path: root/Core/EM/S3/AcpiS3Wake.asm
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authorraywu <>2018-06-15 00:00:50 +0800
committerraywu <>2018-06-15 00:00:50 +0800
commitb7c51c9cf4864df6aabb99a1ae843becd577237c (patch)
treeeebe9b0d0ca03062955223097e57da84dd618b9a /Core/EM/S3/AcpiS3Wake.asm
init. 1AQQW051HEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'Core/EM/S3/AcpiS3Wake.asm')
1 files changed, 339 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Core/EM/S3/AcpiS3Wake.asm b/Core/EM/S3/AcpiS3Wake.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..642e5d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Core/EM/S3/AcpiS3Wake.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+;** **
+;** (C)Copyright 1985-2009, American Megatrends, Inc. **
+;** **
+;** All Rights Reserved. **
+;** **
+;** 5555 Oakbrook Pkwy, Norcross, GA 30093 **
+;** **
+;** Phone: (770)-246-8600 **
+;** **
+; $Header: /Alaska/BIN/Modules/ACPI/Template/S3Support/S3Restore/AcpiS3Wake.asm 1 2/03/11 4:09p Oleksiyy $
+; $Revision: 1 $
+; $Date: 2/03/11 4:09p $
+; Revision History
+; ----------------
+; $Log: /Alaska/BIN/Modules/ACPI/Template/S3Support/S3Restore/AcpiS3Wake.asm $
+; 1 2/03/11 4:09p Oleksiyy
+; [TAG] EIP53402
+; [Category] Improvement
+; [Description] Create new label of ACPI with separate S3 Functionality
+; [Files] S3Restore.cif
+; S3Restore.sdl
+; S3Restore.mak
+; S3Resume.dxs
+; AcpiS3Wake.asm
+; S3Resume.c
+; AcpiPeiS3Func.c
+; AcpiPeiS3Func.h
+; BootScriptExecuter.c
+; 9 3/26/09 4:51p Oleksiyy
+; New ACPI Core implementation - improves logic, execution time and
+; memory usage of ACPI module.
+; 8 4/29/08 5:36p Yakovlevs
+; 7 4/15/08 12:28p Markw
+; Add cs overrides. Option rom may change ds.
+; 6 1/23/07 4:24p Markw
+; Added thunk support for a call for S3 video repost.
+; 5 5/27/05 4:18p Markw
+; Added comment.
+; 4 5/10/05 3:00p Markw
+; Corrected wakeup vector address. Uses 16 bit data selector and adjusts
+; base of data selector to pointer to wake up vector.
+; 3 5/09/05 10:19a Markw
+; Fixed cs and eip backwards. The OS is now given control.
+; 2 5/07/05 11:54p Markw
+; Goes to real mode. But when resuming to windows cs and ip switched.
+; Will fix.
+; 1 5/06/05 1:44p Markw
+; Name: AcpiS3Wake.asm
+; Description: Provide the thunk S3 resume.
+.model small
+include token.equ
+assume DS:ACPI_S3_SEG
+public _RealModeThunkStart
+public _RealModeThunkSize
+align 16
+;This code may be exexuted
+; Procedure: RealModeThunk
+; Description: Switch to 16-bit to jump/call to an address.
+; This may be executed in place for a jump
+; or copied to a location if a call.
+; Input:
+; GdtDesc:DWORD -- pointer descriptors with 16-bit.
+; JmpAddress: DWORD -- Address to jump or call to.
+; IsCall:BYTE -- TRUE - if call. FALSE - if jump.
+; Output: None
+RealModeThunk proc C public, GdtDesc:DWORD, JmpAddress: DWORD, IsCall:BYTE
+ pushad
+ call get_base_addr ;push the eip.
+ pop ebx ;ebx = eip.
+ sub ebx, offset get_base_addr - REAL_MODE_THUNK_START ;ebx = Start address
+ cmp IsCall, 0
+ je @f
+ ;If call, this function will return, so save original state.
+ ;Save 32 bit stack address of this module.
+ ;mov [ebx + offset StackSave - REAL_MODE_THUNK_START], esp
+ db 89h, 0a3h
+ dd offset StackSave - REAL_MODE_THUNK_START
+ ;sgdt fword ptr [ebx + offset GdtSave - REAL_MODE_THUNK_START]
+ db 0fh, 1, 83h
+ dd offset GdtSave - REAL_MODE_THUNK_START
+ ;sidt fword ptr [ebx + offset IdtSave - REAL_MODE_THUNK_START]
+ db 0fh, 1, 8bh
+ dd offset IdtSave - REAL_MODE_THUNK_START
+;--Switch to real mode--
+ ;lidt fword ptr [ebx + offset LegacyLdtDescriptor - REAL_MODE_THUNK_START]
+ db 0fh, 1, 9bh
+ dd offset LegacyLdtDescriptor - REAL_MODE_THUNK_START
+ mov edx, GdtDesc ;Get discriptor table with 16-bit descriptors.
+ mov ecx, [edx + 2] ;ecx = GDT Base
+ ;---Set the code selector base address of the memory location
+ ; to jump to 16-bit protected mode above 1MB for execute in place.
+ mov eax, offset Next
+ mov ebx, eax
+ and eax, 00ffffffh ;eax = [23:00] of next
+ shr ebx, 24 ;ebx = [31:24] of next
+ or [ecx + 8 + 2], eax ;GDT[1] (Code segment) base [23:00] of next
+ or [ecx + 8 + 7], bl ;GDT[1] base [24:31] of next
+ ;---Set the data selector base address of the memory location
+ ; that contains the location to jump to for thunking.
+ ; This is so 16-bit protected mode can read the jump address
+ ; on the caller stack above 1MB. This is needed because the
+ ; jump code will be executed in place.
+ ; For call code, this will not do anything useful.
+ lea edx, JmpAddress
+ mov ebx, edx
+ and edx, 00ffffffh ;edx = [23:00] address of wakeup vector
+ shr ebx, 24 ;ebx = [31:24] address of wakeup vector
+ or [ecx + 16 + 2], edx ;GDT[2] (Data segment) base [23:00] of next
+ or [ecx + 16 + 7], bl ;GDT[2] base [24:31] of next
+ ;---
+ xor esp, esp ;esp will be set to a non-zero if a call.
+ ;This will also to be used to determine
+ ; if call or not call. This is because
+ ; IsCall is not available in 16-bit mode.
+ cmp IsCall, 0
+ je @f
+ ;Set real mode stack except the linear stack address.
+ ;-------------------------------------------------
+ ;Setup the stack to simulate a int xx or call.
+ ;-------------------------------------------------
+ mov eax, offset ReturnFromPtr
+ sub eax, REAL_MODE_THUNK_START ;ax = return address.
+ ;push the flags and return address to simulate the
+ ; return address on the stack for int xx or call.
+ pushf ;push flags in case intxx
+ push ax ;ax = return ip
+ ;push to stack the cs:ip of the address to call to
+ push JmpAddress ;push cs:eip to jump to.
+ ;-------------------------------------------------
+ ;Now the stack is setup, so that a retf will jump
+ ;to the address on stack.
+ ;-------------------------------------------------
+ ;Adjust the stack address, so it will be relative to ss.
+ sub esp, REAL_MODE_BASE
+ ;---Switch to 16-bit protected mode---
+ mov edx, GdtDesc
+ lgdt fword ptr [edx]
+ ;ITP doesn't display disassembly correctly until jump to 16 bit code.
+ mov ax, 10h ;16 bit data segment
+ mov ds, ax
+ mov es, ax
+ mov ss, ax
+ mov fs, ax
+ mov gs, ax
+ ;jmp 08:next
+ db 0eah
+ dd 0 ;offset of next with new selector
+ dw 08 ;16 bit code selector
+ ;---16 bit mode. Must use 16 bit instructions from here on.---
+ ;-------------------------------------------------------------
+ ;---Switch to real mode---
+ mov eax, cr0
+ and al, 0feh
+ mov cr0, eax ;switch to real mode
+ ;---In real mode---
+ db 66h
+ or esp, esp ;IsCall?
+ jnz @f
+ ;jmp far ptr [0] ;Jump to the address stored in ds:0.
+ db 0ffh, 2eh ;The descriptor's base is in stack.
+ dw 0
+ ;Does not return.
+ ; jmp REAL_MODE_SEGMENT:real_mode_adr
+ db 0eah
+ dw offset real_mode_adr - REAL_MODE_THUNK_START
+ db 8ch, 0c8h ;mov ax, cs
+ db 8eh, 0d8h ;mov ds, ax
+ db 8eh, 0c0h ;mov es, ax
+ db 8eh, 0d0h ;mov ss, ax
+ db 8eh, 0e0h ;mov fs, ax
+ db 8eh, 0e8h ;mov gs, ax
+ retf ;call JmpAddress on stack.
+;--------------End Real Mode operations---------
+ ;--Switch to protected mode--
+ ;mov esp, cs:[offset StackSave - REAL_MODE_THUNK_START] ;Get original stack back.
+ db 2eh, 66h, 8bh, 26h
+ dw offset StackSave - REAL_MODE_THUNK_START
+ ;lgdt fword ptr cs:[offset GdtSave - REAL_MODE_THUNK_START]
+ db 2eh, 66h, 0fh, 1, 16h
+ dw offset GdtSave - REAL_MODE_THUNK_START
+ mov eax, cr0
+ or al, 1 ;Set PE bit
+ mov cr0, eax ;Turn on Protected Mode
+ ;jmp 10:P32MODE
+ db 66h, 0eah
+ dw 10h
+ mov ax, 08
+ mov ds, ax
+ mov es, ax
+ mov ss, ax
+ mov fs, ax
+ mov gs, ax
+ ;lidt fword ptr [REAL_MODE_BASE + offset IdtSave - REAL_MODE_THUNK_START]
+ db 0fh, 1, 1dh
+ popad
+ ret
+RealModeThunk endp
+align 8
+ public LegacyLdtDescriptor
+LegacyLdtDescriptor label fword
+ dw 3ffh
+ dd 0
+;Note: The following below is only used in a call when this is copied to below 1MB.
+;The data below can not be changed when this is executed from ROM.
+ public StackSave
+StackSave label dword
+ dd 0
+align 8
+ public GdtSave
+GdtSave label fword
+ dw 0
+ dd 0
+align 8
+ public IdtSave
+IdtSave label fword
+ dw 0
+ dd 0
+_RealModeThunkStart label dword
+_RealModeThunkSize label dword
+;** **
+;** (C)Copyright 1985-2009, American Megatrends, Inc. **
+;** **
+;** All Rights Reserved. **
+;** **
+;** 5555 Oakbrook Pkwy, Norcross, GA 30093 **
+;** **
+;** Phone: (770)-246-8600 **
+;** **