_0043ee6e ; call 0x43ee6e
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0043deae ; jmp 0x43deae
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, bl
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b9d] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b9d]
+and al, 0x7f
+and eax, 0xff
+jne short loc_0043de71 ; jne 0x43de71
+mov eax, 1
+imul eax, eax, 0x64
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+neg eax
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c4f5] ; mov al, byte [0x48c4f5]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c4f5] ; mov al, byte [0x48c4f5]
+imul edx, eax, 0x68
+mov byte [edx + ref_00496b9d], 0x80 ; mov byte [edx + 0x496b9d], 0x80
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b60], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b60], cl
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c4f5] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c4f5]
+mov dx, word [edx*4 + ref_00475ca4] ; mov dx, word [edx*4 + 0x475ca4]
+sub word [eax + ref_00496b98], dx ; sub word [eax + 0x496b98], dx
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f6], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c4f6], 1
+jmp near loc_0043df8b ; jmp 0x43df8b
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f2], 2 ; mov byte [0x48c4f2], 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c4dc] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c4dc]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c4d8] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c4d8]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4e8]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push ref_0048c4d8 ; push 0x48c4d8
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c4e8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c4e8]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0
+push 0
+push 8
+push 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4d4]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ec30 ; call 0x44ec30
+add esp, 0x1c
+jmp short loc_0043df8b ; jmp 0x43df8b
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c4ec] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c4ec]
+push ebx
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c4f3] ; mov al, byte [0x48c4f3]
+and al, 0xf
+test al, al
+jbe short loc_0043df9f ; jbe 0x43df9f
+cmp al, 1
+je short loc_0043dfbd ; je 0x43dfbd
+jmp near loc_0043e0fb ; jmp 0x43e0fb
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov esi, eax
+sar esi, 0xa
+test esi, esi
+jne near loc_0043e0fb ; jne 0x43e0fb
+or byte [ref_0048c4f3], 1 ; or byte [0x48c4f3], 1
+jmp near loc_0043e0fb ; jmp 0x43e0fb
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c4f3] ; mov al, byte [0x48c4f3]
+and al, 0xf0
+movzx esi, al
+sar esi, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+cmp byte [ref_0048c4f4], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c4f4], 0
+jne near loc_0043e07c ; jne 0x43e07c
+mov edi, 0x8b
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], edi
+mov eax, 0x9e
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], 0xb3
+mov dword [esp + 0x74], 0xb4
+cmp esi, 3
+jge short loc_0043e050 ; jge 0x43e050
+push eax
+push edi
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esi + ref_00475cd8] ; mov dl, byte [esi + 0x475cd8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4d4]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+add byte [ref_0048c4f3], 0x10 ; add byte [0x48c4f3], 0x10
+jmp near loc_0043e0dc ; jmp 0x43e0dc
+push 0x16
+push 0x28
+push 0x30
+push 0x23
+push eax
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4d4]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f3], cl ; mov byte [0x48c4f3], cl
+jmp short loc_0043e0dc ; jmp 0x43e0dc
+mov edi, 0xa5
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], edi
+mov eax, 0x9e
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], 0xcd
+mov dword [esp + 0x74], 0xb7
+cmp esi, 3
+jge short loc_0043e0b2 ; jge 0x43e0b2
+push eax
+push edi
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esi + ref_00475cdb] ; mov dl, byte [esi + 0x475cdb]
+jmp near loc_0043e01e ; jmp 0x43e01e
+push 0x19
+push 0x28
+push 0x2e
+push 0x4a
+push eax
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4d4]
+add eax, 0x78
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f3], bl ; mov byte [0x48c4f3], bl
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+call fcn_0044ef3b ; call 0x44ef3b
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0043e111 ; jne 0x43e111
+cmp byte [ref_0048c4f1], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c4f1], 0
+je near loc_0043db35 ; je 0x43db35
+cmp byte [ref_0048c4f2], 6 ; cmp byte [0x48c4f2], 6
+je near loc_0043db35 ; je 0x43db35
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c4f1] ; mov al, byte [0x48c4f1]
+dec al
+cmp byte [ref_0048c4f4], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c4f4], 0
+jne near loc_0043e26e ; jne 0x43e26e
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], 0x8b
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], 0xb4
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], 0xb3
+mov dword [esp + 0x74], 0xc6
+cmp byte [ref_0048c4f1], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c4f1], 0
+je short loc_0043e1b5 ; je 0x43e1b5
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f1], al ; mov byte [0x48c4f1], al
+test al, al
+jne near loc_0043db35 ; jne 0x43db35
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4d4]
+add eax, 0x6c
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+jmp near loc_0043e25a ; jmp 0x43e25a
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov esi, eax
+sar esi, 0xb
+cmp esi, 4
+jge near loc_0043db35 ; jge 0x43db35
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+test al, 1
+je short loc_0043e20b ; je 0x43e20b
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4d4]
+add eax, 0x60
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp short loc_0043e235 ; jmp 0x43e235
+push 0x12
+push 0x28
+push 0x46
+push 0x23
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x7c]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x7c]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4d4]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and al, 7
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f1], al ; mov byte [0x48c4f1], al
+jne short loc_0043e25a ; jne 0x43e25a
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f1], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c4f1], 1
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_0043db35 ; jmp 0x43db35
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], 0xa5
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], 0xb7
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], 0xcd
+mov dword [esp + 0x74], 0xc6
+cmp byte [ref_0048c4f1], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c4f1], 0
+je short loc_0043e2da ; je 0x43e2da
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f1], al ; mov byte [0x48c4f1], al
+test al, al
+jne near loc_0043db35 ; jne 0x43db35
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4d4]
+add eax, 0xa8
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+jmp near loc_0043e198 ; jmp 0x43e198
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov esi, eax
+sar esi, 0xb
+cmp esi, 4
+jge near loc_0043db35 ; jge 0x43db35
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+test al, 1
+je short loc_0043e335 ; je 0x43e335
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4d4]
+add eax, 0x9c
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_0043e235 ; jmp 0x43e235
+push 0xf
+push 0x28
+push 0x47
+push 0x4a
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x7c]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x7c]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4d4]
+add eax, 0x78
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+jmp near loc_0043e22d ; jmp 0x43e22d
+call fcn_0044ef3b ; call 0x44ef3b
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_0043db35 ; jne 0x43db35
+and esi, 0xffff
+xor edi, edi
+mov di, bx
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0043e381 ; jmp 0x43e381
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 8
+jge near loc_0043e5a0 ; jge 0x43e5a0
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b60], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b60], 0
+je short loc_0043e377 ; je 0x43e377
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00475c64] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x475c64]
+cmp esi, ecx
+jl short loc_0043e377 ; jl 0x43e377
+lea edx, [ecx + 0x93]
+cmp esi, edx
+jg short loc_0043e377 ; jg 0x43e377
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00475c68] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x475c68]
+cmp edi, edx
+jl short loc_0043e377 ; jl 0x43e377
+lea eax, [edx + 0x66]
+cmp edi, eax
+jg short loc_0043e377 ; jg 0x43e377
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c4f0] ; mov al, byte [0x48c4f0]
+cmp eax, ebx
+je near loc_0043e5a0 ; je 0x43e5a0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+cmp byte [ref_0048c4f0], 0xff ; cmp byte [0x48c4f0], 0xff
+je short loc_0043e456 ; je 0x43e456
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c4f0] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c4f0]
+mov eax, dword [edx*8 + ref_00475c64] ; mov eax, dword [edx*8 + 0x475c64]
+sub eax, 0x50
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], eax
+mov eax, dword [edx*8 + ref_00475c68] ; mov eax, dword [edx*8 + 0x475c68]
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4cc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4cc]
+movsx edx, word [eax]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], ecx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 2]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x74], ecx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push esi
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f0], bl ; mov byte [0x48c4f0], bl
+mov eax, dword [ebx*8 + ref_00475c64] ; mov eax, dword [ebx*8 + 0x475c64]
+sub eax, 0x50
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebx*8 + ref_00475c68] ; mov eax, dword [ebx*8 + 0x475c68]
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4cc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4cc]
+movsx edx, word [eax]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], ecx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 2]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x74], ecx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 2]
+push edx
+movsx edx, word [eax]
+push edx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x74]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x74]
+push ecx
+push eax
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_00451a97 ; call 0x451a97
+add esp, 0x18
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4d4]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x68]
+add eax, 0x29
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+add edx, 0x1a
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_0043e50f ; jge 0x43e50f
+push 2
+push edx
+push eax
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ecx
+jmp short loc_0043e51b ; jmp 0x43e51b
+push 2
+push edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + ref_0047ed5a] ; mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + 0x47ed5a]
+push edx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x70]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x70]
+add eax, 0x29
+push eax
+push ref_004651f9 ; push 0x4651f9
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov esi, dword [ebx*4 + ref_00475ca4] ; mov esi, dword [ebx*4 + 0x475ca4]
+push esi
+push ref_00465202 ; push 0x465202
+lea eax, [esp + 0x48]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 2
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x70]
+add eax, 0x46
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x70]
+add eax, 0x29
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x4c]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+cmp ebx, 8
+jne near loc_0043db35 ; jne 0x43db35
+cmp byte [ref_0048c4f0], 0xff ; cmp byte [0x48c4f0], 0xff
+je near loc_0043db35 ; je 0x43db35
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c4f0] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c4f0]
+mov eax, dword [edx*8 + ref_00475c64] ; mov eax, dword [edx*8 + 0x475c64]
+sub eax, 0x50
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], eax
+mov eax, dword [edx*8 + ref_00475c68] ; mov eax, dword [edx*8 + 0x475c68]
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4cc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4cc]
+movsx edx, word [eax]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], ecx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 2]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x74], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4cc] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4cc]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f0], 0xff ; mov byte [0x48c4f0], 0xff
+jmp near loc_0043db35 ; jmp 0x43db35
+cmp byte [ref_0048c4f2], 2 ; cmp byte [0x48c4f2], 2
+je short loc_0043e66d ; je 0x43e66d
+push 1
+call fcn_0044ee18 ; call 0x44ee18
+jmp near loc_0043db54 ; jmp 0x43db54
+and esi, 0xffff
+xor edi, edi
+mov di, bx
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0043e686 ; jmp 0x43e686
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 8
+jge near loc_0043db35 ; jge 0x43db35
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b60], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b60], 0
+je short loc_0043e67c ; je 0x43e67c
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00475c64] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x475c64]
+cmp esi, ecx
+jl short loc_0043e67c ; jl 0x43e67c
+lea edx, [ecx + 0x93]
+cmp esi, edx
+jg short loc_0043e67c ; jg 0x43e67c
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00475c68] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x475c68]
+cmp edi, edx
+jl short loc_0043e67c ; jl 0x43e67c
+lea eax, [edx + 0x66]
+cmp edi, eax
+jg short loc_0043e67c ; jg 0x43e67c
+cmp byte [ref_0048c4f0], 0xff ; cmp byte [0x48c4f0], 0xff
+je near loc_0043e763 ; je 0x43e763
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0048c4f0] ; mov dl, byte [0x48c4f0]
+mov eax, dword [edx*8 + ref_00475c64] ; mov eax, dword [edx*8 + 0x475c64]
+sub eax, 0x50
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], eax
+mov eax, dword [edx*8 + ref_00475c68] ; mov eax, dword [edx*8 + 0x475c68]
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4cc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4cc]
+movsx edx, word [eax]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], ecx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 2]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x74], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4cc] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4cc]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f0], 0xff ; mov byte [0x48c4f0], 0xff
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b98] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b98]
+cmp edx, dword [ebx*4 + ref_00475ca4] ; cmp edx, dword [ebx*4 + 0x475ca4]
+jl short loc_0043e7b8 ; jl 0x43e7b8
+push 0xf0
+push 0x140
+call fcn_00453a32 ; call 0x453a32
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne near loc_0043e67c ; jne 0x43e67c
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f5], bl ; mov byte [0x48c4f5], bl
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f2], 4 ; mov byte [0x48c4f2], 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_00475ccc] ; mov edx, dword [0x475ccc]
+push edx
+call fcn_0044ecb6 ; call 0x44ecb6
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0043e67c ; jmp 0x43e67c
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f2], 5 ; mov byte [0x48c4f2], 5
+mov eax, dword [ref_00475cd4] ; mov eax, dword [0x475cd4]
+push eax
+jmp short loc_0043e7ab ; jmp 0x43e7ab
+cmp byte [ref_0048c4f2], 2 ; cmp byte [0x48c4f2], 2
+jne near loc_0043e661 ; jne 0x43e661
+mov ah, byte [ref_0048c4f0] ; mov ah, byte [0x48c4f0]
+cmp ah, 0xff
+je near loc_0043e87b ; je 0x43e87b
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, ah
+mov eax, dword [edx*8 + ref_00475c64] ; mov eax, dword [edx*8 + 0x475c64]
+sub eax, 0x50
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], eax
+mov eax, dword [edx*8 + ref_00475c68] ; mov eax, dword [edx*8 + 0x475c68]
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4cc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4cc]
+movsx edx, word [eax]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+add ebx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], ebx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 2]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x74], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c4cc] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c4cc]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f0], 0xff ; mov byte [0x48c4f0], 0xff
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x165
+push 0x86
+push 0x6e
+push 0x68
+push 0x6e
+push 0x68
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4d4]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x70
+push 0x5b
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4d4]
+add eax, 0x78
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], 0x5b
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], 0x6e
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], 0x107
+mov dword [esp + 0x74], 0x1d3
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f2], 7 ; mov byte [0x48c4f2], 7
+mov byte [ref_0048c4f4], 1 ; mov byte [0x48c4f4], 1
+mov edx, dword [ref_00475cd0] ; mov edx, dword [0x475cd0]
+jmp near loc_0043db4e ; jmp 0x43db4e
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea edx, [esp + 0xc]
+push edx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push edi
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0dc]
+push edx
+call dword [eax + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_0043db35 ; jmp 0x43db35
+push esi
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push ecx
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_0043db37 ; jmp 0x43db37
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x9c
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0043e9b8 ; jmp 0x43e9b8
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 8
+jge short loc_0043e9c1 ; jge 0x43e9c1
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b60], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b60], 0
+je short loc_0043e9b2 ; je 0x43e9b2
+cmp ebx, 8
+je near loc_0043ec34 ; je 0x43ec34
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne near loc_0043ea84 ; jne 0x43ea84
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x41
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c4d4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c4d4], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x40
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a05c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c4d0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c4d0], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4d4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4d4]
+movsx eax, word [edx + 0x32]
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [edx + 0x30]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451a5a ; call 0x451a5a
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c4cc], eax ; mov dword [0x48c4cc], eax
+call fcn_0043d88f ; call 0x43d88f
+push 0x10
+call fcn_004549cf ; call 0x4549cf
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push fcn_0043da27 ; push 0x43da27
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_00454bcc ; call 0x454bcc
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c4d4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c4d4]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c4d0] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c4d0]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4cc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4cc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+jmp near loc_0043ec31 ; jmp 0x43ec31
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+test al, 1
+je near loc_0043ec34 ; je 0x43ec34
+xor esi, esi
+imul edx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul edx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_00496b7f] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x496b7f]
+cmp dl, 1
+jb short loc_0043eab5 ; jb 0x43eab5
+jbe short loc_0043eade ; jbe 0x43eade
+cmp dl, 2
+je near loc_0043eb30 ; je 0x43eb30
+jmp near loc_0043eb50 ; jmp 0x43eb50
+test dl, dl
+jne near loc_0043eb50 ; jne 0x43eb50
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0043eacb ; jmp 0x43eacb
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge near loc_0043eb50 ; jge 0x43eb50
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b60], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b60], 0
+je short loc_0043eac1 ; je 0x43eac1
+mov byte [esp + esi + 0x94], bl
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0043eac1 ; jmp 0x43eac1
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0043eae8 ; jmp 0x43eae8
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_0043eafb ; jge 0x43eafb
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b60], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b60], 0
+je short loc_0043eae2 ; je 0x43eae2
+mov byte [esp + esi + 0x94], bl
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0043eae2 ; jmp 0x43eae2
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ebx, 3
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_0043eb50 ; jne 0x43eb50
+mov ebx, 4
+jmp short loc_0043eb1d ; jmp 0x43eb1d
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 8
+jge short loc_0043eb50 ; jge 0x43eb50
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b60], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b60], 0
+je short loc_0043eb17 ; je 0x43eb17
+mov byte [esp + esi + 0x94], bl
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0043eb17 ; jmp 0x43eb17
+mov ebx, 4
+jmp short loc_0043eb3d ; jmp 0x43eb3d
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 8
+jge short loc_0043eb50 ; jge 0x43eb50
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b60], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b60], 0
+je short loc_0043eb37 ; je 0x43eb37
+mov byte [esp + esi + 0x94], bl
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0043eb37 ; jmp 0x43eb37
+test esi, esi
+je near loc_0043ec34 ; je 0x43ec34
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [esp + edx + 0x94]
+mov esi, dword [ebx*4 + ref_00475ca4] ; mov esi, dword [ebx*4 + 0x475ca4]
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_0043eb90 ; jge 0x43eb90
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b98] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b98]
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp eax, esi
+jg short loc_0043ebaf ; jg 0x43ebaf
+cmp ebx, 4
+jl near loc_0043ec34 ; jl 0x43ec34
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp word [eax + ref_00496b98], 0x2bc ; cmp word [eax + 0x496b98], 0x2bc
+jb near loc_0043ec34 ; jb 0x43ec34
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_0043ebc0 ; jge 0x43ebc0
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ebp
+jmp short loc_0043ebc8 ; jmp 0x43ebc8
+mov edi, dword [ebx*4 + ref_0047ed5a] ; mov edi, dword [ebx*4 + 0x47ed5a]
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push ref_00465207 ; push 0x465207
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+imul edx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul edx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+sub word [edx + ref_00496b98], si ; sub word [edx + 0x496b98], si
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_0043ec2b ; jge 0x43ec2b
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b9d], 0x80 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b9d], 0x80
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b60], dh ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b60], dh
+jmp short loc_0043ec34 ; jmp 0x43ec34
+push ebx
+call fcn_0043ee6e ; call 0x43ee6e
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x9c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov cl, byte [esp + 0x14]
+mov edi, 0x100
+shl edi, cl
+not edi
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+cmp edx, 4
+jge near loc_0043ee0f ; jge 0x43ee0f
+push 0
+mov eax, edx
+imul ebx, edx, 0x68
+xor eax, edx
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b72] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b72]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b70]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov dh, byte [ebx + ref_00496b9d] ; mov dh, byte [ebx + 0x496b9d]
+test dh, dh
+jne near loc_0043ed6c ; jne 0x43ed6c
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push edx
+call fcn_0040d761 ; call 0x40d761
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+call fcn_0044f2c2 ; call 0x44f2c2
+add esp, 8
+and byte [ebx + ref_00496b7d], 0xf ; and byte [ebx + 0x496b7d], 0xf
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b74] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b74]
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+add esi, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+and dword [eax + esi*8 + 0x24], edi
+mov ax, word [ref_0048bae2] ; mov ax, word [0x48bae2]
+mov word [ebx + ref_00496b74], ax ; mov word [ebx + 0x496b74], ax
+xor edx, edx
+mov word [ebx + ref_00496b76], dx ; mov word [ebx + 0x496b76], dx
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b83], 0xf ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b83], 0xf
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e78] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e78]
+mov si, word [eax + 0x1c]
+mov word [ebx + ref_00496b70], si ; mov word [ebx + 0x496b70], si
+mov ax, word [eax + 0x1e]
+mov word [ebx + ref_00496b72], ax ; mov word [ebx + 0x496b72], ax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x18]
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b9d], al ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b9d], al
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040fc00 ; call 0x40fc00
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b60], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b60], 1
+cmp byte [ref_00497159], 0 ; cmp byte [0x497159], 0
+je short loc_0043ed85 ; je 0x43ed85
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x20c
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x5c
+push 0x1e0001
+push 0xd2
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0043ed85 ; jmp 0x43ed85
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x18]
+mov cl, dh
+add cl, al
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b9d], cl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b9d], cl
+mov ch, cl
+and ch, 0x7f
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b9d], ch ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b9d], ch
+push 0
+imul esi, dword [esp + 0x18], 0x68
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esi + ref_00496b72] ; mov ax, word [esi + 0x496b72]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esi + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [esi + 0x496b70]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [esi + 0x496b7b]
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+sub ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edi, dword [eax + ebx*8 + ref_0048089a] ; mov edi, dword [eax + ebx*8 + 0x48089a]
+push edi
+push 2
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+sub ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+shl ebx, 2
+add ebx, eax
+imul ebx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul ebx, dword [0x4990e8]
+push ebx
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044ba63 ; call 0x44ba63
+add esp, 0xc
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x18]
+add byte [esi + ref_00496baa], al ; add byte [esi + 0x496baa], al
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+cmp edx, 8
+jge short loc_0043ee69 ; jge 0x43ee69
+lea ebx, [edx - 4]
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], ebx
+shl ebx, 4
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00498e2c] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x498e2c]
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+add esi, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+and dword [eax + esi*8 + 0x24], edi
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498e32], 2 ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498e32], 2
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498e33], dl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498e33], dl
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498e34], dl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498e34], dl
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498e35], dl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498e35], dl
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498e36], dl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498e36], dl
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498e37], dl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498e37], dl
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b64], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b64], 1
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_0043ee8f ; jge 0x43ee8f
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040d6be ; call 0x40d6be
+add esp, 4
+xor al, al
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b60], al ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b60], al
+jmp near loc_0043ef32 ; jmp 0x43ef32
+lea eax, [ebx - 4]
+shl eax, 4
+mov dl, byte [ref_0049910c] ; mov dl, byte [0x49910c]
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498e30], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498e30], dl
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498e32], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498e32], dl
+mov dx, word [ref_0048bae2] ; mov dx, word [0x48bae2]
+mov word [eax + ref_00498e2c], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x498e2c], dx
+xor edx, edx
+mov word [eax + ref_00498e2e], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x498e2e], dx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [eax + ref_00498e2c] ; mov cx, word [eax + 0x498e2c]
+mov edx, ecx
+shl edx, 2
+add edx, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e80]
+mov dx, word [ecx + edx*8]
+mov word [eax + ref_00498e28], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x498e28], dx
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, word [eax + ref_00498e2c] ; mov si, word [eax + 0x498e2c]
+mov edx, esi
+shl edx, 2
+add edx, esi
+mov dx, word [ecx + edx*8 + 2]
+mov word [eax + ref_00498e2a], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x498e2a], dx
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498e33], 2 ; mov byte [eax + 0x498e33], 2
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, word [eax + ref_00498e2c] ; mov si, word [eax + 0x498e2c]
+mov edx, esi
+shl edx, 2
+add edx, esi
+mov edx, dword [ecx + edx*8 + 0x24]
+and edx, 0xff
+cmp edx, 5
+jne short loc_0043ef2a ; jne 0x43ef2a
+or byte [eax + ref_00498e33], 0x80 ; or byte [eax + 0x498e33], 0x80
+xor ch, ch
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b60], ch ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b60], ch
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040b93b ; call 0x40b93b
+add esp, 4
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x18
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x34]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_0043efb7 ; je 0x43efb7
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_00475d5e] ; mov al, byte [0x475d5e]
+cmp eax, ecx
+je short loc_0043ef8c ; je 0x43ef8c
+mov eax, 4
+sub eax, ecx
+test byte [eax + ref_0048c504], 1 ; test byte [eax + 0x48c504], 1
+je short loc_0043ef8c ; je 0x43ef8c
+mov byte [ref_00475d5c], 1 ; mov byte [0x475d5c], 1
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [ref_00475d5d], bh ; mov byte [0x475d5d], bh
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x34]
+mov byte [ref_00475d5e], al ; mov byte [0x475d5e], al
+jmp short loc_0043ef95 ; jmp 0x43ef95
+cmp byte [ref_00475d5c], 0 ; cmp byte [0x475d5c], 0
+je short loc_0043efb7 ; je 0x43efb7
+mov al, byte [ref_00475d5c] ; mov al, byte [0x475d5c]
+cmp al, byte [ref_00475d5d] ; cmp al, byte [0x475d5d]
+ja short loc_0043efb1 ; ja 0x43efb1
+xor ch, ch
+mov byte [ref_00475d5d], ch ; mov byte [0x475d5d], ch
+inc al
+mov byte [ref_00475d5c], al ; mov byte [0x475d5c], al
+inc byte [ref_00475d5d] ; inc byte [0x475d5d]
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0x140
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x164
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebx, 3
+mov esi, 1
+mov ebp, 0x3e8
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], edx
+cmp ebx, edi
+jl near loc_0043f0c2 ; jl 0x43f0c2
+test dword [esp + 0x30], esi
+je near loc_0043f0ba ; je 0x43f0ba
+mov eax, 4
+sub eax, ebx
+cmp eax, dword [esp + 0x34]
+jne short loc_0043f022 ; jne 0x43f022
+mov al, byte [ref_00475d5c] ; mov al, byte [0x475d5c]
+cmp al, byte [ref_00475d5d] ; cmp al, byte [0x475d5d]
+ja near loc_0043f0ba ; ja 0x43f0ba
+mov ch, byte [ebx + ref_0048c504] ; mov ch, byte [ebx + 0x48c504]
+inc ch
+mov byte [ebx + ref_0048c504], ch ; mov byte [ebx + 0x48c504], ch
+cmp ch, 0x14
+jb short loc_0043f03d ; jb 0x43f03d
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ebx + ref_0048c504], ah ; mov byte [ebx + 0x48c504], ah
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 3
+lea edx, [ebx + ebx]
+add edx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [edx + ref_00475ce8] ; mov ax, word [edx + 0x475ce8]
+mov dword [esp], eax
+add eax, 0x26
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+mov ecx, dword [esp]
+cmp ebp, ecx
+jle short loc_0043f063 ; jle 0x43f063
+mov ebp, ecx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+cmp eax, edx
+jge short loc_0043f073 ; jge 0x43f073
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov edx, edi
+lea eax, [ebx + ebx]
+mov ax, word [eax + edx*8 + ref_00475ce8] ; mov ax, word [eax + edx*8 + 0x475ce8]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_0048c504] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x48c504]
+lea edx, [eax + 4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c514] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c514]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+add esi, esi
+dec ebx
+jmp near loc_0043eff2 ; jmp 0x43eff2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov dword [esp], ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ebx, [esp + 4]
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push ebx
+push ebp
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+cmp byte [ref_00475d5c], 8 ; cmp byte [0x475d5c], 8
+jne short loc_0043f11b ; jne 0x43f11b
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [ref_00475d5c], dh ; mov byte [0x475d5c], dh
+mov byte [ref_00475d5d], dh ; mov byte [0x475d5d], dh
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], 1
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+add esp, 0x18
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c50c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c50c]
+inc edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c50c], edx ; mov dword [0x48c50c], edx
+cmp edx, 0xc
+jne short loc_0043f148 ; jne 0x43f148
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048c50c], ebx ; mov dword [0x48c50c], ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov dword [esp], 0x8a
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0xee
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x12f
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x193
+push 0x140
+push 0xdc
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c50c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c50c]
+add edx, 2
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c520] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c520]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+cmp dword [esp + 0x24], 0
+je short loc_0043f1df ; je 0x43f1df
+push 0xe6
+push 0x109
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c520] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c520]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push ebp
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ref_0043f21a: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_0043f33f
+dd loc_0043f351
+dd loc_0043f45d
+dd loc_0043f55f
+dd loc_0043f57f
+dd loc_0043f59f
+dd loc_0043f5bd
+dd loc_0043f5dd
+dd loc_0043f6fa
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xb4
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xc8]
+mov esi, 1
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xb0], edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x9c], edx
+mov ebx, 0x28
+mov dword [esp + 0xa0], ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0xa4], 0x1b8
+mov dword [esp + 0xa8], 0x1e0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xa0]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+push ebx
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push esi
+push ref_00475d3c ; push 0x475d3c
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+call dword [cs:__imp__timeGetTime@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46246c]
+mov edi, eax
+cmp esi, 3
+jge short loc_0043f2f8 ; jge 0x43f2f8
+mov ecx, 0xa
+xor edx, edx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xb0]
+div ecx
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_0043f2f8 ; jne 0x43f2f8
+xor ebx, ebx
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, 0xa
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+lea eax, [edx + edx + 1]
+mov byte [ebx + ref_0048c504], al ; mov byte [ebx + 0x48c504], al
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jl short loc_0043f2d7 ; jl 0x43f2d7
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+inc dword [esp + 0xb0]
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+ja short loc_0043f318 ; ja 0x43f318
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9f], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9f], 0
+je short loc_0043f32c ; je 0x43f32c
+cmp dword [esp + 0xb0], 0x28
+jb short loc_0043f32c ; jb 0x43f32c
+cmp esi, 1
+jne short loc_0043f32c ; jne 0x43f32c
+mov esi, 2
+lea eax, [esi - 1]
+cmp eax, 8
+ja near loc_0043f709 ; ja 0x43f709
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_0043f21a] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x43f21a]
+push 0
+push 0xf
+push ebp
+call fcn_0043ef3e ; call 0x43ef3e
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp near loc_0043f709 ; jmp 0x43f709
+push 0
+push 0xf
+push ebp
+call fcn_0043ef3e ; call 0x43ef3e
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ebp*4 + ref_00475ce0] ; mov eax, dword [ebp*4 + 0x475ce0]
+mov dword [esp + 0x9c], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xa0], 0xf0
+add eax, 0x1f
+mov dword [esp + 0xa4], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xa8], 0x15c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x6c
+push 0x1f
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xa8]
+sub eax, 0x28
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xa8]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xb0]
+push ecx
+push edx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c51c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c51c]
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xa0]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xa0]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c514] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c514]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xa0]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push esi
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xac]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xac]
+push ebx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov esi, 3
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xb0], eax
+jmp near loc_0043f709 ; jmp 0x43f709
+push 0
+push 0xf
+push ebp
+call fcn_0043ef3e ; call 0x43ef3e
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp dword [esp + 0xb0], 4
+jne near loc_0043f709 ; jne 0x43f709
+mov eax, dword [ebp*4 + ref_00475ce0] ; mov eax, dword [ebp*4 + 0x475ce0]
+mov dword [esp + 0x9c], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xa0], 0xf0
+add eax, 0x1f
+mov dword [esp + 0xa4], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xa8], 0x15c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x6c
+push 0x1f
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xa8]
+sub eax, 0x28
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xa8]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xb0]
+push ecx
+push edx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c51c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c51c]
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xa0]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xa0]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c514] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c514]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xa0]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push esi
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xac]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xac]
+push ebx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+mov esi, 4
+jmp near loc_0043f709 ; jmp 0x43f709
+push 1
+push 0xf
+push ebp
+call fcn_0043ef3e ; call 0x43ef3e
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 1
+jne near loc_0043f709 ; jne 0x43f709
+mov esi, 5
+jmp near loc_0043f709 ; jmp 0x43f709
+push 2
+push 0xe
+push ebp
+call fcn_0043ef3e ; call 0x43ef3e
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 1
+jne near loc_0043f709 ; jne 0x43f709
+mov esi, 6
+jmp near loc_0043f709 ; jmp 0x43f709
+push 3
+push 0xc
+push ebp
+call fcn_0043ef3e ; call 0x43ef3e
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 1
+jne near loc_0043f709 ; jne 0x43f709
+lea esi, [ebp + 7]
+jmp near loc_0043f709 ; jmp 0x43f709
+push 4
+push 8
+push ebp
+call fcn_0043ef3e ; call 0x43ef3e
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 1
+jne near loc_0043f709 ; jne 0x43f709
+mov esi, 8
+jmp near loc_0043f709 ; jmp 0x43f709
+mov esi, 9
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xb0], eax
+push ref_00475d3c ; push 0x475d3c
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x8c
+push 0xdc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c506] ; mov al, byte [0x48c506]
+sar eax, 1
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add edx, eax
+add edx, edx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c507] ; mov al, byte [0x48c507]
+sar eax, 1
+add edx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c505] ; mov al, byte [0x48c505]
+sar eax, 1
+imul eax, eax, 0x64
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xac], edx
+test ebp, ebp
+jne short loc_0043f68c ; jne 0x43f68c
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c504] ; mov al, byte [0x48c504]
+sar eax, 1
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+add dword [esp + 0xac], eax
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xac]
+push ebx
+push ref_00465284 ; push 0x465284
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 4
+push 0x8c
+push 0xdc
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+push ref_0048bdb8 ; push 0x48bdb8
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048bdbc] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48bdbc]
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bdb8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bdb8]
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+jmp short loc_0043f709 ; jmp 0x43f709
+cmp dword [esp + 0xb0], 0x28
+jne short loc_0043f709 ; jne 0x43f709
+mov esi, 0xa
+call dword [cs:__imp__timeGetTime@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46246c]
+mov ebx, eax
+sub ebx, edi
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x90]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__PeekMessageA@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46230c]
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0043f78e ; je 0x43f78e
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x84]
+cmp edx, 0x202
+je short loc_0043f752 ; je 0x43f752
+cmp edx, 0x205
+je short loc_0043f752 ; je 0x43f752
+cmp edx, 0x101
+jne short loc_0043f777 ; jne 0x43f777
+cmp esi, 1
+jne short loc_0043f78e ; jne 0x43f78e
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_0043f78e ; jne 0x43f78e
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9f], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9f], 0
+jne short loc_0043f78e ; jne 0x43f78e
+mov esi, 2
+jmp short loc_0043f78e ; jmp 0x43f78e
+cmp edx, 0x3b9
+jne short loc_0043f78e ; jne 0x43f78e
+cmp dword [esp + 0x88], 1
+jne short loc_0043f78e ; jne 0x43f78e
+call fcn_00454d2c ; call 0x454d2c
+cmp ebx, 0x1e
+jb near loc_0043f709 ; jb 0x43f709
+cmp esi, 0xa
+jl near loc_0043f2b3 ; jl 0x43f2b3
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xac]
+add esp, 0xb4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ref_0043f7b2: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_0043f883
+dd loc_0043f892
+dd loc_0043f9ab
+dd loc_0043fa23
+dd loc_0043fa19
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x38
+mov edx, 1
+mov dword [esp + 0x34], edx
+mov ebx, edx
+xor ebp, ebp
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov esi, 0xc
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+mov dword [ref_0048c50c], edx ; mov dword [0x48c50c], edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x1c], ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x20], 0x28
+mov dword [esp + 0x24], 0x1b8
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], 0x1e0
+push ebx
+push ref_00475d4c ; push 0x475d4c
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea esi, [esp + 0x20]
+push esi
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+push edi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+call dword [cs:__imp__timeGetTime@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46246c]
+mov edi, eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+inc ebp
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+ja short loc_0043f861 ; ja 0x43f861
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9f], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9f], 0
+je short loc_0043f870 ; je 0x43f870
+cmp ebp, 0x28
+jb short loc_0043f870 ; jb 0x43f870
+cmp ebx, 1
+jne short loc_0043f870 ; jne 0x43f870
+mov ebx, 2
+lea eax, [ebx - 1]
+cmp eax, 4
+ja near loc_0043fa23 ; ja 0x43fa23
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_0043f7b2] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x43f7b2]
+push 0
+call fcn_0043f127 ; call 0x43f127
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0043fa23 ; jmp 0x43fa23
+mov dword [esp + 0x1c], 0x109
+mov dword [esp + 0x20], 0xe6
+mov dword [esp + 0x24], 0x160
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], 0x123
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x3d
+push 0x57
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x28]
+sub eax, 0x28
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x28]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+push ecx
+push edx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c51c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c51c]
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x140
+push 0xdc
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c50c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c50c]
+add ebx, 2
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c520] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c520]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, ebx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c520] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c520]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea esi, [esp + 0x20]
+push esi
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, 3
+mov dword [esp + 0x34], 1
+mov dword [esp + 0x30], ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x2c], ebp
+jmp near loc_0043fa23 ; jmp 0x43fa23
+mov eax, ebp
+sub eax, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x34]
+cmp eax, esi
+jne short loc_0043fa23 ; jne 0x43fa23
+push 1
+call fcn_0043f127 ; call 0x43f127
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0x2c], ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x30]
+dec eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x30], eax
+jne short loc_0043f9df ; jne 0x43f9df
+mov dword [esp + 0x30], 3
+inc esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x34], esi
+cmp dword [esp + 0x34], 5
+jl short loc_0043fa23 ; jl 0x43fa23
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, dword [ref_0048c50c] ; add eax, dword [0x48c50c]
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00475d0c], 0xff ; cmp byte [eax + 0x475d0c], 0xff
+je short loc_0043fa23 ; je 0x43fa23
+mov ebx, 5
+xor ebp, ebp
+push ref_00475d4c ; push 0x475d4c
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+jmp near loc_0043f88a ; jmp 0x43f88a
+cmp ebp, 0x28
+jne short loc_0043fa23 ; jne 0x43fa23
+mov ebx, 6
+call dword [cs:__imp__timeGetTime@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46246c]
+mov esi, eax
+sub esi, edi
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__PeekMessageA@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46230c]
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0043faab ; je 0x43faab
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 4]
+cmp ecx, 0x202
+je short loc_0043fa66 ; je 0x43fa66
+cmp ecx, 0x205
+je short loc_0043fa66 ; je 0x43fa66
+cmp ecx, 0x101
+jne short loc_0043fa97 ; jne 0x43fa97
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_0043faab ; jne 0x43faab
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9f], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9f], 0
+jne short loc_0043faab ; jne 0x43faab
+cmp ebx, 1
+jne short loc_0043fa8b ; jne 0x43fa8b
+mov ebx, 2
+jmp short loc_0043faab ; jmp 0x43faab
+cmp ebx, 5
+jne short loc_0043faab ; jne 0x43faab
+mov ebx, 6
+jmp short loc_0043faab ; jmp 0x43faab
+cmp ecx, 0x3b9
+jne short loc_0043faab ; jne 0x43faab
+cmp dword [esp + 8], 1
+jne short loc_0043faab ; jne 0x43faab
+call fcn_00454d2c ; call 0x454d2c
+cmp esi, 0x24
+jb near loc_0043fa23 ; jb 0x43fa23
+cmp ebx, 6
+jl near loc_0043f83e ; jl 0x43f83e
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, dword [ref_0048c50c] ; add eax, dword [0x48c50c]
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00475d0c] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x475d0c]
+and eax, 0xff
+add esp, 0x38
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x50
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x64]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x68]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x70]
+cmp eax, 0x202
+jb short loc_0043fb21 ; jb 0x43fb21
+jbe near loc_0043fe81 ; jbe 0x43fe81
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb near loc_0043ff3d ; jb 0x43ff3d
+jbe near loc_0043febb ; jbe 0x43febb
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_0043fb3c ; je 0x43fb3c
+jmp near loc_0043ff3d ; jmp 0x43ff3d
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jb near loc_0043ff3d ; jb 0x43ff3d
+jbe near loc_0043fee5 ; jbe 0x43fee5
+cmp eax, 0x200
+je short loc_0043fb76 ; je 0x43fb76
+jmp near loc_0043ff3d ; jmp 0x43ff3d
+mov dword [ref_0048c528], edx ; mov dword [0x48c528], edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c524], edx ; mov dword [0x48c524], edx
+push 0x140
+push 0xdc
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetCursorPos@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46231c]
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_0043fd7e ; jmp 0x43fd7e
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, dx
+mov eax, edx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp ebx, 0x32
+jl near loc_0043fd85 ; jl 0x43fd85
+cmp ebx, 0x186
+jge near loc_0043fd85 ; jge 0x43fd85
+cmp eax, 0x11e
+jl near loc_0043fd85 ; jl 0x43fd85
+cmp eax, 0x162
+jge near loc_0043fd85 ; jge 0x43fd85
+lea edx, [ebx - 0x32]
+mov ebx, 0x44
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov edi, eax
+inc eax
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048c524] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48c524]
+je near loc_0043fd7e ; je 0x43fd7e
+push 0
+push ref_0048231a ; push 0x48231a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c524] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c524]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_0043fc6f ; je 0x43fc6f
+lea eax, [ecx - 1]
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 4
+add ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+lea eax, [ebx + 0x32]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+mov ebp, 0x11e
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], ebp
+lea eax, [ebx + 0x76]
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x162
+push 0x44
+push 0x44
+push 7
+add ebx, 7
+push ebx
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x54]
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov ebx, edi
+shl ebx, 4
+add ebx, edi
+shl ebx, 2
+add ebx, 0x32
+push 0xffff00
+push 0x44
+push 0x44
+push 0x11e
+push ebx
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0xffff00
+push 0x42
+push 0x42
+push 0x11f
+lea eax, [ebx + 1]
+push eax
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0xffff00
+push 0x40
+push 0x40
+push 0x120
+lea eax, [ebx + 2]
+push eax
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0x8c
+push 0xdc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 2
+push 0x7a
+push 0xdc
+push ref_00465289 ; push 0x465289
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 4
+push 0x9a
+push 0xdc
+mov edx, dword [edi*4 + ref_00475150] ; mov edx, dword [edi*4 + 0x475150]
+push edx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push ref_0048bdb8 ; push 0x48bdb8
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0x11e
+add ebx, 0x44
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x162
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+inc edi
+mov dword [ref_0048c524], edi ; mov dword [0x48c524], edi
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_0043ff4c ; jmp 0x43ff4c
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c524] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c524]
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_0043fd7e ; je 0x43fd7e
+lea eax, [edi - 1]
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 4
+add ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+lea eax, [ebx + 0x32]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0x11e
+add ebx, 0x76
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x162
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x44
+push 0x44
+push 7
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c524] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c524]
+dec eax
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 4
+add ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+add ebx, 7
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x54]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x54]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0x8c
+push 0xdc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 2
+push 0x7a
+push 0xdc
+push ref_00465289 ; push 0x465289
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push ref_0048bdb8 ; push 0x48bdb8
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [ref_0048c524], ebp ; mov dword [0x48c524], ebp
+jmp near loc_0043fd7e ; jmp 0x43fd7e
+cmp dword [ref_0048c524], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c524], 0
+je near loc_0043fd7e ; je 0x43fd7e
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c524] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c524]
+dec eax
+push eax
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0043fd7e ; jmp 0x43fd7e
+cmp dword [ref_0048c528], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c528], 0
+je near loc_0043fd7e ; je 0x43fd7e
+push 0
+push ref_00482332 ; push 0x482332
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+jmp short loc_0043feae ; jmp 0x43feae
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ebx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ebx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebp
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_0043fd7e ; jmp 0x43fd7e
+push edx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x70]
+push ebx
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+add esp, 0x50
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x50
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x64]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x68]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x70]
+cmp eax, 0x202
+jb short loc_0043ff93 ; jb 0x43ff93
+jbe near loc_0044021b ; jbe 0x44021b
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb near loc_004402ca ; jb 0x4402ca
+jbe near loc_00440255 ; jbe 0x440255
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_0043ffae ; je 0x43ffae
+jmp near loc_004402ca ; jmp 0x4402ca
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jb near loc_004402ca ; jb 0x4402ca
+jbe near loc_00440272 ; jbe 0x440272
+cmp eax, 0x200
+je short loc_0043ffe4 ; je 0x43ffe4
+jmp near loc_004402ca ; jmp 0x4402ca
+mov dword [ref_0048c52c], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x48c52c], 0xffffffff
+push 0x140
+push 0xdc
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetCursorPos@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46231c]
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_0043fd7e ; jmp 0x43fd7e
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, dx
+mov eax, edx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, ax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4fc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4fc]
+sub eax, 3
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4f8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4f8]
+sub eax, 3
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c500] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c500]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add edx, eax
+shl edx, 4
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x40]
+add eax, edx
+add eax, 6
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c4f8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c4f8]
+add eax, 0x4b
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c4fc] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c4fc]
+cmp ebx, edi
+jl near loc_00440192 ; jl 0x440192
+add edx, edi
+cmp ebx, edx
+jge near loc_00440192 ; jge 0x440192
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c4f8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c4f8]
+cmp esi, edx
+jl near loc_00440192 ; jl 0x440192
+lea eax, [edx + 0x48]
+cmp esi, eax
+jge near loc_00440192 ; jge 0x440192
+mov edx, ebx
+sub edx, edi
+mov ebx, 0x50
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov edi, eax
+cmp edi, dword [ref_0048c52c] ; cmp edi, dword [0x48c52c]
+je near loc_0043fd7e ; je 0x43fd7e
+push 0
+push ref_0048231a ; push 0x48231a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+cmp dword [ref_0048c52c], 0xffffffff ; cmp dword [0x48c52c], 0xffffffff
+je short loc_004400f8 ; je 0x4400f8
+push 0x140
+push 0xdc
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c500] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c500]
+sub edx, 2
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c510] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c510]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edi
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, dword [ref_0048c4fc] ; add eax, dword [0x48c4fc]
+lea ebx, [eax - 3]
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c4f8] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c4f8]
+sub esi, 3
+push 0xffff00
+push 0x4e
+push 0x4e
+push esi
+push ebx
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0xffff00
+push 0x4c
+push 0x4c
+lea eax, [esi + 1]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebx + 1]
+push eax
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0xffff00
+push 0x4a
+push 0x4a
+add esi, 2
+push esi
+add ebx, 2
+push ebx
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov dword [ref_0048c52c], edi ; mov dword [0x48c52c], edi
+jmp near loc_0043fd7e ; jmp 0x43fd7e
+cmp dword [ref_0048c52c], 0xffffffff ; cmp dword [0x48c52c], 0xffffffff
+je near loc_0043fd7e ; je 0x43fd7e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x140
+push 0xdc
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c500] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c500]
+sub edx, 2
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c510] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c510]
+add edx, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov dword [ref_0048c52c], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x48c52c], 0xffffffff
+jmp near loc_0043fd7e ; jmp 0x43fd7e
+cmp dword [ref_0048c52c], 0xffffffff ; cmp dword [0x48c52c], 0xffffffff
+je near loc_0043fd7e ; je 0x43fd7e
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c52c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c52c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0043fd7e ; jmp 0x43fd7e
+push 0
+push ref_00482332 ; push 0x482332
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+jmp short loc_00440248 ; jmp 0x440248
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ebx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push edi
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_0043fd7e ; jmp 0x43fd7e
+push edx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x70]
+push ebx
+push eax
+push ebp
+jmp near loc_0043ff45 ; jmp 0x43ff45
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x50
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x64]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x68]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x70]
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jb short loc_00440320 ; jb 0x440320
+jbe near loc_004405d0 ; jbe 0x4405d0
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb short loc_00440310 ; jb 0x440310
+jbe near loc_00440669 ; jbe 0x440669
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_0044033b ; je 0x44033b
+jmp near loc_004406de ; jmp 0x4406de
+cmp eax, 0x202
+je near loc_0044062b ; je 0x44062b
+jmp near loc_004406de ; jmp 0x4406de
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jb near loc_004406de ; jb 0x4406de
+jbe near loc_00440686 ; jbe 0x440686
+cmp eax, 0x200
+je short loc_00440377 ; je 0x440377
+jmp near loc_004406de ; jmp 0x4406de
+mov dword [ref_0048c534], edx ; mov dword [0x48c534], edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c530], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x48c530], 0xffffffff
+push 0x140
+push 0xdc
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetCursorPos@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46231c]
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_0043fd7e ; jmp 0x43fd7e
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, dx
+mov eax, edx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 0x14
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], 0x1a4
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0x118
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x171
+cmp ebx, 0x23
+jl near loc_0044051a ; jl 0x44051a
+cmp ebx, 0x196
+jg near loc_0044051a ; jg 0x44051a
+cmp eax, 0x129
+jl near loc_0044051a ; jl 0x44051a
+cmp eax, 0x15f
+jg near loc_0044051a ; jg 0x44051a
+lea edx, [ebx - 0x23]
+mov ebx, 0x4c
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov esi, eax
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048c530] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48c530]
+je near loc_0043fd7e ; je 0x43fd7e
+push 0
+push ref_0048231a ; push 0x48231a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+push 0x8c
+push 0xdc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 2
+push 0x7a
+push 0xdc
+push ref_00465298 ; push 0x465298
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+push 0x9a
+push 0xdc
+mov eax, esi
+mov ebp, dword [eax*8 + ref_0047ff22] ; mov ebp, dword [eax*8 + 0x47ff22]
+push ebp
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp dword [ref_0048c530], 0xffffffff ; cmp dword [0x48c530], 0xffffffff
+je short loc_004404a2 ; je 0x4404a2
+push 0x118
+push 0x14
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c508] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c508]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+imul ebx, esi, 0x4c
+add ebx, 0x20
+push 0xffff00
+push 0x3b
+push 0x47
+push 0x126
+push ebx
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0xffff00
+push 0x39
+push 0x45
+push 0x127
+inc ebx
+push ebx
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_0045620f ; call 0x45620f
+add esp, 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push ref_0048bdb8 ; push 0x48bdb8
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov dword [ref_0048c530], esi ; mov dword [0x48c530], esi
+jmp near loc_0043fd7e ; jmp 0x43fd7e
+cmp dword [ref_0048c530], 0xffffffff ; cmp dword [0x48c530], 0xffffffff
+je near loc_0043fd7e ; je 0x43fd7e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x118
+push 0x14
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c508] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c508]
+push esi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x8c
+push 0xdc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 2
+push 0x7a
+push 0xdc
+push ref_00465298 ; push 0x465298
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push ref_0048bdb8 ; push 0x48bdb8
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov dword [ref_0048c530], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x48c530], 0xffffffff
+jmp near loc_0043fd7e ; jmp 0x43fd7e
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c530] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c530]
+cmp edi, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_0043fd7e ; je 0x43fd7e
+cmp edi, dword [ref_0048c534] ; cmp edi, dword [0x48c534]
+jge near loc_0043fd7e ; jge 0x43fd7e
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0048c530], 0x4c ; imul eax, dword [0x48c530], 0x4c
+lea edx, [eax + 0x23]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], edx
+add eax, 0x65
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0x129
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x15f
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451b9e ; call 0x451b9e
+jmp short loc_00440661 ; jmp 0x440661
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c530] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c530]
+cmp ecx, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_0043fd7e ; je 0x43fd7e
+cmp ecx, dword [ref_0048c534] ; cmp ecx, dword [0x48c534]
+jge near loc_0043fd7e ; jge 0x43fd7e
+call fcn_00451d4e ; call 0x451d4e
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c530] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c530]
+push esi
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0043fd7e ; jmp 0x43fd7e
+push 0
+push ref_00482332 ; push 0x482332
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+jmp short loc_0044065c ; jmp 0x44065c
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ebx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebp
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_0043fd7e ; jmp 0x43fd7e
+push edx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x70]
+push edx
+push eax
+push edi
+jmp near loc_0043ff45 ; jmp 0x43ff45
+db 0x8d
+db 0x40
+db 0x00
+ref_004406ee: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_00440830
+dd loc_0044083e
+dd loc_00440873
+dd loc_00440873
+dd loc_0044084c
+dd loc_0044085a
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x90
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x43
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c514], eax ; mov dword [0x48c514], eax
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x80], ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x84], 0x28
+mov dword [esp + 0x88], 0x1b8
+mov dword [esp + 0x8c], 0x1e0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451e7e ; call 0x451e7e
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048c51c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c51c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x8c
+push 0xdc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xa4]
+and ebx, 1
+xor bl, 1
+push 0x140
+push 0xdc
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c514] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c514]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+lea edx, [ecx + 0xc]
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0xf0
+mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + ref_00475ce0] ; mov edx, dword [ebx*4 + 0x475ce0]
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c514] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c514]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xa4]
+cmp esi, 5
+ja short loc_00440873 ; ja 0x440873
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+jmp dword [eax + ref_004406ee] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax + 0x4406ee]
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_0047ed7a] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x47ed7a]
+push ecx
+push ref_004652a9 ; push 0x4652a9
+jmp short loc_00440866 ; jmp 0x440866
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_0047ed7a] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x47ed7a]
+push edx
+push ref_004652c1 ; push 0x4652c1
+jmp short loc_00440866 ; jmp 0x440866
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_0047ed7a] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x47ed7a]
+push ebp
+push ref_004652d1 ; push 0x4652d1
+jmp short loc_00440866 ; jmp 0x440866
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_0047ed7a] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x47ed7a]
+push edi
+push ref_004652e7 ; push 0x4652e7
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 4
+push 0x8c
+push 0xdc
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push ref_00475d3c ; push 0x475d3c
+call fcn_00454176 ; call 0x454176
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push ref_00475d3c ; push 0x475d3c
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push ref_00475d3c ; push 0x475d3c
+call fcn_004542e9 ; call 0x4542e9
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+call fcn_0043f23e ; call 0x43f23e
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+push ref_00475d3c ; push 0x475d3c
+call fcn_00454240 ; call 0x454240
+add esp, 4
+push 0x28
+push 0
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c51c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c51c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00451edb ; call 0x451edb
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c514] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c514]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 0x90
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x90
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xac]
+and eax, 3
+add eax, 0x44
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c520], eax ; mov dword [0x48c520], eax
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x80], ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x84], 0x28
+mov dword [esp + 0x88], 0x1b8
+mov dword [esp + 0x8c], 0x1e0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451e7e ; call 0x451e7e
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048c51c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c51c], eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x8c
+push 0xdc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x140
+push 0xdc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c520] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c520]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0xe6
+push 0x109
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c520] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c520]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xa8]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xa8]
+mov ebx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00475cf8] ; mov ebx, dword [eax*4 + 0x475cf8]
+push ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 4
+push 0x8c
+push 0xdc
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [eax + 0x80] ; ucall
+push ref_00475d4c ; push 0x475d4c
+call fcn_00454176 ; call 0x454176
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xa4]
+push esi
+call fcn_0043f7c6 ; call 0x43f7c6
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+push ref_00475d4c ; push 0x475d4c
+call fcn_00454240 ; call 0x454240
+add esp, 4
+push 0x28
+push 0
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c51c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c51c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00451edb ; call 0x451edb
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c520] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c520]
+push ebp
+jmp near loc_004408f9 ; jmp 0x4408f9
+push ebx
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp], edx
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0x28
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x1b8
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x1e0
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00451e7e ; call 0x451e7e
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048c51c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c51c], eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x117
+push 0x2b
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x8c
+push 0xdc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 2
+push 0x7a
+push 0xdc
+push ref_00465289 ; push 0x465289
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [eax + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push eax
+push fcn_0043fae4 ; push 0x43fae4
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 8
+push 0x28
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c51c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c51c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00451edb ; call 0x451edb
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp], edx
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0x28
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x1b8
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x1e0
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00451e7e ; call 0x451e7e
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048c51c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c51c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x8c
+push 0xdc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 4
+push 0x8c
+push 0xdc
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x30]
+push ebp
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+push ref_0048bdb8 ; push 0x48bdb8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048bdbc] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48bdbc]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048bdb8] ; mov esi, dword [0x48bdb8]
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push 0x140
+push 0xdc
+call fcn_00453a32 ; call 0x453a32
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 8
+push 0x28
+push 0
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c51c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c51c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00451edb ; call 0x451edb
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, ebx
+jmp near loc_0043f212 ; jmp 0x43f212
+push ebx
+push esi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x20
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x34]
+call fcn_004024a1 ; call 0x4024a1
+mov ebx, eax
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_00440ccc ; jne 0x440ccc
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bdb8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bdb8]
+mov dword [esp], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bdc0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bdc0]
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bdbc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bdbc]
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bdc4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bdc4]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], eax
+test esi, 0x80000000
+je short loc_00440d06 ; je 0x440d06
+and esi, 0x7fffffff
+add dword [esp], 0x64
+add dword [esp + 8], 0x64
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], 0x28
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], 0x1b8
+mov dword [esp + 0x1c], 0x1e0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451e7e ; call 0x451e7e
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048c51c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c51c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push ebp
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push ebp
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x4e]
+add edx, dword [esp + 4]
+push edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x4c]
+add edx, dword [esp + 4]
+push edx
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x4e]
+add edx, dword [esp + 8]
+push edx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0x4c]
+add eax, dword [esp + 8]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push ebp
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push esi
+call fcn_004528b9 ; call 0x4528b9
+add esp, 4
+push 0x28
+push 0
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c51c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c51c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00451edb ; call 0x451edb
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp ebx, 1
+jne short loc_00440e11 ; jne 0x440e11
+push ebx
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, edi
+add esp, 0x20
+pop ebp
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x24]
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x206
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c510], eax ; mov dword [0x48c510], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 2
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c518], eax ; mov dword [0x48c518], eax
+lea edx, [ebp - 2]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c510] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c510]
+add eax, edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x10]
+mov ebx, 0xdc
+sub ebx, edx
+lea edx, [ebx + 0xc]
+mov dword [ref_0048c4fc], edx ; mov dword [0x48c4fc], edx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0x12]
+mov edx, 0x140
+sub edx, eax
+lea eax, [edx + 0xc]
+mov dword [ref_0048c4f8], eax ; mov dword [0x48c4f8], eax
+mov dword [ref_0048c500], ebp ; mov dword [0x48c500], ebp
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 0xc
+lea edx, [ebp - 2]
+mov edi, edx
+shl edi, 2
+sub edi, edx
+shl edi, 2
+cmp ebx, ebp
+jge short loc_00440f00 ; jge 0x440f00
+push 0xc
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x30]
+mov al, byte [ebx + eax]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c518] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c518]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c510] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c510]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edi
+push eax
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+add esi, 0x50
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00440ea5 ; jmp 0x440ea5
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp], ebx
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0x28
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x1b8
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x1e0
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00451e7e ; call 0x451e7e
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048c51c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c51c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push ebx
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push ebx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x8c
+push 0xdc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 4
+push 0x8c
+push 0xdc
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x38]
+push ecx
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x140
+push 0xdc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c510] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c510]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edi
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push fcn_0043ff56 ; push 0x43ff56
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+mov esi, eax
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00440fe6 ; je 0x440fe6
+add eax, dword [esp + 0x28]
+movzx esi, byte [eax]
+push 0x28
+push 0
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c51c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c51c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00451edb ; call 0x451edb
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c510] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c510]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c518] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c518]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esi
+jmp near loc_0043f212 ; jmp 0x43f212
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x24]
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne near loc_004411e7 ; jne 0x4411e7
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0xb
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ebp, eax
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0x62]
+push edx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0x60]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451a5a ; call 0x451a5a
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c508], eax ; mov dword [0x48c508], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48bad8]
+add edx, 0x60
+push edx
+push eax
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 0xf
+jmp short loc_0044109c ; jmp 0x44109c
+inc ebx
+add esi, 0x4c
+cmp ebx, 5
+jge short loc_004410e4 ; jge 0x4410e4
+push 0x2c
+lea eax, [esi + 0x21]
+push eax
+lea edx, [ebx + 0xa]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+lea edx, [ebp + 0xc]
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c508] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c508]
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edi + 0x1a]
+cmp ebx, eax
+jl short loc_00441093 ; jl 0x441093
+push 0x36
+push 0x42
+push 0x11
+push esi
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c508] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c508]
+push edx
+call fcn_004553fe ; call 0x4553fe
+add esp, 0x14
+jmp short loc_00441093 ; jmp 0x441093
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp], ecx
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0x28
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x1b8
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x1e0
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00451e7e ; call 0x451e7e
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048c51c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c51c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x8c
+push 0xdc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 2
+push 0x7a
+push 0xdc
+push ref_00465298 ; push 0x465298
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x118
+push 0x14
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c508] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c508]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edi + 0x1a]
+push eax
+push fcn_004402d7 ; push 0x4402d7
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, eax
+push 0x28
+push 0
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c51c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c51c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00451edb ; call 0x451edb
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c508] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c508]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_004411ed ; jmp 0x4411ed
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [edi + 0x1a]
+dec ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_0043f212 ; je 0x43f212
+inc bl
+mov byte [edi + 0x1d], bl
+mov byte [edi + 0x1e], 5
+jmp near loc_0043f212 ; jmp 0x43f212
+dd 0x010000a5
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push 0x15
+push esi
+call fcn_004413ad ; call 0x4413ad
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_00441237 ; jne 0x441237
+push esi
+call fcn_00444bb2 ; call 0x444bb2
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov ebx, esi
+push 0x13
+push esi
+call fcn_004413ad ; call 0x4413ad
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_0044125d ; jne 0x44125d
+push 0
+push 0
+push esi
+call fcn_0044476a ; call 0x44476a
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0044125d ; je 0x44125d
+mov ebx, eax
+mov eax, ebx
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+xor ecx, ecx
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00441274 ; jmp 0x441274
+inc ecx
+cmp ecx, 0xf
+jge short loc_0044125d ; jge 0x44125d
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, esi
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+cmp byte [ecx + eax + ref_00499120], 0 ; cmp byte [ecx + eax + 0x499120], 0
+je short loc_0044126e ; je 0x44126e
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0044126e ; jmp 0x44126e
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov ebx, 0x2710
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_004412a7 ; jmp 0x4412a7
+inc ecx
+cmp ecx, 0xf
+jge short loc_004412de ; jge 0x4412de
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edi
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add eax, ecx
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00499120], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x499120], 0
+je short loc_004412a1 ; je 0x4412a1
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00499120] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x499120]
+mov al, byte [edx*8 + ref_0047fdef] ; mov al, byte [edx*8 + 0x47fdef]
+and eax, 0xff
+cmp ebx, eax
+jle short loc_004412a1 ; jle 0x4412a1
+mov ebx, eax
+mov esi, edx
+jmp short loc_004412a1 ; jmp 0x4412a1
+mov eax, esi
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00441262 ; call 0x441262
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jne short loc_0044130a ; jne 0x44130a
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044128f ; call 0x44128f
+add esp, 4
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+xor ecx, ecx
+jmp short loc_00441314 ; jmp 0x441314
+inc ecx
+cmp ecx, 0xf
+jge short loc_00441341 ; jge 0x441341
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add eax, ecx
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00499120], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x499120], 0
+jne short loc_0044130e ; jne 0x44130e
+mov dl, byte [esp + 0xc]
+mov byte [eax + ref_00499120], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x499120], dl
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+dec byte [eax + ref_00499197] ; dec byte [eax + 0x499197]
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0044135a ; jmp 0x44135a
+mov ebx, eax
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jge short loc_004413a8 ; jge 0x4413a8
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, eax
+lea eax, [esi + ebx]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00499120] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x499120]
+lea eax, [ebx + 1]
+cmp edx, edi
+jne short loc_00441353 ; jne 0x441353
+mov ebp, 0xe
+sub ebp, ebx
+push ebp
+mov edx, ref_00499120 ; mov edx, 0x499120
+add edx, esi
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+add edx, ebx
+push edx
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+add ebx, ebp
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [esi + ebx + ref_00499120], ah ; mov byte [esi + ebx + 0x499120], ah
+inc byte [edi + ref_00499197] ; inc byte [edi + 0x499197]
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+xor ecx, ecx
+jmp short loc_004413c1 ; jmp 0x4413c1
+inc ecx
+cmp ecx, 0xf
+jge short loc_004413e7 ; jge 0x4413e7
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, esi
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov al, byte [ecx + eax + ref_00499120] ; mov al, byte [ecx + eax + 0x499120]
+and eax, 0xff
+cmp eax, ebx
+jne short loc_004413bb ; jne 0x4413bb
+mov eax, 1
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+xor eax, eax
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x50
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x64]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x68]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x70]
+cmp eax, 0x202
+jb short loc_00441429 ; jb 0x441429
+jbe near loc_00441641 ; jbe 0x441641
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb near loc_004416d7 ; jb 0x4416d7
+jbe near loc_00441671 ; jbe 0x441671
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_00441444 ; je 0x441444
+jmp near loc_004416d7 ; jmp 0x4416d7
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jb near loc_004416d7 ; jb 0x4416d7
+jbe near loc_0044167f ; jbe 0x44167f
+cmp eax, 0x201
+je short loc_0044147a ; je 0x44147a
+jmp near loc_004416d7 ; jmp 0x4416d7
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048c538], ecx ; mov dword [0x48c538], ecx
+mov eax, edx
+and eax, 3
+mov dword [ref_0048c53c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c53c], eax
+sar edx, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c540], edx ; mov dword [0x48c540], edx
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_00441579 ; jmp 0x441579
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, dx
+shr edx, 0x10
+and edx, 0xffff
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, dx
+cmp ebx, 0x13
+jl near loc_00441580 ; jl 0x441580
+cmp ebx, 0x1a3
+jge near loc_00441580 ; jge 0x441580
+cmp eax, 0x4b
+jl near loc_00441580 ; jl 0x441580
+cmp eax, 0xf3
+jge near loc_00441580 ; jge 0x441580
+lea edx, [eax - 0x4b]
+mov ecx, 0x38
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov ecx, eax
+shl ecx, 2
+add ecx, eax
+lea edx, [ebx - 0x13]
+mov ebx, 0x50
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+lea ebx, [ecx + eax]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c53c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c53c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+cmp byte [ebx + eax + ref_00499120], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + eax + 0x499120], 0
+je near loc_00441579 ; je 0x441579
+mov ecx, 5
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, ebx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+lea edx, [eax + 0x14]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], edx
+add eax, 0x62
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, ebx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+lea edx, [eax + 0x4c]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], edx
+add eax, 0x82
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451b9e ; call 0x451b9e
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c53c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c53c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add ebx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_00499120] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x499120]
+mov dword [ref_0048c538], eax ; mov dword [0x48c538], eax
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_004416e6 ; jmp 0x4416e6
+cmp ebx, 0x13
+jl short loc_00441579 ; jl 0x441579
+cmp ebx, 0x1a3
+jge short loc_00441579 ; jge 0x441579
+cmp eax, 0x113
+jl short loc_00441579 ; jl 0x441579
+cmp eax, 0x1bb
+jge short loc_00441579 ; jge 0x441579
+cmp dword [ref_0048c540], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c540], 0
+je short loc_00441579 ; je 0x441579
+lea edx, [eax - 0x113]
+mov ecx, 0x38
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+add esi, eax
+lea edx, [ebx - 0x13]
+mov ecx, 0x50
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+lea ebx, [esi + eax]
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_0048c548], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x48c548], 0
+je short loc_00441579 ; je 0x441579
+mov ecx, 5
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, ebx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+lea edx, [eax + 0x14]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], edx
+add eax, 0x62
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, ebx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+lea edx, [eax + 0x114]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], edx
+add eax, 0x14a
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451b9e ; call 0x451b9e
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_0048c548] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x48c548]
+or ah, 0x80
+jmp near loc_00441574 ; jmp 0x441574
+cmp dword [ref_0048c538], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c538], 0
+je near loc_00441579 ; je 0x441579
+call fcn_00451d4e ; call 0x451d4e
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c538] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c538]
+push esi
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00441579 ; jmp 0x441579
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+jmp short loc_00441664 ; jmp 0x441664
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebp
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_00441579 ; jmp 0x441579
+push edx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x70]
+push edi
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+add esp, 0x50
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x50
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x64]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x68]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x70]
+cmp eax, 0x202
+jb short loc_0044172d ; jb 0x44172d
+jbe near loc_00441889 ; jbe 0x441889
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb near loc_0044191f ; jb 0x44191f
+jbe near loc_004418b9 ; jbe 0x4418b9
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_00441748 ; je 0x441748
+jmp near loc_0044191f ; jmp 0x44191f
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jb near loc_0044191f ; jb 0x44191f
+jbe near loc_004418c7 ; jbe 0x4418c7
+cmp eax, 0x201
+je short loc_0044176b ; je 0x44176b
+jmp near loc_0044191f ; jmp 0x44191f
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c544], edx ; mov dword [0x48c544], edx
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_00441579 ; jmp 0x441579
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, dx
+mov eax, edx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, ax
+cmp ebx, 0x13
+jl near loc_00441579 ; jl 0x441579
+cmp ebx, 0x1a3
+jge near loc_00441579 ; jge 0x441579
+cmp edx, 0x87
+jl near loc_00441579 ; jl 0x441579
+cmp edx, 0x12f
+jge near loc_00441579 ; jge 0x441579
+sub edx, 0x87
+mov ecx, 0x38
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 2
+add esi, eax
+lea edx, [ebx - 0x13]
+mov ecx, 0x50
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+lea ebx, [esi + eax]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+cmp byte [ebx + eax + ref_00499120], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + eax + 0x499120], 0
+je near loc_00441579 ; je 0x441579
+mov ecx, 5
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, ebx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+lea edx, [eax + 0x14]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], edx
+add eax, 0x62
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, ebx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+lea edx, [eax + 0x88]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], edx
+add eax, 0xbe
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451b9e ; call 0x451b9e
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add ebx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_00499120] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x499120]
+mov dword [ref_0048c544], eax ; mov dword [0x48c544], eax
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_00441579 ; jmp 0x441579
+cmp dword [ref_0048c544], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c544], 0
+je near loc_00441579 ; je 0x441579
+call fcn_00451d4e ; call 0x451d4e
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c544] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c544]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00441579 ; jmp 0x441579
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+jmp short loc_004418ac ; jmp 0x4418ac
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebp
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_00441579 ; jmp 0x441579
+push edx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x70]
+push edx
+jmp near loc_004416dd ; jmp 0x4416dd
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xa8
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xbc]
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne near loc_00441a5d ; jne 0x441a5d
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0xb
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a05c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ebp, eax
+push edi
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_00447c6e ; call 0x447c6e
+add esp, 0xc
+push edi
+push ebx
+push 0
+call fcn_00441b0a ; call 0x441b0a
+add esp, 0xc
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x94], edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x98], 0x28
+mov dword [esp + 0x9c], 0x1b8
+mov dword [esp + 0xa0], 0x1e0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x94]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451e7e ; call 0x451e7e
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0xa4], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov esi, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [esi + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x46
+push 0xe
+lea eax, [ebx + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+cmp dword [esp + 0xc4], 1
+jne short loc_00441a11 ; jne 0x441a11
+push 0x10e
+push 0xe
+add ebx, 0x18
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [eax + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+shl eax, 0x10
+or eax, edi
+push eax
+push fcn_004413ec ; push 0x4413ec
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, eax
+push 0x28
+push 0
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xac]
+push esi
+call fcn_00451edb ; call 0x451edb
+add esp, 0xc
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_00441ab9 ; jmp 0x441ab9
+push 1
+call fcn_0041e6f2 ; call 0x41e6f2
+mov esi, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, dword [esi*8 + ref_0047fdea] ; mov ebp, dword [esi*8 + 0x47fdea]
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_004652f8 ; push 0x4652f8
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00441afd ; je 0x441afd
+test bh, 0x80
+je short loc_00441ae2 ; je 0x441ae2
+and ebx, 0x7fff
+push ebx
+push edi
+call fcn_00445aa2 ; call 0x445aa2
+add esp, 8
+push ebx
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00445a4d ; call 0x445a4d
+jmp short loc_00441afa ; jmp 0x441afa
+push ebx
+push edi
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+push ebx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xc4]
+push edi
+call fcn_004412e4 ; call 0x4412e4
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 0xa8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+add eax, 0xc
+test ebp, ebp
+jne short loc_00441b39 ; jne 0x441b39
+mov ebp, eax
+jmp short loc_00441b47 ; jmp 0x441b47
+push 0
+push 0
+push eax
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+xor esi, esi
+mov ebx, 0x2d
+mov edi, 0x21
+jmp short loc_00441b5b ; jmp 0x441b5b
+inc esi
+cmp esi, 0xf
+jge short loc_00441b05 ; jge 0x441b05
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add eax, esi
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00499120] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x499120]
+test dl, dl
+je short loc_00441b55 ; je 0x441b55
+push 2
+push edi
+push ebx
+mov al, dl
+and eax, 0xff
+mov edx, dword [eax*8 + ref_0047fdea] ; mov edx, dword [eax*8 + 0x47fdea]
+push edx
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+add ebx, 0x50
+cmp ebx, 0x16d
+jle short loc_00441b55 ; jle 0x441b55
+mov ebx, 0x2d
+add edi, 0x38
+jmp short loc_00441b55 ; jmp 0x441b55
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x98
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7d] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7d]
+cmp dl, 1
+jne near loc_00441d00 ; jne 0x441d00
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0xb
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov edi, eax
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x80], esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x84], 0x28
+mov dword [esp + 0x88], 0x1b8
+mov dword [esp + 0x8c], 0x1e0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451e7e ; call 0x451e7e
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, eax
+mov esi, 1
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+push edi
+push 0
+call fcn_00441b0a ; call 0x441b0a
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push esi
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x82
+push 0xe
+lea eax, [edi + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push fcn_004416f0 ; push 0x4416f0
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 8
+push 0x8028
+push 0
+push ebp
+call fcn_00451edb ; call 0x451edb
+add esp, 0xc
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00441ce1 ; je 0x441ce1
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, dword [eax*8 + ref_0047fdea] ; mov edx, dword [eax*8 + 0x47fdea]
+push edx
+push ref_00465305 ; push 0x465305
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_00441f73 ; call 0x441f73
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, ebx
+call dword [eax*4 + ref_00475d5c] ; ucall: call dword [eax*4 + 0x475d5c]
+mov esi, eax
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00441ce1 ; jne 0x441ce1
+push eax
+push ref_0048233a ; push 0x48233a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+test esi, esi
+je near loc_00441c22 ; je 0x441c22
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00441e07 ; jmp 0x441e07
+test dl, 6
+je near loc_00441e07 ; je 0x441e07
+test byte [eax + ref_00496b7e], 1 ; test byte [eax + 0x496b7e], 1
+je near loc_00441e07 ; je 0x441e07
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00441262 ; call 0x441262
+mov esi, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, eax
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_00441e07 ; je 0x441e07
+push 8
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x98]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp esi, 8
+jle short loc_00441d5a ; jle 0x441d5a
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+mov esi, edx
+jmp short loc_00441d5c ; jmp 0x441d5c
+xor esi, esi
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00441d66 ; jmp 0x441d66
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 8
+jge short loc_00441d98 ; jge 0x441d98
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, esi
+inc esi
+mov al, byte [edx + eax + ref_00499120] ; mov al, byte [edx + eax + 0x499120]
+mov byte [esp + ebx + 0x90], al
+cmp edi, 8
+jle short loc_00441d60 ; jle 0x441d60
+cmp esi, edi
+jne short loc_00441d60 ; jne 0x441d60
+xor esi, edi
+jmp short loc_00441d60 ; jmp 0x441d60
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00441da2 ; jmp 0x441da2
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 8
+jge short loc_00441e07 ; jge 0x441e07
+mov cl, byte [esp + ebx + 0x90]
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_00441e07 ; je 0x441e07
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, cl
+push eax
+call fcn_0041e69e ; call 0x41e69e
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_00441d9c ; jne 0x441d9c
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + ebx + 0x90]
+mov ecx, dword [eax*8 + ref_0047fdea] ; mov ecx, dword [eax*8 + 0x47fdea]
+push ecx
+push ref_00465305 ; push 0x465305
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + ebx + 0x94]
+push eax
+call fcn_00441f73 ; call 0x441f73
+add esp, 8
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + ebx + 0x90]
+call dword [eax*4 + ref_00475d5c] ; ucall: call dword [eax*4 + 0x475d5c]
+add esp, 0x98
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 0x80
+xor esi, esi
+xor eax, eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00441e28 ; jmp 0x441e28
+inc eax
+cmp eax, 0x1e
+jge short loc_00441e46 ; jge 0x441e46
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00499198], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x499198], 0
+je short loc_00441e22 ; je 0x441e22
+xor edx, edx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00499198] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x499198]
+cmp edx, ecx
+jge short loc_00441e22 ; jge 0x441e22
+mov byte [esp + ebx], al
+inc ebx
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_00441e33 ; jmp 0x441e33
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00441e6c ; je 0x441e6c
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+movzx esi, byte [esp + edx]
+inc esi
+push esi
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x90]
+push edx
+call fcn_004412e4 ; call 0x4412e4
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, esi
+add esp, 0x80
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push edx
+call fcn_00441262 ; call 0x441262
+mov esi, eax
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00441ec9 ; je 0x441ec9
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+mov ebx, edx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov bl, byte [ebx + eax + ref_00499120] ; mov bl, byte [ebx + eax + 0x499120]
+and ebx, 0xff
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, ebx
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+xor ebx, ebx
+push esi
+call fcn_00441262 ; call 0x441262
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, eax
+cmp eax, 1
+jle short loc_00441f1b ; jle 0x441f1b
+mov eax, edi
+sar eax, 1
+cmp ebx, eax
+jge short loc_00441f16 ; jge 0x441f16
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, esi
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov al, byte [ebx + eax + ref_00499120] ; mov al, byte [ebx + eax + 0x499120]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+push esi
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00441ee7 ; jmp 0x441ee7
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, ebx
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+xor ecx, ecx
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00441f33 ; jmp 0x441f33
+inc ecx
+cmp ecx, 0xf
+jge short loc_00441ec9 ; jge 0x441ec9
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, esi
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add eax, ecx
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00499120], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x499120], 0
+je short loc_00441f2d ; je 0x441f2d
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00499120] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x499120]
+inc byte [edx + ref_00499197] ; inc byte [edx + 0x499197]
+mov dl, byte [edx*8 + ref_0047fdef] ; mov dl, byte [edx*8 + 0x47fdef]
+and edx, 0xff
+add ebx, edx
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [eax + ref_00499120], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x499120], dh
+jmp short loc_00441f2d ; jmp 0x441f2d
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x1c
+lea edi, [esp + 0x10]
+mov esi, ref_00441204 ; mov esi, 0x441204
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+cmp dword [esp + 0x30], 0
+je near loc_004420cd ; je 0x4420cd
+push 1
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x38]
+add eax, 0x23a
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp], ebx
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0x28
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x1b8
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x1e0
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00451e7e ; call 0x451e7e
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x81
+push 0xdc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 4
+push 0x81
+push 0xdc
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x40]
+push edx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0xc8
+push 0x8a
+lea eax, [esp + 0x18]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push ebp
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push 0
+push ref_00482402 ; push 0x482402
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0x5dc
+call fcn_004528b9 ; call 0x4528b9
+add esp, 4
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push ebx
+call fcn_00451edb ; call 0x451edb
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x1c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+xor eax, eax
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push 1
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_0048123a] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x48123a]
+push ebx
+push 3
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov edi, dword [ref_00499114] ; mov edi, dword [0x499114]
+cmp ebx, edi
+jge short loc_00442146 ; jge 0x442146
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00442143 ; je 0x442143
+add esi, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; add esi, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+inc ecx
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0044212c ; jmp 0x44212c
+mov eax, esi
+mov edx, esi
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov esi, eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0044219c ; jge 0x44219c
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00442199 ; je 0x442199
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+cmp esi, edx
+jge short loc_00442190 ; jge 0x442190
+sub edx, esi
+mov ecx, 0x64
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496b84], esi ; mov dword [eax + 0x496b84], esi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00442153 ; jmp 0x442153
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0041d433 ; call 0x41d433
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, 1
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_004421d4 ; jne 0x4421d4
+push 0xe0c0410
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_004421db ; jmp 0x4421db
+push 0
+call fcn_0041e6f2 ; call 0x41e6f2
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_00443069 ; je 0x443069
+push 2
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_0048123e] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x48123e]
+push edi
+push 3
+push esi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040d293 ; call 0x40d293
+mov edi, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, eax
+imul edx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul edx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+imul ecx, edi, 0x68
+mov edx, dword [edx + ref_00496b84] ; mov edx, dword [edx + 0x496b84]
+mov esi, dword [ecx + ref_00496b84] ; mov esi, dword [ecx + 0x496b84]
+add edx, esi
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+sub eax, edx
+sar eax, 1
+mov esi, eax
+mov eax, dword [ecx + ref_00496b84] ; mov eax, dword [ecx + 0x496b84]
+cmp esi, eax
+jge short loc_00442288 ; jge 0x442288
+mov edx, eax
+sub edx, esi
+mov ecx, 0x64
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+push edx
+push edi
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496b84], esi ; mov dword [eax + 0x496b84], esi
+imul ecx, ebp, 0x68
+mov dword [ecx + ref_00496b84], esi ; mov dword [ecx + 0x496b84], esi
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je short loc_004422de ; je 0x4422de
+push 0x64
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ecx + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [ecx + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ecx + ref_00496b70] ; mov dx, word [ecx + 0x496b70]
+push edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0040e669 ; call 0x40e669
+add esp, 0x18
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+push esi
+call fcn_0041d433 ; call 0x41d433
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, ebp, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_0048132e] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x48132e]
+push edi
+push 1
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+jmp near loc_00443069 ; jmp 0x443069
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 8
+xor esi, esi
+imul edx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul edx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [edx + ref_00496b74] ; mov cx, word [edx + 0x496b74]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e80]
+mov ax, word [ecx + eax*8 + 0x20]
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_004424be ; jle 0x4424be
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_004424be ; jge 0x4424be
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, eax
+mov cl, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+test cl, cl
+je near loc_00442603 ; je 0x442603
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, cl
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc ecx
+cmp eax, ecx
+je near loc_00442603 ; je 0x442603
+movzx edi, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [ebx + 0x1e]
+imul edi, ecx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [ebx + 0x1c]
+add edi, ecx
+imul edi, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul edi, dword [0x4990e8]
+cmp edi, dword [edx + ref_00496b84] ; cmp edi, dword [edx + 0x496b84]
+jg near loc_004425f1 ; jg 0x4425f1
+lea esi, [eax - 1]
+mov eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul ecx, eax
+mov dword [esp], ecx
+fild dword [esp]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+fild word [esp + 4]
+fadd dword [ref_0046531c] ; fadd dword [0x46531c]
+fdiv dword [ref_00465320] ; fdiv dword [0x465320]
+fmulp st1 ; fmulp st(1)
+sub esp, 8
+fstp qword [esp]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+push edx
+push esi
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00481242] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x481242]
+push ebp
+push 3
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+mov al, byte [ref_0049910c] ; mov al, byte [0x49910c]
+inc al
+mov byte [ebx + 0x19], al
+push 0
+call fcn_0040a4e1 ; call 0x40a4e1
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_00499110] ; mov edx, dword [0x499110]
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_0044246f ; je 0x44246f
+mov ecx, dword [edx*4 + ref_004751f0] ; mov ecx, dword [edx*4 + 0x4751f0]
+push ecx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov ebp, dword [0x497160]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004521cb ; call 0x4521cb
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ebx + 0x30], eax
+push 0
+push edi
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d2c6 ; call 0x41d2c6
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00481332] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x481332]
+push edx
+push 1
+push esi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+mov esi, 1
+jmp near loc_00442607 ; jmp 0x442607
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_00442603 ; jle 0x442603
+cmp eax, 0x1770
+jge near loc_00442603 ; jge 0x442603
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebx, eax
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x19], 0
+je near loc_00442603 ; je 0x442603
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edx
+cmp eax, edx
+je near loc_00442603 ; je 0x442603
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [ebx + 0x24]
+imul edx, ecx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [ebx + 0x22]
+lea edi, [ecx + edx]
+imul edi, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul edi, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul edx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul edx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp edi, dword [edx + ref_00496b84] ; cmp edi, dword [edx + 0x496b84]
+jg near loc_004425f1 ; jg 0x4425f1
+lea esi, [eax - 1]
+mov eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul ecx, eax
+mov dword [esp], ecx
+fild dword [esp]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+fild word [esp + 4]
+fadd dword [ref_0046531c] ; fadd dword [0x46531c]
+fdiv dword [ref_00465320] ; fdiv dword [0x465320]
+fmulp st1 ; fmulp st(1)
+sub esp, 8
+fstp qword [esp]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+push edx
+push esi
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00481242] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x481242]
+push ebp
+push 3
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+mov al, byte [ref_0049910c] ; mov al, byte [0x49910c]
+inc al
+mov byte [ebx + 0x19], al
+push 0
+call fcn_0040a4e1 ; call 0x40a4e1
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_00499110] ; mov edx, dword [0x499110]
+test edx, edx
+je near loc_0044246f ; je 0x44246f
+mov ecx, dword [edx*4 + ref_004751f0] ; mov ecx, dword [edx*4 + 0x4751f0]
+push ecx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov ebp, dword [0x497160]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004521cb ; call 0x4521cb
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ebx + 0x34], eax
+jmp near loc_0044246f ; jmp 0x44246f
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_0046530c ; push 0x46530c
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00442618 ; je 0x442618
+push 3
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, esi
+add esp, 8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+xor ebx, ebx
+imul edx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul edx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [edx + ref_00496b74] ; mov cx, word [edx + 0x496b74]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e80]
+mov si, word [esi + eax*8 + 0x20]
+and esi, 0xffff
+cmp esi, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_0044288c ; jle 0x44288c
+cmp esi, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_0044288c ; jge 0x44288c
+lea eax, [esi - 0x7d0]
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edi, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edi, dword [0x498e84]
+add edi, eax
+cmp byte [edx + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [edx + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_00442691 ; jne 0x442691
+push 0xe0c0202
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_00442698 ; jmp 0x442698
+push 0
+call fcn_0041e6f2 ; call 0x41e6f2
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_00442ade ; je 0x442ade
+push 0xffff
+push esi
+push 0x2f440
+mov esi, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov esi, dword [0x474938]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456c0a ; call 0x456c0a
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0xffff
+push ebx
+push 0x2f440
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov ebp, dword [0x474938]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456c0a ; call 0x456c0a
+add esp, 0x10
+sub ebx, 0x7d0
+imul ebx, ebx, 0x34
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e84]
+add esi, ebx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [edi + 0x19]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x19]
+mov dword [esp], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp ebx, eax
+jne short loc_00442736 ; jne 0x442736
+cmp eax, dword [esp]
+je short loc_00442736 ; je 0x442736
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x1a]
+cmp al, byte [edi + 0x1a]
+jb short loc_00442736 ; jb 0x442736
+lea ecx, [ebx - 1]
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00481246] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x481246]
+push edx
+jmp short loc_00442774 ; jmp 0x442774
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp ebx, eax
+je short loc_0044277f ; je 0x44277f
+cmp eax, dword [esp]
+jne short loc_0044277f ; jne 0x44277f
+mov al, byte [edi + 0x1a]
+cmp al, byte [esi + 0x1a]
+jb short loc_0044277f ; jb 0x44277f
+mov ecx, dword [esp]
+dec ecx
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00481246] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x481246]
+push ebp
+push 3
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je short loc_004427bb ; je 0x4427bb
+push 0x64
+movsx edx, word [esi + 2]
+push edx
+movsx edx, word [esi]
+push edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0040e669 ; call 0x40e669
+add esp, 0x18
+mov byte [esi + 0x19], bl
+mov al, byte [esp]
+mov byte [edi + 0x19], al
+push 0
+call fcn_0040a4e1 ; call 0x40a4e1
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00451985 ; call 0x451985
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x1f4
+call fcn_0045285e ; call 0x45285e
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp ebx, eax
+jne short loc_00442836 ; jne 0x442836
+mov ebp, dword [esp]
+cmp eax, ebp
+je short loc_00442836 ; je 0x442836
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_00442836 ; je 0x442836
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x1a]
+cmp al, byte [edi + 0x1a]
+jb short loc_00442836 ; jb 0x442836
+lea ecx, [ebp - 1]
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_00481336] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x481336]
+push ebx
+push 2
+push ecx
+jmp short loc_0044287a ; jmp 0x44287a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp ebx, eax
+je short loc_00442882 ; je 0x442882
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00442882 ; je 0x442882
+cmp eax, dword [esp]
+jne short loc_00442882 ; jne 0x442882
+mov al, byte [edi + 0x1a]
+cmp al, byte [esi + 0x1a]
+jb short loc_00442882 ; jb 0x442882
+lea edx, [ebx - 1]
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00481336] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x481336]
+push ecx
+push 2
+push edx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebx, 1
+jmp near loc_00442ae2 ; jmp 0x442ae2
+cmp esi, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_00442ade ; jle 0x442ade
+cmp esi, 0x1770
+jge near loc_00442ade ; jge 0x442ade
+lea eax, [esi - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edi, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edi, dword [0x498e88]
+add edi, eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_004428d8 ; jne 0x4428d8
+push 0xe0c0204
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_004428df ; jmp 0x4428df
+push 0
+call fcn_0041e6f2 ; call 0x41e6f2
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_00442ade ; je 0x442ade
+push 0xffff
+push esi
+push 0x2f440
+mov esi, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov esi, dword [0x474938]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456c0a ; call 0x456c0a
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0xffff
+push ebx
+push 0x2f440
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov ebp, dword [0x474938]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456c0a ; call 0x456c0a
+add esp, 0x10
+lea eax, [ebx - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e88]
+add esi, eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [edi + 0x19]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x19]
+mov dword [esp], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp ebx, eax
+jne short loc_00442984 ; jne 0x442984
+cmp eax, dword [esp]
+je short loc_00442984 ; je 0x442984
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x1a]
+cmp al, byte [edi + 0x1a]
+jb short loc_00442984 ; jb 0x442984
+lea ecx, [ebx - 1]
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00481246] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x481246]
+push edx
+jmp short loc_004429c2 ; jmp 0x4429c2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp ebx, eax
+je short loc_004429cd ; je 0x4429cd
+cmp eax, dword [esp]
+jne short loc_004429cd ; jne 0x4429cd
+mov al, byte [edi + 0x1a]
+cmp al, byte [esi + 0x1a]
+jb short loc_004429cd ; jb 0x4429cd
+mov ecx, dword [esp]
+dec ecx
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00481246] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x481246]
+push ebp
+push 3
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je short loc_00442a09 ; je 0x442a09
+push 0x64
+movsx edx, word [esi + 2]
+push edx
+movsx edx, word [esi]
+push edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0040e669 ; call 0x40e669
+add esp, 0x18
+mov byte [esi + 0x19], bl
+mov al, byte [esp]
+mov byte [edi + 0x19], al
+push 0
+call fcn_0040a4e1 ; call 0x40a4e1
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_00451985 ; call 0x451985
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x1f4
+call fcn_0045285e ; call 0x45285e
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp ebx, eax
+jne short loc_00442a87 ; jne 0x442a87
+mov ebp, dword [esp]
+cmp eax, ebp
+je short loc_00442a87 ; je 0x442a87
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_00442a87 ; je 0x442a87
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x1a]
+cmp al, byte [edi + 0x1a]
+jb short loc_00442a87 ; jb 0x442a87
+lea ecx, [ebp - 1]
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_00481336] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x481336]
+push ebx
+push 2
+push ecx
+jmp near loc_0044287a ; jmp 0x44287a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp ebx, eax
+je near loc_00442882 ; je 0x442882
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_00442882 ; je 0x442882
+cmp eax, dword [esp]
+jne near loc_00442882 ; jne 0x442882
+mov al, byte [edi + 0x1a]
+cmp al, byte [esi + 0x1a]
+jb near loc_00442882 ; jb 0x442882
+dec ebx
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00481336] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x481336]
+push ecx
+push 2
+push ebx
+jmp near loc_0044287a ; jmp 0x44287a
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00442af8 ; je 0x442af8
+push 4
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xc
+xor ebx, ebx
+imul esi, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul esi, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [esi + ref_00496b74] ; mov dx, word [esi + 0x496b74]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add edx, eax
+shl edx, 3
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+mov ax, word [edx + eax + 0x20]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_00442d3a ; jle 0x442d3a
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_00442d3a ; jge 0x442d3a
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 4], edx
+cmp byte [esi + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [esi + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_00442b77 ; jne 0x442b77
+push 0xe0c0202
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_00442b7e ; jmp 0x442b7e
+push 0
+call fcn_0041e6f2 ; call 0x41e6f2
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_00442f29 ; je 0x442f29
+push 0xffff
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push ebp
+push 0x2f440
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov eax, dword [0x474938]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456c0a ; call 0x456c0a
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0xffff
+push ebx
+push 0x2f440
+mov edx, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov edx, dword [0x474938]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456c0a ; call 0x456c0a
+add esp, 0x10
+lea eax, [ebx - 0x7d0]
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebp, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebp, eax
+mov edi, dword [esp + 4]
+movzx edi, byte [edi + 0x19]
+movzx esi, byte [ebp + 0x19]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edi, eax
+jne short loc_00442bfe ; jne 0x442bfe
+cmp esi, eax
+je short loc_00442bfe ; je 0x442bfe
+mov al, byte [ebp + 0x1a]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+cmp al, byte [edx + 0x1a]
+jb short loc_00442bfe ; jb 0x442bfe
+lea ecx, [edi - 1]
+jmp short loc_00442c1b ; jmp 0x442c1b
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edi, eax
+je short loc_00442c4c ; je 0x442c4c
+cmp esi, eax
+jne short loc_00442c4c ; jne 0x442c4c
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+mov al, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+cmp al, byte [ebp + 0x1a]
+jb short loc_00442c4c ; jb 0x442c4c
+lea ecx, [esi - 1]
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_0048124a] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x48124a]
+push edx
+push 3
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je short loc_00442c89 ; je 0x442c89
+push 0x64
+movsx edx, word [ebp + 2]
+push edx
+movsx edx, word [ebp]
+push edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0040e669 ; call 0x40e669
+add esp, 0x18
+call fcn_00451985 ; call 0x451985
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040b4f8 ; call 0x40b4f8
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edi, eax
+jne short loc_00442ce3 ; jne 0x442ce3
+cmp esi, eax
+je short loc_00442ce3 ; je 0x442ce3
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00442ce3 ; je 0x442ce3
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+mov al, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+cmp al, byte [ebp + 0x1a]
+jb short loc_00442ce3 ; jb 0x442ce3
+dec esi
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, ebx
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_0048133a] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x48133a]
+push edi
+push 2
+push esi
+jmp short loc_00442d28 ; jmp 0x442d28
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edi, eax
+je short loc_00442d30 ; je 0x442d30
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_00442d30 ; je 0x442d30
+cmp esi, eax
+jne short loc_00442d30 ; jne 0x442d30
+mov al, byte [ebp + 0x1a]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+cmp al, byte [edx + 0x1a]
+jb short loc_00442d30 ; jb 0x442d30
+dec edi
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_0048133a] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x48133a]
+push esi
+push 2
+push edi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebx, 1
+jmp near loc_00442f2d ; jmp 0x442f2d
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 8]
+cmp ebp, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_00442f29 ; jle 0x442f29
+cmp ebp, 0x1770
+jge near loc_00442f29 ; jge 0x442f29
+lea eax, [ebp - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp], edx
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_00442d8d ; jne 0x442d8d
+push 0xe0c0204
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_00442d94 ; jmp 0x442d94
+push 0
+call fcn_0041e6f2 ; call 0x41e6f2
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_00442f29 ; je 0x442f29
+push 0xffff
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+push 0x2f440
+mov esi, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov esi, dword [0x474938]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456c0a ; call 0x456c0a
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0xffff
+push ebx
+push 0x2f440
+mov edi, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov edi, dword [0x474938]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456c0a ; call 0x456c0a
+add esp, 0x10
+lea eax, [ebx - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebp, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebp, eax
+mov edi, dword [esp]
+movzx edi, byte [edi + 0x19]
+movzx esi, byte [ebp + 0x19]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edi, eax
+jne short loc_00442e1a ; jne 0x442e1a
+cmp esi, eax
+je short loc_00442e1a ; je 0x442e1a
+mov al, byte [ebp + 0x1a]
+mov edx, dword [esp]
+cmp al, byte [edx + 0x1a]
+jb short loc_00442e1a ; jb 0x442e1a
+lea ecx, [edi - 1]
+jmp short loc_00442e36 ; jmp 0x442e36
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edi, eax
+je short loc_00442e67 ; je 0x442e67
+cmp esi, eax
+jne short loc_00442e67 ; jne 0x442e67
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+mov al, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+cmp al, byte [ebp + 0x1a]
+jb short loc_00442e67 ; jb 0x442e67
+lea ecx, [esi - 1]
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_0048124a] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x48124a]
+push edx
+push 3
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je short loc_00442ea4 ; je 0x442ea4
+push 0x64
+movsx edx, word [ebp + 2]
+push edx
+movsx edx, word [ebp]
+push edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0040e669 ; call 0x40e669
+add esp, 0x18
+call fcn_00451985 ; call 0x451985
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040b4f8 ; call 0x40b4f8
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edi, eax
+jne short loc_00442f00 ; jne 0x442f00
+cmp esi, eax
+je short loc_00442f00 ; je 0x442f00
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00442f00 ; je 0x442f00
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+mov al, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+cmp al, byte [ebp + 0x1a]
+jb short loc_00442f00 ; jb 0x442f00
+dec esi
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_0048133a] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x48133a]
+push edi
+push 2
+push esi
+jmp near loc_00442d28 ; jmp 0x442d28
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edi, eax
+je near loc_00442d30 ; je 0x442d30
+test edi, edi
+je near loc_00442d30 ; je 0x442d30
+cmp esi, eax
+jne near loc_00442d30 ; jne 0x442d30
+mov al, byte [ebp + 0x1a]
+mov edx, dword [esp]
+jmp near loc_00442cfc ; jmp 0x442cfc
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00442f43 ; je 0x442f43
+push 5
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 0xc
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_00442f6d ; jne 0x442f6d
+push 0xe0c0010
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_00442f74 ; jmp 0x442f74
+push 0
+call fcn_0041e6f2 ; call 0x41e6f2
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_00443069 ; je 0x443069
+push 6
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+movzx esi, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; movzx esi, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+mov esi, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, esi
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_0048124e] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x48124e]
+push edi
+push 3
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040d293 ; call 0x40d293
+mov edx, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je short loc_00443024 ; je 0x443024
+push 0x64
+imul edx, edx, 0x68
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [edx + ref_00496b72] ; mov cx, word [edx + 0x496b72]
+push ecx
+mov dx, word [edx + ref_00496b70] ; mov dx, word [edx + 0x496b70]
+and edx, 0xffff
+push edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0040e669 ; call 0x40e669
+add esp, 0x18
+push esi
+call fcn_0040c78c ; call 0x40c78c
+add esp, 4
+cmp esi, 4
+jge short loc_00443069 ; jge 0x443069
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp esi, edi
+jne short loc_00443070 ; jne 0x443070
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+movzx esi, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; movzx esi, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+mov esi, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, esi
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_004812c6] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x4812c6]
+push ecx
+push 0
+push edi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_0048133e] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x48133e]
+push ebp
+push 2
+push esi
+jmp near loc_00442313 ; jmp 0x442313
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+xor esi, esi
+imul edx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul edx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [edx + ref_00496b74] ; mov bx, word [edx + 0x496b74]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e80]
+mov ax, word [ebx + eax*8 + 0x20]
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_00443147 ; jle 0x443147
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_00443147 ; jge 0x443147
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, eax
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x1a], 0
+je near loc_00443202 ; je 0x443202
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x496b7b]
+and edx, 0xff
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00481252] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x481252]
+push ecx
+push 3
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+push esi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ah, byte [ebx + 0x18]
+xor ah, 1
+mov byte [ebx + 0x18], ah
+je short loc_0044313d ; je 0x44313d
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x1a], 1
+jbe short loc_0044313d ; jbe 0x44313d
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1a], 1
+mov esi, 1
+jmp near loc_0044320a ; jmp 0x44320a
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_00443202 ; jle 0x443202
+cmp eax, 0x1770
+jge near loc_00443202 ; jge 0x443202
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebx, eax
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x1a], 0
+je near loc_00443202 ; je 0x443202
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00481252] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x481252]
+push edi
+push 3
+push esi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_004431da ; jne 0x4431da
+push 1
+call fcn_00440aac ; call 0x440aac
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, eax
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_004431e4 ; jne 0x4431e4
+xor esi, esi
+jmp near loc_004412de ; jmp 0x4412de
+push 0
+call fcn_0041e6f2 ; call 0x41e6f2
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ebx + 0x18], al
+mov esi, 1
+mov dh, byte [ebx + 0x18]
+test dh, dh
+je short loc_004431f8 ; je 0x4431f8
+cmp dh, 3
+jne short loc_00443202 ; jne 0x443202
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x1a], 1
+jbe short loc_00443202 ; jbe 0x443202
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1a], 1
+test esi, esi
+je near loc_004412de ; je 0x4412de
+push 7
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+jmp near loc_004412de ; jmp 0x4412de
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 8
+xor ebx, ebx
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b74] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b74]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edi, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov edi, dword [0x498e80]
+mov di, word [edi + eax*8 + 0x20]
+and edi, 0xffff
+cmp edi, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_00443375 ; jle 0x443375
+cmp edi, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_00443375 ; jge 0x443375
+lea eax, [edi - 0x7d0]
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e84]
+add esi, eax
+mov bl, byte [esi + 0x19]
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_004432ce ; je 0x4432ce
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esi + 0x1c]
+mov ebp, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov ebp, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul eax, ebp
+mov dword [esp], eax
+fild dword [esp]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x1a]
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+fild word [esp + 4]
+fadd dword [ref_00465324] ; fadd dword [0x465324]
+fdiv dword [ref_00465328] ; fdiv dword [0x465328]
+fmulp st1 ; fmulp st(1)
+sub esp, 8
+fstp qword [esp]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebx - 1]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00481256] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x481256]
+push ecx
+push 3
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00443345 ; je 0x443345
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp ebx, eax
+je short loc_00443345 ; je 0x443345
+lea edx, [ebx - 1]
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00481346] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x481346]
+push ecx
+push 1
+push edx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+push edi
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0043bde5 ; call 0x43bde5
+add esp, 0xc
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0044336b ; jne 0x44336b
+mov byte [esi + 0x19], 0
+mov dword [esi + 0x30], eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0040a4e1 ; call 0x40a4e1
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, 1
+jmp near loc_00443496 ; jmp 0x443496
+cmp edi, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_00443492 ; jle 0x443492
+cmp edi, 0x1770
+jge near loc_00443492 ; jge 0x443492
+lea eax, [edi - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e88]
+add esi, eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [esi + 0x19]
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_004433f7 ; je 0x4433f7
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esi + 0x22]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul eax, ecx
+mov dword [esp], eax
+fild dword [esp]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x1a]
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+fild word [esp + 4]
+fadd dword [ref_00465324] ; fadd dword [0x465324]
+fdiv dword [ref_00465328] ; fdiv dword [0x465328]
+fmulp st1 ; fmulp st(1)
+sub esp, 8
+fstp qword [esp]
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+lea eax, [ebx - 1]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00481256] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x481256]
+push ecx
+push 3
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0044346c ; je 0x44346c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp ebx, eax
+je short loc_0044346c ; je 0x44346c
+dec ebx
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00481346] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x481346]
+push edx
+push 1
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+push edi
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0043bde5 ; call 0x43bde5
+add esp, 0xc
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_0044336b ; jne 0x44336b
+mov byte [esi + 0x19], 0
+mov dword [esi + 0x34], eax
+jmp near loc_00443362 ; jmp 0x443362
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_004434b9 ; je 0x4434b9
+push 8
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [ref_0048be18], edi ; mov dword [0x48be18], edi
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+jmp near loc_0044261a ; jmp 0x44261a
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp], edx
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_004434e8 ; jne 0x4434e8
+push 0xe0c0006
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_004434ef ; jmp 0x4434ef
+push 0
+call fcn_0041e6f2 ; call 0x41e6f2
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, eax
+test ebp, ebp
+je near loc_004436d9 ; je 0x4436d9
+push 9
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, ebx
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_0048125a] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x48125a]
+push edi
+push 3
+push esi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp ebp, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_00443621 ; jle 0x443621
+cmp ebp, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_00443621 ; jge 0x443621
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x7d0]
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+lea edi, [ebx + eax]
+mov esi, 1
+add ebx, 0x34
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp esi, dword [0x498e98]
+jg near loc_004435e4 ; jg 0x4435e4
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [edi + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_004435e1 ; jne 0x4435e1
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x1a], 5
+jae short loc_004435e1 ; jae 0x4435e1
+push 0xffff
+lea eax, [esi + 0x7d0]
+push eax
+push 0x2f440
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov ecx, dword [0x474938]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456c0a ; call 0x456c0a
+add esp, 0x10
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_004435cb ; je 0x4435cb
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x1a], 0
+jne short loc_004435ce ; jne 0x4435ce
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1a], 1
+jmp short loc_004435ce ; jmp 0x4435ce
+inc byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+jne short loc_004435e1 ; jne 0x4435e1
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x1a], 5
+jne short loc_004435e1 ; jne 0x4435e1
+mov dword [esp], 1
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_00443570 ; jmp 0x443570
+push 0x64
+movsx eax, word [edi + 2]
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [edi]
+push eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov bx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push ebx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0040e669 ; call 0x40e669
+add esp, 0x18
+call fcn_00451985 ; call 0x451985
+jmp near loc_004436c0 ; jmp 0x4436c0
+cmp ebp, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_004436ce ; jle 0x4436ce
+cmp ebp, 0x1770
+jge near loc_004436ce ; jge 0x4436ce
+lea eax, [ebp - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebx, eax
+push 0xffff
+push ebp
+push 0x2f440
+mov edx, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov edx, dword [0x474938]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456c0a ; call 0x456c0a
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je short loc_004436a7 ; je 0x4436a7
+push 0x64
+movsx esi, word [ebx + 2]
+push esi
+movsx ebx, word [ebx]
+push ebx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov bx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push ebx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0040e669 ; call 0x40e669
+add esp, 0x18
+call fcn_00451985 ; call 0x451985
+push ebp
+call fcn_0040b110 ; call 0x40b110
+add esp, 4
+test al, 0x80
+je short loc_004436c0 ; je 0x4436c0
+mov dword [esp], 1
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp dword [esp], 0
+je short loc_004436d9 ; je 0x4436d9
+call fcn_0040b0cd ; call 0x40b0cd
+mov eax, ebp
+jmp near loc_00442afa ; jmp 0x442afa
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_00443700 ; jne 0x443700
+push 0xe0c0006
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_00443707 ; jmp 0x443707
+push 0
+call fcn_0041e6f2 ; call 0x41e6f2
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, eax
+test ebp, ebp
+je near loc_0044558c ; je 0x44558c
+push 0xa
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_0048125e] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x48125e]
+push esi
+push 0
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp ebp, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_00443848 ; jle 0x443848
+cmp ebp, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_00443848 ; jge 0x443848
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x7d0]
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+lea edi, [ebx + eax]
+mov esi, 1
+add ebx, 0x34
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp esi, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_00443803 ; jg 0x443803
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [edi + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00443800 ; jne 0x443800
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x19], 0
+je short loc_004437d8 ; je 0x4437d8
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+add edx, edx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+dec eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0xffff
+lea eax, [esi + 0x7d0]
+push eax
+push 0x2f440
+mov edx, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov edx, dword [0x474938]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456c0a ; call 0x456c0a
+add esp, 0x10
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1a], 0
+mov byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_00443788 ; jmp 0x443788
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je near loc_0044390d ; je 0x44390d
+push 0x64
+movsx edx, word [edi + 2]
+push edx
+movsx edx, word [edi]
+push edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0040e669 ; call 0x40e669
+add esp, 0x18
+jmp near loc_0044390d ; jmp 0x44390d
+cmp ebp, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_0044558c ; jle 0x44558c
+cmp ebp, 0x1770
+jge near loc_0044558c ; jge 0x44558c
+lea eax, [ebp - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebx, eax
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x19], 0
+je short loc_004438aa ; je 0x4438aa
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+add edx, edx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+dec eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0xffff
+push ebp
+push 0x2f440
+mov esi, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov esi, dword [0x474938]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456c0a ; call 0x456c0a
+add esp, 0x10
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1a], 0
+mov byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+call fcn_0040dffa ; call 0x40dffa
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je short loc_0044390d ; je 0x44390d
+push 0x64
+movsx edx, word [ebx + 2]
+push edx
+movsx edx, word [ebx]
+push edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0040e669 ; call 0x40e669
+add esp, 0x18
+call fcn_00451985 ; call 0x451985
+jmp near loc_0044557e ; jmp 0x44557e
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_00443937 ; jne 0x443937
+push 0xe0c0506
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_0044393e ; jmp 0x44393e
+push 0
+call fcn_0041e6f2 ; call 0x41e6f2
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, eax
+test esi, esi
+je near loc_00443b08 ; je 0x443b08
+push 0xb
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+sub ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+mov eax, ebx
+shl ebx, 4
+sub ebx, eax
+mov edi, dword [ebx + ref_00481262] ; mov edi, dword [ebx + 0x481262]
+push edi
+push 0
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp esi, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_004439e8 ; jge 0x4439e8
+lea eax, [esi - 0x7d0]
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, eax
+mov cl, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+test cl, cl
+je near loc_00443a32 ; je 0x443a32
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+add edx, edx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, cl
+dec eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp short loc_00443a32 ; jmp 0x443a32
+lea eax, [esi - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebx, eax
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x19], 0
+je short loc_00443a32 ; je 0x443a32
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+add edx, edx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+dec eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+movzx edi, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+movsx ebp, word [ebx]
+movsx ebx, word [ebx + 2]
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je short loc_00443a72 ; je 0x443a72
+push 0x64
+push ebx
+push ebp
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0040e669 ; call 0x40e669
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0
+push ebx
+push ebp
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 2
+push esi
+call fcn_0040ab4a ; call 0x40ab4a
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x22d
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x50
+push 0x100001
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push 0x1f4
+call fcn_0045285e ; call 0x45285e
+add esp, 4
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_00443b03 ; je 0x443b03
+dec edi
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+sub ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+mov eax, ebx
+shl ebx, 4
+sub ebx, eax
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + ref_00481352] ; mov ebp, dword [ebx + 0x481352]
+push ebp
+push 1
+push edi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+mov eax, esi
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+xor edi, edi
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_00443b34 ; jne 0x443b34
+push 0xe0c0626
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_00443b3a ; jmp 0x443b3a
+push edi
+call fcn_0041e6f2 ; call 0x41e6f2
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp], eax
+cmp dword [esp], 0
+je near loc_00443e35 ; je 0x443e35
+push 0xc
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ebp, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+sub ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+mov eax, ebx
+shl ebx, 4
+sub ebx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ebx + ref_00481266] ; mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x481266]
+push eax
+push 0
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [esp]
+cmp ecx, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_00443c54 ; jle 0x443c54
+cmp ecx, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_00443c54 ; jge 0x443c54
+lea ebx, [ecx - 0x7d0]
+imul ebx, ebx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je short loc_00443bf9 ; je 0x443bf9
+push 0x64
+movsx edx, word [ebx + 2]
+push edx
+movsx edx, word [ebx]
+push edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0040e669 ; call 0x40e669
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 2]
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+movzx esi, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+dec byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_00443c21 ; je 0x443c21
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1a], 0
+mov byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x19], 0
+je near loc_00443db6 ; je 0x443db6
+mov eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+add eax, eax
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+dec eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp near loc_00443db6 ; jmp 0x443db6
+mov ebp, dword [esp]
+cmp ebp, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_00443d22 ; jle 0x443d22
+cmp ebp, 0x1770
+jge near loc_00443d22 ; jge 0x443d22
+lea ebx, [ebp - 0xfa0]
+shl ebx, 3
+mov eax, ebx
+shl ebx, 3
+sub ebx, eax
+mov eax, ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebx, eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je short loc_00443cc5 ; je 0x443cc5
+push 0x64
+movsx edx, word [ebx + 2]
+push edx
+movsx edx, word [ebx]
+push edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0040e669 ; call 0x40e669
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 2]
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+movzx esi, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+dec al
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1a], al
+jne short loc_00443cee ; jne 0x443cee
+mov byte [ebx + 0x18], al
+call fcn_0040dffa ; call 0x40dffa
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x19], 0
+je near loc_00443db6 ; je 0x443db6
+mov eax, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x4990e8]
+add eax, eax
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+dec eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp near loc_00443db6 ; jmp 0x443db6
+test byte [esp + 1], 0x80
+je near loc_00443dae ; je 0x443dae
+mov esi, dword [esp]
+and esi, 0x7f00
+sar esi, 8
+imul ebx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul ebx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b7d], 1
+je short loc_00443d97 ; je 0x443d97
+push 0x64
+lea edx, [esi - 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax*8 + ref_00496d0a] ; mov dx, word [eax*8 + 0x496d0a]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add edx, eax
+shl edx, 3
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+add eax, edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 2]
+push edx
+movsx eax, word [eax]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b72] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b72]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b70]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0040e669 ; call 0x40e669
+add esp, 0x18
+push esi
+call fcn_0040e14d ; call 0x40e14d
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+test edi, edi
+je near loc_00443e35 ; je 0x443e35
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x211
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x61
+push 0x260001
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push 0x1f4
+call fcn_0045285e ; call 0x45285e
+add esp, 4
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00443e30 ; je 0x443e30
+dec esi
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+sub ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+mov eax, ebx
+shl ebx, 4
+sub ebx, eax
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + ref_00481356] ; mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x481356]
+push ecx
+push 1
+push esi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+jmp near loc_00442afa ; jmp 0x442afa
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_00443e5c ; jne 0x443e5c
+push 0xe0c0410
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_00443e63 ; jmp 0x443e63
+push 0
+call fcn_0041e6f2 ; call 0x41e6f2
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_00441f1b ; je 0x441f1b
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_0048126a] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x48126a]
+push esi
+push 3
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040d293 ; call 0x40d293
+mov edx, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je short loc_00443eff ; je 0x443eff
+push 0x64
+imul edx, edx, 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [edx + ref_00496b72] ; mov bx, word [edx + 0x496b72]
+push ebx
+mov dx, word [edx + ref_00496b70] ; mov dx, word [edx + 0x496b70]
+and edx, 0xffff
+push edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0040e669 ; call 0x40e669
+add esp, 0x18
+push 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+push esi
+call fcn_0044192a ; call 0x44192a
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebx, eax
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_00441f1b ; je 0x441f1b
+mov al, byte [eax*8 + ref_0047fdef] ; mov al, byte [eax*8 + 0x47fdef]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+push edx
+push esi
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0xd
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_0048135a] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x48135a]
+push edi
+push 1
+push esi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+jmp near loc_00441f1b ; jmp 0x441f1b
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_00443fa0 ; jne 0x443fa0
+push 0xe0c0010
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_00443fa7 ; jmp 0x443fa7
+push 0
+call fcn_0041e6f2 ; call 0x41e6f2
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, eax
+test edi, edi
+je near loc_004440e3 ; je 0x4440e3
+push edi
+call fcn_0040d293 ; call 0x40d293
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, eax
+push 0xe
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp ebx, ebp
+je short loc_0044400a ; je 0x44400a
+imul eax, ebp, 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_0048126e] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x48126e]
+push ecx
+push 3
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je short loc_00444058 ; je 0x444058
+push 0x64
+imul edx, esi, 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [edx + ref_00496b72] ; mov bx, word [edx + 0x496b72]
+push ebx
+mov dx, word [edx + ref_00496b70] ; mov dx, word [edx + 0x496b70]
+and edx, 0xffff
+push edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0040e669 ; call 0x40e669
+add esp, 0x18
+cmp esi, 4
+jge near loc_004440d9 ; jge 0x4440d9
+imul ebx, esi, 0x68
+cmp esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; cmp esi, dword [0x49910c]
+jne short loc_004440a0 ; jne 0x4440a0
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_004812e6] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x4812e6]
+push ecx
+push 3
+push esi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496ba0], 0x80 ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496ba0], 0x80
+jmp short loc_004440e3 ; jmp 0x4440e3
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_0048135e] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x48135e]
+push edx
+push 2
+push esi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496ba0], 1 ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496ba0], 1
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+jmp short loc_004440e3 ; jmp 0x4440e3
+shl esi, 4
+mov byte [esi + ref_00498df6], 1 ; mov byte [esi + 0x498df6], 1
+mov eax, edi
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push 0xf
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_00481272] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x481272]
+push ebx
+push 3
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00444147 ; jmp 0x444147
+mov dh, 5
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 8
+jge near loc_004441c9 ; jge 0x4441c9
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_004441a9 ; jge 0x4441a9
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp ebx, edi
+je short loc_00444136 ; je 0x444136
+imul esi, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [esi + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [esi + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00444136 ; je 0x444136
+cmp word [esi + ref_00496b70], 0 ; cmp word [esi + 0x496b70], 0
+je short loc_00444136 ; je 0x444136
+cmp dword [esi + ref_00496b9a], 0 ; cmp dword [esi + 0x496b9a], 0
+jne short loc_00444136 ; jne 0x444136
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+add eax, eax
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+push eax
+push edi
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [esi + ref_00496b9f], dl ; mov byte [esi + 0x496b9f], dl
+mov dh, 5
+mov byte [esi + ref_00496b9e], dh ; mov byte [esi + 0x496b9e], dh
+add byte [esi + ref_00496baa], dh ; add byte [esi + 0x496baa], dh
+jmp short loc_00444136 ; jmp 0x444136
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 4
+mov ch, byte [eax + ref_00498df2] ; mov ch, byte [eax + 0x498df2]
+test ch, ch
+jne short loc_00444138 ; jne 0x444138
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498df5], ch ; mov byte [eax + 0x498df5], ch
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498df4], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x498df4], dh
+jmp near loc_00444138 ; jmp 0x444138
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp near loc_004421ab ; jmp 0x4421ab
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_004441fc ; jne 0x4441fc
+push 0xe0c0710
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_00444203 ; jmp 0x444203
+push 0
+call fcn_0041e6f2 ; call 0x41e6f2
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, eax
+test esi, esi
+je near loc_004444b8 ; je 0x4444b8
+push 0x10
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00481276] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x481276]
+push edi
+push 3
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+push esi
+call fcn_0040d293 ; call 0x40d293
+mov edx, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, eax
+mov ebx, eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je short loc_004442b2 ; je 0x4442b2
+push 0x64
+imul edx, edx, 0x68
+xor edi, edi
+mov di, word [edx + ref_00496b72] ; mov di, word [edx + 0x496b72]
+push edi
+mov dx, word [edx + ref_00496b70] ; mov dx, word [edx + 0x496b70]
+and edx, 0xffff
+push edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0040e669 ; call 0x40e669
+add esp, 0x18
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge near loc_0044449b ; jge 0x44449b
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9e], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9e], 0
+jne near loc_0044449b ; jne 0x44449b
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+add eax, eax
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x15
+push ebx
+call fcn_004413ad ; call 0x4413ad
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_00444310 ; jne 0x444310
+push ebx
+call fcn_00444bb2 ; call 0x444bb2
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_004444b3 ; jmp 0x4444b3
+push 0x13
+push ebx
+call fcn_004413ad ; call 0x4413ad
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_00444334 ; jne 0x444334
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044476a ; call 0x44476a
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00444334 ; je 0x444334
+mov ebx, eax
+imul edi, ebx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [edi + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [edi + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_0048089e] ; mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x48089e]
+push ecx
+push 1
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+setne al
+add al, 4
+mov byte [edi + ref_00496b9f], al ; mov byte [edi + 0x496b9f], al
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+add byte [eax + ref_00496baa], 5 ; add byte [eax + 0x496baa], 5
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496bce], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496bce], dl
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7a] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7a]
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496bcf], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496bcf], dl
+mov dh, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov dh, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+test dh, dh
+je short loc_004443e6 ; je 0x4443e6
+cmp dh, 1
+jne short loc_004443b4 ; jne 0x4443b4
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+inc byte [eax + ref_00499160] ; inc byte [eax + 0x499160]
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 2 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b79], 2
+jne short loc_004443d4 ; jne 0x4443d4
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+inc byte [eax + ref_00499161] ; inc byte [eax + 0x499161]
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b79], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b79], cl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7a], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7a], 1
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040b93b ; call 0x40b93b
+add esp, 4
+cmp ebx, ebp
+jne near loc_004444b3 ; jne 0x4444b3
+push 0x12
+push ebp
+call fcn_004413ad ; call 0x4413ad
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne near loc_004444b3 ; jne 0x4444b3
+push ebp
+call fcn_00444691 ; call 0x444691
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b9f], 5 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b9f], 5
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496bce], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496bce], dl
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7a] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7a]
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496bcf], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496bcf], dl
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b79], 1
+jne short loc_00444459 ; jne 0x444459
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+inc byte [eax + ref_00499160] ; inc byte [eax + 0x499160]
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 2 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b79], 2
+jne short loc_00444483 ; jne 0x444483
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+inc byte [eax + ref_00499161] ; inc byte [eax + 0x499161]
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor ch, ch
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b79], ch ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b79], ch
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7a], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7a], 1
+jmp short loc_004444b3 ; jmp 0x4444b3
+cmp ebx, 4
+jl short loc_004444b3 ; jl 0x4444b3
+shl ebx, 4
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00498df4], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x498df4], 0
+jne short loc_004444b3 ; jne 0x4444b3
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00498df5], 5 ; mov byte [ebx + 0x498df5], 5
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+mov eax, esi
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_004444df ; jne 0x4444df
+push 0xe0c0710
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_004444e6 ; jmp 0x4444e6
+push 0
+call fcn_0041e6f2 ; call 0x41e6f2
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, eax
+test esi, esi
+je near loc_0044468a ; je 0x44468a
+push 0x11
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, ebx
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_0048127a] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x48127a]
+push edi
+push 3
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+push esi
+call fcn_0040d293 ; call 0x40d293
+mov edx, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, eax
+mov ebx, eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je short loc_00444599 ; je 0x444599
+push 0x64
+imul edx, edx, 0x68
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [edx + ref_00496b72] ; mov cx, word [edx + 0x496b72]
+push ecx
+mov dx, word [edx + ref_00496b70] ; mov dx, word [edx + 0x496b70]
+and edx, 0xffff
+push edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0040e669 ; call 0x40e669
+add esp, 0x18
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge near loc_0044467a ; jge 0x44467a
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+add eax, eax
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x15
+push ebx
+call fcn_004413ad ; call 0x4413ad
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_004445e7 ; jne 0x4445e7
+push ebx
+call fcn_00444bb2 ; call 0x444bb2
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00444685 ; jmp 0x444685
+push 0x13
+push ebx
+call fcn_004413ad ; call 0x4413ad
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_0044460b ; jne 0x44460b
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044476a ; call 0x44476a
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0044460b ; je 0x44460b
+mov ebx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp ebx, eax
+jne short loc_00444619 ; jne 0x444619
+push 4
+push eax
+jmp short loc_0044461c ; jmp 0x44461c
+push 5
+push ebx
+call fcn_0043d593 ; call 0x43d593
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_0048136a] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x48136a]
+push edx
+push 1
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp ebx, edi
+jne short loc_00444685 ; jne 0x444685
+push 0x12
+push edi
+call fcn_004413ad ; call 0x4413ad
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_00444685 ; jne 0x444685
+push edi
+call fcn_00444691 ; call 0x444691
+add esp, 4
+push 5
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+jmp short loc_0044467d ; jmp 0x44467d
+push 5
+push ebx
+call fcn_0043d593 ; call 0x43d593
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+mov eax, esi
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0x80
+push 0
+imul ebx, dword [esp + 0x94], 0x68
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b72] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b72]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b70]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + ref_00496b68] ; mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x496b68]
+push ecx
+push ref_0046532c ; push 0x46532c
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push 0x12
+call fcn_00441f73 ; call 0x441f73
+add esp, 8
+push 0x12
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x94]
+push esi
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+mov bl, byte [ebx + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [ebx + 0x496b7b]
+and ebx, 0xff
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, ebx
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_0048127e] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x48127e]
+push edi
+push 0
+push esi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_0048136e] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x48136e]
+push ecx
+push 2
+push edx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, 1
+add esp, 0x80
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xa0
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xb4]
+mov ebx, 0xffffffff
+push 0
+imul esi, edi, 0x68
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esi + ref_00496b72] ; mov ax, word [esi + 0x496b72]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esi + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [esi + 0x496b70]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp byte [esi + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [esi + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne near loc_004448b0 ; jne 0x4448b0
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00499114] ; mov ebp, dword [0x499114]
+cmp ebx, ebp
+jge short loc_004447d7 ; jge 0x4447d7
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_004447d4 ; je 0x4447d4
+cmp ebx, edi
+je short loc_004447d4 ; je 0x4447d4
+mov byte [esp + esi + 0x9c], bl
+inc esi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_004447b8 ; jmp 0x4447b8
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+cmp esi, 1
+jne near loc_0044486d ; jne 0x44486d
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ecx
+push ref_0046533d ; push 0x46533d
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push 0x13
+call fcn_00441f73 ; call 0x441f73
+add esp, 8
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x9c]
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push ref_0046534e ; push 0x46534e
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00440ba8 ; call 0x440ba8
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, esi
+jne short loc_00444863 ; jne 0x444863
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [esp + 0x9c]
+jmp near loc_004449e7 ; jmp 0x4449e7
+mov ebx, 0xffffffff
+jmp near loc_00444a53 ; jmp 0x444a53
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push edx
+push ref_0046533d ; push 0x46533d
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push 0x13
+call fcn_00441f73 ; call 0x441f73
+add esp, 8
+push ref_0046535d ; push 0x46535d
+lea eax, [esp + 0xa0]
+push eax
+push esi
+call fcn_00440e1a ; call 0x440e1a
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebx, eax
+jmp near loc_004449e7 ; jmp 0x4449e7
+push edi
+call fcn_0040d2d3 ; call 0x40d2d3
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, eax
+cmp eax, ebx
+jne short loc_004448ca ; jne 0x4448ca
+push edi
+call fcn_0040d31c ; call 0x40d31c
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xb8]
+cmp edx, 1
+jb short loc_004448ef ; jb 0x4448ef
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+mov dword [esp + 0x94], eax
+cmp edx, 1
+jbe short loc_004448fc ; jbe 0x4448fc
+cmp edx, 2
+je short loc_00444934 ; je 0x444934
+jmp near loc_00444973 ; jmp 0x444973
+test edx, edx
+jne near loc_00444973 ; jne 0x444973
+jmp near loc_00444971 ; jmp 0x444971
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov esi, 0xfa0
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+add edx, esi
+mov esi, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov esi, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul esi, edx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xbc]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x94]
+cmp eax, dword [edx + ref_00496b84] ; cmp eax, dword [edx + 0x496b84]
+jg short loc_00444971 ; jg 0x444971
+cmp esi, eax
+jge short loc_00444973 ; jge 0x444973
+jmp short loc_00444971 ; jmp 0x444971
+fild dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; fild dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+fmul qword [ref_00465380] ; fmul qword [0x465380]
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 5
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x98], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x98]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_00444973 ; jae 0x444973
+mov ebx, ebp
+cmp ebx, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_004449e7 ; je 0x4449e7
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ecx
+push ref_0046533d ; push 0x46533d
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push 0x13
+call fcn_00441f73 ; call 0x441f73
+add esp, 8
+imul ebp, ebp, 0x68
+mov esi, dword [ebp + ref_00496b68] ; mov esi, dword [ebp + 0x496b68]
+push esi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push ref_0046536f ; push 0x46536f
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+cmp ebx, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00444a53 ; je 0x444a53
+push 0x13
+push edi
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_00481282] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x481282]
+push esi
+push 0
+push edi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00481372] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x481372]
+push edi
+push 2
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 0xa0
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x94]
+push 0
+imul ebx, edi, 0x68
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b72] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b72]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b70]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b7d], 1
+je short loc_00444ad8 ; je 0x444ad8
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov esi, 0xbb8
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+add edx, esi
+mov esi, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov esi, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul esi, edx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+cmp eax, dword [ebx + ref_00496b84] ; cmp eax, dword [ebx + 0x496b84]
+jg short loc_00444aca ; jg 0x444aca
+cmp esi, eax
+jge short loc_00444ad1 ; jge 0x444ad1
+mov esi, 1
+jmp short loc_00444b07 ; jmp 0x444b07
+xor esi, esi
+jmp near loc_00444ba0 ; jmp 0x444ba0
+mov esi, dword [ebx + ref_00496b68] ; mov esi, dword [ebx + 0x496b68]
+push esi
+push ref_00465388 ; push 0x465388
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00440ba8 ; call 0x440ba8
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, eax
+cmp eax, 1
+jne near loc_00444ba0 ; jne 0x444ba0
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0047fe8a] ; mov ebp, dword [0x47fe8a]
+push ebp
+push ref_00465305 ; push 0x465305
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push 0x14
+call fcn_00441f73 ; call 0x441f73
+add esp, 8
+push 0x14
+push edi
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00481286] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x481286]
+push edx
+push 0
+push edi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x98]
+cmp ecx, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00444ba0 ; je 0x444ba0
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00481376] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x481376]
+push edi
+push 1
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+mov eax, esi
+add esp, 0x80
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0x80
+push 0
+imul ebx, dword [esp + 0x94], 0x68
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b72] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b72]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b70]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + ref_00496b68] ; mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x496b68]
+push ecx
+push ref_0046539d ; push 0x46539d
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push 0x15
+call fcn_00441f73 ; call 0x441f73
+add esp, 8
+push 0x15
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x94]
+push esi
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+mov bl, byte [ebx + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [ebx + 0x496b7b]
+and ebx, 0xff
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, ebx
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_0048128a] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x48128a]
+push edi
+push 0
+push esi
+jmp near loc_00444753 ; jmp 0x444753
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+xor ebx, ebx
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496ba8] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496ba8]
+test dl, dl
+je short loc_00444c71 ; je 0x444c71
+mov al, dl
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+call fcn_0040e14d ; call 0x40e14d
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, 1
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov dh, byte [eax + ref_00496ba7] ; mov dh, byte [eax + 0x496ba7]
+test dh, dh
+je short loc_00444cd3 ; je 0x444cd3
+mov al, dh
+and eax, 0xff
+lea edx, [eax - 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov al, byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d08] ; mov al, byte [eax*8 + 0x496d08]
+and eax, 0xff
+cmp eax, 5
+je short loc_00444cbd ; je 0x444cbd
+cmp eax, 6
+je short loc_00444cbd ; je 0x444cbd
+cmp eax, 7
+je short loc_00444cbd ; je 0x444cbd
+cmp eax, 8
+je short loc_00444cbd ; je 0x444cbd
+cmp eax, 0xa
+je short loc_00444cbd ; je 0x444cbd
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jne short loc_00444cd3 ; jne 0x444cd3
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040e32c ; call 0x40e32c
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, 1
+jmp short loc_00444cdb ; jmp 0x444cdb
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_00443069 ; je 0x443069
+push 0x16
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_0048128e] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x48128e]
+push ebp
+jmp near loc_0044305e ; jmp 0x44305e
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x461c4000
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0040a45c ; call 0x40a45c
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp], eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [esp]
+jge near loc_00444e10 ; jge 0x444e10
+mov ax, word [ebx*2 + ref_0048b8c4] ; mov ax, word [ebx*2 + 0x48b8c4]
+test ah, 0x80
+je near loc_00444e0a ; je 0x444e0a
+test ah, 0x7f
+je near loc_00444e0a ; je 0x444e0a
+xor al, al
+and ah, 0x7f
+and eax, 0xffff
+sar eax, 8
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, ax
+push esi
+call fcn_0040ea62 ; call 0x40ea62
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 1
+jne near loc_00444e0a ; jne 0x444e0a
+lea edx, [esi - 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496d0d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496d0d], 0
+jne short loc_00444e0a ; jne 0x444e0a
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496d0a] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496d0a]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add edx, eax
+shl edx, 3
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+add eax, edx
+movsx edx, word [eax]
+movsx ecx, word [eax + 2]
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edi, edi
+mov di, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov di, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+sub edx, edi
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+and eax, 0xffff
+sub ecx, eax
+mov eax, ecx
+imul edx, edx
+imul eax, ecx
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0xc]
+call fcn_004582bc ; call 0x4582bc
+fstp dword [esp + 4]
+fld dword [esp + 8]
+fcomp dword [esp + 4]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe short loc_00444e0a ; jbe 0x444e0a
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+mov ebp, esi
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_00444d3a ; jmp 0x444d3a
+mov eax, ebp
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_00444e35 ; jne 0x444e35
+call fcn_00444d1a ; call 0x444d1a
+jmp short loc_00444e3f ; jmp 0x444e3f
+push 0
+call fcn_0041e6f2 ; call 0x41e6f2
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, eax
+test esi, esi
+je near loc_0044468a ; je 0x44468a
+push 0x17
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, ebx
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00481292] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x481292]
+push edi
+push 0
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+lea eax, [esi - 1]
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+sub ebx, eax
+xor edi, edi
+mov di, word [ebx*8 + ref_00496d0a] ; mov di, word [ebx*8 + 0x496d0a]
+xor edx, edx
+mov word [ebx*8 + ref_00496d0a], dx ; mov word [ebx*8 + 0x496d0a], dx
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edi
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e80]
+add eax, edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 2]
+push edx
+movsx eax, word [eax]
+push eax
+push esi
+call fcn_0040e669 ; call 0x40e669
+add esp, 0x18
+mov word [ebx*8 + ref_00496d0a], di ; mov word [ebx*8 + 0x496d0a], di
+push esi
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, di
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040ead7 ; call 0x40ead7
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp near loc_00444685 ; jmp 0x444685
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x94
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00481296] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x481296]
+push ecx
+push 0
+push edx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je short loc_00444fea ; je 0x444fea
+push 0
+call fcn_0041e6f2 ; call 0x41e6f2
+mov edx, eax
+add esp, 4
+shl eax, 3
+lea ebx, [edx + eax]
+shl ebx, 2
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496987], 0x20 ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496987], 0x20
+inc edx
+push edx
+call fcn_00429040 ; call 0x429040
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, dword [ebx + ref_00496980] ; mov edi, dword [ebx + 0x496980]
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0047feaa] ; mov ebp, dword [0x47feaa]
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_004653ae ; push 0x4653ae
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, 1
+jmp short loc_00445022 ; jmp 0x445022
+push 0xa
+push 0xf
+push 0xc
+call fcn_004021f8 ; call 0x4021f8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+call fcn_0042b58f ; call 0x42b58f
+mov esi, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+push 0
+push 1
+push 0x29
+call fcn_004021f8 ; call 0x4021f8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00445032 ; je 0x445032
+push 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 0x94
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xc8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_0048129a] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x48129a]
+push ecx
+push 0
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00496994] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x496994]
+mov dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x80], edx
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jl short loc_00445083 ; jl 0x445083
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_004450e2 ; jne 0x4450e2
+push 0xa
+push 0xf
+push 0xc
+call fcn_004021f8 ; call 0x4021f8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 2
+call fcn_0042b58f ; call 0x42b58f
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+push 0
+push 1
+push 0x29
+call fcn_004021f8 ; call 0x4021f8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0044515c ; jmp 0x44515c
+push 0
+call fcn_0041e6f2 ; call 0x41e6f2
+add esp, 4
+lea ebx, [eax + 1]
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov byte [eax*4 + ref_00496987], 2 ; mov byte [eax*4 + 0x496987], 2
+push ebx
+call fcn_00429040 ; call 0x429040
+add esp, 4
+lea edx, [ebx - 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov edi, dword [eax*4 + ref_00496980] ; mov edi, dword [eax*4 + 0x496980]
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0xb4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0047feb2] ; mov ebp, dword [0x47feb2]
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esp + 0xb4]
+push eax
+push ref_004653ae ; push 0x4653ae
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_004451e3 ; je 0x4451e3
+lea edx, [ebx - 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, ebx
+fld dword [esp + edx*4 + 0x7c]
+fsub dword [eax*4 + ref_00496994] ; fsub dword [eax*4 + 0x496994]
+fstp dword [esp + 0xc4]
+xor esi, esi
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp esi, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_004451d2 ; jge 0x4451d2
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, esi
+shl eax, 5
+mov edx, ebx
+shl edx, 3
+add eax, edx
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00497198], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x497198], 0
+je short loc_004451cf ; je 0x4451cf
+fild dword [eax + ref_00497198] ; fild dword [eax + 0x497198]
+fmul dword [esp + 0xc4]
+fdiv dword [ref_004653bc] ; fdiv dword [0x4653bc]
+sub esp, 8
+fstp qword [esp]
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+push esi
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0x10
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_00445184 ; jmp 0x445184
+push 0x19
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 0xc8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x98
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_00445216 ; jne 0x445216
+push 0xe0c0410
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_0044521d ; jmp 0x44521d
+push 0
+call fcn_0041e6f2 ; call 0x41e6f2
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, eax
+test edi, edi
+je near loc_00445426 ; je 0x445426
+push 0x1a
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, ebx
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_0048129e] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x48129e]
+push esi
+push 0
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+push edi
+call fcn_0040d293 ; call 0x40d293
+mov esi, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je short loc_004452ce ; je 0x4452ce
+push 0x64
+imul esi, esi, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [esi + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [esi + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov si, word [esi + ref_00496b70] ; mov si, word [esi + 0x496b70]
+and esi, 0xffff
+push esi
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov si, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push esi
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0040e669 ; call 0x40e669
+add esp, 0x18
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+fild dword [eax + ref_00496b84] ; fild dword [eax + 0x496b84]
+fmul qword [ref_004653d8] ; fmul qword [0x4653d8]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x94]
+mov esi, 0x64
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x94]
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_004413ad ; call 0x4413ad
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_0044533e ; jne 0x44533e
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x94]
+push esi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+push ebx
+call fcn_00444a60 ; call 0x444a60
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 1
+je near loc_00445426 ; je 0x445426
+push 0x13
+push ebx
+call fcn_004413ad ; call 0x4413ad
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_0044536f ; jne 0x44536f
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0x7d0
+jle short loc_0044536f ; jle 0x44536f
+push 0
+push 2
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044476a ; call 0x44476a
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0044536f ; je 0x44536f
+mov ebx, eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp ebx, edx
+je near loc_00445421 ; je 0x445421
+imul esi, ebx, 0x68
+fild dword [esi + ref_00496b84] ; fild dword [esi + 0x496b84]
+fmul qword [ref_004653d8] ; fmul qword [0x4653d8]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x94]
+push 0
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push ecx
+push edx
+push ebx
+call fcn_0041d2c6 ; call 0x41d2c6
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [esi + ref_00496b68] ; mov eax, dword [esi + 0x496b68]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x94]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_004653c0 ; push 0x4653c0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+movzx esi, byte [esi + ref_00496b7b] ; movzx esi, byte [esi + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+mov esi, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, esi
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_0048138e] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x48138e]
+push ecx
+push 2
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+mov eax, edi
+jmp near loc_00441e07 ; jmp 0x441e07
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_0044544d ; jne 0x44544d
+push 0xe0c0006
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_00445454 ; jmp 0x445454
+push 0
+call fcn_0041e6f2 ; call 0x41e6f2
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, eax
+test ebp, ebp
+je near loc_0044558c ; je 0x44558c
+push 0x1b
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, ebx
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_004812a2] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x4812a2]
+push esi
+push 0
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp ebp, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_00445516 ; jle 0x445516
+cmp ebp, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_00445516 ; jge 0x445516
+lea edi, [ebp - 0x7d0]
+imul edi, edi, 0x34
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add edi, ebx
+mov esi, 1
+add ebx, 0x34
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp esi, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_004454f6 ; jg 0x4454f6
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [edi + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_004454f3 ; jne 0x4454f3
+mov byte [ebx + 0x17], 0x50
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_004454d0 ; jmp 0x4454d0
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je near loc_0044557e ; je 0x44557e
+push 0x64
+movsx ebx, word [edi + 2]
+push ebx
+movsx ebx, word [edi]
+jmp short loc_0044555c ; jmp 0x44555c
+cmp ebp, 0xfa0
+jle short loc_0044557e ; jle 0x44557e
+cmp ebp, 0x1770
+jge short loc_0044557e ; jge 0x44557e
+lea eax, [ebp - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebx, eax
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1c], 0x50
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je short loc_0044557e ; je 0x44557e
+push 0x64
+movsx esi, word [ebx + 2]
+push esi
+movsx ebx, word [ebx]
+push ebx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov bx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push ebx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0040e669 ; call 0x40e669
+add esp, 0x18
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, ebp
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_004455b3 ; jne 0x4455b3
+push 0xe0c0006
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_004455ba ; jmp 0x4455ba
+push 0
+call fcn_0041e6f2 ; call 0x41e6f2
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, eax
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_0044558c ; je 0x44558c
+push 0x1c
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, ebx
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_004812a6] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x4812a6]
+push esi
+push 0
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp ebp, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_0044569a ; jle 0x44569a
+cmp ebp, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_0044569a ; jge 0x44569a
+lea edi, [ebp - 0x7d0]
+imul edi, edi, 0x34
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add edi, ebx
+mov esi, 1
+add ebx, 0x34
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp esi, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_00445660 ; jg 0x445660
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [edi + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0044565d ; jne 0x44565d
+mov byte [ebx + 0x17], 0x51
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0044563a ; jmp 0x44563a
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je near loc_0044557e ; je 0x44557e
+push 0x64
+movsx ebx, word [edi + 2]
+push ebx
+movsx ebx, word [edi]
+push ebx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov bx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push ebx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+jmp near loc_00445573 ; jmp 0x445573
+cmp ebp, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_0044557e ; jle 0x44557e
+cmp ebp, 0x1770
+jge near loc_0044557e ; jge 0x44557e
+lea eax, [ebp - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ebx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, ebx
+mov byte [eax + 0x1c], 0x51
+cmp byte [eax + 0x18], 4
+jne short loc_004456d9 ; jne 0x4456d9
+mov byte [eax + 0x1e], 0
+imul ebx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul ebx, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b7d], 1
+je near loc_0044557e ; je 0x44557e
+push 0x64
+movsx esi, word [eax + 2]
+push esi
+movsx eax, word [eax]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b72] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b72]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b70]
+jmp near loc_00445573 ; jmp 0x445573
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_00445733 ; jne 0x445733
+push 0xe0c0410
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_0044573a ; jmp 0x44573a
+push 0
+call fcn_0041e6f2 ; call 0x41e6f2
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, eax
+test esi, esi
+je near loc_004458d8 ; je 0x4458d8
+push 0x1d
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, ebx
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_004812aa] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x4812aa]
+push edi
+push 3
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+push esi
+call fcn_0040d293 ; call 0x40d293
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp], eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je short loc_004457e8 ; je 0x4457e8
+push 0x64
+imul ebx, ebx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [ebx + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + ref_00496b70] ; mov dx, word [ebx + 0x496b70]
+push edx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov bx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push ebx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0040e669 ; call 0x40e669
+add esp, 0x18
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496ba9] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496ba9]
+test bl, bl
+je short loc_00445827 ; je 0x445827
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, bl
+dec edx
+imul ebx, edx, 0x68
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496ba9], cl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496ba9], cl
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496ba9] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496ba9]
+dec edx
+imul ebx, edx, 0x68
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496ba5], cl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496ba5], cl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba9], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba9], cl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba5], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba5], cl
+imul eax, dword [esp], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba9], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba9], 0
+je short loc_00445866 ; je 0x445866
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496ba9] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496ba9]
+dec ebx
+imul ebx, ebx, 0x68
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496ba9], cl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496ba9], cl
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496ba9] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496ba9]
+dec ebx
+imul ebx, ebx, 0x68
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496ba5], cl ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496ba5], cl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba9], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba9], cl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba5], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba5], cl
+mov dl, byte [esp]
+inc dl
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba9], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba9], dl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba5], 7 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba5], 7
+mov al, byte [ref_0049910c] ; mov al, byte [0x49910c]
+inc al
+mov ebp, dword [esp]
+imul ebx, ebp, 0x68
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496ba9], al ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496ba9], al
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496ba5], 7 ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496ba5], 7
+push edi
+call fcn_0041d433 ; call 0x41d433
+add esp, 4
+mov bl, byte [ebx + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [ebx + 0x496b7b]
+and ebx, 0xff
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, ebx
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_0048139a] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x48139a]
+push edx
+push 0
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+mov eax, esi
+jmp near loc_00442afa ; jmp 0x442afa
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_004458ff ; jne 0x4458ff
+push 0xe0c0010
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_00445906 ; jmp 0x445906
+push 0
+call fcn_0041e6f2 ; call 0x41e6f2
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, eax
+test edi, edi
+je near loc_004440e3 ; je 0x4440e3
+push edi
+call fcn_0040d293 ; call 0x40d293
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, eax
+push 0x1e
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00441343 ; call 0x441343
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp ebx, ebp
+je short loc_00445969 ; je 0x445969
+imul eax, ebp, 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_004812ae] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x4812ae]
+push ecx
+push 3
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je short loc_004459b7 ; je 0x4459b7
+push 0x64
+imul edx, esi, 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [edx + ref_00496b72] ; mov bx, word [edx + 0x496b72]
+push ebx
+mov dx, word [edx + ref_00496b70] ; mov dx, word [edx + 0x496b70]
+and edx, 0xffff
+push edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0040e669 ; call 0x40e669
+add esp, 0x18
+cmp esi, 4
+jge near loc_00445a3e ; jge 0x445a3e
+imul ebx, esi, 0x68
+cmp esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; cmp esi, dword [0x49910c]
+jne short loc_00445a02 ; jne 0x445a02
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00481326] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x481326]
+push ecx
+push 3
+push esi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496ba1], 2 ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496ba1], 2
+jmp near loc_004440e3 ; jmp 0x4440e3
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_0048139e] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x48139e]
+push edx
+push 2
+push esi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496ba1], 3 ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496ba1], 3
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+jmp near loc_004440e3 ; jmp 0x4440e3
+shl esi, 4
+mov byte [esi + ref_00498df7], 3 ; mov byte [esi + 0x498df7], 3
+jmp near loc_004440e3 ; jmp 0x4440e3
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+mov ecx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+cmp byte [edx + eax + ref_0049915b], 9 ; cmp byte [edx + eax + 0x49915b], 9
+jae short loc_00445aa0 ; jae 0x445aa0
+cmp edx, 8
+jg short loc_00445a87 ; jg 0x445a87
+mov bh, byte [edx + ref_0049731f] ; mov bh, byte [edx + 0x49731f]
+test bh, bh
+je short loc_00445aa0 ; je 0x445aa0
+mov cl, bh
+dec cl
+mov byte [edx + ref_0049731f], cl ; mov byte [edx + 0x49731f], cl
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+mov ecx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+inc byte [edx + eax + ref_0049915b] ; inc byte [edx + eax + 0x49915b]
+pop ebx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add eax, ecx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_0049915b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x49915b]
+test dl, dl
+je short loc_00445ad9 ; je 0x445ad9
+mov dh, dl
+dec dh
+mov byte [eax + ref_0049915b], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x49915b], dh
+cmp ecx, 8
+jg short loc_00445ad9 ; jg 0x445ad9
+inc byte [ecx + ref_0049731f] ; inc byte [ecx + 0x49731f]
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 0x80
+xor esi, esi
+xor eax, eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00445af0 ; jmp 0x445af0
+inc eax
+cmp eax, 8
+jge short loc_00445b0e ; jge 0x445b0e
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00497320], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x497320], 0
+je short loc_00445aea ; je 0x445aea
+xor edx, edx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00497320] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x497320]
+cmp edx, ecx
+jge short loc_00445aea ; jge 0x445aea
+mov byte [esp + ebx], al
+inc ebx
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_00445afb ; jmp 0x445afb
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00445b34 ; je 0x445b34
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+movzx esi, byte [esp + edx]
+inc esi
+push esi
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x90]
+push edx
+call fcn_00445a4d ; call 0x445a4d
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, esi
+add esp, 0x80
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+test dl, dl
+je short loc_00445baa ; je 0x445baa
+mov bl, dl
+and bl, 3
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, esi
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+cmp bl, 2
+jb short loc_00445b74 ; jb 0x445b74
+jbe short loc_00445b81 ; jbe 0x445b81
+cmp bl, 3
+je short loc_00445b89 ; je 0x445b89
+jmp short loc_00445b8f ; jmp 0x445b8f
+cmp bl, 1
+jne short loc_00445b8f ; jne 0x445b8f
+add byte [eax + ref_00499160], bl ; add byte [eax + 0x499160], bl
+jmp short loc_00445b8f ; jmp 0x445b8f
+inc byte [eax + ref_00499161] ; inc byte [eax + 0x499161]
+jmp short loc_00445b8f ; jmp 0x445b8f
+inc byte [eax + ref_00499167] ; inc byte [eax + 0x499167]
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b79], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b79], cl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7a], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7a], 1
+push esi
+call fcn_0040b93b ; call 0x40b93b
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00445bb6 ; jmp 0x445bb6
+inc eax
+cmp eax, 0xd
+jge short loc_00445c0e ; jge 0x445c0e
+mov edx, esi
+shl edx, 2
+add edx, esi
+mov ecx, edx
+shl edx, 2
+sub edx, ecx
+add edx, eax
+mov cl, byte [edx + ref_0049915c] ; mov cl, byte [edx + 0x49915c]
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_00445bb0 ; je 0x445bb0
+cmp eax, 8
+jge short loc_00445bdb ; jge 0x445bdb
+add byte [eax + ref_00497320], cl ; add byte [eax + 0x497320], cl
+mov edx, esi
+shl edx, 2
+add edx, esi
+mov ecx, edx
+shl edx, 2
+sub edx, ecx
+movzx edi, byte [edx + eax + ref_0049915c] ; movzx edi, byte [edx + eax + 0x49915c]
+mov cl, byte [eax*8 + ref_0047fee7] ; mov cl, byte [eax*8 + 0x47fee7]
+and ecx, 0xff
+imul ecx, edi
+add ebx, ecx
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [edx + eax + ref_0049915c], cl ; mov byte [edx + eax + 0x49915c], cl
+jmp short loc_00445bb0 ; jmp 0x445bb0
+mov eax, ebx
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x50
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x64]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x68]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x70]
+cmp eax, 0x202
+jb short loc_00445c51 ; jb 0x445c51
+jbe near loc_00445d84 ; jbe 0x445d84
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb near loc_00445e13 ; jb 0x445e13
+jbe near loc_00445dad ; jbe 0x445dad
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_00445c6c ; je 0x445c6c
+jmp near loc_00445e13 ; jmp 0x445e13
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jb near loc_00445e13 ; jb 0x445e13
+jbe near loc_00445dbb ; jbe 0x445dbb
+cmp eax, 0x201
+je short loc_00445c8f ; je 0x445c8f
+jmp near loc_00445e13 ; jmp 0x445e13
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c560], edx ; mov dword [0x48c560], edx
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_00445d7d ; jmp 0x445d7d
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, dx
+mov eax, edx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, ax
+cmp ebx, 0x13
+jl near loc_00445d7d ; jl 0x445d7d
+cmp ebx, 0x1a3
+jge near loc_00445d7d ; jge 0x445d7d
+cmp edx, 0x87
+jl near loc_00445d7d ; jl 0x445d7d
+cmp edx, 0x12f
+jge near loc_00445d7d ; jge 0x445d7d
+sub edx, 0x87
+mov ecx, 0x38
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov ecx, eax
+shl ecx, 2
+add ecx, eax
+lea edx, [ebx - 0x13]
+mov ebx, 0x50
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+lea ebx, [ecx + eax]
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_0048c548], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x48c548], 0
+je near loc_00445d7d ; je 0x445d7d
+mov ecx, 5
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, ebx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+lea edx, [eax + 0x14]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], edx
+add eax, 0x62
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, ebx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+lea edx, [eax + 0x88]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], edx
+add eax, 0xbe
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451b9e ; call 0x451b9e
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_0048c548] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x48c548]
+mov dword [ref_0048c560], eax ; mov dword [0x48c560], eax
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_00445e22 ; jmp 0x445e22
+cmp dword [ref_0048c560], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c560], 0
+je short loc_00445d7d ; je 0x445d7d
+call fcn_00451d4e ; call 0x451d4e
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c560] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c560]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_00445d7d ; jmp 0x445d7d
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+jmp short loc_00445da3 ; jmp 0x445da3
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebp
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_00445d7d ; jmp 0x445d7d
+push edx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x70]
+push edx
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+add esp, 0x50
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+db 0x90
+ref_00445e2d: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_00446337
+dd loc_0044639a
+dd loc_004465b6
+dd loc_00446434
+dd loc_00446457
+dd loc_004464c3
+dd loc_00446569
+dd loc_0044657c
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x48
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x60]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+cmp eax, 0x200
+jb short loc_00445ea2 ; jb 0x445ea2
+mov edx, ecx
+shr edx, 0x10
+and edx, 0xffff
+cmp eax, 0x200
+jbe near loc_0044609b ; jbe 0x44609b
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb short loc_00445e92 ; jb 0x445e92
+jbe near loc_004466b8 ; jbe 0x4466b8
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_00445ec1 ; je 0x445ec1
+jmp near loc_0044675c ; jmp 0x44675c
+cmp eax, 0x202
+je near loc_00446656 ; je 0x446656
+jmp near loc_0044675c ; jmp 0x44675c
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jb near loc_0044675c ; jb 0x44675c
+jbe near loc_004466fa ; jbe 0x4466fa
+cmp eax, 0x113
+je near loc_00445f88 ; je 0x445f88
+jmp near loc_0044675c ; jmp 0x44675c
+mov ebx, edx
+mov eax, edx
+xor ah, dh
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [ref_0048c588], eax ; mov dword [0x48c588], eax
+xor bl, dl
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, bx
+sar eax, 8
+inc eax
+mov dword [ref_0048c58c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c58c], eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, cx
+mov dword [ref_0048c594], eax ; mov dword [0x48c594], eax
+test byte [ref_0048c594], 0x40 ; test byte [0x48c594], 0x40
+je short loc_00445f05 ; je 0x445f05
+and dword [ref_0048c594], 0x80 ; and dword [0x48c594], 0x80
+or byte [ref_0048c594], 0x37 ; or byte [0x48c594], 0x37
+mov dword [ref_0048c580], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x48c580], 0xffffffff
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048c564], ebx ; mov dword [0x48c564], ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048c56c], 8 ; mov dword [0x48c56c], 8
+mov dword [ref_0048c568], ebx ; mov dword [0x48c568], ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048c584], ebx ; mov dword [0x48c584], ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048c570], ebx ; mov dword [0x48c570], ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048c578], ebx ; mov dword [0x48c578], ebx
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetCursorPos@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622ec]
+push 1
+call fcn_00409b18 ; call 0x409b18
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+shl edx, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x40]
+and eax, 0xffff
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+push ebx
+push 0x200
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+push ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x48
+jmp near loc_00445e25 ; jmp 0x445e25
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb01], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb01], 0
+je short loc_00445f7e ; je 0x445f7e
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x64]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; cmp eax, dword [0x46cad8]
+jne short loc_00445f7e ; jne 0x445f7e
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c56c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c56c]
+cmp edi, 0x40
+jg short loc_00445fb1 ; jg 0x445fb1
+lea ebp, [edi + 4]
+mov dword [ref_0048c56c], ebp ; mov dword [0x48c56c], ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c568] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c568]
+add eax, eax
+add eax, dword [ref_00499088] ; add eax, dword [0x499088]
+sub eax, 2
+and eax, 7
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c56c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c56c]
+imul ecx, dword [eax*8 + ref_004751b0] ; imul ecx, dword [eax*8 + 0x4751b0]
+sar ecx, 0x10
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c570] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c570]
+add esi, ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048c570], esi ; mov dword [0x48c570], esi
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c56c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c56c]
+imul ecx, dword [eax*8 + ref_004751b4] ; imul ecx, dword [eax*8 + 0x4751b4]
+sar ecx, 0x10
+add dword [ref_0048c574], ecx ; add dword [0x48c574], ecx
+cmp esi, 0xdc
+jge short loc_0044600e ; jge 0x44600e
+mov dword [ref_0048c570], 0xdc ; mov dword [0x48c570], 0xdc
+jmp short loc_00446020 ; jmp 0x446020
+cmp esi, 0x824
+jle short loc_00446020 ; jle 0x446020
+mov dword [ref_0048c570], 0x824 ; mov dword [0x48c570], 0x824
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c574] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c574]
+cmp esi, 0xdc
+jge short loc_0044603a ; jge 0x44603a
+mov dword [ref_0048c574], 0xdc ; mov dword [0x48c574], 0xdc
+jmp short loc_0044604c ; jmp 0x44604c
+cmp esi, 0x824
+jle short loc_0044604c ; jle 0x44604c
+mov dword [ref_0048c574], 0x824 ; mov dword [0x48c574], 0x824
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c578] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c578]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048c570] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48c570]
+jne short loc_0044606a ; jne 0x44606a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c57c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c57c]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048c574] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48c574]
+je near loc_00445f7e ; je 0x445f7e
+push 0
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c574] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c574]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c570] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c570]
+push esi
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c570] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c570]
+mov dword [ref_0048c578], eax ; mov dword [0x48c578], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c574] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c574]
+mov dword [ref_0048c57c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c57c], eax
+jmp near loc_00445f7e ; jmp 0x445f7e
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, cx
+movzx ebp, dx
+sub ebp, 0x28
+test byte [ref_0048c594], 0x80 ; test byte [0x48c594], 0x80
+je near loc_004461ff ; je 0x4461ff
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_004460c6 ; jne 0x4460c6
+mov dword [ref_0048c568], 2 ; mov dword [0x48c568], 2
+jmp near loc_0044614b ; jmp 0x44614b
+cmp ebx, 0x1b8
+jl short loc_004460dd ; jl 0x4460dd
+mov dword [ref_0048c568], 4 ; mov dword [0x48c568], 4
+jmp near loc_0044614b ; jmp 0x44614b
+test ebp, ebp
+jg short loc_004460ed ; jg 0x4460ed
+mov dword [ref_0048c568], 1 ; mov dword [0x48c568], 1
+jmp short loc_0044614b ; jmp 0x44614b
+cmp ebp, 0x1b7
+jne short loc_00446101 ; jne 0x446101
+mov dword [ref_0048c568], 3 ; mov dword [0x48c568], 3
+jmp short loc_0044614b ; jmp 0x44614b
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c564] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c564]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0044613e ; je 0x44613e
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x60]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__KillTimer@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622fc]
+push 1
+call fcn_004024a9 ; call 0x4024a9
+add esp, 4
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c568], edx ; mov dword [0x48c568], edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c564], edx ; mov dword [0x48c564], edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c56c], 8 ; mov dword [0x48c56c], 8
+jmp near loc_004461ff ; jmp 0x4461ff
+cmp dword [ref_0048c568], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c568], 0
+je near loc_004461f2 ; je 0x4461f2
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c564] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c564]
+test ecx, ecx
+jne near loc_004461f2 ; jne 0x4461f2
+push ecx
+call fcn_004024a9 ; call 0x4024a9
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c568] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c568]
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c580] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c580]
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00475e0d] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x475e0d]
+cmp edx, ecx
+je short loc_0044618d ; je 0x44618d
+mov dword [ref_0048c580], ecx ; mov dword [0x48c580], ecx
+push 0
+push 1
+push ecx
+call fcn_004021f8 ; call 0x4021f8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x32
+mov edx, dword [ref_0046cad8] ; mov edx, dword [0x46cad8]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+push ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTimer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462324]
+mov dword [ref_0048c564], eax ; mov dword [0x48c564], eax
+cmp dword [ref_0048c570], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c570], 0
+jne short loc_004461f2 ; jne 0x4461f2
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048be18] ; mov edx, dword [0x48be18]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_004461de ; jne 0x4461de
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+mov dword [ref_0048c570], edx ; mov dword [0x48c570], edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+and eax, 0xffff
+jmp short loc_004461ed ; jmp 0x4461ed
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be1c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be1c]
+mov dword [ref_0048c570], eax ; mov dword [0x48c570], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048be20] ; mov eax, dword [0x48be20]
+mov dword [ref_0048c574], eax ; mov dword [0x48c574], eax
+cmp dword [ref_0048c564], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c564], 0
+jne near loc_00445f7e ; jne 0x445f7e
+test ebx, ebx
+jl near loc_00446624 ; jl 0x446624
+cmp ebx, 0x1b8
+jge near loc_00446624 ; jge 0x446624
+test ebp, ebp
+jl near loc_00446624 ; jl 0x446624
+cmp ebp, 0x1b8
+jge near loc_00446624 ; jge 0x446624
+push ebp
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040a9d7 ; call 0x40a9d7
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, eax
+xor ebp, ebp
+test byte [ref_0048c594], 1 ; test byte [0x48c594], 1
+je short loc_0044624e ; je 0x44624e
+test eax, eax
+jle short loc_0044624e ; jle 0x44624e
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jge short loc_0044624e ; jge 0x44624e
+mov ebp, 1
+test byte [ref_0048c594], 2 ; test byte [0x48c594], 2
+je short loc_0044627d ; je 0x44627d
+cmp ebx, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_0044627d ; jle 0x44627d
+cmp ebx, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_0044627d ; jge 0x44627d
+lea eax, [ebx - 0x7d0]
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edi, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edi, dword [0x498e84]
+add edi, eax
+mov ebp, 1
+test byte [ref_0048c594], 4 ; test byte [0x48c594], 4
+je short loc_004462b3 ; je 0x4462b3
+cmp ebx, 0xfa0
+jle short loc_004462b3 ; jle 0x4462b3
+cmp ebx, 0x1770
+jge short loc_004462b3 ; jge 0x4462b3
+lea eax, [ebx - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov ecx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ecx
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e88]
+add esi, eax
+mov ebp, 1
+test byte [ref_0048c594], 0x10 ; test byte [0x48c594], 0x10
+je short loc_004462e7 ; je 0x4462e7
+test bh, 0x80
+je short loc_004462e7 ; je 0x4462e7
+test bl, 0xff
+je short loc_004462e7 ; je 0x4462e7
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040d293 ; call 0x40d293
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 4
+jge short loc_004462e2 ; jge 0x4462e2
+jge short loc_004462e7 ; jge 0x4462e7
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_004462e7 ; je 0x4462e7
+mov ebp, 1
+test byte [ref_0048c594], 0x20 ; test byte [0x48c594], 0x20
+je short loc_00446301 ; je 0x446301
+test bh, 0x80
+je short loc_00446301 ; je 0x446301
+test bh, 0x7f
+je short loc_00446301 ; je 0x446301
+mov ebp, 1
+jmp short loc_0044630a ; jmp 0x44630a
+cmp ebp, 1
+jne near loc_004465b6 ; jne 0x4465b6
+test byte [ref_0048c595], 0xff ; test byte [0x48c595], 0xff
+je near loc_004465b6 ; je 0x4465b6
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c594] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c594]
+and eax, 0xff00
+shr eax, 8
+dec eax
+cmp eax, 7
+ja near loc_004465b6 ; ja 0x4465b6
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_00445e2d] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x445e2d]
+cmp ebx, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_0044635f ; jle 0x44635f
+cmp ebx, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_0044635f ; jge 0x44635f
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [edi + 0x19]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edx, eax
+jne near loc_004465b6 ; jne 0x4465b6
+jmp near loc_004465ba ; jmp 0x4465ba
+cmp ebx, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_004465b6 ; jle 0x4465b6
+cmp ebx, 0x1770
+jge near loc_004465b6 ; jge 0x4465b6
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x19]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edx
+cmp eax, edx
+jne near loc_004465b6 ; jne 0x4465b6
+cmp byte [esi + 0x1a], 0
+je near loc_004465b6 ; je 0x4465b6
+jmp near loc_004465ba ; jmp 0x4465ba
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [eax + ref_00496b74] ; mov cx, word [eax + 0x496b74]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e80]
+mov cx, word [ecx + eax*8 + 0x20]
+and ecx, 0xffff
+cmp ebx, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_004463f7 ; jle 0x4463f7
+cmp ebx, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_004463f7 ; jge 0x4463f7
+cmp ecx, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_004465b6 ; jle 0x4465b6
+cmp ecx, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_004465b6 ; jge 0x4465b6
+cmp ecx, ebx
+je near loc_004465b6 ; je 0x4465b6
+jmp near loc_004465ba ; jmp 0x4465ba
+cmp ebx, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_004465b6 ; jle 0x4465b6
+cmp ebx, 0x1770
+jge near loc_004465b6 ; jge 0x4465b6
+cmp ecx, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_004465b6 ; jle 0x4465b6
+cmp ecx, 0x1770
+jge near loc_004465b6 ; jge 0x4465b6
+cmp ecx, ebx
+je near loc_004465b6 ; je 0x4465b6
+jmp near loc_004465ba ; jmp 0x4465ba
+test bl, 0xf
+je near loc_004465b6 ; je 0x4465b6
+mov cl, byte [ref_0049910c] ; mov cl, byte [0x49910c]
+mov eax, 1
+shl eax, cl
+test ebx, eax
+jne near loc_004465b6 ; jne 0x4465b6
+jmp near loc_004465ba ; jmp 0x4465ba
+cmp ebx, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_00446489 ; jle 0x446489
+cmp ebx, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_00446489 ; jge 0x446489
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [edi + 0x19]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edx, eax
+je near loc_004465b6 ; je 0x4465b6
+cmp byte [edi + 0x1a], 0
+je near loc_004465b6 ; je 0x4465b6
+jmp near loc_004465ba ; jmp 0x4465ba
+cmp ebx, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_004465b6 ; jle 0x4465b6
+cmp ebx, 0x1770
+jge near loc_004465b6 ; jge 0x4465b6
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esi + 0x19]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edx, eax
+je near loc_004465b6 ; je 0x4465b6
+cmp byte [esi + 0x1a], 0
+je near loc_004465b6 ; je 0x4465b6
+jmp near loc_004465ba ; jmp 0x4465ba
+cmp ebx, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_004464f6 ; jle 0x4464f6
+cmp ebx, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_004464f6 ; jge 0x4464f6
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edi + 0x19]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edx
+cmp eax, edx
+je near loc_004465b6 ; je 0x4465b6
+cmp byte [edi + 0x1a], 0
+je near loc_004465b6 ; je 0x4465b6
+jmp near loc_004465ba ; jmp 0x4465ba
+cmp ebx, 0xfa0
+jle short loc_00446528 ; jle 0x446528
+cmp ebx, 0x1770
+jge short loc_00446528 ; jge 0x446528
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esi + 0x19]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+inc eax
+cmp edx, eax
+je near loc_004465b6 ; je 0x4465b6
+cmp byte [esi + 0x1a], 0
+je near loc_004465b6 ; je 0x4465b6
+jmp near loc_004465ba ; jmp 0x4465ba
+test bh, 0x80
+je near loc_004465b6 ; je 0x4465b6
+mov ecx, ebx
+and ecx, 0x7f00
+sar ecx, 8
+dec ecx
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d08] ; mov cl, byte [eax*8 + 0x496d08]
+cmp ecx, 0x10
+je near loc_004465ba ; je 0x4465ba
+cmp ecx, 0x11
+je near loc_004465ba ; je 0x4465ba
+cmp ecx, 0x12
+jne short loc_004465b6 ; jne 0x4465b6
+jmp near loc_004465ba ; jmp 0x4465ba
+mov cl, byte [ref_0049910c] ; mov cl, byte [0x49910c]
+mov eax, 1
+shl eax, cl
+test ebx, eax
+jne short loc_004465b6 ; jne 0x4465b6
+jmp short loc_004465ba ; jmp 0x4465ba
+cmp ebx, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_0044659a ; jle 0x44659a
+cmp ebx, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_0044659a ; jge 0x44659a
+cmp byte [edi + 0x19], 0
+jne short loc_004465b6 ; jne 0x4465b6
+cmp byte [edi + 0x1a], 0
+jne short loc_004465b6 ; jne 0x4465b6
+jmp short loc_004465ba ; jmp 0x4465ba
+cmp ebx, 0xfa0
+jle short loc_004465b6 ; jle 0x4465b6
+cmp ebx, 0x1770
+jge short loc_004465b6 ; jge 0x4465b6
+cmp byte [esi + 0x19], 0
+jne short loc_004465b6 ; jne 0x4465b6
+cmp byte [esi + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_004465ba ; je 0x4465ba
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_004465f4 ; je 0x4465f4
+mov dword [ref_0048c584], ebx ; mov dword [0x48c584], ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c580] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c580]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c588] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c588]
+cmp eax, edx
+je near loc_00445f7e ; je 0x445f7e
+push 0xa
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c58c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c58c]
+push ecx
+push edx
+call fcn_004021f8 ; call 0x4021f8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c588] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c588]
+mov dword [ref_0048c580], eax ; mov dword [0x48c580], eax
+jmp near loc_00445f7e ; jmp 0x445f7e
+cmp dword [ref_0048c580], 5 ; cmp dword [0x48c580], 5
+je near loc_00445f7e ; je 0x445f7e
+push ebp
+push 1
+push 5
+call fcn_004021f8 ; call 0x4021f8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov dword [ref_0048c580], 5 ; mov dword [0x48c580], 5
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048c584], eax ; mov dword [0x48c584], eax
+jmp near loc_00445f7e ; jmp 0x445f7e
+cmp dword [ref_0048c580], 5 ; cmp dword [0x48c580], 5
+je near loc_00445f7e ; je 0x445f7e
+push 0
+push 1
+push 5
+call fcn_004021f8 ; call 0x4021f8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov dword [ref_0048c580], 5 ; mov dword [0x48c580], 5
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048c584], ebx ; mov dword [0x48c584], ebx
+jmp near loc_00445f7e ; jmp 0x445f7e
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c564] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c564]
+test esi, esi
+jne near loc_00445f7e ; jne 0x445f7e
+cmp dword [ref_0048c584], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c584], 0
+je short loc_004466a5 ; je 0x4466a5
+push esi
+push ref_0048232a ; push 0x48232a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push esi
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push esi
+push 1
+push 0x29
+call fcn_004021f8 ; call 0x4021f8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c584] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c584]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00445f7e ; jmp 0x445f7e
+push esi
+push ref_0048233a ; push 0x48233a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_00445f7e ; jmp 0x445f7e
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c564] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c564]
+test ebx, ebx
+jne near loc_00445f7e ; jne 0x445f7e
+test byte [ref_0048c594], 8 ; test byte [0x48c594], 8
+jne near loc_00445f7e ; jne 0x445f7e
+push ebx
+push ref_00482332 ; push 0x482332
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push ebx
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 0x29
+call fcn_004021f8 ; call 0x4021f8
+add esp, 0xc
+push ebx
+jmp short loc_00446698 ; jmp 0x446698
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x60]
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea edx, [esp + 0xc]
+push edx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0dc]
+push ebx
+call dword [eax + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_00445f7e ; jmp 0x445f7e
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x68]
+push edi
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x68]
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_00445f80 ; jmp 0x445f80
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x50
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x64]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x68]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x70]
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jb short loc_004467b1 ; jb 0x4467b1
+jbe near loc_00446a2c ; jbe 0x446a2c
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb near loc_00446adb ; jb 0x446adb
+jbe near loc_00446a66 ; jbe 0x446a66
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_004467cc ; je 0x4467cc
+jmp near loc_00446adb ; jmp 0x446adb
+cmp eax, 0xf
+jb near loc_00446adb ; jb 0x446adb
+jbe near loc_00446a83 ; jbe 0x446a83
+cmp eax, 0x200
+je short loc_00446800 ; je 0x446800
+jmp near loc_00446adb ; jmp 0x446adb
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c598], edx ; mov dword [0x48c598], edx
+push 0x140
+push 0xdc
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetCursorPos@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46231c]
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_00445d7d ; jmp 0x445d7d
+movzx ebp, cx
+mov eax, ecx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor ecx, ecx
+cmp eax, 0x13a
+jl near loc_0044697b ; jl 0x44697b
+cmp eax, 0x157
+jge near loc_0044697b ; jge 0x44697b
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], 0x13a
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x157
+xor esi, esi
+mov ebx, 0x68
+jmp short loc_00446850 ; jmp 0x446850
+inc esi
+add ebx, 0x28
+cmp esi, 6
+jge near loc_0044697b ; jge 0x44697b
+cmp ebp, ebx
+jl short loc_00446843 ; jl 0x446843
+lea eax, [ebx + 0x1e]
+cmp ebp, eax
+jge short loc_00446843 ; jge 0x446843
+lea eax, [esi + 1]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c598] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c598]
+cmp eax, edx
+je near loc_00446971 ; je 0x446971
+test edx, edx
+je near loc_004468f4 ; je 0x4468f4
+dec edx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+lea edx, [eax + 0x68]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], edx
+add eax, 0x86
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x1d
+push 0x1e
+push 0xe
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+sub eax, 0x5c
+push eax
+push 0x13a
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x54]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c55c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c55c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], ebx
+lea eax, [ebx + 0x1e]
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+lea eax, [esi + 1]
+mov dword [ref_0048c598], eax ; mov dword [0x48c598], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c55c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c55c]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c598] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c598]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add ecx, 0xc
+add eax, ecx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov ecx, 1
+jmp near loc_00446843 ; jmp 0x446843
+test ecx, ecx
+jne near loc_00445d7d ; jne 0x445d7d
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c598] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c598]
+test ecx, ecx
+je near loc_00445d7d ; je 0x445d7d
+lea edx, [ecx - 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+lea edx, [eax + 0x68]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], edx
+add eax, 0x86
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+mov ebx, 0x13a
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], 0x157
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x1d
+push 0x1e
+push 0xe
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+sub eax, 0x5c
+push eax
+push ebx
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x54]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c55c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c55c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c598], edx ; mov dword [0x48c598], edx
+jmp near loc_00445d7d ; jmp 0x445d7d
+cmp dword [ref_0048c598], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c598], 0
+je near loc_00445d7d ; je 0x445d7d
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c598] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c598]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00445d7d ; jmp 0x445d7d
+push 0
+push ref_00482332 ; push 0x482332
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+jmp short loc_00446a59 ; jmp 0x446a59
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_00445d7d ; jmp 0x445d7d
+push ecx
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x70]
+push ebp
+push eax
+push edi
+jmp near loc_00445e1b ; jmp 0x445e1b
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+push edx
+push fcn_00445e4d ; push 0x445e4d
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+push ebx
+push 1
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00445aa2 ; call 0x445aa2
+add esp, 8
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_00480d5a] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x480d5a]
+push ebx
+push 0
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+mov word [ref_00498e68], dx ; mov word [0x498e68], dx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+mov word [ref_00498e6a], dx ; mov word [0x498e6a], dx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b74] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b74]
+mov word [ref_00498e6c], dx ; mov word [0x498e6c], dx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b76] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b76]
+mov word [ref_00498e6e], dx ; mov word [0x498e6e], dx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0049910c] ; mov dl, byte [0x49910c]
+mov byte [ref_00498e70], dl ; mov byte [0x498e70], dl
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b78] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b78]
+mov byte [ref_00498e71], al ; mov byte [0x498e71], al
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_00498e72], ah ; mov byte [0x498e72], ah
+mov dword [ref_0049910c], 8 ; mov dword [0x49910c], 8
+call fcn_0040dd1f ; call 0x40dd1f
+mov eax, 1
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00480d5e] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x480d5e]
+push ecx
+push 0
+push edx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_00446bed ; jne 0x446bed
+push 1
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_00446bf4 ; jmp 0x446bf4
+push 0
+call fcn_00420eee ; call 0x420eee
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_00446c84 ; je 0x446c84
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebx
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0040e033 ; call 0x40e033
+mov ecx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x64
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+lea edx, [ebx + eax]
+shl edx, 3
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+add eax, edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 2]
+push edx
+movsx eax, word [eax]
+push eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040e669 ; call 0x40e669
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0
+push ref_0048236a ; push 0x48236a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+dec byte [eax + ref_0049915d] ; dec byte [eax + 0x49915d]
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00480d62] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x480d62]
+push ecx
+push 0
+push edx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_00446cce ; jne 0x446cce
+push 0x10001
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_00446cd5 ; jmp 0x446cd5
+push 0
+call fcn_00420eee ; call 0x420eee
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_00446d65 ; je 0x446d65
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebx
+push 0x11
+call fcn_0040e033 ; call 0x40e033
+mov ecx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x64
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+lea edx, [ebx + eax]
+shl edx, 3
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+add eax, edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 2]
+push edx
+movsx eax, word [eax]
+push eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040e669 ; call 0x40e669
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0
+push ref_00482372 ; push 0x482372
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+dec byte [eax + ref_0049915e] ; dec byte [eax + 0x49915e]
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00480d66] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x480d66]
+push ecx
+push 0
+push edx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_00446daf ; jne 0x446daf
+push 0x20001
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_00446db6 ; jmp 0x446db6
+push 0
+call fcn_00420eee ; call 0x420eee
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_00446e46 ; je 0x446e46
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebx
+push 0x12
+call fcn_0040e033 ; call 0x40e033
+mov ecx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x64
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+lea edx, [ebx + eax]
+shl edx, 3
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+add eax, edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 2]
+push edx
+movsx eax, word [eax]
+push eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040e669 ; call 0x40e669
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0
+push ref_0048235a ; push 0x48235a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+dec byte [eax + ref_0049915f] ; dec byte [eax + 0x49915f]
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+cmp dl, 1
+jne short loc_00446e66 ; jne 0x446e66
+xor edx, edx
+jmp near loc_00446eff ; jmp 0x446eff
+cmp dl, 2
+jne short loc_00446e85 ; jne 0x446e85
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+inc byte [eax + ref_00499161] ; inc byte [eax + 0x499161]
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b79], 1
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7a], 2 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7a], 2
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040b93b ; call 0x40b93b
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00480d6a] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x480d6a]
+push edi
+push 0
+push esi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, 1
+dec byte [eax + ref_00499160] ; dec byte [eax + 0x499160]
+mov eax, edx
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+cmp dl, 2
+jne short loc_00446f1e ; jne 0x446f1e
+xor edx, edx
+jmp short loc_00446eff ; jmp 0x446eff
+cmp dl, 1
+jne short loc_00446f3d ; jne 0x446f3d
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+inc byte [eax + ref_00499160] ; inc byte [eax + 0x499160]
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 2 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b79], 2
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7a], 3 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7a], 3
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040b93b ; call 0x40b93b
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00480d6e] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x480d6e]
+push edi
+push 0
+push esi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, 1
+dec byte [eax + ref_00499161] ; dec byte [eax + 0x499161]
+jmp near loc_00446eff ; jmp 0x446eff
+push ebx
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00480d72] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x480d72]
+push ecx
+push 0
+push edx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_00447007 ; jne 0x447007
+push 0x300c0
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_0044700e ; jmp 0x44700e
+push 0
+call fcn_00420eee ; call 0x420eee
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_004470ef ; je 0x4470ef
+push 7
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00445aa2 ; call 0x445aa2
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040af12 ; call 0x40af12
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x210
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+push edx
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+push 0
+push 0x26
+push 0x64
+call fcn_0040ac7b ; call 0x40ac7b
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x51
+push 0x90001
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_004470ea ; jge 0x4470ea
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+test byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0x40 ; test byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0x40
+je short loc_004470e7 ; je 0x4470e7
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add eax, eax
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+push 3
+push ebx
+call fcn_0043ec3f ; call 0x43ec3f
+add esp, 8
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_004470a1 ; jmp 0x4470a1
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne near loc_00447250 ; jne 0x447250
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x48
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c55c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c55c], eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_00480d76] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x480d76]
+push esi
+push 0
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x12c
+push 0x5c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c55c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c55c]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push fcn_00446774 ; push 0x446774
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, eax
+mov dword [esp], 0x5c
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0x12c
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x15c
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x163
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x37
+push 0x100
+push 0x104
+push 0x5c
+push 0x12c
+push 0x5c
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c558] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c558]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push edi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c55c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c55c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0044725c ; jmp 0x44725c
+push 0
+call fcn_00420eee ; call 0x420eee
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0044727b ; je 0x44727b
+call fcn_0040dd1f ; call 0x40dd1f
+push 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00445aa2 ; call 0x445aa2
+add esp, 8
+mov byte [ref_00475dd8], bl ; mov byte [0x475dd8], bl
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_00475dd8] ; mov al, byte [0x475dd8]
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [ref_00475dd8], dl ; mov byte [0x475dd8], dl
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul ebx, edx, 0x68
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x496b7b]
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00480d7a] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x480d7a]
+push ecx
+push 0
+push edx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_004472de ; jne 0x4472de
+push 0x2090006
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_004472e5 ; jmp 0x4472e5
+push 0
+call fcn_00420eee ; call 0x420eee
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_0044737d ; je 0x44737d
+push 9
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00445aa2 ; call 0x445aa2
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040af12 ; call 0x40af12
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x229
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov esi, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+push edx
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040b110 ; call 0x40b110
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp], eax
+push 0x5b
+push 0x2c0001
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push esi
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+test byte [esp], 0x80
+je short loc_00447378 ; je 0x447378
+call fcn_0040b0cd ; call 0x40b0cd
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00480d7e] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x480d7e]
+push ecx
+push 0
+push edx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+call fcn_00448544 ; call 0x448544
+mov ebx, eax
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00447423 ; je 0x447423
+mov ah, byte [ref_0046cb06] ; mov ah, byte [0x46cb06]
+test ah, ah
+je short loc_004473fe ; je 0x4473fe
+mov dl, ah
+inc dl
+mov byte [ref_0046cb06], dl ; mov byte [0x46cb06], dl
+mov al, dl
+and al, 0xf
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, al
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0046cb06] ; mov al, byte [0x46cb06]
+sar eax, 4
+cmp edx, eax
+jle short loc_004473fe ; jle 0x4473fe
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [ref_0046cb06], dh ; mov byte [0x46cb06], dh
+call fcn_00454acb ; call 0x454acb
+push 0
+call fcn_00454d91 ; call 0x454d91
+add esp, 4
+push 0xa
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00445aa2 ; call 0x445aa2
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+call fcn_0040a4e1 ; call 0x40a4e1
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x28
+xor esi, esi
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00480d82] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x480d82]
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_00447478 ; jne 0x447478
+push 0x1200036
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_00447488 ; jmp 0x447488
+mov cl, byte [ref_0049910c] ; mov cl, byte [0x49910c]
+mov eax, 1
+shl eax, cl
+or ah, 0x80
+mov dword [esp + 0x1c], eax
+mov dh, byte [esp + 0x1d]
+test dh, 0x80
+je short loc_004474d1 ; je 0x4474d1
+test dh, 0x3f
+je short loc_004474d1 ; je 0x4474d1
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+and ebx, 0x3f00
+sar ebx, 8
+lea edx, [ebx - 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov bh, byte [eax + ref_00496d0d] ; mov bh, byte [eax + 0x496d0d]
+test bh, bh
+je short loc_004474d1 ; je 0x4474d1
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, bh
+dec ecx
+mov eax, 1
+shl eax, cl
+or ah, 0x80
+mov dword [esp + 0x1c], eax
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+test ebp, ebp
+je near loc_004479c8 ; je 0x4479c8
+cmp ebp, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_0044757c ; jle 0x44757c
+cmp ebp, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_0044757c ; jge 0x44757c
+push 0x2090802
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+mov edx, eax
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_004479b3 ; je 0x4479b3
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x7d0]
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, ebx
+sub edx, 0x7d0
+imul edx, edx, 0x34
+add edx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov byte [edx + 0x19], bl
+mov byte [eax + 0x19], 0
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x1a]
+mov byte [edx + 0x1a], bl
+mov byte [eax + 0x1a], 0
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x18]
+mov byte [edx + 0x18], bl
+mov byte [eax + 0x18], 0
+mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x30]
+mov dword [edx + 0x30], ecx
+mov dword [eax + 0x30], 0
+mov dword [eax + 0x2c], 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0040a4e1 ; call 0x40a4e1
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov esi, 1
+jmp near loc_004479b7 ; jmp 0x4479b7
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+cmp ecx, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_0044761c ; jle 0x44761c
+cmp ecx, 0x1770
+jge near loc_0044761c ; jge 0x44761c
+push 0x2090804
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+mov edx, eax
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_004479b3 ; je 0x4479b3
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e88]
+sub edx, 0xfa0
+shl edx, 3
+mov ebx, edx
+shl edx, 3
+sub edx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [esi + eax + 0x19]
+mov byte [edx + esi + 0x19], bl
+mov byte [esi + eax + 0x19], 0
+mov bl, byte [esi + eax + 0x1a]
+mov byte [edx + esi + 0x1a], bl
+mov byte [esi + eax + 0x1a], 0
+mov bl, byte [esi + eax + 0x18]
+mov byte [edx + esi + 0x18], bl
+mov byte [esi + eax + 0x18], 0
+mov ecx, dword [esi + eax + 0x34]
+mov dword [edx + esi + 0x34], ecx
+mov dword [esi + eax + 0x34], 0
+mov dword [esi + eax + 0x30], 0
+jmp near loc_0044755a ; jmp 0x44755a
+test byte [esp + 0x1d], 0x80
+je near loc_004478cb ; je 0x4478cb
+test byte [esp + 0x1c], 0xff
+je near loc_004478cb ; je 0x4478cb
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0040d293 ; call 0x40d293
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_0044765f ; jne 0x44765f
+push 0x2090001
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_00447666 ; jmp 0x447666
+push 0
+call fcn_00420eee ; call 0x420eee
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_004479b3 ; je 0x4479b3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e80]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x24], edx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x20], 0x40000000
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+jmp short loc_004476af ; jmp 0x4476af
+sar dword [esp + 0x20], 1
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_004476da ; jge 0x4476da
+lea esi, [ebx + ebx]
+add esi, edx
+mov si, word [esi + 0x18]
+and esi, 0xffff
+je short loc_004476a5 ; je 0x4476a5
+mov eax, dword [edx + 0x24]
+test dword [esp + 0x20], eax
+jne short loc_004476a5 ; jne 0x4476a5
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov word [esp + eax*2], si
+lea edi, [eax + 1]
+mov dword [esp + 0x24], edi
+jmp short loc_004476a5 ; jmp 0x4476a5
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+cmp eax, 4
+jge short loc_004476ef ; jge 0x4476ef
+imul ebp, eax, 0x68
+movzx ebp, byte [ebp + ref_00496b78] ; movzx ebp, byte [ebp + 0x496b78]
+jmp short loc_004476fb ; jmp 0x4476fb
+mov ebp, eax
+shl ebp, 4
+movzx ebp, byte [ebp + ref_00498df1] ; movzx ebp, byte [ebp + 0x498df1]
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 8
+cmp ebx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+jge short loc_00447766 ; jge 0x447766
+mov ax, word [esp + ebx*2]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push eax
+call fcn_00407a8c ; call 0x407a8c
+mov edi, eax
+add esp, 8
+mov esi, eax
+mov eax, ebp
+sub eax, edi
+push eax
+call fcn_00458276 ; call 0x458276
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, eax
+cmp eax, 4
+jle short loc_00447751 ; jle 0x447751
+cmp ebp, edi
+jge short loc_00447740 ; jge 0x447740
+mov edi, ebp
+add edi, 8
+cmp ebp, esi
+jle short loc_0044774b ; jle 0x44774b
+mov edx, ebp
+jmp short loc_0044774d ; jmp 0x44774d
+mov edx, esi
+sub edi, edx
+mov edx, edi
+cmp edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+jge short loc_00447763 ; jge 0x447763
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x20], esi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00447705 ; jmp 0x447705
+mov cl, byte [esp + 8]
+mov edi, 0x100
+shl edi, cl
+cmp dword [esp + 0x24], 1
+jle short loc_004477a0 ; jle 0x4477a0
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x24]
+cmp ebx, ebp
+jge short loc_004477ae ; jge 0x4477ae
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [esp + ebx*2]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov ax, word [esp + eax*2]
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp edx, eax
+je short loc_0044779d ; je 0x44779d
+mov esi, edx
+jmp short loc_004477ae ; jmp 0x4477ae
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0044777e ; jmp 0x44777e
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov si, word [esp + esi*2]
+and esi, 0xffff
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+cmp eax, 4
+jge near loc_00447857 ; jge 0x447857
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; cmp eax, dword [0x49910c]
+jne short loc_004477e2 ; jne 0x4477e2
+call fcn_0044808a ; call 0x44808a
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048baf8], eax ; mov dword [0x48baf8], eax
+imul eax, dword [esp + 8], 0x34
+mov dh, 1
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea2], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea2], dh
+mov byte [ref_0046cafb], dh ; mov byte [0x46cafb], dh
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 8]
+imul ebx, ecx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + ref_00496b74] ; mov dx, word [ebx + 0x496b74]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add edx, eax
+shl edx, 3
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e80]
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, edi
+not edx
+and dword [eax + 0x24], edx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov word [ebx + ref_00496b74], ax ; mov word [ebx + 0x496b74], ax
+mov word [ebx + ref_00496b76], si ; mov word [ebx + 0x496b76], si
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x20]
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b78], al ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b78], al
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov ax, word [eax]
+mov word [ebx + ref_00496b70], ax ; mov word [ebx + 0x496b70], ax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov ax, word [eax + 2]
+mov word [ebx + ref_00496b72], ax ; mov word [ebx + 0x496b72], ax
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040fc00 ; call 0x40fc00
+add esp, 4
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_004478bc ; je 0x4478bc
+jmp short loc_004478b5 ; jmp 0x4478b5
+shl eax, 4
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [eax + ref_00498dec] ; mov cx, word [eax + 0x498dec]
+mov edx, ecx
+shl edx, 2
+add edx, ecx
+shl edx, 3
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e80]
+add edx, ecx
+mov ecx, edi
+not ecx
+and dword [edx + 0x24], ecx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov word [eax + ref_00498dec], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x498dec], dx
+mov word [eax + ref_00498dee], si ; mov word [eax + 0x498dee], si
+mov dl, byte [esp + 0x20]
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498df1], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x498df1], dl
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov dx, word [edx]
+mov word [eax + ref_00498de8], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x498de8], dx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov dx, word [edx + 2]
+mov word [eax + ref_00498dea], dx ; mov word [eax + 0x498dea], dx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+or dword [eax + 0x24], edi
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 8]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040b93b ; call 0x40b93b
+jmp near loc_00447561 ; jmp 0x447561
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x1d]
+test al, 0x80
+je near loc_004479b3 ; je 0x4479b3
+test al, 0x3f
+je near loc_004479b3 ; je 0x4479b3
+push 0x2090001
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], eax
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_004479b3 ; je 0x4479b3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e80]
+lea edx, [esi + eax]
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], edx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+and ebx, 0x3f00
+sar ebx, 8
+lea edx, [ebx - 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 3
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [edx + ref_00496d0a] ; mov cx, word [edx + 0x496d0a]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+mov byte [esi + eax*8 + 0x26], 0
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov word [edx + ref_00496d0a], ax ; mov word [edx + 0x496d0a], ax
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 0x10
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+or dword [edx + 0x24], eax
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_00447961 ; jmp 0x447961
+inc esi
+cmp esi, 4
+jge short loc_00447989 ; jge 0x447989
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e80]
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, esi
+mov ax, word [eax + edx*2 + 0x18]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 0x1c], eax
+je short loc_0044795b ; je 0x44795b
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push eax
+call fcn_00407a8c ; call 0x407a8c
+mov ecx, eax
+add esp, 8
+lea edx, [ebx - 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov byte [eax*8 + ref_00496d09], cl ; mov byte [eax*8 + 0x496d09], cl
+jmp near loc_00447564 ; jmp 0x447564
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_004479c8 ; je 0x4479c8
+push 0xb
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00445aa2 ; call 0x445aa2
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, esi
+add esp, 0x28
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push edi
+push ebp
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+and dl, 3
+cmp dl, 3
+jne short loc_004479f1 ; jne 0x4479f1
+xor edx, edx
+jmp near loc_00447ac8 ; jmp 0x447ac8
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b79], 1
+jne short loc_00447a14 ; jne 0x447a14
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+inc byte [eax + ref_00499160] ; inc byte [eax + 0x499160]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 2 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b79], 2
+jne short loc_00447a3a ; jne 0x447a3a
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+inc byte [eax + ref_00499161] ; inc byte [eax + 0x499161]
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496bcc], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496bcc], dl
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7a] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7a]
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496bcd], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496bcd], dl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 0x1f ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b79], 0x1f
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7a], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7a], 1
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040b93b ; call 0x40b93b
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00480d86] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x480d86]
+push ebp
+push 0
+push edi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, 1
+dec byte [eax + ref_00499167] ; dec byte [eax + 0x499167]
+mov eax, edx
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+and eax, 0xff
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00480d8a] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x480d8a]
+push ecx
+push 0
+push edx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+jne short loc_00447b19 ; jne 0x447b19
+push 0x400c0
+call fcn_00446ae8 ; call 0x446ae8
+jmp short loc_00447b20 ; jmp 0x447b20
+push 0
+call fcn_00420eee ; call 0x420eee
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_004470ea ; je 0x4470ea
+push 0xd
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00445aa2 ; call 0x445aa2
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040af12 ; call 0x40af12
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x212
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+push edx
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+push 1
+push 0x26
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0040ac7b ; call 0x40ac7b
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x53
+push 0x80090001
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_004470ea ; jge 0x4470ea
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+test byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0x40 ; test byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0x40
+je short loc_00447bfd ; je 0x447bfd
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add eax, eax
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040df69 ; call 0x40df69
+add esp, 0xc
+push 3
+push ebx
+call fcn_0043ec3f ; call 0x43ec3f
+add esp, 8
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00447bb3 ; jmp 0x447bb3
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul ecx, edx, 0x68
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov dl, byte [ecx + ref_00496b79] ; mov dl, byte [ecx + 0x496b79]
+cmp dl, 1
+jne short loc_00447c2b ; jne 0x447c2b
+add byte [eax + ref_00499160], dl ; add byte [eax + 0x499160], dl
+jmp short loc_00447c36 ; jmp 0x447c36
+cmp dl, 2
+jne short loc_00447c36 ; jne 0x447c36
+inc byte [eax + ref_00499161] ; inc byte [eax + 0x499161]
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b79], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b79], cl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7a], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7a], 1
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040b93b ; call 0x40b93b
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp near loc_00446ba3 ; jmp 0x446ba3
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x2c
+push 0x10
+push 0
+push ref_0048c548 ; push 0x48c548
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xffffff
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x44]
+add eax, 0x18
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x40]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_00447cb3 ; jne 0x447cb3
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+jmp short loc_00447cc1 ; jmp 0x447cc1
+push 0
+push 0
+push eax
+push edx
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov esi, 0x2d
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], 0x21
+jmp short loc_00447cde ; jmp 0x447cde
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xd
+jge near loc_00447d8f ; jge 0x447d8f
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x48]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+lea edi, [eax + ebx]
+cmp byte [edi + ref_0049915c], 0 ; cmp byte [edi + 0x49915c], 0
+je short loc_00447cd4 ; je 0x447cd4
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x28]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esi - 0x10]
+push eax
+lea edx, [ebx + 2]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edi + ref_0049915c] ; mov al, byte [edi + 0x49915c]
+push eax
+push ref_004653e0 ; push 0x4653e0
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+sub eax, 0xa
+push eax
+lea eax, [esi + 0x22]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x50]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov al, bl
+inc al
+mov byte [ebp + ref_0048c548], al ; mov byte [ebp + 0x48c548], al
+inc ebp
+add esi, 0x50
+cmp esi, 0x16d
+jle near loc_00447cd4 ; jle 0x447cd4
+mov esi, 0x2d
+add dword [esp + 0x28], 0x38
+jmp near loc_00447cd4 ; jmp 0x447cd4
+add esp, 0x2c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x4c
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7d] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7d]
+cmp dl, 1
+jne near loc_00447f82 ; jne 0x447f82
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0xb
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+mov edi, eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+push esi
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_00447c6e ; call 0x447c6e
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+lea edx, [ebx + 0x18]
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+cmp cl, 1
+jne short loc_00447e08 ; jne 0x447e08
+push 0x75
+push 0x145
+add ebx, 0xc0
+jmp short loc_00447e1a ; jmp 0x447e1a
+cmp cl, 2
+jne short loc_00447e2b ; jne 0x447e2b
+push 0x75
+push 0x145
+add ebx, 0xcc
+push ebx
+push edx
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+mov byte [ref_0048c556], 0xe ; mov byte [0x48c556], 0xe
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+push 0x1b8
+push 0x1b8
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_00451a97 ; call 0x451a97
+add esp, 0x18
+mov dword [ref_0048c558], eax ; mov dword [0x48c558], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push ebx
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x82
+push 0xe
+lea eax, [edi + 0x18]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push fcn_00445c14 ; push 0x445c14
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+mov esi, eax
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push ebx
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x28
+push 0
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c558] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c558]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x2c], 0x28
+mov dword [esp + 0x30], 0x1b8
+mov dword [esp + 0x34], 0x1e0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x2c]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00447f5a ; je 0x447f5a
+mov eax, esi
+call dword [eax*4 + (ref_00475dd8 - 3)] ; ucall: call dword [eax*4 + 0x475dd5]
+mov ebx, eax
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_00447e7d ; je 0x447e7d
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c558] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c558]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x4c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+test dl, 6
+je short loc_00447f7a ; je 0x447f7a
+test byte [eax + ref_00496b7e], 2 ; test byte [eax + 0x496b7e], 2
+je short loc_00447f7a ; je 0x447f7a
+push 0xd
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], ecx
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_00447fb9 ; jmp 0x447fb9
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x48]
+inc edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], edx
+cmp edx, 0xd
+jge short loc_00447fec ; jge 0x447fec
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+add ebx, eax
+mov eax, ebx
+shl ebx, 2
+sub ebx, eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x48]
+cmp byte [ebx + eax + ref_0049915c], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + eax + 0x49915c], 0
+je short loc_00447fab ; je 0x447fab
+cmp eax, 9
+je short loc_00447fab ; je 0x447fab
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x48]
+inc al
+mov byte [esp + esi + 0x38], al
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_00447fab ; jmp 0x447fab
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00447f7a ; je 0x447f7a
+cmp esi, 4
+jle short loc_00448005 ; jle 0x448005
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+mov ebx, edx
+jmp short loc_00448007 ; jmp 0x448007
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], edi
+jmp short loc_00448028 ; jmp 0x448028
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, esi
+jne short loc_00448016 ; jne 0x448016
+xor ebx, esi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x48]
+inc ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], ebp
+cmp ebp, 4
+jge near loc_00447f7a ; jge 0x447f7a
+mov dh, byte [esp + ebx + 0x38]
+test dh, dh
+je near loc_00447f7a ; je 0x447f7a
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, dh
+push eax
+call fcn_00420e9a ; call 0x420e9a
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_0044800f ; jne 0x44800f
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + ebx + 0x38]
+mov edx, dword [eax*8 + ref_0047feda] ; mov edx, dword [eax*8 + 0x47feda]
+push edx
+push ref_004653e5 ; push 0x4653e5
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + ebx + 0x38]
+call dword [eax*4 + (ref_00475dd8 - 3)] ; ucall: call dword [eax*4 + 0x475dd5]
+jmp near loc_00447f7a ; jmp 0x447f7a
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp edx, 4
+jge near loc_00448541 ; jge 0x448541
+jge short loc_004480ad ; jge 0x4480ad
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+test byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 1 ; test byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 1
+je near loc_00448541 ; je 0x448541
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [eax + ref_0048cb80], 1 ; mov dword [eax + 0x48cb80], 1
+mov edx, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov edx, dword [0x497160]
+mov dword [eax + ref_0048cb84], edx ; mov dword [eax + 0x48cb84], edx
+push 0x1a0
+push ref_00496b68 ; push 0x496b68
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 8
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x50
+push ref_00498e28 ; push 0x498e28
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x1a8
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x450
+push ref_00496d08 ; push 0x496d08
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x1f8
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x3c
+push ref_00499120 ; push 0x499120
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x648
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x3c
+push ref_0049915c ; push 0x49915c
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x684
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x1e
+push ref_00499198 ; push 0x499198
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x6c0
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 8
+push ref_00497320 ; push 0x497320
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x6de
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00499100] ; mov edx, dword [0x499100]
+mov dword [eax + ref_0048d268], edx ; mov dword [eax + 0x48d268], edx
+push 0x1b00
+push ref_00497328 ; push 0x497328
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x6ec
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x180
+push ref_004971a0 ; push 0x4971a0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x21ec
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x1b0
+push ref_00496980 ; push 0x496980
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x236c
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x150
+push ref_004967e0 ; push 0x4967e0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x251c
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov dword [eax + ref_0048f1ec], edx ; mov dword [eax + 0x48f1ec], edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e4]
+mov dword [eax + ref_0048f1f0], edx ; mov dword [eax + 0x48f1f0], edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00499084] ; mov edx, dword [0x499084]
+mov dword [eax + ref_0048f1f4], edx ; mov dword [eax + 0x48f1f4], edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990dc] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990dc]
+mov dword [eax + ref_0048f1f8], edx ; mov dword [eax + 0x48f1f8], edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049907c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49907c]
+mov dword [eax + ref_0048f1fc], edx ; mov dword [eax + 0x48f1fc], edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00499078] ; mov edx, dword [0x499078]
+mov dword [eax + ref_0048f200], edx ; mov dword [eax + 0x48f200], edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990ec] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990ec]
+mov dword [eax + ref_0048f204], edx ; mov dword [eax + 0x48f204], edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00499080] ; mov edx, dword [0x499080]
+mov dword [eax + ref_0048f208], edx ; mov dword [eax + 0x48f208], edx
+push 0x24
+push ref_004990b8 ; push 0x4990b8
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x268c
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 8
+push ref_00496b30 ; push 0x496b30
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x26b0
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 8
+push ref_00496b60 ; push 0x496b60
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x26b8
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e0]
+mov dword [eax + ref_0048f240], edx ; mov dword [eax + 0x48f240], edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990b4] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990b4]
+mov dword [eax + ref_0048f244], edx ; mov dword [eax + 0x48f244], edx
+push 0x24
+push ref_00499090 ; push 0x499090
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x26c8
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x25
+push ref_00496b38 ; push 0x496b38
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x26ec
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edi, dword [ref_00498e94] ; mov edi, dword [0x498e94]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0047493c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x47493c]
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_0048f294] ; mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x48f294]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+cmp dword [eax + ref_0048cb80], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x48cb80], 0
+jne short loc_00448577 ; jne 0x448577
+xor eax, eax
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_0048cb84] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x48cb84]
+mov dword [ref_00497160], edx ; mov dword [0x497160], edx
+push 0x1a0
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 8
+push eax
+push ref_00496b68 ; push 0x496b68
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00499114] ; mov ecx, dword [0x499114]
+cmp ebx, ecx
+jge short loc_004485c7 ; jge 0x4485c7
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+imul edx, edx, 0x68
+mov edx, dword [edx + ref_0047e80c] ; mov edx, dword [edx + 0x47e80c]
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496b68], edx ; mov dword [eax + 0x496b68], edx
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_004485a6 ; jmp 0x4485a6
+push 0x50
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x1a8
+push eax
+push ref_00498e28 ; push 0x498e28
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x450
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x1f8
+push eax
+push ref_00496d08 ; push 0x496d08
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x3c
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x648
+push eax
+push ref_00499120 ; push 0x499120
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x3c
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x684
+push eax
+push ref_0049915c ; push 0x49915c
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x1e
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x6c0
+push eax
+push ref_00499198 ; push 0x499198
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x6de
+push eax
+push ref_00497320 ; push 0x497320
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_0048d268] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x48d268]
+mov dword [ref_00499100], edx ; mov dword [0x499100], edx
+push 0x1b00
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x6ec
+push eax
+push ref_00497328 ; push 0x497328
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x180
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x21ec
+push eax
+push ref_004971a0 ; push 0x4971a0
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x1b0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x236c
+push eax
+push ref_00496980 ; push 0x496980
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ebx, ebx
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b6]
+shl edx, 2
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b8]
+add edx, eax
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov ecx, eax
+shl ecx, 3
+add ecx, eax
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+lea edx, [ecx + eax]
+mov edx, dword [edx + ref_0047f072] ; mov edx, dword [edx + 0x47f072]
+mov dword [eax + ref_00496980], edx ; mov dword [eax + 0x496980], edx
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jl short loc_004487f4 ; jl 0x4487f4
+push 0x150
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x251c
+push eax
+push ref_004967e0 ; push 0x4967e0
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_0048f1ec] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x48f1ec]
+mov dword [ref_004990e8], edx ; mov dword [0x4990e8], edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_0048f1f0] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x48f1f0]
+mov dword [ref_004990e4], edx ; mov dword [0x4990e4], edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_0048f1f4] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x48f1f4]
+mov dword [ref_00499084], edx ; mov dword [0x499084], edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_0048f1f8] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x48f1f8]
+mov dword [ref_004990dc], edx ; mov dword [0x4990dc], edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_0048f1fc] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x48f1fc]
+mov dword [ref_0049907c], edx ; mov dword [0x49907c], edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_0048f200] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x48f200]
+mov dword [ref_00499078], edx ; mov dword [0x499078], edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_0048f204] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x48f204]
+mov dword [ref_004990ec], edx ; mov dword [0x4990ec], edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_0048f208] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x48f208]
+mov dword [ref_00499080], edx ; mov dword [0x499080], edx
+push 0x24
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x268c
+push eax
+push ref_004990b8 ; push 0x4990b8
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x26b0
+push eax
+push ref_00496b30 ; push 0x496b30
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x26b8
+push eax
+push ref_00496b60 ; push 0x496b60
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_0048f240] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x48f240]
+mov dword [ref_004990e0], edx ; mov dword [0x4990e0], edx
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_0048f244] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x48f244]
+mov dword [ref_004990b4], edx ; mov dword [0x4990b4], edx
+push 0x24
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x26c8
+push eax
+push ref_00499090 ; push 0x499090
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x25
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+add eax, ref_0048cb80 ; add eax, 0x48cb80
+add eax, 0x26ec
+push eax
+push ref_00496b38 ; push 0x496b38
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e94] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e94]
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+mov esi, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_0048f294] ; mov esi, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x48f294]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0047493c] ; mov edi, dword [0x47493c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+call fcn_0040c03b ; call 0x40c03b
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00448a5d ; jmp 0x448a5d
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 9
+jge short loc_00448a75 ; jge 0x448a75
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jl short loc_00448a6a ; jl 0x448a6a
+cmp ebx, 4
+jl short loc_00448a57 ; jl 0x448a57
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040b93b ; call 0x40b93b
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_00448a57 ; jmp 0x448a57
+mov eax, 1
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+xor ebx, ebx
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je near loc_00448b6e ; je 0x448b6e
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov edx, ecx
+shl edx, 2
+add edx, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e80] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e80]
+mov dx, word [ecx + edx*8 + 0x20]
+and edx, 0xffff
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+and cl, 0x83
+cmp cl, 3
+jne near loc_00448b6e ; jne 0x448b6e
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9f], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9f], 0
+jne near loc_00448b6e ; jne 0x448b6e
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9a], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9a], 0
+jne near loc_00448b6e ; jne 0x448b6e
+cmp edx, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_00448b12 ; jle 0x448b12
+cmp edx, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_00448b12 ; jge 0x448b12
+sub edx, 0x7d0
+imul edx, edx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+lea ecx, [esi + 1]
+cmp edx, ecx
+je short loc_00448b4c ; je 0x448b4c
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_00448b4c ; je 0x448b4c
+jmp short loc_00448b50 ; jmp 0x448b50
+cmp edx, 0xfa0
+jle short loc_00448b4c ; jle 0x448b4c
+cmp edx, 0x1770
+jge short loc_00448b4c ; jge 0x448b4c
+lea eax, [edx - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+lea ecx, [esi + 1]
+cmp edx, ecx
+je short loc_00448b4c ; je 0x448b4c
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 0
+jne short loc_00448b50 ; jne 0x448b50
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00448b6e ; je 0x448b6e
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+imul eax, esi, 0x34
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea2], 3 ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea2], 3
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [eax + ref_00498ea3], bh ; mov byte [eax + 0x498ea3], bh
+mov byte [ref_0046cafb], 1 ; mov byte [0x46cafb], 1
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+db 0x00
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 0x24
+push 0x24
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 0x24
+jmp short loc_00448bb1 ; jmp 0x448bb1
+mov byte [esp + eax], 1
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00499090], al ; mov byte [ebx + 0x499090], al
+inc ebx
+dec esi
+cmp ebx, 0x24
+jge short loc_00448bd4 ; jge 0x448bd4
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+xor eax, eax
+jmp short loc_00448bc7 ; jmp 0x448bc7
+inc eax
+cmp eax, 0x24
+jge short loc_00448ba0 ; jge 0x448ba0
+cmp byte [esp + eax], 0
+jne short loc_00448bce ; jne 0x448bce
+dec edx
+test edx, edx
+jl short loc_00448ba0 ; jl 0x448ba0
+jmp short loc_00448bc1 ; jmp 0x448bc1
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_004990e0], edx ; mov dword [0x4990e0], edx
+add esp, 0x24
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov edi, 1
+xor esi, esi
+cmp ebx, 9
+jb short loc_00448c67 ; jb 0x448c67
+jbe near loc_00448d54 ; jbe 0x448d54
+cmp ebx, 0x10
+jb short loc_00448c37 ; jb 0x448c37
+jbe near loc_00448def ; jbe 0x448def
+cmp ebx, 0x1c
+jb short loc_00448c29 ; jb 0x448c29
+jbe near loc_00448e43 ; jbe 0x448e43
+cmp ebx, 0x1d
+jbe near loc_00448e64 ; jbe 0x448e64
+cmp ebx, 0x23
+je near loc_00448e9c ; je 0x448e9c
+jmp near loc_00448ec3 ; jmp 0x448ec3
+cmp ebx, 0x11
+je near loc_00448e19 ; je 0x448e19
+jmp near loc_00448ec3 ; jmp 0x448ec3
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jb short loc_00448c59 ; jb 0x448c59
+jbe near loc_00448d54 ; jbe 0x448d54
+cmp ebx, 0xd
+jbe near loc_00448da5 ; jbe 0x448da5
+cmp ebx, 0xf
+je near loc_00448cb4 ; je 0x448cb4
+jmp near loc_00448ec3 ; jmp 0x448ec3
+cmp ebx, 0xa
+je near loc_00448da5 ; je 0x448da5
+jmp near loc_00448ec3 ; jmp 0x448ec3
+cmp ebx, 3
+jb short loc_00448c89 ; jb 0x448c89
+jbe short loc_00448cab ; jbe 0x448cab
+cmp ebx, 5
+jb short loc_00448cb4 ; jb 0x448cb4
+jbe short loc_00448cb4 ; jbe 0x448cb4
+cmp ebx, 7
+jb near loc_00448ec3 ; jb 0x448ec3
+jbe near loc_00448d0a ; jbe 0x448d0a
+jmp near loc_00448d54 ; jmp 0x448d54
+cmp ebx, edi
+jb short loc_00448c91 ; jb 0x448c91
+jbe short loc_00448c99 ; jbe 0x448c99
+jmp short loc_00448cab ; jmp 0x448cab
+test ebx, ebx
+jne near loc_00448ec3 ; jne 0x448ec3
+cmp dword [ref_00496b30], 0 ; cmp dword [0x496b30], 0
+jne near loc_00448ec3 ; jne 0x448ec3
+jmp near loc_00448ec1 ; jmp 0x448ec1
+cmp dword [ref_00496b60], 0 ; cmp dword [0x496b60], 0
+jmp short loc_00448ca0 ; jmp 0x448ca0
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, 0x34
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00498e98] ; mov ebp, dword [0x498e98]
+cmp ebx, ebp
+jg short loc_00448cdb ; jg 0x448cdb
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 0
+jne near loc_00448ec3 ; jne 0x448ec3
+inc ebx
+add eax, 0x34
+jmp short loc_00448cc7 ; jmp 0x448cc7
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_00448d06 ; jne 0x448d06
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, 0x38
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e8c]
+cmp ebx, edx
+jg short loc_00448d06 ; jg 0x448d06
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 0
+jne near loc_00448ec3 ; jne 0x448ec3
+inc ebx
+add eax, 0x38
+jmp short loc_00448cf2 ; jmp 0x448cf2
+test esi, esi
+jmp short loc_00448ca0 ; jmp 0x448ca0
+mov ebx, edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, 0x34
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_00448d29 ; jg 0x448d29
+cmp byte [eax + 0x19], 0
+je near loc_00448ec3 ; je 0x448ec3
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00448d11 ; jmp 0x448d11
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_00448d06 ; jne 0x448d06
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, 0x38
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e8c]
+cmp ebx, ecx
+jg short loc_00448d06 ; jg 0x448d06
+cmp byte [eax + 0x19], 0
+je near loc_00448ec3 ; je 0x448ec3
+inc ebx
+add eax, 0x38
+jmp short loc_00448d40 ; jmp 0x448d40
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, 0x34
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_00448d76 ; jg 0x448d76
+cmp byte [eax + 0x19], 0
+jne near loc_00448ec3 ; jne 0x448ec3
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00448d5e ; jmp 0x448d5e
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_00448d06 ; jne 0x448d06
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, 0x38
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x498e8c]
+cmp ebx, ebp
+jg near loc_00448d06 ; jg 0x448d06
+cmp byte [eax + 0x19], 0
+jne near loc_00448ec3 ; jne 0x448ec3
+inc ebx
+add eax, 0x38
+jmp short loc_00448d8d ; jmp 0x448d8d
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_00448d06 ; jge 0x448d06
+test esi, esi
+jne near loc_00448d06 ; jne 0x448d06
+xor edx, edx
+jmp short loc_00448dc5 ; jmp 0x448dc5
+inc edx
+cmp edx, 0xc
+jge short loc_00448dec ; jge 0x448dec
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00448dbf ; je 0x448dbf
+mov ecx, ebx
+shl ecx, 2
+sub ecx, ebx
+shl ecx, 5
+mov eax, edx
+cmp dword [ecx + eax*8 + ref_004971a0], 0 ; cmp dword [ecx + eax*8 + 0x4971a0], 0
+je short loc_00448dbf ; je 0x448dbf
+mov esi, 1
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00448da7 ; jmp 0x448da7
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_00448d06 ; jge 0x448d06
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00448e16 ; je 0x448e16
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b79], 0
+je near loc_00448ec3 ; je 0x448ec3
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00448df1 ; jmp 0x448df1
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_00448d06 ; jge 0x448d06
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00448e40 ; je 0x448e40
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b79], 0
+jne near loc_00448ec3 ; jne 0x448ec3
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00448e1b ; jmp 0x448e1b
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00448e51 ; jmp 0x448e51
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jge near loc_00448d06 ; jge 0x448d06
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+cmp byte [eax*4 + ref_00496986], 0 ; cmp byte [eax*4 + 0x496986], 0
+je short loc_00448e47 ; je 0x448e47
+jmp short loc_00448ec3 ; jmp 0x448ec3
+mov ebx, edi
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00498e90] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x498e90]
+jg near loc_00448d06 ; jg 0x448d06
+imul edx, ebx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e7c]
+add eax, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x18]
+test dl, dl
+je short loc_00448e99 ; je 0x448e99
+mov al, dl
+and eax, 0xff
+dec eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0040d73f ; call 0x40d73f
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 1
+je short loc_00448ec3 ; je 0x448ec3
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00448e66 ; jmp 0x448e66
+mov ebx, edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e7c]
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00498e90] ; mov ebp, dword [0x498e90]
+cmp ebx, ebp
+jg short loc_00448ebd ; jg 0x448ebd
+imul edx, ebx, 0x34
+cmp dword [edx + eax + 0x28], 0x2710
+jg short loc_00448ec3 ; jg 0x448ec3
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00448ea9 ; jmp 0x448ea9
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_00448ec3 ; jne 0x448ec3
+xor edi, edi
+mov eax, edi
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_00448ec7 ; jne 0x448ec7
+push edx
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+push ref_00465424 ; push 0x465424
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 0x148
+jmp short loc_00448f01 ; jmp 0x448f01
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_00448ec7 ; jge 0x448ec7
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b30], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b30], 0
+je short loc_00448efb ; je 0x448efb
+push esi
+push 0x186
+imul eax, ebx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b9c], 0x80 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b9c], 0x80
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b30], dh ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b30], dh
+add esi, 0x2a
+jmp short loc_00448efb ; jmp 0x448efb
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 0x84
+cmp dword [esp + 0x90], 0
+jne near loc_00448ffd ; jne 0x448ffd
+mov ecx, 3
+mov dword [esp + 0x80], ecx
+push ecx
+push ref_0046543a ; push 0x46543a
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 0x148
+jmp short loc_00448fa8 ; jmp 0x448fa8
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_00448ffd ; jge 0x448ffd
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b30], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b30], 0
+je short loc_00448fa2 ; je 0x448fa2
+push esi
+push 0x186
+imul eax, ebx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+add esi, 0x2a
+mov dl, byte [esp + 0x80]
+mov dh, byte [eax + ref_00496b9c] ; mov dh, byte [eax + 0x496b9c]
+add dh, dl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b9c], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b9c], dh
+mov cl, dh
+and cl, 0x7f
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b9c], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b9c], cl
+jmp short loc_00448fa2 ; jmp 0x448fa2
+add esp, 0x84
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_00449003 ; jne 0x449003
+push edx
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+push ref_00465454 ; push 0x465454
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 0x148
+jmp short loc_0044903d ; jmp 0x44903d
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge short loc_00449003 ; jge 0x449003
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b60], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b60], 0
+je short loc_00449037 ; je 0x449037
+push esi
+push 0x186
+imul eax, ebx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b9d], 0x80 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b9d], 0x80
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b60], dh ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b60], dh
+add esi, 0x2a
+jmp short loc_00449037 ; jmp 0x449037
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 0x84
+cmp dword [esp + 0x90], 0
+jne near loc_00448ffd ; jne 0x448ffd
+mov ecx, 3
+mov dword [esp + 0x80], ecx
+push ecx
+push ref_0046546c ; push 0x46546c
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 0x148
+jmp short loc_004490e8 ; jmp 0x4490e8
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 4
+jge near loc_00448ffd ; jge 0x448ffd
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b60], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b60], 0
+je short loc_004490de ; je 0x4490de
+push esi
+push 0x186
+imul eax, ebx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+add esi, 0x2a
+mov dl, byte [esp + 0x80]
+mov dh, byte [eax + ref_00496b9d] ; mov dh, byte [eax + 0x496b9d]
+add dh, dl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b9d], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b9d], dh
+mov cl, dh
+and cl, 0x7f
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b9d], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b9d], cl
+jmp short loc_004490de ; jmp 0x4490de
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x408
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x41c]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_00449175 ; jne 0x449175
+push edx
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+push ref_00465488 ; push 0x465488
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+jmp near loc_00449295 ; jmp 0x449295
+xor esi, esi
+mov ebx, 1
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_004491a4 ; jg 0x4491a4
+imul eax, ebx, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+cmp byte [edx + eax + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_004491a1 ; je 0x4491a1
+mov edx, ebx
+add edx, 0x7d0
+mov word [esp + esi*2], dx
+inc esi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0044917c ; jmp 0x44917c
+mov ebx, 1
+mov edi, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; mov edi, dword [0x498e8c]
+cmp ebx, edi
+jg short loc_004491dd ; jg 0x4491dd
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+cmp byte [edx + eax + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_004491da ; je 0x4491da
+mov edx, ebx
+add edx, 0xfa0
+mov word [esp + esi*2], dx
+inc esi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_004491af ; jmp 0x4491af
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+mov ax, word [esp + edx*2]
+and eax, 0xffff
+lea edx, [esp + 0x404]
+push edx
+lea edx, [esp + 0x404]
+push edx
+push eax
+call fcn_0040af12 ; call 0x40af12
+add esp, 0xc
+push 2
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x408]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x408]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+push 1
+push 0x26
+push 0x64
+call fcn_0040ac7b ; call 0x40ac7b
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x213
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x56
+push 0x180001
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_00449290 ; jge 0x449290
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+test byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0x40 ; test byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0x40
+je short loc_0044928d ; je 0x44928d
+push 3
+push ebx
+call fcn_0043ec3f ; call 0x43ec3f
+add esp, 8
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0044926e ; jmp 0x44926e
+call fcn_0041d546 ; call 0x41d546
+add esp, 0x408
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x49c
+cmp dword [esp + 0x4b0], 0
+jne near loc_0044940d ; jne 0x44940d
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov eax, 1
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp eax, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_004492e7 ; jg 0x4492e7
+imul ecx, eax, 0x34
+cmp byte [ecx + edx + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_004492e4 ; je 0x4492e4
+mov ecx, eax
+add ecx, 0x7d0
+mov word [esp + ebx*2], cx
+inc ebx
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_004492c5 ; jmp 0x4492c5
+mov eax, 1
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e8c]
+cmp eax, esi
+jg short loc_0044931f ; jg 0x44931f
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 3
+mov ecx, edx
+shl edx, 3
+sub edx, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e88]
+cmp byte [ecx + edx + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_0044931c ; je 0x44931c
+mov ecx, eax
+add ecx, 0xfa0
+mov word [esp + ebx*2], cx
+inc ebx
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_004492f2 ; jmp 0x4492f2
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esp + edx*2]
+mov dword [ref_0048c59c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c59c], eax
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_00449376 ; jge 0x449376
+lea edx, [eax - 0x7d0]
+imul edx, edx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, edx
+add eax, 4
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x484]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d96 ; call 0x457d96
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c59c]
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+jmp short loc_004493bb ; jmp 0x4493bb
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, edx
+add eax, 4
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x484]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d96 ; call 0x457d96
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c59c]
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+mov al, byte [edx + eax + 0x19]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov dword [ref_0048c5a0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5a0], eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x480]
+push eax
+push ref_0046549c ; push 0x46549c
+lea eax, [esp + 0x408]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40c]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+jmp near loc_004494d5 ; jmp 0x4494d5
+lea eax, [esp + 0x498]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x498]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c59c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040af12 ; call 0x40af12
+add esp, 0xc
+push 2
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x49c]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x49c]
+push esi
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c59c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0040ab4a ; call 0x40ab4a
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x21b
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x54
+push 0x200001
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5a0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5a0]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_004494d5 ; je 0x4494d5
+dec eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, eax
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and eax, 1
+mov edx, dword [ebx + eax*4 + ref_00480856] ; mov edx, dword [ebx + eax*4 + 0x480856]
+push edx
+push 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5a0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5a0]
+dec eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+add esp, 0x49c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x98
+cmp dword [esp + 0xac], 0
+jne near loc_004495b5 ; jne 0x4495b5
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e98] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e98]
+add ebx, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; add ebx, dword [0x498e8c]
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048c59c], edx ; mov dword [0x48c59c], edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e98] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e98]
+cmp edx, ecx
+jge short loc_0044953a ; jge 0x44953a
+lea eax, [edx + 1]
+lea edi, [edx + 0x7d1]
+mov dword [ref_0048c59c], edi ; mov dword [0x48c59c], edi
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+jmp short loc_00449561 ; jmp 0x449561
+mov eax, 0xfa1
+sub eax, ecx
+lea esi, [edx + eax]
+mov dword [ref_0048c59c], esi ; mov dword [0x48c59c], esi
+lea eax, [esi - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, edx
+add eax, 4
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d96 ; call 0x457d96
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push ref_004654bd ; push 0x4654bd
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+jmp near loc_0044972a ; jmp 0x44972a
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c59c]
+cmp ecx, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_00449682 ; jle 0x449682
+cmp ecx, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_00449682 ; jge 0x449682
+lea eax, [ecx - 0x7d0]
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edi, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edi, dword [0x498e84]
+add edi, eax
+push 2
+movsx eax, word [edi + 2]
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [edi]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+call fcn_00409b18 ; call 0x409b18
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, 1
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, 0x34
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp esi, dword [0x498e98]
+jg near loc_00449725 ; jg 0x449725
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [edi + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0044967f ; jne 0x44967f
+push 0xffff
+lea eax, [esi + 0x7d0]
+push eax
+push 0x2f440
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov eax, dword [0x474938]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456c0a ; call 0x456c0a
+add esp, 0x10
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + 0x1c]
+mov dword [esp + 0x94], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x94]
+fmul qword [ref_004654dc] ; fmul qword [0x4654dc]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x94]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x94]
+mov word [ebx + 0x1c], ax
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0044960c ; jmp 0x44960c
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c59c]
+cmp esi, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_0044972a ; jle 0x44972a
+cmp esi, 0x1770
+jge near loc_0044972a ; jge 0x44972a
+lea eax, [esi - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebx, eax
+push 2
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 2]
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+call fcn_00409b18 ; call 0x409b18
+add esp, 4
+push 0xffff
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c59c]
+push ebp
+push 0x2f440
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov eax, dword [0x474938]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456c0a ; call 0x456c0a
+add esp, 0x10
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + 0x22]
+mov dword [esp + 0x94], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x94]
+fmul qword [ref_004654dc] ; fmul qword [0x4654dc]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x94]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x94]
+mov word [ebx + 0x22], ax
+call fcn_00451985 ; call 0x451985
+add esp, 0x98
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0x494
+cmp dword [esp + 0x4a4], 0
+jne near loc_00449896 ; jne 0x449896
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov eax, 1
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e98] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e98]
+cmp eax, esi
+jg short loc_0044977d ; jg 0x44977d
+imul edx, eax, 0x34
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e84]
+cmp byte [ecx + edx + 0x19], 0
+jne short loc_0044977a ; jne 0x44977a
+mov ecx, eax
+add ecx, 0x7d0
+mov word [esp + ebx*2], cx
+inc ebx
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_00449759 ; jmp 0x449759
+mov eax, 1
+mov edi, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; mov edi, dword [0x498e8c]
+cmp eax, edi
+jg short loc_004497b7 ; jg 0x4497b7
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 3
+mov ecx, edx
+shl edx, 3
+sub edx, ecx
+mov ecx, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+cmp byte [ecx + edx + 0x19], 0
+jne short loc_004497b4 ; jne 0x4497b4
+mov ecx, eax
+add ecx, 0xfa0
+mov word [esp + ebx*2], cx
+inc ebx
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_00449788 ; jmp 0x449788
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esp + edx*2]
+mov dword [ref_0048c59c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c59c], eax
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jle short loc_00449813 ; jle 0x449813
+cmp eax, 0xfa0
+jge short loc_00449813 ; jge 0x449813
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, eax
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x484]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d96 ; call 0x457d96
+add esp, 8
+movsx eax, word [ebx]
+shl eax, 0x10
+movsx edx, word [ebx + 2]
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c5a0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5a0], eax
+jmp short loc_00449855 ; jmp 0x449855
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c59c]
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebx, eax
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x484]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d96 ; call 0x457d96
+add esp, 8
+movsx edx, word [ebx]
+shl edx, 0x10
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 2]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048c5a0], edx ; mov dword [0x48c5a0], edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x480]
+push eax
+push ref_004654e4 ; push 0x4654e4
+lea eax, [esp + 0x408]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40c]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+jmp short loc_004498a9 ; jmp 0x4498a9
+push 1
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c59c]
+push ecx
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0043bde5 ; call 0x43bde5
+add esp, 0xc
+add esp, 0x494
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xa4
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xb8]
+test edx, edx
+jne near loc_00449a24 ; jne 0x449a24
+push 0x10
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x9c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, 1
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp eax, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_0044990b ; jg 0x44990b
+imul ecx, eax, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+mov dl, byte [ecx + edx + 0x19]
+and edx, 0xff
+je short loc_00449908 ; je 0x449908
+inc dword [esp + edx*4 + 0x90]
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_004498e4 ; jmp 0x4498e4
+mov eax, 1
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e8c]
+cmp eax, ebx
+jg short loc_00449942 ; jg 0x449942
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 3
+mov ecx, edx
+shl edx, 3
+sub edx, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e88]
+mov dl, byte [ecx + edx + 0x19]
+and edx, 0xff
+je short loc_0044993f ; je 0x44993f
+inc dword [esp + edx*4 + 0x90]
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_00449916 ; jmp 0x449916
+xor eax, eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov edi, dword [ref_00499114] ; mov edi, dword [0x499114]
+cmp eax, edi
+jge short loc_00449976 ; jge 0x449976
+imul ecx, eax, 0x68
+cmp byte [ecx + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [ecx + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00449973 ; je 0x449973
+mov ecx, eax
+shl ecx, 2
+mov esi, dword [esp + ecx + 0x94]
+cmp edx, esi
+jge short loc_00449973 ; jge 0x449973
+mov edx, esi
+mov dword [ref_0048c59c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c59c], eax
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_0044994c ; jmp 0x44994c
+imul eax, dword [ref_0048c59c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x48c59c], 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048c5a0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5a0], eax
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_00465501 ; push 0x465501
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x148
+push 0x186
+imul eax, dword [ref_0048c59c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x48c59c], 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+add esp, 0xa4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push 2
+imul eax, dword [ref_0048c59c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x48c59c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c5a0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c5a0]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c59c]
+push esi
+call fcn_0041d3f4 ; call 0x41d3f4
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c59c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0041d433 ; call 0x41d433
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c5a0] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c5a0]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c59c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0044f354 ; call 0x44f354
+add esp, 8
+jmp short loc_00449a19 ; jmp 0x449a19
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xa4
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xb8]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_00449a24 ; jne 0x449a24
+push 0x10
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x9c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, 1
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp eax, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_00449ade ; jg 0x449ade
+imul ecx, eax, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+mov dl, byte [ecx + edx + 0x19]
+and edx, 0xff
+je short loc_00449adb ; je 0x449adb
+inc dword [esp + edx*4 + 0x90]
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_00449ab7 ; jmp 0x449ab7
+mov eax, 1
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e8c]
+cmp eax, ebx
+jg short loc_00449b15 ; jg 0x449b15
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 3
+mov ecx, edx
+shl edx, 3
+sub edx, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e88]
+mov dl, byte [ecx + edx + 0x19]
+and edx, 0xff
+je short loc_00449b12 ; je 0x449b12
+inc dword [esp + edx*4 + 0x90]
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_00449ae9 ; jmp 0x449ae9
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, 0x2710
+mov edi, dword [ref_00499114] ; mov edi, dword [0x499114]
+cmp eax, edi
+jge short loc_00449b4c ; jge 0x449b4c
+imul ecx, eax, 0x68
+cmp byte [ecx + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [ecx + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00449b49 ; je 0x449b49
+mov ecx, eax
+shl ecx, 2
+mov esi, dword [esp + ecx + 0x94]
+cmp edx, esi
+jle short loc_00449b49 ; jle 0x449b49
+mov edx, esi
+mov dword [ref_0048c59c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c59c], eax
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_00449b22 ; jmp 0x449b22
+imul eax, dword [ref_0048c59c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x48c59c], 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov dword [ref_0048c5a0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5a0], eax
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_00465528 ; push 0x465528
+jmp near loc_004499c1 ; jmp 0x4499c1
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xa4
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xb8]
+test edx, edx
+jne near loc_00449a24 ; jne 0x449a24
+push 0x10
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x9c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+xor esi, esi
+mov edx, dword [ref_00499114] ; mov edx, dword [0x499114]
+cmp esi, edx
+jge short loc_00449bf9 ; jge 0x449bf9
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, esi
+shl eax, 5
+mov ebx, ecx
+mov eax, dword [eax + ebx*8 + ref_004971a0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + ebx*8 + 0x4971a0]
+add dword [esp + esi*4 + 0x94], eax
+inc ecx
+cmp ecx, 0xc
+jl short loc_00449bd6 ; jl 0x449bd6
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_00449bd0 ; jmp 0x449bd0
+xor esi, esi
+xor ecx, ecx
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp esi, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_00449c2c ; jge 0x449c2c
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00449c29 ; je 0x449c29
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, dword [esp + eax + 0x94]
+cmp ecx, ebx
+jge short loc_00449c29 ; jge 0x449c29
+mov ecx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048c59c], esi ; mov dword [0x48c59c], esi
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_00449bfd ; jmp 0x449bfd
+imul eax, dword [ref_0048c59c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x48c59c], 0x68
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048c5a0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5a0], eax
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_0046554f ; push 0x46554f
+jmp near loc_004499c1 ; jmp 0x4499c1
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x98
+mov edi, 0x15a
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xac]
+test edx, edx
+jne near loc_00449d9f ; jne 0x449d9f
+push edx
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+push ref_00465578 ; push 0x465578
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x18
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_0044972a ; jge 0x44972a
+imul edx, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [edx + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [edx + 0x496b7d], 0
+je near loc_00449d99 ; je 0x449d99
+fild dword [edx + ref_00496b84] ; fild dword [edx + 0x496b84]
+fmul qword [ref_004655a4] ; fmul qword [0x4655a4]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x94]
+mov esi, ebx
+shl esi, 2
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x94]
+mov dword [esi + ref_0048c59c], eax ; mov dword [esi + 0x48c59c], eax
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00449d99 ; je 0x449d99
+mov ecx, dword [edx + ref_00496b68] ; mov ecx, dword [edx + 0x496b68]
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, dword [esi + ref_0048c59c] ; mov ebp, dword [esi + 0x48c59c]
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_00465592 ; push 0x465592
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push edi
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+lea eax, [edi + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0x186
+imul eax, ebx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+add edi, 0x20
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_00449cd2 ; jmp 0x449cd2
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_0044972a ; jge 0x44972a
+cmp byte [ref_0046caf8], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46caf8], 0
+jne near loc_0044972a ; jne 0x44972a
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_00449de3 ; je 0x449de3
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_0048c59c] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x48c59c]
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00449de3 ; je 0x449de3
+push 0
+push esi
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+push ebx
+call fcn_0041d2c6 ; call 0x41d2c6
+add esp, 0x10
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00449da1 ; jmp 0x449da1
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xa8
+mov edi, 0x15a
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xbc]
+test edx, edx
+jne near loc_00449fdf ; jne 0x449fdf
+push 0x10
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x9c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+push ref_004655ac ; push 0x4655ac
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x18
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor esi, esi
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp esi, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_0044a01e ; jge 0x44a01e
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je near loc_00449fd9 ; je 0x449fd9
+mov dword [esp + 0xa4], 1
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+add edx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xa4]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp eax, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_00449ec1 ; jg 0x449ec1
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edx + 0x19]
+lea ecx, [esi + 1]
+cmp eax, ecx
+jne short loc_00449eb8 ; jne 0x449eb8
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [edx + 0x1e]
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [edx + 0x1a]
+imul ecx, ebx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, word [edx + 0x1c]
+add ecx, ebx
+add dword [esp + esi*4 + 0x94], ecx
+inc dword [esp + 0xa4]
+jmp short loc_00449e7d ; jmp 0x449e7d
+mov dword [esp + 0xa4], 1
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+add edx, 0x38
+mov ebx, esi
+shl ebx, 2
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xa4]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; cmp eax, dword [0x498e8c]
+jg short loc_00449f1b ; jg 0x449f1b
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [edx + 0x19]
+lea eax, [esi + 1]
+cmp ecx, eax
+jne short loc_00449f12 ; jne 0x449f12
+xor ecx, eax
+mov cx, word [edx + 0x24]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edx + 0x1a]
+imul ecx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [edx + 0x22]
+add eax, ecx
+add dword [esp + ebx + 0x94], eax
+inc dword [esp + 0xa4]
+jmp short loc_00449ed2 ; jmp 0x449ed2
+fild dword [esp + ebx + 0x94]
+fmul qword [ref_004655cc] ; fmul qword [0x4655cc]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0xa4]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xa4]
+mov ebp, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov ebp, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul eax, ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0xa4], eax
+mov dword [ebx + ref_0048c59c], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x48c59c], eax
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_00449fd9 ; je 0x449fd9
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + ref_0048c59c] ; mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x48c59c]
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_00465592 ; push 0x465592
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push edi
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+lea eax, [edi + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0x186
+imul eax, esi, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+add edi, 0x20
+inc esi
+jmp near loc_00449e50 ; jmp 0x449e50
+xor esi, esi
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp esi, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0044a01e ; jge 0x44a01e
+cmp byte [ref_0046caf8], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46caf8], 0
+jne short loc_0044a01e ; jne 0x44a01e
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0044a01b ; je 0x44a01b
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_0048c59c] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x48c59c]
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0044a01b ; je 0x44a01b
+push 0
+push ebx
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+push esi
+call fcn_0041d2c6 ; call 0x41d2c6
+add esp, 0x10
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_00449fe1 ; jmp 0x449fe1
+add esp, 0xa8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xa8
+mov ebp, 0x15a
+lea edi, [esp + 0x94]
+mov esi, ref_00448b71 ; mov esi, 0x448b71
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xbc]
+test edx, edx
+jne near loc_0044a1d9 ; jne 0x44a1d9
+push edx
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+push ref_004655d4 ; push 0x4655d4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x18
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0044a01e ; jge 0x44a01e
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je near loc_0044a1d3 ; je 0x44a1d3
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xa4], edx
+jmp short loc_0044a0c6 ; jmp 0x44a0c6
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xa4]
+inc esi
+mov dword [esp + 0xa4], esi
+cmp esi, 0xc
+jge short loc_0044a110 ; jge 0x44a110
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 5
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xa4]
+shl edx, 3
+add eax, edx
+cmp dword [eax + ref_004971a0], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x4971a0], 0
+je short loc_0044a0b2 ; je 0x44a0b2
+fild dword [eax + ref_004971a0] ; fild dword [eax + 0x4971a0]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xa4]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ecx
+fmul dword [eax*4 + ref_00496994] ; fmul dword [eax*4 + 0x496994]
+fadd dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x94]
+fstp dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x94]
+jmp short loc_0044a0b2 ; jmp 0x44a0b2
+mov esi, ebx
+shl esi, 2
+fld dword [esp + esi + 0x94]
+fmul qword [ref_004655f4] ; fmul qword [0x4655f4]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0xa4]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xa4]
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+imul eax, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0xa4], eax
+mov dword [esi + ref_0048c59c], eax ; mov dword [esi + 0x48c59c], eax
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0044a1d3 ; je 0x44a1d3
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [esi + ref_0048c59c] ; mov eax, dword [esi + 0x48c59c]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_00465592 ; push 0x465592
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push ebp
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+lea eax, [ebp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0x186
+imul eax, ebx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+add ebp, 0x20
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_0044a08f ; jmp 0x44a08f
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_0044a01e ; jge 0x44a01e
+cmp byte [ref_0046caf8], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46caf8], 0
+jne near loc_0044a01e ; jne 0x44a01e
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0044a21d ; je 0x44a21d
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_0048c59c] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x48c59c]
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_0044a21d ; je 0x44a21d
+push 0
+push esi
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+push ebx
+call fcn_0041d2c6 ; call 0x41d2c6
+add esp, 0x10
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0044a1db ; jmp 0x44a1db
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x98
+cmp dword [esp + 0xac], 0
+jne near loc_0044a2f5 ; jne 0x44a2f5
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e98] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e98]
+add ebx, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; add ebx, dword [0x498e8c]
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048c59c], edx ; mov dword [0x48c59c], edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e98] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e98]
+cmp edx, ecx
+jge short loc_0044a27a ; jge 0x44a27a
+lea eax, [edx + 1]
+lea edi, [edx + 0x7d1]
+mov dword [ref_0048c59c], edi ; mov dword [0x48c59c], edi
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+jmp short loc_0044a2a1 ; jmp 0x44a2a1
+mov eax, 0xfa1
+sub eax, ecx
+lea esi, [edx + eax]
+mov dword [ref_0048c59c], esi ; mov dword [0x48c59c], esi
+lea eax, [esi - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, edx
+add eax, 4
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d96 ; call 0x457d96
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push ref_004655fc ; push 0x4655fc
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+jmp near loc_0044972a ; jmp 0x44972a
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c59c]
+cmp ecx, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_0044a3c2 ; jle 0x44a3c2
+cmp ecx, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_0044a3c2 ; jge 0x44a3c2
+lea eax, [ecx - 0x7d0]
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edi, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edi, dword [0x498e84]
+add edi, eax
+push 2
+movsx eax, word [edi + 2]
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [edi]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+call fcn_00409b18 ; call 0x409b18
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, 1
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, 0x34
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp esi, dword [0x498e98]
+jg near loc_00449725 ; jg 0x449725
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [edi + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0044a3bf ; jne 0x44a3bf
+push 0xffff
+lea eax, [esi + 0x7d0]
+push eax
+push 0x2f440
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov eax, dword [0x474938]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456c0a ; call 0x456c0a
+add esp, 0x10
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + 0x1c]
+mov dword [esp + 0x94], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x94]
+fmul qword [ref_0046561c] ; fmul qword [0x46561c]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x94]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x94]
+mov word [ebx + 0x1c], ax
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0044a34c ; jmp 0x44a34c
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c59c]
+cmp esi, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_0044972a ; jle 0x44972a
+cmp esi, 0x1770
+jge near loc_0044972a ; jge 0x44972a
+lea eax, [esi - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebx, eax
+push 2
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 2]
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+call fcn_00409b18 ; call 0x409b18
+add esp, 4
+push 0xffff
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c59c]
+push ebp
+push 0x2f440
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov eax, dword [0x474938]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456c0a ; call 0x456c0a
+add esp, 0x10
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + 0x22]
+mov dword [esp + 0x94], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x94]
+fmul qword [ref_0046561c] ; fmul qword [0x46561c]
+jmp near loc_0044970e ; jmp 0x44970e
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x494
+cmp dword [esp + 0x4a8], 0
+jne near loc_0044a50f ; jne 0x44a50f
+xor esi, esi
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00498e98] ; mov ebp, dword [0x498e98]
+cmp ebx, ebp
+jg short loc_0044a493 ; jg 0x44a493
+imul edx, ebx, 0x34
+cmp byte [edx + eax + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_0044a490 ; je 0x44a490
+mov word [esp + esi*2], bx
+inc esi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0044a47d ; jmp 0x44a47d
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+mov ax, word [esp + edx*2]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [ref_0048c59c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c59c], eax
+imul edx, eax, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, edx
+add eax, 4
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x484]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d96 ; call 0x457d96
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0x480]
+push eax
+push ref_00465624 ; push 0x465624
+lea eax, [esp + 0x408]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40c]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+jmp near loc_0044a5cb ; jmp 0x44a5cb
+imul eax, dword [ref_0048c59c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x48c59c], 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, edx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+movsx edx, word [eax]
+movsx eax, word [eax + 2]
+push 2
+push eax
+push edx
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c59c]
+add eax, 0x7d0
+push eax
+call fcn_0040ab4a ; call 0x40ab4a
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x20f
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push esi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov esi, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x57
+push 0x50001
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push 0x12c
+call fcn_004528b9 ; call 0x4528b9
+add esp, 4
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0044a5cb ; je 0x44a5cb
+dec ebx
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 3
+add esi, eax
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and eax, 1
+mov edi, dword [esi + eax*4 + ref_00480856] ; mov edi, dword [esi + eax*4 + 0x480856]
+push edi
+push 2
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+add esp, 0x494
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edi, 0x15a
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_0044a5d2 ; jne 0x44a5d2
+push edx
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+push ref_00465645 ; push 0x465645
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor esi, esi
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp esi, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0044a5d2 ; jge 0x44a5d2
+imul ebx, esi, 0x68
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0044a654 ; je 0x44a654
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b79], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b79], 0
+jne short loc_0044a654 ; jne 0x44a654
+lea eax, [edi + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0x186
+imul eax, esi, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496ba0], 1 ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496ba0], 1
+add edi, 0x20
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0044a606 ; jmp 0x44a606
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edi, 0x15a
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+test edx, edx
+jne near loc_0044a5d2 ; jne 0x44a5d2
+push edx
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+push ref_00465662 ; push 0x465662
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor esi, esi
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp esi, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_0044a5d2 ; jge 0x44a5d2
+imul ebx, esi, 0x68
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0044a6dd ; je 0x44a6dd
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b79], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b79], 0
+je short loc_0044a6dd ; je 0x44a6dd
+lea eax, [edi + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0x186
+imul eax, esi, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496ba0], 1 ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496ba0], 1
+add edi, 0x20
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0044a68b ; jmp 0x44a68b
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x94
+cmp dword [esp + 0xa8], 0
+jne near loc_0044a7b5 ; jne 0x44a7b5
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e98] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e98]
+add ebx, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; add ebx, dword [0x498e8c]
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048c59c], edx ; mov dword [0x48c59c], edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e98] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e98]
+cmp edx, ecx
+jge short loc_0044a73a ; jge 0x44a73a
+lea eax, [edx + 1]
+lea edi, [edx + 0x7d1]
+mov dword [ref_0048c59c], edi ; mov dword [0x48c59c], edi
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+jmp short loc_0044a761 ; jmp 0x44a761
+mov eax, 0xfa1
+sub eax, ecx
+lea esi, [edx + eax]
+mov dword [ref_0048c59c], esi ; mov dword [0x48c59c], esi
+lea eax, [esi - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, edx
+add eax, 4
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d96 ; call 0x457d96
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push ref_0046567f ; push 0x46567f
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+jmp near loc_0044a913 ; jmp 0x44a913
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c59c]
+cmp ecx, 0x7d0
+jle near loc_0044a86d ; jle 0x44a86d
+cmp ecx, 0xfa0
+jge near loc_0044a86d ; jge 0x44a86d
+lea eax, [ecx - 0x7d0]
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edi, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edi, dword [0x498e84]
+add edi, eax
+push 2
+movsx eax, word [edi + 2]
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [edi]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+call fcn_00409b18 ; call 0x409b18
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, 1
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, 0x34
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp esi, dword [0x498e98]
+jg near loc_0044a8f3 ; jg 0x44a8f3
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [edi + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0044a86a ; jne 0x44a86a
+push 0xffff
+lea eax, [esi + 0x7d0]
+push eax
+push 0x2f440
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov eax, dword [0x474938]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456c0a ; call 0x456c0a
+add esp, 0x10
+mov cl, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_0044a86a ; je 0x44a86a
+mov ch, cl
+dec ch
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1a], ch
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_0044a86a ; je 0x44a86a
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1a], 0
+mov byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0044a80c ; jmp 0x44a80c
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c59c]
+cmp esi, 0xfa0
+jle near loc_0044a8f3 ; jle 0x44a8f3
+cmp esi, 0x1770
+jge short loc_0044a8f3 ; jge 0x44a8f3
+lea eax, [esi - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e88]
+add ebx, eax
+push 2
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 2]
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+call fcn_00409b18 ; call 0x409b18
+add esp, 4
+push 0xffff
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c59c]
+push ebp
+push 0x2f440
+mov eax, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov eax, dword [0x474938]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456c0a ; call 0x456c0a
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ah, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+test ah, ah
+je short loc_0044a8f3 ; je 0x44a8f3
+mov dl, ah
+dec dl
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1a], dl
+jne short loc_0044a8f3 ; jne 0x44a8f3
+mov byte [ebx + 0x18], dl
+call fcn_0040dffa ; call 0x40dffa
+call fcn_00451985 ; call 0x451985
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x1f4
+call fcn_004528b9 ; call 0x4528b9
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x94
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x9c
+cmp dword [esp + 0xb0], 0
+jne near loc_0044aa44 ; jne 0x44aa44
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e98] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e98]
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e8c]
+add ebx, eax
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048c59c], edx ; mov dword [0x48c59c], edx
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e98] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e98]
+cmp edx, esi
+jge short loc_0044a9a2 ; jge 0x44a9a2
+lea eax, [edx + 1]
+add edx, 0x7d1
+mov dword [ref_0048c59c], edx ; mov dword [0x48c59c], edx
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, edx
+add eax, 4
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d96 ; call 0x457d96
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c59c]
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+jmp short loc_0044a9f8 ; jmp 0x44a9f8
+mov eax, 0xfa1
+sub eax, esi
+lea ebp, [edx + eax]
+mov dword [ref_0048c59c], ebp ; mov dword [0x48c59c], ebp
+lea eax, [ebp - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, edx
+add eax, 4
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d96 ; call 0x457d96
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c59c]
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+mov al, byte [edx + eax + 0x19]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov dword [ref_0048c5a0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5a0], eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push ref_00465697 ; push 0x465697
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+jmp near loc_0044ab21 ; jmp 0x44ab21
+lea eax, [esp + 0x98]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x98]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c59c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040af12 ; call 0x40af12
+add esp, 0xc
+push 2
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+push esi
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+call fcn_00409b18 ; call 0x409b18
+add esp, 4
+push 0xffff
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c59c]
+push edi
+push 0x2f440
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov ebp, dword [0x474938]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456c0a ; call 0x456c0a
+add esp, 0x10
+push 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c59c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040ab4a ; call 0x40ab4a
+add esp, 8
+call fcn_00451985 ; call 0x451985
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x12c
+call fcn_004528b9 ; call 0x4528b9
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c5a0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c5a0]
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_0044ab21 ; je 0x44ab21
+lea eax, [edx - 1]
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, eax
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and eax, 1
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + eax*4 + ref_00480856] ; mov ecx, dword [ebx + eax*4 + 0x480856]
+push ecx
+push 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5a0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5a0]
+dec eax
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+add esp, 0x9c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0x9c
+cmp dword [esp + 0xac], 0
+jne near loc_0044ac02 ; jne 0x44ac02
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e98] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e98]
+add ebx, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; add ebx, dword [0x498e8c]
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048c59c], edx ; mov dword [0x48c59c], edx
+mov eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e98] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e98]
+cmp eax, edx
+jge short loc_0044ab83 ; jge 0x44ab83
+inc eax
+add dword [ref_0048c59c], 0x7d1 ; add dword [0x48c59c], 0x7d1
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e84]
+jmp short loc_0044abae ; jmp 0x44abae
+mov eax, 0xfa1
+sub eax, edx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c59c]
+add ebx, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048c59c], ebx ; mov dword [0x48c59c], ebx
+lea eax, [ebx - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, edx
+add eax, 4
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d96 ; call 0x457d96
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push ref_004656af ; push 0x4656af
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+jmp near loc_0044ac8f ; jmp 0x44ac8f
+lea eax, [esp + 0x94]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x9c]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c59c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040af12 ; call 0x40af12
+add esp, 0xc
+push 2
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xa0]
+push esi
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+push 0
+push 6
+push 0x64
+call fcn_0040ac7b ; call 0x40ac7b
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x216
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x59
+push 0x80001
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push 0x1f4
+call fcn_004528b9 ; call 0x4528b9
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x9c
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x9c
+cmp dword [esp + 0xb0], 0
+jne near loc_0044adbc ; jne 0x44adbc
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e98] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e98]
+add ebx, dword [ref_00498e8c] ; add ebx, dword [0x498e8c]
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048c59c], edx ; mov dword [0x48c59c], edx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e98] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e98]
+cmp edx, ebx
+jge short loc_0044ad1a ; jge 0x44ad1a
+lea eax, [edx + 1]
+lea ebp, [edx + 0x7d1]
+mov dword [ref_0048c59c], ebp ; mov dword [0x48c59c], ebp
+imul edx, eax, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, edx
+add eax, 4
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d96 ; call 0x457d96
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c59c]
+sub eax, 0x7d0
+imul edx, eax, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+jmp short loc_0044ad70 ; jmp 0x44ad70
+mov eax, 0xfa1
+sub eax, ebx
+lea edi, [edx + eax]
+mov dword [ref_0048c59c], edi ; mov dword [0x48c59c], edi
+lea eax, [edi - 0xfa0]
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+add eax, edx
+add eax, 4
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d96 ; call 0x457d96
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c59c]
+sub eax, 0xfa0
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e88] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e88]
+mov al, byte [edx + eax + 0x19]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov dword [ref_0048c5a0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5a0], eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push ref_004656d0 ; push 0x4656d0
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+jmp near loc_0044ab21 ; jmp 0x44ab21
+lea eax, [esp + 0x98]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x98]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c59c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040af12 ; call 0x40af12
+add esp, 0xc
+push 2
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+push esi
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c59c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0040ab4a ; call 0x40ab4a
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x217
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x58
+push 0x80001
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push 0x12c
+call fcn_004528b9 ; call 0x4528b9
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5a0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5a0]
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0044ab21 ; je 0x44ab21
+dec eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, eax
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and eax, 1
+mov edx, dword [ebx + eax*4 + ref_00480856] ; mov edx, dword [ebx + eax*4 + 0x480856]
+push edx
+jmp near loc_0044ab10 ; jmp 0x44ab10
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+test edx, edx
+jne near loc_0044ac97 ; jne 0x44ac97
+push edx
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+push ref_004656ef ; push 0x4656ef
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov bh, 0xf
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00499114] ; mov ecx, dword [0x499114]
+cmp edx, ecx
+jge near loc_0044ac97 ; jge 0x44ac97
+imul eax, edx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0044aed8 ; je 0x44aed8
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496ba4], bh ; mov byte [eax + 0x496ba4], bh
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_0044aebe ; jmp 0x44aebe
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x98
+mov edi, 0x15a
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xac]
+test edx, edx
+jne near loc_0044972a ; jne 0x44972a
+push edx
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+push ref_0046570b ; push 0x46570b
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add ebx, 0xc
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor esi, esi
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp esi, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_0044972a ; jge 0x44972a
+imul ebx, esi, 0x68
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b7d], 0
+je near loc_0044b004 ; je 0x44b004
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + ref_00496b8c] ; mov ebp, dword [ebx + 0x496b8c]
+test ebp, ebp
+jne near loc_0044b004 ; jne 0x44b004
+fild dword [ebx + ref_00496b88] ; fild dword [ebx + 0x496b88]
+fmul qword [ref_00465734] ; fmul qword [0x465734]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x94]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push eax
+push esi
+call fcn_0041d3f4 ; call 0x41d3f4
+add esp, 0xc
+push ebp
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x18
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov edx, dword [ebx + ref_00496b68] ; mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x496b68]
+push edx
+lea ebx, [esp + 0x84]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x94]
+push ecx
+lea ebx, [esp + 0x84]
+push ebx
+push ref_00465727 ; push 0x465727
+lea ebx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebp
+push edi
+push 0x18
+lea ebx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add ebx, 0xc
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+lea ebx, [edi + 0xc]
+push ebx
+push 0x186
+imul ebx, esi, 0x34
+mov ebx, dword [ebx + ref_00498eb0] ; mov ebx, dword [ebx + 0x498eb0]
+add ebx, 0x3c
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add ebx, 0xc
+push ebx
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+add edi, 0x20
+inc esi
+jmp near loc_0044af1a ; jmp 0x44af1a
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_0044b053 ; jne 0x44b053
+push edx
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+push ref_0046573c ; push 0x46573c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov bl, 1
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov byte [eax*4 + ref_00496987], bl ; mov byte [eax*4 + 0x496987], bl
+inc edx
+cmp edx, 0xc
+jl short loc_0044b035 ; jl 0x44b035
+push 0
+call fcn_00429040 ; call 0x429040
+add esp, 4
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_0044b09e ; jne 0x44b09e
+push edx
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+push ref_00465756 ; push 0x465756
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov bl, 0x10
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov byte [eax*4 + ref_00496987], bl ; mov byte [eax*4 + 0x496987], bl
+inc edx
+cmp edx, 0xc
+jl short loc_0044b080 ; jl 0x44b080
+push 0
+call fcn_00429040 ; call 0x429040
+add esp, 4
+pop ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_0044b0d0 ; jne 0x44b0d0
+push edx
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+push ref_00465770 ; push 0x465770
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov dword [ref_004990dc], 0xa ; mov dword [0x4990dc], 0xa
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 0x94
+cmp dword [esp + 0xa0], 0
+jne near loc_0044b19a ; jne 0x44b19a
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ebx, 0xc
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov esi, edx
+mov ebx, edx
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, edx
+shl ebx, 2
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + ref_00496980] ; mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x496980]
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push ref_00465788 ; push 0x465788
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496986], 0xf ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496986], 0xf
+mov edx, dword [ref_00499100] ; mov edx, dword [0x499100]
+dec edx
+test edx, edx
+jge short loc_0044b16b ; jge 0x44b16b
+mov edx, 0x8f
+mov ebx, esi
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, esi
+mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00496990] ; mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + 0x496990]
+mov dword [eax*4 + ref_00496994], ecx ; mov dword [eax*4 + 0x496994], ecx
+fld dword [eax*4 + ref_00496994] ; fld dword [eax*4 + 0x496994]
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, esi
+shl ebx, 6
+mov eax, edx
+fstp dword [ebx + eax*4 + ref_00497328] ; fstp dword [ebx + eax*4 + 0x497328]
+add esp, 0x94
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+sub esp, 0xc4
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xcc]
+test edx, edx
+jne near loc_0044b253 ; jne 0x44b253
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0044b1c3 ; jmp 0x44b1c3
+inc edx
+cmp edx, 0xc
+jge short loc_0044b1de ; jge 0x44b1de
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+cmp byte [eax*4 + ref_00496986], 0 ; cmp byte [eax*4 + 0x496986], 0
+je short loc_0044b1bd ; je 0x44b1bd
+mov dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x80], edx
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0044b1bd ; jmp 0x44b1bd
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + edx*4 + 0x80]
+mov ebx, edx
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, edx
+shl ebx, 2
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + ref_00496980] ; mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x496980]
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xb4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0xb0]
+push eax
+push ref_004657a2 ; push 0x4657a2
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ch, ch
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496986], ch ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496986], ch
+add esp, 0xc4
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xc4
+cmp dword [esp + 0xd4], 0
+jne near loc_0044b323 ; jne 0x44b323
+mov eax, 1
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e7c]
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e90] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e90]
+cmp eax, esi
+jg short loc_0044b29e ; jg 0x44b29e
+imul ecx, eax, 0x34
+cmp byte [ecx + edx + 0x18], 0
+je short loc_0044b29b ; je 0x44b29b
+mov dword [esp + ebx*4 + 0x80], eax
+inc ebx
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_0044b285 ; jmp 0x44b285
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+imul ebx, dword [esp + edx*4 + 0x80], 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e7c]
+add ebx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x18]
+dec eax
+imul eax, eax, 0x68
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00496b68] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x496b68]
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esp + 0xb4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0xb0]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+push ref_004657ba ; push 0x4657ba
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x18]
+dec eax
+mov dword [ref_0048c59c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c59c], eax
+jmp short loc_0044b36a ; jmp 0x44b36a
+push 2
+imul eax, dword [ref_0048c59c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x48c59c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c59c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c59c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00441210 ; call 0x441210
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0044b36a ; je 0x44b36a
+push 5
+push eax
+call fcn_0043d593 ; call 0x43d593
+add esp, 8
+add esp, 0xc4
+pop ebp
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x88], 0
+jne near loc_0044b411 ; jne 0x44b411
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv dword [ref_00498e90] ; idiv dword [0x498e90]
+inc edx
+imul ebx, edx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e7c]
+add ebx, eax
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+push ref_004657db ; push 0x4657db
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+sub dword [ebx + 0x28], 0x2710
+sub dword [ebx + 0x2c], 0x2710
+mov ah, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+cmp ah, 0xc
+jae short loc_0044b411 ; jae 0x44b411
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, ah
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov byte [eax*4 + ref_00496987], 3 ; mov byte [eax*4 + 0x496987], 3
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+inc eax
+push eax
+call fcn_00429040 ; call 0x429040
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x80
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x88], 0
+jne short loc_0044b411 ; jne 0x44b411
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv dword [ref_00498e90] ; idiv dword [0x498e90]
+inc edx
+imul ebx, edx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e7c]
+add ebx, eax
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+push ref_004657fb ; push 0x4657fb
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+add dword [ebx + 0x28], 0x4e20
+add dword [ebx + 0x2c], 0x4e20
+mov ah, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+cmp ah, 0xc
+jae short loc_0044b411 ; jae 0x44b411
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, ah
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov byte [eax*4 + ref_00496987], 0x30 ; mov byte [eax*4 + 0x496987], 0x30
+jmp near loc_0044b402 ; jmp 0x44b402
+push ebx
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x88], 0
+jne near loc_0044b411 ; jne 0x44b411
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv dword [ref_00498e90] ; idiv dword [0x498e90]
+inc edx
+imul ebx, edx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e7c]
+add ebx, eax
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+push ref_00465817 ; push 0x465817
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+sub dword [ebx + 0x28], 0x4e20
+sub dword [ebx + 0x2c], 0x4e20
+mov ah, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+cmp ah, 0xc
+jae near loc_0044b411 ; jae 0x44b411
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, ah
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov byte [eax*4 + ref_00496987], 4 ; mov byte [eax*4 + 0x496987], 4
+jmp near loc_0044b402 ; jmp 0x44b402
+push ebx
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x88], 0
+jne near loc_0044b411 ; jne 0x44b411
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv dword [ref_00498e90] ; idiv dword [0x498e90]
+inc edx
+imul ebx, edx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e7c]
+add ebx, eax
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+push ref_00465833 ; push 0x465833
+jmp near loc_0044b3ad ; jmp 0x44b3ad
+push ebx
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x88], 0
+jne near loc_0044b411 ; jne 0x44b411
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv dword [ref_00498e90] ; idiv dword [0x498e90]
+inc edx
+imul ebx, edx, 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e7c]
+add ebx, eax
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+push ref_00465855 ; push 0x465855
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+sub dword [ebx + 0x28], 0x1388
+sub dword [ebx + 0x2c], 0x1388
+jmp near loc_0044b3e7 ; jmp 0x44b3e7
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 0xa0
+cmp dword [esp + 0xac], 0
+jne near loc_0044b6d6 ; jne 0x44b6d6
+mov eax, 1
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e7c]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00498e90] ; cmp eax, dword [0x498e90]
+jg short loc_0044b639 ; jg 0x44b639
+imul ecx, eax, 0x34
+cmp dword [ecx + edx + 0x28], 0x2710
+jle short loc_0044b636 ; jle 0x44b636
+mov word [esp + ebx*2 + 0x80], ax
+inc ebx
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_0044b618 ; jmp 0x44b618
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esp + edx*2 + 0x80]
+imul eax, eax, 0x34
+mov esi, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov esi, dword [0x498e7c]
+add esi, eax
+lea eax, [esi + 4]
+push eax
+push ref_00465874 ; push 0x465874
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x136
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ebx, dword [esi + 0x28]
+lea eax, [ebx + ebx]
+mov dword [esi + 0x28], eax
+add dword [esi + 0x2c], eax
+cmp byte [esi + 0x19], 0xc
+jae short loc_0044b6d6 ; jae 0x44b6d6
+mov ecx, 0x2710
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, ebx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+shl eax, 4
+mov bl, al
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esi + 0x19]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov byte [eax*4 + ref_00496987], bl ; mov byte [eax*4 + 0x496987], bl
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + 0x19]
+inc eax
+push eax
+call fcn_00429040 ; call 0x429040
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0xa0
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x42
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c5ac], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5ac], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0xfb
+push 0x184
+call fcn_00451a5a ; call 0x451a5a
+add esp, 0x10
+mov esi, eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_004990e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x4990e0]
+mov bl, byte [ebx + ref_00499090] ; mov bl, byte [ebx + 0x499090]
+and ebx, 0xff
+push ebx
+call fcn_00448be2 ; call 0x448be2
+mov edi, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, eax
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x1c
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp edi, 1
+jne short loc_0044b7c7 ; jne 0x44b7c7
+push 0
+mov ecx, dword [esi + 8]
+push ecx
+lea edi, [ebx + 0x1b9]
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x2c
+push 0x19
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add edi, 0xc
+push edi
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 8
+push 0x18
+movzx edi, byte [ebx + ref_00475eb4] ; movzx edi, byte [ebx + 0x475eb4]
+mov eax, dword [edi*4 + ref_00475ed8] ; mov eax, dword [edi*4 + 0x475ed8]
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add edi, 0xc
+push edi
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], ebx
+push 0
+call dword [ebx*4 + ref_00475e24] ; ucall: call dword [ebx*4 + 0x475e24]
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e0]
+inc edx
+mov dword [ref_004990e0], edx ; mov dword [0x4990e0], edx
+cmp edx, 0x24
+jne short loc_0044b7e1 ; jne 0x44b7e1
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_004990e0], ebx ; mov dword [0x4990e0], ebx
+test ebp, ebp
+je near loc_0044b718 ; je 0x44b718
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5ac]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [eax + 0x80] ; ucall
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esp], edi
+mov dword [esp + 4], edi
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x1b8
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x1e0
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+push 0x10
+lea esi, [esp + 4]
+push esi
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+push edi
+push edi
+push ebx
+call dword [eax + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push 0x960
+call fcn_004544f6 ; call 0x4544f6
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push 1
+call dword [eax*4 + ref_00475e24] ; ucall: call dword [eax*4 + 0x475e24]
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c5ac] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c5ac]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x14
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0048c5b8], ah ; mov byte [0x48c5b8], ah
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp dword [esp + 0x14], 0
+jne near loc_0044b9d3 ; jne 0x44b9d3
+cmp dword [esp + 0x18], 0
+jne near loc_0044b94b ; jne 0x44b94b
+mov si, word [eax + ref_00496bae] ; mov si, word [eax + 0x496bae]
+cmp si, 0x64
+jle short loc_0044b8d5 ; jle 0x44b8d5
+mov ebx, 2
+jmp short loc_0044b8fa ; jmp 0x44b8fa
+cmp si, 0x32
+jle short loc_0044b8e9 ; jle 0x44b8e9
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov ebx, eax
+and ebx, 1
+add ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0044b8f5 ; jmp 0x44b8f5
+test si, si
+jge short loc_0044b8f5 ; jge 0x44b8f5
+mov ebx, 1
+jmp short loc_0044b927 ; jmp 0x44b927
+cmp ebx, 2
+jne short loc_0044b91e ; jne 0x44b91e
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496ba7] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496ba7]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov ebp, dword [eax*4 + ref_0047ed76] ; mov ebp, dword [eax*4 + 0x47ed76]
+push ebp
+push ref_00465888 ; push 0x465888
+jmp near loc_0044ba4f ; jmp 0x44ba4f
+cmp ebx, 1
+jne near loc_0044ba5c ; jne 0x44ba5c
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496ba7] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496ba7]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov esi, dword [eax*4 + ref_0047ed76] ; mov esi, dword [eax*4 + 0x47ed76]
+push esi
+push ref_0046589b ; push 0x46589b
+jmp near loc_0044ba4f ; jmp 0x44ba4f
+mov di, word [eax + ref_00496bae] ; mov di, word [eax + 0x496bae]
+cmp di, 0x64
+jle short loc_0044b95f ; jle 0x44b95f
+mov ebx, 1
+jmp short loc_0044b9af ; jmp 0x44b9af
+cmp di, 0x32
+jle short loc_0044b971 ; jle 0x44b971
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov ebx, eax
+and ebx, 1
+jmp short loc_0044b97d ; jmp 0x44b97d
+test di, di
+jge short loc_0044b97d ; jge 0x44b97d
+mov ebx, 2
+jmp short loc_0044b982 ; jmp 0x44b982
+cmp ebx, 2
+jne short loc_0044b9a6 ; jne 0x44b9a6
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496ba7] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496ba7]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov edi, dword [eax*4 + ref_0047ed76] ; mov edi, dword [eax*4 + 0x47ed76]
+push edi
+push ref_004658ae ; push 0x4658ae
+jmp near loc_0044ba4f ; jmp 0x44ba4f
+cmp ebx, 1
+jne near loc_0044ba5c ; jne 0x44ba5c
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496ba7] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496ba7]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_0047ed76] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x47ed76]
+push edx
+push ref_004658c1 ; push 0x4658c1
+jmp near loc_0044ba4f ; jmp 0x44ba4f
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496bb0] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496bb0]
+cmp dx, 0x64
+jle short loc_0044b9e7 ; jle 0x44b9e7
+mov ebx, 1
+jmp short loc_0044ba30 ; jmp 0x44ba30
+cmp dx, 0x32
+jle short loc_0044b9f9 ; jle 0x44b9f9
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov ebx, eax
+and ebx, 1
+jmp short loc_0044ba05 ; jmp 0x44ba05
+test dx, dx
+jge short loc_0044ba05 ; jge 0x44ba05
+mov ebx, 2
+jmp short loc_0044ba0a ; jmp 0x44ba0a
+cmp ebx, 2
+jne short loc_0044ba2b ; jne 0x44ba2b
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496ba7] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496ba7]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov edi, dword [eax*4 + ref_0047ed76] ; mov edi, dword [eax*4 + 0x47ed76]
+push edi
+push ref_004658d4 ; push 0x4658d4
+jmp short loc_0044ba4f ; jmp 0x44ba4f
+cmp ebx, 1
+jne short loc_0044ba5c ; jne 0x44ba5c
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00496ba7] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x496ba7]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_0047ed76] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x47ed76]
+push edx
+push ref_004658e7 ; push 0x4658e7
+push ref_0048c5b8 ; push 0x48c5b8
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+imul eax, dword [esp + 0x90], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496ba6], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496ba6], 0
+je short loc_0044bae0 ; je 0x44bae0
+mov ebx, 1
+mov edx, dword [ref_00498e7c] ; mov edx, dword [0x498e7c]
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00498e90] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x498e90]
+jg short loc_0044ba9d ; jg 0x44ba9d
+imul eax, ebx, 0x34
+cmp byte [edx + eax + 0x1a], 4
+je short loc_0044ba9d ; je 0x44ba9d
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0044ba88 ; jmp 0x44ba88
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x94]
+push esi
+push ref_004658fa ; push 0x4658fa
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x7d0
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+push esi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push ebp
+add ebx, 0x64
+push ebx
+call fcn_0041d2c6 ; call 0x41d2c6
+add esp, 0x10
+add esp, 0x80
+pop ebp
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 0x28
+push 0x25
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, 0x25
+jmp short loc_0044bb1a ; jmp 0x44bb1a
+mov byte [esp + eax], 1
+mov byte [ebx + ref_00496b38], al ; mov byte [ebx + 0x496b38], al
+inc ebx
+dec esi
+cmp ebx, 0x25
+jge short loc_0044bb3d ; jge 0x44bb3d
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+xor eax, eax
+jmp short loc_0044bb30 ; jmp 0x44bb30
+inc eax
+cmp eax, 0x25
+jge short loc_0044bb09 ; jge 0x44bb09
+cmp byte [esp + eax], 0
+jne short loc_0044bb37 ; jne 0x44bb37
+dec edx
+test edx, edx
+jl short loc_0044bb09 ; jl 0x44bb09
+jmp short loc_0044bb2a ; jmp 0x44bb2a
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_004990b4], edx ; mov dword [0x4990b4], edx
+add esp, 0x28
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov edi, 1
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov ebx, dword [edx]
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jb short loc_0044bbb4 ; jb 0x44bbb4
+jbe near loc_0044bd35 ; jbe 0x44bd35
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp ebx, 0x10
+jb short loc_0044bba0 ; jb 0x44bba0
+jbe near loc_0044bded ; jbe 0x44bded
+cmp ebx, 0x22
+jb short loc_0044bb9b ; jb 0x44bb9b
+jbe near loc_0044be03 ; jbe 0x44be03
+cmp ebx, 0x23
+jbe near loc_0044be03 ; jbe 0x44be03
+cmp ebx, 0x24
+je near loc_0044be03 ; je 0x44be03
+jmp near loc_0044be0f ; jmp 0x44be0f
+cmp ebx, 0x21
+jmp short loc_0044bb90 ; jmp 0x44bb90
+cmp ebx, 0xe
+jb near loc_0044bd76 ; jb 0x44bd76
+jbe near loc_0044bda8 ; jbe 0x44bda8
+jmp near loc_0044bdd1 ; jmp 0x44bdd1
+cmp ebx, 8
+jb short loc_0044bbd3 ; jb 0x44bbd3
+jbe near loc_0044bc84 ; jbe 0x44bc84
+cmp ebx, 0xa
+jb near loc_0044bc84 ; jb 0x44bc84
+jbe near loc_0044bcb1 ; jbe 0x44bcb1
+jmp near loc_0044bcf4 ; jmp 0x44bcf4
+cmp ebx, edi
+jb short loc_0044bbe7 ; jb 0x44bbe7
+jbe short loc_0044bc2f ; jbe 0x44bc2f
+cmp ebx, 5
+je near loc_0044bc5e ; je 0x44bc5e
+jmp near loc_0044be0f ; jmp 0x44be0f
+test ebx, ebx
+jne near loc_0044be0f ; jne 0x44be0f
+mov ebx, edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, 0x34
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00498e98] ; mov ebp, dword [0x498e98]
+cmp ebx, ebp
+jg short loc_0044bc22 ; jg 0x44bc22
+movzx esi, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edx
+cmp esi, edx
+jne short loc_0044bc1c ; jne 0x44bc1c
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 0
+jne near loc_0044be0f ; jne 0x44be0f
+inc ebx
+add eax, 0x34
+jmp short loc_0044bbff ; jmp 0x44bbff
+test ecx, ecx
+jne near loc_0044be0f ; jne 0x44be0f
+jmp near loc_0044be0d ; jmp 0x44be0d
+mov ebx, edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add eax, 0x34
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_0044bc22 ; jg 0x44bc22
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0x19]
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+inc esi
+cmp edx, esi
+jne short loc_0044bc5b ; jne 0x44bc5b
+cmp byte [eax + 0x1a], 0
+je near loc_0044be0f ; je 0x44be0f
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0044bc36 ; jmp 0x44bc36
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0044bc80 ; jge 0x44bc80
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+je short loc_0044bc7d ; je 0x44bc7d
+push ebx
+call fcn_00441262 ; call 0x441262
+add esp, 4
+add esi, eax
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0044bc62 ; jmp 0x44bc62
+test esi, esi
+jmp short loc_0044bc24 ; jmp 0x44bc24
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0044bc8e ; jmp 0x44bc8e
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jge short loc_0044bc22 ; jge 0x44bc22
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 5
+mov eax, ebx
+cmp dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_004971a0], 0 ; cmp dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x4971a0], 0
+je short loc_0044bc88 ; je 0x44bc88
+jmp near loc_0044be0f ; jmp 0x44be0f
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b79], 1
+je short loc_0044bcd5 ; je 0x44bcd5
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 2 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b79], 2
+jne near loc_0044be0d ; jne 0x44be0d
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 2 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b79], 2
+jne near loc_0044be0f ; jne 0x44be0f
+mov dword [edx], 0xb
+jmp near loc_0044be0f ; jmp 0x44be0f
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b79], 1
+je short loc_0044bd16 ; je 0x44bd16
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 2 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b79], 2
+jne near loc_0044be0d ; jne 0x44be0d
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b79], 1
+jne near loc_0044be0f ; jne 0x44be0f
+mov dword [edx], 0xa
+jmp near loc_0044be0f ; jmp 0x44be0f
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b79], 0
+je short loc_0044bd57 ; je 0x44bd57
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b79], 1
+jne near loc_0044be0d ; jne 0x44be0d
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 1 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b79], 1
+jne near loc_0044be0f ; jne 0x44be0f
+mov dword [edx], 0xd
+jmp near loc_0044be0f ; jmp 0x44be0f
+mov bh, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov bh, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+test bh, bh
+je short loc_0044bd89 ; je 0x44bd89
+cmp bh, 1
+jne near loc_0044be0d ; jne 0x44be0d
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b79], 0
+jne near loc_0044be0f ; jne 0x44be0f
+mov dword [edx], 0xc
+jmp near loc_0044be0f ; jmp 0x44be0f
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+cmp cl, 2
+ja near loc_0044be0d ; ja 0x44be0d
+cmp cl, 1
+jne short loc_0044bdc4 ; jne 0x44bdc4
+mov dword [edx], 0xf
+jmp short loc_0044be0f ; jmp 0x44be0f
+cmp cl, 2
+jne short loc_0044be0f ; jne 0x44be0f
+mov dword [edx], 0x10
+jmp short loc_0044be0f ; jmp 0x44be0f
+mov ch, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov ch, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+cmp ch, 2
+ja short loc_0044be0d ; ja 0x44be0d
+test ch, ch
+jne short loc_0044bde8 ; jne 0x44bde8
+mov dword [edx], 0xe
+jmp short loc_0044be0f ; jmp 0x44be0f
+cmp ch, 2
+jmp short loc_0044bdc7 ; jmp 0x44bdc7
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b79] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b79]
+cmp bl, 2
+ja short loc_0044be0d ; ja 0x44be0d
+test bl, bl
+je short loc_0044bde0 ; je 0x44bde0
+cmp bl, 1
+jne short loc_0044be0f ; jne 0x44be0f
+jmp short loc_0044bdbc ; jmp 0x44bdbc
+cmp word [ref_004991b6], 0 ; cmp word [0x4991b6], 0
+je short loc_0044be0f ; je 0x44be0f
+xor edi, edi
+mov eax, edi
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0x400
+cmp dword [esp + 0x410], 0
+jne near loc_0044becf ; jne 0x44becf
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov eax, 1
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp eax, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_0044be65 ; jg 0x44be65
+imul edx, eax, 0x34
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e84]
+add edx, ecx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [edx + 0x19]
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+inc esi
+cmp ecx, esi
+jne short loc_0044be62 ; jne 0x44be62
+cmp byte [edx + 0x1a], 0
+je short loc_0044be62 ; je 0x44be62
+mov word [esp + ebx*2], ax
+inc ebx
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_0044be34 ; jmp 0x44be34
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov ax, word [esp + edx*2]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b0], eax
+push 0
+push 0x14a
+push 0x18
+push ref_00465915 ; push 0x465915
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x158
+push 0x186
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_0044bfa7 ; jmp 0x44bfa7
+imul ebx, dword [ref_0048c5b0], 0x34 ; imul ebx, dword [0x48c5b0], 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, eax
+push 2
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 2]
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+call fcn_00409b18 ; call 0x409b18
+add esp, 4
+push 0xffff
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5b0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5b0]
+add eax, 0x7d0
+push eax
+push 0x2f440
+mov esi, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov esi, dword [0x474938]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456c0a ; call 0x456c0a
+add esp, 0x10
+push 1
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 0x1e]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1a]
+imul eax, edx
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0041d3f4 ; call 0x41d3f4
+add esp, 0xc
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1a], 0
+mov byte [ebx + 0x18], 0
+call fcn_00451985 ; call 0x451985
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x12c
+call fcn_004528b9 ; call 0x4528b9
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, eax
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and eax, 1
+mov edx, dword [ebx + eax*4 + ref_00480856] ; mov edx, dword [ebx + eax*4 + 0x480856]
+push edx
+push 2
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+add esp, 0x400
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0x400
+cmp dword [esp + 0x410], 0
+jne near loc_0044c067 ; jne 0x44c067
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov eax, 1
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp eax, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_0044c000 ; jg 0x44c000
+imul edx, eax, 0x34
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ecx, dword [0x498e84]
+add edx, ecx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [edx + 0x19]
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+inc esi
+cmp ecx, esi
+jne short loc_0044bffd ; jne 0x44bffd
+cmp byte [edx + 0x1a], 0
+jne short loc_0044bffd ; jne 0x44bffd
+mov word [esp + ebx*2], ax
+inc ebx
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_0044bfcf ; jmp 0x44bfcf
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esp + edx*2]
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b0], eax
+push 0
+push 0x14a
+push 0x18
+push ref_0046592b ; push 0x46592b
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x158
+push 0x186
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_0044bfa7 ; jmp 0x44bfa7
+imul ebx, dword [ref_0048c5b0], 0x34 ; imul ebx, dword [0x48c5b0], 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov eax, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, eax
+push 2
+movsx eax, word [ebx + 2]
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ebx]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+call fcn_00409b18 ; call 0x409b18
+add esp, 4
+push 0xffff
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5b0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5b0]
+add eax, 0x7d0
+push eax
+push 0x2f440
+mov esi, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov esi, dword [0x474938]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456c0a ; call 0x456c0a
+add esp, 0x10
+push 1
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + 0x1c]
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0041d3f4 ; call 0x41d3f4
+add esp, 0xc
+mov byte [ebx + 0x19], 0
+mov dword [ebx + 0x30], 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0040a4e1 ; call 0x40a4e1
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0044bf46 ; jmp 0x44bf46
+push ebx
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x8c], 0
+jne near loc_0044c180 ; jne 0x44c180
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], eax
+push eax
+push ref_00465941 ; push 0x465941
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x14a
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x158
+push 0x186
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_0044c220 ; jmp 0x44c220
+push 1
+push 0
+call fcn_0044b896 ; call 0x44b896
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b0], eax
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_0044c1b8 ; jne 0x44c1b8
+push 3
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_0048c5b8 ; push 0x48c5b8
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+jmp short loc_0044c220 ; jmp 0x44c220
+cmp eax, 2
+jne short loc_0044c1eb ; jne 0x44c1eb
+push 3
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_0048c5b8 ; push 0x48c5b8
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c5b4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c5b4]
+add ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], ecx ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c5b4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c5b4]
+add dword [eax + ref_00496b8c], edx ; add dword [eax + 0x496b8c], edx
+push ebx
+call fcn_00433b7e ; call 0x433b7e
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c5b4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c5b4]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ba63 ; call 0x44ba63
+add esp, 0xc
+add esp, 0x80
+pop ebp
+pop ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_0044c27c ; jne 0x44c27c
+push edx
+push 0x14a
+push 0x18
+push ref_00465959 ; push 0x465959
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x158
+push 0x186
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 1
+push 0
+call fcn_0044b896 ; call 0x44b896
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b0], eax
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_0044c2b3 ; jne 0x44c2b3
+push 3
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_0048c5b8 ; push 0x48c5b8
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+add byte [eax + ref_00496ba3], 0x1e ; add byte [eax + 0x496ba3], 0x1e
+push ebx
+push edi
+sub esp, 0x88
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne short loc_0044c342 ; jne 0x44c342
+mov ecx, 0xa
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b0], ecx ; mov dword [0x48c5b0], ecx
+push ecx
+push ref_0046597a ; push 0x46597a
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x14a
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x158
+push 0x186
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_0044c3ae ; jmp 0x44c3ae
+fild dword [ref_0048c5b0] ; fild dword [0x48c5b0]
+fdiv dword [ref_004659a0] ; fdiv dword [0x4659a0]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x84]
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge short loc_0044c3ae ; jge 0x44c3ae
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+cmp ebx, edi
+je short loc_0044c3ab ; je 0x44c3ab
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je short loc_0044c3ab ; je 0x44c3ab
+cmp dword [eax + ref_00496b88], 0 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x496b88], 0
+je short loc_0044c3ab ; je 0x44c3ab
+fild dword [eax + ref_00496b88] ; fild dword [eax + 0x496b88]
+fmul dword [esp + 0x84]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x80]
+push 4
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push edi
+push ebx
+call fcn_0041d2c6 ; call 0x41d2c6
+add esp, 0x10
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0044c357 ; jmp 0x44c357
+add esp, 0x88
+pop edi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x94
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xa8]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_0044c41b ; jne 0x44c41b
+push edx
+push 0x14a
+push 0x18
+push ref_004659a4 ; push 0x4659a4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x158
+push 0x186
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_0044c5cd ; jmp 0x44c5cd
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor edi, edi
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_0044c57b ; jge 0x44c57b
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+je near loc_0044c575 ; je 0x44c575
+imul esi, ebx, 0x68
+cmp byte [esi + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [esi + 0x496b7d], 0
+je near loc_0044c575 ; je 0x44c575
+push ebx
+call fcn_00441262 ; call 0x441262
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0044c575 ; je 0x44c575
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+lea ebp, [edi + 1]
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7d] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7d]
+cmp dl, 1
+jbe short loc_0044c48b ; jbe 0x44c48b
+push ebx
+call fcn_00441e77 ; call 0x441e77
+add esp, 4
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004412e4 ; call 0x4412e4
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_0044c573 ; jmp 0x44c573
+jne near loc_0044c575 ; jne 0x44c575
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edi, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edi + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edi, dword [esi + ref_00496b68] ; mov edi, dword [esi + 0x496b68]
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push ref_004659c9 ; push 0x4659c9
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0xa
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov esi, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [esi + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044192a ; call 0x44192a
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov esi, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [esi + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x28
+push 0x1b8
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov esi, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [esi + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov edi, ebp
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_0044c41f ; jmp 0x44c41f
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_0044c5cd ; je 0x44c5cd
+push 3
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add ebx, eax
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and eax, 1
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + eax*4 + ref_0048084a] ; mov ebp, dword [ebx + eax*4 + 0x48084a]
+push ebp
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+add esp, 0x94
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x90], 0
+jne short loc_0044c658 ; jne 0x44c658
+mov eax, 3
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], eax
+push eax
+push ref_004659d8 ; push 0x4659d8
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x14a
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x158
+push 0x186
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_0044d3d1 ; jmp 0x44d3d1
+push 1
+push 1
+call fcn_0044b896 ; call 0x44b896
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b0], eax
+push 3
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c5b0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c5b0]
+cmp ecx, 1
+jne short loc_0044c699 ; jne 0x44c699
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_0048c5b8 ; push 0x48c5b8
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_0044d3d1 ; jmp 0x44d3d1
+cmp ecx, 2
+jne short loc_0044c6be ; jne 0x44c6be
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_0048c5b8 ; push 0x48c5b8
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c5b4] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c5b4]
+add esi, esi
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], esi ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00441210 ; call 0x441210
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_0044d3d1 ; je 0x44d3d1
+push 0
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c5b4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c5b4]
+push ebp
+push eax
+call fcn_0040d375 ; call 0x40d375
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp near loc_0044d3d1 ; jmp 0x44d3d1
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x90], 0
+jne short loc_0044c76d ; jne 0x44c76d
+mov eax, 3
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], eax
+push eax
+push ref_004659ee ; push 0x4659ee
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x14a
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x158
+push 0x186
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_0044d3d1 ; jmp 0x44d3d1
+push 1
+push 1
+call fcn_0044b896 ; call 0x44b896
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b0], eax
+push 3
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c5b0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c5b0]
+cmp ecx, 1
+jne short loc_0044c7ab ; jne 0x44c7ab
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_0048c5b8 ; push 0x48c5b8
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+jmp near loc_0044d2e2 ; jmp 0x44d2e2
+cmp ecx, 2
+jne short loc_0044c7d0 ; jne 0x44c7d0
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_0048c5b8 ; push 0x48c5b8
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c5b4] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c5b4]
+add esi, esi
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], esi ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00441210 ; call 0x441210
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_0044d3d1 ; je 0x44d3d1
+push 1
+jmp near loc_0044c6d8 ; jmp 0x44c6d8
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0x88
+cmp dword [esp + 0x98], 0
+jne short loc_0044c870 ; jne 0x44c870
+mov ecx, 0xa
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], ecx ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], ecx
+push ecx
+push ref_00465a04 ; push 0x465a04
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x14a
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x158
+push 0x186
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_0044c915 ; jmp 0x44c915
+push 1
+push 0
+call fcn_0044b896 ; call 0x44b896
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b0], eax
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_0044c8a8 ; jne 0x44c8a8
+push 3
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_0048c5b8 ; push 0x48c5b8
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+jmp short loc_0044c915 ; jmp 0x44c915
+xor ebx, ebx
+fild dword [ref_0048c5b4] ; fild dword [0x48c5b4]
+fdiv dword [ref_00465a24] ; fdiv dword [0x465a24]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x84]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 5
+mov eax, ebx
+fild dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_004971a0] ; fild dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x4971a0]
+fmul dword [esp + 0x84]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x80]
+push 0
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x84]
+push esi
+push ebx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00428e23 ; call 0x428e23
+add esp, 0x10
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jl short loc_0044c8aa ; jl 0x44c8aa
+push 0
+call fcn_00436b0a ; call 0x436b0a
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x88
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_0044c978 ; jne 0x44c978
+push edx
+push 0x14a
+push 0x18
+push ref_00465a28 ; push 0x465a28
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x158
+push 0x186
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push 1
+push 0
+call fcn_0044b896 ; call 0x44b896
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b0], eax
+push 3
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp dword [ref_0048c5b0], 1 ; cmp dword [0x48c5b0], 1
+jne short loc_0044c9b6 ; jne 0x44c9b6
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_0048c5b8 ; push 0x48c5b8
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+pop ebp
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0044c9c0 ; jmp 0x44c9c0
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jge short loc_0044c9f6 ; jge 0x44c9f6
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 5
+mov edx, ebx
+shl edx, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_004971a0] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x4971a0]
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_0044c9ba ; je 0x44c9ba
+push 1
+push esi
+push ebx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00428e23 ; call 0x428e23
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp short loc_0044c9ba ; jmp 0x44c9ba
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d433 ; call 0x41d433
+add esp, 4
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_0048085e] ; mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x48085e]
+push ecx
+push 2
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+call fcn_00436b0a ; call 0x436b0a
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_0044ca9f ; jne 0x44ca9f
+push edx
+push 0x14a
+push 0x18
+push ref_00465a3e ; push 0x465a3e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x158
+push 0x186
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop ebx
+push 1
+push 1
+call fcn_0044b896 ; call 0x44b896
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b0], eax
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_0044cad9 ; jne 0x44cad9
+push 3
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_0048c5b8 ; push 0x48c5b8
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop ebx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b79], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b79], dl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7a], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7a], 1
+push ecx
+call fcn_0040b93b ; call 0x40b93b
+add esp, 4
+push 3
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, eax
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and eax, 1
+mov edi, dword [ebx + eax*4 + ref_00480856] ; mov edi, dword [ebx + eax*4 + 0x480856]
+push edi
+push 2
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+inc byte [ref_00497324] ; inc byte [0x497324]
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_0044cbac ; jne 0x44cbac
+push edx
+push 0x14a
+push 0x18
+push ref_00465a50 ; push 0x465a50
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x158
+push 0x186
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop ebx
+push 1
+push 1
+call fcn_0044b896 ; call 0x44b896
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b0], eax
+push 3
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp dword [ref_0048c5b0], 1 ; cmp dword [0x48c5b0], 1
+jne short loc_0044cbea ; jne 0x44cbea
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_0048c5b8 ; push 0x48c5b8
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b79], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b79], dl
+mov byte [eax + ref_00496b7a], 1 ; mov byte [eax + 0x496b7a], 1
+push ebx
+call fcn_0040b93b ; call 0x40b93b
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov ebp, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_00480856] ; mov ebp, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x480856]
+push ebp
+push 2
+push edi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+inc byte [ref_00497325] ; inc byte [0x497325]
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne short loc_0044ccd4 ; jne 0x44ccd4
+mov eax, 3
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], eax
+push eax
+push ref_00465a66 ; push 0x465a66
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x14a
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x158
+push 0x186
+imul ebx, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul ebx, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov eax, dword [ebx + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_0044d800 ; jmp 0x44d800
+push 1
+push 1
+call fcn_0044b896 ; call 0x44b896
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b0], eax
+push 3
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c5b0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c5b0]
+cmp ecx, 1
+jne short loc_0044cd15 ; jne 0x44cd15
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_0048c5b8 ; push 0x48c5b8
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_0044d800 ; jmp 0x44d800
+cmp ecx, 2
+jne short loc_0044cd3a ; jne 0x44cd3a
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_0048c5b8 ; push 0x48c5b8
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c5b4] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c5b4]
+add esi, esi
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], esi ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00441210 ; call 0x441210
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_0044d800 ; je 0x44d800
+push eax
+call fcn_0040cd07 ; call 0x40cd07
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c5b4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c5b4]
+push ebp
+push ebx
+call fcn_0043ec3f ; call 0x43ec3f
+jmp short loc_0044cd0d ; jmp 0x44cd0d
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne near loc_0044ccd4 ; jne 0x44ccd4
+mov eax, 3
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], eax
+push eax
+push ref_00465a7c ; push 0x465a7c
+jmp near loc_0044cc77 ; jmp 0x44cc77
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne near loc_0044ce35 ; jne 0x44ce35
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], eax
+push eax
+push ref_00465a94 ; push 0x465a94
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x14a
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x158
+push 0x186
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_0044d800 ; jmp 0x44d800
+push 1
+push 0
+call fcn_0044b896 ; call 0x44b896
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b0], eax
+push 3
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c5b0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c5b0]
+cmp ecx, 1
+jne short loc_0044ce8b ; jne 0x44ce8b
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_0048c5b8 ; push 0x48c5b8
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c5b4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c5b4]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0044f567 ; call 0x44f567
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_0044d800 ; jmp 0x44d800
+cmp ecx, 2
+jne short loc_0044ceb0 ; jne 0x44ceb0
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_0048c5b8 ; push 0x48c5b8
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c5b4] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c5b4]
+add esi, esi
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], esi ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], esi
+push 0
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c5b4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c5b4]
+push edi
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0041d2c6 ; call 0x41d2c6
+add esp, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b7d], 0
+je near loc_0044d800 ; je 0x44d800
+cmp byte [ref_0046caf8], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46caf8], 0
+jne near loc_0044d800 ; jne 0x44d800
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c5b4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c5b4]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044f42d ; call 0x44f42d
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c5b4] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c5b4]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0044ba63 ; call 0x44ba63
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp near loc_0044d800 ; jmp 0x44d800
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b79], 0
+jne short loc_0044cf4d ; jne 0x44cf4d
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x94]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044cc53 ; call 0x44cc53
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0044d800 ; jmp 0x44d800
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne near loc_0044cfdf ; jne 0x44cfdf
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], eax
+push eax
+push ref_00465aae ; push 0x465aae
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x14a
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x158
+push 0x186
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_0044d800 ; jmp 0x44d800
+push 1
+push 0
+call fcn_0044b896 ; call 0x44b896
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b0], eax
+push 3
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c5b0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c5b0]
+cmp ebx, 1
+jne short loc_0044d032 ; jne 0x44d032
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_0048c5b8 ; push 0x48c5b8
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c5b4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c5b4]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0044f567 ; call 0x44f567
+jmp near loc_0044d8c7 ; jmp 0x44d8c7
+cmp ebx, 2
+jne short loc_0044d057 ; jne 0x44d057
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_0048c5b8 ; push 0x48c5b8
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c5b4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c5b4]
+add edi, edi
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], edi ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], edi
+push 0
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c5b4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c5b4]
+push ebp
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+mov eax, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov eax, dword [0x49910c]
+push eax
+jmp near loc_0044cec2 ; jmp 0x44cec2
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b79], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b79], 0
+jne short loc_0044d09c ; jne 0x44d09c
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x94]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044cc53 ; call 0x44cc53
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0044d800 ; jmp 0x44d800
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne near loc_0044cfdf ; jne 0x44cfdf
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], eax
+push eax
+push ref_00465acd ; push 0x465acd
+jmp near loc_0044cf82 ; jmp 0x44cf82
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne near loc_0044d172 ; jne 0x44d172
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], eax
+push eax
+push ref_00465ae3 ; push 0x465ae3
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x14a
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x158
+push 0x186
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_0044d800 ; jmp 0x44d800
+push 1
+push 0
+call fcn_0044b896 ; call 0x44b896
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b0], eax
+push 3
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c5b0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c5b0]
+cmp ecx, 1
+jne near loc_0044ce8b ; jne 0x44ce8b
+jmp near loc_0044d009 ; jmp 0x44d009
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne short loc_0044d172 ; jne 0x44d172
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], eax
+push eax
+push ref_00465b00 ; push 0x465b00
+jmp near loc_0044d115 ; jmp 0x44d115
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne near loc_0044d172 ; jne 0x44d172
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], eax
+push eax
+push ref_00465b16 ; push 0x465b16
+jmp near loc_0044cf82 ; jmp 0x44cf82
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x90], 0
+jne short loc_0044d2a9 ; jne 0x44d2a9
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], eax
+push eax
+push ref_00465b35 ; push 0x465b35
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x14a
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x158
+push 0x186
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x18
+jmp near loc_0044d3bf ; jmp 0x44d3bf
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0044b896 ; call 0x44b896
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b0], eax
+push 3
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c5b0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c5b0]
+cmp ecx, 1
+jne short loc_0044d2ea ; jne 0x44d2ea
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_0048c5b8 ; push 0x48c5b8
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_0044d3d1 ; jmp 0x44d3d1
+cmp ecx, 2
+jne short loc_0044d30f ; jne 0x44d30f
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_0048c5b8 ; push 0x48c5b8
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c5b4] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c5b4]
+add esi, esi
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], esi ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], esi
+push 1
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c5b4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c5b4]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0041d3f4 ; call 0x41d3f4
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5b4]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0044f354 ; call 0x44f354
+jmp short loc_0044d2e2 ; jmp 0x44d2e2
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x90], 0
+jne near loc_0044d2a9 ; jne 0x44d2a9
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], eax
+push eax
+push ref_00465b49 ; push 0x465b49
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x14a
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x158
+push 0x186
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+add esp, 0x80
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x90], 0
+jne near loc_0044d2a9 ; jne 0x44d2a9
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], eax
+push eax
+push ref_00465b5d ; push 0x465b5d
+jmp near loc_0044d379 ; jmp 0x44d379
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne near loc_0044d172 ; jne 0x44d172
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], eax
+push eax
+push ref_00465b71 ; push 0x465b71
+jmp near loc_0044cf82 ; jmp 0x44cf82
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne near loc_0044d172 ; jne 0x44d172
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], eax
+push eax
+push ref_00465b87 ; push 0x465b87
+jmp near loc_0044d115 ; jmp 0x44d115
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x90], 0
+jne near loc_0044d2a9 ; jne 0x44d2a9
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], eax
+push eax
+push ref_00465b9d ; push 0x465b9d
+jmp near loc_0044d379 ; jmp 0x44d379
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne near loc_0044d172 ; jne 0x44d172
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 6
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], eax
+push eax
+push ref_00465bb3 ; push 0x465bb3
+jmp near loc_0044d115 ; jmp 0x44d115
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x90], 0
+jne near loc_0044d2a9 ; jne 0x44d2a9
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 5
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], eax
+push eax
+push ref_00465bc7 ; push 0x465bc7
+jmp near loc_0044d25e ; jmp 0x44d25e
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x90], 0
+jne near loc_0044d2a9 ; jne 0x44d2a9
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 4
+sub eax, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], eax
+push eax
+push ref_00465bd9 ; push 0x465bd9
+jmp near loc_0044d379 ; jmp 0x44d379
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x90], 0
+jne near loc_0044d2a9 ; jne 0x44d2a9
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 6
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], eax
+push eax
+push ref_00465beb ; push 0x465beb
+jmp near loc_0044d379 ; jmp 0x44d379
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne near loc_0044d172 ; jne 0x44d172
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], eax
+push eax
+push ref_00465bfd ; push 0x465bfd
+jmp near loc_0044cf82 ; jmp 0x44cf82
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x90], 0
+jne near loc_0044d2a9 ; jne 0x44d2a9
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], eax
+push eax
+push ref_00465c0f ; push 0x465c0f
+jmp near loc_0044d379 ; jmp 0x44d379
+push ebx
+push esi
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_0044d6d0 ; jne 0x44d6d0
+push edx
+push 0x14a
+push 0x18
+push ref_00465c23 ; push 0x465c23
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x158
+push 0x186
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push 1
+push 1
+call fcn_0044b896 ; call 0x44b896
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b0], eax
+push 3
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp dword [ref_0048c5b0], 1 ; cmp dword [0x48c5b0], 1
+jne short loc_0044d70e ; jne 0x44d70e
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_0048c5b8 ; push 0x48c5b8
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+pop ebp
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov esi, dword [0x49910c]
+imul ebx, esi, 0x68
+push esi
+call fcn_00445b3f ; call 0x445b3f
+add esp, 4
+add word [ebx + ref_00496b98], ax ; add word [ebx + 0x496b98], ax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+imul ebx, ebp, 0x68
+push ebp
+call fcn_00441f21 ; call 0x441f21
+add esp, 4
+add word [ebx + ref_00496b98], ax ; add word [ebx + 0x496b98], ax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0041d433 ; call 0x41d433
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ecx, 0x68
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov bl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, eax
+mov esi, dword [ebx + eax*8 + ref_00480856] ; mov esi, dword [ebx + eax*8 + 0x480856]
+push esi
+push 2
+push ecx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+pop ebp
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne short loc_0044d80b ; jne 0x44d80b
+mov esi, 3
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], esi ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], esi
+push esi
+push ref_00465c39 ; push 0x465c39
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x14a
+push 0x18
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x158
+push 0x186
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x34 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x34
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_004562a5 ; call 0x4562a5
+add esp, 0x10
+add esp, 0x80
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push 1
+push 1
+call fcn_0044b896 ; call 0x44b896
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5b0], eax
+push 3
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c5b0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c5b0]
+cmp ecx, 1
+jne short loc_0044d87d ; jne 0x44d87d
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_0048c5b8 ; push 0x48c5b8
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+imul eax, dword [ref_0049910c], 0x68 ; imul eax, dword [0x49910c], 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_0048084a] ; mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x48084a]
+push ecx
+push 0
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp short loc_0044d800 ; jmp 0x44d800
+cmp ecx, 2
+jne short loc_0044d8a2 ; jne 0x44d8a2
+push 0x5dc
+push ref_0048c5b8 ; push 0x48c5b8
+call fcn_00440cac ; call 0x440cac
+add esp, 8
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c5b4] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c5b4]
+add esi, esi
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], esi ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edi, dword [0x49910c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00441210 ; call 0x441210
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_0044d800 ; je 0x44d800
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c5b4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c5b4]
+push ebp
+push eax
+call fcn_0043d593 ; call 0x43d593
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_0044d800 ; jmp 0x44d800
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne near loc_0044d80b ; jne 0x44d80b
+mov esi, 5
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], esi ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], esi
+push esi
+push ref_00465c53 ; push 0x465c53
+jmp near loc_0044d7a8 ; jmp 0x44d7a8
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne near loc_0044d80b ; jne 0x44d80b
+mov esi, 7
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], esi ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], esi
+push esi
+push ref_00465c69 ; push 0x465c69
+jmp near loc_0044d7a8 ; jmp 0x44d7a8
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne near loc_0044d80b ; jne 0x44d80b
+mov esi, 9
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], esi ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], esi
+push esi
+push ref_00465c7f ; push 0x465c7f
+jmp near loc_0044d7a8 ; jmp 0x44d7a8
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne near loc_0044d80b ; jne 0x44d80b
+mov esi, 3
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], esi ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], esi
+push esi
+push ref_00465c97 ; push 0x465c97
+jmp near loc_0044d7a8 ; jmp 0x44d7a8
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne near loc_0044d80b ; jne 0x44d80b
+mov esi, 5
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], esi ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], esi
+push esi
+push ref_00465cb1 ; push 0x465cb1
+jmp near loc_0044d7a8 ; jmp 0x44d7a8
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne near loc_0044d80b ; jne 0x44d80b
+mov esi, 7
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], esi ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], esi
+push esi
+push ref_00465ccb ; push 0x465ccb
+jmp near loc_0044d7a8 ; jmp 0x44d7a8
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne near loc_0044d80b ; jne 0x44d80b
+mov esi, 9
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], esi ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], esi
+push esi
+push ref_00465ce5 ; push 0x465ce5
+jmp near loc_0044d7a8 ; jmp 0x44d7a8
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne near loc_0044d80b ; jne 0x44d80b
+mov esi, 3
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], esi ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], esi
+push esi
+push ref_00465cfb ; push 0x465cfb
+jmp near loc_0044d7a8 ; jmp 0x44d7a8
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne near loc_0044d80b ; jne 0x44d80b
+mov esi, 5
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], esi ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], esi
+push esi
+push ref_00465d17 ; push 0x465d17
+jmp near loc_0044d7a8 ; jmp 0x44d7a8
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne near loc_0044d80b ; jne 0x44d80b
+mov esi, 7
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], esi ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], esi
+push esi
+push ref_00465d2d ; push 0x465d2d
+jmp near loc_0044d7a8 ; jmp 0x44d7a8
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne near loc_0044d80b ; jne 0x44d80b
+mov esi, 9
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], esi ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], esi
+push esi
+push ref_00465d43 ; push 0x465d43
+jmp near loc_0044d7a8 ; jmp 0x44d7a8
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne near loc_0044d80b ; jne 0x44d80b
+mov esi, 3
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], esi ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], esi
+push esi
+push ref_00465d59 ; push 0x465d59
+jmp near loc_0044d7a8 ; jmp 0x44d7a8
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne near loc_0044d80b ; jne 0x44d80b
+mov esi, 5
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], esi ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], esi
+push esi
+push ref_00465d73 ; push 0x465d73
+jmp near loc_0044d7a8 ; jmp 0x44d7a8
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne near loc_0044d80b ; jne 0x44d80b
+mov esi, 7
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], esi ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], esi
+push esi
+push ref_00465d89 ; push 0x465d89
+jmp near loc_0044d7a8 ; jmp 0x44d7a8
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x80
+cmp dword [esp + 0x94], 0
+jne near loc_0044d80b ; jne 0x44d80b
+mov esi, 9
+mov dword [ref_0048c5b4], esi ; mov dword [0x48c5b4], esi
+push esi
+push ref_00465da3 ; push 0x465da3
+jmp near loc_0044d7a8 ; jmp 0x44d7a8
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x14
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x42
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c5e0], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5e0], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0xfb
+push 0x184
+call fcn_00451a5a ; call 0x451a5a
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ebx, eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_004990b4] ; mov esi, dword [0x4990b4]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi + ref_00496b38] ; mov al, byte [esi + 0x496b38]
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_0044bb4b ; call 0x44bb4b
+mov esi, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, eax
+push 0
+push 3
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf0f0f0
+push 0x1c
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+cmp esi, 1
+jne near loc_0044dcaa ; jne 0x44dcaa
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x10]
+lea eax, [ebp + ebp]
+cmp ebp, 0x21
+jge short loc_0044dc4d ; jge 0x44dc4d
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 8]
+push edx
+movsx eax, word [eax + ref_00475fb4] ; movsx eax, word [eax + 0x475fb4]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x2c
+push 0x19
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push 0
+call dword [eax*4 + ref_00475ef0] ; ucall: call dword [eax*4 + 0x475ef0]
+jmp short loc_0044dc9e ; jmp 0x44dc9e
+push 0
+mov esi, dword [ebx + 8]
+push esi
+movsx esi, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx esi, word [0x4991b8]
+movsx eax, word [eax + esi*8 + ref_00475fb4] ; movsx eax, word [eax + esi*8 + 0x475fb4]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x2c
+push 0x19
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+call fcn_00456280 ; call 0x456280
+add esp, 0x10
+movsx esi, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx esi, word [0x4991b8]
+shl esi, 4
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push 0
+call dword [esi + eax*4 + ref_00475ef0] ; ucall: call dword [esi + eax*4 + 0x475ef0]
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [ref_004990b4] ; mov esi, dword [0x4990b4]
+inc esi
+mov dword [ref_004990b4], esi ; mov dword [0x4990b4], esi
+cmp esi, 0x25
+jne short loc_0044dcc4 ; jne 0x44dcc4
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_004990b4], edx ; mov dword [0x4990b4], edx
+test edi, edi
+je near loc_0044dbba ; je 0x44dbba
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e0]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x80] ; ucall
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp], ebx
+mov dword [esp + 4], ebx
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x1b8
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x1e0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea esi, [esp + 4]
+push esi
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edx
+push 0
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push 0x640
+call fcn_004544f6 ; call 0x4544f6
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 2
+cmp ebp, 0x21
+jge short loc_0044dd65 ; jge 0x44dd65
+push 1
+call dword [eax + ref_00475ef0] ; ucall: call dword [eax + 0x475ef0]
+jmp short loc_0044dd78 ; jmp 0x44dd78
+movsx ebx, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx ebx, word [0x4991b8]
+shl ebx, 4
+push 1
+call dword [ebx + eax + ref_00475ef0] ; ucall: call dword [ebx + eax + 0x475ef0]
+add esp, 4
+push 0x320
+call fcn_004528b9 ; call 0x4528b9
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c5e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c5e0]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x14
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0xc
+xor esi, esi
+mov ebx, dword [ref_004762b8] ; mov ebx, dword [0x4762b8]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push esi
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov word [esp], 0x280
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+test edx, edx
+jne near loc_0044de4b ; jne 0x44de4b
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e8]
+add eax, dword [ref_00476298] ; add eax, dword [0x476298]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e4]
+add eax, dword [ref_00476294] ; add eax, dword [0x476294]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5f8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5f8]
+add eax, 0x6c
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_0044dec6 ; je 0x44dec6
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_0044ded1 ; je 0x44ded1
+jle short loc_0044de1d ; jle 0x44de1d
+dec ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_004762b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4762b4]
+cmp byte [ebx + eax - 1], 0
+je short loc_0044de30 ; je 0x44de30
+test ebx, ebx
+jle short loc_0044de30 ; jle 0x44de30
+dec ebx
+jmp short loc_0044de22 ; jmp 0x44de22
+mov eax, dword [ref_004762b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4762b4]
+cmp byte [ebx + eax], 0x40
+je near loc_0044ded1 ; je 0x44ded1
+cmp esi, 0xd
+je near loc_0044ded1 ; je 0x44ded1
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0044de12 ; jmp 0x44de12
+cmp edx, 1
+jne near loc_0044dec6 ; jne 0x44dec6
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e8]
+add eax, dword [ref_004762a8] ; add eax, dword [0x4762a8]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e4]
+add eax, dword [ref_004762a4] ; add eax, dword [0x4762a4]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5f8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5f8]
+add eax, 0x78
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_004762b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4762b4]
+cmp byte [ebx + eax], 0x40
+jne short loc_0044de90 ; jne 0x44de90
+add ebx, 2
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0048c5f0] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x48c5f0]
+jge short loc_0044debe ; jge 0x44debe
+mov eax, dword [ref_004762b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4762b4]
+add eax, ebx
+push eax
+call fcn_0045825d ; call 0x45825d
+add esp, 4
+inc eax
+add ebx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_004762b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4762b4]
+cmp byte [ebx + eax], 0x40
+je short loc_0044debe ; je 0x44debe
+cmp esi, 0xd
+je short loc_0044debe ; je 0x44debe
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0044de90 ; jmp 0x44de90
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0048c5f0] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x48c5f0]
+jne short loc_0044ded1 ; jne 0x44ded1
+cmp dword [esp + 0x1c], 2
+jne near loc_0044df9d ; jne 0x44df9d
+mov dword [ref_004762b8], ebx ; mov dword [0x4762b8], ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_004762b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4762b4]
+cmp byte [ebx + eax], 0x40
+jne short loc_0044dee5 ; jne 0x44dee5
+add ebx, 2
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x101010
+push 0xc
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0x112
+push 0x96
+push 0x50
+push 0xd8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e8]
+add eax, 0x50
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e4]
+add eax, 0xd8
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5f8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5f8]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x1c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004562cc ; call 0x4562cc
+add esp, 0x20
+xor esi, esi
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0048c5f0] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x48c5f0]
+jge short loc_0044df9d ; jge 0x44df9d
+push 0
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, esi
+add eax, eax
+add eax, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; add eax, dword [0x48c5e8]
+add eax, 0x5a
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e4]
+add eax, 0xe8
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_004762b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4762b4]
+add eax, ebx
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_004762b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4762b4]
+add eax, ebx
+push eax
+call fcn_0045825d ; call 0x45825d
+add esp, 4
+inc eax
+add ebx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_004762b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4762b4]
+cmp byte [ebx + eax], 0x40
+je short loc_0044df9d ; je 0x44df9d
+cmp esi, 0xd
+je short loc_0044df9d ; je 0x44df9d
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0044df3a ; jmp 0x44df3a
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+add esp, 0xc
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_00476018] ; mov eax, dword [0x476018]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00476020] ; cmp eax, dword [0x476020]
+jne short loc_0044dfd4 ; jne 0x44dfd4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047601c] ; mov eax, dword [0x47601c]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00476024] ; cmp eax, dword [0x476024]
+je short loc_0044dfad ; je 0x44dfad
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov word [esp], 0x280
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x101010
+push 0xc
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c5e8]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c5e4]
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5f8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5f8]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov edx, dword [ref_00476018] ; mov edx, dword [0x476018]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; add eax, dword [0x48c5e8]
+add eax, 0x3a
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e4]
+add eax, 0x1a
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5f8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5f8]
+add eax, 0x18
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 2
+mov edx, dword [ref_00476018] ; mov edx, dword [0x476018]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; add eax, dword [0x48c5e8]
+add eax, 0x49
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e4]
+add eax, 0x3b
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_00476018] ; mov edx, dword [0x476018]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + ref_004761b4] ; mov ecx, dword [eax*4 + 0x4761b4]
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+push 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e8]
+add eax, 0x39
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e4]
+add eax, 0x8c
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_00476018] ; mov edx, dword [0x476018]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov ebx, dword [eax*4 + ref_004761b4] ; mov ebx, dword [eax*4 + 0x4761b4]
+push ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov edx, dword [ref_00476018] ; mov edx, dword [0x476018]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+cmp dword [eax*4 + ref_004761c0], 8 ; cmp dword [eax*4 + 0x4761c0], 8
+jle short loc_0044e166 ; jle 0x44e166
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e8]
+add eax, dword [ref_00476278] ; add eax, dword [0x476278]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e4]
+add eax, dword [ref_00476274] ; add eax, dword [0x476274]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5f8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5f8]
+add eax, 0x3c
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e8]
+add eax, dword [ref_00476288] ; add eax, dword [0x476288]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e4]
+add eax, dword [ref_00476284] ; add eax, dword [0x476284]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5f8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5f8]
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov esi, dword [ref_004762b4] ; mov esi, dword [0x4762b4]
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_0044e179 ; je 0x44e179
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push ref_0048c5f0 ; push 0x48c5f0
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_00476018] ; mov edx, dword [0x476018]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov eax, dword [eax*4 + ref_004761bc] ; mov eax, dword [eax*4 + 0x4761bc]
+add eax, dword [ref_0047601c] ; add eax, dword [0x47601c]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5f4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5f4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_004762b4], eax ; mov dword [0x4762b4], eax
+xor esi, esi
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048c5ec], esi ; mov dword [0x48c5ec], esi
+mov dword [ref_004762b8], esi ; mov dword [0x4762b8], esi
+cmp esi, dword [ref_0048c5f0] ; cmp esi, dword [0x48c5f0]
+jge short loc_0044e22d ; jge 0x44e22d
+push 0
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+add eax, eax
+add eax, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; add eax, dword [0x48c5e8]
+add eax, 0x5a
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e4]
+add eax, 0xe8
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_004762b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4762b4]
+add eax, esi
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_004762b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4762b4]
+add eax, esi
+push eax
+call fcn_0045825d ; call 0x45825d
+add esp, 4
+inc eax
+add esi, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_004762b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4762b4]
+cmp byte [esi + eax], 0x40
+je short loc_0044e21e ; je 0x44e21e
+cmp ebx, 0xd
+jne short loc_0044e22a ; jne 0x44e22a
+mov dword [ref_0048c5ec], 1 ; mov dword [0x48c5ec], 1
+jmp short loc_0044e236 ; jmp 0x44e236
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0044e1be ; jmp 0x44e1be
+cmp dword [ref_0048c5ec], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c5ec], 0
+je short loc_0044e296 ; je 0x44e296
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e8]
+add eax, dword [ref_00476298] ; add eax, dword [0x476298]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e4]
+add eax, dword [ref_00476294] ; add eax, dword [0x476294]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5f8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5f8]
+add eax, 0x6c
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e8]
+add eax, dword [ref_004762a8] ; add eax, dword [0x4762a8]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e4]
+add eax, dword [ref_004762a4] ; add eax, dword [0x4762a4]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5f8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5f8]
+add eax, 0x78
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0x101010
+push 0x101010
+push 0xf
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0044e301 ; jmp 0x44e301
+push 2
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, ebx
+add eax, eax
+add eax, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; add eax, dword [0x48c5e8]
+add eax, 0x5e
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e4]
+add eax, 0x96
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_00476018] ; mov edx, dword [0x476018]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov eax, dword [eax*4 + ref_004761b8] ; mov eax, dword [eax*4 + 0x4761b8]
+mov edx, dword [eax + esi*4]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 8
+jge near loc_0044e376 ; jge 0x44e376
+mov edx, dword [ref_00476018] ; mov edx, dword [0x476018]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov esi, dword [eax*4 + ref_004761c4] ; mov esi, dword [eax*4 + 0x4761c4]
+add esi, ebx
+cmp esi, dword [eax*4 + ref_004761c0] ; cmp esi, dword [eax*4 + 0x4761c0]
+jge short loc_0044e376 ; jge 0x44e376
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c5e4]
+add ecx, 0x6c
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, ebx
+add eax, eax
+add eax, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; add eax, dword [0x48c5e8]
+add eax, 0x4e
+cmp esi, dword [ref_0047601c] ; cmp esi, dword [0x47601c]
+jne short loc_0044e362 ; jne 0x44e362
+push eax
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5f8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5f8]
+add eax, 0x30
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_0044e2b2 ; jmp 0x44e2b2
+push eax
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5f8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5f8]
+add eax, 0x24
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+jmp short loc_0044e355 ; jmp 0x44e355
+push 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e8]
+add eax, 0x3f
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e4]
+add eax, 0x10e
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_00476018] ; mov edx, dword [0x476018]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0047601c] ; mov edx, dword [0x47601c]
+mov eax, dword [eax*4 + ref_004761b8] ; mov eax, dword [eax*4 + 0x4761b8]
+mov ecx, dword [eax + edx*4]
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_00476018] ; mov eax, dword [0x476018]
+mov dword [ref_00476020], eax ; mov dword [0x476020], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047601c] ; mov eax, dword [0x47601c]
+mov dword [ref_00476024], eax ; mov dword [0x476024], eax
+jmp near loc_0044dfad ; jmp 0x44dfad
+db 0x8d
+db 0x40
+db 0x00
+ref_0044e3e3: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_0044e621
+dd loc_0044e668
+dd loc_0044e6eb
+dd loc_0044e6eb
+dd loc_0044e7a1
+dd loc_0044e7a1
+ref_0044e3fb: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_0044e881
+dd loc_0044e944
+dd loc_0044ea1b
+dd loc_0044ea1b
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x50
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x64]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x68]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x70]
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jb short loc_0044e45d ; jb 0x44e45d
+jbe near loc_0044e592 ; jbe 0x44e592
+cmp eax, 0x203
+jb near loc_0044e869 ; jb 0x44e869
+jbe near loc_0044e592 ; jbe 0x44e592
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb near loc_0044eb29 ; jb 0x44eb29
+jbe near loc_0044e546 ; jbe 0x44e546
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_0044e488 ; je 0x44e488
+jmp near loc_0044eb29 ; jmp 0x44eb29
+cmp eax, 0x100
+jb short loc_0044e47a ; jb 0x44e47a
+jbe near loc_0044ea58 ; jbe 0x44ea58
+cmp eax, 0x101
+je near loc_0044ea4a ; je 0x44ea4a
+jmp near loc_0044eb29 ; jmp 0x44eb29
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je near loc_0044eacb ; je 0x44eacb
+jmp near loc_0044eb29 ; jmp 0x44eb29
+mov dword [ref_0048c5fc], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x48c5fc], 0xffffffff
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov word [ref_0048c600], bx ; mov word [0x48c600], bx
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, dx
+mov dword [ref_0048c5e4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5e4], eax
+mov eax, edx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [ref_0048c5e8], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5e8], eax
+cmp dword [ref_0048c5e4], 0xffff ; cmp dword [0x48c5e4], 0xffff
+jne short loc_0044e4f0 ; jne 0x44e4f0
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5f8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5f8]
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0xc]
+sar edx, 1
+mov ecx, 0x140
+sub ecx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c5e4], ecx ; mov dword [0x48c5e4], ecx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0xe]
+sar eax, 1
+mov edx, 0xf0
+sub edx, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048c5e8], edx ; mov dword [0x48c5e8], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e4]
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e8]
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5f8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5f8]
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0xc]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x40]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], ecx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0xe]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x40]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451e7e ; call 0x451e7e
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048c602], eax ; mov dword [0x48c602], eax
+call fcn_0044dfb4 ; call 0x44dfb4
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+jmp near loc_0044ea36 ; jmp 0x44ea36
+push 0
+push ref_00482332 ; push 0x482332
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c5e8]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c5e4]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c602] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c602]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00451edb ; call 0x451edb
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x50
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, dx
+sub esi, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; sub esi, dword [0x48c5e4]
+shr edx, 0x10
+and edx, 0xffff
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, dx
+sub ebx, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; sub ebx, dword [0x48c5e8]
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048c5fc], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5fc], eax
+jmp short loc_0044e5cc ; jmp 0x44e5cc
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c5fc] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c5fc]
+inc ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048c5fc], ecx ; mov dword [0x48c5fc], ecx
+cmp ecx, 6
+jge short loc_0044e5f4 ; jge 0x44e5f4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5fc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5fc]
+shl eax, 4
+cmp esi, dword [eax + ref_00476254] ; cmp esi, dword [eax + 0x476254]
+jl short loc_0044e5ba ; jl 0x44e5ba
+cmp ebx, dword [eax + ref_00476258] ; cmp ebx, dword [eax + 0x476258]
+jl short loc_0044e5ba ; jl 0x44e5ba
+cmp esi, dword [eax + ref_0047625c] ; cmp esi, dword [eax + 0x47625c]
+jge short loc_0044e5ba ; jge 0x44e5ba
+cmp ebx, dword [eax + ref_00476260] ; cmp ebx, dword [eax + 0x476260]
+jge short loc_0044e5ba ; jge 0x44e5ba
+cmp dword [ref_0048c5fc], 6 ; cmp dword [0x48c5fc], 6
+jge short loc_0044e60c ; jge 0x44e60c
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5fc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5fc]
+cmp eax, 5
+ja near loc_0044e586 ; ja 0x44e586
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_0044e3e3] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x44e3e3]
+xor eax, eax
+jmp short loc_0044e62f ; jmp 0x44e62f
+inc eax
+cmp eax, 8
+jge near loc_0044e586 ; jge 0x44e586
+cmp esi, 0x1a
+jl short loc_0044e625 ; jl 0x44e625
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 3
+add edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+lea ecx, [edx + 0x3a]
+cmp ebx, ecx
+jl short loc_0044e625 ; jl 0x44e625
+cmp esi, 0x5c
+jge short loc_0044e625 ; jge 0x44e625
+add edx, 0x5b
+cmp ebx, edx
+jge short loc_0044e625 ; jge 0x44e625
+mov dword [ref_00476018], eax ; mov dword [0x476018], eax
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ref_0047601c], ecx ; mov dword [0x47601c], ecx
+call fcn_0044dfb4 ; call 0x44dfb4
+jmp near loc_0044ea39 ; jmp 0x44ea39
+mov edx, dword [ref_00476018] ; mov edx, dword [0x476018]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_004761c4] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x4761c4]
+add edx, 8
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_004761c0] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x4761c0]
+cmp edx, ecx
+jge short loc_0044e692 ; jge 0x44e692
+mov ebp, 8
+jmp short loc_0044e69a ; jmp 0x44e69a
+mov ebp, ecx
+sub ebp, dword [eax + ref_004761c4] ; sub ebp, dword [eax + 0x4761c4]
+xor eax, eax
+cmp eax, ebp
+jge near loc_0044e586 ; jge 0x44e586
+cmp esi, 0x6c
+jl short loc_0044e6e8 ; jl 0x44e6e8
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 4
+add edx, eax
+add edx, edx
+lea ecx, [edx + 0x4e]
+cmp ebx, ecx
+jl short loc_0044e6e8 ; jl 0x44e6e8
+cmp esi, 0xc1
+jge short loc_0044e6e8 ; jge 0x44e6e8
+add edx, 0x6f
+cmp ebx, edx
+jge short loc_0044e6e8 ; jge 0x44e6e8
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00476018] ; mov ecx, dword [0x476018]
+mov edx, ecx
+shl edx, 2
+add edx, ecx
+mov edx, dword [edx*4 + ref_004761c4] ; mov edx, dword [edx*4 + 0x4761c4]
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [ref_0047601c], eax ; mov dword [0x47601c], eax
+jmp near loc_0044e65e ; jmp 0x44e65e
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_0044e69c ; jmp 0x44e69c
+mov edx, dword [ref_00476018] ; mov edx, dword [0x476018]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+cmp dword [eax*4 + ref_004761c0], 8 ; cmp dword [eax*4 + 0x4761c0], 8
+jle near loc_0044e586 ; jle 0x44e586
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5fc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5fc]
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c5e4]
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_00476254] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x476254]
+add edx, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c5e8]
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00476258] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x476258]
+add edx, ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c5e4]
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_0047625c] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x47625c]
+add edx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c5e8]
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_00476260] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x476260]
+add edx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push esi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c5fc] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c5fc]
+add edx, 4
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5f8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5f8]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+jmp near loc_0044e845 ; jmp 0x44e845
+cmp dword [ref_0048c5ec], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c5ec], 0
+je near loc_0044e586 ; je 0x44e586
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5fc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5fc]
+shl eax, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c5e4]
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00476254] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x476254]
+add edx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c5e8]
+mov ebx, dword [eax + ref_00476258] ; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x476258]
+add edx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c5e4]
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_0047625c] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x47625c]
+add edx, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c5e8]
+mov ebp, dword [eax + ref_00476260] ; mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x476260]
+add edx, ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c5fc] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c5fc]
+add edx, 6
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5f8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5f8]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+jmp near loc_0044ea3d ; jmp 0x44ea3d
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5fc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5fc]
+sub eax, 2
+cmp eax, 3
+ja near loc_0044e586 ; ja 0x44e586
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_0044e3fb] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x44e3fb]
+mov edx, dword [ref_00476018] ; mov edx, dword [0x476018]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+cmp dword [eax + ref_004761c0], 8 ; cmp dword [eax + 0x4761c0], 8
+jle near loc_0044e586 ; jle 0x44e586
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_004761c4] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x4761c4]
+test edx, edx
+jle short loc_0044e8d3 ; jle 0x44e8d3
+cmp edx, 8
+jle short loc_0044e8c0 ; jle 0x44e8c0
+sub dword [ref_0047601c], 8 ; sub dword [0x47601c], 8
+sub dword [eax + ref_004761c4], 8 ; sub dword [eax + 0x4761c4], 8
+jmp near loc_0044e65e ; jmp 0x44e65e
+sub dword [ref_0047601c], edx ; sub dword [0x47601c], edx
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [eax + ref_004761c4], ebp ; mov dword [eax + 0x4761c4], ebp
+jmp near loc_0044e65e ; jmp 0x44e65e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e4]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00476274] ; mov ecx, dword [0x476274]
+add eax, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e8]
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00476278] ; mov ebx, dword [0x476278]
+add eax, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e4]
+mov esi, dword [ref_0047627c] ; mov esi, dword [0x47627c]
+add eax, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e8]
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00476280] ; mov ebp, dword [0x476280]
+add eax, ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5f8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5f8]
+add eax, 0x3c
+jmp near loc_0044e83d ; jmp 0x44e83d
+mov edx, dword [ref_00476018] ; mov edx, dword [0x476018]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_004761c0] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x4761c0]
+cmp edx, 8
+jle near loc_0044e586 ; jle 0x44e586
+sub edx, 8
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_004761c4] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x4761c4]
+cmp edx, ecx
+jle short loc_0044e9a2 ; jle 0x44e9a2
+add ecx, 8
+cmp ecx, edx
+jge short loc_0044e989 ; jge 0x44e989
+add dword [ref_0047601c], 8 ; add dword [0x47601c], 8
+mov dword [eax + ref_004761c4], ecx ; mov dword [eax + 0x4761c4], ecx
+jmp near loc_0044e65e ; jmp 0x44e65e
+mov ecx, edx
+sub ecx, dword [eax + ref_004761c4] ; sub ecx, dword [eax + 0x4761c4]
+add dword [ref_0047601c], ecx ; add dword [0x47601c], ecx
+mov dword [eax + ref_004761c4], edx ; mov dword [eax + 0x4761c4], edx
+jmp near loc_0044e65e ; jmp 0x44e65e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e4]
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00476284] ; mov ebx, dword [0x476284]
+add eax, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e8]
+mov esi, dword [ref_00476288] ; mov esi, dword [0x476288]
+add eax, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e4]
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0047628c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x47628c]
+add eax, ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5e8]
+mov edx, dword [ref_00476290] ; mov edx, dword [0x476290]
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5f8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5f8]
+add eax, 0x48
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push esi
+jmp near loc_0044e845 ; jmp 0x44e845
+cmp dword [ref_0048c5ec], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c5ec], 0
+je near loc_0044e586 ; je 0x44e586
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5fc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5fc]
+sub eax, 4
+push eax
+call fcn_0044dd9f ; call 0x44dd9f
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+jmp near loc_0044e586 ; jmp 0x44e586
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov word [ref_0048c600], cx ; mov word [0x48c600], cx
+jmp near loc_0044e586 ; jmp 0x44e586
+cmp dword [ref_0048c5ec], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c5ec], 0
+je near loc_0044e586 ; je 0x44e586
+cmp ecx, 0x11
+jne short loc_0044ea75 ; jne 0x44ea75
+mov word [ref_0048c600], 0x1100 ; mov word [0x48c600], 0x1100
+jmp short loc_0044ea7c ; jmp 0x44ea7c
+or word [ref_0048c600], cx ; or word [0x48c600], cx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_0049719a] ; mov dx, word [0x49719a]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ref_0048c600] ; mov ax, word [0x48c600]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_0044eaa4 ; jne 0x44eaa4
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+jmp short loc_0044ea31 ; jmp 0x44ea31
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_0049719c] ; mov dx, word [0x49719c]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne near loc_0044e586 ; jne 0x44e586
+push 0
+push ref_00482322 ; push 0x482322
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 1
+jmp near loc_0044ea31 ; jmp 0x44ea31
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea edx, [esp + 0xc]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0dc]
+push ebp
+call dword [eax + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_0044e586 ; jmp 0x44e586
+push edx
+push ecx
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_0044e588 ; jmp 0x44e588
+push ebx
+push edi
+push ebp
+push ref_00466096 ; push 0x466096
+call fcn_004502fe ; call 0x4502fe
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048c5f4], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5f4], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048c5f8], eax ; mov dword [0x48c5f8], eax
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x101010
+push 0xc
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0047601c], edx ; mov dword [0x47601c], edx
+mov dword [ref_00476018], edx ; mov dword [0x476018], edx
+mov ebx, 0xffffffff
+mov dword [ref_00476024], ebx ; mov dword [0x476024], ebx
+mov dword [ref_00476020], ebx ; mov dword [0x476020], ebx
+xor ebx, ebx
+push 2
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, 0x49
+push eax
+push 0x3b
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+mov edi, dword [eax*4 + ref_004761b4] ; mov edi, dword [eax*4 + 0x4761b4]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c5f8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c5f8]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 8
+jl short loc_0044eb9b ; jl 0x44eb9b
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+shl eax, 0x10
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+and edx, 0xffff
+or eax, edx
+push eax
+push fcn_0044e40b ; push 0x44e40b
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c5f8] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c5f8]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_004762b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4762b4]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0044ec1d ; je 0x44ec1d
+push eax
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ref_004762b4], ecx ; mov dword [0x4762b4], ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c5f4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c5f4]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450404 ; call 0x450404
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+mov dword [ref_004762bc], eax ; mov dword [0x4762bc], eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov dword [ref_0048c624], edx ; mov dword [0x48c624], edx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov dword [ref_0048c620], edx ; mov dword [0x48c620], edx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov dword [ref_0048c618], edx ; mov dword [0x48c618], edx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov dword [ref_0048c62c], edx ; mov dword [0x48c62c], edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 4]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 8]
+sub ecx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c608], ecx ; mov dword [0x48c608], ecx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 6]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+sub ecx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c60c], ecx ; mov dword [0x48c60c], ecx
+movsx ecx, word [eax]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c608] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c608]
+add edx, ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048c610], edx ; mov dword [0x48c610], edx
+movsx eax, word [eax + 2]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c60c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c60c]
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c614], eax ; mov dword [0x48c614], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov dword [ref_0048c61c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c61c], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov dword [ref_0048c628], eax ; mov dword [0x48c628], eax
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+cmp dword [ref_004762bc], 0 ; cmp dword [0x4762bc], 0
+je near loc_0044ee13 ; je 0x44ee13
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_004762c0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x4762c0]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_0044ecfa ; je 0x44ecfa
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_004762bc] ; mov eax, dword [0x4762bc]
+movsx edx, word [eax + 2]
+push edx
+movsx eax, word [eax]
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c60c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c60c]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c608] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c608]
+push edi
+push 0
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_00451a97 ; call 0x451a97
+add esp, 0x18
+mov dword [ref_004762c0], eax ; mov dword [0x4762c0], eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c620] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c620]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c624] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c624]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_004762bc] ; mov edx, dword [0x4762bc]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c628] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c628]
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0044ed65 ; je 0x44ed65
+push 1
+push 3
+push ebx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c61c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c61c]
+push ebp
+jmp short loc_0044ed71 ; jmp 0x44ed71
+push 1
+push 2
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c61c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c61c]
+push esi
+push 0x14
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+push 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_004762bc] ; mov eax, dword [0x4762bc]
+movsx edx, word [eax + 2]
+sar edx, 1
+add edx, dword [ref_0048c60c] ; add edx, dword [0x48c60c]
+add edx, dword [ref_0048c62c] ; add edx, dword [0x48c62c]
+push edx
+movsx eax, word [eax]
+sar eax, 1
+add eax, dword [ref_0048c608] ; add eax, dword [0x48c608]
+add eax, dword [ref_0048c618] ; add eax, dword [0x48c618]
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push ebp
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push ref_0048c608 ; push 0x48c608
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+push ref_0048c608 ; push 0x48c608
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c60c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c60c]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c608] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c608]
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push ref_0048c608 ; push 0x48c608
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+call dword [cs:__imp__timeGetTime@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46246c]
+mov dword [ref_004762c4], eax ; mov dword [0x4762c4], eax
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+cmp dword [ref_004762c4], 0 ; cmp dword [0x4762c4], 0
+je near loc_0044ef2a ; je 0x44ef2a
+test byte [esp + 0x14], 1
+je short loc_0044ee3f ; je 0x44ee3f
+call fcn_00454493 ; call 0x454493
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [ref_004762c4], ebp ; mov dword [0x4762c4], ebp
+jmp short loc_0044ee83 ; jmp 0x44ee83
+call dword [cs:__imp__timeGetTime@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46246c]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_004762c4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x4762c4]
+sub eax, ecx
+cmp eax, 0x7d0
+jb short loc_0044ee5f ; jb 0x44ee5f
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [ref_004762c4], esi ; mov dword [0x4762c4], esi
+jmp short loc_0044ee63 ; jmp 0x44ee63
+test ecx, ecx
+jne short loc_0044ee76 ; jne 0x44ee76
+cmp byte [ref_0049715b], 0 ; cmp byte [0x49715b], 0
+je short loc_0044ee76 ; je 0x44ee76
+call fcn_004544b9 ; call 0x4544b9
+mov dword [ref_004762c4], eax ; mov dword [0x4762c4], eax
+cmp dword [ref_004762c4], 0 ; cmp dword [0x4762c4], 0
+jne near loc_0044ef34 ; jne 0x44ef34
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c60c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c60c]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c608] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c608]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_004762c0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x4762c0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov esi, dword [ref_004762c0] ; mov esi, dword [0x4762c0]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [ref_004762c0], edi ; mov dword [0x4762c0], edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push edi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+test byte [esp + 0x14], 2
+jne short loc_0044ef2a ; jne 0x44ef2a
+push ref_0048c608 ; push 0x48c608
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+push ref_0048c608 ; push 0x48c608
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ebp
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c60c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c60c]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c608] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c608]
+push ebx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push ref_0048c608 ; push 0x48c608
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, 1
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+xor eax, eax
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_004762c4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4762c4]
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+mov edx, 1
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_004762c8] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x4762c8]
+je near loc_0044f228 ; je 0x44f228
+mov dword [ref_004762c8], ebx ; mov dword [0x4762c8], ebx
+test byte [esp + 0x25], 0x80
+je short loc_0044ef74 ; je 0x44ef74
+xor edx, edx
+and dword [esp + 0x24], 0x7fff
+imul eax, dword [esp + 0x24], 0x68
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9b], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9b], 0
+jne near loc_0044f228 ; jne 0x44f228
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9f], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9f], 0
+jne near loc_0044f228 ; jne 0x44f228
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00496b9e], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x496b9e], 0
+jne near loc_0044f228 ; jne 0x44f228
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_0044efc5 ; je 0x44efc5
+push 0
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + ref_00496b72] ; mov dx, word [eax + 0x496b72]
+push edx
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x496b70]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0x101010
+push 0x10
+call fcn_0044f9d8 ; call 0x44f9d8
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+push 0xdc
+push 0x1b8
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_00451a97 ; call 0x451a97
+add esp, 0x18
+mov edi, eax
+push 0x82
+push 0xdc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad8]
+add eax, 0x54
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0x82
+push 0xaa
+imul eax, dword [esp + 0x2c], 0x34
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_00498eb0] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x498eb0]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+inc edx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add ecx, 0xc
+add eax, ecx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_0044f157 ; je 0x44f157
+cmp byte [ebx], 0x23
+jne short loc_0044f088 ; jne 0x44f088
+mov esi, 5
+jmp short loc_0044f08a ; jmp 0x44f08a
+xor esi, esi
+lea edx, [ebx + esi]
+cmp byte [edx], 0x40
+jne near loc_0044f140 ; jne 0x44f140
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edx + 1]
+lea ecx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+add eax, eax
+mov dl, byte [edx + 2]
+and edx, 0xff
+sub edx, 0x30
+add eax, edx
+push 0x82
+push 0xf0
+lea edx, [eax - 1]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048bad4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48bad4]
+add eax, 0xc
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456418 ; call 0x456418
+add esp, 0x10
+cmp esi, 5
+jne short loc_0044f157 ; jne 0x44f157
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 1]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov ecx, eax
+shl ecx, 2
+add ecx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 2]
+sub eax, 0x30
+imul eax, eax, 0x64
+add ecx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 3]
+lea edx, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+add eax, eax
+add ecx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 4]
+sub eax, 0x30
+add eax, ecx
+push eax
+call fcn_0045441a ; call 0x45441a
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0044f157 ; jmp 0x44f157
+push 5
+push 0x82
+push 0xc8
+push ebx
+push 0
+call fcn_0044fabc ; call 0x44fabc
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [esp], eax
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0x28
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x1b8
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x104
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push esi
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push 0x3e8
+call fcn_004544f6 ; call 0x4544f6
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0xdc
+push 0x1b8
+push 0
+push 0
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push eax
+push edi
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+cmp edx, 0x64
+jle short loc_0044f262 ; jle 0x44f262
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov ebp, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_0048084a] ; mov ebp, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x48084a]
+push ebp
+jmp short loc_0044f2b2 ; jmp 0x44f2b2
+cmp edx, 0x32
+jle short loc_0044f292 ; jle 0x44f292
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, eax
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and eax, 1
+mov edi, dword [ebx + eax*4 + ref_0048084a] ; mov edi, dword [ebx + eax*4 + 0x48084a]
+push edi
+jmp short loc_0044f2b2 ; jmp 0x44f2b2
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_0044f2bd ; je 0x44f2bd
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_00480852] ; mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x480852]
+push ecx
+push 0
+push esi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+imul eax, esi, 0x68
+cmp edx, 6
+jle short loc_0044f2f4 ; jle 0x44f2f4
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov ebp, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_00480856] ; mov ebp, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x480856]
+push ebp
+jmp short loc_0044f344 ; jmp 0x44f344
+cmp edx, 3
+jle short loc_0044f324 ; jle 0x44f324
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, eax
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and eax, 1
+mov edi, dword [ebx + eax*4 + ref_00480856] ; mov edi, dword [ebx + eax*4 + 0x480856]
+push edi
+jmp short loc_0044f344 ; jmp 0x44f344
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_0044f34f ; je 0x44f34f
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_0048085e] ; mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x48085e]
+push ecx
+push 2
+push esi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8], 0x2328 ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8], 0x2328
+imul edx, esi, 0x68
+cmp ebx, eax
+jl short loc_0044f396 ; jl 0x44f396
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x496b7b]
+and edx, 0xff
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov ebp, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_00480862] ; mov ebp, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x480862]
+push ebp
+jmp near loc_0044f41d ; jmp 0x44f41d
+mov ecx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ecx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, ecx
+shl eax, 3
+cmp ebx, eax
+jl short loc_0044f3e3 ; jl 0x44f3e3
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x496b7b]
+and edx, 0xff
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, eax
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and eax, 1
+mov edi, dword [ebx + eax*4 + ref_00480862] ; mov edi, dword [ebx + eax*4 + 0x480862]
+push edi
+jmp short loc_0044f41d ; jmp 0x44f41d
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, ecx
+shl eax, 4
+mov ecx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+cmp ebx, eax
+jl short loc_0044f428 ; jl 0x44f428
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x496b7b]
+and edx, 0xff
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_0048086a] ; mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x48086a]
+push ecx
+push 3
+push esi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8], 0x2328 ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8], 0x2328
+imul edx, esi, 0x68
+cmp ebx, eax
+jl short loc_0044f46c ; jl 0x44f46c
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x496b7b]
+and edx, 0xff
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov ebp, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_0048086e] ; mov ebp, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x48086e]
+push ebp
+jmp short loc_0044f4dd ; jmp 0x44f4dd
+mov ecx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ecx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, ecx
+shl eax, 3
+cmp ebx, eax
+jl short loc_0044f4b9 ; jl 0x44f4b9
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x496b7b]
+and edx, 0xff
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, eax
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and eax, 1
+mov edi, dword [ebx + eax*4 + ref_0048086e] ; mov edi, dword [ebx + eax*4 + 0x48086e]
+push edi
+jmp short loc_0044f4dd ; jmp 0x44f4dd
+test ebx, ebx
+jle short loc_0044f4e8 ; jle 0x44f4e8
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x496b7b]
+and edx, 0xff
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_00480876] ; mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x480876]
+push ecx
+push 2
+push esi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push edi
+push ebp
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push edx
+call fcn_0040d2d3 ; call 0x40d2d3
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+jne short loc_0044f561 ; jne 0x44f561
+mov edx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+cmp eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+jg short loc_0044f561 ; jg 0x44f561
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+test al, 1
+je short loc_0044f561 ; je 0x44f561
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+imul eax, edi, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov ebp, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_00480892] ; mov ebp, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x480892]
+push ebp
+push 1
+push edi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+imul eax, dword [ref_004990e8], 0x2328 ; imul eax, dword [0x4990e8], 0x2328
+imul edx, esi, 0x68
+cmp ebx, eax
+jl short loc_0044f5a6 ; jl 0x44f5a6
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x496b7b]
+and edx, 0xff
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov ebp, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_0048087a] ; mov ebp, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x48087a]
+push ebp
+jmp short loc_0044f617 ; jmp 0x44f617
+mov ecx, dword [ref_004990e8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x4990e8]
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ecx
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, ecx
+shl eax, 3
+cmp ebx, eax
+jl short loc_0044f5f3 ; jl 0x44f5f3
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x496b7b]
+and edx, 0xff
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+add ebx, eax
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+and eax, 1
+mov edi, dword [ebx + eax*4 + ref_0048087a] ; mov edi, dword [ebx + eax*4 + 0x48087a]
+push edi
+jmp short loc_0044f617 ; jmp 0x44f617
+test ebx, ebx
+jle short loc_0044f622 ; jle 0x44f622
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x496b7b]
+and edx, 0xff
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_00480882] ; mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x480882]
+push ecx
+push 3
+push esi
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov esi, 1
+xor edi, edi
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00498e84] ; mov ebx, dword [0x498e84]
+add ebx, 0x34
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00498e98] ; cmp esi, dword [0x498e98]
+jg short loc_0044f66a ; jg 0x44f66a
+lea eax, [ebx + 4]
+push eax
+push ebp
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0044f667 ; jne 0x44f667
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x19]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49910c]
+inc edx
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_0044f667 ; jne 0x44f667
+inc edi
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0044f63c ; jmp 0x44f63c
+cmp edi, 3
+jl near loc_0044f6e7 ; jl 0x44f6e7
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_0044f6b8 ; je 0x44f6b8
+call fcn_00456f2d ; call 0x456f2d
+mov edx, eax
+mov ebx, 3
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_0044f6e7 ; jne 0x44f6e7
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ebp, 0x68
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_0048088e] ; mov ecx, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x48088e]
+push ecx
+push 0
+push ebp
+jmp short loc_0044f6df ; jmp 0x44f6df
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0049910c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x49910c]
+imul eax, ebx, 0x68
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_00496b7b] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x496b7b]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov edx, eax
+mov esi, dword [edx + eax*8 + ref_0048088a] ; mov esi, dword [edx + eax*8 + 0x48088a]
+push esi
+push ecx
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044ef41 ; call 0x44ef41
+add esp, 0xc
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000200
+dd 0x000000c8
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000200
+dd 0x000000c8
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xc
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov esi, 0x2710
+mov ebp, esi
+mov edx, 0xffffd8f0
+mov dword [esp + 8], edx
+mov edi, edx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 4], ecx
+xor edx, edx
+cmp edx, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+jge short loc_0044f77f ; jge 0x44f77f
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+cmp eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+jge short loc_0044f774 ; jge 0x44f774
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 4]
+add ecx, eax
+add ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp], ecx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+add ecx, dword [esp]
+cmp word [ecx], 0
+je short loc_0044f771 ; je 0x44f771
+cmp esi, eax
+jle short loc_0044f75b ; jle 0x44f75b
+mov esi, eax
+cmp ebp, edx
+jle short loc_0044f761 ; jle 0x44f761
+mov ebp, edx
+cmp eax, dword [esp + 8]
+jle short loc_0044f76b ; jle 0x44f76b
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+cmp edi, edx
+jge short loc_0044f771 ; jge 0x44f771
+mov edi, edx
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_0044f738 ; jmp 0x44f738
+add dword [esp + 4], 0x200
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_0044f731 ; jmp 0x44f731
+cmp esi, 0x2710
+jne short loc_0044f7a8 ; jne 0x44f7a8
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov dword [eax], 0
+mov dword [eax + 4], 0
+mov dword [eax + 8], 0
+mov dword [eax + 0xc], 0
+jmp short loc_0044f7bf ; jmp 0x44f7bf
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov dword [eax], esi
+mov dword [eax + 4], ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov dword [edx + 8], eax
+mov dword [edx + 0xc], edi
+add esp, 0xc
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x20]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov eax, dword [ref_004762d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4762d4]
+add eax, dword [ref_004762dc] ; add eax, dword [0x4762dc]
+test byte [ref_004762d8], 6 ; test byte [0x4762d8], 6
+je short loc_0044f7f3 ; je 0x44f7f3
+inc eax
+mov dword [esp], eax
+mov dh, byte [ebx]
+test dh, dh
+je short loc_0044f826 ; je 0x44f826
+test dh, 0x80
+je short loc_0044f813 ; je 0x44f813
+push 2
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__TextOutA@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622c4]
+add ebx, 2
+jmp short loc_0044f821 ; jmp 0x44f821
+push 1
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__TextOutA@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622c4]
+inc ebx
+add esi, dword [esp]
+jmp short loc_0044f7f6 ; jmp 0x44f7f6
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x53
+db 0x56
+dd 0xec835557
+dd 0x24448b0c
+dd 0x08408b24
+dd 0x24244c8b
+dd 0xd029118b
+dd 0x24448940
+dd 0x0c418b08
+dd 0x8d04412b
+dd 0x748b0178
+dd 0x048d0824
+dd 0x00c83d32
+dd 0x0b7e0000
+dd 0x0000c8b8
+dd 0x89d02900
+dd 0x8b082444
+dd 0x0f082444
+dd 0xc001c7af
+dd 0x7706e850
+dd 0xc4830000
+dd 0x89c68904
+dd 0x8b042444
+dd 0x8b242444
+dd 0xe0c10c40
+dd 0x244c8b09
+dd 0x8d118b24
+dd 0xc901100c
+dd 0x20244c03
+dd 0x6c3bed31
+dd 0x257d0824
+dd 0xc031cb89
+dd 0x177df839
+dd 0x66138b66
+dd 0xc7661689
+dd 0x83000003
+dd 0xeb8102c6
+dd 0x00000400
+dd 0x83e5eb40
+dd 0xeb4502c1
+dd 0x24448bd5
+dd 0x04408b24
+dd 0x8b09e0c1
+dd 0x0324244c
+dd 0x8bc00101
+dd 0x0120245c
+dd 0x24748bc3
+dd 0x3bed3104
+dd 0x7d08246c
+dd 0x3f048d1d
+dd 0x50240489
+dd 0xede85356
+dd 0x83000074
+dd 0xc3810cc4
+dd 0x00000400
+dd 0x45243403
+dd 0x448bddeb
+dd 0x38032424
+dd 0x0878894f
+dd 0x0304408b
+dd 0x48082444
+dd 0x24244c8b
+dd 0x8b0c4189
+dd 0x56042474
+dd 0x0074e4e8
+dd 0x04c48300
+dd 0xfffe8ae9
+db 0xff
+push edi
+mov dword [ref_0048a06c], 7 ; mov dword [0x48a06c], 7
+mov dword [ref_0048a0d0], 0x840 ; mov dword [0x48a0d0], 0x840
+mov dword [ref_0048a074], 0x200 ; mov dword [0x48a074], 0x200
+mov dword [ref_0048a070], 0xc8 ; mov dword [0x48a070], 0xc8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0d8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0d8]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push ref_004762cc ; push 0x4762cc
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x18] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_004762cc] ; mov eax, dword [0x4762cc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x32000
+push 0
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_004762cc] ; mov eax, dword [0x4762cc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+pop edi
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_004762d0] ; mov edx, dword [0x4762d0]
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_0044f9c6 ; je 0x44f9c6
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__DeleteObject@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462298]
+mov ebx, dword [ref_004762cc] ; mov ebx, dword [0x4762cc]
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0044f9d6 ; je 0x44f9d6
+mov edx, dword [ebx]
+push ebx
+call dword [edx + 8] ; ucall
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov eax, edx
+and eax, 0xff
+shl eax, 0x10
+mov ebx, edx
+and ebx, 0xff00
+or ebx, eax
+mov eax, edx
+and eax, 0xff0000
+shr eax, 0x10
+or ebx, eax
+mov dword [ref_004762e0], ebx ; mov dword [0x4762e0], ebx
+mov eax, ecx
+and eax, 0xff
+shl eax, 0x10
+mov ebx, ecx
+and ebx, 0xff00
+or ebx, eax
+mov eax, ecx
+and eax, 0xff0000
+shr eax, 0x10
+or ebx, eax
+mov dword [ref_004762e4], ebx ; mov dword [0x4762e4], ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov dword [ref_004762d8], eax ; mov dword [0x4762d8], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov dword [ref_004762dc], eax ; mov dword [0x4762dc], eax
+test byte [esp + 0x14], 2
+je short loc_0044fa4d ; je 0x44fa4d
+mov ebx, 0x2bc
+jmp short loc_0044fa52 ; jmp 0x44fa52
+mov ebx, 0x190
+mov edx, dword [ref_004762d0] ; mov edx, dword [0x4762d0]
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_0044fa64 ; je 0x44fa64
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__DeleteObject@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462298]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+mov dword [ref_004762d4], eax ; mov dword [0x4762d4], eax
+push ref_004660a0 ; push 0x4660a0
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x88
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebx
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+neg eax
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__CreateFontA@56] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46228c]
+mov dword [ref_004762d0], eax ; mov dword [0x4762d0], eax
+pop ebx
+db 0x8d
+db 0x40
+db 0x00
+ref_0044faa0: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_0044ff21
+dd loc_0044ff2a
+dd loc_0044ff2a
+dd loc_0044ff2a
+dd loc_0044ff35
+dd loc_0044ff42
+dd loc_0044ff4b
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x90
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xa8]
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xb4]
+lea edi, [esp + 0x6c]
+mov esi, ref_0044f6ec ; mov esi, 0x44f6ec
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+lea edi, [esp + 0x7c]
+mov esi, ref_0044f6fc ; mov esi, 0x44f6fc
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_0045005a ; je 0x45005a
+mov ah, byte [ebx]
+test ah, ah
+je near loc_0045005a ; je 0x45005a
+cmp ah, 0x23
+jne short loc_0044fb59 ; jne 0x44fb59
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 1]
+lea esi, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, esi
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+add edx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 2]
+sub eax, 0x30
+imul eax, eax, 0x64
+add edx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 3]
+lea esi, [eax - 0x30]
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, esi
+add eax, eax
+add edx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 4]
+sub eax, 0x30
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+call fcn_0045441a ; call 0x45441a
+add esp, 4
+add ebx, 5
+mov eax, dword [ref_004762cc] ; mov eax, dword [0x4762cc]
+mov esi, dword [eax]
+lea edx, [esp + 0x8c]
+push edx
+push eax
+call dword [esi + 0x44] ; ucall
+mov edx, dword [ref_004762d0] ; mov edx, dword [0x4762d0]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x90]
+push ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__SelectObject@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622b4]
+push 1
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x90]
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetBkMode@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622b8]
+mov eax, dword [ref_004762dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x4762dc]
+dec eax
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x90]
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTextCharacterExtra@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622bc]
+push 0x400
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045825d ; call 0x45825d
+add esp, 4
+push eax
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__DrawTextA@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e4]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x84]
+add edx, 0xa
+mov dword [esp + 0x84], edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x88]
+add ecx, 0xa
+mov dword [esp + 0x88], ecx
+cmp ebp, 3
+jne short loc_0044fc07 ; jne 0x44fc07
+mov dword [esp + 0x84], ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x88], edx
+jmp short loc_0044fc31 ; jmp 0x44fc31
+cmp ebp, 4
+je short loc_0044fc11 ; je 0x44fc11
+cmp ebp, 7
+jne short loc_0044fc31 ; jne 0x44fc31
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x84]
+sar eax, 1
+mov edx, 0x100
+sub edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x7c], edx
+add eax, 0x100
+mov dword [esp + 0x84], eax
+mov dh, byte [ref_004762d8] ; mov dh, byte [0x4762d8]
+test dh, 1
+je near loc_0044fccc ; je 0x44fccc
+mov esi, dword [ref_004762e4] ; mov esi, dword [0x4762e4]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x90]
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTextColor@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622c0]
+mov eax, 1
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], eax
+cmp ebp, 4
+jb short loc_0044fc71 ; jb 0x44fc71
+jbe short loc_0044fc8e ; jbe 0x44fc8e
+cmp ebp, 7
+je short loc_0044fc8e ; je 0x44fc8e
+jmp short loc_0044fcad ; jmp 0x44fcad
+cmp ebp, 3
+jne short loc_0044fcad ; jne 0x44fcad
+push ebx
+push eax
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push edi
+call fcn_0044f7c7 ; call 0x44f7c7
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_0044fe09 ; jmp 0x44fe09
+push 1
+lea eax, [esp + 0x70]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045825d ; call 0x45825d
+add esp, 4
+push eax
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+push ecx
+jmp near loc_0044fe02 ; jmp 0x44fe02
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x70]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045825d ; call 0x45825d
+add esp, 4
+push eax
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+push esi
+jmp near loc_0044fe02 ; jmp 0x44fe02
+test dh, 4
+je near loc_0044fe09 ; je 0x44fe09
+mov esi, dword [ref_004762e4] ; mov esi, dword [0x4762e4]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x90]
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTextColor@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622c0]
+cmp ebp, 3
+jne short loc_0044fd41 ; jne 0x44fd41
+push ebx
+push 0
+push 1
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push edi
+call fcn_0044f7c7 ; call 0x44f7c7
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 2
+push 1
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push eax
+call fcn_0044f7c7 ; call 0x44f7c7
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push edx
+call fcn_0044f7c7 ; call 0x44f7c7
+add esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 2
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push ecx
+jmp near loc_0044fc81 ; jmp 0x44fc81
+cmp ebp, 4
+je short loc_0044fd4b ; je 0x44fd4b
+cmp ebp, 7
+jne short loc_0044fd52 ; jne 0x44fd52
+mov esi, 1
+jmp short loc_0044fd54 ; jmp 0x44fd54
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], 1
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], edx
+push esi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x70]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045825d ; call 0x45825d
+add esp, 4
+push eax
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+push ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__DrawTextA@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e4]
+mov edi, 1
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], edi
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], 2
+push esi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x70]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045825d ; call 0x45825d
+add esp, 4
+push eax
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__DrawTextA@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e4]
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], edi
+push esi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x70]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045825d ; call 0x45825d
+add esp, 4
+push eax
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__DrawTextA@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e4]
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], 2
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], edi
+push esi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x70]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045825d ; call 0x45825d
+add esp, 4
+push eax
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__DrawTextA@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e4]
+mov eax, dword [ref_004762e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x4762e0]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x90]
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetTextColor@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622c0]
+test byte [ref_004762d8], 4 ; test byte [0x4762d8], 4
+je short loc_0044fe36 ; je 0x44fe36
+mov edi, 1
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], edi
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], edi
+jmp short loc_0044fe40 ; jmp 0x44fe40
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x70], ecx
+cmp ebp, 4
+jb short loc_0044fe4e ; jb 0x44fe4e
+jbe short loc_0044fe70 ; jbe 0x44fe70
+cmp ebp, 7
+je short loc_0044fe70 ; je 0x44fe70
+jmp short loc_0044fe8c ; jmp 0x44fe8c
+cmp ebp, 3
+jne short loc_0044fe8c ; jne 0x44fe8c
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x74]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x74]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x98]
+push edi
+call fcn_0044f7c7 ; call 0x44f7c7
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp short loc_0044fead ; jmp 0x44fead
+push 1
+lea eax, [esp + 0x70]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045825d ; call 0x45825d
+add esp, 4
+push eax
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+push edx
+jmp short loc_0044fea6 ; jmp 0x44fea6
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x70]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045825d ; call 0x45825d
+add esp, 4
+push eax
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x9c]
+push ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__DrawTextA@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e4]
+mov eax, dword [ref_004762cc] ; mov eax, dword [0x4762cc]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+push edx
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x68] ; ucall
+mov dword [esp], 0x6c
+mov eax, dword [ref_004762cc] ; mov eax, dword [0x4762cc]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+lea edx, [esp + 8]
+push edx
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x64] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x80]
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0044f70c ; call 0x44f70c
+add esp, 0xc
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x74]
+sub esi, dword [esp + 0x6c]
+inc esi
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x78]
+sub ebx, dword [esp + 0x70]
+inc ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov dword [ref_004762f0], eax ; mov dword [0x4762f0], eax
+lea eax, [ebp - 1]
+cmp eax, 6
+ja short loc_0044ff5d ; ja 0x44ff5d
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_0044faa0] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x44faa0]
+sub dword [esp + 0xac], esi
+jmp short loc_0044ff5d ; jmp 0x44ff5d
+mov eax, esi
+sar eax, 1
+sub dword [esp + 0xac], eax
+mov eax, ebx
+sar eax, 1
+sub dword [esp + 0xb0], eax
+jmp short loc_0044ff5d ; jmp 0x44ff5d
+sub dword [esp + 0xac], esi
+jmp short loc_0044ff35 ; jmp 0x44ff35
+mov eax, esi
+sar eax, 1
+sub dword [esp + 0xac], eax
+sub dword [esp + 0xb0], ebx
+test byte [ref_004762d8], 8 ; test byte [0x4762d8], 8
+je short loc_0044ffcc ; je 0x44ffcc
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xa4]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_0044ffa3 ; jne 0x44ffa3
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x78]
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x78]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xc0]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc0]
+push eax
+push ref_004762e8 ; push 0x4762e8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004564e6 ; call 0x4564e6
+jmp near loc_0045002c ; jmp 0x45002c
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x78]
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x78]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xc0]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc0]
+push eax
+push ref_004762e8 ; push 0x4762e8
+push edx
+call fcn_00456356 ; call 0x456356
+jmp short loc_0045002c ; jmp 0x45002c
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xa4]
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00450005 ; jne 0x450005
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x78]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x78]
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xc0]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xc0]
+push ebp
+push ref_004762e8 ; push 0x4762e8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456495 ; call 0x456495
+jmp short loc_0045002c ; jmp 0x45002c
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x78]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x78]
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xc0]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xc0]
+push ebp
+push ref_004762e8 ; push 0x4762e8
+push eax
+call fcn_00456328 ; call 0x456328
+add esp, 0x20
+push 0
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x7c]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x7c]
+push ebx
+push ref_004762e8 ; push 0x4762e8
+call fcn_004561be ; call 0x4561be
+add esp, 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_004762cc] ; mov eax, dword [0x4762cc]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x80] ; ucall
+add esp, 0x90
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x41
+db 0x3a
+db 0x5c
+db 0x00
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push ref_004660a8 ; push 0x4660a8
+push ebx
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_004500c5 ; jne 0x4500c5
+mov esi, dword [ebx + 0x14]
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+add eax, ebx
+add eax, 0x200
+mov dword [ebx + 0x14], eax
+mov eax, 1
+cmp eax, dword [ebx + 4]
+jge short loc_004500c5 ; jge 0x4500c5
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+sub edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+lea ecx, [ebx + edx]
+mov ebp, dword [ecx + 0x14]
+lea edi, [eax - 1]
+mov edx, edi
+shl edx, 2
+sub edx, edi
+mov edi, dword [ebx + edx*4 + 0x14]
+add esi, edi
+mov dword [ecx + 0x14], esi
+mov esi, ebp
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_00450098 ; jmp 0x450098
+push ref_004660ac ; push 0x4660ac
+push ebx
+call fcn_00458370 ; call 0x458370
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00450115 ; jne 0x450115
+mov esi, dword [ebx + 0x14]
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+lea edx, [ebx + eax]
+mov dword [ebx + 0x14], edx
+mov eax, 1
+cmp eax, dword [ebx + 4]
+jge short loc_00450115 ; jge 0x450115
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+sub edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+lea ecx, [ebx + edx]
+mov ebp, dword [ecx + 0x14]
+lea edi, [eax - 1]
+mov edx, edi
+shl edx, 2
+sub edx, edi
+mov edi, dword [ebx + edx*4 + 0x14]
+add esi, edi
+mov dword [ecx + 0x14], esi
+mov esi, ebp
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_004500e8 ; jmp 0x4500e8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x44
+mov eax, dword [ref_00450065] ; mov eax, dword [0x450065]
+mov dword [esp + 0x3c], eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], edx
+xor ebp, ebp
+jmp short loc_00450142 ; jmp 0x450142
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x40]
+inc ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], ecx
+cmp ecx, 0x1a
+jge short loc_00450168 ; jge 0x450168
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x40]
+add al, 0x41
+mov byte [esp + 0x3c], al
+lea eax, [esp + 0x3c]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetDriveTypeA@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462394]
+cmp eax, 2
+je short loc_00450134 ; je 0x450134
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x3c]
+mov byte [esp + ebp + 0x20], al
+inc ebp
+jmp short loc_00450134 ; jmp 0x450134
+test ebp, ebp
+jne short loc_00450187 ; jne 0x450187
+push 0x10
+push ref_004660b0 ; push 0x4660b0
+push ref_004660b5 ; push 0x4660b5
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__MessageBoxA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462308]
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_004502f6 ; jmp 0x4502f6
+push ref_004660c4 ; push 0x4660c4
+push ref_004660c7 ; push 0x4660c7
+call fcn_004573bf ; call 0x4573bf
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_00450234 ; jne 0x450234
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, ebp
+jge short loc_004501ff ; jge 0x4501ff
+cmp dword [esp + 0x40], 0
+jne short loc_004501ff ; jne 0x4501ff
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + ebx + 0x20]
+push eax
+push ref_004660d0 ; push 0x4660d0
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push ref_004660c4 ; push 0x4660c4
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_004573bf ; call 0x4573bf
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_004501fc ; je 0x4501fc
+mov dl, byte [esp + ebx + 0x20]
+mov byte [ref_00476374], dl ; mov byte [0x476374], dl
+push eax
+call fcn_004578c5 ; call 0x4578c5
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 1
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_004501a7 ; jmp 0x4501a7
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x40]
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00450224 ; jne 0x450224
+push 0x15
+push ref_004660b0 ; push 0x4660b0
+push ref_004660dd ; push 0x4660dd
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__MessageBoxA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462308]
+cmp eax, 4
+jne near loc_00450180 ; jne 0x450180
+cmp dword [esp + 0x40], 0
+je near loc_004501a5 ; je 0x4501a5
+jmp near loc_004502f1 ; jmp 0x4502f1
+push eax
+call fcn_004578c5 ; call 0x4578c5
+add esp, 4
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], esi
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp ebx, ebp
+jge near loc_004502c1 ; jge 0x4502c1
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x40]
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_004502c1 ; jne 0x4502c1
+mov al, byte [esp + ebx + 0x20]
+push eax
+push ref_004660f0 ; push 0x4660f0
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push ref_004660c4 ; push 0x4660c4
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_004573bf ; call 0x4573bf
+mov esi, eax
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_004502be ; je 0x4502be
+push 2
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_0045753a ; call 0x45753a
+add esp, 0xc
+push esi
+call fcn_00458532 ; call 0x458532
+mov edi, eax
+add esp, 4
+push esi
+call fcn_004578c5 ; call 0x4578c5
+add esp, 4
+cmp edi, 0x2625a00
+mov al, byte [esp + ebx + 0x20]
+mov byte [ref_00476374], al ; mov byte [0x476374], al
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], 1
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00450245 ; jmp 0x450245
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x40]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_004502e6 ; jne 0x4502e6
+push 0x15
+push ref_004660b0 ; push 0x4660b0
+push ref_004660fd ; push 0x4660fd
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__MessageBoxA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462308]
+cmp eax, 4
+jne near loc_00450180 ; jne 0x450180
+cmp dword [esp + 0x40], 0
+je near loc_00450243 ; je 0x450243
+mov eax, 1
+add esp, 0x44
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x30
+xor esi, esi
+cmp dword [ref_004762f4], 0xffffffff ; cmp dword [0x4762f4], 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_00450323 ; jne 0x450323
+push 0x80
+push esi
+push ref_004762f4 ; push 0x4762f4
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0x80
+push 3
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x80000000
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x5c]
+push ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__CreateFileA@28] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462350]
+mov edi, eax
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_00450389 ; jne 0x450389
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x44]
+push ebx
+push ref_00476374 ; push 0x476374
+push ref_00466110 ; push 0x466110
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 0x80
+push 3
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x80000000
+lea eax, [esp + 0x18]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__CreateFileA@28] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462350]
+mov edi, eax
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_004503fc ; je 0x4503fc
+mov ebx, esi
+shl ebx, 3
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + ref_004762f4] ; mov ebp, dword [ebx + 0x4762f4]
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_0045039b ; je 0x45039b
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_00450389 ; jmp 0x450389
+mov dword [ebx + ref_004762f4], edi ; mov dword [ebx + 0x4762f4], edi
+push ebp
+lea eax, [esp + 0x2c]
+push eax
+push 4
+lea eax, [esp + 0x38]
+push eax
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__ReadFile@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623ec]
+push ebp
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetFileSize@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623a0]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+mov ebp, eax
+sub ebp, edx
+push 0
+push 0
+push edx
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetFilePointer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462404]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ebx + ref_004762f8], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x4762f8], eax
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x2c]
+push eax
+push ebp
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + ref_004762f8] ; mov ebp, dword [ebx + 0x4762f8]
+push ebp
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__ReadFile@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623ec]
+mov eax, esi
+add esp, 0x30
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+shl ebx, 3
+mov edx, dword [ebx + ref_004762f4] ; mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x4762f4]
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_0045043d ; je 0x45043d
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__CloseHandle@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462348]
+mov esi, dword [ebx + ref_004762f8] ; mov esi, dword [ebx + 0x4762f8]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [ebx + ref_004762f4], edi ; mov dword [ebx + 0x4762f4], edi
+mov dword [ebx + ref_004762f8], edi ; mov dword [ebx + 0x4762f8], edi
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0x14
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x24]
+shl eax, 3
+mov esi, dword [eax + ref_004762f4] ; mov esi, dword [eax + 0x4762f4]
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_00450463 ; jne 0x450463
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_0045054e ; jmp 0x45054e
+push 0
+push 0
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x30]
+mov eax, dword [eax + ref_004762f8] ; mov eax, dword [eax + 0x4762f8]
+mov edx, dword [eax + edi*4]
+push edx
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetFilePointer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462404]
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x14]
+push eax
+push 0x10
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__ReadFile@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623ec]
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_004504a5 ; jne 0x4504a5
+mov ecx, dword [esp]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+mov edi, dword [esp]
+cmp eax, edi
+jne short loc_004504c3 ; jne 0x4504c3
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x14]
+push eax
+push edi
+push ebx
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__ReadFile@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623ec]
+jmp short loc_004504f6 ; jmp 0x4504f6
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+mov edi, eax
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x14]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+push edi
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__ReadFile@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623ec]
+push edi
+push ebx
+call fcn_00455040 ; call 0x455040
+add esp, 8
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_0045050e ; je 0x45050e
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+add eax, ebx
+push eax
+call fcn_00451801 ; call 0x451801
+add esp, 8
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x30]
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_0045051b ; je 0x45051b
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+mov dword [edi], eax
+push 3
+push ref_004660a8 ; push 0x4660a8
+push ebx
+call fcn_00458599 ; call 0x458599
+add esp, 0xc
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00450543 ; je 0x450543
+push 3
+push ref_004660ac ; push 0x4660ac
+push ebx
+call fcn_00458599 ; call 0x458599
+add esp, 0xc
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045054c ; jne 0x45054c
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450069 ; call 0x450069
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 0x14
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+xor edi, edi
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, word [ebx]
+add ebx, 2
+dec esi
+cmp esi, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00450596 ; je 0x450596
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx]
+inc ebx
+add edi, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx]
+inc ebx
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00450581 ; jne 0x450581
+mov eax, 0x100
+push eax
+push ebx
+lea eax, [edi + edi]
+add eax, ref_0048c630 ; add eax, 0x48c630
+push eax
+call fcn_0045520d ; call 0x45520d
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp short loc_00450566 ; jmp 0x450566
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x20]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ecx]
+mov dword [esp], eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 4], edx
+add ecx, 2
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+cmp eax, dword [esp]
+jge near loc_004506c0 ; jge 0x4506c0
+mov eax, edi
+mov dx, word [ecx]
+mov word [esp + 8], dx
+xor dl, dl
+and dh, 0xc0
+add ecx, 2
+cmp dx, 0xc000
+je near loc_0045068b ; je 0x45068b
+test byte [esp + 9], 0x80
+jne near loc_004506b1 ; jne 0x4506b1
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+dec ebx
+mov word [esp + 8], bx
+cmp bx, 0xffff
+je near loc_004506b1 ; je 0x4506b1
+mov dl, byte [ecx]
+mov byte [esp + 0xc], dl
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esp + 0xc]
+add edx, edx
+inc ecx
+add eax, edx
+mov dl, byte [ecx]
+mov byte [esp + 0xc], dl
+inc ecx
+cmp dl, 0x80
+jae short loc_00450640 ; jae 0x450640
+movzx esi, dl
+add esi, esi
+xor edx, edx
+cmp edx, esi
+jge short loc_004505ee ; jge 0x4505ee
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [ecx]
+mov bx, word [ebx*2 + ref_0048c630] ; mov bx, word [ebx*2 + 0x48c630]
+mov word [eax], bx
+add eax, 2
+inc ecx
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_00450626 ; jmp 0x450626
+mov dl, 0
+mov bl, byte [esp + 0xc]
+sub dl, bl
+mov byte [esp + 0xc], dl
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ecx]
+xor esi, esi
+mov si, word [edx*2 + ref_0048c630] ; mov si, word [edx*2 + 0x48c630]
+shl esi, 0x10
+inc ecx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ecx]
+mov dx, word [edx*2 + ref_0048c630] ; mov dx, word [edx*2 + 0x48c630]
+and edx, 0xffff
+inc ecx
+add esi, edx
+xor edx, edx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [esp + 0xc]
+cmp edx, ebx
+jge near loc_004505ee ; jge 0x4505ee
+mov dword [eax], esi
+add eax, 4
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_00450675 ; jmp 0x450675
+mov eax, 0x10000
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+sub eax, edx
+mov word [esp + 8], ax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, ax
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 8
+add edi, eax
+jmp near loc_004505c6 ; jmp 0x4505c6
+add edi, 0x500
+inc dword [esp + 4]
+jmp near loc_004505b9 ; jmp 0x4505b9
+add esp, 0x10
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x14
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esi]
+mov dword [esp], eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 4], edx
+add esi, 2
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+cmp eax, dword [esp]
+jge near loc_0045088c ; jge 0x45088c
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+mov bx, word [esi]
+mov word [esp + 0xc], bx
+xor bl, bl
+and bh, 0xc0
+add esi, 2
+cmp bx, 0xc000
+je near loc_0045082e ; je 0x45082e
+test byte [esp + 0xd], 0x80
+jne near loc_00450872 ; jne 0x450872
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+dec ebx
+mov word [esp + 0xc], bx
+cmp bx, 0xffff
+je near loc_00450872 ; je 0x450872
+xor bh, bh
+mov bl, byte [esi]
+add ebx, ebx
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, bx
+inc esi
+add eax, ecx
+add edx, ecx
+mov bh, byte [esi]
+inc esi
+cmp bh, 0x80
+jae short loc_0045077b ; jae 0x45077b
+movzx ebp, bh
+add ebp, ebp
+xor ecx, ecx
+cmp ecx, ebp
+jge short loc_0045071e ; jge 0x45071e
+mov bl, byte [esi]
+inc esi
+test bl, bl
+je short loc_0045076c ; je 0x45076c
+and ebx, 0xff
+mov bx, word [ebx*2 + ref_0048c630] ; mov bx, word [ebx*2 + 0x48c630]
+jmp short loc_0045076f ; jmp 0x45076f
+mov bx, word [edx]
+mov word [eax], bx
+add eax, 2
+add edx, 2
+inc ecx
+jmp short loc_00450751 ; jmp 0x450751
+mov bl, 0
+sub bl, bh
+mov bh, bl
+mov bl, byte [esi]
+inc esi
+mov cl, byte [esi]
+mov byte [esp + 0x10], cl
+inc esi
+test bl, bl
+je short loc_004507e3 ; je 0x4507e3
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_004507e3 ; je 0x4507e3
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [esp + 0x10]
+mov cx, word [ecx*2 + ref_0048c630] ; mov cx, word [ecx*2 + 0x48c630]
+mov ebp, ecx
+and ebp, 0xffff
+shl ebp, 0x10
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, bl
+mov cx, word [ecx*2 + ref_0048c630] ; mov cx, word [ecx*2 + 0x48c630]
+and ecx, 0xffff
+add ecx, ebp
+mov dword [esp + 8], ecx
+xor ecx, ecx
+movzx ebp, bh
+cmp ecx, ebp
+jge short loc_004507d9 ; jge 0x4507d9
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 8]
+mov dword [eax], ebp
+add eax, 4
+inc ecx
+jmp short loc_004507c6 ; jmp 0x4507c6
+shl ebp, 2
+add edx, ebp
+jmp near loc_0045071e ; jmp 0x45071e
+xor ecx, ecx
+movzx ebp, bh
+cmp ecx, ebp
+jge near loc_0045071e ; jge 0x45071e
+test bl, bl
+je short loc_00450801 ; je 0x450801
+movzx ebp, bl
+mov di, word [ebp*2 + ref_0048c630] ; mov di, word [ebp*2 + 0x48c630]
+jmp short loc_00450804 ; jmp 0x450804
+mov di, word [edx]
+mov word [eax], di
+cmp byte [esp + 0x10], 0
+je short loc_0045081d ; je 0x45081d
+movzx ebp, byte [esp + 0x10]
+mov di, word [ebp*2 + ref_0048c630] ; mov di, word [ebp*2 + 0x48c630]
+jmp short loc_00450821 ; jmp 0x450821
+mov di, word [edx + 2]
+mov word [eax + 2], di
+add eax, 4
+add edx, 4
+inc ecx
+jmp short loc_004507e5 ; jmp 0x4507e5
+mov eax, 0x10000
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+sub eax, edx
+mov word [esp + 0xc], ax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, ax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c864] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c864]
+imul eax, edx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x28]
+add ebx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], ebx
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 8
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x30]
+add edi, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x30], edi
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, edi
+jmp near loc_004506f8 ; jmp 0x4506f8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c864] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c864]
+add dword [esp + 0x28], eax
+add dword [esp + 0x30], 0x500
+inc dword [esp + 4]
+jmp near loc_004506e3 ; jmp 0x4506e3
+add esp, 0x14
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xc
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x20]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ecx]
+mov dword [esp], eax
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 8
+add ebp, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ecx + 2]
+mov dword [esp], eax
+xor edi, edi
+add ecx, 4
+cmp edi, dword [esp]
+jge near loc_00450962 ; jge 0x450962
+mov eax, ebp
+mov dl, byte [ecx]
+mov byte [esp + 8], dl
+inc ecx
+mov dl, byte [esp + 8]
+dec dl
+mov byte [esp + 8], dl
+cmp dl, 0xff
+je near loc_00450956 ; je 0x450956
+mov dl, byte [ecx]
+mov byte [esp + 4], dl
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esp + 4]
+add edx, edx
+inc ecx
+add eax, edx
+mov dl, byte [ecx]
+mov byte [esp + 4], dl
+inc ecx
+cmp dl, 0x80
+jae short loc_00450929 ; jae 0x450929
+xor edx, edx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [esp + 4]
+cmp edx, ebx
+jge short loc_004508d7 ; jge 0x4508d7
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [ecx]
+mov bx, word [ebx*2 + ref_0048c630] ; mov bx, word [ebx*2 + 0x48c630]
+mov word [eax], bx
+add eax, 2
+inc ecx
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_00450909 ; jmp 0x450909
+mov dl, 0
+mov bh, byte [esp + 4]
+sub dl, bh
+mov byte [esp + 4], dl
+movzx esi, byte [ecx]
+mov si, word [esi*2 + ref_0048c630] ; mov si, word [esi*2 + 0x48c630]
+xor edx, edx
+inc ecx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [esp + 4]
+cmp edx, ebx
+jge short loc_004508d7 ; jge 0x4508d7
+mov word [eax], si
+add eax, 2
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_00450943 ; jmp 0x450943
+add ebp, 0x500
+inc edi
+jmp near loc_004508c5 ; jmp 0x4508c5
+add esp, 0xc
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x28]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx]
+mov dword [esp], edx
+imul edx, dword [ref_0048c864] ; imul edx, dword [0x48c864]
+add dword [esp + 0x24], edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp]
+mov edx, ecx
+shl edx, 2
+add edx, ecx
+shl edx, 8
+add dword [esp + 0x2c], edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ebx + 2]
+mov dword [esp], edx
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [esp + 4], ebp
+add ebx, 4
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+cmp edx, dword [esp]
+jge near loc_00450a95 ; jge 0x450a95
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+mov al, byte [ebx]
+mov byte [esp + 0xc], al
+inc ebx
+mov ah, byte [esp + 0xc]
+dec ah
+mov byte [esp + 0xc], ah
+cmp ah, 0xff
+je near loc_00450a7a ; je 0x450a7a
+xor ah, ah
+mov al, byte [ebx]
+add eax, eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, ax
+inc ebx
+add esi, edx
+add edi, edx
+mov al, byte [ebx]
+inc ebx
+cmp al, 0x80
+jae short loc_00450a1d ; jae 0x450a1d
+xor edx, edx
+movzx ebp, al
+cmp edx, ebp
+jge short loc_004509c7 ; jge 0x4509c7
+mov ah, byte [ebx]
+inc ebx
+test ah, ah
+je short loc_00450a0e ; je 0x450a0e
+movzx ebp, ah
+mov cx, word [ebp*2 + ref_0048c630] ; mov cx, word [ebp*2 + 0x48c630]
+jmp short loc_00450a11 ; jmp 0x450a11
+mov cx, word [edi]
+mov word [esi], cx
+add esi, 2
+add edi, 2
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_004509f3 ; jmp 0x4509f3
+mov ah, 0
+sub ah, al
+mov al, ah
+mov ah, byte [ebx]
+inc ebx
+test ah, ah
+je short loc_00450a51 ; je 0x450a51
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, ah
+mov cx, word [ecx*2 + ref_0048c630] ; mov cx, word [ecx*2 + 0x48c630]
+xor edx, edx
+movzx ebp, al
+cmp edx, ebp
+jge short loc_00450a48 ; jge 0x450a48
+mov word [esi], cx
+add esi, 2
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_00450a3b ; jmp 0x450a3b
+add ebp, ebp
+add edi, ebp
+jmp near loc_004509c7 ; jmp 0x4509c7
+xor dh, dh
+mov dl, al
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 8], edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, al
+push edx
+push edi
+push esi
+call fcn_00456dbb ; call 0x456dbb
+add esp, 0xc
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [esp + 8]
+add esi, edx
+add edi, edx
+jmp near loc_004509c7 ; jmp 0x4509c7
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c864] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c864]
+add dword [esp + 0x24], edx
+add dword [esp + 0x2c], 0x500
+inc dword [esp + 4]
+jmp near loc_004509ab ; jmp 0x4509ab
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+xor ebp, ebp
+cmp ebp, dword [ref_0048c87c] ; cmp ebp, dword [0x48c87c]
+jge near loc_00450b32 ; jge 0x450b32
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+xor edi, edi
+inc ecx
+cmp edi, dword [ref_0048c878] ; cmp edi, dword [0x48c878]
+jge short loc_00450b24 ; jge 0x450b24
+mov dl, byte [ecx]
+mov byte [esp], dl
+inc ecx
+cmp dl, 0x80
+jbe short loc_00450afb ; jbe 0x450afb
+mov dl, 0
+mov dh, byte [esp]
+sub dl, dh
+mov byte [esp], dl
+xor edx, edx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [esp]
+cmp edx, ebx
+jge short loc_00450b1b ; jge 0x450b1b
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [ecx]
+mov bx, word [ebx*2 + ref_0048c630] ; mov bx, word [ebx*2 + 0x48c630]
+mov word [eax], bx
+add eax, 2
+inc ecx
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_00450adc ; jmp 0x450adc
+movzx esi, byte [ecx]
+mov si, word [esi*2 + ref_0048c630] ; mov si, word [esi*2 + 0x48c630]
+xor edx, edx
+inc ecx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [esp]
+cmp edx, ebx
+jge short loc_00450b1b ; jge 0x450b1b
+mov word [eax], si
+add eax, 2
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_00450b09 ; jmp 0x450b09
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esp]
+add edi, edx
+jmp short loc_00450abd ; jmp 0x450abd
+add dword [esp + 0x18], 0x500
+inc ebp
+jmp near loc_00450aaa ; jmp 0x450aaa
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xc
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x24]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp], edx
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048c87c] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48c87c]
+jge near loc_00450962 ; jge 0x450962
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x28]
+xor ebp, ebp
+inc esi
+cmp ebp, dword [ref_0048c878] ; cmp ebp, dword [0x48c878]
+jge near loc_00450c1c ; jge 0x450c1c
+mov al, byte [esi]
+mov byte [esp + 8], al
+inc esi
+cmp al, 0x80
+jbe short loc_00450bbd ; jbe 0x450bbd
+mov al, 0
+mov dl, byte [esp + 8]
+sub al, dl
+mov byte [esp + 8], al
+xor eax, eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esp + 8]
+cmp eax, edx
+jge near loc_00450c0f ; jge 0x450c0f
+mov dl, byte [esi]
+inc esi
+test dl, dl
+je short loc_00450bae ; je 0x450bae
+and edx, 0xff
+mov dx, word [edx*2 + ref_0048c630] ; mov dx, word [edx*2 + 0x48c630]
+jmp short loc_00450bb1 ; jmp 0x450bb1
+mov dx, word [edi]
+mov word [ebx], dx
+add ebx, 2
+add edi, 2
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_00450b89 ; jmp 0x450b89
+mov dl, byte [esi]
+inc esi
+test dl, dl
+je short loc_00450beb ; je 0x450beb
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, dl
+mov cx, word [ecx*2 + ref_0048c630] ; mov cx, word [ecx*2 + 0x48c630]
+xor eax, eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esp + 8]
+cmp eax, edx
+jge short loc_00450be5 ; jge 0x450be5
+mov word [ebx], cx
+add ebx, 2
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_00450bd2 ; jmp 0x450bd2
+add edx, edx
+add edi, edx
+jmp short loc_00450c0f ; jmp 0x450c0f
+xor ah, ah
+add eax, eax
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 8]
+push eax
+push edi
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456dbb ; call 0x456dbb
+add esp, 0xc
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esp + 4]
+add ebx, eax
+add edi, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 8]
+add ebp, eax
+jmp near loc_00450b64 ; jmp 0x450b64
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c864] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c864]
+add dword [esp + 0x20], eax
+add dword [esp + 0x28], 0x500
+inc dword [esp]
+jmp near loc_00450b4a ; jmp 0x450b4a
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+xor esi, esi
+cmp esi, dword [ref_0048c87c] ; cmp esi, dword [0x48c87c]
+jge near loc_00450b36 ; jge 0x450b36
+mov eax, edi
+xor ecx, ecx
+cmp ecx, dword [ref_0048c878] ; cmp ecx, dword [0x48c878]
+jge short loc_00450c70 ; jge 0x450c70
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [edx]
+mov bx, word [ebx*2 + ref_0048c630] ; mov bx, word [ebx*2 + 0x48c630]
+mov word [eax], bx
+add eax, 2
+inc edx
+inc ecx
+jmp short loc_00450c52 ; jmp 0x450c52
+add edi, 0x500
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_00450c42 ; jmp 0x450c42
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+xor edi, edi
+cmp edi, dword [ref_0048c87c] ; cmp edi, dword [0x48c87c]
+jge near loc_00450b36 ; jge 0x450b36
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+xor esi, esi
+cmp esi, dword [ref_0048c878] ; cmp esi, dword [0x48c878]
+jge short loc_00450cc6 ; jge 0x450cc6
+mov bl, byte [ecx]
+inc ecx
+test bl, bl
+je short loc_00450cb7 ; je 0x450cb7
+and ebx, 0xff
+mov bx, word [ebx*2 + ref_0048c630] ; mov bx, word [ebx*2 + 0x48c630]
+jmp short loc_00450cba ; jmp 0x450cba
+mov bx, word [edx]
+mov word [eax], bx
+add eax, 2
+add edx, 2
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_00450c98 ; jmp 0x450c98
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c864] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c864]
+add dword [esp + 0x10], eax
+add dword [esp + 0x18], 0x500
+inc edi
+jmp short loc_00450c82 ; jmp 0x450c82
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+mov dword [ref_0048c840], eax ; mov dword [0x48c840], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+mov dword [ref_0048c854], eax ; mov dword [0x48c854], eax
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+cmp word [eax + 4], 0xaf12
+je short loc_00450d0e ; je 0x450d0e
+xor eax, eax
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + 6]
+mov dword [ref_0048c86c], edx ; mov dword [0x48c86c], edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + 8]
+mov dword [ref_0048c878], edx ; mov dword [0x48c878], edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [eax + 0xa]
+mov dword [ref_0048c87c], edx ; mov dword [0x48c87c], edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c830], edi ; mov dword [0x48c830], edi
+mov dword [ref_0048c834], esi ; mov dword [0x48c834], esi
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c878] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c878]
+lea ecx, [edi + edx]
+mov dword [ref_0048c838], ecx ; mov dword [0x48c838], ecx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c87c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c87c]
+lea ecx, [esi + edx]
+mov dword [ref_0048c83c], ecx ; mov dword [0x48c83c], ecx
+mov edx, esi
+shl edx, 2
+lea ecx, [esi + edx]
+shl ecx, 8
+lea edx, [edi + edi]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c84c], ecx ; mov dword [0x48c84c], ecx
+mov edx, dword [eax + 0x10]
+mov dword [ref_0048c870], edx ; mov dword [0x48c870], edx
+add eax, 0x80
+mov dword [ref_0048c858], eax ; mov dword [0x48c858], eax
+mov dword [ref_00476378], eax ; mov dword [0x476378], eax
+mov al, bl
+and al, 1
+mov byte [ref_0048c882], al ; mov byte [0x48c882], al
+mov al, bl
+and al, 2
+mov byte [ref_0048c880], al ; mov byte [0x48c880], al
+mov al, bl
+and al, 4
+mov byte [ref_0048c883], al ; mov byte [0x48c883], al
+mov eax, ebx
+sar eax, 3
+and eax, 1
+mov byte [ref_0048c881], al ; mov byte [0x48c881], al
+test al, al
+je short loc_00450dbe ; je 0x450dbe
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [ref_0048c882], dl ; mov byte [0x48c882], dl
+mov eax, ebx
+sar eax, 8
+and eax, 0xff
+mov dword [ref_0048c844], eax ; mov dword [0x48c844], eax
+mov eax, ebx
+sar eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xff
+mov dword [ref_0048c85c], eax ; mov dword [0x48c85c], eax
+je short loc_00450e41 ; je 0x450e41
+cmp byte [ref_0048c881], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c881], 0
+jne short loc_00450df0 ; jne 0x450df0
+cmp byte [ref_0048c882], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c882], 0
+jne short loc_00450dfd ; jne 0x450dfd
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048c85c], ebx ; mov dword [0x48c85c], ebx
+jmp near loc_00450d08 ; jmp 0x450d08
+push 0x5e880
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048c868], eax ; mov dword [0x48c868], eax
+push 0x5e880
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+lea edx, [esi - 0x28]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+add eax, edi
+add eax, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048c860], eax ; mov dword [0x48c860], eax
+test ebx, 0x80000000
+je short loc_00450e9c ; je 0x450e9c
+mov dword [ref_0048c864], 0x370 ; mov dword [0x48c864], 0x370
+mov byte [ref_0048c881], 2 ; mov byte [0x48c881], 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+add eax, 0xc800
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov edx, dword [0x474938]
+push edx
+call fcn_004556e8 ; call 0x4556e8
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+jmp short loc_00450ecc ; jmp 0x450ecc
+cmp byte [ref_0048c882], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c882], 0
+je short loc_00450eb1 ; je 0x450eb1
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a060] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a060]
+mov dword [ref_0048c864], eax ; mov dword [0x48c864], eax
+jmp short loc_00450ebb ; jmp 0x450ebb
+mov dword [ref_0048c864], 0x500 ; mov dword [0x48c864], 0x500
+imul esi, dword [ref_0048c864] ; imul esi, dword [0x48c864]
+add edi, edi
+add esi, edi
+mov dword [ref_0048c848], esi ; mov dword [0x48c848], esi
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048c874], ecx ; mov dword [0x48c874], ecx
+test bl, 0xf0
+je short loc_00450eef ; je 0x450eef
+mov edx, ebx
+sar edx, 4
+and edx, 0xf
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+add eax, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048c870], eax ; mov dword [0x48c870], eax
+sar ebx, 0x18
+and ebx, 0x7f
+mov dword [ref_0048c850], ebx ; mov dword [0x48c850], ebx
+mov eax, 1
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 8
+xor edi, edi
+cmp dword [ref_00476378], 0 ; cmp dword [0x476378], 0
+je short loc_00450f23 ; je 0x450f23
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c874] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c874]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048c86c] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48c86c]
+jl short loc_00450f2a ; jl 0x450f2a
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_00451447 ; jmp 0x451447
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c881] ; mov al, byte [0x48c881]
+cmp al, 1
+jb short loc_00450f42 ; jb 0x450f42
+jbe short loc_00450fa4 ; jbe 0x450fa4
+cmp al, 2
+je near loc_00450fbb ; je 0x450fbb
+jmp near loc_00450fea ; jmp 0x450fea
+test al, al
+jne near loc_00450fea ; jne 0x450fea
+cmp byte [ref_0048c882], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c882], 0
+je short loc_00450f73 ; je 0x450f73
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push edi
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push edi
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+add edi, dword [ref_0048c84c] ; add edi, dword [0x48c84c]
+push ref_0048c830 ; push 0x48c830
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+add esi, dword [ref_0048c848] ; add esi, dword [0x48c848]
+jmp short loc_00450fea ; jmp 0x450fea
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+push edi
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push edi
+push ebx
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+jmp short loc_00450f96 ; jmp 0x450f96
+cmp byte [ref_0048c882], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c882], 0
+je short loc_00450fe4 ; je 0x450fe4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push edi
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push edi
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+add edi, dword [ref_0048c84c] ; add edi, dword [0x48c84c]
+mov esi, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov esi, dword [0x474938]
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00476378] ; mov ebx, dword [0x476378]
+mov ebp, dword [ebx]
+lea eax, [ebx + ebp]
+mov dword [ref_00476378], eax ; mov dword [0x476378], eax
+cmp word [ebx + 4], 0xf1fa
+jne short loc_00450fea ; jne 0x450fea
+mov ax, word [ebx + 6]
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp], ecx
+add ebx, 0x10
+movzx ebp, word [esp + 4]
+cmp ebp, dword [esp]
+jle near loc_00451102 ; jle 0x451102
+mov ebp, dword [ebx]
+sub ebp, 6
+mov ax, word [ebx + 4]
+add ebx, 6
+cmp byte [ref_0048c882], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c882], 0
+je near loc_004510ad ; je 0x4510ad
+mov edx, eax
+cmp ax, 0xc
+jb short loc_0045105a ; jb 0x45105a
+jbe short loc_0045108f ; jbe 0x45108f
+cmp ax, 0xf
+jb near loc_004510f8 ; jb 0x4510f8
+jbe short loc_00451099 ; jbe 0x451099
+cmp ax, 0x10
+je short loc_004510a3 ; je 0x4510a3
+jmp near loc_004510f8 ; jmp 0x4510f8
+cmp ax, 4
+jb near loc_004510f8 ; jb 0x4510f8
+jbe short loc_00451071 ; jbe 0x451071
+cmp ax, 7
+je short loc_0045107f ; je 0x45107f
+jmp near loc_004510f8 ; jmp 0x4510f8
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450555 ; call 0x450555
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_004510f8 ; jmp 0x4510f8
+push edi
+push ebx
+push esi
+call fcn_004506c7 ; call 0x4506c7
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp near loc_004510f8 ; jmp 0x4510f8
+push edi
+push ebx
+push esi
+call fcn_0045096a ; call 0x45096a
+jmp short loc_00451087 ; jmp 0x451087
+push edi
+push ebx
+push esi
+call fcn_00450b3a ; call 0x450b3a
+jmp short loc_00451087 ; jmp 0x451087
+push edi
+push ebx
+push esi
+call fcn_00450c79 ; call 0x450c79
+jmp short loc_00451087 ; jmp 0x451087
+cmp ax, 0xc
+jb short loc_004510c5 ; jb 0x4510c5
+jbe short loc_004510dc ; jbe 0x4510dc
+cmp ax, 0xf
+jb short loc_004510f8 ; jb 0x4510f8
+jbe short loc_004510e5 ; jbe 0x4510e5
+cmp ax, 0x10
+je short loc_004510ee ; je 0x4510ee
+jmp short loc_004510f8 ; jmp 0x4510f8
+cmp ax, 4
+jb short loc_004510f8 ; jb 0x4510f8
+jbe short loc_00451071 ; jbe 0x451071
+cmp ax, 7
+jne short loc_004510f8 ; jne 0x4510f8
+push ebx
+push esi
+call fcn_0045059a ; call 0x45059a
+jmp short loc_004510f5 ; jmp 0x4510f5
+push ebx
+push esi
+call fcn_00450894 ; call 0x450894
+jmp short loc_004510f5 ; jmp 0x4510f5
+push ebx
+push esi
+call fcn_00450a9d ; call 0x450a9d
+jmp short loc_004510f5 ; jmp 0x4510f5
+push ebx
+push esi
+call fcn_00450c35 ; call 0x450c35
+add esp, 8
+add ebx, ebp
+inc dword [esp]
+jmp near loc_00451012 ; jmp 0x451012
+mov al, byte [ref_0048c881] ; mov al, byte [0x48c881]
+cmp al, 1
+jb short loc_00451113 ; jb 0x451113
+jbe short loc_00451151 ; jbe 0x451151
+cmp al, 2
+je short loc_00451164 ; je 0x451164
+jmp short loc_0045117d ; jmp 0x45117d
+test al, al
+jne short loc_0045117d ; jne 0x45117d
+cmp byte [ref_0048c882], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c882], 0
+je short loc_00451131 ; je 0x451131
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [eax + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [eax + 0x80] ; ucall
+push ref_0048c830 ; push 0x48c830
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0045117d ; jmp 0x45117d
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [eax + 0x80] ; ucall
+jmp short loc_0045117d ; jmp 0x45117d
+cmp byte [ref_0048c882], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c882], 0
+je short loc_0045117d ; je 0x45117d
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c874] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c874]
+inc edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c874], edx ; mov dword [0x48c874], edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c86c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c86c]
+cmp edx, ecx
+jne short loc_004511dc ; jne 0x4511dc
+cmp byte [ref_0048c883], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c883], 0
+je short loc_004511b1 ; je 0x4511b1
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [ref_0048c874], esi ; mov dword [0x48c874], esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c858] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c858]
+mov dword [ref_00476378], eax ; mov dword [0x476378], eax
+jmp short loc_004511dc ; jmp 0x4511dc
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c844] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c844]
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_004511d7 ; je 0x4511d7
+lea ebp, [esi - 1]
+mov dword [ref_0048c844], ebp ; mov dword [0x48c844], ebp
+test ebp, ebp
+jne short loc_004511cd ; jne 0x4511cd
+mov dword [esp], ebp
+jmp short loc_004511e3 ; jmp 0x4511e3
+xor edx, ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048c874], edx ; mov dword [0x48c874], edx
+jmp short loc_004511a5 ; jmp 0x4511a5
+mov dword [esp], esi
+jmp short loc_004511e3 ; jmp 0x4511e3
+mov dword [esp], 1
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c85c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c85c]
+test ebp, ebp
+je near loc_00451376 ; je 0x451376
+cmp ebp, 0xff
+je short loc_00451205 ; je 0x451205
+cmp ebp, dword [ref_0048c874] ; cmp ebp, dword [0x48c874]
+jne near loc_00451376 ; jne 0x451376
+push ref_0048c830 ; push 0x48c830
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+add edi, dword [ref_0048c84c] ; add edi, dword [0x48c84c]
+cmp byte [ref_0048c881], 2 ; cmp byte [0x48c881], 2
+jne short loc_00451246 ; jne 0x451246
+mov esi, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov esi, dword [0x474938]
+jmp short loc_00451268 ; jmp 0x451268
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+add esi, dword [ref_0048c848] ; add esi, dword [0x48c848]
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c864] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c864]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c87c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c87c]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c878] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c878]
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c868] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c868]
+add eax, dword [ref_0048c860] ; add eax, dword [0x48c860]
+push eax
+push edi
+push esi
+call fcn_00456b3e ; call 0x456b3e
+add esp, 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x80] ; ucall
+cmp byte [ref_0048c881], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c881], 0
+jne short loc_004512bb ; jne 0x4512bb
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0040829d ; call 0x40829d
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+add edi, 0xc800
+cmp byte [ref_0048c881], 2 ; cmp byte [0x48c881], 2
+jne short loc_004512fa ; jne 0x4512fa
+mov esi, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov esi, dword [0x474938]
+jmp short loc_00451327 ; jmp 0x451327
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a060] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a060]
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+add ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+add esi, ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c864] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c864]
+push ebx
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c868] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c868]
+push ebp
+push edi
+push esi
+call fcn_00456ba5 ; call 0x456ba5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [eax + 0x80] ; ucall
+cmp byte [ref_0048c881], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c881], 0
+jne short loc_00451369 ; jne 0x451369
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push ref_0048c830 ; push 0x48c830
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c850] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c850]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_004513a1 ; je 0x4513a1
+cmp eax, dword [ref_0048c874] ; cmp eax, dword [0x48c874]
+jne short loc_004513a1 ; jne 0x4513a1
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c840] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c840]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_004513a1 ; je 0x4513a1
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048c854] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48c854]
+push ebx
+push ecx
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+cmp byte [ref_0048c881], 2 ; cmp byte [0x48c881], 2
+jne short loc_0045141a ; jne 0x45141a
+push ref_0048c830 ; push 0x48c830
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [eax + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a060] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a060]
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+add ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 3
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a08c]
+add esi, ebx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c874] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c874]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov ebp, dword [0x474938]
+push ebp
+push esi
+call fcn_00455711 ; call 0x455711
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [eax + 0x80] ; ucall
+push ref_0048c830 ; push 0x48c830
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+cmp dword [esp], 0
+jne short loc_00451444 ; jne 0x451444
+cmp dword [ref_0048c85c], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c85c], 0
+je short loc_00451444 ; je 0x451444
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c868] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c868]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_00451444 ; je 0x451444
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [ref_0048c868], esi ; mov dword [0x48c868], esi
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+add esp, 8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x20
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x40]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x40]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x40]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x40]
+push edi
+call fcn_00450ced ; call 0x450ced
+add esp, 0x10
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_00451567 ; je 0x451567
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x44]
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00451490 ; je 0x451490
+push eax
+call fcn_00454304 ; call 0x454304
+add esp, 4
+xor ebp, ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__timeGetTime@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46246c]
+mov edi, eax
+call fcn_00450f04 ; call 0x450f04
+mov dword [esp + 0x1c], eax
+cmp dword [esp + 0x44], 0xffffffff
+je short loc_004514b7 ; je 0x4514b7
+test ebp, ebp
+jne short loc_004514b7 ; jne 0x4514b7
+call fcn_0045434f ; call 0x45434f
+mov ebp, 1
+call dword [cs:__imp__timeGetTime@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46246c]
+mov esi, eax
+sub esi, edi
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__PeekMessageA@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46230c]
+cmp byte [ref_0048c880], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c880], 0
+je short loc_004514fd ; je 0x4514fd
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+cmp eax, 0x202
+je short loc_004514f8 ; je 0x4514f8
+cmp eax, 0x205
+je short loc_004514f8 ; je 0x4514f8
+cmp eax, 0x101
+jne short loc_004514fd ; jne 0x4514fd
+mov ebx, 1
+cmp dword [esp + 4], 0x3b9
+jne short loc_00451513 ; jne 0x451513
+cmp dword [esp + 8], 1
+jne short loc_00451513 ; jne 0x451513
+call fcn_00454d2c ; call 0x454d2c
+cmp esi, dword [ref_0048c870] ; cmp esi, dword [0x48c870]
+jae short loc_0045151f ; jae 0x45151f
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_004514b7 ; je 0x4514b7
+cmp dword [esp + 0x1c], 1
+jne short loc_0045152e ; jne 0x45152e
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_00451490 ; je 0x451490
+cmp dword [ref_0048c85c], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48c85c], 0
+je short loc_00451552 ; je 0x451552
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c868] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c868]
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_00451552 ; je 0x451552
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048c868], edx ; mov dword [0x48c868], edx
+cmp byte [ref_0048c881], 2 ; cmp byte [0x48c881], 2
+jne short loc_00451565 ; jne 0x451565
+push 1
+call fcn_00409b18 ; call 0x409b18
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 0x20
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 0x50
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x60]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+cmp eax, 0x201
+jb short loc_004515a6 ; jb 0x4515a6
+jbe near loc_0045163c ; jbe 0x45163c
+cmp eax, 0x204
+jb near loc_00451662 ; jb 0x451662
+jbe near loc_0045163c ; jbe 0x45163c
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_004515b6 ; je 0x4515b6
+jmp near loc_00451662 ; jmp 0x451662
+cmp eax, 0x100
+je near loc_0045163c ; je 0x45163c
+jmp near loc_00451662 ; jmp 0x451662
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x5c]
+push edx
+push ref_00466118 ; push 0x466118
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 4]
+sub eax, ecx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov esi, dword [ebx]
+sub eax, esi
+push eax
+push ecx
+push esi
+push ref_0046612d ; push 0x46612d
+lea eax, [esp + 0x14]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x5c]
+push eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_00466150 ; push 0x466150
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+mov byte [ref_0046cb02], 1 ; mov byte [0x46cb02], 1
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x50
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb02], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb02], 0
+je short loc_00451632 ; je 0x451632
+cmp byte [ref_0048c884], 0 ; cmp byte [0x48c884], 0
+je short loc_00451632 ; je 0x451632
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [ref_0046cb02], bl ; mov byte [0x46cb02], bl
+push 1
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_00451632 ; jmp 0x451632
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+push edx
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+push ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp short loc_00451634 ; jmp 0x451634
+push ebx
+sub esp, 0x50
+call fcn_00453d28 ; call 0x453d28
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x60]
+mov byte [ref_0048c884], al ; mov byte [0x48c884], al
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0046cb02], ah ; mov byte [0x46cb02], ah
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x58]
+push edx
+push ref_0046616e ; push 0x46616e
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00451701 ; je 0x451701
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x58]
+push ecx
+push ref_00476374 ; push 0x476374
+push ref_00466189 ; push 0x466189
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00451701 ; je 0x451701
+push 1
+call fcn_00453b55 ; call 0x453b55
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x50
+pop ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x5c]
+push ebx
+push fcn_0045156f ; push 0x45156f
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_004661a6 ; push 0x4661a6
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_004661b4 ; push 0x4661b4
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+push 1
+call fcn_00453b55 ; call 0x453b55
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 0x50
+pop ebx
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0046cb02], ah ; mov byte [0x46cb02], ah
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+push esi
+sub esp, 0x20
+mov dword [esp], 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+mov ecx, esp
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x54] ; ucall
+cmp dword [esp + 0x10], 0x7c00
+jne short loc_00451792 ; jne 0x451792
+cmp dword [esp + 0x14], 0x3e0
+jne short loc_00451792 ; jne 0x451792
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [ref_0047637c], esi ; mov dword [0x47637c], esi
+cmp dword [esp + 0x10], 0xf800
+jne short loc_004517b0 ; jne 0x4517b0
+cmp dword [esp + 0x14], 0x7e0
+jne short loc_004517b0 ; jne 0x4517b0
+mov dword [ref_0047637c], 1 ; mov dword [0x47637c], 1
+cmp dword [esp + 0x10], 0x1f
+jne short loc_004517cb ; jne 0x4517cb
+cmp dword [esp + 0x14], 0x7e0
+jne short loc_004517cb ; jne 0x4517cb
+mov dword [ref_0047637c], 2 ; mov dword [0x47637c], 2
+cmp dword [esp + 0x10], 0xf00
+jne short loc_004517e9 ; jne 0x4517e9
+cmp dword [esp + 0x14], 0xf0
+jne short loc_004517e9 ; jne 0x4517e9
+mov dword [ref_0047637c], 3 ; mov dword [0x47637c], 3
+add esp, 0x20
+pop esi
+db 0x8d
+db 0x40
+db 0x00
+ref_004517f1: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_0045197d
+dd loc_00451832
+dd loc_00451883
+dd loc_00451907
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xc
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x20]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x24]
+sar esi, 1
+mov eax, esi
+and eax, 1
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+sar esi, 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047637c] ; mov eax, dword [0x47637c]
+cmp eax, 3
+ja near loc_0045197d ; ja 0x45197d
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_004517f1] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x4517f1]
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+add edx, edi
+cmp eax, esi
+jge short loc_00451857 ; jge 0x451857
+mov ecx, dword [edx]
+lea ebx, [ecx + ecx]
+and ecx, 0x1f001f
+and ebx, 0xffc0ffc0
+or ecx, ebx
+mov dword [edx], ecx
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_00451834 ; jmp 0x451834
+cmp dword [esp + 8], 0
+je near loc_0045197d ; je 0x45197d
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [edx]
+lea ecx, [eax + eax]
+mov dword [esp], ecx
+and eax, 0x1f
+and ecx, 0xffc0
+mov dword [esp], ecx
+mov esi, dword [esp]
+or eax, esi
+jmp near loc_0045197a ; jmp 0x45197a
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+add edx, edi
+cmp eax, esi
+jge short loc_004518c7 ; jge 0x4518c7
+mov ecx, dword [edx]
+mov ebx, ecx
+and ebx, 0x7c007c00
+shr ebx, 0xa
+mov dword [esp], ebx
+mov ebx, ecx
+and ebx, 0x3e003e0
+add ebx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 4], ebx
+mov ebx, ecx
+and ebx, 0x1f001f
+shl ebx, 0xb
+mov ecx, dword [esp]
+or ecx, dword [esp + 4]
+or ecx, ebx
+mov dword [edx], ecx
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_00451885 ; jmp 0x451885
+cmp dword [esp + 8], 0
+je near loc_0045197d ; je 0x45197d
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [edx]
+mov ecx, eax
+and ecx, 0x7c00
+shr ecx, 0xa
+mov dword [esp], ecx
+mov ecx, eax
+and ecx, 0x3e0
+add ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 4], ecx
+and eax, 0x1f
+shl eax, 0xb
+mov ebx, dword [esp]
+or ebx, dword [esp + 4]
+or eax, ebx
+jmp near loc_0045197a ; jmp 0x45197a
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, eax
+shl edx, 2
+add edx, edi
+cmp eax, esi
+jge short loc_00451941 ; jge 0x451941
+mov ecx, dword [edx]
+mov ebx, ecx
+and ebx, 0x78007800
+shr ebx, 3
+mov ebp, ecx
+and ebp, 0x3c003c0
+shr ebp, 2
+mov dword [esp + 4], ebp
+and ecx, 0x1e001e
+shr ecx, 1
+or ebx, ebp
+or ecx, ebx
+mov dword [edx], ecx
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_00451909 ; jmp 0x451909
+cmp dword [esp + 8], 0
+je short loc_0045197d ; je 0x45197d
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [edx]
+mov ecx, eax
+and ecx, 0x7800
+shr ecx, 3
+mov dword [esp], ecx
+mov ecx, eax
+and ecx, 0x3c0
+shr ecx, 2
+mov dword [esp + 4], ecx
+mov ecx, eax
+and ecx, 0x1e
+shr ecx, 1
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+or eax, dword [esp + 4]
+or eax, ecx
+mov word [edx], ax
+add esp, 0xc
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00451996 ; jmp 0x451996
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0x10
+jge near loc_00451a49 ; jge 0x451a49
+movsx esi, byte [ebx + ref_00476380] ; movsx esi, byte [ebx + 0x476380]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0d8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0d8]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x58] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a060] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a060]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+lea edi, [edx + eax]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+add eax, 0xc800
+push esi
+push 0x1b8
+push 0x1b8
+mov edx, dword [ref_00474938] ; mov edx, dword [0x474938]
+push edx
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_004554fc ; call 0x4554fc
+add esp, 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0x1e
+call fcn_004528b9 ; call 0x4528b9
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0045198c ; je 0x45198c
+push 0x190
+call fcn_004528b9 ; call 0x4528b9
+add esp, 4
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+imul eax, dword [esp + 8]
+add eax, eax
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+mov word [eax], dx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov word [eax + 2], dx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov word [eax + 4], dx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov word [eax + 6], dx
+lea edx, [eax + 0xc]
+mov dword [eax + 8], edx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 8
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+imul ebx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+add ebx, ebx
+add ebx, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+test ecx, ecx
+jne short loc_00451ac5 ; jne 0x451ac5
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+mov ebp, eax
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_00451ac7 ; jmp 0x451ac7
+mov ebp, ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+mov word [ebp], bx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+mov word [ebp + 2], bx
+mov word [ebp + 4], 0
+mov word [ebp + 6], 0
+lea ebx, [ebp + 0xc]
+mov dword [ebp + 8], ebx
+movsx edi, word [esi]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x28]
+imul ebx, edi
+add ebx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+add ebx, ebx
+add ebx, dword [esi + 8]
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+add eax, eax
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+add edi, edi
+mov dword [esp], edi
+xor edi, edi
+cmp edi, dword [esp + 0x30]
+jge short loc_00451b2f ; jge 0x451b2f
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+push eax
+push ebx
+push esi
+call fcn_00456d8e ; call 0x456d8e
+add esp, 0xc
+add esi, dword [esp + 4]
+add ebx, dword [esp]
+inc edi
+jmp short loc_00451b10 ; jmp 0x451b10
+mov eax, ebp
+jmp near loc_00451d46 ; jmp 0x451d46
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push 0x96000
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+push ref_0046cadc ; push 0x46cadc
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0046cae0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x46cae0]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0046cadc] ; mov esi, dword [0x46cadc]
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+mov dword [ref_0048c888], ebx ; mov dword [0x48c888], ebx
+mov ebx, dword [eax + 8]
+mov dword [ref_0048c890], ebx ; mov dword [0x48c890], ebx
+mov ebx, dword [eax + 4]
+mov dword [ref_0048c88c], ebx ; mov dword [0x48c88c], ebx
+mov eax, dword [eax + 0xc]
+mov dword [ref_0048c894], eax ; mov dword [0x48c894], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c890] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c890]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c888] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c888]
+sub eax, edx
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c894] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c894]
+sub edi, ebx
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 7
+lea ebp, [edx + eax]
+lea ebx, [edi - 1]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 7
+lea ebx, [eax + ebp]
+mov dword [esp], ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+xor esi, esi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+dec eax
+add eax, ebp
+add eax, eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+add ebx, eax
+lea eax, [edi - 1]
+cmp esi, eax
+jge short loc_00451c52 ; jge 0x451c52
+mov dx, word [ebx]
+mov word [esi*2 + ref_0048c898], dx ; mov word [esi*2 + 0x48c898], dx
+inc esi
+add ebx, 0x500
+jmp short loc_00451c3a ; jmp 0x451c3a
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+add eax, eax
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 4]
+add ebx, ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+add eax, ebx
+push eax
+lea eax, [edi + edi]
+add eax, ref_0048c898 ; add eax, 0x48c898
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+xor esi, esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+sub ebx, 0x500
+add ebx, eax
+lea ebp, [edi - 1]
+cmp esi, ebp
+jge short loc_00451cb1 ; jge 0x451cb1
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+add eax, eax
+sub eax, 2
+push eax
+push ebx
+lea eax, [ebx + 0x502]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+inc esi
+sub ebx, 0x500
+jmp short loc_00451c8a ; jmp 0x451c8a
+push 0xfffffffffffffff0
+push 1
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c88c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c88c]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c888] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c888]
+push edi
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_004552e7 ; call 0x4552e7
+add esp, 0x18
+push 0xfffffffffffffff0
+push ebp
+push 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048c88c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48c88c]
+inc eax
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c888] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c888]
+push ebp
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_004552e7 ; call 0x4552e7
+add esp, 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push ref_0048c888 ; push 0x48c888
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+push ref_0048c888 ; push 0x48c888
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c88c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c88c]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048c888] ; mov esi, dword [0x48c888]
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+push ref_0048c888 ; push 0x48c888
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 8
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c890] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c890]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048c888] ; mov edx, dword [0x48c888]
+sub ebp, edx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c894] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c894]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048c88c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48c88c]
+sub edi, ecx
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ecx
+shl eax, 7
+lea ebx, [edx + eax]
+mov dword [esp + 4], ebx
+lea ebx, [edi - 1]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+shl eax, 7
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 4]
+add ebx, eax
+mov dword [esp], ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x64] ; ucall
+xor esi, esi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+add eax, eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+add eax, 0x502
+add ebx, eax
+lea eax, [edi - 1]
+cmp esi, eax
+jge short loc_00451de8 ; jge 0x451de8
+lea eax, [ebp + ebp - 2]
+push eax
+push ebx
+lea eax, [ebx - 0x502]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+inc esi
+add ebx, 0x500
+jmp short loc_00451dc3 ; jmp 0x451dc3
+xor esi, esi
+lea eax, [ebp - 1]
+add eax, dword [esp + 4]
+add eax, eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+add ebx, eax
+lea eax, [edi - 1]
+cmp esi, eax
+jge short loc_00451e16 ; jge 0x451e16
+mov ax, word [esi*2 + ref_0048c898] ; mov ax, word [esi*2 + 0x48c898]
+mov word [ebx], ax
+inc esi
+add ebx, 0x500
+jmp short loc_00451dfb ; jmp 0x451dfb
+add ebp, ebp
+push ebp
+lea eax, [edi + edi]
+add eax, ref_0048c898 ; add eax, 0x48c898
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+add eax, eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+add eax, ebx
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push ref_0048c888 ; push 0x48c888
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+push ref_0048c888 ; push 0x48c888
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov esi, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048c88c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48c88c]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048c888] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48c888]
+push ebp
+jmp near loc_00451d35 ; jmp 0x451d35
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 4]
+sub eax, edx
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov ecx, dword [ebx]
+sub eax, ecx
+push eax
+push edx
+push ecx
+push 0
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_00451a97 ; call 0x451a97
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+mov edi, 1
+test esi, esi
+je near loc_00451f84 ; je 0x451f84
+test bh, 0x80
+je short loc_00451f08 ; je 0x451f08
+and ebx, 0x7fff
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esp], ebp
+mov dword [esp + 4], ebx
+movsx eax, word [esi]
+lea edx, [eax + ebp]
+mov dword [esp + 8], edx
+movsx eax, word [esi + 2]
+lea edx, [ebx + eax]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+push ebx
+push ebp
+push esi
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+push ebx
+push ebp
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_00451f84 ; je 0x451f84
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov esi, edx
+shr esi, 0x10
+mov ebp, edx
+shr ebp, 8
+and ebp, 0xff
+and edx, 0xff
+mov dword [esp], edx
+mov ecx, 0x7ce
+mov edi, 4
+cmp ecx, esi
+jge short loc_00451fde ; jge 0x451fde
+mov eax, ecx
+mov edx, ecx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv edi
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_00451fd5 ; je 0x451fd5
+add ebx, 0x16d
+jmp short loc_00451fdb ; jmp 0x451fdb
+add ebx, 0x16e
+inc ecx
+jmp short loc_00451fbc ; jmp 0x451fbc
+mov ecx, 1
+mov edi, 4
+cmp ecx, ebp
+jge short loc_00452010 ; jge 0x452010
+cmp ecx, 2
+jne short loc_00452003 ; jne 0x452003
+mov eax, esi
+mov edx, esi
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv edi
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_00452003 ; jne 0x452003
+add ebx, 0x1d
+jmp short loc_0045200d ; jmp 0x45200d
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ecx + ref_0047638f] ; mov dl, byte [ecx + 0x47638f]
+add ebx, edx
+inc ecx
+jmp short loc_00451fe8 ; jmp 0x451fe8
+mov edx, dword [esp]
+dec edx
+lea eax, [ebx + edx]
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov ecx, 0x7ce
+mov esi, 1
+mov edx, 0x16d
+mov edi, 4
+cmp ebx, edx
+jl short loc_00452041 ; jl 0x452041
+sub ebx, edx
+inc ecx
+mov eax, ecx
+mov edx, ecx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv edi
+test edx, edx
+sete dl
+and edx, 0xff
+add edx, 0x16d
+cmp ebx, edx
+jge short loc_0045203a ; jge 0x45203a
+mov edx, 0x1f
+mov edi, 4
+cmp ebx, edx
+jl short loc_00452070 ; jl 0x452070
+sub ebx, edx
+inc esi
+cmp esi, 2
+jne short loc_00452089 ; jne 0x452089
+mov eax, ecx
+mov edx, ecx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv edi
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_00452089 ; jne 0x452089
+mov edx, 0x1d
+jmp short loc_00452091 ; jmp 0x452091
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esi + ref_0047638f] ; mov dl, byte [esi + 0x47638f]
+cmp ebx, edx
+jge short loc_00452069 ; jge 0x452069
+shl ecx, 0x10
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 8
+add eax, ecx
+add eax, ebx
+inc eax
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov ebx, eax
+shr ebx, 0x10
+mov esi, eax
+shr esi, 8
+and esi, 0xff
+push eax
+call fcn_00451f8c ; call 0x451f8c
+add esp, 4
+lea ecx, [eax + 4]
+mov edi, 7
+mov eax, ecx
+mov edx, ecx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv edi
+mov ecx, edx
+cmp esi, 2
+jne short loc_004520f7 ; jne 0x4520f7
+mov edi, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, ebx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv edi
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_004520f7 ; jne 0x4520f7
+mov edx, 0x1d
+jmp short loc_004520ff ; jmp 0x4520ff
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esi + ref_0047638f] ; mov dl, byte [esi + 0x47638f]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00452109 ; je 0x452109
+mov dword [ebx], ecx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00452113 ; je 0x452113
+mov dword [esi], edx
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov ebx, dword [esi]
+shr ebx, 0x10
+mov ecx, dword [esi]
+shr ecx, 8
+and ecx, 0xff
+mov edi, dword [esi]
+and edi, 0xff
+cmp ecx, 2
+jne short loc_0045215d ; jne 0x45215d
+mov dword [esp], 4
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, ebx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv dword [esp]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_0045215d ; jne 0x45215d
+mov eax, 0x1d
+jmp short loc_00452165 ; jmp 0x452165
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ecx + ref_0047638f] ; mov al, byte [ecx + 0x47638f]
+inc edi
+cmp edi, eax
+jle short loc_0045217c ; jle 0x45217c
+mov edi, 1
+mov ebp, edi
+add ecx, edi
+cmp ecx, 0xc
+jle short loc_0045217c ; jle 0x45217c
+mov ecx, edi
+add ebx, edi
+shl ebx, 0x10
+shl ecx, 8
+add ecx, ebx
+add ecx, edi
+mov dword [esi], ecx
+mov eax, ebp
+jmp near loc_00452017 ; jmp 0x452017
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00451f8c ; call 0x451f8c
+add esp, 4
+add eax, dword [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045201f ; call 0x45201f
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+push edx
+call fcn_00451f8c ; call 0x451f8c
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00451f8c ; call 0x451f8c
+add esp, 4
+sub eax, ebx
+pop ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+add eax, dword [esp + 8]
+test byte [esp + 9], 0xff
+je short loc_004521ef ; je 0x4521ef
+mov edx, eax
+and edx, 0xff00
+cmp edx, 0xc00
+jbe short loc_004521ef ; jbe 0x4521ef
+add eax, 0xf400
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 8
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+and edi, 0xffff
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0045220f ; jmp 0x45220f
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0x18
+jge near loc_004523c1 ; jge 0x4523c1
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b6]
+shl eax, 2
+movsx ecx, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx ecx, word [0x4991b8]
+add ecx, eax
+mov ebp, ecx
+shl ebp, 3
+add ebp, ecx
+shl ebp, 5
+mov esi, ebx
+shl esi, 2
+sub esi, ebx
+shl esi, 2
+lea eax, [esi + ebp]
+mov cl, byte [eax + ref_0047ff4b] ; mov cl, byte [eax + 0x47ff4b]
+cmp cl, 1
+jb short loc_00452254 ; jb 0x452254
+jbe short loc_00452278 ; jbe 0x452278
+cmp cl, 2
+je near loc_004522ce ; je 0x4522ce
+jmp near loc_00452387 ; jmp 0x452387
+test cl, cl
+jne near loc_00452387 ; jne 0x452387
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_0047ff4c] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x47ff4c]
+mov ecx, edx
+shl ecx, 8
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_0047ff4d] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x47ff4d]
+add edx, ecx
+jmp near loc_00452387 ; jmp 0x452387
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00451f8c ; call 0x451f8c
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, dword [eax*4 + ref_0047639c] ; mov edi, dword [eax*4 + 0x47639c]
+and edi, 0xffff
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b6]
+shl eax, 2
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b8]
+add edx, eax
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 5
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [esi + eax + ref_0047ff4c] ; mov dl, byte [esi + eax + 0x47ff4c]
+shl edx, 8
+mov al, byte [esi + eax + ref_0047ff4d] ; mov al, byte [esi + eax + 0x47ff4d]
+and eax, 0xff
+add edx, eax
+jmp near loc_00452387 ; jmp 0x452387
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_0047ff4c] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x47ff4c]
+and eax, 0xff
+shl eax, 8
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+xor dx, dx
+add edx, eax
+inc edx
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+push edx
+call fcn_004520a6 ; call 0x4520a6
+add esp, 0xc
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b6]
+shl eax, 2
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b8]
+add edx, eax
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+shl eax, 5
+mov al, byte [esi + eax + ref_0047ff4e] ; mov al, byte [esi + eax + 0x47ff4e]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov edx, dword [esp]
+cmp eax, edx
+jge short loc_0045232e ; jge 0x45232e
+mov eax, 7
+sub eax, edx
+movsx ecx, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx ecx, word [0x4991b6]
+shl ecx, 2
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b8]
+inc eax
+add ecx, edx
+mov esi, ecx
+shl esi, 3
+add esi, ecx
+shl esi, 5
+mov edx, ebx
+shl edx, 2
+sub edx, ebx
+shl edx, 2
+lea ecx, [esi + edx]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ecx + ref_0047ff4d] ; mov dl, byte [ecx + 0x47ff4d]
+lea esi, [edx - 1]
+mov edx, esi
+shl edx, 3
+sub edx, esi
+add eax, edx
+cmp eax, dword [esp + 4]
+jg short loc_00452385 ; jg 0x452385
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ecx + ref_0047ff4c] ; mov dl, byte [ecx + 0x47ff4c]
+shl edx, 8
+jmp near loc_004522c7 ; jmp 0x4522c7
+xor edx, edx
+cmp edi, edx
+jne near loc_00452205 ; jne 0x452205
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b6]
+shl eax, 2
+movsx ecx, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx ecx, word [0x4991b8]
+add ecx, eax
+mov esi, ecx
+shl esi, 3
+add esi, ecx
+shl esi, 5
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+test byte [esi + eax*4 + ref_0047ff4a], 0x80 ; test byte [esi + eax*4 + 0x47ff4a], 0x80
+jne near loc_00452205 ; jne 0x452205
+cmp ebx, 0x18
+jne short loc_004523cb ; jne 0x4523cb
+mov ebx, 0xffffffff
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 4
+xor ebx, ebx
+push ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push edx
+call fcn_004520a6 ; call 0x4520a6
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp dword [esp], 0
+je short loc_00452437 ; je 0x452437
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push esi
+call fcn_004521f0 ; call 0x4521f0
+mov edx, eax
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0045243c ; je 0x45243c
+movsx ecx, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx ecx, word [0x4991b6]
+shl ecx, 2
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b8]
+add ecx, eax
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 3
+add ecx, eax
+shl ecx, 5
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+cmp byte [ecx + eax*4 + ref_0047ff4a], 0 ; cmp byte [ecx + eax*4 + 0x47ff4a], 0
+je short loc_0045243c ; je 0x45243c
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 4
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x9c
+mov dword [esp + 0x94], 0xffffffff
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00497160] ; mov ecx, dword [0x497160]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004521f0 ; call 0x4521f0
+mov edi, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, eax
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_00452788 ; je 0x452788
+movsx ebp, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx ebp, word [0x4991b6]
+shl ebp, 2
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b8]
+add ebp, eax
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 3
+add ebp, eax
+shl ebp, 5
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edi
+cmp byte [ebp + eax*4 + ref_0047ff4f], 0 ; cmp byte [ebp + eax*4 + 0x47ff4f], 0
+je near loc_00452788 ; je 0x452788
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0049715d] ; mov al, byte [0x49715d]
+mov dword [esp + 0x98], eax
+cmp al, 1
+jne short loc_004524c3 ; jne 0x4524c3
+xor cl, cl
+mov byte [ref_0049715d], cl ; mov byte [0x49715d], cl
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+movsx edi, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx edi, word [0x4991b6]
+shl edi, 2
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b8]
+add edi, eax
+mov edx, edi
+shl edx, 3
+add edx, edi
+shl edx, 5
+mov ebp, esi
+shl ebp, 2
+sub ebp, esi
+shl ebp, 2
+lea eax, [edx + ebp]
+test byte [eax + ref_0047ff4f], 1 ; test byte [eax + 0x47ff4f], 1
+je short loc_00452553 ; je 0x452553
+push 0
+push 0
+mov ax, word [eax + ref_0047ff50] ; mov ax, word [eax + 0x47ff50]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov ebx, eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b6]
+shl eax, 2
+movsx edi, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx edi, word [0x4991b8]
+add edi, eax
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edi
+shl eax, 5
+mov ax, word [eax + ebp + ref_0047ff52] ; mov ax, word [eax + ebp + 0x47ff52]
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov dword [esp + 0x94], eax
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b6]
+shl edx, 2
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b8]
+lea edi, [eax + edx]
+mov edx, edi
+shl edx, 3
+add edx, edi
+shl edx, 5
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+test byte [eax + ref_0047ff4f], 4 ; test byte [eax + 0x47ff4f], 4
+je short loc_004525ee ; je 0x4525ee
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb06], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb06], 0
+jne short loc_004525ee ; jne 0x4525ee
+xor edi, edi
+mov di, word [eax + ref_0047ff54] ; mov di, word [eax + 0x47ff54]
+call fcn_00454edc ; call 0x454edc
+or di, 0x8000
+push edi
+call fcn_004549cf ; call 0x4549cf
+add esp, 4
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b6]
+shl eax, 2
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b8]
+lea edi, [edx + eax]
+mov ebp, edi
+shl ebp, 3
+add ebp, edi
+shl ebp, 5
+lea edi, [esi + 1]
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edi
+cmp word [ebp + eax*4 + ref_0047ff54], 0 ; cmp word [ebp + eax*4 + 0x47ff54], 0
+je short loc_004525e7 ; je 0x4525e7
+mov byte [ref_0046cb06], 0x33 ; mov byte [0x46cb06], 0x33
+jmp short loc_004525ee ; jmp 0x4525ee
+mov byte [ref_0046cb06], 0x11 ; mov byte [0x46cb06], 0x11
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00452612 ; je 0x452612
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x94]
+push edi
+push 1
+push 0x28
+push 0
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045144f ; call 0x45144f
+add esp, 0x14
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b6]
+shl eax, 2
+movsx edx, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx edx, word [0x4991b8]
+lea ebx, [edx + eax]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 3
+add ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 5
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, esi
+test byte [ebx + eax*4 + ref_0047ff4f], 8 ; test byte [ebx + eax*4 + 0x47ff4f], 8
+je near loc_00452761 ; je 0x452761
+xor esi, esi
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00499114] ; cmp esi, dword [0x499114]
+jge near loc_00452761 ; jge 0x452761
+imul ebx, esi, 0x68
+cmp byte [ebx + ref_00496b7d], 0 ; cmp byte [ebx + 0x496b7d], 0
+je near loc_0045275b ; je 0x45275b
+push esi
+call fcn_00441e12 ; call 0x441e12
+mov edi, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, eax
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0045275b ; je 0x45275b
+push 0
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b72] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b72]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00496b70] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x496b70]
+push eax
+call fcn_0041d476 ; call 0x41d476
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ebx + ref_00496b68] ; mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x496b68]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452946 ; call 0x452946
+add esp, 8
+movsx eax, word [ref_004991b6] ; movsx eax, word [0x4991b6]
+shl eax, 2
+movsx ebx, word [ref_004991b8] ; movsx ebx, word [0x4991b8]
+add ebx, eax
+mov eax, edi
+shl eax, 3
+cmp ebx, 5
+jb short loc_004526d3 ; jb 0x4526d3
+jbe short loc_004526ee ; jbe 0x4526ee
+cmp ebx, 6
+je short loc_00452704 ; je 0x452704
+jmp short loc_0045271a ; jmp 0x45271a
+cmp ebx, 4
+jne short loc_0045271a ; jne 0x45271a
+mov edi, dword [eax + ref_0047fdea] ; mov edi, dword [eax + 0x47fdea]
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_004661c4 ; push 0x4661c4
+jmp short loc_0045272f ; jmp 0x45272f
+mov ecx, dword [eax + ref_0047fdea] ; mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x47fdea]
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_004661dd ; push 0x4661dd
+jmp short loc_0045272f ; jmp 0x45272f
+mov edx, dword [eax + ref_0047fdea] ; mov edx, dword [eax + 0x47fdea]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_004661f2 ; push 0x4661f2
+jmp short loc_0045272f ; jmp 0x45272f
+mov ebx, dword [ebp*8 + ref_0047fdea] ; mov ebx, dword [ebp*8 + 0x47fdea]
+push ebx
+lea eax, [esp + 0x84]
+push eax
+push ref_00466203 ; push 0x466203
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebp
+call fcn_00441f73 ; call 0x441f73
+add esp, 8
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebp*8 + ref_0047fdef] ; mov al, byte [ebp*8 + 0x47fdef]
+push eax
+push esi
+call fcn_0044f230 ; call 0x44f230
+add esp, 8
+inc esi
+jmp near loc_00452647 ; jmp 0x452647
+cmp dword [esp + 0x98], 1
+jne short loc_00452777 ; jne 0x452777
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x98]
+mov byte [ref_0049715d], al ; mov byte [0x49715d], al
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048be18], eax ; mov dword [0x48be18], eax
+push 1
+call fcn_0041906a ; call 0x41906a
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x9c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x2c
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x40]
+xor ebx, ebx
+push 0xa
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x4c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00457d61 ; call 0x457d61
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_0045825d ; call 0x45825d
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], eax
+mov ecx, eax
+lea edi, [ebx + 1]
+test ecx, ecx
+jle short loc_004527fc ; jle 0x4527fc
+mov esi, 3
+mov eax, ecx
+mov edx, ecx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_004527ea ; jne 0x4527ea
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_004527ea ; je 0x4527ea
+mov eax, ebx
+mov ebx, edi
+mov byte [eax + ebp], 0x2c
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x28]
+sub esi, ecx
+mov eax, ebx
+inc ebx
+mov dl, byte [esp + esi]
+mov byte [eax + ebp], dl
+dec ecx
+jmp short loc_004527c5 ; jmp 0x4527c5
+mov byte [ebx + ebp], 0
+add esp, 0x2c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+cmp esi, edi
+je short loc_00452828 ; je 0x452828
+push 0x10
+push edi
+push esi
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [edi]
+mov edx, dword [ebx]
+cmp eax, edx
+jle short loc_00452832 ; jle 0x452832
+mov dword [esi], edx
+mov eax, dword [edi + 4]
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 4]
+cmp eax, ecx
+jle short loc_0045283f ; jle 0x45283f
+mov dword [esi + 4], ecx
+mov eax, dword [edi + 8]
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + 8]
+cmp eax, ebp
+jge short loc_0045284c ; jge 0x45284c
+mov dword [esi + 8], ebp
+mov eax, dword [edi + 0xc]
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+cmp eax, edx
+jge short loc_00452859 ; jge 0x452859
+mov dword [esi + 0xc], edx
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0x1c
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_004528b2 ; je 0x4528b2
+call dword [cs:__imp__timeGetTime@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46246c]
+mov esi, eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__timeGetTime@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46246c]
+mov ebx, eax
+sub ebx, esi
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__PeekMessageA@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46230c]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_004528ae ; je 0x4528ae
+cmp dword [esp + 4], 0x3b9
+jne short loc_004528ae ; jne 0x4528ae
+cmp dword [esp + 8], 1
+jne short loc_004528ae ; jne 0x4528ae
+call fcn_00454d2c ; call 0x454d2c
+cmp ebx, edi
+jb short loc_00452875 ; jb 0x452875
+add esp, 0x1c
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x1c
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x30]
+xor ebx, ebx
+test ebp, ebp
+jne short loc_004528d1 ; jne 0x4528d1
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_0045293e ; jmp 0x45293e
+call dword [cs:__imp__timeGetTime@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46246c]
+mov edi, eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__timeGetTime@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46246c]
+mov esi, eax
+sub esi, edi
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__PeekMessageA@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46230c]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00452934 ; je 0x452934
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+cmp edx, 0x202
+je short loc_00452919 ; je 0x452919
+cmp edx, 0x205
+je short loc_00452919 ; je 0x452919
+cmp edx, 0x101
+jne short loc_0045291e ; jne 0x45291e
+mov ebx, 1
+cmp dword [esp + 4], 0x3b9
+jne short loc_00452934 ; jne 0x452934
+cmp dword [esp + 8], 1
+jne short loc_00452934 ; jne 0x452934
+call fcn_00454d2c ; call 0x454d2c
+cmp esi, ebp
+jae short loc_0045293c ; jae 0x45293c
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_004528da ; je 0x4528da
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 0x1c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor esi, esi
+push edi
+call fcn_0045825d ; call 0x45825d
+add esp, 4
+lea edx, [esi + ebp]
+cmp ebx, eax
+jae short loc_00452976 ; jae 0x452976
+lea eax, [edi + ebx]
+mov cl, byte [eax]
+cmp cl, 0x20
+je short loc_00452973 ; je 0x452973
+mov byte [edx], cl
+inc esi
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00452956 ; jmp 0x452956
+mov byte [edx], 0
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x1c
+movsx esi, word [ref_0048cab8] ; movsx esi, word [0x48cab8]
+add esi, 0x6b
+movsx ebp, word [ref_0048cab6] ; movsx ebp, word [0x48cab6]
+add ebp, 0xb
+push ref_0048caac ; push 0x48caac
+call fcn_004584db ; call 0x4584db
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x18]
+fild dword [ref_0048ca98] ; fild dword [0x48ca98]
+fdivp st1 ; fdivp st(1)
+fstp dword [esp + 0x10]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_004529d3 ; je 0x4529d3
+fld dword [esp + 0x10]
+fmul dword [ref_00466218] ; fmul dword [0x466218]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x14]
+jmp short loc_004529db ; jmp 0x4529db
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], 0xffffffff
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x64] ; ucall
+xor edi, edi
+push ref_0048caac ; push 0x48caac
+call fcn_0045825d ; call 0x45825d
+add esp, 4
+lea ebx, [eax - 1]
+jmp short loc_00452a32 ; jmp 0x452a32
+push ebp
+push esi
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_0048caac] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x48caac]
+sub eax, 0x20
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048caa8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48caa8]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456512 ; call 0x456512
+add esp, 0x14
+sub esi, 0xc
+dec ebx
+inc edi
+cmp edi, 9
+jge short loc_00452a64 ; jge 0x452a64
+test ebx, ebx
+jge short loc_00452a05 ; jge 0x452a05
+push 0x13
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048cab8] ; movsx eax, word [0x48cab8]
+sub esi, eax
+sub esi, 2
+push esi
+push 0xb
+push 0xb
+push ebp
+add eax, 0xb
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048caa0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48caa0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048cab6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48cab6]
+add eax, 0x2a
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048cab8] ; movsx eax, word [0x48cab8]
+add eax, 0xa
+push eax
+push 1
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048caa8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48caa8]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456512 ; call 0x456512
+add esp, 0x14
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+cmp esi, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00452ad9 ; je 0x452ad9
+push 0xc
+mov al, byte [esi + ref_0047e725] ; mov al, byte [esi + 0x47e725]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+push 0x2a
+push 0xa
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048cab6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48cab6]
+add eax, 0x2a
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048cab8] ; movsx eax, word [0x48cab8]
+add eax, 0xa
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048caa0] ; mov edi, dword [0x48caa0]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x80] ; ucall
+cmp dword [esp + 0x30], 0
+je short loc_00452b2e ; je 0x452b2e
+movsx ebx, word [ref_0048cab8] ; movsx ebx, word [0x48cab8]
+lea eax, [ebx + 0xb]
+mov dword [esp], eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048cab6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48cab6]
+lea esi, [eax + 0xb]
+mov dword [esp + 4], esi
+add ebx, 0x75
+mov dword [esp + 8], ebx
+add eax, 0x36
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], eax
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+add esp, 0x1c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048cab6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48cab6]
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048cab8] ; movsx eax, word [0x48cab8]
+push eax
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048caa8] ; mov edx, dword [0x48caa8]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456512 ; call 0x456512
+add esp, 0x14
+push 0xc0
+push 0x80
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048cab6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48cab6]
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048cab8] ; movsx eax, word [0x48cab8]
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048caa0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48caa0]
+push ebx
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_00451a97 ; call 0x451a97
+add esp, 0x18
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+call fcn_0045297e ; call 0x45297e
+add esp, 4
+pop ebx
+db 0x90
+ref_00452bca: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_004530e9
+dd loc_00453116
+dd loc_00453145
+dd loc_00453189
+dd loc_00453156
+dd loc_00453189
+dd loc_00453189
+dd loc_00453189
+dd loc_00453189
+dd loc_00453189
+dd loc_00453189
+dd loc_00453189
+dd loc_00453189
+dd loc_00453189
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x6c
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x80]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x84]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x88]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+cmp ebx, 0x201
+jb short loc_00452c64 ; jb 0x452c64
+jbe near loc_00452d0e ; jbe 0x452d0e
+cmp ebx, 0x203
+jb near loc_00452fce ; jb 0x452fce
+jbe near loc_00452d0e ; jbe 0x452d0e
+cmp ebx, 0x205
+jb near loc_00453534 ; jb 0x453534
+jbe near loc_004534a3 ; jbe 0x4534a3
+cmp ebx, 0x401
+je short loc_00452c91 ; je 0x452c91
+jmp near loc_00453534 ; jmp 0x453534
+cmp ebx, 0x100
+jb short loc_00452c83 ; jb 0x452c83
+jbe near loc_00452e4b ; jbe 0x452e4b
+cmp ebx, 0x200
+je near loc_0045320b ; je 0x45320b
+jmp near loc_00453534 ; jmp 0x453534
+cmp ebx, 0xf
+je near loc_004534d6 ; je 0x4534d6
+jmp near loc_00453534 ; jmp 0x453534
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0048cac2], ah ; mov byte [0x48cac2], ah
+mov byte [ref_0048caac], 0x30 ; mov byte [0x48caac], 0x30
+mov byte [ref_0048caad], ah ; mov byte [0x48caad], ah
+call fcn_00452b36 ; call 0x452b36
+push 0
+push 1
+push 0x1b
+call fcn_004021f8 ; call 0x4021f8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048cab8] ; movsx eax, word [0x48cab8]
+mov dword [esp + 0x50], eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048cab6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48cab6]
+mov dword [esp + 0x54], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x50]
+add eax, 0x80
+mov dword [esp + 0x58], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x54]
+add eax, 0xc0
+mov dword [esp + 0x5c], eax
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x54]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x6c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, cx
+movsx ebx, word [ref_0048cab8] ; movsx ebx, word [0x48cab8]
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ebx, eax
+mov eax, ecx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+and eax, 0xffff
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048cab6] ; movsx edx, word [0x48cab6]
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+test ebx, ebx
+jl short loc_00452d02 ; jl 0x452d02
+cmp ebx, 0x80
+jg short loc_00452d02 ; jg 0x452d02
+test eax, eax
+jl short loc_00452d02 ; jl 0x452d02
+cmp eax, 0xc0
+jg short loc_00452d02 ; jg 0x452d02
+mov edi, eax
+shl edi, 7
+add edi, ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048ca9c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48ca9c]
+mov al, byte [edi + eax]
+mov byte [ref_0048cac2], al ; mov byte [0x48cac2], al
+cmp al, 1
+jne short loc_00452d75 ; jne 0x452d75
+mov dword [ref_0048caba], ebx ; mov dword [0x48caba], ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048cabe], edx ; mov dword [0x48cabe], edx
+jmp short loc_00452d02 ; jmp 0x452d02
+cmp al, 0x10
+jne short loc_00452d8e ; jne 0x452d8e
+push ecx
+push 0
+push 0x200
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+jmp near loc_00452d02 ; jmp 0x452d02
+push 0
+push ref_0048234a ; push 0x48234a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048cac2] ; mov al, byte [0x48cac2]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax*4 + ref_0047e6d8] ; mov dl, byte [eax*4 + 0x47e6d8]
+movsx ecx, word [ref_0048cab8] ; movsx ecx, word [0x48cab8]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x50], ecx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax*4 + ref_0047e6d9] ; mov dl, byte [eax*4 + 0x47e6d9]
+movsx ecx, word [ref_0048cab6] ; movsx ecx, word [0x48cab6]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x54], ecx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax*4 + ref_0047e6da] ; mov dl, byte [eax*4 + 0x47e6da]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x50]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x58], ecx
+mov al, byte [eax*4 + ref_0047e6db] ; mov al, byte [eax*4 + 0x47e6db]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x54]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x5c], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x54]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x54]
+push ebp
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048cac2] ; mov al, byte [0x48cac2]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048caa8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48caa8]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456512 ; call 0x456512
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+jmp near loc_00452cf3 ; jmp 0x452cf3
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [ref_0048cac2], dl ; mov byte [0x48cac2], dl
+cmp eax, 0x35
+jb short loc_00452ea4 ; jb 0x452ea4
+jbe near loc_00452f2b ; jbe 0x452f2b
+cmp eax, 0x39
+jb short loc_00452e90 ; jb 0x452e90
+jbe near loc_00452f4f ; jbe 0x452f4f
+cmp eax, 0x48
+jb short loc_00452e82 ; jb 0x452e82
+jbe near loc_00452f73 ; jbe 0x452f73
+cmp eax, 0x4d
+je near loc_00452f58 ; je 0x452f58
+jmp near loc_00452fa2 ; jmp 0x452fa2
+cmp eax, 0x43
+je near loc_00452f61 ; je 0x452f61
+jmp near loc_00452fa2 ; jmp 0x452fa2
+cmp eax, 0x37
+jb near loc_00452f34 ; jb 0x452f34
+jbe near loc_00452f3d ; jbe 0x452f3d
+jmp near loc_00452f46 ; jmp 0x452f46
+cmp eax, 0x31
+jb short loc_00452eb4 ; jb 0x452eb4
+jbe short loc_00452ee3 ; jbe 0x452ee3
+cmp eax, 0x33
+jb short loc_00452eef ; jb 0x452eef
+jbe short loc_00452efb ; jbe 0x452efb
+jmp short loc_00452f07 ; jmp 0x452f07
+cmp eax, 0xd
+jb short loc_00452ec9 ; jb 0x452ec9
+jbe near loc_00452f96 ; jbe 0x452f96
+cmp eax, 0x30
+je short loc_00452ed7 ; je 0x452ed7
+jmp near loc_00452fa2 ; jmp 0x452fa2
+cmp eax, 8
+je near loc_00452f6a ; je 0x452f6a
+jmp near loc_00452fa2 ; jmp 0x452fa2
+mov byte [ref_0048cac2], 5 ; mov byte [0x48cac2], 5
+jmp near loc_00452f0e ; jmp 0x452f0e
+mov byte [ref_0048cac2], 0xd ; mov byte [0x48cac2], 0xd
+jmp near loc_00452f0e ; jmp 0x452f0e
+mov byte [ref_0048cac2], 0xe ; mov byte [0x48cac2], 0xe
+jmp near loc_00452f0e ; jmp 0x452f0e
+mov byte [ref_0048cac2], 0xf ; mov byte [0x48cac2], 0xf
+jmp near loc_00452f0e ; jmp 0x452f0e
+mov byte [ref_0048cac2], 0xa ; mov byte [0x48cac2], 0xa
+push 0
+push ref_0048234a ; push 0x48234a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x202
+jmp near loc_00452d81 ; jmp 0x452d81
+mov byte [ref_0048cac2], 0xb ; mov byte [0x48cac2], 0xb
+jmp short loc_00452f0e ; jmp 0x452f0e
+mov byte [ref_0048cac2], 0xc ; mov byte [0x48cac2], 0xc
+jmp short loc_00452f0e ; jmp 0x452f0e
+mov byte [ref_0048cac2], 7 ; mov byte [0x48cac2], 7
+jmp short loc_00452f0e ; jmp 0x452f0e
+mov byte [ref_0048cac2], 8 ; mov byte [0x48cac2], 8
+jmp short loc_00452f0e ; jmp 0x452f0e
+mov byte [ref_0048cac2], 9 ; mov byte [0x48cac2], 9
+jmp short loc_00452f0e ; jmp 0x452f0e
+mov byte [ref_0048cac2], 2 ; mov byte [0x48cac2], 2
+jmp short loc_00452f0e ; jmp 0x452f0e
+mov byte [ref_0048cac2], 4 ; mov byte [0x48cac2], 4
+jmp short loc_00452f0e ; jmp 0x452f0e
+mov byte [ref_0048cac2], 6 ; mov byte [0x48cac2], 6
+jmp short loc_00452f0e ; jmp 0x452f0e
+mov byte [ref_0048cac2], 0x10 ; mov byte [0x48cac2], 0x10
+movsx ebx, word [ref_0048cab8] ; movsx ebx, word [0x48cab8]
+add ebx, 0x40
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048cab6] ; movsx edx, word [0x48cab6]
+add edx, 0x2f
+shl edx, 0x10
+lea ecx, [edx + ebx]
+jmp short loc_00452fb9 ; jmp 0x452fb9
+mov byte [ref_0048cac2], 3 ; mov byte [0x48cac2], 3
+jmp near loc_00452f0e ; jmp 0x452f0e
+mov ah, byte [ref_0048cac2] ; mov ah, byte [0x48cac2]
+test ah, ah
+je near loc_00452d02 ; je 0x452d02
+cmp ah, 0x10
+jne near loc_00452f0e ; jne 0x452f0e
+push ecx
+push 0
+push 0x200
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__PostMessageA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462310]
+jmp near loc_00452f1d ; jmp 0x452f1d
+mov bl, byte [ref_0048cac2] ; mov bl, byte [0x48cac2]
+test bl, bl
+je near loc_00452d02 ; je 0x452d02
+cmp bl, 2
+jb near loc_0045310a ; jb 0x45310a
+cmp bl, 0x10
+jae near loc_0045310a ; jae 0x45310a
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, bl
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax*4 + ref_0047e6d8] ; mov dl, byte [eax*4 + 0x47e6d8]
+movsx ecx, word [ref_0048cab8] ; movsx ecx, word [0x48cab8]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x50], ecx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax*4 + ref_0047e6d9] ; mov dl, byte [eax*4 + 0x47e6d9]
+movsx ecx, word [ref_0048cab6] ; movsx ecx, word [0x48cab6]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x54], ecx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax*4 + ref_0047e6da] ; mov dl, byte [eax*4 + 0x47e6da]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x50]
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x58], ecx
+mov al, byte [eax*4 + ref_0047e6db] ; mov al, byte [eax*4 + 0x47e6db]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x54]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x5c], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048cac2] ; mov al, byte [0x48cac2]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax*4 + ref_0047e6db] ; mov dl, byte [eax*4 + 0x47e6db]
+push edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax*4 + ref_0047e6da] ; mov dl, byte [eax*4 + 0x47e6da]
+push edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax*4 + ref_0047e6d9] ; mov dl, byte [eax*4 + 0x47e6d9]
+push edx
+mov al, byte [eax*4 + ref_0047e6d8] ; mov al, byte [eax*4 + 0x47e6d8]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x64]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x64]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048caa0] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48caa0]
+push ebx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edi
+call fcn_0045643d ; call 0x45643d
+add esp, 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x54]
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov al, byte [ref_0048cac2] ; mov al, byte [0x48cac2]
+sub al, 2
+cmp al, 0xd
+ja near loc_0045310a ; ja 0x45310a
+and eax, 0xff
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_00452bca] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x452bca]
+push 0xa
+mov eax, ref_0048caac ; mov eax, 0x48caac
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048ca98] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48ca98]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00457d61 ; call 0x457d61
+add esp, 0xc
+push 1
+call fcn_0045297e ; call 0x45297e
+add esp, 4
+xor al, al
+mov byte [ref_0048cac2], al ; mov byte [0x48cac2], al
+jmp near loc_00452d02 ; jmp 0x452d02
+push ref_0048caac ; push 0x48caac
+call fcn_004584db ; call 0x4584db
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 1
+push 0x29
+call fcn_004021f8 ; call 0x4021f8
+add esp, 0xc
+push ebx
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+jmp short loc_00453107 ; jmp 0x453107
+mov byte [ref_0048caac], 0x30 ; mov byte [0x48caac], 0x30
+xor ch, ch
+mov byte [ref_0048caad], ch ; mov byte [0x48caad], ch
+jmp short loc_00453100 ; jmp 0x453100
+push ref_0048caac ; push 0x48caac
+call fcn_0045825d ; call 0x45825d
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 1
+jle short loc_00453172 ; jle 0x453172
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [eax + ref_0048caab], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x48caab], dl
+jmp short loc_00453100 ; jmp 0x453100
+jne short loc_0045310a ; jne 0x45310a
+cmp byte [ref_0048caac], 0x30 ; cmp byte [0x48caac], 0x30
+je short loc_0045310a ; je 0x45310a
+mov byte [ref_0048caac], 0x30 ; mov byte [0x48caac], 0x30
+jmp near loc_00453100 ; jmp 0x453100
+push ref_0048caac ; push 0x48caac
+call fcn_0045825d ; call 0x45825d
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], eax
+cmp eax, 9
+jge near loc_0045310a ; jge 0x45310a
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_004531c4 ; jne 0x4531c4
+cmp byte [ref_0048caac], 0x30 ; cmp byte [0x48caac], 0x30
+jne short loc_004531c4 ; jne 0x4531c4
+cmp byte [ref_0048cac2], 5 ; cmp byte [0x48cac2], 5
+je near loc_0045310a ; je 0x45310a
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], ebp
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0048cac2] ; mov al, byte [0x48cac2]
+mov dl, byte [eax + ref_0047e714] ; mov dl, byte [eax + 0x47e714]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x68]
+mov byte [eax + ref_0048caac], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x48caac], dl
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [eax + ref_0048caad], bh ; mov byte [eax + 0x48caad], bh
+push ref_0048caac ; push 0x48caac
+call fcn_004584db ; call 0x4584db
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048ca98] ; mov edx, dword [0x48ca98]
+cmp eax, edx
+jle near loc_00453100 ; jle 0x453100
+push 0xa
+push ref_0048caac ; push 0x48caac
+push edx
+jmp near loc_004530f8 ; jmp 0x4530f8
+mov dh, byte [ref_0048cac2] ; mov dh, byte [0x48cac2]
+cmp dh, 1
+jne near loc_00453394 ; jne 0x453394
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, cx
+sub ebx, dword [ref_0048caba] ; sub ebx, dword [0x48caba]
+shr ecx, 0x10
+and ecx, 0xffff
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, cx
+sub edx, dword [ref_0048cabe] ; sub edx, dword [0x48cabe]
+test ebx, ebx
+jge short loc_00453241 ; jge 0x453241
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0045324e ; jmp 0x45324e
+cmp ebx, 0x200
+jle short loc_0045324e ; jle 0x45324e
+mov ebx, 0x200
+test edx, edx
+jge short loc_00453256 ; jge 0x453256
+xor edx, edx
+jmp short loc_00453263 ; jmp 0x453263
+cmp edx, 0x120
+jle short loc_00453263 ; jle 0x453263
+mov edx, 0x120
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048cab8] ; movsx eax, word [0x48cab8]
+mov dword [esp + 0x50], eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048cab6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48cab6]
+mov dword [esp + 0x54], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x50]
+add eax, 0x80
+mov dword [esp + 0x58], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x54]
+add eax, 0xc0
+mov dword [esp + 0x5c], eax
+mov word [ref_0048cab8], bx ; mov word [0x48cab8], bx
+mov word [ref_0048cab6], dx ; mov word [0x48cab6], dx
+movsx eax, bx
+mov dword [esp + 0x40], eax
+movsx eax, dx
+mov dword [esp + 0x44], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x40]
+add eax, 0x80
+mov dword [esp + 0x48], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x44]
+add eax, 0xc0
+mov dword [esp + 0x4c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+mov dword [ref_0046caf4], eax ; mov dword [0x46caf4], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x54]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x54]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048caa4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48caa4]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0xc0
+push 0x80
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048cab6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48cab6]
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048cab8] ; movsx eax, word [0x48cab8]
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048caa4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48caa4]
+push edi
+push ref_0046caec ; push 0x46caec
+call fcn_00451a97 ; call 0x451a97
+add esp, 0x18
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048cab6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48cab6]
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048cab8] ; movsx eax, word [0x48cab8]
+push eax
+push 0
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048caa8] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48caa8]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a08c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456512 ; call 0x456512
+add esp, 0x14
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+call fcn_0045297e ; call 0x45297e
+add esp, 4
+lea eax, [esp + 0x50]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x58]
+push eax
+call fcn_00452808 ; call 0x452808
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp near loc_00452cf3 ; jmp 0x452cf3
+cmp dh, 0x10
+jne near loc_00452d02 ; jne 0x452d02
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, cx
+movsx ebx, word [ref_0048cab8] ; movsx ebx, word [0x48cab8]
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ebx, eax
+shr ecx, 0x10
+and ecx, 0xffff
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, cx
+movsx edx, word [ref_0048cab6] ; movsx edx, word [0x48cab6]
+sub eax, edx
+mov edx, eax
+test ebx, ebx
+jl near loc_00452d02 ; jl 0x452d02
+cmp ebx, 0x80
+jg near loc_00452d02 ; jg 0x452d02
+test eax, eax
+jl near loc_00452d02 ; jl 0x452d02
+cmp eax, 0xc0
+jg near loc_00452d02 ; jg 0x452d02
+shl edx, 7
+lea eax, [edx + ebx]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048ca9c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48ca9c]
+cmp byte [edx + eax], 0x10
+jne near loc_00452d02 ; jne 0x452d02
+push 0
+mov eax, ref_00482352 ; mov eax, 0x482352
+push eax
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+sub ebx, 0xa
+test ebx, ebx
+jg short loc_00453437 ; jg 0x453437
+mov byte [ref_0048caac], 0x30 ; mov byte [0x48caac], 0x30
+xor al, al
+mov byte [ref_0048caad], al ; mov byte [0x48caad], al
+push 1
+call fcn_0045297e ; call 0x45297e
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00452d02 ; jmp 0x452d02
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], ecx
+jmp short loc_00453451 ; jmp 0x453451
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x68]
+inc ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], ebp
+cmp ebp, 0x22
+jge near loc_00452d02 ; jge 0x452d02
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x68]
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_0047e725] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x47e725]
+and eax, 0xff
+cmp ebx, eax
+jg short loc_0045343f ; jg 0x45343f
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x68]
+mov dword [esp + 0x64], eax
+fild dword [esp + 0x64]
+fdiv dword [ref_0046621c] ; fdiv dword [0x46621c]
+fstp dword [esp + 0x60]
+fild dword [ref_0048ca98] ; fild dword [0x48ca98]
+fmul dword [esp + 0x60]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp dword [esp + 0x68]
+push 0xa
+push ref_0048caac ; push 0x48caac
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x70]
+push edx
+call fcn_00457d61 ; call 0x457d61
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp short loc_00453428 ; jmp 0x453428
+push 0
+push ref_00482332 ; push 0x482332
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 1
+push 0x29
+call fcn_004021f8 ; call 0x4021f8
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+jmp near loc_0045342f ; jmp 0x45342f
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea edx, [esp + 0xc]
+push edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a0dc]
+push edi
+call dword [eax + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_00452d02 ; jmp 0x452d02
+push ecx
+push eax
+push ebx
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_00452d04 ; jmp 0x452d04
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+call fcn_004024a1 ; call 0x4024a1
+mov esi, eax
+mov byte [ref_0046cb00], 1 ; mov byte [0x46cb00], 1
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_00453568 ; jne 0x453568
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x15
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048caa8], eax ; mov dword [0x48caa8], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x16
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a05c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a05c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048ca9c], eax ; mov dword [0x48ca9c], eax
+mov word [ref_0048cab8], 0x100 ; mov word [0x48cab8], 0x100
+mov word [ref_0048cab6], 0x90 ; mov word [0x48cab6], 0x90
+mov dword [esp], 0x100
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0x90
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0x180
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x150
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00451e7e ; call 0x451e7e
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0048caa4], eax ; mov dword [0x48caa4], eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0xc0
+push 0x80
+call fcn_00451a5a ; call 0x451a5a
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048caa0], eax ; mov dword [0x48caa0], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov dword [ref_0048ca98], eax ; mov dword [0x48ca98], eax
+push 0
+push fcn_00452c02 ; push 0x452c02
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048cab6] ; movsx eax, word [0x48cab6]
+push eax
+movsx eax, word [ref_0048cab8] ; movsx eax, word [0x48cab8]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048caa4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48caa4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00451edb ; call 0x451edb
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048caa8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48caa8]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048ca9c] ; mov edi, dword [0x48ca9c]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048caa0] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48caa0]
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+cmp esi, 1
+jne short loc_0045366c ; jne 0x45366c
+push esi
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [ref_0046cb00], dh ; mov byte [0x46cb00], dh
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x40
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x54]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x58]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x5c]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x60]
+cmp eax, 0x200
+jb short loc_004536cb ; jb 0x4536cb
+jbe near loc_00453745 ; jbe 0x453745
+cmp eax, 0x205
+jb short loc_004536bb ; jb 0x4536bb
+jbe near loc_004539a2 ; jbe 0x4539a2
+cmp eax, 0x401
+je short loc_004536f6 ; je 0x4536f6
+jmp near loc_00453a22 ; jmp 0x453a22
+cmp eax, 0x202
+je near loc_00453892 ; je 0x453892
+jmp near loc_00453a22 ; jmp 0x453a22
+cmp eax, 0x100
+jb short loc_004536e8 ; jb 0x4536e8
+jbe near loc_00453948 ; jbe 0x453948
+cmp eax, 0x101
+je near loc_0045393a ; je 0x45393a
+jmp near loc_00453a22 ; jmp 0x453a22
+cmp eax, 0xf
+je near loc_004539ca ; je 0x4539ca
+jmp near loc_00453a22 ; jmp 0x453a22
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048cad8], edx ; mov dword [0x48cad8], edx
+xor edx, edx
+mov word [ref_0048cadc], dx ; mov word [0x48cadc], dx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048cac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48cac8]
+add eax, 0x16
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048cac4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48cac4]
+add eax, 0x16
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetCursorPos@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46231c]
+push 1
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push ref_0048cac4 ; push 0x48cac4
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x40
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 0x10
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, bx
+sub edx, dword [ref_0048cac4] ; sub edx, dword [0x48cac4]
+mov eax, ebx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bx, ax
+sub ebx, dword [ref_0048cac8] ; sub ebx, dword [0x48cac8]
+test edx, edx
+jl near loc_00453827 ; jl 0x453827
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048cad4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48cad4]
+movsx ecx, word [eax + 0xc]
+cmp edx, ecx
+jge near loc_00453827 ; jge 0x453827
+test ebx, ebx
+jl near loc_00453827 ; jl 0x453827
+movsx eax, word [eax + 0xe]
+cmp ebx, eax
+jge near loc_00453827 ; jge 0x453827
+sar ecx, 1
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+lea ebx, [eax + 1]
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_0048cad8] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x48cad8]
+je short loc_00453739 ; je 0x453739
+push 0
+push ref_0048231a ; push 0x48231a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048cac8] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48cac8]
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048cac4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48cac4]
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048cad4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48cad4]
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add ecx, 0xc
+add eax, ecx
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push edx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push ref_0048cac4 ; push 0x48cac4
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+mov dword [ref_0048cad8], ebx ; mov dword [0x48cad8], ebx
+jmp near loc_00453739 ; jmp 0x453739
+cmp dword [ref_0048cad8], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48cad8], 0
+je near loc_00453739 ; je 0x453739
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048cac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48cac8]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048cac4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48cac4]
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048cad4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48cad4]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push ref_0048cac4 ; push 0x48cac4
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0045381c ; jmp 0x45381c
+cmp dword [ref_0048cad8], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48cad8], 0
+je near loc_00453739 ; je 0x453739
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048cac8] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48cac8]
+push ebx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048cac4] ; mov edi, dword [0x48cac4]
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048cad4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48cad4]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push ref_0048cac4 ; push 0x48cac4
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__InvalidateRect@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622f8]
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+cmp dword [ref_0048cad8], 1 ; cmp dword [0x48cad8], 1
+jne short loc_00453923 ; jne 0x453923
+push 0
+push ref_0048232a ; push 0x48232a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, 1
+jmp short loc_00453934 ; jmp 0x453934
+push 0
+push ref_00482332 ; push 0x482332
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+xor ebx, ebx
+push ebx
+jmp near loc_004539bd ; jmp 0x4539bd
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov word [ref_0048cadc], bx ; mov word [0x48cadc], bx
+jmp near loc_00453739 ; jmp 0x453739
+cmp edx, 0x11
+jne short loc_00453958 ; jne 0x453958
+mov word [ref_0048cadc], 0x1100 ; mov word [0x48cadc], 0x1100
+jmp short loc_0045395f ; jmp 0x45395f
+or word [ref_0048cadc], dx ; or word [0x48cadc], dx
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_00497178] ; mov dx, word [0x497178]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ref_0048cadc] ; mov ax, word [0x48cadc]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne short loc_00453991 ; jne 0x453991
+push 0
+push ref_0048232a ; push 0x48232a
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+jmp short loc_004539bd ; jmp 0x4539bd
+xor edx, edx
+mov dx, word [ref_0049717a] ; mov dx, word [0x49717a]
+cmp eax, edx
+jne near loc_00453739 ; jne 0x453739
+push 0
+push ref_00482332 ; push 0x482332
+call fcn_004542ce ; call 0x4542ce
+add esp, 8
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call fcn_00401966 ; call 0x401966
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00453739 ; jmp 0x453739
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__BeginPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622cc]
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0040235d ; call 0x40235d
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0dc] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0dc]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0x10
+lea ecx, [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0e0]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push edi
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x1c] ; ucall
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00402250 ; call 0x402250
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__EndPaint@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622e8]
+jmp near loc_00453739 ; jmp 0x453739
+push ebx
+push edx
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__DefWindowProcA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d8]
+jmp near loc_0045373b ; jmp 0x45373b
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+call fcn_004024a1 ; call 0x4024a1
+mov edi, eax
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_00453a4c ; jne 0x453a4c
+push 0
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0x1b8
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0e4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0e4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_0048cad4], eax ; mov dword [0x48cad4], eax
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0xc]
+sar edx, 1
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+sub ebx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048cac4], ebx ; mov dword [0x48cac4], ebx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0xe]
+sar edx, 1
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+sub ebx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048cac8], ebx ; mov dword [0x48cac8], ebx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0xc]
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048cac4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48cac4]
+add edx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_0048cacc], edx ; mov dword [0x48cacc], edx
+movsx edx, word [eax + 0xe]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048cac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48cac8]
+add eax, edx
+mov dword [ref_0048cad0], eax ; mov dword [0x48cad0], eax
+push ref_0048cac4 ; push 0x48cac4
+call fcn_00451e7e ; call 0x451e7e
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 1
+push ref_0048a068 ; push 0x48a068
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x64] ; ucall
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048cac8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48cac8]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048cac4] ; mov esi, dword [0x48cac4]
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048cad4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48cad4]
+add eax, 0xc
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a08c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a08c]
+push ebp
+call fcn_004563f5 ; call 0x4563f5
+add esp, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0e0] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0e0]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x80] ; ucall
+push 0
+push fcn_0045367e ; push 0x45367e
+call fcn_004018e7 ; call 0x4018e7
+add esp, 8
+mov esi, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048cac8] ; mov eax, dword [0x48cac8]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048cac4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48cac4]
+push edx
+push ebx
+call fcn_00451edb ; call 0x451edb
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048cad4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48cad4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+cmp edi, 1
+jne short loc_00453b4e ; jne 0x453b4e
+push edi
+call fcn_00402460 ; call 0x402460
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esi
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edx, dword [ref_0047e748] ; mov edx, dword [0x47e748]
+test edx, edx
+jne near loc_00453cec ; jne 0x453cec
+cmp byte [ref_0047e76c], 0 ; cmp byte [0x47e76c], 0
+jne near loc_00453cec ; jne 0x453cec
+push edx
+push ref_0047e748 ; push 0x47e748
+push edx
+call fcn_0046121c ; call 0x46121c
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00453bad ; je 0x453bad
+push 0x10
+push ref_00466220 ; push 0x466220
+push ref_00466228 ; push 0x466228
+push 0
+call dword [cs:__imp__MessageBoxA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462308]
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [ref_0047e748], esi ; mov dword [0x47e748], esi
+mov byte [ref_0047e76c], 1 ; mov byte [0x47e76c], 1
+xor eax, eax
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047e748] ; mov eax, dword [0x47e748]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 3
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x18] ; ucall
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00453bef ; je 0x453bef
+push 0x10
+push ref_0046625a ; push 0x46625a
+push ref_00466260 ; push 0x466260
+push 0
+call dword [cs:__imp__MessageBoxA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462308]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047e748] ; mov eax, dword [0x47e748]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 8] ; ucall
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_0047e748], ebx ; mov dword [0x47e748], ebx
+jmp short loc_00453ba0 ; jmp 0x453ba0
+mov dword [ref_0048cb28], 0x14 ; mov dword [0x48cb28], 0x14
+mov dword [ref_0048cb2c], 1 ; mov dword [0x48cb2c], 1
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [ref_0048cb30], eax ; mov dword [0x48cb30], eax
+mov dword [ref_0048cb34], eax ; mov dword [0x48cb34], eax
+mov dword [ref_0048cb38], eax ; mov dword [0x48cb38], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047e748] ; mov eax, dword [0x47e748]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push edi
+push ref_0047e74c ; push 0x47e74c
+push ref_0048cb28 ; push 0x48cb28
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0xc] ; ucall
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00453c5a ; je 0x453c5a
+push 0x10
+push ref_0046625a ; push 0x46625a
+push ref_00466287 ; push 0x466287
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__MessageBoxA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462308]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047e748] ; mov eax, dword [0x47e748]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 8] ; ucall
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ref_0047e748], ecx ; mov dword [0x47e748], ecx
+jmp near loc_00453ba0 ; jmp 0x453ba0
+mov edx, 1
+mov word [ref_0048cb3c], dx ; mov word [0x48cb3c], dx
+mov ecx, edx
+mov word [ref_0048cb3e], dx ; mov word [0x48cb3e], dx
+mov edx, 0x5622
+mov dword [ref_0048cb40], edx ; mov dword [0x48cb40], edx
+mov dword [ref_0048cb44], edx ; mov dword [0x48cb44], edx
+mov word [ref_0048cb48], cx ; mov word [0x48cb48], cx
+mov word [ref_0048cb4a], 8 ; mov word [0x48cb4a], 8
+xor edi, edi
+mov word [ref_0048cb4c], di ; mov word [0x48cb4c], di
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047e74c] ; mov eax, dword [0x47e74c]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push ref_0048cb3c ; push 0x48cb3c
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x38] ; ucall
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00453cec ; je 0x453cec
+push 0x10
+push ref_0046625a ; push 0x46625a
+push ref_004662b3 ; push 0x4662b3
+push 0
+call dword [cs:__imp__MessageBoxA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462308]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047e748] ; mov eax, dword [0x47e748]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 8] ; ucall
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [ref_0047e748], eax ; mov dword [0x47e748], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047e74c] ; mov eax, dword [0x47e74c]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 8] ; ucall
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0047e74c], edx ; mov dword [0x47e74c], edx
+jmp near loc_00453ba0 ; jmp 0x453ba0
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00453cfb ; je 0x453cfb
+call fcn_004541e3 ; call 0x4541e3
+jmp short loc_00453d0b ; jmp 0x453d0b
+push 0x40
+push ebx
+push ref_0048cae8 ; push 0x48cae8
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [ref_0048cae4], esi ; mov dword [0x48cae4], esi
+mov dword [ref_0047e750], esi ; mov dword [0x47e750], esi
+mov dword [ref_0047e754], esi ; mov dword [0x47e754], esi
+mov eax, 1
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_00453d36 ; jmp 0x453d36
+inc esi
+cmp esi, 0x10
+jge short loc_00453d65 ; jge 0x453d65
+mov ebx, esi
+shl ebx, 2
+mov edx, dword [ebx + ref_0048cae8] ; mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x48cae8]
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_00453d30 ; je 0x453d30
+mov ebx, edx
+cmp dword [ebx], 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00453d30 ; je 0x453d30
+mov edi, dword [ebx + 4]
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_00453d30 ; je 0x453d30
+mov edx, dword [edi]
+push edi
+call dword [edx + 8] ; ucall
+mov dword [ebx + 4], 0
+add ebx, 8
+jmp short loc_00453d47 ; jmp 0x453d47
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dword [ref_0048cae4], ebp ; mov dword [0x48cae4], ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047e754] ; mov eax, dword [0x47e754]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00453d82 ; je 0x453d82
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 8] ; ucall
+mov dword [ref_0047e754], ebp ; mov dword [0x47e754], ebp
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0047e750] ; mov ecx, dword [0x47e750]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_00453d9a ; je 0x453d9a
+mov edx, dword [ecx]
+push ecx
+call dword [edx + 8] ; ucall
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_0047e750], ebx ; mov dword [0x47e750], ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_0047e74c] ; mov esi, dword [0x47e74c]
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00453db2 ; je 0x453db2
+mov edx, dword [esi]
+push esi
+call dword [edx + 8] ; ucall
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [ref_0047e74c], edi ; mov dword [0x47e74c], edi
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0047e748] ; mov ebp, dword [0x47e748]
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_00453dca ; je 0x453dca
+mov edx, dword [ebp]
+push ebp
+call dword [edx + 8] ; ucall
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [ref_0047e748], eax ; mov dword [0x47e748], eax
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x14
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x28]
+cmp dword [ref_0047e748], 0 ; cmp dword [0x47e748], 0
+je short loc_00453de7 ; je 0x453de7
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_00453dee ; jne 0x453dee
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_00453f64 ; jmp 0x453f64
+cmp byte [esi], 0x52
+jne short loc_00453de7 ; jne 0x453de7
+cmp byte [esi + 1], 0x49
+jne short loc_00453de7 ; jne 0x453de7
+mov dh, byte [esi + 2]
+cmp dh, 0x46
+jne short loc_00453de7 ; jne 0x453de7
+cmp dh, byte [esi + 3]
+jne short loc_00453de7 ; jne 0x453de7
+push 0x10
+lea eax, [esi + 0x14]
+push eax
+push ref_0048cb3c ; push 0x48cb3c
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+xor edx, edx
+mov word [ref_0048cb4c], dx ; mov word [0x48cb4c], dx
+mov ebx, dword [esi + 0x10]
+add ebx, 0x14
+lea eax, [esi + ebx]
+cmp byte [eax], 0x64
+jne short loc_00453e43 ; jne 0x453e43
+mov ch, byte [eax + 1]
+cmp ch, 0x61
+jne short loc_00453e43 ; jne 0x453e43
+cmp byte [eax + 2], 0x74
+jne short loc_00453e43 ; jne 0x453e43
+cmp ch, byte [eax + 3]
+je short loc_00453e50 ; je 0x453e50
+lea eax, [esi + ebx]
+mov edi, dword [eax + 4]
+add edi, 8
+add ebx, edi
+jmp short loc_00453e28 ; jmp 0x453e28
+mov edi, dword [eax + 4]
+mov dword [ref_0048cb28], 0x14 ; mov dword [0x48cb28], 0x14
+mov dword [ref_0048cb2c], 0xe2 ; mov dword [0x48cb2c], 0xe2
+mov dword [ref_0048cb30], edi ; mov dword [0x48cb30], edi
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [ref_0048cb34], eax ; mov dword [0x48cb34], eax
+mov dword [ref_0048cb38], ref_0048cb3c ; mov dword [0x48cb38], 0x48cb3c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047e748] ; mov eax, dword [0x47e748]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+lea ecx, [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+push ref_0048cb28 ; push 0x48cb28
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0xc] ; ucall
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_00453de7 ; jne 0x453de7
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+lea edx, [esp + 0x14]
+push edx
+lea edx, [esp + 0x10]
+push edx
+lea edx, [esp + 0x18]
+push edx
+lea edx, [esp + 0x14]
+push edx
+push edi
+push 0
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+push ecx
+call dword [eax + 0x2c] ; ucall
+mov edx, eax
+cmp eax, 0x88780096
+jne short loc_00453f00 ; jne 0x453f00
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+mov ebp, dword [esp]
+push ebp
+call dword [eax + 0x50] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+push 0
+lea edx, [esp + 0x14]
+push edx
+lea edx, [esp + 0x10]
+push edx
+lea edx, [esp + 0x18]
+push edx
+lea edx, [esp + 0x14]
+push edx
+push edi
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+push edx
+call dword [eax + 0x2c] ; ucall
+mov edx, eax
+test edx, edx
+jne near loc_00453de7 ; jne 0x453de7
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+add ebx, esi
+lea eax, [ebx + 8]
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0xc]
+cmp edi, ebp
+je short loc_00453f40 ; je 0x453f40
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+add ebx, ebp
+add ebx, 8
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push ebx
+lea edx, [esp + 0xc]
+push edx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push esi
+lea edx, [esp + 0x10]
+push edx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push edi
+call dword [eax + 0x4c] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+add esp, 0x14
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x24]
+cmp dword [ref_0047e748], 0 ; cmp dword [0x47e748], 0
+je short loc_00453fc1 ; je 0x453fc1
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_00453fc1 ; je 0x453fc1
+push 0
+push 0
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a058] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a058]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+mov esi, eax
+cmp byte [eax], 0x52
+jne short loc_00453fb8 ; jne 0x453fb8
+cmp byte [ebx + 1], 0x49
+jne short loc_00453fb8 ; jne 0x453fb8
+mov dh, byte [ebx + 2]
+cmp dh, 0x46
+jne short loc_00453fb8 ; jne 0x453fb8
+cmp dh, byte [ebx + 3]
+je short loc_00453fc8 ; je 0x453fc8
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_004540d0 ; jmp 0x4540d0
+push 0x10
+lea eax, [ebx + 0x14]
+push eax
+push ref_0048cb3c ; push 0x48cb3c
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+xor edx, edx
+mov word [ref_0048cb4c], dx ; mov word [0x48cb4c], dx
+mov ebx, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+add ebx, 0x14
+lea eax, [esi + ebx]
+cmp byte [eax], 0x64
+jne short loc_00454005 ; jne 0x454005
+mov dl, byte [eax + 1]
+cmp dl, 0x61
+jne short loc_00454005 ; jne 0x454005
+cmp byte [eax + 2], 0x74
+jne short loc_00454005 ; jne 0x454005
+cmp dl, byte [eax + 3]
+je short loc_00454012 ; je 0x454012
+lea eax, [esi + ebx]
+mov edi, dword [eax + 4]
+add edi, 8
+add ebx, edi
+jmp short loc_00453fea ; jmp 0x453fea
+mov edi, dword [eax + 4]
+mov eax, dword [ebp]
+push 0
+lea edx, [esp + 0x10]
+push edx
+lea edx, [esp + 0xc]
+push edx
+lea edx, [esp + 0x14]
+push edx
+lea edx, [esp + 0x10]
+push edx
+push edi
+push 0
+push ebp
+call dword [eax + 0x2c] ; ucall
+mov edx, eax
+cmp eax, 0x88780096
+jne short loc_00454067 ; jne 0x454067
+mov eax, dword [ebp]
+push ebp
+call dword [eax + 0x50] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ebp]
+push 0
+lea edx, [esp + 0x10]
+push edx
+lea edx, [esp + 0xc]
+push edx
+lea edx, [esp + 0x14]
+push edx
+lea edx, [esp + 0x10]
+push edx
+push edi
+push 0
+push ebp
+call dword [eax + 0x2c] ; ucall
+mov edx, eax
+test edx, edx
+jne near loc_00453fb8 ; jne 0x453fb8
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+push eax
+add ebx, esi
+lea eax, [ebx + 8]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 8]
+cmp edi, ecx
+je short loc_004540a7 ; je 0x4540a7
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push edi
+add ebx, ecx
+add ebx, 8
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ebp]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+lea edx, [esp + 8]
+push edx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push ebx
+lea edx, [esp + 0xc]
+push edx
+push ebp
+call dword [eax + 0x4c] ; ucall
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, 1
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00454150 ; je 0x454150
+cmp byte [ref_0049715b], 0 ; cmp byte [0x49715b], 0
+je short loc_00454150 ; je 0x454150
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [eax + 0x34] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push edx
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [eax + 0x30] ; ucall
+cmp eax, 0x88780096
+jne short loc_0045412c ; jne 0x45412c
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push ecx
+push ebx
+call fcn_00453f6c ; call 0x453f6c
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_0045412c ; jne 0x45412c
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [eax + 0x30] ; ucall
+mov edx, dword [ebx]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0049715b] ; mov al, byte [0x49715b]
+mov edi, dword [eax*4 + ref_0047e758] ; mov edi, dword [eax*4 + 0x47e758]
+push edi
+push ebx
+call dword [edx + 0x3c] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov dword [ref_0048cae0], eax ; mov dword [0x48cae0], eax
+mov dword [ref_0048cae4], ebx ; mov dword [0x48cae4], ebx
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+dd 0x24548b53
+db 0x08
+db 0x83
+db 0x3d
+dd ref_0047e748
+db 0x00
+dd 0xd2851274
+dd 0x028b0e74
+dd 0x4850ff52
+dd 0x1d89db31
+dd ref_0048cae4
+db 0x5b
+db 0xc3
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+cmp dword [ref_0047e748], 0 ; cmp dword [0x47e748], 0
+je short loc_004541df ; je 0x4541df
+mov ecx, dword [ebx]
+cmp ecx, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_004541bd ; je 0x4541bd
+push 0
+push 0
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [ref_0048a058] ; mov edi, dword [0x48a058]
+push edi
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov esi, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push eax
+call fcn_00453dcf ; call 0x453dcf
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ebx + 4], eax
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+add ebx, 8
+jmp short loc_00454186 ; jmp 0x454186
+xor eax, eax
+jmp short loc_004541c7 ; jmp 0x4541c7
+inc eax
+cmp eax, 0x10
+jge short loc_004541df ; jge 0x4541df
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+cmp dword [ebx + ref_0048cae8], 0 ; cmp dword [ebx + 0x48cae8], 0
+jne short loc_004541c1 ; jne 0x4541c1
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov dword [ebx + ref_0048cae8], eax ; mov dword [ebx + 0x48cae8], eax
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+cmp dword [ref_0047e748], 0 ; cmp dword [0x47e748], 0
+je short loc_004541df ; je 0x4541df
+xor edi, edi
+jmp short loc_004541f9 ; jmp 0x4541f9
+inc edi
+cmp edi, 0x10
+jge short loc_004541df ; jge 0x4541df
+mov ebx, edi
+shl ebx, 2
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + ref_0048cae8] ; mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x48cae8]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_004541f3 ; je 0x4541f3
+mov ebx, ecx
+mov esi, dword [ebx]
+cmp esi, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_004541f3 ; je 0x4541f3
+push 0
+push 0
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a058] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a058]
+push eax
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov esi, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push eax
+call fcn_00453dcf ; call 0x453dcf
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ebx + 4], eax
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+add ebx, 8
+jmp short loc_0045420a ; jmp 0x45420a
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov ebx, esi
+cmp dword [ref_0047e748], 0 ; cmp dword [0x47e748], 0
+je near loc_004542c6 ; je 0x4542c6
+cmp dword [ebx], 0xffffffff
+je short loc_004542a7 ; je 0x4542a7
+mov edi, dword [ebx + 4]
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_004542a2 ; je 0x4542a2
+mov edx, dword [edi]
+mov ecx, esp
+push ecx
+push edi
+call dword [edx + 0x24] ; ucall
+test byte [esp], 1
+je short loc_0045427e ; je 0x45427e
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 4]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x48] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 4]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 8] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 4]
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048cae4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48cae4]
+cmp eax, ebp
+jne short loc_0045429b ; jne 0x45429b
+xor eax, ebp
+mov dword [ref_0048cae4], eax ; mov dword [0x48cae4], eax
+mov dword [ebx + 4], 0
+add ebx, 8
+jmp short loc_0045425a ; jmp 0x45425a
+xor eax, eax
+jmp short loc_004542b1 ; jmp 0x4542b1
+inc eax
+cmp eax, 0x10
+jge short loc_004542c6 ; jge 0x4542c6
+mov ebx, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+cmp esi, dword [ebx + ref_0048cae8] ; cmp esi, dword [ebx + 0x48cae8]
+jne short loc_004542ab ; jne 0x4542ab
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ebx + ref_0048cae8], ecx ; mov dword [ebx + 0x48cae8], ecx
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [eax]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [eax + 4]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004540d8 ; call 0x4540d8
+add esp, 0xc
+pop ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+cmp dword [ref_0047e748], 0 ; cmp dword [0x47e748], 0
+je short loc_00454303 ; je 0x454303
+mov ecx, dword [eax + 4]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_00454303 ; je 0x454303
+mov edx, dword [ecx]
+push ecx
+call dword [edx + 0x48] ; ucall
+push ebx
+call fcn_00454395 ; call 0x454395
+cmp dword [ref_0047e748], 0 ; cmp dword [0x47e748], 0
+je short loc_0045434d ; je 0x45434d
+cmp byte [ref_0049715b], 0 ; cmp byte [0x49715b], 0
+je short loc_0045434d ; je 0x45434d
+push 0
+push 0
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a058] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a058]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push eax
+call fcn_00453dcf ; call 0x453dcf
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0047e754], eax ; mov dword [0x47e754], eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+cmp dword [ref_0047e748], 0 ; cmp dword [0x47e748], 0
+je short loc_00454393 ; je 0x454393
+cmp byte [ref_0049715b], 0 ; cmp byte [0x49715b], 0
+je short loc_00454393 ; je 0x454393
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0047e754] ; mov ecx, dword [0x47e754]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_00454393 ; je 0x454393
+mov edx, dword [ecx]
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+push ecx
+call dword [edx + 0x30] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047e754] ; mov eax, dword [0x47e754]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cl, byte [ref_0049715b] ; mov cl, byte [0x49715b]
+mov ebx, dword [ecx*4 + ref_0047e758] ; mov ebx, dword [ecx*4 + 0x47e758]
+push ebx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x3c] ; ucall
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+cmp dword [ref_0047e748], 0 ; cmp dword [0x47e748], 0
+je short loc_004543c2 ; je 0x4543c2
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0047e754] ; mov ecx, dword [0x47e754]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_004543c2 ; je 0x4543c2
+mov edx, dword [ecx]
+push ecx
+call dword [edx + 0x48] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047e754] ; mov eax, dword [0x47e754]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 8] ; ucall
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_0047e754], ebx ; mov dword [0x47e754], ebx
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 4
+call dword [cs:__imp__timeGetTime@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46246c]
+mov esi, eax
+cmp dword [ref_0047e748], 0 ; cmp dword [0x47e748], 0
+je short loc_00454414 ; je 0x454414
+cmp dword [ref_0048cae4], 0 ; cmp dword [0x48cae4], 0
+je short loc_00454414 ; je 0x454414
+cmp byte [ref_0049715b], 0 ; cmp byte [0x49715b], 0
+je short loc_00454414 ; je 0x454414
+call dword [cs:__imp__timeGetTime@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46246c]
+mov ebx, eax
+sub ebx, esi
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048cae4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48cae4]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+mov ecx, esp
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x24] ; ucall
+test byte [esp], 1
+je short loc_00454414 ; je 0x454414
+cmp ebx, 0x3e8
+jb short loc_004543ed ; jb 0x4543ed
+add esp, 4
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+cmp dword [ref_0047e748], 0 ; cmp dword [0x47e748], 0
+je short loc_00454490 ; je 0x454490
+cmp byte [ref_0049715b], 0 ; cmp byte [0x49715b], 0
+je short loc_00454490 ; je 0x454490
+call fcn_00454493 ; call 0x454493
+push 0
+push 0
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a054] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a054]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00450441 ; call 0x450441
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+push eax
+call fcn_00453dcf ; call 0x453dcf
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_0047e750], eax ; mov dword [0x47e750], eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047e750] ; mov eax, dword [0x47e750]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x30] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047e750] ; mov eax, dword [0x47e750]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0049715b] ; mov dl, byte [0x49715b]
+mov esi, dword [edx*4 + ref_0047e758] ; mov esi, dword [edx*4 + 0x47e758]
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [ebx + 0x3c] ; ucall
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0047e750] ; mov edx, dword [0x47e750]
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_004544b8 ; je 0x4544b8
+mov eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [edx]
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x48] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047e750] ; mov eax, dword [0x47e750]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 8] ; ucall
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ref_0047e750], ecx ; mov dword [0x47e750], ecx
+push ebx
+sub esp, 4
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0047e750] ; mov edx, dword [0x47e750]
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_004544ef ; je 0x4544ef
+cmp byte [ref_0049715b], 0 ; cmp byte [0x49715b], 0
+je short loc_004544ef ; je 0x4544ef
+mov eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [edx]
+mov ecx, esp
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x24] ; ucall
+test byte [esp], 1
+je short loc_004544ea ; je 0x4544ea
+mov ebx, 1
+jmp short loc_004544ef ; jmp 0x4544ef
+call fcn_00454493 ; call 0x454493
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 4
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 0x20
+xor ebx, ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__timeGetTime@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46246c]
+mov esi, eax
+cmp dword [ref_0047e750], 0 ; cmp dword [0x47e750], 0
+je near loc_0045458f ; je 0x45458f
+cmp byte [ref_0049715b], 0 ; cmp byte [0x49715b], 0
+je near loc_0045458f ; je 0x45458f
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__PeekMessageA@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46230c]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045456f ; je 0x45456f
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 4]
+cmp ecx, 0x202
+je short loc_00454554 ; je 0x454554
+cmp ecx, 0x205
+je short loc_00454554 ; je 0x454554
+cmp ecx, 0x101
+jne short loc_00454559 ; jne 0x454559
+mov ebx, 1
+cmp dword [esp + 4], 0x3b9
+jne short loc_0045456f ; jne 0x45456f
+cmp dword [esp + 8], 1
+jne short loc_0045456f ; jne 0x45456f
+call fcn_00454d2c ; call 0x454d2c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047e750] ; mov eax, dword [0x47e750]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+lea ecx, [esp + 0x1c]
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [edx + 0x24] ; ucall
+test byte [esp + 0x1c], 1
+je short loc_0045458a ; je 0x45458a
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00454520 ; je 0x454520
+call fcn_00454493 ; call 0x454493
+call dword [cs:__imp__timeGetTime@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46246c]
+sub eax, esi
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+cmp eax, ecx
+jae short loc_004545b1 ; jae 0x4545b1
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_004545b1 ; jne 0x4545b1
+mov edx, ecx
+sub edx, eax
+push edx
+call fcn_004528b9 ; call 0x4528b9
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x20
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x41
+db 0x3a
+db 0x00
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0xa0
+lea edi, [esp + 0x9c]
+mov esi, ref_004545b7 ; mov esi, 0x4545b7
+db 0x66, 0xa5 ; movsw word es:[edi], word ptr [esi]
+movsb ; movsb byte es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
+mov al, byte [ref_00476374] ; mov al, byte [0x476374]
+mov byte [esp + 0x9c], al
+lea eax, [esp + 0x9c]
+push eax
+push ref_004663e7 ; push 0x4663e7
+lea eax, [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x70]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_00454771 ; jne 0x454771
+push eax
+push eax
+push eax
+push ref_0046640a ; push 0x46640a
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+push 0
+push 0x28
+lea eax, [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+push ref_00466427 ; push 0x466427
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+lea eax, [esp + 0x64]
+push eax
+call fcn_004584db ; call 0x4584db
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 9
+jne near loc_00454767 ; jne 0x454767
+mov byte [ref_0047e770], 1 ; mov byte [0x47e770], 1
+xor ebx, ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__auxGetNumDevs@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46244c]
+cmp ebx, eax
+jae near loc_00454779 ; jae 0x454779
+push 0x30
+lea eax, [esp + 0x38]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__auxGetDevCapsA@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462448]
+cmp word [esp + 0x5c], 1
+jne near loc_00454761 ; jne 0x454761
+test byte [esp + 0x60], 1
+je near loc_00454761 ; je 0x454761
+mov dword [ref_0047e7df], ebx ; mov dword [0x47e7df], ebx
+push ref_0048cb78 ; push 0x48cb78
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__auxGetVolume@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462450]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048cb78] ; mov eax, dword [0x48cb78]
+mov dword [ref_0047e807], eax ; mov dword [0x47e807], eax
+test byte [esp + 0x60], 2
+je near loc_00454736 ; je 0x454736
+mov edx, eax
+shr edx, 0x10
+and edx, 0xffff
+mov ebx, eax
+and ebx, 0xffff
+mov ecx, 0xa
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov ecx, eax
+mov edi, eax
+shl edi, 3
+sub edi, eax
+shl edi, 0x10
+mov esi, 0xa
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, ebx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv esi
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, edx
+and eax, 0xffff
+add edi, eax
+mov dword [ref_0047e803], edi ; mov dword [0x47e803], edi
+mov ebx, ecx
+mov esi, ebx
+shl esi, 2
+add esi, ebx
+shl esi, 0x10
+mov ebx, edx
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+and eax, 0xffff
+add esi, eax
+mov dword [ref_0047e7ff], esi ; mov dword [0x47e7ff], esi
+shl ecx, 0x11
+add edx, edx
+and edx, 0xffff
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0047e7fb], ecx ; mov dword [0x47e7fb], ecx
+jmp short loc_00454779 ; jmp 0x454779
+mov ecx, 0xa
+xor edx, edx
+div ecx
+mov ebx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+sub eax, ebx
+mov dword [ref_0047e803], eax ; mov dword [0x47e803], eax
+mov eax, ebx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, ebx
+mov dword [ref_0047e7ff], eax ; mov dword [0x47e7ff], eax
+add ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ref_0047e7fb], ebx ; mov dword [0x47e7fb], ebx
+jmp short loc_00454779 ; jmp 0x454779
+inc ebx
+jmp near loc_00454655 ; jmp 0x454655
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [ref_0047e770], dl ; mov byte [0x47e770], dl
+jmp short loc_00454779 ; jmp 0x454779
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0047e770], ah ; mov byte [0x47e770], ah
+push ref_00466447 ; push 0x466447
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciGetDeviceIDA@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462458]
+mov dword [ref_0047e7db], eax ; mov dword [0x47e7db], eax
+push 0x34
+lea edx, [esp + 4]
+push edx
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__midiOutGetDevCapsA@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462460]
+push ref_0048cb7c ; push 0x48cb7c
+mov edx, dword [ref_0047e7db] ; mov edx, dword [0x47e7db]
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__midiOutGetVolume@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462464]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048cb7c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48cb7c]
+mov dword [ref_0047e7f3], eax ; mov dword [0x47e7f3], eax
+test byte [esp + 0x30], 2
+je near loc_00454855 ; je 0x454855
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048cb7c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48cb7c]
+shr edx, 0x10
+and edx, 0xffff
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048cb7c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48cb7c]
+and ebx, 0xffff
+mov ecx, 0xa
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov ecx, eax
+mov esi, eax
+shl esi, 3
+add esi, eax
+shl esi, 0x10
+mov edi, 0xa
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, ebx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv edi
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+and eax, 0xffff
+add esi, eax
+mov dword [ref_0047e7ef], esi ; mov dword [0x47e7ef], esi
+mov ebx, ecx
+shl ebx, 0x13
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+and eax, 0xffff
+add ebx, eax
+mov dword [ref_0047e7eb], ebx ; mov dword [0x47e7eb], ebx
+mov eax, ecx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, ecx
+lea ecx, [eax + eax]
+shl ecx, 0x10
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+add eax, eax
+and eax, 0xffff
+add ecx, eax
+mov dword [ref_0047e7e7], ecx ; mov dword [0x47e7e7], ecx
+jmp near loc_004548e0 ; jmp 0x4548e0
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0x90], ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048cb7c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48cb7c]
+mov dword [esp + 0x8c], eax
+fild qword [esp + 0x8c]
+fst qword [esp + 0x8c]
+fmul qword [ref_00466458] ; fmul qword [0x466458]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp qword [esp + 0x94]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x94]
+mov dword [ref_0047e7ef], eax ; mov dword [0x47e7ef], eax
+fld qword [esp + 0x8c]
+fmul qword [ref_00466460] ; fmul qword [0x466460]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp qword [esp + 0x94]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x94]
+mov dword [ref_0047e7eb], eax ; mov dword [0x47e7eb], eax
+fld qword [esp + 0x8c]
+fmul qword [ref_00466468] ; fmul qword [0x466468]
+call fcn_00457dbc ; call 0x457dbc
+fistp qword [esp + 0x94]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x94]
+mov dword [ref_0047e7e7], eax ; mov dword [0x47e7e7], eax
+call fcn_0045497b ; call 0x45497b
+add esp, 0xa0
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+cmp byte [ref_0047e770], 0 ; cmp byte [0x47e770], 0
+jne short loc_00454906 ; jne 0x454906
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_00466470 ; push 0x466470
+jmp short loc_00454923 ; jmp 0x454923
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_0046647f ; push 0x46647f
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_00466491 ; push 0x466491
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048cb7c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48cb7c]
+push edx
+push ref_00466447 ; push 0x466447
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciGetDeviceIDA@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462458]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__midiOutSetVolume@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462468]
+cmp byte [ref_0047e770], 1 ; cmp byte [0x47e770], 1
+jne short loc_0045496b ; jne 0x45496b
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0047e7df] ; mov ecx, dword [0x47e7df]
+cmp ecx, 0xffff
+je short loc_0045496b ; je 0x45496b
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048cb78] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48cb78]
+push ebx
+push ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__auxSetVolume@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462454]
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [ref_0046cb03], dh ; mov byte [0x46cb03], dh
+mov byte [ref_0046cb04], dh ; mov byte [0x46cb04], dh
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0049715a] ; mov al, byte [0x49715a]
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_0047e7e3] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x47e7e3]
+push edx
+push ref_00466447 ; push 0x466447
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciGetDeviceIDA@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462458]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__midiOutSetVolume@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462468]
+cmp byte [ref_0047e770], 1 ; cmp byte [0x47e770], 1
+jne short loc_004549cd ; jne 0x4549cd
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0047e7df] ; mov ecx, dword [0x47e7df]
+cmp ecx, 0xffff
+je short loc_004549cd ; je 0x4549cd
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0049715a] ; mov al, byte [0x49715a]
+mov ebx, dword [eax*4 + ref_0047e7f7] ; mov ebx, dword [eax*4 + 0x47e7f7]
+push ebx
+push ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__auxSetVolume@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462454]
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x28
+xor esi, esi
+xor eax, eax
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb06], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb06], 0
+jne near loc_00454ac3 ; jne 0x454ac3
+test byte [esp + 0x3d], 0x80
+je short loc_004549fb ; je 0x4549fb
+and dword [esp + 0x3c], 0x7fff
+mov eax, 1
+cmp byte [ref_0049715a], 0 ; cmp byte [0x49715a], 0
+je near loc_00454ab8 ; je 0x454ab8
+test byte [ref_0047e772], 0x80 ; test byte [0x47e772], 0x80
+je short loc_00454a1f ; je 0x454a1f
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00454a1f ; jne 0x454a1f
+call fcn_00454b1a ; call 0x454b1a
+mov esi, 1
+call fcn_00454acb ; call 0x454acb
+mov edi, 1
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+shl ebx, 2
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + ref_0047e793] ; mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x47e793]
+push ecx
+push ref_004664a4 ; push 0x4664a4
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00454a93 ; je 0x454a93
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + ref_0047e793] ; mov ebp, dword [ebx + 0x47e793]
+push ebp
+push ref_00476374 ; push 0x476374
+push ref_004664c0 ; push 0x4664c0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00454ab8 ; jne 0x454ab8
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_00454ab8 ; je 0x454ab8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_004664de ; push 0x4664de
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00454ab8 ; jne 0x454ab8
+mov byte [ref_0046cb03], 1 ; mov byte [0x46cb03], 1
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x3c]
+mov byte [ref_0047e772], al ; mov byte [0x47e772], al
+mov eax, esi
+add esp, 0x28
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb03], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb03], 0
+je short loc_00454ae6 ; je 0x454ae6
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_00466470 ; push 0x466470
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [ref_0046cb03], dl ; mov byte [0x46cb03], dl
+mov byte [ref_0047e772], dl ; mov byte [0x47e772], dl
+call fcn_00454f46 ; call 0x454f46
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_00454b19 ; jne 0x454b19
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_0046647f ; push 0x46647f
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_0046cb04], ah ; mov byte [0x46cb04], ah
+push ebx
+sub esp, 0x14
+cmp byte [ref_0047e770], 0 ; cmp byte [0x47e770], 0
+jne near loc_00454ba9 ; jne 0x454ba9
+call fcn_00454efa ; call 0x454efa
+cmp eax, 1
+jne short loc_00454b6c ; jne 0x454b6c
+push 0
+push 0x14
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+push ref_004664f5 ; push 0x4664f5
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_004584db ; call 0x4584db
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_0047e7d7] ; mov edx, dword [0x47e7d7]
+mov dword [edx*4 + ref_0048cb50], eax ; mov dword [edx*4 + 0x48cb50], eax
+mov eax, edx
+mov dl, byte [ref_0047e772] ; mov dl, byte [0x47e772]
+jmp short loc_00454b98 ; jmp 0x454b98
+mov dh, byte [ref_0047e771] ; mov dh, byte [0x47e771]
+inc dh
+mov byte [ref_0047e771], dh ; mov byte [0x47e771], dh
+mov bl, dh
+and bl, 7
+mov byte [ref_0047e771], bl ; mov byte [0x47e771], bl
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047e7d7] ; mov eax, dword [0x47e7d7]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [eax*4 + ref_0048cb50], edx ; mov dword [eax*4 + 0x48cb50], edx
+mov dl, bl
+or dl, 0x80
+mov byte [eax + ref_0048cb70], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x48cb70], dl
+inc dword [ref_0047e7d7] ; inc dword [0x47e7d7]
+add esp, 0x14
+pop ebx
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_00466509 ; push 0x466509
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00454bc7 ; jne 0x454bc7
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [ref_0046cb04], dl ; mov byte [0x46cb04], dl
+add esp, 0x14
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x50
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb06], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb06], 0
+jne near loc_00454d24 ; jne 0x454d24
+cmp byte [ref_0049715a], 0 ; cmp byte [0x49715a], 0
+je near loc_00454d24 ; je 0x454d24
+call fcn_00454acb ; call 0x454acb
+cmp byte [ref_0047e770], 0 ; cmp byte [0x47e770], 0
+jne near loc_00454cd9 ; jne 0x454cd9
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0047e7d7] ; mov ecx, dword [0x47e7d7]
+dec ecx
+mov dword [ref_0047e7d7], ecx ; mov dword [0x47e7d7], ecx
+mov bl, byte [ecx + ref_0048cb70] ; mov bl, byte [ecx + 0x48cb70]
+and ebx, 0xff
+mov edi, 1
+mov esi, ebx
+and esi, 0x7f
+shl esi, 2
+mov ebp, dword [esi + ref_0047e773] ; mov ebp, dword [esi + 0x47e773]
+push ebp
+push ref_004664a4 ; push 0x4664a4
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00454c8e ; je 0x454c8e
+mov eax, dword [esi + ref_0047e773] ; mov eax, dword [esi + 0x47e773]
+push eax
+push ref_00476374 ; push 0x476374
+push ref_004664c0 ; push 0x4664c0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_00454d1e ; jne 0x454d1e
+test edi, edi
+je near loc_00454d1e ; je 0x454d1e
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047e7d7] ; mov eax, dword [0x47e7d7]
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_0048cb50] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x48cb50]
+push edx
+push ref_00466516 ; push 0x466516
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push ecx
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00454d1e ; jne 0x454d1e
+mov byte [ref_0046cb03], 1 ; mov byte [0x46cb03], 1
+jmp short loc_00454d1e ; jmp 0x454d1e
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push edx
+push ebx
+push ebx
+push ref_0046652e ; push 0x46652e
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00454d1b ; jne 0x454d1b
+mov byte [ref_0046cb04], 1 ; mov byte [0x46cb04], 1
+push eax
+push 0x28
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+push ref_00466542 ; push 0x466542
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_004584db ; call 0x4584db
+add esp, 4
+lea ebx, [eax - 2]
+or bl, 0x80
+mov byte [ref_0047e772], bl ; mov byte [0x47e772], bl
+add esp, 0x50
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+cmp byte [ref_0047e770], 0 ; cmp byte [0x47e770], 0
+jne short loc_00454d5d ; jne 0x454d5d
+test byte [ref_0047e772], 0x80 ; test byte [0x47e772], 0x80
+je short loc_00454d4b ; je 0x454d4b
+push 0
+call fcn_00454d91 ; call 0x454d91
+add esp, 4
+pop ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push ebx
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_004664de ; push 0x4664de
+jmp short loc_00454d88 ; jmp 0x454d88
+test byte [ref_0047e772], 0x80 ; test byte [0x47e772], 0x80
+je short loc_00454d78 ; je 0x454d78
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push ecx
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_0046655f ; push 0x46655f
+jmp short loc_00454d88 ; jmp 0x454d88
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov edx, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push edx
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_004664de ; push 0x4664de
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x3c
+cmp dword [esp + 0x50], 0
+je short loc_00454dac ; je 0x454dac
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x50]
+dec al
+mov byte [ref_0047e771], al ; mov byte [0x47e771], al
+jmp short loc_00454dc5 ; jmp 0x454dc5
+mov ah, byte [ref_0047e771] ; mov ah, byte [0x47e771]
+inc ah
+mov byte [ref_0047e771], ah ; mov byte [0x47e771], ah
+mov dl, ah
+and dl, 7
+mov byte [ref_0047e771], dl ; mov byte [0x47e771], dl
+cmp byte [ref_0049715a], 0 ; cmp byte [0x49715a], 0
+je near loc_00454ec8 ; je 0x454ec8
+cmp byte [ref_0047e770], 0 ; cmp byte [0x47e770], 0
+jne near loc_00454e84 ; jne 0x454e84
+call fcn_00454acb ; call 0x454acb
+mov ebx, 1
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0047e771] ; mov al, byte [0x47e771]
+mov esi, dword [eax*4 + ref_0047e773] ; mov esi, dword [eax*4 + 0x47e773]
+push esi
+push ref_004664a4 ; push 0x4664a4
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00454e5c ; je 0x454e5c
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0047e771] ; mov al, byte [0x47e771]
+mov edi, dword [eax*4 + ref_0047e773] ; mov edi, dword [eax*4 + 0x47e773]
+push edi
+push ref_00476374 ; push 0x476374
+push ref_004664c0 ; push 0x4664c0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0x10
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00454ec8 ; jne 0x454ec8
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00454ec8 ; je 0x454ec8
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push ebp
+push 0
+push 0
+push ref_004664de ; push 0x4664de
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00454ec8 ; jne 0x454ec8
+mov byte [ref_0046cb03], 1 ; mov byte [0x46cb03], 1
+jmp short loc_00454ec8 ; jmp 0x454ec8
+call fcn_00454af5 ; call 0x454af5
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_0047e771] ; mov al, byte [0x47e771]
+add eax, 2
+push eax
+push ref_0046657a ; push 0x46657a
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457110 ; call 0x457110
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0048a0d4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x48a0d4]
+push ecx
+push 0
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00454ec8 ; jne 0x454ec8
+mov byte [ref_0046cb04], 1 ; mov byte [0x46cb04], 1
+mov al, byte [ref_0047e771] ; mov al, byte [0x47e771]
+or al, 0x80
+mov byte [ref_0047e772], al ; mov byte [0x47e772], al
+add esp, 0x3c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+cmp byte [ref_0047e770], 0 ; cmp byte [0x47e770], 0
+jne short loc_00454eec ; jne 0x454eec
+call fcn_00454acb ; call 0x454acb
+jmp short loc_00454ef1 ; jmp 0x454ef1
+call fcn_00454af5 ; call 0x454af5
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ref_0047e7d7], edx ; mov dword [0x47e7d7], edx
+push ebx
+sub esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp byte [ref_0046cb03], 0 ; cmp byte [0x46cb03], 0
+jne short loc_00454f10 ; jne 0x454f10
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x14
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push 0x14
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+push ref_00466596 ; push 0x466596
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+push ref_004665a6 ; push 0x4665a6
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_004585bc ; call 0x4585bc
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00454f3f ; jne 0x454f3f
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 0x14
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+sub esp, 0x14
+xor ebx, ebx
+push ebx
+push 0x14
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+push ref_004665ae ; push 0x4665ae
+jmp short loc_00454f1d ; jmp 0x454f1d
+push ebx
+sub esp, 0x28
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp byte [ref_0049715a], 0 ; cmp byte [0x49715a], 0
+je short loc_00454fac ; je 0x454fac
+mov dl, byte [ref_0047e772] ; mov dl, byte [0x47e772]
+test dl, 0x80
+je short loc_00454fac ; je 0x454fac
+cmp byte [ref_0047e770], 0 ; cmp byte [0x47e770], 0
+jne short loc_00454f86 ; jne 0x454f86
+mov bl, dl
+and bl, 7
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_00454fac ; jmp 0x454fac
+push ebx
+push 0x28
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+push ref_00466542 ; push 0x466542
+call dword [cs:__imp__mciSendStringA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46245c]
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00454fac ; jne 0x454fac
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_004584db ; call 0x4584db
+add esp, 4
+lea ebx, [eax - 1]
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 0x28
+pop ebx
+db 0x00
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+neg ecx
+call fcn_00454fe1 ; call 0x454fe1
+shr ax, 0xc
+inc ax
+shr ax, 1
+and eax, 7
+movzx eax, byte [eax + ref_00482414] ; movzx eax, byte [eax + 0x482414]
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+mov esi, eax
+or esi, ecx
+je short loc_0045502b ; je 0x45502b
+xor esi, esi
+xor eax, edx
+sub eax, edx
+shld esi, edx, 1
+xchg eax, ecx
+xor eax, edx
+sub eax, edx
+shld esi, edx, 1
+xchg eax, ecx
+xor edx, edx
+cmp eax, ecx
+jb short loc_00455005 ; jb 0x455005
+xchg eax, ecx
+shld edx, eax, 0xb
+shl eax, 0xb
+div ecx
+mov ax, word [eax*2 + ref_0048242c] ; mov ax, word [eax*2 + 0x48242c]
+jae short loc_00455020 ; jae 0x455020
+sub ax, 0x1000
+neg ax
+shl ax, 2
+jmp dword [esi*4 + ref_0048241c] ; ujmp: jmp dword [esi*4 + 0x48241c]
+neg ax
+neg ax
+add ax, 0x8000
+add ax, 0x8000
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov esi, ref_00483630 ; mov esi, 0x483630
+mov edi, ref_004847bc ; mov edi, 0x4847bc
+mov ecx, 0x463
+rep movsd ; rep movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+xor edx, edx
+call fcn_004551bb ; call 0x4551bb
+or bh, bh
+jne short loc_0045506e ; jne 0x45506e
+mov byte [edi], bl
+inc edi
+jmp short loc_00455060 ; jmp 0x455060
+mov eax, ecx
+push ecx
+shr eax, 3
+and ecx, 7
+mov eax, dword [esi + eax]
+shr eax, cl
+mov ebp, eax
+and ebp, 0xff
+mov cl, byte [ebp + ref_00483530] ; mov cl, byte [ebp + 0x483530]
+mov dh, byte [ebp + ref_00483430] ; mov dh, byte [ebp + 0x483430]
+shr eax, cl
+mov dl, al
+shl dl, 2
+shr dx, 2
+add cl, 6
+mov eax, ecx
+and eax, 0xff
+pop ecx
+add ecx, eax
+cmp dx, 0xfff
+je short loc_004550c6 ; je 0x4550c6
+mov ebp, ecx
+sub ebx, 0xfd
+push esi
+lea esi, [edi - 1]
+sub esi, edx
+mov ecx, ebx
+rep movsb ; rep movsb byte es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
+pop esi
+mov ecx, ebp
+jmp short loc_00455060 ; jmp 0x455060
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+mov edx, 0x141
+xor ebp, ebp
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov cx, word [ebp + ref_004856c4] ; mov cx, word [ebp + 0x4856c4]
+test word [ecx + ref_004847bc], 1 ; test word [ecx + 0x4847bc], 1
+je short loc_004550ee ; je 0x4550ee
+mov ebx, ebp
+call fcn_0045511b ; call 0x45511b
+add ebp, 2
+dec edx
+jne short loc_004550d5 ; jne 0x4550d5
+xor ebx, ebx
+shr word [ebx + ref_004847bc], 1 ; shr word [ebx + 0x4847bc], 1
+add ebx, 2
+cmp ebx, 0x502
+jb short loc_004550f6 ; jb 0x4550f6
+cmp word [ref_00484cbc], 0x8000 ; cmp word [0x484cbc], 0x8000
+jne short fcn_0045511b ; jne 0x45511b
+push ebx
+call fcn_004550cc ; call 0x4550cc
+pop ebx
+mov bx, word [ebx + ref_004856c4] ; mov bx, word [ebx + 0x4856c4]
+inc word [ebx + ref_004847bc] ; inc word [ebx + 0x4847bc]
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_004847bc] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x4847bc]
+cmp ax, word [ebx + ref_004847be] ; cmp ax, word [ebx + 0x4847be]
+jbe short loc_004551aa ; jbe 0x4551aa
+lea edi, [ebx + ref_004847be] ; lea edi, [ebx + 0x4847be]
+mov ecx, 0x282
+dec ax
+repe scasw ; repe scasw ax, word es:[edi]
+sub edi, ref_004847c0 ; sub edi, 0x4847c0
+inc ax
+xchg word [edi + ref_004847bc], ax ; xchg word [edi + 0x4847bc], ax
+mov word [ebx + ref_004847bc], ax ; mov word [ebx + 0x4847bc], ax
+mov ax, word [ebx + ref_00484cc0] ; mov ax, word [ebx + 0x484cc0]
+mov cx, word [edi + ref_00484cc0] ; mov cx, word [edi + 0x484cc0]
+mov word [ecx + ref_004851c2], bx ; mov word [ecx + 0x4851c2], bx
+cmp cx, 0x502
+jae short loc_00455182 ; jae 0x455182
+mov word [ecx + ref_004851c4], bx ; mov word [ecx + 0x4851c4], bx
+xchg ax, cx
+mov word [ecx + ref_004851c2], di ; mov word [ecx + 0x4851c2], di
+cmp cx, 0x502
+jae short loc_00455199 ; jae 0x455199
+mov word [ecx + ref_004851c4], di ; mov word [ecx + 0x4851c4], di
+mov word [ebx + ref_00484cc0], ax ; mov word [ebx + 0x484cc0], ax
+mov word [edi + ref_00484cc0], cx ; mov word [edi + 0x484cc0], cx
+mov bx, di
+mov bx, word [ebx + ref_004851c2] ; mov bx, word [ebx + 0x4851c2]
+or bx, bx
+jne near loc_00455122 ; jne 0x455122
+mov ebx, 0x500
+mov bx, word [ebx + ref_00484cc0] ; mov bx, word [ebx + 0x484cc0]
+cmp bx, 0x502
+jae short loc_004551da ; jae 0x4551da
+bt dword [esi], ecx
+inc ecx
+jae short loc_004551c0 ; jae 0x4551c0
+add bx, 2
+jmp short loc_004551c0 ; jmp 0x4551c0
+sub ebx, 0x502
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push edi
+call fcn_00455109 ; call 0x455109
+pop edi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+shr bx, 1
+db 0x00
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_0047637c] ; mov ecx, dword [0x47637c]
+call dword [ecx*4 + ref_00485948] ; ucall: call dword [ecx*4 + 0x485948]
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0047637c] ; mov ebp, dword [0x47637c]
+mov eax, dword [esi]
+bswap eax
+shr eax, 8
+call dword [ebp*4 + ref_00485948] ; ucall: call dword [ebp*4 + 0x485948]
+db 0x66, 0xab ; stosw word es:[edi], ax
+add esi, 3
+loop loc_00455223 ; loop 0x455223
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+shld ebx, eax, 0x1d
+and ebx, 0x1f
+shld edx, eax, 0x1a
+and edx, 0x3e0
+shr eax, 9
+and eax, 0x7c00
+or eax, edx
+or eax, ebx
+shld ebx, eax, 0x1d
+and ebx, 0x1f
+shld edx, eax, 0x1b
+and edx, 0x7e0
+shr eax, 8
+and eax, 0xf800
+or eax, edx
+or eax, ebx
+shrd ebx, eax, 0x18
+and ebx, 0xf800
+shld edx, eax, 0x1b
+and edx, 0x7e0
+shr eax, 0x13
+and eax, 0x1f
+or eax, edx
+or eax, ebx
+shld ebx, eax, 0x1c
+and ebx, 0xf
+shld edx, eax, 0x18
+and edx, 0xf0
+shr eax, 0xc
+and eax, 0xf00
+or eax, edx
+or eax, ebx
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+shl ebx, 5
+add ebx, ref_00485d68 ; add ebx, 0x485d68
+shr ecx, 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047637c] ; mov eax, dword [0x47637c]
+call dword [eax*4 + ref_00485958] ; ucall: call dword [eax*4 + 0x485958]
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+movzx ebx, word [edi]
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edi, dword [edi + 8]
+mul dword [ebp + 0x10]
+add eax, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+lea edi, [edi + eax*2]
+mov esi, edi
+sub ebx, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+add ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ebp + 0xc], ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+shl ebx, 5
+add ebx, ref_00485d68 ; add ebx, 0x485d68
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047637c] ; mov eax, dword [0x47637c]
+call dword [eax*4 + ref_00485958] ; ucall: call dword [eax*4 + 0x485958]
+add esi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov edi, esi
+dec dword [ebp + 0x18]
+jne short loc_00455318 ; jne 0x455318
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+db 0x66, 0xad ; lodsw ax, word [esi]
+shrd edx, eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0x1f
+mov dl, byte [ebx + eax]
+shld eax, edx, 0xb
+and eax, 0x1f
+mov dh, byte [ebx + eax]
+shld eax, edx, 6
+and eax, 0x1f
+mov al, byte [ebx + eax]
+shl dx, 3
+shld ax, dx, 5
+mov dh, dl
+shld ax, dx, 5
+db 0x66, 0xab ; stosw word es:[edi], ax
+loop fcn_00455337 ; loop 0x455337
+db 0x66, 0xad ; lodsw ax, word [esi]
+shrd edx, eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0x1f
+mov dl, byte [ebx + eax]
+shld eax, edx, 0xa
+and eax, 0x1f
+mov dh, byte [ebx + eax]
+shld eax, edx, 5
+and eax, 0x1f
+mov al, byte [ebx + eax]
+shl dx, 3
+shld ax, dx, 6
+mov dh, dl
+shld ax, dx, 5
+db 0x66, 0xab ; stosw word es:[edi], ax
+loop fcn_0045536c ; loop 0x45536c
+push ebx
+sar ebx, 1
+db 0x66, 0xad ; lodsw ax, word [esi]
+shrd edx, eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xf
+mov dl, byte [ebx + eax]
+shld eax, edx, 0xc
+and eax, 0xf
+mov dh, byte [ebx + eax]
+shld eax, edx, 8
+and eax, 0xf
+mov al, byte [ebx + eax]
+shl dx, 4
+shld ax, dx, 4
+mov dh, dl
+shld ax, dx, 4
+db 0x66, 0xab ; stosw word es:[edi], ax
+loop loc_004553a4 ; loop 0x4553a4
+pop ebx
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+shr ecx, 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047637c] ; mov eax, dword [0x47637c]
+call dword [eax*4 + ref_00485968] ; ucall: call dword [eax*4 + 0x485968]
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+movzx ebx, word [edi]
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edi, dword [edi + 8]
+mul dword [ebp + 0x10]
+add eax, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+lea edi, [edi + eax*2]
+mov esi, edi
+sub ebx, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+add ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ebp + 0xc], ebx
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047637c] ; mov eax, dword [0x47637c]
+call dword [eax*4 + ref_00485968] ; ucall: call dword [eax*4 + 0x485968]
+add esi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov edi, esi
+dec dword [ebp + 0x18]
+jne short loc_00455423 ; jne 0x455423
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+db 0x66, 0xad ; lodsw ax, word [esi]
+or ax, ax
+je short loc_0045547a ; je 0x45547a
+shrd edx, eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0x1f
+shld ebx, edx, 0xb
+and ebx, 0x1f
+add eax, ebx
+shld ebx, edx, 6
+and ebx, 0x1f
+add eax, ebx
+add eax, 0x10
+shr eax, 2
+shrd bx, ax, 5
+shrd bx, ax, 5
+shrd bx, ax, 6
+mov word [edi], bx
+add edi, 2
+loop fcn_00455442 ; loop 0x455442
+db 0x66, 0xad ; lodsw ax, word [esi]
+or ax, ax
+je short loc_004554b8 ; je 0x4554b8
+shrd edx, eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0x1f
+shld ebx, edx, 0xa
+and ebx, 0x1f
+add eax, ebx
+shld ebx, edx, 5
+and ebx, 0x1f
+add eax, ebx
+add eax, 0x10
+shr eax, 2
+shrd bx, ax, 6
+shrd bx, ax, 5
+shrd bx, ax, 5
+mov word [edi], bx
+add edi, 2
+loop fcn_00455480 ; loop 0x455480
+db 0x66, 0xad ; lodsw ax, word [esi]
+or ax, ax
+je short loc_004554f6 ; je 0x4554f6
+shrd edx, eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xf
+shld ebx, edx, 0xc
+and ebx, 0xf
+add eax, ebx
+shld ebx, edx, 8
+and ebx, 0xf
+add eax, ebx
+add eax, 8
+shr eax, 2
+shrd bx, ax, 4
+shrd bx, ax, 4
+shrd bx, ax, 8
+mov word [edi], bx
+add edi, 2
+loop fcn_004554be ; loop 0x4554be
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+shl ebx, 5
+add ebx, ref_00485d68 ; add ebx, 0x485d68
+push esi
+push edi
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+cmp word [edx], 0xffff
+je short loc_00455543 ; je 0x455543
+add esi, 2
+add edi, 2
+add edx, 2
+loop loc_0045551d ; loop 0x45551d
+pop edi
+pop esi
+add esi, 0x500
+add edi, dword [ref_0048a060] ; add edi, dword [0x48a060]
+dec dword [ebp + 0x18]
+jne short loc_00455518 ; jne 0x455518
+jmp short loc_0045555a ; jmp 0x45555a
+push edx
+push ecx
+mov ecx, 1
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047637c] ; mov eax, dword [0x47637c]
+call dword [eax*4 + ref_00485958] ; ucall: call dword [eax*4 + 0x485958]
+pop ecx
+pop edx
+jmp short loc_00455529 ; jmp 0x455529
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0047637c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x47637c]
+movzx edx, word [ebx*2 + ref_00486188] ; movzx edx, word [ebx*2 + 0x486188]
+movzx ebx, word [ebx*2 + ref_00486190] ; movzx ebx, word [ebx*2 + 0x486190]
+push edi
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+shr ecx, 1
+lodsd ; lodsd eax, dword [esi]
+cmp ax, 0x2711
+je short loc_004555a9 ; je 0x4555a9
+cmp ax, 0x2712
+je short loc_004555b4 ; je 0x4555b4
+add edi, 4
+loop loc_00455589 ; loop 0x455589
+pop edi
+add edi, 0x500
+dec dword [ebp + 0x14]
+jne short loc_00455583 ; jne 0x455583
+jmp short loc_004555bf ; jmp 0x4555bf
+mov dword [esi - 4], 0
+or dword [edi], edx
+jmp short loc_00455596 ; jmp 0x455596
+mov dword [esi - 4], 0
+or dword [edi], ebx
+jmp short loc_00455596 ; jmp 0x455596
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 8]
+add esi, dword [esi + 8]
+mov edi, esi
+mov ecx, 0x100
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047637c] ; mov eax, dword [0x47637c]
+call dword [eax*4 + ref_00485978] ; ucall: call dword [eax*4 + 0x485978]
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+db 0x66, 0xad ; lodsw ax, word [esi]
+shrd edx, eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0x1f
+shld ebx, edx, 0xb
+and ebx, 0x1f
+add eax, ebx
+shld ebx, edx, 6
+and ebx, 0x1f
+add eax, ebx
+add eax, 0x28
+shr eax, 2
+mov dx, 0x1f
+shrd bx, dx, 5
+shrd bx, ax, 5
+shrd bx, ax, 6
+mov word [edi], bx
+add edi, 2
+loop fcn_004555eb ; loop 0x4555eb
+db 0x66, 0xad ; lodsw ax, word [esi]
+shrd edx, eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0x1f
+shld ebx, edx, 0xa
+and ebx, 0x1f
+add eax, ebx
+shld ebx, edx, 5
+and ebx, 0x1f
+add eax, ebx
+add eax, 0x1f
+shr eax, 2
+and eax, 0x1f
+add al, byte [eax + ref_00486168] ; add al, byte [eax + 0x486168]
+mov dx, 0x1f
+shrd bx, dx, 6
+shrd bx, ax, 5
+shrd bx, ax, 5
+mov word [edi], bx
+add edi, 2
+loop fcn_00455628 ; loop 0x455628
+db 0x66, 0xad ; lodsw ax, word [esi]
+shrd edx, eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0x1f
+shld ebx, edx, 0xa
+and ebx, 0x1f
+add eax, ebx
+shld ebx, edx, 5
+and ebx, 0x1f
+add eax, ebx
+add eax, 0x28
+shr eax, 2
+shrd bx, ax, 6
+shrd bx, ax, 5
+mov ax, 0x1f
+shrd bx, ax, 5
+mov word [edi], bx
+add edi, 2
+loop fcn_0045566e ; loop 0x45566e
+db 0x66, 0xad ; lodsw ax, word [esi]
+shrd edx, eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xf
+shld ebx, edx, 0xc
+and ebx, 0xf
+add eax, ebx
+shld ebx, edx, 8
+and ebx, 0xf
+add eax, ebx
+add eax, 0x14
+shr eax, 2
+mov dx, 0x1f
+shrd bx, dx, 4
+shrd bx, ax, 4
+shrd bx, ax, 8
+mov word [edi], bx
+add edi, 2
+loop fcn_004556ab ; loop 0x4556ab
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov ebx, 0x1b8
+mov edx, 0x190
+mov ecx, 0xdc
+rep movsd ; rep movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+add esi, edx
+dec ebx
+jne short loc_004556ff ; jne 0x4556ff
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048a060] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48a060]
+sub ebp, 0x370
+mov bl, byte [ebx + ref_00486198] ; mov bl, byte [ebx + 0x486198]
+or bl, bl
+je short loc_00455762 ; je 0x455762
+shl ebx, 5
+add ebx, ref_00485d68 ; add ebx, 0x485d68
+mov ecx, 0x1b8
+push ecx
+mov ecx, 0x1b8
+mov eax, dword [ref_0047637c] ; mov eax, dword [0x47637c]
+call dword [eax*4 + ref_00485958] ; ucall: call dword [eax*4 + 0x485958]
+pop ecx
+add edi, ebp
+loop loc_00455745 ; loop 0x455745
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+mov ebx, 0x1b8
+mov ecx, 0xdc
+rep movsd ; rep movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+add edi, ebp
+dec ebx
+jne short loc_00455767 ; jne 0x455767
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov dword [ref_004861b8], eax ; mov dword [0x4861b8], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov dword [ref_004861bc], eax ; mov dword [0x4861bc], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov dword [ref_004861c0], eax ; mov dword [0x4861c0], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+mov dword [ref_004861c4], eax ; mov dword [0x4861c4], eax
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov dword [ref_004861cc], eax ; mov dword [0x4861cc], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov dword [ref_004861c8], eax ; mov dword [0x4861c8], eax
+mov ebp, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov dword [ref_004861ec], 0x7fff ; mov dword [0x4861ec], 0x7fff
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov edx, 0x1f0000
+mov esi, dword [ebp]
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 4]
+mov ecx, 0x200000
+call fcn_0045596a ; call 0x45596a
+mov ebx, 0x1f0000
+mov edx, 0x1f001f
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 4]
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov ecx, 0x20
+call fcn_0045596a ; call 0x45596a
+mov ebx, 0x1f001f
+mov edx, 0x1f
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov ecx, 0xffe00000
+call fcn_0045596a ; call 0x45596a
+mov ebx, 0x1f
+xor edx, edx
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov edi, dword [ebp]
+mov ecx, 0xffe0
+call fcn_0045596a ; call 0x45596a
+mov esi, dword [ref_004861ec] ; mov esi, dword [0x4861ec]
+cmp esi, 0x7fff
+je near loc_00455964 ; je 0x455964
+mov edi, esi
+mov eax, esi
+shl edi, 0xa
+shl eax, 8
+add edi, eax
+add edi, dword [ref_004861cc] ; add edi, dword [0x4861cc]
+shl esi, 2
+mov ebx, dword [esi + ref_004861f0] ; mov ebx, dword [esi + 0x4861f0]
+mov ecx, dword [esi + ref_00486970] ; mov ecx, dword [esi + 0x486970]
+cmp ebx, 0x7fff0000
+je near loc_00455964 ; je 0x455964
+sar ebx, 0x10
+sar ecx, 0x10
+mov ebp, ecx
+sub ebp, ebx
+je near loc_0045593b ; je 0x45593b
+cmp ecx, dword [ref_004861b8] ; cmp ecx, dword [0x4861b8]
+jle near loc_0045593b ; jle 0x45593b
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_004861c0] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x4861c0]
+jge near loc_0045593b ; jge 0x45593b
+mov eax, dword [esi + ref_00487ff0] ; mov eax, dword [esi + 0x487ff0]
+sub eax, dword [esi + ref_004870f0] ; sub eax, dword [esi + 0x4870f0]
+idiv ebp
+mov dword [ref_004861dc], eax ; mov dword [0x4861dc], eax
+mov eax, dword [esi + ref_00488770] ; mov eax, dword [esi + 0x488770]
+sub eax, dword [esi + ref_00487870] ; sub eax, dword [esi + 0x487870]
+idiv ebp
+mov dword [ref_004861e0], eax ; mov dword [0x4861e0], eax
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_004861b8] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x4861b8]
+jge short loc_004558e9 ; jge 0x4558e9
+mov eax, dword [ref_004861b8] ; mov eax, dword [0x4861b8]
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ebx, eax
+sub ebp, ebx
+imul dword [ref_004861dc] ; imul dword [0x4861dc]
+add dword [esi + ref_004870f0], eax ; add dword [esi + 0x4870f0], eax
+mov eax, ebx
+imul dword [ref_004861e0] ; imul dword [0x4861e0]
+add dword [esi + ref_00487870], eax ; add dword [esi + 0x487870], eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_004861b8] ; mov ebx, dword [0x4861b8]
+sub ecx, dword [ref_004861c0] ; sub ecx, dword [0x4861c0]
+jle short loc_004558f3 ; jle 0x4558f3
+sub ebp, ecx
+mov edx, dword [ref_004861c8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4861c8]
+push edi
+lea edi, [edi + ebx*2]
+mov ecx, dword [esi + ref_004870f0] ; mov ecx, dword [esi + 0x4870f0]
+mov ebx, dword [esi + ref_00487870] ; mov ebx, dword [esi + 0x487870]
+push esi
+shld eax, ecx, 0x10
+shld esi, ebx, 0x15
+and eax, 0x1f
+and esi, 0x3e0
+add esi, eax
+mov al, byte [edx + esi]
+mov ax, word [eax*2 + ref_0048b6b4] ; mov ax, word [eax*2 + 0x48b6b4]
+db 0x66, 0xab ; stosw word es:[edi], ax
+add ecx, dword [ref_004861dc] ; add ecx, dword [0x4861dc]
+add ebx, dword [ref_004861e0] ; add ebx, dword [0x4861e0]
+dec ebp
+jne short loc_0045590a ; jne 0x45590a
+pop esi
+pop edi
+mov dword [esi + ref_004861f0], 0x7fff0000 ; mov dword [esi + 0x4861f0], 0x7fff0000
+mov dword [esi + ref_00486970], 0x80000000 ; mov dword [esi + 0x486970], 0x80000000
+add edi, 0x500
+add esi, 4
+cmp esi, 0x780
+jb near loc_0045584e ; jb 0x45584e
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov bp, di
+sub bp, si
+je near loc_00455af1 ; je 0x455af1
+jg short loc_0045597d ; jg 0x45597d
+mov ebx, edx
+xchg edi, esi
+cmp di, word [ref_004861bc] ; cmp di, word [0x4861bc]
+jle near loc_00455af1 ; jle 0x455af1
+cmp si, word [ref_004861c4] ; cmp si, word [0x4861c4]
+jge near loc_00455af1 ; jge 0x455af1
+mov ax, si
+cmp ax, word [ref_004861ec] ; cmp ax, word [0x4861ec]
+jge short loc_004559b8 ; jge 0x4559b8
+cmp ax, word [ref_004861bc] ; cmp ax, word [0x4861bc]
+jge short loc_004559b2 ; jge 0x4559b2
+mov ax, word [ref_004861bc] ; mov ax, word [0x4861bc]
+mov word [ref_004861ec], ax ; mov word [0x4861ec], ax
+mov eax, ebx
+and eax, 0xffff0000
+mov dword [ref_004861d0], eax ; mov dword [0x4861d0], eax
+shl ebx, 0x10
+mov dword [ref_004861d4], ebx ; mov dword [0x4861d4], ebx
+movsx ebp, bp
+mov eax, ecx
+and eax, 0xffff0000
+idiv ebp
+mov word [ref_004861d0], dx ; mov word [0x4861d0], dx
+mov dword [ref_004861dc], eax ; mov dword [0x4861dc], eax
+shrd eax, ecx, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff0000
+idiv ebp
+mov word [ref_004861d4], dx ; mov word [0x4861d4], dx
+mov dword [ref_004861e0], eax ; mov dword [0x4861e0], eax
+or ebp, ebp
+jns short loc_00455a07 ; jns 0x455a07
+neg ebp
+mov eax, edi
+mov ebx, esi
+and eax, 0xffff0000
+and ebx, 0xffff0000
+mov dword [ref_004861d8], ebx ; mov dword [0x4861d8], ebx
+sub eax, ebx
+idiv ebp
+mov dword [ref_004861e4], eax ; mov dword [0x4861e4], eax
+cmp si, word [ref_004861bc] ; cmp si, word [0x4861bc]
+jge short loc_00455a69 ; jge 0x455a69
+mov eax, dword [ref_004861bc] ; mov eax, dword [0x4861bc]
+sub ax, si
+mov esi, eax
+sub ebp, esi
+imul dword [ref_004861dc] ; imul dword [0x4861dc]
+add dword [ref_004861d0], eax ; add dword [0x4861d0], eax
+mov eax, esi
+imul dword [ref_004861e0] ; imul dword [0x4861e0]
+add dword [ref_004861d4], eax ; add dword [0x4861d4], eax
+mov eax, esi
+imul dword [ref_004861e4] ; imul dword [0x4861e4]
+add dword [ref_004861d8], eax ; add dword [0x4861d8], eax
+mov esi, dword [ref_004861bc] ; mov esi, dword [0x4861bc]
+sub di, word [ref_004861c4] ; sub di, word [0x4861c4]
+jle short loc_00455a77 ; jle 0x455a77
+movzx edi, di
+sub ebp, edi
+mov dword [ref_004861e8], ebp ; mov dword [0x4861e8], ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_004861d0] ; mov eax, dword [0x4861d0]
+mov ebx, dword [ref_004861dc] ; mov ebx, dword [0x4861dc]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_004861d4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x4861d4]
+mov edx, dword [ref_004861e0] ; mov edx, dword [0x4861e0]
+mov edi, dword [ref_004861d8] ; mov edi, dword [0x4861d8]
+mov ebp, dword [ref_004861e4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x4861e4]
+and esi, 0xffff
+shl esi, 2
+js short loc_00455af3 ; js 0x455af3
+cmp edi, dword [esi + ref_004861f0] ; cmp edi, dword [esi + 0x4861f0]
+jge short loc_00455ac6 ; jge 0x455ac6
+mov dword [esi + ref_004861f0], edi ; mov dword [esi + 0x4861f0], edi
+mov dword [esi + ref_00487ff0], eax ; mov dword [esi + 0x487ff0], eax
+mov dword [esi + ref_00488770], ecx ; mov dword [esi + 0x488770], ecx
+cmp edi, dword [esi + ref_00486970] ; cmp edi, dword [esi + 0x486970]
+jle short loc_00455ae0 ; jle 0x455ae0
+mov dword [esi + ref_00486970], edi ; mov dword [esi + 0x486970], edi
+mov dword [esi + ref_00487ff0], eax ; mov dword [esi + 0x487ff0], eax
+mov dword [esi + ref_00488770], ecx ; mov dword [esi + 0x488770], ecx
+add eax, ebx
+add ecx, edx
+add edi, ebp
+add esi, 4
+dec dword [ref_004861e8] ; dec dword [0x4861e8]
+jne short loc_00455aac ; jne 0x455aac
+pop ebp
+cmp edi, dword [esi + ref_004861f0] ; cmp edi, dword [esi + 0x4861f0]
+jge short loc_00455b0d ; jge 0x455b0d
+mov dword [esi + ref_004861f0], edi ; mov dword [esi + 0x4861f0], edi
+mov dword [esi + ref_004870f0], eax ; mov dword [esi + 0x4870f0], eax
+mov dword [esi + ref_00487870], ecx ; mov dword [esi + 0x487870], ecx
+cmp edi, dword [esi + ref_00486970] ; cmp edi, dword [esi + 0x486970]
+jle short loc_00455b27 ; jle 0x455b27
+mov dword [esi + ref_00486970], edi ; mov dword [esi + 0x486970], edi
+mov dword [esi + ref_004870f0], eax ; mov dword [esi + 0x4870f0], eax
+mov dword [esi + ref_00487870], ecx ; mov dword [esi + 0x487870], ecx
+add eax, ebx
+add ecx, edx
+add edi, ebp
+add esi, 4
+dec dword [ref_004861e8] ; dec dword [0x4861e8]
+jne short loc_00455af3 ; jne 0x455af3
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+sub esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov ebx, 1
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+movsx eax, word [esi + 4]
+sub dword [ebp + 0x18], eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + 6]
+sub dword [ebp + 0x1c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+cmp eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+jge near loc_00455c47 ; jge 0x455c47
+movzx edx, word [esi]
+add eax, edx
+jle near loc_00455c47 ; jle 0x455c47
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+cmp eax, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+jge near loc_00455c47 ; jge 0x455c47
+movzx edx, word [esi + 2]
+add eax, edx
+jle near loc_00455c47 ; jle 0x455c47
+mov dword [ebp - 4], 0
+mov dword [ebp - 8], 0
+movzx eax, word [esi]
+mov dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+mov ax, word [esi + 2]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+xor eax, eax
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x18], eax
+jge short loc_00455bb6 ; jge 0x455bb6
+xchg dword [ebp + 0x18], eax
+sub dword [ebp - 4], eax
+add dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+jmp short loc_00455bc4 ; jmp 0x455bc4
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+add eax, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+sub eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+jle short loc_00455bc4 ; jle 0x455bc4
+sub dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+xor eax, eax
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x1c], eax
+jge short loc_00455bd6 ; jge 0x455bd6
+xchg dword [ebp + 0x1c], eax
+sub dword [ebp - 8], eax
+add dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+jmp short loc_00455be4 ; jmp 0x455be4
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+add eax, dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+sub eax, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+jle short loc_00455be4 ; jle 0x455be4
+sub dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+movzx eax, word [esi]
+mov ebx, eax
+mul dword [ebp - 8]
+add eax, dword [ebp - 4]
+mov esi, dword [esi + 8]
+lea esi, [esi + eax*2]
+sub ebx, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+add ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ebp - 4], ebx
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+sub eax, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+add eax, eax
+mov dword [ebp - 8], eax
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+imul edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+add edi, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+add edi, edi
+add edi, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+mov edx, dword [ebp - 4]
+mov ebp, dword [ebp - 8]
+or eax, eax
+je short loc_00455c47 ; je 0x455c47
+mov ecx, eax
+test edi, 3
+je short loc_00455c34 ; je 0x455c34
+db 0x66, 0xa5 ; movsw word es:[edi], word ptr [esi]
+dec ecx
+shr ecx, 1
+rep movsd ; rep movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+adc ecx, 0
+db 0xf3, 0x66, 0xa5 ; rep movsw word es:[edi], word ptr [esi]
+add esi, edx
+add edi, ebp
+dec ebx
+jne short loc_00455c27 ; jne 0x455c27
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov eax, ebx
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+sub esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov ebx, 1
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+movsx eax, word [esi + 4]
+sub dword [ebp + 0x18], eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + 6]
+sub dword [ebp + 0x1c], eax
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x20], 1
+je near loc_00455d12 ; je 0x455d12
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+cmp eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+jge near loc_00455e19 ; jge 0x455e19
+movzx edx, word [esi]
+add eax, edx
+jle near loc_00455e19 ; jle 0x455e19
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+cmp eax, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+jge near loc_00455e19 ; jge 0x455e19
+movzx edx, word [esi + 2]
+add eax, edx
+jle near loc_00455e19 ; jle 0x455e19
+mov dword [ebp - 4], 0
+mov dword [ebp - 8], 0
+movzx eax, word [esi]
+mov dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+mov ax, word [esi + 2]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+xor eax, eax
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x18], eax
+jge short loc_00455cd8 ; jge 0x455cd8
+xchg dword [ebp + 0x18], eax
+sub dword [ebp - 4], eax
+add dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+jmp short loc_00455ce6 ; jmp 0x455ce6
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+add eax, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+sub eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+jle short loc_00455ce6 ; jle 0x455ce6
+sub dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+xor eax, eax
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x1c], eax
+jge short loc_00455cfb ; jge 0x455cfb
+xchg dword [ebp + 0x1c], eax
+sub dword [ebp - 8], eax
+add dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+jmp near loc_00455dc4 ; jmp 0x455dc4
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+add eax, dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+sub eax, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+jle near loc_00455dc4 ; jle 0x455dc4
+sub dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+jmp near loc_00455dc4 ; jmp 0x455dc4
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004861c0] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4861c0]
+jge near loc_00455e19 ; jge 0x455e19
+movzx edx, word [esi]
+add eax, edx
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004861b8] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4861b8]
+jle near loc_00455e19 ; jle 0x455e19
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004861c4] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4861c4]
+jge near loc_00455e19 ; jge 0x455e19
+movzx edx, word [esi + 2]
+add eax, edx
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004861bc] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4861bc]
+jle near loc_00455e19 ; jle 0x455e19
+mov dword [ebp - 4], 0
+mov dword [ebp - 8], 0
+movzx eax, word [esi]
+mov dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+mov ax, word [esi + 2]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_004861b8] ; mov eax, dword [0x4861b8]
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x18], eax
+jge short loc_00455d88 ; jge 0x455d88
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov dword [ebp + 0x18], eax
+sub eax, edx
+add dword [ebp - 4], eax
+sub dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+jmp short loc_00455d99 ; jmp 0x455d99
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+add eax, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+sub eax, dword [ref_004861c0] ; sub eax, dword [0x4861c0]
+jle short loc_00455d99 ; jle 0x455d99
+sub dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_004861bc] ; mov eax, dword [0x4861bc]
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x1c], eax
+jge short loc_00455db3 ; jge 0x455db3
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+mov dword [ebp + 0x1c], eax
+sub eax, edx
+add dword [ebp - 8], eax
+sub dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+jmp short loc_00455dc4 ; jmp 0x455dc4
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+add eax, dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+sub eax, dword [ref_004861c4] ; sub eax, dword [0x4861c4]
+jle short loc_00455dc4 ; jle 0x455dc4
+sub dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+movzx eax, word [esi]
+mov ebx, eax
+mul dword [ebp - 8]
+add eax, dword [ebp - 4]
+mov esi, dword [esi + 8]
+lea esi, [esi + eax*2]
+sub ebx, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+add ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ebp - 4], ebx
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+sub eax, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+add eax, eax
+mov dword [ebp - 8], eax
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+imul edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+add edi, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+add edi, edi
+add edi, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov edx, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+mov ecx, edx
+db 0x66, 0xad ; lodsw ax, word [esi]
+or ax, ax
+je short loc_00455e09 ; je 0x455e09
+mov word [edi], ax
+add edi, 2
+loop loc_00455dff ; loop 0x455dff
+add esi, dword [ebp - 4]
+add edi, dword [ebp - 8]
+dec ebx
+jne short loc_00455dfd ; jne 0x455dfd
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov eax, ebx
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+movsx eax, word [esi + 4]
+sub dword [ebp + 0x14], eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + 6]
+sub dword [ebp + 0x18], eax
+test dword [ebp + 0x2c], 1
+jne near loc_00455edc ; jne 0x455edc
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+mov ebx, eax
+cmp eax, 0x280
+jge near loc_00455fd3 ; jge 0x455fd3
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x24]
+add eax, edx
+jle near loc_00455fd3 ; jle 0x455fd3
+lea eax, [ebx + edx]
+cmp eax, 0x280
+jle short loc_00455e7b ; jle 0x455e7b
+sub eax, 0x280
+sub dword [ebp + 0x24], eax
+jmp short loc_00455e8e ; jmp 0x455e8e
+cmp eax, edx
+jge short loc_00455e8e ; jge 0x455e8e
+mov dword [ebp + 0x24], eax
+sub edx, eax
+add dword [ebp + 0x1c], edx
+mov dword [ebp + 0x14], 0
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov ebx, eax
+cmp eax, 0x1e0
+jge near loc_00455fd3 ; jge 0x455fd3
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+add eax, edx
+jle near loc_00455fd3 ; jle 0x455fd3
+lea eax, [ebx + edx]
+cmp eax, 0x1e0
+jle short loc_00455ec0 ; jle 0x455ec0
+sub eax, 0x1e0
+sub dword [ebp + 0x28], eax
+jmp near loc_00455f80 ; jmp 0x455f80
+cmp eax, edx
+jge near loc_00455f80 ; jge 0x455f80
+mov dword [ebp + 0x28], eax
+sub edx, eax
+add dword [ebp + 0x20], edx
+mov dword [ebp + 0x18], 0
+jmp near loc_00455f80 ; jmp 0x455f80
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+mov ebx, eax
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004861c0] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4861c0]
+jge near loc_00455fd3 ; jge 0x455fd3
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x24]
+add eax, edx
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004861b8] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4861b8]
+jle near loc_00455fd3 ; jle 0x455fd3
+lea eax, [ebx + edx]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004861c0] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4861c0]
+jle short loc_00455f14 ; jle 0x455f14
+sub eax, dword [ref_004861c0] ; sub eax, dword [0x4861c0]
+sub dword [ebp + 0x24], eax
+jmp short loc_00455f2e ; jmp 0x455f2e
+sub eax, dword [ref_004861b8] ; sub eax, dword [0x4861b8]
+cmp eax, edx
+jge short loc_00455f2e ; jge 0x455f2e
+mov dword [ebp + 0x24], eax
+sub edx, eax
+add dword [ebp + 0x1c], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_004861b8] ; mov eax, dword [0x4861b8]
+mov dword [ebp + 0x14], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov ebx, eax
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004861c4] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4861c4]
+jge near loc_00455fd3 ; jge 0x455fd3
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+add eax, edx
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004861bc] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4861bc]
+jle near loc_00455fd3 ; jle 0x455fd3
+lea eax, [ebx + edx]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004861c4] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4861c4]
+jle short loc_00455f66 ; jle 0x455f66
+sub eax, dword [ref_004861c4] ; sub eax, dword [0x4861c4]
+sub dword [ebp + 0x28], eax
+jmp short loc_00455f80 ; jmp 0x455f80
+sub eax, dword [ref_004861bc] ; sub eax, dword [0x4861bc]
+cmp eax, edx
+jge short loc_00455f80 ; jge 0x455f80
+mov dword [ebp + 0x28], eax
+sub edx, eax
+add dword [ebp + 0x20], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_004861bc] ; mov eax, dword [0x4861bc]
+mov dword [ebp + 0x18], eax
+movzx edx, word [esi]
+mov ebx, edx
+imul ebx, dword [ebp + 0x20]
+add ebx, dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+mov esi, dword [esi + 8]
+lea esi, [esi + ebx*2]
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov ebx, eax
+imul ebx, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+add ebx, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+lea edi, [edi + ebx*2]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x24]
+jecxz loc_00455fd3 ; jecxz 0x455fd3
+mov ebx, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+mov ebp, eax
+sub ebp, ecx
+add ebp, ebp
+sub edx, ecx
+add edx, edx
+mov eax, ecx
+mov ecx, eax
+test edi, 3
+je short loc_00455fc2 ; je 0x455fc2
+db 0x66, 0xa5 ; movsw word es:[edi], word ptr [esi]
+dec ecx
+shr ecx, 1
+rep movsd ; rep movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+adc ecx, 0
+db 0xf3, 0x66, 0xa5 ; rep movsw word es:[edi], word ptr [esi]
+add esi, edx
+add edi, ebp
+dec ebx
+jne short loc_00455fb5 ; jne 0x455fb5
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+movsx eax, word [esi + 4]
+sub dword [ebp + 0x14], eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + 6]
+sub dword [ebp + 0x18], eax
+test dword [ebp + 0x2c], 1
+jne near loc_00456091 ; jne 0x456091
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+mov ebx, eax
+cmp eax, 0x280
+jge near loc_0045617a ; jge 0x45617a
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x24]
+add eax, edx
+jle near loc_0045617a ; jle 0x45617a
+lea eax, [ebx + edx]
+cmp eax, 0x280
+jle short loc_00456030 ; jle 0x456030
+sub eax, 0x280
+sub dword [ebp + 0x24], eax
+jmp short loc_00456043 ; jmp 0x456043
+cmp eax, edx
+jge short loc_00456043 ; jge 0x456043
+mov dword [ebp + 0x24], eax
+sub edx, eax
+add dword [ebp + 0x1c], edx
+mov dword [ebp + 0x14], 0
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov ebx, eax
+cmp eax, 0x1e0
+jge near loc_0045617a ; jge 0x45617a
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+add eax, edx
+jle near loc_0045617a ; jle 0x45617a
+lea eax, [ebx + edx]
+cmp eax, 0x1e0
+jle short loc_00456075 ; jle 0x456075
+sub eax, 0x1e0
+sub dword [ebp + 0x28], eax
+jmp near loc_00456131 ; jmp 0x456131
+cmp eax, edx
+jge near loc_00456131 ; jge 0x456131
+mov dword [ebp + 0x28], eax
+sub edx, eax
+add dword [ebp + 0x20], edx
+mov dword [ebp + 0x18], 0
+jmp near loc_00456131 ; jmp 0x456131
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+mov ebx, eax
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004861c0] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4861c0]
+jge near loc_0045617a ; jge 0x45617a
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x24]
+add eax, edx
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004861b8] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4861b8]
+jle near loc_0045617a ; jle 0x45617a
+lea eax, [ebx + edx]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004861c0] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4861c0]
+jle short loc_004560c9 ; jle 0x4560c9
+sub eax, dword [ref_004861c0] ; sub eax, dword [0x4861c0]
+sub dword [ebp + 0x24], eax
+jmp short loc_004560e3 ; jmp 0x4560e3
+sub eax, dword [ref_004861b8] ; sub eax, dword [0x4861b8]
+cmp eax, edx
+jge short loc_004560e3 ; jge 0x4560e3
+mov dword [ebp + 0x24], eax
+sub edx, eax
+add dword [ebp + 0x1c], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_004861b8] ; mov eax, dword [0x4861b8]
+mov dword [ebp + 0x14], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov ebx, eax
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004861c4] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4861c4]
+jge near loc_0045617a ; jge 0x45617a
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+add eax, edx
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004861bc] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4861bc]
+jle short loc_0045617a ; jle 0x45617a
+lea eax, [ebx + edx]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004861c4] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4861c4]
+jle short loc_00456117 ; jle 0x456117
+sub eax, dword [ref_004861c4] ; sub eax, dword [0x4861c4]
+sub dword [ebp + 0x28], eax
+jmp short loc_00456131 ; jmp 0x456131
+sub eax, dword [ref_004861bc] ; sub eax, dword [0x4861bc]
+cmp eax, edx
+jge short loc_00456131 ; jge 0x456131
+mov dword [ebp + 0x28], eax
+sub edx, eax
+add dword [ebp + 0x20], edx
+mov eax, dword [ref_004861bc] ; mov eax, dword [0x4861bc]
+mov dword [ebp + 0x18], eax
+movzx edx, word [esi]
+mov ebx, edx
+imul ebx, dword [ebp + 0x20]
+add ebx, dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+mov esi, dword [esi + 8]
+lea esi, [esi + ebx*2]
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov ebx, eax
+imul ebx, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+add ebx, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+lea edi, [edi + ebx*2]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x24]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+mov ebp, eax
+sub ebp, ecx
+add ebp, ebp
+sub edx, ecx
+add edx, edx
+push ecx
+db 0x66, 0xad ; lodsw ax, word [esi]
+or ax, ax
+je short loc_0045616d ; je 0x45616d
+mov word [edi], ax
+add edi, 2
+loop loc_00456163 ; loop 0x456163
+pop ecx
+add esi, edx
+add edi, ebp
+dec ebx
+jne short loc_00456162 ; jne 0x456162
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov ebp, 0x500
+sub ebp, edx
+shr ebp, 2
+shr edx, 2
+mov eax, 0x1e0
+mov ecx, ebp
+lea esi, [ebx + edx*4]
+rep movsd ; rep movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+mov ecx, edx
+mov esi, ebx
+rep movsd ; rep movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+add ebx, 0x500
+dec eax
+jne short loc_004561a2 ; jne 0x4561a2
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+push dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+call fcn_004551f0 ; call 0x4551f0
+add esp, 4
+mov bx, ax
+shl eax, 0x10
+mov ax, bx
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+movzx edx, word [edi]
+mov ecx, edx
+imul ecx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+add ecx, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov edi, dword [edi + 8]
+lea edi, [edi + ecx*2]
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+sub edx, esi
+add edx, edx
+mov ecx, esi
+shr ecx, 1
+rep stosd ; rep stosd dword es:[edi], eax
+adc ecx, 0
+db 0xf3, 0x66, 0xab ; rep stosw word es:[edi], ax
+add edi, edx
+dec ebx
+jne short loc_004561f8 ; jne 0x4561f8
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+push dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+call fcn_004551f0 ; call 0x4551f0
+add esp, 4
+mov bx, ax
+shl eax, 0x10
+mov ax, bx
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+movzx edx, word [edi]
+mov ecx, edx
+imul ecx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+add ecx, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov edi, dword [edi + 8]
+lea edi, [edi + ecx*2]
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+add edx, edx
+mov ecx, esi
+shr ecx, 1
+push edi
+rep stosd ; rep stosd dword es:[edi], eax
+adc ecx, 0
+db 0xf3, 0x66, 0xab ; rep stosw word es:[edi], ax
+pop edi
+add edi, edx
+dec ebx
+lea ecx, [esi - 1]
+add ecx, ecx
+cmp ebx, 1
+je short loc_0045626e ; je 0x45626e
+mov word [edi], ax
+mov word [edi + ecx], ax
+add edi, edx
+dec ebx
+jmp short loc_0045625d ; jmp 0x45625d
+mov ecx, esi
+shr ecx, 1
+rep stosd ; rep stosd dword es:[edi], eax
+adc ecx, 0
+db 0xf3, 0x66, 0xab ; rep stosw word es:[edi], ax
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push dword [ebp + 0x14]
+push dword [ebp + 0x10]
+push dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 8]
+push dword [edx + 8]
+movzx eax, word [edx + 2]
+push eax
+movzx eax, word [edx]
+push eax
+call fcn_00455b3a ; call 0x455b3a
+add esp, 0x18
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push 0
+push dword [ebp + 0x14]
+push dword [ebp + 0x10]
+push dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 8]
+push dword [edx + 8]
+movzx eax, word [edx + 2]
+push eax
+movzx eax, word [edx]
+push eax
+call fcn_00455c52 ; call 0x455c52
+add esp, 0x1c
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push 0
+push dword [ebp + 0x24]
+push dword [ebp + 0x20]
+push dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+push dword [ebp + 0x18]
+push dword [ebp + 0x14]
+push dword [ebp + 0x10]
+push dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 8]
+push dword [edx + 8]
+movzx eax, word [edx]
+push eax
+call fcn_00455e24 ; call 0x455e24
+add esp, 0x28
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push 1
+push dword [ebp + 0x24]
+push dword [ebp + 0x20]
+push dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+push dword [ebp + 0x18]
+push dword [ebp + 0x14]
+push dword [ebp + 0x10]
+push dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 8]
+push dword [edx + 8]
+movzx eax, word [edx]
+push eax
+call fcn_00455e24 ; call 0x455e24
+add esp, 0x28
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push 0
+push dword [ebp + 0x24]
+push dword [ebp + 0x20]
+push dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+push dword [ebp + 0x18]
+push dword [ebp + 0x14]
+push dword [ebp + 0x10]
+push dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 8]
+push dword [edx + 8]
+movzx eax, word [edx]
+push eax
+call fcn_00455fd9 ; call 0x455fd9
+add esp, 0x28
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push 1
+push dword [ebp + 0x24]
+push dword [ebp + 0x20]
+push dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+push dword [ebp + 0x18]
+push dword [ebp + 0x14]
+push dword [ebp + 0x10]
+push dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 8]
+push dword [edx + 8]
+movzx eax, word [edx]
+push eax
+call fcn_00455fd9 ; call 0x455fd9
+add esp, 0x28
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+push dword [ebp + 0x18]
+call fcn_004551f0 ; call 0x4551f0
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ebp + 0x18], eax
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+movsx eax, word [esi + 4]
+sub dword [ebp + 0x10], eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + 6]
+sub dword [ebp + 0x14], eax
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+movzx eax, word [edi]
+mov ebx, eax
+mul dword [ebp + 0x14]
+add eax, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov edi, dword [edi + 8]
+lea edi, [edi + eax*2]
+movzx edx, word [esi]
+sub ebx, edx
+add ebx, ebx
+mov dword [ebp + 0x10], ebx
+movzx ebx, word [esi + 2]
+mov dword [ebp + 0x14], ebx
+mov bx, word [ebp + 0x18]
+mov esi, dword [esi + 8]
+mov ecx, edx
+db 0x66, 0xad ; lodsw ax, word [esi]
+or ax, ax
+je short loc_004563e2 ; je 0x4563e2
+mov word [edi], bx
+add edi, 2
+loop loc_004563d8 ; loop 0x4563d8
+add edi, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+dec dword [ebp + 0x14]
+jne short loc_004563d6 ; jne 0x4563d6
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push dword [ebp + 0x14]
+push dword [ebp + 0x10]
+push dword [ebp + 0xc]
+push dword [ebp + 8]
+push 0x1e0
+push 0x280
+call fcn_00455b3a ; call 0x455b3a
+add esp, 0x18
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push 0
+push dword [ebp + 0x14]
+push dword [ebp + 0x10]
+push dword [ebp + 0xc]
+push dword [ebp + 8]
+push 0x1e0
+push 0x280
+call fcn_00455c52 ; call 0x455c52
+add esp, 0x1c
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push 0
+push dword [ebp + 0x24]
+push dword [ebp + 0x20]
+push dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+push dword [ebp + 0x18]
+push dword [ebp + 0x14]
+push dword [ebp + 0x10]
+push dword [ebp + 0xc]
+push dword [ebp + 8]
+push 0x280
+call fcn_00455e24 ; call 0x455e24
+add esp, 0x28
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push 1
+push dword [ebp + 0x24]
+push dword [ebp + 0x20]
+push dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+push dword [ebp + 0x18]
+push dword [ebp + 0x14]
+push dword [ebp + 0x10]
+push dword [ebp + 0xc]
+push dword [ebp + 8]
+push 0x280
+call fcn_00455e24 ; call 0x455e24
+add esp, 0x28
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push 0
+push dword [ebp + 0x24]
+push dword [ebp + 0x20]
+push dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+push dword [ebp + 0x18]
+push dword [ebp + 0x14]
+push dword [ebp + 0x10]
+push dword [ebp + 0xc]
+push dword [ebp + 8]
+push 0x280
+call fcn_00455fd9 ; call 0x455fd9
+add esp, 0x28
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push 1
+push dword [ebp + 0x14]
+push dword [ebp + 0x10]
+push dword [ebp + 0xc]
+push dword [ebp + 8]
+push 0x1e0
+push 0x280
+call fcn_00455c52 ; call 0x455c52
+add esp, 0x1c
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push 1
+push dword [ebp + 0x24]
+push dword [ebp + 0x20]
+push dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+push dword [ebp + 0x18]
+push dword [ebp + 0x14]
+push dword [ebp + 0x10]
+push dword [ebp + 0xc]
+push dword [ebp + 8]
+push 0x280
+call fcn_00455fd9 ; call 0x455fd9
+add esp, 0x28
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+sub esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+lea esi, [eax*4]
+lea esi, [esi + eax*8]
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+lea esi, [esi + eax + 0xc]
+mov edx, dword [eax + 8]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [ebp + 0x10], edx
+movsx eax, word [esi + 4]
+sub dword [ebp + 0x14], eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + 6]
+sub dword [ebp + 0x18], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+cmp eax, 0x280
+jge near loc_00456633 ; jge 0x456633
+movzx edx, word [esi]
+add eax, edx
+jle near loc_00456633 ; jle 0x456633
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+cmp eax, 0x1e0
+jge near loc_00456633 ; jge 0x456633
+movzx edx, word [esi + 2]
+add eax, edx
+jle near loc_00456633 ; jle 0x456633
+mov dword [ebp - 4], 0
+mov dword [ebp - 8], 0
+movzx eax, word [esi]
+mov dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+mov ax, word [esi + 2]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+xor eax, eax
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x14], eax
+jge short loc_004565ab ; jge 0x4565ab
+xchg dword [ebp + 0x14], eax
+sub dword [ebp - 4], eax
+add dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+jmp short loc_004565bb ; jmp 0x4565bb
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+add eax, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+sub eax, 0x280
+jle short loc_004565bb ; jle 0x4565bb
+sub dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+xor eax, eax
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x18], eax
+jge short loc_004565cd ; jge 0x4565cd
+xchg dword [ebp + 0x18], eax
+sub dword [ebp - 8], eax
+add dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+jmp short loc_004565dd ; jmp 0x4565dd
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+add eax, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+sub eax, 0x1e0
+jle short loc_004565dd ; jle 0x4565dd
+sub dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+movzx eax, word [esi]
+mov ebx, eax
+mul dword [ebp - 8]
+add eax, dword [ebp - 4]
+mov esi, dword [esi + 8]
+add esi, eax
+sub ebx, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+mov dword [ebp - 4], ebx
+mov eax, 0x280
+sub eax, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+add eax, eax
+mov dword [ebp - 8], eax
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+imul edi, edi, 0x280
+add edi, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+add edi, edi
+add edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+lodsb ; lodsb al, byte [esi]
+and eax, 0xff
+mov ax, word [edx + eax*2]
+db 0x66, 0xab ; stosw word es:[edi], ax
+loop loc_0045661a ; loop 0x45661a
+add esi, dword [ebp - 4]
+add edi, dword [ebp - 8]
+dec ebx
+jne short loc_00456617 ; jne 0x456617
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov eax, ebx
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+sub esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+lea esi, [eax*4]
+lea esi, [esi + eax*8]
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+lea esi, [esi + eax + 0xc]
+mov edx, dword [eax + 8]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [ebp + 0x10], edx
+movsx eax, word [esi + 4]
+sub dword [ebp + 0x14], eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + 6]
+sub dword [ebp + 0x18], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+cmp eax, 0x280
+jge near loc_00456765 ; jge 0x456765
+movzx edx, word [esi]
+add eax, edx
+jle near loc_00456765 ; jle 0x456765
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+cmp eax, 0x1e0
+jge near loc_00456765 ; jge 0x456765
+movzx edx, word [esi + 2]
+add eax, edx
+jle near loc_00456765 ; jle 0x456765
+mov dword [ebp - 4], 0
+mov dword [ebp - 8], 0
+movzx eax, word [esi]
+mov dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+mov ax, word [esi + 2]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+xor eax, eax
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x14], eax
+jge short loc_004566d7 ; jge 0x4566d7
+xchg dword [ebp + 0x14], eax
+sub dword [ebp - 4], eax
+add dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+jmp short loc_004566e7 ; jmp 0x4566e7
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+add eax, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+sub eax, 0x280
+jle short loc_004566e7 ; jle 0x4566e7
+sub dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+xor eax, eax
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x18], eax
+jge short loc_004566f9 ; jge 0x4566f9
+xchg dword [ebp + 0x18], eax
+sub dword [ebp - 8], eax
+add dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+jmp short loc_00456709 ; jmp 0x456709
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+add eax, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+sub eax, 0x1e0
+jle short loc_00456709 ; jle 0x456709
+sub dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+movzx eax, word [esi]
+mov ebx, eax
+mul dword [ebp - 8]
+add eax, dword [ebp - 4]
+mov esi, dword [esi + 8]
+add esi, eax
+sub ebx, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+mov dword [ebp - 4], ebx
+mov eax, 0x280
+sub eax, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+add eax, eax
+mov dword [ebp - 8], eax
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+imul edi, edi, 0x280
+add edi, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+add edi, edi
+add edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+lodsb ; lodsb al, byte [esi]
+and eax, 0xff
+je short loc_00456755 ; je 0x456755
+mov ax, word [edx + eax*2]
+mov word [edi], ax
+add edi, 2
+loop loc_00456746 ; loop 0x456746
+add esi, dword [ebp - 4]
+add edi, dword [ebp - 8]
+dec ebx
+jne short loc_00456743 ; jne 0x456743
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov eax, ebx
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+sub esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+lea esi, [eax*4]
+lea esi, [esi + eax*8]
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+lea esi, [esi + eax + 0xc]
+mov edx, dword [eax + 8]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [ebp + 0x10], edx
+movsx eax, word [esi + 4]
+sub dword [ebp + 0x14], eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + 6]
+sub dword [ebp + 0x18], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004861c0] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4861c0]
+jge near loc_004568b7 ; jge 0x4568b7
+movzx edx, word [esi]
+add eax, edx
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004861b8] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4861b8]
+jle near loc_004568b7 ; jle 0x4568b7
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004861c4] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4861c4]
+jge near loc_004568b7 ; jge 0x4568b7
+movzx edx, word [esi + 2]
+add eax, edx
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004861bc] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4861bc]
+jle near loc_004568b7 ; jle 0x4568b7
+mov dword [ebp - 4], 0
+mov dword [ebp - 8], 0
+movzx eax, word [esi]
+mov dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+mov ax, word [esi + 2]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_004861b8] ; mov eax, dword [0x4861b8]
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x14], eax
+jge short loc_0045681f ; jge 0x45681f
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+mov dword [ebp + 0x14], eax
+sub eax, edx
+add dword [ebp - 4], eax
+sub dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+jmp short loc_00456830 ; jmp 0x456830
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+add eax, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+sub eax, dword [ref_004861c0] ; sub eax, dword [0x4861c0]
+jle short loc_00456830 ; jle 0x456830
+sub dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_004861bc] ; mov eax, dword [0x4861bc]
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x18], eax
+jge short loc_0045684a ; jge 0x45684a
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov dword [ebp + 0x18], eax
+sub eax, edx
+add dword [ebp - 8], eax
+sub dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+jmp short loc_0045685b ; jmp 0x45685b
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+add eax, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+sub eax, dword [ref_004861c4] ; sub eax, dword [0x4861c4]
+jle short loc_0045685b ; jle 0x45685b
+sub dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+movzx eax, word [esi]
+mov ebx, eax
+mul dword [ebp - 8]
+add eax, dword [ebp - 4]
+mov esi, dword [esi + 8]
+add esi, eax
+sub ebx, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+mov dword [ebp - 4], ebx
+mov eax, 0x280
+sub eax, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+add eax, eax
+mov dword [ebp - 8], eax
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+imul edi, edi, 0x280
+add edi, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+add edi, edi
+add edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+lodsb ; lodsb al, byte [esi]
+and eax, 0xff
+je short loc_004568a7 ; je 0x4568a7
+mov ax, word [edx + eax*2]
+mov word [edi], ax
+add edi, 2
+loop loc_00456898 ; loop 0x456898
+add esi, dword [ebp - 4]
+add edi, dword [ebp - 8]
+dec ebx
+jne short loc_00456895 ; jne 0x456895
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov eax, ebx
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+sub esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov ebx, 1
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+lea esi, [eax*4]
+lea esi, [esi + eax*8]
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+lea esi, [esi + eax + 0xc]
+mov edx, dword [eax + 8]
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [ebp + 0x10], edx
+movsx eax, word [esi + 4]
+sub dword [ebp + 0x14], eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + 6]
+sub dword [ebp + 0x18], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+cmp eax, 0x280
+jge near loc_00456a11 ; jge 0x456a11
+movzx edx, word [esi]
+imul edx, dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+shr edx, 0x10
+mov dword [ebp - 0xc], edx
+add eax, edx
+jle near loc_00456a11 ; jle 0x456a11
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+cmp eax, 0x1e0
+jge near loc_00456a11 ; jge 0x456a11
+movzx edx, word [esi + 2]
+imul edx, dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+shr edx, 0x10
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], edx
+add eax, edx
+jle near loc_00456a11 ; jle 0x456a11
+mov dword [ebp - 4], 0
+mov dword [ebp - 8], 0
+xor eax, eax
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x14], eax
+jge short loc_00456962 ; jge 0x456962
+xchg dword [ebp + 0x14], eax
+sub dword [ebp - 4], eax
+add dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+jmp short loc_00456972 ; jmp 0x456972
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+add eax, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+sub eax, 0x280
+jle short loc_00456972 ; jle 0x456972
+sub dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+xor eax, eax
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x18], eax
+jge short loc_00456984 ; jge 0x456984
+xchg dword [ebp + 0x18], eax
+sub dword [ebp - 8], eax
+add dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+jmp short loc_00456994 ; jmp 0x456994
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+add eax, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+sub eax, 0x1e0
+jle short loc_00456994 ; jle 0x456994
+sub dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, 1
+div dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+mov dword [ebp + 0x1c], eax
+mul dword [ebp - 4]
+shr eax, 0x10
+movzx ebx, word [esi]
+mov dword [ebp - 4], ebx
+mov esi, dword [esi + 8]
+add esi, eax
+shl dword [ebp - 8], 0x10
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+imul edi, edi, 0x280
+add edi, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+add edi, edi
+add edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+push esi
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 8]
+shr eax, 0x10
+imul eax, dword [ebp - 4]
+add esi, eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+shld eax, ebx, 0x10
+and eax, 0xff
+mov al, byte [esi + eax]
+or al, al
+je short loc_004569f4 ; je 0x4569f4
+mov ax, word [edx + eax*2]
+mov word [edi], ax
+add edi, 2
+add ebx, dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+loop loc_004569dd ; loop 0x4569dd
+pop edi
+pop esi
+add edi, 0x500
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+add dword [ebp - 8], eax
+dec dword [ebp - 0x10]
+jne short loc_004569ca ; jne 0x4569ca
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov eax, ebx
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+sub esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+movsx eax, word [esi + 4]
+sub dword [ebp + 0x10], eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + 6]
+sub dword [ebp + 0x14], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+cmp eax, 0x1b8
+jge near loc_00456b35 ; jge 0x456b35
+movzx edx, word [esi]
+add eax, edx
+cmp eax, 0
+jle near loc_00456b35 ; jle 0x456b35
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+cmp eax, 0x1b8
+jge near loc_00456b35 ; jge 0x456b35
+movzx edx, word [esi + 2]
+add eax, edx
+cmp eax, 0
+jle near loc_00456b35 ; jle 0x456b35
+mov dword [ebp - 4], 0
+mov dword [ebp - 8], 0
+movzx eax, word [esi]
+mov dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+mov ax, word [esi + 2]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+mov eax, 0
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x10], eax
+jge short loc_00456aa5 ; jge 0x456aa5
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov dword [ebp + 0x10], eax
+sub eax, edx
+add dword [ebp - 4], eax
+sub dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+jmp short loc_00456ab5 ; jmp 0x456ab5
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+add eax, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+sub eax, 0x1b8
+jle short loc_00456ab5 ; jle 0x456ab5
+sub dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+mov eax, 0
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x14], eax
+jge short loc_00456acf ; jge 0x456acf
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+mov dword [ebp + 0x14], eax
+sub eax, edx
+add dword [ebp - 8], eax
+sub dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+jmp short loc_00456adf ; jmp 0x456adf
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+add eax, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+sub eax, 0x1b8
+jle short loc_00456adf ; jle 0x456adf
+sub dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+movzx eax, word [esi]
+mov ebx, eax
+mul dword [ebp - 8]
+add eax, dword [ebp - 4]
+mov esi, dword [esi + 8]
+add esi, eax
+sub ebx, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+mov dword [ebp - 4], ebx
+mov eax, 0x1b8
+sub eax, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+add eax, eax
+mov dword [ebp - 8], eax
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+imul edi, edi, 0x1b8
+add edi, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+add edi, edi
+add edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+lodsb ; lodsb al, byte [esi]
+and eax, 0xff
+je short loc_00456b27 ; je 0x456b27
+mov word [edi], dx
+add edi, 2
+loop loc_00456b1c ; loop 0x456b1c
+add esi, dword [ebp - 4]
+add edi, dword [ebp - 8]
+dec ebx
+jne short loc_00456b19 ; jne 0x456b19
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov ebp, dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+shr ecx, 1
+test edx, 2
+je short loc_00456b6b ; je 0x456b6b
+sub edx, 2
+sub esi, 2
+sub edi, 2
+inc ecx
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push edx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [edx]
+mov ebx, dword [esi]
+sub ax, bx
+xor bx, bx
+sub eax, ebx
+mov dword [edi], eax
+add edx, 4
+add esi, 4
+add edi, 4
+loop loc_00456b70 ; loop 0x456b70
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop edx
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+add edx, ebp
+add esi, 0x500
+add edi, 0x370
+dec ebx
+jne short loc_00456b6b ; jne 0x456b6b
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov ebp, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+mov ebx, 0x1b8
+push edi
+push esi
+mov ecx, 0xdc
+mov eax, dword [edx]
+or eax, eax
+jne short loc_00456bd2 ; jne 0x456bd2
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+add edx, 4
+loop loc_00456bc4 ; loop 0x456bc4
+jmp short loc_00456bf7 ; jmp 0x456bf7
+or ax, ax
+jne short loc_00456bdd ; jne 0x456bdd
+mov ax, word [esi]
+mov word [edi], ax
+test eax, 0xffff0000
+jne short loc_00456bec ; jne 0x456bec
+mov ax, word [esi + 2]
+mov word [edi + 2], ax
+add esi, 4
+add edi, 4
+add edx, 4
+loop loc_00456bc4 ; loop 0x456bc4
+pop esi
+pop edi
+add edi, ebp
+add esi, 0x500
+dec ebx
+jne short loc_00456bbd ; jne 0x456bbd
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+dec ecx
+js short loc_00456c2d ; js 0x456c2d
+db 0x66, 0xad ; lodsw ax, word [esi]
+cmp ax, bx
+jne short loc_00456c1d ; jne 0x456c1d
+mov word [esi - 2], dx
+jmp short loc_00456c1d ; jmp 0x456c1d
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+sub esp, 0x10
+push ebx
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+movsx eax, word [esi + 4]
+sub dword [ebp + 0x10], eax
+movsx eax, word [esi + 6]
+sub dword [ebp + 0x14], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004861c0] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4861c0]
+jge near loc_00456d85 ; jge 0x456d85
+movzx edx, word [esi]
+add eax, edx
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004861b8] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4861b8]
+jle near loc_00456d85 ; jle 0x456d85
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004861c4] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4861c4]
+jge near loc_00456d85 ; jge 0x456d85
+movzx edx, word [esi + 2]
+add eax, edx
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004861bc] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4861bc]
+jle near loc_00456d85 ; jle 0x456d85
+mov dword [ebp - 4], 0
+mov dword [ebp - 8], 0
+movzx eax, word [esi]
+mov dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+mov ax, word [esi + 2]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_004861b8] ; mov eax, dword [0x4861b8]
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x10], eax
+jge short loc_00456cc4 ; jge 0x456cc4
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov dword [ebp + 0x10], eax
+sub eax, edx
+add dword [ebp - 4], eax
+sub dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+jmp short loc_00456cd5 ; jmp 0x456cd5
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+add eax, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+sub eax, dword [ref_004861c0] ; sub eax, dword [0x4861c0]
+jle short loc_00456cd5 ; jle 0x456cd5
+sub dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_004861bc] ; mov eax, dword [0x4861bc]
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x14], eax
+jge short loc_00456cef ; jge 0x456cef
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+mov dword [ebp + 0x14], eax
+sub eax, edx
+add dword [ebp - 8], eax
+sub dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+jmp short loc_00456d00 ; jmp 0x456d00
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+add eax, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+sub eax, dword [ref_004861c4] ; sub eax, dword [0x4861c4]
+jle short loc_00456d00 ; jle 0x456d00
+sub dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+movzx eax, word [esi]
+mov ebx, eax
+mul dword [ebp - 8]
+add eax, dword [ebp - 4]
+mov esi, dword [esi + 8]
+add esi, eax
+sub ebx, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+mov dword [ebp - 4], ebx
+mov eax, 0x280
+sub eax, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+add eax, eax
+mov dword [ebp - 8], eax
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+imul edi, edi, 0x280
+add edi, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+add edi, edi
+add edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+shl edx, 2
+add edx, dword [ref_0047637c] ; add edx, dword [0x47637c]
+mov dx, word [edx*2 + ref_00488ef0] ; mov dx, word [edx*2 + 0x488ef0]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+shr ecx, 1
+jecxz loc_00456d68 ; jecxz 0x456d68
+db 0x66, 0xad ; lodsw ax, word [esi]
+or al, al
+je short loc_00456d63 ; je 0x456d63
+or word [edi], dx
+or ah, ah
+je short loc_00456d63 ; je 0x456d63
+or word [edi + 2], dx
+add edi, 4
+loop loc_00456d52 ; loop 0x456d52
+test dword [ebp - 0xc], 1
+je short loc_00456d7c ; je 0x456d7c
+lodsb ; lodsb al, byte [esi]
+or al, al
+je short loc_00456d79 ; je 0x456d79
+or word [edi], dx
+add edi, 2
+add esi, dword [ebp - 4]
+add edi, dword [ebp - 8]
+dec ebx
+jne short loc_00456d4b ; jne 0x456d4b
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+jecxz loc_00456db6 ; jecxz 0x456db6
+test esi, 3
+je short loc_00456dac ; je 0x456dac
+db 0x66, 0xa5 ; movsw word es:[edi], word ptr [esi]
+dec ecx
+je short loc_00456db6 ; je 0x456db6
+shr ecx, 1
+rep movsd ; rep movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+adc ecx, 0
+db 0xf3, 0x66, 0xa5 ; rep movsw word es:[edi], word ptr [esi]
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ecx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+jecxz loc_00456de3 ; jecxz 0x456de3
+test edi, 3
+je short loc_00456dd9 ; je 0x456dd9
+db 0x66, 0xa5 ; movsw word es:[edi], word ptr [esi]
+dec ecx
+je short loc_00456de3 ; je 0x456de3
+shr ecx, 1
+rep movsd ; rep movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+adc ecx, 0
+db 0xf3, 0x66, 0xa5 ; rep movsw word es:[edi], word ptr [esi]
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ecx
+pop ebp
+push esi
+push edi
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push es
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+push edi
+mov eax, ecx
+shr ecx, 2
+repne movsd
+mov cl, al
+and cl, 3
+repne movsb ; repne movsb byte es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
+pop edi
+pop es
+mov eax, edi
+pop edi
+pop esi
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456e1f ; call 0x456e1f
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+test edi, edi
+je near loc_00456f1f ; je 0x456f1f
+call dword [ref_00488f68] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f68]
+mov esi, dword [ref_004991bc] ; mov esi, dword [0x4991bc]
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00456e7e ; je 0x456e7e
+cmp esi, edi
+ja short loc_00456e4e ; ja 0x456e4e
+mov eax, dword [esi]
+add eax, esi
+cmp eax, edi
+ja near loc_00456ed9 ; ja 0x456ed9
+mov eax, esi
+mov esi, dword [esi + 4]
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00456e67 ; je 0x456e67
+cmp esi, edi
+ja short loc_00456e67 ; ja 0x456e67
+mov edx, dword [esi]
+add edx, esi
+cmp edx, edi
+ja near loc_00456ed9 ; ja 0x456ed9
+mov esi, dword [eax + 8]
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00456e7e ; je 0x456e7e
+cmp esi, edi
+ja short loc_00456e7e ; ja 0x456e7e
+mov eax, dword [esi]
+add eax, esi
+cmp eax, edi
+ja near loc_00456ed9 ; ja 0x456ed9
+mov esi, dword [ref_00488f04] ; mov esi, dword [0x488f04]
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00456ebc ; je 0x456ebc
+cmp esi, edi
+ja short loc_00456e94 ; ja 0x456e94
+mov eax, dword [esi]
+add eax, esi
+cmp eax, edi
+ja short loc_00456ed9 ; ja 0x456ed9
+mov eax, esi
+mov esi, dword [esi + 4]
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00456ea9 ; je 0x456ea9
+cmp esi, edi
+ja short loc_00456ea9 ; ja 0x456ea9
+mov edx, dword [esi]
+add edx, esi
+cmp edx, edi
+ja short loc_00456ed9 ; ja 0x456ed9
+mov esi, dword [eax + 8]
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00456ebc ; je 0x456ebc
+cmp esi, edi
+ja short loc_00456ebc ; ja 0x456ebc
+mov eax, dword [esi]
+add eax, esi
+cmp eax, edi
+ja short loc_00456ed9 ; ja 0x456ed9
+mov esi, dword [ref_00488f00] ; mov esi, dword [0x488f00]
+jmp short loc_00456ed3 ; jmp 0x456ed3
+cmp esi, edi
+ja short loc_00456ed0 ; ja 0x456ed0
+mov eax, dword [esi]
+add eax, esi
+cmp eax, edi
+ja short loc_00456ed9 ; ja 0x456ed9
+mov esi, dword [esi + 8]
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_00456ec4 ; jne 0x456ec4
+jmp short loc_00456f19 ; jmp 0x456f19
+mov eax, ref_00488f00 ; mov eax, 0x488f00
+mov edx, ds
+and edx, 0xffff
+mov ebx, esi
+mov eax, edi
+call fcn_004589b0 ; call 0x4589b0
+mov edx, dword [ref_00488f04] ; mov edx, dword [0x488f04]
+mov dword [ref_004991bc], esi ; mov dword [0x4991bc], esi
+cmp esi, edx
+jae short loc_00456f11 ; jae 0x456f11
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00488f08] ; mov ebx, dword [0x488f08]
+mov eax, dword [esi + 0x14]
+cmp eax, ebx
+jbe short loc_00456f11 ; jbe 0x456f11
+mov dword [ref_00488f08], eax ; mov dword [0x488f08], eax
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [ref_004991d0], ah ; mov byte [0x4991d0], ah
+call dword [ref_00488f70] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f70]
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+call dword [ref_00488f4c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f4c]
+add eax, 0xc
+call fcn_00456f23 ; call 0x456f23
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00456f37 ; jne 0x456f37
+imul edx, dword [eax], 0x41c64e6d
+add edx, 0x3039
+mov dword [eax], edx
+mov eax, edx
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0x7fff
+call fcn_00456f23 ; call 0x456f23
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00456f5f ; je 0x456f5f
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+mov dword [eax], edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+push eax
+mov dh, dl
+shl edx, 8
+mov dl, dh
+shl edx, 8
+mov dl, dh
+call fcn_00458ae0 ; call 0x458ae0
+pop eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456f8e ; call 0x456f8e
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push es
+push fs
+push gs
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xc
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_00456fa7 ; je 0x456fa7
+cmp ebp, 0xffffffd4
+jbe short loc_00456fae ; jbe 0x456fae
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_0045708f ; jmp 0x45708f
+lea eax, [ebp + 0xb]
+and al, 0xf8
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+cmp eax, 0x10
+jae short loc_00456fc4 ; jae 0x456fc4
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0x10
+call dword [ref_00488f68] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f68]
+xor ecx, ecx
+xor ah, ah
+mov dword [esp], ecx
+mov byte [esp + 8], ah
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_00488f08] ; cmp eax, dword [0x488f08]
+jbe short loc_00456ff9 ; jbe 0x456ff9
+mov esi, dword [ref_00488f04] ; mov esi, dword [0x488f04]
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_00457007 ; jne 0x457007
+mov dword [ref_00488f08], esi ; mov dword [0x488f08], esi
+mov esi, dword [ref_00488f00] ; mov esi, dword [0x488f00]
+jmp short loc_00457007 ; jmp 0x457007
+xor edi, edi
+mov esi, dword [ref_00488f00] ; mov esi, dword [0x488f00]
+mov dword [ref_00488f08], edi ; mov dword [0x488f08], edi
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00457048 ; je 0x457048
+mov edi, dword [esi + 0x14]
+mov dword [ref_00488f04], esi ; mov dword [0x488f04], esi
+cmp edi, ebp
+jb short loc_00457035 ; jb 0x457035
+mov eax, ref_00488f00 ; mov eax, 0x488f00
+mov edx, ds
+and edx, 0xffff
+mov ebx, esi
+mov eax, ebp
+call fcn_00458900 ; call 0x458900
+mov dword [esp], eax
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045707e ; jne 0x45707e
+cmp edi, dword [ref_00488f08] ; cmp edi, dword [0x488f08]
+jbe short loc_00457043 ; jbe 0x457043
+mov dword [ref_00488f08], edi ; mov dword [0x488f08], edi
+mov esi, dword [esi + 8]
+jmp short loc_00457007 ; jmp 0x457007
+cmp byte [esp + 8], 0
+jne short loc_0045705c ; jne 0x45705c
+push ebp
+call fcn_00458c90 ; call 0x458c90
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00457074 ; jne 0x457074
+push ebp
+call fcn_00458cea ; call 0x458cea
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045707e ; je 0x45707e
+xor bl, bl
+mov byte [esp + 8], bl
+jmp near loc_00456fd5 ; jmp 0x456fd5
+mov byte [esp + 8], 1
+jmp near loc_00456fd5 ; jmp 0x456fd5
+xor bh, bh
+mov byte [ref_004991d0], bh ; mov byte [0x4991d0], bh
+call dword [ref_00488f70] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f70]
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+add esp, 0xc
+pop ebp
+pop gs
+pop fs
+pop es
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+jmp near loc_00458ced ; jmp 0x458ced
+dd ref_00401003
+db 0x57
+db 0x41
+db 0x54
+dd 0x204d4f43
+dd 0x2b432f43
+dd 0x2032332b
+dd 0x2d6e7552
+dd 0x656d6954
+dd 0x73797320
+dd 0x2e6d6574
+dd 0x29632820
+dd 0x706f4320
+dd 0x67697279
+dd 0x62207468
+dd 0x41572079
+dd 0x4d4f4354
+dd 0x746e4920
+dd 0x616e7265
+dd 0x6e6f6974
+dd 0x43206c61
+dd 0x2e70726f
+dd 0x38393120
+dd 0x39312d38
+dd 0x202e3539
+dd 0x206c6c41
+dd 0x68676972
+dd 0x72207374
+dd 0x72657365
+dd 0x2e646576
+push ebx
+sub esp, 4
+lea eax, [esp + 0x14]
+mov dword [esp], eax
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push edx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00458db5 ; call 0x458db5
+add esp, 0xc
+add esp, 4
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov ecx, 1
+xor ebp, ebp
+xor esi, esi
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esp], ebp
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_00457164 ; je 0x457164
+cmp ecx, dword [ref_00488f98] ; cmp ecx, dword [0x488f98]
+jne short loc_00457162 ; jne 0x457162
+mov dword [edx], ecx
+jmp short loc_00457164 ; jmp 0x457164
+mov dword [edx], ebp
+mov al, byte [ebx]
+cmp al, 0x72
+jb short loc_00457172 ; jb 0x457172
+jbe short loc_00457178 ; jbe 0x457178
+cmp al, 0x77
+je short loc_0045717e ; je 0x45717e
+jmp short loc_0045718a ; jmp 0x45718a
+cmp al, 0x61
+je short loc_00457184 ; je 0x457184
+jmp short loc_0045718a ; jmp 0x45718a
+or byte [esp], 1
+jmp short loc_0045719b ; jmp 0x45719b
+or byte [esp], 2
+jmp short loc_0045719b ; jmp 0x45719b
+or byte [esp], 0x82
+jmp short loc_0045719b ; jmp 0x45719b
+push 9
+call fcn_00458de7 ; call 0x458de7
+add esp, 4
+xor ecx, ecx
+jmp near loc_0045724a ; jmp 0x45724a
+inc ebx
+mov al, byte [ebx]
+test al, al
+je near loc_00457233 ; je 0x457233
+test ecx, ecx
+je near loc_00457233 ; je 0x457233
+cmp al, 0x63
+jb short loc_004571c8 ; jb 0x4571c8
+jbe near loc_0045720a ; jbe 0x45720a
+cmp al, 0x6e
+jb short loc_0045719b ; jb 0x45719b
+jbe near loc_0045721f ; jbe 0x45721f
+cmp al, 0x74
+je short loc_004571ec ; je 0x4571ec
+jmp short loc_0045719b ; jmp 0x45719b
+cmp al, 0x2b
+jb short loc_0045719b ; jb 0x45719b
+jbe short loc_004571d4 ; jbe 0x4571d4
+cmp al, 0x62
+je short loc_004571f7 ; je 0x4571f7
+jmp short loc_0045719b ; jmp 0x45719b
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_004571dc ; je 0x4571dc
+xor ecx, ecx
+jmp short loc_0045719b ; jmp 0x45719b
+mov ah, byte [esp]
+or ah, 3
+mov ebp, 1
+mov byte [esp], ah
+jmp short loc_0045719b ; jmp 0x45719b
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_004571d8 ; jne 0x4571d8
+mov esi, 1
+jmp short loc_0045719b ; jmp 0x45719b
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_004571d8 ; jne 0x4571d8
+mov al, byte [esp]
+or al, 0x40
+mov esi, 1
+mov byte [esp], al
+jmp short loc_0045719b ; jmp 0x45719b
+test edi, edi
+jne short loc_004571d8 ; jne 0x4571d8
+mov ah, byte [edx]
+or ah, 1
+mov edi, 1
+mov byte [edx], ah
+jmp near loc_0045719b ; jmp 0x45719b
+test edi, edi
+jne short loc_004571d8 ; jne 0x4571d8
+mov al, byte [edx]
+and al, 0xfe
+mov edi, 1
+mov byte [edx], al
+jmp near loc_0045719b ; jmp 0x45719b
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_00457247 ; jne 0x457247
+cmp dword [ref_004891a5], 0x200 ; cmp dword [0x4891a5], 0x200
+jne short loc_00457247 ; jne 0x457247
+or byte [esp], 0x40
+mov ecx, dword [esp]
+mov eax, ecx
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x28]
+and byte [ebx + 0xc], 0xfc
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+or edx, eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x18]
+push eax
+mov dword [ebx + 0xc], edx
+call fcn_00458e22 ; call 0x458e22
+add esp, 4
+cmp al, 0x72
+jne short loc_004572ad ; jne 0x4572ad
+mov ch, byte [esp + 0x1c]
+xor eax, eax
+test ch, 2
+je short loc_0045728f ; je 0x45728f
+mov eax, 2
+test byte [esp + 0x1c], 0x40
+je short loc_0045729b ; je 0x45729b
+or ah, 2
+jmp short loc_0045729e ; jmp 0x45729e
+or ah, 1
+push 0
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x28]
+push edi
+push eax
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push ebp
+jmp short loc_004572e9 ; jmp 0x4572e9
+mov dl, byte [esp + 0x1c]
+test dl, 1
+setne al
+and eax, 0xff
+add eax, 0x21
+test dl, 0x80
+je short loc_004572c8 ; je 0x4572c8
+or al, 0x10
+jmp short loc_004572ca ; jmp 0x4572ca
+or al, 0x40
+test byte [esp + 0x1c], 0x40
+je short loc_004572d6 ; je 0x4572d6
+or ah, 2
+jmp short loc_004572d9 ; jmp 0x4572d9
+or ah, 1
+push 0x180
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x28]
+push ecx
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push esi
+call fcn_00458e56 ; call 0x458e56
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx + 0x10], eax
+cmp dword [ebx + 0x10], 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_0045730a ; jne 0x45730a
+push ebx
+call fcn_00459171 ; call 0x459171
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov dword [ebx + 4], 0
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov dword [ebx + 0x14], 0
+mov dword [eax + 0xc], 0
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+mov dword [eax + 0x10], edx
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov dword [eax + 0x15], 0
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov dh, byte [esp + 0x1c]
+mov dword [eax + 8], 0
+test dh, 0x80
+je short loc_00457356 ; je 0x457356
+push 2
+push 0
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045753a ; call 0x45753a
+add esp, 0xc
+push ebx
+call fcn_004591c6 ; call 0x4591c6
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00457135 ; call 0x457135
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_004573b8 ; je 0x4573b8
+push 0
+call fcn_004590b9 ; call 0x4590b9
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, eax
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_004573b6 ; je 0x4573b6
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 8]
+push esi
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+xor eax, eax
+push ebx
+mov al, byte [edx]
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x28]
+push edi
+call fcn_00457254 ; call 0x457254
+add esp, 0x18
+mov edx, eax
+mov eax, edx
+add esp, 4
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push edx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00457366 ; call 0x457366
+add esp, 0xc
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+call dword [ref_00488f60] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f60]
+mov eax, dword [ref_004991d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4991d4]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00457410 ; je 0x457410
+mov edx, dword [eax + 4]
+cmp ebx, edx
+jne short loc_0045740c ; jne 0x45740c
+test byte [edx + 0xc], 3
+je short loc_00457402 ; je 0x457402
+push 1
+push edx
+call fcn_004579e8 ; call 0x4579e8
+add esp, 8
+call dword [ref_00488f64] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f64]
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebx
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+jmp short loc_004573e6 ; jmp 0x4573e6
+mov edx, ref_004991d8 ; mov edx, 0x4991d8
+mov eax, dword [edx]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00457437 ; je 0x457437
+cmp ebx, dword [eax + 4]
+jne short loc_00457433 ; jne 0x457433
+mov ecx, dword [eax]
+mov dword [edx], ecx
+mov edx, dword [ref_004991d4] ; mov edx, dword [0x4991d4]
+mov dword [ref_004991d4], eax ; mov dword [0x4991d4], eax
+mov dword [eax], edx
+jmp short loc_00457402 ; jmp 0x457402
+mov edx, eax
+jmp short loc_00457415 ; jmp 0x457415
+push 4
+call fcn_00458de7 ; call 0x458de7
+add esp, 4
+call dword [ref_00488f64] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f64]
+xor eax, eax
+pop ebx
+db 0x53
+dd 0x83555756
+dd 0x748b04ec
+dd 0xe0892024
+dd 0x24548b50
+dd 0xd2e85220
+dd 0x83fffffc
+dd 0xc78908c4
+dd 0x840fc085
+dd 0xfffffddc
+dd 0x53105e8b
+db 0xff
+db 0x15
+dd ref_00488f50
+db 0x8b
+db 0x0d
+dd ref_004891b0
+dd 0x8504c483
+dd 0x530a74c9
+db 0xff
+db 0x15
+dd ref_004891b0
+db 0x83
+db 0xc4
+dd 0x3fe85604
+dd 0x83ffffff
+dd 0xc68904c4
+dd 0x2d74c085
+dd 0x810c708b
+dd 0x004000e6
+dd 0x70895000
+dd 0x8b006a0c
+dd 0x5508246c
+dd 0x2824748b
+dd 0x8a57c031
+dd 0x448b5006
+dd 0xe8502c24
+dd 0xfffffd8c
+dd 0x8918c483
+dd 0x15ff53c6
+dd ref_00488f54
+dd 0x8904c483
+dd 0xfd6ee9f0
+db 0xff
+db 0xff
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+cmp ebx, dword [eax + 4]
+jg short loc_00457519 ; jg 0x457519
+mov edx, dword [eax + 8]
+mov ecx, dword [eax]
+mov edx, dword [edx + 8]
+sub edx, ecx
+cmp ebx, edx
+jl short loc_00457519 ; jl 0x457519
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0xc]
+mov esi, dword [eax]
+mov edi, dword [eax + 4]
+and dl, 0xef
+add esi, ebx
+mov byte [eax + 0xc], dl
+sub edi, ebx
+mov dword [eax], esi
+mov dword [eax + 4], edi
+xor eax, eax
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov eax, 1
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+and byte [eax + 0xc], 0xef
+mov edx, dword [eax + 8]
+mov edx, dword [edx + 8]
+mov dword [eax + 4], 0
+mov dword [eax], edx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push edx
+call dword [ref_00488f50] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f50]
+mov ah, byte [ebx + 0xc]
+add esp, 4
+test ah, 6
+je near loc_004575dc ; je 0x4575dc
+test byte [ebx + 0xd], 0x10
+je short loc_0045759f ; je 0x45759f
+push ebx
+call fcn_004591f9 ; call 0x4591f9
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_004575b6 ; je 0x4575b6
+test edi, edi
+jne short loc_00457588 ; jne 0x457588
+test esi, esi
+jge short loc_00457588 ; jge 0x457588
+push 9
+call fcn_00458de7 ; call 0x458de7
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push esi
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+cmp edi, 1
+jne short loc_004575a7 ; jne 0x4575a7
+sub esi, dword [ebx + 4]
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov eax, dword [eax + 8]
+mov dword [ebx + 4], 0
+mov dword [ebx], eax
+push edi
+mov cl, byte [ebx + 0xc]
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+and cl, 0xeb
+push eax
+mov byte [ebx + 0xc], cl
+call fcn_0045931e ; call 0x45931e
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne near loc_004576bc ; jne 0x4576bc
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push ecx
+jmp short loc_0045758c ; jmp 0x45758c
+cmp edi, 1
+jb short loc_004575f1 ; jb 0x4575f1
+jbe short loc_004575fa ; jbe 0x4575fa
+cmp edi, 2
+je near loc_0045767a ; je 0x45767a
+jmp near loc_004576a9 ; jmp 0x4576a9
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_0045763b ; je 0x45763b
+jmp near loc_004576a9 ; jmp 0x4576a9
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + 4]
+call fcn_004574de ; call 0x4574de
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_004576bc ; je 0x4576bc
+push edi
+sub esi, ebp
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push edi
+call fcn_0045931e ; call 0x45931e
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_0045762d ; jne 0x45762d
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push ebp
+jmp near loc_0045758c ; jmp 0x45758c
+push ebx
+call fcn_00457522 ; call 0x457522
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_004576bc ; jmp 0x4576bc
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push edx
+call fcn_004593a9 ; call 0x4593a9
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 4]
+mov ebp, esi
+sub eax, ecx
+push ebx
+sub ebp, eax
+push ebp
+call fcn_004574de ; call 0x4574de
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_004576bc ; je 0x4576bc
+push edi
+push esi
+mov esi, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push esi
+call fcn_0045931e ; call 0x45931e
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_0045762d ; jne 0x45762d
+mov edi, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push edi
+jmp near loc_0045758c ; jmp 0x45758c
+mov dl, ah
+push edi
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+and dl, 0xef
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov byte [ebx + 0xc], dl
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [eax + 8]
+mov dword [ebx + 4], 0
+push ecx
+mov dword [ebx], eax
+call fcn_0045931e ; call 0x45931e
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_004576bc ; jne 0x4576bc
+jmp near loc_00457588 ; jmp 0x457588
+push 9
+call fcn_00458de7 ; call 0x458de7
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push eax
+jmp near loc_0045758c ; jmp 0x45758c
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push edx
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x20]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push edx
+call dword [ref_00488f50] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f50]
+mov ah, byte [ebx + 0xc]
+add esp, 4
+test ah, 1
+jne short loc_00457716 ; jne 0x457716
+push 4
+call fcn_00458de7 ; call 0x458de7
+or byte [ebx + 0xc], 0x20
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push edx
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_004578bd ; jmp 0x4578bd
+imul esi, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_00457733 ; jne 0x457733
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push eax
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esi
+jmp near loc_004578bd ; jmp 0x4578bd
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+cmp dword [eax + 8], 0
+jne short loc_00457745 ; jne 0x457745
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045940b ; call 0x45940b
+add esp, 4
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0xc]
+mov dword [esp], ebp
+test dl, 0x40
+je near loc_00457838 ; je 0x457838
+mov ebp, esi
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 4]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_004577a4 ; je 0x4577a4
+mov edx, eax
+cmp eax, ebp
+jbe short loc_00457767 ; jbe 0x457767
+mov edx, ebp
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov ecx, edx
+mov esi, dword [ebx]
+push es
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+push edi
+mov eax, ecx
+shr ecx, 2
+repne movsd
+mov cl, al
+and cl, 3
+repne movsb ; repne movsb byte es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
+pop edi
+pop es
+sub ebp, edx
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+lea esi, [edi + edx]
+mov ecx, dword [ebx]
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], esi
+mov edi, dword [ebx + 4]
+add ecx, edx
+add eax, edx
+sub edi, edx
+mov dword [ebx], ecx
+mov dword [esp], eax
+mov dword [ebx + 4], edi
+test ebp, ebp
+je near loc_004578a7 ; je 0x4578a7
+cmp ebp, dword [ebx + 0x14]
+jae short loc_004577b7 ; jae 0x4577b7
+test byte [ebx + 0xd], 4
+je short loc_00457822 ; je 0x457822
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov eax, dword [eax + 8]
+mov dword [ebx], eax
+mov edx, ebp
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0xd]
+mov dword [ebx + 4], 0
+test al, 4
+jne short loc_004577dc ; jne 0x4577dc
+cmp ebp, 0x200
+jbe short loc_004577dc ; jbe 0x4577dc
+xor dl, dl
+and dh, 0xfe
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push esi
+call fcn_0045949c ; call 0x45949c
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_004577fc ; jne 0x4577fc
+or byte [ebx + 0xc], 0x20
+jmp near loc_004578a7 ; jmp 0x4578a7
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00457809 ; jne 0x457809
+or byte [ebx + 0xc], 0x10
+jmp near loc_004578a7 ; jmp 0x4578a7
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov edx, dword [esp]
+sub ebp, eax
+add edi, eax
+add edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], edi
+mov dword [esp], edx
+jmp near loc_00457758 ; jmp 0x457758
+push ebx
+call fcn_00459657 ; call 0x459657
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_004578a7 ; je 0x4578a7
+jmp near loc_00457758 ; jmp 0x457758
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x18]
+add esi, ebp
+cmp dword [ebx + 4], 0
+jne short loc_00457851 ; jne 0x457851
+push ebx
+call fcn_00459657 ; call 0x459657
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_004578a7 ; je 0x4578a7
+dec dword [ebx + 4]
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+lea edx, [eax + 1]
+mov dword [ebx], edx
+mov al, byte [eax]
+and eax, 0xff
+cmp eax, 0xd
+jne short loc_0045788f ; jne 0x45788f
+cmp dword [ebx + 4], 0
+jne short loc_0045787a ; jne 0x45787a
+push ebx
+call fcn_00459657 ; call 0x459657
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_004578a7 ; je 0x4578a7
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 4]
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+dec ecx
+lea edx, [eax + 1]
+mov dword [ebx + 4], ecx
+mov dword [ebx], edx
+mov al, byte [eax]
+and eax, 0xff
+cmp eax, 0x1a
+je near loc_00457800 ; je 0x457800
+mov edi, dword [esp]
+mov byte [ebp], al
+inc edi
+inc ebp
+mov dword [esp], edi
+cmp ebp, esi
+jne short loc_0045783e ; jne 0x45783e
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push ecx
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+add esp, 4
+xor edx, edx
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+div dword [esp + 0x1c]
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+call dword [ref_00488f60] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f60]
+mov eax, dword [ref_004991d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4991d4]
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_004578e6 ; jne 0x4578e6
+call dword [ref_00488f64] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f64]
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+pop ebx
+cmp ebx, dword [eax + 4]
+je short loc_004578ef ; je 0x4578ef
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+jmp short loc_004578d5 ; jmp 0x4578d5
+call dword [ref_00488f64] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f64]
+push 1
+push ebx
+call fcn_00457902 ; call 0x457902
+add esp, 8
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push edx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004579e8 ; call 0x4579e8
+add esp, 8
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 8]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, eax
+call fcn_00459171 ; call 0x459171
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+add eax, 0x30
+cmp eax, 0x39
+jle short loc_00457937 ; jle 0x457937
+add eax, 0x27
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+call fcn_00459718 ; call 0x459718
+mov ebp, eax
+shr ebp, 0x10
+mov edi, ebx
+or ebp, eax
+call fcn_0045983a ; call 0x45983a
+mov esi, eax
+push edi
+mov al, byte [esi]
+mov byte [edi], al
+cmp al, 0
+je short loc_0045796e ; je 0x45796e
+mov al, byte [esi + 1]
+add esi, 2
+mov byte [edi + 1], al
+add edi, 2
+cmp al, 0
+jne short loc_00457956 ; jne 0x457956
+pop edi
+push es
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+sub ecx, ecx
+dec ecx
+xor eax, eax
+repne scasb ; repne scasb al, byte es:[edi]
+not ecx
+dec ecx
+pop es
+lea esi, [ebx + ecx]
+lea ebx, [esi + 4]
+mov byte [esi], 0x74
+mov edi, esi
+mov eax, ebp
+and eax, 0xf
+push eax
+shr ebp, 4
+call fcn_00457928 ; call 0x457928
+mov byte [ebx], al
+dec ebx
+add esp, 4
+cmp ebx, edi
+jne short loc_0045798a ; jne 0x45798a
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+sar eax, 4
+and eax, 0xf
+push eax
+mov byte [esi + 5], 0x5f
+call fcn_00457928 ; call 0x457928
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [esi + 6], al
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+and eax, 0xf
+push eax
+call fcn_00457928 ; call 0x457928
+mov byte [esi + 8], 0x2e
+mov byte [esi + 9], 0x74
+mov byte [esi + 0xa], 0x6d
+mov byte [esi + 0xb], 0x70
+mov byte [esi + 0xc], 0
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [esi + 7], al
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x114
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x128]
+cmp dword [ebx + 0xc], 0
+jne short loc_00457a09 ; jne 0x457a09
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+jmp near loc_00457acf ; jmp 0x457acf
+mov ah, byte [ebx + 0xd]
+xor esi, esi
+test ah, 0x10
+je short loc_00457a1e ; je 0x457a1e
+push ebx
+call fcn_004591f9 ; call 0x4591f9
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, eax
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push ecx
+call dword [ref_00488f50] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f50]
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+call fcn_00458532 ; call 0x458532
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00457a48 ; je 0x457a48
+push 0
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push edi
+call fcn_0045931e ; call 0x45931e
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp dword [esp + 0x12c], 0
+je short loc_00457a60 ; je 0x457a60
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_00459908 ; call 0x459908
+add esp, 4
+or esi, eax
+test byte [ebx + 0xc], 8
+je short loc_00457a7f ; je 0x457a7f
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov edx, dword [eax + 8]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [eax + 8], 0
+test byte [ebx + 0xd], 8
+je short loc_00457aa9 ; je 0x457aa9
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov al, byte [eax + 0x14]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457938 ; call 0x457938
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_004599ad ; call 0x4599ad
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push ecx
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+add esp, 4
+cmp dword [esp + 0x12c], 0
+je short loc_00457acd ; je 0x457acd
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push ebp
+call dword [ref_00488f5c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f5c]
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esi
+add esp, 0x114
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push edx
+call dword [ref_00488f50] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f50]
+mov ah, byte [ebx + 0xc]
+add esp, 4
+test ah, 2
+jne short loc_00457b25 ; jne 0x457b25
+push 4
+call fcn_00458de7 ; call 0x458de7
+add esp, 4
+mov ah, byte [ebx + 0xc]
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+or ah, 0x20
+push edx
+mov byte [ebx + 0xc], ah
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_00457d08 ; jmp 0x457d08
+imul edi, dword [esp + 0x28]
+test edi, edi
+jne short loc_00457b42 ; jne 0x457b42
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push eax
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, edi
+jmp near loc_00457d08 ; jmp 0x457d08
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+cmp dword [eax + 8], 0
+jne short loc_00457b54 ; jne 0x457b54
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045940b ; call 0x45940b
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0xc]
+xor ebp, ebp
+and eax, 0x30
+and dl, 0xcf
+mov dword [esp + 8], ebp
+mov dword [esp], eax
+mov byte [ebx + 0xc], dl
+test dl, 0x40
+je near loc_00457c5a ; je 0x457c5a
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], edi
+cmp dword [ebx + 4], 0
+jne short loc_00457bc9 ; jne 0x457bc9
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+cmp eax, dword [ebx + 0x14]
+jb short loc_00457bc9 ; jb 0x457bc9
+xor al, al
+and ah, 0xfe
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00457b95 ; jne 0x457b95
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x28]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push edi
+call fcn_004599bb ; call 0x4599bb
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebp, eax
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00457bc3 ; je 0x457bc3
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_00457c27 ; jne 0x457c27
+call dword [ref_00488f4c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f4c]
+mov dword [eax + 4], 0xc
+or byte [ebx + 0xc], 0x20
+jmp short loc_00457c27 ; jmp 0x457c27
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + 0x14]
+mov esi, dword [ebx + 4]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+sub ebp, esi
+cmp ebp, edi
+jbe short loc_00457bdb ; jbe 0x457bdb
+mov ebp, edi
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov ecx, ebp
+mov edi, dword [ebx]
+push es
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+push edi
+mov eax, ecx
+shr ecx, 2
+repne movsd
+mov cl, al
+and cl, 3
+repne movsb ; repne movsb byte es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
+pop edi
+pop es
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 4]
+mov ch, byte [ebx + 0xd]
+add eax, ebp
+add edx, ebp
+mov dword [ebx], eax
+or ch, 0x10
+mov dword [ebx + 4], edx
+mov byte [ebx + 0xd], ch
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 4]
+cmp eax, dword [ebx + 0x14]
+je short loc_00457c1e ; je 0x457c1e
+test byte [ebx + 0xd], 4
+je short loc_00457c27 ; je 0x457c27
+push ebx
+call fcn_004591f9 ; call 0x4591f9
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+add eax, ebp
+add edx, ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0x24], eax
+mov dword [esp + 8], edx
+sub ecx, ebp
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], ecx
+je near loc_00457cda ; je 0x457cda
+test byte [ebx + 0xc], 0x20
+je near loc_00457b79 ; je 0x457b79
+jmp near loc_00457cda ; jmp 0x457cda
+mov cl, byte [ebx + 0xd]
+xor esi, esi
+test cl, 4
+je short loc_00457c78 ; je 0x457c78
+mov ch, cl
+and ch, 0xfa
+mov al, ch
+mov byte [ebx + 0xd], ch
+or al, 1
+mov esi, 1
+mov byte [ebx + 0xd], al
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov ebp, dword [eax + 0xc]
+mov dword [esp + 4], ebp
+mov dword [eax + 0xc], 1
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x24]
+xor eax, eax
+push ebx
+mov al, byte [ebp]
+push eax
+inc ebp
+call fcn_00459aab ; call 0x459aab
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0xc]
+add esp, 8
+test dl, 0x30
+jne short loc_00457cb2 ; jne 0x457cb2
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 8]
+inc ecx
+mov dword [esp + 8], ecx
+cmp edi, ecx
+jne short loc_00457c8d ; jne 0x457c8d
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 4]
+mov dword [eax + 0xc], edi
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_00457cda ; je 0x457cda
+mov dh, byte [ebx + 0xd]
+and dh, 0xfa
+mov cl, dh
+mov byte [ebx + 0xd], dh
+or cl, 4
+push ebx
+mov byte [ebx + 0xd], cl
+call fcn_004591f9 ; call 0x4591f9
+add esp, 4
+test byte [ebx + 0xc], 0x20
+je short loc_00457ce6 ; je 0x457ce6
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esp + 8], edi
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+or ebp, eax
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push eax
+mov dword [ebx + 0xc], ebp
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+add esp, 4
+xor edx, edx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+div dword [esp + 0x28]
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0x28
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x38]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x40]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+xor ah, ah
+lea ecx, [esp + 1]
+mov byte [esp], ah
+lea ebx, [esp + 0x24]
+mov eax, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x24], edi
+xor edx, edx
+div dword [ebx]
+mov dword [ebx], eax
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_00488f0c] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x488f0c]
+mov byte [ecx], dl
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+inc ecx
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_00457d2b ; jne 0x457d2b
+dec ecx
+mov dl, byte [ecx]
+mov byte [esi], dl
+inc esi
+test dl, dl
+jne short loc_00457d4c ; jne 0x457d4c
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+add esp, 0x28
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov eax, ebx
+cmp ecx, 0xa
+jne short loc_00457d82 ; jne 0x457d82
+test edx, edx
+jge short loc_00457d82 ; jge 0x457d82
+neg edx
+lea eax, [ebx + 1]
+mov byte [ebx], 0x2d
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push esi
+push eax
+push edx
+call fcn_00457d10 ; call 0x457d10
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, ebx
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+push eax
+mov cl, byte [edx]
+mov byte [eax], cl
+cmp cl, 0
+je short loc_00457db9 ; je 0x457db9
+mov cl, byte [edx + 1]
+add edx, 2
+mov byte [eax + 1], cl
+add eax, 2
+cmp cl, 0
+jne short loc_00457d9f ; jne 0x457d9f
+pop eax
+db 0x00
+push eax
+fnstcw word [esp]
+push dword [esp]
+mov byte [esp + 1], 0x1f
+fldcw word [esp]
+fldcw word [esp + 4]
+lea esp, [esp + 8]
+db 0x00
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push es
+push fs
+push gs
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x2c]
+push dword [ebp + 0x24]
+push dword [ebp + 0x20]
+call edi
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jle short loc_00457e1f ; jle 0x457e1f
+push esi
+push dword [ebp + 0x20]
+call edi
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jle short loc_00457e1a ; jle 0x457e1a
+push esi
+push dword [ebp + 0x24]
+call edi
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jg short loc_00457e39 ; jg 0x457e39
+mov eax, esi
+jmp short loc_00457e3c ; jmp 0x457e3c
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x20]
+jmp short loc_00457e3c ; jmp 0x457e3c
+push esi
+push dword [ebp + 0x20]
+call edi
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jge short loc_00457e1a ; jge 0x457e1a
+push esi
+push dword [ebp + 0x24]
+call edi
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jg short loc_00457e16 ; jg 0x457e16
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x24]
+pop ebp
+pop gs
+pop fs
+pop es
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push es
+push ds
+pop es
+movzx edx, cl
+shr ecx, 2
+je short loc_00457e5c ; je 0x457e5c
+mov eax, dword [edi]
+xchg dword [esi], eax
+stosd ; stosd dword es:[edi], eax
+add esi, 4
+dec ecx
+jne short loc_00457e51 ; jne 0x457e51
+and dl, 3
+je short loc_00457e6a ; je 0x457e6a
+mov al, byte [edi]
+xchg byte [esi], al
+stosb ; stosb byte es:[edi], al
+inc esi
+dec edx
+jne short loc_00457e61 ; jne 0x457e61
+pop es
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push es
+push fs
+push gs
+enter 0x150, 0
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x20]
+mov dword [ebp - 4], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x2c]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x28], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x20]
+or eax, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+test al, 3
+je short loc_00457e95 ; je 0x457e95
+mov eax, 2
+jmp short loc_00457e9f ; jmp 0x457e9f
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x28], 4
+seta al
+movzx eax, al
+mov dword [ebp - 0x2c], eax
+imul eax, dword [ebp + 0x28], 3
+mov dword [ebp - 0x48], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+add eax, eax
+mov dword [ebp - 0x24], 0
+mov dword [ebp - 0x40], eax
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x24], 1
+jbe near loc_00457f4d ; jbe 0x457f4d
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x24], 0x10
+jae near loc_00457f76 ; jae 0x457f76
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x48]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x20], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x24]
+imul eax, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp - 4]
+add ebx, eax
+mov dword [ebp - 0x44], ebx
+jmp short loc_00457f47 ; jmp 0x457f47
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 4]
+add eax, dword [ebp - 0x20]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x30], eax
+jmp short loc_00457f39 ; jmp 0x457f39
+mov dword [ebp - 0x18], eax
+jmp short loc_00457f1a ; jmp 0x457f1a
+cmp dword [ebp - 0x2c], 0
+je short loc_00457f06 ; je 0x457f06
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+mov esi, dword [ebp - 0x18]
+call fcn_00457e46 ; call 0x457e46
+jmp short loc_00457f14 ; jmp 0x457f14
+mov ebx, dword [ebp - 0x18]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0x18]
+mov eax, dword [edi]
+mov ebx, dword [ebx]
+mov dword [ecx], eax
+mov dword [edi], ebx
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x20]
+sub dword [ebp - 0x18], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x18]
+cmp eax, dword [ebp - 4]
+jbe short loc_00457f33 ; jbe 0x457f33
+mov edi, eax
+push eax
+sub edi, dword [ebp - 0x20]
+push edi
+call dword [ebp - 0x28] ; ucall
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jg short loc_00457ef3 ; jg 0x457ef3
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x20]
+add dword [ebp - 0x30], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x30]
+cmp eax, dword [ebp - 0x44]
+jb short loc_00457eee ; jb 0x457eee
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x40]
+sub dword [ebp - 0x20], eax
+cmp dword [ebp - 0x20], 0
+jg short loc_00457ee3 ; jg 0x457ee3
+cmp dword [ebp - 0x24], 0
+je near loc_00458257 ; je 0x458257
+dec dword [ebp - 0x24]
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x24]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp + eax*4 - 0x150]
+mov eax, dword [ebp + eax*4 - 0xd0]
+mov dword [ebp - 4], ebx
+mov dword [ebp + 0x24], eax
+jmp near loc_00457eb8 ; jmp 0x457eb8
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x24]
+shr eax, 1
+imul eax, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+mov edi, dword [ebp - 4]
+add edi, eax
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x24], 0x1d
+jbe near loc_00458010 ; jbe 0x458010
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0x24]
+dec esi
+imul esi, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 4]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x3c], eax
+add esi, eax
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x24], 0x2a
+jbe short loc_00457ffe ; jbe 0x457ffe
+mov ebx, dword [ebp + 0x24]
+shr ebx, 3
+imul ebx, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+lea eax, [ebx + ebx]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x4c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 4]
+push dword [ebp - 0x28]
+add eax, dword [ebp - 0x4c]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 4]
+add eax, ebx
+push eax
+push dword [ebp - 4]
+call fcn_00457ddc ; call 0x457ddc
+add esp, 0x10
+mov dword [ebp - 0x3c], eax
+push dword [ebp - 0x28]
+lea eax, [edi + ebx]
+push eax
+push edi
+sub edi, ebx
+push edi
+call fcn_00457ddc ; call 0x457ddc
+add esp, 0x10
+mov edi, eax
+push dword [ebp - 0x28]
+mov eax, esi
+push esi
+sub eax, ebx
+push eax
+sub esi, dword [ebp - 0x4c]
+push esi
+call fcn_00457ddc ; call 0x457ddc
+add esp, 0x10
+mov esi, eax
+push dword [ebp - 0x28]
+push esi
+push edi
+push dword [ebp - 0x3c]
+call fcn_00457ddc ; call 0x457ddc
+add esp, 0x10
+mov edi, eax
+cmp dword [ebp - 0x2c], 0
+je short loc_00458037 ; je 0x458037
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 4]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x38], eax
+je short loc_0045802a ; je 0x45802a
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+mov esi, eax
+call fcn_00457e46 ; call 0x457e46
+jmp short loc_00458042 ; jmp 0x458042
+mov ecx, dword [ebp - 4]
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+mov eax, dword [edi]
+mov dword [ecx], eax
+mov dword [edi], ebx
+jmp short loc_00458042 ; jmp 0x458042
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x50]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x38], eax
+mov eax, dword [edi]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x50], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 4]
+mov dword [ebp - 8], eax
+mov dword [ebp - 0x1c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x24]
+dec eax
+imul eax, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp - 4]
+add ebx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x24]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x14], ebx
+mov dword [ebp - 0xc], ebx
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+cmp dword [ebp - 0x10], 0
+je short loc_004580b7 ; je 0x4580b7
+push dword [ebp - 0x38]
+push dword [ebp - 8]
+call dword [ebp - 0x28] ; ucall
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jg short loc_004580b7 ; jg 0x4580b7
+jne short loc_004580ac ; jne 0x4580ac
+cmp dword [ebp - 0x2c], 0
+je short loc_00458092 ; je 0x458092
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+mov edi, dword [ebp - 8]
+mov esi, dword [ebp - 0x1c]
+call fcn_00457e46 ; call 0x457e46
+jmp short loc_004580a6 ; jmp 0x4580a6
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 8]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp - 0x1c]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0x1c]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+mov ebx, dword [ebx]
+mov dword [ecx], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 8]
+mov dword [eax], ebx
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+add dword [ebp - 0x1c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+dec dword [ebp - 0x10]
+add dword [ebp - 8], eax
+jmp short loc_00458064 ; jmp 0x458064
+cmp dword [ebp - 0x10], 0
+je short loc_0045810a ; je 0x45810a
+push dword [ebp - 0x38]
+push dword [ebp - 0xc]
+call dword [ebp - 0x28] ; ucall
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jl short loc_0045810a ; jl 0x45810a
+jne short loc_004580ff ; jne 0x4580ff
+cmp dword [ebp - 0x2c], 0
+je short loc_004580e5 ; je 0x4580e5
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+mov edi, dword [ebp - 0x14]
+mov esi, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+call fcn_00457e46 ; call 0x457e46
+jmp short loc_004580f9 ; jmp 0x4580f9
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x14]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+mov ebx, dword [ebx]
+mov dword [ecx], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x14]
+mov dword [eax], ebx
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+sub dword [ebp - 0x14], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+dec dword [ebp - 0x10]
+sub dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+jmp short loc_004580b7 ; jmp 0x4580b7
+cmp dword [ebp - 0x10], 0
+je short loc_00458150 ; je 0x458150
+cmp dword [ebp - 0x2c], 0
+je short loc_00458126 ; je 0x458126
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+mov edi, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+mov esi, dword [ebp - 8]
+call fcn_00457e46 ; call 0x457e46
+jmp short loc_0045813a ; jmp 0x45813a
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp - 8]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp - 8]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+mov ebx, dword [ebx]
+mov dword [ecx], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+mov dword [eax], ebx
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+add dword [ebp - 8], eax
+dec dword [ebp - 0x10]
+je short loc_00458150 ; je 0x458150
+dec dword [ebp - 0x10]
+sub dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+jmp near loc_00458064 ; jmp 0x458064
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x24]
+imul eax, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp - 4]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0x1c]
+add ebx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 8]
+sub ecx, dword [ebp - 4]
+sub eax, dword [ebp - 0x1c]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x34], ebx
+cmp ecx, eax
+jl short loc_00458171 ; jl 0x458171
+mov ecx, eax
+test ecx, ecx
+jbe short loc_004581a2 ; jbe 0x4581a2
+mov edi, dword [ebp - 8]
+mov esi, dword [ebp - 4]
+sub edi, ecx
+push es
+push ds
+pop es
+movzx edx, cl
+shr ecx, 2
+je short loc_00458193 ; je 0x458193
+mov eax, dword [edi]
+xchg dword [esi], eax
+stosd ; stosd dword es:[edi], eax
+add esi, 4
+dec ecx
+jne short loc_00458188 ; jne 0x458188
+and dl, 3
+je short loc_004581a1 ; je 0x4581a1
+mov al, byte [edi]
+xchg byte [esi], al
+stosb ; stosb byte es:[edi], al
+inc esi
+dec edx
+jne short loc_00458198 ; jne 0x458198
+pop es
+mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0x34]
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x14]
+sub ecx, dword [ebp - 0x14]
+sub eax, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+sub ecx, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+cmp eax, ecx
+jae short loc_004581b7 ; jae 0x4581b7
+mov ecx, eax
+test ecx, ecx
+jbe short loc_004581e8 ; jbe 0x4581e8
+mov edi, dword [ebp - 0x34]
+mov esi, dword [ebp - 8]
+sub edi, ecx
+push es
+push ds
+pop es
+movzx edx, cl
+shr ecx, 2
+je short loc_004581d9 ; je 0x4581d9
+mov eax, dword [edi]
+xchg dword [esi], eax
+stosd ; stosd dword es:[edi], eax
+add esi, 4
+dec ecx
+jne short loc_004581ce ; jne 0x4581ce
+and dl, 3
+je short loc_004581e7 ; je 0x4581e7
+mov al, byte [edi]
+xchg byte [esi], al
+stosb ; stosb byte es:[edi], al
+inc esi
+dec edx
+jne short loc_004581de ; jne 0x4581de
+pop es
+mov ebx, dword [ebp - 8]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0x14]
+mov esi, dword [ebp - 0x34]
+mov edi, dword [ebp - 0x24]
+sub ebx, dword [ebp - 0x1c]
+sub ecx, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+shl edi, 2
+sub esi, ecx
+cmp ecx, ebx
+jb short loc_00458221 ; jb 0x458221
+mov eax, ecx
+xor edx, edx
+div dword [ebp + 0x28]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [edi + ebp - 0xd0], eax
+mov eax, ebx
+div dword [ebp + 0x28]
+mov dword [edi + ebp - 0x150], esi
+jmp short loc_0045824c ; jmp 0x45824c
+cmp ebx, dword [ebp + 0x28]
+jbe near loc_00457f4d ; jbe 0x457f4d
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 4]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [edi + ebp - 0x150], eax
+mov eax, ebx
+div dword [ebp + 0x28]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [edi + ebp - 0xd0], eax
+mov eax, ecx
+div dword [ebp + 0x28]
+mov dword [ebp - 4], esi
+mov dword [ebp + 0x24], eax
+inc dword [ebp - 0x24]
+jmp near loc_00457eb8 ; jmp 0x457eb8
+jmp near loc_00457e3d ; jmp 0x457e3d
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 8]
+push es
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+sub ecx, ecx
+dec ecx
+xor eax, eax
+repne scasb ; repne scasb al, byte es:[edi]
+not ecx
+dec ecx
+pop es
+mov eax, ecx
+pop edi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+test eax, eax
+jge short loc_00458280 ; jge 0x458280
+neg eax
+db 0x00
+db 0xf6
+db 0x44
+dd 0x74800b24
+dd 0x24448b23
+dd 0xffff2508
+dd 0x440b7fff
+dd 0x14740424
+dd 0x74ff036a
+dd 0x74ff0c24
+dd 0xaae80c24
+dd 0x83000019
+dd 0x0feb0cc4
+dd 0x042444dd
+dd 0xec83fad9
+dd 0x241cdd08
+dd 0xc35a589b
+mov al, 3
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+sub esp, 0x10
+fnstsw [ebp - 8]
+xchg word [ebp - 8], ax
+jae short loc_004582f4 ; jae 0x4582f4
+fstp qword [ebp - 0x10]
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 8]
+cmp al, 3
+je short loc_004582df ; je 0x4582df
+fstp qword [ebp - 0x10]
+mov dword [ebp - 4], edx
+call fcn_00459c51 ; call 0x459c51
+push edx
+push eax
+fld qword [esp]
+mov edx, dword [ebp - 4]
+mov al, 1
+jmp short loc_004582f8 ; jmp 0x4582f8
+mov al, 0
+mov esp, ebp
+pop ebp
+push esi
+push edi
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push es
+push ds
+pop es
+push edi
+sub ecx, ecx
+dec ecx
+mov al, 0
+repne scasb ; repne scasb al, byte es:[edi]
+dec edi
+mov al, byte [esi]
+mov byte [edi], al
+cmp al, 0
+je short loc_0045832a ; je 0x45832a
+mov al, byte [esi + 1]
+add esi, 2
+mov byte [edi + 1], al
+add edi, 2
+cmp al, 0
+jne short loc_00458312 ; jne 0x458312
+pop edi
+pop es
+mov eax, edi
+pop edi
+pop esi
+push ebx
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetLocalTime@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623b0]
+mov al, byte [esp + 6]
+mov byte [ebx], al
+mov al, byte [esp + 2]
+mov byte [ebx + 1], al
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+mov word [ebx + 2], ax
+mov al, byte [esp + 4]
+mov byte [ebx + 4], al
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebx
+db 0x00
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+push edx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push ebx
+push ecx
+mov ebx, eax
+cmp eax, edx
+je short loc_004583ed ; je 0x4583ed
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+mov ecx, dword [edx]
+cmp ecx, eax
+jne short loc_004583f3 ; jne 0x4583f3
+not ecx
+add eax, 0xfefefeff
+and eax, ecx
+and eax, 0x80808080
+jne short loc_004583ed ; jne 0x4583ed
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 4]
+mov ecx, dword [edx + 4]
+cmp ecx, eax
+jne short loc_004583f3 ; jne 0x4583f3
+not ecx
+add eax, 0xfefefeff
+and eax, ecx
+and eax, 0x80808080
+jne short loc_004583ed ; jne 0x4583ed
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov ecx, dword [edx + 8]
+cmp ecx, eax
+jne short loc_004583f3 ; jne 0x4583f3
+not ecx
+add eax, 0xfefefeff
+and eax, ecx
+and eax, 0x80808080
+jne short loc_004583ed ; jne 0x4583ed
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+mov ecx, dword [edx + 0xc]
+cmp ecx, eax
+jne short loc_004583f3 ; jne 0x4583f3
+add ebx, 0x10
+add edx, 0x10
+not ecx
+add eax, 0xfefefeff
+and eax, ecx
+and eax, 0x80808080
+je short loc_00458381 ; je 0x458381
+sub eax, eax
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop edx
+cmp al, cl
+jne short loc_00458414 ; jne 0x458414
+cmp al, 0
+je short loc_004583ed ; je 0x4583ed
+cmp ah, ch
+jne short loc_00458414 ; jne 0x458414
+cmp ah, 0
+je short loc_004583ed ; je 0x4583ed
+shr eax, 0x10
+shr ecx, 0x10
+cmp al, cl
+jne short loc_00458414 ; jne 0x458414
+cmp al, 0
+je short loc_004583ed ; je 0x4583ed
+cmp ah, ch
+sbb eax, eax
+or al, 1
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop edx
+test byte [ref_0048936c], 1 ; test byte [0x48936c], 1
+jne short loc_00458429 ; jne 0x458429
+jmp short loc_0045842e ; jmp 0x45842e
+call fcn_00460bde ; call 0x460bde
+fnstsw ax
+jp short fcn_0045841c ; jp 0x45841c
+fstp st1 ; fstp st(1)
+db 0xdd
+db 0x44
+dd 0x44dd0c24
+dd 0xd9e80424
+dd 0x83ffffff
+dd 0x1cdd08ec
+dd 0x5a589b24
+db 0xc3
+db 0x00
+call fcn_00458462 ; call 0x458462
+jae short fcn_0045844e ; jae 0x45844e
+call fcn_00458462 ; call 0x458462
+jae short fcn_00458458 ; jae 0x458458
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push eax
+fnstsw [ebp - 2]
+mov ah, byte [ebp - 1]
+or ah, 1
+jnp short loc_0045848a ; jnp 0x45848a
+fld tword [ref_00488f3c] ; fld xword [0x488f3c]
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fnstsw [ebp - 2]
+mov ah, byte [ebp - 1]
+jp short loc_0045847b ; jp 0x45847b
+fstp st1 ; fstp st(1)
+pop eax
+pop ebp
+db 0xdd
+db 0x44
+db 0x24
+dd 0xffb8e804
+dd 0xec83ffff
+dd 0x241cdd08
+dd 0xc35a589b
+dd 0x042444dd
+dd 0xffffafe8
+dd 0x08ec83ff
+dd 0x9b241cdd
+db 0x58
+db 0x5a
+db 0xc3
+test byte [ref_0048936c], 1 ; test byte [0x48936c], 1
+jne short loc_004584c0 ; jne 0x4584c0
+jmp short loc_004584c5 ; jmp 0x4584c5
+call fcn_00459cfc ; call 0x459cfc
+fstp st0 ; fstp st(0)
+dd 0x042444dd
+dd 0xffffe2e8
+dd 0x08ec83ff
+dd 0x9b241cdd
+db 0x58
+db 0x5a
+db 0xc3
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+mov dl, byte [eax]
+inc dl
+and edx, 0xff
+test byte [edx + ref_00489370], 2 ; test byte [edx + 0x489370], 2
+je short loc_004584f6 ; je 0x4584f6
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_004584e0 ; jmp 0x4584e0
+mov cl, byte [eax]
+cmp cl, 0x2b
+je short loc_00458502 ; je 0x458502
+cmp cl, 0x2d
+jne short loc_00458503 ; jne 0x458503
+inc eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov dl, byte [eax]
+inc dl
+and edx, 0xff
+test byte [edx + ref_00489370], 0x20 ; test byte [edx + 0x489370], 0x20
+je short loc_00458527 ; je 0x458527
+imul ebx, ebx, 0xa
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax]
+add ebx, edx
+inc eax
+sub ebx, 0x30
+jmp short loc_00458505 ; jmp 0x458505
+cmp cl, 0x2d
+jne short loc_0045852e ; jne 0x45852e
+neg ebx
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+test byte [ebx + 0xc], 0x80
+je short loc_0045854f ; je 0x45854f
+test byte [ebx + 0xd], 0x10
+je short loc_0045854f ; je 0x45854f
+push ebx
+call fcn_00459dad ; call 0x459dad
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push edx
+call fcn_004593a9 ; call 0x4593a9
+mov esi, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, eax
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00458592 ; je 0x458592
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push ecx
+call dword [ref_00488f50] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f50]
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + 4]
+add esp, 4
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_00458585 ; je 0x458585
+test byte [ebx + 0xd], 0x10
+je short loc_00458583 ; je 0x458583
+lea edi, [esi + ebp]
+jmp short loc_00458585 ; jmp 0x458585
+sub edi, ebp
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push edx
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, edi
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push es
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+xor eax, eax
+repe cmpsb ; repe cmpsb byte [esi], byte ptr es:[edi]
+je short loc_004585b7 ; je 0x4585b7
+sbb eax, eax
+sbb eax, 0xffffffff
+pop es
+pop edi
+pop esi
+db 0x00
+jmp near fcn_00459dc7 ; jmp 0x459dc7
+db 0xff
+db 0x15
+dd ref_00488f4c
+db 0x05
+dd 0x000000da
+db 0xc3
+mov eax, dword [ref_004991c4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4991c4]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00459e49 ; call 0x459e49
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00459f7f ; call 0x459f7f
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0x618
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x62c]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x628]
+push edx
+mov dword [ref_004991c0], eax ; mov dword [0x4991c0], eax
+call fcn_0045a23d ; call 0x45a23d
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_004991c4], eax ; mov dword [0x4991c4], eax
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00458634 ; jne 0x458634
+cmp dword [esp + 0x628], 0
+jne near loc_0045884f ; jne 0x45884f
+push 1
+call dword [cs:__imp__ExitProcess@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462364]
+call fcn_00459fab ; call 0x459fab
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetEnvironmentStrings@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462398]
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ref_0048934d], eax ; mov dword [0x48934d], eax
+mov dword [ref_00499944], ecx ; mov dword [0x499944], ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetVersion@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623d0]
+mov edx, eax
+mov ebx, eax
+mov byte [ref_00489353], al ; mov byte [0x489353], al
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+mov word [ref_00489355], ax ; mov word [0x489355], ax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ref_00489355] ; mov ax, word [0x489355]
+and edx, 0xffff
+mov dword [ref_00489357], eax ; mov dword [0x489357], eax
+xor eax, eax
+sar edx, 8
+mov al, bl
+and edx, 0xff
+mov dword [ref_0048935b], eax ; mov dword [0x48935b], eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov byte [ref_00489354], dl ; mov byte [0x489354], dl
+mov al, dl
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048935b] ; mov edx, dword [0x48935b]
+push 0x104
+shl edx, 8
+mov dword [ref_0048935f], eax ; mov dword [0x48935f], eax
+or edx, eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x414]
+push eax
+push 0
+mov dword [ref_00489363], edx ; mov dword [0x489363], edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetModuleFileNameA@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623b4]
+lea eax, [esp + 0x410]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045a53f ; call 0x45a53f
+add esp, 4
+push 0x208
+mov dword [ref_00489314], eax ; mov dword [0x489314], eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x20c]
+push eax
+push 0
+call fcn_0045a58a ; call 0x45a58a
+add esp, 0xc
+lea eax, [esp + 0x208]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045a62f ; call 0x45a62f
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_00489320], eax ; mov dword [0x489320], eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetCommandLineA@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462378]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045a53f ; call 0x45a53f
+mov edx, eax
+mov bl, byte [eax]
+add esp, 4
+cmp bl, 0x22
+jne short loc_00458734 ; jne 0x458734
+inc eax
+mov ch, byte [eax]
+cmp ch, 0x22
+je short loc_0045872c ; je 0x45872c
+test ch, ch
+jne short loc_00458720 ; jne 0x458720
+cmp byte [eax], 0
+je short loc_0045874f ; je 0x45874f
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_0045874f ; jmp 0x45874f
+mov dl, byte [eax]
+inc dl
+and edx, 0xff
+test byte [edx + ref_00489370], 2 ; test byte [edx + 0x489370], 2
+jne short loc_0045874f ; jne 0x45874f
+cmp byte [eax], 0
+je short loc_0045874f ; je 0x45874f
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_00458734 ; jmp 0x458734
+mov dl, byte [eax]
+inc dl
+and edx, 0xff
+test byte [edx + ref_00489370], 2 ; test byte [edx + 0x489370], 2
+jne short loc_00458731 ; jne 0x458731
+mov dword [ref_00489310], eax ; mov dword [0x489310], eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetCommandLineW@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46237c]
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_004587d9 ; je 0x4587d9
+push eax
+call fcn_0045a62f ; call 0x45a62f
+mov edx, eax
+mov bx, word [eax]
+add esp, 4
+cmp bx, 0x22
+jne short loc_004587a6 ; jne 0x4587a6
+add eax, 2
+mov si, word [eax]
+cmp si, 0x22
+je short loc_0045879b ; je 0x45879b
+test si, si
+jne short loc_0045878a ; jne 0x45878a
+cmp word [eax], 0
+je short loc_004587c4 ; je 0x4587c4
+add eax, 2
+jmp short loc_004587c4 ; jmp 0x4587c4
+mov dl, byte [eax]
+inc dl
+and edx, 0xff
+test byte [edx + ref_00489370], 2 ; test byte [edx + 0x489370], 2
+jne short loc_004587c4 ; jne 0x4587c4
+cmp word [eax], 0
+je short loc_004587c4 ; je 0x4587c4
+add eax, 2
+jmp short loc_004587a6 ; jmp 0x4587a6
+mov dl, byte [eax]
+inc dl
+and edx, 0xff
+test byte [edx + ref_00489370], 2 ; test byte [edx + 0x489370], 2
+je short loc_004587e6 ; je 0x4587e6
+jmp short loc_004587a1 ; jmp 0x4587a1
+push ref_0046c410 ; push 0x46c410
+call fcn_0045a62f ; call 0x45a62f
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x628]
+mov dword [ref_0048931c], eax ; mov dword [0x48931c], eax
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_0045884a ; je 0x45884a
+push 0x104
+lea eax, [esp + 0x518]
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x638]
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetModuleFileNameA@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623b4]
+lea eax, [esp + 0x514]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045a53f ; call 0x45a53f
+add esp, 4
+push 0x208
+mov dword [ref_00489318], eax ; mov dword [0x489318], eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_0045a58a ; call 0x45a58a
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_0045a62f ; call 0x45a62f
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_00489324], eax ; mov dword [0x489324], eax
+mov eax, 1
+add esp, 0x618
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push 0
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetModuleHandleA@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623bc]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push edx
+push 0
+call fcn_004585ef ; call 0x4585ef
+add esp, 0xc
+push ref_00489330 ; push 0x489330
+call dword [ref_00488f4c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f4c]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045a666 ; call 0x45a666
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045ab58 ; call 0x45ab58
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, 0x21
+call fcn_0045abd6 ; call 0x45abd6
+call dword [ref_00488f8c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f8c]
+mov eax, 0xff
+call fcn_0045abd6 ; call 0x45abd6
+pop ebx
+cmp dword [ref_004991c0], 0 ; cmp dword [0x4991c0], 0
+je short loc_004588d4 ; je 0x4588d4
+cmp dword [ref_00488f94], 0 ; cmp dword [0x488f94], 0
+je short loc_004588eb ; je 0x4588eb
+push 0xff
+push 0
+call dword [ref_00488f94] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f94]
+add esp, 8
+jmp short loc_004588eb ; jmp 0x4588eb
+call fcn_0045aba4 ; call 0x45aba4
+mov edx, 0xf
+xor eax, eax
+call fcn_0045ac2a ; call 0x45ac2a
+call dword [ref_00488f88] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f88]
+mov ecx, dword [esp]
+push ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__ExitProcess@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462364]
+add byte [eax], al
+add byte [eax], al
+add byte [eax], al
+add byte [eax], al
+add byte [eax], al
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+xor ebp, ebp
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_004589a7 ; je 0x4589a7
+lea ecx, [eax + 0xb]
+cmp ecx, eax
+jb near loc_004589a7 ; jb 0x4589a7
+mov edi, ebx
+and cl, 0xf8
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x14]
+cmp ecx, 0x10
+jae short loc_0045892a ; jae 0x45892a
+mov ecx, 0x10
+cmp ecx, eax
+ja near loc_004589a7 ; ja 0x4589a7
+mov ebx, dword [edi + 0x10]
+mov eax, dword [edi + 0xc]
+cmp ecx, ebx
+ja short loc_00458941 ; ja 0x458941
+mov eax, dword [edi + 0x28]
+xor ebx, ebx
+lea esi, [edi + 0x20]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+cmp ecx, edx
+jbe short loc_0045895c ; jbe 0x45895c
+cmp edx, ebx
+jbe short loc_00458950 ; jbe 0x458950
+mov ebx, edx
+mov eax, dword [eax + 8]
+cmp eax, esi
+jne short loc_00458944 ; jne 0x458944
+mov dword [edi + 0x14], ebx
+jmp short loc_004589a7 ; jmp 0x4589a7
+mov dword [edi + 0x10], ebx
+mov ebx, dword [edi + 0x18]
+inc ebx
+sub edx, ecx
+mov dword [edi + 0x18], ebx
+cmp edx, 0x10
+jb short loc_0045898b ; jb 0x45898b
+lea ebx, [eax + ecx]
+mov dword [edi + 0xc], ebx
+mov dword [ebx], edx
+mov dword [eax], ecx
+mov ecx, dword [eax + 4]
+mov dword [ebx + 4], ecx
+mov edx, dword [eax + 8]
+mov dword [ebx + 8], edx
+mov dword [ecx + 8], ebx
+mov dword [edx + 4], ebx
+jmp short loc_0045899d ; jmp 0x45899d
+dec dword [edi + 0x1c]
+mov edx, dword [eax + 4]
+mov dword [edi + 0xc], edx
+mov ebx, dword [eax + 8]
+mov dword [edx + 8], ebx
+mov dword [ebx + 4], edx
+mov dl, byte [eax]
+or dl, 1
+lea ebp, [eax + 4]
+mov byte [eax], dl
+mov eax, ebp
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+db 0x8d
+db 0x40
+db 0x00
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ecx, ebx
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_00458ada ; je 0x458ada
+lea ebx, [eax - 4]
+test byte [ebx], 1
+je near loc_00458ada ; je 0x458ada
+mov edx, dword [ebx]
+and dl, 0xfe
+lea eax, [ebx + edx]
+mov esi, ecx
+test byte [eax], 1
+jne short loc_004589fa ; jne 0x4589fa
+mov edi, dword [eax]
+add edx, edi
+mov dword [ebx], edx
+cmp eax, dword [ecx + 0xc]
+jne short loc_004589e6 ; jne 0x4589e6
+mov dword [ecx + 0xc], ebx
+mov edx, dword [eax + 4]
+mov eax, dword [eax + 8]
+mov dword [edx + 8], eax
+mov dword [eax + 4], edx
+dec dword [esi + 0x1c]
+jmp near loc_00458a8e ; jmp 0x458a8e
+mov dword [ebx], edx
+mov eax, dword [ecx + 0xc]
+cmp ebx, eax
+jae short loc_00458a19 ; jae 0x458a19
+cmp ebx, dword [eax + 4]
+ja near loc_00458a8e ; ja 0x458a8e
+mov eax, dword [ecx + 0x28]
+cmp ebx, eax
+jb near loc_00458a8e ; jb 0x458a8e
+jmp short loc_00458a32 ; jmp 0x458a32
+mov eax, dword [eax + 8]
+cmp ebx, eax
+jb near loc_00458a8e ; jb 0x458a8e
+lea eax, [ecx + 0x20]
+mov edx, dword [eax + 4]
+cmp ebx, edx
+ja near loc_00458a8e ; ja 0x458a8e
+mov edi, dword [esi + 0x1c]
+mov eax, dword [esi + 0x18]
+xor edx, edx
+lea ecx, [edi + 1]
+div ecx
+mov ecx, eax
+cmp eax, edi
+jae short loc_00458a6d ; jae 0x458a6d
+mov eax, dword [esi + 0x18]
+sub eax, edi
+add ecx, ecx
+cmp eax, edi
+ja short loc_00458a55 ; ja 0x458a55
+mov ecx, 0xffffffff
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+add eax, ebx
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+test dl, 1
+je short loc_00458a8e ; je 0x458a8e
+cmp edx, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00458a6d ; je 0x458a6d
+and dl, 0xfe
+add eax, edx
+dec ecx
+jne short loc_00458a59 ; jne 0x458a59
+mov eax, dword [esi + 0xc]
+cmp ebx, eax
+jae short loc_00458a77 ; jae 0x458a77
+mov eax, dword [esi + 0x28]
+cmp ebx, eax
+jb short loc_00458a8e ; jb 0x458a8e
+mov eax, dword [eax + 8]
+cmp ebx, eax
+jb short loc_00458a8e ; jb 0x458a8e
+mov eax, dword [eax + 8]
+cmp ebx, eax
+jb short loc_00458a8e ; jb 0x458a8e
+mov eax, dword [eax + 8]
+jmp short loc_00458a77 ; jmp 0x458a77
+mov edx, dword [eax + 4]
+mov edi, dword [edx]
+add edi, edx
+mov ecx, dword [ebx]
+cmp edi, ebx
+jne short loc_00458aad ; jne 0x458aad
+mov ebp, dword [edx]
+add ecx, ebp
+mov dword [edx], ecx
+cmp ebx, dword [esi + 0xc]
+jne short loc_00458aa9 ; jne 0x458aa9
+mov dword [esi + 0xc], edx
+mov ebx, edx
+jmp short loc_00458abc ; jmp 0x458abc
+inc dword [esi + 0x1c]
+mov dword [ebx + 8], eax
+mov dword [ebx + 4], edx
+mov dword [edx + 8], ebx
+mov dword [eax + 4], ebx
+mov edx, dword [esi + 0x18]
+dec edx
+mov edi, dword [esi + 0xc]
+mov dword [esi + 0x18], edx
+cmp ebx, edi
+jae short loc_00458ad2 ; jae 0x458ad2
+cmp ecx, dword [esi + 0x10]
+jbe short loc_00458ad2 ; jbe 0x458ad2
+mov dword [esi + 0x10], ecx
+cmp ecx, dword [esi + 0x14]
+jbe short loc_00458ada ; jbe 0x458ada
+mov dword [esi + 0x14], ecx
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+or ecx, ecx
+je short loc_00458b10 ; je 0x458b10
+cmp byte [eax], dl
+test al, 3
+je short loc_00458af3 ; je 0x458af3
+mov byte [eax], dl
+inc eax
+ror edx, 8
+dec ecx
+jne short loc_00458ae6 ; jne 0x458ae6
+push ecx
+shr ecx, 2
+call fcn_00458b17 ; call 0x458b17
+pop ecx
+and ecx, 3
+je short loc_00458b10 ; je 0x458b10
+mov byte [eax], dl
+dec ecx
+je short loc_00458b10 ; je 0x458b10
+mov byte [eax + 1], dh
+dec ecx
+je short loc_00458b10 ; je 0x458b10
+mov byte [eax + 2], dl
+db 0x90
+db 0x90
+db 0x90
+db 0x90
+db 0x90
+db 0x90
+or ecx, ecx
+je short loc_00458b82 ; je 0x458b82
+test al, 0x1f
+je short loc_00458b27 ; je 0x458b27
+mov dword [eax], edx
+lea eax, [eax + 4]
+dec ecx
+jne short loc_00458b1b ; jne 0x458b1b
+push ecx
+shr ecx, 2
+je short loc_00458b67 ; je 0x458b67
+dec ecx
+je short loc_00458b59 ; je 0x458b59
+mov dword [eax], edx
+mov dword [eax + 4], edx
+dec ecx
+mov dword [eax + 8], edx
+mov dword [eax + 0xc], edx
+je short loc_00458b56 ; je 0x458b56
+cmp byte [eax + 0x20], dl
+mov dword [eax + 0x10], edx
+mov dword [eax + 0x14], edx
+dec ecx
+mov dword [eax + 0x18], edx
+mov dword [eax + 0x1c], edx
+lea eax, [eax + 0x20]
+jne short loc_00458b30 ; jne 0x458b30
+lea eax, [eax - 0x10]
+lea eax, [eax + 0x10]
+mov dword [eax], edx
+mov dword [eax + 4], edx
+mov dword [eax + 8], edx
+mov dword [eax + 0xc], edx
+lea eax, [eax + 0x10]
+pop ecx
+and ecx, 3
+je short loc_00458b82 ; je 0x458b82
+mov dword [eax], edx
+lea eax, [eax + 4]
+dec ecx
+je short loc_00458b82 ; je 0x458b82
+mov dword [eax], edx
+lea eax, [eax + 4]
+dec ecx
+je short loc_00458b82 ; je 0x458b82
+mov dword [eax], edx
+lea eax, [eax + 4]
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov eax, dword [ref_00488f00] ; mov eax, dword [0x488f00]
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_00458b9a ; jmp 0x458b9a
+cmp edx, eax
+jb short loc_00458b9e ; jb 0x458b9e
+mov ebx, eax
+mov eax, dword [eax + 8]
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00458b91 ; jne 0x458b91
+mov dword [edx + 4], ebx
+mov dword [edx + 8], eax
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00458bad ; je 0x458bad
+mov dword [ebx + 8], edx
+jmp short loc_00458bb3 ; jmp 0x458bb3
+mov dword [ref_00488f00], edx ; mov dword [0x488f00], edx
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00458bba ; je 0x458bba
+mov dword [eax + 4], edx
+lea ebx, [edx + 0x20]
+mov eax, dword [edx]
+add edx, 0x2c
+mov dword [edx - 0xc], 0
+mov dword [edx - 0x1c], 0
+mov dword [edx - 0x14], 0
+mov dword [edx - 0x10], 0
+mov dword [edx - 8], ebx
+mov dword [edx - 4], ebx
+sub eax, 0x2c
+mov dword [edx - 0x20], ebx
+mov dword [edx], eax
+mov dword [edx + eax], 0xffffffff
+mov eax, edx
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+cmp dword [ref_004894a8], 0 ; cmp dword [0x4894a8], 0
+jne short loc_00458c09 ; jne 0x458c09
+xor eax, eax
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+cmp dword [ref_0048930c], 0xfffffffe ; cmp dword [0x48930c], 0xfffffffe
+je short loc_00458c03 ; je 0x458c03
+lea eax, [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_00458ca3 ; call 0x458ca3
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00458c8c ; je 0x458c8c
+push 0x40
+push 0x1000
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ecx
+push 0
+call dword [cs:__imp__VirtualAlloc@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462428]
+mov ebx, eax
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00458c8c ; je 0x458c8c
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+sub eax, 4
+cmp eax, esi
+ja short loc_00458c03 ; ja 0x458c03
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], eax
+cmp eax, 0x38
+jb short loc_00458c03 ; jb 0x458c03
+push ebx
+mov dword [ebx], eax
+call fcn_00458b83 ; call 0x458b83
+mov edx, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], eax
+or al, 1
+mov dword [edx], eax
+add edx, 4
+mov edi, dword [ebx + 0x18]
+mov dword [ebx + 0x14], 0
+inc edi
+push edx
+mov dword [ebx + 0x18], edi
+call fcn_00456e1f ; call 0x456e1f
+mov eax, 1
+add esp, 4
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+call fcn_0045acab ; call 0x45acab
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00458bf7 ; call 0x458bf7
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+mov eax, dword [edx]
+add eax, 7
+and al, 0xf8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00458cb3 ; jne 0x458cb3
+mov dword [edx], eax
+add eax, 0x3c
+cmp eax, dword [edx]
+jae short loc_00458cbf ; jae 0x458cbf
+xor eax, eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_004894ac] ; mov ecx, dword [0x4894ac]
+cmp eax, ecx
+jae short loc_00458ccd ; jae 0x458ccd
+mov eax, ecx
+and al, 0xfe
+mov dword [edx], eax
+add eax, 0xfff
+cmp eax, dword [edx]
+jb short loc_00458cbc ; jb 0x458cbc
+xor al, al
+and ah, 0xf0
+mov dword [edx], eax
+test eax, eax
+setne al
+and eax, 0xff
+xor eax, eax
+push ebx
+fcn_00458cee: ; not directly referenced
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+sub esp, 8
+mov eax, 1
+call fcn_0045abd6 ; call 0x45abd6
+mov eax, dword [ref_004894b0] ; mov eax, dword [0x4894b0]
+add eax, 3
+and al, 0xfc
+sub esp, eax
+mov ebx, esp
+mov edx, dword [ref_004894b0] ; mov edx, dword [0x4894b0]
+push edx
+push 0
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_004894b0] ; mov eax, dword [0x4894b0]
+push ebx
+mov dword [ebx + 0xf0], eax
+lea eax, [ebp - 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_00458859 ; call 0x458859
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00489334] ; mov ebx, dword [0x489334]
+add ebx, 3
+add esp, 8
+and bl, 0xfc
+call fcn_0045ada0 ; call 0x45ada0
+cmp ebx, eax
+jae short loc_00458d61 ; jae 0x458d61
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045aded ; call 0x45aded
+mov eax, dword [ref_00489334] ; mov eax, dword [0x489334]
+add eax, 3
+and al, 0xfc
+sub esp, eax
+mov eax, esp
+jmp short loc_00458d63 ; jmp 0x458d63
+xor eax, eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00489334] ; mov ebx, dword [0x489334]
+add eax, ebx
+mov dword [ref_00489338], eax ; mov dword [0x489338], eax
+call fcn_0045ae21 ; call 0x45ae21
+push 0xa
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00489310] ; mov ebx, dword [0x489310]
+push ebx
+push 0
+push 0
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetModuleHandleA@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623bc]
+push eax
+call fcn_00401b9c ; call 0x401b9c
+push eax
+call fcn_0045ae23 ; call 0x45ae23
+add esp, 4
+mov esp, ebp
+pop ebp
+pop ebx
+db 0x00
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+mov edx, dword [eax]
+lea ebx, [edx + 1]
+mov dword [eax], ebx
+mov bl, byte [esp + 0xc]
+mov byte [edx], bl
+inc dword [eax + 0x10]
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push fcn_00458d9e ; push 0x458d9e
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push edx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045ae76 ; call 0x45ae76
+add esp, 0x10
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov byte [edx + eax], 0
+pop ebx
+db 0xc7
+db 0x05
+dd ref_00488f98
+db 0x01
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0xc3
+call dword [ref_00488f4c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f4c]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+mov dword [eax + 4], edx
+push 0xd
+call fcn_00458de7 ; call 0x458de7
+add esp, 4
+push 0xe
+jmp short loc_00458df7 ; jmp 0x458df7
+dd 0xdce8096a
+dd 0xb8ffffff
+dd 0xffffffff
+dd 0xc304c483
+call dword [ref_00488f4c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f4c]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+mov dword [eax + 8], edx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+cmp eax, 0x41
+jl short loc_00458e33 ; jl 0x458e33
+cmp eax, 0x5a
+jg short loc_00458e33 ; jg 0x458e33
+add eax, 0x20
+dd 0x24448d53
+dd 0x04c08310
+dd 0x50fc408b
+dd 0x548b006a
+dd 0x8b521424
+dd 0x5314245c
+dd 0x000005e8
+dd 0x10c48300
+db 0x5b
+db 0xc3
+push ebx
+sub esp, 4
+lea eax, [esp + 0x18]
+mov dword [esp], eax
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push edx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00458e80 ; call 0x458e80
+add esp, 0x10
+add esp, 4
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x1c
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+call fcn_00459e08 ; call 0x459e08
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00458ea8 ; je 0x458ea8
+push 0xb
+call fcn_00458de7 ; call 0x458de7
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_004590b1 ; jmp 0x4590b1
+lea eax, [esp + 0x14]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x14]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x38]
+push eax
+and esi, 7
+push esi
+call fcn_0045bd69 ; call 0x45bd69
+add esp, 0xc
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+or eax, esi
+push eax
+xor edi, edi
+call fcn_0045bda4 ; call 0x45bda4
+mov edx, 0x80
+add esp, 8
+mov ecx, 0xc
+mov ah, byte [esp + 0x34]
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], edx
+mov dword [esp], ecx
+mov dword [esp + 4], edi
+test ah, 0x80
+sete al
+and eax, 0xff
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+cmp dword [ref_004891b4], 0 ; cmp dword [0x4891b4], 0
+je short loc_00458f47 ; je 0x458f47
+push ref_0046c414 ; push 0x46c414
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x34]
+push edx
+call fcn_00459dc7 ; call 0x459dc7
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00458f47 ; jne 0x458f47
+call fcn_0045a012 ; call 0x45a012
+push eax
+call dword [ref_00488f58] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f58]
+add esp, 4
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+push eax
+push edi
+mov ebx, 0x2000
+mov ebp, eax
+call dword [ref_004891b4] ; ucall: call dword [0x4891b4]
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp near loc_0045905e ; jmp 0x45905e
+mov dl, byte [esp + 0x34]
+test dl, 0x20
+je near loc_00458fb9 ; je 0x458fb9
+mov ecx, dword [ebx]
+add ecx, 4
+mov dword [ebx], ecx
+mov eax, dword [ecx - 4]
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], eax
+mov dword [ebx], 0
+mov eax, dword [ref_004894d0] ; mov eax, dword [0x4894d0]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+not eax
+and edi, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x14], edi
+test byte [esp + 0x15], 1
+je short loc_00458f8f ; je 0x458f8f
+test byte [esp + 0x14], 0x80
+jne short loc_00458f8f ; jne 0x458f8f
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], 1
+test byte [esp + 0x35], 4
+je short loc_00458f9f ; je 0x458f9f
+mov ebp, 1
+mov eax, ebp
+jmp short loc_00458fc3 ; jmp 0x458fc3
+test byte [esp + 0x34], 0x40
+je short loc_00458fb2 ; je 0x458fb2
+mov ebp, 2
+mov eax, 5
+jmp short loc_00458fc3 ; jmp 0x458fc3
+mov ebp, 4
+jmp short loc_00458fbe ; jmp 0x458fbe
+test dl, 0x40
+jne short loc_00458fab ; jne 0x458fab
+mov eax, 3
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+push edx
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x48]
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__CreateFileA@28] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462350]
+mov edi, eax
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_00459025 ; jne 0x459025
+test byte [esp + 0x34], 0x20
+je short loc_00459016 ; je 0x459016
+push 0
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+push eax
+push ebp
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+push edx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x48]
+push ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__CreateFileA@28] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462350]
+mov edi, eax
+cmp edi, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_00459025 ; jne 0x459025
+call fcn_0045be8f ; call 0x45be8f
+jmp near loc_004590b1 ; jmp 0x4590b1
+push edi
+call dword [ref_00488f58] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f58]
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_004894e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4894e8]
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, eax
+cmp eax, edx
+jb short loc_0045904c ; jb 0x45904c
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__CloseHandle@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462348]
+push 5
+jmp near loc_00458e96 ; jmp 0x458e96
+push eax
+call fcn_0045bf21 ; call 0x45bf21
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045905e ; je 0x45905e
+mov ebx, 0x2000
+cmp esi, 2
+jne short loc_00459068 ; jne 0x459068
+or bl, 3
+jmp short loc_00459079 ; jmp 0x459079
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_00459071 ; jne 0x459071
+or bl, 1
+jmp short loc_00459079 ; jmp 0x459079
+cmp esi, 1
+jne short loc_00459079 ; jne 0x459079
+or bl, 2
+test byte [esp + 0x34], 0x10
+je short loc_00459083 ; je 0x459083
+or bl, 0x80
+mov eax, ebx
+mov dl, byte [esp + 0x35]
+or al, 0x40
+test dl, 3
+je short loc_00459097 ; je 0x459097
+test dl, 2
+je short loc_004590a5 ; je 0x4590a5
+jmp short loc_004590a3 ; jmp 0x4590a3
+cmp dword [ref_004891a5], 0x200 ; cmp dword [0x4891a5], 0x200
+jne short loc_004590a5 ; jne 0x4590a5
+mov ebx, eax
+push ebx
+push ebp
+call fcn_0045bef6 ; call 0x45bef6
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, ebp
+add esp, 0x1c
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+call dword [ref_00488f60] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f60]
+mov esi, dword [ref_004991d8] ; mov esi, dword [0x4991d8]
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_004590e5 ; je 0x4590e5
+mov ebx, dword [esi + 4]
+mov edi, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+mov eax, dword [esi]
+and edi, 0x4003
+mov dword [ref_004991d8], eax ; mov dword [0x4991d8], eax
+or di, 3
+jmp short loc_0045912c ; jmp 0x45912c
+mov ebx, ref_00488f9c ; mov ebx, 0x488f9c
+jmp short loc_0045910c ; jmp 0x45910c
+test byte [ebx + 0xc], 3
+jne short loc_00459109 ; jne 0x459109
+push 0x1d
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, eax
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045915b ; je 0x45915b
+mov edi, 3
+jmp short loc_0045912c ; jmp 0x45912c
+add ebx, 0x1a
+cmp ebx, ref_004891a4 ; cmp ebx, 0x4891a4
+jb short loc_004590ec ; jb 0x4590ec
+push 0x37
+mov edi, 0x4003
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, eax
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045915b ; je 0x45915b
+lea ebx, [eax + 0x1d]
+push 0x1a
+push 0
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+mov dword [ebx + 0xc], edi
+mov eax, dword [ref_004991d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4991d4]
+mov dword [esi + 4], ebx
+add esp, 0xc
+mov dword [ebx + 8], esi
+mov dword [ref_004991d4], esi ; mov dword [0x4991d4], esi
+mov dword [esi], eax
+call dword [ref_00488f64] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f64]
+mov eax, ebx
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push 5
+call fcn_00458de7 ; call 0x458de7
+add esp, 4
+call dword [ref_00488f64] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f64]
+xor eax, eax
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov edx, ref_004991d4 ; mov edx, 0x4991d4
+mov eax, dword [edx]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_004591a6 ; je 0x4591a6
+mov ecx, dword [eax + 4]
+cmp ebx, ecx
+je short loc_0045918c ; je 0x45918c
+mov edx, eax
+jmp short loc_0045917b ; jmp 0x45917b
+mov cl, byte [ecx + 0xc]
+or cl, 3
+mov byte [ebx + 0xc], cl
+mov ebx, dword [eax]
+mov dword [edx], ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_004991d8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4991d8]
+mov dword [ref_004991d8], eax ; mov dword [0x4991d8], eax
+mov dword [eax], edx
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_004991d8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4991d8]
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_004591a6 ; je 0x4591a6
+push edx
+mov ebx, dword [edx]
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov dword [ref_004991d8], ebx ; mov dword [0x4991d8], ebx
+jmp short loc_004591a9 ; jmp 0x4591a9
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+test byte [ebx + 0xd], 0x20
+jne short loc_004591f7 ; jne 0x4591f7
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045bf21 ; call 0x45bf21
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_004591f7 ; je 0x4591f7
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0xd]
+or dl, 0x20
+mov byte [ebx + 0xd], dl
+test dl, 7
+jne short loc_004591f7 ; jne 0x4591f7
+mov cl, dl
+or cl, 2
+mov byte [ebx + 0xd], cl
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push edx
+xor edi, edi
+call dword [ref_00488f50] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f50]
+mov ah, byte [ebx + 0xd]
+add esp, 4
+test ah, 0x10
+je near loc_0045929d ; je 0x45929d
+mov ch, ah
+and ch, 0xef
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0xc]
+mov byte [ebx + 0xd], ch
+test al, 2
+je near loc_004592d8 ; je 0x4592d8
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_004592d8 ; je 0x4592d8
+mov ebp, eax
+mov esi, dword [ebx + 4]
+test esi, esi
+je near loc_004592d8 ; je 0x4592d8
+test edi, edi
+jne near loc_004592d8 ; jne 0x4592d8
+push esi
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push edx
+call fcn_004599bb ; call 0x4599bb
+add esp, 0xc
+mov dword [esp], eax
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_00459278 ; jne 0x459278
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0xc]
+or dl, 0x20
+mov edi, eax
+mov byte [ebx + 0xc], dl
+jmp short loc_00459294 ; jmp 0x459294
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00459294 ; jne 0x459294
+push 0xc
+call fcn_00458de7 ; call 0x458de7
+mov ah, byte [ebx + 0xc]
+mov edi, 0xffffffff
+or ah, 0x20
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ebx + 0xc], ah
+mov ecx, dword [esp]
+add ebp, ecx
+sub esi, ecx
+jmp short loc_00459245 ; jmp 0x459245
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+cmp dword [eax + 8], 0
+je short loc_004592d8 ; je 0x4592d8
+and byte [ebx + 0xc], 0xef
+test byte [ebx + 0xd], 0x20
+jne short loc_004592d8 ; jne 0x4592d8
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 4]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_004592c8 ; je 0x4592c8
+push 1
+neg eax
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push esi
+call fcn_0045931e ; call 0x45931e
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_004592d8 ; jne 0x4592d8
+mov cl, byte [ebx + 0xc]
+or cl, 0x20
+mov edi, eax
+mov byte [ebx + 0xc], cl
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov eax, dword [eax + 8]
+mov dword [ebx + 4], 0
+mov dword [ebx], eax
+test edi, edi
+jne short loc_00459307 ; jne 0x459307
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+test byte [eax + 0x10], 1
+je short loc_00459307 ; je 0x459307
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045bf7e ; call 0x45bf7e
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_00459307 ; jne 0x459307
+mov edi, eax
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push ecx
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, edi
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+test ebx, ebx
+jl short loc_00459331 ; jl 0x459331
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_004894e8] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x4894e8]
+jbe short loc_00459344 ; jbe 0x459344
+push 4
+call fcn_00458de7 ; call 0x458de7
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+add esp, 4
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+call dword [ref_00488f50] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f50]
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045bea0 ; call 0x45bea0
+add esp, 4
+cmp dword [esp + 0x14], 0
+jle short loc_0045936f ; jle 0x45936f
+test al, 0x80
+jne short loc_0045936f ; jne 0x45936f
+or ah, 0x80
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045bef6 ; call 0x45bef6
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_00489474] ; mov eax, dword [0x489474]
+mov esi, ebx
+mov eax, dword [eax + esi*4]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+push 0
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+push edi
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetFilePointer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462404]
+push ebx
+mov esi, eax
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+add esp, 4
+cmp esi, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_004593a3 ; jne 0x4593a3
+call fcn_0045be8f ; call 0x45be8f
+mov eax, esi
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+test esi, esi
+jl short loc_004593bb ; jl 0x4593bb
+cmp esi, dword [ref_004894e8] ; cmp esi, dword [0x4894e8]
+jbe short loc_004593cd ; jbe 0x4593cd
+push 4
+call fcn_00458de7 ; call 0x458de7
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+add esp, 4
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00489474] ; mov ebx, dword [0x489474]
+mov eax, esi
+push esi
+mov ebx, dword [ebx + eax*4]
+call dword [ref_00488f50] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f50]
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+push 0
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetFilePointer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462404]
+push esi
+mov ebx, eax
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+add esp, 4
+cmp ebx, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_00459406 ; jne 0x459406
+call fcn_0045be8f ; call 0x45be8f
+mov eax, ebx
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push ebx
+call fcn_004591c6 ; call 0x4591c6
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x14]
+add esp, 4
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_00459447 ; jne 0x459447
+mov ah, byte [ebx + 0xd]
+test ah, 2
+je short loc_00459432 ; je 0x459432
+mov dword [ebx + 0x14], 0x86
+jmp short loc_00459447 ; jmp 0x459447
+test ah, 4
+je short loc_00459440 ; je 0x459440
+mov dword [ebx + 0x14], 1
+jmp short loc_00459447 ; jmp 0x459447
+mov dword [ebx + 0x14], 0x1000
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x14]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov dword [edx + 8], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov esi, dword [eax + 8]
+add esp, 4
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_00459486 ; jne 0x459486
+mov cl, byte [ebx + 0xd]
+and cl, 0xf8
+mov byte [ebx + 0xd], cl
+mov ch, cl
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+or ch, 4
+lea edx, [ebx + 0x18]
+mov byte [ebx + 0xd], ch
+mov dword [eax + 8], edx
+mov dword [ebx + 0x14], 1
+jmp short loc_0045948a ; jmp 0x45948a
+or byte [ebx + 0xc], 8
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov eax, dword [eax + 8]
+mov dword [ebx + 4], 0
+mov dword [ebx], eax
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+test ebx, ebx
+jl short loc_004594b3 ; jl 0x4594b3
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_004894e8] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x4894e8]
+jbe short loc_004594c7 ; jbe 0x4594c7
+push 4
+call fcn_00458de7 ; call 0x458de7
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00459553 ; jmp 0x459553
+push ebx
+call dword [ref_00488f50] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f50]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_004891d4] ; mov ecx, dword [0x4891d4]
+add esp, 4
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_0045950d ; je 0x45950d
+push ebx
+call dword [ref_004891ac] ; ucall: call dword [0x4891ac]
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045950d ; je 0x45950d
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push ecx
+push eax
+call dword [ref_004891d4] ; ucall: call dword [0x4891d4]
+add esp, 0xc
+push ebx
+mov esi, eax
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esi
+jmp short loc_00459553 ; jmp 0x459553
+mov esi, dword [ref_00489474] ; mov esi, dword [0x489474]
+mov eax, ebx
+push 0
+mov esi, dword [esi + eax*4]
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x28]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x28]
+push ebp
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__ReadFile@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623ec]
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00459546 ; jne 0x459546
+push ebx
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_0045be8f ; call 0x45be8f
+jmp short loc_00459553 ; jmp 0x459553
+push ebx
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x53
+dd 0x8b555756
+dd 0x8b14245c
+dd 0xff521053
+db 0x15
+dd ref_00488f50
+db 0x8b
+db 0x43
+db 0x08
+dd 0x830c488b
+dd 0xf98304c4
+dd 0x85197401
+dd 0x8b0e74c9
+dd 0xbe57107b
+dd 0xffffffff
+dd 0x00008be9
+dd 0x0c40c700
+dd 0x00000001
+dd 0x010c43f6
+dd 0x046a1a75
+dd 0xfff846e8
+dd 0x0c538aff
+dd 0xffffffbe
+dd 0x20ca80ff
+dd 0x8804c483
+dd 0x20eb0c53
+dd 0x4d046b8b
+dd 0x85046b89
+dd 0x530d7ded
+dd 0x000063e8
+dd 0x04c48300
+dd 0x08ebc689
+dd 0xb60f038b
+dd 0x03894030
+dd 0x400c43f6
+dd 0xfe833a75
+dd 0x8b22750d
+dd 0x894a0453
+dd 0xd2850453
+dd 0xe8530d7d
+dd 0x00000038
+dd 0x8904c483
+dd 0x8b0aebc6
+dd 0x40108a03
+dd 0x89f2b60f
+dd 0x1afe8303
+dd 0x4b8a0e75
+dd 0x10c9800c
+dd 0xffffffbe
+dd 0x0c4b88ff
+dd 0x57107b8b
+db 0xff
+db 0x15
+dd ref_00488f54
+db 0x83
+db 0xc4
+dd 0x5df08904
+dd 0xc35b5e5f
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00459657 ; call 0x459657
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00459641 ; jne 0x459641
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+pop ebx
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 4]
+mov ecx, dword [ebx]
+dec edx
+inc ecx
+mov dword [ebx + 4], edx
+mov dword [ebx], ecx
+mov al, byte [ecx - 1]
+and eax, 0xff
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+cmp dword [eax + 8], 0
+jne short loc_00459671 ; jne 0x459671
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045940b ; call 0x45940b
+add esp, 4
+mov ah, byte [ebx + 0xd]
+test ah, 0x20
+je short loc_0045968b ; je 0x45968b
+test ah, 6
+je short loc_0045968b ; je 0x45968b
+push 0x2000
+call fcn_0045bfe8 ; call 0x45bfe8
+add esp, 4
+mov dh, byte [ebx + 0xc]
+and dh, 0xfb
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov byte [ebx + 0xc], dh
+mov eax, dword [eax + 8]
+mov dword [ebx], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+and eax, 0x2400
+cmp eax, 0x2400
+jne short loc_004596ce ; jne 0x4596ce
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+test ecx, ecx
+jne short loc_004596ce ; jne 0x4596ce
+mov dword [ebx + 4], ecx
+call fcn_0045c02b ; call 0x45c02b
+mov edx, eax
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_004596f1 ; je 0x4596f1
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+mov byte [eax], dl
+mov dword [ebx + 4], 1
+jmp short loc_00459710 ; jmp 0x459710
+test byte [ebx + 0xd], 4
+je short loc_004596db ; je 0x4596db
+mov eax, 1
+jmp short loc_004596de ; jmp 0x4596de
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x14]
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [ebx]
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push edi
+call fcn_0045949c ; call 0x45949c
+add esp, 0xc
+mov dword [ebx + 4], eax
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + 4]
+test ebp, ebp
+jg short loc_00459710 ; jg 0x459710
+jne short loc_00459700 ; jne 0x459700
+or byte [ebx + 0xc], 0x10
+jmp short loc_00459710 ; jmp 0x459710
+mov ch, byte [ebx + 0xc]
+mov dword [ebx + 4], 0
+or ch, 0x20
+mov byte [ebx + 0xc], ch
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 4]
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetCurrentProcessId@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462388]
+dd 0x55575653
+dd 0x0228ec81
+dd 0x15ff0000
+dd ref_00488f4c
+dd 0x3104688b
+dd 0x848d57ff
+dd 0x00011824
+dd 0xf5e85000
+dd 0x83ffffe1
+dd 0x026a08c4
+dd 0x1824848d
+dd 0x50000001
+dd 0x28fbe847
+dd 0xc4830000
+dd 0x74c08508
+db 0xd8
+db 0x68
+dd ref_0046c431
+db 0x8d
+db 0x84
+dd 0x00011824
+dd 0x50e85000
+dd 0x83ffffdc
+dd 0xc08508c4
+dd 0x04e81b75
+dd 0x83000029
+dd 0x0a740b38
+dd 0x0028fae8
+dd 0x06388300
+dd 0xc031ab75
+dd 0x00009ee9
+dd 0xdb315000
+dd 0xffe12ce8
+db 0xff
+db 0x8a
+db 0x1d
+dd ref_004891a4
+db 0x83
+dd 0x8d5304c4
+dd 0x50042444
+dd 0xffe18be8
+dd 0x08c483ff
+dd 0x8d50e089
+dd 0x01182484
+dd 0xe8500000
+dd 0x000028d3
+dd 0x8508c483
+dd 0x684875c0
+dd ref_0046c431
+dd 0x0424448d
+dd 0xdbe9e850
+dd 0xc689ffff
+dd 0x8508c483
+dd 0x8a2274c0
+dd 0xcc800d60
+dd 0x0d668808
+dd 0x5508468b
+db 0x88
+db 0x1d
+dd ref_004891a4
+db 0x88
+db 0x58
+dd 0xf5ede814
+dd 0xc483ffff
+dd 0xebf08904
+dd 0x2879e82e
+dd 0x38830000
+dd 0x7b840f0b
+dd 0x6affffff
+dd 0x24848d02
+dd 0x00000118
+dd 0x32e84350
+dd 0x83000028
+dd 0xc08508c4
+dd 0xff0b850f
+dd 0x73e9ffff
+dd 0x81ffffff
+dd 0x000228c4
+dd 0x5e5f5d00
+db 0x5b
+db 0xc3
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+cmp byte [ref_00489204], 0 ; cmp byte [0x489204], 0
+jne near loc_004598ff ; jne 0x4598ff
+mov ebx, ref_004891f0 ; mov ebx, 0x4891f0
+jmp short loc_00459892 ; jmp 0x459892
+push edx
+call fcn_0045c0b4 ; call 0x45c0b4
+mov edx, eax
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045988f ; je 0x45988f
+mov edi, eax
+push es
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+sub ecx, ecx
+dec ecx
+xor eax, eax
+repne scasb ; repne scasb al, byte es:[edi]
+not ecx
+dec ecx
+pop es
+cmp ecx, 0x103
+ja short loc_0045988f ; ja 0x45988f
+push 0x103
+push edx
+push ref_00489204 ; push 0x489204
+call fcn_0045c10f ; call 0x45c10f
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp short loc_00459899 ; jmp 0x459899
+add ebx, 4
+mov edx, dword [ebx]
+cmp byte [edx], 0
+jne short loc_00459851 ; jne 0x459851
+cmp byte [ref_00489204], 0 ; cmp byte [0x489204], 0
+jne short loc_004598cf ; jne 0x4598cf
+push 0
+push 0
+call fcn_0045c1b1 ; call 0x45c1b1
+add esp, 8
+mov edi, ref_00489204 ; mov edi, 0x489204
+mov esi, eax
+push edi
+mov al, byte [esi]
+mov byte [edi], al
+cmp al, 0
+je short loc_004598ce ; je 0x4598ce
+mov al, byte [esi + 1]
+add esi, 2
+mov byte [edi + 1], al
+add edi, 2
+cmp al, 0
+jne short loc_004598b6 ; jne 0x4598b6
+pop edi
+mov edi, ref_00489204 ; mov edi, 0x489204
+push es
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+sub ecx, ecx
+dec ecx
+xor eax, eax
+repne scasb ; repne scasb al, byte es:[edi]
+not ecx
+dec ecx
+pop es
+lea edx, [ecx - 1]
+add edx, ref_00489204 ; add edx, 0x489204
+mov al, byte [edx]
+cmp al, 0x5c
+je short loc_004598ff ; je 0x4598ff
+cmp al, 0x2f
+je short loc_004598ff ; je 0x4598ff
+inc edx
+mov byte [edx], 0x5c
+inc edx
+mov byte [edx], 0
+mov eax, ref_00489204 ; mov eax, 0x489204
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+test ebx, ebx
+jl short loc_0045991f ; jl 0x45991f
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_004894e8] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x4894e8]
+jbe short loc_00459933 ; jbe 0x459933
+push 4
+call fcn_00458de7 ; call 0x458de7
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_004599a5 ; jmp 0x4599a5
+mov eax, dword [ref_00489474] ; mov eax, dword [0x489474]
+mov esi, ebx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_004891b8] ; mov ecx, dword [0x4891b8]
+xor ebp, ebp
+mov eax, dword [eax + esi*4]
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esp], eax
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_00459974 ; je 0x459974
+push ebx
+call dword [ref_004891ac] ; ucall: call dword [0x4891ac]
+mov esi, eax
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00459974 ; je 0x459974
+push ebx
+call dword [ref_004891b0] ; ucall: call dword [0x4891b0]
+add esp, 4
+push esi
+call dword [ref_004891b8] ; ucall: call dword [0x4891b8]
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_00459998 ; jmp 0x459998
+test ebp, ebp
+jne short loc_00459998 ; jne 0x459998
+mov esi, dword [esp]
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__CloseHandle@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462348]
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00459998 ; jne 0x459998
+push 4
+mov edi, 0xffffffff
+call fcn_00458de7 ; call 0x458de7
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_004599a3 ; jmp 0x4599a3
+push 0
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045bef6 ; call 0x45bef6
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, edi
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045c242 ; call 0x45c242
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+test ebx, ebx
+jl short loc_004599d2 ; jl 0x4599d2
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_004894e8] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x4894e8]
+jbe short loc_004599e6 ; jbe 0x4599e6
+push 4
+call fcn_00458de7 ; call 0x458de7
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_00459aa3 ; jmp 0x459aa3
+mov esi, dword [ref_00489474] ; mov esi, dword [0x489474]
+mov eax, ebx
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [esi + eax*4]
+call dword [ref_00488f50] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f50]
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045bea0 ; call 0x45bea0
+add esp, 4
+test al, 0x80
+je short loc_00459a2f ; je 0x459a2f
+push 2
+push 0
+push 0
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetFilePointer@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462404]
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_00459a2f ; jne 0x459a2f
+push ebx
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_0045be8f ; call 0x45be8f
+jmp near loc_00459aa3 ; jmp 0x459aa3
+cmp dword [ref_004891d8], 0 ; cmp dword [0x4891d8], 0
+je short loc_00459a6a ; je 0x459a6a
+push ebx
+call dword [ref_004891ac] ; ucall: call dword [0x4891ac]
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00459a6a ; je 0x459a6a
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push ecx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [ref_004891d8] ; ucall: call dword [0x4891d8]
+add esp, 0xc
+push ebx
+mov esi, eax
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esi
+jmp short loc_00459aa3 ; jmp 0x459aa3
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x28]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x28]
+push ebp
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__WriteFile@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462440]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00459a1b ; je 0x459a1b
+cmp edi, dword [esp]
+je short loc_00459a96 ; je 0x459a96
+push 0xc
+call fcn_00458de7 ; call 0x458de7
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push edx
+call dword [ref_00488f50] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f50]
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov ecx, dword [eax + 0xc]
+add esp, 4
+cmp ecx, 1
+je short loc_00459aed ; je 0x459aed
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_00459ae6 ; je 0x459ae6
+mov edi, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push edi
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov dword [eax + 0xc], 1
+test byte [ebx + 0xc], 2
+jne short loc_00459b0c ; jne 0x459b0c
+push 4
+call fcn_00458de7 ; call 0x458de7
+add esp, 4
+mov ch, byte [ebx + 0xc]
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+or ch, 0x20
+push eax
+mov byte [ebx + 0xc], ch
+jmp short loc_00459ad3 ; jmp 0x459ad3
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+cmp dword [eax + 8], 0
+jne short loc_00459b1e ; jne 0x459b1e
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045940b ; call 0x45940b
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov esi, 0x400
+cmp eax, 0xa
+jne short loc_00459b70 ; jne 0x459b70
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0xc]
+mov esi, 0x600
+test dl, 0x40
+jne short loc_00459b70 ; jne 0x459b70
+mov dh, byte [ebx + 0xd]
+or dh, 0x10
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+mov byte [ebx + 0xd], dh
+mov byte [eax], 0xd
+mov edx, dword [ebx]
+inc edx
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 4]
+mov dword [ebx], edx
+inc ecx
+mov edi, dword [ebx + 0x14]
+mov dword [ebx + 4], ecx
+cmp ecx, edi
+jne short loc_00459b70 ; jne 0x459b70
+push ebx
+call fcn_004591f9 ; call 0x4591f9
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00459b70 ; je 0x459b70
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push ebp
+jmp near loc_00459ad3 ; jmp 0x459ad3
+mov cl, byte [ebx + 0xd]
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+or cl, 0x10
+mov dl, byte [esp + 0x14]
+mov byte [ebx + 0xd], cl
+mov byte [eax], dl
+mov ebp, dword [ebx]
+inc ebp
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 4]
+mov dword [ebx], ebp
+inc eax
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+mov dword [ebx + 4], eax
+test esi, edx
+jne short loc_00459b99 ; jne 0x459b99
+cmp eax, dword [ebx + 0x14]
+jne short loc_00459baa ; jne 0x459baa
+push ebx
+call fcn_004591f9 ; call 0x4591f9
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_00459acf ; jne 0x459acf
+mov esi, dword [ebx + 0x10]
+push esi
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x14]
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+fnsave [eax]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+frstor [eax]
+push ebx
+cmp byte [ref_00488f35], 0 ; cmp byte [0x488f35], 0
+je short loc_00459bf3 ; je 0x459bf3
+mov edx, fcn_00459bc2 ; mov edx, 0x459bc2
+mov ebx, fcn_00459bcb ; mov ebx, 0x459bcb
+mov dword [ref_00489540], edx ; mov dword [0x489540], edx
+mov dword [ref_00489544], ebx ; mov dword [0x489544], ebx
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ref_00489548] ; mov ax, word [0x489548]
+call fcn_0045c25a ; call 0x45c25a
+pop ebx
+db 0x80
+db 0x3d
+dd ref_00488f35
+dd 0xc3c87500
+push ebx
+mov ah, byte [ref_00488f34] ; mov ah, byte [0x488f34]
+test ah, ah
+jne short loc_00459c4e ; jne 0x459c4e
+mov byte [ref_00488f35], ah ; mov byte [0x488f35], ah
+xor bh, bh
+sub eax, eax
+push eax
+fnstcw word [esp]
+pop eax
+mov al, ah
+xor bl, bl
+cmp al, 3
+jne short loc_00459c39 ; jne 0x459c39
+call fcn_00459bd3 ; call 0x459bd3
+mov bh, al
+mov bl, al
+cmp byte [ref_00489348], 0 ; cmp byte [0x489348], 0
+jne short loc_00459c4e ; jne 0x459c4e
+mov byte [ref_00488f34], bh ; mov byte [0x488f34], bh
+mov byte [ref_00488f35], bl ; mov byte [0x488f35], bl
+pop ebx
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov dl, byte [ebp + 0x10]
+cmp dl, 1
+jb short loc_00459c91 ; jb 0x459c91
+cmp dl, 3
+jbe short loc_00459c6c ; jbe 0x459c6c
+cmp dl, 4
+je short loc_00459c7d ; je 0x459c7d
+jmp short loc_00459c91 ; jmp 0x459c91
+lea ebx, [ebp + 8]
+or dl, 0x40
+push ebx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, dl
+or bh, 0x20
+push ebx
+jmp short loc_00459cb3 ; jmp 0x459cb3
+fcomp qword [ebp + 8]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe short loc_00459c91 ; jbe 0x459c91
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ebp - 0x14], edx
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], edx
+jmp short loc_00459ccd ; jmp 0x459ccd
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, dl
+mov ecx, ebx
+or ch, 0x81
+cmp dl, 6
+jne short loc_00459cae ; jne 0x459cae
+fcomp qword [ebp + 8]
+fnstsw ax
+jbe short loc_00459cae ; jbe 0x459cae
+or bh, 0x11
+mov ecx, ebx
+lea ebx, [ebp + 8]
+push ebx
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045c281 ; call 0x45c281
+mov dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+mov dword [ebp - 8], edx
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x14], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 8]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+mov ebx, dword [ebp - 0x14]
+mov dword [ebp - 0xc], ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+mov edx, ebx
+lea esp, [ebp - 4]
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+push ebx
+mov edx, fcn_0045c3b2 ; mov edx, 0x45c3b2
+mov ebx, fcn_0045c4cf ; mov ebx, 0x45c4cf
+mov dword [ref_004895a8], edx ; mov dword [0x4895a8], edx
+mov dword [ref_004895ac], ebx ; mov dword [0x4895ac], ebx
+pop ebx
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+push eax
+sub esp, 0x14
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+and eax, 0x7fff
+je near loc_00459da3 ; je 0x459da3
+cmp eax, 0x7fff
+je near loc_00459da3 ; je 0x459da3
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+add eax, eax
+jae short loc_00459da3 ; jae 0x459da3
+fld tword [esp] ; fld xword [esp]
+fcomp dword [ref_0048996c] ; fcomp dword [0x48996c]
+fnstsw ax
+jae short loc_00459da3 ; jae 0x459da3
+fld tword [esp] ; fld xword [esp]
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fld tword [esp] ; fld xword [esp]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+add eax, eax
+xor eax, 0xe000000
+test eax, 0xe000000
+je short loc_00459d5b ; je 0x459d5b
+fdivp st1 ; fdivp st(1)
+add esp, 0x14
+pop eax
+shr eax, 0x1c
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00489958], ah ; cmp byte [eax + 0x489958], ah
+jne short loc_00459d6f ; jne 0x459d6f
+fdivp st1 ; fdivp st(1)
+add esp, 0x14
+pop eax
+fnstcw word [esp + 0x10]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+or eax, 0x33f
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], eax
+fldcw word [esp + 0xc]
+fmul dword [ref_00489968] ; fmul dword [0x489968]
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fmul dword [ref_00489968] ; fmul dword [0x489968]
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fldcw word [esp + 0x10]
+fdivp st1 ; fdivp st(1)
+add esp, 0x14
+pop eax
+fld tword [esp] ; fld xword [esp]
+add esp, 0x14
+pop eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_00459dbd ; jne 0x459dbd
+call fcn_0045bfdd ; call 0x45bfdd
+xor eax, eax
+push edx
+call fcn_004591f9 ; call 0x4591f9
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov al, byte [ebx]
+mov ah, byte [edx]
+cmp al, 0x41
+jb short loc_00459dde ; jb 0x459dde
+cmp al, 0x5a
+ja short loc_00459dde ; ja 0x459dde
+add al, 0x20
+cmp ah, 0x41
+jb short loc_00459deb ; jb 0x459deb
+cmp ah, 0x5a
+ja short loc_00459deb ; ja 0x459deb
+add ah, 0x20
+cmp al, ah
+jne short loc_00459df7 ; jne 0x459df7
+test ah, ah
+je short loc_00459df7 ; je 0x459df7
+inc ebx
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_00459dd0 ; jmp 0x459dd0
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, al
+mov al, ah
+and eax, 0xff
+sub edx, eax
+mov eax, edx
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00489474] ; mov ecx, dword [0x489474]
+mov eax, dword [ref_00489478] ; mov eax, dword [0x489478]
+cmp eax, dword [ref_004894e8] ; cmp eax, dword [0x4894e8]
+jae short loc_00459e20 ; jae 0x459e20
+xor eax, eax
+jmp short loc_00459e41 ; jmp 0x459e41
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00489478] ; mov ebx, dword [0x489478]
+mov edx, ecx
+xor eax, eax
+shl ebx, 2
+jmp short loc_00459e38 ; jmp 0x459e38
+cmp dword [edx + eax], 0
+je short loc_00459e1c ; je 0x459e1c
+add eax, 4
+cmp eax, ebx
+jl short loc_00459e2f ; jl 0x459e2f
+mov eax, 1
+mov dword [ref_00489474], ecx ; mov dword [0x489474], ecx
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+call dword [ref_00488f80] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f80]
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00489478] ; mov ecx, dword [0x489478]
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor eax, eax
+shl ecx, 2
+jmp short loc_00459e80 ; jmp 0x459e80
+mov edx, dword [ref_00489474] ; mov edx, dword [0x489474]
+add edx, eax
+cmp dword [edx], 0
+jne short loc_00459e7c ; jne 0x459e7c
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+mov dword [edx], eax
+call dword [ref_00488f84] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f84]
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebx
+add eax, 4
+inc ebx
+cmp eax, ecx
+jl short loc_00459e5f ; jl 0x459e5f
+mov eax, dword [ref_00489478] ; mov eax, dword [0x489478]
+inc eax
+shl eax, 2
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_00489474] ; mov edx, dword [0x489474]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045c585 ; call 0x45c585
+mov edx, dword [ref_00489478] ; mov edx, dword [0x489478]
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00489478] ; mov ebx, dword [0x489478]
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ref_00489474], eax ; mov dword [0x489474], eax
+shl edx, 2
+inc ebx
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov dword [ref_00489478], ebx ; mov dword [0x489478], ebx
+mov dword [eax], edx
+call dword [ref_00488f84] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f84]
+mov eax, dword [ref_00489478] ; mov eax, dword [0x489478]
+dec eax
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+test esi, esi
+jl near loc_00459f7a ; jl 0x459f7a
+call dword [ref_00488f80] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f80]
+cmp esi, 1
+jb short loc_00459ef6 ; jb 0x459ef6
+jbe short loc_00459eff ; jbe 0x459eff
+cmp esi, 2
+je short loc_00459f04 ; je 0x459f04
+jmp short loc_00459f0e ; jmp 0x459f0e
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_00459f0e ; jne 0x459f0e
+push ebp
+push 0xfffffffffffffff6
+jmp short loc_00459f07 ; jmp 0x459f07
+push ebp
+push 0xfffffffffffffff5
+jmp short loc_00459f07 ; jmp 0x459f07
+push ebp
+push 0xfffffffffffffff4
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetStdHandle@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46240c]
+mov edi, esi
+mov edx, dword [ref_00489478] ; mov edx, dword [0x489478]
+shl edi, 2
+cmp esi, edx
+jge short loc_00459f27 ; jge 0x459f27
+mov eax, dword [ref_00489474] ; mov eax, dword [0x489474]
+mov dword [edi + eax], ebp
+jmp short loc_00459f74 ; jmp 0x459f74
+lea eax, [edi + 4]
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00489474] ; mov ebx, dword [0x489474]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045c585 ; call 0x45c585
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00489478] ; mov ebx, dword [0x489478]
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ref_00489474], eax ; mov dword [0x489474], eax
+mov eax, ebx
+mov ecx, edi
+shl eax, 2
+jmp short loc_00459f5f ; jmp 0x459f5f
+mov edx, dword [ref_00489474] ; mov edx, dword [0x489474]
+inc ebx
+mov dword [edx + eax], 0
+add eax, 4
+cmp eax, ecx
+jl short loc_00459f4e ; jl 0x459f4e
+mov eax, dword [ref_00489474] ; mov eax, dword [0x489474]
+mov edx, esi
+inc esi
+mov dword [eax + edx*4], ebp
+mov dword [ref_00489478], esi ; mov dword [0x489478], esi
+call dword [ref_00488f84] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f84]
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+call dword [ref_00488f80] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f80]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+test edx, edx
+jle short loc_00459fa4 ; jle 0x459fa4
+cmp edx, dword [ref_00489478] ; cmp edx, dword [0x489478]
+jge short loc_00459fa4 ; jge 0x459fa4
+mov eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [ref_00489474] ; mov edx, dword [0x489474]
+mov dword [edx + eax*4], 0
+call dword [ref_00488f84] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f84]
+push 0xfffffffffffffff6
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetStdHandle@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623c8]
+mov edx, eax
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00459fbf ; je 0x459fbf
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_00459fc4 ; jne 0x459fc4
+call fcn_0045a012 ; call 0x45a012
+push eax
+call fcn_00459e49 ; call 0x459e49
+add esp, 4
+push 0xfffffffffffffff5
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetStdHandle@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623c8]
+mov edx, eax
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00459fe1 ; je 0x459fe1
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_00459fe6 ; jne 0x459fe6
+call fcn_0045a012 ; call 0x45a012
+push eax
+call fcn_00459e49 ; call 0x459e49
+add esp, 4
+push 0xfffffffffffffff4
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetStdHandle@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623c8]
+mov edx, eax
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045a003 ; je 0x45a003
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_0045a008 ; jne 0x45a008
+call fcn_0045a012 ; call 0x45a012
+push eax
+call fcn_00459e49 ; call 0x459e49
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+call dword [cs:__imp__CreateEventA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46234c]
+mov edx, eax
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045a034 ; jne 0x45a034
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048947c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48947c]
+inc edx
+mov dword [ref_0048947c], edx ; mov dword [0x48947c], edx
+mov eax, edx
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0049933c] ; mov edx, dword [0x49933c]
+cmp edx, 0x40
+jge short loc_0045a062 ; jge 0x45a062
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+mov ebx, ref_00499340 ; mov ebx, 0x499340
+sub eax, edx
+lea ecx, [edx + 1]
+shl eax, 3
+mov dword [ref_0049933c], ecx ; mov dword [0x49933c], ecx
+add ebx, eax
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebx
+push 0x18
+push 1
+call fcn_0045c62e ; call 0x45c62e
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, eax
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045a083 ; jne 0x45a083
+push 1
+push ref_0046c438 ; push 0x46c438
+call fcn_0045c690 ; call 0x45c690
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+cmp dword [ebx + 4], 0
+je short loc_0045a09c ; je 0x45a09c
+mov ecx, dword [ebx]
+push ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__DeleteCriticalSection@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462358]
+mov dword [ebx + 4], 0
+mov dword [ebx + 8], 0
+mov dword [ebx + 0xc], 0
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetCurrentThreadId@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46238c]
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov esi, eax
+cmp eax, edx
+je short loc_0045a114 ; je 0x45a114
+cmp dword [ebx + 4], 0
+jne short loc_0045a107 ; jne 0x45a107
+push ref_0049930c ; push 0x49930c
+call fcn_0045a0b3 ; call 0x45a0b3
+mov edi, dword [ebx + 4]
+add esp, 4
+test edi, edi
+jne short loc_0045a0fa ; jne 0x45a0fa
+call fcn_0045a038 ; call 0x45a038
+push eax
+mov dword [ebx], eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__InitializeCriticalSection@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623d4]
+mov dword [ebx + 4], 1
+push ref_0049930c ; push 0x49930c
+call fcn_0045a11b ; call 0x45a11b
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__EnterCriticalSection@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462360]
+mov dword [ebx + 8], esi
+inc dword [ebx + 0xc]
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov edx, dword [eax + 0xc]
+test edx, edx
+jbe short loc_0045a13f ; jbe 0x45a13f
+lea ebx, [edx - 1]
+mov dword [eax + 0xc], ebx
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0045a13f ; jne 0x45a13f
+mov esi, dword [eax]
+push esi
+mov dword [eax + 8], ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__LeaveCriticalSection@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623d8]
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ref_004991dc ; push 0x4991dc
+call fcn_0045a0b3 ; call 0x45a0b3
+add esp, 4
+push ref_004991dc ; push 0x4991dc
+call fcn_0045a11b ; call 0x45a11b
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+and eax, 0xf
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, ref_004991fc ; add eax, 0x4991fc
+push eax
+jmp short loc_0045a147 ; jmp 0x45a147
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+and eax, 0xf
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, ref_004991fc ; add eax, 0x4991fc
+push eax
+jmp short loc_0045a155 ; jmp 0x45a155
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00459e49 ; call 0x459e49
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+and eax, 0xf
+shl eax, 4
+add eax, ref_004991fc ; add eax, 0x4991fc
+push eax
+call fcn_0045a087 ; call 0x45a087
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00459f7f ; call 0x459f7f
+add esp, 4
+push ref_004992fc ; push 0x4992fc
+jmp short loc_0045a147 ; jmp 0x45a147
+push ref_004992fc ; push 0x4992fc
+jmp short loc_0045a155 ; jmp 0x45a155
+push ref_004991ec ; push 0x4991ec
+jmp near loc_0045a147 ; jmp 0x45a147
+push ref_004991ec ; push 0x4991ec
+jmp short loc_0045a155 ; jmp 0x45a155
+push ref_0049931c ; push 0x49931c
+jmp near loc_0045a147 ; jmp 0x45a147
+push ref_0049931c ; push 0x49931c
+jmp near loc_0045a155 ; jmp 0x45a155
+push ref_0049932c ; push 0x49932c
+jmp near loc_0045a147 ; jmp 0x45a147
+push ref_0049932c ; push 0x49932c
+jmp near loc_0045a155 ; jmp 0x45a155
+push ebx
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetLastError@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623ac]
+mov edx, dword [ref_00488f48] ; mov edx, dword [0x488f48]
+push edx
+mov esi, eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__TlsGetValue@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46241c]
+mov ebx, eax
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045a223 ; jne 0x45a223
+call fcn_0045c6be ; call 0x45c6be
+jmp short loc_0045a22e ; jmp 0x45a22e
+cmp byte [eax + 0x53], 0
+je short loc_0045a230 ; je 0x45a230
+call fcn_0045c6f5 ; call 0x45c6f5
+mov ebx, eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetLastError@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462408]
+mov eax, ebx
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0045a26d ; jne 0x45a26d
+mov edx, dword [ref_004894b0] ; mov edx, dword [0x4894b0]
+push edx
+push 1
+call fcn_0045c62e ; call 0x45c62e
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, eax
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045a26d ; je 0x45a26d
+mov edx, dword [ref_004894b0] ; mov edx, dword [0x4894b0]
+mov byte [eax + 0x52], 1
+mov dword [eax + 0xf0], edx
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045c8d7 ; call 0x45c8d7
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__TlsAlloc@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462414]
+mov dx, word [ref_00489355] ; mov dx, word [0x489355]
+mov dword [ref_00488f48], eax ; mov dword [0x488f48], eax
+cmp dx, 0x8000
+jb short loc_0045a2bb ; jb 0x45a2bb
+cmp byte [ref_00489353], 4 ; cmp byte [0x489353], 4
+jae short loc_0045a2bb ; jae 0x45a2bb
+mov edx, dword [ref_00488f48] ; mov edx, dword [0x488f48]
+cmp edx, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0045a2bb ; je 0x45a2bb
+cmp edx, 2
+ja short loc_0045a2bb ; ja 0x45a2bb
+call dword [cs:__imp__TlsAlloc@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462414]
+mov dword [ref_00488f48], eax ; mov dword [0x488f48], eax
+jmp short loc_0045a29d ; jmp 0x45a29d
+cmp dword [ref_00488f48], 0xffffffff ; cmp dword [0x488f48], 0xffffffff
+setne al
+and eax, 0xff
+push ebx
+push esi
+cmp dword [ref_00488f48], 0xffffffff ; cmp dword [0x488f48], 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_0045a2db ; jne 0x45a2db
+xor eax, eax
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045a23d ; call 0x45a23d
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045a321 ; je 0x45a321
+push eax
+mov ecx, dword [eax + 0xda]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045c7ca ; call 0x45c7ca
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045a30d ; jne 0x45a30d
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0045a2d6 ; jmp 0x45a2d6
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ref_00488f48] ; mov esi, dword [0x488f48]
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__TlsSetValue@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462420]
+mov eax, 1
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov edx, dword [ref_00488f48] ; mov edx, dword [0x488f48]
+cmp edx, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0045a375 ; je 0x45a375
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__TlsGetValue@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46241c]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045a375 ; je 0x45a375
+mov ecx, dword [eax + 0xda]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, dword [eax + 0xde]
+call fcn_0045c836 ; call 0x45c836
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+mov esi, dword [ref_00488f48] ; mov esi, dword [0x488f48]
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__TlsSetValue@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462420]
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0045a375 ; je 0x45a375
+cmp dword [esp + 0xc], 0
+je short loc_0045a375 ; je 0x45a375
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__CloseHandle@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462348]
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push 1
+call fcn_0045a324 ; call 0x45a324
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [ref_00488f48] ; mov edx, dword [0x488f48]
+cmp edx, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0045a39f ; je 0x45a39f
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__TlsFree@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462418]
+mov dword [ref_00488f48], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x488f48], 0xffffffff
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov edx, fcn_0045a15e ; mov edx, 0x45a15e
+mov ebx, fcn_0045a170 ; mov ebx, 0x45a170
+mov ecx, fcn_0045a182 ; mov ecx, 0x45a182
+mov esi, fcn_0045a190 ; mov esi, 0x45a190
+mov edi, fcn_0045a142 ; mov edi, 0x45a142
+mov ebp, fcn_0045a150 ; mov ebp, 0x45a150
+mov eax, fcn_0045a1d5 ; mov eax, 0x45a1d5
+mov dword [ref_00488f50], edx ; mov dword [0x488f50], edx
+mov dword [ref_00488f54], ebx ; mov dword [0x488f54], ebx
+mov dword [ref_00488f58], ecx ; mov dword [0x488f58], ecx
+mov dword [ref_00488f5c], esi ; mov dword [0x488f5c], esi
+mov dword [ref_00488f60], edi ; mov dword [0x488f60], edi
+mov dword [ref_00488f64], ebp ; mov dword [0x488f64], ebp
+mov dword [ref_00488f78], eax ; mov dword [0x488f78], eax
+mov edx, fcn_0045a1df ; mov edx, 0x45a1df
+mov ebx, fcn_0045a0b3 ; mov ebx, 0x45a0b3
+mov ecx, fcn_0045a11b ; mov ecx, 0x45a11b
+mov esi, fcn_0045a087 ; mov esi, 0x45a087
+mov edi, fcn_0045a1b6 ; mov edi, 0x45a1b6
+mov ebp, fcn_0045a1c4 ; mov ebp, 0x45a1c4
+mov eax, fcn_0045a1bd ; mov eax, 0x45a1bd
+mov dword [ref_00488f7c], edx ; mov dword [0x488f7c], edx
+mov dword [ref_00489480], ebx ; mov dword [0x489480], ebx
+mov dword [ref_00489484], ecx ; mov dword [0x489484], ecx
+mov dword [ref_00489488], esi ; mov dword [0x489488], esi
+mov dword [ref_00488f68], edi ; mov dword [0x488f68], edi
+mov dword [ref_00488f6c], ebp ; mov dword [0x488f6c], ebp
+mov dword [ref_00488f70], eax ; mov dword [0x488f70], eax
+mov edx, fcn_0045a1ce ; mov edx, 0x45a1ce
+mov ebx, 1
+mov esi, fcn_0045a1f3 ; mov esi, 0x45a1f3
+mov dword [ref_00488f74], edx ; mov dword [0x488f74], edx
+call fcn_0045a038 ; call 0x45a038
+push eax
+mov edi, fcn_0045a378 ; mov edi, 0x45a378
+mov dword [ref_0049930c], eax ; mov dword [0x49930c], eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__InitializeCriticalSection@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623d4]
+mov ecx, fcn_0045a1e9 ; mov ecx, 0x45a1e9
+mov ebp, dword [ref_004991c4] ; mov ebp, dword [0x4991c4]
+mov dword [ref_00499310], ebx ; mov dword [0x499310], ebx
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0xda]
+mov dword [ref_00488f84], esi ; mov dword [0x488f84], esi
+push edx
+mov dword [ref_00488f88], edi ; mov dword [0x488f88], edi
+mov dword [ref_00488f80], ecx ; mov dword [0x488f80], ecx
+call fcn_0045c7ca ; call 0x45c7ca
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, dword [ref_004991c4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x4991c4]
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00488f48] ; mov ecx, dword [0x488f48]
+push ecx
+mov esi, fcn_0045a1fd ; mov esi, 0x45a1fd
+call dword [cs:__imp__TlsSetValue@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462420]
+mov dword [ref_00488f4c], esi ; mov dword [0x488f4c], esi
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push ref_004991dc ; push 0x4991dc
+mov ebx, ref_004991fc ; mov ebx, 0x4991fc
+call dword [ref_00489488] ; ucall: call dword [0x489488]
+add esp, 4
+lea esi, [ebx + 0x100]
+push ebx
+call dword [ref_00489488] ; ucall: call dword [0x489488]
+add ebx, 0x10
+add esp, 4
+cmp ebx, esi
+jne short loc_0045a4db ; jne 0x45a4db
+push ref_0049932c ; push 0x49932c
+call dword [ref_00489488] ; ucall: call dword [0x489488]
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_0045c901 ; call 0x45c901
+push ref_004992fc ; push 0x4992fc
+call dword [ref_00489488] ; ucall: call dword [0x489488]
+add esp, 4
+push ref_004991ec ; push 0x4991ec
+call dword [ref_00489488] ; ucall: call dword [0x489488]
+add esp, 4
+push ref_0049931c ; push 0x49931c
+call dword [ref_00489488] ; ucall: call dword [0x489488]
+add esp, 4
+push ref_0049930c ; push 0x49930c
+call dword [ref_00489488] ; ucall: call dword [0x489488]
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_0045a382 ; call 0x45a382
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov edi, esi
+push es
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+sub ecx, ecx
+dec ecx
+xor eax, eax
+repne scasb ; repne scasb al, byte es:[edi]
+not ecx
+dec ecx
+pop es
+lea ebx, [ecx + 1]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, eax
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045a584 ; je 0x45a584
+mov ecx, ebx
+mov edi, eax
+push es
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+push edi
+mov eax, ecx
+shr ecx, 2
+repne movsd
+mov cl, al
+and cl, 3
+repne movsb ; repne movsb byte es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
+pop edi
+pop es
+mov eax, edx
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetVersion@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623d0]
+shr eax, 0x10
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp ax, 0x8000
+jae short loc_0045a5bc ; jae 0x45a5bc
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetModuleFileNameW@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623b8]
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push 0x208
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045a62b ; je 0x45a62b
+push 0x208
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetModuleFileNameA@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623b4]
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045a5f4 ; jne 0x45a5f4
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ecx
+push edi
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+push ebx
+push 1
+push 1
+call dword [cs:__imp__MultiByteToWideChar@24] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623e4]
+push ebx
+mov esi, eax
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_0045a5ee ; je 0x45a5ee
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push edi
+mov word [edi + eax*2 - 2], 0
+call fcn_0045c9de ; call 0x45c9de
+add esp, 4
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push dword [ebp + 0x10]
+call fcn_0045c9de ; call 0x45c9de
+lea esi, [eax + 1]
+add esp, 4
+add esi, esi
+push esi
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045a660 ; je 0x45a660
+push esi
+push dword [ebp + 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebp
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 0x20
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+push 0x1c
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x24]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__VirtualQuery@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462430]
+mov edx, dword [esp]
+add edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov cx, word [ref_00489355] ; mov cx, word [0x489355]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+cmp cx, 0x8000
+jae short loc_0045a6a2 ; jae 0x45a6a2
+add eax, 0x3000
+jmp short loc_0045a6b9 ; jmp 0x45a6b9
+jb short loc_0045a6b4 ; jb 0x45a6b4
+cmp byte [ref_00489353], 4 ; cmp byte [0x489353], 4
+jae short loc_0045a6b4 ; jae 0x45a6b4
+add eax, 0x12000
+jmp short loc_0045a6b9 ; jmp 0x45a6b9
+add eax, 0x13000
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0045a6bf ; je 0x45a6bf
+mov dword [ebx], eax
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x30]
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_0045a6c9 ; je 0x45a6c9
+mov dword [esi], edx
+add esp, 0x20
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push ref_0046c45c ; push 0x46c45c
+call dword [cs:__imp__LoadLibraryA@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623dc]
+xor ebx, ebx
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045a6f9 ; je 0x45a6f9
+push ref_0046c467 ; push 0x46c467
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetProcAddress@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623c4]
+mov edx, eax
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045a6f9 ; je 0x45a6f9
+call edx
+mov ebx, eax
+test ebx, ebx
+setne al
+and eax, 0xff
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+xor ebx, ebx
+cmp byte [edx], 0
+je short loc_0045a719 ; je 0x45a719
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_0045a711 ; jmp 0x45a711
+lea esi, [edx + 9]
+mov cl, byte [eax]
+mov byte [edx], cl
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_0045a736 ; je 0x45a736
+cmp cl, 0x30
+jne short loc_0045a731 ; jne 0x45a731
+cmp byte [eax + 1], 0x78
+jne short loc_0045a731 ; jne 0x45a731
+mov ebx, esi
+inc esi
+inc edx
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_0045a71c ; jmp 0x45a71c
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0045a755 ; je 0x45a755
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045a755 ; je 0x45a755
+mov edx, eax
+and edx, 0xf
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_00489494] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x489494]
+shr eax, 4
+mov byte [ebx], dl
+dec ebx
+jmp short loc_0045a73e ; jmp 0x45a73e
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x104
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x118]
+mov ebx, dword [esi]
+mov esi, dword [esi + 4]
+call fcn_0045a6cf ; call 0x45a6cf
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045a781 ; jne 0x45a781
+call fcn_0045ca9a ; call 0x45ca9a
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_0045a788 ; jne 0x45a788
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_0045a961 ; jmp 0x45a961
+xor ah, ah
+mov byte [esp], ah
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+cmp eax, 0xc0000090
+jb short loc_0045a7e3 ; jb 0x45a7e3
+jbe near loc_0045a87e ; jbe 0x45a87e
+cmp eax, 0xc0000093
+jb short loc_0045a7d6 ; jb 0x45a7d6
+jbe near loc_0045a870 ; jbe 0x45a870
+cmp eax, 0xc0000096
+jb short loc_0045a7c6 ; jb 0x45a7c6
+jbe near loc_0045a8d1 ; jbe 0x45a8d1
+cmp eax, 0xc00000fd
+je near loc_0045a8f2 ; je 0x45a8f2
+jmp near loc_0045a8fd ; jmp 0x45a8fd
+cmp eax, 0xc0000094
+je near loc_0045a8e7 ; je 0x45a8e7
+jmp near loc_0045a8fd ; jmp 0x45a8fd
+cmp eax, 0xc0000091
+jbe near loc_0045a862 ; jbe 0x45a862
+jmp short loc_0045a816 ; jmp 0x45a816
+cmp eax, 0xc000008d
+jb short loc_0045a7f5 ; jb 0x45a7f5
+jbe short loc_0045a838 ; jbe 0x45a838
+cmp eax, 0xc000008e
+jbe short loc_0045a846 ; jbe 0x45a846
+jmp short loc_0045a854 ; jmp 0x45a854
+cmp eax, 0xc0000005
+jb near loc_0045a8fd ; jb 0x45a8fd
+jbe near loc_0045a88c ; jbe 0x45a88c
+cmp eax, 0xc000001d
+je near loc_0045a8dc ; je 0x45a8dc
+jmp near loc_0045a8fd ; jmp 0x45a8fd
+test byte [esi + 0x21], 2
+je short loc_0045a82a ; je 0x45a82a
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+push eax
+push ref_0046c477 ; push 0x46c477
+jmp near loc_0045a91b ; jmp 0x45a91b
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+push ebp
+push ref_0046c4c8 ; push 0x46c4c8
+jmp near loc_0045a91b ; jmp 0x45a91b
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+push ebp
+push ref_0046c51a ; push 0x46c51a
+jmp near loc_0045a91b ; jmp 0x45a91b
+mov edi, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+push edi
+push ref_0046c56d ; push 0x46c56d
+jmp near loc_0045a91b ; jmp 0x45a91b
+mov esi, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+push esi
+push ref_0046c5c0 ; push 0x46c5c0
+jmp near loc_0045a91b ; jmp 0x45a91b
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+push edx
+push ref_0046c611 ; push 0x46c611
+jmp near loc_0045a91b ; jmp 0x45a91b
+mov edi, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+push edi
+push ref_0046c65d ; push 0x46c65d
+jmp near loc_0045a91b ; jmp 0x45a91b
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+push ecx
+push ref_0046c6aa ; push 0x46c6aa
+jmp near loc_0045a91b ; jmp 0x45a91b
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+push edx
+push ref_0046c6ff ; push 0x46c6ff
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045a705 ; call 0x45a705
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x18]
+push ecx
+push ref_0046c730 ; push 0x46c730
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045a705 ; call 0x45a705
+mov esi, dword [ebx + 0x14]
+add esp, 0xc
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_0045a8c8 ; jne 0x45a8c8
+push esi
+mov eax, ref_0046c758 ; mov eax, 0x46c758
+push eax
+jmp short loc_0045a91b ; jmp 0x45a91b
+push 0
+mov eax, ref_0046c75f ; mov eax, 0x46c75f
+jmp short loc_0045a8c5 ; jmp 0x45a8c5
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+push ecx
+push ref_0046c769 ; push 0x46c769
+jmp short loc_0045a91b ; jmp 0x45a91b
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+push eax
+push ref_0046c7a7 ; push 0x46c7a7
+jmp short loc_0045a91b ; jmp 0x45a91b
+mov esi, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+push esi
+push ref_0046c7e3 ; push 0x46c7e3
+jmp short loc_0045a91b ; jmp 0x45a91b
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+push edx
+push ref_0046c825 ; push 0x46c825
+jmp short loc_0045a91b ; jmp 0x45a91b
+mov edi, dword [ebx]
+push edi
+push ref_0046c85e ; push 0x46c85e
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045a705 ; call 0x45a705
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+push ebp
+push ref_0046c88f ; push 0x46c88f
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045a705 ; call 0x45a705
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x104]
+push eax
+lea edi, [esp + 8]
+push es
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+sub ecx, ecx
+dec ecx
+xor eax, eax
+repne scasb ; repne scasb al, byte es:[edi]
+not ecx
+dec ecx
+pop es
+push ecx
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00489474] ; mov eax, dword [0x489474]
+mov edx, dword [eax + 8]
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__WriteFile@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462440]
+mov eax, 1
+add esp, 0x104
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+ret 4
+db 0x90
+ref_0045a96f: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_0045a9d5
+dd loc_0045a9df
+dd loc_0045a9e9
+dd loc_0045aa07
+dd loc_0045a9f3
+dd loc_0045a9bb
+dd loc_0045a9fd
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 8
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x20]
+test byte [esi + 4], 6
+jne near loc_0045ab4c ; jne 0x45ab4c
+mov eax, dword [esi]
+add eax, 0x3fffff73
+cmp eax, 6
+ja near loc_0045aad9 ; ja 0x45aad9
+jmp dword [cs:eax*4 + ref_0045a96f] ; ujmp: jmp dword cs:[eax*4 + 0x45a96f]
+test byte [edi + 0x21], 2
+je short loc_0045a9cb ; je 0x45a9cb
+mov ebx, 0x8a
+jmp near loc_0045aa9a ; jmp 0x45aa9a
+mov ebx, 0x8b
+jmp near loc_0045aa9a ; jmp 0x45aa9a
+mov ebx, 0x82
+jmp near loc_0045aa9a ; jmp 0x45aa9a
+mov ebx, 0x83
+jmp near loc_0045aa9a ; jmp 0x45aa9a
+mov ebx, 0x86
+jmp near loc_0045aa9a ; jmp 0x45aa9a
+mov ebx, 0x84
+jmp near loc_0045aa9a ; jmp 0x45aa9a
+mov ebx, 0x85
+jmp near loc_0045aa9a ; jmp 0x45aa9a
+mov eax, dword [edi + 0x28]
+mov dx, word [eax]
+mov ebx, 0x81
+cmp dx, 0xfad9
+jne short loc_0045aa23 ; jne 0x45aa23
+mov ebx, 0x88
+jmp near loc_0045aa9a ; jmp 0x45aa9a
+cmp dx, 0xf1d9
+jne short loc_0045aa34 ; jne 0x45aa34
+mov ebx, 0x8e
+jmp near loc_0045aa9a ; jmp 0x45aa9a
+jne short loc_0045aa3d ; jne 0x45aa3d
+mov ebx, 0x8f
+jmp short loc_0045aa9a ; jmp 0x45aa9a
+mov dh, byte [eax]
+cmp dh, 0xdb
+je short loc_0045aa49 ; je 0x45aa49
+cmp dh, 0xdf
+jne short loc_0045aa59 ; jne 0x45aa59
+mov cl, byte [eax + 1]
+and cl, 0x30
+cmp cl, 0x10
+jne short loc_0045aa59 ; jne 0x45aa59
+mov ebx, 0x8d
+test byte [eax], 1
+jne short loc_0045aa95 ; jne 0x45aa95
+mov al, byte [eax + 1]
+and al, 0x30
+cmp al, 0x30
+jne short loc_0045aa95 ; jne 0x45aa95
+mov ecx, dword [edi + 0x20]
+and ecx, 0xffff
+mov eax, dword [edi + 0x24]
+shl ecx, 2
+and eax, 0xffff
+shr cx, 0xd
+and ecx, 0xffff
+add ecx, ecx
+shr eax, cl
+and eax, 1
+cmp eax, 1
+je near loc_0045a9df ; je 0x45a9df
+cmp ebx, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0045aad9 ; je 0x45aad9
+mov byte [ref_00499950], 1 ; mov byte [0x499950], 1
+call fcn_0045caa5 ; call 0x45caa5
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045cc59 ; call 0x45cc59
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_0045ab2d ; je 0x45ab2d
+cmp byte [ref_00499950], 0 ; cmp byte [0x499950], 0
+je near loc_0045ab2d ; je 0x45ab2d
+mov bx, word [edi + 0x20]
+xor bl, bl
+and bh, 0x7f
+xor eax, eax
+mov word [edi + 0x20], bx
+jmp near loc_0045ab51 ; jmp 0x45ab51
+cmp dword [ref_00489490], 0 ; cmp dword [0x489490], 0
+je short loc_0045ab2d ; je 0x45ab2d
+mov ebx, 1
+mov ecx, dword [esi]
+push ecx
+push ebx
+call dword [ref_0048948c] ; ucall: call dword [0x48948c]
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045ab27 ; je 0x45ab27
+cmp eax, 1
+je short loc_0045ab2d ; je 0x45ab2d
+cmp eax, 2
+je short loc_0045ab2d ; je 0x45ab2d
+cmp eax, 3
+je short loc_0045ab2d ; je 0x45ab2d
+mov dl, 1
+push ebx
+mov byte [ref_00499950], dl ; mov byte [0x499950], dl
+call dword [ref_00489490] ; ucall: call dword [0x489490]
+mov dh, byte [ref_00499950] ; mov dh, byte [0x499950]
+add esp, 4
+test dh, dh
+je short loc_0045ab27 ; je 0x45ab27
+xor eax, eax
+jmp short loc_0045ab51 ; jmp 0x45ab51
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jle short loc_0045aae7 ; jle 0x45aae7
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+mov dword [esp + 4], esi
+mov dword [esp + 8], edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__UnhandledExceptionFilter@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462424]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045ab4c ; je 0x45ab4c
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call dword [cs:__imp__ExitProcess@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462364]
+mov eax, 1
+add esp, 8
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+call dword [ref_00488f4c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f4c]
+mov dword [eax + 0x54], ebx
+xor eax, eax
+mov eax, dword [fs:eax]
+mov ebx, eax
+call dword [ref_00488f4c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f4c]
+mov eax, dword [eax + 0x54]
+mov dword [eax], ebx
+call dword [ref_00488f4c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f4c]
+mov eax, dword [eax + 0x54]
+mov dword [eax + 4], fcn_0045a98b ; mov dword [eax + 4], 0x45a98b
+call dword [ref_00488f4c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f4c]
+mov eax, dword [eax + 0x54]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [fs:edx], eax
+push fcn_0045a758 ; push 0x45a758
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetUnhandledExceptionFilter@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462410]
+pop ebx
+call dword [ref_00488f4c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f4c]
+mov eax, dword [eax + 0x54]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045abb8 ; je 0x45abb8
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [fs:edx], eax
+call dword [ref_00488f4c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f4c]
+mov dword [eax + 0x54], 0
+push es
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+cmp dword [eax], 0
+je short loc_0045abd4 ; je 0x45abd4
+push ds
+pop es
+call dword [eax] ; ucall
+pop es
+push ebx
+push esi
+push es
+sub esp, 4
+mov esi, ref_00489900 ; mov esi, 0x489900
+mov byte [esp], al
+mov eax, ref_004898ca ; mov eax, 0x4898ca
+mov dl, byte [esp]
+mov ebx, esi
+cmp eax, ref_00489900 ; cmp eax, 0x489900
+jae short loc_0045ac0a ; jae 0x45ac0a
+cmp byte [eax], 2
+je short loc_0045ac05 ; je 0x45ac05
+mov cl, byte [eax + 1]
+cmp dl, cl
+jb short loc_0045ac05 ; jb 0x45ac05
+mov ebx, eax
+mov dl, cl
+add eax, 6
+jmp short loc_0045abee ; jmp 0x45abee
+cmp ebx, ref_00489900 ; cmp ebx, 0x489900
+je short loc_0045ac23 ; je 0x45ac23
+lea eax, [ebx + 2]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045abc6 ; call 0x45abc6
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ebx], 2
+jmp short loc_0045abe4 ; jmp 0x45abe4
+add esp, 4
+pop es
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push es
+sub esp, 8
+mov esi, ref_00489912 ; mov esi, 0x489912
+mov byte [esp + 4], al
+mov byte [esp], dl
+mov eax, ref_00489900 ; mov eax, 0x489900
+mov dl, byte [esp + 4]
+mov ebx, esi
+cmp eax, ref_00489912 ; cmp eax, 0x489912
+jae short loc_0045ac63 ; jae 0x45ac63
+cmp byte [eax], 2
+je short loc_0045ac5e ; je 0x45ac5e
+mov cl, byte [eax + 1]
+cmp dl, cl
+ja short loc_0045ac5e ; ja 0x45ac5e
+mov ebx, eax
+mov dl, cl
+add eax, 6
+jmp short loc_0045ac47 ; jmp 0x45ac47
+cmp ebx, ref_00489912 ; cmp ebx, 0x489912
+je short loc_0045ac84 ; je 0x45ac84
+mov al, byte [ebx + 1]
+cmp al, byte [esp]
+ja short loc_0045ac7f ; ja 0x45ac7f
+lea eax, [ebx + 2]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045abc6 ; call 0x45abc6
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ebx], 2
+jmp short loc_0045ac3c ; jmp 0x45ac3c
+add esp, 8
+pop es
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x53
+db 0xff
+db 0x15
+dd ref_00488f68
+db 0x8b
+db 0x44
+dd 0x1d8b0824
+dd ref_004894a8
+db 0xa3
+dd ref_004894a8
+db 0xff
+db 0x15
+dd ref_00488f70
+db 0x89
+db 0xd8
+db 0x5b
+db 0xc3
+push ebx
+push esi
+call dword [ref_00488f68] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f68]
+mov eax, dword [ref_00488f00] ; mov eax, dword [0x488f00]
+jmp near loc_0045ad6a ; jmp 0x45ad6a
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push 0x8000
+push 0
+push esi
+mov ebx, dword [esi + 8]
+call dword [cs:__imp__VirtualFree@12] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46242c]
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045ace1 ; jne 0x45ace1
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+cmp esi, dword [ref_00488f04] ; cmp esi, dword [0x488f04]
+jne short loc_0045ad05 ; jne 0x45ad05
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0045acf5 ; je 0x45acf5
+mov dword [ref_00488f04], ebx ; mov dword [0x488f04], ebx
+jmp short loc_0045ad05 ; jmp 0x45ad05
+mov eax, dword [ref_00488f00] ; mov eax, dword [0x488f00]
+mov dword [ref_00488f08], ebx ; mov dword [0x488f08], ebx
+mov dword [ref_00488f04], eax ; mov dword [0x488f04], eax
+mov ecx, dword [ref_004991bc] ; mov ecx, dword [0x4991bc]
+cmp esi, ecx
+jne short loc_0045ad17 ; jne 0x45ad17
+xor esi, ecx
+mov dword [ref_004991bc], esi ; mov dword [0x4991bc], esi
+xor eax, eax
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov esi, dword [eax + 4]
+mov ebx, dword [eax + 8]
+call fcn_0045acbd ; call 0x45acbd
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045ad4b ; jne 0x45ad4b
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_0045ad41 ; jne 0x45ad41
+mov dword [ref_00488f00], ebx ; mov dword [0x488f00], ebx
+jmp short loc_0045ad44 ; jmp 0x45ad44
+mov dword [esi + 8], ebx
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0045ad4b ; je 0x45ad4b
+mov dword [ebx + 4], esi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov ecx, dword [eax]
+mov edx, dword [eax + 0x24]
+sub ecx, 0x2c
+mov esi, dword [edx]
+mov ebx, dword [eax + 8]
+cmp ecx, esi
+jne short loc_0045ad68 ; jne 0x45ad68
+push eax
+call fcn_0045ad1c ; call 0x45ad1c
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045ad4e ; jne 0x45ad4e
+call dword [ref_00488f70] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f70]
+xor eax, eax
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x53
+db 0xff
+db 0x15
+dd ref_00488f78
+dd 0x0824448b
+db 0x8b
+db 0x1d
+dd ref_004894b0
+db 0x01
+db 0xd8
+db 0xa3
+dd ref_004894b0
+db 0xe8
+db 0xf2
+db 0x1a
+dd 0x15ff0000
+dd ref_00488f7c
+dd 0xc35bd889
+push ebx
+call dword [ref_00488f4c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f4c]
+mov ebx, eax
+mov eax, esp
+sub eax, dword [ebx]
+pop ebx
+db 0x00
+db 0x87
+db 0x44
+db 0x24
+dd 0x0007e804
+dd 0x448b0000
+dd 0x04c20424
+db 0x00
+push eax
+cmp eax, esp
+jae short loc_0045ade0 ; jae 0x45ade0
+sub eax, esp
+neg eax
+push esi
+push eax
+call dword [ref_00488f4c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f4c]
+mov esi, eax
+pop eax
+cmp eax, dword [esi]
+pop esi
+jbe short loc_0045ade0 ; jbe 0x45ade0
+call fcn_0045aded ; call 0x45aded
+pop eax
+push 1
+push ref_004894b4 ; push 0x4894b4
+call fcn_0045c690 ; call 0x45c690
+push eax
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov ebx, 0xfffffffc
+mov dword [esp + ebx], ebx
+sub ebx, 0x1000
+sub eax, 0x1000
+jg short loc_0045adf8 ; jg 0x45adf8
+pop ebx
+pop eax
+ret 4
+db 0x50
+db 0xe8
+db 0xda
+dd 0x50ffffff
+dd 0x0824448d
+dd 0x9424042b
+dd 0xff04408b
+db 0xe0
+call dword [ref_004894c8] ; ucall: call dword [0x4894c8]
+cmp byte [ref_004991c0], 0 ; cmp byte [0x4991c0], 0
+jne short loc_0045ae41 ; jne 0x45ae41
+mov edx, 0xff
+mov eax, 0x10
+call fcn_0045ac2a ; call 0x45ac2a
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045ae4f ; call 0x45ae4f
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+call dword [ref_004894c8] ; ucall: call dword [0x4894c8]
+call dword [ref_004894cc] ; ucall: call dword [0x4894cc]
+cmp dword [ref_004891ec], 0 ; cmp dword [0x4891ec], 0
+je short loc_0045ae6b ; je 0x45ae6b
+call dword [ref_004891ec] ; ucall: call dword [0x4891ec]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+push ebx
+jmp near loc_004588b0 ; jmp 0x4588b0
+db 0x00
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push es
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x74
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x94]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x98]
+mov ecx, 0x64
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x90]
+xor ah, ah
+xor edx, edx
+mov byte [esp + 0x70], ah
+mov word [esp + 0x1e], dx
+mov word [esp + 0x1c], cx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x8c]
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [esp], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], edx
+jmp short loc_0045af29 ; jmp 0x45af29
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+mov dword [esp + 0x60], eax
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x64]
+push eax
+push esi
+call fcn_0045b1af ; call 0x45b1af
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebp, eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x60]
+mov dword [ebx], eax
+mov al, byte [ebp]
+mov byte [esp + 0x15], al
+inc ebp
+test al, al
+je near loc_0045b1a2 ; je 0x45b1a2
+cmp al, 0x6e
+jne near loc_0045afd4 ; jne 0x45afd4
+mov dl, byte [esp + 0x1e]
+test dl, 0x20
+je short loc_0045af5b ; je 0x45af5b
+test dl, 0x80
+je short loc_0045af14 ; je 0x45af14
+mov ecx, dword [ebx]
+add ecx, 8
+mov dword [ebx], ecx
+les esi, [ecx - 8]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov dword [es:esi], eax
+jmp short loc_0045af29 ; jmp 0x45af29
+test dl, 0x40
+je short loc_0045af4f ; je 0x45af4f
+mov edx, dword [ebx]
+add edx, 4
+mov dword [ebx], edx
+mov esi, dword [edx - 4]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov dword [esi], eax
+mov dl, byte [ebp]
+test dl, dl
+je near loc_0045b1a2 ; je 0x45b1a2
+lea esi, [ebp + 1]
+cmp dl, 0x25
+je short loc_0045aebc ; je 0x45aebc
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, dl
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+mov ebp, esi
+call edi
+add esp, 8
+jmp short loc_0045af29 ; jmp 0x45af29
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+add eax, 4
+mov dword [ebx], eax
+mov esi, dword [eax - 4]
+jmp short loc_0045af23 ; jmp 0x45af23
+test dl, 0x10
+je short loc_0045af9d ; je 0x45af9d
+test dl, 0x80
+je short loc_0045af79 ; je 0x45af79
+mov esi, dword [ebx]
+add esi, 8
+mov dword [ebx], esi
+les esi, [esi - 8]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov word [es:esi], ax
+jmp short loc_0045af29 ; jmp 0x45af29
+test dl, 0x40
+je short loc_0045af91 ; je 0x45af91
+mov ecx, dword [ebx]
+add ecx, 4
+mov dword [ebx], ecx
+mov esi, dword [ecx - 4]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov word [esi], ax
+jmp short loc_0045af29 ; jmp 0x45af29
+mov edx, dword [ebx]
+add edx, 4
+mov dword [ebx], edx
+mov esi, dword [edx - 4]
+jmp short loc_0045af88 ; jmp 0x45af88
+test dl, 0x80
+je short loc_0045afb1 ; je 0x45afb1
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+add eax, 8
+mov dword [ebx], eax
+les esi, [eax - 8]
+jmp near loc_0045af0b ; jmp 0x45af0b
+test dl, 0x40
+je short loc_0045afc5 ; je 0x45afc5
+mov esi, dword [ebx]
+add esi, 4
+mov dword [ebx], esi
+mov esi, dword [esi - 4]
+jmp near loc_0045af23 ; jmp 0x45af23
+mov ecx, dword [ebx]
+add ecx, 4
+mov dword [ebx], ecx
+mov esi, dword [ecx - 4]
+jmp near loc_0045af23 ; jmp 0x45af23
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+mov dword [esp + 0x64], eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x70]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x6c]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x44]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045b61e ; call 0x45b61e
+add esp, 0x10
+mov esi, eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x64]
+mov dword [ebx], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x6c], edx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x20]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x28]
+add eax, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+add eax, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x34]
+add eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+add eax, ecx
+sub edx, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0x1e]
+mov dword [esp + 4], edx
+test al, 8
+jne short loc_0045b056 ; jne 0x45b056
+cmp byte [esp + 0x16], 0x20
+jne short loc_0045b056 ; jne 0x45b056
+cmp dword [esp + 4], 0
+jle short loc_0045b056 ; jle 0x45b056
+push 0x20
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call edi
+add esp, 8
+dec dword [esp + 4]
+jmp short loc_0045b03d ; jmp 0x45b03d
+lea eax, [esp + 0x38]
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], eax
+cmp dword [esp + 0x20], 0
+jle short loc_0045b08c ; jle 0x45b08c
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x68]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edx]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call edi
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x68]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+inc eax
+dec edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x68], eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x20], edx
+jmp short loc_0045b05e ; jmp 0x45b05e
+cmp dword [esp + 0x24], 0
+jle short loc_0045b0a5 ; jle 0x45b0a5
+push 0x30
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call edi
+add esp, 8
+dec dword [esp + 0x24]
+jmp short loc_0045b08c ; jmp 0x45b08c
+mov cl, byte [esp + 0x15]
+cmp cl, 0x73
+jne short loc_0045b0f5 ; jne 0x45b0f5
+test byte [esp + 0x1e], 0x20
+je short loc_0045b0ce ; je 0x45b0ce
+push edi
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esp + 0x74]
+push eax
+push esi
+call fcn_0045b5b2 ; call 0x45b5b2
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp short loc_0045b121 ; jmp 0x45b121
+mov es, word [esp + 0x6c]
+cmp dword [esp + 0x28], 0
+jle short loc_0045b121 ; jle 0x45b121
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [es:esi]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call edi
+add esp, 8
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x28]
+dec edx
+inc esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], edx
+jmp short loc_0045b0d2 ; jmp 0x45b0d2
+cmp cl, 0x53
+je short loc_0045b0b5 ; je 0x45b0b5
+mov es, word [esp + 0x6c]
+cmp dword [esp + 0x28], 0
+jle short loc_0045b121 ; jle 0x45b121
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [es:esi]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call edi
+add esp, 8
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x28]
+dec ecx
+inc esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], ecx
+jmp short loc_0045b0fe ; jmp 0x45b0fe
+cmp dword [esp + 0x2c], 0
+jle short loc_0045b13a ; jle 0x45b13a
+push 0x30
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call edi
+add esp, 8
+dec dword [esp + 0x2c]
+jmp short loc_0045b121 ; jmp 0x45b121
+mov es, word [esp + 0x6c]
+cmp dword [esp + 0x30], 0
+jle short loc_0045b161 ; jle 0x45b161
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [es:esi]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call edi
+add esp, 8
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+dec ecx
+inc esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x30], ecx
+jmp short loc_0045b13e ; jmp 0x45b13e
+cmp dword [esp + 0x34], 0
+jle short loc_0045b17a ; jle 0x45b17a
+push 0x30
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call edi
+add esp, 8
+dec dword [esp + 0x34]
+jmp short loc_0045b161 ; jmp 0x45b161
+test byte [esp + 0x1e], 8
+je near loc_0045af29 ; je 0x45af29
+cmp dword [esp + 4], 0
+jle near loc_0045af29 ; jle 0x45af29
+push 0x20
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call edi
+add esp, 8
+dec dword [esp + 4]
+jmp short loc_0045b185 ; jmp 0x45b185
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+add esp, 0x74
+pop ebp
+pop es
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebx
+push eax
+mov byte [ebx + 0x16], 0x20
+call fcn_0045b30b ; call 0x45b30b
+mov dword [ebx + 4], 0
+mov cl, byte [eax]
+add esp, 8
+cmp cl, 0x2a
+jne short loc_0045b1fe ; jne 0x45b1fe
+mov edx, dword [esi]
+add edx, 4
+mov dword [esi], edx
+mov edx, dword [edx - 4]
+mov dword [ebx + 4], edx
+test edx, edx
+jge short loc_0045b1fb ; jge 0x45b1fb
+mov edi, edx
+mov ch, byte [ebx + 0x1e]
+neg edi
+or ch, 8
+mov dword [ebx + 4], edi
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1e], ch
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_0045b21d ; jmp 0x45b21d
+mov dl, byte [eax]
+cmp dl, 0x30
+jb short loc_0045b21d ; jb 0x45b21d
+cmp dl, 0x39
+ja short loc_0045b21d ; ja 0x45b21d
+imul ecx, dword [ebx + 4], 0xa
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax]
+sub edx, 0x30
+add ecx, edx
+inc eax
+mov dword [ebx + 4], ecx
+jmp short loc_0045b1fe ; jmp 0x45b1fe
+mov dword [ebx + 8], 0xffffffff
+cmp byte [eax], 0x2e
+jne short loc_0045b27a ; jne 0x45b27a
+inc eax
+mov dword [ebx + 8], 0
+cmp byte [eax], 0x2a
+jne short loc_0045b251 ; jne 0x45b251
+mov edx, dword [esi]
+add edx, 4
+mov dword [esi], edx
+mov edx, dword [edx - 4]
+mov dword [ebx + 8], edx
+test edx, edx
+jge short loc_0045b24e ; jge 0x45b24e
+mov dword [ebx + 8], 0xffffffff
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_0045b270 ; jmp 0x45b270
+mov dl, byte [eax]
+cmp dl, 0x30
+jb short loc_0045b270 ; jb 0x45b270
+cmp dl, 0x39
+ja short loc_0045b270 ; ja 0x45b270
+imul ecx, dword [ebx + 8], 0xa
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax]
+sub edx, 0x30
+add ecx, edx
+inc eax
+mov dword [ebx + 8], ecx
+jmp short loc_0045b251 ; jmp 0x45b251
+cmp dword [ebx + 8], 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0045b27a ; je 0x45b27a
+mov byte [ebx + 0x16], 0x20
+mov dl, byte [eax]
+lea ecx, [eax + 1]
+cmp dl, 0x4e
+jb short loc_0045b2a3 ; jb 0x45b2a3
+jbe near loc_0045b301 ; jbe 0x45b301
+cmp dl, 0x6c
+jb short loc_0045b29a ; jb 0x45b29a
+jbe short loc_0045b2bc ; jbe 0x45b2bc
+cmp dl, 0x77
+je short loc_0045b2bc ; je 0x45b2bc
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+cmp dl, 0x68
+je short loc_0045b2ca ; je 0x45b2ca
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+cmp dl, 0x49
+jb short loc_0045b2b3 ; jb 0x45b2b3
+jbe short loc_0045b2d0 ; jbe 0x45b2d0
+cmp dl, 0x4c
+je short loc_0045b2ec ; je 0x45b2ec
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+cmp dl, 0x46
+je short loc_0045b2fb ; je 0x45b2fb
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov cl, byte [ebx + 0x1e]
+or cl, 0x20
+inc eax
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1e], cl
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+or byte [ebx + 0x1e], 0x10
+jmp short loc_0045b305 ; jmp 0x45b305
+cmp byte [eax + 1], 0x36
+jne short loc_0045b307 ; jne 0x45b307
+cmp byte [eax + 2], 0x34
+jne short loc_0045b307 ; jne 0x45b307
+mov ch, byte [ebx + 0x1f]
+or ch, 1
+add eax, 3
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1f], ch
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x1f]
+or dl, 1
+mov eax, ecx
+mov byte [ebx + 0x1f], dl
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+or byte [ebx + 0x1e], 0x80
+jmp short loc_0045b305 ; jmp 0x45b305
+or byte [ebx + 0x1e], 0x40
+mov eax, ecx
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov word [eax + 0x1e], 0
+mov bl, byte [edx]
+cmp bl, 0x2d
+jne short loc_0045b327 ; jne 0x45b327
+or byte [eax + 0x1e], 8
+jmp short loc_0045b369 ; jmp 0x45b369
+cmp bl, 0x23
+jne short loc_0045b332 ; jne 0x45b332
+or byte [eax + 0x1e], 1
+jmp short loc_0045b369 ; jmp 0x45b369
+cmp bl, 0x2b
+jne short loc_0045b34a ; jne 0x45b34a
+mov ch, byte [eax + 0x1e]
+or ch, 4
+mov bl, ch
+mov byte [eax + 0x1e], ch
+and bl, 0xfd
+mov byte [eax + 0x1e], bl
+jmp short loc_0045b369 ; jmp 0x45b369
+cmp bl, 0x20
+jne short loc_0045b361 ; jne 0x45b361
+mov bh, byte [eax + 0x1e]
+test bh, 4
+jne short loc_0045b369 ; jne 0x45b369
+mov cl, bh
+or cl, 2
+mov byte [eax + 0x1e], cl
+jmp short loc_0045b369 ; jmp 0x45b369
+cmp bl, 0x30
+jne short loc_0045b36c ; jne 0x45b36c
+mov byte [eax + 0x16], bl
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_0045b31a ; jmp 0x45b31a
+mov eax, edx
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push es
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov es, word [esp + 0x14]
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, ebx
+mov cl, byte [es:edx]
+inc ebx
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_0045b392 ; je 0x45b392
+cmp eax, esi
+je short loc_0045b392 ; je 0x45b392
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_0045b381 ; jmp 0x45b381
+pop es
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push es
+sub esp, 4
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x20]
+les ebx, [esp + 0x18]
+xor esi, esi
+cmp edi, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_0045b3d8 ; jne 0x45b3d8
+mov cx, word [es:ebx]
+test cx, cx
+je short loc_0045b3d4 ; je 0x45b3d4
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, cx
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+add ebx, 2
+call fcn_0045ce30 ; call 0x45ce30
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0045b3ac ; je 0x45b3ac
+add esi, eax
+jmp short loc_0045b3ac ; jmp 0x45b3ac
+mov eax, esi
+jmp short loc_0045b40a ; jmp 0x45b40a
+mov dx, word [es:ebx]
+test dx, dx
+je short loc_0045b404 ; je 0x45b404
+cmp esi, edi
+jg short loc_0045b404 ; jg 0x45b404
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, dx
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+add ebx, 2
+call fcn_0045ce30 ; call 0x45ce30
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0045b3d8 ; je 0x45b3d8
+add esi, eax
+jmp short loc_0045b3d8 ; jmp 0x45b3d8
+cmp esi, edi
+jle short loc_0045b3d4 ; jle 0x45b3d4
+mov eax, edi
+add esp, 4
+pop es
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push 0x10
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+push edx
+call fcn_00457d61 ; call 0x457d61
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edi, ebp
+push es
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+sub ecx, ecx
+dec ecx
+xor eax, eax
+repne scasb ; repne scasb al, byte es:[edi]
+not ecx
+dec ecx
+pop es
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov esi, ebp
+dec eax
+lea edx, [ecx + ebp]
+lea ebx, [eax + ebp]
+jmp short loc_0045b452 ; jmp 0x45b452
+dec edx
+mov cl, byte [edx]
+dec eax
+mov byte [ebx], cl
+dec ebx
+cmp edx, esi
+jne short loc_0045b44b ; jne 0x45b44b
+lea edx, [eax + ebp]
+test eax, eax
+jl short loc_0045b464 ; jl 0x45b464
+dec eax
+mov byte [edx], 0x30
+dec edx
+jmp short loc_0045b459 ; jmp 0x45b459
+add ebp, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov byte [ebp], 0
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov dword [esp], eax
+test eax, eax
+jge short loc_0045b495 ; jge 0x45b495
+mov edx, eax
+mov byte [ebx], 0x2d
+neg edx
+inc ebx
+mov dword [esp], edx
+cmp dword [esi + 8], 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_0045b4a2 ; jne 0x45b4a2
+mov dword [esi + 8], 4
+push 0xa
+xor eax, eax
+push ebx
+mov ax, word [esp + 0xa]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d61 ; call 0x457d61
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ecx, ebx
+mov ah, byte [ebx]
+lea edx, [ebx + 1]
+test ah, ah
+je short loc_0045b4c4 ; je 0x45b4c4
+mov ebx, edx
+jmp short loc_0045b4b7 ; jmp 0x45b4b7
+cmp dword [esi + 8], 0
+je short loc_0045b4f6 ; je 0x45b4f6
+mov byte [ebx], 0x2e
+xor eax, eax
+mov ebx, edx
+jmp short loc_0045b4ee ; jmp 0x45b4ee
+xor edx, edx
+mov word [esp + 2], dx
+mov edi, dword [esp]
+imul edx, edi, 0xa
+mov dword [esp], edx
+mov dl, byte [esp + 2]
+add dl, 0x30
+inc eax
+mov byte [ebx], dl
+inc ebx
+cmp eax, dword [esi + 8]
+jl short loc_0045b4d3 ; jl 0x45b4d3
+mov byte [ebx], 0
+test byte [esp + 1], 0x80
+je short loc_0045b54d ; je 0x45b54d
+cmp ebx, ecx
+jne short loc_0045b533 ; jne 0x45b533
+lea ebx, [ecx + 1]
+mov byte [ecx], 0x31
+mov dl, byte [ebx]
+lea eax, [ebx + 1]
+cmp dl, 0x30
+jne short loc_0045b515 ; jne 0x45b515
+mov ebx, eax
+jmp short loc_0045b507 ; jmp 0x45b507
+cmp dl, 0x2e
+jne short loc_0045b52a ; jne 0x45b52a
+mov byte [ebx], 0x30
+lea ebx, [eax + 1]
+mov byte [eax], dl
+cmp byte [ebx], 0x30
+jne short loc_0045b52a ; jne 0x45b52a
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0045b522 ; jmp 0x45b522
+mov byte [ebx], 0x30
+inc ebx
+mov byte [ebx], 0
+jmp short loc_0045b54d ; jmp 0x45b54d
+dec ebx
+cmp byte [ebx], 0x2e
+jne short loc_0045b53a ; jne 0x45b53a
+dec ebx
+mov al, byte [ebx]
+cmp al, 0x39
+je short loc_0045b548 ; je 0x45b548
+mov ah, al
+inc ah
+mov byte [ebx], ah
+jmp short loc_0045b54d ; jmp 0x45b54d
+mov byte [ebx], 0x30
+jmp short loc_0045b4fd ; jmp 0x45b4fd
+add esp, 4
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push edx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push ecx
+call dword [ref_004895a8] ; ucall: call dword [0x4895a8]
+add esp, 0xc
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+test byte [eax + 0x1e], 8
+jne short loc_0045b5ad ; jne 0x45b5ad
+cmp byte [eax + 0x16], 0x30
+jne short loc_0045b5ad ; jne 0x45b5ad
+mov edx, dword [eax + 4]
+mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x20]
+mov ecx, dword [eax + 0x24]
+sub edx, ebx
+mov esi, dword [eax + 0x28]
+sub edx, ecx
+mov edi, dword [eax + 0x2c]
+sub edx, esi
+mov ebp, dword [eax + 0x30]
+sub edx, edi
+mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x34]
+sub edx, ebp
+sub edx, ebx
+test edx, edx
+jle short loc_0045b5ad ; jle 0x45b5ad
+add ecx, edx
+mov dword [eax + 0x24], ecx
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push es
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov es, word [esp + 0x20]
+cmp dword [ebx + 0x28], 0
+jle short loc_0045b616 ; jle 0x45b616
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [es:ebp]
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+add ebp, 2
+call fcn_0045ce30 ; call 0x45ce30
+add esp, 8
+mov edi, eax
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0045b5c6 ; je 0x45b5c6
+cmp eax, dword [ebx + 0x28]
+jg short loc_0045b60f ; jg 0x45b60f
+mov esi, esp
+dec edi
+cmp edi, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0045b5c6 ; je 0x45b5c6
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [esp + 0x30] ; ucall
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x28]
+inc esi
+dec eax
+add esp, 8
+mov dword [ebx + 0x28], eax
+jmp short loc_0045b5f2 ; jmp 0x45b5f2
+mov dword [ebx + 0x28], 0
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0045b1a9 ; jmp 0x45b1a9
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push es
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+mov dword [ebx + 0x20], 0
+mov dword [ebx + 0x24], 0
+mov dword [ebx + 0x28], 0
+mov dword [ebx + 0x2c], 0
+mov word [esp + 0xc], ds
+mov dword [ebx + 0x30], 0
+mov edi, esi
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x15]
+mov dword [ebx + 0x34], 0
+cmp al, 0x69
+jb short loc_0045b682 ; jb 0x45b682
+jbe near loc_0045b6ef ; jbe 0x45b6ef
+cmp al, 0x75
+jb short loc_0045b67e ; jb 0x45b67e
+jbe short loc_0045b695 ; jbe 0x45b695
+cmp al, 0x78
+je short loc_0045b695 ; je 0x45b695
+jmp near loc_0045b7b8 ; jmp 0x45b7b8
+cmp al, 0x6f
+jmp short loc_0045b677 ; jmp 0x45b677
+cmp al, 0x58
+jb near loc_0045b7b8 ; jb 0x45b7b8
+jbe short loc_0045b695 ; jbe 0x45b695
+cmp al, 0x64
+je short loc_0045b6ef ; je 0x45b6ef
+jmp near loc_0045b7b8 ; jmp 0x45b7b8
+test byte [ebx + 0x1f], 1
+je short loc_0045b6bb ; je 0x45b6bb
+mov ebp, dword [edx]
+add ebp, 4
+mov dword [edx], ebp
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 4]
+mov dword [esp], eax
+mov eax, dword [edx]
+add eax, 4
+mov dword [edx], eax
+mov eax, dword [eax - 4]
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+jmp near loc_0045b7b8 ; jmp 0x45b7b8
+test byte [ebx + 0x1e], 0x20
+je short loc_0045b6d0 ; je 0x45b6d0
+mov ecx, dword [edx]
+add ecx, 4
+mov dword [edx], ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ecx - 4]
+jmp near loc_0045b7b8 ; jmp 0x45b7b8
+mov eax, dword [edx]
+add eax, 4
+mov dword [edx], eax
+mov ecx, dword [eax - 4]
+test byte [ebx + 0x1e], 0x10
+je near loc_0045b7b8 ; je 0x45b7b8
+and ecx, 0xffff
+jmp near loc_0045b7b8 ; jmp 0x45b7b8
+test byte [ebx + 0x1f], 1
+je short loc_0045b712 ; je 0x45b712
+mov eax, dword [edx]
+add eax, 4
+mov dword [edx], eax
+mov eax, dword [eax - 4]
+mov dword [esp], eax
+mov ebp, dword [edx]
+add ebp, 4
+mov dword [edx], ebp
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 4]
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+jmp short loc_0045b738 ; jmp 0x45b738
+test byte [ebx + 0x1e], 0x20
+je short loc_0045b724 ; je 0x45b724
+mov ebp, dword [edx]
+add ebp, 4
+mov dword [edx], ebp
+mov ecx, dword [ebp - 4]
+jmp short loc_0045b738 ; jmp 0x45b738
+mov ecx, dword [edx]
+add ecx, 4
+mov dword [edx], ecx
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x1e]
+mov ecx, dword [ecx - 4]
+test al, 0x10
+je short loc_0045b738 ; je 0x45b738
+movsx ecx, cx
+xor eax, eax
+test byte [ebx + 0x1f], 1
+je short loc_0045b749 ; je 0x45b749
+test byte [esp + 7], 0x80
+je short loc_0045b74d ; je 0x45b74d
+jmp short loc_0045b751 ; jmp 0x45b751
+test ecx, ecx
+jl short loc_0045b751 ; jl 0x45b751
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045b78f ; je 0x45b78f
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x20]
+lea ebp, [eax + 1]
+mov dword [ebx + 0x20], ebp
+mov byte [esi + eax], 0x2d
+test byte [ebx + 0x1f], 1
+je short loc_0045b78b ; je 0x45b78b
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 4]
+not eax
+not ebp
+mov dword [esp], eax
+mov dword [esp + 4], ebp
+inc eax
+mov dword [esp], eax
+jne short loc_0045b784 ; jne 0x45b784
+lea eax, [ebp + 1]
+jmp near loc_0045b6b2 ; jmp 0x45b6b2
+mov eax, ebp
+jmp near loc_0045b6b2 ; jmp 0x45b6b2
+neg ecx
+jmp short loc_0045b7b8 ; jmp 0x45b7b8
+mov ah, byte [ebx + 0x1e]
+test ah, 4
+je short loc_0045b7a6 ; je 0x45b7a6
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x20]
+lea ebp, [eax + 1]
+mov dword [ebx + 0x20], ebp
+mov byte [esi + eax], 0x2b
+jmp short loc_0045b7b8 ; jmp 0x45b7b8
+test ah, 2
+je short loc_0045b7b8 ; je 0x45b7b8
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x20]
+lea ebp, [eax + 1]
+mov dword [ebx + 0x20], ebp
+mov byte [esi + eax], 0x20
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x15]
+mov ebp, 0xa
+cmp al, 0x64
+jb short loc_0045b825 ; jb 0x45b825
+jbe near loc_0045b9ed ; jbe 0x45b9ed
+cmp al, 0x6f
+jb short loc_0045b806 ; jb 0x45b806
+jbe near loc_0045b9cd ; jbe 0x45b9cd
+cmp al, 0x73
+jb short loc_0045b7f9 ; jb 0x45b7f9
+jbe near loc_0045b8c3 ; jbe 0x45b8c3
+cmp al, 0x75
+jb near loc_0045bbe0 ; jb 0x45bbe0
+jbe near loc_0045b9ed ; jbe 0x45b9ed
+cmp al, 0x78
+je near loc_0045b98d ; je 0x45b98d
+jmp near loc_0045bbe0 ; jmp 0x45bbe0
+cmp al, 0x70
+je near loc_0045baaf ; je 0x45baaf
+jmp near loc_0045bbe0 ; jmp 0x45bbe0
+cmp al, 0x66
+jb near loc_0045b8a3 ; jb 0x45b8a3
+jbe short loc_0045b86d ; jbe 0x45b86d
+cmp al, 0x67
+jbe near loc_0045b8a3 ; jbe 0x45b8a3
+cmp al, 0x69
+je near loc_0045b9ed ; je 0x45b9ed
+jmp near loc_0045bbe0 ; jmp 0x45bbe0
+cmp al, 0x47
+jb short loc_0045b858 ; jb 0x45b858
+jbe near loc_0045b8a3 ; jbe 0x45b8a3
+cmp al, 0x53
+jb short loc_0045b854 ; jb 0x45b854
+jbe near loc_0045b8c3 ; jbe 0x45b8c3
+cmp al, 0x58
+jb near loc_0045bbe0 ; jb 0x45bbe0
+jbe near loc_0045b98d ; jbe 0x45b98d
+cmp al, 0x63
+je near loc_0045bb3d ; je 0x45bb3d
+jmp near loc_0045bbe0 ; jmp 0x45bbe0
+cmp al, 0x50
+jmp short loc_0045b7fb ; jmp 0x45b7fb
+cmp al, 0x45
+jb short loc_0045b860 ; jb 0x45b860
+jbe short loc_0045b8a3 ; jbe 0x45b8a3
+jmp short loc_0045b86d ; jmp 0x45b86d
+cmp al, 0x43
+je near loc_0045bbb2 ; je 0x45bbb2
+jmp near loc_0045bbe0 ; jmp 0x45bbe0
+test byte [ebx + 0x1e], 0x10
+je short loc_0045b8a3 ; je 0x45b8a3
+mov ebp, dword [edx]
+add ebp, 4
+mov dword [edx], ebp
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [ebp - 4]
+push ecx
+push esi
+call fcn_0045b471 ; call 0x45b471
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, ds
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push esi
+call fcn_0045b370 ; call 0x45b370
+add esp, 0xc
+mov dword [ebx + 0x28], eax
+jmp near loc_0045bbf3 ; jmp 0x45bbf3
+push ebx
+push edx
+push esi
+call fcn_0045b554 ; call 0x45b554
+add esp, 0xc
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045b56f ; call 0x45b56f
+add esp, 4
+lea edi, [esi + 1]
+mov word [esp + 0xc], ds
+jmp near loc_0045bbf3 ; jmp 0x45bbf3
+mov byte [esi], 0
+mov ch, byte [ebx + 0x1e]
+test ch, 0x80
+je short loc_0045b8eb ; je 0x45b8eb
+mov esi, dword [edx]
+add esi, 8
+mov dword [edx], esi
+mov eax, dword [esi - 8]
+mov dx, word [esi - 4]
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045b8e5 ; jne 0x45b8e5
+test dx, dx
+je short loc_0045b918 ; je 0x45b918
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], edx
+jmp short loc_0045b916 ; jmp 0x45b916
+test ch, 0x40
+je short loc_0045b904 ; je 0x45b904
+mov ecx, dword [edx]
+add ecx, 4
+mov dword [edx], ecx
+mov eax, dword [ecx - 4]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045b918 ; je 0x45b918
+mov word [esp + 0xc], ds
+jmp short loc_0045b916 ; jmp 0x45b916
+mov eax, dword [edx]
+add eax, 4
+mov dword [edx], eax
+mov eax, dword [eax - 4]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045b918 ; je 0x45b918
+mov word [esp + 0xc], ds
+mov edi, eax
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x15], 0x53
+jne short loc_0045b94c ; jne 0x45b94c
+test byte [ebx + 0x1e], 0x10
+je short loc_0045b938 ; je 0x45b938
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 8]
+xor eax, eax
+push ecx
+mov ax, word [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_0045b370 ; call 0x45b370
+jmp short loc_0045b96c ; jmp 0x45b96c
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 8]
+xor eax, eax
+push edx
+mov ax, word [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_0045b396 ; call 0x45b396
+jmp short loc_0045b96c ; jmp 0x45b96c
+test byte [ebx + 0x1e], 0x20
+je short loc_0045b95a ; je 0x45b95a
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+push eax
+xor eax, eax
+jmp short loc_0045b93e ; jmp 0x45b93e
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + 8]
+xor eax, eax
+push ebp
+mov ax, word [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_0045b370 ; call 0x45b370
+add esp, 0xc
+mov esi, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov dword [ebx + 0x28], eax
+test esi, esi
+jl near loc_0045bbf3 ; jl 0x45bbf3
+cmp eax, esi
+jle near loc_0045bbf3 ; jle 0x45bbf3
+mov dword [ebx + 0x28], esi
+jmp near loc_0045bbf3 ; jmp 0x45bbf3
+test byte [ebx + 0x1e], 1
+je short loc_0045b9c8 ; je 0x45b9c8
+test byte [ebx + 0x1f], 1
+je short loc_0045b9a8 ; je 0x45b9a8
+cmp dword [esp], 0
+jne short loc_0045b9ac ; jne 0x45b9ac
+cmp dword [esp + 4], 0
+je short loc_0045b9c8 ; je 0x45b9c8
+jmp short loc_0045b9ac ; jmp 0x45b9ac
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_0045b9c8 ; je 0x45b9c8
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x20]
+lea edx, [eax + 1]
+mov dword [ebx + 0x20], edx
+mov byte [esi + eax], 0x30
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x20]
+lea edx, [eax + 1]
+mov dword [ebx + 0x20], edx
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x15]
+mov byte [esi + eax], dl
+mov ebp, 0x10
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x15], 0x6f
+jne short loc_0045b9ed ; jne 0x45b9ed
+mov ah, byte [ebx + 0x1e]
+mov ebp, 8
+test ah, 1
+je short loc_0045b9ed ; je 0x45b9ed
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x20]
+lea edx, [eax + 1]
+mov dword [ebx + 0x20], edx
+mov byte [esi + eax], 0x30
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x20]
+mov word [esp + 0xc], ds
+add eax, esi
+mov dl, byte [ebx + 0x1f]
+mov edi, eax
+test dl, 1
+je short loc_0045ba46 ; je 0x45ba46
+cmp dword [ebx + 8], 0
+jne short loc_0045ba1f ; jne 0x45ba1f
+cmp dword [esp], 0
+jne short loc_0045ba1f ; jne 0x45ba1f
+cmp dword [esp + 4], 0
+jne short loc_0045ba1f ; jne 0x45ba1f
+mov es, word [esp + 0xc]
+mov byte [es:eax], 0
+xor eax, eax
+jmp short loc_0045ba84 ; jmp 0x45ba84
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x20]
+push ebp
+add eax, esi
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045ce67 ; call 0x45ce67
+mov cl, byte [ebx + 0x15]
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp cl, 0x58
+jne short loc_0045ba71 ; jne 0x45ba71
+push esi
+call fcn_0045bc01 ; call 0x45bc01
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0045ba71 ; jmp 0x45ba71
+cmp dword [ebx + 8], 0
+jne short loc_0045ba50 ; jne 0x45ba50
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_0045ba13 ; je 0x45ba13
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x20]
+push ebp
+add eax, esi
+push eax
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045cf75 ; call 0x45cf75
+mov dh, byte [ebx + 0x15]
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp dh, 0x58
+jne short loc_0045ba71 ; jne 0x45ba71
+push esi
+call fcn_0045bc01 ; call 0x45bc01
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+mov ax, word [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_0045b370 ; call 0x45b370
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edx, eax
+mov esi, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov dword [ebx + 0x28], eax
+cmp eax, esi
+jge short loc_0045ba97 ; jge 0x45ba97
+mov eax, esi
+sub eax, edx
+mov dword [ebx + 0x24], eax
+cmp dword [ebx + 8], 0xffffffff
+jne near loc_0045bbf3 ; jne 0x45bbf3
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045b56f ; call 0x45b56f
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_0045bbf3 ; jmp 0x45bbf3
+cmp dword [ebx + 4], 0
+jne short loc_0045bacb ; jne 0x45bacb
+test byte [ebx + 0x1e], 0x80
+je short loc_0045bac4 ; je 0x45bac4
+mov dword [ebx + 4], 0xd
+jmp short loc_0045bacb ; jmp 0x45bacb
+mov dword [ebx + 4], 8
+and byte [ebx + 0x1e], 0xf9
+mov ecx, dword [edx]
+add ecx, 4
+mov dword [edx], ecx
+mov eax, ecx
+mov ebp, dword [ecx - 4]
+test byte [ebx + 0x1e], 0x80
+je short loc_0045bb07 ; je 0x45bb07
+add eax, 4
+mov dword [edx], eax
+push 4
+mov eax, dword [eax - 4]
+push esi
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+call fcn_0045b412 ; call 0x45b412
+add esp, 0xc
+push 8
+lea eax, [esi + 5]
+push eax
+push ebp
+mov byte [esi + 4], 0x3a
+jmp short loc_0045bb0b ; jmp 0x45bb0b
+push 8
+push esi
+push ebp
+call fcn_0045b412 ; call 0x45b412
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp byte [ebx + 0x15], 0x50
+jne short loc_0045bb22 ; jne 0x45bb22
+push esi
+call fcn_0045bc01 ; call 0x45bc01
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+mov ax, word [esp + 0x10]
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_0045b370 ; call 0x45b370
+add esp, 0xc
+mov dword [ebx + 0x20], eax
+jmp near loc_0045bbf3 ; jmp 0x45bbf3
+mov ah, byte [ebx + 0x1e]
+mov dword [ebx + 0x20], 1
+test ah, 0x20
+je short loc_0045bba4 ; je 0x45bba4
+mov ecx, dword [edx]
+add ecx, 4
+mov dword [edx], ecx
+mov ax, word [ecx - 4]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045ce30 ; call 0x45ce30
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_0045bbf3 ; je 0x45bbf3
+mov al, byte [esp + 8]
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00499958] ; mov ebp, dword [0x499958]
+mov byte [esi], al
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_0045bbf3 ; je 0x45bbf3
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 8]
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_0049995d] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x49995d]
+and al, 1
+and eax, 0xff
+je short loc_0045bbf3 ; je 0x45bbf3
+mov al, byte [esp + 9]
+mov byte [esi + 1], al
+inc dword [ebx + 0x20]
+jmp short loc_0045bbf3 ; jmp 0x45bbf3
+mov ebx, dword [edx]
+add ebx, 4
+mov dword [edx], ebx
+mov al, byte [ebx - 4]
+mov byte [esi], al
+jmp short loc_0045bbf3 ; jmp 0x45bbf3
+mov eax, dword [edx]
+add eax, 4
+mov dword [edx], eax
+mov ax, word [eax - 4]
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+push esi
+call fcn_0045ce30 ; call 0x45ce30
+add esp, 8
+mov edx, eax
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne near loc_0045bb35 ; jne 0x45bb35
+mov dword [ebx + 0x20], 0
+jmp short loc_0045bbf3 ; jmp 0x45bbf3
+mov dword [ebx + 4], 0
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x15]
+mov byte [esi], al
+mov dword [ebx + 0x20], 1
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov eax, edi
+add esp, 0x10
+jmp near loc_0045b1a9 ; jmp 0x45b1a9
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+cmp byte [ebx], 0
+je near loc_0045b5b0 ; je 0x45b5b0
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045d016 ; call 0x45d016
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ebx], al
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0045bc06 ; jmp 0x45bc06
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov ah, byte [ref_00488fdd] ; mov ah, byte [0x488fdd]
+and ah, 0xf8
+mov dl, ah
+mov byte [ref_00488fdd], ah ; mov byte [0x488fdd], ah
+or dl, 4
+mov ebx, ref_00488f9c ; mov ebx, 0x488f9c
+mov byte [ref_00488fdd], dl ; mov byte [0x488fdd], dl
+jmp short loc_0045bca1 ; jmp 0x45bca1
+push 0x1d
+call fcn_00456f8e ; call 0x456f8e
+mov esi, eax
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045bc73 ; jne 0x45bc73
+push 0x1d
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, eax
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045bc73 ; jne 0x45bc73
+push 1
+push ref_0046c8b8 ; push 0x46c8b8
+call fcn_0045c690 ; call 0x45c690
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ref_004991d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4991d4]
+mov dword [esi + 4], ebx
+mov dword [esi], eax
+mov dword [ebx + 8], esi
+mov dword [esi + 8], 0
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov byte [eax + 0x14], 0
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov dword [ref_004991d4], esi ; mov dword [0x4991d4], esi
+add ebx, 0x1a
+mov dword [eax + 0xc], 0
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_0045bc44 ; jne 0x45bc44
+mov dword [ref_004991d8], edx ; mov dword [0x4991d8], edx
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push 0
+call fcn_0045bccb ; call 0x45bccb
+add esp, 4
+jmp near loc_004591a8 ; jmp 0x4591a8
+dd 0x04e8036a
+dd 0x83000000
+db 0xc4
+db 0x04
+db 0xc3
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov edi, ref_00488f9c ; mov edi, 0x488f9c
+add eax, eax
+xor ebx, ebx
+add edi, eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_004991d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4991d4]
+jmp short loc_0045bd21 ; jmp 0x45bd21
+mov esi, dword [eax]
+mov eax, dword [eax + 4]
+mov cl, byte [eax + 0xd]
+mov edx, 1
+test cl, 0x40
+jne short loc_0045bd14 ; jne 0x45bd14
+test cl, 8
+jne short loc_0045bd14 ; jne 0x45bd14
+cmp eax, edi
+jb short loc_0045bd1f ; jb 0x45bd1f
+cmp eax, ref_00488fea ; cmp eax, 0x488fea
+jae short loc_0045bd14 ; jae 0x45bd14
+xor edx, edx
+push edx
+push eax
+inc ebx
+call fcn_00457902 ; call 0x457902
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, esi
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045bcf0 ; jne 0x45bcf0
+mov eax, ebx
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x8b
+dd 0x8b082454
+dd 0xf60c2444
+dd 0x01042444
+dd 0x02c70e74
+dd 0x80000000
+dd 0x000100c7
+dd 0x0ceb0000
+dd 0x000002c7
+dd 0x00c7c000
+dd 0x00000080
+dd 0x042444f6
+dd 0x80037402
+dd 0x44f60208
+dd 0x74040424
+dd 0x04088003
+db 0xc3
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+cmp ebx, 2
+jne short loc_0045bd89 ; jne 0x45bd89
+mov dword [edx], 0xc0000000
+mov dword [eax], 0x80
+pop ebx
+cmp ebx, 1
+jne short loc_0045bd96 ; jne 0x45bd96
+mov dword [edx], 0x40000000
+jmp short loc_0045bd81 ; jmp 0x45bd81
+mov dword [edx], 0x80000000
+mov dword [eax], 1
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+and edx, 0x70
+and ebx, 7
+cmp edx, 0x20
+jb short loc_0045bdcc ; jb 0x45bdcc
+jbe short loc_0045bdf6 ; jbe 0x45bdf6
+cmp edx, 0x30
+jb short loc_0045be04 ; jb 0x45be04
+jbe short loc_0045bdee ; jbe 0x45bdee
+cmp edx, 0x40
+je short loc_0045bdfe ; je 0x45bdfe
+pop ebx
+test edx, edx
+jbe short loc_0045bdd7 ; jbe 0x45bdd7
+cmp edx, 0x10
+je short loc_0045bde6 ; je 0x45bde6
+pop ebx
+mov dword [eax], 1
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0045be04 ; jne 0x45be04
+or byte [eax], 2
+pop ebx
+mov dword [eax], 0
+pop ebx
+mov dword [eax], 2
+pop ebx
+mov dword [eax], 1
+pop ebx
+mov dword [eax], 3
+pop ebx
+db 0x8b
+db 0x54
+dd 0xd2850824
+dd 0xc0310375
+dd 0x4c8b52c3
+dd 0xe8510824
+dd 0x00000004
+dd 0xc308c483
+push ebx
+cmp dword [esp + 0xc], 0
+je short loc_0045be37 ; je 0x45be37
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045be3d ; call 0x45be3d
+add esp, 4
+pop ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00458e14 ; call 0x458e14
+add esp, 4
+cmp ebx, 0x7b
+jne short loc_0045be54 ; jne 0x45be54
+push 1
+jmp short loc_0045be80 ; jmp 0x45be80
+cmp ebx, 0xce
+jne short loc_0045be60 ; jne 0x45be60
+push 9
+jmp short loc_0045be80 ; jmp 0x45be80
+cmp ebx, 0xb7
+jne short loc_0045be6c ; jne 0x45be6c
+push 7
+jmp short loc_0045be80 ; jmp 0x45be80
+cmp ebx, 0x13
+jbe short loc_0045be76 ; jbe 0x45be76
+mov ebx, 0x13
+mov ebx, dword [ebx + ref_004894d1] ; mov ebx, dword [ebx + 0x4894d1]
+sar ebx, 0x18
+push ebx
+call fcn_00458de7 ; call 0x458de7
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+pop ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetLastError@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623ac]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045be3d ; call 0x45be3d
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+cmp ebx, dword [ref_004894e8] ; cmp ebx, dword [0x4894e8]
+jb short loc_0045beb3 ; jb 0x45beb3
+xor eax, eax
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+cmp ebx, 3
+jge short loc_0045beeb ; jge 0x45beeb
+mov esi, ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048953c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48953c]
+shl esi, 2
+add eax, esi
+mov dl, byte [eax + 1]
+test dl, 0x40
+jne short loc_0045beeb ; jne 0x45beeb
+mov dh, dl
+or dh, 0x40
+push ebx
+mov byte [eax + 1], dh
+call fcn_0045bf21 ; call 0x45bf21
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045beeb ; je 0x45beeb
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048953c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48953c]
+or byte [esi + eax + 1], 0x20
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048953c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48953c]
+mov eax, dword [eax + ebx*4]
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+shl eax, 2
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0045bf16 ; je 0x45bf16
+or bh, 0x40
+mov edx, ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ref_0048953c] ; mov ebx, dword [0x48953c]
+mov dword [ebx + eax], edx
+pop ebx
+mov edx, dword [ref_0048953c] ; mov edx, dword [0x48953c]
+mov dword [edx + eax], ebx
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+push ebx
+call dword [ref_00488f50] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f50]
+mov edx, dword [ref_004891ac] ; mov edx, dword [0x4891ac]
+add esp, 4
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_0045bf59 ; je 0x45bf59
+push ebx
+call dword [ref_004891ac] ; ucall: call dword [0x4891ac]
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045bf59 ; je 0x45bf59
+push ebx
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+mov eax, 1
+add esp, 4
+pop ebx
+mov eax, dword [ref_00489474] ; mov eax, dword [0x489474]
+mov edx, ebx
+mov eax, dword [eax + edx*4]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetFileType@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623a4]
+cmp eax, 2
+je short loc_0045bf48 ; je 0x45bf48
+push ebx
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+xor ebx, ebx
+test esi, esi
+jl short loc_0045bf92 ; jl 0x45bf92
+cmp esi, dword [ref_004894e8] ; cmp esi, dword [0x4894e8]
+jbe short loc_0045bfa4 ; jbe 0x45bfa4
+push 4
+call fcn_00458de7 ; call 0x458de7
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+add esp, 4
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push esi
+call dword [ref_00488f50] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f50]
+mov eax, dword [ref_00489474] ; mov eax, dword [0x489474]
+mov edx, esi
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [eax + edx*4]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__FlushFileBuffers@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46236c]
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045bfce ; jne 0x45bfce
+call fcn_0045be8f ; call 0x45be8f
+mov ebx, 0xffffffff
+push esi
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+call fcn_0045bfe8 ; call 0x45bfe8
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+call dword [ref_00488f60] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f60]
+mov ebx, dword [ref_004991d4] ; mov ebx, dword [0x4991d4]
+xor esi, esi
+jmp short loc_0045c01b ; jmp 0x45c01b
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 4]
+test dword [eax + 0xc], edi
+je short loc_0045c019 ; je 0x45c019
+mov dl, byte [eax + 0xd]
+inc esi
+test dl, 0x10
+je short loc_0045c019 ; je 0x45c019
+push eax
+call fcn_004591f9 ; call 0x4591f9
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ebx]
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0045bfff ; jne 0x45bfff
+call dword [ref_00488f64] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f64]
+mov eax, esi
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov esi, dword [ref_0048933c] ; mov esi, dword [0x48933c]
+call fcn_0045d137 ; call 0x45d137
+mov ebx, eax
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_0045c04c ; je 0x45c04c
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_0045c04c ; jne 0x45c04c
+push eax
+call fcn_0045d1c0 ; call 0x45d1c0
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetFileAttributesA@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46239c]
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je near fcn_0045be8f ; je 0x45be8f
+test byte [esp + 8], 2
+je short loc_0045c07c ; je 0x45c07c
+test al, 1
+je short loc_0045c07c ; je 0x45c07c
+push 5
+call fcn_0045be3d ; call 0x45be3d
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+call dword [ref_00488f4c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f4c]
+add eax, 4
+db 0xff
+db 0x15
+dd ref_00488f4c
+db 0x83
+db 0xc0
+db 0x08
+db 0xc3
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push edx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__MoveFileA@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623e0]
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045c0b0 ; jne 0x45c0b0
+call fcn_0045be8f ; call 0x45be8f
+pop ebx
+xor eax, eax
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00499944] ; mov ebx, dword [0x499944]
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0045c108 ; je 0x45c108
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_0045c108 ; je 0x45c108
+mov edi, ebp
+push es
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+sub ecx, ecx
+dec ecx
+xor eax, eax
+repne scasb ; repne scasb al, byte es:[edi]
+not ecx
+dec ecx
+pop es
+mov edi, ecx
+jmp short loc_0045c102 ; jmp 0x45c102
+push edi
+push ebp
+push esi
+call fcn_0045d226 ; call 0x45d226
+add esp, 0xc
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045c0ff ; jne 0x45c0ff
+cmp byte [edi + esi], 0x3d
+jne short loc_0045c0ff ; jne 0x45c0ff
+lea eax, [edi + 1]
+add eax, esi
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+add ebx, 4
+mov esi, dword [ebx]
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_0045c0e0 ; jne 0x45c0e0
+xor eax, eax
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x20]
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0045c14d ; jne 0x45c14d
+mov edi, 0x104
+push edi
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, eax
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045c14b ; jne 0x45c14b
+push 5
+call fcn_00458de7 ; call 0x458de7
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_0045c1a9 ; jmp 0x45c1a9
+mov ebx, eax
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_0045c156 ; je 0x45c156
+cmp byte [esi], 0
+jne short loc_0045c162 ; jne 0x45c162
+push edi
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045c1b1 ; call 0x45c1b1
+add esp, 8
+jmp short loc_0045c1a9 ; jmp 0x45c1a9
+push ref_0046c8e8 ; push 0x46c8e8
+push esi
+call fcn_00459dc7 ; call 0x459dc7
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045c18f ; jne 0x45c18f
+cmp edi, 4
+jae short loc_0045c186 ; jae 0x45c186
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push 0xe
+jmp short loc_0045c13c ; jmp 0x45c13c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046c8e8] ; mov eax, dword [0x46c8e8]
+mov dword [ebx], eax
+jmp short loc_0045c1a7 ; jmp 0x45c1a7
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebx
+push edi
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetFullPathNameA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623a8]
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045c1a7 ; jne 0x45c1a7
+call fcn_0045be8f ; call 0x45be8f
+jmp short loc_0045c144 ; jmp 0x45c144
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0x104
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x114]
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push 0x104
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetCurrentDirectoryA@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462384]
+mov esi, eax
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045c1dd ; jne 0x45c1dd
+call fcn_0045be8f ; call 0x45be8f
+jmp short loc_0045c208 ; jmp 0x45c208
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0045c20c ; jne 0x45c20c
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x118]
+inc eax
+cmp eax, ebx
+jae short loc_0045c1ef ; jae 0x45c1ef
+mov eax, ebx
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045c219 ; jne 0x45c219
+push 5
+call fcn_00458de7 ; call 0x458de7
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+jmp short loc_0045c238 ; jmp 0x45c238
+cmp eax, dword [esp + 0x118]
+jbe short loc_0045c219 ; jbe 0x45c219
+push 0xe
+jmp short loc_0045c200 ; jmp 0x45c200
+lea ecx, [esi + 1]
+mov edi, ebx
+mov esi, esp
+push es
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+push edi
+mov eax, ecx
+shr ecx, 2
+repne movsd
+mov cl, al
+and cl, 3
+repne movsb ; repne movsb byte es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
+pop edi
+pop es
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 0x104
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__DeleteFileA@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46235c]
+test eax, eax
+je near fcn_0045be8f ; je 0x45be8f
+xor eax, eax
+db 0xc3
+push ax
+fdivp st1 ; fdivp st(1)
+fld st0 ; fld st(0)
+fnstsw ax
+mov al, 2
+je short loc_0045c274 ; je 0x45c274
+mov al, 3
+fldcw word [esp]
+xchg word [esp], ax
+pop ax
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+push edx
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 8]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045c2b4 ; call 0x45c2b4
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+mov dword [ebp - 0xc], edx
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+mov dword [ebp - 8], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+mov dword [ebp - 4], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 8]
+mov edx, dword [ebp - 4]
+mov esp, ebp
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 0x30
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov eax, dword [esi]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x30], eax
+mov eax, dword [esi + 4]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x2c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ecx]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x28], eax
+mov eax, dword [ecx + 4]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x24], eax
+test dl, 0x40
+je short loc_0045c2e7 ; je 0x45c2e7
+mov ebx, 1
+jmp short loc_0045c321 ; jmp 0x45c321
+test dl, 0x80
+je short loc_0045c2f3 ; je 0x45c2f3
+mov ebx, 2
+jmp short loc_0045c321 ; jmp 0x45c321
+test dh, 1
+je short loc_0045c2ff ; je 0x45c2ff
+mov ebx, 3
+jmp short loc_0045c321 ; jmp 0x45c321
+test dh, 8
+je short loc_0045c30b ; je 0x45c30b
+mov ebx, 4
+jmp short loc_0045c321 ; jmp 0x45c321
+test dh, 2
+je short loc_0045c317 ; je 0x45c317
+mov ebx, 6
+jmp short loc_0045c321 ; jmp 0x45c321
+test dh, 4
+je short loc_0045c321 ; je 0x45c321
+mov ebx, 5
+mov eax, edx
+and eax, 0x1f
+mov eax, dword [eax*4 + ref_00489548] ; mov eax, dword [eax*4 + 0x489548]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x38], ebx
+mov dword [ebp - 0x34], eax
+test dh, 0x10
+je short loc_0045c345 ; je 0x45c345
+fld qword [ref_0046cad0] ; fld qword [0x46cad0]
+fstp qword [ebp - 0x20]
+jmp short loc_0045c387 ; jmp 0x45c387
+test dh, 0x20
+je short loc_0045c354 ; je 0x45c354
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ebp - 0x20], ecx
+mov dword [ebp - 0x1c], ecx
+jmp short loc_0045c387 ; jmp 0x45c387
+test dh, 0x40
+je short loc_0045c368 ; je 0x45c368
+xor edx, edx
+mov ebx, 0x3ff00000
+mov dword [ebp - 0x20], edx
+mov dword [ebp - 0x1c], ebx
+jmp short loc_0045c387 ; jmp 0x45c387
+test dh, 0x80
+je short loc_0045c37c ; je 0x45c37c
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cad0] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cad0]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x20], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cad4] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cad4]
+jmp short loc_0045c384 ; jmp 0x45c384
+mov eax, dword [ecx]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x20], eax
+mov eax, dword [ecx + 4]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x1c], eax
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x38]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045d30e ; call 0x45d30e
+mov dword [ebp - 0x18], eax
+mov dword [ebp - 0x14], edx
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x18]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x14]
+mov dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+mov edx, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+lea esp, [ebp - 8]
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0x40
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx + 0x15]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x40], eax
+and al, 0x5f
+mov esi, dword [ebx + 8]
+and eax, 0xff
+cmp eax, 0x47
+jne short loc_0045c3fe ; jne 0x45c3fe
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_0045c3e4 ; jne 0x45c3e4
+mov esi, 1
+mov dword [ebp - 0x44], 4
+mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0x40]
+mov eax, 1
+sub ecx, 2
+mov dword [ebp - 0x48], eax
+mov dword [ebp - 0x40], ecx
+jmp short loc_0045c41d ; jmp 0x45c41d
+cmp eax, 0x45
+jne short loc_0045c410 ; jne 0x45c410
+mov ecx, 1
+mov dword [ebp - 0x44], ecx
+mov dword [ebp - 0x48], ecx
+jmp short loc_0045c41d ; jmp 0x45c41d
+mov ecx, 2
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [ebp - 0x44], ecx
+mov dword [ebp - 0x48], eax
+test byte [ebx + 0x1e], 1
+je short loc_0045c427 ; je 0x45c427
+or byte [ebp - 0x44], 0x10
+mov eax, dword [edx]
+add eax, 8
+mov dword [edx], eax
+mov edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [eax - 8]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x14], eax
+mov eax, dword [edx - 4]
+lea edx, [ebp - 0x20]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x14]
+fld qword [eax]
+fstp tword [edx] ; fstp xword [edx]
+cmp esi, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_0045c450 ; jne 0x45c450
+mov esi, 6
+lea eax, [edi + 1]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x4c]
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x20]
+xor edx, edx
+push eax
+mov dword [ebp - 0x4c], esi
+mov dword [ebp - 0x3c], edx
+call fcn_0045d4b6 ; call 0x45d4b6
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x30]
+mov dword [ebx + 0x28], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x2c]
+mov dword [ebx + 0x2c], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x28]
+mov dword [ebx + 0x30], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x24]
+mov dword [ebx + 0x34], eax
+mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0x38]
+add esp, 0xc
+test ecx, ecx
+jge short loc_0045c49a ; jge 0x45c49a
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x20]
+lea edx, [eax + 1]
+mov dword [ebx + 0x20], edx
+mov byte [edi + eax], 0x2d
+jmp short loc_0045c4c3 ; jmp 0x45c4c3
+mov ch, byte [ebx + 0x1e]
+test ch, 4
+je short loc_0045c4b1 ; je 0x45c4b1
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x20]
+lea edx, [eax + 1]
+mov dword [ebx + 0x20], edx
+mov byte [edi + eax], 0x2b
+jmp short loc_0045c4c3 ; jmp 0x45c4c3
+test ch, 2
+je short loc_0045c4c3 ; je 0x45c4c3
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x20]
+lea edx, [eax + 1]
+mov dword [ebx + 0x20], edx
+mov byte [edi + eax], 0x20
+mov edx, ds
+mov eax, edi
+lea esp, [ebp - 0xc]
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+sub esp, 8
+push 0
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 8]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045e029 ; call 0x45e029
+mov dword [ebp - 8], eax
+mov dword [ebp - 4], edx
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov edx, dword [ebp - 8]
+mov dword [eax], edx
+mov edx, dword [ebp - 4]
+mov dword [eax + 4], edx
+mov esp, ebp
+pop ebp
+push 1
+push ref_0046c958 ; push 0x46c958
+call fcn_0045c690 ; call 0x45c690
+add esp, 8
+push ebx
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov dword [esp + 8], 0xc0000000
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], 0x4150017e
+mov dword [esp], 0x80000000
+mov dword [esp + 4], 0x4147ffff
+cmp byte [ref_00488f35], 3 ; cmp byte [0x488f35], 3
+jb short loc_0045c580 ; jb 0x45c580
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov ebx, dword [esp]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 4]
+call fcn_0045e0b6 ; call 0x45e0b6
+mov ebx, dword [esp]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 4]
+call fcn_0045e479 ; call 0x45e479
+mov ebx, eax
+mov ecx, edx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+call fcn_0045e2bc ; call 0x45e2bc
+mov ebx, 0xe2308c3a
+mov ecx, 0x3e45798e
+call fcn_0045e616 ; call 0x45e616
+jle short loc_0045c580 ; jle 0x45c580
+or byte [ref_0048936c], 1 ; or byte [0x48936c], 1
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push edx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045c59a ; call 0x45c59a
+add esp, 8
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0045c5b8 ; jne 0x45c5b8
+push edi
+call fcn_00456f8e ; call 0x456f8e
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+test edi, edi
+jne short loc_0045c5cc ; jne 0x45c5cc
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e1f ; call 0x456e1f
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045e64e ; call 0x45e64e
+add esp, 4
+push edi
+push ebx
+mov esi, eax
+call fcn_0045e829 ; call 0x45e829
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, eax
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045c627 ; jne 0x45c627
+push edi
+call fcn_00456f8e ; call 0x456f8e
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, eax
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045c61d ; je 0x45c61d
+mov ecx, esi
+mov edi, eax
+mov esi, ebx
+push es
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+push edi
+mov eax, ecx
+shr ecx, 2
+repne movsd
+mov cl, al
+and cl, 3
+repne movsb ; repne movsb byte es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
+pop edi
+pop es
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e1f ; call 0x456e1f
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0045c627 ; jmp 0x45c627
+push esi
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045e829 ; call 0x45e829
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, ebp
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+imul ebx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045c651 ; je 0x45c651
+push ebx
+push 0
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+sub esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+xor ebx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0045c660 ; jmp 0x45c660
+inc ebx
+mov edx, eax
+mov cl, byte [edx]
+inc eax
+test cl, cl
+jne short loc_0045c65f ; jne 0x45c65f
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov eax, dword [ref_00489474] ; mov eax, dword [0x489474]
+push edx
+mov ebx, dword [eax + 8]
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__WriteFile@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462440]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push ecx
+jmp near loc_004588b0 ; jmp 0x4588b0
+push ebx
+mov eax, ds
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045e873 ; call 0x45e873
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045c6bc ; jne 0x45c6bc
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045c653 ; call 0x45c653
+add esp, 8
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+xor ebx, ebx
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045a2cb ; call 0x45a2cb
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045c6de ; je 0x45c6de
+mov edx, dword [ref_00488f48] ; mov edx, dword [0x488f48]
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__TlsGetValue@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46241c]
+mov ebx, eax
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0045c6f1 ; jne 0x45c6f1
+push 1
+push ref_0046c97c ; push 0x46c97c
+call fcn_0045c690 ; call 0x45c690
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+call dword [ref_00488f78] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f78]
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetCurrentThreadId@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46238c]
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00499954] ; mov ebx, dword [0x499954]
+mov ebp, eax
+jmp short loc_0045c717 ; jmp 0x45c717
+cmp ebp, dword [ebx + 4]
+je short loc_0045c71b ; je 0x45c71b
+mov ebx, dword [ebx]
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0045c710 ; jne 0x45c710
+cmp dword [ebx + 0xc], 0
+je short loc_0045c74b ; je 0x45c74b
+mov edi, dword [ref_004894b0] ; mov edi, dword [0x4894b0]
+push edi
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + 8]
+push ebp
+call fcn_0045c585 ; call 0x45c585
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, eax
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045c799 ; jne 0x45c799
+push 1
+push ref_0046c9a1 ; push 0x46c9a1
+call fcn_0045c690 ; call 0x45c690
+add esp, 8
+jmp short loc_0045c799 ; jmp 0x45c799
+mov esi, dword [ref_004894b0] ; mov esi, dword [0x4894b0]
+push esi
+push 1
+call fcn_0045c62e ; call 0x45c62e
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, eax
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045c771 ; jne 0x45c771
+push 1
+push ref_0046c9c9 ; push 0x46c9c9
+call fcn_0045c690 ; call 0x45c690
+add esp, 8
+mov esi, dword [ebx + 8]
+mov edi, ebp
+mov ecx, dword [esi + 0xf0]
+push es
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+push edi
+mov eax, ecx
+shr ecx, 2
+repne movsd
+mov cl, al
+and cl, 3
+repne movsb ; repne movsb byte es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
+pop edi
+pop es
+mov dword [ebx + 0xc], 1
+mov dword [ebx + 8], ebp
+mov eax, dword [ref_004894b0] ; mov eax, dword [0x4894b0]
+push ebp
+mov dword [ebp + 0xf0], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00488f48] ; mov eax, dword [0x488f48]
+mov byte [ebp + 0x52], 1
+push eax
+mov byte [ebp + 0x53], 0
+call dword [cs:__imp__TlsSetValue@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462420]
+call dword [ref_00488f7c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f7c]
+mov eax, ebp
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+call dword [ref_00488f78] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f78]
+push 0x10
+mov esi, 1
+push esi
+call fcn_0045c62e ; call 0x45c62e
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045c828 ; je 0x45c828
+push edi
+call fcn_0045e8ca ; call 0x45e8ca
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045c807 ; je 0x45c807
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+xor esi, esi
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0045c82a ; jmp 0x45c82a
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov dword [ebx + 8], edi
+mov dword [ebx + 4], eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edi + 0x52]
+mov dword [ebx + 0xc], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00499954] ; mov eax, dword [0x499954]
+mov dword [ref_00499954], ebx ; mov dword [0x499954], ebx
+mov dword [ebx], eax
+jmp short loc_0045c82a ; jmp 0x45c82a
+xor esi, esi
+call dword [ref_00488f7c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f7c]
+mov eax, esi
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+call dword [ref_00488f78] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f78]
+mov esi, ref_00499954 ; mov esi, 0x499954
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00499954] ; mov ebx, dword [0x499954]
+jmp short loc_0045c87a ; jmp 0x45c87a
+cmp edi, dword [ebx + 4]
+jne short loc_0045c876 ; jne 0x45c876
+cmp dword [ebx + 0xc], 0
+je short loc_0045c867 ; je 0x45c867
+mov edi, dword [ebx + 8]
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, dword [ebx]
+push ebx
+mov dword [esi], edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0045c87e ; jmp 0x45c87e
+mov esi, ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ebx]
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0045c850 ; jne 0x45c850
+call dword [ref_00488f7c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f7c]
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+call dword [ref_00488f78] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f78]
+mov eax, dword [ref_00499954] ; mov eax, dword [0x499954]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045c8a2 ; je 0x45c8a2
+mov edx, dword [eax + 8]
+mov byte [edx + 0x53], 1
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+jmp short loc_0045c893 ; jmp 0x45c893
+call dword [ref_00488f7c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f7c]
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00499954] ; mov ebx, dword [0x499954]
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0045c885 ; je 0x45c885
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+mov esi, dword [ebx]
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_0045c8ca ; je 0x45c8ca
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 8]
+push ecx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, esi
+jmp short loc_0045c8b1 ; jmp 0x45c8b1
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0045c8ff ; je 0x45c8ff
+push 0
+push ebx
+mov dword [ebx + 0xc], 1
+call fcn_0045a666 ; call 0x45a666
+add esp, 8
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetCurrentThreadId@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46238c]
+mov dword [ebx + 0xda], eax
+pop ebx
+jmp near loc_0045c8a9 ; jmp 0x45c8a9
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+cmp dword [ref_00499944], 0 ; cmp dword [0x499944], 0
+jne near loc_0045c9d9 ; jne 0x45c9d9
+mov ebp, dword [ref_0048934d] ; mov ebp, dword [0x48934d]
+xor esi, esi
+xor dl, dl
+mov eax, ebp
+cmp dl, byte [eax]
+je short loc_0045c947 ; je 0x45c947
+mov cl, byte [eax]
+lea ebx, [eax + 1]
+cmp dl, cl
+je short loc_0045c942 ; je 0x45c942
+mov eax, ebx
+jmp short loc_0045c935 ; jmp 0x45c935
+inc esi
+mov eax, ebx
+jmp short loc_0045c931 ; jmp 0x45c931
+sub eax, ebp
+jne short loc_0045c950 ; jne 0x45c950
+mov eax, 1
+push eax
+call fcn_0045c906 ; call 0x45c906
+mov edi, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0045c9d4 ; je 0x45c9d4
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, 4
+add esi, eax
+push esi
+call fcn_0045c906 ; call 0x45c906
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045c9cb ; je 0x45c9cb
+mov dword [ref_00499944], eax ; mov dword [0x499944], eax
+xor esi, esi
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov eax, ebp
+cmp byte [eax], 0
+je short loc_0045c9a5 ; je 0x45c9a5
+mov edx, dword [ref_00499944] ; mov edx, dword [0x499944]
+mov dword [ecx + edx], ebx
+mov dl, byte [eax]
+inc eax
+mov byte [ebx], dl
+inc ebx
+test dl, dl
+jne short loc_0045c995 ; jne 0x45c995
+add ecx, 4
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0045c987 ; jmp 0x45c987
+mov edx, dword [ref_00499944] ; mov edx, dword [0x499944]
+push esi
+mov dword [ecx + edx], 0
+add ecx, 4
+push 0
+add edx, ecx
+push edx
+mov dword [ref_00499940], edx ; mov dword [0x499940], edx
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp short loc_0045c9d4 ; jmp 0x45c9d4
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_0045e924 ; call 0x45e924
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+cmp word [eax], 0
+je short loc_0045c9ee ; je 0x45c9ee
+inc eax
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_0045c9e4 ; jmp 0x45c9e4
+sub eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+sar eax, 1
+pop ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+cmp word [eax], 1
+jne short loc_0045ca1b ; jne 0x45ca1b
+cmp dword [eax + 4], 0
+je short loc_0045ca1b ; je 0x45ca1b
+mov ax, word [eax + 0xa]
+cmp ax, 0x10
+jb short loc_0045ca15 ; jb 0x45ca15
+cmp ax, 0x12
+jbe short loc_0045ca1b ; jbe 0x45ca1b
+mov eax, 1
+xor eax, eax
+push 0
+call dword [ref_00488f50] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f50]
+mov edx, dword [ref_004895b0] ; mov edx, dword [0x4895b0]
+add esp, 4
+cmp edx, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_0045ca57 ; jne 0x45ca57
+push 0
+push 0x80
+push 3
+push 0
+push 1
+push 0x80000000
+push ref_0046c9f4 ; push 0x46c9f4
+call dword [cs:__imp__CreateFileA@28] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462350]
+mov dword [ref_004895b0], eax ; mov dword [0x4895b0], eax
+cmp dword [ref_004895b4], 0xffffffff ; cmp dword [0x4895b4], 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_0045ca83 ; jne 0x45ca83
+push 0
+push 0x80
+push 3
+push 0
+push 2
+push 0x40000000
+push ref_0046c9fb ; push 0x46c9fb
+call dword [cs:__imp__CreateFileA@28] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462350]
+mov dword [ref_004895b4], eax ; mov dword [0x4895b4], eax
+push 0
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_0045ca1e ; call 0x45ca1e
+mov eax, dword [ref_004895b0] ; mov eax, dword [0x4895b0]
+call fcn_0045ca1e ; call 0x45ca1e
+mov eax, dword [ref_004895b4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4895b4]
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+cmp ebx, 7
+je short loc_0045cab8 ; je 0x45cab8
+cmp ebx, 4
+jne short loc_0045cad1 ; jne 0x45cad1
+mov eax, ebx
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov ebx, dword [ebx*8 + ref_004895b8] ; mov ebx, dword [ebx*8 + 0x4895b8]
+mov dword [eax*8 + ref_004895b8], esi ; mov dword [eax*8 + 0x4895b8], esi
+mov eax, ebx
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov esi, ebx
+shl esi, 3
+call dword [ref_00488f4c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f4c]
+mov ebx, dword [esi + eax + 0x58]
+call dword [ref_00488f4c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f4c]
+add esi, eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov dword [esi + 0x58], eax
+mov eax, ebx
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+cmp ebx, 7
+je short loc_0045cb03 ; je 0x45cb03
+cmp ebx, 4
+jne short loc_0045cb0c ; jne 0x45cb0c
+mov eax, dword [ebx*8 + ref_004895b8] ; mov eax, dword [ebx*8 + 0x4895b8]
+pop ebx
+call dword [ref_00488f4c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f4c]
+mov eax, dword [eax + ebx*8 + 0x58]
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+cmp ebx, 7
+je short loc_0045cb27 ; je 0x45cb27
+cmp ebx, 4
+jne short loc_0045cb30 ; jne 0x45cb30
+mov eax, dword [ebx*8 + ref_004895bc] ; mov eax, dword [ebx*8 + 0x4895bc]
+pop ebx
+call dword [ref_00488f4c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f4c]
+mov eax, dword [eax + ebx*8 + 0x5c]
+pop ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045cb18 ; call 0x45cb18
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, dword [esp + 8]
+jne short loc_0045cb5d ; jne 0x45cb5d
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 4]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045caf4 ; call 0x45caf4
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+test eax, eax
+jbe short loc_0045cb70 ; jbe 0x45cb70
+cmp eax, 1
+je short loc_0045cb8c ; je 0x45cb8c
+jmp short loc_0045cba0 ; jmp 0x45cba0
+push 4
+call fcn_0045caf4 ; call 0x45caf4
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045cbb5 ; je 0x45cbb5
+push 4
+call fcn_0045cd2a ; call 0x45cd2a
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0045cba6 ; jmp 0x45cba6
+push 7
+call fcn_0045caf4 ; call 0x45caf4
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045cbb5 ; je 0x45cbb5
+push 7
+jmp short loc_0045cb82 ; jmp 0x45cb82
+xor eax, eax
+pop ebx
+ret 4
+cmp ebx, 2
+je short loc_0045cba0 ; je 0x45cba0
+cmp ebx, 3
+je short loc_0045cba0 ; je 0x45cba0
+mov eax, 1
+pop ebx
+ret 4
+push ebx
+push 4
+call fcn_0045caf4 ; call 0x45caf4
+add esp, 4
+push 7
+mov ebx, eax
+call fcn_0045caf4 ; call 0x45caf4
+add esp, 4
+cmp ebx, 2
+je short loc_0045cbda ; je 0x45cbda
+cmp ebx, 3
+jne short loc_0045cbe4 ; jne 0x45cbe4
+cmp eax, 2
+je short loc_0045cbeb ; je 0x45cbeb
+cmp eax, 3
+je short loc_0045cbeb ; je 0x45cbeb
+mov eax, 1
+pop ebx
+xor eax, eax
+pop ebx
+cmp byte [ref_00489620], 0 ; cmp byte [0x489620], 0
+jne short loc_0045cc11 ; jne 0x45cc11
+push 1
+push fcn_0045cb60 ; push 0x45cb60
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetConsoleCtrlHandler@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623f0]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045cc11 ; je 0x45cc11
+mov byte [ref_00489620], 1 ; mov byte [0x489620], 1
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_00489620] ; mov al, byte [0x489620]
+cmp byte [ref_00489620], 0 ; cmp byte [0x489620], 0
+je short loc_0045cc3c ; je 0x45cc3c
+push 0
+push fcn_0045cb60 ; push 0x45cb60
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetConsoleCtrlHandler@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623f0]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045cc3c ; je 0x45cc3c
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [ref_00489620], dl ; mov byte [0x489620], dl
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ref_00489620] ; mov al, byte [0x489620]
+test eax, eax
+sete al
+and eax, 0xff
+db 0x6a
+db 0x01
+dd 0x0000d5e8
+dd 0x04c48300
+db 0xc3
+push ebx
+push 2
+call fcn_0045caf4 ; call 0x45caf4
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+cmp eax, 1
+je short loc_0045cc91 ; je 0x45cc91
+cmp eax, 2
+je short loc_0045cc91 ; je 0x45cc91
+cmp eax, 3
+je short loc_0045cc91 ; je 0x45cc91
+push 2
+push 2
+call fcn_0045caa8 ; call 0x45caa8
+add esp, 8
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+push edx
+push 2
+call ebx
+add esp, 8
+xor eax, eax
+pop ebx
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+pop ebx
+dd 0x8b575653
+dd 0x8310245c
+dd 0x057c01fb
+dd 0x7e0cfb83
+dd 0xe8096a13
+dd 0xffffc137
+dd 0x000003b8
+dd 0x04c48300
+dd 0xc35b5e5f
+db 0xba
+dd ref_0045cc4e
+db 0x8b
+db 0x4c
+db 0x24
+db 0x14
+db 0x89
+db 0x15
+dd ref_00489734
+db 0x83
+dd 0x267402f9
+dd 0x7403f983
+dd 0x3de85321
+dd 0x83fffffe
+dd 0xc08504c4
+dd 0xfb831474
+dd 0x680f7502
+dd 0x0000009f
+dd 0x88e8006a
+dd 0x8300001d
+dd 0xe85308c4
+dd 0xfffffdf8
+dd 0x8b04c483
+dd 0x5714247c
+dd 0xe8c68953
+dd 0xfffffd9c
+dd 0xe808c483
+dd 0xfffffea5
+dd 0x0774c085
+dd 0xfffed2e8
+dd 0xe805ebff
+dd 0xfffffef5
+dd 0x5e5ff089
+db 0x5b
+db 0xc3
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045caf4 ; call 0x45caf4
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, eax
+cmp ebx, 2
+jb short loc_0045cd49 ; jb 0x45cd49
+jbe short loc_0045cd50 ; jbe 0x45cd50
+cmp ebx, 0xc
+jbe short loc_0045cd6c ; jbe 0x45cd6c
+jmp short loc_0045cd9f ; jmp 0x45cd9f
+cmp ebx, 1
+je short loc_0045cd62 ; je 0x45cd62
+jmp short loc_0045cd9f ; jmp 0x45cd9f
+push 0x8c
+call fcn_0045cc59 ; call 0x45cc59
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+cmp eax, 2
+jne short loc_0045cd6c ; jne 0x45cd6c
+call fcn_0045ea68 ; call 0x45ea68
+cmp esi, 1
+je short loc_0045cd8c ; je 0x45cd8c
+cmp esi, 2
+je short loc_0045cd8c ; je 0x45cd8c
+cmp esi, 3
+je short loc_0045cd8c ; je 0x45cd8c
+push 2
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045caa8 ; call 0x45caa8
+add esp, 8
+push ebx
+call esi
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_0045cbb9 ; call 0x45cbb9
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045cda7 ; jne 0x45cda7
+call fcn_0045cc19 ; call 0x45cc19
+xor eax, eax
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+xor eax, eax
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push es
+mov ebx, 8
+call dword [ref_00488f4c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f4c]
+lea esi, [eax + ebx]
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+lea edi, [esi + 0x58]
+lea esi, [ebx + ref_004895b8] ; lea esi, [ebx + 0x4895b8]
+add ebx, 8
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+cmp ebx, 0x68
+jne short loc_0045cdb5 ; jne 0x45cdb5
+mov edx, fcn_0045cb3c ; mov edx, 0x45cb3c
+mov ebx, fcn_0045cd2a ; mov ebx, 0x45cd2a
+mov dword [ref_0048948c], edx ; mov dword [0x48948c], edx
+mov dword [ref_00489490], ebx ; mov dword [0x489490], ebx
+pop es
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+call fcn_0045cbb9 ; call 0x45cbb9
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045ce16 ; je 0x45ce16
+call fcn_0045cc19 ; call 0x45cc19
+push 2
+push 4
+call fcn_0045caa8 ; call 0x45caa8
+add esp, 8
+push 2
+push 7
+call fcn_0045caa8 ; call 0x45caa8
+add esp, 8
+push ebx
+mov edx, fcn_0045cdac ; mov edx, 0x45cdac
+mov ebx, fcn_0045cdf0 ; mov ebx, 0x45cdf0
+mov dword [ref_00488f8c], edx ; mov dword [0x488f8c], edx
+mov dword [ref_00488f90], ebx ; mov dword [0x488f90], ebx
+pop ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_0045ce3b ; jne 0x45ce3b
+xor eax, eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 2
+push edx
+push 1
+lea eax, [esp + 0x1c]
+push eax
+push 0x200
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00489738] ; mov ecx, dword [0x489738]
+push ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__WideCharToMultiByte@32] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462438]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045ce61 ; je 0x45ce61
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push es
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x40
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x5c]
+lea edi, [esp + 0x34]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x58]
+mov dword [esp + 0x3c], eax
+mov eax, ds
+lea ebp, [esp + 1]
+mov es, eax
+xor edx, edx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x60]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+mov dword [esp + 0x2c], eax
+xor ah, ah
+mov dword [esp + 0x30], edx
+mov byte [esp], ah
+lea edi, [esp + 0x24]
+lea esi, [esp + 0x34]
+lea ebx, [esp + 0x2c]
+lea eax, [esp + 0x34]
+mov edx, dword [eax + 4]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 4]
+mov ebx, dword [ebx]
+call fcn_0045ec77 ; call 0x45ec77
+mov dword [esi + 4], edx
+mov dword [esi], eax
+mov dword [edi + 4], ecx
+mov dword [edi], ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov al, byte [ebx + ref_00489624] ; mov al, byte [ebx + 0x489624]
+mov byte [ebp], al
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x34]
+inc ebp
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0045ce9c ; jne 0x45ce9c
+cmp dword [esp + 0x38], 0
+jne short loc_0045ce9c ; jne 0x45ce9c
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+dec ebp
+lea esi, [ebx + 1]
+mov al, byte [ebp]
+mov dword [esp + 0x3c], esi
+mov byte [ebx], al
+test al, al
+jne short loc_0045cee2 ; jne 0x45cee2
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x5c]
+add esp, 0x40
+pop ebp
+pop es
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+dd 0x06575653
+dd 0x08ec8355
+dd 0x24245c8b
+dd 0xd88ce789
+dd 0x2024748b
+dd 0x4c8bc08e
+dd 0xda892824
+dd 0xf983a5a5
+dd 0xf634750a
+dd 0x80072444
+dd 0x03c62d74
+dd 0x01538d2d
+dd 0x8b24348b
+dd 0xf704247c
+dd 0x89d7f7d6
+dd 0x6e8d2434
+dd 0x247c8901
+dd 0x242c8904
+dd 0x0575ed85
+dd 0xeb01478d
+dd 0x89f88902
+dd 0x8b042444
+dd 0x5128244c
+dd 0x24448d52
+dd 0xfce85008
+dd 0x83fffffe
+dd 0xd8890cc4
+dd 0xeb08c483
+db 0x89
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0x28
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x38]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x40]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+xor dl, dl
+lea ecx, [esp + 1]
+mov byte [esp], dl
+lea ebx, [esp + 0x24]
+mov dword [esp + 0x24], edi
+xor edx, edx
+div dword [ebx]
+mov dword [ebx], edx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_0048964c] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x48964c]
+mov byte [ecx], dl
+inc ecx
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045cf90 ; jne 0x45cf90
+dec ecx
+mov al, byte [ecx]
+mov byte [esi], al
+inc esi
+test al, al
+jne short loc_0045cfaf ; jne 0x45cfaf
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+add esp, 0x28
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+dd 0x548b5653
+dd 0x5c8b0c24
+dd 0x4c8b1024
+dd 0xd8891424
+dd 0x750af983
+dd 0x7dd2850c
+dd 0x8ddaf708
+dd 0x03c60143
+dd 0x24748b2d
+dd 0x52505614
+dd 0xffff84e8
+dd 0x0cc483ff
+dd 0x5b5ed889
+dd 0x24448bc3
+db 0x04
+db 0x8a
+db 0x80
+dd ref_0049995d
+db 0x24
+dd 0x00ff2501
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0xc3
+push 0
+call fcn_0045eace ; call 0x45eace
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+cmp eax, 0x61
+jl short loc_0045d027 ; jl 0x45d027
+cmp eax, 0x7a
+jg short loc_0045d027 ; jg 0x45d027
+sub eax, 0x20
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 0x18
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+mov eax, dword [ref_00489674] ; mov eax, dword [0x489674]
+cmp eax, 1
+jb short loc_0045d099 ; jb 0x45d099
+jbe short loc_0045d044 ; jbe 0x45d044
+cmp eax, 2
+je short loc_0045d07b ; je 0x45d07b
+jmp short loc_0045d099 ; jmp 0x45d099
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00499a68] ; mov ebx, dword [0x499a68]
+dec ebx
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00499a64] ; mov ecx, dword [0x499a64]
+mov dword [ref_00499a68], ebx ; mov dword [0x499a68], ebx
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_0045d067 ; je 0x45d067
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0045d071 ; jne 0x45d071
+mov dword [ref_00489674], ebx ; mov dword [0x489674], ebx
+jmp short loc_0045d071 ; jmp 0x45d071
+mov dword [ref_00489674], 2 ; mov dword [0x489674], 2
+mov eax, dword [ref_00499a64] ; mov eax, dword [0x499a64]
+jmp near loc_0045d131 ; jmp 0x45d131
+cmp dword [ref_00499a68], 0 ; cmp dword [0x499a68], 0
+setne al
+and eax, 0xff
+mov dword [ref_00489674], eax ; mov dword [0x489674], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00499a60] ; mov eax, dword [0x499a60]
+jmp near loc_0045d131 ; jmp 0x45d131
+lea eax, [esp + 0x14]
+push eax
+push 1
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__ReadConsoleInputA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623e8]
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0045d12c ; je 0x45d12c
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_0045c9f5 ; call 0x45c9f5
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045d099 ; je 0x45d099
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esp + 8]
+dec eax
+mov dword [ref_00499a68], eax ; mov dword [0x499a68], eax
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 0xe]
+mov dword [ref_00499a64], eax ; mov dword [0x499a64], eax
+test byte [esp + 0x11], 1
+jne short loc_0045d0ec ; jne 0x45d0ec
+cmp dword [ref_00499a64], 0 ; cmp dword [0x499a64], 0
+jne short loc_0045d110 ; jne 0x45d110
+mov esi, 2
+xor eax, eax
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov ax, word [esp + 0xc]
+mov dword [ref_00499a64], ecx ; mov dword [0x499a64], ecx
+mov dword [ref_00489674], esi ; mov dword [0x489674], esi
+mov dword [ref_00499a60], eax ; mov dword [0x499a60], eax
+jmp near loc_0045d071 ; jmp 0x45d071
+cmp dword [ref_00499a68], 0 ; cmp dword [0x499a68], 0
+je near loc_0045d071 ; je 0x45d071
+mov dword [ref_00489674], 1 ; mov dword [0x489674], 1
+jmp near loc_0045d071 ; jmp 0x45d071
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+add esp, 0x18
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_0048933c] ; mov eax, dword [0x48933c]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045d14f ; je 0x45d14f
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [ref_0048933c], esi ; mov dword [0x48933c], esi
+jmp short loc_0045d1ba ; jmp 0x45d1ba
+cmp dword [ref_004891e0], 0 ; cmp dword [0x4891e0], 0
+je short loc_0045d170 ; je 0x45d170
+push eax
+call dword [ref_004891ac] ; ucall: call dword [0x4891ac]
+add esp, 4
+push eax
+call dword [ref_004891e0] ; ucall: call dword [0x4891e0]
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, eax
+jmp short loc_0045d1b8 ; jmp 0x45d1b8
+push eax
+call dword [ref_00488f50] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f50]
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_0045ca8f ; call 0x45ca8f
+mov ebx, eax
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetConsoleMode@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462380]
+push 0
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetConsoleMode@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623f4]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045d028 ; call 0x45d028
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [esp]
+push ecx
+push ebx
+mov esi, eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetConsoleMode@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623f4]
+push 0
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esi
+add esp, 4
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+sub esp, 8
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov edx, dword [ref_004891e8] ; mov edx, dword [0x4891e8]
+mov byte [esp + 4], bl
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_0045d1ee ; je 0x45d1ee
+push 1
+call dword [ref_004891ac] ; ucall: call dword [0x4891ac]
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+push eax
+call dword [ref_004891e8] ; ucall: call dword [0x4891e8]
+add esp, 8
+jmp short loc_0045d21f ; jmp 0x45d21f
+push 1
+call dword [ref_00488f50] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f50]
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_0045ca9a ; call 0x45ca9a
+push 0
+lea edx, [esp + 4]
+push edx
+push 1
+lea edx, [esp + 0x10]
+push edx
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__WriteConsoleA@20] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46243c]
+push 1
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 8
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+xor ebp, ebp
+test edi, edi
+jbe short loc_0045d27f ; jbe 0x45d27f
+push esi
+call fcn_0045ed05 ; call 0x45ed05
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045d27f ; jne 0x45d27f
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045ed05 ; call 0x45ed05
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045d27f ; jne 0x45d27f
+push ebx
+push esi
+call fcn_0045ed41 ; call 0x45ed41
+add esp, 8
+mov ebp, eax
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045d2b2 ; jne 0x45d2b2
+push esi
+call fcn_0045edbd ; call 0x45edbd
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+dec edi
+mov esi, eax
+call fcn_0045edbd ; call 0x45edbd
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+jmp short loc_0045d238 ; jmp 0x45d238
+test edi, edi
+jbe short loc_0045d2b0 ; jbe 0x45d2b0
+push esi
+call fcn_0045ed05 ; call 0x45ed05
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045d29d ; jne 0x45d29d
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045ed05 ; call 0x45ed05
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045d2b0 ; je 0x45d2b0
+xor eax, eax
+mov bl, byte [ebx]
+mov al, byte [esi]
+and ebx, 0xff
+sub eax, ebx
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov eax, ebp
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x8b
+dd 0xa3042444
+dd ref_00489694
+db 0xc3
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push 2
+call fcn_0045edf1 ; call 0x45edf1
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov edx, dword [eax*4 + ref_00489678] ; mov edx, dword [eax*4 + 0x489678]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045ee11 ; call 0x45ee11
+add esp, 8
+push ebx
+push ref_0046ca89 ; push 0x46ca89
+call fcn_0045ee11 ; call 0x45ee11
+add esp, 8
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045ee11 ; call 0x45ee11
+add esp, 8
+push ebx
+push 0xa
+call fcn_00459aab ; call 0x459aab
+add esp, 8
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 8
+mov ebx, dword [ebp + 8]
+push ebx
+call dword [ref_00489694] ; ucall: call dword [0x489694]
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045d349 ; jne 0x45d349
+mov edx, dword [ebx + 4]
+push edx
+mov ecx, dword [ebx]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045d2c1 ; call 0x45d2c1
+mov esi, dword [ebx]
+add esp, 8
+cmp esi, 1
+jne short loc_0045d344 ; jne 0x45d344
+call fcn_00458df5 ; call 0x458df5
+jmp short loc_0045d349 ; jmp 0x45d349
+call fcn_00458e00 ; call 0x458e00
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x18]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x1c]
+mov dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+mov edx, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+lea esp, [ebp - 8]
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0xc
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+cmp edi, 0x2000
+jl short loc_0045d37b ; jl 0x45d37b
+mov edi, 0x2000
+mov esi, ref_00489698 ; mov esi, 0x489698
+jmp short loc_0045d3b1 ; jmp 0x45d3b1
+test di, 1
+je short loc_0045d3ac ; je 0x45d3ac
+mov ax, word [esi + 8]
+mov word [ebp - 0x10], ax
+mov eax, dword [esi + 4]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x14], eax
+mov ebx, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov eax, dword [esi]
+lea edx, [ebp - 0x18]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x18], eax
+mov eax, ebx
+fld tword [eax] ; fld xword [eax]
+fld tword [edx] ; fld xword [edx]
+fmulp st1 ; fmulp st(1)
+fstp tword [ebx] ; fstp xword [ebx]
+sar edi, 1
+add esi, 0xa
+test edi, edi
+jg short loc_0045d382 ; jg 0x45d382
+jmp near loc_0045db4c ; jmp 0x45db4c
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0xc
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_0045db4c ; je 0x45db4c
+push 0
+fnstcw word [esp]
+pop eax
+mov edi, eax
+or ah, 3
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+fldcw word [esp]
+pop eax
+mov edx, 0x3fff
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov word [ebp - 0x10], dx
+mov edx, 0x80000000
+mov dword [ebp - 0x18], ecx
+mov dword [ebp - 0x14], edx
+test ebx, ebx
+jge short loc_0045d423 ; jge 0x45d423
+mov eax, ebx
+neg eax
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x18]
+push eax
+mov ebx, esi
+call fcn_0045d362 ; call 0x45d362
+add esp, 8
+lea edx, [ebp - 0x18]
+mov eax, esi
+fld tword [eax] ; fld xword [eax]
+fld tword [edx] ; fld xword [edx]
+fdivp st1 ; fdivp st(1)
+fstp tword [ebx] ; fstp xword [ebx]
+jmp short loc_0045d43f ; jmp 0x45d43f
+push ebx
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x18]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045d362 ; call 0x45d362
+mov ebx, esi
+add esp, 8
+lea edx, [ebp - 0x18]
+mov eax, esi
+fld tword [eax] ; fld xword [eax]
+fld tword [edx] ; fld xword [edx]
+fmulp st1 ; fmulp st(1)
+fstp tword [ebx] ; fstp xword [ebx]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, di
+push eax
+fldcw word [esp]
+pop eax
+jmp near loc_0045db4c ; jmp 0x45db4c
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov ebx, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+cmp ebx, 0x1000
+jle short loc_0045d46f ; jle 0x45d46f
+push 0x1000
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 8]
+push ecx
+sub ebx, 0x1000
+jmp short loc_0045d486 ; jmp 0x45d486
+cmp ebx, 0xfffff000
+jge short loc_0045d48e ; jge 0x45d48e
+push 0xfffff000
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 8]
+push edx
+add ebx, 0x1000
+call fcn_0045d3ba ; call 0x45d3ba
+add esp, 8
+push ebx
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 8]
+push esi
+call fcn_0045d3ba ; call 0x45d3ba
+add esp, 8
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+db 0x8d
+db 0x40
+db 0x00
+ref_0045d4a2: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_0045d54c
+dd loc_0045d58b
+dd loc_0045d55d
+dd loc_0045d57b
+dd loc_0045d54c
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0x88
+mov ebx, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+push 0
+fnstcw word [esp]
+pop eax
+mov dword [ebp - 0x14], eax
+or ah, 3
+and eax, 0xffff
+push eax
+fldcw word [esp]
+pop eax
+mov dword [esi + 0x14], 0
+mov ax, word [ebx + 8]
+mov word [ebp - 0x40], ax
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 4]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x44], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x48], eax
+test byte [ebp - 0x3f], 0x80
+je short loc_0045d506 ; je 0x45d506
+mov dword [esi + 0x14], 0xffffffff
+and byte [ebp - 0x3f], 0x7f
+mov dword [esi + 0x1c], 0
+mov dword [esi + 0x20], 0
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x48]
+mov dword [esi + 0x24], 0
+push eax
+mov dword [esi + 0x28], 0
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [esi + 0x18], 0
+call fcn_0045eec4 ; call 0x45eec4
+add esp, 4
+cmp eax, 4
+ja near loc_0045d6be ; ja 0x45d6be
+jmp dword [cs:eax*4 + ref_0045d4a2] ; ujmp: jmp dword cs:[eax*4 + 0x45d4a2]
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [esi + 0x14], 0
+mov dword [ebp - 0x20], ecx
+jmp near loc_0045d6be ; jmp 0x45d6be
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov byte [eax], 0x6e
+mov byte [eax + 1], 0x61
+mov byte [eax + 2], 0x6e
+mov byte [eax + 3], 0
+mov dword [esi + 0x1c], 3
+jmp near loc_0045d94a ; jmp 0x45d94a
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov byte [eax], 0x69
+mov byte [eax + 1], 0x6e
+mov byte [eax + 2], 0x66
+jmp short loc_0045d56b ; jmp 0x45d56b
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebp - 0x40]
+sub eax, 0x3ffe
+mov dword [ebp - 0x20], eax
+imul edx, eax, 0x7597
+mov ebx, 0x186a0
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ebx
+mov dword [ebp - 0x20], eax
+lea ecx, [eax - 4]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x20], ecx
+test ecx, ecx
+je near loc_0045d6be ; je 0x45d6be
+jge short loc_0045d5df ; jge 0x45d5df
+mov eax, ecx
+neg eax
+add eax, 3
+and al, 0xfc
+mov ebx, eax
+neg ebx
+mov dword [ebp - 0x20], eax
+mov eax, ebx
+neg eax
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x48]
+push eax
+mov dword [ebp - 0x20], ebx
+jmp near loc_0045d6b6 ; jmp 0x45d6b6
+mov edx, dword [ebp - 0x40]
+cmp dx, 0x4019
+jb short loc_0045d5f4 ; jb 0x45d5f4
+jne short loc_0045d5fe ; jne 0x45d5fe
+cmp dword [ebp - 0x44], 0xbebc2000
+jae short loc_0045d5fe ; jae 0x45d5fe
+xor edx, edx
+mov dword [ebp - 0x20], edx
+jmp near loc_0045d6be ; jmp 0x45d6be
+mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0x40]
+cmp cx, 0x4034
+jb short loc_0045d62c ; jb 0x45d62c
+jne near loc_0045d6a8 ; jne 0x45d6a8
+mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0x44]
+cmp ecx, 0x8e1bc9bf
+jb short loc_0045d62c ; jb 0x45d62c
+jne near loc_0045d6a8 ; jne 0x45d6a8
+cmp dword [ebp - 0x48], 0x4000000
+jae near loc_0045d6a8 ; jae 0x45d6a8
+mov edx, 0x4019
+mov ebx, 0xbebc2000
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x48]
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov word [ebp - 0x34], dx
+mov dword [ebp - 0x38], ebx
+lea ebx, [ebp - 0x30]
+lea edx, [ebp - 0x3c]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x3c], ecx
+fld tword [eax] ; fld xword [eax]
+fld tword [edx] ; fld xword [edx]
+fdivp st1 ; fdivp st(1)
+fstp tword [ebx] ; fstp xword [ebx]
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x30]
+lea ebx, [ebp - 0x3c]
+fld tword [eax] ; fld xword [eax]
+push eax
+push eax
+fnstcw word [esp]
+pop eax
+push eax
+or ah, 0xc
+push eax
+fldcw word [esp]
+pop eax
+fistp dword [esp + 4]
+fldcw word [esp]
+pop eax
+pop eax
+lea edx, [ebp - 0x30]
+mov edi, eax
+push eax
+fild dword [esp]
+pop eax
+fstp tword [edx] ; fstp xword [edx]
+lea edx, [ebp - 0x3c]
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x30]
+fld tword [eax] ; fld xword [eax]
+fld tword [edx] ; fld xword [edx]
+fmulp st1 ; fmulp st(1)
+fstp tword [ebx] ; fstp xword [ebx]
+lea ebx, [ebp - 0x48]
+lea edx, [ebp - 0x3c]
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x48]
+fld tword [eax] ; fld xword [eax]
+fld tword [edx] ; fld xword [edx]
+fsubp st1 ; fsubp st(1)
+fstp tword [ebx] ; fstp xword [ebx]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x20], 8
+jmp short loc_0045d6be ; jmp 0x45d6be
+and byte [ebp - 0x20], 0xfc
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x20]
+neg eax
+push eax
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x48]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045d44e ; call 0x45d44e
+add esp, 8
+test byte [esi + 8], 2
+je short loc_0045d6e0 ; je 0x45d6e0
+mov edx, dword [ebp - 0x20]
+mov eax, dword [esi]
+add eax, edx
+add eax, 0xa
+mov ebx, dword [esi + 4]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x18], eax
+test ebx, ebx
+jle short loc_0045d6e8 ; jle 0x45d6e8
+lea ecx, [eax + ebx]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x18], ecx
+jmp short loc_0045d6e8 ; jmp 0x45d6e8
+mov eax, dword [esi]
+add eax, 7
+mov dword [ebp - 0x18], eax
+mov bh, byte [esi + 8]
+mov eax, 0xf
+test bh, 0x20
+je short loc_0045d6fa ; je 0x45d6fa
+mov eax, 0x14
+test byte [esi + 8], 0x40
+je short loc_0045d702 ; je 0x45d702
+add eax, eax
+mov edx, dword [ebp - 0x18]
+add eax, 4
+cmp eax, edx
+jge short loc_0045d70f ; jge 0x45d70f
+mov dword [ebp - 0x18], eax
+mov ch, 0x30
+xor al, al
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov byte [ebp - 0x94], ch
+mov byte [ebp - 0x93], al
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x93]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x24], ebx
+mov dword [ebp - 0x1c], eax
+mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0x18]
+test ecx, ecx
+jle near loc_0045d823 ; jle 0x45d823
+lea eax, [ecx - 8]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x18], eax
+test edi, edi
+jne short loc_0045d7b7 ; jne 0x45d7b7
+test word [ebp - 0x40], 0x7fff
+je near loc_0045d823 ; je 0x45d823
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x48]
+fld tword [eax] ; fld xword [eax]
+push eax
+push eax
+fnstcw word [esp]
+pop eax
+push eax
+or ah, 0xc
+push eax
+fldcw word [esp]
+pop eax
+fistp dword [esp + 4]
+fldcw word [esp]
+pop eax
+pop eax
+mov edx, dword [ebp - 0x18]
+mov edi, eax
+test edx, edx
+jle short loc_0045d7b7 ; jle 0x45d7b7
+lea edx, [ebp - 0x54]
+lea ebx, [ebp - 0x48]
+push eax
+fild dword [esp]
+pop eax
+fstp tword [edx] ; fstp xword [edx]
+lea edx, [ebp - 0x54]
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x48]
+fld tword [eax] ; fld xword [eax]
+fld tword [edx] ; fld xword [edx]
+fsubp st1 ; fsubp st(1)
+fstp tword [ebx] ; fstp xword [ebx]
+mov ecx, 0x4019
+mov ebx, 0xbebc2000
+lea edx, [ebp - 0x54]
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x48]
+mov word [ebp - 0x4c], cx
+mov dword [ebp - 0x50], ebx
+xor ecx, ecx
+lea ebx, [ebp - 0x48]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x54], ecx
+fld tword [eax] ; fld xword [eax]
+fld tword [edx] ; fld xword [edx]
+fmulp st1 ; fmulp st(1)
+fstp tword [ebx] ; fstp xword [ebx]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp - 0x1c]
+mov eax, edi
+push ecx
+push edx
+call fcn_0045d7c5 ; call 0x45d7c5
+jmp short loc_0045d80a ; jmp 0x45d80a
+mov ecx, 0x2710
+sub edx, edx
+cmp eax, ecx
+xchg eax, edx
+jb short loc_0045d7d4 ; jb 0x45d7d4
+xchg eax, edx
+div ecx
+push edx
+call fcn_0045d7db ; call 0x45d7db
+pop eax
+mov ecx, 0x64
+sub edx, edx
+cmp eax, ecx
+xchg eax, edx
+jb short loc_0045d7eb ; jb 0x45d7eb
+xchg eax, edx
+div cx
+push edx
+call fcn_0045d7f2 ; call 0x45d7f2
+pop eax
+mov cl, 0xa
+cmp al, cl
+xchg ah, al
+jb short loc_0045d7fe ; jb 0x45d7fe
+xchg ah, al
+div cl
+add ah, 0x30
+add al, 0x30
+mov byte [ebx], al
+inc ebx
+mov byte [ebx], ah
+inc ebx
+pop edx
+pop ecx
+mov al, 0
+mov byte [ebx], al
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x24]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x1c], ebx
+add eax, 8
+xor edi, edi
+mov dword [ebp - 0x24], eax
+jmp near loc_0045d72d ; jmp 0x45d72d
+mov edx, dword [ebp - 0x20]
+mov edi, dword [ebp - 0x24]
+add edx, 7
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x93]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x20], edx
+cmp byte [eax], 0x30
+jne short loc_0045d842 ; jne 0x45d842
+mov edx, dword [ebp - 0x20]
+dec edi
+dec edx
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_0045d832 ; jmp 0x45d832
+mov bl, byte [esi + 8]
+mov edx, dword [esi]
+test bl, 2
+je short loc_0045d85e ; je 0x45d85e
+mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0x20]
+mov ebx, dword [esi + 4]
+add ecx, ebx
+mov dword [ebp - 0x20], ecx
+lea ebx, [ecx + 1]
+add edx, ebx
+jmp short loc_0045d87b ; jmp 0x45d87b
+test bl, 1
+je short loc_0045d87b ; je 0x45d87b
+mov ebx, dword [esi + 4]
+test ebx, ebx
+jle short loc_0045d86d ; jle 0x45d86d
+inc edx
+jmp short loc_0045d86f ; jmp 0x45d86f
+add edx, ebx
+mov ebx, dword [ebp - 0x20]
+mov ecx, dword [esi + 4]
+inc ebx
+sub ebx, ecx
+mov dword [ebp - 0x20], ebx
+test edx, edx
+jl near loc_0045d8e7 ; jl 0x45d8e7
+cmp edx, edi
+jle short loc_0045d889 ; jle 0x45d889
+mov edx, edi
+mov cl, byte [esi + 8]
+mov ebx, 0xf
+test cl, 0x20
+je short loc_0045d89b ; je 0x45d89b
+mov ebx, 0x14
+test byte [esi + 8], 0x40
+je short loc_0045d8a3 ; je 0x45d8a3
+add ebx, ebx
+cmp edx, ebx
+jle short loc_0045d8aa ; jle 0x45d8aa
+lea edx, [ebx + 1]
+mov byte [ebp - 0x10], 0x30
+cmp edi, edx
+jle short loc_0045d8bc ; jle 0x45d8bc
+cmp byte [edx + eax], 0x35
+jb short loc_0045d8bc ; jb 0x45d8bc
+mov byte [ebp - 0x10], 0x39
+mov ch, byte [ebp - 0x10]
+mov ebx, edx
+lea edi, [edx + eax]
+dec edi
+mov cl, byte [edi]
+dec ebx
+cmp cl, ch
+jne short loc_0045d8cf ; jne 0x45d8cf
+dec edx
+jmp short loc_0045d8c4 ; jmp 0x45d8c4
+cmp ch, 0x39
+jne short loc_0045d8da ; jne 0x45d8da
+mov ch, cl
+inc ch
+mov byte [edi], ch
+test ebx, ebx
+jge short loc_0045d8e7 ; jge 0x45d8e7
+mov ebx, dword [ebp - 0x20]
+dec eax
+inc ebx
+inc edx
+mov dword [ebp - 0x20], ebx
+test edx, edx
+jg short loc_0045d906 ; jg 0x45d906
+mov edx, 1
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov al, 0x30
+mov dword [ebp - 0x20], ecx
+mov byte [ebp - 0x94], al
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x94]
+mov dword [esi + 0x14], ecx
+mov bl, byte [esi + 8]
+test bl, 2
+jne short loc_0045d925 ; jne 0x45d925
+test bl, 4
+je short loc_0045d937 ; je 0x45d937
+mov edi, dword [ebp - 0x20]
+cmp edi, 0xfffffffc
+jl short loc_0045d91f ; jl 0x45d91f
+cmp edi, dword [esi]
+jl short loc_0045d925 ; jl 0x45d925
+test byte [esi + 8], 8
+je short loc_0045d937 ; je 0x45d937
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+push ecx
+mov edi, dword [ebp - 0x20]
+push edi
+push edx
+push eax
+push esi
+call fcn_0045d955 ; call 0x45d955
+jmp short loc_0045d947 ; jmp 0x45d947
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+push edi
+mov ebx, dword [ebp - 0x20]
+push ebx
+push edx
+push eax
+push esi
+call fcn_0045db66 ; call 0x45db66
+add esp, 0x14
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebp - 0x14]
+jmp near loc_0045d444 ; jmp 0x45d444
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 4
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+mov ebx, dword [edx]
+mov ah, byte [edx + 8]
+inc ecx
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], ebx
+mov dword [ebp + 0x14], ecx
+xor ebx, ebx
+test ah, 4
+je short loc_0045d99b ; je 0x45d99b
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+cmp esi, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+jge short loc_0045d987 ; jge 0x45d987
+test ah, 0x10
+jne short loc_0045d987 ; jne 0x45d987
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], esi
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+sub eax, esi
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+test eax, eax
+jge short loc_0045d99b ; jge 0x45d99b
+xor esi, esi
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], esi
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+test edi, edi
+jg near loc_0045da43 ; jg 0x45da43
+test byte [edx + 8], 8
+jne short loc_0045d9cf ; jne 0x45d9cf
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov esi, ebx
+add esi, ecx
+mov byte [esi], 0x30
+mov esi, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+inc ebx
+test esi, esi
+jg short loc_0045d9c4 ; jg 0x45d9c4
+test byte [edx + 8], 0x10
+je short loc_0045d9cf ; je 0x45d9cf
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov edi, ebx
+add edi, eax
+inc ebx
+mov byte [edi], 0x2e
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+neg esi
+mov dword [edx + 0x1c], ebx
+cmp esi, ecx
+jle short loc_0045d9e8 ; jle 0x45d9e8
+mov esi, ecx
+mov dword [ebp + 0x14], ecx
+neg esi
+mov dword [ebp + 0x14], esi
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov edi, esi
+mov dword [edx + 0x18], esi
+add eax, esi
+mov dword [edx + 0x20], esi
+neg edi
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+mov dword [edx + 0x20], edi
+cmp eax, ecx
+jge short loc_0045da0a ; jge 0x45da0a
+mov dword [ebp + 0x10], eax
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+add edi, ebx
+push es
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+push edi
+mov eax, ecx
+shr ecx, 2
+repne movsd
+mov cl, al
+and cl, 3
+repne movsb ; repne movsb byte es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
+pop edi
+pop es
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+add ebx, esi
+mov dword [edx + 0x24], esi
+mov esi, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+sub esi, edi
+mov dword [edx + 0x28], esi
+jmp near loc_0045db46 ; jmp 0x45db46
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+cmp esi, edi
+jge short loc_0045daa8 ; jge 0x45daa8
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov ecx, esi
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+push es
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+push edi
+mov eax, ecx
+shr ecx, 2
+repne movsd
+mov cl, al
+and cl, 3
+repne movsb ; repne movsb byte es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
+pop edi
+pop es
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+mov dword [edx + 0x1c], eax
+sub esi, eax
+mov cl, byte [edx + 8]
+mov dword [edx + 0x20], esi
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+add ebx, eax
+mov dword [edx + 0x18], esi
+test cl, 8
+jne short loc_0045daa3 ; jne 0x45daa3
+cmp dword [ebp - 0x10], 0
+jg short loc_0045da91 ; jg 0x45da91
+test cl, 0x10
+je short loc_0045daa3 ; je 0x45daa3
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov edi, ebx
+add edi, eax
+mov byte [edi], 0x2e
+inc ebx
+mov dword [edx + 0x24], 1
+mov esi, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+jmp short loc_0045da3b ; jmp 0x45da3b
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov ecx, edi
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+push es
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+push edi
+mov eax, ecx
+shr ecx, 2
+repne movsd
+mov cl, al
+and cl, 3
+repne movsb ; repne movsb byte es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
+pop edi
+pop es
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov ch, byte [edx + 8]
+add ebx, esi
+sub edi, esi
+mov dword [edx + 0x18], esi
+mov dword [ebp + 0x10], edi
+test ch, 8
+jne short loc_0045daf6 ; jne 0x45daf6
+cmp dword [ebp - 0x10], 0
+jg short loc_0045dae9 ; jg 0x45dae9
+test ch, 0x10
+je short loc_0045db05 ; je 0x45db05
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov edi, ebx
+add edi, ecx
+inc ebx
+mov byte [edi], 0x2e
+jmp short loc_0045db05 ; jmp 0x45db05
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+cmp byte [esi], 0x30
+jne short loc_0045db05 ; jne 0x45db05
+mov dword [edx + 0x18], 0
+mov esi, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+cmp esi, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+jge short loc_0045db10 ; jge 0x45db10
+mov dword [ebp + 0x10], esi
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+add esi, eax
+add edi, ebx
+push es
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+push edi
+mov eax, ecx
+shr ecx, 2
+repne movsd
+mov cl, al
+and cl, 3
+repne movsb ; repne movsb byte es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
+pop edi
+pop es
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov esi, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+add ebx, ecx
+sub esi, ecx
+mov dword [edx + 0x1c], ebx
+mov dword [edx + 0x20], esi
+add ebx, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov byte [ebx], 0
+lea esp, [ebp - 0xc]
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+db 0x8b
+db 0xc0
+ref_0045db56: ; may contain a jump table
+dd loc_0045dd31
+dd loc_0045dd41
+dd loc_0045dd4c
+dd loc_0045dd57
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 8
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x14], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov edx, dword [eax + 4]
+test edx, edx
+jg short loc_0045db86 ; jg 0x45db86
+add dword [ebp - 0x14], edx
+jmp short loc_0045db94 ; jmp 0x45db94
+mov ebx, dword [ebp - 0x14]
+sub ebx, edx
+mov dword [ebp - 0x14], ebx
+lea ecx, [ebx + 1]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x14], ecx
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov dl, byte [eax + 8]
+xor ebx, ebx
+test dl, 4
+je short loc_0045dbbc ; je 0x45dbbc
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+cmp eax, dword [ebp - 0x14]
+jge short loc_0045dbac ; jge 0x45dbac
+mov dword [ebp - 0x14], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x14]
+dec eax
+mov dword [ebp - 0x14], eax
+test eax, eax
+jge short loc_0045dbbc ; jge 0x45dbbc
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ebp - 0x14], ecx
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov esi, dword [eax + 4]
+test esi, esi
+jg short loc_0045dbd3 ; jg 0x45dbd3
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov eax, ebx
+add eax, ecx
+inc ebx
+mov byte [eax], 0x30
+jmp short loc_0045dc40 ; jmp 0x45dc40
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], esi
+cmp esi, edi
+jle short loc_0045dbe0 ; jle 0x45dbe0
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], edi
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+add edi, ebx
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+push es
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+push edi
+mov eax, ecx
+shr ecx, 2
+repne movsd
+mov cl, al
+and cl, 3
+repne movsb ; repne movsb byte es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
+pop edi
+pop es
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+add edx, eax
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov dword [ebp + 0xc], edx
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 8]
+add ebx, eax
+sub ecx, eax
+mov esi, dword [edx + 4]
+mov dword [ebp + 0x10], ecx
+cmp eax, esi
+jge short loc_0045dc40 ; jge 0x45dc40
+mov edi, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+mov eax, esi
+sub eax, edi
+push eax
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+push 0x30
+add eax, ebx
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+mov edx, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+add esp, 0xc
+add ebx, edx
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov dh, byte [eax + 8]
+mov dword [eax + 0x18], ebx
+test dh, 8
+jne short loc_0045dc64 ; jne 0x45dc64
+cmp dword [ebp - 0x14], 0
+jg short loc_0045dc59 ; jg 0x45dc59
+test dh, 0x10
+je short loc_0045dc64 ; je 0x45dc64
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov eax, ebx
+add eax, edi
+inc ebx
+mov byte [eax], 0x2e
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov edx, dword [eax + 4]
+test edx, edx
+jge short loc_0045dc8f ; jge 0x45dc8f
+mov ecx, edx
+neg ecx
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], edx
+push 0x30
+add eax, ebx
+mov esi, ecx
+push eax
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], ecx
+mov edi, esi
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add ebx, edi
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x14]
+test eax, eax
+jle short loc_0045dcda ; jle 0x45dcda
+cmp eax, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+jge short loc_0045dc9e ; jge 0x45dc9e
+mov dword [ebp + 0x10], eax
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_0045dcc6 ; je 0x45dcc6
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+add edi, ebx
+push es
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+push edi
+mov eax, ecx
+shr ecx, 2
+repne movsd
+mov cl, al
+and cl, 3
+repne movsb ; repne movsb byte es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
+pop edi
+pop es
+add ebx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+mov dword [eax + 0x1c], ebx
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x14]
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 8]
+sub eax, edi
+mov dword [edx + 0x20], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+cmp dword [eax + 0xc], 0
+je short loc_0045dcf3 ; je 0x45dcf3
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov eax, ebx
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 8]
+add eax, ecx
+mov dl, byte [edx + 0xc]
+inc ebx
+mov byte [eax], dl
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+lea eax, [ebx + 1]
+test esi, esi
+jl short loc_0045dd0a ; jl 0x45dd0a
+mov edx, ebx
+mov ebx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov byte [edx + eax], 0x2b
+jmp short loc_0045dd1c ; jmp 0x45dd1c
+mov edx, ebx
+mov edi, esi
+mov ebx, eax
+neg edi
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov dword [ebp + 0x14], edi
+mov byte [edx + eax], 0x2d
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov ecx, dword [ecx + 0x10]
+cmp ecx, 3
+ja short loc_0045dd65 ; ja 0x45dd65
+mov eax, ecx
+jmp dword [cs:eax*4 + ref_0045db56] ; ujmp: jmp dword cs:[eax*4 + 0x45db56]
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x14], 0x3e8
+jge short loc_0045dd60 ; jge 0x45dd60
+mov ecx, 3
+jmp short loc_0045dd65 ; jmp 0x45dd65
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x14], 0xa
+jl short loc_0045dd4c ; jl 0x45dd4c
+mov ecx, 2
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x14], 0x64
+jl short loc_0045dd57 ; jl 0x45dd57
+mov ecx, 3
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x14], 0x3e8
+jl short loc_0045dd65 ; jl 0x45dd65
+mov ecx, 4
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov dword [eax + 0x10], ecx
+cmp ecx, 4
+jl short loc_0045ddb6 ; jl 0x45ddb6
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+cmp edx, 0x3e8
+jl short loc_0045dda6 ; jl 0x45dda6
+mov edi, 0x3e8
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv edi
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 5
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+shl eax, 3
+sub esi, eax
+mov dword [ebp + 0x14], esi
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov eax, ebx
+mov dl, byte [ebp - 0x10]
+add eax, edi
+add dl, 0x30
+inc ebx
+mov byte [eax], dl
+cmp ecx, 3
+jl short loc_0045ddfe ; jl 0x45ddfe
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+cmp edx, 0x64
+jl short loc_0045ddee ; jl 0x45ddee
+mov edi, 0x64
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv edi
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 3
+add eax, edx
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+shl eax, 2
+sub esi, eax
+mov dword [ebp + 0x14], esi
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov eax, ebx
+mov dl, byte [ebp - 0x10]
+add eax, edi
+add dl, 0x30
+inc ebx
+mov byte [eax], dl
+cmp ecx, 2
+jl short loc_0045de40 ; jl 0x45de40
+xor eax, eax
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+cmp edx, 0xa
+jl short loc_0045de30 ; jl 0x45de30
+mov ecx, 0xa
+mov eax, edx
+sar edx, 0x1f
+idiv ecx
+mov dword [ebp - 0x10], eax
+mov edx, eax
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+add eax, eax
+sub ecx, eax
+mov dword [ebp + 0x14], ecx
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov eax, ebx
+mov dl, byte [ebp - 0x10]
+add eax, esi
+add dl, 0x30
+inc ebx
+mov byte [eax], dl
+mov edi, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+mov eax, ebx
+mov dl, byte [ebp + 0x14]
+add eax, edi
+add dl, 0x30
+inc ebx
+mov byte [eax], dl
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov edx, ebx
+mov eax, dword [eax + 0x1c]
+sub edx, eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+add ebx, edi
+mov dword [eax + 0x24], edx
+jmp near loc_0045db49 ; jmp 0x45db49
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esp, 0x30
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x1c], eax
+mov dl, byte [eax]
+cmp dl, 0x20
+je short loc_0045de87 ; je 0x45de87
+cmp dl, 9
+jb short loc_0045de8a ; jb 0x45de8a
+cmp dl, 0xd
+ja short loc_0045de8a ; ja 0x45de8a
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_0045de76 ; jmp 0x45de76
+xor dh, dh
+lea ebx, [eax + 1]
+mov byte [ebp - 0x10], dh
+cmp dl, 0x2b
+jne short loc_0045de9b ; jne 0x45de9b
+mov eax, ebx
+jmp short loc_0045dea7 ; jmp 0x45dea7
+cmp dl, 0x2d
+jne short loc_0045dea7 ; jne 0x45dea7
+mov cl, 1
+mov eax, ebx
+mov byte [ebp - 0x10], cl
+mov dh, 0x30
+xor ebx, ebx
+xor edi, edi
+mov dl, byte [eax]
+inc eax
+cmp dl, 0x2e
+jne short loc_0045dec7 ; jne 0x45dec7
+mov cl, byte [ebp - 0x10]
+test cl, 8
+jne short loc_0045deef ; jne 0x45deef
+mov ch, cl
+or ch, 8
+mov byte [ebp - 0x10], ch
+jmp short loc_0045dead ; jmp 0x45dead
+cmp dl, 0x30
+jb short loc_0045deef ; jb 0x45deef
+cmp dl, 0x39
+ja short loc_0045deef ; ja 0x45deef
+test byte [ebp - 0x10], 8
+je short loc_0045ded8 ; je 0x45ded8
+inc edi
+or dh, dl
+cmp dh, 0x30
+je short loc_0045dee9 ; je 0x45dee9
+cmp ebx, 0x13
+jge short loc_0045dee8 ; jge 0x45dee8
+mov byte [ebx + ebp - 0x3c], dl
+inc ebx
+or byte [ebp - 0x10], 4
+jmp short loc_0045dead ; jmp 0x45dead
+mov dh, byte [ebp - 0x10]
+xor esi, esi
+test dh, 4
+je near loc_0045df79 ; je 0x45df79
+cmp dl, 0x65
+je short loc_0045df0b ; je 0x45df0b
+cmp dl, 0x45
+jne near loc_0045df75 ; jne 0x45df75
+lea edx, [eax - 1]
+mov cl, byte [eax]
+mov dword [ebp - 0x18], edx
+lea edx, [eax + 1]
+cmp cl, 0x2b
+jne short loc_0045df1f ; jne 0x45df1f
+mov eax, edx
+jmp short loc_0045df2f ; jmp 0x45df2f
+cmp cl, 0x2d
+jne short loc_0045df2f ; jne 0x45df2f
+mov cl, byte [ebp - 0x10]
+or cl, 2
+mov eax, edx
+mov byte [ebp - 0x10], cl
+and byte [ebp - 0x10], 0xfb
+mov dl, byte [eax]
+cmp dl, 0x30
+jb short loc_0045df62 ; jb 0x45df62
+cmp dl, 0x39
+ja short loc_0045df62 ; ja 0x45df62
+cmp esi, 0x3e8
+jge short loc_0045df56 ; jge 0x45df56
+imul esi, esi, 0xa
+mov dword [ebp - 0x14], esi
+movzx esi, dl
+add esi, dword [ebp - 0x14]
+sub esi, 0x30
+mov dl, byte [ebp - 0x10]
+or dl, 4
+inc eax
+mov byte [ebp - 0x10], dl
+jmp short loc_0045df33 ; jmp 0x45df33
+test byte [ebp - 0x10], 2
+je short loc_0045df6a ; je 0x45df6a
+neg esi
+test byte [ebp - 0x10], 4
+jne short loc_0045df76 ; jne 0x45df76
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x18]
+jmp short loc_0045df76 ; jmp 0x45df76
+dec eax
+mov dword [ebp - 0x1c], eax
+mov ecx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+test ecx, ecx
+je short loc_0045df85 ; je 0x45df85
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x1c]
+mov dword [ecx], eax
+sub esi, edi
+cmp ebx, 0x13
+jle short loc_0045df96 ; jle 0x45df96
+sub ebx, 0x13
+add esi, ebx
+mov ebx, 0x13
+test ebx, ebx
+jle short loc_0045dfa5 ; jle 0x45dfa5
+cmp byte [ebx + ebp - 0x3d], 0x30
+jne short loc_0045dfa5 ; jne 0x45dfa5
+inc esi
+dec ebx
+jmp short loc_0045df96 ; jmp 0x45df96
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0045dfbb ; jne 0x45dfbb
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov word [eax + 8], 0
+mov dword [eax + 4], ebx
+mov dword [eax], ebx
+xor eax, eax
+jmp short loc_0045e021 ; jmp 0x45e021
+xor al, al
+lea edx, [ebp - 0x28]
+mov byte [ebx + ebp - 0x3c], al
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x3c]
+call fcn_0045ef12 ; call 0x45ef12
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_0045dfdd ; je 0x45dfdd
+push esi
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x28]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045d44e ; call 0x45d44e
+add esp, 8
+test byte [ebp - 0x10], 1
+je short loc_0045dfe7 ; je 0x45dfe7
+or byte [ebp - 0x1f], 0x80
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x20]
+mov word [edx + 8], ax
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x24]
+mov dword [edx + 4], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x28]
+mov dword [edx], eax
+lea eax, [esi + ebx - 1]
+cmp eax, 0x134
+jle short loc_0045e00e ; jle 0x45e00e
+mov eax, 3
+jmp short loc_0045e021 ; jmp 0x45e021
+cmp eax, 0xfffffecc
+jge short loc_0045e01c ; jge 0x45e01c
+mov eax, 2
+jmp short loc_0045e021 ; jmp 0x45e021
+mov eax, 1
+lea esp, [ebp - 0xc]
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push ebx
+sub esp, 0x14
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+push edx
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x18]
+push eax
+mov ebx, dword [ebp + 8]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045de67 ; call 0x45de67
+add esp, 0xc
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045e050 ; jne 0x45e050
+mov dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+mov dword [ebp - 8], eax
+jmp short loc_0045e0a9 ; jmp 0x45e0a9
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+and ah, 0x7f
+and eax, 0xffff
+cmp eax, 0x43ff
+jl short loc_0045e089 ; jl 0x45e089
+call fcn_00458e00 ; call 0x458e00
+test byte [ebp - 0xf], 0x80
+je short loc_0045e07a ; je 0x45e07a
+fld qword [ref_0046cad0] ; fld qword [0x46cad0]
+fstp qword [ebp - 0xc]
+jmp short loc_0045e0a9 ; jmp 0x45e0a9
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cad0] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cad0]
+mov dword [ebp - 0xc], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_0046cad4] ; mov eax, dword [0x46cad4]
+jmp short loc_0045e04b ; jmp 0x45e04b
+cmp eax, 0x3bcd
+jge short loc_0045e09f ; jge 0x45e09f
+call fcn_00458e00 ; call 0x458e00
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov dword [ebp - 0xc], ecx
+mov dword [ebp - 8], ecx
+jmp short loc_0045e0a9 ; jmp 0x45e0a9
+lea edx, [ebp - 0xc]
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x18]
+fld tword [eax] ; fld xword [eax]
+fstp qword [edx]
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 0xc]
+mov edx, dword [ebp - 8]
+lea esp, [ebp - 4]
+pop ebx
+pop ebp
+db 0x00
+or ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0045e0c5 ; jne 0x45e0c5
+add ecx, ecx
+jne short loc_0045e0c3 ; jne 0x45e0c3
+jmp near loc_0045efc7 ; jmp 0x45efc7
+rcr ecx, 1
+or eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045e0d0 ; jne 0x45e0d0
+add edx, edx
+jne short loc_0045e0ce ; jne 0x45e0ce
+rcr edx, 1
+cmp byte [ref_00488f35], 0 ; cmp byte [0x488f35], 0
+je short fcn_0045e109 ; je 0x45e109
+push edx
+push eax
+fld qword [esp]
+push ecx
+push ebx
+test byte [ref_0048936c], 1 ; test byte [0x48936c], 1
+je short loc_0045e0f0 ; je 0x45e0f0
+call fcn_0045f654 ; call 0x45f654
+jmp short loc_0045e0f6 ; jmp 0x45e0f6
+fdiv qword [esp]
+add esp, 8
+fstp qword [esp]
+pop eax
+pop edx
+cmp edx, 0x80000000
+jne short loc_0045e108 ; jne 0x45e108
+sub edx, edx
+mov eax, edx
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+push edi
+push esi
+mov edi, edx
+mov esi, ecx
+sar edi, 0x14
+sar ecx, 0x14
+and edi, 0x800007ff
+and ecx, 0x800007ff
+rol edi, 0x10
+rol ecx, 0x10
+add di, cx
+rol edi, 0x10
+rol ecx, 0x10
+and edx, 0xfffff
+and esi, 0xfffff
+or di, di
+je short loc_0045e14c ; je 0x45e14c
+or edx, 0x100000
+jmp short loc_0045e15a ; jmp 0x45e15a
+add eax, eax
+adc edx, edx
+dec di
+test edx, 0x100000
+je short loc_0045e14c ; je 0x45e14c
+or cx, cx
+je short loc_0045e167 ; je 0x45e167
+or esi, 0x100000
+jmp short loc_0045e175 ; jmp 0x45e175
+add ebx, ebx
+adc esi, esi
+dec cx
+test esi, 0x100000
+je short loc_0045e167 ; je 0x45e167
+sub di, cx
+add di, 0x3ff
+js short loc_0045e190 ; js 0x45e190
+cmp di, 0x7ff
+jb short loc_0045e190 ; jb 0x45e190
+mov eax, ecx
+pop esi
+pop edi
+pop ebp
+jmp near fcn_0045efd3 ; jmp 0x45efd3
+cmp di, 0xffcc
+jge short loc_0045e19e ; jge 0x45e19e
+pop esi
+pop edi
+pop ebp
+jmp near fcn_0045efb6 ; jmp 0x45efb6
+push edi
+mov cl, 0xb
+shld edx, eax, cl
+shld eax, ebp, cl
+and eax, 0xfffff800
+shld esi, ebx, cl
+shld ebx, ebp, cl
+and ebx, 0xfffff800
+push esi
+push ebx
+mov ecx, esi
+mov edi, edx
+mov esi, eax
+sub eax, eax
+cmp ecx, edx
+ja short loc_0045e1c9 ; ja 0x45e1c9
+sub edx, ecx
+inc eax
+push eax
+mov eax, esi
+div ecx
+push eax
+xchg eax, ebx
+mul ebx
+xchg eax, ecx
+xchg ebx, edx
+mul edx
+add eax, ebx
+adc edx, 0
+mov ebx, dword [ebp - 0x14]
+test byte [ebp - 0x18], 1
+je short loc_0045e1ea ; je 0x45e1ea
+add eax, ebx
+adc edx, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+neg ecx
+sbb esi, eax
+sbb edi, edx
+je short loc_0045e204 ; je 0x45e204
+sub dword [ebp - 0x1c], 1
+sbb dword [ebp - 0x18], 0
+add ecx, ebx
+adc esi, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+adc edi, 0
+jne short loc_0045e1f2 ; jne 0x45e1f2
+mov edi, esi
+mov esi, ecx
+mov ecx, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+cmp ecx, edi
+ja short loc_0045e219 ; ja 0x45e219
+sub edi, ecx
+add dword [ebp - 0x1c], 1
+adc dword [ebp - 0x18], 0
+mov edx, edi
+mov eax, esi
+div ecx
+push eax
+or eax, eax
+je short loc_0045e250 ; je 0x45e250
+xchg eax, ebx
+mul ebx
+xchg eax, ecx
+xchg ebx, edx
+mul edx
+add eax, ebx
+adc edx, 0
+neg ecx
+sbb esi, eax
+sbb edi, edx
+je short loc_0045e250 ; je 0x45e250
+sub dword [ebp - 0x20], 1
+sbb dword [ebp - 0x1c], 0
+sbb dword [ebp - 0x18], 0
+add ecx, dword [ebp - 0x14]
+adc esi, dword [ebp - 0x10]
+adc edi, 0
+jne short loc_0045e239 ; jne 0x45e239
+pop eax
+pop edx
+pop ebx
+add esp, 8
+pop edi
+dec di
+shr ebx, 1
+jae short loc_0045e262 ; jae 0x45e262
+rcr edx, 1
+rcr eax, 1
+inc edi
+sub esi, esi
+mov cl, 0xb
+shrd eax, edx, cl
+rcr esi, 1
+shrd edx, esi, cl
+or edx, 0xfff00000
+add esi, esi
+adc eax, 0
+adc edx, 0
+adc edi, 0
+or di, di
+jg short loc_0045e2a1 ; jg 0x45e2a1
+jne short loc_0045e28a ; jne 0x45e28a
+mov cl, 1
+jmp short loc_0045e290 ; jmp 0x45e290
+neg di
+mov cx, di
+and edx, 0x1fffff
+sub ebx, ebx
+shrd eax, edx, cl
+shrd edx, ebx, cl
+sub di, di
+and edx, 0xfffff
+mov esi, edi
+ror edi, 0xb
+add esi, esi
+rcr edi, 1
+and edi, 0xfff00000
+or edx, edi
+pop esi
+pop edi
+pop ebp
+xor ecx, 0x80000000
+or ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0045e2cc ; jne 0x45e2cc
+add ecx, ecx
+je short loc_0045e2d8 ; je 0x45e2d8
+rcr ecx, 1
+or eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045e2db ; jne 0x45e2db
+add edx, edx
+jne short loc_0045e2d9 ; jne 0x45e2d9
+mov edx, ecx
+mov eax, ebx
+rcr edx, 1
+cmp byte [ref_00488f35], 0 ; cmp byte [0x488f35], 0
+je short loc_0045e305 ; je 0x45e305
+push edx
+push eax
+fld qword [esp]
+push ecx
+push ebx
+fadd qword [esp]
+fstp qword [esp + 8]
+add esp, 8
+pop eax
+pop edx
+cmp edx, 0x80000000
+jne short loc_0045e304 ; jne 0x45e304
+sub edx, edx
+mov eax, edx
+push ebp
+push edi
+push esi
+mov edi, edx
+mov esi, ecx
+sar edi, 0x14
+sar ecx, 0x14
+and edi, 0x800007ff
+and ecx, 0x800007ff
+mov ebp, ecx
+rol edi, 0x10
+rol ecx, 0x10
+add cx, di
+rol edi, 0x10
+rol ecx, 0x10
+and edx, 0xfffff
+and esi, 0xfffff
+or di, di
+je short loc_0045e346 ; je 0x45e346
+or edx, 0x100000
+or cx, cx
+je short loc_0045e351 ; je 0x45e351
+or esi, 0x100000
+add eax, eax
+adc edx, edx
+add ebx, ebx
+adc esi, esi
+sub cx, di
+je short loc_0045e38d ; je 0x45e38d
+jae short loc_0045e368 ; jae 0x45e368
+mov ebp, edi
+neg cx
+xchg eax, ebx
+xchg edx, esi
+cmp cx, 0x36
+jbe short loc_0045e38d ; jbe 0x45e38d
+mov edx, esi
+mov eax, ebx
+add ebp, ebp
+rcr edx, 1
+rcr eax, 1
+and edx, 0x800fffff
+ror ebp, 0xd
+and ebp, 0x7ff00000
+or edx, ebp
+pop esi
+pop edi
+pop ebp
+or ecx, ecx
+jns short loc_0045e39e ; jns 0x45e39e
+neg esi
+neg ebx
+sbb esi, 0
+xor ebp, 0x80000000
+sub edi, edi
+cmp cl, 0
+je short loc_0045e3c8 ; je 0x45e3c8
+push ebx
+sub ebx, ebx
+cmp cl, 0x20
+jb short loc_0045e3ba ; jb 0x45e3ba
+or eax, eax
+setne bl
+mov edi, ebx
+sub ebx, ebx
+mov eax, edx
+sub edx, edx
+shrd ebx, eax, cl
+or edi, ebx
+sub ebx, ebx
+shrd eax, edx, cl
+shrd edx, ebx, cl
+pop ebx
+add eax, ebx
+adc edx, esi
+jns short loc_0045e3f1 ; jns 0x45e3f1
+cmp cl, 0x35
+jb short loc_0045e3e4 ; jb 0x45e3e4
+test edi, 0x7fffffff
+setne bl
+shr ebx, 1
+adc eax, 0
+adc edx, 0
+neg edx
+neg eax
+sbb edx, 0
+xor ebp, 0x80000000
+mov ebx, eax
+or ebx, edx
+je short loc_0045e461 ; je 0x45e461
+or bp, bp
+je short loc_0045e465 ; je 0x45e465
+test edx, 0x7fe00000
+jne short loc_0045e40e ; jne 0x45e40e
+dec bp
+je short loc_0045e465 ; je 0x45e465
+add eax, eax
+adc edx, edx
+jmp short loc_0045e3fc ; jmp 0x45e3fc
+test edx, 0x400000
+je short loc_0045e426 ; je 0x45e426
+shr edx, 1
+rcr eax, 1
+adc edi, 0
+inc bp
+cmp bp, 0x7ff
+je short loc_0045e46f ; je 0x45e46f
+shr edx, 1
+rcr eax, 1
+jae short loc_0045e450 ; jae 0x45e450
+or edi, edi
+setne bl
+or ebx, eax
+shr ebx, 1
+adc eax, 0
+adc edx, 0
+test edx, 0x200000
+je short loc_0045e450 ; je 0x45e450
+shr edx, 1
+rcr eax, 1
+inc bp
+cmp bp, 0x7ff
+je short loc_0045e46f ; je 0x45e46f
+and edx, 0xfffff
+mov ecx, ebp
+shl ebp, 0x15
+add ecx, ecx
+rcr ebp, 1
+or edx, ebp
+pop esi
+pop edi
+pop ebp
+add ebp, ebp
+rcr edx, 1
+rcr eax, 1
+pop esi
+pop edi
+pop ebp
+mov eax, ebp
+pop esi
+pop edi
+pop ebp
+jmp near fcn_0045efd3 ; jmp 0x45efd3
+or eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045e484 ; jne 0x45e484
+add edx, edx
+jne short loc_0045e482 ; jne 0x45e482
+rcr edx, 1
+or ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0045e493 ; jne 0x45e493
+add ecx, ecx
+jne short loc_0045e491 ; jne 0x45e491
+sub eax, eax
+sub edx, edx
+rcr ecx, 1
+cmp byte [ref_00488f35], 0 ; cmp byte [0x488f35], 0
+je short loc_0045e4ab ; je 0x45e4ab
+push edx
+push eax
+fld qword [esp]
+push ecx
+push ebx
+fmul qword [esp]
+jmp near loc_0045e2ee ; jmp 0x45e2ee
+push ebp
+push edi
+push esi
+mov edi, edx
+mov esi, ecx
+sar edi, 0x14
+sar ecx, 0x14
+and edi, 0x800007ff
+and ecx, 0x800007ff
+rol edi, 0x10
+rol ecx, 0x10
+add cx, di
+rol edi, 0x10
+rol ecx, 0x10
+and edx, 0xfffff
+and esi, 0xfffff
+or di, di
+jne short loc_0045e4f4 ; jne 0x45e4f4
+inc di
+dec di
+add eax, eax
+adc edx, edx
+test edx, 0x100000
+je short loc_0045e4e6 ; je 0x45e4e6
+or edx, 0x100000
+or cx, cx
+jne short loc_0045e50f ; jne 0x45e50f
+inc cx
+dec cx
+add ebx, ebx
+adc esi, esi
+test esi, 0x100000
+je short loc_0045e501 ; je 0x45e501
+or esi, 0x100000
+add cx, di
+sub cx, 0x3ff
+js short loc_0045e530 ; js 0x45e530
+cmp cx, 0x7ff
+jb short loc_0045e530 ; jb 0x45e530
+mov eax, ecx
+pop esi
+pop edi
+pop ebp
+jmp near fcn_0045efd3 ; jmp 0x45efd3
+cmp cx, 0xffcb
+jge short loc_0045e53e ; jge 0x45e53e
+pop esi
+pop edi
+pop ebp
+jmp near fcn_0045efb6 ; jmp 0x45efb6
+push ecx
+mov cl, 0xb
+shld edx, eax, cl
+shld eax, ebp, cl
+and eax, 0xfffff800
+shld esi, ebx, cl
+shld ebx, ebp, cl
+and ebx, 0xfffff800
+sub ebp, ebp
+push esi
+push edx
+push eax
+mul ebx
+xchg eax, esi
+mov ecx, edx
+pop edx
+mul edx
+mov edi, edx
+add ecx, eax
+adc edi, ebp
+adc ebp, ebp
+pop eax
+xchg eax, ebx
+mul ebx
+add ecx, eax
+adc edi, edx
+adc ebp, 0
+mov eax, ebx
+pop edx
+mul edx
+add eax, edi
+adc edx, ebp
+sub ebx, ebx
+mov cl, 0xa
+shrd ebx, eax, cl
+shrd eax, edx, cl
+shrd edx, ebx, cl
+pop ecx
+test edx, 0x200000
+je short loc_0045e5a8 ; je 0x45e5a8
+shr edx, 1
+rcr eax, 1
+rcr ebx, 1
+inc cx
+cmp cx, 0x7ff
+je short loc_0045e60c ; je 0x45e60c
+jmp short loc_0045e58f ; jmp 0x45e58f
+add ebx, ebx
+jae short loc_0045e5d6 ; jae 0x45e5d6
+jne short loc_0045e5bb ; jne 0x45e5bb
+or esi, esi
+setne bl
+shr ebx, 1
+jb short loc_0045e5bb ; jb 0x45e5bb
+mov esi, eax
+shr esi, 1
+adc eax, 0
+adc edx, 0
+test edx, 0x200000
+je short loc_0045e5d6 ; je 0x45e5d6
+shr edx, 1
+rcr eax, 1
+inc cx
+cmp cx, 0x7ff
+je short loc_0045e60c ; je 0x45e60c
+or cx, cx
+jg short loc_0045e5f1 ; jg 0x45e5f1
+jne short loc_0045e5e1 ; jne 0x45e5e1
+mov cl, 1
+jmp short loc_0045e5e6 ; jmp 0x45e5e6
+neg cx
+dec cx
+sub ebx, ebx
+shrd eax, edx, cl
+shrd edx, ebx, cl
+sub cx, cx
+and edx, 0xfffff
+mov esi, ecx
+ror ecx, 0xb
+add esi, esi
+rcr ecx, 1
+and ecx, 0xfff00000
+or edx, ecx
+pop esi
+pop edi
+pop ebp
+mov eax, ecx
+pop esi
+pop edi
+pop ebp
+jmp near fcn_0045efd3 ; jmp 0x45efd3
+push ebp
+test edx, 0x7ff00000
+jne short loc_0045e621 ; jne 0x45e621
+sub edx, edx
+test ecx, 0x7ff00000
+jne short loc_0045e62b ; jne 0x45e62b
+sub ecx, ecx
+mov ebp, ecx
+xor ebp, edx
+mov ebp, 0
+js short loc_0045e642 ; js 0x45e642
+cmp edx, ecx
+jne short loc_0045e63c ; jne 0x45e63c
+cmp eax, ebx
+je short loc_0045e64a ; je 0x45e64a
+rcr ecx, 1
+xor edx, ecx
+add edx, edx
+sbb ebp, 0
+add ebp, ebp
+inc ebp
+mov eax, ebp
+pop ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+sub eax, 4
+mov eax, dword [eax]
+and al, 0xfe
+sub eax, 4
+db 0x53
+db 0x8b
+db 0x54
+dd 0x8b520c24
+dd 0x530c245c
+dd 0x0001bce8
+dd 0x08c48300
+db 0x5b
+db 0xc3
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x30]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+add eax, 0xb
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+and al, 0xf8
+cmp eax, edx
+jae short loc_0045e699 ; jae 0x45e699
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+jmp short loc_0045e6a3 ; jmp 0x45e6a3
+cmp eax, 0x10
+jae short loc_0045e6a3 ; jae 0x45e6a3
+mov eax, 0x10
+lea edx, [esi - 4]
+mov dword [esp], edx
+mov edx, dword [edx]
+and dl, 0xfe
+cmp eax, edx
+jbe near loc_0045e7c0 ; jbe 0x45e7c0
+mov edi, dword [esp]
+sub eax, edx
+add edi, edx
+mov dword [ebp], eax
+mov eax, dword [edi]
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], eax
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_0045e6d5 ; jne 0x45e6d5
+mov eax, 2
+jmp near loc_0045e821 ; jmp 0x45e821
+test byte [esp + 0xc], 1
+jne near loc_0045e7b9 ; jne 0x45e7b9
+mov eax, dword [edi + 8]
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+mov eax, dword [edi + 4]
+mov edx, ds
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+mov eax, ref_00488f00 ; mov eax, 0x488f00
+cmp dx, word [esp + 0x24]
+jne short loc_0045e719 ; jne 0x45e719
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00488f00] ; mov ebx, dword [0x488f00]
+jmp short loc_0045e713 ; jmp 0x45e713
+cmp ebx, esi
+ja short loc_0045e710 ; ja 0x45e710
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+add eax, ebx
+cmp eax, esi
+ja short loc_0045e719 ; ja 0x45e719
+mov ebx, dword [ebx + 8]
+cmp dword [ebx + 8], 0
+jne short loc_0045e704 ; jne 0x45e704
+mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0xc]
+cmp edi, ecx
+jne short loc_0045e726 ; jne 0x45e726
+mov eax, dword [ecx + 4]
+mov dword [ebx + 0xc], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov edx, dword [ebp]
+cmp eax, edx
+jb short loc_0045e738 ; jb 0x45e738
+sub eax, edx
+cmp eax, 0x10
+jae short loc_0045e774 ; jae 0x45e774
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+mov dword [eax + 8], edx
+mov eax, edx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov dword [eax + 4], edx
+mov edx, dword [esp]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+add dword [edx], eax
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x1c]
+xor dh, dh
+dec eax
+mov byte [ref_004991d1], dh ; mov byte [0x4991d1], dh
+mov dword [ebx + 0x1c], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov edx, dword [ebp]
+cmp eax, edx
+jb short loc_0045e7ab ; jb 0x45e7ab
+jmp near loc_0045e81f ; jmp 0x45e81f
+add edi, edx
+mov dword [edi], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+mov dword [edi + 4], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+mov dword [edi + 8], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+mov dword [eax + 8], edi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+mov dword [eax + 4], edi
+mov edx, dword [esp]
+mov eax, dword [ebp]
+add dword [edx], eax
+xor dl, dl
+xor eax, eax
+mov byte [ref_004991d1], dl ; mov byte [0x4991d1], dl
+jmp near loc_0045e821 ; jmp 0x45e821
+mov ecx, edx
+sub ecx, eax
+add edi, eax
+mov dword [ebp], ecx
+jmp near loc_0045e6c0 ; jmp 0x45e6c0
+mov eax, 1
+jmp short loc_0045e821 ; jmp 0x45e821
+sub edx, eax
+cmp edx, 0x10
+jb short loc_0045e81f ; jb 0x45e81f
+mov ebp, dword [esp]
+mov edi, eax
+or dl, 1
+or di, 1
+lea ecx, [eax + ebp]
+mov dword [ebp], edi
+mov eax, ref_00488f00 ; mov eax, 0x488f00
+mov dword [ecx], edx
+mov edx, ds
+mov dword [esp], ecx
+cmp dx, word [esp + 0x24]
+jne short loc_0045e809 ; jne 0x45e809
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00488f00] ; mov ebx, dword [0x488f00]
+jmp short loc_0045e803 ; jmp 0x45e803
+cmp ebx, esi
+ja short loc_0045e800 ; ja 0x45e800
+mov eax, dword [ebx]
+add eax, ebx
+cmp eax, esi
+ja short loc_0045e809 ; ja 0x45e809
+mov ebx, dword [ebx + 8]
+cmp dword [ebx + 8], 0
+jne short loc_0045e7f4 ; jne 0x45e7f4
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+mov ebp, dword [ebx + 0x18]
+add eax, 4
+inc ebp
+push eax
+mov dword [ebx + 0x18], ebp
+call fcn_00456e1f ; call 0x456e1f
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+sub esp, 4
+call dword [ref_00488f68] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f68]
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push edx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push ebx
+mov eax, ref_00488f00 ; mov eax, 0x488f00
+mov edx, ds
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, dx
+push eax
+call fcn_0045e672 ; call 0x45e672
+add esp, 0x10
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045e866 ; jne 0x45e866
+call dword [ref_00488f70] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f70]
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 4
+pop ebx
+call dword [ref_00488f70] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f70]
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 4
+pop ebx
+cmp byte [ref_00489724], 0 ; cmp byte [0x489724], 0
+je short loc_0045e89b ; je 0x45e89b
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esp + 8]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+push edx
+jmp short loc_0045e892 ; jmp 0x45e892
+dd 0x44495657
+db 0x45
+db 0x4f
+mov eax, 1
+add esp, 8
+xor eax, eax
+xor eax, eax
+db 0x53
+db 0x56
+db 0x8b
+dd 0x52182454
+dd 0x18245c8b
+dd 0x244c8b53
+dd 0x748b5118
+dd 0xff561824
+db 0x15
+dd ref_00489728
+db 0x83
+db 0xc4
+db 0x10
+db 0x5e
+db 0x5b
+db 0xc3
+call dword [ref_0048972c] ; ucall: call dword [0x48972c]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+push edx
+call dword [ref_00489730] ; ucall: call dword [0x489730]
+add esp, 4
+db 0x53
+db 0x56
+db 0x8b
+dd 0x8b0c2444
+dd 0x8b10245c
+dd 0x85142454
+dd 0x8b1074c0
+db 0x08
+db 0x8b
+db 0x35
+dd ref_00489728
+db 0x89
+db 0x0d
+dd ref_00489728
+db 0x89
+db 0x30
+db 0x85
+dd 0x8b0f74db
+db 0x03
+db 0x8b
+db 0x0d
+dd ref_0048972c
+db 0xa3
+dd ref_0048972c
+dd 0xd2850b89
+dd 0x028b0f74
+db 0x8b
+db 0x1d
+dd ref_00489730
+db 0xa3
+dd ref_00489730
+db 0x89
+dd 0xc35b5e1a
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x10
+push ref_0046ca90 ; push 0x46ca90
+call fcn_0045c0b4 ; call 0x45c0b4
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0045ea5a ; je 0x45ea5a
+cmp byte [ebx], 0
+je near loc_0045ea4d ; je 0x45ea4d
+mov dl, 0x3a
+mov esi, ebx
+mov al, byte [esi]
+cmp al, dl
+je short loc_0045e967 ; je 0x45e967
+cmp al, 0
+je short loc_0045e965 ; je 0x45e965
+inc esi
+mov al, byte [esi]
+cmp al, dl
+je short loc_0045e967 ; je 0x45e967
+inc esi
+cmp al, 0
+jne short loc_0045e94f ; jne 0x45e94f
+sub esi, esi
+mov edi, esi
+sub esi, ebx
+push esi
+push ebx
+lea ebx, [esp + 8]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045f8f7 ; call 0x45f8f7
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x10
+push 0
+lea ebx, [esp + 8]
+xor dl, dl
+push ebx
+mov byte [esp + esi + 0xc], dl
+lea esi, [edi + 1]
+call fcn_0045fa9e ; call 0x45fa9e
+mov dl, 0x3a
+add esp, 0xc
+mov ebp, eax
+mov ebx, esi
+mov al, byte [esi]
+cmp al, dl
+je short loc_0045e9b2 ; je 0x45e9b2
+cmp al, 0
+je short loc_0045e9b0 ; je 0x45e9b0
+inc esi
+mov al, byte [esi]
+cmp al, dl
+je short loc_0045e9b2 ; je 0x45e9b2
+inc esi
+cmp al, 0
+jne short loc_0045e99a ; jne 0x45e99a
+sub esi, esi
+mov edi, esi
+sub esi, ebx
+push esi
+push ebx
+lea ebx, [esp + 8]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045f8f7 ; call 0x45f8f7
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x10
+push 0
+lea ebx, [esp + 8]
+xor dh, dh
+push ebx
+mov byte [esp + esi + 0xc], dh
+lea esi, [edi + 1]
+call fcn_0045fa9e ; call 0x45fa9e
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], eax
+add esp, 0xc
+mov dl, 0x2a
+mov ebx, esi
+mov al, byte [esi]
+cmp al, dl
+je short loc_0045e9ff ; je 0x45e9ff
+cmp al, 0
+je short loc_0045e9fd ; je 0x45e9fd
+inc esi
+mov al, byte [esi]
+cmp al, dl
+je short loc_0045e9ff ; je 0x45e9ff
+inc esi
+cmp al, 0
+jne short loc_0045e9e7 ; jne 0x45e9e7
+sub esi, esi
+mov edi, esi
+sub esi, ebx
+push esi
+push ebx
+lea ebx, [esp + 8]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045f8f7 ; call 0x45f8f7
+add esp, 0xc
+push 0x10
+xor bl, bl
+push 0
+mov byte [esp + esi + 8], bl
+lea ebx, [esp + 8]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045fa9e ; call 0x45fa9e
+add esp, 0xc
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push edx
+mov ebx, eax
+call fcn_00459ece ; call 0x459ece
+add esp, 8
+push ebx
+push ebp
+lea esi, [edi + 1]
+call fcn_0045bef6 ; call 0x45bef6
+mov ebx, esi
+add esp, 8
+jmp near loc_0045e942 ; jmp 0x45e942
+push ref_0046ca9c ; push 0x46ca9c
+call fcn_0045faf7 ; call 0x45faf7
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0xff
+db 0x15
+dd ref_00489734
+push 0xff
+push ref_0046caac ; push 0x46caac
+call fcn_0045c690 ; call 0x45c690
+add esp, 8
+push ebx
+push edi
+sub esp, 4
+xor edx, edx
+mov ah, byte [ref_00488f34] ; mov ah, byte [0x488f34]
+mov dword [esp], edx
+test ah, ah
+je short loc_0045eac2 ; je 0x45eac2
+mov edi, esp
+fnstcw word [ss:edi]
+cmp dword [esp + 0x14], 0
+je short loc_0045eac2 ; je 0x45eac2
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov ebx, dword [esp]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+not eax
+and edi, ecx
+and eax, ebx
+or eax, edi
+mov edi, esp
+mov dword [esp], eax
+fldcw word [ss:edi]
+mov edi, esp
+fnstcw word [ss:edi]
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [esp]
+add esp, 4
+pop edi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x14
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x24]
+cmp esi, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_0045eaeb ; jne 0x45eaeb
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetACP@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462370]
+mov esi, eax
+jmp near loc_0045eb7f ; jmp 0x45eb7f
+cmp esi, 0xfffffffe
+jne short loc_0045eaf9 ; jne 0x45eaf9
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetOEMCP@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623c0]
+jmp short loc_0045eae4 ; jmp 0x45eae4
+cmp esi, 0xfffffffd
+jne short loc_0045eb27 ; jne 0x45eb27
+push 0x101
+push 0
+push ref_0049995c ; push 0x49995c
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+xor edx, edx
+xor eax, eax
+mov dword [ref_00499958], edx ; mov dword [0x499958], edx
+mov dword [ref_00489738], edx ; mov dword [0x489738], edx
+jmp near loc_0045ec1a ; jmp 0x45ec1a
+cmp esi, 0xfffffffc
+jne short loc_0045eb7f ; jne 0x45eb7f
+push 0x101
+push 0
+push ref_0049995c ; push 0x49995c
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+mov eax, 0x81
+mov dl, 1
+add esp, 0xc
+inc eax
+mov byte [eax + ref_0049995c], dl ; mov byte [eax + 0x49995c], dl
+cmp eax, 0x9f
+jle short loc_0045eb47 ; jle 0x45eb47
+mov eax, 0xe0
+mov dh, 1
+inc eax
+mov byte [eax + ref_0049995c], dh ; mov byte [eax + 0x49995c], dh
+cmp eax, 0xfc
+jle short loc_0045eb5c ; jle 0x45eb5c
+mov ebp, 1
+mov eax, 0x3a4
+mov dword [ref_00499958], ebp ; mov dword [0x499958], ebp
+jmp near loc_0045ec0b ; jmp 0x45ec0b
+test esi, esi
+jne short loc_0045eb88 ; jne 0x45eb88
+mov esi, 1
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push esi
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetCPInfo@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462374]
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045eba1 ; jne 0x45eba1
+mov eax, 1
+jmp near loc_0045ec1a ; jmp 0x45ec1a
+push 0x101
+push 0
+push ref_0049995c ; push 0x49995c
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+xor ecx, ecx
+mov ah, byte [esp + 6]
+mov dword [ref_00499958], ecx ; mov dword [0x499958], ecx
+test ah, ah
+je short loc_0045ebcf ; je 0x45ebcf
+mov dword [ref_00499958], 1 ; mov dword [0x499958], 1
+xor edx, edx
+mov cl, 1
+jmp short loc_0045ebf1 ; jmp 0x45ebf1
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + edx + 6]
+jmp short loc_0045ebe4 ; jmp 0x45ebe4
+inc eax
+mov byte [eax + ref_0049995c], cl ; mov byte [eax + 0x49995c], cl
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [esp + edx + 7]
+cmp eax, ebx
+jle short loc_0045ebdd ; jle 0x45ebdd
+add edx, 2
+cmp byte [esp + edx + 6], 0
+jne short loc_0045ebd5 ; jne 0x45ebd5
+cmp byte [esp + edx + 7], 0
+jne short loc_0045ebd5 ; jne 0x45ebd5
+cmp esi, 1
+jne short loc_0045ec12 ; jne 0x45ec12
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetOEMCP@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623c0]
+mov dword [ref_00489738], eax ; mov dword [0x489738], eax
+jmp short loc_0045ec18 ; jmp 0x45ec18
+mov dword [ref_00489738], esi ; mov dword [0x489738], esi
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 0x14
+pop ebp
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x00
+db 0x09
+db 0xd2
+dd 0xc9091e78
+dd 0x48e80678
+dd 0xc3000000
+dd 0xdbf7d9f7
+dd 0xe800d983
+dd 0x0000003b
+dd 0xd8f7daf7
+dd 0xc300da83
+dd 0xd8f7daf7
+dd 0x0900da83
+dd 0xf71479c9
+dd 0x83dbf7d9
+dd 0x1ce800d9
+dd 0xf7000000
+dd 0x83dbf7d9
+dd 0xe8c300d9
+dd 0x0000000f
+dd 0xdbf7d9f7
+dd 0xf700d983
+dd 0x83d8f7da
+db 0xda
+db 0x00
+db 0xc3
+or ecx, ecx
+jne short loc_0045ec95 ; jne 0x45ec95
+dec ebx
+je short loc_0045ec94 ; je 0x45ec94
+inc ebx
+cmp ebx, edx
+ja short loc_0045ec8c ; ja 0x45ec8c
+mov ecx, eax
+mov eax, edx
+sub edx, edx
+div ebx
+xchg eax, ecx
+div ebx
+mov ebx, edx
+mov edx, ecx
+sub ecx, ecx
+cmp ecx, edx
+jb short loc_0045ecb5 ; jb 0x45ecb5
+jne short loc_0045ecad ; jne 0x45ecad
+cmp ebx, eax
+ja short loc_0045ecad ; ja 0x45ecad
+sub eax, ebx
+mov ebx, eax
+sub ecx, ecx
+sub edx, edx
+mov eax, 1
+sub ecx, ecx
+sub ebx, ebx
+xchg eax, ebx
+xchg edx, ecx
+push ebp
+push esi
+push edi
+sub esi, esi
+mov edi, esi
+mov ebp, esi
+add ebx, ebx
+adc ecx, ecx
+jb short loc_0045ecd7 ; jb 0x45ecd7
+inc ebp
+cmp ecx, edx
+jb short loc_0045ecbe ; jb 0x45ecbe
+ja short loc_0045eccf ; ja 0x45eccf
+cmp ebx, eax
+jbe short loc_0045ecbe ; jbe 0x45ecbe
+adc esi, esi
+adc edi, edi
+dec ebp
+js short loc_0045ecf9 ; js 0x45ecf9
+rcr ecx, 1
+rcr ebx, 1
+sub eax, ebx
+sbb edx, ecx
+jb short loc_0045ecd0 ; jb 0x45ecd0
+add esi, esi
+adc edi, edi
+dec ebp
+js short loc_0045ecf5 ; js 0x45ecf5
+shr ecx, 1
+rcr ebx, 1
+add eax, ebx
+adc edx, ecx
+jae short loc_0045ece2 ; jae 0x45ece2
+jmp short loc_0045ecd0 ; jmp 0x45ecd0
+add eax, ebx
+adc edx, ecx
+mov ebx, eax
+mov ecx, edx
+mov eax, esi
+mov edx, edi
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebp
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+cmp byte [eax], 0
+jne short loc_0045ed14 ; jne 0x45ed14
+mov eax, 1
+cmp dword [ref_00499958], 0 ; cmp dword [0x499958], 0
+je short loc_0045ed3e ; je 0x45ed3e
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax]
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_0049995d] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x49995d]
+and dl, 1
+and edx, 0xff
+je short loc_0045ed3e ; je 0x45ed3e
+cmp byte [eax + 1], 0
+jne short loc_0045ed3e ; jne 0x45ed3e
+mov eax, 2
+xor eax, eax
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 8
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push edx
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045fee1 ; call 0x45fee1
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045ff1a ; call 0x45ff1a
+add esp, 4
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+xor dl, dl
+push ecx
+mov byte [esp + eax + 8], dl
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045fee1 ; call 0x45fee1
+add esp, 8
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push esi
+call fcn_0045ff1a ; call 0x45ff1a
+add esp, 4
+xor dh, dh
+mov byte [esp + eax], dh
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045ff46 ; call 0x45ff46
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_0045ff46 ; call 0x45ff46
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 8]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045ffab ; call 0x45ffab
+add esp, 8
+add esp, 8
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+cmp dword [ref_00499958], 0 ; cmp dword [0x499958], 0
+je short loc_0045ede9 ; je 0x45ede9
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax]
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_0049995d] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x49995d]
+and dl, 1
+and edx, 0xff
+je short loc_0045ede9 ; je 0x45ede9
+cmp byte [eax + 1], 0
+je short loc_0045ede9 ; je 0x45ede9
+add eax, 2
+inc eax
+db 0x00
+jmp near loc_00460007 ; jmp 0x460007
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+cmp edx, 3
+jbe short loc_0045edfd ; jbe 0x45edfd
+xor eax, eax
+mov eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+sub eax, edx
+shl eax, 2
+add eax, edx
+add eax, eax
+add eax, ref_00488f9c ; add eax, 0x488f9c
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov edx, dword [esi + 0x10]
+push edx
+call dword [ref_00488f50] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f50]
+mov eax, dword [esi + 8]
+mov ecx, dword [eax + 8]
+add esp, 4
+test ecx, ecx
+jne short loc_0045ee40 ; jne 0x45ee40
+push esi
+call fcn_0045940b ; call 0x45940b
+add esp, 4
+mov ah, byte [esi + 0xd]
+xor ebp, ebp
+test ah, 4
+je short loc_0045ee5f ; je 0x45ee5f
+mov dl, ah
+and dl, 0xf9
+mov byte [esi + 0xd], dl
+mov dh, dl
+or dh, 2
+mov ebp, 1
+mov byte [esi + 0xd], dh
+mov dword [esp], ebx
+xor edi, edi
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045ee7e ; je 0x45ee7e
+push esi
+push eax
+inc ebx
+call fcn_00459aab ; call 0x459aab
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_0045ee64 ; jne 0x45ee64
+mov edi, eax
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_0045eea2 ; je 0x45eea2
+mov cl, byte [esi + 0xd]
+and cl, 0xf9
+mov byte [esi + 0xd], cl
+mov ch, cl
+or ch, 4
+mov byte [esi + 0xd], ch
+test edi, edi
+jne short loc_0045eea2 ; jne 0x45eea2
+push esi
+call fcn_004591f9 ; call 0x4591f9
+add esp, 4
+mov edi, eax
+test edi, edi
+jne short loc_0045eead ; jne 0x45eead
+mov edi, dword [esp]
+sub ebx, edi
+mov edi, ebx
+mov ebp, dword [esi + 0x10]
+push ebp
+call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54]
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, edi
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+mov dx, word [eax + 8]
+and dh, 0x7f
+cmp dx, 0x7fff
+jne short loc_0045eef0 ; jne 0x45eef0
+cmp dword [eax + 4], 0x80000000
+jne short loc_0045eeea ; jne 0x45eeea
+cmp dword [eax], 0
+jne short loc_0045eeea ; jne 0x45eeea
+mov eax, 3
+mov eax, 2
+test word [eax + 8], 0x7fff
+jne short loc_0045ef0c ; jne 0x45ef0c
+cmp dword [eax + 4], 0
+jne short loc_0045ef06 ; jne 0x45ef06
+cmp dword [eax], 0
+jne short loc_0045ef06 ; jne 0x45ef06
+xor eax, eax
+mov eax, 4
+mov eax, 1
+push ebp
+push esi
+push edi
+push ecx
+push ebx
+push edx
+mov esi, eax
+sub edx, edx
+sub ecx, ecx
+sub ebp, ebp
+sub eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi]
+cmp al, 0
+je short loc_0045ef57 ; je 0x45ef57
+mov edi, edx
+mov ebx, ecx
+mov eax, ebp
+add ebp, ebp
+adc ecx, ecx
+adc edx, edx
+add ebp, ebp
+adc ecx, ecx
+adc edx, edx
+add ebp, eax
+adc ecx, ebx
+adc edx, edi
+add ebp, ebp
+adc ecx, ecx
+adc edx, edx
+sub eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esi]
+and al, 0xf
+add ebp, eax
+adc ecx, 0
+adc edx, 0
+inc esi
+jmp short loc_0045ef22 ; jmp 0x45ef22
+mov eax, ecx
+mov edi, 0x405e
+call fcn_0045ef74 ; call 0x45ef74
+pop ebp
+mov dword [ebp + 4], edx
+mov dword [ebp], eax
+mov word [ebp + 8], si
+pop ebx
+pop ecx
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebp
+sub esi, esi
+or esi, eax
+or esi, edx
+or esi, ebp
+je short loc_0045efb4 ; je 0x45efb4
+or edx, edx
+jne short loc_0045ef8b ; jne 0x45ef8b
+mov edx, eax
+mov eax, ebp
+sub ebp, ebp
+sub edi, 0x20
+or edx, edx
+jne short loc_0045ef98 ; jne 0x45ef98
+mov edx, eax
+mov eax, ebp
+sub ebp, ebp
+sub edi, 0x20
+or edx, edx
+js short loc_0045efa5 ; js 0x45efa5
+dec edi
+add ebp, ebp
+adc eax, eax
+adc edx, edx
+jmp short loc_0045ef98 ; jmp 0x45ef98
+add ebp, ebp
+adc eax, 0
+adc edx, 0
+jae short loc_0045efb2 ; jae 0x45efb2
+rcr edx, 1
+inc edi
+mov esi, edi
+db 0x00
+sub edx, edx
+sub eax, eax
+db 0xb8
+dd 0x00000083
+dd 0x001045e8
+db 0x00
+db 0xeb
+db 0x1d
+mov eax, 0x83
+call fcn_0046000a ; call 0x46000a
+jmp short loc_0045efe4 ; jmp 0x45efe4
+push eax
+call fcn_00458e00 ; call 0x458e00
+mov eax, 0x84
+call fcn_0046000a ; call 0x46000a
+pop eax
+and eax, 0x80000000
+or eax, 0x7ff00000
+mov edx, eax
+sub eax, eax
+db 0xb8
+dd 0x00000083
+dd 0x00100de8
+dd 0x5011eb00
+dd 0xff9dfbe8
+dd 0x0084b8ff
+dd 0xfbe80000
+dd 0x5800000f
+dd 0x00000025
+dd 0x00000d80
+dd 0x00c37f80
+fld tword [esp + 0x10] ; fld xword [esp + 0x10]
+fld tword [esp + 4] ; fld xword [esp + 4]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+add eax, eax
+jae near loc_0045f0b6 ; jae 0x45f0b6
+xor eax, 0xe000000
+test eax, 0xe000000
+je short loc_0045f03f ; je 0x45f03f
+fdivp st1 ; fdivp st(1)
+shr eax, 0x1c
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00489970], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x489970], 0
+jne short loc_0045f04e ; jne 0x45f04e
+fdivp st1 ; fdivp st(1)
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+and eax, 0x7fff
+je short loc_0045f0c0 ; je 0x45f0c0
+cmp eax, 0x7fff
+je short loc_0045f0c0 ; je 0x45f0c0
+fnstcw word [esp + 0x1c]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+or eax, 0x33f
+and eax, 0xf3ff
+mov dword [esp + 0x20], eax
+fldcw word [esp + 0x20]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+and eax, 0x7fff
+cmp eax, 1
+je short loc_0045f09f ; je 0x45f09f
+fmul dword [ref_00489980] ; fmul dword [0x489980]
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fmul dword [ref_00489980] ; fmul dword [0x489980]
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fldcw word [esp + 0x1c]
+fdivp st1 ; fdivp st(1)
+fmul dword [ref_00489984] ; fmul dword [0x489984]
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fmul dword [ref_00489984] ; fmul dword [0x489984]
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fldcw word [esp + 0x1c]
+fdivp st1 ; fdivp st(1)
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+or eax, dword [esp + 8]
+jne short loc_0045f0c3 ; jne 0x45f0c3
+fdivp st1 ; fdivp st(1)
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+and eax, 0x7fff
+jne short loc_0045f0c0 ; jne 0x45f0c0
+fnstcw word [esp + 0x1c]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+or eax, 0x33f
+and eax, 0xf3ff
+mov dword [esp + 0x20], eax
+fldcw word [esp + 0x20]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+and eax, 0x7fff
+je short loc_0045f104 ; je 0x45f104
+cmp eax, 0x7fff
+je short loc_0045f12c ; je 0x45f12c
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+add eax, eax
+jae short loc_0045f12c ; jae 0x45f12c
+jmp short loc_0045f10c ; jmp 0x45f10c
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+add eax, eax
+jb short loc_0045f12c ; jb 0x45f12c
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fstp st0 ; fstp st(0)
+fld st0 ; fld st(0)
+fmul dword [ref_00489988] ; fmul dword [0x489988]
+fstp tword [esp + 4] ; fstp xword [esp + 4]
+fld tword [esp + 0x10] ; fld xword [esp + 0x10]
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fldcw word [esp + 0x1c]
+jmp near loc_0045f024 ; jmp 0x45f024
+fldcw word [esp + 0x1c]
+fdivp st1 ; fdivp st(1)
+sub esp, 0x2c
+jmp dword [eax*4 + ref_0048998c] ; ujmp: jmp dword [eax*4 + 0x48998c]
+fdiv st0 ; fdiv st(0)
+add esp, 0x2c
+add esp, 0x2c
+int 6
+fdivr st0 ; fdivr st(0)
+add esp, 0x2c
+add esp, 0x2c
+int 6
+fdiv st0 ; fdiv st(0)
+add esp, 0x2c
+fdivp st0 ; fdivp st(0)
+add esp, 0x2c
+fdivr st0 ; fdivr st(0)
+add esp, 0x2c
+fdivrp st0 ; fdivrp st(0)
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fld st0 ; fld st(0)
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fstp tword [esp + 0x20] ; fstp xword [esp + 0x20]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fld tword [esp + 0x20] ; fld xword [esp + 0x20]
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+add esp, 0x2c
+add esp, 0x2c
+int 6
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fld tword [esp + 0xc] ; fld xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+add esp, 0x2c
+add esp, 0x2c
+int 6
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fld st0 ; fld st(0)
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fstp tword [esp + 0x20] ; fstp xword [esp + 0x20]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fld tword [esp + 0x20] ; fld xword [esp + 0x20]
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fld tword [esp + 0xc] ; fld xword [esp + 0xc]
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fld st0 ; fld st(0)
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fstp tword [esp + 0x20] ; fstp xword [esp + 0x20]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fld tword [esp + 0x20] ; fld xword [esp + 0x20]
+fxch st2 ; fxch st(2)
+add esp, 0x2c
+add esp, 0x2c
+int 6
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fld tword [esp + 0xc] ; fld xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st2 ; fxch st(2)
+add esp, 0x2c
+add esp, 0x2c
+int 6
+fxch st2 ; fxch st(2)
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fld st0 ; fld st(0)
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fstp tword [esp + 0x20] ; fstp xword [esp + 0x20]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fld tword [esp + 0x20] ; fld xword [esp + 0x20]
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fld tword [esp + 0xc] ; fld xword [esp + 0xc]
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st2 ; fxch st(2)
+fld st0 ; fld st(0)
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fstp tword [esp + 0x20] ; fstp xword [esp + 0x20]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st2 ; fxch st(2)
+fld tword [esp + 0x20] ; fld xword [esp + 0x20]
+fxch st3 ; fxch st(3)
+add esp, 0x2c
+add esp, 0x2c
+int 6
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fxch st2 ; fxch st(2)
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st2 ; fxch st(2)
+fld tword [esp + 0xc] ; fld xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st3 ; fxch st(3)
+add esp, 0x2c
+add esp, 0x2c
+int 6
+fxch st3 ; fxch st(3)
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st2 ; fxch st(2)
+fld st0 ; fld st(0)
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fstp tword [esp + 0x20] ; fstp xword [esp + 0x20]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st2 ; fxch st(2)
+fld tword [esp + 0x20] ; fld xword [esp + 0x20]
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fxch st2 ; fxch st(2)
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st2 ; fxch st(2)
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st2 ; fxch st(2)
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st2 ; fxch st(2)
+fld tword [esp + 0xc] ; fld xword [esp + 0xc]
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st2 ; fxch st(2)
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st2 ; fxch st(2)
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st3 ; fxch st(3)
+fld st0 ; fld st(0)
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fstp tword [esp + 0x20] ; fstp xword [esp + 0x20]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st3 ; fxch st(3)
+fld tword [esp + 0x20] ; fld xword [esp + 0x20]
+fxch st4 ; fxch st(4)
+add esp, 0x2c
+add esp, 0x2c
+int 6
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fxch st3 ; fxch st(3)
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st3 ; fxch st(3)
+fld tword [esp + 0xc] ; fld xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st4 ; fxch st(4)
+add esp, 0x2c
+add esp, 0x2c
+int 6
+fxch st4 ; fxch st(4)
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st3 ; fxch st(3)
+fld st0 ; fld st(0)
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fstp tword [esp + 0x20] ; fstp xword [esp + 0x20]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st3 ; fxch st(3)
+fld tword [esp + 0x20] ; fld xword [esp + 0x20]
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fxch st3 ; fxch st(3)
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st3 ; fxch st(3)
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st3 ; fxch st(3)
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st3 ; fxch st(3)
+fld tword [esp + 0xc] ; fld xword [esp + 0xc]
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st3 ; fxch st(3)
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st3 ; fxch st(3)
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st4 ; fxch st(4)
+fld st0 ; fld st(0)
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fstp tword [esp + 0x20] ; fstp xword [esp + 0x20]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st4 ; fxch st(4)
+fld tword [esp + 0x20] ; fld xword [esp + 0x20]
+fxch st5 ; fxch st(5)
+add esp, 0x2c
+add esp, 0x2c
+int 6
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fxch st4 ; fxch st(4)
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st4 ; fxch st(4)
+fld tword [esp + 0xc] ; fld xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st5 ; fxch st(5)
+add esp, 0x2c
+add esp, 0x2c
+int 6
+fxch st5 ; fxch st(5)
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st4 ; fxch st(4)
+fld st0 ; fld st(0)
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fstp tword [esp + 0x20] ; fstp xword [esp + 0x20]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st4 ; fxch st(4)
+fld tword [esp + 0x20] ; fld xword [esp + 0x20]
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fxch st4 ; fxch st(4)
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st4 ; fxch st(4)
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st4 ; fxch st(4)
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st4 ; fxch st(4)
+fld tword [esp + 0xc] ; fld xword [esp + 0xc]
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st4 ; fxch st(4)
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st4 ; fxch st(4)
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st5 ; fxch st(5)
+fld st0 ; fld st(0)
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fstp tword [esp + 0x20] ; fstp xword [esp + 0x20]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st5 ; fxch st(5)
+fld tword [esp + 0x20] ; fld xword [esp + 0x20]
+fxch st6 ; fxch st(6)
+add esp, 0x2c
+add esp, 0x2c
+int 6
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fxch st5 ; fxch st(5)
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st5 ; fxch st(5)
+fld tword [esp + 0xc] ; fld xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st6 ; fxch st(6)
+add esp, 0x2c
+add esp, 0x2c
+int 6
+fxch st6 ; fxch st(6)
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st5 ; fxch st(5)
+fld st0 ; fld st(0)
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fstp tword [esp + 0x20] ; fstp xword [esp + 0x20]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st5 ; fxch st(5)
+fld tword [esp + 0x20] ; fld xword [esp + 0x20]
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fxch st5 ; fxch st(5)
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st5 ; fxch st(5)
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st5 ; fxch st(5)
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st5 ; fxch st(5)
+fld tword [esp + 0xc] ; fld xword [esp + 0xc]
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st5 ; fxch st(5)
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st5 ; fxch st(5)
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st6 ; fxch st(6)
+fld st0 ; fld st(0)
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fstp tword [esp + 0x20] ; fstp xword [esp + 0x20]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st6 ; fxch st(6)
+fld tword [esp + 0x20] ; fld xword [esp + 0x20]
+fxch st7 ; fxch st(7)
+add esp, 0x2c
+add esp, 0x2c
+int 6
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fxch st6 ; fxch st(6)
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st6 ; fxch st(6)
+fld tword [esp + 0xc] ; fld xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st7 ; fxch st(7)
+add esp, 0x2c
+add esp, 0x2c
+int 6
+fxch st7 ; fxch st(7)
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st6 ; fxch st(6)
+fld st0 ; fld st(0)
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fstp tword [esp + 0x20] ; fstp xword [esp + 0x20]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st6 ; fxch st(6)
+fld tword [esp + 0x20] ; fld xword [esp + 0x20]
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fxch st6 ; fxch st(6)
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st6 ; fxch st(6)
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st6 ; fxch st(6)
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st6 ; fxch st(6)
+fld tword [esp + 0xc] ; fld xword [esp + 0xc]
+add esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fxch st6 ; fxch st(6)
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+fxch st6 ; fxch st(6)
+add esp, 0x2c
+sub esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+add esp, 0x2c
+sub esp, 0x2c
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+call fcn_0045f01c ; call 0x45f01c
+add esp, 0x2c
+db 0x83
+db 0xec
+db 0x2c
+dd 0x0c247cdb
+dd 0xe8243cdb
+dd 0xfffffa18
+dd 0xc32cc483
+dd 0x24448b50
+dd 0x00002508
+dd 0x003d7f80
+dd 0x747f8000
+dd 0x25e0df33
+dd 0x00003800
+dd 0x44d90d74
+dd 0xa4e80824
+dd 0x58ffffff
+dd 0xd90004c2
+dd 0x0cec83c9
+dd 0xd9243cdb
+dd 0xe8142444
+dd 0xffffff8f
+dd 0xd9242cdb
+dd 0x0cc483c9
+dd 0x0004c258
+dd 0x082474d8
+dd 0x0004c258
+push eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+and eax, 0x7ff00000
+cmp eax, 0x7ff00000
+je short loc_0045f698 ; je 0x45f698
+fnstsw ax
+and eax, 0x3800
+je short loc_0045f67b ; je 0x45f67b
+fld qword [esp + 8]
+call fcn_0045f5cf ; call 0x45f5cf
+pop eax
+ret 8
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+sub esp, 0xc
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fld qword [esp + 0x14]
+call fcn_0045f5cf ; call 0x45f5cf
+fld tword [esp] ; fld xword [esp]
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+add esp, 0xc
+pop eax
+ret 8
+fdiv qword [esp + 8]
+pop eax
+ret 8
+dd 0x24448b50
+dd 0x00002508
+dd 0x003d7f80
+dd 0x747f8000
+dd 0x25e0df33
+dd 0x00003800
+dd 0x44d90d74
+dd 0x1fe80824
+dd 0x58ffffff
+dd 0xd90004c2
+dd 0x0cec83c9
+dd 0xd9243cdb
+dd 0xe8142444
+dd 0xffffff0a
+dd 0xd9242cdb
+dd 0x0cc483c9
+dd 0x0004c258
+dd 0x08247cd8
+dd 0x0004c258
+dd 0x24448b50
+dd 0x0000250c
+dd 0x003d7ff0
+dd 0x747ff000
+dd 0x25e0df33
+dd 0x00003800
+dd 0x44dd0d74
+dd 0xd3e80824
+dd 0x58fffffe
+dd 0xd90008c2
+dd 0x0cec83c9
+dd 0xdd243cdb
+dd 0xe8142444
+dd 0xfffffebe
+dd 0xd9242cdb
+dd 0x0cc483c9
+dd 0x0008c258
+dd 0x08247cdc
+dd 0x0008c258
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push es
+push fs
+push gs
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+sub esp, 0x10
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0x20]
+mov eax, dword [esi]
+mov dword [ebp - 4], eax
+mov eax, dword [esi + 4]
+mov dword [ebp - 8], eax
+mov eax, dword [esi + 0x10]
+mov edx, dword [ref_004991c0] ; mov edx, dword [0x4991c0]
+mov edi, dword [eax]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_0045f7a4 ; jne 0x45f7a4
+mov eax, dword [ref_004894b0] ; mov eax, dword [0x4894b0]
+add eax, 3
+and al, 0xfc
+sub esp, eax
+mov ebx, esp
+mov ecx, dword [ref_004894b0] ; mov ecx, dword [0x4894b0]
+push ecx
+push edx
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [ref_004894b0] ; mov eax, dword [0x4894b0]
+push ebx
+mov dword [ebx + 0xf0], eax
+call fcn_0045a2cb ; call 0x45a2cb
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045f7a4 ; jne 0x45f7a4
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__CloseHandle@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462348]
+jmp short loc_0045f7dc ; jmp 0x45f7dc
+call dword [ref_00488f4c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f4c]
+mov dword [eax + 0xde], edi
+mov edi, dword [esi + 0xc]
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetEvent@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462400]
+lea eax, [ebp - 0x10]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045ab58 ; call 0x45ab58
+add esp, 4
+call dword [ref_00488f8c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f8c]
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 8]
+push eax
+call dword [ebp - 4] ; ucall
+add esp, 4
+call fcn_0045e8c3 ; call 0x45e8c3
+mov esp, ebp
+pop ebp
+pop gs
+pop fs
+pop es
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push es
+sub esp, 0x3c
+cmp dword [ref_00488f48], 0xffffffff ; cmp dword [0x488f48], 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_0045f80a ; jne 0x45f80a
+call fcn_0045a27a ; call 0x45a27a
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0045f8c7 ; je 0x45f8c7
+call fcn_0045a3a0 ; call 0x45a3a0
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x54]
+add eax, 0xfff
+xor al, al
+and ah, 0xf0
+mov dword [esp + 0x54], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x50]
+mov dword [esp + 0x20], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x58]
+mov edi, esp
+mov dword [esp + 0x24], eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetCurrentThread@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462390]
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], eax
+mov eax, ds
+push 0x10
+mov es, eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0xc]
+mov esi, ref_0046cac4 ; mov esi, 0x46cac4
+push eax
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsd ; movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+movsb ; movsb byte es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetCurrentThreadId@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46238c]
+push eax
+call fcn_00457d61 ; call 0x457d61
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push 0
+push 0
+push 0
+call dword [cs:__imp__CreateEventA@16] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46234c]
+mov dword [esp + 0x2c], eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x34]
+mov dword [esp + 0x30], eax
+lea eax, [esp + 0x38]
+push eax
+push 0
+lea eax, [esp + 0x28]
+push eax
+push fcn_0045f738 ; push 0x45f738
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x64]
+push ebx
+push 0
+call dword [cs:__imp__CreateThread@24] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462354]
+mov dword [esp + 0x34], eax
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045f8a9 ; jne 0x45f8a9
+mov dword [esp + 0x38], 0xffffffff
+jmp short loc_0045f8b7 ; jmp 0x45f8b7
+push 0xffffffffffffffff
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+push ecx
+call dword [cs:__imp__WaitForSingleObject@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462434]
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+push edi
+call dword [cs:__imp__CloseHandle@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462348]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x34]
+add esp, 0x3c
+pop es
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+call dword [ref_00488f90] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f90]
+call fcn_0045aba4 ; call 0x45aba4
+cmp dword [ref_004991c0], 0 ; cmp dword [0x4991c0], 0
+jne short loc_0045f8ed ; jne 0x45f8ed
+push 1
+call fcn_0045a324 ; call 0x45a324
+add esp, 4
+push 0
+call dword [cs:__imp__ExitThread@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462368]
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov esi, eax
+jmp short loc_0045f914 ; jmp 0x45f914
+mov cl, byte [edx]
+test cl, cl
+je short loc_0045f918 ; je 0x45f918
+inc edx
+dec ebx
+mov byte [eax], cl
+inc eax
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0045f909 ; jne 0x45f909
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0045f923 ; je 0x45f923
+dec ebx
+mov byte [eax], 0
+inc eax
+jmp short loc_0045f918 ; jmp 0x45f918
+mov eax, esi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0xc
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x28]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x24]
+test edx, edx
+je short loc_0045f941 ; je 0x45f941
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x20]
+mov dword [edx], eax
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+mov al, byte [ebx]
+inc al
+and eax, 0xff
+test byte [eax + ref_00489370], 2 ; test byte [eax + 0x489370], 2
+je short loc_0045f95a ; je 0x45f95a
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0045f945 ; jmp 0x45f945
+mov al, byte [ebx]
+mov byte [esp + 4], al
+cmp al, 0x2b
+je short loc_0045f968 ; je 0x45f968
+cmp al, 0x2d
+jne short loc_0045f969 ; jne 0x45f969
+inc ebx
+test edi, edi
+jne short loc_0045f997 ; jne 0x45f997
+cmp byte [ebx], 0x30
+jne short loc_0045f984 ; jne 0x45f984
+mov al, byte [ebx + 1]
+cmp al, 0x78
+je short loc_0045f97d ; je 0x45f97d
+cmp al, 0x58
+jne short loc_0045f984 ; jne 0x45f984
+mov edi, 0x10
+jmp short loc_0045f9b7 ; jmp 0x45f9b7
+cmp byte [ebx], 0x30
+jne short loc_0045f990 ; jne 0x45f990
+mov edi, 8
+jmp short loc_0045f9cc ; jmp 0x45f9cc
+mov edi, 0xa
+jmp short loc_0045f9cc ; jmp 0x45f9cc
+cmp edi, 2
+jl short loc_0045f9a1 ; jl 0x45f9a1
+cmp edi, 0x24
+jle short loc_0045f9b2 ; jle 0x45f9b2
+push 0xd
+call fcn_00458de7 ; call 0x458de7
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_0045fa7a ; jmp 0x45fa7a
+cmp edi, 0x10
+jne short loc_0045f9cc ; jne 0x45f9cc
+cmp byte [ebx], 0x30
+jne short loc_0045f9cc ; jne 0x45f9cc
+mov cl, byte [ebx + 1]
+cmp cl, 0x78
+je short loc_0045f9c9 ; je 0x45f9c9
+cmp cl, 0x58
+jne short loc_0045f9cc ; jne 0x45f9cc
+add ebx, 2
+mov dword [esp], ebx
+mov ebp, edi
+xor al, al
+xor esi, esi
+mov byte [esp + 8], al
+shl ebp, 2
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045faa3 ; call 0x45faa3
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, eax
+cmp eax, edi
+jge short loc_0045fa0f ; jge 0x45fa0f
+cmp esi, dword [ebp + ref_00489734] ; cmp esi, dword [ebp + 0x489734]
+jbe short loc_0045f9fc ; jbe 0x45f9fc
+mov byte [esp + 8], 1
+mov eax, esi
+imul esi, edi
+add esi, edx
+cmp esi, eax
+jae short loc_0045fa0c ; jae 0x45fa0c
+mov byte [esp + 8], 1
+inc ebx
+jmp short loc_0045f9dc ; jmp 0x45f9dc
+cmp ebx, dword [esp]
+jne short loc_0045fa18 ; jne 0x45fa18
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x24]
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_0045fa23 ; je 0x45fa23
+mov dword [ebp], ebx
+cmp dword [esp + 0x2c], 1
+jne short loc_0045fa3b ; jne 0x45fa3b
+cmp esi, 0x80000000
+jb short loc_0045fa3b ; jb 0x45fa3b
+jne short loc_0045fa42 ; jne 0x45fa42
+cmp byte [esp + 4], 0x2d
+jne short loc_0045fa42 ; jne 0x45fa42
+cmp byte [esp + 8], 0
+je short loc_0045fa6f ; je 0x45fa6f
+push 0xe
+call fcn_00458de7 ; call 0x458de7
+add esp, 4
+cmp dword [esp + 0x2c], 0
+jne short loc_0045fa5a ; jne 0x45fa5a
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+jmp short loc_0045fa7a ; jmp 0x45fa7a
+cmp byte [esp + 4], 0x2d
+jne short loc_0045fa68 ; jne 0x45fa68
+mov eax, 0x80000000
+jmp short loc_0045fa7a ; jmp 0x45fa7a
+mov eax, 0x7fffffff
+jmp short loc_0045fa7a ; jmp 0x45fa7a
+cmp byte [esp + 4], 0x2d
+jne short loc_0045fa78 ; jne 0x45fa78
+neg esi
+mov eax, esi
+add esp, 0xc
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x53
+db 0x6a
+db 0x00
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push edx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push ebx
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045f928 ; call 0x45f928
+add esp, 0x10
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push 1
+jmp short loc_0045fa85 ; jmp 0x45fa85
+mov al, byte [esp + 4]
+cmp al, 0x30
+jb short loc_0045fab8 ; jb 0x45fab8
+cmp al, 0x39
+ja short loc_0045fab8 ; ja 0x45fab8
+and eax, 0xff
+sub eax, 0x30
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+call fcn_00458e22 ; call 0x458e22
+mov edx, eax
+add esp, 4
+cmp al, 0x61
+jb short loc_0045fad8 ; jb 0x45fad8
+cmp al, 0x69
+ja short loc_0045fad8 ; ja 0x45fad8
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, dl
+sub eax, 0x57
+cmp al, 0x6a
+jb short loc_0045fae9 ; jb 0x45fae9
+cmp al, 0x72
+ja short loc_0045fae9 ; ja 0x45fae9
+and eax, 0xff
+sub eax, 0x57
+cmp al, 0x73
+jb short loc_0045faf1 ; jb 0x45faf1
+cmp al, 0x7a
+jbe short loc_0045fae0 ; jbe 0x45fae0
+mov eax, 0x25
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 0x14
+mov edx, 2
+push 0x3d
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+mov ebx, 1
+push ecx
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], edx
+mov dword [esp + 8], ebx
+call fcn_00460015 ; call 0x460015
+mov ebp, eax
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045fb2f ; jne 0x45fb2f
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+jmp near loc_0045fc72 ; jmp 0x45fc72
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x28]
+cmp eax, esi
+je short loc_0045fb25 ; je 0x45fb25
+sub eax, esi
+mov dword [esp + 0x10], eax
+add eax, ebx
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 8], eax
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045fb25 ; je 0x45fb25
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov edi, eax
+push es
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+push edi
+mov eax, ecx
+shr ecx, 2
+repne movsd
+mov cl, al
+and cl, 3
+repne movsb ; repne movsb byte es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
+pop edi
+pop es
+lea esi, [ebp + 1]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push esi
+mov byte [ebx + eax], 0
+call fcn_00460084 ; call 0x460084
+mov ebp, eax
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045fbcc ; je 0x45fbcc
+inc eax
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], eax
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045fbac ; jne 0x45fbac
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+jmp near loc_0045fc6f ; jmp 0x45fc6f
+mov ecx, ebp
+mov edi, eax
+push es
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+push edi
+mov eax, ecx
+shr ecx, 2
+repne movsd
+mov cl, al
+and cl, 3
+repne movsb ; repne movsb byte es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
+pop edi
+pop es
+mov byte [edx + ebp], 0
+jmp short loc_0045fbd0 ; jmp 0x45fbd0
+mov dword [esp + 0xc], eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push edx
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetEnvironmentVariableA@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623f8]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 8]
+push ecx
+mov ebx, eax
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_0045fb25 ; je 0x45fb25
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x28]
+push edi
+call fcn_0045fc7a ; call 0x45fc7a
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+jne near loc_0045fb25 ; jne 0x45fb25
+cmp dword [ref_00499948], 0 ; cmp dword [0x499948], 0
+je short loc_0045fc72 ; je 0x45fc72
+push edi
+call fcn_00460084 ; call 0x460084
+add esp, 4
+lea esi, [eax + 1]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+imul eax, esi
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045fc51 ; jne 0x45fc51
+push 5
+call fcn_0045be3d ; call 0x45be3d
+jmp near loc_0045fba2 ; jmp 0x45fba2
+imul esi, dword [esp]
+push esi
+push edi
+push eax
+call fcn_004600ac ; call 0x4600ac
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_0045fb9c ; je 0x45fb9c
+push ebx
+call fcn_0046028e ; call 0x46028e
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 0x14
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 8
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_0045fc93 ; jne 0x45fc93
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+jmp near loc_0045fde2 ; jmp 0x45fde2
+cmp byte [edx], 0
+je short loc_0045fca9 ; je 0x45fca9
+lea eax, [edx + 1]
+jmp short loc_0045fca3 ; jmp 0x45fca3
+cmp bh, 0x3d
+je short loc_0045fca9 ; je 0x45fca9
+inc eax
+mov bh, byte [eax]
+test bh, bh
+jne short loc_0045fc9d ; jne 0x45fc9d
+cmp byte [eax], 0
+je short loc_0045fc89 ; je 0x45fc89
+cmp byte [eax + 1], 0
+sete al
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00499944] ; mov ebx, dword [0x499944]
+movzx ebp, al
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0045fcf1 ; jne 0x45fcf1
+test ebp, ebp
+jne near loc_0045fde0 ; jne 0x45fde0
+push 9
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0045fc89 ; je 0x45fc89
+mov dword [ref_00499944], eax ; mov dword [0x499944], eax
+mov dword [eax], ebp
+add eax, 8
+mov dword [eax - 4], ebp
+mov dword [ref_00499940], eax ; mov dword [0x499940], eax
+jmp near loc_0045fdca ; jmp 0x45fdca
+push ebp
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push ecx
+call fcn_0045fdea ; call 0x45fdea
+add esp, 8
+test ebp, ebp
+jne near loc_0045fde0 ; jne 0x45fde0
+test eax, eax
+jg near loc_0045fdc7 ; jg 0x45fdc7
+neg eax
+mov ebp, eax
+mov edx, dword [ref_00499940] ; mov edx, dword [0x499940]
+mov esi, ebp
+inc eax
+shl esi, 2
+mov dword [esp], eax
+lea eax, [esi + 8]
+mov edi, dword [esp]
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+add eax, edi
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_0045fd84 ; jne 0x45fd84
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+mov edx, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0045fc89 ; je 0x45fc89
+mov eax, dword [ref_00499944] ; mov eax, dword [0x499944]
+mov ecx, esi
+mov edi, edx
+mov esi, eax
+push es
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+push edi
+mov eax, ecx
+shr ecx, 2
+repne movsd
+mov cl, al
+and cl, 3
+repne movsb ; repne movsb byte es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
+pop edi
+pop es
+mov esi, dword [esp]
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+push 0
+add eax, edx
+push eax
+mov dword [ref_00499940], eax ; mov dword [0x499940], eax
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp short loc_0045fdb5 ; jmp 0x45fdb5
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045c585 ; call 0x45c585
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, eax
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0045fc89 ; je 0x45fc89
+push ebp
+mov ecx, dword [ref_00499940] ; mov ecx, dword [0x499940]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 8]
+push ecx
+add esi, eax
+push esi
+call fcn_004604f4 ; call 0x4604f4
+add esp, 0xc
+mov dword [ref_00499940], esi ; mov dword [0x499940], esi
+mov eax, ebp
+mov dword [ref_00499944], ebx ; mov dword [0x499944], ebx
+mov dword [ebx + eax*4 + 4], 0
+jmp short loc_0045fdca ; jmp 0x45fdca
+lea ebp, [eax - 1]
+mov eax, ebp
+shl eax, 2
+add ebx, eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov dword [ebx], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00499940] ; mov eax, dword [0x499940]
+mov byte [eax + ebp], 0
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00499944] ; mov ebp, dword [0x499944]
+jmp near loc_0045fec7 ; jmp 0x45fec7
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+jmp near loc_0045febb ; jmp 0x45febb
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045d016 ; call 0x45d016
+mov edi, eax
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov al, byte [esi]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045d016 ; call 0x45d016
+add esp, 4
+cmp edi, eax
+jne near loc_0045fec4 ; jne 0x45fec4
+cmp byte [ebx], 0x3d
+jne near loc_0045feb9 ; jne 0x45feb9
+mov edx, dword [ref_00499944] ; mov edx, dword [0x499944]
+mov esi, ebp
+sub esi, edx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+sar esi, 2
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_0045feb1 ; je 0x45feb1
+mov ebx, ebp
+mov edi, dword [ebp]
+jmp short loc_0045fe57 ; jmp 0x45fe57
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 4]
+mov dword [ebx], eax
+add ebx, 4
+cmp dword [ebx], 0
+jne short loc_0045fe4f ; jne 0x45fe4f
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00499940] ; mov ebp, dword [0x499940]
+test ebp, ebp
+je short loc_0045feaa ; je 0x45feaa
+mov eax, ebp
+cmp byte [esi + eax], 0
+je short loc_0045fe77 ; je 0x45fe77
+push edi
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_00499944] ; mov eax, dword [0x499944]
+mov edi, ebx
+sub edi, eax
+sar edi, 2
+push edi
+mov edx, dword [ref_00499940] ; mov edx, dword [0x499940]
+push edx
+push ebx
+call fcn_004604f4 ; call 0x4604f4
+add esp, 0xc
+mov dword [ref_00499940], ebx ; mov dword [0x499940], ebx
+lea eax, [esi + ebx]
+jmp short loc_0045fea6 ; jmp 0x45fea6
+mov bl, byte [eax + 1]
+inc esi
+mov byte [eax], bl
+inc eax
+cmp esi, edi
+jl short loc_0045fe9f ; jl 0x45fe9f
+xor eax, eax
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+lea eax, [esi + 1]
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+inc ebx
+inc esi
+cmp byte [esi], 0
+jne near loc_0045fe02 ; jne 0x45fe02
+add ebp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ebp]
+test ebx, ebx
+jne near loc_0045fdf9 ; jne 0x45fdf9
+mov eax, dword [ref_00499944] ; mov eax, dword [0x499944]
+sub eax, ebp
+sar eax, 2
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+cmp dword [ref_00499958], 0 ; cmp dword [0x499958], 0
+je short loc_0045ff14 ; je 0x45ff14
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax]
+mov bl, byte [ebx + ref_0049995d] ; mov bl, byte [ebx + 0x49995d]
+and bl, 1
+and ebx, 0xff
+je short loc_0045ff14 ; je 0x45ff14
+mov bl, byte [eax]
+mov byte [edx], bl
+mov al, byte [eax + 1]
+mov byte [edx + 1], al
+pop ebx
+mov al, byte [eax]
+mov byte [edx], al
+pop ebx
+cmp dword [ref_00499958], 0 ; cmp dword [0x499958], 0
+je short loc_0045ff40 ; je 0x45ff40
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edx]
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_0049995d] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x49995d]
+and al, 1
+and eax, 0xff
+je short loc_0045ff40 ; je 0x45ff40
+mov eax, 2
+mov eax, 1
+push ebx
+sub esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045ed05 ; call 0x45ed05
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_0045ffa2 ; jne 0x45ffa2
+push ebx
+call fcn_00460546 ; call 0x460546
+add esp, 4
+push eax
+call fcn_00460582 ; call 0x460582
+add esp, 4
+mov edx, esp
+push edx
+push eax
+call fcn_004605fd ; call 0x4605fd
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_0045ff1a ; call 0x45ff1a
+add esp, 4
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [esp + eax], dl
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045fee1 ; call 0x45fee1
+add esp, 8
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045edbd ; call 0x45edbd
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+jmp short loc_0045ff4e ; jmp 0x45ff4e
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+add esp, 4
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov bl, byte [eax]
+cmp bl, byte [edx]
+jne short loc_0045fff9 ; jne 0x45fff9
+cmp dword [ref_00499958], 0 ; cmp dword [0x499958], 0
+je short loc_0045ffe2 ; je 0x45ffe2
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax]
+mov bl, byte [ebx + ref_0049995d] ; mov bl, byte [ebx + 0x49995d]
+and bl, 1
+and ebx, 0xff
+je short loc_0045ffe2 ; je 0x45ffe2
+mov bl, byte [eax + 1]
+mov cl, byte [edx + 1]
+cmp bl, cl
+jne short loc_0045ffe6 ; jne 0x45ffe6
+xor eax, eax
+pop ebx
+mov al, bl
+and eax, 0xff
+mov dl, cl
+and edx, 0xff
+sub eax, edx
+pop ebx
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov bl, byte [eax]
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [edx]
+sub ebx, eax
+mov eax, ebx
+pop ebx
+xor eax, eax
+push eax
+call dword [ref_00489367] ; ucall: call dword [0x489367]
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+sub esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push edx
+call fcn_004605fd ; call 0x4605fd
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_0045ff1a ; call 0x45ff1a
+add esp, 4
+xor dl, dl
+mov byte [esp + eax], dl
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045ed05 ; call 0x45ed05
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00460067 ; jne 0x460067
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045ffab ; call 0x45ffab
+add esp, 8
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00460067 ; je 0x460067
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045edbd ; call 0x45edbd
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_0046003d ; jmp 0x46003d
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045ed05 ; call 0x45ed05
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0046007d ; je 0x46007d
+cmp dword [esp + 0x10], 0
+je short loc_0046007d ; je 0x46007d
+xor ebx, ebx
+mov eax, ebx
+add esp, 4
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc]
+xor esi, esi
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045ed05 ; call 0x45ed05
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_004600a7 ; jne 0x4600a7
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045edbd ; call 0x45edbd
+inc esi
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+jmp short loc_0046008c ; jmp 0x46008c
+mov eax, esi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov ebp, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+xor esi, esi
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_004600fa ; je 0x4600fa
+test ebp, ebp
+jbe short loc_0046011f ; jbe 0x46011f
+cmp byte [ebx], 0
+je short loc_004600e1 ; je 0x4600e1
+push 2
+push ebx
+push edi
+call fcn_0046061b ; call 0x46061b
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_004600e8 ; jne 0x4600e8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov word [edi], 0
+jmp short loc_0046011f ; jmp 0x46011f
+push ebx
+dec ebp
+call fcn_0045edbd ; call 0x45edbd
+add edi, 2
+inc esi
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+jmp short loc_004600c2 ; jmp 0x4600c2
+cmp byte [ebx], 0
+je short loc_0046011f ; je 0x46011f
+push 2
+push ebx
+push 0
+call fcn_0046061b ; call 0x46061b
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00460121 ; je 0x460121
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045edbd ; call 0x45edbd
+inc esi
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+jmp short loc_004600fa ; jmp 0x4600fa
+mov eax, esi
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+db 0x53
+db 0x56
+dd 0xec835557
+dd 0x247c8b14
+dd 0xba3d6a28
+dd 0x00000002
+dd 0x24548957
+dd 0x24548908
+dd 0x0575e80c
+dd 0xc6890000
+dd 0x8508c483
+dd 0xb80a75c0
+dd 0xffffffff
+dd 0x00012de9
+dd 0x74f83900
+dd 0x29c589f2
+dd 0x01fdd1fd
+dd 0x02458ded
+dd 0x6e12e850
+dd 0xc483ffff
+dd 0x89c38904
+dd 0x85082444
+dd 0x55d474c0
+dd 0x65e85057
+dd 0x83ffff6c
+dd 0xc6830cc4
+dd 0xc7665602
+dd 0x00002b04
+dd 0x10247489
+dd 0xffc845e8
+dd 0x04c483ff
+dd 0x4874c085
+dd 0x4489c001
+dd 0xc0831024
+dd 0xd1e85002
+dd 0x89ffff6d
+dd 0x04c483c6
+dd 0xc085c589
+dd 0xe8531075
+dd 0xffff6c51
+dd 0xffffffb8
+dd 0x00b9e9ff
+dd 0x448b0000
+dd 0x8b501024
+dd 0x52102454
+dd 0x6c0ee856
+dd 0xc483ffff
+dd 0x2474030c
+dd 0x06c76610
+dd 0x02eb0000
+dd 0x8b55ed31
+dd 0x510c244c
+dd 0x0004e9e8
+dd 0x08c48300
+dd 0x0824748b
+dd 0xe8c38956
+dd 0xffff6c0d
+dd 0x5504c483
+dd 0xff6c04e8
+dd 0x04c483ff
+dd 0x840fdb85
+dd 0xffffff37
+db 0x83
+db 0x3d
+dd ref_00499948
+db 0x00
+db 0x75
+dd 0x059de805
+dd 0xe8570000
+dd 0x00000062
+dd 0x8504c483
+dd 0x18850fc0
+dd 0x57ffffff
+dd 0xffc7a1e8
+dd 0x04c483ff
+dd 0x8b01708d
+dd 0xaf0f2404
+dd 0x31e850c6
+dd 0x89ffff6d
+dd 0x04c483c3
+dd 0x0c75c085
+dd 0xdee8056a
+dd 0xe9ffffbb
+dd 0xffffff5c
+dd 0x2474af0f
+dd 0x53575604
+dd 0x0005b0e8
+dd 0x0cc48300
+dd 0x0ffff883
+dd 0xffff3d84
+dd 0xf7e853ff
+dd 0x83fffff9
+dd 0xc48304c4
+dd 0x5e5f5d14
+db 0x5b
+db 0xc3
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 8
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+test edx, edx
+jne short loc_004602a7 ; jne 0x4602a7
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+jmp near loc_004603ec ; jmp 0x4603ec
+cmp word [edx], 0
+je short loc_004602c4 ; je 0x4602c4
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+jmp short loc_004602b9 ; jmp 0x4602b9
+cmp bx, 0x3d
+je short loc_004602c4 ; je 0x4602c4
+add eax, 2
+mov bx, word [eax]
+test bx, bx
+jne short loc_004602b3 ; jne 0x4602b3
+cmp word [eax], 0
+je short loc_0046029d ; je 0x46029d
+cmp word [eax + 2], 0
+sete al
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00499948] ; mov ebx, dword [0x499948]
+movzx esi, al
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_0046030e ; jne 0x46030e
+test esi, esi
+jne near loc_004603ea ; jne 0x4603ea
+push 9
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0046029d ; je 0x46029d
+mov dword [ref_00499948], eax ; mov dword [0x499948], eax
+mov dword [eax], esi
+add eax, 8
+mov dword [eax - 4], esi
+mov dword [ref_00499940], eax ; mov dword [0x499940], eax
+jmp near loc_004603d4 ; jmp 0x4603d4
+push esi
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x20]
+push ecx
+call fcn_004603f4 ; call 0x4603f4
+add esp, 8
+test esi, esi
+jne near loc_004603ea ; jne 0x4603ea
+test eax, eax
+jg near loc_004603d1 ; jg 0x4603d1
+neg eax
+mov esi, eax
+inc eax
+mov dword [esp + 4], eax
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+mov dword [esp], eax
+lea ebp, [eax + 8]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+mov edi, dword [ref_00499940] ; mov edi, dword [0x499940]
+add eax, ebp
+test edi, edi
+jne short loc_00460392 ; jne 0x460392
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+mov edi, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0046029d ; je 0x46029d
+mov ecx, dword [esp]
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [ref_00499948] ; mov eax, dword [0x499948]
+push eax
+push edi
+call fcn_00456de8 ; call 0x456de8
+add esp, 0xc
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+push edx
+push 0
+add edi, ebp
+push edi
+mov dword [ref_00499940], edi ; mov dword [0x499940], edi
+call fcn_00456f60 ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+jmp short loc_004603bf ; jmp 0x4603bf
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045c585 ; call 0x45c585
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, eax
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_0046029d ; je 0x46029d
+push esi
+mov edx, dword [ref_00499940] ; mov edx, dword [0x499940]
+push edx
+add ebp, eax
+push ebp
+call fcn_004604f4 ; call 0x4604f4
+add esp, 0xc
+mov dword [ref_00499940], ebp ; mov dword [0x499940], ebp
+mov eax, esi
+mov dword [ref_00499948], ebx ; mov dword [0x499948], ebx
+mov dword [ebx + eax*4 + 4], 0
+jmp short loc_004603d4 ; jmp 0x4603d4
+lea esi, [eax - 1]
+mov eax, esi
+shl eax, 2
+add ebx, eax
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov dword [ebx], eax
+mov eax, dword [ref_00499940] ; mov eax, dword [0x499940]
+mov byte [esi + eax], 0
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 8
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebp, dword [ref_00499948] ; mov ebp, dword [0x499948]
+jmp near loc_004604da ; jmp 0x4604da
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x14]
+jmp near loc_004604cd ; jmp 0x4604cd
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, word [ebx]
+push eax
+call fcn_004608e2 ; call 0x4608e2
+mov edi, eax
+xor eax, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov ax, word [esi]
+push eax
+call fcn_004608e2 ; call 0x4608e2
+add esp, 4
+cmp di, ax
+jne near loc_004604d7 ; jne 0x4604d7
+cmp word [ebx], 0x3d
+jne near loc_004604c7 ; jne 0x4604c7
+mov edx, dword [ref_00499948] ; mov edx, dword [0x499948]
+mov esi, ebp
+sub esi, edx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+sar esi, 2
+test ebx, ebx
+je near loc_004604bf ; je 0x4604bf
+mov ebx, ebp
+mov edx, dword [ebp]
+jmp short loc_00460465 ; jmp 0x460465
+mov eax, dword [ebx + 4]
+mov dword [ebx], eax
+add ebx, 4
+cmp dword [ebx], 0
+jne short loc_0046045d ; jne 0x46045d
+mov edi, dword [ref_00499940] ; mov edi, dword [0x499940]
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_004604b8 ; je 0x4604b8
+mov eax, edi
+cmp byte [esi + eax], 0
+je short loc_00460485 ; je 0x460485
+push edx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, dword [ref_00499948] ; mov eax, dword [0x499948]
+mov ebp, ebx
+sub ebp, eax
+sar ebp, 2
+push ebp
+mov edx, dword [ref_00499940] ; mov edx, dword [0x499940]
+push edx
+push ebx
+call fcn_004604f4 ; call 0x4604f4
+add esp, 0xc
+mov dword [ref_00499940], ebx ; mov dword [0x499940], ebx
+lea eax, [esi + ebx]
+jmp short loc_004604b4 ; jmp 0x4604b4
+mov bl, byte [eax + 1]
+inc esi
+mov byte [eax], bl
+inc eax
+cmp esi, ebp
+jl short loc_004604ad ; jl 0x4604ad
+xor eax, eax
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+lea eax, [esi + 1]
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+add ebx, 2
+add esi, 2
+cmp word [esi], 0
+jne near loc_0046040c ; jne 0x46040c
+add ebp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [ebp]
+test ebx, ebx
+jne near loc_00460403 ; jne 0x460403
+mov eax, dword [ref_00499948] ; mov eax, dword [0x499948]
+sub eax, ebp
+sar eax, 2
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+cmp esi, eax
+je short loc_00460543 ; je 0x460543
+jae short loc_0046052f ; jae 0x46052f
+lea edx, [esi + ecx]
+cmp edx, eax
+jbe short loc_0046052f ; jbe 0x46052f
+lea edi, [eax + ecx]
+lea esi, [edx - 1]
+dec edi
+mov edx, ds
+push es
+mov es, edx
+dec esi
+dec edi
+shr ecx, 1
+db 0x66, 0xf3, 0xa5 ; rep movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+adc ecx, ecx
+inc esi
+inc edi
+db 0x66, 0xf3, 0xa4 ; rep movsb byte es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
+pop es
+pop edi
+pop esi
+mov edx, ds
+mov edi, eax
+push es
+mov es, edx
+push ecx
+shr ecx, 2
+rep movsd ; rep movsd dword es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]
+pop ecx
+and ecx, 3
+rep movsb ; rep movsb byte es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
+pop es
+pop edi
+pop esi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+cmp dword [ref_00499958], 0 ; cmp dword [0x499958], 0
+je short loc_0046057a ; je 0x46057a
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax]
+mov dl, byte [edx + ref_0049995d] ; mov dl, byte [edx + 0x49995d]
+and dl, 1
+and edx, 0xff
+je short loc_0046057a ; je 0x46057a
+xor edx, edx
+mov dl, byte [eax]
+shl edx, 8
+mov al, byte [eax + 1]
+and eax, 0xff
+or eax, edx
+mov al, byte [eax]
+and eax, 0xff
+push ebx
+push esi
+sub esp, 4
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push edx
+call fcn_004605fd ; call 0x4605fd
+add esp, 8
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_0045ff1a ; call 0x45ff1a
+add esp, 4
+xor dl, dl
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00489738] ; mov ebx, dword [0x489738]
+mov byte [esp + eax], dl
+cmp ebx, 0x3a4
+jne short loc_004605de ; jne 0x4605de
+cmp dword [ref_00499958], 0 ; cmp dword [0x499958], 0
+je short loc_004605de ; je 0x4605de
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp]
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_0049995d] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x49995d]
+and al, 1
+and eax, 0xff
+je short loc_004605de ; je 0x4605de
+mov esi, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push esi
+call fcn_004608f9 ; call 0x4608f9
+jmp short loc_004605f4 ; jmp 0x4605f4
+push 1
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call dword [cs:__imp__CharUpperBuffA@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4622d0]
+mov eax, esp
+push eax
+call fcn_00460546 ; call 0x460546
+add esp, 4
+add esp, 4
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+test bh, 0xff
+je short loc_00460617 ; je 0x460617
+mov edx, ebx
+mov byte [eax + 1], bl
+shr edx, 8
+mov byte [eax], dl
+pop ebx
+mov byte [eax], bl
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+sub esp, 4
+mov esi, dword [ebp + 0x14]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp + 0x18]
+test ebx, ebx
+jne short loc_00460635 ; jne 0x460635
+xor eax, eax
+jmp near loc_004606b4 ; jmp 0x4606b4
+cmp dword [ebp + 0x1c], 0
+jbe near loc_004606af ; jbe 0x4606af
+cmp byte [ebx], 0
+jne short loc_0046064f ; jne 0x46064f
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_0046062e ; je 0x46062e
+mov word [esi], 0
+jmp short loc_0046062e ; jmp 0x46062e
+cmp dword [ref_00499958], 0 ; cmp dword [0x499958], 0
+je short loc_00460671 ; je 0x460671
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [ebx]
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_0049995d] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x49995d]
+and al, 1
+and eax, 0xff
+je short loc_00460671 ; je 0x460671
+cmp byte [ebx + 1], 0
+je short loc_004606af ; je 0x4606af
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045ff1a ; call 0x45ff1a
+add esp, 4
+push 1
+lea edx, [ebp - 4]
+push edx
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0x1c]
+mov edi, eax
+cmp eax, edx
+jbe short loc_0046068b ; jbe 0x46068b
+mov eax, edx
+push eax
+push ebx
+push 8
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00489738] ; mov ebx, dword [0x489738]
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__MultiByteToWideChar@24] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623e4]
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_004606af ; je 0x4606af
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_004606ab ; je 0x4606ab
+mov eax, dword [ebp - 4]
+mov word [esi], ax
+mov eax, edi
+jmp short loc_004606b4 ; jmp 0x4606b4
+mov eax, 0xffffffff
+mov esp, ebp
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+fcn_004606bc: ; not directly referenced
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+mov edx, dword [ebp + 0xc]
+mov ebx, dword [ebp + 0x10]
+cmp bx, word [edx]
+jne short loc_004606cf ; jne 0x4606cf
+mov eax, edx
+pop ebp
+pop ebx
+mov eax, edx
+inc edx
+inc edx
+cmp word [eax], 0
+jne short loc_004606c5 ; jne 0x4606c5
+xor eax, eax
+pop ebp
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+cmp word [ref_00489355], 0x8000 ; cmp word [0x489355], 0x8000
+jae short loc_00460703 ; jae 0x460703
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push edx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push ebx
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetEnvironmentVariableW@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623fc]
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x14]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045c9de ; call 0x45c9de
+add eax, eax
+add esp, 4
+lea esi, [eax + 1]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+mov edi, eax
+add esp, 4
+mov ebp, eax
+test eax, eax
+je near loc_004607be ; je 0x4607be
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_00460752 ; je 0x460752
+push ebx
+call fcn_0045c9de ; call 0x45c9de
+add eax, eax
+add esp, 4
+lea esi, [eax + 1]
+push esi
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+add esp, 4
+mov ebx, eax
+test eax, eax
+jne short loc_00460752 ; jne 0x460752
+push edi
+jmp short loc_00460774 ; jmp 0x460774
+push esi
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+push edi
+push ebp
+call fcn_00460821 ; call 0x460821
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+jne short loc_00460783 ; jne 0x460783
+push ebp
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0046077c ; je 0x46077c
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+xor eax, eax
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_0046079b ; je 0x46079b
+push esi
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+push eax
+push ebx
+call fcn_00460821 ; call 0x460821
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00460773 ; je 0x460773
+push ebx
+push ebp
+call dword [cs:__imp__SetEnvironmentVariableA@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623f8]
+push ebp
+mov esi, eax
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+test ebx, ebx
+je short loc_004607bc ; je 0x4607bc
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, esi
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+mov esi, dword [ref_00499944] ; mov esi, dword [0x499944]
+test esi, esi
+je short loc_0046081c ; je 0x46081c
+mov edi, dword [esi]
+add esi, 4
+test edi, edi
+je short loc_0046081c ; je 0x46081c
+push edi
+call fcn_00460084 ; call 0x460084
+lea ebp, [eax + 1]
+add esp, 4
+lea eax, [ebp + ebp]
+push eax
+call fcn_00456f80 ; call 0x456f80
+mov ebx, eax
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_004607d1 ; je 0x4607d1
+push ebp
+push edi
+push eax
+call fcn_004600ac ; call 0x4600ac
+add esp, 0xc
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_00460814 ; je 0x460814
+push ebx
+call fcn_0046028e ; call 0x46028e
+add esp, 4
+jmp short loc_004607d1 ; jmp 0x4607d1
+push ebx
+call fcn_00456e11 ; call 0x456e11
+jmp short loc_0046080f ; jmp 0x46080f
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push edi
+push ebp
+sub esp, 4
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x1c]
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x18]
+xor ebp, ebp
+test edx, edx
+je near loc_004608b1 ; je 0x4608b1
+cmp dword [esp + 0x20], 0
+jbe near loc_004608d8 ; jbe 0x4608d8
+mov cx, word [ebx]
+test cx, cx
+je short loc_00460873 ; je 0x460873
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, cx
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045ce30 ; call 0x45ce30
+mov edx, eax
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je near loc_004608da ; je 0x4608da
+cmp eax, dword [esp + 0x20]
+ja short loc_004608d8 ; ja 0x4608d8
+jmp short loc_0046087c ; jmp 0x46087c
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov byte [eax], 0
+jmp short loc_004608d8 ; jmp 0x4608d8
+mov esi, esp
+mov edi, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov ecx, eax
+push es
+mov eax, ds
+mov es, eax
+push edi
+mov eax, ecx
+shr ecx, 2
+repne movsd
+mov cl, al
+and cl, 3
+repne movsb ; repne movsb byte es:[edi], byte ptr [esi]
+pop edi
+pop es
+add ebx, 2
+add ebp, edx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x20]
+add edi, edx
+sub eax, edx
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], edi
+mov dword [esp + 0x20], eax
+jmp short loc_0046083a ; jmp 0x46083a
+mov dx, word [ebx]
+test dx, dx
+je short loc_004608d8 ; je 0x4608d8
+xor eax, eax
+mov ax, dx
+push eax
+lea eax, [esp + 4]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045ce30 ; call 0x45ce30
+add esp, 8
+cmp eax, 0xffffffff
+je short loc_004608da ; je 0x4608da
+add ebx, 2
+add ebp, eax
+jmp short loc_004608b1 ; jmp 0x4608b1
+mov eax, ebp
+add esp, 4
+pop ebp
+pop edi
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+mov eax, dword [ebp + 8]
+cmp ax, 0x61
+jb short loc_004608f7 ; jb 0x4608f7
+cmp ax, 0x7a
+ja short loc_004608f7 ; ja 0x4608f7
+sub eax, 0x20
+pop ebp
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+push edx
+call fcn_00460917 ; call 0x460917
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00460912 ; je 0x460912
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+sub eax, 0x21
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+push ebx
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+push ebx
+call fcn_0046095c ; call 0x46095c
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_00460944 ; je 0x460944
+cmp ebx, 0x8281
+jb short loc_00460940 ; jb 0x460940
+cmp ebx, 0x829a
+ja short loc_00460940 ; ja 0x460940
+mov eax, 1
+pop ebx
+xor eax, eax
+pop ebx
+mov al, bl
+inc al
+and eax, 0xff
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_00489370] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x489370]
+and al, 0x80
+and eax, 0xff
+pop ebx
+cmp dword [ref_00499958], 0 ; cmp dword [0x499958], 0
+je short loc_0046099c ; je 0x46099c
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+shr eax, 8
+and eax, 0xff
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_0049995d] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x49995d]
+and al, 1
+and eax, 0xff
+je short loc_0046099c ; je 0x46099c
+mov eax, dword [esp + 4]
+and eax, 0xff
+push eax
+call fcn_0046099f ; call 0x46099f
+add esp, 4
+test eax, eax
+je short loc_0046099c ; je 0x46099c
+mov eax, 1
+xor eax, eax
+cmp dword [ref_00499958], 0 ; cmp dword [0x499958], 0
+je short loc_004609d5 ; je 0x4609d5
+cmp dword [ref_00489738], 0x3a4 ; cmp dword [0x489738], 0x3a4
+je short loc_004609c1 ; je 0x4609c1
+cmp dword [esp + 4], 0
+je short loc_004609d5 ; je 0x4609d5
+mov eax, 1
+xor eax, eax
+mov al, byte [esp + 4]
+mov al, byte [eax + ref_004897c9] ; mov al, byte [eax + 0x4897c9]
+and al, 8
+and eax, 0xff
+xor eax, eax
+push eax
+push ebx
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x16]
+xor eax, 0x700
+test eax, 0x700
+jne near loc_00460b72 ; jne 0x460b72
+shr eax, 0xb
+and eax, 0xf
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00489914], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x489914], 0
+je near loc_00460b72 ; je 0x460b72
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x16]
+and eax, 0x7fff0000
+cmp eax, 0x7fff0000
+je near loc_00460b72 ; je 0x460b72
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x2e]
+and eax, 0x7fff0000
+je near loc_00460b72 ; je 0x460b72
+cmp eax, 0x7fff0000
+je near loc_00460b72 ; je 0x460b72
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+add eax, eax
+jne near loc_00460b72 ; jne 0x460b72
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+add eax, eax
+jne near loc_00460b72 ; jne 0x460b72
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+and eax, 0x7fff
+add eax, 0x3f
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+and ebx, 0x7fff
+sub ebx, eax
+ja short loc_00460ac0 ; ja 0x460ac0
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+and eax, 0x7fff
+add eax, 0xa
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+and ebx, 0x7fff
+sub ebx, eax
+js near loc_00460b72 ; js 0x460b72
+fld tword [esp + 0x28] ; fld xword [esp + 0x28]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+and ebx, 0x7fff
+mov ecx, ebx
+sub ebx, eax
+and ebx, 7
+or ebx, 4
+sub ecx, ebx
+mov ebx, eax
+and ebx, 0x8000
+or ecx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], ecx
+fld tword [esp + 0x10] ; fld xword [esp + 0x10]
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], eax
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fstp tword [esp + 0x28] ; fstp xword [esp + 0x28]
+fstp st0 ; fstp st(0)
+jmp short loc_00460a62 ; jmp 0x460a62
+test edx, 2
+jne short loc_00460ad0 ; jne 0x460ad0
+fld tword [esp + 0x10] ; fld xword [esp + 0x10]
+fstp tword [esp + 0x1c] ; fstp xword [esp + 0x1c]
+fnstcw word [esp + 0x34]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x34]
+or eax, 0x33f
+mov dword [esp + 0x38], eax
+fldcw word [esp + 0x38]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+and eax, 0x7fff
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+and ebx, 0x7fff
+sub ebx, eax
+and ebx, 0x3f
+or ebx, 0x20
+add ebx, 1
+mov ecx, ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+and ebx, 0x7fff
+and eax, 0x8000
+or ebx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], ebx
+fld tword [esp + 0x10] ; fld xword [esp + 0x10]
+fld tword [esp + 0x28] ; fld xword [esp + 0x28]
+fcom st1 ; fcom st(1)
+fnstsw ax
+and eax, 0x100
+jne short loc_00460b37 ; jne 0x460b37
+fsub st1 ; fsub st(1)
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fmul qword [ref_00489944] ; fmul qword [0x489944]
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+sub ecx, 1
+jne short loc_00460b2a ; jne 0x460b2a
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+fstp tword [esp + 0x28] ; fstp xword [esp + 0x28]
+fstp st0 ; fstp st(0)
+fld tword [esp + 0x1c] ; fld xword [esp + 0x1c]
+fld tword [ref_0048994c] ; fld xword [0x48994c]
+fstp st0 ; fstp st(0)
+fld tword [esp + 0x28] ; fld xword [esp + 0x28]
+fldcw word [esp + 0x34]
+and ebx, 0x8000
+je short loc_00460b7c ; je 0x460b7c
+jmp short loc_00460b7c ; jmp 0x460b7c
+fld tword [esp + 0x10] ; fld xword [esp + 0x10]
+fld tword [esp + 0x28] ; fld xword [esp + 0x28]
+test edx, 3
+je short loc_00460bda ; je 0x460bda
+fnstsw [esp + 0x3c]
+test edx, 1
+je short loc_00460baf ; je 0x460baf
+fnstcw word [esp + 0x34]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x34]
+or eax, 0x300
+mov dword [esp + 0x38], eax
+fldcw word [esp + 0x38]
+fmul qword [ref_00489934] ; fmul qword [0x489934]
+fldcw word [esp + 0x34]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fstp st0 ; fstp st(0)
+fld tword [esp + 0x1c] ; fld xword [esp + 0x1c]
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+and eax, 0x4300
+sub esp, 0x1c
+fnstenv [esp]
+and dword [esp + 4], 0xbcff
+or dword [esp + 4], eax
+fldenv [esp]
+add esp, 0x1c
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop eax
+push edx
+sub esp, 0x30
+fstp tword [esp + 0x18] ; fstp xword [esp + 0x18]
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+xor edx, edx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 6]
+test eax, 0x7fff0000
+je short loc_00460c00 ; je 0x460c00
+call fcn_004609d8 ; call 0x4609d8
+add esp, 0x30
+pop edx
+fld tword [esp] ; fld xword [esp]
+fld tword [esp + 0x18] ; fld xword [esp + 0x18]
+mov eax, dword [esp]
+or eax, dword [esp + 4]
+je short loc_00460c89 ; je 0x460c89
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fstp tword [esp + 0xc] ; fstp xword [esp + 0xc]
+fld tword [esp] ; fld xword [esp]
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+or edx, 2
+fnstcw word [esp + 0x24]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x24]
+or eax, 0x33f
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], eax
+fldcw word [esp + 0x28]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x20]
+and eax, 0x7fff
+cmp eax, 0x7fbe
+ja short loc_00460c5b ; ja 0x460c5b
+or edx, 1
+fmul qword [ref_0048992c] ; fmul qword [0x48992c]
+fstp tword [esp + 0x18] ; fstp xword [esp + 0x18]
+fmul qword [ref_0048992c] ; fmul qword [0x48992c]
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+jmp short loc_00460c7b ; jmp 0x460c7b
+fnstcw word [esp + 0x24]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x24]
+or eax, 0x300
+mov dword [esp + 0x28], eax
+fldcw word [esp + 0x28]
+fstp st0 ; fstp st(0)
+fmul qword [ref_0048992c] ; fmul qword [0x48992c]
+fstp tword [esp] ; fstp xword [esp]
+fldcw word [esp + 0x24]
+call fcn_004609d8 ; call 0x4609d8
+add esp, 0x30
+pop edx
+add esp, 0x30
+pop edx
+push eax
+push ebx
+push ecx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x16]
+xor eax, 0x700
+test eax, 0x700
+jne near loc_00460e2a ; jne 0x460e2a
+shr eax, 0xb
+and eax, 0xf
+cmp byte [eax + ref_00489914], 0 ; cmp byte [eax + 0x489914], 0
+je near loc_00460e2a ; je 0x460e2a
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x16]
+and eax, 0x7fff0000
+cmp eax, 0x7fff0000
+je near loc_00460e2a ; je 0x460e2a
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x2e]
+and eax, 0x7fff0000
+je near loc_00460e2a ; je 0x460e2a
+cmp eax, 0x7fff0000
+je near loc_00460e2a ; je 0x460e2a
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x2c]
+add eax, eax
+jne near loc_00460e2a ; jne 0x460e2a
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14]
+add eax, eax
+jne near loc_00460e2a ; jne 0x460e2a
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+and eax, 0x7fff
+add eax, 0x3f
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+and ebx, 0x7fff
+sub ebx, eax
+ja short loc_00460d78 ; ja 0x460d78
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+and eax, 0x7fff
+add eax, 0xa
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+and ebx, 0x7fff
+sub ebx, eax
+js near loc_00460e2a ; js 0x460e2a
+fld tword [esp + 0x28] ; fld xword [esp + 0x28]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+and ebx, 0x7fff
+mov ecx, ebx
+sub ebx, eax
+and ebx, 7
+or ebx, 4
+sub ecx, ebx
+mov ebx, eax
+and ebx, 0x8000
+or ecx, ebx
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], ecx
+fld tword [esp + 0x10] ; fld xword [esp + 0x10]
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], eax
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fstp tword [esp + 0x28] ; fstp xword [esp + 0x28]
+fstp st0 ; fstp st(0)
+jmp short loc_00460d1a ; jmp 0x460d1a
+test ebx, 2
+jne short loc_00460d88 ; jne 0x460d88
+fld tword [esp + 0x10] ; fld xword [esp + 0x10]
+fstp tword [esp + 0x1c] ; fstp xword [esp + 0x1c]
+fnstcw word [esp + 0x34]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x34]
+or eax, 0x33f
+mov dword [esp + 0x38], eax
+fldcw word [esp + 0x38]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+and eax, 0x7fff
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+and ebx, 0x7fff
+sub ebx, eax
+and ebx, 0x3f
+or ebx, 0x20
+add ebx, 1
+mov ecx, ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x18]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+and ebx, 0x7fff
+and eax, 0x8000
+or ebx, eax
+mov dword [esp + 0x18], ebx
+fld tword [esp + 0x10] ; fld xword [esp + 0x10]
+fld tword [esp + 0x28] ; fld xword [esp + 0x28]
+fcom st1 ; fcom st(1)
+fnstsw ax
+and eax, 0x100
+jne short loc_00460def ; jne 0x460def
+fsub st1 ; fsub st(1)
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fmul qword [ref_00489944] ; fmul qword [0x489944]
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+sub ecx, 1
+jne short loc_00460de2 ; jne 0x460de2
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x30]
+fstp tword [esp + 0x28] ; fstp xword [esp + 0x28]
+fstp st0 ; fstp st(0)
+fld tword [esp + 0x1c] ; fld xword [esp + 0x1c]
+fld tword [ref_0048994c] ; fld xword [0x48994c]
+fstp st0 ; fstp st(0)
+fld tword [esp + 0x28] ; fld xword [esp + 0x28]
+fldcw word [esp + 0x34]
+and ebx, 0x8000
+je short loc_00460e34 ; je 0x460e34
+jmp short loc_00460e34 ; jmp 0x460e34
+fld tword [esp + 0x10] ; fld xword [esp + 0x10]
+fld tword [esp + 0x28] ; fld xword [esp + 0x28]
+test edx, 3
+je short loc_00460e92 ; je 0x460e92
+fnstsw [esp + 0x3c]
+test edx, 1
+je short loc_00460e67 ; je 0x460e67
+fnstcw word [esp + 0x34]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x34]
+or eax, 0x300
+mov dword [esp + 0x38], eax
+fldcw word [esp + 0x38]
+fmul qword [ref_00489934] ; fmul qword [0x489934]
+fldcw word [esp + 0x34]
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0x3c]
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+fstp st0 ; fstp st(0)
+fld tword [esp + 0x1c] ; fld xword [esp + 0x1c]
+fxch st1 ; fxch st(1)
+and eax, 0x4300
+sub esp, 0x1c
+fnstenv [esp]
+and dword [esp + 4], 0xbcff
+or dword [esp + 4], eax
+fldenv [esp]
+add esp, 0x1c
+pop ecx
+pop ebx
+pop eax
+db 0x52
+db 0x83
+dd 0x7cdb30ec
+dd 0x3cdb1824
+dd 0x0000ba24
+dd 0x448b0000
+dd 0x00a90624
+dd 0x747fff00
+dd 0xfddae80a
+dd 0xc483ffff
+dd 0xdbc35a30
+dd 0x6cdb242c
+dd 0x048b1824
+dd 0x24440b24
+dd 0xd9797404
+dd 0x247cdbc9
+dd 0x242cdb0c
+dd 0xca83c9d9
+dd 0x247cd902
+dd 0x24448b24
+dd 0x033f0d24
+dd 0x44890000
+dd 0x6cd92824
+dd 0x448b2824
+dd 0xff252024
+dd 0x3d00007f
+dd 0x00007fbe
+dd 0xca831877
+db 0x01
+db 0xdc
+db 0x0d
+dd ref_0048992c
+db 0xdb
+dd 0xdc18247c
+db 0x0d
+dd ref_0048992c
+db 0xdb
+db 0x3c
+db 0x24
+dd 0x7cd920eb
+dd 0x448b2424
+dd 0x000d2424
+dd 0x89000003
+dd 0xd9282444
+dd 0xdd28246c
+db 0xd8
+db 0xdc
+db 0x0d
+dd ref_0048992c
+db 0xdb
+dd 0x6cd9243c
+dd 0x51e82424
+dd 0x83fffffd
+dd 0xc35a30c4
+dd 0xc483f8d9
+dd 0x00c35a30
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0x28
+db 0x24
+dd 0x25ff0046
+dd 0x004623bc
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0x7c
+db 0x23
+dd 0x25ff0046
+dd 0x00462378
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0xb4
+db 0x23
+dd 0x25ff0046
+dd 0x004623d0
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0x98
+db 0x23
+dd 0x25ff0046
+dd 0x00462364
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0xb0
+db 0x23
+dd 0x25ff0046
+dd 0x00462348
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0x04
+db 0x24
+dd 0x25ff0046
+dd 0x004623a0
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0xec
+db 0x23
+dd 0x25ff0046
+dd 0x00462350
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0x94
+db 0x23
+dd 0x25ff0046
+dd 0x004622c0
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0xe4
+db 0x22
+dd 0x25ff0046
+dd 0x004622bc
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0xb8
+db 0x22
+dd 0x25ff0046
+dd 0x0046228c
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0x98
+db 0x22
+dd 0x25ff0046
+dd 0x004622c4
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0xa0
+db 0x22
+dd 0x25ff0046
+dd 0x004622b0
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0x9c
+db 0x22
+dd 0x25ff0046
+dd 0x00462294
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0xa8
+db 0x22
+dd 0x25ff0046
+dd 0x004622ac
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0xb4
+db 0x22
+dd 0x25ff0046
+dd 0x00462290
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0xf4
+db 0x22
+dd 0x25ff0046
+dd 0x00462340
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0xfc
+db 0x22
+dd 0x25ff0046
+dd 0x00462324
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0xe8
+db 0x22
+dd 0x25ff0046
+dd 0x004622cc
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0xf8
+db 0x22
+dd 0x25ff0046
+dd 0x0046232c
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0xdc
+db 0x22
+dd 0x25ff0046
+dd 0x0046233c
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0x30
+db 0x23
+dd 0x25ff0046
+dd 0x004622d4
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0xf0
+db 0x22
+dd 0x25ff0046
+dd 0x00462318
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0xa4
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+db 0x70
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+db 0xff
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+db 0xff
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+db 0x84
+db 0x23
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+db 0xff
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+dd 0x0046239c
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0x6c
+db 0x23
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+db 0xff
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+db 0xff
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+db 0x14
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+db 0xff
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+db 0xff
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+db 0x23
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+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0xd4
+db 0x23
+dd 0x25ff0046
+dd 0x0046238c
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0x58
+db 0x23
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+dd 0x0046234c
+db 0xff
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+db 0xc8
+db 0x23
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+dd 0x0046240c
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0x40
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+dd 0x00462388
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0x54
+db 0x24
+dd 0x25ff0046
+dd 0x00462468
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0x64
+db 0x24
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+dd 0x00462460
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0x58
+db 0x24
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+dd 0x00462450
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0x48
+db 0x24
+dd 0x25ff0046
+dd 0x0046244c
+db 0xff
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+db 0x6c
+db 0x24
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+dd 0x00462470
+db 0xff
+db 0x25
+db 0x74
+db 0x24
+dd 0x25ff0046
+dd 0x0046245c
+jmp dword [__imp__DirectSoundCreate@12] ; jmp dword [0x46247c]
+jmp dword [__imp__DirectDrawCreate@12] ; jmp dword [0x462484]
+add byte [eax], al
+add byte [eax], al
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+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+section .data
+dd 0x00010101
+db 'ERROR',0x00
+db 'DirectDraw Initial Error!',0x00
+db 'DirectDraw SetMode Error!',0x00
+db 'data.mkf',0x00
+db 'speaking.mkf',0x00
+db 'panel.mkf',0x00
+db 'effect.mkf',0x00
+db 'resume vfw',0x00
+db 'resume mid',0x00
+db 'play cdtrack notify',0x00
+db 'pause vfw',0x00
+db 'pause mid',0x00
+db 'stop cdtrack',0x00
+db 'RICH4_ICON',0x00
+db 'Rich4',0x00
+db 'START.AVI',0x00,0x00
+db 'V3.11',0x00,0x00,0x00
+db 'SAVE%d.DAT',0x00
+db 0x72
+db 0x62
+db 0x00
+db 0x77
+db 0x62
+db 0x00
+db 'AUTO',0x00
+db '%d/%d',0x00
+dd 0x48a447a4
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+db 0x54
+db 0xa4
+db 0x48
+db 0x00
+db 0xa5
+db 0x7c
+db 0xa4
+db 0x48
+db 0x00
+db 0xa8
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+db 0x54
+db 0xa8
+db 0xae
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+db 0xa4
+db 0x40
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+db 0x7e
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
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+db 0xeb
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+db 0xad
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+dd 0xd3b3dfb3
+dd 0x4cb951a7
+dd 0x49a1f6c3
+db 0xa1
+db 0x49
+db 0x00
+db 'JUMP.MKF',0x00
+dd 0x42c80000
+dd 0x41200000
+db 'END%02d.AVI',0x00
+db 'THANKS.AVI',0x00
+db 'END.AVI',0x00
+db 'OVER.AVI',0x00
+db 'MAP.MKF',0x00
+db 'MAPDAT.MKF',0x00
+db '%d',0x00,0x00,0x00
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+dd 0x3e000000
+dd 0xeda67325
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+db 0x00
+db 0xb9
+db 0x44
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+db 0x00
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+db 0x00
+db 0xb0
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+db 'SAVE GAME',0x00
+db 'LOAD GAME',0x00
+db 0xbb
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+db 0xa4
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+db 0xa4
+db 0xeb
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
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+db 0x4b
+db 0xa4
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+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+db 0x45
+db 0xa4
+db 0xeb
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
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+db 0xa4
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+db 0xa4
+dd 0xa447a451
+db 0xeb
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+db 0xa8
+db 0x74
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+db 0x72
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+db 0x00
+db 'RICH4.CFG',0x00
+db 0x77
+db 0x62
+db 0x00
+dd 0x43520000
+dd 0x43820000
+db '%d',0x00,0x00
+dd 0x437a0000
+dd 0x47000000
+db '%03d',0x00
+db '%02d',0x00
+db '%04d',0x00
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+db 'FLYTW.AVI',0x00
+db 'FLYCHINA.AVI',0x00
+db 'FLYJP.AVI',0x00
+db 'FLYUS.AVI',0x00
+db 'JUMP.MKF',0x00
+db 'AIRPLANE.AVI',0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
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+dd 0x0049c251
+dd 0x71b1dfb3
+dd 0xb0add1a4
+db 0x00
+db 0xb7
+db 0x73
+db 0xbb
+db 0x44
+db 0x00
+db 0xba
+db 0xca
+db 0xba
+db 0xbb
+db 0x00
+db 0xbb
+dd 0x00e6a6c8
+dd 0x7ab3d6bc
+db 0x00
+db 0xc2
+db 0xe5
+db 0xb0
+db 0x7c
+db 0x00
+db 0xc5
+db 0x5d
+dd 0xceab6baa
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+db 0x5e
+db 0xa4
+db 0xa2
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+db 0x67
+dd 0xbda461a6
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+db 0x6a
+db 0xb0
+dd 0x00abaf49
+dd 0x5db06aa4
+db 0xaf
+db 0xab
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+dd 0xafd6ba6a
+db 0xab
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+db 0x6a
+dd 0xabaf61bd
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+db 0x70
+db 0xb0
+dd 0x00abaf49
+dd 0x5db070a4
+db 0xaf
+db 0xab
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+dd 0x00bdb070
+dd 0xd6ba70a4
+db 0xaf
+db 0xab
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+dd 0xaf61bd70
+db 0xab
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+db 0xd1
+db 0xa8
+db 0xcf
+db 0x00
+db 0xa6
+dd 0x00abafba
+dd 0x5daa79ac
+db 0x00
+db 0xb1
+db 0x6a
+db 0xb5
+db 0x73
+db 0x00
+db 0xb4
+db 0x63
+db 0xa4
+db 0xfc
+db 0x00
+db 0xb4
+dd 0x005dc563
+dd 0xd2bfa1b6
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+db 0xd1
+db 0xa8
+dd 0x0064a5cf
+dd 0x76af56a5
+db 0xa5
+db 0x64
+db 0x00
+db 0xa6
+dd 0xa5f9b750
+db 0x64
+db 0x00
+db 0xa7
+db 0x4b
+dd 0x64a54fb6
+db 0x00
+db 0xa7
+db 0x4b
+db 0xb8
+dd 0x0064a56f
+dd 0x68b3a1a7
+db 0xa5
+db 0x64
+db 0x00
+db 0xa7
+dd 0xa549b4a1
+db 0x64
+db 0x00
+db 0xa7
+db 0xef
+dd 0x64a5d8ab
+db 0x00
+db 0xa9
+db 0xc7
+db 0xc3
+dd 0x0064a57e
+dd 0xe6bde7a9
+db 0xa5
+db 0x64
+db 0x00
+db 0xa9
+dd 0xa5a3b0ee
+db 0x64
+db 0x00
+db 0xac
+db 0x64
+dd 0x64a5caab
+db 0x00
+db 0xac
+db 0x64
+db 0xb5
+dd 0x0064a57c
+dd 0x64a5f5ac
+db 0x00
+db 0xaf
+db 0x51
+db 0xc0
+dd 0x0064a574
+dd 0xabaf65b0
+db 0xb2
+db 0xc5
+db 0x00
+db 0xb0
+dd 0xa564afb1
+db 0x64
+db 0x00
+db 0xb3
+db 0xb4
+dd 0x64a560ae
+db 0x00
+db 0xb4
+db 0x5f
+db 0xa4
+dd 0x0064a5b3
+dd 0x5dc563b4
+db 0xa5
+db 0x64
+db 0x00
+db 0xb4
+dd 0xa561a6ab
+db 0x64
+db 0x00
+db 0xb4
+db 0xab
+dd 0x64a5ceab
+db 0x00
+db 0xb6
+db 0xc2
+db 0xa5
+db 0x64
+db 0x00
+db 0xb6
+db 0xf9
+dd 0x64a5d7ba
+db 0x00
+db 0xb7
+db 0x6d
+db 0xb9
+dd 0x0064a5dc
+dd 0x43b9dab9
+db 0xa5
+db 0x64
+db 0x00
+db 0xba
+dd 0xa5f9bba6
+db 0x64
+db 0x00
+db 0xbd
+db 0xd0
+dd 0xc5b2abaf
+db 0x00
+db 0xc1
+db 0xca
+db 0xa6
+dd 0x0064a561
+dd 0x56a6e0c2
+db 0xa5
+db 0x64
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+dd 0xa87bb575
+db 0xae
+db 0x00
+db 0xa6
+db 0x61
+db 0xb9
+db 0x70
+db 0x00
+db 0xa8
+dd 0x00aea854
+dd 0xc9ae77a9
+dd 0x75bcb5ac
+db 0x00
+db 0xad
+db 0xb8
+db 0xbc
+db 0x75
+db 0x00
+db 0xae
+db 0xc9
+dd 0xf7befaa5
+db 0x00
+db 0xae
+db 0xd6
+db 0xa4
+dd 0xbcb8ad6c
+db 0x75
+db 0x00
+db 0xb6
+db 0xc7
+dd 0xf7be65b0
+db 0x00
+db 0xb8
+db 0xf4
+db 0xbb
+db 0xd9
+db 0x00
+db 0xbb
+db 0xbb
+dd 0xebbbb1b1
+db 0xa4
+db 0x6c
+db 0x00
+db 0xbe
+dd 0x00aea8f7
+dd 0xb9bef7be
+dd 0x48a475a4
+db 0x00
+db 0xbe
+db 0xf7
+db 0xbe
+dd 0xabbdabb9
+db 0xbd
+db 0x00
+db 0xbe
+db 0xde
+dd 0xa1bb40a7
+db 0xa9
+db 0xfa
+db 0x00
+db 0xb9
+dd 0xb5b8c043
+dd 0x00b1ad65
+dd 0xb8c043b9
+dd 0x4fa5fcab
+db 0x00
+db 0xa9
+db 0xd0
+db 0x20
+dd 0xb22061a6
+db 0xa3
+db 0x00
+db 0xaf
+db 0x53
+dd 0x61a6edae
+db 0xc2
+db 0x49
+db 0x00
+db 0xaf
+dd 0xa4edae53
+dd 0x00abaa48
+dd 0x202064a5
+db 0xa4
+db 0xf9
+db 0x00
+db 0xb9
+dd 0xa8202044
+db 0xe3
+db 0x00
+db 'help.mkf',0x00,0x00
+dd 0xfaa9d3b2
+dd 0x0000e9c5
+db 'SPR',0x00
+db 'SMP',0x00
+dd 0x7ebbf9bf
+db 0x00
+db 0xa7
+db 0xe4
+db 0xa4
+dd 0xa5eca8a3
+dd 0xbed0bafa
+dd 0x0049a1f7
+db 0x72
+db 0x62
+db 0x00
+db 'DATA.MKF',0x00
+db '%c:DATA.MKF',0x00,0x00
+db 0xbd
+db 0xd0
+db 0xb4
+dd 0xa64aa4a1
+dd 0xa4cbb877
+dd 0xbafaa5f9
+dd 0x0049a1d0
+db '%c:OVER.AVI',0x00,0x00
+db 0xbd
+db 0xd0
+db 0xb4
+dd 0xb94aa4a1
+dd 0xa4b8c043
+dd 0xbafaa5f9
+dd 0x0049a1d0
+db '%s%s',0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
+db 'window vfw handle %d',0x00
+db 'put vfw destination at %d %d %d %d',0x00
+db 'play vfw window from 0 notify',0x00
+db 'open avivideo!%s alias vfw',0x00
+db 'open avivideo!%s%s alias vfw',0x00
+db 'stop vfw wait',0x00
+db 'close vfw wait',0x00,0x00
+dd 0x65aac8bb
+dd 0x4da974a8
+dd 0xe9a4ada5
+dd 0x73250a0a
+dd 0xeca86fb1
+dd 0x49a17325
+db 0x00
+db 0xae
+db 0xa3
+db 0xc0
+dd 0xb84ab373
+dd 0x250a0a60
+dd 0xa86fb173
+dd 0xa17325ec
+db 0x49
+db 0x00
+db 0xb0
+db 0xa3
+dd 0x0a0a69a4
+dd 0x6fb17325
+dd 0x7325eca8
+db 0xa1
+db 0x49
+db 0x00
+db 0xb8
+dd 0xb8cfbd74
+dd 0x250a0a60
+dd 0xa86fb173
+dd 0xa17325ec
+dd 0x00000049
+dd 0x42040000
+dd 0x42040000
+db 'WARNING',0x00
+db 'DirectSound Initial Error or SoundCard Not Found!',0x00
+db 'ERROR',0x00
+db 'DirectSound SetCooperativeLevel Error!',0x00
+db 'DirectSound CreateSoundPrimaryBuffer Error!',0x00
+db 'DirectSound SetFormat Error!',0x00
+db 'RICH08.MID',0x00
+db 'RICH16.MID',0x00
+db 'RICH17.MID',0x00
+db 'RICH18.MID',0x00
+db 'RICH19.MID',0x00
+db 'RICH20.MID',0x00
+db 'RICH21.MID',0x00
+db 'RICH22.MID',0x00
+db 'MIDI01.MID',0x00
+db 'MIDI02.MID',0x00
+db 'MIDI03.MID',0x00
+db 'MIDI04.MID',0x00
+db 'MIDI05.MID',0x00
+db 'MIDI06.MID',0x00
+db 'MIDI07.MID',0x00
+db 'MIDI08.MID',0x00
+db 'MIDI09.MID',0x00
+db 'MIDI10.MID',0x00
+db 'MIDI11.MID',0x00
+db 'MIDI12.MID',0x00
+db 'MIDI13.MID',0x00
+db 'MIDI14-1.MID',0x00
+db 'MIDI14-2.MID',0x00
+db 'MIDI15.MID',0x00
+db 'MIDI16.MID',0x00
+db 'open cdaudio!%s alias cdtrack wait',0x00
+db 'set cdtrack time format tmsf',0x00
+db 'status cdtrack number of tracks',0x00
+db 'sequencer',0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
+dd 0xcccccccd
+dd 0x3feccccc
+dd 0x9999999a
+dd 0x3fe99999
+dd 0x33333333
+dd 0x3fe33333
+db 'close mid wait',0x00
+db 'stop cdtrack wait',0x00
+db 'close cdtrack wait',0x00
+db 'open sequencer!%s alias mid',0x00
+db 'open sequencer!%s%s alias mid',0x00
+db 'play mid from 0 notify',0x00
+db 'status mid position',0x00
+db 'stop cdtrack',0x00
+db 'play mid from %d notify',0x00
+db 'play cdtrack notify',0x00
+db 'status cdtrack current track',0x00
+db 'play cdtrack from 2 notify',0x00
+db 'play cdtrack from %d notify',0x00
+db 'status mid mode',0x00
+db 'playing',0x00
+db 'status cdtrack mode',0x00,0x00,0x00
+dd 0xbf20f9ac
+dd 0xecb320ab
+db 0x00
+db 0xa8
+db 0x46
+db 0xb6
+dd 0xb4daa4a9
+db 0xb5
+db 0x00
+db 0xa7
+db 0xd4
+dd 0x20d3a420
+db 0xad
+db 0xa6
+db 0x00
+db 0xbf
+dd 0xd2a420fa
+dd 0x0048a420
+dd 0xa420fcaa
+dd 0x42a72067
+db 0x00
+db 0xb2
+db 0xef
+db 0xa9
+dd 0xa5bda4d4
+db 0x44
+db 0x00
+db 0xae
+db 0x63
+dd 0x5fc4bba5
+db 0xc2
+db 0xc3
+db 0x00
+db 0xbf
+dd 0xbf20207d
+db 0x7d
+db 0x00
+db 0xaf
+db 0x51
+dd 0x7dab2020
+db 0x00
+db 0xae
+db 0x5d
+db 0x20
+dd 0xac2070a4
+db 0xfc
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+db 0x70
+dd 0x20a6a420
+db 0xa5
+db 0xa7
+db 0x00
+db 0xaa
+dd 0xa9a820f7
+dd 0x00a9a820
+dd 0xbdb070a4
+db 0x00
+db 0xb1
+db 0x6a
+db 0xb5
+db 0x73
+db 0x00
+db 0xac
+db 0x79
+db 0xaa
+db 0x5d
+db 0x00
+db 0xb6
+dd 0x00d2bfa1
+dd 0x5db070a4
+db 0xaf
+db 0xab
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+dd 0xaf5db06a
+db 0xab
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+db 0x70
+dd 0xabafd6ba
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+db 0x6a
+db 0xba
+dd 0x00abafd6
+dd 0x61bd70a4
+db 0xaf
+db 0xab
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+dd 0xaf61bd6a
+db 0xab
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+db 0x70
+dd 0xabaf49b0
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+db 0x6a
+db 0xb0
+dd 0x00abaf49
+dd 0xcfa8d1a4
+db 0x00
+db 0xb4
+db 0x63
+db 0xc5
+db 0x5d
+db 0x00
+db 0xb4
+db 0x63
+db 0xa4
+db 0xfc
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+dd 0xa461a667
+db 0xbd
+db 0x00
+db 0xc2
+db 0xa7
+db 0xaa
+db 0xab
+db 0x00
+db 0xc4
+dd 0x0063bd5f
+dd 0xabafbaa6
+db 0x00
+db 0xb8
+db 0xf4
+db 0xbb
+db 0xd9
+db 0x00
+db 0xa6
+db 0x61
+db 0xb9
+db 0x70
+db 0x00
+db 0xa9
+dd 0xacc9ae77
+dd 0x0075bcb5
+db 0x42
+db 0x53
+db 0x00
+db 'TAB',0x00
+db 'ENTER',0x00
+db 'CTRL-',0x00
+db 'ESC',0x00
+db 'SPACE',0x00
+db 'PG UP',0x00
+db 'PG DN',0x00
+db 'END',0x00
+db 'HOME',0x00
+db 0xa1
+db 0xf6
+db 0x00
+db 0xa1
+db 0xf4
+db 0x00
+db 0xa1
+db 0xf7
+db 0x00
+db 0xa1
+db 0xf5
+db 0x00
+db 'INS',0x00
+db 0x30
+db 0x00
+db 0x31
+db 0x00
+db 0x32
+db 0x00
+db 0x33
+db 0x00
+db 0x34
+db 0x00
+db 0x35
+db 0x00
+db 0x36
+db 0x00
+db 0x37
+db 0x00
+db 0x38
+db 0x00
+db 0x39
+db 0x00
+db 0x41
+db 0x00
+db 0x42
+db 0x00
+db 0x43
+db 0x00
+db 0x44
+db 0x00
+db 0x45
+db 0x00
+db 0x46
+db 0x00
+db 0x47
+db 0x00
+db 0x48
+db 0x00
+db 0x49
+db 0x00
+db 0x4a
+db 0x00
+db 0x4b
+db 0x00
+db 0x4c
+db 0x00
+db 0x4d
+db 0x00
+db 0x4e
+db 0x00
+db 0x4f
+db 0x00
+db 0x50
+db 0x00
+db 0x51
+db 0x00
+db 0x52
+db 0x00
+db 0x53
+db 0x00
+db 0x54
+db 0x00
+db 0x55
+db 0x00
+db 0x56
+db 0x00
+db 0x57
+db 0x00
+db 0x58
+db 0x00
+db 0x59
+db 0x00
+db 0x5a
+db 0x00
+db 0x2a
+db 0x00
+db 0x2b
+db 0x00
+db 0x2d
+db 0x00
+db 0x2f
+db 0x00
+db 0x46
+db 0x31
+db 0x00
+db 0x46
+db 0x32
+db 0x00
+db 0x46
+db 0x33
+db 0x00
+db 0x46
+db 0x34
+db 0x00
+db 0x46
+db 0x35
+db 0x00
+db 0x46
+db 0x36
+db 0x00
+db 0x46
+db 0x37
+db 0x00
+db 0x46
+db 0x38
+db 0x00
+db 0x46
+db 0x39
+db 0x00
+db 'F10',0x00
+db 'F11',0x00
+db 'F12',0x00
+db 0x3b
+db 0x00
+db 0x3d
+db 0x00
+db 0x3c
+db 0x00
+db 0x3e
+db 0x00
+db 0x3f
+db 0x00
+db 0x7e
+db 0x00
+db 0x5b
+db 0x00
+db 0x5c
+db 0x00
+db 0x5d
+db 0x00
+db 0x27
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+db 0xa4
+db 0xb0
+dd 0xb048abea
+db 0x55
+db 0x00
+db 0xbb
+db 0x4f
+dd 0x48a457c6
+db 0xb9
+db 0xd8
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+dd 0xa674a66a
+dd 0x0066b3ca
+dd 0xbf2078a5
+dd 0x71b9206e
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+db 0x6a
+db 0xa6
+dd 0xb0eab874
+db 0x54
+db 0x00
+db 0xa5
+db 0x78
+dd 0xecb657c6
+db 0xbd
+db 0xa6
+db 0x00
+db 0xb8
+dd 0xa8a9b6ce
+dd 0x00aea854
+dd 0x46aab7bb
+dd 0xb4c2bcaf
+db 0x00
+db 0xb2
+db 0xce
+db 0xa4
+dd 0xb057b640
+db 0xd3
+db 0x00
+db 0xbe
+db 0x5f
+dd 0x20b9a520
+db 0xa6
+db 0xe6
+db 0x00
+db 0xb5
+dd 0xb8ba20dc
+dd 0x0049b420
+dd 0xa62070c1
+dd 0xf8b32058
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+db 0x57
+db 0xae
+dd 0xa6c8bbfc
+db 0xe6
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+db 0xa4
+dd 0x48a4eab0
+db 0xb9
+db 0xd8
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+dd 0xa4b2a9fd
+dd 0xb3caa6ab
+db 0x66
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+db 0xa4
+dd 0xdba5eab0
+db 0xaa
+db 0x6f
+db 0x00
+db 0xc1
+dd 0xac51b770
+dd 0x00dea7ec
+dd 0x73b7bbb3
+dd 0x7eabb9ad
+db 0x00
+db 0xaa
+db 0x46
+db 0xa4
+dd 0xb7eab9e8
+db 0x7e
+db 0x00
+db 0xb6
+db 0xd7
+dd 0xd2c3d7c2
+db 0xa8
+db 0xe9
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+dd 0xa579bc6a
+dd 0x006faadb
+dd 0xb0abf8aa
+dd 0xf7be71b9
+db 0x00
+db 0xaa
+db 0xf8
+db 0xa6
+dd 0xb3d8abbf
+db 0x5d
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+db 0x6a
+dd 0x6eb3b3b2
+db 0xa5
+db 0xf3
+db 0x00
+db 0xb4
+dd 0xbb68a449
+dd 0x00e6a6c8
+dd 0xaba454a4
+dd 0x52a9cda5
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+db 0x54
+db 0xb6
+dd 0xb3caa656
+db 0x66
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+db 0xe9
+dd 0xd8aba3b2
+db 0xb3
+db 0x5d
+db 0x00
+db 0xa2
+dd 0xa2d3a2e1
+dd 0x00cfa2d5
+dd 0xd0a5d7c2
+dd 0xaea854a8
+db 0x00
+db 0xaa
+db 0x51
+db 0xa4
+dd 0xbe71b955
+db 0xf7
+db 0x00
+db 0xa4
+db 0xe9
+dd 0xf7bedfa5
+db 0xb9
+db 0x71
+db 0x00
+db 0xa2
+dd 0xa2dda2e1
+dd 0x00e7a2dc
+dd 0xd9b554a4
+dd 0x7eb775a4
+db 0x00
+db 0xa5
+db 0xf4
+db 0xa4
+dd 0x00f3b0d1
+dd 0xa1b677bc
+dd 0xb1a9d1ae
+db 0x00
+db 0xaa
+db 0xe1
+db 0xba
+dd 0xa6c8bb58
+db 0xe6
+db 0x00
+db 0xb3
+db 0xec
+dd 0xc8a876aa
+dd 0xd8b948a4
+db 0x00
+db 0xc0
+db 0xf4
+db 0xb2
+dd 0xb3caa679
+db 0x66
+db 0x00
+db 0xc1
+db 0x70
+dd 0xe8af58a6
+db 0xaa
+db 0xc5
+db 0x00
+db 0xba
+dd 0xa853afd6
+dd 0x00aea854
+dd 0xd0a2d7a2
+db 0xa2
+db 0xdb
+db 0x00
+db 0xbc
+dd 0xbb7ba677
+dd 0x00b9bef6
+dd 0xecc9afbc
+dd 0xd4a9b9c3
+db 0x00
+db 0xad
+db 0x7d
+db 0xa4
+dd 0x00a7a568
+dd 0x66a469a5
+dd 0xd6bc69a5
+db 0x00
+db 0xb3
+db 0xc1
+db 0xb7
+dd 0x00d2b3ed
+dd 0xc6a8caa6
+dd 0xd6bc69a5
+db 0x00
+db 0xa6
+db 0xe6
+db 0xac
+dd 0xa6c8bb50
+db 0xe6
+db 0x00
+db 0xbb
+db 0xc8
+dd 0x4fab65aa
+db 0xc0
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+db 0x49
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+db 0x30
+dd 0xa8373639
+dd 0xa17db6ab
+db 0x49
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+db 0x30
+dd 0xbd383639
+dd 0xa84cb9d0
+dd 0x0049a1d3
+dd 0x36393023
+dd 0xb7daa739
+dd 0xb9e0c27c
+dd 0xa1baaa42
+db 0x49
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+db 0x30
+dd 0xac303739
+dd 0xaadaa7dd
+dd 0x0049a1ba
+dd 0x37393023
+dd 0xb7daa731
+dd 0xa7b9b57c
+dd 0xaca60a41
+dd 0xbaaadabe
+db 0xa1
+db 0x49
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+dd 0x32373930
+dd 0x6ea6d3a4
+dd 0x46a4c8c1
+db 0xa1
+db 0xe3
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+dd 0x33373930
+dd 0xf4a7b2b5
+dd 0x7eb7e7c0
+db 0xa1
+db 0x49
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+dd 0x34373930
+dd 0x49a1d9b6
+dd 0xbaaadaa7
+dd 0xcda442aa
+db 0xa1
+db 0x49
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+dd 0x35373930
+dd 0x74b3eeb4
+dd 0xe6a643ba
+db 0xa1
+db 0x49
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+dd 0x36373930
+dd 0x6ab0d6a7
+dd 0x49a1e0c2
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+db 0x30
+db 0x39
+dd 0xa9b63737
+dd 0x7db6abad
+dd 0x49a1f5b9
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+db 0x30
+db 0x39
+dd 0xf0a53837
+dd 0x40a4a7ae
+dd 0x49a155a4
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+db 0x30
+db 0x39
+dd 0x4fa73937
+dd 0xd3a4aba8
+dd 0x49a1d6a7
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+db 0x30
+db 0x39
+dd 0xb3ae3038
+dd 0x61a768a5
+db 0xa1
+db 0xe3
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+dd 0x31383930
+dd 0x49a1e1b3
+dd 0x6aa4abc1
+dd 0x49a146a4
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+db 0x30
+db 0x39
+dd 0x41a73238
+dd 0xb10a7cb7
+dd 0xb3eca86f
+dd 0xaab3c0f8
+dd 0x0049a1ba
+dd 0x38393023
+dd 0xb341a733
+dd 0x0ab1b4ba
+dd 0xcbbc6fb3
+dd 0xdaa7efb9
+db 0xa1
+db 0x49
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+dd 0x34383930
+dd 0x6eaddaa7
+dd 0x44b669a7
+dd 0xa8aadaa7
+db 0xa1
+db 0x49
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+dd 0x35383930
+dd 0xebabdaa7
+dd 0x49a141a7
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+db 0x30
+db 0x39
+dd 0xdaa73638
+dd 0x6ead7cb7
+dd 0xd3a85ea6
+dd 0x49a1baaa
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+db 0x30
+db 0x39
+dd 0xc7a93738
+dd 0x49a1abaa
+dd 0x49a149a1
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+db 0x30
+db 0x39
+dd 0x53a83838
+dd 0xf2bbb0a4
+db 0xa1
+db 0xe3
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+dd 0x39383930
+dd 0xeeb9b5c4
+dd 0x49a149a1
+db 0xa1
+db 0x49
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+dd 0x30393930
+dd 0xdaa7fdc5
+dd 0x49a1aba8
+db 0xa1
+db 0x49
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+dd 0x31393930
+dd 0x52a9cfb1
+dd 0x49a1dab0
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+db 0x30
+db 0x39
+dd 0x75af3239
+dd 0xb0b7cbad
+db 0xa1
+db 0x49
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+dd 0x33393930
+dd 0xf3a6b0ac
+dd 0xdaa74fac
+db 0xa1
+db 0x48
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+dd 0x34393930
+dd 0xdaa7b9b5
+dd 0x49a1fabf
+db 0xa1
+db 0x49
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+dd 0x35393930
+dd 0x73b56ab1
+db 0xa1
+db 0x49
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+dd 0x36393930
+dd 0x49a1d9b6
+dd 0xd3adbbc0
+dd 0x49a178b4
+db 0x00
+db 0x23
+db 0x30
+db 0x39
+dd 0xdeb33739
+db 0xa1
+db 0x49
+db 0x00
+db '#0998@19',0x00
+db '#0999@19',0x00
+db '#1000@11',0x00
+db '#1001@12',0x00
+db '#1002@11',0x00
+db '#1003@12',0x00
+db '#1004@11',0x00
+db '#1005@12',0x00
+db '#1006@11',0x00
+db '#1007@19',0x00
+db '#1008@08',0x00
+db '#1009@08',0x00
+db '#1010@08',0x00
+db '#1011@12',0x00
+db '#1012@18',0x00
+db '#1013@18',0x00
+db '#1014@19',0x00
+db '#1015@08',0x00
+db '#1016@19',0x00
+db '#1017@11',0x00
+db '#1018@12',0x00
+db '#1019@11',0x00
+db '#1020@12',0x00
+db '#1021@20',0x00
+db '#1022@20',0x00
+db '#1023@11',0x00
+db '#1024@12',0x00
+db '#1025@11',0x00
+db '#1026@14',0x00
+db '#1027@19',0x00
+db '#1028@14',0x00
+db '#1029@14',0x00
+db '#1030@14',0x00
+db '#1031@14',0x00
+db '#1032@03',0x00
+db '#1033@08',0x00
+db '#1034@05',0x00
+db '#1035@07',0x00
+db '#1036@03',0x00
+db '#1037@07',0x00
+db '#1038@10',0x00
+db '#1039@08',0x00
+db '#1040@03',0x00
+db '#1041@05',0x00
+db '#1042@07',0x00
+db '#1043@10',0x00
+db '#1044@13',0x00
+db '#1045@09',0x00
+db '#1046@15',0x00
+db '#1047@08',0x00
+db '#1048@14',0x00
+db '#1049@02',0x00,0x00
+dd 0x00000000
+db 'con',0x00
+db 'TMP',0x00
+db 'TEMP',0x00
+db 'TMPDIR',0x00
+db 'TEMPDIR',0x00
+db 0x00
+db 'wb+',0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
+db 'Unable to allocate semaphore data',0x0d,0x0a,0x00
+db 'USER32.DLL',0x00
+db 'GetActiveWindow',0x00
+db 'The instruction at 0x00000000 caused a stack overflow floating point',0x0a,'exception.',0x0a,0x00
+db 'The instruction at 0x00000000 caused a stack underflow floating point',0x0a,'exception.',0x0a,0x00
+db 'The instruction at 0x00000000 caused a denormal operand floating point',0x0a,'exception.',0x0a,0x00
+db 'The instruction at 0x00000000 caused a division by zero floating point',0x0a,'exception.',0x0a,0x00
+db 'The instruction at 0x00000000 caused an inexact value floating point',0x0a,'exception.',0x0a,0x00
+db 'The instruction at 0x00000000 caused an overflow floating point exception.',0x0a,0x00
+db 'The instruction at 0x00000000 caused an underflow floating point exception.',0x0a,0x00
+db 'The instruction at 0x00000000 caused an invalid operation floating point',0x0a,'exception.',0x0a,0x00
+db 'The instruction at 0x00000000 referenced memory ',0x00
+db 'at 0x00000000.',0x0a,'The memory could not be ',0x00
+db 'read.',0x0a,0x00
+db 'written.',0x0a,0x00
+db 'A privileged instruction was executed at address 0x00000000.',0x0a,0x00
+db 'An illegal instruction was executed at address 0x00000000.',0x0a,0x00
+db 'An integer divide by zero was encountered at address 0x00000000.',0x0a,0x00
+db 'A stack overflow was encountered at address 0x00000000.',0x0a,0x00
+db 'The program encountered exception 0x00000000 at ',0x00
+db 'address 0x00000000 and',0x0a,'cannot continue.',0x0a,0x00
+db 'Not enough memory to allocate file structures',0x0d,0x0a,0x00
+db 'con',0x00
+db 'acos',0x00
+db 'asin',0x00
+db 'sqrt',0x00
+db 'exp',0x00
+db 'cosh',0x00
+db 'sinh',0x00
+db 'pow',0x00
+db 'acosh',0x00
+db 'log2',0x00
+db 'log',0x00
+db 'log10',0x00
+db 'atanh',0x00
+db 'atan2',0x00
+db 'ipow',0x00
+db 'dpowi',0x00
+db 'cos',0x00
+db 'sin',0x00
+db 'tan',0x00
+db 0x79
+db 0x30
+db 0x00
+db 0x79
+db 0x31
+db 0x00
+db 0x79
+db 0x6e
+db 0x00
+db 'mod',0x00
+db 'cotan',0x00
+db 'Floating-point support not loaded',0x0d,0x0a,0x00
+db 'Thread has no thread-specific data',0x0d,0x0a,0x00
+db 'Unable to resize thread-specific data',0x0d,0x0a,0x00
+db 'Unable to resize thread-specific data',0x0d,0x0a,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
+db 'conin$',0x00
+db 'conout$',0x00,0x00
+db 'Domain error',0x00
+db 'Argument singularity',0x00
+db 'Overflow range error',0x00
+db 'Underflow range error',0x00
+db 'Total loss of significance',0x00
+db 'Partial loss of significance',0x00
+db ' in ',0x00,0x00,0x00
+db 'C_FILE_INFO',0x00
+db 'C_FILE_INFO=',0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
+db 'ABNORMAL TERMINATION',0x0d,0x0a,0x00,0x00
+db '__bgnthd',0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x7ff00000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000280
+dd 0x000001e0
+dd 0x01e00280
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x01e00280
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+db 0x06
+db 0x04
+db 0x02
+db 0x00
+dd 0x00000000
+db 0xbe
+db 0x00
+db 0x7c
+db 0x01
+dd 0x017c0148
+dd 0x017a01d4
+dd 0x01c20148
+dd 0x017c003e
+dd 0x00000002
+dd 0x00000001
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+db 'J',0x01,0x00,0x00
+dd 0x0000006e
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x0000016e
+dd 0x000000dc
+dd 0x0000004a
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000181
+dd 0x00000113
+dd 0x000000a5
+dd 0x00000037
+dd ref_004630f4
+dd ref_004630f9
+dd ref_004630fe
+dd 0x000493e0
+dd 0x00030d40
+dd 0x000186a0
+dd 0x0000c350
+dd 0x00007530
+dd 0x00002710
+dd ref_00463103
+dd ref_00463108
+dd ref_0046310d
+dd ref_00463112
+dd ref_00463119
+dd ref_0046311e
+dd ref_00463123
+dd ref_0046312a
+dd ref_00463131
+dd ref_00463112
+dd ref_00463119
+dd ref_0046311e
+dd ref_00463123
+dd ref_0046312a
+dd ref_00463131
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x000002da
+dd 0x0000016d
+dd 0x000000b6
+dd 0x0000005b
+dd 0x0000001e
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000064
+dd 0x00000032
+dd 0x0000000a
+dd 0x00000005
+dd 0x00000003
+db 0x08
+db 0x00
+db 0x0f
+db 0x00
+db 0xb8
+db 0x01
+db 0x9f
+db 0x00
+dd 0x00b001c8
+dd 0x00d70217
+dd 0x00b00220
+dd 0x00d7026f
+dd 0x00e2025a
+dd 0x00fa0271
+dd 0x0106025a
+dd 0x011e0271
+dd 0x012a025a
+dd 0x01420271
+dd 0x014e025a
+dd 0x01660271
+dd 0x0172025a
+dd 0x018a0271
+dd 0x0196025a
+dd 0x01ae0271
+dd 0x001f01c9
+dd 0x003e0271
+dd 0x003f01c9
+dd 0x005e0271
+dd 0x005f01c9
+dd 0x007e0271
+dd 0x007f01c9
+dd 0x009e0271
+dd 0x00340014
+dd 0x00740054
+db 0x31
+db 0x02
+db 0xfb
+db 0x00
+db 0x5a
+db 0x02
+db 0x40
+db 0x01
+dd 0x011f0218
+dd 0x01a9025a
+dd 0x01430231
+dd 0x0188025a
+dd 0x00c30218
+dd 0x014d025a
+dd 0x00e70218
+dd 0x0171025a
+dd 0x010b0204
+dd 0x0195025a
+dd 0x00060005
+dd 0x00060005
+dd 0x00070006
+dd 0x03020100
+dd 0x0d0c0605
+dd 0x12110f0e
+dd 0x00000005
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0xffffffff
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000008
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0xffffffff
+dd 0x00000000
+db 0x2d
+db 0xff
+db 0x36
+db 0xfd
+db 0x23
+db 0xff
+db 0x5a
+db 0xfd
+dd 0xfd7fff18
+dd 0xfda2ff0d
+dd 0xfdc7ff03
+dd 0xfdeafef8
+dd 0xfe0ffeef
+dd 0xfe32fee4
+dd 0xfe57fed9
+dd 0xfe7bfecf
+dd 0xfe9ffec4
+dd 0xfec3feb9
+dd 0xfee6feaf
+dd 0xff0bfea4
+dd 0xff30fe9a
+dd 0xff53fe8f
+dd 0xff78fe84
+dd 0xff9bfe7a
+dd 0xffbffe70
+dd 0xffe3fe65
+dd 0x0006fe5b
+dd 0x002bfe50
+dd 0x004efe46
+dd 0x0073fe3b
+dd 0x0096fe30
+dd 0x00bbfe26
+dd 0x00defe1b
+dd 0x0103fe10
+dd 0x0127fe06
+dd 0xfd44ff46
+dd 0xfd69ff3c
+dd 0xfd8dff31
+dd 0xfdb1ff26
+dd 0xfdd5ff1d
+dd 0xfdf9ff12
+dd 0xfe1dff08
+dd 0xfe41fefd
+dd 0xfe65fef2
+dd 0xfe8afee8
+dd 0xfeadfedd
+dd 0xfed2fed2
+dd 0xfef5fec8
+dd 0xff1afebd
+dd 0xff3efeb3
+dd 0xff62fea8
+dd 0xff86fe9e
+dd 0xffaafe94
+dd 0xffcefe89
+dd 0xfff1fe7e
+dd 0x0015fe74
+dd 0x003afe69
+dd 0x005dfe5f
+dd 0x0082fe54
+dd 0x00a5fe49
+dd 0x00c9fe3f
+dd 0x00edfe34
+dd 0x0111fe29
+dd 0x0136fe20
+dd 0xfd53ff5f
+dd 0xfd78ff56
+dd 0xfd9cff4b
+dd 0xfdbfff40
+dd 0xfde4ff36
+dd 0xfe07ff2b
+dd 0xfe2cff21
+dd 0xfe4fff16
+dd 0xfe74ff0b
+dd 0xfe98ff01
+dd 0xfebcfef6
+dd 0xfee0feeb
+dd 0xff04fee1
+dd 0xff28fed6
+dd 0xff4dfecd
+dd 0xff70fec2
+dd 0xff95feb7
+dd 0xffb8fead
+dd 0xffddfea2
+dd 0x0000fe97
+dd 0x0024fe8d
+dd 0x0048fe82
+dd 0x006cfe78
+dd 0x0090fe6d
+dd 0x00b3fe62
+dd 0x00d8fe59
+dd 0x00fbfe4e
+dd 0x0120fe43
+dd 0x0145fe39
+dd 0xfd62ff7a
+dd 0xfd86ff70
+dd 0xfdabff65
+dd 0xfdceff5a
+dd 0xfdf3ff50
+dd 0xfe16ff45
+dd 0xfe3bff3b
+dd 0xfe5eff30
+dd 0xfe82ff25
+dd 0xfea7ff1b
+dd 0xfecaff11
+dd 0xfeefff06
+dd 0xff12fefc
+dd 0xff37fef1
+dd 0xff5bfee7
+dd 0xff7ffedc
+dd 0xffa3fed1
+dd 0xffc7fec7
+dd 0xffebfebc
+dd 0x000efeb1
+dd 0x0032fea7
+dd 0x0057fe9c
+dd 0x007afe93
+dd 0x009ffe88
+dd 0x00c2fe7d
+dd 0x00e7fe73
+dd 0x010afe68
+dd 0x012ffe5d
+dd 0x0153fe53
+dd 0xfd70ff93
+dd 0xfd95ff89
+dd 0xfdb9ff7e
+dd 0xfdddff73
+dd 0xfe01ff69
+dd 0xfe25ff5e
+dd 0xfe49ff54
+dd 0xfe6dff49
+dd 0xfe91ff3f
+dd 0xfeb6ff35
+dd 0xfed9ff2a
+dd 0xfefeff1f
+dd 0xff21ff15
+dd 0xff46ff0a
+dd 0xff6aff00
+dd 0xff8dfef5
+dd 0xffb2feea
+dd 0xffd5fee0
+dd 0xfffafed5
+dd 0x001cfeca
+dd 0x0041fec1
+dd 0x0065feb6
+dd 0x0089feac
+dd 0x00adfea1
+dd 0x00d1fe96
+dd 0x00f5fe8c
+dd 0x0119fe81
+dd 0x013dfe76
+dd 0x0162fe6c
+dd 0xfd80ffac
+dd 0xfda5ffa2
+dd 0xfdc9ff97
+dd 0xfdedff8c
+dd 0xfe11ff82
+dd 0xfe34ff77
+dd 0xfe59ff6e
+dd 0xfe7cff63
+dd 0xfea1ff58
+dd 0xfec6ff4e
+dd 0xfee9ff43
+dd 0xff0dff38
+dd 0xff31ff2e
+dd 0xff55ff23
+dd 0xff7aff19
+dd 0xff9dff0e
+dd 0xffc2ff03
+dd 0xffe5fefa
+dd 0x0009feef
+dd 0x002cfee4
+dd 0x0051feda
+dd 0x0075fecf
+dd 0x0099fec5
+dd 0x00bdfeba
+dd 0x00e1feaf
+dd 0x0105fea5
+dd 0x0129fe9a
+dd 0x014dfe8f
+dd 0x0172fe85
+dd 0xfd8fffc6
+dd 0xfdb3ffbc
+dd 0xfdd8ffb2
+dd 0xfdfbffa7
+dd 0xfe20ff9d
+dd 0xfe43ff92
+dd 0xfe68ff88
+dd 0xfe8bff7d
+dd 0xfeb0ff72
+dd 0xfed4ff68
+dd 0xfef8ff5d
+dd 0xff1cff52
+dd 0xff3fff48
+dd 0xff64ff3d
+dd 0xff89ff34
+dd 0xffacff29
+dd 0xffd1ff1e
+dd 0xfff4ff14
+dd 0x0017ff09
+dd 0x003bfefe
+dd 0x005ffef4
+dd 0x0084fee9
+dd 0x00a7fedf
+dd 0x00ccfed4
+dd 0x00effec9
+dd 0x0114febf
+dd 0x0137feb5
+dd 0x015cfeaa
+dd 0x0180fea0
+dd 0xfd9dffe0
+dd 0xfdc2ffd6
+dd 0xfde6ffcb
+dd 0xfe0affc0
+dd 0xfe2effb6
+dd 0xfe52ffab
+dd 0xfe76ffa1
+dd 0xfe9aff96
+dd 0xfebeff8b
+dd 0xfee3ff81
+dd 0xff06ff76
+dd 0xff2bff6b
+dd 0xff4eff62
+dd 0xff73ff57
+dd 0xff97ff4d
+dd 0xffbbff42
+dd 0xffdfff37
+dd 0x0002ff2d
+dd 0x0026ff22
+dd 0x0049ff17
+dd 0x006eff0d
+dd 0x0093ff02
+dd 0x00b6fef8
+dd 0x00dafeed
+dd 0x00fefee3
+dd 0x0122fed9
+dd 0x0146fece
+dd 0x016afec3
+dd 0x018ffeb9
+dd 0xfdacfff9
+dd 0xfdd1ffef
+dd 0xfdf5ffe4
+dd 0xfe18ffd9
+dd 0xfe3dffcf
+dd 0xfe60ffc4
+dd 0xfe85ffba
+dd 0xfea8ffaf
+dd 0xfecdffa4
+dd 0xfef1ff9b
+dd 0xff15ff90
+dd 0xff39ff85
+dd 0xff5dff7b
+dd 0xff81ff70
+dd 0xffa6ff66
+dd 0xffc9ff5b
+dd 0xffeeff50
+dd 0x0010ff46
+dd 0x0035ff3b
+dd 0x0058ff30
+dd 0x007dff26
+dd 0x00a1ff1b
+dd 0x00c5ff12
+dd 0x00e9ff07
+dd 0x010cfefc
+dd 0x0131fef2
+dd 0x0154fee7
+dd 0x0179fedc
+dd 0x019efed2
+dd 0xfdbb0012
+dd 0xfddf0008
+dd 0xfe04fffe
+dd 0xfe27fff3
+dd 0xfe4cffe9
+dd 0xfe6fffde
+dd 0xfe94ffd5
+dd 0xfeb7ffca
+dd 0xfedbffbf
+dd 0xff00ffb5
+dd 0xff23ffaa
+dd 0xff48ff9f
+dd 0xff6bff95
+dd 0xff90ff8a
+dd 0xffb4ff80
+dd 0xffd8ff75
+dd 0xfffcff6a
+dd 0x001fff60
+dd 0x0043ff56
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+ref_0047539c: ; may contain a jump table
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+dd 0x0000012c
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+db ')',0x01,0x00,0x00
+dd 0x00000001
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+dd 0x00000169
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+dd 0x0000012c
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0xffffffff
+dd 0x00000000
+ref_00475d5c: ; may contain a jump table
+db 0x00
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+db 0x00
+db 0x00
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+dd fcn_004420d5
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+ref_00475dd8: ; may contain a jump table
+db 0x00
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+db 0x00
+db 0x00
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+dd fcn_0044913d
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+ref_00475ef0: ; may contain a jump table
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+dd fcn_0044c229
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+dd fcn_0044c3b7
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+ref_00485968: ; may contain a jump table
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+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0xffffffff
+ref_00488f4c: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_004585cd
+ref_00488f50: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_004585d2
+ref_00488f54: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_004585d2
+ref_00488f58: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_004585d3
+ref_00488f5c: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_004585e1
+ref_00488f60: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_004585d2
+ref_00488f64: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_004585d2
+ref_00488f68: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_004585d2
+dd fcn_004585d2
+ref_00488f70: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_004585d2
+dd fcn_004585d2
+ref_00488f78: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_004585d2
+ref_00488f7c: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_004585d2
+ref_00488f80: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_004585d2
+ref_00488f84: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_004585d2
+ref_00488f88: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_004585d2
+ref_00488f8c: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_004585ee
+ref_00488f90: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_004585ee
+ref_00488f94: ; may contain a jump table
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000001
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+db 0x02
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+db 0x00
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+dd 0x00000000
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+db 0x61
+db 0x00
+db 0x01
+db 0x00
+dd 0x00000000
+ref_004891ac: ; may contain a jump table
+dd 0x00000000
+ref_004891b0: ; may contain a jump table
+dd 0x00000000
+ref_004891b4: ; may contain a jump table
+dd 0x00000000
+ref_004891b8: ; may contain a jump table
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+ref_004891d4: ; may contain a jump table
+dd 0x00000000
+ref_004891d8: ; may contain a jump table
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+ref_004891e0: ; may contain a jump table
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+ref_004891e8: ; may contain a jump table
+dd 0x00000000
+ref_004891ec: ; may contain a jump table
+dd 0x00000000
+dd ref_0046c418
+dd ref_0046c41c
+dd ref_0046c421
+dd ref_0046c428
+dd ref_0046c430
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+ref_00489367: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_00459c50
+db 0x00
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x01010100
+dd 0x01010101
+dd 0x03030101
+dd 0x01030303
+dd 0x01010101
+dd 0x01010101
+dd 0x01010101
+dd 0x01010101
+dd 0x0c0c0a01
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+dd 0x0c0c0c0c
+dd 0x0c0c0c0c
+dd 0x3838380c
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+dd 0x0c383838
+dd 0x0c0c0c0c
+dd 0x58580c0c
+dd 0x58585858
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+dd 0x48484848
+dd 0x48484848
+dd 0x48484848
+dd 0x48484848
+dd 0x0c0c0c0c
+dd 0x98980c0c
+dd 0x98989898
+dd 0x88888888
+dd 0x88888888
+dd 0x88888888
+dd 0x88888888
+dd 0x88888888
+dd 0x0c0c0c0c
+dd 0x00000001
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x80000000
+dd fcn_0045a037
+dd fcn_0045a037
+ref_00489488: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_0045a037
+ref_0048948c: ; may contain a jump table
+dd 0x00000000
+ref_00489490: ; may contain a jump table
+dd 0x00000000
+db '0123456789abcdef',0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
+dd 0x00000001
+dd 0x00010000
+dd 0x000000f4
+db 'Stack Overflow!',0x0d,0x0a,0x00,0x00,0x00
+ref_004894c8: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_0045ae22
+ref_004894cc: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_0045ae22
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+db 0x00
+dd 0x01010900
+dd 0x0504060b
+dd 0x03020505
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+dd 0x00000014
+dd 0x00000001
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+dd 0x00000003
+dd 0x00000002
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd ref_004894ec
+dd ref_0045c259
+dd ref_0045c259
+dd 0x0000127f
+dd ref_0046c8ec
+dd ref_0046c8f1
+dd ref_0046c8f6
+dd ref_0046c8fb
+dd ref_0046c8ff
+dd ref_0046c904
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+dd ref_0046c92e
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+dd ref_0046c939
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+dd ref_0046c948
+dd ref_0046c94b
+dd ref_0046c94e
+dd ref_0046c952
+ref_004895a8: ; may contain a jump table
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+db '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
+db '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
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+dd ref_0046ca26
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+dd ref_0046ca6c
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x9c400000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd fcn_0045f7e8
+ref_0048972c: ; may contain a jump table
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+dd 0x3fffffff
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x08080808
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+dd 0x08080808
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+dd 0x08080808
+dd 0x08080808
+dd 0x08080808
+dd 0x08080808
+dd 0x08080808
+dd 0x08080808
+dd 0x08080808
+dd 0x08080808
+dd 0x08080808
+dd 0x08080808
+dd 0x0c0c0800
+dd 0x0c0c0c0c
+dd 0x0c0c0c0c
+dd 0x0c0c0c0c
+dd 0x0c0c0c0c
+dd 0x0c0c0c0c
+dd 0x0c0c0c0c
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+dd 0x09090909
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+dd 0x09090909
+dd 0x09090909
+dd 0x09090909
+dd 0x09090909
+dd 0x0c0c0c09
+dd 0x0c0c0c0c
+dd 0x0c0c0c0c
+dd 0x0c0c0c0c
+dd 0x0c0c0c0c
+dd 0x0c0c0c0c
+dd 0x0c0c0c0c
+dd 0x00000c0c
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+db 0x00
+db 0x02
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+db 0x20
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+db 0x00
+db 0x20
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+db 0x20
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+db 0x03
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+db 0x00
+db 0x20
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+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x000a0000
+dd 0x00000d00
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+dd 0x5f000000
+ref_0048998c: ; may contain a jump table
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+dd loc_0045f14e
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+dd loc_0045f159
+dd loc_0045f15f
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+dd loc_0045f1a2
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+dd loc_0045f1d3
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+dd loc_0045f1f7
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+dd loc_0045f2df
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+dd loc_0045f3a3
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+dd loc_0045f3e3
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+dd loc_0045f45b
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+dd loc_0045f487
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+dd loc_0045f56a
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+dd loc_0045f5a3
+dd loc_0045f5bb
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+section .data
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
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+dd 0x00000000
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