/* * Copyright (C) 2018 Iru Cai * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ #include #include #include "global.h" #include "drawing.h" HFONT gFont; // 0x4762d0 int gFontHeight; // 0x4762d4 uint32_t gfa[2]; // 0x4762d8, 0x4762dc COLORREF txt_colors[2]; // 0x4762e0, 0x4762e4 struct graph_st gst_4762e8; const char tfname[] = "\xb2\xd3\xa9\xfa\xc5\xe9"; // 0x4660a0, typeface name, BIG5:细明体 static inline uint32_t swapbytes3(uint32_t x) { return (((x & 0xff) << 16) | (x & 0xff00) | ((x & 0xff0000) >> 16)); } /* 0x0044f9d8 */ HFONT create_some_font(int a0, uint32_t a1, uint32_t a2, uint32_t a3, uint32_t a4) { txt_colors[0] = swapbytes3(a1); txt_colors[1] = swapbytes3(a2); gfa[0] = a3; gfa[1] = a4; int weight = (a3==2)?400:700; if (gFont != 0) { DeleteObject(gFont); } gFontHeight = a0; gFont = CreateFontA(-a0, 0, 0, 0, weight, 0, 0, 0, 0x88 /* charset */, 0, 0, 0, 0, tfname); return gFont; } void drawStringY(HDC hdc, int nXStart, int nYStart, LPCSTR str) { int h = gFontHeight + gfa[1]; if (((uint8_t)gfa[0] & 6) != 0) h++; while (*str) { if ((str[0] & 0x80) != 0) { TextOutA(hdc, nXStart, nYStart, str, 2); str += 2; } else { TextOutA(hdc, nXStart, nYStart, str, 1); str += 1; } nYStart += h; } } void surface_bound(uint16_t *lpSurface, RECT *dim1, RECT *dim2) { int j_min = 10000; int i_min = 10000; int j_max = -10000; int i_max = -10000; for (int i = 0; i < dim1->bottom; i++) { int t = 0; for (int j = dim1->left; j < dim1->right; j++) { if (lpSurface[t+j] != 0) { if (j < j_min) j_min = j; if (i < i_min) i_min = i; if (j > j_max) j_max = j; if (i > i_max) i_max = i; } } t += 0x200; } if (j_min == 10000) { dim2->top = dim2->left = dim2->right = dim2->bottom = 0; } else { dim2->left = j_min; dim2->top = i_min; dim2->right = j_max; dim2->bottom = i_max; } } /* TODO: very similar to graph_overlay2 except the copying part, * deduplicate the code */ static void graph_overlay_2a(int width, int16_t *sf, struct graph_st *a3, int xx, int yy, int a6, int a7, int ww, int hh, int a10) { xx -= a3->x; yy -= a3->y; if ((a10 & 1) == 0) { if (xx >= 640 || xx + ww <= 0) { return; } if (xx + ww > 640) { ww = 640 - xx; } else if (xx < 0) { ww = xx + ww; a6 -= xx; xx = 0; } if (yy >= 480 || yy + hh <= 0) { return; } if (yy + hh > 480) { hh = 480 - yy; } else if (yy < 0) { hh = yy + hh; a7 -= yy; yy = 0; } } else { if (xx >= draw_rect.right) { return; } if (xx + ww <= draw_rect.left) { return; } if (xx + ww > draw_rect.right) { ww = draw_rect.right - xx; } else if (xx < draw_rect.left) { ww -= draw_rect.left - xx; a6 += draw_rect.left - xx; xx = draw_rect.left; } if (yy >= draw_rect.bottom) { return; } if (yy + hh <= draw_rect.top) { return; } if (yy + hh > draw_rect.bottom) { hh = draw_rect.bottom - yy; } else if (yy < draw_rect.top) { hh -= draw_rect.top - yy; a7 += draw_rect.top - yy; yy = draw_rect.top; } } int16_t *src = &a3->gdata[a3->width * a7 + a6]; int16_t *dst = &sf[width * yy + xx]; for (int i = 0; i < hh; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ww; j++) { if (src[j] != 0) dst[j] = src[j]; } src += a3->width; dst += width; } } void fcn_4564e6(void *sf, struct graph_st *a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7) { graph_overlay_2a(640, sf, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, 1); } void fcn_456495(void *sf, struct graph_st *a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7) { graph_overlay_2a(640, sf, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, 0); } void fcn_00456356(struct graph_st *a1, struct graph_st *a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) { graph_overlay_2a(a1->width, a1->gdata, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, 1); } void fcn_00456328(struct graph_st *a1, struct graph_st *a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) { graph_overlay_2a(a1->width, a1->gdata, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, 0); } void speak_words(int n) { /* TODO */ } void draw_some_text(struct graph_st *gg, const char *str, int a3, int a4, int a5) { DDSURFACEDESC desc; /* esp */ RECT fmt_dim1; /* esp + 0x6c */ RECT fmt_dim2; /* esp + 0x7c */ HDC hDC; /* esp + 0x8c */ fmt_dim1 = *(RECT*)0x44f6ec; fmt_dim2 = *(RECT*)0x44f6fc; if (str == NULL || str[0] == 0) return; if (str[0] == '#') { int t = (str[1] - '0') * 1000 + (str[2] - '0') * 100 + (str[3] - '0') * 10 + (str[4] - '0'); speak_words(t); str += 5; } IDirectDrawSurface_GetDC(pddrawsf3, &hDC); SelectObject(hDC, &gFont); SetBkMode(hDC, 1); SetTextCharacterExtra(hDC, gfa[1]-1); DrawTextA(hDC, str, strlen(str), &fmt_dim2, 0x400); int t1 = fmt_dim2.right + 10; int t2 = fmt_dim2.bottom + 10; fmt_dim2.right = t1; fmt_dim2.bottom = t2; if (a5 == 3) { fmt_dim2.right = t2; fmt_dim2.bottom = t1; } else if (a5 == 4 || a5 == 7) { fmt_dim2.left = 256 - fmt_dim2.right / 2; fmt_dim2.right = 256 + fmt_dim2.right / 2; } uint8_t dh = gfa[0]; if ( (dh & 1) != 0 ) { SetTextColor(hDC, txt_colors[1]); fmt_dim1.left = 1; fmt_dim1.top = 1; if (a5 >= 4) { if (a5 == 4 || a5 == 7) { DrawTextA(hDC, str, strlen(str), &fmt_dim1, 1); } else { DrawTextA(hDC, str, strlen(str), &fmt_dim1, 0); } } else if (a5 != 3) { DrawTextA(hDC, str, strlen(str), &fmt_dim1, 0); } else { drawStringY(hDC, 1, 1, str); } } else if ( (dh & 4) != 0 ) { SetTextColor(hDC, txt_colors[1]); if (a5 == 3) { drawStringY(hDC, 1, 0, str); drawStringY(hDC, 1, 2, str); drawStringY(hDC, 0, 1, str); drawStringY(hDC, 2, 1, str); } else { int mode; if (a5 == 4 || a5 == 7) { mode = 1; } else { mode = 0; } fmt_dim1.left = 1; fmt_dim1.top = 0; DrawTextA(hDC, str, strlen(str), &fmt_dim1, mode); fmt_dim1.left = 1; fmt_dim1.top = 2; DrawTextA(hDC, str, strlen(str), &fmt_dim1, mode); fmt_dim1.left = 0; fmt_dim1.top = 1; DrawTextA(hDC, str, strlen(str), &fmt_dim1, mode); fmt_dim1.left = 2; fmt_dim1.top = 1; DrawTextA(hDC, str, strlen(str), &fmt_dim1, mode); } } SetTextColor(hDC, txt_colors[0]); if ( ((uint8_t)gfa[0] & 4) != 0 ) { fmt_dim1.left = 1; fmt_dim1.top = 1; } else { fmt_dim1.left = 0; fmt_dim1.top = 0; } if (a5 >= 4) { if (a5 == 4 || a5 == 7) { DrawTextA(hDC, str, strlen(str), &fmt_dim1, 1); } else { DrawTextA(hDC, str, strlen(str), &fmt_dim1, 0); } } else if (a5 == 3) { drawStringY(hDC, fmt_dim1.left, fmt_dim1.top, str); } else { DrawTextA(hDC, str, strlen(str), &fmt_dim1, 0); } IDirectDrawSurface_ReleaseDC(pddrawsf3, hDC); desc.dwSize = 0x6c; IDirectDrawSurface_Lock(pddrawsf3, NULL, &desc, 1, 0); surface_bound(desc.lpSurface, &fmt_dim2, &fmt_dim1); int width = fmt_dim1.right - fmt_dim1.left + 1; int height = fmt_dim1.bottom - fmt_dim1.top + 1; gst_4762e8.gdata = desc.lpSurface; switch (a5 - 1) { case 0: a3 -= width; break; case 1: case 2: case 3: a3 -= width / 2; /* fall through */ case 4: a4 -= height / 2; break; case 5: a3 -= width; a4 -= height / 2; break; case 6: a3 -= width / 2; a4 -= height; break; default: break; } if ( ((uint8_t)gfa[0] & 8) != 0) { if (!gg) { fcn_4564e6(sfdesc1.lpSurface, &gst_4762e8, a3, a4, fmt_dim1.left, fmt_dim1.top, width, height); } else { fcn_00456356(gg, &gst_4762e8, a3, a4, fmt_dim1.left, fmt_dim1.top, width, height); } } else { if (!gg) { fcn_456495(sfdesc1.lpSurface, &gst_4762e8, a3, a4, fmt_dim1.left, fmt_dim1.top, width, height); } else { fcn_00456328(gg, &gst_4762e8, a3, a4, fmt_dim1.left, fmt_dim1.top, width, height); } } fcn.004561be(&gst_4762e8, fmt_dim1.left, fmt_dim1.top, width, height, 0); IDirectDrawSurface_Unlock(pddrawsf3, NULL); } void deinit_font() { if (gFont != NULL) DeleteObject(gFont); if (pddrawsf3 != NULL) IDirectDrawSurface_Release(pddrawsf3); }