path: root/EDK/MiniSetup/TseAdvanced/TseAdvanced.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'EDK/MiniSetup/TseAdvanced/TseAdvanced.c')
1 files changed, 3962 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/EDK/MiniSetup/TseAdvanced/TseAdvanced.c b/EDK/MiniSetup/TseAdvanced/TseAdvanced.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f161ee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/EDK/MiniSetup/TseAdvanced/TseAdvanced.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3962 @@
+//** **//
+//** (C)Copyright 2014, American Megatrends, Inc. **//
+//** **//
+//** All Rights Reserved. **//
+//** **//
+//** 5555 Oakbrook Pkwy, Building 200,Norcross, Georgia 30093 **//
+//** **//
+//** Phone (770)-246-8600 **//
+//** **//
+// $Archive: /Alaska/SOURCE/Modules/AMITSE2_0/AMITSE/TseAdvanced/TseAdvanced.c $
+// $Author: Premkumara $
+// $Revision: 69 $
+// $Date: 9/05/14 2:39p $
+// Revision History
+// ----------------
+// $Log: /Alaska/SOURCE/Modules/AMITSE2_0/AMITSE/TseAdvanced/TseAdvanced.c $
+// 69 9/05/14 2:39p Premkumara
+// Moved GetSetDefaultsFromControlPtr() function from Uefi2.1\Hii.c to
+// TseAdvanced.c
+// 68 8/28/14 9:39a Premkumara
+// [TAG] EIP172956
+// [Category] Bug Fix
+// [Severity:] Critical
+// [Symptom:] Build error is displayed when TSE_CLEAR_USERPW_WITH_ADMINPW
+// token is ON
+// [Root Cause] When we do clear password then with Admin password its
+// only clearing user password from cache not from NVRAM. But in ESA it
+// working fine
+// [Solution] In ClearUserPasswordPolicy in TseAdvanced.c, we just
+// clearing password from Cache not from NVRAM if save paswd to nvram
+// token ios ON, so added that feature.
+// [Files] TseAdvanced.c
+// 67 8/28/14 9:28a Premkumara
+// [TAG] EIP170151
+// [Category] Bug Fix
+// [Severity:] Normal
+// [Symptom:] DisplayTextBox does not close before it returns.
+// [Root Cause] Text box was not clearing before showing message box or
+// info box.
+// [Solution] modified the code to clear the Text box before showing
+// message box or info box
+// [Files] TseAdvanced.c
+// 66 8/28/14 6:48a Premkumara
+// [TAG] EIP93340
+// [Category] Improvement
+// [Description] - Defaults can be given to string type controls using tag
+// - New token TSE_SUPPORT_DEFAULT_FOR_STRING_CONTROL is introduced for
+// this support.
+// - Enabling this TSE_SUPPORT_DEFAULT_FOR_STRING_CONTROL token will
+// display default string mention in setup.
+// - On loading optimal defaults also string will load default mentioned
+// in default value tag.
+// [Files] AMITSE.sdl, HiiString21.c, TseAdvanced.c, MiniSetupExt.c, Hii.c
+// 65 5/02/14 8:44a Premkumara
+// [TAG] EIP162981
+// [Category] Improvement
+// [Description] Configuring default Password through SDL token
+// [Files] AMITSE.sdl, CommonHelper.c, Minisetup.c, TseAdvanced.c
+// 64 5/02/14 2:20a Premkumara
+// [TAG] EIP131553
+// [Category] Bug Fix
+// [Severity] Important
+// [Symptom] SoftKbd clearance issue on selecting UEFI shell from Save
+// and Exit tab [when SoftKbd icon is selected]
+// [RootCause] TSE was deactivating the softkbd after clearing the
+// screen when we are selecting UEFI shell from Save and Exit tab
+// [when SoftKbd icon is selected].
+// [Solution] Modified the code to deactivate the softkbd before
+// clearing
+// the TSE screen when we are selecting UEFI shell from Save and Exit tab
+// [when SoftKbd icon is selected].
+// [Files] TseAdvanced.c
+// 63 5/01/14 11:27p Arunsb
+// [TAG] EIP128948
+// [Category] Bug Fix
+// [Severity] Minor
+// [Symptom] TSE security code check failure for using uninitialized
+// variable "Action"
+// [RootCause] Action variable in TimeHanldeActionKeyMouse and
+// _PostPopupEditGetValues is not initialized
+// [Solution] Initialized Action variable.
+// [Files] Time.c, TseAdvanced.c
+// 62 2/11/14 7:49p Arunsb
+// Changes reverted for 2.16.1243 label
+// 61 11/26/13 9:48a Premkumara
+// [TAG] EIP118342
+// [Category] Improvement
+// [Description] Show meaningful error message when HDD is locked after
+// reached maximum unlocking attempt.
+// [Files] TseAdvanced.c, CommonHelper.c, FakeToken.c, AmiTseStr.uni
+// 60 11/26/13 1:31a Premkumara
+// [TAG] EIP118342
+// [Category] Improvement
+// [Description] Show meaningful error message when HDD is locked after
+// reached maximum unlocking attempt.
+// [Files] TseAdvanced.c, CommonHelper.c
+// 59 11/06/13 1:26a Premkumara
+// [TAG] EIP128948
+// [Category] Bug Fix
+// [Severity] Minor
+// [Symptom] TSE security code check failure for using uninitialized
+// variable "Action"
+// [RootCause] Action variable in TimeHanldeActionKeyMouse and
+// _PostPopupEditGetValues is not initialized
+// [Solution] Initialized Action variable.
+// [Files] Time.c, TseAdvanced.c
+// 58 10/07/13 3:06a Premkumara
+// Intergrated missed EIP130529 changes (sysAccessGuid variable in
+// LoadUserDefaultsSilently) to avoid build error
+// 57 9/19/13 7:58a Arunsb
+// [TAG] EIP127375
+// [Category] Bug Fix
+// [Severity:] Critical
+// [Symptom:] Legacy boot doesn't work after UEFI Shell is launched from
+// LaunchAppHotkey menu. The system hangs
+// [Root Cause] If ShowPostMsgBoxEx is invoked through postmgr protcol
+// then gMsgBoxAction will be NULL initially,
+// so this time action is assigned and used.
+// ACTION_DATA *action = gMsgBoxAction; so accessing NULL pointer leads to
+// hang.
+// [Solution] gMsgBoxAction is created again inside ShowPostMsgBoxEx,
+// reassign gMsgBoxAction to action.
+// [Files] TseAdvanced.c
+// 56 8/06/13 4:02a Premkumara
+// [TAG] EIP130529
+// [Category] Bug Fix
+// [Severity] Important
+// [Symptom] When entered into setup with User mode and On pressing
+// "Restore User Defaults" SystemAccess variable is loading and the user
+// mode is changes to Admin mode so the controls are editable
+// [RootCause] LoadUserDefaultsSilently() function is loading defaults
+// for all types of variable
+// [Solution] Skipping loading SystemAccess variable while loading
+// defaults for user default variable.
+// [Files] TseAdvanced.c, AMITSE.sdl, CommonHelper.c
+// 55 5/23/13 3:44a Premkumara
+// [TAG] EIP116315
+// [Category] Improvement
+// [Description] Display control prompt string for password control.
+// (for String on CHAP secret popup)
+// [Files] - AMITSE.sdl
+// - CommonHelper.c
+// - FakeToken.c
+// - AmiTSEStr.uni
+// - TseLite\PopupPassword.c
+// - uefi2.1\UefiWapper21.c
+// - uefi2.0\UefiWapper20.c
+// - uefi2.0\HiiCallback.c
+// - uefi2.0\hii.h
+// - uefi2.0\hii.c
+// - TseAdvanced.c
+// 54 5/22/13 10:22a Arunsb
+// [TAG] EIP122907
+// [Category] Improvement
+// [Description] For getting name value offset preserving page number
+// then it will be easy to find handle of the hii which published name
+// value
+// 53 12/05/12 5:20a Arunsb
+// [TAG] EIP106749
+// [Category] New Feature
+// [Description] Message box can lock the computer if ConIn not present
+// [Files] TseAdvanced.c
+// 52 10/18/12 5:53a Arunsb
+// Updated for 2.16.1235 QA submission
+// 40 10/10/12 12:35p Arunsb
+// Synched the source for v2.16.1232, backup with Aptio
+// 50 10/10/12 11:22a Arunsb
+// 49 10/10/12 11:21a Arunsb
+// Properly checked in the EIP98918
+// 48 9/24/12 1:17a Premkumara
+// [TAG] EIP98918
+// [Category] Bug Fix
+// [Severity] Minor
+// [Symptom] Restore User Defaults causes system hang
+// [Files] TseAdvanced.c
+// 47 9/21/12 12:33p Premkumara
+// [TAG] EIP99092
+// [Category] Improvement
+// [Description] Tokenize the feature of flushing keyboard after every
+// key read
+// [Files] AMITSE.sdl, CommonHelper.c, TseAdvanced.c, Action.c
+// 46 9/17/12 6:08a Rajashakerg
+// Updated EIP changes for 2.16 release.
+// 44 9/03/12 3:12a Premkumara
+// [TAG] EIP 96246
+// [Category] Improvement
+// [Description] Improvement of a boots override when firmware has a
+// BootNext variable
+// [Files] AMITSE.sdl, CommonHelper.c, FakeToken.c, AmiTSEStr.uni,
+// TseAdvanced.c
+// 43 5/28/12 6:23a Rajashakerg
+// [TAG] EIP80873
+// [Category] Improvement
+// [Description] TSE Load/Save defaults without Messaaagebox.
+// [Files] TseElinks.h, Tseadvanced.c
+// 42 5/24/12 9:00a Arunsb
+// [TAG] EIP90379
+// [Category] Bug Fix
+// [Severity] Important
+// [Symptom] UefiBootFailHook asserts when it is trying to call
+// MsgBoxDestroy
+// [RootCause] Tried to free the NULL pointer
+// [Solution] Checked NULL before freeing
+// [Files] TseAdvanced.c and MessageBox.c
+// 41 5/09/12 4:56p Premkumara
+// [TAG] EIP87117
+// [Category] Improvement
+// [Description] AMITSE should handle partial key support
+// [Files] TseAdvanced.c
+// 40 2/02/12 1:15p Premkumara
+// [TAG] EIP75351,75352,75384
+// [Category] Improvement
+// [Description] Suppress the warnings from static code analyzer
+// [Files] String.c, boot.c, TseAdvanced.c,Time.c, PopupEdit.c,
+// MessageBox.c, Label.c, Edit.c, Date.c
+// 39 1/13/12 1:22a Arunsb
+// [TAG] EIP80360
+// [Category] Bug Fix
+// [Severity] Important
+// [Symptom] HDDSecurity module - Issue in login with TSE, Master
+// password disabled
+// [RootCause] Cache not updated
+// [Solution] Cache updated properly
+// [Files] Tseadvanced.c, special.c and uefi21wapper.c
+// 38 12/08/11 12:30p Rajashakerg
+// Updated the file to overcome build errors when build for x32 mode.
+// 37 12/01/11 7:16p Blaines
+// Fix build errors in Uefi2.0
+// 36 11/30/11 1:28p Premkumara
+// [TAG] EIP75352
+// [Category] Improvement
+// [Description] Suppress the warnings from static code analyzer
+// [Files] Boot.c, bbs.c, TseAdvanced.c, Special.c, Variable.c,
+// TseLiteHelper.c, PopupSel.c, AddBootOption.c, Hii.c, FormBrowser2.c
+// 35 11/30/11 12:00p Premkumara
+// [TAG] EIP75521
+// [Category] Improvement
+// [Description] Need to support interactive password controls
+// [Files] PopupPassword.c, PopupPassword.h, TsetAdvanced.c
+// 34 11/30/11 12:25a Premkumara
+// [TAG] EIP75351
+// [Category] Improvement
+// [Description] Static code analysis.Suppress the warnings from static
+// code analyzer
+// [Files] String.c, HiiString21.c, TseAdvanced.c, Special.c,
+// UefiAction., Time.c, PopupEdit.c, MessageBox.c, Label.c, Edit.c, Date.c
+// 33 11/16/11 11:21a Madhans
+// [TAG] EIP75736
+// [Category] Improvement
+// [Description] To avoid flicks when booting UEFI OS for seamless boot.
+// [Files] Boot.c
+// Tseadvanced.c
+// 32 11/14/11 2:01p Blaines
+// Add function headers for the changes made in TSEAdvanced.c for EIP
+// 66860
+// 31 11/13/11 12:50p Arunsb
+// [TAG] EIP70421
+// [Category] New Feature
+// [Description] Support for driver order in TSE
+// [Files] AMITSE.SDL, CommonHelper.c, setup.ini, uefisetup.ini,
+// boot.c,
+// minisetup.h, bbs.c, special.c, special.h, tseadvanced.c,
+// addbootoption.c,
+// callback.c, minisetupext.c, minisetupext.h, popupsel.c, popupsel.h,
+// TseLitehelper.c, variable.c, Uefi21Wapper.c, AMIVfr.h, boot.h,
+// TseElink.h, variable.h,
+// setup.h, Boot.vfr and Setup.uni
+// 30 11/10/11 7:25p Blaines
+// [TAG] - EIP 66860
+// [Category]- Function Request
+// [Synopsis]- AmiPostManager interface for text entry.
+// [Files] - LogoLib.h, AMIPostMgr.h, protocol.c, protocol.h,
+// TseAdvanced.c, TseLitehelper.c, TseUefiHii.h, Uefi21Wapper.c
+// Added new parameter to the function prototype DISPLAY_TEXT_KEY_VALIDATE
+// Initialize textbox witih default value
+// 29 11/10/11 12:51a Arunsb
+// [TAG] EIP67735
+// [Category] Improvement
+// [Description] Zeroing password buffers before freeing
+// [Files] mem.c, mem.h, popupedit.c, popuppassword.c and tseadvanced.c
+// 28 10/31/11 9:41a Rajashakerg
+// [TAG] EIP71120,71512
+// [Category] Bug Fix
+// [Severity] Important
+// [Symptom] BIOS gets stuck in infinite loop On enabling
+// TSE_LOAD_OPTION_HIDDEN token,In first boot incorrect devices is
+// disabled in Setup & BBS table but in second boot the correct device is
+// disabled in both places.
+// [Solution] Hidden option handled properly.
+// [Files] TseLite\variable.c, TseLite\minisetupext.c, TseAdvanced.c,
+// special.c, BootOnly\minisetup.h,BootOnly\boot.c, BootOnly\bbs.c
+// 27 10/19/11 3:52p Blaines
+// [TAG] - EIP 66860
+// [Category]- Function Request
+// [Synopsis]- AmiPostManager interface for text entry. Add cursor
+// support.
+// [Files] - LogoLib.h, AMIPostMgr.h, protocol.c, protocol.h,
+// TseAdvanced.c, TseLitehelper.c, TseUefiHii.h, Uefi21Wapper.c,
+// uefi20Wapper.c, PopupEdit.c
+// 26 9/29/11 7:02p Blaines
+// [TAG] - EIP 66860
+// [Category]- Function Request
+// [Synopsis]- AmiPostManager interface for text entry.
+// [Files] - LogoLib.h, AMIPostMgr.h, protocol.c, protocol.h,
+// TseAdvanced.c, TseLitehelper.c, TseUefiHii.h, Uefi21Wapper.c
+// 25 7/19/11 12:30p Arunsb
+// [TAG] EIP63895
+// [Category] Bug Fix
+// [Severity] Important
+// [Symptom] Same message "Save & reset" displayed twice
+// [RootCause] guidInfo->GuidFlags.GuidLaunchFilename condition also
+// executed after executing guidInfo->GuidFlags.GuidLaunchGuid condition.
+// [Solution] Made as any one condition will execute
+// [Files] Tseadvanced.c
+// 24 6/30/11 4:12a Arunsb
+// [TAG] EIP57661
+// [Category] New Feature
+// [Description] Boot manager algorithm for interaction with Driver
+// Health protocol.
+// Driver health special controls handled.
+// [Files] amitse.cif, amitse.sdl, faketokens.c, amitsestr.uni,
+// commonhelper.c, uefisetup.ini, tsedrvhealth.h,
+// amivfr.h, minisetupbin.mak,
+// hiistring21.c, hiistring20.c, tseadvanced.c, special.c,
+// special.h, boot.h, minisetup.h,
+// uefi20wapper.c, formbrowser2.c, hii.c, parse.c and
+// uefi21wapper.c.
+// 23 12/29/10 6:51a Mallikarjunanv
+// [TAG] EIP 49745
+// [Category] Bug Fix
+// [Severity] Normal
+// [Symptom] Hangs on CP06 when Core is update to
+// [RootCause] It hangs on CP06 when go to SETUP if updated core to
+// and added TSE source and X64 = 0.
+// [Solution] Fixed the Stack Frame corruption by passing NULL for Var
+// or Flags.
+// [Files] TseAdvanced.c
+// 22 12/28/10 6:09p Mallikarjunanv
+// [TAG] EIP41615
+// [Category] New Feature
+// [Description] Added the file browser support for the Add boot option
+// reated controls
+// [Files] AmiVfr.h, AmiTse.sdl, AmiTseStr.uni, CommonHelper.c,
+// Faketokens.c, TseElinks.h, EdkHelper.h, minisetup.h, TseAdvanced.c,
+// AddBootOption.c
+// 21 12/28/10 12:54p Mallikarjunanv
+// [TAG] EIP 47260
+// [Category] Improvement
+// [Description] Updated with TSE_NVRAM_DEFAULTS_SUPPORT token name
+// [Files] TseAdvanced.sdl, TseAdvanced.c
+// 20 12/24/10 1:15p Mallikarjunanv
+// [TAG] EIP 47932
+// [Category] Bug Fix
+// [Severity] Important
+// [Symptom] Screen changing to Normal TSE from GTSE if the boot fails
+// rom the selected boot option
+// [RootCause] Style Initilization is not done before BootLaunchFailed .
+// [Solution] Fixed by updating style Initilization BootLaunchFailed.
+// [Files] TseAdvanced.c
+// 19 12/22/10 5:28a Mallikarjunanv
+// [TAG] EIP47260
+// [Category] Improvement
+// [Description] To Build TSE sources without NVRAM module support.
+// [Files] TseAdvanced.c, TseAdvanced.mak, TseAdvanced.sdl
+// 18 11/18/10 7:13p Blaines
+// [TAG] - EIP 47962
+// [Category]- Defect
+// [Symptom]- Post Manager's DisplayMsgBox displays a corrupted screen
+// When the French or Japanese langues are selected and a call is made to
+// DisplayMsgBox, the screen that is displayed is corrupted
+// [Rootcause]
+// The bounding box area of the message box is drawn, which may not span
+// previous screen redraws.
+// Therefore, artifacts from previous screen displays may appear.
+// [Solution]- Clear the screen before drawing message box to clear
+// artifacts from previous screen redraws.
+// [Files] - TseAdvanced.c, AMIPostMgr.h,
+// 17 9/29/10 1:36p Blaines
+// Function ShowPostMsgBoxEx was updated to allow a buttonless messages
+// box to be displayed without a legend.
+// 16 9/16/10 8:38p Madhans
+// Update for TSE 2.10. Refer Changelog.log for more details.
+// 33 8/31/10 11:32a Blaines
+// Fix for ShowPostProgress function not calling gAction.Destroy, casuing
+// system to appear to hang and to not be responsive to input.
+// 32 8/10/10 7:13p Madhans
+// EIP 40555 : To avoid Compilation issues with Fareast Windows.
+// 31 6/22/10 5:31a Mallikarjunanv
+// EIP:39102 - Handling Scrren corruption if Launching shell from file
+// system fails
+// 30 6/14/10 7:08p Madhans
+// To keep the NVRAM defaults only for Aptio 4.x
+// 29 6/08/10 5:13p Blaines
+// Fix for EIP #39416 - PostManagerDisplayProgress does not update
+// message.
+// 28 5/19/10 4:11p Blaines
+// Added parameter error checking to the function ShowPostMsgBoxEx
+// 27 4/22/10 6:21p Blaines
+// Fix build error when TSE_USE_AMI_EFI_KEYCODE_PROTOCOL token
+// enabled
+// In function ShowPostMsgBoxEx, set property msgbox->Legend before
+// calling gMsgBox.Initialize.
+// 26 4/20/10 6:15p Blaines
+// Add MessageBox Hotkey support
+// 25 4/15/10 4:49p Blaines
+// In function ShowPostMsgBox,
+// check if pSelection is null before it attempts to use it.
+// 24 4/07/10 6:24p Madhans
+// To Fix the build issue.
+// 23 3/30/10 4:46p Blaines
+// EIP 36704 : Fix for Making sure to make the Variable to NULL after it
+// is Freed up.
+// 22 3/26/10 6:12p Madhans
+// EIP 36704 : Fix for Making sure to make the Variable to NULL after it
+// is Freed up.
+// 21 3/26/10 6:01p Madhans
+// Fix in Load Defaults from NVRAM Defaults, To make work for Runtime
+// pages. Before this fix it only work for Offline parsing Data and For
+// Runtime pages the defaults are broken.
+// 20 3/23/10 5:11p Blaines
+// Add support for new PostManager Extentions
+// 19 3/19/10 2:39p Madhans
+// Support to Load Defaults from NVRAM Defaults.
+// 18 2/26/10 11:09a Madhans
+// to resove build errors;.
+// 17 2/19/10 8:11a Mallikarjunanv
+// updated year in copyright message
+// 16 2/15/10 10:13p Madhans
+// For EDK Nt32 version
+// 15 2/04/10 11:19p Madhans
+// Fix for Password with AMIKeyCode ON without EfiKey or Scancode support.
+// 14 1/18/10 2:09a Mallikarjunanv
+// EIP-28501: Updated for Keyboard scancode as password. Added a new Token
+// SETUP_STORE_KEYCODE_PASSWORD to support the EFI key or Scan code as
+// password
+// 13 1/09/10 4:51a Mallikarjunanv
+// Updated TSE2.01 Release sources with coding standards
+// 12 10/30/09 9:47a Mallikarjunanv
+// EIP-28551 : Fixed TSE 2.0 Build error releated to
+// 11 9/17/09 9:05a Sudhirv
+// EIP:25799 - Remove Load Driver Option from TSE 2.x as it will be
+// handled from Core
+// 10 9/15/09 9:41a Sudhirv
+// updated with support for SETUP_OEM_SPECIAL_CONTROL_SUPPORT and the
+// support for Add Del boot option support
+// 9 8/19/09 6:33p Madhans
+// IsToggleStateKey Function added
+// 8 8/19/09 10:42a Mallikarjunanv
+// Fixed the issue regarding loading defaults by desabling the chipset
+// menu.
+// 7 8/13/09 7:37a Mallikarjunanv
+// eip:24971 - supporting tse features without tse sources
+// 6 7/30/09 7:48a Mallikarjunanv
+// updated the code to move the exit page option elinks to Tse Binary
+// 5 7/20/09 1:17p Mallikarjunanv
+// updated the return values
+// 4 6/23/09 7:09p Blaines
+// Coding standard update,
+// Remove spaces from file header to allow proper chm function list
+// creation.
+// 3 6/12/09 7:43p Presannar
+// Initial implementation of coding standards for AMITSE2.0
+// 2 6/05/09 11:55a Blaines
+// Fix screen corruption for GTSE
+// 1 6/04/09 8:05p Madhans
+// 3 5/07/09 10:36a Madhans
+// Changes after Bin module
+// 2 4/29/09 9:02p Madhans
+// Bug Fixes after unit Testing..
+// 1 4/28/09 11:16p Madhans
+// Tse 2.0 Code complete Checkin.
+// 1 4/28/09 10:27p Madhans
+// Tse 2.0 Code complete Checkin.
+// Name: TseAdvanced.c
+// Description: This file contains code to handle the Advanced TSE Operations
+#include "minisetup.h"
+#include "Special.h"
+#include "TseElinks.h"
+///Exit Page options info. from Elink...
+extern UINTN gSaveUserMsgBox;
+extern UINTN gLoadUserMsgBox;
+extern UINTN gBootLaunchFailedMsgBox;
+extern UINTN gInvalidPasswordFailMsgBox;
+{ 0x71030b81, 0xf72, 0x4b48, 0xb5, 0xe8, 0xbc, 0xcd, 0x51, 0x78, 0x60, 0x9e }
+{ 0xc5912ed9, 0x83c2, 0x4bff, 0x99, 0x36, 0x23, 0x1f, 0xeb, 0x85, 0xf3, 0xe8 }
+UINT32 gtempCurrentPage;
+///Exit page options handling using Elinks...
+VOID HandleSaveAndExit(VOID);
+VOID HandleExitApplication(VOID);
+VOID HandleSaveAndReset(VOID);
+VOID HandleResetSys(VOID);
+VOID HandleSaveWithoutExit(VOID);
+VOID HandleLoadPreviousValues(VOID);
+VOID HandleLoadOptimalDefaults(VOID);
+VOID HandleSaveUserDefaults(VOID);
+VOID HandleRestoreUserDefaults(VOID);
+VOID HandleBootAddBootOption(VOID);
+VOID HandleDriverAddDriverOption(VOID);
+//EIP-41615: Start
+VOID HandleLaunchFileSystem(VOID);
+VOID HandleLaunchFileSystemDriver(VOID);
+//EIP-41615: End
+VOID SaveUserDefaults( VOID );
+VOID LoadUserDefaults( VOID );
+BOOLEAN CheckIsAllowedPasswordChar(CHAR16 Char);
+BOOLEAN CheckIsAllowedChar(CHAR16 Char);
+extern VOID *UefiCreateStringTemplate(UINT16 Token);
+extern EFI_STATUS ReadImageResource(EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, EFI_GUID *pGuid, VOID **ppData, UINTN *pDataSize);
+extern BOOLEAN IsLoadSysteAccessOnUserDefault(VOID);
+extern BOOLEAN IsSupportDefaultForStringControl (VOID);
+EFI_STATUS GetSetDefaultsFromControlPtr(NVRAM_VARIABLE *optimalDefaultlist, NVRAM_VARIABLE *failSafeDefaultlist);
+UINTN GetANSIEscapeCode(CHAR16 *String,UINT8 *Bold,UINT8 *Foreground, UINT8 *Background);
+VOID OEMSpecialGotoSelect(UINT16 value);
+BOOLEAN IsShowPromptStringAsTitle(VOID);//EIP-116315 password window title string
+extern BOOLEAN TSEPwdSavetoNvram(VOID);
+typedef UINT16 VAR_SIZE_TYPE;
+#pragma pack(push)
+#pragma pack(1)
+typedef struct{
+ UINT32 signature;
+ UINT32 next:24;
+ UINT32 flags:8;
+// guid and name are there only if NVRAM_FLAG_DATA_ONLY is not set
+// UINT8 guid;
+// CHAR8 or CHAR16 name[...];
+// UINT8 data[...];
+// if NVRAM_FLAG_EXT_HEDER is set
+// UINT8 extflags;
+// UINT8 extdata[...];
+// VAR_SIZE_TYPE extsize;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+typedef struct {
+ UINT8 *NvramAddress;
+ UINTN NvramSize;
+ EFI_GUID* NvramGuidsAddress;
+ UINT8 *pEndOfVars, *pFirstVar;
+ INT16 NextGuid;
+ VAR_SIZE_TYPE LastVarSize;
+ NVAR *pLastReturned;
+ UINT8 Flags;
+VOID NvInitInfoBuffer(IN NVRAM_STORE_INFO *pInfo, UINTN HeaderSize, UINT8 Flags);
+EFI_STATUS NvGetVariable(
+ IN CHAR16 *VariableName, IN EFI_GUID *VendorGuid,
+ OUT UINT32 *Attributes OPTIONAL,
+ IN OUT UINTN *DataSize, OUT VOID *Data,
+BOOLEAN IsTseLoadPasswordOnDefaults();
+#define DEFAULTS_GUID {0x4599d26f, 0x1a11, 0x49b8, 0xb9, 0x1f, 0x85, 0x87, 0x45, 0xcf, 0xf8, 0x24}
+VOID SetDrvHealthHandleAndCtrlCount (UINT16);
+VOID DoDriverHealthOperation (CONTROL_INFO *, UINT16);
+BOOLEAN FlushKeysAfterRead(void);
+//EIP-96246 starts
+EFI_STATUS ShowBootOverrideSelectOption (VOID);
+BOOLEAN IsBootOverrideBootNextSupport (VOID);
+//EIP-96246 Ends
+#define KEY_STATE_EXPOSED 0x40 //EIP-87117
+//EIP 162981 Providing defaults through sdl tokens
+BOOLEAN DefaultSetupPwdAtFirstBootOnly (void);
+BOOLEAN TseDefaultSetupPasswordSupported(VOID);
+EFI_STATUS GetDefaultPassword (UINT32 PasswordInstalled, void **DefaultPassword);
+BOOLEAN TseLiteIsSpecialOptionList(CONTROL_DATA *ControlData)
+ // For TSE Advanced we papulate and add the control dynamically.
+ // So it is not TSE lite Special control
+ // TSE Lite special controls are patched instad of removing and adding.
+ return FALSE;
+// Procedure: BootUpdateOrder
+// Description: Function to update the boot/driver order
+// Input: UINT16 *buffer
+// UINT32 *offset
+// UINTN *size
+// VOID **realBuffer
+// Output: VOID
+VOID BootUpdateOrder(UINT16 *buffer,UINT32 *offset,UINTN *size, VOID **realBuffer)
+ UINTN i, j, optionNumber = *offset / sizeof(UINT16);
+ UINT16 index = *(UINT16 *)buffer;
+ UINT16 newOption = index;
+ UINT16 oldOption, *optionList;
+ UINT16 *OrgOptionList;
+ OrgOptionList = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool( *size );
+ MemCopy( OrgOptionList, gVariableList[VARIABLE_ID_BOOT_ORDER].Buffer, *size );
+ *realBuffer = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool( *size );
+ if (NULL == *realBuffer)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ *offset = 0;
+ MemCopy( *realBuffer, gVariableList[VARIABLE_ID_BOOT_ORDER].Buffer, *size );
+ optionList = (UINT16 *)*realBuffer;
+ oldOption = optionList[ optionNumber ];
+ if ( newOption == oldOption )
+ return;
+ if(DISABLED_BOOT_OPTION == newOption)
+ {
+ for (i = optionNumber, j = 0; i < gBootOptionCount; i++)
+ {
+ if ((i+1) < gBootOptionCount)
+ {
+ if ( (CheckHiddenforBootDriverOption (optionList [i + 1], BOOT_ORDER_OPTION)) && gLoadOptionHidden )
+ {
+ j ++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ optionList [i] = optionList [i + 1];
+ }
+ else
+ optionList [i-j] = newOption; // or DISABLED_BOOT_OPTION; boot order will be like active boot option
+ } //then hidden options, so hidden option will always maintain at same place(last positions).
+ }
+ else if (DISABLED_BOOT_OPTION == oldOption)
+ {
+ //Find newOption's position
+ for(i=0;i<gBootOptionCount;i++)
+ {
+ if(newOption == optionList[i])
+ break;
+ }
+ if(i < gBootOptionCount)//New option found
+ {
+ //Move new option to the last of enabled devices
+ for(j=i; j<gBootOptionCount; j++)
+ {
+ if( DISABLED_BOOT_OPTION != optionList[j+1])
+ optionList[j] = optionList[j+1];
+ else
+ {
+ optionList[j] = newOption;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else//New option not enabled
+ {
+ //Replace first disabled with new one
+ for(i=0;i<gBootOptionCount;i++)
+ {
+ if(DISABLED_BOOT_OPTION == optionList[i])
+ break;
+ }
+ optionList[i] = newOption;
+ }
+ ReGroupOptions(optionList,NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ optionList[optionNumber] = newOption;
+ for(i=0;i<gBootOptionCount;i++)
+ {
+ if(i == optionNumber)
+ continue;
+ if(newOption == optionList[i])
+ {
+ optionList[i] = oldOption;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ReGroupOptions(optionList,OrgOptionList);
+ }
+ MemFreePointer( (VOID **)&OrgOptionList );
+// Procedure: DriverUpdateOrder
+// Description: Function to update the driver order
+// Input: UINT16 *buffer
+// UINT32 *offset
+// UINTN *size
+// VOID **realBuffer
+// Output: VOID
+VOID DriverUpdateOrder (UINT16 *buffer,UINT32 *offset,UINTN *size, VOID **realBuffer)
+ UINTN i, j, optionNumber = *offset / sizeof(UINT16);
+ UINT16 index = *(UINT16 *)buffer;
+ UINT16 newOption = index;
+ UINT16 oldOption, *optionList;
+ *realBuffer = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool (*size);
+ if (NULL == *realBuffer)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ *offset = 0;
+ MemCopy (*realBuffer, gVariableList [VARIABLE_ID_DRIVER_ORDER].Buffer, *size);
+ optionList = (UINT16 *)*realBuffer;
+ oldOption = optionList [optionNumber];
+ if (newOption == oldOption)
+ return;
+ if (DISABLED_BOOT_OPTION == newOption)
+ {
+ for (i = optionNumber, j = 0; i < gDriverOptionCount; i++)
+ {
+ if ((i+1) < gDriverOptionCount)
+ {
+ if ( (CheckHiddenforBootDriverOption (optionList [i + 1], DRIVER_ORDER_OPTION)) && gLoadOptionHidden )
+ {
+ j ++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ optionList [i] = optionList [i + 1];
+ }
+ else
+ optionList [i-j] = newOption; // or DISABLED_BOOT_OPTION; boot order will be like active boot option
+ } //then hidden options, so hidden option will always maintain at same place(last positions).
+ }
+ else if (DISABLED_BOOT_OPTION == oldOption)
+ {
+ //Find newOption's position
+ for (i = 0; i < gDriverOptionCount; i ++)
+ {
+ if (newOption == optionList [i])
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i < gDriverOptionCount)//New option found
+ {
+ //Move new option to the last of enabled devices
+ for (j = i; j < gDriverOptionCount; j ++)
+ {
+ if (DISABLED_BOOT_OPTION != optionList [j+1])
+ optionList [j] = optionList [j+1];
+ else
+ {
+ optionList [j] = newOption;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else//New option not enabled
+ {
+ //Replace first disabled with new one
+ for (i = 0; i < gDriverOptionCount; i ++)
+ {
+ if (DISABLED_BOOT_OPTION == optionList [i])
+ break;
+ }
+ optionList [i] = newOption;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ optionList[optionNumber] = newOption;
+ for (i = 0; i < gDriverOptionCount; i ++)
+ {
+ if(i == optionNumber)
+ continue;
+ if(newOption == optionList[i])
+ {
+ optionList[i] = oldOption;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// functions to handle the exit page options
+VOID HandleSaveAndExit()
+ gApp->Quit = SaveAndExit();
+VOID HandleExitApplication()
+ gApp->Quit = ExitApplication();
+VOID HandleSaveAndReset()
+ gApp->Quit = SaveAndReset();
+VOID HandleResetSys()
+ gApp->Quit = ResetSys();
+VOID HandleSaveWithoutExit()
+ SaveWithoutExit();
+VOID HandleLoadPreviousValues()
+ LoadPreviousValues( TRUE );
+VOID HandleLoadOptimalDefaults()
+ LoadOptimalDefaults();
+VOID HandleSaveUserDefaults()
+ SaveUserDefaults();
+VOID HandleRestoreUserDefaults(VOID)
+ LoadUserDefaults();
+VOID HandleBootAddBootOption(VOID)
+ TseBootAddBootOption();
+//EIP70421 & 70422
+VOID HandleDriverAddDriverOption(VOID)
+ TseDriverAddDriverOption();
+// EIP-41615: Function to handle selection of the file system
+VOID HandleLaunchFileSystem(VOID)
+//EIP70421 & 70422
+VOID HandleLaunchFileSystemDriver(VOID)
+// Procedure: _SubMenuAmiCallback
+// Description: Function implemented to handle the Exit page
+// options using Elinks.
+// Input: UINT16 value - index of the exit page option
+// Output: TRUE
+BOOLEAN _SubMenuAmiCallback( UINT16 value )
+ UINT8 idx=0;
+ for(idx=0;idx<(sizeof(gExitPageOptions)/sizeof(EXIT_PAGE_OPTIONS));idx++)
+ {
+ if( gExitPageOptions[idx].OptIdx == END_OF_EXIT_PAGE_OPTION_LIST ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ else if(value == gExitPageOptions[idx].OptIdx) {
+ gExitPageOptions[idx].ExitPageCallBack();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+// Procedure: _SubMenuHandleSpecialOp
+// Description: Sub menu handle for Special operations.
+// Input: Submenu data
+// Output: Bool - Interpreted by the Caller.
+BOOLEAN _SubMenuHandleSpecialOp( SUBMENU_DATA *submenu )
+ BOOLEAN status = FALSE;
+ BOOLEAN BootLaunchFailed = FALSE;
+ BOOLEAN StyleExitDone = FALSE;
+ UINT16 value;
+ GUID_INFO *guidInfo;
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+// EIP:39412 - START
+ VOID *ScreenBuf;
+ //Save the screen buffer to restore later if required
+ ScreenBuf = SaveScreen();
+// EIP:39412 - END
+ value = SpecialGetValue( (CONTROL_DATA *)submenu, &guidInfo );
+ if ( value != (UINT16)-2 )
+ {
+ if ( guidInfo->GuidFlags.GuidLaunchCallback )
+ {
+ switch ( guidInfo->GuidKey )
+ {
+ //EIP-96246 Starts
+ if ( !gResetRequired && IsBootOverrideBootNextSupport () )
+ {
+ UINT16 *pBootNext = NULL;
+ UINTN size = 0;
+ pBootNext = (UINT16 *)VarGetNvramName(L"BootNext", &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid, NULL, &size);
+ if ( pBootNext && (size == sizeof(UINT16)))//If BootNext Variable is present
+ {
+ Status = ShowBootOverrideSelectOption ();//EIP-96246 To show Override menu option for BootNext variable
+ if ( Status != EFI_SUCCESS )//Exit menu and retain in override menu
+ {
+ status = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(pBootNext)
+ MemFreePointer((void **) &pBootNext);
+ }
+ //EIP-96246 Ends
+ if(!gResetRequired)
+ {
+ if(!gDoNotBoot)
+ {
+ gApp->ClearScreen = TRUE;
+ //EIP 75736
+ StyleExit();
+ if (gST->ConOut != NULL)
+ {
+ //Disable cursor, set desired attributes and clear screen
+ gST->ConOut->EnableCursor( gST->ConOut, FALSE );
+ gST->ConOut->SetAttribute( gST->ConOut, (EFI_BACKGROUND_BLACK | EFI_WHITE));
+ gST->ConOut->ClearScreen( gST->ConOut);
+ }
+ BootLaunchBootNow( value, gShowAllBbsDev/*SETUP_SHOW_ALL_BBS_DEVICES*/ );
+ StyleInit();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gApp->Quit = SaveAndReset();
+ }
+ status = TRUE;
+ break;
+ status = _SubMenuAmiCallback( value );
+ break;
+ {
+ UefiSpecialGuidCallback(submenu->ControlData.ControlHandle, value, &guidInfo->GuidValue);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ OEMSpecialGotoSelect(value);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ UINTN size;
+ //Update mem copy of the IDE sec variable
+ size = 0;
+ ideSecConfig = VarGetVariable( VARIABLE_ID_IDE_SECURITY, &size );
+ //EIP-75352 Suppress the warnings from static code analyzer
+ if (NULL == ideSecConfig) {
+ break;
+ }
+ TSEIDEUpdateConfig(ideSecConfig, value);
+ VarSetValue( VARIABLE_ID_IDE_SECURITY, 0, size, ideSecConfig );
+ MemFreePointer((VOID **)&ideSecConfig);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ BBSUpdateBootData(value);
+ VarSetValue(VARIABLE_ID_LEGACY_GROUP_INFO, 0, sizeof(UINT16), &(gCurrLegacyBootData->LegacyDevCount));
+ }
+ break;
+ //EIP 57661 Start
+ {
+ SetDrvHealthHandleAndCtrlCount (value);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ DoDriverHealthOperation ((VOID *)&((CONTROL_DATA *)submenu)->ControlData, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ //EIP 57661 End
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( guidInfo->GuidFlags.GuidLaunchGuid )
+ {
+ if(!gResetRequired)
+ {
+ if(!gDoNotBoot)
+ {
+ gApp->ClearScreen = TRUE;
+ //EIP 75736
+ StyleExit();
+ if (gST->ConOut != NULL)
+ {
+ //Disable cursor, set desired attributes and clear screen
+ gST->ConOut->EnableCursor( gST->ConOut, FALSE );
+ gST->ConOut->SetAttribute( gST->ConOut, (EFI_BACKGROUND_BLACK | EFI_WHITE));
+ gST->ConOut->ClearScreen( gST->ConOut);
+ }
+ StyleExitDone = TRUE;
+ Status = BootLaunchGuid( &guidInfo->GuidValue );
+ if ( ! EFI_ERROR( Status ) )
+ {
+ gApp->ClearScreen = TRUE;
+ status = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ BootLaunchFailed = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gApp->Quit = SaveAndReset();
+ status = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (( guidInfo->GuidFlags.GuidLaunchFilename ) && (FALSE == status))
+ {
+ if(!gResetRequired)
+ {
+ if(!gDoNotBoot)
+ {
+ UINTN i = 0, j;
+ while(guidInfo->GuidName[i])
+ {
+ j=0;
+ for(;guidInfo->GuidName[i];i++)
+ {
+ if(L'|' == guidInfo->GuidName[i])
+ {
+ i++;
+ break;
+ }
+ FileName[j] = guidInfo->GuidName[i];
+ j++;
+ }
+ FileName[j] = 0;
+ if(!StyleExitDone){
+ gApp->ClearScreen = TRUE;
+ //EIP 75736
+ StyleExit();
+ if (gST->ConOut != NULL)
+ {
+ //Disable cursor, set desired attributes and clear screen
+ gST->ConOut->EnableCursor( gST->ConOut, FALSE );
+ gST->ConOut->SetAttribute( gST->ConOut, (EFI_BACKGROUND_BLACK | EFI_WHITE));
+ gST->ConOut->ClearScreen( gST->ConOut);
+ }
+ StyleExitDone = TRUE;
+ }
+ Status = BootLaunchFilename( FileName );
+ if ( ! EFI_ERROR( Status ) )
+ {
+ gApp->ClearScreen = TRUE;
+ status = TRUE;
+ BootLaunchFailed = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }else
+ BootLaunchFailed = TRUE;
+ }
+ //BootLaunchFailed = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ gApp->Quit = SaveAndReset();
+ status = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ // EIP:47932 - Start
+ if(StyleExitDone)
+ StyleInit();
+ // EIP:47932 - End
+// EIP:39412 - START
+ if ( BootLaunchFailed ){
+ //Restore the Original screen before boot launch
+ RestoreScreen( ScreenBuf );
+ CallbackShowMessageBox( (UINTN)gBootLaunchFailedMsgBox, MSGBOX_TYPE_OK );
+ }
+ else {
+ //In case Boot Launch not failed, free the saved screen buffer
+ MemFreePointer((VOID **) &ScreenBuf);
+ }
+// EIP:39412 - END
+ }
+ }
+ return status;
+#ifdef TSE_FOR_APTIO_4_50
+// Procedure: InitApplicationData
+// Description: function to initialize the application data
+// Input: EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle
+// Output: EFI_STATUS
+EFI_STATUS InitApplicationData(EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle)
+ VOID *pSection;
+ UINTN SectionSize;
+ Status=ReadImageResource(ImageHandle,&dataGuid,&pSection,&SectionSize);
+ if ( EFI_ERROR( Status ) ) {
+ return Status;
+ }
+ gApplicationData = (UINT8 *)pSection + sizeof(EFI_GUID);
+ // Read in the data files from the GUIDed section
+ Status = LoadGuidedDataDriverLib( gImageHandle, dataGuid, &gApplicationData );
+ if ( EFI_ERROR( Status ) )
+ {
+ return Status;
+ }
+ gApplicationData = (UINT8 *)&_SetupPackage;
+ gApplicationData = (UINT8 *)&DummySetupData;
+ return Status;
+// Procedure: LoadUserDefaultsSilently
+// Description: Function to load the user set defaults Silently
+// Input: VOID
+// Output: VOID
+VOID LoadUserDefaultsSilently(VOID)
+ NVRAM_VARIABLE *nvramVar, *tmpPtr;
+ UINTN i = 0;
+ UINT8 *buffer;
+ UINT16 size;
+ UINT32 count;
+//EIP-98918 Starts
+ VARIABLE_INFO *InnerLoopvarInfo = NULL;
+ UINT32 InnerLoop;
+ BOOLEAN MatchFound = FALSE;
+//EIP-98918 Ends
+ nvramVar = &gVariableList [VARIABLE_ID_USER_DEFAULTS];
+ if ( ( nvramVar->Size == 0 ) || ( nvramVar->Buffer == NULL ) )
+ return;
+ buffer = nvramVar->Buffer;
+ count = *(UINT32 *)buffer;
+ buffer += sizeof(UINT32);
+ for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
+ {
+ varInfo = VarGetVariableInfoIndex (*(UINT32 *)buffer);//EIP-98918
+ tmpPtr = &gVariableList[ *(UINT32 *)buffer ];
+ if ( IsLoadSysteAccessOnUserDefault() ) //EIP-130529 Skip loading SYSTEM_ACCESS variable for user defaults
+ {
+ if ( !EfiStrCmp(varInfo->VariableName, L"SystemAccess") && EfiCompareGuid(&sysAccessGuid, &(varInfo->VariableGuid)) )//EIP-UserDefault - Skip to load SystemAccess variable on pressing Restore User Defaults
+ {
+ buffer += sizeof(UINT32);
+ size = *(UINT16 *)buffer;
+ buffer += sizeof(UINT16);
+ buffer += (sizeof (EFI_GUID) + sizeof (CHAR16) * VARIABLE_NAME_LENGTH); //Move to next variable
+ buffer += size;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ buffer += sizeof(UINT32);
+ size = *(UINT16 *)buffer;
+ buffer += sizeof(UINT16);
+//EIP-98918 Starts
+ if (
+ (size == tmpPtr->Size) &&
+ (!MemCmp (&varInfo->VariableGuid, buffer, sizeof (EFI_GUID) )) &&
+ (!EfiStrCmp (varInfo->VariableName, (CHAR16 *)(buffer + sizeof (EFI_GUID)) ))
+ )
+ {
+ buffer += (sizeof (EFI_GUID) + sizeof (CHAR16) * VARIABLE_NAME_LENGTH);
+ MemCopy (tmpPtr->Buffer, buffer, size);
+ }
+ else //If any variable deleted then order wont be same, so trying in all possible variable and loading the user defaults
+ {
+ MatchFound = FALSE;
+ for (InnerLoop = 0; InnerLoop < gVariables->VariableCount; InnerLoop ++)
+ {
+ InnerLoopvarInfo = VarGetVariableInfoIndex (InnerLoop);
+ if ( NULL != InnerLoopvarInfo)
+ {
+ if (
+ (size == InnerLoopvarInfo->VariableSize) &&
+ (!MemCmp (&InnerLoopvarInfo->VariableGuid, buffer, sizeof(EFI_GUID))) &&
+ (!EfiStrCmp (InnerLoopvarInfo->VariableName, (CHAR16 *)(buffer + sizeof (EFI_GUID)) ))
+ )
+ {
+ buffer += (sizeof(EFI_GUID)+ sizeof(CHAR16) * VARIABLE_NAME_LENGTH);
+ tmpPtr = &gVariableList [InnerLoop];
+ MemCopy (tmpPtr->Buffer, buffer, size);
+ MatchFound = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (FALSE == MatchFound)
+ {
+ SETUP_DEBUG_TSE ("\nERROR : Variable %s has been modified so skipping the USER default loading for this variable alone.", varInfo->VariableName );
+ buffer += (sizeof(EFI_GUID)+ sizeof(CHAR16) * VARIABLE_NAME_LENGTH);
+ }
+ }
+//EIP-98918 Ends
+ buffer += size;
+ }
+ LoadedUserDefaultsHook();
+ gResetRequired = TRUE;
+// Procedure: LoadUserDefaults
+// Description: Function to load the user set defaults
+// Input: VOID
+// Output: VOID
+VOID LoadUserDefaults( VOID )
+ if ( CallbackShowMessageBox( (UINTN)gLoadUserMsgBox, MSGBOX_TYPE_YESNO ) != MSGBOX_YES )
+ return;
+ LoadUserDefaultsSilently();
+// Procedure: SaveUserDefaultsSilently
+// Description: Function to save the user set defaults Silently
+// Input: VOID
+// Output: VOID
+VOID SaveUserDefaultsSilently(VOID)
+ NVRAM_VARIABLE *nvramVar, *tmpPtr;
+ UINT32 i,count;
+ UINT8 *buffer;
+ nvramVar = &gVariableList[ VARIABLE_ID_USER_DEFAULTS ];
+ if ( ( nvramVar->Size != 0 ) || ( nvramVar->Buffer != NULL ) )
+ MemFreePointer( (VOID **)&(nvramVar->Buffer) );
+ nvramVar->Size = sizeof(UINT32);
+ count = 0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < gVariables->VariableCount; i++ ) {
+ continue;
+ nvramVar->Size += sizeof(UINT32) + sizeof(UINT16) + sizeof (EFI_GUID) + (sizeof (CHAR16) * VARIABLE_NAME_LENGTH) + gVariableList[ i ].Size;
+ count++;
+ }
+ buffer = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool( nvramVar->Size );
+ if ( buffer == NULL )
+ return;
+ nvramVar->Buffer = buffer;
+ *(UINT32 *)buffer = count;
+ buffer += sizeof(UINT32);
+ for ( i = 0, tmpPtr = gVariableList; i < gVariables->VariableCount; i++, tmpPtr++ )
+ {
+ continue;
+ *(UINT32 *)buffer = i;
+ buffer += sizeof(UINT32);
+ *(UINT16 *)buffer = (UINT16)tmpPtr->Size;
+ buffer += sizeof(UINT16);
+ varInfo = VarGetVariableInfoIndex (i);
+ MemCopy (buffer, &varInfo->VariableGuid, sizeof (EFI_GUID));
+ buffer += sizeof (EFI_GUID);
+ EfiStrCpy ((CHAR16 *)buffer, varInfo->VariableName);
+// MemCopy( buffer, varInfo->VariableName, sizeof(CHAR16) * VARIABLE_NAME_LENGTH );
+ buffer += sizeof(CHAR16) * VARIABLE_NAME_LENGTH;
+ MemCopy( buffer, tmpPtr->Buffer, tmpPtr->Size );
+ buffer += tmpPtr->Size;
+ }
+ VarSetNvram( VARIABLE_ID_USER_DEFAULTS, nvramVar->Buffer, nvramVar->Size );
+// Procedure: SaveUserDefaults
+// Description: Function to save the user specified defaults
+// Input: VOID
+// Output: VOID
+VOID SaveUserDefaults( VOID )
+ if ( CallbackShowMessageBox( (UINTN)gSaveUserMsgBox, MSGBOX_TYPE_YESNO ) != MSGBOX_YES )
+ return;
+ SaveUserDefaultsSilently();
+// Procedure: GetANSIEscapeCode
+// Description: Return Size of Escape Code and gets the FG,BGColor.
+// Input: CHAR16 *String,
+// UINT8 *Bold,
+// UINT8 *Foreground,
+// UINT8 *Background
+// Output: UINTN - Escape code length (in CHAR16), 0 if not an escape code
+// Bold, Forground, Background - Filled with -1 if value not found in Escape Code
+UINTN GetANSIEscapeCode(CHAR16 *String,UINT8 *Bold,UINT8 *Foreground, UINT8 *Background)
+ CHAR16 *TempStr;
+ UINTN i;
+ UINT8 Num=0xff;
+ //Is ESC Code
+ if((String[0]==L'\x1b')&&(String[1]==L'['))
+ {
+ TempStr = &String[2];
+ // ESC [ x ; x x ; x x m = Color esc code format
+ // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
+ // Check till Code m or Upto 10 char
+ for(i=2;(*TempStr!=L'm')&&(i<10);i++,TempStr++)
+ {
+ if(*TempStr == L';')
+ {
+ if(!Bld)
+ {
+ *Bold = Num;
+ Num = 0xFF;
+ Bld = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if(!Fg)
+ {
+ *Foreground = Num;
+ Num = 0xFF;
+ Fg = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(Num==0xFF)
+ Num =(UINT8)(*TempStr-L'0');
+ else
+ Num = (Num*10)+(UINT8)(*TempStr-L'0');
+ }
+ if(TempStr[1]==L'm')
+ *Background=Num;
+ }
+ if(*TempStr==L'm')
+ return (TempStr-String);
+ }
+ return 0;
+// Procedure: SkipEscCode
+// Description: function to perform the esc key operation
+// Input: CHAR16 *string
+// Output: string
+CHAR16 *SkipEscCode(CHAR16 *String)
+ CHAR16 *TempString;
+ UINTN i=0,j=0;
+ //EIP-75351 Suppress the warnings from static code analyzer
+ if (NULL == String) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Check For escape Code and remove that from the string
+ TempString = StrDup(String);
+ while(String[i])
+ {
+ if((String[i] == 0x001b) && (String[i+1] == L'[')) // ESC Code
+ {
+ while(String[i] != L'm')i++;
+ i++;
+ }
+ TempString[j] = String[i];
+ i++; j++;
+ }
+ TempString[j]=0;
+ return TempString;
+static UINT8 result = (UINT8)-1;
+VOID _CallbackMsgboxEx( VOID *container, VOID *object, VOID *cookie )
+ if ( (cookie != NULL) && ( ((CALLBACK_MESSAGEBOX*)cookie)->Header.Type == CALLBACK_TYPE_MESSAGEBOX) )
+ result = (UINT8)(((CALLBACK_MESSAGEBOX*)cookie)->Result);
+// Procedure: _CallbackGetValueEx
+// Description: Callback function to get the message box return value
+// Input: MSGBOX_DATA *msgbox
+// Output: Message box return value
+UINTN _CallbackGetValueEx( MSGBOX_DATA *msgbox )
+ ACTION_DATA *action = gMsgBoxAction;
+ result = (UINT8)-1;
+ gMsgBox.SetCallback( msgbox, NULL, _CallbackMsgboxEx, &gCbMsgBox );
+ while ( result == (UINT8)-1 )
+ {
+ if ( action->Input.Type != ACTION_TYPE_NULL )
+ gAction.ClearAction( action );
+ gMsgBox.Draw( msgbox );
+ if ( gAction.GetAction( action ) != EFI_SUCCESS )
+ continue;
+ gMsgBox.HandleAction( msgbox, action );
+ DoRealFlushLines();
+ }
+ return result;
+// Procedure: ShowPostMsgBoxEx
+// Description: Function to display the message box
+// Input: CHAR16 *MsgBoxTitle,
+// CHAR16 *Message,
+// UINT8 MsgBoxType,
+// UINT8 *pSelection
+// Output: EFI_STATUS
+EFI_STATUS ShowPostMsgBoxEx(
+ IN CHAR16 *Title,
+ IN CHAR16 *Message,
+ IN CHAR16 *Legend,
+ IN UINT8 MsgBoxType,
+ IN UINT16 *OptionPtrTokens,
+ IN UINT16 OptionCount,
+ IN UINT16 HotKeyListCount,
+ OUT UINT8 *MsgBoxSel,
+ static AMI_IFR_MSGBOX MsgBox = { 0, 0, 0, INVALID_HANDLE, 0 };
+ UINT8 retValue = (UINT8)-1;
+ MSGBOX_DATA *msgbox = NULL;
+ ACTION_DATA *action = gMsgBoxAction;
+ UINT16 i = 0;
+ if (NULL == gST->ConIn)
+ return EFI_NOT_READY;
+ if(Title == NULL || Message == NULL ||
+ //Note: Messagebox should not require a legend
+ /*((Legend == NULL ) && (MsgBoxType == MSGBOX_TYPE_NULL)) ||*/
+ ((MsgBoxType == MSGBOX_TYPE_CUSTOM) && (OptionPtrTokens == NULL)) ||
+ ((OptionCount > 0) && (OptionPtrTokens == NULL)) ||
+ ((HotKeyListCount > 0) && (HotKeyList == NULL)))
+ if((MsgBoxType == MSGBOX_TYPE_CUSTOM) && (OptionCount > MSGBOX_MAX_OPTIONS))
+ MsgBox.Title = HiiChangeString(gHiiHandle, MsgBox.Title, Title);
+ MsgBox.Text = HiiChangeString(gHiiHandle, MsgBox.Text, Message);
+ if(!gApp)
+ {
+ Status = gAction.Create( &gMsgBoxAction );
+ if ( EFI_ERROR( Status ) )
+ return Status;
+ action = gMsgBoxAction; //EIP127375, If NULL while initialization then this assignment will be helpful
+ }
+ Status = gMsgBox.Create( (void**)&msgbox );
+ if ( EFI_ERROR( Status ) )
+ return retValue;
+ MemSet( &dummy, sizeof(dummy), 0 );
+ dummy.ControlHandle = (VOID*)(UINTN)INVALID_HANDLE;
+ dummy.ControlPtr = (VOID*)&MsgBox ; //data;
+ dummy.ControlFlags.ControlVisible = TRUE;
+ msgbox->MsgBoxCatagory = (MsgBoxExCatagory & (~MSGBOX_EX_ATTRIB_CLEARSCREEN)) ;
+ msgbox->Legend = StrDup (Legend); //EIP-88918
+ if (OptionCount) //EIP 90379
+ {
+ msgbox->PtrTokens = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool (sizeof (UINT16) * OptionCount);
+ if (NULL == msgbox->PtrTokens)
+ {
+ }
+ MemCopy (msgbox->PtrTokens, OptionPtrTokens, sizeof (UINT16) * OptionCount);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ msgbox->PtrTokens = NULL;
+ }
+// msgbox->PtrTokens = OptionPtrTokens;
+ msgbox->OptionCount = OptionCount ;
+ Status = gMsgBox.Initialize( msgbox, &dummy );
+ if ( EFI_ERROR( Status ) )
+ goto Done;
+ gMsgBox.SetType( msgbox, MsgBoxType );
+ //*MsgBoxSel = (UINT8)_CallbackGetValueEx( msgbox );
+ result = (UINT8)-1;
+ gMsgBox.SetCallback( msgbox, NULL, _CallbackMsgboxEx, &gCbMsgBox );
+//EIP:47962 Start
+//EIP:47962 End
+ while ( result == (UINT8)-1 )
+ {
+ if ( action->Input.Type != ACTION_TYPE_NULL )
+ gAction.ClearAction( action );
+ gMsgBox.Draw( msgbox );
+ if ( gAction.GetAction( action ) != EFI_SUCCESS )
+ continue;
+ gMsgBox.HandleAction( msgbox, action );
+ DoRealFlushLines();
+ if(HotKeyList!=NULL && HotKeyListCount>0)
+ {
+ for(i=0 ; i<HotKeyListCount; i++)
+ {
+ if( (HotKeyList[i].Key.ScanCode == action->Input.Data.AmiKey.Key.ScanCode ) &&
+ (HotKeyList[i].Key.UnicodeChar == action->Input.Data.AmiKey.Key.UnicodeChar) &&
+ (TseCheckShiftState( action->Input.Data.AmiKey, HotKeyList[i].KeyShiftState) ) )
+ {
+ // Verify passed argument is not NULL before attempting to assign to it
+ if(OutKey != NULL)
+ {
+ OutKey->Key.ScanCode = action->Input.Data.AmiKey.Key.ScanCode ;
+ OutKey->Key.UnicodeChar = action->Input.Data.AmiKey.Key.UnicodeChar;
+ OutKey->KeyShiftState = (UINT32)action->Input.Data.AmiKey.KeyState.KeyShiftState ;
+ OutKey->KeyShiftState = 0 ;
+ }
+ goto Done;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if((msgbox->MsgBoxType == MSGBOX_TYPE_NULL) && (action ->Input.Type == ACTION_TYPE_KEY))
+ goto Done;
+ }
+ }
+ if((result != -1) && (MsgBoxSel != NULL))
+ *MsgBoxSel = (UINT8) result;
+ gMsgBox.Destroy( msgbox, TRUE );
+ if(!gApp)
+ {
+ gAction.Destroy( gMsgBoxAction, TRUE );
+ gMsgBoxAction = NULL ;
+ }
+ return Status;
+// Procedure: ShowPostProgress
+// Description: Function to display the progress bar
+// Input: IN UINT8 ProgressBoxState - Progress bar state
+// IN CHAR16 *Title - Progress bar title
+// IN CHAR16 *Message, - Progress bar message string
+// IN CHAR16 *Legend, - Progress bar legend string
+// IN UINTN Percent, - Percent Complete (0 - 100)
+// IN OUT VOID **Handle, - HANDLE. Valid Handle for update and close
+// OUT AMI_POST_MGR_KEY *OutKey - Out Key
+// Output: EFI_STATUS
+EFI_STATUS ShowPostProgress(
+ IN UINT8 ProgressBoxState,
+ IN CHAR16 *Title,
+ IN CHAR16 *Message,
+ IN CHAR16 *Legend,
+ IN UINTN Percent,
+ IN OUT VOID **Handle,
+ static AMI_IFR_MSGBOX MsgBox = { 0, 0, 0, INVALID_HANDLE, 0 };
+ MSGBOX_DATA *msgbox = NULL;
+ UINT16 MessageToken = 0 ;
+ MEMO_DATA *memo = NULL;
+ switch(ProgressBoxState)
+ {
+ Status = gMsgBox.Create( &msgbox );
+ if ( EFI_ERROR( Status ) )
+ MsgBox.Title = HiiChangeString(gHiiHandle, STRING_TOKEN(STR_MSGBOX_PROGRESS_TITLE), Title);
+ MsgBox.Text = HiiChangeString(gHiiHandle, STRING_TOKEN(STR_MSGBOX_PROGRESS_TEXT), Message);
+ MemSet( &dummy, sizeof(dummy), 0 );
+ dummy.ControlHandle = (VOID*)(UINTN)INVALID_HANDLE;
+ dummy.ControlPtr = (VOID*)&MsgBox ; //data;
+ dummy.ControlFlags.ControlVisible = TRUE;
+ msgbox->MsgBoxCatagory = MSGBOX_EX_CATAGORY_NORMAL ;
+ Status = gMsgBox.Initialize( msgbox, &dummy );
+ if ( EFI_ERROR( Status ) )
+ {
+ gMsgBox.Destroy( msgbox, TRUE );
+ return Status;
+ }
+ *Handle = msgbox ;
+ msgbox->Legend = Legend ;
+ msgbox->Percent = 0 ;
+ gMsgBox.SetType( msgbox, MSGBOX_TYPE_PROGRESS );
+ gMsgBox.Draw( msgbox );
+ DoRealFlushLines();
+ break;
+ if(Handle == NULL)
+ msgbox = *Handle ;
+ msgbox->Percent = Percent ;
+//EIP:39416 START
+ if(Message != NULL)
+ {
+ memo = msgbox->Memo;
+ MessageToken = HiiChangeString(gHiiHandle, MessageToken, Message);
+ UefiSetSubTitleField((VOID *)memo->ControlData.ControlPtr, MessageToken);
+ }
+//EIP:39416 END
+ gMsgBox.Draw( msgbox );
+ DoRealFlushLines();
+ //Output the key
+ if (! EFI_ERROR( gAction.Create( &action ) ) )
+ {
+ if(!EFI_ERROR(gAction.GetAction( action )))
+ {
+ OutKey->Key.ScanCode = action->Input.Data.AmiKey.Key.ScanCode ;
+ OutKey->Key.UnicodeChar = action->Input.Data.AmiKey.Key.UnicodeChar;
+ OutKey->KeyShiftState = action->Input.Data.AmiKey.KeyState.KeyShiftState ;
+ #else
+ OutKey->KeyShiftState = 0 ;
+ #endif
+ }
+ Status = gAction.Destroy(action, TRUE);
+ }
+ break;
+ msgbox = *Handle ;
+ gMsgBox.Destroy( msgbox, TRUE );
+ //restore the screen
+ break;
+ }
+ return Status;
+// Procedure: ShowPostMsgBox
+// Description: Function to display the message box
+// Input: CHAR16 *MsgBoxTitle,
+// CHAR16 *Message,
+// UINT8 MsgBoxType,
+// UINT8 *pSelection
+// Output: EFI_STATUS
+EFI_STATUS ShowPostMsgBox(IN CHAR16 *MsgBoxTitle,IN CHAR16 *Message,IN UINT8 MsgBoxType, UINT8 *pSelection)
+ static AMI_IFR_MSGBOX MsgBox = { 0, 0, 0, INVALID_HANDLE, 0 };
+ UINT8 Selection;
+ MsgBox.Title = HiiChangeString(gHiiHandle, MsgBox.Title, MsgBoxTitle);
+ MsgBox.Text = HiiChangeString(gHiiHandle, MsgBox.Text, Message);
+ if(!gApp)
+ {
+ Status = gAction.Create( &gMsgBoxAction );
+ if ( EFI_ERROR( Status ) )
+ return Status;
+ }
+ Selection = CallbackShowMessageBox((UINTN)&MsgBox, MsgBoxType);
+ if(!gApp)
+ {
+ gAction.Destroy( gMsgBoxAction, TRUE );
+ gMsgBoxAction = NULL;
+ }
+ if(pSelection!=NULL)
+ *pSelection = Selection;
+ return Status;
+#define PADDING 8
+#define GUTTER 2
+#define BRACKET 1
+UINT16 gPostLabelMargin = 0 ;
+extern EFI_STATUS _CBPopupStringEdit(VOID *container, VOID *object, VOID *cookie);
+extern UINT8 res ;
+extern CALLBACK_VARIABLE gPopupEditCb ;
+// Procedure: _PostEditCallback
+// Description: Callback function for text entry popup
+// Input: VOID *container, VOID *object, VOID *cookie
+// Output: EFI_STATUS
+EFI_STATUS _PostEditCallback(VOID *container, VOID *object, VOID *cookie)
+ if(cookie!=NULL)
+ {
+ res=0;
+ }
+ else
+ res=1;
+ return Status;
+// Procedure: _PostEditDraw
+// Description: Function to draw text entry edit box
+// Input: POPUPEDIT_DATA *popup
+// Output: EFI_STATUS
+EFI_STATUS _PostEditDraw( POPUPEDIT_DATA *popup )
+ UINT16 Length = 0 ;
+ BOOLEAN bShadow = StyleGetShadowSupport() ;
+ //DrawWindow( popup->Left, popup->Top, popup->Width, popup->Height, (UINT8)(popup->BGColor | popup->FGColor) , FALSE, FALSE );
+ if ( popup->Title != NULL )
+ {
+ Length = (UINT16)TestPrintLength( popup->Title ) / (NG_SIZE);
+ DrawStringWithAttribute( popup->Left - Length - GUTTER, popup->Top, popup->Title, (popup->ControlActive?EFI_WHITE:popup->FGColor) | popup->BGColor );
+ }
+ Length = (UINT16)UefiGetMaxValue(popup->ControlData.ControlPtr);
+ DrawStringWithAttribute( popup->Left, popup->Top, L"[", (popup->ControlActive?EFI_WHITE:popup->FGColor) | popup->BGColor );
+ DrawStringWithAttribute( popup->Left+Length+1 , popup->Top, L"]", (popup->ControlActive?EFI_WHITE:popup->FGColor) | popup->BGColor );
+ if(popup->ControlActive)
+ DrawWindow( popup->Left+1, popup->Top, Length, popup->Height, (UINT8)(EFI_BLACK | popup->FGColor) , FALSE, FALSE );
+ return gControl.Draw( popup );
+// Procedure: _PostPopupEditDraw
+// Description: Function to draw text entry popup window
+// Input: POPUPEDIT_DATA *PopupEdit
+// Output: EFI_STATUS
+EFI_STATUS _PostPopupEditDraw( POPUPEDIT_DATA *PopupEdit )
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ CHAR16 *text = NULL, *newText = NULL;
+ CHAR16 *line;
+ UINT16 pos, height,i,ii=0;;
+ text = StrDup(PopupEdit->Text);
+ Status = _PostEditDraw( PopupEdit );
+ if(EFI_ERROR(Status))
+ return Status;
+ // clear out old wrapped string
+ for ( pos = ii; pos < PopupEdit->Height-2; pos++ )
+ DrawStringWithAttribute( PopupEdit->Left+1, PopupEdit->Top + pos, PopupEdit->EmptyString, PopupEdit->FGColor | PopupEdit->BGColor );
+ newText = StringWrapText( text, PopupEdit->Width-1, &height );
+ if ( newText != text )
+ MemFreePointer( (VOID **)&text );
+ line = newText;
+ for ( pos = ii; pos < PopupEdit->Height; pos++ )
+ {
+ CHAR16 save;
+ text = line;
+ if ( *line == L'\0' )
+ break;
+ while ( ( *line != L'\n' ) &&( *line != L'\r' ) && ( *line != L'\0' ) )
+ line++;
+ save = *line;
+ *line = L'\0';
+ i=0;
+ while( (text[i] != L'\0') && (PopupEdit->Chr !=0x0 ) )
+ {
+// if(text[i] != L' ') //all chars should be treated the same
+ text[i] = PopupEdit->Chr;
+ i++;
+ }
+ if(PopupEdit->ControlActive)
+ DrawStringWithAttribute( PopupEdit->Left+1, PopupEdit->Top + pos, text, EFI_WHITE | EFI_BLACK );
+ else
+ DrawStringWithAttribute( PopupEdit->Left+1, PopupEdit->Top + pos, text, PopupEdit->FGColor | PopupEdit->BGColor );
+ if ( ( *line = save ) != L'\0' )
+ {
+ line++;
+ if ( ( *line == L'\r' ) || ( *line == L'\n' ) )
+ line++;
+ }
+ }
+ MemFreePointer( (VOID **)&newText );
+ if ( pos < height )
+ height = pos;
+ PopupEdit->DisplayLines = height;
+ FlushLines( 0, 24 );
+ //FlushLines( PopupEdit->Top, PopupEdit->Top + PopupEdit->Height );
+ return EFI_SUCCESS;
+// Procedure: _PostPopupEditGetValues
+// Description: Function to draw text entry popup window
+// Input: POPUP_DATA *popup,
+// POPUPEDIT_DATA *editList,
+// UINT16 ItemCount,
+// Output: UINTN - 0/1 (success/abort)
+UINTN _PostPopupEditGetValues(
+ POPUP_DATA *popup,
+ UINT16 ItemCount,
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ CONTROL_ACTION Action = ControlActionUnknown;
+ ACTION_DATA *action=NULL ;
+ UINT16 i=0, Length=0, CurPos=0;
+ UINT16 count = 0;
+ res = (UINT8)-1;
+ if(!gApp)
+ {
+ Status = gAction.Create( &action );
+ if ( EFI_ERROR( Status ) )
+ {
+ res=0;
+ goto Done;
+ }
+ } else {
+ action = gApp->Action;
+ }
+ gPopup.Draw( popup );
+ //1. Position Child items
+ for ( i = 0; i < ItemCount; i++)
+ {
+ Length = (UINT16)TestPrintLength( editList[i].Title ) / (NG_SIZE);
+ editList[i].Top = popup->Top+1+i ;
+ editList[i].Left = popup->Left + gPostLabelMargin ;
+ editList[i].Height = 1 ;
+ }
+ res = (UINT8)-1;
+ while ( res == (UINT8)-1 )
+ {
+ //2. Clear the action
+ if ( action->Input.Type != ACTION_TYPE_NULL ) {
+ gAction.ClearAction( action );
+ }
+ //3. Draw the controls
+ gPopup.Draw( popup );
+ ptrEdit = editList;
+ for ( i = 0; i < ItemCount; i++, ptrEdit++)
+ {
+ _PostPopupEditDraw( ptrEdit );
+ }
+ FlushLines( popup->Top-2, popup->Top + popup->Height );
+ DoRealFlushLines();
+ //4. Get the action
+ Status = gAction.GetAction( action );
+ if( Status != EFI_SUCCESS ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ //5. Set the count to control the active item
+ if (action->Input.Type == ACTION_TYPE_KEY)
+ {
+ Action = MapControlKeysHook(action->Input.Data.AmiKey) ;
+ switch(Action)
+ {
+ case ControlActionHome:
+ count = 0;
+ break;
+ case ControlActionEnd:
+ count = ItemCount-1;
+ break;
+ case ControlActionNextUp:
+ if (count > 0 )
+ count--;
+ break;
+ case ControlActionNextSelection:
+ case ControlActionNextDown:
+ if (count < ItemCount-1 )
+ count++;
+ break;
+ /*
+ case ControlActionSelect:
+ count++;
+ if(count >= ItemCount)
+ res=0;
+ break;
+ */
+ case ControlActionAbort:
+ res=1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ptrEdit = editList;
+ //6. Scan Items, Set Active Status and handle the action
+ for ( i = 0; i < ItemCount; i++, ptrEdit++)
+ {
+ if(count == i)
+ {
+ //Handle the action ONLY for the active item
+ ptrEdit->ControlActive = TRUE ;
+ //Check filter key, skip the character/Action if required
+ if( (action->Input.Data.AmiKey.Key.UnicodeChar) &&
+ (Action != ControlActionBackSpace) &&
+ (Action != ControlActionAbort) &&
+ //(Action != ControlActionSelect) &&
+ (Action != ControlActionNextSelection) &&
+ (Action != ControlActionUnknown)
+ /* (action->Input.Data.AmiKey.Key.UnicodeChar != 0x20 )*/ )
+ {
+ if(InputData[i].FilterKey == TSE_FILTER_KEY_NUMERIC)
+ {
+ if(!CharIsNumeric(action->Input.Data.AmiKey.Key.UnicodeChar))
+ continue ;
+ }
+ else if(InputData[i].FilterKey == TSE_FILTER_KEY_ALPHA)
+ {
+ if(!CharIsAlpha(action->Input.Data.AmiKey.Key.UnicodeChar))
+ continue ;
+ }
+ else if(InputData[i].FilterKey == TSE_FILTER_KEY_ALPHANUMERIC)
+ {
+ if(!CharIsAlphaNumeric(action->Input.Data.AmiKey.Key.UnicodeChar))
+ continue ;
+ }
+ else if((InputData[i].FilterKey == TSE_FILTER_KEY_CUSTOM) && (ValidateKeyFunc!=NULL))
+ {
+ if(!(ValidateKeyFunc(i, action->Input.Data.AmiKey.Key.UnicodeChar, ptrEdit->Text)))
+ continue ;
+ }
+ }
+ gPopupEdit.HandleAction( ptrEdit, action );
+ CurPos = (UINT16)EfiStrLen(ptrEdit->Text)+1 ;
+ gST->ConOut->SetAttribute ( gST->ConOut, ptrEdit->FGColor | ptrEdit->BGColor );
+ gST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition( gST->ConOut,
+ ptrEdit->Left + CurPos, ptrEdit->Top );
+ if(CurPos <= ptrEdit->TextWidth)
+ {
+ gST->ConOut->EnableCursor(gST->ConOut, TRUE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gST->ConOut->EnableCursor(gST->ConOut, FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ptrEdit->ControlActive = FALSE ;
+ }
+ }
+ if(Action == ControlActionSelect)
+ {
+ count++;
+ if(count >= ItemCount)
+ {
+ res=0;
+ }
+ }
+ Action = ControlActionUnknown ;
+ }
+ if(!gApp)
+ {
+ gAction.Destroy( action, TRUE );
+ action = NULL ;
+ }
+ return res;
+// Name: ShowPostTextBox
+// Description: Function to display text entry interface
+// Input: IN VOID *HiiHandle,
+// IN UINT16 TitleToken,
+// IN UINT16 ItemCount,
+// Output: EFI_STATUS
+EFI_STATUS ShowPostTextBox(
+ IN VOID *HiiHandle,
+ IN UINT16 TitleToken,
+ IN UINT16 ItemCount,
+ UINT16 Token=0, i=0, Length=0, MaxLabelWidth=0, MaxControlWidth=0;
+ UINT8 retValue = (UINT8)-1;
+ VOID *OriginalPopupEditDraw = NULL ;
+ CHAR16 *Text=NULL;
+ VOID *IFRString ;
+ POPUP_DATA *popup = NULL ;
+ POPUPEDIT_DATA *PopupEditList=NULL, *ptrEdit=NULL;
+ CONTROL_INFO *dummys=NULL, *ptrDummy=NULL;
+ BOOLEAN PreviousCursorState = gST->ConOut->Mode->CursorVisible;
+ if(HiiHandle == NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ Status = gPopup.Create( &popup );
+ if ( EFI_ERROR( Status ) )
+ {
+ return Status;
+ }
+ // this *MUST* be run a EFI_TPL_APPLICATION
+ OrgTPL = gBS->RaiseTPL( EFI_TPL_HIGH_LEVEL ); // guarantees that RestoreTPL won't ASSERT
+ PopupEditList = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool( sizeof(POPUPEDIT_DATA) * ItemCount);
+ PopupEditCb = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool( sizeof(CALLBACK_VARIABLE) * ItemCount);
+ dummys = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool( sizeof(CONTROL_INFO) * ItemCount);
+ ptrEdit = PopupEditList;
+ ptrDummy = dummys ;
+ ptrCb = PopupEditCb ;
+ IFRString = UefiCreateSubTitleTemplate(TitleToken);
+ //((EFI_IFR_STRING*)IFRString)->MaxSize = 10 ;
+ MemSet( &dummy, sizeof(dummy), 0 );
+ dummy.ControlPtr = (VOID*)IFRString;
+ dummy.ControlHandle = HiiHandle;
+ dummy.ControlType = CONTROL_TYPE_POPUP_STRING;
+ dummy.ControlFlags.ControlVisible = TRUE;
+ Status = gPopup.Initialize( popup, &dummy );
+ if ( EFI_ERROR( Status ) )
+ goto Done;
+ SetControlColorsHook( NULL, NULL , NULL, NULL , NULL, NULL ,
+ NULL,NULL ,NULL,&(popup->FGColor),&(popup->BGColor) );
+ popup->Border = TRUE ;
+ popup->Title = HiiGetString(HiiHandle, TitleToken);
+ popup->Style = POPUP_STYLE_BBS ;
+ if ( popup->Title == NULL )
+ {
+ goto Done;
+ }
+ for ( i = 0; i < ItemCount; i++, ptrEdit++, ptrDummy++, ptrCb++)
+ {
+ if((InputData[i].Value == NULL) || (InputData[i].MaxSize < 1 ))
+ {
+ goto Done;
+ }
+ // Create PopupEdit Control
+ Status = gPopupEdit.Create( &((POPUPEDIT_DATA *)ptrEdit) );
+ if ( EFI_ERROR( Status ) )
+ goto Done;
+ MemSet( ptrDummy, sizeof(CONTROL_INFO), 0 );
+ ptrDummy->ControlPtr = (VOID*)UefiCreateStringTemplate(InputData[i].ItemToken);
+ ptrDummy->ControlHandle = HiiHandle;
+ ptrDummy->ControlType = CONTROL_TYPE_POPUP_STRING;
+ ptrDummy->ControlFlags.ControlVisible = TRUE;
+ ((EFI_IFR_STRING*)ptrDummy->ControlPtr)->MaxSize = InputData[i].MaxSize ;
+ //Set the text, caller may want to display default value
+ gPopupEdit.SetText(ptrEdit, InputData[i].Value);
+ gPopupEdit.SetType( ptrEdit, InputData[i].Hidden?POPUPEDIT_TYPE_PASSWORD:POPUPEDIT_TYPE_STRING );
+ // Initialize PopupEdit Control
+ Status = gPopupEdit.Initialize( ptrEdit, ptrDummy ) ;
+ if ( EFI_ERROR( Status ) )
+ goto Done;
+ ptrEdit->Border = FALSE ;
+ ptrEdit->Style = POPUP_STYLE_NORMAL ;
+ gPopupEdit.SetCallback( ptrEdit, NULL, _PostEditCallback, ptrCb );
+ // Item width = PromptStringLength + "[" + ControlWidth +"]"
+ //Get maximum label width
+ Length = (UINT16)TestPrintLength( ptrEdit->Title ) / (NG_SIZE);
+ if(Length > MaxLabelWidth)
+ MaxLabelWidth = Length ;
+ //Get maximum control width
+ Length = (UINT16)UefiGetMaxValue(ptrEdit->ControlData.ControlPtr);
+ if(Length > MaxControlWidth)
+ MaxControlWidth = Length ;
+ }
+ //popup->width = MaxLabelWidth + GUTTER + "[" + MaxControlWidth + "]"
+ popup->Width = MaxLabelWidth + GUTTER + BRACKET + MaxControlWidth + BRACKET ;
+ popup->Width += PADDING ;
+ Length = (UINT16)TestPrintLength( popup->Title ) / (NG_SIZE);
+ //Check if the title exceeds the popup window width
+ if(Length > popup->Width)
+ {
+ //Adjust the popup window width
+ popup->Width = Length + PADDING ;
+ //Set the label margin
+ gPostLabelMargin = (popup->Width - (MaxLabelWidth + GUTTER + MaxControlWidth))/2 + MaxLabelWidth ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Set the label margin
+ gPostLabelMargin = MaxLabelWidth + GUTTER + PADDING/2;
+ }
+ //Set the popup window height
+ popup->Height = ItemCount + 2 ;
+ //Check screen overflow
+ if( (popup->Width > gMaxCols - 2) ||
+ (popup->Height > gMaxRows - 2) )
+ {
+ goto Done;
+ }
+ // Save gPopupEdit.Draw (It may be an override function)
+ OriginalPopupEditDraw = gPopupEdit.Draw ;
+ // Override gPopupEdit.Draw with our functiion (It will be called by the PopupEdit control)
+ gPopupEdit.Draw = _PostPopupEditDraw ;
+ gST->ConOut->EnableCursor(gST->ConOut, TRUE);
+ gST->ConOut->SetAttribute ( gST->ConOut, popup->FGColor | popup->BGColor );
+ // Launch the textbox and get the values.
+ retValue = (UINT8)_PostPopupEditGetValues( popup, PopupEditList, InputData, ItemCount, FilterKeyFunc );
+ gST->ConOut->EnableCursor(gST->ConOut, PreviousCursorState);
+ // Restore gPopupEdit.Draw to the original
+ gPopupEdit.Draw = OriginalPopupEditDraw ;
+ if(retValue == 0)
+ {
+ for ( i = 0; i < ItemCount; i++)
+ {
+ if(InputData[i].Value == NULL)
+ {
+ // Allocate space for the user entered value
+ //EntryData[i].Value = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool( (PopupEditCb[i].Length+1) * sizeof(CHAR16) );
+ //if(EntryData[i].Value == NULL)
+ goto Done;
+ }
+ // Get the user entered value
+ EfiStrCpy( InputData[i].Value, PopupEditList[i].Text );
+ //EfiStrCpy( InputData[i].Value, PopupEditCb[i].Data );
+ }
+ }
+ gPopupEdit.Destroy( PopupEditList, TRUE );//EIP-170151 Destroy text box before message box
+ // Free allocated init data
+ MemFreePointer((VOID**)&PopupEditCb);
+ MemFreePointer((VOID**)&dummys);
+ gPopup.Destroy( popup, TRUE );
+ if (gApp != NULL) {
+ gApp->CompleteRedraw = TRUE ; //CompleteRedraw;
+ }
+ gBS->RaiseTPL( EFI_TPL_HIGH_LEVEL ); // guarantees that RestoreTPL won't ASSERT
+ gBS->RestoreTPL( OrgTPL );
+ if (res == 1) {
+ Status = EFI_ABORTED;
+ }
+ return Status;
+// Procedure: _DisplayInfoCancelTimer
+// Description: Timer notify fucntion
+// Input: EFI_EVENT Event
+// VOID *Context
+// Output: VOID
+VOID _DisplayInfoCancelTimer( EFI_EVENT Event, VOID *Context )
+ if ( gInfoBox != NULL )
+ gMsgBox.Destroy( gInfoBox, TRUE );
+ gInfoBox = NULL;
+ TimerStopTimer( &Event );
+// Procedure: ShowInfoBox
+// Description: fucntiont to display the information box
+// Input: CHAR16 *InfoBoxTitle,
+// CHAR16 *Message,
+// UINTN TimeLimit,
+// EFI_EVENT *RetEvent)
+// Output: EFI_STATUS
+EFI_STATUS ShowInfoBox(IN CHAR16 *InfoBoxTitle, IN CHAR16 *Message, IN UINTN TimeLimit, EFI_EVENT *RetEvent)
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ static AMI_IFR_MSGBOX msgbox = { 0, 0, 0, INVALID_HANDLE, 0 };
+ msgbox.Title = HiiChangeString(gHiiHandle, msgbox.Title, InfoBoxTitle);
+ msgbox.Text = HiiChangeString(gHiiHandle, msgbox.Text, Message);
+ Status = gMsgBox.Create( &gInfoBox );
+ if ( EFI_ERROR( Status ) )
+ return 1;
+ MemSet( &dummy, sizeof(dummy), 0 );
+ dummy.ControlHandle = INVALID_HANDLE;
+ dummy.ControlPtr = (VOID*)(UINTN) &msgbox;
+ dummy.ControlFlags.ControlVisible = TRUE;
+ gMsgBox.Initialize( gInfoBox, &dummy );
+ gMsgBox.SetType( gInfoBox, MSGBOX_TYPE_NULL );
+ gMsgBox.Draw( gInfoBox );
+ if ( TimeLimit != 0 )
+ {
+ Status = gBS->CreateEvent(
+ EventType,
+ _DisplayInfoCancelTimer,
+ RetEvent
+ );
+ if ( EFI_ERROR( Status ) )
+ return Status;
+ Status = gBS->SetTimer( *RetEvent, TimerRelative, MultU64x32((UINT64)TIMER_ONE_SECOND, TimeLimit) );
+ if ( EFI_ERROR( Status ) )
+ TimerStopTimer( RetEvent );
+ }
+ return Status;
+// Procedure: ActionReadKeyWithAMIKeyCode
+// Description: fucntion to read the a key using AMI Key Code Protocol
+// Input: AMI_EFI_KEY_DATA *pAmiKey,
+// UINT64 Timeout
+// Output: EFI_STATUS
+EFI_STATUS ActionReadKeyWithAMIKeyCode( AMI_EFI_KEY_DATA *pAmiKey, UINT64 Timeout )
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ EFI_STATUS StatusFlush;
+ EFI_EVENT EventList[2] = { NULL, NULL };
+ UINTN Count = 1, Index = 1;
+ Status = gBS->HandleProtocol(gST->ConsoleInHandle, &gAmiEfiKeycodeProtocolGuid, (void*)&pKeyCodeProtocol);
+ if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) return Status;
+ if ( Timeout )
+ {
+ EventList[0] = pKeyCodeProtocol->WaitForKeyEx;
+ Status = TimerCreateTimer( &EventList[1], NULL, NULL, TimerRelative, Timeout, EFI_TPL_CALLBACK );
+ if ( EFI_ERROR( Status ) )
+ return Status;
+ Count++;
+ gBS->WaitForEvent( Count, EventList, &Index );
+ TimerStopTimer( &EventList[1] );
+ if ( Index == 1 )
+ return EFI_NOT_READY;
+ }
+ Status = pKeyCodeProtocol->ReadEfikey( pKeyCodeProtocol, pAmiKey );
+ ////EIP-87117 If it Partial Key make the Status as Error to ignore
+ // the Partial Key.
+ if((pAmiKey->KeyState.KeyToggleState & KEY_STATE_EXPOSED) == KEY_STATE_EXPOSED) {
+ if( (!EFI_ERROR( Status )) && (pAmiKey->Key.ScanCode==0) && (pAmiKey->Key.UnicodeChar==0)) {
+ Status = EFI_NOT_READY;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ! EFI_ERROR( Status ) && FlushKeysAfterRead())//EIP 99022 :check for the FLUSH_KEYS_AFTER_READ token before flushing the keys
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ StatusFlush = pKeyCodeProtocol->ReadEfikey( pKeyCodeProtocol, &KeyFlush );
+ ////EIP-87117 If it Partial Key make the Status as Error to ignore
+ // the Partial Key.
+ if((KeyFlush.KeyState.KeyToggleState & KEY_STATE_EXPOSED) == KEY_STATE_EXPOSED) {
+ if( (!EFI_ERROR( Status )) && (KeyFlush.Key.ScanCode==0) && (KeyFlush.Key.UnicodeChar==0)) {
+ StatusFlush = EFI_NOT_READY;
+ }
+ }
+ } while ( ! EFI_ERROR( StatusFlush ) );
+ }
+ return Status;
+// Procedure: ActionReadKey
+// Description: fucntion to handle the read key action
+// Input: AMI_EFI_KEY_DATA *pAmiKey,
+// UINT64 Timeout
+// Output: EFI_STATUS
+EFI_STATUS ActionReadKey( AMI_EFI_KEY_DATA *pAmiKey, UINT64 Timeout )
+ return ActionReadKeyWithAMIKeyCode( pAmiKey, Timeout );
+ return _ActionReadKey( pAmiKey, Timeout );
+// Procedure: AMIReadKeyStroke
+// Description: function to read a key stroke
+// Input: EFI_INPUT_KEY *Key,
+// Output: EFI_STATUS
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ Status = gBS->HandleProtocol(gST->ConsoleInHandle, &gAmiEfiKeycodeProtocolGuid, (void*)&pKeyCodeProtocol);
+ if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) return Status;
+ Status = pKeyCodeProtocol->ReadEfikey( pKeyCodeProtocol, KeyData );
+ ////EIP-87117 If it Partial Key make the Status as Error to ignore
+ // the Partial Key.
+ if((KeyData->KeyState.KeyToggleState & KEY_STATE_EXPOSED) == KEY_STATE_EXPOSED) {
+ if( (!EFI_ERROR( Status )) && (KeyData->Key.ScanCode==0) && (KeyData->Key.UnicodeChar==0)) {
+ Status = EFI_NOT_READY;
+ }
+ }
+ *Key = KeyData->Key;
+ Status = gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke( gST->ConIn, Key );
+ return Status;
+// Procedure: HelperIsPasswordCharValid
+// Description: function to check whether the password char is valid
+// Input: EFI_INPUT_KEY *Key,
+// AMI_EFI_KEY_DATA *KeyData,
+// UINTN StrIndex,
+// UINTN PasswordLength,
+// CHAR16 *OutChar
+// Output: EFI_STATUS
+EFI_STATUS HelperIsPasswordCharValid(EFI_INPUT_KEY *Key,AMI_EFI_KEY_DATA *KeyData,UINTN StrIndex,UINTN PasswordLength, CHAR16 *OutChar)
+ {
+ case PW_EFI_KEY:
+ if ( (StrIndex < PasswordLength) && (KeyData->EfiKeyIsValid) ) {
+ /// EIP:28551 - Get EFI Key with the help of AMI key code protocol
+ *OutChar = (0x8000)^(CHAR16)(KeyData->EfiKey);
+ return EFI_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ break;
+ case PW_SCAN_CODE:
+ if ( (StrIndex < PasswordLength) && (KeyData->PS2ScanCodeIsValid) ) {
+ *OutChar = (CHAR16)(KeyData->PS2ScanCode);
+ return EFI_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ // if tokens not enabled then, check whether the character is alphanumeric and return the key
+ if ( CheckIsAllowedPasswordChar(Key->UnicodeChar) && ( StrIndex < PasswordLength ) )
+ {
+ *OutChar = Key->UnicodeChar;
+ return EFI_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ // If AMI key code support TOKEN not enabled and the character is not alphanumeric then return as Unsupported.
+// Procedure: PopupEditHandlePassword
+// Description: function to handle the popup password edit
+// Input: VOID *pPopupEdit,
+// VOID *pData
+// Output: EFI_STATUS
+EFI_STATUS PopupEditHandlePassword( VOID *pPopupEdit, VOID *pData)
+ POPUPEDIT_DATA *PopupEdit = pPopupEdit;
+ ACTION_DATA *Data = pData;
+ // Check whether the popup edit type is Password,
+ if(( PopupEdit->PopupEditType == POPUPEDIT_TYPE_PASSWORD )&&( EfiStrLen(PopupEdit->Text) < PopupEdit->TextWidth ))
+ {
+ if(PopupEdit->ControlActive ==FALSE)
+ {
+ // copy the password text into temp and make the control active.
+ MemCopy(PopupEdit->TempText,PopupEdit->Text,PopupEdit->TextWidth* sizeof(UINT16));
+ PopupEdit->ControlActive = TRUE;
+ }
+ {
+ case PW_EFI_KEY:
+ if(Data->Input.Data.AmiKey.EfiKeyIsValid)
+ PopupEdit->Text[EfiStrLen(PopupEdit->Text)] = 0x8000 ^(CHAR16)(Data->Input.Data.AmiKey.EfiKey);
+ else
+ break;
+ case PW_SCAN_CODE:
+ if(Data->Input.Data.AmiKey.PS2ScanCodeIsValid)
+ PopupEdit->Text[EfiStrLen(PopupEdit->Text)] = (CHAR16)(Data->Input.Data.AmiKey.PS2ScanCode);
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ // set end of string and return success
+ PopupEdit->Text[EfiStrLen(PopupEdit->Text)] = 0x0 ;
+ return EFI_SUCCESS;
+ }
+// Procedure: ClearUserPasswordPolicy
+// Description: fucntion to clear the user password if admin password is empty,
+// Only Valid with Password Local
+// Input: CALLBACK_PASSWORD *callbackData,
+// CHAR16 *saveData
+// Output: None
+VOID ClearUserPasswordPolicy(CALLBACK_PASSWORD *callbackData,CHAR16 *saveData)
+ if(
+ (VARIABLE_ID_AMITSESETUP == callbackData->Variable)&&
+ (STRUCT_OFFSET(AMITSESETUP,AdminPassword) == callbackData->Offset)&&
+ (0 == ((CHAR16 *)callbackData->Data)[0])
+ )
+ {
+ //Admin password is being cleared
+ //Clear user pw; write the same thing for user
+ //EIP-172956 To update password values properly
+ if((TSEPwdSavetoNvram())&&( VARIABLE_ID_AMITSESETUP == callbackData->Variable ))
+ {
+ UINTN size=0;
+ TempSaveData = (AMITSESETUP *) EfiLibAllocateZeroPool(sizeof(AMITSESETUP));
+ size = sizeof(AMITSESETUP);
+ TempSaveData = VarGetNvram(VARIABLE_ID_AMITSESETUP, &size);
+ MemCopy( ((UINT8*)(TempSaveData))+(STRUCT_OFFSET(AMITSESETUP,UserPassword)), saveData, callbackData->Length );
+ MemFreePointer( (VOID **)&TempSaveData );
+ }
+ else{
+ VarSetValue(VARIABLE_ID_AMITSESETUP, STRUCT_OFFSET(AMITSESETUP,UserPassword), callbackData->Length, saveData);
+ }
+ }
+// Procedure: TseFramePwdCallbackIdePasswordUpdate
+// Description: function to update the ide password
+// Input: CONTROL_DATA *control,
+// CHAR16 *saveData
+// Output: EFI_STATUS
+EFI_STATUS TseFramePwdCallbackIdePasswordUpdate ( CONTROL_DATA *control,CHAR16 *saveData)
+ BOOLEAN bCheckUser = FALSE;
+ VOID * data =control->ControlData.ControlPtr;
+ if (control->ControlData.ControlVariable == VARIABLE_ID_IDE_SECURITY ) // IDE Password
+ {
+ if(/*data->QuestionId*/UefiGetQuestionOffset(data) == STRUCT_OFFSET(IDE_SECURITY_CONFIG,IDEUserPassword))
+ bCheckUser = TRUE;
+ TSEIDEPasswordUpdate( (UINT32)gCurrIDESecPage, saveData, bCheckUser );
+ return EFI_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ else
+// Procedure: TsePopupPwdAuthenticateIDEPwd
+// Description: Function to authenticate the IDE password
+// Input: POPUP_PASSWORD_DATA *popuppassword,
+// BOOLEAN *AbortUpdate,
+// VOID *data
+// Output: EFI_STATUS
+EFI_STATUS TsePopupPwdAuthenticateIDEPwd(POPUP_PASSWORD_DATA *popuppassword, BOOLEAN *AbortUpdate,VOID *data)
+ CHAR16 *Text=NULL;
+ if(popuppassword->ControlData.ControlVariable == VARIABLE_ID_IDE_SECURITY )
+ {
+ //if drive is locked ask for the old password to unlock the drive
+ VOID* DataPtr = TSEIDEPasswordGetDataPtr(gCurrIDESecPage);
+ BOOLEAN bCheckUser = FALSE;
+ BOOLEAN EnabledBit = FALSE;
+ UINTN size = 0;
+ ideSecConfig = VarGetVariable( VARIABLE_ID_IDE_SECURITY, &size );
+ //EIP-75352 Suppress the warnings from static code analyzer
+ if (NULL == ideSecConfig) {
+ return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
+ }
+ if(ideSecConfig->Enabled) EnabledBit = TRUE;
+ if(EnabledBit)
+ {
+ if(UefiGetQuestionOffset(data) /*data->QuestionId*/ == STRUCT_OFFSET(IDE_SECURITY_CONFIG,IDEUserPassword))
+ bCheckUser = TRUE;
+ if(bCheckUser || ideSecConfig->MasterPasswordStatus)
+ {
+ Status = _DoPopupEdit( popuppassword, (IsShowPromptStringAsTitle() ? STRING_TOKEN(STR_OLD_PSWD_LABEL): STRING_TOKEN(STR_OLD_PSWD)), &Text);//EIP-116315 password window title string
+ if(EFI_SUCCESS != Status )
+ {
+ *AbortUpdate = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Status = TSEIDEPasswordAuthenticate( Text, DataPtr, bCheckUser );
+ if(EFI_ERROR( Status ))
+ {
+ CallbackShowMessageBox( (UINTN)gInvalidPasswordFailMsgBox, MSGBOX_TYPE_OK );
+ *AbortUpdate = TRUE;
+ }
+ StringZeroFreeMemory ((VOID **)&Text);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MemFreePointer((VOID **) &ideSecConfig);
+ return EFI_SUCCESS;
+ }
+// Procedure: TsePopupPwdUpdateIDEPwd
+// Description: function to update the IDE password
+// Input: None
+// Output: None
+VOID TsePopupPwdUpdateIDEPwd (VOID)
+ UINTN size = 0;
+ ideSecConfig = VarGetVariable( VARIABLE_ID_IDE_SECURITY, &size );
+ //EIP-75352 Suppress the warnings from static code analyzer
+ if (NULL == ideSecConfig) {
+ return;
+ }
+ TSEIDEUpdateConfig((VOID*)ideSecConfig, gCurrIDESecPage);
+ VarSetValue (VARIABLE_ID_IDE_SECURITY, 0, size, ideSecConfig); //Updating the cache
+ if (gApp != NULL)
+ gApp->CompleteRedraw = TRUE; //EIP 80360 Complete redraw bcoz if User password set it should grayout the Master password.
+ MemFreePointer((VOID **)&ideSecConfig);
+// Procedure: IsLegacyOption
+// Description: function to check for legacy option
+// Input: UINT16 Option
+// Output: TRUE/FALSE
+BOOLEAN IsLegacyOption(UINT16 Option)
+ BOOT_DATA *pBootData;
+ pBootData = BootGetBootData(Option);
+ if(pBootData)
+ {
+ if(BBSValidDevicePath( pBootData->DevicePath ))
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// Procedure: ReGroupOptions
+// Description: function to regroup the boot options
+// Input: UINT16 *optionList,
+// UINT16 *OrgOptionList
+// Output: None
+VOID ReGroupOptions(UINT16 *optionList,UINT16 *OrgOptionList)
+ UINTN src, dest, i;
+ UINT16 *TempList;
+ UINTN LegDevStartIndex=0xFFFF,LegDevStopIndex=0xFFFF;
+ TempList = EfiLibAllocatePool(gBootOptionCount * sizeof(UINT16));
+ MemCopy(TempList, optionList, gBootOptionCount * sizeof(UINT16));
+ dest = 0;
+ //Copy all first EFI option
+ for(src=0; (src<gBootOptionCount)&&(DISABLED_BOOT_OPTION!=TempList[src]); src++)
+ {
+ if(IsLegacyOption(TempList[src]))
+ break;
+ optionList[dest] = TempList[src];
+ dest++;
+ }
+ //Gather all Legacy option
+ for(i = src; (i<gBootOptionCount)&&(DISABLED_BOOT_OPTION!=TempList[i]); i++)
+ {
+ if(IsLegacyOption(TempList[i]))
+ {
+ optionList[dest] = TempList[i];
+ dest++;
+ if(LegDevStartIndex == 0xFFFF)
+ LegDevStartIndex = i; // Start Index
+ LegDevStopIndex = i; // End Index Updated for Each Legacy Entry
+ }
+ }
+ //Gather all EFI option
+ for(i = src; (i<gBootOptionCount)&&(DISABLED_BOOT_OPTION!=TempList[i]); i++)
+ {
+ if(!IsLegacyOption(TempList[i]))
+ {
+ if(OrgOptionList != NULL)
+ // Don't Allow Mixing of Legacy and UEFI Boot Options
+ if( (i > LegDevStartIndex) && (i < LegDevStopIndex))
+ {
+ // Restore the Orginal Boot Options
+ MemCopy( optionList, OrgOptionList, gBootOptionCount*sizeof(UINT16));
+ break;
+ }
+ optionList[dest] = TempList[i];
+ dest++;
+ }
+ }
+ MemFreePointer((VOID **) &TempList);
+#ifdef TSE_FOR_APTIO_4_50
+// Procedure: TSEGetNVVariable
+// Description: reads the NV Varaiable from Nram buffer using NVLib.
+// Input: UINT32 variable, NVRAM_STORE_INFO *pInfo , UINTN *size
+// Output: None
+VOID *TSEGetNVVariable( UINT32 variable, NVRAM_STORE_INFO *pInfo , UINTN *size )
+ VOID *buffer = NULL;
+#if TSE_NVRAM_DEFAULTS_SUPPORT //EIP-47260: To build TSE without NVRAM module support.
+ //UINT8 Flags; EIP: 49745 To fix the CPU hangs when Core is update to
+ varInfo = VarGetVariableInfoIndex( variable );
+ if ( varInfo == NULL )
+ return buffer;
+ *size=0;
+ Status = NvGetVariable(
+ varInfo->VariableName,
+ &varInfo->VariableGuid,
+ size,
+ buffer,
+ pInfo, /*&Flags*/ NULL //EIP: 49745 To fix the CPU hangs when Core is update to
+ );
+ if ( Status != EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL )
+ return buffer;
+ buffer = EfiLibAllocatePool( *size );
+ if ( buffer == NULL )
+ return buffer;
+ Status = NvGetVariable(
+ varInfo->VariableName,
+ &varInfo->VariableGuid,
+ size,
+ buffer,
+ pInfo,/*&Flags*/ NULL //EIP: 49745 To fix the CPU hangs when Core is update to
+ );
+ if ( EFI_ERROR( Status ) )
+ MemFreePointer( (VOID *)&buffer );
+ return buffer;
+// Procedure: UpdateNVDefautls
+// Description: Updated the Variable buffer with NVRam Defaults buffer.
+// Input: UINT32 index, NVRAM_STORE_INFO *NvInfo, NVRAM_VARIABLE * VarPtr
+// Output: None
+VOID UpdateNVDefautls(UINT32 index, NVRAM_STORE_INFO *NvInfo, NVRAM_VARIABLE * VarPtr)
+ UINTN Nvsize;
+ UINT8 * NvVarBuffer;
+ Nvsize = 0;
+ NvVarBuffer = TSEGetNVVariable( index, NvInfo , &Nvsize );
+ if(NvVarBuffer && Nvsize)
+ {
+ {
+ if(!IsTseLoadPasswordOnDefaults())
+ {
+ // To preserve password
+ if(Nvsize>=sizeof(AMITSESETUP))
+ {
+ if(VarPtr->Buffer && (VarPtr->Size>=sizeof(AMITSESETUP)))
+ {
+ MemCopy(((AMITSESETUP*)NvVarBuffer)->UserPassword, ((AMITSESETUP*)VarPtr->Buffer)->UserPassword,TsePasswordLength*sizeof(CHAR16));
+ MemCopy(((AMITSESETUP*)NvVarBuffer)->AdminPassword, ((AMITSESETUP*)VarPtr->Buffer)->AdminPassword,TsePasswordLength*sizeof(CHAR16));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(VarPtr->Size >= Nvsize)
+ {
+ MemCopy(VarPtr->Buffer,NvVarBuffer,Nvsize);
+ MemFreePointer( (VOID **)&NvVarBuffer );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MemFreePointer( (VOID **)&VarPtr->Buffer);
+ VarPtr->Buffer = NvVarBuffer;
+ VarPtr->Size = Nvsize;
+ }
+ }
+// Procedure: TseVarBuildAMIDefaults
+// Description: function build the AMI defaults
+// Input: None
+// Output: EFI_STATUS
+EFI_STATUS TseVarBuildAMIDefaults(VOID)
+ UINT32 page, control;
+ VOID *defaults4FirstBootVar = NULL;
+#if TSE_NVRAM_DEFAULTS_SUPPORT //EIP-47260: To build TSE without NVRAM module support.
+ NVRAM_VARIABLE *FailsafevarPtr;
+ UINT32 index;
+#ifdef TSE_FOR_APTIO_4_50
+ UINTN Nvsize;
+ UINT8 * NvVarBuffer=NULL;
+ UINT32 attribute=7;
+ //EIP-93340 Setting "ConstructDefaults4FirstBoot" variable in NVRAM for first boot only
+ if ( IsSupportDefaultForStringControl() )
+ {
+ UINTN varSize = 0;
+ defaults4FirstBootVar = (VOID *)VarGetNvramName (L"ConstructDefaults4FirstBoot", &ConstructDefaults4FirstBootGuid, NULL, &varSize);
+ if (NULL == defaults4FirstBootVar)
+ {
+ VarSetNvramName( L"ConstructDefaults4FirstBoot", &ConstructDefaults4FirstBootGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE, &varSize, sizeof (varSize) );
+ }
+ }//EIP-93340 End
+ gFailsafeDefaults = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool( sizeof(NVRAM_VARIABLE) * gVariables->VariableCount );
+ if ( gFailsafeDefaults == NULL )
+ {
+ goto DONE;
+ }
+ gOptimalDefaults = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool( sizeof(NVRAM_VARIABLE) * gVariables->VariableCount );
+ if (gOptimalDefaults == NULL )
+ {
+ goto DONE;
+ }
+#if TSE_NVRAM_DEFAULTS_SUPPORT //EIP-47260: To build TSE without NVRAM module support.
+ // Load the Current NVRAM variable then update the defaults.
+ OptvarPtr = gOptimalDefaults;
+ FailsafevarPtr = gFailsafeDefaults;
+ for ( index = 0; index < gVariables->VariableCount; index++, OptvarPtr++, FailsafevarPtr++)
+ {
+ if ((VARIABLE_ID_AMITSESETUP == index) && (TseDefaultSetupPasswordSupported ()))
+ {
+ OptvarPtr->Buffer = VarGetNvram( index, &OptvarPtr->Size );
+ if (OptvarPtr->Buffer)
+ {
+ MemSet(OptvarPtr->Buffer, ((TsePasswordLength * 2) * sizeof(CHAR16)), 0 ); //Preserving quietboot details
+ if ((!DefaultSetupPwdAtFirstBootOnly ()))
+ {
+ GetDefaultPassword (AMI_PASSWORD_NONE, &OptvarPtr->Buffer);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OptvarPtr->Buffer = VarGetNvram( index, &OptvarPtr->Size );
+ }
+ if(OptvarPtr->Size)
+ {
+ // init mfg defautls from Std Defaults
+ FailsafevarPtr->Buffer = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool (OptvarPtr->Size);
+ if (NULL == FailsafevarPtr->Buffer)
+ continue;
+ if (NULL == OptvarPtr->Buffer) //Add the fix for: If name value string is not able to retrieve then system hang
+ {
+ OptvarPtr->Buffer = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool (OptvarPtr->Size);
+ if (NULL == OptvarPtr->Buffer)
+ continue;
+ }
+ MemCopy(FailsafevarPtr->Buffer, OptvarPtr->Buffer,OptvarPtr->Size);
+ }
+ else
+ FailsafevarPtr->Buffer = NULL;
+ FailsafevarPtr->Size = OptvarPtr->Size;
+ }
+ // this is the AMIBCP compatible user defaults
+ for ( page = 0; page < gPages->PageCount; page++ )
+ {
+ PAGE_INFO *pageInfo = (PAGE_INFO *)((UINTN)gApplicationData + gPages->PageList[page]);
+ if(pageInfo->PageHandle ==0)
+ continue;
+ if (NULL == gApp)
+ {
+ gtempCurrentPage = page; //Will be used in UefiGetQuestionOffset. Since gApp will not be filled but we need handle to find name value variable so
+ } //saving current page
+ else
+ {
+ gApp->CurrentPage = page;
+ }
+ for ( control= 0; control < pageInfo->PageControls.ControlCount; control++ )
+ {
+ CONTROL_INFO *controlInfo = (CONTROL_INFO *)((UINTN)gControlInfo + pageInfo->PageControls.ControlList[control]);
+ if ( ( controlInfo->ControlVariable == VARIABLE_ID_LANGUAGE ) || ( controlInfo->ControlVariable == VARIABLE_ID_BOOT_ORDER ) || (controlInfo->ControlVariable == VARIABLE_ID_BBS_ORDER) )
+ continue;
+ if ( controlInfo->ControlDataWidth > 0 )
+ {
+ VOID *ifrData = controlInfo->ControlPtr;
+ UINT8 *failValue = NULL, *optValue = NULL;
+ UINT32 ControlVarOffset = 0;
+ if ( ifrData == NULL )
+ continue;
+ failValue = (UINT8 *)controlInfo + sizeof(CONTROL_INFO);
+ optValue = failValue + controlInfo->ControlDataWidth;
+ ControlVarOffset = UefiGetQuestionOffset(ifrData);
+ //EIP-93340 Updating gOptimalDefaults and gFailSafeDefaults for stringType controls based on controlPtr
+ if (IsSupportDefaultForStringControl () && controlInfo->ControlType == CONTROL_TYPE_POPUP_STRING)
+ {
+ CHAR16 *failDefStr = NULL, *optimalDefStr = NULL;
+ if (*(UINT16*)(failValue))
+ {
+ failDefStr = (VOID*)HiiGetString( controlInfo->ControlHandle, *(UINT16*)(failValue));
+ if (NULL == failDefStr)
+ continue;
+ _VarGetSetValue( VAR_COMMAND_SET_VALUE, gFailsafeDefaults, controlInfo->ControlVariable, ControlVarOffset, EfiStrLen(failDefStr)*sizeof(CHAR16), (VOID*)failDefStr );
+ }
+ if (*(UINT16*)(optValue))
+ {
+ optimalDefStr = (VOID*)HiiGetString( controlInfo->ControlHandle, *(UINT16*)(optValue));
+ if (NULL == optimalDefStr)
+ continue;
+ _VarGetSetValue( VAR_COMMAND_SET_VALUE, gOptimalDefaults, controlInfo->ControlVariable, ControlVarOffset, EfiStrLen(optimalDefStr)*sizeof(CHAR16), (VOID*)optimalDefStr );
+ }
+ if (NULL == defaults4FirstBootVar && optimalDefStr) //Modify NVRAM for first time for string type controls based on defaults from controlPtr
+ {
+ VOID *optiBuffer = NULL, *failBuffer = NULL;
+ UINTN size = 0;
+ varInfo = VarGetVariableInfoIndex (controlInfo->ControlVariable);
+ optiBuffer = VarGetNvram( controlInfo->ControlVariable, &size );
+ if (NULL == optiBuffer)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ MemCopy ( ((UINT8*)optiBuffer)+ControlVarOffset, (UINT8*)optimalDefStr, EfiStrLen(optimalDefStr)*sizeof(CHAR16) );
+ status = VarSetNvramName( varInfo->VariableName, &varInfo->VariableGuid, varInfo->VariableAttributes, optiBuffer, size );
+ if (optiBuffer)
+ MemFreePointer( (VOID **)&optiBuffer );
+ }
+ if (failDefStr)
+ MemFreePointer( (VOID **)&failDefStr );
+ if (optimalDefStr)
+ MemFreePointer( (VOID **)&optimalDefStr );
+ }
+ //EIP-93340 End
+ else
+ {
+ _VarGetSetValue( VAR_COMMAND_SET_VALUE, gFailsafeDefaults, controlInfo->ControlVariable, ControlVarOffset, controlInfo->ControlDataWidth, failValue );
+ _VarGetSetValue( VAR_COMMAND_SET_VALUE, gOptimalDefaults, controlInfo->ControlVariable, ControlVarOffset, controlInfo->ControlDataWidth, optValue );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef TSE_FOR_APTIO_4_50
+#if TSE_NVRAM_DEFAULTS_SUPPORT //EIP-47260: To build TSE without NVRAM module support.
+ // StdDefaults
+ Nvsize = 0;
+ NvVarBuffer = VarGetNvramName( L"StdDefaults", &DefaultsGuid, &attribute, &Nvsize );
+ if(NvVarBuffer && Nvsize)
+ {
+ NvInfo.NvramAddress = NvVarBuffer;
+ NvInfo.NvramSize = Nvsize;
+ NvInitInfoBuffer(&NvInfo, 0, NVRAM_STORE_FLAG_NON_VALATILE );
+ // Update the defaults.
+ OptvarPtr = gOptimalDefaults;
+ for ( index = 0; index < gVariables->VariableCount; index++, OptvarPtr++)
+ {
+ UpdateNVDefautls(index, &NvInfo, OptvarPtr);
+ }
+ MemFreePointer( (VOID **)&NvVarBuffer );
+ }
+ // MfgDefaults
+ Nvsize = 0;
+ NvVarBuffer = VarGetNvramName( L"MfgDefaults", &DefaultsGuid, &attribute, &Nvsize );
+ if(NvVarBuffer && Nvsize)
+ {
+ NvInfo.NvramAddress = NvVarBuffer;
+ NvInfo.NvramSize = Nvsize;
+ NvInitInfoBuffer(&NvInfo, 0, NVRAM_STORE_FLAG_NON_VALATILE );
+ FailsafevarPtr = gFailsafeDefaults;
+ for ( index = 0; index < gVariables->VariableCount; index++, FailsafevarPtr++ )
+ {
+ UpdateNVDefautls(index, &NvInfo, FailsafevarPtr);
+ }
+ MemFreePointer( (VOID **)&NvVarBuffer );
+ }
+ //EIP-93340 Updating optimalDefaults and gFailsafeDefaults for STRING_TYPE controls
+ //based on defalut stringID present in controlPtr
+ GetSetDefaultsFromControlPtr(gOptimalDefaults, gFailsafeDefaults);
+ return Status;
+// Procedure: TseBootNowinBootOrderInit
+// Description: function build the AMI defaults
+// Input: None
+// Output: boot order string
+UINT16 * TseBootNowinBootOrderInit(VOID)
+ UINT16 *BootOrder=NULL;
+ UINTN size = 0;
+ UINTN j,k,i;
+ BootOrder = HelperGetVariable(VARIABLE_ID_BOOT_ORDER, L"BootOrder", &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid, NULL, &size );
+ //EIP-75352 Suppress the warnings from static code analyzer
+ if (NULL == BootOrder) {
+ ASSERT (0);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ //Find the first disabled option
+ for ( i = 0; i < gBootOptionCount; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( DISABLED_BOOT_OPTION == BootOrder[i] )
+ break;
+ }
+ if(i<gBootOptionCount)
+ {
+ //There are disabled options replace them with valid options
+ for(j=0;j<gBootOptionCount;j++)
+ {
+ for(k=0;k<gBootOptionCount;k++)
+ {
+ if(BootOrder[k] == gBootData[j].Option)
+ break;
+ }
+ if(k >= gBootOptionCount)
+ {
+ //gBootData[j].Option is not present in BootOrder; fill it
+ BootOrder[i] = gBootData[j].Option;
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return BootOrder;
+// Procedure: CheckShiftState
+// Description: function to check the shift state value
+// Input: None
+// Output: 1 - valid shift state
+// 0 - invalid shift state
+BOOLEAN CheckShiftState(UINT32 KeyShiftState, UINT32 HotkeyState)
+ if( KeyShiftState == HotkeyState)
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+// Procedure: SupportPrintScreen
+// Description: function to support the print screen.
+// Input: None
+// Output: None
+VOID SupportPrintScreen()
+ // Install the PrintScreen Notification.
+ EfiLibNamedEventSignal (&guid);
+// Procedure: SupportPrintScreenEvent
+// Description: function to check the print screen supprot event.
+// Input: UINT16 ScanCode
+// Output: TRUE/FALSE
+BOOLEAN SupportPrintScreenEvent(UINT16 ScanCode)
+ if( ScanCode == TSE_PRN_SCRN_KEY_SCAN )
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+// Procedure: IsToggleStateKey
+// Description: function to check Is any of ToggleStateKey (CapsLock,Numlock ScrollLock) Keys pressed.
+// Input: ACTION_DATA *Data
+// Output: TRUE/FALSE
+BOOLEAN IsToggleStateKey(ACTION_DATA *Data)
+ if(Data->Input.Type == ACTION_TYPE_KEY)
+ {
+ if(Data->Input.Data.AmiKey.EfiKey == EfiKeyCapsLock || Data->Input.Data.AmiKey.EfiKey == EfiKeySLck || Data->Input.Data.AmiKey.EfiKey == EfiKeyNLck)
+ return TRUE;
+ else
+ {
+ // Normal EFI_KEY will return ScanCode and Unicode as 0 for this toggleStateKeys.
+ if(Data->Input.Data.AmiKey.Key.ScanCode || Data->Input.Data.AmiKey.Key.UnicodeChar)
+ return FALSE;
+ else
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+//EIP-96246 Starts
+// Procedure: ShowBootOverrideSelectOption
+// Description: function to Show menu with below option on selecting options under Boot Override
+// 1) Override now and clear the BootNext data
+// 2) Override now but keep the BootNext data
+// 3) Boot to BootNext and clear BootNext data
+// Input: VOID
+// Output: EFI_STATUS
+EFI_STATUS ShowBootOverrideSelectOption (VOID)
+ UINT16 ItemCount = 3,itemSelected = 0;
+ UINT16 Title, Legend;
+ UINT8 i;
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ POSTMENU_TEMPLATE *BootNextOverrideOptionsMenu = NULL;
+ BootNextOverrideOptionsMenu = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool ( sizeof( POSTMENU_TEMPLATE ) * BOOT_OVERRIDE_OPTION_MENU_COUNT);
+ for ( i = 0; i < BOOT_OVERRIDE_OPTION_MENU_COUNT; i++ )
+ {
+ BootNextOverrideOptionsMenu[i].ItemToken = BootNextOverrideOptionString[i];
+ BootNextOverrideOptionsMenu[i].Callback = (VOID*)NULL ;
+ BootNextOverrideOptionsMenu[i].CallbackContext = (VOID*)NULL ;
+ BootNextOverrideOptionsMenu[i].Attribute = AMI_POSTMENU_ATTRIB_FOCUS;
+ BootNextOverrideOptionsMenu[i].Key.Key.ScanCode = 0 ;
+ BootNextOverrideOptionsMenu[i].Key.Key.UnicodeChar = 0 ;
+ BootNextOverrideOptionsMenu[i].Key.KeyShiftState = 0 ;
+ }
+ //To show menu with options
+ Status = PostManagerDisplayMenu (gHiiHandle, Title, Legend, BootNextOverrideOptionsMenu, BOOT_OVERRIDE_OPTION_MENU_COUNT, &itemSelected);
+ if( Status == EFI_SUCCESS )
+ {
+ UINTN size = 0;
+ UINT16 *pBootNext = NULL;
+ pBootNext = (UINT16 *)VarGetNvramName (L"BootNext", &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid, NULL, &size);
+ //Override now and clear the BootNext data
+ if ( BootNextOverrideOptionsMenu[itemSelected].ItemToken == BootNextOverrideOptionString[0] )
+ {
+ if( pBootNext && (size == sizeof(UINT16)))
+ {
+ //Clear Boot next variable
+ VarSetNvramName (L"BootNext",
+ &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid,
+ 0);
+ }
+ if(pBootNext)
+ MemFreePointer((void **) &pBootNext);
+ Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ //Override now but keep the BootNext data
+ else if(BootNextOverrideOptionsMenu[itemSelected].ItemToken == BootNextOverrideOptionString[1])
+ {
+ Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
+ return Status;
+ }
+ //Boot to BootNext and clear BootNext data
+ else if(BootNextOverrideOptionsMenu[itemSelected].ItemToken == BootNextOverrideOptionString[2])
+ {
+ if( pBootNext && (size == sizeof(UINT16)))
+ {
+ //Clear Boot next variable
+ VarSetNvramName (L"BootNext",
+ &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid,
+ 0);
+ if(!gResetRequired)
+ {
+ if(!gDoNotBoot)
+ {
+ gApp->ClearScreen = TRUE;
+ StyleExit();
+ if (gST->ConOut != NULL)
+ {
+ gST->ConOut->EnableCursor( gST->ConOut, FALSE );
+ gST->ConOut->SetAttribute( gST->ConOut, (EFI_BACKGROUND_BLACK | EFI_WHITE));
+ gST->ConOut->ClearScreen( gST->ConOut);
+ }
+ BootLaunchBootOption(*pBootNext, NULL, 0); //Boot to BootNext option
+ StyleInit();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(pBootNext)
+ MemFreePointer((void **) &pBootNext);
+ }
+ }
+ return Status;
+//EIP-96246 Ends
+//EIP-93340 Start
+// Procedure: GetSetDefaultsFromControlPtr
+// Description: Function to get default stringID for String Type control from controlPtr and
+// fetch respective string from Hii database and set as default to NVRAM, gOptimalDefaults, gFailSafeDefaults buffer
+// Input: NVRAM_VARIABLE *OptimalDefs, NVRAM_VARIABLE *FailSafeDefs
+// Output: EFI_STATUS
+EFI_STATUS GetSetDefaultsFromControlPtr(NVRAM_VARIABLE *optimalDefaultlist, NVRAM_VARIABLE *failSafeDefaultlist)
+ if ( IsSupportDefaultForStringControl () )
+ {
+ UINT32 page = 0, control = 0;
+ for ( page = 0; page < gPages->PageCount; page++ )
+ {
+ PAGE_INFO *pageInfo = (PAGE_INFO *)((UINTN)gApplicationData + gPages->PageList[page]);
+ if(pageInfo->PageHandle ==0)
+ continue;
+ for ( control= 0; control < pageInfo->PageControls.ControlCount; control++ )
+ {
+ CONTROL_INFO *controlInfo = (CONTROL_INFO *)((UINTN)gControlInfo + pageInfo->PageControls.ControlList[control]);
+ if ( ( controlInfo->ControlVariable == VARIABLE_ID_LANGUAGE ) || ( controlInfo->ControlVariable == VARIABLE_ID_BOOT_ORDER ) || (controlInfo->ControlVariable == VARIABLE_ID_BBS_ORDER) )
+ continue;
+ //To update Optimal and FailSafe defaults with STRING default based on StringID from controlPtr
+ if ( (controlInfo->ControlType == CONTROL_TYPE_POPUP_STRING) && (controlInfo->ControlDataWidth > 0) )
+ {
+ if ( (optimalDefaultlist) || (failSafeDefaultlist))
+ {
+ CHAR16 *failDefStr = NULL, *optimalDefStr = NULL;
+ UINT8 *failValue, *optValue;
+ UINT32 ControlVarOffset, size = 0;
+ //Getting stringID if any present in controlPtr for failsafe default
+ failValue = (UINT8 *)controlInfo + sizeof(CONTROL_INFO);
+ //Getting stringID if any present in controlPtr for optimal default
+ optValue = failValue + controlInfo->ControlDataWidth;
+ //size = controlInfo->ControlDataWidth;
+ size = UefiGetWidth (controlInfo->ControlPtr) * sizeof(CHAR16);
+ ControlVarOffset = UefiGetQuestionOffset(controlInfo->ControlPtr);
+ //Getting string based on StrigID from controlPtr and updating failsafeDefaults
+ if (NULL != failSafeDefaultlist)
+ {
+ if (*(UINT16*)(failValue))
+ {
+ failDefStr = (VOID*)HiiGetString( controlInfo->ControlHandle, *(UINT16*)(failValue));
+ if (NULL == failDefStr)
+ continue;
+ _VarGetSetValue( VAR_COMMAND_SET_VALUE, gFailsafeDefaults, controlInfo->ControlVariable, ControlVarOffset, EfiStrLen(failDefStr)*sizeof(CHAR16), failDefStr );
+ }
+ }
+ //Getting string based on StrigID from controlPtr and updating optimalDefaults
+ if (NULL != optimalDefaultlist)
+ {
+ if (*(UINT16*)(optValue))
+ {
+ optimalDefStr = (VOID*)HiiGetString( controlInfo->ControlHandle, *(UINT16*)(optValue));
+ if (NULL == optimalDefStr)
+ continue;
+ status = _VarGetSetValue( VAR_COMMAND_SET_VALUE, gOptimalDefaults, controlInfo->ControlVariable, ControlVarOffset, EfiStrLen(optimalDefStr)*sizeof(CHAR16), optimalDefStr );
+ }
+ }
+ if (failDefStr)
+ MemFreePointer( (VOID **)&failDefStr );
+ if (optimalDefStr)
+ MemFreePointer( (VOID **)&optimalDefStr );
+ }//End of optimal/Failsafe condition check
+ }//End of ControlType condition check
+ }//End of control iteration
+ }//End of Page iteration
+ }//End of Default support condition check
+ return status;
+//EIP-93340 End
+//** **
+//** (C)Copyright 1985-2014, American Megatrends, Inc. **
+//** **
+//** All Rights Reserved. **
+//** **
+//** 5555 Oakbrook Pkwy, Building 200,Norcross, Georgia 30093 **
+//** **
+//** Phone: (770)-246-8600 **
+//** **