global __AllocInitThreadData global __NTAddThread global __NTRemoveThread global __NTThreadFini extern __imp__GetLastError@0 extern __imp__CloseHandle@4 extern __imp__SetLastError@4 extern __imp__TlsAlloc@0 extern __imp__TlsFree@4 extern __imp__TlsGetValue@4 extern __imp__TlsSetValue@8 extern __imp__GetCurrentThreadId@0 extern clib_free extern fcn_0045c836 extern fcn_0045e8ca extern __InitThreadData extern lib_calloc extern ref_00488f78 extern ref_00488f7c extern ref_00499954 extern _RWD_osbuild extern _RWD_osmajor extern __ThreadDataSize extern __TlsIndex extern __fatal_runtime_error extern fcn_0045c585 extern ref_0046c97c extern ref_0046c9a1 extern ref_0046c9c9 section .text __MultipleThread: push ebx push esi call dword [cs:__imp__GetLastError@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623ac] mov edx, dword [__TlsIndex] ; mov edx, dword [0x488f48] push edx mov esi, eax call dword [cs:__imp__TlsGetValue@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46241c] mov ebx, eax test eax, eax jne short loc_0045a223 ; jne 0x45a223 call __GetThreadData ; call 0x45c6be jmp short loc_0045a22e ; jmp 0x45a22e loc_0045a223: cmp byte [eax + 0x53], 0 je short loc_0045a230 ; je 0x45a230 call __ReallocThreadData ; call 0x45c6f5 loc_0045a22e: mov ebx, eax loc_0045a230: push esi call dword [cs:__imp__SetLastError@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462408] mov eax, ebx pop esi pop ebx ret __AllocInitThreadData: push ebx mov ebx, dword [esp + 8] test ebx, ebx jne short loc_0045a26d ; jne 0x45a26d mov edx, dword [__ThreadDataSize] ; mov edx, dword [0x4894b0] push edx push 1 call lib_calloc ; call 0x45c62e add esp, 8 mov ebx, eax test eax, eax je short loc_0045a26d ; je 0x45a26d mov edx, dword [__ThreadDataSize] ; mov edx, dword [0x4894b0] mov byte [eax + 0x52], 1 mov dword [eax + 0xf0], edx loc_0045a26d: push ebx call __InitThreadData ; call 0x45c8d7 add esp, 4 mov eax, ebx pop ebx ret __NTThreadInit: call dword [cs:__imp__TlsAlloc@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462414] mov dx, word [_RWD_osbuild] ; mov dx, word [0x489355] mov dword [__TlsIndex], eax ; mov dword [0x488f48], eax cmp dx, 0x8000 jb short loc_0045a2bb ; jb 0x45a2bb cmp byte [_RWD_osmajor], 4 ; cmp byte [0x489353], 4 jae short loc_0045a2bb ; jae 0x45a2bb loc_0045a29d: mov edx, dword [__TlsIndex] ; mov edx, dword [0x488f48] cmp edx, 0xffffffff je short loc_0045a2bb ; je 0x45a2bb cmp edx, 2 ja short loc_0045a2bb ; ja 0x45a2bb call dword [cs:__imp__TlsAlloc@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462414] mov dword [__TlsIndex], eax ; mov dword [0x488f48], eax jmp short loc_0045a29d ; jmp 0x45a29d loc_0045a2bb: cmp dword [__TlsIndex], 0xffffffff ; cmp dword [0x488f48], 0xffffffff setne al and eax, 0xff ret __NTAddThread: push ebx push esi cmp dword [__TlsIndex], 0xffffffff ; cmp dword [0x488f48], 0xffffffff jne short loc_0045a2db ; jne 0x45a2db loc_0045a2d6: xor eax, eax pop esi pop ebx ret loc_0045a2db: mov ebx, dword [esp + 0xc] push ebx call __AllocInitThreadData ; call 0x45a23d mov ebx, eax add esp, 4 test eax, eax je short loc_0045a321 ; je 0x45a321 push eax mov ecx, dword [eax + 0xda] push ecx call __AddThreadData ; call 0x45c7ca add esp, 8 test eax, eax jne short loc_0045a30d ; jne 0x45a30d push ebx call clib_free ; call 0x456e11 add esp, 4 jmp short loc_0045a2d6 ; jmp 0x45a2d6 loc_0045a30d: push ebx mov esi, dword [__TlsIndex] ; mov esi, dword [0x488f48] push esi call dword [cs:__imp__TlsSetValue@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462420] mov eax, 1 loc_0045a321: pop esi pop ebx ret __NTRemoveThread: push ebx push esi mov edx, dword [__TlsIndex] ; mov edx, dword [0x488f48] cmp edx, 0xffffffff je short loc_0045a375 ; je 0x45a375 push edx call dword [cs:__imp__TlsGetValue@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46241c] test eax, eax je short loc_0045a375 ; je 0x45a375 mov ecx, dword [eax + 0xda] push ecx mov ebx, dword [eax + 0xde] call fcn_0045c836 ; call 0x45c836 add esp, 4 push 0 mov esi, dword [__TlsIndex] ; mov esi, dword [0x488f48] push esi call dword [cs:__imp__TlsSetValue@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462420] test ebx, ebx je short loc_0045a375 ; je 0x45a375 cmp dword [esp + 0xc], 0 je short loc_0045a375 ; je 0x45a375 push ebx call dword [cs:__imp__CloseHandle@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462348] loc_0045a375: pop esi pop ebx ret __ThreadExit: push 1 call __NTRemoveThread ; call 0x45a324 add esp, 4 __NTThreadFini: mov edx, dword [__TlsIndex] ; mov edx, dword [0x488f48] cmp edx, 0xffffffff je short loc_0045a39f ; je 0x45a39f push edx call dword [cs:__imp__TlsFree@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462418] mov dword [__TlsIndex], 0xffffffff ; mov dword [0x488f48], 0xffffffff loc_0045a39f: ret ;; trdlist.c __GetThreadData: push ebx xor ebx, ebx push ebx call __NTAddThread ; call 0x45a2cb add esp, 4 test eax, eax je short loc_0045c6de ; je 0x45c6de mov edx, dword [__TlsIndex] ; mov edx, dword [0x488f48] push edx call dword [cs:__imp__TlsGetValue@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46241c] mov ebx, eax loc_0045c6de: test ebx, ebx jne short loc_0045c6f1 ; jne 0x45c6f1 push 1 push ref_0046c97c ; push 0x46c97c call __fatal_runtime_error ; call 0x45c690 add esp, 8 loc_0045c6f1: mov eax, ebx pop ebx ret __ReallocThreadData: push ebx push esi push edi push ebp call dword [ref_00488f78] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f78] call dword [cs:__imp__GetCurrentThreadId@0] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x46238c] mov ebx, dword [ref_00499954] ; mov ebx, dword [0x499954] mov ebp, eax jmp short loc_0045c717 ; jmp 0x45c717 loc_0045c710: cmp ebp, dword [ebx + 4] je short loc_0045c71b ; je 0x45c71b mov ebx, dword [ebx] loc_0045c717: test ebx, ebx jne short loc_0045c710 ; jne 0x45c710 loc_0045c71b: cmp dword [ebx + 0xc], 0 je short loc_0045c74b ; je 0x45c74b mov edi, dword [__ThreadDataSize] ; mov edi, dword [0x4894b0] push edi mov ebp, dword [ebx + 8] push ebp call fcn_0045c585 ; call 0x45c585 add esp, 8 mov ebp, eax test eax, eax jne short loc_0045c799 ; jne 0x45c799 push 1 push ref_0046c9a1 ; push 0x46c9a1 call __fatal_runtime_error ; call 0x45c690 add esp, 8 jmp short loc_0045c799 ; jmp 0x45c799 loc_0045c74b: mov esi, dword [__ThreadDataSize] ; mov esi, dword [0x4894b0] push esi push 1 call lib_calloc ; call 0x45c62e add esp, 8 mov ebp, eax test eax, eax jne short loc_0045c771 ; jne 0x45c771 push 1 push ref_0046c9c9 ; push 0x46c9c9 call __fatal_runtime_error ; call 0x45c690 add esp, 8 loc_0045c771: mov esi, dword [ebx + 8] mov edi, ebp mov ecx, dword [esi + 0xf0] push es mov eax, ds mov es, eax push edi mov eax, ecx shr ecx, 2 repne movsd mov cl, al and cl, 3 repne movsb ; repne movsb byte es:[edi], byte ptr [esi] pop edi pop es mov dword [ebx + 0xc], 1 loc_0045c799: mov dword [ebx + 8], ebp mov eax, dword [__ThreadDataSize] ; mov eax, dword [0x4894b0] push ebp mov dword [ebp + 0xf0], eax mov eax, dword [__TlsIndex] ; mov eax, dword [0x488f48] mov byte [ebp + 0x52], 1 push eax mov byte [ebp + 0x53], 0 call dword [cs:__imp__TlsSetValue@8] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x462420] call dword [ref_00488f7c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f7c] mov eax, ebp pop ebp pop edi pop esi pop ebx ret __AddThreadData: push ebx push esi push edi mov edi, dword [esp + 0x14] call dword [ref_00488f78] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f78] push 0x10 mov esi, 1 push esi call lib_calloc ; call 0x45c62e mov ebx, eax add esp, 8 test eax, eax je short loc_0045c828 ; je 0x45c828 push edi call fcn_0045e8ca ; call 0x45e8ca add esp, 4 test eax, eax je short loc_0045c807 ; je 0x45c807 push ebx call clib_free ; call 0x456e11 xor esi, esi add esp, 4 jmp short loc_0045c82a ; jmp 0x45c82a loc_0045c807: mov eax, dword [esp + 0x10] mov dword [ebx + 8], edi mov dword [ebx + 4], eax xor eax, eax mov al, byte [edi + 0x52] mov dword [ebx + 0xc], eax mov eax, dword [ref_00499954] ; mov eax, dword [0x499954] mov dword [ref_00499954], ebx ; mov dword [0x499954], ebx mov dword [ebx], eax jmp short loc_0045c82a ; jmp 0x45c82a loc_0045c828: xor esi, esi loc_0045c82a: call dword [ref_00488f7c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f7c] mov eax, esi pop edi pop esi pop ebx ret