path: root/Core/EM/CSM/thunk/x86/x86thunk.asm
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Diffstat (limited to 'Core/EM/CSM/thunk/x86/x86thunk.asm')
1 files changed, 828 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Core/EM/CSM/thunk/x86/x86thunk.asm b/Core/EM/CSM/thunk/x86/x86thunk.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a5a781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Core/EM/CSM/thunk/x86/x86thunk.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,828 @@
+;** **
+;** (C)Copyright 1985-2012, American Megatrends, Inc. **
+;** **
+;** All Rights Reserved. **
+;** **
+;** 5555 Oakbrook Pkwy, Suite 200, Norcross, GA 30093 **
+;** **
+;** Phone: (770)-246-8600 **
+;** **
+; $Header: /Alaska/SOURCE/Modules/CSM/Generic/Thunk/x86/x86thunk.asm 37 10/07/13 9:01a Olegi $
+; $Revision: 37 $
+; $Date: 10/07/13 9:01a $
+; Revision History
+; ----------------
+; $Log: /Alaska/SOURCE/Modules/CSM/Generic/Thunk/x86/x86thunk.asm $
+; 37 10/07/13 9:01a Olegi
+; EIP135289
+; Legacy2Efi changes - CR4 save/restore
+; 36 12/14/12 6:19p Olegi
+; [TAG] EIP109554
+; [Category] Improvement
+; [Description] Aptio4: Update CSM thunk to use private GDT instead of
+; GDT on entry point
+; [Files] x86thunk.asm
+; 35 7/23/12 12:59p Olegi
+; [TAG] EIP95386
+; [Category] Improvement
+; [Description] CR3 register save/restore
+; 34 6/13/12 12:49p Olegi
+; [TAG] EIP92524
+; [Category] Improvement
+; [Description] IDT location is limited to 4GB in CSM thunk
+; 33 12/05/11 5:53p Olegi
+; [TAG] EIP77045
+; [Category] Improvement
+; [Description] Changed the values to be loaded to the segment
+; registers from static number (8) to a dynamic number that represents a
+; valid descriptor.
+; [Files] x86thunk.asm
+; 32 12/01/10 9:37a Olegi
+; FarCall86 is modified to return data in stack when expected.
+; 31 11/15/10 6:21p Olegi
+; [TAG] EIP48242
+; [Category] Bug Fix
+; [Severity] Critical
+; [Symptom] thunk problems for IA32 projects
+; [RootCause] wrong paths in thunk code for IA32 projects
+; [Solution] fixed the thunk code
+; [Files] x86thunk.asm
+; 30 9/15/10 1:40p Olegi
+; Reverse thunk stack usage modified: stack for the PM operations will be
+; allocated externally.
+; 29 9/13/10 5:26p Vyacheslava
+; Added variable PmStackPtr to use a new stack space.
+; 28 9/08/10 6:16p Vyacheslava
+; Bugfix in reverse thunk: there was wrong assumption about stack
+; re-assignment. When caller (OptionROM) reassignes stack, reverse thunk
+; was failing.
+; 27 7/26/10 2:23p Vyacheslava
+; 26 7/25/10 2:44p Olegi
+; 25 7/25/10 1:07p Olegi
+; Bugfixes in the reverse thunk implementation.
+; 24 7/24/10 12:38p Olegi
+; 23 7/23/10 4:09p Olegi
+; Initial reverse thunk implementation.
+; 22 7/19/10 4:44p Olegi
+; 21 1/12/10 11:47a Olegi
+; Copyright message updated.
+; 20 11/12/08 5:02p Olegi
+; 19 5/11/07 11:12a Markw
+; Save ss and set it to a flat descriptor in 64-bit mode.
+; 18 4/27/07 5:14p Olegi
+; CSM.CHM file preparation.
+; 17 9/15/06 12:02p Markw
+; Disable PAE when thunking because windows expects PAE in CR4 to be
+; disabled after calling INT19h to boot.
+; 16 8/24/06 3:11p Felixp
+; Preliminary x64 support (work in progress)
+; 15 5/25/06 2:23p Olegi
+; 14 3/03/06 11:09a Markw
+; Removed some duplicate code.
+; 13 10/14/05 10:16a Markw
+; Removed previous changes.
+; 11 8/02/05 4:24p Markw
+; Removed some db66 from sgdt and sidt. It was instructing the CPU to do
+; a 24-bit load. However, the CPU was loading 32-bit that was needed, so
+; it worked even though the spec described the operation differently.
+; 10 5/12/05 12:57p Markw
+; Fixed lidt in portected mode. It was only loading 24 of 32 bits.
+; 9 4/18/05 10:54a Markw
+; Remove pushing/popping ebx (entry point).
+; make segments equal segement instead of fixup.
+; 8 3/04/05 1:48p Mandal
+; Name: x86Thunk.asm
+; Description: x86 CPU thunk functions
+.model small
+;STACK_SIZE equ 8192
+STACK_TOP equ (4096 * 3)
+FAR_CALL_PTR_16 struct
+ ptr_offset dw ?
+ seg_offset dw ?
+FAR_CALL_PTR_16 ends
+ reg_eax dd ?
+ reg_ebx dd ?
+ reg_ecx dd ?
+ reg_edx dd ?
+ reg_esi dd ?
+ reg_edi dd ?
+ reg_eflags dd ?
+ reg_es dw ?
+ reg_cs dw ?
+ reg_ss dw ?
+ reg_ds dw ?
+ reg_fs dw ?
+ reg_gs dw ?
+ reg_ebp dd ?
+ StackPtr dd ?
+ StackSize dd ?
+THUNK_DATA struct
+ FarCallPtr16 FAR_CALL_PTR_16 <>
+ StackParm STACK_PARAM<>
+ isFarCall db 0
+ BiosInt db 0
+THUNK proc
+ jmp over_data
+; The following data must be here. Don't move. These are used by the Thunk C driver.
+ dw LOWWORD offset Fixups
+ dw LOWWORD offset ReverseThunk
+ ThunkData THUNK_DATA <>
+ cli
+; The following code switches from protected mode (from x64 if EFIx64 is defined,
+; otherwise from 32-bit protected mode) to 16-bit real mode.
+; Calculate entry point and load EBX/RBX with it.
+ push ebx
+ call @f
+ pop ebx
+ sub ebx, @b ; RBX/EBX - physical address of CSM16 entry point
+ mov DWORD PTR [RtReturnResult+ebx], eax
+ sidt fword ptr [IdtSave+ebx] ;Save IDT
+ sgdt fword ptr [GdtSave+ebx] ;Save GDT
+ lgdt fword ptr [GdtDescriptor+ebx]
+ mov eax, cr3 ;;Save CR3, CR4
+ mov [CR3Save+ebx], eax
+ mov eax, cr4
+ mov [CR4Save+ebx], eax
+ ;Save segement registers.
+ mov ax, ds
+ push eax ;64-bit doesn't support push ds, es, ss
+ mov ax, es
+ push eax
+ mov ax, ss
+ push eax
+ push fs
+ push gs
+ mov ax, cs ;This must be last for cs restore.
+ push eax
+ mov eax, DATA_SEL ;make sure segments are approriate for 32-bit mode.
+ mov ds, ax ; Load SS with the known descriptor value
+ mov es, ax
+ mov ss, ax
+ mov fs, ax
+ mov gs, ax
+ifdef EFIx64
+;---Jump from long mode to compatiblity mode---
+ ;jmp far ptr [ComModeAdr]
+ db 0ffh,2dh
+ dd ComModeAdr - $ - 4
+;---Go to protected mode---
+ mov eax, cr0
+ btr eax, 31
+ mov cr0, eax ;Now in protected mode.
+ jmp $+2
+ mov ecx, 0c0000080h
+ rdmsr
+ btr eax, 8
+ wrmsr
+ mov eax, cr4
+ btr eax, 5
+ mov cr4, eax ;Turn off PAE bit. Windows expects when calling INT19h.
+ cmp BYTE PTR [IsReverseThunk+ebx], 1
+ je no_stack_to_copy
+ pushad
+ pushfd
+;--Save Data--
+ mov [StackSave+ebx], esp ;Save 32 bit stack address of this module.
+ ;---Copy Stack parameters of LegacyBiosFarCall---
+ mov ecx, [ThunkData.StackParm.StackSize+ebx]
+ or ecx, ecx
+ jz no_stack_to_copy
+ mov esi, [ThunkData.StackParm.StackPtr+ebx]
+ mov edi, ebx
+ add edi, STACK_TOP
+ sub edi, ecx
+ rep movsb
+;--Switch to real mode--
+ lidt fword ptr [LegacyLdtDescriptor+ebx]
+ mov ax, DATA_SEL_16
+ mov ds, ax
+ mov es, ax
+ mov ss, ax
+ mov fs, ax
+ mov gs, ax
+ ;jmp CODE_SEL_16:next
+ db 0eah
+ dd offset next
+ dw CODE_SEL_16
+ mov eax, cr0
+ and al, 0feh
+ mov cr0, eax
+ ;--ITP doesn't display disassebly correctly until jump to real mode.
+ ;jmp CS_SEGMENT:RealModeAddr
+ db 0eah
+ dw LOWWORD offset RealMode
+ dw 0
+ db 8ch, 0c8h ;mov ax, cs
+ db 8eh, 0d8h ;mov ds, ax
+ db 8eh, 0c0h ;mov es, ax
+ db 8eh, 0d0h ;mov ss, ax
+ db 8eh, 0e0h ;mov fs, ax
+ db 8eh, 0e8h ;mov gs, ax
+; sti
+;---------------Real mode operations-----------
+ db 2eh, 80h, 3eh
+ dw LOWWORD offset IsReverseThunk
+ db 1 ;cmp cs:IsReverseThunk, 1
+ jnz @f
+ db 2eh, 0c6h, 6
+ dw LOWWORD offset IsReverseThunk
+ db 0 ;mov cs:IsReverseThunk, 0
+ ; Restore the registers from RtRegs
+ push cs
+ pop ss
+ db 0bch ; mov sp, LOWWORD OFFSET RtRegs
+ pop gs
+ pop fs
+ pop es
+ pop ds
+ db 66h, 61h ; popad
+ ; Restore stack pointer and its contents
+ db 2eh, 8eh, 16h ;mov cs:RtStackSave+4, ss
+ dw LOWWORD offset RtStackSave+4
+ db 66h, 2eh, 8bh, 26h ;mov sp, cs:RtStackSave
+ dw LOWWORD offset RtStackSave
+ ; Restore flags
+ db 66h, 2eh, 0ffh, 36h ; push DWORD PTR cs:RtSavedFlags
+ dw LOWWORD OFFSET RtSavedFlags
+ db 66h, 9dh ; popfd
+ db 83h, 0c4h, 4 ; add sp, 4: prepare stack for a push
+ db 66h, 2eh, 0ffh, 36h ; push dword ptr cs:RtRetAddressSave
+ dw LOWWORD offset RtRetAddressSave
+ db 66h, 2eh, 0a1h ;mov eax, RtReturnResult
+ dw LOWWORD offset RtReturnResult
+ db 0cbh ;retf ; reverse thunk call returns control
+ db 66h
+ mov esp, STACK_TOP ;This is the top stack for real mode.
+ db 2bh, 26h ;sub sp, word ptr ThunkData.StackParm.StackSize
+ dw LOWWORD offset ThunkData.StackParm.StackSize
+ ;---copy registers for FarCall and BIOS INT---
+ db 66h, 8bh, 1eh ;mov ebx, ThunkData.regs.reg_ebx
+ dw LOWWORD offset ThunkData.regs.reg_ebx
+ db 66h, 8bh, 0eh ;mov ecx, ThunkData.regs.reg_ecx
+ dw LOWWORD offset ThunkData.regs.reg_ecx
+ db 66h, 8bh, 16h ;mov edx, ThunkData.regs.reg_edx
+ dw LOWWORD offset ThunkData.regs.reg_edx
+ db 66h, 8bh, 36h ;mov esi, ThunkData.regs.reg_esi
+ dw LOWWORD offset ThunkData.regs.reg_esi
+ db 66h, 8bh, 3eh ;mov edi, ThunkData.regs.reg_edi
+ dw LOWWORD offset ThunkData.regs.reg_edi
+ db 66h, 8bh, 2eh ;mov ebp, ThunkData.regs.reg_ebp
+ dw LOWWORD offset ThunkData.regs.reg_ebp
+ db 0a1h ;mov ax, ThunkData.regs.reg_es
+ dw LOWWORD offset ThunkData.regs.reg_es
+ db 08eh, 0c0h ;mov es, ax
+ db 66h, 0a1h ;mov eax, ThunkData.regs.reg_eax
+ dw LOWWORD offset ThunkData.regs.reg_eax
+ ;Change ds last, since above operations depend on ds.
+ db 0ffh, 36h ;push ThunkData.regs.reg_ds
+ dw LOWWORD offset ThunkData.regs.reg_ds
+ pop ds
+ ;Don't load the flags! They aren't needed, and if they aren't
+ ;initialized properly, the system hangs.
+ ;--Call real mode function or interrupt--
+ sti
+ db 2eh, 80h, 3eh ;cmp cs:ThunkData.isFarCall, 0
+ dw LOWWORD offset ThunkData.isFarCall
+ db 0
+ jnz FarCall
+ db 66h
+ pushad
+ db 2eh, 0a0h ;mov al, cs:ThunkData.BiosInt
+ dw LOWWORD offset ThunkData.BiosInt
+ db 2eh, 0a2h ;mov cs:intxx, al ;Sets the intermediate value for intxx below.
+ dw LOWWORD offset intxx
+ db 66h
+ mov eax, 1
+ cpuid ;serializing instruction because of runtime code modification.
+ db 66h
+ popad
+ db 0cdh ;Execute int x
+intxx label byte
+ db 0
+ jmp @f
+ ;call dword ptr cs:[ThunkData.FarCallPtr16]
+ db 02eh, 0ffh, 1eh ;Execute far call
+ dw LOWWORD offset ThunkData.FarCallPtr16
+ cli
+ ;--Copy registers back for FarCall and BIOS INT---
+ db 66h, 2eh, 0a3h ;mov cs:ThunkData.regs.reg_eax, eax
+ dw LOWWORD offset ThunkData.regs.reg_eax
+ push ds
+ db 2eh, 08fh, 6 ;pop cs:ThunkData.regs.reg_ds
+ dw LOWWORD offset ThunkData.regs.reg_ds
+ db 8ch, 0c8h ;mov ax, cs
+ db 8eh, 0d8h ;mov ds, ax
+ db 66h, 89h, 1eh ;mov ThunkData.regs.reg_ebx, ebx
+ dw LOWWORD offset ThunkData.regs.reg_ebx
+ db 66h, 89h, 0eh ;mov ThunkData.regs.reg_ecx, ecx
+ dw LOWWORD offset ThunkData.regs.reg_ecx
+ db 66h, 89h, 16h ;mov ThunkData.regs.reg_edx, edx
+ dw LOWWORD offset ThunkData.regs.reg_edx
+ db 66h, 89h, 36h ;mov ThunkData.regs.reg_esi, esi
+ dw LOWWORD offset ThunkData.regs.reg_esi
+ db 66h, 89h, 3eh ;mov ThunkData.regs.reg_edi, edi
+ dw LOWWORD offset ThunkData.regs.reg_edi
+ db 66h, 89h, 2eh ;mov ThunkData.regs.reg_ebp, ebp
+ dw LOWWORD offset ThunkData.regs.reg_ebp
+ db 08ch ,0c0h ;mov ax, es
+ db 0a3h ;mov ThunkData.regs.reg_es, ax
+ dw LOWWORD offset ThunkData.regs.reg_es
+ db 09ch ;pushf
+ db 08fh, 6 ;pop ThunkData.regs.reg_eflags
+ dw LOWWORD offset ThunkData.regs.reg_eflags
+;--------------End Real Mode operations---------
+ db 66h
+ xor ebx, ebx
+ db 8ch, 0cbh ;mov bx, cs
+ db 66h
+ shl ebx, 4 ;ebx = entry point
+ ;--Switch to protected mode--
+; cli
+ ;Reload GDT in case it was changed.
+ ;lgdt fword ptr cs:[GdtDescriptor]
+ db 66h,02eh,0fh,1,16h
+ dw LOWWORD offset GdtDescriptor
+ mov eax, cr0
+ or al, 1 ;Set PE bit
+ mov cr0, eax ;Turn on Protected Mode
+ db 66h, 0eah
+ dd offset P32Mode
+ mov ax, DATA_SEL
+ mov ds, ax
+ mov es, ax
+ mov ss, ax
+ mov fs, ax
+ mov gs, ax
+ cmp BYTE PTR [IsReverseThunk + ebx], 1
+ je CreateReverseThunkESP
+ mov esp, [StackSave + ebx] ;Get original stack back.
+ ;---Copy Stack parameters of LegacyBiosFarCall---;
+ mov ecx, [ThunkData.StackParm.StackSize+ebx]
+ or ecx, ecx
+ jz @F
+ mov edi, [ThunkData.StackParm.StackPtr+ebx]
+ mov esi, ebx
+ add esi, STACK_TOP
+ sub esi, ecx
+ rep movsb
+ popfd
+ popad
+ jmp DonePreparingESP
+CreateReverseThunkESP: ; EBX = ThunkStart code segment << 4
+ mov [ThunkStart + ebx], ebx
+ mov esp, [PmStackPtr + ebx]
+ifdef EFIx64
+ sub esp, 20h ; allocate 20h bytes in stack (x64 calling convention)
+ mov [esp], ebx
+ifdef EFIx64
+ mov DWORD PTR [esp+4], 0
+ sub esp, 4
+ mov [esp], esi ; Function pointer (DWORD)
+ifdef EFIx64
+ mov DWORD PTR [esp], 0
+ sub esp, 4
+ mov [esp], esi ; Function pointer (QWORD)
+ xor eax, eax ; short/quick way to set EAX = 0
+ lldt ax ; (source operand == 0) => LDTR is invalid
+ifdef EFIx64
+ mov eax, cr4
+ bts eax, 5
+ mov cr4, eax ;Enable PAE
+ mov ecx, 0c0000080h
+ rdmsr
+ bts eax, 8
+ wrmsr
+ mov eax, cr0
+ bts eax, 31
+ mov cr0, eax ;Now in compatibility mode.
+ jmp $+2
+ pushd CODE_SEL_64
+ call @f ;push rip/eip
+ add dword ptr [esp], @f - $
+ retf
+ ;--In long mode.
+ lgdt fword ptr [GdtSave + ebx] ;Restore GDT
+ lidt fword ptr [IdtSave+ebx] ;Restore IDT
+ ;restore original cs
+ ;rsp/esp = cs
+ call @f ;push rip/eip
+ add dword ptr [esp], @f - $
+ifdef EFIx64
+ db 48h
+ retf ;pop cs and eip.
+ pop gs
+ pop fs
+ pop eax
+ mov ss, ax
+ pop eax
+ mov es, ax
+ pop eax
+ mov ds, ax
+ifdef EFIx64
+ ;TODO: Double check Reverse Thunk code.
+ cmp BYTE PTR [IsReverseThunk+ebx], 1
+ jne @f
+; Reverse thunk - copy parameters to RCX, RDX, R8, R9
+ db 48h, 8bh, 4ch, 24h, 28h ; mov rcx, [rsp + 28h]
+ db 48h, 8bh, 54h, 24h, 30h ; mov rdx, [rsp + 30h]
+ db 67h, 4ch, 8bh, 44h, 24h, 38h ; mov r8d, [rsp + 38h]
+ db 67h, 4ch, 8bh, 4ch, 24h, 40h ; mov r9d, [rsp + 40h]
+ jmp RealToPm_Exit
+ mov eax, cs:[CR3Save + ebx]
+ mov cr3, eax
+ mov eax, cs:[CR4Save + ebx]
+ mov cr4, eax
+ pop ebx
+ ret
+ ; Save flags
+ db 66h, 9ch ; pushfd
+ db 66h, 2eh, 8fh, 6 ; pop DWORD PTR cs:RtSavedFlags
+ dw LOWWORD OFFSET RtSavedFlags
+ cli
+ db 66h, 2eh, 89h, 26h ;mov cs:RtStackSave, esp
+ dw LOWWORD offset RtStackSave
+ db 2eh, 8ch, 16h ;mov cs:RtStackSave+4, ss
+ dw LOWWORD offset RtStackSave+4
+ ; Get the PM stack pointer from the stack
+ db 89h, 0e5h ; mov bp, sp
+ db 66h, 8bh, 46h, 4 ; mov eax, [bp+4]
+ db 66h, 2eh, 0a3h ; mov cs:PmStackPtr, eax
+ dw LOWWORD offset PmStackPtr
+ ; Get return address and store it in cs:RtRetAddressSave
+ db 66h, 8bh, 46h, 0 ; mov eax, [bp+0]
+ db 66h, 2eh, 0a3h ; mov cs:RtRetAddressSave, eax
+ dw LOWWORD offset RtRetAddressSave
+ ; Save the registers in RtRegs
+ push cs
+ pop ss
+ db 0bch ; mov sp, LOWWORD OFFSET RtRegs+28h
+ dw LOWWORD OFFSET RtRegs+28h
+ db 66h, 60h ; pushad
+ push ds
+ push es
+ push fs
+ push gs
+ ; Restore SS:ESP
+ db 66h, 2eh, 8bh, 26h ;mov esp, cs:RtStackSave
+ dw LOWWORD offset RtStackSave
+ db 2eh, 8eh, 16h ;mov ss, cs:RtStackSave+4
+ dw LOWWORD offset RtStackSave+4
+ db 2eh, 0c6h, 06h ;mov cs:[IsReverseThunk], 1
+ dw LOWWORD offset IsReverseThunk
+ db 1
+ db 0e9h
+ dw RealToPm - ($+2) ;jmp NEAR RealToPm
+ reg_gs dw ?
+ reg_fs dw ?
+ reg_es dw ?
+ reg_ds dw ?
+ reg_eflags dd ?
+ifdef EFIx64
+ ;In 64 bit mode, but compiled under 32-bit mode.
+ push ebx ;(push rbx) cpuid changes ebx
+ mov edx, ecx
+ shr edx, 4 ;Get segment
+ ;add ComModeFixup, ecx
+ db 01, 0dh
+ dd ComModeFixup - $ - 4
+ ;add P32ModeFixUp, ecx
+ db 01, 0dh
+ dd P32ModeFixUp - $ - 4
+ ;add GdtDescriptorFixUp, ecx
+ db 01, 0dh
+ dd GdtDescriptorFixUp - $ - 4
+; add CODE_SEL_BASE_FIXUP, ecx ;must use add because upper 8 bit shouldn't change. Only 20 bit number.
+ db 01, 0dh
+ dd CODE_SEL_BASE_FIXUP - $ - 4
+; mov word ptr RealModeFixUp, dx
+ db 66h, 89h, 15h
+ dd RealModeFixUp - $ - 4
+ mov eax, 1
+ cpuid ;serialization for fixups
+ pop ebx ;pop rbx
+ push ebp
+ mov ebp, esp
+ push ebx
+ push edx
+ mov ebx, [ebp+8] ;Get base address of this module
+ mov edx, ebx
+ shr edx, 4 ;Get segment
+ add [P32ModeFixUp+ebx], ebx
+ add [GdtDescriptorFixUp+ebx], ebx
+ add [CODE_SEL_BASE_FIXUP+ebx], ebx ;must use add because upper 8 bit shouldn't change. Only 20 bit number.
+ mov word ptr [RealModeFixUp+ebx], dx
+ mov eax, 1
+ cpuid ;serialization for fixups
+ mov ebx, [ebp + 8] ;restore ebx
+ pop edx
+ pop ebx
+ pop ebp
+ ret
+align 16
+NULL_SEL equ $-GDT_BASE ;NULL Selector 0
+ dq 0
+ dq 00cf93000000ffffh
+ dq 00cf9b000000ffffh
+ dq 00af9b000000ffffh
+ dq 008f93000000ffffh
+ dw 0ffffh
+CODE_SEL_BASE_FIXUP: ;Only 20 bits max
+ dw 0
+ db 0
+ db 09ah
+ db 0
+ db 0
+GDT_SIZE equ $-GDT_BASE ;Size of Descriptor Table
+ dw GDT_SIZE - 1 ; GDT limit
+ifdef EFIx64
+align 8
+ComModeFixup equ $
+ComModeAdr equ $
+ dd offset ComMode
+ public StackSave
+StackSave label dword
+ dd 0
+align 8
+ public CR3Save
+CR3Save label dword
+ dq 0
+align 8
+ public CR4Save
+CR4Save label dword
+ dq 0
+align 8
+ public GdtSave
+GdtSave label fword
+ dw 0
+ dq 0
+align 8
+ public IdtSave
+IdtSave label fword
+ dw 0
+ dq 0
+align 8
+ public LegacyLdtDescriptor
+LegacyLdtDescriptor label fword
+ dw 3ffh
+ dq 0
+;------Reverse thunk data------------
+IsReverseThunk db 0
+RtReturnResult dd 0
+RtSavedFlags dd 0
+RtStackSave db 6 dup (0) ; DW for SS, DD for ESP
+PmStackPtr dd 0
+RtRetAddressSave dd 0
+ThunkStart dd 0
+THUNK endp
+;** **
+;** (C)Copyright 1985-2012, American Megatrends, Inc. **
+;** **
+;** All Rights Reserved. **
+;** **
+;** 5555 Oakbrook Pkwy, Suite 200, Norcross, GA 30093 **
+;** **
+;** Phone: (770)-246-8600 **
+;** **