file: RICH4.CFG game speed: offset 0, 00,01,02 animation: offset 1, 01 enabled music: offset 2, 00~04 sound effect: offset 3, 00-04 auto save: offset 4, 01 enabled view: offset 5, 00 calendar, 01 small map, 02 combined view day: offset 8 month: offset 9 year: offset 10-11, little endian hot keys: RICH4.CFG uses two bytes to represent one key. The first byte is the key: use virtual key code The second byte is the mod key: 0x11 Ctrl A-Z: same as ascii (0x41-0x5a) <: 0xbc (VK_OEM_COMMA, '<' + 0x80) >: 0xbe (VK_OEM_PERIOD, '>' + 0x80) PGUP: 0x21 (VK_PRIOR) PGDN: 0x22 (VK_NEXT) ENTER, ESC, TAB: 0x0d, 0x1b, 0x09 (same as ASCII) ARROW LEFT, UP, RIGHT, DOWN: 0x25-0x28 (VK_{LEFT,UP,RIGHT,DOWN}) offset 0x10: 游标{上移,右移,下移,左移} 确定 取消 切换选项 切换视窗组 offset 0x20: YES NO 前进 选择骰子数 股市 交易 卡片 道具 offset 0x30: 查询 地图 地图向左旋转 地图向右旋转 托管 系统 SAVE LOAD offset 0x40: 辅助说明 向上换页 向下换页 结束