/* * Copyright (C) 2018 Iru Cai * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ #include "player_info.h" #include "stock.h" typedef int (*card_func)(void); int dummy_func() { return 0; } card_func card_functions[] = { // 0x475d5c NULL, average_cash_card, average_cash_card2, buy_land_card, swap_land_card, swap_house_card, turn_back_card, restruct_card, auction_card, angel_card, devil_card, monster_card, defuse_card, rob_card, stop_card, winter_sleep_card, sleep_walking_card, accuse_card, dummy_func, dummy_func, dummy_func, dummy_func, send_god_card, invite_god_card, red_card, black_card, get_tax_card, price_up_card, seal_up_card, aliance_card, tortoise_walking_card }; uint8_t card_amount[30]; /* 0x499198 */ void consume_a_card(int p, int c) { int i = 0; while (1) { int card = player_cards[p*15+i]; if (card != c) { i++; if (i >= 15) return; } else { break; } } memcpy(&player_cards[p*15+i], &player_cards[p*15+i+1], 14-i); player_cards[p * 15 + 14] = 0; card_amount[c-1]++; } int has_card(int p, int c) { for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { int card = player_cards[p * 15 + i]; if (card == c) return 1; } return 0; } int use_revenge_card(int p) { static const char str_revenge[] = "%s\n\n\xb4_\xa4\xb3\xa5\x64\xa5\xcd\xae\xc4\xa1I"; /* 复仇卡生效!*/ char buf[128]; int c; player_action_2(players[p].xpos, players[p].ypos, 0); sprintf(buf, str_revenge, players[p].name_ptr); fcn.00441f73(18, buf); consume_a_card(p, 18); c = players[p].character; player_say(p, 0, card_strings[c][0][17]); c = players[current_player].character; player_say(current_player, 2, card_strings[c][2][17]); return 1; } int use_absolution_card(int p) { static const char str_absolution[] = "%s\n\n\xa7K\xb8o\xa5\x64\xa5\xcd\xae\xc4\xa1I" /* 免罪卡生效 */ char buf[128]; int c; player_action_2(players[p].xpos, players[p].ypos, 0); sprintf(buf, str_absolution, players[p].name_ptr); fcn.00441f73(21, buf); consume_a_card(p, 21); c = players[p].character; player_say(p, 0, card_strings[c][0][20]); return 1; } // 0x4420d8 int average_cash_card() { int sum = 0; int player_count = 0; consume_a_card(current_player, 1); eax = (int)players[current_player].character * 360; mov ebx, dword [eax + 0x48123a] ; player_say(current_player, 3, ebx); for (int i = 0; i < nplayers; i++) { if (players[i].f21 != 0) { sum += players[i].cash; player_count++; } } int average = sum / player_count; for (int i = 0; i < nplayers; i++) { if (players[i].f21 == 0) { continue; } if (average >= players[i].cash) { players[i].cash = average; continue; } fcn.0040df69(i, current_player, average / 100); players[i].cash = average; } fcn.0041d433(current_player); return 1; } // 0x004421b4 int average_cash_card2() { int res; if (players[current_player].who_plays == 1) { res = fcn.00446ae8(0xe0c0410); } else { res = fcn.0041e6f2(0); } if (result == 0) return 0; consume_a_card(current_player, 2); eax = players[current_player].character * 360; edi = dword [eax + 0x48123e]; player_say(current_player, 3, edi); ebp = edi = eax = fcn.0040d293(result); edx = players[current_player].cash; esi = players[edi].cash; edx += esi; esi = edx / 2; /* round to zero */ eax = players[edi].cash; if (esi < eax) { edx = eax - esi; fcn.0040df69(edi, current_player, edx / 100); } players[current_player].cash = esi; players[ebp].cash = esi; if (players[current_player].who_plays != 1) { move_animation(0, players[current_player].xpos, players[current_player].ypos, players[ebp].xpos, players[ebp].ypos, 100); } fcn.0041d433(current_player); eax = players[ebp].character * 360; edi = dword [eax + 0x48132e]; player_say(ebp, 1, edi); fcn_41d546(); return result; } // 0x442325 int buy_land_card() { esi = 0; ecx = players[current_player].f12; eax = ecx * 5; ecx = dw_498e80; eax = word [ecx + eax*8 + 0x20] & 0xffff; if (eax > 2000 && eax < 4000) { eax -= 2000; eax *= 52; ebx = dw_498e84 + eax; cl = byte [ebx + 0x19]; if (cl == 0 || cl == current_player+1) { if (esi != 0) { consume_a_card(current_player, 3); } return esi; } edi = (uint8_t) byte [ebx + 0x1a]; ecx = (uint16_t) word [ebx + 0x1e]; edi *= ecx; // imul edi, ecx ecx = (uint16_t) word [ebx + 0x1c]; edi += ecx; edi *= price_index; // imul edi, dword [0x4990e8] if (edi > players[current_player].cash) { fcn.00440cac(0x46530c, 1500); if (esi != 0) { consume_a_card(current_player, 3); } return esi; } esi = cl - 1; eax = price_index; ecx *= eax; // imul ecx, eax [esp] = ecx; fild dword [esp]; eax = (uint8_t)byte [ebx + 0x1a]; [esp+4] = eax; fild word [local_4h]; fadd dword [0x46531c]; fdiv dword [0x465320]; fmulp st(1); sub esp, 8; fstp qword [esp]; fcn.0040df69(esi, current_player); edx = players[current_player].character; eax = edx * 360; ebp = dword [eax + 0x481242]; player_say(ecx, 3, ebp); al = current_player + 1; byte [ebx + 0x19] = al; fcn.0040a4e1(0); edx = dw_499110; if (edx != 0) { ecx = dword [edx*4 + 0x4751f0]; [ebx + 0x30] = eax = fcn.004521cb(*(uint32_t*)&global_rich4_cfg.day, ecx); } fcn.0041d2c6(current_player, esi, edi, 0); edx = players[esi].character; eax = edx * 360; edx = dword [eax + 0x481332]; player_say(esi, 1, edx); fcn_41d546(); consume_a_card(current_player, 3); return 1; } // 4424be if (eax > 4000 && eax < 6000) { eax -= 4000; eax *= 56; ebx = dw_498e88 + eax; if (byte [ebx + 0x19] != 0) { eax = byte [ebx + 0x19]; edx = current_player + 1; if (eax != edx) { edx = (uint8_t)byte [ebx + 0x1a]; ecx = (uint16_t)word [ebx + 0x24]; edx *= ecx; // imul edx, ecx ecx = (uint16_t)word [ebx + 0x22]; edi = ecx + edx; edi *= price_index; // imul edi, dword [0x4990e8] if (edi <= players[current_player].cash) { esi = eax - 1; eax = price_index; ecx *= eax; // imul ecx, eax [esp] = ecx; fild dword [esp]; eax = (uint8_t) byte [ebx + 0x1a]; [esp+4] = eax; fild word [local_4h]; fadd dword [0x46531c]; fdiv dword [0x465320]; fmulp st(1); sub esp, 8; fstp qword [esp]; fcn.0040df69(esi, current_player); edx = players[current_player].character; eax = edx * 360; ebp = dword [eax + 0x481242]; player_say(ecx, 3, ebp); al = current_player + 1; byte [ebx + 0x19] = al; fcn.0040a4e1(0); edx = dw_499110; if (edx != 0) { ecx = dword [edx*4 + 0x4751f0]; [ebx + 0x34] = eax = fcn.004521cb(*(uint32_t*)&global_rich4_cfg.day, ecx); } fcn.0041d2c6(current_player, esi, edi, 0); edx = players[esi].character; eax = edx * 360; edx = dword [eax + 0x481332]; player_say(esi, 1, edx); fcn_41d546(); consume_a_card(current_player, 3); return 1; } fcn.00440cac(0x46530c, 1500); } } } if (esi != 0) { consume_a_card(current_player, 3); } return esi; } int swap_land_card() { ebx = 0; ecx = (uint16_t)players[current_player].f12; eax = ecx * 5; esi = dw_498e80; esi = word [esi + eax*8 + 0x20] & 0xffff; if (esi > 2000 && esi < 4000) { eax = esi - 2000; eax = eax * 0x34; edi = dw_498e84 + eax; if (players[current_player].who_plays == 1) { eax = fcn.00446ae8(0xe0c0202); } else { eax = fcn.0041e6f2(0); } ebx = eax; if (ebx == 0) { return 0; } fcn.00456c0a(dw_474938, 0x2f440, esi, 0xffff); fcn.00456c0a(dw_474938, 0x2f440, ebx, 0xffff); ebx -= 2000; ebx = ebx * 0x34; esi = dw_498e84 + ebx; ebx = (uint8_t)byte [edi + 0x19]; eax = (uint8_t)bype [esi + 0x19]; [esp] = eax; eax = current_player + 1; if (ebx == eax && eax != [esp] && byte [esi + 0x1a] >= byte [edi + 0x1a]) { ecx = ebx - 1; edx = players[ecx].character; eax = edx * 360; edx = dword [eax + 0x481246]; player_say(ecx, 3, edx); } else { // 442736 eax = current_player + 1; if (ebx != eax && eax == [esp] && [edi + 0x1a] >= [esi + 0x1a]) { ecx = [esp] - 1; edx = (uint8_t)players[ecx].character; eax = edx * 360; ebp = dword [eax + 0x481246]; player_say(ecx, 3, ebp); } } // 44277f if (players[current_player].who_plays != 1) { move_animation(0, players[current_player].xpos, players[current_player].ypos, (int)(int16_t)word [esi], (int)(int16_t)word [esi + 2], 100); } // 4427bb byte [esi + 0x19] = bl; al = byte [esp]; [edi + 0x19] = al; fcn.0040a4e1(0); fcn.00451985(); player_action_2(0, 0, 1); sub.WINMM.dll_timeGetTime_85e(500); eax = current_player + 1; ebp = [esp]; if (ebx == eax && eax != ebp && ebp != 0 && byte [esi + 0x1a] >= byte [edi + 0x1a]) { ecx = ebp - 1; edx = players[ecx].character; eax = edx * 360; ebx = dword [eax + 0x481336]; player_say(ecx, 2, ebx); } else { // 442836 eax = current_player + 1; if (ebx != eax && ebx != 0 && eax == [esp] && byte [edi + 0x1a] >= byte [esi + 0x1a]) { edx = ebx - 1; ebx = players[edx].character; eax = ebx * 360; ecx = dword [eax + 0x481336]; player_say(edx, 2, ecx); } } consume_a_card(current_player, 4); fcn_41d546(); return 1; } // 44288c if (esi > 4000 && esi < 6000) { eax = esi - 4000; eax *= 56; edi = dw_498e88 + eax; if (players[current_player].who_plays == 1) { eax = fcn.00446ae8(0xe0c0204); } else { eax = fcn.0041e6f2(0); } ebx = eax; if (ebx != 0) { fcn.00456c0a(dw_474938, 0x2f440, esi, 0xffff); fcn.00456c0a(dw_474938, 0x2f440, ebx, 0xffff); eax = ebx - 4000; eax *= 56; esi = dw_498e88 + eax; ebx = (uint8_t)byte [edi + 0x19]; eax = (u8)byte [esi + 0x19]; [esp] = eax; eax = current_player + 1; if (ebx == eax && eax != [esp] && byte [esi + 0x1a] >= byte [edi + 0x1a]) { ecx = ebx - 1; edx = players[current_player].character; eax = edx * 360; edx = dword [eax + 0x481246]; player_say(ecx, 3, edx); } else { eax = current_player + 1; if (ebx != eax && eax == [esp] && byte [edi + 0x1a] >= byte [esi + 0x1a]) { ecx = [esp] - 1; edx = players[ecx].character; eax = edx * 360; ebp = dword [eax + 0x481246]; player_say(ecx, 3, ebp); } } // 4429cd if (players[current_player].who_plays != 1) { move_animation(0, players[current_player].xpos, players[current_player].ypos, (int)(int16_t)word [esi], (int)(int16_t)word [esi + 2], 100); } // 442a09 [esi + 0x19] = bl; [edi + 0x19] = byte [esp]; fcn.0040a4e1(0); fcn.00451985(); player_action_2(0, 0, 1); sub.WINMM.dll_timeGetTime_85e(500); eax = current_player + 1; ebp = [esp]; if (ebx == eax && eax != ebp && ebp != 0 && byte [esi + 0x1a] >= byte [edi + 0x1a]) { ecx = ebp - 1; edx = players[ecx].character; eax = edx * 360; ebx = dword [eax + 0x481336]; player_say(ecx, 2, ebx); consume_a_card(current_player, 4); fcn_41d546(); return 1; } else { eax = current_player + 1; if (ebx != eax && ebx != 0 && eax == [esp] && byte [edi + 0x1a] >= byte [esi + 0x1a]) { ebx --; edx = players[ebx].character; eax = edx * 360; ecx = dword [eax + 0x481336]; player_say(ebx, 2, ecx); } consume_a_card(current_player, 4); fcn_41d546(); return 1; } } } // 442ade if (ebx != 0) { consume_a_card(current_player, 4); fcn_41d546(); } return ebx; } int swap_house_card() { ebx = 0; edx = players[current_player].f12 * 40; eax = dw_498e80; eax = word [edx + eax + 0x20] & 0xffff; [esp+8] = eax; if (eax > 2000 && eax < 4000) { eax -= 2000; eax = eax * 0x34; edx = dw_498e84 + eax; [esp+4] = edx; if (players[current_player].who_plays == 1) { eax = fcn.00446ae8(0xe0c0202); } else { eax = fcn.0041e6f2(0); } ebx = eax; if (ebx == 0) { return 0; } fcn.00456c0a(dw_474938, 0x2f440, [esp+8], 0xffff); fcn.00456c0a(dw_474938, 0x2f440, ebx, 0xffff); eax = ebx - 2000; eax = eax * 0x34; ebp = dw_498e84 + eax; edi = [esp+4]; edi = byte [edi + 0x19]; esi = byte [ebp + 0x19]; eax = current_player + 1; edx = [esp+4]; if (edi == eax && esi != eax && byte [ebp+0x1a] >= byte [edx+0x1a]) { ecx = edi - 1; eax = players[ecx].character * 360; edx = dword [eax + 0x48124a]; player_say(ecx, 3, edx); } else { eax = current_player + 1; int t = [esp+4]; if (edi != eax && esi == eax && byte [t+0x1a] >= byte [ebp+0x1a]) { ecx = esi - 1; eax = players[ecx].character * 360; edx = dword [eax + 0x48124a]; player_say(ecx, 3, edx); } } if (players[current_player].who_plays != 1) { move_animation(0, players[current_player].xpos, players[current_player].ypos, (int)(int16_t)word [ebp], (int)(int16_t)word [ebp + 2], 100); } fcn.00451985(); sub.WINMM.dll_timeGetTime_4f8([esp+8], ebx); eax = current_player + 1; t = [esp+4]; if (edi == eax && esi != eax && esi != 0 && byte [t+0x1a] >= byte [ebp+0x1a]) { esi --; ebx = players[esi].character; eax = ebx * 360; edi = dword [eax + 0x48133a]; player_say(esi, 2, edi); } else { eax = current_player + 1; edx = [esp+4]; if (edi != eax && edi != 0 && esi == eax) { al = [ebp+0x1a]; edx = [esp+4]; if (al >= byte [edx + 0x1a]) { edi --; edx = players[edi].character; eax = edx * 360; esi = dword [eax + 0x48133a]; player_say(edi , 2, esi); } } } consume_a_card(current_player, 5); fcn_41d546(); return 1; } //442d3a ebp = [esp+8]; if (ebp > 4000 && ebp < 6000) { eax = ebp - 4000; eax *= 56; edx = dw_498e88 + eax; [esp] = edx; if (players[current_player].who_plays == 1) { eax = fcn.00446ae8(0xe0c0204); } else { eax = fcn.0041e6f2(0); } ebx = eax; if (ebx != 0) { fcn.00456c0a(dw_474938, 0x2f440, [esp+8], 0xffff); fcn.00456c0a(dw_474938, 0x2f440, ebx, 0xffff); eax = ebx - 4000; eax *= 56; ebp = dw_498e88 + eax; edi = [esp]; edi = byte [edi + 0x19]; esi = byte [ebp + 0x19]; eax = current_player + 1; edx = [esp]; if (edi == eax && esi != eax && byte [ebp+0x1a] >= byte [edx+0x1a]) { ecx = edi - 1; eax = players[ecx].character * 360; edx = dword [eax + 0x48124a]; player_say(ecx, 3, edx); } else { eax = current_player + 1; t = [esp]; if (edi != eax && esi == eax && byte [t+0x1a] >= [ebp+0x1a]) { ecx = esi - 1; eax = players[ecx].character * 360; edx = dword [eax + 0x48124a]; player_say(ecx, 3, edx); } } if (players[current_player].who_plays != 1) { move_animation(0, players[current_player].xpos, players[current_player].ypos, (int)(int16_t)word [ebp], (int)(int16_t)word [ebp + 2], 100); } fcn.00451985(); sub.WINMM.dll_timeGetTime_4f8([esp+8], ebx); eax = current_player + 1; t = [esp]; if (edi == eax && esi != eax && esi != 0 && byte [t + 0x1a] >= byte [ebp+0x1a]) { esi --; eax = players[esi].character * 360; edi = dword [eax + 0x48133a]; player_say(esi, 2, edi); consume_a_card(current_player, 5); fcn_41d546(); return 1; } eax = current_player + 1; if (edi == eax || edi == 0 || esi != eax) { consume_a_card(current_player, 5); fcn_41d546(); return 1; } al = byte [ebp + 0x1a]; edx = [esp]; if (al >= byte [edx + 0x1a]) { edi --; edx = players[edi].character; eax = edx * 360; esi = dword [eax + 0x48133a]; player_say(edi , 2, esi); } consume_a_card(current_player, 5); fcn_41d546(); return 1; } } // 442f29 if (ebx != 0) { consume_a_card(current_player, 5); fcn_41d546(); } return ebx; } int turn_back_card() { if (players[current_player].who_plays == 1) { eax = fcn.00446ae8(0xe0c0010); } else { eax = fcn.0041e6f2(0); } ebx = eax; if (ebx != 0) { consume_a_card(current_player, 6); esi = players[current_player].character; eax = esi * 360; edi = dword [eax + 0x48124e]; player_say(current_player, 3, edi); edx = esi = fcn.0040d293(ebx); if (players[current_player].who_plays != 1) { move_animation(0, players[current_player].xpos, players[current_player].ypos, players[edx].xpos, players[edx].ypos, 100); } // 443024 fcn.0040c78c(esi); if (esi < 4) { edi = current_player; if (esi != edi) { edx = players[esi].character; eax = edx * 360; ebp = dword [eax + 0x48133e]; player_say(esi, 2, ebp); fcn_41d546(); return ebx; } esi = players[current_player].character; eax = esi * 360; ecx = dword [eax + 0x4812c6]; player_say(edi, 0, ecx); } } return ebx; } int restruct_card() { esi = 0; ebx = players[current_player].f12; eax = ebx * 5; ebx = dw_498e80 + eax; eax = word [ebx + eax*8 + 0x20]; if (eax > 2000 && eax < 4000) { eax -= 2000; eax *= 0x34; ebx = dw_498e84 + eax; if (byte [ebx + 0x1a] == 0) { if (esi == 0) return 0; consume_a_card(current_player, 7); fcn_41d546(); return esi; } edx = players[current_player].character; eax = edx * 360; ecx = dword [eax + 0x481252]; player_say(current_player, 3, ecx); ah = byte [ebx + 0x18] ^ 1; byte [ebx + 0x18] = ah; if (ah != 0 && byte [ebx + 0x1a] > 1) { [ebx + 0x1a] = 1; } esi = 1; consume_a_card(current_player, 7); fcn_41d546(); return 1; } //443147 if (eax > 4000 && eax < 6000) { eax -= 4000; eax *= 56; ebx = dw_498e88 + eax; if ([ebx + 0x1a] != 0) { edx = players[current_player].character; eax = edx * 360; edi = dword [eax + 0x481252]; player_say(current_player, 3, edi); if (players[current_player].who_plays == 1) { edx = eax = fcn.00440aac(1); if (eax == -1) { return 0; } } else { eax = fcn.0041e6f2(0); } byte [ebx + 0x18] = al; esi = 1; dh = byte [ebx + 0x18]; if (dh != 0) { if (dh != 3) { if (esi == 0) return 0; consume_a_card(current_player, 7); fcn_41d546(); return esi; } } // 4431f8 if (byte [ebx + 0x1a] > 1) { byte [ebx + 0x1a] = 1; } } } // 443202 if (esi == 0) return 0; consume_a_card(current_player, 7); fcn_41d546(); return esi; } int auction_card() { ebx = 0; edx = players[current_player].f12; eax = edx * 5; edi = (uint16_t)word [dw_498e80 + eax * 8 + 0x20]; if (edi > 2000 && edi < 4000) { eax = edi - 2000; eax *= 0x34; esi = dw_498e84 + eax; bl = byte [esi + 0x19]; if (ebx != 0) { eax = word [esi + 0x1c]; eax *= price_index; mov dword [esp], eax; fild dword [esp]; eax = 0; al = byte [esi + 0x1a]; mov dword [local_4h], eax; fild word [local_4h]; fadd dword [0x465324]; fdiv dword [0x465328]; fmulp st(1); sub esp, 8; fstp qword [esp]; fcn.0040df69(ebx - 1, current_player); /* add esp, 0x10 */ } edx = players[current_player].character; eax = edx * 360; ecx = dword [eax + 0x481256]; player_say(current_player, 3, ecx); if (ebx != 0 && current_player+1 != ebx) { edx = ebx - 1; ebx = players[edx].character; eax = ebx * 360; ecx = dword [eax + 0x481346]; player_say(edx, 1, ecx); } // 443345 eax = fcn.0043bde5(current_player, edi, 1); if (eax == 0) { byte [esi + 0x19] = 0; dword [esi + 0x30] = eax; fcn.0040a4e1(eax); } consume_a_card(current_player, 8); dword [0x48be18] = 0; player_action_1(1); return 1; } // 443375 if (edi > 4000 && edi < 6000) { eax = edi - 4000; eax *= 56; esi = dw_498e88 + eax; ebx = byte [esi + 0x19]; if (ebx != 0) { eax = word [esi + 0x22] * price_index; mov dword [esp], eax; fild dword [esp]; eax = byte [esi + 0x1a]; mov dword [local_4h], eax; fild word [local_4h]; fadd 2.0f; fdiv 5.0f; fmulp st(1); sub esp, 8; fstp qword [esp]; fcn.0040df69(ebx - 1, current_player); /* add esp, 0x10 */ } // 4433f7 edx = players[current_player].character; eax = edx * 360; ecx = dword [eax + 0x481256]; player_say(current_player, 3, ecx); if (ebx != 0 && current_player+1 != ebx) { ebx--; edx = players[ebx].character; eax = edx * 360; edx = dword [eax + 0x481346]; player_say(ebx, 1, edx); } // 44346c eax = fcn.0043bde5(current_player, edi, 1); if (eax != 0) { consume_a_card(current_player, 8); dword [0x48be18] = 0; player_action_1(1); return 1; } byte [esi + 0x19] = 0; dword [esi + 0x34] = eax; fcn.0040a4e1(eax); consume_a_card(current_player, 8); dword [0x48be18] = 0; player_action_1(1); return 1; } // 443492 if (ebx != 0) { consume_a_card(current_player, 8); dword [0x48be18] = 0; player_action_1(1); } // 4434b9 return ebx; } int angel_card() { int t; /* @esp */ t = 0; if (players[current_player].who_plays == 1) { eax = fcn.00446ae8(0xe0c0006); } else { eax = fcn.0041e6f2(0); } ebp = eax; if (ebp != 0) { consume_a_card(current_player, 9); ebx = players[current_player].character; eax = ebx * 360; edi = dword [eax + 0x48125a]; player_say(current_player, 3, edi); if (ebp > 2000 && ebp < 4000) { eax = ebp - 2000; eax *= 0x34; ebx = dw_498e84; edi = dw_498e84 + eax; for (esi = 1; ; esi++) { ebx += 0x34; if (esi > dw_498e98) break; eax = strcmp(edi + 4, ebx + 4); if (eax != 0 || byte [ebx + 0x1a] >= 5) continue; fcn.00456c0a(dw_474938, 0x2f440, esi + 2000, 0xffff); if (byte [ebx + 0x18] == 0) { byte [ebx + 0x1a]++; } else if (byte [ebx + 0x1a] == 0) { byte [ebx + 0x1a] = 1; } if (byte [ebx + 0x18] == 0 && byte [ebx + 0x1a] == 5) { t = 1; } } // 4435e4 move_animation(0, players[current_player].xpos, players[current_player].ypos, (int32_t)(int16_t)[edi], (int32_t)(int16_t)[edi+2], 100); fcn.00451985(); player_action_2(0, 0, 1); if (t != 0) { fcn.0040b0cd(); } return ebp; } // 0x443621 if (ebp > 4000 && ebp < 6000) { eax = ebp - 4000; eax *= 56; ebx = dw_498e88 + eax; fcn.00456c0a(dw_474938, 0x2f440, ebp, 0xffff); if (players[current_player].who_plays != 1) { move_animation(0, players[current_player].xpos, players[current_player].ypos, (int32_t)(int16_t)[ebx], (int32_t)(int16_t)[ebx+2], 100); } fcn.00451985(); eax = fcn.0040b110(ebp); if ((al & 0x80) != 0) { t = 1; } player_action_2(0, 0, 1); } // 0x4436ce if (t != 0) { fcn.0040b0cd(); } } // 0x4436d9 return ebp; } int devil_card() { if (players[current_player].who_plays == 1) { ebp = fcn.00446ae8(0xe0c0006); } else { ebp = fcn.0041e6f2(0); } if (ebp == 0) return 0; consume_a_card(current_player, 10); int c = players[current_player].character; player_say(current_player, 0, card_strings[c][0][9]); if (ebp > 2000 && ebp < 4000) { eax = (ebp - 2000) * 0x34; ebx = dw_498e84; edi = dw_498e84 + eax; for (int i = 1, ebx+=0x34; i <= dw_498e98; i++, ebx+=0x34) { eax = strcmp(edi + 4, ebx + 4); if (eax == 0) { if (byte [ebx + 0x19] != 0) { edx = byte [ebx + 0x1a] * 2; eax = edx * 15 * price_index; fcn.0040df69(byte [ebx + 0x19] - 1, current_player, eax); } fcn.00456c0a(dw_474938, 0x2f440, esi + 2000, 0xffff); byte [ebx + 0x1a] = 0; byte [ebx + 0x18] = 0; } } if (players[current_player].who_plays != 1) { move_animation(0, players[current_player].xpos, players[current_player].ypos, (s16)word [edi], (s16)word [edi+2], 100); } fcn.00451985(); player_action_2(0, 0, 1); return ebp; } if (ebp > 4000 && ebp < 6000) { eax = (ebp - 4000) * 56; ebx = dw_498e88 + eax; if (byte [ebx + 0x19] != 0) { edx = byte [ebx + 0x1a] * 2; eax = edx * 15 * price_index; fcn.0040df69((u8)(byte [ebx + 0x19] - 1), current_player, eax); } fcn.00456c0a(dw_474938, 0x2f440, ebp, 0xffff); byte [ebx + 0x1a] = 0; byte [ebx + 0x18] = 0; fcn.0040dffa(); if (players[current_player].who_plays != 1) { move_animation(0, players[current_player].xpos, players[current_player].ypos, (s16)[ebx], (s16)[ebx+2], 100); } fcn.00451985(); player_action_2(0, 0, 1); } return ebp; } int stop_card() { if (players[current_player].who_plays == 1) { edi = fcn.00446ae8(0xe0c0010); } else { edi = fcn.0041e6f2(0); } if (edi != 0) { selected_player = fcn.0040d293(edi); consume_a_card(current_player, 14); if (selected_player != current_player) { int c = players[current_player].character; player_say(current_player, 3, card_strings[c][0][13]); } if (players[current_player].who_plays != 1) { move_animation(0, players[current_player].xpos, players[current_player].ypos, players[selected_player].xpos, players[selected_player].ypos, 100); } if (selected_player < 4) { if (selected_player == current_player) { int c = players[current_player].character; player_say(current_player, 3, card_strings[c][1][13]); players[current_player].days_stopping = 0x80; } else { int c = players[selected_player].character; player_say(current_player, 2, card_strings[c][2][13]); players[selected_player].days_stopping = 1; fcn_41d546(); } } else { special_players[selected_player - 4].days_stopping = 1; } } return edi; } int winter_sleep_card() { consume_a_card(current_player, 15); int c = players[current_player].character; player_say(current_player, 3, card_strings[c][0][14]); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (i < 4) { if (i == current_player || players[i].who_plays == 0 || players[i].xpos == 0 || players[i].days_in_hotel != 0) continue; fcn.0040df69(i, current_player, price_index * 150); players[i].days_sleep_walking = 0; players[i].days_winter_sleep = 5; players[i].total_winter_sleep_days += 5; continue; } else { ch = special_players[i - 4].f10; if (ch != 0) continue; special_players[i - 4].days_sleep_walking = 0; special_players[i - 4].days_winter_sleep = 5; } } player_action_2(0, 0, 1); return 1; } int sleep_walking_card() { if (players[current_player].who_plays == 1) { esi = fcn.00446ae8(0xe0c0710); } else { esi = fcn.0041e6f2(0); } if (esi != 0) { consume_a_card(current_player, 16); int c = players[current_player].character; player_say(current_player, 3, card_strings[c][0][15]); int selected_player = fcn.0040d293(esi); if (players[current_player].who_plays != 1) { move_animation(0, players[current_player].xpos, players[current_player].ypos, players[selected_player].xpos, players[selected_player].ypos, 100); } if (selected_player < 4 && players[selected_player].days_winter_sleep == 0) { fcn.0040df69(selected_player, current_player, price_index * 150); if (has_card(selected_player, 21)) { /* 免罪卡 */ use_absolution_card(selected_player); } else { if (has_card(selected_player, 19)) { /* 嫁祸卡 */ eax = fcn.0044476a(selected_player, 0, 0); if (eax != -1) { ebx = eax; } else { ebx = selected_player; } } edx = players[ebx].character; eax = edx * 12; edx = eax; ecx = dword [eax*9 + 0x48089e]; player_say(ebx, 1, ecx); if (ebx != current_player) { al = 5; } else { al = 4; } players[ebx].days_sleep_walking = al; players[ebx].total_winter_sleep_days += 5; players[ebx].f102 = players[ebx].traffic_method; players[ebx].f103 = players[ebx].ndices; dh = players[ebx].traffic_method; if (dh != 0) { if (dh == 1) { tool_amount[ebx * 15 + 4]++; } if (players[ebx].traffic_method == 2) { tool_amount[ebx * 15 + 5]++; } players[ebx].traffic_method = 0; players[ebx].ndices = 1; } fcn.0040b93b(ebx); if (ebx == selected_player) { if (has_card(selected_player, 18)) { /* 复仇卡 */ use_revenge_card(selected_player); players[current_player].days_sleep_walking = 5; players[current_player].f102 = players[current_player].traffic_method; players[current_player].f103 = players[current_player].ndices; if (players[current_player].traffic_method == 1) { tool_amount[current_player * 15 + 4]++; } if (players[current_player].traffic_method == 2) { tool_amount[current_player * 15 + 5]++; } players[current_player].traffic_method = 0; players[current_player].ndices = 1; } } } } else if (ebx >= 4 && special_players[ebx - 4].days_winter_sleep == 0) { special_players[ebx - 4].days_sleep_walking = 5; } fcn_41d546(); } return esi; } int send_god_card () { dl = players[current_player].f64; if (dl != 0) { eax = dl; fcn.0040e14d(eax); ebx = 1; } dh = players[current_player].god_info; if (dh != 0) { edx = dh - 1; eax = edx * 3; eax = byte [eax*8 + 0x496d08]; if (eax == 5 || eax == 6 || ecx == 7 || eax == 8 || eax == 10 || eax == 15) { fcn.0040e32c(current_player); consume_a_card(current_player, 22); int c = players[current_player].character; player_say(current_player, 0, card_strings[c][0][21]); return 1; } } if (ebx == 0) return 0; consume_a_card(current_player, 22); int c = players[current_player].character; player_say(current_player, 0, card_strings[c][0][21]); return ebx; } int invite_god_card () { if (players[current_player].who_plays == 1) { esi = fcn.00444d1a(); } else { esi = fcn.0041e6f2(0); } if (esi == 0) return 0; consume_a_card(current_player, 23); int c = players[current_player].character; player_say(current_player, 0, card_strings[c][0][22]); eax = esi - 1; ebx = eax * 3; edi = word [ebx * 8 + 0x496d0a]; word [ebx * 8 + 0x496d0a] = 0; player_action_2(0, 0, 1); int _eax = edi * 40 + dw_498e80; move_animation(esi, (int16_t) word [eax], (int16_t) word [eax + 2], players[current_player].xpos, players[current_player].ypos, 0); word [ebx * 8 + 0x496d0a] = di; fcn.0040ead7(current_player, (u32)(u16)di, esi); fcn_41d546(); return esi; } const char use_rb_card[] = "\xb9\xef%s\xa8\xcf\xa5\xce%s\xa1I"; int red_card() { int c = players[current_player].character; char name[20], buf[128]; player_say(current_player, 0, card_strings[c][0][23]); if (players[current_player].who_plays != 1) { int sel = fcn.0041e6f2(0); stocks[sel].f7 = 0x20; fcn.00429040(sel + 1); strcpy_without_spaces(name, stocks[sel].name_ptr); sprintf(buf, use_rb_card, name, cards_table[24].name_ptr); fcn.00440cac(buf, 1500); consume_a_card(current_player, 24); return 1; } else { fcn.004021f8(12, 15, 10); int selected_stock = stock_ui(1); fcn.004021f8(41, 1, 0); player_action_1(1); if (selected_stock == 0) return 0; consume_a_card(current_player, 24); return selected_stock; } } int black_card() { char buf[128]; float t[12]; char name[20]; float fall; int sel; int c = players[current_player].character; player_say(current_player, 0, card_strings[c][0][24]); for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) t[i] = stocks[i].f20; if (players[current_player].who_plays == 1) { fcn.004021f8(12, 15, 10); sel = stock_ui(2); fcn.004021f8(41, 1, 0); player_action_1(1); } else { sel = fcn.0041e6f2(0); stocks[sel].f7 = 2; fcn.00429040(sel + 1); strcpy_without_spaces(name, stocks[sel].name_ptr); sprintf(buf, use_rb_card, name, cards_table[25].name_ptr); fcn.00440cac(buf, 1500); sel++; } if (sel == 0) return 0; fall = t[sel-1] - stocks[sel-1].f20; for (int i = 0; i < nplayers; i++) { eax = i * 3 * 32 + ebx * 8; if (dword [eax + 0x497198] != 0) { double t = dword [eax + 0x497198]:int * fall / 200.0f; fcn.0040df69(i, current_player, t /* it just put the double qword on the stack */); } } consume_a_card(current_player, 25); return ebx; } int tortoise_walking_card() { if (players[current_player].who_plays == 1) { edi = fcn.00446ae8(0xe0c0010); } else { edi = fcn.0041e6f2(0); } if (edi == 0) return 0; int selected_player = fcn.0040d293(edi); consume_a_card(current_player, 30); ebp = current_player; if (selected_player != current_player) { int c = players[current_player].character; player_say(current_player, 3, card_strings[c][0][29]); } if (players[current_player].who_plays != 1) { move_animation(0, players[current_player].xpos, players[current_player].ypos, players[selected_player].xpos, players[selected_player].ypos, 100); } if (selected_player >= 4) { special_players[selected_player - 4].days_tortoise_walking = 3; return edi; } if (selected_player == current_player) { int c = players[current_player].character; player_say(current_player, 3, card_strings[c][1][29]); players[current_player].days_tortoise_walking = 2; return edi; } else { int c = players[selected_player].character; player_say(selected_player, 2, card_strings[c][2][29]); players[selected_player].days_tortoise_walking = 3; fcn_41d546(); return edi; } }