/* * Copyright (C) 2018 Iru Cai * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ #include #include "player_info.h" #include "graph_struct.h" struct graph_st st_46caec; int graph_overlay0(int width, int height, uint16_t *pix, struct graph_st *gtop, int xpos, int ypos) { int ret = 1; xpos -= gtop->x; ypos -= gtop->y; int startX, startY, width_to_cpy, height_to_cpy; if (xpos < width && xpos + gtop->width > 0 && ypos < height && ypos + gtop->height > 0) { startX = 0; startY = 0; width_to_cpy = gtop->width; height_to_cpy = gtop->height; if (xpos < 0) { startX -= xpos; width_to_cpy += xpos; xpos = 0; } else if (xpos + gtop->width > width) { width_to_cpy = width - xpos; } if (ypos < 0) { startY -= ypos; height_to_cpy += ypos; ypos = 0; } else if (ypos + gtop->height > height) { height_to_cpy = height - ypos; } uint16_t *src = >op->gdata[gtop->width * startY + startX]; uint16_t *dst = &pix[ypos * width + xpos]; if (width_to_cpy != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < height_to_cpy; i++) { memcpy(edi, esi, sizeof(uint16_t) * width_to_cpy); src += gtop->width; dst += width; } return 0; } else { return height_to_cpy; } } return 1; } /* put graph gtop on top of graph with pixels pix size width*height, * gtop centered at (xpos, ypos) */ int graph_overlay(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint16_t *pix, struct graph_st * gtop, int xpos, int ypos, int a6) { /* get left top position */ xpos -= gtop->x; ypos -= gtop->y; int gtcrop_x, width_to_cpy, gtcrop_y, height_to_cpy; if (a6 != 1) { if (xpos >= width || xpos + gtop->width <= 0 || ypos >= height || ypos + gtop->height <= 0) return 1; if (xpos < 0) { gtcrop_x = -xpos; width_to_cpy = gtop->width + xpos; xpos = 0; } else { gtcrop_x = 0; int t = gtop->width + xpos - width; if (t > 0) { width_to_cpy = width - xpos; } else { width_to_cpy = gtop->width; } } if (ypos < 0) { gtcrop_y = -ypos; height_to_cpy = gtop->height + ypos; ypos = 0; } else { gtcrop_y = 0; int t = gtop->height + ypos - height; if (t > 0) { height_to_cpy = height - ypos; } else { height_to_cpy = gtop->height; } } } else { if (xpos >= dw_4861c0 || xpos + (uint16_t)gtop->width <= dw_4861b8 || ypos >= dw_4861c4 || ypos + (uint16_t)gtop->height <= dw_4861bc) return 1; if (xpos < dw_4861b8) { eax = dw_4861b8 - xpos; xpos = dw_4861b8; gtcrop_x = eax; width_to_cpy = gtop->width - eax; } else { gtcrop_x = 0; eax = gtop->width + xpos - dw_4861c0; if (eax > 0) { width_to_cpy = dw_4861c0 - xpos; } else { width_to_cpy = gtop->width; } } if (ypos < dw_4861bc) { eax = dw_4861bc - ypos; ypos = dw_4861bc; gtcrop_y = eax; height_to_cpy = gtop->height - eax; } else { gtcrop_y = 0; eax = gtop->height + ypos - dw_4861c4; if (eax > 0) { height_to_cpy = dw_4861c4 - ypos; } else { height_to_cpy = gtop->height; } } } int crop_start = gtop->width * gtcrop_y + gtcrop_x; uint16_t *src = >op->gdata[crop_start]; int gt_width_skip = gtop->width - width_to_cpy; int pix_width_skip = width - width_to_cpy; uint16_t *dst = &pix[width * ypos + xpos]; for (int i = 0; i < height_to_cpy; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < width_to_cpy; j++) { if (*src != 0) *dst = *src; src++; dst++; } src += gt_width_skip; dst += pix_width_skip; } return 0; } /* put graph a1 over a0 and make a1 centered on (xpos, ypos) of graph a0 */ void graph_st_overlay(struct graph_st * a0, struct graph_st * a1, int xpos, int ypos) { graph_overlay(a0->width, a0->height, a0->gdata, a1, xpos, ypos, 0); } /* put graph a1 over fullscreen sized (640*480) pixel image a0 * and make a1 centered on (xpos, ypos) of graph a0 */ void fullscreen_overlay(uint16_t *a0, struct graph_st *a1, int xpos, int ypos) { graph_overlay(640, 480, a0, a1, xpos, ypos, 0); } void fcn_417191(int a0) { RECT r0; r0.left = dw_48bdec; r0.top = dw_48bde8; r0.right = r0.left + dw_48bdd8; r0.bottom = r0.top + dw_48bddc; GetCursorPos_35d(&r0); /* fcn_4021f8.c */ if (dw_48bdec != dw_475284 || dw_48bde8 != dw_475288) { dw_48bdec = dw_475284; dw_48bde8 = dw_475288; IDirectDrawSurface_BltFast(pddrawsf1, r0.left, r0.top, pddrawsf2, &r0, 0x10); } if (a0 == 0) { if (b_46cafd != 0) return; GetCursorPos_250(&r0); return; } ebx = 0; if (players[current_player].days_stopping != 0) ebx = 2; if (players[current_player].days_tortoise_walking != 0) ebx = 4; IDirectDrawSurface_Lock(pddrawsf1, 0, &sfdesc1, 1, 0); st_46caec.f0 = sfdesc1.DUMMYUNIONNAME1.lPitch / 2; st_46caec.f8 = sfdesc1.lpSurface; edx = dw_48bdd4 + ebx; edx = edx * 12 + dw_48be04 + 12; graph_st_overlay(&st_46caec, edx, dw_475284, dw_475288); eax = players[current_player].traffic_method & 3; switch (eax) { case 0: eax = dw_475288 + 0x1a; if (players[current_player].days_stopping == 0) { graph_st_overlay(&st_46caec, dw_48be04+0x60, dw_475284+7, eax); } else { graph_st_overlay(&st_46caec, dw_48be04+0x54, dw_475284+8, eax); } break; case 1: for (ebx = 0; ebx < 2; ebx++) { edx = players[current_player].ndices - 1; if (ebx <= edx && players[current_player].days_stopping == 0) { eax_1 = ebx * 19 + dw_475288 + 0x10; edx = (ebx * 2 + 7) * 12; eax_2 = dw_48be04 + 0xc + edx; graph_st_overlay(&st_46caec, eax_2, dw_475284 + 7, eax_1); } else { eax_1 = ebx*19 + dw_475288 + 0x10; eax_2 = (ebx * 2 + 6) * 12 + dw_48be04 + 0xc; graph_st_overlay(&st_46caec, eax_2, dw_475284 + 8, eax_1); } } break; case 2: for (ebx = 0; ebx < 3; ebx++) { edx = players[current_player].ndices - 1; if (ebx <= edx && players[current_player].days_stopping == 0) { a4 = ebx * 16 + dw_475288 + 9; a3 = dw_475284 + 7; a2 = (ebx * 2 + 7) * 12 + dw_48be04 + 0xc; graph_st_overlay(&st_46caec, a2, a3, a4); } else { a4 = ebx * 16 + dw_475288 + 9; a3 = dw_475284 + 8; a2 = (ebx * 2 + 6) * 12 + dw_48be04 + 0xc; graph_st_overlay(&st_46caec, a2, a3, a4); } } break; default: break; } IDirectDrawSurface_Unlock(pddrawsf1, NULL); GetCursorPos_250(&r0); st_46caec.f0 = 640; } void IntersectRect_4cd(RECT *r0) { RECT result_rect; RECT o_rect; if (b_46cafd == 0) return; o_rect.left = dw_475284; o_rect.top = dw_475288; o_rect.right = o_rect.left + dw_48bdd8; o_rect.bottom = o_rect.top + dw_48bddc; int ret = IntersectRect(&result_rect, &o_rect, r0); if (ret == 0) // do not intersect return; fcn_417191(1); } void player_say(int p, int t, const char *s) { RECT r0; static const char *ss = NULL; // 0x4762c8 if (s == ss) return; ss = s; if (p & 0x8000) { edx = 0; p &= 0x7fff; } else { edx = 1; } if (players[p].days_disappearing != 0 || players[p].days_sleep_walking != 0 || players[p].days_winter_sleep != 0) return; if (edx != 0) { player_action_2(players[p].xpos, players[p].ypos, 0); } create_some_font(0x10, 0x101010, 0, 2, 1); IDirectDrawSurface_Lock(pddrawsf2, NULL, &sfdesc1, 1, 0); st_46caec.f8 = sfdesc1.lpSurface; struct graph_st * edi = crop_graph(&st_46caec, NULL, 0, 40, 440, 220); fullscreen_overlay(sfdesc1.lpSurface, dw_48bad8+0x54, 220, 130); ecx = dword [p * 0x34 + 0x498eb0]; edx = t + 1; eax = edx * 12; ecx += 12; eax += ecx; fullscreen_overlay(sfdesc1.lpSurface, eax, 170, 130); if (s != NULL) { if (s[0] == '#') { esi = 5; } else { esi = 0; } const char *s2 = s + esi; if (s2[0] == '@') { eax = (s2[1] - '0') * 10 + (s2[2] - '0'); edx = (eax - 1) * 12; eax = dw_48bad4 + 12 + edx; fullscreen_overlay(sfdesc1.lpSurface, eax, 240, 130); if (esi == 5) { eax = (s[1] - '0') * 1000 + (s[2] - '0') * 100 + (s[3] - '0') * 10 + (s[4] - '0'); fcn.0045441a(eax); } } else { draw_some_text(0, s, 200, 130, 5); } } // 0x44f157 IDirectDrawSurface_Unlock(pddrawsf2, NULL); r0.left = 0; r0.top = 40; r0.right = 440; r0.bottom = 260; IDirectDrawSurface_BltFast(pddrawsf1, 0, 40, pddrawsf2, &r0, DDBLTFAST_WAIT); sub.WINMM.dll_timeGetTime_4f6(1000); IDirectDrawSurface_Lock(pddrawsf2, NULL, &sfdesc1, 1, 0); overlay_fullwidth(sfdesc1.lpSurface, edi, r0.left, r0.top, 0, 0, 440, 220); IDirectDrawSurface_Unlock(pddrawsf2, NULL); IDirectDrawSurface_BltFast(pddrawsf1, r0.left, r0.top, pddrawsf2, &r0, DDBLTFAST_WAIT); free(edi); } void move_animation(int obj, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int T) { /* push 4 regs, sub esp, 0x68 */ if (obj != 0) { eax = (obj - 1) * 3; ecx = byte [eax*8 + 0x496d09]; ebp = (8 - dword [0x499088] + ecx) & 7; edi = byte [eax*8 + 0x496d08]; edi = dword [edi*4 + 0x49692c]; eax = ebp * 12; ebx = edi + 12 + eax; } else { ebp = 0; edi = dword [0x49697c]; ebx = edi + 12; } int x3, y3, x4, y4; /* sp + 0x30,0x34,0x38,0x3c */ fcn.00409a23(&x1, &y1, &x3, &y3); fcn.00409a23(&x2, &y2, &x4, &y4); int distx = x4 - x3; int disty = y4 - y3; if (edx == 0 && ecx == 0) { return; } int dist = trunc(1 + sqrtf(disty * disty + distx * distx)); /* @ sp + 0x60 */ float dx = distx / (float)dist; /* @ sp+0x48 */ float dy = disty / (float)dist; /* @sp+0x44 */ float curx = x3 + dx; /* @ sp+0x58 */ float cury = y3 + dy; /* @ sp+0x5c */ RECT r0, r1, r2; /* @ sp, sp+0x10, sp+0x20 */ r0.left = -1000; IDirectDrawSurface_Lock(pddrawsf2, NULL, &sfdesc1, 1, 0); st_46caec.f8 = sfdesc1.lpSurface; struct graph_st * st0 = crop_graph(&st_46caec, NULL, 0, 40, 440, 440); /* st0 @ sp+0x4c */ IDirectDrawSurface_Unlock(pddrawsf2, NULL); while (dist != 0) { esi = timeGetTime(); int icurx = trunc(curx); /* @ sp+0x54 */ int icury = trunc(cury); /* @ sp+0x50 */ IDirectDrawSurface_Lock(pddrawsf2, NULL, &sfdesc1, 1, 0); if (r0.left != -1000) { fcn.00456469(sfdesc1.lpSurface, st0, r0.left, r0.top, r0.left, r0.top - 40, r0.right - r0.left, r0.bottom - r0.top); } fcn.00456770(sfdesc1.lpSurface, edi, ebp, icurx, icury); IDirectDrawSurface_Unlock(pddrawsf2, NULL); r2.left = icurx - (s16)word [ebx + 4]; r2.top = icury - (s16) word [ebx + 6]; r2.right = r2.left + (s16)word[ebx]; r2.bottom = r2.top + (s16) word [ebx+2]; if (r0.left != -1000) { fcn.00452808(&r2, &r0, &r1); } else { memcpy(&r1, &r2, sizeof(RECT)); } if (r1.right > 0 && r1.top < 480) { if (r1.left < 0) { r1.left = 0; } if (r1.bottom > 480) { r1.bottom = 480; } IDirectDrawSurface_BltFast(pddrawsf1, r1.left, r1.top, pddrawsf2, &r1, DDBLTFAST_WAIT); } memcpy(&r0, &r2, sizeof(RECT)); eax = timeGetTime() - esi; if (eax < 24) { sub.WINMM.dll_timeGetTime_85e(24 - eax); } curx += dx; cury += dy; dist--; } // 40e9bd sub.WINMM.dll_timeGetTime_85e(T); if (obj == 0) { IDirectDrawSurface_Lock(pddrawsf2, NULL, &sfdesc1, 1, 0); fcn.00456469(sfdesc1.lpSurface, st0, r0.left, r0.top, r0.left, r0.top - 40, r0.right - r0.left, r0.bottom - r0.top); IDirectDrawSurface_Unlock(pddrawsf2, NULL); IDirectDrawSurface_BltFast(pddrawsf1, r0.left, r0.top, pddrawsf2, &r0, DDBLTFAST_WAIT); } // 0x40ea4d free(st0); } int fcn_4563f5(uint16_t *a0, struct graph_st *a1, int a2, int a3) { return graph_overlay0(640, 480, a0, a1, a2, a3); } /* overlay the graph a2 on top of a1, * a1 has width a0 * (xpos, ypos) is the center of a2 after putting on a1 * a2 has size width*height */ void graph_overlay2(int a0, uint16_t *a1, struct graph_st *a2, int xpos, int ypos, int a2x, int a2y, int width, int height, int a9) { /* let (xpos, ypos) be the left-top corner */ xpos -= a2->x; ypos -= a2->y; if ((a9 & 1) == 0) { if (xpos >= 640 || xpos + width <= 0) return; if (xpos + width > 640) { width = 640 - xpos; } else if (xpos < 0) { width += xpos; a2x -= xpos; xpos = 0; } if (ypos >= 480 || ypos + height <= 0) return; if (ypos + height > 480) { height = 480 - ypos; } else if (ypos < 0) { height += ypos; a2y -= ypos; ypos = 0; } } else { if (xpos >= dw_4861c0 || xpos + width <= dw_4861b8) return; if (xpos + width > dw_4861c0) { width = dw_4861c0 - xpos; } else if (xpos < dw_4861b8) { width += xpos - dw_4861b8; a2x += dw_4861b8 - xpos; xpos = dw_4861b8; } if (ypos >= dw_4861c4 || ypos + height <= dw_4861bc) return; if (ypos + height > dw_4861c4) { height = dw_4861c4 - ypos; } else if (ypos < dw_4861bc) { height += ypos - dw_4861bc; a2y += dw_4861bc - ypos; ypos = dw_4861bc; } } uint16_t *src = &a2->gdata[a2->width * a2y + a2x]; uint16_t *dst = &a1[a0 * ypos + xpos]; if (width == 0) return; for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { memcpy(dst, src, width * 2); src += a2->width; dst += a0; } } void overlay_fullwidth(uint16_t *a0, struct graph_st *a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7) { graph_overlay2(640, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, 0); }