global clib_fopen global clib_fclose global clib_fseek extern fcn_00457135 extern fcn_004590b9 extern fcn_00457254 extern fcn_00457902 extern ref_00488f60 extern ref_00488f64 extern ref_004991d4 global clib_rand global clib_srand extern ref_00488f4c section .text fcn_00457366: push ebx push esi push edi sub esp, 4 mov eax, esp push eax mov edx, dword [esp + 0x1c] push edx call fcn_00457135 ; call 0x457135 mov ebx, eax add esp, 8 test eax, eax je short loc_004573b8 ; je 0x4573b8 push 0 call fcn_004590b9 ; call 0x4590b9 add esp, 4 mov edx, eax test eax, eax je short loc_004573b6 ; je 0x4573b6 push eax mov ecx, dword [esp + 0x20] push ecx mov esi, dword [esp + 8] push esi mov edx, dword [esp + 0x24] xor eax, eax push ebx mov al, byte [edx] push eax mov edi, dword [esp + 0x28] push edi call fcn_00457254 ; call 0x457254 add esp, 0x18 mov edx, eax loc_004573b6: mov eax, edx loc_004573b8: add esp, 4 pop edi pop esi pop ebx ret clib_fopen: push ebx push 0 mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10] push edx mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10] push ebx call fcn_00457366 ; call 0x457366 add esp, 0xc pop ebx ret clib_fclose: push ebx mov ebx, dword [esp + 8] call dword [ref_00488f60] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f60] mov eax, dword [ref_004991d4] ; mov eax, dword [0x4991d4] loc_004578d5: test eax, eax jne short loc_004578e6 ; jne 0x4578e6 call dword [ref_00488f64] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f64] mov eax, 0xffffffff pop ebx ret loc_004578e6: cmp ebx, dword [eax + 4] je short loc_004578ef ; je 0x4578ef mov eax, dword [eax] jmp short loc_004578d5 ; jmp 0x4578d5 loc_004578ef: call dword [ref_00488f64] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f64] push 1 push ebx call fcn_00457902 ; call 0x457902 add esp, 8 pop ebx ret ; ======================== fseek =============================== extern fcn_00458de7 extern fcn_004591f9 extern fcn_0045931e extern fcn_004593a9 extern ref_00488f50 extern ref_00488f54 fcn_004574de: push ebx push esi push edi mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x10] mov eax, dword [esp + 0x14] cmp ebx, dword [eax + 4] jg short loc_00457519 ; jg 0x457519 mov edx, dword [eax + 8] mov ecx, dword [eax] mov edx, dword [edx + 8] sub edx, ecx cmp ebx, edx jl short loc_00457519 ; jl 0x457519 mov dl, byte [eax + 0xc] mov esi, dword [eax] mov edi, dword [eax + 4] and dl, 0xef add esi, ebx mov byte [eax + 0xc], dl sub edi, ebx mov dword [eax], esi mov dword [eax + 4], edi xor eax, eax pop edi pop esi pop ebx ret loc_00457519: mov eax, 1 pop edi pop esi pop ebx ret fcn_00457522: mov eax, dword [esp + 4] and byte [eax + 0xc], 0xef mov edx, dword [eax + 8] mov edx, dword [edx + 8] mov dword [eax + 4], 0 mov dword [eax], edx ret clib_fseek: push ebx push esi push edi push ebp mov ebx, dword [esp + 0x14] mov esi, dword [esp + 0x18] mov edi, dword [esp + 0x1c] mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x10] push edx call dword [ref_00488f50] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f50] mov ah, byte [ebx + 0xc] add esp, 4 test ah, 6 je near loc_004575dc ; je 0x4575dc test byte [ebx + 0xd], 0x10 je short loc_0045759f ; je 0x45759f push ebx call fcn_004591f9 ; call 0x4591f9 add esp, 4 test eax, eax je short loc_004575b6 ; je 0x4575b6 test edi, edi jne short loc_00457588 ; jne 0x457588 test esi, esi jge short loc_00457588 ; jge 0x457588 push 9 call fcn_00458de7 ; call 0x458de7 add esp, 4 loc_00457588: mov esi, dword [ebx + 0x10] push esi loc_0045758c: call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54] mov eax, 0xffffffff add esp, 4 pop ebp pop edi pop esi pop ebx ret loc_0045759f: cmp edi, 1 jne short loc_004575a7 ; jne 0x4575a7 sub esi, dword [ebx + 4] loc_004575a7: mov eax, dword [ebx + 8] mov eax, dword [eax + 8] mov dword [ebx + 4], 0 mov dword [ebx], eax loc_004575b6: push edi mov cl, byte [ebx + 0xc] push esi mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x10] and cl, 0xeb push eax mov byte [ebx + 0xc], cl call fcn_0045931e ; call 0x45931e add esp, 0xc cmp eax, 0xffffffff jne near loc_004576bc ; jne 0x4576bc mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x10] push ecx jmp short loc_0045758c ; jmp 0x45758c loc_004575dc: cmp edi, 1 jb short loc_004575f1 ; jb 0x4575f1 jbe short loc_004575fa ; jbe 0x4575fa cmp edi, 2 je near loc_0045767a ; je 0x45767a jmp near loc_004576a9 ; jmp 0x4576a9 loc_004575f1: test edi, edi je short loc_0045763b ; je 0x45763b jmp near loc_004576a9 ; jmp 0x4576a9 loc_004575fa: push ebx push esi mov ebp, dword [ebx + 4] call fcn_004574de ; call 0x4574de add esp, 8 test eax, eax je near loc_004576bc ; je 0x4576bc push edi sub esi, ebp push esi mov edi, dword [ebx + 0x10] push edi call fcn_0045931e ; call 0x45931e add esp, 0xc cmp eax, 0xffffffff jne short loc_0045762d ; jne 0x45762d mov ebp, dword [ebx + 0x10] push ebp jmp near loc_0045758c ; jmp 0x45758c loc_0045762d: push ebx call fcn_00457522 ; call 0x457522 add esp, 4 jmp near loc_004576bc ; jmp 0x4576bc loc_0045763b: mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x10] push edx call fcn_004593a9 ; call 0x4593a9 add esp, 4 mov ecx, dword [ebx + 4] mov ebp, esi sub eax, ecx push ebx sub ebp, eax push ebp call fcn_004574de ; call 0x4574de add esp, 8 test eax, eax je short loc_004576bc ; je 0x4576bc push edi push esi mov esi, dword [ebx + 0x10] push esi call fcn_0045931e ; call 0x45931e add esp, 0xc cmp eax, 0xffffffff jne short loc_0045762d ; jne 0x45762d mov edi, dword [ebx + 0x10] push edi jmp near loc_0045758c ; jmp 0x45758c loc_0045767a: mov dl, ah push edi mov ecx, dword [ebx + 0x10] and dl, 0xef mov eax, dword [ebx + 8] mov byte [ebx + 0xc], dl push esi mov eax, dword [eax + 8] mov dword [ebx + 4], 0 push ecx mov dword [ebx], eax call fcn_0045931e ; call 0x45931e add esp, 0xc cmp eax, 0xffffffff jne short loc_004576bc ; jne 0x4576bc jmp near loc_00457588 ; jmp 0x457588 loc_004576a9: push 9 call fcn_00458de7 ; call 0x458de7 add esp, 4 mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x10] push eax jmp near loc_0045758c ; jmp 0x45758c loc_004576bc: mov edx, dword [ebx + 0x10] push edx call dword [ref_00488f54] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f54] add esp, 4 xor eax, eax pop ebp pop edi pop esi pop ebx ret ; ========================== end of fseek =============================== fcn_00456f23: call dword [ref_00488f4c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f4c] add eax, 0xc ret clib_rand: call fcn_00456f23 ; call 0x456f23 test eax, eax jne short loc_00456f37 ; jne 0x456f37 ret loc_00456f37: imul edx, dword [eax], 0x41c64e6d add edx, 0x3039 mov dword [eax], edx mov eax, edx shr eax, 0x10 and eax, 0x7fff ret clib_srand: call fcn_00456f23 ; call 0x456f23 test eax, eax je short loc_00456f5f ; je 0x456f5f mov edx, dword [esp + 4] mov dword [eax], edx loc_00456f5f: ret section .data