path: root/Chipset/eM/Ahci/AHCIACC.ASM
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authorraywu <>2018-06-15 00:00:50 +0800
committerraywu <>2018-06-15 00:00:50 +0800
commitb7c51c9cf4864df6aabb99a1ae843becd577237c (patch)
treeeebe9b0d0ca03062955223097e57da84dd618b9a /Chipset/eM/Ahci/AHCIACC.ASM
init. 1AQQW051HEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'Chipset/eM/Ahci/AHCIACC.ASM')
1 files changed, 1181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Chipset/eM/Ahci/AHCIACC.ASM b/Chipset/eM/Ahci/AHCIACC.ASM
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f93536
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chipset/eM/Ahci/AHCIACC.ASM
@@ -0,0 +1,1181 @@
+ TITLE AHCIACC.ASM - AHCI Register/Memory Acccess Routines
+;** **
+;** (C)Copyright 1985-2014, American Megatrends, Inc. **
+;** **
+;** All Rights Reserved. **
+;** **
+;** 5555 Oakbrook Pkwy, Suite 200, Norcross, GA 30093 **
+;** **
+;** Phone (770)-246-8600 **
+;** **
+; $Header: /Alaska/SOURCE/Modules/AHCI/INT13/CSP/AHCIACC.ASM 14 12/08/14 5:58a Anbuprakashp $
+; $Revision: 14 $
+; $Date: 12/08/14 5:58a $
+; Revision History
+; ----------------
+; $Log: /Alaska/SOURCE/Modules/AHCI/INT13/CSP/AHCIACC.ASM $
+; 14 12/08/14 5:58a Anbuprakashp
+; [TAG] EIP192297
+; [Category] Improvement
+; [Description] Replacing SmmGetMemoryType usage in AHCI driver with
+; AmiBufferValidationLib
+; [Files] AhciInt13Smm.c, AhciInt13Smm.mak, AHCIACC.ASM
+; 13 11/24/14 11:54p Kapilporwal
+; [TAG] EIP191939
+; [Category] Improvement
+; [Description] Issue about BIG_REAL_MODE_MMIO_ACCESS of AHCI module
+; [Files] AI13.bin
+; AhciInt13Dxe.c
+; AhciInt13Dxe.dxs
+; AhciInt13Smm.c
+; AhciInt13Smm.cif
+; AhciInt13Smm.dxs
+; AhciInt13Smm.h
+; AhciInt13Smm.mak
+; AhciInt13Smm.sdl
+; AInt13.c
+; Aint13.cif
+; AInt13.h
+; AhciSmm.c
+; AhciSmm.h
+; AhciSmmProtocol.h
+; 12 7/01/14 2:23a Nagadineshk
+; [TAG] EIP172162
+; [Category] Bug Fix
+; [Severity] Important
+; [Symptom] Can't install legacy windows if achiacc.obj is not first
+; one of CSM_OEM16_OBJS elink
+; [RootCause] Wrong offset of Newly Hooked Interrupt(CPU Exception
+; Interrupt) address loaded in Interrupt vector table.
+; [Solution] Stored Correct Offset value in IVT
+; [Files] AHCIACC.ASM
+; 11 6/20/14 6:54a Nimishsv
+; Recheck-in
+; 10 12/17/13 7:06a Nimishsv
+; [TAG] EIP131322
+; [Category] Improvement
+; [Description] Improve S4 resume time with PCIE SSD
+; under Win7, reported that if enable AHCIMMIOSMM_SUPPORT,
+; and then S4 resume time is very long(about 50s) with win 7.
+; (Add support for accessing MMIO region using BIG real mode)
+; [Files] AhciMmioSmm.sdl, AHCIACC.asm
+; 9 8/02/12 8:14a Deepthins
+; [TAG] EIP93480
+; [Category] Bug Fix
+; [Symptom] AHCI legacy support module is corrupting the memory.
+; [RootCause] AHCI legacy support module is corrupting the memory as it
+; was using wrong offset for storing the base address.
+; [Solution] Properly calculating offset for storing the base address.
+; [Files] AINT13.EQU, AInt13.c, AInt13.h and AHCIACC.ASM
+; 8 1/13/12 12:20a Deepthins
+; [TAG] EIP78099
+; [Category] Improvement
+; [Description] Handle multiple AHCI controller in legacy.
+; [Files] Aint13.sdl , AInt13.c , AInt13.h , AHCIACC.ASM , AHCI.EQU ,
+; 7 2/10/11 10:52a Rameshr
+; [TAG] EIP53704
+; [Category] Improvement
+; [Description] AMI headers update for Alaska Ahci Driver
+; [Files] AHCIACC.ASM
+; AInt13Csp.c
+; 6 6/21/10 5:34a Rameshr
+; AHCI Legacy booting through MMIO reg.
+; EIP 38444
+; 5 5/28/08 9:43a Rameshraju
+; Updated the AMI Address.
+; 4 3/28/08 10:03a Olegi
+; 3 3/27/08 5:33p Olegi
+; 2 19/12/07 4:28p Anandakrishnanl
+; Modified the relative offsets to be absolute.
+; 1 12/07/07 11:17a Olegi
+ include ahci.equ
+ include haccess.equ
+ include aint13.equ
+ include token.equ
+ PUBLIC AhciApiModuleStart
+AhciApiModuleStart LABEL BYTE
+ jmp SHORT AhciCsm16Api
+ dw AhciDataStart - AhciApiModuleStart
+; IMPORTANT: Do not put any OEM/CHIPSET code above this, the above code and
+; and data are at fixed locations.
+; AHCI_CSM16_API_Start
+; This routine is implementation of the CSM16 API #7.
+; Input: CX 80h - ReadRegisterDword call
+; 00h - WriteRegisterDword call
+; 01h - WaitForFisRecRun call
+; For read/write functions:
+; SS:SP+3Eh (originally ESI) HBA Base Address
+; SS:SP+42h (originally EBX) Port#, Register Offset
+; Bit31-16 = Port# (0-based)
+; FFFF for Generic Host Control Register
+; Bit15-0 = Register offset
+; SS:SP+46h (originally EAX) Data to be written
+; For WaitForFisRecRun function:
+; No input
+; Output: NC Successful
+; EAX Data read
+; CY Error
+; Register Usage: Do not destroy any register except EAX
+; Adjust current IP so that the data offsets are valid
+ call $+3 ; Push curent IP
+ pop bx ; Get current IP in BX
+ shr bx, 4
+ mov ax, cs ; Always x000h
+ add ax, bx ; New CS
+ push ax
+ push newOffset-AhciApiModuleStart
+ retf ; Execute from new CS:IP
+ push bp
+ mov bp, sp
+ mov eax, ss:[bp+48h] ; Data to be written (ignored for Read function)
+ mov ebx, ss:[bp+44h] ; Port#
+ mov esi, ss:[bp+40h] ; HBA Base Address
+ cmp cx, 0
+ jz aca_WriteCall
+ cmp cx, 80h
+ jnz aca_WaitForFisRecRun
+ call ReadRegisterDword
+ jmp SHORT aca_Exit
+ call WaitForFisRecRun
+ jmp SHORT aca_Exit
+ call WriteRegisterDword
+ pop bp
+; Adjust sp as if we returned to csm16_func_ret
+ add sp, 4 ; cs:ip of F000:csm16_func_ret
+; Save EAX, restore it after popad
+ push eax
+ pop ds
+ pop gs
+ popad
+ push gs
+ push ds
+ pop eax
+ pop gs
+ pop fs
+ pop es
+ pop ds
+ popf
+ pop ds
+ pop si
+ add sp, 2 ; Do not "pop ax", preserving return code
+; Prepare for FAR return - fetch the CS and patch the segment for RETF
+ mov cx, WORD PTR ss:[bp+1ah]
+ mov WORD PTR ss:[bp+06h], cx
+; Restore CX
+ mov cx, WORD PTR ss:[bp+18h]
+ mov dx, WORD PTR ss:[bp+16h] ;Restore Dx
+ pop bp
+ add sp, 4
+ clc
+ retf 18
+AhciCsm16Api ENDP
+; ReadRegisterDword
+; This routine reads the register.
+; Input: ESI HBA Base Address
+; EBX Port#, Register Offset
+; Bit31-16 = Port# (0-based)
+; FFFF for Generic Host Control Register
+; Bit15-0 = Register offset
+; Output: NC Successful
+; EAX Data read
+; CY Error
+; Register Usage: Do not destroy any register except EAX
+ReadRegisterDword_FAR PROC FAR PUBLIC
+ call ReadRegisterDword ; EAX = data read if read
+ ret
+ReadRegisterDword_FAR ENDP
+ReadRegisterDword PROC NEAR PUBLIC
+ push esi
+ call CalculateRegisterOffset ; ESI = register offset from base
+ push dx ; Dx has the controller number
+ cli
+ push bx ; Save bx value in stack
+ push ax ; Save ax value in stack
+ mov ax, 0
+ mov al, dl ; Move the controller no into al
+ mov bl, 8
+ mul bl ; Multiply it with 8 as AHCI_ACCESS\
+ ; structure size is 8
+ mov bx, ax ; Move the offset into bx
+ pop ax ; Restore ax
+ push ebx
+ push ecx
+ mov ebx, dword ptr cs:[AhciDataStart - AhciApiModuleStart +4+bx] ;ebx=Data
+ add esi,ebx
+ call ReadDWORD
+ mov cx,1 ;Read Function
+ call AhciGenerateSwSMI
+ cmp ecx, 0 ; if ECX == 0, MMIO read is Success
+ jz Read_Success
+ stc
+ jmp Read_Return
+ clc
+ pop ecx
+ pop ebx
+ jmp Read_done
+ mov dx, cs:[AhciDataStart - AhciApiModuleStart +bx] ; DX = Index Port
+ push eax
+ mov eax, esi ; EAX = register address
+ out dx, eax ; Write Address
+ pop eax
+ mov dx, cs:[AhciDataStart - AhciApiModuleStart +2+bx] ; DX = Data Port
+ in eax, dx ; EAX = adat
+ clc ; NC, Successful
+ pop bx
+ pop dx
+ pop esi
+ ret
+ReadRegisterDword ENDP
+; WriteRegisterDword
+; This routine writes the register.
+; Input: ESI HBA Base Address
+; EBX Port#, Register Offset
+; Bit31-16 = Port# (0-based)
+; FFFF for Generic Host Control Register
+; Bit15-0 = Register offset
+; EAX Data to be written
+; Output: NC Successful
+; CY Error
+; Register Usage: Do not destroy any register
+WriteRegisterDword_FAR PROC FAR PUBLIC
+ call WriteRegisterDword
+ ret
+WriteRegisterDword_FAR ENDP
+WriteRegisterDword PROC NEAR PUBLIC
+ push esi
+ call CalculateRegisterOffset ; ESI = register offset from base
+ push dx ; Dx has the controller number
+ cli
+ push bx ; Save bx value in stack
+ push ax ; Save ax value in stack
+ mov ax, 0
+ mov al, dl ; Move the controller no into al
+ mov bl, 8
+ mul bl ; Multiply it with 8 as AHCI_ACCESS\
+ ; structure size is 8
+ mov bx, ax ; Move the offset into bx
+ pop ax ; Restore ax
+ push ebx
+ push ecx
+ mov ebx, dword ptr cs:[AhciDataStart - AhciApiModuleStart +4+bx]
+ add esi,ebx
+ call WriteDWORD
+ mov ebx,eax ;Write Value
+ mov cx,2 ;Write Function
+ call AhciGenerateSwSMI
+ cmp ecx, 0 ; if ECX == 0, MMIO write is Success
+ jz Write_Success
+ stc
+ jmp Write_Return
+ clc
+ pop ecx
+ pop ebx
+ jmp Write_done
+ mov dx, cs:[AhciDataStart - AhciApiModuleStart +bx] ; DX = Index Port
+ push eax
+ mov eax, esi ; EAX = register address
+ out dx, eax ; Write Address
+ pop eax
+ mov dx, cs:[AhciDataStart - AhciApiModuleStart +2+bx] ; DX = Data Port
+ out dx, eax ; Write dword data
+ clc ; NC, Successful
+ pop bx
+ pop dx
+ pop esi
+ ret
+WriteRegisterDword ENDP
+; CalculateRegisterOffset
+; This routine calculates the register offset from HBA Base.
+; Input: EBX Port#, Register Offset within Port
+; Bit31-16 = Port# (0-based)
+; FFFF for Generic Host Control Register
+; Bit15-0 = Register offset
+; Output: ESI Register Offset from HBA Base
+; Register Usage: Do not destroy any register except ESI
+CalculateRegisterOffset PROC NEAR PRIVATE
+ push cx
+ push ebx
+ mov cx, bx ; CX = register offset
+ shr ebx, 16 ; BX = Port# (0-based)
+ inc bx ; Port# valid?
+ jz short cro_00 ; No
+ dec bx ; BX = Port# (0-based)
+ add bx, cx ; BX = Port register offset from HBA base address
+ movzx esi, bx ; ESI = Port register offset from HBA base address
+ pop ebx
+ pop cx
+ ret
+CalculateRegisterOffset ENDP
+; WaitForFisRecRun
+; This routine executes HBA wait for FIS rec run code. If not
+; implemented (just ret), AHCI INT13 code will execute the default routine.
+; Implement this routine for different OEM/Chipset vendor and return 0 in AL
+; to override the default routine execution.
+; Output: AH 0 if implemented
+ ret
+WaitForFisRecRun ENDP
+; Procedure: AhciGenerateSwSMI
+; Description: Generate the Sw SMI to read the MMIO space.
+; if the system is in big real mode, read/write the MMIO space without
+; SwSMI
+; Input: Cx = 1 - Read MMIO
+; Cx= 2 - Write MMIO
+; Eax= Value to write in MMIO for write MMIO
+; Output: Eax- for Read MMIO
+; Modified: Ds
+ call Check_Big_Real_mode
+ jc NotBigReadMode
+ push es
+ push 0
+ pop es
+ cmp cx,1
+ je ReadMmio
+ mov dword ptr es:[esi],eax ;Write MMIO
+ pop es
+ ret
+ mov eax,dword ptr es:[esi] ;Read MMIO
+ pop es
+ ret
+ out dx,al ;Generate Sw SMI to Read/Write MMIO
+ jmp $+2
+ ret
+AhciGenerateSwSMI ENDP
+; ReadDWORD
+; This routine reads DWORD from MMIO.
+; Input: ESI HBA Base Address
+; Output: NC Successful
+; EAX Data read
+; CY Error
+; Register Usage: Do not destroy any register except EAX
+ push ds
+ push 0
+ pop ds
+ push esi
+; Save original values of registers in stack
+ push ebx
+ push es
+ push di
+; Save a dword from 5000h
+ mov bx, 5000h
+ mov es, bx
+ mov di, 00h
+ mov ebx, dword ptr es:[di]
+ push ebx
+ mov byte ptr es:[di], 00h
+; Switching to Big Real Mode
+ call Switch_Big_Real_Mode
+; Reading DWORD from Hba_base_address and store in EAX
+ mov eax, dword ptr ds:[esi]
+ push eax
+ movzx eax, byte ptr es:[di]
+ and eax, 01h
+ jz rdw_done
+; Switch back from Big Real mode
+ call Switch_Original_Mode
+ pop eax
+ push eax
+ movzx eax, byte ptr es:[di]
+ and eax, 10b
+ jz org_g20
+ call DisblGateA20
+ pop eax
+ pop ebx
+; Restore the original values stored in stack
+ mov dword ptr es:[di], ebx
+ pop di
+ pop es
+ pop ebx
+ pop esi
+ pop ds
+ clc
+ ret
+; WriteDWORD
+; This routine writes DWORD in MMIO space.
+; Input: EAX Data to be written
+; Output: ESI HBA Base Address
+; NC Successful
+; CY Error
+; Register Usage: Do not destroy any register except EAX
+ push ds
+ push 0
+ pop ds
+ push esi
+; Save original values of registers in stack
+ push ebx
+ push es
+ push di
+; Save a dword from 5000h
+ mov bx, 5000h
+ mov es, bx
+ mov di, 00h
+ mov ebx, dword ptr es:[di]
+ push ebx
+ mov byte ptr es:[di], 00h
+; Switching to Big Real Mode
+ call Switch_Big_Real_Mode
+; Writing DWORD stored in EAX into Hba_base_address
+ mov dword ptr ds:[esi],eax
+ push eax
+ movzx eax, byte ptr es:[di]
+ and eax, 01h
+ jz wdw_done
+; Switch back from Big Real mode
+ call Switch_Original_Mode
+ pop eax
+ push eax
+ movzx eax, byte ptr es:[di]
+ and eax, 10b
+ jz org_g201
+ call DisblGateA20
+ pop eax
+ pop ebx
+; Restore the original values stored in stack
+ mov dword ptr es:[di], ebx
+ pop di
+ pop es
+ pop ebx
+ pop esi
+ pop ds
+ clc
+ ret
+; Procedure: Switch_Big_Real_Mode
+; Description: Switch to Big real Mode.
+; Input: None
+; Output:
+; Modified: DS, ES
+Switch_Big_Real_Mode PROC NEAR PUBLIC
+ push di
+ call Check_Big_Real_mode
+ jnc InBigRealMode
+ mov byte ptr es:[di], 01h
+ mov di, FLAT_MODE_INDEX ;Index for flat mode
+ call GotoProtectedMode
+ pop di
+ ret
+Switch_Big_Real_Mode ENDP
+; Procedure: Switch_Original_Mode
+; Description: Switch to Original Mode.
+; Input: None
+; Output:
+; Modified: DS, ES
+Switch_Original_Mode PROC NEAR PUBLIC
+ push di
+ mov di, REAL_MODE_INDEX ;Real mode index
+ call GotoProtectedMode
+ pop di
+ ret
+Switch_Original_Mode ENDP
+; Procedure: GotoProtectedMode
+; Description: This function jumps to protected mode for 4GB limit access
+; Input: None
+; Output: None
+; Modified: None
+GotoProtectedMode PROC NEAR PUBLIC
+ push es
+ pusha
+ cli ; Disable interrupts.
+; Check the GA20 status..
+; Compare 256bytes at 0:0 with FFFF:10
+; If match, GA20 is disabled else GA20 is enabled.
+ push di
+ push es
+ push ds
+ push 0000h
+ pop ds ; DS = 0000.
+ push 0FFFFh
+ pop es ; ES = FFFF.
+ mov cx, 100h / 4 ; Number of Dwords in 256bytes.
+ xor si, si
+ mov di, 0010h
+ repz cmpsd
+ pop ds
+ pop es
+ pop di ;Descriptor table index in di
+ pushf ; Save GA20 status
+ ; ZR/NZ = disabled/enabled.
+ jnz short gtbrm_00 ; GA20 is already enabled.
+ push di
+ mov di, 00h
+ or byte ptr es:[di], 10b
+ pop di
+ call EnblGateA20 ; Enable GateA20.
+ call go_big_mode ; Go to protected mode and comeback
+ ; to real mode.
+ popf ; ZR/NZ = GA20 status.
+ stc ; Routine went to big real mode.
+ popa
+ pop es
+ ret ; Return to caller.
+GotoProtectedMode ENDP
+; Procedure: EnblGateA20
+; Description: This function enables GateA20
+; Input: None
+; Output: None
+; Modified: None
+ push ax
+ mov al,02h
+ out 92h, al
+; Check the GA20 status..
+; Compare 256bytes at 0:0 with FFFF:10
+; If match, GA20 is disabled else GA20 is enabled.
+ push di
+ push es
+ push ds
+ push 0000h
+ pop ds ; DS = 0000.
+ push 0FFFFh
+ pop es ; ES = FFFF.
+ mov cx, 100h / 4 ; Number of Dwords in 256bytes.
+ xor si, si
+ mov di, 0010h
+ repz cmpsd
+ pop ds
+ pop es
+ pop di ;Descriptor table index in di
+ jnz eg20_end
+ mov al, 0DFh ; Data for output port to enable A20.
+ out 60h, al
+ mov al, 0D1h
+ out 64h, al
+ pop ax
+ ret
+EnblGateA20 ENDP
+; Procedure: go_big_mode
+; Description: This routine goes to protected mode, sets the DS, ES to the
+; given selector, comes back to real mode and sets DS, ES to 0000.
+; Input: DX - Selector.
+; Output: Selector 00 can be used to access 4GB.
+; Modified: EAX.
+; Referrals: big_gdt.
+go_big_mode PROC NEAR PRIVATE
+ jmp Executable_code
+; Name: big_gdt
+; Type: BYTE Array
+; Description: Global Descriptor Table to switch the system to/from FLAT Mode.
+; Since these routines will be called from non-shadowed system
+; ROM, the GDT must be on a QWORD boundary or else the bytes
+; will get CORRUPTED!
+big_gdt LABEL WORD
+ db 8 dup (0) ;00 - Null descriptor
+ db 0FFh,0FFh,000h,000h,000h,093h,08Fh,000h ; 08h - DS descriptor for flat mode
+big_gdt_end LABEL WORD
+big_gdt_real LABEL WORD
+ db 8 dup (0) ;00 - Null descriptor
+ db 0FFh,0FFh,000h,000h,000h,093h,000h,000h ; 08h - DS descriptor for real mode
+big_gdt_real_end LABEL WORD
+ dw 010h ; Length of GDT
+ db 00,00h ; ptr to GDT
+ db 05h,00h
+ push ds
+ push es
+ push eax
+ push ebx
+ push ecx
+ push edx
+ push si
+ push di
+; Changed for CSM - need to save SS, reload SS Limit to 64K selector and restore it
+ push bp
+ mov bp, ss
+ mov al, 8Dh ; Disable NMI
+ out 70h, al
+;;; Copy contents from 5000:00(16 bytes) into registers
+ mov ax, 5000h
+ mov es, ax
+ mov si, 00h
+ mov eax, dword ptr es:[si]
+ add si, 4
+ mov ebx, dword ptr es:[si]
+ add si, 4
+ mov ecx, dword ptr es:[si]
+ add si, 4
+ mov edx, dword ptr es:[si]
+ push eax
+ push ebx
+ push ecx
+ push edx
+;;; Copy GDT to 5000h:00h
+ mov ax, cs
+ mov ds, ax
+ cmp di, 08h
+ jne gbm_real
+ mov si, offset cs:big_gdt
+ jmp gbm_flat
+ mov si, offset cs:big_gdt_real
+ mov ax, 5000h
+ mov es, ax
+ mov di, 00h
+ xor cx, cx
+ mov cx, 08h
+ rep movsw
+ lgdt fword ptr cs:GDT_DESC
+ mov eax, cr0
+ or al, 01h
+ mov cr0, eax ; In protected mode.
+ jmp gbm_00 ; Flush instruction queue - JMP (NEAR)
+ ; to next instruction.
+ mov ax, 08h ; Selector
+ mov ds, ax ; DS = selector.
+ mov es, ax ; ES = selector.
+ mov eax, cr0 ; Come back into real mode with DS,ES
+ and al, 0FEh
+ mov cr0, eax
+ jmp gbm_01 ; Flush instruction queue - JMP (NEAR)
+ ; to next instruction.
+ xor ax, ax
+ mov ds, ax
+ mov es, ax
+ pop edx
+ pop ecx
+ pop ebx
+;;; Restore contents of 5000:00h(16 bytes) from registers
+ mov ax, 5000h
+ mov es, ax
+ mov si, 00h
+ pop eax
+ mov dword ptr es:[si], eax
+ add si, 4
+ mov dword ptr es:[si], ebx
+ add si, 4
+ mov dword ptr es:[si], ecx
+ add si, 4
+ mov dword ptr es:[si], edx
+ pop bp
+ pop di
+ pop si
+ pop edx
+ pop ecx
+ pop ebx
+ pop eax
+ pop es
+ pop ds
+ ret
+go_big_mode ENDP
+; Procedure: DisblGateA20
+; Description: This function disables GateA20
+; Input: None
+; Output: None
+; Modified: None
+ push ax
+ mov al,00h
+ out 92h, al
+; Check the GA20 status..
+; Compare 256bytes at 0:0 with FFFF:10
+; If match, GA20 is disabled else GA20 is enabled.
+ push di
+ push es
+ push ds
+ push 0000h
+ pop ds ; DS = 0000.
+ push 0FFFFh
+ pop es ; ES = FFFF.
+ mov cx, 100h / 4 ; Number of Dwords in 256bytes.
+ xor si, si
+ mov di, 0010h
+ repz cmpsd
+ pop ds
+ pop es
+ pop di ;Descriptor table index in di
+ jz dg20_end
+ mov al, 0DDh ; Data for output port to disables A20.
+ out 60h, al
+ mov al, 0D1h
+ out 64h, al
+ pop ax
+ ret
+DisblGateA20 ENDP
+; Procedure: Get_EBDA
+; Description: Get the EBDA Segment Address
+; Input: None
+; Output: DS: Ebda Segment
+; Modified: Ds
+ push 40h
+ pop ds
+ mov ds, ds:[0Eh] ; DS - EBDA segment.
+ ret
+; Procedure: Int0DHandler
+; Description: Exception 0D handler
+; Input: None
+; Output: Exception_flag Set
+; Modified: None
+ push ds
+ call Get_EBDA
+ mov byte ptr ds:[102h],1 ;Set the Flag in Ebda:102
+ pop ds
+ pop ax
+ add ax, 5 ; Go to Next instruction that doesn't
+ ; cause Exception
+ push ax
+ iret
+Int0DHandler ENDP
+; Procedure: Check_Big_Real_mode
+; Description: This function checks wheather system is in Big real mode
+; Input: None
+; Output: Carry Set - Not in Big Real mode
+; Carry Not Set- System is in Big Real mode
+; Modified: None
+Check_Big_Real_mode PROC NEAR PUBLIC
+ push eax
+ push edi
+ push ebx
+ push es
+ push ds
+ pushf
+ cli
+ call Get_EBDA
+ mov byte ptr ds:[102h],0 ;EBDA:102
+ push 0
+ pop es
+ mov eax, dword ptr es:[0Dh*4]
+ push eax
+ push cs ; Runtime segment
+ push offset cs:Int0DHandler-AhciApiModuleStart
+ pop eax
+ mov dword ptr es:[0Dh*4], eax
+ mov edi,0100000h
+ mov eax,dword ptr es:[edi]
+ cmp byte ptr ds:[102h],1 ;Check the exception
+ je Real_mode
+ mov edi,0
+ mov ebx,dword ptr es:[edi]
+ cmp eax,ebx
+ je Real_mode
+ ;Read ,Write test for above 1Mb area
+ mov edi,0100000h
+ mov ebx,dword ptr es:[edi]
+ mov eax,055AA55AAh
+ mov dword ptr es:[edi],eax
+ mov eax,dword ptr es:[edi]
+ mov dword ptr es:[edi],ebx
+ cmp eax,055AA55AAh
+ jne Real_mode
+ pop eax
+ mov dword ptr es:[0Dh*4], eax
+ popf
+ clc ;System is in Big Real Mode
+ jmp Exit_Ret
+ pop eax
+ mov dword ptr es:[0Dh*4], eax
+ popf
+ stc ;System is in Real Mode
+ pop ds
+ pop es
+ pop ebx
+ pop edi
+ pop eax
+ ret
+Check_Big_Real_mode ENDP
+AhciDataStart label word
+;** **
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+;** All Rights Reserved. **
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+;** 5555 Oakbrook Pkwy, Suite 200, Norcross, GA 30093 **
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+;** Phone (770)-246-8600 **
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